View Full Version : (Rated M) The Travelers {Sweet_doom & Crazywolf}

04-25-2014, 07:20 PM
This Role-play is rated M due to violence, sexual content, language, blood and gore, torture, and other stuff that children should stay away from.

The Travelers

The country of Cedoria has always been known for its placement. It bordered between highlands to the North, a small ocean to the South, a forest to the East and fertile lands to the West, which made this one of the riches country of the West. Other than rich it was beautiful with dramatic mountain views, gentle hills, emerald seas and crystal clear rivers and the crown jewel of this land was its kingdoms Noviella, Urdibri, and Evian. Though each kingdom has it strengths, Urdibri has become one of the most powerful kingdoms in the known world. Positioned West of Clearstone River with the vast Mellow Thorne Forest on the East, the Red Sea to the south, and the Lime mountain to the North, Urdibri lead the trade on Iron, fishing, farming, ranching, hunting, and with massive watchtower that’s rest on it shores it was also secure. Urdibri had all the makings of a perfect kingdom, and if wished could dominate the other two with easy, so when the attacks started no one was surprised. This was their first mistake in a long line of failures, and from then on darkness washed over the once beautiful land.

Many believed that the land was cursed do to the broken engagement of Princess Lance the III of Urdibri and Princess Willa from Noviella. Other say that Prince Lance was cursed as a child and wasn’t the true son of Fredrick. The fact of the matter was something dark had settled over Urdibri and along with it came destruction, famine, fear, and death. Myka knew all too well about the darkness that everyone had been talking about. Though it had been a very long time ago she had seen this power first hand. Her whole country had been leaved in a matter of moments. And from the gloomy decay ridden village that lay outside the main wall to the kingdom, she knew that more than likely she was too late to save the once great kingdom. But she wasn’t here for the reward or the riches, no she was here to settle a score that and gain revenge that she had been hunting for 400 years. The clapping of her black stallion’s hooves on the debris littered streets, an eerie quite sense of doom radiating from the bored windows and fashioned bars made out iron.

But the most unnerving was the large stone castle that once shined beautiful, now decaying and crumbling. No guards stood above the gate awaiting intruders, hell the gates weren’t even closed, but why would they be everyone was too afraid to even leave there homes let alone to arrange an attack. Coming up to the man wooden door, Myka got off her horse before heading toward the door. With a stern knock she waited until an old man dressed in what looked like an ceremonial robe answered the door. “Yes…yes what do you want?” the man spat and Myka couldn’t help the smug smile that washed over her face. “Well boy,” the man continued which only caused Myka to chuckle.

“Well…!!” Sliding the hood from her head to revile her long white hair, she allowed her pale eyes to glance up to be met with wide gapping eyes. “My name is Myka, and I received your message.”
The man stood there a moment not really speaking or breathing for that matter, before shaking his head. “Hummm…yes come in…I will…I’ll return with the You Grace. With a node Myka watched as the man disappeared up the large stone staircase. A few moments later the older man returned with a very distraught King Lance the III. His eyes was sunk into his skull, and was highlighted by dark circles, he was skin and bones leaving his clothes to fit eerily loss. “Mister Hamlin say that you have come to answer my message.” The king spoke and his voice was almost a sickly and week as his frame. “But how can this be? You are a mire child and a female.”

“I’m far from a child and though I am a woman, I’m a master at my work, and from the looks--,” she starts turning around. “You could really use the help.” After a bunch of whispering the two finally turn around, face laced with uncertainty. “You are…” he started but before he could get the words out she answered him. “Luxterrian…yes and I’m the very last of my people. I have seen Evil and I know who to fight it…” With a nod they both smiled. “My home is open to you, and my servants at you request along with my soldiers.” With a smile Myka nodded. “Right now all I’ll need is a dark room to sleep in.” the two again looked at each other, but didn’t ask questions as they leader her to the basement area of the castle. The sun would be rising soon and she would be forced to sleep, but tomorrow the real fun begins.

04-25-2014, 11:07 PM
Jeez what a ruin! Sebb stared up at the once imposing walls of King Lance's castle as he rode up toward the gate. From what he'd seen thus far the rest of the kingdom wasn't in much better shape either. How the mighty had fallen...

He had ridden from the neighboring kingdom of Evian once he heard about the king's message. Now he entered the castle courtyard and slid off his horse. There was no sign of any servant to greet him so with a sigh he tied the animal to a nearby post. This place really had gone to the dogs. He guessed the rumour about the curse must be true.

He approached the castle keep and rapped on the door. After a while there were footsteps on the other side and then the doorkeeper opened it. Sebb saw that he was a rather miserable looking character.

"Yes, what is it?" the man asked.

Sebb gave him a mocking bow and his friendliest smile. "Sebb Harrington at your service."

"What is it you want?" The other man was clearly irritated.

"Why to see the king of course" he replied. "I got one of his messages. Something about a curse that needs lifting."

The older man sighed. "Yes alright come inside, but leave your rifle by the door."

He ushered Sebb into a hall where the king was now seated, looking as melancholy as his castle. The great hall where he sat might once have looked magnificent now it just looked forlorn and empty. The king himself was old and frail. He looked up as Sebb and Master Hamlin entered.

"Another one who got your messages sir" said Hamlin. "A Mister Harrington."

Sebb bowed low and this time it was sincere.

"Ah we are pleased to meet you mister Harrinton" said the king. "And what is your specialism exactly?" As he spoke he looked Sebb up and down eyeing his appearance.

Sebb smiled. "I hunt creatures of the night and practitioners of evil. I have rather a good nose for finding them, you could say I simply sniff them out. For a modest fee of course."

The king nodded. "Yes I am sure we can come to some arrangement. In the meantime Master Hamlin will show you to the guest rooms and have a servant bring you some supper."

"And my horse outside?" Sebb asked.

"Yes yes the grooms will take care of it" interjected Master Hamlin. "Now please sir if you will follow me this way."

Sebb turned to follow then paused.

"Hey wait, you said there was another here already?"

The king nodded. "A girl yes, but you will meet her later. Now if you will go with Master Hamlin."

Sebb frowned, he didn't usually work alongside others. A girl though, that could be interesting. He wanted to ask more however at this moment the king did not seem ready to discuss it further. Mentally he gave a shrug to himself then turned away once more and followed Master Hamlin who led him towards his room.

04-26-2014, 12:00 AM
castle was massive and Myka could tell that in its hay day it must had been something to withhold. Laying her bag on the bed she started to but, it halts when she hears the door open to the catacombs. Tilting her head slightly she walks over to the door listening to the conversation that played out beyond it. “Our Grace might be weaken by this matter, but he is not stupid.” the steward said which just happened to be the same speech she had gotten. “Neither am I…This is why you’ll be staying down in the catacombs away from what the King managed to keep.”

A smile came to her face as she realized she might have some competition, but that smile disappeared when something else caught her heighten senses. Throwing open the door just mire seconds before the two walk by she stepped out her pale blue eyes narrowed as a fake smile played on her lips. “That will be enough Steward, we got the point…” Myka snaps her eyes not moving from the man that stands in front of her. Letting out an ragged and annoyed sigh the older man turned and once he was far enough away.

Myka’s smile faded along with every bit of her rationality. Within minutes Myka has the strangers back against the wall, her fangs bared, a sai to his throat. “Silly dog…didn’t anyone warn it’s not polite to stalk a lady.” Myka say with such hatred that if her word could kill he would have already been dead.

04-26-2014, 01:01 AM
Sebb felt the blade at his throat and also noted that she was a vampire. He had thought he could sense something just before she opened the door. Despite the situation he retained his composure.

"Pardon me your ladyship but it is you who appears to be stalking me" he replied. "Though might I add you are wearing some lovely perfume."

04-26-2014, 01:40 AM
The comment caught Myka off guard as she slowly pulled back an puzzled looking written across her face. “I’m a good judge of character and I have meet enough of you kind to know when you’re around there is either something about to happen or one of your little buddies are sneaking about.” Myka snapped as she pressed the blade closer, “So which is it…”

04-26-2014, 09:12 AM
Sebb fixed her with a firm stare. He didn't trust vampires particularly as the ones he'd met so far were all quite devious. Though it seemed this one didn't like lycans much either. He replied in a neutral deadpan droll "well if you really must know I was about to go to my room and take a wash".

04-27-2014, 02:43 AM
"You're room?" Myka said with an skeptical look, "I'm sure you--," Myka started but before she could get the words out another voice halted her. "Dear God i leave you too alone for a moment and you already disrupting my work. Now but the blades away little girl and get ready for brunch, your grace was wanting to discus the matter than." the the older man snapped and Myka pulled the blade away her eyes not leaving the man in front of her.

"You know this man?" she asked glancing toward the old man, who rolled his eyes. "He is here with the same mission as you, now get dressed the lot of you." and with that he turned and left as if nothing had ever happen. Put the blade away, "I work alone...and especially not with someone like you... with that she turned and left.

04-27-2014, 09:24 AM
I thought I was dressed Sebb thought, slightly bemused by the old man's remark.

"Maybe I don't want to work with you either" he replied to Myka as she stormed off. The king wanted him to work with this woman? Seriously? He would be far better off doing it by himself.

With a shake of the head he turned and headed to his room. And that was another thing, staying in the catacomb was not exactly his idea of proper hospitality. Entering the chamber he waited for a servant girl to arrive with water then washed his face and neck to clean away the dirt of the journey. Next he straightened out his clothes a bit. Finally ready he stood up and left the room. He then made his way up towards the great hall to meet the king for brunch.

04-28-2014, 06:02 PM
Anger raced through Myka as she slammed the door and walked over to the small wash closet. she had come here to figure out what had happen, to take revenge, and now their was someone standing in her way. glancing in the mirror she cleaned her self allowing her clothing to hit the floor, before an knock came to her door. Letting out a sigh, she wrapped herself in one of the wool blankets as she open the door to revile an young woman standing there an lavender dress in her hands. "I'm sorry miss, but the king insisted that i bring you something proper to wear for brunch.

Myka eyed the dress that was made of the finest fabrics and the corset that was made with the finest whale bone. "I'm not wearing that," she snaps going to shut the door when the girl sticks her foot inside halting her. "Please madam, the king will be cross with me if you don't." rolling her eyes Myka allowed the girl to enter and with in minutes Myka exited looking every bit the princess she use to be.

"If i didn't know any better i would say you were of wealth," the young girl said with a slight smile as she lead Myka toward the area in which the brunch was being held. "That was a very long time ago and rather not speak of it." the woman nodded as she pushed open the door reviling Sebb standing next to the wall also waiting. "Here we are madam," the girl started before turning toward the door. Once the girl was gone Myka turned her attention to Sebb who was still dressed in his normal nature boy clothing.

04-28-2014, 08:03 PM
Sebb had been waiting patiently for the king to arrive so they could get this thing started. Now he turned to look at Myka, his eyes taking in her new outfit.

"Ah your ladyship we meet again" he greeted her with an exaggerated politeness. "Are you convinced yet that I don't intend to turn into a wolf and eat you up?"

04-28-2014, 08:28 PM
"One thing I've learned is never to trust a wolf in fancy clothing," she said putting on a faked smile. "But that doesn't matter...this is mine...whatever is causing this chaos i will destroy it and anything that gets in my way." her voice was mincing as she spoke but before another word could pass from her lips the king entered the room. "That is what i like to here," he spoke and Myka shot the wolf an winning smile.

"But with that attitude how am i suppose to trust you with my safety as well." the comment wipes the smirk of Myka's face, as she turns to see the king motioning to the table. "please sit we have lot to discuss." with an huff Myka walks over to the table allowing one of the servants to pull out her chair.

04-28-2014, 09:35 PM
Sebb wandered over to the table and planted himself down in a chair opposite Myke. His mind wandered back to the vampires he had met before. He had even killed a couple of them, though in both instances they had been ones that deserved it.

"Listen your majesty" he addressed the king "I don't think this is going to work out. She obviously doesn't trust me and for what it's worth I don't fully trust her either. I am quite capable of doing this type of stuff alone so why not let me handle it for you by myself."

04-28-2014, 10:01 PM
"He'd be a fool to trust you," Myka snapped her eyes narrowing at the man before her. "you probably even had an hand in what's happening out there." the anger racing through her. "That enough," the king spoke as he slammed his hand down on the wooden table jarring everything that rested on it. "As far as trust goes I trust neither of you, hints the reason you are stationed in the catacombs. I have put my trust in seers, sorceress, and all of them failed. Now if you wouldn't mind shutting up." he paused and when the two didn't speak he started back up.

"Now...this started a couple years ago, but it was unnoticeable at first. People went missing, accidents happened within the woods, but's an large kingdom that is normal." letting out a sigh he took a drink from his goblet. "It wasn't until the sickness and my parents death that things went array. since than my kingdom as all but been wiped away, people fear the monsters in the forest."

With that said Myka gave Sebb an accusing look. "As i said i don't trust either of you...she herself just admitted that she would kill anything that got in her way. And from the look of you i could easily say your an thief, but i'm willing to put it all behind me...so you must as well because you both came and i refuse to let you leave."

04-28-2014, 10:56 PM
"Hmmm so I look like a thief do I?" Sebb replied. He fixed the king with an unfriendly stare. "I do grim dirty work that has no time for fine clothes. Therefore I come as you see me. I am truly sorry if that does not meet your expectation. Fortunately however I do not require your trust, merely terms of payment. But as to requesting that I work with this lady of the night I still believe you are making a serious mistake."

As he spoke the last words he shot Myke a sideways glance. Her general hostility didn't particularly bother him, except of course for the fact that it would make her a pain in the ass to work with.

04-28-2014, 11:57 PM
Shaking her head, Myka rose up from her seat. "Well then...i guess its settled than," she stated as she headed toward the door of the room. "I didn't say you could leave," lance called out his voice angered by her actions. Turning around Myka tilted her head and offered a slight smile, "You might be able to talk that way to your servants and subjects, but i'm neither so if you don't mind its been one hell of a night and i'm going to rest so i can go solve your problems." she snapped before turning back to the door.

The door slammed causing the king to shut his eyes, "Well then my point has been proven...you both will stay and work...the coin will also go up...cause you might need it dealing with her." with that said a man walked out with three platters of food. "Where is the lady?" he asked and the king shrugged. "Just give it to our new friend as well..."

04-29-2014, 09:21 AM
"Err one meal is fine thanks" Sebb replied. "If her ladyship doesn't want to eat I suggest you give her plate to the servants."

So far as he was concerned Myke could go off and do what she liked, he didn't need her, just so long as she didn't get in his way - or expect him to share the reward after he solved it without her. He took some meat off his plate and started eating.

"So tell me more about this curse" he said. "In my experience these things don't just appear. Can you think of anyone particular with a motive? Oh and no need to mention your jilted fiancée I know about that one already."

04-30-2014, 12:47 AM
Taking a few bites of his food, Lance listened to the man that had traveled so far with an wire ear. "No...my family has always been good to its people, but then their was the depute...a family one not of Willa and mine but another." Lance said as he tried to remember the detail. "A woman...hum...hermit i believe. She had an home on the river bank the land was so fertile their that my father wanted to use it for farming and clear the land...the woman refused to leave." he started taking a drink of the wine that sat in front of him. "My father pleaded with her and even arranged for her new accommodation, but the woman called him thief..." he started his eyes finding Sebb as her spoke. "She died on the land, believing my farther was an thief...could that be the cause?"

Myka laughed as she walked through the large room that lead to the stairs. She had used her hearing to listen in and the thought of this madness being an old woman distant on revenge only amused her. "My I ask what's so funny," the older steward asked causing Myka eyes to narrow. "Oh nothing...just admiring all this beauty that was," she disrespectfully announced. "You know before the royals pissed someone off." Myka said with a smug smile as she pushed past, but right before she got far the man tighten his hand around her forearm enough to leave bruises.

With a strength that shocked her, he pulled her toward him enough so he could whisperer in her ear. "Be careful little girl...disrespect comes with an price around here." with that he let go strutting off leaving Myka confused watching him. "well that wasn't weird at all."

04-30-2014, 05:34 PM
"It's possible" Sebb replied. "At least it gives me somewhere to start." He took another bite of steak, it really was good, king's sure knew how to eat. "But before I dash off I should also like to talk to a couple of the older servants, the ones who knew your father well. Master Hamlin perhaps? He looks like he's been here a pretty long time."

04-30-2014, 06:30 PM
"that fine...they will all answer honestly they have nothing to hide, and as far as my steward Master Hamlin has been here a while. He was one of the original staff when my father took the throne, it was said that he even steward for my grandfather." King lance said as he looked down at the food with an confused look. "i have known him for a very long time, well all my life and you know its as if he never aged." with that he took a drink shaking his head. "Well i must retire i believe you have a busy night ahead of you and equally busy day."


Myka stated hidden watching from an far, watching the old steward, and for what felt like an hour or so the man hadn't done anything abnormal. He walks around doing his chores, ordering the remaining servants, none of it as strange as the meeting and warning he had given her just mire minutes ago. but no matter what he did now she could shake the feeling something was off.

04-30-2014, 07:21 PM
"You may be right." Sebb pushed away his own empty plate. "If you would possibly give me directions to Master Hamlin's quarters I'll go and speak with him now."

Odd that comment about the age he thought to himself. Perhaps there was more to the old doorkeeper than met the eye. Meanwhile he wondered where Myke had got to, had she really gone off to rest like she said or was she up to something else...

*Just curious if anyone else is actually reading this beside the players. If so feel free to leave messages on my profile page or the ooc. Only nice messages though. ;)

04-30-2014, 10:43 PM
"His quarters is down the hall to the right. Their is an staircase that leaded up to his room...now if you will excuse me." he said pushing his chair away as he disappeared out the very door he had entered.


After a hour watching the old man that had caught attention, she was ready to admit that just maybe he was just an angry steward in fear for his king. It was either that or the fact very second she stayed awake she grew weaker. Thankfully the sun was hidden behind darken clouds and the stone wall drowned out the few rays that did make it through, but neither helped with the pull it had on her body. She need to rest if she wished to get a jump on the wolf, and anything else that waited in the forest tree line.

Walking back to her room she turned the corner opening the door, but before she could enter a sound caught her ears. A sound that in all her time she hadn't and couldn't forget the sound of sharp nails on stone floors. Reaching into her corset she pulled out a sliver knife, keeping it hidden waiting. Which was to long when the creature shadowed in dark leaped out barely missing her, causing her to drop the knife. Her eyes scanned the area but for the life of her she couldn't see anything only hear it.

05-01-2014, 02:01 AM
With Lance gone Sebb stood up and followed his directions toward the steward's private chamber. Walking dowbn the passageway he decided he really didn't like this castle very much. Somehow the place just gave him the creeps.

Shaking the thought away he climbed the stairway up to a small landing with a heavy oak door. Approaching the portal he raised his hand and knocked.

05-01-2014, 04:58 AM
Out of no where the shadow like creature attacked again knocking her to the floor, with strength that matched nothing she had ever felt or seen. Massive jaws snapped at her as she uses all her strength to keep it at by, she was just about to scream when the creature vanished completely. Leaving Myka laying bloody on the cold stone floor, she would heal yes but slowly do to her weakness. But she wouldn't all that to stop her, pulling her tired body up she stumbled toward the stairs wither she wanted to or not...she had to warn everyone...something was in the castle.


The knock echoed through the room as the old mans eyes, which had been rolled into the back opened. A sense of anger washing over his face as he adjusted his outfit. Opening the door he eyed the man their cautiously. "Yes what do you want."

05-01-2014, 08:27 AM
"Ah Hamlin my old friend" Sebb smiled, "I hoped you and I could have a little talk. You don't mind do you?" Without waiting further he stepped into the room. "It's about the old king you see. I was wondering if he had any particular enemies that bore him grudges? Also I should like to know about the time when this curse business started, where there any other events at the time that seemed strange?"

