View Full Version : Suicide Squad: The Second Era - OOC [M]
03-07-2016, 05:33 AM
Rated M: Comic book violence, drug use, strong language, gore, blood, and sexual themes
"You're all here for a reason. You're all here because you're all a sum of the total of crazy son of a fucking bitches here in Gotham. And you're never getting out of this place alive. But we're going to make this fun. Some of you shit stains, are on your way to death fucking row. So, that's why you're all here. Welcome to death row, welcome to your suicide mission."-Warden Wallace [Arkham Asylum]
Suicide Squade: The Second Era
They aren't legends, and they aren't even fucking heroes. They are just a bunch of cum stains, a bunch of crazy assholes. Locked behind the doors of Arkham probably being treated better than what they deserve.
They have a roof over their heads. Food in their stomachs. And what did they do to earn this right? Murder. Terrorism. They stalk the streets of Gotham and they get a fucking bedroom, with barred windows.
When I became Warden of Arkham, I told you I had plans. I told you things would change around here. I'll make them earn the right to fucking sleep in a comfy bed. Eat a hot meal. Or they will die, like the rest of us. Who put blood, sweat and tears into making and earning a living.
I am not here to give them comforts. I am not here to give them a father figure they can cry on. No things are going to change around here. Things are going to change. And it starts today.
The Plot Summary
Warden Arthur Wallace has been criticized for his extreme views on the inmates of Arkham. And been criticized for the new Suicide Squad Project. While many of the citizens are hesitant about the idea, considering the last disaster with the last Suicide Squad. Warden believes it will be a more positive experience.
The Suicide Squad Project is an incentive reward for a model of behavior in the inmates of Arkham. And has been legally considered the next step in Capital Punishment.
Six villains, the worse of the worse, have been chosen for the next Suicide mission. To take down the crime gang the Kaligi. There's no faith they are returning and there's next to no hope for success. However, if they make it, for some reason, a package of privileges awaits them.
Year 2020
The Rules
Follow all of RPA rules, you know all of them by now. So I don't feel like repeating them. That's a long list
Have fun with the idea, This Is Not a RP, to piss people off. This RP is created simply to have fun. You can be as radical or mild as you like. The RP is designed for a few laughs.
No God Modding
GM Word is Law, I am a lot heavier on my critique and analysis of characters, don't fight or argue with me. I don't look for complete character sheets, I look for who is willing to own up to their mistakes and edit when asked.
PLEASE Please please, Communicate with me. If you have somewhere to go in the next 2 weeks, please go ahead and tell me. I understand when circumstances don't allow you to, so as soon as you can please inform me
Again Have Fun
Also, No Character Sheets in Spoiler Tags. Thank you.
The Cast
Non Powered 1- Open
Non Powered 2 - Open
Non Powered 3 - Open
Powered 1 - Clyde, Sylicious
Powered 2 - Open
Powered 3 - Open
Character Sheet
Name: [your full birth name]
Alias: [what is their villain name]
Age: 20+
Gender ID- [how do they identify]
Sexual ID- [how do they identify]
Appearance: [out of costume appearance]
In Costume Appearance: [in costume appearance]
Role: [look at the cast sheet for the slot]
Personality: [please flesh these out. I like them to be in depth enough they have room to evolve and in depth enough for me to work off of something. Remember a personality is not set stone]
Powers: [what are there powers if they have any. If they are a Non Powered Role, ignore this essentially. Please go into detail, remember add duration of powers, nothing higher than 60 seconds. All powers must follow the seconds rule. Unless they are passive and always active than please list that.]
Abilities: [all though non powered roles may not have powers, they may have some kind of abnormality non powered skill. Powered roles ignore this essentially]
Weapons: [do they have weapons or not.]
Equipment: [do they have equipment? what do they carry]
Fighting Style: [if they have any please tell me here]
History: [please go hog wild and creative. Clearly they have been in Arkham Asylum for some reason in general. Give me enough to work off as a GM to add into the RP]
Theme Song: [optional, but recommended]
Other: [anything I missed]
03-07-2016, 07:02 AM
OOOoooooOOOOooooo.... Suicide Squad.... I can't wait to see the new movie coming out! This is definitely an interesting RP and I can't wait to read it as it goes. Seeing as how you have been around a while here are your always helpful advertisement links to get more players!
One of the larger ways to get people to know about your roleplay is to submit an application for Roleplay of the Week (! If chosen your roleplay will be featured in the roleplay of the week section as well as being on the home page! Need a banner to go with your roleplay of the week? No problem! We have a roleplay of the week banner shop ( tons of artists will come together to make you a beautiful banner!
Another great way is to have your roleplay featured in the staff signatures (! After all us staff go all over the forum and what a great way it is to spread the word of your roleplay to some of the rarer corners of the forums!
Now my personal favorite is another great way of advertising. The roleplay games directory (! In there all you have to do is post a short summary about your RP as well as providing and OOC link. Then as people go through it, reading RP after RP, they'll see yours and if it's something they like they will click the link and come on over here!
