View Full Version : The last bullet (Russian Roulette) IC

07-02-2014, 12:31 PM
The intro post.

If you are wondering what an intro post is. It's a post where you set your character up. This is how I find out who's playing and who isn't.

You don't have to post anything huge like I did but it would be nice if you had a little bit of back story to play off of. You dn't have to post more than a paragraph in the intro post.

The first firing of a gun and the game will officially kick off on Monday.



Island home in surrounded by little more than palm trees and pure ocean.



Intro Post

SQJ scowled at his reflection, the last thing he needed was a cut on the cheek. He hated shaving with a passion that would have absurd to the outside eye, but he needed to have a presentable face for the event.

His lips parted to form a grin that would frighten a shark as he dabbed on the cut. Yes, the main event. There was much work to be done and very little time to do it, but it was his duty. Anything less than perfection would be a negative reflection upon him.

Putting on the cuff links made the purest white gold was the final touch to the tux to make him look perfect. He leaned in on mirror to enjoy as much of his reflection as his eyes would allow, there was a tiny plaster on his cheek and he actually liked it. It was a rugged event, there should have been some part of him that at least looked rugged.

A perfect clean a handsome devil stepped out, his posture perfect, confidence pouring out of his like steam out a kettle as he stopped into the lounge. On the furthest wall from the door there were fourteen plasma TVs and with a technician typing frenetically at it's based. Each screen showed a filled room, from pent house suites to executive boardrooms. Men and women dressed as though about to watch the opera looked up at him, surrounding him with the stares of the super rich.

Confident, arrogant, cocky, god of the world, pure, he was staring at the richest one percent, the richest of the rich, those that mattered, those that steered the world and each any every one of them was looking up at him. They were the wolves and tigers of this planet, no, the bogey men, even the good ones and for the next two to three days they would be waiting on him.

He put his hands in front of his face to his the grin that had been uncaged.

"Good morning, Good evening, bonjour, Nǐ hǎo, oh-hah-YOH go-zah-ee-mahs and of course dobroe utro for my Russian friends," SQJ sat back on the edge of the conference table and crossed his arms. "We are brought together continue a tradition that has existed for over eight centuries since the days of the Chinese Yaung dynasty where the game was much simpler. Two men were given bambo, gun power, flame and each had to assemble their weapon and see who could kill each other first. A far simpler time for a far simpler people."

SQJ smirked at the chuckles that spread from screen to screen.

'They had used convicts, men and women destined for death who were determined to get at any glimmer of hope. But times changed as it was learned that the threat of death, though amusing, as not the only means to get people to participate. And for centuries we used honour to the hands of men and women to face death or commit to the ultimate act of human insanity, murder. Our ancestors watched amused as people put themselves on the line for, well, themselves. But we discovered still a more precious gem. What if it wasn't your honour or life on the line but others. The pain the desperation, the murderous determination. We had found something greater. But there was still something greater! Choice! Variance. We mixed things up and all the game became was finding the right people. Which is an honour bestowed to le Carabinieri for for this year was me. you have the profiles of every participant. Those who were forced to come, those who were offered an opportunity at honour, those who were offered cures, those who were shown wealth. I can hear them arriving. Each will have a three man escort to ensure they don't try anything foolish. These escorts will keep their pistols ready and clean and will make them as comfortable as possible until they are," SQJ couldn't help but smirk. "gravely uncomfortable. Just because it is their last days should not mean it should be uncomfortable days. And of course your bets are keenly waited upon to the winner comes the spoils."

SQJ turned to the conference table where there were over sixty black suit cases which were popped open one by one to reveal pure gold, bright gold bars, enough to make the sun jealous. One of the cases, the largest, remained closed.

"And of course the spoils of the survivor. They will have blood on their hands but they'll also have gold. I'd almost be jealous of them, almost." This was met with laughter and SQJ moved out of the room to the dining room. The room was open, bright, spacious. There was a nice Christmas spread, just in case any one was feeling nostalgic, food would be ready, entertainment, at was all rather lovely.

My he really was such a generous man he mused as he step up each gun.


07-03-2014, 01:29 AM
"Fuck you."

The young woman landed hard on the floor, her blue eyes glaring with a internal fury stronger than the quivering of her bruised muscles. Her wrists were bound behind her, cuffs done tight enough they had begun to cut into her tan skin as she fought with every fiber of her being.

She had been at the gym. There was a early morning yoga class she had wanted to go to, out of her normal routine. Sweaty and still cooling off in her sports bra and defined yoga pants, she had gone outside to walk in the cool air. In a smooth and efficient manner of about four seconds, there was a sweet smelling cloth over her face and strong hands around her body. When she woke up, she was on the floor of a cargo plane, three men in suits accompanying her and bound and gagged.

It had been the most terrifying experience of her life. At first, she was quiet. She moved her hands gently against the cuffs, slightly testing the zip ties around her ankles. Bright blue eyes were confused behind messy light brown hair, looking up from the ground at the men. When the realization it wasn't a dream hit her, something inside her turned into a fire. She trashed against the bounds, hardly feeling the pain. There was only muffled screams for moments on end, until the woman had come to this state.

So, when the plane landed, and one of the men approached, taking off her gag, she had said nothing. She had been quiet, heart racing as one pulled her onto her feet with a bruising grip on her upper arm. As soon as the dark haired man had cut the zip tie, his nose was broken by her knee. That was the first time she had been thrown to the floor.

"If you make a move like that again, Elizabeth," the one with the broken nose laughed at her, wiping blood off his face as he leaned in front of the shaking girl on the floor, several drops of red landing on her face by how close he was. "I will kill you."

"Fuck you."

A grip stronger than she could handle grabbed her face with the speed of a cobra. "Easy," came a voice from the others. Elizabeth met the hungry gaze of the man in front of her with a silent fury, even though her lip was being split by the forced pressure of her jaw. After a minute of glaring, the man chuckled. "I'd put your money on this one. She's a little spitfire."

This time, she was held on the sides by the other two men, Broken Nose leading the way. A blindfold was slipped over her eyes, and except for a testing stop or bolt here and there, the walk was uneventful. But when the door closed behind her, the innate feeling of being shut completely away from the outdoors, Elizabeth fought.

Her slender body at its full force wasn't enough to break the steady hold of the men beside her, and she ended up being thrown on the floor again, the blindfold slipping off as she rolled. It was an empty room, with mirrored windows along the tops, and just a single door on the bottom. Broken Nose threw a key at her feet, his look almost sad when he closed the door, leaving her alone.

07-03-2014, 02:20 AM
"So how did you get stuck in a job like this?" the next participant asked, a coy grin plastered on his face as he walked down the hall with his escort. The man, sporting sunglasses like any good faceless 'extra', said nothing. Continuing to grin, the dark-skinned competitor looked to the escorter on his opposite side.

"What about you? They payin' ya a lot? Perhaps a bit of Christmas bonus for the wife to spend on frilly things?" He laughed to himself, ignoring the third escort behind him; that would put a crick in his neck. In any case, he'd probably get the same answer he had gotten from the other two.

As he walked, Jacogos, as the man was known, began to amuse himself by thinking of how this scenario was going to play itself out. Russian Roulette, but you get to choose who to aim at. All the joy of murder with all the suspense of luck. And yet... there was a certain strategy to it that underlayed it all. Would aiming at someone and hearing a distinct click turn that person against you? Or were you simply playing to the odds? A game of getting into each others heads...

Jacogos's smirk widened. This was just the game for him. Hopefully these suits would get him to their 'destination' soon; his trigger finger was itching.

07-04-2014, 03:13 AM
Stormy strode casually through the door, escorted by three men in suits. Less than two weeks ago, the doctor had dropped two words on her that no one wanted to hear. Inoperable. Terminal. Such a bullshit fate. All the care she had given to others, all the time and energy spent to balance their needs and hers in their last days. She had cared for nearly every elder in her family until they passed, and for what? To finally be done with the task of easing their transition and able to start her life again only to have it cut short in one of the worst, most drawn out, and painful ways possible?

Piss on that! If she came out of this alive she would have more money than she knew what to do with. As far as she was told, that's the same reason everyone else would be here too. If she lived, at least the next six months would be worth it. She would be able to do all the things that she had wanted to do but never had the chance to. She smiled broadly as she finally entered a large room. Alive or dead, either way, she would be going out with a bang.

07-04-2014, 11:21 PM
"knock, knock, knock" the soft tapping on the door broke her concentration. "Yes?" she replied quietly, keeping her eyes closed, holding onto the last peaceful thought before it was washed away.

"Your car is here Miss Gentry" came a tentative male voice on the other side of the door. "Thank you" she replied. "I'll be there in just a minute" with a last deep breath, she unfolded her legs, and stood up from the soft cushions on the floor. Her movements graceful and fluid.

Her lithe body was clothed completely in black. Easier to hide the blood splatters. She wore skin tight black leggings, and a tight long sleeve shirt that appeared to be of the same material as the leggings. She slipped her feet into knee length boots, zipping them up quickly. The leather arm sleeves were next, with two quick buckles, they were intact. She lifted up her solid gold cross off the top of her shirt, kissed it softly and tucked it under her shirt for safe keeping.

Last were the guns, lots of them, one in a shoulder holster. Two on her hips. One in the top of her boot. One in the holster across her lower back. Last was the knife, that went into the other boot. Long and lethal in the pocket inside her inner thigh. She slipped the rifle across her shoulder, and slid it to the back, fixing the strap so it was comfortable. Grabbing her sunglasses off the small side table, she slipped them on and with one last smile in the mirror, stepped out of her sanctuary into the waiting limo.

"Time to do some business" she told the driver.

07-06-2014, 06:45 AM
A rather upset Crimson was being taken to a special location for some kind of game. Sadly, she was going to miss out on a big date that she had been waiting for almost a week. Talk about bad timing, but at least she was nicely dressed in her long red dress with a long slit and black lace around the trim as well as the waist with a black satin bow in the back. Since she didn't have time to put on her contact she was still wear her black glasses which she was constantly adjusting due to her nervousness which didn't help with the three men guarding her. "So... What's your favorite color?" Crimson asked one of the men who didn't even bother to glance at her nor indulge her in some kind of conversation. After a few more moment a sale silence she leaned back with her arms and legs crossed then huffed slightly annoyed awaiting to arrive at her destination.

"We have arrive, Miss," said the driver then the three men moved to lead her inside. Crimson followed quietly with her arms crossed and occasionally running her hair long wavy auburn hair while everyone got the whole spiel of why they were here before leaving everyone to enjoy the "festivities". She shrugged and grabbed a glass of champagne and began sipping it stand by herself wonder if she should eat since she may not be able to later while glancing from person to person curiously before looking around the room.

Breaking Point
07-06-2014, 05:31 PM
It wasn't easy to get her here.

She woke up with rag pressed to her lips, and instantly she had them thrown to the ground. She didn't let them take her without a struggle. She isn't the best fighter, but by no means was she weak or soft. Dirty moves are the center of her fight. She does nott stop until they were all covered in blood and someone was about to scamper off or die. Then, the most odd surprise.

"Ok, let's go then. Stop acting like pussies and move," she grunts. She submits. The questions repeat through her head as she follows them silently, surrounded by the three men. What are they here for? Do they know? How did they make it this far? Unless there were more of these men to begin with, there must have been some casualties, but Ellie would not know this. She frumps along, peering up at them and feeling short. "Want some band aids?" she asks, taunting them, only to receive an elbow to her ribs.

Forced out of her house, drug onto a private jet, she rests in a luxury seat with padding. "So who is the one with the money?" she asks, curious. THey must be expecting her to ask what they want with her, but she doesn't. She doesn't claim anything that could incriminate them.

"La dee daaa dee daa daa daa." Her phone rings from her pocket and she answers, "Yes."

"Eight men were killed. Of Seven, three escaped."

Ellie dips her head. "Oh," she murmurs. Everything makes sense. "I figured that." Here are my three. They all eye her, preparing to snap her phone in an instant. If she was to mutter anything of her location, her phone would be nonexistent. Of course, it will be tracked, so in the end, Ellie knows they'll destroy it anyway. She hangs up and tosses it to the guy closest to her. She has all the information she desired to know anyways.

"Trash it. Any way you like." This girl is feisty. Crazy. Nothing about her could possibly make sense. She isn't logical. The three guards glance at each other. This is not how things were theorized to go. Why is she submitting? The guard just holds the phone, staring at it oddly, then he passes it back and each of the other men stare at it. "Or look at it- isn't as though you'll find anything interesting." Anything found on her phone would not lead to them discovering any of her secrets.

The men simply leave her be, disappearing behind a curtain. "So I guess I'm a bad entertainer," she giggles softly, laying the seat back and rolling over. If it wasn't so cold on this jet, maybe she could sleep. Curling up into fetal position and wrapping herself up in a ball, she cuddles up to herself and eventually falls asleep.

Hands grip her by her arms, jerking her up and dragging her off the jet. "Really, no need to be handsy," she complains, feeling her shoulders being pulled and tugged harshly with no care for her, "I mean, if you're both really that attracted to me, we could work something out. I don't know how long I'll be at this... Event, but as soon as I'm free, I can pencil you both in." The guards weren't taking her nonsense. The two men drop her to the ground, and she receives a kick in the center of her back.

Well, at least they let her go. On solid ground, she peers at the huge mansion before her. So this is the man with all the money. What was wanted with her- or more importantly, what business was to be done?

The Cockatiel
07-06-2014, 08:38 PM
Angry. That was the only word for what she felt. Okay, maybe “murderous intent" would work too. Yeah, that would work perfectly. Or, you knew, “premeditated murder", like they'd said three years ago at her father's trial. At the thought of the smug bastard that had ruined her family, Tiel kicked out again, this time in a different direction. She was still blindfolded, but her sharp ears caught the sudden intake of breath that strongly suggested she'd hit something. She hoped it hurt for a week. If she ever got this blindfold off... Tiel fell silent, and more importantly to her captors, still, as she thought out a plan of attack if these idiots took off her blindfold.

The car slowed, and Tiel tried once again tho break the zip ties around her wrists. But whoever had kidnapped her knew what they were doing, and all her tricks were useless. As the car stopped, she kicked again, her legs moving in a jerky motion like a drunk mermaid, and heard the thump of rubber against glass. The car door near her head opened and a hand touched her shoulder. Tiel immediately rated tried to bite it, and even though her teeth clicked on open air, she heard a string of curses and smiled. Then a sharp prick against her neck, and warmth spread through her body.

Sometime later that day, or maybe the next one, Tiel woke. She was laying in a reclining chair, one hand chuffed to the seat. She sat up, the cuff rattling annoyingly against the armrest. Four men in suits sat near the front of the compartment. Tiel looked to her left and slid up a small section of the wall that looked like a cover for something. Bright light nearly blinded her, and she slammed the cover down again. Rubbing her eyes with her free hand, she meted several impolite words. Then she tried again, residing the cover only a fraction of a way. Blue water shimmered beneath her as far as she could see.

Yelling at the suited men did nothing but make her voice echo, so Tiel shut up and glared out the window. Eventually the plane banked, circling as if for a landing, and Tiel looked out the window again. An island laid below her, pristine and threatening. The plane lost no time in landing, and the four men did up. One disappeared into the cockpit and the other three approached Tiel. This time she didn't trust, and flanked by the guards she entered the massive building that seemed to be her intended dedication. Glancing at her wristwatch, Tiel murmured, “Hmm, an evening death. Always thought I'd die at some dramatic time like noon."

07-07-2014, 06:24 PM
Black, that was a good way to describe her. Not racial wise, she was actually quite pale, but she had black high heel boots, black leather skin tight pants, black top that didn't leave much to the imagination, black hair (that she usually had braided), black eye shadow and even black lipstick to top it all off. Was it mentioned that she also had black gauges in her ears and a black spiked piercing coming out of her lip and too many other piercings to count. All on a tiny 5'3" frame. She was probably one hundred pounds soaking wet, but if looks could kill, she was going for homicide.

She didn't understand why she needed these three escorts, she hated them, and they knew it. Probably because she told them so. She hated everything and everyone and everything about everything. EXCEPT danger, she loved it! The thrill, the adrenaline, EVERYTHING. She had played several dangerous games that could have cost her her life, but none like this one. She volunteered for this and she couldn't be happier. She had a smile plastered to her face, that didn't mix well with her black attire, she was ready for this. Abso-f*cking-lutely READY! Let the games begin. Let the best woman win.

07-07-2014, 06:45 PM
The helicopter landed on the small small tropical island. Mihkul instinctively ducked his head to avoid the whirling blades but, at 5'6" he was well below them. He was followed closely by the three men that escorted him. He was more than willing to follow their instructions. After all, this was like someone giving him a Christmas present in July.

Mihkul, better known amongst his peers as Molotov Mickey, was one of the top enforcers for the Ivankov family. When people crossed the family, Mihkul would exact payment-more often than not a payment in blood. And now, here he was on a private island with his latest target. He was amused. Not only would he be paid handsomely by his Russian boss, he would also be a wealthy man. Screw the family; he would start his own. And here, there would be no extra worries of covering his trail, erasing the evidence.

He walked into the elaborate estate, led by his escorts, without a worry. After all, who better to play Russian Roulette than a pure-bred Russian. Let the games begin!

07-07-2014, 07:17 PM
Imperial1917 sat at one of the ornate tables. The men and women all around were chatting nonchalantly, dressed in their finery. For her own part, Imperial1917 wore her school uniform. It was all white blouses and checkered skirts. Some at school hated them. She didn't mind. It was good enough to show up the rich suits around her, especially with the blue ribbons she bound her hair with.

She flipped through the magazine she was reading. Many of the people there had tried to talk to her. Mostly, of course, to encourage her to leave. "This is no place for little girls." they would say. Still, they would do nothing. They dared not. It didn't bother Imperial1917. She was much more interested in the new selection of ribbons on sale or the kittens available for adoption than the dull talk adults always seemed to find so fascinating.

She sighed as she looked at a picture of a kitten she would never have. Looking over the top of the magazine, she wondered when the show would begin.

Breaking Point
07-08-2014, 02:57 PM
The guards escorted Ellie into the mansion. The sight of it all succeeded in distracting her, everything decorated elaborately and elegantly. She was not used to this. Her own home was small. Simple. Functional, but not a thing was worth much. She wasn't the only guest, and as she glanced around at the other people she found herself feeling out of place, odd. It wasn't that she wasn't used to the odd feeling, just that she knew not a single person in the room. What could be the importance of this?

Taking her place at the table, waiting, Ellie listened to the spill about the game, then she stood up. "Mr. SQJ. Just, I..." she mumbles, clearing her throat. What could she say? She hadn't developed any speaking skills. She felt like the youngest in the room, and she did not know how to phrase what she desired to say. Fingers twisting nimbly, Ellie braided her hair as the room waited in a slightly awkward silence. "Just why did you bring me here?" She asks. Of course, she was playing dumb. She didn't know how else to play, at least not any other way that could benefit her. "Are you saying that I have nothing to live for- I mean, I know I'm an orphan, but still." She glanced down at the ground, collecting her words.