As he spoke his eye casually scanned the room looking for anything there that seemed unusual.

05-01-2014, 05:10 PM
"You can look under the bed also if you like, I have nothing to hide but i'm certain that you do." the old man started as he walked over to the ancient looking desk. "But anyway... Lances father was a good man, well a little blinded sometimes but a good man and king none the less." He started his eye looking over to Sebb.

"And as far as the curse goes, well nothing truly weird happen." he said with an shrug. "People go into the forest everyday and die from animal attacks and so on. Wolfs and bores come a calling to farms in the night taking life stock, people get sick. So like i said no one truly knew or thought anything about it...well until the Kings death."

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

Myka stumbled through the basement area of the castle, before finally making it to the top of the stairs. Her arm pored, her leg badly mauled, but the worse part of the matter she wasn't healing, well at all.. Yes it being morning and her having not rested had slowed her abilities, but this had nothing to do with it. She was completely not healing.
Pushing open the door that lead into the main hall, she falls on to the floor earning a scream from the maids.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!1

The screams echoed throughout the stone castle and Hamlin just smiles. "Whatever your looking for i believe it here and after your friend." he said waiting to see if the man left or stayed as chaos broke out down stairs.

05-01-2014, 06:02 PM
Sebb was just thinking that the steward wasn't being especially helpful when he heard the scream. Without further waiting he dashed out the door and ran down the stairs. He burst into the main hall to see Myke lying on the floor bleeding and the maids staring about in panic.

"Well don't just stand there" he ordered them, "do something to help her. Get something to stop the bleeding for god sakes."

Quickly he knelt down beside Myke checking on her condition. "Myke can you hear me? What attacked you? Where did it happen?"

05-01-2014, 06:22 PM
"Sir...we did check her she has no heartbeat. I fear she is dead,"one of the maids say coming up the hall hands filled with blankets. "It's almost like she was infected or injected with something." the maid said as she leaned down picking up Myka's injured arm that is now covered in black vine like veins starting at the wound and working upward.

"See its like --," with that Myka's eyes snap open causing the woman to stumble and fall back. Especially when the girl sat up coughing up what looks like black blood. "How...she..she was dead." the maid said and Myka's eye found the girls before finding Sebb.

"Get me away from them before i kill them," she whispers and for the first time her eyes are soft, and almost begging.

05-01-2014, 08:36 PM
Sebb was confused, not knowing what was wrong with her, but he saw the desperation in her face so complied with the request. Carefully lifted her up in his arms and turned towards the door. Not knowing where else to go he started to carry her back towards her room. All his senses were hyper-alert now on the lookout for the thing that had attacked her. He felt the wolf growling inside him.

Reaching her room he shoved open the door and carried her inside before gently laying her down in her open coffin. He looked down at her pale visage with concern. What thing could have done this?

"Is there anything I can get for you? Anything else you need?" he asked.

05-01-2014, 10:25 PM
Her eyes look up at the man an almost sorry expression on her face, "Yeah, but your not going to like it. I need blood not much but enough to help the healing, but i'm afraid it i start i want be able to stop. That why i asked you to get me way from those girls." i say matter-factly. "So if you wanna help give me your wrist...and promise me that you'll never tell anyone that i did this."

05-02-2014, 08:26 AM
Sebb hesitated but then nodded slowly. He pulled up his sleeve and held out his wrist. On the forearm above it were visible several scars as if he had once been mauled there by an animal. "It's ok I promise your secret is safe."

05-02-2014, 02:36 PM
with a nod she take his wrist in her hand before allowing her fangs to skin into it as gently as she can manage. But as his blood rushes into her mouth something strange happens, she can see his memories and they are horrifying. like an movie they play out before her eyes staring a huge creature, fear and pain. It so intense that she quickly pulls away her mouth covered lightly in his blood as she stares up at him. "Your not a born one,"she coos as she looking at him with confusions. "You were changed...you were attacked."

05-02-2014, 03:07 PM
Sebb frowned a bit as she awoke the memory in his own mind. "Yes" he replied simply, his tone was measured and his voice neutral. "It happened some time ago." He then fell silent. He did not feel ready yet to give her the full story about his past. Maybe when they knew each other a bit better, but not yet.

"Umm so tell me of the creature that attacked you" he said. "What did it look like?" He hoped he wasn't tiring her out too much with questions but it seemed important.

05-02-2014, 04:16 PM
Seeing the uncertainty in his eyes, she allowed him to change the subject. "I don't really know. I mean if i had to guess a creature, a wolf maybe defiantly not a man." She starts as she leans back in the bed closing her eyes. "I could here it. The claws on the floor, a kind of mincing growl, but i can see nothing." she says opening her eyes. "I'm a vampire ever sense is heighten my sight is better than any creatures but your kinds. I can see in the dark clear as day, but whatever attacked...i couldn't see it or even sense it...i just got luck and heard it." she pauses shaking her head. "What was even stranger was the fact it had me...i was dead....i could feel it, but it left. we are dealing with something very powerful...and i don't think it curse related."

05-02-2014, 08:18 PM
Sebb frowned as he listened to the description. "Well if it's a Lycan it's not like any I've ever met before. Certainly I've never known any of my own kind that could hide their presence like that. Hopefully the maids have had the good sense to warn the other servants that there is an intruder." He paused momentarily. "There's something else. I think there's definitely something wrong about Master Hamlin. I was with him earlier when you screamed, it's just the way he reacted, it wasn't normal at all... Listen, if you still feel weak I can wait outside your door while you recover a bit. Or if you're okay we could go and look for the creature together."

05-02-2014, 11:29 PM
“This was no Lycan…I’ve been attack enough times b--,” She pauses her eyes down cast. “I just know that this wasn’t a Lycan it was bigger plus unless you have guys have been hiding the fact you have venom in your fangs against vampires.” She says leaning up slightly wincing a little as she puts her feet on the floor. “There isn’t much that can hurt us the way that did. I mean yes sliver in pure form is like acid, but this…this was different.”

Pulling her weary body up the rest of the way up, she turned to the small chair and started to go through the bag she had brought. “I’m fine just let me get these bloody clothes and you don’t have to say anything about that weird old freak. He threatened me…well I think he did,” I start pulling out some different clothing. “After that I followed him but nothing seem abnormal so I headed back and that’s when I was attacked.” Turning around I gave him and slight smile, “If you’re going to stand there at lase turn around.”

05-03-2014, 07:44 AM
Sebb gave a wry smile. "No that's ok I'll wait outside the door. I don't want to invade your privacy."

He turned and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. Well this is turning into a rather interesting job he thought to himself. However the description of the creature did concern him a bit, based on Myke's account it would be quite difficult to track and kill... Historically he didn't seem to have much luck in castles he thought. The last one he'd been in a very strong vampire had thrown him out of an upper story window. Apparently these days you couldn't even compliment a man's wife.

05-03-2014, 01:53 PM
A smile came to Myka's faces as the door opened than closed. Wither he was a wolf or a man it didn't matter anymore. Wither she liked it or not he had saved her and even offered his blood to here, and action unheard of by there kinds. Plus there was the fact that whatever was out there easily the worst type of monster.An invisible one with posing that could be lurking anywhere.

After getting dress, Myka begin to go through her books and weapons, searching for something anything that could describe what had happen or what had caused her so much pain. "You can come back in now," I call to the door as I sit down on the bed four books in front of me. the corset top I wear his dark blue almost black and shows my shoulder and the slowly fading black vine looking veins, but the one on my hips his hidden beneath a pair of trouser.

I examin the mark and look in the book, only looking up when Sebb renters. "Sorry i was just looking for something...but with no luck." i say closing the book as i place a sai to each of my side and bow on my back. "So where should we start first."

05-03-2014, 03:22 PM
Sebb re-entered the room and watched as Myke tooled herself up with weapons, looking like a femme fatale in every manner.

"Uh I have no idea really" he replied. "I guess the creature is here because it wants something. In my mind King Lance is the most obvious target. I suggest we first head to the royal chambers."

(Sorry for the short post, in this moment I wasn't sure what else to add.)

05-04-2014, 03:19 AM
Turning slightly to look at Sebb I pull my hair up into a ponytail with a red ribbon, and catch him eyeing me funny. I smile as I narrow my eyes in confusion. “What?” I say but he ignores the question and jumps right in. “Oh it’s defiantly here for something or someone, but in all honestly I don’t think it’s after king Lance.” She says shaking her head slightly. “I mean it doesn’t make since. The army that protects the king is hardly nine and they are not what you would call up to task.

“Instead of attacking me it could of went after Lance then...I mean don’t get me wrong I believe this has something to do with him, but his death…I’m not so certain. Either way we should check.” With that she opened the door leading the way to the throne room. Once there they opened the door to see Lance being consoled by his steward Mr. Hamlin and both looked quite shocked to see her standing in front of them. “Myka….I was told…I thought--,” he started standing to hurry over looking at the black that veined under my skin still slightly. “I was dead…yeah I get that a lot.” I say throwing Sebb and knowing smile. “But I’m not the one you should be hurried about. This creature it bypassed all security…which mean no one is safe here.” She starts and watches as the old man crosses his arms in irritation.

“How do know that you didn’t let the creature in…that your injuries were faked to look innocent.” Ignoring the man’s comment Myka took the young kings hand into her. “You have a safe room right. In case of an attack.” The man nodded and Myka smiles. “Good go there and lock yourself in until we figure out what’s going on.”
“What about you.” He asked and myka shrugged. “I’m a big girl… I can take care of myself now go.” With a nod the king and Hamlin left. Turning to Sebb she smiled. “Ready to kill a monster.”

05-04-2014, 09:34 AM
Sebb didn't much care for Hamlin's last comment. There was definitely something very odious about him, he had detected it before and now seeing him again he was absolutely certain of it.

He turned to Myke and smiled back at her. He now had his rifle again which he had fetched on the way. He also had on him his various hunting knives.

"Yes I'm ready, please lead on."

05-04-2014, 04:27 PM
“Okay…so what do we know?” she says more to herself than him. “We know that the family was supposedly cursed, we know that there had been strange deaths like animal attacks, we know that there is something defiantly of with that steward.” She says as she walks through the massive halls. “Also there is the creature that attacked me…invisible, venomous, and very strong there things never seen on one single animal.” Turing the corner they entered the savant corridors, watching as all the maid and footmen halted in shock. “Listen I need you all to lock yourself in your rooms, bar the windows, and anyway something can get in.”

“Are you saying the creature might be here…somewhere?” one of the men asks his eye filled with panic just as much as the other. “Yes there is a possibility. So go now do as I say and we will come and get you after we cleared the castle.” Nodding all the servants locked themselves away and Myka turned to Sebb with a smile. “There all locked away if they are in fact responsible we will figure out, but until that I have an idea where to start. And that will be in Hamlin’s room.”

05-04-2014, 06:25 PM
"You think Hamlin summoned the creature here?" Sebb asked. "If so it would fit in with his behaviour earlier. If that's where you want to go and look first then I think it's definitely a good idea."

Now Myke was recovered from her injury she seemed to be quite confident. By the look of her she was about eighteen, but he knew that with vampires that meant nothing at all. He wondered how old she was in reality, but with her being a woman he figured that it would probably be quite rude to ask her the question.

05-04-2014, 07:58 PM
“Honestly I’m not certain,” she starts as they make their way through the hall toward the room in question. “I’ve been around a very long time Sebb, long enough to see reality turn into myths and legends.” She starts as she turns to look over at the man trying to hide the sadness in her eyes. “I have seen beautiful civilizations flourish only to fall, just like it has here and there is always a reason."

"We find the reason we have a weapon…knowled--.” She pauses when as a loud crashing noise echoed from the above room. “You said you went in there that he was acting strange, right.” She confirmed more for herself then him, as another crashed happened along with the sound of heavy clawed feet on wood. “It’s up there.”

05-04-2014, 08:46 PM
"Good" replied Sebb, his expression hardening. "If it's up there then we can trap it inside the room and it can't escape."

He unslung his rifle from his shoulder and loaded a silver bullet.

"Ok let's go" he said grimly. With that he started running up the stairs.

05-04-2014, 09:35 PM
Readying her sais in each hand she nodded to Seb following him toward the door, watching as it is thrown open to revile an empty and very dark room. The noise having desisted, Myka grabs Sebb shoulder. “Remember…I couldn’t see it…so it could be here.” She whispers before nodding toward the left before heading to the right. The room is much bigger than what she had taught as she scans through it she becomes quite aware of how much so.

It was litter with old antics some in which dated back thousands if not hundreds years, some even older than herself. That’s when her eyes came across something strange. A book with no name no symbols just an all-black cover. Reaching out to touch it she halted when she heard a rustling to her left. It was here…and it was watching.

05-04-2014, 11:23 PM
Sebb pointed the rifle in the direction of the russling, but of course there was nothing to aim at. He'd never faced a creature quite like this one before. He wondered then if the creature and Hamlin were the same person.

"Throw something at it" he said quietly. "Books, coins, anything. I need it to pinpoint where it is so that I can take the shot."

05-04-2014, 11:45 PM
Myka nodded as she turned slightly making sure not to take her eyes from the rustling direction she reached for the black covered book once again and a growl echoed through out the attic like room. Taking a deep breath Myka used her abilities to snatch the book at lightening speed, but once in her hands the room erupted in madness as tables and chairs are tossed about by an unseen able force as it goes for her.

Growling echos through out the room, heavy clawed feet scratched the floor as it raced after her, but thankfully not as fast. "Shoot the damn thing." Myka screamed as she stopped on the other side of the room. She is on top of a massive bookcase on her hands and knees holding tight to the book. The creature somewhere below her and unable to get to her. "Shoot damn it."

05-05-2014, 07:48 AM
Sebb was impressed how fast she managed to jump up on top of the bookcase. With regard to taking the shot he needed no invitation. He aimed at the spot directly below her and pulled the trigger.

05-05-2014, 04:19 PM
As soon as the noise went off an whimper echoed through the room followed by silent. With a huge smile on her face Myka looked up, but it was short lived when the rustling started again. Before anything could happen heavy racing clawed footsteps echoed heading toward Sebb.

05-05-2014, 05:55 PM
Sebb's face betrayed a flicker of apprehension, though fortunately he didn't have too much time to think. With no time to do anything else he reversed his grip on the rifle. As the footfalls of the invisible beast came within arm's length he swung the rifle butt down hard. If he could just fend it off for long enough perhaps Myke would think of something.

05-07-2014, 01:34 PM
Again the beast let out an pained whimper and a few feet away an old chair broke. It seemed like Sebb had landed an rather hurtful blow, but again it did not stay down long. That’s when she noticed something. The room was dark just like the catacombs and from the way the creature attacked it was making sure to stay away from the door that allowed some traces of light. “Light Sebb…I think its afraid of the light.It wasn't the bullet that caused it damage when you shot it, it was the mules flash"

05-07-2014, 06:38 PM
Sebb swung again with the rifle butt but it was a bit hard fighting something you couldn't see. He suddenly felt a heavy impact as the creature knocked him off his feet. He felt it bear down on top of him, claws pressing into his chest as he tried to fend it off. Then he heard Myke's words. In that split-second he had an idea that might save them both.

"The window" he called back at her. "Open the blinds on the window."

05-08-2014, 07:42 PM
Looking up, Myka saw the huge window that was covered by an heavy blind. With the monster in attack mode, she quickly stood on her tip toes reaching for the velvet red blinds. "Damn it." she cussed as she turned in time to see Sebb struggling. Taking a deep breath myka jumped and pulled the blind off the window, but falling on the hard ground in the process.The room felled with sunlight and what sounded like whimpering, followed by panic. Things crashed to the ground and claws scratched, and then there was nothing. Raising up slowly Myka looked over toward the man in question, "Are you okay...where you bit." she asked her voice pained.

05-08-2014, 07:59 PM
"I umm it's ok I didn't get bit, just bruises and scratches" Sebb replied. "You stopped it just in time."

With a slight groan he rolled himself up onto his knees and stared around.

"Where did it go?" he asked her. "Did it escape?"

05-09-2014, 02:49 PM
“I don’t know,” she groans as she stands up slowly. “But I think I have one major clue on what or who that thing is.” She say holding up the ancient looking black ominous covered book. “But let go pay our friend Mr. Hamlin a visit to see if there was any change or what not.” With that she walked over offering him her hand. “So i guess we are even. I mean you save my life…sorta and now I saved you.” She laughs as she open the large door. “I’m surprised that the world hasn’t spilt down it axes yet…since it’s been hundreds of years since our kind got along.”

She led the way through the massive home, before stopping in the King’s private quarters. Walking over to the blank wall she banged on it and watched as the wood started to split as it opened. Turning to Sebb I give him a knowing nod to prepare for whatever may come, but as the door swung open I pause as they both sit there waiting with no change at all.

“Well did you find that thing, is it safe to come out.” Lance asked as he glances from Myka to Sebb. “Well are you going to just stand there or answer him did you find the monster you were looking for.” Hamlin quickly spoke. Turn to Sebb myka smiled as she hid the book from view, “Yes it safe I believe the creature is gone from the home, but I wouldn’t recommend living anytime soon.”

With that Myka turned heading out of the room and toward her own, looking back at Sebb. “Well are you coming I need to examine your starches.” Once they were away from the king and out of hearing distance she spoke again. “Okay so it might not be him, but he has something to do with this there is no doubt we just need to figure out what part he plays.”

05-09-2014, 06:42 PM
"I think the clue is obviously to do with that book" Sebb replied. "I'll umm let you study it though, I'm guessing your probably much older than me and therefore more likely to recognise things. As to the scratches please don't worry I've taken far worse. It just got me across the chest a bit that's all. It will take more than that to bring me down." As he spoke the last words he gave her a playful wolfish smile.

They continued along the passage and down the stairs. As they reached the door of her room he stopped and hesitated.

"I'll umm give you some time to study the book then?" he said. "I'm just going to try and wash the blood out of this shirt a bit. I'd give it to the maids to take away but unfortunately I don't have a spare one. Such is the way of being a traveller I guess... Just knock on my door if you need anything."

05-09-2014, 09:00 PM
Shaking her head she couldn’t help the smile that crossed her lips, as she allowed her eyes to work their way over his ripped shirt. “Give it to the maid and after tell her to visit it me... I’m certain that someone here is your size and a girl has to eat.” She says tilting her head as she bit her bottom lip. “But I’m sure you don’t care to know about that kind of stuff now do you.” With that she turned to close the door. “Go on get cleaned up.” She says before holding up the thick book. “This is going to take a while, and I think we’re all safe for now.”

Closing the door, Myka leaned against it and smiled. He might have been a wolf, but he had saved her life. He had also helped her take on the monster that hurt her. Though their kind hated each other it seemed together they were quite a team. Letting out a sigh, she pushed off the door and walked over the bed. Plopping down on the bed, she crossed her legs and opened the book and couldn’t stop the fear that raced through her face.

05-10-2014, 11:26 AM
Sebb was left standing in the corridor feeling a bit tongue-tied. It felt like he'd just received a lecture from his mother. Still she was probably right, one of the servants would have something spare.

Not sure where to look he wandered about a bit until he came to the kitchens. Inside were the two maids who had served the brunch. They were a young blonde girl with quite an attractive figure and a slightly older brunette with long curls. Supervising them was a dark haired older woman, presumably the cook. All three turned to look at him. He smiled sweetly at the two girls.

"Umm hi" he said. "I'm afraid I've ripped my shirt a bit. I just wondered if one of the male servants might have something else I could borrow. Also my friend asked for room-service."

