View Full Version : [M] Retribution (커비 & ChaosBringer)
01-09-2016, 06:41 AM
The following story is rated M for Mature contents including, but not limited to, Drug Uses, Excessive Languages, Violence, Blood/Gore, Sexual Content, etc.
War strikes the galaxy.
Flames of evil rain upon the innocent.
Nothing can stop the Aldorian Empire.
01-09-2016, 07:31 AM
The Empire cannot fall. It is too powerful. Its influence is spread throughout the entire galaxy. It won't be long before the rest of the galaxy falls under the Empire's rule. The Aldorian armada is known to be the largest in recorded history of the galaxy. Its army may not be the biggest in history, but it continues to grow as the Empire enlists countless numbers of soldiers every single night and day.
S.S. Leviathan is the largest commanding ship in the Aldorian Navy. With over a hundred laser batteries mounted atop of the ship, the ship is nearly invincible. The command ship has seven hyper-engines that can go weeks, even months, without ever needing to refuel. Taking away the insufferable amount of artillery, thousands of spacefighters reside inside its many hangar bays all while hosting three legions worth of units inside the ship.
S.S. Leviathan is a fleet in itself.
Currently, the command ship rests above the atmosphere of the planet of Najak, home to the green humanoid species of Najakians. Intel brought in by scouts report signs of an uprise. Sending in an entire legion would cause an uproar amongst the people of Najak who mainly support the rule of the Empire. As a result, the general of the Aldorian Navy suggests a stealth operation.
Dana Twilight is one of the leading operators in the Aldorian Spec-Ops. Many call her the Wraith, not because of her ability to quietly move about the battlefield, but because all her previous targets are nothing but ghosts now. The general called upon Captain Twilight to lead this operations along with Daria Locke, another well known specialist in the Spec-Ops.
Dana dispatches alongside Daria inside a civilian spacecraft. The two have a simple mission: to take out the head of the resistance. The operation would take two hours tops. Yllono Rompomp is the human they must assassinate. No one resists the Empire. No one...
At the village of Rylak, the resistance is reported to be hiding here...
"Spot anything?" the captain asked Daria. Dana laid on top of a hill looking through her sniper scope not too far away from the village. The weather was humid. Dana started to sweat through her skin tight armor meant for only the Spec-Ops units. But Dana didn't let that bother her. She came to think about one thing and one thing only: the assassination.
01-09-2016, 07:42 AM
Daria breathed deeply as she stood, shoulder to shoulder with Captain Twilight, her eyes scanning the faces of the civilians inside the spacecraft. It brought a small smile to her face, to see so many families, never losing hope. Life had gotten increasingly better and increasingly worse. And every day, they had another mission. No one ever gave out questions, no one gave out answers.
But it was all for Justice and Peace. Or at least for the illusion of some of it. She looked upon her captain, a woman whom she respected deeply, and her normally silver laden eyes reflected this with a twinge of purple, before she looked back out. Simple operation. Two hours maximum, thirty minutes minimum. The Reaper and the Wraith. Two of the Spec-Ops Department, known for quick, high profile assassinations and killing sprees that left nothing but a trail of corpses. Sometimes not even that. The Empire was quick to cover its tracks.
She breathed once again, cracking her right hand. The Augmentations felt like new, as she had been further prepared for this mission, as was her usual habit. She was to reach Rylak soon.
On the aforementioned village, Daria scoped with her augmentations as she laid fairly close to the captain. She picked up little, and the sweat and slight twitches of her eyes didn't help much. It was humid. Hot. Not the best weather for a mission like this, or at least in her opinion. In her opinion, the best weather was the snow. Cool, undetectable, unmovable. It didn't matter. She breathed deeply, and turned on the thermal dynamics, the scope at her hands helping to improve her already high vision.
"Nothing. But I do have visual on three suspects. Guards, it may seem. They're all on the front of that single house, there." She pointed easily, and kept scanning the area. Two more. "Two. Rooftops. I say we take them out first. Take both down on distance, and move to the rest in CQC." She said, easily, as she readied the gun. "Orders, captain?" She said, though it was but a formality. She was used to working with the other woman, and although her captain, she rarely showed the respect, treating her as another comrade.
An act that would have gotten her a scowl and a hefty kick with any other CO.
01-09-2016, 08:15 AM
Dana spots the mentioned guards at the nearby house. Five of them she counts. Three on ground and two on the roof. The guards dressed like the village police officers, attempting to disguise themselves from the Empire. The captain knew better.
It was hot. Dana could see one of the guards had unbuttoned the top of his shirt to let some air in. Najak guards never unbuttoned any part of their shirt, no matter how humid. Dana couldn't help but smirk. Fools, the captain thought as she looked through her scope. It'd take little to no effort to take down the five guards.
"Rooftop. Take the one on the left. I got the right," Dana ordered. The captain knew it'd make more sense to take out the guards at the top as it'll be least likely the guards below would spot their corpse.
Dana aimed through her scope at the guard on the right. She did not let the sweat on her forehead dripping onto the gun bother her. Dana held her breath and released the trigger of her sniper rifle. Silently, the guard fell. When the first order was carried out successively, the captain issued a second order.
