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10-12-2015, 03:52 PM
Gems. Magical beings birthed from the stones that represent their names. Long ago, there was only one. On a lush world there was a single, flawless, colorless Diamond that sat for eons until becoming sentient and gaining its own form. This being quickly became aware of itself and its surroundings. It traveled its planet, and learned many things about it, but Diamond soon felt lonely, being the only living being on the planet.

Diamond split her gem into 9 even parts to satiate her need for companionship, eight female avatars, and one male branded the Irregular. These 9 went on to become companions with one another, each with their own personalities and memories from when they were Colorless Diamond. However, the nine still had that feeling of being alone. They wanted more companions. Using their powers, they brought to life many gems that were deep within the planet, sucking the life force of the planet in the process, until it was completely crystalized.*

Eventually, the Nine Leaders decided to spread into the galaxy around them, using a mixture of magic and technology to reach the distant planets. However, the other planets did not seem to have the same geological makeup, and could not reproduce new gems without a little coercion, causing the creation of Kindergartens.

Soon an empire was formed, ruled by one of the nine. They all had conflicting ideas and goals but the other eight trusted their sister, save for one who disappeared into the shadows. The Emperor’s sights were soon set on Earth, another planet with sentient, albeit primitive, life forms living on it. As the Gem Empire, ruled by Yellow Diamond continued to steal life from Earth, Rose Quartz turned on her sister. They had never done this to a planet with sentient life before, and Rose saw the symbiotic way that humans and Earth worked. After 5000 years, of occupation of Earth, Rose could stand it no longer. With an army of gems that shared her views, she fought back Yellow Diamond and her sibling’s forces, with 2 of her siblings falling in battle, forced to regenerate. After 1000 years of fighting, Yellow Diamond was convinced by her 2 remaining siblings to fall back to Homeworld.

But one court member left something behind, deep within the earth’s crust.

Olivine, a brilliant gem and scientist, left remnants of her research in the form of several gems implanted deep within the earth. By her Diamond’s authority she was allowed to perform several experiments with the earth’s eco-system, implanting gems deep within the crust to grow and turning a vacant valley into a wasteland. With her came her lab assistant, Jade, a defective unit and one of Olivine’s more successful experiments. The two worked and toiled within the confines of their station before the war took its toll and Olivine’s work was cut short. She fled, leaving behind her own “useless” assistant and the unborn gems to die.

But they made it anyway.

”Log 001, Science Division Head Olivine, reporting on a secure line. We have slipped past undetected, thanks to your designs. We have reached the area known as Regal Gulch, the signs of life here are low, we're sure to go unnoticed by the locals and it seems that the defective, Jade, was not at a total loss when it came to the upkeep of this hidden kindergarten. I cannot wait to begin my experiments on these new gems, hopefully we’ll find some useful data on this new planet..

”Log 203, Science Division Head Olivine, reporting on a secure line. Testing has been slow, many gems have shattered in my pursuits but I am sure their destruction can only bring about greater results for the Diamond authority. I have completed the stabilizing process for a new batch of gems and setting up the base has gone rather smoothly despite the complete idiocy of my bumbling assistant. I do hope to get rid of her soon once this planet is under our control, though of course I’ll need more Jadeites to commence testing on.

”Log 406, Science Division Head Olivine, reporting on a secure line. The gems are coming along nicely, my tampering with their structural make-up has apparently affected their time of arrival, further testing will yield data that may be capable of perfecting the process…. I can hear the rough housing out there but I am not worried, these fools are scrambling about, they cannot even- WHA-!”

“Log 407, Science Division First Assistant Jade, reporting on a secure line. I have betrayed my master, Olivine, and given up her location causing her to leave earth. I am now alone and I cannot perceive anything outside of this canyon. I did not foresee the Diamond’s unleashing their song upon the Earth armies when their side of the conflict fell. My current analysis shows that there is some form of forcefield protecting this place, I can clearly sense a source of kinetic energy being outputted by what must be a generator. As this is most likely what is protecting me and the gems currently growing in the earth’s crust, I have decided to keep it and this kindergarten functioning for as long as possible.

”Log 408, Science Division First Assistant Jade, reporting on a secure line. The first gem has emerged from earth. Citrine. She has yet to display any defective tendencies besides being much slimmer than a quartz soldier should. In response to my questions about her unusual form, her emotional state began to flare about. I believed this emotion to be “anger” and decided to switch tactics and simply perform a manual inspection of her body. Still, her emotional state persisted. I recalled appeasement being an effective method of quelling an aggressive being’s anger and placed a rock in her hand as a gift which she stared at for approximately thirteen seconds.This method saw her emotional state become something far tamer so I have recognized it as an effective technique for future altercations. As she inspected the stone, I explained our situation and how we were to stay in the confines of this valley for an indefinite amount of time. This caused an immediate surge of other emotions in the Citrine that I will deal with as I find more stones.”

ALL CREDIT FOR THE STORY AND CS GOES TO PandaBrady! He's an awesome guy!

If you want to see the original RP which this one is based off of, go here (http://snafu-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=56972)


Homeworld has abandoned a Kindergarten and now a whole new group of gems are running about under a defective’s de facto leadership. Stuck within the confines of a desolate valley for thousands of years, this group of misfits have been waiting around, never allowed to leave until the shield generator protecting them finally gave out and left them open to the world. Now, out in the world and exposed to the worst and best life can offer, the gems have a brand new chance to lead crazy new lives.

1. .Please be a fan of the show and have watched a lot of the episodes, I...I just don't want to do a lot of explaining...I'm sorry...

2. Obviously, no godmodding and no knowing things you couldn't possibly have known without a series of events around you.

3. Don't make up events on your own. And don't make up a history for Home World, I'd like to keep it open in case there are some major game changers that come up in the show. And besides, Events and history is really something I think the GM should be in charge of right?

4. Gem distabilizers are a thing, don't forget that.

5. Grammar is a key point to me, please make sure that you check your posts for grammatical errors before posting them. I will except minor flaws but not a massive amount

6. Please try not to have too many absences. I would rather you guys take your time with a post than just make something up but I also don't want you guys to go weeks without participating without an explanation.

Beings that exist through the millenia without aging, magical powerhouses who among their weakest can kick away pillars of stone or smash tables in two. Through countless years of experience, some are the greatest of warriors while others are the greatest minds you will ever know but be warned, their bodies are only an illusion and their souls are always front and center for the most abrasive of confrontations.


1. Gems have one weapon that comes from their gem stone, if you want more than one weapon, you need more than one gem on your body which won't happen unless you're a fusion.

2. Remember to state where your gem stone is located in your CS

3. If your gem is cracked for any reason, you cannot reform after being poofed

4. Gems have no human limitations(don't give them one just because)

5. Gems are not gods

6. Gems are ageless, tending to live for thousands of years ("a few thousand years" is considered young to them)

7. “Pearls” are mass produced so you can be a Pearl if you want to

8. Being a specialist in a field is fine, just not a god of all specialties

9. You may play more than one character as long you play them evenly and don't leave one in the dust

10. You may be a perma-fusion but only with a good enough reason to explain your current state of being

11. Irregulars (besides the original) are an abnormality found in the current Kindergarten so any irregular you choose is automatically from the kindergarten

12. Gems don't understand human culture....for a series of reasons.

13. Full gems can't fuse with organic material(Humans)

14. Gems from the kindergarten have an age limit of 2,000 years

If your character goes against any of the rules above, please make your case as to why and we'll discuss it.

“You're going to be something amazing, you're going to be a human being”

Humans are organic creatures with no discernible magical abilities, they can grow to be strong in their own right with hard work and dedication, nothing is completely out of a humans reach. But remember, humans are durable, not unbreakable, especially in a world of gem warriors and gem beasts. They don't live incredibly long and they're not supernaturally strong but their amazing because in spite of that, they live their lives everyday.


1. Humans aren't magic

2. If you try to be a hybrid you better have a GREAT explanation as to why

3. Humans are weaker than gems(like a lot)

4. Humans are not tissue paper though

5. You can be any age but remember the life span of a human

6. Like a gem, you can have specialties and strengths but not all of them

7. The gem distabilizers don't work on humans

8. Humans don't know much of anything about gems

9. Humans can't work a Warp-pad

10. Humans don't understand gem technology

11. Full humans can't fuse with inorganic material(Gems)

If your character goes against any of the rules above, please make your case as to why and we'll discuss it.

CS: (You can be a Kingergarten Gem, Homeworld Gem or Human)

Name: (Obvious, if you are a Gem, make sure it is a mineral, gem, or stone of some sort)

Age: (Only important if you choose human)

Gender: (Genderless for Gems. Irregular for male based gems)

Species: (Gem or Human)

Appearance: (Kinda obvious, words, picture, or both is fine)

Powers and Weapon(s): (For Gems)

History: (Flavor to develop your character)



When two players duke it out, there always needs to be a set of rules and regulations to balance out the fun of the breath taking event.

1. No attack makes contact, nothing is "too fast for them to see" and none of that "it was a move that couldn't be dodged" nonsense where one person tries to write another in a corner so they can't do anything.

2. Remember, you don't know what the other player is thinking

3. No matter how much stronger you think you are, your attack doesn't automatically hit (that's not a thing we're gonna let happen)

4. If there's an attack you can't dodge, say it hit you. I don't want a bunch of arguments going on about how “unfair” it is that someone's dodging everything

5. In that same respect, don't call “unfair” just because you're losing against someone who you knew you weren't going to beat in the first place. We have a very wide range of options for characters and abilities but if you pick someone weaker than it'll take A LOT more work to fight someone who's exponentially stronger than you.

The act of fusion is a powerful and sometimes intimate technique that allows the two beings involved to form something greater than themselves, they are not just one person or two people, they become an amalgam of everything they are to form something totally new.
The Rules Of Fusion:

1. Talk of the fusion's actions and aspects should be decided through PMs between all parties involved but can be spoken of OOCly if absolutely necessary

2. All aspects of the fusion(appearance, personality, and fused weapon) must be agreed upon by all parties involved

3. All actions of the fusion must be agreed upon by all parties involved

4. Any action done ICly will be a joint post (one person posts for the fusion) but again, any action taken must be approved by all parties involved

5. If an action cannot be decided upon through Pms (due to conflict, player absence or etc.), than the GM has the right to state, ICly, that the Fusion has broken up due to inner conflict.

6. To perform the actual fusion, all parties involved will post their part of the dance(the dance itself doesn't need to be perfect) and the designated “Fusion” poster will post the actual point of fusion and all posts concerning that fusion's actions (again, all actions the fusion takes should be agreed upon by all parties involved.

Example of how a fusion between two players should go:

P1: Jade moved across the ground with a flourish, feet gliding along the ground as she twirled on her feet to move closer to her partner

P2: (Insert name here) reacted in kind, she walked forward, arms out as her body swerved to a rhythm, inching closer to her companion

P1(Designated poster): The two met in the middle, taking each other's hand and twirling together. They hugged each other tightly, bodies turning to light as their forms combined into one. A bright flash and there was a totally new being in the two gem's place.

7. The designated poster does not have the right to decide how the fusion acts by his or herself, if he/she is caught doing so without the consent of the other components of the fusion then they will no longer be the designated poster for the fusion and one of their partners will take their place.

8. If a designated poster cannot be decided upon for ANY reason, the GM will take over their duty and post for the fusion in the designated poster's sted, keeping in mind that any actions taken by the fusion must be decided upon by the players that make it up and NOT the GM posting (the GM is only there to post what the others agree on and nothing else...though they might make a suggestion)


Age: 58,902

Gender: Genderless


Appearance:Jade is a tall gem with a curvy figure. She has light, jade green skin and dark green(almost black) short hair that's slicked back and points upwards. Her clothing consists of a skin tight black body suit with green tech lines running up and down the sides of her arms and legs, the suit covers up the top part of her face, leaving only her mouth and ears to be seen by others. Jade's gem resides in the middle of her face, a round jewel that takes the place her eyes would usually hold..

Powers: Jade has the usual abilities(Shape shifting, retreating into gem, etc.) along with this, she has the ability to phase through objects and is an excellent combatant. Jade's lack of eyes hides her ability to see in ways unlike any other, with her sixth sight she can see the aura's of everything around her in waves like musical notes. Deciphering her sight and putting it into use took over a thousand years of training and has given her a calculating personality along with a strong resolve.

Weapon:When she focuses her mind and body, allowing them to sync in perfect harmony; Jade can allow the magic of that harmony to flow outwards. This reaction is how she summons her gem weapon, a large, four pointed shuriken. The blades are a translucent jade and can extend or shrink at will.

History: Jade is a failed sentry, a product of a gem experiment to improve the Jadeites, a sentry system designed to detect danger around the world. The hope of the experiment was to create a Jadeite that didn't break so easily but the result was totally defective, impure and lacking the features normal needed to function as intended.

She was much tougher than the normal Jadeites and quite strong as well, she also had an incredibly large sensing range. But with these attributes came a series of defects. Jade was much bigger than normal Jadeites, unable to travel as quickly as they could, she was also overly sensitive to her own abilities and would often shut down due to overload. The worst was her gem placement, it was in the center of her face and effectively took away her eyes, making her blind and totally reliant on her other vision which she was again, incapable of using.

Jade was a failure; clumsy and unable to do anything because of the backlash she constantly received from her own powers. As a failure, she was put to work as Olivine's assistant and gradually gained control of her abilities. As time went by, she invented a form of meditation to keep her centered and better control her power and when she did, her mind was opened to the world she lived in and their emotions. Life was like literal music echoing in the darkness, it was like seeing a melody for her. It was in this way that she began to learn how to fight, creating a fighting style that centered on her new vision and precise striking. She trained in secret until she was called out by her master to join in the group heading to a new colony.

It was there that she saw Rose Quartz and the crystal gems for the first time. Feeling like she understood to a degree the fight to be different and stay independent, Jade secretly helped the rebellion wherever she could right under her masters nose. This independence came to full fruition when she finally betrayed Olivine, giving the location of their secret kindergarten to the Rebellion and causing the science division to make a fevered escape from earth with the rest of the Home-World armies. As a last attack against her “defective nuisance”, Olivine blasted the Kindergarten with her ship, sending Jade falling into the chasm while simultaneously causing her abandoned ship’s defense functions to activate, functions that served to protect the defective from the following pulse of the Diamond’s song.

Jade awoke alone and in the dark, buried under rubble, she could not see past the walls a newly formed force field created and quickly deduced that she must have been left behind after serving her usefulness as that was the most logical step. She had no idea that her compatriots had all turned into monsters though the creeping rings of despair and horror consistently echoed in her mind. Outside was a fog to her, a haze of dread. She renewed her former theory and came to the conclusion that something outside must be disrupting the other troops but try as she might, she could only gain vague glimpses of hostility. The Diamonds clearly did something, most likely as a final act of revenge. Jade concluded that it was best to stay in the Kindergarten. For three thousand years, she kept the gems in the ground stable and the generator running as best she could until one day, the first of the gems began pop out and she was faced with a new priority. She had been surrounded by malice for thousands of years, darkness and silence enveloping her entirety. With the first gem came light and a new note added to the harmony of her world.

