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09-27-2010, 09:41 PM
It was any normal day. People were dying. Children were crying. Again the dispare has struck again. When would it ever end? How many lives will They take. People steal, lie and cheat everyday. The next....as if they never existed. Their bodies would be left out on the streets. People would walk and step on them. They are part of out ground.

Atsuko's family was killed because they lied and stole. She the only Earth element alive in my family. Her best friend Kimi (Water) was killed last month for being a liar. She was in massive amount of pain when she saw her best friend's body out on the street as a reminder of her sins.

Atsuko, is in her third year of high school. She is attending Ryukyus. Teachers there can do whatever they please. There are many fights at Ryukyus. Mainly with the different elements. Last week it was between Air and Fire. The forest that we are near started to burst into flames but Water stoped it. Now we are not aloud to use our powers in school. They issued us our new uniforms. We now have to wear a collar around our necks. It's a shock collar, it will shock you when you try to use your powers and if your thinking about using your powers. Atsuko tends to get shocked a lot.

Third day of school and people are already getting ready to fight. It won't do them any good since we have the new collars. One of the boys fell down and was shaking rapidly. Must of thought of using his powers. Atsuko looked to the side of her. The Cheerleaders are the worst though. When they get shocked they scream and yell. I can't help but wish that the collar would send out to much power and shut them up for good. It is only the third day of school and people are already annoying me. Just with Kimi was here. Well today is the day I make myself some new friends. Ah English first period. Maybe i'll make some friends in that class. She walked into the classroom and pick the spot next to the big window. Atsuko likes to see whats going on out side. Oh great some of the bad students start to come in. Please let someone nice sit next to me. Atsuko was dying for someone to sit next to her. So she wouldn't have to worry about sitting next to one of them. (She despises Air elements.) They are always the worst. Mainly they are Cheerleaders. They all have huge attitudes.

09-28-2010, 09:29 PM
Today was a normal day as always. Dead bodies on the way to school. Dead bodies at school. Dead bodies on the way back to school. Dead bodies at home. All the same. Felix was a fire element. But he wasn't 'hotheaded' as his fellow fire elements.

Today started like any other day. Felix walked down the street on the way to school. He stepped over the fourth dead body he had seen that morning. It didn't bother him anymore. Felix clicked his fingers together, playing with his powers. He turned the corner to his school. He sighed. Just another day.. he thought to himself.

09-28-2010, 09:51 PM
Atsuko saw Felix playing with his powers. She thought to herself, he must not know how thing are going to be running. Today they are going to asign us new callors since the old ones have already been figured out and people were getting away with using their powers. She was nevous for him. She asked the teacher to leave the class for a min. and started to head over to Felix's directon, she stopped and was amused at how wonderful fire looked.

09-28-2010, 10:20 PM
Mike let water run over him as he stood in the shower. He was getting ready for school, a place he hated. He hated pretty much anything now adays. More than anything he hates his family. Being the youngest of seven he was often looked down on. After all what was so special about him. Nothing really, except he was really good at fighting. Maybe being the only one in his family that can control lightning, but he didn't hold his breath on that. Shutting off the water he got out and dried himself off before putting on some clothes. Red boxers, black cargo pants, black socks, a shotgun shell bandoleer belt.

Running his hands through his hair he looked at himself in the mirror and growled. His hair was getting long again, he didn't like it. Grabbing a clipper he buzzed his hair back down to his preference. The once jet black mop now gathered on the floor so he cleaned it up. After he was done he went back to his room and put on an oversized white t-shirt, his black boots and his shock collar. Those fools actually thought putting a shock collar on someone who commands lightning would actually work. To prove a point to himself and had lightning form in his palm. He watched the black bolts dance around his arm before stopping it. He didn't even feel the collar activate.

Mike glanced at his wrists, eyeing the two small black lightning bolt tattoos he got. A present to himself last year when he turned eighteen. Sighing he left his room and quickly went downstairs, trying to avoid his sisters who were always up earlier than everybody else. Unfortunatley they were in the kitchen. He remained quiet as he opened the fridge and drank out of the carton of juice. They made comments like 'pig' and 'savage.' He had half a mind to beat the crap out of them but decided not to invoke the wrath of his parents.

So Mike just went outside and got on his motorcycle. It was an oldschool styled chopper, black with red lightning on the tank and fenders. He rode to school, bodies were everywhere. It was a little demoralizing and extremely dessensitizing, but Mike didn't seem affected at all. So pulling up to school he was stonefaced as usual. He heard people screaming as their collars kicked on. They'd be getting new ones. 'Wonder if they'll up the voltage.' Not that he would care, he just curious.

Inside he decided to just go to class instead of skipping. But he just had to come upon the scene of some seniors messing with some freshmen. So he went into action, grabbing one and threw him to the side. He punched the second to the face, hard enough to knock him out. The first came back and he caught the fist, sending about seven thousand volts through the senior's body. The senior crumpled down. "Dumb fools. You'd think they'd know better." With that done he entered the classroom, not bothering to clean blood off his knuckles. He was in english and decided to sit by the window so he could stare out it all class. "A fight already and we haven't even started. Today is going to be fun." Mike said sarcasticaly.

09-29-2010, 01:32 AM
Layla Bouton walked miserably to school, stepping over dead and slightly decaying bodies.
Even after months of seeing the roads lined with bodies, Layla's eyes were still drawn to the bodies of faces of the unfortunate people who had to be punished in such a terrible manner. Eventually, Layla reached the school and walked into her English class, where she found an empty seat. She took off her backpack, sat down, rested her right hand on the desk, put her left hand in front of the right one to block the teacher's view, and let a few small wisps of fire pass from one finger on her right hand to the next finger and then back again.

09-29-2010, 07:27 PM
Corona yawned as she walked out the door of her house,making her way to school.She closed the gate behind her as she tripped up on a dead body,lying lifelessly on the path,but before she had hit the ground she placed a foot out in front to prevent her from doing so.Corona sighed as she got pretty fed up with all of the bodies and war.She angrily kicked the dead body and continued to walk.The war had turned her into a completely different person.

Back then,before she heard of the war,Corona was a happy and cheerful person.She would always look on the bright side and smile all the time never letting a from cover her face.That all changed,of coarse.Nowadays she is the opposite.She usually gets angered very easily,barely smiles and rarely looking in the bright side.She despises the fire and anything related to them.

In the matter of minutes,Corona reached the school pushing the door open.Looking around with a dull and lifeless expression she walked towards her class,opening the door once she got there.Once Corona stepped in,she stared at her classmates as they yelled and fought.She silently passed all the crowd of fighting and sat at an empty seat.She crossed her legs and stared out the window as half of her classmates were taking sides of the fight.

09-29-2010, 09:07 PM
Atsuko just watched Felix. Snap! She had to go back to her English class. I hope no one took my seat. She turned back and looked at Felix. "He doesn't even know I have been watching him play with fire for the past few days." says in a muffeld voice. She runs off to her class, walks in and see Mike. With a confused look on her face slowly walks to the window seat behind him. Pulls out her note pad and starts to doodle. She draws lightning bolts with fire swarming around them. She messes up and throws her pencil.

09-29-2010, 10:12 PM
He shouldn't be here. 'Seriously this is bull.' Mike thought as he watched the effect gravity had on the blood as some fell to the floor. But what he was angry about was the fact he allowed himself to fail junior english. So now he has to retake it. Normally he'd be with seniors but he now had to take that class in the summer. But that wasn't the only problem he had.

"Damn it." He cursed, something hit him in the back of the head. Looking down at the offending object it was a pencil. "Who the hell is throwing pencils?" He picked it up and turned around. "Oh, Atsuko." he immediatley clamed down. "Should've known." He held the pencil out to her. Jockingly he made a spark appear at the end of it, black lightning traveling up the pencil to his bloody hand, up his arm beefore vanishing somewhere behind him. "Take it. I won't do anything, promise."

09-30-2010, 09:26 PM
"Sorry!" She looked sad. "Didn't mean to hit you. Just I messed up this drawing!" She starts to reach out for her pencil. She stops, "Hmmm" She grabs the pencil and smiles sweetly. She starts to doodle again ans she gets up and grabs her drawing and throws it away. Comes back to her seat ticked off. She just sits there looking sad at the window. She pulls out a new peice of paper and writes something on it. Puts it to Mike.
It reads:
Hi! Sorry for hitting you in the head. ^ _ ^

09-30-2010, 10:55 PM
Chuckling lightly he smiled at her. "It's alright. It's not like it hurt." He watched her as she moved around the classroom. She threw something out, he figured it was the drawing she messed up. He was kinda curious as to waht it was. "God this sucks." He sighed, dropping his head to his desk. "Why the hell am I even complaining, not like it would change anything."

Mike rolled his neck, cracking it. He felt a little better. Cracking his knuckles as well he the slouched in his seat. Next thing the lightning weilder knew he had a piece of paper in his face. "The hell, I said it was fine." He played with his powers a bit. Lightning dancing across his arm and sparking at the end of his fingers. "New collars today right? Like that'll really change anything." He was fed up with the attempts at control, cause at the end of the day they always find a way to break them.

09-30-2010, 11:05 PM
Atsuko cringed after hearing the poping of his bones. "Yeah, new collars. It really won't do anything." She just smiled. She just watched him play with his powers. She started to stare out the window. The leaves on the trees just started to fall. "I sure wish it was fall. I'm getting bored making the leaves fall everyday." She just sat there, she was really calm and peaceful. You could feel her ora surounding you with peace and calmness. "SNAP!" she got up and darted out the room. "AHHHHHH! Ow my leg." You could hear her get up and start running again.

09-30-2010, 11:17 PM
Felix saw Atsuko run off in hurry and looked at his watch. Going to be late! he thought with a look of concern. He wouldn't want to be shocked for being late to English. He ran down the hallway and ran into a forest element. "I'm very sorry!" he yelled back at the person continuing to run.

"Yeah you better run, Fire Prick!" he yelled back before turning around. Felix frowned. So hostile.. he thought to himself and ran into the classroom. There was an open seat in the back of the room. He walked to the back of the room, noticing all the glares the other elements gave him. He sighed. He got to his seat and sat down. He looked around to see who was here today. He saw Atsuko talking with a Lightning Element. He was jealous for some reason. She was so nice to him, he smiled when she was around. I guess I have feelings for her.. he thought looking down at his paper.

A water element in front of him threw a paper ball at his face. Very mature.. Just another day..

When the bell rang, he saw Atsuko dart out of the class room. Odd.. he thought. He decided to go see if she was ok.

10-01-2010, 12:39 AM
When the bell rang to sinal the end of English class, Layla watched as a girl who she had seen earlier left the room. Layla didn'y knoow the girl's name, but she had a seemingly kind face. She ran after the girl, who was talking to someone else. She waited for a pause in the conversation, then spoke.
"Hi, I'm Layla." she said.

10-01-2010, 03:03 AM
Mike heard Atsuko mention something about fall. "Yeah I like fall to." It was one of his favorite seasons. What he loved most was riding his motorcycle. Everything was a different color. It was a beautiful sight. "Winter's gonna suck though. Can't ride at all, well Ic ould its just really sketchy. Actually one time I had an accident. Never doing that again." He subconsciously runned his right leg where there was a scar from the accident.

Atsuko bolting from the room snapped him out of his thoughts. "Was it something I said?" He didn't think so. "Nah couldn't be." Standing from his desk he ran out after her. Mike was full of concern for her. "Whoa wait up!" He gained on her quickly. Apparently he was faster, being very athletic, and being bigger so were his strides. "Hey hold up." He reached out to stop her, to ask what was wrong.

10-01-2010, 08:49 PM
Atsuko stopped. "I don't feel so well. I have a bad feeling about today." She fell to the floor as if in pain. She hold out her hand and points to Felix. She starts to drift off. Then she hits the floor and is out. A student is walking with a friend in the hallway "That Atsuko, she is a mess. Ever since her friend Kimi died." They lauph when they see her. "Must of got drained again." The walk of with grins on their faces. When the girls left Atsuko suddenly woke. "AAHHH!" she got up and started to run again.

10-01-2010, 08:54 PM
Felix stood in shock. What had just happened.. he thought to himself. He looked over at the boy who ran after her too and shrugged. "I have not a clue." he said looking back at the way she took off. He started to walk to his next class, which was also with Atsuko. When he made it he entered the classroom and looked around.

10-01-2010, 08:56 PM
Atsuko was at a table. She saw Felix and waved. "heya! sit with me. I need to tell you something." She smiled really big and patted the seat next to her. Shoul I tell him? she thought to herself

10-01-2010, 08:58 PM
Felix smiled back and nodded. Wonder what a few minutes ago was about.. he shrugged it off and walked over to the table. "Hello, Atsuko." Felix said, setting his backpack on the ground. He sat down in the vacant seat next to her. "How are you today. I didn't get to say Hi to you this morning." he said.

10-01-2010, 09:35 PM
"Well if you don't feel to good maybe you should be running to the nurse." He sighed. If that was all she could have said something. Though Atsuko dropping to the ground gave him new cause for concern. He was on one knee to see if she was alright. When some people said something about her he scared them off by sending out two bolts from his palm. "Yeah you better run."

Next thing he knew she was running to the next class. He, unfortunately, didn't have it with her this time. "Uh, see you at lunch?" He didn't know why he said it, she clearly couldn't hear him because of distance. He decided to chalk it up to force of habit. He went to the bathroom before heading to his biology class. "Today is getting weird fast. I don't like it." He put his hands under the faucet and washed his face.

"Sup Mike." Said person turned to face three other guys. "Been awhile."

"Yeah, only a day since I kicked all three of your assess." Mike cracked his knuckles. "Want a repeat?" Normally he wouldn't openly engage in a conflict unless someone was in trouble. But this was the exception to his rule, these three were going to attack him regardless. The first guy charged, his fist blazing with fire. Mike ducked it and grabbed the wrist with his left hand. He delivered a punch to his attacker's stomach, a lightning infused punch.

He threw his opponent to the side as the second and third guy were on him. Mike had his arms pinned to his side and he was punched in the face repeatedly. After the seventh he used both feet to kick the guy away and force himself and the guy who pinned his arms into the wall. They hit the wall hard and Mike got his left arm free so he elbowed the guy in the face. Mike kicked him in the gut and punched him twice to the head before shoving him toward his buddies.

He called up his powers. Black and red bolts of lightning flying everywhere around him. His red eyes filled with absolutely no emotion which scared the three attackers more than anything. "How strong are you?" The leader whimpered.

Mike stepped toward them. Lighning still arcing off his body going across the room. He just smirked at them. "Stronger than you, thats all you need to know." And they ran, knowing that they'll think twice the next time they try to jump him. Mike slowly let the storm he created die down before leaving and going to the nurse's office to get cleaned up and perhaps a change of shirt. "Mrs. Smith."

"Oh sweety what happened?" The nurse asked in her usual motherly tone.

"It's not as bad as it looks." He cleaned the blood off his face, tossed his shirt into the trash. Mrs. Smith handed him a spare, it was a black muscle shirt. "This will do, thank you." Mike got a bandage on his right cheek. His attackers split it open with a rather hard punch wearing a ring. "Unless I'm back later have a nice day."

Walking the empty halls was rather nice. It beat the usual rushed pace when they were crowded. So reaching his biology class took less time than normal. "Where is your pass?" The teacher asked. Mike just pointed to his bandage, that being all he needed after three years of this behavior. It quickly became normal to see Mike walking in late with bandages and fresh blood on his clothes. Taking a seat he put his head down and his eyes felt heavy. He pretty much struggled to stay awake all class so he didn't get anything.

10-03-2010, 02:31 PM
Corona stood up from her seat after spacing out.She looked around the classroom and strolled out the door,hearing more arguments and yelling from fight.I'm sick of all this crap already! she angrily thought walking down the hallway.Things used to be normal before the fire declared war.I swear on my life they're going to make them wish they haven't started this. she added to her thought as she clenched her fist.
Not knowing what she should do she walked to a window,examining the fights and dead bodies that laid around the bloody ground.

10-04-2010, 08:47 PM
"Felix, Something is happening to me. I have noticed that......well I have been feelling odd. I'm not used to it. I can't stand it. I just feel weak all of a sudden. She pauses. "like i'm being drained." She puts her head on the table. "I don't understand whats happing." She starts to look worried. "Has is anything happing to you?" Atsuko turns toward him. Tears start to run down her face. "Maybe I messed up and now i'm paying for it. I don't understand. I herd that this happend to my grandmother before she died." She is silent. Outside all the leaves on the trees turn brown and fall. The grass starts to die and the flowers wilt. A girl behind them says "Atsuko! your killing everything. Stop Crying and get a hold of yourself. Your saposed to save the Earth not kill it!" The girl thows paper at her head. "shesh whats wrong with you Atsuko?" Atsuko turns and gives her the paper back. "Please don't waste paper."

10-04-2010, 08:54 PM
Felix put an arm around her. "Hey.." he said in a quiet calming voice, "everything is fine, you don't need to worry. I'm sure it's nothing." he looked at the girls who just threw the paper at her and frowned. They weren't too nice.. And what did they mean, save the trees. Felix shrugged and dismissed it. He gave her a reassuring hug. "I'm here for you, okay?" he looked at her.

10-04-2010, 09:01 PM
Atsuko looked up. She smiled, the leaves on the trees started to come back and the grass became green again. "But what if something is wrong? what if this is my end? I don't know what I did to deserve this." She gave him a hug. It was a nice and warm hug. She smelt like Lavender. You could feel the calmness coming off her as she started to calm down. "Thank you" She smiled sweetly as she pulled away from the embrase.

