View Full Version : Mystics IV: The Final Chapter - Reincarnate! {M} IC

10-15-2016, 07:17 PM
WARNING: This story is rated M for mature. Mature things can and will happen. Please have an open mind when participating and reading.

Mystics IV: Reincarnate!
http://pre08.deviantart.net/58b4/th/pre/f/2013/350/a/f/paintics_challenge__mystic_forest_outpost_by_juhup ainting-d6y5ywm.jpg

Peace. The world had known peace for so long that it was abnormal to think of any other state of existence other than peace. Peace shrouded the world from knowing true darkness, but it was peace that would soon betray the very world it cradled for so long. A large ship floating just within the Earth’s gravitational pull sat dormant as a crew of men dressed in rather tight fitting clothing with armored platting scurried around the ship. The garbs were a dark blue in color with stripes of white where the seams of the uniform would be. These men moved about the ship with order and precision.

“Report,” a well fit man yelled out standing at the bow of the ship. Men and women alike sat in front of various screens typing on a flat surface, bringing up view of various colonies on Earth.

“Everything looks normal sir,” one of the men sitting at the center screen that changed images every few moments. “There’s a storm out in the ocean heading towards one of the colonies sir, it may do some damage, permission to ready the extraction team?”

“Wait and see what happens, but put them on standby. Keep me informed people,” the Commander of the ship said as he turned and left the room.


Monk Chiatzu awoke with a start. Sweat beading down his face and covering his neck. He was panting as he looked to see what the time was. Unlike traditional monks he embraced the technology that helped maintain his life. He slowed his breathing and closed his eyes to regain his composure. It was the same dream he had for the past few nights. There was nothing but darkness and from the darkness a set of eyes peered out at him. The eyes were draconic in nature and bore into his very soul. He stood within the darkness as it approached him with intent to swallow him whole. Just as it opened its maw to consume him, he would awaken. Chiatzu sat up in his bed. This was serious, something wasn’t right. The world had known peace for so long, could darkness be on the horizon? He looked out the window near his bed and stood up, taking bare steps towards the window.

“Has peace come to an end? Is it as the prophecy foretold?”


Morning came and Kyori was wide awake. He was positioned on the floor beside his bed when the light from the sun broke through the sheer curtains that lined his window. His eyes slowly opened as he stood to his feet and walked over to the mirror. Meditating helped calm his mind, it helped him control the storm within. It helped him train his mind and focus on the tasks at hand. Dressed in only his sweat pants, he took a moment to look at the body that he had achieved from all the hard work. Muscle rippled with every movement he made, and yet he hoped that one day he could relax from his training and enjoy the leisure of life.

After a quick shower, he adorned his monk robes, grabbing his prayers beads and placing the large set around his neck, while the small set wrapped around his right hand. He moved the beads within his fingers as he stood once again in front of the mirror. It was time for school, Monastic School to be precise, but today he was going to be helping one of the monk with special training. They had learned of his abilities upon his arrival to the school, and at his young age they wanted to test him to see if he would be ready for whatever was to come, but they waited until he got stronger. They had a theory that some kind of threat would eradicate life on Earth, but Kyori couldn’t see it. Peace was all he had known, and was all he worked to maintain, why would darkness rear its head after such a long time of being dormant? He had to remind himself that if things were to become chaotic, it would be his duty to help bring it back into line.

“Monk Chiatzu,” Kyori said bowing to show respect as he entered into the temple where Chiatzu sat in meditation. Upon hearing Kyori’s voice he stood and smile.

“Young one,” he began, “I have grave news.”

10-17-2016, 02:57 AM
The noise within the jungle was deafening. Calls of the wild came from every direction from a variety of species- exotic birds and bugs, large cats and smaller animals alike. It had been rather disorienting at first, but after having spent two weeks nestled amongst the trees- Ocella felt right at home. Unfortunately, with her grandmother no longer in their realm, she had to learn many of her skills on her own.

Ever since she had found out what she was... she had to find out what she was capable of. It was a consistent thought in her head, no matter who she was with or what she was doing- she always wanted to let her imagination roam wild. She was a writer, a parkour athlete, she trained often... and she was a half-angel. This was something that very few people knew of and something she wanted to keep that way. She could count on one hand the number of family members who knew about it, and there was no one outside of her family that she had told.

Currently, Ocella was surveying the area completely around her... only she was standing still, in the middle of a big game path, with her eyes closed. It seemed to an untrained eye that she wasn't moving at all, that she wasn't evrn breathing- but in truth, she had found that fine balance between heightened senses and insanity. She could hear every twig that broke nearby, and identify what had broken it by communicating with the foliage around it. She was training herself- trusting in nature to keep her safe.

There was a slight shift in the atmosphere, followed by a bright light and suddenly... Ocella was in her angelic form. She loved her wings and admired them with every transformation. With a simple flutter of them, she was able to avoid a panther crossing through the trail without it noticing her presence, beyond sniffing the ground where she once stood. Her eyes were still closed, but she was so focused on the panther beneath her that she flapped her wings too hard and her head hit a treebranch.

She winced in pain and opened her eyes finally, shaking her head as she pulled herself into a sitting position on the branch. 'Have to keep working...' she told herself mentally, taking in a deep breath as she began to meditate.

10-17-2016, 05:06 PM
The smell of the soil in the large array of pots and makeshift bags had ever been a calming influence on the teenager. He had originally taken the job in the Greenhouse to help his mother provide for the two of them. He admired the woman who had worked so hard and steadily to provide for him, tirelessly taking on multiple night shifts followed directly by a day shift just to ensure that her son had the comfort that he needed. Her efforts had not gone unnoticed in his eyes, and that was why he had chosen to find a job. He had lucked out in finding the Greenhouse, and over the years he discovered his love for it - among other things that he discovered while working with pot and soil.

"Excuse Me?" a rather feminine and young voice reached his ears and he turned - though unable to directly see - to look upon the one who had spoke to him; a young girl, no older than six years old. He felt the change in her movements as she recognized that the boy she was talking to could not see. It was the subtlety of her movements, causing vibrations to echo through the Earth and in turn allowing him to see a picture of the little girl as if his eyes were really there - though the colors were monotone and of the earth. It was better than not seeing at all, and Aleksander took the gift for what it was, never questioning it.

"It's alright," he acknowledged softly. He knew the girl was surprised, and though not being able to see, he had innately picked up on vaguely being able to sense the emotions of those around him. The little girl was much easier to read. Little children felt in such powerful emotion, usually rapidly and on both extremes of the spectrum, that it made it much easier for him to read them over an adult who operated under a sort of veiled emotional state. They were significantly harder to read because they knew how to compartmentalize and put on a facade, a veil, of what their true feelings were.

"Are you blind? "came the girl's response, her voice layered in questions and childlike curiosity. Alek smiled and offered a simple nod to the girl, who followed his affirmation with another question. "How did you see me then?"

To this question, he smiled vividly and came in close to her before answering quietly so that only she could hear him, "The Earth allows me to see. She responds to my will and I am able to call on her power."

He let out a vibrant chuckle as he immediately felt the disbelief welling within the girl followed by immediate suspicion. He enjoyed the presence of children, they allowed him to see much of what he could not when around others of his age. They held an innocence that was lost on the older generations. They brought him immeasurable happiness and clarity - they were a welcomed influence in his life.

"Prove it." she retorted to him, disbelief layered thickly in every syllable that left the little girl's lips. He smiled again and nodded respectfully, indicating the space between the two of them with a gentle incline of his head. He could feel the sudden change in her emotions, wonder, at what she saw rising between the two of them. A castle made of rock and soil, shaping itself by his very will, spiral towers rising from the Earth and sitting atop the castle. He could feel the childlike excitement and joy that permeated the air around the girl as she saw the very earth shift between the two of them.

"How did you do that?!" came her excited response to which he only smiled and shrugged, "It's a mystery little one."

He looked up as a voice called to the girl, her mother, Hope. It was an oddly fitting name for the young girl. She had given him an odd sense of hope, a smile still sitting on his lips as he turned back to trimming the plants and nursing them. It was going to be a good day.

10-17-2016, 08:25 PM
The world was silent to him, the clouds passing seamlessly above his head. Hair swayed in the wind, delicate wisps of pancakes and honey. The sun had just broken the horizon, coloring the sky with tinges of orange and yellow bursting over the clouds and bright blue sky. A deep breath in rich scents of dew and pine, the stronger smell of breakfast tempting his nose. His eyes closed for a minute before he finally stood up from the roof and jumped down, the loamy grass cushioning his landing before turning into the kitchen. He gave a wave to his grandfather and a hug to his nan before going to the bedroom to dress for the day.

“--rget to get your papers, or breakfast.” Nan spoke up, triggering his magic and flooding his world with sound. It made him stall for a second as sizzling bacon and the rustle of the newspaper greeted him. He responded with an okay and headed up to grab a shower. He didn't last long on it, cutting off the magic to focus on the shower.
Clean, dressed, and ready for the day, he headed into to get breakfast. A simple conversation with his parents was how he started the day around here, just before the rise of the sun.

“Got everything you need for the day?” Grandpa asked him, lowering the paper to look at Joshua.

“Yes sir, ready to go and re-proofed.” Joshua commented before finishing off the meal. He grabbed his bag and headed off, cutting across the back yard and into the forest path. Picking a light jog he headed towards school, getting ready for a regular day of school.

10-18-2016, 02:33 PM
The sun had just started to rise breaking the darkness with its warm light. A light that with time would completely banish the darkness of night giving birth to a new day. Two hunters that had entered the forest to hunt some deer the night before had awoken the stillness of the forest. Both of them were confused, but decided to continue the hunt none the less. That is when they saw a man sitting in a clearing.

The single man was sitting with his legs crossed in the middle of the only clearing in the forest. He looked to be meditating. His eyes were closed and unmoving. One would confuse him for being dead except you could see him breathing ever so slightly. The men also realized that he was unarmed, and seamed easy pickings. They were originally in the forest to poach deer, but they thought this would be easy pickings, and then back to hunting.

A slight breeze blew through the trees moving the man’s long hair. The two men approached who still didn’t move. He could not hear the men approaching him, slowly as not to be heard. But with the silence of the forest he could hear them as clear as day.

“Hey man. It is not safe to be traveling alone in this forest.”

Etrama opened his eyes and looked at the two men approaching him. Not truly paying them any mind he stood up and then looked over at the with a menacing grin on his face. Hi hair still moving with the breeze.

“You should go back to where you came from. I have no time to bother with the likes of you. So if you want to keep your lives then you should leave. Unless you want to test your luck against me! Which I assure you your guns won’t do you much good.”

Etrama threated as his silver eyes glimmered in the light of the rising sun. He wants to find the man that had interested him, and neither of these two were him. However, he would not mind ‘playing’ with them if they decided to start something.

The two men looked at the man with a puzzled look on their faces. Granted he wore strange clothing, but he didn’t look as if he could backup his threat, and they still didn’t see any weapons. So the men ignored his warning, and raised their guns. Taking aim at the man.

“Give us all of your belongings, and we just might let you live!” One of the men threated as he moved his finger to the trigger. Keeping the strange man in his sights. Without skipping a beat Etrama started to walk toward the men.

“Now, now that is my line.”

10-18-2016, 06:18 PM
The morning sun gracefully shown through the window adjacent to Emily’s bed. The light gently kissing her face as she opened her sapphire colored eyes. Greeting the morning with a yawn of delightfulness. Emily was a night owl at heart but she still loved her sunny mornings. They brought her a sense of peace, as she’d lay in her bed still and quiet just enjoying the morning. She turned over and looked at her clock and let out a sudden scream “oh my god I’m so fucking late”! Rushing as fast as she could through her morning routine she dashed around her room, into the bathroom, and then headed downstairs. The aroma of coffee filled the air of the kitchen along with the scent of breakfast. “Good morning honey” her mother said. “Mom, why didn’t anyone wake me up”? she said snatching up a piece of bacon and a flapjack. “Your father and I both tried to get you up earlier but you were unresponsive” she replied. “If it weren’t for the fact that we could see you breathing we would’ve thought you were dead” she said with a smirk on her face. “Thanks for the breakfast, I’ve got to head to school” Emily said kissing her mother and father goodbye. Tossing her book bag in the back seat of her small SUV, Emily made her way to school.

