View Full Version : A Twist Of Fate (R)

03-23-2014, 11:22 PM
(R- Sexual Themes/Situations, Nudity, Drugs, Drinking, Swearing, Blood&Gore, Crude Humor)

I slowly awake. The last thing I recall is falling from the sky and landing head first in some girls lap in the middle of a battle. I try to get up but feel my hands in hand cuffs then see the same girl. We're in some short of meeting room. "Ugh, where the hell Am I?" I ask slowly looking at her. "Why am in cuffs." I ask slowly.

03-24-2014, 12:26 AM
"Be silent you filthy worm," I snapped placing one foot heavily down on the prisoner's shoulder forcing him against the ground, "how dare you acost me in such a manner an then deign it appropriate or even within your right to speak to me! You despicable scum. Do you even know who's presence you intrude upon?!"

Letting the prisoner up I step away and make a show of unsheathing my sword and slicing through the air before bringing the tip up under his chin. Glowering down at him I stand strong and tall displaying my powerful form for him to bask in.

"I am Imawa Hitomi," I roar to the heavens, "and you and the whole of this world will bow to me!"

03-24-2014, 12:44 AM
"Imawa? Your clan is Bankers though!" I don't quiet understand it yet but the Imawa clan has been banks in my time for 200 years after they lost to the Oda clan at Shrio pass in the Edo period.

03-24-2014, 01:21 AM
"How dare you," I growl, "I should have your head for such an insult! Who sent you sorcerer? Which clan has sent you here to insult and provoke me? I shall crush them next."

With a flash of motion my sword is sheathed again and I smile as a drop of dark red blood runs down the prisoner's cheek. Not allowing him time to cry out I lean down an grab him harshly by the jaw. Bringing my face inches from his I stare in to his eyes.

"Who are you sorcerer," I whisper, "I wish to know what name to carve on to your headless body while I drag it behind my horses though your home town."

03-24-2014, 01:31 AM
I don't cry, my family has been Yakuza since Japan was first founded. "I'm Masamato of Izu clan. I am from Tokyo." I don't realize it yet but Tokyo isn't called by that name for 100 more years. "I'm no sorcerer and you don't scare me I'm from the future." I realize that must be the only way to explain this. "I do not fear death I fell from the sky and lived." I spit in her face. "No warlord shall scare me." I state slowly watching spit go down her face. "Let alone one that is facing the Demonic Lord Oda and the She Devil Lady Mumwei." I add I knew history well.

03-24-2014, 01:10 PM
I chuckle as I wipe the saliva from my face and shove the prisoner's head back to the ground under my boot.

"An Izu from the future," I snicker, "who is unafraid of death. I have had dealings with your family before. They make for half decent cannon fodder. Useless mercenaries. Is Tokyo some new code name they've come up with for their pathetic city? They send useless worms telling stories about being from the future and falling from the sky to try and place spies among my ranks?"

Stepping off of the prisoner's head I turn my back and stalk over to my seat casually collapsing in to it and crossing my legs as I smile down at the prisoner.

"You are a lucky one though it would seem," I sigh, "you show a fearlessness and strength that intrigues me even for one of your family. I may be persuaded to show mercy upon you if you enter in to servitude under my rule. You will be my pet. A slave under my lash, but so long as you prove useful you will keep your life and I will not force you to degrade yourself beyond bowing your head to me as my generals do. These are my terms. Are they acceptable to you or would you rather I let the carrion pull you apart little by little?"

I am unused to seeing a captive undaunted by my threats and it intrigues me. I want to see what he will do with the only real option I have afforded him. An option that I wouldn't have even given the most skilled of warriors or respected of leaders even if they begged with every breath in their bodies. A movement to my left catches my eye and I see my second Mako bowing nervously beside me.

"My Lady," she says quietly, "is it truly a good idea to give this worm a compassionate offer such as this? We know nothing of him and he has greatly insulted you. I would have him used as a target for your archers if you would give me the permission. He deserves nothing of your pity."

"Be silent Mako," I pur, "you of all people should know I do not pity. Pity is for fools. No I see potential in this Izu boy.......I only want to see how I can use it for myself. Can you wield a sword boy? Where do your talents lie? Tell me."

03-24-2014, 01:39 PM
"I am the next head of Izu. I am the only one who knows the true hiding place of man." I slowly stand and feel keys in my hand it must be from my poach. I smile. "If you must know." I slowly unlock my cuffs and smile. "I can use more then a sword, I can see the future cook and shoot. " I stare at Mako she'd die in the coming weeks if nothing changed. "And bow to you, it'd seem if I'm to return to my own time. For now that's the only reasonable option." I state but don't bow.

03-24-2014, 02:13 PM
I smile as the boy undoes his cuffs and stand making my guards jump to defend me ready to die in my name. Waving them off I nod to the boy.

"A wise choice," I pur again, "have you a name by which I might summon you? Or shall I just continue to call you by your status in this life?"

Chuckling I get back up and walk over to the boy giving him a good once over now that I can see all of him. He is built sturdy enough and his dark eyes and white hair definitely mark him as an Izu, but I do not recognize any of the faces I know within his. Perhaps he tells the truth, but I cannot believe it blindly. Holding out a hand I wait for him to take it. A sign of respect amongst warriors. Mako snarls behind me clearly angry that I am allowing this boy to be treated as any more than a slave, but it is my decision to do so. I believe he will make a useful ally.

03-24-2014, 02:37 PM
"If you expect anything over then my loyalty then I'd be lying if I told you I was agreeing. I shall serve you until I can find a way back to my time." I draw a dagger and slice my palm. "This is the ancient blood pact of my family. You have my word that until I return home I shall be loyal to you and will alert you if your on a path to doom." I state letting a drop of blood fall from my hand to hers. "As I said I'm Masamoto." I don't say anything else as I turn to go. "I shall take up housing at a local inn and work there when you aren't of need of me, if that's all, perhaps Mako has something to say." I feel blood running down my hand. I can't help but notice Mako. She was well know in history for her death at one of the greatest battles in history.

03-24-2014, 03:36 PM
Watching the boy's blood dry on my palm I smile and turn my gaze to Mako who looks ready to slay him where he stands.

"I have only one thing to say to you filth," she hisses, "I you even so much as breathe improperly on my mistress I will-"

"Do absolutely nothing," I interject, "this boy is our guest now Mako. Albeit an indentured guest at this point, but a guest no matter. In fact why don't you stay here in my tents. I will have my servants prepare a separate tent to serve as your sleeping quarters and you will join us this evening for supper. I insist."

I could hear Mako clench her fists angrily. I did love to tease her. She was so quick to anger, but more fiercely loyal than anyone in my entire army. My request of the boy did serve another purpose as well. If he were to sleep separately from me and my men I would have no way to keep an eye on him and he would not be as readily available as I would wish. No doubt he would recognize that I gave him no choice in accepting my hospitality and would join me. I only hoped he would not make himself a nuisance. I did not like having to break my toys.