She was believable, sincere, but then none of it was a lie, so it couldn't be otherwise. "I don't want to kill people. I don't shoot at people. I mean, I know I've done some bad things, but I can't kill people for money." Ellie stared at SQJ, hoping that her words had some impact on everyone else. "I would like to withdrawal." If SQJ didn't release her, which he wouldn't, maybe some of the other competitors would give her pity, some kind of sympathy of the sort. But who was she kidding? The vast majority of these people came here for cold blooded murder.

Ellie sat back down, leaning back in her seat, her gaze darting around the room and memorizing all the faces. She might not have a chance. She knew why SQJ wanted her here, but she didn't want part of it. Being exploited wasn't fun to her. She knew she had little chance. If the people knew her background or not, everything had horrendous downfalls. Her blood was her downfall. She was born into it. Dying was her only way out of it. Yet, Ellie didn't want death.

"This game is rigged," she murmurs, glancing around the room, her large blue eyes strangely innocent. Whether it was rigged or not, the other players probably didn't care. Everyone wanted their shot at the millions. Or billions. Or trillions- however much money there actually was.

07-08-2014, 06:39 PM
Mihkul entered the game room and glanced around the table. There was only one other man here besides him and, of course, the host. The others were women, or girls barely out of their teens. He thought it odd that these young girls were willing to risk it all for what? Money? Or was it just the thrill of facing death. Mihkul had seen plenty of death..he had stared at it in the eyes of his dying victims, some filled with fear but others holding onto that last bit of defiance.

There were suitcases neatly stacked and the top one was opened to reveal gold bullion. That alone would be enough to buy an island like this. It was the larger suitcase that caught his attention, almost like Pandora's Box. It was always the unkown that seemed so enticing. It's what he loved about the TV show Let's Make a Deal. What was behind door number three?

There were placards in place at each seat with names. He found his and thought, this is like a typical fucking kindergarten school. He smiled, and sat down, feeling for his hidden Glock to be sure he hadn't dropped it, and then smoothing his kevlar vest beneath his cheap Sears and Roebucks suit. Then he waited for his target to arrive. One way or another he would accomplish what he set out to do, just as he always had.

07-09-2014, 01:40 AM
The distinct sound of knocking could be heard on her door. It had been a hot Texas day, the temperatures over ninety degrees with no chance of rain in sight. Juniper sighed, her eyes glancing fearfully at the door. She knew what they wanted...she'd received a letter in the mail several weeks ago and never responded. She knew by the tone of the letter that they wouldn't take "no" for an answer, so hoped that they would believe she no longer lived there if she simply...didn't respond. Her ranch was composed of a multitude of cattle, farm animals, and vegetables. She had a large, ornate vegetable garden that had once been her pride and dream...until the drought had hit, drying up the grass, the soil...and everything that thrived from it.

The animals were suffering, she'd been forced to sell half of her animals to local butchers in hopes of replenishing the farms. Then...she had received the letter. At first...she had been offended. The dying ranch was not an indicator of nothing more to live for, rather as a hope of something new. She had inherited the land from her parents after they passed and had been forced to take care of it ever since. It was amazing that she was still able to keep a couple of her cats, and one dog...but...her luck was running out and, soon enough, she would have to get rid of them too.


Juniper rose from her seat on the couch, looking around at her family's land what may very well have been for the last time. If she survived...if she won...she would replenish this land and restore it to the former glory that she had once loved as a child. She would raise foster children, provide them essential skills necessary to thrive as an adult in any condition. "Miss Belle?" the voice of a man asked, his voice stern. "There is no hiding...surely you are aware of this," the voice called, and Juniper stayed quite for a moment longer...fear etched in her expression. "It's best to come quietly...we wouldn't want to hurt you before the festivities," another man said, and she looked around one last time...sighing desperately.

"There's no point in running either," the voice of another man chirped in, and he seemed more...smug about the ordeal than the other two. It made her wonder exactly how many people had come for her. "I'm coming," she said, rounding the corner of the couch and grabbing her pack. She didn't know how soon she would be tossed into the competition, if she would need a change of clothes or not. So, dressed in her most comfortable clothing...a pair of cowgirl boots with spears on the back, overalls, and a red plaid shirt underneath... she grabbed her pink cowgirl had with rhinestones on the front and opened the door, coming face to face with her three assailants. "You won't be needing the bag," the first man said, gesturing to the bag on her shoulder. She sighed and tossed it on the couch, closing the door and stepping out. As soon as she stepped out, one of the men grabbed her hands and zip tied them together.

"Just so you don't run," he said, smirking at her.


Now, arriving at the festivities...all that she could see was chaos. Some of the competitors had, clearly enough, come of their own will. They were just as cold blooded as Mr. SQJ. Still...others had put up more of a fight than she had. "No, I guess I won't be needing that bag...will I Jack?" she asked the smug man. They had refused to tell her their names, so she had made nicknames for them. The smug one's first name was Jack, and his last was Ass. The first man, who seemed more impartial to the event, his first name was Jump, his middle was Offa, and his last was Cliff. She had to get crafty with the other one and had decided that she would simply refer to him as the Mad Hatter. It had been a game she had played with them on the way there, a game that none of them had liked. One that had at least occupied her time.

07-11-2014, 10:12 AM
The southern hemisphere was the perfect location for Christmas fun. Christmas was meant to be had during the summer, what was the point of uniting family in the winter when in summer one could walk away into the sun. It's also a good time and environment to have guests relax before they had to start trying to kill each other.

It was quite the turn out, both of those on the table and those watching from across the world. Thankfully of those seated no restraints were needed. Yet any way, after all some one always ran. Someone always pissed themselves, and occasionally someone shit their pants so hard it looked as though they were trying to use it as a weapon. Oh yes, they were a nightmare to clean but there was a reason there were over two hundred cameras and a microphone all around the house. It wasn't just the explosion of blood that came with the pull of the trigger, it had to do with each moment that built up to it.

Each and everyone of them looked like they would be good candidates. SQJ sat up straight and turned to each and every one of them, eyeing them from the volunteers to the offerees to the victims, who were just the wrong people at the wrong time. Picked by outside sources who were willing to pay millions even, just to see them panic, see them shiver and pull the triger or try and stand perfectly still as a gun was pointed at their heads, or see their heads explode.

The sick fucks.

But they were the sick fucks who were willing to pay while he made sure they got away with it. If evil truly existed in this world then he was it's muscle, it's enforcer.

But, thankfully Evil didn't exist. He was a business man, they were his assents. In the same way a butcher thought of his cows and the clients who bought the meat. Capitalism was truly great.

It took time but each one of them had been seated and made to face SQJ who stood up when they were all seated and crossed his arms and uncrossed them, pointing to each and every one of them as beautiful young women stepped forward and dropped glass cases on the table in front of them, they opened to reveal revolvers.

Each revolver was silver, sleek with black handles. Their names were engraved onto each and every gun, by the handle were two lights, a green light and a red light. Next to the guns were a single wrist band.

"The game is simple point the gun at any one with a wrist band and pull the trigger. Each gun has already been spun and each gun is set to a random place. Feel free to point the gun anywhere you want but know." He picked up Breaking Point's gun and winked at her before pointing the revolver at his head and pulled the trigger. The red light went up and there wasn't so much as a click. He threw the wrist band to one of his men who strapped it to a struggling maid, she dropped and fought, screaming as the wrist band was snapped on.

SQJ crossed to the other side of the room and stood over her as she screamed and pulled the trigger.


He burst out laughing as the wrist band was pulled off of her and SQJ spun the chambers continuously until he put it back down in the case and put the wrist band on her wrist himself.

"We have the whole weekend to play so take your time. Build up your courage accept death if you have to. I don't mind. And no breaking point, there is no backing out. There's trying to back out, which won't get you killed, but will get you dragged back in. There's trying to shoot your way out, but the guns are only rigged to shoot at those with wrist bands which when they are locked with a key, stay locked." SQJ winked at her and pulled out what looked like a black of plastic which beeped and the wrist band tightened on her wrist. "There's trying but it would be easier to just get along with the game, rigged or not. PS. The gun that lights up is the gun that is allowed to shoot. There's donner in the next room, a PS4 in the next, and a Bar in the next Micasa is Su Casa. And the game starts....."

SQJ nodded his head and the gun with The Cockatiel engraved on it. "...Now. Have fun. Good luck! "

07-11-2014, 06:57 PM
She sat in her chair, her feet up on the table, leaning her chair back on two legs with her hands behind her head. She listened and observed, she really didn't expect kids to be here. That was going to be hard. And here she thought this would be a breeze.

She wasn't hearing a whole lot of what he was saying, only shoot someone with a bracelet blah blah. She just wanted to get too it. She thought about strategy. She needed to take out the ones she was going to have the hardest time killing first. Like the younger ones. BUT if she targeted them first, would she become a target? Still she didn't want to get soft hearted in the end when a kid gives her puppy dog eyes.

Through her thoughts she heard something about a bar and jumped up, but in doing so she fell backwards, rolling onto the floor. She glared up daring anyone to laugh at her, stood up and stomped the direction of the bar, not noticing and not really caring if he was still talking or not. How hard could it be. Point gun, shoot. Try not to die. That was where it was going to be hard. She had a hard time making connections, most people didn't like her, and she didn't like them.

The Cockatiel
07-12-2014, 05:07 AM
Cockatiel wondered for the fifty millionth time how she'd gotten here. Oh, yeah, that's right - kidnapping. Now she was being told that she had to kill everyone else in this room to get out alive. She was going to die soon and it wasn't going to be the way she'd expected it to happen. She picked up the pistol, feeling the cool hardness of the stock in her hand. She couldn't do this.She had to do this. There was no choice. The tip of her finger traced over the trigger and came to rest on the edge of the trigger guard. She had to do it. 'Come on,' she thought, gazing briefly at each person in the room. 'You know exactly how you have to do this. Like hunting in the woods with Dad, except the target is different this time. Breath in and breath out and never let your nerves shake the trigger.' Lifting the pistol, she cocked the hammer, leveled it at the person across from her, and fired.

Cockatiel fired at Mikhul.

07-12-2014, 08:08 AM
SQJ gritted his teeth to keep from showing his own amusement as Cockatiel lifted the big ol gun and aimed it at the first target of the day. It looked to be Mikhul, his grin widened but he turned away when his phone messages stole his attention. He couldn't just be sitting there. There was more to be done than just watching people die. He wasn't some fan. He WAS the show.


Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

07-12-2014, 02:30 PM
At some point the men had drug her to a room that looked like a formal dining hall at Christmas. It wasn't so much drug as it was her following in an angry and fuming quiet way. They put a wristband on her, her thoughts vaguely following that she wouldn't be able to shoot unless it was her time. The men put the cold metal gun in her warm hands, and left her standing. She didn't know how to feel about it. Any of it.

There were some people who seemed happy to be here. Some who had a cold glint in their eyes that made the guns seem harmless. Already the hairs on her arm were shivering despite the warm room. After several minutes of silence, Eli raised the gun and shot with eyes closed. Surely there wouldn't be a bullet so soon.

Eli shoots Imperial1917.

07-12-2014, 09:43 PM
Things were moving faster than SQJ had expected, in the moments he'd gotten up from the table and gotten moving, to the moment he'd stepped into the control centre he's missed a solid wall of cheering. All eyes were glued to the screen, why, he didn't know. But upon looking on the screens he saw the next lit up gun being raised. It was the fitness girl! And she had her gun raised, some how. Of all that had been drugged in against their will of all those he'd expected her to break last. But she hadn't, the gun was up she was aiming at Imperial, the trigger pulled! SQJ grinned, this was what it was all about. There were no clichés in a world that did not exist to the impoverished masses. This was what the sick fucks paid for!


Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

07-13-2014, 01:34 AM
She looks pissed off... Juniper thought to herself as she watched the woman come in and shoot the gun she was given with her eyes closed. She could only hope that the gun wouldn't fire, and if it did, that the bullet wouldn't hit her. She gave a sigh of relief when the gun didn't fire and was surprised when her own gun lit up, scaring her so bad that she dropped it. She heard several chuckles in the audience and her stomach twisted into knots. Who could she possibly shoot? Sure, she didn't know any of them...but she picked it up and pointed the it at the person who had fired last, figuring that if it fired...and hit...she woud have one less pissed off person to worry about.

Juniper shot her gun at Elizabeth16.

07-13-2014, 01:58 AM
Jacogos smirked to himself as the scene began to unfold in front of him. Already people were reaching for their guns, pointing them at someone and pulling the trigger. Just like that. Such a waste. Life was too short to just start flinging weapons around like no tomorrow. Chuckling to himself, the metalhead slowly stood up from his chair just as the third woman began to aim her weapon at another individual.

"Well as fun as it is waiting for first blood, I feel like my time could be better spent. I'll be chilling with the PS4 if any of y'all want to join me in a game... of what, I suppose I'll decide once I plunder the game catalog." Turning without any further commentary, the long-haired man took the gun inscribed with his name and clicked the safety, holstering it in his own jeans; he wore a bracelet, so he didn't doubt that the gun could misfire at himself if it triggered accidentally, never mind the 'wait for it to light up' bit.

Jacogos wasn't surprised that he was the first to get up and decide to do something else; he had always been a bit detached from events going on around him, emotionless you could even say. He didn't care that his life was on the line; he didn't care that someone might be turning to shoot him now, labeling him as a threat simply for deciding not to be around. Of course, that might also work to his advantage... And then, maybe it wouldn't. Odds were that someone here had a bullet in their first slot. Might even be him. And now, the odds for those two girls to fire a bullet had gone up... That made them targets, no?

Jacogos chuckled again, louder. Such an interesting game... If only there was someone else interesting to play with.

07-13-2014, 06:17 AM
Side bets were where the money was. Who was going to get the first kill, who was going to freak out first. Who would rise up to the occasion. Who would hate it, who would love it.

And because of it millions were rolling in.


Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

07-13-2014, 11:19 AM
Crimson sighed thinking about the date she was missing out on. It was with a some what decent guy for once and she had to be taken now of all times. To her it seemed all her work getting ready wasn't worth much at this moment. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she watched people try and shot each other, sadly no one had be shot yet but it was still a little early for someone's brains to be flying out of their head now since it was after all the first night after all. Now bored with those around around her she figured she'd use her time on the beach which should be nice though she'll be followed by her entourage of guards.

She rose from her seat glancing around at the other before making a move for the beach just outside. "I could get used to this," Crimson said with a small smile to herself admiring the beautiful scene before her as she took off her shoes enjoying the feeling of the sand between her toes. The sound of the water breaking against the shore was much more peaceful than the madness inside. If she can survive she didn't want to take life for granted, but for now she'd like to take in everything. Crimson pulled up her dress just enough not to get it wet but allow her feet to get wet as she walked along the edge of the water.

07-13-2014, 12:30 PM
Stormy watched all of this unfold with a less than amused look. Two guns already pointed and fired, but no deaths. Well... At least not yet. She took her gun, pushed away from the table, and stood. SJQ had mentioned a bar, and she was ready for a drink. As she made her way out of the room though, she noticed with a start that her gun was now lit. Well shit... I was hoping to get plastered before this happened.... with a heavy, irritated sigh, she made her way to the bar. Eyeing Rouge for a moment, she drummed her fingers against the grip of the gun before slipping behind the bar to make herself a drink.

I'm at least going to enjoy a drink before I do this shit... Grabbing a bottle and a glass, she poured herself a double shot of Disaronno, straight. She took a long sip of the almond liquar before stepping back out from behind the bar. Who do I want to end up pissing off if this damn thing doesn't fire.... Just then, she remembered a man mentioning that he was going to play a video game. She had little love of video games. Making her way into the game room, she stared hard at Jaco. "Well, if I don't kill you, I guess I'll have to be a second player for a while to make up for it." With that said, she lifted the gun, aimed, and pulled the trigger.

StormyNyte shoots Jacogos

07-13-2014, 07:54 PM
Juniper sighed in relief when her gun didn't fire, and while it increased her odds that the next shot she fired would have a bullet- at least she didn't have to take a life at this point. The only thing she now had to worry about was the woman whom she had shot at taking revenge upon her during the woman's next turn. That, and anybody else who decided to take a shot at her.

The thoughts were making her sick, seeing all the cameras watching them...as though they were cattle to be butchered. "You sick fuckers," she said, flipping the cameras off with both fingers and storming off to the bathroom. She had never flipped anybody off in her lifetime, but then again...she may not be around for much longer, so she figured she may as well do her best to spite the people who put her here. She slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it, seeing a camera directly in her face on the opposite wall. "Oh for the love of- you have got to be kidding me?!" she shouted, grabbing the nearest object she could (which happened to be the air freshener) and throwing it at the camera. It barely moved, protected by steel plating.

Her insides churned once more and she ran to the toilet, vomiting into it just in time. She knew the world was hard, she just hadn't been aware that it was this cruel. After she upchucked her stomach contents, she unlocked the door, several rolls of toilet paper in her hand- and she began to throw them all over the place, making as much of a mess as she could. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SICK ASSHOLES- CLEAN THIS UP TOO!" she shouted, kicking the nearest vase and throwing more toilet paper around. She was determined to make them as miserable as possible while she could.

"And for those of you who don't want to be here, just like I don't...let's say we make them miserable for a change?" she asked the others, smirking as she pushed another vase over, laughing as it shattered. She was slowly losing her mental stability and wondered exactly how long it would be before she cracked...and how much longer she would be around after.

07-14-2014, 03:11 AM
SQJ watched as one by one the others in the group stood up one by one and started moving their own ways, it was a relief to see. The last thing he wanted was a group of people sitting around in a sad circle simply too scared to get up. Too nervous to eat. He pulled up the sleeves on his own suit which revealed healed scars on his wrists, of all the bad times, those scars had come from the better times. He knew what dark was, he knew what true fear was.

And as the game progressed, one by one each and every one of them would learn their own lessons in fear. They would find out what it truly meant to know what was relevant in their lives, and unlike most who faced life or death situations this lesson would stick. It was just too bad only one of them would know the truth of living at the end of the fight. Only one of them would come out something bigger, find humanities one truth. That we're just animals and one just has to realise they have the strength to run ahead of the pack.

There was a series of cheers then a series of cheers that caught SQJ's attention and he saw that Stormnyyte had just aim her gun at Jac. He hadn't seen that coming, her gun wasn't lit up. Was it some kind of declaration by her? Was he to be targeted when her turn came?


Gun doesn't Fire.

Nothing happens

SQJ chuckled, it looked like there was some fun to bee had by the current batch. He just hope they could keep up the entertainment factor but that could not have been the reason people were cheering. He looked across the screens and saw that one of the women was hunched over a toilet puking her guts out. Somewhere out there someone was getting off to this, this was the world, someone was always getting off to something. He grinned as he wondered if she knew just how many cameras were in that room.

