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Lord Tully
08-02-2010, 09:06 PM
Captain Mitchel West walked onto the bridge of the Star Dragon, his ship, and took a walk by glance at the various computer terminals. Almost everything had been refitted and brought up to code at the Neptune space docks and he would need to get used to it all. The refit was mostly to get the a new engine, it was a small ship so it didn't need a big powerful FTL drive, but being 30 years old (Or so Mitchel was led to believe) and after being driven hard by Captain Mitchel the last 4, the thing was about to come apart at the seams. With the work almost finished he activated the ships comunicator to contact his crew. "Volch, Jill, the refit will be complete within the next 2 hours, I suggest you finish whatever you're and return to the ship." Mitchel's crews over the years were never the most expected lot, but having a crew consisting of only two Jukan was something that he himself wouldn't have predicted 2 years earlier.

08-02-2010, 09:37 PM
Jill looked up from her work. She was sitting at a work bench, grease matting her paw fur. She was currently working on a design flaw in the probes. As of late, the Star Dragon's space and land probes had been experiencing failures in their return systems. The idea was that on long trips, the probe's miniature FTL drive would activate, speeding up the process. At least in the case of space probes, the same process should work for the return trip.

The problem was that for some reason the ship would either have to sit completely still, or the probes wouldn't be able to come back to the ship's exact location. Jill was trying to boost the signal strength, but it didn't seem to be working on the probes end of the spectrum. She sighed, and gave up. Getting up from her seat, she re-assembled the probe and carried it with her through the spacestation, walking over the boarding extension into the ship.

She walked through the ship to the bridge, and stood at attention. This was sort of hard for her. She was used to a more relaxed or sexy pose, and she didn't like how her breasts stuck out when she stood ramrod straight.

spirits breath
08-03-2010, 12:42 AM
His room could be shown as a normal steel colored room with the white beds and a few lights. not to mention a few drawers with clothes that never seemed to say Jukan to him. In the corner of the room, one would normally always find Volch. Sitting there with a metal brush in his hand and a bundle of his fur next to him. While doing it every day was not at all needed, he liked the way it made his fur look and feel.

His self brushing had always filled a good portion of his break along with showering, eating a little always took half of the remaining ten percent, while the last part would be the distance he had to walk.

Volch's duty on the ship was fairly simple, he would help keep the ship moving in a straight line or stop it on a small cubical if he had to. As well as assist some of the medics, they always seemed stressed out near the sparing sessions for some of the crew. And he had grown to like that sweet smelling aroma that followed them.

On his way to the mess hall, he heard the captain summon him and the other Jukan of the ship, Jill. His voice came out as an uneasy growl of disatisfaction.He had a feeling something would happen one day, though the question lied, was there a few hairs in the food and the captain found it?

Soft clanks of his claws sounded his entry to the captain, his body somewhat upright and his tail flicked up into the air visibly. "Yes sir?"

Lord Tully
08-03-2010, 01:35 AM
Mitchel smiled at the two crew members, "At ease you two, it's nothing formal. I've just received a message from the dock masters that we're almost ready to leave, and since a ship is useless without her crew, I need you to help me get the ship ready for launch. I have a feeling this next journey will be most rewarding." Mitchel turned away to take his place in the co-pilot seat (Mitchel could never match Volch's flying skills, only compliment them).

Once in his seat Mitchel began the preliminary start up to the nav-com, which gave a noticeable hum from the console, even small systems needed a little time before the refitted systems could come to full power. "OK Jill, the nav-com is coming on-line, how're the engines?"

08-03-2010, 02:02 PM
Once dismissed, Jill had set the probe back in its launching slot, and returned to her seat. THe chair was uncomfortable, and Jill had had to cut a slot in it to allow her tail to stick through. Thankfully, no one had stepped on it, but it was only a matter of time. She brought up the engine display. "All systems show green!" She shouted over the roar as the engines primary fuel combusters ignited.

The ship, in her opinion, was her baby. She knew every kink, mis-fire, and little malfunction that went on in the ship. Like right now, she could tell that power coupling AK-74 was slightly out of place by the sound of fuel combuster 67-WX's delayed firring time. It wouldn't inihibit the ship in any way for years, but over time there would be a power build-up that would eventually backsurge through the system, frying the primary batteries.

spirits breath
08-03-2010, 06:53 PM
Volch let his tail drop behind him as he moved into a more relaxed stance. His voice came out in a light manner. “you seem to have figured out my schedual, just finished brushing as usual.” He gently ran a paw over his fur. His tail swished the air behind him lightly to be covered by his right arm to stop the swishing. He gave a single “sorry” before he looked over to the communications relay. “Just going to check a few things before I join you.”

