View Full Version : Legends of Blood and Bronze (OOC) [M]

08-15-2010, 11:07 PM
Rated Mature for: An abundance of violence, blood, and gore; strong language; sexual themes and or situations.


“Are you sure about this?” the aging man asked as he approached the massive, elaborately carved totems that would open the way. He was wrapped in a deep blue robe, the soft fabric flowing over his slight frame. He held a staff within his aged hand, a simple construction of gnarled dark wood that held faint traces of blue around the top. The hood was left down for now, revealing a shoulder length mop of snowy white hair and a narrow, slightly wrinkled face. Dark eyes gleamed from beneath bushy brows, regarding the otherworldly figure that stood with him.

She was much younger in appearance by comparison, beautiful in the way that gods are beautiful, her ivory skin wreathed in a faint silvery glow as if the moon itself were centered straight upon her. Dark brown hair cascaded down around this slight woman’s shoulders, a silken sheath that framed a lovely, heart-shaped face. A beautiful crown of silver topped her smooth brow, beautifully crafted into the twisting shape of twined vines and decorative leaves that elegantly held back her bangs away from her face Looking into her ageless gaze it was difficult to tell which color dominated those bright irises, at once blue and then shifting seamlessly into the various colors of the rainbow. She wore a gown of smooth silk, the fabric almost insubstantial in the way it flowed around that lush, voluptuous figure. Just looking upon this creature of ageless beauty was enough to steal a man’s breath. It had taken years for the man to get accustomed to the sight.

Slowly the corner of that mouth quirked upward, drawing attention to a pair of lush, full lips naturally colored a faint shade of cherry. Those were the kind of lips a man dreamed of kissing, among other things… but never was there a man daring enough to attempt it with this creature. When she spoke the robed figure braced himself against the musical power her voice held, a magic all its own as it slipped its way into the ears of both men and women alike and drew them into her natural, blissful enthrallment. Even without the use of that vast ocean of power he knew she possessed he had to exert every ounce of will to keep from falling under her spell.

“You know the consequences if we do not act. This is our final chance.”

The old man shifted nervously, casting a worried glance in the way of the totems once more. “I suppose I hoped there was some alternative… How will I know when I find them?”

The woman laughed, a mesmerizing peel of silvery music that rang out through the dead of night and set the man to shivering. “How hard can it be to find heroes? The people will be whispering their names from city to city. You’ve but to listen, dear sorcerer.”

She lifted a small hand then, gesturing subtly with a little twist of her fingers. There was a rush of wind, a sudden flash of blinding light that forced the man to close his eyes and lift an amt o bring the sleeve of that flowing robe between his face and the source. With the full moon shining brightly down upon them the night hadn’t been altogether dark, but compared to that light he might have been in a lightless cave. Once more his eyes returned to the totems, widening as he saw the swirling sheet of shimmering force now stretched between the two towering structures. It was like liquid silver, shimmering like a mirror and reflecting his figure back at him as he took several tentative steps closer Slowly he risked a glance back at the woman he had journeyed here with. She yet remained in the spot she had occupied since arriving, standing straight and calm. With another dazzling smile she ushered him forward, a gentle motion that bid him goodbye and wished him luck all at once.

Taking a deep breath, Aristotle stepped forward into the portal that bridged two worlds…


It’s been roughly thirty years since the fall of mighty Troy to the armies of Greece and still the tales of that epic battle are told far and wide be they within a tavern common room or seated about a fire out in the wilderness somewhere. As is common it’s difficult to judge just what is true and what is false now that the tales have been told and retold and altered each time to better suit a heroic legend to inspire the crowd. In every telling though one thing is certain. The battle of Troy was the greatest war the world had ever seen… and it carried the heaviest cost. How many men of legend fell during that horrific battle? Ajax the Great who fought fearlessly beside mighty Achilles and cunning Odysseus, Prince Hector, the greatest warrior of Troy and protector of her people, Agamemnon the great king who succeeded in uniting the many warring countries of Greece, and yes even Achilles himself, the invincible warrior whose battle prowess knew no match.