Breaking Point
07-14-2014, 01:16 PM
Ellie could burst out in laughter, but she had to keep her front. No one was willing to shoot the orphan? Well, she did not mind playing the pity game, not at this party. Who would have the guts to point a gun at an orphan? No one.
But that was not the whole truth, and Ellie knew it. All the secrets were secrets to the other people in this game, but were they secrets to SQJ. How much did he know? After all, was it not according to SQJ that she be forced into these games. Otherwise, who selected her? He didn't select her, she knew that, but did he know. If he knew, he could send everything to a tailspin.

Ellie had toured the house by her lonesome, calming herself down for a think, but know it was her turn. Who to shoot? She straightened up, shoulders back, grabbing the gun, and spinning it around. Comfortable enough, but not her choice weapon. "I can't have you forcing me into this game," she said, biting her lip with a nervous tension, "While all these other people forced here may choose to lose all their morals, I can't. Some of us are only victims. But you, SQJ," Ellie pointed the gun at SQJ, "are the enemy." She didn't fire quite yet, rethinking all possibilities.

She must kill him. He must have known the secrets. He is the head of the game, so if anyone knew, it would be him, and she simply couldn't let her secrets out. He must be the target for this. In this game, she couldn't simply die with him knowing her secrets, even if that meant killing him dirtily, she would do it. Ellie pulled the trigger, her gun pointed precisely and accurately, a surprise for someone of her background- but really, her familiarity with the gun was a link to the secrets. These secrets that no one here should know, and even less, those watching.

Ellie fired at SQJ.

07-14-2014, 03:49 PM
The adrenaline rush was finally beginning to subside as Mihkul's heart gained it's normal rythm. He was accustomed to guns being pointed and even fired at him, but never had he hear the 'click' of the hammer without the bang to follow. The bitch wasn't as stupid as she looked. Mihkul figured his target would be taken out one way or another....it was just the odds. Guns were lit up again and again, followed by the sharp click, without the bang. He was patient; his turn would come, or at least he hoped it would.

A silence suddenly overcame the table. The girl sitting to his right had picked up her revolver and had it aimed straight at the face of their host. Mihkul chuckled and thought This broad has balls bigger than Time Square on New Year's Eve.

07-15-2014, 12:51 AM
Merry sat, still as stone at the large table. Watching, everything. Her eyes hidden by the still affixed dark wrap around sun glasses. They had removed all her weapons upon entry into the house, as she had expected. Didn't make it any easier to deal with. The annoyance was there, but it couldn't be helped. She felt naked without her weapons, and nothing short of getting them back would make the sensations go away. Eventually, she told herself.

Some of the people in the room she knew, most she did not. Either way, they would never know that she was annoyed. They would never know if she was nervous, scared, angry, anything. It was if she were made of stone. Still she watched. One by one they drifted away. One by one they tried their guns, as the lights came on and nothing. She noted all the cameras in the room. Some hidden, some not. There were probably four cameras for each person in this game. She wondered if anyone else even saw them all.

With a small sigh, she hooked the chair beside her, turning it to face her. Lifting her legs up, she crossed them and used the now turned chair as a rather comfy footstool, gazing at her boots as she did so. God she loved these boots. The calfskin leather so soft and pliable, not to mention how they made her legs look, definitely worth the price.

She stretched out her arms, hooking them behind her head, and leaned back into the chair. Still watching. Seems someone had pointed a gun at the host. this game just got interesting she smirked and waited for the results.

07-15-2014, 08:50 PM

Gun doesn't Fire.

Nothing happens

SQJ faced down the gun, grinning slowly as he raised his arm, slowly, carefully he pulled down the one sleeve to show his cut up wrist and then show his other clean wrist. On either wrist there was no bracelet.

"I see we have an enthusiast, a rebel against the system in front of her. I actually just won a hundred thousand american because of that." He said snatching the gun free and pointing the gun at her.


Gun doesn't Fire.

Nothing happens

"It's too bad." He said throwing the gun back to her. "It looks like we're just meant to be together " He admired the girl's tenacity. He'd been able to read it early enough to make money off of it. Which was something new to be proud of. "I'll tell you something, you only will learn when you get out of this alive. This is just the tip of fear for you and everyone else." He showed off the scarred wrist. "This happened to me when I was in this tournament. I had gotten so scared I'd tried to chew through my own arm just to avoid being in the damn thing. They didn't fix the bleeding or the arm into I was the last man standing. The others could have let me bleed out but the tension and desperation was so intense they chose death over an easy win. That was fear. It's too early for you to know fear. It must be so frustrating, right?"

He turned her back on her and walked away. "Just play the game, it's your turn after all. The others are waiting."

07-15-2014, 09:16 PM
Mihkul laughed aloud. This guy was a raving lunatic, he thought. He would have beat this little bitch over the head with the gun if it was him. He heard him speak of fear. Fear in what? Death? He had known, in his business, that death was promised. It was not an if I die but WHEN I die. It was part of the job description. Like that other broad over there with the nice legs. He could tell that she was in the same business as he was. The business of death. It was a job and it paid a good salary.

He waited while the girl, who had probably pissed herself, gained her composure and chose her target.

Breaking Point
07-16-2014, 11:52 AM
Gritting her teeth, Ellie watched SQJ slip away. Of course, her gun wouldn't fire on the first shot, nor the second. The plan was not to die this way. If it was business-work- then of course she would be fine with it. Her eyes burn as she turned around, fingers itching to rip out every single camera and trample them under her feet like a child with a temper tantrum. Against her deep wishes, she restrained herself. She would not do that, and she wouldn't chase after SQJ and strangle him to death either. It wasn't in the rules, but she must keep up her face. The poor little orphan girl wouldn't do that.

Who to shoot then. Ellie hadn't thought of it otherwise. She could shoot at SQJ repeatedly, but he would not have it again. He had been through this game once, and he sitting back as a host to be shot at. "Fine," she grunted to herself. There was this guy to her left, and then the woman with the footstool. Ellie could only categorize them as people of that certain business. That meant there was always a possibility that they would be involved. It wasn't as though she thought of them as allies, but something more along the lines of she didn't want to get on their bad sides. She knew how it would work with them. Exactly, it wouldn't mean anything to shoot back.

The girl in the yoga pants, the one forced here would be perfectly fine as an ally. But then, certain ones just seemed reckless, and pointing at them would mean stupidity. And then others hold the possibility for allies. Ellie stepped through the house, peeking at the bar into the rooms. Some are just enjoying themselves. Then she finds a room with two playing video games in it. These two were definite possibilities.

She'd shoot the girl, but she didn't want to be messed with by that. At the same time though, who would want to mess with the guy? He's kind of heartless. Ellie smiled softly. "Hey, I'm Ellie. It's nice to meet you," she said, reaching her hand toward the guy, but dropped it before he could shake. She bent down and kissed his cheek. "Sorry that's the kiss of death," she spoke with enough flirt to get her through, winking as she pulled up her gun. He was cute, and it could seem innocent being the orphan. She hoped so anyway. Maybe flirting would cover it up in some way? Probably not, but he was the best choice.

Ellie fired at Jacogos.

07-17-2014, 01:59 PM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The Imperial's gun has lit up.

There were more tense cheers this time. It made sense, quite a few guns had been fired but still no bullet. It worlds about the type of match they were heading towards, no early gun shots would mean that each gun when it was finally fired would have high dice rolls. If more than a single round of shooting completed without ever once firing it meant there'd be one hell of a build up to a fast massacre instead of the meat grinder most of these events were.

But only time would tell which one would do which. SQJ himself climbed up to the roof where a seat and a large screen TV was strategically placed. Most of the camera work and planning had been done and he was a big fan of the games himself. He deserved to watch the show too. He spared on look to the beach, admiring its beauty and watching the lone participant who'd gone outside. Though she was alone she was inreality far from it.

Her personal three man escort was standing a short distance away, some people did try swim away, it wasn't often but most certainly an occurrence.

07-17-2014, 03:10 PM
Imperial1917 picked up the glowing gun, amused at the lightshow. The others has been putting on quite the play, shooting this way and that. She was quite prepared to take a shot at anyone. Still, she had favorites. They all did, she imagined.

She picked up the gun, unsurprised at its weight. It would kick like a mule, this one. That suited her just fine. That was how she liked them. No sense in making a revolver of small caliber. It would bore the audience and they couldn't have that, could they? She could hear them cheering now, rooting for the outcome that they wanted. Death. Always death. And they said that the world was more civil now. She laughed when they said that. She knew better.

She swung the gun around. It was time for someone to have a stormy night.
She pulled the trigger.

Imperial1917 fired at StormyNyte.

07-17-2014, 04:06 PM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

The Tension was building....

07-17-2014, 06:48 PM
She was all but done with the Jacogos and his video game. As she stood up though, she caught a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned toward the other woman just as the hammer gave its empty click. Narrowing her eye, she smirked. "Couldn't even bother to warn me before you pulled the trigger?" She finished off the last of her drink and carelessly tossed the glass at the other woman's feet, letting it shatter on the floor for their host to have to clean. She noticed then that her gun had finally lit up. With a dark chuckle, she closed the distance between them, the broken shards crunching underfoot. "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise?" Lifting the gun level with the other woman's head, she continued. "Payback can be a bitch."

Stormy shoots Imperial

07-17-2014, 08:17 PM
Mihkul sat up straight in his seat. He always loved a cat fight, and this was a good one. He sipped his Vodka. Top shelf shit, he thought, not that cheap Popov's he was used to drinking. He saw all the cameras around the room. What sick bastard would pay to watch something like this? He smiled because he knew his boss would be watching. He was as sick as they come. He looked over at Legs again, as he called her. She appeared bored with all the happenings. He looked around the room. Some had chosen to check out the surroundings. He saw his target was still there. He wondered if he should use that as his first choice or wait for a bit. His finger bagan to literally itch and he scratched it, waiting for his gun to come to life.

07-17-2014, 11:06 PM
Rogue was three Jack Daniels shots down still sitting at the bar, if she couldn't get anymore excited about this shit, it was open bar too! Drinking alone was no fun though, she needed a drinking partner. She went over to Jacogos nudging him, holding a shot in each hand, she handed one to him. "Ok, how about, one shot for every click, two if the click is against you." She laughed taking her own shot before she spoke again. "The way you're going, you'll be shitfaced in about twenty minutes." She looked around at everyone doing various things. On the plus side, she would not have to work hard at making friends, because by the looks of it, everyone else was gunning for each other... Literally. She hated trying to make friends so that was better for her, and if she died, at least she died drunk and happy.

07-18-2014, 01:06 AM
After the last roll of toilet paper was thrown (at Jack ass's head), Juniper looked around the room...people were taking turns and firing at one another and the crowd cheered every time. She was disgusted, all of this was staged for their temporary amusement...the bar, the game room, the feast...all things to occupy them as people bet for or against them. It was part of the entertainment, and she hated it. She could see a few people at the bar, intentionally getting as drunk as their bodies could take it. They were dangerous, their aim was sure to waver with their drunken states...and that feared her.

She decided that instead of sitting at the table (as very few of them had yet to get up, whereas many were doing the various staged activities), she would do a bit of scouting and see exactly what was in the mansion... any important paperwork, anything valuable...oh, the kitchen seemed like a great place to start! Smirking as she ignored the newly lit up gun, she began to search for the kitchen...not even caring about the three guards following not far behind her. She was aware of different cameras as she walked down the hall, looking absolutely fuming. Occasionally she would knock down a vase, break a fish tank...destroy some art work. Whatever her vindictive hands could get ahold of until she made her way to the kitchen.

It was, as expected, empty. There was no need for the chefs with the meal already having been cooked, nor with guns being pointed in every which direction. She opened the door to the kitchen and smirked- knives were hanging everywhere.

07-18-2014, 01:39 PM
Mihkul was distracted by the long legs snugly fit with the boots when he caught a flashing light in the corner of his eye. Finally, it was his turn. He lifted the revolver carefully from it's case. It felt perfectly natural in his hand. He had been trained in the Russian army on all types of weaponry and this piece was not unfamiliar to him. He looked around the room, carefully weighing his options.

Elizabeth, the angry young girl. Jacognos, the adventure seeker. Stormy, he'd just let her and Imperial continue the catfight. He loved good entertainment. Merry, he had a professional respect for her, besides being a sweet piece of eye candy. Crimson, the quiet type, and so young. Rogue, another he felt deserved some professional courtesy. Ellie, a loose cannon, but might prove to be very entertaining. Juni, he actually like her spirit. And then there was Tiel. He walked over to her and spoke softly.

"In Russia we have a phrase....Grekhi ottsa. Translated it means sins of the father. Your father was fortunate to be sent to prison and is now under federal protection for testifying against my employer, Mr. Ivankov. The sins of the father must be paid. Even your Bible says that the only payment for sin is blood." Mihkul raises the revolver and aims it poin-blank at Tiel's head. "This is not revenge for your empty shot at me. You r luck would have been great if only the gun had fired. This is strictly business."

Mihkul fires at Cockatiel

07-19-2014, 05:36 AM
It looked like things were regaining speed! The guns were being fired faster. It looked like the one bullet going of that would make this game far more real had yet to come. It needed to come soon for fear of a riot kicking off. Storm raised her gun.


Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

Another dead end. The groans and frustrations were growing on the other end. Drama one had to love it. There were all new cheers now, SQJ pulled up his remote and flicked through the chaos that was being created. It looked like Juni would be a potential problem but her personal escort had rather specific rules. They had to wait.

But still had to be careful, there was supposed to only one way the people in this game were supposed to leave this plane of existence.

With a bullet to the head.

Though there was little time for his focus to stay there. The next shooter was up! The Ivan had picked up his weapon and aimed it, this brought up a loud explosion of cheers. The true sadists were getting excited!


Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

07-19-2014, 06:16 AM
Rogue took two more shots of Jack and almost jumped with joy when her own gun lit up. Looking around through a bit hazy eyes now, she tried to choose her first target.

"Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Moe. Lets put on a fucking show.." She laughed out loud walking around. She pointed the gun at Jacogos, steadying it directly between the eyes. Then she pulled away.


She went along again just wandering along, trying hard not to skip. She next pointed the gun at Breaking point, again, right between the eyes. Keeping it steady for about ten seconds not saying a word, before she broke into laughter.


She kept on walking sauntering through the house when something outside caught her eye. On the beach was a pretty girl, looked like she was dressed for a party, or a man. She went out stomping her way through the sand and even walking through some of the water, splashing it on Crimson. She smiled, aimed the gun directly between her eyes yet again, waiting about ten seconds.


She pulls the trigger

Rogue fires at Crimson

07-20-2014, 12:50 AM
The metalhead was busy searching through the choices of games- spoiler alert: they mostly sucked- when he heard someone approach him from behind. Her words were perhaps the most interesting ones he had heard since the game had started and he barked a short laugh as he swiveled his head to greet the possibility of death with a grin.

He laughed again, louder, when he noticed the woman's gun wasn't lit up. Yet she still pulled the trigger. A mistake, that, but if she didn't realize it, then it was her own fault. Maybe she would now think she had used her first barrel. Jacogos teased the image of her waving the gun around in anger, demanding to know why her six shots had been fired to no avail whilst the bullet still rested in the final slot. His smile remained fixated on her as he tossed her a controller from the bin next to the game library.

"Pull up a chair, then, darling," he purred, his focus now back on the games.

After a moment of prolonged agony in which Jacogos chose a game, the two were competing in an old-school side-scroller beat-em-up, which he managed to find in the retro games section of the PS4's hard drive. They had only just started when someone else came into the room, whom the long-haired man saw out the corner of his eye. Pretty little thing. She started to speak, but Jacogos barely caught the words as his focus shifted back to the game. It was only when he felt the all-too-familiar touch of someone's lips on his cheek that he was pulled from the virtual reality and into this far more unforgiving one. A single shiver slipped down his spine as he turned his head to look at the girl, who now pointed a gun at him; unlike before, this one was lit.

Hm. Clever, he thought, just as the hammer fell. Click! Nothing. He hadn't realized that he was holding his breath, which made the release of said breath all the sweeter. His cool returning just as quickly, the metalhead smirked at her. "Better luck next time. You want in?"

Even as he said that, the other one decided she had had enough and got up to leave, only to become the target of someone else's gun. She returned fire, for real this time, and both were left with a hollow and death-less click.

He realized that he was smiling once more. This game was tense; not a single gun had fired its first bullet and no one was happy about it. Certainly whatever sick and twisted audience was watching this was also unhappy about this unlikely turn of events. How many guns had fired already? More than 6, so odds were that ANY of the next ones should fire on the first barrel. Soon... First Blood was so close he could taste it.

Jacogos was shaken from his thoughts once again when yet another woman approached him. Christ, I would start to attract women now that I'm doomed to die with a bullet to the head, he thought grimly as he listened to the newcomer. A drinking game? With the stakes this high? Jacogos had never been one for drinking, but when you were faced with the possibility of dying at any moment...

"You're on," he chuckled, pouring himself a shot of the alcohol. It wasn't long before more empty barrels were fired, leaving Jacogos and Rogue with two shots of Jack down their throats.

"Goddamn, I forgot how much this burns," he hissed after he swallowed the foul ichor, shaking his head quickly to shrug off the afterburn. He raised his eyebrow as his new drinking partner aimed her gun at him, only to swivel it away and play a game of lethal Duck, Duck, Goose. He chuckled in his throat, shifting his video game over to an indie game that was getting pretty popular before this mess. He could see the appeal.

07-20-2014, 06:16 PM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

SQJ threw his head back and laughed. Things were getting in tense, over and over the words formed in his head as gun after gun was raised. 'kill','kill','kill'. Perhaps the next one.

07-22-2014, 08:22 AM
Crimson had minded her own business in deep thought as to what to do now she was stuck here. Some seemed to be making the most of it, but she didn't plan on loosing herself thought she wasn't always the nicest person in world Crimson figured it was best to keep her tough exterior. It wasn't easy for her to make friends being a little more shy, so Crimson had a tendency to off by herself figuring more wouldn't bother her. She sat back down in the sand trying not to get her dress any more dirty than it already was while letting her feet rest at the water's edge being careful with her dress not wanting it to get wet and smell like the sea. Before she knew it she could feel footsteps getting closer to her due to the sand vibrating, but this person made a fatal mistake by not only pointing a gun at her but also getting her dress wet. "Ugh... You better hope your gun works...," Crimson said with a dark glare not even bothering to move from her spot waiting to see if the gun will go off or not. Once the gun clicked a small smirk crossed her face as she stood up pressing her gun on woman's forehead and without a second through, Crimson pulled the trigger.

Crimson fires at Rogue

07-22-2014, 02:34 PM
In the business Mihkul was in patience was a necessity. he had sat in his car for hours and hours waiting for the right moment to take out his target. When he heard the click as he fired at Cockatiel he had a moment of disappointment, mostly because he had shown his hand.A gambler never shows his hand until he is sure it is a winner and has conned everyone else into buying in. But this game was different than any game he had ever played. Second chances weren't a guarantee and it didn't matter if your intent was as clear as the crystal glass he sipped his vodka from, nobody could do anything or control anything. Skill played a zero part in this, with the exception of finding your enemies and hoping you could get them before they got you.