Jade become fond of it, the increasing melody, and gave herself a new assignment as the current head of the Earth Science Division. She, as a functioning sentry, would resume her duties and keep the gems safe from all incoming danger. She never needed sleep or entertainment so she merely watched and instructed, doing everything necessary to providing safe haven for each new gem to appear.

Personality: Jade is a very reserved and analytical gem. Due to her types main function, her capacity for emotions is fairly limited though her act of rebellion shows signs that this may be something she believes rather than an actual truth. She will rarely speak more than she needs to and she is in a consistent state of calculating when such times come. This demeanor, while providing protection for her chosen charges, has often left her avoiding any chance of danger one of the main reasons she's kept them in the canyon for so long. Because of her straight faced appearance and monotone expression, she can come off as distant and will often remove people's emotions from her equations due to her lack of understanding concerning them and her desire to always find the best solution.

Likes: Books, quiet, her home world, being busy

Dislikes: Having nothing to do


Name: Citrine

Age: 2,000

Gender: Genderless

Species: Gem

Appearance: Citrine is a quartz gem, very tall, (A little taller than Garnet) and thin with yellow-orange skin and long very light orange hair (almost white) kept in a simple pony tail. She wears a simple yellow shirt with a light blue hoodie that covers up their gem on the back of her neck. She wears dark orange shorts and light blue sneakers. If not for the coloring of her skin and hair, she could easily pass for a human.

Power: Her powers are Electrokinesis, she can generate and control electricity (by generate, I mean she can create it internally, but she can't shoot it out. She'd have to touch someone in order to zap them.). The only problem with her power, however, is that she can only control so much at a time, and too much electricity at once could destabilize her form.

Weapon: Citrine's weapon is a gemstone yo-yo with bright orange string. She can control the size of it at will, but it becomes very difficult to control at larger sizes. When fighting, tiny crystals form blades on the edges of the yo-yo, almost turning it into a buzz-saw, but these are retractable and she only uses it when absolutely necessary.

Outside of combat, she's also very skilled with her yo-yo and can do many advanced tricks with relative ease.

History: Born in the kindergarten as a warrior gem, she was raised under Jade's tutelage with the understanding that the gems that were there had to remain a secret from the inhabitants of this world. After a hundred years hiding away and training, she became too curious and angry for her own good and snuck out of the cloak without Jade's knowledge (she thought). If these 'humans' were so dangerous as to force them into hiding themselves away, she was going to find them and defeat them, like the warrior she was.

After wandering for a long time, she came across a deserted road that stretched out into the horizon both ways. As she followed it, she felt a rumbling coming from the other direction as a musician's tour bus was coming up fast. Her warrior's instinct active, she dove out of the way and prepared to attack the strange creature, however, the bus lurched to a halt and a few faces peeked out and apologized for almost hitting her. This bewildered her, if these were humans, what was the danger? They seemed weak, practically harmless. Even their weapons, though massive, seemed slow and cumbersome. Confusing her for a fellow musician, a "glam rocker" as they called her, they invited her to 'hang out' as they played their music for her and they discussed things about the outside world, things she didn't quite understand, but still was interested in. Once they had finished, the musicians offered her a ride to the city, but Citrine declined, deciding to go back home instead.

After she got back home, and got properly chastised by Jade, she decided to change from her normal gem-like form-fitting clothing to something a bit more human. She escaped the cloak a few times after that, but she never went as far as the road ever again. She wanted to, more than anything. But her duties as a warrior gem were to her comrades, her friends, and she didn't want to travel too far and put them in danger...Not alone, at least.

Personality: In the past, she was filled with anger and an overzealous need to fight. However, over the years Jade has taught her various methods of control. So now she covers her true emotions in a veil of humor and sarcasm in order to not lose control. This makes her personality seem much more laid back and easygoing than she actually is. For instance, when told to do something important, she might still quip about it and act uninterested. But she's really listening intently send will do her task immediately and without fail. She's surprisingly obedient unless enraged, and totally loyal to Jade (after 2000 years she better be). After living almost literally under a rock for so many years, she's also developed a curiosity about the earth and it's inhabitants though Jade's teachings about staying under the shield has kept her from exploring.

Likes: Humans, fighting, doing tricks with her yo-yo, playing games.

Dislikes: Boredom, people close to her getting hurt, the dark, insults


Homeworld Gem (Pre-war)


Long before the war, that's for sure.



She isn't tall, rising to a mere 4.7 feet, but as if to compensate, she has a thick, stocky frame. Her skin is a light grey, her long black kept in a single braid pony-tail that reaches down to the middle of her back. Her eyes are a dirty, grayish white. Her torso and left arm are covered in white bandages, as well as her right hand leaving the space around her collarbone, and the upper part of her right arm left as exposed skin. Her Gem is located on her chest, just below the center of her collar bone. She wears a pair of black trousers held up by a belt, ending in a pair of grey boots.

Powers and Weapon(s):

Blacksmiths Hammer

She is an excellent smith, able to craft complex gem machinery, if she had the appropriate tools and materials. To complement this, she can raise parts of her body to extreme temperatures, and possesses more than enough heat resistance to withstand it. Despite being one who creates weapons, not someone who wields them, she is nevertheless capable in combat, tougher and stronger than your average Gem. Perhaps no grand warrior, any lack of skill is made up for with cunning, guile, and a lack of shame.

Besides from that, she still has some old equipment that managed to survive the war, or looted from the Gem battlefields. The only significant devices are a holographic projector, which she's used to disguise herself as a human for all these years and fill in any gaps her not so perfect shape shifting didn't fill. Another is a high powered monocular that let her do some of the more complicated jobs. The rest are an assortment of weapons, ether made by herself or stolen from the dead.

Stationed on Earth, and now abandoned it since before the war, someone had to make the equipment the Gems used, and she was one of the people that did just that. She was what you could call a laborer Gem, specializing in creating and maintaining the various devices, equipment and objects Gems made use of. She had never agreed with the situation, of what they were doing there. Though of course she didn’t do this openly. Jet was just a simple Blacksmith who held no authority or respect, and making her views open would just get her a kick in the head, or worse, used as a 'test subject' for their damned experiments. As Rose Quartz rebellion began to, well, rebel, it was quite a surprise when she fled to Rose Quartz's banner, and by the time she did join up, the war was already starting and they could hardly chase a single runaway through an enemy army. She worked as a smith for Rose Quartz rebellion, doing much of she did before, just now it was for what she believed to be a good cause. Eventually, the war came to an end, managing to survive it all by doing her job and staying way, waaaay at the back. And in the aftermath, with Homeworlds forces routed...

Now what the hell was she supposed to do?

Well, what she did do was integrate into human society. After all, she was stuck here, possibly for eternity, with no other Gems (at least to her knowledge) to talk to or interact with, so you might as well take the next best thing.

Forging, and her 'special' brew of tea.

Those who would ruin another's work.


CS: Homeworld Gem

Name: Azurite (Azure for short, but she rarely speaks in short names or nicknames)

Age: 50,115 years

Gender: Genderless (She/her by pronoun)

Species: Gem

Azurite stands at 5'1" with a teal coloured skin. She has a slim physique and a high class, yet professional, look to her. Her body is covered from the bottom of her neck by a professional looking, well fitting, deep blue skirt. The skirt extends to the beginnings of her arms, and hangs to the tops of the anckles of her two legs. On her feet are a pair of pumps of similar colour to her dress.

Her face is comprised of two round eyes of normal size, they are a deep azure colour similar to her gem. She has a petite nose, somewhat small but normal ears, and a slightly wide mouth with thin lips in comparison.

Azurite's hair is a light blue colour. Her hair is straightened and long, it hangs partially in front of her face, often covering her left eye if it isn't pulled behind her ears.

Azurite's gem is oval pendant shape and azure in colour. It is located at the lowest point of her neck, above the center of her collar bone.

Weapon(s): Azurite's weapon is her powerful Cryokenises. Azurite's unique ability allows her to create ice from the moisture in the air, and adjust the state of water freely (from gas to liquid to solid ect..). Her power attacks revolve more around using ice as a weapon, compared to something like hydrokinesis which is where one would use bodies of already liquid water as a weapon.

Azurite was created as a rare research gem for Blue Diamond's court, her main research focus was focused on planet's living conditions and natural resources, during which she was often assigned various peridots to assist in her research.
Rock after rock bored Azurite, dirty balls filled with nothing but basic minerals and little life, if any at all.

This all changed however, when she was assigned to earth. The planet amazed her. It was filled with sentient organic life, massively varying weather patterns, a great amount of natural resource production, it was as if she "was made to examine this fascinating rock" in her own words.
She had spent much more time on earth than any planet previously, the amount she could learn about the planet was extensive and seemed to continually change. Her research seemed very important too, for some reason it seemed the diamonds were greatly interested in the earths core, which somewhat confused her considering what was on the surface, and considering it wasn't her main focus of study.

After almost five thousand years of living on earth, the war between the rebels and yellow diamond's forces began, which to Azurite was a frustrating obstacle to her research. Both the rebels and the homeworld was the cause of this. The rebels halted her research on the organic life forms, forcing her to become much more subtle with her work, whereas homeworld was adamant she leave the planet, something she was not prepared to do. After being on earth she did not wish to return to more pebbles.

Just before the end of the war Azurite shut off communications with homeworld after realising that if homeworld's forces continued to lose battles, they would be forced to withdraw, and they would bring her with them. She set up a small laboratory just outside of one of the kindergartens.

It was at that point that she decided she would remain on the earth. If homeworld retook the planet, she would claim to have been kidnapped and return to her work. If the rebels somehow became victorious, something she doubted early in the war, then perhaps she could work for them. Only one thing was sure to her, and that was that she could not stand to leave such a planet when there was still much to learn.

(Note: Azurite knows nothing of the cluster as it was not part of her study.)

Likes: Intelligent individuals and individuals with form. Having work and research to do. The natural weather of the earth (especially rain). Berries.

Dislikes: Naive or Overjoyful individuals. Being instructed by 'lower class' gems. Confrontation.

Personalities:Despite defecting from homeworld some time ago, Azurite still holds many of their values, not doing so out of spite of homeworld, but instead due to a disagreement. That disagreement being that there was no reason for her to remain on earth. But Azurite is a gem who really only has one desire, and that is to study the planet and the creatures which inhabit it to it's fullest extent.

And as far as organisms go, there is one species that piques her interest more than any she has ever encountered. The homosapian, valueing the species as a whole rather highly. However, considering the human population, she does not value an individuals life highly. They only last around 80 years afterall.

As far as gems are concerned, Azurite thinks of a gem by it's nature, rather than the individual personality it might have. Due to this she values herself above many other gems according to her clarity. She also values the diamonds in a very high respect, especially blue diamond. Despite this, she values her work above all else.

Azurite sees fusion as an abomanation, having witnessed it first hand in blue diamonds court. The idea of two different gems fusing disgusts her, gems are created for single purposes, mixing them makes no sense in her mind.

Overall Azurite is logical and intelligent, making up for her minimal streangth with quick thinking and strategy. She acts in a very high class manner, as if living in the upper echalon of gem society. She lacks compassion and any real understanding of the emotions of others, not that she cares for them in the first place. Despite her inate intelligence, she has a lot to learn.

In conversation her mannerisms can be quite peculiar to other gems, often speaking in jargon, prefering to keep discussion short and precise. She also rarely cares about offending others, and will pass offensive comments freely if she believes them factual, not thinking much of it, and rarely intending to do so. Despite her attitude, if she believes others can assist her in her predicaments, she may attempt to act 'friendly'.

CS: Kindergarten Gem

Name: Pink Tourmaline

Age: 398

Gender: Genderless

Species: Gem

Appearance: Very Short, only 4”5’, and she has a pudgy frame. Has a round face with fairly small facial features, and long frizzy magenta hair with bangs. She has light pink skin. Her outfit is a short pink sleeveless dress with a simple design and short flowing bottom. Her gem is on her upper arm, below the end of her dress.

Powers:Pink Tourmaline has all of the usual powers of a gem(shape-shifting, bubbling, retreating into her gem etc.) The ability she has all on her own though is creation, having the power to project a pink energy that she can freely shape into different constructs of her choosing.

Weapon: When P.T' can grasp the feeling of freedom in her heart, she can summon her weapon from her gem, a white, combat baton.
It's a slender weapon, working essentially in the same manner as a club though she can also use it to fire off blasts of energy or focus said energy at the tip to release some destructive bursts of power. The weapon is balanced by a strong stone at the end which not only works as decoration but is also incredibly dense so it can smash stone.

History: She was recently born in the kindergarten, and was frequently confused and lost. She never had the best memory, and was never very smart but was helped by other gems around her to learn about her history and powers. Though she was taught the ways of combat by Jade, it slowly became clear to P.T's instructor that she was incapable of hurting a fly, especially with her free loving nature and natural dislike of death in general. So, when it came time for Olivine to reappear and check on the new batch of gems, Jade had Pink Tourmaline leave the canyon, knowing what Homeworld did to gems without a purpose.

And so, Pink Tourmaline left on her own, wandering through the desert with the instructions to run as far away as possible. She was unsure of what to do next or how to live outside of her home but she trekked on in hopes of coming across something helpful....

And she did!

The first people that she met on her travels were an older couple. At first they frightened her, and she didn’t know what to think of them. They took her to their home and gave her food, A substance she had never seen before, and she ate it. The first food she ever ate was a bowl of sugary children’s cereal that was given to her by the people she was with, which sparked her love of sugary food. Realizing they were safe and how much she could help them, she stayed with them for about 10 years until the older wife got sick, with her dying shortly after and her husband following less than a month later. This made Tourmaline very sad and caused her to go back on the road, hoping to prevent other humans from dying. She has yet to discover what a naïve dream that is.

Personality: She's timid and shy around gems and humans she doesn't know, but once she gets to know them she is fiercely loyal. PT is insecure about her skills and peaceful temperament, and is easily frightened in a fight. She likes cute things and can be very protective of the people she considers precious. Sadly, her cowardice can hold her back from achieving her full potential.

Likes: Sugar. Cats. Humans

Dislikes: People making fun of her. Her constant forgetfulness, and low intelligence. When humans die.

Name: Pamela Pentaghast

CS: Hybrid

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Human-Gem hybrid

Appearance: Pamela is a slender, athletic teenager with unusual blue hair and sea-green eyes. Her gem is where he belly button should be.

