View Full Version : (M) Love Knows No Bounds [Mihkul & NotWhoIWas]

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07-06-2015, 11:48 AM
[Rated M for crude language, possible sexual situations and other adult themes]

07-06-2015, 02:33 PM

Sighing to herself and pushing back her auburn hair from her face, Eleanor Carter leaned back on her heels and surveyed the space around her. Having finally graduated at 26 with a Bachelor's in English, she finally landed herself a job at a Publishing Company just outside of Chicago. With the money she had saved during her college years, plus a generous graduation gift from her grandparents, she was able to save and buy a house. It wasn't anything big or fancy, just a small 2 bedroom house. That's all she needed anyways. One would be her room, and the other her library and office.

Pushing herself up from the ground, she brushed her hands on her jean shorts and stepped outside. It was a warm and sunny summer day, and she let her blue-green eyes scan down the street, mulling over the other houses that lined the street. It was quiet and quaint, exactly what she wanted. It was also nearly 1,000 miles from home. Not necessarily what she wanted, but she was ready to start her own life, and sometimes that means leaving home.

Eleanor stepped back out to the small moving truck she had rented and grabbed another box. "At this rate, it'll take all day..." she murmured to herself as she lugged in the box and dropped it inside the front door. "I should just get them out so I can return the truck..." she muttered as she pushed some stray hairs from her face.

She couldn't help but feel nervous. Her parents hadn't come with her as they were bound by their own jobs. It was okay though, they saw her off and made sure that she checked in with them every now and then. They promised to visit once she was settled, and even slipped an envelope of cash in her purse before she left. But she knew no one here. Always having been rather quiet and reserved, Eleanor had a hard time making friends. Most saw her as shy, and didn't give her much of a chance- much to her dismay. Intelligent, witty and surprisingly astute, Eleanor was what some may call, a diamond in the rough.

"Just me now..." she whispered to herself, glancing around the empty house, save the boxes. "Just me."

07-06-2015, 08:01 PM

Frank sat at his desk, looking over the stack of papers he had in front of him...lab reports...trials...the numbers soon began to jumble together. He worked for Acme Pharmaceuticals as their lead chemist and even though his supervisor warned him against burn-out he still took his work home with him. What else did he have to do? The house was empty of any sound or any person. At almost sixty years old he had got used to it. He and his wife had divorced many years before because he had chosen work over her nagging. The divorce was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Sure, he got the occaisional pang of loneliness but he just immersed himself in work and soon his mind was turning again. He currently had three projects going at one time but his favorite was the study he was doing on the aging process. Maybe he took this one a little too personal. He tried to stay fit, running for three miles every day before work, but his bones ached more and more each day.

He looked up from his papers as he heard the sound of a truck across the street. Going to the window, he glanced out and saw a pretty young girl climb down from the driver's seat. They sure do have some pretty moving people now adays, he thought to himself. As she opened the back and began to unload it he realized that she must be his new neighbor. Maybe he should go help her, he thought. He needed a break anyway and that shouldn't be a young girl's job anyway.

He opened his door and walked across the street. "Hello there. You must be the one that bought the Jones's house. I'm your neighbor from across the street. Frank...Frank Williams. Can I give you a hand?"

07-06-2015, 09:14 PM
Eleanor had just grabbed a lamp when a voice broke the silence. She glanced up a smiled, an older man with salt and pepper hair and kind, warm, brown eyes stood before her. "Hello!" she said with a smile, setting down the lamp and putting out her to shake his. "Yeah, yeah. I did." Then laughed a bit at herself, "Eleanor, Eleanor Carter."

Her eyes moved over his face, taking in the wrinkles around his eyes where he smiled, and she leaned against the side of the truck, glancing back at the house. "Yeah, yeah, I came up here a couple weeks ago with my parents and we closed on it. I just got a job at McLennon Publishing," she smiled. "And well, it's my dream job, so I figured why waste the money on an apartment, when I can get a place of my own?"

"It's wonderful to meet you though," she said, leaning back up from the truck. "I should get this finished, I want to turn the truck back in before I have to pay for another day." Eleanor added with a smile.

07-06-2015, 09:15 PM
Eleanor had just grabbed a lamp when a voice broke the silence. She glanced up a smiled, an older man with salt and pepper hair and kind, warm, brown eyes stood before her. "Hello!" she said with a smile, setting down the lamp and putting out her to shake his. "Yeah, yeah. I did." Then laughed a bit at herself, "Eleanor, Eleanor Carter."

Her eyes moved over his face, taking in the wrinkles around his eyes where he smiled, and she leaned against the side of the truck, glancing back at the house. "Yeah, yeah, I came up here a couple weeks ago with my parents and we closed on it. I just got a job at McLennon Publishing," she smiled. "And well, it's my dream job, so I figured why waste the money on an apartment, when I can get a place of my own?"

"It's wonderful to meet you though," she said, leaning back up from the truck. "I should get this finished, I want to turn the truck back in before I have to pay for another day." Eleanor added with a smile.

07-07-2015, 07:14 PM
Frank smiled. "Then you better let me help or you won't make it in time." He picked up a box filled with books and felt the strain on his back. In shape or not, this was heavy, he thought. In his younger days he wouldn't have thought anything of it and it would have been easy. But now his body was wearing out. He called it planned obsolesence. If the human body never wore out the world wouldn't be able to hold the population. He just wished it was someone else's and not his.

He carried it inside her house and she directed him as to where to set it. Box after box he carried until the truck was empty. Making sure she wasn't looking he rubbed his lower back. He knew he would pay for it tomorrow and was thankful he had his Icy Hot in the cabinet. That, along with a couple Advil, and it would at least subside to a dull ache.

"That's it, Miss Eleanor," he smiled, hiding the aches and pains. If you'd like, I can follow you to town to return the truck and maybe we can grab a bite to eat, then I can bring you home. You look like you have plenty of work to do putting all your...things away."

07-07-2015, 07:31 PM
Eleanor was surprised at how Frank just stepped in and began helping her unload the truck. Honestly, she hadn't expected him to stay and help. At every chance she got, she thanked him- multiple times, and even after he told her that she didn't need to thank him, she kept doing so.

Smiling and pushing some hair from her face, she leaned back against the wall of the living room, sighing. "Whew," she chuckled, surveying the mess before her now. It would be a week or so before she was settled in, but it was okay. She had time.

"Oh, you really don't have to do that. Frank, you've already done so much for me.." She said, smiling even more. "If anything, I think I owe you dinner, or a pie or muffins or something," she laughed, her cheeks flushed from the heat and exercise. "Are you sure? I don't want to impose..."

07-07-2015, 07:32 PM
Eleanor was surprised at how Frank just stepped in and began helping her unload the truck. Honestly, she hadn't expected him to stay and help. At every chance she got, she thanked him- multiple times, and even after he told her that she didn't need to thank him, she kept doing so.

Smiling and pushing some hair from her face, she leaned back against the wall of the living room, sighing. "Whew," she chuckled, surveying the mess before her now. It would be a week or so before she was settled in, but it was okay. She had time.

"Oh, you really don't have to do that. Frank, you've already done so much for me.." She said, smiling even more. "If anything, I think I owe you dinner, or a pie or muffins or something," she laughed, her cheeks flushed from the heat and exercise. "Are you sure? I don't want to impose..."

07-07-2015, 07:46 PM
"Impose? You're not imposing at all. It's not every day i can be a white knight and help a damsel in distress." He laughed and it only made his back hurt worse. Suck it up, Williams he told himself. He didn't want the girl feeling bad about him helping her. She was a very pretty girl, he thought.

"Besides, it will give me an opportunity to leave those frozen pot pies in the freezer and eat some real food for a change." Frank liked to cook but thought it foolish to cook something extravagant when he was the only one to eat it.

He followed the rental truck to the lot in his silver Camry and after Eleanor paid the attendant she climbed into the seat beside him. He glanced over at her and smiled. Her shorts were not too short yet her legs looked gorgeous. It don't hurt to look he thought. "Where would you like to go eat? Mexican? Japanese? Italian? We have it all here."

07-07-2015, 07:51 PM
Eleanor smiled and nodded, the smile widening, the freckles spreading across her nose and cheeks as she smiled. "Okay, alright. I cannot allow a knight's honor and chivalry," she remarked, chuckling as she leaned over and grabbed her phone and purse.

After returning the truck, she climbed into Frank's car and smiled, tugging on her seatbelt and glancing over. "Oh, I don't know..." She began, "Italian sounds good," she smiled. "And thanks again, really. I appreciate it." Her eyes scanned his face, then his hand. Not married. Curious. He's attractive enough now. I can't imagine what he was like when he was my age. Still. Seems nice enough. "I appreciate it," she said, then laughed, shaking her head. "Sorry if I repeat myself, I get a bit tongue twisted sometimes." Shifting a bit she leaned back in the seat. "But really, I mean, I don't know anyone here. Just moved for the job. It'll be nice."

07-08-2015, 03:55 PM
"I know a great Italian place not to far from here. Their lasagna is really good." Frank smiled as he drove down the road, glancing over at her as she told him about being new to town.

"You'll have to let me show you the town. There's lots of things to do here. Maybe I could pick you up Saturday morning and we could make a day of it." He realized they had just met and that he was coming on too strong for her. "Uh, sorry. I guess it's been too long since I've been with a pretty girl." He blushed, hoping she didn't think he was hitting on her. After all, he was old enough to be her father.

They pulled into the restaurant and went inside. The hostess recognized him. "Mr. Williams, so nice to see you again. Is this your daughter?" Frank felt the hairs stand up on his neck.

"Uh, no, this is my neighbor. She's new in town and I offered to take her to dinner." He felt foolish, having to explain anything to this woman.

"Oh, okay," she said as she eyed Eleanor. "Please, follow me."

07-08-2015, 04:12 PM
Eleanor couldn't help but smile, nodding. "Yeah, I'll have to see how things go. I think I saw a grocery store on my way into town, I'll have to stop and grab some groceries eventually." She chuckled and shook her head, glancing over at Frank. "No, no, it's okay," she smiled, feeling her cheeks flush as he called her a pretty girl.

Climbing out of the car, she followed him in, glancing around the restaurant before the hostess came to seat them. At her comment about her being his daughter, she felt her cheeks flush even more, and she stammered a bit to try and recover from her words. "Oh, no, no..just a really great neighbor.." She murmured, following the woman back and to their table.

Sitting down across from Frank, she smiled a bit at the hostess, who eyed her, and then Frank before setting down the menus and leaving. "So the lasagna is good, huh?" Eleanor said, holding up the menu, allowing it to shield her face slightly, still blushing from the comment about her being his daughter. "What about the chicken parmesan? That looks kind of tasty..."

07-09-2015, 12:12 PM
Frank smiled. "I'm not much of a chicken man but they say the chicken parm is fantastic.. " The waiter came and took their order and they sat and talked while they waited.

"I'm a chemist at Acme Pharmaceuticals. Been living here for quite a while. I don't get out much so this is really a treat." He smiled as he looked at her, her auburn hair laying perfectly on her shoulder, her face dotted with freckles that accented her beautiful blue eyes. He sighed. The hostess' comment about being her father still stung his ears. This was dinner and he wasn't robbing any cradle. She was a grown woman, after all. Yet, those comments made him feel like he was a criminal.

"So, tell me more about yourself, Eleanor." He wanted to know all about his new neighbor.

07-09-2015, 04:35 PM
Eleanor smiled, her eyes scanning Frank's as he spoke. "Chemist? Does that mean you're a chemist by day, evil scientist by night?" She teased, "should I watch out for electricity coming from your basement?" Shaking her head, Eleanor laughed. "I think that's a bit too "Frankenstein," her cheeks were flushed as she looked over at him with a smile.

"Me?" She asked, a little surprised. "Well, I graduated last year, spent my first year out of school teaching..." Her eyes scanned his face, then dropped, shrugging a bit. "It didn't go well, I really wasn't happy." Reaching out, she took a drink of her water. "So I didn't sign my next contract, decided to look for something that I was passionate about. That's when I saw the position at McLouth Publishing." She smiled and shifted in her seat. "It's not glamorous or anything, I basically get paid to read over things and edit them, but it's a step in the right direction. It's a step in the direction I want to be in. Someday, I'd love to be a writer, publish something."

07-09-2015, 05:16 PM
Frank laughed at her evil scientist comment. "Not hardly. I don't have a secret labratory in my basement but I do a lot of paperwork at home so you may see my study light on in the early morning hours."

He listened intently as she told of her passion for writing and he could hear the excitement in her voice about her new job. The food came and they ate, laughing and talking in between bites. The hour was getting late and after paying the bill, Frank escorted her to the car and drove her home. "I hope you liked that, Eleanor. They have some good food there."

He stopped the car in front of his house, then opened her door and walked her across the street. "Thank you for a lovely evening," he told her. "We will have to do this again soon." He leaned forward as if to kiss her, then stopped and stood up, shaking her hand instead. "Well, good night, and if you need anything you know where I live."

He turned and walked back to his house. What was he thinking? He almost tried to kiss her. Then she surely would have thought he was nothing but an old pervert. He opened his house door and looked back. He wished he was younger. She was an amazing woman.

As he sat on the edge of the bed he undressed, rubbing the menthol Mineral Ice on his arms and legs, then taking an Advil he swung his legs into bed. Yes, he thought, she was an amazing young woman. If only....

07-09-2015, 05:30 PM
Eleanor laughed and talked with Frank all through dinner. It was strange- she had never thought she was good at conversing with strangers, but talking with Frank was easy. The more they talked, the more she wanted to talk. He was funny, charming and intelligent.

Frowning and arguing with him as he paid for their meal, Eleanor couldn't help but feel her cheeks flush, then she smiled, thanking him, and reminding him that now she would have to repay him. She did make delicious banana muffins... The ride home was fairly quiet, but not awkwardly so. It was comfortable, and she paid attention to the trip, wanting to know how to get back here.

He was a perfect gentlemen. This is how men today should be. Getting the door, walking me across the street. He has an old, deep soul. And a caring heart. I love it. Almost oblivious to him leaning forward to kiss her, she awkwardly took his hand and shook it, having wished it would have been a quick hug, but they did only just meet.

Unlocking the door and stepping in, she glanced back to see Frank disappear into his house, and she turned as well, shutting the door. It was quiet, still. Eleanor hadn't thought of what it would be like to be alone here. Sighing softly to herself, she went into the bedroom, her mattress just on the floor for now. She'd put the bed up tomorrow. Digging some sheets from a box, she made the bed and stripped down, finding a tshirt in the same box. Laying down on the bed, she stared up at the ceiling. He's great. If only...

07-09-2015, 08:02 PM
Frank woke early. It was as if an idea came to him while he slept. It had happened to him before, sometimes with good results. He immediately went to his desk and pulled out his file on the anti-aging project. Looking through the genetic differences between a young person and an old person there was very little, with the exception of one tiny genome. It was present, but inactive in the young but as one grew older this genome seemed to grow and become more active. What if there was a way to make this genome regress back to the inactive state?

This was a major breakthrough for Frank and he hurried to get dressed and drove to the office. He stepped into his boss's office with a smile and explained his theory. His boss looked at him and said, Frank, I've been meaning to talk to you about this. Please, sit down."

Frank looked puzzled as the man continued. "How much medication do you take every day, Frank?"

He thought for a moment and replied, "Well, I take blood pressure medication, and some for cholestorol, vitamins, an aspirin every day, and my allergy medication. Why do you ask?"

His boss looked at him, "That must roughly cost you about $50.00 a month, which is your co-pay. The insurance is probably paying the balance, say another $50.00 a month. So, $100.00, multiplied by 9.7 million people over age 55. I can tell you right now, that there is over one hundred billion dollars spent on medicine every year."

He studied Frank's face. "If we were to reverse the aging process, Acme Pharmaceuticals would go broke in a year. What I'm trying to say, Frank, is that you've done a good job for this company but we're shutting down research on this project. I hope you understand. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a meeting."

He ushered Frank out of his office. Frank was still in a state of disbelief. How could they shut this down when he was so close. Confused, he returned to his own office in the lab.

07-10-2015, 04:45 AM
Eleanor sighed, groaning softly to herself as her eyes blinked open. No curtains meant that the early morning sun shone unforgivingly into her bedroom, with no regard to the sleep she had so comfortably been enjoying. Her eyes focused and glanced around the room. "My room..." she murmured to herself, stretching a bit and curling her toes. "In my house..."

Smiling, she pushed herself up and stumbled out of bed, moving towards the bathroom. Her job didn't start for another full week, so she had plenty of time to get her house somewhat put together. She didn't have a lot of furniture, but that would come later. Eleanor had what she needed, besides, no use in going out and buying a lot of things when she had budgeted herself fairly tight.

As she shuffled to the kitchen, she glanced out the window and noticed that Frank's car wasn't in his driveway. Stopping, she put a hand to her stomach, surprised to find that she felt a little...disappointed. "Come on girl, he's twice your age. Atleast! He could be your Dad!" she scolded herself as she rummaged through the boxes labeled "kitchen" until she found the coffee maker.

Eleanor spent the entire day working around the house, unpacking and unloading things. Around 3:00, she finally decided to put her bed together. Finding the box of tools she had packed, she busied herself with putting it together. Stepping back after about half an hour, she couldn't help but feel fairly proud. The frame was together, now all that was left was the box springs and the mattress. Furrowing her brow a bit and biting her lip, Eleanor mustered up her strength and pushed the box springs over into position. "If I do this right..." she panted, pushing the box springs down and towards the frame.

Splitting pain was what awoke Eleanor, and she blinked several times, confused. Looking up, she saw the ceiling of her bedroom. "What..." she groaned, reaching up to touch her head. When she pulled her hand back, there was blood, and her eyes widened in fear. Sitting up quickly, she immediately regretted the decision as she felt lightheaded. Once she regained herself, Eleanor pushed herself up and slowly staggered to the bathroom.

A busted lip and a gash above her right eyebrow greeted her in the mirror. Finding a washcloth, she pressed it to the wound and sat down on the toilet. "The support board must have flipped up and hit me..." she mumbled to herself, leaning her head back. "I'm going to need a serious tylenol...."

07-10-2015, 06:57 PM
Frank left the office early, still clearly shaken by his bosses decision. He had put so much time into this project and was so close to a breakthrough, even had a test serum he was ready to try out in the lab. And now it would all be gone beacuse of greed. He pulled the car to the curb in front of his house and glanced over at Eleanor's house. The blinds were up but there were no lights on, and her car was parked in front.

He didn't want to seem nosy but he was a little concerned and knocked on her door. She came and he saw a blood-stained bandage over her eyebrow. He gasped. "My God, Eleanor, Are you okay? Here, let me take a look at it." He helped her to the couch and carefully pulled the bandage back. "Ow, that's a nasty gash. Sit right here. I have something at my place that will help you heal without a scar."

He ran out the door and soon returned, out of breath. "H-here, this won't hurt."He poured some peroxide on a cotton swab and dabbed the wound, then applied some medical super-glue to her forehead and held the gash together until it stuck. "There, you're as good as new. I guess we both had a pretty rough day, by the looks of things. You should have waited for me and I would have happily helped you."

07-10-2015, 08:51 PM
Eleanor furrowed her brow at the knock on the door, and shuffled forward. Trying to give her best smile, she looked at Frank, who was clearly concerned about her. "Really it's okay..." She murmured, her lip hurting as she spoke. Unable to keep from smiling as he gently pushed her to the couch and left.

She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, holding the cool, damp rag to her lip as she waited for him to return. When Eleanor heard Frank enter the house again, she leaned up her head and smiled a bit. "Really, I'm okay, you don't have to fuss over me..." Her voice quieted as he knelt before her, his face inches from her own as he worked. His eyes were intent on the wound as he worked on it, but hers were focused on his face. The laugh lines around his eyes, the lines on his forehead, where he had obviously worried about something. The stubble that was beginning to appear, and the soft scent of his cologne.

"Oh, yeah, thanks.." She murmured as he pulled back, feeling her face flush even more. "I think I'll live through his ordeal. "Blood, sweat and tears, right?" She chuckled, then winced a bit, placing the rag back on her lip. "How was your day? It was rough?" She murmured from behind the tag, her eyes searching his.

07-13-2015, 05:21 PM
"Yeah, it was a rough one today, but I don't want to bore you with details." Frank finished the first aid on Eleanor and smiled. "There, you're as good as new." She looked so pretty sitting there in front of him his heartrate beat faster. "Well, I better let you get back to work. I've got some things to take care of myself, but if you need anything at all you know where I am...just a knock away."

He stood up and showed himself out, walking across the street and sitting down at his desk. He pulled out the aging file and began to study it closely. He had the test serum ready and just needed a lab rat to try it on. Maybe he would just do it himself tomorrow and see what happened. He could easily record the results while he worked on the other projects. He was still angry at his boss for pulling the plug on the project, but he wouldn't let that stop him from finsihing what he had started, with or without Acme Pharmaceuticals.

07-13-2015, 07:35 PM
Eleanor smiled, her cheeks flushed deeply as she watched him, her eyes scanning his face. "Oh, yes, yes, thank you..." She murmured as she pushed herself up. "Thank you, I appreciate it." Eleanor listened as the front door shut and she leaned back against the couch, sighing as she closed her eyes. You can't think of him like that. He could be your Dad...

Pushing herself up and off the couch, she moved to the kitchen, starting to put things away in the cabinets, trying her best to keep her mind off Frank. After nearly an hour, she had finished most of the boxes for the kitchen. Grabbing a drink of water, she steadied herself and stepped out the front door, moving across the street to Frank's door. Knocking a couple times, she smoothed down her shirt, smiling a bit.

07-13-2015, 11:05 PM
Frank went over the papers again and again. This will have to work, he thought. All he had to do was test it. A knock on his door broke his concentration. It was unusual for him to have visitors and he groaned as he walked down the hall, still aching from the moving experience the day before,

He opened it and was surprised to see Eleanor. "Well, come in. Don't mond the mess. This is just a typical bachelor pad. Here, have a seat." He moved the dirty shirt from the sofa. "So, what brings you out this late at night."

