View Full Version : ~STEAMY IN RPA~
If anyone here knows of any sweet deals, post them here (!
Things got really STEAMy in 2015. Let's see how 2016 goes~
Join our Steam Group! (
Friday 1/1/16 @ 8PM EST
Sober up/Welcome in the New Year with a F2P FPS (
Vaya con Dios~
Saturday 1/2/16 @ 8PM EST
Still recovering from a recent party? TOO BAD! GET BACK INTO ONE WITH- (
(Click the banner to visit the Steam page for it^)
Let's get instagibbed.
Miss Devil
12-30-2015, 12:01 AM
I just had a seizure thanks, (joking) XD I hope you guys have fun!
I lied to you. =P
There, updated the list.
12-31-2015, 11:17 PM
Wish i could join, Maye next time. >_>
For this FRIDAY @ 8PM EST
Currently confirmed players:
If you want to play, LET US KNOW
We can have multiple matches at the same time. =P
If this doesn't go over well, we might just play The Ship~
01-07-2016, 01:26 PM
Loadout? I'm in. Man wish you guys play TF2 also.
01-15-2016, 12:34 AM
Look what time it is! Game time!
Or almost game time, actually. Close enough.
We are doing a different kind of gaming for tomorrow, Friday, night. We're gonna have a little fun with Cards Against Humanity(BYOB if ya want) at 8PM EST (because the east side is the best side).
If you want to play, please get in touch with me or Karmz (or as a last resort, Imp) so we can get you into the right room to play with us.
Then on Saturday at 8PM EST we will be playing Garry's Mod again! It was a lot of fun once we got into it last week, so this week is sure to also please!
NOTE: I myself have no Event plans for Friday as I'll be away for roughly the entire day. Plan something if you want.
SATURDAY (February 20th)
8pm EST
Let's get Half-Lifed~
Thanks, Karms, for finding it!
02-18-2016, 03:04 AM
YAY LETS DO IT!! :) This looks so fun!
02-18-2016, 12:47 PM
Aww, "half-life"ing the weekend i can't join :/ Oh well...
Good thing we're doing Sven Co-op again, then!
Pardon the late notice as things went crazy at work. XD
So yeah, F2P Scen Co-op (Half-Life 1 with co-op) tomorrow (Friday) @8pm EST as per usual.
The limit is 8 players and while some are already planning on joining, I'm sure we'll have a lot of room still.
TOMORROW'S STEAM EVENT (Friday) WILL BE TOWN OF SALEM ( @8pm EST! Each game holds up to 15 players, so sign up and join us! We'll add you to the group (both the game and Skype Chat if needed).
04-08-2016, 11:54 AM
Good thing we're doing Sven Co-op again, then!
Pardon the late notice as things went crazy at work. XD
So yeah, F2P Scen Co-op (Half-Life 1 with co-op) tomorrow (Friday) @8pm EST as per usual.
The limit is 8 players and while some are already planning on joining, I'm sure we'll have a lot of room still.
I just saw you were doing Sven Co-op, OMG, loved that mod when I was a kid/teenager/young person.
04-08-2016, 12:33 PM
TOMORROW'S STEAM EVENT (Friday) WILL BE TOWN OF SALEM ( @8pm EST! Each game holds up to 15 players, so sign up and join us! We'll add you to the group (both the game and Skype Chat if needed).
fuck. Tomorrow? Damn I'll be playing a friendly CoD match with friends :'(
04-08-2016, 05:57 PM
*sobs* Why do you hate us
06-03-2016, 02:32 AM
Anyone up for Warface?
06-03-2016, 03:48 AM
We should have a Civ V night. ;)
Actually, that is still on the table as we've been wanting to do one. We're just trying to think of how exactly we want to set it all up.
We do know that:
Civs will be random as you will not be allowed to choose.
Depending on amount of players, Teams will be adjusted to make things as fair as possible.
As for other rules, we're not sure. Ideas are welcome for additional rules/guidelines.
07-09-2016, 09:43 PM
Rule probably depend on participants, I think we should see who is interested and then see which rules they want to agree too. You can start the list with me.
07-09-2016, 09:51 PM
HA this is an Impocracy! Hello again, Thunder chief... This is the leader of those steam events I was telling you about.