10-04-2010, 09:08 PM
He smiled sweetly. "Hey, don't be embarrassed." His cheeks were burning with embarrassment as well. Fire and Earth.. he thought. He looked around to see if anyone was looking. "We'd be killed if they saw us," he smiled "But who cares." He looked back at her. "So, when did all this start to happen?" he asked, getting his lunch out.

10-04-2010, 09:17 PM
"True. But you know I don't care about the difference of the elements. To me we should all just get along." She was filled with Happyness. "Why are you getting out your lunch? The teacher will scream at you if you eat in class. Well It all started yesterday. When I woke up and didn't feel quite well. And as I was going to take a shower I just colapsed. After that I felt drained." She sighed. "But who knows maybe its just a flu. That always seems to happen to Earth elements."

10-04-2010, 09:25 PM
He had just bitten into the apple when she spoke of the teacher getting angry if they ate. He swallowed and laughed a little. "Yeah I guess you're right. But a flu is a possibility.. But that seems like a strange flu." he looked around carefully and took another bite. He knew he shouldn't have missed breakfast. "Besides, it could be these collars," he yanked at the collar on his neck, "I feel like it's shorting out." he frowned at his attempt to take it off.

10-04-2010, 09:39 PM
Humm the collars.... "I Don't think it would be the collars. But yeah maybe." I wonder what Mike is doing... She was deap in thought. Do I have anymore classes with him? Hummm..."AH! What am I doing!?" She blurted out. She reliezed that she was just talking out loud and started to blush. The teacher gave her a dirty look.

Atsuko just sat there, wondering why she was even thinking about Mike. What is Felix thinking. Does he think i'm weird? She looks at him and looks back at the table. Maybe I....no I couldn't I don't even really know the guy. She pulled out some paper. And started to draw Fire and some Lightning bolts surounding a leaf.

When does this bell ring! Like really? She got up and walked to the pencile shapner. "THIS DOESN'T EVEN WORK!" She kicked the wall. She growled and walked back to her seat.

10-04-2010, 09:45 PM
Felix caught her glancing at him a couple of times. He was a little embarrassed. Does she.. nah.. We're completely different Elements.. He put his hand on his cheek and scribbled on his paper as the teacher droned on. He looked at Atsuko a couple of times, hoping she didn't see. Give it up Felix.. he sighed. He saw her get up and looked down at her paper. When he heard her yell, he jumped at looked at her. She looked a little agitated when she sat back down. "Hey.. is everything okay?" he whispered to her, leaning in.

10-04-2010, 09:51 PM
Layla sat at her desk in class, wondering what had happened to the girl that she had tried to say hi to earlier in the day.
I hope she's ok. she thought, as she doodled in the margins of her paper. She looked around, wondering if anyone in class looked familiar and would be willing to talk to her if she said hi to them at the end of class.

10-04-2010, 09:54 PM
"Yeah everything is FINE AND DANDY" She looked at her pencil. The tip broken and all messed up. "I'm sorry" Atsuko reliezed she sounded harsh. "Its just I want this to look amazing." She lifted up her paper. "I take my art very seriously. And if something goes wrong, well I go crazy." He looked at me a couple of times. Why? Is there something on my face? She started to wipe off her face.

She pulled out some color pencils. She pulled out the green and started to color the leaf. She pulled out a few more colors and started to finish the rest. Her phone went off. Kiss kiss fall in love She hurried to turn it off and the teacher told her to give it to her. She sighed and got up to go give it to her. "You can have this at the end of class Miss. Miyazaki. Astuko looked mad. "Why does this even happen to me?" She looked at Felix. She smirked, and worked on her drawing again.

10-04-2010, 10:03 PM
Felix frowned. What a bad day for her.. "Hey," Felix whispered to her, "When you get your phone back see me after class." he smiled at her. He was actually going to get up the courage to give her his number.. He had never done that before, especially a member of the opposite sex.. His cheeks burned red now. "Y-y'know. T-to talk and.," he trailed off.. He was too embarrassed.

10-04-2010, 10:07 PM
She looked at him. "Yeah sure." She smiled wide. "Maybe we could hang out at lunch. You know Mike right?" She started to blush. "If not you should totaly meet him. He maybe a kick butt person and may seem rough on the edges but he seems nice." She started to play with her hair and was just smiling.

10-04-2010, 10:14 PM
He looked at her play with her hair, she looked cute while doing it. "The guy you were talking to earlier?" he asked, looking at his paper. He frowned a little bit. I might have already missed my chance.. he thought, answering the question on the paper.

10-04-2010, 11:55 PM
"Mr. Stone." Mike's eye twitched but they remained shut. "Mr. Stone!" Still nothing. Try as he might he lost the fight to stay awake.

"Wake up loser." Someone threw a paper ball a him. It landed right in his face.

"Diabetes." He said sitting up in his seat. "The answer is diabetes." Mike rubbed his eyes and yawned. "It was first offically diagnosed in the 1920s and without insulin people with it they had about four years to live."

"That's....right." The teacher marked something in her book. "How do you do that?"

Mike shrugged. If he were to explain it he'd call it half sleep, where he would be resting but fully aware of what's going on. People like him need that sense. Danger everywhere, the need to be alert. Shaking his head he leaned back in his seat, far enough to crack his back.

A chill went through the room. Someone was using their powers to mess with everyone. "Ok whose trollin'?"

"Sorry mate." The ice element sitting next to him spoke. "Can't really control when it happens yet." He was rubbing his neck, his collar giving him a problem.

"Seth right?" Mike asked. "Not having control, I remember what that was like. Seven years old running around the house shooting lightning bolts everywhere." The two laughed. "I could jailbreak ya from that later." He pointed to the collar.

"When's the bell? I want lunch!" He heard Seth complain.

"Considering how long I've been asleep and with the amount of time remaining I'd say now." And they heard it ring. "Finally! I'm starved." The two got up and headed toward the cafeteria. People quickly moved out of Mike's way.

"You make some waves mate." Seth chuckled behind Mike.

"I'm sure you've heard the rumors?" Mike asked. "All true."

"Wait so you were the reason we lost the homecoming game because you beat up the entire football team four hours before the game last year?" Seth asked. Mike said nothing and kept walking. "And the one about you sleeping with the entire girl's soccer team at once?"

"No, that's not true." Mike laughed. "It was onlly half the team." That caused Seth to stop in his tracks, gawking and the lightning element infront of him. "Freshmen year. Nothing like that ever happened again, which is fine."

10-05-2010, 09:17 PM
Atsuko looked at Felix. "Yeah the guy I was talking to." She smiled. The bell rang. "Come on. Lets go find him and hang out with him." She started to glow. Maybe he will be glad to sit with us. She thought about Mike. She started to walk faster. Atsuko was getting eager to see if he would sit with her.

As she walked she was just glowing with joy. She looked back to see if Felix was still fallowing her. "Come on silly. We have to hurry before we can't find him" She was looking everywere for him.

10-06-2010, 12:17 AM
"This going to hurt?" Seth asked. The ice element was seated on a sink in the boy's bathroom.

"Not a bit." Mike grabbed a hold of Seth's collar. Exhaling he channeled his powers into the power supply. He heard Seth yell but didn't stop until he burned out the collar's batteries. "Done."

"I thought you said that wouldn't hurt!?" Seth rubbed his neck.

"It didn't hurt. I'm perfectly fine." Mike laughed at Seth. "Well try it out." Seth lowered the room temperature causing frost to appear on the mirrors.

"Much better." Seth and Mike bumped fists. "I'm going to be in the library for lunch, you gonna come?"

"Nah I gotta find someone and hang with them for a bit. I think we have gym together as our last class so I'll see ya there." Mike left the bathroom, rubbing his bare arms trying to get some warmth back into them. "Maybe I should fight a fire weilder in there, the use of his powers should warm the place." The senior entered the lunch line, talking to a few friends he noticed.

After what seemed like half hour to him, he paid for his food and found a table. "Chicken sandwhich's hell yeah." He bit into his food with gusto, having skipped breakfast he really needed this. Mike was scanning the entrance for a familiar face.

10-06-2010, 01:56 AM
Felix was being dragged through the hallway. "I, er.. Hey, um.." he couldn't talk while being dragged by the arm, almost pulled out of his socket. He was a little disappointed to find he wasn't going to be with Atsuko by himself. He looked at the hostile faces as they passed. Each with the same expression: Horror. A Fire and Earth element together? Absurd. He frowned and looked down.

10-07-2010, 08:55 PM
Atsuko walked into the lunch room. "MIKE!!!!!" she yelled towards his direction. "Hey! Can we sit with you?" She smiled at him. She skiped on over to him. She looked back "Come on Felix." She winked at him. She was standing right by Mike. Looking down at him. "Well aren't you going to invite me to sit?" Her voice playful. It was unusual to see Atsuko so happy and cheery.

10-07-2010, 08:58 PM
Felix looked around at everybody else. Same reactions as before, hostility. He put his thumbs under the straps of his backpack and walked to the table. As he passed, he heard people talking about them. Earth and Fire? They better watch it! What're they thinking. he frowned from all the comments. He set his backpack on the ground next to the seat and sat down in the vacant chair.

10-07-2010, 09:07 PM
Atsuko heard them talking. HAHA FOOLS! It shouldn't matter that we are to different elements. She started to hum a peacful tune. She ploped right on down inbetween Mike and Felix. She pulled out a pinto box and started to eat. "Yum! I love it when I cook!" She was chewing and saw this Fire element come in. He smiled at Atsuko. "Hey gorgeous how is it going? I'm Akemi talk to me later okay." And he walked away. Atsuko started to laughing. "What was that all about?" She started to blush.

10-07-2010, 09:20 PM
He looked back at the guy who just hit on Atsuko. I know that kid.. he has a very bad attitude.. He looked back at his food. "I don't know, but he wasn't too afraid was he?" he side glanced at her. He picked at the apple that was in his lunch. He could still hear people whispering about them. He chose to ignore them. He took a bite of his apple.

10-07-2010, 09:28 PM
HA! Someone was hitting on me! Wow thats new. Maybe it was because of my outfit. She looked down at her outfit. Short read mini skirt with deep blue collared shirt with red tie. But I always wear something like this. Oh well! Someone thinks i'm pretty. Wait! maybe he was making fun of me!
"Felix........Do you think i'm pretty?" She looked a Felix with a look of concern. What is he says umm well...you look like all the other girls. Or yeah you look normal. OR EVEN NAHH GIRL YOU UGLY! AHHH what should I do? "It's okay, you can tell me the truth. I know i'm not the prettest thing you have ever seen but you know i'm a little curious to see what other think of me." She started to look nervous.

10-07-2010, 09:31 PM
Felix chocked on his apple a little from the sudden question. "I - er, you.." he couldn't get the words out. He looked at her and saw the concern on her face. The truth was he did think she was pretty, but he didn't know how to say it. He couldn't help but to calm down. Why does this always happen to me.. he sighed, he was going to tell her the truth. "You do, you look very pretty, Atsuko." he blushed looked at his apple as if there was something very interesting about it.

10-07-2010, 09:35 PM
She leaned in. Looking at his apple. "Do you see something it there?" Her face was really close to his neck. "Aw why thank you but really tell me the truth. Its okay, I won't yell at you to much." She sighed a little. Whats up with his apple? Am I that UGLY! that he can't even look at me!? Oh no what if I am so horrid looking.

10-07-2010, 09:38 PM
He put the apple on the table and looked down at her. "No, there's nothing on the apple." he looked away from her gaze for a second and looked back. "The truth is, I didn't know how to respond.." he trailed off again. "It's just.. I really do think you're pretty." his cheeks burned from embarrassment. She probably thinks weird of me now.. he dropped his gaze.

10-07-2010, 09:45 PM
She turned bright red. "Re...really? Do you really think so?" Her bright green eyes were truning greener. "Aww thank you!" She gave him a big hug. Aw he is so sweet. Oh no what if he sees me blushing. She got up and ran to the bathroom. The Fire element walked over to the bathrooms and was waiting there. He looked at Felix and started doing inapproriate jestures about Atsuko. He just started to laughing. Atsuko came out and he was trying to talk to her and he started getting rough with her when she was trying to leave. She got pushed into the wall. He was yelling at her to talk to him. She looked at Felix and Mike for help.

10-07-2010, 09:53 PM
Everything happened so fast, he really couldn't control himself. When he saw the boy push her against the wall he lost it. He got up from his chair and towards them. He put a hand on his collar and melted it completely off. His hands burst into flames as he got closer. The kid turned around and let go of Atsuko in shock. He put his hands up, but Felix's hand was faster. His burning fist struck the kid across his face, sending him sprawled across the floor. Felix breathed heavily and his hand extinguished into smoke.

He turned to Atsuko. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" he walked up to her, looking around her to make sure she was ok.

10-07-2010, 10:00 PM
Her wrists were red and her head was kind of bleeding. "Yeah I'm fine." She looked dazed. "What all happend? I went to go wash my face and then that jerk just started pushing me and yelling at me. Are you okay?" She grabbed his hand. "Did you hurt you hand at all? You hit him pretty hard." Her hands were soft and she had a motherly feel to her. She walked over to the boy who was harrasing her. "You need to calm yourself down." She put out her hand to help him up. "Don't bother coming near me again or I'll have you expelled." She walked over to Felix. He was so kind to me. I hope he doesn't get into trouble. She smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. You pretty much saved me. So I guess you a now a hero." She gave him a hug.

10-07-2010, 10:05 PM
Felix was surprised from the kiss on the cheek. He hugged her back, not wanting to let go. "I'm here for you, remember?" he said to her during the hug. "And don't worry if I get in trouble. I saved you, so everything is ok." he smiled back at her. He indicated to his neck, "I'll already get scolded for burning this off." he was still surprised he accomplished that.

10-07-2010, 10:11 PM
"Thank you. Well does your neck hurt? We earth elements have to power to heal. I'm not all that good at it yet but i'm still working on it. It will for sure sooth it." She was just peaceful and calm. "Will you walk me to the nurse? I'm feeling a little woozy." She pointed at her bleeding head. She went to the table and got her stuff and said good bye to Mike.

10-07-2010, 10:18 PM
He smiled. "Yeah, I'll be fine." He felt so calm right now. He didn't know why, just that he was. Something about saving her brought the courage to talk to her. He couldn't explain it, but he didn't care. "I'll take you to the nurse." he smiled again. This had to be the happiest day of his life..

10-07-2010, 10:22 PM
She was walking a little funny. "Thank you" when they got to the nurses office she layed down and fell asleep. She looked so calm and looked like a goddes. Her hair started to fall onto her face. Her deep red lips and her fair skin just looked so amazing. Her shirt was rising up a little. She had taken off her tie so she could sleep. She even looked so cute with Ice ontop of her head. Everything was a peace.

10-07-2010, 10:26 PM
"Hey asshole." Mike stood up from the table. "Was that really such a good idea?"

"Oh crap it's Stone!" He started backing up. "Please I didn't realize she was your friend."

"Doesn't matter what she was." Mike raised his hand, lightning sparking. He picked the other guy up by his throat. Sending volts into the other guy's body he heard him scream. "Let that be a lesson to all of you! No one touches her, understand!?" He dropped the guy onto a table in an unconscious heap. One of his friends stood up but he just shot out a bolt knocking him onto his back.

"Was hoping you wouldn't be back." Mrs. Smith said as Mike walked in.

"I'm in to see a friend. How is she?" He asked.

"Poor dear fell asleep. Just wait." Mike took a spot leaning against the wall, to wait for Atsuko.

10-07-2010, 10:27 PM
When Felix walked her to the Nurse he stayed. "Will she be ok?" he asked when Atsuko had fallen asleep. The nurse turned and look at him. "She'll be fine. What exactly happened? And where is your collar." her face was turning grim. Felix licked his lips in uncertainty. "Well there was a kid trying to hurt her.. I lost it. I melted my collar, and knocked him out.." he looked back at the nurse, "I did it to save her. Nothing for my own personal gain."

The nurse studied his eyes for a second. "I believe you. She will be up shortly." she got up to exit. He stopped her, "May I stay with her until she wakes up? You know, so I know she's ok?" he blushed a little. The nurse looked at her then to him. "Ok, that'll be fine." when the nurse left he relaxed in the chair next to the bed Atsuko laid upon. He leaned his head back against the wall and waited.

When Mike entered he looked at him for a second. "Thanks, for helping." he held his hand out to shake his. "I know she can depend on you." he smiled slightly.

10-07-2010, 11:01 PM
"No. Thank you. I didn't react in time." Mike shook his hand. "I sent a pretty strong message. Thos bastards won't be a problem anymore." Mike went over and stood at the bedside. "Mrs. Smith. I left a few bodies in the cafe. You might want to check on them."

"Again Mike?" Mrs. Smith chuckled. "I trust you to be in charge until I get back?"

"Everything will be fine Auntie." Mike watched his Aunt leave. "It's good to have someone in my family that actually likes me." Mike scratched the back of his head before sitting on the edge and watched Atsuko. "She'll be fine, she's a lot tougher than you'd think."

10-07-2010, 11:15 PM
As Layla strode into the cafeteria for lunch, she saw a few unconscious bodies lying on the floor. She stepped closer and crouched down, only standing up straight and looking for a table when she had made sure that they weren't dead. As she wandered through the cafeteria, she noticed the hostile stares of some of the other students. She saw an empty table near the back of the cafeteria. As she approached a table with an empty seat on one side, a student who was sitting in the seat next to it quickly put her feet on the empty chair as if they were afraid that she would sit there.