While sitting in class Emily slipped off into a dream like state remembering the last time she had seen Jeremy. That brisk night laying in the bed of his truck looking at the stars. Both had dreams to leave their small hometown which created a special and understandable bond. Emily was abruptly shaken from the dream with screams from fellow classmates. “Oh my god Emily, what the hell is wrong with you” Amber the school bitch screamed loudly. The whole class looking at her as if she had the biggest pimple on her face. Looking around Emily noticed that she had once again for a few second lost control of her body. She had dropped the temperature of the whole class room low enough that everyone could see their own breath. Embarrassed and blushing brighter than a tomato Emily said “I’m so sorry you guys”. The bell rang and Emily grab her stuff and rushed off to the bathroom. While sitting in the bathroom stall she heard the bathroom door open. “Did you see what she did” a voice said in a disgust. “I know; what kind of freak tries to freeze the whole class” another anonymous voice replied. Emily being the person she was dried her eyes and opened the door. “Girls if you’re going to talk about someone do it to their face or at least make sure they aren’t in the bathroom with you” she said as she checked her makeup in the mirror. The girls stared in shock with their mouths hung open. Emily let out a chuckle and said “You might want to close your mouths before someone takes it as an invitation”. She gracefully exited the bathroom and made her way to cheer practice.

10-18-2016, 07:20 PM
Art's morning's began early in the morning, well, at least ever since he first he showed his powers, his father wasn't joking around when he said he would need to be ready "when the time came"...
Whatever that meant, honestly thinking about it was both terrifying and exciting, a rather odd combination...

His morning routine would usually start around 4:30 A.M. Right before sunrise, running around the block for 30 minutes before taking a cold shower and getting dressed.
Art had been skipping school ever since the whole thing about his powers came up, he knew it was something serious if it forced his dad into lying to the school about him being in an accident or something, most of his friends had already sent him texts and messages wishing him to get well soon, he could only wonder what bullshit excuse his father came up with, people were asking him which hospital he was in so they could visit him, maybe he went a little overboard...

The rest of the day would be more physical training until dusk, his parents had hired a personal trainer for him, as well as kickboxing instructor to teach him how to defend himself.
Art had never really been one of the athletic types, but now he was exercising like there was no tomorrow. Which could very well be a possibility considering what little information his father had shared with him so far...

Once the sun was down Art could finally get a small breather. Physical training was done for the day and that meant it was time for his "secret" training.
So far Art couldn't really do much aside from absorbing metal and turning his skin grey, although his father knew a lot about his powers, especially for someone who didn't have any...
He assured art that his powers would get better in time, even if they didn't seem all that spectacular at that moment they would get better in time...

Lady Celeste
10-19-2016, 03:53 AM
http://www.zastavki.com/pictures/originals/2014/World___Norway_Ships_in_the_harbor_in_Oslo_058629_ .jpg

Handfuls of locals and tourists alike flocked to the edge of the docks as teams of merfolk accompanied each ship in and out of the Oslofjord harbor. Over the years they had become a sort of tourist attraction, with individual merfolk acting as tour guides for cruise ships and local tour boats, while small teams would swim along either side of departing vessels to guard against water mines and other hazards hidden beneath the surface. However, as peace became more and more secure throughout the world, there was also gradually less need for such extensive protection. Nevertheless, the merfolk did their respective jobs very well and proved to be very popular with visitors to the Oslofjord, so not only were they allowed to remain in the Navy's employ, but several local job opportunities were also made available for those merfolk who were too young or otherwise unable to take an official job with the Navy.

Kelda worked in one such position, volunteering in marine animal rescue efforts along with three older mermaids. The creatures of the sea had little to no trust in surface dwellers, especially when sick or injured, which made it difficult for the human volunteers to sufficiently gain their trust as to be able to help them. But the merfolk had a natural affinity for the waters they lived in and a strong mutual trust with the creatures that dwelled within, allowing them to reassure the poor creatures more easily and keep them calm long enough for the rescuers to finish their work. It wasn't as glamorous as working as a Navy guide, but it was a rewarding job in many other ways and allowed Kelda to make many new friends both in and out of the water.

Today, however, was different. As Kelda swam up to the center that day, she could see the other girls sitting at their usual perches at the water's edge. It was still early in the morning, so for now they were the only ones there, but something felt different somehow. The other girls must have noticed it too, as they watched the ships moving in and out of the harbor as usual; the humans were busily going about their day and didn't seem to notice anything, but today the merfolk surrounding each ship was swimming more defensively, keeping close to their respective ships and watching the surrounding seas warily, instead of happily socializing like they often did now that they were in peacetime.

Kelda fell silent, and lifted herself up onto a nearby rock to join them. Something about today felt off, for some reason, but what could it be?

10-19-2016, 11:17 PM
A warm breeze blew through Arsan’s open bedroom window. Arsan opened his eyes and sat up, beads of sweat rolling down his shirtless rock hard torso. Arsan got out of bed stretching, waking up every muscle in his body. He made his way to the bathroom running into John in the hallway. “Arsan, put some clothes on” he said noticing the half-naked teenager. As he continued walking he replied “these boxers are clothes”. Arsan’s morning routine consist of working out, studying for the CWDU exams, and personal grooming. Arsan followed this same strict routine every morning before school. Just as he was about to head out the door to school John stopped him “Do you still have that meeting with the CWDU recruiter today”?

“Right after school, why what’s up” he said checking his watch.

“You’re still coming to the garage when you’re done aren’t you” John replied.

“Soon as I’m finished I’ll be there” he said grabbing the back of his neck in frustration.

“Okay, hurry up and get to school before you’re late” he replied filling his thermos with fresh coffee.

Arsan raced to his car and left in quite a hurry, if there was one thing Arsan hated it was being late for anything. He made his way to school and went straight to ROTC class. While reading his CWDU manual for the millionth time he overheard two guys talking about how some girl at the high school a couple towns over had almost frozen her class. He found this interesting and amusing, but still couldn’t imagine losing control. Arsan had always done his best to keep his abilities under control to maintain a good reputation for the CWDU. Now it was time for the ROTC class to do their combat practices, this was Arsan’s favorite part of the class. The boys circled the elevated combat arena that they regularly practiced on. Arsan waited with so much anticipation for his turn to show off.

“You might want to calm down there, you look like a crackhead” one of the guys said chuckling at Arsan.

“Yeah and you might want to call an ambulance because when I get in there someone’s going to the hospital” he replied with a smirk.

“Oh, like your mom” the boy replied knowing exactly how to push Arsan’s buttons.

Arsan’s mood completely changed right in that moment all he could see is RED! The ground around him started to smoke and transformed from a lush green to greyish black. With his eyes glazed over he turned towards the boy and asked “What did you just say”? The boy filled with fear shook his head “Arsan, chill the hell out”. The instructor for the class saw the exchange out the corner of his eye and shouted “Arsan and Scott are we interrupting you two?” Trying to defuse the situation before it got out of hand he demanded both of the boys to drop and give him two hundred push-ups. When combat practice was over the instructor said “Good job everyone, now how about we work on stamina training…three miles. GO!” The group of boys and girls took off as if someone had fired a starting pistol for a race. “Arsan” the instructor shouted stopping him in his tracks. Arsan returned to his instructor and said “Yes sir!” The instructor with a concerned look upon his face said “Arsan what happened earlier, you’re my best student. Top of the class and on your way to becoming a great CWDU officer. If I’m going to give you that recommendation you asked for; you’re going to have to ignore comments like that.” Arsan adjusting his posture to that of CWDU regulation said “Understood sir”. “Now catch up with the rest of your class” the instructor said. Arsan again replying “Understood sir”. “Make sure you see me at the end of the day, I’ll have that recommendation written up for you. What is the name of the recruiter you’re going to see this afternoon?” “Mr. Van Zandt” Arsan shouted running off to catch up with his class.

Atrum Daemon
10-20-2016, 08:16 PM
“We're getting closer to the central chamber. See how the passages are starting to widen out?”

The dig team's excitement was palpable. They had been searching the old ruins for weeks before finding the collapsed entrance to as yet unexplored lower levels. The archaeologists were in the process of dating the site even as they probed deeper into the underground levels. They were detecting ever so slight increases in ambient magical energy the further they went and were using that as a guide to whatever center they believed existed.

Needless to say a strange spike in energy went unnoticed. Such anomalies had been encountered several times so nothing was thought of it. But this last spike heralded the arrival of a figure clad in darkness. It swirled and churned around him as he stepped from the dark hole torn in the fabric of reality.

“Not as precise as I wanted,” Darkholm mused, sharp ears catching the voices of mortals. “But I would be foolish to think he would not protect his slumbering form with powerful wards. Well. I will just have to deal with them. And thank these mortals for opening the way!”

He was clad in dark robes with a hood and mask obscuring much of his face. Dark energies crackled around his body as he tasted the power in the air. Yes, he was definitely in the right place. A grin split thin lips, revealing sharpened fangs, and he stepped forward. The sound of a firearm being readied made Darkholm pause and turn curiously. The human spoke to him in their strange and, to his ears, barbarous tongue. Darkholm raised a hand clad in a black glove with fingers tipped by silver claws. A ball of dark energy formed at the tip of his finger and shot into the armed man. A heartbeat later, the man's upper body exploded in a shower of gore and blood.

He turned from the stain the human had become and strode deeper into the underground temple. Darkholm found another mortal investigating some of the runic writing on the walls. A thrust of his arm punched through the human's chest, pulverizing his heart and killing him on the spot. The rest were further in, edging closer and closer to the chamber.

He found two more mortals who reacted to his presence with the appropriate amount of fear. A ball of dark energy thrown from each hand reduced the two mortals to blood smears on the walls and ceiling. Darkholm hummed tuneless as he walked on, leaving bloody footprints as he stepped through the gore. He found the last of them at the door trying to reach the others he had slain on their communication devices. Darkholm rushed forth and grabbed two by the head before crushing their skulls against the giant, stone doors. A twist brought the silver claws tipping his gloves slashing through the skull of another. In moments, they lay dead upon the floor.

He placed a hand upon the door and found it quite mundane, which was just fine with him. Darkholm raised his hands, uttering a spell in a language that would be incomprehensible to mortal ears, and the doors slid open to reveal the chamber within.

In the center was the one he sought with such murderous fervor. Auro, the Voodoo Dragon. His protective barriers were up but had worn thin over the passage of time, allowing Darkholm to shatter them simply by projecting his aura upon them. The demon walked to the altar Auro slumbered upon and stood over him. The question he was faced with was just how to awaken him without causing bodily harm.

Evening Rain
10-22-2016, 11:11 PM
Confusion. She could see it in the girl's face. Discord. She could sense it in the air.

It was beautiful.

"How many times do I have to say this before it gets into your whore skull?" His voice was angry, masculine, aggressive. Quite foreign emotions to the being behind the face, but a necessary facade. "I. Don't. Love. You." As his words sunk in, the girl opposite him began to tremble. The hapless young woman grit her teeth, tried to be angry, tried to muster some kind of response... But she couldn't. She had always known that her lover would leave her eventually, realise how weak she was... How useless she was. "I'm sorry..." was all she could muster. Sorry that she hadn't been good enough. Sorry that she'd been such a drain on him.

"Sorry won't bring me the two wasted years of my life back." The boy muttered bitterly. "Not worth the average sex, I can tell you that." That stung. Thinking that he'd only been with her at all because... She was easy. She began to cry.

"Oh, I've had enough." The boy growled, standing sharply and storming from the room. As he left, his ears listened intently. And there he heard it, a satisfying reply. "Goodbye, David..." the girl murmured. He pretended not to hear, and made his way out onto the street.

As soon as the boy set foot on the pavement, his face changed. No longer was he a sweet-faced young man of eighteen, he had become an old woman of about fifty, nondescript. She took her time, and sat down on a park bench opposite the girl's apartment, producing a newspaper and pretending to read it with interest. The street was abandoned, save for a pair of friends that were in the process of strolling past. Perfect. They'd be gone just in time. Even as they turned a corner, and moved out of sight - the old woman looked from her paper to the roof of the apartment, twelve stories high.

