View Full Version : [M] Life of a Jedi {Jevan&P.K.} {IC}
01-16-2016, 03:25 AM
Kida was in the streets of Coruscant, roaming around, scavenging trash and piled garbage to find food. Most of the time she would find a little garbage creatures which made a fine meal for her. The worst part was finding water, how she usually finds it, is when it rains. Coruscant is a planet that hardly ever rains. After finding scraps of food and managed to find water. She quickly made her way back to her little hide out. While carrying her goods, she noticed several other alien species were roaming the streets. Though they blocked her path of where her hide away was.
She tried to keep her head down and walk past the so called, thugs. But they noticed the little human. One of the male aliens spoke in a language, Kida could barely understand. Some of the words she can make out, but the rest was a blur. They started to push the little girl around and force her to drop her stuff. They began to take what she had and laughed. She begged them stop, but they did not listen.
After a moment of bullying the little girl, Kida was tired of it and started to use her force powers. "I SAID ENOUGH!!" She yelled and force pushed the group. The bullies became frightened and took off. Kida was breathing slowly, and started picking up her stuff. She wiped away a tear from her cheek.
She hears footsteps coming to her. She sighs, "I said go away!" She looked up and noticed another human in brown robes standing over her. "Hey it's okay." He said. Kida quickly stood up and backed away. "I know you!" She said, "You take children away!" She panicked a little. The Jedi raised his arms up and crouches to her height. "Hey, it's okay. Listen, how about you come with me and I can take you somewhere safe." He said. "We can take a look at you, and we can feed you proper food." He noticed about the scraps.
Kida was frightened, and looked at the Jedi. She thought for a moment and sighs. "Okay." She kept her stuff close to her, and followed the Jedi to the temple.
Shade quietly climbed up and crouched behind a set of crates. Her legs throbbed but she ignored the pain of her still healing bones as she watched. The scraps she was getting down bellow wouldn't do, she needed more and she knew how to get it... it was just a lot more dangerous to steal from people up here, people up here were important, They were guarded. They had good stuff though and if she grabbed something nice then she could get some decent food, decent for the underworld, by handing it over to him.
She watched as the senator left the ramp and with all the guards backs turned she quickly made her way the long way around and then up the ramp. She didn't want to stay in here long, it was a death trap so she found something fancy looking and picked it up. She slipped her way back down the ramp while the man was talking to someone else and started backing up, watching the guards to make sure none of them turned around and spotted her. Once she was off this platform she'd be home free... Suddenly her back bumped into something, or rather someone.
"And where do you think your going with that?" Shade only glanced back before she bolted off. There was a shout of some kind but She ducked behind the crates as she heard blaster fire, quickly dropping over the edge and vanishing. She had to find a hiding place back down on the ground, which wouldn't be hard considering how big most of those guys where with their bulky armor and - She stopped as a figure landed down in front of her. "Stop." It commanded but gritting her teeth Shade made a sharp turn, ignoring the ache in her legs as she did so and bolted down the new direction.
Whoever this was they were good, because they kept right on here, and so damn close. Could they be...? Shade made another sharp turn and continued to run, dropping lower and lower into the underworld. With the stranger right on her Tail Shade looked around frantically for a way to throw him off, she knew the underworld well and if she could just get down to the ground floor she was sure she could lose him but she was still some ways away from her safe haven. Turning she knew she was heading to a huge jump but she could risk it if it just get this guy off her trail.
The moment her feet where in the air though she knew it was a terrible idea. She landed hard, feeling the bones inside her legs shift and crack as she rolled across the roof for a moment, the device she'd stolen tumbling out of her reach as Shade gasped, doing her best not to let out a weak cry of agony as she held one of her legs. She heard the light landing of the Man as he'd followed her over and easily, he couldn't be anything else but a Jedi.
Shade started to push herself up, trying to ignore the pain in her legs, It wasn't worth it now, out of the corner of her eye she could see the man pick the device up before slowly approaching her as she struggled to even get up. "Don't strain yourself, you've done quite enough to your body." Shade wasn't sure if she was suspicious or surprised at the voice and the concern and kindness in it. But before she could protest she'd been gently scoped up making her groan in pain. She wasn't able to struggle as the man brought her back to the platform, returning what she'd stolen. They didn't expect her to apologize did they? She let her black hair fall into her face to ignore the scorn and distasteful glances the guards gave her.
"Do make sure she's given some care...." It was the senators voice which was full of concern. "And please let me know if there's anything I can do to help." Again Shade found herself unsure if she was suspicious or surprised. "Thank you, I will." Shade was brought to the temple first to be treated from her injuries but the man seemed to know something that she didn't as he watched her.