"Why do you even bother if I wasn't even going to sit with you?" she muttered under her breath, making sure that the person couldn't hear her. She stepped over an intentionally extended leg and eventually reached the seat, where she sat down, opened her lunchbox, and pulled out a napkin, a tuna sandwich, and a bottle of water. Ignoring the glares of passing students, she began to eat her lunch, hoping that someone would sit with her, even though she liked sitting by herself.

10-08-2010, 01:00 AM
He sighed and looked down. "I hope so.. I know I'm going to get hell from not having my collar on.." he pointed at his neck. "I don't even know where that came from.. I just got so mad and my rage took over." he looked over at Mike. "From what I've heard, you aren't exactly a nice guy." he gave a small smile, meaning it to be a compliment. He then looked back down at Atsuko. She seemed so peaceful sleeping there, beautiful even.

10-08-2010, 01:05 AM
Atsuko Woke up. "Oh how long was I out?" She was looking at Felix and then Mike. Is school almost over? I have some things I have to do before I get home tonight. Oh I hope I didn't make them worry to much. She started to sit up. "Ah!" she held her head. "Oh I can't get up. I think I have to stay here. I'm sorry if I made you guys worry." She looked depressed. "I'm very sorry if I did. But i'm happy that you guys are here. I don't know how I would feel If I awoke and no one was here." She had a sparkle in her eyes. She tried again to sit up. After a few trys she was finaly able to sit up.

She was looking for some water. "Do you guys happen to have any water? I really need some my thoat is so dry." She grabed a hair tie off her arm and started to put it up. She had star tattoos on her neck. Atsuko started to rub her side. "Man my side feels all weird" She giggled.

10-08-2010, 01:08 AM
Felix was happy to see her awake. He didn't interrupt her while she talk, but watched Mike hand her some water. When she drank he smiled. "I'm glad to see you awake. Mike and I just wanted to make sure you were ok." He sat next to her on the bed. "Besides what you told us, is there anything else you need?" he put his hand on her shoulder and looked at her.

10-08-2010, 01:08 AM
"My attitude and personality are highly exaterated." Mike cracked his knuckles. "I'm just your average senior with a chip on his shoulder that hates it when people get the idea that just cause someone's different that makes them weak." Mike glanced at Felix's collar. "Dude just fry get a lightning element to drain your batteries. If you could find one, there aren't many of us. Maybe four lightning elementals in the school." Lightning elementals were a rarity.

He watched Atusko get sit up and ask for water. He went to the sink and filled up a plastic cup. "Here." He handed it to her. "You weren't out long. I'm just glad you're alright." He flashed her a smile. "Are you ok to walk home later? If not I can give you a ride."

10-08-2010, 01:23 AM
"OH! thank you!" She drank the water so fast it was crazy. "Oh i would love a ride home." I don't even feel like i can breath. Her smile was faint. I get a chance to be alone with mike! Maybe I can finaly get to know him a little bit better. "Would it just be me and you?" She smiled big and started to blush. She looked at Felix and stoped. She smiled at him. Oh my god I hope he didn't see that. "No not really. But thank you. I'm really happy that you both cared enough to stay."

10-08-2010, 01:35 AM
"Tch I'd of just skipped. My Aunt would've covered for me." Mike leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms. He reched up and ripped off his bandage, his cut had stopped bleeding. All that was left was a little line. "That's gonna scar. But anyway it would just be us two. I can't really fit three people on a motorcycle. Probably should've brought my Avalanche, hope you don't mind high speed." Mike chuckled.

10-08-2010, 01:40 AM
"A MOTORCYCLE! never been on one. But I don't mind." Man now I won't be able to really talk to him. "Gasp!" I get to hold his waste huh!! Atsuko starts to blush a deep red. "Yeah I would love to go on your motorcycle. Make sure you don't let me fall off okay." She had a flirty voice. She was just smiling so much her cheeks started to hurt. "Oh is your hand okay?" She puts out her hands and grabs his and started to rub his hand. He could feel the softness. Hope he doesn't notice I just wanted to hold his hand.

10-08-2010, 01:56 AM
Felix looked at the ground. "Yeah, it's ok, I don't need a ride. I'm sure someone reported me without a collar." He rubbed his neck and thought of the punishments for having your collar off. A whole night of detention. Atleast for fire types.. They didn't tolerate Fire Element's rage. "I won't be going home tonight." he gave a small smile, hoping she didn't notice it was fake. He watched her grab Mike's hand and felt a ping of jealousy, but dismissed it by looking down at his hands.

10-08-2010, 02:01 AM
"My hand is fine." He had no idea what she was talking about. It was his face that had the bruise. But he just gave her hand a light squeeze and ran his thumb along her knuckles. "Being caught without a collar isn't so bad." He looked over at Felix. "They just put a new one on you, do a few tests to make sure it's alright and lecture you for an hour. But like I said get a lightning type to drain the juice of fry the battery." Mike recalled the few times he was asked, hell he did it earlier. "I won't let anything happen to you. I've been riding for years, never had an accident."

10-08-2010, 02:53 AM
"You better make sure I'm safe." she said jokingly. She was in a pure moment of joy. She looked at Felix. "Are you okay? You look a little sad." She walked over to him. "Do you have to walk home?" She looked over her sholder to look at Mike. "Hey Mike, I live kinda far is that okay? Do you have a helment for me to wear? I don't want my hair to get all tangled." She started to play with her long red hair.

She walked over to the sink and started to wash her hands. She dried them off and started to head out. "So Mike, Your Aunt works here? Maybe she could help me out." She smiled at him. "Come on Felix. You silly boy lets get a move on." She winked at him.

10-08-2010, 03:02 AM
"She's bringing in my latest two victims." Mike let out a laugh. "One guy I fried so bad he blacked out. The other a got him right in the chest with a bolt, knocked him flat on his ass." He clenched his fist, lightning sparking around it. "Nobody messes with ya and goes unpunished. And of course I got a helmet for you."

"Mike? You still here?" He heard his aunt call. She must've put his latest victories in the other room.

"We're back here Auntie." He called. The red haired woman, Mrs. Smith, came into the room. "So how are those two?"

"Well they'll be out for awhile. But sweetie, must you really continue doing these things?" Mike must've turned as red as on of the shotgun shells on his belt. "Oh honey what are we going to do with you?"

"Uh yeah. Anyway." Mike tried to contain his embarassement. "Auntie this is Atsuko. She was wondering if you could help her."

10-08-2010, 03:03 AM
Felix followed them out, his head held slightly higher from the wink she gave him. When they got outside the breeze instantly hit them, the fallen leaves dancing in the wind. It was beautiful. Felix continued to walk with them when he heard his name called. He turned around and saw the collar officer standing a few yards away. Felix slumped his head and turned to the other two. "I'll have to see you tomorrow.. if you want Atsuko, you can text me.." he turned and walked towards the officer.

10-11-2010, 09:29 PM
Atsuko was very pleased with the breez outside. "OH Yeah! I'll be sure to text you, Whats your number?" She relized that he had already gone. She looked at Mike. "So....you ready to get going. And hey, know you'll know were I live so you can come visit whenever you please." She said all flirty. She started to walk again. "So do you and Felix know each other well?"

10-11-2010, 09:41 PM
Felix trudged along to the officer. "You're in big trouble, boy." the man said. Felix gave him a mean look and started to follow. What am I doing? I shouldn't be getting punished for saving her! he thought. He looked at the man. He wasn't very big, nor tough. Better make it quick.

He tapped the man's shoulder. "Sir, you dropped something." the man turned and looked at the ground. As soon as he did, Felix brought a burning fist to his face, causing him to fly backwards onto the ground. Felix turn and ran, he didn't know where just ran. He had to see Atsuko.

10-11-2010, 09:44 PM
"I know of Felix, if anything." Mike explained as he walked next to Atsuko. "He isn't a blip on my radar at all. Which is good for him, cause most people who are I send to my aunt. I probably only spoke a few words to him up until today. Most of which Felix knows off me are the rumors that float around school." The two were heading to the parking lot, towards Mike's bike.

"Here." He handed her the helmet, he never wore it. The bike was old school chopper with high handle bars. The frame and bars were chromed, the fenders and tank were black and had a lightning pattern running straight down. The rims were a chromed five point star design. Mike sat on the black leather seat and kicked started the bike. He reved the bike, the sound coming out of the dual exhaust was very loud. "Take a seat and hang on, shoulders or waist. I'd prefer waist, its easier."

10-11-2010, 09:58 PM
"OH I see." She giggled. "Oh wow! This is wonderful!" Atsuko admires the bike. She put on the helment and sat down. She put her arms around his waist. You could tell she was nervous but she was trying to hide it.

"Okay what you wanna do is go towards North Hyuki and Turn right on west Riumi and go staight until you see Nuki and turn Left and there you are! My house is like right there." She smiled and held on tight.

10-11-2010, 10:06 PM
"Alright sounds good." Shifting out of neutral he rode out of the parking lot and raced down the street. This is what he loved, riding, the open road wind in your hair. 'Wait I don't have hair. Ha!' He buzzed his hair that morning. He replayed her directions in his head. Surprised that it wasn't that far from his place, a few streets over actually. Turning down the right streets he came to her house.

Mike pulled into the drive way and turned off the bike. "Thank you for riding the Mike express. Please exit the vehicle on either your left or right and have a nice day." Mike started laughing. "God I'm weird."

10-11-2010, 10:11 PM
Felix ran to the parking lot in time to see them take off. Damn I'm too late! he heard shouts behind him and knew the officer had brought friends.
"Stay back!" he yelled tossing a fireball their way. The men jumped out of the way just in time. Felix ceased the moment and ran towards the direction Mike and Atsuko went. He heard gunshots behind him. Theyr're trying to kill me! Oh god! Over a stupid collar! tears ran down his cheeks as adrenaline kicked in and he was in full gear.

10-11-2010, 10:12 PM
She looked at him. She started to blush. "Aw well thank you." She pulls out some money. She gives him a hug. "Oh! do you want to come in? I could make you a pinto box and some tea." She started to jester to the doorway. She pulled out her keys to unlock the house. "You want to come in?" Her smile was sweet and calming. A little dog ran up to him and started to lick his pants. "Oh it seems that Mushi likes you! That hardly ever happens. He is very protective of me."

Atsuko saw Felix and was in shock. What is he doing? Aw why is he crying? Did something happen? She saw the officers after him. She made the roots of the trees come out and blocked the officers from Felix. "Come on Felix Come over here and get in!"

10-11-2010, 10:21 PM
"Yeah I'll come in. I'm actually rather hungry." Putting the kickstand down he went up to the door. A dog came out and Mike bent down. "He's adorable." He picked up the small dog. "Yes I just said adorable. Believe it or not I actually have a sensative side." He entered the house and set the dog down.

"Nice place." He went over to the kitchen following Atsuko. He knew if she ever came over to his place his siblings might start up. If his father was there he'd do it cause his father, who is actually nice, would help him. Mike's father, Daniel Stone, was a successful buisness man and isn't home often but he tries. Mike's step-mother however was the worst. Twenty eight years old and annoying as hell. "So about that food, want any help?"

10-12-2010, 01:40 AM
Layla forced herself to move after he had been frozen by the sight of a fire-user running away from the police. As she started walking home, she realized that it was probably a good thing that she hadn't yelled at the boy when he punched the officer. She wasn't sure if it would have attracted unwanted attention from the officers.

"I hope all of us fire users aren't going to suffer for this. We've already suffered enough." she said under her breath as she got closer to her home.

When she reached her house, she walked in the door and greeted her parents. As she grabbed an apple, she decided to try to talk to the fire user or one of his friends at some point during the next day. They seemed like nice people who wouldn't mind talking to a fire user.

10-12-2010, 08:48 PM
Atsuko Looked at Him Playing with her doggy. She walks into her house. It was a big house. For she was rich, she didn't like to flaunt it though. Her stair well was covered in gold. You could tell that her tile was very expensive. Everything in her house was old. Atsuko had bought all of that at an antiqe store.

She smiled at Mike. "I would love some help thank you very much for the offer." She headed into her five star kitchen and started to get out some rice and Sashimi. (Sashimi is raw seafood). "Would you like some udon soup? It won't take very long."

"Spark, Come here!" A Shiba Inu came in. He was golden. You could tell that Atsuko took great care of him. His coat was shiny and he smelt good. "This is Spark, He has been with me for years! He is the sweetest dog. Well to humans that is. He seems to pick on the little dogs. And he doesn't like to think he is an animal." She started to cut the Sashimi.

10-12-2010, 08:57 PM
"Sup Sparky." Mike knelt down, placing Mushi on the ground before petting Spark. "You know that was my nickname for awhile. Back when I was in elementary school. That was a long time ago." He followed her into the kitchen and let out a whistle. "Nice." Everything looked expensive. "You'd be surprised, I'm actually quite good in the kitchen." He went to the sink and washed his hands. "I'm ready when you are?"

10-12-2010, 09:04 PM
She looked at him. She smiled. Atsuko noticed that she had an old picture of her on her kitchen wall. She darted over there to take it down. It was taken a few days before her family was killed. Her deep red hair was only barly past her breast at the time. Her eyes were filled with joy, she had braces.

"Okay then, lets get the show on the road Mr. Sparky." She looked at him to see his expression. "You can get started on rice. Just put it in the rice warmer for thirty mins. It should be done soon. I'll start on the Sashimi. I'll even get out the Udon noodles." She looked like a mother getting ready to work. She had put up her hair and was wearing an apron. Her shirt was slightly up in the back. You could see a little bit of a bandged on her. It was wrapped all aroung her side.

10-12-2010, 09:18 PM
Drying his hands he saw her bolting to the fridge. He raised in eyebrow in curiosity but let it drop. Wasn't any of his buisness. Though he went back to work, fixing up the rice. While he was working he gazed at his tattoos. In a way they were a memorial to his mother, lightning strikes hard and fast like she did. Always quick to dish out discipline to her kids. He missed her, she's part of the reason he is who he is.

Anyway, finishing with that he turned back to Atsuko. She had her hair up and wearing an apron. "You know only thing missing is a bunch of kids running around, if you know what I mean." He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. "What's next, dear?" He winked.

10-12-2010, 09:27 PM
Felix ran faster than he had ever ran before. His life was in danger, bullets passed by his head every few seconds. Oh god! I'm going to die. he thought. He continued to run, now in the street. He was nearly hit by a car, but gave him a chance to give them a slip. He looked over to see a fence and hopped it as fast as he could. He ran through the backyard and jumped another one. This one had a pitbull in the back. He looked at the dog as it stared him down, teeth baring and growling.

He looked at the fence on the other side. I'm going to have to make a dash for it.. he thought. For a second he waited, then dashed for the fence. The dog followed at full speed, barking like a maddog. He quickly jumped the fence and relaxed. He was out of breath now, he sat down and panted. He chocked on a few tears, but sucked them up. I'll go around front.. I think the officers are gone..

He quickly jumped the fence to the front and saw it was clear. He gave a sigh of relief and started to walk down the street. He looked in every driveway and spotted Mike's bike. That must be where he lives! Maybe he could help me! he thought, starting towards the big house. He reached the front door and pounded on it.

10-12-2010, 09:27 PM
"Oh but we do have kids running around." She looked over at her dogs who were chasing each other. "Aww thats kawaii!" (kawaii = cute) She started to blush when she reliezed he winked at her. "Aw don't think your going to get lucky love." She said in a flirty way.

She had a few tattoos of her own. One was on her neck, 18 stars. The 18 stars were close to her. Her brother would tell her that each of their family members were a star. Atsuko was number 18. And if she ever had children she would add on to her stars. She had several on her sides and back and one on her lower back. She wasn't into the whole idea of girls shouldn't have tattoos. Her thought was if its out there then we all should be able to get it and not be judged.

She put the fish into the stove and set the timer to 45 min. "How do you like your noodles" She was walking over to the udon noodles to prepare. When she leand over to get the bowl to put it in, her shirt went up a little more and he could see blood stains on the bandges.

10-12-2010, 09:37 PM
"Lucky, me? Thought never crossed my mind." Mike let out a laugh. "Besides you don't seem like that type of girl. So that's a plus in my book. It was then Mike noticed her tattoos. He took time to look at each. "That's some beautiful ink you have there Atsuko." Honestly he loves it when girls have tattoos. It shows that they could take a bit of pain, are willing to permanetly mark their body with an image of something close to them or about something they believe in.

Mike watched her bend over, his gaze instantly fell on the bloodied bandages. "Alright who did it so I can go rip their limbs off and beat them to death with said limbs." Mike moved claser to her. "Does it still hurt? And you should probably change those bandages."

10-12-2010, 09:40 PM
She looked at Mike. "Aw thank you! I'm not going to talk about it. And yes your right I should Change these. But I do not have anymore."

Atsuko heard the pounding on the door. "Hey I'll be right back." She started to walk towards the door. I wonder who that could be.

She opened the door. "Felix! Whats wrong? Why are you crying? Come in, come in. I'm making some food. I'll make you some while you tell my your story."

Her dog Mushi started going crazy. He was barking and yelping and that made Sparky go off as well. "Hey! Go outside!" She yelled at her dogs. "I'm sorry, come on." She walked over to her kitchen.

10-12-2010, 09:46 PM
Felix was a little surprised to see Atsuko. He figured this was Mike's house. He wiped his tears and walked in behind her. "I.. I hit the collar officer.. They chased me down and tried to kill me.." he studdered on his words.

He walked into the kitchen. "Oh, hey, Mike." he felt of ping of jealousy, but dismissed it. "I knew I was going to get caught without my collar, but I wasn't expecting to hit him. I don't know what came over me. I felt I shouldn't be punished for saving you." he trailed off and leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. He tried to relax.

