View Full Version : Runner [OOC]

08-21-2010, 07:00 AM
IC Thread (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?p=311488)
No longer open to new characters! Sorry!

"The world is an advanced place, now. I hope you know that. There are all kinds of guns and walls that are going to get in your way while you're on this assignment." The Mysterious Man smiles gently at you, "But you already knew that, didn't you? I don't need to explain all of this to you."

It's 2054. The world has developed incredibly rapidly over the past 44 years due to the unification of all nations under one single government, eliminating all war so that the greatest minds of the world can focus on the advancement of technology for the good of mankind.

The expansion of the internet, or The Network, as it is now called, throughout the world has spread into every single aspect of everyday lives. Currency is entirely processed electronically, which makes it both harder and easier to steal. Paper has become obsolete and now all information and data is stored in The Network.

Physical "Enhancements" have been created, and the addition of electronic body parts is now mainstream, though still found to be a bit strange in the eye of the general public. Things like electrobiotic eyes or ears enhance a person's senses, and things like electrobiotic hands allow a person to access The Network even more easily than another person, or to be stronger than the natural human could be.

In short, this is the future.

You are what is called a "Runner". You're a mercenary, out to get money for whatever job is called in - robbery, assault, sometimes even assassination.

As little war as there is in the world, the world's still a corrupt place, and you're here to reap the benefits of that corruption.

Your newest assignment is from a man, yet to have supplied an identity. He has sent you messages through The Network requesting that you meet him in Phoenix Down Bar, in downtown Berlin.

This story is set in Germany, near and in Berlin. Keep in mind that this is not present-day Berlin. The world is very advanced.

There are 5 different professions your character can be involved in:

Hacker: Advanced in the skill of hacking into The Network, accessing bank accounts and data mainframes, the Hacker is a formidable Runner to have on a mission in which electronics are involved. Generally, Hackers are less able to fire weapons effectively due to the fact that most of their time is dedicated to understanding and getting past the latest technology.

Shadow: The stealthiest of all the Runner professions, the Shadow is probably the most ruthless and cold-blooded of all Runners. He specializes in long-range weaponry and remaining unseen while picking off enemies from a distance. He is the most useful of the Runners in an assassination-type mission, though they are usually withdrawn and precise people who don't work well with others. As a result, their coordination with groups isn't as good as it should be.

Brute: This Runner is the most physically capable of all of the Runner professions. Brutes tend to use their muscle to get around anything and everything. As a result of their incredibly large amount muscle mass and the great deal of time they spend maintaining that muscle mass, Brutes are generally 'less intelligent' than other Runners, being that they're incapable of both expanding their mind and muscles to the height of their ability.

Gun: The Gun is the Runner you'll want if you have a mission that you want done via the use of projectile weapons, explosives, etc. For weaponry, the Gun is your man. Not necessarily the biggest, brightest, or fastest, but the Gun can shoot far better than any other Runner other than Shadows with a scoped rifle. However, the Gun is a much better team member than a Shadow.

Jet: The Runner who truly earns the title of "Runner" would be the Jet. The Jet is the Runner who focuses entirely on speed, whether it's firing rate or the speed the Jet is talking or running, how fast is of great importance. Hard to bear for longer than a few minutes at a time due to their incredibly short attention span, Jets are generally bad at carrying out planned maneuvers or coordinated attacks. The phrase "They can't see me and therefore can't shoot me" applies to any Jet while they are dashing across the battlefield. A valuable, if irritating ally.


Username: Hunter
Name and/or Callsign: Tsuki Vanile
Age: 25
Profession: Jet
Weaponry: She has a pair of claw blades for close combat and a futuristic machine gun for long ranged.
Appearance: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/youkoselementalkitsune/anime%20girl/DarknessSurrounded.jpg
Implants: Tsuki has metallic implants on her left ankle.On her right foot,she has implants that goes up to her knee.She also has a glasses-like lens on her left eye that she is able to take off.
History: Tsuki,as a young child,learned how to handle a gun.Little did she know,she barely knew how to use it.As a little,defenseless child she ran away from danger.After years of running,she finally discovered that she runs fast and then her dream was to become the fastest Jet ever.Years have past and she finally became a fast Jet,but,not sure if she was the fastest.