07-13-2015, 11:25 PM
Eleanor smiled when Frank opened the door, and she stepped in, glancing around his house before she sat down on the couch. "I just wanted to say thanks again, for helping me." She chuckled and shook her head, wincing a bit at her lip- now swollen and starting to heal over.

"Well, and I wanted to ask if you'd be willing to come over and help me get my mattress on the bed. And the box springs, I don't want to have a repeat of this afternoon..." She smiled a little more and tucked some hair behind her ear. "And I'm willing to repay you- well, as soon as I go to the grocery store. I make a mean banana muffin...if you like muffins that is, I mean, I can easily make banana bread, that isn't a problem if you'd rather have that..." Stopping herself, Eleanor could feel her cheeks heat. You're tripping over your words like a lovesick school girl. He's not interested, you shouldn't be interested either...

Shifting a bit on the couch, she smiled, letting her eyes glance around his living room. It was pleasantly decorated, pictures of family, a bookshelf lined with books. It was a quintessential bachelor pad, but it was cozy. Eleanor's eyes continued glancing around the room until they fell on a picture of Frank and a woman. Oh my gosh...is he married?! she thought to herself, suddenly feeling her cheeks flush deeply. Her curiosity getting the better of her, Eleanor stood and moved over to the picture. "Who's the lady?" she asked, fearing his answer.

07-14-2015, 06:36 PM
Frank smiled as he sensed a hint of jealousy in her question. "Oh, that's my baby sister, although she's hardly a baby anymore. She lives in the Northeast. But I'd be happy to come and help you with the bed if you don't mind an older man in your bedroom."

He meant it as a joke but found his face flushing at his flirting. You're robbing the cradle with this one, he thought to himself. He helped her up from his couch and followed her across the street to her house. "Wow, you've got almost everything in it's place already. It looks really comfortable."

The bed frame was already set up and he carefully placed the wooden slats across it, then set the box spring. It was bulky but not heavy. Then came the mattress. "You grab one end and I'll grab the other and we'll slide it in place." They got their sides on and he stood beside her as they pushed it across the slats. It stopped suddenly and they both tumbled ontop of it nearly laying on each other.

They were laughing so hard before he realized that her soft, feminine body was pressed against him..and he liked it. His face flushed a crimson red as she fumbled to get off of him.

07-14-2015, 06:48 PM
Eleanor's cheeks were still hot as they crossed the street and entered her house, her mind still ringing with Frank's teasing jab. An older man in the bedroom....you wouldn't even begin to know how I've thought of you... she thought to herself as she led him through the house and back to her bedroom.

Smiling, she watched as he moved the slats back onto the bed, chuckling to herself at how she knocked herself out trying to do it herself. She relayed the story quite animatedly to Frank as they worked on placing the box springs, and then the mattress on the bed. As they scooted the mattress into place, they both toppled onto the bed.

It was a few moments before Eleanor realized that she was laying rather close to Frank, her cheeks flushed from laughing so much. She shifted and pushed herself up, trying to regain her composure, her heart pounding in her chest. "Sorry...I'm rather clumsy..." she mumbled, smoothing her shirt down nervously as she stood beside the bed.

07-14-2015, 08:14 PM
Frank smiled. "No problem, Eleanor. If I was a couple years younger..." he caught himself before he finished. What was he thinking. He was going to creep her out with his stupid comments. "I'm not too good at the sheet thing so if you don't need anything else I'd best get on my way.

He felt the flush still on his cheeks and saw the redness of hers, too. I must have embarrassed her, he thought and he quickly got up from the bed. "I've got a little more to do for work and then I'm going to call it a night." He really couldn't do much more until he ran the lab tests but he had no reason to stay up, either. The quiet house seemed lonely some nights and he had a feeling tonight would ber like that. "Well, good night, Eleanor. And if you need anything, you know where I'll be."

07-15-2015, 05:27 AM
Eleanor couldn't help but blush deeper at his comment. If I were a few years younger... Her eyes scanned his face for a brief moment, if you were a few years younger, what? Her thoughts interrupted by him saying that he was going to head home, Eleanor smiled and nodded. "Here, I'll walk with you to the door," she smiled, moving through the bedroom and down the hall. She was surprised to find her step slowing the closer they got to the front door, and once there, she stopped, smiling up at Frank.

"Thank you again, for rescuing me." Eleanor chuckled, reaching up and touching the gash above her eye. "I really do appreciate it," she smiled, "I hope you like banana muffins." Hesitantly, she reached forward and opened the door, leaning against it as Frank started stepping out. "Sleep well," she murmured, her eyes scanning Frank's face.

You idiot. You're getting all caught up in your imagination. He's so much older than you. He probably thinks of you as his baby sister, or little niece or something...Just get it out of your head. I just wish men today were like him. Generous, thoughtful, helpful and chivalrous...

07-20-2015, 04:31 PM
Frank didn't sleep well at all. First it was the thoughts of his project being cancelled but soon those thoughts were of his pretty next-door neighbor. What if she had a thing for older men he thought. They seemed to get along well, despite the fact that he was over double her age. That age thing again he thought. If only...

He awoke the next morning with a clear plan in his mind. He hurried out the front door, glancing over at Eleanor's house. Things seemed quiet so he guessed she was probably still sleeping. He hoped he could see her again tonight.
He jumped in his car and drove to his office, his plan still fresh in his mind.

07-20-2015, 07:23 PM
Eleanor moved quietly through the seemingly empty house now, finding sheets and making the bed properly now that it was set up on the frame. She smiled a bit to herself, it was finally starting to look like her house, it was looking like it belonged to her.

Stripping down and climbing into bed, staring up at the ceiling. She smiled, sighing softly as she tried to fall asleep. He head still ached from where she hit it, and she chuckled, unable to believe the nonsense she had gotten herself into they day. "Frank," she smiled, shaking her head, then closing her eyes and drifting off.

The next morning when she woke up, Eleanor padded to the kitchen and sighed softly when she saw that Frank's car was gone. She smiled a bit, shaking her head. "Grocery store, girl. You need to go to the grocery store, not think of your neighbor..."

07-22-2015, 02:54 PM
Frank was the first in the office, as he normally was, but instead of going to his desk he went to the lab. Looking over his shoulder he unlocked the door and walked in, quietly closing it behind him. The lab was sparkling clean with the lights glistening off the stainless steel tables.

He walked to the refrigerated cabinet and unlocked it. Looking at the labeled vials he found the one he wanted..the reverse-aging serum. He would take it home and test it himself, and if they asked where the serum went he would tell them he destroyed it when the project was cancelled.

He slipped it in his pocket. He would have to stop at the pet store on his way home and buy a white rat to test it on. Quietly, he opened the door and walked to his desk, slipping the vial into his lunch box. It was insulated and he always had an ice pack inside.

He hear a noise and looked up. It was Bill, one of his co-workers. "Hey Frank," Bill said. "Gonna be another hot one today."

Frank nodded and sat behind his desk, looking over another project for a flu vaccine. It was a simple thing that wouldn't work any better than an over-the-counter remedy, but Acme Pharmaceuticals would market it with the right spin and make millions. He looked at the papers ut his mind was at home. He would test the serum tonight!

07-22-2015, 03:03 PM
Eleanor dressed and found herself to the grocery store, with only 3 detours and wrong turns. It was funny, she always enjoyed grocery shopping, and being in a new town and a new store- it was like an adventure. Spending more than she wanted to, Eleanor left nearly 2 hours later, with a full cart.

"I forgot how much it takes to stock a kitchen..." she mumble to herself as she steered her cart towards her car and unloaded into the trunk. With another stop at the post office to drop off some mail, she headed home and unloaded the car once more.

It was early afternoon when she finally had everything put away from her grocery run. With the kitchen all but completely unpacked, she started pulling out ingredients for banana muffins. Flipping on some Ella Fitzgerald, Eleanor let herself be taken away by the music and baking, swaying in the kitchen as she worked.

07-22-2015, 03:21 PM
It was an uneventful day at the office and Frank did his best to avoid contact with his boss. All he wanted to do was leave for the day. He checked the serum at lunchtime and the temperature was acceptable. His plan was moving.

As he left work, he ran into his boss at the door. His heart froze in his chest.

"Frank, how's things going with the flu vaccine?" His boss asked.

"Uh, we're making progress. Should hit the November 1 target date without a problem."

His boss eyed him, "Good. And about the other project. Hope there's no hard feelings. You did a good job on it."

Frank felt a shiver down his spine. "Nope, none at all. I understand."

"Good, then have a good night." His boss held the door open and he walked fast to his car, breathing a sigh of relief.

07-22-2015, 03:39 PM
Eleanor couldn't have felt happier than she did at this moment. It was strange, how happy some Ella, baking and sunshine made her. She pushed open her windows, letting the music carry through the yard as she waited for her banana muffins to bake.

As she worked on finishing up unpacking the living room, she found herself glancing out the window, looking for Frank to appear. She had, after all, made them for him as a sort of 'thank you' for all he had done. Singing along with, "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered," Eleanor shook out curtains and began hanging them up, letting herself get lost in her work.

She couldn't help but smile at how different the place looked. Just a couple days ago, it was full of boxes and with nothing on the walls. Now it was starting to look like a home. A home she could build with someone....

07-22-2015, 04:24 PM
As Frank left the Pet Smart parking lot he heard the rat rustling in it's cage. He chose the oldest they had and it appeared to be about 4 years old; very old in rat years. He would work perfectly.

He parked in front of his house with the vial still secured in his lunch box and the cage in his hand. He glanced over at Eleanor's house, wondering if she had a good day. He opened the door and immediately put the serum in his refrigerator, setting the cage on the counter top. He had made it safe and sound. After dinner he would inject the serum into the rat and begin the test.

07-22-2015, 04:35 PM
Once the last curtain was finished being hung, Eleanor glanced over and smiled to see that Frank was home. She had taken the muffins out about 10 minutes ago. Perfect timing. Sliding on a pair of flip flops, she put the muffins on a plate and headed out the front door.

Crossing her yard, then the street, and then Frank's yard, she stopped on his front step and knocked on the door. "Frank?" She called out, "it's Eleanor..." Suddenly she felt self conscious, and glanced down at herself. She wore plain jean shorts and a loose fitting gray tank top with a pink one underneath. Her hair was in a loose braid with several strands having worked their way out. Oh well... she thought to herself, could be worse, I suppose.

07-22-2015, 05:06 PM
Frank jumped as he heard the knock on the door. He looked out the window and saw Eleanor standing on the steps and he smiled. She looked so young, so pretty, so simple. he opened the door.

"Well, hey there, neighbor. Come on in." He led her inside. "Whatever you have there smells good." He was honestly happy to see her. His life at home had been so lonely and to have a pretty girl come to visit him made him smile.

"Please, come in and sit down. Are you all settled in now? I've been thinking about you." His face blushed, hoping she didn't take it the wrong way.

07-22-2015, 05:24 PM
Eleanor smiled when Frank opened the door and she stepped in, "thanks, I appreciate it." She glanced around quickly then pressed the plate into his hands. "Well I hope they taste as good as they smell," she smiled. "Its just a...small 'thank you' for all that you've done." She smiled a little, her lip nearly healed over, but her eyebrow was still bruised and the cut still showed where she got hit yesterday.

"I'd probably be in worse shape if you hadn't of helped me," she chuckled, then felt her cheeks flush as he mentioned that he had been thinking about her. "Probably wondering if I had hurt myself more trying to set things up," she grinned. "And no, I haven't. Not yet, at least," she laughed.

"How was work?" she smiled, standing near him in the living room. "Any exciting new projects or anything of the sort?"

07-22-2015, 06:07 PM
Frank sputtered at her question. "Ahhh...no. Nothing very exciting." He wanted to tell her everything, about his project being cancelled and about him going to do the trials on his own. But he was worried she would think of him as an evil scientist so he held his peace.

"Oh I am sure what happened yesterday was an accident. You are capable of more than you give yourself credit. But, please, set the muffins over on the counter and we can visit for a little while." He had forgotten that his new 'pet' was on his counter inside the cage.

07-22-2015, 06:31 PM
Eleanor smiled and nodded, following him into the kitchen. She set the muffins down on the counter, then turned, and let out a soft cry of surprise. "I...I didn't know you had a rat!" She said, laughing slightly at herself for being so easily startled.

Moving over to the cage, she peered in at it, its small whiskers flicking as it leaned up on its hind feet to look at her. She laughed a bit and looked up at Frank, "what's his name? Or, well I guess her name? Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Here, eat a muffin, while they are still sort of warm. That's when they are best," she said, grabbing one and beginning to eat it herself. "So I found the grocery store," she smiled, leaning against the counter, "it only took me 45 minutes to get there," Eleanor laughed as she took a bite.

07-22-2015, 07:46 PM
Frank was flustered, realizing he had forgotten about the rat. "Ah..it's a boy, but I don't have a name for him. He's for a lab experiment." He took a muffin and tasted it, the hint of sweetness made his mouth water. "These are delicious, Eleanor. You shouldn't have gone to all the trouble. I liked helping you...I really like being around you."

He didn't blush this time and he said it with sincerity. He truly enjoyed her company and, if he was younger...all the more need to get this serum tested. "Can I get you something to drink with your muffin. A glass of milk, or I can even make a pot of coffee, although I usually make it pretty strong."

His hand brushed against hers and he felt the hairs prickle on the back of his neck. He wanted to just take her in his arms. You're a stupid old man, he thought. Do something like that and you can kiss the good neighbor bit goodbye. He pulled his hand away. and looked at the rat, hoping the serum would work.

07-22-2015, 07:55 PM
Eleanor smiled as Frank bit into the muffin and complimented her. "Thanks, it's one of the only things I can cook well," she laughed, smiling over at him. "I like being around you too, granted, you're the only person I've met..." she teased, smiling wider. Feeling his hand brush against hers, Eleanor felt her cheeks flush slightly and she cleared her throat.

"Yeah, a drink would be great...coffee sounds good" she murmured, sitting down at the table and looking at the rat in the cage. "An experiment, hmm?" she said, her eyes scanning the rat. "Poor little guy. Is it dangerous?" she asked, glancing up at Frank, "you won't hurt him, right?"

"Oh!" she exclaimed, "I was wondering. Do you know any good coffee shops around here? I'm kind of a coffee freak, and I'd love to find a great little shop." her eyes brightened, looking up at Frank. "Not to discredit your coffee making abilities, of course," she teased with a wink.

07-23-2015, 01:04 AM
"I'm hoping it will help him and not hurt him," Frank had much more to hope for than the life of a rat. If he could only be young again he could actually see him and Eleanor hitting it off very nicely,,,what did they call it today? Hooking up?

He laughed as she told him about her shopping excursion. "How about Saturday we go get a good cup of coffee and I'll give you the grand tour. You'll be navigating this town like a pro."

They talked for a long time, drinking coffee and eating all the muffins, until it was dark. "I need to walk you home," Frank offered. "I know it's only across the street but my legs could use a good stretching so I won't take no for an answer."

07-23-2015, 01:18 AM
Eleanor laughed and shared stories with Frank until it was later than she had imagined. "Oh gosh..." She murmured, glancing out the window and noting how dark it was. "Well here, let me at least clean up, I won't take no for an answer," she teased. Picking up their cups and plates, she took them to the sink and washed them, then set them out to dry. "It's the least I can do.."

She walked with Frank to the front door, then across the yard, street and up to her front step. She stopped there, smiling under the porch light. "Frank, you are a perfect gentleman," she smiled, her eyes scanning his face. "Thank you, I know I say it a lot, but you really mean a lot to me," she felt her cheeks flush at the statement, "I mean, you're a wonderful neighbor..."

07-23-2015, 01:28 AM
Frank absently took her hand as they walked across the street, laughing as if they had known each other forever. The feelings he felt around thiw woman made him alive and gave him even more purpose for the serum to be a success.

As they stood on her doorstep he listened as she mentioned how much he meant to her abd couldn't help but to lean in and kiss her softly on the lips. He pulled back suddenly, a flush covering his face, "I-I-I'm sorry, Eleanor. I don't know what came over me."

07-23-2015, 01:32 AM
Eleanor had noticed Frank taking her hand, but didn't say anything, having passed it off in her mind as him just being chivalrous. But when he leaned in and kissed her, she was floored. She let out a soft cry of surprise and pulled back, her cheeks feeling as though they were on fire.

"Frank..." She began, shifting a bit, her eyes immediately dropping from his face. What was she to do? A man that was twice her age had just kissed her! Should she go inside and ignore him; just try to pretend like it didn't happen? Eleanor had no clue as to what she should do, so she did nothing for the immediate moment.

"Well, uhm...goodnight." She finally pushed out, turning the doorknob and stepping inside, her back to the door as she closed it, leaving Frank on the porch. She slid down against the door and leaned her head back, letting out a sigh and covering her face with her hands. "What just happened?..." She whispered to herself.

07-23-2015, 01:44 AM
Frank ran back across the street, totally embarrassed. You're an old fool he told himself. He had probably destroyed what could have been a great friendship. How could he ever face her again?

He slammed the door behind him and looked around the room. The serum. He had to test the serum. He went to the refrigerator and took out the vial. He had a syringe in his lunch box and carefully drew the serum into it, being sure to release the air bubbles.He then went to the cage and held the rat while he slowly injected the serum. "You'll thank me for this in the morning," he spoke to the rat.

He returnedt the rat to the cage and watched it. No immediate reaction, which was a good thing. He fed it the remainder of the last muffin and shut the door, Still angry with himself, he went to bed. Eleanor was on his mind and then he felt terrible again for what he had done tonight, Finbally he fell asleep.

07-23-2015, 01:54 AM
Eleanor sat there for a long time, not really sure what to think. She heard Frank's footsteps retreat and then his door slam. She could still feel the heat of embarrassment on her cheeks, and she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. "What have you done, girl..."

Finally she pushed herself up and went into the bathroom, splashing water over her face, trying to make sense of this evening. Had she flirted? Had she made him think that she was interested? Was she interested? He was a nice guy, she'd give him that. And if he were about 20 years younger...

"What are you thinking?" She said aloud to herself, shaking her head. Stripping, she climbed into bed. But sleep wouldn't come. She tossed and turned, the moment he kissed her playing over and over in her head. By nearly midnight, she was exasperated, and got up. Moving into the kitchen, she made a pot of coffee and set to scrubbing the floor, organizing the pantry, anything she could do to keep her mind off of Frank. And how she enjoyed his kiss.

07-23-2015, 12:18 PM
Frank awoke the next day after a terrible night's sleep. He was sure Eleanor would never speak to him again, all because of his stupid actions. Maybe if he had been 30 years younger she wouldn't have been so upset. He remembered the serum and the lab rat. Without even dressing he moved quickly to the kitchen, approaching the cage on the counter.

What he saw nearly made him faint. The old white rat was gone, replaced by a tiny, pink baby rat. The serum worked but it had regressed the age too far. It was supposed to cut the age in half but instead it regressed to one fourth of the original age. If he had taken it he would only be a teenager, or maybe even worse.

Frank scratched his head, wondering what went wrong. He pulled the notes out of his briefcase and studied them closely, looking at all of the numbers. His head hurt and he quickly dressed. He would finish the calculations at the office but he wanted to get out before Eleanor woke up. He was too ashamed to face her.

07-23-2015, 02:39 PM
By 6:00 Eleanor had yet to sleep. How could she? She felt ashamed, embarrassed, confused. Lacing up her tennis shoes, she stepped outside and went for a run. She had hoped that the thundering of her feet and the pounding of her heart would help her to forget for a while. But when she turned back up the street and to her house, Frank was outside to get in his car.

Her cheeks heated deeply, and she ducked to her front door quickly, hoping that he didn't see her. Quickly she stepped inside and shut the door, closing her eyes. "I don't know what to do.." She murmured to herself. "I can't face him..."

Stripping once more, she climbed into the shower and let the water run over her body. "Maybe I should just keep to myself for a couple days, give him some space..." She washed her hair and body and stepped out, wrapping in a towel. It would be a long day, and she was exhausted.

07-23-2015, 02:53 PM
Frank saw her as she approached and his heart stopped beating for a moment. He was froze in fear. What would he say? What could he say? He felt a little relieved as she went to her house, then the anxiety kicked in. Just like I thought, she wants nothing to do with me.

He got into his car and drove to the office, his thoughts of the formula mixing with the thoughts of Eleanor. He didn't know how much more he could take. Suicide might be the cowards way out but who would miss an old man. He would leave no legacy and no one would even notice he was gone.

He pulled into the parking lot and hurried to his desk, studying the months of work he had done. There had to be an answer somehere and he would stick with it until he found it.

07-23-2015, 03:31 PM
Eleanor stepped out of the shower and sighed, pulling out the blow dryer and starting to dry her hair. "Maybe I should try and meet someone. Someone...my age..." she mumbled to herself as she dried her hair. Pulling out a black and white striped dress, Eleanor tugged it on along with a pair of sandals.

It wouldn't hurt to go out and meet someone, besides, it would be good for her. But where should she go to meet people? Coffee shop maybe? That was her best bet.

Walking out to her car, Eleanor looked up the nearest coffee shop on her phone and plugged it in to the GPS. "It beats just sitting around the house. It's worth a try..." she said, pulling out of the driveway and heading into town.

07-23-2015, 03:53 PM
Frank's head hurt as he kept going over the formula. Then it hit him like a brick. It was an accelerated age reversal that had occured with the rat. He would need to add a retardant to the formula with a limiter. The process would be slower and would stop when the level of genomes in the genetic makeup reached the optimum age.

Quickly he pulled his research books out and there it was, as plain as the age spots on his skin....a combination of herbal cinammon, tumeric, and nutmeg would act as the decelerant and limiter. Common household items, when added to the formula, would theoretically do what he needed.

He was excited and gathered his papers together. He picked up the phone and called his boss. "This is Frank. Sorry but something came up and I have to leave right away. I'll be back on Monday." He hung up the phone and hurried out of the office. He had enough serum left in the vial for a couple more good doses.

He hurried to his car and drove away, a shimmer of hope in his eyes. This would work. he was sure of it.

07-23-2015, 04:05 PM
Eleanor had spent the morning at the coffee shop with no success. That wasn't completely true. She felt sort of like a hunter who was looking for prey, and honestly, it just didn't feel right to her. She had ordered another coffee, and was certainly shaking by now with the amount of caffeine she had in her system.