03-24-2014, 09:22 PM
"History wasn't kind to you Lady Iwama, perhaps you can beat Oda and Mumwei. Even so. Understand I must be careful myself. I fear that if I was brought here there is a reason." I slowly bow to her. "I shall accept your Offer and Mako, watch out for Ramen." I smile I knew how she'd die and I might as well have some Fun while I'm here. I feel my sword at my side. "Lady Iwama two days ago you arrived her at Shiro pass only to be ambushed by Oda on the way to your home province right?" I ask slowly looking at her.

03-25-2014, 01:03 PM
I raise an eyebrow at the boy and smile at him as he accepts my offer. He is strange in his ways, but I can see that he means the words he says.

"History doesn't need to be kind to me," I chuckle, "because I will rule it as well when my time comes. What is that book you are looking at?"

Listening to him continue to speak I raise an eyebrow. He was correct, we had been ambushed by the Oda bastard, but anyone could have known that so I nod.

"Yes you are correct," I say bluntly, "Oda had ambushed us there. That pompous swine thought he could cut us off from our home, but we will slice through them like the finest blade through silk. Why?"

Looking over I see Mako giving the boy a confused, but wary look. She as well as myself did not understand his warning.

03-25-2014, 01:31 PM
"Oda kills you here tonight Mako." I let my words hang in the air. "He has Ninja inside the camp they are going to try and poison your Ramen. Don't eat it tonight. Same goes for you Hitomi." I state as I slid my book away. "Your on route to dragon pass but Oda shall ambush you there as well and only Hitomi lives." I state as I start for the door. I wanted to stretch my legs.

03-25-2014, 02:01 PM
The moment Masamoto states that Mako will die my smile drops faster than a body in battle and I give Mako a nod to listen to his words. Taking two long strides to catch up with him I keep pace beside him as he leaves my tent.

"You say these things as if they have already happened," I say quietly, "and you claim to be from the future, but if this is so then why are you attempting to alter your reality? If these things were true then altering them will change everything. You may even disappear yourself......You know I cannot take this information and do nothing. I must succeed, but if what you say is true then I am meant to fail. I am meant to spend every last one of my men in that pass and I am meant to lose Mako on this very evening.......I have no doubt after that even my life is forfeit. Oda holds no love for me and would hunt me down. Of that I can be certain. I'm not sure why I believe you...."

Here I turn and grab Masamoto's chin forcing him to look directly in to my eyes. After a long moment of staring back in to his gaze I release him and step back.

"But your eyes do not lie," I say my eyes narrowing in mistrust, "you mean what you have said. You know it as fact.....why do you tell me these things? Why do you wish to help me?"

03-25-2014, 03:11 PM
"As long as Japan is untied history should carry on fine. But I told you until I can find a way home I'd help you." I stare at her. "I'm no liar." I stare at her again. "Oda is a foul and vile man. He needs to be wiped from the earth." I then turn and start off through camp again. "And if I happen to vanish from existence, well I'm prepared to do that." I keep walking.

03-25-2014, 05:48 PM
I stare after Masamoto as he leaves to walk around camp. He has loyalty and honor like no one I have ever seen. Even Mako's loyalty had been put to the test by his. I find myself trusting him more and more every minute. I have never met any like him, but how can I feel so open to trusting him when I barely know who he is? Frowning slightly I turn as one of my brothers, newly a general in my ranks approaches me from behind.

"So you're trusting the prisoner sister," he chuckles, "and here I was starting to think you might actually win this."

"Be silent Hideki," I snap angrily, "the only thing that would make me lose us listening to a cowardly fool like you. My decisions are my own and they will not be contested by a lowly general. Now leave me."

03-25-2014, 06:03 PM
I spend the next few hours looking for my pet. At dinner I watch Mako carefully. She takes her Ramen but doesn't eat it I can tell what poison they used from here. Had she eaten that she'd be dead in a minute. "Hitomi, in the morning take men to Daguerre river and set up camp I shall take a few men and go down dragon pass Oda shall be caught off guard. He won't expect anyone but you." I sip my tea slowly. "Hitomi, do you have any men of a higher rank to send, I'll only need twenty five men." I state. I knew how Oda fought he used riffles if men got in close it'd be game over specially in a pass.

03-25-2014, 10:03 PM
"And just who told you I take orders from men," I snap quickly before calming down and sipping at a cup of tea, "please refrain from giving me orders Masamoto. I am the leader here and should be addressed as such. If you have strategies to propose you will explain them to me and I will give my approval. Am I clear?"

Turning to him I fix him with the coldest of gazes. I have been too soft perhaps, a mistake I will not make twice. I catch him staring at Mako who looks uneasy as she pokes at her ramen with her chopsticks having finished all else. Sighing I pass her my bowl of rice which I have yet to touch.

"You always have had quite an appetite Mako," I chide, "but do stop pouting about it. Be glad out guest has seen fit to warn you of the danger."

Chuckling at Mako's grateful expression I turn back to Masamoto.

"So time traveler," I snicker, "tell me about this future you come from. What's it like?"

03-25-2014, 10:16 PM
"Peaceful. War became a thing of the past for the most part. Change waved though Japan a few times but the roots are there. The clans are untied under a prime minster and cabinet that take the voice of the people and act on it. The Emporer is dead and his son Tojo the 4th is currently on the throne." I state as I pick at my rice. "People live in peace in Japan Cept the Yakuza. And Hattori, I ment it as advice I want to see you make it out alive." I state taking a sip of my tea.

03-25-2014, 10:59 PM
I listen to Masamoto and nod accepting his reasoning behind the orders, but the warning was still in place. His future sounds strange. Peace? Was that something I had ever experienced? Perhaps in the silent solitude of the battle field after a battle had been won and both sides retreated, but I don't believe that is what he meant. When he states that he wishes to see me live past what he knows I am supposed to I frown and give him a curious expression.

"Why," I ask plainly, "what affection or loyalty do you owe me besides that which I have demanded of you? I have never met any who gave me their loyalty so quickly as you. Even Mako-"

"M-mistress," Mako exclaims grabbing my hand pleadingly, "please!"

"Mako," I say patting her arm, "he is clearly here to help, and if he lies to me or uses any information he hears from me to further my enemies he will find his head on a pike. I don't believe he will however. Am I correct?"

03-25-2014, 11:11 PM
"I told you, if I find a way home even then I shall just return home. History is history and right now I just want to return to my time." I state slowly as I finish my tea. "If you don't want my help I'll go and search for a passage home myself." I stand and make my point clear, I either stay or I leave. "The choice is yours Hittomi." I don't know why but this girl makes me so damn mad. She is hard to read. This must be what it was like back now, not knowing whom to trust.

03-25-2014, 11:52 PM
Chuckling I shake my head. He seems to be just as confused with me as I am with him. Gesturing back at his seat I motion for him to sit.

