View Full Version : League of Lesser Known Superheroes. (PG-13)
06-09-2014, 08:27 PM
This story is being rated PG-13 by me for scenes of action,thematic elements, and my Christianity possibly offending some people. you have been warned.
The dark figure sneaked around the back of the building. It was a small house in a poor but neat neighborhood. The kind of place where honest folks strive to get ahead. The figure rubbed her fingers together. She muttered to herself. “Refuse me, will he? I'll teach him that Magma is not a woman to be scorned.” a liquid began to flow from her hands and spread across the ground. After a few seconds, the liquid burst into flickering flame, spreading towards the small house. Soon, it was engulfed in a roaring inferno. From inside, the villainess could hear the screams of a woman and the startled cries of young children. She laughed to herself. “Paid in full, Mr. David Kendall, Paid in full!”
David Kendall was exhausted. He had put in a full day at the steel mill where he worked in Bay City. He was looking forwards to a relaxing evening at home with his lovely wife Leanne and his two children, Peter, age 3 and Jennifer, 16 months. How he loved his wife and family and his small house. He felt normal, and feeling normal is important when you're a mutant that can shoot fire out of your fingertips, and fly. He rounded the corner to go home, and abruptly slammed on the brakes. His home was a blazing inferno. Fire trucks were valiantly trying to put out the blaze, but to no avail. He felt helpless as he sat there in his truck. Helpless as he watched his home, his life go up in flames that he could not quench. He opened the door of his truck and slowly started towards the raging blaze. A fireman saw him coming. “Are you David Kendall?” He could only nod in response. The fireman took a deep breath. “I'm sorry. We got here as soon as we could, but the house is a total loss. We're not going to be able to save it.”
David Kendall looked up. “And my family? What about my wife and kids?”
“by the time we got here, the building was already blazing.” the fireman couldn't look him in the eye. “Your family didn't make it out. The neighbors said that the building almost spontaneously combusted.” David stood there in shocked silence, then dropped to the curb. He placed his head in his hand and began to weep. For his home, for his family, for all he had lost. He also began to pray to the One who could heal him.
The blaze was out, finally. The firemen were now going through the rubble, looking for signs as to what started the blaze. A fireman turned to his captain. “whaddya think, Cap?”
“Arson. Definitely Arson. The blaze started at the back of the house.” replied the captain. In the master bedroom, they came upon the charred bodies of a woman and her son, who was pressed tight against her. “There's his family.” sighed the Captain. “Its days like this that make me wish I'd gone into law, or astronomy, anything but firefighting.”
“Where's the girl?” asked the fireman. “He had a son and a daughter. His son's here, but where's his daughter?”
The Captain sighed again. “Somewhere in this charred mess.” the fireman began to search through the rubble. He reached the ruins of what had once been a nursery. He startled. “Captain, come quick! I found the daughter!”
“Send for a body bag, don’t tell me.”
“Better get a blanket. She's alive!” replied the stunned Fireman.
“Impossible! No one could have survived that inferno!”
“She did.” The incredulous Captain came over to look. There in the charred ruins of a crib, lay a little baby girl with red hair and big, blue eyes. She smiled up at them and laughed.
“She is alive!” said the stunned Captain.
David Kendall sat on the curb, staring down at the pavement. In one fell swoop, he had lost his home and his family. The only thing he hadn't lost was his faith. He heard the fireman behind him. “What is it?”
“We found your family in the rubble.”
“Why tell me? We'll have a funeral later and bury all three.”
“Two. We only found two corpses in the ruins.”
“There should be three corpses.”
“We only found two...and a very much alive little girl who needs her daddy.” The fireman stooped, and handed him a wiggling bundle
“Jennifer!” he hugged his little girl close to his heart. “You survived.”
“She's unharmed, too. Not a burn on her.” he scratched his head. “I can't figure out how, though.”
David smiled as he held his daughter. “Easy. She's a daddy's girl.”
06-20-2014, 12:47 AM
“Well, what are you going to do now?” asked David's brother Jason, stirring his coffee.
David Kendall took a long drink of coffee before answering. “Keep working in the mill. Try to piece my life back together again with God's help.”
“About the fire. The firemen said it was arson.” Jason took a long drink of the steaming beverage before continuing. “You know who was responsible, don't you?”
One word was all that needed to be said. “Magma. She threatened to destroy me for refusing her.”