"Two at the door. One went for a patrol behind the house. Take left again. Take the patrol out when he comes back around."
Same process, the captain was able to easily take out the door guard to the right. The enemies fell silently. Best of all, no one suspected a thing. Dana sat up from her position and wiped the sweat off her face with her forearm. "Ready your sidearm. It'll raise too much suspicion to bring our rifle into the village. We'll quickly hide the bodies before anybody notices and infiltrate the house."
01-09-2016, 08:51 AM
Daria had noticed the difference between them and the usual guards. The work was easy, and she simply responded with "Roger" Before shooting quickly, and silently. The guards never even expected it, and soon enough there were five corpses on the ground. Both orders had been carried out, and Daria already knew what the next would be. She nodded towards Dana, the sniper rifle diminishing at her hands before she set it down, and slid down the hill silently, the camo in her suit activating as she did. Soon enough, she was optically invisible.
She would reappear moments later at one of the rooftops, hidind each of her designated bodied quickly and efficiently, and even managing to completely rid of one or two by the use of a smart Thermo-Charge. It was all done quickly, efficently. The status of her work was that. The status of the Empire was that. Perfectly. Without a single trace. No witnesses, no bodies. No one. She soon stood at the front door, standing guard as she waited for Captain Dana, her arm ready at her side, a powerful pistol with biometrics code and bullets strong enough for ripping trough concrete.
"Ready when you are." She mumbled to the speaker, her eyes turning a shade of silver as she did so. However much she liked and respected Dana, she had to admit the military visage she wore while on missions was sometimes truly tiring.
01-09-2016, 09:38 AM
The Empire is perfection. The Empire never fails. The Empire will prevail. The Empire was not much more so than a bunch of assassins. Not a single unit in the order leaves a trail. Even here, Captain Twilight watched as her lower ranked assassin cleaned up the field in no more than ten minutes. Truly remarkable.
Dana readied her sidearm as she approached the front door of the house where Daria awaited. The ghostly operator crouched in front of the door and quietly opened it, not even making a creak. The room was dark, but Dana sensed no hostility. The first room was empty. The captain lowered her night-vision goggles from above her head.
The captain signaled Daria to cover her as she ventured deeper into the house. No signs of anyone in each of the several rooms the two checked. Only one room remained. For all Dana knew, the leader of the resistance was hiding here.
Dana approached the last door. As her hand made its way to the doorknob, Dana hurriedly pull it back. She noticed a string attached to the knob. Obviously a trap. The enemy's plan was to have the infiltrator open the door, turning them to ashes. Not today.
With careful incision, Dana disarmed the trap. "Sorry," she said as she kicked the door open with brute strength and pulled the trigger immediately after in front of her as if knowing Yllono Rompomp would be standing right behind the door. The man fell to the floor with a bullet between in his eyes.
"Only a man expecting his plan to go as expected would stand behind a door like that. Happens way to many times, I tell you." Dana returned her gun to its holster and put her hand to the earpiece. "Command, mission success. Yllono Rompomp is dead. I repeat, Yllono Rompomp is dead."
"Roger that, Captain Twilight. Return to the ship immediately," said an officer on the other line. Dana stared down at the corpse after receiving her orders. For a moment, the woman felt a bit of remorse. But she knew Empire was the ultimate.
"Good work, Daria," she complimented her partner. "Dinner's on me tonight." Dana made her way outside the house and returned to the hills to retrieve her rifle. Now, Dana could only hope her flight back wouldn't nearly kill her like it did a few months back.
01-09-2016, 03:18 PM
Daria was more than ever ready, her eyes a faint green as she followed suit. Her bangs of dark blue hit against her head as they moved, silently. She checked every room compulsively, methodically. Like a perfect soldier. The probabilitie of Yllono being here were high, and she didn't want to leave a single corner untouched. Her scans showed no signs of life, and in the end, they were at the final room. She looked over at Dana as she disarmed the trap, half ready to tackle her in the case that the Captain was in risk.
Nothing. The trap was disarmed, and Daria couldn't help but chuckle at her apology before the door was kicked brutally, sending the lock blasting away before a single shot was heard. Daria immediatly moved, crouching over to check the room. No one else but the man without a brain. She looked at the body. A calm, gentle face. It made her feel guilt. But she had no choice. The Empire was justice, right? She had none. As Dana gave out the notification to command, she waited, checking around the room to scan at the weapons. She had to leave no trail, so she left a single Detonator and a Thermo-Charge there.
"I'd like nothing more, Dana." She said, with a smile as she made her way out, towards the hill. She pressed the button. Moments later, the little house collapsed in itself. It would look like an accident. The Empire would not be incriminated. A perfect mission. The perfect soldiers. She walked with Dana, breathing deeply as she often did after a mission. Letting the tension leave her shoulders as she picked up the rifle, brought it unto her back, and let her sidearm to her side. She was tired, and she wanted nothing else rather than sit back, relax, and eat a good meal.