He counted eight clicks but still no shots fired. Maybe there were more, he couldn't remember. The vodka had mellowed his brain. It didn't really matter anyway. What mattered is what happened when it was his turn again. What mattered was if the gun pointed at him would splatter his brains against the elegant walls of the gameroom. He looked at Legs...she hadn't fired yet. And neither had the other man. Things were getting quite interesting.

07-22-2014, 08:26 PM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

07-22-2014, 09:12 PM
As the gun was pointed at her head, she got a wicked grin on her face. "See now this is fun!" When it clicked and no shot came she patted Crimson's back. "Better luck next time, duddette." She raced off to meet up with Jacogos. Stopping at the bar she ordered two shots for herself and one for Jacogos, running into the games room she sits directly on his lap, straddling him, blocking his view and holding out the shots. "Did ya miss me?" She had a twinkle in her eyes, this was the ultimate adrenaline rush for her, and it just doubled now that she had been shot at.

07-23-2014, 02:33 AM
Merry stood up and stretched, like a cat that had been laying in the sun for too long. Standing beside the table, she looked around the room, now almost empty. Her face still holding an amused grin. The same grin she had maintained as she watched the guns click off, one by one. All for nothing.

"Well, this is going to be one long ass game if no one ends up dying you bloody freaks" she laughed out loud. Reaching toward her gun on the long table, she stuck her finger in the trigger section of the gun, and spun it as if it were a top. Watching as it whipped around in a circle on the table, shiny and silver, around and around.

"Round and round it goes, where it stops no one knows" she laughed again, just watching the gun until it came to a stop. Grabbing it, she slipped it into her belt and headed to the bar.

07-23-2014, 08:29 PM
Imperial1917 put her head down. She was bored now. Her gun hadn't fired. Nobody's gun had fired. This was becoming a bother very fast. If she didn't get some action soon, she would take the pistol butt to the idiot who talked her into coming to this snoozefest. She could be dining somewhere nice right now if not for this farce.

She looked suspiciously at the gun in front of her. She wondered whether opening it up would provide her an answer. Perhaps there were no bullets in the thing at all! How very much she would beat that idiot if that were the case. Still, the night was young. She groped for her laptop. Maybe she would roleplay while she waited...

07-24-2014, 08:21 AM
Crimson rolled her eyes slightly irritated at the blandness of the day as well as her damp dress. In irritation, Crimson broke the glass in her hand only leaving the broken stem of the glass, a bloody hand cut up by the glass, as well as shards of glass that fell into the sand. She took the glass stem shoving it into one of the guard's neck only to walk away with a smile feeling mildly better, but she didn't make it very far with the other two guards trying to restrain her. "I don't like being touched," she growled at them struggling against them until she calmed down. "Okay, I'm calm... Just stop touching me already," she muttered with a sigh glad that at least someone finally killed over. Once they finally let her, Crimson took out the few glass shards stuck in her hand before walking inside heading for the nearest bathroom to try and clean her hand then wrapped in a towel for the time being until she could find out where a medical kit was but until then she'd just sit down on one of the couches in the main room minding her own business.

07-24-2014, 03:54 PM
Lost in his own little fantasy, Mihkul watched the tall, slender figure stand and then walk to the bar. Looks like Legs is thirsty, Mihkul mused to himself. Time had passed since the last attempt and Mihkul yawned. The vodka glass was empty and he thought of going to the bar himself for a refill.

There was a commotion outside that drew everyone's attention and in walked Party Girl. Blood covered he cut hands and her party dress. Mihkul walked to the door and saw one of the security guards laying in a crimson pool, the stem of a broken glass hanging from his lifeless neck. Mihkul had a tinge of nervousness come over him. Most people he could deal with. But psychos...not as easily. Yet, weren't they all a little psychotic by just being a part of this whole scene. And what about the psychos that paid money to watch it? They were even worse. Time for another drink. Mihkul walked over to the bar

07-25-2014, 01:21 AM
Merry heard him coming before she saw him. She typically heard just about everything when she “worked” It was part of the job she supposed. Just something to take for granted. It was a skill to be used at her discretion. Why would this place be any different? It was after all just another job. Albeit it was turning out to be a tad different than those of the past, but she had known that when she had accepted the invitation to join this little party.

She finished off the quick shot she had poured, relishing in the slow burn it caused as it glided down her throat, into her stomach. Tequila always did provide that same satisfaction and that delicious burning heat as it coursed through to her core. Grabbing the bottle once more, she poured another shot.

She figured by the footsteps, he had about ten more before he would be within reach, time enough for her to finish this shot too, before making the next one. She lifted the glass to her moist lips, rolling the glass slightly against them savoring the cool glass against her skin. Tipping the beverage, she swallowed it and placed the glass gently back on the bar. Her eyes were closed, her head still tipped back, she continued for just another moment to relish the tart sting of alcohol on her tongue.

In one fluid motion, she pulled the gun from her belt. Feeling the distinct click as her finger found the release and opened it. Her finger automatically on the trigger. She pulled her arm to the side and aimed, as her head snapped to the side, her eyes now wide open. The smallest of smirks graced her lips, he was either one hundred percent dead, or one hundred percent alive. Pretty good odds, she thought.

“I don’t like people who stare” she whispered and fired directly between his eyes.

Merry fired at Mihkul

Breaking Point
07-25-2014, 02:36 AM
Jacogos 'invited' her to sit with him, but how was she to respond? Not warmly- like she desired. Ellie's eyes gazed over Jacagos with a small pang of pity. "I decline that," she told him. There was no decision to be made. "Two is company. Three is a crowd. If you want to talk later, I'll be around." She paused. "Maybe." Ellie might not be here for long. He might not be there long either.

She dips her head, curtsying and strides off to leave the two to play video games. The girl playing video games with him left soon after that, but Ellie was not aware of this- she was too busy peeking out the window and watching the first death. "Well, I guess I should keep out of the way of her," she muttered to herself, "Someone needs to be in a psych ward." Ellie wasn't keen on keeping her thoughts to herself; she didn't know how to keep them to herself. She pulled the blinds closed and continued strolling around the house.

Were was there to go? Not too many places. What was there to do? Not much other than shoot at each other. This was going quite slow. The only way to kill anyone it seemed was to start stabbing and breaking the rules. Ellie wasn't afraid of breaking these rules. These rules were sick. Ellie only didn't want to reveal her identity, but if things were to keep going the way they were, Ellie was to start something. Ellie would say something, anything, just to make things interesting.

But it wasn't boring just because no one was dying. Ellie found herself in the middle of the place, grumbling to herself. "SQJ... You should have at least made sure there were enough hot guys to talk to." She glanced around sighing. It was likely no one was listening, but that wasn't a bad thing. "With so many girls, I would assume that you wish me to change my tastes."

There weren't enough guys; that was for sure. There wasn't a point in making friends in this game, not when the result for at least one person was death. However, talking to guys, that was at least something to pass time. With the few guys, what was she supposed to do scream something ridiculous like 'Anyone wanna' take my virginity before I die a virgin?' just to get some attention? That wasn't the kind of action she wanted to get, but things were getting boring. Who knew what would spew from Ellie's mouth next?

07-25-2014, 03:52 AM
Only a short time had passed before Jacogos found his vision obscured by a pair of breasts. Covered, mind you. The girl who had invited him to the drinking game now straddled his lap, offering up yet another shot as apparently more shit had gone down as he ignored the majority of the 'game' by losing himself in virtual reality. Pausing the game absentmindedly, the metalhead brought his gaze up to the woman's face, contemplating her for a moment before accepting the shot with a smirk. Well... she is pretty after all.

Downing the burning liquid, Jacogos leaned back into the couch and took in his situation. Alcohol was now flowing through his system, a feeling he had experienced only a scant number of times before. If the game kept up this way for long, his judgement was going to become impaired significantly; he was a lightweight, mostly from lack of experience. He didn't like going back on a bet, but perhaps taking the girl's mind off of it might keep him from dying unconscious or worse, drunk.

"You got a name, cutie?" he asked her, moving his free hand to rest his fingertips on her thigh. "You can call me... Jacogos." No use using real names here. Only one was going to survive anyway.

07-25-2014, 03:57 AM
The kitchen was a wreck. The stainless steel appliances had scratches all over them, dents, and in some places small holes. The contents of the refrigerator had been dumped, no thrown, all over the place. She'd had her bit of fun throwing hard fruits at the guards, smirking as they stood there glaring at her. Their patience was overwhelming. She had picked up knives, destroying everything she possibly could with each one she could get in touch with. At one point she'd taken a rather sharp chef's knife and had placed it against her bracelet, attempting to cut it off, but disappointingly enough it only seemed to grow smaller, tighter around her wrist until finally she gave up on the effort.

At that point she wondered just what was stopping her from taking as many knives out of the kitchen as she could- three guards? Sure, she might be able to kill one of them by surprise....might. The others, however...would be more difficult and would more likely than not beat her until she dropped them. She decided the struggle wasn't worth it, she wanted the energy when a gun was pointed at her.

Leaving the kitchen, she was surprised to see that so many guns had been fired off already- it seemed as though she had walked straight into a gun being pointed...some woman at the bar was apparently pissed off with one of the male participants. "Hmm...wonder what I missed," she said, looking around for the woman she had shot at earlier. Did she really want to be anywhere near her? No, she didn't believe so, but somehow she doubted that it would make a difference where she was...her luck would have been better had her gun fired that time.

She decided that after the trigger was pulled she would join others at the bar- there was no telling what kind of chaos she would cause with a little alcohol in her system. Not enough to dilute her awareness, more of...enough to make her that much more chaotic, destructive, and uncaring. The stress was starting to get to her, she was feeling absolutely restless...and she wanted to do as much damage as possible between now and the time someone fired a shot at her and the gun actually went off.

07-25-2014, 04:26 PM
People tell all kinds of tales about what goes through their minds when faced with death. Some say they actually saw their life pass before them. Others say they thought of all the things they wished they had done but didn't. From his experience, Mihkul knew none of this to be true. Most of the time all he saw was people pissing themselves in fear. For them it would have been better for death to take them suddenly. But that was not his style at all. He liked the look of fear in their eyes.

When Legs pointed the gun at Mihkul's head, he stared straight into her eyes, smiling. He admired her style. Different from his, yet still admirable. He would have been slower, more methodical. He would want to see his targets piss themselves. So much for professional courtesy, he mused. But nothing surprised him in this business. "Vashe zdorovie!"

07-26-2014, 06:34 AM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

Chaos, frustration, denial, fear. They were natural highlights of the whole event. By now he was more of a millionaire than he was just yesterday. Side bets kept rolling in. The round was nearly up. Who'd hate the most severe physicl reaction. Who'd had the most guns pointed at then, who had the first bullet with their name n it, there was even one on who was going to clean the mess in the kitchen.

The final shooter had his turn up.

07-26-2014, 08:07 PM
Jacogos tensed as a light suddenly emanated from his weapon, the gun that was sitting next to him on the couch. He had pulled the thing from his pants earlier as it was uncomfortable to sit with and had promptly forgotten about it. The reminder was far from welcome now that it had made itself known again.

Wordlessly, knowing that the girl was watching his every move, no doubt, Jacogos picked up the gun and flicked the safety off. Then he paused. Footsteps. Someone was coming down the hallway. They would be passing by the door soon...

Hah, God has shown me a little mercy today... he thought with a smirk, aiming the revolver at the doorway. No sooner than he saw movement than did Jacogos pulled the trigger. The hammer fell. Perhaps a body would, too.

Jacogos fired at JuniBelle

07-27-2014, 03:43 AM
Rogue smiled tightening her legs around Jacogos, biting her lip. "I go by Rogue... But you, lovey, can call me whatever you want." She grinned as she downed her shots as well. She wanted to have some fun in this place before she probably died. But just as she was about to figure out just how much fun this man could be. His gun lit up. She leaned in close and bit gently on his ear whispering "Looks like you're it!" She smiled her crazy smile waiting to see if he needed her to move, but his target was apparently nearby.

07-28-2014, 11:54 AM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

The round ended with no dead bodies. Every one had fired their guns, every one had had their turn, their chance.
But it was no where near over.

Now they'd all managed to survive the first few hours of the game, would they survive the next. Would any of them be question if this was a ll real? If it was all some perverted science experiment they'd signed on for while signing their Itunes agreement.

Perhaps someone was thinking, maybe things were going to be okay. It would all be wrapped up cleanly.

To bad it was about to get very real, very quickly.

07-28-2014, 09:19 PM
Things were happening faster than she could process. The gun had clicked, but again no sound resonated throughout the mansion as the gun failed to fire. Then, without any warning, just as she was making her way over to the bar she heard a click from behind the game room door. She stopped in her tracks, expecting to find herself on the floor dead any moment. Part of her even wondered if she was dead, if she was hallucinating everything. Then she saw the bar, moved one foot forward and dismissed those terrifying thoughts. She could hear laughter in the peanut gallery and her eyes narrowed.

She needed a drink. If she was going to participate in this horrible 'game' as they called it...she wanted to be as relaxed as she could while still being as aware as she could. With that mindset, she made her way over to the bar and grabbed the first thing she saw: a bottle of whiskey; and poured herself a glass of it. Yes, she was aware that whiskey was more for shots...but she didn't care.

She took the glass with her back to the game room, prepared to beat somebody in the head in a video game, but her eyes opened when she saw another woman atop the man whom had fired at her. Well, she could only assume that it was him as the girl had already fired. "Oh. Much better than video games," she said, taking a swig of whiskey and closing the door. "Mind if I join in?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and looking curious. She'd never done this sort of thing, but then...she wasn't much into killing or drinking either.

07-28-2014, 09:53 PM
"The more the merrier, love, but Jac here owes me another shot first." She smiled getting up, leaving the two of them for just a couple minutes before coming back with the tequila, salt shakers, and a few limes they had at the bar already sliced. She walked right back in taking her spot straddling Jac. "We have a drinking game going on, if a gun clicks you take one shot, if it clicks when its aimed at you, you take two." She explained speaking very quickly. "Surely we can make up more rules as we go along, if we're still here to do so." She laughed almost crazily, looking up at Junibelle. "That means you have two shots to take." She licked her hand wiped it on her neck sprinkling the salt on there, tilting her neck. "Salt." She pointed at her neck to show Juni where to get the salt. "Shot." She handed Juni the whole bottle of tequila. "Lime." She winked and put the lime inside her own mouth for Juni to come and get, waiting to see if she would actually do it. A twinkle in her eye.

07-29-2014, 12:38 AM
Merry shrugged in reply, "no hard feelings then?" she replied, placing the gun back into her belt, slightly dismayed that it hadn't fired, but not really surprised. The suspense was what this whole event was about anyway, so she hadn't really expected the gun to fire, yet.

"You know I had to try" she smirked at Mihkul.

She poured herself another shot. Grabbed another glass for her new friend, and poured him one as well, sliding it across the bar. Not waiting to see if he would take the glass or not, she raised hers in toast, "za vashe zdorovie" and poured the liquid down her throat sliding the empty glass away. She was done, for now. Plenty of time for drinking, after she had won this little contest.

She barely took notice, when first one contestant, and then another contestant swung through the bar, stealing some of the numerous bottles that were lined up. Guess the bar was going to be a popular place, for now anyway. Good thing to note.

"So" she drawled "I'm Merry. What brings you to this corner of the world..... friend?" she asked turning her gaze back to Mihkul.

07-29-2014, 02:33 PM
A relief swept through Mihkul's body when the gun didn't fire. It was not from his personal desire to live but from that human instinct, the deep-rooted will to survive. He looked at Merry and smiled. "I've learned to take nothing personal, my dear." He gulped the vodka down as if it were water. "I am actually honored that you chose me as your first target. To die at the hands of someone as beautiful as you would be like an angel taking me to heaven." He poured another shot in each glass and tipped it toward her. "To our profession. May it always be looked at as honorable and impersonal." He threw the shot down his throat, feeling the warm sensation fill his stomach and spread throughout his body.

He laid his hand across Merry's and smiled. "We seem to be the only people here with any sense of purpose. The others seem to be lost in their fantasies. They have no idea what death might be. You and I are so different. We live to see death. It is our purpose. In a sense, we are angels that bring an end to their futile lives." He took his hand from hers. If my calculations are correct, the odds of a gun firing has gone from 17 percent-1 in 6, to 20 percent- 1 in 5. It would bring me such joy to face you in the finals...a tribute to our work. He smiled at her again and waited for the next round to begin.

Breaking Point
07-29-2014, 04:30 PM
What was Ellie to do? Things were boring. What is up with this slow-paced crap? Nothing had happened. There was no way to escape the game than to survive, so Ellie must, but she was still pissy about the entire situation. She walked down the hall, tensing outside of a door with particular noises.

"Of course- Everyone else is having sex," Ellie grunted, wishing to slam her fist through the door. It was mostly annoyance that she hadn't been invited. She would have totally turned down the offer, but the offer didn't exist in the first place, and that disappointed her. At least they got a room, so she couldn't complain too much. This was also a good way to keep her thoughts from being something other than the sheer panic that her secrets would get out.

She jerked away from the door, striding around the place. There was not a person that would be much as right to talk to. Ellie had made some accurate calculations about the people in this place, but she still failed to make any sort of allies- or even find anyone she was willing to talk to. Those two were at the bar. She eyed them cautiously. She new better than to get involved with those people. They were the type, but then they weren't any better than her. That was the problem- people should know better than to be involved with her.

Tipping her head back to the ground, she strides out of the bar, letting out a relieved sigh. Why did it make her so anxious to look at them? It was a simple answer. They might realize who she was, recognize her place in society. Ellie's claim as an orphan was true, because she was, but she wasn't innocent, not in the least. But those two would never recognize her, no one would. Few knew her whereabouts. Only the inner circle knew of the truth. Other than that, there would be no way they could find out- but then how did the game maker find her out?!

That was the question.

07-30-2014, 12:17 AM
Seeing as things were starting to get steamy in the game room, Stormy shook her head and excused herself. Returning the the bar, she eyed the others and nodded lightly before pouring herself another drink. "I almost feel like taking bets myself as to who's gun will fire first..." Said to no one in particular, just stated. She had volunteered for this. She was getting restless, things needed to get going and get going soon before her resolve started to crumble.

08-02-2014, 02:52 AM
Jacogos actually stared a moment, wondering if the woman had even noticed him aim the gun at her. The disappointing sound of the click was audible enough and she even paused as if she had heard, but there was only that split second of hesitation before she was back on her way again. Scoffing quietly to himself, the metalhead dropped the gun back onto the couch and returned his attention to the girl on his lap.

"Your name is quite appropriate if I do say so myself," he replied, replacing his hands on her legs with little hesitation this time. He opened his mouth to continue speaking but was interrupted by the arrival of someone else.