Idiot. You aren't that kind of girl. You never have been. You're just trying to avoid Frank....

Standing, she pushed her chair in and grabbed her coffee, heading out to her car. "I could use some spices..." she thought to herself, "cleaning supplies, laundry soap, I hadn't grabbed those when I was at the grocery story yesterday..."

As she climbed into her car, she sighed, closing her eyes for a moment before turning the car over. The trip was significantly shorter this time as she remembered fairly well how to get to the grocery store.

After locking her car, she grabbed a cart and headed in, glancing down at a grocery ad. "Oof!" a voice called out, and Eleanor glanced up, her cheeks heating as she realized she had run into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" she cried out, looking up at the young man. He glanced up at her and smiled a bit, pushing his hand through his slightly curly black hair. "Its...it's okay, no harm done. Though perhaps we should exchange phone numbers and insurance information," he smiled.

Sticking out her hand, Eleanor smiled. "Eleanor," she said, her cheeks flushed deeply. "Jason," he said, taking her hand and shaking it.

07-23-2015, 05:44 PM
Frank wheeled into the grocery store parking lot and jumped out of his car. Nutmeg! He needed nutmeg. He had everything else but nutmeg was a key ingredient. Walking to the entrance he saw Eleanor and some young guy with curly black hair. She didn't waste any time he thought. He couldn't avoid them and had to go into the store so he walked by them, staring at the young man closely as he passed them.

The guy looked at him and remarked "Hey old man, why don't you take a picture." Frank ignored him and went to the spice rack, buying what he needed and left through the side door. His heart sank deeper, thinking of Eleanor and how she was now being wooed by some smart-ass punk. he got in his car and headed home.

07-23-2015, 05:54 PM
Eleanor felt her cheeks flush as Frank walked in. I didn't think I'd see you here... she thought, her eyes moving to him, and then to Jason. She wasn't sure whether she should say something to him or not. But what Jason said to him made her blush in shame, and she frowned a bit.

"There's no reason to be rude..." she said, looking at Jason. He scoffed and pulled his arm around her shoulders, his lips finding her neck. "No reason for him to be looking at you..." he said, his hand dipping and finding her butt and giving it a squeeze. Eleanor pulled back slightly, her cheeks heating. "Excuse me..." she said, stepping away from him.

His brow furrowed, and he stepped forward. "Hey, you ran into me, the least you can do is give me a feel..." Eleanor felt her face pale, and she stepped back, then turned on her heel, heading towards the door. Get out. Get out. Get out. she said to herself as she clutched her purse, her heart pounding.

"Come on, sweetheart!" Jason said, chuckling a bit as he followed her out. "Let's try it again, okay? This time I'll play nice..."

07-24-2015, 08:25 PM
Driving through the parking lot, Frank saw Eleanor and that boy. Thinking he would avoid them completely he went the opposite way but looking in his rear view mirror he sensed trouble. Eleanor tried to get away from the boy but he kept grabbing at her. Frank squealed the car to a halt and turned around, pulling up beside them and jumping out.

"Listen, mister. If I see you touch her one more time I'll knock you on your ass."

The boy looked at him and laughed. "What you going to do, Gramps. Hit me with your cane? Run me over with your wheelchair." He turned and grabbed Eleanor by the shoulder. Frank spun him around and landed a hard right to his jaw, knocking him to the ground.

"Don't need a cane of a wheelchair, punk." Frank turned to Eleanor. "Are you okay, Eleanor? I can drive you home if you want. We can pick up your car tomorrow."

07-25-2015, 03:05 PM
Eleanor's cheeks heated and her heart felt as though it was going to pound out of her chest. Jason continued following her, "come on, Eleanor, I'm just teasing. Can't blame a guy for wanting a grab of that ass..." he chuckled. Suddenly a car pulled up beside them and Frank got out.

Quickly she turned to look at him, her eyes wide with fear. Jason puffed himself up, turning towards Frank, chuckling at the seemingly old man that wanted to stand up to him. "Yeah, well-" he began, then fell to the ground as Frank's punch landed square on his jaw.

He groaned, rubbing his jaw as he looked up at Eleanor and Frank. "Go to hell!" he shouted, standing up and brushing himself off as he strode back towards the grocery store.

Eleanor looked at Frank, feeling her eyes fill with tears as the emotions of everything that had happened washed over her. She pulled her arms around his neck and hugged herself close. "Thank you..." she whispered against his chest, taking in shaky breaths. She nodded, keeping her face buried against him. "Please, I...I don't think I could drive right now..."

07-27-2015, 02:30 PM
Frank froze as he felt Eleanor wrap her arms around him, then relaxed and put his arms around her, rubbing her shoulders. "It's okay, Eleanor. You're okay. Here, let me help you in the car."

He opened the door for her and helped her into the seat, then shut the door behind her and climbed into the driver's seat. "Some of these kids today just don't know what no means. I'm sorry you had to go through all that." The ride home was short, yet it was silent, only the soft sobs coming from Eleanor could be heard. Frank knew she needed someone in her life, someone to protect her and take care of her.

The serum, he thought. If only he could get it to work. Maybe then, if he was young she would accept him. He had all he needed for the next test...except for the rat. He had forgotten to get a new lab rat to test it on. He muttered under his breath as they pulled in in front of his house.
He got out of the car and helped Eleanor out. With his arm on her shoulder he walked her to her door.

"Are you going to be okay, Eleanor? I could stay with you for a while if you'd like."

07-27-2015, 02:36 PM
Eleanor climbed into the car and put on her seatbelt. She was quite shaken from the whole experience, and she covered her face with her hands as she cried softly, her shoulders heaving every now and then as they rode.

When the car stopped, she leaned up and looked over at Frank, her eyes red as they scanned his. She nodded silently and climbed out of the car, pulling her arm around him and walking to the front door. Eleanor didn't answer him, simply kept one arm around him, and with the other, she unlocked the door, starting inside the house, still holding on to him.

Once inside, with the door shut, Eleanor pulled her other arm around Frank and hugged tightly, burying her face against his chest again. She was still trembling, and took in several shaky breaths, trying to calm herself down.

"Th-thank y-you..." she whimpered against his chest, her face still buried there, her hands clutching the back of his shirt tightly. "I...I don't know what would have happened....what I would have done...without you.."

07-27-2015, 03:23 PM
Frank pulled her close to him. 'I-it's okay, Eleanor. I'm here now and you're safe. I promise he won't try anything again. You're safe with me."

He felt her trembling body against his and his heart swelled. It wasn't just the physical part of him speaking now. It was his heart, wanting her to want him. He didn't want to let go of her and just held her as he felt her sobbing against his chest.

"Can I get you a glass of water, Eleanor?" He remembered that the best way to stop crying was to drink water. It was strange but that's how the body worked. He looked in her cabinet until he found a glass and then poured it half full of water and handed it to her. "Here, drink some of this. Please?"

07-27-2015, 06:19 PM
Eleanor curled her arms around his neck and held close to him, slowly calming down until he pulled back, looking at her. She nodded, taking in a shaky breath, and taking the glass from him. Slowly she sipped at the water, her tears slowing and then stopping completely.

She looked up at Frank, feeling very vulnerable, and very much like a scared little girl. She was hundreds of miles from anyone she knew; and she was terrified.

"I don't want to be alone," she whispered through a soft sob. "Please don't leave..."

07-27-2015, 07:57 PM
Frank could detect the frightened little girl in the woman in his arms. She wanted him to stay and he could hardly say no, but he still wanted to run the new serum. "Eleanor, let me run home and grab a few things for dinner and I promise I will stay with you tonight."

He walked quickly across the street and grabbed some things from the fridge, enough to make a pasta with marinara. He then opened the bag he had from the grocery store and took the vial of serum from the refrigerator, carefully measuring the ingredients and mixing them so they dissolved.
He looked at the rat. Another dose would surely kill it. He then took a syringe and filled it with the serum, then injected it into his own vein. It would either kill him or cure him and he didn't want to live as an old man any longer.

He felt the drug burn as it ran through his veins. He knew it would be slow acting with the decellerant additive, but how slow would only be told by time. He grabbed the food and hurried back to Eleanor's house. "Sorry it took so long, my dear. But I am here now and will stay for as long as you wish."

07-27-2015, 09:03 PM
Eleanor nodded, hesitantly letting go of Frank and watching as he disappeared across the street and into his own house. She sunk to the couch, staring at the wall. What had happened? She shuddered. What a creep...Eleanor was glad that Frank had shown up, and she pulled her arms around herself, taking in a slow breath.

She couldn't help but smile, though it was faint, when Frank came back in the door. Shaking her head, she pushed herself up to her feet. "Its okay, I knew you'd come back..."

Eleanor felt a bit awkward. She did remember how he had kissed her, and their age difference. But she trusted Frank. He had been so kind and helpful, and she felt safe around him. "I'm going to change, okay?" she said, smiling a bit. "And I can help with dinner..."

Disappearing into her room, she emerged a few minutes later in a pair of blue and white polka dot pajama shorts, and a plain gray baggy tshirt, her hair in a bun on top of her head. She smiled, shrugging a bit. "Pajamas always help," she smiled as she stepped into the kitchen with Frank. "What can I do to help?"

07-28-2015, 12:24 PM
Frank turned as she returned to the kitchen and almost chopped his finger off when he saw her. It had been years since he had seen a woman in her pajamas, especially one as pretty as Eleanor. "Oh no, I've got it all under control...just a simple salad and some pasta, with garlic bread. You just sit and talk. I want to know all about you"

He finished chopping the salad and stirred his marinara. The water for the pasta had come to a boil and he dropped the angel hair into the water. He looked at her, listening to her story, and felt a warmth spread over him. Maybe it was his imagination but he felt so much alive being with her. Perhaps it was her that made him feel young. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the stainless steel pot. Still, the same old-looking face. Give it time, he told himself. Give it time.

07-28-2015, 12:58 PM
Eleanor frowned a bit as he hold her that he had everything under control, but nodded. She moved to the other side of the sink and hopped up on the counter, swinging her legs as Frank cooked.

She told him about her parents, her brothers and her sisters. She told him what it was like at home, how her family thought she was crazy for moving halfway across the country for a job, but also how prod they were for following her dreams.

"I can at least set the table," Eleanor finally said, sliding off the counter and turning, reaching up and grabbing two plates and two cups. She smiled, "we get to break them in! I've never gotten to use these dishes," she grinned, setting them on the table, then returning to get silverware. She stopped and looked at Frank, her eyes scanning his face. "Thank you Frank, for everything..."

07-28-2015, 01:48 PM
Frank couldn't help but look at her legs as she sat on the counter. Not wanting to stare he listened as she told him about her family, giving an occaisional nod when appropriate. He felt a tightness in his stomach, extending even lower, and was amazed but also embarrassed as he made sure to remain facing the counter. Although he knew his 'plumbing' still functioned it hadn't reacted this way in a very long time.

He raised his hand as she thanked him. "Eleanor, it's no problem. That's what neighbors are for. Now, go sit at the tabel. Dinner is ready." He felt a relief as she slid from the counter and sat at the table. Then, counting to 20, he turned and dished out the food. "Bon appetit!" he smiled as he sat down.

07-28-2015, 01:57 PM
Eleanor smiled, her eyes scanning his face as he held up his hand and told her she didn't need to thank him. "Well, regardless, it means a lot." she smiled, sitting down at the table with Frank. "It smells incredible..." she murmured as he dished some onto her plate, and she smiled even more. "You know, this is the first actual meal I've eaten in this house..."

Raising her glass of water, she looked at Frank. "To new homes, new lives, and new friends," then tapped her glass to his, beginning to eat. Eleanor let the room fall into silence, but it was comfortable, and every now and then, she glanced up at Frank, smiling.

By the time they were nearly through with their meal, Eleanor spoke again. "You...you don't have to stay here, if you don't want to," she said, looking at him. "I'm....I'm an adult, I can handle it...."

The truth was, she hadn't forgotten that kiss. Or how she liked it.

07-28-2015, 02:14 PM
Frank smiled. "Really, it won't be a problem. I can sleep on your couch and if you wake up and need me you know where I will be." He sipped his water and watched Eleanor. She seemed much more settled now and he probably didn't have to stay. But..he wanted to. He enjoyed being around her.

The couch would be comfortable if he was younger but his old bones needed to be able to stretch. He would never tell her that and one night wouldn't be so bad. he would be up and gone probably before she woke up. Tomorrow was Friday and he had asked her to dinner with him, followed Saturday by a tour of the city. He looked forward to it.

07-28-2015, 02:18 PM
Eleanor couldn't help but smile, nodding at him from behind her water glass. "Thank you, Frank, I really appreciate it." She stood and cleared the table, teasing Frank that it was 'the rules' that since he cooked dinner, he didn't have to clean up after it. She made quick work of washing the dishes and then setting them out to dry.

"Well, uh, let me grab you a blanket and a pillow, okay?" she said, looking at him, suddenly feeling a bit nervous and awkward. She went into her room and grabbed two pillows from her bed, and then a blanket from the laundry closet. Carrying them back in, she smiled over at Frank when she saw him again. "Here you go..."

Eleanor shifted near the couch, hesitating, not quite sure of what to do or say. "Well, uh...goodnight." she said, giving Frank a warm smile, and then turning back and heading towards her bedroom, her cheeks flushed and her heart pounding.

07-29-2015, 01:39 PM
Frank watched as Eleanor returned, his heart pounding in his chest. He wanted her so badly. It was not only inappropriate but also ridiculous. How could a beautiful youg woman like her ever want and old fool like him. He thanked her as he took the covers and watched as she waited, almost hoping for an invitation to share her bed. As she smiled and said goodnight, Frank whispered softly, "Good night, Eleanor. I'm right here if you need anything."

He curled up on the couch. It was too short for him to stretch out so he curled his legs up and watched as she went to her room, turning the lights off. Try as he would, sleep came slowly as he tried to toss and turn on the couch. So many thoughts passing through his mind..so much he wanted but knew he would never have. Finally, he fell into a deep sleep.

07-29-2015, 02:55 PM
Eleanor sighed and went into her room, shutting off the lights, and then climbed in bed. As she lay down and pulled the blankets over herself, she shifted, turning one way, and then the other. She frowned, sighing again, as she kept rolling over, but she couldn't seem to get comfortable. She was exhausted- having not really slept at all the night before, and now she couldn't sleep again. What was the matter with her?

After several minutes of tossing and turning, Eleanor threw back the blankets and kicked her legs off the side of the bed, stepping down and padding quietly across the floor. She opened the door and stepped out, moving quietly down the hall towards the living room and kitchen. She didn't want to wake Frank up if he was sleeping.

Once past Frank in the living room, Eleanor grabbed a glass from the cupboard in the kitchen and filled it with water. Leaning back against the sink, she sighed, taking a deep drink, hoping that it would help her to relax, to settle down, so that she could fall asleep.

07-30-2015, 11:58 AM
Frank heard Eleanor walking to the kitchen but kept quiet so he didn't startle her. He saw her silhouetted against the moonlight as she went to the sink and poured some water. He sat up on the edge of the couch while she made her way into the living room. "Are you having trouble getting to sleep, too? Here, come sit beside me."

He pulled the cover back and motioned to the couch beside him. He couldn't sleep either and hoped maybe a good conversation would help the insomnia. "Please," he said. "I promise I won't bite."

07-30-2015, 01:12 PM
Eleanor furrowed her brow when she heard Frank's voice, and smiled a bit in the darkness. "Yeah...just can't sleep," she said, making her way over to the couch. She sat down on the couch, still holding her glass of water, and looked over at Frank, smiling.

She bounced a bit and laughed, her hand pushing down on the cushion of the couch. "This isn't the most comfortable, is it?" she chuckled, shaking her head. "I'm sorry..." Eleanor sighed and tucked some hair behind her ear before snuggling back against the couch and taking in a deep breath.

"What's on your mind that's keeping you awake?"

07-31-2015, 12:09 PM
"I've slept on a lot worse than this." Frank laughed as she sat down beside him. He couldn't tell her what was on his mind. One thing was the shot he had taken. What if he died in his sleep to be found by her in the morning? He wouldn't want to put her through that. The other thing was Eleanor herself. Here he was in the same house with her, sitting in the dark on the couch with her in her pajamas.

He thought it amusing, in a sensual way. He was glad it was dark and he was sitting because he was fully aroused. It was a sensation he hadn't felt in a long time, when he was much younger. "Oh, don't worry about me. Just have a few things I'm thinking about but I usually don't sleep much anyway.I'm fine, really. But how about you. You must be exhausted after getting this house in order. You did a good job and it looks good."

07-31-2015, 01:50 PM
Eleanor smiled and shifted back on the couch, curling her legs up beneath herself. She shrugged a bit and took another drink of water, looking over at Frank. "Just, I don't know...a lot of things, I suppose." she admitted, her eyes scanning his face as best they could in the darkness.

"I'm sorry, about last night..." she said quietly, her eyes dropping to the glass she held, not wanting to meet his, even in the darkness. It had been awkward, but Eleanor had also strangely enjoyed the kiss. If only you were younger... She shifted a bit, "I...I shouldn't have just slammed the door in your face like that..."

Taking another drink of water, she looked back at Frank, "I couldn't sleep last night, I was up all night finishing the house," she smiled a bit, chuckling. "And I haven't been able to sleep again, since...since what happened at the grocery store. Thank you, Frank..I...I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come along..."

07-31-2015, 02:59 PM
Frank held Eleanor's chin in his hand and looked at her in the darkness of the room. "Eleanor, I would do it again. I-I know I am a lot older than you but I want you to know that I care about you a lot and I want to be the one you come to when things aren't right. I know I shouldn't have kissed you like that, without asking your permission, but I guess my mind wasn't thinking right so I should be the one apologizing. But I have to tell you, for as brief as it was it was the best kiss I've ever had."

He was thankful for the darkness because she couldn't see how red his face had gotten. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and layed her head against his chest.

07-31-2015, 03:24 PM
Eleanor could feel her cheeks heat deeply as Frank took her chin in his hand, and her eyes tried to scan his in the darkness. She smiled a bit, her heart pounding in her chest as he told her that he wanted to be the one she came to, that he had enjoyed their kiss.

As he gently pulled her towards him, Eleanor let out a contented sigh, closing her eyes and resting against his chest. She felt safe, taken care of, loved. She shifted on the couch, her arm holding his as he held her. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice soft, but full of thankfulness. Before she knew it, Eleanor was asleep.

07-31-2015, 03:54 PM
Frank felt the warm comfort of her against him and soon he was asleep, too. He slept soundly, perhaps the best sleep he had slept in years. The sunlight filling the room woke him the next morning and he carefully slid from beneath Eleanor and tip-toed to the bathroom so he wouldn't wake her.

He stood in front of the mirror, his eyes still have closed, and suddenly his heart began to race at the image he saw. It looked like him, but the gray in his hair had now turned to a salt and pepper color. The wrinkles under his eyes had also disappeared. Somehow, in his sleep, he had lost ten years of his age. He remembered the serum he had injected. It was working and the additives had slowed the process down. He lifted his shirt and saw his little pot belly had firmed up some, too. He was so excited he almost shouted.

Then he remembered Eleanor. How could he explain the sudden changes? He was sure he would frighten her. His only choice was to quietly sneak out the door before she woke up. He went back to the couch and picked up his shoes as he slowly moved toward the door.

07-31-2015, 04:04 PM
Eleanor found that she had slept peacefully against Frank, her arm pulled around his chest, hugging gently. How was it that this man made her feel so comfortable, so at ease? It wasn't fair...time wasn't fair. As he pulled out from beneath her, she shifted, letting out a soft sigh, but didn't wake, oblivious to what was going on around her.

She shifted, laying down on the couch, her chest rising and falling rhythmically. As Frank came to retrieve his shoes, her eyes opened slightly. She smiled, "morning..." she whispered, her cheeks slightly flushed from sleep. But no sooner than she had opened her eyes, then they closed again, and she drifted back to sleep.

08-04-2015, 03:58 PM
Frank froze when he heard Eleanor's voice but watched as her eyes closed again. He opened the door and hurried across the street to his house. His first stop was the mirror in the bathroom. He studied his face closely. The gray had nearly disappeared from his moustache and the hair on his head seemed a little thicker than before. His eyes had changed from a dull gray to a pale blue.

He went to the kitchen and checked his blood pressure. It had come down quite a bit since yesterday. He glanced at his watch and saw it was time for work so he quickly changed his clothes and jumped in his car. When he got there he was greeted in the parking lot by a co-worker. "Hey Frank. What did you do, dye your hair? It looks good on you."

Frank nodded and hurried to his office. he pulled out the notes he had made on the anti-aging serum and studied them closely. What if it worked? How would he explain it to his boss; how he expermimented on himself? And even worse, what would he tell Eleanor? It seemed like he had gotten himself in a big mess.

08-06-2015, 05:12 PM
Eleanor shifted on the couch, her eyes opening slowly as she glanced around. She pushed herself up and looked around the room. "Frank?" She called out, shivering and rubbing her arms as she tried to warm herself up. "Frank? Are you still here?" She said, standing and slowly moving through the house.

She frowned a bit when she noticed he was gone, but after glancing at the clock, she knew he had probably headed to work. Eleanor couldn't help but smile, her cheeks flushing as she thought about how they had fallen asleep together on the couch. Stop it, she told herself. He could be your dad. Be content with friendship, that's it. You wouldn't be able to explain it to others, they wouldn't understand.

Slightly saddened by her inward musings, Eleanor set to cleaning. The kitchen wasn't too bad, but she cleaned it nonetheless. The living room was just straightened from the night before, folding up the blanket that they had used and tossing the pillows back on her bed. Sitting on the edge, Eleanor sighed, and then flopped back into her mattress. "Frank...." She murmured to herself, then smiled a bit.

08-18-2015, 03:21 PM
Frank couldn't concentrate on his work and would keep pulling out his notes on the anti-aging serum. As much as he studied them he could find no answers to his questions. The revised formula had never been lab tested and he had made himself the guinea pig for it. Yet, he felt amazingly refreshed and full of energy. His body tingled with the renewal he felt.

