View Full Version : The Wavering Tides of Battle (Gummi Bunnies vs Hoef)

Gummi Bunnies
03-26-2014, 12:32 AM

Silence... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTUTY-nbcAk)

A gentle breeze brushes it's way past the vastness of the trees, weaving it's way through for what would be the end of this tremendous land of the forest. That breeze ruffles a bit of Kaika's brown hair, but she pays no mind to that. She had rested herself against a tree close to a still pond, sitting upon the masses and masses of leaves that happened to blanket the ground with a bright shade of green. With her back rested onto the large trunk of a towering tree, Kaika basically drowned herself with the music that blasted from her headphones.

In an instant, a certain unseen force taps the girl on her shoulder, as if it were a warning. Otherworldly sounds came from thin air, a presence that had no form spoke unspeakable speech to her. Kaika only lets out a tired sigh, understanding every abnormal sound she heard. "Look Miki. I know I've got some...contract to do, or whatever they call a bounty here. It can wait, even the powerful pact bearer needs her rest. Don't worry, I'll be up and running soon enough," she reassures to the empty air, this spirit maybe... More of those strange noises stir up once more in response to Kaika's reasons, and then the presence is no longer in the senses of Kaika.

Stretching her arms up before those arms went back to make contact with the leave-blanketed ground, Kaika eases herself and lets the music surround her. Just a few more minutes, and it was time to explore a bit more before who knows what would happen. Besides...I'm pretty sure I can take on an ambush on my own... she thought to herself with a slight smile.

Dire Hoef
03-26-2014, 12:55 AM
The Arrival

Nu Disco silently appeared in a ray of sound waves as he materialized upon this plane of reality. He had been traveling through realms hoping to find a suitable fighter that would please his ever so burning desire to fight. He looked around seeing that it was forest that had spacious looking trees. He smiled as he turned to the music to some rather destructive music. He looked around as his hand trickled with temptation before seeing a young woman move in the distance. He could sense her presence from the far, and she must of been this world's fighter. It was quite interesting hearing the Emperor have trouble with hunters, but he told me about this woman. He tried his best to keep himself low, but the blaring sounds of the Headphones of Sounds didn't really help the situation all too well.

Nu Disco silently stepped towards this woman as he summoned The Daemon's Sword feeling the vibrating tones of its note. He looked towards this woman as he flipped the music to something more fitting to the situation that was unfolding before it. He swung his sword off to the side summoning a Dubstep note which made a loud, "WUB", in which case caused the ground to shake slighlty and a row of trees fell to the Earth. That was one of his notes gone, but would later come back after this battle was over and done with.

"Hey you!", he called out as he settled the Daemon's Sword upon his shoulder.

Gummi Bunnies
03-26-2014, 01:53 AM
When things were starting to really settle, Kaika blinked as she began to feel another presence come near, one that she did not recognize. Must be some person looking for a fight... Kaika thought to herself, and was going to simply ignore it all. As if she never noticed...though, that seemed to have no need as she felt a slight rumble make it's way through, several trees tumbled down around that vicinity. At least she wasn't crushed by a falling tree, because that would had been an embarrassing way to go.

"Hey you!" the apparent opponent could be barely heard by her, her own blaring music almost obscuring it. Well, this would be some time-killer on the bright side, Kaika letting out an annoyed sigh as she stood up and brushing off whatever dirt and leaves were on her skirt. A brief "baka, baka, baka..." could be heard from her voice, she just seemed to like cursing in Japanese since half of the time, no one knew what it meant.

"So...I'm going to take a "wild" guess and say you're gonna try to strike me down?" she spoke with the addition of rolling her eyes. By now, she's gotten used to the routine of being repeatedly attacked or ambushed almost one too many times. Not wanting to waste even a second, Kaika slid two of her fingers to press onto the white bandaging that was wrapped around the thigh of her left leg, the spiritual aura within her began to build and enhance. In that instant, her eyes went from that simple violet into a radiant shade of magenta, around her, two wisps of spiritual energy faintly took their place at her side. Like a smooth transition, Kaika's headphones began to play a certain song that falls into the genre of heavy techno...

