08-05-2010, 10:40 PM
The Year is 5139 BR (Before Republic), chaos and anarchy run rampant in the systems. There are few colonies that exist where peace, diplomacy, and trade can happen, and fewer still have the military power to defend themselves from the ever-present rouge force users, rebels, pirates and criminals who are constantly pursued by bounty hunters who disregard all laws to get their target. Alliances that are forged are soon forgotten as minor disputes rise between the clans that are formed by those with a stronger mind than others. The purpose of these guilds was to bring order and prosperity to the systems, unfortunately they would ignite the biggest wars that have ever happened yet called the Republican Wars.
After thousands of years of chaos, Several clan leaders decide to form a council, and with their powers they began to bring order to their systems, something un-heard of and much sought after. However, unlike the council there was a single person and his companion who gained much from Anarchy and chaos.They sought to destroy this peace that would cause them to lose their powers. As such they began to sabotage the Councils efforts for peace and prosperity. The council came to call these saboteurs the Sith, and they named their council the Jedi Council.
More over, some people, capable of the force, decided to leave the wars to those who cared and did simply as they wished. However, not all can stay neutral forever. All must chose a side in this epic battled between the Chaotic force users and the Ordered Force users. Will this be the dawn of a new era, or just another pointless war?
Status- Open
Cities available: Cloud City
Status- Open
Planets available: Corellia, Drall, Talus, Tralus, Selonia
Status- Open
Planets available: Revisse, Platoril, Vandor-1, Vandor-2, Vandor-3, Coruscant, Muscave, Stentat, Improcco, Nabatu, Ulabos, Obo Rin (Commet Cluster)
Status- Open
Planets available: Dagobah
Status- Open
Planets available: Dantooine
Status- Open
Planets available: Endor
Status- Open
Planets available: Hoth
Status- Open
Planets available: Kamino
Status- Open
Planets available: Kashyyyk, Trandosha
Status- Open
Planets available: Naboo
Status- Open
Planets available: Yavin, Yavin 4 (Moon), Yavin 8 (Moon) Yavin 13 (Moon)
Alzoc: Closed
Anoat: Closed
Axum: Closed
Bakura: Closed
Besh Gorgon: Closed
Bespin: Open
Bilbringi: Closed
Bith: Closed
Bodi: Closed
Bonadan: Closed
Bothawui: Closed
Brentaal: Closed
Chandrila: Closed
Chorax: Closed
Chorios: Closed
Cirius: Closed
Circarpous Major: Closed
Colu: Closed
Corellian: Open
Corulus: Closed
Coruscant: Open
Cularin: Closed
Cyprix: Closed
Dagobah: Open
Dantooine: Open
Dominus: Closed
Dorvala: Closed
Elrood: Closed
Empress Teta: Closed
Evona/Ardos: Closed
Endor: Open
Falleen: Closed
Fest: Closed
Gamorr: Closed
Gorsh: Closed
Helska: Closed
Horuset: Closed
Hutta: Closed
Hoth: Open
Iridonia: Closed
Japreal: Closed
Kamino: Open
Korriban: Closed
Karthakk: Closed
Kashyyyk: Open
Khuiumin: Closed
Kessel: Closed
Koros: Closed
Lybeya: Closed
Mystafar: Closed
Muun: Closed
Naboo: Open
Onderon: Closed
Pakunni: Closed
Polith: Closed
Polis Massa: Closed
Pyria: Closed
Pyrshak: Closed
Rafa: Closed
Riflorii: Closed
Rishi: Closed
Rodia: Closed
Rosp: Closed
Sartinaynian: Closed
Scarl: Closed
Serianan: Closed
Tingel Arm: Closed
Taris: Closed
Tartoon: Closed
Tatoo: Closed
Telos: Closed
Teth: Closed
Utapau: Closed
Utegetu Nebula: Closed
Velus: Closed
Veron: Closed
Xcorpon: Closed
Yavin: Open
Y'Toub: Closed
Zug: Closed
1. Obey the Gm's.
2. This is Mature, Gore, Violence, and Foul Language are allowed, no racial slurs in the way of color (I.E. against black or white or Mexican people) however, due to the story racial slurs against alien species are allowed.