The day had went by fast and it was time for him to leave. He grabbed some testing equipment and hid them in his lunch bag. He would have to do some blood testing tonight. Suddenly he couldn't wait to see Eleanor again. His heart pounded at the thought of her and felt a warm glow fill his body as he neared his house. He wasn't sure how he would explain the changes to her but in his mind and body he felt like he was forty again.

He pulled up beside the curb in front of his house and got out of the car, looking toward her home and hoping he might see her again. They had fun being together the night before and it was just an innocent friendship, as much as he wanted much more. He knew it in his heart.

08-18-2015, 09:27 PM
Having taken a short nap that morning, Eleanor got up and putted around the house. The internet guy came and set her up, and she talked to her mom for a long time that morning. It felt good to reconnect, and she shared about Frank- what a good neighbor he was and how he had helped her out, though certain bits she left out about him- his age, for one.

She made her way back to the grocery store and finished picking up what she had started to get the other day, before that jerk Jason got all handsy. She was glad to see that he wasn't there, and she finished off her shopping in peace. Eleanor even managed to stop by the department store and bought a couple rugs for her house. She felt like she was on top of the world.

Hearing a car pull up, her ears perked and she stepped out of her room and glanced through the living room windows. It was Frank. She smiled widely, but had to stop herself. He's just your neighbor, Eleanor. Just your neighbor...

08-19-2015, 02:03 PM
Frank saw a figure looking out the living room window and he smiled and waved his hand. Closing the car door he walked across the street and knocked on Eleanor's door. He heard her footsteps approaching and he grinned when she opened the front door.

Despite her busied look she remained beautiful in his eyes. A lock of hair fell across her forehead and she brushed it away. "Well, hello neighbor," Frank said happily. "Thought I'd stop by and see if you needed anything." He had forgotten that his wrinkles were less pronounced and his hair had begun to grown darker and thicker.

08-19-2015, 03:23 PM
Eleanor moved to the door and opened it, and was surprised to see Frank. She couldn't help but smile, "hey, you...you look really good," she said, leaning against the door frame. "Did you color your hair or something?" She asked. It was strange, he looked almost...younger. No. That's absurd. Must just be the lighting.

"How was work?" She smiled, opening the door wider. "You can come in, I've got some coffee if you want some. It's finally Friday, right?" She grinned. Eleanor was happy, and was surprised to find that she was happier when Frank was around. It was strange, but a nice feeling.

"Any plans for the weekend?"

08-19-2015, 03:23 PM
Eleanor moved to the door and opened it, and was surprised to see Frank. She couldn't help but smile, "hey, you...you look really good," she said, leaning against the door frame. "Did you color your hair or something?" She asked. It was strange, he looked almost...younger. No. That's absurd. Must just be the lighting.

"How was work?" She smiled, opening the door wider. "You can come in, I've got some coffee if you want some. It's finally Friday, right?" She grinned. Eleanor was happy, and was surprised to find that she was happier when Frank was around. It was strange, but a nice feeling.

"Any plans for the weekend?"

08-19-2015, 04:43 PM
Frank was so tempted just to kiss her but remembered how awkward he had made her feel the last time. "Work was okay and it went by so fast." He wanted to tell her about his experiment and why his hair had come back to it's original color but was afraid he would frighten her with his mad scientist approach. "I am glad it's the weekend and only plans I have is for our trip to town tomorrow and dinner. Remember? I promised to show you around."

He hadn't forgotten and had been looking forward to it all week. Maybe it wouldn't embarrass her too much with his new look, he chuckled to himself. "Coffee would be great, and I want you to tell me all about your day. Looks like you've been pretty busy and the house is almost done. If you have anything that needs an extra set of hands I'm all yours...I mean, I'll be happy to help."

He blushed at his slip of tongue, hoping she didn't pick up on the flirty comment.

08-20-2015, 12:44 AM
Eleanor walked towards the kitchen as Frank continued talking, and pulled down two mugs. She glanced back at him every now and then, grabbing the cream from the fridge and some sugar. "Oh yeah!" She said with a smile, pouring them both a cup of coffee. "I had forgotten about that," she admitted, pouring some cream in her coffee.

"I'm really looking forward to it. It'll be nice, really nice." She smiled, pushing herself up onto the counter and sitting down. "Well really it was pretty dull. I went to the grocery store, then stopped off and got those rugs.." She shrugged and took another sip of coffee. "That's about it. Oh, I took a little nap."

Eleanor felt her cheeks warming and she looked up at Frank. "Thank you, for last night." She smiled, her eyes meeting his bright blue ones. "I really appreciate it. I know you didn't have to, and you're just my neighbor...but.... It meant a lot. You're my friend. My only friend, really."

08-20-2015, 12:44 AM
Eleanor walked towards the kitchen as Frank continued talking, and pulled down two mugs. She glanced back at him every now and then, grabbing the cream from the fridge and some sugar. "Oh yeah!" She said with a smile, pouring them both a cup of coffee. "I had forgotten about that," she admitted, pouring some cream in her coffee.

"I'm really looking forward to it. It'll be nice, really nice." She smiled, pushing herself up onto the counter and sitting down. "Well really it was pretty dull. I went to the grocery store, then stopped off and got those rugs.." She shrugged and took another sip of coffee. "That's about it. Oh, I took a little nap."

Eleanor felt her cheeks warming and she looked up at Frank. "Thank you, for last night." She smiled, her eyes meeting his bright blue ones. "I really appreciate it. I know you didn't have to, and you're just my neighbor...but.... It meant a lot. You're my friend. My only friend, really."

08-20-2015, 01:54 PM
Frank took the coffee from her. He was surprised as the noral tremor he had in his hands had disappeared and his hands were steady as he sipped.
"Eleanor, I want to be more than just the guy next door...or across the street. I want to be your friend; a very close friend that you can always come to with any problem you have."

He looked around the room and then back at Eleanor, who sat so innocently on the counter in front of him. She was so pretty as the waning sunlight glistened in her hair. "So, what are your plans for a Friday night? Mine is typically working at home but tonight I only have a few things to take care of." He told her the truth. He wanted to take a blood sample of himself and compare it to one he had taken several months ago when He thought he had the flu. He was curious if there were any changes since he took the serum.

08-20-2015, 05:28 PM
Eleanor smiled and looked at Frank, her cheeks warming as he mentioned wanting to be more than friends. She wanted it more than she was willing to admit. Smiling again, she looked at Frank, then looked back at her cup, swirling the coffee in her cup before taking another sip.

"Nothing really, I don't really have any plans," she smiled, her eyes meeting his. "I guess maybe making up some meals for next week since I'll be starting work." She smiled, "maybe a movie or something, I don't know." Her eyes lit up and she smiled even more, "would you like to join me?"

08-20-2015, 05:40 PM
Frank smiled. "Now, that's an offer I can't refuse. How about if I cooked you dinner tonight...something simple like like fried chicken with mashed potatoes." He would love to spend more time with Eleanor. "I just hope you don't get sick of me hanging around so much," he grinned.

"I'll have to run home and get the chicken and stuff and I have a little bit to do but I can be back in an hour." It wouldn't take too long to run the blood sample under the microscope and the chicken was in the refrigerator. "And I want to get out of these work clothes, too. Hope it's okay to wear some shorts and a t-shirt. Those are my relaxing clothes." He smiled happily at her as he finished his coffee. What a perfect Friday night it would be....dinner, a movie, and a pretty girl beside him.

He walked to the door. "I'll be back in a bit, Eleanor. Just make yourself comfortable and I'll take care of the rest."

08-21-2015, 11:35 AM
Eleanor smiled and nodded, "yeah, that sounds great, actually," she smiled. "Is there anything that you'd like me to do or make?" She asked, following him over towards the door and then leaning against the frame. "I've got an idea, I'll make some dessert. And I think I even bought some popcorn at the store the other day," she smiled.

Watching as Frank crossed the street and went back home, Eleanor furrowed her brow. Something was different about him. He looked...almost younger. Eleanor shook her head and pulled out a box of brownie mix, starting to put it together. "Don't be foolish..." She murmured to himself. He probably just colored his hair." Then her brow furrowed again. "When would he have done it?" She mused to herself. "He slept over here last night..."

As she poured the batter into the pan, Eleanor tried to reason with herself that Frank had just colored his hair, there was nothing more going on. With the brownies in the oven, Eleanor set the table, grabbed a couple blankets for the couch, and scanned through her movies, looking for something they would both enjoy.

08-21-2015, 02:04 PM
Frank rushed into his house, anxious to do the blood study. He drew a small amount and placed it on a slide, putting the sample of the earlier draw beside it on the microscope. British scientists had recently discovered that a person's telemeres, pieces of DNA at the ends of the chromosomes, actually get shorter as a person ages biologically. Frank was shocked to see his own telemeres were actually getting longer, meaning his biological aging process was, in fact, reversing.

His serum was working yet he still wasn't sure how long it would last or how far it would go. The original slide showed his age to be 58 years old but now it showed the blood of a 45 year old man...13 years in a 24 hour period. He was excited but also concerned. If it continued at this rate he would be a teenager in two days.

Frank threw on a pair of shorts and found they fit much looser than the last time he wore them. He pulled a t-shirt over his head and grabbed the food from the refrigerator, heading back to Eleanor's house. He would check his blood again tomorrow, after they returned from their day on the town.

08-21-2015, 04:30 PM
Eleanor smiled when she heard the door, and she headed for it, opening it for Frank. She smiled widely, pleased to see him back. "Hey you, I hope brownies sound good for dessert. Just put them in the oven. So you need help with making dinner?"

Leading him to the kitchen, she quickly showed him around, laughing a bit when she realized that even she wasn't sure where everything was. "I guess we will figure it out as we go," she smiled, her eyes bright as she looked at him. If only things could be different. She enjoyed having Frank around, and found that she even longed to see him. It would be s wonderful weekend together. And she wanted it to last as long as possible.

08-21-2015, 08:20 PM
"Honey, I can always use help," Frank laughed. "The brownies smell great, too. You can peel the potatoes if you want and start them cooking while I get the chicken ready." He poured the oil in the pan and got it hot, then dredged the chicken in the seasoned flour. "Here's the trick to crispy chicken. Dredge it in flour first, then the eggs and back into the flour." He dropped the chicken into the pan and heard the sizzle. "Perfect."

They talked about their day and Frank felt fantastic, forgetting about his worries from the blood test. They joked and laughed as the food cooked and was soon finished and they sat to eat. "Bon appetit, Eleanor," Frank laughed as they dug into the dinner. Aftwer they ate, he helped her clean up and they were ready to just sit and relax. "After you, my dear," he motioned to the couch.

08-22-2015, 02:22 PM
Eleanor laughed and joked with Frank as they cooked, wiping flour on each other's cheeks, cleaning up, and finally eating. She hadn't been this happy in a long time. Something seemed different about Frank- he seemed...well, she wasn't sure how he seemed. But she was happy, really happy.

Wiping her hands on a towel and tossing it next to the sink, Eleanor headed towards the living room and settled down on the couch. Not exactly on the end, but not in the middle either- it would allow her to sit close to Frank, but not awkwardly close for their new friendship. Tucking her legs under herself, she pulled a blanket over her legs and looked up at him with a smile as she grabbed the remote. "what sounds good to you?"

08-24-2015, 01:14 PM
Dinner had been fun and Frank and Eleanor settle down on the couch. "I'm not fussy about TV so whatever you want is fine with me." He looked at her and smiled, almost wishing she had sat closer to him but didn't mention it so he wouldn't make her feel uncomfortable in her own home.

He noticed the clock, already near 9. Normally he would be tired and ready for bed but tonight he felt awake and full of energy, feeling a warm glow over his body and so much alive. "Before the show starts, can I get you something to drink?" He stood up and realized his excitement and felt his face flush, turning his back to her and going into the kitchen feeling like a hormone-crazed kid.

08-24-2015, 04:12 PM
Eleanor glanced up and blushed herself, turning her face away and shaking her head. "No, no I'm okay..." she smiled, biting her lip as Frank retreated into the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, Eleanor pushed her hair back and settled back onto the couch.

She shifted a bit on the couch and glanced in towards the kitchen, her eyes scanning the doorway, waiting for Frank to re-emerge. She felt a little strange about them, about their friendship...or...whatever it was. Frank was an amazing man, and she was really lucky to have met him. But she also knew that he was significantly older than her, and while she somewhat hoped for it, she knew nothing could ever come of it.

"Actually, just water is fine," she called into the kitchen, hoping that he wasn't too embarrassed by what had happened.

08-24-2015, 04:32 PM
Frank chuckled to himself as he fixed two glasses of water. After managing to get himself under control he returned with the water and handed a glass to Eleanor. "Here you are, ma'am." He pretended to bow to her and laughed, sitting back down on the couch. He felt much more comfortable sitting than standing, he laughed to himself.

"Wow, I still can't believe I have have someone to be with on a Friday night. Thank you for inviting me, Eleanor. Always a pleasure to be with you." Frank looked at her and offered a warm smile, hoping she hadn't noticed his situation earlier.

08-24-2015, 04:50 PM
Eleanor smiled and took the glass of water from Frank, taking a sip before setting it on the side table. She smiled and nodded, scooting over a little closer and covering herself up with blanket. "Sure thing, you're really the only friend I have here," she chuckled, scanning through the channels and movie selections.

"Oh! How do you feel about Indiana Jones?" She grinned, looking over at Frank with a smile. "They are some of my favorite movies," she added, shifting and taking another drink. Her feet just brushed his leg as she sat, and easily she could lean over and rest her head on his shoulder if she wanted to.

08-24-2015, 05:06 PM
"Now that sounds great. I like Harrison Ford and those movies are full of action." Frank felt her foot brush his leg and smiled, but inside it was like an electrical impulse that filled his body, feeling his face flush a little again. He wished she would come closer to him so he could hold her in his arm while she rested her head on him.

Stop...he thought. You're acting like a kid and you should start acting your age. But, what was his age? How old was he now, he wondered. He felt even younger now than when he first got here. He hoped it wasn't a blessing and a curse. He sipped his water and looked at Eleanor again, so sweet yet so sexy in his eyes. "So, if you get to any scary parts I'll cover your eyes for you," he laughed.

08-24-2015, 05:12 PM
Eleanor let out a soft laugh and leaned her head against his shoulder briefly, shaking her head. "I'll try not to get too scared, but I can't make any promises," she said, holding her head against him a little longer. It felt good. Comfortable. But finally she leaned her head up, but remained close to him, her arm brushing his every now and then.

The movie began, and Eleanor grinned. She loved these movies, and she was glad that Frank did too. About halfway into it, she could feel herself start to get drowsy. Her head shifted to the side, and slowly made its way to Frank's shoulder, resting there, until the crazy priest started ripping people's hearts out. She let out a soft squeal and turned her face into Frank's chest, hiding it there. "I always forget about that part in this movie.." she mumbled against his chest.

08-24-2015, 05:25 PM
Feeling Eleanor close to him made the warmth fill his body like a fire. When she leaned her head against his shoulder he wanted to nuzzle against her so much. She lifted her head again yet every time her arm brushed against his he felt that electrical feeling running though him, causing his heart to beat faster and he felt his face growing red.

She grew quiet and then suddenly when the gory scene came on the TV she buried her head in his chest. Frank laughed and when she slowly lifted it, Frank took her chin in his hand and he kissed her.

08-24-2015, 05:31 PM
Eleanor smiled sheepishly as she lifted her head, her cheeks flushed from being scared. "I'm sorry, I-" she began, but Frank leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. She let out a soft whimper of surprise, but gently pushed forward, kissing back. Her arms pulled around his neck and she held herself close to him, her heart pounding.

After a few moments, she pulled back, finding herself slightly out of breath, and more than a little bit embarrassed. "Frank..." she began, looking at him, her eyes scanning his in the near darkness. "I..." she murmured, not really sure what to say, what to think. What was she thinking?

08-24-2015, 05:37 PM
Frank felt her returning his kiss and it was the most wonderful moment he could remember. Then she suddenly pulled away. he had obviously embarrassed and offended her. "Eleanor, I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me." He stood up from the couch. "I-I better be leaving. I-I don't know what's happening. It's just that you are so pretty and I thought....I just better go."

He began walking to the door, knowing he had just ruined the best friendship he had ever known. He now regretted he had taken that serum. Maybe he was better off as an old man.

08-24-2015, 05:53 PM
Eleanor's face fell a little as he stood and quickly started for the door. She could feel her throat tightening up a bit, and she opened her mouth to speak, surprised to find tears in her eyes. "Frank, please..." she choked out, hoping that he could hear her.

What are you thinking? He's so much older than you. People wouldn't understand...

She shifted on the couch, feeling a tear start down her cheek as she watched him retreat. "Please.." she whispered, her voice breaking.

08-24-2015, 06:01 PM
It was the sound he had hoped for...the sound of Eleanor asking him not to leave. He turned slowly and saw the tears in her eyes and he moved toward her and took her hands. "Eleanor, I'm so sorry. I guess I was hurrying things and all I could think of was that you would never see me again. It's strange and we've only known each other for a short time but I have such strong feelings toward you. You are so beautiful and so much fun to be around. I-I know that the biggest barrier we have is the age thing...but if you let me I have something I want to tell you."

He looked in her eyes, hoping she would just come into his arms and he would hold her, trying to comfort her. He hadn't planned on telling her about the serum but now seemed as good a time as any.

08-24-2015, 06:07 PM
Eleanor looked up at Frank, swallowing hard, trying to stop her tears. He hadn't left. He was here, and he was telling her how much she meant to him. Smiling through her tears, Eleanor looked up at him. Slowly she pulled her arms around him and hugged tightly, nodding. "You mean a lot to me Frank, you're the only person I know here. You're my only friend...."

Her brow furrowed a little as he mentioned wanting to tell her something, and she pulled back a little to look at him. "What? What is it?" She asked, her eyes scanning his, eager for his response.

08-24-2015, 06:13 PM
"Maybe we better sit down for this," Frank took her arms and led her to the couch. "What if there wasn't a big age difference, Eleanor. What if I was closer to your age? Do you think it would be possible then for us to have a meaningful relationship?"

He began telling her of his serum and of how the company had scrapped his project and the reasons for it. He then told her of the experiment he had done on himself. "Before I came over here tonight I checked my blood and physically I was only in my 40's. If my guesses are right, tomorrow when I wake up I will be about 30 years old. So, I have to ask you....could you love me if I was 30 years old?"

08-24-2015, 07:16 PM
Eleanor followed Frank and sat down on the couch, looking over at him. Her brow furrowed a bit as she looked at him. "What do you mean, if there wasn't an age gap?" She asked, obviously curious and not exactly sure of what exactly Frank was getting at.

Her eyes widened as he explained the serum, and how he had tested it on himself. "Frank, is that...is that even safe?" She asked, her eyes scanning his face and his body quickly before looking back up at him.

Could you love me if I was 30 years old?

The words rang in her head and she looked up at him, then reached up, cupping his cheek in her hand. "Frank..." She murmured, swallowing hard. "Do you really think it'll work? Do you really think you'll wake up and be 30 years old?"

- - - Updated - - -

Eleanor followed Frank and sat down on the couch, looking over at him. Her brow furrowed a bit as she looked at him. "What do you mean, if there wasn't an age gap?" She asked, obviously curious and not exactly sure of what exactly Frank was getting at.

Her eyes widened as he explained the serum, and how he had tested it on himself. "Frank, is that...is that even safe?" She asked, her eyes scanning his face and his body quickly before looking back up at him.

Could you love me if I was 30 years old?

The words rang in her head and she looked up at him, then reached up, cupping his cheek in her hand. "Frank..." She murmured, swallowing hard. "Do you really think it'll work? Do you really think you'll wake up and be 30 years old?"

08-24-2015, 07:28 PM
Frank smiled at her. "Eleanor, look at me. Do I look like that same old man that greeted you when you moved in? I know it works and the blood test proved it." There was an excitement in his voice as he answered her. "Remember that white rat I bought? I first tested it on that rat but it's age regressed to almost a baby. So, I tweaked the formula a little bit and slowed it down. Yes, I know I will be only 30 years old in the morning, biologically anyway."

He looked deeply into her eyes and spoke softly. "But you didn't answer my question. Could you love me?"

08-24-2015, 07:39 PM
Eleanor's brow furrowed a little as she looked over Frank's face carefully this time. It was smoother, many of the wrinkles and lines that were once there had softened or almost completely disappeared. His eyes seemed brighter, his hair darker and fuller. It didn't seem possible, but here he was, sitting before her, living proof.

She shifted a little, her heart pounding in her chest as he asked her again if she could love him. Eleanor's green eyes scanned his bright blue ones, and she smiled a little, reaching up to stroke his jaw briefly. "Frank, to...to think that you..." she began, feeling her throat tightening. "To think that you could share a life with me..." Without another word, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his, hoping, beyond all hope, that he was right.

08-24-2015, 07:47 PM
Frank felt tears of happiness well up in the corner of his eyes and he wrapped his arms around her and returned her kiss passionately. "I've just got to make sure I can handle this youth thing. You saw how I acted tonight..another ten years off my age and I won't be able to keep my hands off of you." He laughed and kissed her again and again.

"Eleanor, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my life than to spend it with you. I want to be with you forever."

08-24-2015, 07:50 PM
Eleanor let out a happy laugh, returning each kiss. Her arms moved around his neck and she pulled herself close, resting her head against his shoulder and letting out a long sigh. Slowly she lifted her head and furrowed her brow a bit, looking up at him. "Frank?" she murmured, "how are you going to explain this to people?"

And how was she going to explain this to her family? Her friends? What if the serum stopped working and he went back to his previous age? Eleanor had a lot of questions.

Pushing her hands into his, she smiled a little, her eyes scanning his face. "I want this to work. I want to be together..." she smiled, feeling her cheeks flush with color. "You're incredible. Everything I had hoped for..."

08-24-2015, 08:03 PM
Frank felt the heat returning through his body as he kissed her softly. "I don't know what I'll tell them...maybe even take on a new identity. But no matter what, I have no regrets with what I did because now I have found someone to share my life with."

He held her tight, feeling her soft form shape to fit his body. His excitement wasn't an embarrassment any longer as he softly kissed her lips. He felt a weight had been lifted from him after confessing these things to her and he was happy he had found someone he could share everything with. He kissed her again and whispered softly into her ear, "You are an amazing girl and I want you forever."

