11-30-2015, 07:52 PM
Rated MATURE for language, violence, and adult topics. Apply at your own discretion.
Cadets fresh out of Starfleet Academy are often assigned to small posts – just to get their "space legs." However, a lucky few are sent to serve aboard the Enterprise. The flagship of the fleet. A galaxy class starship that holds over a thousand crewmembers, explores new systems, and galavants across the universe, on a continuing mission: to boldly go where no man has gone before.
However, not everyone in the universe is friendly.
The Borg. They're ruthless, cunning; thousands of minds working in unison to assimilate, destroy, and conquer ever life form they come across. Their next target? Earth. The Enterprise, complete with a fresh crew and the latest weapons technology, will take a perilous journey to stop the Borg before their home is destroyed. Will you help them?
This roleplay is based upon Gene Roddenberry's STAR TREK. The plotline comes directly from the movie + novel, Star Trek: First Contact. I don't claim either of these.
I don't want this roleplay to be a sandbox, mostly because sandboxes often die and get nowhere. For this reason, I'm going to lay out the main events of the plot. Of course, as a player, you will be free to control your character how you will, but the important events are as follows:
1. The Borg speed towards Earth in an attempt to assimilate it. The Fleet assembles to protect it, but the Enterprise is ordered to guard the Neutral Zone in case the Romulans attempt to take advantage of the situation.
2. The Fleet struggles with the Borg, causing minimal damage. The Enterprise disobeys her orders and comes to the rescue. The Borg ship is badly damaged by the Enterprise, and creates a time vortex to travel back in time to 2063.
3. The Enterprise follows the Borg through the vortex and destroys it. However, the Borg board the Enterprise before their ship is destroyed.
4. The Borg launch a missile strike on Zefram Cochrane's workshop, attempting to destroy his rudimentary warp drive and disrupt the timeline of humanity.
5. A few crew members of the Enterprise beam down to assist in repairs. The history must take place, or they will cease to exist.
6. The Borg begin multiplying aboard the Enterprise, and take over her controls. All decks are thrown into a battlezone. Several are assimilated, and the SECOND OFFICER is captured.
7. Zefram's ship is repaired and ready for launch. The Borg attempt to modify the deflector dish of the Enterprise to shoot Zefram's ship down. The CAPTAIN, a CREW MEMBER, and the SECURITY CHIEF don zero-g gear to remove the appliance from the hull.
8. The flight is successful. The Borg are mostly defeated, save the Queen. The CAPTAIN attempts to defeat her, while saving his SECOND OFFICER. The SECOND OFFICER manages to finally kill her.
9. The Enterprise returns to present day. All is well.
This is subject to change, considering all the variables with players and such.
Before you read any further, please realize that this roleplay will take DEDICATION. Don't apply if you're not willing to throw yourself into this. I intend to bring this thread full circle, and complete it. We have to work together with this!!
IMPORTANT: You don't need to know ANYTHING about Star Trek to participate. I will supply you with all the information you need. It's not rocket science. Well, I mean, it is. But it's fictional rocket science. :P
READ THESE. I will know if you don't.
I have the right to, and I won't hesitate to turn away anyone I don't think will show the proper dedication. If you don't post within a reasonable time, after I've given you a inactivity warning, I will kill your character and remove you from the roleplay.
Don't godmod.
Don't be a jerk. If I see any OOC drama cropping up, I'll take control of it.
There are NO more female slots open.
If you're going to do something really dramatic that possibly will alter the plot, please check with me EITHER in this thread or via PM first, for my approval.
If you have ideas, SUGGEST THEM!
MAXIMUM 2 characters.
Character development is the way to go. There's no ban on romantic subplots.
This is an unnecessarily long paragraph. You'll see why it's so long in a moment. Do read it though, I'm gonna hide a few points in here. If you have any questions about Star Trek, ask me. I'm a nerd. If you will be gone for a while, let me know, I can work something out. If you've read all these rules, please put a sentence at the end of your CS stating that Wobbles is a really big nerd with green eyes. Good job, okay, now keep reading, the rest of these are still important.
Important positions such as First Officer, Second Officer, Chief of Security, Chief Medical Officer, etc, will all be a combo of hand picked and first come first serve. If more than one person applies for the same position, I will choose which I think best fits the plot. Whoever is denied the position: well, think about it like the captain denied your character that position. We'll still fit him/her in. Perhaps it can even play into their character.
Have fun!
Here's a handy dandy sheet that will help you choose the best position for your character, see which ones are open, and check up on other characters. Please keep in mind that some of the position may be bundled together, such as SECURITY & TACTICAL. If you want to bundle them, ask me. I may bundle your character if there is no other character for the spot.
Responsibilities: The Captain is responsible for execution of Starfleet orders and policy, as well as for interpretation and compliance with Federation law and diplomatic directives. The Captain is the Commander of the ship.
Sim: The Captain has a rough idea of what the outcome of a sim will be and will guide the other officers in the right direction. Because there are so many people to command in a sim, he/she will usually put people in groups to work toward a common goal. Pay close attention to the Captains logs, they will contain vital information about the upcoming sims which will help you prepare.
Who to watch:James Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, Benjamin Sisko, Kathryn Janeway
XO, First Officer, #1
Responsibilities: The XO is second in command and is responsible for execution of Starfleet orders and policy. He/she is the commander of the crew and makes command decisions according to Starfleet procedure. In the absence of the Captain, the XO is in command of the sim.