The girl stood there, swaying on the edge like a candle in the wind. And now, all she needed was...

"Ella!" The boy's scream was loud, but not loud enough to reach her. He had just come onto the street, and after realising what was about to happen - he sprinted toward the apartment.

He was too late.

Before she had a chance to even notice him, she dipped forward, and fell with the grace of a martyr, smashing onto the pavement with a delicious thud that was audible to the old woman below. What made it all the sweeter was that Ella's lover had no doubt heard it too. He sprinted toward her body, looked unsure of what to do for a few moments - and then promptly turned away and vomited. Her work was done. She knew from experience that it would only be a matter of time before the heartbroken fool would join his lover in death. She cared not. The anguish on his face was all the reward she needed.

If her face was not buried in the newspaper, and the street was not so devoid of life - an onlooker might have sworn that the woman grew visibly younger before their eyes. Her grey hair turned to raven, her wrinkles became less pronounced. Her face altered itself slightly, becoming sterner - and sharper. Her eyes went from brown to grey.

The children at the school had been gossiping about a freak at New Grampus just that morning. Something about the room temperature dropping significantly. How very interesting. She would replace one of the teachers there, and observe this "freak" more closely. Besides, she had nothing else to entertain herself with at present. She often took the form of teachers. People in positions of authority who were easily trusted and could learn a deceptive amount about their students. Then she could select the perfect targets...

And welcome chaos.

10-23-2016, 02:07 AM
"Ah nothing beats traveling by sunbeam." A soft feminine voice chirped as a flash of pale yellow scales glimmered through the breaks in the trees. First day of the Blackbrick Academy semester, and the first day of Alimiax's Senior year. She was a bundle of nerves, most Dragons don't go to non-Dragon schools and she's gone nearly her entire school career with only a select few even knowing she was a Dragon. Such knowledge was always a danger, most races love challenging Dragons to any competition or fights. It's one of those expected things when you're near the top of the food chain and uppitiness isn't an exclusively humans fault. So many other races like to think they're the best of the best and take any chance to prove it.

That means making any Dragon who is foolish enough to let themselves be known is fair game. Usually the Dragon can talk their way out of it, but some, like that incident at St. Lorelei's Academy can only end in violence. Luck tended to favor those of Light Dragon lineage, Prisims, Starries, Sunners, and Moonies all had more luck than others Dragons, but they weren't allowed to gamble so the luck had to be used in keeping them alive...not a bad trade-off. Being a Sunbeam Dragon, Ali always traveled by Sunbeam even if she didn't have to, it was easier and saved her from getting tired out so early in her school day. Traveling by flight from her Aunt Deliahax's house to Blackbrick would be a lot of wing flapping and people dodging. She'd need a nap before first period, after five minutes the young Dragon landed daintily in the woods outside her school. Looking around she saw that she was alone and quickly changed into her human form, hiding her now nude body behind a big tree quickly pulling her school clothes out of her pack and dressing.

She'd done this routine for years, through sun, through wind, she'd even done it in the snow a few times. The key was to be quick and have it all ready in your bag, in a minute flat Ali was ready to go and began jogging towards the front gate of her school.

10-23-2016, 02:33 AM
~Two weeks prior~

“Everything is ready go to?”

“Yes. The box has been set and the bait laid.”

“Rick all set up to go? I don't want a giant space laser on my head because some repugnant imbecile forgot to clean up after themselves.”

“Don't fear. I personally checked over each step. If anything, it'll fall onto Mr. Scarto’s head, which I made sure to prep the stocks in should it go to plan.”

“I'm glad I have you here. I swear half this country would burn in nuclear waste if not for you.”

“Thank you Master. Shall I prep a new limo for you then?”

“Yes.. and make sure to get a bullet proof body.”

“Of course Master.”

~Present day~

A modest limo pulled up to the curb, the afternoon sun resting behind drifting clouds. The scent of aged wine and oakpine hung on the door as the chauffer settled the car to a stop, making sure not to jostle the rider before exiting the vehicle. With practiced grace the man pulled the door open for his guests.

“We have arrived at your destination, Mr. Raven. CWDU headquarters. Shall I wait by the door or find a spot to park?” The driver asked, helping the man and woman out of the vehicle. Eldrich was dressed in his normal attire, a pleasant smile on his face. Quickly behind him was his secretary Jackie Chun, dressed in a sharp pencil suit, the tight skirt just above her knees. The soft blue suit matched well with Eldrich, making them pleasing the eyes.

“Good sir, I would never ask you to wait, so please go park and stretch your legs. I insist.” Crowe offered him a pleased smile and a generous tip, handing him two Jacksons and heading into the building. The driver could only look in shock as his customers walked into the building. A huge grin broke out while hopping back into the driver’s seat.

“Good afternoon and welcome to the.. Oh! Mr Raven and Ms Chun, what a treat it is to see you here. What delight brings you here today?” The officer at the front desk asked, giving the two a welcomed smile.

“Oh, I wish to talk with your chief here please. I would like to discuss an event that I need his help on.” Crowe asked the woman with a smile, looking around the room. With the peaceful times, things had become slow around here, yet people still bustled and fro, others sitting around three waiting room. Even a rather well built young man, magic exuding off him. He gave a wave to him as the Secretary made her calls.

“Chief Zanut is free to see you” She spoke with a cheery smile.

“Thank you very much. Come along Ms Chun.” Crowe bade to the women as they headed up the stairs, greeted at the office door by the aged chief officer.

“Mr. Raven, it's so wonderful to see you again. May I ask what brings you around here today?” Chief Zanut asked him, offering him a seat.

“Well, I would like to discuss something personal with you…” Crowe began. With a smile, he pulled out his checkbook and pen. With a few simple strokes, he wrote out a few things onto the check and handed it to the man. The chief took a look at the paper, before his eyes went wide in shock.

“Are, are you sure this is right? 5 ..50 million?!” The chief asked, incredulous at the massive sum of money. It was then that Crowe moved. With the magic infused in the paper, it was easy to grab the man's emotions, ramping up the feeling of joy. He relaxed into the chair while watching, a gleeful smile while the man went silent from joy. It was too simple, controlling them like puppets on a wire, made to dance and move for his pleasure.

“I assure you, it's correct. I know we are in a time of peace, but without such a great force as the CWDU, we would be awash in death and despair.” Crowe spoke, allowing sadness to creep into his voice. He eased back on the magic flow, making the man droop and sag. A sigh escaped him, from the emotional drain and weight of memory.

“These are some troubling days indeed. Many good men and women are lost to us.” Zanut sighed heavily, spinning in his chair.

“Yes they were…,”Crowe spoke, before flooding the man with his magic, allowing joy to fill him again,”but they wouldn't want us to be sad. Which brings me to the reason why I'm here. I would like to host a charity ball in honor of the CWDU and those who lost their lives. Which would require some knowledge from you. To help raise funds for those horribly affected by the events.”

“That, that would be wonderful!” Zanut started, yet stalled a bit. Crowe held off on increasing the man's high, letting wariness take hold for but a brief moment.

“But… there are some who wouldn't want to be known or be given such a public display.” Crowe held his hand up to pause the man

“No fret good man. I'll keep them anonymous and keep them out of the proceedings. If that is all you are worried about, I'll be glad to deal with that personally if need be.” Crowe responded with a polite smile.

“Well…. I don't see anything wrong with that. Shall I print off a list of them, or would an email do better?” Zanut asked, waking up the monitor and looking through the systems already.

“Ah, email would be best. It'll make setting up funds and the party much easier then. Thank you so much for your support.” Crowe said, lowering the control carefully as the man worked. A few clicks and a beep later signified the email being sent. They chatted amicably as the file was processed, Chief Zanut wanting to assure that everything went well for him.

“Ah, and there were have it. Thank you again for obliging an old man with a simple notion.” Crowe addressed the man as he stood, holding out his hand.

“No no, it was my pleasure. I'm sure those for who the ball is for will love the idea. You have a wonderful d-”

The retort of gunfire broke the pleasurable atmosphere as bullets littered the entrance with glass soon behind it. Zanut jumped, hurrying to the window to look at the scene below.

~Moments earlier~

A man burst into the door as Crowe and Zanut had been talking, swathed in a heavy cloak and low hanging hat. His face was obscured with a heavy mask, and one could see bulk beneath the cloak. Tension rose as the man stopped in the doorway, a quiet mumbling from the collar. Few stopped to look, the first being the Secretary, left wary at the man.

“Sir, may I help you?” The secretary asked the man, resting her hands on the desk. The room fell deathly silent, the man finally catching the attention of others. A minute chuckle echoed from him, filling the room with an uncomfortable air.

“Sir, please. Is there anything I can do for you?” She asked again after a few moments without an answer. The man stood stock, the laugh dying in his throat.

“All shall perish for the power of my master! Blood for the throne!” The man shouted in a shriek. Without a second chance to respond, the man pulled out a large bulky AK-47, painted solid black. The tension broke like glass as he let loose a flair of bullets, taking a few civilians and the Secretary in the burst. He was quickly lit with fire from those who could respond first. Holes riddled the man's coat, hat flying off from the hot lead. Coat now in ruins, one could see the seat uniform beneath it.

“All shall feed the dark lord's plan!”He shouted into the air, drowned out in the burst of fire between the two.

~Chiefs office~

“The fresh hell is going on?” Chief Zanut asked the air, dragging the two guests away from the window. Crowe has already dropped the magic fully, allowing the shock of the situation to deepen further. Even from here he could hear the screams and laughter, a beautiful cacophony of anarchy. He allowed himself to be pulled to the desk roughly, fear etched clear on his face.

“Stay here behind the desk.” Zanut ordered, drawing out the standard .9mm revolver from his hip. Resting both hands on the grip, he burst from the door, rolling into the hall and clearing a desk to hide behind, a splatter of bullets nearly clipping him in the side. Crowe had wished the man had been shot, just to be done with the false niceties. It made his blood boil and want nothing more than to gut him like a fish. Giving a sigh he pulled out his phone giving a silent nod to Jackie to keep watch.

“Time to see what they hide.” Crowe whispered while navigating his phone, finding the file he needed. A virus scrubber had been created to break into the Cwdu, designed to copy and store the files in the system, bury itself and send the info once deleted. Sending the email, he sent it as a reply to Zanut, using his magic to speed it up as get it into the system. Turning and peering over the edge of the desk, looking to be curious of the events, hand resting on the keyboard.

His magic flared to life on the machine, the keys pressing and depressing in a blur, opening and downloading the virus file, clearing the email reply and setting it to work. He was guaranteed a 24 hour window to get this, but he forced the virus to move faster, needing to gather as much as needed before it got cleared.

With a malicious grin he ducked behind the desk, motioning Jackie to duck and cover, shielding his ears mere moments before a shrill bellow blasted from the front.

“Blood for the throne! Anarchy will live!”

Fire and shrapnel engulfed the front, a concussive blast crumbling as an explosion rocked the building.

10-24-2016, 07:56 PM
The huffing wind rose up around the lone figure sitting atop a pedestal. The tar-black clouds revolved around the mountain peak, thunder bellowing loudly in the distance. A storm was coming. The lone figure stood to his feet, his eyes opening slowly revealing dark pupils resembling a dark sky with stars scattered throughout.

“Ancient Ones, I come seeking guidance,” the long figure said against the howling wind. There was no response. The man lowered his head, as if defeated. His eyes darted around the mountain top trying to figure out what he would do next. “Ancient Ones, evil is resurfacing, I need your guidance.”

Minutes passed and there was still no answer. Lightning streaked across the pitch black clouds signifying the storm’s arrival. The man turned his attention to the pedestal he had moved from to call upon the Ancient. He had come and received no answer.

“Rest assured I shall not allow evil to undo all that we worked so hard to accomplish.”

“Then you had best prepare for the fight of your life.”

The lone man turned swiftly to see a woman dressed in beautiful gold garbs that lightly dusted the ground where she stood. The wind moved around her, as if not daring to touch her at all. The man’s hair whipped viciously as the wind increased.

“Mistress,” the man said kneeling to show his respect to his superior.