As Pretty Princess Prosopite, her attire changes to: elbow-length white satin gloves, sapphire pumps, a short white skirt, a white button up shirt that only goes halfway down her abdomen with a red kerchief tied round the collar, and light blue stockings, and a gold tiara set with three sapphires.

Weapon(s): Through mental focus, Pamela can summon a blue quarterstaff from her gemstone. The staff is capable of rapdily extending to strike in quick succession and has dazzling edges on either side that can flash and stun people when struck against the ground.

Power(s): As a bearer of the Prosopite gemstone. Pamela has inherited her mother’s exponential memory and can quickly learn any information without hearing it more than once. She can then recall said things perfectly, though things that require physical action and fall into muscle memory can’t be used to their full potential until practiced first. Along with this, she can enter a state through meditation where all information is instantly present to her so long as she has it. This state is something she pleasantly calls “Search Mode”. Usually, a Prosopite doesn’t require meditation for this but because her human mind has limitations, it takes focus to enter the trance.

On the human side, Pamela is both an excellent detective and martial arts practitioner, both skills she learned under her uncle’s instruction and honed after deciding to become a crimefighter. Her main practice is karate but she has the basics of judo, taekwondo and MMA fighting down due to her incredible memory. Along with this, she’s rather intelligent and often wants to get things done, her being an overachiever driving her efforts to better herself forward.

History: Born to Peter Pentaghst and a Homeworld Gem called Prosopite, her early childhood was very loving and nurturing. Her father was an archaeologist, and every time he went away, she was upset, but he always brought back the most wondrous of things. And he would tell her stories of the woman that was her mother, a mysterious woman known as Prosopite, how kind and beautiful she was. Until one day...he never came back.

She was sad, inconsolable, even as she had to move in with her aunt and uncle in Empire city. Her aunt didn't like her very much, but her Uncle, the Chief of Police, knew that she was different from others (and not just because of her abnormal blue hair). She was bright and energetic about learning new things, always waiting for him to tell her a new story even though her aunt always tried to get her straight to bed.

Through each story of heroism, Pamela gained a deep sense of justice. Her uncle would always tell her to stick to her studies so she could go somewhere brighter and newer like her father always did but Pamela was stubborn, adamantly stating how she’d change the world right here because not seeing bad things happen didn’t mean they weren’t happening. Her uncle loved that sentiment and finally relented, letting her take self defense classes (she was quickly the star of her kids dojo, learning the moves and extraordinary pace and packing quite a wallop for a ten year old girl) and even teaching her a few things about police work. She was quite the detective by the time she was only thirteen, even went around helping the neighbours. Even her aunt had to smile a little when the child found her necklace( though she quickly dismissed it and said it was Pamela’s fault in the first place). Everything was going good, little Pamela was going to be the best officer in the whole world when she got big enough.

But things have a really messed up way of changing.

Pamela was 14 when he died. She didn’t even get to know what killed her uncle, just that he died in the line of duty. But she didn’t care, all she knew was that she was alone again and terribly afraid of what was supposed to happen next especially since an abrupt transfer to boarding school from her oh-so-loving aunt meant she would have to deal with it alone. She was depressed, something she hadn’t been in a really long time and it hit like a brick every morning for the first few months of her boarding school stay. She didn’t try but she still got good grades, barely listening to the teacher giving her more than enough information to pass every test.

On her 15th birthday she escaped, running in the rain to her father’s grave to ask what the hell she was supposed to be doing only to find a headstone.

Here Lie: Jacob Pentaghast.

He Made Our City Brighter

She still talked to him though, even though she knew he wasn’t there. She had been coming over to the lot often, asking about his day and telling him about hers. She’d always wait for her aunt to leave before appearing and she had the feeling the old lady was doing the same. Here, they tried not to fight, not in front of him.

It was right here that she found her calling. Or maybe she heard her calling, since there was a lot of screaming and what-not.

As she was talking to her uncle, a shout from behind her had her turning around to a woman, fending off a rather unruly looking ass-hole with a knife. Pissed at both the lack of respect for her uncle's grave site and the police in general, Pamela sprung into action.

Before the assailant could blink she was on him, knocking the knife to the ground before kicking him several feet across the grave sight. The woman fled but Pamela stayed in shock because she didn’t remember being able to hit people that hard or that far. The girl wasn’t one for signs but as she looked at her hands, at the mugger and then at the tender call of hope etched into stone, she thought that maybe she could make an exception.

Maybe she could change the city in a way no else could

Personality: She is incredibly curious with a passion for learning and absorbing knowledge, she always seems to have a book or two on her. She is really quite a nice girl, loyal and protective of her friends and those she cares about. However, in her burns a fire, a bright lantern that guides her through the world. This fire is the light of Good and she has a strong sense of right and wrong and always does her best to do right and protect the innocent.

Likes: Ice Cream, Reading, Eurobeat

Dislikes: K-Pop, Bullies, Vegetables


CS: Homeworld Gem

Name: Amazonite

Age: real old (~65,000)

Gender: Genderless

Species: Gem

Appearance: Amazonite is, by all means, perfectly average. She is of an average build, stands at an average height (perhaps a little on the short side), and doesn’t possess any particular beauty. Chin-length dark turquoise hair frames her face, and bright, curious eyes shine the same color as her hair. She has pale skin, sort of sea-foam green, and she often wears casual, human-like clothes such as a tank top and knee-length pants and sneakers. She also sometimes wears a wide-brimmed sun hat when she is gardening. Her gem is nestled in between her shoulder blades, where it can easily be concealed by clothing.

Powers and Weapon(s): She has all the powers of a normal gem, along with the unique ability to project her thoughts onto another person (or people), allowing them to see what she wants them to see. It is quite handy as an artist to give your colleagues a view of your creative vision, but it may also have some combat uses as well. Her gem weapon manifests itself as a fan with a razor-sharp blade lining the outside. While she is proficient with it, she doesn’t use it often.

History: Amazonite was a renowned artist on Homeworld, sent with other gems to Earth to help create beautiful decorations and paintings for the soon-to-be newly built structures. As she spent so much time among the developing humans, she began to admire their artistic ideas, especially the colorful frescoes and dramatic poses of the Renaissance classics. She wanted to study humans further, and incorporate human culture into her creations. Amazonite desperately pleaded to her superiors, but they stubbornly refused. She left in anger, leaving behind forever the home she once knew to embrace the world of mankind. The gem leader’s didn’t quite agree with this sentiment, so she spent much of her time in hiding, moving from place to place.

Of course, being of a somewhat strange pigment, she couldn’t simply pass as a human. So most of the time she sold and curated artwork through a few choice assistants who were privy to her secret. However, as the long years passed and humans came and went, Amazonite found it hard to watch her friends die while she continued on. So she distanced herself, relocating to a remote area where she could practice her craft in peace, believing herself to be the only gem within thousands of miles. As it turned out, that wasn't quite true.

Personality: Amazonite is a perfectionist, always determined to create everything exactly as she imagines it. She is also somewhat of a worrywart, getting anxious at any sign that things aren't going according to plan. Despite this, she is a loyal friend and will do anything to protect her friends. She is very focused, and will concentrate fully on whatever task is given to her, be it art or combat.

Likes: art, music, gardening, cats

Dislikes: gems who think humans are worthless, “uncultured” people, rodents

Once we have enough people (EIGHT(8)), I'll set the scene and you can all introduce yourselves in the canyon. We'll have our first battle there, with a series of twists and turns..

10-12-2015, 08:42 PM
Name: Topaz (Zap)

Age: 57

Gender: (Genderless for Gems. Irregular for male based gems)

Species: Irregular gem (male)

Appearance: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=333d3sp&s=4
Zap has a lean body type and he's 6'5ft tall. During battle he puts on a mask that covers his mouth and nose. He likes to think of himself as a ninja.

Powers: Zap has the ability produce electricity from his gem. This gives him some devastating power. He charge it up or just release his power with ease. He can even travel as a lightning increasing his speed.

It looks similar to the spear the guy is holding.

History: Zap's abilities was different from other Topaz most didn't even have. Which made it difficult for him for understanding what he was. Although with his new found powers he was a great electrical engineer and could build or program anything. The kindergarten was a weird place for Zap so he changed his shape and went to a nearby town.

Likes: Having a fun time.

Dislikes: Buzz kills

10-12-2015, 08:47 PM
That's not gonna work, irregulars are from the kindergarten. They can't come from Homeworld.

10-13-2015, 01:08 AM
Oops sorry I forgot

Kaptain Panty
10-15-2015, 04:53 PM
Sorry I'm taking so long, having some trouble sifting out what idea I wanna use, and quite a few assignments are due in quite soon, not too mention I need to get to work on finishing my costume for MCM.

Bah, I should have something by the weekend.

10-16-2015, 12:16 AM
Take your time.

10-16-2015, 12:53 AM

Even though we can only have one actual gem weapon, can we also have other gem-made technomagic weapons?

10-16-2015, 01:29 AM
5.Gem distabilizers are a thing, don't forget that.

Anything other than that should be cleared with me first.

10-16-2015, 01:36 AM
magic shield, can reflect projectiles.

magic boots that allow flight.

10-16-2015, 01:44 AM
A magic shield that reflects projectiles? And magic boots.....so you can fly?

Why would you even have these?

10-16-2015, 01:52 AM
because what she does requires her to fight and travel a lot.

10-16-2015, 01:56 AM
Well, she can't be the security officer, that's already taken.


Post your CS, with the abilities you already have and the weapon you already have and I will see if you need magic boots to fly and a magic shield.

10-16-2015, 02:01 AM
she not the security officer, more like a hired gun. her original profession is that she hunts down rogue gems, Think...like a Gem Boba Fett

10-16-2015, 02:30 AM
Name: Cinnabar (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinnabar)

Age: very old

Gender: Genderless

Species: Gem

Appearance: Cinnabar's main color scheme is red. She has short, but poofy red hair, but with a streak of silver in it. Her skin is a pale pink, and she wears a skin-tight scarlet jumpsuit. She is tall (not as tall as Garnet, but taller than Pearl), over her eyes she wears a sanguine reflective visor-like pair of sunglasses. On her belt she has various pouches.


Powers and Weapon(s): Her power is that she can sense and track other gems. By focusing she can hone in on, more or less, the exact location of a gem and where they are heading. This is more accurate the closer She is to her target, and as each gem has a different wavelength, she can tell which gem is what.

Distance chart (how far away she is vs how accurate her power is)

Same Galaxy - Can tell which quadrant
Same Quadrant - Can tell which sector
Same Sector - Can tell which sub-sector
Same Sub-sector - can tell which system
Same system - Can tell which planet
Sam planet - Can tell which Continent
Same Continent - Exact location

Her weapon is an arm cannon that fires energy in various forms such as bolts, beams, bombs, and missiles.

She also has a Gem destabilizer, a magic shield, and boots of flight.

History: Cinnabar is and old...and violent gem. She was prone to violence even when she was newly born. This made her not fit in well with those around her. However it was found she had a very special and unique skill. Namely, the ability to find gems by tracking their wavelength. Each gem resonates at a certain frequency, Cinnabar can sense those waves, and trace them back to their origin, even across space.

Her calling was found. She became a freelancer hunter of rogue gems and gem beasts. Over the centuries, she gained a reputation for her efficiency and brutality, sometimes going as far as shattering gems in the process of capturing them. This brought her to Earth.

Likes: A job well done

Dislikes: not getting paid, failing

10-16-2015, 03:04 AM
If you can have the shield without its reflection ability than I approve of this CS

PS: Guys, remember, this RP takes place after the war is already over. We'll begin right at it's end with the Home World gems leaving and the sun rising on a new dawn.

10-16-2015, 12:09 PM
no problem.

The war may be over, but I'm sure Yellow diamond still wants the rebels dead XD

10-17-2015, 05:00 PM

The Rules Of Fusion:

1. Talk of the fusion's actions and aspects should be decided through PMs between all parties involved but can be spoken of OOCly if absolutely necessary

2. All aspects of the fusion(appearance, personality, and fused weapon) must be agreed upon by all parties involved

3. All actions of the fusion must be agreed upon by all parties involved

4. Any action done ICly will be a joint post (one person posts for the fusion) but again, any action taken must be approved by all parties involved

5. If an action cannot be decided upon through Pms (due to conflict, player absence or etc.), than the GM has the right to state, ICly, that the Fusion has broken up due to inner conflict.

6. To perform the actual fusion, all parties involved will post their part of the dance(the dance itself doesn't need to be perfect) and the designated “Fusion” poster will post the actual point of fusion and all posts concerning that fusion's actions (again, all actions the fusion takes should be agreed upon by all parties involved.

Example of how a fusion between two players should go:

P1: Jade moved across the ground with a flourish, feet gliding along the ground as she twirled on her feet to move closer to her partner

P2: (Insert name here) reacted in kind, she walked forward, arms out as her body swerved to a rhythm, inching closer to her companion

P1(Designated poster): The two met in the middle, taking each other's hand and twirling together. They hugged each other tightly, bodies turning to light as their forms combined into one. A bright flash and there was a totally new being in the two gem's place.

7. The designated poster does not have the right to decide how the fusion acts by his or herself, if he/she is caught doing so without the consent of the other components of the fusion then they will no longer be the designated poster for the fusion and one of their partners will take their place.

8. If a designated poster cannot be decided upon for ANY reason, the GM will take over their duty and post for the fusion in the designated poster's sted, keeping in mind that any actions taken by the fusion must be decided upon by the players that make it up and NOT the GM posting (the GM is only there to post what the others agree on and nothing else...though they might make a suggestion)

In the end guys, have fun alright! Just be respectful to your friends and their ideas and fusion will be an awesome aspect of this game!!

Alright, on to other stuff!

Cfavano, thank you for making that concession on my part, I'll try hard not to interfere with your guys' ideas unless I feel it's absolutely necessary(an occasion that I sincerely doubt will happen often). I don't mind you being a bounty hunter, just remember that the war's already over so if you're on the planet than you should already have picked a side when it started(meaning if you're with Home World, than you've already been defeated by the rebels). Since the wars already done, your position right now is decided on which side you took when it started.

Obviously though, your situation is different if you decide to start the game off planet.

If you're not on planet than a ship takes a week or longer to get to earth from Home World and the galaxy warps aren't functioning. This means you might not be able to post for a while. Of course, it's fine if you choose to be on a planet not as far away from earth as Home World is, in which case you can choose to make details of that in your first IC post.

Sorry if that was a lot of stuff to think about, I know it probably seems weird to say I won't interfere and than give you so many limitations. I just wanted to make sure you understood where your options for starting points were in a clear and easily understood fashion.

Plus, I got to answer any questions someone else might of had so two birds, one stone!

Well, 5 more spots open, come on guys, it'll be so much fun!

