View Full Version : [M] Red Vs Blue x Metal Gear Solid Crossover (RyuJunkie & Punished Snake)
12-27-2015, 07:08 AM
He heard of these stories. The stories of a super soldier from many many centuries ago. This soldier defied many odd defeating opponents and machines far beyond his strength and speed. This man's name was Big Boss. It was assumed that he died in 1975 after his mother base was attacked by an enemy known a Cipher. However that wasn't the case. Big Boss survived and was put into cryo sleep while others took his place in the long bloody war against the Patriots. Thanks to some digging around the Insurrectionists who are in a war with Project Freelancer may have stumbled upon the location of this cryo tube.
An Unknown Area Off The Alaskan Coast
"Look, all I'm saying is that they're not your friends anymore. They're you enemies and when the times comes you're going to have to fight them.......or I can. They'll be easy to kill." Felix said to Johnny as they were making their way through an ice cave along with some other Insurrectionist members. "Why do you care anyway? You're just a gun for hire after all." Johnny responded with. "You're right. I don't, but I get a fat bonus if I keep you clowns alive. Well I don't have to worry about you. You were a Freelancer after all." Felix told him. Indeed Johnny was. Kentucky was his codename and he was one of the best. That all changed though when the Insurrectionists captured him and showed him the truth about the director and Project Freelancer. He decided then to join them and stop the director. Well it was either that or they kill him.
Then again he felt though as if he need to make things right. Perhaps get the others to join them. Though Johnny knew that would never happen. He couldn't even how imagine the freelancers would react knowing that he wasn't dead but instead helping the Insurrectionists. His thoughts were interrupted when he fell through a thin layer of ice which lead him to what looked like a underground storage facility. "Shit man are you alright?" Felix asked. "Yeah! I'm fine! I'm gonna take a look around." Replied Johnny as he looked around the facility. Most of it was rusted and covered in thick layers of ice. "Jesus this place has got to be centuries old." Johnny whispered to himself his battle Rifle loaded and ready just in case there was any danger. Near the back of the facility he noticed something glowing and decided to check it out. It was much of a shock when he realized that it was a cryo tube. "Hey uh guys! I think I found him!" Johnny yelled. "What?! Are you serious? You're not bullshitting us are you?!" Felix asked. "No I'm not! Call for an extraction now!" Johnny told them.
Project Freelancer Facility
Feeling very confident today Agent Virgina decided to some training with Agent Maine hoping that he could take out the brute. The results were well...... "Point goes to Agent Maine. Score, Maine at five points. Virgina at zero." F.I.L.S.S. said. "Yeah.....I think I'm done for the day." Virgina said as he was stuck inside a concrete wall. Boy did Maine throw him pretty hard toward that wall. "Hey uh Maine you think you can get me out?" Virgina asked. Maine hissed in response as he walked over to Virginia and with one pull got him out of the wall. "Thanks buddy." Virgina said laying on the floor before quickly getting up. Him and Maine headed to the locker room where they met up with both Wash and South. "So how did I do?" Virgina asked Wash. "Well're kind of getting better?" Wash replied with. "Heh, better? You flat out sucked." Was South response. "Uh.....thanks guys." Virgina said.
(Hope this is a good intro post. If you're wondering that is indeed Felix from the Chorus trilogy. Figured since this does take place in an alternate timeline I'd another one of my favorite bad guys.)
Punished Snake
07-11-2016, 10:48 PM
North walked in to see Virginia after the beating he took from Maine. When he entered, his siter South was there as well as Washington. "Now sis, be nice to the guy. We all suck when it comes to Maine. I hardly think anyone can go toe to tie with him." He looked at everyone and said, "Heard Alaska is currently pushing himself hard right now in the training floor."
