View Full Version : Splat's Buddies

09-13-2016, 01:04 AM
So everyone else seems to have made one of these so I thought I might as well. I won't be posting every single character I make here, just the ones I really like or are interested in. So... yeah.

Most of them are probably WIPs because I'm super lazy.


[ B][ U]DETAILS[/U][/B]

[ B]Name[/B]

[ B]Nicknames:[/B]

[ B]Age:[/B]

[ B]Gender:[/B]

[ B]Sexuality:[/B]

[ B]RP/Universe of Origin:[/B]

[ B]Race:[/B]

[ B]# of Times Played:[/B]

[ B]Nationality/Birthplace:[/B]


[ B]Height:[/B]

[ B]Body Structure:[/B]

[ B]Skin Color:[/B]

[ B]Eye Color:[/B]

[ B]Hair Color/Style:[/B]

[ B]Facial Structure:[/B]

[ B]Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings?:[/B]

[ B]Apparel:[/B]


[ B]Personality Type:[/B]

[ B]Moral Alignment:[/B]

[ B]Ideals/Morals:[/B]

[ B]Personality Description:[/B]

[ B]Relationships:[/B]

[ B]Personal Motto:[/B]

[ B]Favorite Food:[/B]

[ B]Favorite Color:[/B]

[ B][ U]MISC.[/U][/B]

[ B]Religion/Chief Deity:[/B]

[ B]Faction(s):[/B]

[ B]Weapons:[/B]

[ B]Equipment:[/B]

[ B]Abilities:[/B]



09-13-2016, 05:01 PM
First on the list, aptly, is one of the very first characters I ever created (for anything) and definitely one of my favorites.


Name: Ajani

Nicknames: A, Cat, Kitten (never call her that), Sneak-thief

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Sexuality: "Eh."

RP/Universe of Origin: Elder Scrolls

Race: Khajiit

# of Times Played: 5

Birthplace: Southern Skyrim


Height: 5'9

Body Structure: A lithe, thin frame concealing surprisingly powerful muscle

Skin Color: Fur of a mousy grey-brown, patterned with darker brown tabby-stripes and spots on her face, back and arms

Eye Color: Amber with gold rims

Facial Structure: Ajani's face is, like most Khajiit, that of a cat. Her features are soft, but still defined. Her eyes are angular and striking, and often the first things people notice under her shadowed cowl.

Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings?: A small scar arches on the bridge of her nose, and her ears are adorned with many earrings and a chip notched out of her left ear.

Apparel: She is almost always clothed in Shrouded Armor (https://skylatron.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/dark_brotherhood_female_armor.jpeg), often with the hood up to conceal her features. On the rare occasions she is not in armor, she would usually wear a casual commoner's shirt and trousers, that allow her to blend in with the crowds.


Personality Type: ESTP-A

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Ideals/Morals: "I do what I want, and no one's gonna tell me otherwise. I don't have any problems with killing or stealing; hell, it's my damn job! I don't kill kids, though. I'm not one of those guys. Mostly... I just want to be left to my damn business."

Personality Description: Ajani is, to be as kind as possible, an acquired taste. She is incredibly social and LOVES talking, often easing her way out of unfavorable situations with her wit alone. She is incredibly stubborn, frequently to her own detriment, and would rather eat her armor than admit error. Despite this, she is respected by her comrades as an efficient worker and a loyal friend. While she is unpredictable, even to her closest friends, she is always there to come to the aid of her allies.

Relationships: Nazir, Babbette, Cicero, Methne, Brynjolf (Close Friends); Jerrick (Travelling Companion)

Personal Motto: "Mottos are dumb."

Favorite Food: Sweetrolls! (so warm... and gooey... *drools*)

Favorite Color: Scarlet (for the BLOOD OF MY ENEMIES... lol nah)

Deepest Secret: She can't swim. It turns out she's not, in fact, great at everything.

Religion/Chief Deity: Not really into that stuff. The Daedric Princes are pretty wild, though. Sheogorath and I meet up for tea once in a while, he's quite a hoot.

Faction(s): Dark Brotherhood, Thieves' Guild

Weapons: Two longswords, sheathed at her back: Sin, a blade of inky black, its dark, smooth obsidian surface seemingly pulling in all light, and Sorrow, a similarly-constructed sword but instead crafted of white steel, its blade stained red with the blood of many battles. Both swords were named not by Ajani, but by their unknown maker, sealed in some ancient Nordic barrow-tomb. She also carries a dagger concealed in her boot.