Name and/or Callsign: Jake "Bolt" Black

Lightning: A electrically enhanced pair of blades, designed to stun an enemy, even if the enemy's skin isn't pierced. They're about 8 inches in length and fit into two pockets inside Jake's jacket sleeves, specially made to hold his blades.

Appearance: Jake doesn't worry too much about whether the enemy can see him with his outfitting - mostly it's about mobility. His general clothing consists of tank-tops and shorts, and, most recently, his new favorite pair of sunglasses. His hair is short and blond and his eyes are blue. He's about 5'9" tall and a fairly skinny build due to the amount of running he does.
Implants: Because Jake believes in having a natural balance in his body, he's avoided implants, but over time for various reasons (mostly relating to his jobs), Jake has added implants in his eyes to allow him wireless access to The Network. He has also had a reflex stimulant implanted to give him better reflexes while running, though this simply adds to his impatience a lot of the time, making the world seem to move more slowly than it really moves.
History: Jake is - and has always been - a person who strives for speed, but he has made it his goal to keep his running speed entirely natural, and has refrained from the use of any implants to stimulate his speed or ability. Some of his employers have argued that this is why he is so fast - that he doesn't rely on his implants to make him better - but there are still Jets whose implants allow them to be better.

Username: erebus
Name and/or Callsign: Issac "Talyn" Daevison
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Profession: Shadow

Primary: Issac's main weapon is a custom-made, precision rifle. Fed from a removable, revolver style, 6 round clip, the bolt-action rifle has been designed with an extended barrel length to maximize projectile accuracy and speed, at the cost of increased recoil. The sights, along with the addition of a range-finder, have been computerized to help compensate for weather conditions and bullet drop by receiving data from his personal Network connection.
Sidearm: Used primarily for protection on the way to his hide and during extraction following a job, Issac carries his back-up M9-SD. His particular model is fitted with a suppressor and laser sight.
Misc: The only weapon Issac carries on him, at all times, is his trusty combat knife. Kept in a sheath on his hip, this knife is balanced for throwing, but sturdy enough to be used in close quarters if a job goes south in a hurry.


Civilian Attire: Issac stands around 6'-0", with a fairly nondescript build. He likes to keep his average length, jet black hair very precisely unkempt, as a sort of inward rebellion against his time spent in the military. Since he sees no reason to dress for combat during his daily life, Issac often leaves the tools of his trade at home. If you were to see him walking down the street, odds are he'd be wearing a black trench coat over a plain white buttoned-up shirt and black slacks. Around his neck, he wears a harpy eagle talon on a chain, as a reminder of his old unit. Really, the only remarkable thing about his appearance are his electrobiotic eyes, which shift between a deep blue and a light grey color as various filters engage.


Running Gear: To say the difference between his daily appearance and his running gear is like night and day would be a bit of an understatement. When on the job, Issac is clad in a full-body (head-included) combat suit. The suit is made of smart camouflage meta-materials, which are able to roughly color shift to better blend with his surroundings when stationary, in his hide. When in motion, the suit defaults back to its normal dark grey color. In terms of tech, Issac uses a wrist mounted firing computer, which feeds information into his rifle. He also wears a flip-up visor, which acts as a HMD for his firing computer, while still allowing him limited vision through the use of the two small visual light cameras and the larger IR sensor.


Implants: Due to the generally less physical nature of his specialty, Issac has limited his implants to his eyes and right arm. He had both his eyes replaced, granting him limited light amplification, as well as the ability to switch over to basic IR, if necessary. They also allow him up to 2x optical zoom, when not looking through a scope. His right arm has been enhanced to allow him improved fine control over his aim through servos which are able to network with the firing computer on his wrist. Finally, his right shoulder has been fortified with a framework, which spreads around his ribcage, to help absorb the extra recoil from his rifle. Unfortunately, this has led to mildly decreased mobility in that shoulder.
History: Issac grew up in what was once called the New England area of the old USA. Born to parents who both served in the armed forces, he was groomed for military life from a young age. Despite his excellent grades and distinct intellectualism, Issac decided to skip out on college, and instead joined the Global Peacekeeping Forces almost immediately after he turned 18. After going through Spec Ops training right out of boot camp, he spent the next 10 years as a sharpshooter assigned to the Raptor Unit, a deniable ops team called in when a problem 'absolutely, positively, has to go away tomorrow.' It was here that Issac was given the callsign "Talyn," as he was the one who would 'reach out and touch' the target.
However, after complications arose during the course of what would turn out to be his final mission, back-up was denied when the Forces disavowed all knowledge of his team's existence, leaving Issac the sole survivor of his unit. After spending what money he had on his enhancements and custom gear, he was forced to find a new means of employment. Since he was left without a job history, he set about making use of the only thing he knew how to do well. Over the past 4 years, he's made a name for himself as a Shadow who frequently votes for discretion, attempting to finish the job with the least number of unnecessary casualties, and, on rare occasions, has been rumored to show compassion towards civilians caught in the thick of it.