"No need to be hasty friend," I smile, "I am simply curious as to what I owe your allegiance to. As far as I am concerned I have done nothing to earn it. If going home is your only goal what stops you from just staying out of all of this? You could have run this afternoon whilst I left you to walk amongst my men. Admittedly I did have a couple of them shadowing you being that I can't have you running to my enemies, but you could have tried. It doesn't seem like something you would do though and I can appreciate that. You have an honor that I can respect."

03-26-2014, 12:10 AM
"An Izu never goes back on his word." I state slowly as I point to my cut and her blooded hand. "I think that in truth I know I can't return home. I am going to attempt it but if that's not an option I'll follow you and build my Yakuza so my family will be able to carry on it's traditions." I cross my arms over my chest as a sign of respect.

03-26-2014, 12:30 AM
Bowing my head gently I smile. I can respect his loyalty and in fact find it refreshing. Standing from the table I straighten my kimono and gesture back at the table again.

"I can certainly appreciate that," I chuckle, "please. Eat, drink, relax. You have proven yourself useful and honorable. It i only natural for me to question your loyalty, but I have found you respectable and honest. You have no more need to worry and my men will treat you no different than any other in their ranks. I however must take my leave. I have much to do and much to plan for the morning. I bid you goodnight, Izu Masamoto. Do not hesitate to request anything if my servants. You are my guest and so should be comfortable whilst in my company."

Taking my leave I walk silently from the dinner tent and head for the natural hot spring that lies near to our camp. It has been a long day and I wish to soothe and cleanse myself. Reaching the springs I gently remove the silk kimono and fold it neatly placing it on a nearby rock before submerging myself in the water and beginning to wash myself of the day's grime.

03-26-2014, 12:49 AM
I strip of my heavy steal armor. Once I'm in a light black kimono pants and draw my blade and pratice It's good to feel the fresh air on my body it's been a long day but I feel like the future that I know might never come. I suppose that I should be ready to accept that the chance of going home is slim. I don't even know it but as my sword cracks though a tree limb and sends it to the ground Lady Hittomi is watching and so is Mako. "Damn, it feels good here I think I might even end up liking it." I feel sweat down along my back and can feel the scars from my time still there. "Toto." (Said as Toe-Toe.) I see my wolf walk into sight. "Hey buddy." I put my sword away and pet him. He barks and I pull out a bit of meat I saved from dinner. Izu family was well known for being strong with animals. "Eat up buddy." He barks as I throw the meat to him. I then go back to my practice.

03-26-2014, 12:41 PM
I was alerted to Masamoto's presence when he began training nearby. Luckily the spring was mostly obscured by a few rocks, bushes, and a tree so I had no worry that he might see me exposed. As he trained I moved to the edge of the spring to watch him as I soaked in the warm water my long dark hair floating about me as I rested on a flat shelf like rock at the springs edge to watch him through the bushes. He seemed rather disciplined and practiced as I watched him swing his sword. When he called out to a wolf who seemed to be his pet I had to stifle a giggle. To think someone who had acted so tough could act so kind and even childishly towards an animal...it almost reminded me of my younger days. I rarely found time for such things now. In my musings I reflect on Mako's outburst at dinner. She owed her loyalty to me due to the fact that I saved her life many years ago. Her family had fallen on hard times and were forced to beg in the streets while they starved since their farm had produced nothing in the past two years. Fortunately I took pity on them and convinced my parents to take them in to servitude so they could at least be provided with beds to call their own and enough food to fill their stomachs. After that Mako did all she could to repay me even learning to fight so that she might protect me. She was my only friend and my most loyal soldier. I could not think why she would not wish me to tell this to Masamoto, but I was sure she had her reasoning.


On the other side of the area where Masamoto trained Mako sat at a tent sharpening her blade and speaking with a few of the lower soldiers. As they departed to their own tents to sleep Mako's eye was caught by Masamoto as he trained. Glaring in his direction she measured his skills and looked for any flaws in his form. She didn't trust anything about him....he was too convenient. She also feared that if he was truthful about being from the future he may know her secret. Her shame. Mako's frown twitched slightly at the thought.

"I should have slain him on the battle field when he passed out," she whispered to herself, "he will prove to be no more than a nuisance. If he knows about me then he may try to tell Hitomi and get me killed. I can't allow that.....I have to get rid of him, but how?"

Mako sheathed her blade and strode over to Masamoto as he greeted and fed his pet. Crossing her arms she glared at him.

"What flee ridden mongrel is that," she growled, "no matter. You should know that I will never trust you no matter if Hitomi does or not. I know your are up to something and I will find out sooner or later, then I will mount your head on a pike and feed your flesh to a beast master's tiger. I will not decapitate you quickly either. I will be sure to make you beg for the end before it comes. I am not frightened by you and I will not tolerate you threatening my mistresses safety with your presence. You're a freak and you do not belong amongst us."

03-26-2014, 01:28 PM
I put my sword away and grab Mako's chin. "I know you were a farmer." I stare at her and throw her to the ground. "If you ever insult my pet again it won't end well. I want to go back to my time. I shall slay any foes of Hittomi before I do though." I stare at her. "Hittomi ended up bringing me with her she could have left me to die with Oda's men. I am not afraid of you nor anyone else." I then help her up. "If you ever betray Hittomi I'll find you." I whisper as I help her up. I wasn't sure what came over me but I needed to de-fang this snake of a girl now before she became a problem.

03-27-2014, 01:06 PM
From my vantage point I watched Masamoto and Mako's exchange after which Mako stumbled away seeming perturbed by whatever Masamoto had said. Grabbing the towel I had brought with me I toweled off and quickly dressed in a light yukata before walking over to Masamoto.

"You seem to have startled my second," I say raising an eyebrow, "an impressive feat. Mako does not scare easy. What did you say to her?"


Mako hurried away back to her tent and paced about on the rugs that carpeted its floor. He knew. He must know. There was no turning back though. The courier would be in front of Oda now relating the information. She did not wish to betray Hitomi, but there was no other choice. If they had been meant to die when Masamoto said they were then they should not tempt fate, by changing it. Oda needed to decimate Hitomi's men and she, Mako the traitor, had to die amongst them. That was the way things were meant.

"Damned Izu brat," Mako growled, "he'll ruin everything!......it doesn't matter. I only hope that Hitomi can forgive me. I have betrayed her to the enemy, but only to ensure her own survival. Please Lady Hitomi. Do not judge me harshly when you learn of my betrayal."

Letting out a sigh Mako sank on to her bed and turned on to her side. She would get no sleep that night. Her guilt would be her only company.

03-27-2014, 01:41 PM
"I told her I knew about her." I think slowly if history was going as it was. "Hitomi, you and I shall be going together alone there isn't a way to save the others. Oda has men in the hills you need to escape." As if on cue I here yelling and I hear gun fire. "Get down!" I shove her moot the ground as bullets dig into the tree behind us. "Damn it we missed!" I turn and see Oda's men and look at Hitomi. "We need to go now!" I shout picking her up and running towards the camp when I see that it's in flames. Letting Mako live altered events. I quickly get to Hitomi's tent. "Get dressed we're leaving!" I shout as I head to my tent next door and get my gear on and rush back I stand outside her tent waiting.