Equipment: A few select poisons (just in case)

Abilities: Ajani is an adept assassin, highly skilled in stealth and subterfuge. She has trained nearly her whole life wielding two weapons, and she wields them well. While she has no magical talent (and is mostly proud of that fact), she makes up for it in cunning and swordsmanship.


(WIP as this is always getting tweaked and finetuned)

09-13-2016, 11:57 PM

Name: Tekazra Darkspear

Nicknames: n/a

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

RP/Universe of Origin: World of Warcraft

Race: Darkspear Troll

# of Times Played: 2

Nationality/Birthplace: Echo Isles, Kalimdor (continent)


Height: 7'3"

Body Structure: Tekazra has a muscular frame, her tall figure towering above most other races. Her long and powerful limbs lead to strong, two-fingered hands that move with the grace of years in combat.

Skin Color: Light blue-green

Eye Color: Yellow-orange

Hair Color/Style: Her bright red-orange hair is styled in dreadlocks and often tied back in a loose ponytail, adorned with beads and feathers.

Facial Structure: Her angular features give the impression of a constant scowl, however this usually isn't the case. Deep-set, piercing eyes rest under a heavy brow, and small tusks protrude from the bottom of her full, dark lips.

Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings?: Tekazra's long ears contain many earrings, along with piercings on her nose and brow. She has a tribal-looking tattoo on her right shoulder, in jet-black ink.

Apparel: Tekazra is usually donned in light armor made from mail or leather, covering her torso, waist, and legs. Her clothing is often adorned with feathers or skins from her kills.


Personality Type: ESFJ-A

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good

Ideals/Morals: "I be lookin' out for me family- that doesn't mean just blood, either. All of da Horde be my family, and I be doin' anything I can to protect it."

Personality Description: Tekazra is strong-willed and sociable, and is at her happiest among her fellow hunters in the wild, tracking prey. While she enjoys spending time with others, she can come across as quite brash or blunt to those first meeting her, and she takes a while to warm up to. She respects those above her, but she also values her subordinates and knows that everyone has a role to play.

Relationships: Blackfang (Tiger companion), Sylvanas (Warchief)

Personal Motto: "Da best kind of demon is a dead one."

Favorite Food: Roasted boar

Favorite Color: Blood Orange


Religion/Chief Deity: Like most trolls, Tekazra worships the Loa, mysterious spirits in the voodoo religion. In particular she worships Bwonsamdi, the Lord of the Dead.

Faction(s): Horde, Darkspear Trolls

Weapons: Always carried a bow and a quiver of arrows, some with barbed tips or regular pointed ones. There is also a skinning knife on her belt.

Equipment: Bandages, rope for snares, and sometimes has a fishing pole when she goes down to the ocean.

Abilities: Tekazra's skill with the bow is unmatched within her tribe. She is an excellent hunter, and has regularly accompanied hunting parties of her tribe since she was very young.


09-15-2016, 11:43 AM

Name Vyraqel

Nicknames: Vyra, Red

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

RP/Universe of Origin: D&D

Race: Dragonborn

# of Times Played: 0



Height: 6'6"

Body Structure: Muscular, with broad hips and a large chest

Skin Color: Red scales

Eye Color: Yellow-green

Hair Style/Color: Dark red, almost black cords braided twice in front and once hanging down her back

Facial Structure: Dragon-y?

Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings?: Deep scar criss-crossed on her left thigh

Apparel: Often adorned in heavy chain-mail underneath a tabard bearing the sigil of Bahamut.


Personality Type: ESTJ-A

Moral Alignment: Lawful Good


Personality Description:

Relationships: Flaxen, Alril, Cassia, Porphon (travelling companions), Scarf (nemesis)

Personal Motto:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Color: Royal blue


Religion/Chief Deity: Bahamut, lawful god of dragons






09-15-2016, 04:10 PM

Name: Nayla Corthain

Nicknames: Little Tiger (a pet name given to her by her adoptive father)

Age: 40 (appears 25)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

RP/Universe of Origin: Book of the Broken Road (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=82049)

Race: Half-Elf

# of Times Played: 1

Nationality/Birthplace: Cykursh Province (originally born in Pravus, but she considers herself Cykursian)


Height: 5'6

Body Structure: While she is only half-elf, many of her traits look more elven than human. She is small and supple. Willowy, graceful arms taper to delicate, neatly-trimmed fingers-- though they should be rough and calloused through training, her elven heritage keeps them fresh and beautiful.