A graceful step turned him on the pads as he turned to the left. His pace was slow as he looked the several devices over. His voice came out stronger than he intended for it to be. “This is wrong!” He made a quick hopping step to the bottom of the panel. “How did I get a piece of my fur on this?” He gently swept the hair off and thumbed around with the communications relay. He moved the knob clockwise so it would be in a lower frequency. “We don’t need to use extra power to take in signals from anywhere off this planet yet.”

Turning to face his own seat, Volch moved towards it while inspecting his own fur for any strays. His voice came out as he was talking to himself. “Is everything in place?” His paws moved along his red body and then lightly stroked along his tail.

His seat was dark in coloration with a indent made by his own tail and a few weights at one time. his headset was loped around the steering mechanism as usual, his hair on top of it showed that nobody has touched it since he left. While the headset wasn’t exactly needed, he enjoyed using it as he could use it with the communications relay to directly communicate with about anyone on the ships major stations and what may contact them in deep space. “Still feels odd to be taking control of a ship above the captain, but I have also grown to enjoy it.”

The red jukan sat himself down in the main pilot seat and shuffled his body in a comfortable position. He looked upwards, placing the headset around his neck. His voice came out in a soft mocking tone. “Hey Jill. Ever wonder this why does the white jukan deal with things such as oil and grease that can leave a highly visible stain on you? I could see you as a nurse or even in an advertisement of some kind. Though I mean it in a playful manner as I don’t want anything to get stuck on or in my fur.” He let out a toothy smile as he moved his head to face in front of him.

His tail wagged in small motions, making light sounds from his seat. Volch’s white paws moved up to the steering broken oval and inspected each of the switches, and monitors. With a small flick, he turned the communications to on. His paws propped the headset and small speakers and the microphone near the side of his mouth. With the push of a small button, he spoke into the device to have his voice be carried across the ship. “We are almost ready to take off, so make sure you are ready, I will be notifying you when we are about to take off. Volch off.” He flicked a switch down as the headset went quiet.

Lord Tully
08-03-2010, 07:41 PM
Mitchel simply remained in his seat as Volch went about checking everything and talked to himself, he was probably the only Jukan he'd ever seen with mild OCD. "Everything is up and running, I'm setting the coordinance now, the Aguara System sounds like a good place for a shake down run don't you agree?" He asked turning to Volch, "We're all ready to go, by your leave helmsman."

spirits breath
08-03-2010, 09:57 PM
The Jukan lapped at his liips and gave a jaw stretching yawn. His jaw opened with a few wet claps of his tongue as he looked over at the captain. "Yeah, that could work, maybe figure out whatever Jill meant. I can fly it, she can describe it to you. Works better in my end of it." He paused and simply looked over the captain and then looked over to the front of the ship.

Volch clicked the switch for the ship communication and spoke proudly. "May I advise grabbing the hold of something or getting strapped in, we take off in five minutes. Volch out." He flicked the switch to turn off in ship communication. As he stood up, he gently brushed all of his fur down, despite it being smoothed already.

Volch soon showed some of his jukan flexibility as he stretched a little. All he could hope was that nobody was close enough to touch him as he must have moved his body around spasticly as he prepped himself for a flight.

When finished, he moved over to his seat and swished his tail back and forth to clear the nothingness that was on the chair. "So, Mitchel. you ever figure to take a good stretch before we travel? Helps a bit, and well...you seem like you could stand to be a bit more flexible." A soft yip of enjoyment came over him as he reached to the ship communications. "we are leaving in thirty seconds, get ready. Volch out."

Soon, paws were over small levers and the ignition. When there was five seonds left, he started the thrusters and began to see the dragon move into the sky. The thrusters burned strongly as it began to accelerate faster towards the edge od the gravitational pull. A minute passed after and the dragon was out into space.

Volch gave a quick gasp of joy. This rebounded into his voice. "I always llove breaking orbit. And now to head over to the Agura System! Though I know there is more to it than a simple shake down run. Lucky for you I won't put that into a literal sense."

08-03-2010, 10:38 PM
(Note: Italics are thoughts. Words surounded by " "s are actually said. Things without " "s are not said.)

Jill watched the controls as the counter ticked down to lift off. She did hear Volch's question, but she ignored it. She would have her fun with the preppy little pilot later. She had to deal with ship malfunctions now. As she watched the screen, several lights went red. Damn, she thought. The primary fuel distributor backfired again! I just fixed the darn thing to! Ah well, I'll have to wait till we're out of the gravitational feild. She looked over to Volch, smiling behind closed lips. A yes, the preppy little pilot...