03-27-2014, 05:22 PM
I gasped when Masamoto lifted me up and carried me over to my tent protecting me from Oda's men. Quickly dressing in my armor I march out of the tent....and past Masamoto

"I'm not leaving Mako behind," I state over my shoulder, "I won't abandon her to die when you went through the trouble of saving her."

Slicing my way through a few of Oda's men I get to Mako's tent and freeze at the door. Before me stands Oda slowly removing the blade of his katana from Mako's neck. I feel a chill run down my spine and Masamoto's words ring in my mind. Run. My feet won't budge. Run. Oda had begun to turn toward me. Run! He's raising his katana to strike. RUN! I hear the swish of Oda's katana as it slices through the air behind me narrowly missing as I finally regain control and flee from the tent. I no longer control my thoughts and silence seems to pervade my mind. Running I dodge Oda's men and kill only a few knowing their leader is not far behind. It seems to take an eternity before I reach the hill just outside camp where I am left with endless possibilities of escape, but I pause. Mako is dead. My only friend is dead. I am alone. I look around realizing even Masamoto is missing from my side. I left him in my terrified flight. I have never been so frightened in my life. I should return and fight, but I cannot force my body to turn back to the battle it used to crave. Crouching down to the ground I begin to cry gently whispering a name that earlier I would only use when requesting something or playing mind games.

"Masamoto," I whisper as if he can hear, "Masamoto help me. Masamoto."

I do not know why, but in the moment he seems to be the only person I can trust. A man I barely know is the only person I can call friend in my time of greatest need.

- - - Updated - - -

I gasped when Masamoto lifted me up and carried me over to my tent protecting me from Oda's men. Quickly dressing in my armor I march out of the tent....and past Masamoto

"I'm not leaving Mako behind," I state over my shoulder, "I won't abandon her to die when you went through the trouble of saving her."

Slicing my way through a few of Oda's men I get to Mako's tent and freeze at the door. Before me stands Oda slowly removing the blade of his katana from Mako's neck. I feel a chill run down my spine and Masamoto's words ring in my mind. Run. My feet won't budge. Run. Oda had begun to turn toward me. Run! He's raising his katana to strike. RUN! I hear the swish of Oda's katana as it slices through the air behind me narrowly missing as I finally regain control and flee from the tent. I no longer control my thoughts and silence seems to pervade my mind. Running I dodge Oda's men and kill only a few knowing their leader is not far behind. It seems to take an eternity before I reach the hill just outside camp where I am left with endless possibilities of escape, but I pause. Mako is dead. My only friend is dead. I am alone. I look around realizing even Masamoto is missing from my side. I left him in my terrified flight. I have never been so frightened in my life. I should return and fight, but I cannot force my body to turn back to the battle it used to crave. Crouching down to the ground I begin to cry gently whispering a name that earlier I would only use when requesting something or playing mind games.

"Masamoto," I whisper as if he can hear, "Masamoto help me. Masamoto."

I do not know why, but in the moment he seems to be the only person I can trust. A man I barely know is the only person I can call friend in my time of greatest need.

03-27-2014, 05:51 PM
"Come get some ya Bastards!" I punch Oda in the knows and he stumbles as his men rush at me they are great by the fire of my flintlocks. "Don't kill him, I want to get to him myself he cause so much trouble so far!" At that point I realize that I'm not alone many of Hitomi's still alive men rush in even if they are wounded. "Masamoto run!" I look at them. "Lady Hitomi needs someone, we'll cover you but getting her home is up to you now don't let everyone's deaths be in vain!" I slid my sword away and nod. "Thank you, you shall not be forgotten!" I run out of camp Mako's dead Oda won this fight. I rush up into the hills the smoke from the burning camp now covers my escape as well I see Hitomi. I pick her up from the ground and see she is crying. "It will be okay." I state slowly as I run along. "Mako will be avenged." I leave out the part about Mako's betrayal. Hitomi wouldn't be able to deal with that right now.

03-28-2014, 01:06 AM
I barely register what Masamoto says as he helps me away from the battle. I only know that I am glad he is there. I feel so weak and helpless. I Hitomi Imawa have left my men to die weakened by one death and the fear of my own life becoming the same. After an eternity of running I force Masamoto to stop. We are in a forest far enough from the camp to rest safely. Though I feel as if I could crumble to the ground and collapse inward like the ashes of a burnt log I stand tall and keep walking, but in a different direction now. As I walk I subconsciously strip my armor leaving it where it falls as I go. When I find the river that I know runs through these parts I rush forward and fall to my knees in the shallows furiously splashing my face with water as if to rinse off the memory I Mako's expression as Oda's blade sliced in to her neck. Finally coming up for air I panted heavily and closed my eyes as I sat in the shallow water that rushed about me. I sat in silence listening to the sound of the water bubbling over rocks an the wind as it rushed through my hair and on to the trees. This was the only embrace I'd felt since my parents died. It was what calmed me when my mind was over run, but tonight it only seemed to leave her questioning.

"How did this happen," I sighed in to the night, "why did Mako have to pay for my mistakes?"

My mind flashed back to Mako's death again and details seemed to filter in. Oda was a pig, but he would never give any warrior who fought him a dishonorable death. Mako had been slain like a harlot caught cheating with another woman's husband. A traitors death......Oda could not have caught us unawares unless he had known where our sentries were an took them out from afar before they'd had a chance to see him. He would have had to know that I was bathing and therefor unaware and in armed when he stormed the camp. He had to know.....and only one person knew all of this information. Mako. Mako had betrayed her. Mako had given Oda the information.

03-28-2014, 01:39 AM
I watch as it sinks in that Mako betrayed her. "I should have told you." I smoke a pipe that a Soilder gave me as I fled. I only sit on a rock quietly and keep my eyes shut to not disgrace Hitomi. "Hitomi, the choice is now yours we aren't far from your castle, I can take you back or well, your choice." I know she knows what I mean.

03-28-2014, 02:44 AM
"We aren't going anywhere," I growl getting up from the water slowly, "there is no we. All of this is your fault. Mako.....Mako was my friend. Mako was my friend. I saved her life. I saved her family! If you hadn't come....If I had just killed you everything would have been fine......I'll make sure not to make the same mistake twice!"

Leaping at Masamoto I throw him to the ground under me and draw my blade slicing down toward his chest. I will cut out his heart and keep it as a reminder. This bastard has caused me to lose one of the people I cared about the most. I would end him for that transgression.

03-28-2014, 03:32 AM
I have no fear. "You're being a moron Mako would have betrayed you in two days time." I kick her off me and the begin to walk away. "If you want to walk a path of destruction then fine, I'm going to find a way home and no one will stop me. Least of all a bratty bitch like you!" As I shout out thunder roars and it begins to pour. I stare at the girl on the ground. "You can chose your own fate, Toto let's go." I watch as my Wolf comes forth from the woods. We turn and start to walk away. "If you wise up and wish to take the life of the one that casused this kill Oda, come after me and your fucking dead!" I shout as I countine to walk away.