08-24-2015, 10:26 PM
Eleanor's eyes scanned his face and she nodded, wanting to be supportive, even though she wasn't sure what the future held for them. "I know you'll figure something out," she smiled, resting her head on his shoulder for a moment. There would be a lot that he would have to work out, and that she would have to sort out within herself, but they would make it.

She nodded and pressed her lips to his, feeling a sense of safety, and relief with him. Eleanor leaned back a little and chuckled, looking up at Frank. "You know, as much as I want you to stay.." she began, "it might be weird to go to sleep and you look one way, and wake up with you looking different," she chuckled, kissing him again.

Her face fell, and she looked at him, a little more somber this time. "You're sure it's safe, right?" she asked, obviously concerned. "I....I don't want anything to happen to you..."

08-25-2015, 02:43 PM
Frank sighed. "Yes, you are right. Maybe I should leave before..." He paused, almost saying it would be something they would regret. Yet, in his heart he knew there would be no regrets. And he wasn't sure how the serum would react, either. The worst thing that might happen would Eleanor would wake up with a dead man beside her. He would never put her through that kind of trauma.

He held her close to him once again. "Don't worry, Eleanor. I will be okay." But that was something he couldn't be sure of. He knew the serum worked but what if it didn't stop working. What if he became like the rat and reverted to a child...or even a baby. Perhaps he didn't think this whole guinea pig idea through enough and acted out of desperation.

"I'll be back bright and early in the morning. We will have the best day ever, just you and I. And you won't have to worry about the stares and wondering what such a pretty girl like you was doing with an old man. Good night, Eleanor." He kissed her once again in a kiss that seemed to linger on forever. He didn't want to let her go. Finally, he left to go back home.

He walked into his bathroom and looked in the mirror. The serum had continued to work while he was at Eleanor's house and he looked so much younger now, but not quite to where he wanted to be. He undressed and climbed into bed, the excitement of the evening still warming his body in a soft glow. He would get up early and see what the night's sleep brought.

08-25-2015, 09:39 PM
Eleanor smiled, her eyes scanning his face as he spoke. She couldn't decide if she thought Frank was crazy, or romantic. Perhaps a bit of both. Nodding hesitantly, she let go of his hands, standing and walking with him to the door. With one last kiss, Eleanor bid him goodnight, watching as he walked across the road and up the steps to his house. Waving a bit, she turned and closed her door, locking it behind her.

She leaned against the door for a moment, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. Was she making a good choice? What if Frank got even younger than she was? They still couldn't be together...things would have to work perfectly, otherwise she would be the cradle robber.

Stripping out of her clothes on the way down the hall, she climbed into bed, closing her eyes. Eleanor found that sleep didn't come very easy that night, her mind overshadowed with Frank and if he was okay. Finally, despite being afraid of what may come of it, Eleanor wrapped herself in her robe, grabbed her keys, and padded across the street, and knocked on Frank's door.

08-26-2015, 12:01 PM
Frank was never a deep sleeper and when he heard the knock on his door he quickly jumped up and slipped his shorts on. He was surprised as to how limber his body felt as it would normally take a few minutes of stretching to be able to move. He opened the door to find Eleanor standing on his doorstep.

She looked so pretty, even standing there in her robe, and his heart quickened. His mind began to wonder why she was here. Was everything okay?. "Eleanor....please come in. Are you okay? I-I wasn't expecting you and went to bed." He stood there with his sleeping shorts on and no shirt. "Ahhhh...forgive me for how I'm dressed." His face blushed slightly as he let her in.

08-26-2015, 12:04 PM
Eleanor shifted a little on the front step, unsure if Frank had heard her knock, but then the door was opened, and he stood there before her. She smiled a little, her eyes moving over his face as she shook her head. "No, no, everything's fine," she murmured. As she stepped in she brushed up against him, causing goosebumps to run up and down her arms and legs.

"I..." she began, finding herself blushing now. "I didn't want to be alone," she whispered, looking up at Frank again, her eyes scanning his. "Can I stay with you?" Gently she pushed her hand into his and leaned herself against his chest, closing her eyes. "I want to stay with you."

08-26-2015, 12:26 PM
Frank's heart beat like a drum as he looked at her robe part slightly as she moved, revealing her shapely leg. When he felt her brush against him his whole body felt like it was charged with electricity as she took his hand and leaned against him.
"I didn't want to be alone," she whispered, looking up at Frank again, her eyes scanning his. "Can I stay with you?" Gently she pushed her hand into his and leaned herself against his chest, closing her eyes. "I want to stay with you."

Her voice, trembled with a soft and sultry sound and Frank embraced her softly, smelling her scnet rise to his nostrils as his excitement grew. "Of course, Eleanor. You can stay with me but I have to warn you I won't be able to control what might happen."

08-26-2015, 12:34 PM
Eleanor looked up at Frank, her eyes scanning his. She smiled softly, seeing that even in the short time they had been apart, he had gotten younger. Reaching up, she pushed her fingers through his dark hair, then cupped the back of his head, kissing him gently.

Slowly, she nodded, then pressed her lips against his, letting herself get lost in his kiss. After several moments, she pulled away, "consider me warned," she murmured, then kissed him again, pulling herself close to him. Eleanor could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and somewhere in her mind, her voice of reason was screaming at her to stop, but she ignored it, letting herself get lost in his kiss.

08-26-2015, 02:49 PM
Frank felt their hearts beating together in unison as he held her for a long time, their lips molded together in a soft and passionate kiss as thier tongues seemed to dance to the rythm of their heartbeats. He felt her naked leg brush against his and he could not conceal the excitement.

Silently he pulled away from her. His eyes were filled with love and passion as he gently took her hand and led her to his bedroom. He slowly pulled her to him once again and they kissed as he untied the belt of her robe and slipped it from her shoulders in the darkness of the room. His hands slipped to her rounded bottom and he pulled her against him, feeling her breasts against his chest. His mind spun out of control, forgetting everything that had happened, and focused on Eleanor and on the moment.

08-26-2015, 03:20 PM
Eleanor's cheeks flushed as Frank led her to his bedroom, and she glanced around, then turned back to him, kissing him deeply. A soft moan escaped her lips, and she pulled herself closer, kissing back several times. "Frank..." She whispered, feeling him gently untie her robe belt and slip it off her shoulders. It pooled on the floor, and she shivered, pulling herself closer to him again.

"I want you..." She whispered against his lips. "I want you, Frank," she whispered, feeling how hot her skin felt against his, the seeming straight lines of his body against the curves of her body. "Please," she murmured, taking in a shaky breath. "Please, let me stay. Let me be yours..."

08-26-2015, 03:37 PM
Frank was overcome with the passion he felt for Eleanor and everything seemed so surreal. He lifted her in his arms as she wrapped her legs around him, pressing tightly against him. He released his breath in in a short, hot spurt against her neck as he tenderly kissed her. The softness of her skin against his lips fueled the flames of his desire as he whispered softly into her ear.

"Eleanor, I want you to stay. I want you to be mine forever." He carried her to the bed and gently laid her down and he kneeled over her. The moonlight cast a shadow through his bedroom window and he was breathless at the sight of her beautiful body laid out before him. He wanted her...not just tonight but always.

08-26-2015, 10:20 PM
Eleanor smiled up at Frank as he lifted her up, and she kissed back gently several times, wrapping her legs around his waist. She could feel the muscles in his shoulders and arms, knowing that the serum must be working- even his skin felt younger. A soft smile crept over her lips as he laid her back on his bed, and she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. "Frank," she whispered, her hands reaching up, gently urging him to her. "I'm all yours..."

Eleanor's chest rose and fell, her legs intertwined with Frank's, her hair spilling over onto his chest as she lay against him, relaxing, recovering. She couldn't help but smile, nuzzling against his warm skin as she lay in the glow of their love. "Frank?" she whispered, tilting her chin upwards slightly to look at him in the pale moonlight. "I don't want to ever leave," Eleanor continued. "I want to be yours, forever."

08-27-2015, 10:59 AM
Frank woke up early, still filled with the afterglow of the night. He and Eleanor had made love and it had been amazing. He quietly slipped from beneath her head that rested on his chest and walked to the bathroom. Closing the door, he turned on the light and stood before the mirror. He nearly fainted at the reflection he saw.


Gone was the salt and pepper look in his air. Gone were the wrinkles and crows feet from his face; replaced with the young and handsome man he used to be. He nearly screamed with excitement yet choked the sounds so as not to wake Eleanor.

He walked back to the bed and quietly slipped back in. She would be so surprised when she woke up and he hoped she wouldn't be shocked. He was glad he had told her about the serum.

08-27-2015, 11:21 AM
Eleanor shifted as Frank climbed out of bed, but didn't wake, sleeping soundly and comfortably in Frank's bed. She sighed softly when she felt him climb back into bed, and immediately snuggled against him, wanting to be close. Slowly, her eyes opened and she glanced around, then smiled when she realized where she was.

But nothing could have prepared Eleanor for what she saw when she looked up at Frank. He was handsome. He was young. And he was holding her. She didn't say anything, her eyes wide as she studied him. It was strange, to know what he looked like- the old man, and to see the younger version of himself holding her. She shifted a little and laid her head on his chest, closing her eyes for a moment. Slowly, she leaned up and kissed him. "You...you look...perfect." She whispered.

08-27-2015, 11:32 AM
Frank had been much to excited to fall back to sleep and he felt every movement that Eleanor made. He opened his eyes as she kissed him and held her close against him. "You don't look so bad yourself," he chuckled happily.

He held her chin in his hand and looked deeply into her green eyes. They seemed so happy and alive. He softly kissed her lips and smiled at her. "Do you still want to stay with me forever? Do you still want to be mine?" Her eyes seemed to answer the question but Frank wanted to hear it. Deep in his mind he knew there were questions that had not been answered about the serum. How long would it last? Would the regression stop now or would it continue? What about his job? How would he explain what had happened when he returned on Monday? But today he wouldn't worry about it. It was going to be an amazing day spent with an amazing woman.

08-27-2015, 11:38 AM
Eleanor laughed happily and rested her head against his chest for a few moments, before he spoke again. Do you still want to stay with me forever? Do you still want to be mine?

Lifting her head again, Eleanor looked at Frank, smiling warmly. She let her fingers trace over his face, his skin young, bright, almost completely free of wrinkles. Then her fingers pushed back through his hair, thick, full and dark. Slowly, Eleanor nodded, a smile brightening her face.

"Yes, I want to stay with you," she murmured, her bare form pressed against his. "I want to be yours, forever." Eleanor swallowed hard, wanting to say more, wanting to say the words that had been screaming in her mind for some time now, but she decided to wait. Today she was his. Forever she was his.

08-27-2015, 11:49 AM
The touch of her fingers against his face and the warm softness of her body pressed against his caused the passionate fire of the night before return to Frank's body. He smiled to himself in wonderment as it had been so long since this had happened.

He laid back and pulled Eleanor on top of him, kissing her and gazing deeply into her eyes. She was even more beautiful in the morning light than she was in the darkness of the night. His hands moved along her back as his blood raced through his veins. He chuckled as he whispered, "Looks like we have another situation rising. I hope you can handle it."

08-27-2015, 11:53 AM
Eleanor laughed, her cheeks heating as Frank pulled her body against his, holding her close and kissing her gently several times. "I can certainly try," she whispered against his lips, kissing back each time Frank kissed her. She was happier than she had been in a long time, and she felt more love than she thought was possible.

A soft, contented sigh left Eleanor's lips as she lay against Frank again, their chests rising and falling. How was it that she had gone this far through life not knowing Frank? Not having him by her side? Not having his love? She didn't understand it, as she felt more complete now than she ever had.

Rubbing his bare side, Eleanor's fingers brushed over Frank's skin as she recovered from their love. Slowly, she lifted her head and looked at him, her cheeks still slightly flushed. "I want to stay with you forever," she whispered, her fingers grazing over his lips before she kissed him gently. "I want to wake up beside you every morning, have you hold me as I fall asleep..." Eleanor smiled even more. "I want to be yours."

08-27-2015, 12:03 PM
Frank held her close as his heart returned to a normal beat, enjoying the feeling of being with her. It seems that sometimes life is so cruel and he wondered why they were born decades apart and then be taunted by the age difference when they had finally met and felt the attraction, only to be drawn into a forbidden love.

Yet now, the seperation had been lifted. The forbidden had become accepted. What appeared to be fate had been accomplished. Their relationship had been written in the stars and it had finally come full circle. Frank looked at Eleanor with eyes filled with love. "Ellie, move in with me. Stay with me forever."

08-27-2015, 12:08 PM
Eleanor looked at Frank, surprised at what he had said. She felt a small smile play at her lips, until it broke free, causing her to let out a happy laugh before kissing Frank once more. "Really?" she said, looking at him, laughing softly. "You really want me to stay here? Live with you?" she murmured, smiling brightly.

She shifted against his body and rested her head on his chest again, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. Was it a good idea to move so soon, so quickly after they had announced their feelings for each other? Could it just be a mirage caused by their love making?

Letting out a soft sigh, Eleanor leaned up and looked at Frank again. "I'd love to," she murmured, brushing her fingers through his hair. "But...but I think we should wait a little." she added, her eyes meeting his. "Just, just to be sure we are making a good decision, okay?" she smiled, then laughed a little. "Plus, you'd have to make some space for me here," she grinned before kissing him again.

08-27-2015, 12:20 PM
Frank nodded. "Well, making room for you wouldn't be a problem but I understand. But if you want to wake up besdie me you had better keep an overnight bag packed up." He laughed as he hugged her. "Do you still want to see the town or are you going to lay here all day?"

Frank teased her as he gently patted her rounded bottom. "Let me go start the coffee and take a shower." He slipped out of bed, still naked, and walked to the kitchen. He had never felt better in all his life. No more aches and pains. It really was the new him. He filled the pot with water and placed fresh grounds in the basket, then returned to the bedroom. "Would you care to join me in the shower, my dear?" he grinned.

08-27-2015, 12:26 PM
Eleanor laughed softly as Frank patted her bottom and she squirmed, grinning widely. She watched quietly as he stood and left the room. Slowly she shifted on the bed, laying on her back. Eleanor stared up at the ceiling, then reached over and pulled the sheets over her body. She suddenly felt vulnerable, afraid.

Frank's voice made her jump, and she leaned up a little, looking at him. "Join you in the shower?" she repeated, her eyes scanning his face, as if she was unsure of what he was asking. Eleanor couldn't help the slight tremble of her lower lip, and she took in a deep breath. "Frank?" she whispered, trying to hold back tears, all the while inwardly chastising herself. "Is...is what we did okay?"

08-27-2015, 12:54 PM
Frank sat on the bed beside her, stroking her hair softly. Things had moved so quickly andhe could almost see the doubts and fears refleting in her bright, green eyes. "Ellie, when two hearts know they were meant for each other and they finally join together it is a beautiful and meaningful experience. What we did was not only okay but it locked our hearts together for eternity."

He kissed her forehead gently."If you want me to slow down I will. I don't want to lose you to any doubts you have. If you want to just skip our plans for the day, I undertsand that, too. Just please give me a chance to make you happy."

08-27-2015, 05:31 PM
Eleanor nodded, her eyes scanning Frank's face. She took in a deep breath and looked at Frank. "Okay, okay," she murmured, taking in a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I was just worried. I was worried we were going to fast." She smiled and leaned over, kissing him gently.

"I want to keep our plans for today. I want to spend the day for you."

08-27-2015, 07:39 PM
Frank held her face in his hands softly, brushing the hair back from her face. "Ellie, don't worry. I love you almost from the very first time I saw you and I promise I will never hurt you. Now, let me get a shower and then we can get ready to go. I know a place that serves the best pancakes in the world."

He walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. The hot water streamed in his face and his thoughts were on Eleanor. She seemed frightened and to be honest, so was he. He had to check his blood sometime today, wanting to be sure the serum had stopped regressing his DNA. He also hoped Eleanor hadn't left him. He knew she was upset but for her to leave him would rip his heart from his chest.

08-28-2015, 11:11 AM
Eleanor nodded and smiled softly, her eyes on Frank as he spoke. "Alright," she murmured, leaning up and kissing him gently before letting him go. She watched as he left the room and headed for the bathroom. Moments later she listened as the water turned on.

She glanced around his room, her eyes scanning the walls, the dresser, and then the bed. Pulling the blankets back over her naked form, Eleanor laid back down, closing her eyes. She would just rest for a few moments while Frank showered. Her breathing slowed and deepened, and before she realized it, she fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

08-28-2015, 11:33 AM
Frank finished showering and looked in the mirror. His chin was covered with a black stubble. Normally he wouldn't shave but every other day but it seemed his beard was groing much faster, and not with a gray stubble but with a dark black. He covered his face with shaving cream and carefully scraped the stubble from his face.

Wrapping the towel around his waist he opened the bathroom door. Eleanor laid in the bed, sleeping peacefully. He didn't want to disturb her and he slipped his clothes on and went to the kitchen to start the coffee. Curious, he decided to check his blood before she woke and he drew the red fluid from his finger and placed it on a slide. As he expected, the cells had shortened once again, revealing he was physically in his late twenties to early thirties But he was happily surprised to see the cells seemed to have stopped shrinking. His guesses in mixing the serum seemed to have been correct but only the next few days would tell the true story.

He poured his coffee and then another mug, carrying it in to Eleanor. "Wake up, sleepy head. We have a big day ahead of us." He set the coffee on the nightstand and then leaned over and softly kissed her forehead.

08-28-2015, 11:43 AM
Eleanor shifted, her eyes blinking open slowly. She smiled when she saw Frank standing over her, and felt her cheeks flush slightly. "Hey..." she whispered, slowly pushing herself up in bed. "Sorry, I didn't realize I had fallen back asleep..." she chuckled, running her fingers through her hair before leaning up and kissing Frank gently. "You smell good."

Seeing the coffee on the table beside the bed, she sat up and crossed her legs under her, shivering a little as the air hit her skin. She took the cup and sipped the coffee, smiling over at Frank. "Coffee is wonderful, thank you," she smiled, reaching out and rubbing his side.

In the morning light, Eleanor looked Frank over again. He looked like a completely different person. Honestly, it was a little strange, but she could still see the old Frank in his eyes. Setting down her coffee cup, Eleanor reached out and took Frank's hand, lacing their fingers together. "I'll have to head back over to mine and get dressed before we can go out...but I don't want to be without you."

08-28-2015, 11:52 AM
Frank's heart thumped in his chest at the touch of her hand on his side. She looked amazing in the morning light and he held her hand in his. It seemed a permanent smile was on his face and she was the reason for it. He sipped his coffee, tasting the sweet and bitter taste wash down his throat.

"If you'd like I can go with you while you get ready, Ellie....I hope you don't mind for me to call you that." His eyes locked on hers as he lifted the coffee to his lips again. His mind flashed back to the night before, and again to the earlier morning. She was so beautiful and an amazing lover. He felt so fortunate to be able to say she was his.

"Let me get your robe for you. If it makes you feel more comfortable I will tuen my back while you slip it on." He smiled and handed her the soft robe.

08-28-2015, 11:57 AM
Eleanor smiled and shook her head as she set the coffee on the nightstand and stood up. "I don't mind," she murmured, shivering a little bit as she pulled the robe over her bare skin and tied the belt. "Nothing you didn't see," she grinned, then pushed herself up on her toes and kissed him again.

"I don't mind it at all, actually, I kind of like it," she whispered against his lips before kissing him again. Eleanor pulled her arms around Frank and hugged him tightly, resting her head against his chest and closing her eyes. She felt safe here with him, comfortable, and loved.

"Do you want me to wait for you to get dressed and then you can come over with me? Or do you want me to go and we will just both head out once we are dressed?"

08-28-2015, 12:24 PM
"If you want you can wait for me. It won't take a minute." He smiled at her. " I just don't want to be away from you for too long." Her body was so soft and sensuous as she slipped the robe on and tied the belt. Frank blushed as he noticed the bulge in his boxers and quickly slipped his pants on, then his shirt. Putting his feet into his shoes he smiled.

"Okay...ready to go." He sipped his coffee and took her by the hand as they walked to the door

08-28-2015, 12:33 PM
Eleanor smiled, her cheeks flushing as she watched Frank dress, enjoying watching how his body moved, the muscles of his arms and chest. She nodded, looking up at him and pulling her arm around his back, hugging herself to him. "Alright, shall we head over to mine?" she smiled.

Stepping out the front door with Frank, Eleanor shivered a little, feeling the thin fabric of her robe flutter against her skin. She grabbed her keys from the robe pocket, and walked across the street with Frank, holding on to him tightly. Once inside her house, she took his hand, gently leading him through the house and to her bedroom. "Help me decide what to wear?" she smiled, her eyes bright.

Dressed in a simple blue sundress, a yellow cardigan and sandals, Eleanor ran her fingers through her hair and glanced at Frank in the mirror, smiling when she noticed him watching her. "How do I look? Presentable enough to be seen with you in public?" she teased, turning and kissing him gently.

08-28-2015, 05:35 PM
Frank smiled as he watched her dress and her every movement looked so sensual. "Honey, you look beautiful. My hand won't leave you and I will be so proud to be seen in public with you." He took her hand and pulled her close to him, kissing her softly as he stroked her soft hair.

"Are you ready? Those pancakes sound pretty delicious, if you ask me." He chuckled as they headed for the door and to his car. He opened the door for her and then walked around and got in. "Suddenly this car seems a little too old for me. What do you think about going to the car lot and picking me out a new one after breakfast? Something a young guy like me would drive." He laughed as he put the car in gear and headed toward the breakfast stop.

08-28-2015, 09:26 PM
Eleanor let out a soft laugh, climbing into the car and buckling her seatbelt. She took Frank's hand, smiling widely, "yeah, I'll go with you if that's what you want," she said, glancing around as he began driving them into town. She frowned a bit, then looked over at him, "oh...I start work Monday..." she said, a little saddened that the thought now loomed over her head.

Shaking it off the best she could, she shifted and leaned her head against Frank's shoulder briefly. "So, now, I have to know- now that you were...well, you're different now, what would you do? Or rather, what will you do now, knowing what you already know?" She smiled, her eyes scanning his face, her fingers laced with his as he drove.