The older woman looked him up and down then smiled. "Your one of the ones who fought the creature and chased it out right? Of course we will help you. Angelica find something then bring it to your chamber."

"Ok thanks" he replied. "Oh and thanks by the way for making brunch" he added casually. "I do find riding builds up such an appetite, sometimes it makes me as hungry as a wolf."


Returning to his chamber he sat on the bed and pulled off his shirt. Then using the washbowl he cleaned the cuts on his chest with water. More scars to add to the collection he thought. That done he dried himself a bit with a towel. A moment later there came a knock on the door.

"Yes, come in" he said.

The door opened to reveal the attractive blonde maid. In her arms she was holding a spare shirt. She blushed a little bit when she saw his bare chest.

"Umm I brought your shirt" she said. "Also if you give me the other one I can take it away and get it mended."

Sebb smiled back at her. She really was quite pretty he thought. Just standing there he felt like he could eat her up. Metaphorically of course.

"Thanks that's very kind" he replied, putting on his most charming manners.

In response she smiled blushingly. She then put the fresh shirt on the bed for him then picked up the damaged one beside it. "I'll umm get this one back as soon as possible" she said.

"That's fine, no rush" he replied back.

"Ok thanks" she said. With that she turned and headed to the door. As she left she looked back over her shoulder and gave him a parting smile.

After she had gone Sebb let out a private sigh and put on the new shirt. God that girl was nice, but then on the other hand so was Myke. He figured that he ought to go check on the latter. Maybe she had found something by now. He headed over to her room and knocked on the door.

05-11-2014, 03:07 AM
The more Myka read the more her face contorted into a mixture of amazement, fear, uncertain, and even a little excitement. But even so nothing seem to match what or who could be doing something like this. If anything it was a book of legends that dated back if before Myka’s time. Stories of vampires, lycans, witch craft, demons. Actually most of the books with warn page was about demons and other true unholy things.

She was so in gross in the book that when a knock came to her door, she jumped slightly take off guard by the intruding knock. “Yes,” Myka called sitting the book to the side as she listened for a response. “She ma’am, my name is Nathan and I’m an servant to the chief, may I enter.” A smile came to Myka’s face as she rose off the bed and walked over to the door, opening it. “Yes?” Myka questioned almost playfully to the young man that stood there almost shyly.

“I come bearing food,” I stated as he pulled a small cart up to the door. “I was told you requested some food, but not type or quantity, so the chief insisted that I bring you everything. Especially due to your bravery and willingness to fight even injured.” He finished but the words were drowned out by that rapidly beating heart in his chest. Wither it was the fact she hadn’t truly feed in a while, or the fact that she was still healing she couldn’t seem to focus on anything but the sound.

It was like adrenalin high. She had been hurt but the anger and fear kept her alive the adrenalin kept her going, but now it was slowly wearing off and the pain was approaching but worse the hunger. She might have been an immortal and has the ability to heal but the pain was still there. “Yes well come on in and let us see what the good chief has prepared.” With a smile the boy rolled in the chart, but before he gets too far he finds himself pinned to the door.

Myka’s hand covers his mouth and halts his screams as her eyes stare unmoving or blinking into his, “I want hurt you, and I will make this painless as possible,” she whispers. “But you will not scream or make any noises. Do you understand?” the boys hazed looking eyes still focused only on her in a trace like state as he nods. Pulling her hand away she allows it to travel down his cheek and on down to his collar.

Unbuttoning the small buttons she reviled his neck and watched as a chill ran down his spin. A smile came to her lips as her fangs emerged, and she wasn’t certain if it was fear or excitement that registered in the boy’s face. “You might like this…but you won’t remember.” With that and lightning speed she attacked biting into his neck. But has the blood pooled in her mouth she couldn’t help the sigh that escapes. He was sweet and tangy, everything that she liked…well before she had tasted Sebbs blood.

His blood tasted of power and strength with an sour but sweet and spicy taste. Closing her eyes she could almost taste it again. The young boy groans and Myka drinks deeply until a knock startles her back. “What?!!?” she snaps almost monster like.

05-11-2014, 07:43 AM
The tone took Sebb by surprise. He sniffed slightly and thought he could smell fresh blood.

"It's me" he replied through the door. "I was just checking how you were getting on."

05-11-2014, 01:33 PM
Myka’s eyes soften as she stared back at the fright young man. Blood rolled down his pale skin and his eyes held a sense of fear that chilled Myka to the bone. Releasing her grip, she stepped back with just as much fear. “I’m sorry…” he voice was soft and almost sad as she bit into her own wrist using the blood to heal the young man. “You want remember anything that happen tonight. All you know is you brought my food, we talked and you left. No go clean up” Even frighten the trace like state held as he turned and opened the door.

The boy didn’t shut the door instead he kept walking, leaving it open for Sebb to see Myka, as she hurried to clean the blood from herself. “Sorry about that…I thought you might have been Hamlin coming to bitch about his room.” she lied as she turned to give him a weak smile. “Come in and sit. Look at the book not all of it is ancient as you believe, but face away so I can change my shirt.”

05-11-2014, 01:56 PM
Sebb watched the servant boy pass him looking slightly vacant. With a frown he entered the room. The first thing he noticed was the blood on Myke's shirt, a sight that made him suspicious. She hadn't had she?

He picked up the book and turned away from her. But out of the corner of his eye he kept an eye on her shadow. Slowly he inspected the first two pages.

"So did you find out anything interesting?" he asked.

05-11-2014, 02:22 PM
“No…not really,” myka said from the corner of the room as she rambled through her clothing. “The book is ancient dating back to before even my time, but there are pages that date back as late as 9 years ago.” She spoke before moving to pull off her shirt, but winces as she does. She hadn’t hurt herself and with the amount of blood she had taken she should have been healed, so she ignored it. “umm…its mostly stores history of our kinds and so much more. But the most interesting is the parts about demons.

I mean it feel almost all the boo—,”she winced again this time she turned slight allowing herself to see what she could in the small mirror. Standing on her tippy toes she turned catching the glimpse of something on her lower back. Believing it wasn’t anything but the pain from the poison, she pulls on a shirt before walking over to Sebb sitting down beside him. “any kind of scary beasty you can think of is in this book, just not our frien--,” she winces again. “Sorry I guess I’m just a little pained from the ordeals we’ve been through.”

05-11-2014, 03:36 PM
Hearing her wince Sebb glanced slightly over his shoulder. As he did he noticed there was some odd marking on her back, but he didn't comment.

"Don't worry about it" he replied to her as she sat down beside him. "If you need to rest just tell me." The tone was neutral and formal. "I-umm, I don't know how often your kind need to feed" he remarked, "but it must be tricky to get blood sometimes. At least from a willing donor." As made the comment he did his best to keep his voice casual, but couldn't avoid a hint of wariness.

05-11-2014, 04:32 PM
Myka smiled, “Not as often as I would like,” though the smile stated present the tone was sad. “No, there is no need on rest…I’ll be fine…immortal remember.” She joked before taking the book from Sebbs hands. “This book has information at about everything in the unexplained world. It’s enough to make someone an expert on the subject manner, but what’s more unsettling then that is this,” with that she turned the pages until stopping on one of the ancient pages.

“This page has an ritual that I haven’t seen or even heard of in a very long time…a demonic ritual that is supposed to give the caster power over anything nonhuman…Sebb this was used by hunters a very long time ago…to correct sins of the sinners.” With that said she handed the book back and pointed to the strange symbol, before standing up and walking back over to the bag. “A marking was placed on the kill by the hunter, once marked they were marked for dead…none survived…well just one did.”

Her voice was soft and she leaned against the small wash counter, “This book has been passed down for generations… and if this is in fact Hamlin’s then we have more to worry about then this curse.”

05-11-2014, 09:07 PM
When she pointed to the symbol it caught Sebb's attention. It looked just like the marking he had seen on her own back. He looked at her for a second and then bit his lip.

"You say just one survived" he remarked. "How did that happen? As for Hamlin surely we now have the evidence to expose him. Possession of such a book is surely a blasphemy in itself."

05-11-2014, 10:37 PM
Myka smiled but it was fake and did nothing to hide the anger and hatred in her voice, “Nothing was ever left to chance with the group, and once you were deep inside their folds if you failed they punished you.” She stated as she turned back toward Sebb.“Only one survived because she was a member, and their punishment back fired on them--,” realizing that she had said she instead of it or he she quickly changed the subject.

“The group was known as the Order of the Dragon, which is probably a name you’ve never heard. Because they hid it from everyone and everything, but they had their greed little fingers in every kings pocket.” Myka said with a sigh as she walked over and takes the book. “I have only seen one of these…and it was a very long time ago and I never saw the inside. It wasn’t until I found the symbol and ritual that realized what it was, so your right if Hamlin is the owner he wouldn’t leave it out like that…so the question is does he know what it is and who else knows.”

05-11-2014, 11:28 PM
Sebb frowned. "The book was in his room, surely the book is his. What is the other explanation? And the way he acted was guilty as well."

Myke's past interested him but perhaps now was not the right moment to ask further, other topics were more pressing.

05-12-2014, 01:49 AM
“Trust me these bastards are intelligent, and that book is like Holy Grail to the Christians. It’s passed down from generation to generation like some fucked up family bible.” Myka snapped before scrubbing her hands over her face.

“If he knew what it was and had something to do with it he wouldn’t have it lying about to be found especially by us. In fact if he had something like this then he knows who and what I---,” she paused. “What we are and these bastards wouldn't wait to kill us.”

“Don’t get me wrong Hamlin has something to do with the curse if not he knows who is that his is guilt, but right now let’s keep this book between us.” She finished looking at him almost pleadingly

05-12-2014, 06:52 AM
"Ok if you think so" he replied. "But by the sound of things these guys know your here anyway, hence the wolf-demon. So what now? We could question him ourselves and find out names."

05-12-2014, 01:52 PM
“They might now I’m here but, none of this is for me.” Myka said walking back over to her bag as she pulled out a paper filled with names. “One this page is all the name of the people that were murder and killed, but this name.” she said handing the page to Sebb pointing to it.

“It’s of a young boy who claims that he saw a monster and a hooded figure taking children into the woods,” she add looking up at Sebb, “He said that he followed far behind them to some kind of alter he was so scared No one believed him but the night after his mother and father were killed and he was ushered of to his aunt.The group always believed that children were special even used them in ceremonies. I thought that maybe since he was 9 that everything was affecting him and the rumors and imagination was running wild, but after I found that.” She said pointing to the book. “I believe he saw something and only powerful spells involve children.”

Walking over she put her weapons back on and slid the book into her bag, “If Hamlin is part of the group then he’s only going to watch us here…so we go to another source. Plus if we find the children we might figure out what curse is being used here and stop it making whatever is hunting these people weak.”

05-12-2014, 03:40 PM
The thought of the group taking children in the woods chilled him a bit. It was worse than anything he had dealt with before. It also made him suddenly think of the home he'd left behind. Think of his two young daughters. God if anything like that happened to them...

He listened then stood up and nodded.

"Okay, let's go" he said. "I trust it names the place. Any idea how far?"

05-12-2014, 04:52 PM
Myka nods, "Yeah not to far from here it right on the edge of the river and across from the forest where they supposedly where taken." With that Myka walked toward the door, pausing for a moment. "Listen I really didn't get the chance to thank you, so after this is over you can have the money...thats not why i'm here anyway." with that she lead the way through the castle and out to the barn where their horse were being stored.

05-12-2014, 05:31 PM
"Hell we'll split it okay" he replied. "You probably deserve it more than I do. Besides, even an immortal lady like you needs something to live on."

As they reached the stables he glanced in the door and saw a row of stalls with young groom cleaning out the hoof on one of the horses. Their own horses were down at the end.

"Hey kid" he called out, "are you on duty here? The lady and myself need our horses saddled up pronto."

"Yes sir I'll bring them right out" the stable-boy replied.

While they waited Sebb stood in the doorway and studied the line of horses including a magnificent white thoroughbred charger. Surely that one could only belong to the king he thought.

After a couple of minutes the boy approached leading both their horses by the reigns. Sebb nodded his thanks then swung himself up into the saddle. He glanced over at Myke and waited for her to do the same. Overhead the sky was grey and overcast.

"Damn it looks like rain" he commented.

05-12-2014, 05:53 PM
Nodding with a soft smile Myka waited till the young man brought the horses, and quickly mounted the massive stallion. "Oh...so dogs are afraid of water.." Myka joked as she tilted her head trying to hide the smile that curled at her lips. The matter ahead of them was sinister and it helped to smile alittle before walking into a pit of darkness. With that she kicked the horse and took off in a face counter in the direction of the small far where the boy had wittiness the children being lead.

Within a couple of moments they were ridding up an abandon cottage. Windows cracked and glass thrown out over the dead ground matching the other small farming homes in the area. "After the boys parents where killed here they left it to rot much like the others." Myka said as she slid off the horse and walked it over to a broken post knotting the reins to it. "The boy said he saw them through his window, so one needs to go inside...unfortunate. Find the window and go from there."

With that Myka pulled out a small dagger from her bag, readied her Sai and made sure she had her bow ready. "So which one would you like? The over grown back yard or the falling apart house."

05-12-2014, 07:39 PM
Sebb stared at the cottage as he tied his own horse to an adjacent post. If anything was lurking here then chances were it would be inside the building.

"I'll take the house" he replied. It was only fair really.

05-13-2014, 05:17 AM
"Have it your way...the room he said he saw the children through is in the far back room." Myka said as she pulled the page back out from her bag. "If the rot hasn't completely taken over it should have some of his toys inside." Myka said before sliding the page back into it resting spot.

"From his account he could see a small trail and an flickering bonfire, now i certain the trail is long covered so is the fire, but there was also a strange tree one that looked as if leaning to the side."

"Find the tree, find the path, and maybe find out whats going on and how to stop it." with that Myka headed to the corner of the house to wait once he was inside he could find the window and point her in the direction.

05-13-2014, 11:10 AM
Sebb nodded and headed up to the door. He gave it a light push causing it to swing open. Inside was a living area, dusty with cobwebs. He could smell rats. Anything that might once have had value had been taken out, barely anything remained at all. The whole place felt eerie, he tried not to think about what had happened there. Looking around he checked the other rooms. First a double bedroom, and then at the back a smaller one with a single bed - nothing else remained.

He slowly walked in and headed to the window. Looking out he saw the tree Myke had told him about. Casually he pushed the window open and swung himself out into the back yard. He turned to Myke.

"Your tree is over there" he said. "Let's go check it out."

05-13-2014, 02:10 PM
With a nod Myka and Sebb separated and once he was in Myka headed toward the back. The land had been used once to harvest crops for the kingdom and small villages close by, but now that was all forgotten. Large wooden and metal plows lay rusted, the fence all but gone, and the grass reached as far as Myka waist. Eerie couldn’t describe it any longer. No, the best word to describe it was dark in a sense that everything felt unearthly. Even worse than that was the sense of being watched, that ate at Myka from all directions.

Readying her weapons, she keeps head further back toward the direction the boy had given. Once she eventually reached the back yard she watched as Sebb came swing out the window. “Was there anything strange inside?” Myka asked her eyes not leaving the scene around them. “Because I’m pretty sure that we are far from alone out here.”

05-13-2014, 02:22 PM
Sebb shrugged. "Nothing particular that I saw. But it did certainly give me the creeps."

05-13-2014, 03:54 PM
“That’s defiantly something we both can agree on,” Myka said as they headed in the direction of the tree. “Something happened here…something dark I can sense it.” Myka said glancing over at Sebb. “I think whatever happened to cause this curse came from the home…or happened he--,” Myka paused when she saw the massive leaning tree, but her breath caught in her throat when she saw the very symbol from the book curved in it trunk.

Walking over to the ancient broken tree, Myka reached out her hand and allowed it to gaze the mark. It was smooth. “This is old.” Myka said a sense of confusion in her voice as she turned to Sebb. “It was put here before the curse… and if I’m right those children might be alive.” With that Myka hurried off by herself.

05-13-2014, 05:51 PM
"Hey wait, hold on" he called out. "What makes you so sure they're alive?" He caught up to her and grabbed her shoulder to make her pause. "I'm a huntsman, let me go first okay. I can check the ground for tracks."

05-13-2014, 07:09 PM
“There’s no time,” Myka called over her shoulder as she tracked through the overgrown vegetation, not stopping until Sebb halted her by her shoulder. Snatching her arm back, Myka wheeled around anger written in her face, “You don’t get it…we don’t have time to waist. We might be early enough to get there before the--,”Myka paused her eyes widening in fear.

Without any warning she launched herself at him causing them to both tumble hard to the unforgiving rocky ground. Before he could speak move or fight back, Myka placed an hand over his mouth and looked deep within his eyes, begging him to trust her. With that she gestured with her head toward the way they had come.

There was nothing there at first, the suddenly the trees and bushes started to move as these hideous creatures seemly appeared out of nowhere. They were large about the size of an adult man, in fact they were almost human expect for the large skull like head. The rest of their bodies were covered in a dark cloak.

There were four of them and they walked almost animal like smelling the air, but after a few moments they disappeared just as they had come.As soon as they were gone Myka jumped up hurrying in the way they had come, “Hurry we don’t have much time…” she started her voice more panicked than ever heard.

05-13-2014, 07:47 PM
Sensing the urgency Sebb hurried after her. The creatures were not like anything he'd seen before.

"What the hell were those?" he asked.

05-13-2014, 08:11 PM
"Keeper of the Dead...violent creatures used to protect ceremonial ground, but in this case I believe they are the ones that stolen the children." Myka smiled a sarcastic smile which bordered on anger. "Those bastards never could do anything on there own, thats how they got away with it they got other things to dirty there hands." Myka spat before slowing down.

"Listen these creatures are powerful and the mess with the human mind, but since we lost that human element to us they want use tricks they'll just attack. They are humanish as far as i know so the can be heart, but to stop them you have to stop the heart." with that Myka turned slightly. "If there here then that mean who ever brought them is on the urge of something big they don't want interrupted."

05-13-2014, 08:48 PM
"Stop the heart. Something big happening. Got it" he replied. His expression was suitably grim and serious. He waited for her to lead on.

05-14-2014, 08:24 PM
With a nod myka pulled her bow from her back and readied an arrow. "Once one is down the others are going to attack...so be ready." with that Myka pulled back the thin string and waited. Just beyond the clearing four of them were gathered watching and lurking obviously the ones they had saw. What worried Myka the most was the cave like structure that was in front of the gathering creatures.

"One..." myka started to count her voice soft as not to alert the other, "two....three," seeing her chance let the string go and the arrow found its mark right in the unsuspecting creatures chest. Before the creature could hit the forest floor the others let out an blood chilling cry as the attacked running in Myka and Sebb direction.

Put her bow up quickly, she had only a little time to grab her sai and slash at the first creature that appeared leaping through the bush like some kind of cat.

05-14-2014, 09:57 PM
As the creatures charged them Sebb discharged his rifle. There was a loud crack and one fell dead with a bullet in the chest. At that point he considered becoming a wolf to make himself stronger, however wolves killed their prey by attacking the throat and Myke had said that the only way to kill these was by striking the heart. Instead he drew a hunting knife and stood feet apart waiting for one of the creatures to reach him. As it rushed toward him he blanched slightly at the hideous skull but held his ground. Then as it sprang at him snarling he neatly side-stepped out the way and stuck the knife into it's chest. The weapon sank deep into it's heart causing it to give out a hideous shriek. As Sebb wrenched his blade free it dropped to its knees and then keeled over dead. Feeling somewhat relieved Sebb allowed himself a second to draw breath then glanced around to see how Myke was doing with the other creature.