"Mind if I join in?" Jacogos turned to find the receiver of his empty chamber standing in the doorway, glass of alcohol in her hand and looking interested. Jacogos was stunned to say the least. Did she truly not notice? Or... He felt his eyes narrow slightly. This is a dangerous game indeed... At least, while I'm still sober it is. He could already feel the alcohol clouding his judgement; the foremost cue was the fact that he wasn't at all about to object to this addition to the fun.

"I won't object," Jacogos echoed after Rogue, who promptly got up for more liquor. He stayed quiet while the other was gone, however, looking his former 'victim' over quite obviously. He was glad when Rogue's body returned to its now-familiar position on his lap. Following this, Jacogos was grandly surprised when his drink-buddy began to tempt the newcomer over with a bit of... blatant teasing.

"My my... now how should one feel about that," he mused aloud, moving forward and taking no time placing his tongue to Rogue's neck, less for the salt and more for the reaction. Pulling back after a brief moment, Jacogos took his shot and swallowed with gusto. Things were getting interesting... Perhaps death would be a sour end to things after all.

08-02-2014, 05:36 AM
Juni smiled when the two accepted her into the "party." It would give her something to do to take her mind off of things, and at this point...she didn't care that there were cameras all over the game room. There had been cameras in the bathroom, so what was the difference? She smirked when the woman went to get more alcohol and finished off the rest of her whiskey, throwing her glass at the large screen television and breaking it instantly.

She just gave a wicked grin to her new companion, shrugging. "I figure if I have to suffer, why not make them pay for as much as I possibly can?" She asked, still grinning. She smiled when the woman came back in, taking her position on the male's lap. She watched with interest as the woman explained the drinking game.

"Sure. Fair warning, I'm a bit of a light weight. Not that it matters, does it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as she watched the woman put salt on her neck, hand her a bottle of tequilla, and put a lime in her mouth. Juniper chuckled and took two shots of tequilla from the bottle as directed, making her way over to the chair and sticking one leg through, squeezed into the middle of the two and sat on his lap as well.

"Hmm. Lime," she teased, grinning as she retrieved the lime from the woman's mouth, her lips lingering as she enjoyed the flavor of it.


And fade to black in the game room until/if someone else joins XD. Or until it's my turn to shoot, whatever happens first.

08-05-2014, 02:36 PM
Mihkul watched the spectacle and shook his head. These young girls acted like porn stars in front of these cameras. He looked back at Merry. She was much more refined. Her beauty surpassed any woman in this room but it was a deep-rooted beauty and not just superficial. She had the persona of royalty without the arrogance.

It seemed the game, as it was called, was taking longer than expected. He felt the itch return to his trigger finger and glanced around the room in search of Tiel. Nowhere to be seen, at the moment. He knew she had not gone to hide. She knew what fate had brought for her. At the moment it was between the two of them. Whose gun would fire first? If it was hers it would be the first failed mission for Mihkul. Yet, he had satisfaction in knowing that he died an honorable death. And he also knew that if he didn't end her life, it was only a matter of time before someone else did. The game had just begun and the intensity was nothing in comparison to what it would be later, when the bullets began to fly like a swarm of hornets.

Mihkul poured another shot and downed it quickly. If he survived, perhaps it was time to retire.

Breaking Point
08-06-2014, 05:48 PM
Ellie had toured the mansion repeatedly and she was already bored of it. She now knew all the perfect hiding places, escapes, and even the most comfortable places to sit and sleep- but then who would want to be sleeping? It was a waste for them to put such lavish beds and chairs in this place. Even the outside of the mansion was a spectacle. Gorgeous rosebushes, coronations, and other flowers decorated the outdoors. The sandy beach just added to the beauty. "The sunset would look lovely here," Ellie murmured to herself. She had been keeping to herself.

Finally returning indoors, she took a wine glass and filled it with punch. It made her feel fancy. So while the one group were having a threesome, she enjoyed the fine dining offered here. She always had the opportunities for fine dining, but she had chosen not too. She didn't want to be treated better than anyone because no matter how fine things felt to her, she still had blood on her hands. The blood pumping through her veins proved to be a cruel way of life for her. She let it degrade her, and in that way, Ellie was weak. She never allowed herself fine dining, but now under the possibility of certain death, she should enjoy it, at least once.

After finishing the meal, she stood up. What could she do now? A soft waltz sounded, fading into the background, but it was still there, faintly. She could make friends- should, but more than anything, she wanted to find out a little information. Ellie walked up to Mikhul, leaning her elbow against the bar. He was far too interested in Merry, that was for sure. That was an exciting pair to watch, but Ellie wanted to see what they knew- or delve behind what little they would give up. "Would you like to dance?" Ellie offered, sticking out her hand. Mikhul appeared slightly less intimidating than Merry.

08-06-2014, 07:00 PM
He watched as the young girl approached the bar. She was cute, he thought. Not quite as refined as this other girl, but still a looker. When he asked her to dance, he looked at Merry. "Please excuse me. It's a shame to waste such good music." He took Ellie's hand and led her to the center of the dance floor. He loved to waltz and often spent time in the old country doing just that. Although he looked to be clumsy, he was quite light on his feet and they literally glided across the parquet floor. He smiled at Ellie as they dipped and swirled to the music. It reminded him of a time long ago, a happier time when he was young and the ladies were ladies.

As the band concluded, he took Ellie by the hand and led her to the bar. The other woman had left, perhaps to the powder room, he thought. He would just have to entertain himself with this one, he thought. "Would you care for another glass of wine?" he smiled and motioned for the bartender.

08-07-2014, 05:31 AM
Crimson rose from her seat becoming bored with the other participants in there little game. Perhaps it would be a lovely time to rest since everyone seemed so focused on other activities she'd rather not have a part of knowing that they have to kill each other after all, so there was no real point in becoming attached to anyone in her mind. She sighed softly a little sad that she missed out on what could of been a lovely evening, but she figured she'd make the most of her time since this just might be the last time she'll be alive unless the odds were in her favor. Crimson grabbed her things along with a bottle of wine and a new glass before looking for the host. When she finally found him she leaned in the doorway after knocking softly on the door so he knew she was there and hopefully she wasn't up to anything at the moment then said, "Hey, I have a few quick question. Can we just grab any room we choose? Are there any clean clothes we can use? I would like very much to change. And do you have a medical kit I could? I had a little...accident, It seems my temper still gets the best of me at times..."

08-09-2014, 02:52 AM
Merry watched the couple dance, distractedly. They moved well together, and it almost seemed like a normal everyday house party for a minute or two. It was anything but, and she knew it. Question was, did the rest of them? she wondered. Sipping the last shot, she knew that was it for her, for now. She knew her limits, and the last thing she intended on doing was getting drunk now. Plenty of time for the rest of that bottle, later. Aft this game was done and over. She was going to keep her wits about her, and just wait. Wait for that next chance when the gun lit back up. When it did, she would be ready.

With a barely discernible sigh, she left the now empty glass on the bar, and moved out of the room. Ignoring the sounds of the three-some going on, she headed toward the kitchen. Perhaps there was something edible in the kitchen. Besides, sex? Now? too easy to lose your focus with that type of activity. That was yet another thing that would be on the waiting list for the time being. Once she took on a job, there was but a single minded agenda. Kill or be killed. This was like any other job, and she would see it through. Question was, who was the next target?

Spying a basket of very green, very large green apples in the now destroyed kitchen, she grabbed one and took a hefty bite. The tart apple almost seemed to bite her back. It was juicy and sweet and sour all in one bite. The liquid filled her mouth, and she had to wipe the excess off her lip. It was the perfect thing to clear her palate after the tequila. Smiling, she took another bite enjoying every minute of it.

08-10-2014, 04:56 AM
Imperial1917 looked over the top of her laptop and sighed. In truth, she didn't need the extra step to gain the information that she already knew. No screams were heard. No bangs. Just hammers clicking like nails on a chalkboard. What a bore.

Her activities on the laptop were much more fruitful. A couple of playlists, some funny cat videos, and a number of questionable websites. Much more interesting than this borefest. Looking over to the bar, she saw that a number of the other guests had opted to get themselves piss drunk. Not for her, she thought. No, the drink looked poor and the company poorer. Seductresses and sharks. No respect anymore; no more respectable people.

Reaching out to the side of her laptop, but her eyes still on the screen, she flicked her wrist. A waiter, clearly new to all this false sexual innuendo, came over hurriedly. He would have been a handsome young man, with his black hair and deep brown eyes, if he had not looked to have soiled himself already. His face, pleasantly curved with a shapely nose and just the right amount of facial hair - that being none not on his head - was beaded with sweat. He clutched an empty tray close to his chest as one might a shield for all the good it would do him if lead started flying. Still, he was cute in a boyish way, she supposed. He reached her and stopped at her table, his eyes darting to anything but hers, but for a moment. In them, she saw his true impression of her. It flattered her and a smile formed on her lips. She didn't know that SQJ kept such delicious company. He began to speak, but she simply folded her legs, one on the other, and interrupted him.

"Amasec. Two."

He nodded and scurried away. She locked and shut her laptop and awaited his return.

08-16-2014, 02:45 PM
Time had passed much quicker than Juniper had thought. Things had heated up far more than she had ever anticipated in the game room, and she had to admit...she was enjoying herself more than she thought she would. The activities the threesome participated in helped clear her mind, keeping her attention off the sick game around them.

That was, of course, until her own gun lit up. She looked at her partners, not wanting to miss out on anymore fun. She stood up, grabbing her gun and winked. "Don't have fun without me," she said, chuckling a little as she cracked the door open. Sure, there were cameras all over the game room, but she didn't exactly want to go walking around in her current state.

So she aimed her gun at the closest person she could, a couple dancing in the main room.

Juniper shot her gun at Mihkul, for he looked far more intimidating than the girl. Still, this would mean another three shots for her as they had since changed the rules. Each time one of them fired, they had to take three shots. She would surely enjoy herself that evening, even if there was a possibility of her not surviving it.

08-18-2014, 04:32 AM
Rogue was having the time of her life, which was good considering it would probably end soon. This wasn't what she had expected, but it was a special surprise and so much fun! She watched as her companion left opening the door. Pouting that their fun had been halted. She watched as she aimed, her heart racing getting excited for her new found friend but...


Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

Breaking Point
08-18-2014, 10:54 AM
Ellie couldn't help but narrow her eyes. Yeah, she had asked him for a dance, but leading her around like a dog? She wouldn't have it, slipping her hand from out his grasp and leaning up against the counter. "A virgin Mary," Ellie ordered, glancing over at Mikhul, "I'm not that stupid." She was not going to get her mind soggy and slow, nor was she going to be wrapped around his finger.

"Oh, and I'm not a whore," she muttered, eyes flickering across him. Who knows, he could have not been even thinking of it, but she wasn't going to dare get drunk. She wasn't going to portray herself in that light. "But my question...." What was her question? He obviously didn't recognize her- he didn't work with her people. She was now perfectly free to go. "Which is thicker? Blood or water?"

Personally she hated the question. Ellie picked her gun up, eyes glinting sharp. This was the question that had been used to oppress her,and she was sick of it. She hated that your blood represented your integrity. She never made the decisions: it was all still being controlled by her dead parents. She wasn't the head of anything. That was fact. Ellie smiled softly, pressing her gun to Mikhul's head. "The answer is supposed to be blood...." But something snapped into place and Ellie realized the truth. She pressed the trigger. Jerking away and dropping the gun to the floor, Ellie couldn't contain herself. Her stature and personality lost it's big flare.

"I guess it's by blood I was sent here," Ellie exclaimed, "But it's by blood that they will die." She didn't mean to say it aloud, but she had. Her eyes glossed over partly. She couldn't keep up the strong act. She was breaking apart, and she wasn't allowed to show it. Sipping on the virgin mary, Ellie slammed the glass to the ground, sending the shards and liquids scattered across the floor. Ellie didn't find it funny.

Her eyes closed and she knelt down, shattered glass digging into her knees. She began screaming obscenities, curled up into a small ball, her tiny stature revealed. She wasn't meant to strong, she wasn't raised to be strong, but she was led to believe that she was. Ellie would prove their intuitions wrong: this she knew. Jerking to her feet, she flew over the countertop of the bar, grabbing the bartender by the neck, and striking with previously invisible strength. She was pulled off the bartender, dragged away. "If I don't live, kill them," Ellie begged Mikhul, staring into his eyes with a powerful ache to them.

For some reason Ellie put her faith into Mikhul. She had returned to herself after her short meltdown, but she had not even noticed whether or not the gun went off. Had she just killed the only person in this game that could avenge her death?

08-20-2014, 03:36 AM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

08-20-2014, 05:48 PM
Mihkul felt the cold steel barrel against his forehead. The humanity in him felt a panic fill his soul, but he regained his composure. He never wanted anyone to see him afraid of death. He heard the empty click of metal against metal and then the momentary silence as the gun didn't fire. He looked into the girl's eyes, desperate and hopeless. He felt so much pity for her and wished he could just pick her up and hold her. But the bartender carried her away. And the pleading and begging he heard from her caught him off guard. She trusted him to finish what she could not. Of course, it was still in fate's hands. He was surprised when the other girl pointed at him and pulled the trigger. He had no interaction with her until now yet he supposed he was a threat to her, to all of them.

He knew what he must do first. He had a job to do. The rest would be pleasure to him. No one, yet everyone, was a threat to him. He was accustomed to threats and had managed to survive by eliminating his threats. This was how he played the game, thoughtfully and methodically. It was his key to success and his survival.

08-22-2014, 03:39 AM
The pretty boy returned. He had the amasec. Two of them. Imperial1917 smiled at him. He returned the gesture with a nervous smile of his own. He set them both down in front of her, causing her to smile even wider. He didn’t move. He knew what was coming, even as he opened his mouth, likely to ask if she wanted anything else. Well, she did. She gently pushed the extra amasec across the table to the opposite side of her and followed it up with a kick that pushed out the seat. He sat down without being asked and quickly too. He knew what was up.

At that moment, her gun lit up. She kept her eyes locked to his, still smiling. Picking up the gun with her right hand, she held it loosely and picked up her amasec with her left hand. Swirling it lightly, she inhaled deeply of its contents. She looked over at him, her eyes just above the rim of the glass. Then she set the glass down. He watched her, his eyes full of fear. She leaned over to him and whispered, “Tell me, do you know what power is?”

Before he could answer, she thrust out the gun and fired at StormyNyte.

08-25-2014, 08:47 PM
SQJ scratched his head, admiring exactly how far spread the group was, he'd seen footage of previous Russian Roulette battles. There'd most certainly been nudity before. Desperate people fighting and ripping at what ever they could get their hands of, the few who'd snapped and started playing with corpses but some how this one group had taken it completely differently.

As he ran the images of his own nightmare and past nightmares he could not help but think of those clips where they record a city over years and play it's progression in fast forward. He could see the past present and future in them. And every single one he laid on as though an excited author laying out the chapters of a book.
He blinked from his own reverie when he realised there was a knock on the door leading outside to the roof, his minature domain.

He opened and had to look down to see the one in front of her. "Ah, Crimson is it? I'm so glad you could grace me with your presence. I just hope I can survive the encounter." He considered leaving it there. She was obviously looking for more than something as simple that stupid fucking question. What the fuck did she think he was, a butler?
He could have left it there but after all he'd seen he was feeling... indulgent. "No sharp objects in your hands right?" He said laughing.

"Well it looks like no one is dying yet, so let me show you around-"

He put an arm on her shoulder but stopped almost immediately when a buzzing on his phone drew his attention. "Whoops, it looks like there's a good time to be had." He winked and took off for the main computer hub. Someone's gun had gone hot. It was the first but it was not the last, but most importantly it was the first! Things were kicking off. someone was going to die.

He looked up at the main screens right at the moment the hot gun was raised. It was being held by Imperial, it was aimed at Storm, her finger was securely on the trigger.

The crowd cheered with quite a few, like him completely frozen in the moment. This was the first oppotunity. The kid could logically chicken the fuck out at any moment, pull the gun on themselves, pull the gun on her temporary friend, add a whole new dimension to 'temporary friend by blowing a hole into them.
There was a split second of recognition from storm, blinding shock and the trigger was pulled. Time slowing for bullets never happened, but blood splatter, that was real. The bullet stuck her to perfectly between the eyes. It drilled into the skull and pink flesh, white chunks and black flecks spread out in a red burst before Storm's head was flung back and her body dropped as though someone had just pulled a chair from under her until gravity spread her out in the middle of the open floor.

What eve stresses, fears and worries had just been cleared from her mind, quite literally. At first there was the ever loved moment of incomprehension where the human body struggled to accept that someone had just died before the cheers filled the air from across the world into their tiny room. Tens of millions had just passed hands in that one blood cached moment.

Now everything was real. People were actually dying now and above all the question hung.

What the fuck now?

08-25-2014, 08:56 PM
A gun had just shot! She jumped up with glee, the game had begun!! FUCKING FINALLY! She did a drunken dance around the room, picking up her clothes as she went. Twirling around and around, finally she was dressed, she leaned down and kissed Jacogos passionately and grabbed his hand. "I'm gonna go see! Wanna come?"

She skipped out of the room to where it had taken place. Stopped in her tracks when she actually came up to the bloody mess, her face turning a pale white as the blood drained from it, seeing the image before her. Then...

She fainted, hitting the floor hard, her body limp on the floor.

08-25-2014, 11:36 PM
A gunshot was what finally stirred Jacogos from the haze that had come over his mind. Suddenly, there was clarity. Had he blacked out? He paused, watching Rogue's nude form twirl and dress itself excitedly, as if murder was something everyone could get pumped up for. Once she was dressed, his mind resumed its train of thought. No... No, he hadn't blacked out. He remembered every savory moment with the duo of ladies. Heh, might as well live before you die.

Standing, Jacogos slipped his boxers and pants back on and deigned it fitting to leave his shirt for now. Besides, Rogue had already exited the room; he was only a few seconds behind her, but it was enough that he was not prepared to catch her when she fainted. She hit the ground in front of him, and he got a view of the cadaver.

Jacogos stared for a moment, bile rising in his stomach before he mastered himself. He had seen death before, this should be nothing new. Perhaps it was the knowledge that this was all cold-blooded killing that irritated his lunch more so than usual. Perhaps it was that he had played video games with this girl not an hour or so ago. He grimaced, moving over to the woman's body. The entry was cleaner than the exit... As usual. Her face was only marred by that one hole that didn't belong. Jacogos gently closed her eyes for her, muttering something under his breath.

That done, he left the corpse where it was. Whatever the host decided to do with it, it wasn't up to him to help any more than give her some sort of dignity. Turning back, Jacogos moved over to Rogue's comparably living form and picked up her up gently and slowly, taking her back to where they had previously been... enjoying each other. Of course, that sort of fun was far from his mind now. He laid her out on the couch and made sure she was on her side, should her body decide that it had had enough alcohol. Double checking that he had the gun with him and that hers was near her, Jacogos exited the room once more and looked for the other one, Juniper.

"So, first blood has been drawn," he murmured as he drew up next to her, still shirtless and not bothered by it. "Now we get to see how the others react. And how quickly it spirals from there."