Though Troy may be dead and gone the people of Greece still lived on and after the loss of so many men, so many iconic heroes, various nations were left weak. It wasn’t long before war started again and the many nations were once more at each other’s throats. Wars are fought and men die and so the cycle continues. New men grow into their armor and dream of achieving greatness like those heroes of Troy. Though they were lost to the afterlife their blood still remains in this world. Some would argue that a hero is not made, but born, and these children of heroes are turned to in these times of struggle, asked to rise to the occasion and match the legends wrought by their fathers before them. Never could any of them have imagined that Fate had an entirely new kind of destiny awaiting them, nor the challenges they would face…

Across the veil between what is and what once was and what could be again war is raging. Phillippos, dark king of Makedone, has pushed back the free forces of Greece. All who stand before the vast Makedone army and the dark, tainted beasts which strengthen their ranks have crumbled to dust. Battle after battle has raged and the men who sought to smash the dark king into the ground found their own desires turned back on them as Phillippos cuts a bloody swath across the land. Thessaly is gone, swallowed up by that black ocean of steel and blood; her survivors either slaughtered or defected to the enemy side. Nothing slows the conqueror down and no army, no matter how large or skilled, has managed to stand before him. His armies have swept down across the land, his vast forces reaching across the land from east to west, ensuring that none escape the wide net he has cast out over the entire country. Ithaca stands on the brink of extension, her armies pushed back to the capital city which once housed the great hero Oddysseo who fell at Troy.

As if this were not bad enough, man is not the only target Phillippos has in his sights. The creatures of magic and legend are also in great danger from this wicked king. Centaursa, Minotaurs, Nymphs, Satyrs, all are being pushed back and slaughtered without mercy. With every dying creature magic’s presence in the world diminishes. Already the gods have abandoned the people, weakened by the loss of magic that came from the death of their children. It is said that Phillippos cannot be killed. It is said that he is invincible, that no man of this world can defeat him. But what of a hero of another world…?

Aristotle has crossed the veil into our world in search of heroes to join his cause, brave men or women willing to leave their world behind and risk certain death at the chance of glory. What true heroes yet remain he cannot take, for the risk of changing the histories would be too great. O it is that he decides to set his sites upon their sons or daughters, those beings who yet possess greatness which flows through their veins. The Queen of the forest has charged him with this task, and failure means certain death for everything he holds dear.

Parents: (if a hero)
Class: (or occupation. Whichever fits more. A mythical creatures class may vary from humans.)
Appearance: (Pics welcome but you should have a description too. Try to be as detailed as possible)
Equipment: (weapons and any other items they carry upon their person)
Powers/Skills: (powers for mythical creatures who may have magic. Skills for pretty much anyone. Detail training and or special abilities.)
History: (heroes detail what you are doing in our world in ancient Greece. Those from the other world detail everything you have gone through what with the ongoing war. If you were alive before the war what were you doing?)


Much of the inspiration from this story came from a pair of books by David Gemmel titled The Lion of Macedon and Dark Prince. I am aware that the timelines may not exactly match between the two worlds but it’s a parallel universe. It doesn’t have to be exact. If this lack of precise timeline match up bothers you I suggest you either A: get over it or B: don’t join

I will be playing one of these heroes and I do not really require too many of them as this story takes place mostly in another world parallel to ours. I would say max of three or four if things work out that way. Others will be able to play a person or mythical creature from this parallel dimension in which magic still exists. Use your imagination for if you don’t want to play a human you can be any beast of Greek mythology.

Please remember that the heroes are NOT known heroes of the world. They are the sons or daughters of known heroes. The offspring who has greatness in their very bloodline, pumping through their veins. This allows you to create an original character for this story line.

As there is no set side for any player the way this game plays out will depend entirely on you. Each of your actions will alter the flow of this tale, meaning its highly possible Phillippos isn’t stopped and the realm is completely conquered, the creatures slaughtered into extinction. If one of your characters seems the type to side with the evil king he can, I will not prevent it.

There is a chance that our characters, if opposed, will end up fighting. In these circumstances there will be a set number of posts allowed for the fight and the other players will serve as judges to decide who they think the victor should be. (will add things to pay attention to while judging later) That said it is highly possible a character may die in these circumstances. Whether or not they do will depend entirely upon the situation, the way the battle played out to its end, the disposition of the characters, the nature of their relationship, as well as the decision of the judges. All of these must play apart in order to decide if a character should rightfully meet his end or if he should be spared.

In example: The judges judge the battle and player 2 wins out over player 1 during a great battle in which two armies are clashing. Given the nature of the brutal battle and the way 2 defeated 1 the judges believe 1 should perish. However during the raging battle another soldier could easily attack 2 and stop him from striking that killing blow. 1 is spared and 2 is forced to move on to fight more enemies.

Things like this will be common during this story, or at least I imagine it will be. I will not needless slaughter your character, as I am aware no one wants that. No matter the decision of the judges it’s the flow of the story that truly decides if they get what they want or not. If I don’t see it as a realistic death then chances are you just might escape your doom. For those of you who DO die you’ll have the option of making a new character.

