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11-04-2014, 02:22 AM
(R - Sexual Content, Violence, Drinking, Drugs, Swearing ,Cult Themes, Religion, Crude Humor, Controversial Subject Matter, Blood & Gore)

I ride along slowly heading for my usual hangout. It was a small and cheap bar called. 'Vex's Place.' A cheep place that was good to pick up women at. I usually just hung out there and made contacts but today a local gang leader that girl I bailed out and covered for wanted to meet with me here I wasn't sure why so I had my gun in it's holster a few of my Hells Angels MC friends rode along with me. I rode in the center under 'Protection' the streets were dangerous these days and the Angels had been friends of my father. When I went into law I promised I'd never turn them over and even protect them if need be. So they were fine with the fact I was an undercover cop. We park at Vex's and I slowly walk in followed by a few HAMC guys. I walk over to the table where the girl whom said she wanted to speak to me soon was sitting and take a seat. "Hey, you wanted to talk to me from what I've heard?" I say slowly and give Vex a signal to bring me a beer.

11-04-2014, 03:48 PM
Eyes flickering over to the guys that had followed him in she allowed a slight smile to spread across her red lips. "You're just becoming more interesting by the minute," She said taking a martini from one of her body guards. Said body guard looked over his boss's companion with a blank expression before settling down at a nearby table. "Just ignore Ralph, he's a bit....protective," Crossing her legs she paid no mind to her skirt as it rose up slightly.

"I looked into you know, you sparked my interest and it was just bugging me to know nothing. But it comes in handy having a hacker on you're pay roll, they can fin d out quite a lot, especially things people might not want others knowing, " Holding up her free hand she waited for a moment before a folder was deposited into her hand. Sliding it across the table she leaned back into her chair. "Considering everything my hacker found out about you I was caught off guard, you shouldn't have helped and yet you did. Which is why I wanted to talk to you," Lifting her martini she took a sip.

Alise looked him over and smiled again, "I'd like for you to work for me, completely paid of course and you'd be taken care of. The jobs wouldn't be to hard or.....illegal," The smile turned into a smirk.

11-04-2014, 05:15 PM
I am a little shocked at this I take off my sunglass and my steel gray eyes peer into her eyes. "What if I refuse?" I say slowly and my friends tense and are ready just in case anything happens, I would have to get our security upgraded after this was all over.

11-04-2014, 05:31 PM
Looking around she let out a giggle at the sight of his tense friends, god, she'd love it if he'd say yes to working for her. There'd be a lot to gain from having him working for her, especially if his friends would be willing to help out. But Alise was perfectly content with just having him work for her, though sadly she had a feeling he might not be agreeing judging from his question.

Popping a olive into her mouth she chewed slowly as hazel met steel gray. "Absoluetly nothing," She said honestly. "I didn't reach the top by killing everyone who said no to me Henry, you don't mind if I call you that do you?" She asked holding out her glass. A few moments later Ralph was depositing a new martini into her hand. "I figured that people would have better responses if they had more of an option. And turns out I was right," She continued with a shrug.

"Now I'm not above killing but it's also pointless to kill someone if they say no, a proposition means you can say yes or no," She tapped the folder she had given him. "My hacker doesn't leave any evidence behind so these papers are the only evidence on you. Whether you say yes or no you get to keep them but if you do say no then I just walk away and that's it."

11-04-2014, 05:52 PM
"My job is to settle down the gang war." I speak in a low whisper now. "I'll be honest, we aren't making a dent the way things are. If you keep the fact that I'm undercover from other gangs. I'll help you and in return to help us end this gang war. Good people that aren't even wearing gang colors and are working and even a few kids are diieing. If you agree to help us settle this massive sweep of gang wars. I'll help you." I offer my hand to her but keep my left on my pistol in the holster. I had a hard time trusting most people.

11-04-2014, 06:06 PM
"Mhmmm..." Setting her drink down on the table Alise took in what he said as she looked at his hand. Now she had not been expecting this turn of events, a counter offer hadn't even been on the list of things she thought might happen. But it wasn't as if she had an issue with his offer.

Yes she was a gang leader and involved in numerous illegal acts, however even she could see that these gang wars weren't good. On more than one occasion she had witnessed someone innocent dying because of what was going. Besides, if she helped settle the massive sweep of gang wars then it could increase the power she and her own gang had even more. If I was to gain anything from this more power would be perfect she thought to herself.

"Quid pro quo," She murmured reaching forward and taking his hand. "Deal, I'll help you in return for your help."

11-04-2014, 06:45 PM
"Okay then, if you need anything contact me at this number. It's the phone I use during undercover hours." I say slowly and switch the safety back on. I stand up and set down a few dollars. "Later Vex, Alise." I walk for the door and I'm followed by the chapter. They are silent and I am as well as we get on our bikes.

11-04-2014, 07:23 PM
Watching him go, Alise picked up his number and tapped it against her hand. This is going to be interesting with that thought running through her mind she finished her martini and rose to her feet. "Pay the tab please Ralph then lets go," She said as he helped her put on her jacket. Picking up her purse from where it had been hooked onto her chair she tucked the phone number into one of the pockets in her purse. She'd be using it pretty soon since she already had a task for him, something she needed done as well as a test.

Dropping a couple bills onto the table Ralph nodded to the bartender, whenever he went somewhere with Alise he always left plenty of money behind per the orders of his boss. Though it wasn't as if she was lacking in money. Moving to follow his boss out of the bar, men scattered throughout the room stood up and followed the two out.

11-04-2014, 07:49 PM
We are riding along towards the chapters club house. They needed my help with fixing something in the basement so before I head home for day I figured I'd go and help. I was going up to midtown to visit my brother and his kids. As we reach the club house we all ride around back and park in the little space between the buildings. We all start for the club house and once inside we head for the basement. Soon enough we're working on the pipe that was loose. It was a big thing is it figures they'd need some help with it.

11-04-2014, 08:30 PM
Almost as soon as she had stepped out a black car with heavily tinted windows pulled up in front of her. Sliding into the car, she pulled out her phone tapping on the screen quickly before lifting it up. "Hey, remember the information I talked to you about?" She asked leaning back the in the seat.

The reply he recieved obviously pleased her judging by the smile that spread across her lips. "Good, I want it put together as quickly as possible," With that said she tapped 'end' without another word. Everything seemed to be going right along, now she just had to think of what she'd do first to carry out her end of the bargain.

11-04-2014, 08:38 PM
I manged to help them with the pipe problem. Then I had headed home. I skipped out on my brother. It's been around 10 since I saw them. They had my contact info but since I shipped via two boxs that are both 7 miles away they never found me. They would never either until I wanted them to. I flick on the T.V to see Football. It was the New York Devil's VS the Boston Bombers. I leave it on in the background as I start to log into my PC. I enter the database and start to gather things on Alise just incase.

11-04-2014, 08:54 PM
Hearing her phone go off Alise looked down and arched a eyebrow when she saw who's name had popped up on the screen. "Yes?" Answering the phone she looked out the window as she listened to her hacker. Blinking, she remained quiet before erupting into laughter. "Oh, I really do like him," She said more to herself. For some reason she hadn't thought he would try to get information on her but it wasn't that surprising. "It's fine, don't try and stop him."

Hanging up she tapped her phone lightly, she paid quite a lot to have one of the best hackers out there working for her. Considering the amount of technology they had, it helped a lot to have a hacker, both with their dealings and on more than one occasion it kept her out of jail. Plus it kept her informed if there was anyone out there looking for information on her. Putting the number Henry had given to her in her phone, she smirked as she typed out a message. 'All you had to do was ask, I don't mind answering questions' Alise hit send.

11-04-2014, 10:20 PM
As my phone beeps I laugh slowly and type back. 'Well, this to be honest was more of a test I figured you have someone on your payroll but now it gives me a better clue as to whom.' I hit send then get what I wanted out of it. Basic things a short bio and a few things about her natural MO.

11-04-2014, 10:25 PM
She arched a eyebrow at his reply, 'You sure about that? The best hackers don't leave a trace.' Hitting send she paused then opened up another message. 'I have your first job, meet me here at noon tomorrow' After adding the information of a resturang she hit send once more and tucked away her phone. Alise had one more meeting to attend to and this one would be vastly different from her meeting with Henry.

11-05-2014, 12:20 AM
'I could tell because you texted me. There is only one person alive I know of that is that good. I'll be there see ya.' I hit send then flip shut my phone and log out of the data base then close my lab top. The Devils won the game. I flip off the T.V then make myself insta Ramen. After I've eaten that I relax for the rest of the day.

Next Day

Soon enough it's around noon and I'm riding into the parking lot. Only a few HAMC guys are with me this time. I was glad they had tagged along. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to trust this girl yet but it was going okay so far. I walk and then sit down and wait for her to show up.

11-05-2014, 12:53 AM
Heals clicking as she walked into the resturant, she smiled as the host hurried over. "Ms. Hawthorne, you're guest has arrived already. Is there anything I can get you?" He asked leading the way to the table. "The usual wine will be fine," She said letting him help her out of her coat while Ralph moved to pull her chair out. "Thank you," She said smoothing her dress down.

"Feel free to order whatever you want," Alise said smiling at him as she took her seat. "Ralph, you're more than welcome to have lunch, we're perfectly fine," Even though it came across as a suggestion. It quickly became clear that she meant it as an order from the way her smile turned icey when he hesiated, "I said we'd be fine Ralph," She said. He nodded, "Yes Ms. Hawthorne, " He said then moved away from the table.

11-05-2014, 01:37 AM
I am quiet for a moment then just get a drink. "So what did you call me here for?" I ask slowly and stare across the table at her. I think slowly for a moment and then my drink gets here and I sip it waiting for her to speak I also order a samwhich to be polite.

11-05-2014, 02:02 AM
Alise was quiet as she waited for her wine to be poured, smiling at the waiter in gratitude she reached forward to pick up the glass. "I have someone I need you to speak to for me," Taking a sip of her wine she set the glass down then ordered a salad. When the waiter walked away she reached down into her purse for a folder of information, "Officer Dowell to be percise."

Picking up her glass she swirled it slightly, "Normally I'd have Ralph take care of someone like him but cops are always more careful," She didn't add that she was also testing him to see how far he was willing to go. "He's harrasing the workers I have for one of my cover business just because I own the place. There's no denying I'm involved in illegal acts but I don't like it when people mess with those who work for me."

Settling her napkin in her lap she reached for her fork, "I of course would love it if you roughed him up a bit but showing him the file should be enough if that's all you want to d. Officer Dowell just needs to understand that anything he wouldn't want to become public knowledge, I have on record. His entire routine, right down to the booth he sits in at the diner down the street from his house is on record. The man his wife is currently having a affair works for me, basically he needs to understand I can destroy him."

11-05-2014, 02:10 AM
"Alright, I'll go down and take care of it, you have the file on him with you?" I say holding out my hand. I wasn't doing something that was on the stations radar which meant I would need to be careful. We had the power to do what we thought would be more likely to end the wars but within reason. So keeping another cop off someone wasn't out of the picture but it was a bit risky.

11-05-2014, 02:22 AM
Taking bite of her salad, she nodded as she chewed. As if she wouldn't bring it with her. Once she had finished chewing she reached for her purse which had been set at her feet. Opening her purse Alise removed the folder, flipping through it quickly to check that all the information was there she nodded to herself. "Just tell him to back off of my business, he'll know which one," She said handing him the folder. "You don't have to rush off Henry, lunch is on me. Besides, there is also the other part of our bargain to discuss, " She added taking another bite.

Alise had given a lot of thought on how she would handle the bargain. "I've decided that you can decide what my firt step to helping you end these gang wars will be," She thought it'd be the best way yo show she was serious about the bargain. If he believed that she would carry out her end then that would guarante he did what she asked.

11-05-2014, 03:12 AM
"There is a small gang on Yanketer street calling themselves the 'Wild Thugz' only about thirteen people but cops are unwilling to crack down since they are so small. Sadly enough, something else must be done. Alise." My steel eyes seem to grab her by her shoulders. "I Do Not want to read about a Blood Bath in the papers tommrow, it has to be done quietly and the bodies dumped in a fashion so they won't be found. Who ever you send tell then to take the bodies to Leroy's Slaugther house. You know Leroy right Capo for the Stiener Mafia. He's er..." I lean in close and whisper. "He's my Father." I say and then take a bite from my lunch.

11-07-2014, 07:28 PM
She didn't even blink at who his father was, simply reached for her wine glass and took a sip of wine as she looked at him. "Thanks for the offer, " Alise swirled the wine slightly. "But I have my own method of getting rid bodies without a trace, it's worked wonders for me," She said without elaborating on how exactly she was able to get rid of the bodies without a trace. She wasn't dumb enough to reveal everything that she was capable of.

"However, one thing Henry," Reaching across the table she placed her hand on his. "If I wanted to make it a blood bath I would, if I wanted to make it rain with their blood I most certainly would," Blood red nails that had been sharpened to a slight point dugged into his skin fleetingly before Alise retracted her hand. "I do whatever I want Henry and you best remember that, I'll keep it quiet but don't try telling me how to handle things again."

"Now I won't take care of it until you take care of your part of the deal. Once I'm sure you have done so that gang," Her nose wrinkled slightly in distate. She had heard of these Wild Thugz and she had no issue wirh getting rid of them. "A unmarked envelope will be delivered to you with photographic evidence of their bodies before they disappear, I'm sure I don't have to tell you to get rid of the pictures afterwards," She said.

11-07-2014, 09:21 PM
"Alise, if you don't like be told what to do that's fine. Keep in mind though what I'm doing here could get us both sent away for a long time. You know that, I need to be very careful. I'll contact you again once it's done." I stand up and give a slight nod. "Thanks for lunch. Guys let's go." I get a few quick nods and some shuffled yeses and then we take off. I knew right where that fat fucking cop would be. He was the one whom got me put on this project due to my as he put it 'unstable mind and rather questionable methods.' I had to see old doc Howard after that for another mental eval. I hated that man dearly. While I was in the mad house he was the man whom 'Watched' over me and had no problem making sure that I was in a jacket all day long in solitary. I wanted to kill him. There would be a long list of suspects that it would never even come into question weather I'd killed him. I'd have to ask Alise to take care of that. "Guys, head for the club house I don't want officer fat ass seeing you guys with me since it'll cause trouble." The president a guy name Tony nods at me. "Ya, no problem." I ride off towards where he is. "Hey Dowell!" I yell as I stop my bike and take out the key and pull him into an ally. I wait for him to respond before I say anything else.

11-07-2014, 11:54 PM
Alise remained sitting at the table finishing her lunch, she didn't even look up when she heard the chair being pulled out and Ralph slipped into it. "He's not very respectful," This made her giggle slightly. Ralph might end up paying dearly one day for all the things he's done but you could never say he didn't believe in respect or in treating a woman right. He even cut out a mans tongue once for swearing at her.

