View Full Version : Capture or Release IC

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:03 PM
By Zitacamron95

Lucian sighed he ran his fingers along the walls. He was bored and wasn’t sure of where he was going. His twin blades were crossed and strapped onto his back. He hid in the dark, it was hard to see him when he was in the dark, being able to manipulate the shadows to go around him and make him unseen. He didn’t do anything but look around at the hall ways waiting for something to happen as he walked his way through. He never liked being apart of his father’s plans. He was the heir but didn’t want to be, he would rather watch the world burn. He knew that it would be soon when the vampires would hear the news of him running away. Lucian was planning this for a long time now it was time to actually put it into play. He sighed seeing the door was right in view, looking around to see if he was alone to walk out. He knew that everyone was too busy to notice him especially since he was going to use one of the doors that nobody really used. He smirked as the door started to get closer and closer. He was almost free, almost out of the area.

People would know that he had left after he was getting to his destination. Lucian knew there would be people going to find him and others just there to join him. He wasn’t sure where he was going to go but he was sure he was going to start by running away. He wanted to see if he could run away without being caught for a while, he was going to run and hopefully not get caught until he was far away. Lucian wondered if maybe he’d be able to get away from the life of luxury and into the life he wanted.

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:06 PM

...Fiacre was sitting outside enjoying the nice sunny day. He sighed a bit then jumped. A door a few feet away from him opened. ah the castle door. Oh there was Lucian too. Fiacre smiled at his old friend wondering what he was doing. He wondered if he should wait until Lucian came to him or maybe he should just go to him. Too late though, Fiacres feet were already moving. Taking each careful step over rocks towards his friend. He came by his side placing his hands behind his back. He stared at Lucian for a while smiling. Also wondering what he was thinking right now. He finally decided to ask him what he was doing.

"Hey Lucian. What brings you to the outside of the castle?"

He asked casually looking ahead dodging rocks and trees as they walked...

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:07 PM

Lucian looked over, he saw Fiacre but didn't say a thing. He waited a bit and realized that he wasn't going to get rid of him easily. "Go away." Lucian said quickly. He wasn't going to bring anyone into this with him, it was a dicision he made before even starting. He didn't want anyone else to get injured for what he was doing or blamed for helping. He wasn't going to explain it to him, why or even what he was doing. Lucian was going to be smart about this, he was going to do this the right way without bringing anyone into this. He thought that was going to be the simple part about this. He didn't take to the fact that he couldn't control other people's decisions on his own.

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:07 PM

Ok, I know I don't have a character description on the out of character forum, but I thought I would just jump right in since it seems we need a few words from the king. Here goes nothing:

Inside the dark damp castle walls, the throne room was filled with the kings angry voice, "Insolent fools!" The king snarled. "How can he be gone? What am I paying you for!" The guards watched as the king berated two of his most powerful generals. The king has recently lost his son for a reason he could not understand. "Who will be the heir to the throne now?" the king muttered to himself. "I must have a successor!" The two generals look to the floor in shame and speak, "My king, please forgive us, we will organize a search party immediately." The king rolls his eyes and signals them to leave with a slight flick of the wrist.

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:08 PM

Beneath the castle in the dungeons of the sewers, a ghost was at work. Lord Vladek Abendroth, the Court Primarch, surveyed a wide array of tools of retrieving information from an individual. Behind him, tied to a chair with steel cables, was another vampire, one of the Prince's servants, to be exact.

"Listen Lukas, as you know, I am not a patient man." Vladek said in his deep baritone voice as he drew a dark liquid from a vial into a syringe. "I know you swore to never betray your Prince, all the way to Judgment Day... I respect that." The Primarch turned and glared at the serf,

"So let us pretend that the Bells of Judgment Day are ringing and I am the one judging you. The choice you make here and now will decide damnation or salvation." The cold man with the fiery eyes finished, his mouth-full of fangs glistened with saliva in the dank light. Lukas, the serf, spat in Vladek's face.

"I piss on your grave, Vladek Abendroth!" The serf hissed. Vladek simply wiped the spittle from his cheek and drove the needle into Lukas' neck, injecting the dark liquid into his veins. The Prince's serf grew visibly frail and powerless.