Humans do not possess magic in this story, only the creatures of mythology are capable of performing feats of sorcery. You may be wondering how Aristotle is considered a sorcerer then, and that will be explained in story.


There will be a 4 paragraph minimum for post. I am the kind of gm who prefers quality over quantity. I don’t need people who will post back and forth three times in the span of ten minutes without actually saying anything of import in their posts. I want my players to TRY because I enjoy creating stories in which writers can have the opportunity to better themselves and improve because everyone knows we all could use improvement on one area or another. If you’re going to join I expect you to care about your character and the story. 4 paragraphs is not much to ask.

I realize that sometimes tempers can flare between the players. Arguments can break out over anything but I will not tolerate needless drama in my stories. If you’re pissed off at another player keep it out of the story and if it has anything to do with this rp come to me and I’ll be glad to sort things out properly. Always remember your characters are not you so even if you despise the other character’s player does not mean your character will.

Side stories and or quests are definitely welcome, but in moderation. I am open to any and all ideas so if you contact me you’ll find me very receptive of anything you might have in mind for your character. Your ideas may need altering and changing a bit to truly fit the story but I can promise now that whatever it is you want we can find a way to implement it. Like I said: I’m open to it all.

In the event that two characters meet one another on the battlefield and one is subsequently killed I ask that the other player does not start ranting and raving about the outcome. I assure you any judged battles WILL be fare and if I ever get the impression that personal feelings or biasness for or against someone is effecting another’s decisions I will take over myself. In the event that you do have complaints please bring them to me via pm rather than voicing them in the OOC. I will take care of things.

If a character is killed the player does have the option of making an entirely new one and implementing them into the ongoing story. If anyone is having trouble creating a new character I am willing to assist any way I can.

Character List:
Septimus: Hector – Son of Achilles and Briseis
Ares: Lysander (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=302732&postcount=2) - Son of Achilles and Lillia
Anne Bonny:

Reference Sites
For anyone not very familiar with greek mythology I am certain you can find information on any creature you may want to try and play at these sites.

Monstropedia (http://www.monstropedia.org/index.php?title=Main_Page)

Mythical Creatures and Beasts Wiki (http://www.mythicalcreaturesguide.com/)

08-15-2010, 11:17 PM

Name: Lysander

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Parents: He is a bastard child of Achillies's sexcapades.

Class: Professional Soldier.

A myrmadon sword left to him by his father, along with a myrmadon shield and spear as well as the black Myrmadon armor. These are the only things left to him by his father Achillies and Griffith keeps them close as they are very special, and unique. Griffith's mother was found by Achillies second in command and given the armor to give to the boy.


Myrmidon Training: Lysander was trained by the Commander of the Myrmidons Theo, Achillies second in command in the battle of troy, to fight as a myrmadon fights. Now Lysander is almost as deadly with a sword and spear as his father on the field, and has even surpassed Theo.
Navigation: Lysander knows how to navigate using the night sky, the sun, and just about anything else in nature, so it is very hard for this man to lose his way. All he needs is a rock, tree, wind, the sun, or the night sky and he can find north almost instantly.
Sailor: Lysander spent part of his life fishing and later handaling a trieme with Theo. He is an accomplished sailor and loves the open ocean and the smell of the salty sea.
Woodcraft: Lysander has spent many hours by the fire whittleing away at wood and marking all types of things. Years and years of practice has made his skills at whittling very well developed, and he can carve just about anything so long as he has had a good look at it.
Smith: Lysander has also trained as a Smith so he could keep his weapons and armor in good repair, as all soldiers are wont to do. With a hammer, a forge, and some spare metal ready he can repair his sword armor or helmet in short order. He also keeps a whet stone on him and keeps his sword sharpened to a razors edge.
Scouting: Lysander is an accomplished scout with many scouting capaigns under his belt. As a scout he has learned to pick up anything out of place, so it is essentially hard to trap, or fool Lysander.

Appearance: Lysander stands at an unusual 5"11 which is very tall for this era of time and is seen as a giant among men. He is a lithe young man with age-less eyes and a look of Authortity about him. His eyes are emerald green with specs of blue and white through them giving him a very intense gaze, and his body is chizzled, thought not super-built. He seems like an athelete with well-built pecks, abs, muscles, but not like a body-builder and having all that bulging to an ugly extent.

His jaw was squared and chizzled, his eyebrows arched and thick, his hair was cropped close to his head and cut very short with a widows peak. He always seemed to be clean, his nails never had any dirt in them, his hands were always clean, dirt never really adorned his face except when in battle.