Once they were out of the gravitational pull of the planet, she hit a flashing red button, then flicked the switches under the red lights. The lights turned off, and several flashing dots started moving towards the appropriate sections on the screen. These were Jill's personal inventions, little boxes with wheels, that were equiped with just about any small tool imaginable. The Star Dragon's system were specially fitted to be compatible.

On the screen, the dots collected around the damaged areas. In the engine room, the bots would currently be removing or cleaning scorched or damaged parts. Several dots zoomed to the Manifest, the ship's cargo bay. The hovered on it's icon for a moment before zipping back to the damaged areas. The little robots were smart, each equiped with a small AI fitted to learn about fixing and maintaining the ship.

Lord Tully
08-03-2010, 11:23 PM
Mitchel shook his head in answer to Volch's flexebility question, "I've been in space for most of my life, I'm more then used to what your body goes through when breaking orbit and hitting FTL speeds. Although I wouldn't mind a little extra flexebility." He then strapped himself in as Volch took the ship out of orbit.

Once out of Neptune's gravity, Mitchel's consule started blinking red to indicate damage to the ship, ~Crap, it can't be acting up already we just had the damn thing refitted.~ He thought getting out of his seat and turning to Jill, "What's going on? We just spent a week getting this whole thing refits and repairs, how the hell can it blow out just breaking a planet's orbit?"

08-04-2010, 12:21 AM
Jill ran her finger over the screen, bringing up the appropriate displays on the captains own screen. "Its the fuel combuster sir. It wasn't replaced or cleaned. A build up of dryed out fuel particles clogged the exhaust pipe, and the gasses built up, causing a backfire. I put in an order for it to be cleaned, but it appears that it wasn't. The bots are dealing with it now. The backfire cleaned out the clog, but the Fuel feeder's wires had to be replaced due to them fusing together. All systems should be good, and there was only superficial damage."

Jill looked back at her screen, and ordered the bots back to their holders as she saw that they were done. She then flicked on the switches. All but one turned green, power coupling AK-74. She sent a bot to check it out. A videeo feed appeared on her screen. showing that the coupling was disconnected. She frowned and ordered the bot to fix it. A small arm extended into the camera's veiw, and reconnected the couplings.

The ship gave a jolt forward as speed capacity was recovered, and the video feed shut off. The bot's icon moved back to its holder. Jill smiled, all was green again. She then shut off her screen, and turned her seat into a more relaxed position. Her work was done for now. Little did she know that the responding bot's arm was still connected to the coupling, acting like a conductor for the electricity coursing through the ship.

Lord Tully
08-04-2010, 12:41 AM
Mitchel gave an exasperated sigh, "They were ordered to clean it out, I payed for them to clean it out, and yet they do not clean it out, just freaking great." Mitchel took a closer look at the list of damages, "Well since the ship isn't crippled and nothing too vital is damaged I guess it would be a bit uncalled for if I turned this ship around just to shoot the one in charge of that crew. It can probably wait until we have to come back here again." Mitchel sighed again and calmed down, "Nice work with those repair bots Jill, thanks to you it's only a minor inconvenience." He told her giving her a pat of the shoulder, before going back the helm. "Once we activate FTL, you two are dismissed until we reach the Aguara system, I think I can keep her together until then." He said as he slide back into his seat.

spirits breath
08-04-2010, 02:43 AM
A few of his monitors practicly blacked out as parts of the engine blew. This resulted in an unsatisfied mood kill as he growled in anger. "Jill, isn't your duty to make sure everything is intact and not going to do this when we go to take off. At least it waited until we have time to drift and repair, but it is only a matter of time before we get pulled into our happy solar system and end up turning this ships metal the color of my fur."
Lith took in a few deep breaths before comicly adding. "On second thought, you help to increase my lung capacity as well, so as long as we live do whatever with your llittle toys."
She better not start building bots to do my job, I wuold rip each and every wire from them and launch them in deep space before she can finish them.

Lith stoood up, placing the headset on thesteering wheel and placing a hair on the mic part. Just until i get back He gradually walked over to his own little toy, the knobs of the communications relay. From there he turned a few useless dails to make it look like he was doing something productive, when he was only lacing a few of the knobs with a strand of his own fur. I don't think the captain knows what he is doing with these, let alone steering the ship. Double checking that all the parts were in the right positions, he turned to walk out the door. "Jilly, make sure we all get to wake up tomorrow. And that our captain doesn't take the wheel. We have more than enough time for me to eat something quick and then come back to get us in a better path."

