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08-06-2010, 06:57 PM
Leon moved very slightly in his seat. He felt something very disturbing on the horizon. A shift in power, his usurping, and then his death. He had been alive for seventy years, and he did not plan on dying now. Something was happening in the systems, that he had to stop by any means possible. He stood up from the chair that the chieftain of Milan sat in, a black throne with red lines running down it like blood with two skulls at the arm rest ends.

His eyes moved over all the people gathered here in front of him, bowing out of respect, and something else. Something everyone would come to have when they thought of him, something so powerful it would make the foundations of the very universe shake. Fear.

Yes fear, the Destroyer of titans and usurper of empires. A tool so powerful that not many wield its beautiful, yet terrible reigns for long before being killed. But Leon would have to in order to keep himself alive. Leon strode out past the bowing followers into the night. He looked off into the distance and saw a beast so terrible it brought about millions of deaths without warning, without hesitation, and without remorse. The Beast known as Change. Some embrace it as a babe suckling a mother, but still more feared it, still more hated it. Yes... He could use that...

Light years away...

Sirius felt the hair stand up on the back of his neck and he spun around. Something was out there, watching him. Watching him as he stood sentry over his Clan house. His hand flew to his saber and he pulled it out, switching on his magnetic gloves making the saber cling to his gloves. He activated his saber and his force-enhanced senses tingled as he looked around for whatever it was that was watching him. Doing all of this took him only a fraction of a second as he scanned the trees that were not far away. An animal moved very slowly towards him, its eyes a dark-purplish hue mixed in with black and specks of white in a swirling pattern.

The beast was a good 250 pounds and 6 feet long, and resembled the arcanic artic wolf, except its fur was swirling black and white, literally swirling. It's hypnotic stare latched onto Sirius's eyes and the two stood there for a white, then the beast turned and moved away, soon Sirius couldn't even see it, however he stood there, rooted to the ground. The beasteonly revealed itself when great change was coming.

Lord Tully
08-06-2010, 08:48 PM
Karkin sat on the very top of an immense spire on the planet of Coruscant, He sat on the 10 foot wide platform with his legs crossed and his hands clasped together. Had there been any bystanders they'd no doubt mistake him for some type of praying monk with his tan robes but Karkin was no monk, he was a wielder of the Force. The Spire offered him quite far above the noisy city where he could meditate and focus his mind as he manipulated various tiny pebbles with the Force. His meditation was cut off however when he felt something very strange, a very oppressive feeling flashed though Karkin's mind but was gone in a second, he didn't know what caused it or where it came from but it concerned him. Karkin had never felt anything like it in tone or power so he jumped to his feet and moved to the small ladder he had used to get onto the roof and climbed down several stories to reach his speeder, ~I should inform the clan master of this.~ He thought as he flew off in the dark green civilian craft towards his home to contact his Master

08-06-2010, 09:13 PM
Footsteps echoed down a long stone corridor. She could sense so much energy coming from beneath her, and felt as if many eyes were watching her. Varla slowed her pace as she reached the end of the corridor. She paused immediately, and crouched. Her fingers felt along the stone surface, she pushed down on one of the stone tiles and heard a rumble from behind her.

Another passage had opened directly to her left. A flight of stairs took her further down into the depths of the temple. This was just mere curiosity. She wasn’t hoping for anything expensive or amazing. She felt a large amount of energy underneath the temple. The stairs came to a quick halt and Varla stopped.

Several statues surrounded her as she entered a circular room. Each of them held out their hands in worship. In the middle of the room she felt their presence. A sole statue stood surrounded by the others. It held in its hand a small scroll, in which she took her hand out and grasped it. She opened it, and traced her finger over the writing. When she realized she couldn't read it, she shoved it in a small black bag quickly. The Jedi slowly turned and the temple began to shake rapidly.

She stopped several rocks from collapsing on her, she threw them to the side and darted up the stairs as even they began to grumble underneath her feet. Her heart pounded wildly as she retraced her steps through the temple. She leapt over pits that opened up in front of her on instinct alone, and dodged several spears that were thrown out of the wall. Finally, she felt the cold spine-chilling tempature up ahead and knew it led to safety.

As she exited the temple she felt the snow crack from under her feet. Of all the planets she had travelled to, Hoth had been the worst by far. Varla stopped right outside her ship where Sandal was waiting for her. The scout opened up, and without a moment to waste she leapt into the small ship. It began to levitate slowly in the air.

Sandal greeted her with its usual coded language.

"I'm unsure. I found some sort of scroll. I'm unable to decipher them."

The small R1 unit continued, and offered her its assistance. As the ship began to leave the icy planet Varla smiled at her trusted companion. "That's quite alright, Sandal. We should get to Coruscant. Set our destination to there. I want to get a moments rest before we arrive, will you be able to handle this?"

Sandal agreed and Varla closed her eyes. Perhaps this was it. Perhaps this was the cure.

08-06-2010, 09:14 PM
Alti was eating what would be lunch when he got a very uneasy feeling. He could feel something wrong. It wasn't in his general vicinity, but it was definetly bad. He looked around, and saw nothing. He wondered what it could possibly be. After looking around again, still seeing nothing, he shrugged and went back to his meal. When he was done, he threw his plate and utensils in the auto-cleaner and headed up to the cockpit. As usual, he could only see the streaks of light that were stars. Thats about all yopu ever saw while you were at lightspeed.

He looked at the naz system, and it told him that they were about to arrive at his destination. He readied the ship, and then pulled back the lever. The transition was harder then it needed to be. The ship was old. Regardless of Alti's repairs over the years it still creaked, and things didn't move that should occasionally. Alti watched as the streaks of light decreased into tiny dots. He thought that was one of the more beautiful sights in the universe, seeing the stars appear from nowhere.

Alti checked his systems. IT read correctly, he was at Corusant. He was here because of a buisness deal with a certain partner of his. He had agreed to transport an unspecified cargo to Corusant and deliver it to a man only known as 'Racti'. Alti shook his head. He didn't remember why he had consented to doing this. Everyone in the sector that was in Alti's line of buisness knew who 'Racti' was, simply by reputation. He was the biggest cheat that had ever lived. He had even con'ed Alti at one point.

As Alti came in for a landing, traffic became hectic. There were numerous small craft, more than Alti, or many people, could count. Then there were the larger frieghters such as himself. Finally, there were the huge ship, those of military and goverment officials. Alti found a spot to land, and dis-embarked. The instant he stepped down the loading ramp, he was confronted by a dock official. He wanted Alti to pay an outrageous sum to dock here. "No way in hell am I paying tha-" Was all Alti got out of his mouth before he saw the thugs leaning against a nearby wall.

He shut his mouth and payed the fee, watching as his cargo was unloaded. A ship pulled up on the next landing platform, and 'Racti' walked out. He was small, and no one had ever seen his face, or the rest of him for that matter. He always wore a cloak, hiding his features. Racti walked over, and payed for the cargo. Alti waved to the loaders to deposit the cargo on Racti's ship. It was only after Racti took off that Alti noticed that the credit chips, at least half of them, were fake. Furious, Alti shouted to high heaven about his misforune. He knew there was nothing he could do about it. He sighed and went to go see the sites. Maybe even make some money off this trip.

08-06-2010, 11:06 PM
Jaoode sat on the clan chief seat of the Hiraku clan, staring down at his son Sirius. Sirius came in with this absurd claim that he had seen a Destiny beast, and that he felt a great flux within the force. Jaoode should lock his son up for insanity, for surely he must be lying to him... But somehow Jaoode didn't believe that Sirius would lie about this. Sirius had never lied to him about anything, let alone this. Jaoode wondered why he, the clan chieftain, the leader of many force users and the strongest of all of those he led, did not feel this flux. His son had finally surpassed his power, and now that Sirius was around, his own force senses were dulled by the weight of this boys destiny. His bastard child. "Go" he said waving his hand. "And if you are wrong, if this is all a hoax, do not return." Jaoode's voice was a low baritone, grim and sad.

Sirius stood and bowed to his father. "As you command."

Turning on his heel Sirius strode out of the main hall and looked up at the three moons in the sky. "Polaris, Nimbus, Ashanti bless my journey" he said to the three moons as he continued on his way to the Grim Hawk. The night sky was a purplish hue with a green aurora flowing over it, giving it an eerie yet beautiful site. This planet was always dark, there was never a day time. It's 9 moons circled in a way that there was always a constant set of 3 moons in the sky. 1 Waxing, 1 full, and 1 waning. Not many had ever visited this planet, and not many ever would again.

As the Grim Hawk lifted into the sky Sirius punched in the coordinates for Coruscant, and the Grim Hawk shot off into hyper space.

~~~ Leon ~~~

Leon adjusted his stabilizers so his ship didn't implode as he dropped out of hyper space. As he dropped out of hyper space Leon ended up behind a ship with a strange feel to it. He detected the unique force-flow of Hoth on the ship, though now faint, but bigger than that he felt a witch of Dathomir, and even bigger than that he felt a unique flux in the force, coming from a very small item. "This might be worth investigating" he said out loud to no one as he guided the Dark Raven to settle behind the witch. He would follow her in, dock next to her, and strike up a conversation that he would gradually lead to something more interesting. He was sure she could feel the sudden change of the force behind her as he dropped out of Hyper space. He wasn't boastful, but it was hard to mistake the sudden rise in the strength of the force when it dropped in behind you.

08-07-2010, 03:08 AM
Iku stood on the open bay door just outside his ship, the Blood haven. His light sabers dangled against his outfit, the mask hiding the bored look on his face. He had felt the shift in the force, almost having cost him a great deal and losing his ship. After the flux, he had felt many shift's in the force, a presence heading towards the planet of Coruscant. He had just felt the rise of dark power as a ship pulled out of hyper space. Lucky for him, due to his low force use, and his raising, his energy would mostly be masked with the gathering of such force users.

"Should have taken the scroll when i had the shot. Would have made a massive pay for it. Hell, the sith lord would pay a lot for it. I might even get updates for my ship that I've been needing." Iku talked to himself, slipping back into the ship and piloted his ship onto a discreet parking bay and set the cloak device on it. He pulled a simple black hooded cloak on to cover his gear and armor.

"So, if I want some interesting time, I would follow the sith lord. But since he has yet to land, i will follow his presence. His own power should mask mine." Iku said, staring at the place where he had last sensed the Sith Lord. He could barely feel it now, but he could still feel it, but just. He walked off in the direction it was heading, making sure to check now and again that he was still in line.

08-07-2010, 04:59 AM
Rempt smiled as people gathered to watch his performance. Using nothing but his head and heels, he juggled a ball in the air. He was offered challenges as to how long and how many times he could keep the ball aloft. He won every singe one, of course. A sum of credits was piling up; soon enough he would be able to pay off that damn cantina tab.

It was all fake, though. The thing that was really keeping the ball up was what someone had called "The Force". Rempt didn't care what it was called; it made him money. It would tell him where the ball was and redirect the ball if it was hit wrong. "499," he counted, kicking the ball with his heel before catching it again with his head, "and 500!" He looked to the Bith that stood in front of him. "That will 100 credits, if you will." The Bith slapped a few notes into Rempt's hand and stomped away, angrily muttering about being cheated.

A Twi'lek came up to make the next bet, but Rempt shook his head. "Sorry, ladies, gentlemen, and whomever else might be here, but I'm all done on Coruscant today. Maybe I'll be around tomorrow, but who knows? I can't make you any promises." The crowd disbanded and Rempt let out a sigh. Who knew street performing could be so tiring? Oh well, he had money, and that's what really mattered.

Rempt made his way back into the cantina and called out to a server. "Rempt Nanlek," he said. "I'm paying my tab." Handing over the money, he walked away and started searching for a nice game of Pazaak.

08-07-2010, 10:40 AM
Varla was awoken with a sudden feel of unease. Something was trailing her. Sandal was reporting to her quickly, which gave her little time to decipher the R1 unit.

“How long have they been following us?” Varla asked. The small droid replied back quickly. “It’s too much of a coincidence. It worries me.”

Sandal responded with many questions as Coruscant came within distance of the small ship. “Well, of course you don’t feel worried. You don’t feel at all. I feel worried because it feels as my entire soul is being dragged down into an empty abyss. This Jedi is nothing to be messed with.”

“In any case, take us into landing. You have the landing codes, right?” She asked as she felt the atmosphere of Coruscant move the ship slightly.

Sandal initiated the landing sequence. The ship hovered over many buildings, when Sandal got the landing signal the ship lowered into a docking bay. Their stalker had also began to land, possibly trying to corner them. Her ship opened and Varla exited quickly after leaving the bag and its contents in the ship behind her.

08-07-2010, 06:49 PM
Leon input the landing codes and engaged his landing gear. His ship set down and he barely had time to step off of the ramp before the Witch was walking briskly away from him. Leon closed his ship and turned, he bounded forward, and in two leaps he was standing right next to her. Even more disturbingly was the fact that no one seemed to notice that the Force User had even done anything. "Hello" he said, sliding into a calm walk right next to her. "I realize you're trying to get away from me, but I do not mean any harm" he said as he slid both of his hands into the sleeves of his robes. His voice was a low baritone and the immediate area around him seemed devoid of life, and besides the witch it was. Even the bugs moved out of the way to make way for the swirling personality of evil.

