View Full Version : AussieMine's Map Making Corner Shop

08-11-2014, 10:58 PM
I used to make maps a while ago, mainly fantasy ones. But they were fun to do. I just recently did a map for Caoimhe294 after seeing her map, and thought It would be a good idea to improve on it.!

So what I'm going to do, is create maps for people who need them, (Mainly for Fantasy RPs) And I will only do it for Roleplays. Sorry Anyways. Yeah, I'll show some examples!

From the Original Map (http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f206/KoolKatAlly/MapMarked_zps8fbe2802.jpg) To the New Map (http://i.imgur.com/yeTfY5p.png)

Other Examples
One (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/343/0/7/island_of_casarcica_97__digitized_by_aussiemine-d5njrne.png) This one does say it's made by someone else, but they only digitalized it.
Two (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/343/4/6/austera_177_by_aussiemine-d5njo6e.jpg)

Name of RP:
Link to IC/OOC:

Any previously done Map (Optional, but highly recommended. It gives me an Idea):

(Be very descriptive) Tell me what you want:

Names for the locations:

(If you're wanting just a city map) Name of Kingdom:
How big of a Kingdom:

Any small details wanted:

Other Information

10-12-2014, 03:34 PM
I'm putting the "other info" first because it determines if you really need to read the rest. So it's for a RP obviously but it's actually for a few of them that takes place in the same basic universe (all made by me.) In two ways. The first being each RP has multiple missions or episodes depending how you look at it. The second being that their are various Roleplays that will or do take place in this world. I'm doing this so I can do crossovers and such between them. To create a universe. I'm only asking for one region for it all of it though.

If that's a turn off for you I will understand.

Name of RP: Organization of the Lesser Known Villains
Link to IC/OOC: IC (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=65794) and OOC (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=65639)

Any previously done Map (Optional, but highly recommended. It gives me an Idea): http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y433/SBlumenauer/Amairisland_zps46bf66a1.png

(Be very descriptive) Tell me what you want: I want two maps one with the labels and without if that's okay? I also want it to be a better version of the map I made with paint above.

Names for the locations: Listed on map example.