Username: Kamakazikid8
Name and/or Callsign: Min Li Ng
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Profession: Hacker
A SOCOM pistol with a laser sight
Programs that can overload electronics, causing a variety of effects ranging from electronic crashes to violent explosions, though crashes were the most common. These programs are carried in a small hand-held device created by Min Li. What is essentially created a single target EMP. A small handful of these programs can affect implants, interfering with the more delicate bits and possibly harming the person connected to it.
Appearance: Min Li stands at average height and has short black hair and dark eyes. His skin is slightly paler than average. He is usually seen wearing wears plain black loose-fitting shirts and blue jeans, and occasionally an olive green zip-up. On his feet he wears white tennis shoes.
Implants: Min Li carries implants in his arms and legs to help him defend himself, whether he chooses to fight or run. They increase his strength and reaction time, as well as making them sturdier.
History: Min Li lived in what used to be China before the unification, growing up not even knowing the name of his country. His father was an office worker and his mother a housewife. He excelled in school, ranking in the top five for all his classes. He became a runner because any other job felt too easy.
Min Li would spend day after day on the Network, figuring out how it worked and what did what. Soon he was bypassing firewalls and installing different protection systems just to find ways around them.

Username: Wattz
Name: Roxana Wilde
Sex: Female
Age: 33
Profession: Brute
Weaponry: Has a standard gun and a knife at her hip in case of emergencies, but isn’t one to actually use it. She much prefers a good old fashioned beat ‘em up.
Appearance: Big, tall, and muscular, Roxana is a more than intimidating individual. Her skin has a slight tan and she has a reddish hue in the cheeks. Her eyes are hazel and her face has a usually dull expression. She keeps her greasy brown hair about shoulder length, and it often falls in front of her face. She keeps quiet most of the time and isn’t particularly vocal. She wears simple clothing, usually a black t-shirt with an unofficial bullet proof vest underneath, and gray pants with black boots.
History: Learned early in life that she was better at getting the things she wanted with fists instead of words. Roxana took to life by building her muscles and utilizing her naturally tall stature to the best of her abilities. Though not the brightest crayon in the box, she’s smart enough to realize that people were willing to hire pure muscle for body guards and other side jobs. As far as she’s concerned, being a Runner is the only thing she’s cut out for.

Username: splicer407
Name and/or Callsign: Splicer
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Profession: Hacker
Weaponry: Dual 9mm pistols with extended clips and 3 shot burst fire mode.
Appearance: http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/6734/animeboy.jpghttp://farm4.static.flickr.com/3252/2897282317_eb25898a50.jpg
Implants: Splicer has various implants and ports on him, most of which attach things like extra appendages and other devices.

Iris implants, like contacts but just under the surface of the eye, which allow for viewing of the network without an external screen.
Interface ports mounted on his back near his shoulder blades used to attach anything from decorative robotic wings, to backpacks that carry CPUs and network nodes.
A single interface port at the base of his spine primarily used to attach a robotic segmented tail, but can also be used to interface with other items.
Various computer chips and drives connected to his nervous system to help control the other implants and interface with the net and computers in general.

History: Splicer is an odd person to say the least, he is gifted with an enhanced intelligence which comes at the price of extremely odd views. Although he would never admit it his family, which nobody knows he belongs to, is extremely wealthy and he used his money to purchase and install the various implants that he has.
After finding out what he was up to his family disowned him and he went off the books, eventually gathering a considerable income with his own skills and busying himself with creating his own range of Electrobiotic appendages and attachments, using himself as a test subject.

