View Full Version : Broforce Battle: Vi vs Nathan Copeland (Mane of Kurls vs Cfavano)

05-06-2014, 10:41 PM
Vi enters what appears to be a large luxury suite, and at the far end is her foe, on a couch, sitting with two scantily clad women. A boombox is on a table in front of the couch. "This must be karma, Vi." says the figure
"Spare me the mystic crap." Replies Vi. "I came here to fight." The figure hurls the two women at Vi, and then leaps after them, the boombox morphing into gauntlets similar to Vi's. The figure punches the women as Vi presses back. Blood flies from the two women as they both rapidly punch.
"Magnificent! Vi, the Enforer of Piltover!" The figure says. Vi punches once more, splattering the two women, and forcing the figure, Nathan Copeland, back. He lands on his feet. "I see the rumors were true."
The camera goes again to Vi. "I don't know who's talking about me, But at least they got my name right."
"Listen to me, your Highness." Nathan Responds. These battles mean nothing to me." His gauntlets reform into a boombox, which he balances on his shoulder. "Neither does my sect, or the mob. My true calling was to clash fists with you. That's why I came here. I was starving for a worthy foe."
"Then you're in luck, because I'm as worthy as it gets. And I've got a shit ton of stress to work out." Vi retorts.

"That's what I like to hear!" Nathan replies, getting excited. "This is it! This is what I been praying for!" He says, kicking the decapitated head of one of those women away. "I'm weary of this gilded world! All glitter, no soul! Save me from sorrow, Piltover enforcer! Thy fists, and they wrath will deliver me!"
"Uh, you should go easy on that crazy punch." Vi says. "How about a just deck ya a new one?"
"We'll both do as Divinity commands!" Nathan retorts, excitedly.
"Halle-fuckin'-lujah" Vi responds, finally. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvsX-lf9P_A)

Mane Of Kurls
05-07-2014, 06:35 PM
During the chit chat they were having Vi had been charging up her gantlet. At her last statement she punch forward, the charge expending and pulling her right at Nathan with massive force behind it. Vault Breaker time!

"Hope that gold can be turned into teeth, 'cause when I'm done with you there won't be a single one left!"

05-07-2014, 09:50 PM
"Yes, YES!" Nathan similarly lunged at Vi, his boombox once again morphing into gauntlets. The two fists hit each other with equal force, causing a shockwave to spread throughout the whole room and push both fighters back, as well as shattering a few windows.

But Bathan sprung at her again as soon ash his feet touched the ground. Fists leading in a flurry of rapid jabs that only a trained eye could possibly follow. Each hit with the force of a truck, but moved as fast as a fastball. "Come on, Piltover Enforcer! Fight like you mean it!"

Mane Of Kurls
05-07-2014, 10:12 PM
Gauntlets up Vi took a defensive stance, Her Blast Shield Flaring as it and her gauntlets took the beating. After a few moments of waiting she found an opening and took it. She suddenly sent a fist forward and it connected with Nathan's, the power of each sending out another shock wave. Time seemed to freeze during the shock wave and a grin spread across her face.

"Here comes the punch line!"

She then immediately let fly another punch aimed at Nathan's gut, putting some Excessive Force behind it and going on the offensive.

05-07-2014, 10:18 PM
"Oof!" nathan said as he was hit, blood trailing out of his mouth. But, as he flew back, he grabbed her wrist to stop himself, and would then fling her over his head, and have her back hit the glass table in front of the couch, shattering it. He would then bring his fists together in a downward two-handed smash aimed at her midsection.

Mane Of Kurls
05-07-2014, 10:32 PM
Vi rolled to avoid the blow, glass shredding her skin and clothing. Her armor rendered some of it useless but shards still got through, blood starting to seep from the cuts. She wiped the back of her gauntlet over her mouth to smear away the blood that had appeared. She smirked at it and looked at Nathan, spiting in his direction and taking up a stance.

"Better watch out. I'm a one girl wrecking crew!"

With that she ran forward and began throwing punches, her Denting Blows beginning to do a number on Nathan's boom-box gauntlets.

05-07-2014, 10:36 PM
Nathan was rope-a-doping Vi's punches, until he got backed into a corner, and it was Hard for Vi to line up a punch. Then, he leaped forward, grabbing Vi's arms in his vice-like grip. "Let's kiss, darling!" He would then begin slamming his forehead into her nose and mouth again, and again, and again. If she didn't break the clinch soon, her good looks could be damaged forever!

Mane Of Kurls
05-07-2014, 11:13 PM
This fucking hurts!

In this situation Vi did the only thing she knew would worked. Trying to ignore the pain she pulled her leg back and kicked, sending her foot right up the alley and into Nathan's crotch.

05-09-2014, 11:23 PM
As soon as her boot made contact with Nathan's crotch, a comedic gong sounded, and he fell to his knees, grabbing his crotch. However, the force of this movement hurled her back. "Ooh, me lucky charms! Dat's a low blow, Vi."

Mane Of Kurls
05-09-2014, 11:44 PM
"Vi, stands for Vicious. Not my fault you've got a weak spot."

From her knocked back position she was actually ready to finish this battle. Taking a few more steps back, she pointed at Nathan and locked on. Vi began to charge at him full speed and when she reached him she gave him and upper cut that would send him right up into the air. She'd then leap up and slam him back into the ground for her signature Assault and Battery.

"Aww yeah, get dunked!"

With that lead Vi began to rapidly pummel him into the ground, gauntlets hissing with power. The Denting Blows began to deal extreme damage to Nathan's gauntlets and armor, making them nearly non-existent.

05-09-2014, 11:51 PM
The blows rain down on Nathan, but he does not seem upset at all, but rather joyful. He shouts "DELIVERANCE!" as his body finally explodes in a gush of blood. The guardian is defeated, the code released, and the fight is over. A hole opens underneath VI, and she falls into a void.