10-17-2015, 07:17 PM
I know the war is over, but Home World (who contracted her) still wants the rebels dead. So, among others, they hired her, and they're paying her for each rebel captured/shattered.

10-17-2015, 07:53 PM
Not to sound rude, but is it okay to let me decide what Home World wants?

Besides that, I don't really think I said anything about your affiliation with them(though I have to apologize for the confusion if I wasn't totally clear).

What I said was the war's already over SO

If you were against the rebels DURING it, you've already lost(depending on your affiliation at the time)

If you were on Home World during it and being sent here than it takes a bit of time to get from Home World to earth so you couldn't show up for a little bit of time.

And finally, if you started on a planet closer to earth to avoid the wait, I needed the details of whatever planet you were on in your first IC post.

10-17-2015, 08:29 PM
forgive me, I worded that wrong. I meant to ask it.

Kaptain Panty
10-17-2015, 08:40 PM
Just a heads up, but I have seen VERY little of Season 2. Me and my brother are setting it aside until it's complete, and watching it in one big thing. So please, if you can, don't spoil anything, or at least tell me now or before something comes up, that I need to start watching season 2.

Got a base concept down, raging berserker fused with a tranquil mind, or rather something along those lines, just debating on which way I should go about it.

Say, would it be possible for a fusion between gems to be forced in some way? For this concept, developed X warrior gem came out far too aggressive, constantly in an animalistic rage and lashing out at anything within eye sight. Y gem, on the other hand, the complete opposite, a calm calculating mind, but woefully inept at any form of combat. Gems x and Y are forced to fuse together in some way as to balance out their weaknesses. To put a mind behind the madman, and a strong arm for the thinker.
Other idea on how they might fuse 'naturally' would be X gem attacking Y gem, and Y gem being swallowed whole by X gem, and resulting in a rather 'non-traditional' fusion dance(Idea mainly based on an idea of possibly giving X gem the muzzle of a wolf, or just some kinda devour maw with lots O' biting teeth).

Other idea on this concept is a gem getting damaged and split during incubation, each developing into their own gem and resulting in two extreme personalities, the before mentioned cruel sadist berserker and a timid, cowardly, yet kind hearted and clear headed, the pair fusing together after coming out due to them being halves' of the same person. Or something like that, whatever fits best with the fusion thing.
If this kinda thing is possible, then I've got another idea that's based off a gem shattering during development, and creates loads of tiny gems that link together to make the mind of the original gem as they form a hive mind. Reason they don't just fuse up is they are too primitive on their own to fuse. Some other stuff to that, but that's not the main thingy here.

Hm, maybe make the crazo berserker gem a tad less crazy, which would mean the whole thing of it being forced can be skipped, and just say they did all the rest, just they did it on purpose, or ah dunno, forced to do the dance by people holding their limbs or something. Hm, kinda like this idea better, think I might go with it, but ah dunno, depends if the other idea's are possible or not, and I kinda feel a bit like it'll encroach on Garnet's fusion thing.

10-17-2015, 08:58 PM
........start watching season 2....now

Kaptain Panty
10-17-2015, 08:59 PM
Righty O.

10-17-2015, 09:10 PM
forgive me, I worded that wrong. I meant to ask it.

You're fine, it wasn't really serious and it's not like you were super wrong.

But yeah, those are the options for a starting point, just to give you a feel of where you would be in the current scenario depending on where you wanted to be during the war.

10-17-2015, 10:22 PM
The Homeworld has lost, but there is still the chance for an enterprising gem to make some money! XD

I think I might start somewhere like mars.

It's red, She's red, and she can use it as a FOB to store her bubbled captured gems.

10-17-2015, 10:26 PM
raging berserker fused with a tranquil mind

....yes, watch season 2.

10-18-2015, 12:53 AM
I'm thinking about joining since I've had an idea rattling around in my head for a long time now, but I'm not entirely sure if it would fit your parameters for a character. Its essentially a gem beast that has...Retained some of its sentience, in a matter of speaking. I thought I would ask if that'd be ok before I posted the full CS.

10-18-2015, 09:06 AM

Name: Tigers Eye (Usually just referred to as Tiger)

Age: 8

Gender: Genderless

Species: Gem

Appearance: Tigers Eye has an orange-ish hue about her with black stripes decorating her skin. She is petite and has extremely long hair that reaches her feet and tends to flow about like a tail would. She stands at 5'5", and her gem (http://www.enkivillage.com/s/upload/images/2014/11/b1643b5b6ebc89d8dd8e8ebd9bc57f4c.jpg) is located right under her lower lip. Her fingernails closely resemble claws, but are not actually dangerous on their own.

Powers and Weapon(s): Tigers Eye uses a claw (http://www.godwars2.org/images/weapons/claws.jpg) weapon that can fit over her entire hand like a glove.

Her powers are predatory. She can sniff out most anything without making a mistake-- even better it her target has some sort of specific aroma (perfumes, blood scent, oil, soap, etc.). She can use a minor camouflage ability that renders her nearly invisible. Lastly, her own teeth are extremely sharp, and can pierce metal without hurting her.

For less of a combat use, she does have incredible balance. She can jump and land any way she originally intended, so long as nothing interferes with her trajectory.

History: Tigers Eye was formed in the Kindergarten, grown to be a hunter. However, she was a disobedient gem. She enjoyed the nearby wildlife, the people, and the livelihood of the planet. She never realized that they were stealing life from the planet. She just did what felt right to her, which involved trying to play with the other gems-- despite their protests, using her camouflage to play hide and seek, and gnawing on the machines for no particular reason (perhaps she just liked the taste?).

When the revolt ensued, she was unsure who to side with. It was confusing because gems were fighting other gems, and she didn't understand why. Instead of trying to fight, she hid and ran away as fast as she could. She just didn't want to get hurt.

Likes: Human food, playing, and sleeping.

Dislikes: Orders, grumpy gems/people, dullness.

Everything look cool?

10-18-2015, 01:28 PM
I'm thinking about joining since I've had an idea rattling around in my head for a long time now, but I'm not entirely sure if it would fit your parameters for a character. Its essentially a gem beast that has...Retained some of its sentience, in a matter of speaking. I thought I would ask if that'd be ok before I posted the full CS.

Could you be a gem who was experimented on to see if the corruption process could be reversed, the process resulting in a gem who uncontrollably transformed between gem and corruption? Feel free to say no.

her gem (http://www.enkivillage.com/s/upload/images/2014/11/b1643b5b6ebc89d8dd8e8ebd9bc57f4c.jpg) is where her left eye would be (this can be changed if so desired).

This is for totally selfish reasons, I won't even pretend with a false pretense, but could your gem not be on your face...if that isn't a deal breaker...

10-18-2015, 01:38 PM
Oh forgot to mention I edited my character sheet.

10-18-2015, 01:45 PM
Absolutely. I thought it would be cool, but it's not a must have for me. :]

Iz changed. :3

Kaptain Panty
10-18-2015, 02:04 PM
....yes, watch season 2.

Ugh, bloody plot...

Welp, guess I'll see yall in 5 or so hours.

10-18-2015, 02:10 PM
Ah, a large stone embedded in your lip, thank god gems don't have actual bodies or that would be an awkward adjustment.

Seriously, I thought you'd pick the back of your hand or something due to the nature of your weapon but THIS is way better, a lot more imaginative, I like it. But talking about gem placement makes me want to remind you guys to add where your gem is located when your doing your CS alright.

And remember, if you guys want your characters drawn just ask, I'm hoping to get some done so we can see what our fusions will look like.

10-18-2015, 02:51 PM
Well...I mean, that's entirely possible but let me show you the CS before I change anything.

Name: Chrysoberyl (Nickname: Beryl, Other name: The Chrysosite)

Age: Forgotten

Gender: Genderless

Species: Gem (Gem beast?)

Appearance: The Chrysosite is a gem-based parasite that attaches itself to living beings as a way of sustaining its form and regaining intelligence. It looks like a normal sized gemstone on the top, but underneath it has many centipede-like legs and two compound eyes it uses to see. When fused to a being, its bottom half becomes light and is absorbed into the body of the creature it is taking over. The top half of the gem sticks out of its victim as if it was the core of an average gem.

Powers and Weapon(s): When in Chrysosite form, Beryl loses most of its sentience and acts as a parasite, searching for the nearest viable host. As the Chrysosite, it has the ability to 'fuse' with living beings such as animals or humans (non gems) and take over their bodies over time. When it takes over non-human creatures, it cannot do more than what the creature can. (IE: if controlling a bird, it cannot speak) It grants the host the properties of a gem (increased strength, speed, and durability.) at the cost of their minds slowly being taken over by Beryl. Because of its fractured gem, it lost much of its power that it had before including the ability to create and maintain his old weapon, a lime green gemstone halberd. Because of this, it tends to use various objects as weapons, such as poles and signs.

History: During the battle 5000 years ago, Chrysoberyl was a member of Rose Quartz's army. During the battle, Beryl's gemstone was severely damaged and it was left for dead on the battlefield. Thousands of years later, a bird that was pecking through the battlefield saw something shiny under the rubble and attempted to pick it up. When it touched it, the gem suddenly latched onto it and took it over, using it to finally escape and look for a new, better host.

Likes: Eating especially sweets and spicy foods, Flying, being 'normal' again.

Dislikes: Bitter foods, being hurt, fighting, and being the Chrysosite.

10-18-2015, 05:25 PM
And remember, if you guys want your characters drawn just ask, I'm hoping to get some done so we can see what our fusions will look like.

You do drawings? ... Because I would love to see how you draw Tigers Eye based on my description. :O

Oh, and this reminds me: There is a blue variant of tiger's eye that is blue and is called hawk's eye. Not sure if that classifies as a different gem, but that would be interesting if we could make that. :P So, if anyone would like to try and make that a thing, it's out there!

10-18-2015, 08:53 PM
I'd like that.

I'd be happy to include a more in-depth description for it.

10-19-2015, 06:46 PM
The calculating powerhouse.... Jade

The energetic hunter.....Tiger's Eye

If you like this picture, MashuNeko-san, our fusion is going to be FREAKING AWESOME!!!!

10-20-2015, 02:24 AM
Okay, Cinnabar is slender, but not pearl-skinny, think more an athletic build, and her hair is similar to Steven's, but shorter. The silver streak in her hair is roughly 2-inches wide and goes along the left corner of her head. Her gem is opaque and kinda dusty red with silver speckles in it, and is located on her right wrist. Her clothing is like this (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-O9xe8AJQp2Q/UKVi70v-HzI/AAAAAAAAAOs/mlhjXdE6euY/s1600/HotToy_MGS3_Final_63.jpg), except it is various shades of red (instead of black) Her visor covers her eyes, with a gap for her nose, and goes from ear to ear, and is red and reflective. Her eyes cannot be seen through it.

10-20-2015, 04:02 AM
May I ask, if it's okay; why the wrist?

10-20-2015, 04:46 AM
Goodness! That picture definitely suits what I had in my mind. :D I love it! Thank you! :]

10-20-2015, 12:50 PM
because she has an arm cannon. the arm with the gem becomes the cannon. but you can move it up to the forearm if it's easier to draw.

her gem is also uneven and more rock-like, than carved gemstone-like

10-20-2015, 09:28 PM
The fearsome bounty hunter....Cinnibar

10-20-2015, 09:49 PM
looks good!

10-20-2015, 10:27 PM
Yeah that's cool

10-20-2015, 10:29 PM
and this is her theme song:


10-21-2015, 01:43 PM
Alright, we have 3 approved gems so far-

Tiger's Eye-MashuNeko

I'm working on the OP right now, gonna add all the CSs(now with PICTURES!!!) to the front page along with the fusion rules and some other small edits.

That still leaves four spots open!!(we're waiting for the great Kaptain Johnson to finish season two). I guess I'll wait for Sanity to get back to me as well so that leaves 3 open spots.

Remember guys, grammar is a key point with me, I don't care if you mess up some times but always check or just ask for help(it's really not that big a deal, just a pet peeve of mine).

10-21-2015, 05:14 PM
Alright! Edited!

The new format is organized like this

General Rules (conduct, quality of posts Etc.)

Character Creation(Telling you the limits of humans and gems along with rules and the consequences that come along with each choice. It also explores the character sheet itself)

Character Sheet(CS)

Character Interaction(Dealing with PvP and Fusion, may be updated later)

PvP(Player Vs Player)

And finally-

Characters(A list of the currently approved characters along with a picture)

Tiger's Eye

Please go back to the front page to reacquaint yourself with the rules and make sure to ask any questions that they may not have answered.

10-22-2015, 10:25 PM
Hey I edited my character can you check it out for me.

10-23-2015, 07:33 PM
Age is still wrong, sorry....

10-27-2015, 01:41 PM
Update: http://img14.deviantart.net/07f7/i/2015/300/8/0/signature_by_simsterd-d9ejty7.png

The first signature for the RP

When we have all the players we need, I'll make a better one with us in it!

PS: When I said the age was wrong, in case you require clarification, I was reminding you that 57 is tooooo old for a Kindergarten Gem and all Irregulars are from the Kindergarten so if you're an irregular your top age is 10.

10-28-2015, 04:20 PM
That banner looks cool so far! It'll look cooler with all the characters in it! :D

10-28-2015, 04:52 PM
Thanks, I really can't wait to start on the specialized banners for each character!

11-03-2015, 08:52 PM
Alright, I think everything is good with my CS now, here it is!


Name: Citrine

Age: 250

Gender: Genderless

Species: Gem

Appearance: Citrine is a quartz gem, very tall, (A little taller than Garnet) and thin with yellow-orange skin and long very light orange hair (almost white) kept in a simple pony tail. She wears a simple yellow shirt with a light blue hoodie that covers up their gem on the back of her neck. She wears dark orange shorts and light blue sneakers. If not for the coloring of her skin and hair, she could easily pass for a human.

Powers and Weapon(s): Citrine's weapon is a gemstone yo-yo with bright orange string. She can control the size of it at will, but it becomes very difficult to control at larger sizes. When fighting, tiny crystals form blades on the edges of the yo-yo, almost turning it into a buzz-saw, but these are retractable and she only uses it when absolutely necessary.

Her powers are Electrokinesis, she can generate and control electricity (by generate, I mean she can create it internally, but she can't shoot it out. She'd have to touch someone in order to zap them.). The only problem with her power, however, is that she can only control so much at a time, and too much electricity at once could destabilize her form.

Outside of combat, she's also very skilled with her yo-yo and can do many advanced tricks with relative ease.

History: Born in the kindergarten as a warrior gem, she was raised under Jade's tutilage with the understanding that the gems that were there had to remain a secret from the inhabitants of this world. After a hundred years hiding away and training, she became too curious and angry for her own good and snuck out of the cloak without Jade's knowledge (she thought). If these 'humans' were so dangerous as to force them into hiding themselves away, she was going to find them and defeat them, like the warrior she was.