Sim: The Commander also has a rough idea of what the outcome of a sim will be and will guide the other officers in the right direction....building on their ideas and suggestions. When on the bridge the XO will work with department heads and relay suggestions to the Captain. The XO will lead 95% of away teams. Pay close attention to the XO's logs, they will contain many clues on how to prepare for upcoming sims.
Who to watch: William T. Riker, Colonel Kira, Chakotay
OPS, Second Officer
Responsibilities: Sort of a utility man....does a little of everything : runs sensor scans, can handle communications, monitors shipwide status and functions. Also can pilot the ship, arrange power distribution to major systems during emergency situations. A jack of all trades. Should monitor all happenings in a sim, b/c this is one of the key positions that the CO's will depend on.
Sim: Ops should coordinate with Helm, Engineering and Tactical and report any suggestions to the XO or the Captain. This position can be challenging during battle situations.
Who to watch: Data, Harry Kim, Jadzia Dax, Major Kira, Sulu
Responsibilities: In charge of shipwide defense. Phasers, Photon Torpedoes, shields. Also tractor beams, Damage Reports, and Communications (Tactical can share these duties with the Ops Manager).
Sim: This is one of the more exciting positions on the ship because Tactical is involved with the action packed Starship battles. The Tactical Officers should be suspicious about every unknown vessel we come in contact with.
Who to watch: Worf, Tuvok
NOTE: It is not unusual for ships to have officers serving as a combination of security/tactical.
Responsibilities: All internal security on board. Responsible for handling intruders, supervising security on away teams, etc.
Sim: The Security Officers should work on all aspects of security on the ship including registering weapons, upkeep of the brig, providing security for guests, etc.
Who to watch: Worf, Tasha Yar, Tuvok, Odo
NOTE: It is not unusual for ships to have officers serving as a combination of security/tactical.
Responsibilities: steers the ship. Can also handle sensors and monitor shipwide status (however that would usually fall under Ops or Tac)
Sim: This position can be slow at times, so it is ok to work with Ops and Tactical in some situations. During times of high risk maneuvers it's a key position of the ship.
Who to watch: Tom Paris, Chekov
Responsibilities: The Engineers are the mechanics of the ship, they are responsible for all power generation, computer systems and propulsion systems.
Sim: The engineers are the miracle workers of the ship, when the Captain asks for the impossible he looks to his engineers. They usually work in engineering but can work on the bridge at a computer console if necessary.
Who to watch: Scotty, Geordi la Forge, B'Ellana Torres
Responsibilities: Responsible for wellness of the crew and treating the injured.
Sim: This is one of the hardest positions to play but it can also be the most recognized. The medical team should make sure that the crew is in good health by performing routine physicals. Medical person el are almost always in sick bay but will frequently go on away team missions, especially when casualties are reported.
Who to watch: 'Bones' McCoy, Beverly Crusher, Julian Bashir, The Doctor (EMH)
Responsibilities: Duties that fall under the sciences...using sensor readings, tricorders, and other data, they analyze anything the ship may encounter while traveling thru space...
Sim: This position is the most creative, especially when encountering unknown substances and species. Science can also get a little slow in some situations so the Science Officers should coordinate their work with Ops and Engineering.
Who to watch: Spock, Jadzia Dax, Data
Responsibilities: Responsible for the well being of the crew members. While the Medical Officer is responsible for the physical aspect of the crew; the counselor is responsible for the mental health of the crew.
Sim: They usually have some sort of empathic or telepathic abilities. This position can be very dramatic and interesting. The Counselor will be the most busy when communicating with other species working with the Captain and advising him on what he/she senses. Some ships may assign their counselors a secondary post.
Who to watch: Deanna Troi, Ezri Dax
Bonus: a guide to ranks!
ENSIGN: Fresh cadets out of the academy, no experience or anything.
LIEUTENANT JUNIOR GRADE: This is typically awarded after a year of service, or after completing a single posting on a ship.
LIEUTENANT: Awarded for exemplary duty, two years of service, or two postings on separate ships.
LIEUTENANT COMMANDER: Awarded for exemplary duty, three years of service, or extended duty during third posting.
COMMANDER: Awarded for exceptional experience, leadership ability, and trustworthiness. Same service requirements as Lt. Cmdr. Only the First Officer has this rank
CAPTAIN: 5+ years of service necessary. Logical, quick thinking, exceptional leadership, and the value for the crew's life.
Your character does not have to be human. There are several other species they could be.
BETAZOID :Hail from Betazed. Telepathic. Black eyes. Appearance is the same as humans.
KLINGON : Hail from Qo'noS. Violent, warlike species. Recently came to peace with the Federation. Appearance. (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/17/f0/97/17f097a38146f0829ab6697c54a80407.jpg)
FERENGI : Hail from Ferengi.Rude, greedy, and short. Mercenaries. There's only one in Starfleet. Exceptionally ugly. (http://www.startrek.com/legacy_media/images/200303/tng-221-scheming-ferengi-qol-a/320x240.jpg)
BAJORAN : Hail from Bajor. Fierce, passionate, loyal. Rare, as they are mostly extinct. Appearance. (https://www.google.com/search?q=ro+laren&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjV6d-N_LjJAhUQWYgKHVCaCr0Q_AUIBygB&biw=1439&bih=728#imgrc=c0puqHRum7zzMM%3A)
VULCAN : Hail from Vulcan. Logical, unfeeling, exceptionally intelligent. Remember Spock? Yeah. That.
NAME: :|
POSITION: Choose one of the available options above. If none fit, put 'PENDING.' I'll work with you to choose a position.
