View Full Version : Unleashed Potential OOC

08-13-2010, 12:44 AM
The Story

August, 2012. The world is as we know it. A crude reality with nothing fancy, plenty of beliefs and routine. Wars here and there, though nothing big.

September, 2012. All the news reports are filled with the same footage over and over: a set of weird, grotesque creatures attack a city in a remote place in the middle east. They seem to kill and destroy everything they can. The footage ends with the camera falling on the ground suddenly.

November, 2012. Talk on TV continues of the footage non-stop. The world yet stares in disbelief. Many theories are formulated, religious ones, absurd ones, and scientific ones. The common denominator is that none is 100% certain.

December, 2012. The same creatures reappear, attacking London. This time, however, they desist before causing much havoc. There are a few casualties (around 35), and it's clear they could've done much more if they wanted. The reason is not evident. Several countries form an alliance to deal with the inexplicable threat.

February, 2013. The alliance consisted of representatives of most countries around the globe reveal two super soldiers. One is capable of create fire at will, whereas the other one is able to morph into a dragon. No information is unveiled as to how they can do that, but the alliance still decides to present these super soldiers as a way to give people peace of mind against the supernatural threat.

February, 2014. Several super soldiers, and former super soldiers are the world's new focus. Their abilities are as varied as their personalities or appearance. Most remain within the military, but many have become independent celebrities for a variety of reasons. Some try to live in seclusion, but find it very hard to do. It has been revealed that the best scientists of the world, still in alliance despite the fact that the threat has not reappeared for more than an year, have discovered a new substance of unknown properties as far as the public is concerned that awake certain areas of the brain unleashing what is believed to be native potential that human beings had been unable to exploit until now. The substance is known as Mindkey.

April, 2014. Shocking news revealed: Mindkey roams the black market of several countries. New "illegal" super humans appear. For the first time, super humans fight against other super humans. Their fights usually end up in collateral damage. The sanctioned governmental force hunts down the illegal ones. They take it a step too far and start to try to imprison those who resigned from the military but what no part in the conflict. Factions start to appear in America, and a great civil battle ensues, threatening to destroy the country as it is. And just when things couldn't be worse, the grotesque creatures reappear in NYC.

The Background

You start in America. You can be in any position you want: an enhanced military soldier, a rich man who acquired Mindkey through illegal means and thus obtained power, someone who happened to acquire the substance through other means, or maybe an agent funded by a foreign government to investigate.

The American government has officially started an investigation into the matter long ago, not to mention using all its power to contain the multi-level catastrophe. Several foreign governments are aiding and/or investigating, either through official channels or unofficial. Some super humans abuse their powers, others don't, and some even prefer to remain in the shadow.

One thing is clear for those involved in the subject: Mindkey doesn't work on everyone. Though the reasons are either unknown or undisclosed, Mindkey only works on certain individuals. Lucky you.

The Power Mechanics

Unbeknown to most, speculated by a few, the power does indeed unleash a part of the brain. This part, together with imagination, allows the brain to manipulate molecules. That is, the brain does not create matter per se; it only transform something into something else. A fire "creator" would actually make the air particles ignite, for instance. Anti-matter cannot be created in this fashion.

The Rules

- Be active. I don't have any issues with moving the story along or killing characters who are being inactive. Consider you time availability before joining. As a rule of the thumb, being able to post once every two-three days is acceptable. Being able to post every day more than once is troublesome for those people who are very busy--they won't manage to keep up. Posting in more than 3 days means you really aren't into it.

- Your actions, and your actions only. Don't control other characters' actions that are not your own. Always talk it out before if you need to make a post with interactions with characters not your own.

- On the other end of the spectrum, don't make posts that are too short. How long your post is really doesn't matter, but this isn't a chat--it's a forum. I expect RPers to write worth having time to sit down every few days and patiently describe their character's action. I don't speak best-seller material either. We are all amateurs, but certain quality standards need to be met.

- Your character doesn't known the truth behind all of the mysteries currently not clear in the story. Follow the "Power Mechanics" section's logic when fleshing out your power/powers.

- One power, one/several aspect(s). In the aforementioned fire example, the theme would be fire, but it can manifest in different ways: fire armor, fire immunity, fire missiles, etc. All must have their own sci-fi/fantasy explanation.

The Character Sheet

Power: describe your theme, and aspects. Justify within the setting's logic.
Background: (send me this through PM). Other characters have no reason to know who you work for, or what you've been doing this time.
Other: want to add miscellaneous info about your character? This is the place.

08-13-2010, 05:20 AM
This looks like a great game. Why not submit it for Roleplay of the Week (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905) or put it in the Roleplaying Games Directory (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2304) or click here (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3975) to help attract players?

08-13-2010, 10:00 PM
Oooooh! I really wanna join this.
I'll make my character sheet tomorrow, since I'm busy tonight.

08-15-2010, 12:08 PM
Name: Lillian "Lillie" Michaels
Power: Elemental control- depending on her mood she can control certain elements. Angry/Flirty- fire Calm- water Happy- air Sad- earth (includes plants)
Appearance: http://pohkoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/CG03.jpg

(and I'll send you the background when it's finished m'kay? :3)

08-15-2010, 12:33 PM
Name: Lillian "Lillie" Michaels
Power: Elemental control- depending on her mood she can control certain elements. Angry/Flirty- fire Calm- water Happy- air Sad- earth (includes plants)
Appearance: http://pohkoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/CG03.jpg

(and I'll send you the background when it's finished m'kay? :3)

Very well. Until then I can't approve your character.

08-15-2010, 07:58 PM
Just wondering, but do mind if I use an anime picture for the appearance?

08-15-2010, 08:24 PM
Just wondering, but do mind if I use an anime picture for the appearance?

Not at all.

08-15-2010, 10:12 PM
Name: Quentin "Q" Ambrose
Power: Ice Creator- using a concentrated breath of air, he can turn air particles into ice.
Appearance: Q (http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t270/aerith105/anime%20girls/anime%20guys/chiboard-b2t34082-20080930_22279934.jpg)

08-15-2010, 10:27 PM
Ok, I'm noticing an elemental power patter here, and I don't want that to be my fault. The example I used (the fire creator) was just so I made my point clear about how the powers worked. Think X-Men if you must. That said, I'm ok if this just a coincidence and the two players so far just want to have elemental powers. I just don't want people to pick a limited range of powers because I didn't explain myself properly.

AeRaShin, I read the background you sent me. Your character is officially approved.

08-19-2010, 05:37 AM
Name: Aino Ikonen
Power: Force - Can create a force field to protect herself and others, can condense the molecules around her to initiate a "push".
Appearance: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:Lj2bHuTO8XqhlM:http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff304/rockstarartist13000/blonde_girl_web-1.gif&t=1
Background: (will send tomorrow afternoon)
Other: Xenophobic, soft-spoken, lightly accented