Username: Sool777
Name and/or Callsign: Elliot Smith, Callsign Eagle 1
Weaponry: Elliot has 3 hidden blades located on his suit, 2 are in his inner wrists and one is located inside the his right boot. Also on his suit are built in slots to put on holsters and strap other important equpment on. He also has a rifle that has a wireless link to his helmet's HUD and a pistol from pre-unification ( HK MK23 .45 cal)
Appearance: His appearence is unknown as he is covered with a strange metalic suit that has bonded to his body.The suit is covered with a matte black (nonreflective) paint and he has a matching helmet. The Helmet however is removable and reveals his face, a bald black man, with all white eyes. His expression almost always never changes and he is somehow always cleanly shaven. He has the body of a 28 year old, muscular man.
Implants: Upgraded eyes, mucle reflexes, a non-aging implant that lets him live double the lifetime of a normal, or what used to be normal human. During this lifetime his body will not decay, but his mind will eventually. Also a metal suit bonded permanently to his body.
History: Elliot Smith was in the army for the United states when the unification happened. The military cut most of its soldiers from any connection or pay from the military so Elliot was left with no job, home or family to stay with. Scientists preyed on people like Elliot to test their new devices and they pressured Elliot into volunteering for one of the tests in exchange for a home and a steady pay. Elliot spent 3 years being tested and "improved" until he became the first version of a Shadow, however he had many design flaws so they modified him into a Gun. Pairing him with a experimental self repairing suit and modifieing some of his skills givin to him by implants he became a Gun, version 2.0. After being tested and let loose a private military company (PMC) called Eagle Corps. came to him offering a job, a job with very good pay and that could use his skills. He accepet the offer and now is the head of their leading field operations team, hence his callsign Eagle 1.

Username: Redriak
Name and/or Callsign: Hawk "The Eye" Pierce
Weaponry: Lucifer (A long-range sniper rifle, colored entirely black with a special non-reflective paint. Fires bullets.) Andarius (A side-arm pistol for only the most dire situations when Hawk is in a tight spot. Again, colored entirely black in special non-reflective paint.)
Appearance: The Eye is commonly found to be wearing a tight black tee-shirt, black jeans and black combat boots. His hair is black and the eye that isn't electrobiotic - his left one - was engineered by doctors to be entirely black as well. The rest of his skin Is well-tanned to be sure that it doesn't reflect enough light to be seen well in the dark.
Implants:Hawk's right eye is electrobiotic. It has been engineered to automatically scan through The Network when he sees someone to find information on that person. It is also engineered to help him see very well in the dark and he has a special extra eyelid for his right eye to block out the light from his electrobiotic eye, but to still allow him to see. When Hawk shuts this eyelid, his right eye looks exactly like his left eye.
History:Hawk has no memory of his birth, but the earliest he knows is that he grew up on the streets of Berlin, left to fend for himself in the slums. In this time, he grew learning to trust no one but himself, and to always make sure that if things went bad, he was the one to come out on top. This was the reason why later in his life he became more withdrawn and separate from the world, and he now lives by himself in his small apartment where he keeps his Running supplies.

08-21-2010, 06:04 PM
If anything's wrong just notify me and ill change it.

Username: Sool777
Name and/or Callsign: Elliot Smith, Callsign Eagle 1




Weaponry: Elliot has 3 hidden blades located on his suit, 2 are in his inner wrists and one is located inside the his right boot. Also on his suit are built in slots to put on holsters and strap other important equpment on. He also has a rifle that has a wireless link to his helmet's HUD and a pistol from pre-unification ( HK MK23 .45 cal)


Appearance: His appearence is unknown as he is covered with a strange metalic suit that has bonded to his body.The suit is covered with a matte black (nonreflective) paint and he has a matching helmet. The Helmet however is removable and reveals his face, a bald black man, with all white eyes. His expression almost always never changes and he is somehow always cleanly shaven. He has the body of a 28 year old, muscular man.

Implants: Upgraded eyes, mucle reflexes, a non-aging implant that lets him live double the lifetime of a normal, or what used to be normal human. During this lifetime his body will not decay, but his mind will eventually. Also a metal suit bonded permanently to his body.