3. Posts must be at least 5 sentences. No one liners.
4. You're allowed to G-mod another persons character to a certain extent if it makes logical sense. I.E, if your character is faster than another, it makes sense you would outrun them, or be able to catch their wrist before a light saber hit them. Players characters Will be wounded, but Killing is not allowed without permission from the owner.
5. Normal site rules apply
6. You may NOT start on a closed system, you have to start in an open system. I will open more systems as we go.
As a side note, Hoth has nothing on it, it is just an ice planet used by smugglers to hide from pursuing law.
The council of the Jedi (to be formed): Sirius Hiraku (Jedi Master), Karkin Nitor(Jedi Knight), Rempt Nanlek (Jedi Knight),
The Dark Brotherhood (To be formed): Leon (Sith Master)
The Rogue's: Iku Sadamir (Force User),
The Clans: Hiraku(Council), Milan(Sith)
Neutral: Altizey Fa' Scatey(Force User), Varla Fayde(Force User),
The Crime Lords: Jabba Tu' Brien (ancestor of the Jabba's),
As a side note, all the planets will be earlier versions of the planets found in the other Star Wars.
Scout- A small fast ship capable of Type 1 warp speed, 2 laser attachments, primarily used for small skirmishes/scouting. The Scout was developed 4079 BR and has had few upgrades to anything but it's already high-tech sensory applications. The Scout is one of the fairest sensing ships there is besides the Nemesis, it's elder brother.
Fighter- A distant cousin of the Scout, the Fighter carries 2 heavy lasers capable of punching through type two shields, however it has no warp capabilities so it has to be carried on a Carrier or some other type of ship with a hangar to go long distance. Often used as short-patrol and RRU's (Rapid Response units) for planets or outposts.
Smuggler- A medium sized ship with anti-sensory arrays, and 2 heavy laser attachments. Smugglers are often capable of blending in with space, making them nearly impossible to see with the naked eye, and are very adept at avoiding radar/sonar/sensory relays. However if it flies in front of a star or other light source it is clearly visible. Capable of type 2 warp.
Missile Ship- A huge ship with type 2 shields and a very large cargo bay capable of carrying many different types of Cargo, most often missiles to be loaded into the ships many missile launchers. This ship also has three heavy lasers on aft and starboard sides that are capable of shearing through type 3 shields, making the Missile ship Heavy Artillery. The missiles it launches most often are used to glass planets, a term which means make them completely inhospitable. These are often used for food/material transport, however they have been used to glass planets in the past, a terrible and unforgivable offence. Capable of type 3 warp.
Assault Ship- An Assault ship is a large-sized ship capable of warp 3, and has type 3 shields. Assault ships carry a personnel of about 100 people to man its various stations. The Assault ship carries 10 heavy duty lasers on each side, as well as many different sensory arrays that can track almost anything. An assault ship is usually used as a guard-dog type ship patrolling entire systems in groups of 6-7, and also used as escorts for many different types of ships. They are the first ship with a hangar, and the hangar can support up to 10 scouts, or 7 fighters.
Destroyer- The Destroyer comes in a few different classes. A heavy Destroyer carriers 20-30 Heavy-Artillery lasers capable of bringing down type 4 shields, and has a type 4 shield system, but only a type 2 warp drive, making it very slow.
Oppositely a normal Destroyer has 20-30 Light Artillery lasers capable of bringing down type 3 shields from a closer range, but has a type 3 shield system and a type 4 warp drive, making it much faster than the Heavy Destroyer.
A Light Destroyer is carrying 50-60 Heavy Lasers capable of punching through type 3 shields, but needs to be very close to its target, and has only type 3 shields and a type 3 warp drive. These are often used as escorts mixed in with Assault ships.
Carrier- The Carrier is a epic sized ship. Carriers are far and few between and have type 4 shields, and a type 4 warp drive, but only 5 Heavy Artillery Lasers on each side. Instead, carriers carry other ships into battle very swiftly. Carriers can carry up to 75 Scout ships or 50 Fighter ships or 25 smugglers or 10 Missile ships or 5 Destroyers of any type.