“So what are you going to do with her?” Asked Jason, leaning across the table.
“There's nothing either the law can do or we can do as citizens.” David Sighed. “I guess She'll get away with it.”
“But there is something you can do...” Jason looked at his brother. “If you embrace your destiny.”
David stared at his brother. “Use my powers in vengeance? Never! I've hidden them successfully for 20 long years, and that is the way it will stay!”
“Suit yourself. You just said that there was no way the Law could catch up to her. If the Law can't, that leaves matters up to us.” Jason pounded his fist on the table to make his point . “You’ve hidden your powers for way too long. It's time to use them to bring a murderess to justice.”
“But, Jason. You remember how life was made a living nightmare for us as kids because of our powers.” A shudder ran through David's 35-year-old frame. “Dad did all those...experiments.”
“We couldn't help that! We can help this!” Jason was beginning to get upset. A pool of water formed on the table. Jason's power involved water as his brother's involved fire. “We’re adults now. We can control our powers, and we need to embrace them now. It's time for us to come out of the shadows, and use our powers to fight for right!”
David stood up. “Maybe you're right, maybe it is time for me to embrace my powers. But I won't do it as a vigilante. I'll do it as a member of the League of Superheroes.”
He had been waiting for hours. David was sitting in the luxurious waiting room of the League of Superheroes headquarters. Everything about the building screamed wealth, from the marble outside, to the rich tapestries depicting the LOS members in heroic poses. “There must be a lot of money in being a superhero nowadays...” David muttered to himself. A secretary who looked as if she was more there for her pretty face than any secretarial skills looked up. “What was that you said, love?” “nothing.” was his hurried reply. She shrugged and went back to filing her impeccable nails. An intercom buzzed on her desk. A voice spoke. “Leah, please show Mr...Kimball in.”
She jerked her head. “You heard the man, love. Go on in.”
David stood and walked through a door marked, “Amazing Man, League of Superheroes President.” An overweight, balding man dressed in poorly fitting spandex was sitting behind the desk.
“Come right, in mister...Kidder.”
“Sir, my last name is Kendall.” replied David.
“Whatever. Please take a seat.” Amazing Man riffled through his desk contents , until he found the folder he was looking for. He opened it and glanced over its contents. After a few moments, he glanced up. “Well, Mr. Kermit. We've analyzed your test results, and...”
“My name is Kendall. What did you find?”
“Mr. Klimer, your results are truly impressive. You show an aptitude with fire and heat skills that I rarely have seen before. But...”
“But what?”
“Mr. Klisky, we have decided that you still can't be on the team.”
David sat there in stunned silence. “Whyever not.”
“Mr. Kaner, you are 35. That’s when someone begins to wind down their superhero career, not start it up. You're simply too old to join the team.”
David Kendall sat there in stunned silence, then muttered under his breath, “They let you stick around until your big belly pokes out of your suit, but they won't let me on the team because I’m too old?”
“What was that?”
“Well, anyways Mr. Kugel, thanks for coming.” Amazing Man stood and offered his hand. David Kendall shook it, then walked out of the headquarters of the League of Superheroes, never to return.
“So, they said you were too old.” Jason sipped at his ever-present coffee cup.
“Basically. But it probably was an excuse.” David scoffed. “League of Superheroes my foot! League of Rich and Snobby Mutants is more like it...”
Jason nodded. “Aye. When was the last time you heard of them fighting something more evil than unfair zoning ordinances.”
David was getting worked up. “They say they have powers. Pah! I've probably scraped more power from under my fingernails than they'd have in a lifetime.”
Jason grinned. “Probably. Well, know that your plan has backfired, what are you going to do?”
David sighed. “I honestly don't know what to do. I had hoped that by joining the League, I could do something about Magma, but now...”
“We still could do something about Magma. “ said Jason, sipping at his coffee.
“What? Asked David, skeptically. “What is going on in that devious little mind of yours?”
“You were rejected from the LoS, correct?” asked Jason.
David nodded. “Right.”
“So what's against the two of us forming our own team and fighting back?”
David was taken aback. “Are you serious?”
“Dead. Haven't you noticed that the number of crimes by mutants has risen in the last few years?”
“Not really.” David sipped at his coffee.
“It has. There was even a special report on WBCT about it.”
“You forgot, I don't watch TV.” Said David.