RANK: From lowest to highest: Ensign, Lieutenant junior grade, Lieutenant, Lieutenant commander, Commander, Captain. Ensign will be all of the new crew members. Lieutenant junior grade is typically after two years of service. Lieutenant is after three Most of these positions will be Lieutenant. The Second Officer will be a Lt. Cmdr. The XO will be a Commander. Ask if you have questions.
AGE: Duh.
MARITAL STATUS: Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Chronically single? Cries into body pillows? Tell me.
KOBAYASHI MARU GRADING: PASS or FAIL. The KM test is to see how well the cadet handles no win scenarios. It generally takes 3-4 tries to pass, if the cadet is that persistent. Failure is an option.
STRENGTHS: Please state 5.
WEAKNESSES: Please state 5.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Forest? Desert? Loved ones? Strip bar? Use your imagination.
DIALOGUE SAMPLE: THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION. Please write NO MORE THAN a paragraph, in your character's own personal voice, responding to ONE of these three questions, asked by a stranger. For clarification look at the sample. 1. "Did you hear me, cadet?" 2. "Are you questioning me?" 3. "Do you ever miss home?"
FACECLAIM: NO ANIME IS ALLOWED. Please choose a picture of an actor or a model or whatever and put it in a spoiler.
NAME: John Doe
POSITION: Engineering crew
RANK: Lieutenant junior grade
AGE: 25
RACE: Human
MARITAL STATUS: Recently dumped by loser girlfriend for the hot security officer.
STRENGTHS: Kind, intelligent, loves the ship dearly, puts his all into his work, likes nutella
WEAKNESSES: Loves to sleep, doesn't think on his feet as fast as he should, fearful, lazy, slightly daft
DIALOGUE SAMPLE: Did you hear me, cadet? "Yes, yessir, yes I did. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'll –– what did you say, sir? I'm terribly sorry.." He scratches the back of his neck nervously, rolling his head down to avoid eye contact. His obnoxious scratching continues, traveling down to his jaw, his neck, and his collar. He finally stops, and assumes the at ease position; his face turns red, as he realizes he should have already done that.
NAME: Nikolai P. Worthing
POSITION: CO, Captain of the Enterprise.
RANK: Captain
AGE: 57
RACE: Human
MARITAL STATUS: Divorced 3 years ago
STRENGTHS: Thinks fast. Keeps the crew at the top of his priorities. Exceptionally brave. Strict. Encouraging.
WEAKNESSES: Gets vaporlocked into a situation. Concentrates too much. Harsh. Unfeeling. Fears space.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Anything in the early 1920's.
DIALOGUE SAMPLE: Do you ever miss home? A smirk –– not necessarily bitter, just knowing. He crosses his legs and sighs a little. "On the rare occasion, I do. But that's what the holodeck is for." Truth be told, the holodeck just isn't the same. But he's the captain. He can't be getting weak kneed because of some passing homesickness.
NAME: T'raan
POSITION: First Officer
RANK: Commander
AGE: 98
RACE: Half-Vulcan, half-Romulan
MARITAL STATUS: No explicit relationships outside of Pon Farr.
KOBAYASHI MARU GRADING: Failed once, passed once.
STRENGTHS: Loyal, intelligent, strategic. Level-headed in the face of danger.
WEAKNESSES: Detached, seemingly apathetic towards her fellow officers (as with most Vulcans). Can sometimes become phased when faced with a seemingly illogical problem. Is confused by, but also somewhat curious about, the human emotions of love and excitement.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Silent chambers, for meditation.
DIALOGUE SAMPLE: "Do you ever miss home?" T'raan arched an eyebrow, intrigued by the question. "An illogical question. Do you mean to ask if I would rather be on Vulcan now, and not on the Enterprise?" She cocked her head, thinking. "I do not regret being assigned to the Enterprise, if that is what you mean. Regret, however, is quite a human emotion. Perhaps you could rephrase the question?"http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/13200000/Saavik-star-trek-the-movies-13224334-509-768.jpg
NAME: Zipporah Trevinti
POSITION: 2nd Officer
RANK: Lieutenant
AGE: 28
GENDER: Female
RACE: Human
STRENGTHS: Stubborn, Fiercely Loyal, Good at what she does, Protective, Strong.
WEAKNESSES: Heavy Drinker, Can't cope with her problems well, Swears heavily, Insensitive, Rude.
"Are you questioning me?"
"Yes, sir." Zipporah spat, "I'm questioning you because that is the most god awful-" Face red with anger, she stopped herself, unwilling to risk being courtmartialed.
"I encourage," She spoke through gritted teeth, "you to change your current course." Zipporah then stomped away from her captain, ashamed to be working under such an incompetent commander.
NAME: Darcy Stormborn
POSITION: C.M.O. (Chief Medical Officer)
RANK: Lieutenant
AGE: 26
RACE: 1/2 human 1/2 Betazoid
MARITAL STATUS: Single – too busy for relationships during her training
KOBAYASHI MARU GRADING: Failed two times and passed on the third.
STRENGTHS: Professionalism, Empathy, Patience, Stays informed with new medical procedures, Hardworking, quick thinking.
WEAKNESSES: Stubborn, Blunt, Naïve to non-work related things, Strict.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Darcy enjoys anything that reminds her of home, when she needs to wind down from a particularly hard day at work. She loves forests and being surrounded by nature.
“Do you ever miss home?”
“I always miss home, but I’m always looking for ways I can help others. So the best choice was for me to join Starfleet and become a healer. Knowing that I’m making a difference to another person helps ease the homesickness.” Darcy smiled weakly, unsure if she accurately answered the question.