-First Impression: At first glance Lysander seems like a heartless warrior that would sooner stick you with his sword than shake your hand.

-Personality: Lysander seems like a very mean and cold person, however the opposate is true. Unlike his father Lysander has a very calm disposition and is not prone to sudden anger bursts. He is actually a very kind person, though a bit pessemistic and can be a bit of a smart ass at times.

-Fighting Style:

Jab: A short powerful punch, generally to the ribs and some have been recorded which can snap ribs.

Kick: A full knee-extended kick to anywhere on the body which can be as painful as it can be fatal.

Feint: A faked kick, jab, or punch in which you swing or kick with one side and then really hit with the other.

Punch: A common full-elbow-extension punch.

Uppercut: A swing with your fist going up towards someones jaw generally. Very painful if hit.

Drop Kick: One jumps into the air and kicks at someones face/chest and delivers a more powerful kick by jumping up and bringing your legs close to your chest before extending fully. Often ends up with both people on the ground. If failed it puts the user at a disadvantage.

Neck Snap: The act of coming up from behind of someone and grabbing their head with both hands and twisting to the left or right until you hear a sickening crack. Often ends with the victim bleeding from either ear and out of their mouth.

Wrist Snap: The act of grabbing someones hand and just above the wrist and twisting in opposate ways snapping the delicate part where the hand and arm meet. This can also be accomplished by grabbing the delicate part and squeezing, and if enough pressure is applied you can snap the wrist or keep that hand from swinging at you while you've got ahold of it.

Palm Strike: An open palm-strike generally towards someones nose after you've broken it to jam the broken bone into the brain. These can also be used to slap both sides of the ear drums with your hands cupped causing the person to enter a Daze, concussion, or if you're strong enough to cause death instantly.

Elbow Strike: A strike with your elbow is a very painful and smart thing to use. Elbow strikes can break ribs making an opponents movement limited and creating a weak point, can break noses opening up the option of a upper-palm strike, and can even hyper extend another persons elbow if given the oppertunity and the right application of force.

Whirlwind Kick: A low kick often aimed at the knees or feet that is very fast and can be used to avoid a jab or sword swipe as well as bring an opponent to his or her knee(s) or back in which you can land a strike at the vulnerable neck, nose, eyes, ribs, and or arm. And if struck hard enough at the knee you can hyper extend it.

Hyper Extension: The act of breaking an elbow or kneecap or shoulder so that the bone is disconnected from the bone it should be connected to, and often rendered permantly useless. Known as Knee capping in some cases.

Roundhouse Kick: A powerful kick in which the user spins in a circle useing his boot or foot to kick at the face or chest of an opponent. Can break ribs or kill if it hits the temple, and can be caught and then elbow-striked to cause hyper extension or used to put pressure on the back of the knee and bring them off their feet and thrown.

Phalanx: A type of fighting used by the greeks to block from arrows and shields, a phalanx is very hard to break, and knowing where you fit in a phalanx is the best thing for you

History: Lysander was born a bastard child, his mother having fallen victim to Achilles charm, whit, and predetorial aura. Lysander inherited a lot of his fathers abilities when he was born. He has a talent for combat, for war, and for tactics, and he has yet to be defeated on the field of battle. Though unlike his father Lysander will retreat if the army is losing, so as not to lose his life pointlessly.

Lysander resented his father greatly because his father abandoned him and his mother to go die in some forsaken desert. However as much as he resented the fact that his father had left them, Lysander still loved the man he had never known with all his heart, and couldn't help but feel that Achilles had loved his mother and him regardless of his attitude. Those thoughts kept Lysander moving through life.

Now he lives in the city of Athens with his mother Lillia and step-father Theo, helping the city protect itself from raiders and outside armies who seek to dominate the city. Lysander is the proud survivor of many campaigns defending Athens against other cities and willful lords alike.


08-15-2010, 11:32 PM
Interesting character however there is a minor incorrectness as to the story.

Only the other world contains the creatures of magic. The characters in our realm know nothing of them and do not encounter. Your character should have no experience or knowledge of them apart from what they may have heard in stories. At the start of the story the hero characters will have no experience with this realm and in fact will have no idea it even exists until the Sorcerer Aristotle approaches them. The only person to ever cross the veil is Aristotle and he is the only otherworldly person the people of our world may encounter. Since he is human though none will suspect a thing.

If this was not clear in my summary I apologize

Also: You DO have the option of being the son of Achilles in the other world as well, which would mean you'd have more experience with those creatures and would have fought against both them and the Makedone.