~~~ Sirius ~~~

The Grim Hawk dropped out of hyper space as Sirius hit the thrusters and enabled the stabilizers. As he guided his ship towards Coruscant he felt the strong gathering of force users. He could also sense, down there on that planet, the sense of a dark swirling nexus of something ancient... and Evil. It gave him chills to feel such a strong and evil power coming from a single person on that planet. Then again, the entire planet stunk of corruption and evil. Maybe it was just his imagination...

Sirius input the landing codes and began his decent. As he landed he stepped out of his ship and looked around. Once again he felt the dark tremor in the force. Something gave him unease about this planet.

08-07-2010, 07:18 PM
Iku ended up near the landing where the one with dark swirling energy had landed. He stepped onto the docking bay as the dark energy man had begun to talk to the person he had followed onto the docking bay. He stared at the ships around and saw that most of them were simple single pilot ships. Any one of those could be her ship, to the untrained eye.

"As long as they are talking, I might be able to take that scroll." Iku talked to himself, taking the long way around the bay to avoid walking to close to her and tipping her off. His right hand slipped through the arm in his sleeve and rested on the black light saber. He looked back to where the two were talking, and cloaked his energy again within the dark energy of the evil entity, and walked around where the energy of the scroll was coming off.

"If only they could move a bit further" Iku said to himself. It seemed that the door was still unlocked and was leaning against a near ship and watched those to, waiting for the chance to slip onto the ship. If they would just move a few feet away, he could get on and take that scroll. If it was closed, finding a way on would be no problem, even if it meant destroying the ship. He pulled out the 4 point joint and swirled it in his hand a few times.

08-07-2010, 08:50 PM
"That's game," said Rempt. Private rooms really were the best for cheating. His opponent slapped his hands on the table.

"You cheated! No one beats me that easily!"

"Me? How could I possibly cheat you?"

"I could see you plain and clear! You were slipping cards into your sleeve!" The angry man drew a blaster pistol and pointed it at Rempt's head. "Give me back my money, or I will blow you fucking head to pieces."

Rempt groaned. "Do we really have to do this now? Today? I haven't gotten much sleep the last night, you see, and I'm afraid that I'll be too sluggish in a duel. But if we must, let's step outside."

"I just want my credits."

"And you'll get them; if you can win a duel. Credits won are credits won. No give backs." He yawned. "Is it a deal yet?"

"What's stopping me from killing you right now? If fact, I will." He pulled the trigger. The shot hit a force field and rebounded out of the room. Somewhere, someone screamed.

"Well there's my shield. But too late for a duel now." Rempt activated his protosaber and pulled the man towards him. "That was a nice game." He cut of his opponent's hand and head. The blaster clattered to the ground and the body fell on the table. "Too bad you had to be right." He left the room and let out another yawn. "So now what do I do? None of the right ships are docking for another week."

08-07-2010, 09:01 PM
Varla felt the energy move in front of her. It made her stomach drop, and chills move down her spine now that he was so close. Her fingers rested on her lightsaber, ready to spring when her gut demanded it.

"I realize you're trying to get away from me, but I do not mean any harm." His voice reached her ears. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

“I would heed that advice, if it weren’t for the warning in my heart.” She said slyly. “What remains to be seen is what you do mean…? What do you want?”

08-07-2010, 09:26 PM
Coruscant, late afternoon. An armored figure weaved her way through the underbelly, talking seemingly to herself as she headed to nowhere in particular. She’d finished a job, her pouches full of credit chips. She toyed with the idea of heading to her tiny apartment the family had for occasional trips, order herself a decent looking dress, and catch the Mon Cal Opera. She had always had a soft spot for the Arts. She would decide once she finished up her conversation.

“Wayii, tell Aunt Liita she worries too much.”
“And you worry too little.” A clipped voice, male, replied. A small, short snort of laughter was her response from her end. “I love you too cyar’ika. Don’t get yourself killed on the way home.”
“I dunno, with the way your Aunt is, I might get killed at home.” The conversation ended with a click. She stopped walking, feeling that nag in the back of her head. Over the years, she learned what that feeling was: a pre-emptive warning. Of what, she never really was sure. Which explained her preparation for every worts case scenario.

I worry too little, huh? At leas in appearances she did. She knew her husband was teasing.

Finding she had stopped in front of a bar. Decent-looking despite its location. Without a second thought, she strolled in. It looked like it was her usual plan here: An ale, a good scour of the job listings, maybe a trip to the Coruscant Library for a read or so, or renting a vid, holing it up in her apartment. Patrons of various species filled the watering hole-- her vibrant red and violet made her stand out, but it also served as a warning. Striding to an open spot at the bar, she waited until the tender was free before ordering. "An ale."

The man recognized the T-Visor instantly. "One of those Mando brews no, doubt." he muttered, slapping the bottle on the bar. She thanked him and paid her credits, turning away. She smiled as she examined the bottle-- the red, white, and black label was all too familiar.

Wayii- Expression of Disbelief or surprise. Pretty much the Mando "Oy Vey."
Cyar’ika- Sweetheart, Beloved, Honey, etc.

08-07-2010, 09:45 PM
"I know, the feral energies within me scare most people away from me, but I mean absolutely no harm to you" he said, the truth ringing in his words. "I am just merely curious as to what that powerful force-like object is on your ship" he said as he took up his stride next to her. He tried to suppress his feral aura, but failed, so instead he channeled it into a relaxing, calming, and enticing state, as if he were a Vampire using his charm. As a result people started to move closer towards them, but still kept their distance, and life began to flow normally around Leon, albeit people walked faster as they stepped by him.


Sirius stepped down off of his Grim Hawk platform and looked around the dock yards. He could see several unique ships, one that was very old and seemed rickety, a sleek black one, and another one with... someone, he didn't know who and the person had a small force feeling about him, standing next to it. Sirius could sense the scroll within that ship, its enormous power. And he could sense the rouges intent to steal said scroll. Sirius began to move towards the rouge.

~~~Random Character~~~

A shadowy man sat across the bar, staring at the new comer, a Mandalorian. She had a large bounty on her head, and he intended to collect it. He had a blaster in his hand, hidden under the table directed at her. Next to him was a Heavy Repeater rifle, and a Lazarus rifle (sniper). His eyes were covered in shadow and they were watching the Mandalorian intently.

08-07-2010, 09:59 PM
"I know, the feral energies within me scare most people away from me, but I mean absolutely no harm to you, I am just merely curious as to what that powerful force-like object is on your ship"

Varla believed him. In fact, she already knew that was the reason. The air around them became lighter, and she began to relax. This sudden change of power must have come from the Sith. She put herself at ease, her arms began to fold. The Jedi felt no further need to be hostile to the stranger.

“I couldn’t read it.” She said truthfully. “I was just on my way to get it deciphered. Why does it interest you?”

08-07-2010, 10:01 PM
Iku could feel that the one with the feral feel had changed nature, and decided now to be his best move. He placed the magnetic joint on the top of the white saber, the one he kept for easiest draw in need of defense, and gave it a twist, activating the locks on the top to latch the blade and joint together. He pulled his black saber out, which activated once it cleared his body. Most people when they saw the saber deemed it evil, as well as him, all by the look.

"Two inches up and three to the right, cut a hole one inch out." Iku said, taking a look around. He noted another force user had just landed, and had started to move towards him. He stepped closer and positioned his light saber accordingly, and traced the hole accordingly. He knew that the second he cut into the area, the droid on top would send out a warning. He was prepared to flee the second he had it, and hide in some bar a distance away from her, hopefully masking the presence in this secs pool underbelly of the city.

"Now or never" Iku said, quietly, plunging the blade into the ship. Just as he predicted, the droid went off like a siren. He ignored it and began pulling the blade in a circle, making a 6 inch hole where the feeling was coming from. He finished the circle and was rewarded with the metal plating popping out, revealing a simple black bag, which was emitting the force feeling.

"Think she would have protected it more" Iku thought as he pulled the object out, removing the scroll and separating it from the back. He deactivated the saber and placed it back on his belt, activating his force double step and bursting out from behind the ship, keeping his eyes forward as he passed the man that had been heading towards him in a blur. He had no time to stop, and kept on moving, looking for a good bar to hide in.

08-07-2010, 10:07 PM
Ash'amur had been sitting in the bar relaxing after a job when she saw one of her own enter the establishment. She wasn't a huge social person, but she considered going to greet them, when a unfortunately familiar face walked over and sat across from her. A Trandoshan. On her last job, her client decided the mark's fate couldn't rest in the hands of a single person and hired several more bounty hunters behind her back.

This one had gett'se. Here's the story. Knowing full well she was a Mando, he still tried to take the hit from her. She was about to bring him down when she was blinded by a damn grenade and when the smoke cleared the target was gone. Luckily she ran into him on the way to report in and... well... she got payed, he didn't. Now, back to the present.

"I want my creditss, you Mando whore."

"I don't want Trandoshan guts on my armor, walk away."

"Are you threatening ME!?"

"Not a threat, a promise."

"Why you- ... hey... are you paying attention to me!?"

At this point, she wasn't. He couldn't take her if she was blindfolded and drunk, so she was hardly worried. What had concerned was someone who was focusing their attention on the same person she had been, and she didn't get the feeling they were admiring her armor. They were positioned so that she likely couldn't see her observer's attentive eyes, but Ash'amur's position was more beneficial.

She got up without a word, leaving the lizard to scream and cry like a baby wanting attention. Taking in her surroundings walked over to the man confidently, but cautiously, she didn't have her helmet on, as... it sort of impeded the drinking process, but perhaps that made her a little less conspicuous. Approaching the man, she eyed his hand under the table and drew her own heavy pistol and aimed it at his head, "Copaani mirshmure'cye, vod?" she asked, pausing and laughing before translating herself, "Are you looking for a smack in the face, mate? You're not really stupid enough to draw on a Mando, are you?"

(gett'se = courage, nerve, 'nutts')

08-07-2010, 10:09 PM
As Alti walked away from his ship, he noticed a series of events unfolding around him, all of them interesting. He could feel a certain power building up in the area as people gathered. Some people were of obviously more interest than others, such as a pair, a man and a woman, walking towards some unknown location. The man seemed to have an aura around him.

Things became more interesting when a siren burst out nearby. Alti immeadiantly looked around to see a man speading towards him at a blinding pace. As the man passed him, alti reached out to try to stop him. Instead of reaching the man's shoulder as planned, Alti managed to grab onto what he was holding. The object slipped out of the man's hand and into Alti's.

Fearing retribution ALti vanished into the crowd and won an back alley, into the streets. He did everything he could to hide, unkowingly masking his presence in the force. He cointued moving, far away from the landing platform. He knew he would have to go back eventually to get his ship.

After much walking, Alti came to a stop and looked at the object he was holding. It was a scroll. He tried reading it. He found that he could understand it. It was written in an ancient twi'lek, which every child of the specie learned as part oif history class. Alti shrugged, and continued walking.

08-07-2010, 10:26 PM
Leon turned on his heel at such blinding speeds that it appeared he was a tornado and shot off after the scroll. As he was catching up to the man who had passed Sirius, another man latched onto it and turned into the crowd. Leon stopped in his tracks, the force of his sudden stop, and appearance, scaring several people. His red saber was ignited and he looked after the man. He would be a huge target on the radar so long as he carried the scroll. Leon raised both his hands, holding the saber pointing towards the ground, and separated them away from each other. The response was almost instantaneous. The entire crowd separated, people getting tossed on top of each other clearing the way for Leon, and in a single leap he jumped into the air, flying a hundred feet before landing lightly on a lamp post and jumping again.

After a span of four minutes he landed in front of the Twi'lek, his saber drawn. "I'd advise you drop that scroll boy" he said as he took a careful step towards the Twi'lek. "You know you cannot outrun me" he said quietly, his hand held carefully out towards the alien, his other hand holding the saber at the ready. His aura was a dangerous one, very dangerous.



Sirius watched all this happen with minor amazement, then he turned and ran after the Force user who displayed such powers, knowing that people would be following. The scroll was the main goal here, and he had to wrestle for it with many other people. The fact that the force user had cleared the way made it easy for Sirius to follow, and soon he came upon the force user and an alien. "Halt!" he shouted as he ignited his saber and stepped up behind the Twi'lek, his eyes on the force user, he made a slight hand movement to the Twi'lek to back away.