05-15-2014, 12:04 AM
Using her foot, she presses it into one of the unfortunate creature chest giving her leverage to pull the Sai blade free. As the body fall to the ground another creature rushes her from the side shoving her hard into a nearby tree his brutal hands at her throat. Taking the hooks of her sai, she used all force to press them into the inside of his arm cutting into the flesh and move them out.

Once he was far enough away, she flipped her sai strikes the beast in the throat with the ball end of the weapon, before flipping it over to the other position stabbing into the other sai right in the creature’s heart. The creature let out an howl before falling to the ground. “Head to the caves…kill anything that gets in your way.” She shouts as she attacks another creature.

05-15-2014, 05:30 PM
Sebb advanced and found himself facing the remaining two creatures both at once. In the heat of the moment he felt the wolf stirring inside him yearning to get out. With a conscious effort he managed to control himself. The first creature swung a clawed hand at his chest hoping to open him up. Twisting aside he caught hold of it's wrist and then plunged his knife into it's heart. Behind him he glimpsed the second creature about to strike. Still holding onto the first creature he spun about using it's standing body as a meat-shield to block the hit. He then threw the body into the creature causing it to stagger back. Before it could recover he drew his spare knife and attacked. It tried to grab hold of him by the throat but as with the first he caught it's arm and then sunk the knife into it's chest. With no more enemies left to face he turned round to look for Myke.

05-15-2014, 09:20 PM
Ducking down Myka easily evade the wrath of the others approaching, and as they gained on Sebb she bolted using her vampric speed to race into the cave like structure. But what waited inside caused her blood to run cold, as fear raced through every bone in her body. There before her was an old staircase covered of stone, and below rested stone coffins. They were small, small enough to house the children that had been taken. What was worse than that was the symbol that rested between them for all to see.

“So this is what you’ve been hiding you sick fuck.” Myka mumbled more to herself than anyone as she walked quietly as possible down the stairs. Once on the main floor she walked toward the first coffin giving it a push, but it didn’t budge. “You know it’s very rude to disturb someone’s master piece,” an familiar voice of Mr. Hamlin echoed from the darkness causing anger to race through Myka’s whole being, but what happened next caused her anger to change to confusion.

“Silly little girl…This is what landed you in your position as we speak..” the voice says a smirk hidden in the darkness. “So you know about me than, I could of guessed since I found so very dark reading material in your room.” Myka stated shaking her head. “But the question is what are you trying to do,” Myka spat her eyes scanning the darkness in the direction of the voice. “Because from what I got of the book you’ll need someone of blood relations to the group to cast any spell from it and killed all of those sick fucks.”

An eeire laugh enters the air as the old man steps from the darkness an sinister smile on his face. “You’re wrong Myka…one survived” realization washed over Myka as she stared at the figure before her. “Yes…I know who you are, what you are, and how you became it. I was there when it happened don’t you remember me?” confusion washed over Myka as he stepped forward, reviling not only him but two of the very beast she had just fought.

05-15-2014, 10:12 PM
Looking round Sebb saw no sign of Myke, just one last creature she had left for him to kill. Oh don't worry about me then I'll be fine he said to himself. At that moment the creature hurled itself into him knocking him flat. It's claws lunged down for his throat but at the last moment he brought his knee up hard into it's groin stunning it. For a moment they grappled desperately before he finally managed to sink the knife into it's chest. Horrible black blood splattered down his arm.

Throwing the dead creature off he got up and ran toward the cave. Running inside he saw the coffins and saw Myke confronting Hamlin and his two creatures. The sight of the coffins made him shudder a bit.

"You again" he said to Hamlin. "I suggest you tell us now what you did with the children. Otherwise I'll let the lady here cut you up one piece at a time. I'm pretty sure she'd like to do that. Oh and I suggest you call off your remaining creatures. They may look bad and scary but in my experience they all go down pretty easy."

05-18-2014, 04:15 PM
The old man let out an eerie laugh as he tilted his head at Myka, “Is that so?” he said a smile that would chill the blood of even the maddest of men. “I seem to remember a time quite like this…of course it was a long time ago but it still played out the same.” The old man added before turning his attention back on Sebb.

“You see Miss Myka here has quite a story that she doesn’t like to tell people. One that involves the death of her family and a curse of immortality.” With that the man smiled and shook his head. “All those people you mercilessly slaughtered, all to stop me from coming….and to save those children…but you didn’t did you.”

Realization flashed over Myka’s faces as her eyes filled with pure fear and worry. “That’s impossible I stopped it and killed all that could ever try it again.” The man before her made a hissing sound as he shrugged stating that she was wrong. “No actually you just halted it… and like I said there is one left…you. And I only need one to blood relative to read it.”

05-18-2014, 05:27 PM
Sebb didn't fully understand what Hamlin and Myke were talking about. What was the ritual? And what was the thing about Myke being a blood relative?

He felt impatience building inside him.

"Is there any reason why we don't just kill this asshole right now?" he said.

05-18-2014, 06:32 PM
“Yes actually there is a reason, isn’t there?” Hamlin said with a knowing smile, as he crossed his arms arrogantly. “Because he can’t die…not truly,” Myka said softly her eyes focused on the man before her “At less not without taking all of us with him.”

“Is that confusion in the big bad wolfs eyes,” Hamlin said with a smile before letting at a cocky laugh “Go on explain…what you did…what kind of monster you truly are.” Myka shook her head her face contorted in anger, “Fine I’ll tell him…I can tell it better anyway.”

“See your friend…the very woman you saved…is a mass murderer who slaughtered a whole village woman, men and even children. Killing them mercilessly draining there blood from them as if they were meaningless.”
“That’s not how it ha--,” she started but before she could finish she fell to the ground her body in a state of sleep. “You had your chance and didn’t take it.” He said turning his attention back on Sebb.

“She was a part of the order of the dragon…a group that hunted and killed anything they didn’t understand…obsessed with dark arts and all the power it gave, so much so that they easily sacrificed their children and others for their purpose.”

05-18-2014, 06:50 PM
When Myke collapsed Sebb started forward anxiously. He didn't know how much of Hamlin's story to believe, if anything. His eyes narrowed as he stood and faced the other man. "She said you couldn't die" he addressed Hamlin. "I'd like to test that."

In that instant he transformed into a snarling grey wolf and leapt through the air at Hamlin's throat.

05-18-2014, 07:43 PM
The old man didn't move nor did the monsters that stood by his side, all he done was close his eyes and prepared a smile on his face. As if he was ready for death, no sign of regret, or remorse just a patient smile that only furthered the attack.

05-18-2014, 08:08 PM
Sebb's front claws struck Hamlin's shoulders and his jaws snapped shut around the man's throat.

(Ok I'm a bit in the dark here as to what will happen. You'd better describe the effects of the attack yourself.)

05-18-2014, 10:28 PM
As soon as the attack happen the old man’s eyes snapped open, but it wasn't the cold trust less eyes that had just been. As the beast’s sharp as knives canines pierced his throat, he let out and almost panicked scream before it was masked by the gurgling sound of the man chocking on his own blood. Eerily enough the look in his slowly gazing eyes held a sense of relief and peace.

As the man takes his last chocking gasp all the monsters and creatures seem to fade turning the room an eerie. That is until Myka gasps awake chocking as she fights to get in much needed air. Her panicked eyes scan the room, until they fall on the massive wolf that is now covered in blood and the old man’s body.

An look of worry and fear races across the young woman’s face as she pulls her body up and over to the coffins using all her strength to push the massive stone tops free. She didn't speak, she didn't focus on anything else, but when the coffin lids refused to move. She slumped down her eyes finding his, “What have you done?” she asked her voice hold no sense of anger, but sadness and regret.

05-19-2014, 07:50 AM
Sebb looked at her a moment then shape-shifted back into human form. Rather self-consciously he wiped the blood from the edge of his mouth.

"I simply did what I had to" he replied. "You said he had to be stopped at all cost. Maybe he isn't dead-dead forever, but at least we stopped the ritual."

Meanwhile her action with the coffins puzzled him.

05-21-2014, 02:24 AM
“No you fool…” Myka snapped her eyes filled with anger and worry. “You killed an incent man…and trapped six children in stone coffins.” Myka spat as slide down and placed her head in her hands. “This is all my fault…I should of guessed…No I should of know.” She mumbled out loud more to herself than anyone, before pulling herself up angrily and stomping away from the cave. “We have to find him and kill him…he has every piece of the puzzle now and if he finishes.” Myka paused trying to fight black the blood tears that threatened to fall. “He was right.” Her voice was soft and almost childlike. Turning slightly she allowed her eyes to meet his. “I slaughtered countless lives Sebb.”

05-21-2014, 07:56 AM
Sebb's expression was firm but neutral, showing neither anger no pity. His inner thought was hidden.

"Well before we go any further I think you'd better tell me exactly what happened" he replied.

05-22-2014, 02:01 AM
Myka shook her head as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “It was a long time ago Sebb…a different world I did what I had to do.” Myka started before taking a deep breath.

“The book I knew what it was because I have seen it before…my father had one.” Myka said turning around to keep walking trying to keep her mind focused. “He was part of a group known as the order of the dragon, which was an religious group with the sole purpose of destroy anything un godly.”

“I was trained to fight and hunt, but it wasn’t until I was older that I realized how dark the group was.” with that Myka stopped and looked over at sebb. “they were crazy and had to die.” There was no sadness no worry just pure truth.

05-22-2014, 05:21 AM
Sebb remained impassive as he listened. Part of it confirmed the things he already knew.

"So what about the part where you slaughtered a village of women and children?" he asked. "Where did that fit in?" He knew it was a fairly blunt question, but if he was going to work with her any further then he needed to know it.

05-22-2014, 12:45 PM
“When the turned me into this,” Myka spat back gesturing to her vampric features anger racing through her. “Those sick bastards believed that they could control unholy creatures, raise demons to fight their battles, and they were ready to sacrifice anything for the chance even their children.” Myka started her eye buring with rage. “My own father offered to give up my little brother, so the head master could call forth a demon They actually believed that they could make deal with him, the children for his help.” Mayka paused shaking her head as an red tear spilled down her face.

“I tried to stop them…I fought and I saved my brother but they got to me before I could the others. That crazy men wanted to punish me but make me an example as well, so he pulled me in front of everyone branded me,” she said showing her back. “Telling them he was going to prove he could control the creatures. So he got his men to old me down and force feed my vampire blood….I screamed for help but they all just stood there, watching.” Myka paused again her hands tightly grasped. “After that they cut my throat. When I woke I was changed to the wall watching as they led the children into the coffins.”

“I fought but I was so weak and I didn’t know what had happen, but when they started to chant and I could hear the children’s screams from within those close coffins I pleaded with them…my own father a member that could had stopped it just stood there, not batting an eye as that man walked over and hit me telling me that I would be the present to this new god of there, a wife.” Myka snickered as she looked up at Sebb. “It was me or them and something snapped in me I got loss and I slaughtered everyone and the more I drank and killed the more powerful I became.”

“And when I finally made it to that insane man that had started all of this, I made him beg. He said he could save the children if I let him finish…but I couldn’t allow that…I killed him and raced to save the kids but when the coffins opened they were dead. I thought I stopped them, but I guess I was wrong.”

05-22-2014, 03:32 PM
Sebb stood and listened letting he spill out the full story in all it's detail. He could see the rage and pain inside her. How long had she lived that way? how long had she carried that within her? Disgusted by the things that had been done to her his heart filled with pity. Very slowly he lowered himself to the floor to kneel beside her. Tentatively he reached out a hand to touch her own. Looking her in the face his eyes made contact with hers.

"I don't blame you for things that were beyond your own control" he told her. "Just tell me what we do now to stop this thing and I will help you end it."

He then lowered his voice and his expression became almost pleading. "Please tell me there is still a way we can save those children."

05-22-2014, 04:57 PM
Myka's eye soften before they looked down to Sebb's hand holding hers, "Why not...I blame myself...What if he was telling the truth, what if all i had to do was give my life and they would have been saved." with that another tear fell. "I thought killing everyone capable of the spell and stopping it would end all this, but i was wrong i must have been to late. The demon must have already been freed and Hamlin was probably just a regular man in the wrong place, at the wrong time and the demon took over." myka stated her eyes looking back at his. "The village, the deaths, all the creatures coming out of hiding...I though maybe one got away that on survived but i was wrong...i allowed that demon to be freed."

She had never told anyone her story, never allowing people to know the truth, but now staring into his eyes she couldn't help the smile that crossed her lips though it was soft and sad it was a smile nonetheless. But again her eyes fell, "I don't know honestly...if he is as powerful as they say he should have killed us all by now, something must have went wrong and he needs me... for it."

05-22-2014, 05:37 PM
Sebb shook his head. "I think your just blaming yourself for things you couldn't have known. You have to let go of that." Smiling kindly he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "If the demon wants you then he'll have to face both of us" he stated. "But I need to know what we're up against. How powerful are we talking here? What can we do in order to try and stop it? Surely there must be something."

05-22-2014, 06:38 PM
Myka shook her head as she pulled the book from her bag, "I don't know Sebb i never made it that far...they talked about summoning him not killing him." myka adds as she flips through the pages. Before stopping on one written in a very old language. Skiming it with her finger she read it to herself before looking up at Sebb. "We can kill him, but it want be easy.." her eyes falls back to the book as she starts to read from it.

"A demon is of darkness an sole stained of blood and chaos determine to rule...Only that which is of light and pure can cause damage..." with that myka turns the page only to see its ripped out.."Damn it...he must of took the rest." with that Myka turned through the rest of the books before stopping on another ancient page. "The spell calls for blood and a gift. The children were the blood since they were innocent i was the gift, but these are just to appease him.." reading further Myka looked up eyes wide. "Salt, pure sliver, holy water, and iron...they want kill him but they will stop him." she paused and sighed. "At less until we figure out what he did with that paper or someone who knows what it said."

05-22-2014, 08:44 PM
"Light and pure." Sebb repeated the words wondering what they meant. "Well unfortunately that rules out the both of us." He gave her a wry smile. "But as to iron and silver I have both of those. No hunter of the super-natural would go without them. The other two items should be pretty easy to obtain. Shame about that damn page though. Hold on let me look for it."

He went over to Hamlin and rifled through his pockets. Who knew perhaps there would be some other clue there as well...

05-23-2014, 01:16 PM
Myka nodes her eye scanning the book, as Sebb starts to rummage in the dead man’s clothing, before an gasp exited her lips, one that even surprised herself. Looking up Myka’s fear filled eyes met Sebs, “I know what and who he is…I know his true name.” with that Myka started to read.

“Azazel the first demon to ever be created, his soul having been twisted by Lucifer as an act of spite against God after he was expelled from Heaven. Imprisoned deep in Hell, Azazel is one if not the most power high-arch demon with the ability to control anything that is said to have a darkness sole. Freeing this demon from his bonds in hell is said to give the summoner great power, but a price comes with that power.” Myka looks up at Sebb.

“The price is the blood of six children and a gift an innocent consumed by darkness, that and a couple of words by an relative of the group and you have an power demon freed…All that happened Sebb but the spell was cut sort before he could finish. The headmaster said he could have the children saved…by making some kind of deal,” with that myka closed the book before scrubbing her hand over her face.

”None of this makes since he is said to be one of the most powerful demons other than Lucifer... able to control peoples mind, control fire, telekinesis, resurrecting people at will…I mean the list goes on, and yet he did nothing but stand there. I mean the curse like state of this village is omens, and the creatures are one thing but nothing compared to what he is capable of. I mean he is already here…why redo the spell?”

05-23-2014, 05:56 PM
"Because the first spell was incomplete I guess" Sebb replied. "He is here but weak, brought here without his full strength."

Demons and rituals of summoning were not really his expertise.

05-24-2014, 02:00 PM
“That’s my guess as well,” Myka said shaking her head. “He wants to be brought back full, but until then we have an advantage.” She added as she pulled her eyes away from Sebbs. She was finding it harder and harder to look at Sebb. Never in her mortal or immortal life had she relied on someone as much as she did him at this moment. Since the night she was turned, the night she became an monster she had been filled with such rage and hate.

She had even tried to kill herself, and when it didn't work she distanced herself away from anything and everything. But now since this man came into her life she couldn't help but feel…something. What that something was she wasn't sure, all she knew was of is never had she felt like someone had her back. Twice he had risked his own well-being for her safety, yet she knew nothing of the man before her. Realizing that she had been basically staring at him, she quickly pulled her eyes away.

“Now all we need to do is figure out where he went, or worse who he went into.” With that she pushed herself up off the cold stone ground. “The iron… we need to put it at the entrance of the tomb. The book says that Demons and their creatures can cross over it and it will keep the spell at by for a while longer.” With that she dusted off her dirty clothing. “We need to get back to the castle. I’m sure they have salt and sliver. We’ll need to line every window and door there to keep the demon at bay.”

05-24-2014, 03:51 PM
Sebb caught her staring at him and wondered what it could mean. He wanted to comfort her with a hug, to say he was sorry for all the bad things she went through. But the rage and anger inside her made him feel wary of trying to get too close. Following her lead he rose to his feet.

He pulled out an iron-crucifix from his pouch. "Here that's the only piece I have" he said. "I hope it's big enough to work. As to lining every door and window in the castle, you know that castles are pretty big right? That's going to need an awful lot of salt and an awful lot of silver. And that still doesn't solve the problem of how we actually kill it." He frowned as he thought. "Could there be any other books on demons back in the castle?"

05-24-2014, 04:52 PM
"I know Sebb, I'm not stupid," she barked before taking a deep breath trying to clam herself. "I know the castle is big and I know it would take a lot of salt an iron...hell sliver for that matter. So we improvise move the people into the catacombs black every exit and door down there.. All I know is I don't want anymore of these blood on my hands."
With that she takes the iron and starts to brake pieces off lining the tombs entrance.

"I don't know...maybe," she started before looking back at him as she shrugs. "There is said to be an book that holds spells that are strong enough to kill something as powerful as him... but him having in his position I doubt that. Either way we need to search that place over and over just in case." with Myka sighed, "Our best shoot is to work together...he'll try to turns us against one another which he's been doing since we arrived."

05-24-2014, 05:52 PM
"Well that's not going to happen" Sebb replied firmly. He looked her in the eyes. "I'm with you all the way on this okay. I trust whatever you decide to do. I believe if there is anyone alive who can stop this thing running amok on the world it's you."

He couldn't help admire the way she had dedicated herself to stopping this thing. He himself might have been tempted to say it wasn't his problem and walk away were it not for two things, one was the children in the boxes and the other thing was protecting and helping Myke.

05-24-2014, 06:21 PM
Myka smiled and let out a small snicker, "If i only had as much faith in myself as you do I might have stopped this thing along time ago." with that she turned and dusted her hands off before turning back to the forest. "We should have a clear shot to the castle since you did quite a number on him, but we should stop by the abounded house and search for supplies." Turning back to Sebb she nodded an new look in her eyes, one that showed she was hiding something. "Just be careful,"with that she started to track back through the forest in which they had went through to get to the cave. "Now come on...we don't have much time."

05-24-2014, 07:56 PM
Sebb followed but stopped by the edge of the clearing, near where the bodies had been before fading or vanishing. "Hold on a minute" he said. "I left a damn good knife in one of those bastards, it must still be here." He scoured the grass for a moment then reached down into a flattened spot. "Ah gotcha" he said plucking up the weapon. "Ok I'm ready lead on."