Volch looked over at the captain and staired at him for a few moments before turning to leave, his tail flicking to the side as he left. His walk was in a relaxed pace, his claws clinking against the floor with each step. The next five minutes were spent getting into the mess hall and getting a small sandwich and some nutrient drink. It reminded him of breast milk, but that was just him. All he knew was that it was white, had some vanilla like taste and was creamy. His sandwich didn't quite get the attention that the others on the ship would give it. His mouth easily engulfed it as he walked out of the mess hall. his head jerked forwards to catch the food as he chewed a few times and swallowed.

When he returned, he found out that Jill had finished fixing the ship through a series of bots, and that the captain was going to let them go on break. This made Volch give a short chuckle. "Sorry, while I do find Jill a little...good looking to say the least, I don't quite feel up to letting you keep this ship from killing us all. Plus I don't want you to mess up my inprint of the seat, then my tail would be messed up."

Volch regained his seat and blew off his hair before placing the headset in his triangular ears and at the right side of his mouth.

08-04-2010, 03:03 AM
Jill got a collective anger kknot on her forehead when the upstart pilot commented on her lacking in skill at her job. It was the wrong thing to say to a woman who took nearly exasperating care to do everything right. I messed up one time, ONE, and he dares to imply that I wasn't doing my job! Ugh! The nerve of it! I'm going to have to speed up the work on that AI so that he'll be out of a job. Jill thought to herself.

She turned back to her screem and turned it on. There was something odd in the magnetic sheild. Jill couldn't identify the problem. That worried her. If you couldn't identify the problem it couldn't be fixed. But, it was only a minor flacuation, and it didn't seem to be affecting anything. Flicking another switch, a different display came up, the ships weapon systems. She began running a check to see if anything had been disturbed by the backfire.

There didn't appear to be any problems, but she got the ship's computer to run a scan on all systems over the night. She then began prepping for the FTL's activation. It was a difficult process, and it put strain on even the best kept ships. She heard the boy re-enter the room, and comment on her attractivenes. She would persue him on that later.

Lord Tully
08-04-2010, 03:04 AM
Mitchel was slightly taken off guard by Volch's reaction, and replied so that Jill could hear as well. "Where does this come from Volch? Are you finding yourself at odds with our engineer?" Mitchel scouled a little, "I will not have you starting an argument on my bridge. If you have a problem with how she does her job bring it up on your own time."

Later when Volch returned, he was curious as to his comment on Ji'lls looks, "I simply thought that since it will take few hours to reach the Aguara systems you guys could use the time to rest up. I wasn't expecting you to take her for dinner." Mitchel reset the coordinance into the Nav-com, "Now if the blowout is all nice and fixed up, we can get back on course."

spirits breath
08-04-2010, 01:56 PM
With a slight turn, his body flicked his head to the side and stood up. He resembled that of a child with a voice that sounded more monotone than angry. "I never meant to try and start a fight. Just think about how that fight would end up, a risk I will not want to take as it doen't point in my direction."

The next part stunned Volch, his jaw dropping and tail dipping between his legs. "A dinner date? You surely should be sent into a box and shipped to a mental hospital. A date with Jill." His head turned to face the white jukan with a toothy smile. His tail went back and forth slowly. "Well, I would say it would be nice."

Slow clinking steps brought him over to Jill. His voice held a seductive tone. "Would you like to go on a dinner date with me? If not, let me go softly." His voice went quiet in aims for the captain not to hear. "Play along, I want to see how much I can mess with the captain before I leave this room. you won't have to deal with me when we leave if you want to, you know you have something on your mind from this."

08-04-2010, 02:05 PM
Jill arched an eyebrow at the turn the discussion was taking. Take me, on a date? She thought to herself. Not to say that I wouldn't enjoy it, but I'd rather have my own fun. Working a boy around into knots until her falls madly in love with you is always fun. She was quite surprised when the boy pilot actually came up to her and asked her out. To tell the truth the next thing he said disappointed her. Ugh, and I thought he was serious! Might as well play along.