~~~Bounty Hunters~~~

The man turned his head slightly and said "No, I wouldn't. But there's a bounty for you too" suddenly the cantina was a flurry of activity as several more bounty hunters stood up, a various array of weapons directed at the two Mandalorian's. While the one holding the pistol to his head was distracted Lysander grabbed the blaster by its muzzled and pointed it down as his armored hand came flying around and smashing into the girls un-helmeted face, while letting go of the blaster and bringing up his own. Several bounty hunters had their guns pointed at the girl who had been hit, and the one who had just walked in.

(OOC: Cheshire, and her friend, leave the one bounty hunter who just struck Cheshire's character alive, as he has a role to play later)

08-07-2010, 10:34 PM
A siren rang out and Varla turned her head immediately. It was Sandal. She rushed back to meet him, leaping atop her ship as its shrieks rang out through the docking bay.

“What, what happened?”

It told Varla of the incident. Varla swore loudly, and reached in for her bag. It was gone. Her hand searched the bags contents again and again in hope that it was still there. She swore once more. Sandal told her that he had got a description. She raised her head and she swore a final time.

“You snapped a shot?” She asked sarcastically. “Well done, genius. Now if only I weren’t blind!” She leapt back off the ship, landing on her feet she took out her lightsaber, ready to draw it at any moment. In truth she knew this wasn’t Sandal’s fault. It was her own.

The Sith must have also fled the scene. She couldn’t feel him close by, but could feel the previous coldness she had experienced a while back. Against her gut, she decided to follow his aura, knowing the Stranger had an interest in the stolen object. Perhaps he was even an accomplice to distract her.

Her lightsabre was drawn as she pursued the strangers anger. Moving against her disability, she attempted to navigate herself through the crowd while still moving at a quick pace.

08-07-2010, 10:42 PM
He swore as stopped mid movement, causing him precious time. Some idiot had held out his hand, and grabbed the damn prize when he wasnt paying attention, to focused on running from the man with the huge energy. He turned, locating the source of the scroll, the feral man, and another.

It seemed to be the one who had been heading towards him. He didn't know why, but he had gone after the feral man. He pulled out and activated his white and black saber, and dashed off towards the location of the scroll giving off the energy.

It took him about four minutes time to reach the area, and head to the other side. He could feel the events unfolding, and pulled his hood up a bit more, to cover his eyes. He heard the man who had been heading towards him shout halt. It was then that he stepped out into the alley way, and took his stance, both sabers pointing downwards and at an angle. The white saber rested tightly in his right hand, while his left hand kept a loose yet firm grip on the black saber.

"I suggest you leave, feral." Iku said, using the description to name the man who was holding a red saber.

08-07-2010, 11:17 PM
She looked up noticed the pointed blasters. "Whatever is is, I didn't do it. Unless it was cutting you off on the speederway earlier. Then, my bad." The guns remained up. Ooh, tough crowd. "Well, if this is the way this evening is going..." With the ale bottle in her hand. She brought it across the face of the closest grunt to her, drawing her sidearm with one hand, and pointed her beskad at his throat when he staggered. A theatrical sigh escaped her lips. "...It looks like my evening plans are ruined. Such a shame, really. I was looking forward to the the Opera too..."

She eyed the staggering woman in her peripheral. "Me'vaar ti gar, ner vod? Looks like it's a bad time to be us."

Beskad- Mandalorian saber. Like a machete but with a longer blade.
Me'vaar ti gar, ner vod?- Are you alright, friend?

08-07-2010, 11:57 PM
Getting up with a little scratch on her face, Ash'amur just laughed, "Is that the best you can do, shabuir?" Grinning with a look showing she genuinely enjoyed where this encounter had gone, the moment the other girl struck with her bottle, she moved her hand forward to grab on to the closest thug and pulled him into a vicious head-butt, twisting his arm as she did to force the blaster away from herself. Spinning him around she held him forward as a human shield, gripping him in a headlock.

"I don't know what you mean, ner vod, I'm having a blast."

shabuir- extreme insult - "jerk", but much stronger
ner vod- my friend

08-08-2010, 12:25 AM
~~~ Leon and Sirius ~~~

Leon growled as he swung his light saber in a vertical slash downwards at Sirius. Sirius brought his light saber up, igniting it, and caught the red saber with his blue-green one and held out his palm to push Leon away. Leon countered Sirius's force with his own causing Sirius to be knocked back a couple steps as Leon swung around and took a brisk step towards Iku, bringing his saber around in sideways chop from the left towards Iku's head. All of this happened with in a span of five seconds and already the battle had become intense. Sirius got back to his feet and ran at Leon swinging his saber at Leon's torso from the right.

~~~ Lysander and the Mercs ~~~

Lysander fired his blaster at the neck of the merc who got taken into a head lock. As the blaster bolt hit the neck, it sheared through the skin of the neck, separating the body from the head and hitting the Mandalorian holding him in the shoulder, and also spinning her out of the way from an incoming Vibro blade. All at once blaster bolts started flying and Lysander dived to the left down behind a table, his cloak flying off and hitting another mercenary. The cloak suddenly exploded splattering mercenary all over the room.

Lysander ended up rolling right up next to the Mandalorian he hit with the blaster bolt and kicking a table so it covered them both. "How ya doin?" He shouted over the din of blaster fire, while he raised his blaster over the table top and began to fire at a group of four mercs hidden behind another table who had their rifles directed at the other Mandalorian.

08-08-2010, 12:36 AM
Iku brought his white saber up and blocked the red saber with ease, and allowed him to spin with the strike, taking very little time to do so. He swung his black blade upwards from the left at a steep upward diagonal attack. He had seen the second man come up and attack from the right. He also noted the scroll in his hand and was already planning what to do.

If I allow myself to be sucked into this, the chance i have of taking back the scroll becomes very limited. If I allow these two to continue fighting I can take the scroll back with ease. Must wait for the right time

Iku ran this through his head in seconds, hoping that all played out the same he wanted. All he needed was to be knocked against the wall and ignored for the fight. And once he had the scroll, he could escape some where, with the corruption so high, he could hide the scroll with ease.

08-08-2010, 12:43 AM
"Tch, that's makes one of us." She nudged the one with her blade at his throat with her boot. "Oi, you. What's my price? Well, I'm guessing it's pretty hefty, if and aruetii like yourself is taking it. The question is, is it worth your life?"

It seemed her counterpart could handle herself on her end, but what about her? There were about three...four of them at most. Ten years ago, she would've gone in guns blazing, but, she learned in time, that was not the proper way to react when outnumbered. So, she did what she usually did, keeping a cool facade, throwing them off with a nochalant air while her mind went through a million possible situations. At best she could do it herself, with some damage--or end up dead, which would put a damper on things. She rather liked living. Maybe...just maybe...she might get her fellow sister-in-arms to help.

She sighed. Just one of those days....

Aruetii- Non-Mandos, can mean something as harmless as 'foreigner' or as insulting as 'traitor'.

08-08-2010, 12:44 AM
Alti watched the fight, wondering who exactly these people were. He also wondered just how the hell they had found him. Of course he had heard of the force, and the people it used. This hinted that possibly the scroll was more than just a scroll. While they were all focused on each other, Alti slipped away from the fight, inching down a back alley, and running for the public. He came out far away from his ship. He hailed a cab, and jumped in even before it had landed.

"Take me to this adress NOW!" He shouted frantically at the driver, shoving a slip of paper into his hands. The driver read it, then nodded. He knew that adress. It was the adress of Racti. While he may have been the biggest cheat in the galaxy, Racti could make anyone disappear, and no one, not even a force user would be able to find them. As the cab flew threw the skies, Alti was always looking back.

When he arried at the right adress, Alti payed the cab driver, slipping him the fake credits. The thing the cab drver didn't know was that the chips were rigged with a mild explosive. Alti wasn't going to risk the people following him by that route. He walked into the building and set up his disappearance.

08-08-2010, 12:59 AM
Varla approached the scene far too late. She heard the clashing of sabres and could feel it in her bones that the sith had engaged battle with another. Varla didn’t care who was fighting, only that the scroll was no longer in the area. She slammed her fist into a nearby wall in dismay and fury. She knew she’d never have another opportunity like this one. What hurt Varla the most was she didn't even know if it were a true opportunity.

Her lightsabre dug into the ground, burning it quickly. She took no notice of this, pondering what to do next. She was careless and reckless. She was so worried about the other Jedi she never saw the break in happen. She was far too trusting that no one would take a strike at her ship.

Varla could sense the dark stranger was one of the two in battle. He had tracked it before with little knowledge of the scroll, perhaps he was her best chance to get it back. It was worth a shot, she told herself. He seemed to want it as well. She quietly waited for her potential ally to come on top in his duel.

08-08-2010, 01:03 AM
Leon noted the two sabers flying at him, and he stuck his hand out, the pure weight of his force hitting Iku and sending him flying, conveniently in the way that Alti had just run in, though it left him breathless, like falling on is back from a high fall. Leon swung around and parried the Saber swung at him with a diagonal slash from the left. Sirius brought his saber up and caught the blow, his hand reaching inside of his cloak and pulling free the rifle, which he pointed roughly towards Leon's heart and fired. Leon reacted instantly, his saber catching the bolt and sending it swirling into the sky. Sirius fired again and again, and yet again Leon sent them spiraling away.