08-15-2010, 11:33 PM
It wasn't but thats no problem. I can fix it in a jiff.

Anything else?

08-15-2010, 11:39 PM
Who is his mother? Since my character will also be the son of Achilles naming his mother would help keep things clearer.

08-15-2010, 11:40 PM
Lillia, some woman with good looks, good enough to attract him anyways.

08-15-2010, 11:47 PM
Just noticed a point of confusion for me. lol You state his name is Griffith Theoticus but then frequently state the name Lysander.

Which is it?

08-15-2010, 11:52 PM
Oh shit, mixing shit up XD. Hold on ill fix it. I use a lot of names, and didn't want to go with Sirius again.

08-15-2010, 11:58 PM
accepted. Should be interesting to see how to bastard sons of Achilles get along >.>

Other heroes for people to consider when making their character:
Ajax the Great

08-16-2010, 12:09 AM
Yeah Hector did have 1 son before he died. Odysseus I don't recall dying, but I do recall him getting lost out at sea after the war and was never seen again.

08-16-2010, 12:36 AM
Well the heroes don't really need to be dead. Odysseus did have a son as well I believe however if a person making their character does not wish to use a real person from history its easy to say Hectors wife was pregnant with another when he died. Same could be said for the wife of Odysseus

Anne Bonny
08-16-2010, 01:04 AM
*rushes in*

I'm in and playing someone from the other world!


*rushes back out*

08-16-2010, 01:05 AM
XDXDXD lolurfunny. =3

08-16-2010, 01:44 AM
Damnit..I wish I had more time for another rp...GAH

Have fun with this one gang, it looks great!

08-16-2010, 01:44 AM
Mysti... =(

08-16-2010, 01:47 AM
*sniff sniff* I know..I know...it sucks cuz I really think this one will be uber awesome...

curses out loud...bad timing to have to be back at work.

08-16-2010, 01:47 AM
I go back to school in 4 days. =3

08-16-2010, 02:29 PM
I am reserving the son of Ajax the Great. My sheet will be up tonight

08-16-2010, 04:50 PM
Anne: Glade to see you're aboard. I look forward to seeing your sheet.

Storm: Good to see you aboard. ^^ I'm sure the son of Ajax will be a good character to have

Mysti: I'm sorry to hear you've not the time. If ever you find time to join and would like to jump in just let me know. I'll whip something up.

EDIT: Added a couple reference sites for those not so familiar with mythological beasts and what not

08-16-2010, 06:33 PM
=D =D =D

08-16-2010, 10:29 PM
ooooh~ I love Greek stories. May I join this?

08-16-2010, 10:40 PM
Goes to look at first post again.

08-16-2010, 11:25 PM
Yoru: Of course you can. ^^

If its not one of the heroes you wish to play (I'll likely only be accepting a maximum of one more of those since Stormwolf has claimed a third) then you are free to make something of the otherworld. You can be either human or mythological creature.

08-16-2010, 11:27 PM
Or normal. =3

08-17-2010, 01:14 AM
Name: Briareos the Ram of Sparta

Age: 26

Gender: male

Parents: Ajax the Great and Atia, one of King Hector of Sparta's royal entertainers. Briareos was a toddler the night Helen was taken away

Class: Shield Berserker

Appearance: Briareos stands at an above average 5'9", making him much taller than any of the other Spartans and making him most likely the tallest of the Achaeans, just like his father. With bronzed and scar-marked skin that swells with powerful muscle, long hair black as midnight, and a hard face with sullen eyes, Briareos looks like a literal melding of his parents. His body, face, and spirit are from his father while his hair, eyes, and skin are from his mother. As was the mandatory requirement for all men in Sparta, Briareos' body is maintained at an optimal peak. Being his father's son, he gained the phisique and kept it with ease.

Personality: Proud and stubborn as a mule, yet subservent to his king. That was the only way to survive the Agoge. Having not yet been wed, Briareos takes after his father and does plenty of sleeping around with the pretty girls that cross his path. Yet again, the olive does not fall far from the tree when Briareos stands in the phalanx with his battalion. His heart starts to pound furiously and his blood starts to roar. Being stuck in the phalanx infuriates him. If the formation becomes weak under the pressure of the enemy, he will lash out with spear or sword, or even fist or shield.