III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0t_Xp6T0oY)

"What are we waiting for then? The sooner we start this, the sooner I can go and move on from this," Kaika grinned, having her hands ready to prepare her manipulation of energy.

Dire Hoef
03-26-2014, 10:32 AM
Nu Disco

"So...I'm going to take a "wild" guess and say you're gonna try to strike me down?"

Nu Disco tilted his head slightly as she began to summon an energy that he wasn't aware of. This energy had caused him to faulter slightly in his steps. He looked towards the woman as she prepared with her stance firm and ready.

"What are we waiting for then? The sooner we start this, the sooner I can go and move on from this"

He stabbed his blade into the ground flipping the music something more comforting the tone of the battle. It was Sound vs Energy.. This might get interesting. Once the song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL0YwbX5tbo) was set, the music began to play and he suddenly got a jolt of energy that would equal drinking five-hour-energy. He smirked as he summoned Level 1 dubstep knowing that the song itself did not have such a booming bass as he thought, but it did carry a sense of edge to it. The sound then began to manipulate within the palms of his hands. It could be seen by the fact that light was bending around the sound in his hands. He smirked when the bass dropped causing his power to reach another level making it 2 and with this he thrusted his hands forward as he launched the ability towards his female opponent slightly sliding backwards.

Gummi Bunnies
03-26-2014, 10:32 PM
The Aerial Strike (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzqntMzfydo)

It was a great perk that her eyes were able to sense whatever came at her, as long as it had some sort of property in it. Either that or her timing would had been very off if she couldn't "see" this mass of sound hurl towards her. Kaika knew that her "Partial" mode didn't provide her that much energy to begin with, so she had to be wise with what she did with it. For all she knew, she wanted to see how she fared against this manipulator of sound with just half of her power.

Closer and closer this mass of sound came to her, she could tell that this was going to be some threat. With a flick of her wrist, one of the wisps of energy immediately expanded and became a shield made out of that energy. Sure enough, this energy shield would endure the sound, and that was the start of it!

She summoned to her other hand a blade forged from the energy from the second wisp, and leapt a bit in the air. Like a short boost, Kaika had the shield disperse apart, that burst of energy giving her some more air, and then the energy dispersed from the shield became a second energy blade so she could dual wield for this. From the air, she swung her dual energy blades at the same time in a "X" formation to release a "X"-shaped energy wave towards her opponent. It sped down the ground with speeds that would be as fast as blinking an eye.

Dire Hoef
03-26-2014, 11:13 PM
Nu Disco

Seeing the Level 2 attack having no affect on the opponent Nu Disco couldn't help but wonder how powerful this woman was in comparison to his power. He suddenly looked up as the woman leaped into the air, and with this saw that the energy she had gave her more lift before sending down an "X" shaped energy strike. He quickly narrowed his eyes before swing up his blade to counter-act this energy attack. Sound and Energy collided and with this Nu Disco was launched off his feet spiraling 15-30 feet before rolling to stop. Nu Disco stood to his feet seconds later using the sword as a means of weight. He looked towards the woman knowing it was his turn to attack with the window he had. He flipped the song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGy70BxOQwY) to more paired situation. He thought for a moment before the music kicked into his system this energy came to be known as, "Trailer Score". He lunged forward with grace and perfections as his body increased in all attributes of battle by 25%. He suddenly became faster and with this used the sounds to skate across the ground making him much more faster.

With this new use of his sounds he skated across the ground making a deep turn circling around the opponent as she fell towards the ground. Once the transitions of music came he leaped towards the woman and swung his blade with full strength hoping to land a hit that would have some power behind it.

Gummi Bunnies
03-27-2014, 12:36 AM
Tension... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFpb7mXwOwQ)

Such a great force came from the collision, Kaika felt herself being pushed back and starting to lose control in the air. This left her vulnerable to any kind of attack, but she had to recover from this soon or else she was going to regret the feeling of the landing. Certainly she needed to use one of her teleportation techniques now, but in the roughly short timespan she had before landing on the ground, this would be a very dire close call.