03-07-2016, 05:08 PM
Name: Julian Ivan Ward
Alias: Sylicious
Age: 26
Gender ID- Demigender
Sexual ID- Pansexual
Disturbing to say the least, as he was stood upright, in a straight jacket and a mask. His dark black is a wave of curly mess and his skin is white in appearance. He looks rather rough, considering his current treatment. His olive green eyes tell the story of someone with no remorse, and there seems to be no hope he won’t kill again. He stands at 5’9” and weighs at 132 pounds.
In Costume Appearance:
Dawn in red robes, with the glowing blue eyes of the infrared techno mask. His belt is littered in syringes as his prime source of weaponry. He appears hulking, and fit. And stares you down without a single human expression.
Oh he’ll just grow out of it, Sybl Is what the neighborhood said, the day he came back. All though he didn’t come back the same, now did he? He wasn’t the same kid they knew, but then again would anyone come back normal after that? It started with the secrets. After a while, he just became more reserved, in his room, didn’t say a word.
It was come out to eat and go back into his room, doing whatever he did in there. No one bothered to coax him out, allowing him to create a persona that was secretive and shrouded in mystery. That’s most notable now in the description of adult him.Shrouded in mystery and secretive, no one knew what he got up to. No one knew about till the news said anything.
The years of psychoanalysis, and psychotherapy warned them. About everything. They told them, they needed to be more supportive. They needed to coax him out of his interpersonal behavior, but maybe it was because Sybl couldn’t look at her son the same.
He was angry now. More angry than he had ever been, obsessed with others paying for their deeds and getting satisfaction out of their misfortune. Oh she tried. She tried real hard, but he was scary. Violent when he was angry. Controlling when he wasn’t. He was becoming toxic to his own family. The therapist kept pushing the family that it take time. That it just took a lot more support.
Yet, how could they support this? How could they give the love and guidance he needed? They couldn’t. They gave up. Everyone gave up. Though Julian really didn’t give up. He just didn’t know how to recover or be revived. People said things to him, but they didn’t make sense any more. The world didn’t make sense any more. It always was there in the back of his mind. When reality didn’t make sense any more.
He went back because it was the only place he could think of. But it wasn’t the same any more. It wasn’t the same because of him. He could feel a monster being born in the back of his mind. He wonders if he felt anything for them any more after that.
Sylicious the thing inside of him. The thing he has become, embraces the twisted nature. He embraces his twisted nature.
Violent, controlling, and sadistic. He enjoys the pain and suffering of others. But only because he sees himself as doing some kind of greater good. The streets need to be cleaned up, is what his sick twisted sense of reality tells him.
There’s no distinction between him and Sylicious, there never was. He’s reborn. It was a long, tortuous evolution. But he’s been reborn.
He likes strawberries, likes the scent of freshly cleaned laundry, he also likes when it is finely pressed when folded. He’s not a very neat person, but he likes the way clothes specifically look when they are tightly folded. He hates all people of color, queers, and disabled people. He’s known to go berserk if he sees any of these people, behave in their natural animalistic way.
Role: Powered
Kinetic Dampening Field-
Julian has the ability to manipulate the energy particles around him, the manipulation of these particles dampens the effects of his enemies and his allies abilities. He can create sphere of this dampening effect at around 50ft, but he can also narrow the sphere into a 200 meter long in front or behind him. The dampening effects make powers less effective than they normally would.
Weapons: Prime source of weaponry is a belt of syringes, carrying the deadly poison Strychnine. But he also has concentrated smoke grenades of strychnine and even a chemical distribution through ventilation systems of strychnine.
Fighting Style: Opportunistic. Using his ability to enhance his combat skills, he uses the opportunity of chaos of his Kinetic Dampening Field. To get in close and insert his syringes of Strychnine into the enemy.
Theme Song:
"For better or worse I have changed. This is who I am. The past, future, and present me. You cannot change that. And I wouldn't have it any other way."
03-08-2016, 01:09 AM
This sounds awesome I'll make a character as soon as I can.
03-08-2016, 02:47 AM
Name: "You won't believe me but it's Danny."
Alias: "Well I tend to call myself the Pyromaniac because I am one."
Age: "I'm 21 so yes I'm legal."
Gender ID- "Well last I check I have a penis so I'm a guy."
Sexual ID- "Fuck it I got nothing for this so I'll just say straight."
6ft in height, has a lean body with some muscle mass.
In Costume Appearance: [in costume appearance] "I don't have a costume I generally like a wear sleeveless hoodie or something like that or maybe a suite, considering I tend to burn my clothes.
Role: Power
Personality: "Well I really really really like to burn stuff hence the name. I've been told I have a fantastic personality all my friends call me smart ass or nerd just because I like videogames and things like that. Well if you wanna hear something interesting about I believe in the power of ones self meaning I don't need others to survive and things of that nature but I will happily except help, weird right."