“Dorian, you are one of us, there is no need to bow to me,” the woman said with a smile.

Dorian sighed and stood to his feet. “It is as we feared Mistress Nya, Auro has been found and will soon awaken. He will bring about the end.”

“All is not lost Dorian; you know what to do. Find them, and train them.”

“But they are so young, they’ve not experienced all that life has to offer. How can we ask so much of them?”

“You know the rules of existence, we cannot interfere in the matters of mortals, and as a transcended you must tread carefully, but you are the only one Dorian who can bring them all together.”

Dorian sighed once more and turned from Mistress Nya if only for a brief moment.

“So it begins again,” he said softly, nearly inaudible due to the raging wind.

“A never ending circle. For wherever there is good, there is bound to be evil. Where the darkness consumes, light shall liberate. One cannot exist without the other, and yet one cannot exist where the other is present. Be careful Dorian in your task.”

A soft smile was all he could manage as Mistress Nya took her leave. There was nothing else he could do. He would have to recruit them as Naja had recruited him so long ago. The memory still fresh in his mind as he looked at his hands. He hadn’t aged a day. He had transcended, joining the Ancients, but never feeling like one of them. Their rules didn’t allow interference in the matters of mortals, but Dorian believed in a hands on approach. He had been designated as the Overseer, but how would he accomplish so much in such a short amount of time?

Nemine, Kurama, Kana, Halley, Callan, Caine, Drax, Nora, Iravelle, Matsunaga, Torfrid, Kaiyen, Cyrus, Jin, Aurous, Melantha, Sable, they all still lived, but where had time placed them all? Each had their piece in protecting the world from evil and keeping the peace that the world knew so well.

A bolt of lightning surged from the storm clouds above, striking Dorian, absorbing him, his destination set, he would find them all and bring them to Blackbrick Academy, run by the infamous Headmaster Gandor.

10-25-2016, 02:08 AM
Ocella looked to the skies, her eyes filled with worry. During the time that she had spent in the jungle, she had experienced only two storms. This was by far larger and much more powerful than the ones she had experienced, and she knew that her shelter was not strong enough to survive the night. The storm had snuck up on her rather rapidly and she hadn't even caught wind of it until the skies above her began to darken.

The trees were too dangerous to provide sheter, for the lightning was too frequent. She couldn't stay by the river for it was bound to flood. She knew that this was her first true test and that she had to act quickly.

"Think Ocella, think," she chided herself as she looked around for any possible shelter to get her through the night. She was walking along a game path in an attempt to find something quickly, knowing the dangers it posed. Still... it could prove worth the risk.

"Damnit!" She shouted, her voice drowned out by the raging wind around her as rain began to pelt the Earth beneath her. "Shiiiit. I didn't prepare for this," she chided herself again as slowly but surely she became drenched, her clothes clinging thickly to her small frame. Finally, though, she came upon a cluster of trees with large, fan-like leaves that seemed sturdy enough. Checking for nearby water sources and finding none, Ocella raced for the trees and quickly found shelter underneath. There was no hopes of building a fire now, all she could do was try to avoid getting any more wet than she was.

"Oh mom and dad... I'm so grateful you aren't here," Ocella said to herself as she sat against the trunk of the tree, turning into her angelic form. Her wings and the tree leaves would offer a source of protection from the elements for the night, but for the predators... she was frightful. She knew that she would have stories to tell when she got home... if she got home. Her parents would be proud, that much was certain... but first she had an enormous task ahead of her that was slowly dwindling her confidence away. Her wings wrapped around her and kept her body warm, but they were growing heavy and difficult to maintain after some time.

"Maybe I wasn't as ready for this as I thought," she muttered to herself, shaking her head. Nothing she had ever done could surmount to the difficulties she was facing then- but she knew that somehow, she would have to get past it.

10-25-2016, 05:39 AM
Juni and Siks co-op!

Ocella had never heard anything akin to the noise filling her senses at that moment. It was one of dread, one that would certainly lead to greater consequences later- the sound of rushing water. Although an unknown sound, it was easily recognizable as she heard trees collapsing in the jungle. It was heading straight for her and her head snapped up in an instant, spreading her wings and taking flight into air as quickly as she could.

It was dark around her and she could see the water rushing past where she had once been without regard to whom had previously occupied the space. Her heart was racing and she was having a difficult time staying airborne with the water pelting against her wings.

And thus she screamed in fury and defeat, seeing the ground beneath her succumbed to the mighty river beneath her- how could she have missed it?! Everything was collapsing around her at once, and lightning was striking trees in the distance.

Then she saw it, and at first she thought she was having jungle hallucinations. In the distance, not far from where she flew... was what appeared to be a stone structure covered in vegetation, as though the forest had claimed it for its own. She wondered if perhaps it was in the path of flood waters, but there was only one way to find out- and that was to seek the structure.

The journey was treacherous- lightning was coursing through the sky and her wings were heavy with water. She knew with everything in her that she had to reach the structure, whether it was still in use or not- for nothing she flew over showed promise in sheltering her from the storm and she still had many hours until morning light. Finally, though... after what seemed like an eternity to Ocella, she stood at the forest's edge surrounding the structure, observing it- trying to identify if anyone, or anything, was inhabiting it.

As the storm howled and tore about the lonely stone walls of the old Amazon Mystic's base a single figure stirred from under a small mound of blankets. His body looked to be that of a young man in his prime, but his hair and eyes showed him to be much, much, older. He was a being as old if not older than the deepest, darkest parts of the Amazon.

This is Master Hillard Redscar, the first and only Body Mystic that has ever existed. He a hails from a now extinct race of pure men. Sound in mind, body, and spirit, warriors through and through and once bound by a moral code thicker than that of the Knights of old. Through the eons they either died or integrated into the lesser races of men, Master Redscar would've gone with him had he not been blessed with the immortality of being the wielder of The Protector Armor. A magical suit of plate mail even more ancient than it's master, created by the Gods themselves. It, along with the Aegis shield are kept locked away, as a gloried crypt keeper with the invincibility of Body magic all he's ever needed to fight were the occasional grave robber or malcontent supernatural creature looking for some plunder.

Easy pickings for even Neophyte warriors and no reason to waste the energy pulling out two items made by Gods to fight Gods. Tonight though, something alerted the old man's Body Sense power. It was a living body, but this one had a power Hillard hadn't come across in nearly 500 years. This person was a slumbering Mystic. Grabbing his cloak and sword the old man exited the warm magically altered confines of the Amazon Base. Passing the statue of another one of a kind Mystic, Master Marzarex the one and only Sound Mystic, Hillard vanished into the trees and began tracking the young girl through the stormy night.

He found the girl floundering through the rainy sky, she was part angel but she didn't have the feel of the usual Elements Angels get assigned she didn't have the glow of Light or the creeping caution of Dark. This girl was a Nature Mystic, what a novelty in the eyes of the old man. Curious he followed her choppy decent to the front gates of the old base. Crouching in the trees above her Master Redscar decided to test the girl, he couldn't allow any dark aligned Mystic to enter the Amazon Base she he must make sure she was on the good side. He let out an almost mad laugh (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUe29YVteA4) and shouted down from his hiding spot in the trees.
"What do we have here hmm? Someone so lost she knows not who she is? Well lucky for her I know what she should know."

After Ocella had stood there for several moments, crouched behind a tree in observance, she was about to step forward when something startled her more than the storm itself had. She heard an utterly mad laugh, and had it not been for the voice that spoke after she might have assumed it belonged to that of a wild animal, perhaps an owl- but it was the voice whom solidified that she was being watched.

She jumped in fright, backing away from the sound as she tried to look and see where the voice was coming from... but with no avail as rain fell upon her and blurred her vision. She felt as though she were a sitting duck and it made her very, very nervous. There weren't many people in the Amazon forest, primarily native peoples- and she had yet to interact with any, though she wondered if she had accidentally stumbled upon a tribe... which could mean trouble for her.

Still, she listened to his words carefully, knowing that her responses could save her life. "How is it that you know who I am, when you claim that even I do not?" she asked the figure, shielding her eyes from the rain in an attempt to find where he was hiding- still yet with no success.

A second bout of mad laughter littered down to the young girl cowering in the mud and grass.
"Because I know what she'll know soon enough. She is very important to the future, but first she must learn who she is and where she falls." He bounces to a lower branch to get a better look at the dirty girl. Young, blonde, and fit looking good start, she didn't exude any kind of evil power and she was too inexperienced to be hiding her evilness.

She would be questioned some more.
"So what does she think she is and where does she think she falls?"

Ocella was entirely confused, it was as though he were speaking in riddles to her- and for all she knew, he could have been some mad old coot who lived in the rainforest and had rainforest dementia. It was entirely possible, but regardless as to whether or not it was true- she didn't know what his intentions were or what he would do if she tried to run, so she listened closely to what he said.

He mentioned something about her being important to the future- and she tried to find him, to see him but failed yet again. Instead, she gave up trying to hide and trying to find him and leaned against a tree, water soaking her from head to toe. She looked exhausted, and she was- but she wasn't going to fear him, rather instead what would happen if she didn't find shelter soon enough. If he was going to harm her- there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was defenseless, minus her flight, but he seemed to be a master of the trees and that would do her little good.

"Important to the future?" she asked, curious by his words. "I know who I am- it's why I'm here. Well... not here, at this structure... but in the forest. And what do you mean, where I fall?" she asked the man, looking around her surroundings and taking in everything she could- trying to devise an escape plan if needed.

He'd already caught her in her angelic form, there was no denying her heritage. "I'm a half angel, if you must inquire. And about three hours ago, I fell into a tree branch if you're going to be so vague. Now the questions fall to you- who, and where, are you?" she asked, wondering if he would answer her questions as she was his.

Deeply amused at the girl Hillard decided to introduce himself. Dropping from his perch he landed a foot from the girl bowing lightly to her pulling his old hood back. For the first time he showed himself as the long haired, long bearded old man, he was.
"I am Master Hillard Redscar and you look tired. Come we'll see just which way to fall, because only those who fall right can enter here." He let out another series of mad laughs and led the girl past the fierce Dragon statue and into the Amazon Base.

Ocella watched, an anxious expression on her face as he finally revealed himself, landing only a foot away from her with ease. He was a peculiar person... he appeared young, yet his eyes and his hair suggested otherwise. She couldn't explain it, yet she wondered if it was because he lived in the Amazon. He introduced himself, and beckoned her inside- but she was entirely hesitant to go anywhere with him.

Still, she was tired... and she was weak. She was cold and shivering, her body was soaking wet and her clothes had nearly been reduced to rags. What other choice did she have? To die by the very thing she loved, wanted to protect and to learn from? Neither scenario was ideal, but... maybe, just maybe... she could get inside long enough for her to recover and to escape. On their way inside, the two passed a large and intimidating dragon statue that was covered in vegetation along with the rest of the structure. She made note to ask him of it later, if he didn't turn out to be some sort of killer who ate his victims to leave no trace behind.

'Oh mom and dad... I'm so sorry,' she thought as she entered the building, closing her eyes for a moment, her mind filled with fear and worry- wondering if she could trust him, wondering what he was going to do next. The inside was warm, but she could barely feel the heat from the room for she was shaking far too much, the rain soaking her core. "Do... do you have a towel I may use to dry off with, Master Redscar?" she asked, her voice hopeful. She figured if she were entirely polite and called him as he introduced himself, he might be willing to oblige with her request and that less likely to kill her.

The old man hmmed still deeply amused and nodded tripping a hidden rune that activated the interior wards of the old base turning the lights on and filling the room with warm light and heat.
'Hmm yes, you can have your own bathroom and free bed if you so wish. Might even be some clothes left from the last residents." Another merrily mad laugh and he pointed the girl to the room just off the main room they were currently in. She could find her way and he wanted to find some food for his first guest in nearly 500 years.

Atrum Daemon
10-25-2016, 02:08 PM
It was a bit of a conundrum he was faced with, really. Breaking the wards around Auro had been easy enough with how they had worn down, but the challenge of actually breaking the dragon from his slumber was another task all on its own. But, it was something Darkholm would have surmount. His hands hovered over the sleeping form as he examined the spell and its components to discern how to unravel it. Auro had put himself under a complex spell, but that was expected. How else would he have remained in slumber all these long years?