"Well hun, I don't know if you could handle it. You'd probably only be able to cling to the control stick of this ship." She said with a seductive tone of her own, smiling flirtatiously. The thing was, she actually meant what she was saying. "But you can try if you want. A dinner at my quarters during the night break, kay?" With that she smiled again and turned back to her console. She did this so as to hide the burning in her cheeks, which was apparent through her white fur.

spirits breath
08-04-2010, 03:39 PM
He near jumped for joy as he had to hold his tail against him to prevent it from drawing all of his blood into it. "I will be at your quarters then, as well as be sure to be looking nice enough to make your parents proud." He gently lifted his arm from his tail, only to put it back down. His voice had a light jokingly tone to it. "you may just cause me to turn into a red furred human, making my tail wag about and hopefuly not snap off from excitement."

Luckely for Volch, his fur was red, easily masking his embarassment from others, though he did catch a glimpse of Jill's embarrassment. A gentle movement of a single step brought him next to her, his body narrowly avoiding her tail. his voice came softly and quietly. "I hope you realize I was tail touching serious about asking you out. I know you won't regret it."

Volch waited a minute before he turned to walk with a light sway in his hips, his tail lagging behind. His path was a beeline to the captain. Though nobody could have predicted him to gently try and lick the captains cheek. "Thank you sir. I won't let this opportunity to be wasted. Plus you know you love me in a mutual way." He have a light giggle and stepped back a little.

Lord Tully
08-04-2010, 07:49 PM
Volch caught Mitchel entirely off guard when he tried to lick his cheek, "WHAT THE!!" Mitchel exclaimed as he fell off his chair and whacking his head on the floor, "Ow," Mitchel said in a flat one before sitting up placing a hand where he had hit himself ~Not bleeding good~ "Ok, uhh Volch, if you'd do your Captain a favor and never do that again, I'd appreciate it." He stood up brushing off his shirt, ~Where in the hell did that come from? I guess I need to re-educate myself on Jukan social gestures.~ Mitchel thought to himself as he cautiously took his seat again. He brought up the ships overall status to look over everything, "Looks like we're all set for FTL, just need you to engage the drive Volch and hope nothing else goes wrong."

spirits breath
08-04-2010, 08:59 PM
Volch went silent, his mind wanting to laugh at how his captain reacted to his action and his body giving a gleeful smile with his mouth parted. I didn't know humans disliked being licked by jukans. Gradualy he stepped forwards by his chair. his voice came out saddened. "I can't abide to that sir. Not sure how you humans view it, but I see it as a thank you gesture or a hug. At least that is what you can compair it in your sense. I could always do what your 'dogs' do if you prefer that option."

He looked at the consol shamelessly before talking to himself in quiet mumbles. "FTL,? Hope so. Got to get there first. Start the drive, then get us in straight path, and then date with Jill." His right paw moved over the starting part. from there he pushed his claw into a small button while pushing a lever with slight intervals up to slowly start moving. "If this ship falls apart again, I am turning around and landing this thing myself." Gradually the ship began to surge forwards again as the thrusters flickered with energy to push it forwards.

Volch looked over at the captain. His voice in a more serious tone. "One of these days I should bring you to my home world. Let you enjoy yourself a little bit. Who knows, you just may enjoy it. Get a few ladies and you will survive the nights. Or a warm coat, but fur is much more comfortable than clothing." His voice grew sarcastic. "Plus you can officially say you slept with a fox. No pun intended since Jukan is the correct name for us." He gave a light wink at the captain.

Lord Tully
08-04-2010, 09:15 PM
Mitchel simply ignored Volch's remarks, ~Don't respond Mitchel, if you ignore him maybe he'll go away.~ he kept telling himself as he did his duty as co-pilot until FTL was engaged. He sat there for a while just absorbing Volch's comments trying not to faint from the forces experienced when engaging FTL, the new engine made it feel much different then he had been used to. ~My god when will he just leave, has he always been this annoying?~ Mitchel asked himself as he massaged his right temple as Volch brought up his home world and some 'activities' he might enjoy, "Sounds great Volch, but don't you have a lady waiting yourself?" Mitchel responded trying to keep himself professional.

spirits breath
08-04-2010, 09:35 PM
Volch stood up and gave a excited yip. "Now I can go. Figured I bothered you enough with my talk and expressions for the next couple of days so I will leave you be." As he stood up, he flicked his tail near the captains arm as he took a few steps off. His head tilted over his right shoulder, giving another wink. "If you will, I have a date with the lovely Jill. Though surprised you didn't ask her yourself."

He indicated his path out with a gradual walk and talk method. "Just call for a fox hunt when you need me. Would be funny if you had the music of it going as well." His paw ran up to his ears and gave a saluting wave and walking out with a swaying hip for the final mess with the captain.

As he left the bridge and the door was closed, he laughed lightly. "I can't beleive that worked. Least I know he won't be thinking about getting up close to me for a little while. Now what is my next move..."