Equipment: http://www.by-the-sword.com/acatalog/AH-4111-BN.jpg
bronze gauntlets

Powers/Skills: Briareos trained tirelessly with the war masters of Sparta with the rest of his battalion. He learned quickly, being one of those who seemed to have a sword in the crib. His powerful muscles made him strong and fast, his blade hitting like a hammer against his fellow Spartans. He is relentless with his blade storms, refusing to stop until the opponent has died or the war masters pulled him away. Briareos is just as deadly with his spear and shield, if not more so. His thrusts and cuts with is spear are devestating, able to fell even a powerful horse without the spear breaking. With his shield, Briareos can shatter bones or push a whole group of attackers back at once. With the edge of his shield, he swears he can cut off a man's head.

- Blade Storm: Briareos lashes out with is Kopis like a madman. The weighted blade easily able to cut through lesser shields and cleave bodies like a butcher's blade.
- Pommel Hammer: Briareos uses the flat of his sword pommel to smash an enemy; usually on the head, right on the bridge of the nose.
- Shield Hook: Briareos uses the forward curve of the blade to sweep away enemy shields
- Titan's Thrust: A great thrust with his spear that allows Briareos to penetrate lesser to medium shields or through armor. It also means he can run multiple enemies through. He can even skewer a horse with his thrust without the shaft breaking.
- Great Sweep: Briareos can swing his spear in a wide 180 degree to 360 degree angle (depending on adjacentcy of allies), using the spear as a long range cutting weapon. The force of his cut can remove limbs and sever bone and easily disembowel.
- Finisher: If an emeny is on the ground, Briareos can use the counter spike on the end of his spear to send the lout to the river styx.
- Shield Assault: Briareos uses his shield to wreak havoc on the enemy, crushing bone and sending them for a flip.
- Shield Gillotine: Briareos uses the edge of his shield to decapitate an enemy (more like make it go pop, but the end result looks the same).
- Headbutt: Just as his title entails, Briareos headbutts his enemy like a ram, and with what is most likely the same force, if not more.
- Spartan Thrust kick: The kick made famous by King Leonidas. When Briareos performs a thrust kick on an opponent, they are like Icharous for a few moments and several feet before tumbling to the earth. Persian and well not included.

History: Briareos grew up in Sparta longing to go the Troy and fight. He was but a little boy when he saw his father Ajax the Great and the fleet of a thousand ships sail out, and he has seen more ships go out every year to restock those lost.

As a shaven haired lad, he was trained by his grandfather, since his own father was away in Troy. Even when he was small and had a head clean-shaven, he fought with courage and fury. His seventh birthday came around and he was taken away by the Spartan army to train in the Agoge, as all boys did. That was the first time Briareos got a taste of raw, animalistic battle and human blood.

In the Agoge, just as on the streets of Sparta, Briareos was riticuled for not being a pure-bred Spartan. He was only half Spartan, and his Spartan blood cam from his mother. The other boys, as well as some of the warmasters overseeing the Agoge, said that made Briareos more of a woman than his mother. When personal assaults and physical beatings were not enough, some of the children accused Briareos' mother of being a whore and a disgrace to all women of Sparta. To this, Briareos erupted in a fit of berserker rage. Summoning the strength that had been hiding in his flesh, be assaulted the boys with his fists until their heads burst like over-ripe melons against the cold, hard, stones of Greece.

By rod and lash he was punished again and again for killing other Spartan boys in the Agoge. His back still carries the evidence of his berserker rage. Still, even with all of his transgressions, such as striking the teacher and knocking several teeth loose, he earned his shield. It came from his grandfather, since his father was not a Spartan. Briareos' grandfather had the shield refirbished and had a black bull head painted on the face to fit Briareos' reputation.

Through the hardships of the Agoge, the kinship and love for Sparta that it was supposed to produce only spawned contempt. In those terrible eleven years, Briareos made many enemies, but he also made a friend. There was another boy whose situation was very much like that of Briareos. His name was Hector, named after the king himself.

Even when he was allowed to let his hair grow out, Briareos trained with the warmasters from sun up to sundown, for he made the old men tired and sore. One day, Briareos was called to the Council Chamber. He obeyed the demands of the politicians and made a presence. Hector was present as well, which led Briareos to see that something was amiss.

The Council told Briareos and Hector that they would never serve in the Spartan army, for they were not true Spartans. Instead, they were to be shipped out to the far east where they would be mercenaries. The Council wanted to be rid of the half-breeds once and for all, it seemed.

In their time serving as soldiers of furtune, Briareos and Hector forged a bond of comrodery that could only be bested by a bond of blood itself.

08-17-2010, 02:36 AM
Hate to mention this storm, but you're history is a bit wrong.

The Battle of Troy took place in 1200 BC, while the Battle of Thermoplylae (300 Spartans) took place in the summer of 480 BC.