Out on the training floor, Agent Alaska armed with a sniper rifle, and his magnum, was pinned down by 5 different turrerts shooting at him. His cover was about to crumble by the bullet fire and he needed to move quick or else he'll be taken down bad. Thankfully, the turrets aren't on live fire, but the feeling of the simulation is meant to feel like the Agent would be hit by bullets. Sensing his cober about to break, he rolled out from cover and ran while firing his magnum at the turrets.
With one of the turrets down, he sprinted quick to the one he shot down and slid towards it when he was close. He popped out from behind the turret and opened fire on all the turrets. All the turrets then disappeared and the session was over. Then from the loud speaker, someone said, "Nice job, Alaska. A better time from the last one. Want to do a different exercise?" It was Agent York. The two have gotten close as of lately and have hung out more often than before.
"What else is there that I haven't shaved time off?" "Well, what about that time you took on 50 soldiers all at once?" "Yeah, give me that one. Just ramp it up to 60 this time and give me different guns." Alan said entusiastically.
07-20-2016, 07:35 AM
"Oh God really? When is he not training? He's just as bad as Carolina." South spoke. "Hey it never ever hurts to train a lot. That's the only way we're going to get better." Virginia added. Maybe South should do more training than just running her mouth. Virginia thought. "Think we should check it out?" Virginia then asked. "It's not like we have anything better to do." Was Washington's response while Maine just grunted in agreement. He along with the other freelancers did like to watch some of the more experienced Freelancers train. "Good point." Virginia said as they heading off to a small hub like area where they basically can watch Freelancers train, from a distance of course.
Once the Insurrection got the news that Johnny and his team had found a cyrotube with a human inside they quickly got an extraction team and was out there in record time. "So I guess the stories were true." Felix said. "Well so far it looks that way. We won't know for sure until we get him back to base and run a DNA sample." Johnny told the mercenary. He was hoping it was indeed the legendary mercenary Big Boss. He watching at the extraction team carefully got the cryotube out and safely aboard their ship ready to be taking back to their HQ.
"Excellent work there Johnny." The Insurrectionist leader Clyde began. "If our information is correct the cyrotube you found contains the body of Big Boss. A legendary mercenary from the 20th century. With his help we should be able to win this war and take down the freelancers along with the director." "Wow he's really that old?" Felix asked. "Where's C.T?" Johnny then asked. He and Connie weren't much friends during his time in Project Freelancer though since he had switched sides they had become somewhat good friends. Though he wasn't as close to her as Clyde was. "She's back at Project Freelancer. She'll be fine don't worry. That's for me to do." Clyde responded with. "How about we quit freezing our asses off and get back to HQ." He then said. Felix and Johnny couldn't agree more. The trio got on the main ship as they head back to HQ.
Punished Snake
07-20-2016, 02:49 PM
Right before the next mission exercise was about to get started, York noticed everyone else come in. "Oh hey guys. Here for the show I'm guessing." "You got that right." Said North cheerfully. "So what's he doing this time?" "Well, this time he's decided to take on 60 holographic soldiers with a shotgun and an assault rifle." Said York. "Damn, he's really pushing himself." "Yeah, especially when the targets he has to shoot will feel like they are the real deal."
Down below on the training room floor, Alaska held his shotgun firmly and slowly aimed it in front of him. "T-minus 5 seconds." Said P.H.I.L.L.Y.S over the loud speakers. The enemies would be all over him and ready to take him on. Now's the chance to truly see how skilled he is. When the countdown reached zero, a wave of soldiers ran towards him with batons and weapons. Some of them fired at Alaska immediately as they spawned in. He quickly responded to the surge of soldiers by repeatedly pulling the shotgun trigger, and quickly pumping it to at the same time the gun shot out. Once the shotgun was out, he had zero time to reload.