"What...?" He was cut off by the powerful, black gloved punch of the Primarch.

"Silence, nave. That is Dead Man's Blood. Extremely poisonous to our kind. Not the subtle kind of poison either. It will start like a fever or the flu, then you will feel as if hot silver is coursing through your veins. Within an hour, you will beg me for death, and I will not provide it.... Unless you tell me where the Prince went." Vladek pulled his gloves on tighter, flexing his fists and cracking his neck. Lukas simply spat at the Primarch once more. Vladek sighed and landed another powerful punch right above the man's eye before returning to his spread of tools to retrieve a silver razor.


"Alright! Alright! I- I don't know! I swear to God!" Lukas whimpered, his face barely holding any resemblance of him, just a mass of cuts that went so deep that the skull was exposed at the bottom of most of the gashes.

"Swear to me!!" The torturer yelled in a deep, near demonic voice. Vladek had long since pulled teeth and nails, and was now cutting fingers.

"I give you my word! I don't know where he is going! Only that he wants to get away. Live his life how he wants!" That made Vladek stop in his tracks, the blade of a large meat cleaver about to cut off the first row of digits on Lukas' left hand.

"See? Was that so hard?" Vladek chided, putting his tools away. "You have done the right thing, Lukas."

"Then you will release me?" Lukas asked, begged. Vladek sighed, staying silent for a while as he put the rest of his tools away. Turning to face Lukas, Vladek pointed a silenced colt 45 at the man and pulled the trigger. The muffled bang echoed in the room as the silver slug buried itself in the serf's skull, killing the man and frying his brain beyond regeneration.

"Yes. I release you."

The thick steel door to the dungeon opened. The two guards turned and saluted the Primarch as he walked through. For a master soldier, the Primarch dressed well. Black silk dress shirt with a red silk tie, black lamb leather gloves, black egyptian cotton slacks, handmade Italian shoes, and a black silk blazer with a matching overcoat. Though the clothes looked more flashy than what a normal soldier would wear, every article of clothing was backed by a generous layer of kevlar.

"Lord Primarch. Are you finished with the prisoner?" One of the guards asked. Vladek nodded, his black hair slicked back.

"Yes. Dispose of the body"


Inside his office, Vladek Abendroth flipped through various files, all hot off of the press about the Prince's dissapearance. "Stupid boy..." Vladek muttered as he sipped fresh blood out of a fine crystal wine glass. Why the boy left was beyond him. The damned fool could have anything and anyone he wanted. What was the purpose of this ploy? Attention, no doubt. He wants to show how independant he is.

"Bah!" Vladek spat, "For the son of a mighty, wise king, you sure are a wool-headed simpleton, Master Lucien!" After reading over his files a few more times, his photographic memory taking note of things that showed certain importance, the Primarch mobile phone vibrated in his pocket. Whipping the device out, Vladek spoke.

"Who are you and how did you get this number? Oh, my apologies General. Yes. Yes, I do think the King is within his rights to blame you and furthermore, you have no right to question him.... Speak to me in that tone again, General, and I will have the eyes of your children for beads... Apology accepted, now stop blabbering and get to the point, you are a bigger waste of time than the Prince's serf... You want to me to speak to the King? That is highly irregular... Very well." Vladek hung up and placed the phone back in his pocket then strode out of the door to the King's Hall.


Entering the King's throne room, Vladek marched straight-backed and fiery eyed to the foot of the throne before bowing on one knee; knuckles against the cold tile and head down. The King and his family were the only people that Vladek submitted to, believing that he owes them a great debt for his gift.

"My Lord, I have heard the news. Lukas was useless; Master Lucien seemes to have trusted no one with the details of this childish plot of his. I swear by the blood in my veins, I will find him and return him to you."

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:08 PM

...Fiacre glowered at him angry, but knew he shouldn't be mad. Fiacre didn't answer Lucian's words. Which made him wince and sigh. Fiacre followed after Lucian, but slowly. Letting Lucian lead the way and go wherever he liked. Then Fiacre heard a bellow from the castle. The voice could be recognized by anyone in the kingdom, the king. Fiacre just smiled at Lucian's back knowing Lucian wouldn't see. Fiacre caught up with him so that he could hear his words.