Skin Color: Pale, almost white

Eye Color: Jade green

Hair Style/Color: Her long, raven locks are kept behind her in two tight braids that hang to her waist.

Facial Structure: Her brows are soft like those of a human, arched over steady but gentle eyes. While elven features are more angular, Nayla's human heritage creates a muted blend of low cheekbones but a sharp elven chin.

Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings?: Nayla has a seemingly-incoherent pattern of black lines and arrows travelling down her right arm-- they map the flow of energy within her body as dictated by her religion.

Apparel: She prefers loose, breathable clothing, in warm shades of yellows and reds, and often accompanied by a sash at the shoulder or waist.


Personality Type: INFJ-T

Moral Alignment: Neutral Good


Personality Description: Nayla is a quiet and mostly reserved person, prefering to let her actions speak for her. She is kind and grew up learning to care for every living being on the earth, from the smallest rabbit to the massive trees in the forest. While she is softspoken most of the time, when she is speaking about something close to her she will get very riled up, often letting her emotions get the best of her. Most of the time, however, she is slow to anger.


Personal Motto: If you know yourself, there is nothing left to know.

Favorite Food: Anything that fills her belly. She isn't too picky.

Favorite Color: A bright, sunflower yellow


Faction(s): Cykursian Monks

Religion/Chief Deity: The Balanced Line

Weapons: A long glaive-like weapon, similar in construction to the Japanese naginata. The shaft stands at about 5 feet while the blade extends for 2 feet more. It is a simple weapon, with no lavish decorations aside from a red ribbon fastened at the neck.

Equipment: She always carries a small silver coin with her. The front is adorned with a flower while the back has an eagle. She finds that holding the coin allows her to more readily concentrate while meditating.

Abilities: In her training at the monestary she learned many combat forms, and she is adept in fighting with polearms and sometimes unarmed combat. During her travels she has also encountered many people of many different cultures, and has stored much knowledge of everyone she meets.


09-25-2016, 07:23 PM

Name: Brehkan Winterhide

Nicknames: n/a

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

RP/Universe of Origin: Warcraft

Race: Tauren

# of Times Played: 0

Nationality/Birthplace: Mulgore


Height: 10'3

Body Structure: Like most others of his kind, Brehkan is tall and muscular, well-built for combat.

Skin Color: His fur is of a soft white, hence his surname.

Eye Color: Grey-brown (only in his left eye- his right eye is blind, and thus a milky white)

Hair Color: His hair is chocolate brown, although hints of grey are beginning to appear in his mane and beard.

Facial Structure:

Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings?: A long scar stretches from his right temple to his cheek below, blinding the eye in between. He also has a dark patch of fur on his left calf.

Apparel: Brehkan is donned in heavy plate armor covering most of his body. When not in combat, he prefers the cloth and leather clothes of a civilian.


Personality Type: ENFP-A

Moral Alignment: Lawful Good

Ideals/Morals: Justice and honor should be upheld, even in the most desperate of times.

Personality Description: Brehkan is a very jovial, outgoing tauren. He loves to chat and make friends, and will try his hardest to lift the spirits of those around him. He defies the seemingly harsh luck of his past with a bright personality and an optimistic outlook. He is also incredibly protective of his friends, sometimes a little too protective.

Relationships: Tekazra (Close Friend), Sylvanas Windrunner (Warchief), Baine Bloodhoof (Racial Leader)

Personal Motto:

Favorite Food: Brewfest sausages!! So juicy...

Favorite Color: Golden-orange


Religion/Chief Deity: He worships his ancestors like all Tauren, however as a paladin, or Sunwalker as Taurens call them, he also serves An'she, the Sun.

Faction(s): the Horde

Weapons: He carries a large, two-handed warhammer called Suncaller.


Abilities: Basic paladin skills, such as channeling the light for devastating attacks or for healing.