Darkholm could undo the spell. But that was no guarantee that, after so long, simply doing so would awaken him. Power radiated from Darkholm as he began to work, shadows lengthening as dark energy collected around the mage. Black mist swirled about the altar and a sound like cracking glass filled the air as the sleeping spell began to weaken. The spell came undone as the mist swirled about Auro, but Darkholm had not way to know how quickly the lingering effects would fade and when he would actually awaken.

Darkholm had no real time to wait. But, he did know of someone with the particular skills to help things along. Getting in touch with him would be a small expenditure of energy, all things considered. Darkholm seated himself upon the stone floor and worked the necessary spell.

His projection took shape within the CWDU building, though it was something only Crowe would be able to perceive. “Ready to bring proper anarchy and discord to the world?” Darkholm asked him. “I have a doorway to such a future for you. You can step through and really do some work. Or remain here and flail pointlessly at the systems of modernity.”

A swirling portal opened next to Darkholm's projection, a window into the chamber showing Crowe the figure sleeping upon the slab. “He is the key to such a future. And I need your help to wake him up.”

10-26-2016, 04:03 AM
The explosion was severe, gouts of shrapnel and flames in the building. Crowe laughed quietly as he felt the floor groan beneath him, threatening to plunge him down below. He had overplayed with the man, not planning such explosions, yet loving it all the more. The only risk now was falling to the lower floor from the ruined structure. Though that fear was short lived as the air shimmered, revealing a vaguely familiar face. The man had found him a while ago to discuss a plan to find a great evil to help ruin the world. Crowe had brushed him off as a silly fanatic.

“Seems you can truly deliver.” Crowe said as the man gave his spiel again, though with a much different twist to it. With a nod to Jackie, he led them into the portal, feeling the sudden shift from the flames to silence. It was good to hear again, and not worry. It was time to finally drop the façade of him being a good man.

“So, this is the great Auro?” Crowe asked rhetorically, ignoring Dakholm while walking up to the sleeping figure. It didn't boast the fear he expected, but the thrumming in the air spoke otherwise. He hardly stirred from his pedestal. The being was asleep, the scant traces of a sleep spell having just been broken. Yet still the darkness slept. It would not do to allow such a beast to rest while the world reveled in ignorant bliss.

“He slumbers while the world thrives. I think it's time to show them what they have forgotten,” Crowe chided to Dakholm before resting his hands on Auros head,


Power surged forth from Crowe, tendrils seeking into Auros mind. He felt through his mind, gathering what sensations and emotions that rested inside. A simple one to get, that he himself could make. His thumb pressed gently on his ear, creating that tiny bit of unease, of confusion, a feeling of being disturbed. Three coins now pressed onto Auros forehead while Crowe backed away, keeping ahold of that emotion.

Now clear from the range, Crowe began. Magic pooled out of Crowe while fueling the emotion to the extreme. The air began to waver and grow heavy above Auro, thin black strands flowing through the coins. They wrapped around the slumbering figure, seeping into his flesh, spreading that disturbance through him, to stir the great beast from his sleep.

“It would be wise to call Roderick it you can. In case this ends badly for us.” Crowe spoke, knowing well that this could end with both of them dead.

10-26-2016, 04:45 AM
Co-Op between Sikstaslathalin, Panda_Frog,and RisingPhoenix

His first set of business was to check on the Amazon Base that had been left in the capable hands of his dear friend and former master, Hillard. The old man was wise even if he laughed like a madman. Dorian knew when it came to it Hillard’s abilities were great and could help in the upcoming war if the man was ready for such a difficult task. Dorian could not interfere in the matters of the war. He could recruit, he could train, but he could not fight. It put him in a position to rely on others. The Rules of Existence were placed for a reason, it was the reason the Universe sustained for so long. For now, he had to find the new recruits and train them to save their own futures. The lightning coursed through the clouds above the base and with an intensity unmatched, lightning flew down from the charcoal colored sky, striking in front of the statue of Marzarex. Dorian now stood in the midst of the settling debris. His senses instantly went on alert. He could feel one of them. How lucky was it for him to have located one so soon? Hillard’s presence was a constant beacon here, but this new presence was quite angelic in nature.

His attention settled on the statue and he sighed. Placing a firm hand on the base, he closed his eyes.

“Had it not been for you master, we wouldn’t be here today. Thank you Rex,” Dorian said softly as he made his way into the base. It was easy to find Hillard, he was busy in the kitchen.

“Hillard, old friend, I see you’ve kept this place in pristine condition.”

Hillard was busily gathering up food and drink for him and his guest when he felt a familiar and powerful presence enter the Base’s perimeter. Moving towards the door he smiled broadly and opened his arms to Dorian letting out another mad cackle.
“Well, well young master does my heart good to see such an exalted presence at my door.” He hugged the Overseer firmly hearing the man’s back pop lightly. “And it’s more thanks to your magic than me, I just keep the bugs out.”

The larger male still had the strength of ten as Dorian felt his body lift and his back pop. He had been trying to pop that spot for the longest time, and would have to remember to thank Hillard later after all matters were discussed. After being released, Dorian smiled and chuckled warmly at Hillard’s comment.

“Thank you, and I wish this were a leisure visit, but I’m afraid I’m on business,” Dorian said realizing how much of a party pooper he was being. “The one who is here with you, you already know just as well as I. Have you sensed it yet? Do you remember Auro?”

Hillard’s cheerful face instantly darkened at the mention of the hated lizard’s name. His fist’s clenched and an audible pop could be heard going up his entire arm.
“I was hoping it was just a nightmare, but sadly yes. I also saw a black comet move across the sky heading towards the East. What could that mean?”

“Black comet?” Dorian replied not understanding what it meant, but knew it had significance to the visions he was having. There was something coming. Auro may be just the catalyst to get things started. “I’m afraid Auro is being set free. This world is not ready for such a monster, and that girl and the others are key to defeating him. If you say you saw a black comet then I need to take my leave immediately. Please, take the girl to the Blackbrick Academy. She will learn all she needs to know there, for now I must take my leave.”

Dorian rested a firm hand on Hillard’s shoulder and walked towards the door. When the door opened for him, he turned and looked at Hillard, “it may be time for you to dorn that which you put away so long ago Hillard. Farewell.”

With that Dorian was gone, he needed to speak with Marzarex and Galez. There was something too familiar about a black comet, but he couldn’t quite place it. He remembered speaking with the Ancients about prophecy, but he was having a hard time bringing it back to his remembrance.

Outside in the rainforest, he found a clearing and sat down. The rain pelted all around him, but avoided him as the wind had avoided Mistress Nya.

“King Roanoke, I seek the guidance of Marzarex and Galez. I ask permission for their presence,” he prayed.

Hillard nodded watching Dorian leave his breath coming out in slow controlled puffs. This was some of the worst news he’s heard in a good few centuries. The previous baddies the other Mystics fought were tough...but they were children compared to Auro. A Dragon wrapped by who knows what and given tremendous power and the cruel mind to wield them at their fullest.

He knew of Blackbrick Academy, but the storm out would make travel impossible tonight. He would try to calm the young Mystic in his care and begin planning for the journey, it has been a very long time since Hillard has left the Base.

As Dorian prayed to Roanoke the air around the Overseer rippled gently and the astral projection of the Dragon King appeared. Dressed in diamond plated armor and with a long gray beard finely trimmed and with faint silver braids twining it. Very rarely did he awaken and answer anyone directly trying to contact him. But recent events have stirred his consciousness and Dorian was a noble and just heart.

The monarch nodded to Dorian a faint smile on his lips.
“As you wish young sir, but keep it as brief as you can. Souls that have earned their right into Drago’s Kingdom can only stand to be parted from it for so long.” The King nodded once more and waves his glistening hand towards the skies. The King’s image fades and is soon replaced by those of High Elder Galez and Master Marzarex looking just as they did the last time Dorian saw them alive. Galez was tall and strong, but wizened and dressed in his black armor. Marzarex was in his Master Mystic form, the ethereal Dragon of Sound. They both smiled, but Galez spoke.
“It is good to see you young Dragon, what brings you to call upon us?”

It was good to see King Roanoke, the King of all Dragons. Dorian admired the pure strength the Ancient held. In his kneeling position, he dared not look directly at Roanoke, but he instead focused on the ground in front of him, thanking King Roanoke for granting his wish and only looking up when Marzarex and Galez were in front of him.

“Masters,” he said softly with a smile on his face, “I will keep this as short as possible. Forgive me for pulling you from your eternal rest, but I need to know. What do you know of the black comet?”

As Dorian asked the smiles ran from the old Dragons’ faces. This couldn’t be real, such a thing could never happen. But as they studied the young man’s feature they saw this was no jest. Galez seemed to be struck mute at this news, but Rex spoke for the both of them.
“It means the end is nigh young one, the apocalypse is upon us. Dorian you must act quickly! The force that is about to be awakened is like nothing any of us have faced, I dare say even the Ancients could scarce imagine it.”

Galaez found his tongue again and nodded.
“Quite possible, listen closely Dorian. We have sensed the awakening of the new Mystics, gather them quickly and train them in secrecy. Evil has many eyes and ears, and you will need every element of surprise to survive the first few days. This new evil will even have spies in the very ranks of the Dragon councils.”

Dorian’s eyes widened as he listened attentively to both Marzarex and Galez. His visions had been right, but they had taken him in various directions. As he listened, his mind began to piece together what was going on. He had a limited knowledge of the Dragon Lore, aside from the parcels within the vast library in the realm of the gods, the only other knowledge would be the great King and Queen of Creation, and none of the Ancients bothered the creators with whimsical requests. Dorian lowered his head.

“All will not be lost. Darkness has a way of returning even in the midst of peace, but the spirit of mortals has a way of fighting back. I have hope in the warriors of old and new.”

The Elder Dragons nodded slowly. Galez continued speaking.
“Do not lose that wisdom young Dorian you will need every ounce of it to save not only the mortal world, but all of existence. Even the Mystic’s Gods of creation will be threatened if what that comet is foretelling isn’t stopped, but sadly we can only tell you so much in the way of combatting it.” He sighed heavily looking at Marzarex who nodded solemnly. We must speak with Drago directly, only he can give us further guidance. While appearing in the waking world is draining for us we will meet you in your dreams once we have something to tell you dreamwalking is far less of a strain and you need not call upon his majesty to contact us...he will have his hands full in the coming months.”

Dorian, with his mind processing all the information he was receiving, looked into the sky as the clouds seemed to grow angry. Signs of trouble ahead. He took note of this and understood that something bad was on the horizon.

“Thank you for your information Master Rex and Elder Galez, it means more than you know. I hope Selene and Fria are well,” Dorian said still kneeling, “but rest easy, I will await any further news in the realm of dreams.”

The mention of their loves brought momentary smiles back to the grim Elders’ faces before they began to shimmer and vanish. Rex answered for them both.
“They fair well, and are probably missing us by now. Take care of the ones you love Dorian farewell.” With that the High Elder and Master vanished back into Drago’s Eye leaving Dorian alone with his thoughts.

He stood to his feet as the two began to vanish and a slight bit of hope glimmered in Dorian’s eyes as he watched them return to the realm of the Dragons.

“Peace be with you both,” Dorian said as he held his hand out with his palm extended to the sky. Closing his eyes, he felt the magic of old creep into his veins.

“All who served to protect this world, I need you now once more. Here the call of the Mystics. Meet at the BlackBrick Academy.”

The signal burst from his hand entering the atmosphere and fracturing heading to all the old mystics who were still alive. Dorian turned towards the base and smile. The girl was in good hands with Hillard. In the meantime he needed to focus on gathering new warriors of peace.

“Reveal them to me,” he uttered softly waving his hand in front of him. Almost instantly a view of each of the new mystics appeared before him. The first that came across the image was a monk, but there was something odd about him, he exuded energy from the spirit realm, and Dorian could sense the dragon within him. “A spirit dragon? I’ve not seen one of those in quite some time.” The image changed and two humans appeared, one a girl and one a male. The male a hot head while the girl quite interesting indeed. Then it shifted to another, the half angel that Hillard had encountered. Then another flashed before him. This one was another dragon, a sunbeam dragon if he remembered correctly. She was a tough one so it seemed. Her image lasted for a brief moment before being replaced by three young men, one of which just happened to be another dragon.