As quickly as she could with the time she had, Kaika charged and then rushed to let out a small energy orb that appeared transparent, letting it drift out several yards away. By the time she had let the energy orb drift off, she found herself surrounded as he began to circle around like a predator ready to pounce onto it's prey. The very moment that she would be soon met with his blade, she snapped her fingers, and she instantly warped to where the transparent energy orb was lingering at, which wasn't so far away to where she once was. Those energy orbs were like a marker to teleport to, which is why she needed it for this to work. However, the teleport wasn't really that instant as it seemed to be, a noticeable but not so bad cut could be seen upon her right arm, her jacket sleeve torn and the skin cut to the point that several drops of blood bled out.

Yet, she ignored the cut, it wasn't that bad to slow her down. With a little speed boost from the transparent energy orb behind her, Kaika sprinted towards her opponent, it had only been a few seconds since her warp, so it wasn't long until he realized what was done. To take advantage of this, Kaika held her right arm up to bring down her energy blade down upon him as well as swinging her left hand to swiftly slash her other energy blade towards his chest.

Dire Hoef
03-27-2014, 12:56 AM
Nu Disco

Seconds flashed before his eyes before he knew it had been struck by an oncoming energy blade. Luckly he saw this attack coming the seconds that had flashed and with this rolled away with his chest now bleeding. He stood there for a moment to contemplate whether to move or use some sort of ranged attack. He smirked knowing that he had to step to Level Four of his power knowing three and below wasn't enough to stop this woman. He stabbed his blade into ground cause a small ripple causing reality to ripple. He flipped the song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44wy5rWhUCI) to something more fitting and with this he smirked hearing the song kick him into overdrive.

His eyes glowed a deep slivery hue feeling the power rise to Level Four. He stomped his fit down causing a crater to appear within a fifty foot radius of his body. He looked forward as the air began to vibrate dangerously. He looked towards the woman as he hunched down before unleashing his energy at the build up. He roared out when the bass dropped causing a massive sonic wave that blew away anything within a hundred foot radius. This power was now at its peak and with this he looked towards the woman as he cupped his hands and thrusted them forward sending out a large ray of sound that causing him to slide backwards slightly. The sound traveled at high speeds causing trees to fall immediately after coming against this dangerous vibration.

Gummi Bunnies
03-27-2014, 02:28 AM
With that grin of hers, Kaika had the two energy blades disperse and form a large shield as she saw that he had sent a powerful amount of sound towards her. Of course she would be the one to see if she could completely endure this attack with just her energy shield...but it just wasn't enough energy to resist. At that moment the sound and her protective energy collided, it wasn't long as the shield shattered apart and she was sent flying from the dangerous vibrations. Her body skids on the ground as she falls down in a rough landing, everywhere she felt numb after the rocky landing. Shit...and I was planning to finish this with just my Partial Mode...looks like I have to step my game up... she thought as she managed to get her footing, scratches and bruises were visible on her from her landing.

A sudden adrenaline rush comes to her... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug2o1ZO6m-E)

While she got up, she had her fingers on the white bandaging on her leg again, charging in more power to transition into her "Full" mode. Soon, she was blanketed with a warm and pure energy, which glowed ever so radiantly to the point that you couldn't see her anymore within the light. As if she had been bestowed with the purest of energy, the brightness around her broke away to reveal Kaika had changed a bit in appearance. Her attire fitted her as the "Spiritual Pact Bearer of Life Energy," and a flash of energy came to her hand as she wielded a golden sword, the Wing of Lucem.

"Now that's more like it..." Kaika says as she summoned three of those transparent orbs without a problem, sending two of them off to be scattered within the battle, and one right in front of her as if it were a kind of catalyst. Holding up her free hand towards the transparent orb nearest to her, a small but cryptic crest formed by her hand. It was definitely some spell that she was going to unleash once she's charged up enough energy for it.