He quickly bashed the heads and chests of his enemies with his fists and gun. The shields of his armor were also getting low with each shot he took from the enemies that had weapons. He then threw a soldier at one that fired at him and knocked them both down to the ground. All while switching his weapons and now being able to spray a hail of bullets at every soldiers' direction. Just as he began to reload his rifle, a surge of soldiers piled on top him. Having no power ups of his own, Alaska seemed like he was doomed on this challenge. Thanks to the augmented strength of his srmor hpwever, he slowly rose up and knocked the 10 soldiers on him off. He quickly aimed his rifle at them and quickly finished them off. One then came charging at him and Alaska quickly threw his shotgun at him while firing a small burst of bullets.
Alan had already sustained some damage when his shields gave out, and he wasn't going to be downed by the final 15. Several soldiers ran towrads him and planned on taking him with nothing but their fists. He quickly overtook one of them, punched him in the face, stole his handgun, and quickly put a bullet in his head. Another came from the other direction, this time he whipped him with the pistol and slammed the soldier's head onto his knee. He then fired what few bullets were left at two others, slammed the pistol into the mouth of the last one charging at him and punched him hard in the mouth. It was then, that the challenge had finally been completed and Alaska had beaten another record again without mortally wounding himself. "Better than the first." He said as he gave a thumbs up and fell on his back. "I'll just lay here for a bit."
08-01-2016, 07:42 PM
"Wow that's actually pretty extreme." Virginia said. "You never know. We might be in a situation like that one day." Wash added. "Yeah just like I said." South scowled. It seemed anything would annoy North's sister. They all got quiet though when Alaska's training sequence began. No need to say Virginia was quite impressed and so was Wash though South couldn't care less. They were even more impressed when he had broken his record, again. Virginia of course gave Alaska a round of applause before he fell on his back. South rolled her eyes in annoyance as she was the first to leave. "Uh is Alaska alright? Think he might overdid it." Virginia spoke. "Nah I think he's fine." Wash reassured him. "Well I don't know about the rest of you guys but I'm starving. I'm gonna grab something to eat. You coming Wash?" Virginia asked the grey and yellow armored freelancer. "Yeah sure. I could something to eat." "Maybe this time you'll eat with your helmet off." It still was kind of fascinating that Washington could eat with his helmet on. Maybe he didn't want anyone to see his face though that would be pointless since everyone had already seen his face when they first met.
Back at the HQ there were already a crowd of people waiting at the entrance, watching as they brought the cryotube to the lab for defrosting. Big Boss or whoever it was remained unconscious as they unfroze him. They quickly got him into a bed in the infirmary though not before taking a blood sample. Seems he still needed to regain his strength. After all he's been a sleep for over five hundred years. "I'm sure he's going to have a lot of questions for us when he wakes up." Johnny said. "I wouldn't doubt it. He was holding this in his hand as well." Clyde spoke showing both Johnny and Felix what looked like some kind of media device. "What the hell is that thing?" Felix asked. "I think they called it a portable tape recorder. There's something in it as well. Wonder if it still works." Clyde said. He pressed play on the device and a song ( started playing out of the small speaker.
Punished Snake
08-06-2016, 06:03 AM
"I find it fasinating that after all this time, the cryotube remained operable enough to keep him alive." Said a doctor as he checked on the vitals of the man on the bed. "Once more, how such an ancient audio device remained functionable after the time in the cold. What marvels humanity has achieved in order for this to be possible." The doctor then turned to Felix and Clyde and said, "I'm glad you brought him back in once piece. The blood sample should be back to confirm his identity in a minute. Have a seat while I make sure everything is going well with the other work needed to be done." The doctor then left the infirmary
As Alaska got up, he saw that everyone else was leaving. He decided to the same thing and leave the training room floor. Alan pretty mch knew probably where everyone would be at, but he nedded to put some things away in his locker before he went to join them. When he entered the locker room, he placed his helmet away and cleaned his face up.
Agent Alaska soon went into the mess hall to eat and saw the others there. He grabbed his lunch and sat next to York who then patted him hard in the back. "Nice job out there Alaska. You really seem to be getting better." "Thanks York. Best to stay on top of the game than be behind in battle." "You know, at the rate you've been showing your improvements, you could actually take on Carolina." Said North gleefully.
