View Full Version : Rage's Hall of Heroes

12-01-2014, 02:11 AM
Through adamantine gates of black and past the callous glares of utterly inhuman gargoyles, lies the mist-shrouded keep of dark grey stone that overlooks the mountainous and oft stormy countryside. The locals are wont to whisper of strange goings on within and around the keep itself. And none dare to approach it. Not even in the full light of day. For no one who has entered the keep has ever returned. None Save the enigmatic woman known as Rage. Legends, when not speaking of werewolves howling or curses from ancient times, speak of Rage's creations; wonderous heroes and magnificent beasts brought to life by a baffling combination of unholy magics and alien sciences.

Well now our gracious hostess has opened her keep to the public, that visitors such as yourselves might glimpse the bodies of her creations, held as they are by necromantic weavings in a state twixt life and death, and learn of their accomplishments. Accomplishments for which their Creatrix, and your hostess, is most proud. Please follow me through and we will tour the Hall of Heroes.


Here now. For your own safety, each of you will be given a an amulet inscribed with her seal. Do not lose your amulet, and by all the gods, PLEASE do not wander off the tour. You have no idea how hard it is to clean chunks of shredded internal organs out of the nooks and crannies of the keep's private areas.