View Full Version : LittleLionFire's Allies

03-05-2015, 09:23 PM
"Winning is everything. The winners re-write history. The losers are wiped from it."

1. The Alphos are a ShapeShifter race, taking the forms of any animal that ever came into being, whether it be dragons and gryphons, or Cerberus' and wolves, even chipmunks and insects. They were made by Celeste, the Goddess of the Alphos, from the bark of the Alphonga tree on the planet of Alenas.
2. Their religion has many Gods and Goddess, who are prayed to for numerous things. For example Celeste is prayed to for health, wealth, and creation. Bhal is prayed to for the animals, nature, and agriculture as well as fertility. And the fertility goddess is Hasmat.
3. They rule with a Dictatorship, using violence against the weak, but they help the ill and those weak children, until they prove useless. But the elders are always taken care of, under Celeste's orders when the great prophet Ishmatui came to Alenas.
4. Females tend to have higher roles but males also have high roles, it is just Celeste is a female so females naturally have more hierarchy.

03-06-2015, 04:31 PM
General Information
Name: Celeste
Age: Unkown
Gender: Female
Race: Goddess/Maker of the Alphos Shifters, her shifter form is a Dragon

Guiding Picture
Lithe and full breasts, thing waist, wide hips, long legs and arms. Slightly muscular looking. She stands at 17' 3".
Bright fire colored red orange and slightly burned yellow.
Distinctive Features:
Skin tone is tan, while there are no scars over her body she has some unique features. She has red dragon wings with talons at the joints at the top of the wing where it folds, three on each side. She also has a long red whip like tail with a barb at the end. Her hrns are large and serrated, red as well. Her skin can also become scales as she is part Dragon.
Clothes / Armour:
She wears what is in the picture at all times, little coverage but she can send her skin away and replace it with scales. Painful process. Her chest coverings are minimal and curl around to cover what is needed to be covered, and the same with the bottom over her crotch. They are red.

Fighting Style
All weapons need to be mentioned in detail – type, appearance, magical attributes, etc. Equipment, such as shields or grappling hooks, should also be described here. You cannot overload your character with an unrealistic amount of weaponry. If your warrior has expertise in unarmed combat – hand-to-hand – then make note of his fighting style here.
All spells, special moves and abilities must be listed here. You must provide a description of what they do, how they affect an opponent, charging and cool-down times, and how long the effect lasts for. You should include any limitations or drawbacks of the abilities.
When talking about periods of time, please give details in the form of the number of posts i.e., ‘Kai’s ‘Lightening Bolt’ spell takes two posts to charge, and she must wait one post after use until she can start charging again.’
Racial weaknesses and natural strengths fall under this section.


03-06-2015, 10:43 PM
General Information
Name: Ishmatui
Age: Unkown
Gender: Female
Race: Great Prophet of the Alphos Shifters

Height, body shape and muscularity fall under this section.
Distinctive Features:
Characteristics such as scars, skin tone and unique anatomy fall under this section.
Clothes / Armour:
A basic overview of the character's outfit, armour and accessories is needed, enough that your opponent will be able to form a general idea of what your character looks like.

Fighting Style
All weapons need to be mentioned in detail – type, appearance, magical attributes, etc. Equipment, such as shields or grappling hooks, should also be described here. You cannot overload your character with an unrealistic amount of weaponry. If your warrior has expertise in unarmed combat – hand-to-hand – then make note of his fighting style here.
All spells, special moves and abilities must be listed here. You must provide a description of what they do, how they affect an opponent, charging and cool-down times, and how long the effect lasts for. You should include any limitations or drawbacks of the abilities.
When talking about periods of time, please give details in the form of the number of posts i.e., ‘Kai’s ‘Lightening Bolt’ spell takes two posts to charge, and she must wait one post after use until she can start charging again.’
Racial weaknesses and natural strengths fall under this section.
