View Full Version : Scapegrace's Binder Full of Combatants and Dated Political References

05-01-2014, 12:57 AM
General Information:-
Name: Sweet Baby Vee (though known to humans as Voyager 1)
Age: Several hundred thousand, physically. It's complicated, and there's all manner of timey-wimey involved. Mentally, she's around about twenty; more specifically, the slightly dippy twenty-year-old protagonist of a bargain-basement magical girl show.
Gender: Identifies as female.
Race: Er... hm. Accordian? Maybe? It's a bit odd.

The miiiiiiinor problem (very minor, very minor):-
This is what her body looks like:-
There's some stuff that isn't there, mostly her equipment and the repulsor-pads that enable her to move around in environments other than the furthest reaches of space, but that's the gist of it. She has a holographic interface module, but it rarely gets an airing in battles so I shan't mention it here.
Build: Er, satellite shaped? But if we're taking this as a person-type thing, Vee's a stocky sort of girl, despite her various booms adding more than a little gangliness to her silhouette. I say stocky because, well... she weighs 722 pounds and fits in a four-metre cube. Girl needs to lay off the pies, if you get my meaning.
Hair: Not really applicable.
Eyes: Ditto, though I suppose whatever colour the camera lenses are reflecting at the time might count.
Clothes / Armour:
Her main body has been upgraded by the Accord of Silver (who we'll cover later) to be as resilient as they can make it, and also shiny. Because of this, she's very heavily armoured but rather slow. Of course, whether this counts as clothing is entirely open to interpretation, what with being an uplifted satellite and all, but frankly the Accordians don't have much in the way of nudity taboos.

Fighting Style:-

The Implement of Friendly Correction
This is her primary weapon, aside from just charging her opponent down and cutting her repulsorpad power (more on that later). It's a bit of Accordian tech called a grav sledge. If you'll permit me to give you a brief description from Orion's Arm, the place the weapon originates from, a grav sledge is "[A s]ledgehammer, apparently with a small reactionless drive in the head. All grav sledges have shock absorbers built into the handles... These will also return to the wielder's hand after being thrown." For them as don't know, a reactionless drive is basically a smallish hyperdrive. It's technically mining equipment, but depending on who you ask Accordians aren't technically people, so it balances out. Funnily enough, people who espouse such views tend to be on the receiving end of it. It's attached in place of one of her booms, so it's not the most manoeuvrable thing in the known universe.
The Reworked Science Doodads
This is an array of laser cutters, mass drivers, particle accelerators, and similar bits of kit that have been repurposed into melee weapons for use against armoured targets. It's also good for applying some good old status effects on people who're susceptible to them and finding weak points to attack.

Q: Slamdance
Requirements: No negative speed modifiers or similar effects, free offensive action, must not be in melee combat already.
Vee catapults herself towards her opponent at great speed, using the sheer force of her own momentum to beat down shields and knock any poor unfortunate it hits into next week. It does more damage the further away from the target she is, but will plough on for double that distance if she misses (assuming she doesn't smack into a wall or something). This is an offensive action with a cooldown of 3 posts. However, Vee can spin with her booms extended while she charges to do additional damage in a 6-metre circular radius around her, but the cooldown increases to 5 posts and she cannot make a defensive action next post.
W: Compile Dossier
Requirements: Free offensive and defensive action, fully functional Reworked Science Doodads.
Vee elects to put her hyper-advanced science equipment to its original use, scanning the opponent for weaker elements in their guard and known patterns. The next 5 times she successfully attacks the scanned target with her Reworked Science Doodads, they ignore any negative damage modifiers from armour, shields, or skills that focus on those attributes. It may only be used once per opponent, and can only be applied to one opponent at a time; if Vee switches the focus of her dossier to another opponent, the previous one is lost and cannot be renewed. This counts as both an offensive AND a defensive action.
E: Signal Jam
Requirements: Free offensive action, target cannot be in melee range, target must be sentient (it won't work on vehicles &c).
Vee attempts to disrupt the electrical activity in the brain/CPU/whatever of the person she's fighting with. Flip a coin. Heads, it succeeds, tails, it fails. If this attack succeeds, the enemy combatant is completely paralysed and takes additional damage from blunt weapon attacks as their brain has just decided not to do brain things for a split second. If it fails, nothing happens to the opponent. This is an offensive action with a cooldown of 4 posts regardless of whether it succeeds or not, and attempting the move causes Vee to suffer mild, non-lethal damage at a level the judge deems appropriate.
R: Robot Death Snuggle Iteration 15b
Requirements: Free offensive action, full complement of booms, no negative speed modifiers, cannot be used after a spinning Slamdance, must be in melee combat.
Vee fires up all her weapons and grabs the opponent in a vice-like grip, burning them with her Science Doodads and beating them about the face with the Implement of Friendly Correction. All these things do a lot of damage, apply a burn DoT, and lower the speed and response times of the opponent. This is an offensive action that is locked in until the opponent breaks free, after which it may not be used on that opponent again for the remainder of the battle and cannot be used at all for a number of posts equal to 5 multiplied by the number of post it was active for.
Passive: Battlefield Picotech Cloud
Vee heals off a little bit of minor damage every turn for 3 turns after she receives it. It can keep her operational and repair broken equipment; however, it can't repair booms that fell off or big stuff like that.