"He was just stating a point Ralph, besides I like the way he talks. It's a lot different than some of the meetings I have," She said thinking of the one she had yesterday which ended with her showing her skills with a knife. "It's a nice change."

Grabbing her purse she pulled out some money as she lifted a hand to signal for the check, "I need you to choose a few men to work with on a project that I want done," Alise said as she slipped a few bills into the check folder. She always made sure to never say anything incriminating when out in public so most people who worked for her understood her double meanings. And if anything a large tip always made people deaf or blind if tbe situation calleD for it. "I'll be over seeing it personally, " She added.

11-08-2014, 12:42 AM
Some time later I'm walking away a scared shitless officer Dowell. He wouldn't bug her again. I told him I'd get him a slip of severance from the department. I'd even beat him a bit. It looked like a regular dirty cop who'd forgotten his place and tried to screw over his payer. Which was fine I mount up and as I start my motorcycle I grin and look at Dowell. "Tell your wife hi." He stares at me and his face is that of defeat. "Fuck you Henry." I flip him off as he speaks and then take off and set my blue tooth in and call Alise she'd be happy to see the cop outta her place.

11-08-2014, 12:57 AM
Alise looked down at her phone, seeing the name that appeared on her screen she checked the time and smiled. He worked fast. Looking around she moved into the changing rooms, she had paid attention to them before hand to see if anyone had gone in and she knew Ralph would keep anyone else from coming out. Hanging up a few choices she had on one of the hooks in the changing room she selected, she tapped answer and put the phone to her ear.

"I was not expecting a call so soon Henry," Was her greeting. If he truly had news abour Officer Dowell already then she might just have to do something else to show her gratitude. Especially if he kept doing his jobs at this pace, Alise absolutely loved those who knew how to get work done and she hoped he continued to be that type of person.

11-08-2014, 01:19 AM
"He won't bug your staff anymore. Or poke around your affairs. I told him that if he does I'd not only ruin his marriage but do the proper chain to get him fired for hurting another officers investigation. He did try and as some questions but lucky he's just a cop who works the beat so he had to let it go." I can't help but chuckle a bit. "Anyway, when ever you need more work let me know and perhaps we'll have dinner one night we'll see how it goes it'll be my treat when that happens." I hear the shock in her voice but only grin. "I've got to take care of something, so I'll see you when I see you." I tap my blue tooth and end the call. After talking about my father even briefly ealirer today I wanted to see or at least talk to the old bastard so I pull over a second and send him a text. 'You still at work Dad? - Henry' I hit send and only a moment later I got a buzz. 'Yes, why do you need something? - Dad' This was the first time we'd talked in years I'd given him my phone number just in case. 'Yes, stay at work I want to visit you.' I hit send then slip my phone away no doubt he was shocked the son he hasn't seen in god knows how long is coming to visit him. I didn't stay in touch after my years in the pysch. I didn't tell my family anything for years. I had sent my father my phone number and told him I was an undercover cop now and that was it. He told me he accepted that and we haven't spoken in years. So as I ride along I think about what I really want to ask and say to him.

11-08-2014, 01:49 AM
Blinking, she stared at her phone screen. Now she wasn't going to deny that so far Henry wasn't meeting any of her expectations and he was very interesting but she had not been expecting that from him. At all. Alise suddenly began to smile. Well, she was shopping anyway to keep up her image of a heiress who was trying to get away from her families criminal life style. So if she happened to buy something with dinner in mind it wouldn't be a big deal. Then after she was done here she had those Wild Thugz to take care of.

"Ralph, can you go around and grab anything that catches your eye in my size?" She called out. Seeing as he's worked for her since she was 18 she knew he was more than capable of finding something she liked. Moments later there was the sound of foot steps walking away then shuffling, no doubt the man who had been standing next to Ralph was now blocking the enitre doorway.

11-08-2014, 02:01 AM
I stop outside the old slaughter house. The two goons out in front of it are shocked to see me. "Henry." They just move aside and let me though I walk though most everyone had left and I can hear something in the back room but I don't go look knowing it's something I won't want to see anyway. I walk into my dad's office. "Hey Dad." I grin a bit sheepishly. My father had always been a good man despite his mafia ties. He cared for me even when mom gave up on me. "Henry I've missed you all these years." He gets up comes over and hugs me I can't help but hug him back. "I missed you a lot to dad." I hug him and I can feel him shaking a bit, he's crying silently... I just pat his back. "Dad, it's okay I'm home now." He pulls back a moment and looks at me. "I wish that Louise... I wish your sister could see what a man you turned into. She'd be proud of you." I look down just a bit. "Thanks Dad... that, that means a lot." Then I feel him pat my shoulders. "How about a drink to catch up?" I smile slowly and nod. "Yea, that sounds great where do you have in mind?" I ask slowly and he thinks. "How about Aldo's from when you were younger?" I nod at him, Aldo was an old friend family friend. He had taken care of me when I was younger and wanted to see him again. "Okay, let's go over there then, I'll follow you." I say and start out for my bike. "Okay, I'll meet you out front with the car." I give him a thumbs up as I head out for my bike.

11-08-2014, 02:34 AM
~*~Later That Night~*~

"You were quite helpful tonight with locating the rest of your friends," Alise said as she surveyed the bodies on the floor. They had been over taken swiftly and silencers had ensured no one was the wiser that 5 men had just been killed in this apartment. The other 7 had been dealt with and were at the funeral palor being cremated, the ashes would then be dumped in various bodies of water, and any belongings were being incernated. Now there was just the one who had gave away their locations to deal with. "But now you are no longer of use,"

His eyes widened, "No, wai-" A gurgling sound was emmitted as the knife Alise had pulled out was thrust into his throat. Blood was splattered then his body fell to the ground after she had pulled her knife free. "Thank you Ralph," She said using his handkerchief to wipe the blood off her face. "Clean up this mess, stage a robbery then you know what to do with the bodies," Cleaning her knife as well she watched as todays paper was set down on the floor among the bodies before the picture was taken.

11-08-2014, 02:55 AM
It was nice seeing my father and Aldo again. I was sitting around home now when I feel my phone buzz. I check it and it's from my recent contact with one word. 'Done' I smile a bit glad that they are taken care of. I type back one word 'Thanks.' Then I close my eyes and fall asleep on my sofa door locked and my gun sitting under the pillow I was on, I was to lazy to go into my room tonight, but I have four locks on my door and the window as bullet proof as well as shatter proof.

11-08-2014, 03:14 AM
The next morning found Alise sliding the freshly printed pictures into a large envelope, each picture had yesterdays newspaper in it further proving that it had truly happened. Once she had done that she wrote a brief note, 'Here's the rest of the proof', instead of signing her signature she pressed her lips to the paper. When she pulled away there was a bright red lip print, it was her calling card whenever she left notes or sent them to someone. Plus it was quite fitting since she wore red lip stick ao much. "Now make sure this gets into his hands and his hands alone," She said looking at the messenger she had chosen. She didn't like sending amything like pictures or documents electronically because even if she had one of the best hackers it aas better to be safe than sorry.

However, as soon as the messenger left she looked to Ralph. "He's being followed right?" She asked just to double check. "Yes, and he has orders to stay and watch to see what he does with the pictures," He replied. Nodding in satisfaction she rose to her feet and reached for the tie on her robe, "Make sure I'm not disturbed," With that said she went into her bathroom.

11-08-2014, 04:51 AM
Later, Around 10:00 AM

I wake up to a knocking and my head is pounding like hell. "I'm fucking coming keep your god damn pants on." I open the door and a kid probably only around 18 hands me an envelope then walks off. I close the door and have a decent guess whom it is. She was pretty good I'll give her that much. I open it and sigh. "Well she does do good work." Shortly after that I walk out my door shoes on hoodie jeans and my leather as I'm walking by I see the old man about to start the outside heater, our building was old and it's heater was outside. "Hey, old man I have some starter." I walk over as he lights it and then toss the paper in and make sure it burns all the way. I had resealed the envelope and they all burnt. I slowly get on my bike and notice out of the corner of my eye a shadow of a man slide out of sight. He was good but not good enough. I noticed him just as he slid away. 'You know, if you want me to trust you then you should trust me, when I asked for your help anything and everything that you do during that time won't be used against you, though it is sad that the cute ones are always the bad guys.' I hit send then see what I send. Fuck. My. Life. I guess I'd just have to brush that off next time we met. I start my bike and head off for the club house today the angels were gonna have a small party for a friend of ours that just passed away.

11-08-2014, 08:10 PM
Hearing the chime that indicated she had a message, Alise looked away from her vanity mirror. Setting the tube of lip stick down, she quickly tapped in her password to see the message. Looking it over quickly she laughed to herself softly, surprisingly she did trust Henry even if she really shouldn't. The fact that he burned the pictures just made her trust him even more. He didn't need to know that though.

'I beg to differ, the handsome ones always seem to be a part of the good guys. Haven't decided if its a good thing or bad thing yet'. After sending the message she returned to her make up, taking extra care while applying her make up. Once she was completely ready and making her way out of the house she sent another message, 'By the way, take a look at the 12 o'clock news'.

11-08-2014, 08:52 PM
Later Around 12

I can't help but feel enchanted but the women on the screen Alise looks amazing. 'Wow, you look really good.' I hit send and the same thought floats into my head. Fuck. But I guess I was slipping up. Normally I was able to keep my thoughts to myself.

11-08-2014, 09:41 PM
"Thank you so much for having me on air today Kristine," Alise said smiling at the reporter. It had caught her off guard when she was called to give a interview about starting up and owning businesses. But it was great publicity for her heiress image which helped keep her off the radar. "No thank you Alise. I think our viewers will benefit greatly from your tips especially considering you started off on your own and didn't get any of your family money until a few years later," Kristine replied.

"Exactly-" She was cut off by Kristine who seemed to be getting some information. "I'm sorry Alise but I was just informed that there is bust going on at this exact moment, one of our reporters is at the scene," She said and then the scene changed. "Thanks Kristine, sources say that this morning a box of information was dropped off without a trace. But when opened police discovered information on a trafficking ring that was going on right in our city, This evidence though was more than enough to invesitage and as you can see behind me the police are gathering all those involved. They're going to be put away for quite a long time," She said right before the screen changed. "It looks like to me a lot of people are being put into jail," Alise said. "Most definitely Alise, well everybody we're going to have a short break then we'll get back to you with more information on thay bust," Kristine said.

Alise spoke to Kristine for another moment before sliding out of her chair and stepping off to the set, smiling to herself she accepted her things from Ralph. 'Thanks. By the way did you like my surprise?' Slipping into her coat she typed and sent another message, 'I think I earned that dinner you mentioned'. "Be careful with him Alise, he's still a cop," He knew it wasn't his place but he didn't want to see something bad happen to her.

11-08-2014, 10:49 PM
'Haha, that you did, dress nicely. I asked a favor from my old man and we'll be going to the nicest place in town you know Goodfellas?' Goodfellas was a restaurant that opened up a few years back when some people thought another classy Italian restaurant was needed in New York City. But it was a really nice place, glass booth walls with water in them, the staff was really friendly and it was a bit pricy but due to ehm, my father being the man whom helped the owners back when the five families tried to muscle in was a V.I.P and had only 1/7th of what the normal coast was. He'd gotten me placed on V.I.P after I returned. It amazed me how fast my father was.

11-08-2014, 11:19 PM
Of course she Goodfellas, she had been there a few times for business meeting dinners and she had enjoyed herself despite being there for meetings. So for him to say that they would be having dinner there then she was impressed, very impressed. Thinking over what she had bought yesterday Alise smiled to herself, she had the perfect outfit to wear for dinner. 'You live to impress don't you? And don't worry, I can manage dressing nicely'.

"Home please," She instructed sliding into her car. Considering she was all done up for the interview and they had put even more makeup on her because of the lights she'd need to take another shower. "Ralph...." She paused thinking to herself. "You can stay at the house tonight while I go to dinner," She said. The town house she owned was large enough that he could have basically his own 'apartment' which made sense since he went everywhere with her. But tonight....tonight she'd go on her own.

11-09-2014, 12:32 AM
I stand outside Goodfellas dressed sharply and wait for Alise. I had my gun just in case I wasn't thinking anything would happen but you never know. I straighten my jacket and check my watch it was now 9:30 we agreed a later dinner would be nice considering where we had come. (Suits in the OOC)

11-09-2014, 01:24 AM
Pulling up to the curb, Charlie looked out his window towards Henry. He had seen Ralph trying to convenience Alise to allow him to come right up until she had gotten in the car. Now he would admit that it was odd to see her without her body guard by her side but she was the boss and if she wanted to come alone then so be it. Besides he had seen her use her knife before, she'd be fine if anything happened. Getting out of the car he went around to open the door.

Doing a quick check of her hair, which had been pinned out of her face and curled, and makeup Alise then grabbed her clutch and took off her seat belt. Once the door opened she smiled in gratitude as she took Charlie's hand, carefully sliding off the seat. "I'll call you when I need you Charlie, thank you," She said. "Alright Ms. Hawthorne. I won't be far away," He replied. Nodding she turned around only to pause. "I like the suit."

(Posting the dress in OOC)

11-09-2014, 01:50 AM
"I figured I had to at least dress up a bit." I smile at her sheepishly. "You look nice." I say and offer a smile. "Shall we go in?" I say slowly and check to make sure my guns on safety. Last time I didn't when I was some where I'd gotten a bullet only a few inches from my private area.

11-09-2014, 02:15 AM
She smiled, "Well you did say dress nicely," She teased stepping closer to him. Noticing the almost hidden movement of checking a gun, she resisted the urge to giggle. It seemed like she wasn't the only one with a weapon on them tonight though hers was a knife. She always prefered knives over guns, there was just something about it that appealed to her.

"Most definitely, " She said hooking her arm through his. "So I was curious, you mentioned your father helped you out. How was he able to do that?" She asked tapping her clutch against her side slightly.

11-09-2014, 02:37 AM
"He is a V.I.P and I asked him for a favor and he got me a V.I.P status. I was really surprised but turns out he missed me a lot." I say slowly and start for the door slowly. "He is a really good man even though I haven't seen him in years." I say slowly.

11-09-2014, 05:27 PM
Looking at him as she talked, she smiled slightly. "I bet he is," She said before looking straight ahead when the door was opened for them. "Thank you," She said now looking at the host. Alise could see the quick movements of his eyes as he looked Henry over, looked at their connected arms before settling on her. "Ms. Hawthorne, I wasn't aware you had a reservation for tonight, " He said.

It made a small flare of annoyance flare up when he immediately focused on her. It was probably because of the amount of money she's spent here in the past but still. Keeping her smile pleasent she shook her head, "No, I don't have one, Henry does though," Out of the corner of her eye she watched him to see what'd he do.