10-12-2010, 09:51 PM
She walked over to Felix. She pulled him and gave him a big hug. "Now why would you hit the officer?" She said Jokingly. "Aw well are they still fallowing you?! Cuz I can take care of them. I don't want anyone hurting my Felix now." She walked over to her cabnet. She pulled out a tea packet. "Now what kind of tea do you boys like? I have many different kinds so don't be shy to be picky." Her voice was very calming. "Felix have a seat and i'll take care of you okay. Just relax and enjoy yourself I'm sure everything will be fine." She looked at Mike I hope he doesn't mind that I let Felix come in. Poor baby was crying. She was going upstairs. "I'm going to go get you some tissue kay Felix. Just relax, You can take off your shoes and just breath." Then she went upstairs.

10-12-2010, 09:55 PM
Mike quickly went into action. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Going over to Felix he handed the glass to him. "Take this, drink, calm the fuck down." Putting a hand on his shoulder he pushed the boy down to the ground. "Rest, I'll handle it." Mike walked to the front door but paused in front of it. "Atsuko, just keep cooking. I'll call you if I need you and whatever happens go with it. For all our sakes.

Weither they liked it or not if they'd be in trouble for helping Felix. Mike went out on the front porch and sat down. "Now how to do this. I could just beat them, use my powers to make them lose part of their memory. But that might attract to much attention. Best thing to do is to come up with a good lie."

10-12-2010, 09:59 PM
Felix thanked Mike before he left for the front door. He relaxed a little. What had unnerved him so much was that they were aiming to kill. He kept getting the images again and again of them shooting at him. He shook his head and took another drink. His adrenaline was all gone by now and his body was shaking. What if he hadn't come here? Would they have really killed him? Or worse?

When Felix took another sip, he coughed on the drink. He beat his chest and caught his breath again. Get ahold of yourself, Felix.. he thought, putting his hands on his forehead. He closed his eyes and breathed slowly. I'm safe for now.. But I have put these two in a world of trouble.. I should've never have done this to them.. When Atsuko came down, he thanked her for the bandages and pointed to where Mike was. When she yelled, he jumped a little and watched her run back upstairs. Felix scratched his head in confusion, but wiped his face to clean himself up.

10-12-2010, 10:00 PM
She was back with the tissues. She saw Mike go outside. "What is he talking about? What is he going to do? Do you know Felix?" She handed him the tissue and went back to the kitchen. She checked the fish. "IT'S ALMOST DONE!" She yelled out so Mike could hear. The bandages started to come off. "NO!" She started to panic. "I'll be right back!" She ran upstairs again and Felix could see the blood coming threw her shirt.

10-12-2010, 10:12 PM
"So I wonder who will be coming. Maybe it'll be Officer Davis, that guy is pretty easy to fool. It'll probably be Jones though." Mike had some run ins with the officers. If you thought about it he kinda worked for them. If someone was being a problem in school, contantly bullying and all that other crap he'd find out if they can get their collar off and report them. Just another way for him to help.

But this is something different, he's protecting a friend this time. He really didn't know how much pull he had but first things first, pull off a convincing lie. "Hey kid!"

'Crap it ain't Davis or Jones. I hate new guys.' "Can I help you officers?" He asked.

"Have you seen a boy run through here?" And there was the question.

If there was ever a time for him to remain as calm and collected as ever, to not give away a single shred of emotion, not hesitate in the slightest, now was the time. "Oh that kid was bookin' it. Watched him run all the way up the street." Mike pointed. "What he do?"

"Had his collar off." The officer sent his partner ahead. "Now what are you doing?"

"Just chilling." Crap now they're interogating him. Mike was prepared to answer questions about Felix. "Waiting on my girlfriend actually. We're going out tonight." 'Buy it please. I'd hate to have to get Atsuko out here to help.'

10-12-2010, 10:26 PM
Atsuko heard the whole conversation. She was right by the door listing. She wispered "Felix go upstairs." She went outside. She was wearing a short dress and it was a really low cut. No really ever reliezed how much of a woman she was. (Meaning chest.) "Okay I'm all set babe you ready to....." She paused. "Oh hello, My I ask who you are? Did my baby do something?" She looked at Mike. She sat down onto his lap. "Have you been bad? Do I have to show you how to be good again?" She was acting really dirty. She looked at the man who was asking the questions. "So how may we help you again?" I'm so sorry Mike. I hope he doesn't feel all weird but we have to sell this. And this is my only plan.

10-12-2010, 10:37 PM
"Oh no dear everything is fine." He let Atsuko sit in his lap, he put an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "You don't have to show me how to be good, though I wouldn't mind." This was coming way to natural, and he liked it. Mike looked at the officer, who was thinking.

"Alright. Stay out of trouble." And with that he was gone.

"Alright Felix is safe." He kissed Atsuko on the cheek. "Thanks for the help." Once the officer was out of sight he stood up, picking up Atsuko as well and carried her inside. "He's upstairs?" He went up there, still carrying her and set her down at the top of the stairs. "Maybe we'll go get some bandages for you later. We gotta tell Felix the news."

10-12-2010, 10:38 PM
Felix did as he was told and sat up slowly, making no sound. He heard everything that was going on. Felix felt a little upset by their plan, but he knew why they were doing it and kept going. He was almost to the stairs when he saw the dog at the back door, looking at him. Don't bark.. don't bark.. please.. he prayed inside. The dog bared his teeth and lets loose on the barking. He was in danger of putting all their lives at risk..

He looked back and saw them walk in. He gave a sigh of relief.. "Am I glad to see you guys.." he said. He looked back at the yapping dog. "She could've killed us there.." he said, pointing to the dog outside.

10-12-2010, 10:42 PM
Atusko was just sitting there. "Yeah no problem! And yes that would help greatly." You could see a little trail of blood going to her room. "But hey know Felix doesn't have to worry! Hey Felix come on over here!" Her eyes were very bright. She was really happy of her performance. I should do that more often.

10-12-2010, 10:46 PM
Felix frowned. "I'm so sorry for this guys.. I shouldn't have come here.. I didn't mean to put you two in danger." he walked back down the stairs and to the wall next to the front door.
"I could leave now and you two can go on. I don't want to put y'all in even more danger." he turned to face the door, a sharp pain of guilt and sadness pierced his heart. He turned the knob to go outside.

10-12-2010, 10:50 PM
Atsuko stopped him. "We aren't in danger. We just helped you out. We care for you. You shouldn't worry about it. Everything is fine."

10-12-2010, 10:53 PM
"Well the good news is we got rid of them and had some fun at the same time." Mike crossed his arms. "Bad news is that I won't be there every single time you get caught so bring your collar to me or another lightning element. If you bring it to someone else just tell them I sent ya, but good luck finding one. There's about four in school, and twenty in the town."

Mike thought back to outside, it felt good. How long has it been since a girl was allowed that close to him? Two years. "Anyway we made a ton of food so lets go eat it shall we?" Mike went back downstairs. "But seriously dude it's no big deal. I'd have even gone as far to fight them for ya. We're friends dude."

10-12-2010, 10:56 PM
"YAY! Food!" She ran downstairs she almost fell down them she was running so fast. Her dress went up a little whenever she would go down a step.

The whole downstairs smelt amazing. She got ready to DIG IN!
"This is going to be so good!"

10-12-2010, 10:56 PM
Felix smiled. "Thanks. Both of you." he felt in place with them, safe even.
"I can't go home tonight. They're out to get me. Assaulting a collar officer is death, apparently." Felix frowned again.
"But food does sound good." he lifted his head, sniffing the air at the good smelling food, following them.
"What's for dinner." he smiled a true smile, a smile that you would smile when you are around true friends.
He looked down at the good food and remembered he hadn't eaten today. He took a bite and smiled. "This is great! What is it?" he asked, taking another bite.

10-12-2010, 11:00 PM
Mike slowly followed the two into the kitchen. "You can come crash at my place tonight bro. This wouldn't be the first time I hid someone from those fools." He patted Felix on the back before sitting at the table. He lowered his head and was quiet for a bit. "In nomine patris, et filli, et spiritus sancti." he finished speaking with the sign of the cross. Then he started eating.

10-13-2010, 08:44 PM
Atsuko was chowing down. "Wow we make a great team." She looked at Mike while she said that. "Maybe we should cook together more often. Aw you and Felix could both stay here. I have two open rooms. I'll even make it yours. So you know that you always have a place to go when you need it." She smiled. "Oh! We need to go to the store! I have to get stuff for tomarrow and buy new bandages." She started to get up but quikly sat back down. "I'm to lazy right now, maybe later."

The doorbell went off. "Now who could that be?" She got up and walked over to the door. You could hear her say "Oh hello." There was a man at the door. "Your Atsuko right? Well my teacher told me to give this to you. I guess you were out at the moment and she wanted to make sure you got your homework."

"Oh thank you. Have a nice day." She closed the door. "Well he was quite cute." She smiled after saying that. She put her homework onto the counter. She came back to her seat at the table and sat. "Wait....Oh never mind. I seem to have forgotten what I was going to say." She started to giggle.

10-13-2010, 08:47 PM
Felix continued to eat the food. He had forgotten how hungry he was.. He heard the doorbell ring and watched Atsuko answer. He turned to Mike and said, "I appreciate everything, man. I cant' believe those guys were trying to kill me." he trailed off frowning. When she came back he smiled. "That's alright, take your time." he responded to her forgetting what she was trying to say.

10-13-2010, 08:51 PM
When Atsuko came back he answered. "Oh I could so crash here. No way in hell would I want to go home if I don't have." Mike continued eating. "Damn we do some good work Atsuko. This is really good." Mike finished his food quickly and started washing dishes. "And no arguments Atsuko, you're getting to the store, even if I have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you there."

10-13-2010, 08:57 PM
"HA! I would love to see you try!" She looked at Mike. "And yes I'll go prep your room right now. What kind of sheets do you like, thick or thin?" She got up and handed him her dish. "Now clean boy." Her hand did a wip like motion. She started to giggle again. "I Still can't remember what I was going to say." She looked at Felix. "Will you be staying to? Cuz I need to know how you like your sheets." She gave him a flirty smile.

10-13-2010, 09:00 PM
Felix smiled a little bit. "I'll stay. Whatever sheets you prefer." he didn't mean it to make it sound as dirty as it came out. He blushed a little bit, but still smiled. He finished his food and got up to clean his plate. He washed his dish and sat back down at the table, waiting to see what was going on next.

10-13-2010, 09:07 PM
"It woouldn't be that difficult to do." Mike took her dishes. "I'm indifferent to sheets so you pick." Mike began washing and cleaning. He was partially repsonsible for this mess, the nice thing he could do was clean it up. Putting the dishes in the washer he went to the door and out into the backyard. Stripping off his shirt he placed it on a small table before moving out onto the grass.

Normally he'd do this at home after dinner, but if he was staying might as well do it now. Three stright punches out, a straight kick with his right foot followed up by a knee. Lightning covered his body as he went through the movements. He kicked and punched, blocked pretend enemies in rythm and practiced ease. He didn't fight well for nothing afterall. At the end of his routine he held his hands, palm facing each other, apart slightly. A bridge of black lighting formed as he raised his hands. A bolt shot out into the sky before seven more fell randomly around him. Michael fell to the ground panting, taking a moment to catch his breath.

10-13-2010, 09:12 PM
Atsuko went up stairs to prep the rooms. She was up there for a few mins and she came back down. "Okay it's all set." She looked at Mike who was on the floor. She walked over to him. She leaned over him, You could see down her sirt. "Are you okay?" She put out her hand waiting for him to grab it so she could help him up. "And if you did pick me up you just might make me bleed even more." She said jokingly. "Your room is ready master Mike." She winked at him.

10-13-2010, 09:23 PM
Mike wiped the sweat from his forehead. Normally there would be more to his workout but seeing as he weights were at his house this was all he could do. He looked around him, the grass was scorched where the lightning had impacted, smoke rising up into the air. Atsuko came over to him, hand held out to help him up. Mike took the offered hand, rising to his feet. "Thank you." He said before taking a step forward.

Not that it mattered as he was back on his knees. "Damn it!" He cursed. "Overload. I can't move, at least not without help." Mike really hated when he overloads, using his powers to much causes the eletrical signals to his brain to screw themselves up, so if he tries to move his leg he might raise his arm. "You can either let me lay on the grass for awhile or help me to the room. Your call."

10-13-2010, 09:26 PM
Felix watched him and Atsuko talk outside. He had his hand on his chin, thinking. I won't be able to go home for awhile.. They'll be looking for me there. I have no way of contacting my dad.. At least Atsuko is nice enough to let me stay. he smiled at the thought of staying here for awhile. Nothing wrong with that.. he saw Mike couldn't stand. "Hey, need some help out there?" he called out to them.

10-13-2010, 09:28 PM
She grabs his arm and puts it over her shoulder. "It looks like I'm going to help you up to your room." She started to head to the room. He is quite heavy. She looked at him. "Felix I need your help. Could you grab his other arm and help me take him to his room?" She looked at Felix pleadingly.

"If you would like Mike you can take a shower after your done with your overload." She started to laugh.

10-13-2010, 09:31 PM
Felix ran over to help her carry Mike. "For a muscle guy, you sure are heavy." they heaved him up the stair slow and steadily until they got to his room. "There ya go. Rest up, dude." Felix chuckled a little bit and closed the door behind him and Atsuko. He followed her downstairs and sat at the table again. "Thanks for letting me stay. I can't go home for awhile.. Nor school for that matter." he frowned and looked down at the table.

10-13-2010, 09:40 PM
"Thank you for helping Felix. And no worrys, you can always come over. I'll make you a key as soon as I can." She gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheeck. "Just know i'll always be there for you. Now would you like some tea?" She headed into the kitchen. "If so what kind would you like?" Aw Felix really Is a nice guy. I should try and get to know him better."So what are your hobbies?"

10-13-2010, 09:40 PM
"Ugh this sucks." Mike allowed the two to carry him upstairs and placed him on the bed. "A shower sounds great actually, thanks." He could feel the effects starting to wear off. It wasn't an extreme case. "Oi my shirt is still outside!" He said loudly so they could hear him. Mike rolled himself off the bed, falling to the floor. Using the bed he stood.

Limping over to the bathroom he closed the door, it closed halfway but he was to lazy to fix it right now. He turned on the water and took off his remaining clothes before getting in. The warm water felt good and he let out a content sigh. "Thats nice." He grabbed soap and began washing the dirt and sweat off him.

10-13-2010, 09:42 PM
"Lemon tea would be fine." he smiled when she hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Well, I read alot of books and write. I usually write about the outside world. Free from all this.. mess you know?" he trailed off, looking in the distance. He had always dreamed of a better life, a life without waking up wondering if you were going to die that day. "A life where you can have friendships and love. Just free." he smiled again.

10-13-2010, 09:48 PM
She heard Mike. "Oh i'll be right back." She put a cup filled with water into the microwave and started it, then she went outside and grabbed his shirt. "Be right back." She went up to his room. She knocked but no one answerd she walked into the room she placed the shirt onto the bed. She noticed that the door was slightly opend. She went over to it and closed it for him. "How dare you try and temp me. Shame on you boy." She walked of laughing. She went back down stairs the timer was done. "So how many cubes of sugar do you want one or two or even six." She smiled at him. "I enjoy drawing all the different elements. They are just so facinating to me. I wish I could meet them all. But most of them are not that kind." She frowned.

10-13-2010, 09:51 PM
"I know what you mean. Four please." he remembered seeing a drawing of Lightning and Fire surrounding a Leaf. Hmm, wonder what the means.. he decided to ask. "So I saw a glimpse of your drawing earlier today, what does that mean." he watched her make the tea and smiled as she did. She served him the tea and he said his thanks.

10-13-2010, 09:56 PM
"I think those are the best elements I must say. Other than wind, I do enjoy watching wind do its work." She started to look off. "Have you ever met a Wind element? Most are quite nice."

10-13-2010, 09:59 PM
Felix shook his head. "I don't talk to people much. You and Mike are the only friends I have." he gave a weak smile. "I'd like to be more sociable though.." he trailed off embarrassed.

10-13-2010, 10:00 PM
He could've swore he heard Atsuko but he couldn't be sure. Turning off the water he put both hands on the wall and just stood there, the water from the showerhead slowly dropping onto his head, breathing heavily. It was hard to breath with all that steam. Finally catching his wind he stepped out of the shower and dried off real quick, leaving his head wet. putting his clothes back on he went back into his room.

He saw the shirt on his bed put didn't put it on. Going downstairs he heard the two talking in the kitchen but decided to give them some space. He went into the livingroom. It was decorated beautifully, showcasing how much money she had like his family. "A piano?" There seemed to be a black piano in the corner. "Wealthy people think alike I suppose." He sat down, running his hands over the keys. "Eh what the hell." Cracking his knuckles he began Beethoven's Moonlight Sanata.

10-13-2010, 10:01 PM
"Oh well you have to meet one! They are one of the sweetest people you will ever meet! I swear, they really are sweet. But not so much of the boys. They are skook up."
She started to go into the living room. "Come on Felix lets watch a movie. What are you in the mood for? I don't own any romance so don't even sugest that." She smiled at him.

"OH Mike you up. Well hey me and Felix are gunna watch a movie you better join us. What are you in the mood for?"

10-13-2010, 10:04 PM
"Anything is good." he shrugged and followed her. He heard the song being played on the piano and tapped his foot to it. His mom would play this song for him as a toddler.. he frowned in the memory..

10-13-2010, 10:13 PM
Mike had his eyes closed, his fingers moving across the keys gracefully. If one looked closely they could see tears forming. This brought back memories, he and his mother would play the piano together all the time. It's how he got so good. After she died when he was eleven he rarely played now.

