View Full Version : Inhabitants of Mencu

06-20-2014, 08:14 AM
So I know that the notion of this thread sort of bends/breaks the 1-thread-per-person rule, but these characters are different because most of these are idea-based characters, and are involved with my book series rather than RPs. Thus, as the title indicates, "Mencu" is the world within my novel series "The Crest of Zabutur", and so these characters are from my books.

Now, I would normally have no reservations about just posting these in my other thread, except that there are upwards of 420 characters that I intend to post here, which in turn, would make it a rather bulky thread, and I wouldn't want my actual RP characters getting swamped by these ones. If this is still a problem, feel free to let me know. I'm just really big on databases and such, and I can tell that this one will require multiple posts. (and I'm reserved about putting too much into one post, because I have another database thread that is so big it actually lags my entire browser when I edit it. xD)

that, and you mods are usually pretty awesome and fairly lenient about things that are technically harmless. But, if this is still not allowed, I'll take it down if y'all tell me to.


WITH THAT SAID... I feel that I'll just do the same thing with this thread as I did with my other one, and update it as I feel like it. A lot of this stuff will mostly just be for me and may be beyond the understanding of the peasantry. However, feel free to PM me if you read this thread and have any questions about it or the characters involved.
characters © NSLott or whatever. xB

06-20-2014, 08:38 AM
Full Name: Hyrem Ajun Wekera
Date of Birth: 8-12-4653
Place of Birth: Capital Ezirco, Krawvill
Nationality: Krawvillzé
Gender: Male
Race: Clazmaric Serenghe
Skin Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blue
Wing Color: Blue
Spirituality: High
Class: Royalty
Factions: Shitenou
Alignment: Lawful Good
Occupation: Prince (Later, King)
Elemental Affinity: Light
Skill Level: High
Danger Level: Moderately High
ID Number: #001
Volumes Where Present: 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Aspirations: Hyrem wishes to rule his country with justice and benevolence, and hopes to retain a peaceful relationship with the varying nations and factions that surround him. The safety of his people and loved ones is one of his highest priorities.
Tera Kyla Zakatau (Wife)
Asami Zair Wekera (Mother)
Garrok Lithé Wekera (Son)
Henam Ajun Wekera 3 (Father)
Panaskh Lelia Chalfont (Mother-In-Law)
Orsciment Budawa Chalfont (Father-In-Law)
Ajun Daiki Wekera (Great-Grandfather)
Eka-Hyrem Ajun Wekera (Eka)
Sanaki Tasha Foxx (2nd Cousin)
Zerviah Junichi Foxx (Great-Grandmother)
Dizana Mari Wekera (Grandmother)
Henam Ajun Wekera 2 (Grandfather)

Full Name: Tera Kyla Zakatau
Date of Birth: 9-11-4654
Place of Birth: Shimla, Akutan, Koldia
Nationality: Koldizé
Gender: Female
Race: Koldian Serenghe
Skin Color: Fair
Eye Color: Electric Violet
Hair Color: Gold
Wing Color: White
Spirituality: Extremely High
Class: Wealthy
Factions: Shitenou
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Seer
Elemental Affinity: Anima (Air)
Skill Level: Very High
Danger Level: Very High
ID Number: #002
Volumes Where Present: 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Aspirations: Tera wishes to keep balance between the warring factions, and wishes to find the reason behind the recent wars that have become more and more frequent throughout Mencu in recent years. She is a strong advocate of peace.
Hyrem Ajun Wekera (Husband)
Asami Zair Wekera (Mother-In-Law)
Garrok Lithé Wekera (Son)
Henam Ajun Wekera 3 (Father-In-Law)
Eka-Tera Kyla Zakatau (Eka)
Panaskh Lelia Chalfont (Mother)
Orsciment Budawa Chalfont (Father)
Full Name: Emryk Tezaku Savage
Date of Birth: 7-8-4654
Place of Birth: Fennia, Miazaki, Korzińa
Nationality: Korzinzé
Gender: Male
Race: Clazmaric Serenghe
Skin Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Wing Color: Black
Spirituality: High
Class: Upper Middle
Factions: Kukańa
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Healer
Elemental Affinity: Water
Skill Level: High
Danger Level: Moderately High
ID Number: #003
Volumes Where Present: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Aspirations: Emryk aspires to become a master healer like his mother, and to stop the nefarious Zurok Takamatzu in her tracks before her mischief can spread.
Liberty Tezeru Mežkiel 4 (Wife)
Amy Mežkiel Savage (Daughter)
Liberty Tezeru Mežkiel 5 (Daughter)
Medek Dongua Savage (Mother)
Cameni Rua Žotey (Uncle)
Imalek Dongua Savage (Aunt)
Talycon Voki Harami (Father)
Darvi Jagoda Savage (Grandfather)
Eka-Emryk Tezaku Savage (Eka)

Full Name: Liberty Tezeru Mežkiel 4
Date of Birth: 8-7-4655
Place of Birth: Řbukeji, Xin-Moxigé, Krippa
Nationality: Krippzé
Gender: Femalea
Race: Clazmaric Zaderei
Skin Color: Darker Brown
Eye Color: Vivid Red
Hair Color: Green
Wing Color: Green
Spirituality: Extremely High
Class: Upper Middle
Factions: Shitenou; Lakamaté; Krippan Uniters
Alignment: Lawful Good
Occupation: Comander, Lakamaté
Elemental Affinity: Earth (Lakamaté)
Skill Level: Extremely High
Danger Level: Extremely High
ID Number: #004
Volumes Where Present: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Aspirations: Liberty seeks to unite the people of Krippa under one banner, and help restore the former Krippan Empire to its original glory, keeping it as a defensive and impenetrable world power.
Emryk Tezaku Savage (Husband)
Amy Mežkiel Savage (Daughter)
Liberty Tezeru Mežkiel 5 (Daughter)
Rafai Lynn Mežkiel (Cousin)
Reyson Ilah Mežkiel (Father)
Liberty Tezeru Mežkiel 3 (Mother)
Liberty Tezeru Mežkiel 2 (Grandmother)
Liberty Tezeru Mežkiel 1 (Great-Grandmother)
Eka-Liberty Tezeru Mežkiel 4 (Eka)
Arlé Nuala Mežkiel (Sister)
Joné Nuala Mežkiel (Sister)
Nasira Rajiya Mežkiel (Great-Aunt)

Full Name: Asami Zair Wekera
Date of Birth: 12-25-4610
Place of Birth: Lenzizhen, Sezonzé, Koldia
Nationality: Krawvillzé
Gender: Female
Race: Clazmaric Serenghe
Skin Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blue
Wing Color: Blue
Spirituality: Moderately High
Class: Nobility
Factions: Shitenou; Crest-Bearers
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Queen; Mercenary
Elemental Affinity: Fire
Skill Level: Extremely High
Danger Level: Very High
ID Number: #005
Volumes Where Present: 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
Aspirations: Asami wishes to maintain order and peace within the borders of her country, and keep the peace around the world. She also seeks to learn the mysteries of a certain Zulera Joanna Tallarico.
Henam Ajun Wekera 3 (Husband)
Hyrem Ajun Wekera (Son)
Nayeli Shikoba Serénes (Mother)
Hiawatha Nanuk Serénes (Father)
Eka-Asami Zair Wekera (Eka)
Zurok Mia Takamatzu (Surrogate Mother)

Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Skin Color:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Wing Color:
Elemental Affinity:
Skill Level:
Danger Level:
ID Number:
Volumes Where Present:

12-11-2014, 02:48 AM
Bumping this.
Also, blank post for future notes and references and stuff.