Dire Hoef
03-27-2014, 10:42 AM
Nu Disco

Nu Disco saw the change in the woman's attire as well as power levels. Her levels were alot more stronger thanks to that attire. She stepped back slightly knowing that this battle was going to get a lot more tougher. He stood his ground before transfering sound to the bottom of his feet and skated throughout the destroyed area hoping to get some distance from this woman as he ban to circle around once more. He lifted his free hand towards the woman using the ability known as, "Destructive Sound", and with this sound transfered from the music to his free hand. Nu Disco shot balls of sound before peeling away and leaping into the air to use the trees as a means of travel and with this he needed to be on the move. Using the tress as a means of travel was somewhat of a good idea, but Nu Disco did not ponder this thought. He used his free hand and shot more balls of sound hoping to wait for the winning move.

Gummi Bunnies
03-31-2014, 07:17 PM
As Kaika continued to charge her energy into this magic crest, she had her energy blades levitate in the air and block the balls of sound to ensure she could use this spell. "Let the souls waver in harmony, Spirits' Dance!" Kaika shouts as she has many wisps of powerful spirit energy, and then forming a tornado of that spiritual energy that would be sent after her opponent, who decided to go for on the treetops for now.

(mobile post)

Dire Hoef
03-31-2014, 10:49 PM
Nu Disco

Seeing that the female opponent had summoned a tornado of dangerous energy Nu Disco could not help but be engulfed by this powerful force of energy, but in the midst of the capture Nu Disco disrupted the flow of energy using his sound and so he was thrown several yards off center of his recent direction. He hit the ground ground quite hard causing a massive explosion of dire and tree branches. Nu Disco stood to his feet shakely feeling his balance wasn't up to date with the current situation, but that all changed when he recovered his standings. He leaped out of the crater, with the help of sound of course, and landed about fifty feet from his opponent. He had normal head-phones at the time, and so he decided to take those off and slip on something more comforting. He slipped on The Headphones of Sound and with this he felt his energy increase by 25% making him feel like a new demon.

Nu Disco settled his Daemon's Sword upon his shoulder and got into a stance that would symbolize a wolf about to pounce. Nu Disco smirked as he leaped through the air at great speeds before coming close to his opponent swinging his feet with twice the strength he normally had before this battle. Now the battle went into overdrive.

Gummi Bunnies
04-04-2014, 07:47 AM
Well...that was fast, Kaika thought. This is pretty much why she never liked settling with spells. She wasted quite some time charging it up, and then to see that it didn't do so much against him anyways. The magic crest used to perform that spell dispersed, dismissing the spell's effects completely. Spellcasting wasn't going to help her that much in this situation in the long run. With the Wing of Lucem in one hand and a manifested energy blade in her other, Kaika waited for the right moment as her opponent dove down for a powerful aerial strike. She'll admit, with her heightened senses, she could definitely tell that something about changing headphones trumped up his energy by a good amount. Let's see how good enough that does him... Kaika thought as she had a cocky grin grow on her face, her eyes giving off a bright flash of pink.

The moment her body would be soon met with his feet, the energy blade suddenly expanded into one of those energy shields again, which gave her enough time to charge up energy into her golden sword. When that was done in the next few moments, Kaika has the shield disperse, pushing her back a few meters away. With the knowledge that there was no space for error, she began to create a chain of backflips, and each time she performed a backflip, she would swing her golden sword in the air to form an energy wave that would be sent towards her opponent. In total once she landed on the ground with no problem, Kaika had sent 8 energy waves towards him, and these energy waves were that fast to begin with.

Dire Hoef
04-04-2014, 05:32 PM
Nu Disco

Seeing the attack only do so much, Nu Disco backed off but was met with eight golden energy waves. Nu Disco planted his feet upon the ground and molded some sound energy within his hands and then forced it out summoning a wall of energy. This blocked the first four but the next four got through the sound wall and with this Nu Disco rolled out of the way before suddenly getting blasted by the final energy wave and with this he was sent hurtling into a tree. Nu Disco's back came into contact with the tree, and so with this Nu Disco stood to his feet using the Daemon's Sword as a means of lifting.