Sirius fired yet another bolt at Leon, and once again Leon sent it skittering away, however Sirius surprised him with a sudden blast of force, sending Leon stepping back a few steps, Sirius darted forward and slashed downward at Leon, who barely blocked the blow before Sirius fired yet another bolt, Once again Leon barely blocked it and Sirius struck again like a cobra. Leon felt Varla as she came closer and he sent her a message through the force so strong she could hardly ignore it. "Help me, and I'll give you what you desire most!"

08-08-2010, 01:08 AM
As she kneeled down with her back against the table, Ash'amur turned and blinked, "Me'ven?" she muttered looking confused, "Which side are you on, aruetti?"

Looking over to her fellow Mando, she sighed, "Answer me when we're done" she muttered, drawing her vibroblade and vaulting over the table and cutting down one of the thugs in a single motion. The blaster shot had barely scratched her, thanks to the heavy armor, so she was still fighting full force.

Looking over to her, vibroblade in hand she jokingly commented, "Chaavla sa shebs be'striili... no?", waiting for an opening, not wanting to charge recklessly and get her killed.

Chaavla sa shebs be'striili - rough as a strill's backside - phrase used to describe a bar that's a dive, an uncultured individual (by Mando standards) or a very violent, dangerous neighbourhood
Me'ven? - Huh? What? Expression of bewilderment or disbelief

08-08-2010, 01:12 AM
Iku shuttered as his back hit a wall, causing the breath to leave his lungs for a minute. He could feel the scroll leaving, and it picked up pace, probably getting into a cab once he was clear. He stood up and placed the black light saber away, having noted the fight tying up evenly. He no longer had a reason to fight, and pushed most of his force in his force double step, and used his speed to jump up the walls and onto the roof, before boosting off in the direction that the cab had taken. He knew that once the scroll got to far away, the scroll would be lost to him, and he would lose any chance to sell it. He had though, before leaving, left a high feeling of wanting to meet the man fighting the feral man again. He could use that man, if he ended up selling to feral.

If he gets off this planet and hits the hyper drive, he could easily be lost to the many systems out there. Iku thought to himself as he ended up at the building where the scroll had entered. He switched the white saber for the black saber. He walked up and force kicked the door open, just behind the man with the scroll.

"If you want to live, hand over the scroll." Iku said, pointing the black saber at the man, keeping his free hand on the top of the white saber.

08-08-2010, 01:18 AM
A harsh voice echoed in her head. The voice was identical to the Jedi stranger she had spoken to moments ago. "Help me, and I'll give you what you desire most!" The voice sank through her mind, causing a ripple of sudden thoughts to open up to the girl. It stirred a desperation within her, one that craved to be able to have vision, and not just feel.

Without hesitation, she trusted the man as she had before. She lunged in front of the attacked, parrying with him. The blades crashed, and Varla raised her hand and released a massive amount of energy, powered by her recent anger at the thieves. She released the energy, attempting to throw him back far enough for her ally to recuperate himself.

08-08-2010, 01:33 AM
~~ Sirius ~~

His eyes widened as a woman suddenly darted in front of him and blocked his blow and sent him spinning away from them fifty feet into a building, also knocking him unconscious.


Leon was doubled over with his hands on his knees, breathing heavily. He was overwhelmed by the pure amount of attacks, if he had had a chance to use his own force he would not have needed any help, but that was past now, the Force user's force energies dropped off of his senses, and Sirius appeared to be dead.

"Thank you" he said quietly as he straightened up and put his light saber away. "You have saved my life, and for this I must reward you. I know you are blind. I know you desire sight. It is in you, I can feel it. Desire so strong you'd kill anyone to have your sight back. An anger too" his voice became soft, enticing, lulling, but it had a hint of evil that would send thrilling shivers down someones spine while also scaring them. "Anger so strong at the unjust universe that took your sight from you" his mouth was close to her ear, his manner seemed almost sexual. "I can give it back" he said, "And much more, I can give you power beyond your imagination" his breath was a whisper against her ear.

~~~ At the Cantina ~~~

As the Mandalorian woman killed the man with her talents Lysander rolled out from under the table and finally came into full view. He had on the suit of a Mandalorian, but one could tell that he was not from Mandalor, either making him a thief, or else an honorary member of a Mandalorian clan. As he came up, a blade flew out of his armor from the elbow all the way up to a full eight feet past his hand and cut a mercenaries head off. In addition to the blade flying out, a helmet began to construct itself from a lumpy-shape on its back, forming to fit his head so that he now had a helmet on.

Whoever this was, he had the latest Mandalorian technologies, and he was a skilled killer, that much was obvious as he ducked a blaster bolt, slid up to a man and caught the barrel of the blaster rifle and tilted it away from him as his hand came up and struck the man in the jugular. A sickening crack followed by gasping came and the man began to suffocate as his crushed wind pipe would not allow him to breathe.

The bar was only quiet for a moment before more laser fire began to rip through the building as mercenaries who were waiting outside began to rip the building apart with blaster fire. The man, from his position, kicked a table at one woman, effectively creating a barrier for her to hide behind, while he hit the other woman from the side with a tackle, effectively hiding them both behind a thick bar.

08-08-2010, 01:38 AM
Alti started when the door was kicked in. Once again he wondered how these people knew how to find him. He grimaced and turned around, seeing the drawn lightsaber. He considered his options, and found that no matter what he did, he was likely going to die. Furrowing his eyebrow area, he put his hand to his blaster. He wasn't going to give up something so obviously important to this man, or anyone.

"Now listen here. I'm not going to give this thing up to you, or any of you other crazies. You stole it, and now you're ready to kill for it? Thats just insane. It's not like you'll even be able to read it. No one who knows how is going to tell you." So it was. Any Twi'lek, Alti included, weren't going to give up part of their language to anyone. It was part of the whole cutural protectiveness thing.

Alti back away, seeing his chance to escape. Racti was alredy gone, but his men weren't. They now came out, blasters drawn, aiming at the threat. Despite there being five of them, Alti didn't really count on them winning. he had seen the man's speed. They likely wouldn't get a shot off. Alti instead took out the scroll, and unfurled it. He looked over it once, memorizing the words. It wasn't hard to do. Alti then rolled it up again. He looked back at the man. "Egh, the darned thing isn't going to be much worth. Probably only worth something to you force users. But, you won't be finding out." He then pressed his blaster to the scroll, and pulled the trigger.

08-08-2010, 01:50 AM
Iku swore as soon as the twi'lek put the blaster against the scroll. Iku automatically put his force rebound shield around the scroll, causing the shot get forced back into the barrel of the blaster, and the scroll was sent flying into the air. Iku grabbed the scroll and expanded the shield around him as the other men fired at him, reflecting the bullets into the wall. They continued to fire at him, which was an annoyance, so he pulled out the white saber, which still had the joint on it, and began to attach the other blades.

"If you had just handed it over, they would have lived." Iku said, pointing the now four connected joins and it hovered in front of him. All four blades were activated and he placed his forefinger to the top one, and spun it, using his force to spin it faster and faster.

"You can live. The others will die. Just remember this, the feral man, will be after you, once I get out of here." Iku said, throwing the blade forward. The walls showed the marks as the 5 men were beheaded. The blades were soon returned just as the men dropped, during which time he had called his ship. He walked out, detaching the black saber and holding onto the joint holding the other three. He used his other hand to take apart and placing the others away, the scroll tucked safely inside his chest. He stepped outside as his ship landed, it not having been far away.

"You signed your death by trying to steal this scroll." Iku said as he entered the ship. He soon entered the cockpit and hit the throttle, clearing into the airspace. He began to circle his ship, finding the furthest planet to hide on for the time being until he could stir up old contacts that could decipher the scroll.

08-08-2010, 01:54 AM
"Thank you"

The man stood, and quietly showed his appreciation for what Varla had done. Her hand had never released such enormous power. It surprised her, and almost made her regret her actions. Almost. The Sith’s lightsabre was withdrawn

"You have saved my life, and for this I must reward you. I know you are blind. I know you desire sight. It is in you, I can feel it. Desire so strong you'd kill anyone to have your sight back. An anger too.." His voice filled Varla with shivers. He spoke as if he was gazing into her very soul. As if he was seeing parts of her she knew only to exist in fantasies or dreams. This frightened her, but also sent a wave of excitement through her.

"…Anger so strong at the unjust universe that took your sight from you." Without knowing it her fists were curled. His words crawled into her mind like a snake, her life had been difficult, and not many showed sympathy towards her. This was a welcomed change. "I can give it back" he said, "And much more, I can give you power beyond your imagination" His mouth was inches away from her ear, and she stood motionless. Her heart thumping quicker and quicker.

Several thoughts ran through her head, and her conscience rang like a siren. It urged her not to trust this man, it warned her of the mans life she had just taken, and that she should feel remorse. However a dark voice was also speaking soothingly to her. She had taken so little from the world and suffered so needlessly, perhaps this Sith could be her salvation.

She straightened up and turned to face him, feeling the dark energy all around her. She was no longer frightened, but she was not quite at ease yet. A suspicion of this mans true intentions haunted her mind. “How can you help me? Why would you help me?”

08-08-2010, 02:03 AM
Rempt twitched as he felt something he couldn't quite explain. It was like an enormous disturbance that he could feel, but not feel. Must have been something about the force. The Council probably told him about it, but he most likely didn't pay attention. It was too much trouble.

By the time he was done thinking, a bar fight broke out in front of his eyes. Rempt tried to weave his way through, but before he could even get near the door, a he was hit in the chest by a blaster shot. The shield had deflected it, of course, but the shot meant that Rempt was now involved. It may have sounded strange to an outsider, but experience told Rempt that walking away after being hit in a bar fight was the worst thing you could do. Some thought it you believed yourself too high and mighty to take part, others saw you as an easy target for attack. Either choice was too much work to deal with.

Rempt reactivated his light saber and also turned on his vibroblade. Several people came at him, weapons primed and ready. They were dealt with quickly. The first few were dealt with the old fashioned way; sliced apart. Limbs and heads fell to the floor, adorned with weapons and shocked looks.

The next wave backed away a bit before drawing guns. Immediately, Rempt used the Force to throw them back, being careful to angle them to make sure each landed on his/her neck or whatever species equivalent they had.

Soon Rempt noticed a firefight happening between two small groups. Most people stayed away from the area. Those who didn't were being killed. Either way, they blocked the exit. Rempt let out a sigh. Looks like he would just have to keep fighting before he could leave. All because of that damned tab.

08-08-2010, 02:11 AM
Leon slid up to her, his body inches from her, his face barely held away from hers. His eyes, a pitch black color flecked with white swirls and red dots stared into her face. He released a held in breath and suddenly the dark energies around him became violent, only for a second, before he began to draw on the corruption of the planet itself. Suddenly it all slammed into Varla like a tsunami, but her body didn't move, her feet came off the floor slightly. Pain unlike any other entered her, traveling from her foot to her spine, finally gathering in a focal point right behind her eyes. And then suddenly it was gone. All of the pain gone in a heart beat, not even a memory of it was left. Varla's eyes suddenly filled with a bright light, then suddenly Leon's eyes slid into view, and it was the first thing she saw.

Sirius awoke when the sudden pulse of dark energies happened, and he jumped to his feet and looked at Leon and Varla, and knew that he had to escape. He turned on his heel and fled, running at full speed using his force to guide him even faster towards his ship. He reached his ship in time to see the other begin to take off, and he was in his cock pit and following it before it got out of his sight. As Iku boarded his ship Sirius sent him an encrypted transmission.

"Coordinates, please. We have to keep that thing away from the Feral one"

08-08-2010, 02:15 AM
The man staring down at her said nothing, and spat up at her. She was glad she still had her helmet on. Without a word, she decapitated the man with one slash. His head rolled, and shots were fired. As she made her way to the makeshift barrier, she fired three shots blindly, hopefully one made their mark as she dove over the thick wood and metal. Taking a moment for a breath, she fired another two shots, the scream she heard told her enough. "When you two lovebirds are finished..." she uttered under her breath as she saw the two others tumbling behind the bar. With one confirmed kill, there were at most three left against her.

08-08-2010, 02:21 AM
Iku smiled as the encryption interrupted his planning. It seemed that the one who he had fought the feral man was still alive, and wanted to follow him. He moved his hand towards the touch screen map and pushed it to the side, and continued his plotting. Soon enough, he got a planet far on the reaches of any system, and locked onto it, sending an encrypted message back to the man.

"Coordinates are as follow. Point 56-34E but Sect 10-9A, Yavin 9, to non rouges. Let's see if your toy can keep up."

He began charging his engines as he programmed the auto pilot to guide him through the hyper drive. He hit the switch for hyper drive as his ship slid smoothly into the hyper drive, his ships cameo activating just as his ship hit full drive. He walked back into the bed room and leaned against his bed, activating the bi pass com link if the man sent an encryption again.

08-08-2010, 02:27 AM
Varla twitched madly as pain soared under her very skin. Her head pounded furiously to the point she thought her brain would explode. It came to a sudden halt, and everything was still the pain was but a distant memory. Her eyes were extremely blurry, and for the first time in 23 years her eyes were reacting to light.

Seconds passed, but whatever the Sith had done had made her vision return. Varla looked upon him, more frightened by him now than ever. She gazed into his eyes. They were sinister, evil, cruel, malicious things. She stood, and her hands came into focus. Her fingernails were dirty. She couldn’t hold back the smile that overcame her. Her clothes, she could finally see and not just feel what clothes she had taken a liken to.

Varla raised her head at the Sith. Her saviour. His generous act made her unsure what emotions to feel. She was grateful, she was frightened that such a gift that came so easily, could be taken away just as quick. She was mad she wasted so much time hunting for a cure when this stranger had made it seem so easy. She opened her mouth, but no words came. Instead, the Jedi lowered herself to her knees, and lowered her head so her open eyes gazed at the Siths feet. She didn’t even know this mans name and he saved her. The Jedi felt she needed to repay him somehow. She was indebted to him.

08-08-2010, 02:47 AM
Grunting at being tackled, she grabbed the man and spun to slam him into the ground, "Ori'buyce, kih'kovid. The concern is touching, but I'm Mando, you can stop trying to be a hero." A few blaster shots fired overhead causing her to duck a little, "I'll be blunt. The next time you man-handle me, I'll rip off your arm and beat you to death with it."

Grabbing a fallen barstool, she threw it into the fray, nailing a merc in the head. She didn't like using this in place like this, but it seems like everyone had sufficiently gotten out of the way... and hopefully the owner, if he was still alive, would understand there wasn't much of a choice. She did love relaxing here for a drink. Reaching onto her back, she drew her heavy repeater, standing as she did; while the merc was still reeling from the blow.

Without a word she pulled the trigger and unleashed a flurry of automatic fire into the mercs charging into the bar, mowing them down where they stood, body parts being torn from the many powerful blasts. Most would have great trouble wielding a weapon like this with any accuracy, but that's why she was Mando.

She kept the trigger held down until every merc was dead the damn thing ran out of power... whichever came first.

Ori'buyce, kih'kovid - All helmet, no head. * Common term of derision for someone with an overdeveloped sense of authority .

08-08-2010, 02:52 AM
Leon smiled at her, his teeth pearly white, his canines were sharp as fangs. His eyes searched hers for a moment before he seemed to deflate, his aura sinking dangerously low. "Get me out of here, my apprentice" he said as she bowed at his feet. "I am drained, and it almost cost me my life, but it is worth it to gain someone like you on my side. Take me to my ship, load your droid, and let us leave this planet. The coordinates are already programmed in my ship, just have your Droid access them" he said, and he waited for her to take help him to his ship.