08-26-2014, 03:44 AM
Juniper, too, had gone to see after she heard the gunshot. She took a considerably longer time getting ready, making sure to find every last article of clothing. Yes, they had been watched while having intercourse...but that didn't mean she wanted to streak the building. Not only that, she also didn't want to be the first few there. When she did get there, she saw Rogue on the floor- passed out, probably from fright, and most certainly from the alcohol. She was a lightweight herself, it was amazing that she hadn't drunk herself stupid.

Still, when Jacogos came back down the hall with Rogue in tote, she couldn't help but smile a little- the act in itself was caring, instead of leaving her on the floor for anything to happen to her, he took the time to bring her back to the game room and set her (in the proper position nonetheless) on the couch where they had previously been having "fun." He returned to her in the hallway, his shirt still off. She nodded her head at his words, fear evident in her expressions. "I suppose there'll be no more fun for the night, though I do hope that we can stick together through the end...it would be nice to see a friendly face for the rest of the evening," she said, smiling a little at him.

Shame, she knew not to get attached. It would be either her or him that died that evening, if not both. Still, if it was her...would it be such a bad thing to grow attached to him? She smiled at the thought and shook her head a little. "I think...that may have been too much alcohol," she said, giggling a little now and smiling more. "So now the question begs- do you want to stay out and watch it all unfold, or find a room with a television to watch it all unfold?" she asked, facing him and looking at him curiously.

08-26-2014, 01:46 PM
Mihkul heard the gunshot and, without even flinching, finished his vodka. A smile crossed his face as he thought, The real game had finally begun. He had been aware of the two women sitting at the end of the bar and of Imperial flirting with the young waiter. He had watched as her gun lit up and she lifted it to the temple of StormyNyte. He watched the flash of the cold steel as the bullet fired down the barrel. He watched as the blood spattered like a child in a mud puddle, covering Imperial and the waiter. He watched as StormyNyte's gray matter stuck to the wall behind her amidst blood, painting a gruesome picture of death- a picture he had seen countless times.

He waved to the bartender for another drink, one to celebrate the beginning of the end for all but one. He looked down as his gun lit up. In his mind, he quickly calculated the odds of two guns firing consecutively. Very slim, he thought, but still a chance. He slid away from the bar and walked to the table where Tiel was still sitting, alone. She knew what would happen next. She knew she would have to pay for her father's sins. Mihkul looked at her. "Strictly business, my dear." He pointed the gun at her forehead and felt the resistance of the steel against his trigger finger.

Mihkul fires at Cockatiel

Breaking Point
08-27-2014, 12:52 AM
Ellie had quickly gotten herself together- just in time for the resonance of the first shot fired. She only held her breath for a moment, before moving on, checking herself out once more in the mirror. Her eyes were mostly de-puffed, and she no longer had a ruffled appearance. She had to get back to the purpose of her last failed 'mission.' She understood entirely that the liklihood of revenge was improbable, but Ellie was a fighter. She always would be.

She appeared back into the hallway, striding with her fierce steps, hands in pockets as she bursts forward, cutting through the air. Her footsteps ring through the empty silence. It wasn't perfectly silent- just silent enough. The corpse lied there. Eyes glancing over it, Ellie simply stepped over the body, careful not to step in the blood. "Someone get this body out of her- I don't like having corpses in my presence," she yelled, not to anyone in particular, just the people that ran things around here.

And there was the man of the hour, the man she wanted to speak to. Mikhul.
"Speaking of business, what do you say of doing business with me?" Ellie asked. She seemed much more juvenile than legs, but still fiercely vivacious. Her words meant nothing other than their conversation earlier. Ellie blinked softly, then began mimicking his body language. It was a subconscious part of the brain: seeing someone else mimicking your body language will make you like them more. Ellie was prepared to bring out things that might make his head explode.

She couldn't just let him get away.

08-27-2014, 01:28 AM
Just then another shot is heard. Two back to back! It rang through the house again, this time it wasn't as surprising. Except maybe to Cockatiel, who's body was now on the floor as well, before the first one had even been cleaned up. Her face was stuck in a shocked expression, maybe she knew it was coming, maybe she was surprised Mihkul had shot at her? No one would know now. But this game was getting smaller and more real by the minute. Who would be next?


Rogue woke up just as the second shot rang through the house, she turned her head and vomited all over the carpet. That was fucking attractive, she thought to herself. She couldn't believe she had fainted! It had to have been the alcohol, right? Or maybe the fact that she had never actually seen death, not bloody gory death like that. She was into adrenaline rushes, but it had just hit her that this was different, this was fucking real. This wasn't just an adrenaline rush. People are really dying. Not that she really cared that THEY were dying, that was the tricky thing. The reason she had fainted was that corpse could easily be her. She had a flash in that moment when she looked at it, of it being her own body on the floor. And she wanted to live, and there wasn't much she could do about it. It was mostly chance, and not pissing people off. She smiled sitting up, she never was very good at that.

Taking a deep breath she took her gun in her hand. She needed to get her balls back, the alcohol was making her far more emotional and scared. If she had been sober, she wouldn't have fainted and she wouldn't be thinking this way. Part of the fun of these adrenaline rushes was the fear involved, and she needed to overcome it. She would be just fine. She grinned again, her moods changing quickly as they had almost constantly, looking at her gun as it lit up. Now as the chance to get over all this sappy emotions she was feeling about how she didn't want to die. Her gun was lit up and the excitement came back. At least for now she knew it wasn't going to be herself that was going to die.

She had a score to settle, that girl by the beach had fired at her the last time she shot. She couldn't have that, yes she had fired at her first, but that didn't matter to Rogue. The bitch should have known better than to fire back. She grabbed the gun up fitting it into her hand. This felt good, she had just had a moment of weakness, she jumped up from where she had been lay down so gently, almost as if someone had cared about her and skipped down the hallway. She went through the kitchen but didn't see her victim, grabbing an apple and biting it as she still skipped.

She saw Crimson and hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath and put the smile back on, now was not the time to falter.

"Now I lay you down to sleep, I pray the Lord your soul to keep, and if I die before you do... at least tonight, I got fucked."

Nope, it didn't rhyme, she giggled crazily making a reference to the fact that Crimson was dressed for a date, and possibly would have gotten herself some had she not been here in this fucked up game. She moved in close, and stroked Crimsons face gently before putting the gun against her head and pulling the trigger.

Rogue shoots at Crimsonlady180

08-27-2014, 04:44 PM
Mihkul felt the recoil, saw the flash of light from his gun barrel, and heard the report as the bullet pierced the young girl's forehead. He was showered with the blood spatter and reached into his jacket pocket for a handkerchief, wiping his face first and the his jacket. Looks like this will be ruined, he thought, but if I survive this insanity I can afford hundreds more.

His job was now finished and The Family would be proud of him. His target had been eliminated. The rest would be strictly pleasure. His life was a paradox, a life centered around death. He was not a murderer but more of an exterminator. Only business.

He watched as his dance partner approached. She seemed much more composed now, and when he heard her proposition he embraced it. He still dreamed of an ending with Legs, almost like the ultimate finale, but she had disappeared. In a game such as this words were just that-words. He would accept Ellie's offer for the time being but what may happen later could change her world and his, too.

08-27-2014, 07:18 PM
There were dozens of monitors located in the main computer hub. Both computer monitors and television monitors were scattered throughout the room, but what SQJ had his eyes on was the entire wall featuring a large, projected screen. The screen had different segments of footage on each portion, one piece was focused on each room in the mansion, but the center of the screen...focused on the death of StormyNyte. It had been the first death of the game, and before anyone really had a chance to grasp it...the next gun lit up. Just as Mihkul was wiping the blood and gore from himself, seeming too cool and collected for the game, Rogue woke up in the game room just in time for her own gun to light up.

The screen zoomed in on her, all controlled by a small remote in his right hand. He watched her intently, seeing who she would go for next. The side bets were rolling in, wondering who she would go for...wondering if the gun would fire. Oddly, she had the guts to stand up to Crimson again. This was strange, as the two seemed to be going after each other.

For a fleeting moment he wondered whose would fire off first, whose would shoot and who would kill the other- if the opportunity would come to either of them. He smirked at the words Rogue spoke, chuckling a little. Then, the trigger was pulled.


The gun doesn't fire.

The next gun has lit up.

Breaking Point
08-27-2014, 09:46 PM
Ellie watched the second body slam to the floor. She didn't jump this time either. It didn't startle her. She was too focused on Mikhul, trying to persuade him. She had no way of necessarily guaranteeing that he would do her will. There was no way to force him or anyone to do it- he was just her best shot.

Watching and waiting, Ellie stared at him, calmly. "So do you plan on a life of crime after this.... I mean sure you'll have the money, but you aren't going to retire yet, are you?" This was the answer that Ellie needed to here. It could determine so much: whether or not she could persuade him with a little information- BUT then there was the part that he might not believe what she told him. She was the orphan.

Ellie dipped her head, swaying, her eyes glancing to the body. "They better be moving these bodies soon- there is nothing worse than the smell of a rotting corpse." She knew it to be true. Saying such things just didn't go with the innocent face she had tried to portray. That face was fading.

She was simply waiting on his answer, deriving a sweet answer, one that he wouldn't be able to deny. The price was right- now if only his desire was there.

08-28-2014, 07:32 PM
He looked at Ellie and smiled. "My dear, calling it a life of 'crime' is semantical. I consider this life has been like that of a stock broker. A commodity exchange. I am taking one commodity-a life - and exchanging it for another-death. And I make very much money in doing this. It is all a business venture and nothing else."

He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes, deeply searching her soul. "As for retirement, yes I could live comfortably anywhere in the world. But, for the right price, even the best can be coaxed out of retirement. Perhaps we should step outside for some fresh air. The tropical heat accelerates the decomposition process and from the flies I see swarming the bodies I guess we should be seeing maggots by morning." He reached his hand outwards toward hers, waiting for hers to take it. This one had captured his interest, he thought, and he was curious to find out where her questions would lead.

09-03-2014, 02:20 AM
Merry heard the gunshots and it was as if a small knot in the middle of her back, slipped away. Like she had been holding an internal breath that was now released. It had started. This was real, and there was now real blood drawn. She stretched, and a smile graced her lips. A smile, that if you didn't know her, you would mistake for joy.

She felt a slight annoyance that it hadn't been her gun that had shot, but that fact would soon be rectified. There was no doubt, at least not in her mind. She patted the gun in the holster on her hip and whispered "soon... soon" and wandered back into the interior of the house in search of information as to who was now among the newly deceased.

09-03-2014, 10:18 PM
She sighed and shrugged as her gun yet again clicked. "Fuck me, luck is not on my side!" She moved quickly, kissing Crimsons cheek and giggling. "See you next time!" And with that she skipped off to find her 'friends'. On the way she stopped off at the bar, grabbing some rum off the shelf, hopefully that would be easier than Jack.

Honestly, she didn't really want to drink anymore, she was not feeling to hot, but it was her game and she would NOT be the pussy that put it to a halt. She turned, the rum bottle in hand, and searched the house until she found them. When she caught sight of them she smiled and took off in a run and took a running leap into Jac's arms. Whether he would catch her or not, she had nooooo idea. She was getting used to landing on this floor, though.

"My gun clicked!" She held out the rum bottle, trying to look as happy as she had before, but a little unsure of the alcohol now that she had fainted.

09-04-2014, 12:32 AM
Merry arrived just in time to see the gun misfire, and the young girl skip away. Timing as it seemed was everything, as her own gun came to life the moment Rogue left the room. Leaving just Merry and Crimson in the room.

“alone at last” she said softly. Before Crimson had the time to even feel the relief that surely was cursing through her veins at the misfire, Merry pulled her own gun and pointed.

Carefully sizing up the competition in the slight scope. Should she or shouldn’t she, she mused. The decision was easy enough, and at this range there would be no missing. That is if the gun did indeed fire this time.

Merry waited, holding the gun firmly in place. Her arm rock steady, watching as the fear finally registered on Crimson’s face. That was the exact response she wanted, no, needed to see. It was that cold, dead, knock you on your ass fear that eventually appeared when you realized that you were about to die. That at any moment a gun in the deadliest hands was going to be fired, at you, and there was nothing you could do about it.

Even if it didn't fire, this time, Merry felt that slight sense of satisfaction that always came when seeing that emotional resolve on the other person’s face. She couldn't help the smile that crossed her lips as her finger tightened on the trigger. It would have been like asking her not to breath. It was just as natural.

She pulled the trigger shooting Crimsonlady180

09-04-2014, 12:48 AM
Merry's gun fires

Crimsons face was stuck in that fearful expression that Merry had needed so badly. Rogue heard the shot, and her face went a bit wider. Three down, The odds were definitely changing. People were dropping like flies which was a huge change from a game where nobodies gun shot the first round!! She took a swig of the Rum in her hand, wondering who had been shot this time.

Finally after the third kill a crew came in cleaning out the dead bodies. Stormy, Cockatiel, and then Crimson all lead out right in full view of Jacogos, Rogue, and Juniper. Someone had shot her target! That was her fucking target! She made a mental note to figure out who it was that had taken it upon themselves to take out Crimson. Fuck. Them.

09-17-2014, 08:40 PM
Jacogos Fires at Imperial1917

09-20-2014, 07:23 PM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

There was something magical about the whole drama once the murdering truly got started. Death after death moved the world along. Sending the spin of the world and the game onwards. It was moments like this that he found himself thinking of the Aztec and their ideas on the department of human sacrifices.

It was an odd thing to think about. How darkly sweet the similarities between the two were. The Aztec had sacrificed humans in order to keep the sun shinning, what did they do? Sacrifice humans for what? Money, pleasure. If the love of money was the route of all evil they were demons but as money made the world go route, their deaths were bringing the sun rise. Were they monsters, demons? Or were they the single fibre that was holding the world together?

He chortled as he watched the beautiful, sweet Crimson get shot in the face where she dropped like a log and the light of the gun was moved to Jacagos who didn't waste time on his turn.

He watched amused as the idea of how the first sacrifice had likely come about. He wondered if one elder had said. "Hey we need to get the sunlight up, by ripping the heart of someone." and if the others had just agreed or had at least one person saying. "Maybe that's a terrible idea." before he became the first volunteer.

It was a fun thought, it mattered nothing though. What mattered most was the very idea that at the very least as the bodies were piling, all in the name of money they'd never taste was at least meaningful to those that would or already had died.

09-24-2014, 02:27 AM
Standing by, Juniper was watching the chaos unfold. The guns lighting up, bullets firing, bodies dropping and complaints at the smell that would soon develop. It was all so much, she found herself leaning against Jacogos for support- though she wasn't sure if that support was more emotional and mental, or a lack of stability from the alcohol she had consumed earlier. Finally, her gun lit up again and she looked at her two partners, taking a swig of alcohol and walking down the hall to the kitchens.

She'd seen the woman from the bar wander down the halls earlier and assumed she'd gone for something to eat, despite that they had been presented a feast earlier. She wasn't entirely sure why she was going for the woman, especially considering that the woman would have the opportunity to fire again before her own gun lit up once more... if she survived.

Opening the door however, those thoughts vanished when she saw her biting into a crisp apple, saving the flavor. At the same token, she knew that she would feel horrible for taking the life of another if the gun fired...especially in the middle of a snack, knowing that it would be some of the last food they would ever consume. Still yet, it was too late to turn back now.

Juniper raised her arm, aimed, and fired at Merry Gentry.

09-24-2014, 07:07 PM
Jacogos came to momentarily with a bit of a start. He was aware of Rogue and Juniper next to him, Rogue scowling towards three dead bodies and Juniper leaning on him as if tired. He himself had his gun pointed at some girl, the one who had gotten the first fire. He frowned. Had he blacked out for a moment? Odd. He had thought his buzz had left 'cause of sobriety, not further drunkenness. Shaking his head, he let the gun fall back to his side, aware that it was no longer lit up. He must have fired and it clicked.

"I'm sorry, I think I blacked out for a moment," he murmured, shaking his head slightly. He vaguely recalled Juniper asking him something, but he didn't remember what. Hopefully it wasn't important.

"If we could go sit down somewhere..." he continued, hand now going to his stomach as he grimaced. Perhaps this is why he never drank. Being drunk was not as fun as people seemed to believe.

09-30-2014, 06:31 AM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

Another missed shot. The crowd held its breath and groans filled entire rooms while cheers burst in between. It was enough to make SQJ wonder exactly where the polling lied, who was the crowd favourites? Not only in the hopes of survival but in being accommodating, likeable. Who was the asshole, the bitch, the hero, the villain. Had they all been killed.

Only history would tell, these 'people' should have just been grateful.

09-30-2014, 05:31 PM
The madness continued on. Mihkul felt mixed emotions as the gun pointed at Merry Gentry clciked with no report. The thought of making it to the end with her seemed appropriate...two superior warriors facing off in mutual respect, with only one to walk away. yet, there was always that shred of doubt. Perhaps she felt threatened by him and would prefer not to wait until the finish. He brushed these thoughts away. There was no need to worry; the outcome was in the hands of Fate.

He looked at Ellie-so young and seemingly innocent. What dark secrets did she hold in her mind? What was her proposal to Mihkul? Was it merely a cover-you-ass arrangement or did she truly have something to offer? The game was wearing on everyone's last nerve, including his. The man called SQJ was a master at psychological torture and Darwin rang true....only the strong shall survive.

10-02-2014, 08:28 PM
The small smile that was on her lips at the simple joy of the apple froze for the briefest seconds. Ignored were the tiny droplets of apple juice that had spattered on her chin at the luscious snack. They didn't matter now anyway. What mattered was that she had screwed up. Had let her guard down, for the barest of moments and lost where she was, and what she was doing. She had lost herself for just enough time to become vulnerable. Wasn't that always the way? She began to mentally berate herself for being so stupid, so asinine. Pretty flat out dumb. What was she thinking? Apparently she wasn't thinking hence the present situation that she now found herself in.

She forced herself to chew the apple bite in her mouth, the tart wonderful taste suddenly too sweet, too unbearable on her palate. She continued to chew it however, and swallow, as if this were the most common thing in the world, to have someone suddenly pointing a gun at your face mid-bite.

She smiled, outwardly at her opponent, a large and bold smile that held no warmth whatsoever. Letting her arm fall to her side, the apple still in hand, forgotten for the time being. By all outward appearances, she was calm and unconcerned at the entrance of the other person into the room.

Inside she was seething and barely holding the emotions in check that threatened to bubble to the exterior. She took in the grimace on the opposite face, the lopsided ponytails, disheveled overalls, and a ridiculous Pink Cowboy hat, rhinestones glittering all the way. She didn’t utter a sound, just stood there and waited for what she knew was inevitable. Watched as the gun was raised in her direction, the finger hesitant at first and the resolve that radiated across the short span of the room from the pigtailed girl to herself. She just had the millisecond of wonder if this was IT Was everything truly done, and then her finger flexed on the trigger.


The gun didn't fire.