After wandering for a long time, she came across a deserted road that stretched out into the horizon both ways. As she followed it, she felt a rumbling coming from the other direction as a musician's tour bus was coming up fast. Her warrior's instinct active, she dove out of the way and prepared to attack the strange creature, however, the bus lurched to a halt and a few faces peeked out and apologized for almost hitting her. This bewildered her, if these were humans, what was the danger? They seemed weak, practically harmless. Even their weapons, though massive, seemed slow and cumbersome. Confusing her for a fellow musician, a "glam rocker" as they called her, they invited her to 'hang out' as they played their music for her and they discussed things about the outside world, things she didn't quite understand, but still was interested in. Once they had finished, the musicians offered her a ride to the city, but Citrine declined, deciding to go back home instead.

After she got back home, and got properly chastized by Jade, she decided to change from her normal gem-like form-fitting clothing to something a bit more human. She escaped the cloak a few times after that, but she never went as far as the road ever again. She wanted to, more than anything. But her duties as a warrior gem were to her comrades, her friends, and she didn't want to travel too far and put them in danger...Not alone, at least.

Likes: Humans, fighting, doing tricks with her yo-yo, playing games.

Dislikes: Boredom, people close to her getting hurt, the dark, insults

11-05-2015, 12:37 PM
What do you guys think about a small change in the plot that'll give a little more creative room in the old CS department.

What if, instead of Olivine coming to start a new kindergarten, she came back to check on a kindergarten she had started at the end of the war. A small cluster of gems she wanted to experiment on but she had to leave behind because of the gems leaving earth.

In this way, Kindergarten gems no longer have the age range of 8 years. This would also lead to any number of small changes for your character but the core idea of the game would stay relatively unchanged.

Kaptain Panty
11-05-2015, 05:56 PM
I haveth finished watching what has been done of season 2!
Jesus Christ peridots adorable.

IN ANY CASE! Perhaps, BY TOMMOROW! I shall have a CS!

What with, by the looks of it, the majority of 'modern' homeworld gems being tailored to their specific job (Eg pearls meant to act as ornaments/servants, and Amethysts as punch blocks) I was thinking of perhaps having a Gem that existed before the whole custom built gem thing, and felt disgust towards how more 'modern' practises forced certain roles on gems, and left in self imposed exile.

11-08-2015, 06:50 AM
What do you guys think about a small change in the plot that'll give a little more creative room in the old CS department.

What if, instead of Olivine coming to start a new kindergarten, she came back to check on a kindergarten she had started at the end of the war. A small cluster of gems she wanted to experiment on but she had to leave behind because of the gems leaving earth.

In this way, Kindergarten gems no longer have the age range of 8 years. This would also lead to any number of small changes for your character but the core idea of the game would stay relatively unchanged.

I think this would be fine, but whatever you wanna do is cool. :]

11-08-2015, 01:13 PM
So are we still waiting for more people? Or are we just gonna go with the people we have currently (including the Kaptain.)

11-09-2015, 12:38 PM
Just moved to a new house. No internet yet. Stuck on mobile until Saturday. Can't start the RP until then. Apologies.

11-14-2015, 08:47 PM
I'm back!

I'M BACK!!!!!!


Okay, who's still in!!?

Kaptain Panty
11-14-2015, 08:49 PM

11-14-2015, 08:50 PM

11-14-2015, 09:47 PM

I still have some people! Let's get that CS here so we can start this thing.


What with, by the looks of it, the majority of 'modern' homeworld gems being tailored to their specific job (Eg pearls meant to act as ornaments/servants, and Amethysts as punch blocks) I was thinking of perhaps having a Gem that existed before the whole custom built gem thing, and felt disgust towards how more 'modern' practises forced certain roles on gems, and left in self imposed exile.

What exactly do you mean by "modern"? From what I see, gems have always been like this; Pearls-Servants, Quartz-fighters (Amethyst is a quartz by the way).

I don't think there's ever been a time when a gem type didn't have specific function except obviously the Diamonds which we don't know anything about. If you could just explain your reasoning some, I think I might understand you better.

Kaptain Panty
11-14-2015, 09:57 PM
Eh, forget that idea. Not enough information at the moment.

Hm...Fact that the show is no where near finished and hardly any lore known...That's gonna bring up problems, aready has...

11-14-2015, 11:25 PM
kouki makes up stuff. and so can we.

11-15-2015, 12:32 AM
I have been here since the beginning of the end of forever.

11-15-2015, 12:54 AM
kouki makes up stuff. and so can we.
You know you can't do whatever the GM does, right?

Especially if it effects the history or foundation of the setting in play.

Either way, I just wanted to know what led Kaptain to this train of thought so I can understand his point.

11-15-2015, 01:16 AM
minor things.

Like how my character profits from an economy that may or may not exist according to the show.

11-15-2015, 08:06 AM
I'm in! Still. Promise. I actually just got out of work. :P

11-16-2015, 12:31 PM
Good, I don't wanna lose my first fusion partner!


minor things.

Like how my character profits from an economy that may or may not exist according to the show.

If she's a bounty hunter sanctioned by Homeworld, why would she get paid? Gems don't have a use for money, any material they need can be taken from the planets they conquer and they can change their appearance and aren't organic so food and water aren't much of a necessity.

I mean, I like that you're a bounty hunter and have your stuff but anything financial would be more likely to come from a planet that has a use for money.

That's one of the reasons why I liked your character, you get to say that you've been ANYWHERE, Homeworld's economy isn't a factor, you can say you get your ship and weapons, and any other material from a far off distant planet and I'd just be cool with it cause there are thousands of planets out there to make up.

As long as you run it by me real quick...
If you don't like that though, we can just talk PM style and work the whole thing out, no problem.

Okay, since it looks like Kaptain might be a second or two, I'll edit the front post with the new plot (that's pretty much the same)

In this new setting, a Homeworld scientist (Olivine) had a small kindergarten experiment going, small enough that it wasn't detectable by the crystal gems. It started at the end of the war (Over 5,000 years ago) We now know that the process for making gems takes a very looooong time so let's say your new Kindergarten age limit is.....

2,000 years!!

Anyway, she comes back to get her test subjects but we run her off planet because she's mean and we kind of like earth. Plus, she doesn't plan to be very gentle with her experiments and no one really likes that when they find out what she has planned for them.

In this new setting, Jade is no longer the security officer for the Science division, she's the caretaker for the kindergarten Gems who was always thought of as a defective sentry (why she's blind) but secretly learned how to fight, first on Homeworld and than learned the teachings of martial arts on earth.

All in favor say "aye"!

11-16-2015, 01:59 PM
nah nah, I get what you're saying.

And aye.

11-19-2015, 04:14 PM
Waiting for Kaptain to update us on his progress?

11-20-2015, 12:09 AM
That, and the rest of the "aye" and "nay" votes for the new plot.

I'm really sorry this is taking so long but once we get started, I'll try and make it a whole lot of fun, I promise!

11-20-2015, 06:03 AM
You've got my "aye" on you! ... Get it? ... It's a pun! :D ... I'll just... show myself out. XD

11-20-2015, 04:08 PM
Well you already know you got an aye from me, I can't wait to start.

11-28-2015, 04:08 PM
Just letting you guys know that this is still a thing that is happening so please just hold on for a little while longer please!!!

11-29-2015, 01:29 AM
Sure sure just make sure you keep us in the loop there. Don't want this to die before it begins.

11-29-2015, 03:24 AM
Alright, I've emailed Kaptain and since I feel like the majority of you guys are on board, I'll make the plot change to the front page.

Thank you guys for being so patient with me!!

11-30-2015, 10:22 PM
Is Kaptain still gonna join us? Its been a while...

12-01-2015, 07:15 PM
He hasn't returned my PM yet, maybe he's very busy with work or school...

12-01-2015, 08:04 PM
OP updated!

Now your ages can be much higher!

Kaptain Panty
12-01-2015, 09:07 PM
I wouldn't wait on me, and probably should of said that sooner, but of course I'm a bloody idiot.

In any case, I'm finally deciding to not be a lazy bastard and actually getting stuff done.

Kaptain Panty
12-02-2015, 04:33 PM
Say, Kouki, would some form of armour be acceptable equipment for a Gem bodyguard/security officer?

12-02-2015, 05:52 PM
Not if they're on this mission. Just like when Jasper came to earth, despite being a warrior class gem, there were no armements most likely due to the nature of the mission.

This is just supposed to be a scientific exploration on a backwards planet that no one cares about. No expansive weaponry is required beyond a gem distabilizer and a quartz's natural strength( which is something you would be(a quartz, I mean) if you were a bodyguard).

Does that answer your question or was I off the mark entirely.

PS: "Character Creation", more specifically, the "Gem" section, has been updated; your new age limit is 4,500 years.

Kaptain Panty
12-02-2015, 06:37 PM
Fair enough. Well, that makes picking a power easier.

12-03-2015, 02:13 AM
Just to let you know, I changed my age up to 2,500. Dunno why that number specifically, but its what I chose.

12-03-2015, 10:03 AM
Gonna keep my age the same, because why not? Although... I may have to edit a bit of the history to make it logical...

Kaptain Panty
12-04-2015, 06:02 PM
Hm, on the one weapon per Gem rule...

How would throwing weapons work? Would it just be a matter of being able to summon infinite of them, or is their some kind of restriction or whatever to it?

12-05-2015, 01:26 PM
Depends on what the weapon is.

Kaptain Panty
12-05-2015, 02:08 PM
Throwing knives and grenade style bombs were a thought.

And I'm sorry I still don't have anything, even though I've actually started on it. I'm still finding it difficult to reason a character concept to myself.

12-05-2015, 03:06 PM
Knives, yes, but you wouldn't be able to summon them in rapid succession. You'd have to pull one out of your gem every time you wanted to use it.

12-05-2015, 06:00 PM
By the way, was Citrine accepted? She still isn't a part of the accepted character list.

12-06-2015, 02:04 PM
Accepted, your picture just isn't done yet.

12-07-2015, 12:41 AM
Oh yeah, I should make one note:

Guys, you're in a secret area, obviously out of the way of civilization for clear reasons (the SECRET part probably has something to do with it) and you're growing up and being taught by a gem with strict instructions to keep you hidden for, again, pretty clear reasons. (Though Jade isn't at all strict)

My point being that while you might run into a hiker or see a bus out on a distant road, the chances of you guys just wondering off for the fun of it is very low.

Kaptain Panty
12-07-2015, 10:22 AM
I assume that's only for Kindergarten Gems, not any Homeworld gems that survived the war and stayed/were stranded on Earth. Just one of my ideas was that my guy had joined up with a human community after peacing out from the war(Or the uprising, I'm not sure yet. Probably around since the war, depends how long it's been since the uprising), because if your stuck alone(She doesn't know if anyone or anything survived) on a world for possibly eternally without anything else to do, you might as well.

Say, how long ago did the uprising take place? Days, weeks, months, years?

12-09-2015, 10:29 PM
I'll set the scene and you can all introduce yourselves in the canyon. We'll have our first battle there, with a series of twists and turns.

The game starts in the Kindergarten so like....three seconds ago is when the war happened.

Unless you're talking about the one for earth's independence, started by Rose Quartz, that one ended over 5,000 years ago.

12-09-2015, 11:06 PM
So, canonically, is Steven Dead yet? like, in relations to the show, when is this?

If Steven Dies, will Rose come back to life?

Since, well, it's HER Gem in him.

Kaptain Panty
12-10-2015, 05:19 PM
So, canonically, is Steven Dead yet? like, in relations to the show, when is this?

If Steven Dies, will Rose come back to life?

Since, well, it's HER Gem in him.


12-10-2015, 07:17 PM
It's a fair question. I am also really curious as to what would happen to him...Oh God, will we meet Stevonnie's child? I'm kinda scared now.

Kaptain Panty
12-10-2015, 07:28 PM
Wow wow wow.


Let's be careful now. We don't wanna mess too much now.

12-10-2015, 08:24 PM
Wait, if Steven and Connie have a Kid, and the Gem passes on, could it be that she give birth to the gem by itself, and it forms into rose?

Kaptain Panty
12-10-2015, 08:43 PM
I think we're veering too far into speculation here.

12-11-2015, 12:10 AM
So, canonically, is Steven Dead yet? like, in relations to the show, when is this?

If Steven Dies, will Rose come back to life?

Since, well, it's HER Gem in him.

No, why would he be?



Not technically hers anymore...

PS: Stevonnie's child wouldn't be a gem, they'd be fully human. Not a fact just my logical conclusion.

12-11-2015, 03:21 PM
Yknow to my knowledge , Steven has extended life because of his gem. I mean he can control his age at will so he must have some extension of life right? What if he became a perma-fusion to protect Connie from aging? I doubt it would work like that but it's a thought.

Kaptain Panty
12-13-2015, 09:11 PM
Say, Kouki, if I do get a CS up, can we start, or are you still aiming for the 8 character mark?

12-15-2015, 11:35 AM
We can start when your CS has been approved. I'm also waiting for Chronic to get back to me on my note for Citrine's background.

Which reminds me; I'm sorry Chronic for getting your hoody color wrong, I just re-read your CS and realized it was supposed to be blue instead of orange. Guess I just assumed your clothes would follow a certain color scheme, it was careless of me not to read your CS thoroughly before starting the picture.

12-15-2015, 03:53 PM
Oh the hoodie looks fine don't worry about that. I just wasn't sure if orange on orange would look good. Tried to work in the color complements, but you made it work without.

As for the other thing I duno what you mean. I haven't received any notes after the image one.

12-15-2015, 05:17 PM
Remember, I said you were good but than I said..

Oh yeah, I should make one note:

Guys, you're in a secret area, obviously out of the way of civilization for clear reasons (the SECRET part probably has something to do with it) and you're growing up and being taught by a gem with strict instructions to keep you hidden for, again, pretty clear reasons. (Though Jade isn't at all strict)

My point being that while you might run into a hiker or see a bus out on a distant road, the chances of you guys just wondering off for the fun of it is very low.

Kaptain Panty
12-15-2015, 05:29 PM
Alright, I've nearly finished up my CS, but I've got to go to a party soon, but after that and a quick review of it, I should have it posted.

Kaptain Panty
12-15-2015, 09:33 PM
Homeworld Gem (Pre-war)


Long before the war, that's for sure.



She isn't tall, rising to a mere 4.7 feet, but as if to compensate, she has a thick, stocky frame. Her skin is a light grey, her long black kept in a single braid pony-tail that reaches down to the middle of her back. Her eyes are a dirty, greyish white. Her torso and left arm are covered in white bandages, as well as her right hand leaving the space around her collar bone, and the upper part of her right arm left as exposed skin. Her Gem is located on her chest, just below the centre of her collar bone. She wears a pair of black trousers held up by a belt, ending in a pair of grey boots.