Additionally there is a larger version of the Carrier called the Carrier Command ship, which is a gigantic ship capable of carrying Carriers themselves, and is often used as the Admiralty of an armada for large systems. These ships are capable of carrying 5 Carriers inside of them and launching all 5 at once from its hull. It takes near 50,000 personnel to man this ship effectively plus the additional 10,000 personnel for each of the Carriers it carries. The Carrier Command moves at type 5 warp speed and has type 5 shields, and 15 Armageddon Lasers on swivel turrets all around it capable of punching through type 5 shields.
Aurora- The Aurora is a larger version of the Assault ship, carrying a mix of Heavy Lasers, Heavy Artillery Lasers, and Light Artillery Lasers of varying sizes. It is also capable of carrying a few Armageddon Lasers. Type 5 shields type 3 Warp.
There are no bullets, replace the clips with battery-packs with the same amount of shots, and the bullets with lasers of your choosing. Red purple green blue, doesn't matter.
And obviously there are Vibro-blades, and Light Sabers, and Androids robots and such.
Class:(Scout, Soldier, Civilian, Diplomat, Pilot, Engineer, Jedi, Sith, Rebel)
Alignment: (Sith or Council)
Special Items: (Special lockets, medallions, rings, etc.etc.)
Weapons: (blasters, rifles, Light Sabers etc.etc.)
Clothing: (Your clothing, what you would wear on a special occasion, a normal day, and into combat)
Armor: (Armor, like a Shield generator that goes on your wrist, or something, be creative)
Strengths: (What strengths you have)
Weaknesses: (What Weaknesses you have, yes loved ones count as a weakness)
Abilities: (Abilities, like Force Choke, Force Lightning, Force Lift, etc.etc.)
Abilities (Normal): (Normal abilities anyone can have like Navigation, Combat Training etc.etc., this list should include all the regular stuff you can do that others can learn)
Personality: (How your character acts, what you can do to gain or lose their friendship)
History: (Your characters history, duh)
A LITTLE NOTE, Leon is the Sith Master, the overlord of all the Sith that will come. He is meant to be a god-moddy character, so anything that seems god-moded about him is simply because he is the Sith Master and as such will have to be taken down by more than 2-3 Jedi. This is purely to make the story realistic.
Special Items:A coal-black cloak that seems to make the area immediatly around him darker, as if the cloak is so black that it drains the light and life around him.
Attire:Leon wears a black tunic with a metal collar engraved with arcanic symbols with a black leather sash around his waste, engraved in it are ancient and evil symbols. He also wears a pair of black cloth pants that allow him to move freely.
Weapons: Light saber (red)
Alignment: Sith Master
Clothing: Sirius wears a brown cloak over a tightly fitting black leather shirt and tighly fitting black leather pants. He wears a belt that has a frozen laser technology blade holstered in it, known as a Light Saber. He also wears a set of black boots with metal fronts.
Armor:Sirius has no armor in the way of shields, but he does have plated gloves he wears that can become magnatized, so that when he is wielding his sabre it is impossible for them to be knocked out of his hands, and they are also good for breaking bones. He also has boots that can cling to metal, so if there is a building made of metal he could be standing on the roof talking to you.
Weapons: A blue-green Lightsaber
Sirius is about six foot three inches. His hair is light brown and shaved in a military fasion close to his skull. He has 5'oclock black shadow on his jackline which is strong and slightly squared. His nose is straight and pointed and his brow is arched. His eyebrows are light brown as well and ached neatly over his black-pale green eyes. His eyes are set a good distance apart from eachother, not to close or to far and they aren't sunken into his head.
-Owner: Higurashi
Normally- Leather pants and a vest
Formal- Leather suit
Combat- Carapace armour, chest only. Leather pants, cloak, arm and shin braces.
-Armor: Durasteel armour, arm and shin braces only. Thread with the material vibro-swords are made of, making them resistant to blaster and lightsabers.
-Special Items: Wears a reddlightsaber crystal around his neck. he doesn't know what the stone actually is.
-Weapons:Dual Blasterpistols. (Later, a red lightsaber
-Alignment: Undecided
-Race: Twi'lek
-Clothing: Wears a white long-sleeved shirt underneath a brown vest with similarly brown pants and black leather work boots.