05-24-2014, 08:35 PM
The two road through the town, search every home, cottage, barn, and stable they could fine. Many places where filled with stuff that they could use, but the rest not so much. However, true to her word Myka spoke to the many that hid sickly in their homes promising them safety at the castle. By the time that had entered the small village that was right outside the castle walls, they had collected enough to do as Myka had said about the catacombs and about hundred more people to help. Though the progress was started to fulfill what was needed, Myka stated quite not even offering more than a seconds glance toward Sebb. She really didn't say much to anyone until she through open the doors to the castle. The noise was loud and it got the attention of everyone. “What’s the meaning of this?” King Lance said as he stood at the top of the stairs in a dressing gown that looked almost as extravagant as the castle.

Whispers and curses of anger echoed through the castle stone walls, only halting when Myka stepped forward. “Enough…” myka shouted her eyes turning that strange pale cooler. “What is happening here is far darker than any curse a witch could cast…and the more you fight the more powerful it gets. It feeds of anger and hate and right now it’s eating a feast.” Allowing her eyes to scan the room, she watched as the people started to hang their heads seeing the truth she spoke of. “I promised you…all of you that you would be safe here and I will keep that promise, but not if it causes more. You are all to retire to the catacombs there is more than enough rooms for everyone, if not share. I don’t want to hear arguing and fighting, because tonight you are one unit and if you don’t work together…we are all going to die.” With the last part her eyes fell on the king that also hung his head.

“Now there will be two men to each room to protect the ladies and children. The rooms are large and can fit about 6 and if not there are more rooms than enough. You are to arm yourself with the sliver…and use the iron at the door it will keep the darkness from passing inside, the salt is to be used for your weapons guns and blades. It want kill them but it will stop them for a while. Now go…you know what needs to be done and I will have food and water brought to you all.” With that the group started to grab up all of the supplies and make their way toward the catacombs, but Myka stayed behind and grasped Sebb’s arm. “I will need your help get the food and drinks…then we will head down to or room as well.” With that she led the way into the kitchen and started to gather different foods, before walking over to a couple of bottles of wine. “Many of those people below are sick and dying, if any one of those creatures were to attack they would hold no chance…”

05-25-2014, 11:46 AM
Sebb nodded. "I know." The situation seemed ominous. But he was impressed by the way Myke had taken command of the people. Silently he helped her gather up the foods and wine.

05-25-2014, 12:28 PM
So, we fix that. We make them stronger.” With that said Myka bit into her wrist and allowed her blood to run into the bottles of wine. “They all must drink. The smallest drink heal them completely.” She started glancing up at Sebb. “Any illness they have, any condition, will be healed by drinking my blood. It’s the only way to make them strong in a short matter of time. It will not have any side effects or turn them…it will help them” With that she turned around grabbing a small towel wiping the blood anyway to revile a healed arm. “Now come on, we need to get this stuff down there and prepare for the night.”

With that she picked up a couple of bottles and trays of food, before leading the way toward the catacombs. Opening the door she couldn’t help but smile seeing everyone working together to prepare for the night ahead. “Everyone,” Myka started a small smile on her face. “Come and eat and drink,” soon people gathered drinking the wine and eating. With a small smile she gestured with her head to the people who even the sickest were now starting to regain color and smile. With that Myka turned and started back toward her room to prepare, as the other finish up and do the same.

05-25-2014, 04:18 PM
Sebb helped her carry the food and wine though he found the thing with the blood rather unsettling. Caught in his own thought he followed her back to the room.

"So what creatures are you expecting the demon to bring" he asked when they were alone. "What will we have to fight? Also with the demon itself we still have no means of defeating it. All this stuff just slows it down. We still need to find a solution."

05-25-2014, 09:28 PM
Taking her bow off her back and sitting the bag down myka listened to Sebb, but didn’t really say much. “Honestly I have no idea.” Myka finally spoke up as she turned to Sebb. “The book names at less two he could use. Keepers of the dead, Hellhounds, but other than that I don’t know.” She finished before sitting down on the bed. “I’ll keep scaning the book and maybe come up with something, but right now that’s all I have.”

Her voice was soft with an almost beating temperament, "Sebb listen...what we are facing is more powerful than anything and I wasn't lying when I said I don't want any more blood on my hands...that means yours as well. You asked for a solution I have one but it’s if all fails. So if things get bad, and we can't figure out how to stop him, my life doesn't matter." Her voice was soft but it held no fear, just seriousness.

"He needs me to read the spell...if I’m dead I can't...What I’m say Sebb is don't worry about my life and be prepared to kill me if it comes to it."

05-26-2014, 10:54 AM
"I understand" he replied. "But I hope it doesn't come to that." He sat himself on the bed beside her. His heart was full with pity as he thought of her past. "Just remember that whatever happens none of this is on you" he said quietly. "I know you did everything you could to try and stop it."

05-26-2014, 02:09 PM
"That's easier said than done," Myka said turning to look at him. "When vampires are bore their sire teach them, shows them how to live in there new bodies how to control it," Myka started. "I didn't have that...all my emotions are heighten...anger, sadness, lust. All of them bottled up within me and when they escape I fear for the safety of other." shaking her head she turned her head to look forward.

"The blood make it worse.. When Ii feed the very taste of it drives me, but the power is so much better. To know that they are at you will and how easy it would be to drain them dry. Knowing they couldn’t stop you even if they tired. So I go without a lot more than I should"

Little out a small snicker that sound more sad than amused she turned back to Sebb. "I have been this way for 400 years... and still have found myself losing control. Going far too long without blood because I fear I might kill the one I drink from, I haven't even allowed a man to touch me in 400 years in fear of what I might do. So to say that I done all I could do that night is false. I could have kept them all alive made them tell me how to stop it. Instead I slaughter them like pigs.”

With that Myka paused her head lowered, “The blood I spilt the more I wanted it…I want revenge…I wanted to stop it and make sure it would never happen again, but the creature that I had become wanted blood…You have no idea what it’s like living forever as a creature of death and destruction…A shell of what I use to be, and even with all the power I still am as usless as I was then…You know nothing of that.”

05-26-2014, 04:59 PM
"I can't pretend I know everything you describe" Sebb replied. "But I do know what it is like to have no control. Every month, every full-moon, I change for three nights whether I want it or not. In those nights I start to forget things, forget what I was before. Til I eventually wake up in a forest somewhere."

He gave a sigh. "I wasn't born that way, like you I was changed. A wolf bit me in the forest, it was only afterward that I realised what it really was. After I killed it the body turned back into that of a man. Then I realized and knew what would happen, even though I prayed it wouldn't."

He paused and broke off for a moment before looking her directly in the eyes. "Do you know what a monster really is? A monster is someone who feels no remorse."

05-26-2014, 05:40 PM
Myka eyes focused on Sebb as he told of his own accounts, and he was right be couldn't relate per say but he too knew what it felt like to be tossed into a world you knew nothing about. It was as if she was staring into the eyes of an new man, a man that she hadn't seen before. And for the first time in a very very long time she felt something she hadn't felt in a very long time...affection.

She noticed how his eyes sparkled, how his lips smirked when she said something sassy, and the concern that played in his eyes when he had rescued her and promised to have her back. What was worse about the matter was the whole things frighten her. He might not have gone through the life she had, but he too knew what it felt like to be turned into something he hated.

He was the only one that could relate to being alone in the world. Snapping back, Myka realizing that she had been quietly staring at him and she quickly allowed her eyes to drop. She couldn't get close to him or let on anything. She had to think rationally, and that meant knowing this wasn't going to end well and the more they actually cared about each other the harder it was going to be.

So wither it be lust, love, or just loneliness it had to stay an feeling not an action. Even though it seemed like no matter what he did, he had the ability to make her feel meek."Then I guess neither of us are monsters...just unlucky creatures doomed to spend eternity alone with our sins," Myka said softly.

05-26-2014, 08:45 PM
Sebb looked at her and sensed that her demenor had changed though he couldn't figure quite how. "Eternity for you perhaps" he replied quietly. "Wolves die the same as men. Perhaps that makes me the lucky one. As to my sins I'm afraid they are really rather petty, drinking and womanising mostly. I do regret times I've hurt others, but the pain for me is what I've left behind."

05-27-2014, 03:10 AM
Letting out an huff, Myka stood up and walked over to her bag. “Okay that’s enough.” Her voice was soft but serious as she turned around with a bottle of dark liquor before sitting back down on the bed opening it up. “Wife?...Kids?,” Myka saked wondering which he was talking about when he said left behind. Taking a rather big drink she handed it over toward Sebb. “If it makes you feel better you didn’t kill your betrothed…” She added with a shrug. “See you haven’t hit the bottom circle of hell yet.” She joked slight knowing if she didn’t thing would get tense.

05-27-2014, 08:15 AM
Sebb took the bottle from her. "Yes I did have a wife and children" he replied quietly. "I had two daughters aged five and three. But of course they would be older now." He trailed off not wanting to dwell on the matter. Thinking about stuff like that only made him miss them even harder.

He looked at Myke, gazing at her deep blue eyes. The situation was strange between them, though her demeanor seemed to be softening up allowing them both to get closer. Unable to control the sudden impulse he leaned forward and kissed her.

05-27-2014, 12:30 PM
The thought of this man before her having children and a wife shouldn’t have affected her. Shouldn’t but did. She had only been a young lady when she had been turned into the creature she was today. A creature that was force to keep a distance from life and love knowing that one day she would have to watch it age and die.
She had been cursed with not trusting anyone, because her own family and lover turned against her. She had never really thought about before, maybe because it too much. But the fact was she was just starting out, a child to a woman before being taking at her prime.

Myka was so lost in her own thought that when Sebb’s lips touched hers she gasped in shock. She had promised herself that what she felt was a feeling not to be acted out, but as he pulled back slowly she finds her body acting on its own accord. She catches him pulling him in closer kissing him back deeply and fully.

05-27-2014, 06:58 PM
As Sebb pressed his lips onto hers he found them warm and soft. The taste of them was sweet like wild cherries. As she kissed back and drew him in he felt his blood pressure rising. He felt the hunger inside himself. In that moment he desired her more than anything. He wrapped his lips around hers, his hand sliding onto her slender waist. Then suddenly with a shock he became aware of what he was doing. Abruptly he pulled back away from her. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" he said to her. "I swore that I would protect you."

05-27-2014, 07:40 PM
He tasted unlike anything she had ever tasted before, and she finds herself wanting more but how much more she wasn’t certain. She could hear his heart racing in his chest, feel the warmth of his much larger hands on her waist, and then it happen. What she had been scared would happen since the night she was turned, the fear of lust and need bleeding into hunger. Her fangs slid into place, all she could see was red, all she could hear was his blood, and all she wanted was to feel his skin against hers. She wanted to bite him to scratch him to—

All rational thought came flooding back when he finally broke away with a shock look on his face, and she was certain that it was because of her. She could feel her fangs present; she knew that her eyes had turned an eerie pale. All her true monster lay before him. “I… umm…” she tried to speak but her voice came out in a husky as she tried to calm herself, but it was taking longer for her mind to keep up. “No…there is no reason to apologize. It happened and it can’t ever happen again….I could of--” she paused and turned walking over to the small wash basin leaning over it she splashed her face.

Her heart clenching at the thought of what might have happened if he wouldn’t had stopped her. She could have hurt him or he could have hurt her. Two creatures lost in lust in hunger there was no telling what could of happen. Yes she could heal, but him…she wasn't sure. But she was certain of one thing and that was the fact that though she said never again it’s all she wanted.

05-27-2014, 08:58 PM
Sebb stared at the protruding fangs and wondered what might have happened, how far she might have gone if he hadn't pull back. He cursed himself mentally for not controlling his own desires. He saw the pain in her expression and felt guilty for causing it. "No I understand" he replied. "I promise it won't happen again."

He wished there was more he could say or do to comfort her but found it impossible to think of anything. To live alone like that, to never be able to get close.

Lifting himself off the bed he moved to a chair on the other side of the room.

"Well" he said awkwardly "I guess all we can do now is sit and wait."

05-28-2014, 04:02 AM
“No…It’s not that…It’s just.” With that Myka shook her head. “It’s hard to explain. Being a vampire your sense are heighten to the point of nothing you could ever imagine. So are your emotions… when I feel something it’s more powerful than any human can imagine…but lust and anger can easily bleed through to hunger.” Scrubbing her hands over her face thankful for the inability to blush, “I mean it’s not that I would kill you…and you being a lycan you could probably hea--,” Myka paused and sighed. “yeah we wait..”

Leaning against the head bored she mentally kicked herself. What had she done? She had promised herself a long time ago to never get close to anyone. She hid her emotions as they ran rapid within her, but within minutes he had caused all that to fall apart. All she could think of his how he tasted and the thought of never being able to do that again. It had been so long since she felt the lips of another against hers, to feel the cress of someone much warmer than her own skin.

“Humm if you like you can come back over here…while we wait I can teach you how to read the book. It might help if…well you know.” With that she held out the book almost like an peace offering.

05-28-2014, 08:19 AM
"Of course" he replied. He walked back to the bed and sat beside her. The renewed proximity felt a bit awkward but on the other hand he didn't want her to feel rejected. He took the edge of the book in his hand.

"I should warn you I don't read terribly well" he admitted.

05-28-2014, 04:57 PM
“It’s not that hard to understand once you know the words… but this right here,” she said pointing to the page “this is an language known as Latin. Most of your spells and summoning powers are in Latin. Since it was said it was the language of the gods.”

“This not my language but it was a must to know, especially if you were a hunter.” Turning the page a little more she came across the parts that look more like journals. “This is my language.” A small crossed her lips as she ran her hands over the small print. “It’s been so long since I have read or spoken it,” she turned and looked at Sebb. “It took a very long time for me to get this English stuff down.”

“Anyway look,” she said sliding closer so close that there legs touched. “These words right here are your basic building blocks… The…creature…of….Gilon….Forest.” she read each word slow until the whole page was read aloud to him. With a smile she handed the book to him turing the page…now you try.”

05-28-2014, 06:54 PM
Sebb felt his blood rise a little as her leg brushed against his own. He bit his lip and tried not to look her directly in the eyes. With a frown he studied the page and read it aloud, occasionally stumbling over the pronunciation on longer words. In that manner he read the first three or four sentences. "Well I can read it out loud" he said "but I don't understand what it says."

05-28-2014, 07:41 PM
"You need to know the words...not understand them but feel their power here." with that she placed her hand over his heart. "That is where magic and spells come from Sebb...what's in a persons heart can turn the magic bad or good." with that she pulled her hand away eyes following back down to the book. "Just memorize the words and have faith in yourself."

05-28-2014, 07:50 PM
Sebb flinched slightly as she placed her hand on her bosom and invited him to look. He awkwardly bit his lip and nodded.

"Tell me about your own language" he said. "What land do you come from?"

05-28-2014, 08:46 PM
A soft smile came over her face, but it didn't hide the sadness in her eyes. "It's long gone i'm afraid, but it was once the most beautiful place on earth. Forest so green and seemed to go on forever, rivers so clear that you could see fish swimming away, tall mountains that reach the blue sky." with that she shook her head. "We had massive cities that could match no other, an Ii myself grew up in a castle as royalty in a sense." with that she sighed the smile falling away.

"Then a man came to town showing us magic, stating that the land was home to it and that if we tried we could use it. That when everything seemed to go to hell, the magic we used brought use unwanted attention from creatures like vampire and others. What caused us to actually start haunting them was when a group of lycans attacked and killed many of our people." with that she paused and looked over at him. "That night the order of the dragon was founded... and that's when the land started to darken.Many started to use the magic for revenge, and a couple years later i killed them all." with that she smiled again.. "It was destroyed years later by an explosion on the mountain, but since then i have traveled and seen so much." With that she shurged, "I guess immortality has it advantages

05-28-2014, 09:12 PM
"Yeah I guess it must do" Sebb replied. Listening to her recollections he thought of the village where he had grown up himself and the forest around it and how his father had taught him to be a huntsman. "I'm sorry you lost your home" he added quietly. "As far as I know my own home village is still there. It's just that I find the thought of going back too painful." Suddenly uncomfortable he looked away slightly staring at the wall.

"Anyhow I'd better practice these incantations a bit more" he said. "Also you'd better tell me what they are each used for. I'd hate to read the wrong one."

05-28-2014, 11:23 PM
Myka laughed something she hadn’t done in a very long time, “Yes we wouldn’t want that now would we. I mean some of this could bring dark forces forward, send them away, or make women and men fall at your feet.” Turning this page she pointed to one that was off to the side and had a strange naked woman figure.

“Like this one right here has the power to make anyone fall in love with you, but it has side effects like that person becoming total obsessed.” She turned the page again and pointed to a small paragraph, “But this is the one you need to learn and memorize so that you can recite it at a minutes notice.”

“Once the Demon is weak if you can recite it and it should drive the demon from the vessel that it has control of, but problem is that he will gain his own body. That could make him more or less powerful but no one will have to die.” With that she turned the page again toward the end were an devil like creature rested.

“This one is important also…if something happens to me you’ll need it.” With that she recited it slowly and turned it to the other spell she had shown him and recited it as well. After she was done she stood up handing him the book. “Practice I’ll be right back.”

05-29-2014, 07:47 AM
Sebb looked at the page and frowned. "Hey wait. Aren't you going to tell me what it does?" he asked.

05-29-2014, 01:05 PM
Stopping abruptly, Myka tensed at the question. "No...If i told you...well you would hesitate and we both know that could change the game in his favor." with that she looked over her shoulder her eyes serious. "Practice i want be gone more than a moment." Opening the door she stepped out into the eerie darkness of the catacombs that was only lit with small flickering flames. Closing the door behind her she leaned against it letting out a shaky breath. The tension in that room was smothering, but it was't the type of tense she was use to...No it was sexual tension and it filled the air and coated both of their sense.

It was a feeling that she hadn't experienced in such a very long time, and even if she did she certainly didn't act on it. But it seemed like the more time she spent with him the more that feeling grew clouding the other ones. What was worse about the matter was he was a lycan. The very creatures that had caused the formation of the group that had cursed her. However, no matter how much she rationalized the stupidity that came with the strange affection she felt for the man in the room behind her. Well, maybe one did and that was knowing that he had a wife and kids somewhere in the world, a family that still needed him.

Pushing off the door, she turned walking down the corridor checking an rechecking locks. But her mind was far off topic the the act at hand. She could still feel his lips against her, taste the remarkable taste that was him. Shaking her head she continued her checks. trying to clear her head of the most impure thoughts she had ever had in her life.

05-29-2014, 01:45 PM
Sebb watched her leave then sat and read the words quietly. Occasionally he thought of Myke. But mentally he forced himself to stay focused. He had said he would do whatever he could to help her and he intended to keep the promise.

05-29-2014, 02:24 PM
After what felt like an eternity she started making her way back to the room, she had quickly escaped. But thankfully her mind was clearer then it had been before she had left. Pushing open the door, she couldn't help the smile that creased her lips. There he was his brow frowned as he went over the spells she had taught him, but there was a sadness there also almost as if he knew that the spell he was reading would cause something horrible.

"I checked the door's, locks, and area around. They all seemed to be holding up, but it is kind of unnerving that nothing has tried to make a move." Myka said walking over to her bag before pulling out another set of clothing laying it beside him. "I think we should be okay for awhile, so we need to rest...and we need to change. The smell of blood on our clothing and the mud and dirt is something i don't want my room smelling like."

05-29-2014, 04:03 PM
"Yes of course" he replied. "I guess I just don't notice these things as much, I've just gotten used to roughing it, but I respect your request. I can go and see if my other shirt has been washed and brought back. If you umm want to rest as well probably I should probably leave you to your own privacy."

05-29-2014, 05:12 PM
"No...you can go get your stuff. That well give me time to change, but you have to come back here when you're done." looking down she bit her bottom lip. "I kind of gave your room away to another group of people." with that she shrugged "It was one of the bigger ones and able to fit more people, but thats fine you can rest in the bed while i stay up...vampire remember want need to rest till morning." with that she turned away and started to get undress, "Well go on get cleaned up you smell of death," she joked with a smile.