03-28-2014, 03:56 AM
My blade had ground to a halt just over Masamoto's chest moments before he had started talking. I couldn't kill him. I knew this wasn't his fault. As I lay on the ground being soaked to the bone I couldn't help but realize what an idiot I was. Getting up I stumble after Masamoto and grab on to his arm to stop him.

"Tell me why," I demand, "why would she do this to me? I trusted her. She owed me her life. She was my only friend Masamoto. Why would she betray me like that?.......and why are you the one who hasn't? I realize I am your first option for getting back, but....even when I've tried, and clearly failed, to kill you, you stood by me and protected me. That kind of loyalty doesn't come cheap in this age. Why me?"

03-28-2014, 04:04 AM
"You aren't at fault." I turn to face her. "Oda had Mako under his thumb. Black Mail." I don't give away more then that. "As for why I'm still here and helping you. Well, your my only chance home. And I think that your not all bad." I reflect for a momet on that and brush it off. No this girl was my way home nothing more.

03-28-2014, 04:20 AM
A light blush rises unbidden to my cheeks at Madamoto's words. Not all bad? Shaking my head I let go of his arm and turn to pick up my armor.

"We'll go to my palace then," I sigh quietly, "we can rest and replenish our strength, then I'm going to take down Oda. No more army. No more conquest. Just me and my blade seeking to separate Oda's head from it's body........in the mean time I will help you search for a way to reverse what ever it was that sent you here.....it's the least I could do to send you home before I go after Oda with no guarantee of return."

Now I've pulled on the last of my armor and I begin to head off toward the direction of my palace. I must keep my promises and I must avenge the fallen. That is my duty now and I will not abandon it.

03-28-2014, 10:45 AM
"Then let's go." I follow along. This girl was intresring and did the unexcepted. "I will gladly follow you until I return home, I'm going to keep my word." I add as we walk along. "I'm going to slay Oda with you, I've abdon going home." I state grabbing her arm. "My place is here now." I state right her face.

03-28-2014, 04:54 PM
I stared at Masamoto in shock for a moment before giving him a light smile and nodding.

"Thank you," I say quietly, "I appreciate your loyalty, but I made a promise and I intend to keep it. If I can find a way to get you back to your time I will."

Nodding my head I let my smile widen a little. As little as I know of him Masamoto is someone I know I can trust. I need that. I have needed it for some time. It will make me sad when he returns to his time, but I know it is the right thing to do. I most likely will not survive killing Oda, but all that matters is that I get my vengeance. That can be my only concern now.

03-28-2014, 04:59 PM
"We!'re there." I point as we enter though the castle gates and are greeted by her many servants and soldiers. "Lady Hitomi, we heard what happened please got and get a bath then we shall prepare dinner." I see that they are worried about her. "Hitomi, I'll be waiting here by the pond." I point walking towards it.

03-28-2014, 06:12 PM
"Wait," I say as my servants begin to lead me away, "Masamoto hold on. You are a guest in my home and you saved my life. Please, make yourself at home. I have a second open air bath that you may use and any of my staff will bring you anything you should need."

With that my servants, mostly women, ushered me away giggling and carrying on. When we reached the women's side of the open air bath they quickly removed my clothes for me and led me in to the warm waters. Letting out a sigh of resignation I relaxed and allowed them to begin scrubbing me clean.

"So Lady Hitomi," one of the maids giggled as she began scrubbing and massaging my feet, "who's the young man you brought back with you? You said he saved your life?"

"We were so worried about you," another chimed in pausing in her work washing my back, "we thought you might never come back!"

"And here you come traipsing back in with a boy," yet another laughed as she worked her fingers through my silky hair, "and you didn't even bring us any."

My maids chuckled as they washed my body and I couldn't help but give them all a weary smile.

"Please girls," I sighed, "it has been a long day. Masamoto is an ally I have made on the battle field. Nothing more. He has saved my life twice today, and I only wish to repay him for what he has done. He is not from here and I wish to see him back home safely."

03-28-2014, 07:44 PM
I smoke that pipe and relax in the bath. I had lied to Hitomi, I did want to go home but that was my second priority now. I was going to be there when she slayed Oda. "Hm, you wonder if our actions here shall be costing us later?" I pet Toto who sits just on the edge of the bath one paw in the water. He just opens one eye and stares at me. I can tell that he's worried as well. "Don't worry buddy, I'll make sure you get home Atleast." To this he responds by putting his head on my arm and whimpering. I had forggotten I'd had Toto since I was a baby and he was a pup. We litarly grew up togther.

03-29-2014, 02:00 AM
My maids began to get excited and I was certain their squeals of excitement could be heard through the walls in the men's bath as they went on making theories about Masamoto and I. They had long foregone washing me and instead we were all just relaxing in the women's bath talking about what had happened. They had all been supportive when we spoke about the deaths of my men, but the distraction of their fantasies about Masamoto and I was too mich to resist.

"Really girls," I chuckled, "I've only known him for two days now. There is nothing like that between Masamoto and I. H-he's saved me and I have promised to help him. I-I mean he's attractive, but he and I.....I-it's not like that!"

"Oh it's gotta be true love," one of the maids squealed, "I'm so jealous! It's soooooo romantic!"

The girls let out another squeal and I winced hoping Masamoto either wouldn't notice or would decide not to care. What if he heard them and it made him uncomfortable or upset? I didn't want to force him in to an uncomfortable situation. I wasn't cruel.

03-29-2014, 02:16 AM
"Hitomi are you okay, I hear a lot of squealing and giggling." I yell over the wall and Toto laughs. "What the Hell are you laughing about Toto!" I yell and he just keeps making a laughing sound. This was weird I was wondering a little bit. about what Hitomi is up to.

03-29-2014, 04:20 AM
"I'm fine," I call hearing Masamoto through the wall, "the girls are just-hya! S-stop! Don't-Kya! Nana, Mizuki!"

Just as I was replying all of the maids began tickling me and groping my bottom and chest making me blush and try to defend myself. In all reality it sounded as if I was being attacked again, but I would be completely embarrassed if Masamoto came to check on me. Trying to hold back most of my squealing and yelping I keep fending off my maids, tears streaming down my cheeks. By the gods as much as I enjoyed them they were prone to such mischief.

03-29-2014, 04:53 AM
I only peek over the wall with help from a tree and feel my noise running with blood. I can't seem to tear myself away. I try but I'm just glad I'm not able to be seen. I feel light headed though as blood runs. "It's so hot." I fall back into the hot spring with a splash and quickly surface. My face flushes red as I see... I landed in the wrong hot spring in in the GIRLS hot spring. I'm to shocked and embarrassed to move.

03-29-2014, 01:33 PM
I can feel my face heating up the moment Masamoto falls in to the bath and I know I must be redder than the tomatoes growing in the gardens out back. A silence reigns over the bath for a few moments as we all stare back at Masamoto in shock and then my maids, in unison, let out a loud shriek and begin to flee or in some cases grab their towels and start throwing brushes or buckets at Masamoto. One of them managed to drag me away and cover me with a towel, but my eyes are fixed on Masamoto and I just stare with a shocked and embarrassed expression.