01-09-2016, 06:49 PM
The journey back to S.S. Leviathan was not as perilous as it was last time.The two operators made it back onboard safe and sound. Where the two had got off, the general and a few officers had been waiting for them. All of them appeared as stiff as stone. They did not clap for their return nor did they smile. All they said was, "Good work. Emperor will be most proud." And that was that. Like robots, the high ranking officers returned to their post.
S.S. Leviathan left Najak soon after the operators had boarded. The large command ship and its four escort cruisers jumped into warpspace as they made their way the Aldorian System, the location of their main headquarters. For the first time in months, every soldier onboard S.S. Leviathan would be returning home. Although it had only been a few months, many had forgotten what Aldoria was like. War makes people forget.
The system of Aldoria has five planets which all orbit one blue star. The planet closest to the sun is Mallla, a planet too close to the star to be inhabited. Everything scorches from the sunlight. The second planet is Aldoria, the capital of the Aldorian Empire. Biggest planet of the five, this planet is home to tens of trillions of people. The surface of the planet is completely untouched as nature of the world was as is millions of years ago. However, most of the people on Aldoria have went underground, establishing enormous metropolis beneath the mountains and plains and oceans. The main headquarters of the Empire is located at the heart of the capital city of Aladamia. The third planet is Dryn, a planet that is nothing more than a refueling station. Though the planet is inhabitable, it contains a special type of energy that can generate power to the spaceships. Fourth and fifth planet are named similarly: Exodin and Exorin. Twin planets, some call it as they take very similar shape and color. Home to many Aldorians who decided to move away from the metropolis life and wanted to reside in a more reserved area of the system.
It had taken only a few hours for S.S. Leviathan to jump out of warpspace and into the Aldorian System. The command ship had landed at the port in Aladamia and soldiers began to stream out of the ship. Everyone was excited to be home. Empire is good. Empire is divine. They all tasted conquer. Many lives were lost, but all for a good cause.
Dana took no time to leave the ship as well. Truthfully, she never enjoyed time in space. She never liked the thought where up could mean right and down could mean left. After departing the ship, she took no time to search for Daria. Once she had found her, she asked her what she'd like to eat for dinner.
01-09-2016, 08:08 PM
The journey was largely uneventful, to Daria's incessant relief. She had already dealt with far too many boardings and raids in her time, and they never suited her quite as much. As soon as they got into the ship, however, her relaxed attitude faded, as she sought upon the faces of the stone officers, as she liked to call them. She hated them. Hated their uptight asses and hated the fact that they fought for suppoused freedom. But she could do nothing about it, and she merely saluted, and went off. This day, they would go back home.
He said a curt "See ya later" to Dana, before heading off into her quarters. She gathered what little stuff she had, no more than a backpack full of materials and other things, and went towards the docking bay. She was eager to get off as much as everyone was, and the relief that another war was over swept over her as she quickly got off the ship.
Contrary to Dana, however, she loved space. The infinite vastness, the intense battles, and the whole movement was one of her favourites, and space-walks-although still terrifying-, were one of her favourite things, be it mission related or not. As she got off the ship, she looked for Dana, and it took no time to find her CO. She smiled at the question. "I would like whatever as long as it isn't fucking rations. Six months of those and I am DYING for some fucking meat."
01-09-2016, 09:00 PM
Dana couldn't help but chuckle at Daria's remark. "You're right. Anything's better than rations. I'd rather eat Mordredian jungle slugs than another ration." Dana took a look around her. It had been awhile since she returned to Aldria and like many returning soldiers, she couldn't remember quite well her home.
"I remember there was a pub in the corner of South street on 13th level called, um... Baakk's or something. It's good the last time I remembered. I guess we can head there," the captain said as she began to lead the way towards the pub. "Drink's on me too."
Once at the pub, the two soldiers were seated immediately despite being a full house. In Aldorian culture, soldiers had priority over civilians. Most soldiers were generous enough to prioritize the civilians, but there were still those who took advantage of the people. But in this case, the people were kind of enough to empty their seats of the two.
"I'd take this one," Dana said pointing to a meal on the menu. As the two waited for their meal, Dana couldn't help but eavesdrop on a conversation happening next to her.
"I'm telling you! The Empire cannot fall!" one said.
"True, true! But remember the Battle of Ferno?" another said.
"Oh yeah! The first time the Empire lost a battle. Oh man, I've never seen the Empire lose so many battles after that. Holy, I thought the Empire was done for."
"Surely, but when the previous Emperor was executed and his son took his place, man... The Empire could not be any better of right now. Nothing, and I mean nothing could stop the Empire. Look at all the resistances! Nothing but stories now. I swear, the only legitimate way to actually stop this would be from the inside out."
Both laughed at the thought. "Yeah, I'm just joking!"
From the inside out... Dana thought to herself. Was that possible? Dana had no thought of ending the Empire, but the thought that the Empire could have some sort of vulnerability gave Dana some thought. She wondered if anyone had attempted to turn against the Empire from the inside. But they'd probably be dead by now.
Their meal arrived and Dana began to eat up. The meal was hot and absolutely delicious. She felt at home again.