"A movie. Yeah, s-sounds good." One would be surprised to see him like this. Mike, the baddist badass of the school, playing the piano and crying. "God damn." He wiped his eyes. "Got Tropic Thunder?"

10-13-2010, 10:20 PM
"Well you play very nice." She smiled. "Humm..I believe so. She got down onto her knees and was looking threw her large collection of movies. "Oh Here it is!" she pulled out the movie and poped it in. She sat down onto the floor and pulled out a pillow that was underneith the table. She sat down onto the pillow. Relax boys, Just let yourself free. Oh and Mike, I'm going to make you and Felix a house key. This is now your second home. And i'm mom and who is going to be Dad and Son?" She started laugh at the thought of seeing them play house.

10-13-2010, 10:27 PM
"Well dear maybe this is to mature for young Felix." Mike laughed as he moved to the couch. "And thanks for the key. That reminds me I want to talk to you when this is over." Sitting down he turned toward the screen. "Nice plasma."

10-13-2010, 10:30 PM
"Ah your right maybe we should watch Hanna Montanna.. OH okay. Yeah we can talk." She looked at the tv. "Oh and thanks. Also thanks for everything today. That was really nice. You might want to move your bike though. It might rain soon."

10-13-2010, 10:40 PM
"Oh thank god you're kidding about that montanna thing." Mike made room for her on the two seater couch. "I love this movie so much. It's so hilarious. I practically memorized every line." He cleared his throat. "'I know who I am! I'm a dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude!'" Mike laughed. "I'll move my bike after the movie. They said it'd come in around midnight."

10-13-2010, 10:48 PM
She got up and sat down next to him. "Haha wow. You do know the lines. And yes it is quite funny. Oh okay I just didn't want it to get ruined cuz its a lovely bike." She smiled at him. "I would never make you watch that horrid show." Atsuko watched the movie. "Soo...What did you want to talk about?" Oh no did I do something wrong?? Is he going to yell at me for going into his room while he was taking a shower. I didn't look. I hope he knows I didn't look.

10-13-2010, 10:54 PM
"It's nothing really." Mike looked away, slightly emabaressed. "I was kinda wondering if I could move in permanetly. I hate it at home and I'm old enough to move out legally. I have a job so I can help pay for stuff." He was hoping she'd say yes. The situation in his home was worsening each day, he had to get out. Before he was either killed, or he'd snap and kill his family. "I'm worried about being pushed to far."

10-13-2010, 10:59 PM
Atsuko face lit up. "OF CORSE YOU CAN! I have always wanted a room mate! And don't worry about paying the rent and stuff I have it all undercontrol. Yay! I'm very pleased to hear that you would like to move in with me. I thought you were going to yell at me for coming into your room while you were taking a shower." She gave him a huge hug. "Well then I gues we should to the store first thing tomarrow to get you a key." She was really happy. "YAY!! Now I have someone else to take care of the kids (Dogs) While I sleep."

10-13-2010, 11:07 PM
"Thank you, so much." He returned the hug. "You're like, my angel today or something. Wow Mike way to mess up that compliment." Ending the hug he didn't move his arm, keeping around her shoulders and holding her closer to him for the rest of the movie. "I thought I heard you when I was in the shower. I'm not mad about that." Yawning slightly, the day was taking it's toll on him, he put his head on her shoulder. "So I gotta go pack my stuff tomorrow, use my truck to get it over here. Probably take several trips. Walk back and get my bike, then walk back and get my car. Busy day for us eh dear?"

10-13-2010, 11:19 PM
"ah yes. sounds very busy. But we can do it!" She was pumped and ready to go. She put her head onto his. "And no problem, I'll do anything for you guys. I bearly know you guys but hey I can tell that we have a speacal bond together and I'm very pleased I came out of my shell and talked to you guys. If anything you would be my angel Mike, You helped me relieze I should go out there and be me and talk to people. And hey I met two amazing people because of it." She was so happy. The whole room lit up with joy.

10-13-2010, 11:25 PM
"You're angel? Nah that ain't my style babe." Mike chuckled a little. "I'm more than happy to be your devil. You just have to ask." Mike snuggled closer. "You're not fire, why are you so warm? Comfy." He was really tired. He was fighting to stay awake, he knew he'd win. Atleast until the movie was over and he pulled his bike into Atsuko's, no their, garage.

10-14-2010, 09:08 PM
"I'm probably warm because its quite hot in here. Plus we are both really close to each other so the body heat probably adds to that as well. So your ready for tomarrow?"
She watched him put away his bike into their garage. She started to yawn. "Man I'm starting to get really tierd. It's probably because today was a LONG day and quite action packed. If you know what I mean." She started to giggle and then started to gag. "Swolled my spit." She looked at him. "So i'm going to go take a nice hot shower. You may join if you want." She started to laugh. "NAH! Changed my mind I would rather wash myself." She started to walk away, she turned her head. "But I'm really am glad that you want to live with me." She said her goodnights to them and went upstairs. You could hear the shower start.

10-14-2010, 09:29 PM
Felix just laid there in front of the tv, not really watching. He listened to Atusko's and Mike's conversation, but really wasn't paying attention. He heard something about Mike moving in and frowned a little. Sure is going fast.. he thought to himself. For the rest of the time, he laid there silently, thinking of all the day's events. Never again does he want a day as bad as this one..

10-14-2010, 11:18 PM
"I think I'll stick to my own room for now dear. Atleast until I get all my stuff in." Mike closed the garage door. "But anytime after that you can a;ways count on me." He went back to the living room. "Yo Felix. Feel like breaking into your house tomorrow and getting your collar? I'm also skipping school so I can pack my crap. And since you're not going guess who just volunteered." Mike flashed a smile.

10-14-2010, 11:21 PM
Atsuko went to bed. After her shower. She was very tired. The next morning she ran downstairs and started getting breakfest ready. "Boys its time to get up! We have a big day ahead of us." She got out the dog food and started to feed the dogs. "Sparky go wake up Mike, Mushi you go wake up Felix." She started making bacon and eggs. "You guys better get up so I know how to make your stuff."

She started to sing. " wanna be the very best Like no one ever was,To catch them is my real test, To train them is my cause, I will travel across the land, Searching far and wide,Teach Pokemon to understand, The power that's inside, Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all--It's you and me, I know it's my destiny, Pokemon!Ooooh, you're my best friend, In a world we must defend, Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all--Our hearts so true, Our courage will pull us through, You teach me and I'll teach you, Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all! Gotta catch 'em all!"

Miss Ember
10-14-2010, 11:28 PM
Everyday was an adventure for Nova, she would wake in small forest next to the school and would wake up half an hour before school started. She was homeless and since public school was free, she took advantage of that to get her education, for she wanted to live a good life. Without graduating from high school it would be worse.

Stretching, she got up from beside the tree and rubbed her eyes. Her tank top was dirty and sweaty from the days of wearing it and now her pants were getting grimy. But she couldn't wash for she had no money to do so. Sighing, she got used to the smells, and grabbed her backpack, walking to the school.

10-14-2010, 11:44 PM
The smell of the food was very strong. "Come on boys get down here! Its almost done. Hurry before it gets cold. And Mike when you start going for you things please do so to tell me so I can come with. And while we are at it we need to go to the store and buy more food since now i'm not the only one living in this house anymore. OH! and i shall get out my Lincoln/Mercury so I can help you bring your stuff over faster?" She was looking up the stairs. She sent the dogs up. Mushi was scracting at Felix's door. Sparky at Mike's door. "Come on you silly boys get up."

10-14-2010, 11:53 PM
"Down boy!" Mike moved the dog off him. "Not exactly who I wanted to kiss me good morning." Wiping his face he got out of bed and stood up, stretching. His joints popped and cracked as he shook off sleep. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. "Still the same as ever." Buzzed jet black hair, defined muscles, tattoos. "Where'd I toss my pants?" Walking around the room in just his boxers he looked for his clothes.

"There it is. Thanks Sparky." The dog Mike's pants over it's head. "You're a real comedian you know that?" Mike put on his pants, black jeans, and black socks. His belt, the same olive drab with shotgun shells, and his shirt he left on his bed. Coming down into the kitchen he yawned and scratched his head. "Morning dear." He came up and stood directly behind her. "Watcha' makin'?"

10-14-2010, 11:57 PM
"I'm making Eggs and bacon. How do you like yours done. Finally your up! I was about to worry. I thought I was going to have to go in there and get you up myself. But hey i didn't have to. I'm glad your up hun. I was getting quite lonely cooking all by myself. Is our little Felix up yet?" She started to look around. "I can't believe he still isn't up."

10-15-2010, 12:04 AM
Felix didn't sleep that night. In fact, he got up in the middle of the night and snuck out of his room. The night air calmed him, always had. He walked to the forest behind the school, just to stretch his legs. He lit his hand to give him some light, his hand extinguishing the darkness. Well, Atsukos into Mike, so might as well give up. he thought glumly.
The leaves and twigs crunched under his feet as he walked. He heard singing and froze. He extinguished his light and approached the source. When he got near the singing, he ducked behind the bushes and crept to the woman singing. He saw a woman sitting on a rock in the moonlight, just singing. Felix's heart skipped a beat. She was beautiful, but dirty.
Felix took another step and broke a twig under his weight. She stopped singing and turned towards the noise. Felix hid closer to the ground and waited for her to turn back around. When she did, he started to retreat. He walked in the woods, thinking about the girl until the sun came up. Then he realized he should be back at the house and dashed back in that direction.

10-15-2010, 01:48 PM
Mike kissed her on the cheek. "Scrambled eggs please." He let out a loud yawn. "Ugh I hate mornings." Going over to the coffee maker he started making it. "Normally I don't drink this stuff. Remind me to buy a huge case of Monster when we go to the store later." Coffee was to bland for Mike. Energy drinks were sweeter. "Felix should be up. Let him take his time, not like he's going to school today, not until the heat blows over." Mike started laughing. "Well it seems I made a joke. Heat blows over, Felixs commands fire. Anyway you want me to drop you off? Or are you gonna walk?"

10-18-2010, 08:42 PM
Atsuko started to lauph. "Um nah i'm going to help you move your stuff over here. Plus I don't feel like going today. Forgot to do my poject." She sighed. "So scramebled eh. Well then I do my best. Do you like cheese ontop?" She smiled huge and it was quite cheesy. "Really you want monster? You know that can kill a man. But so can a lot of things." She started on his eggs. "Could you make me some tea? I want Chia Tea please."

10-18-2010, 08:52 PM
Mike nodded. "Hell yeah I love Monster. It's so delicious. If someone ever needed to get on my good side really fast they ghould buy me a four pack, red." Getting out a kettle he filled it with water and put it on the stove and started heating it. "I'll have my eggs without cheese, thank you though." Mike walked to the other side of the kitchen and sat on the counter facing Atsuko. "Well this is pretty much how it will go. We'll walk to my place. Load up my truck with my drums, guitar, weights, computer and consoles and pack the rest up. Come back here and get that stuff squared. Go get the rest of my crap and unload that. Then I'll run home and get my Mustang." Pausing he sipped his coffee. "Then maybe break into Felix's house so he can perhaps shower and get a change of clothes and then hit the store."

10-18-2010, 09:01 PM
"Oh okay." She put down the cheese. "Ah I guess I should buy you some of the red ones. But I must ask, does it really taste any different than the other ones? I can't wait to get ya all set up in the house. Well you can add your gym stuff to my gym and it will be a bigger gym yay!" She started to get all hyper. "OOOOO AND WE CAN BUY LOTS OF JUNK FOOD FOR TONIGHT!!! You know have a little party between me and you. And totally pig out on junk."

10-18-2010, 09:14 PM
"You have a gym?" He put hopped off the counter and rinsed out his cup, leaving it by the pot incase he wanted more. "Sweet I'll be sure to make use of 'our' new gym." Mike heard the pot scream. "Water came to a boil then. But I was kinda hoping I'd make dinner tonight, maybe some pasta and sauce, some chicken a salade. For desert a pie, and to drink maybe some wine if you'll allow it. Guess my Italian side is coming out." He grabbed a new pot and quickly made Atsuko her tea. "Anything else my queen?" Chuckling he put the tea on the counter next to her.

10-18-2010, 09:43 PM
"Aha yeah we shall totaly work out in the morning though. It will wake your body up. And that would be nice. I do enjoy pasta. But maybe an other night for junk food then huh. But we shall soon, I hope. And thank you." She handed him his food. "All done now please do enjoy."

10-18-2010, 10:15 PM
Felix ran into Atsuko's backyard and looked up at the window of the room he was staying. It was on the 2nd floor.. Damn.. there goes that idea.. he thought. For a moment he tried to consider his options. I guess I can walk in through the front and say I was out jogging.. he weighed his options He decided to do just that. He walked to the front and knocked on the door to wait for an answer.

10-18-2010, 10:17 PM
At that moment Mike's stomach let out a loud rumble. "Hey quiet you." He smacked his stomach. "Hungrier than I thought." He poured himself more coffee and sat at the table. Putting his hands together he lowered his head and was quiet for about a minute. "Amen." And with that he began eating. "Delicious. There's something about a woman that can cook amazing food that I love."

10-18-2010, 10:20 PM
Atsuko left to go get the door. "OH! Why were you outside we were wondering what happened to you." She walked back to the kitchen. "Aw well thank you Mike. I'm glad you like it. I'm very pleased." She started to blush. "Do you want some to? I'll make it real fast. So were were you?" She was talking to Felix.

10-18-2010, 10:23 PM
He looked over at Atsuko. "I was.. er.. out for a morning jog." he said, grabbing a plate. He ate some of the food, but wasn't really hungry. He was thinking of the girl he saw in the woods a few hours ago. She was beautiful, with a voice of an angel. He smiled looking off in space.

10-18-2010, 10:25 PM
"Really? You didn't invite us? Aw I love doing that in the morning." She looked at him. "Aww who are you thinking about? Did you spot a pretty girl? Did you talk to her? I hope you got her number. Was she hot?" She started to giggle at the site of Felix looking off a smiley like.

10-18-2010, 10:28 PM
Mike gave Felix a look. "I believe it." He didn't believe it for a second, not with the hesitation he heard, but respected Felix's privacy enough not to ask. Everyone is allowed to have a few secrets. "Anyway glad you're up. We're heading to my place for a bit, do what we gotta do." Mike got up from the table and washed his dishes. "Maybe break into your place so you can change into some clean gear."

10-18-2010, 10:31 PM
"Oh are we getting ready to go now?" She got up and put her plate onto the counter. She didn't eat much because she was to busy talking and getting the door. She started to head to the door. She walked back and finished her tea. "So you ready boss?" She looked at Mike.

10-18-2010, 10:40 PM
Mike picked up Atsuko's dishes and rinsed them off and put them in the washer. It was getting rather full so he filled up the waser with soap and adjusted the settings. "When you're done just rinse those off and put them in. Close the door and it'll start by itself." Mike went over to the stairs. "Just a sec babe. Can't go walking around without a shirt on." Mike stopped halfway up the stairs annd turned back to face her. "Unless you want me to." He winked.

10-18-2010, 10:46 PM
Atsuko started to blush. "Nah Its fine go put on a shirt." She looked down and reliezed she should probably get out of her pjs. She went upstairs to get changed. She came back down and was wearing A black shirt with a tie and red pants and blue shoes. "I don't like to match." She started to giggle.

10-19-2010, 12:24 AM
Mike went upstairs after Atsuko and went into his room. He picked up his bandoleer belt and put it on. He loved bandoleers, there was a feeling about wearing bullets around your waist that you can't just put into words. He also pulled on his black muscle shirt and slipped on his shoes. Going back downstairs he met up with Atsuko. "Looking good love."

10-19-2010, 08:44 PM
"Aw well thank you." She started to eat an apple that was out on the counter. "So go get your stuff then come back unload then go back then sneak into Felix's house get his junk. Then give it to him then go to the store! I like the store." She started to look off into space. "So many things at the store." She headed to the door. "You all set babe? And by the way you look quite dashing." She started to giggle and she opened the door. She went outside, the weather was dull. It felt dry but it was an overcast, her favorite.

10-20-2010, 08:06 PM
"Me? Dashing?" Mike looked down at himself, simple clothing. "I wonder what you'd say if you saw me in my suit." Being the son of a successful buisness man required Mike to attend a few parties. As the loyal, youngist child he was more than happy to. He stepped outside with Atsuko and looked at the sky. "Overcast....perfect." Mike smirked and chuckled. "If it storms I'll be at my most powerful." He clenched his fists, a few sparks shot out. "But not that it matters right now. Wanna head out now?"

10-20-2010, 08:52 PM
"I would love to see you in a suit! And it is amazing I love overcast. Well if we bumb into some freaks well you could save me. And yeah lets get started!" She was pumped and ready to go. She even started running in place. I wonder if I could see him in a suit. That would be so cute. Would I look good in a suit? Her brain wondered off and she just sat there looking blank.

10-20-2010, 08:59 PM
"Don't worry darling, I'd keep you safe." He winked. "Alright then lets roll." As Mike walked he could feel a storm brewing. It put him in an excitable state. All that electrical energy forming in the sky ready to crash into the ground. What lightning elemental wouldn't love it? It made them more powerful, all that energy to draw on in a fight. "I don't think we'll run into anybody. Everybody knows we get a hundred times stronger during a storm."

That made him think about the other twenty lightning elementals in the city. Mike was the most powerful one in the schools, but the older ones had ton more experience with their powers. "Wouldn't be surprised if we ran into another lightning walking around. Though the chances aren't that high still."