07-09-2016, 10:11 PM
We should do a Civ night in like 2 weeks, when I can actually join again.
That's the 'fun' fact; we've slowly established the rules above with roughly 6 people already over half a year ago. They all found the above to be fair and since they join in with nearly every Steam Event, the rules are likely to remain for now. =)
It is an Imptatorship ;)
We'll see what happens with everyone. =)
07-22-2016, 12:07 AM
So, uh. That Civ night thing. An unofficial one is happening tomorrow.
Around 8/9pm Eastern Time.
People should join if they want.
I lack the social skills needed to announce things.
If you're interested, tell either me, or Karma, or Imp. Or whoever you want. It'd be cool if people were interested.
07-22-2016, 08:32 PM
//pokes the thread
I lack civ. But I have some other shit.
07-22-2016, 10:03 PM
You should get it on g2a if you're interested in joining ^_^
07-22-2016, 10:48 PM
Are we going to be playing with the full DLC pack or what?
07-22-2016, 11:39 PM
Sure :)
Thx for the grand time, Silent Leader Griff. ;)
07-25-2016, 03:03 AM
XD I don't know what you're talking about I never stopped talking.
07-25-2016, 03:31 AM
I could hardly get a word in.
Kaptain Panty
07-25-2016, 12:22 PM
Anyone wanna try playing starbound together now it's out?
Good ol' Starbound. The memories~
So, Griff, what's next? May I suggest Final Combat? (China's shameless TF2 ripoff)
Because it is far more progressive towards gender equality than TF2. >_>
Kaptain Panty
07-26-2016, 03:46 PM
Why play the Chinese bootleg version when you can just play Overwatch?
And sadly, at this point, the Chinese bootleg version of TF2 is probably better then the proper version. I hear bad things about the most recent TF2 updates.
07-26-2016, 05:14 PM
//griff hereby appoints Imp to make all of the decisions forever
Im all steamy now!
Though nobody else is in the chat room. I've just joined and left it in a minimized window, no bites.
07-26-2016, 08:04 PM
What chatroom? We have a skype group if you'd like in there :) Just shoot me a PM :)
Kap, one reason might be the cost for Overwatch. Some of our Steamers either don't have the money or just like to keep to the F2P games because they'd rather save their money for cocaine. As for me, I don't plan on touching Overwatch and would play Final Combat for the lulz. :)
What chatroom? We have a skype group if you'd like in there :) Just shoot me a PM :)
Oh, no thankyou. I hate Skype. I'll stick to the steam chat room. Thanks though!
A bit of a late notice? Maybe. EITHER WAY, the game is free!
What time?
I'm thinking that the super official time will be at 8pm EST. HOWEVER, I will likely be playing it with others at an earlier time like 6PM EST. =) (You can go ahead and play with other RPA members sooner than that =P )
The Game mode we'll be playing?
Depends on what everyone feels like playing. Survival(PvE) allows for only 5 characters I think? So, when more folks join, we'll mainly be rocking Dinos vs Humans! Eat your foes as a T-Rex or obliterate them witha rocket launcher as you play a human.
It'll be a chomping good time!
Not part of the Skype Steam group or wish to rejoin it?
PM myself or The Bat... or even Griff. >_>
08-17-2016, 05:56 PM
I feel like the best game people would have fun with is GTAV. Granted it's still expensive, but it's the one true game that would accomodate most, if not everyone who games on RPA and on PC.
I already have it myself, and have a few other friends that can play, (not from RPA.)
08-17-2016, 05:57 PM
It would be so much fun
08-17-2016, 06:04 PM
Of course...
You'd also need at least a $400 rig to run it decently. (Preferably with a 750ti.)
I feel like I should compile a list for people interested in building a PC, without breaking the bank. And I know the perfect CPU to start out with. (The Intel G3258).