"I wouldn't say he could beat me, but maybe after what I saw." Said Carolina as she sat next to North. "I mean you two practically train together sometimes, and I'd really pay to see what happens." Stated York as he gave Carolina a sly look. "Sure we have trained a bit together, but because of that then he would have a disadvantage." "Actually you'd be the one since I study each and everyone of you in case something were to happen." Said Alaska as he chowed down on his food.
08-18-2016, 09:13 PM
Virginia, Wash and Maine made their way to the mess hall as well. They grabbed their food and made their way to the table where everyone else was at. Both Maine and Virginia helmets were off as they were eating though Washington still kept his on. "Wash how about taking your helmet off to eat this time." Virginia suggested. He was still dumbfounded how the man could eat even with his helmet on. "No way. What if we get attacked? I won't waste time putting my helmet on." Wash responded with taking a bite out of his banana, don't ask how. Maine just let out a grunt which of course both Wash and Virginia understood. "He's got a point there Wash. Doesn't it stink sometimes? Always having that helmet on." "I don't always keep it on guys Though I probably would if this thing had a built in toilet." Wash said to which Virginia face palmed while Maine just shook his head.
They did overhear the conversation that Alaska and the others were talking about. Of course South had an annoyed look on her face when they were talking about who could beat who. Virginia didn't bother to look that way. It wasn't that he didn't like them. No he liked everyone here, even South. Virginia had a crush on Carolina but he wouldn't dare make a move because one he felt she was too good for him and two he could tell that York and her had a thing for each other so he didn't want to get in the way of that. "Hey has anyone seen C.T. lately?" Virginia then asked. "C.T? She told me she was busy with something." Wash replied with.
"So um, what exactly makes this guy so damn important?" Felix asked. "Well from the intel that Connie has giving us the people over at project freelancer also have some relic from the past. A much more dangerous one. From what I've learned about the past this man can take these things down." Replied Clyde. "I suggest you look more into the past. One thing to start with is with the military operation called Snake Eater." He told Felix. "Oh shit I forgot to call Connie." Clyde reached into his pocket and took out his phone to give C.T. a call. "Please tell me you have some good news." Was the first thing out of C.T's mouth when she answered. "We found someone. We're waiting for the DNA result but I believe it's really him." Clyde answered with. "Oh...oh my God. Do you know what this means?" "You're damn right I do Connie. Look when you can get over here ASAP." "You know I'll be there.....shit I gotta go. I love you." "Love you too." Meanwhile Johnny was outside the room guarded the door along with two other soldiers. There was a group a people outside the room a well hoping to get a glimpse of the legendary Big Boss. Of course they were also waiting for the results.
Punished Snake
08-22-2016, 04:58 AM
"C.T is always running off somewhere. Wonder what is so important than training that she always goes off?" Asked York. "Don't know. She's always so...odd out of everyone in here." Said Alaska. "Makes me not trust her as much as Maine, no offense there big guy." Alaska had been around the Freelancers for some time, but in that time he grew to question one of their members' actions. What could be the motive behind this mysterious Freelancer?
Taz stood next to Johnny on his right by the door of the room which held supposedly Big Boss. The people seemed restless and anxuous to see him or hear about the news. He too was interested about it since he wasn't with Johnny when he found him. "So, you think it's really him?" Asked Taz.
The doctor got the results back in and to his amazment, it truly was that of the Boss. "Well, good news is that it is him. Congratulations. Bad news is that I'm going to have to ask you men to please take off your helmets. I ask this only so that when he does wake from his long coma, he is not frightened and shocked as easily as it might be if we were in his time." The patient slowly moved his head, his whole body was in agony and all that he remembered was all starting to come back to him.