01-09-2016, 09:09 PM
Daria laughed at her CO's comment. "Indeed. At least the slugs taste like something. They go down easy, too." She said, before looking around. She had missed home indeed, and had been one of the few who had never forgotten it. It was usually on her thoughts, after all. Be it via a dream or simply during a fantasy at war. She was shaken from her thoughts by Dana, however, and she hastily agreed to the proposal. "Oh, with pleasure. I've been needing to knock myself out for more than a few months. Smuggled alcohol runs out pretty quickly, you know..." She said, laughing lightly as they walked.
It was nice seeing the people do the king gesture for them, even though Daria almost explicitly said no, she was insisted on and finally gave in. She couldn't help but smile, either, as she saw the menu. Tears almost sprung to her face at the thought of true food for once. She stared at the menu, and instantly she picked a meal. "Meat. Sweet, glorious, bloody meat." She said, grinning as she closed down. Equal to her CO, she eavesdropped on the conversation.
It striked her as quite odd. After all, why would someone want to take out the Empire? So far all their deeds had been just and fair. They were the good guys... right? it made Daria wonder... What if it wasn't? No, that wsa obviously a stupid thought, but it did leave some thought on the woman.
This was all forgotten as the meal turned op, and Daria basically wolfed it down, opposite to Dana's more civilized aproach, Daria ate like a Rogblok Wolf in 'unger.
01-09-2016, 10:02 PM
The meal was engulfed within a matter of few minutes. Dana had forgotten what true meal was like. The texture, the flavor, it was all coming back to her. Dana was ready for a second round when she heard some yell, "Traitor!" from across the room.
All heads turned to where the shout had come from. A man had risen up from his table and looked down at a scared young woman. "You. Fucking. Traitor!" the man cried out pointing his finger at the woman as if the humiliation already wasn't enough. The pub became lively as people mumbled amongst each other trying to figure out what was going on.
"She's working against the Empire!" the man screamed at the audience. "She sold weapons to a group of people who were forging an alliance against the Emperor! She must be executed!" The man pointed to the two dining soldiers. "You two! You ladies are soldiers, right? Arrest her! Arrest her immediately!"
Dana rose from her seat and approached the scene without any moment of hesitation. "Stay seated," she ordered Daria. Dana pounded the man against the wall with his arms to his back.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY YOU ARRESTING ME?" the man cried in confusion.
"Violation of Law 380 Section 22C," Dana replied.
"What the fuck is that?" the man spoke with half his face smashed against the wall.
"Disturbance of peace." Her voice was quiet and soft. Dana took the rampaging man outside as the bystanders watched. "Keep an eye on the woman," she ordered Daria.
The imperial police arrived immediately. The Empire worked swiftly after all. Officers arrested the man and entered the pub to bring out the woman suspected of treason. They did not arrest her but put her in the vehicle for interrogation back at the station.
Dana watched as they left. "Do you think she's really a traitor?" Dana asked Daria. "Could the Empire really fall apart because of this?" Dana looked at the sky. She took no time to wait for Daria's answer. She tossed Daria her wallet. "Pay for the meal with this. I'm going to the station to investigate. Whether you come with me or not is your choice."
01-09-2016, 10:17 PM
Daria was about to engage in some very interesting conversation, when the shout stopped her dead in her tracks. Another man. She was about to stand and silence it as peacefully as possible, but Dana did so instead. "Hey, that's not really..." Her voice faded away, knowing the futility of it all.
It was strict. Perfect. It was the Empire. She looked at the scene, ready to step up if needed. It was unnecesary. And as Dana sat back down, Daria finally rose, calculating the bill and looking at the waiter, who promptly gave her a check. She was quick to pay, and before anything she was standing by Dana. "Always a team, right? Let's go check on it all... I doubt she is. I know a traitor. I also know the rising number of unjust inculpations. People starting to think that it's an excuse." She said, before turning to the people in the diner, then going outside with Dana.
"Now let's just go. I don't want to waste all of my free time on this shit."
01-09-2016, 10:30 PM
Dana gave it a second thought. Traitor or not, that was no concern of Dana. As long as Dana remained loyal to the Empire, all would be right. Whatever happened to the arrested man or the woman was something Dana didn't need to get herself involved in. That was the duty of the Imperial police.
"You're right," Dana said as she smiled at her comrade. The Empire is ultimate, and that much Dana knew. No one can take down the Empire. No one.
"What do you suggest we do? You got any family here?" she asked.
01-09-2016, 10:37 PM
Daria sghed in relief. Last thing she needed was more of her time sucked up. She hadned Dana her wallet, and promptly shook her head. "No... family's dead, Captain... Part of why I enlisted. If you have nothing more, you can't lose it." She said, with a slightly somber tone before smiling weakly. "Let's just walk and talk for now... we rarely get to go so without talking about who's going to die next." She said, sighing lightly. She was growing tired of it all at times, but knew she had to go on.
For Justice, right?
01-09-2016, 11:57 PM
Dana frowned at the thought of Daria's dead family members. The captain had family. Her parents live on Exodin. They preferred to live the more reserved life. They never liked the city, neither did Dana. There were times when the Empire was in the rough. And during that time was when Dana enlisted, to protect her family. She had a brother too, older, but no one knew about his whereabouts. The galaxy is vast and nearly infinite. He could be anywhere. Or he could be dead.
