06-21-2015, 08:17 AM
Turns out I already had more of my OC's translated to English than I initially thought. I was a busy bee a few months back, apparently.
So yeah, here's the ones that I already translated. More coming soon.
I'm a bit insecure about my characters, but oh well. Working on that.
Name: Bryce Logan
Age: 22
Species: Vampire or human, depending on the plot
The first image someone would have of Bryce would be that he is social, upbeat but a bit foulmouthed with friends and that you might not want to piss him off. Somewhat true. But his personality goes far deeper than that, obviously.
And he's way softer than he looks.
First there's the behaviour that reaches the surface. We see a young man who doesn't shy away from booze, experiments with drugs, who can be quite a handful and awfully reckless, even though he doesn't really get outright aggressive. We see someone who has little respect for his own body, who is far from prudent and likes a good party.
Bryce likes kicks. Sports can't be extreme enough and he won't back down when things get dangerous. Because besides adrenaline, Bryce also really likes admiration.
He is convinced he can hold his liquor very well. And, well... he can, but he still crosses his limit without realizing it very often, resulting in him doing rather stupid things.
Such as trying things he should stay away from. See, he wouldn't start doing harddrugs for the heck of it, but if someone offered him to try a little bit of something? Chances are he won't see the consequences and think 'why the fuck not?'. His mentality is not one of caution.
As mentioned before, he also has no respect for his body (or himself, for that matter, despite his confidence, though he's not consciously aware of that), so there's not really much inhibition to stop him from doing dangerous things.
He's also a little bit afraid of commitment. Something to do with a girl he's still not over. He is now usually found with women who don't really like having strings attached either because he finds the whole solid relationship thing a little scary.
Doesn't mean he doesn't get attached to people. Bryce really wants to be liked and is extremely easygoing, as long as things stay superficial and even though he may not be very smart, he is the polar opposite from socially awkward.
He is a fun person to be around, but you do need to have a similar sense of humour.
And he is also a pretty good friend. Which means; it would be a mistake to think he can be called early in the morning and trying to pry him away from his partying ways is futile, but if there's anything wrong, he can definitely be counted on.
Now, despite not being very aggressive, he can get violent, but that either requires a challenge (Bryce does not mind bar brawls at all) or you need to have fucked up really, REALLY bad. He is definitely not one to solve it all with his fists, but he is sensitive to competition, so if it's not the anger, it's usually the challenge that can get him into a fight.
He's a typical brawler; he can hold his own in a fight, but if he were to be fighting someone with martial arts training, he'd definitely lose. Add to that that he usually gets in those fights when drunk, reducing his skills considerably.
Last but not least, Bryce has very little selfreflection. He sees himself as quite streetsavvy, partially because he has seen his fair share of the lower regions of society. He basically thinks he knows what the world has to offer.
That there is more than that, like, say, an economy, people that have experience with all kinds of normal work, politics and that those things are pretty important he often doesn't quite realize. Or he just doesn't really care about them. Or both. He just doesn't see their relevance, especially in relation to his own life.
He has a very lazy attitude towards things such as 'ambition' or 'career', even though by now he is kind of starting to get a little bit worried. He knows he's nothing. He knows he contributes nothing to society and he knows plenty of people kind of look down on him. He knows that he is of the wrong kind, too.
And sometimes, in between partying, that can kind of hurt and make one feel pretty lonely.
Bio: Bryce got bitten soon after a party. The lady that took him home with her turned out to have some ulterior motives and was gone by the time Bryce came to.
He adjusted to it relatively well. The blood wasn't the problem, since he didn't have to kill for it and in Bryce opinion, it wasn't much different from eating meat, with which he also never had a problem. He dealt with it all by going out at night, partying mostly, and just sleeping throughout the day.
Extra: He has quite a number of tattoos
Name: Mallory Scott
Age: 21
Species: Human
- Idealistic
Mall has quite the set of values and moral codes she adheres to and is still convinced that she can change the world for the better, if only she screams loud enough, which also makes her a wee bit naive. And too stubborn to see that and/or accept it.
- Short fuse and a big mouth
Mallory wears her heart on her sleeve with pride and isn't afraid to take up a challenge, be it physical or verbal. She's quite vulgar in her choice of words and you can expect a lot of 'fucks' and 'goddammits' but she is definitely one to think quick on her feet and it would be silly to confuse her crude language for a lack of intelligence.
- Charismatic
Mallory is the kind of person that can make people move. She has energy, ausdauer and a sense of slightly dark humor.