“King Roanoke would be happy to know his children would be involved once more in saving the world.”

Without another word Dorian was gone, heading to find the first of the teenagers, the one known as Joshua.

The wind was light and soothing around two figures as they stood, feet bare, upon the softest sands they had encountered yet. For the past few months, while Kurama and Kiran had been busy running an empire, Halley had taken Hanah traveling through much of the world to further both of their educations. Specifically, they sought after ancient texts from around the world and languages neither of them had heard of before. Of course, in their down time a little rest and relaxation was in order- which was often in the form of a beach outing or a camping trip between the two. Surprisingly, Hanah was the better fire-maker.

Suddenly, Halley heard a voice that she hadn’t heard in quite some time. Hanah heard the voice too and looked instantly to her mother, both a look of worry on her face and a look of excitement on her face. “UNCLE DORIAN!” she shouted, jumping up and down instantly. She was expressing that which Halley was not- for she too was happy to hear from Dorian, but the two girls knew he wasn’t reaching out to catch up on old times. She knew that if they had heard the call, Kurama and Kiran would have as well.

Racing up the sandy shoreline, Halley and Hanah quickly grabbed their shoes before holding hands and departing. With the speed of light, both mother and daughter appeared at the gates of BlackBrick Academy.


Auro’s eyes flung open and a roar erupted from his throat as he sat up straight into a position no mortal could ever hope to achieve. Power erupted with his motion sending both men to the rocky wall, pinned there until the power subsided. Auro looked around the room, his eyes taking in the sight before him.

“WHO DARE AWAKEN ME?” he questioned floating off of the pedestal, his feet never touching the ground. “A demon and warlock?” Auro questioned his voice weak but still full of power. He let out a loud laugh before coughing softly. “Tell me you two, what brings you to awaken me?”

10-28-2016, 06:40 PM
The silence of the forest was broken by the screams of the two men, as they were running away from the monster they had challenged. They were ducking through the trees running as fast as they could to try and put as much distance between them and Etrama.

“What in the hell it that thing? It can’t be human!”

“What is something like that doing out here in the boondock!?

Both men were scared to death as they continued to run, but it was all for naught. Etrama was right on their tails, and even decided to use one of his spirits that control shadows to help him in his endeavor. He used his power to pull one of the soul that he has enslaved form an object he had in his possession, and fused the soul with himself. Once the soul resided within him, he quickly ran into a trees shadow and disappeared. He was moving from shadow to shadow to get ahead of the two men.

He appeared out of the shadows in front of the men, and they stopped running for just an instant, and that was their undoing. The shadows at their feet shot up wrapping themselves around the two men, and then they were pulled to the trunk of the tree behind them. One for each tree.

Etrama slowly walked over to one of the men with a menacing smile on his face. He had a question that he wanted answered, and he figured his new ‘Toy’s’ might be able to give him the answer that he wanted. Although that would make this all to quick and he wanted to make them suffer and see that they have no choice but to answer his questions.

Both of the men were scared and fought against their bonds. With fear in their eyes as they watched the man smile and begin walking over to them. Neither of them knew what was going to happen next, but they did know one thing. They should have just left this thing alone.

“What do you want monster? One of the men said as he resigned himself to his fate, and built enough courage to confront the man. He friend was still scared shitless, and was unable to speak, and that was the man that Etrama was approaching.

“Well looks like you have finally realized the predicament that you are in. So I will make this short and sweet for you at least, but this man here is not going to be so lucky.” Etrama said as he pulled one of his daggers from their sheath on his calf’s. He had his clothing hiding the daggers as he was meditating so no one would be able to see them until it was too late. Let alone not many people keep their weapons in such a place.

He took the dagger and ran it across the man’s chest cutting deeply into his flesh. The man broke out in a scream as the blade did its work. His friend pulled against his bonds. “Get away from him you monster!” He screamed at Etrama as he tried to get the man attention. Which worked.

Looking over at the helpless man who seemed to be loyal to the creature he was cutting he just looked at him, as he pulled his second dagger. “If you want me to stop. Then you better answer my question….” But before he could ask them anything a surge of dark energy filled the air, and caught his attention. Looking in the direction his eyes narrowed. It seemed there is more than one person that has now held his attention. This was an ancient power that had just awakened, and now he knew where to go.

“Well it seems you two are off the hook.” Etrama said with a bored tone to his voice as he placed his clean dagger back into its sheath. He wasn’t going to let the men go, but he wanted them to think so. “Return to where you belong.” He said as both of the men got a relived look on their faces, but this wouldn’t last long. Etrama stabbed the firs man in the chest with his second dagger, and as he pulled out the blade the man’s lungs were filling with blood. He instantly began to struggle once more as he tried in vain to breath. Once he was done their he moved to his other victim. “Enjoy the afterlife.” He said as he sliced the man’s throat from ear to ear.

He watched as the life drained from the man’s face, and the gurgling as he tried to breath. He then free the two men form the shadows, and disappeared into them once more. He only had a short amount of time left before he would be walking the rest of the way to where ever this energy was coming from, and he needed to cover as much distance as he could.

10-31-2016, 02:53 AM
Josh was getting close to school, slowing down from his light jog. A morning jog was his usual start of the school day, keeping him awake during the more tedious classes. Taking a deep breath, Joshua stretched his warm limbs, wiping the light dew of sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief. It was a good day, only a light breeze to disturb the foliage. Looking ahead to the students milling the grounds, he smiled and began making his way to them, raising his arm to wave at those he knew.

Storm clouds slowly began to form above the school. There was a loud boom as thunder bellowed amongst the obsidian clouds. Wind began to swirl faster and the students looked up at the sky expecting rain only to feel wind. The moved to get cover, but immediately paused when a large lightning bolt crashed down in front of Joshua knocking the teenager off his feet.

Dorian stood where the lightning had struck glancing down at Joshua.

“Joshua, I’ve come to speak to you. Do you have a moment?”

It took Josh a brief moment to get his thoughts in line. The sudden bolt of lightning had consumed his world for that brief moment, having been looking at the spot where it struck. The jarring sound was coupled by a blinding flash of light and the now strong smell of ozone. Blinking heavily from the light, he was finally able i get a look at the man. Old intuition told him to run, the other stalled as he tried to sort out his world again.

“I'm sorry, could you give me a moment. I seem to have just nearly been struck by lightning.” Joshua spoke as he managed to stand back up, brushing the dust off his clothing. Once standing, he looked the man over, senses telling him to run. While not having been in a fight before, he hoped he could last long enough to either get away or get assistance. It would require his half form for it.

“If I remember understanding you right, you wish to talk? Can we take it back in there?” Joshua asked him, motioning back into the woods. Rule one he had learned about fighting, know the location. The woods were familiar and would offer him some leverage in a fight.

A soft smile shown on Dorian’s face as he looked upon Joshua. His dragon essence filled Dorian’s nose. It had been quite some time since Dorian had taken his dragon form, he only did so when he felt like flying through the sky and enjoying the wind blowing through the modified scales that resemble hair on his dragon head. He had started reminiscing before he realized that Joshua had spoken to him asking for them to relocate before speaking.

“Not a problem at all Joshua, lead the way.”

*When given the rare chance, take the lead.* He could hear his grandfather's voice in his head. The man was allowing him the lead. If the weight of the man was enough, and his flashy display proof, this person was not one to be messed with. He couldn't allow the other students get caught in the crossfire, yet attacking without taking giving him a chance to guard.

He took them back down the path that he had taken earlier that morning. Finding the split was easy, motioning the man off the path into a hard to find clearing, just wide enough to for them to stand a decent space apart.

“Now, introductions are needed,” Joshua began. He shifted fast, scales growing across his body. A frown formed as he felt the scales tear into the outfit.

“,My name is Joshua Cambria, dragon of sound. Please tell me what brings you seeking me out here.”

There was no talking the entire walk to the clearing that Joshua had lead him to. He was thinking about the black comet that Marzarex and Galez had spoke cryptically about. Nonetheless, he had to get Joshua to Blackbrick Academy as well as the others in order to get them trained and ready for whatever Auro was going to unleash on the world. There was still silence and it was thick until the clearing came into view and Joshua began shifting. Dorian tilted his head softly to the side and smirked. The teenager wanted to fight. This was indeed a first for him in his many centuries of living. Well, he hadn’t stretched his abilities in a while, and Joshua may just be the outlet to have some fun.

“Joshua Cambria, Dragon of Sound,” Dorian began, “to hold that title so loosely. I remember the master of sound, Marzarex, a dragon quite like you, but more potent and raw in his power. Are you truly ready to take on the responsibility of that title?”

Dorian closed his eyes and felt the wind whip through the trees snatching leaves as it went. It swirled around him, embracing him, sending his hair into a frenzy.

“Do you want to see the power of a storm dragon young Joshua?”

Another dragon. His chest tightened some at those words, feeling the raw power wipe around him. Running now would be pointless, and he could tell he was outmatched, outgunned, and fully unready for this. But he was already in this, so he had to see it through. His only hope was to bluff and wear him down.

“i may not match you in power, but I've been trained by both a space and air dragon. Let's see if technique and training can prove a fight.” Joshua puffed his chest out. Taking a defensive pose, he bounded his hands in sound, the slight vibration making his hands hazy. He would wait for an opening before moving, watching closely.

“I must commend you for being so brave. You are truly the one I am looking for to help protect this world,” Dorian said as he watched the young dragon take a stance upon informing him of his training. “Being a Mystic will surely allow you the opportunity of increasing your power.”

Dorian took a few steps back, knowing his full dragon form would completely fill the sky once he began to transform.

“Now I shall show you the full power of the dragon,” Dorian said as he began to shift. His form began to stretch and pull, beautiful obsidian scales covering the length of his body. His head shifting to that of a massive maw, jagged teeth in lines within his jaws. A horn like a crown stuck out of his forehead. His eyes becoming a beautiful sapphire. His mane a beautiful beige in color as it fluttered in the wind produced from his transformation. Lightning surged through the bosom of the black clouds above swirling above Dorian’s form which intertwined in the clouds. His head lowered down to Joshua as he began to speak.

“The power of a dragon is yours to command young one should you choose to train and work hard,” he said his voice booming, shaking the foundation that Joshua stood on. “I have come to ask you a question, to ask you for your help.”

Joshua watched as the man before him changed. His eyes followed the changing man. It proved just how outclassed he was. His hands drooped just a small bit. No attack of his would ever land. His mind screamed to run, his smaller form hopefully allowing him to hide in the trees. But his pride kept him there. It would be wrong to flee like just a small bird. With a bow, he ended the magic around his hands and smiled.

“I do not believe I caught your name. Answer me that, and I will give you my answer about help.” Joshua offered the massive storm dragon, keeping his position relaxed and vulnerable, as a sign of respect.

“You ask my name and I shall give it,” Dorian began, “My name is Dorian.”

He lowered the base in his voice as much as he could without causing the trees behind Joshua to uproot.

“What else would you like to know?”

“It's a pleasure to meet you Dorian. “ Joshua replied while looking as the impressive dragon. He tuned his magic down some to not drown in the blast of sound. At the question of what he might more wish to know, Joshua paused, mind already clicking away at high speed.

“I do…”Joshua started, but stopped. He could bet that there would questions Dorian wouldn't answer, and to get as much info out of him, he needed to be smart.

“First question, why me? Surely a dragon of your caliber could easily best most everything.” Joshua asked Dorian.

Dorian’s maw formed into a smile as best it could. His form began to shift back into his normal humanoid one standing once more in front of Joshua. Dorian looked up at the clouds and snapped his finger as the clouds began to slowly dissipate, revealing a beautiful sun that bathed the forest in much needed light.

“Ahh, that’s better,” Dorian said before turning his attention back to Joshua. “You ask why you, and I ask why not you? How old would you guess I am Joshua? What would you think I am?”