The explosions of Mother Base, the dead soldiers all around him, a dream he had in shambles at the hands of Cipher. Then the memory of Paz jumping out of the helo as she burst into flames and the chopper going down into the water, the heat on his face as it all went down. "Paz....Miller...." Snake was beginning to regain consciousness. The pain surging through him violently even with a small amount of morphine in his system. "He is coming to!" Alerted the doctor as he heard Snake's words.
08-28-2016, 03:36 AM
Hearing what Alaska said about him Maine just let out a grunt in response. He knew Alaska meant well though and didn't take any offense. "Well it's not like she doesn't train. She just....does it by herself most of the time. Probably has a lot on her plate." Wash spoke trying to defend C.T. a little bit since he was friends with her though he too really had no idea where she would go off to sometimes. He still remembers what she had told him during that training sequence with Tex, York, Maine, and Wyoming. Virginia....just stayed out of it even though he was the one that brought it up. He tried to be friends with everyone here. No need to make enemies.
"Of course doctor." Clyde replied with as he and Felix took their helmets off. "You sure he won't freak out when he see the armor we're wearing?" Felix then asked. "I don't think so. He'll just think it's some kind of riot armor which they did have in his time." Of course Clyde had a huge smile on his face. He was thrilled to find out that they had actually found the right person, the legend himself Big Boss. It was then that Clyde began to message C.T. just as Big Boss was coming to. "I'll leave you two alone. I'm pretty sure he'll have plenty of questions for you to answer." With that in mind Felix began to leave the room to tell the others.
"Who knows? Maybe it is, maybe it's not. It's not like you find a man in a cryo tube in an ice cave in the middle of the Alaskan coastline everyday though." Was Johnny's answer to Taz's question. He was pretty sure they got the right guy. "Well I've got some good news for you gentle men. You got yourselves the right guy." Felix came out of the room and told the two and the people standing outside. "You're serious? Not bullshitting us?" "Oh come on trust me Johnny. You'll know if I'm bullshitting you." Judging by the look on Felix's face he was indeed telling the truth.
Punished Snake
09-01-2016, 05:57 AM
"Well I'll be damned. Bastard's here and is alive." Taz felt a sense of joy run through him as the man who once faced his ancestor was alive and here before him. It was truly a dream come true that he'll be getting to fight alongside the famous Big Boss some time soon. "So I guess the guy is in pretty bad shape, huh?"
The doctor hands Clyde a manila folder containing x-rays of Snake's body. "Whoever put him in cryostasis is pretty luck that he didn't die. His injuries are far too severe for him to go out and begin fighting. We need to operate him and make sure there is no shrapnel in his body. However, I cannot say the same for the ones in his skull. Should we try to remove them, he'll be useless to anyone and may as well be dead. The likely hood of him making it out of surgery when we remove the pieces in his head is slim. It's your call if you want them out." The doctor kept a syringe with an anesthetic in case Snake become agitated or violent when they break the news.
Snake was beginning to see more clearly and he could make out two men in front of him talking. One was in some sort of black riot armor with red accents and the other a doctor. He couldn't tell what they were saying, but it would appear to be about him. "Where am I?" He said to the men. The doctor walked closer to Snake and said, "You are in an base where you are currently getting medical treatment. Some of our men found you off the coast of Alaska and you were lucky to survive."
Punished Snake
09-13-2016, 04:59 AM
[Freelancer file #109672: Agent Alaska]
It can be said without a doubt that Agent Alaska is a most dangerous and lethal asset. He can easily dispatch targets cleanly and quickly from a great distance, as well as close range. While Alaska may not have a A.I enhancement to use a cloaking device, he is very skilled at stealth. Whenever a mission calls for it, Alaska is dispatched to take care of the problem.
While not exactly hailing from the state itself, Alan (Alaska) was given his codename for his cold demenure and display of skill when he joined Project Freelancer. He hardly talked to any of the agents nor did he interact with any staff, much as like Agent Maine. However, after being around the other agents Alaska has opened up more to his teammates and expresses himself more freely. This cannot be said during in combat as interaction is kept at minimum or on a need to know basis, as generally he stalks the area or snipes from afar.