Powers and Weapon(s):

Blacksmiths Hammer

She is an excellent smith, able to craft complex gem machinery, if she had the appropriate tools and materials. To complement this, she can raise parts of her body to extreme temperatures, and possesses more then enough heat resistance to withstand it. Despite being one who creates weapons, not someone who wields them, she is never the less capable in combat, tougher and stronger than your average Gem. Perhaps no grand warrior, any lack of skill is made up for with cunning, guile, and a lack of shame.

Besides from that, she still has some old equipment that managed to survive the war, or looted from the Gem battlefields. The only significant devices are a holographic projector, which she's used to disguise herself as a human for all these years and fill in any gaps her not so perfect shape shifting didn't fill. Another is a high powered monocular that let her do some of the more complicated jobs. The rest are an assortment of weapons, ether made by herself or stolen from the dead.

Stationed on Earth, and now abandoned it since before the war, someone had to make the equipment the Gems used, and she was one of the people that did just that. She was what you could call a labourer Gem, specializing in creating and maintaining the various devices, equipment and objects Gems made use of. She had never agreed with the situation, of what they were doing there. Though of course she didn’t do this openly. Jet was just a simple Blacksmith who held no authority or respect, and making her views open would just get her a kick in the head, or worse, used as a 'test subject' for their damned experiments. As Rose Quartz rebellion began to, well, rebel, it was quite a surprise when she fled to Rose Quartz's banner, and by the time she did join up, the war was already starting and they could hardly chase a single runaway through an enemy army. She worked as a smith for Rose Quartz rebellion, doing much of she did before, just now it was for what she believed to be a good cause. Eventually, the war came to an end, managing to survive it all by doing her job and staying way, waaaay at the back. And in the aftermath, with Homeworlds forces routed...

Now what the hell was she supposed to do?

Well, what she did do was integrate into human society. After all, she was stuck here, possibly for eternity, with no other Gems (at least to her knowledge) to talk to or interact with, so you might as well take the next best thing.

Forging, and her 'special' brew of tea.

Those who would ruin another's work.

Again, I'm sorry I've taken so long.

12-16-2015, 11:00 PM
Wait a second, tan skin and brown hair?

That's a pretty humany appearance...

12-17-2015, 04:41 AM
Alrighty, I fixed the sheet. I think that should fit better with the idea I had for the character as well as the idea you had for the area.

12-17-2015, 01:19 PM
No, this is perfect, very good. And I'll make sure to change your hoody to it's intended color the minute Paint Tool Sai starts working like it's supposed to!!!

Kaptain Panty
12-17-2015, 03:17 PM
Wait a second, tan skin and brown hair?

That's a pretty humany appearance...

I was thinking on having the hair an ashen grey, but decided on brown. Wait, why did I go with brown and not Black? Black would match the colour of her Gem...Think I'll go change that now.

I went with her being tanned just because I thought it'd look better then being something like pitch black or greyish, or some other odd colour. Though for proper reasons, it can be pinned down to better blending in with humanity, her skin not a bizarre colour, and her outfit not some multi-coloured fashion show when she works in a smithy or some such. People get uppity if they know your a weirdo space alien who's race tried to steal their planets life-force.

12-17-2015, 08:16 PM
Well to be fair being a smith in modern times kinda gives a little doubt to her human-ness already. But what I think Kouki is saying is that human coloring or the ability to change colors that much would be a power in itself. Clothing is one thing, skin and hair is another.

But then, I'm speaking purely from speculation. Kouki is the only one that can say one way or another.

Kaptain Panty
12-17-2015, 08:46 PM
Well, smiths do still exist, but they make more ornamental stuff as opposed to horse-shoes and locks.

Hm, yeah, fair enough. I've changed the hair colour to black, which both looks better and make more sense. But, up to you Kouki if the tan stays, or what have you.

12-17-2015, 09:27 PM
Personally, I don't really see why you would need a different appearance when no one could possibly remember a war that happened 5,000 years ago.

But if you'd prefer to have tan skin than it would make more sense for it to be a product of some kind of holographic device right? Which ties in with your background.

- - - Updated - - -

PS: Chronic was accurate about what I meant, good job for knowing me well

Kaptain Panty
12-17-2015, 09:44 PM
Perhaps not in relevance to the war, but definitely to avoid odd looks and awkward questions.

Huh. Hologram kinda thing sounds good, could also hide her Gem to avoid the 'Why do you have a rock embedded in your shoulder' question. Shall I throw this onto the sheet under a notes heading or something, along with any other bits and pieces that have managed to survive the war, or been salvaged from the battle-fields?

12-17-2015, 11:02 PM
We are Gem and the Holograms now.

References aside, I say some time down the line our gems should become a rock band. Jet plays drums, Tiger's Eye plays (eats?)lead guitar, Citrine is front gem vocals being the glam rocker she is, and Jade is our manager/keyboardist.

12-18-2015, 03:23 AM
Remember, because of the effects the gems had on history, this version of earth has adapted a certain level of apathy when it comes to the magical.

And that's not me saying that either, that's some Rebecca Sugar knowledge right there....I think.

But yeah, hologram, go with that...I'm also gonna assume you're residing somewhere in Empire City because that's where we're headed after we fight the Dr-...oh, spoilers.

12-18-2015, 05:38 AM
We are Gem and the Holograms now.

References aside, I say some time down the line our gems should become a rock band. Jet plays drums, Tiger's Eye plays (eats?)lead guitar, Citrine is front gem vocals being the glam rocker she is, and Jade is our manager/keyboardist.

I can see it now...

"TIGER!!" *Tiger looks* "Don't eat the guitar!" "But it's so yummy!~"

12-18-2015, 07:45 AM
She might eat the guitar but man she would SHRED on it...

Y'know, as she picks the strings out of her teeth.

12-20-2015, 02:04 AM
Oh, Kaptain changed his CS.

We can start now, if everyone's ready.

12-20-2015, 02:19 AM
Well I, for one, am ready to get goin'. Lets do this thing!

Kaptain Panty
12-20-2015, 10:06 AM

Let us hope that our other compatriots haven't disappeared into the ether.

And on the talk of editing, I've just added the hologram thing and some other stuff to my CS before I(Or anyone else) forgets.

Kaptain Panty
12-21-2015, 09:47 PM
*Flops about*

12-21-2015, 11:13 PM

I'm writing up the first post now!

Everyone, our story begins in the kindergarten right at the rebellion's end. Remember, everything you do will effect the story and be mindful of the rules in the original post.

Kaptain and Chronic, I will be adding your CSs to the OP soon as well, please be patient with me!!

12-21-2015, 11:48 PM
So, I'm there, too? Or do I come in later?

12-22-2015, 12:07 AM
Did ya look under characters?

12-22-2015, 12:07 AM
no no, I mean do I start there, or do I arrive later?

12-22-2015, 01:34 AM
You'll have to find your own way there.

12-22-2015, 01:35 AM
alright. just be sure to have them send a message to homeworld, and that's all I'll need.

12-22-2015, 03:09 AM
You should know, Homeworld doesn't really have any stake in the earth anymore. They know it's about to explode and the only reason they came back was because Olivine made a special request to go back and check on her research which just kind of resulted in a coup so....yeah.

But I'll bring you in after some time, you won't be on the moon long. But, than again, I don't know what your plan with the message is so what I just said above could be of absolutely no importance.

Anyway, I'll be posting the IC soon so everyone get ready!

12-22-2015, 03:15 AM
the message is Olivine calling for aid, specifically requesting Cinnabar. This means I do, in fact, have a reason to arrive.

Basically, the message would be along the lines of:

Rogue gems, cannot hold, requesting aid for capture, whole or shattered.

Something like that, basically, reason enough for her to go there and do the voodoo that she do so well.

12-22-2015, 03:43 AM
Again though, the planet is about explode. I just don't see the point of her requesting help. I mean, why would you bother, they're all about to die anyway and the last time you tried that nonsense, one of their ships crashed.

Olivine will most likely just come to you directly, it'll be a pride thing....


Okay, what if Olivine left something behind, something entrusted to her by her superiors and she needs you to get it back by any means necessary. I think that would make more sense. It'll be like some kind of cube that distorts gem magic or something and she was supposed to test it on earth while she did her experiments! But in the rages of war, she left it behind but it was a prototype and they need it to make more....yes, this could work...

What do you think, it doesn't change anything about your character. You'd still be going to earth, nothing would be different except your mission, which could still be killing everyone if that's how you choose to go about it.

12-22-2015, 10:32 AM

12-22-2015, 06:07 PM
It's gonna start soon, who's all ready?

12-22-2015, 06:09 PM
I am ready to kick some ass, yes.

Kaptain Panty
12-22-2015, 06:26 PM
Well, I'm definitely here, that's for sure.

12-22-2015, 10:05 PM
All set on my side. :D

12-22-2015, 11:21 PM
...How many of us are quartz gems anyways? I know I am.

12-22-2015, 11:49 PM
I'm a Mercury/Sulfur ore

- - - Updated - - -


12-23-2015, 12:42 AM
...How many of us are quartz gems anyways? I know I am.

As is Tiger's Eye, which means you two fusing will form another quartz. Remember guys, two different gem types fusing will make a new gem type while gem types of the same fusing will make the same gem type.

Lucky for you guys, there's actually a quartz gem that perfectly fits both of your color schemes so you shouldn't have any problems.



- - - Updated - - -



12-23-2015, 12:58 AM
One thing I'm most curious about is seeing the party's reactions to Cinnabar, as the Kindergarteners wouldn't know her, and the Homeworlds would only know OF her.

12-23-2015, 01:10 AM
Ok, so what I'm understanding is that we just fought off the homeworld gems and the kindergarten is destroyed by a gem beast? Is the gem beast gone yet? Or do we still need to fight it off?

12-23-2015, 02:08 AM
I'll say it's not something to concern yourself with....this instant. After its sudden outburst, the Drillipede burrowed back into the earth as quickly as it came.

But boy did wreck some jank up before it left.

12-23-2015, 04:45 PM
I posted! I hope that fit with what we were going for.

Kaptain Panty
12-24-2015, 09:59 PM
Wooo! I just posted

Hope I don't get punched in the face!


PS - Happy Christmas!

12-24-2015, 10:26 PM
Citrine suddenly spins around and throws a boulder in the direction of the voice! Just kidding, after warring I doubt she'd still be spoiling for a fight as the excitement dies down. Just...No sudden movements.

Also, merry Christmas!

12-25-2015, 02:51 AM

1, this wasn't the site of an earlier kindergarten that would be the first place the rebellion looked

2, Jade has been here ever since the end of the war in hiding, waiting for the gems to "hatch" and then spending the rest of the time, up to the arrival of the Science Division, watching over the new gems and trying to keep them a secret.

So, if you had come across the area, you would have noticed her WAY before the Science Division showed up.

Other than that, great posts everyone. I think we're going off with a pretty good start.

12-25-2015, 04:07 PM
Merry Christmas everyone!

12-25-2015, 09:03 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to all! :D

12-26-2015, 05:55 PM
OP Updated!

Now Featuring Citrine and Jet!

12-26-2015, 08:44 PM
I am gorgeous.

Oh and the picture looks good too.

Ps: who's turn is it to post? Citrine is still waiting on Jade.

12-27-2015, 12:53 AM
Still waiting for Kaptain to fix his post.

Kaptain Panty
12-27-2015, 12:03 PM
Now Christmas and jollies are over with, I'll get to fixing that post.

12-27-2015, 05:15 PM
I can't post until Olivine give me a ring on the space phone

Kaptain Panty
12-27-2015, 05:43 PM
Right O', should be all done.

12-28-2015, 05:22 PM
Okay, just to make sure that everyone understands the timeline and events I spoke about in the OP, I'm going to try and explain this with a simple outline instead of the full story on the front page.

TIMELINE OF STEVEN UNIVERSE EMPIRE CITY: Marked by how many years ago from the present each even took place.

5,500 years ago- Rose started the first war

Roughly 1,000 years of fighting later....

4,500 years ago- War ends and Homeworld leaves earth. At the same time, Olivine plants a few gems in the earth in an undisclosed location so that no one finds them. She leaves Jade behind to guard them and then goes back home with the rest of homeworld.

These gems took about 2,500 years to incubate (They're special)

2,000 years ago- The first of the gems pop out and Jade begins teaching them.

Over the years, more gems pop out, all being watched over by Jade until Olivine arrives

10 years ago- Olivine arrives, starts doing horrid experiments on gems....and some people

Now- Second rebellion is over, gem beast has destroyed all but one of the ships that landed and many gems are gone.

If that's super confusing, just know that for the last 4,500 years, Jade has been in this canyon, and for 2,000 of those years, she's been teaching gems and the like in said canyon, secretly.

The Science Division was here for only 10 years and the only thing they set up were experiments. They didn't make another kindergarten, all the gems they needed were planted before the war and had come out of the ground by the time they got there.

Essentially, what I'm saying is, you would have seen us a VERY long time ago if you had stumbled upon this place and set up shop for solitude or something. You would have seen a bunch of gems long before you ever saw the science division. And Vice versa, Jade would have sensed another gem in the vicinity pretty easily.

So, basically what I'm saying is, to make a little more sense, we could have a history. Cause if you've been coming here since the end of the war, we would have already met about a thousand times over the course of 4,500 years.

Also, and this is totally and absolutely my fault for not changing it, but Jade is not the security officer anymore.

In this new setting, Jade is no longer the security officer for the Science division, she's the caretaker for the kindergarten Gems who was always thought of as a defective sentry (why she's blind) but secretly learned how to fight, first on Homeworld and than learned the teachings of martial arts on earth.

I should have changed her history but I forgot after coming up with the idea to let you guys be older than 10.

I'm truly sorry for that inconvenience, I will make sure to change it.

Anyway, hope that clears up something. And again, I am SO sorry for not changing my CS, I feel really bad about giving mis-information, I will make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Kaptain Panty
12-28-2015, 07:01 PM
Bah, it's fine, long as it all get's figured out in the end.

12-28-2015, 10:06 PM
So we're just waiting for Jade to respond to...Everything?

12-29-2015, 12:49 AM
I'm up next, yes.

Kaptain has one or two things he needs to fix (partially due to me) but since my only concern is with the backstory half of the post, the edits he would make won't change anything major.

Oh, and by the way, we STOPPED fighting when a giant monster came crashing out of the ground. It was a pretty big closer and Homeworld didn't really feel like sticking around after that so...yeah.

I thought I had made that clear in Olivine's log entry but I'm messing up so many things today that I guess I didn't do as good a job as I thought. I'm gonna try to be clearer with information from now on so please don't get too upset guys!