05-29-2014, 07:00 PM
"Yes of course your ladyship" Sebb joked back. Turning away he headed out the door closing it behind him.

It only took a moment to retrieve his shirt from the other room where the maid had left it. Out of courtesy to the other people he changed it in the corridor. Standing there a moment he let out a private sigh. One of the worst parts in all this was the damn waiting around. Finally he wandered back to Myke's room and tapped on the door. "It's me" he said "is it clear to come back in?"

05-29-2014, 08:13 PM
As Sebb left could turn around and started to undress she had gotten her corset top off and undid her trousers when a knock came to her door. “Wow…that didn’t take you long at all.” Myka shouted at the door as she pulled on the oversized man’s shirt. Walking over to the door she opened only to pause with a look of uncertainty, “What are you doing--,” she heard the first bullet seconds before she felt it. The second burrowed into her flesh before she could do more than look up. The third hit her right between the eyes

“With a gasp, she woke up, the undeniable sting of metal in her chest slowly dissipating as her body dissolved the bullets. Panic raced through her mind as she tried to move but only found herself fighting the bonds, she noted with distaste that he'd used some kind of metal that not even a vampire could break loss from…Or was it she. She could be sure the shot to the head causing her memory to go fogy.

Shaking her head, she tried to clear the strange fog from her mind and figure out what had happen. That’s when she heard the sound of knocking on the door, before Sebbs voice echoed behind it. Opening her mouth, she prepared to scream, to call out but nothing came out. “You know what Sebb…You were right; maybe you should stay somewhere else tonight.” It was her voice…but it wasn’t her using it. Straining to look in the direction of the voice all Myka could make out as a dark figure in the corner.

05-30-2014, 08:45 AM
Sebb frowned. His Lycan abilities could sense something strange. "Myke? Is there something wrong? Look I'm coming in ok."

Cautiously he pushed open the door. As it opened the first thing he saw was Myke lying on the floor tied up with metal wire. What the hell... His hand immediately went to his weapons, his eyes scanning the room for sign of the intruder.

05-31-2014, 07:55 PM
Myka winced as she pulled on the restraints not to get loss but to warn the man that busted through the door. She need to warn Sebb, but it was too late. A heavy wind below through the windowless room like sounding like an train, but there was something hidden in it as well. An sinister inhuman laughter and then it came in like fog off the ocean but much darker. Myka screamed but the sound was nothing but air rushing foward, as she begged the man muttering the book over and over...save the book.

05-31-2014, 08:33 PM
The fog and laughter made the hair stand up on the back of Sebb's neck and he felt a chill pass down his spine. But at the same time he remembered his oath. He stepped forward into the middle of the room standing protectively over Myke's body. As the fog swirled round he felt the wolf snarl inside him. The one thing that puzzled him was the fact she wasn't speaking. "Myke" he said "tell me what's happening, how do I stop him?"

06-05-2014, 12:43 PM
Myka opened her mouth, but nothing came out instead her voice echoed from somewhere in the darkness, "Their is no way to stop me...now if you wanna see you little vampire friend here again you'll bring the book to the tomb." The voice was Myka's no doubt but her mouth did not move, her eyes begged Sebb to not listen, "Bring the book to the tomb."

With that the room started to fill with strange smoke, Myka's eyes found Sebb's her eyes turning that eeire pale as her voice echoed in his head. "Remember the spells Sebb bring the book, but rip out the spells and remember them." with that the smoke covered her and she was gone.

06-05-2014, 03:34 PM
"MYKE NO!" Sebb heard himself shout as the smoke covered her and made her vanish.

Her last words echoing in his mind. He went to the book and tore out the pages. He then looked round for Myke's travel bag. Emptying out the contents he shoved the book inside. Grimly he hefted the bag and marched off to the stable. He considered asking king Lance to lend some extra men but he didn't want the demon to suspect any form of treachery. Better he did this thing alone.

Finding his horse he saddled and harnessed it before riding off as fast as possible. As he galloped along the road he kept reliving that moment when Myke had disappeared over and over in his head.


Reaching the edge of the forest by the abandoned house he dismounted. This time he didn't follow the track to the clearing but rather approached through the trees so as to not be seen. Due to his natural sense of direction he found the way quite easily. As he advanced he found his heart beating fast. He knew Myke's life and those of the children were now completely in his own hands. He was afraid he might screw this up.

He reached the clearing and found it empty. He advanced cautiously to the entrance of the cavern and slipped inside.

06-06-2014, 01:19 PM
As the smoke covered her body she could feel as if everything was being drained from her, but the worst part was the strong smell of sulfur and the dizziness that seemed to take her buy surprise. She could hear a voice cooing like a pigeon close by but couldn't make out the sound as darkness washed over her.
Drip…Drip…Drip the sound echoed throughout her head in a madding rhythm that awoke her from her unconscious state. “Had she knocked over something, did something spill?” She thought to herself as she tried to open her heavy eyes. “Where was Sebb, had he spilt something, why was it so cold?” more questions poured into her head, but they all disappeared when her heavy eyes opened. She opened her mouth to scream, but again nothing came out. Suddenly pain raced through her body, as she memories came rushing back. She had been at the castle and he attacked her, she had passed out but she could remember flashes of pain, but nothing could have prepared her for this.

She was naked in the center of the large tomb, lying upon some strange kind of alter. Her hand are impaled with spikes, her middle sliced by the metal being used to keep her still, her legs bounded. That’s when she realized the dripping sound that had wakened her was in fact her own blood pouring from her own body. Panic rose through her as she realized she had seen a spell like this in the book, one that made all others look like child’s play. “I guess you are your father’s child…already going through your mind on which spell I might be using.” A voice echoed behind her making her skin crawl. It wasn’t her voice this time but a male voice with an inhuman tone.

An hand reached out running along her ankle and up her leg causing her to pull away, but not getting to far without sending something cutting into her skin. A laugh echoed as the hand moved away, but then she felt cold lips against her neck. “Your friend is coming Myka…the last piece of the puzzle…you’re both going to die.” With that he was gone but the sound of footsteps echoed in the tomb causing her to jump and wince at the pain.

06-10-2014, 05:13 PM
Sebb stopped in the entrance of the tomb at the top of the steps. His eyes fell on Myke bound naked to the alter with the stakes riven through her hands. It wasn't the nakedness that bothered him so much as the blood. He wanted to rush forward and help her but instead remained cautious and wary, his eyes scanning the shadows for their nemesis. He did not believe for one moment that the demon meant to keep it's bargain. Reaching over he took a torch from the wall.

"I brought what you wanted" he called out. "Show yourself and let her go."

06-10-2014, 05:53 PM
She wanted to call out to warn Sebb about the oncoming danger that was about to fall on him, but all she could barely hold her eyes open. “Strange creatures…these vampires,” called a voice from the darkness. “Investable creatures…well that’s what they say, but they can easily be subdued. Drain a vampire of their blood they can even go into a coma like sleep not dead…drain them completely and they go back to being the dead they were supposed to be…”

A shadow moves from the darkness beside the alter where Myka is place as a familiar face steps forward. The King of the very village they were supposed to save. “Oh I didn't get to thank you for destroying that old mad man. Poor bastard actually believed he was doing God’s work…” with that he man laughed his eyes looking up to meet Sebb’s eyes his own and abnormal blood red color. “Now give the book to me.”

06-10-2014, 06:42 PM
Sebb was surprised to see the king but then realised he shouldn't be. After all what better host for a demon to inhabit. But really it didn't matter what form the demon took, his anger towards it had taken him beyond all fear.

"First let her go" he replied curtly.

06-10-2014, 09:02 PM
The king smiled and eerie half smile as he snickered, before pulling his skinny finger up to point at the man. “You have no power here, the only one with power other than myself,” he said cockily as he turned to look at his hand work. “Is quite indisposed at the moment, isn’t that right love.” With that a jagged cut appeared on what was left of her unmarred skin. Myka’s head jerked up as an silent scream ripped through her. But the action awakes her long enough for her eyes to meet Sebb, she is pleading but for what no one is certain.

“Well…look who’s awake…nice for you to join the party.” Myka eyes fill with hate but determination as her fangs come forth and she hissed at the man, only getting a hearty laugh. “Come now put those away…you’ll need them before too long. Now let’s get to business,” with that he snapped his fingers and the room lite up with hundreds of candles reviling the symbol in which Myka’s was the center of. “The book, the sacrifice, and the gift all here….and then there is you…don’t you wanna know what your purpose is.”

06-10-2014, 09:56 PM
"Not really" Sebb replied. "But I expect your going to tell me right." He glanced at Myke wanting to call out to her but bit his lip. "I am curious about one thing." he added. "What makes you think I won't beat this host just as easily as I beat the last one. I'm not sure that poor Lance is much of a warrior."

06-10-2014, 11:25 PM
A light glimmered in the eerie red eyes as an shit eating grin caused his mouth to pull impossibly tight giving his face an sinister look, as he allowed his eyes to glance toward Myka. "You didn't tell him...oh this is going to be wonderful...so much better than what I had expected." Myka's eyes shut her head tilted in what looked like shame, and the demon let out another eerie laugh. "You don't know why Myka's here...you don't know why you're here..." he pauses shaking his head as he smiles at the man before him.

"But i think it be best if you heard it from someone else." with that Myka gasped as she started to cough her voice back. "Sebb.." her voice is pained and tears stained her eyes. "Go on tell him Myka...tell him what you are....to him," the monster started. "Tell him why he is here, why you kissed him, why I’m here....for once tell the truth." his voice took on an darker tone one that didn't sound like Lance's any longer. Myka's eyes looked up and with her sore and pained voice she whispered. "Remember your promise...remember." the man raised his hand and another long slice pulled at her skin this time she screamed out. "Tell him."

“I lied…” she screamed out and the pain stops. “I knew about the lycan that attacked you because it was after me….I put that beast in your path and destroyed your life.” Myka said and the demons face lite up as he urged her on. “I did it because you are an bastard from one of those very men that cursed me…this has all been a trick Sebb.” With that demon laughed…

06-11-2014, 01:37 PM
Sebb looked at her in disbelief. The words and the laughter echoed in his ears. In his mind he thought of his little daughters Marie and Isabel, of the relationship with them that he had been lost. He thought of his estranged wife Else, who had once loved him but been unable to live with what he had become. It was only an afterthought that he even thought about his own parentage. He looked from Myke to the demon not knowing who he wanted to kill first. Looking at both of them he decided that Myke could wait a while. He turned his eyes upon the demon.

"I think perhaps I've heard enough" he said coldly. "This little charade of yours is over."

In a fluid motion he unslung his rifle and pointed it at the demon's host-body, aiming directly for the stomach, then pulled trigger.

06-11-2014, 02:28 PM
The gun shot echoed through the cave at an defying volume, as Myka’s eyes started to shin almost gleefully and a laugh came from her tired body as he head hung downward. The man before both myka and Sebb reached up feeling the blood that poured from the wound, before tilting his head with a slight half smile. “She is right you are a fighter…but I know your true self…just as I know myka’s.” he man said as he slumped down blood pouring from his lips.

“I know that she sent the wolf to kill you and you survived, just like I offered the spell to her people to turn her into the monster she is.” With that he turned toward the girl. “But she fought the darkness in her and used it to kill others like me...I know that she has feelings for you and deep down you have them for her.” With that Lance feel to the floor coughing up blood, “That’s why this is going to make things even sweeter.” Suddenly the body falls to the floor as the same strange fog fills the cave.

It covers everything and almost feels like its strangling everything, claws reach out through the fog scratching and tearing at the two and before too long Sebb is disarmed by an invisible force. The pain that raced myka like lava suddenly worsened as her body was torn from its spot and tossed violently to the floor. She screamed and fought but her voice was gone and no one could hear, then suddenly the pain stopped. As a soft voice whisper in her ear,” I’m finally home,” and darkness washed over her.

As the fog cleared Myka laid life less on the ground next to the body of the king.

06-11-2014, 08:43 PM
Sebb hadn't meant to kill Lance, merely to take him down while he recited the spell, but clearly the demon had other ideas. As he saw the two bodies together he knew at once where the demon had gone. His mind was still shocked by the things he had learnt: his own parentage... the fact Myke had tried to kill him to prevent the ritual. Could he forgive that? Right then his thoughts were too conflicted to know the answer. For a moment he just stood there breathing, his face grim. However he realised what now had to be done before it was too late. Grimly he began to recite the spell.

06-12-2014, 02:06 AM
::::::::::In myka's head:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
With a gasp Myka shot up breathing hard as her eyes scanned her surroundings, which seemed to be a bleak dull gray. However even through the bleak color she could make out a bedroom. She was dressed in a long gown covered in a thick blanket, and was lying in a royal looking bed. Quickly she through the blanket off her as she raced to the door pulling it open to revile emptiness but was so unnerving was the darkness that lingered out there. CRASH the loud noise echoed so loud that Myka screamed and turned around to see a black figure standing in the corner.

As it moved closer she could see it and watch she saw made her push herself impossibly close to the wall. It was tall at least 7 feet and was completely black. It had features but they were almost manikin looking, but there was two large horned that came from it shoulder hold torn wings. It loomed over her as it walked on hooved feet toward her. She was trapped and could move as the creature advanced a voice echoing in her ears. “This is why you were born… why I came to you…you are me and I will soon be you,” the creature was so close now as clawed hands rose out to touch her they suddenly halted as it feel to its knees holding the skull which would be where the ears where. That’s when she heard it Sebbs voice and he was chanting the spell as if an pro. A smile comes to her face as she slides down the wall her eyes falling closed.

Myka’s body jerked forward her eyes red like Lances had been, but she was coughing up blood, before falling back on to the ground going into a type of fit as her body lashed out. Suddenly she sat up gasping opening her mouth and eerie black fog came pouring from her mouth eyes and nose. Pain ripped through her as it came out like black blood before her body went limp on to the ground. The fog poured into the room before it formed a type of figure in the darkness. The very figure that Myka had seen, expect for sucked in red eyes and a mouth full of jagged teeth snarled at him. Myka coughed as more blood poured from all her orifices, but she doesn’t move.

The creature let out an blood curling scream as it glanced around finding Sebb. “You have summoned me true form….but at what price…” with that he looked over at Myka before kicking her body so hard it slides across the floor living a smear of blood. It took a hundreds of years to find a vessel and now you have damaged it…now I will have to find another.”

06-12-2014, 11:18 AM
Sebb watched silently as the figure manifested itself. Though it's form caused him fear that emotion was overcome by hatred. When the thing kicked Myke's unconscious body he felt a sudden stab of pain inside his own heart. Whatever she had done to him he knew in that moment that he still had feelings towards her. And those feelings were more than just pity.

His eyes locked upon the diabolic object of his own hatred. Shifting his form into a snarling wolf he leapt towards it, intent on ripping it apart and tearing it to pieces.

06-12-2014, 01:13 PM
The demon was fast and caught sebb by the scruff of the neck, but it didn’t stop the massive wolf that had torn into the ribs of the creature with its claws. The demons let out and shirk as he tossed Sebb with force across the room. Its side not bleeding a strange black substance, as its eyes fell on the wolf that now lay across the room. “You will pay for that,” its inhuman voice echoed as it attacked moving at rapid speeds toward Sebb, its own claw ready for attack.
The shrike causes Myka’s eyes to jerk open and it takes every bit of her strength to keep them that way. A fight was on a demon and a lycan, both powerful but not to their true abilities yet. The demon was still weak from having his form pulled forth and from the spell she hadn’t allowed to be complete so long ago, and Sebb was weak to his emotions and see could see that in the way he fought. Pulling her tired body up she winced, but something caught her eye.
There in the dark corner was the book. It must have been tossed there after the fights began and neither had noticed it. Taking a deep breath Myka pulled her body to her knees and using the last of her energy she used her vampric speed to get the book and hid. The fight was still brewing and both let out howls of pain she had to stop it.
Holding the book to her chest she started to chant the spell that she had taught Sebb, the one she had refused to tell him what it did.

06-12-2014, 03:13 PM
Sebb gave out a grunt of pain as he hit the floor. But he refused to submit. His only focus now was on killing. As the demon raced forward and lunged at him he sprang upwards inside it's reach and sank his teeth into it's forearm. He felt the demon rake his flank with it's other claws. The pain was severe but he refused to release his hold. His jaws locked tight tearing through muscle and sinew. Once more the spare claws raked him and he felt blood running down his fur, but he held on for dear life.

The creature was just so strong and didn't seem very susceptible to pain or damage. Aside from weakening it's arm, which didn't seem to have much effect, he was at a loss as to how he would beat it.

06-12-2014, 10:20 PM
The demon let out an pained howl as the wolf launched on. It thrashed and fought with it claws but the pain and tightness couldn’t get the creature off him. Finally he was able to free his arm, but it hang limp to his side. “You will have to do better than--,” he suddenly stopped as the sound of Myka’s pained voice echoed through the tomb.

“NOO!!!” the beast of a creature screamed as he turned his attention on Myka.
There standing on weak legs covered in her own blood, she stood but she didn’t look like herself. Her unnatural pale blue eyes were now completely white her once blood stained white hair now seemed to glow as her own voice sounding an inhuman alto as she chanted. The ground started to shake as the stone coffins started to open.
“You stupid bitch!!” the demon shouted as stomped toward her all his attention on her now. “You are too weak to cast that spell and you know it… you can’t beat me!!” Myka didn’t falter her eyes focused on the demon in front of her, as blood started to pour from her nose and eyes. “I win either way…you will be mine…either here or in…Hel--,” the creature started but lost his balance like with an sense of vertigo from the spell and the blood that rushed from his arm.

The children all shot up scared as they looked around them frozen in fear. “You might drain me of my powers but you will also drain his and your’s…you will die …your soul was promised to me…I will have it.” Myka kept going even though it was noticeable that she was fighting to hold on. Her eyes pull off the demon and find sebb’s who was lying in pain “You promised me…now finish the spell and kill him.” She spoke in his head. She kept chanting the demon screamed and the children whimpered as the blood pour from her nose…”Please Sebb I can’t hold on much longer you have to do this.”

06-12-2014, 10:39 PM
Hearing her voice Sebb lifted up his head from the floor. With sheer force of will he found the focus to shift back into a man. He lay on his side staring up at the demon. His voice joined that of Myke, at first overlapping it then taking over as she began to falter. Although he was weakened by injury he doggedly continued the chant refusing for one second to give up. They had both already sacrificed too much to fail. He knew they had to finish it here and now.

06-13-2014, 12:04 AM
As Sebb’s voice entered the air she struggled to smile from the pain that raced like lava in her veins, burning her inside out. As there voice overlapped almost rhythmic a strange wind came out of nowhere. She knew that it was Sebb that had given it the extra power; she also knew that she couldn’t last any longer. She hadn’t told Sebb what the spell did; she refused to in a sense of kindness.

When they had kissed though very brief it had sparked something she thought she could never feel, and she was almost certain it had in him as well. How could she have told him that the spell would kill her, that by chanting the very words he was condemning her to a painful death.

Her voice stopped as she feel to her knees harshly the blood still pouring from her nose and now the corners of her mouth. “Look at what you’re doing Sebb.” The demon commented his voice just as pained. “Can’t you feel it…your stripping us of our magic…of our abilities.” He continued but the man never faltered in his words.

“Think about it Sebb what is Myka abilities…she is a dead girl brought back by magic…you finsh the spell and strip me of my powers, and send me back to hell…but she joins me….I win…either way.” Myka started to cough her hands filled with blood as she falls forward the spell almost complete. “I have lived long enough and it’s time for this to end…So end it Sebb.” Her eyes found his and they held an sorry but she refused to say it.
As the spell came to an end Myka closed her eyes and allowed the darkness to set over her, and now it was only Sebb and the demon. A man and man no powers just anger and hatred.