The BC years count back from 2250 BC to 0, which is the day Christ was born, up until the day Christ died when all the years became AD. Leonidas wont exist for hundreds of years to come.


08-17-2010, 05:11 AM
I meant that as a joke :/
I thought the "persian and well not included" would have made that an indicator.

Trust me, I know my history, I know that years count back to Christ's birth. I am a history buff and I toured the mediterrainian all Winter break this year for book and art inspiration.

08-17-2010, 05:29 AM
XD I didn't read the last bit, my eyes skimmed over it XD.

08-17-2010, 05:40 AM
honest mistake :)
I'll likely use that link later on for Briareos comparing situations to histories he has heard.

08-17-2010, 07:38 AM

08-17-2010, 09:36 PM
An Interesting character Storm. lol You actually went the same route my character will be what with spartan training and what not so their may be familiarity there. The age though seems a bit off since in the summary Troy's fall occurred roughly thirty years ago. (a point I altered after posting so if you did not see it I apologize, that's my bad. >_<)

However I have a point of confusion. At the end you state that he and his unit were off to Troy for their own Glory but I don't really see how its possible. Perhaps its just my current understanding of it that is off so I'll go into my thinking and you can correct me if I'm wrong.

You state that he was a toddler when his father left for troy. This to me places him around 2 or 3 years of age. 4 to 5 years later he would be taken from his mother and cast into the agoge as is customary in sparta. Now the battle at Troy is said to have lasted only ten years, meaning it would already be over around the time he reaches the age of twelve and is then considered a 'youth' and advances into the harsher regimen of training.

Even if I got the age wrong though a Spartan does not actually complete the Agoge until 18 and they are not eligible for military service until 20 so by my way of thinking there is no way he could be sent to Troy for by the time he is even eligible to become a soldier Troy has long since fallen and the armies have returned.

Am I incorrect in my analysis?

EDIT: I've actually got an idea for both our characters if you're interested in a different path. Look me up on msn

Edit 2: Almost forgot to mention. lol For those who still consider joining I did not really expect the characters to have specific skills or abilities. I never planned on having such things in my profile. That Storm and Ares did is fine, of course, but it is not a requirement.

Anne Bonny
08-19-2010, 06:23 PM
Name: Calais

Age: Age cannot be determined for a creature of magic, and is basically irrelevant.

Gender: Female

Parents: n/a

Class: Queen of the Woods

Appearance: Calais possesses a classic sort of beauty, tall, slender, and pale as the moon. Her form itself had the appearance of being carved from ivory, the masterpiece any sculptor dreams of. Her limbs are long and lean from barefooted travel through her beloved forest, yet despite the constant exercise Calais has been blessed with the graceful curves of the ideal woman.

Her face is youthful in a way, with smooth, unblemished skin and a slightly upturned nose. High cheekbones give her the appearance of a constant smile, blush lips curled slightly upward at the corners. The name Calais itself means "changing color," a trait reflected in her eyes. Shimmering autumn brown one moment before turning to the green of a meadow or the blue of the summer sky; not in an overly dramatic fashion, but a subtle hint of the magic she holds within. Honey brown hair falls around her face in loose curls, left to casually hang halfway down her back.

Personality: Calais is calm, serene as the gentle sunlight that filters through the tree tops. Her senses are alert, and there isn't a moth that falls to the ground without her feeling it. Curious as a wolf pup, Calais is quickly drawn to any newcomers in her woods. Her manner is joyous as a songbird that welcomes the morning day after day. To the hurt and needy, she is serene, quiet, and comforting. Her feet are quick, flitting her and there like a doe. Like the falcon that watches from on high for a hint of prey, Calais is patient.

Equipment: She is clad a white dress, made of light, airy material that an observer would certainly think to be transparent, although the most prying eye would never see real signs of such immodesty. Calais' feet are always bare, as she loves the feel of the lively grass beneath them. A simple silver band adorns her head, the crown that portrays her reign over the forest. The queen carries no weapon or other foolish accessories in self defense; the world around her is protection enough. And until recent times, no one would be so foolish as to wish the woman harm.


Lullaby - Calais' voice has an almost musical tone, as if she was more songbird than woman. Although never loud or commanding in volume, it is captivating and charming. She most often uses it to soothe the hurt to sleep so they can be tended, or for easier passing.

Guardians - Should anyone, human or otherwise, try to hurt Calais or those under her protection, she need only to utter a quick word and the forest would respond. Wolves would circle and attack, hawks would dive from the sky, insects would sting and bite. Even the roots at her feet would rise up to entangle an enemy. It is a favor she asks of her friends with caution, however, as Calais loathes the idea of putting her companions in danger.