The two began to stroll together through the streets. It felt weird. For months they went about annexing planet after planet for the Empire. To think for once, they had the chance of doing something so ... Normal. It all felt foreign to Dana. It felt nice. She felt at peace.
"You know, we can't go about enjoying this. Before we know it, we'll be deployed again and who knows when we'll return to do the same again." Dana stopped at her tracks and stared up at the sky. "Everything feels like a loop, don't you think?" She looked back down and turned her attention to Daria.
"Have you ever thought of turning against the Empire, Daria?"
01-10-2016, 12:09 AM
Daria was quiet as they strolled. She often was. During great periods, the blue haired woman would simply walk, sometimes her eyes flashing around, other times simply... walking. Silent. It felt... strange, to say the least. It was... A different sensation. She felt different. She was so used to the constant war, the constant struggle, that peace had become almost alien to her.
She hated that sensation. And part of her despised it all. Why did they have to keep subduing world after world? It was stupid!
She was cut short of her train of thought when Dana spoke. "So... Who cares? In the end we'll still live like this, at least for a short while. Enjoy it while it lasts. Then we can look forward to something when we go..." She said, looking back at Dana, then up at the sky. "Yeah... it kinda does...." She mumbled. It really did. It was all the same. The Empire was always the same... It was so... Boring.
"Yeah, sometimes.... wait, what?!" Daria suddenly snapped back to reality, looking at Dana before looking around. "Was"
01-10-2016, 12:42 AM
Dana raised an eyebrow at Daria and burst into laughter. "No! It was not me! I was doing my duty for real!" The woman held her stomach. When she recollected herself, she looked back Daria. "Funny though, isn't it?" She looked back up at the sky.
"I'm sure you noticed too at the pub. The two people talking about how the Empire might fall. From the inside out, they thought. Just imagine, Daria. Just imagine how many people in the Empire thinks of turning their backs against the Empire." Dana sighed. "'S'cuse me. This is something I should be saying especially as a high ranking unit. They'd have me killed for this. Let's just keep this a secret between us two, got it?"
The watch on Dana's wrist began to beep. She clicked on a switch and a hologram of the general appeared. "Captain Twilight, I am going to presume you are with Daria Locke. The Emperor himself has requested you two's presence at the Grand Palace one hour from now. Do not delay." And that was that. The hologram vanished back into the watch.
Dana blankly stared at her wrist. "What?" was all she could bring herself to say. Meeting the Emperor was the highest honor anybody could receive in the Empire. Usually, only the highest ranking officers had ever met him. She wondered what he wanted with her and Daria.
"I guess we've got no choice." Dana couldn't help but crack a smile. Not once in Dana's life had she imagined meeting the Emperor. Now was the chance. Now was the chance to see the leader of the Aldorian Empire. "Let's get going. I'm sure we'll make it to the palace in time if we walk from here."
01-10-2016, 03:13 PM
Daria shook her head. "No, it's not just me playing the fucking saint.... It's just.... I don't know." She muttered, listening to her captain. "Too many to count, probably. They execute 'traitors' once every month, I believe..." This was true. Over the past months, so caled 'traitors' and 'heretics' were being executed day after day. Broken men, though men that would keep screaming their hate even further from beyond.
"Yes. It's best this remains a secret..." She said, before she was startled by the projection. She listened intently, and as the man kept talking, an unspeakable terror was hed over her for brief moments, paralizing her fully before her body responded.
What in the name of all everloving fuck did the goddamn Emperor want with them? It chilled Daria to the bone, and thoughts of the watch listening to Dana sparked in her mind. It wasn't implausible, right? She could only node, her voice too shaky to respond as she began walking alongside her captain. "Y-Yeah... let's go..."
01-11-2016, 06:46 PM
The Grand Palace was the largest man made structure in all of the Aldorian Empire. Standing as tall as the skyscrapers, the Grand Palace was not just home for the Emperor but to all his family, court members, and his royal guards. As the most defensive building in possibly the entire galaxy, the Grand Palace was safe from any intruders.
Dana was in awe as she found her eyes looking straight up at the Grand Palace. For many years she's lived in Aldoria, but never in her life has she even seen the Grand Palace. Images from holograms or pictures from texts did not do enough justice to describe how remarkable the palace was.
Dana and Daria were escorted by two guards into the heart of the palace where the Emperor resided in his throne room. Inside the throne room was vast and empty. Only thing inside the chamber was the Emperor's throne. The young Emperor laxly sat on his throne protected by two of his most trustworthy bodyguards.
The Emperor sat himself upright at the presence of the two soldiers. "Ah, welcome you two. I've been expecting you," the Emperor said. Dana could not believe her eyes. The Emperor was just a kid. He was most likely not any older than the two. To think a boy so young could rule the Empire so big. It was unthinkable.
Dana curtsied to the royal highness. Dana didn't know what to say to the Emperor as she had never interacted with anyone so powerful and didn't want to come off as rude from whatever she might have said.