History: Elliot Smith was in the army for the United states when the unification happened. The military cut most of its soldiers from any connection or pay from the military so Elliot was left with no job, home or family to stay with. Scientists preyed on people like Elliot to test their new devices and they pressured Elliot into volunteering for one of the tests in exchange for a home and a steady pay. Elliot spent 3 years being tested and "improved" until he became the first version of a Shadow, however he had many design flaws so they modified him into a Gun. Pairing him with a experimental self repairing suit and modifieing some of his skills givin to him by implants he became a Gun, version 2.0. After being tested and let loose a private military company (PMC) called Eagle Corps. came to him offering a job, a job with very good pay and that could use his skills. He accepet the offer and now is the head of their leading field operations team, hence his callsign Eagle 1.

08-21-2010, 07:36 PM
Nope. It's all good. Thanks for joining.

08-22-2010, 09:36 AM
Hey there~ C:
If you're looking for members, why not submit this roleplay for Roleplay of the Week (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905), put it in the Roleplaying Games Directory (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2304) or click here (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3975) to help attract players?

08-22-2010, 07:43 PM

Oops, didn't realize I had to PM it beforehand. My bad XD. I'll PM it then post it back up if it's acceptable. Thanks, Sool777!

08-23-2010, 01:16 PM
This looks like fun. If I may:

Username: Kamakazikid8
Name and/or Callsign: Min Li Ng
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Profession: Hacker
A SOCOM pistol with a laser sight

Programs that can overload electronics, causing a variety of effects ranging from electronic crashes to violent explosions, though crashes were the most common. These programs are carried in a small hand-held device created by Min Li. What is essentially created a single target EMP. A small handful of these programs can affect implants, interfering with the more delicate bits and possibly harming the person connected to it.
Appearance: Min Li stands at average height and has short black hair and dark eyes. His skin is slightly paler than average. He is usually seen wearing wears plain black loose-fitting shirts and blue jeans, and occasionally an olive green zip-up. On his feet he wears white tennis shoes.
Implants: Min Li carries implants in his arms and legs to help him defend himself, whether he chooses to fight or run. They increase his strength and reaction time, as well as making them sturdier.
History: Min Li lived in what used to be China before the unification, growing up not even knowing the name of his country. His father was an office worker and his mother a housewife. He excelled in school, ranking in the top five for all his classes. He became a runner because any other job felt too easy.
Min Li would spend day after day on the Network, figuring out how it worked and what did what. Soon he was bypassing firewalls and installing different protection systems just to find ways around them.

08-23-2010, 02:58 PM
Actually guys i think Redriak wants you to PM him the Char sheets, not post them here, I posted my char sheet before he made the edit that said he wanted them in private message. And Kamakazikid8, that SOCOM pistol is also a HK ( Heckler and Koch) Mk23, the same as my char is usin , good choice! B(

08-23-2010, 08:16 PM
Actually guys i think Redriak wants you to PM him the Char sheets, not post them here, I posted my char sheet before he made the edit that said he wanted them in private message. And Kamakazikid8, that SOCOM pistol is also a HK ( Heckler and Koch) Mk23, the same as my char is usin , good choice! B(

Yeah, thanks Sool. I'd like for you guys to PM me the character sheets, both to make sure the sheets are good for the RP and to keep the OOC thread a little less cluttered. Thanks!

08-24-2010, 06:02 AM
This looks interesting. I'll make a CS as soon as I can

08-24-2010, 07:20 AM
Well, assuming there's space for a washed-up old rp-er like myself, my char sheet has been sent for your perusal.

08-25-2010, 01:31 AM
Thanks to everybody who's joined so far. We'll get the RP going here pretty soon, once we get some more characters. Thanks for your patience, guys!

08-25-2010, 11:38 AM

08-26-2010, 05:17 PM
Horray, it's up! *runs to post*

08-26-2010, 06:28 PM
Wait, do we know that we're being teamed or not?

08-27-2010, 04:41 AM
Well, my intro post is up. Here's hoping it's to everyone's satisfaction.

Also, here's a bit of clarification as to the last line of my post. As a way of helping to keep from attracting unwanted attention from his old employers, Issac has taken great pains to keep his personal identity separate from that of Talyn. This is most of the reason why I put up two different Appearances for this character, and why Talyn's outfit covers his face. To this end, Issac has assumed the public role of Talyn's representative/fixer. Whenever he takes a job, the Issac identity only takes part in the legal aspects of the job, such as meeting with the client and dealing with the contract, helping to keep police suspicion off of him when investigations are made into the results of Talyn's jobs.