Upon all at Project Freelancer, Agent Alaska is by far one of the most skilled and best agents in our roster. We hope he progresses and helps he organization move forward in each of our plans.
(Filler post)
09-15-2016, 10:11 PM
"From the looks of it yeah he kind of is. Doctor already said he's not fighting for a while." Felix responded with. "Still with him on our side we now have a winning chance." Johnny added. Though he wasn't showing it he too was quite excited that the was indeed Big Boss. He never really mentioned this to anyone but his ancestor did fight along Big Boss' son Solid Snake during the Gun of The Patriots incident in 2014. Johnny never thought he would actually meet any of those legendary soldiers. "Out of my way people." A familiar voice was heard through the crowd of people in the hallway. It was C.T. She managed to slip away from the freelancer base and get to the insurrectionist base. "Johnny, Taz......Felix. Where's Clyde?" She then asked.
"No, I'm not going to take the risk. He won't be helpful to us if he's dead. Just make sure you can get a much shrapnel as you can out of him without killing him." Clyde said to the doctor before looking over to Snake. "Don't worry. We have some of the best doctors here. You'll be patched up in no time." Clyde began. "My name's Clyde. Like the doctor said some of my men found you in a cyrotube off the Alaskan coast. Now the next thing I'm about to tell you is probably going to shock you. Still try to remain calm and don't panic. You've been in the cyrotube for a good amount of time. I'm sure you want to know how long. Well.....I'm just going to straight with you Snake. You've been in cyro sleep for over five hundred years." Clyde explained to Snake waiting for his response. He knew the doctor was ready in case he freaked out which wouldn't surprise them.
Punished Snake
09-29-2016, 05:02 AM
Snake's blood pressure began to rise as Clyde told Snake he's been in a coma for over 500 years. Cypher robbed his life of years he will never get back. The friends he cared about...the dream of the Boss' legacy...all his men under him... gone. All those years can never be replaced. The blood pressure now was very high, and Snake began to trash around. "Hold him down!" yelled the doctor. Once Clyde got a hold of Snake, the doctor proceeded to inject him with the sedative in his arm. Snake's bpm was now settling and his vision was fading as he went to sleep. "It was inevitable, least we can operate on him without any repercussions. Once we remove the majority of the shrapnel in him he should wake up." The doctor then asked the nurses the prep a room for surgery as it will be a long day for them.
Taz looked at C.T. as she came running towards them as she pushed by everyone. "He's inside in a private meeting with you know who. But if your Freelancer buddies find you not there, it's going to be one hell of a talk." Taz knew C.T. was a Freelancer as he seen her around several times in the past. Although he doesn't trust her, he has grown to give her a little bit of it the more she comes around.
10-11-2016, 02:51 PM
"I may not be on the top of the freelancer chart but I'm not that careless. No one there even knows I'm here." C.T. told Taz. She knew that he fully trust her nor did she care as she didn't really believe him about being a descendant of Ocelot. Only person's opinion she cared about was Clyde's and maybe Johnny's. "Yeah besides if the director or any of the freelancers knew there wouldn't be any talking." Johnny added. "I wouldn't be alive right now." C.T. pointed out. She knew how ruthless the director could be at sometimes. It was then that they heard all the commotion going on in the other room. "Hmm.....seems your boyfriend gave him some news that he didn't like." Felix said.
"Thank you doctor. Just try to do the best you can." Clyde said. Yeah he indeed felt bad for breaking the news to Big Boss but somebody had to. He felt bad for the man as well. He did miss out on some pretty big events during his lifetime though not all of it was in vain. Most of the soldiers that are fighting for the insurrectionist, most of their ancestors were soldiers that fought in Big Boss' army as as other armies related to him like Diamond Dogs and Big Mama. Clyde was just hoping that this wouldn't dose out Snake's burning flames for fighting.
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