-Armor: A light personal energy shield.
-Special Items: A mask with poison filters
-Alignment: Council
Race: Human
About 5'9". Usually has as blank look on his face.
-Owner: Innkeeper
-Clothing: He wears a full body form fitting suit made of silicon steel fibers, meant to allow the body to move and breathe freely, while still allowing for protection against attacks. Two metal plates attach adjacent to the shoulders that allow for more protection to the joins. As well as a form fitting helmet, the top chest part ends just slightly below the waist, hanging over the pants of the suit. He also wears a leather belt that holds his light sabers on the side. He wears knee high boots that are 100% steel, for rough terrain.
-Weapons: He has four light sabers, two specifically designed for him, and the other two just regualar with different crystals. He has a black hilted light saber with a black blade The black hilted one is slightly thinner than a normal light saber. Another one that is white, which is slightly thicker than normal ones, used it dual fighting. The other two are regular ones, with crimson and silver blades. (Yes these are real colors, I looked them up on wookiepedia)
-Alignment: Favours the council, but is undecided.
Race: Human
Apperance: Iku stands at 5’ 6” and lean. His muscle tone speaks of speed and fast strikes, as well as lack of proper food intake. Nothing is seen of his skin, as he wears a full body suit.
Attire- He wears a full body form fitting suit made of silicon steel fibers, meant to allow the body to move and breathe freely, while still allowing for protection against attacks. Two metal plates attach adjacent to the shoulders that allow for more protection to the joins. As well as a form fitting helmet, the top chest part ends just slightly below the waist, hanging over the pants of the suit. He also wears a leather belt that holds his light sabers on the side. He wears knee high boots that are 100% steel, for rough terrain.
Owner:sir hatless
Clothing: Karkin often wears very soft colors, tans, sky blues, and the like, the only time he wears something more eye catching is during celebrations when he dusts off an old uniform that his mother made him before he became a Jedi. The uniform is always paired with his father's swords (Mentioned above) which are purely used for decoration.
Armor: Too keep him mobility up in combat Karkin wears only a reinforced Combat Suit, it's not much but it can lessen the damage from a blaster bolt or a vibroblade, by quite a bit giving him a chance to strike back
Weapons: Lightsaber (Blue)
Race: Dathromir Witch
Clothing: She is dressed in a black waistcoat around a red sleeveless top. She wears black trousers, with her usual black leather boots that are easy to move in.
Armor: None.
Weapons: Blaster Pistol, Light Saber (purple)
Special Items: Sapphire Ring- A silver ring with small blue sapphires that surround it, An R1-G4 unit named Sandal.
Alignment: Neither
Apperance: The Dathomir witch stands roughly at 5’7 feet. Varla has dark hair that is usually tied in a ponytail. Her eyes are mystical bright grey, enchanting many with their unique beauty. Her figure is slender. On her right arm is a tattoo of her home planet.
Owner: Oishii
Race: Human
Weapons: Lightsaber (light blue)
Special Items: The crystal from her mentor's first lightsaber, worn as a talisman.
Alignment: Rogue
Apperance: Alaena stands at 5' 7", has a lithe build.
Owner: Cheshire
Race: Human/Mandalorian
Weapons: X1 Blaster pistol, X1 heavy reapeter Rifle, X1 Vibro blade.
Special Items: A simple golden neckless that she keeps on hand (thought doesn't often wear out of practicality) given to her by her wife to symbolize her support while she's at home raising their daughter.
Alignment: Neutral/Mandalorians/Clan Vhett
Apperance: Ash'amur's appearence is concealed muched of the time by her heavy Mandalorian armor. When she takes it off, however, one see a build distinctly female, though heavily conditioned for war. She is young, at least by Galactic, if not Mando standards, so many may look at her as just a kid, but she shows distinct signs of being quite familiar with combat. Her eyes hold the look of one who has fought countless battles. Her body, though feminine, is toned and built for war. She has numerous scars decorating her body, standing out from her slightly pale skin, from either combat, or simply training: each one a reminder of some mistake or another that she will not make again. A vibroblade-caused scar is particularly noticable as it decorates her right cheek. All of this is topped off with straight black hair, cut at shoulder length.
