View Full Version : NnightStalker's Hall of Alternate Universes

02-11-2016, 10:33 AM
There are four categories.
Rylouth = All variations of Rylouth
Sheeria = All variations of Sheeria
Night = all variations of Night
Other = any other character that does not fit into the first three categories

Name: Rylouth
Age: 25
Sex: Male
picture (http://cdn.escapistmagazine.com/media/global/images/library/deriv/895/895153.jpg)
Personality: Rylouth only looks out for himself, and those he considers family. He's fiercely loyal. He loves his ship and loves to fight with the ruling empire. He can be slow to trust outsiders, but he cares for those that are not seen, the poor, the hungry, the sick.
History: Rylouth's parents were taken from by the empire at a young age. He was on his own until he was seven, until he was found by a captain of a salvage ship. The captain took him as his own and trained in the ways of salvage. This in turn led to him learning how to fly a star ship as well as being skilled with many hand weapons. When he was old enough he went on his own and got his own small ship. It was capable of holding cargo, but also capable of holding it's own in a dog fight with enemy fighters.

Name: Rylouth
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: Guy on the Left
Personality: Rylouth is calm headed, and an amazing tactician. He loves to read books but also loves to fight. When it comes to relationships, there is no closer relationship than the one he has to Kindler. Even though he thinks before he does in combat that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy combat. He loves to fight, and when in a place that is not a battlefield, he often has issues adjusting to the slow pace of everything.
Primary Fighting Style: Sword and Shield

Name: Rylouth Davis
Age: 212, 23
Sex: Male
Appearance:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com...38d9b5bfda.jpg (without the elf ears ;P)
Mentors who?: Whatever your apprentice ends up being called ;P
Likes/Dislikes: Fighting missions, dual swords, assault kind of missions

Name: Rylouth
Sex: Male
Race: Mer (Humanoid Cat)
Age: 1352 (Looks 22)
Appearance: http://the-serene-coast.wdfiles.com/...es/Catfolk.png
Brief History:
Rylouth is member of The Guardians of the Shadows, he joined early in his life to fight off the invading void creatures. Since then he has been with time as the void creatures were forgotten by the other races and after a few hundred years he started to be one who would recruit people from the four kingdoms to their cause. Every year he would make a round around the countries to pick one from each country to send back to the Shadow Fortress to be trained. Though he did answer special calls from certain people to come check someone out when they think they found someone who would be a good fit.

Name: Sheeria
Age: 17, 25
Sex: Female
Appearance: http://im01.wallpapers76.com/photo/6...tasy-woman.jpg
Apprentice to: Albert Numen
Views on the order so far: Thinks that they're honorable but sometimes slow to react to threats.
Likes/Dislikes: Exploring, Sword and Shield, hunting missions

Dragon Name: Kindler
Sex: Male
Appearance: http://pre07.deviantart.net/3a53/th/pre/i/2014/139/a/0/fire_dragon_game_npc_design_by_fallfox-d7ic753.jpg
Personality: Kindler is the pyromaniac version of a dragon. He breathes fire and breathes it whenever he gets the chance to. He loves to lay in fire and is immune to anything hot.

03-15-2016, 11:51 AM
My New Book Character Notes:

Name: Schadde
Age: 19
Sex: Male

Name: Kris
Age: 21
Sex: Female