"You, my wonderful soldiers, might be wondering, 'Why has the Emperor called for us here? We're just soldiers who'd never want to stain the shiny floor of the Emperor's palace!' Well, I'll tell you why. Dana Twilight and Daria Locke. You two have caught my attention. I've received numerous reports of your work throughout the galaxy. Captain Twilight, with the latest reports, you have three-hundred and seventeen confirmed kills in the field with Locke not too far behind with two-hundred and ninety-nine. In the history of this Empire, no one has ever killed so many enemies of the Empire. Your works are truly beautiful." The Emperor rose from his seat and slowly walked to the two of them.
"I believe you girls are the best soldiers of the Empire. What if I told you that you girls are being offered the chance to work under me? To become a member of my personal guards? Does that strike any interest in you girls?" The grin on the Emperor's face irritated the captain. He was full of himself. He wanted to shoot the grin off his face. Dana thought an Emperor so young should not be sitting on the throne.
01-12-2016, 12:38 AM
"Holy fucking shit!" Daria exclaimed, as she stared down the magnificence of the huge palace before her. It wasn't even subtle, and it dumbfounded her completely. And at the same time, it enraged her quite a bit. 'So many resources... Is it even... full?' She thought, a bit taken aback by the huge structure in all it's adjacent glory. She walked close to Dana all the time, eyeing everything around her closely.
It was all full of such grandeur that made Daria a little bit uneasy. She never did like grandiose things, after all. They made her feel less at home than anything, having been raised in the dirt ever since her parents had passed away. The palace was full of intricate decorations, murals, drawings, pantings, and more. It was too much.
And as they got into the vast throne-room, Daria almost swore out loud. 'THAT'S THE EMPEROR?!' She inwardly screamed, though she was wise enough not to show emotion in her eyes. It would be unwise, stupid, and ridiculously irrespectful. And judging by the brats' face, he didn't take shit from no one without chopping their heads off and letting the shooting squad do the rest.
She did the same as Dana, the exact thoughts passing through her mind until the kid spoke. He spoke with such selfish pride that it almost made Daria sick. This was the one who governed such a vast, inmense and impenetrable Emire. She didn't like his guts, but she didn't show it at all. Besides, not all was that seemed, and she didn't want to make assumptions. Much less assumptions for a... boy, so powerful as he.
As he kept on speaking, she remained silent, the news processing into her mind. A royal guard? For the Emperor himself? It was interesting, yes. But there were three things wrong with it all.
To begin with. The kid. The fucking kid. She already wanted to shoot him, make him shut up about his ego, and she had no doubt her captain thought the same.
Second. While the job would be interesting, grandiose and all, she still had no idea what it implied. This kid was just ordering them to work under him and kiss his ass, yet he had given no details to the job.
And third, she wouldn't do this without her friend. Her bond with Captain Dana had already grown far too strong. She viewed her as a friend, a figure of respect, and a sister she never had.
So, she looked over to the captain, waiting for her to speak.
01-12-2016, 01:13 AM
The room had gone quiet. No one said a word for a few minutes. The Emperor looked at the two as he had returned to his throne. He lifted his feet onto the arm of the chair and picked at his ear. "Well, what'll it be, girls? Will you come to work under me?"
Dana gritted her teeth. She had to be careful with her choice of words. The boy had the galaxy on the palm of his hands. If he so pleased, he had the power to crush the entire galaxy. Though spoiled, he was not to be messed with. How he had become a greater successor and ruler than his father before him was beyond Dana's understanding. Regardless, she had to watch her step if she wanted her life spared.
The captain looked at the kid in the eyes. "Your words are most tempting, m'lord. However, I must decline. I cannot speak for my comrade here, but I personally will decline your offer. It must be of the highest honor working under you, but as far as I can see, that just means loitering around the palace all day. I've noticed that the palace itself is well guarded as is without me or Daria. Us not joining under your ranks will not make that great of a difference, I'm afraid. You are the greatest ruler the galaxy has ever seen, no doubt about that. However, being as respectful as I can be, you are still a child, m'lord. It'd go against my code of honor to serve under a kid like you let alone protect you. In my opinion, it would have been wise to not offer us this. I am loyal to the Aldorian Empire, m'lord. And I will do anything to protect it, even if it means stabbing you in the back because of your spoiled attitude. Don't get me wrong though. What you're doing is truly remarkable. I just think you have never really seen the face of war. The horrors that go on beyond these oh-so safe wall of yours. I'd much rather serve under those who have seen devastation than the likes of you."
The room returned to being quiet. The Emperor glared at the captain. He wanted to kill her. He had brought her for the highest of honors, but she had turned it down with the utmost disrespect. "GUARDS!" the Emperor cried out that echoed through the empty room. The large pearly gates of the throne room slammed opened and had six royal guards swarm in.
"What matters you, m'lord? Can't take such harsh words? Being the Emperor, are you telling me that you're still immature to look for the easy way out? That you cannot fight for yourself?" Dana smirked. "What will you do, m'lord? KILL ME?!"
"I plan to, you disgusting filth!" the Emperor pointed.