Karlika and Sir Manguydude are also allowed to post. Im just way to lazy atm to put their characters in the database.
5139 BR- RP starts.
5139 BR- Day one, A Tremor runs through the force twice, All seem drawn to Coruscant.
After thousands of years of chaos, Several clan leaders decide to form a council, and with their powers they began to bring order to their systems, something un-heard of and much sought after. However, unlike the council there was a single person and his companion who gained much from Anarchy and chaos.They sought to destroy this peace that would cause them to lose their powers. As such they began to sabotage the Councils efforts for peace and prosperity. The council came to call these saboteurs the Sith, and they named their council the Jedi Council.
More over, some people, capable of the force, decided to leave the wars to those who cared and did simply as they wished. However, not all can stay neutral forever. All must chose a side in this epic battled between the Chaotic force users and the Ordered Force users. Will this be the dawn of a new era, or just another pointless war?
Status- Open
Cities available: Cloud City
Status- Open
Planets available: Corellia, Drall, Talus, Tralus, Selonia
Status- Open
Planets available: Revisse, Platoril, Vandor-1, Vandor-2, Vandor-3, Coruscant, Muscave, Stentat, Improcco, Nabatu, Ulabos, Obo Rin (Commet Cluster)
Status- Open
Planets available: Dagobah
Status- Open
Planets available: Dantooine
Status- Open
Planets available: Endor
Status- Open
Planets available: Hoth
Status- Open
Planets available: Kamino
Status- Open
Planets available: Kashyyyk, Trandosha
Status- Open
Planets available: Naboo
Status- Open
Planets available: Yavin, Yavin 4 (Moon), Yavin 8 (Moon) Yavin 13 (Moon)
Alzoc: Closed
Anoat: Closed
Axum: Closed
Bakura: Closed
Besh Gorgon: Closed
Bespin: Open
Bilbringi: Closed
Bith: Closed
Bodi: Closed
Bonadan: Closed
Bothawui: Closed
Brentaal: Closed
Chandrila: Closed
Chorax: Closed
Chorios: Closed
Cirius: Closed
Circarpous Major: Closed
Colu: Closed
Corellian: Open
Corulus: Closed
Coruscant: Open
Cularin: Closed
Cyprix: Closed
Dagobah: Open
Dantooine: Open
Dominus: Closed
Dorvala: Closed
Elrood: Closed
Empress Teta: Closed
Evona/Ardos: Closed
Endor: Open
Falleen: Closed
Fest: Closed
Gamorr: Closed
Gorsh: Closed
Helska: Closed
Horuset: Closed
Hutta: Closed
Hoth: Open
Iridonia: Closed
Japreal: Closed
Kamino: Open
Korriban: Closed
Karthakk: Closed
Kashyyyk: Open
Khuiumin: Closed
Kessel: Closed
Koros: Closed
Lybeya: Closed
Mystafar: Closed
Muun: Closed
Naboo: Open
Onderon: Closed
Pakunni: Closed
Polith: Closed
Polis Massa: Closed
Pyria: Closed
Pyrshak: Closed
Rafa: Closed
Riflorii: Closed
Rishi: Closed
Rodia: Closed
Rosp: Closed
Sartinaynian: Closed
Scarl: Closed
Serianan: Closed
Tingel Arm: Closed
Taris: Closed
Tartoon: Closed
Tatoo: Closed
Telos: Closed
Teth: Closed
Utapau: Closed
Utegetu Nebula: Closed
Velus: Closed
Veron: Closed
Xcorpon: Closed
Yavin: Open
Y'Toub: Closed
Zug: Closed
1. Obey the Gm's.
2. This is Mature, Gore, Violence, and Foul Language are allowed, no racial slurs in the way of color (I.E. against black or white or Mexican people) however, due to the story racial slurs against alien species are allowed.
3. Posts must be at least 5 sentences. No one liners.
4. You're allowed to G-mod another persons character to a certain extent if it makes logical sense. I.E, if your character is faster than another, it makes sense you would outrun them, or be able to catch their wrist before a light saber hit them. Players characters Will be wounded, but Killing is not allowed without permission from the owner.