“Oh yeah. Whatever.” Jason shrugged. “Anyways, it's clear that the League of Superheroes is more concerned with lattes than lives. They have let the protection of Bay City, which is their primary responsibility, slip between their fingers. It's up to us to fight back.” Jason was beginning to get worked up.
David nodded. “Maybe you're right. Maybe it is time to take up the mask and cape and fight. But not just for the sake of getting revenge on Magma, but for the protection of all of Bay City.”
“What are you going to call yourself? I think I'm going to go by Flash Flood.”Said Jason.
“I think...” he paused. “I'll go by Dragon.”
07-01-2014, 01:37 PM
“Are you sure Magma's been seen around here?” whispered David Kendall as he sat hidden in the shadows near an apartment building.
“That's what I hear. I heard she was coming here after she finished a contract job. Her hideout's supposed to be around here somewhere.” replied Jason. Both brothers were disguised in masks and capes, David's was green and Jason's blue.
“I feel kinda silly. Like we're middle school kids trying to scare a friend on their way home on Halloween.” Said David, tugging at where the cape was tied in front.
“We're trying to surprise someone, but this is much more serious than a child's prank. An element of surprise is useful in any fight.” He gestured to David. “See if you can see her from above.”
“Right.” Said Dragon. He stretched out his arms, and began to move through the air. Once he reached the roof of the apartment building, he peered down the street. From his vantage point, he could see a female figure coming down the street, wisps of smoke rising from her hands. “It's her.” He whispered to himself. “She's Coming...”
He flew down to where his brother was standing. “Well?”
“She’s coming down the street right now, hands smoking.”
“Good. Let's let her know that Crime doesn't go unpunished.”
Flash Flood stepped out in front of her. “Hold up there, MAGMA.”
“Who are you?” she asked, a liquid trickling from her fingers.
“Call me Flash Flood, I'm your worst nightmare.” was his reply.
Dragon rolled his eyes. Jason could be so melodramatic sometimes.
“What do you want with me?” asked Magma, lighting the liquid with one swift gesture.
“To teach you a lesson.” said Dragon, joining his brother.
“And what lesson would that be?”
“That Crime doesn't pay.” Said Flash Flood, creating a sphere of water between his cupped hands.
“And I'd like to teach you a lesson.” said Magma, arcing a stream of fire from hand to hand.
“What's that?” asked Flash Flood, unfazed.
“That it doesn't pay to mess with a mad fire-wielding woman.” she shot a stream of fire from her hands at the two standing in her way. Flash Flood countered it with a sphere of water. Steam rose, making it hard to see as fire met water. Dragon shot an arc of fire from his hands, grazing Magma on the arm. She stumbled back in anger and pain. “You two think you have the best of me? Pah! Not by a long shot!”
“we'll see about that.” Said Flash Flood as he poured jets of water from his hands into the ground near her. Dragon shot another arc of fire at her. She twisted to avoid it and her red high-heeled boots slipped in the standing water, and she hit the ground with a crash. Flash Flood held an enormous sphere of water in his hands, ready to hit Magma again. Dragon laid his hand on his brother's shoulder. “Let her go. She's already down. She's seen that we can fight. We've proved our point to her.” Flash Flood's shoulders slumped. “You're right.” he let the sphere of water collapse in his hands, trickling through his fingers and running down his suit.
Magma climbed to her feet. “How chivalrous of you. Just a little reminder for you, I will be back. Magma doesn't forget, and we will meet again someday, and you might not be saved by any puddles.” She walked off into the darkness of the night, smoke swirling behind her as she moved.
Dragon sighed. “No, Magma. We will meet again. Many, many more times.”
“Well, that is that.” said David, as he got out of his Dragon outfit. “We survived our first fight.”
“Yeah! Wasn't that awesome! We really showed her a lesson!” Said Jason as he changed out of his Flash Flood costume.
“Jason, she slipped and fell. Not exactly an epic victory.” Said David in a desperate attempt to bring his brother down to earth where he belonged.
“Maybe you're right...” he sighed. “You don't think we beat her?”
“We did, but the method sure wasn't epic.” Said David. “You know this fight made me think about something.”
“What's that?” asked Jason as he prepared a cup of steaming coffee.
“I think we need a few more people fighting with us. Most teams have more than two people fighting on them.”
“You're kidding, right?” asked Jason, coffee forgotten in his hand “We've got a good thing going here...why waste it?”
