08-05-2010, 04:34 PM
The Story
Year: 1766
On the ninth of April of this year the new technology of clockwork was invented , a technology that could revolutionize all fields of human life, the inventor one Dr. Mobius Tick. The first clockwork machine created was a primitive automaton which could serve twice as fast as any family own servant. With it came a new line of servants who only needed moderate maintenance and never had to eat, sleep, or need their own bed. Within ten years airships are invented, but have a 60% crash rate. Within fifty years clockwork organs have been made and most are readily available to the rich.
Year: 1866
After nearly a hundred years of trial and error the art of clockwork technology has been perfected and humanity has reached a Golden Age. With it comes many great advances in science, medicine, law enforcement and education. Airships fly from city to city supplying them with foods, water, and clothing. While automatons do everything from cooking to being leaders personal assistants. World Hunger is no longer a factor due to automatons being able to harvest food faster than any human.
Year: 2066
“The clockwork Era is near the end.” These are the words everyone is both happy, and scared ot hear. Over the last two hundred years the Golden Age has fallen to political corruption, internal wars, and the rise of human slavery. Airship pilots are turning pirate and thousands of automatons have somehow gained sentience and made their own group, “The United Clockwork League”. In this tim of turmoil and chaos what will you choose to be? Fearless Pirate, Sentient Automaton, or your average citizen taking up arms in order to bring peace to your world?
The large city of Triarch, the equivilant of New York/London/ San Fran. Automaton guards are posted on the walls and at every entrance and anyone caught outside of the city after curfew will be locked out until morning. The inner part of the city is for the Rich and powerful, the areas around that is for the middle class and the outter most area is for the poor. Half amile outside the city is Brass Lake, so called for its peaceful brass colored water. And within viewing range is Mount Trica, secret forward base of the UCL. Three miles to the south is the hidden home base of the pirates.
All RPA rules apply.
If you are going to be a Sentient Automaton, state your class: Servent, Worker, or Military. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses.
If your going to have a human with a clockwork Organ or limb follow the rules
PG-13 please, if wanted by popular vote then the rating can be changed to something higher.
No more than two characters (subject to change)
no Automaton-human Romances. Sentient Automatons HATE organics and can barely stand a human with a Clockwork organ or limb.
Automaton Classes and clockwork Organs and Limbs:
Servent: They have the least armor covering their delicate inner workings, but are the fastest and can blend in easier within non-sentient automatons. They cannot use military weapons what so ever, their hands are made for them.
Worker: A mix between Servent and Military. They ahve enough armor to hold off small-medium rounds, and are faster than your average Military Automaton but slower than your average Servent. They can use certain military weapons.
Military: Usually the leaders of automatons. They all have heavy armor that is nearly immpossible to pierce with convential weapons. They are the slowest Automatons but can use any military weapon they find.
Clockwork Organs and Limbs
Unless your character is rich any clockwork organ and/or limb will need to maintained closely, and will often falter or nearly shut down. Sand slows down them down, mud nearly stops the mand water can only rust them over time
Character creation:
Name: a Normal name for Humans, model name foe automatons
Age: same for both. Newer Automatons get a SLIGHTLY better advantage over older ones.
Personality: Usual for humans, masculine or femanine for Automatons
History: (Deosn't need to be uber long.)
Appearance: (Picture or Good Description) No anime please, a drawn picture that looks like a human instead of a pixie. :sauron:
Weapons: Steampowered Rifle, SP pistol, explosive crossbow, ect.
Clockwork Organs and/or limbs: what organ/limb is clockwork and how old is it.
There are several types of airships. Here they are:
Scout: The smallest and fastest airship. about the szize of your average three person airplane, moves about like moterboat on full power on water for a speed referance. little to no armor, and weapons not suited for long fights.
Assualt: The medium rank Air-ship. Slower than a scout, but faster than a Seige class. Light to Medum armro that can take a few hits from conventional weaponry before breaking. Weapons can be used for sustained figths, but not recommended.
Seige: Foating behemoths that have the intimitating slowness. Armed to the teeth and with enough armor to make an Ahbrams jealous. Military grade wepons work the best against these beasts. (If any mods think this a bit overpowered let me know please) Only military and pirateleaders have these under their commands and are usually used for long city/fortress seiges.