"Pervert," some of my maids call him, "how dare you try to look at mistress Hitomi while she bathes?!"

"Peeping Tom," others say, "just be cause you saved Lady Hitomi doesn't mean you can spy on her!"

After another moment or two I regain myself and turn to the girls still blushing and unable to look at Masamoto for the moment as I fix my towel around myself.

"Girls enough," I say sharply, "stop throwing things at our guest! He will answer for his actions to me. Now get out and go get dressed."

As my maids file out whispering to eachother about Masamoto as they glance back at him with wary or bemused expressions I let out a long sigh and turn back to Madamoto with my eyes closed. Letting it hang in the air for a moment I open my eyes and stare straight at Masamoto with no expression.

03-29-2014, 03:01 PM
After a momet or two I am able to think. "Fuck." I slowly grab my towl and wrap it around myself then I get out and bow as a sign of asking for forgiveness. I'm not bothered by the maids words in Yakuza and words don't hurt me. But I think of Hitomi as a person I trust and respect now. "I'm sorry! My instect got the better of me." I state still bowing waiting for whatever happens next.

03-29-2014, 03:23 PM
Letting out a light chuckle I give Masamoto a light smirk and shake my head.

"I suppose I can't entirely blame you," I sigh, "my maids did instigate this whole mess. Are you alright though? That couldn't have been a soft landing. You've certainly given my maids more to talk about now."

Chuckling a little more I give Masamoto a quizzical smile. I am embarrassed to say the least, but I can't let it get the better of me. Shaking my head again I start for the door and pause at it for just a moment.

"I'll see you at dinner," I say easily, "and this time try to keep your instincts under control."

Winking at Masamoto I head off to my room to dress. Once inside it I flop down on my bed and blush to my hearts content. I hadn't thought I'd find Madamoto so attractive. When he'd sat up in the bath I could feel my heart pounding harder even though I was frozen in shock and embarrassment. Letting out a sigh I toss my towel away and get dressed in one of my many silk kimono and head for dinner. This has been an interesting two days.

03-29-2014, 03:33 PM
I leave and dress. I can see her male servants all have a new respect for me some even pat my back. I find it funny. Hitomi was a beueaty of a women yes. Even so I could vanish at any moment. I am ready for that but I'm not going to make anyone suffer from my passing from this world. "Hey you Masamoto?" I turn and see a guy that looks like a Ninja. "Yes." I state and he walks over and hands me a scroll. "Lady Miyu Oda has requests your presence. She didn't state why but the choice to go is yours." With that as quckily as he showed he vanishes.

03-29-2014, 04:30 PM
As I leave my room headed for the dinning room I am dressed and my hair has been combed to perfection, falling in silky stands around my shoulders. In the hall I spot. Masamoto standing there with a scroll in his hand. Approaching him I smile.

"You've got fans already," I chuckle, "my you do work quickly don't you? Will you be joining me for dinner?"

Chuckling I wait for his response. I will not let this afternoon's happenings away me.

03-29-2014, 06:04 PM
"Yes, I think that sounds good." I tuck the scroll away into an inner pocket in my black and red kimono. "So, it'd seen that your sevrents care for you deeply." I add as we walk along.

03-31-2014, 12:44 PM
"That they do," I chuckle shaking my head, "most of them have watched me grow up or have grown up along side me. Others are those I have picked up off the streets and given jobs to. They're like family to me where my own has failed."

Smiling I gesture for us to head toward the dining hall and begin heading that way. As we walk I turn to Masamoto with a questioning look.

"What about you," I ask, "what is your life like in this future of yours? What is it you wish to get back to? Is it.....a girl?"

A daring question even for me, but I wanted to know. My maids had set questions like these buzzing in my head ever since they started assuming Masamoto was more than a friend. I knew how I felt and I knew I couldn't or shouldn't place that burden on him, but I was still curious. My curiosity had to be sated.

03-31-2014, 01:46 PM
I stare at her. "I don't know, there really isn't any real reason I guess. I'd be happy here to. I wouldn't mind staying with you." I don't know what I said but it just came out I blush but keep walking. I move a bit faster though. I can see a pair of giggling maids as we arrive they must have heard me.

03-31-2014, 02:38 PM
I blush deeply when Masamoto says he wouldn't mind staying and when we reach the dinning room I hear my maids giggle and know that it hasn't gone away. Finally getting up the courage to talk again I smile and give Masamoto a small nod.

"I-I see," I murmur, "I would be honored to have you in to my house-I-I mean welcome you in to-Er I wouldn't mind giving you room and board. Um, I do owe you far more than that after all."

Giving Masamoto a bow I nod to my maids and they open the doors to the dining room and I walk inside to the impressive feast that lies before us. Turning around I bow again, but this time it's deeper and more humble.

"Please," I say warmly, "eat as much as you like."

03-31-2014, 05:16 PM
I plop down and start eating. I could always eat as much as ten men as my mother used to tell me. I think as I eat. I stop a moment. "Hitomi what do you know about. Nobunaga's sister?" I ask turning to her.

04-03-2014, 12:44 AM
"Oda's sister," I ask curiously, "I know some. She and I practically grew up together.....We were best friends until..........She and I had a falling out, and now he is dead set against me and will stop at nothing to kill me. Nobunaga is just as adamant. His reasons are different though."

Shaking my head I take a few bites of my food and let out a sigh. Turning to Masamoto and look him in the eyes.

"If you plan to met with her," I state, "be careful. Don't let your guard down for even a moment, and whatever you do don't let her get any information from you without giving something of equal value to you. If you do she won't hesitate to get rid of you. She is not as merciful as I have been."

04-03-2014, 12:52 AM
"And I'm not a traitor." I add starting at her. "She has caught my intrest though, I'll be leaving in the morning and taking a few men just in case. I will be back though." I add seeing her worried look. Or at least what came as one.

04-03-2014, 12:00 PM
"I know you will not betray me," I said softly giving Masamoto a gentle smile, "but I also know that Miyu has or will summon you to her and you will have little or no option but to appear before her and exchange words. I only warn you because I wish to see you return unharmed. Trust me she would be all too happy to send you back to me in pieces, but I would like to have you back in one piece if at all possible. I wish I could offer you more protection, but any more than just you and Miyu will turn it in to a bloodbath."

Sighing I finish off my small bowl of food and turn my focus to the hot tea I have sitting in front of me. As I sip I take a side glance at Masamoto. If only my time weren't so short I might have spent more of it with him. Perhaps I would even have found him to be an ideal suitor, but no, I had precious little time and not only did I wish not to waste it I did not want to leave him in pain either. Setting my tea back down I looked over at Masamoto more directly.

"I cannot thank you enough for what you have done," I state, "and my family will owe an eternal debt to you and all of your kin. I only hope that we can fulfill that debt and never find ourselves to betray you. You have made yourself a very prominent ally and though I will not use your true name when they put us down in history I swear I will make sure you are mentioned for the bravery you have shown. It is the least I can do."