"And so that is your plan. But being the great ruler and conqueror, how will you live with yourself knowing you've killed one of the greatest soldier in your military? What will the higher ranking officers think knowing you killed the Wraith and the Reaper?" The guards wrapped their fingers around the two's arms. "Be smart about this, m'lord. What might be the smart and right thing to do?"
The Emperor's face was as red as flames. "Release them..." the Emperor mumbled, and the two were let go. "Get them out of my sight right now."
The two began to be escorted out of the throne room. "Hope you live a long and prosperous life, Your Highness. And long live the Empire!"
The two were thrown out of the palace but were not executed. "Sorry about the mess, Daria," said Dana. "I didn't know how you really felt about it, but I had to do what I had to do."
01-12-2016, 01:37 AM
Daria waited. Patiently. She wanted to her Captain first, and when she did speak, she couldn't help but let a smile come to her face. The situation heated up quickly enough, and soon enough the child Emperor was screaming out, and guards were at their position. Daria looked at the ones that neared her, her eyes flashing red as she did.
"Watch it buddy. I've killed bigger and badder guys than you." She said, growling out as the guard hesitated for a split second, before she turned to Dana, then, to the child. "She speaks wise words, Your 'Majesty'" She said, with a severe hint of sarcasm as well, before grinning fully. If needed, she had already analyzed the situation. Not enough guards, all grouped closely together. It was clear these bastards knew nothing about combat. She looked at the Guard standing close to her, weapon aimed towards her. A simple deviation would kill him instantly.
But, she didn't have to move. As the situation calmed down, she shrugged another guard's hands off, before looking at the Emperor. She couldn't help but give out a last laugh as they were escorted, and throwing one fist into the air. "Long live the fucking Empire!" She said, as the gates closed behind them. They were soon outside, and she gave out a long, hearty laugh. The likes of she hadn't known since months ago.
She looked at her CO. "I couldn't have made it fucking better myself. That was a textbook megalomaniac, right there." She said, grinning before she kicked a stone quite far. "So, what the fuck do we do now?"
01-12-2016, 01:47 AM
The situation had turned for the better. Dana relaxed and found herself laughing. "Man! Did you see those guards! They were scrawnier than recruits! Holy, never mind the fucking Empire, we could have easily taken them out." The woman held her stomach. "Did you see the Emperor's face?"
"But in all seriousness, I think I got a bit carried away with my words. I mean, I could have just said, 'no', but man that grin of his. I wanted to rip it off his face. Emperor or a kid. He's still a mortal, breathing just like the rest of us. The only real difference between him and us is we're out there fighting his battles. Sure, he's smart and whatnot but he knows nothing about war." Dana sighed.
"We got lucky this time around though. Try it again next time, he won't be so kind. We should head back to Leviathan. I'd assume the legion would be departing sometime soon. Let's see what awaits for us out there. Space isn't my thing, but I'd rather be up there then down here knowing the Emperor still breathes," the captain said as she started to make her way back to the Aldorian command ship.
01-12-2016, 01:57 AM
Daria couldn't help but laugh alongside her Captain. "Man, one of them actually fucking flinched when I looked at him! They couldn't have shot the broad side of a Legionnare tank, I'll tell you THAT much!" She said, laughing at it all before nodding. "Like a kid who just got his favourite toy stricken away from him. Poor kid looked like his eyes would burst!"
Daria nodded in agreement. "Indeed. I wanted to shoot him the first second I saw him. And his voice! Goddamnit, it was pitiful. He was so full of himself, I'm actually glad you said that much, kid needs to learn how to cope with the fact that not everyone is ready to kiss his 'Holy' ass." She said, spite in her words before she took a deep breath, walking alongside the Cap.
"Let's just hope the little prick didn't say anything at brass. Knowing the level of immaturity, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to pull something out on us... Though... It really makes us think, right? This is the new face of the goddamn Empire... Christ." She said, sighing as she kept walking alongside the other woman.
01-12-2016, 02:14 AM
Dana giggled. "I wouldn't be surprised if one of our comrades 'accidentally' fire a bullet at us. But they'd know better. Once everyone realizes what kind of boy the Emperor is, I'm sure everyone would take my side. As much as I know, I don't think the rest of the galaxy knows a kid's ruling their world. The assassination of his father was kept low after all. All through well kept rumors I was able to find out about it. I've only told you who I can only trust in this Empire."
Soon enough, they had returned to the command ship. Their day back at home was already over. It was time to return back into the battlefield. "General," Dana said as she saluted the general who stood by the main entrance to the ship. "Heard news about you," General said chuckling. "You've got guts, captain. Who woulda thought mocking the Emperor was a good idea. You coulda got your head chopped off!"
The captain shrugged. "I do it for the Empire, sir, even if it means shutting the royal kid's mouth. Where we headed off to next, sir?" She changed topics.
"Mandisan System. Reports of the development of an armada by the Mandisan government. Twenty cruisers the scouts report, but there could be more. They report they were last seen on Mandisa, but who knows where they could be now. They could be going around liberating planets from the Empire's grasp. We'll deploy into three companies. Dana, you being the best operator on S.S. Leviathan, I would you to lead Company A on Mandisa."