01-17-2016, 07:45 AM
Kida was a little scared being around the Jedi. Was she in trouble for using her force on a few so called thugs who bully the weak? She wasn't sure. She kept her stuff close to her, not letting go of what she found from the dump area. Scraps of food, piece of clothing she could use to make a blanket. Her and the Jedi was on a shuttle heading towards the temple. She was a little nervous of what he had planned. She didn't say anything to the Jedi.
When she arrived, she followed the Jedi to a tall building which the feeling was more clear to her then ever. She looked at the tall pillars as she walked in, still clinging onto her things. She fidget a little when she noticed another Jedi has exited the building and greeted the one she was it. "Hello Master Razok, how was the lower city areas?" The female Jedi asked the male Jedi.
"Ezel, you know better I am no master." They both laughed softly and apologized to each to each other. Ezel looked down and noticed Kida, whom hid behind Razok. "Well, it seems you brought a little friend with you as well, where did you find her?" She asked as she crouched to examine Kida. "Well, believe it or not, I felt it when I was wondering the streets, when I came across a flying Bimm which surprised me." He said with a laugh. "Then I found her, even more surprised to see a little girl can push three older males." He sighs. "I am going to see if we can get her into the Academy to hone her skills."
Ezel smiled at the young girl and gives a small wave. "Hello." She softly says, but Kida still remained behind the male Jedi. She felt more secured by the one who found her. "I tried to get her to talk for a while." Said Razok. "So far she is more quiet then ever." He turned his head to find her. Ezel laughed softly, "And she hides very well for her size."
Kida frowned upon the comments. "I'm not small." She mumbled under her breath, and lowered her head as she still kept a grip on her stuff. "Well I better get her inside and see if we can get her something good to eat." Razok bowed his head, "Farewell Ezel." He smiled. "See you soon." Ezel replied and waves good bye with a smile to Kida. Whom remained behind Razok.
Following Razok inside the temple she was more nervous then ever as she looked around inside of the dome of the building. She noticed other children roamed around, but with data pads, clean clothes, and some kind of metal cylinder material on their waist. Kida's appearance was rather poor, dirty and ripped clothing, dirt on her face, hair barely in a ponytail hold by a piece of clothing from her shirt.
The Jedi took her to a medical area first, and there she was greeted by another female Jedi. "Oh another one?" She asked, and smiled. "Well now, let's have a look at her, she can placed across from the one who was brought in as well." She looked at Jedi Razok. "Poor thing was brought in with her leg broken, but no matter, she will be walking again soon." Razok was a little surprised, "Really?" He asked, "So another was found?"
Kida was shown to a table and she manages to hop on the table while still holding on to her stuff. She looked across from her, and noticed the other child. She was looked at her for a moment. It was like looking into a mirror as noticed her appearance resembled to Kidas, except for one small detail of course.
Shade didn't look up as she heard talk about someone else coming in that needed attention. She didn't pay it any mind at first but after a moment she could feel the other staring at her and looked up with hard, dark blue eyes as she studied the other girl who looked almost as bad as she did... where they both from the underworld? Shade didn't say anything just kept peering at the girl and then her surroundings with mistrust.
01-21-2016, 01:53 PM
Kida looked at the other kid as she held onto her things. She looked at the girls frail body for moment and noticed her leg seemed broken. But she sensed something from the other girl. Like a strong will. She looked around the room and her surroundings. She sighs softly and looked at the other girl. "So..." She said. "What part of the underworld society did you come from?" She asked.
Before she could get her answer, the nurse walked and started examining Kida. The nurse first attempted to take Kidas stuff away. Kida moved her arms quickly, away from the nurses arms reach.
Shade didn't attempt to respond, her eyes flicked to the door as the nurse came in to look over Kida. Shade noticed how she seemed to be possessive of the things in her hands but said nothing about it as she looked off to another side of the room, if a nurse came to examine her again she was silent, it was no use struggling she was stuck here and there was no way she could get away from Jedi with a broken leg... maybe if she was whole...
01-21-2016, 03:18 PM
Kida kept the items far from the nurses reach. She groaned a little as she does. The nurse sighs and spoke to Kida in a calm matter. "Now, now, you will get them back in a box, so they will be safe." The nurse assured. Kida thought for a minute. Thinking it would be better to carry things in a box. "If you steal them from me, I'll make sure I'll get them back." She warned. The nurse smiles and looked to the other nurse, giving her a nod, whom went to find a box.
The nurse turned around and started examining Shade, "Okay, let's see what we have here." She says softly, "Does it hurt here?" She asked as she touched Shades knee.
"Of coarse it hurts, its broken." Shade replied with a soft growl and a wince. Shade had become used to pain, somehow she always managed to fracture or brake something while on the run. it just came naturally now but even then she still needed time to heal, she was sure she hadn't broken anything this bad though...