“Because we could use another person or two to stand and fight alongside us. The more we have standing beside us, the less chance that we as a team can be defeated.”
“I don't like the idea. We beat Magma this morning with no help. We DO NOT need anyone to help us out.” Jason was beginning to be upset.. He slammed his fist down on the table with the words 'do not'.
“We beat Magma by a fluke. We beat her only because of those ridiculous boots with high heels that she insists on wearing. Next time, she may be smarter, and it'll take more than a trick to defeat her.” Said David.
Jason snorted. “And where do you think that you're going to find another mutant in Bay City?”
David shrugged. “I don't know. You meet heroes in the most surprising places.”
07-19-2014, 10:19 PM
Chapter 2: IceWolf
Rachel Snow hurried down the busy streets, running late for work. Her normally trusty blue Volkswagen Beetle had broken down, and was in the shop for a while. She didn't ride well on buses, being that she usually was squished between two others. So, walking was her only means of transportation for the moment. She hurried in the back doors of the bakery her family owned. As she passed through the narrow hall between the kitchen and the restrooms, she heard someone call her name. She turned. It was Jasmine, who worked in the kitchen. “Rachel! Good! You're here!”
“Busy day?” was her reply. Rachel wasn't one to use more words than she needed too. She was actually a very shy person.
“You have no idea. Melissa called in sick, and Andrea's swamped up front. She needs help ASAP.”
She nodded. “Alright. Just give me a second.” Rachel went into the back room and pulled her clean apron from off the hook. She went into the ladies room. She hung the apron around her neck, then tied it in back. She looked at herself in the mirror. What she saw was a very slight, petite girl in her late teens. 19 to be exact. She had long blonde hair which she had in a plain braid today. Blue eyes peered out from behind rimless square glasses perched on a small nose. Everything about her was small and quiet. She looked at the mirror, then whispered. “Time to practice.” She took a deep breath and cupped her hands together. When she opened them, a small ball of ice was resting in her palms. She sighed. Her powers had first come when she was 12 years old. She'd been practicing every day for years. She could cast walls of ice, lower the temperature in a room. Freeze hot water, walk across a pool on ice shot from her fingertips. Yes, Rachel Snow had incredible power that she dare not let anyone else know about. Except Ben. Her brother had always known, and had helped her train her powers. A knock sounded at the door. “Hey! Rachel! You gonna be in there all day? You gotta job to do, ya know!”
It was Jasmine. The knock and call startled her and she dropped the ball of ice on the floor, splintering it into a million fragments. “You alright in there? Sounds like you broke something.”
“Yeah...I'm fine. It was just a...ball.” said Rachel. “I'll be right out.” She quickly smoothed out her apron, then opened the door. Jasmine cocked her dark head. You carry a glass ball in your purse? Why?”
“No reason. I need to get to work.” Said Rachel, as she went to help the overworked Andrea up front.
Jasmine shrugged. “Each to their own, I expect.” She hurried back to the kitchen.
07-30-2014, 08:46 PM
Rachel stretched her back. It had been a long shift. Andrea glanced at her. “Thanks for coming in when you did. I never could have handled it on my own.”
“You're welcome. I'm just glad it's over.”
“I know what you mean. I'm glad that Snow Family Bakery's doing well, but today I think it was doing a little too well.”
“Hey, It gets you paid, doesn't it?” replied Rachel, laughing.
“Yeah. I'll be glad when convention season's over. Being right across from a convention center can be great for business, but it sure is a workout some days.”
“Not to mention we're not too far from the factories and mills and other businesses. Workers stop down the street to eat and grab dessert here on the way back.” Rachel stretched again. She slipped her frilly white apron with Snow Family Bakery imprinted on the left and her name on the right over her head. “I'm going to clock out. See ya.”
“Bye, Rachel!” Rachel waved as she walked out the back door and down the street.
As she walked down the street she looked like any petite girl on her way home from a long day at work. But she didn't feel like it. Rachel Snow was an outcast. She had never fit in any of the crowds in school. The cheerleaders were too shallow and superficial. She was too shy for the 'cool kids'. Too smart and 'too plain' for the 'babes', not smart enough for the geeks, and she was too good for the Outcasts that hung around in the back of the school and drank and smoked. So, she usually ended up in the corner with her lunch and a book. Books were her friends when no one else would be. It eventually led to two things. First, her working in the school library during her free periods, and second her shunning by everyone else in school. They'd left her to herself and her books.