She is also pretty spontaneous and assertive. She isn't afraid of going against the stream if need be and is also not afraid to end up on her own; she has faith in who she is and that confidence alone is often enough to push through.
On top of that, deep down, Mall just likes being the rebel, even in the tiniest of things.
She difinitely still has a wild streak in her and quite immature, even though her confidence often makes her come across as a lot more mature than she actually is.
- Mallory enjoys a good party, is very fond of rockmusic (the more raw, the better) and on days that she takes it slow, she just really likes hanging out with friends.
Another hobby of hers would be streetart. Kicking up trouble is also something she's not very likely to say no to.
However, a hobby people generally see less of, is painting.
- She dislikes authority, in general. Doing nothing is also something she sucks at. Mallory needs something to do at all times, or she'll get awfully restless.
Reading is not on her list of hobbies either and she only reads to educate herself on things if she has to. Not for fun.
Bio: Having grown up among vampires, Mallory is not very afraid of them. Not afraid enough, quite likely. She is of the opinion that they deserve equal rights and has been in several protests.
In her group of friends, quite a number are vampires and she's known them for a very long time.
Extra: She drinks quite a bit
Name: Zane Northland
Age: 22
Witty, clever and a bit of a smartass. Zane's a friendly lad, but he quite likes to hear himself talk and also likes to be the center of attention. He's also not very fond of being corrected. However, despite his sizeable ego, he is still very easygoing and compatible with most types of people, as he's very unlikely to hold grudges or stay mad for very long. He also hates being alone too much and needs people around him.
He's also very energetic, surprisingly patient, very positive and slightly restless. He might complain a little for the fun of it, but real, bitter negativity does not really get a chance with him.
He's fond of kids and can imagine himself working with them at some point.
Sadly, he's also very forgetful and shamefully messy. His room looks like something has exploded and he keeps finding things back in the oddest of places.
Zane grew up in Australia, but his family migrated when he was about twelve, to England, where his parents started a farm. He obviously missed his country at first, but being so easygoing, he blended right in and made new friends pretty quickly. However, the first few months in the new country really exaggerated his dislike of being alone, because he did kind of feel like a complete stranger at first.
Zane really got into horseriding and at some point even has his own horse, Shorty, a haflinger gelding. His sister Cathy has one as well, a Shetland pony.
He moved out for his first study at the age of nineteen and really had to adjust to life without animals around him, even though the citylife did turn out to really suit him. Shorty came along with him and is stabled on a barn right on the edge of town.
- Zane is very fond of sports, ballsports and horseriding in particular, but he can really enjoy hiking as well
- He works in a restaurant
- He's been living in this apartment for a year and a half now
- He's very much an outdoor person
Name: Ivey Michaels
Age: 24
- Down to earth
Ivey generally believes only in what she sees and in what one can explain. If there's no evidence for something, she probably won't be open minded enough to put any faith in it and she cares little for guessing and speculating.
She also doesn't worry very easily, only if shit is really hitting the fan. As a result of this, she's not always as sensitive about other people's problems as she could be, especially when it's something she'd experience as rather trivial.
- Social
Ivey is quite spontaneous, witty and knows how to take a joke. She likes to play them on others as well, sadly going a little too far every now and then.
- Impatient
Ivey has very little patience and is bored rather quicly. Her attention span is a very short one, more like an attention dot and once the topic of conversation is something she either does not understand (she's not exactly a rocketscientist) or does not care about, she is quick to lose interest, instead of trying to get to understand it.
- Reckless
The good news would be that Ivey has guts. The bad news that she has usually dived into something headfirst before you can say 'don't'.
- Competitive
Ivey is usually in for a challenge and when she accepts one, she'll do all she can to win. She's also not a great loser.
- Destructive
Fire, fireworks.. she loves it. The louder the bang or the better it burns, the more she'll love it.
Ivey hasn't lived here her entire life. She was born and raised in a small village in Canada, where her parents still live. She had quite a normal childhood.
She moved away to study at the age of eighteen, but after having quit a 'hotel management' study in the second year (the study was not a choice she had put her heart and soul in and also not really what she had expected) she got a job in a bar and she still works there.
Over the years Ivey has developed a nice, solid group of friends, that she still hangs out with quite frequently.
- Ivey is a smoker, though not nearly as much as she used to
- She enjoys sports (particularly kickboxing, fitness, basketball and skateboarding)
- Likes gaming as well, even though she sticks mostly to things one can play at parties. No Dear Esther or Gone Home for Ivey.