"Well then, an adventure? . . . Sounds like great fun"

Fiacre laughed lightly he didn't know exactly what the king said. Since the castle walls blocked most of his voice. Obviously since the king was mad he talked too loudly and Fiacre understood that Lucian was missing. That was all he caught and guessed that Lucian was doing something he wasn't supposed to. Which was quite obvious indeed. Fiacre let Lucian take the lead again not waiting for a reply. Not sure he wanted one, he could tell Lucian was in a bad mood...

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:09 PM

Lucian just didn't even acknowledge Fiacre was even there. He could hear his father yelling, but he knew what he was doing. The darkness was something he knew how to bend to his will. He just thought he'd be able to get somewhere that will be far enough a way that will get him from anyone's view. He wasn't going to stay in the place he grew up any longer, it was time for him to just leave and live his own life. Lucian wasn't going to let them keep him there, he was going to fight back weather that means that he has to learn something new or die. He wasn't about to let his father get the best of him right when he just began his new life.

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:09 PM

"War, what significance is war to a king without an heir?" The king asks himself as he signs papers declaring war on many nations, showing no concern for victory or defeat. His advisors are as petty as the small bats that flutter near the rooftops. It is clear that the king is in disorder. After shooing all of his servants out of the throne room, the kings eyes light up as Lord Vladek emerges from the shadows. The king waits for Lord Vladek to speak, hoping to hear that his lost son has been returned.

"Very well Lord Vladeck, you are as decisive as you are lethal, but alas, your words have not braught me the happiness I have hoped for." You may stand Lord Vladeck, your efforts are noted and greatly appreciated. After hearing the words of Lord Vladek, the king retreats to his private chambers. "I trust Lord Vladek's words, but there must be a reason Lucien has decided to flee the kingdom. It will be a difficult task to find the truth." The king ponders to himself as he sits in his candle lit chamber. Peering outside of a rectangular window, the king watches as his worthless generals mount horses to search for the lost prince. "Those fools, an entire kingdom at my whim, and I am able to rely on only one, the loyal Lord Vladek. He has already pledged his life for the prince's return." As the king peers out of the window onto the dark moonlit terrain, the king devises a plan.

Writing vigorously on his desk, the king exhausts all options except for one, "Hm... it appears we cannot rely on our vampire senses alone to solve this mystery. We must utilize all of the kingdoms power." The king quickly summons Lord Vladek to explain his plan. While awaiting Lord Vladek's arrival, the king begins to design a schematic for a device that will search for the prince, but only one may command it, and that is the mighty Lord Vladek.

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:09 PM

Vladek remained bowed and bowed even deeper as he received some faint praise. When told to stand, the Primarch did so with the grace and lethality of a poisonous serpent. With his hands folded at the small of his back, Vladek stood straight and regal as he was told to do before the King, but not to stand so tall as to appear to be challenging.

"As always, my Lord, I am at your beck and call." Vladek said as the King retreated to his chambers. The Primarch remained, looking at that regal door with those predatory eyes. Being something of a ghost, Vladek never had the time or opportunity to find a woman and bear a successor. Even if he did, it would not be fair to either of them. Vladek couldn't possibly imagine the pain his King must feel. Betrayal and Heartache at the same time. The Lord Abendroth shook his head out of disappointment at the Prince.
It was my duty to watch over the boy, keep him safe and teach him when he was the proper age. Could this somehow be my doing? Am I causing the King this kind of pain? Vladek frowned in thought until the words of a serf snapped him back to the present.

"My Lord Primarch, the King requests an audience." The servant said, calm but reeking of fear. Most people did, immortal or not, when they saw Vladek. The Primarch simply made a grunt of recognition and made his way to the King's private chamber, knocking on the door and awaiting permission to enter before doing so.

Vladek walked to the table the King sat at and stood opposite of him, standing before the King in the formal soldierly fashion, focusing on a spot on the wall opposite of him.

"What is your bidding, my Lord?"