*A crazed man, if I had to judge by appearance first* Joshua first thought, having to resist giving the first thought he could. The question was a trick, not easily answered by looks alone. He studied the man with a quiet stare, allowing his world to go silent for a few moments. Going by the size and power he has, it had to be at least in the hundreds, if not border thousands. The words stalled him though, if not fit how he picked them. It took him to wonder what Dorian meant.

“An ancient being. At least a thousand years old. You still have yet to answer my question as to why. My only real guess is that you cannot do it.” Joshua asked the last part, staring at him. He was watching to see what he would have to say and react.

“You are mostly correct young one. I am thousands of years old, I am an ancient being; however, it is not that I cannot do it, it is that I am forbidden to do it,” Dorian replied turning slightly with his hands held behind his back like an old martial arts master. “I must say I am enjoying my time in the mortal realm. I remember when I was in your shoes Joshua. When Master Naja came and recruited me to save the world. I asked the same question. Why me? But I soon found the answer within.”

Dorian turned and moved closer to Joshua.

“I see you’re still wanting to fight, so I will make you a deal Joshua. Show me what you can do, and I will divulge why fate has chosen you.”

Now Joshua was curious. The man was far older than he thought, yet still close. The fact that the man couldn't partake what he was worried about had him concerned. What rules would bound an ancient being, more so a dragon. What had Joshua gotten himself into. At the offer of a fight for answers, Joshua couldn't help but smile. He knew that he couldn't win in a fight, so it would be more a child flailing at a brick wall to prove himself.

“I'll take you on that offer, on one condition. No using your full dragon form. I can tell it would be a hard match with you in your human form, and I would rather not make it impossible.” Joshua asked him, a smile appearing on his face. He shifted into a defensive stance, placing his right palm towards Dorian while his left curled into a fist. It wouldn't do to bite it here.

If Dorian answered, he didn't here, shifting hum field into Zephyr, feeling the vibration against his skin. With the strength difference, he would have to take an advantage, going for the back side. Dashing towards Dorian, he jumped and released concussion burst into the ground, sending up a wave of dirt. The effect also sent him further behind Dorian, where he coated both hands in dense balls of sound and went try strike Dorian in the lower spine.

A nod was all Dorian had the chance to do before Joshua took the offensive. It was nice to see such a young spirit so courageous. He hoped that Joshua would maintain this confidence even in the midst of destruction. Offering a little fighting session was Dorian’s way of showing Joshua that he meant him no harm, he was only there to make sure he was safe. Auro would be looking for them, he would try to snuff out any resistance to him, and Dorian wanted to make sure these teenagers had a fighting chance against the darkness on the horizon. Dorian watched Joshua move with great speed. There was a burst of sound that struck the ground sending debris up in the form of a cloud of dust. Dorian remained still as he felt Joshua’s presence grow closer and closer until he felt the strike against his lower spine.

Wind whipped around him removing the debris. Dorian turned his head and looked at Joshua.

“Strength comes from within young one. Again!” he demanded turning to face Joshua.

The hit did nothing, only resulting in Dorian clearing the air. Joshua jumped back carefully, granting him some distance. He couldn't hear Dorian at all, but from his stance, he wasn't ready to end things just yet. Joshua would have to rethink things. Taking a moment, he began to stalk Dorian, tail swishing the ground with his movements. Physical attacks has minimal effect, and with wind at his command. If he could break his attention to break him.

“Silence!” Joshua spoke in a booming voice, followed by the perfect quiet. Joshua felt the energy leave him before charging up the next spell. Without a second thought, he began to release a concussion blast in a flurry of blows, slowly backing up carefully. He hoped that the sudden silence and violent burst of sound would be enough to throw him off.

Dorian placed a hand to his chest, his eyes wide as he looked at Joshua. The teenager had demanded silence and Dorian’s lips acted as if they would obey the command, but eventually they parted, but not after the bombard of concussion blast came crashing down on him. More dust whipped up and clouded Dorian’s vision, but when the wind removed the dust particles from his view, the sight was definitely one to behold. Dorian’s hair was sticking up straight as if he had been electrocuted and he had a surprised look on his face.

“Well, that packs quite the punch if I do say so myself,” he said shaking his head as his hair fell back to his shoulders and his expression returned to that of an amused instructor. “I must admit, you have quite the spirit young one, so much so that it shows in everything you do. You have a determination and fire in your eyes, I can see it. Yes fate was right in choosing you.”

There was no warning when Dorian unleashed a single attack, but the wind shot out like tendrils only inches from Joshua colliding with the trees behind Joshua leaving a trail as far as the eye could see. Dorian hadn’t moved a muscle and yet it looked as if someone had reached down and snatched up a chunk of the earth just to the left of Joshua and continued to pull it up in a trail until the earth met the lake off in the distance. Dorian was not trying to frighten Joshua, he wanted him to see that the reason he had not attacked was because if he had Joshua wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Shall we continue, or are you ready to hear what else I have to say?”

Joshua was stunned at the attack. He had managed to duck to the side, though only by luck of Dorian not aiming to attack him. He stared, mouth agape, while looking at the ground. A scar traveled the length of the forest, from where he had been standing, far into the woods, nearly to the lake. Letting Zephyr drop, Joshua was able to catch the tail end of Dorian's question.

*Ready to hear what he has to say?* Joshua repeated the question in his mind, casting tempo around himself in case of any other spells. Did he honestly wish to continue the fight? Even if he did, and went all out, would it really make a difference. Looking behind him, he knew the answer right away.

“Yes, I'm ready to listen. I believe I've met your demands rather well.” Joshua spoke, letting himself slip back into human form while hum field test restarted around him.

Dorian smiled. Joshua knew how to maintain a level head during a battle. Dorian was honestly impressed by his display. He approached Joshua and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

“I shall keep my end of the bargain. Listen, or rather view closely,” Dorian said as he turned Joshua around in tandem with waving his hand. An image appeared before them both. There was the beginning when Erobus assigned the Archites to protect the world. Slowly through the ages they became the Order and fought against Mahvalli to drive him into the void. After his defeat Auro was later captured by a magi who encountered him in a cave. The magi cast a spell and placed wards to keep any unsuspecting soul out of the cave. Time went on and the image flipped to the Mystics of old with Naja as the head. The picture showed the battle of New York with glimpses of Dorian and Kurama as well as the other old Mystics. As the images shifted, it went into the battles they had against Naja, it showed Dorian’s lineage and it showed the final battles that each Mystic and Nobility had to encounter to overcome the Zodiac 12 Ancient 5 and Azael herself. From there the images shifted to the dark sorcerer Diamex, who was defeated by the Mystics from 565 years ago. The images slowed and eventually ended while Dorian stood beside Joshua.

“I was in college when I was chosen. I was in college when my life changed completely. During the battle of Azael the previous Sound Dragon, Marzarex, gave his life to give the rest of us the opportunity to destroy Azael once in for all,” Dorian said, “time has a way of reminding us just how lucky we are. Peace followed and we worked so hard to maintain it until it was time for our children to face the evil sorcerer Diamex. He wanted to resurrect a powerful demon known as Gar the Terrible. Thankfully they were able to stop Diamex and ensure the continuance of peace.”

Dorian paused and looked down at Joshua.

“Now, now it’s your turn. I can not directly interfere. As a god, I have been given special permission to recruit each of you and take you to the Blackbrick Academy and it is there that you shall receive your training. Joshua I want to see you achieve heights unknown to many, I want you and your team to stop the Voodoo Dragon known as Auro. Will you accept this responsibility?”

“I'm not sure what help I'll be, but I promise to help you out as I can. It's my honor to save the world.” Joshua spoke with pride, giving Dorian a large smile. A frown crossed his face but for a second before looking to him again.

“Though, if you're going to just whisk me away, can you tell my grandparents about it so they don't think I'm just skipping school.”Joshua asked the man.

“Do not worry about your grandparents, they are dragons are they not? I will speak to them personally although I am sure they’ve been waiting for this day. Please step through the portal. You will be taken to BlackBrick Academy and Headmaster Gandor will be waiting for you. Tell him Dorian sent you. Thank you Joshua, I look forward to the day we have our rematch,” Dorian said with a smile as he stepped to the side and began speaking. His voice was enchanting, it filled the area around them. Energy began to surge from the ground coming alive. A burst of lightning opened up a beautiful portal of swirling color and Dorian looked at Joshua.

“TIll we meet again young one, step into your destiny.”

“I'll meet you again for sure.” Joshua said before stepping into the portal.


Nora loved the feeling of the ocean over her scales, the salt helping relax her. Even while she was doing her job of patrol, the waters had been so quiet that they were more used for a relaxing swim around the island base. She also used this to deal with her boredom and wanderlust. Even after helping with the Mystics, she has still gone adventuring, waiting quite a while to settle down here to help.

“Man I wish something fun would happen around here.” Nora bemoaned her luck as she surfaced, heads scanning the beach and looking for anything that needed her attention. Other than the men running drills on the beach and the naval fleet, nothing was going on at all. Giving a sigh, she swam to the beach head, shifting into her human form before getting into the shallows. Clad in a one piece suit, she headed up to the main facility, only to be drawn short by a voice, an old one at that.

“Dorian?” She looked to the air before a smile broke on her face. Cheering in joy, she bolted to the island, planning to grab the first heli out of here and to the school. Finally she has something to do! Finally an adventure.

10-31-2016, 04:47 AM
~Two weeks prior~

“Everything is ready go to?”

“Yes. The box has been set and the bait laid.”

“Rick all set up to go? I don't want a giant space laser on my head because some repugnant imbecile forgot to clean up after themselves.”

“Don't fear. I personally checked over each step. If anything, it'll fall onto Mr. Scarto’s head, which I made sure to prep the stocks in should it go to plan.”

“I'm glad I have you here. I swear half this country would burn in nuclear waste if not for you.”

“Thank you Master. Shall I prep a new limo for you then?”

“Yes.. and make sure to get a bullet proof body.”

“Of course Master.”

~Present day~

A modest limo pulled up to the curb, the afternoon sun resting behind drifting clouds. The scent of aged wine and oakpine hung on the door as the chauffer settled the car to a stop, making sure not to jostle the rider before exiting the vehicle. With practiced grace the man pulled the door open for his guests.

“We have arrived at your destination, Mr. Raven. CWDU headquarters. Shall I wait by the door or find a spot to park?” The driver asked, helping the man and woman out of the vehicle. Eldrich was dressed in his normal attire, a pleasant smile on his face. Quickly behind him was his secretary Jackie Chun, dressed in a sharp pencil suit, the tight skirt just above her knees. The soft blue suit matched well with Eldrich, making them pleasing the eyes.

“Good sir, I would never ask you to wait, so please go park and stretch your legs. I insist.” Crowe offered him a pleased smile and a generous tip, handing him two Jacksons and heading into the building. The driver could only look in shock as his customers walked into the building. A huge grin broke out while hopping back into the driver’s seat.

“Good afternoon and welcome to the.. Oh! Mr Raven and Ms Chun, what a treat it is to see you here. What delight brings you here today?” The officer at the front desk asked, giving the two a welcomed smile.

“Oh, I wish to talk with your chief here please. I would like to discuss an event that I need his help on.” Crowe asked the woman with a smile, looking around the room. With the peaceful times, things had become slow around here, yet people still bustled and fro, others sitting around three waiting room. Even a rather well built young man, magic exuding off him. He gave a wave to him as the Secretary made her calls.

“Chief Zanut is free to see you” She spoke with a cheery smile.

“Thank you very much. Come along Ms Chun.” Crowe bade to the women as they headed up the stairs, greeted at the office door by the aged chief officer.

“Mr. Raven, it's so wonderful to see you again. May I ask what brings you around here today?” Chief Zanut asked him, offering him a seat.

“Well, I would like to discuss something personal with you…” Crowe began. With a smile, he pulled out his checkbook and pen. With a few simple strokes, he wrote out a few things onto the check and handed it to the man. The chief took a look at the paper, before his eyes went wide in shock.

“Are, are you sure this is right? 5 ..50 million?!” The chief asked, incredulous at the massive sum of money. It was then that Crowe moved. With the magic infused in the paper, it was easy to grab the man's emotions, ramping up the feeling of joy. He relaxed into the chair while watching, a gleeful smile while the man went silent from joy. It was too simple, controlling them like puppets on a wire, made to dance and move for his pleasure.