Danny is a smart ass who doesn't really care what people think or say about him. He believes that only he can judge himself and no one else. As long as he can do what he loves he's normally happy. He often gets easily distracted by things that catch his eye like shiny objects. He loves videogames it's the only thing in the prison that will shut him up except burning something. He loves to talk to himself in fact he believes he is embodiment of Death and calls himself a Grimm reaper. He generally sees Death very often normally telling him who to kill or giving him tips on how to kill people better. Once Danny went to Arkham Asylum that's when he really lost it. Danny would sometimes be screaming in cell trying to explain to Death why he can't kill anyone anymore, it often seems like Death is torturing him for not obeying will.
Powers: Danny can produce a chemical compound from his body that creates a black fire. There are unusual skin cells around his hands that allow him to release and project the fire allowing him to burn everything when he got better at using his powers was able to shoot a fireball that would cause massive explosions. Thanks to this power Danny is very fire resistance almost to the point where fire doesn't bother him.
Weapons: "I normally use this badass scythe that I found it was 8ft tall a black handle and the blade was blood
Fighting Style: [if they have any please tell me here]
"I honestly don't have a fighting style what dragon ball z and assassins creed have taught technically don't count do but they do that's how I fight."
History: "It all started when I was born my parents abandoned me and sent me to an orphanage, so yes I have abandonment issues. Anyway the care takers there didn't like how I was different and tried to hide my complexion, which failed. So they did there best with trying to brainwashing me into believing if I didn't behave well no would ever love me. They said that over and over until that was all I ever heard out there mouths. So one day I finally had enough I didn't care if I'd ever be loved as long as I could be myself I didn't care anymore. And that's when it happened that's when I discovered my true calling fire. Fire suddenly formed from my hands and that's when he appeared he told me something that I can never forget, This my gift to you no go burn what you hate most.' So I killed everyone inside the orphanage including the families that were visiting. Then afterwards Death would always appear and tell me who to kill or encourage or something like that. I was no a bringer of death and it's a great job. I was to burn everything to the ground until the police eventually caught me because I lost track of time playing Pokemon Fire Red.
Theme Song: [optional, but recommended] Other: [anything I missed]
Loves candy and Pokemon fire red.
03-08-2016, 05:22 AM
Personality and history need to be expanded.
DCaesar of Wakanda
03-09-2016, 01:10 AM
So, If I were to make a character, could he have been a former assassin that went to Arkham Asylum for being called crazy because of forth wall awareness? And that he went there willingly...thinking that they'd help him, but failed?
03-09-2016, 03:10 AM
Uh so the DC version of Deadpool?
03-09-2016, 12:07 PM
Fix it I think.
DCaesar of Wakanda
03-09-2016, 12:57 PM
Uh so the DC version of Deadpool?
Yes, and no.
The character would see it in a more religious light, believing the writers to be gods of sorts. He wouldn't be as random and spontaneous as Deadpool either. There wouldn't be a stupid effective healing factor either.
03-09-2016, 01:42 PM
Oh so do you mean you're character believes that the writer (aka you) is some type of god of some sorts is that what you are saying?
DCaesar of Wakanda
03-09-2016, 02:45 PM
That the writers are sorts of gods that watch and control over the actions of everyone. One of those people who think that everything happens for a reason. And he'd be aware of the forth wall, but not enough so to really break it as Deadpool does. But eh, it's whatever. I don't think I'm too high on the Suicide Squad, even if I'm excited as hell for the new movie coming out...
03-09-2016, 08:29 PM
I was going to let you do so DC. Don't leave me. I was just curious.
Random Fella
03-13-2016, 10:38 AM
Name: John Darkwood
Alias: Darkblade
Age: 28
Gender ID- Male
Sexual ID- Yes Please
Mainly straight but is known to rape men in prison or humiliate rival gang members
Appearance: A smile of bright white teeth and a large scar from his right eye down to the right of his neck. Stands at 6'2" with an almost tan skin tone and muscular slim build.
In Costume Appearance: [in costume appearance]
Role: non powered
Personality: Self loving, extremely outgoing to the point of being rude and crass. Constantly talks himself up in conversation and at any other point such as mid combat rialing. Very aggressive and overconfident such as a madman.
Powers: The power of great looks
Abilities: Extremely agile with an extensive close quarters combat knowledge. Mainly skilled in combat with daggers and dual wielding. Has almost perfect aim with throwing knifes at mid and close range. Is somewhat skilled at stealth.
Weapons: Cutter, a large combat knife he holds in his right hand and Ripper, a smaller dagger he wields in his left. Often refers to them as if they were alive.
Equipment: Can carry around 15 throwing knifes depending on the situation. Also carries projectiles such as smoke bombs, flash bangs, and decoy grenades.
Fighting Style: Prefers to fight in close quarters with his dual knifes or mid range with throwing knifes. Is also skilled in hand combat such as mma.
History: [please go hog wild and creative. Clearly they have been in Arkham Asylum for some reason in general. Give me enough to work off as a GM to add into the RP]
Theme Song: [optional, but recommended]
Other: [anything I missed]
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