10-20-2010, 09:10 PM
"well I'm glad I have you here." She started to flirt. "I don't know what I would do if one of them tried to take advanteg of me." She did her little face. (When she closes her eyes and holds her hand near her mouth.) "So...How far do you live from here? Wanna take my car?" She pointed to the new Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. Its deep red paint was just perfect to the eye. The weels were ready to go. Atsuko looked so happy when she was looking at it. "Thats my baby." She was in aw of her car. "It sounds really nice to. It was only $33,590! Thats the cheapest I have ever gone for a car. But hey hope it will hold up."

10-20-2010, 09:19 PM
Mike walked over to the car, inspecting it. Kneeling down he looked at the rims. "I know a guy who could hook you up with a sick pair of rims." He stood back up. "Excellent color. I love red." Mike went back over to Atsuko. "All in all, a decent car. Now my vehicles on the other hand," he chuckled. "Let's just say I put a lot of work into them." Everyone in his family owned one vehicle, Mike owned four. "I have my bike, the Avalanche or what I call the APC, the Mustang and my mother left me her Escalade in her will but I've never taken it out or even worked on it." That might change soon. "But I don't live far, a couple blocks away on Mt. Vernon." Mike held out his arm for Atsuko. "Shall we my dear?"

10-20-2010, 09:27 PM
She looked quite sad. "Bye-bye baby" Talking to her car. "Now you be good and don't sneak out to see that Truck over there." She pointed to an old rusty truck. "And we shall." She took his arm and started to walk with him. "Mine is still better. All my stuff is better." She started to laugh. She was silent for a while. "NAH! mine is just expensive is all. Not better, But it should be because it is so expensive." She let out a sigh.

10-20-2010, 09:42 PM
It wasn't a long walk, ten minutes at the most. And it was quiet to, which was nice. He enjoyed the silence, just the two of them walking arm in arm. But it was when they got to his house he made the first noise, a sigh of relief. "My siblings and step-mother aren't home." Mike noticed a black Roll Royce Phantom parked in the driveway. "Cool,my dad's home. Guess I don't have to wait and tell him. But first things first." Mike led Atsuko to the garage and opened it up. "And there it is, the APC."

The Armored Personnel Carrier, a Chevy Avalanche, was murdered out. Everything on it was black. The paint job was matte black and didn't reflect light. The rims were huge twenty fours, rockstar rims. There was a large metal grill guard protecting the front, a hood scoop and the windows were heavily tinted and two huge stack exhaust that were mounted on the truckbed. It looked like the cabin of an eighteen wheeler. "Who got expensive crap now?" Mike laughed as he got in. He pulled out of the garage and backed up to the front of the house. "Ok ready to start moving?"

10-21-2010, 09:14 PM
"Looks like I have to meet your father. I hope I look good. Do I?" She started to worry. What If his dad doesn't like me? She looked at Mike's car. "Eh I've seen better." She started to laugh. "YAY!! lets go get your junk and get outa here! Wait do I have to meet your dad? WEll of corse I do huh....You are moving in with me after all. But I'm scard. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm not a good person to hang out with let alone live with. I'm just worried. I'm sorry I'll shut up now." And with that Atsuko shut up.

10-21-2010, 09:58 PM
"Relax my dad is cool." Mike laughed as they walked up the stairs. "And you look beautiful. You are by far the the nicest thing I, or any of my siblings, have ever introduced to my dad." He opened the door and entered the house. "Yo dad where are you!?"

"Kitchen." Mike motioned for Atsuko to follow. "Hello there son." Daniel Stone was a rather large man, about forty seven with greying hair and dark green eyes. On the kitchen table there were papers scattered around obviously for the numerous buisnesses he owns. "You look like you got something to tell me."

"Yeah. Dad, this is Atsuko. I'm moving in with her." Mike wasn't at all worried about his father. He knew how the older man would react.

"Well son thats great." Mr. Stone pulled his son into a hug. "And a pretty young thing. You could've done worse. But you've always been better with the ladies unlike your brothers."

"Ugh, Frank's fiance. Don't remind me." Mike nearly vomited at the memory of his future sister-in-law. "I'm glad you approve dad. See dear, you were worried for nothing." Mike and his father chuckled. "Well we better start packing."

10-22-2010, 07:38 PM
After going to bed at 11 pm on the previous night, Layla woke up at here usual time, got dressed, and walked to school, once again stepping over the bodies. As she walked, she thought about what she had seen yesterday and hoped that the fire users wouldn't suffer for yesterday's issue. She walked onto the school property and caught sight of the hostile glares of the few students who were there before her.

Layla winced as rock hit her in the right shoulder. She glanced to the right and saw a water user and his friend laughing and looking in her direction. When the water user's friend saw her looking at them, he turned to his friend and said something, which was followed by the two of them bending down, most likely to look for rocks big enough to throw at her. Before they found any, Layla turned her head so she was looking ahead, and then walked off. She reached her classroom and found a seat in the last row.

10-22-2010, 08:58 PM
Atsuko Smiled at Mike's dad. "Hello, How are you? I'm glad that you aprove of me. I was getting all worried thinking you wouldn't think of me kindly. I'll be sure to watch your son make sure he is well." She looked at Mike and smiled. "Lets go get your stuff!" She started to blush. She was still quite scard of just meeting his father who looked like he could squish her if he ever wanted to.

She was looking around his house. His Old house. She started to smile big. The thought of having someone else living with her brought her so much joy. She had lived alone for to long. She got pretty lonely a lot.

10-22-2010, 09:08 PM
"Alright then follow me." Mike led Atsuko upstairs and to his room. "Well this is where the magic happens, or used to happen i guess." Opening the door they entered into a dark green room. Across from them along the wall was a dresser, inside it was obviously his clothes. On top was some Halo figures and a sword holder for a katan, wakizashi and tanto. The sheaths were white and the handle black wrapped in red cord with a black blade. In the corner of the room was a drum kit, two guitars one bass and one electric, and a mic stand obviously with a microphone in it. His closet held several items, cases, a duffel bag, his suit, leather jackets, hoodies and shoes. There was also a desk with a computer and gaming console. The walls were decorated in movie posters. "All in all a cliche male room eh?"

He went to the corner and took apart his drums. "This needs to be carried down and loaded into the truck." He packed both guitars into a single case, it was capable of holding two. "That as well." Amps, mic, mic stand and cords went in another case. "Lets get this before the other stuff." Mike had two bass drums and grabbed a handle on each. "If you could grab the cymbals that'd be fantastic." The cymbals he had taken apart and put in a special case.

10-23-2010, 03:13 PM
Joshua had found his way into the school quite easily. Nobody usually pays attention to him since he is sort of alien to the whole school, being an exchange student and all. He didn't pay much attention to the folks around him and picked the best seat at the back row.
"There. That'll do. Now I just have to wait for some obnoxious teacher to go and announce that I am a rather special case since I came all the way over here from another country."

He rocked his chair to the radiator near him, his hands under his neck supporting him and stared blankly into the ceiling.

After a short while, he noticed one peculiar looking fire user heading towards the back rows of the class. He shifted his eyes towards her and observed quietly. That is, till she sat next to him.

'Well, well. Who do we have here, huh? The name's Joshua. Joshua Rogers, of the wind element. Does that seem strange to you?' he asked Layla.

10-23-2010, 08:43 PM
As Layla sat down, she noticed an unfamiliar boy sitting in the seat next to hers. Please let him be nice, she thought as she settled into the seat.
A few seconds later, she got her wish as the boy turned to her and introduced himeslf as Joshua.
"Nice to meet you, Joshua. I don't think that being a wind element is strange. By the way, my name's Layla Bouton." Layla replied before lowering her voice and leaning close to him so her next comment wouldn't be heard by the other two students who had just walked into the room.
"In case you're wondering, I'm a fire element. I hope you don't find anything wrong with that fact." She added before sitting upright again, also hoping that he wouldn't move to another seat, throw something at her, or try to attack her

10-23-2010, 10:21 PM
Joshua leaned back and let out a slight smile. 'Not at all, miss. Not at all. Although you might not seem the type, I'm not the one to judge people based on their appearances.'

As time went by Joshua noticed her slight anxiety and couldn't resist not to leave a comment. "You seem a bit unsettled. Did something happen just now?"

10-24-2010, 04:18 PM
At Joshua's comment about her apparently obvious nervousness, Layla sensed that he probably didn't seem to mind that she was a fire element. She leaned towards him again and lowered her voice when she spoke.

"Nothing happened, but I was a little worried that you would move to a different seat or try to hurt me in some way because I'm a fire element. A lot of people don't like fire elements because they think that we're responsible for starting this war that's going on right now. As a result, this dislike turns into violence and hostility, as well as a lack of friends for fire elements like me. If you watch the students coming into the room, you may see waht I mean." She explained before sitting up again. A few moments after she finished speaking, a water element walked into the room, sat down in a chair that was a few rows in front of Layla, then turned and threw a crumpled up piece of paper at her. She turned to Joshua.
"See what I mean?" She asked.

10-24-2010, 07:37 PM
Joshua shrugged and leaned his head to her side a little. 'I see what you mean, Layla, but I still don't understand.'

He picked up a pencil from his desk and pointed it at the student who just threw a piece of paper. 'Bang, you're dead.' he said with a slight smile on his face. 'I'm an exchange student so I could care less about your politics and wars. Well, I do care a little bit, but not enough for me to be all hateful towards the fire people.'

Knowing that such a thing wouldn't convince Layla to be a little less nervous, he made another comment. "And don't worry. People might attempt to throw more things at you, but they won't mess with me." He leaned back a bit and grinned eerily. "I'm quite sure of that."

Without saying a word, he let the pencil drop on her desk. It had a tribal sort of sign engraved in it.

10-25-2010, 09:04 PM
Atsuko just looked at his room. She looked quite blank. She really never been in a boys room so she was quite nervous. "It's quite nice." She looked at the drums. She leaned over to grab the cymbals. "So are you going to be keeping me up with your music?" She looked a little worried.

"You do know I can play right? I have so many different types of violins that I had specially made. I am a big fan of the sting family." Atsuko started to smile then blush. She realiezd she probably sounded weird or like a nerd. "Oh I also do love to play my cello! It calms me whenever i'm down. I don't know why I have a piano, I hardly even play it." She started to hum a tune. It was a song her mother used to sing to here. Every Earth element knew of the song. It was there song of joy. Every element has one. Fire is a little harsh sounding, Lightning Was fast, Wind was calm and collective. Air was all just sounds of the ocean.

Atsuko started to remember her mother and how they lied to everyone. Making her name one to hate. Everyone in her family turned out bad. She was the only one I guess you could say was.....well "Good". She had many secrets. She had done wrong on many occasions. She just hasn't been found yet. And when She is.....Her body will become the new Decoration on the floor.

Miss Ember
10-25-2010, 09:13 PM
Nova was late for school as she was dazed, looking out at the beautiful scenery before her and wanted to float into the air to relax on the clouds but stood up to hear the bells ranging loudly and started to walk off to the school. People were already in class and she knew she needed to wash up and so went into the locker rooms to take a steaming hot shower. It was relaxing and she washed her clothes also so she smelt of lilacs and roses. Smiling to herself, she dried off and got dressed once more to go to her second period, and sat down in her seat to the teacher glaring at her.

Giving her the eye back, she looked around to see a girl and boy whispering to each other and rolled her eyes to the highschool love which was pathetic in her eyes.

10-25-2010, 09:17 PM
"I won't keep you up sweetness. Promise." He listened to her talk as he organized his gear. "I would love to hear you play. We could play together actually, it'll be fun." Mike grabbed his gear and left the room. Going downstairs he passed his father, "Hey dad." And kept going until he got outside and put the drums in the back of the truck. "Two down." Sighing he went back inside to grab more gear.

Mike heard her humming. Stopping in the doorway he crossed his arms and closed his eyes, listening to it. It was soft and made him feel strangely happy for some reason. "Beautiful." He said as he fully entered the room. "Why don't you take this down." He handed her the cymbal case. "Careful its kinda heavy."

10-25-2010, 09:23 PM
Atsuko turned fast after she heard him speak. She started to blush. "I didn't reliez I was doing that out loud." Her face was really red. She grabed the case. "Okay. Will do. And its not that heavy. Shesh do you think i'm like ten?" She looked down at her chest. And looked back up at him. She smiled and started down to the car. She said hello to his father and thanked him once again. She came back to grab more of his stuff. "So what do you want to do? Make a music room or something? Cuz I have several open rooms that would make the sound most wonderful." She started to smile once more. "I can't seem to stop smilling. Look at what your doing to me." And with that she started to smile.

10-25-2010, 09:37 PM
Once Atsuko left he went to his closet and quickly dumped the contents onto his bed. Grabbing a few duffle bags he opened them up so they were ready for when he needed to load up his clothes. He didn't have many clothes, enough to have him go a month with something different. Then he'd have to wash. "Ah sweetness, we think alike. A music room would be kick." Mike smiled. "And what I'm doing to you? What are you doing to me?" He came closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her close. "Seriously, what is this?"

10-25-2010, 09:41 PM
Atsuko made a little sqeak when he was hugging her. "I would love to have a music room. And I don't know. What is this?" She looked up. She looked so cute with her green eyes just looking right into his.

She was trying to fight the erg to kiss him. Once she reliezed what she wanted to do she started to blush a deep red. WHAT AM I THINKING!!??? She started to panic and became very quite.

10-25-2010, 09:55 PM
"You're cute when you blush, you know that?" Mike chuckled more. "Relax alright. You have nothing to worry about." Mike couldn't remember the last time he held someone like this. It's been awhile since he's had anything serious, awhile since he fell this hard. "You might seem weird, eccentric and maybe slightly insane," Mike smiled. "But I like that about you, I mean really like." He felt heat rise to his face, was he blushing now. "Can I..um?" Man he had it bad, he was nervous. Guess his dad was right, no matter how big and strong you are a woman will still make you feel weak. "Kiss you?"

10-25-2010, 10:00 PM
She ducked her head. Her face was blazing red. "Re.....really you like that about me? No one really ever likes me." She looked up at him again. "And yes you may." She started to panic again. What do I do? What do I do? I have never really kissed someone before!what if he thinks I suck? She started to lean in. Her heart was beating so fast she was afriad she was going to pass out with joy.

10-25-2010, 10:06 PM
Mike felt a wave a relief wash over him. He didn't like rejection, then again no one does. And he's been rejected a lot more than people actually would think. "Thank you." And with that he closed the distance. She tasted sweet and he loved it. He ended the kiss to catch his breath. "You're not bad. Though you should probably practice a lot." He winked before kissing her again.

10-25-2010, 10:14 PM
"Aw. Well You can't really blame me. Its my first." She started to laugh. She felt calm and was happy that they have finally taken the next step. She had been so worried that she would fall for him but he would never feel the same. She liked the idea of them being that close. She started to worry if his father came in and saw them. But she didn't care, she got that thought out of her head as the moment it came in. She enjoyed the first kiss but she really liked the second.

10-25-2010, 10:22 PM
He kissed her once more. "We'll be sure to get your practice in." He laughed as he went back to work. "Just so you know, that was the best distraction I have ever had." He picked up the stands and took them to the truck before taking the rest of the kit down. "Hey you mind if we head to the school later? I kinda want to get my work." Mke picked up his guitar case. "After our lunch date of course."

10-25-2010, 10:25 PM
She started to giggle. "Haha Yeah I have fogotten that we had work to do. And yeah its fine! She started to move some more things. WOW that was wonderful. she was giddy all the rest of the day. She was so happy. She would be skipping all around.

10-26-2010, 12:54 AM

Rena looked around thoughtfully. She was going to be late for school, but her arm was killing her, and she needed to go to the doctor. Last night, she had once again practiced Ice and frozen her arm through the bone. It hurt so bad when she chipped the ice off; and then she couldn't move it at all.

But then again, her perfect attendance record would be broken if she did go to the doctor... Decisions, decisions...

10-26-2010, 07:44 PM
Layla giggled when Joshua pointed the pencil at the student's back, then found herself relaxing completely when he told her that he was an exchange student who didn't really care about the war. She giggled again when he stated that people probably wouldn't mess with him. Layla hoped that he was right, since there were occasions when non-fire users were discriminated against for hanging out with fire users. When Joshua dropped the pencil on her desk, Layla looked at it and noticed the strange sign that was engraved on it. She picked up the pencil.
"What does this mean?" She asked, referring to the symbol.

10-27-2010, 12:50 AM
Polly sat in the back of the classroom quietly, she flexed her arms and tried to summon a bit of ice to her fingertips. The collar she wore tingled, but she smiled as she saw just to tips of her fingers glisten like a raindow from a bit of ice shining in the light. Content she picked up her pencil and began taking notice on the lesson the teacher was going on and on about.

10-27-2010, 03:06 AM
He was happy, wearing a large smile as he carries stuff down to his truck. It was a great feeling for him. So after getting all his musical equipment loaded he was ready for his computer. It didn't take him long to unplug everything and carry it downstairs, put it in a box and load it. Now he had to pack his clothes. "Almost done sweetness." First thing he packed was his boxers. Reds, greys, dark blues, blacks and a black with red hearts on it. Then came his pants, shorts, jeans, cargo pants then socks. Mike zipped up that bag and loaded his shirts in the next one. He took those downstairs and came back up with a few boxes. Going inside the boxes were his posters, dvds, cds, games and any game figurines he had. "All done."

10-27-2010, 05:48 AM
Joshua swiftly looked the other way when Layla asked about the meaning of the sign. "For now all that it means is that certain people will leave you alone. Be wise not to use it on every occassion and that's all you need to know for now." he said, as he picked up his pen and started making notes of the lesson that apparently already started.