She was marginally puzzled by the butterfly feeling in the pit of her stomach at the sound of the gun not firing. What was this feeling? Relief, anxiety, apprehension, gas? She wasn't completely sure, and wasn't going to dwell on it now. Moving on was always a better course of action. Besides, she was now livid. The anger was seething within her and would not be ignored.

She was enraged on many levels. The way her opponent had getting the opening she had, the people watching this fiasco, at herself for not paying attention. The list was endless and she was starting to see red, and lots of it.

The smile now widened on her features, curling her lips back in a most forceful way. She quickly advanced on her opponent, crossing the short distance between them in a matter of seconds. Before the other girl could react, she threw the apple directly at her. It was a straight hit, right on the bridge of her nose. The intention to be to catch her off guard, and make her squint for the briefest seconds, and it worked beautifully.

As the girl threw up her arms, missing the thrown apple, which proceeded to hit her on the nose, Merry charged full tilt knocking the girl to the floor in grand fashion, hitting her with force that a defensive lineman would have been proud of. She couldn't stop sneering as the girl bowled across the floor on her ass. She didn't stop moving however, after the tackle. She quickly followed the fallen girl, a fraction of a second behind her, pulling her gun as they both went to the floor. Coming to as stop, only as the girl did. Her gun now drawn and pressed gently against the girls temple.

Her other hand proceeded to grab a handful of the girls hair, knocking the hat off her head, as she pulled her head back. Effectively pinning the girl onto the floor, trapped.

Great game..huh” she whispered in her ear, her smile getting wider, watching as the others features flashed between surprise to shock at the quick exchange.

“What do you think the odds are that my gun will light up now, specially since we’re getting so friendly an all?” she asked softly, knowing that the betting crowd would be listening in and would hear every sound anyway. She counted on it.

“I sure hope it lights up, don’t you? She laughed “What’s your name, anyway?” she finished, the smile still firmly in place.

Breaking Point
10-03-2014, 12:30 AM
The death did not scare Ellie, but little did, not through her struggles. The eyes did not bother her all that much. She remembered her lonely apartment, but she was never really alone, she was always being watched. Ellie gazed Mikhul over. She was sure that he would understand, but he may back down- Most people would.
But Mikhul, in his place, in this instance, he might not.

Ellie leaned in close, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his ear. "You know a little Cosa Nostra?" Ellie whispered. She wasn't quite as innocent as it seemed, but she never chose this life. "Well, if you back me up, you can have it all." Of course, by it all she was only referring to her 'family' though. "My father was the boss of the Genovese...." Ellie pulled back a little, meeting his eyes.

He must know. Her words entailed a lot, but the end does the offer even seem appetizing. "I know all the secrets," Ellie said, "If I told you- you would easily make it to the top." That top- if he wanted to go. The harshness in her eyes faded and she simply leaned against him. "They wan't to toughen me up," she murmured, "But I don't know if I can kill someone." Not with her own bullet.

She closed her eyes, laying her head on his chest and swaying. "So, now you know why I'm an orphan." She was not weak and helpless, but this situation was too much for her. The likelihood of her surviving this was not high. "They say blood is thicker than water," Ellie said, "But I guess we still have to find out about mine." She reached over, pulling her gun to her head and pulled the trigger.

10-03-2014, 12:57 AM
Part of her, part of her had hoped that the gun wouldn't fire. She didn't know if she could come to terms with killing another, and yet...part of her hoped that the gun would fire. She was facing someone who was clearly a threat, and would rather face the woman sooner than later. When she pulled the trigger, for the second time she heard the familiar click.

Even in her semi-drunken state, she could see the cold, ruthless smile forming on the woman's lips. She'd only gotten one bite of the apple, but it seemed as though had her gun fired...she might not have had anything to worry about. Before her mind could register it, the woman was upon her like a pissed off lunatic. Her nose was the first to receive the woman's fury, the apple clashing right in the middle despite her feeble attempts at blocking it. The next thing she knew, the air was being knocked out of her and she was falling to the ground, her stomach in some kind of terrible pain.

Who the hell reacted like this?!

She made a feeble attempt to get away from the lunatic, crawling and getting nowhere- the woman grabbed her hair with one hand and pushed her against the floor, pinning her to the ground. They were in the middle of the hallway where just anyone could see, she could hear cheers in the background from the audience. It was all sickening, and she still hadn't caught her breath as she felt the barrel of the gun being pressed to her temple. She froze at that point, ceasing all attempts at movement. She couldn't even focus on anything else, the weight of the woman holding her down and the cold of the metal pressing fear into her very fiber.

The woman's voice was just as cold, calculating, and ruthless as her actions. Her words caused shivers to run down her body, but not once did she cry...she refused to show weakness, though her stomach was making that a difficult time as she gasped for air, trying to breathe properly. She wouldn't even look back at the woman and kept her mouth shut when she asked for her name. She did the one thing she could think of and laughed weakly, bringing her elbow back with as much force as she could, not even aiming but hoping to hit something. She was a country girl, that much was evident in her clothing and appearance. What most didn't know about country girls was that they had strength and they had the ability to fight, and that they were stubborn.

"You need to chill the hell out," she said, gripping a tight hold of her gun and swinging it back in a desperate attempt at hitting the woman's head. "Psychotic lunatic freak," she said, wiggling her body with as much force and vigor as possible in an attempt to throw the woman off her.

10-03-2014, 07:29 PM
There was always something about two women fighting- a cat fight, as some call it- that was attractive to men. The primal instinct to defend ones territory was usually deemed a masculine trait but to see two grown women on the floor wrestling was somewhat erotic to Mihkul. His thoughts were interrupted by a soft breath in his ear followed by a warm kiss on the ear. What brought him back to reality was the words Cosa Nostra. He listened intently as the pretty young girl with her talk about the Genovese Family. It was a well known fact that the Russian Mafia...his family... would love to gain an upper hand with the Cosa Nostra. He would gain real power, not be destined for a soldier of misfortune as he was now.

He looked in her eyes as she exposed her weakness and then, without warning she raised the gun to her own head and pulled the trigger. Terror filled Mihkul's face. She had stopped short of revealing what he needed to know; her deep, dark secrets. He grabbed her hand, surprised at her strength, and tried to pull her hand away.

10-04-2014, 10:16 AM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

This was interesting, it was not unusual for fights to break out, people to react violently. No, that wasn't unusual, but there was most certainly something special about, SQJ could only assume it had something to do with the suddenness of it all or that generally a fight had the suggestion of at least two fighters, this was a take down.

And the crowd was loving it but SQJ's eyes had turned to the next user with her gun lit up. It looked like he was not the only one to ever try commit suicide. It was a special moment unlike anything he had ever felt within the battle. He leaned in watching for the first time curious as to how the game would progress, it appeared the game had finally reached a far darker point.

10-05-2014, 09:48 PM
Rogue watched with a grin as the fight broke out. It was definitely a turn on to see her recent 'partner' get down and dirty with another woman. Her gaze turned serious when it seemed that Juni was getting her ass kicked. She pushed through the people watching and took a running leap intending to tackle Merry to the ground, and hold her by the neck.

"If anyone is going to be on top of Juni, it's going to be ME." The glint of crazy shone in her eyes as she looked down, pulling her own gun out and pushing it against Merry's nose." She bit her lip, still squeezing on the girls throat, taking deep breaths. "I don't know how many enemies you want to make in this game, but I think you should calm the fuck down." She loosened the hold she had on her throat, but didn't move off of the girl, and put a smile on. Her lip now bleeding from biting it.

10-06-2014, 11:12 PM
There was a blur of motion as a fourth person joined the scrap. The first thing Jacogos did was interrupt Rogue. He quickly slipped his hand into her pant's waist and pulled her out of her tackle, yanking her backwards with a grunt and intending to seat her on her ass in the motion.

In a smooth and seemingly practiced effort, Jacogos followed through with his movement. He almost appeared to walk past them, but as he did, Jacogos grabbed Merry back the back of her shirt and hoisted her backwards off of Juniper, much as he did Rogue, only much rougher and possibly tossing her bodily further away than he had the other woman. Following this, he stepped between his two 'friends' and the new woman and folded his arms slowly, planting his feet firmly.

"Save the violence for pointing your damn guns. Or keep acting like a child in front of thousands of people. Your choice. The latter involves me putting you on your back again... permanently." As if showing off, Jacogos cracked his neck loudly and watched Merry as if staring down a rabid wolf.

10-07-2014, 01:15 AM
Merry barked with laughter at the events that had just unfolded. Standing up, she brushed herself off, still laughing. It wasn't exactly a joyful laugh, but it did hold some humor over all. Tucking the gun back into her waist band, she held up her hands in mock surrender. She couldn't remember the last time she had been so effectively man-handled, but then again, her job didn't usually involve close encounters.

"Easy there, stud" she smirked at guy that had just pulled her across the room. "I care not one fig for the crowd, as you say" she turned and blew a kiss toward the closest monitor in mocking acknowledgement. "we're here to give them a show, and a show will be had. One way or another" she sneered.

"Besides, your girl there started it.’ nodding at the cowgirl with the pigtails. "trying to shoot someone in the face" wagging a perfectly manicured finger in Juni's direction "tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"At least leave that part of me intact" she countered at the other. "Give my momma something to identify when this is all said and done." she said, inflecting a southern drawl into her voice, laughing again at the three of them.

"as for you?" she said, turning towards Rogue, her lips curling into a most wicked grin "Well, I'm sure we will meet again, soon, and I can honestly say that I will be looking forward to that encounter. Very, very much so" patting her currently unlit gun in unmistakable indication that it would be used, and soon.

"toodles" she drawled, sarcastically and wandered out of the room in search of whomever else was left in this madhouse.

10-07-2014, 01:27 AM
One moment she was fighting for her life with a gun pressed clear against her temple, her mind wondering when and if the metal would fire against her. The next...there was a sudden weight being lifted off of her and she fell limp to the floor, but it wasn't over as Rogue had very quickly joined the scuffle, only managing to give Juniper enough room to breathe, enough time to catch her breath.

One moment she had been pinned, expecting to be stuck there until the woman's gun lit up, then...there was yet another joining them, also in her defense. It seemed as though she had made alliances this evening, alliances that had perhaps saved her life. She knew that ultimately, if they made it to the end...those alliances would break. For now though they would at least provide her company, and apparently...a little defense when needed.

Jacogos was there, lifting Rogue off of the scrap pile first, tossing her aside just enough to separate the feud. Then the woman was lifted off, much rougher this time, and tossed a much further distance. Juniper stood up, rushing over to Rogue and helping her up immediately. She watched the exchange between Jacogos and the psychotic woman, making note not to aim for her face again...next time, if she got a next time, she would aim for her heart.

The alcohol was quickly leaving her system and when the woman left, she immediately went up to Jacogos and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him gently. "Thank you," she said, smiling up at him. She returned to Rogue and held her hands, thanking her as well. Luckily everyone had gotten out of it with minor injuries, but now she had half a mind to stay away from the woman for as long as possible.

10-08-2014, 08:09 PM
Mihkul wrestled the gun from Ellie's hand. He was relieved that it didn't fire. The commotion interrupted him as he saw Jac pulling the girls off of Legs. He gazed at him with contempt. So he thinks he's a hero, he thought? Mihkul wondered what the ladies would think of him as he wet himself with a gun pointed at his head?

He left Ellie momentarily as he helped Merry to her feet. He looked at her and smiled, knowing that the next time either of these women may not be so lucky. "You look like you could use another drink, my dear." He escorted her to the bar. Ellie had sat on the floor in a heap, almost catatonic. He would deal with her later when she regained her senses, if she ever did. This game was not for the weak of mind and the tension was beginning to take it's toll.


Mihkul could almost feel the gun activate in his hand. It was a feeling of power as the gun lit up. He could see the earlier episode in his mind when Jacogos had intervened in the catfight. In his world Mihkul saw that as a sign of leadership and in this game the only leadership Mihkul would accept was himself as the leader. This is something he felt he should nip in the bud.

He searched for him and found him with the two women, cooing and flirting like schoolkids. Walking up to him, he pointed the gun at his head. "This is nothing personal, my young stud. This is more instinctual and territorial. The pride needs only one alpha male and maturity always wins out over hormones."

Mihkul points at Jacogos and pulls the trigger.

10-23-2014, 08:53 AM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

There was a sigh of joint anticipation and exhaustion first the chaos of the fight matched well with the pull of the suicide.

This was what the people wanted. The dread, the intensity as they could be snuffed out so easily. So inaffectionately.

If it was all fun and games before, it sure as fuck wasn't now. SQJ's eyes darted from screen to screen, staring hard at the money in front of him, all that gold.

At the rate things were going things would speed up really quickly. One of them would be holding all of it and he would be more of a billionaire than ever before. He would not be the organiser, he would be the one placing bets, carving the world up as the lion he had proved himself to be so long ago.

He could only wonder what would happen next.

10-25-2014, 05:28 PM
Rogue was shocked when she found herself flat on her ass, but her shock turned to anger as she quickly got up and was about to turn on the person who had pulled her off. She quickly changed gears when she realized it was one of her very few 'friends' in this game and she used the term friend very loosely, she knew anyone could turn on you at any time. But she couldn't have everyone hate her in this game, or she would be dead very soon.

As Merry spoke to her she grinned, amused, and watched her walk away before letting Juni help her up. She was still mad at Jac, but kept it to herself. "No kiss for me?" She smirked, and grabbed Juni giving her a big passionate kiss on the mouth.

She quickly pulled the kiss apart and her eyes got wide as a man she hadn't really noticed before held a gun to Jacs head. She had been determined not to get attached in this game, this was all for thrills and fun, but she couldn't help that deep pit that started in her stomach when she saw Jac with a gun to his head. She breathed a sigh of relief as it clicked. Rogue had to fight the urge to run up and hug him, but just then her own gun lit up.

She was torn between who to shoot now. Thirty seconds ago she was sure that she was going to shoot at Merry, but now there was this man. She sighed closing her eyes.

"Ring around the rosie, A pocket full of posies.." She headed walking slowly in the direction that Merry had went. "Ashes, ashes..." She quickly turned and smiled toward Jac, and stalked toward Mihkul putting her gun up against his head and took a deep breath, looking into his eyes. "We all fall down.."

Rogue fires her gun at Mihkul

10-27-2014, 03:29 PM
He stared at her with a look of disbelief. He had expected to die in a much grander way. Death from anger was always possible, death by profession was what was expected. But, death by lunacy was neither honorable or acceptable. To die at the hands of this crazy bitch was so unforseeable he was caught totally off guard.

He was not ever afraid to die, nor was he now. It was more of a disappointment. If it had been the young stud he would have understood. Vengeance was always a flame to fan the fires. If it had been Legs he would have smiled in acceptance. He had always hoped that when his life was taken it would be from a professional he admired. It had never crossed his mind that it could possibly be someone who was two bricks shy of a full load.

Angrily, he pressed his forehead even tighter into the gun barrel and glared at her. "Сделайте это, Суку!- Do it, Bitch"

10-30-2014, 01:24 AM
Merry sipped a water, sitting at the bar. It had been sweet of Mihkul to escort her away like he had. Protective almost. On the one hand it had appealed to her girly nature that he had done that. A part of her that she thought long lost and buried away. Apparently not lost enough. On the other hand, it really had pissed her off. She didn't need anyone to protect her.

What happened had been an interesting way to test the other players in the game. She was aware of the other players, most had reputations that had proceeded them. Still, was always nice to be able to confirm the tales, or in some cases dispel the myth. They were certainly and emotional lot.

Finishing the water, she calmed her thoughts and proceeded back toward the others, just in time to hear Mihkul scream at Rogue. She waited to see if the gun would fire. Guess they wouldn't get that conversation about protecting people after all.

11-01-2014, 09:04 PM

Gun doesn't Fire.

The next gun has lit up.

11-03-2014, 03:16 PM
The glaring fire in his eyes turned to a smug smile as Mihkul heard the empty click of the gun. Again, Fate had been with him and although he still didn't quite understand his purpose he was thankful that he did not die at her hands. Death without honor was beneath him.

He reached his hands out and grabbed Rogue by the cheeks, pressing his lips hard against hers, then pulled his head back and laughed as his hands slipped to her neck. He felt her voicebox beneath his thumbs as he pressed firmly against it. His massive hands slowly tightened around her throat as he saw her eyes bulge.

"Nietsche wrote 'The true man wants two things-danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.' You are a dangerous woman for you have no purpose. You are reckless and deserve to die."
He looked at her and saw her face a crimson red, her eyes bulging, and he released the choke hold on her. "It shall come. Another time." He pushed her to the floor and returned to the bar, sitting beside Legs. He hoisted his glass of vodka and said "'Za vashe zdorovye-to your health!"

11-06-2014, 02:26 AM
Merry watched as the gun failed to fire. She was surprised at herself for caring, one way or the other, but apparently she did have an interest. Her lips twitched in a small smile, the only outward sign that she had been paying attention to the merriment happening across the room. The strangling was a nice touch. There was something satisfying about actually grabbing someone and stopping their air intake.

She was glad he didn't get his head blown off, yet. She wondered what emotion would course through her mind when she held the gun to his head? Would it bother her? Would she be able to find that cold dark place that she slipped off to on a regular hit? That cold dark place that fit her like a favorite pair of jeans when it was her turn to point the gun at him. That special place that allowed her to just take care of what needed to be done with no guilt or remorse? It was going to be interesting to find out. Part of the enticement she decided was the delicious anticipation of the inevitable.

Turning away, when she realized he wasn't going to actually kill the girl, she headed back to the bar. He would be headed that way for sure. She wasn't disappointed, and he stepped up as she had expected.

"'Za vashe zdorovye-to your health!"

Smiling she joined him in a shot, toasting back in return. “To your health as well” she replied. Putting the glass down on the bar, she continue “now, I do believe I need to go kill someone.” Grinning maliciously, she slid off the bar stool and headed back toward the other room.

Stopping in the entrance of the doorway, she spotted Rogue, still rubbing her neck from her previous encounter with Mihkul. She pulled the gun from the holster, at this distance she could fire with her eyes closed and not miss. If the gun fired, of course. Holding the gun steady, with both hands, she took careful aim. Caught Rogue’s eye, winked at her and pulled the trigger.

Merry fires at Rogue07

11-13-2014, 02:41 AM
Rogue wasn't expecting him to choke her. She clawed at the hands around her throat and felt the life leaving her. Surely they wouldn't let her die this way. When he let go she rubbed at her throat, letting a smile cross her face, this guys was just as crazy and fucked up as she was.

She was still smiling and rubbing her throat, lost in thought when she spotted Merry with her gun pointed at her and it was lit up. She just couldn't catch a break, but she actually probably deserved this one. She saw the wink and even laughed a little bit and winked back, doing a flirty wave with her fingers.

She took a deep breath when she saw Merry tighten her finger on the trigger, who would have thought it would be the last breath she would take, that silly grin still on her face and her hand in the air as the shot fired and hit its target. Rogue fell directly to the floor that crazy grin stuck on her face permanently and her dark red blood running into her hair, her fingers still stuck in their odd wave as her dead lifeless body lay on the ground and Mihkul's hand print still fresh on her throat.