5. Normal site rules apply
6. You may NOT start on a closed system, you have to start in an open system. I will open more systems as we go.
As a side note, Hoth has nothing on it, it is just an ice planet used by smugglers to hide from pursuing law.
The council of the Jedi (to be formed): Sirius Hiraku (Jedi Master), Karkin Nitor(Jedi Knight), Rempt Nanlek (Jedi Knight),
The Dark Brotherhood (To be formed): Leon (Sith Master)
The Rogue's: Iku Sadamir (Force User),
The Clans: Hiraku(Council), Milan(Sith)
Neutral: Altizey Fa' Scatey(Force User), Varla Fayde(Force User),
The Crime Lords: Jabba Tu' Brien (ancestor of the Jabba's),
As a side note, all the planets will be earlier versions of the planets found in the other Star Wars.
Scout- A small fast ship capable of Type 1 warp speed, 2 laser attachments, primarily used for small skirmishes/scouting. The Scout was developed 4079 BR and has had few upgrades to anything but it's already high-tech sensory applications. The Scout is one of the fairest sensing ships there is besides the Nemesis, it's elder brother.
Fighter- A distant cousin of the Scout, the Fighter carries 2 heavy lasers capable of punching through type two shields, however it has no warp capabilities so it has to be carried on a Carrier or some other type of ship with a hangar to go long distance. Often used as short-patrol and RRU's (Rapid Response units) for planets or outposts.
Smuggler- A medium sized ship with anti-sensory arrays, and 2 heavy laser attachments. Smugglers are often capable of blending in with space, making them nearly impossible to see with the naked eye, and are very adept at avoiding radar/sonar/sensory relays. However if it flies in front of a star or other light source it is clearly visible. Capable of type 2 warp.
Missile Ship- A huge ship with type 2 shields and a very large cargo bay capable of carrying many different types of Cargo, most often missiles to be loaded into the ships many missile launchers. This ship also has three heavy lasers on aft and starboard sides that are capable of shearing through type 3 shields, making the Missile ship Heavy Artillery. The missiles it launches most often are used to glass planets, a term which means make them completely inhospitable. These are often used for food/material transport, however they have been used to glass planets in the past, a terrible and unforgivable offence. Capable of type 3 warp.
Assault Ship- An Assault ship is a large-sized ship capable of warp 3, and has type 3 shields. Assault ships carry a personnel of about 100 people to man its various stations. The Assault ship carries 10 heavy duty lasers on each side, as well as many different sensory arrays that can track almost anything. An assault ship is usually used as a guard-dog type ship patrolling entire systems in groups of 6-7, and also used as escorts for many different types of ships. They are the first ship with a hangar, and the hangar can support up to 10 scouts, or 7 fighters.
Destroyer- The Destroyer comes in a few different classes. A heavy Destroyer carriers 20-30 Heavy-Artillery lasers capable of bringing down type 4 shields, and has a type 4 shield system, but only a type 2 warp drive, making it very slow.
Oppositely a normal Destroyer has 20-30 Light Artillery lasers capable of bringing down type 3 shields from a closer range, but has a type 3 shield system and a type 4 warp drive, making it much faster than the Heavy Destroyer.
A Light Destroyer is carrying 50-60 Heavy Lasers capable of punching through type 3 shields, but needs to be very close to its target, and has only type 3 shields and a type 3 warp drive. These are often used as escorts mixed in with Assault ships.
Carrier- The Carrier is a epic sized ship. Carriers are far and few between and have type 4 shields, and a type 4 warp drive, but only 5 Heavy Artillery Lasers on each side. Instead, carriers carry other ships into battle very swiftly. Carriers can carry up to 75 Scout ships or 50 Fighter ships or 25 smugglers or 10 Missile ships or 5 Destroyers of any type.
Additionally there is a larger version of the Carrier called the Carrier Command ship, which is a gigantic ship capable of carrying Carriers themselves, and is often used as the Admiralty of an armada for large systems. These ships are capable of carrying 5 Carriers inside of them and launching all 5 at once from its hull. It takes near 50,000 personnel to man this ship effectively plus the additional 10,000 personnel for each of the Carriers it carries. The Carrier Command moves at type 5 warp speed and has type 5 shields, and 15 Armageddon Lasers on swivel turrets all around it capable of punching through type 5 shields.
