View Full Version : Fox Shadow's Growing Collection

Fox Shadow
03-25-2014, 03:47 AM
Name: Yurei Yanagi

Nickname: Rei

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Powers(optional): Spiritual powers. She is able to see the undead and supernatural beings as well as being able to manipulate her energy into weapons such as Spirit Gun and Shot Gun. Although this is unknown to her until she suddenly discovers a supernatural being.

Species: Human with supernatural powers.

Appearance: Long platinum blond hair (dyed) and hazel eyes. 172cm in height.


Crush: "Ew. No thanks!"

Relationship: "Are you kiddin' me? Men are disgusting pigs!"

Spouse(just for fun): "No. Just no. And fun? Ha! More like pain in the ass!"

Children(same as above): "... Get the hell away from me."

Personality: A delinquent tom boy (*coughs* man-hater) and always getting in trouble. She doesn't find trouble, trouble finds her. Smokes, drinks, skips school, chilling in the park and playing in the arcade is her jam. She's a lone wolf and proud to be solo. Her tough, mean and rude exterior puts people off and makes it difficult for many to see her kindness and vulnerability as a girl struggling through life. She's got a strong sense of justice, but she always jumps into action without even thinking of the consequences. Act now, think later or in other words, shoot first and asks questions later, is her motto. She's got major trust issues, especially with men. In fact she gets along with animals quite well than people. She has a soft spot for cats and dogs.

History: Her father disappeared when she was born, leaving her and her mother to fend for themselves. At the age of 12 her mother passed away from illness and since then have been taken under the care of her mother's sister. Things did not turn out well between Rei and her aunt, so she moved out on her own.

Other: Is a huge martial arts fan and is a very skilled in the field. Despite her figure, she's a glutton and is able to eat 20 plates of sushi and 5 sushi hand rolls in one sitting.

Fox Shadow
03-28-2014, 10:53 AM
Name: Drakken

Gender: Male

Appearance: A black cat with white front paws and ice blue eyes.

Weaknesses: Seafood, he's allergic. Women, especially the well-endowed and voluptuous kind. Catnip, ball of yarn, shiny things, pats/strokes especially underneath the neck and belly rubs. Oh and cold weather - absolutely HATES it!

Age: ???

Bio: He's a demon, well... A demon that's cursed into a cat's body. Long story short he broke a woman's heart by cheating on her with her younger sister, who turned out to be a witch. Unfortunately she committed suicide, before Drakken could beg her for forgiveness in hopes of changing him back to his true form. But all is not lost, as he heard a rumour that a woman by the name of The Raven could change him back. It's been three years since and he's not giving up!

Occupation: Stray

Race: Demon but stuck in a cat.

Other information(optional): He's a demon that accumulates his powers from human desires (eg. Lust, Greed etc) and has the ability to manipulate them to his will - well in his original form that is. But since he's restricted in a feline's body, he can only only do simple things - such as mind read and move small objects. By the way he can talk. Yes, you heard me - a talkin' cat!

Personality: Cautious, manipulative and a cassanova to women. Lacks empathy and would not shed a tear if a child dies in his mother's arm. However, he easily falls into temptation - particularly women (and since he's a cat - anything that cats can't resist! - Minus fish, cause he's allergic). He's got a lot of pride - well what's left of it and can be quite an egoist.

Alliance (Good, neutral, evil): 'I do not care for such trivial matters. I just want my body back.'

Fox Shadow
03-28-2014, 10:59 AM

Name: 安龍偉 (Long-Wei An) - 'Dante' (Stage name)

Age: 25 (but looks 18)

Ethnicity: Chinese

Social Status: Low class

Occupation: Acrobatic

Race: Human

Weapon(s): An umbrella and devil sticks.

Personality: A friendly person once he knows your name. 'Random act of kindness' is what he follows. He's kind and generous, even to strangers, and is willing to help an old lady cross the road. He's a very selfless and pure gentleman at heart, because he's always grateful being given a second chance to live. But if you get on his bad side... You're fucked. He can be a terrifying person.

Brief History: Was saved from starvation by Giovanni Dorianno - the Ring Master of The Diablo Circus at age 4. Giovanni discovered That Long-Wei was a natural born acrobatic and amazed Giovanni with his incredible agility and flexibility. Since then Long-Wei has become one of the famous acts of The Diablo Circus, with his stage name as 'Dante'. He is also featured on the banner with his mask (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51sfa5a6EzL.jpg) - the most infamous icon of the Circus.

Virtue: Selflessness

Physical Strength: Flexibility

Other notes: Very superstitious. Whenever he feels uncomfortable or nervous he would have his hand in his pocket, holding his lucky rabbit's foot charm which was given by his ring master as a gift.