"Oh, here comes something important. We'll talk later." he said, implying that further comments would maybe anger the teacher, something Joshua wouldn't want to be responsible for.

10-27-2010, 05:56 AM
Polly shot a side long glance at a kid setting in a desk next to her. His name was Joshua and he was in the same grade as her. He seemed to always keep to himself and he held an air of a bad ass that surrounded him. He was an air sign. Polly never talked to him. In fact she never talked to anybody in her grade. It was better for her to keep to herself. It was safer for her.

10-27-2010, 08:53 AM
Attempting to follow the lessons, Joshua couldn´t help but notice the ice user that sat at his right side fiddling with her fingers trying to conjure something. He thought to himself ´Ooh boy. Fire and ice don´t go together well now do they? Better stay right here and act as a border of some sorts.'

Minutes passed and Joshua felt that both girls were avidly passing glares to both him and eachother.

10-27-2010, 11:31 AM
Layla noticed Joshua looking the other way when she asked about the symbol on the pencil and she had decided even before he had spoken that she wouldn't ask him anymore questions. She grabbed her pen and paper right as Joshua mentioned something related to the class. She glanced over and thought that she saw the ice user on Joshua's other side giving her an odd look. In a rare, mannerless moment, Layla looked back at her. It wasn't a glare, just a long glance. After a few seconds, Layla looked back at her paper and began to take notes.

10-27-2010, 03:42 PM
Polly stretched out in her chair. If the two kids, Joshua and Layla thought she cared enough to glare at them, then they really didn't have any clues. Of course who could blame them? Polly's natural look was either one of seriousness or a grimace. Smiling or looking content actually took a lot of work for her. Now just plain bored with the teachers drawn out lecture Polly began forceing her elemental power throuh both of her hands. She wiped her fingertips gentle on the top of her binder leaveing a trail of frosted streaks behind her.

11-19-2010, 09:46 PM
Atsuko Was waiting at the car. She was standing there looking all cute. The wind started to pick up. So her deep red hair went infront of her face. She smiled while pulling the hair out of her face. "Oh okay. Do you need anymore help babe?" She looked sweet, but she couldn't get the thought out of her head. I can't believe we kissed! She started to blush a dark red. She just watched him as he went back into the house.

I hope his father likes me.....I hope he can trust me....I hope he doesn't think i'm trash... With that she looked down, she looked up. Maybe I could of worn something old! Make myself look like a good girl. And not all lame like i am right now.

11-22-2010, 08:48 PM
Mike went back inside to speak with his father. "Dad. All my gear is packed."

"Ah son." The eldest Stone hugged his son. "You are always welcome here remember that." The two walked outside. "I probably never said this enough, but you are my favorite. Don't tell the others, I don't want to deal with their bitching."

Mike smiled at his father. "I won't. Promise." Looking at Atsuko he smiled an even bigger one. "Is this what you felt for mom?"

"it's different for everyone son, but you'll know it when you feel it." Daniel patted his son on the shoulder as they neared the truck. "I assume you'll be back for the Mustang later, so I'll save the goodbye until then. Atsuko, it was a pleasure meeting you. If Sparky here gives you any trouble just smack him upside the head like this." Daniel Stone hit Mike upside the head. Mike yelped in pain and grabbed the back off his head. "He'll straighten out. If not give me a call and I'll straighten him out for you."

"Gee dad great things to tell my girlfriend." Michael opened the passenger side for Atsuko. "Shall we depart sweetness?"

11-23-2010, 10:49 PM
"Oh no the pleasure is all mine! Thank you! And I hope we get to see each other again. You are always welcome to stop by." She went over to his father and gave him their address. She started to blush after hearing Mike call her his girlfriend. YAY! So its offical!!! She skipped to the car.

She looked back. "I could never hit your son. So you might be getting a lot of calls." She said jokingly.

She looked at Mike. "Yeah I'm ready! Lets get going!" Atsuko was pumped and ready to get on the road.

11-23-2010, 11:04 PM
Mike closed the door after Atsuko got in. Then he went and got in the driver's seat. Starting the engine he put the truck in reverse and backed out of the driveway. "Ok we'll drop this stuff off then go somewhere for lunch. Anywhere specific you want to go?" It didn't take them long to drive back to the house. Shutting of the truck he got out and went around to open the door for Atsuko. "Ready to unload dear?"

11-23-2010, 11:09 PM
"Umm...I would like some soba!! But to tell you the truth I don't mind anything is good with me." She waited for him to open the door. "Yup as ready as i'll ever be." She got out and went to go help unload. "What do you want me to do first babe?" She looked at him calmly. Trying to hide the fact that she was over joyed.

11-23-2010, 11:22 PM
Mike lowere the bed door and jumped onto it. "Hm lets see here. Can you take two boxes? These two aren't that heavy." Mike looked over Atsuko, his gaze entirely sincere and loving. He hoped she could tell how much she had come to mean to him. "Yeah two will be no problem for you." Mike passed down two boxes. He himself took his duffle bags and using the shoulder straps secured them. He then picked up the other two boxes. "Alright in we go."

Mike opened the door and went upstairs to his new room. Setting the boxes on the bed he tossed his bags into the corner for later. He rand outside andgrabbed his computer and game consoles. "Can you get my guitar case?" He asked. "I'm gonna hook this up." He set his gear down on the empty desk. "Shouldn't take long love."

11-30-2010, 09:07 AM
Polly stood to her feet at the end of the teachers lecture. "Where are you going?" The teacher spoke up. Polly didn't even turn to acknowledge him as she flipped one whimsical hand into the air. "Nature calls." She said lamely and headed out towards the bathroom. "This blows." She muttered to herself as she ran her hands along the wall, her fingers leaveing a trail of frosty ice behind her. She wanted something exciting and new. She toyed with the idea of skipping school altogether and seeing if there was anything interesting going on in town.

12-02-2010, 10:03 PM
Atsuko nodded. She grabbed the two boxes and fallowed him up to his room. "Okay I'll go down and get the rest. And don't worry, take as long as you need to." She smiled at him sweetly. "I am truly happy that your here. I really want you to know that." She looked down and back up. She had tears in her eyes. "I have been all alone for so long I have forgotten what it felt like to have someone here with me....and get the chance to feel loved again. Like i'm wanted in this world and I don't have to hide anymore." She reliezed she had been talking a lot and shut up. "I'll go and get the rest kay...Sorry for blabbering, I hope you don't mind." She started down the stairs to get the rest of his stuff.

I hope he will understand how much this means to me. A tear went down Atsuko's face. For once I am truly happy.

12-03-2010, 09:07 PM
"Check and double check." Mike was making sure he plugged everything in the right ports. "That should do it." Sitting himself in the chair he pressed the power button on the tower. In two minutes everything was on and working perfectly and he had good connection. "Great! Ha now I can pwn noobs." While he was working he kept playing everything Atsuko said to him. He knew what it felt like to be alone, to have someone you loved taken away. He had his mother taken away from him when he was eleven. Drunk driver. The two were coming back from lunch when the driver side was hit. It was very traumatizing.

Wiping tears from his eyes he got out of the chair. It was getting hot so he took his shirt off and threw it on his bed. Mike went out of the room and looked down the stairs. She was there, about to go outside. By the time he got doen the stairs she was on the front porch and he quickly came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. "Hey, you can babble as long as you want." Mike smiled. "I'll listen. I'm here, we're together now so whenever you need it just keep talking." He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm really happy with you, Atsuko." The lightning element didn't know the extent of his feelings for the girl. All he knew was that they were pretty strong. "You're perfect you know that sweetness?"

12-08-2010, 10:38 PM
Atsuko feels Mike's arms come around her. And his voice was conferting. She had been crying.She felt his kiss go upon her cheek. She turned to him "Thank you. And if you ever need anything please do come and tell me." She smiled. Her nose red from her rubbing it. Her makeup messed up from her tears. "I'm just so happy that I'm not all alone anymore." Some more tears started to fall. "And I am not even close to being perfect." She laughed at the thought of her ever being perfect. "But I have a feeling that we are going to do great together. So! What would you like to eat babe?"

12-09-2010, 12:58 AM
"Meiyumi-chan, don't forget to check in at Ryukyus to get your schedule," her mother said, feigning a smile.

Tossing her backpack over her shoulder, she mumbled, "Sure, mom." Grabbing a piece of bacon left untouched on her plate, she took a bit while heading towards the front door of their apartment.

"Aishiteru!" her mother called; the verbal show of affection was left hanging in the air.

Closing the door behind her, Meiyumi sighed. A large gust of air ruffled her hair, and some of the discarded newspaper droppings left on the floor from former tenants. She brushed a few strands of lose brown hair behind her ear. The only thing bad about Air was using the power often caused bad hair days --sometimes.

The stench of dead bodies nearly gagged her as she stepped out on to the sideway in front of her apartment. She knew the war caused a lot of casualties, but could they respect the dead enough to bury them? She doubted the graveyards had any room left, or that the shrines were accepting bodies to pray over.

"I already hate this," Meiyumi muttered. Casting a back glance towards her new apartment building, she narrowed her eyes. She wished they never had to move; she hardly had time to finish unpacking before her mother handed her the new school uniform, and her fully stocked backpack. Pissed would be the understatement of the year if her journal was uncovered in her backpack. Taking it off her shoulder, she rested her backpack on her shoes; unzipping it, she rummaged through the folders, binders, and other miscellaneous items her mother decided to stuff in there. The old woman was kind enough to pack her a bento. She shifted the box out of the way, and tore back the hidden flap at the back. Oh, thank God. Her journel was still there. Zipping her backpack up, she tossed it over her shoulder once more.

The sight of bodies was a little more than she could handle. She immediately regretted eating that slice of bacon, but she was starving. No respect for the dead, I see, she thought, watching others step over the bodies of those they probably went to school with. Even though she wasn't from here, she was taught to respect the dead, and never step over them, instead, she walked around the dead bodies lining the roads, her nose wrinkled from the smell of death, and decaying bodies. I would what their elements were...

Ryukyus loomed near. Her new school, a semi-safe haven from her parents, she presumed, though the sight of students wandering around with collars around their necks made her think otherwise. She had the nerve to turn around, and skip school all together. She stopped a student passing by, and asked where the office was. Being pointed in the direction of the office, she bowed, and set off to get her schedule, and probably one of those things around her neck. She remembered seeing them around animals’ necks, but never around a human’s.

12-09-2010, 12:59 AM
“You have to wear this collar. It acts as a safety method for other students because using your powers on school property is not allowed,” the secretary said. It was clear she had had bad experiences with other students being forced to wear these shock collars.

Meiyumi forced a pleasant smile, “Sorry, but I am not wearing that thing.”
She should have known entering the office was going to be a bad experience, but now, she was for certain it would be a very bad experience for the secretary. The air in the office began to thin as the secretary stepped closer with that dreadful shock collar. I am no animal, she thought, forcing the air to thin even further. The sound of the secretary gasping, and her face beginning to turn blue, the clattering and slamming of doors brought her attention back to the present. She frowned as the receptionist, nurse, and by the looks of it, the Vice Principal clamored around the suffocating secretary before the air pressure rose back to normal.

Her neck hurt from the several shocks she received from nearly suffocating the secretary too death. She even managed to gain at least a month’s worth of detention, as well as losing her lunch period. They claimed she was on “probation” for the use of her element. She has ignored them, and stalked out of the office minutes ago with her schedule, a map of the school, and a burn mark all the way around her neck from the shock collar. She would have rather taken the explosion offer that the Vice Principal waved in front of her face. She discarded the crumbled up map in the near-by trash can, deciding to wander the hallways in search for her class.

Jonas Garland
12-09-2010, 02:32 AM
The essence of Time was a nobody. Quite literally in fact. He was labelled a nerd, and was treated as such. His large crimson glasses sat on the tip of his nose, a clear give-away that this boy was a nerd. History books sat grasped against his small chest, and more in his bag. It was a wonder he could even stand with the load he carried.

Daintily, he slipped through the hallway of the school. He was never good keeping time. He could rattle off facts about time, and show a great sense and understanding of the flow of time, but his own personal time remained a mystery to him. He was known by his classmates for being late all the time, despite having two watches on his arms. Two loud watches in fact. He was constantly surrounded by the constant ticking of clock. Ianus Smith was his name.
At the moment he wasn't sure where he was going, in fact he was trying to find somewhere quiet to re-adjust himself. His stomach growled, causing an annoyed gaze form in his grey eyes. He was currently wearing a turtle-neck sweater, due to constantly being cold, and a pair of thick black jeans.

"Nān food, níwe." He told himself, telling himself not to get food. His thin form revealed a reluctance to eat food, for reasons, which remain a mystery even to Ianus. Ianus would only eat when it was absolutely necessary. This was not one of those times. With little food, Ianus knew it was only a matter of time before he started getting tired, and when that happened he knew he'd end up falling asleep. Something of which happened a lot in his classes, much to the enjoyment of his peers.

He didn't have to wait long for the tiredness to kick in. In fact as he got close to his 'safe place', in other words a disused storage-room he'd found hidden away in part of the school, he yawned quite loudly. It was rather small, and there were only a few old tables and a couple of chairs inside. Ianus quickly made his way over to the door and pressed his hand against the lock. His eyes glowed bright for one second as he rewound time around the lock. The lock clicked, and Ianus pushed his way in. Of course anyone who had seen him go through would have noticed the ability in work.

Through tiredness, the thick brown-haired boy forgot to lock the door and headed immediately to a mini-refrigerator he had sneaked in a while back. He opened the door and quickly took out an energy drink. The books landed heavily on the desk as he sat at it, whilst taking a heavy drink.

"Gah... I'm kind of buggered with school life... I knew I should have just remained at home..." He complained, resting his head in his hands.

12-10-2010, 10:09 PM
"Let's get the rest of this stuff inside first. Then I'll take you anywhere you want to eat." Mike stepped up onto the truck bed and started loading stuff off it. With Atsuko's help it all went much faster. In a spare room they set up his drums, ams, mics and he moved his guitars in. Next he unpacked his clothes, then shoved the bags into the closet. Atsuko brought in the boxes with his things. Figures of characters from his favorite games, action, comedy and horror movies, books, games and other rediculous things he owned. Finishing putting up a Metallica poster he looked around the room. "Well love, done. Now maybe we should stop at the school real quick so we can get my Aunt to cover for us then go get food. Sound good?"

12-12-2010, 06:48 PM
With her hands stuffed deep in her pockets Polly roamed the hallways as the bell rang for the next cless period to start. She cocked her head slightly as the sight of a new girl. She seemed to be having some difficulty adjusting to her new collar. "Hey. Psst." She said as she stood behind her. "If you want i can... 'adjust' that for you. I'll meet you in the restroom if your interested." Polly turned and started towards the bathroom. She new how to rewire the collar so it wouldn't hurt, but she had never done it with her collar. In Fact she liked the pain she got from it.

12-13-2010, 12:46 AM
Meiyumi stiffened at the sudden voice resonating from behind her. A way to adjust the collar? she thought, That would be just worth trying.

She scowled at the thought of the staff who took pleasure in her pain, and she gritted her teeth. Damn them; they would pay the day she got out of this hell hold, permanently. The thought of the air being sucked out of their lungs, the sight of their blue, lifeless lips... The thoughts were almost enthralling;oh, how she could not wait till the day of her graduation, she would turn the school upside down. And if the miserable looks on the other students' faces, she knew she would have some help doing just that.

Turning heel, she followed the girl into the restroom, and leaned against one of the sinks screwed into the wall. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"So, you can 'adjust' it for me?" Meiyumi asked, a practically malicious smile spreading.

She liked the prospect of being free from the damned collar around her neck, and she waited for the other girl to rid her of the pain waiting to happen everytime she used her Element.

12-13-2010, 08:04 AM
Polly quickly took the new girl by the shoulder and pulled her close. Her icy tipped fingers snatched the back of the girls collar, "Don't make a sound." Polly commanded in a monotoned voice. Polly's unique element of ice had a way of screwing up the collars ability to sense when the wearer was actually useing their ability. Her deathly ice dug deep int othe core og the collar and disabled its usage and put its circuits temporarily on the fritz. Polly hoped this girl wouldn't scream from the sudden shock of pain. it would last no longer than a second as the collar disabled itself. She herself took a step back and inhaled her breath, as she had never disabled her own collar she felt a shock of pain run through her body for useing her powers. With hand on her knees she took another breath. "My name is Polly Stonecold." She said, finally introducing herself to the new student.

12-14-2010, 02:09 AM
The order of silence was easy enough to follow, and she held her tongue. After all the shocks she endured only minutes ago from the staff, the nerves in her neck felt numb. She gritted her teeth from the sudden surge of pain shooting through her neck. The pain was nothing compared to her first introduction to the shock collar. Hopefully, thanks to this girl, she would find some reason to tolerate little bit of pain the 'adjustment' caused.

"You can call me Meiyumi," she said, rubbing her neck, "And, thanks, Polly?"

She exhaled a light gust she considered a sigh, and was relieved to find the collar did not shock her like she was told the others endured. "You're an ice element, aren't you? I noticed the collar became cold when you touched it."

12-14-2010, 06:02 PM
Polly simply walked over to the mirror and slid the very tips of her fingers across it leaveing a crystal path. The pain from the collar seized her body for a second nad she smiled at the welcoming pain. "That's right. I'm an Ice Element. There are very very few of us. But," She smiled a hard smile over at Meiyumi, "That's a good thing. They haven't been able to study us as much as the more common elements and so we can slip through the cracks a little bit more easy." She doodled a smiley face on the mirror with X's as eyes and a freaky smile with her ice tipped fingers. "For example, these collars hurt me, but because of my element I seem to have more of a padding against the pain. Like a lining of insulation from my ice element. They have yet to discover this and to up the shock level on Ice Elementalist's Collars." Polly put her hands behind her head and faced Meiyumi. "So whats your story kid? Your a new face around here."