Year: 1766
On the ninth of April of this year the new technology of clockwork was invented , a technology that could revolutionize all fields of human life, the inventor one Dr. Mobius Tick. The first clockwork machine created was a primitive automaton which could serve twice as fast as any family own servant. With it came a new line of servants who only needed moderate maintenance and never had to eat, sleep, or need their own bed. Within ten years airships are invented, but have a 60% crash rate. Within fifty years clockwork organs have been made and most are readily available to the rich.
Year: 1866
After nearly a hundred years of trial and error the art of clockwork technology has been perfected and humanity has reached a Golden Age. With it comes many great advances in science, medicine, law enforcement and education. Airships fly from city to city supplying them with foods, water, and clothing. While automatons do everything from cooking to being leaders personal assistants. World Hunger is no longer a factor due to automatons being able to harvest food faster than any human.
Year: 2066
“The clockwork Era is near the end.” These are the words everyone is both happy, and scared ot hear. Over the last two hundred years the Golden Age has fallen to political corruption, internal wars, and the rise of human slavery. Airship pilots are turning pirate and thousands of automatons have somehow gained sentience and made their own group, “The United Clockwork League”. In this tim of turmoil and chaos what will you choose to be? Fearless Pirate, Sentient Automaton, or your average citizen taking up arms in order to bring peace to your world?
The large city of Triarch, the equivilant of New York/London/ San Fran. Automaton guards are posted on the walls and at every entrance and anyone caught outside of the city after curfew will be locked out until morning. The inner part of the city is for the Rich and powerful, the areas around that is for the middle class and the outter most area is for the poor. Half amile outside the city is Brass Lake, so called for its peaceful brass colored water. And within viewing range is Mount Trica, secret forward base of the UCL. Three miles to the south is the hidden home base of the pirates.
All RPA rules apply.
If you are going to be a Sentient Automaton, state your class: Servent, Worker, or Military. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses.
If your going to have a human with a clockwork Organ or limb follow the rules
PG-13 please, if wanted by popular vote then the rating can be changed to something higher.
No more than two characters (subject to change)
no Automaton-human Romances. Sentient Automatons HATE organics and can barely stand a human with a Clockwork organ or limb.
Automaton Classes and clockwork Organs and Limbs:
Servent: They have the least armor covering their delicate inner workings, but are the fastest and can blend in easier within non-sentient automatons. They cannot use military weapons what so ever, their hands are made for them.
Worker: A mix between Servent and Military. They ahve enough armor to hold off small-medium rounds, and are faster than your average Military Automaton but slower than your average Servent. They can use certain military weapons.
Military: Usually the leaders of automatons. They all have heavy armor that is nearly immpossible to pierce with convential weapons. They are the slowest Automatons but can use any military weapon they find.
Clockwork Organs and Limbs
Unless your character is rich any clockwork organ and/or limb will need to maintained closely, and will often falter or nearly shut down. Sand slows down them down, mud nearly stops the mand water can only rust them over time
Character creation:
Name: a Normal name for Humans, model name foe automatons
Age: same for both. Newer Automatons get a SLIGHTLY better advantage over older ones.
Personality: Usual for humans, masculine or femanine for Automatons
History: (Deosn't need to be uber long.)
Appearance: (Picture or Good Description) No anime please, a drawn picture that looks like a human instead of a pixie. :sauron:
Weapons: Steampowered Rifle, SP pistol, explosive crossbow, ect.
Clockwork Organs and/or limbs: what organ/limb is clockwork and how old is it.
There are several types of airships. Here they are:
Scout: The smallest and fastest airship. about the szize of your average three person airplane, moves about like moterboat on full power on water for a speed referance. little to no armor, and weapons not suited for long fights.
Assualt: The medium rank Air-ship. Slower than a scout, but faster than a Seige class. Light to Medum armro that can take a few hits from conventional weaponry before breaking. Weapons can be used for sustained figths, but not recommended.
Seige: Foating behemoths that have the intimitating slowness. Armed to the teeth and with enough armor to make an Ahbrams jealous. Military grade wepons work the best against these beasts. (If any mods think this a bit overpowered let me know please) Only military and pirateleaders have these under their commands and are usually used for long city/fortress seiges.