08-31-2015, 04:34 PM
Frank laughed. The age-old lament of all me-'If I knew back then what I do now I would have sone such-and-such different.' And now he was given that chance to relive his life, or at least a part of it. He thought for a minute and then looked at Eleanor. "I think what I would do differently, or will do differently, is to listen to my heart more than my head. There was so much heartache I could have avoided if I had done that."

He reached his hand out to Eleanor and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I've already started doing that, Ellie." His heart was speaking to him loud and clear-this was the girl he had searched for all his life and it seemed he was given a second chance in life to make it all right.

08-31-2015, 05:13 PM
Eleanor smiled wide and leaned over, kissing Frank's cheek. "I think that is wonderful advice," she smiled, leaning her head against him as he drove. Soon they pulled up in front of the breakfast place, and Eleanor climbed out, moving around the car to Frank. She took his hand and smiled, "shall we? I'm starved, someone exhausted me," she teased

It was a quaint, cute little diner, and from the moment they walked in, Eleanor had no doubt that this place did indeed have the best pancakes around. The place smelled heavenly, and she was sure that she would eat her fair share of pancakes here in the coming years. "Do we just find our own spot?" She asked, looking up at Frank with a smile. "Do you have a 'usual' spot you sit in?" Her brow furrowed a bit, and she looked at him, her voice lowering slightly, "how will you explain it?"

08-31-2015, 06:20 PM
Frank frowned. He hadn't thought about it and he was a regular here. "Let's sit right here," he motioned to the booth. The waitress came and looked at Frank, "Honey, you look so familiar but I can't place you. Have you been here before."

"Uh, maybe a long time ago. We'll both have coffee and pancakes. I'll have mine with blueberries. And a side of bacon." He looked at Eleanor. "How about you. They are all so good so just order your favorite."

08-31-2015, 06:41 PM
Eleanor smiled a bit, nodding as she sat down in the booth with Frank. She furrowed her brow a bit, but continued sliding in. She grabbed a cup and let the waitress fill her cup. Smiling, she sipped at it and glanced over the menu.

"I think I'll have the fruit waffles, a little powdered sugar, and maybe some sausage," she said, looking at Frank. The waitress smiled and took their menus, then turned to take their orders back to the kitchen. Eleanor looked at Frank and smiled, then reached and took his hand, her cheeks warming. "Well, we...I guess we will figure something out." She said, remembering how the waitress thought he looked familiar.

09-01-2015, 01:00 PM
They sat, enjoying their waffles and enjoying being together as tey laughed and talked. The waitress returned to freshen their coffee and she looked at Frank. "Ya know, you look just like a guy that comes here regularly, just a lot younger. His name is Frank. Are you sure you're not related, maybe his son or something, because you're a dead ringer for him. Kinda cute." The waitress looked at Eleanor and winked.

"Uh, no. It must just be a coincidence." Frank felt the heat rise to his cheeks as he sipped his coffee. They finished and he paid, taking Eleanor by the hand. "That was awkward," he told her as they got into the car. He then thought about work on Monday. How would he explain all this to his boss and coworkers.

Not letting it ruin the day, Frank squeezed Eleanor's hand. "OK, next stop is the car dealer and then I'll show you the town, maybe a little shopping for you, too." He raised her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. All he had to do was avoid places that he normally went and they would be fine.

09-01-2015, 03:22 PM
Eleanor looked to Frank, and then to the waitress, feeling her cheeks heating as she mentioned that he looked familiar. She smiled a bit and went back to eating, trying to figure a way that they could work this out. She was excited that Frank was younger now, but she hadn't thought about the problems that would cause.

Laughing softly, Eleanor looked at Frank as they climbed into his car and he kissed her hand. She could feel her cheeks warm, and she looked at him lovingly. "For me?" She said, a little surprised. "And what would you be getting me?" Her eyes scanned his, and she leaned over and kissed him quickly. "I don't need anything, Frank. I have you, and that's all I need."

09-01-2015, 05:48 PM
Frank felt his heart swell when she told him that he was all she wanted. He teried to lean over to kiss her without taking his eyes off the road but he couldn't so he pulled over to the side of the road and kissed her. "You are all I vere need, Ellie. Not new cars or fancy clothes...just you. But, this car is almost wore out and my clothes are a little outdated, too. So we'll go shopping and you can be my fashionista." They both laughed as he pulled back onto the road.

They looked at the new cars on the lot and Frank was still undecided. There was a new Camaro, a bright red one, or a silver Chevelle. He looked at her and asked, "OK, I need help. Which one?"

09-01-2015, 10:22 PM
Eleanor smiled and shook her head, holding Frank's hand as she looked at the two cars. "Honestly, I have no idea. I'm not a car person." she chuckled a bit, her eyes moving to his as she leaned in and whispered, "I bought mine for the gas mileage."

With the car purchased, Eleanor chuckled, shaking her head as she climbed into the new one with Frank, her eyes turning to him. "You know," she began, leaning over and kissing him once more. "This isn't the best suited for a family," she teased, her cheeks warming. "We've got a while though," she continued, "we can be young and carefree for a while."

Eleanor mentioned a few stores to Frank that she thought would have some good choices for him for clothes. She wasn't exactly sure what his style was, but together they found several pairs of pants, shirts, and even some dress clothes for him. As they left the stores, Eleanor leaned her head against him, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. "It's almost too much to believe," she murmured quietly. "I can't believe you're young. You're mine..."

09-02-2015, 02:25 PM
Frank decided on the silver Chevelle; sporty but more modest. The shopping went well as he tried on sirts and pants and even a sport coat with dress slacks. He was surprised that his waist had shrunk but he had gotten taller slightly, too.

Eleanor's words made him smile yet he felt a twinge od sadness. Yes, he was young again and it was a great feeling. But if he had remained older he would never had stood a chance with her. But she was right...he was now hers and she was his. Her earlier inference of a family made him warm througout. It was something he had always wanted but as the years passed he had given up on the idea. Now, with a fresh start and a wonderful woman he could picture himself as a father and a family man.

He paid for the clothes and looked at Eleanor. "I want to buy something for you, but it's also for me, too." He nodded toward the Victoria Secrets store and grinned.

09-02-2015, 03:23 PM
Eleanor blushed deeply as Frank nodded towards Victoria's Secret, and she smiled, looking over at him. "If you're sure..." She said, looking over at him. "But..." She grinned. "You aren't allowed to come in and see. It's going to be a secret," she chuckled, leaning up and kissing him quickly.

A half hour later, Eleanor was leaving the store with a bag full of several things she hoped that Frank would like. She smiled when she saw Frank, and went over to him, taking his hand and kissing him gently again. "Hey you," she whispered, leaning her head against his chest briefly. "I've got a few things I think you'll like," she murmured, rubbing his back as she wrapped her arm around him. "What now, love?"

09-02-2015, 05:05 PM
Frank waited patiently outside the store and soon Eleanor returned with a shopping bag. he smiled and said, "Can I peek?" but was only teasing her. He loved surprises but most of all he knew he loved her. When she asked where next he grinned.

"I wanted to take you to the park. It's on the shore of Lake Michigan and it is gorgeous in the summertime. And after that we can go to Uno's for a real Chicago pizza. Uno's was one of the very first pizzarias in Chicago." He opened the car door for her and then they drove to the park. A light breeze blew across the lake as they sat at a picnic table, holding hands and exchanging soft kisses. He looked at her and asked, "Isn't this beautiful, Ellie?"

09-03-2015, 11:45 AM
Eleanor was happier than she had been in a long time. She smiled over at Frank, reaching and tucking some hair behind her ear as the wind blew. "It really is beautiful out here," she said. "I didn't even know this place was here. I'd love to come back again. It's nice here. Peaceful." Her eyes moved to Frank's face and she smiled again.

Taking in a deep breath, she stood and walked around, sitting beside Frank. Slowly she leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. She felt safe beside him. Happy. Wanted. Eleanor pulled her arm around Frank's waist and snuggled a little closer. "I want to stay like this for a long time," she whispered, rubbing his side slowly.

09-03-2015, 12:00 PM
Frank smiled. "Me too, Ellie." Yet there was an uncertainty in his voice. He didn't know if the serum was long-lasting or just a temporary thing. He made a mental note to do another blood test tonight. It might be enough to calm his fears.

He placed his hand on her knee. "We will be sure to come back here. This will be our place to get away and just relax in the company of each other." He gazed deeply into her eyes and leaned into her, their lips meeting in a soft kiss that they held for a long time. He looked across the lake, watching a sailboat floating in the breeze. It was so serene away from the hustle of the city. Behind them the skyscrapers loomed as a reminder of advancing civilization. "Look," he pointed out. That's the Sears Tower. It used to be the tallest building in the country, way back when."

09-03-2015, 12:47 PM
Eleanor's eyes followed Frank's hand as he pointed out the Sears Tower and she smiled, leaning back against him a little more. "Tell me more about the city," she murmured, gently wrapping one of his hands around her waist, enjoying how it felt to be held by him.

Nearly an hour later, Eleanor leaned up and kissed Frank on the jaw, letting out a long sigh. "Perhaps we should head back?" She murmured, smiling up at Frank. She stood and stretched again, taking in a long, cleansing breath. "Or did you want to go have pizza?" She asked, looking at him. "I don't mind either way, as long as I'm with you."

09-03-2015, 02:49 PM
Frank went on and on, telling Eleanor about the corrupt politics of the city, dating back to the gangsters of the 30's. The sun sat low in the sky and she suggested they leave. "We can skip the pizza for another time if you's like. I can stop and get some Chinese take-out and we can just go home and enjoy it."

It had been a wonderful day, maybe the best day of his life, and Frank was beaming as he wrapped his arm around Eleanor and headed back to the car. She was an amazing girl and he enjoyed spending the day with her...and hoped it would be the rest of his life.

09-04-2015, 11:57 AM
Eleanor nodded as she leaned against Frank, "yeah, Chinese sounds good," she smiled, walking with him back to the car. It had been an amazing day, and she was really happy. Her smile grew and she pulled away from him. "Race you there!" She squealed, starting off at a dead run towards the car, laughing as she looked back every now and then, checking to see where he was behind her.

Panting and puffing, Eleanor leaned up against the car, smiling widely and laughing a bit. "You....you're faster...than I would...would have expected," she laughed. Her cheeks were flushed from the exertion, her hair tousled a bit. "Shall we go home?" she murmured, looking up at him with bright eyes.

09-04-2015, 12:26 PM
Before Frank could protest Eleanor was running to the car. He began to run and he son passed her and beat her to the car by a foot. Normally he would be so out of breath he would have to sit down, but now he felt good and the short jaunt was no problems for him.

"I used to run track back when I was in college. No Olympic gold medals for me, though." He chuckled as the drove to the Chinese restaurant and then ordered some food for them to eat when they got home. The smell filled his car and he parked in front of his house and they went in.

"You can just put that bag on the bed if you like. I'll get some plates. Do you do chopsticks or silverware? I've never got the hang of those things, myself." He laughed as he set the plates on the table.

09-05-2015, 06:55 PM
Eleanor placed the bag of chinese on the table in the kitchen, and then placed their other bags from their shopping earlier on Frank's bed. She smiled as she entered the kitchen again, sitting down at the table. "Silverware is fine," she said, then stood and crossed the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water.

It was strange, she felt as though she belonged there. It felt right to be there with Frank. Together. She leaned against the counter and sipped her water as Frank moved around the kitchen, and Eleanor couldn't help but smile. He was handsome, that was for certain, but there was something else there. Eleanor couldn't quite put her finger on it, but there was something else there. Something that drew him to her- even from before he was younger.

09-07-2015, 02:15 PM
Frank clinked his glass against Eleanor's. "A toast...to us. May things between us only get better." He smiled as he sipped his water, then served up the Chinese take-out from their cardboard conatiners. He couldn't describe his feelings toward Eleanor. It was as if they had meant to be together since the beginning. Things had moved quickly for them but it all seemed so natural, as if they had known each other all their lives. As if their souls had been calling to each other. It was fate that brought her to the house across the street and fate that made him stuble on the formula for the serum.

They finished eating and he opened the bag with the fortune cookies. "Here, I want you to read it to me," he laughed as he snapped open his.

09-07-2015, 02:50 PM
Eleanor smiled and nodded, taking her last bite of her food before taking the cookie from Frank, smiling as she uncurled the paper within. She cleared her throat and felt her cheeks warm. "Your family will grow in number and love," she said, looking at Frank. Leaning over the table, she kissed him gently. "Seems like your fortune already came true, hmm?" She murmured before kissing him again

Smiling, she pushed her cookie over to him. "Okay, your turn. Read mine."

09-07-2015, 03:11 PM
Frank unrolled the paper from her cookie. "You have found what you have searched for. Treasure it and keep it.

Frank smiled, "Well, how close is that to being true, Ellie?" He knew how true it was for him. He had searched for a woman like her for so many years and because of the strange events he now had her."

He cleared the table and took her by the hand to the living room, sitting on the couch beside her. He held her hand as they kissed and grinned, "Now, are you going to show me the surprise you bought?"

09-07-2015, 03:15 PM
Eleanor retired to the couch with Frank and leaned her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes for a moment. She felt a smile creep across her face as he mentioned what she had bought. "Oh?" She smiled, "would you like to see that?" She grinned, looking up at him with a smile.

"Hmm, maybe. I guess I could show you..." She said, kissing his lips quickly. "Or I could save it for another time..." Eleanor looked at Frank, her eyes scanning his. "What do you think I should do?"

09-07-2015, 03:27 PM
Frank laughed as she teased him. "Well, if you wait then they won't be as new as they are now. But...I'll leave that up to you." He hugged her tight. He knew they would be together for a very long time, as long as forever is.

"I was kind of looking forward to a fashion show, but if you would rather watch reruns on TV, we could do thaqt, too." He smiled and kissed her hand softly.

09-07-2015, 03:48 PM
Eleanor smiled and leaned her head against Frank's shoulder again and closed her eyes. She was surprisingly tired, and snuggled a little closer, taking in a deep breath and letting herself relax against him. The last few days had been strange, to say the least. But now she was with Frank, and he was her age, and they could be together. Now they had a chance at a normal life.

Hearing her phone go off in her purse, Eleanor leaned up and smiled a bit. "Let me grab it, it'll just be a second," she murmured. She smiled when she saw it was her Mom calling, and she answered the phone. "Hey Mom, how's it going?" But her face immediately dropped when she heard her mothers voice. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

09-07-2015, 03:56 PM
Frank felt so comfortable with Eleanor in his arms and he leaned to kiss her forehead, His heart beat fast as he thought about the surprise that she had for him. Thier comfort was interrupted by the ring of a phone and he realized it was Eleanor's. She apologized and got up to answer it.

He studied her face and heard her say 'Mom'. It was her mother, he thought. There goes a romantic evening. Then he saw her face turn to a worried look. Something was wrong. He waited until she finished then got up from the couch. "Baby, what's wrong? What's going on?"

09-07-2015, 04:45 PM
Eleanor felt her legs buckle, and then she sank to her knees, unable to process what had just been told to her. She shook her head, unable to speak as Frank came over to her side. Eleanor looked up at Frank, her eyes filling with tears. She swallowed hard several times, taking in a shaky breath. "They...they're gone..." She murmured, looking up at him.

Your dad. And...and your sister....Eleanor I'm so sorry...

"I have to go..." She finally said, pushing herself up from the floor. "I have to go.."

09-07-2015, 05:15 PM
Frank stood in shock, not knowing what to do or say. "You can't drive, Ellie. Let me take you. You just tell me the way."

Frank had experienced loss many times in his life but never twice at one time. He didn't know what he could do to make the pain for her less excpet to be a friend to her now.

He held Ellie in his arms. "Just tell me what I can do for you, sweetheart,"

09-07-2015, 06:04 PM
Eleanor shook her head, swallowing harder again. "No, it's okay, I'm okay. I just need to go..." She murmured, her eyes blurry from her tears. "I have to go!" She shouted, crying harder. "I have to go!"

Everything felt like it was falling apart, and Eleanor sank to her knees again, her hands covering her face as she began to cry. "They're gone..." She sobbed, taking in a shaky breath. "They're gone.."

09-08-2015, 03:02 PM
Frank helped Eleanor back to her feet. He handed her a glass of water. "Eleanor, go to be with your family. But please be careful. Right now they need you and you need them." He held her sobbing face against his chest. His heart felt heavy at the sight of her in such sorrow and pain and he felt completely helpless.

She seemed to have calmed a bit and Frank said, "Do you need me to help pack?" Anything he could do to help would ease the pain he felt for her. She was the love of his life and he couldn't see her suffering like this. he lifted her chin and looked into her teary eyes. "Ellie, I will be here waiting for you. I promise. When you are ready, please come back to me."

09-09-2015, 12:11 PM
Eleanor nodded silently as Frank mentioned if she wanted help packing. Without a word, she took his hand and walked with him over to her house. She unlocked the door and stepped in, immediately going to her bedroom. Eleanor's mind was swirling with everything that had happened, and she couldn't decide if she was going to throw up, pass out, or just scream. Maybe all of them, she wasn't sure.

"Do you.." she began, looking at him, her bottom lip trembling, "do you mind booking me a flight?" she finally choked out, digging through her purse and pulling out her credit card. "A one-way to Dallas, for now," she whispered, feeling tears roll down her cheeks, her bottom lip trembling as she cried. Without a word, she pulled her arms around Frank and buried her face against his chest, crying softly.

09-09-2015, 07:54 PM
Frank held her against him, feeling her pain deep in his heart. He nodded and went to the kitchen to make the call. The thought of a one-way ticket for her filled him with uncertainty.

"The earliest flight I could get was in three hours out of O'Hare, non-stop to Dallas. Once you're ready i can drive you, and I'll look after your house until you decide what to do. And don't worry about the job, Ellie. If they don't understand then you can find another."

He was filled with uncertainty, not knowing if she would ever return to him. How unfair life seemed. To have finally found the woman he loved and now to have her taken away from him, possibly forever. He carried her bags to the car and helped her in.

09-10-2015, 02:51 AM
Eleanor could feel hot tears roll down her cheeks as she walked to the car with Frank. She wasn't sure what to think, what to say. It seemed as though her entire world was coming crashing down around her. Sitting down in the seat of the car, she stared blankly ahead until she felt Frank climb in and take her hand.

She looked over at him, her eyes searching his. "I'm sorry," she whispered through her tears, then reached over and hugged him tightly. Eleanor didn't want him to let go. She didn't want to go by herself. But she also knew that there would be a lot to do, a lot of things that would need to be taken care of. It would be too hard to have Frank there too, even though she wanted him there.

"I-I'll come back..." she said, swallowing hard and looking at him. "I promise I'll come back..."

09-10-2015, 11:42 AM
Frank felt the tears streaming down his own cheeks, feeling guilty for being so selfish. Yet, he was so afraid that he would never see her again. He parked the car in the remote parking area and took her hand while they waited for the shuttle bus.

He held her hand all the way to the airport and once she got her boarding pass he took her in his arms and kissed her. "Ellie, I'll wait for you, no matter how long it might be. Please call me to let me know you're okay. I love you and I will always love you." The tears flowed again as he kissed her once again, maybe for the very last time. He watched as she passed through security, feeling numb all over. Then, she disappeared into the vast terminal.

He rode the shuttle back to his car and once he got into it he sat and cried, his chest heaving as every emotion he ever felt welled up and poured out in the front seat of his new car. How could he live without her, he thought.

09-11-2015, 03:53 AM
Eleanor had never experienced pain like she felt as she stood at the graveside service for her sister and her father. It seemed unreal, as if she was watching it happen- like she was outside her body. She felt numb, and had since the plane wheels touched down in Dallas. This couldn't be happening. This wasn't fair.

She had tried several times to call Frank, but always stopped herself, never knowing quite what to say. She wanted nothing more than to be held in his arms, and she cried herself to sleep from the loneliness and loss that now filled her heart.

It had been almost three weeks since she left Chicago, and while her job had been understanding at first, they had told her that if she didn't return to work within a week, they would have to give her position to someone else. She understood, it was a job that needed doing, and she hadn't been there. They had been hurting for someone, and if she wasn't there, they would find someone to fill that position.

"I know it isn't something you want to think about.." Eleanor's mother began, sitting down on the bed beside her and gently rubbing her side. "But we have to go through your sister's things. Her...her apartment shouldn't just sit empty. And...I can't afford to keep it for the rest of the lease..." Eleanor nodded slowly, leaning up a little. Her eyes scanned her mother's face, and she forced a weak smile. "I love you, Mom," she said quietly, then pulled her arms around her neck and hugged close to her. Something was different. She felt different.

09-11-2015, 04:46 PM
Weeks had passed since Eleanor had left, although it felt like years. Frank had returned to work after dying his hair back to gray and applying some make up to his face. Still, his co-workers commented on his youthful look. Frank quickly brushed it off, telling them he had joined a gym.

Life at home was back to the normal life he had lived, full of loneliness. He tried to busy himself with his work, or reading, but he couldn't get his mind off of her. He stared at the phone for hours and it remained silent with the occaisional telemarket calls. He didn't realize just how much he missed her.

He checked his blood every night. The serum had stopped regressing just as he had hoped. He was a 60 year old man in a 30 year old body. Yet, his spirit felt even older. The emptiness was felt in his heart and he knew only she could fill it.

09-14-2015, 12:14 PM
Eleanor had gone with her Mom to help clean out her sister's apartment. It was a silent time for the most part, just the two of them working, cleaning and boxing away her sister's things. Every now and then one of them would hold something out that would either bring out a laugh, or a soft sob from the other.

After working the entire morning, they broke for lunch, and Eleanor had spoken up, saying that she would go get lunch for the two of them if her Mom wanted to keep working. The truth was, she needed to go alone. There was something she had to see.

After stopping at a local sandwich shop, Eleanor placed the sandwiches in the car and drove over to the pharmacy, hurrying inside. Over and over, she had played this out in her head the last few days, but now it was actually happening. She walked slowly down the aisle, and reached a shaking hand out towards the pregnancy tests. Picking one up, she steadied herself as best she could, and went to the register and paid. Tucking the box away in her purse, her fingers brushed against her phone. It had been weeks, and considering what she had just bought....