Now, I fully expect this barrier to come crumbling down at some point during this RP, but I'd like for it to be either story related via one of Redriak's NPCs or by my own hand. So, basically, feel free to recognize/know of Issac, or know of Talyn by name. I just ask that you not link them as the same person yet. Of course, all this is subject to veto by Redriak.

08-27-2010, 01:55 PM
Something to clear up of my own, im currently controlling my "Eagle Corps." Team as my own NPCs, i was planning to not use them during the actual story , using some kind of excuse as having to do this mission alone. However if no one has a problem i will use them for a little longer. Is that fine with everyone?

08-27-2010, 05:14 PM
@Kamakazikid8: I was under the impression that they don't know, but upon retrospect, it's possible that they do know .__. It seems like everyone's sort of going with the line that they don't know at the moment though, unless I'm misreading something.

@erebus: That sounds like a pretty cool idea! Could provide for a really nice plot twist, for sure.

@Sool777: I personally have no qualms against it 8D

08-27-2010, 08:16 PM
So, I'm assuming that's not how you planned that encounter to go down, Sool777, but considering how careful Issac is, someone walking up to him out of the blue and talking about Talyn would tend to put him on the defensive. If you follow through on the card and set up a meeting, he'll have a proper discussion and join up, though I'm still deciding if I want him to be a proper team member or a freelance contractor. Any ideas?

08-27-2010, 11:10 PM
Actually i assumed your character would get all defensive about that. I ( Or more my charachter) Was acting on a impulse, as to not force you to join my char's PMC ( Private Military Company). However it would be great if you did, give me an excuse not to use my NPCs (EX. Ill take my char to give you a "test" during this mission and i dont need the NPCs around for that.

08-28-2010, 07:41 PM
Man, Roxana is a really hard character to use XD;; Hopefully I can get the hang of her better later .__.

08-28-2010, 08:05 PM
@Wattz: Heh, I was really hoping someone would make a comment about that. =D Speaking of which, I'm thinking about keeping the act up (sans the slur...that was way more annoying to my mild spelling OCD than I thought it would be), and part of it was going to be an exaggerated reaction to Roxana. So, about how much taller than 6' is she? Oh, and thanks for thinking the mystery a good idea. Every once in a while I have a keeper.

08-28-2010, 08:14 PM
@erebus: Roxana stands at 6' 7''. I thought that'd be a pretty good height for her, though I admit my height judgement calls aren't exactly up to par XD;;; Wanted a good, exaggerated, whopping height.

Giggle, guy acting drunk = hilarity XD. I enjoy the act thoroughly.

08-28-2010, 09:28 PM
@Wattz: That's perfect for what I had in mind. Puts Issac right about eye level with her neck/chin, so he has to look up a bit to see her eyes...

[EDIT]:@Wattz: Since it probably didn't come across in the post, my char didn't mean anything personal towards Roxana. He just needed a good excuse to fall backwards.

08-29-2010, 05:32 PM
Has everyone gotten near the client yet? Other than my characters?

08-29-2010, 05:43 PM
I don't think Hunter's posted since the client showed up. So, no, Tsuki is still sitting at the bar.

08-29-2010, 05:54 PM
I don't think Hunter's posted since the client showed up. So, no, Tsuki is still sitting at the bar.

Okay, thanks. We'll get the client part going as soon as Hunter posts.

08-29-2010, 06:57 PM
[EDIT]:@Wattz: Since it probably didn't come across in the post, my char didn't mean anything personal towards Roxana. He just needed a good excuse to fall backwards.

No worries, I didn't see it as Isaac making a personal attack on Roxana at all. He's a man with his own agenda, so it seems XD. Even if he had meant it as such, sometimes characters can make personal attacks on other ones. Makes 'em more human.

08-29-2010, 07:34 PM
Even if he had meant it as such, sometimes characters can make personal attacks on other ones. Makes 'em more human.
Oh, absolutely; it's also one of the easiest ways to toss a bit of drama into an RP. But that's not why I mentioned it. Way back when I was learning to rp, I was in a group where it was customary to explain any motivations that might not have been clear in the OOC to help the other writers better understand your character if they ever needed to hijack it for one of their posts. Some habits die hard, I suppose.