11-09-2014, 05:39 PM
"You know my father Leroy." I say and I notice he's eyes go wide for just a moment. "Ah yes, sorry Mr.Wetteman, we had been told you were made a V.I.P congratz." I can hear the strain in his voice as we walk past. A waitress comes over quickly and takes us to our seats. "Order whatever you want consider it a repayment for when you bought me lunch." I grin at her and pick up a menu. I notice my father a few tables away. We were in the V.I.P after all. He must think that Alise and I are, oh boy. I hope he dosen't come over here. I also hope Alise dosen't notice where I'm staring.

11-09-2014, 10:00 PM
She shook her head as she smiled at him, "There's no need for repayment Henry," She said setting her clutch down besise her place setting. "I came to dinner tonight because I wanted to," She added. Crossing her legs, Alise parted her lips to ask him a question. However she stopped when she saw something else seemed to have his attention. Arching a eyebrow she shifted in her seat to look in the direction he seemed to be staring in.

Cocking her head to the side she looked back at Henry, "Henry, why are you staring at that man?" She asked confused. A moment later though her eyes flickered back to the man, something was familiar about that man. " Is....is that you father?" She asked a bright smile stretching across her lipsn

11-09-2014, 10:23 PM
"Yes, that's him. The old man must be thinking that I'm dating you. Ever since I was a kid he's wanted me to rush and find a bride or a girlfriend." I sigh and then notice him give a waitress something she comes over and hands me a slip of paper without a word. I stare at what it says. 'Nice Catch.' I sigh and tear the paper and two. I put it into my pocket then can't help by smile and shake my head at him. "He's a wise ass." I say slowly.

11-09-2014, 10:56 PM
She laughed, "A wise ass huh?" Turning in her seat she waved at Henry's father. "I think I would most definitely like him," She added with a giggle when she turned back around in her seat. Despite not knowing him he seemed like a nice guy. Much better than her own father, Alise most certainly had a far different relationship with her father than he had with his. It was to the point if he ever came out of hiding she'd go so far as to give the cops any evidence they might need to fknally arrest him.

"I bet he'd tell you it isn't sad that I'm a bad guy," She teased with a wink. Alise couldn't help but tease him, it was the way she was. "I'm really not that bad though as you can see from my interview today people adore me," A smirk adorned her lips before she laughed softly to show she was just joking. "All joking aside, I meant it when I'm not that bad. It's just...business," She said with a shrug of her shoulders.

11-09-2014, 11:13 PM
"True, believe it or not when this little operation is over I might turn over my badge and quiet the force. My father has offered me a job in his crew and his don... My grandfather has even offered to bring me into the family as a made man." I knew of the mafia worked. I felt though that some how Alise knew what I was going though.

11-09-2014, 11:28 PM
Alise didn't even react, just smiled a tiny smile. "I've always admired the mafia, unlike the wannabes and most gangs they have class and hold themselves to a certain standars," She said opening the menu. "It's something I've always strived for, its one of the very few things my father ever did right," Her nose wrinkled slightly at the mention of her father. It was annoying but she always wrinkled her nose unconsciously whenever something she didn't like was mentioned.

11-10-2014, 12:23 AM
"I'm aware of who he is. We've been trying to catch him for years." I say slowly as our drinks come. "So, off record what would you consider yourself and your crew to be?" I ask slowly and take a sip from my wine.

11-10-2014, 12:48 AM
Accepting her drink she took a small sip, "Trust me, if I knew where he was I'd have turned him over years ago. He failed at most things but excells at hiding," She said the wrinkle in her nose returning. "

The question caught Alise off guard.....she'd actually never thought about it before. Humming thoughtfully she ripped a small piece off one of the bread sticks, "Obviously in the eyes of the law I'm a gang leader but I just think of myself as a businesswoman as for a whole though.." Trailing off as she popped the piece of bread into her mouth she pursed her lips. "I guess high end criminals. I run things differently than the other gangs which has given me so much power, plus I have standards.

11-10-2014, 12:55 AM
"That's true enough. As for your father, the hard part wasn't finding him Rather it's catching him. We know where he is. He's in Brazil, he's being protected by a Cartel and we don't have the man power to go down there and get his sorry ass." I say slowly and take another ship of my wine as we order our food.

11-10-2014, 01:06 AM
"Interesting, Brazil.....I'll have to keep that in mind," She said handing over the menu. Did she have any contacts down there? She'd have to check and see because if her father could get dropped off to the police then she'd literally throw a party. It was probably a little odd she'd fo that far but she never had the best of relationships with her father. Even after she killed someone to protect him things never really changed between them.

"What made you want to get involved in the fighting crime side?" She asked pushing her hair over her shoulder. Now that she thought about it, it was kind of surprising considering everything. Not that she could say anything sense she followed her families lead.

11-10-2014, 01:10 AM
"Put simply my younger sister." Is all I say on the topic for that moment and take a bite from a piece of Garlic bread, If she wanted to know more she could ask.

11-10-2014, 01:17 AM
Thinking over the information that had been provided on him, she fought the urge to wince. When she had read about what had happened to his sister Alise had wanted to cry. Yes, she was a criminal and had killed before but some things just weren't right."I'm sorry, " She said biting her lip slightly. "I shouldn't have asked," She added.

11-10-2014, 01:36 AM
"It's okay, I'm doing what she would have wanted me to do. She died young but she always seemed happy with her life. I killed the son of a bitch that did it. I understand why you asked and I know you meant well, Alise I won't lie I consider you a friend after these past few days. You are the first person I've really been honest and trusted in years." I take another bite of my bread. I felt really lame for saying that, I was used to sharing my feelings.

11-10-2014, 02:37 AM
The smile that appeared on her face was softer and different than the usual one she wore. It was....truer in a way. Being playful and teasing were apart of her natural personality but sometimes she tended to play it up because in her world you needed a image. One way or another that image would help decide what people thought of you and she needed people to ether respect her or fear her.

She bit her lip slightly, "Its the same for me, it's hard for me to trust people, especially considering it can literally mean a knife in my back," She said looking off to the side. "Ralph thought I was crazy to come here tonight by myself but I do trust you Henry."

11-10-2014, 02:52 AM
As our food arrives I stare at her and lean in. "Alise, you have my word right now I will never betray you." I say, I know this was risky for a cop but even so I really did trust her.

11-10-2014, 03:23 AM
Alise bit her lip fighting back a smile. She was proud to say that she could trust those she worked with and it wasn't just because they were on her pay roll. But to hear Henry say that.....well, it was nice. She could admit that. "And I nor anyone in my crew will ever pose as a threat to you," She said looking back at him.

Breaking eye contact she reached for her napkin and laid it out in her lap. God, she couldn't even remember the last time she talked to someone like this. Yeah there was Ralph who she spent pretty much all her time with. But this, this was different.

11-10-2014, 03:48 AM
Dinner goes well and as we get up I nod to my father. "Thanks for tonight." I say as I open her limos door for her. "It was a rather nice dinner. Better then ones I've had for a while." I hold her door open and wait for her to enter. My bike was out back. Fuck what society thinks you can wear a suit and ride a bike. After all now I had my leather on over my suit.

11-10-2014, 08:13 PM
Hearing the sound of Charlie's door shutting, Alise figured he had realized Henry was taking care of her door. Turning slightly she nodded in agreement, "I had a nice time too," She said. It's been awhile since she's gone out to dinner simply to enjoy herself instead of conducting business. Honestly, sometimes that seemed to be all she was doing. Conducting some sort of business.

Shaking her head she reached for her clutch, "By the way I have your next job, its to be my date for this Gala. Don't worry about the details, it'll make more sense when we get there," She said taking out a invitation and a card. "Here's the information, I'll pick you up that night at 7 o'clock. And this is the card for my tailor, he'll set you up with a tuxedo and I'll cover the bill," She said handing both to him. Leaning up she pressed a quick kiss to his lips, smirking when she saw the imprint of her lips left behind. "Sorry about the lipstick and good night Henry," She said sliding into the car. Almost as soon as she shut the door Charlie pulled away from the curb.

11-10-2014, 10:33 PM
I rest easily in the limo, I wasn't worried but I wasn't really happy with this stuffy suit. I knew that Alise wouldn't drag me on something unless she deemed it important so I trusted her judgment. I sit quietly and then think. "What's this party for Alise?" I ask slowly and notice Ralph sift just a bit. Alise had introduced me to him as I got in around an hour ago. I fix my tie then wait for her answer. (Suit is in OOC)

11-10-2014, 10:58 PM
Her eyes flickered to Ralph and arched a eyebrow, he remained quiet looking out the window. Despite the fact that he remained quiet Alise full well knew that he didn't want Henry going with them. Honestly she was sure if given the opportunity he would toss Henry out of the limo, she had told him to play nice though so she figured that was why he was remaining quiet. She knew he was just concerned about her but she knew what she was doing.

Looking back at her compact mirror she continued to carefully apply some more mascara, "It's a chariry event, or more specifically a chance for the elite to pubically donate money to a good cause and get publicity," She said putting the mascara away. Alise then reached for her lip stick, "There's a man attending this event tonight, he's involved in some illegal acts and he's intruding on my business. He needs to be removed," She paused to run the lip stick along her bottom lip. Being careful to not get any on her skin. "However I have had no luck in getting my hands on his prints, he's a bit paranoid about those things and he doesn't really like me. Though I have no clue why," She said flashing a cruel smile. "He does on the other hand have a appreciation for businessman like him who have made their way into the world. Which is what you will be tonight," She added.

(Dress will be in the OOC)

11-10-2014, 11:13 PM
"Oh boy, I hope you realize that even with that in mind I'm not sure what you want me to do. You want him dead or like Dowell?" I say slowly, I only had my fist and my boxing skills tonight. I can see a large building coming into view and it makes me shutter these type of events are the things I tried to wiggle out of when I was younger.

11-10-2014, 11:28 PM
Laughing softly she shook her head, "No, with someone of his calabar there are only two options," She said tucking away her things into the gold clutch she had tonight. "Blackmail or getting him arrested and seeing as I haven't uncovered anything good enough to black mail him with, being arrested it is. His finger prints would be perfect but like I said before he's paranoid about those types of things, he wears gloves everywhere and is probaby wearing them tonight. Which is where you come in," She said turning towards him as she held out a business card.

The business card had a name, a position, and a company that she had control of secretly. "This is your identity for the night, he adores making higb up contacts as much as other businessmen. He really doesn't like me but he'll bare my presence for the sake of publicity so it'll be up to you to get close and look for a opportunity to get his prints," She said. Ralph pulled out a small container that coukd fit easily into his inside suit pocket and held it out, "Here's some things to help get his prints when the chance is presented, he never touches anything that can be taken away with his bare hands so you'll have to keep a careful eye on him," She explained.

11-11-2014, 12:20 AM
"The fuck you get this?" I know very well that it was an E-Print kit, something the police had recalled years ago due to it being highly risky for an undercover cop and that's whom normally used them. I say slowly and stare at her. She was rather good at what she did.

11-11-2014, 12:28 AM
She cocked her head to the side, "I bought it, where else would I get it?" She said with a wide eyed 'I don't understand' expression. And it would have been believable if she hadn't let the expression slip and a smirk to appear on her red lips. "I'm sure you can handle using it Henry, that's all you need to worry about it, " She said plucking it out of his hand and tucking it into his inner pocket for him.

Smoothing down his lapels she nodded to herself, "I knew Carlos would make you a magnificent suit," She said smiling. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the Ralph frowning heavily and she couldn't help but laugh, "Darling, you're going to give yourself very deep forehead wrinkles if you keep frowning that way," She said patting his arm. It was said teasingly but her nails digging into his arm momentarily was far from teasing.

11-11-2014, 12:42 AM
"Anyway, we're there." I say slowly and stretch just a bit and as the car stops I open the door and get out then old my hand out to Alise. There weren't many around so I doubt anyone would notice this or at least anyone important. That very thought is shattered as a photo is snapped by a press member well fuck I'm going to have to explain this to the chief later, I didn't even notice the press were here. A few more photo's snap off, oh well it won't be to bad.

11-11-2014, 12:56 AM
Taking his hand, there was a brief glimpse of her gold heals before Alise straightened up smiling at the reporters as they called out her name. "Just ignore them, they're stuck out here so they want as many pictures as possible," She said softly. Obliging the requests to strike a few poses, she did so quickly before giving a short wave and hooking her arm through his and giving it a slight tug. Ralph remained right behind them as they walked up the stairs leading into the building, he didn't even react to the flashes of the cameras or the calls of his name. They should know by now he never spoke to any of them, he did have a job to take care of after all.Reaching the top of the stairs Alise cast a look over her shoulder back at the reporters, flashing them a smile as she did so. "Ms. Hawthorne, thank you so much for coming. Your guest I presume?" A list was in hand and he moved down to check off her name. All body guards were welcomed so Ralph wasn't mentioned. However Alise just smiled, "Yes he is," She said then continued on inside.

11-11-2014, 01:39 AM
As soon as we're inside I nod to her. "I'll get it done, point him out to me?" I ask slowly as we walk down the steps. Truth betold I just wanted another minute with her, I mean to get the feel of the event.

11-11-2014, 02:25 AM
As a waiter went by she signaled for him to pause, grabbing a glass of champagne she passed it to him then grabbed a glass for himself. "Relax, we'll mingle a little a little, maybe even dance and when I see him I'll point him out," She said taking a sip. Keeping her arm tucked in his she looked around the room, "Besides, it won't be good if you go to him right away. You're unknown so it'll get people's attention and eventually his," She added. Alise knew without a doubt that once he heard about a unknown man here wearing a hundred dollar suit it'd catch his attention. Even if he didn't like her the fact that he came here with her would add to the attention.

11-11-2014, 02:47 AM
"Alright but, don't move to fast. I'm not a great dancer." In truth I wasn't bad it was a minor thing I used to do. I take a sip of my drink as we walk along. I get why she picked me now.

11-11-2014, 02:51 PM
Smiling and nodding at different aquanticies, Alise made no attempt to approach them and it was very satisfying when they didn't approach her. People were so used to Ralph's presence they didn't think anything of approaching her with him around now. But obviously Henry's presence was catching them off guard since she never brought anyone to these events with her. Plus it kept all of the men who wanted her for money and publicity away. Which was a god send.

She laughed softly, "Well how fast we go does depend on you, the man is supposed to lead after all. Can you handle that? " Alise asked with a teasing tone and raised her glass to her lips.

11-11-2014, 08:38 PM
"More then likely. I can dance just not very well." I say and finish my glass and set it on a passing waiters plate. I was not happy to be here, but being around Alise set me at ease for some reason. Course I guess I really did think of her as a friend, and maybe something a bit more. I would have to becarful of this feeling.