Nu Disco looked towards his opponent with an angered look and with this settled his sword upon his shoulder and threw his free hand out. He then pulled it back summoning Level 4 of the Dubstep Sound. Suddenly he got an idea and with this he combined his Destructive Sound with his Level 4 Dubstep sound in which caused the ground to shake. Nu Disco smirked as a cyclone of sound spiralled around him into the air causing a mass full of trees to uproot and fly into the air. Nu Disco was then lifted in the air and his eyes glowed silver which can be seen through the sound cyclone. Dirt and water alike were thrown into the air causing it to turn into a actual tornado.

Nu Disco slammed his hand upon the surface of the sound tornado causing debris shaped orbs to fly towards the opponent. In which was a total of 12 that were launched towards this female.

Gummi Bunnies
04-05-2014, 11:26 AM
The moment that an actual cyclone, Kaika knew in every obvious reason she had to start moving. She only kept at a running pace to distance herself from the cyclone that was recently formed. Well...there goes her head-on attempt to land some hits on him. Then let's get set up! she thought as she continued to move, occasionally manifesting transparent energy orbs that would drift to the high points above the ground, spread out but still quite close to the vicinity. In total of the transparent orbs, there were 7 of them, and they didn't seem affected as the debri passed right through those.

And now I have to deal with these...I can't use my other energy blade due to manifesting all of those orbs...looks like I would have to resort with just the Wing of Lucem for this one... Kaika thought, holding the golden sword with two hands as she swung it with an elegant motion to cut away at the debri that was fired at her. Sure, slicing a bunch of junk into pieces wasn't a problem, especially when she did have heightened senses. However, since she had reserve her energy for her next attack, Kaika wasn't able to fully counter each and every one of those debri orbs. The last three managing to make her falter slightly, but she was able to catch herself before she could tumble down from the force by impaling her sword into the ground as support. Kaika slowly stood up, and took note on where her opponent was standing in comparison to the 7 transparent orbs she had summoned moments ago...

Dire Hoef
04-05-2014, 06:05 PM
Nu Disco

Seeing only three managing to falter his opponent Nu Disco had become rather frustrated that these attacks were futile against this woman. He had to try something that was worth the attack. Nu Disco looked around his cyclone before extending his arms outwards at the sides before punching the sides the cyclone. Suddenly mini-cyclones appeared off the side to resemble arms extending. Nu Disco smirked knowing that he would have to use this to its upmost extent. Nu Disco yelled out as he lurched the cyclone forward towards the woman before swinging the left cyclone hand at his opponent. He hadn't really realize what sort of problems it would face for him, but he wasn't going to loose like this.

Gummi Bunnies
04-08-2014, 03:04 PM
In a way to defend herself, Kaika managed to throw up a barrier of her own energy around her. though, since this was a rushed tactic, it wasn't going to hold up for that long, as seen as the barrier instantly shatters upon making contact with the cyclone. At the last second though, Kaika managed to dash out of the way once her barrier was shattered apart.

Well...I have to hurry up with this... Kaika thought as she had one of those transparent energy orbs in front of her, having some connection to the many transparent energy orbs in the air above them.

Dire Hoef
04-12-2014, 02:14 AM
Nu Disco

Seeing the female dodge his cyclone attack Nu Disco couldn't help but wonder what else he was capable of. Nu Disco thought about this for a moment before coming up with an idea and with this disbanded the cyclone with Nu Disco landing to his feet. He would switch songs to something more comforting and with this began to lash out beautiful sounds that would affecting anything within hearing distance. Smirked as he lash out sounds towards her that would affect her for a short amount of time and so this was to be his trump card..

Gummi Bunnies
05-05-2014, 05:11 AM
(I'm back from the dead! *insert evil laugh here*)

As she had crudely planned out in some moments, Kaika was giving her own energy into the transparent orb in front of her, using it as some kind of catalyst. However...something about the different array of sounds that her opponent was letting about, it was extremely distracting. Heck, if it were more entrancing than this, she would be out asleep faster than a blown out candle. Surely, her condition would had been that, but the entert around her would continue charging up for whatever attack she had in mind. So, while she was dazed by the melodic sounds, the energy she possessed continued what she planned to do, only because of what kind of inner will she had.