08-29-2010, 09:16 PM
@erebus: Aaah, I see now XD. That's actually not a bad idea, might I say. Very useful tactic.

09-01-2010, 12:11 AM
I'm going to go ahead and move on with the story without Hunter, if that's okay with everyone?

09-01-2010, 12:27 AM
@Wattz: Yeah, we found that it tended to work pretty well. Of course, it's become rather irrelevant since the players everywhere else I've been refuse to hijack characters for dialog's sake.

Speaking of which, if anyone feels like hijacking Issac or Talyn during one of their posts, go right ahead, and feel free to PM me to ask about whether he'd say or do something.

@Redriak: No worries, here. We can always find a way to work her back in later.

09-01-2010, 12:33 AM
@erebus: Well it's definitely something to keep in mind for future's sake XD. I like the way it sounds, especially to keep the story going.

@Redriak: Yup, I don't mind continuing. I think since it's so early in, it'll be easy to find a place for Hunter to slip back in.

09-01-2010, 12:51 AM
I don't mind moving on either.

09-01-2010, 11:24 AM
Okay, then. I think that's enough people who're okay with moving on. And we can easily get her in someplace else if she returns. I'll put in my next post later today.

09-02-2010, 02:33 AM
Well, considering I was already sitting at the table, apart from a couple sentences to bring over and send away the bartender to resolve sool's last post, I'm still left without any real options... How 'bout the rest of you?

09-02-2010, 03:09 AM
I admit, I'm at a bit of a loss as well. I'm trying to work out a post where I show Roxana's reaction to Isaac's drunken spiel and the client, but all in all it's hard to add substance to it at this point. It would really just be an empty post :/

09-02-2010, 04:22 PM
Well, I had hoped that Redriak would take care of it in his post, so I wouldn't have to waste one on it, but the bartender issue's bugging me, so I guess I'll put a short one up to get that over with.

[EDIT]: After reading your post again, Redriak, I gotta ask, just how big is this booth? I assume Jake sat next to your shadow and not Issac, so that means you've got 3 people on one side of the table and Issac sitting across from them. Are we all supposed to sit at the same table or what?

[EDIT[EDIT]]:May not be saying much, but I think that's one of the best filler posts I've ever written...and in record time too...

09-02-2010, 08:08 PM
@erebus, sorry if my post with the bartender gave you too much of an inconvenience.

09-02-2010, 10:21 PM
@Sool: Sorry, that's not what I meant. I generally like to try and make my posts accomplish several things at once, or at least advance my character's personal story an appreciable amount. As such, I tend to consider it a waste of a post to only address a single, relatively small detail and not really move anything forward. In this case, it was bugging me that no barkeeper worth their salt would take more than a couple minutes to deliver a drink, so the only way to have the barkeeper not interrupt the meeting and still keep the timing right was to have him come over before everyone sat down. I had hoped that Redriak would either mention the barkeeper dropping off the drink or that the story element of his post would have been substantial enough to give me at least a second point to respond to.........and this turned out waaay longer than I had thought it would...

09-04-2010, 01:22 PM
I'm Terribly Sorry Guys.I Have Been Totally Busy With School And Had No Spare Time On This.Uhm...Can Someone Tell Me Where'd I'll Slip In?

09-07-2010, 10:11 PM
@Hunter: I can write you in with my post, I just need a bit of info about your char's personality so I'm not too far off the mark when I hijack her. PM me if there's anything specific you want her to say when she joins the group.

09-08-2010, 12:40 AM
@Sool: Sorry, that's not what I meant. I generally like to try and make my posts accomplish several things at once, or at least advance my character's personal story an appreciable amount. As such, I tend to consider it a waste of a post to only address a single, relatively small detail and not really move anything forward. In this case, it was bugging me that no barkeeper worth their salt would take more than a couple minutes to deliver a drink, so the only way to have the barkeeper not interrupt the meeting and still keep the timing right was to have him come over before everyone sat down. I had hoped that Redriak would either mention the barkeeper dropping off the drink or that the story element of his post would have been substantial enough to give me at least a second point to respond to.........and this turned out waaay longer than I had thought it would...
Ah, sorry. I'm afraid I forgot about that element when I started continuing the central plot.. Hope it didn't irk you too much. I'll be sure to remember those bits in the future - I just didn't remember to allow for the response to the bartender giving out the drink.