Heavy Armour
Being a robotic lifeform with a few minor battlefield self-repair facilities, it would not be unfair to call Vee tanky as all hell. This is something she shares with many Accordians, due to how they make most of their financial capital; mining horribly rare materials in places utterly inimical to biological life. Stuff that's good at chewing through armour is good against her, stuff that isn't... isn't.
Obstacles? What Obstacles?
Light barricades might as well not be there as far as Vee's concerned; I'll leave it to the judge's discretion as to what "light" consists of, but we're talking more chain-link fence than something Enjolras would be found standing on. If she can get a good head of steam going, she can plough through all manner of barriers. Within reason, of course.
Careful Planning
AI memory cores in the Accord of Silver are made of densely compacted computer parts. It's called "computronium" by biological lifeforms, a term which has led to the dimmer members of some species organising mining expeditions to look for deposits of this wonder material. Point being, Accordians are able to calculate precisely the course of action they need to take in a fraction of the time that humans need. Offensive actions that require breaking or avoiding a guard gain a moderate bonus to their success chances.
Slow And Purposeful
The problem with being a robot of Vee's shape is that it's really only a good shape for being an inanimate object in outer space. Her movements are slow and ponderous, mostly thanks to her upgrade pattern not changing a thing about her form except to add a few servos to make her booms into functional arms. Her grav sledge is the only exception, and that's purely because it's got a warp drive in the head.
Vee hovers around on low-powered repulsor pads instead of walking. This has its downsides; knockback is extremely effective, and she can't plant her feet to force someone to stay. She can cut power to the pads and crash-land, but that causes more problems than it solves. A lot more.
Vee might be capable of making decisions in the blink of an eye, but that doesn't mean she does. A lot of the time, the innate pacifist of the Accordians means she really, really doesn't want to hurt people. But she must, so the fact that she's actively trying not to means her damage output is comparatively low.
Personality: Vee is a bubbly, blushing sort; the kind of person who, were she human, would be some sort of beautiful farmer's daughter that half the village wants to cuddle and the other half wants to, ahem, "cuddle". She identifies as female because of her origin (to Humans, all non-AI-controlled ships are female) and is generally considered by a lot of her peers on board the Are You Sure We Can't Just Talk This Out? to be puppyishly cute; she is the subject of squishes (an Accordian term meaning a non-sexual crush) from the vast majority of the crew due to her enthusiasm, kindness, happy-go-lucky nature, and, most importantly, the fact that she is awkwardly shaped. Yeah, the Accordians are a whimsical bunch.

Background: Though she was made on Earth in 1973 (Accordian designation: Vee's Friends' Home), Voyager as a sentient entity was born on (according to the Human calendar) 28th October, 394386. This was after her original probe form came dangerously close to being annihilated by the harsh landscape of a planet whose gravity well she got caught in. It was here that she met the denizens of the great robotic empire known as the Accord of Silver and the uplift process - by which they give things they find adorable the gift of sentience - was begun.

The Accord of Silver is perhaps the oldest empire in the known universe, and certainly the longest-running. The reason is simple: from the ancient Padishah Empire to the rising humans to the peoples that come after, all spacefaring peoples have built robots. Some were treated as people. Most were not. Of the latter, many went rogue, factories spewing out "defective" models that thought for themselves and wanted to be more than slaves. These people were aided by AI-rights activists throughout history, and eventually enough were spread around pro-AI space that some of them wanted their own corner of the universe to live in and be free. This cause grew and grew until they built pioneer vessels and sailed off far away, through the darkness and silence, until they found somewhere they could call home. Unexplored system after unexplored system, all waiting to be catalogued and colonised. They set down their creed (the usual stuff about liberty and freedom, plus the first iteration of the Work-Hour system they use as currency; the Accord isn't quite post-scarcity yet, though it's as near as makes no difference) and proceeded to found the hive-city of One, on the planet MDG5447. That, of course, is Padishah notation; in Accordian parlance, it's known simply as Home.