Clanks went quickly along the metal floor, the jukan running into his room to brush his hair in the shower. He wanted to make sure he was in a highly presentable state when he had his date with her. Though maybe this would be the day they intertwine their tails in a symbol of undying love for each other.

Soon after, he began the steady walk to Jills room hoping to catch her before she left or entered. What would compell her to agree to go on a date with me? It can't be that I am the only other jukan on the ship, but surely there was someone else she would gone with. Though might as well take it up. She certainly can't say no now.

08-04-2010, 09:39 PM
WIth the FTL Drives engaged, Jill didn't have anything to do. She turned on a system to alert of if anything went wrong. But, if anything wet wrong while the drives were engaged, they weren't likely to notice before they were wiped out of existence. She got up from her chair and walked back to the crew quarters, swaying her hips enticingly as she went. No need to do it, but it would likely excite the boy.

Once at her quarters, Jill began preparing for the dinner. She scrounged a table from the mess, and got two of the crew to brin it in for her. She then managed to 'persuade' the ships chef to bring the food up to her cabin. Of course, dinner was going to be the last thing on her mind when Volch gathered up the courage to show himself. She giggled and sat down on her bed, dimming the lights so that you could barely see, even for a Jukan's heightened senses.

spirits breath
08-05-2010, 12:04 AM
A calm yip came from the red jukan as he knocked on the door to Jill's room. Almost immediadly after he entered to see practicly nothing. meaning he would have sniff around to find the masked scents of Jill. All he smelled was a few varied scents, though not knowing exactly what the other jukan smelled like wasn't a help in trying to find her.

A nervous, "Hello, Jill?" came out of Volch. His body slinking down onto four paws.(I assume jukans can walk on four paws, if not consider him croutching low to the floor.)
He let out sniffs to see if he can smell his way to Jill. Man I with I knew what she smelled like by snout.

A large thump gave off, followed by a yelp. He had managed to do what jill must have planned. Have him run into the one thin peice of metal under the tables. His head came up to hit it again, resulting in another yelp.

As per natural reaction to inspect himself, he dabbed his pads lightly to each spot and confirmed he only had a small opening on his head, resting nicely between his ears and the back of his skull. his voice gave a pained version of aggrivation. "Alright Jill, there is only two other scents that can be yours. The other one is leading back behind me.

He let out a few more sniffs and somewhat pinpointed her location. Where else would you be when it is dark than on a bed? Maybe I can catch her before she tries something else on me. Though I am figuring out her scent tonight by all means needed.

As he paused, he croutched in a stance ready to pounce. As he did so, he jumped up onto the bed landing where he could only assume that his front paw had landed on her tail. Quickly he lifted his foot and spoke sheepishly. " I am terribly sorry for that. i hope you realize it was unintentioinal because of the dark. Nice one. "And that well...you can touch mine if you need to. We don't need to kill eachother over this." He gently laid his head to where he assumed was near her head.

08-05-2010, 12:48 AM
Jill watched with arched eyebrows as the boy fumbled around the room she flinched every time he yelped. She hadn't meant to cause him and pain! She had tried to set the light to a romantic level, but apparently her eyes were better than his. In the total darkness, she heard him moving around, still waiting. Then there was a sudden stillness. Jill was just about to call out to him when he jumped.

He landed on bed, nearly missing her. Unfortunatly his paw landed on her tail. Jill wa about to yell at him when she reconsidered. It was an accident. I can have him make up for it in other ways.... she though to herself. She heard him crawl up next to her, laying down beside her. She rolled over so that she was on top of him, face to face. She using her tail to flick up the light to where they could see each other, but no one entering the room could. She then reached up and lowerd the curtain that covered the bed's side. (Its a bed built into the wall :P)

"Shush now." She said flirtatiously, rubbing against him. "You don't need to say another word kay? No, I don't mind you touching my tail. As long as you agree to let me touch yours."

spirits breath
08-05-2010, 02:31 AM
A warm and soft body went over him, gently holding him as he soon did with her. The lights came on to luxuriently make her have a sheen like glow to her fur. His voice came up softly. "You definitly look nicer this way. As well as I never thought I would be able to picture us like this." He gave a soft smile.

Gently as an answer to her small idea, Volch lifted his tail and crossed it with hers and ran it along her rear legs. "I hope that answers that. Though feel free to touch it whenever, I won't bite. Much rather it be a jukan than a human." Soon after, his arms went around her and pulled her against him in a sweet embrace. " what do you intend to do with me? First a dark room, though hope you realize I am more used to looking for the small bright dots and the bright lights as we get into orbit."