Taking a deep breath, Eleanor picked up her phone and began to type, and then sent the message to Frank.

I've been thinking about you.

09-14-2015, 02:35 PM
Frank was studying the clinical trials report that they had just performed using their new cold remedy. As expected, it was not any different than any over-the-counter remedy being sold at the drugstore. Knowing his company, they would exploit it and tout it as the greatest find of the century when in fact it was nothing.

He had brought his lunch again today, a peanut butter sandwich, and a bottle of water when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

I've been thinking about you.

It was from Eleanor; the first he had heard from her in weeks. His heart raced and his fingers trembled as he typed in a response.

Me too, and I've missed you like crazy. Are you okay?

He hit the send button, hoping he would hear from her again. He really had missed her so much and the silence between them made him wonder if maybe their relationship had ended as quickly as it had started. It made his heart ache, not knowing if he would ever see her again. He bit into his sandwich and waited...hoping.

09-14-2015, 05:26 PM
Eleanor jumped slightly when she felt her phone vibrate and she smiled when she saw it was from Frank. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. Should she tell him? Her hands shook slightly as she looked at the pregnancy test beside her, then closed her eyes as she leaned back in the car.

I'm coming home tonight

Well, she would be. Once she bought her ticket and told her Mom. She had to. It had been too long she had been away from him. She needed to be there. She needed him.

She pulled in and climbed out of her car, then headed to her sisters apartment. Opening the door, she stepped in and smiled a bit. "Hey mom, I think...I think I'm going to head back tonight. It's about time I think," she murmured, handing her the sandwich. She knew it'd be hard, but she needed to.

09-15-2015, 11:08 AM
Frank stared at the dark screen his phone, waiting for it to light up. When it did his heart jumped.

I'm coming home tonight

He felt a wave of happiness fill him and he quickly gathered his things together. He had so much to do to get things ready for her. He was excited and he went to his boss and told him he had to leave, feigning a stomach virus. He jumped in his car and drove home, the smile on his face was evident. He tidied up the house and then took his phone in hand, typing carefully another message to Eleanor.

What time do you come in? Want me to pick you up?

09-15-2015, 11:18 AM
With the ticket bought, Eleanor was set to fly out at 7:00, putting her into Chicago around 9:45. She drove her Mom back to her house, and then packed her bags. It was a difficult goodbye, but she promised to come back in a few weeks to help her finish cleaning her sister's apartment and getting everything together. I just have to go back for a while Mom, it's been almost a month, I can't stay away forever.

Eleanor's heart pounded as the plane landed in O'Hare International, and she stepped into the terminal, glancing around, her stomach knotting as she looked for Frank. He would be here- right? It had been nearly a month though, she would understand if he didn't come...

09-15-2015, 05:59 PM
Frank's eyes scanned the crowd around the baggage claims area. His stomach was in knots in anticipation of his reunion with Eleanor. It had not been that long but it seemed as if it was forever. He had missed her beyond comprehension and wasn't even sure if she would come back.

He watched one by one as the travelers rode down the escalator, their faces only focused on getting to their destinations. Then he saw her, still as beautiful as ever. Their eyes met and he saw the yearning in hers that surely matched his own.

As she stepped off, he was there waiting with open arms. He swept her off her feet and with tears in his own eyes he kissed her again and again. "Ellie, I'm glad you came back to me," he sobbed. "I didn't know if I would ever see you again. Baby, no matter what, I love you and I always will love you."

09-16-2015, 02:04 AM
Eleanor smiled wearily when she saw Frank, and eagerly accepted his kisses, returning them gently and holding herself close to him. For a long time, she didn't speak- honestly, she wasn't sure what to say. It had been so long, and so much had happened...

Slowly she let go of him, her eyes meeting his as she smiled again. She felt worn, tired, thin. But being in Frank's arms made her feel lighter, happier. It was a feeling she had missed. Reaching down, she took his hand in hers and squeezed gently. "I missed you," she murmured quietly.

The two walked over to the baggage claim, and Eleanor leaned against Frank as she waited for her bags. It felt good just to have him hold her, and she hoped secretly that he wouldn't go to work tomorrow. She wanted to spend the day with him, she wanted to talk. She needed to talk.

09-16-2015, 06:13 PM
The ride home was quiet. Eleanor looked too tired for conversation but Frank held her hand for the entire trip. When they got home he unloaded her bags and carried them to the door. She went in first and he set them down. "Ellie, you want something to drink? You look so tired. Maybe we should just go to bed. I've already put in for a vacation day tomorrow so we can just spend the whole day together."

He knew he couldn't work tomorrow for sure. It had been too long since they had been together and he wanted to know so many things about her trip. Although they were together he could still see a sadness or a worried look in her eye. Frank wanted to try his best to make her happy again, just like she was before she had left.

He led her by the hand to the bedroom, helping her take her shoes off, and then covered her with the blanket while she laid in bed. She was still beautiful, with almost a glow about her that he hadn't seen before. "Sleep now, my darling. We have all day to talk tomorrow." He slipped out of his clothes and wearing only his boxers climbed in bed besdie her and held her head against his chest. "I love you," he mumured, but saw she was already fast asleep.

09-17-2015, 11:48 AM
Eleanor smiled softly as Frank helped her into bed- not even caring that she still wore her clothes. She was happy to be back. Somewhere warm, safe and familiar, and with the man she loved. Her eyes closed almost immediately, and she snuggled up to Frank and quickly fell to sleep.

The next morning was cool and rainy, and the sound of the steady raindrops on the roof woke Eleanor. Her eyes blinked open several times and she glanced around, for a moment not remembering where she was. But soon she felt Frank's familiar form, his arms around her, and she smiled, reaching up and gently tracing his jaw with her finger.

"I love you," she whispered quietly, almost inaudibly. She wasn't sure if she should say it. Eleanor knew she felt it, especially now. Frank was the best thing that had happened to her. Leaning up a little, she moved across the bed and kissed his lips gently. "I love you," she whispered against his lips. Today. Today she would tell him.

09-17-2015, 06:21 PM
Frank felt like he was dreaming. It was like the voice of an angel whispering to him I love you. It was the words he had missed so much. He opened his eyes as he felt her fingers touching his face and heard it again. I love you. Then he realized it wasn't a dream at all. he felt a tear in the corner of his eye,; a tear that came from the happiness he felt in his heart, one that was so empty only hours ago.

He rolled to his side and faced her. "Ellie, those words mean so much to me and I love you back, a thousand times over. I missed you so much." He held her close to him and kissed her softly. She was his world and he was so afraid his world would be gone. "Are you hungry?" he asked. "Or do you want to stay like this for a while?" He hugged her to him and softly kissed her forehead.

09-18-2015, 11:58 AM
Eleanor smiled softly as Frank opened his eyes and kissed her, and she eagerly snuggled up against him, closing her eyes and resting near him. He was warm, safe, and comforting. Slowly, she shook her head, taking in a deep breath. "No, no, let's just stay like this for right now..." she whispered, her hand slowly rubbing his side.

They lay together in a comfortable silence for quite some time before Eleanor spoke up. "Frank?" she murmured, her hand now stopped on his side, her head on his chest, staring at the wall. "I..." she began, feeling her heart pound in his chest. "A lot happened while I was gone," Eleanor finally whispered, her fingers slowly beginning to trail up and down his side again. "And most of it was concerning my family, but..." Eleanor took in a deep breath, having tossed the words around in her head for the last few days. "I'm...." she began, hesitating a moment. "I'm pregnant."

09-18-2015, 04:35 PM
Frank laid still, happy that she wanted just to be together like this.His mind floated in and out of sleep, feeling her hands touching him and feeling the excitement filling him. He had missed her touch so much and he felt so happy.


Those words made his eyes open quickly. He sat up slightly in the bed. "Are you teasing me," he asked. "How did that..." His voice trailed off. Of course he knew how. But they had only made love a few times. He was far too old to raise a child, he thought. He would be almost 80 when it graduated from school.

But he wasn't old. He had the looks and health of a 30 year old man. Realizing this he smiled. He had always wanted children and this wonderful woman was now going to give him what he wanted. He began to smile. "Oh Ellie, that is wonderful. It is the best gift you could have ever given me. And we will raise it to be the best child in the world. Ellie, I love you so much."

He lifted her face and kissed her softly, rubbing her belly softly with his hand. Tears streamed down his cheek. Tears of joy. He wanted to be with this woman forever and to love a child as much as he loved her.

- - - Updated - - -

Frank laid still, happy that she wanted just to be together like this.His mind floated in and out of sleep, feeling her hands touching him and feeling the excitement filling him. He had missed her touch so much and he felt so happy.


Those words made his eyes open quickly. He sat up slightly in the bed. "Are you teasing me," he asked. "How did that..." His voice trailed off. Of course he knew how. But they had only made love a few times. He was far too old to raise a child, he thought. He would be almost 80 when it graduated from school.

But he wasn't old. He had the looks and health of a 30 year old man. Realizing this he smiled. He had always wanted children and this wonderful woman was now going to give him what he wanted. He began to smile. "Oh Ellie, that is wonderful. It is the best gift you could have ever given me. And we will raise it to be the best child in the world. Ellie, I love you so much."

He lifted her face and kissed her softly, rubbing her belly softly with his hand. Tears streamed down his cheek. Tears of joy. He wanted to be with this woman forever and to love a child as much as he loved her.

09-21-2015, 03:33 AM
Eleanor jumped slightly when Frank immediately sat up, and she looked at him, her eyes widening with a little uncertainty.Maybe he isn't happy. Maybe he doesn't want it.... But when he lifted her face and kissed her, she knew he was happy. Relief washed over her as she kissed him back and smiled, her throat thickening with emotion.

"I'm glad..." she began between kisses, "I'm glad that you are happy." Eleanor said, looking at Frank with a small smile. "I was afraid you'd be mad, or...or you wouldn't want me anymore..." Her eyes scanned his face and she gently pushed some hair back from his face, then leaned her forehead against his. She had so much to tell him. He might still be mad.

Slowly, Eleanor leaned back and looked at him, her eyes scanning his. "I..." she began, taking in a deep breath. "My job, they...they couldn't keep me. Not for as long as I was gone...even before I ever started..." Her eyes scanned his, unsure if he understood what she meant. "I...I'll have to find another job, or I won't be able to stay at my place...and if I can't stay at my place, I'll....I'll have to move home..." She shrugged a little, feeling tears well in her eyes. "I don't know what to do. What if I have nowhere to go?"

09-21-2015, 12:07 PM
Frank looked at her in surprise. "Of course I'm not mad at you, Ellie. I've always wanted a child; a family. I thought those dreams would never happen and then you came along and give me all of my dreams. A family...you and I and a new baby. I feel like the luckiest man in the world." He kissed her again and then listened as she told him about losing her job.

He brushed the hair from her face and held her cheeks in his hand, looking deeply into her eyes. "Honey, you don't have a thing to worry about. If you would have me you can move in my house with me and I can take care of you...and our baby. And if you want to work there's no pressure for you to jump into a job you don't want. We can move your furniture here. Some of this is pretty old and we could have a giant yard sale to sell what we don't have room for. At least think about it." he kissed her and held her close to him. "I couldn't manage having you to leave again, Ellie."

09-21-2015, 12:15 PM
Eleanor looked up at Frank as he cupped her cheek, a few stray tears sliding down her face. She couldn't believe what he was telling her. Did he really mean that she could move in with him? That he would take care of her? It almost seemed too good to be true.

Slowly she leaned forward and kissed him gently, then rested her forehead against his, nodding slightly. "I would love that," she whispered, then pulled her arms around him and hugged herself close. Eleanor's mind was running a thousand miles an hour. There was so much to be done. But now that she wasn't working, she could work on moving in with Frank. She had the baby to start worrying about- doctor appointments and such would have to be set up.

Her brow furrowed slightly, and she looked at him, her eyes scanning his. "Are you sure, Frank?" she asked. "I don't want to be a burden...."

09-21-2015, 04:50 PM
Frank smiled at her. "Of course I'm sure, Ellie. And don't ever think of yourself as being a burden. You are the mother of our child and it would be my pleasure. Remember, I had even asked you earlier, before you left." Frenk pulled her tight against him and kissed her softly on the lips. He loved her so much and would do anything for her.

He lifted her chin and smiled as he looked into her eyes. "And if you think it's wrong to live with me we can run off and get married tonight. Ellie, I want you to be a part of my life forever...both of you."

09-21-2015, 05:35 PM
Eleanor smiled even more when Frank mentioned getting married. "R-really?" She said, looking up at him. "You'd want to go get married? Now?" Her heart pounded in her chest and she smiled even more. Immediately she leaned forward and kissed him several times.

"Yes. Yes. I want to marry you. I want to marry you today. I want to be yours Frank, I want to be all yours."

09-21-2015, 06:23 PM
Frank felt his heart melt as the look of happiness on her face matched the one on his. Yes, he wanted to marry her. Yes, he wanted to be with her forever. And she said yes, to his proposal. It had to be the happiest moment of his life.

"I...the ring will have to wait, baby. But let's fly to Vegas tonight. I've got enough money salted away for everything. It can be a wedding and honeymood all rolled into one. No need to unpack your bags. Just let me throw a few things together and we can be off." He held her tight in his arms and then kissed her passionately. "I want you, Eleanor. Forever."

09-21-2015, 07:52 PM
Eleanor laughed softly and kissed Frank back, hugging tightly once their kiss ended. "Really? We don't have to do anything flashy..." She said, looking at Frank. "We can stay here and go to the justice of the peace. It's all the same to me. As long as at the end of the day, I'm yours."

It was probably one of the more irrational things Eleanor had ever considered, let alone agreed to. But she needed Frank. She loved Frank. Eleanor had no idea how she was going to explain it to her Mom, or to her friends, or even to herself.

Suddenly, her eyes widened and she shook her head, laughing a bit. "Wait, wait. We don't have to go to Vegas," she smiled, taking Frank's hands in her own. "My parents, they have a little cabin on the beach in Georgia. It isn't much, but it has a beautiful private cove. We...we could go there. There won't be anyone there. And it's a small town, but it has a City Hall that would marry us. We could even be married on the beach if we wanted, and then stay there for a few days..."

09-22-2015, 01:41 PM
Frank smiled and kissed her. "That would be great, sweetheart. And it would give me a chance to meet your Mom, too." Frank wondered if maybe the thought of her daughter marrying so soon after the loss of her husband would bother her. But it was a chance he was willing to take. He loved Eleanor with every ounce of his being and, no matter what she wanted, he would give it to her.

"I'll go pack a bag for me and we can catch a flight tonight so we can be waiting at the justice of the peace office when they open up in the morning." He was excited about everything..her return....the baby...the trip...mostly having her a part of his life forever. He started to walk away, then turned and swept her up in his arms, kissing her over and over again. "I love you, Ellie."

09-23-2015, 01:53 AM
Eleanor smiled and kissed Frank back. "Well, my mom won't be there, she's still in Dallas," she explained. "My parents just own the house. Sort of a...vacation home I guess." Eleanor continued, "we won't be bothered, she won't be there. Besides, we can wait and you can meet her once things settle down a bit, okay?" she smiled.

When Frank swept her up into his arms and kissed her, Eleanor let out a happy laugh and pulled her arms around his neck, holding herself close to him. "I'm happy," she laughed, gently running her fingers through his hair. "I'm really, really happy." Closing her eyes, Eleanor rested her forehead against Frank's, content to be close to him. "Oh, wait, let me run over to my place, I can grab a few more things- like a swimsuit for one," she grinned, squirming gently out of his arms. "Meet me over there in about 30 minutes?"

09-24-2015, 11:38 AM
Frank watched as she hurried out the door to her house and he quickly packed a bag with the essentails. Since she mentioned a swimsuit he figured he had better pack one himself. Just before he went out the door he stopped to check his blood, just to be safe. He pricked his finger and slowly slid the droplet of blood onto the glass slide, and then placed it under the microscope.

The cells looked normal for a 30 year old man and he couldn't detect any abnormalities. He put it away and walked to the door, then remembered his birth certificate. He dug it out of his desk, knowing he would need that for a marriage license. He loaded his bags into the trunk of the car and then hurried across the street to Eleanor's house, excited that they would soon be husband and wife.

09-24-2015, 11:42 AM
Eleanor smiled and unlocked her front door, her heart pounding in her chest. She quickly dumped out the clothes that had been in her bag, and scrambled to pack new things. A swimsuit, some pajamas, a couple pairs of shorts, some tank tops. Feeling her cheeks flush, she took out a pale blue lace dress and held it up to herself. "Perhaps I'll wear this tomorrow..." she murmured to herself, thinking that she didn't need a wedding gown to marry Frank. This would be perfect.

She heard the front door and smiled, "hey, I'm just about ready," she called from her bedroom, gathering up her toiletries and makeup bag. She dug around her file cabinet beside her desk and pulled out some paperwork as well, excited that tomorrow they would be married. She pushed the bag closed and zipped it up, then stepped out in the living room to meet Frank. "Shall we, my love?"

09-24-2015, 05:24 PM
Frank smiled and grabbed her bag. "I'm ready so let's go." He placed her bag in the trunk and they drove to O'Hare. It was a flight to Atlanta and then a 5 hour drive to the coast. But it didn't matter as long as they were together.

As the plane lifted off Frank squeezed her hand gently. "Ellie, I was so afraid I had lost you. My life was miserable. Please don't ever leave me." He pulled her head against his shoulder as the plane leveled out. His thoughts were on the wedding ceremony in the morning. He knew they would be tired but they had plenty of time to catch up on sleep...and other things, too. The serum seemed to have a big effect on his testosterone levels as well as many other changes. He wanted her so badly.

09-25-2015, 01:20 AM
Eleanor smiled and leaned her head against Frank's shoulder, closing her eyes for a brief moment. "I love you," she whispered softly, her eyes opening and turning upward to him. A smile lit up her face and she leaned up, then pressed her lips to his gently. She chuckled slightly and leaned her head on his shoulder again, closing her eyes. Her hand went to his and gently pushed her fingers between his.

The flight went surprisingly quick, and Eleanor leaned up as the plane began its descent into Atlanta. She smiled sleepily at Frank and nuzzled against him. "You ready?" She said with a smile. "The airport here is huge, we can just take the train out to the rental car area." Her eyes met his and she kissed him again. "I love you Frank, and I can't wait to be yours."

09-25-2015, 07:32 PM
They walked to baggage claim hand in hand and took the shuttle to the rental car area. Once they were loaded Frank leaned in and kissed Eleanor. "If you need to sleep, sweetheart, you go right ahead. I feel wide awake and if I get tired we can stop for a coffee."

He did feel awake and excited. In less than 12 hours they would be husband and wife. Tonight they would sleep but tomorrow night he wanted to make love to her as his wife for the very first time. He wheeled the car onto the highway and headed southeast toward the vacation cottage.

09-28-2015, 11:31 AM
Eleanor's heart pounded in her chest as they carried their luggage and placed it in the rental car. Were they moving too fast? Should they really be getting married? What if the pregnancy test was a false positive? Was that the only reason they were getting married? Shaking the doubts from her mind, Eleanor leaned up and kissed Frank back, hugging close before climbing into the car.

She went silent as he began to drive, and despite being tired, she willed herself to stay awake, not wanting him to get drowsy as he drove. Eleanor shifted and reached over, taking Frank's hand and squeezing it gently. "We aren't rushing things, right?" she asked, looking over at him in the car, her eyes scanning his face. "I just....I don't want us to rush something this big, this important...."

09-28-2015, 11:58 AM
Frank glanced at her and smiled. "Ellie, since we first met I knew there was something different about you; something that said I wanted you as a part of my life forever. I don't think we're rushing things at all. I think this was meant to be and I couldn't be happier."

He punched in the location on the GPS. "It's about a 4 hour drive. We take I-75 to Macon and then I-16 brings us right into Savannah. We should get to the cabin around midnight. Now try to get some rest. I am sure you have jet lag." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.

09-28-2015, 12:03 PM
Eleanor turned to look at him, her eyes scanning his face in the near darkness of the car. She smiled and nodded as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. He had a way of calming her down, of making her not feel as nervous and needy. Eleanor liked that about Frank. "I love you," she murmured, gently squeezing his hand back.

"It's okay, I want to stay up. I don't want you getting tired. I'll manage," Eleanor smiled, then shifted and leaned her head on Frank's shoulder. The drive seemed to go by quickly, and time clicked on as they moved down the highway. Eleanor told Frank about her time at home with her Mom, what all they had done. It was hard, and she hurt to know that Frank would never know her Dad or her sister, but it was too late for that now. Now, she had to hold on to him with everything she had. She wasn't ready to lose anyone else. She wanted Frank for good.

09-28-2015, 12:11 PM
Navigating through Savannah late at night was no problem and the traffic was light. He took the little side road that led to the cabin on the beach and stopped the car. "Here we are, sweetheart. You go ahead in and get settled and I'll floow with the bags."

It was a beautiful night and the sea breeze blew softly as Frank grabbed the bags from the trunk and carried them to the open door. The cabin was beautiful and would be a perfect place for a honeymoon. He set the bags down and took Eleanor in his arms. :I love you, Ellie, and I will always love you, no matter what may come our way."

09-28-2015, 12:26 PM
Eleanor smiled and climbed out of the car, then moved to the beach house, rummaging through her keys until she found it. Putting it in the lock, she turned it and opened the door. The house was small, two bedrooms, one bath, a kitchen and a living room. But the real treasure was the deck that led off the master bedroom. It was massive and stood overlooking the water, even equipped with a hammock.

Feeling Frank pull her close, Eleanor smiled and gently kissed him back, hugging tightly to him. "I love you too," she whispered, then rested her head against his chest, taking in a deep breath. She was exhausted. So much had happened in the past 24 hours, she wasn't even sure she was thinking straight. "Come on love, let's go to bed, we've got a big day ahead of us," she grinned, then led Frank by the hand, to their bedroom.