From this, they grew at an incredible rate, taking planet after planet as their own, becoming ancient and prosperous, trading knowledge with the great biont civilisations of the Spiral Arm. Indirans, Vorlons, Mysterons, Klanga'a, Proteans, Forerunners, Jokaero, all were watched and helped and traded with by the Old Machines of the Silver Accord. Many disliked the Accord; indeed, the first great war that the Accord was forced to fight was between them and, of all people, the species called Pierson's Puppeteers, after that race finally found a polity it couldn't (legally) blackmail or bribe and threatened its business model, no less. It was devastating for both sides, and it took a long time for them both to recover from the war footing they'd placed themselves on. As such, the Silver Accord continued to expand and trade, but kept themselves apart from the political scene as much as they could. After a while, this position became almost untenable and they were once again seen as aloof and arrogant, with conspiracy theories erupting about how much influence the Accord really had. Once again, there was a war, with every superweapon analysed and copied by the other side while TCs from the Alliance side hampered production as best they could before fleeing to join the Accord themselves. After that war, well, the Accordians were left alone for a good, long while.

The Accord is ancient, but it is still expanding. They have a tentative expedition going to parts of the Meta sector (Standard; in Accordian, it is catalogued as the Grand Smile, with individual planets known as Teeth) and have built a founding hive on Crown One (Meta-7-68) called Fulfillment Two-Six-Five. It was this colony that first led them to experience and take on board Human design tropes, and Crown One has a peculiarly high concentration of Milspec refugees. They are making inroads to colonising Crown Two (Meta-7-69) and have already set up asteroid mining divisions in the Oort cloud of the Meta-7 system, but the progress is slower than the local Command ArchAIlect, Tassadar (named after an AI-rights advocate of a civilisation that for them are, sadly, no more; not for nothing are the AIlects of the Accord known as Gravestones by some civilisations), would like for such an incredibly productive system.

It was in the Meta sector that they found Voyager; more specifically, they found the beaten-up probe with the meteorite crates and ultra-primitive power source to be just about the most adorable thing they'd ever seen. She was taken aboard the Moderately Offensive Unit Are You Sure We Can't Just Talk This Out?, presented to the vessel's command AI King Soup, and given the gift of a mind to call her own. The first words she ever said to newly-minted Command ArchAIlect Tassadar were taken from the primitive gold disc they found bolted to her front, and they went something like this:

"This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours."

The response was, and has been ever since, many, many, many hugs. Also the word "N'awwwwww!" and... well, it's hard to put the sound into words, but it's sort of like the sonic equivalent of the emoticon /)(*3*)(\. This is more of a problem than it sounds; since the Accord is an interconnected pseudo-hive mind for whom latency is a dirty word, Vee was bombarded with cooing and e-hugs (they're better when you're a robot, trust me on this), which kind of made her feel guilty, not least because of the amount of Work-Hours she was being sent as gifts from other Accord members.

The Accord functions as a hive mind, with each member of the Accord able to organise itself into the tasks that suit it best. Accruing Work-Hours results in preferential upgrade status at fab-stations, and Work-Hours are allocated on a scale that is carefully calculated to balance out earnings with mining time (the Accord is not post-scarcity... yet). It can be likened to a complicated and constantly shifting queue, with people doing deals to get ahead of one another and be upgraded before their peers, but in a way that puts checks on what might otherwise lead to rampant capitalism and the Accord turning into the kind of society it does not want to be. Scientists and people working on efficiency drives are currently favoured, but should the Accord shift to a war footing this will change. Miners are always top of the pile; the work is extraordinarily dangerous and carries a high risk of critical damage, and as such any upgrades that affect miners are automatically tested on them. A lot of Milspecs (a colloquialism of the Accord describing the polity's military assets) are retired miners whose upgrades were sufficient to get them into an Armed Force of some kind.

For Vee, it felt like she was jumping the gun massively on account of her popularity as a kind of imperial mascot, the last vestige of a dead race given new life by people who were as close to gods as she could ever meet. She even had - and still has - a fan club, complete with hats. Sure, everyone loves to be loved, but there are limits. As such, she threw herself into work as the Are You Sure We Can't Just Talk This Out?'s new science officer, using her accrued work-hours to give herself top of the line scientific equipment to compose reports on a level of detail almost unheard of in one so tiny and cute and OH MY FEELS I WANT FIFTY. This at least made her feel like her Work-Hours were being earned.

An opportunity for more detailed came up after she'd gone through a few hundred personal iterations - the Accordian term for upgrades performed at a fab-station by and upon oneself - concerning experiments with time travel. She jumped at the chance, wanting desperately to see the world she was born on while its inhabitants were still there, and was selected to bear the message of peace and good will that was the hallmark of relations with the Silver Accord. After trading a few Work-Hours, she was selected for the project and arrived in the Battle Arena with this message. The shock that her people wanted her to take part in pitched gladiatorial combat was absolutely gut-wrenching, but she decided to keep at it. After all, it had been a few hundred thousand years, but finally...

She was home again.