NAME: Oran Feeran
POSITION: Counselor
RANK: Ensign
AGE: 23
RACE: Bonded Trill / Betazoid
KOBAYASHI MARU GRADING: Failed five times. Gave up.
STRENGTHS: Empathic. Friendly. Enjoys helping. Loves reading and writing. Loves learning.
WEAKNESSES: Daydreamer. Hates to be alone. Sometimes fails to pay close attention. Binge eats. Falls asleep easily.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Anything with an overabundance of plants or books, preferably with lots of 'people.' Maybe some art museums from time to time, too.
DIALOGUE SAMPLE: Did you hear me, cadet? “Oh, I... uh… sorry sir. It’s just that, your face ridges, they kind of remind me of… uh…” He scratches the back of his head nervously and looks around. “They kind of remind me of Cindy. My plant, sir! She is a Bolian Rose. Gorgeous thing. Doesn’t fuss too much.” His face flushes. “Not that I am, um… flirting with you or… I’ll uh, I’ll go work on that right away, sir! Sorry sir!”
NAME: Chace Zimmer Pegram
POSITION: Chief Science Officer
AGE: 29
RACE: Human
MARITAL STATUS: Single, not married, had a few dates
High IQ; Whether or not tough upbringings are the source of these things, Chace has presented over the years an awareness of genius intellect that others can hardly surpass. The problem being though is he is book smart, creative, and educational. He is not so much a conversationalist though. Not to say that he says crude things or that he's rude, he often will come off alien to other people because of his broad niche specialist.
Alien Knowledge; Because of his delving into books and education, maybe a way to escape the boredom of his upbringing, he has a general knowledge of alien species. He's not an anthropologist, where he can delve into their culture, but he can understand their bimolecular components and biology. [don't be a dirty pervert]
Quantum Physics and Quantum Scientific Reality; All though Chace does have a general background in alien knowledge because of his books. His main area of focus was the realm of quantum science and the quantum reality theory. Chase has sought out this invisible, universal world, and finds it the key source of power and knowledge of the universe. It's the main reason why he travels. To see the way Quantum science can be applied in an applicable and physical way.
Astrophysicist; His weaker skill is in the knowledge of astrophysics, all though its not his main vein. He uses what knowledge of space he has towards his Quantum science, almost in a Fringe science way. He can be a bit obsessive about his work in that way. Most people actually complain that the work he does work so much on is actually not real science and that he is delving into an area of science that begins to turn into shades of gray.
Parkour; Call it something he learned back in his younger years. It seems strange that most of his skills are scientific. But he takes his field of scientific endeavors and his intelligence towards analyzing a field, and making as little to less movements as possible of escaping possible situations. Most people call it strange and most people would definitely not expect, a scientist who knows how to free run.
Prone to Obsession; Chace has a habit of becoming obsessive with his work, so much so that sometimes he doesn't seem like a team player. He has a habit of becoming really absorbed into his projects or findings. Though it can be often a strength when it comes to finding a solution, most of the time it just a weakness. It doesn't allow him close companionship with those he works with and it makes it seem like he's better than everyone else.
Elitist; It seems like this is the failure where his communication goes. Those who know Chace well enough understand the way he speaks is outwardly friendly, enthusiastic. He gets hyperactive like a small child, but is generally relaxed about it, when it comes to new discoveries or projects he finds interesting or working on. Problem is if you don't know Chace, he sounds elitist. He sounds like he's better than you, he sounds like anything and everything he knows is more important than you. Not his intentions, but that's a secret only those who really know and defend Chace will tell.
Allergic to any fruit with the seeds on the outside; This include strawberries and cashews. This is life threatening, essentially if he doesn't have an injection he dies. [I feel like someone is going to try and assassinate him with his allergy now]
Transporter Phobia; Due to his area of scientist, he understands the mechanics of transporter science. He understand the assembling part and has a fear that the person coming out of the transporter not the same person. In a parallel universe theory and other theories, you might think yourself the same person, but the reality of the situation is that you are a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy.
Traumatic Brain Injury; Due to an accident, Chace suffers from mild seizures, his body goes rigid or he has spacey moments.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Famous laboratories from influential scientist. Chace doesn't have a singular favorite holodeck simulation. He has many and of a few of them are the labaratories and work stations of the many scientist who had influenced. This includes some of histories greats. Nikola Tesla, Einstein as much as he was a cheap bastard, David Marcus who had created the Genesis Drive. And a few others not mentioned.
"Do you miss home?" a voice of authority rang out in the corner of the room.
"Sir, not to be crude, or choose a cop-out for an answer, everywhere is my home, I have learned to make the most of any situation, it's why I am here,"
"So, you'd say you had a rough past,"
"Rough is an arbitrary quantum measurement of a subjective emotion,"
"Right, so you'd say, then what about your life?"
"I'd say it taught me a lot of things in being adaptable and patient,"
"I see,"
"I may or may not be too comfortable with it, but that's the best answer I can give. I cannot give measurements out to feelings only associated with a personal internal feeling,"
"Why is that?"
"It's disrespectful to others and discounts and discredits what they have gone through, it also discounts and discredits what I have gone through,"
Is he scientist, or he is at the wrong hangar, looking for a rock band to follow or be the main singer of. Golden blond hair, and piercing, narrow, prominent gray eyes. A pair of aviator glasses, even in the uniform, he looks too cool to be a scientist. So ice, with his pale skin and standing at 5'7", and if you're lucky he will show you his tattoo'd sleeve. Including a skull with a snake (http://oi63.tinypic.com/es14ao.jpg) and some stars, the number 13, and some other interesting facts.