She sighed. “Rachel! Stop the self pity! Other people have had far worse lives than you. Also, stop talking to yourself. People will think you're crazy!” she shook her head. Why did it still hurt? She'd graduated from school near the top of her class, she had a good job and a decently reliable car. So why did she feel so lonely? Maybe it was because although she put on a front of being normal, deep down she knew she was far from normal. Normal girls didn't have the ability to turn hot water into ice with a touch. Normal girls couldn't create an inch thick sheet of ice across their bedroom door. And normal girls certainly couldn't hit a target across the room with a blast of ice from their fingertips. But maybe...She wasn't supposed to be normal. Maybe she'd been given these powers on purpose to do some good. She decided not to go back to her two bedroom apartment. Instead she would have a talk with the one person she trusted, her brother Ben.
09-09-2014, 08:59 PM
Rachel knocked on the apartment door. She heard a shuffling and soon the door was flung open to reveal her older brother. “Rae! Good to see you, sis!” he bent down from his six-foot height to give his five-foot sister a hug. She grinned. “Good to see you, too Ben.” “Come on in!” He opened the door for her and ushered her inside. He called out. “Lisa! Honey, Rae's here.” Lisa, Ben's lovely wife came scampering into the room on bare feet. “Rae! How've you been, dear?” she asked as she enfolded her in a hug. “Good. I'm doing good.” said Rachel as she returned the hug. Lisa smiled. “Is this a social call or did you have an ulterior motive in coming over here?”
“Lisa! At least let the poor girl catch her breath from our crushing hugs.” Said Ben, pretending to scold his wife.
“Actually, I did have an ulterior motive besides just seeing the two of you again.” Said Rachel, setting her purse down.
“You finally decided to trade in the Blue Bump and want me to help you find a new car?” Ben grinned, teasing his sister. Her dark blue Volkswagen New Beetle looked funny but it did it do its job of carting her back and forth where she needed to go.
“No. The Bump's down for repairs, and I'm not replacing it for a while, Benjamin Snow.” Said Rachel.
“I just need to talk to you about something.”
“Sure, have a seat here in the kitchen.” Ben turned to his wife. “Lisa, honey. Rae and I need to talk privately for a bit. Do you mind?”
“Not at all. Jacob's down for his nap, and I wanted to do a little reading, so go ahead and hold your conference with your sister.”
“Thanks hon.” he kissed his wife on the cheek. “I owe you one.”
Benjamin and Rachel left Lisa curled up on the couch with a thick novel. They went into the kitchen and sat down across from each other. “What did you want to talk about?”
“ see...” Ben held up his hand, interrupting her. “Hang on. We need to do this the proper way.”
Ben filled a mug with water ad placed it in the microwave. He pulled a small packet from a cabinet. Soon the microwave beeped the fact that it was finished to the entire world. He poured the powdered contents of the packet into the cup and gave it a stir or two, he then handed it to his sister. “There ya go! Hot chocolate. Not quite as good as the stuff Mom makes for Christmas, but still hot chocolate.”
Rachel smiled as she wrapped her hands around the warm mug. “I don't think anything will ever compare. But thank you.” She sipped from her mug.
Benjamin cut to the chase. “So, Rae. What's the matter? You usually don't make the trek across town unless something's bugging you.”
She sighed. “I never was able to hide anything from you. It's about my powers.”
He nodded. “What about them? Has someone found out your secret?”
She shook her head, causing her long blonde hair to flip back and forth. “No. it's just...”
“Just what?” he gently prodded.
“I'm getting stronger every day. I can feel it. I've practiced secretly with it for 7 years now. I can't hide it much longer. One of these days I'm going to turn someone's doughnut into a solid block of ice if I'm not careful.” she looked down into her mug of steaming brown liquid.
“So you think that the time has come to do something about your abilities.”
“Yeah. What should I do?”
He thought for a second before responding. “There's always the League of Superheroes. You could see if they're taking applicants. That way you'd have an opportunity to use those gifts. I don't think flash-freezing doughnuts is the way to do it.” He grinned as he spoke those last words.