11-17-2014, 12:43 PM
Chaos erupted amongst the watchers. Hundreds of millions of dollars undouptably had just shifted hands in that single moment as groups threw their hands up in dismay while others rejoiced, one step closer to either winning or losing everything and the spark that set it off the death of Rogue.

SQJ had to admit himself surprised, stunned? No but most certainly surprised. Only the lazy had the time to be 'stunned' by a turn of events. He had work to do as new odds and gambling pools had to be carved into the game as the playing field shrunk down constantly, getting smaller and smaller.

People were dying, this was what it was all about. Despite being surprised and saddened by the lose, a smile formed on his lips.

It's about time.

The next gun has lit up.

11-17-2014, 03:44 PM
Mihkul took his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood spatter from Merry's face. A sense of pride overcame him. She was a most formidable player in this twisted game and he was proud to be able to raise a glass with her. The dead girl looked foolish with the grin on her lifeless lips. She should think it an honor to die from the gun of this woman. He looked toward the bartender. "Another Vodka and whatever the lady wants. She deserves the best." He heard a commotion as the next gun lit up yet he could not remember who was next. He was almost sure it would be he that the gun would be pointed, yet he was not ready to leave the game.

11-29-2014, 01:57 AM
Juniper shoots her gun at Elizabeth16.

12-01-2014, 05:05 AM
Elizabeth sat up shocked and turned towards the gun that had been aimed at her. She was stunned to have the gun go off and he head was flung back by the impact of the blast before she hit the wall behind her, leaving a wide streak of blood and brain matter before she slid down, forming a heap on the ground.

The crowd raised their hands up in in wild celebration as the next victim was reduced to useless flesh bad bone. Once a human being, now a part of the furniture.

SQJ swivelled on his chair and turned to his screens as millions of dollars shifted hands once more.

The game was picking up speed at this point.

- - - Updated - - -

The next gun has lit up.

12-05-2014, 04:00 PM
Mihkul sat at the bar, wincing slightly as the report of the gunshot rang through the room. That meant the numbers were fewer, meaning so were the bullets. He looked at Merry, admiring her composure amidst the madness. His thoughts drifted, wondering if things had been different in this chance meeting...if they had met under different circumstances. He was pulled back to reality quickly as his gun lit up in his hand. He glanced around the room. There were still a few targets yet none posed an immediate threat. he looked at the slumped figure of Ellie, leaning against the wall in a near-catatonic state. Poor girl, he thought. To try to take ones own life and then fail would be the ultimate defeat. He turned to Merry. "If you would excuse me for a moment, my dear." He stood and approached the girl. "May your soul rest eternally."

Mihkul fires at Breaking Point

Breaking Point
12-07-2014, 01:11 AM
Ellie slowly raised her head, meeting the gun and the eyes behind it, standing back onto her feet. She had been weak and cowardly, willing to give it all away. "You don't have to shoot," Ellie whispered, coming to some sort of untranslatable revelation, "If no one shoots, what will there be. There is no game. This is utter senselessness. To play a game of death for money- are there not even better options if you are willing to risk your life."
She shook her head. "It's foolish. But I will not fight you," she whimpered softly. "The game must be played, I suppose."

She stepped forward, letting the gun rest against her skull, the cold metal flashing against her pale skin. "Wars create no peace," she whispered, "Someone must give in." Maybe the girl had gone crazy. Maybe she had lost it, but somehow, she had went far to deep in thought to come back. Death will do that to some people.

"It's the Lucifer effect." It was the only thing the girl had said that made much sense. "No one realizes just how crazy this is. Too invested. It's been too imprinted into everyone's mind to question it." The girl was babbling too much and finally shut up, but not without saying one last thing.
She let out a sigh. "I was never loved." Her eyes dropped to the ground. "I was never meant to be conceived in the first place."

01-05-2015, 09:25 PM
SQJ spat out his well earned beer stunned at the glitch that had just occurred on his system. It was not supposed to have been Mikhul's turn to shoot but there it was, the trigger had been pulled.


The next gun has lit up.

SQJ slid his chair to the wireless mainframe, literally kicking the nearest IT specialist off of the system before he started typing frantically, he only had a few seconds before the light turned on to the next person in the list.
he breathed a sigh of relief as the light went up on just the right person.

His work was done. For now.

01-09-2015, 01:42 PM
Mihkul winced as he heard the empty click of the hammer. His gun had lit up, he thought, yet he knew it was no in the correct order. Another one of SQJ's mind games. Mihkul dropped his head and returned to merry at the bar. "This man is an ingenius bastard," Mihkul said to her. he lifted his vodka and downed it in one gulp.

The tension in the house was reaching a crescendo. Juniper had her sights on Merry and visa versa, or so it would seem. Breaking Point seemed not able to continue yet her presence was still acknowledged. And Jacognos....just where was he? Mihkul poured another glass of vodka.Ба́ры деру́тся -- у холо́пов чубы́ треща́т. -When the rich make war, the poor shall die.

Breaking Point
01-19-2015, 04:21 AM
It was undeniable. A bullet had yet to strike her, but she was already lost. Ellie slipped over to the bar, ordered more shots than a person twice her size could handle, and as the bartender was fulfilling her order, she pointed her gun to Merry, pulled the trigger, and dropped her hand back to her side. Her gun slipped through her fingers, falling to the floor.

Her drinks were ready, lined up and looking more enticing than ever. She took only half of them, shot after shot, all at once, waiting for it to hit her. Reaching over with a gentle hand, Ellie grabbed onto Mikhul's collar. "If you want to know the secrets, then come with me," Ellie whispered. She stumbled off, down the hallway, into a room with somekind of couch or something. The alcohol hit her like a brick wall; she was not paying any attention whatsoever to the room.

"It's so hot," Ellie murmured. Before coming to these so called games, Ellie had not had more than a sip of wine. She was letting go, living it up. Sinking into the couch, she pat the area next to her, only after the door was closed. For her, love would never exist. Her time was almost up. "So you're my only opportunity for revenge."

02-05-2015, 01:39 AM
She watched the girl step up. She couldn't help the sad smirk that slipped across her features at her demeanor. She was lost, and it was just a matter of time. Saddest part was she seemed to know it. Drinking probably wasn't the best idea, but who was she to stop anyone? Besides it would make for an easier target for everyone if the girl was shattered.

She glanced as the girl order the shots and then watched her lift her gun, and then pull the trigger. She had that moment of surprise, but that was all that registered. Then the gun fired and it hit her, point blank, ripping right through her neck. Tearing her flesh apart in leaving a large gaping wound through half of throat. Her carotid artery destroyed by one small bullet. One lucky shot that she probably couldn't have planned if she tried. One shot, but it was enough.

The blood gushed instantly, and forcefully. Her powerful heart continuing to pump the blood up and out of her body, as quickly as it had a mere moment ago been pumping it through her body. It cascaded in an angry red surge down the front of her upper body. The darkness of her shirt saturated as her life swiftly flowed across her chest.

Her legs fell out from under her and she slid from the bar gradually to the floor, almost in slow motion. Her body landed on the floor, her arms stretched out beside her, as her head rolled to the side, her eyes still wide open. Her lips still holding the small smirk that had been there when she watched the shots being ordered a mere minute before.

02-12-2015, 05:30 PM
Mihkul gasped as he saw Merry's body crumple to the floor. Her blood spatter covered his suit and he took the blood-stained handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face. His heart was saddened that she should die a less-than-glorius death at the hands of a crazy woman.

He bowed his head over her lifeless corpse, more in respect than prayer. He knew that if there were a God, they both would be condemned for their choices in life. Then he looked around trhe room. Juni and Ellie were the only ones beside him that remained. Ellie sat on the floor, staring into space. He raised his lit gun once again and pointed it at the temple of Ellie. No matter what the outcome, if the gun fired or not, he knew his odds were not good. He looked at Juni and smiled.

Mihkul fires at Breaking Point

Breaking Point
02-19-2015, 03:22 PM
Ellie had done well in the game. Well, at least for her. If only she could claim her vengeance on the evil forces that forced her into the game. If anything, it was a great way to get rid of her- one who knew too many secrets. And now that all came to a close.

Ellie sat there, almost ready to reveal her secrets, to plot her revenge, but it only failed. It was his turn, and he pulled out his gun. She was his choice target. The sound of the shot rang through her body and it hit her. The pain was excruciating, such a force that she fell back, collapsing, a blood splatter cascading over the carpet. With gasping breathes, she tried to speak, "Find..., kill...." The blood gurgled up in her mouth. No one could understand her.

Her death was the end to her revenge. The blood she was born into was the blood that took her out. With her death ended any attempts to save the names of her mother or father. Their deaths would go on as mysteries. Her claims would go on as conspiracy theories. It wasn't like she would have been able to bring down the mafia anyways. No one would ever have been able to.

Ellie died and the two left in the game had their chance at the big bucks. It was a game truly designed for the power thirsty, and maybe the power thirsty would win.

02-20-2015, 03:04 AM
It happened in a matter of minutes.

First, the woman whom she'd scuffled with earlier went down.

Then... the woman who shot her went down.

Damn... I wanted that shot, Juniper thought bitterly as her gun lit up, almost instantly after the kill. She looked to the man who fired the last shot.

"Well. It's either you or me," she said, raising her gun and taking in a deep breath. She had already taken one life and did not favor taking another, but... her words were true. "Best of luck to you," Juniper said her final words as she pulled the trigger, aiming directly for Minkhul. Only time would tell which of them would emerge alive from this ordeal.

02-20-2015, 04:05 PM
Once again Mihkul was staring down the barrel of Juniper's gun. Not once, not twice, but a third time. Of course, it was expected. There were only two combatants remaining and, per Pure's rules, it was her turn. Pure, the sadistic and sometimes invisible mastermind of this whole ordeal must have added millions to his multi-millions through all the subscriptions to this event. He was evil, yet a brilliant villain and Mihkul would tip his hat to him if he had worn one.

He had watched Juniper from the moment she arrived in her jeans and cowboy boots with her gawdy cowgirl hat. Who would have suspected she would make it this far. She had shown so much rebellion upon arriving, destroying the kitchen and pummeling the other visitors with rolls of toilet paper. And he still couldn't forget the sexual tirade with Rogue and Jacognos. Yet now he was looking into the face of a mature woman, one that knew exactly what she wanted. The millions that were secured in the many cases.

He stared in her eyes with a somber face, expecting the hammer to strike and the flash of light to come at any moment. "You have played a good game, my dear. Congratulations." He spoke with a faint smile. He braced himself to feel the concussion of the bullet strike him in the forehead...the last bullet.

02-23-2015, 03:52 PM
This was the moment, the most exciting moment in the games, the moments where the gaps between the hammer and the bullets wound down and if there had ever been a time to pray for luck i was this very moment.

SQJ's fingers were a blur working on the last few bets that could be made at the very last minute before side betting closed and suddenly there was nothing more to bet.There were three people left with very few spaces between each one and now a gun was being lifted and aimed at Mikhul. The moment of truth.

The trigger pulled but nothing happened.

The light jumped to the next gun.

02-23-2015, 04:12 PM
Juniper listened to the man's words as he accepted fate before it had been cast. A tinge of sadness hit her gut as she pulled the trigger, but much to her surprise nothing happened. It clicked.

She let out an exhausted sigh and closed her eyes desperately, knowing that she would be next to meet fate. "It seems as though fate is cruel in more ways than one," she said, walking over to Minkhul, giving him a closer range.

02-23-2015, 08:54 PM
Mihkul's jaw dropped in shock. He heard the empty click and saw the look of disbelief on Juniper's face. For the very first time in his life he was surprised. He had counted the shots, the empty clicks througout the game. His odds of survival had been beyond calculation yet he stood before her as alive as he was when he entered the game.

She stood before him, moving closer to him as his gun emitted that familiar glow. She was so young and vibrant. He was old beyond his years. A lifestyle of death tended to age a person faster and he was certain he looked to have aged ten years since the beginning fo this twisted game. He felt like the old dog that had outserved his master and now was ready to sleep, to be put down. He lifted his gun, pointing it directly at Juniper. "For this, I am very sorry," he spoke softly to her.

Mihkul fires at Juniper

02-25-2015, 05:54 PM
"We both tried. Make the most of your life," Juniper said, her voice strong and natural as she smiled genuinely at him. She closed her eyes as he lifted the gun, issuing a small prayer that she would find peace.

Just as she went to open her eyes again, to see the world for one last time...she felt the bullet colliding with her. It stopped her in mid breath and strangely enough, her body slumped gracefully to the floor as life left her in a less than glorious manner.

The genuine smile still graced her lips and her eyes were open, staring out at the world she had left behind.

02-26-2015, 04:49 PM
Mihkul felt the recoil of the revolver and with a tear in his eye he watched Juniper slowly slump to the floor. A tear filled his cold, dark eyes. It all had come to this, a final shot that stole the life from a vibrant and beuatiful woman. He wondered if she had even wanted to be a part of this event or was she forced into it.

He looked around the room, surrounded by death and blood. His hits had always been singular...one life at a time. Though he couldn't take the credit for all of this, he felt responsible. He looked at the cameras and nodded, then went to the bar and raised the bottle of vodka to his lips, waiting on his host to appear with the final announcement and his payoff for the victory.

Seconds turned into minutes and then hours as Mihkul waited for his host to present him with the prize money, then he would be out of this madness and take a long vacation. The vodka was taking effect and Mihkul felt a familiar numbness filling his brain yet it still didn't block the scenes of the past event.

He heard footsteps approaching and moved to his feet to greet SQJ, only to be met by a gun barrel pointing at his head. "Jacognos!" he exclaimed. "I thought you were dead." In his mind he pictured the man to have been in hiding, waiting for that last person standing and the good fortune of surviving to the end. A very interesting strategy, to say the least. He heard the empty click of the trigger and there was no report. Quickly his own gun lit up and he aimed at the head of his rival.

Mihkul fires at Jacognos

03-02-2015, 07:41 PM
SQJ remembered bleeding, he remembered a fear, a dread so immense that it had stained the core of his soul. Even at that moment, he could still fear the echoes of that singular burst of dread and shock at the tip of his soul. How it had built up from the start of the tournament until the final bullet was let loose, fired by his hand. Painting him a murderer forever.

It was a hell with no description and it broke every one who faced it.

Every man. Every women.

How much did the world have to weight to break the spines of every man who faced it? The answer was easy enough.

Weight of the gun in your hand.

The pressure needed?

Just enough to push the bullet into the cartridge, the cartridge into the gun and then to pull the trigger. That would always, always prove to be enough.

Even now as he watched Mihkul's gun drill a bullet into the skull with force enough to make the hollow point burst and the back of Jac's still burst open in a spray of blood and there was a cheer from all the screens.

The body crumpled to the ground and all over the planet bodies jumped up from their seat in celebration.

And just like that it was all over.

Life carried on. Babies were being born, what was likely the worst days in the lives of the few that resided there was the great day in the life of many others doing other things that became instantly meaningless when compared to a bullet drilling into one's skull.

Two dozen women, dressed in surgical kits on the level of hazmat suits before moving across the home and the smell of cleaning fluid. The screens all around were abuzz with activity as billions upon billions off dollars shifted hands. Some of it even passing into his own as profit, little bit off the top.

He let them work, watching as technicians, one by one started packing up. Laptop after laptop closed, blood was spirited, brain matter carefully picked and dropped off into little bags and catalogued with thousands of pictures taken.

A blonde man, under five feet tall and dressed in a perfectly white suite stepped into the room with a clip-pad. He had a well slicked down Beatles hair cut and what could be the thinnest moustache in the world. He stopped in front of the bags as they were shown to him one at a time. The man had no qualms about touching the bags and inspecting them with as much care as humanly possible.
Price tags were put upon the patches of torn and burnt muscle. Burnt flesh particles got a higher price. Brain matter higher. Bone and bits of skull, the highest.

Behind him, the number of active bodies increased as close white stretchers with doctors in front leading the way, they were dressed more like surgeons than the others with their mouths and their gloves covered.

They moved around each other like dancers at a grand ball, bodies just moving in almost the purest of unison. SQJ put his hands in his pockets and moved over to his last remaining guest. He put an arm around the man and pointed to Jac's body. Snapping his fingers together, he watched as the man in white stopped and direction the dance towards the body of jac.

The blood was cleaned quickly as the two of them were surrounded by activity. The smell of cleaning liquid just exploding out towards them.

"You know, there something special about the human condition and growth. We adapt. We get hit with trauma and a chemical reaction goes off. This happens to us at all levels of development, all ages. Hell even before we know what to think, even before our own cultures can teach us good and bad." The bits of bone that made up Ja'cs skull were shown to the man in white. Where he shook his head they were packed two in a bag and when he nodded they received it's own bag. "This chemical reaction is what hurts you the most. Hurts you and sticks with you forever. Prime example I like to think about? Circumcision." He playfully patted his thigh., "They measured the exact same chemical reaction in babies after being circumcised. Even with the anaesthetic, the chemical reaction puts the level of pain the baby goes through is on the level of a gunshot to the chest. Blam!" SQJ said, patting Mikhul in the chest, "makes you think about the bullshit you go through, right at the start doesn't it? It maybe adds a little perspective. After all, one never remembers such a thing, but your body remembers. You're fucked up, right at the start. And why? God told you to? Ha." The floor was cleaned up and three maids lifted the body onto the clear glass stretchers. At the sides there were black plastic sheets which closed over the body. On top was a label, University of Chicago. "My point is this. Your body never forgets, but your mind will. It will heal over, ever so slightly. You will heal from this. It will always been there but you'll be able to take one step forward at a time. It breaks every single person who is involved, but every single person. With literally no exceptions, loses the money or loses a level of control over their lives." He snapped his fingers and butlers moved up in front of him. There were over a dozen brief cases with gold bars that were presented, surrounding him. "So thank you for the fantastic show. You earned every penny. Don't feel sorry for the dead, they don't feel sorry for you and no one else feels sorry for anyone else here. Their bodies are headed to good homes."

SQJ sighed, running his fingers through his hair and parting ways, waving quietly.

"This is where we part ways." The engine of a boat in the distance roared to life and the butlers moved. "If you have any words use them now or forever hold your piece. Any way, he's to never seeing each other again and a better, richer life."

He moved away his hands into his pockets, waving over his shoulder as he moved on to take a nap. It had been a pretty busy day after all."

--------------------- THE 2014 WINNER OF RUSSIAN ROULETTE. ----------------------



A proud SQJ production.


I was basically the worst GM of all time but each and every one of you have been amazing. I can't believe so many of you stayed and kept taking part.
You were all impossibly amazing and I sincerely hope I can get my shit together for the next one! Mik, if you want to edit in a post, PM me, I'll add it in. Just copy the post, add your own part and send it back to me. I'll replace the post.

Again guys.

I cannot thank you enough.
Now I have two games that work on RPA!
(I guess you still have to make more than one of these before I get a special Badge)
and it's all because of you all.