Cadets fresh out of Starfleet Academy are often assigned to small posts – just to get their "space legs." However, a lucky few are sent to serve aboard the Enterprise. The flagship of the fleet. A galaxy class starship that holds over a thousand crewmembers, explores new systems, and galavants across the universe, on a continuing mission: to boldly go where no man has gone before.
However, not everyone in the universe is friendly.
The Borg. They're ruthless, cunning; thousands of minds working in unison to assimilate, destroy, and conquer ever life form they come across. Their next target? Earth. The Enterprise, complete with a fresh crew and the latest weapons technology, will take a perilous journey to stop the Borg before their home is destroyed. Will you help them?
This roleplay is based upon Gene Roddenberry's STAR TREK. The plotline comes directly from the movie + novel, Star Trek: First Contact. I don't claim either of these.
I don't want this roleplay to be a sandbox, mostly because sandboxes often die and get nowhere. For this reason, I'm going to lay out the main events of the plot. Of course, as a player, you will be free to control your character how you will, but the important events are as follows:
1. The Borg speed towards Earth in an attempt to assimilate it. The Fleet assembles to protect it, but the Enterprise is ordered to guard the Neutral Zone in case the Romulans attempt to take advantage of the situation.
2. The Fleet struggles with the Borg, causing minimal damage. The Enterprise disobeys her orders and comes to the rescue. The Borg ship is badly damaged by the Enterprise, and creates a time vortex to travel back in time to 2063.
3. The Enterprise follows the Borg through the vortex and destroys it. However, the Borg board the Enterprise before their ship is destroyed.
4. The Borg launch a missile strike on Zefram Cochrane's workshop, attempting to destroy his rudimentary warp drive and disrupt the timeline of humanity.
5. A few crew members of the Enterprise beam down to assist in repairs. The history must take place, or they will cease to exist.
6. The Borg begin multiplying aboard the Enterprise, and take over her controls. All decks are thrown into a battlezone. Several are assimilated, and the SECOND OFFICER is captured.
7. Zefram's ship is repaired and ready for launch. The Borg attempt to modify the deflector dish of the Enterprise to shoot Zefram's ship down. The CAPTAIN, a CREW MEMBER, and the SECURITY CHIEF don zero-g gear to remove the appliance from the hull.
8. The flight is successful. The Borg are mostly defeated, save the Queen. The CAPTAIN attempts to defeat her, while saving his SECOND OFFICER. The SECOND OFFICER manages to finally kill her.
9. The Enterprise returns to present day. All is well.
This is subject to change, considering all the variables with players and such.
Before you read any further, please realize that this roleplay will take DEDICATION. Don't apply if you're not willing to throw yourself into this. I intend to bring this thread full circle, and complete it. We have to work together with this!!
IMPORTANT: You don't need to know ANYTHING about Star Trek to participate. I will supply you with all the information you need. It's not rocket science. Well, I mean, it is. But it's fictional rocket science. :P
READ THESE. I will know if you don't.
I have the right to, and I won't hesitate to turn away anyone I don't think will show the proper dedication. If you don't post within a reasonable time, after I've given you a inactivity warning, I will kill your character and remove you from the roleplay.
Don't godmod.
Don't be a jerk. If I see any OOC drama cropping up, I'll take control of it.
There are NO more female slots open.
If you're going to do something really dramatic that possibly will alter the plot, please check with me EITHER in this thread or via PM first, for my approval.
If you have ideas, SUGGEST THEM!
MAXIMUM 2 characters.
Character development is the way to go. There's no ban on romantic subplots.
This is an unnecessarily long paragraph. You'll see why it's so long in a moment. Do read it though, I'm gonna hide a few points in here. If you have any questions about Star Trek, ask me. I'm a nerd. If you will be gone for a while, let me know, I can work something out. If you've read all these rules, please put a sentence at the end of your CS stating that Wobbles is a really big nerd with green eyes. Good job, okay, now keep reading, the rest of these are still important.
Important positions such as First Officer, Second Officer, Chief of Security, Chief Medical Officer, etc, will all be a combo of hand picked and first come first serve. If more than one person applies for the same position, I will choose which I think best fits the plot. Whoever is denied the position: well, think about it like the captain denied your character that position. We'll still fit him/her in. Perhaps it can even play into their character.
Have fun!
Here's a handy dandy sheet that will help you choose the best position for your character, see which ones are open, and check up on other characters. Please keep in mind that some of the position may be bundled together, such as SECURITY & TACTICAL. If you want to bundle them, ask me. I may bundle your character if there is no other character for the spot.
Responsibilities: The Captain is responsible for execution of Starfleet orders and policy, as well as for interpretation and compliance with Federation law and diplomatic directives. The Captain is the Commander of the ship.
Sim: The Captain has a rough idea of what the outcome of a sim will be and will guide the other officers in the right direction. Because there are so many people to command in a sim, he/she will usually put people in groups to work toward a common goal. Pay close attention to the Captains logs, they will contain vital information about the upcoming sims which will help you prepare.
Who to watch:James Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, Benjamin Sisko, Kathryn Janeway
XO, First Officer, #1
Responsibilities: The XO is second in command and is responsible for execution of Starfleet orders and policy. He/she is the commander of the crew and makes command decisions according to Starfleet procedure. In the absence of the Captain, the XO is in command of the sim.
Sim: The Commander also has a rough idea of what the outcome of a sim will be and will guide the other officers in the right direction....building on their ideas and suggestions. When on the bridge the XO will work with department heads and relay suggestions to the Captain. The XO will lead 95% of away teams. Pay close attention to the XO's logs, they will contain many clues on how to prepare for upcoming sims.