EDIT: On second thought, Kaptain, you don't have to change anything. I'll just say Jade ignored you all these years and kept out of your sight cause she's basically a ninja.

Kaptain Panty
12-29-2015, 01:57 AM
Hm, I think I'll make it so Jet only stumbled upon the place recently - it's been up for ten years, so that's more then enough time to wander about and hear about how the occasional stranger has come out of this certain area wearing strange brightly coloured getups. By the time Jet did start snooping around, perhaps Jade had more pressing concerns, too preoccupied to investigate what appeared to be a single Gem spying on them every so often.

12-30-2015, 03:56 AM
So, what will you all do now.

Will you follow orders or go out on your own to find the missing technology, striking down into the last ship to explore the deep caverns and discover experiments.

If you DO go down there, just say you walk in. Obviously, you can't talk about an interior you haven't seen before and since I've dropped the not so subtle hint that it's plot central, I'd rather you didn't make it up as you go.

And yeah, Jade kind of a has a robotic personality but she cares in her own way.

12-30-2015, 09:30 AM
Chronic! I've been considering a fusion for Tiger and Citrine, and the best gem I could find that was also a quartz-type like Tiger's Eye and Citrine was Golden Tourmaline, or possibly Amber. I like the Tourmaline idea better though, but I'm just checking in with you to see if you'd be interested, should the need arrive. :3 Ideas for weapon are still in progress, but essentially, it becomes like a grappling hook type deal, able to grab things and pull them closer.

12-30-2015, 09:58 AM
Don't forget carnelian


It's a quartz, has your colors fused together AND comes in stripes so you can have a touch of the tiger.

12-30-2015, 04:29 PM
Either Golden Tourmaline or Carnelian? Not entirely sure which fits best, though I like the thought of the two of us turning into a golden god. Also, the grappling hook sounds like a good idea. Four arms clawing and punching the enemy while the grappling hook pulls them close and ties them up. What power would we end up having though? Like, we'd end up having Electrokinesis and invisibility, but I think we should get a combined power too, right?

12-30-2015, 05:30 PM
If you want, I can draw what your fusion might look like; that way you can have a rough draft, change what you want about it and having a visual might give you guys a better idea of what your weapon/powers could be.

And by the way, I think your two weapons would make for an awesome buzz-saw.

12-30-2015, 07:14 PM
Yeah that would be cool. I'm actually really curious as to how it will look, the two unusual gems, one smaller, almost animal-like and one massive, almost human-like coming together to form a large four-armed destroyer beast.

12-30-2015, 07:17 PM

Drew Jet, not sure if I got this one right though

12-30-2015, 08:14 PM
I like it, but then again it's not my character. As to Golden Tourmaline/Carnelian, I had a thought about her. If you were to combine a warrior's will and strength, with the desire for peace and harmony along with the incredible dexterity of a cat...Wouldn't the product be pretty much a shaolin monk-style warrior that would rather end things peacefully than kill anyone? That style of dodge around the enemy's attacks and counterattack.

Who is Jade going to fuse with? Jet?...I guess Jade and Citrine could actually fuse, being that they have known each other the longest. I dunno if I could see Jade and Tiger...Maybe Jade and Cinnabar if the situation ends up like that.

12-30-2015, 08:25 PM
Remember, Chronic. We don't need any one particular person to fuse with. xD It's just whoever can at the moment. Me and Kouki actually do have one; Sillimanite, or Cat's Eye. :P Looks really cool.

Also, yes please, a drawing would be awesome! Some kind of monk-type deal would be cool, with a grappling hook/buzz saw for a weapon. :D

As for a combined power... Hm, let me think. Predator powers, with electricity... What about using static electricity as a means to stick to walls, or run faster (using up excess energy produced by the electricity).

12-30-2015, 09:45 PM
So something like extreme speed brought on by dexterity and electricity? I could dig it.

Oh right! And Jet and Citrine could probably make a fusion too. That could be pretty awesome, like Sugalite but less monstrous and with a ball and chain instead of a flail.

12-30-2015, 10:27 PM
I dunno if I could see Jade and Tiger.....


Wow, Irony much, or is that not irony but instead just a huge coincidence as I've only made ONE fusion so far and it's the one you can't see(though I wanted to keep all of our fusions a secret until they debuted) but yeah.......wow..

But seriously, you guys should be revved up for fusion!! That's the biggest reason WHY I drew you guys out so you could see what you looked like that way it would be easier to fuse together!

12-30-2015, 11:05 PM
Well what I meant was that I couldn't see it due to their differences in characteristics and personalities. Suffice it to say I can't see them fusing any time soon.

12-30-2015, 11:12 PM

Drew Jet, not sure if I got this one right though

She be a hollow.

And a dorf

12-30-2015, 11:16 PM
also, not sure Cinnabar CAN fuse, even. I mean, she's an ore, while you are all precious/semiprecious gemstones.

12-30-2015, 11:49 PM
OMG did you see the new DBZA?!


12-31-2015, 12:25 AM
Well to be fair, I doubt any of us are going to be liable candidates. Mostly because I think we're on opposite sides.Or at the very least, on shakey ground.

12-31-2015, 12:41 AM

12-31-2015, 08:28 PM
So who's turn is it next? I guess Jet?

01-01-2016, 06:57 PM
It's a new year guys! I hope you all had an amazing holiday!!

Now, I've sent Chronic and Neko a trial picture of their fusion (Those stripes are optional by the way) and I can't wait to see what changes they make!

01-01-2016, 08:52 PM
I hope I get some screen time soon XD

01-02-2016, 03:52 PM
Well....why don't you?

01-02-2016, 04:09 PM
I thought you had to basically intoduce me as Olivine sending me a message and all first.

01-02-2016, 06:37 PM
Well yeah, Olivine has to send you to earth.

But that doesn't mean you can't introduce yourself.

Come back from a mission?

Catch the radio signals from earth maybe?

Maybe, introduce us to your base, it's mechanisms?

Just because I'm not throwing you into the frey (which there isn't one to be thrown into right now) doesn't mean you don't get screen time right?

01-02-2016, 06:41 PM
oh, okay

01-04-2016, 10:43 AM
Finally got a chance to get to the IC

So, Adamantium? You mean the substance Wolverine's claws are made of?

Also, if Homeworld wanted the planet for its resources, why would it send a bounty hunter (whose job it is to catch people) to set it on fire? That seems both, out of your job range and just a weirdly irresponsible decision on the part of Homeworld as not only could any material they need be easily destroyed by the series of potential natural disasters caused by destroying the atmosphere but they also destroyed a planet FULL OF LIFE which is what they need to make more gems.

A planet filled with precious natural resources and abundant life (cause it's a garden planet). Why wouldn't they conquer it, that's what they are, a conquering planet of gem warriors.

This just doesn't feel like their MO. It feels like, and I might be WAY off here so I'm sorry in advance, something that you made happen just to show off how evil you are, ya know?

Like a big entrance that doesn't make sense in context but gets the point across that you're evil and do evil things even though Homeworld isn't really that kind of Empire to just DO evil stuff for no reason.

Look, as is standard with me, if you have an explanation or an idea that makes sense, maybe I missed something, tell me so that I can better understand your point. We'll talk about it, and again, sorry in advance if I got anything wrong.


I'll be posting soon, gonna calm Jade down cause she needs to cool it!

01-04-2016, 12:28 PM
actually, I meant Adamantium (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Adamantium) in this way, click the link.

And, as I believe was said somewhere in the show, not all planets, even ones with life, are suitable for a kindergarten.

The materials I specified were under the surface and would need to be mined, likely by cracking the planet.

Not only that, but the way you think Bounty Hunters are, is how they work in our world. In many other worlds 'bounty hunter' can do that, but, can also just be a hired killer. And considering she can get around much easier and quicker than the hand-ships, it might make sense to send her first, so they can just send the mining crew, and use the military for other purposes.

If you want, I can rewrite it to be like a death world (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Death_World) or a hive world (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Hive_World)

Plus, wouldn't it be good to know the kind of person you are dealing with?

01-04-2016, 01:36 PM
CF, that link is to the Lexicanum. It's a WH40k site, right? All those things you linked are WH40k, right?

This is supposed to be Steven Universe. XD Anything WH40K, or even like it, is essentially invalid here. :P

01-04-2016, 08:13 PM
I was just using terminology.

Just because this isn't 40k, this is still the milky way galaxy, and a similar universe.

There are world similar to death Worlds in our own Solar System.

For Example, Venus is a Death World. I am just using terminology to describe certain type of planets.

Kaptain Panty
01-04-2016, 08:51 PM
Well, I suppose it's better then 'Gundanium', but I still think you could of gotten the fact 'I re evilz' off a lot better then wiping out a whole civilization with an exterminatus, something we don't even know if Homeworld is capable of.

And 40K's good now, but you put stuff into 40K, you don't put 40K into other stuff.

01-04-2016, 08:52 PM
actually, I meant Adamantium (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Adamantium) in this way, click the link.

Doesn't change the problem, we're in Steven Universe, we're not using other franchises.

And, as I believe was said somewhere in the show, not all planets, even ones with life, are suitable for a kindergarten.

It wasn't.

The materials I specified were under the surface and would need to be mined, likely by cracking the planet.

Not super sure what that changes about this...

and just a weirdly irresponsible decision on the part of Homeworld as not only could any material they need be easily destroyed by the series of potential natural disasters caused by destroying the atmosphere....


Not only that, but the way you think Bounty Hunters are, is how they work in our world. In many other worlds 'bounty hunter' can do that, but, can also just be a hired killer.

No, bounty hunters hunt bounties. The meaning of words don't change on another planet, ESPECIALLY on Homeworld where they speak the exact same language as we do.

A servant is a servant, a technician is a technician, a general is a general; "love", "hate", "scent". In fact, the only words that we don't share are the ones that don't exist in our culture.

EXAMPLE: Peridot doesn't have "robots" she has "flask robonoids"

Now, what you're describing is a mercenary and while a person can be a mercenary and a bounty hunter it doesn't change what a bounty hunter is.

And considering she can get around much easier and quicker than the hand-ships, it might make sense to send her first, so they can just send the mining crew, and use the military for other purposes.

This is their purpose, this is what they were literally built for. Why would they risk precious ore, burn a planet (for virtually no reason) and call in a bounty hunter; a person, who in your own words is only known for

..her efficiency and brutality, sometimes going as far as shattering gems in the process of capturing them.
Why, in a system where everyone is tailored made for a specific job, would they suddenly go against protocol and send the "gem finder".

Plus, wouldn't it be good to know the kind of person you are dealing with?

Yeah, but this just feels really, not convenient to be happening, just kind of strange. Like I said, It feels forced ya know, like something that just "happened" so you'd look evil.

I mean, almost 80% percent of your back story is "hunting gems". Your power is to find them, your calling was to find them.

Her calling was found
You're KNOWN for your violent outbursts while chasing gems down.

It just feels like....hey, all of this stuff is happening on earth and then cut to Cinnibar, the gem hunter, and what is her introduction?

Hunting gems?

No, she's burning a planet, cause why not?

It's like if I wrote a bio about a famous fighter who loved martial arts and only breathed martial arts and then, for their intro....had them burn a planet just cause.

Look, this is the last I'm gonna say about it (hopefully). If you really disagree with this, just don't change anything and I can kind of work around it. I'm not really seeing it change anything, it just felt really off.

So yeah, leave it be if ya want. Once Jade, Citrine, or Tiger (though Jade told them both to escape) make it to the ship and retrieve the device, I'll have Olivine realize it's gone and you'll be thrown into the fray.

01-04-2016, 08:55 PM
I can change it, no problem. I did kinda have a better idea anyway

Kaptain Panty
01-04-2016, 08:59 PM
Well, as long as it's better then "Hurr durr I'z evilz".

01-04-2016, 09:05 PM
Kaptain, why not do something even more helpful than teasing, and approve or disapprove your character pic


01-04-2016, 09:21 PM
she looks like a Halfling.

Kaptain Panty
01-04-2016, 09:51 PM
Kaptain, why not do something even more helpful than teasing, and approve or disapprove your character pic
Ahk, I apologize for being a tosser.

Anyway, looks pretty good. Hands are a bit 'Eh', but that's only a minor gripe. Those things are damn hard to draw. There's a few other little things, but that's again, little things. I intended for her not to wear any upper clothing part from the bandages, but what you did is fine too.

All in all though, pretty good. Might do a few sketches just to compare any changes I've come up with, but I doubt anything will come of it.

01-04-2016, 09:56 PM
she kinda looks like an Arrancar, too XD

I think she's adorbs.

01-04-2016, 10:52 PM

Kaptain Panty
01-04-2016, 11:03 PM
They do come out way too slow for how good it is.

01-05-2016, 01:55 AM

And here I thought you were Jade, not Salt. o3-

By the way, what's all this about a ship? Did I miss a mention to a fallen ship somewhere? Or...I mean, I guess it doesn't really change much for me, I'm just curious.

01-05-2016, 04:03 AM
None of the facilities made it out unscathed accept for one, which is where the tech she's looking for is located.

And no, it's not for the shield as Tiger assumed.

It doesn't matter though, Citrine, if she's following orders. Should be leaving the area and Tiger should be following.

01-05-2016, 11:25 PM

Jade's History? UPDATED!!!

Picture of Jet?

01-05-2016, 11:33 PM
is she only supposed to have 3 fingers?

Still, looks adorable

01-06-2016, 12:01 AM
Ok, I dunno if I'm missing something or whatever, but wasn't the pathway out of the valley down the cliffs? I mean, I thought Tiger was heading in the right direction...

01-06-2016, 12:23 AM
Picking up her weapon, she pointed down the large expanse of dirt and sand. “Down this way is a road, I believe one of you is familiar with it.” She said knowingly. “To the south should be a-” The warrior's instructions were cut off by an explosion in the sky and a sudden shout from across the canyon.

Down the large expanse of dirt and sand. Did you think that meant cliff?

No, "down the large expanse of dirt and sand" as in a plain, a large flat area. Across said flat surface is a bus stop, why would a bus stop be at the bottom of a canyon, bellow ground?

Well, technically, it didn't have to be below ground. I mean, there could have been a bus stop outside of the canyon but this one doesn't have an opening where people could walk through. We're surrounded by desert and such, so it's kind of like the Grand Canyon, everything public is above ground. That's kind of why Olivine picked it.

01-06-2016, 12:25 AM
I'm going to fix my post after I complete Knights of the Nine

Kaptain Panty
01-06-2016, 12:42 AM
Isn't that gonna take some time CF?

And on the new design, I' am both surprised and thankful you drew up an alternative, but I'll have to stick with the old one. I just find how the lower half of her body widens so much to be...odd, and losing the top's highlighted the fact, to me at least.