01-21-2016, 04:55 PM
The nurse looks at the leg and examines the leg carefully. She gently touched to where it would mostly hurt,when she sees Shade would flinch, she knows how are the leg is damaged. "Okay little one, we are going to have your leg scan, and the scanner should be able to heal your leg." She smiled and takes a needle on a trey. "This is going to pinch." She warned and inserted the needle on the leg. "There we go, now lay back and relax." She helped Shade lay on the medical bed. She pressed a few buttons to on the side of the bed and a scammer appeared and started scanning Shades body. "It'll take a moment."
Kida watched and giggled softly when she saw the nurse touched her knee and asked if it hurt.
Shade puffed out her cheeks not used to being so handled, specially not gently. She managed a side ways glare at the other girl as she heard her chuckle but didn't say a word as she felt the sharp pinch of the needle but made no sound before laying back and let the scan help her. She knew about these things but she never figured she'd ever... well be using one...
Shade didn't seem to talk much and despite everything going on still seemed mistrustful and wry.
01-24-2016, 09:49 AM
The scan on Shade's leg did it's work and finished analyzing the situation. There was a hologram where the bone structure was broken, and then the machine assembled a long arm length over the leg. It scanned Shade's leg once more, which a capsule was attached to the arm size machine with the words, 'Bacta' on it. After it scanned, the machine beeps, saying the repair was done.
The nurse looks at the leg again and touches the surface of where the broken bone was, "Does it still hurt?" She asked.
The other nurse came in the room with a box and looked at Kida, whom still fidget it strangers who come near her. She looked at the box and back at the nurse. "Here you go." She said. Kida looked inside of the box and looked back at the nurse. Letting out a low moan and cling to her possessions.
"No." It was a lie there was still some soreness to it but she was used to that. She started to sit up eyeing the other girl as the nurse came in with a box and rolling her eyes. "What naw?" Shade asked in a low tone. What were they going to do with her now?
01-30-2016, 03:52 PM
Kida sighs and places her stuff in the box and kept the box close to her. She looked at the other girl and then to the nurses. After the nurses scanned and checked Kida and Shade for any further bad areas. Both seemed fine. The nurses found one of the Jedi who found Kida.
Razok, he looked at Kida for a moment and took the box from her. Kida glared at Razok as she watched both the Jedi and the box. Razok looked at the other. "So your the other one as well?" Razok asked with a slight smile. "Come on you two, they're waiting."
Kida looked at Shade and rolled her eyes. She followed Razok to where ever he was taking them.
After a few minutes of walking, they found themselves in a room, a circle more like. And around the circle, people were sitting on chairs who examined them. The other Jedi who found Shade was standing in the center and Razok stood next to him. "Here are the children we found Master Yoda." There was a moment of silence. Kida looked at Shade.
Shade slowly pushed her way off the bed and followed, though her eyes always flickered around, like she was searching for an opening, memorizing the place and where they went. She needed to get away... But before anything could even remotely present itself, there were Jedi everywhere and she knew there was no way she could get out of her without being caught by about a dozen and a half of them, She found herself in a circular room with chairs facing the center. Inside set... the council...
Shade found herself nervous under their eyes, they flickered from one face to the other with unease and mistrust as she crossed her arms. Her stance clearly stated she was not happy to be here.
02-06-2016, 09:43 AM
The Jedi Masters looked closely at the young children. Some of them seemed curious, the others were still deciding of what to do. Several of the other Masters slightly nodded their heads. "They seem to be a little older." One of the Masters said. "Yes, but I can sense a strong force within them." Another added.
Kida was nervous and placed her hands behind her back. Razok looked at the girls. "I had seen this one here, managed to over come the odds again'st three adults." He walked behind Kida and placed his hands on her shoulders. "With your permission, I will gladly train this one." Some of the Masters mumbled and then Master Yoda himself asked the girls a question. "Afraid...are you?" He asked. Kida hums low and looked at Shade. "...No." She says softly.
Shade's eyes narrowed. "No." She responded more loudly then the girl beside her. Maybe a little though but it sounded like the jedi who had found the other wanted to train her which made her look back at the man who had found her. Noticing her stare he smiled at her. "I to would ask this permission." He said moving closer beside Shade.
02-07-2016, 11:03 PM
There was a mumble among the Masters and each one looked at each other, with the sounds of both whispers and nodding. One of the masters leaned forward with his hands clasping each other, "Normally we will not accept this, but since we all feeling the effects from these two." There was a pause as he leaned back. "We will accept them both." He smiled. "Train them well." He nodded once, then the others approved and nodded as well.
Razok smiled and helped turned Kida around and walked behind her, leaving the room. He smiled about the other as well. "There is potential in both of them." He said to the other Jedi who accompanied Shade. "May I ask we both train them together?" He asked. Kida looked at Shade and rolled her eyes.
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