Who to watch: William T. Riker, Colonel Kira, Chakotay
OPS, Second Officer
Responsibilities: Sort of a utility man....does a little of everything : runs sensor scans, can handle communications, monitors shipwide status and functions. Also can pilot the ship, arrange power distribution to major systems during emergency situations. A jack of all trades. Should monitor all happenings in a sim, b/c this is one of the key positions that the CO's will depend on.
Sim: Ops should coordinate with Helm, Engineering and Tactical and report any suggestions to the XO or the Captain. This position can be challenging during battle situations.
Who to watch: Data, Harry Kim, Jadzia Dax, Major Kira, Sulu
Responsibilities: In charge of shipwide defense. Phasers, Photon Torpedoes, shields. Also tractor beams, Damage Reports, and Communications (Tactical can share these duties with the Ops Manager).
Sim: This is one of the more exciting positions on the ship because Tactical is involved with the action packed Starship battles. The Tactical Officers should be suspicious about every unknown vessel we come in contact with.
Who to watch: Worf, Tuvok
NOTE: It is not unusual for ships to have officers serving as a combination of security/tactical.
Responsibilities: All internal security on board. Responsible for handling intruders, supervising security on away teams, etc.
Sim: The Security Officers should work on all aspects of security on the ship including registering weapons, upkeep of the brig, providing security for guests, etc.
Who to watch: Worf, Tasha Yar, Tuvok, Odo
NOTE: It is not unusual for ships to have officers serving as a combination of security/tactical.
Responsibilities: steers the ship. Can also handle sensors and monitor shipwide status (however that would usually fall under Ops or Tac)
Sim: This position can be slow at times, so it is ok to work with Ops and Tactical in some situations. During times of high risk maneuvers it's a key position of the ship.
Who to watch: Tom Paris, Chekov
Responsibilities: The Engineers are the mechanics of the ship, they are responsible for all power generation, computer systems and propulsion systems.
Sim: The engineers are the miracle workers of the ship, when the Captain asks for the impossible he looks to his engineers. They usually work in engineering but can work on the bridge at a computer console if necessary.
Who to watch: Scotty, Geordi la Forge, B'Ellana Torres
Responsibilities: Responsible for wellness of the crew and treating the injured.
Sim: This is one of the hardest positions to play but it can also be the most recognized. The medical team should make sure that the crew is in good health by performing routine physicals. Medical person el are almost always in sick bay but will frequently go on away team missions, especially when casualties are reported.
Who to watch: 'Bones' McCoy, Beverly Crusher, Julian Bashir, The Doctor (EMH)
Responsibilities: Duties that fall under the sciences...using sensor readings, tricorders, and other data, they analyze anything the ship may encounter while traveling thru space...
Sim: This position is the most creative, especially when encountering unknown substances and species. Science can also get a little slow in some situations so the Science Officers should coordinate their work with Ops and Engineering.
Who to watch: Spock, Jadzia Dax, Data
Responsibilities: Responsible for the well being of the crew members. While the Medical Officer is responsible for the physical aspect of the crew; the counselor is responsible for the mental health of the crew.
Sim: They usually have some sort of empathic or telepathic abilities. This position can be very dramatic and interesting. The Counselor will be the most busy when communicating with other species working with the Captain and advising him on what he/she senses. Some ships may assign their counselors a secondary post.
Who to watch: Deanna Troi, Ezri Dax
Bonus: a guide to ranks!
ENSIGN: Fresh cadets out of the academy, no experience or anything.
LIEUTENANT JUNIOR GRADE: This is typically awarded after a year of service, or after completing a single posting on a ship.
LIEUTENANT: Awarded for exemplary duty, two years of service, or two postings on separate ships.
LIEUTENANT COMMANDER: Awarded for exemplary duty, three years of service, or extended duty during third posting.
COMMANDER: Awarded for exceptional experience, leadership ability, and trustworthiness. Same service requirements as Lt. Cmdr. Only the First Officer has this rank
CAPTAIN: 5+ years of service necessary. Logical, quick thinking, exceptional leadership, and the value for the crew's life.
Your character does not have to be human. There are several other species they could be.
BETAZOID :Hail from Betazed. Telepathic. Black eyes. Appearance is the same as humans.
KLINGON : Hail from Qo'noS. Violent, warlike species. Recently came to peace with the Federation. Appearance. (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/17/f0/97/17f097a38146f0829ab6697c54a80407.jpg)
FERENGI : Hail from Ferengi.Rude, greedy, and short. Mercenaries. There's only one in Starfleet. Exceptionally ugly. (http://www.startrek.com/legacy_media/images/200303/tng-221-scheming-ferengi-qol-a/320x240.jpg)
BAJORAN : Hail from Bajor. Fierce, passionate, loyal. Rare, as they are mostly extinct. Appearance. (https://www.google.com/search?q=ro+laren&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjV6d-N_LjJAhUQWYgKHVCaCr0Q_AUIBygB&biw=1439&bih=728#imgrc=c0puqHRum7zzMM%3A)
VULCAN : Hail from Vulcan. Logical, unfeeling, exceptionally intelligent. Remember Spock? Yeah. That.
NAME: :|
POSITION: Choose one of the available options above. If none fit, put 'PENDING.' I'll work with you to choose a position.