06-13-2014, 08:56 AM
Sebb watched Myke close her eyes and die. He couldn't quite believe the sacrifice she had just made. He wanted to give her his forgiveness but now it was too late.

His eyes locked upon the demon. With grim resolution he hauled himself up onto his feet, his torn clothes wet with his own blood. Reaching to his belt he drew out a long knife. "Come" he said "let us finish it."

06-14-2014, 01:53 PM
Letting out an angry scream that bored on an war cry, the demon leaped up and went after Seb. Anger was written all over his face, but deep within those soulless eyes was something he would never admit...fear. He landed an body shot but barely. He also knowing that if the man before him was in better shape it never would of happen. "Go ahead kill me...I can't wait to get down there to you're vampire bitch...I beat right now the demons are taking turns ripping at that beautiful skin of her's...I wonder what else they could be doing." he might have been a demon but he knew that if he angered Sebb enough his emotions would blind his fighting..

06-14-2014, 03:31 PM
Sebb took the blow but stayed on his feet. He didn't really care how much it hurt him, so long as he denied it the satisfaction of winning. Besides he still had the six children to fight for. He let the demon lunge again and caught hold of it's wrist. Using it's own momentum against it he stepped behind it twisting the arm up behind it's back, forcing it down onto it's knees. The demon gave a cry of pain as he wrenched the arm tighter dislocating the shoulder. He then forced it down onto it's face. The thing thrashed violently below him and spewed a string of curses but it was now helpless. He reached down with his knife and cut it's throat. He was careful though not to make the cut too deep, he wanted the thing to die slowly.

Stepping away he stood and watched grim-faced as the thing choked and gargled on it's own blood and slowly suffocated to death. Eventually after a while it's twitching body went still as death took it's hold. As Sebb looked on the body then crumbled and dissipated in a pall of black smoke - gone back to the hell from whence it came.

Looking round he saw the children sleeping in their coffins, unconscious but breathing. He hoped that the spell effect would soon wear off. Meanwhile however Myke's disappearance filled him with sadness. The demon's final words about her tormented his mind.

Slowly he staggered over to where she had left the book. He wondered if he ought to just burn it there and then. Clearly there were things inside no person was ever meant to know. Then suddenly he stopped in surprise, sticking out inside the book was a note. Puzzled he picked up the paper to examine it.

06-14-2014, 04:10 PM

You see now why I wouldn't tell you what the spell would do, why I didn’t want you to get to close. The fact of the matter is the creature is gone and you are freed from the curse I inflicted upon you. What I did was wrong and I know this, and forever I have paid the price but could you do me on last thing. In a nearby city there is a man named Albert, he will know what to do with my body. Thank you for trusting me when you had no right to, but now it’s time to go back to your family.

The letter was written in her own blood and it also held a page number from the book. One that gave directions to the man in question, the same man that was in the books.

06-14-2014, 06:46 PM
Sebb read the letter twice then read the directions. He felt guilty for the anger he had felt towards her. But most of all he wished things could have ended differently. The thought of what happened to her just made him shudder. He tried to black it out but found he couldn't.

It was then he heard a movement from inside the open coffins. Looking round he saw that the children were starting to wake up. He made his way towards the nearest one and looked down into the face of a small frightened boy. Belatedly he realised he must look quite scary himself with his ripped and bloodied shirt. "It's ok" he told the boy "the monsters are all gone now. I'm going to take you back home."

One by one he went round all the children offering similar words of comfort and helping them out of the coffins. They were all fairly confused and scared. Having gathered all of them together he walked over to Myke's body. The children stared at it and hung back. "Don't worry" he told them "she's just sleeping." His heart ached as he said it. He wished it were true. With a weary sigh he lifted her up in his arms and with the children following he led the way out of the cave and back out into the light.


Leaving the tomb behind he led the children back to the nearest village and saw them reunited with their families. The grateful villages showered him with thanks which he was almost too weary to accept. In their gratitude they gave him fresh clothes and helped bind up his wounds. They also wrapped up Myke's body in cloth and placed it inside a wooden coffin.

It took him a full day to rest and recover. Later the next day after that he managed to find a tradesman with a cart who was heading in the direction of the city. With help from the villagers he loaded the coffin into the back. He then tethered his own horse to the rear of the wagon and climbed up on the seat beside the driver. The cart-driver shook the reigns and with that they set off.


It took several weeks to reach the city. Throughout that time his night-dreams were restless. He still felt haunted by Myke's fate. He grimly realised that it was probably going to haunt him for the rest of his life. When they finally got there he directed the cart-driver to the address that Myke had given him. When they reached the right home he jumped down from the cart and knocked heavily on the door.

06-14-2014, 09:57 PM
"What is the matter, banging on a mans door like that," an heavy accented voice called from the other side of the wooden door, before an small door slid open to revile to strange looking pale eyes. But when his eyes fell on the distraught looking man and the wooden box behind him the man paused. "Never mind i know why your here." with that he opened the door which sounded like it was locked with countless looks. Swing it open it reviled an tall man that was dressed in expensive fabrics though out dated and a dark robe. "You must be Sebb," he said before his strange eyes falls on the coffin, "And that's my daughters body." with that he nodded and move to the side "Come in we have a lot to discus."

06-15-2014, 09:29 AM
"Your daughter?" Sebb's eyes slowly widened. "But that makes you one of the order too. You let them use her." Suddenly he was wary not knowing whether this man should be trusted. He also felt anger. Rather than move he remained rooted where he stood.

06-16-2014, 04:44 AM
The man smiled tilting his head slightly to the side, “You know of the order…but not of her life after?” he asked out loud but more to himself than Sebb. “Well, then I do believe we have a lot to discus,” with that he leaned up against the door frame. “You knew what Myka was…how she became what see did,” he asked before continuing.

“Myka is my daughter in the sense I raised her from a new born to the beautiful creature she was...in an nonhuman sense.” With that he allowed his vampric features to take over momentarily. “Did you think she learned to control her hunger by herself? When I found her she cold, alone, dirty…nothing more than an animal feeding off hatred and anger…I helped her raised her and showed her how to control it.”

With that he stepped out of the way and gestured for then man to enter. “Now if you don’t mind I would like to continue this conversation where there isn’t ears lurking, I mean what would people say about a strange man with an coffin at my door. If you want more information than join me ”

06-16-2014, 08:27 AM
Feeling pacified Sebb turned back to the cart driver and nodded. Together they unloaded the coffin and carried it up to the door-step. Sebb then paid the other man for his service and gave his thanks.

He then looked at Myke's father. Inside his heart felt heavy.

"Ok lead on" he said.

06-16-2014, 12:34 PM
With an nod the man started to lead sebb and the coffin makers into the massive home that seemed to be just as outdated as the man who lived there. It was filled with weapons older than many had seen, but all used due to the strikes of blood that stained the out shells. "Myka grew up around madness." the man started glancing to his right to look at Sebb.

"Born for one purpose and it was to kill, to become something dark. She never had anyone to actually care for her or about her. she was just a mire pawn in an rigged game of chess." with that he opened an large door reviling an massive bedroom that was fitting for queen or an king. "Lay the coffin here," he said loudly. "then take your leave." watching as the men did as they were told before turning to Sebb his eyes growing more serious.

"She wrote me a letter, one that filled my heart with dread. it stated that she was up against something evil and she was certain there was only one way to stop it...and that was by her death. A friend named Sebb was to bring her body so that it could be properly buried in the only place that she considered home," with that the man paused as he started to walk around Sebb with a smile. "But i believe she lied to me...you care for her more than you let on. You don't have to answer i could feel it as soon as i saw your face and heard that broken beat of your heart."

with that he bent down and removed the lid from the coffin and slowly pulled the coverings from lifeless body, before looking up at Sebb. "What would you say if i told you that instead of putting her to rest i could bring her back...what would you be willing to risk."

06-16-2014, 04:19 PM
For a moment Sebb just stopped and stared at the other man. Did he truly have the power to bring her back as he said? He looked at the other's face and saw from his expression that he was being serious. Nonetheless he felt wary of false hope.

"Like you said Myke sacrificed her life to stop that thing" he replied. "She saved the lives of god knows how many people. If there is anything I can do to save her in turn then I will willingly do it."

06-17-2014, 12:39 PM
The man smiled and turned his eyes back down to the lifeless body, “Myka was killed a very long time ago. Everything about her that made her human died along with it, and what was brought back in her replace was a creature forged form magic and darkness.” The man started as he looked up at one of the men standing in the doorway and nodded send the man away, before turning his attention back on Sebb.

“But Myka was different. You see when I found her she was just an hungry creature filled with rage and hatred, but deep down somehow she managed to keep a bit of who she was.” with that the man looked back down at the body with a sad smile.

“I helped her bring that out to focused it and not become what everything and everyone expected.” With a laugh the man looked back up at a confused Sebb. “You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you this…well,” he paused as if searching for the words.

“If I’m successful in bring back Myka, she’s not going to be what you remember. She will be that creature again and have to learn to control it. Myka was an innocent turned; now she’ll be creature resurrected could you handle that.” With that said three men walked into the room all of them standing before the coffin. The man’s eyes find Sebb’s, “Because it is you that will be awakening her, and it will be you that puts her down if things go wrong.”

06-17-2014, 04:18 PM
Sebb winced at the thought of how Myke would be when she returned. He tried to imagine what she would be like. But he had to try it.

"I will take what comes" he replied. "If she was saved before then let us do it again." He hesitated. "There's something else I need to know. Something the demon said." He blanched slightly. "He said her soul had been cursed so that when she died she joined him in hell. Is that true? And if so will she remember it when she comes back? And, more important, is there any way to get the curse lifted?"

06-18-2014, 12:36 PM
The glim that rested in Albert’s eyes, slowly faded as he glanced away, “The demon was not lying Myka’s soul has been cursed since the day her mother bore her. The whole birth was one big ritual including her mother drinking goats blood while pregnant.” With that the man looked up sadness in his eyes.

“But it’s not certain that she’ll remember...but it is an possibility she could…and as far as the soul goes…well that can only be healed by her and her alone.” with that the man walked over to where Myka lay, and pulled out an long golden knife that looked almost as ancient as the man before him.

“This isn’t an easy matter…and it might be hard to watch but you have to stay clam…you said you were willing to do anything to have her back…well now’s the time.” With that the vampire pulled the knife across his own arm and allowed the blood to run freely into a large cup one of his mean held.

Once there was enough in it the man past the blade to Sebb, “It you’re turn.. my blood will heal her and give life to the body, but your blood is what will make her remember…that will bring her back from hell.” With that he handed him the knife.

06-18-2014, 01:22 PM
Sebb frowned as he listened to the words about Myke's soul. However it only made him all the more determined to help her. He took the knife and grimaced slightly as he cut across his own arm wit the blade. He then held his arm out over the cup just as Myke's father had done. He hoped in his heart that all of this would work.

06-18-2014, 02:46 PM
As sebbs blood started to pour into the cup the man before him started to chant something that sound more like ancient Latin then the other spells Sebb had been taught. After enough blood was collected he walked over to where Myka rested her features still flawed from the torment she had received at the demons hand.

“Come,” Albert motioned over the body as he placed his finger in the cup and marked a line on Myka’s forhead, both arms, and both legs. While he does so the men around him still chant in unison their heads bowed. “Hold her head gently,” Albert says and once Sebb has a soft but firm hold on her, he tilts the glass ever so slightly and allows a small stream of blood to run into her mouth and down her throat.

Once the cup was gone Albert steps back and the room’s attention snapped to Myka as she suddenly arched up against the band keeping her down. Her eyes were tightly shut and her teeth were gritted before a pained yell exited through clenched teeth."Sebb, you shouldn't be too close," Albert cautioned, placing a hand on his elbow and pulled him away. "She might hurt you without knowing." Myka’s body twisted and writhed, fighting against her restraints as wanting to curl into a fetal position, trying to block out the pain surging inside.

“The blood is doing exactly what it was supposed to; it is awakening her, changing her, but importantly healing her.” Myka fought against the restraints, struggling. “Come Sebb, Myka will most likely be like this for a while now… my men will stay and watch over her but now we must wait. We have giving her an door way now she has to fight to come through it." Albert bade him

06-18-2014, 03:01 PM
Sebb winced as he watched Myke struggle. He could barely imagine what she might be going through nor how this would affect her. "But shouldn't we be here when she wakes up?" he asked.

06-18-2014, 04:03 PM
Albert shook his head, “it will take time Sebb,” he started as they both turned to look at the thrashing body. “And this isn’t it for you either.” With that Albert opened the door. “This is just the beginning for both of you…now go rest and I will send you food and drink…”With that Albert disappeared from the room.

Once he was gone on of his men turned to Sebb an sadden look on his face, “You must excuse him…he is very unsocial and doesn’t seem to understand the concept of being human anymore… He loves her deeply and her letter has sat him in daze of anger and sadness.”

With that the man paused, “He never planned on putting her to rest and it he scares him, so he deals from a distance,” with that he pulled up a chair in the corner of the room. “You can stay…if you like you want be in our way…it might even help speed the process up.”

Myka’s body jerked up again before suddenly falling back stills as if nothing had happen. Her brow is frowned a soft glim of sweet cover her forehead causing the blood that was place there to run. “The worst part is over…now it’s her sprits fight.”

06-18-2014, 04:36 PM
"I understand his reaction" Sebb replied "after all she is his daughter." He took the chair that was offered and sat down. He sat there silently and stared at Myke's body watching the struggle, waiting to see what would happen.

06-18-2014, 05:53 PM
Hours chimed by neither of the men left the room, all of them hovering around her checking everything from her toes to her head. It was late that even when Albert again made his presence in the room in which his men and daughter had been staying. His eyes were clouded and worried, but he never made any effort to announce the feelings that wore nestled within them.

“I have been waiting for you company,” he says to Sebb but his eyes stay glued to the girl that still stays motionless. “Dinner has been served and is getting cold,” all the men in the room turned toward him all of them holding a sense of relief. The trimmers had stopped along with the blood curling screams. Now she just laid still her body looking as delicate as a child’s in the massive bed, but the bruises and marks that littered her body took that effect away.

“You can come back if you like but you must eat something,” Albert chimed in finally turning to meet Sebb, “I know your trip was a hard one and if you plan on staying her till she wakes then you’ll need your energy.” With that he gave a nod to one of his men, “Call us if you have any news.” The man nodded and Albert turned to Sebb, “Now let us eat.”


once they arrived in the dinning area Albert took his seat at the head of the table and motioned to the one beside him. "I know you have lots of questions and you are worried about her...but you must take care of you're self as well...remember you are a mire human now...not the creature that you use to be."

With a clap of his hands two girls brought out massive sliver dishes of meat's, vegetables, and wine, "there is more to this spell that i haven't told you." the man added quietly before watching as the girls left. "Are you certain you'll do anything?"

06-18-2014, 07:34 PM
Sebb looked at the dishes of food laid out in front of him. He heard what Albert said but despite the journey he did not have much appetite. If he was to eat he would need to force himself.

"The truth is I don't fully know" he admitted in reply to the question. "I know what I said before, but the truth is it depends what you are asking. I don't know what she said to you in the letter but I'm not a hero and never have been. I tried to protect her from the demon, but that's the only heroic thing I've ever done. I know I would risk my life for her again. But beyond that I can't say without knowing. If that answer disappoints you I am sorry."

06-20-2014, 01:48 PM
Albert looked down at the plate before him and let out a sigh before allowing his eyes to fall on him, “Sebb, there is no such things as hero’s. They are mire fairytale told across the lands,” Albert started as he sat back in the chair. “The truth is all a hero is nothing more than a man to stupid or too stubborn to give up. A man that hates to lose is all an hero is, not some great knight on the back of an white horse.”

With that Albert leaned forward and stern but gentle look in his eyes. “When Myka awake she will be unstable, maybe even violent.” He started before taking a drink of wine. “You blood was to help transition help her remember, but there was something else it was to do.” With that the ancient man paused his eyes falling.

Right as the man’s mouth went to open the door slammed open an panicked man entered covered in blood. “It’s Myka…hurry.” As the men raced toward the room, they throw open the door only to be met with an empty bloody bed. Fear dwelled in Albert’s heart until a soft whimper caught his ears. Turning slightly saw a brief movement an headed toward it stopping short when the object that moved came into view.

Myka sat in the floor curled in on her her unnatural eyes filled with red tears, her hair drenched in sweat, her hands and face covered in what looked to be blood. “She attacked one of the men, she doesn’t recognize anyone,” Myka eyes glance around at the people in the room until they fall on Seb and stay. “No she knows a least someone.”

06-20-2014, 04:42 PM
Sebb carefully advanced forward and crouched down just a couple of feet in front of her. He remembered Albert's warnings to be careful. He looked her in the eyes. "Myke it's me" he said softly. "There's no need to be scared. Your safe here. I promise that no-one will hurt you."

06-21-2014, 08:47 PM
Albert watched as Sebb made his advancement before following suit, his voice soft as he spoke in a different ancient language. “Nihil hic timendum est puer (There is nothing to fear here my child),” he started and as he took the spot next to sebb nodding to him. “Tu et amici in pace. Memento ...( You are amongst friend and safe. Remember),” Myka glanced toward the men her eyes offering an sense of understanding.

“esurio (I’m hungry),” she said softly before her eyes fell on Sebb, “et esuriet (so hungry)”she finished her eyes filling with fear and uncertainty. “She is saying she is hungry and since she isn’t responding to you English, I’m certain she doesn’t remember much of anything.” Albert said softly not taking his eyes off the terrified girl before him. “You’re blood wasn’t enough…or maybe there was too little.” Albert said softly as the girl watched their every move like a predator.

“She is working off instincts which is a very dangerous thing,” one of the men said from a safe distance. “She needs more blood from him,” the man said as he gestured to sebb. “When she feed she sees memories…if you focus you can make her remember…but it’s dangerous.” The man finished and Albert turned his attention on to Sebb, “You don’t have to do this…a million things could go wrong…the decision is yours alone to make,”

06-21-2014, 09:22 PM
Sebb sat and studied Myke. He had said already he would risk his life to restore her and he had meant it. Besides there were four men to restrain her if needed.

"I am willing to do it" he replied. "The fact is she deserves every possible help we can give her. She has earned the right to life more than any person I have ever known."

06-22-2014, 09:17 PM
Without taking his eyes off the girl in front of them, Albert reaches up and grasps the small scalpel that rested on the medical tray. “She is still in the new stages in her mind,” Albert said softly as he handed the knife to sebb, “She want be able to stop and the littlest amount of blood will set her off.” Myka’s eyes were glued to the two before her, but from the confused look on her face and the way her eyes darted back and forth, Albert was certain she didn’t understand any word that passed between the two.

“You are human now Sebb, she can easily over power you if you allow it,” he added finally taken his eyes from the girl and moving it to sebb. “We can’t be certain if this will work, you must focus on one very powerful memory you both share, one that will show her what and who she was, because if this doesn't work” with that a sad look came over Albert’s features. “Well I don’t have to tell you what we will be forced to do.” With that Albert stood up and nodded to sebb, before speak to myka once again. “ Then feed my child…” he said in the ancient language and her eyes fell on sebb.

06-22-2014, 11:13 PM
Sebb listened then nodded grimly. He just hoped that this would work. Taking the scalpel he began to cut across his wrist. He considered the strongest memories they had shared, most had been full of pain and sacrifice, except just one moment, the moment they kissed. Even that was bittersweet, tinged with pain of longing that couldn't be fulfilled, but really if he wanted to truly bring her back it was the only thing he could use.