~~~ Sirius ~~~
Sirius was about to follow when he looked down and saw Alti. He flew his ship down and set it down before the Twi'lek, and opened his hangar bay. "Get in" he mouthed to the Twi'lek, leaving it up to him to decide wether to getin, or make Sirius force him in.

~~~ The Cantina ~~~
The man stood up and a smile was behind his mask. This was why he loved Mandalorian woman, so feisty. He knelt down on one knee, pulling a large weapon out from under some debris. He held the Laser cannon over his shoulder and took careful aim at a barricade of hover cars a group of merc were hiding behind and fired. The Laser cannon acted like a rocket launcher, and in seconds the cars exploded, killing everything around them. He stood up and turned to face the two women, and said simply. "Mandálii kote, su'van ca'atrë!" his helmet pulled back off of his face, revealing a man with amber hair and scarlet eyes. "Lets get going before the local authority shows up and starts asking questions, I've got a dive we can go to and lay low for a while, and I can tell you what this is all about" he said and ran past them towards a vehicle that seemed heavily plated to deflect blaster fire, and had scorch marks all over it.

Mandálii kote, su'van ca'atrë! - Mandalorian glory, our strength unmatched!

08-08-2010, 03:02 AM
Alti jumped into the cargo bay, wondering what would happen. The cargo bay door closed behind him, sealing his fate, whatever that was. Alti then walked up to the cockpit and sat down in the co-pilot's chair. "Nice ship you got here." He said to Sirius. As they left the atmosphere, he looked down on the planet, wondering what would happen to his ship. More than likely the port authorities would seize it.

Alti shrugged off the thought and watched as they jumped to hyperspace. He got out of the chair and headed back to the crew compartments. It was going to be a long trip he figured. As he sat down in a chair, his minf wandered back to the days hehad worked as a cabin boy. They weren't all happy memories, but they wre some of the better ones of his life.

08-08-2010, 03:07 AM
Varla nodded her head. “Thank you,… Master.”

She took his arm quickly and guided him back the way they had came. Her eyes took in every sight there was, the crowd of people, the crafts that hovered high above them. The sounds that met their speed. Realising little things would make her happy, just what colours actually were.

She finally came across her ship, it was only now that she realised exactly what she was flying in for the past decade. Sandal was still where she had left him. She could feel his droid eye on her. Her eyes looked at him for the first time ever. She smiled again, unable to resist.

Varla whistled directly at him. “Sandal, come.” She led her master inside the ship. Leaving her Scoutship, and her quest for her cure behind her. A heavy weight over her had finally been lifted as she saw inside a ship for the first time. The droid followed behind them quickly coming up the ramp. She loosened her grip around her masters arms, and knelt politely in front of him once more.

Sandal immediately questioned her quick change, she looked at him quickly. “Calm yourself, Sandal. I have finally found salvation after all these long years. We owe this man, and I will repay in anyway I can.” The droid followed her instructions and remained quiet.

08-08-2010, 03:12 AM
Rempt threw himself to the floor as one of the gunners, who he noted was a Mandelorian, stood and began firing a heavy repeater. As several people were slaughtered, Rempt concentrated and used the Force to pull any and all tables and chairs to himself, effectively creating a barricade.

Seconds later a louder shot was heard and Rempt peeked out to see a man, who seemed to be working with the Mandalorian and possibly one of them himself, if his language was any hint, fire a laser cannon. Outside, cars exploded, leaving nothing but carnage in their wake.

The winning gunners left, something about running from law enforcement. Seeing as he had no real choice, Rempt took apart the barricade and followed them, hopefully unnoticed, to a heavily plated, and scorched, hovercar.

08-08-2010, 03:25 AM
And with the other woman's assault, it was over. She let out a breath, the adrenaline still pumping through her. Getting up, she dusted herself off and strode over to the other armored woman. "Vor'e. I owe you." She turned to the man, who was now un-helmeted, his accent somewhat unfamiliar. He rushed an explanation and went running, asking them to follow. She scowled under her visor.

"Fine, fine." she acquiesced, calling out to him. "So long as you can make a decent pot of caf!" Sighing and stepping away from the other woman, she added, "Also; any funny business and I will gut you. That's apromise."

Reluctantly, she followed. Usually they helped their own-- unless they had a blood feud or other such things. She had none that she knew, which meant she was safe, but then again there was the price on her head...

Vor'e- Thanks.

08-08-2010, 03:32 AM
Iku smiled as he had gotten no messages from the other man, meaning either he had not gotten the codes, or had got lost. Either way, it meant he could possibly be alone. He headed out into the cockpit and watched the star's shooting by. To him at this moment, they seemed as streaks as light.

"Time to pull out, or I might crash into my base." Iku said as he pulled into the chair. He pulled out of hyper drive and appeared right over his base, the planet slowly moving due to the moons over Yavin. He guided his ship into the opening in the shield that allowed the ship to allow for air, and cloak any force energy emitted from him and anything that he brought him.

"Home sweet home" Iku said, as he stepped out of the ship after the docking bay had been pressurized. He decided to wait for the man as he activated the cloaking device and the lights. He had decided to make a base here, because it was in the outer rim with no life on it. With the quiet atmosphere, and allowed him to monitor places he usually visited without having to worry about people barging his door down every day.

He moved into the control booth, so that if the man came and landed, he could open the bay door without getting sucked out. He switched the outside monitors on and kept watch on the stars where a ship would pull out.

08-08-2010, 03:47 AM
Ash'amur looked around for a moment, walking over to her pistol and picking it back up, making sure all her weapons were in place. She didn't really have any qualms with the local law enforcement running into her. Their kind were usually soft and cowardly, nothing to get worked up about. Walking back over to where she had been seated previously she picked up her helmet and put it back on her head. The patrons kept their distance now, for obvious reasons.

As a force of habit more than anything else, she reached into her pouch and checked to make sure her chain was still intact. She knew there was little chance of it being damaged in that fight, however she always liked to be sure. She let a momentary thought of Layariad, her riduur, her wife, slip into her head. She didn't like to linger on those thoughts. Thinking about her made her get lost in thought, something she couldn't afford in public like this.

Shaking the thoughts off, she followed the other two. Though she didn't mind a confrontation with the law, she decided it would be best to stick with her new sister-in-arms... and she was curious as to who this strange man was.

08-08-2010, 04:08 AM
Sirius dropped out of hyper space over Yavin 9, his eyes scanned the surface of the planet looking for some sign of life, some sign of a base. He waited patiently for a transmission as to where he should land. He flipped on the com and said "Mr. Twi'lek, get to the co-pilots seat" and then flipped it back off.