RANK: From lowest to highest: Ensign, Lieutenant junior grade, Lieutenant, Lieutenant commander, Commander, Captain. Ensign will be all of the new crew members. Lieutenant junior grade is typically after two years of service. Lieutenant is after three Most of these positions will be Lieutenant. The Second Officer will be a Lt. Cmdr. The XO will be a Commander. Ask if you have questions.
AGE: Duh.
MARITAL STATUS: Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Chronically single? Cries into body pillows? Tell me.
KOBAYASHI MARU GRADING: PASS or FAIL. The KM test is to see how well the cadet handles no win scenarios. It generally takes 3-4 tries to pass, if the cadet is that persistent. Failure is an option.
STRENGTHS: Please state 5.
WEAKNESSES: Please state 5.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Forest? Desert? Loved ones? Strip bar? Use your imagination.
DIALOGUE SAMPLE: THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION. Please write NO MORE THAN a paragraph, in your character's own personal voice, responding to ONE of these three questions, asked by a stranger. For clarification look at the sample. 1. "Did you hear me, cadet?" 2. "Are you questioning me?" 3. "Do you ever miss home?"
FACECLAIM: NO ANIME IS ALLOWED. Please choose a picture of an actor or a model or whatever and put it in a spoiler.
NAME: John Doe
POSITION: Engineering crew
RANK: Lieutenant junior grade
AGE: 25
RACE: Human
MARITAL STATUS: Recently dumped by loser girlfriend for the hot security officer.
STRENGTHS: Kind, intelligent, loves the ship dearly, puts his all into his work, likes nutella
WEAKNESSES: Loves to sleep, doesn't think on his feet as fast as he should, fearful, lazy, slightly daft
DIALOGUE SAMPLE: Did you hear me, cadet? "Yes, yessir, yes I did. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'll –– what did you say, sir? I'm terribly sorry.." He scratches the back of his neck nervously, rolling his head down to avoid eye contact. His obnoxious scratching continues, traveling down to his jaw, his neck, and his collar. He finally stops, and assumes the at ease position; his face turns red, as he realizes he should have already done that.
NAME: Nikolai P. Worthing
POSITION: CO, Captain of the Enterprise.
RANK: Captain
AGE: 57
RACE: Human
MARITAL STATUS: Divorced 3 years ago
STRENGTHS: Thinks fast. Keeps the crew at the top of his priorities. Exceptionally brave. Strict. Encouraging.
WEAKNESSES: Gets vaporlocked into a situation. Concentrates too much. Harsh. Unfeeling. Fears space.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Anything in the early 1920's.
DIALOGUE SAMPLE: Do you ever miss home? A smirk –– not necessarily bitter, just knowing. He crosses his legs and sighs a little. "On the rare occasion, I do. But that's what the holodeck is for." Truth be told, the holodeck just isn't the same. But he's the captain. He can't be getting weak kneed because of some passing homesickness.
NAME: T'raan
POSITION: First Officer
RANK: Commander
AGE: 98
RACE: Half-Vulcan, half-Romulan
MARITAL STATUS: No explicit relationships outside of Pon Farr.
KOBAYASHI MARU GRADING: Failed once, passed once.
STRENGTHS: Loyal, intelligent, strategic. Level-headed in the face of danger.
WEAKNESSES: Detached, seemingly apathetic towards her fellow officers (as with most Vulcans). Can sometimes become phased when faced with a seemingly illogical problem. Is confused by, but also somewhat curious about, the human emotions of love and excitement.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Silent chambers, for meditation.
DIALOGUE SAMPLE: "Do you ever miss home?" T'raan arched an eyebrow, intrigued by the question. "An illogical question. Do you mean to ask if I would rather be on Vulcan now, and not on the Enterprise?" She cocked her head, thinking. "I do not regret being assigned to the Enterprise, if that is what you mean. Regret, however, is quite a human emotion. Perhaps you could rephrase the question?"http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/13200000/Saavik-star-trek-the-movies-13224334-509-768.jpg
NAME: Zipporah Trevinti
POSITION: 2nd Officer
RANK: Lieutenant
AGE: 28
GENDER: Female
RACE: Human
STRENGTHS: Stubborn, Fiercely Loyal, Good at what she does, Protective, Strong.
WEAKNESSES: Heavy Drinker, Can't cope with her problems well, Swears heavily, Insensitive, Rude.
"Are you questioning me?"
"Yes, sir." Zipporah spat, "I'm questioning you because that is the most god awful-" Face red with anger, she stopped herself, unwilling to risk being courtmartialed.
"I encourage," She spoke through gritted teeth, "you to change your current course." Zipporah then stomped away from her captain, ashamed to be working under such an incompetent commander.
NAME: Darcy Stormborn
POSITION: C.M.O. (Chief Medical Officer)
RANK: Lieutenant
AGE: 26
RACE: 1/2 human 1/2 Betazoid
MARITAL STATUS: Single – too busy for relationships during her training
KOBAYASHI MARU GRADING: Failed two times and passed on the third.
STRENGTHS: Professionalism, Empathy, Patience, Stays informed with new medical procedures, Hardworking, quick thinking.
WEAKNESSES: Stubborn, Blunt, Naïve to non-work related things, Strict.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Darcy enjoys anything that reminds her of home, when she needs to wind down from a particularly hard day at work. She loves forests and being surrounded by nature.
“Do you ever miss home?”
“I always miss home, but I’m always looking for ways I can help others. So the best choice was for me to join Starfleet and become a healer. Knowing that I’m making a difference to another person helps ease the homesickness.” Darcy smiled weakly, unsure if she accurately answered the question.
