View Full Version : Fall of Asgard [M] [OOC]

05-13-2015, 03:30 AM
This Roleplay is rated M for possible Mature Content.

It has been A little over 1000 years since Thor, the God of Thunder, died in battle. Leaving his throne open, prompting anyone to take it. Many fought over it for hundreds of years, till one rose up over the rest. He stormed those that fought over the throne and took it for himself. Those that challenged him were dealt with swiftly, and often with lethal force. Although his rule was unjust, nobody was brave enough to face him...those who were? They were either dead, or in the dungeon. His name was Fenrir.

Originally a wolf, Fenrir became Asgardian-like with magic. Really powerful magic. The magic also gave him incredible strength, stronger than any Asgardian...even an immunity to any of the Asgardian's powers. That is why none have been able to defeat him. It has been 7 years into his reign of Asgard, and still most do not rally against him. Some have even joined him in a search for power. Will you defy Fenrir, and fight for the freedom of Asgard? Or bow to him and slay those that oppose him?

1) All RPA rules apply here as well.
2) No offensive material in the OOC.
3) Have fun!
4) If you have questions, ask me!
5) No, You do not have to use a real Asgardian character. You may make one up as long as it's not Thor/Loki/Odin, and such. They are dead.
6) I may add more to this. Remember to look here when I say I've added something!


1: Fenrir - Asgardian - Zahkrii
2: Mia Johansen - Human - Megliween
3: (Asgardian)
4: (Asgardian)
5: (Asgardian)

Age: (appearing age)
Power:(If applicable)
Appearance: (Desc. or Pic.)
Bio: (1-2 paragraphs)

Name: Fenrir

Age: 35

Sex: Male

Race: Wolf/Asgardian

Power: Super Strength/Immunity to (almost) all magic/powers.

Fenrir stands tall. At almost 6'7. He has black eyes, as dark as night. Same as his hair. He has a very muscular body and tan-ish skin. He has sharp teeth, almost razor sharp. His ears are also pointed.

Personality: At most times, when He is not alone, He seems to have a hatred for the Asgardians, given their history. When on his own, he is a much more calmer and almost nicer version of his prior self. Nobody has been able to get under Fenrir's skin, and those that have tried have met deadly fates.

Bio: When Fenrir was a young wolf, He was trained by the Asgardians. After a while, He seemed to grow exponentially. This made the Asgardian's a bit worried. They tried to chain the beast. The first two times, they made it seem like a game. Testing his strength, they said. Fenrir broke free of the chains with ease. The third time, they made the chain with the help of the dwarves and infused it with magic. When they came again, Fenrir got suspicious. He refused to be bound unless one of the gods put their arm in his mouth as a pledge of good faith. None of the gods were ready to lose an arm, except for Tyr. The god of War. When Fenrir could not break free, He ripped Tyr's hand from his arm. They kept him bound to the chain for however long they did.

When Thor died, and so did Fenrir's father, Loki, Someone had used a magic to change fenrir from his beastly form into one that looked much like the Asgardians. Only stronger, and taller. Fenrir slipped out of his previous bindings and took revenge on those that held him bound. He heard that Asgardians were fighting for the throne, and He headed there. He fought all those that stood before him, emerging victorious. He took the throne, and revealed his identity. Those that challenged him afterwards were slain easily. He had decided this is how he will take his revenge. By destroying those that hurt him from the inside out.

05-13-2015, 03:38 AM
You have my attention, though I wonder if you are using the Marvel Asgard or the straight mythology (with obvious differences).

I'd be curious to see if we could possibly play heirs to or descendants of the Gods. Like having Thor or Odin as a distant great-great-etc-grandfather. Or you might not be related, but inherit something of their former power (obviously not all of it) by some arcane means.

If not, I'd be interested in playing Heimdall, the gatekeeper.

05-13-2015, 03:43 AM
Marvel/Norse. A bit of both.

And yes, You may have a tiny bit of your ancestor's powers. Not to that degree though, such as how powerful Thor is in the movies. Your character cannot be that powerful. Maybe near the end, But not at the beginning.

And - The gatekeeper won't be used much in the Rp, as most of it will be taking place in Asgard itself. Although something will happen with a Human teleporting/whatever to Asgard by accident.

05-13-2015, 04:03 AM
Alright. I'm considering either using a descendant of Tyr or of Forseti (god of Justice).

A character sheet will be forthcoming, tomorrow probably.

05-13-2015, 04:08 AM
Nice! Can't wait!

05-13-2015, 05:40 AM
I'll finish this tomorrow, but it's getting late and I have work tomorrow. XD

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Race: Human

With bright blue eyes
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0YhkQ_E6cuZGmLZ3ZLYYoqMFoU8jJJ m1dbd16KESbd_f-lU6Z

Mia is the epitome of bookish when it comes to things that she's interested in. She will "nerd out" whenever the topic of history occurs, going off in excited tangents. Otherwise, she's friendly and more than willing to lend assistance to those in need. She has a tick of always pushing her hair back behind her ear, but she can never seem to remember a hair-tie to just pull her hair back out of her face.

Besides her knowledge in history, Mia is actually very skilled in fencing. She'd always wanted to try fencing, probably due to her love of history, and so in college she took a fencing class and then joined the school club. She became good over the next 5 1/2 years as she earned her two degrees. She's also a linguist, able to read and speak in several different languages, including Spanish, Germanic, and Norwegian and she's always working to learn more. It certainly helps when trying to schedule the borrowing of artifacts from other nations.

Mia was always a strong student, jumping forward a grade in elementary school and graduating Valedictorian of her High School earning her a full ride to the college of her choice, within her home state of Texas of course. She came from a loving family with one older sibling, her brother Edmond. He hadn't been good at school like she was, but he had a mind for business. Elise on the other hand loved history and mythology and that's what she elected to study in college. So while her brother had a successful, high paying job and less education then her. She was the opposite, high education and a less high paying job, though to her it was the most rewarding job.

She'd graduated with her BS degree and then went straight into a Master's program. She was amazingly lucky to get a job helping to curate museum exhibits at the British Museum in London. Her family had been sad to see her go, but were excited for her all the same. She moved into a little apartment within walking distance of the museum and started work. It was long hours, but it was satisfying work. After months of being at the museum, she was finally getting a chance to develop her own display which required months of work signing agreements for the pieces she wished to borrow from other countries. It was finally time for everything to be arriving.

05-13-2015, 01:59 PM
Looks good so far!

05-13-2015, 09:49 PM
Really cool idea!

But here are a few resources, for just in case:

The RP of the week (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=59571
), as I am sure you are aware, is a resource for players to see what kind of RPs are spotlighted for the week! These RPs are featured on the homepage of RPA! Just send in a request to your friendly staff member, including a banner which you can get help with over at the banner shop. (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18912)

RPG Directory (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=40645) is another great way to draw in more players! Head on over if you're looking to interest more players!

You can also have your game featured in the Tribune! (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18026) This is RPA's awesome newsletter!

Last but not least, you can ask any of the staff to feature your game in their signature!

05-13-2015, 10:08 PM
Thanks, Kicks!

05-15-2015, 03:58 AM
Okay! She's done. Sorry it took so long. Work has been nuts this week.

05-15-2015, 05:12 AM
Its cool.

05-18-2015, 04:20 PM
*peers in*

05-18-2015, 04:59 PM
Hmm....it seems we are lacking characters.