History: Some legends claim that Calais was born from one of the forest's silvery pools, stepping out onto it's banks much like Aphrodite did from the sea. Others state that she was born to human parents, but given up to Artemis as an infant. Still others say that she simply was, just as the forest itself always has been.

And like her birth or beginning, the Queen of the Woods has always been an enigma to the people of the world. She just seemed to appear wherever needed, whether coming to the aid of a wounded traveler crossing one of her paths or helping the wildflowers scatter their seeds across the ground. And when her work was completed, she would flit off like a stag without a word to whatever mortals might be around.

Calais' realm and responsibility was the forest, and all of the life inside it. Guarding and guiding it was a duty she not only kept at vigilantly, but that she also deeply loved. She knows all of it's secrets, it's dark pathways and hidden beasts of magic. She feels the birth and death of her companions, whether plant or animal, and she knows each life by name.

Her relationship with man and others from outside the treeline is one of quiet respect and curiosity, but not much more. Calais' existence is far from a secret, and the majority of men tread gently through her woods. Her only command to them is to take from the forest only what is needed to survive their journey. Likewise, she gives the world of men a wide birth, never once stepping into their civilization herself, and rarely communicating with anything more than a passing smile. There were a few exceptions, of course. Over her lifetime the queen had made strong allies with creatures outside the woods, human and non. The sorcerer Aristotle is one, and one that she trusts deeply.

She had never set foot into a mortal city, never laid with a man, never fought in a war. She had little experience in dealing with people, and had never seen the horrors that one man can commit against another. Perhaps it was this isolation that made Phillippos' violent actions come as such a surprise. Calais had watched the dark king from a distance with an anxious curiosity for some time before he made his first move to conquer their world. But she had never imagined anyone would, or could, be so cruel. The slaughter of magical beasts was a particular matter of concern. Every death of the creatures she protected felt like a physical blow, although the queen's perfect form never showed any wounds. Calais was weakening, her own power withering away while Phillippos' grew.

But existing for countless years doesn't come without wisdom. And Calais refused to let the lives in her care be destroyed by the dark king. It took much of her remaining energy to send Aristotle across the veil to seek help, but it was also their last hope.

08-19-2010, 07:56 PM
Ares: You know I would love to play another hero if I can claim a spot. Maybe a demi-god? Or I will figure something out fun if not.

08-19-2010, 08:04 PM
A hero, sure. Demi-god no. lol I am aware some believed it back then but they don't exist in this story.

EDIT: Accepted anne

08-19-2010, 09:11 PM
I'm not so good with the Greek setting, but I can try to cook something up for this since it hasn't taken off yet. One way to get my foot in the door. You'll have a character as soon as I can spare the moment to write her up completely.

Expect a Fem Human... Likely an archer of some sort from the reality Aristotle is seeking to save. ^_^v

08-19-2010, 09:14 PM
Glad to see you some more attention. ^^

If you have any questions as to the world and its differences do feel free to ask via pm or otherwise. I'll do my best to provide you with the most accurate info possible.


08-19-2010, 11:44 PM
edited my biography

08-20-2010, 07:00 AM
no children of the gods aaaye? too bad~

So I can be a hero? awesome~ Yoru will create something up. ooh ooh~ Could the father be a hero who slept with a water nymph? Half Human-Half Nymph lol

08-20-2010, 07:03 AM
there aren't any mystical creatures in our world, Yoru. Water Nymphs would be beyond the veil, where our characters will be going, if I am correct.

08-21-2010, 11:37 PM
Why would you ask me about this? Septimus is the Gm, im not even a co-GM XD. I was just asked for my opinion on the story, and figured i'd help out with story lines and time issues and such. Septimus has not given me any 'power' to accept, decline, or make you edit characters, though I do think im being helpful by pointing stuff out you do not have to change it on my account unless septi says so.

09-12-2010, 07:56 PM
bump, is this still alive?

09-12-2010, 08:09 PM
septimus has suffered from a technical problem known as "computer 'splosion"

Anne Bonny
09-12-2010, 08:12 PM
This will have to be on hold til he gets it sorted out, I suppose!

We'll pm peeps when it's up and running.

09-12-2010, 09:32 PM
I might join when he comes back. o_O

09-12-2010, 09:35 PM
Still severely fighting the urge to join this one....A septimus creation always goes over good. *nods*

09-20-2010, 08:02 PM
May I join as a nymph when he gets back?