Aurora- The Aurora is a larger version of the Assault ship, carrying a mix of Heavy Lasers, Heavy Artillery Lasers, and Light Artillery Lasers of varying sizes. It is also capable of carrying a few Armageddon Lasers. Type 5 shields type 3 Warp.
There are no bullets, replace the clips with battery-packs with the same amount of shots, and the bullets with lasers of your choosing. Red purple green blue, doesn't matter.
And obviously there are Vibro-blades, and Light Sabers, and Androids robots and such.
Class:(Scout, Soldier, Civilian, Diplomat, Pilot, Engineer, Jedi, Sith, Rebel)
Alignment: (Sith or Council)
Special Items: (Special lockets, medallions, rings, etc.etc.)
Weapons: (blasters, rifles, Light Sabers etc.etc.)
Clothing: (Your clothing, what you would wear on a special occasion, a normal day, and into combat)
Armor: (Armor, like a Shield generator that goes on your wrist, or something, be creative)
Strengths: (What strengths you have)
Weaknesses: (What Weaknesses you have, yes loved ones count as a weakness)
Abilities: (Abilities, like Force Choke, Force Lightning, Force Lift, etc.etc.)
Abilities (Normal): (Normal abilities anyone can have like Navigation, Combat Training etc.etc., this list should include all the regular stuff you can do that others can learn)
Personality: (How your character acts, what you can do to gain or lose their friendship)
History: (Your characters history, duh)
A LITTLE NOTE, Leon is the Sith Master, the overlord of all the Sith that will come. He is meant to be a god-moddy character, so anything that seems god-moded about him is simply because he is the Sith Master and as such will have to be taken down by more than 2-3 Jedi. This is purely to make the story realistic.
Special Items:A coal-black cloak that seems to make the area immediatly around him darker, as if the cloak is so black that it drains the light and life around him.
Attire:Leon wears a black tunic with a metal collar engraved with arcanic symbols with a black leather sash around his waste, engraved in it are ancient and evil symbols. He also wears a pair of black cloth pants that allow him to move freely.
Weapons: Light saber (red)
Alignment: Sith Master
Clothing: Sirius wears a brown cloak over a tightly fitting black leather shirt and tighly fitting black leather pants. He wears a belt that has a frozen laser technology blade holstered in it, known as a Light Saber. He also wears a set of black boots with metal fronts.
Armor:Sirius has no armor in the way of shields, but he does have plated gloves he wears that can become magnatized, so that when he is wielding his sabre it is impossible for them to be knocked out of his hands, and they are also good for breaking bones. He also has boots that can cling to metal, so if there is a building made of metal he could be standing on the roof talking to you.
Weapons: A blue-green Lightsaber
Sirius is about six foot three inches. His hair is light brown and shaved in a military fasion close to his skull. He has 5'oclock black shadow on his jackline which is strong and slightly squared. His nose is straight and pointed and his brow is arched. His eyebrows are light brown as well and ached neatly over his black-pale green eyes. His eyes are set a good distance apart from eachother, not to close or to far and they aren't sunken into his head.
-Owner: Higurashi
Normally- Leather pants and a vest
Formal- Leather suit
Combat- Carapace armour, chest only. Leather pants, cloak, arm and shin braces.
-Armor: Durasteel armour, arm and shin braces only. Thread with the material vibro-swords are made of, making them resistant to blaster and lightsabers.
-Special Items: Wears a reddlightsaber crystal around his neck. he doesn't know what the stone actually is.
-Weapons:Dual Blasterpistols. (Later, a red lightsaber
-Alignment: Undecided
-Race: Twi'lek
-Clothing: Wears a white long-sleeved shirt underneath a brown vest with similarly brown pants and black leather work boots.
-Armor: A light personal energy shield.
-Special Items: A mask with poison filters
-Alignment: Council
Race: Human
About 5'9". Usually has as blank look on his face.