~~~ Mercs ~~~

The Mercenary looked over at the two women now sitting in his armored transport. "Hello" he said simply, and increased his speed. "Now let me first, tell you why I wanted to leave. It's not so much the local Enforcement im worried about, as the people who will be following them. Now, I don't know about you buuuut. . . " he checked his mirrors and paused for a moment, then shook his head and said "Anyways, im currently sitting in a armored transport, with two Mandalorian bounty hunters who have a total of three hundred million credits on their heads. It's not exactly... Safe"

As if to punctuate his statement a heavy laser bolt barely missed the vehicle and slammed into the side of a building, the building began to crumble. "Bloody horrible shot, who's piloting that thing, a Twi'lek? Hah!" he shouted as his adrenaline spiked again, mad laughter ringing out from his elated self. "Ladies, in the back are two turrets, i'd like it if you'd show our perusers the meaning of accuracy.

~~~ Leon ~~~

Leon watched as his new apprentice maneuvered his craft then allowed her Droid to take over and send them to his home world. It was a world few knew existed outside of the Sith system. The sun there was black, as black as space, but the heat kept all the planets nearby alive. Leon fell asleep and trusted his new apprentice to land the craft.

(Thats it for me for tonight. Going to go watch movies with my family)

08-08-2010, 04:29 AM
Karlii smiled, reminding herself to call back home. Funny, while most people bragged about accomplishments like getting a promotion or what not, she was bragging about about a possible hundred-and-fifty million credit bounty on her head. With that amount of creds...I'd be willing to fake my own death and claim the bounty myself... It also made her wondered the price her husband had. Not as much as her though...

She didn't like being kept in the dark, nor did she appreciated being ordered around by some...whelp. He hadn't proved himself in her eyes to be in a position of authority. But, there was nothing she could do. Shrugging, she wordlessly found herself seated in a turret.

08-08-2010, 04:56 AM
As Rempt tailed the Mandelorians, he took notice of a bounty poster. Recognizing one of the trio's faces, he quickly formulated a plan. In the midst of this, two law enforcement officers had caught up to him. "What are you doing here? Did you have anything to do with the riot in the cantina?"

Oh, fuck. Rempt berated himself for getting caught. On one hand, there was an impossible amount of credits on the head of the Mandelorian. On the other, you didn't want to piss off a Mandelorian. He had one shot to capture all three of them. Bounties were worth more alive. "Yes, yes I did. But do you see those three people who just got into that vehicle? Yeah, they started it. I was just enjoying some Pazaak. I suggest you chase them." The officers looked at each other for a bit before speaking.

"Come with us." They climbed into a hovercar and drove after Rempt's target. The officers were speaking into a communications network; all of it police nonsense. Rempt was in the back seat, formulating plans for money. Looking up, he saw one of the officers aiming the blaster cannon.

Rempt panicked and jerked away the officer's arm. "You'll kill them, you idiot!" He had a second panic attack at what he had just done. The shot missed, but only just as it hit a building next to the armored hovercar. They knew he was there now. Not only that, but he just pissed off two officers of the law.

"Hey what in the-?" Before the officer could finish his sentence, Rempt knocked both him and his partner out and swapped seats with them. After making sure that both were soundly out, he looked back up and shouted multiple obscenities. The Mandelorians had manned the vehicle's turrets. He had one blaster cannon that needed an extra person to operate.

08-08-2010, 07:05 AM
"Tch, just 300 mil?" Ash'amur muttered dismissively before sighing and hopping in the turret, firing away at the vehicle tailing them. She took the whole situation in stride, like it was just another day. It kinda was for someone in her walk of life. She shouted back to the front while focusing her eyes on the battle.

"So, explain. Who the hell are you, where did you get that armor and how much do you know about this bounty?" she asked, rather bluntly, "I want answers." Not once during this did her focus on the battle waver. Quite frankly, war was their thing, and they were good at it. The ability to talk and fight is a rather essential quality for that kind of life.

08-08-2010, 08:53 AM
Rempt quickly brought up a Force Barrier in front of the police cruiser. The very act of deflecting such powerful shots in rapid succession was extremely straining. He used the short time he had to rifle through whatever compartments the cruiser had. Extra blaster pistols and cells, a few deflector shields (now stolen and hanging from Rempt's belt), electronic access cards, spare blaster parts, and finally, concussion grenades. Rempt gave a silent cheer and took note of each type. Three physical, five sonic, and two anti-armor. Not the most useful array, but beggars can't be choosers.

Rempt put his knee to the wheel and stuck his head and arm out the window. He primed and tossed the two anti-armor grenades, one sticking to the back of the armored hovercar, and the other sticking one of the doors. They detonated in seconds, destroying large portions of armor and nearly flipping the vehicle. Thankfully the blast radius was small enough to leave the turrets, or rather, the bounties, mostly untouched. With the windows shattered, he reached for a sonic grenade, only to hear a groan from the backseat.

One of the officers was starting to stir in his sleep, most likely from the reckless driving that tossed him around. His partner was on the floor with his neck at an unnatural angle. Seeing as he had already killed on officer, Rempt picked up a blaster pistol and shot the remaining officer in the head. That Jedi Mind Trick thing that a lot of people used would probably get him past any checkpoints.

08-08-2010, 11:26 AM
Varla took control of the ship. She looked at the planet below, it was full of darkness. Little specs of light is all that could be seen. She followed her instinct and the craft lowered into a small docking bay.

This planet was stranger than any she had ever felt before. It was quiet, and full of shadow and darkness. It was warm-- yet sent shivers down her spine of how empty it was. She sat in the cockpit, unmoving as her eyes still took in everything possible.

A feeling of emptiness surrounded the planet. Perhaps this was a sinister warning. Varla ignored her conscience which was still ringing like a siren of who she had aligned herself with. Was it wrong to want to feel indifferent to this mans cruel aura?

08-08-2010, 12:14 PM
Iku laughed as he saw the second ship pull out of star space. He sent an encrypted message of the landing area, and as well as deactivating the auto defense turrets so they didn't blow their ship apart. He didn't want to blow up his new meat shield so close to his own base. After doing that, he headed into the communication room, and unfurled the scroll. He tried reading it through, but couldn't tell anything about it. He set up the scan on the computer and placed the scroll under it, allowing the computer to scan through it. He gave it a few minutes before the computer showed no signs of translating it at all.

"Useless machine. Seems I'm going through the old channels again." Iku said, opening up his contact books. He hunted through his channels, making sure to cross out his contacts that had died recently, and made sure to check off Jabba. He knew that that is what made up most of his bounty, which he had never checked. This was mostly because he had stolen from the man, just to see if he could do it, which was how he had gotten the blood haven.

"All treasure hunters who want a huge score. Need translation, or selling partner. Sending sample of text." Iku sent in, making sure the source was scrambled so that it showed the signal coming from another planet base, which he had once tried to own and sell. Local officials had stopped him, but he had been so close. Next time he tried that, he would have to make sure the locals were no where in sight, or were dead.

08-08-2010, 07:49 PM
Leon felt his ship touch down and waited, no to long, but soon the cockpit doors opened, and standing there were forty figures cloaked in cloaks of blackness, all of them holding Red sabers out and at the ready should they need them. "Come with us, Lord Sith" they said to them, their voices were like Leon's. Dark. . . Evil. "You have been challenged to a fight for the leadership of the Sith system by Drey'Driak." Leon looked down at them all, they seemed to be only brave when there was forty of them there.

"I just came back from a mission. I am unable to fight-"

"Then you are forefit"

"But my new apprentice will fight for me" he said, and they all looked stunned. "Varla, my dear, it is time for you to prove yourself to me" he said to Varla as he stepped down off of the ship.


Sirius brought the ship in for a landing at the specified coordinates, looking out at the lifeless planet. How curious it seemed that any of these planets should be dead. Most of these moons circled Yavin at a sufficient distance from them that they should be able to support life.

As he finished the docking sequences Sirius stood from his chair and stretched. "Lets go my Twi'lek friend, and meet the thief" and he stepped down towards the docking door, opened it and stepped out into the base, heading towards a door that he saw first and stepping into it, and reaching the room the thief was in. Sirius raised his hand and the scroll flew to him, propelled by the force, and he opened it. He found he could understand very little of it. "So can you read this?" he asked quietly to the smuggler and the Twi'lek behind him.

~~~ The Chase ~~~

The Mercenary cursed as the grenades tore the vehicle apart the strange mercenary re-activated his helmet and said into the air "Autopilot, take us to drop-zone B plural Alpha" then he un-strapped himself out of his seat and went to the back of the ship where the turrets were and opened up a compartment on the back, pulling out a heavy repeater laser cannon that looked like a chain-gun. "I'll explain later" he shouted over the noise of the engines and repeated laser blasts.

The man walked over to a platform that began to rise the moment he stepped on it and put him out on the roof. As he came on top of the roof his magnetic boots activated automatically, gauging the wind resistance and deeming that it would knock him off the ship without them. The Mercenary pointed the laser cannon at the vehicle that had thrown the grenades on them and said "Goodbye Dar'manda" and unleashed a torrent of lasers that ripped into the tail, and engine, section of the enforcement vehicle, instantly shutting down its engines. He turned his body around as a large building came into view, and he began to fire at the building. The response was instantaneous. The building seemed to explode all on the same floor, obviously from primed charges that had been placed earlier and hit now, and the building slid down and to the right, making four ships crash into it and blocking the rest from continuing on for a moment.

That moment was enough as the ship turned a corner, picked up speed and slipped out of view. Soon it touched down in a hangar made from a mysterious gray rock. He deactivated his magnetic boots and jumped off the side of the ship, landing without so much as a crunch. "Come inside, i'll explain the story and you can decide weather to try and shoot me and make me collect that bounty on your heads"

08-08-2010, 08:30 PM
Rempt could do nothing but drop his jaw as a third hostile came out of the ship with an even larger gun that what most specialized military units carried. "Oh damn every single one of you." The bolts tore the ship apart as Rempt focused his barrier around himself and turned on all the shields on his belt. The Force barrier only withstood a few shots before breaking and his shields slowly began to shut down one by one. In the end, he had one shield that probably didn't have enough charge to stop a thrown rock. As the cruiser came to a halt, the bounties had managed to blow up a building, further hampering his progress.

Rempt slipped on his mask and stepped out and surveyed the situation. He jumped to the top of the wreckage, thanking his Force abilities, and watched as his target rounded a corner and was gone. He sighed and jumped down to the other side. Was this chase really worth the money? He'd much rather be sleeping, but a few hundred million credits would probably set him for life. After thinking for a bit, he ran and continued to pursue his targets.

08-08-2010, 08:51 PM
As soon as they began to exit the ship, about 40 figures as terrible in appearance as Leon entered the port. Varla stood out in the crowd. There was still an air of purity around her. Her skin wasn’t pale, and her new eyes hadn’t been quite tainted by the sith.

Their lightsabers were drawn, and Varla had hers in her hand. Sensing danger all around her. Her master didn’t seem scared, so she decided to show no fear either.

"You have been challenged to a fight for the leadership of the Sith system by Drey'Driak."

"I just came back from a mission. I am unable to fight-"

“Then you are forfeit-”

"But my new apprentice will fight for me,” Some sith showed surprise, and Varla mirrored their confusion. “Varla, my dear, it is time for you to prove yourself to me”

Varla said nothing. She looked at him and nodded. Her face not showing any hint of fear. She anticipated using her eyes now in combat, instead of relying on sensing her enemy’s movements. Her eyes would now be a vital tool, giving her more power at her disposal she would be wasting otherwise.

She finally spoke to the crowd. “I accept this challenge, my master.”

08-08-2010, 09:42 PM
"Tch, somehow I think you wouldn't survive the encounter, even if you bagged one of us." she uttered, her voice projection off. Switching it on with a click of her teeth, she spoke up. "Look I usually don't make it a point follow strange men into some shady building, unless I'm pissed, or the only one come back out. Though on some occasions I make an exception if they have good candy." Despite her levity, she remained wary, her hand on her blade. Her HUD kept blinking, informing her of a unread message, she decided to be polite and take it later.

She looked at her counterpart, "Shall we?" she asked, gesturing to the door.

08-09-2010, 12:05 AM
Iku had noted them walking in, but he paid them no heed, focusing on the computer in front of him. So far, the fastest responders were looking for money, but couldn't offer any help. A few others offered a trade, scroll for translation, so those he removed. All in all, from the ones he had gotten complete shit back from his call. One idiot actually asked that they meet up, to discuss the news up front. He could tell that this was either a whole new player to the game, or some one under cover. No rouge ever met in public unless the deal was struck, or it was random meeting. Those usually ended up in cop hunts or dual heists ending in cop hunts.

