05-08-2016, 08:40 PM
[[OOC]] (
Midsummer, Year: X512 C.A. 2:26 AM.
It was a cloudy night, Pegasi always had trouble with the weather coming out of the everfree, Over the sleepy little town of Ponyville, A few houses clinging to life around a crystal tree castle.
Suddenly The sky erupted into brilliant lights, the sky parted, Mist drifted from the rip in SpaceTime. The ones who were lucky enough to gaze at the rift could 3 tall figures.
Twilight looked out of the rift. Years ,Centuries really, of perpetration for this moment, she could see how little ponyville seemed to have changed. She held the bundle in her magic, unsure if she was ready. Celestia smiled gently, "I know it's hard twilight, but you and I know it must be done"
Twilight nodded, "I Know I..." she said before sighing. Celestia placed her hoof on Twilight's shoulder, Luna stepped on her other side. "I purpose we do it together" she said
Twilight nodded again, "Alright" she said. The silver and golden magic encased the bundle. Twilight Touched the bundle gently with her forehead, tears starting to stream down her face. "I am going to miss daughter...our daughter...good bye"
Then together they pushed the bundle through the rift. The rift closed as soon as it passed through.
A streak of light was Ejected from the Rift, before the rift snapped closed. The glowing object headed into the everfree forest before landing with a thundering crash.
Midsummer, Year: X512 C.A. 2:26 AM.
It was a cloudy night, Pegasi always had trouble with the weather coming out of the everfree, Over the sleepy little town of Ponyville, A few houses clinging to life around a crystal tree castle.
Suddenly The sky erupted into brilliant lights, the sky parted, Mist drifted from the rip in SpaceTime. The ones who were lucky enough to gaze at the rift could 3 tall figures.
Twilight looked out of the rift. Years ,Centuries really, of perpetration for this moment, she could see how little ponyville seemed to have changed. She held the bundle in her magic, unsure if she was ready. Celestia smiled gently, "I know it's hard twilight, but you and I know it must be done"
Twilight nodded, "I Know I..." she said before sighing. Celestia placed her hoof on Twilight's shoulder, Luna stepped on her other side. "I purpose we do it together" she said
Twilight nodded again, "Alright" she said. The silver and golden magic encased the bundle. Twilight Touched the bundle gently with her forehead, tears starting to stream down her face. "I am going to miss daughter...our daughter...good bye"
Then together they pushed the bundle through the rift. The rift closed as soon as it passed through.
A streak of light was Ejected from the Rift, before the rift snapped closed. The glowing object headed into the everfree forest before landing with a thundering crash.