04-03-2014, 08:04 PM
"I'm going to leave early, when you fight Oda try not to die." I've set a course I can't return from. "This is more then likely our fare well. It's been an honnor." I stand and leave. I get a horse from the stables and head off for where the scroll says to meet. I must do this.

04-03-2014, 09:00 PM
I give a silent nod to Masamoto and watch him from the door. I can feel every fiber of my being pulling for me to follow after him and protect him, but I knew my duty. I must kill Oda and he will no doubt take me with him. At least it will end all chances of Miyu ruling Japan. It seemed strange that the only support for Miyu's psychotic campaign of bloodshed was a man, but if you simply looked at him as her sibling it seemed to make more sense. They weren't that close, however. As I dressed in my armor in preparation to fight Oda for the last time my thoughts proceeded to swirl around Masamoto and how he would fair. I felt I had grown more than fond of him. More than was fair of me, but at least I hadn't told him. At least I hadn't placed that burden on his shoulders. As I walked out in to the night I felt a drop of rain fall upon my cheek. Perfect weather for the battle and bloodshed to come.

"Mistress," one of the maids said as I climbed on to my horse, "please come back to us safe. I told Masamoto to do the same.......Please Mistress we know how you feel about him and we want you both to be happy. Please don't die."

Smiling softly I gently take my maids hand and squeeze it.

"I will do my best."

My horses hooves thunder across the earth matching with the angry growl coming from the sky as I race towards Oda's camp. He will know I am coming. He will want me alone. He will want to end me himself.

04-03-2014, 10:01 PM
I sit in Oda's camp the man in front of me and his sister as well. "Haha, you aren't the man I thought you were Nounbaga." I stare him letting the smell of my Cherry Tabco pipe fill the tent. "You are a interesting one. What if I told you that I could send you home?" I stare at him. His sister had been a tool to get me here. "Tell me before I chose anything." He explains it to me slowly. "So if I pray at a Shinto shrine I can go home?" I ask slowly. "Yes, there is one here in camp, would you like to." I hear the roar of thunder. "Hm, perhaps take me to it." I am lead to it and kneel down and pray then I'm struck by lighting. I awake in front of Buddha and the Shinto gods. I don't know that Hitomi is on her way to the camp. "Great Buddha." I bow to him and he looks at me. "Masamoto, do you understand why we brought you here?" He stares down at me. "No Great Buddha, will you enlighten me?" He stares at me and then nods. "You are here to correct the past, here is your new present." He shows me that the world is in chaos and under rule of China. "We sent you here to help, do you want to go home or go forth as our Warrior?" I stare at him. "Send me back but wait show me Hitomi!" I yell and he opens a view. "I can't let her die or kill Oda." I charge at it and feel the earth racing up at me. "Hitomi!" I feel Daju Vu as I fall towards her. I understand it all know. "Catch me!" I scream bracing myself for the impact of the ground.

04-07-2014, 05:07 PM
As I ride I hear my name shouted by a familiar voice and look up. Spurring my horse faster I manage to catch Masamoto, but we both fly off of my horse to roll across the ground until we come to a stop in a jumbled heap. Sitting up I begin checking over Masamoto for injuries. Finding none I punch him in the arm as hard as I can without seriously hurting him.

"You idiot," I yell at him my face covered in a blush, "you could have killed us both! What do you think you were doing?! Where did you even come from?! Ugh just stay here okay?"

Letting out a sigh I call for my horse who trots over obediently and allows me to get on. Looking down at Masamoto I give him what I hope is a confident smile, but fear is a sad one.

"I've given my servants instructions to help you get back home," I say, "so I'll be keeping my promise. Both of them."

04-07-2014, 07:19 PM
"Not likely." I don't give her a choice before I know what's going on my wolf has me on his back. "The gods showed me why I'm here as crazy as that sounds. I'm here to prevent time from breaking which means we need to kill Oda and you need to survive doing so." I stare at her. "I've accepted my place here. I need to correct history." I stare at her making sure she gets my point.

04-10-2014, 04:40 PM
I give Masamoto an uncomfortable frown but nod. He claims to have spoken with our gods, but how can I be sure that I do not die in my battle with Oda? He says we need to kill him, but I will not allow him to fight for me. This battle is mine and mine alone. That leaves only one problem. What will happen to him if I do die in this battle?

"I cannot guarantee that I will not die," I state, "but if the gods wish that to be the out come then it will be.....you cannot join me in this battle Izu Masamoto. It is my fight and that is the last we shall speak of it and should you ignore that requirement I will never forgive you.......you are important. I cannot allow you to be harmed or worse in my care.....but I will not hold you accountable if Oda's men attack you and you defend yourself. I know you will not run unless necessary.....come we have an appointment with fate it seems and I would not want to be late."

Reining my horse back in the direction of Oda's camp I send it on in a soft canter so Masamoto can keep up. Reaching the camp I jump down from my horse and walk though Oda's ranks. They all stand about leering at me and chuckling. They believe I will die here. They think their leader will fell me before I can him.

Seeing Oda standing in a clearing within his men I approach him and draw my sword pointing it toward him challengingly.

"I have come for your head," I state plainly, "you will relinquish it peacefully or I will remove it from your shoulders by force."

"You never were one to mince words," Oda chuckled, "it's a shame you won't back down cousin. My little sister would welcome you if you'd simply bow your head to her."

"Never," I growl, "now lay down and die like the worm you truly are."

04-10-2014, 04:50 PM
"You've picked your fate Oda." I draw my sword and his men stare. "Take Oda I'll keep his men off of you." I state as his men rush. I pull out a gun as well. "Hitomi, if you get in trouble I-" I am cut off by Oda. "Masamoto, I'll spare you life and make you my heir if you don't fight in our fight. Killing my men is acceptable but if you defend Hitomi all bets are off Masamoto." I stare at him slowly. "No promises. Oda." He smiles at me. "I like your fight, you're my heir regardless. May you live that is." I state at him. "No thanks." I smile as his men charge I start slashing into his men. "Good luck Hitomi!" I am to busy in the fight to worry about her but I keep an eye on her.

04-12-2014, 12:36 PM
Oda and I circle each other our blades a mere hairs breath apart as we watch each other for the first strike. We are both using katana which we have both been well trained in since our youth. I have the speed and flexibility, but Oda has raw strength and he's not the slowest opponent I've ever faced. I'll have to be quick and precise if I am to defeat him.

The first attack is Oda's and he lunges forward forcing me to raise my blade and guard against it.

"You won't win," he growls, "I won't let you. You have made your choice my cousin. Now it's time to reap the rewards!"

Several long minutes later Oda and I are back in our positions across from each other rather worse for wear. He has gained a wound to his side and left arm and is wearing down. As we circle each other he is breathing heavily. I am tiring myself, but far less quickly. My wounds are minor and the only one I pay much attention to is one that matches the one I gave him to his side. It stings and I know blood is still running from it in great amounts, but I know the gods do not wish me to die. Masamoto will no doubt remove me from this place as soon as Oda is felled.