11-11-2014, 09:09 PM
Casting a glance around the room she managed to catch a glimpse of the target on the other side of the room. But then the couples who covered the dance floor hid him from sight. It was a seat of brightly colored dresses and suits. "Ralph, you're more than welcome to get a drink and sit down," She said finishing her champagne and passing it off to a waiter. "Stay close though," She added despite not needing to. Alise looked up at Henry, "Prove it to me," She said.

11-11-2014, 10:53 PM
I lose myself then and slowly pull her out onto the floor, I can hear the waltz come on and take the lead. This night is going to be rather interesting I guess. I smile at her face as I lead. "Truth is I lied. I can dance." I grin sheepishly, I guess there was more to her then I first thought. If she could get me to do something like this.

11-11-2014, 11:09 PM
For a moment she forgot all about why she had wanted to go out on the dance floor. Holding onto him she smiled as he lead her through the steps, when she was little she had taken ballroom dance classes because it had been a skill she would need for when she was older. And she was able to do the steps easily but there was no denying he was a good dancer. "And quite well," Alise said deciding to voice it.

She came to herself eventually though, taking careful note of their surroundings she leaned closer to him to whisper into his ear. Her heals gave her enough extra height that she was able to do so easily. "Over my right shoulder, the man in the completely black suit white gloves, his name is Howard Garrer," She whispered.

11-12-2014, 12:34 AM
"When this song finishes, we'll start." I nod to her slowly as I whisper. I hated the fact that I couldn't even mange to keep my voice level and without hint of sadness that the song was ending. Soon enough I nod to her. "When ever you're ready." I whisper and slowly make our way off the dance floor.

11-12-2014, 01:39 AM
Setting her hand in the crook of his arm she pretended to laugh, moving close to say something to him as she did so. "Just follow my lead," She whispered allowing her lips to brush his ear. If anyone was watching them it would just appear as if she was flirting with her date. "Ms.Hawthorne, you look very beautiful tonight," A voice said suddenly. Looking up she smiled, "Thank you Mr. Garreer, it's nice to see you again," She said taking note to the way his eyes slid down her body. Disgusting. He might not like her but he was a red blooded male. "Oh let me intro-" Alise was cut off by Howard stepping forward with a out stretched hand. "Howard Garrer, I'm on the board of directors for Vanican Inc," He said. Her smile stayed in place but in that moment she would love to just smack him.

11-12-2014, 02:29 AM
"I'm Henry Wettemann. I am a company partner of Empire Bay Mechanics." It was what was on the card, I hold it out to him as well as my hand for him to shake. I wasn't sure what else to do. I guess I'd just have to play the game sadly enough.

11-12-2014, 02:59 AM
As much as he annoyed her, Alise knew if this was to work she'd need to just keep her mouth shut. And it was the quickness of his hand as he reached for that card that helped her keep her mouth shut. Now hopefully Henry would be able to find an oporunity to get his prints and she could get rid of him. "Nice to meet you Mr. Wetteman, I have heard good things about your company," He said shaking his hand. "I quite agree with that Mr. Garrer and Henry actually has helped a lot with that," She said.

11-12-2014, 03:07 AM
"Indeed, I've heard your name but can't recall from where you run one of the major insurance companies correct?" I say slowly and am already thinking of how to get his prints. If worst comes to worst I can always use the old fashioned method.

11-12-2014, 07:38 PM
Alise could practically see his chest puffing up with pride from being recognized, he was such a typical power greedy person. It was also why it wouldn't do if he remained in her world, not only was he messing up her business but she didn't doubt he'd do something stupid. "Yes, I do. One of the best," He added. Squeezing Henry's arm lightly she smiled up at him, "There's someone I have to speak with so I'll leave you two alone, do you want me to bring you a drink on the way back?" She asked.

11-12-2014, 10:47 PM
"No, I'm good for now." I start to lead the way off a way from the party a bit I can tell he is interested in making another contact. Now I just have to get him to fall into the trap. God knows how hard that will turn out to be.

11-12-2014, 11:04 PM
"Bring me back a scotch if you don't mind," Howard said before following Henry. He looked back over his shoulder, watching as she disappeared into the crowd. "Ms. Hawthorne has never brought a date to any event she's attended before if my memory is right," He said a bit of contempt showing in his eyes.

As soon as she was gone from sight Ralph appeared at her side with a glass of champagne, "I should dump the scotch over his head," She muttered the overall noise guaranteeing that only her body guard heard her. Taking the glass thankfully she fought the urge to down it. Alise might now show it but just that mans presence somehow managed to irritate her beyond means.

11-12-2014, 11:09 PM
"She had recently contacted me and wanted to make a deal about how she could buy a share in the company. So I told our president that I'd take care of it and see what her offer was. We are always looking for people to invest." I was actually make this up on the fly but I think it's the best story that I'll come up with.

11-12-2014, 11:33 PM
Interest was clear in his eyes as he took in this informarion, "That's interesting, I'd be careful with allowing her to buy a share in yout company. You know, with her last name and all," He said casually. "Now I on the other hand am always looking for good quality companies to invest in," Howard continued making his angle clear.

Now that she was no longer with her date, Alise had no choice but to speak with the other guests. However she used this to her advantage, mingling and smiling she managed to get herself to a spot in the room she could discreetly watch them. All whole talking to a aquantice so her story did hold some truth.

11-13-2014, 12:16 AM
"Yes you have a point there the offer we made her was a 5% share to start with and as years go by we'd see what happened. We are always looking for someone to invest, if you want we could speak about a deal." I suggest slowly and slowly pull out my pipe as we step out onto a balcony. "You don't mind if I smoke a bit do you?" I ask slowly the Pipe was an old friend handme down. All the way from nine generations back in Germany. It was well over 170 years old, but it still worked great.

11-13-2014, 01:05 AM
He nodded his head in approval, when having dealings with someone like her it was always best to take precautions. Now he's never had any business deals with her but he does make sure to remain pleasent in public places. It seemed everyone forgot about her parentage and instead focused on her face. "I don't mind at all," He said reaching into his suit pocket. "I might smoke myself actually," In his hand was a silver monogrammed cigarette case.

Ralph shifted beside her, when she had seen them heading towards the balcony she had decided it was best to leave it be. But now from where she stood at the buffet it seemed like Ralph didn't think so. "He knows what he's doing, don't worry about it," She said picking up a piece of shrimp and biting into it. "I don't trusy him," He replied. They both didn't need Alise to voice it to know she trusted him.

11-13-2014, 01:40 AM
I had chosen to just use the easier method, I had a special drug that would put anyone within smelling distances to sleep, of course it only worked in the area just around the smoker it smelled of normal cherry. I lit it and speak slowly, I'd taken a drug to help prevent it's effects. "So, anyway I was told if anyone else wanted to invest, hang on it's in my jacket pocket." I slowly pull out a note I had on me, it was in my father's hand righting, just before we'd left he'd popped up after Alise had told me what was the goal and things slowly formed in my mind. I show it to him. "3-7 %." I say slowly and let smoke from my pipe flow up into the air. It also wiped the memory of those that smelled it and weren't ready. I had been ready with a few ideas just in case. He wouldn't remember this part coming out onto the balcony or meeting me he'll only vaguely remember the party. Best part is that it'd be a blur and it is very similar to beer in it's compound and was almost undetectable.

11-13-2014, 02:04 AM
Taking a cigarette out of the silver case, Howard was tucking the case away and reaching for his lighter when the smell hit him. Cherry he thought caught off guard by the smell. Shaking his head, he continued his search for his lighter. "Is that al-" both hands stilled, one holding the cigarette to his lips and the other lifting the lighter. He stood there for a moment, just blinking as his vision seemed to out of focus. Then the lighter and cigarette fell to the ground as he swayed on his feet.

11-13-2014, 02:29 AM
As he falls I catch him I make short work of taking his prints and then I leave him in a small room on a sofa. I walk back into the party, he'll think he just go to truck, I made sure to wash his hands off then put the gloves back on. I am soon enough back out with Alise pipe cleaned and away all traces of the smoke gone. "It's done." Is all I say as I start for the door.

11-13-2014, 02:49 AM
Alise couldn't help but flash a smile at Ralph as if to say, 'see I told you so'. She had placed her trust in Henry to carry out task given to him and it and it was done rightly so because he succeeded. Soon enough she would be saying goodbye to Mr. Garrer. Althought, she'd focus on that tomorrow. Slipping past a few people she put a hand on his arm once she had caught up to Henry, "There's no need for you to rush Henry, it'd be such a waste of a good night. Besides, I was hoping you would dance with me again," She said.

11-13-2014, 03:04 AM
I smile at her and slowly offer a little bow. "Well I can't refuse that now can I?" I let her lead me back towards he dance floor. This time it's the tango. I can't help by loose myself. I notice most have stoped dancing are now watching us dance. Even Ralph looks a little impressed at this.

11-13-2014, 03:13 AM
Laughing in delight and surprise as she was lead into the tango Alise allowed herself to forget about everything else. The job had been taken care of and now all she wanted to do was enjoy herself. "You're a man full of surprises," She commented as she was pressed up against him. Her red lips curved up into a smile, "Quite good surprises too, it makes me wonder what'll come next," She said right before she was spun.

11-13-2014, 03:59 AM
"I guess we'll see. Won't we?" I grin the night goes on in a similar fashion. Soon enough myself and Alose stand at my apartment door. "Thanks for tonight, even though it was a job night as well I had fun. In a few weeks I'm actually going to be out of town. Visting my family in Geemany. I stayed in touch with my extended family more so then my emidet family. So I was thinking if you want to come along then I'd best offer you now." I grin and then unlock my door. "Also, our friend will be picked up tommrow I manged to find people to testife, he's gonna get the chair." I knew that with what little evidence we had and the prints plus witnesses we could finally get him.

11-13-2014, 03:23 PM
The offer caught her off guard but Alise seriously thought about it. Now that Howard was out of the picture there was no problems for her for the time being so things would run smoothly for a time. Plus, it had been quite some time since she left the city to go on a vacation. Looking at him from beneath her eye lashes she nodded after another moment of thought, "Send me the information and I'll get myself a ticket, I think I'll like tagging along," She added. Laughing softly she shook her head, "And once again you just continue to surprise me," She said more to herself. "I think you fit into my world more than you even realize Henry," She said. Alise leaned up and gave him a quick kiss, "See you around, " Turning around she made her way down the hall.

11-13-2014, 07:57 PM
I chuckle at the thought, she might be a criminal but she wasn't a bad person. I open my door head in lock it undress shower toss on some boxers and fall into my bed and I'm asleep within minutes.

11-13-2014, 08:32 PM
Alise cast a glance to the side, looking right at a man sitting in his car who was also happened to be taking pictures of her. Though she was certain he wasn't a reporter. Lifting a hand she waved at the man before slipping into the open door of the limo. "Ralph, we need to come up with a cover story so Henry because those pictures are going to get around," She said referring to the reporters and that man's. "Why? It's not like they have any concrete proof your a gang leader, just your name and the fact that there's a gang run by a woman. It's mostly speculations.Henry messed up their shot at proof when he helped you out in that fight," He replied shutting the proof. "It's insurance Ralph, just take care of it," She ordered.

11-13-2014, 08:45 PM
Next Morning

I am sitting on my bike on the way to meet my father and Alise it was around ten and I had just got a notice of supsatiton after I turned in the edvidence and had a gotten a letter of two week dismissal. I park and walk in then take a seat next to my father. Alise would be here soon. "Hey Dad." I don't say anything as I order a black coffee.

11-13-2014, 09:00 PM
Slipping out of the car, Alise looked around as she pushed her sunglasses up onto her head. Her hair was louse so it acted as an added benefit of keeping it out of her face. "Thank you Ralph," She said taking her purse from him and hooking her arm through it. Stepping inside, a smile began to spread across her lips when she caught sight of Henry. But she stopped, looking at him thoughtfully she felt her stomach tighten. "Something happened," She murmured making her way over to him. She had been excited to meet his father now she wasn't quite sure how she was feeling, "Good morning, " She greeted them both despite her eyes being on Henry.

11-13-2014, 09:07 PM
"Hello future daughter in law." My dad grins a checker car grin. "Dad!" I tell in suprise. "He's been talking to me about it all day over the pho-" He is cut off as I punch him in his area as he slumps down onto the table I stare at Alise. "Take a seat. You as well Ralph." My Dad is still murmuring as he sits back up. "That hurt Henry." I sigh and stare at my Dad. I knew he was trying to get my mind off my 'Break' from work. "You had it coming first time you meet her and you say that. I mean I like her but even so I've got bigger problems right no-" I realize I let loose I've got a problem and that I was falling for her fuck. I just sip my coffee hoping she didn't notice.

11-13-2014, 09:21 PM
A giggle escaped her, "Ralph look, I've already got his father's approval," She said watching as the two of them interacted. Snorting he shook his head as he went to go get her a coffee, it was more out of habit than anything and he wanted to get away for a moment . "Henry, he's only teasing you," She said right as he began speaking again. Alise grew silent as she stared at him, "I was right something did happen," She said frowning now. I shouldn't have let that guy get away She thought to herself. "What happened?" She asked ignoring the other part of what be said....for now.

11-13-2014, 09:27 PM
"The chief for word from Dowell and saw the press photos he suspended me." I set my coffee down. "For two weeks. Good news is I'll be fine till work starts again, the chief isn't mad since we have evidence on that bastard from the party so there won't be any looking into what I've been doing lately." I wait to see just how she'll respond to the news. It wasn't her fault it was no ones.

11-13-2014, 11:46 PM
Ralph placed a latte down in front of Alise, taking note to the look on her face he sat down at the table next to them. He had his own coffee and he would keep watch from here, also listening in just in case. "Officer Dowell, all he had to do was back off," Pursing her lips she took a sip of her coffee thinking. "Well if you want I can ether have my lawyer contact the commissioner or I can make Dowell disappear. I don't mind doing ether or, " She said looking him straight in the eye. He looked up from his coffee, "Untraceable?" He asked. Alise smiled, "You know me so well," She said looking at her bodyguard.

11-14-2014, 12:13 AM
"In honesty, Dowell is already being taken care off." My father says slowly and slides me a photo. Rip it up after looking at it. "Thanks and Alise thank you as well, I know you both are doing what you think is right. I am glad to have people like you in my life that care about me." I say and sip my coffee. "Ralph. You as well, I know you don't like me but you do something I can't you always keep Alise safe." I sip my coffee and wait for the response.

11-14-2014, 12:30 AM
Smiling softly a hint of a blush began to appear on her cheeks only for it to be wiped away in the next instant. "Yeah I do, I've been keeping her safe since she was eighteen years old so its safe to say I know what's best to keep her safe. You getting out of the picture, now that would keep her safe," He replied. Eyes widening she spun around in her seat and snapped something in Italian at him, Ralph replied and soon enough they were going back and forth. A few minutes later he grew silent, "Just ignore that last statement by Ralph, he can be a bit over protective sometimes. "

11-14-2014, 12:55 AM
"He's probably right, if I stay close thins are going to get risky." I say slowly and think then sip my coffee. "I'm thinking of leaving the force." I say and my father spits out his coffee. "What, you're gonna?" I nod and he thinks for a moment. "You have thought on this haven't you?" he ask and I nod. "Yes, I think it'll be best, after all I'd be better off without them." I can see Alise's mind turing slowly.