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:10 PM

Muttering nonsense to himself, the king turns his head and greets Lord Vladek. "Ahh yes, you are here, come sit with me." The king pulls up a chair for Lord Vladek to sit on, an informal invitation, signaling Lord Vladek that this will be no normal task. "Lord Vladek, I have designed a device that will track the location of my beloved son, I will entrust you with these papers." The king hands Lord Vladek the small stack of papers with the kings scribblings on them. "You see, we cannot use the simple metals we are able to forge here in the kingdom. We will have to call on outside help for its creation." While standing up, the king pours himself a glass of wine, and begins to speak, "There is a man that lives far into the northern wilderness, I have commissioned you and Lady Catherina Indeoque to gather the materials from this man." The king drinks, "Lady Catherina Indeoque will arrive from the battle in Medinth in 3 days time, upon her arrival, I will ask both of you to seek me out, there is one other thing I must explain, but I cannot without the two I may trust." The king stands near the rectangular window peering outside once again, "You may take your leave Lord Vladek, I have trust in you and Lady Catherina Indeoque, I know your mission will be a success."

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:11 PM

Lucian sighed "Finally in the city, Good." He was quiet with what he said. The city was a great place to hide for the time being. He knew that there were a bunch of people and hopefully a few good vampires there as well, it had taken him a while to get there but it was worth it. He knew that he needed a place to stay and he wasn't sure exactly where he was going to stay. Lucian knew that it wasn't exactly safe yet and to stop moving would give his father more time to gain on him. He started at a quicker pace through the streets, taking random turns as he went.

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:11 PM

...Fiacre followed Lucian silently acknowledging that Lucian wanted quiet. He followed him to the city, which is where Fiacre used to live. He lives farther from the city now, but close enough to Lucian. He cleared his throat a bit and listened to Lucian talk to himself. Fiacre grinned at that, it was quite funny. He smiled at some people passing by, which were not many. Fiacre sighed as Lucian took what seemed random turns. Fiacre finally spoke up furious at the silence.

"Do you honestly know where your going?"

He asked it was indeed a question he wanted to know. He wondered if Lucian even knew the city this well. One thing was for sure Lucian didn't know past the city. How could he, unless he had maps? Huh, well Fiacre guessed he shouldn't pry. He sighed a bit tired of following Lucian around, but wanted to know many things. Why was he running away? Was he running away? Was he running to something? Did he honestly think this all through before leaving?...

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:11 PM

Lord Vladek remained silent as he graciously took the papers and listened to his distraught king. The Primarch's brow furrowed at the mention of the Lady Catherina, this was highly irregular, seeing as how all other times Vladek had performed alone.

"As you wish, my Lord. It will be done to every detail. I will find the young Master and return him to your care at once." With a salute and a bow, Vladek turned on the heel of his fine leather boots and made his way back to his own study.

Entering his own room, Vladek placed the king's papers in a Priority 1 file and placed it in a steel briefcase that was sitting on his desk. Pouring himself a glass of blood, the Primarch brought up files and records both on computer and paper to learn as much as he could about Lady Catherina. Yes, her name was well known about the castle, but Vladek wasn't the Primarch for nothing. He heard and saw everything that went on within the castle. Even the most loyal have their own agendas.

The Primarch read all there was to read about Lady Catherina Indeoque and more thrice over, dedicating it all to memory. She was skilled, but highly unprofessional and unpredictable in Vladek's book. Not to mention she was incredible beautiful, and it took much for one like Vladek to admit that, let alone let the thought creep into his mind while on the job.

"Well, you certainly are the little pistol, aren't you, Lady Indeoque?" he chuckled, sipping from the fine crystal glass.

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:12 PM
Kara Ashford

(OOC: I hope no one minds that I'm skipping ahead to the next day. Just let me know and I'll change it.)

The next evening, the courts had barely begun their late night festivities when there were shouts and bellows from the garrison that a league of their troops were approaching fast. They barely had time to warn the gathered people before the grand doors were forced open, slamming against the walls with a resounding crack of stone to allow the small band of soldiers inside.

The hall fell silent, broken only by the militant rhyme of their march, two dozen strong, led by a figure in a long, hooded cloak with a woman's form.