The man who had just entered used the force to pull the scroll to him, which was okay. He had already scanned it, and the scroll wasn't going anywhere. He could automatically set the defenses to take them out without damaging the goods, and lock the entire place down. He turned when the man had mentioned the Twi'lek, and Iku stood up.

"You brought him with? That just makes this a whole load of messed up. Well... at least this way we have all leads tied up. All that is left now, is to find some place to drop the scroll. It's to hot, and eventually, our feral friend will be hunting us. Problem is, it gives off enough signature to send off and money sensor that even the most di'kutla rouge could find... I don't suppose either of you know a place like that, huh?" Iku asked ironically. Even they should know the need to drop something that acted like a beacon for any hunter.


di'kutla - idiotic

08-09-2010, 12:39 AM
Ash'amur laughed at the man's comment. "You may have the armor and some skill, but if you seriously think you could take the both of us by yourself... well, I noticed you know some Mando'a, let me teach you one more word. Dinii, it's what you'd have to be to even think of trying it."

Shrugging after that, she followed, cautious of everything, not about to walk into a trap with her guard down. Her hand was ready to leap at the hilt of her vibroblade if given reason. Despite this, she was not frightened, she was not worried about being attacked, or being killed. She was Mandalorian, and Mandalorians didn't worry about such things.

There was one worry, however, that she couldn't shake. A fear that lingered in the back of her head despite her best efforts. If someone wanted her dead bad enough to put roughly 150 million credits on her head... they may attempt to harm her family... she knew it was foolish to worry about Layariad. She was as much an accomplished warrior as Ash'amur herself, skilled even by Mandalorian standards... she wouldn't let this worry throw her off her game, she would keep it out of her thoughts until she could call home. Until then, she would keep herself alive, just as Layariad would keep their home in one piece.

dinii - lunatic

08-09-2010, 01:56 AM
Leon smiled at his new apprentice's willingness. "Lets go, you lead" he said, his words directed at the forty men in black. They moved forward in double column formation. "When you fight this man, do not hold back. Let your anger flow free, and let it consume you. But do not let it be a reckless anger. Let it be a cold, calm, and collected fury that you unleash on those who displease me, assault me, or you. The man you are going to fight is a dual saber wielder, and he is very powerful in the force, and he has been trying to gain my throne for quite some time, this I know because I have fought him several times before. I let him live, out of amusement, but you will not do the same. You will end it, once and for all"

Leon straightened up as a pure-blindingly white dome came into view. It contrasted greatly to the black atmosphere. The plant life here was almost nil, but instead rock formations grew in jagged spires. The planet was very ugly, almost no beauty about it. The only thing that could be considered beautiful was the sentient life here, and they were only beautiful in a terribly sinister way. Their skin was all black, their eyes swirling red-black-purple and some had flecks of white in them. Still others had horns that stood out above their head, and every once in a while force-driven lightning would naturally jump between the two points.

Almost everyone on the planet had fangs, and claw on their hands and feet. They were almost all muscular, and even their woman seemed to be masculine.

~~~ Sirius ~~~
"I don't think there is any way to get rid of this thing in a place where no one can sense it. Destroying it would probably destroy us in the process, I think the only way to keep it from the Dark One is to keep it constantly on the move in Hyper Space. I noticed in Hyper Space that it dropped off the radar almost instantaneously. With this we can assume that if it's going a certain speed that Force Users aren't capable of picking up on it's energy signatures. We could put it in permanent Hyper space, but that would require a sacrifice of a Carrier, which I don't see happening"

Sirius turned with Scroll in hand and headed back to the ship and stepped onto the docking bay and went up the stairs to the cock pit. He pulled out a brown bag and stuck the scroll in, then tied the bag up and walked back down the stairs putting the bag and scroll in his cloak.

~~~ Mercenary ~~~

"The names Cassus Vhett" he said as he took off his helm yet again and turned to look at the two. "Someone out there, doesn't like you one bit" he said sliding a holocron across the table. The holocron activated and displayed the bounty for the two. The bounties were the same dead or alive 150 million on each head. "As you know, simply being in the same room as you is quite dangerous to my life, but I helped you escape" he seemed to be waiting for something. "The word I believe you're both looking for-" he said after a minute of expectant silence "is 'thank you'" he scoffed.

Then he turned around and grabbed two cups on the back, slid them across the table and then grabbed two ales from under the counter and slid them that way two. "Fresh from Mandalor, about 9 years ago..., Anyways, theres no real reason I helped you two. I just saw the bounties and thought it would be fun to help out two fellow Mandalorian's, cheers" he said and tipped a bottle back and took a long drink.

08-09-2010, 02:27 AM
She remained silent for while he explained himself. Finally, she removed her helmet. Tucking it under her arm, she put out her free hand in greeting. "Since you named yourself, it's only proper I do the same. Karlii Alor'ade. Though you probably already knew that." He uncle raised her to give a proper greeting. "I've only hear snips and rumors of you myself." She took up a bottle, and opened it. The label was worn, but she knew that taste. Nine years ago...meant this was probably brewed not long after she left on her own.

Has it really been nine years? Her and Ser would be sharing their third anniversary soon...her eldest nephew was to begin his training...
She suddenly began to feel old.

Needing to pull away from such thoughts, she said to the man, "Vor'e. For the beer and the little escape."

08-09-2010, 03:54 PM
Varla listened to her Masters words with utmost attention. The thought of facing a dual wielder was troublesome to her, but she could manage. The more she learnt about Leon the more she liked about the sith. He was cruel. Cruel enough to destroy someone’s pride, to humiliate them amongst his peers, building anger and frustration over time, just to dispose of them for his pleasure at a later date.

Varla never had a chance for such luxuries as pleasure. Since her blindness she swore to be equal to everyone else. This required a lot of hard work and effort. Still, something inside her stirred whenever her master spoke. It was if the chains that held her serious nature down was loosened. She felt like acting on impulse. Maybe that her sight had returned that she could finally be able to break them. She wanted to destroy them, why else would she be here?

08-09-2010, 05:12 PM
As they walke dinto the building, Alti was looking around at the defenses. They were quite formidable. In addition to powerful anti-air batteries, Alti could spot many things that would take out just about anyone, sheild or not. Foremost among these were Cerberus anti-tank mines that were deployed everywhere outside the compound. They weren't visible, but Alti knew the signs saying that they were there.

When they continued further in, there were yet more tricks up the man's sleeve. Hidden auto turrets, sliding bulkheads, even a couple of hidden flamethrowers and spike pits in more than one place. Alti was very thankful that these were not active. He didn't have a doubt that he could make it through them, with time, but he qasn't inclined to go through such a dangerous operation.

Finally, they came to the room that the man was in. Alti didn't pay much attention to what was in it. He was totally focused on the scroll. While what it had said would be rambling to most people, even those who could read it, Alti knew what it was talking about. Least to say, it was important. Alti was surprised when the man accompanying him reached out with the force and took the scroll, with no reaction from the man Alti had originally taken it from.

Alti reached over and took it from the man's sack, Unrolling it as he did so. "I can read it." He said simply. "But I'm not much inclined to tell you what it says. All I can say is that it would only be useful to a force user, and a completely insane one at that." Saying that, Alti rolled up the scroll again. "But you're right, destroying it, bad idea. After reading it a second time, I'm quessing someone put alot of energy into thi tiny object. I'd reccomend shooting it off into the depths of space, beyond. the galactic rim. At lightspeed preferably."

08-09-2010, 08:02 PM
Sirius didn't object as the Twi'lek took the bag from out of his cloak and took the scroll out. "I can read it" the Twi'lek said, and Sirius nodded as the next bit of words came. Then he suggested launching it out past the rim. "Thats not advisable. It's been recorded that an Aurora Scout can make it many days out into the universe beyond the outer rim. Besides, the only thing capable of hyper space for an indefinite amount of time is the Carriers used by Coruscant, Kamino, and I heard that there was one in the Sith Systems" Sirius turned to look at them.