11-14-2014, 01:51 AM
"Henry, I've had to deal with risks long before you came into the picture, I'm not worried. If I was worried I wouldn't have taken you to the Gala or said yes to the trip, " She said even as she was thinking to herself. Out of her peripheral vision she could see Ralph staring at her, as if he knew what she was slowly thinking. He probably did but that wouldn't change anything. "Why don't you keep working for me, I meant it when I said you fit into my world more than you realized," She said picking up her latte. "I think you'd even like it," She added.

11-14-2014, 02:32 AM
"You have a point I think I'll go and give my slip of retirement later today." My father looks at me. "Henry you know that if you quiet the force that you can really come home." I nod at my father, my whole family wasn't as avert to some of the things I was. Truth be told in recent years after I'd killed my sisters rapist I'd slowly let go of them as well. "I think I'm going to keep living where I am but I will return home with you at some point dad." I speak slowly and stare at Ralph all the while, watching and trying to figure out what he is thinking about all of this.

11-14-2014, 02:43 AM
Lifting his cup of coffee, Ralph took a sip considering ignoring the stare he could not only see out of his peripheral vision but feel. However, even if it got him yelled at he had something to say. "She's the boss so she makes the decisions, " He said not even looking at Henry as he spoke. "Although, that doesn't change the fact that if she ends up getting hurt from you I'll cut you open and make you watch as I rip your guts out," He said perfectly calm and serious. Alise was torn between wanting to be angry at him for threatening Henry and feeling slightly worried for Henry. "Now I wouldn't let him do that but he has done that to someone before," She said in a whisper.

11-14-2014, 03:09 AM
"Ralph I'll tell ya this now." I stare him dead in the eyes letting what might acutally be the true crazy ass mother fucker that killed the rapist with just his bare hands slip it for a bit. "If you ever threaten me again ill castrat you with a wooden spoon. I would never do anything to hurt Alise but your shitty attuide towards me is pretty fucking tiresome." I can sense my fathers shock at seeing this side of me. "You might not know but I vowed never to betray Alise so fuck off ya bastard." I give him the middle finger and then keep drinking my coffee as if nothing happened. My fathers jaw just hangs in the air. I can see that Alise on the other hand is more impressed then angry or suprised. I'm getting a feeling no one has ever stood up to Ralph before.

11-14-2014, 03:21 AM
Eyes widening, Ralph hurriedly set his cup of coffee down while coughing. Was he just threatened with castration by a wooden spoon? Shocked, he looked at Henry contemplatively as Alise's laughter rang out into the air. "Alright," He said once her laughter had subdued. "Maybe you aren't completely bad," He said feeling some respect. That attitude right there, now that was something he understood and would respect.

Giggling, she patted Henry's arm. "This Ralph, is why I like him, he never stops surprising you," She said smiling brightly. "I might even have to marry him if he keeps doing so," She said fluttering her eye lashes in an over exaggerated way to show she was joking.

11-14-2014, 03:34 AM
"Haha Henry I think you finally found yourself a proper wom-" I deliver a swift stomp onto his foot my point for him to be quiet clear. "At any rate. It was nice seeing you all. I've got a slip to drop off." I get up give Alise quick friendly hug and wave to everyone else. As soon as I've left my father speaks as he to gets up to go. "Alise. I'm trusting you with my eldest boy. I hope you won't hurt him." Is all he says as he sets down the money to pay for everyone. Then he leaves as well.

11-14-2014, 05:12 AM
Sipping at her latte, Alise watched him go with a speculative look in her eyes. "I feel as if I just got one of those warnings fathers give to their daughters boyfriends," She commented to Ralph when he moved to the a war next to her. "Well I did basically give Henry the hurt her and I'll hurt you father speech, " He stated. She snorted, "On a much more violent scale and it still didn't scare him.....and he hasn't even asked me on a date," Alise added. "He did invite you on a vacation," The bodyguard might not like him but he could find the humor in this

11-14-2014, 12:25 PM
A Couple Days Later

My Dad, Me, Ralph and Alise are all sitting on my grandfathers private jet. We weren't rolling in money but we knew the right people. That's all you needed in today's world. We have been flying for a few hours and I'm just reading quietly.

11-14-2014, 04:39 PM
Heals kicked off, Alise sat with her feet pulled up onto the seat and her knees into the air so she could hold her sketch pad against her legs. It was a hobby that she didn't do often but she found sketching quite soothing. Beside her was a specially designed wooden case that held her sketch pad and various materials she might need. At the moment though she was just using a charcoal pencil and her finger for shading. Humming a random turn to herself, she cast a glance towards Henry before refocusing on her sketch.

11-14-2014, 04:53 PM
I continue reading my book and then glance to my old man. "Dad they are meeting us there?" I ask slowly and he nods. "Then to the castle?" My family many many generations ago were royals we had kept our families castle in our family. I speak softly so I won't be heard by Alise. I do t want to ruin the surprise.

11-14-2014, 05:04 PM
Tucking her pencil behind her ear, Alise used her ring finger to carefully rub the line she had just drawn adding a slight shadow and that was it. Smiling, she looked over her drawing critically. She had been sketching diligently for the last few hours and she though it came out quite good for that amount of time. Usually she would spend at least a few days on her drawings when she did draw. It was probably because she had been drawing Henry as he read and he had yet to move. Nodding slightly she carefully ripped it out of her sketch pad, "Here," She said leaning towards him and holding out the sketch.

11-14-2014, 06:29 PM
"I think you'll enjoy where we are going to be staying a lot." I grin not giving away anymore about the place where we are heading. She'd be surprised I know she would be. Even so I just hope she isn't here. It'd be a bit of a pain.

11-14-2014, 09:10 PM
It was so tempting to ask him where they were staying, to make an attempt at getting it out of him. Alise held herself back, as tempting as it was the suspsense was oddly nice. It was exciting to have no clue about where they're staying but to receive his cryptic comments. Besides, she also thought how Henry was acting was sweet. "I can't wait to see it," She said leaning back into her seat.

11-14-2014, 09:35 PM
Some time later I'm driving us down the street in a Lincoln. Soon enough we turn down an old country road and drive for a bit and the edges of my families castle come into view it isn't until we are pulling into the castle grounds do they realize where we are going to be staying. I stop the car and park and I'm greet by my younger cousin ramming into me with a hug. "Henry!" I smile at her and ruffle her hair. "Hello little Louise." I say slowly and she stares at me. "I'm not a kid anymore I'm not little!" She pouts and It makes me laugh seeing as she is twenty-three, she still is a child at heart. "Hey, Uncle Leroy." She smiles at my dad and then I hear. "Yo, Leroy Henry good to see you guys." I turn and see my uncle Tommy. "Hey uncle Tom." I offer a wave. "So these are the your friends Henry?" I nod, I had called a few days ahead and told him I'd be bringing two friends along. (OOC Has Their Looks And Castles)

11-15-2014, 03:20 PM
Stepping out of the car, Alise reached up slowly to take her sunglasses off as she started up at the castle wide eyed. " La sua famiglia possiede un castello," She murmured to Ralph when he got out beside her. " Sembra che," He replied nudging her slightly. Turning a faint pink spread across her cheeks when she realized his family was standing right there. "I'm sorry," She said stepping forward with her hand raised. "I'm Alise Hawthorne and this is Ralph Carter, it's lovely to meet you both," She said. Ralph nodded in greeting to Henry's family but didn't say anything as he observed their surroundings.

1. His family owns a castle.
2. It seems so.

11-15-2014, 04:01 PM
"So Henry is this your girlfriend?" My uncle looks at me in earnest and his daughter looks over at me. "No, but she is a very good friend of mine she even has offered me a job since I quiet the police department." They nod at me they are thinking about how to judge her but I know they won't until time proves it the right time to do so.

11-15-2014, 07:28 PM
For the first time in, she didn't even know how long, Alise felt nervous. It was that age old sensation of a stomach full of butterflies that she was experiencing right now. For years she's been in the spot light, constantly having people judge her, be suspicious of her. Eventually it was as if she had forgotten how to be nervous. Although it didn't seem that way in this moment as she smiled at his family, relax she told herself. "You know Henry, I think it says something when not only your father but the rest of your family thinks we're dating," She said teasingly.

11-15-2014, 07:44 PM
"Eh, I guess they do." I laugh as a few attendants grab everyones bags and start to lead us into the castle. "Oh Henry everyone is alr- "Welcome home Henry!" A bunch of poppers go off and I am shocked on a number of levels as many of my family is here. The castle is huge and can house around five hundred and fifty people. Seeing how many people are here the castle is more then likely full. "What is this?" I turn and look at my Dad. "Well since you have been doing so well and just come back to the family we wanted to welcome you home. I figured that you'd be overwhelmed so I figured you'd invite your friends." I nod and look over the dozens of faces and bodies trying to get a grasp how just how many of my family is here.

11-15-2014, 09:34 PM
Once again her eyes widened, though this time it was from the shock of the amount of family Henry had. Alise had a grandfather but since she didn't include her father her grandfather and Ralph were pretty much her only family. It had never seemed like a big deal to her. But......there was just so many of them. Behind her Alise could feel Ralph shifting closer to her, turning her head she gave him a look. She did not want him getting over protective and doing something. Especially when she was hoping that Henry's family would like her.

11-15-2014, 11:19 PM
"Haha Henry! You slippery Bastard where have you been?" I turn and see my brother. "Tony!" I walk over and hug him then smell Cherry and turn and see my grandfather. "Hey Son." He grins at me and I hug him slowly. He's smoking his pipe as well. He's the reason that I only smoke Cherry. "Oh before I forget this is my friend Alise and her body friend Ralph." They nod in greeting to them. (OOC)

11-15-2014, 11:29 PM
She smiled at both of them, "Hello," She greeted even as she noticeably nudged Ralph with her elbow. Said body guard looked down at her briefly, afterwards he gave a quick nod of greeting and then returned to keeping a watchful. Considering the new area and people he had not even a little information on he couldn't help it. Alise sighed and shook her head, "I apologize ahead of time if he seems a bit rude at times, he just gets a little paranoid in new surroundings,"

11-16-2014, 12:07 AM
"It's fine." My grandfather says and offers his hands. "So, how is it you met my grandson and gave him a job anyway?" He says slowly. I am a little taken back because normally he wouldn't ask something like that. Even when I was younger he didn't ask about my work when I had part times when I was like seven.

11-16-2014, 03:01 AM
Shaking his hand, she cast a glance at Henry wondering exactly what she should say. Obviously she didn't go around voicing her criminal acts but considering his family's involvement.....well she was still hesitant. "I got into some trouble and he helped me get out of it, I was curious so I had him looked up," She laughed softly. "It just made me even more curious so I contacted him and he did a few jobs for me. He did such great work I jumped at the chance to hire him when he said he was leaving the police force, " It was the honest truth just certain details were left out. However, if Henry wanted the full story told she didn't have a issue with that since she trusted his judgement.

11-16-2014, 03:35 AM
"Pretty much, she's a good person and is a joy to be around." I say and my grandfather nods and eyes her slowly. "Hehe, well I'll leave ya to it, why not show them around the castle after all it's been a few years so you'll probably have to get used to here again." I nod and then look at Alise. "Your choice, we can either put your bags in your room or go and take a walk." I say slowly and my family all slowly starts to slid off to go about what they were doing.

11-16-2014, 03:23 PM
Alice looked at him out of the corner of her eye as she fought back a smile, it was nice to hear someone describe her as a nice person who also happened to know everything about her. Watching his family go, a smile instantly appeared when she heard Henry's question. "I'd love to take a walk," She said moving closer to him. What she had seen of the castle so far looked amazing and she really did want to see more. Ralph looked between them, "I'll take the bags to our rooms," He said deciding he could just take a walk later. For now he'd prefer to make sure Alise's room would be safe.

11-16-2014, 03:59 PM
"I'll lead ya to your room." Tony says helping Ralph by taking one of the bags. "Follow me Alise, I have something I want to show you though, I think you'll enjoy it more then the fact that we're staying in a castle." I grin and start to lead the way up to the second floor then start for the tower. Even after all these years it was hard to get lost here if you knew the place.

11-16-2014, 06:30 PM
Giving a short wave to Ralph and Tony, she fought back a glare when her body guard made a quick hand motion before following Tony with their bags. It was his sign to check if she had a knife on her, which he tended to use whenever he was leaving her and thought she would be unsafe. Herny might have gained some of Ralph's respect but her body guard would never change. She might have a knife hidden on her body but it was only out of habit. Hurrying to catch up to Henry, she turned as she walked trying to get a look at everything. "I don't think that's possible Henry, this is absolutely amazing. Every girl at one point or another dreams of being in a castle, I'm an adult now and this is still a dream come true."

11-16-2014, 06:39 PM
"Trust me, this old place has a few suprises hidden in it, it's been remodel a few times and as such has a lot of diffrent rooms." I say and start up some stairs towards the top of the tower. "Just trust me I can tell you as a fact you will never have seen anything like this." It dosent take us long before we are in front of a door that leads to the top room. "Ready?" I ask hand on the door nob.

11-16-2014, 10:38 PM
The sound of her heals clicking on the stairs seemed to echo as they went up the stairs. Surprisingly the sound seemed to make the anticipation grow, she could feel her excitement growing. What could be more enjoyable than the fact that they were staying in a castle? Alise couldn't think of anything, but despite what she had said before Henry hadn't let her down yet so she was sure he was right. "Yes, I'm ready, " She said shifting on her feet.

11-16-2014, 11:46 PM
I toss open the door and sits just a round table as he face turns to a frown I laugh slowly. "Look up." I point up at a massive star painting covering the roof of the dome. In truth I'd built of the excitement for a reason as her eyes look upwards I grin at her face going into a shocked expression. "Neat, huh? Leroy the 1st my ancestor four generations back commissioned a local group of painters to do it." I say slowly my father in truth was Leroy the 5th, his father hadn't been named Leroy but my Great-Grandfather was named Leroy and he'd been such a good father my grandfather named my dad after him who was Leroy the 4th. (OOC)

11-17-2014, 12:21 AM
Stepping more into the room as she continued to look up, Alise couldn't help but laugh. Considering the anticipation he had caused it didn't make sense for him to show her a room with just a table. Which had been her original thought for a second. "It really is," She said looking at him briefly then looking back at the ceiling. "It's amazing how your family has so much history, this castle, this ceiling, " Growing quiet she continued to look at the ceiling. "Your family history can make a person.......it certainly made me," She whispered to herself.