01-06-2016, 01:08 AM
So what if she's got a badonkadonk and thighs for days? All Gems are beautiful XD

Actually, I just killed Umaril the Unfeathered not that long ago.

01-06-2016, 02:18 AM

01-06-2016, 04:23 AM

01-06-2016, 04:49 AM
Okay, finding out how to do this was actually harder than redrawing the pictures



Seriously, I was here forever figuring out how to put 2 separate pictures together side by side...WITH CAPTIONS!

Kaptain Panty
01-06-2016, 01:09 PM

Looks a lot less pregnant. Cheers bruv!

And yeah, I can see putting them side by side being obnoxious to do.

01-06-2016, 01:55 PM
well, what's wrong with being stocky? I think the chubbier one is cuter.

01-06-2016, 11:23 PM
She isn't tall, rising to a mere 4.7 feet, but as if to compensate, she has a thick, stocky frame.

Yeah, I was really liking the idea of an Amethyst body type up in here! Big and beautiful.


None of that really matters, not in the scheme of things, it's not our character it's yours. I redrew the picture again because I want you to have things like you want them (so long as they don't go against the lore!!!!!)

Anyway, sense this is okay, I'll add your picture to the front page!


01-07-2016, 04:57 AM
is there still anymore room in this rp?

01-07-2016, 05:53 AM

We're just getting started so there's definitely room!!

But I should tell you, Carnelian, and Cat's eye are taken even though they aren't under characters....actually I don't know if Carnelian is taken cause I don't know what name Chronic and Mashu have decided yet....I'm rambling.

ANYWAY! We definitely have plenty of room for you!! Make a character and hand em' over, just remember that if you pick a gem, never place your gemstone on a joint....

01-07-2016, 03:18 PM
I have ideas for both human and gem, but is there anything you guys need? I am honestly up for any type of character

Kaptain Panty
01-07-2016, 06:21 PM
I have ideas for both human and gem, but is there anything you guys need? I am honestly up for any type of character

Ah, I see you come from the Tabletop background.

Well, there's no real 'types' or 'roles'. Make whatever character you want.

01-08-2016, 01:20 AM
Go with whatever you want, we'll have a bunch of human characters after....a certain thing happens. If you don't feel like waiting, I'd be a Kindergarten gem since there aren't many to speak of (2) and there were supposed to be hundreds.

01-08-2016, 01:34 AM
there won't be for long XD

01-08-2016, 01:49 AM
If you think you can handle this blind-samurai style ninja from space, be ready to kiss your gem goodbye!!

01-08-2016, 01:56 AM
Likewise, if you think you can deal with Gem Boba Fett XD

Kaptain Panty
01-08-2016, 08:54 PM
Guess ah should post or sumthin' ahz supposing.

01-11-2016, 04:38 AM
Hold on guys, I'm trying to figure out the chronological order of Chronic's post.

It came after Jade but said they left before Jade jumped down. Which makes sense, but my post states that I've already seen Tiger standing there so Citrine couldn't have left before Jade got there.

I think I should just change my post to not include seeing Tiger.

Also, Chronic, I'm very thankful to you for adjusting your post to try and fix the mistake made by my poor wording choice involving Jade's instructions. You're very intuitive.

On another note, gonna post what is essentially an ad in the paper over at the Recruitment Forum!

01-12-2016, 02:56 PM
It's what I do. I figured the whole thing was just a misunderstanding so it would make sense to just say "Hey, we should go this way" instead of pushing another character into the mix.

01-14-2016, 06:20 AM
Life Check!

Everyone still alive?

Kaptain Panty
01-14-2016, 07:43 AM
Aye, I'm still about.

01-14-2016, 06:39 PM
I'm only mostly dead. Don't mind the smell.

01-15-2016, 01:29 AM

01-15-2016, 06:56 AM
So, Mashu's next on the posting I believe.

01-15-2016, 12:42 PM
Woo! Sorry for taking so long. There was some business involving my sleeping schedule, new glasses, and work. @_@ Got a post up though.

Random Fella
01-17-2016, 02:41 PM
Hi, are you guys still accepting characters?

I'm new to this website but experienced in RP, been looking all over for a good Steven's Universe rp.

01-17-2016, 04:54 PM
Sure, you're in, I only ask that you read the rules and check your grammar before posting...

Oh, and Kaptain, ya name smartypants, we'll see how smart you are when Jade asks "Which Jet?" and you have to find out your facet number!!!!


01-17-2016, 07:13 PM
There is only one Cinnabar

Random Fella
01-17-2016, 09:12 PM
Draft, let me know what you think.

CS: Homeworld Gem

Name: Azurite (Azure for short, but she rarely speaks in short names or nicknames)

Age: 50,115 years

Gender: Genderless (She/her by pronoun)

Species: Gem

Azurite stands at 5'1" with a teal coloured skin. She has a slim physique and a high class, yet professional, look to her. Her body is covered from the bottom of her neck by a professional looking, well fitting, deep blue skirt. The skirt extends to the beginnings of her arms, and hangs to the tops of the anckles of her two legs. On her feet are a pair of pumps of similar colour to her dress.

Her face is comprised of two round eyes of normal size, they are a deep azure colour similar to her gem. She has a petite nose, somewhat small but normal ears, and a slightly wide mouth with thin lips in comparison.

Azurite's hair is a light blue colour. Her hair is straightened and long, it hangs partially in front of her face, often covering her left eye if it isn't pulled behind her ears.

Azurite's gem is oval pendant shape and azure in colour. It is located at the lowest point of her neck, above the center of her collar bone.

It's a pretty good basis for what she looks like, however a lot of the colour schemes are off (couldn't find a good deep blue or azure), the shoes aren't correct, and the dress isn't long enough, nor well fitting enough. The gem is also slightly too large and the hair is far too full and all over the place.

Weapon(s): Azurite can draw an elegant crystal short-bow from her gem to use for various purposes. She does not require arrows as she can freely form frozen arrows by extending the bowstring. Due to her size and lack of physical strength her bow lacks the long range potential that you might see from a longbow, however, her frozen arrows are capable of freezing targets or body parts in place to allow her to keep her distance when in trouble.
She also uses this bow to capture research subjects, generally being animals she wishes to research as organic creatures are easily frozen solid by her arrows for a long duration.

Powers: Azurite's unique ability aside from her knowledge would be her ability to create ice and water from the moisture in the air, and adjust the state of water freely (from gas to liquid to solid ect..). Her power attacks revolve more around using ice as a weapon, compared to something like hydrokinesis which is where one would use bodies of already liquid water as a weapon.

Azurite was created as a rare research gem for Blue Diamond's court, her main research focus was focused on planet's living conditions and natural resources, during which she was often assigned various peridots to assist in her research.
Rock after rock bored Azurite, dirty balls filled with nothing but basic minerals and little life, if any at all.

This all changed however, when she was assigned to earth. The planet amazed her. It was filled with sentient organic life, massively varying weather patterns, a great amount of natural resource production, it was as if she "was made to examine this fascinating rock" in her own words.
She had spent much more time on earth than any planet previously, the amount she could learn about the planet was extensive and seemed to continually change. Her research seemed very important too, for some reason it seemed the diamonds were greatly interested in the earths core, which somewhat confused her considering what was on the surface, and considering it wasn't her main focus of study.

After almost five thousand years of living on earth, the war between the rebels and yellow diamond's forces began, which to Azurite was a frustrating obstacle to her research. Both the rebels and the homeworld was the cause of this. The rebels halted her research on the organic life forms, forcing her to become much more subtle with her work, whereas homeworld was adamant she leave the planet, something she was not prepared to do. After being on earth she did not wish to return to more pebbles.

Just before the end of the war Azurite shut off communications with homeworld after realising that if homeworld's forces continued to lose battles, they would be forced to withdraw, and they would bring her with them. She set up a small laboratory just outside of one of the kindergartens.

It was at that point that she decided she would remain on the earth. If homeworld retook the planet, she would claim to have been kidnapped and return to her work. If the rebels somehow became victorious, something she doubted early in the war, then perhaps she could work for them. Only one thing was sure to her, and that was that she could not stand to leave such a planet when there was still much to learn.

(Note: Azurite knows nothing of the cluster as it was not part of her study.)

Likes: Intelligent individuals and individuals with form. Having work and research to do. The natural weather of the earth (especially rain). Berries.

Dislikes: Naive or Overjoyful individuals. Being instructed by 'lower class' gems. Confrontation.

Azurite is rarely a loyal gem, she works toward her own gains, ignoring commands from her superiors purely because she is interested in a certain research or discovery.

Azurite has a cold attitude, with a belief that the pursuit of knowledge is more important than individual lives. She is also somewhat sarcastic when responding to positivity.

She is against cross gem fusions when she first meets the crystal gems, it is almost disgusting to her, however she is able to tolerate it when she needs something from those involved. Though she isn't beyond changing her mind.

She will often assume things of gems based purely on their gem's stereotype.

01-18-2016, 03:47 PM
Ummm, I like it. I will say that you can just HAVE ice powers, I won't consider it OP, not in the SU universe.

PS: I did this a lot when I first got here but I don't think you have to put a reason down when editing. Just tellin ya so you don't think you have to write something for every little change you make.

Random Fella
01-18-2016, 05:56 PM
So are you saying not to have the ability to change the state of water? Just the ability to create and maneuver ice?
If so can I still be able to melt and freeze my gem weapon? As that's kind of the point of it. It's more of an intelligent strategical weapon than a powerful weapon while also fitting with the theme.

If you have any other concerns about the sheet, don't hesitate to let me know. I'm hoping she can fill some sort of cold calculated personality in the group and evolve over time to become more accepting.

So where do you think you'll bring me in? I did say she opened up a small makeshift lab near the kindergarten so I could have some ideas if you want to bring her in sooner.

Oh, and yeah I know you don't have to, but I do like to when it comes to fixing or changing important notes with the edit.

01-19-2016, 02:12 AM
What I'm saying is you don't really need a gem weapon or at least not that one. I mean it feels like the purpose of the spear is to just do what you can do without it, it feels redundant.

I mean, you could just make a spear out of ice, you could make a bunch of spears actually and fire them at people or shoot a beam of ice or whatever.

So why not have a solid weapon that can actually be used for defense or something since you already have ice powers. Pearl can make holograms but her weapon isn't a hologram projector, it's a spear, a weapon that covers some of the gaps that her powers can't. What I'm saying is, I'm not really seeing the point of the weapon as it is, I really don't think you even need one.

Lapis' weapon was her hydrokenisis why not let your weapon be your cryokinesis?

Just something to think about, really. It doesn't effect the story or anything it just felt weird to me.

On the other note-
Come in whenever, you can be passing by. As long as you have a reason to be there. Of course I have to approve you first which I'll probably do after you respond to the above statement.

ALSO!! We might be getting a new person up in here!!!(I'm sorry for that) He'll be our first irregular! Won't that be awesome...well, that is if he chooses the same character from the RP he was in before but here's hoping!

Random Fella
01-19-2016, 02:45 AM
Ahh. I fully understand what you mean now, and yeah, I agree. The idea of the weapon was that she used her powers to create it but I see how that doesn't make it a gem weapon.

I'll edit my post and edit this post when I'm finished.

Ok, I think this gem weapon is a lot more fitting as she wouldn't have the physical strength to throw a spear a long distance anyway, but a tool which compensates for this seems to make sense, it's also a more proper and elegant weapon.

If you think that's a reasonable improvement then I'll get started on a post IC.

Also added a bad picture that gives a reasonable idea to the look of the character

01-19-2016, 03:48 AM
Hey Kou, great to see you again. I'll be tagging along, at your behest.

Name: Diopside

Age: 500

Gender: Irregular

Species: Gem

Appearance: Diopside is a slender tall male based Gem with deep green hair and a grass green skin tone. He wears olive colored slacks, hunter green boots, a forest green T-shirt, and a drab double tailed long coat. His gem is located on his left hip, cut to resemble a rectangle. http://img03.deviantart.net/dc85/i/2015/183/0/0/diopside_by_simsterd-d8zn523.png
Powers and Weapon(s): Wind based magic, enhanced speed, and Sword Generation, as well as the basic gem powers such as bubbling, regenerating, etc. His weapon of choice is an iaito katana with a lime green blade.
History: Diopside was born in the kindergarten 500 years ago, and immediately took to learning all he could. Though he was often shunned by the other gems, he continued to do as much as he could to help the supporter, Olivine. After a couple of years of teaching and lectures from Olivine, Diopside was asked to stay with Olivine as a body guard against the corrupted gem beasts and the ill feelings some of the other gems were starting to develop. Diopside was nigh inseperable from Olivine, but soon enough, he began to have doubts, and questioned her motives. It wasn't until a small rebellion was unleashed in the Kindergarten that he saw a chance to make a change. Joining the side of Jade, he still questioned himself, though thought it ironic that he simply went from one shade of green to another.
Likes: Grass, Animals, Humans, Learning, Classical Musical
Dislikes: Sand, Eating, Distractions while learning, and Rap Music

01-19-2016, 02:17 PM
Well it looks like we're getting closer to that glorious 8 members that we were originally looking for. And now we have three elementalists, electricity, wind, and ice!

Also we now have two nerds for Citrine to beat up. :D

Random Fella
01-19-2016, 03:10 PM
You will face my unbridled rage!

01-19-2016, 03:43 PM
Ok, I think this gem weapon is a lot more fitting as she wouldn't have the physical strength to throw a spear a long distance anyway

unless she had an Atlatl

01-19-2016, 05:49 PM
Or updogg.

Random Fella
01-19-2016, 06:13 PM
What are one of these... Updoggs? You speak of?

01-19-2016, 08:05 PM
Oh by the way. Judging by your CS alone Panda, I don't think Citrine is gonna trust Diopside much, if at all. I don't think it's been stated outright but Citrine was with Jade's rebellion 100%, possibly from the beginning. (mostly because it was a reason to fight and the fact that Olivine was shady to her. Not to mention I imagine Citrine's human-like clothing probably came under much scrutiny from the Homeworld gem.) But because you've been associated with Olivine so long, she miiiight try to kill you.

Just saying.

01-19-2016, 08:41 PM
Yeah, and you didn't even mention Jade teaching him, was he skipping out on her lessons....wait, so was Citrine...


On a lighter note....

I present to you, the regal, scientific beauty of blue diamond's court.



All shall bow to her brilliance, you peons!

I hope I got her right, Fella-san. Also, your CS is approved as is Panda's!

PS: Anyone else picturing her with a rapier, so elegant...

01-19-2016, 08:48 PM
*Citrine removes headphones* "Hmm? Did you say something?"

But seriously, she did listen...To the combat lessons. Anything else was waaaaaay too boring for her. Maybe Jade should learn better teaching methods.

01-19-2016, 08:53 PM
EDIT: Double post. Stupid internet