"I don't think we can get our hands on any of those, so Hyper space is a bit out of the question. I think we're far enough out that no one from the inner planets can find us, but if they get too close to the Yavin System then we'll have to abandon this place. Specially if its that Dark One and his accomplice"

~~~ Leon ~~~

Leon looked out onto the arena. The inside of the arena was the same blinding white as the outside, but the sands in here were dyed the color of blood. A dark evil presence seemed to lurk here, so evil it masked even Leon's auras. It was if an ancient beast slumbered on here, at least until its blood sacrifice was made.

The dark Force User stepped out onto the field, waiting for Varla. He had almost killed Leon many times, that he was sure, killing his Drak'thuri pup would be no problem. In his hands were two light saber handles. Neither was ignited just yet.

Someone stepped out onto the field once both contestants were out there. He seemed to be some kind of official. "Kinan! Tu'ran Evian Brinvurack ire Ginjiji ein inutaria etu ire Sith briganti" the Dark Ones voice seemed to be no louder than a whisper, but all could hear it. And even though people didn't often speak the language of the Sith Systems, any who heard it could understand it.

"Un vien sude, ire Tyro etu ire Sith'ari. Un ire fava sude, ire Jen'jidai Drey'Driak" the Dark One said. There was no applause, no cheering. Not even a whisper of emotion ran through these people

The official backed away from the middle, and once he was to the side of the Arena he shouted. "Miran!"


"Kinan! Tu'ran Evian Brinvurack ire Ginjiji ein inutaria etu ire Sith briganti" (Welcome! Today we witness the battle for control of the Sith Systems.)

"Un vien sude, ire Tyro etu ire Sith'ari. Un ire fava sude, ire Jen'jidai Drey'Driak" (On one side, the Trainee of the Overlord. On the other side, the Dark one Drey'Driak!)


08-09-2010, 08:43 PM
A vile aura could be felt all around Varla as she stepped onto the dark red sand. She eyed her opponent, he stood terribly still. A smug calmness was clear on his face as both lightsabres lay perfectly still in his hands, ready to spring into action at any moment.

The air was heavy, and the crowd quiet. It was the calm before the raging storm was unleashed, and Varla couldn’t help feel a little bit intimidated. She took her lightsabre in her right hand, her legs spread apart in a stance that would allow her to move quickly.

Varla watched, and listened to the Referee speak in a language she had no knowledge of. She assumed it was the introductions. The crowd still remained as still as a graveyard as he spoke.


Was the final word, and Varla waited for more words that never came. She drew her lightsabre quickly. Seeing a green laser come out. It was the first time she looked upon it. Many times she guessed its colour, but now that didn’t matter.

She outstretched her arms, her lightsabre firm and straight in one hand, her left hand was outstretched, and she beckoned her opponent with her index finger, using the force in attempt to predict his first movement.

08-12-2010, 02:46 AM
Coruscant's building's gleamed in the reflection of Alaena's chrome finished speeder bike, her long ebony tresses tossing wildly in her wake. She could sense that she was gaining on her target as she rounded a sharp corner.

Unsure how many moments had passed since she'd felt the enormous stirring within the force, she glanced down at the sensors on the bike's gage screen. It hadn't been long and the unease that had arisen from the disturbance had not fully passed even now. She'd sent a short message to Iku via the holonet, asking if he had felt it too. Something about it, told her that most force sensitives must have felt it too. Which brought her back to the reason she was pursing the force sensitive through Coruscant.

There was a path of chaos and destruction parallel to her as she flew through the city's paths. She turned abruptly and found the one she sought after. A masked man running as fast as he could manage, or so it appeared. She shoved the fuel kick in with a loud purr and sped up, slowing down just as she reached his side. She had already begun to pour her intentions into the aura surrounding herself, an ability she found most useful.

He was a force user too, of that she was positive. He would sense her motives as she lay them out before him, filling the force around them with feelings of curious, harmless designs. She simply needed to know if he'd felt what she had. It was as if the force had suddenly exploded in a wild torrent and Alaena had never experienced a phenomenon such as this in the force before. She had a feeling it was uncommon.

That feeling also had in someway led her to where she was now. After she reached out to find the source, which seemed impossible, she had stumbled upon the spark of life in which she now faced. A force sensitive that she sensed was very powerful, though their power seemed raw. She glanced at the mask man, giving him a flick of her chin.

"Need a ride?"

08-12-2010, 03:37 AM
Rempt stumbled as he felt the Force stir to the side. It wasn't malevolent; far from it. It held curiosity and good will. He looked at the source. A woman on a speeder bike motioned to him and asked him if he needed a ride. He nodded and sat behind her. "You're a Force user," he noted, his mask muffling his voice. "Who are you with? Did someone send you to collect me? Tell them that unless someone I know is dying or they're paying me, I have nothing to say."

Rempt wasn't even sure if he could trust her answers. He's hunting a bounty and suddenly another Force user comes around and offers him help? "You know what, before you answer, I'm going to need your name. It's easier if I know who I'm working with." He looked back and already saw a recovery team moving debris and taking people into both police custody and hospitals. Huh. These people work fast.

08-12-2010, 04:04 AM
"Alaena Kyss, I don't have any messages for you and I found you of my own accord. I simply want to ask you a question. Well two questions. First where are we headed and second if you felt the same disturbance in the force as I did?"

She easily avoided traffic as she sped forward, taking them souring past any legal speed limits.

"I see your in pursuit of whatever laid waste here, is it the source of this 'storm' in the force?"

08-12-2010, 04:12 AM
Iku laughed at the statement that the Twi'lek had stated. Sending 600 people into hyper drive just to protect one scroll, dooming them all to death. A little dark, but a lot less people to bother him. He was annoyed at the statement from the force user. Even though they had escaped to outer rim, they might end up having to go further out to hide the damn thing, or let them come to his base. He had spent a lot of time making this place livable, and even longer setting up the defenses.

"I think it would be best to move on again after this. If I don't get anything... Wait" Iku turned around as a message beeped on his screen. It was a message Ala. He read it through quickly, and thought back to when he had decided to head to Coruscant. He replied quickly, letting her know that he felt what she meant. Iku had met her on a job, and they had kept in contact, making sure to make the message brief.

"Yeah, crazy shock there. Keep in contact if you feel anything else." Iku typed in, then turned back to the other people. He walked back to the others, ignoring the screen as it beeped now and again. He had decided to ignore the computer because of the scroll.

"So what the great plan now?" Iku asked, crossing his arms.

08-12-2010, 04:18 AM
"Hmm. Rempt Nanlek. Good to hear. Ask away.

"One: I have no idea anymore. Two: if you mean that explosive tingly feeling that came from nowhere, yes."

He took note of their speed and mentally shrugged. I already killed two cops, took their cruiser, and caused damage that borderlines terrorism. A speeding ticket won't kill me.

"No. I was chasing a trio of Mandalorians. Huge bounty. Up to three hundred million. They blew up that building back there to stall me. It worked and I lost them."

08-13-2010, 02:14 PM
"Rempt, let me tell you something. I consider my life to very full and eventful. It has occurred to me that this eventfulness is due to these facts. "

She swerved from side to side, easily avoiding traffic.

"I have the ability to control and sense the force and I've allowed it to guide me in all things." She smiled slightly, remembering the first time she discovered her talent, with the guidance of her mentor.

"It may seem very odd, but this anomaly in the force has led me to you. I cannot ignore this or take it as mere coincidence. The force has intertwined our paths. Where it leads... I don't know, but I feel your power and I'm interested to see what will happen.

Alaena looked back over her shoulder and gave Rempt a playful grin.

"So ...three Mandalorians..." She said thoughtfully turning her attention back to the road, "this will most definitely be interesting."

08-13-2010, 08:37 PM
"So the Force brought you to me, eh?" said Rempt. "Our paths intertwined? Sounds like a cliche romance story. But the Force works in strange ways. On the subject of Mandalorians, they're gone. I have no idea where they went. The turned a corner after destroying that building. Who knows where they are now?"

The mask was obscuring his view. Rempt took if off and grimaced at the blast of cold air on his face. "It looks like you're rather familiar with this bike," he noted. The bike swerved from repeated to dodge around traffic. One was sharper than usual and nearly tossed Rempt from his seat. Note: this woman might be more work than expected.

08-13-2010, 11:00 PM
The Dark force user ignited both his light sabers at the word "Miran" and tensed up, a wild war cry uttering from his throat. Both of his light sabers were jet-black with white edges. He shot forward, using force to propel him the fifty feet between them in a heartbeat, his sabers coming down towards her head while he willed the force to put pressure against her saber arm to make it harder to bring up and defend herself.


"We need to keep away from the inner rim. Anyone from any planet can sense it from there. We should also probably recruit some people in for security detail. I felt the force on that demon, it was off the charts. If he wanted to he could tear this base apart very easily and there wouldn't be much we could do about it" He looked across the room at Iku then at Alti. "I felt the shift in the force. That scroll in the focal point for it all. A war is coming, that much I am certain of. We need to be very careful were we tread otherwise-" he pulled out a paper weight from his robe and tossed it back onto a mine and it exploded. He didn't finish his sentence. There was no need.

08-14-2010, 03:51 AM
"I was curious why you had not given any direction. Hold on."

The speeder bike took a sudden path upward onto a support beam. Alaena followed it up the side of a building onto a platform where construction had been abandoned for the day. The speeder slowed to halt. She pulled the datapad she used for accessing the holonet. She'd already received a response from Iku, plus a message marked before she had even sent him word. She looked up at Rempt who'd removed his mask.

"If your not completely set on pursuing the bounty further. I may have found something potentially profitable. That is... anything my friend ventures into usually tends to be so."

08-14-2010, 07:26 PM
"That bounty's too much trouble," said Rempt. He took a seat on an I-beam and looked at Alaena. He closed his eyes and sighed, dropping his head and thinking how he even got involved in this. Right now, he could just say "no" and be done with it. But something told him it was worth it.

Rempt looked back up. "How much money are we talking about? One hundred, three hundred, two thousand...? In fact, how many people are included, counting us?" He looked at his depleted shields. "And what resources do we have?"

08-15-2010, 11:41 PM
"I need to get to a subspace transceiver in order to gather any more intel. You wouldn't happen to have a ship would you?"

Alaena glanced up from her datapad and studied Rempt shamelessly. His face was handsome she decided. Something about his features were a bit familiar though she place it. Maybe it was just her imagination.

08-16-2010, 01:52 AM
Iku had watched as the mine had exploded, and sighed. He heard what he had said, and that they wanted to get more people in here to help protect the scroll. Iku walked away from the computer and looked over the ground.

More people would mean easier people to help protect the scroll, but that would mean he would need to destroy this place afterwords. He thought he could bring in one person to help, Ala. If she could come here, she could help protect the scroll, and it wouldn't be some one he would have to kill to help protect this place, or destroy this place.

"I agree with staying farther out, so I have a few places we could go. They are a bit out there, but they have some cultivation. It would mean getting a bigger ship, to hold us all. I could take care of that, very easily." Iku stated. He looked back to the computer, and pulled out what looked like a jump drive with a screen. He crammed it into an output hole on the modem of the nearest screen, and began downloading a lot of info onto it. Soon enough, he had his entire computer copied and downloaded onto the computer. He ran through his contact until he came across Ala.

"Hey there, got some heavy hardware. Need to acheive zero visibility for a while. Need to inherit something from our old friend Jabba... again" Iku typed in, sending the message off to her quickly.

08-16-2010, 03:08 AM
Rempt quickly sifted through his memory. "I have a couple of contacts that can get us off of this rock," he said. "But it might take a while to call in all the favors. Give me about half an hour." He drew a datapad from his vest and sighed in relief. Despite that whole chase, it had received only minor damage. It flickered slightly when turned on, but aside from that and some scratches, it was fine.

Rempt began sending messages one after another and furrowed his brow. Why are those two being so difficult? he wondered. Eventually, he put away the datapad and stood up. "Come on, we need to get to the Sector 3874 docks. There will be a Twi'lek and a Bothan waiting for us. The Twi'lek is wearing an orange mechanic's jumpsuit and standing to the Bothan's right. The Bothan has a bad back and will be using a black cane. They're our ride."

08-18-2010, 05:57 PM
The ride to the port passed uneventfully. Once they sped across the sector docks she slowed to a reasonable speed, till they reached the duo they were searching for. She kicked up the stabilizers but kept the engine running low while Rempt dismounted and approached the the twi'lek and bothan. She would let him work out terms while she waited to board, while she waited to move her bike onto the ship. "If it's size allowed it"...she added under her breath.

Alaena typed up a quick reply to Iku.

"I'm on my way to you. I'm bringing someone with me."

08-18-2010, 06:53 PM
"What is this about?" asked the twi'lek. "I have a shift and my boss is going to me angry with me if I skip."

"And I can't keep telling my family that I'm going to see an old friend," said the bothan. "They want to meet you."

"Both of you shut up," snapped Rempt, "it's only the eighth time this week. Or do you want to spend the rest of your lives as cripples? You know I can do it. And besides, you owe me."

"Owe you?" exclaimed the twi'lek. "You bought us from the slave traders!"

"Exactly. You owe me your lives. Be grateful I let you live like citizens and only call you on occasion. But I could always report you missing to the hunters..."

"Alright, we get it, we get it. So what did you call us for?"

"I need a ship. A good-sized one with a small cargo bay for that speeder bike." Rempt pointed to Alaena. "Think you can handle that?"

"I can do it," said the bothan. "Give me a bit of time." He walked away, his cane making light clacking noises as he went. A short time later, he came back. "Done. Your ship is that merchant class docked at 398-02."

"Thank you, gentlemen," said Rempt, giving a smug look. "I appreciate your assistance." He walked back to Alaena gave her the ship's location. "Let's go."

08-23-2010, 02:29 PM
Alaena sped to the location of the ship and found it with ease. She pulled into the docking area and stopped. It was obvious the vessel had seen better days. She gave Rempt an incredulous look.

"You sure she's space worthy?" She grinned.

She examined it further, reaching out with her senses. The ship was space worthy that much was certain, she could see past voyages even feel the emotions of former crew members. It had been a loved and cared for ship once, seen battle even.

"Never mind, I've got a good feeling about this ship."

08-24-2010, 12:55 AM
Rempt nodded to her and boarded the ship. Crewmen gave him odd looks, but that was about it. None made a move to talk to him, and some even avoided him. He walked into the cargo bay took note of all the boxes. None of them looked particularly heavy, though some could do some damage if they hit him. Rempt gave a small smile and shifted the boxes to create a small space that he laid down in and fell asleep.

08-28-2010, 03:37 AM
Several hours later, they were very close to their destination. Alaena stood over the interstellar comm, punching in codes for Iku's private encrypted channel.

"Iku, it's Alaena. You there? I'm almost to your base. I"ll touch down a few miles out from your location and make my way there."

ooc: Just thought I'd speed things up. This rp will die if we don't get it rolling again.

Sir Manguydude
09-01-2010, 02:37 AM
Baulorc had been drawn to this planet, a heavy shift in the force was fluctuating, something huge casting a ripple all across the galaxy. As he arrived over the planet, a ship began to exit the atmosphere, carrying a strong ripple in the force with it. He turned his Starship around, and tailed the fleeing vessel.