11-17-2014, 12:26 AM
"Thing is no one even knows who we are. And Alise." I put my hand on her shoulder and look out over the window. "It won't unless you let it." I say and stare out at the snow covered landscape. "Follow me there is one other very important thing I want you to see before we continue on the tour." I slowly start down the stairs towards the outside and a stable. "Can you ride?" I say pointing towards the stable and put on my long black trench coat.

11-17-2014, 01:31 AM
It was a little late for that. She had let her families history make who she was many years ago. Shaking the thought off, she followed him slowly. Peering in the direction he was pointing, she stilled then laughed. Of course, a castle wasn't complete without a stable. Reaching upwards she pushed a few locks of hair out of her face, "Yes, actually, " She said. Her father might have been criminal but he was also a very rich man and as a daughter of a rich man there had been certain things she had needed to know how to do. Riding had been one of them. "But I haven't been riding in years."

11-17-2014, 02:12 AM
"Alright, we'll you can double saddle with me or ride on your own. Your choice." I say slowly as we enter the stable. I was confident of my skills even with another rider on the same horse.

11-17-2014, 02:46 AM
Fleetingly she contemplated it but Alise shook her head second afterwards. "No, it may have been awhile but I can handle it. It's like riding a bike, you never forget," She said. Stepping closer to one of the stalls she lifted a hand, smiling when the horse allowed her to pet him. "Just choose a horse and I'll saddle it up," She said continuing to pet the horse. "Then we can go see whatever it is you want to show me."

11-17-2014, 02:55 AM
It's only a little bit later we're riding down into the forest. In truth my family ran a resveratiton for animals the castle was still in our family because of that reason. We had sworn an oath many years ago to protect this land. In truth most of my family fell under a certain sect of Paganism. I wasn't in that sect but under its princables well enough. "Stay close, these words are easy to get lost in." I say slowly as we cross a bridge. I knew them well even today, but she'd be lost easily since she is new. I could find her easily with the cans in the event age did get lost.

11-17-2014, 03:20 AM
Casting a glance around the woods she took in a deep breath, relishing the fresh air. Alise had grown up in the city, knew it like the back of her hand and would always be comfortable in it. But this.....this was absolutely amazing. It made her wonder what it would be like to leave the city behind and move somewhere like this. Hearing his warning she made a soft clicking sound and nudge, cooing quietly when the horse she rode followed her commands and moved closer to Henry's. "Good boy," She said rubbing his side.

11-17-2014, 03:43 AM
"Before I forget, I asked my father a favor and he has a team on route to collect your father. I felt as if loose ends might ruin things. I know where he is and that's why we have to go out to where I want you to see. I don't want the others to know. Only three people know where he is at the moment and one will soon be meeting the other two." I say slowly as we ride along. In truth my vagueness was intended.

11-17-2014, 03:50 AM
Straightening up Alise looked over at him and stared, did she really hear him say that or was she hearing things? When it became clear that she wasn't hearing things laughter spilled past her lips. Gripping the reins tightly in one hand, she continued to laugh with her other hand pressed against her chest. "Oh Go-" Breaking off she continued to laugh. "I wish I could see the look on his face," She said giggling to herself. "Henry......you're amazing, you know that right?" She said smiling at him.

11-17-2014, 04:26 AM
"Your not bad yourself." I smile at her in truth, we had almost gotten up what I wanted to show her. It was a place that was important for certain meanings. In truth I had realized something lately that was important.

11-17-2014, 04:32 AM
She winked teasingly, "We all know I'm absolutely amazing," She joked flipping her hair. A moment later she laughed shaking her head as she did so, "All joking aside, thank you," She said honestly lifting her face to the sky. "It's nice hearing those things from you because you know all sides of me, not just the specific sides I show the public and the people I work with," She said opening her eyes that had shut at one point.

11-17-2014, 05:18 AM
Soon enough I'm on a knee in a ruin in front of Alise. "Alise, I offer my knightship to you and vow to protect you for now and as long as I am able of body and mind." Another family secret was that little spec of German royals made me a knight many years ago. I kneel in front of Akise still horses tied to a tree outside. "Do you accept my vow and sword as well as shield." When I was knighted at seven I was made to learn these likes again and again I never thought I'd find soneome who'd make me say them though. Alise had, I was still shocked and she must be blown away right now.

11-17-2014, 02:03 PM
Staring down at Henry, the young woman had absolutely no idea what to say. For the second time in less than an hour she was completely shocked. This time though.......Alise couldn't even put it into words. The sight of the ruins had instantly made her curious and the desire to explore had sprung up. So she had thought nothing of it when they had gotten off the horses, it meant she could explore. But this, oh god....it was enough that he was apparently a knight yet he was offering this to her? Casting a glance around their surroundings she bit her lip before focusing back on Henry, suddenly as she came to a decision her expression softened with the appearance of a smile. Pushing all other thoughts out of her head she nodded, "Yes....I accept."

11-17-2014, 03:14 PM
"We can explore or head back, your choice." I say slowly but surely. This were gonna be alight. Things were looking up, I knew that I had a reason in life now. Someone I need to protect cuz I care about them.

11-17-2014, 07:48 PM
She smiled and reached for his arm, tugging it as she did so. "There's more than enough time to tour the castle later," She said with a smile. "Lets explore," She added looking around. Alise knew that he might have invited her on this vacation but he was here to spend time with his family. So while she had the chance she wanted to spend time with him alone and she really was interested in exploring.

11-17-2014, 10:02 PM
"Alright but be careful my cousin Devor Frankenstein has been studying these ruins trying to figure out who made them and he's a bit nutty about things. Also he's a bit lazy about picking up." I say pointing to a small pack in the corner with some flash lights as I go over and pick one up. Also yes, I'm related to Dr.Frankenstein, the real one that Tried to recreate live, my cousin was the latter Prof.Frankenstein.

11-18-2014, 02:17 AM
Looking into the direction he had pointed, Misaki paused when the name registered in het head. Did he really say his cousins last name was Frankenstein? Alise blinked then laughed softly to herself, "With you the surprises never seem to end," She said hooking her arm around his. "Good surprises though. Really good surprises, " She added. "I'm kind of jealous of how much history your family has it makes me wish for more of my own.....although I do have one thing I'd never change. It's a piano, it was my mother's and has been handed down to the females in her family for a long time. Sometimes I sit at it and I'm so overwhelmed with the knowledge that past relatives have sat in the same exact spot I've sat in."

11-18-2014, 02:35 AM
"Haha, yes well my family is an odd one. Truth be told. Devor is a knight as well. He'll more then likely be shocked I made anyone my Valor's Charge." Valor's Charge was what we called those whom held the other end of our contracts. "But I feel like Ralph is gonna be most shocked of everyone." I chuckle lightly thinking of how his face will look when I tell him this.

11-18-2014, 02:44 AM
Clapping a hand over her mouth she fought back the snort that had nearly interrupted from her mouth. "Oh my lord, " She murmured shaking her head. "Honestly, Ralph will be threatened," She said once she had composed herself. "He's been with me since I was 18, he lives with me, follows me everywhere, and protects me at all cost. I think he already is threatened by you, it probably doesn't help that I like you," She said.

11-18-2014, 02:56 AM
"Yes well, he'll just have to accept that there is someone who cares just as much for you as he does. Of course that might take some time." I laugh as we walk by some old stone walls with old broken windows in them. In truth we had no idea what this building was. Devor has been studying this place for years and has found notes speaking of it but never really pieced them togther.

11-18-2014, 03:09 AM
This time she did snort, "More like years," She muttered pausing to peer out one of the windows. These ruins were old and broken but absolutely beautiful. It made Alise regret allowing Ralph to take her purse because her case had been tucked into it. "I'd love to come back and draw these ruins if you don't mind, " She said bending down to grab what might be glass. But years of being broken and exposure to the elements had made it smooth to the touch.

11-18-2014, 03:48 AM
"I can do that, but Devor will have a fucking kanipshan if you take anything, that's why you'll need to sneak it." I wink at her as we walk though. It was starting to snow though. "Alright, lets head back last thing we need is to get lost in a storm." I say and we start back for our horses and mount up.

11-18-2014, 03:54 AM
A small part of her wanted to protest, she wanted to stay out here just a little while longer at least. But he did have a point, they really didn't need to get lost in a storm. Settling herself into the saddle, Alise couldn't resist tilting her head back and catching a snow flake on her tongue. Feeling childish she straightened up in the saddle with a faint blush as she cast a glance towards him.

11-18-2014, 04:29 AM
I can't help but let out a tiny chuckle. It is a quick ride back and I show her to her and Ralph's room. Soon enough Ralph and I are alone though. I'd called him to my room. I'd made him disarm before coming and left my gun with Alise. Now we both stand unarmed in my room. "Ralph. I'm sure your fimlar with the German nobeilty and knights system?" I ask staring across the landscape. Snow falling down covering everything.

11-18-2014, 01:59 PM
Alise eyed the weapons that had been left behind, it had caught her off guard when Herny made Ralph disarm then set his own gun down. There was no stopping the unease she felt or her thoughts about whag could possibly happening. Breathing in, she turned away from the weapons and moved toward her suit cases. Until she was sure everything was okay drawing would not be an option, she'd to distracted. Though, she did have her things she could unpack. Seperaring the luggage, she went about taking all the locks of her things.

Eyes narrowing, he slid his hands into his pocket. The fact that they both had to be unarmed had instantly made him suspicious but those words didn't help. "I know a little, " He said honestly. During his time in the marines he had actually been sent to Germany, during his time here he'd learned a few things. Not much though which made him feel apprehensive. "Why does that matter?"

11-18-2014, 08:04 PM
"I offered Alise my knightship." I light my pipe slowly and the smell of Cherry fills the air. "She accepted and is now my Valor's Charge. I'm sure you know what that means. I just want to know that there won't be an problems with that. I care for Alise and even if you are uneasy about it, I made her a vow that goes beyond most. She accepted. I'll protect her and you'll protect her." I say slowly unsure of how to keep going. I just hope he gets what I mean.

11-19-2014, 02:23 PM
He stood there quietly taking in everything he had just said with a slight frown marrying his face. Eventually Ralph just nodded, "Fine, she accepted and there's no changing that so we'll both protect her," He said turning only to pause. "I've watched over her as she's grown up, soldiered through the constant judgement, as she's not only risen in the business world but taken over in the crime world. Because all of that it's safe to say I know her better than anybody. Which is why I can say with utter certainty that you may be protecting but you have the power to break her. Be careful," The last two words weren't even a threat. They were more like a plea. Leaving the room Ralph went back to check on Alise, once there he sighed. Clothes had been unpacked and the weapons remained on the tabke but Alise was nowhere in sight.

11-19-2014, 07:15 PM
It was easy to understand his point. It's much later in the day now everyone is gathering to get dinner. I rest on the stairs for a moment then head towards my seat at the head table. My father sits to the right of me and Alise to the left. Ralph next to her. I sigh as I sit down. A lot had happened lately. But I did have one last surprise for her. One that's haunted her and she's hunted him. Now he is locked down in the basement.

11-19-2014, 07:49 PM
Alise flashed Henry a smile before returning to her conversation with Ralph. Once she had sat down at the table it wasn't a surprise when he immediately began grilling her. But it was tremendously hard not to laugh, especially when it was so tempting. "I was just walking around and drawings things that caught my eye Ralph," She said thinking of her sketch pad full of drawings up in her room. "This place is so amazing, there was something to draw everywhere. I'll have to show you my sketch pad later," She added.

11-19-2014, 08:04 PM
"Come now Ralph, this is my families castle, stop worrying. I helped design it's security system." In truth I had been young when we chose that Camras should be placed about just in case. "I acutal had my uncle keep an eye on her as well. Ralph, she's safe here. So take a load off al'rite?" I say and grin kindly at him. I understand his worries but things were safe here.

11-19-2014, 11:47 PM
He turned his head a reply right on the tip of his tongue but a hand on his arm stopped him. Ralph met Alise's gaze and when he saw the minute shake of her head he forced back the comment in understanding. Just like anybody else she had things she'd rather not be told and now he felt bad that he had been so close to publically announcing it. "I just have my reasons," He said then looked away.

Patting his arm Alise smiled at Henry, "Don't worry about him, he'll relax soon enough," She said dropping her hand into her lap. "And I'm perfectly fine, no one needs to watch me. Especially if this castle is as safe as you say it is Henry," She said.

11-20-2014, 12:15 AM
"Aye, but to be truthful, it was more so that you didn't get lost." I say as everyone begins to eat, food was always good here I eat quietly though. I wasn't to chatty today, jet lag still had me. I just want to eat bath and then go to sleep.

11-20-2014, 12:36 AM
Out of the corner of her eye Alise watched Henry, she was tempted to talk to him. But she could see that he was tired so she kept to herself. Eating quietly herself, she thought of the piano that she had discovered when going from room to room. When she had mentioned her mother's piano earlier it had stuck in her head and now she couldn't forget about that piano. It had been so long since she played one let alonr thought about one yet she couldn't stop. Continuing to eat, Alise unconsciously began tapping her fingers of her free hand against her leg as she thought.

11-20-2014, 12:45 AM

It's midnight and snowing out pretty good and I'm walking along the halls flashlight in hand I'd felt like getting some warm milk from the kitchen, I had a pretty bad nightmare but then I hear a piano from the room just to the right of me. I flick off my flashlight and slowly crack open the door and see Alise candle atop the piano her playing it. I can't help but listen from the cracked door.

11-20-2014, 01:05 AM
The piano had haunted her thoughts well into the night, to the point that when she was positive Ralph had been sleeping she had put on her robe and snuck out of the room. It hadn't taken long to find the room again, she probably spent a longer amount of time just staring at it. Alise had stopped playing the piano when her mother died, it had seemed unnatural to play it while her mother couldn't. Yet....it had taken only pressing a few keys and now she couldn't stop.

Her fingers came to lull, hovering over the keys as she seemed to be making a decision. Eyes drifting shut she began to hum, slowly with a hint of hesitation her fingers began to play a melody. A melody that brought so many memories to mind. "Hush little Angel....hush little Angel," She sang softly practically hearing her mother singing the song herself. "Daddy may not want ya but momma most certainly does," Images of nights with her mother comforting her as she cried came to mind. "Hush little Angel, no matter what they say you'll most certainly prove them wron-" Cutting herself off she slammed the cover shut when the sound of creaking suddenly rang out. "Its rude to spy," She said staring at the piano.

11-20-2014, 01:18 AM
"That was lovely, your hearing is also very impressive." I say opening the door the rest of the way. "So, guessing you really wanted to play?" I lean on the door frame, still half dazed from my nightmare and half from her music. I just wanted to get a drink then go back to sleep. I give a short wave and start off before she can ask anything about's what is wrong or I ask her. I wasn't really sure I could explain it to her or how I'd be able to help her.