Seeing my chance I send a flurry of blows at Oda's front before rolling quickly to his left and making a broad sweeping cut. Dead silence falls on the space where Oda and I fight. His head turns to me, sword still raised in defense of his front, shock clear in his eyes. No sound escapes the smothering silence between us as I sheath my katana and stand up. I watch as Oda's head falls from his shoulders in slow motion. Oda is dead.

I feel relief and weariness flood in to me and I collapse on the ground exhausted by my wounds as well as the battle. Oda had fought hard his blows raining down on me like hammer blows, even some of my quickest movements had been blocked by his powerful guard. The wound on his side had only been made in desperation when he had already sunk his own blade in my side and would have killed me if I didn't wound him as well. He was a worthy opponent. Now I would just wait for Masamoto to take me home. I was done fighting. I couldn't stay awake any longer.

04-12-2014, 04:12 PM
"Oda is dead, long live Masamoto and Lady Hitomi!" They stop fighting me as I slid my swords away. I pick up Hitomi and I look at the now crying Yuki. "Yuki, take him home, I don't want to see his grave here, from this day forth Oda serves us, you are my little sister from now on, you'll be know only as Yuki." I climb onto Hitomi's horse and they nod as we ride off. "Sleep well my lady." I poke her nevre point to help her relax.

04-12-2014, 05:18 PM
When I wake up I am back in my home and one of my maids is wringing out a fresh cloth to place on my forehead. Sitting up slowly I feel a throbbing pain in my side and have to lie back down.

"M-mistress you're awake," the girl gasped tossing the cloth aside, "thank goodness! When Masamoto brought you back-"

"Where is he," I ask sitting up once more, "he.....he saved me again.....I should thank him........I'm going to go find him. I'll be fine."

The maid started to try and stop me but let me go. She knew I was determined to do this.

"Masamoto," I call out walking through the house, "Masamoto where are you?"

04-12-2014, 05:55 PM
I sit in a Sakura tree in one of the gardens. "So you're awake." I state starting down at her.

04-12-2014, 07:14 PM
"Masamoto," I sigh, "yes I am awake........thank you again. You've saved my life three times now and I still have yet to keep my promise......you said you didn't want to leave now though.....so I'll have to repay you some other way. In which case, now that this land will fall under my rule, you have permission to do whatever you please with no interference.......and I........I'd really like it if.....I'd be honored to....."

Blushing I try to find the right words. Finally I now deeply and force myself to speak.

"Please stay here with me," I blurt, "I........I want you to stay with me......"

04-13-2014, 01:30 AM
"I will. But tonight we should throw a festival in honnor that Nounaga is deafted." I say slowly I see her blush and pretend I don't notice.

05-01-2014, 04:19 PM
Smiling gratefully I nod. A festival would be nice. Something to put the people and ourselves at ease now that our enemy is defeated.

"You're right," I say softly, "but not a festival in honor of his defeat. A fesitval in honor of the prosperity and peace I hope to keep. The people deserve that."

As I turn to go and inform my servants to spread the word I pause. I know I cannot leave it like this. I cannot turn away again without telling him.

"Masamoto," I say nervously, "thank you for staying with me....for being loyal.....I-....I feel so selfish.....but I....I never want you to leave my side.....I'm sorry....I should go."

05-01-2014, 05:20 PM
"Oh shut up and kiss me." I jump down and wrap my arms around her. "From today on I'm Masamoto Sonozaki and you're the women I'm going to make my bride." I lean in and kiss her. Perhaps I'm too bold but I'm happy.

05-01-2014, 08:12 PM
I stare at Masamoto in shock for a moment as he comes down from the tree and embraces me, but the moment passes and I find myself kissing him back. When we break from the kiss I lay my head against his chest and smile.

"You are far more bold in my presence than any man has ever dared," I chuckle, "but you have captured my heart and I cannot fault you for it. I would be honored to be your bride. Now let's just enjoy ourselves at this festival for once, and hopefully you won't have to save me again."

05-01-2014, 09:57 PM
"You know, I'm sure we won't have any further trouble." I smile as I peek at the future. Just a bit. History is on track so I can live a life here now.

05-02-2014, 04:34 PM
"We can only pray that, that statement stays true," I chuckle, "now come let's go get the festival started. I do have a marriage announcement to make now after all."

Chuckling softly I hold on to one of Masamoto's hands and start of to go tell the servants about the festival. Inside I am absolutely exploding with happiness. I could never have imagined a better out come or a better man by my side. This is how things were meant to be.

05-02-2014, 06:09 PM
I smile as we sit down and nod to her as a sign she can announce it. To be honest. History will be fine know. Things will work out fine. Oda's death gave way to a new era. One where peace will come sooner.

05-04-2014, 02:12 AM
As I announce my betrothal to the people they cheer and sing praises. Life will go on and be peaceful for many years. Masamoto and I have two children a boy and a girl who go on to rule Japan jointly keeping the country unified and prosperous while Masamoto and I enjoy our later years in quiet peaceful bliss in a small village near where I had grown up. The peace did not last forever though and our Chinese neighbors invaded our homeland. Masamoto and I joined our ancestors in a battle to return peace to our home and couldn't have wished for a better or more honorable death. Our country didn't mourn our passing, but honored our sacrifice instead and continued on to fight off the invaders and return the country to peace. We couldn't have wished for anything better.

05-04-2014, 02:58 AM
I sit on a cloud and smile at our son and daughter. I stare at her. "They did well driving out the Chinese." I fall back onto the cloud. Every now and then I did return to guid my children. I stare down and watch the rain. "You know, the Chinese were foolish to attack our nation. Even so, I'm glad that we're able to rest forever here among the gods. Even so, I've been thinking perhaps we should visit Yamato and Suki at some point eh?" I drink sake and watch as the rain falls down on the castle grounds. We'd done a lot of work and earned our right as two of the guardians of Japan.

05-04-2014, 03:24 AM
"I think they know we are watching," I chuckle, "but a visit would be nice. I'd like to try and get Suki to notice the guardsman who has a crush on her. He's such a nice young man."

Smiling I catch Suki with the exact guardsman I was speaking of as he held out an umbrella for her by mine and Masamoto's graves. She visits often to pay her respects and on occasion I hear her whispering her worries and concerns to me. It's always good to hear her speak and I do what I can to help with her problems when I can. They are precious to me, my children...our children. Looking over to Masamoto I smile. Our beautiful strong children. Suki who looks like her father and Yamato who looks like me. They make me so happy to have had the chance to raise them so well. As at peace as I am with my death I can not help but wish I could still be there to teach them and help them in a more physical sense.

05-04-2014, 03:35 AM
"True, if we ever need to we can return and defend Japan and our children such is the job of the guardians." I smile as I send a butterfly past our daughter. It had been a messenger that I'd used before. To tell her we were watching. It carries a small Sakura Seed. She'd know what to do.