- She also likes going out from time to time
– She dislikes reading with a passion.
So yeah, here's the ones that I already translated. More coming soon.
I'm a bit insecure about my characters, but oh well. Working on that.
Name: Bryce Logan
Age: 22
Species: Vampire or human, depending on the plot
The first image someone would have of Bryce would be that he is social, upbeat but a bit foulmouthed with friends and that you might not want to piss him off. Somewhat true. But his personality goes far deeper than that, obviously.
And he's way softer than he looks.
First there's the behaviour that reaches the surface. We see a young man who doesn't shy away from booze, experiments with drugs, who can be quite a handful and awfully reckless, even though he doesn't really get outright aggressive. We see someone who has little respect for his own body, who is far from prudent and likes a good party.
Bryce likes kicks. Sports can't be extreme enough and he won't back down when things get dangerous. Because besides adrenaline, Bryce also really likes admiration.
He is convinced he can hold his liquor very well. And, well... he can, but he still crosses his limit without realizing it very often, resulting in him doing rather stupid things.
Such as trying things he should stay away from. See, he wouldn't start doing harddrugs for the heck of it, but if someone offered him to try a little bit of something? Chances are he won't see the consequences and think 'why the fuck not?'. His mentality is not one of caution.
As mentioned before, he also has no respect for his body (or himself, for that matter, despite his confidence, though he's not consciously aware of that), so there's not really much inhibition to stop him from doing dangerous things.
He's also a little bit afraid of commitment. Something to do with a girl he's still not over. He is now usually found with women who don't really like having strings attached either because he finds the whole solid relationship thing a little scary.
Doesn't mean he doesn't get attached to people. Bryce really wants to be liked and is extremely easygoing, as long as things stay superficial and even though he may not be very smart, he is the polar opposite from socially awkward.
He is a fun person to be around, but you do need to have a similar sense of humour.
And he is also a pretty good friend. Which means; it would be a mistake to think he can be called early in the morning and trying to pry him away from his partying ways is futile, but if there's anything wrong, he can definitely be counted on.
Now, despite not being very aggressive, he can get violent, but that either requires a challenge (Bryce does not mind bar brawls at all) or you need to have fucked up really, REALLY bad. He is definitely not one to solve it all with his fists, but he is sensitive to competition, so if it's not the anger, it's usually the challenge that can get him into a fight.
He's a typical brawler; he can hold his own in a fight, but if he were to be fighting someone with martial arts training, he'd definitely lose. Add to that that he usually gets in those fights when drunk, reducing his skills considerably.
Last but not least, Bryce has very little selfreflection. He sees himself as quite streetsavvy, partially because he has seen his fair share of the lower regions of society. He basically thinks he knows what the world has to offer.
That there is more than that, like, say, an economy, people that have experience with all kinds of normal work, politics and that those things are pretty important he often doesn't quite realize. Or he just doesn't really care about them. Or both. He just doesn't see their relevance, especially in relation to his own life.
He has a very lazy attitude towards things such as 'ambition' or 'career', even though by now he is kind of starting to get a little bit worried. He knows he's nothing. He knows he contributes nothing to society and he knows plenty of people kind of look down on him. He knows that he is of the wrong kind, too.
And sometimes, in between partying, that can kind of hurt and make one feel pretty lonely.
Bio: Bryce got bitten soon after a party. The lady that took him home with her turned out to have some ulterior motives and was gone by the time Bryce came to.
He adjusted to it relatively well. The blood wasn't the problem, since he didn't have to kill for it and in Bryce opinion, it wasn't much different from eating meat, with which he also never had a problem. He dealt with it all by going out at night, partying mostly, and just sleeping throughout the day.
Extra: He has quite a number of tattoos
Name: Mallory Scott
Age: 21
Species: Human
- Idealistic
Mall has quite the set of values and moral codes she adheres to and is still convinced that she can change the world for the better, if only she screams loud enough, which also makes her a wee bit naive. And too stubborn to see that and/or accept it.
- Short fuse and a big mouth
Mallory wears her heart on her sleeve with pride and isn't afraid to take up a challenge, be it physical or verbal. She's quite vulgar in her choice of words and you can expect a lot of 'fucks' and 'goddammits' but she is definitely one to think quick on her feet and it would be silly to confuse her crude language for a lack of intelligence.
- Charismatic
Mallory is the kind of person that can make people move. She has energy, ausdauer and a sense of slightly dark humor.