11-20-2014, 01:31 AM
Signing, she pressed her hands to her eyes. She wanted to laugh, her hearing had been from her mother but she also wanted to be annoyed with herself. All he had been doing was listening. Seconds ticked by, the quiet suffacating in a way. Rising, Alise gripped her robe with one hand then reached for the candle with the other. Looking left then right she quickly hurried down the hall, "Henry," She said taking her hand away from her robe and grabbing his arm. "I-" Cutting herself off she took in his expression, his eyes. "It seems we both have things that haunts us," She said at last letting her hand drop from his arm.

11-20-2014, 01:44 AM
"Yes we do." I say and then blow out the candle. I flick on my flash light and put my around her shoulders to try and comfort her. "Follow me, let's get a drink and we can chat for a little bit." I say and we start off for the kitchen. I think a drink will help her as well.

11-20-2014, 02:05 AM
Without any hesitation she pressed into his side, one of her hands coming up to hold onto the back of his shirt lousely. Alise could feel his body warmth through his clothes, it seeped right into her and was just as comforting as his arm around her. "Alright," She said sticking close as they walked. When the two of them reached the kitchen, she shiffed from foot to foot rubbing her feet against the side of her ankle as she did so.

11-20-2014, 02:35 AM
I get some milk warm it up and pull a stool over to the counter. "Okay, what's bothering you?" I say slowly and take a sip of my milk I wasn't quiet ready to tell her what was on my mind in truth.

11-20-2014, 03:18 AM
She shifted on her seat, "Talking about my mother's piano just brought up memories, " She said tracing aimless patterns onto the counter with her finger tip. "She was a prodigy, traveling all over the world to perform only it was also how she met my father. Some of my earliest memories are of her playing the piano. Then as soon as I was able she began to teach me how to play..." She paused. "When my mother died I couldn't bear to play the piano anymore. It.....felt like betrayal. "

Alise sighed, "Then I found that piano and I couldn't stop thinking about it, I could practically hear it playing, " She said. "It was like I had never stopped once I got started playing, I could remember every note, hand movement....and that song....my mother called it 'Alise's song'," She murmured. "There's so many memories attached to it, I was reacting more to them then you when I heard you."

11-20-2014, 04:48 AM
"Alise, I won't lie. My mother died the day before I was sent to pysch. She taught me a lot. In the moring, I'll show you. She taught me vilione for a few years. For now, lets get some sleep. We'll talk more in the morning." Soon enough we're both in my room under the covers drifting off. In truth I wasn't sure what lead up to this. We both just got so tired that we ended up walking into the same room. Once we hit the bed neither felt like leaveing. "Goodnight Alise." Is all my mind is able to think of before I drift off.

11-20-2014, 12:43 PM
Eyes partially open, Alise quietly watched as Henry fell asleep. It was beginning to become a struggle for herself to stay awake but she couldn't help but smile. She hadn't meant to come into his room and now that she was here beneath the covers she didn't want to leave. She didn't even care that Ralph would not be searching for come morning. Feeling comfortable and safe, she snuggled more into the covers before falling asleep as well.

11-20-2014, 02:36 PM
The next morning I wake up and tilt my head. I see that it's 8:30 so no one else is up yet. "Hey Alise, let's go sneak you back into your room before Ralph wakes up." I shake her awake slowly.

11-20-2014, 04:11 PM
Groaning softly, Alise turned and pushed her face into a nearby pillow. "I don't care if he knows," She mumbled shutting her eyes. She absolutely hated getting up in the morning, she was far from being a morning person. "Besides, he's probably already noticed that I was gone, " She added tugging up the blankets. "She's right, I've been up for over an hour," A voice said suddenly. Growling she grabbed the pillow and threw it in the general direction of his voice. "Go away," She ordered. Ralph chuckled from where he sat by the door, "She's not a morning person, " He said perfectly at ease.

11-20-2014, 04:34 PM
"I can tell." I chuckle and hand Alise another pillow. "I've got to feed the horses, sleep as long as ya want." I hold out my hand as I get up and Alise just slaps it. "Later." I slid out of my bed get dressed and then nod to Ralph as I put my gun into its holster on my way out.

11-20-2014, 04:54 PM
Standing up, Ralph tossed the pillow back onto the bed. "Have fun," He said chuckling again when a pillow hit the wall right before he had shut the door. Sighing, he stood outside the door for a moment. When he had gotten up this morning it didn't take him long to realize Alise hadn't slept in her bed. But when he had found her it had struck him how calm she had appeared while sleeping beside Henry.

A few hours later...

Fresh out of the shower, Alise dressed herself in a pair of leggings and over sized sweater. After she had pulled on a pair of socks, she made her way out of the room. Braiding her hair as she walked. She felt a little embarrassed that she had slept so long. But the jet lag hadn't helped her at all, especially when she had enough issues with getting up in the morning.

11-20-2014, 05:20 PM
I have gotten everything done and sit in the den reading quietly. The snow was still falling but was lighter now. I had been thinking and decided I'd go find Alise in a bit. For now I want to finish the Sirlock Homles book I was reading.

11-20-2014, 05:45 PM
Carrying a cup of coffee in hand, Alise peaked into the room she had been in the night before. It was as empty as it had been in yestersay. Taking a small sip of her coffee she stepped into the room and went to the piano. Running a finger across the cover she thought about her song that she had stopped playing. It had been years since she even allowed herself think about that song, her mother had wrote it specifically for her, singing it and playing it for her all the time. Humming lightly, she moved to the window.

11-20-2014, 07:18 PM
As I finish I head towards the piano room. I don't notice Alise as I take out my violin, then I begin to play Fur Elise on it. I don't even notice her. My mother had chosen to teach me this when I was in middle school she made me join band. Though I never really liked doing then, now it was okay. I'd left my violin here for years though, grandad or someone must have been taking care of it.

11-20-2014, 07:41 PM
The cup paused mid air, Alise allowed her eyes to drift shut as she listened to the music that quickly filled the air. Fur Elise if she wasn't mistaken. Opening her eyes she looked to Henry and smiled, he was quite good at playing the violin. Biting her lip in thought, she set her coffee down and took a seat on the piano bench. Listening carefully, she opened the cover and waited, then when the moment was right she smoothly began to play a long.

11-20-2014, 07:50 PM
I keep playing until the song reaches it's end then I set down my stuff. "Heh, didn't notice you were in here." I smile slowly then take a seat next to her. "So, how do enjoy Germany and the Castle so far?" I ask slowly and look out at the snow covered landscape.

11-20-2014, 08:08 PM
Retrieving her cup she smiled brightly, "Its absolutely amazing," She said honestly. "When you asked if I wanted to come I was expecting of course to enjoy myself but...." She laughed. "Its better than whatever I could have imagined, " She said bringing her cup to her lips. "Oh, I'm sorry for taking your bed over this morning," She said blushing faintly. "I'm really not a morning person."

11-21-2014, 12:08 AM
"That's okay, it wasn't bad having you in my bed." I feel my face go red as I relize how I worded that. I keep going though. "After all, it was nice to have someone with you." I say and blush again, what the fuck. Was I falling in Love with Alise? The though makes me do a double take.

11-21-2014, 01:31 AM
Blushing as well she lifted the mug to her lips, a small smile tugged at the edges of he'd lips though. "Well next time I'll make sure Ralph stays away," She said it in a joking manner. Despite the manner it was said Alise would readily say it had been a nice.....well nice was sort of an understatement. The safe and comforting feeling she had felt was probably a reason why she hadn't wanted to get out of bed so badly this morning.

11-21-2014, 03:03 AM
"Well your welcome anytime. I'm gonna go and start saddling the horses, weather is clear so get your sketch and meet me at the stable when your ready." I stand wave then head off to help ready our horses.

11-21-2014, 03:17 AM
Alise was left there in the piano room, wondering to herself if he had truly meant it. That in turn lead to thoughts of whether she'd take him up on that offer or not. Heading to her room to adjust her outfit, she paused momentarily outside his room. I would She thought smiling. It took only a few minutes to change her pants then add boots, a coat and a hat. Stuffing a pair of gloves into her pocket she grabbed the bag containing her case then headed downstairs.

11-21-2014, 03:25 AM
I stand easily waiting. One horse this time. I wasn't sure I'd she'd mind but it might be easier since she had some stuff. I'd thrown on a saddle with a bag just in case. I now wait for her. I see her coming and I climb atop the horse. Then one of my cousins helps her up and we start off. "So, before I forget when we come back we do have him here now so whenever your ready we can take care of him." I sat knowing she'd figure out who I meant.

11-22-2014, 02:14 AM
Without even a hint of hesitation Alise wrapped her arms around his waist, smiling to herself as she did so. The sight of one horse had been surprising but it didn't mean she minded. Ready to louse herself in their surroundings a huff of air escaped her at his words, the cloud of white appeared then disappeared as she blinked. Did he really just say what he had just said. Time passed until finally she did all she could do. She squeezed his waist and pressed her face into his back, hoping he'd accept that instead of the words that had escaped her. The time to end things had finally come and all because of him.

11-22-2014, 02:39 AM
Soon enough we're back in the ruins and I'm doing some studying on the runes that are carved about not to far from where Alise is. I am just in what's left of a room that's above the room where she is next to. I slowly check from book ot wall as I read then head down stairs and check the room she is in and read over some more runes.

11-22-2014, 06:43 PM
Glancing up from where she was drawing Alise smiled at Henry, lifting a hand to push away a lock of hair she didn't even notice the smudge of charcoal she left behind on her cheek. Once again she was drawing in charcoal, she had yet to decide if she'd add color. But it was more out of quickness. She wanted to draw as much as she could, a number of pages had already been filled with rough sketches. A few even filled with a few small drawings of different parts of the room she was in. "Can you really read those runes?" She asked.

11-22-2014, 06:51 PM
"Yes and No." I say as I scribble down something into my log about them. I was about half way though when I get a texted. I look at it then type a quick one back. It was the guys back home. I slid my phone away and finish off the segment of runes I'm working on then move onto the next.

11-22-2014, 07:01 PM
Laughing softly to herself she went back to her drawings. Flipping to a new page she shifted her position then began to draw Henry this time. Alise has always enjoyed drawing people more than still objects. There was so much more to capture, such as the movement of the body, the expression on their face, the look in their eyes. It took practice and true passion to be able to capture a person in such a way that you didn't suck the life out of them. Well....that was more of a personal opinion.

11-22-2014, 07:19 PM
"Anyway, whenever you are ready we can head back to the castle and take care of our guest." I say and keep reading the segment I'm on I am about halfway done with it. All I had to do was just dot a few more lines of it and I'd be set.

11-22-2014, 07:48 PM
"He can wait awhile," She said rubbing a line with her thumb. Memories of hours spent waiting for her father rose up, recitals, meal times, times when she wanted to see him. All Alise ever did was wait for him, now it woud be his turn. "I'm in no hurry," She added looking at my briefly before returning her attention to her drawing. She wouldn't admit it but this would be going with a few drawings she already had.

11-22-2014, 08:03 PM
I slowly work on each Rune making sure I'd gotten the letters from it. These runes could form a word by themselves they were very tricky to figure out. It is about two hours later I finish. "Alright, you ready Alise. I'm getting a little cold." In truth it was supposed to get down to around 15 -F, It'd be pretty cold. I slowly slid my book away.

11-22-2014, 08:09 PM
The sound of his voice startled Alise, dropping the charcoal pencil she looked at him in surprise as she felt the truth of his statement. She had been so caught up in drawing that she hadn't even felt the cold. "Yeah I'm ready, " She said hurriedly putting everything away and into her bag. Pulling out her gloves put them on before pulling her hat down low enough to cover the tops of her ears.

11-22-2014, 08:12 PM
I mount my horse then I help Alise up and we start off towards the castle. "You know Christmas is going to be here soon, got any plans?" I ask as we ride along at a decent pace. We were going fast enough to get their before the ground started to freeze, nothing more or less. The horse knew I wasn't rushing it without cause so it goes along as I tell it to. Horses are such smart things. They are loyal as well.

11-22-2014, 08:37 PM
Wrapping her arms around his waist tightly she pressed the side of his face against his back. The surrounding air was cold but she could feel his body heat beneath his clothes. "I usually exchange gifts with Ralph and make a small dinner for us which is about it unless I gey invited to a Christmas party. I have a grandfather but I make him remember my mother to much so I try to keep my distance," She said with a sigh. Holidays were the only times she ever wished things were different. "How about you? What will you do?"

11-22-2014, 10:04 PM
"More then likely fly back here for the week. I mean we're flying back home in two days. You could come back here for christmas if you want." I say as we go along. It only takes about an hour to get back and as we enter It's nice and warm. They must have all the fires going. I toss my jacket off to the side as we start down for the basement. "Follow and be careful stairs are a bit steep." I say as we slowly make our way to the basement.

11-23-2014, 02:17 AM
Placing her coat, hat and gloves with his Alise followed him down the stairs carefully. Anticipation hung in the air with the knowledge that she was getting to finally confront her father. But that didn't stop the small smile that tugged at her lips. It was one thing to be invited along on a vacation, the holidays were a different matter. And it made her feel beyond touched to have the possibility of spending the holiday with him and his family. "I'd like that," She said honestly.

11-23-2014, 03:44 AM
Soon enough we enter the old place and a few of my family stand near a cell. "Here he is." I point towards him. "We can take care of this how you want." I give a sign and my family heads up stairs. We are soon alone with him.

11-23-2014, 04:35 PM
Richard Hawthorne stared back at his daughter in shock then a sneer formed on his face, "I'm not surprised you had some part in this Alise," He said. "Actually, I didn't even know you were here until this morning Daddy," The title was said with disgust. Once upon a time all she had ever wanted was this man's approval, his love. She had even gone so far as to kill a man for him. But that hadn't changed a thing and now, she loathed him.

11-23-2014, 05:07 PM
"So this piece of shit is your father?" I say slowly and stare at the man in the cell. He was trash and he looked like shit. I lean easily on the wall. He had killed many a cops. I was no longer on the force but, I still hated him deeply for the things he'd done to men I'd know and trained under in the academy.

11-23-2014, 11:23 PM
She nodded with a sigh, "Sadly," She said. "My mother had so many men vying for her attention and she chose him. I have never understood why, " The flash of anger made her smirk. "So are you fucking some big time criminal or something Alise? You must be to have someone willing to send some guys after me," He said chuckling to himself. Alise fought the urge to swear, "No, Henry just happened to do this on his own Daddy dearest. If I had any part in sending anyone after you Ralph would have gutted you by now," She said smiling sweetly. "Besides, I happen to run the largest and most powerful gang right now. I have absolutely no time to be worrying over a pathetic ass."