11-09-2016, 01:21 PM

Name Zuljhan

Nicknames: Blue, Scales, Zul

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

RP/Universe of Origin: Dungeons and Dragons

Race: Dragonborn

# of Times Played: 0 (once in tabletop)



Height: 6'11

Body Structure: Zuljhan is lean and muscular, with blue scales patterned across strong muscles.

Skin Color: Blue scales

Eye Color: Light blue rimmed with yellow

Hair Color: Dark blueish-black

Facial Structure: Dragon-y?

Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings?: A small scar rests on his chin.

Apparel: Is usually adorned in nothing more than cloth or leather pants, even in combat. He often wears a necklace adorned with an eagle's skull and feathers.


Personality Type: ISTP-A

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good

Ideals/Morals: Protect your own.

Personality Description: Zul'jhan is quiet, but not shy. He keeps to himself, prefering the silent company of nature to men. When he does find something he's passionate about, he will cling to it closely and very few things are able to sway him from his decisions.

Relationships: Theo (captain); Samael, Killa, Roven, Hal (friends)

Personal Motto: Shut up, Sam.

Favorite Food: Rabbit

Favorite Color: Blue-green. NO, IT'S NOT JUST BLUE


Religion/Chief Deity: Not particularly religious.

Faction(s): He's a wanderer.

Weapons: Greataxe


Abilities: Strength, rage, barbarian-y things


02-26-2017, 02:50 PM

Name: Jayax Morakesh

Nicknames: Antares (her callsign)

Age: 39

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

RP/Universe of Origin: Starstream (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=84723)

Race: Orc

# of Times Played: 1

Nationality/Birthplace: North Africa, Earth


Height: 5'7"

Body Structure: Muscular, but not really buff. A bit stocky, with broad hips and shoulders.

Skin Color: Blueish-greyish-greenish

Eye Color: Dark green ringed with black

Hair Color/Style: Charcoal grey, almost black hair cropped close to her face in military fashion (think Tasha Yar).

Facial Structure: Very Orcish, with a flat nose, high cheekbones, and two short tusks protruding from her lower lip.

Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings?: A faded scar stretches from her right temple down to her cheek.

Apparel: A formal military uniform most of the time, though she is known to slip into something a little more casual on her days off.


Personality Type: ENTJ-A

Moral Alignment: Neutral Good


Personality Description:


Personal Motto: Do the job, and do it well.

Favorite Food:

Favorite Color: Turquoise


Religion/Chief Deity: Agnostic

Faction(s): Unity Special Forces (formerly), Scorpio Security

Weapons: Standard civilian-issue combat rifle, small-caliber sidearm


Abilities: Trained with many different weapons and styles of combat. Long story short, don't get on the wrong end of her gun.


03-09-2017, 02:40 PM

Name: Sefir

Nicknames: Sef

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi-curious

RP/Universe of Origin: Akaresh

Race: Elf

# of Times Played: 0

Nationality/Birthplace: Born in the Elven Kingdom, but raised in the Circle of Mages


Height: 5'9

Body Structure: Very thin, almost somewhat feminine. It's pretty obvious he doesn't get out much.

Skin Color: Deep, golden tan

Eye Color: Bright blue

Hair Style/Color: Long, silvery-white hair tied into a loose, simple ponytail.

Facial Structure: Angular, very elven. His bright eyes are his most striking feature.

Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings?: Large hoop earrings in his ears. An elaborate birthmark rests on his upper back, the mark that identifies magical power. Several tattoos have added to the design over the years, designating his progress in the skill.

Apparel: Normally wears loose, light-colored clothing to protect him in his desert travels.


Personality Type: ISTP-T

Moral Alignment: Neutral Good


Personality Description: If one word could sum up Sefir, it would be curiosity. He has a near insatiable thirst for knowledge, magical or otherwise. He can sometimes be oblivious to other's feelings, and is a bit socially inept, but he tries his best to be kind. Due to his upbringing, he can sometimes be a little rude to those of a "lower class", but he believes that all people deserve a chance to experience magic and to be educated.


Personal Motto: Knowledge is power.

Favorite Food:

Favorite Color: Emerald green


Religion/Chief Deity:

Faction(s): Circle of Mages (previously)

Weapons: Carries a long, plain staff that's mostly just for show.