Dana nodded. "Yes, sir. If you don't mind, I would like to ask for your permission to bring along Daria Locke in my company."
The general chuckled. "That is fine. You guys are inseparable any way. But I will choose the rest of your company."
"Yes, sir. That is fine with me." Dana said as she saluted away from the general and entered the command ship.
"Ya hear? You got lucky you still get stick with me," she said to Daria.
01-12-2016, 02:34 AM
"Not everyone in the comradership is a fanatist prick, and we both know that well, dear." She said, grinning at the use of the nickname. "Although that part is fairly true. Though I believe it best we do not speak of the emperor's potty training.... Until they ask us about it. Explicitly. I wanna tell those mofo's!" She said, laughing loudly as they kept walking, towards their uual work.
Back at the ship, Daria was quick to get to a post, a command ship in which the other soldiers' had already been given a briefing. She was recieved with light claps and loud laughs, and she joked about for a while before leaning back, simply putting up her feet and relaxing without a damn to give in the world. This is what she loved about space. Nothing here mattered. No rules, nothing. No Up, no down, just do whatever the fuck you want and pray for the best.
She listened Dana call to her, and she couldn't help but laugh before she threw her the envelope for what ration she had eaten. "You wish. Your ass wouldn't have half the reputation without me, Ms. Dana." She said, grinning at the captain before jumping up from the seat. "So, Mandisa? That shouldn't be too hard. And knowing you, it'll be quick."
01-12-2016, 06:09 AM
"That's the idea," Dana replied. "We want to be as quick as possible with this mission. Actually, I'm not even sure how much ground mission we'll be doing. From what the general told me, seems like we're looking for ships. We seem to have lost whereabouts of the enemy fleet. And we split into the three groups to look for them and ambush them. At least from what we know, they split to liberate nearby, weaker Empire ruled states." Dana marched her way down the hall of the command ship.
A meeting for the leaders of the operation was called for at the bridge of the command ship. Dana was one of the leaders, the general the other, and a field marshal by the nickname of Thor. His reputation was as high as Dana's, but not for killing but for number of successful missions with the least casualties. The title was quite impressive when he had to command approximately thousand soldiers at a time.
The three leaders gathered around a hologram projector showing the Mandisan System. The Mandisan System had eighteen planets. Each were controlled by the Empire, but due to the system being far from most of the Empire territory, the grasp on the system was not as strong. There had been rumors of an uprise, but no one knew for sure. At least no one knew until reports came in of their establishment of an armada.
"Welcome captain and field marshal. We'll be starting our briefing," said the general. "The Mandisan System has created a fleet. A fleet that would go against our own. From what intel we've gathered, they're not quite capable of taking down our armada, but enough to liberate nearby planets. However, we've lost track about their whereabouts. This is why we've split this navy into three. The system has eighteen planets. We will each sweep through six planets. If all goes well, we'd have swept through all eighteen planets without a problem and taken down the enemy armada."
Dana raised her hand. "So from what you're telling me, general. This is no ground mission, correct?"
"That is correct," the general nodded.
"Sir, pardon me, but what good would it do putting me in charge of a space operation? I expertise on the ground, not space, sir." Dana seemed hesitant.
"You are an excellent soldier, captain. That is the only reason why. You are cunning. You are intelligent. I know you are more than capable of leading this operation. But if you so choose to back out of leadership, I will not hesitate to replace you, captain. Do I make myself clear?"
Dana nodded. "Yes, sir."
"Then that is all. Good luck to you all."
Dana returned to her quarters where she shared her room with Daria. She didn't appear too happy, but she tried to keep a straight face. "Let's gear up, we're heading to S.S. Andromeda in a few minutes."
01-14-2016, 11:54 PM
Daria winced at the thought of anything not ground related, especially knowing Dana's expertise with the matter. "Damn. And I thought we would have an easy mission for once. I hope Commander knows what the hell he's doing." She said. She was uneasy at the thought of a major space-op, as she usually was with things that didn't involve what she was used to. She would go to any enviorenment without finching and without excuse, but she couldn't stand the possibility of space-combat, however much she loved the enviorenment.
Dana was soon excused for official buisness, and so, Daria returned towards her quarters. Well, saying they were 'hers' was a fault, as she shared it with the Wraith herself. The Reaper leaned back against the bunk bed, thinking about her life for a moment. Thinking about her past. Was it always like this? Mindlessly droning between mission to mission, killing man after man for some higher organization. She had begun having doubts about it all, and they were just pronounced after meeting the arrogant child. She never doubted the Empire's good will, that much she knew, or she thought, as true. What she doubted, however, was if it was necessary to keep conquering and killing.
And if it was all good.
She was interrupted by Dana, who came into the quarters with a distressed flash that Daria knew well, but rarely saw. She nodded, standing up quickly as she went into the armor station. The combat armor was soon on her. Specialized to her tastes, it had a thin layer of armor on it, to minimize damage while maximizing mobility and stealth. It was black, and so was the dark helmet, whose visor shone red. "I'm geared up. But you wanna talk? You don't look so hot." She said, as she checked her weapons and put them against her back and hip.
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