11-24-2014, 12:02 AM
"It was really easy, after all Mr... well I can't quiet recall your name though I did have it on file some where not your last but your first. Anyway, you pissed off to many people. All I had to do was call my friends in the Hells Angels back home then they contacted one of their brother chapters in Brazil and well here we are." I say and look at Alise as I pull a hot piece of metal out of a oven. "So Alise, can I ya know play with him a bit before we kill him?" I ask slowly as I whistle and a few Angels come in the room. "Grab him." He was unarmed and the Angels are quick with getting him on the ground as I enter the piece of metal still hissing as I walk over to him.

11-24-2014, 12:27 AM
Richard looked to his daughter and when she just smirked at him he practically hissed. "It's a pity Clark didn't kill you like planned," He spat. "I told him he could play with you a little before hand but I should have just said no," The smirk fell from her face and Alise grew noticeably pale despite her naturally tan skin. "You..." Trailing off she took a step back. It had been years since she had thought of that name but the fear was the same. Clenching her hands into fists she looked to Herny, "Make him scream," She said.

11-24-2014, 12:56 AM
"Alright." I drive the metal rod into his back and the Angels hold him in place as I do so. He struggles and screams like dog. Once the rod has left good mark I go over and grab a very large knife from a tray just outside the cell. "You might want to cover your eyes for this Alise." I say as I swirl around the knife in my hand and walk for her father.

11-24-2014, 01:35 AM
The sound of his screams made her smirk return. That one sentence had cemented her desire to see her father suffer. And she would most certainly see it, Alise wasn't about to back down. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me," She said not even reacting when curses and insults directed towards her began to mingle with his screams. It was almost as if she didn't hear him all she could focus on was the knife in Henry's hand and what he'd do with it.

11-24-2014, 01:40 AM
I start to cut off his pinky joint by joint. After the first joint on his left I stop for a moment. "I do wana ask Mr how were you able to run for so long." I say giving him a break from the pain. I didn't want him to pass out after all. To much pain would be bad. I had some of my guys getting a drug that'd make him stay awake.

11-25-2014, 12:32 AM
Richard clenched his teeth but a strangled groaning sound still made it past, "Mother fucker," He spat glaring at Henry. "I'm not answering your fucking questions you bast-" Crying out his body jerked as a knife sunk into his upper thigh. It also happened to be roughly an inch away from a more important part of his anatomy. Alise smiled with cold eyes, "I'm sorry. It...slipped," She said tilting her head to the side. "You know, knives are so much better than guns. A lot more damage can be done with less blood loss if you cut just the right places," She said calmly as she moved forward to retrieve her knife.

11-25-2014, 12:37 AM
I chop off his next joint and keep at it until he has no fingers left on either hand. Soon enough it's his toes and then his feet and hands all together the day goes on like this until he is to near to death to do anything else. I drag his body down towards a giant fire place filled to the brim with already burning pine scented wood. "Well, this is the last stop on this route." His almost closed as go wide as he see the fire. With a good thrust he's into the fire and rolling around, the pine covers the smell of his flesh burning as we throw all the little parts in and shut the door. "Well, that takes care of that." I say as we start up the steps. Once we get to the top Ralph is standing there waiting for us. "Oh hi Ralph." I say as we close the door behind us. His look is a simple one, that of asking where we had been and what we had been doing more then anything else.

11-25-2014, 01:41 AM
Some might say she was sick, but Alise wasn't about to deny that she had been happy to watch the pieces of her father burn. It had been even better to see him suffer before he died. It was no ones business how she felt aboit his death. What mattered was that he deserved to burn in hell and she most certainly hoped he did. God, she prayed he did so. However the sight of Ralph brought back the memories that she's been fighting back ever since Richard mentioned Clark. Fear surging up she slipped into italian, her words almost coming out as one.

Ralph had been searching for Alise for hours so it made him suspicious to see the two of then coming out of the basement. Especially when he caught sight of the happy glint in her eyes. But every thought he had these last hours went flying out of his head at her rushes words. Wrapping his arms around her, he cast one glance at Henry approval clear in his eyes before he began to lead his boss towards the stairs.

11-25-2014, 01:50 AM
I give a slight nod and mouth 'Thank You' to Ralph as I go to meditate. I was trying to regain my mental state. This much Fun in a while and it'd stirred up my inner monster. So I head into my room close the door and lock it then I start to mediate on everything that has happened lately.

11-25-2014, 02:11 AM
An hour later...

The door to the bathroom was cracked slightly with Ralph sitting in a chair beside of it. From where he sat he could both talk to Alise and hear the sound of splashing as she moved around in the tub. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked leaning back in his chair. He had probably asked the question five times in the last hour but it was hard not. Clark was someone that had been erased for certain reasons and to have him brought up wasn't a good thing.

"I'm fine Ralph," She said pulling her legs to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Yes she might have spent the last twenty minutes scrubbing her skin until it was pink. But she was fine.....for the most part. "It just brought back memories is all, soon enough they'll be forgotten...." Trailing off she let her eyes shut.

11-25-2014, 02:27 AM
I stand up down with meditation and text Ralph. 'Something is going on in NYC, when ever Alise is... Feeling okay tell her we're going back to New York in three days' in truth it was the Angels calling us home. I think that Alise would be better off back in the states for a little while as it is. Lucky enough she'd given me Ralph's number or one of them just in case we ever needed to get in touch.

11-28-2014, 09:05 PM
Taking out his phone, Ralph eyed the text barely noticing the seconds tick by as his fingers hovered above the screen. He didn't need to peak into cracked opening to know Alise was sitting with her arms wrapped around her knees. Staring off into space. Scowling he rose to his feet, fingers quickly tapping out a reply. 'Come tell her yourself, sit in the chair by the bathroom door,' it was only after he hit send did he type out another message, 'Don't look'. How he felt about Henry was complicated but he knew for sure he could probably help Alise right now. So with that in mind he told her he was going to get something to drink then he left the room.

11-28-2014, 09:10 PM
As I walk up to her room I pass Ralph and just give a slight nod in passing. I enter and take a seat. "Hey Alise, how you doing?" I ask as I sit down on her bed and look out the window. If Ralph called me up here it was probably for a good reason. I could bet why as well.

11-28-2014, 09:17 PM
Heading jerking up at the sound of Henry's voice Alise stared at the bathroom door in surprise. What was he doing here? Tightening her grip on her legs she sighed as she laid her head back on the tiled wall. Something told her Ralph wouldn't be back with that drink for awhile. "I'm fine Henry," She said raising her voice slightly. It wasn't lost on her that she had said that more than a few times in the lost hour. "I...." For some reason she found herself unable to stop there. "I have demons just like everyone else, sometimes they rise up. "

11-28-2014, 09:53 PM
"Well, you can tell me about it." I say and lean back on the bed. "Sorry Alise, but I an't leaving until you convince me your okay." I say and mean it. I had never felt like this before but I realize what it is now. "Ralph is already aware of that." I knew that he knew, it was a simple man to man agreement. Oddly enough we could speak without words perhaps it was because we were to men that cared deeply for the same women.

11-28-2014, 10:02 PM
Opening her eyes, Alise unwrapped one of her arms and began to run the tips of her fingers through the water surrounding her. His words unsettled her in a way, Ralph knew everything so she hadn't bothered to talk about it. But now....with the memories fresh in her mind she knew there was no other way to get rid of them. "Just....just give me a minute," She said at last. Soon the sound of water draining filled the air and she grabbed the towel she had placed near the tub.

11-28-2014, 10:08 PM
I rest easily and don't sit up. In truth, I was acutally pretty tired after todays events. But not to tired to care about Alise. She was probably the first girl I ever really felt like this for. I have never had anything like this before.

11-28-2014, 10:31 PM
Not long after that Alise stepped out of the bathroom wearing a silk thigh length night gown with a matching robe that she was tying closed. Her damp hair had been put up into a messy bun without a care. Catching sight of Henry on her bed she paused then without a hint of hesitation shr climbed into the bed beside him. "You know there was a time when I couldn't stand even the thought of a man just laying beside me in bed. Its because of that Ralph didn't wake us up this morning, he was shocked," She said settling down beside him.

11-28-2014, 10:52 PM
"I could tell, anyway you going to tell me what's biting at you?" I say and pull her a bit closer in an attempt to comfort her. She was trying to avoid it. I can't help but admit she looked cute like this. I force my attention back though and wait for her to speak.

11-28-2014, 11:12 PM
Resting her head and a hand on his chest she grew silent as she thought about where she should start. "My father went on the run when I was 18, for awhile afterwards everything was a mess. The press was hounding me, police constantly calling me to ask questions or having me come down to the police station. Ralph had only been working for me for a few months and I felt so alone..." She paused and shut her eyes. "Then I met Clark, he never showed any sign of caring about what was going on. He spent all him time sweeping me off my feet. But now that I know he was working for my father it all makes sense," She said clenching his shirt.

"All the money and property my father owned had been transferred to me once I was cleared by the police. I had a feeling he was secretly funneling it to himself wherever he was but when I had control over it he had no access to the money. Clark must have been paid to get the info he needed as well because the night....." Her heart rate began to pick up. "The night he tried to kill me I found him trying to break in my safe. God....he looked at me and laughed when I woke up. He said he might as well kill me now then he could carry finish breaking into the safe. But first, he wanted to have me one last time," Sitting up suddenly she pulled away from him. "I killed him then had Ralph get rid of the body. He didn't even blink when I asked him to do so," Alise forced herself to appear calm as she said this last part. "I don't regret killing him but his name isn't one I like to hear."

11-28-2014, 11:17 PM
"That's understand able." I say and sit up and hug her. "But I'll always be here for you if you need me as well." I kiss her check and feel like hitting myself. "We're going to be flying back to NYC in three days. So if there is anything in Berlin you want to see we have to see it tomorrow or the day after." I say and then hug her. "I'll see you at dinner." I say and stand to go.

11-28-2014, 11:50 PM
The memories seemed to be going away , they would always be a part of her. But in that moment they didn't seem as daunting as before. And just hearing him say he would be here if she needed him made her remember the safety she had felt last night when sleeping beside him. Smiling softly Alise grabbed his arm, "Henry," She said standing as well. "I didn't realize it but I was making it worse by holding it in," She said moving closer to him. "So thank you," There was a look of hesitation then she brushed her lips against his. Pulling away she smiled at him again.

11-29-2014, 12:08 AM
"I'm glad I could help Alise." I then start off to help prep dinner. I had a nice dinner plan tonight, everyone wanted something simple tonight so I'd got the prefect idea we just had to prep everything. We were always very careful when we planned dinners around here. I recall, because everyone that is here actually lives here. We were a very big family. Only Me, My Dad and Grandfather didn't live here but my Father, My and Uncles name is on the deed.

11-29-2014, 12:43 AM
Barely five minutes later Ralph came into the room with a mug in his hand, seeing Alise sitting on her bed looking at ease he relaxed. He might be conflicted over Henry but at least the guy could help. That's all that mattered to him. "Here you go," He said handing her the mug. Smiling in thanks, she took a small sip of the hot chocolate. "I'm surprised you willing let Henry in here," It was conversational and yet a teasing tone.

11-29-2014, 12:56 AM
I am now helping prep everything we slowly make sure everything is set. We knew very well that our jobs are probably the most important since we are handling the meats. We check each thing carefully before we go and set it out.

11-29-2014, 01:20 AM
Ralph sighed, "Well I didn't want you to be upset," He said moving across the room. Alise was tempted to say something else but she didn't. Instead she continued to drink her hot chocolate as she got off the bed and moved to the closet. She had put on her pajamas since she had left them in the bathroom this morning. However they weren't exactly the proper thing to where to dinner so she'd need to choose something.

11-29-2014, 01:30 AM
After everything is set we hit a button on the intercom that will connect it to the whole castle, the kitchen is the only place that can. "Everyone, tonights dinner is a meat buffet from all across Germany as well as the world. You may come down and start whenever you are ready." I take my finger off the button and hear a number of cheers across the castle. It was a big castle but this many people could be very loud.

11-29-2014, 01:35 AM
Hearing the sound of cheers, Alise laughed softly to herself. His family was quite interesting. "You can go on ahead Ralph, I'll be down after I change," She said pushing a few things aside. It was almost instinctive to decline and say he would wait for her, he didn't thought. Instead he nodded and rose, "Alright, don't take forever," He said leaving the room. She shook her head with a smile as the door shut. Tossing her clothes onto the bed she reached for the sash on the robe.

11-29-2014, 01:43 AM
I am now prepping desert, we had made enough so everyone could have a good amount and we'd still have some left overs. I knew that we had to work hard. We had done half the desert before we started in on the meat and now it was time for the second half. We were more then likely the only family that so many of us lived under the same roof. I finish up and slowly start for main hall. The tables had been set their today and the dining hall was open for people to sit in. I head down into the basement then to the sub-basement to get some wine.

11-29-2014, 02:18 AM
Getting dressed in a similar outfit to what she had been wearing this morning, Alise tugged her hair free of the louse bun it had been. Shaking it free she decided to let it curl naturally instead of putting it up or anything. She then added a pair of thick socks and she was ready to head down to dinner. Humming a random tune to herself on the way downstairs, she ran her fingers against the hand rail.

11-29-2014, 02:43 AM
I am slowly gathering my plate I knew meat from meat. I am able to grab a plate for Alise as well and as she comes down I go over and meet her at the stairs and hand her a plate and smile. "You look nice." I smile kindly at her as we start off into the crowd towards the tables.

11-29-2014, 02:50 AM
A soft smile spread across her lips as she accepted the plate from him. Alise didn't care if it seemed weird but she was very touched by the fact that he took the time to grab her a plate. "Thank you," She said referring to both the plate and the compliment. "I've never attended a dinner that's had a meat buffet before," She said looking around at the different tables.

11-29-2014, 02:56 AM
"We're a little strange here but we have had history in a few different areas. So we tend to be able to get our hands on things and I figured a simple pick your own dinner would be nice. Anyway, I'm going to be a bit busy when we get home to NYC so I might not be free for a little while." I had no idea what the club needed but it did sound like it'd take a while to short out.

11-29-2014, 03:12 AM
There was no denying that Alise felt a flare of disappointment when she heard that but she kept her smile in place. "Alright, " She said taking a seat once they reached a table with two free seats. "I'll probably be busy with business once we get back too," She said placing a napkin in her lap. "Just give me a call once your free," She said looking at him out of the corner of her eye.

11-29-2014, 03:16 AM
"I will, I think when we get back the tree will be up at Rockafeller center, how about when I settle my work. We'll go over and go ice skating?" I ask a sly grin on my face half covered as I take a sip of my wine. I wasn't sure what the Angels needed but it couldn't be that troubling.

11-29-2014, 03:34 AM
Alise lifted her own glass of wine to her lips in an attempt to hide the bright smile that had appeared on her lips. Ice skating was something she hadn't done in years so yes the thought of doing so was exciting. But she would admit her happiness mainly had to do with the fact that he had asked her. "I'd like that," She said planning to give Ralph that day off.