-Owner: Innkeeper
-Clothing: He wears a full body form fitting suit made of silicon steel fibers, meant to allow the body to move and breathe freely, while still allowing for protection against attacks. Two metal plates attach adjacent to the shoulders that allow for more protection to the joins. As well as a form fitting helmet, the top chest part ends just slightly below the waist, hanging over the pants of the suit. He also wears a leather belt that holds his light sabers on the side. He wears knee high boots that are 100% steel, for rough terrain.
-Weapons: He has four light sabers, two specifically designed for him, and the other two just regualar with different crystals. He has a black hilted light saber with a black blade The black hilted one is slightly thinner than a normal light saber. Another one that is white, which is slightly thicker than normal ones, used it dual fighting. The other two are regular ones, with crimson and silver blades. (Yes these are real colors, I looked them up on wookiepedia)
-Alignment: Favours the council, but is undecided.
Race: Human
Apperance: Iku stands at 5’ 6” and lean. His muscle tone speaks of speed and fast strikes, as well as lack of proper food intake. Nothing is seen of his skin, as he wears a full body suit.
Attire- He wears a full body form fitting suit made of silicon steel fibers, meant to allow the body to move and breathe freely, while still allowing for protection against attacks. Two metal plates attach adjacent to the shoulders that allow for more protection to the joins. As well as a form fitting helmet, the top chest part ends just slightly below the waist, hanging over the pants of the suit. He also wears a leather belt that holds his light sabers on the side. He wears knee high boots that are 100% steel, for rough terrain.
Owner:sir hatless
Clothing: Karkin often wears very soft colors, tans, sky blues, and the like, the only time he wears something more eye catching is during celebrations when he dusts off an old uniform that his mother made him before he became a Jedi. The uniform is always paired with his father's swords (Mentioned above) which are purely used for decoration.
Armor: Too keep him mobility up in combat Karkin wears only a reinforced Combat Suit, it's not much but it can lessen the damage from a blaster bolt or a vibroblade, by quite a bit giving him a chance to strike back
Weapons: Lightsaber (Blue)
Race: Dathromir Witch
Clothing: She is dressed in a black waistcoat around a red sleeveless top. She wears black trousers, with her usual black leather boots that are easy to move in.
Armor: None.
Weapons: Blaster Pistol, Light Saber (purple)
Special Items: Sapphire Ring- A silver ring with small blue sapphires that surround it, An R1-G4 unit named Sandal.
Alignment: Neither
Apperance: The Dathomir witch stands roughly at 5’7 feet. Varla has dark hair that is usually tied in a ponytail. Her eyes are mystical bright grey, enchanting many with their unique beauty. Her figure is slender. On her right arm is a tattoo of her home planet.
Owner: Oishii
Race: Human
Weapons: Lightsaber (light blue)
Special Items: The crystal from her mentor's first lightsaber, worn as a talisman.
Alignment: Rogue
Apperance: Alaena stands at 5' 7", has a lithe build.
Owner: Cheshire
Race: Human/Mandalorian
Weapons: X1 Blaster pistol, X1 heavy reapeter Rifle, X1 Vibro blade.
Special Items: A simple golden neckless that she keeps on hand (thought doesn't often wear out of practicality) given to her by her wife to symbolize her support while she's at home raising their daughter.
Alignment: Neutral/Mandalorians/Clan Vhett
Apperance: Ash'amur's appearence is concealed muched of the time by her heavy Mandalorian armor. When she takes it off, however, one see a build distinctly female, though heavily conditioned for war. She is young, at least by Galactic, if not Mando standards, so many may look at her as just a kid, but she shows distinct signs of being quite familiar with combat. Her eyes hold the look of one who has fought countless battles. Her body, though feminine, is toned and built for war. She has numerous scars decorating her body, standing out from her slightly pale skin, from either combat, or simply training: each one a reminder of some mistake or another that she will not make again. A vibroblade-caused scar is particularly noticable as it decorates her right cheek. All of this is topped off with straight black hair, cut at shoulder length.
Karlika and Sir Manguydude are also allowed to post. Im just way to lazy atm to put their characters in the database.
5139 BR- RP starts.
5139 BR- Day one, A Tremor runs through the force twice, All seem drawn to Coruscant.