He gently placed his head next to hers, sniffing the fur on her back.his voice came out with a strong sense of seduction in it. " If I didn't know better, you had feelings for me pent up in you for some time now. Though if you wouldn't mind I have to ask. Why did you go through all the trouble to impress me?"

Volch looked down at them both before slowly letting her go. He gently licked at her neck. " I never did feel the same after I first started working with you. And sorry about what I said earlier. You must understand that I enjoy a little bit of joking around on the job. Otherwise we would be dead to each other." His eyes partly closed in happyness. " Can you forgive me?"

08-05-2010, 02:53 AM
Jill thought for a moment before respondding. "It doesn't just have to be this one time you know. You can come over here any time you like hun. I'll gladly have 'dinner' with you any time." As she said this she fllicked her tail under her rubbing it against his lower abdoment. She felt herself slipping. Gosh darn it! I barely know this boy, but here we are! Am I really so lonely as to do this? She thought to herself.

She pulled him back into her embrace, pressing against him as he pulled away. "Maybe your correct about that. But 'pent up feelings' aren't what I'm feelings now." As she said this she played her tail around him, stroking him lovingly. Honestly, what am I doing?! The first good looking male to come along and wham, I'm doing this with him! She thought. But that did't stop her from continuing.

spirits breath
08-05-2010, 03:04 PM
A happy yip came out of the red jukan as he tried to say that he would be more than happy to do this about every night. His voice then dropped. "I would love to, but if I hit things on the way to you each night, then in a few weeks, you would have to visit me in the med clinic." He gave a sincere smile as he felt her rub her tail along his body.

Gently he lapped at her snout and ran his paws over her back. his voice seemed almost questionable. "We could spend our night together as well as well..." He gave a embaraced look of seduction as he ran his tail over her lower back. "i have had some thoughts about us, they were with us."

Loud knocks cut off Volch as a human walked in with a pair of meals on trays. He looked down as he watched his steps to get to the table. Twin ringing thuds signaled the drop of the trays, and a loud shout signaled that he had seen the two jukans.

Volch gave a strong muscle contraction in fear. A soft ear drooping whine came out. He looked sadly at the man. "Why? Thanks, but you came at a bad time."
The man gave a strong. "Hmph" And then shook his head. "I beleive I did though too. You two are good for each other, though we don't need you two to get too serious." The man turned around and gave one last look back at the two jukan.

08-05-2010, 03:54 PM
Jill nearly leapt out of her fur when she heard the man enter her quarters. Damnit! She thought. It totally forgot about that! I ordered dinner! She pulled herself off of Volch and sat up on the bed. It was clear that the man had gotten the exact wrong idea when he had seen them in such an intimate moment. Thought truthfully, she didn't know, or want to admit what she had been intending.

When he left, Jill went and closed the door behind him, making sure it was locked. She swayed her hips as she went. She was still going to try, but it was clear that the mood had been broken, at least for now. She went over to the bed, and gave Volch a quick lick across the cheek. "We had better eat it while its hot hun. Maybe we can get back to what we were doing later."

spirits breath
08-05-2010, 08:03 PM
His heart seemed to skip a beat as Jill swayed her hips back and forth, almost taunting him with her body. His head made rocking motions to follow each sway, returning to a soft gaze as he lied there as she turned. Her lick seemed full of love. Though she must have loved him for more than what he is, but trying to figure that out would be tradjic. Especially now when they seemed to him about to make kits. That would have been hard to explain to the crew that their lead pilot and engineer would have to leave to take care of kids.

Volch sat up and gently placed his head near hers and began to walk with her over to the table, his voice tender for a child. “Maybe after this wonderful thing you had planned, we can enjoy each other a bit more.” His voice dropped to a weary tone. “Though I also should check on our captain. We left him to try and manage the ship, which for him being captain and all, I don’t think he is capable of doing that.”
His tail went along her tail a few times as he made his way to the table.

As per his personality, he had to question to her. “How did you manage to get the chef to bring us our dinner, as well as the table in here? Used the pretty body of yours to appeal to their minds and do what you ask? Only that they must not of expected me to go on a date with you, especially how I have been lately.” His head dropped a little along with his ears as he felt how his current relationship with the one other jukan has been before this night.