Sorry Griff/Splat :P (I can't tell anymore)
08-17-2016, 06:24 PM
08-17-2016, 06:55 PM
See requiring someone to have at least a 400 dollar rig as well as paying for the game is something we try to steer away from for the actual steam events, cause we want to be inclusive as we can, and I know I for one can't afford the game, or the rig lol
08-17-2016, 07:01 PM
See requiring someone to have at least a 400 dollar rig as well as paying for the game is something we try to steer away from for the actual steam events, cause we want to be inclusive as we can, and I know I for one can't afford the game, or the rig lol
Yeah, I know. But I'm seeing more and more people becoming interested in PC gaming. So I try to help, and give advice when I can.
That said, I've compiled a $450-500 budget build for those interested in the PCMasterRace.
You ready Griff/Splat!? (And anyone else reading.)
Alright, let's do a quick rundown -
CPU - Intel Pentium G3258 LGA 1150 (
A legendary CPU in Intel's lineup. Despite it being somewhat old, and only being 2-cores, it's still strong enough to pull off 60FPS at 1080p settings in most games.
Look at this guy's video, I'm using the same exact specs he has in CPU and GPU.
And while he doesn't get 60FPS, he was using Ultra settings. And if you tone certain ones down, you can achieve that target easily.
Motherboard - MSI H97 PC Mate (
I have this same exact motherboard on one of my backup PCs, and I've had no problems with board so far. It has USB 3.0 headers, and nice features that mobos today identify as staples.
Memory - HyperX Fury 8GB 1866hz (
Now what brand of memory, or speed you choose doesn't really matter too much. As long as it's 8GBs, and DDR3, you should be set for the road. 8GBs is more than plenty for any PCs these days.
Storage - Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB (
This is probably the cheapest 1TB drive you can get. Almost everyone doing budget builds use this. Nothing more, nothing less. And you can still get pretty good boot times, around 20-30secs
You can also opt for a SSD boot drive later on.
Now for the next one, I am going to give you multiple choices.
Video Card/GPU -
• EVGA GeForce GTX 750ti ($100-$130) (
The 750ti is, like the G3258, legendary in the lineup of NVidia cards. It's a very strong price/performance card that can destroy 1080p games at medium-high settings.
• EVGA GeForce GTX 950 ($120-160) (
Essentially the newer generation 750ti. Its price is $20-30 more than the 750ti, and carries newer technology.
• AMD Radeon RX 480 4/8 GB ($200/$250) (
Now if you got some money to throw around for a graphics card. This one right here is the best bang for your buck right now. The 4GB variant is $200, while the 8GB variant is $250. The RX480 rivals the performance of a 970, which is what I use, and I can play a lot of games in 1440p while maintaining way above 60FPS.
Case - NZXT S340 (
Now the case is also subjective to you. The one I picked out is a sweet spot between price, and aesthetics. It was actually my first choice before going with the Corsair 500R. Nonetheless, if you want to opt for a cheaper case, make sure that case can support the length of your Graphics Card. (There's specs on each link from the PCPartPicker)
Power Supply / PSU - EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze (
EVGA is no stranger to Power Supplies as well. Their products are top of the line, and very high quality, I think this one comes with 5 or 10 years of manufacturer warranty. Either way, 500W is more than enough for this system, and gives a lot of room for you to add more stuff later on.
There you have it folks,
RPA's budget build.
It should cost just under $500, or $450, depending on what you go with for Case and GPU.
Kaptain Panty
08-17-2016, 07:28 PM
Look at corsair stuff in particular. That stuffs real good and at a decent price.
But yeah, get a good PC. Not with the latest parts, because that's insane. Just with semi-old parts. If you can get a good PC, it will last you for a long while. Mines a good 2-3 years old, and it'll go on for a long while yet.
08-17-2016, 07:36 PM
Look at corsair stuff in particular. That stuffs real good and at a decent price.
But yeah, get a good PC. Not with the latest parts, because that's insane. Just with semi-old parts. If you can get a good PC, it will last you for a long while. Mines a good 2-3 years old, and it'll go on for a long while yet.
Corsair makes good and quality accessories. PC Parts, not so much. I am a fan of Corsair myself, but they don't offer anything good in terms of actual PC Parts. The Corsair line of RAM is a pretty penny.
08-17-2016, 07:41 PM
I likes my laptop >.>
08-17-2016, 07:55 PM
Lol I can't even scrape up the 60 dollars needed for GTAV, but I will remember this when I eventually get a job that pays actual money.