NAME: Oran Feeran
POSITION: Counselor
RANK: Ensign
AGE: 23
RACE: Bonded Trill / Betazoid
KOBAYASHI MARU GRADING: Failed five times. Gave up.
STRENGTHS: Empathic. Friendly. Enjoys helping. Loves reading and writing. Loves learning.
WEAKNESSES: Daydreamer. Hates to be alone. Sometimes fails to pay close attention. Binge eats. Falls asleep easily.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Anything with an overabundance of plants or books, preferably with lots of 'people.' Maybe some art museums from time to time, too.
DIALOGUE SAMPLE: Did you hear me, cadet? “Oh, I... uh… sorry sir. It’s just that, your face ridges, they kind of remind me of… uh…” He scratches the back of his head nervously and looks around. “They kind of remind me of Cindy. My plant, sir! She is a Bolian Rose. Gorgeous thing. Doesn’t fuss too much.” His face flushes. “Not that I am, um… flirting with you or… I’ll uh, I’ll go work on that right away, sir! Sorry sir!”
NAME: Chace Zimmer Pegram
POSITION: Chief Science Officer
AGE: 29
RACE: Human
MARITAL STATUS: Single, not married, had a few dates
High IQ; Whether or not tough upbringings are the source of these things, Chace has presented over the years an awareness of genius intellect that others can hardly surpass. The problem being though is he is book smart, creative, and educational. He is not so much a conversationalist though. Not to say that he says crude things or that he's rude, he often will come off alien to other people because of his broad niche specialist.
Alien Knowledge; Because of his delving into books and education, maybe a way to escape the boredom of his upbringing, he has a general knowledge of alien species. He's not an anthropologist, where he can delve into their culture, but he can understand their bimolecular components and biology. [don't be a dirty pervert]
Quantum Physics and Quantum Scientific Reality; All though Chace does have a general background in alien knowledge because of his books. His main area of focus was the realm of quantum science and the quantum reality theory. Chase has sought out this invisible, universal world, and finds it the key source of power and knowledge of the universe. It's the main reason why he travels. To see the way Quantum science can be applied in an applicable and physical way.
Astrophysicist; His weaker skill is in the knowledge of astrophysics, all though its not his main vein. He uses what knowledge of space he has towards his Quantum science, almost in a Fringe science way. He can be a bit obsessive about his work in that way. Most people actually complain that the work he does work so much on is actually not real science and that he is delving into an area of science that begins to turn into shades of gray.
Parkour; Call it something he learned back in his younger years. It seems strange that most of his skills are scientific. But he takes his field of scientific endeavors and his intelligence towards analyzing a field, and making as little to less movements as possible of escaping possible situations. Most people call it strange and most people would definitely not expect, a scientist who knows how to free run.
Prone to Obsession; Chace has a habit of becoming obsessive with his work, so much so that sometimes he doesn't seem like a team player. He has a habit of becoming really absorbed into his projects or findings. Though it can be often a strength when it comes to finding a solution, most of the time it just a weakness. It doesn't allow him close companionship with those he works with and it makes it seem like he's better than everyone else.
Elitist; It seems like this is the failure where his communication goes. Those who know Chace well enough understand the way he speaks is outwardly friendly, enthusiastic. He gets hyperactive like a small child, but is generally relaxed about it, when it comes to new discoveries or projects he finds interesting or working on. Problem is if you don't know Chace, he sounds elitist. He sounds like he's better than you, he sounds like anything and everything he knows is more important than you. Not his intentions, but that's a secret only those who really know and defend Chace will tell.
Allergic to any fruit with the seeds on the outside; This include strawberries and cashews. This is life threatening, essentially if he doesn't have an injection he dies. [I feel like someone is going to try and assassinate him with his allergy now]
Transporter Phobia; Due to his area of scientist, he understands the mechanics of transporter science. He understand the assembling part and has a fear that the person coming out of the transporter not the same person. In a parallel universe theory and other theories, you might think yourself the same person, but the reality of the situation is that you are a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy.
Traumatic Brain Injury; Due to an accident, Chace suffers from mild seizures, his body goes rigid or he has spacey moments.
FAVORITE HOLODECK SIMULATION: Famous laboratories from influential scientist. Chace doesn't have a singular favorite holodeck simulation. He has many and of a few of them are the labaratories and work stations of the many scientist who had influenced. This includes some of histories greats. Nikola Tesla, Einstein as much as he was a cheap bastard, David Marcus who had created the Genesis Drive. And a few others not mentioned.
"Do you miss home?" a voice of authority rang out in the corner of the room.
"Sir, not to be crude, or choose a cop-out for an answer, everywhere is my home, I have learned to make the most of any situation, it's why I am here,"
"So, you'd say you had a rough past,"
"Rough is an arbitrary quantum measurement of a subjective emotion,"
"Right, so you'd say, then what about your life?"
"I'd say it taught me a lot of things in being adaptable and patient,"
"I see,"
"I may or may not be too comfortable with it, but that's the best answer I can give. I cannot give measurements out to feelings only associated with a personal internal feeling,"
"Why is that?"
"It's disrespectful to others and discounts and discredits what they have gone through, it also discounts and discredits what I have gone through,"
Is he scientist, or he is at the wrong hangar, looking for a rock band to follow or be the main singer of. Golden blond hair, and piercing, narrow, prominent gray eyes. A pair of aviator glasses, even in the uniform, he looks too cool to be a scientist. So ice, with his pale skin and standing at 5'7", and if you're lucky he will show you his tattoo'd sleeve. Including a skull with a snake (http://oi63.tinypic.com/es14ao.jpg) and some stars, the number 13, and some other interesting facts.