View Full Version : [M] [Memory in the Mirror] [MashuNeko and AyJay]

Argon Jaden
12-29-2014, 05:33 AM
Memory in the Mirror

Base Plot:
It's a mirror world. One character gets pulled into the mirror world where he meets his mirror-equivalent. Now, what kind of trouble will this bring? Wait, isn't it called Narcissism? Not really if your Mirror alternative doesn't even look like you.

Appearance: (pic + description; any pic)

Am going to base off your CS. X3

12-29-2014, 07:23 AM
Hope it's alright that I used a character creator for my guy. I'm not exactly what you would call a great drawer... Or a good one... Or an okay one... XD

Name: Bradley Perez
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: May have to click the picture to enlarge it. 6006
Description- Brad is a bright-haired blonde man. He stands about 6'4", weighing in at 196 lbs. He has green eyes and chin-length hair. His skin is a decent tan color, as he spends a lot of his time outside. He has a scar on his lip from when he tripped and fell during a track incident. (Such a very basic description! D: )
Personality: Bradley is a track runner, spending a lot of his time outside during the sport season. He acts tough, but the only thing he is really particularly good at in a fight is running or kicking. He would rather not talk to anyone, being sort of a loner, but he at least gets along with the rest of the track team. He does have a select couple of friends. He wears what he pleases, caring little for the thing they call "fashion".
Likes: Running, swimming, singing, and candy.
Dislikes: The general populace, sour things, football, and the color green.

Hope this looks okay! I can try a better description if you don't like the image I put up.

Argon Jaden
12-29-2014, 10:53 AM
I'll edit this because something's up with my link... o3o;

Never mind. X3 is the image working?

Antonio Smith





Antonio has pale blond hair, slightly pale cream skin and sky blue eyes. He stands around 5'9, with a swimmer's physique. Due to being trapped in the mirror, he doesn't look like he has seen the sun in quite a while.

Antonio is a rather persistent individual. He's not the kind of person to take 'no' for an answer. He also enjoys challenging the authority of others, often giving them a tongue lashing. He's the person you'd see him talking to others quietly. He doesn't smile a lot, despite his face being very expressive and usually has an "I don't care about what you think" personality. Not that he's insensitive, but he'd rather look out for things that actually matter.

Sketching, writing, candies, sour things, swimming, cooking and eating

Dolls, Liars, color Pink, hot (temperature or taste wise) things