Slowly and cautiously he held out the bleeding wrist toward her. He tried to focus his mind on the moment their lips touched, recollecting the sweetness of that moment, his own sense of desire, the closeness they had both felt.

06-23-2014, 03:05 AM
There was uncertainty written all over her face, but as the knife left the crimson fluid pouring forward. The very liquid she desired more than anything ever, the smell of something so sweet that it couldn’t match anything. Within moments she had used her speed and she was just mire inches in front of him her eyes focused on the blood, before glancing back at the men in the room. “Go on…my child feed,” Albert urges on and she dose as she is told.

Taking the man’s arm she doesn’t waste time sinking her teeth within his skin and allowing the warm blood to race across her tongue set alight a feeling that she could not explain. But there was something else there something familiar. Her eye snap open as the gaze over watching as events played out before her eyes. The more she drank the more they cleared until she could feel his lips on her, his touch his taste. Without any warning she pulled away her eyes holding something then didn’t before…she had a look of acknowledgement on her face. “Sebb,” it came out soft but it was his name.

06-23-2014, 09:25 AM
"Yes" he replied "it's me. I brought you to your father." He felt relieved to see her remembering. "It's going to be ok now" he reassured her.

He glanced at Albert. "Is that it? Does she need any more?"

06-23-2014, 03:17 PM
Myka jerked back from Sebb pressing her body into the wall, “No!!,” she screamed her eyes going back to the abnormal color that showed how inhuman she was as the focused on the vampire behind Sebb. “That wasn’t the deal…I was to--,” before she could get the rest of her rant out she doubled over in pain. “Take her to the master bedroom and keep watch over her,” Albert said as the men hurried to her aid, before his eyes feel on Sebb. “She’ll be fine, but she needs to feed.” Albert added softly the hurt in his eyes from Myka outburst. “The transition is hard and even if she remembers and she does, her body is still in the process.” Albert said softly has he offered the man his hand to help him up. “You must stay with her now and watch her closely. Myka has always been stubborn and if she doesn't feed enough and soon she will perish.”

Pain raced through her as the men helped her into the room she had called home for many of nights, the very bed she would crawl into in the day time beside Albert and ask questions until they both were in a resting state. However, now it didn't feel like home at all resting within the bed was an young woman she was sickly and weak an victim of poverty. Myka knew what came next that she had to feed and how much she need to feed, and the thought made her inside twisted. “Get her out of here..” Myka said snidely her voice pained from the hunger. “You must feed Miss,” one of the men said softly “I know you are starving and you need to replenish your--,” he started and before he could get the words out she had him pressed against the wall. “I will kill her…if I start I want be able to stop…but you know that.” She said crossly as her eye narrow at him. “It will be a painless death Miss,” the man said softly.

“She is dying already and wishes not to suffer any longer. She has agreed to this and you haven’t a choice.” Anger raced through Myka’s as she nodded her head. “Yes I had my choice taken did I not,” with that using her speed she shoved everyone out of the room even the girl before sinking down on the ground. Tears started to fill her eyes as she tried to hold in the sob that threatened to escape. She wasn’t certain if they were from pain, fear, or the fact that Sebb was there. She had gave herself to redeem what she had done, to give him back his life, and now she was back and would have to watch it unfold. To watch as the one person she had cared about left her, but it was facts everyone left in the end.

As Albert and Sebb made their way toward the room Myka was taken, they were met by the group that had been sent to aid her. “What’s going on?” Albert asked his eyes filled with confusion. “She tossed us out and refused to feed. Albert turned slightly to see the young girl they had brought for her and shook his head. “Sir…I said and done nothing, but she refused me.” The girl said her voice weak and pained as Myka’s with a nod Albert turned to Sebb. “I know that you are an moral man but this is part of what it is to be what we are. If she doesn’t feed then all that work was for nothing. The girl is at deaths door and I promised an painless death for her, you must make myka see that”

06-23-2014, 06:52 PM
Sebb was concerned for Myke's state when they led her up to her room. He was yet more concerned when he heard she had refused to feed. "Alright I will try and talk with her" he replied to Albert.

Leaving the others behind he walked up to the door. He knocked gently then pushed it open. He was wary of what state he might find her in. "Myke it's me" he said. "Can I come in and talk with you?"

06-23-2014, 07:23 PM
Why was this happening to her? She had made peace with death, she had freed him and in the process freed herself. So why? The question was an silent one, but as the knock came to the door she was certain it was going to be answered. His voice was soft and it made the matter at hand even worse as she pressed herself against the far wall away from him.

"What are you doing in here Sebb?" she asked her voice pained but it still held the very smirk that Myka was known for. "If those guys out there can't make me feed, the men I've know most of my vampric life what makes you think you can change my mind." she asked making sure to keep her distance, but her anger wouldn't allow it. "You have no idea what it's like Sebb...what its like in my mind right now"

06-23-2014, 08:50 PM
"Then tell me" Sebb replied firmly. "Tell me why you are punishing yourself? Your father pulled you out of hell and I myself played a small part to help him do it. Do you want to go back there? Now is your chance to live again. To take back the life that was stolen from you."

06-24-2014, 03:24 AM
“You don’t get it…I was dead…I am dead.” She spat her anger starting to show on her features as her hands clinched into fist. “I was killed by my own people, born to be a vessel to a demon, turned into this this…” she motioned to herself. “This monster.” Her voice was firm and furious. “You have no idea what it’s like… to have to cut someone open to eat…to constantly have this nagging voice urging you on. Yes you pulled me from hell…but tell me how is this any better…hum.” She snapped her anger reach it breaking point. “Now Get the Fuck Out…before I snap your neck and right now it an very good possibility.”

06-24-2014, 08:05 AM
Sebb didn't move. He could see she was just making threats because she was angry. "So you need to drink blood" he replied dismissively. "Your father does it, so does every other vampire in this world, and some of them live very comfortable lives. Ignorant folk may call you monsters but behind the need for blood you're still people." His tone became challenging. "There are people in this house who care about you. Is that not enough to live for?" He pulled out his knife and held it out. "Here, it's your choice, if you really want to end it go right ahead."

06-24-2014, 12:49 PM
With her speed she had the knife within a blink of an eye, but it wasn't point toward her, but him. “You stupid man…why couldn’t you just take what I gave you and left me be…but no you couldn't could you. You had to come here and play the hero, to pretend you know what I feel.” With that she pressed him into the wall allowing the knife to be dragged against his shirt covered chest.

“It took a very long time get to that point, to ignore every heighten sense, to dulled myself and promised never to feel the sting of loss again…to turn away from everything and everyone.” With that she smirked “You see it isn’t the blood, and I’m very aware of my father’s devotion the problem is…you.”

Her voices soften slightly as she pulls away slightly, “Everything I love leaves and everything I touch dies. I have walked this earth and have buried more people then I would like to remember, so I blocked it out until…” she paused and shook her head. “When you kissed me…” her eyes looked down at the knife that rest on his chest. “I had shut it all off and then you came along, and that changed It all came back the pain of knowing that I had to die, the regret that I felt knowing I caused your curse, the anger of knowing this was fight I would loss, but more than anything the lust…all brought back. Within a matter of seconds you broke down every wall i had put up and now you're doing it again...now you want me to live happily knowing that the one person that was able to change me is going to eventual die and i'll be force to watch...no i rather kill you here and now."

06-24-2014, 03:22 PM
Kit felt the blade pressing against his chest but didn't move. "If that is truly what you want Myke then go ahead and do it" he replied, his voice calm and level. "You already saved the lives of an entire kingdom. Who could condemn you for taking one life in return? As to what you did to me in the past I understand the reason why you did it and I freely grant you my forgiveness. But if you say one of us must die here and now then fine let it be me."

06-24-2014, 04:34 PM
Her anger slowly faded away as the knife hit the floor. "What do you want from me Sebb," she finally says her voice actual sounding like the girl he had met at the castle. "I have spent two life times trying to redeem myself, a third trying to forget it all. I was ready to die Sebb, ready to end it all until i met you." with that she walked away and sat down on the black satin sheets. "I knew from the moment i walked into that kingdom i wasn't coming out alive, and no one was going to stand in my way. Then there was you...a stubborn lycan that thought of nothing but himself and i hated you because what you were." with that she let out a weak laugh and shook head. "Then as time past and i got to see the true you...like i said you broke down ever single wall."

With that she looked up her eyes sad, "I fell for you knowing that i had wronged you, but i sought comfort in the fact my death would right that...that i wouldn't be the monster that caused you pain...But now thats all in vein thanks to my father...What you did to awaken me is not a simple task Sebb it forms a bound on that can never be severed I will always know where you are, as you will with me...their will be an attraction that no one can imagine. If i feed this will be our life...and i don't know if i can go an eternity knowing you will eventually die while i live."

06-24-2014, 06:00 PM
Sebb shook his head. "As I told you already the past is forgiven. In fact there is nothing there to forgive because you simply did what you believed was necessary. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to take that weight upon your own conscience." Stepping forward he gently took hold of her hands. "The truth is I have feelings toward you too, as you must already know. If there is a bond created between us then I have no fear of it." As he spoke he looked her directly in the eyes to show his earnestness and sincerity. "I am not asking you to live for eternity. Just long enough to give yourself a chance of salvation. Your father said that your soul is cursed but somewhere there must be a way to save it."

06-24-2014, 06:18 PM
A smile came to her tired face as she looked up into his eyes, "I thought you said you weren't an hero." she joked before looking down at their joined hand, but she paused when she saw the blood that rested there. Their wasn't much just a little from where he had cut himself earlier, but it was enough to cause her fangs to come forth. Her eyes found his as they started to turn their abnormal color, "Sebb you're hurt...you came in in here hurt," her voice was struggled and weak,"I could kill you if i was too...i don't know if i could stop." her voice pained as she fought to control every urge in her body that told her to feed.

06-24-2014, 06:40 PM
Sebb grimaced when he saw the fangs. He pulled back his wrist and stepped away from her. "I understand" he said. "Forgive me it was careless. I shall go and clean it. Please though think about what I've said."

Watching her carefully he backed off towards the door and headed outside.

06-24-2014, 07:57 PM
Wither it was the hunger or the frustration of everything blurred together before Myka could register what was happening she grabbed Sebb snatching him back into the room. As his back hit the wall her eyes looked up at him searching them, before she took his injured hand into hers. Slowly without losing eye contact she brought it up to her lips allowing her tongue to stole out and tasted the blood that rested there. It spiked a hunger that she couldn't explain, but she didn't bite she pulled his wrist down softly showing that it was healed. The amount of self control that it took made her breathe come in heavy, "I'm sorry i...." her voice was heavy as she took in there proximity.

06-24-2014, 10:41 PM
Sebb stared at his own wrist seeing it was healed and his eyes widened. "How... How did you do that?" he asked. In the moment his surprise even distracted him from the fact she hadn't bled him.

06-24-2014, 11:06 PM
"I've been able to do it the entire time, a plus side to be a creature that need to hide it handy work." she joked slightly as she brushed her behind her ear, almost bashfully. "Humm...i should of told you, before i...it's just well..." with that she took a deep breath and smiled bring her eyes up. "Father might be playing nice but he has a taste for young attractive men and once he figures out that i'm going to feed and finish the transition you might become far game." with that she stepped away..."You can them to bring the girl inside...the sooner the better."

06-25-2014, 08:34 AM
"Your father already knows I have feelings elsewhere" he replied with a smile. He felt relieved at the improvement in her mood. "I'll go right now and tell them to send in the girl" he added.

Right then he wished he could offer her a hug to say it would all be alright, but he knew that any physical contact between them only risked making her lose control. Instead he turned and headed out of the room.

Out in the hallway he turned to Albert. "She seems to have come around" he said. "I think it's ok now to send the girl back in."

Leaning back against the wall he gave a sigh. He knew that with the curse himself and Myke could never get close. He was just glad that she had a surrogate father to give her some support. He figured he would wait around until she was fully rested and recovered then take his leave to leave the two of them in peace.

06-25-2014, 12:58 PM
Watching as Sebb came from the room, all the men were quite there hearing having picked up the arguments from the room. With a nod to one of his men, the girl was lead into the room and the door shut behind her. Turning slightly Albert leaned against the wall next to Sebb, before placing a kind hand on his shoulder.“It’s always this hard Sebb…they fight and scream, they cry and repent, they deny and they suffer with what is to be there new life. This is how ever newly vampire deals. Their body is their but not fully, see their not ran off an mechanical system like humans, but an magic that come with a price.” With that he pulled his hand away and turns to look ahead at the door as well.

“But she is lucky…the first time this happen she was alone, scared, confused…and no idea on what was happening. She is also lucky in a sense, due to the fact she has gone through it before. It want take long for her to master her abilities and suppress the hunger, maybe this time she’ll learn control as well.” With that Albert turned and met Sebb’s eyes.“She afraid to get ‘close’ to people because everything seems to mash together in different heats of the moment, you see all emotions wither it be anger, lust, love, hate, sadness they are all stronger to us. “Anger turns into rage, love and lust blend together, hatred becomes stronger, and sadness is sorrow to us.” He pauses and lets out a sight, “but what is worse is they all seemed to bleed into feeding and that frightens her… it always has.”

“The smallest of kisses, the gentleness of touch, the taste of another’s skin sets off an fire deep within us…it’s natural…it’s natural for our fangs to emerge when we are angry or excited. To be lost in passion and have a need to feed. One bit could make the experience better for both and curb that hunger, but she has always been afraid she wouldn’t be able to stop…that she’d hurt someone.” With a slight laugh Albert turned back to the door, “I know you’re think this is awkward to be having such an detailed conversation about my daughter, but the truth is…I have seen Myka suffer alone for far to long, and fear herself in many ways. If anyone can help her overcome that Myka could have a shot of happiness that she has kept from herself for a long time.”

06-25-2014, 02:16 PM
Sebb listened to everything that Albert told him. "No thankyou for explaining it" he replied. "It was something I needed to know. If it is possible for me to give her happiness then I will do all in my power to make it happen." He fell silent for a moment then glanced toward the door. "How long do you think it will take her to feed?"

06-25-2014, 02:45 PM
With that the door opened slight and everyone looked up with sad eyes expecting to see a bloody myka, but to their surprise their before them was a health Myka standing beside an health young girl. Both looked radiant and smiled softly at the people that kind of stood there shocked. “Myka?” Albert said softly as he stepped up and she smiled and nodded.

“I’m fine father I drunk my fill and before she died I gave her my blood and healed her completely.” The young girl smiled and nodded to confirm the story and soon as she did Albert wrapped his arms around her holding her myka tight. The other came around all celebrating, but Myka eyes find Sebb who was still stand off to the side. "How did you make yourself stop." one of the men asked and Myka smiled. "I had help from a friend."

06-25-2014, 03:32 PM
Sebb smiled at her words. "Really I did nothing" he said. "However you did it that came from inside you. But most of all I'm just glad to see that you're okay." He shifted his gaze to address both of them. "I'm sure you and your father have things to catch up on. But don't worry I'm not going anywhere just yet. Maybe we can umm, you know, talk a bit later."

06-25-2014, 04:59 PM
Myka tilted her head in a playful way, "Always so modest...well it want last for long if you stay around this lot." she joked and nodded when he asked to speak to her later.

That night it almost felt like old times. Her father and his men all sat around laughing and drinking, telling stories of great battles and though Myka smiled and laughed and celebrated with the men she had grown to know and love she find herself searching the room for Sebb. "I promised he wasn't going to leave, Myka" her father said a smirk on his face that he tired to hide behind his glass.

If Myka could blush she was certain she would be red as an lobster at his comment. "Who say i'm searching for him...I might be searching for--" she paused when her father rolled his eyes. "Is it that obvious?" she asked and he smiled before taking the glass from her hands, "That's enough celebrating for you child," he said watching as the other turned to look. "You need to rest dawn will be approaching soon and i want you rested up." with a smile that hide an thank you she nodded and left the room and headed toward her bedroom.

She really was tired which was another side effect of being new all over again. Allowing her clothing to fall to the ground, she walked over to the large wardrobe and opened it pulling out an long black night gown. She placed it on the bed as she used the cloth and water to clean her body from the grim that had gathered from the day. Once satisfied, she slid on gown and took a seat in front of the mirror as she started to brush her hair.

06-25-2014, 08:31 PM
Sebb sat in the room and listened to the stories. But really there was only one person there he could think about. He was really pleased to see her happy and having a good time. After Myke had left he remained at the table for anothe minute or so then got up and made his excuses to the others about needing to go and rest himself.

Albert gave him directions to a spare room and he left the gathering. He headed upstairs and stopped when he reached Myke's door. There was so much between them that still remained unspoken. He knew that with the curse they would both have to take things steadily while she built up her practice at controlling it. Also she had only just come back from death itself. But the very least he could do was wish her a proper goodnight and let her know that he meant things he had said before. Raising his hand he knocked gently at the door.

06-26-2014, 11:17 AM
Pulling the brush through her hair, Myka stopped when she heard the knock. Rolling her eyes she smiled believing it was her father coming to make sure she was resting. Standing up she walked over to the door and opened a retort on her tongue, but when her eyes met Sebb she paused almost stunned. Her eyes down cast as she pushes a string of hair behind her ears, “I figured you would stay down stairs with the others… you know have some fun since we have official become winners against evil.” She joked as she leaned against the door frame slightly. “Would you like to come in?”

06-26-2014, 01:06 PM
Sebb smiled at the jest then nodded at the invitation. "Well only if it's not disturbing you" he replied. "I just didn't think I'd be able to sleep without wishing you a proper goodnight." He paused and bit his lip. "Look, I know the curse makes this thing between us a bit tricky, but I just wanted to say there's no need to rush anything. We can take things slowly, step by step."

06-29-2014, 09:55 PM
Myka’s eyes lowered sadly as he spoke of the curse, before she finally spoke up stopping him. “Listen Sebb,” she said looking up her face serious as her eyes searched his. “Things in my life are never certain, I can’t tell you that things will get better, I can’t promise anything.” With that she paused her eyes following as nervously pulled her lip between her teeth. “The only thing I’m certain is that I couldn’t imagine going on acting like what we found in each other mean nothing.”

06-29-2014, 11:06 PM
"I know. I couldn't do it either" Sebb replied. He looked her deep in the eyes. He wanted then to get close to kiss her on the lips. But he knew the choice was hers to make.

06-30-2014, 01:13 PM
Pushing off the door she offered a smile. Never in her life both mortal and immortal had she felt such an attraction that she felt with the very man that stood in front of her. He had the ability to make her so angry, and then with one of those smirks of his have her forgetting everything that was said. More than anything though, he was the only man that truly new her darkness and agreed to work around it.

Stopping only when she was toe to toe with him, she leaned up on her tip toes and placed a small kiss to the corner of his mouth. After all the effort he'd clearly put in to this all, she couldn't think of a more sincere way than a small kiss to say thank you. But as she pulled away slightly she could hear is heart starting to race and she was certain if hers still beat it would be doing the same. She wanted more and when she looked into his eyes, so uncertain but so sure she had her answer.

Next thing she knew, her lips were pressed against his and the contact, albeit brief, was intoxicating. His lips were soft under hers but she felt her spirits drop a fraction when he didn't respond in the manner she'd expected. Trying to maintain even a modicum of modesty, Myka pulled back, lowering her gaze as she tried to wish away her actions. “I’m sorry I just,” she paused having no answer.

06-30-2014, 04:59 PM
"No don't be sorry for anything" Sebb replied. He leaned forward to kiss her back savouring once more the sweet taste of her lips. Really he had never met a person quite like her. This thing between them felt like the start of something special. As the kiss continued he wrapped his arms around her body and held her in a soft embrace.