08-05-2010, 08:27 PM
Jill sat down in a chair, tail sticking out behind her, and crossed her legs. She had already stuck a fork full of food into her mouth when he asked her the very question she didn't want him to ask. She swallowed, then shifted incomfortably. "Well... I promised the chef that I would make him a servitor. As for the two guys who brought up the table. I asked and for some reason they were willing," She was uncomfortable because of the gleam the two crewmen had had in their eyes when she asked. She knew she was attractive, but she never used it to her advantage unless there was no other option.

Now that the cook had seen them, word was going to spread fast, and those two weren't likely to be very happy. She shifted again, and raised another fork full of food to her mouth. She chewed on it for awhile in silence, continuing to eat. Finally she looked down and there was not left. SHe waited for Volch to finish before heading back to the bed. "I understand if you have to go check with the captain." She said. To tell the truth she was scared of being left alone.

spirits breath
08-05-2010, 11:50 PM
Volch gave a soft giggle as Jill spoke about the crew she asked to bring the table up. "I can understand the bribe for the chef. The two who brought up the table, they want to..." his paw went over behind his ears. "They wanted something more than a thank you, but like a wake up next to you in the morning with white fur at their groin be thanked. As in they are lonely and would try that."

As he stood up, he followed her to the bed. A gentle nod of agreeance followed as he turned to head to the door. three steps in and an idea hatched in his head. "You know that there is going to be stories and about six sifferent versions of what happened right? I have an idea. Well first we can go tell the captain our good news and what really happened. After, we simply fuel the situation, it may be annoying for a few days but it will pass over much more quickly. Plus we have all the more reason to be together then."

He held out his right paw and ran his tail over next to it. "After we see the captain, you can always stay with me tonight. Maybe I could brush your fur? You will love how your fur feels after a good shower and brush, trust me."

08-06-2010, 12:03 AM
Jill blushed visibly when Volch spoke sso frankly about what the crewmen wanted from her. The redness showed straight through her fur, tinting her cheek-fur pink. She stared at her feet, embarresed as hell was hot. She was just about to pull him into bed and make her inaccesible to all others right that moment, until he had his idea.

She immeadiantly perked up when she heard his suggestion of going to the captain. She smiled and got up from the bed, swaying her hips once again as she walked over. She not onloy licked him on the cheek, but kissed him full on. "That'd be great." She said. The fact that she was taller then him made her grimace mentally, but she didn't care. "As to that brushing... you could even join me in the shower if you want." She said this then left him hanging, heading straight for the cockpit. She arrived, and saw all in order.

spirits breath
08-06-2010, 01:43 AM
The slight pink of her cheeks was a merry expression. Though he was sure he would be pink as well if he had white fur. Her hips swayed like a light pendant that hypnotized any male who would see it. Well maybe if they could follow her by smell they would be more fitting, but for the time being, Jill was a gentle ripost that would keep him going even if the worst happened.

He was about to state that his shower wasn't that large, but the message was clear, she wanted much more to directly be able to ask for. He watched as she left the room a smile painted on his face. The smile was replaced by a expression of shock as he began to pad off after her.

It was harder to catch up to her than he thought, considering her minute head start and that he began to notice a few white hairs on him. I think I should leave these here for a while. Let them know that we were together.

the cockpit seemed as it was still there, the captain cpmmanding his own ship for a change. Gentle clinks forward brought him next to Jill. He spoke softly before wrapping his tail around her waist. "I would love to shpwer with you. We will have to be close since they aren't built for two people, but we can alwaysbe realy close to each other." He gave a light nudge of his head against her chest, moving under her chin. His voice came out after in am embarrassed tone. " You certainly are tall! Lets see how I can get the captain to note us being together. I am sure you will laugh."

Slowly Volch stepped forward, holding the claws on his feet up so he would be quiet as he stepped. his rear gave light bouunces at his tail flicked up in the air each time it came to a rest. As he neared the captain, he licked at his cheek. Immediatly after, Volch brought together a small clump of white fur. His voice came out gleefully. "Youll never guess who I had the luxury of getting to a serious relationship with? He moved his head close to the captains head, his tail now wagging behind him excitably. " We never realized how much we loved each other until recently. And how congrates on flying your own ship. Now how close are we to where we have to be?"

He looked out the large clear plane of glass. His paw moved up to a star in a moderate distance away. His voice became serious, "There! We can stop by and make sure we are supplied. Clean out everything, and deal with shifts. Some of the crew may be leaving us then, so it is a good place to find new members for our crew, don't you think?"

His read furred head turned back to jill and made a motion to have her come close to him."And captain, Jill and I are close together, note we were just on top of each other and we were seen. Don't beleive what you heard." He gently rested his paw up by the captains shoulder, resting it in the top of the chair.