09-28-2015, 12:26 PM
Eleanor smiled and climbed out of the car, then moved to the beach house, rummaging through her keys until she found it. Putting it in the lock, she turned it and opened the door. The house was small, two bedrooms, one bath, a kitchen and a living room. But the real treasure was the deck that led off the master bedroom. It was massive and stood overlooking the water, even equipped with a hammock.

Feeling Frank pull her close, Eleanor smiled and gently kissed him back, hugging tightly to him. "I love you too," she whispered, then rested her head against his chest, taking in a deep breath. She was exhausted. So much had happened in the past 24 hours, she wasn't even sure she was thinking straight. "Come on love, let's go to bed, we've got a big day ahead of us," she grinned, then led Frank by the hand, to their bedroom.

09-28-2015, 03:34 PM
Frank followed her to the bedroom and began to undress, unbuttoning his shirt and then slipping his pants off. He was tired, too, after the long drive. but was pleasantly surprised at the reaction he was having as he watched Eleanor undress. 'No,' he thought. Not tonight. Tomorrow night would be special.

He pulled the covers back and jumped between the sheets, covering himself and hoping she hadn't noticed. "Let's go to sleep baby. You've got to be exhausted."

09-28-2015, 05:34 PM
Eleanor quickly undressed and pulled on a pair of pajama shorts and a tshirt. She loosened her hair from her ponytail and smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed as she looked up at Frank. "I love you," she whispered softly. Her legs kicked under the sheets and she settled in, her eyes closing quickly.

The sound of the waves quickly lulled Eleanor to sleep, and she rested up against Frank, her body pressed against his. She was comfortable, safe and secure. They all were. Frank, Eleanor and their baby.

09-29-2015, 04:33 PM
Feeling the warmth of Eleanor in his arms and knowing the comfort that they would be together always made Frank fall asleep quickly. He dreamed a happy dream of he and Eleanor and the baby being together until suddenly he appeared old and gray. He woke up, his heart racing and his hands trembling. Just a nightmare, he thought, yet as much as he tried he couldn't fall back to sleep.

Somewhere before morning he managed to nod off again and then was awakened by the sun on his face as it glistened off the ocean. Trying to forget the dream, he snuggled close to Eleanor and whispered, "Time to wake up, sweetheart. We don't want to miss our own wedding, do we?"

09-30-2015, 10:47 AM
Eleanor was exhausted, and didn't notice that Frank had woke in the middle of the night. Instead, she remained snuggled against him, breathing rhythmically, exhausted from the last 24 hours. Honestly, she slept better when she was next to him, and for the first time, she felt like she was actually getting sleep.

Hearing Frank's voice, Eleanor's eyes slowly opened and she stretched, her toes curling as she did. "Hmm?" She murmured, yawning before she rested her head on Frank's chest. A small smile crept over her face as he mentioned their wedding, and she rubbed his side before pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "I want to marry you today."

09-30-2015, 05:30 PM
"Well, what are we waiting for." Frank bent over and kissed her. He was so happy as today would be their wedding day. he slipped out of bed and got dressed, then went back to Eleanor. "I'm sorry this sin't a big, fancy wedding, Ellie. I hope I look okay. Now, you better get dressed so we can get the license and get to the clerk before lunch.

He reached out his hand for her and helped her from the bed. When she stood he pulled her into his arms and, smiling, he kissed her. "I love you, Ellie. For ever and ever."

10-01-2015, 11:42 AM
Eleanor laughed and stood, stretching slightly before Frank pulled her against him and kissed her. She pulled her arms around his neck and kissed him back several times. "I love you, and I cannot wait to become your wife," she smiled. It all seemed almost too good to be true, and Eleanor felt happier than she had in a long time.

Going to her bag, Eleanor picked out the dress that she had packed. Carefully dressing, Eleanor smoothed down the front of the dress and looked in the mirror. She was surprised at the girl who smiled back at her in the mirror. She looked happy, healthy. "How would you like my hair?" She asked Frank, wanting to look perfect for him.

10-01-2015, 06:02 PM
Frank smiled and took her in his arms. "Any way you want to fix it, sweetheart. I'm marrying you, not just your hair." He kissed her and looked at her."Ellie, you are breathtaking. You'll be the prettiest bride that ever got married in this courthouse."

She finished dressing and they headed to the clerk's office for the license. He held her hand as they climbed the steps. Once inside they went into the office where an older woman was at the counter. "May I help you," she asked.

Frank spoke porudly, "Yes, we would like to get a marriage license and was hoping that there would be a judge available to marry us afterwards."

She eyed the two of them. "Do you have your birth ceritificates?"

Frank handed her his, as did Eleanor. "The woman looked at hers and than at Franks, eyeing him carefully. "This says you were born in 1955. That can't be right. You'd be 60 years old."

Frank looked at Eleanor, then back at the woman. "I am 60 years old. I just work out a lot." The woman shook her head and filled out the license. "That will be fifty dollars. Sit outside and I'll call the judge."

Frank paid the woman and they both laughed out loud once they had left her office. He squeezed her hand. "I wasn't lying..at least not about my age."

10-02-2015, 11:26 AM
Eleanor couldn't help but feel herself tense up when the clerk questioned Frank on his age. She shifted nervously for a moment before letting out a sigh of relief, sitting down next to Frank. "I was afraid she wouldn't give it to us," Eleanor confided in Frank.

She rested against him until a door opened and an older gentleman stepped out, "are you the couple wanting to get married?" he questioned. Eleanor leaned up and smiled, "yes, yes we are." He smiled warmly and motioned for them to follow, "through here please."

Down the hall and through a door, they were standing inside an empty courtroom. The receptionist was buzzed, as well as the clerk to be witnesses. Eleanor smiled, holding Frank's hand tightly as the judge began to perform the cermony. Soon, she would be his forever.

10-02-2015, 01:25 PM
Frank and Eleanor stood side by side as the judge began to speak.

"Today we are here to join you in marriage and to share in the joy of this occasion, which should be one of the most memorable and happy days of your life.

On this day of your marriage, you stand somewhat apart from all other human beings. You stand within the charmed circle of your love; and this is as it should be. But love is not meant to be the possession of two people alone. Rather it would serve as a source of common energy, as a form in which you find strength to live your lives with courage. From this day onward you must come closer together than ever before, you must love one another in sickness and in health, for better and for worse, but at the same time your love should give you the strength to stand apart, to seek out your unique destinies, to make your special contribution to the world which is always part of us and more than us.

Being assured that you are aware of the meaning of this ceremony, I will now ask you to repeat the marriage vows.

Do you, Frank, take this woman, Eleanor, to be your lawful wedded wife, to love, honor and cherish her through sickness and in health, through times of happiness and travail, until death do you part?"

Frank looked deeply into Eleanor's eyes as he smiled, a small tear in the corner of his eye. "I do." The judge continued.

Do you, Eleanor, take this man, Frank, to be your lawful wedded husband, to love, honor and cherish her through sickness and in health, through times of happiness and travail, until death do you part?

Eleanor looked at Frank and with tears in her eyes said, "I do."

"Now, please join hands."

By the act of joining hands you take to yourself the relation of husband and wife and solemnly promise to love, honor, comfort, and cherish each other so long as you both shall live. Therefore, in accordance with the law of the state of Georgia and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the State of Georgia I do pronounce you husband and wife.”

You came to me as two single people and you will now leave as a married couple, united to each other by the binding contract you have just entered. Your cares, your worries, your pleasures and your joys, you must share with each other. The best of good fortune to both of you.”

"You may kiss your bride."

10-04-2015, 08:46 PM
Eleanor held Frank's hands tightly as the judge performed the ceremony. Without hesitation, Eleanor promised to be Frank's wife, and listened with misty eeyes as he promised to be her husband. It was, by far, one of the best days of her life, and it had just begun.

With a wide smile, Eleanor leaned forward and gently pressed her lips to Frank's, kissing him for the first time as his wife. She pulled back slowly, but let her lips remain near his as she whispered, "I'm finally yours, forever..." She let out a happy, bell-like laugh and kissed him again, pulling her arms around him and hugging tightly.

The judge smiled, and the witnesses signed the certificate and then handed it to Frank. "Congratulations, you two," he beamed. "And the best of luck on your marriage."

Eleanor pulled her arm around Frank as they headed out, and leaned her head against his shoulder. "What shall we do now, husband?"

10-05-2015, 11:57 AM
Frank was nearly overwhelmed with emotion as they left the courthouse. "Well, Mrs. Williams. Maybe we could have a picnic lunch on the beach, maybe take a walk in the sand. Or, we could go back to the cottage and...." He blushed at his thoughts and leaned down and kissed her.

He was hers now and she was his. Their life together was just starting and soon there would be an addition to their new family. He opened her door and helped her into the car and then got in and started it up. "Unless you have other plans, baby." His smile beamed at her and his eyes twinkled. It had to have been the happiest day of his life.

10-05-2015, 12:37 PM
Eleanor smiled, feeling her cheeks warm at his words. Gently, she kissed him back, laughing softly. "We don't have to worry about getting started on a family," she teased, pulling his hands to her stomach. "We've already got one..." Pulling her arms around him, Eleanor hugged Frank tightly, laughing with happiness.

"How about we get some breakfast, or..brunch." She suggested, looking at Frank. "And...what would you think of going shopping? For rings? I want the world to know you are mine..."

10-05-2015, 12:59 PM
In the excitement of the morning, Frank had forgotten they hadn't eaten breakfast. And the ring...he had forgotten all about that, too. He wondered if maybe his mind hadn't caught up with his body but brushed it off as just the excitement of the day. "Breakfast sounds fantastic, Ellie."

They stopped at a local cafe and sat down beside each other. Looking through the menu, Frank laughed. "I hope you're ready for a Southern breakfast. Grits, liver mush, country ham....that stuff sounds interesting." The waitress came and Frank ordered two coffees. He squeezed Eleanor's hand and looked into her eyes. "I love you, Eleanor...for ever and ever."

10-05-2015, 03:01 PM
Eleanor smiled as they walked into the diner, and she scooted into the booth beside Frank, chuckling at his breakfast suggestion. "I don't know how adventurous I- well, we feel." She laughed, placing her hand on her stomach. "But coffee is good. I always like pancakes, and waffles." She grinned.

She shifted in the booth and rested against him, a seemingly permanent smile on her face. "We have so much before us," she smiled, looking up at Frank. "Moving, a baby..." Her eyes sparkled as she looked at him, eager and happy. "But for now, it's just us. I can work on moving when we get back, maybe finding a job...but for now, all my energy, all my focus is on you."

10-05-2015, 05:23 PM
Frank held her chin gently in his had. "Honey, don't worry about moving. I'll take care of all that. And as for a job, you can take your time to find whatever job you want. I can take care of all of us...our baby included. But I know you don't want to just sit around, at least until the baby gets here. Just know that there is no hurry to jump into something you don't want."

The waitress returned with their coffee and Frank ordered her waffles, the ordered a western omelet with home fries for himself. They talked and laughed about nothing in particular. Real life could wait. This week it was nothing but the two of them. That's all that mattered. And, of course, the baby, although he was sure it wouldn't mind if he and Eleanor began their lives together.

10-06-2015, 03:00 AM
Eleanor looked up at Frank, her eyes scanning his as he held her chin. She smiled and pressed her lips to his and pulled away slowly, brushing back some hair from his forehead. "I love you," she whispered before shifting as the waitress brought out their food.

She ate until she could eat no much, chuckling and joking with Frank that she was eating 'for two'. As they finished up and paid the bill, Eleanor took Frank's hand and squeezed it gently as they stepped out of the diner. "What should we do now?" she asked softly, pressing a kiss to his shoulder through his shirt. "I'm all yours..."

10-06-2015, 07:44 PM
Frank smiled. "Next stop is the jewelry store, my love." He took her hand and they walked down the sidewalk that was lined with shops of every kind. An herbalist shop, a book store, a drug store, and even a comic book shop. The smell of the bakery was inviting, even on a full stomach. Finally they reached the jewelry store.

Frank looke at Eleanor and then kissed her. "Before we go in I have one question." He looked seriously into her eyes. "Yellow gold or white gold." He laughed. "Do you want a white gold set or a yellow gold. if we narrow it down that much the rest will be easy."

10-07-2015, 11:37 AM
Eleanor looked up at Frank as he stopped her near the jewelry store, and she furrowed her brow. Suddenly, she let out a soft laugh, shaking her head. She leaned up and kissed him, then hugged him tightly. "I think....I think I like white gold," she smiled, rubbing his arm gently.

The door jingled slightly as they stepped inside, and a young man came up to them. "Hello there, what can I help you with today?" Eleanor smiled and looked at Frank, and then the man. "We'd like to look at wedding sets, please."

10-07-2015, 04:42 PM
Frank spoke up. "We want it in white gold, two bands and a diamond engagement ring to match. Minimum one carat diamond, and the best you have." He looked at Eleanor and smiled. "Honey, you are worth every penny it costs."

The man returned with a box. He opened it.http://s7ondemand1.scene7.com/is/image/HelzbergDiamonds/1735940-s7?wid=165&hei=165&op_usm=1.1,.8,10,0&resmode=sharp3&op_contrast=5

Frank smiled and looked at Eleanor. "Well, baby. What you think? Do want to try it on to see how it looks?"

10-07-2015, 09:55 PM
Eleanor smiled, holding Frank's hand as he explained to the man what he was envisioning. She shifted slightly, unsure of what he would bring back. While he was gone, Eleanor looked up at Frank, her eyes scanning his. "It doesn't have to be anything big..." she whispered softly, kissing his shoulder again through his shirt.

But when the man returned with the box, Eleanor fell in love. She smiled, feeling her cheeks warm as she took the ring out of the box and slipped the rings on her finger. It fit perfectly. Eleanor's eyes turned upwards to Frank and she smiled. "I...I love it..." she whispered, looking at the rings again on her hand. It was perfect. It just...fit.

10-08-2015, 04:55 PM
She didn't have to say a word. Frank could see it in her eyes. "And I love you even more than this ring could say, Ellie." He looked at the clerk and said, "We'll take it." The man rung it up on the register and Frank handed him his credit card. The man smiled and looked at Frank.

"Just a formality, sir, but could I see an ID?" The man was polite but straight to the point.

Frank pulled his license out and handed it to the clerk. He studied it and then studied Frank's face. "This doesn't look like you. The picture makes you look so much older."

Frank felt the embarrassment flood him. "Uh, yeah. The picture doesn't do any justice. You know how those DMV pictures are. And I've been working out a lot, too."

The excuse seemed to work as the man swiped the credit card and handed it back to Frank. "I know what you mean. It actually made my wife look better." They laughed and headed to the car. Once inside, Frank slipped the two bands onto Eleanor's finger, then slipped his band on. "There, now there's only one thing left to make us fully legal." he grinned at Eleanor's puzzled face. "We need to go back and consumate our marriage."

10-11-2015, 08:17 PM
Eleanor smiled at Frank as he slipped the rings onto her hand, and she slipped his onto his hand. Leaning over, she kissed him gently several times, and then hugged him. "I'm glad I'm yours," she whispered, then furrowed her brow slightly. At his comment about consummating their marriage, she blushed and laughed slightly, kissing him again. "I suppose we have that to do, hmm?" she chuckled.

Taking Frank's hand, she leaned back in the seat as he took off, heading back towards the cabin. Her thumb brushed over the rings on her hand every now and then, smiling widely. It was perfect. And she had never been happier than she was today.

10-14-2015, 04:45 PM
Frank held Eleanor's hand as they walked to the car. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, then helped her intop the car and drove back to the cabin. He was so happy. She was his wife; his forever. It was a short drive back and he opened the door. "It's early, sweetheart. Let's take a walk on the beach. It's such a beautiful day."

They walked the short path to the beach and he pulled his shoes off, then helped her take hers off, leading her to the edge of the surf. They walked together, feeling the water wash over their feet and stopping evry few steps to kiss. "I love you, Ellie. And I love that little bambino in here, too." He rubbed her stomach and smiled. "Are you ready to head back to the cabin, my love?"

10-15-2015, 03:33 AM
As they walked along the beach, Eleanor held Frank's hand, leaning against him every now and then, and happily returning each of his kisses. She laughed softly as he rubbed her belly, then pulled her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I love you Frank, with all of my heart..." she pulled back slowly and looked at him, her cheeks warming.

"Race you back!" she squealed, taking off down the beach back towards the cabin, sand flying up behind them as they ran. Every now and then she glanced back, looking at Frank, squealing and laughing as he got closer and closer to her.

I love him. I love him.

10-15-2015, 05:02 PM
Frank could see her laughter as he got closer and closer, finally catching up with her and wrestling her to the gorund on top of him. They were both laughing so much and he kissed her. "I guess I win, baby. So, what is my prize?" He grinned. She was his prize and it was the best ever. He wanted her forever to be in his life...their life.

He stood up and helped her to her feet, then scooped her into his arms and carried her to the doorway. "It's proper for a husband to carry his new bride over the threshold, Ellie." He reached for the doorknob, almost dropping her, then quickly scooped her back up as they both laughed. Once inside he laid her down on the bed and stood in front of her, his eyes twinkling. "I love you, Ellie."

10-16-2015, 11:48 AM
Eleanor squealed and laughed as Frank wrestled her to the ground, but she happily leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips before throwing her arms around his neck as he carried her to the door. She couldn't help but grin as he nearly dropped her, but once he had laid her on the bed, she reached up, her hands on either side of his face, gently pushing back his hair. "I love you, Frank..."

The rest of the morning and into the afternoon was theirs. They made love countless times, taking breaks in between to talk, hold one another, and plan their future. Eleanor couldn't have been happier as she laid beside the man she loved, wrapped in his warmth and the strength of his arms. Nuzzling gently against him, Eleanor smiled, then kissed his jaw, still panting slightly. "I love you Frank," she whispered, pulling herself close. "Never let me go."

10-16-2015, 02:47 PM
Frank held her in his arms, laying her head on his chest, and they fell asleep, so much in love. He awoke and saw it was dark. Kissing her on the forehead he whispered, "Ellie, we almost slept through dinner and you worked me up quite an appetite. Let's drive to town and get some Georgia seafood. I heard the shrimp and grits are fantastic."

He slipped out of bed and pulled his pants on and went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the young man in front of him. The serum had worked and he was so glad. Otherwise he wouldn't have even had a chance with Eleanor or with the happiness he felt. He ran his hands through his hair and slipped his shirt on.

10-19-2015, 02:52 AM
Eleanor stirred slowly, her eyes blinking open several times before they adjusted to the darkness of the room. She smiled, pulling her arms around Frank for a brief moment before he climbed out of bed, watching him as he moved across the room. Finally, Eleanor sat up herself, pushing her hand through her hair before letting her hands rest on her legs, the fading sunlight glinting off her ring. She couldn't help but smile to herself. She was his.

Standing, Eleanor moved over to her suitcase and dug out a pair of shorts and a plain tshirt. She dressed quickly, pushing her fingers through her wavy hair several times before stepping into the doorway of the bathroom, smiling at Frank in the mirror. "My husband..." she whispered as she pulled her arms around him from behind. "I love you," she murmured, kissing his shoulder. "And I want to be with you forever."

10-19-2015, 08:10 PM
Frank grinned at her in the mirror. "Are you trying to get something started this morning, Mrs. Williams?" He turned to face her and kissed her. "I woke up this morning, thinking this was all just a dream. And then I saw you in bed beside me and I knew it was real. Ellie, I am yours and always will be yours, forever and ever."

He kissed her again. "Shall I go rustle up some breakfast. I sure could use a good cup of coffee. There's got to be some supplies around here." He walked out to the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets until he found some coffee. Measuring it out he started the pot and then went to the refrigerator. It was empty and he frowned. "Look like we go out for breakfast, baby. But we're going to stop at the store because tomorrow morning I will fix you breakfast in bed." He grinned at her and pulled her into his arms, feeling the soft curves of her body pressing against him. He kissed her and whispered into her ear, "I love you, Eleanor Williams."

10-19-2015, 10:47 PM
Eleanor laughed happily as Frank gently pulled her body to his, and she kissed him several times, pulling her arms around his neck. "And I am in love with you, Mr. Williams," she whispered against his lips before kissing him again. Letting her forehead rest against his for a brief moment, Eleanor took in a deep breath, her eyes closing for a moment until they opened and found Frank's.

"I would love breakfast in bed," she murmured, kissing him quickly and then stepping back out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed and placed her hand on her stomach, taking in a deep breath. They were a family. They were together. They were in love, and Frank would take care of her forever. Blinking back tears, Eleanor felt a few stray tears roll down her cheeks and she quickly brushed them away, hoping Frank didn't notice.

10-20-2015, 05:35 PM
Frank came out of the bathroom, buttoning his shirt, and saw Eleanor sitting on the bed with tears in his eyes. He panicked in his mind, just knowing she had changed her mind and now wishing they had never gotten married. He sat on the bed beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"What's wrong, baby? Did I do something or say something to upset you?" He held her close, rubbing her arm. His own heart felt heavy, seeing her in tears, and he felt his own eyes welling up. "Come on, sweetheart. Get dressed and let's go have some breakfast. It will make you feel better and we have to feed Baby, too."

10-21-2015, 12:30 PM
Eleanor smiled a bit and shook her head, pushing away the tears from her cheek. "No, no..." she laughed slightly, leaning against Frank as he held her. "I'm happy, I'm really happy," she murmured, then tilted her chin upwards and pressed a kiss to Frank's lips. "I have you. I have a family. I'm happy."

Smiling and straightening her shirt, she stood and looked at Frank. "You ready for some breakfast?" Eleanor asked, pushing some hair behind her ear with a smile. "I am hungry" and with a laugh she placed her hands on her stomach. "We both are..." Slowly, she moved to Frank, standing between his knees and gently lifted his face. "I love you," she murmured, then kissed him lovingly.

10-21-2015, 04:02 PM
Frank was relieved. It was the first time he had ever experienced thwe hormonal changes of a pregnant woman and he wasn't sure he would ever get used to it. "Breakfast it is, and know how much you like pancakes...let's go to IHOP."
He held her hand as they walked to the car and drove to the restaurant.

He looked over the menu and felt his stomach growling, realizing he was hungrier than he thought. "I think I'm going to have two strawberry pancakes with an order of bacon. And coffee, of course. How about you, sweetheart? What looks good to you?"