View Full Version : VERY Random Short Story

09-03-2010, 08:47 PM
HAHA okay so we had a creative short story assignment for English. Me and my friend Carla decide to make it more interesting for us by seeing which one of us could create the most random out there story possible (while still making some sort of sense). Here was my entry:

Zoey Martinez was walking down the street on her way to Planned Parenthood. Her bright red and silver hair blew in the wind as her short purple minidress bounced playfully with each step.

She was almost to the promising building when someone stopped her, clearing his throat. Zoey looked up annoyed...then realized she had to look way up. The questioning face of a bright green giraffe gazed down at her.

"Excuse me miss, but I was wondering if you could help me" the green giraffe said in a deep baritone.

"Sorry guy...but I don't have time for this" Zoey said rolling her eyes and started walking again.

"Wait!" the giraffe called "I can give something in return!"

Intrigued Zoey stopped and turned back, "What do you need me to do?" she said with a raised eyebrow.

"I need your help getting me on the moon" the giraffe said with a pleading look.

Zoey gave him an unbelieving stare and stated plainly "Whats in it for me?"

"I can grant you one wish" he said hopefully. "I really need your help, I only have one month left"

Zoey sighed and shifted her weight, thinking about the pros and cons of this decision. "Fine I'll help" she agreed begrudgingly "My name is Zoey Martinez"

"Great!" the green giraffe said, clearly relieved "My name is Lavender"

"Why do you need to go to the moon anyway?"

"Well it all started when I was put under a spell. I actually am not a green giraffe as you see me now. I am really an albino hippopotamus. When I was small, I was swimming in the river, minding my own business when a small meek little antelope came to the edge and started drinking, I saw a crocodile about to go for it and naturally, I cheered the croc on. I'm always in the mood for a good show. Anyway, it turned out the antelope was actually a practicing witch and after she got rid of the crocodile she wasn't too happy about my yelling of 'EAT IT EAT IT EAT IT! DEATH ROLL DEATH ROLL! YEEEAAHHH' so she turned on me and turned me into a green giraffe and told me unless I went to the moon sometime in the next 5 years I would stay a giraffe forever. ..so now I only have a month left and I really need someones help" Lavender finished with a deep breath, looking at Zoey for her reaction.

"....so what were you doing for the past 5 years?" Zoey asked finally

"I've been touring with the world famous can-canning giraffes" Lavender stated plainly "But they kicked me out and I decided I'd rather go back to my naturally hippopotamus form than stay this tall gangly green thing."

"Alright" Zoey said sighing "follow me then"

Zoey led them back to her waiting hovercar and they climbed aboard. The weight of Lavender threw them a little off balance and they floated along rather precariously. After a few hours they arrived at the nearest space station and Lavender hopped out happily.

5 more hours later and 500,000 dollars of Zoeys money later. Lavender was fitted with a brand new custom made space suit and his own private rocket. As Lavender climbed in he called out to Zoey, "Thank you for helping me, make your wish now and it will be granted"

Zoey thought for a second then told him "I wish to be at Planned Parenthood, like I originally wanted to be"

"It is done!" Lavender said and disappeared inside the rocket.

~12 months later~

Zoey carried her baby girl, Chocolate-Cupcakes, in a embracing hug as she went down to the riverside, setting up a blanket and picnik. Chocolate-Cupcakes gazed out at the river, and started clapping and squealing with joy. Zoey turned to look and there was Lavender! The albino hippo she helped just a year ago. Zoey waved happily and Lavender winked, before disappearing down under the water.

I was going to write a lot more but I totally ran out of words...I went over the limit as it was. You shoulda seen my teachers face when she handed back the story, it was priceless. BTW I totally won the bet -amhappy-

09-04-2010, 03:55 AM

09-04-2010, 12:55 PM
thank you! I am rather proud of this :)

09-05-2010, 05:47 AM
If I had a mic, I'd record an audiobook of this... it's so fun to read out loud!

09-05-2010, 03:50 PM
XD never thought of it that way. I should suggest to my teacher making us read our short stories aloud...but judging from the look on her face when she read my story...probably not.