She is also pretty spontaneous and assertive. She isn't afraid of going against the stream if need be and is also not afraid to end up on her own; she has faith in who she is and that confidence alone is often enough to push through.
On top of that, deep down, Mall just likes being the rebel, even in the tiniest of things.
She difinitely still has a wild streak in her and quite immature, even though her confidence often makes her come across as a lot more mature than she actually is.
- Mallory enjoys a good party, is very fond of rockmusic (the more raw, the better) and on days that she takes it slow, she just really likes hanging out with friends.
Another hobby of hers would be streetart. Kicking up trouble is also something she's not very likely to say no to.
However, a hobby people generally see less of, is painting.
- She dislikes authority, in general. Doing nothing is also something she sucks at. Mallory needs something to do at all times, or she'll get awfully restless.
Reading is not on her list of hobbies either and she only reads to educate herself on things if she has to. Not for fun.
Bio: Having grown up among vampires, Mallory is not very afraid of them. Not afraid enough, quite likely. She is of the opinion that they deserve equal rights and has been in several protests.
In her group of friends, quite a number are vampires and she's known them for a very long time.
Extra: She drinks quite a bit
Name: Zane Northland
Age: 22
Witty, clever and a bit of a smartass. Zane's a friendly lad, but he quite likes to hear himself talk and also likes to be the center of attention. He's also not very fond of being corrected. However, despite his sizeable ego, he is still very easygoing and compatible with most types of people, as he's very unlikely to hold grudges or stay mad for very long. He also hates being alone too much and needs people around him.
He's also very energetic, surprisingly patient, very positive and slightly restless. He might complain a little for the fun of it, but real, bitter negativity does not really get a chance with him.
He's fond of kids and can imagine himself working with them at some point.
Sadly, he's also very forgetful and shamefully messy. His room looks like something has exploded and he keeps finding things back in the oddest of places.
Zane grew up in Australia, but his family migrated when he was about twelve, to England, where his parents started a farm. He obviously missed his country at first, but being so easygoing, he blended right in and made new friends pretty quickly. However, the first few months in the new country really exaggerated his dislike of being alone, because he did kind of feel like a complete stranger at first.
Zane really got into horseriding and at some point even has his own horse, Shorty, a haflinger gelding. His sister Cathy has one as well, a Shetland pony.
He moved out for his first study at the age of nineteen and really had to adjust to life without animals around him, even though the citylife did turn out to really suit him. Shorty came along with him and is stabled on a barn right on the edge of town.
- Zane is very fond of sports, ballsports and horseriding in particular, but he can really enjoy hiking as well
- He works in a restaurant
- He's been living in this apartment for a year and a half now
- He's very much an outdoor person
Name: Ivey Michaels
Age: 24
- Down to earth
Ivey generally believes only in what she sees and in what one can explain. If there's no evidence for something, she probably won't be open minded enough to put any faith in it and she cares little for guessing and speculating.
She also doesn't worry very easily, only if shit is really hitting the fan. As a result of this, she's not always as sensitive about other people's problems as she could be, especially when it's something she'd experience as rather trivial.
- Social
Ivey is quite spontaneous, witty and knows how to take a joke. She likes to play them on others as well, sadly going a little too far every now and then.
- Impatient
Ivey has very little patience and is bored rather quicly. Her attention span is a very short one, more like an attention dot and once the topic of conversation is something she either does not understand (she's not exactly a rocketscientist) or does not care about, she is quick to lose interest, instead of trying to get to understand it.
- Reckless
The good news would be that Ivey has guts. The bad news that she has usually dived into something headfirst before you can say 'don't'.
- Competitive
Ivey is usually in for a challenge and when she accepts one, she'll do all she can to win. She's also not a great loser.
- Destructive
Fire, fireworks.. she loves it. The louder the bang or the better it burns, the more she'll love it.
Ivey hasn't lived here her entire life. She was born and raised in a small village in Canada, where her parents still live. She had quite a normal childhood.
She moved away to study at the age of eighteen, but after having quit a 'hotel management' study in the second year (the study was not a choice she had put her heart and soul in and also not really what she had expected) she got a job in a bar and she still works there.
Over the years Ivey has developed a nice, solid group of friends, that she still hangs out with quite frequently.
- Ivey is a smoker, though not nearly as much as she used to
- She enjoys sports (particularly kickboxing, fitness, basketball and skateboarding)
- Likes gaming as well, even though she sticks mostly to things one can play at parties. No Dear Esther or Gone Home for Ivey.
- She also likes going out from time to time
– She dislikes reading with a passion.