I am saving up to buy a new graphics card, but the one I'm looking at has been out of stock forever.
08-17-2016, 08:08 PM
Lol I can't even scrape up the 60 dollars needed for GTAV, but I will remember this when I eventually get a job that pays actual money.
I am saving up to buy a new graphics card, but the one I'm looking at has been out of stock forever.
You can always hit me up when you're ready.
You can always hit me up when you're ready.
And me. Unless I was perma banned...
guys, kinda need your help.
Whoever has gog account, can he/she please log in and vote for this one ( We are trying to get Breath of Fire 4 as a PC post! Any vote will help us!
We tried, Kris. We tried. That aside...
For this coming Friday and Saturday, from roughly 6pm EST and beyond: (
It is Free to Play and does not include diabetes nor images of Allah(unless you drink the glue) and with that, we should be good!
Oh, no Gluten-Free freaks. Go ahead and report this. I don't give a damn. You're not joining the game as we're not going out of our way to craft gluten-free food for you.
ANYWAYS! Since we had a large gathering for this game last time, we constructed a large base with beds and crates of glue. Yum!
You will also need Evolve Social Gaming Platform ( so you can join our server!
OH and don't play if you're scared of minimalist zombies...
09-15-2016, 01:45 PM
This game's a lot of fun! Kris you should join :D
I need to see if I can run it on my lap top.
If so then maybe yes, if not then I'll watch today.
It is one of the most minimalist games made. Nearly everyone should be able to play it without any issues. So, your laptop should do just fine.
For Friday at 8:30PM EST
(Best to buy it on G2A or another discount price site)
For Saturday at the same time:
(There is a ton of features to this game, and depending on amount of players, we might be fighting each other or waves of dinosaurs or both!)
Is it possible to get Orion for next week?
I won't be home this weekend T_T
Uhhhhhh no. That's Monopoly Mayhem weekend. >_>
Games Played:
No More Room in Hell
Orion: Prelude
Space Marine was not played, sadly.
Mass Murdering Murderer who- *is murdered*
(Most Kills)
"Movin' on Up~"
(Increasing in Rank & Experience)
Zone Captain Admiral Person Manager Shooter Captain!
(Best at Zone Upkeep)
Poison Ivy
"Blinded by the (flash)Light"
(Illuminating targets with the flashlight)
Ideas for Next Weekend?
What game(s) would YOU like to play for next weekend's event?
*Please be sure that they are F2P (unless it is a game like CiV or Space Marine; something that many members have on Steam)
*Surprisingly, this does not need to be a Steam game. You can pick whatever.
*Should offer something more than just a 4-player experience.
*Include a link to the game and whatever info people may need to know.
10-04-2016, 06:31 AM
If any of you are interested in a fighting game,
Dead or Alive Core fighters is on steam now. It's basically an unlimited trial of the real game with 4 characters to boot.
It's not much yeah, but hey, at least it's free right?
The witcher adventure game is on sale, It's card game and up to 4 people but it is really neat.
Just tossing it here.
SALE! YES! Who doesn't love a good sale?
By 'WE' I mean whoever can make it to the 8:30pm EST slot. The usual crew tested the game and it works with the addition of Evolve ( Be mindful that Gambit and Catwoman are quite the professionals among us.
I need to change the title of this thread... or make a new one. That aside:
FOR JAN 28th (
This game proved to be tons of fun!
Oddysen approves of it and Catwoman said "-it was friggin' fun!"
As for when we'll be playing it? The majority of players will be playing around 8pm EST.
Huge sale on Origin, everything is half price, including ME3 if we ever want to do CO maps together on the multiplayer maps on them!
Speaking of sales, if anyone here knows of any, post them here (!
A bit late of a notice (later than I like it to be) buuuut for those who have Steam and are interested, Friday Fright Night with some: (it is Free!) (
Yes, it is a link.
Now, the limit is 8 players AND you will also need Evolve - Social Gaming Platform ( for all of us to play together.
Time? Well, we'll start earlier than usual.
6PM EST (The best time zone)
We could go earlier, but I won't be home until 5ish. >_> So, Karma or someone else can start up a server.
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