“At least it'd be better than the time I chilled to pool before Cassandra got in for her practice.” Rachel grinned at the memory. Cassandra Petersen was the snobby captain of the swim team and wanted to show off her skills, and her new suit, during gym while Rachel was practicing. Before she climbed out of the water, Rachel lowered the pool's temperature 15 degrees. Cassandra was not impressed with the coldness of the water and went to complain. Ben laughed. “Definitely, although it was priceless.” he looked at his sister. “When are you going to try out for the League?”
“I have tomorrow off. I'll do it then. I really have to go now. It's a long walk back to the apartment.”
She stood, placing her empty mug in the sink. Ben hugged his sister before she left. “Goodbye, and good luck, Rae!”
10-04-2014, 04:58 PM
Rachel Snow fidgeted. And that was against her normally calm and quiet nature entirely. She had been sitting in the waiting room of the League of Superheroes for two and a half hours now. The testing itself had only taken about ˝ an hour as she shot at targets of all kinds, lowered temperature, froze water, cast walls and shields of ice and generally showed her talents in all kinds of ways. After the test, they told her to take a seat. She squirmed in the expensive chair she was sitting in. everything in that room cost more than she could afford with a week's hard work. Although, she doubted that the League of Superheroes knew what it was to work. They probably got some sort of grant or something that paid for all their needs and from the looks of the place, quite a few wants, as well. She was getting tired of waiting that long, but was too shy to say so. Tapestries, marble, manicured secretary all screamed money. The secretary looked up from her bright red nails and spoke to her. “So you wanna be in the League, sister?” Rachel nodded. “Yes. I really do.” The secretary snapped her gum. “We'll see. They ran you through a bunch of tests, right?” Rachel nodded. “Yeah. They did.” The secretary nodded. “We'll see. Honey, I'm not trying to dash your hopes, but they don't take many into the League. They're a little on the exclusive side sometimes.”
Rachel drooped her head. “Oh. So...I need to just forget about the League?”
The secretary shrugged. “Sweetie, I'm not trying to crush your hopes, but...I want you to be prepared. You're a sweet girl. I don't wanna see you crushed.”
Rachel sighed. “Okay.” she slipped off her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose. After a few minutes the intercom buzzed. “Leah, send Miss Snow in.” Leah nodded. “Okay. Go ahead and speak with Amazing Man.” Rachel entered the office timidly and sat down. Amazing Man smiled. “How are you today, Miss Snow?” Rachel gave a nervous, shy smile. “Fine.”
Amazing Man gestured to a chair. “Please. Take a seat. This won't take more than a few minutes.” Rachel followed his instructions and sat down in a lush seat across from the heavyset man in ill fitting spandex. Amazing Man flipped open a file folder and scanned it. “Okay. Let's see. Rachel Snow...Age 19, Height 5' 1” , weight, 105...performance numbers...” He scanned a set of figures. “Very impressive. You have a lot of powers, Miss Snow.” Rachel looked up. “Does that mean I'm on the team?” Amazing Man chewed his lip thoughtfully. “While your powers are quite impressive, I'm afraid we can't let you on the team.”
Rachel but back the tears from spilling out. “w...w...why not?”
Amazing Man leaned back. “Two Reasons. First, your personality profile is insufficient. You're too timid to be a good fighter. And Second...” He paused for a second, trying to word it. “Your appearance is not quite...what we're looking for. We need someone with a little more...height and more developed.”
Rachel gulped. “So you're telling me...I'm too small, shy, and slender to be a superhero.”
Amazing Man shifted his considerable weight. “Essentially, yes. I'm sorry, Miss Snow.”
Rachel got to her feet, biting back a tear. “Thank you for your time.”
Amazing Man nodded. “Again, I'm sorry Miss Snow. I hope you find a use for your skills” He let out a smirk. “Maybe in an ice cream parlor or something.”
Rachel choked back a tear. “Maybe. Good bye sir.” She walked down the luxurious hall and hopped on the bus to her stop. She silently climbed into the bus and sat way in the back alone, keeping her head down so no one would see that she was about to break into tears. She felt as if he heart had been stepped on and all her dreams lay broken in the dust. She quietly rode the bus to her stop, then climbed off and trudged towards her apartment building. She entered the lobby, head down and entered the elevator, taking it to the fourth floor. She walked over to 422 and unlocked it. She shut the door and laid her purse on the kitchen counter, she walked into her bedroom, and hugged her pillow tight against her chest as she curled up into a ball and let her pain and sorrow escape as she cried to the silence and to her Maker.
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