12-16-2010, 04:42 AM
A smile, reluctant smile tugged at her lips at the sight of the smiley face. Stifling a yawn with the back of her hand, she shrugged.

"What much is there to say? My mother's a tramp; my father is dead; and my step-dad is a stupid American man who married my mom not long after my dad's funeral."

She lightly rubbed the sleep away from the corners of her eyes. "Neither of them care about me, and I was accused of a murder because I am a Wind Element."

She shifted her gaze to the ceiling, her words dripping with disdain, "Not like anyone could pin anything on me, what with all the other Wind Elements around." She then tilted her head towards Polly.

"So, what's your story, Pollly?"

12-16-2010, 10:02 PM
Polly stuffed her hands into her pockets. "My story is Survival. Better get to class or you'r going to be late. See ya." Polly walked out of the bathroom, running her fingers through her short unkempt hair and started down the hall. She didn't think she'd go to class, but she would feel bad if the new girl would be late on her first day. She slammed open the doors and stepped outside just as the bell rang to single class was in session. Polly wondered if Meiyumi made it to class. The breeze ran through her hair and she took in a deep breath. She started walking down the sidewalk, her hands still stuffed deep in her pockets and her head bowed.

Jonas Garland
12-17-2010, 04:00 AM
"I'll... I'll just be five minutes, I swear..." He breathed, seeming more and more tired as he sat there at the desk. Tik, tik, tik, tik, tik. The sound from the watches was almost hypnotic, only made louder by the empty room. It was obviously making him even more tired, not that he was able to care. The next moment he was asleep and snoring quite loudly. A few minutes later and jumped awake, his eyes wide behind the glasses on his face.

"AAAHHHH!!! I FELL ASLEEP. AGAIN!!!" Ianus jumped to his feet. Somehow his bag had found it's way onto the floor by his feet. Perhaps he had pushed it off, in order to get more room on the table, as a result, his foot had become wrapped in the straps, causing him to come crashing to the floor. His glasses shot off his face and slipped across the floor near the door. "Ouch. I'm such a clutz..." He snapped, pushing himself up. Freeing himself from the bag, Ianus crawled over the floor and picked up the glasses. When he placed the glasses on, he noticed a scratch across the right lens.

"Dad. Dad's gonna kill me..." He muttered, finally realising the pain on his chin. He touched it slightly, the minor wound feeling rough and sore, with the tiniest amount of blood forming on it. "The essence of time. Impressive when you first hear it ... Not so much when you see me in real life." Ianus often talked to himself, giving his classmates yet another reason to mock him. He didn't want to go to class, but he had no choice. He picked up the bag calmly and headed to the door.

It was then the bell rang and Ianus' eyes widened with fear. "Oh god." He muttered, before breaking into a run. He shot off down the hall, with the large bag in his hands. The next thing to happen, utterly shocked Ianus, as he hurtled around a corner. Maybe through tiredness, or worry, he hadn't seen the standing Meiyumi, in his way. Ianus tried to bend his body out of the way, but ended up smacking into her, sending his books across the floor. He himself ended on the floor. His tiny body, and tiny weight, probably wouldn't have effected someone that much, however Ianus was still worried he'd hurt her.

"I'M SORRY!!" He shouted, head tilted up, his eyes firmly shut tight, expecting some sort of attack from the person.

12-17-2010, 04:28 AM
After Polly had left, she sighed, and turned around to face the mirror. She looked like crap; her eyes were puffy from lack of sleep, and her hair was a mess. Splashing water on her face, and running her wet fingers through her hair to tame the messy mane, she re-adjusted her backpack on her shoulders. She jumped from the sound of the bell.

"Damn, I'm late," she muttered as she walked out of the bathroom, and rounded the corner.

The sudden collision of someone's body against her knocked her off balance, dispelling a gust of wind out of fright. She stumbled back, and caught herself on the wall, holding her chest. "Oh my gosh.. what the hell-" Her eyes widened at the thin boy on the floor in front of her, with his books scattered across the floor, and his glasses askew.

"Uh.. It's alright." she said, stepping back a bit from his loud exclaimation.

She crouched down, and started gathering some of his fallen books. What the hell has gotten in to me? I never help people, she thought to herself, picking up one of his notebooks, and stacking it in a small pile with the rest of the books nearest to her.

"You really should watch where you're going. You might kill someone next time," she warned, glancing up at him from behind her bangs.

Jonas Garland
12-17-2010, 04:54 AM
Ianus opened one eye slightly and squinted a look at her. He was utterly shocked when nothing happened as a result, and carefully picked himself up. He then realised she was actually picking his books up. Then he instantly blushed with embarrassment. "I... I... I..." He looked to the floor unable to push out a word. Intelligent thought had been caught up, replaced with a sudden rush of nervousness and worry.

He took a moment to adjust himself, and his glasses. Then he went to pick up the rest of his books. Once he had gotten them all together he started pushing them in the bag. Being all history books, it was a further embarrassment that a girl could see just what he was carrying. He had to think of some excuse. "They... They're for a school project. Miss Henderson decided to drop a project bomb on us this week..." He lied. It was a passable lie, but still a lie all the same. Reading history books was a hobby of his. More than a hobby, an obsession. Of course he wasn't about to let a girl know that though.

As she spoke to him, there was a moment of hesitation, looking around for any signs of another person and then he shook his head. "Don't be silly, I'm too small for that... I'd probably kill myself before I kill anyone else..." He smiled nervously, reaching over and taking his books from her. "But I'm really, really sorry for running into you... I fell asleep and realised I was late... Probably not even worth going to class now I guess..." He muttered, looking quite worried.

12-17-2010, 06:32 AM
Meiyumi's eyes widened in the slightest. The boy was stammering and stuttering. Did she really make him that nervous? She frowned, today was not the best day for her, and apparantly, not for this guy either. She quirked a brow, noticing all the books were about some historical event, and smirked. History had been an interest to her, but if she had to pick, Literature would rank as high as History in her book.

"Miss. Henderson, huh? Never heard of her," she said, relinquishing the books to the rightful owner.

She pushed herself off the ground, and stood, offering him a hand, "Even the smallest individual or insect can kill someone. Don't down yourself like that. You really don't know what a person is capable of until they snap, and try to kill you."

Of course, she would know a lot about snapping, or having a break down, for that matter. She had seen people set others alive that they grew up with just because they couldn't handle things anymore. Or, it could have been because of the war that anyone able to control an Element would kill rivals. She never really stopped, and asked questions. She had always been interested in her own affairs than she would of anyone else's. She assumed that could have been a reason people usually left her alone, unless they were a Water or Fire Element.

'Hey, do you think it would even be worth going to class? I heard the bell, but I have no idea how many classes I've missed," she said, fishing her schedule out of her pocket. "I think it should be fourth period now?"

Jonas Garland
12-17-2010, 07:00 AM
"She-sh-she's new!" He desperately tried to make up for his lack of planning. Though he knew by now, she probably guessed he was lying to her. Either way she didn't walk away, instead she held out a hand to help him up. He eyed it like a rabbit caught in headlights, and shakily he took it. He pulled himself quickly to his feet, saving himself some embarrassment by quickly letting go of her hand.

'Even the smallest individual or insect can kill someone. Don't down yourself like that. You really don't know what a person is capable of until they snap, and try to kill you.' He looked away, holding the bag against his chest. Her sentence reminded him of why he never ate, why he never had any energy. The danger being a time essence and it's curse. The grey book, which stood out in the bag, was his book of rules. The book from his former self, warning of the extent of his ability and why he should never use it on another living being. Even if the intention was good. Shaking off the thoughts he brought his attention back to the unusually kind girl.

"Probably not... have you been to class today? I fell asleep in first period." He paused. "And second and third... Gosh this is really becoming a problem. I knew I should have been home tutored." He laughed at himself, running a hand through his hair. As she pulled out her schedule, Ianus stepped closer and leaned to look at it. "You're a grade higher than I... But I guess there is no point... I dunno, depends whether you wanna get in trouble or not." He smiled.

12-17-2010, 07:26 AM
Her brows furrowed. "I wouldn't know if she was new or not. I just enrolled here. I met an interesting girl here, too. But she seems have went back to class."

For some reason, she kind of felt bad for the kid. He seemed to be lost, or confused, or just... strange. Growing flustered with her uncharacteristic mannerisms, she stuffed her free hand in her pocket, and shifted, averting her gaze towards the lockers. She had half a mind to just skip school, and never show up again, but what would her parents say? Hah, parents. More like, where would I live when they kicked me out? she thought to herself, subconsciously chewing on her bottom lip.

Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to the boy, having almost forgotten he was standing there. She tucked her schedule back into her pocket, and rubbed the collar around her neck.

"What is the punishment for skipping school?" she asked. On an off-thought, she bowed to him, "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Meiyumi. My last name was changed to some trashy American family name, so, it's not that important."

Jonas Garland
12-17-2010, 07:48 AM
Ianus smiled. "I haven't been here that long either..." He'd been there a month, which wasn't that long. He wondered about the girl she had spoken to, wondering what she meant by 'interesting'. There were some 'interesting' people in the school, however a few of them scared Ianus. He shook his head at the thought and then looked around.

She started chewing on her lower lip, and Ianus couldn't help but stare in complete confusion. He felt the glasses slip down his nose, so he reached up and pushed it further up his nose. He wondered what was on her mind. She obviously wasn't biting her lip over him. Awkwardly he looked down at his feet and ran his hand through his hair. He then eyed her collar a bit with confusion.

"What...? What's that for?" He asked nodding a bit to it. He'd noticed it on a few pupils, but had not been given one. He had heard mention of one for him though. If he remembered there had been a problem with it or something. He shrugged. It wasn't as if it mattered to him.

"I have no idea, I've not been here for a while... And I have a medical reason why I miss classes, so I don't get in trouble..." An idea formed in his head, but was taken off guard by the bow. "W-w-well, my name is Ianus, Ianus Smith. Nice to meet you my dear. But yeah, I know the feeling with having a surname that really isn't your own... I'm adopted." He stated rather bluntly, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

12-17-2010, 09:34 AM
"The collars? The crackpots told me that they are to stop us from using our Elements," she said with a grin, "but obviously, they have clueless." She winked, pointing to her collar, "One of those 'interesting' people are smart."

A thought occured to her, and she tilted her head, and stared at his neck. "How come you don't have a collar? You've been here longer than me."

"I kinda wish I had a medical reason to miss my classes, or at least not attend school. I got in a little too much trouble, or accused of it, so my 'parents' made me move with them, and forced me to enroll. Trust me, it would have been my last choice to follow them anywhere."

Forcing her thoughts to the matter at hand, she managed a smile. "It's nice to meet you, Ianus. So, what is it like to be adopted?"

His bland tone towards the word 'adopted' ensured her that posing the question. She never really heard much from people adopted. They either did not know, or did not care if they were adopted. Either that, or they just never mentioned it. Maybe if she was adopted, things would be better for her; anything would be better than living in a home where your parents do not love you, and think you are some murderer, even though she was proved to be innocent.

Jonas Garland
12-17-2010, 05:36 PM
So that's why the had them. It made him realise why he didn't have one, or at least a few reasons that was possible. Perhaps they didn't think he was that dangerous, they had asked extensive questions, and he had told them that his power only effected him. If only they knew. He looked down at his hand and sighed. Perhaps they thought he wouldn't use his power against someone else. Which was highly unlikely, unless there was an accident.

It was then he caught her staring at his neck and shifted uncomfortable on the spot. He really wasn't used to being stared at. "I guess... Well I'm the essence of time. The only one. At least to my knowledge anyway. They probably didn't think I was a danger to others, what with me not being able to use my powers in an offensive way. I can just use it for age acceleration, deceleration and regression. I suppose I could use that on other people too, but I dunno why someone would want to..." He laughed nervously.

"I guess it's nice... But if I did something about my medical reason, I could potentially hurt time itself, perhaps even time travel. I wanna avoid that stuff, it's just way to complicated, and my book told me strictly to avoid all possibilities of that happening. So I have to put up with it, I'm afraid. At least until I master my abilities." Perhaps the medical condition was his collar. It wasn't needed because the power was already under control regardless.

"What's it like to be adopted? I dunno... Good I guess. Well, sometimes. My parents couldn't have kids of their own, so they consider me a blessing, but because I'm just so... Abnormal, it's hard on them, so I kinda feel guilty for all the things that has happened as a result. I guess it's hard mostly... I've never really thought about it." He lied. Of course he had thought about it, but he wasn't about to spill his secrets to a girl he just met, even if she was one of the nicest girls he'd met in a long, long time.

12-22-2010, 04:01 AM
Polly sat with the seat slightly kicked back in her little sporty red '94 Grand Am parked in front of the high school. She heard the bell ring and wondered if that new girl, Meiyumi, made it to class in time or not. She was kinda hoping for the company today but shrugged it off. It wasn't like she wasn't use to being alone, just like she was use to skipping school. Putting her keys in the egnition she turned on her car and turned up her music. She closed her eyes for a moment and relaxed.

01-19-2011, 07:02 PM
Atsuko looked at him. "Oh okay. Will do! So lets get on it." She smiled sweetly at Mike. "I am so ready to eat!" She looked at her tummy. Atsuko pokes at it. "It's yelling at me to feed it." She started to laugh. "So lets make this really quike kay babe." She walks to him and kisses him.

01-19-2011, 07:29 PM
Mike kissed her back. It was heaven. Man he had it bad. Reluctantly though he ended it. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of that." Smiling he took her hand and lead her back downstairs. Fumbling in his pocket he found the keys to the truck before moving around to the side and opening the door for Atsuko. "My lady." Chuckling a bit at what he said he helped his love get up in the truck. Mike closed the door once she was in and moved to the driver's side and got in. Key inside he started the engine and it roared to life. The radio came on with Godsmack's Crying Like A (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eXIOK2vOhM). Mike nodded his head to the song and singing a bit here and there, though sometimes it came at more of a growl. There was no conversation as they drove but Mike was ok with that, there would be plenty of time to talk later cause now the two lived together. "Here we are." Pulling into the school parking lot he shut of the truck. Getting out he ran around to the other side and opened the door for Atsuko.

01-19-2011, 07:55 PM
Atsuko just laughed at him. "And that is why I love you. You open the door for me and treat me well. I really do like that." She was happy, you could see it on her face. She walked with him. "So why are we here?"

01-19-2011, 08:34 PM
" I love you to. We're here to just ensure we don't get in trouble for skipping." Mike offered Atsuko his arm. "Come on, now I'm getting hungry." Walking into the school he found that it was between classes. People gave him weird looks, weirder than normal. He figured it due to the fact that the normally single Mike Stone just walked in with a girl on his arm, and that girl was Atsuko. Mike could see some of the girls shooting Atusko jealous looks and glarring hard. Smirking Mike just leaned down, lifted Atusko's chin and kissed her right in the middle of the entrance foyer. Ending it he licked his lips and had a large smile on his face. "Yeah eat your hearts out." He said to the others as the two walked by. "Well that was fun, though we sorta just fed the machine. Gave everybody something to talk about. If you couldn't guess I'm somewhat of a celebrity around school." The couple came to the nurses office. "Auntie!" Mike stepped in. "Hey can you do us a favor and get us out of class?"

"Of course. Anything for my favorite nephew." Mrs. Smith came over and gave her godson a hug. "Is this the girl from yesterday?"

"Yeah, my girlfriend Atsuko. Anyway thanks for the help, I'll see you sunday for dinner back home. Um I moved out so here's the new address." Mike bent over the desk, reaching for a piece of paper and a pen to right the new address where he now lived. "Well thats about it. Shall we roll sweetness?"

01-19-2011, 08:40 PM
Atsuko just let it happen. She started to blush. "Did you really need to do that?" She looked around and went with him to the nurses office. "Hello!" She smiled at Mike's aunt. "Yeah I kinda stole him. I hope you don't mind." She gave another smile to her.

01-19-2011, 08:55 PM
"it's alright dear." Mrs. Smith went up to Atsuko to whisper in her ear. "You might not see it, but Mike is a romantic. Like father like son so they say." Smiling the nurse gave the girl a hug. "Take care of him ok? He doesn't trust people with his heart that well. So the fact you have his heart is a pretty big acomplishment. But you have a good man. And if you two need anything please don't hesitate to call me ok?" Smith rounded on her godson. "And you, be careful ok?"

"I love you to auntie." With one final hug Mike turned to Atsuko. "Well now that we don't have to worry. Lets get something to eat. I'm about to drop."

01-19-2011, 08:59 PM
"You got it! And yeah, I can kinda tell." She smiled. She walked over to the counter and was looking at all the bandaids. "May i have one?" She looked at his aunt.

"Oh OKay! Lets get going! I am so hungry!"

01-20-2011, 06:22 PM
Mike led them back out into the hall. "So what you want? I''m down for anything really." Mike wasn't particular in what he ate. He figured, if it taste good he'll eat it. It didn't take them long to get back outside, the halls were empty so they didn't have to go around anybody. Mike figured he'd probably be in gym about now. "Guess I'm missing dodgeball right now. Oh well." Though he wasn't to heartbroken. He's spending the day with Atsuko, that beats anything. Opening the door to his truck he let Atsuko climb in before getting in the driver's seat again. "Now where?"