Lady Catherina Indeoque dismissed her soldiers with a wave of a hand, throwing back the hood of her robe, spilling red hair from it's confines. She was tired, her men were battle weary from the weeks of bloodshed and eager to return to their families. She was in no mood for a proper disbandment this night; she would show them a rare generosity and deal with the formalities the next day.

A smile crossed her face, proud and haughty. She had completed her assignment well ahead of schedule and arrived with time to spare. The small uprising in Medinth, a poor band of rebellious vampires, had hardly been a challenge - it was only their call for a revolution against the King that had made her presence necessary. Catherina was not known for her gentle disposition after all and the King had wanted the matter solved quickly and without mercy.

She had performed her duty. Now all Catherina wished to do was report to the King and get the whole thing over with. The lady strode with authority through the hallways. She made an impressive sight, her elegant, silver-gray dress was frayed and tattered at the ends with fresh blood stains streaking across the material. It would never come out and she had been furious, feeling only partially satisfied when she had severed the offenders head from his shoulders.

She ignored the servants asking to assist her or take her weapons. Rather she strode past the frivolous courtiers and marched up to the first commanding officer she saw and demanded to see the king. She was marginally surprised when the man merely nodded and led her towards the private chambers. The leather bag was clenched tightly in her fist, holding the real prize from her weeks away in battle; the head of the rebel leader.

She would take great pride in presenting it to his majesty.

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:12 PM

Lucian sighed, he had found a hotel, nice enough for them to stay. Lucian was able to pay for the hotel easily. He had gotten two rooms, one for Fiacre. Lucian's room was completely dark, the thick red curtains stopped any source of light from the outside to come in. The lights were off making no light source for the sight of a human. Lucian could still see perfectly fine but it wasn't like there was something in the room he had to worry about. He was just sitting on the bed, the darkness wrapped around him like a thick blanket keeping him warm. He traced his finger on the lines of the map he had in front of him. He had gotten the map from the front desk.

He ran his fingers through his blue black hair and looked down at the darkness dancing on his bed. He could never understand it exactly but he had a certain power over darkness that he could never hold the concept of. He knew that the best way to get out of the city was to take back roads, use the darkness as his advantage. He needed to get a blood source but he needed to do that as far from his route as possible but still keeping the back roads. He sighed, he was making a bunch of rules that were necessary but were going to be difficult to keep up with.

"So, if we take the route this way, we should end up in the next city over... If we feed here, they shouldn't figure it out." Lucian muttered to himself, he took a pen that he found at the desk of the room and traced his route onto the map. he put a dot where would be the best place to feed. "This seems good enough, for now. I'm going to need another map once we reach the next city... and we'll have to take the money from the people we feed from..." Lucian shrugged, not seeing anything wrong with what he had planned and laid down on the bed.

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:13 PM

...Fiacre smiled with absolute excitement as Lucian got him a room too. At least Lucian acknowledged Fiacre. His excitement soon washed away from him as he realized it was a separate room. Which made Fiacre a bit suspicious. Didn't Lucian trust him? Fiacre knew he shouldn't worry too much. Fiacre fixed his already fixed bed and sighed. Placing himself upon it he sighed scanning the room. He wondered if maybe he should clean himself, but he didn't feel like he should. He cleared his throat and placed himself on the ground instead of the bed. He knew Lucian was just next door, he yelled.

"Why are our room separate?! and why are you talking to yourself?!"

He wanted to take the words back as soon as they had come. He sighed at himself a long sigh. He looked around the room again. There wasn't much to do so he just filled his mind with thoughts about their trip. About the town mostly, Fiacre didn't really go to the town too much. He just cut across the fields towards the castle where Lucian lived....

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:13 PM

Lucian rolled his eyes, "I'm not allowed to have my own room or talk to myself?" He muttered. He looked down at the ground of his room. He closed his eyes and relaxed. He thought about how far he had gotten from the castle, it wasn't as far as he wanted yet, but it was far enough. He knew that it was going to take a while before they would get where he wanted to go. Lucian didn't really have a destination, he just wanted to get out of the area, maybe end up with rumors that said he was dead.