Also, on the size of the booth - It's a fairly large booth, designed to seat about 7 or 8 people. The extra people are standing at the table on the corner where there are no seats.

09-08-2010, 01:21 AM
Actually i pulled up a chair to the end just to be different.

09-10-2010, 11:30 AM
No one's going to post?

09-10-2010, 01:13 PM
I'll put a post up tomorrow evening, but I'm trying to wait as long as I can to see if Hunter checks back in with us.

09-10-2010, 03:36 PM
Hope My Post Is Alright.I Tried Catching Up And I Think I Get The Story.. =D

09-12-2010, 03:10 AM
And now where are the rest of the Runners? I need you guys to post whether your character accepts or rejects the offer.

09-12-2010, 03:13 AM
Ack, sorry about not posting yet >_< I'll be able to post either later tonight or tomorrow, I promise. Just been having a bit of writer's block, and I need to force through it XD;;;

09-12-2010, 03:17 AM
Oh. Damn. I'll get right on that.

09-15-2010, 11:12 AM
Is that everybody? I think there's a couple more people we need to post, but I'm not sure.

09-20-2010, 01:46 AM
So... Have my people disappeared? I feel a little abandoned. ;_;

09-20-2010, 01:49 AM
Gahhh, I'm sorry, I promise I didn't disappear, I'm just having a hard time trying to think of something to post T__T. Bad RP writer's block as of late .__.

09-20-2010, 01:51 AM
The same here. I have no idea what to say.

09-20-2010, 04:01 PM
But If I Did Post It's Probably A Dumb Post,That's Why I'm Thinking.. ^^

09-22-2010, 10:34 PM
Well, I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with it, but I've put a post up.

09-23-2010, 12:05 AM
Well, it seems that we have a bit of prejudice. Sounds like a nice conflict; I'm joining in.

09-23-2010, 05:47 AM
Finally got a post up XD;;; Hope it's alright .__.

10-05-2010, 09:09 PM
More posts, pl0xies.

And Wattz, your avatar gets 5/5 stars. Repo is amazing.

10-07-2010, 12:39 AM
Oh why thank you 8DDD HUZZAH FOR MORE REPO FANSSS Yesssssssssssssss.

I'll post something before I leave the library. My internet is down at home, so I've been putting off a lot of things on this site, but no more putzing around!

10-07-2010, 03:35 PM
I'll start working on something tonight, but it might take some time, since I'm limited to one usable arm for another week or so and I hate hunt/peck with a passion...

10-07-2010, 07:48 PM
Understandable. Your effort's appreciated. :D

10-07-2010, 08:33 PM
I'm very sorry, but I have to drop out for school-related reasons.

10-08-2010, 06:31 PM
It's fine. Hope to see you in some RPs later.

10-26-2010, 11:25 PM
Is anyone else going to post, or should we continue with the storyline?

10-27-2010, 03:30 AM
Gah, sorrysorrysorry... It's been crunch time with school, and we're hitting the busy season in our production schedule at work, so I accidentally let the rp slip my mind. Feel free to begin the beatings with sacks of fruit. To make up for it, I'm gonna go ahead and put off my readings for tomorrow's class and type something out now...

[EDIT]:Got about halfway through before the pink elephants told me I needed to sleep. I'll finish it tonight.

11-03-2010, 02:58 AM
Blah, sorry I haven't posted yet. I was going to post today but the homework wave came on much stronger than I thought it would... again >_<. Plus I'm not gonna lie, I think I've boxed myself in with Roxana's character a bit, in that I've never had a character so standoffish/dumb that she hardly spoke. Usually that's where most of the character development gets channeled, so I'm trying to find a way to increase her interactions without getting rid of her standoffish nature, but also she can't be too standoffish or else she becomes TOO blah.... If that makes any sense XD.

Long story short, I'll post tomorrow. OR, if I finish my homework/get too frustrated with it (more so than I currently am) I will try to respond tonight.




But yeah... I've decided to make Roxana a little more talkative, just so she can contribute a little more to the conversations and stuff. I like her being slow, and I like her not being very expressive, but I want to develop her speaking a bit more. Also, went with a weird sort of... accent? It's fun to type, anyways XD.