Lucian smirked, he could see how everyone would react if it went from 'the prince has run away' to 'the prince is dead.' He knew that it wouldn't end well, especially if he was spotted and someone knew that he was the prince. Lucian decided to worry about that later, there wasn't such a rumor yet so he would just hope about it. He pulled the blankets onto him even though that the darkness was good enough, he was just used to the blankets as well. He knew that sleep wasn't a very necessary thing but it didn't mean he could just stay relaxed for a bit. He wasn't going to worry about everything right away.

His eyes snapped open quickly, the more time he stayed in one place the more of a chance it gave for his father to catch up. Lucian wasn't about to allow that, but it would seem the weirdest to just leave the hotel room. He got up and started to pace around the room, he growled, thinking that he was trapped in a room again. He wasn't very well with everything and it just made it worse that he had started to think about it. He couldn't help but think that someone was coming after him already.

Anne Bonny
10-21-2009, 06:13 PM

The Lord Primarch was a man of necessity. He did not do things that did not need doing. Since sleeping was more of a luxury than a necessity, Vladek chose to forgo it completely. Instead, the enigmatic soldier did his homework on the Prince. Every record and video and eyewitness report that has been kept on the Prince for the past year and a half. Vladek was not a fan of shooting in the dark.... probably the wrong term to use when talking about the King's son....

The next night came around. The Primarch did not partake in the banquets of nobility unless there was something to truly celebrate. A minor victory over a rebellion he could have ended with a gun with two clips of ammunition and a knife was nothing worth a party. Frankly, Vladek thought this was to keep the King's mind off of the immovable truth. The Primarch sniffed disdainfully at the sounds of the posh nobility walking past his door. Insolent swine.

The Lord Abendroth much preferred the sound of soldiers marching, which he was grateful to hear. The Lady Indeoque had returned and brought her.... exploits... with her. Vulgar and barbaric, to say the least, but he admired the cold loyalty. The King did say he wanted the leader of the rebellion's head on a platter. The Lady seemed to literally indulge him. Vladek merely chuckled, pulling on his black silk blazer and then his black overcoat on top of that. Leaving his quarters, he stood at the entrance of the hall, little more than a shadow or a wraith; watching, waiting.

10-26-2009, 08:01 PM
Inuyasha Fandom:

Dizzy tapped his fingers along the steering wheel of his car. The beautiful silver sportscar sat in an empty lot, while he tried to figure out his next move.

The Hunters weren't trailing him, at least for now. They hadn't seen Dizzy as a threat, as he had only been but a child when his parents had been struck down wrongly.

Dizzy sat, thinking. There wasn't much to do at the moment, though the bar did sound rather inviting. Things were always more fun while drunk. And he nevwer got aa hangover, so it was all good.

Turning the key in the ignition, he reved the engine, and backed his car up. Gunning it, the sportscar roared out of the lot, and to the downtown area. Dizzy soon enough pulled into a bar, a ritzy joint that was amongst alot of various hotels and such. Pulling out his wallet, he fingered through it for his I.D. and some cash. "Time to go have some fun..."

Dizzy walked into the bar, though paused at the entrance way. A scent came to him, one more unique than anything mortal.

"A vampire? Here?" Dizzy looked around, his eyes scanning the faces of the buildings. It was relatively early in the night, many lights were on and off. He couldn't rely on that. Following his nose, he found it led him to a hotel, and a nice one at that. And there was someone with him.

Shrugging, Dizzy walked back to the bar. He pulled out his car keys, and pressed the killswitch. His car was now dead, no one would be able to take it anywhere. Happy with himself, he walked in, ready for a fun night.

10-26-2009, 08:01 PM

Lucian sighed, he pulled the curtain from his window knowing that it wasn't such a great idea and looked around the area on the ground. He thought that he could just leave for a few seconds without the hotel even knowing that he already left for a while. He smiled looking at the dark room he is so used behind him and then back at the poorly lit ground beneath him, he figured he'd be safe if he stayed around the shadows a bit. He breathed in deeply as he pulled the window up, giving him room to jump out.

He landed on his hands and feet because of gravity but gladly no broken bones. He sighed and brushed himself off, he started to head for a walk, in the night just a little walk. He wasn't going to go very far or risk getting closer to the thing he was trying to run away from. He looked around at the darkness surrounding him as he walked across the parking lot to the side of the road taking in the nights air.