“I assure you, it's correct. I know we are in a time of peace, but without such a great force as the CWDU, we would be awash in death and despair.” Crowe spoke, allowing sadness to creep into his voice. He eased back on the magic flow, making the man droop and sag. A sigh escaped him, from the emotional drain and weight of memory.

“These are some troubling days indeed. Many good men and women are lost to us.” Zanut sighed heavily, spinning in his chair.

“Yes they were…,”Crowe spoke, before flooding the man with his magic, allowing joy to fill him again,”but they wouldn't want us to be sad. Which brings me to the reason why I'm here. I would like to host a charity ball in honor of the CWDU and those who lost their lives. Which would require some knowledge from you. To help raise funds for those horribly affected by the events.”

“That, that would be wonderful!” Zanut started, yet stalled a bit. Crowe held off on increasing the man's high, letting wariness take hold for but a brief moment.

“But… there are some who wouldn't want to be known or be given such a public display.” Crowe held his hand up to pause the man

“No fret good man. I'll keep them anonymous and keep them out of the proceedings. If that is all you are worried about, I'll be glad to deal with that personally if need be.” Crowe responded with a polite smile.

“Well…. I don't see anything wrong with that. Shall I print off a list of them, or would an email do better?” Zanut asked, waking up the monitor and looking through the systems already.

“Ah, email would be best. It'll make setting up funds and the party much easier then. Thank you so much for your support.” Crowe said, lowering the control carefully as the man worked. A few clicks and a beep later signified the email being sent. They chatted amicably as the file was processed, Chief Zanut wanting to assure that everything went well for him.

“Ah, and there were have it. Thank you again for obliging an old man with a simple notion.” Crowe addressed the man as he stood, holding out his hand.

“No no, it was my pleasure. I'm sure those for who the ball is for will love the idea. You have a wonderful d-”

The retort of gunfire broke the pleasurable atmosphere as bullets littered the entrance with glass soon behind it. Zanut jumped, hurrying to the window to look at the scene below.

~Moments earlier~

A man burst into the door as Crowe and Zanut had been talking, swathed in a heavy cloak and low hanging hat. His face was obscured with a heavy mask, and one could see bulk beneath the cloak. Tension rose as the man stopped in the doorway, a quiet mumbling from the collar. Few stopped to look, the first being the Secretary, left wary at the man.

“Sir, may I help you?” The secretary asked the man, resting her hands on the desk. The room fell deathly silent, the man finally catching the attention of others. A minute chuckle echoed from him, filling the room with an uncomfortable air.

“Sir, please. Is there anything I can do for you?” She asked again after a few moments without an answer. The man stood stock, the laugh dying in his throat.

“All shall perish for the power of my master! Blood for the throne!” The man shouted in a shriek. Without a second chance to respond, the man pulled out a large bulky AK-47, painted solid black. The tension broke like glass as he let loose a flair of bullets, taking a few civilians and the Secretary in the burst. He was quickly lit with fire from those who could respond first. Holes riddled the man's coat, hat flying off from the hot lead. Coat now in ruins, one could see the seat uniform beneath it.

“All shall feed the dark lord's plan!”He shouted into the air, drowned out in the burst of fire between the two.

~Chiefs office~

“The fresh hell is going on?” Chief Zanut asked the air, dragging the two guests away from the window. Crowe has already dropped the magic fully, allowing the shock of the situation to deepen further. Even from here he could hear the screams and laughter, a beautiful cacophony of anarchy. He allowed himself to be pulled to the desk roughly, fear etched clear on his face.

“Stay here behind the desk.” Zanut ordered, drawing out the standard .9mm revolver from his hip. Resting both hands on the grip, he burst from the door, rolling into the hall and clearing a desk to hide behind, a splatter of bullets nearly clipping him in the side. Crowe had wished the man had been shot, just to be done with the false niceties. It made his blood boil and want nothing more than to gut him like a fish. Giving a sigh he pulled out his phone giving a silent nod to Jackie to keep watch.

“Time to see what they hide.” Crowe whispered while navigating his phone, finding the file he needed. A virus scrubber had been created to break into the Cwdu, designed to copy and store the files in the system, bury itself and send the info once deleted. Sending the email, he sent it as a reply to Zanut, using his magic to speed it up as get it into the system. Turning and peering over the edge of the desk, looking to be curious of the events, hand resting on the keyboard.

His magic flared to life on the machine, the keys pressing and depressing in a blur, opening and downloading the virus file, clearing the email reply and setting it to work. He was guaranteed a 24 hour window to get this, but he forced the virus to move faster, needing to gather as much as needed before it got cleared.

With a malicious grin he ducked behind the desk, motioning Jackie to duck and cover, shielding his ears mere moments before a shrill bellow blasted from the front.

“Blood for the throne! Anarchy will live!”

Fire and shrapnel engulfed the front, a concussive blast crumbling as an explosion rocked the building.

Sitting in his last class Arsan was watching the clock as it slow ticked towards the final bell when the school day would finally be over. Every tick that brought the bell closer filled Arsan with excitement. When the bell rang dismissing the class Arsan shot up from his desk and raced to get his letter from his ROTC instructor. “Here is the letter as promised. Good luck with your meeting and make us proud” his instructor said. “Yes sir” he replied stumbling out the door. Arsan made his way to his car and headed for the CWDU Headquarters. Once he arrived at the CWDU headquarters, Arsan prepared himself and made his way inside. Upon entering the large building Arsan was greeted by a lovely officer at the front desk.

“Hello sir, how may I help you”? The front desk officer said. Arsan smile and said “Yes ma’am, I have an appointment with recruiting officer Mr. Van Zandt”. After clicking away at the computer in front of her for a moment the officer replied “Ah yes, I do have an appointment here for you. Sign in here and have a seat in our waiting room while I let Mr. Van Zandt know you’ve arrived.” As instructed Arsan took a seat in the waiting room. Time slipped away and before he knew it Arsan had been there for twenty minutes. He turned to look and see if Mr. Van Zandt was around when he noticed a seemingly handsome man and a pretty woman at the front desk. The man looking at Arsan with such intrigue, Arsan returning the gaze wondering who he was and why he watched him so intently. The man waved and finally went on his way.

At that time Mr. Van Zandt had come around the corner to collect Arsan. “Hello I’m Mr. Van Zandt and your Arsan correct?” Mr. Van Zandt said greeting the young man. “Yes sir I am, pleased to meet you” he replied. Mr. Van Zandt said being very hospitable “If you would be so kind as to follow me young man, we’ll discuss your recruitment in my office”. Following various scans and security measures to get into his office Mr. Van Zandt offered Arsan a seat to discuss his application. “So I’ve been going over your application. Everything looks good, I just have one concern” he said peering down over his glasses. Arsan knowing exactly what he was talking about. “I do what I can sir to keep my abilities under control” he said with a rather stern look on his face. “Arsan we’re giving you special consideration because of your abilities”

Before Arsan could say anything else the two overheard a loud commotion. A man’s voice carried heavily throughout the headquarters. Mr. Van Zandt pounded away at his keyboard and after a few clicks he had access to the entire security feed for the building. Observing the situation, he pushed a button and with a biometric scan of his hand a draw popped out from his desk. Removing his firearm, he ordered Arsan to get down and stay down. Arsan asked if there was anything he could do to help and Mr. Van Zandt repeated “get down and stay down”. Once he left the room, Arsan made his way to the window and watched everything happen.

The gunman opened fire and Mr. Van Zandt dove in front of a lady saving her from getting shot. Arsan raced out of the office to Mr. Van Zandt, putting pressure on the wound. The other officers had already opened fire on the man by this time. He yelled out something but Arsan wasn’t paying any attention to what he was saying. Suddenly the building began to shake and Arsan stood up and turned around. Arsan’s eyes glazed over as he watched the fire from the blast come right for him. Extending his arms Arsan was able to absorb the most of the blast. Arsan still in shock, returned to Mr. Van Zandt to help with his wounds.

When the ambulance arrived Arsan insisted on riding with Mr. Van Zandt to continue the meeting. Mr. Van Zandt smiled and chuckled “I knew I was right about you”.

Atrum Daemon
10-31-2016, 05:44 AM
“Magnificent!” Darkholm crowed with a loud laugh. “Such intense power after so long slumbering! The passing of years have not left you in ill form.”

He walked forward, but stopped a respectable distance from Auro. “I am Darkholm, a Lord of the Abyss,” he said with a bow. “My comrade, Mister Crowe, and I have awakened you because you have laid too long at slumber. The light shineth too bright upon this world. And at its brightest is the most opportune time to strike it down. Have you not slumbered this long for such a chance? I and Mister Crowe are only two powerful individuals who share similar thoughts. There are at least two others who will be inevitably drawn by your intense awakening.”

Shadows lengthened as he spoke, as though raw darkness emanated from his form in reaction to Auro's intense power. A grin was upon Darkholm's lips as he spread his arms out wide. “A grand chance, wouldn't you say? This world has no guardians to stand against us. Well...none of consequence at least.”

11-02-2016, 01:00 AM
Art’s routine was going just as usual, his morning exercises were done for the day and he had some spare time before he had to start his special training… He couldn’t really notice if he was actually getting any progress done, at least when it came to his magical powers, or whatever they were...
His dad knew a lot, but still, he wondered if someone who didn’t possess any kind of special ability would be able to teach him how to use his own… It just didn’t make any sense, there should be somewhere he could go to get some proper training, he didn’t feel capable of taking on any kind of ancient evil, not at the rate his training was going at the very least...

Art simply chose to hang out on his living room in the spare time he had, he was home alone and he still had two hours before he had to practice absorbing metal from cans again. His had to be the most useless ability there was, he didn’t exactly see how turning his forearms grey would help him in a fight…
Maybe taking a walk would help him get his head back in the game...
As he walked outside his house he noticed something he hadn’t been really payed attention, the sky was covered with dark clouds as if some kind of storm was approaching, something of a rare occurrence in texas considering they were nearing summer, something didn’t feel right…

The clouds darkened as they got closer to Art’s location. Within minutes wind blew hard against the trees causing them to bend strongly. The clouds came alive with lightning as the bolts coursed through the darkness, illuminating small patches. A buildup of electrical energy burst forth from the bosom of the clouds striking near Art. Dorian appeared, rising from his crouched position, as he turned to look at Art.

“Hmm, you must be the wielder of metal. Hello there, I am Dorian.”

Art tried to process the events that had just unraveled in front of him, understandably startled by the uncanny nature of Dorian’s entrance, he gave three steps backwards in order to put some more distance between him and the strange man.
“Holy $#¿+ !” Art yelled at the top of his voice once he had enough time to analyze what he had just witnessed. The strange man in front of him was presenting himself by the name of Dorian, he was wearing some kind black coat and had certain appearance that made him look rather… sketchy… Hell, his whole image basically screamed that…

“Ahhh… Yeah, nice to meet you, Dorian… My name’s Maikol Yaxon, and I’m an R&B singer…” Art outright lied about his identity, the nature of this encounter was bizarre, enough for him not to trust a complete stranger with his real identity, not that he would in any other circumstance anyway...

There was silence as Dorian looked at Art for a few moments before bursting into a hearty chuckle. He held his stomach as he laughed, a tear falling from his eyes as he wiped it away with his free hand and put one finger up as if to tell Art to give him a moment to gather himself. When he was done, he straightened up and smiled.

“I know who you are, but do you?” Dorian asked with the same sincere smile he gave Joshua. “I know you want to know more about metal than simply absorbing cans on the street. I have a proposition for you,” Dorian added as he crossed his arms and waited for Art to speak.

Art stood up somewhat dumbfounded about the fact that Dorian knew about his powers, while it was not the most unearthly thing that man had done or said it was enough to convince Art that Dorian did know who he was and what his powers were, due to him being sure that only him and his father knew about his secret training and that he used cans from the street in order to practice.

“But how do you…” Art said before pausing for a moment, once he analyzed everything Dorian said he realized that this could be the opportunity to hone his abilities and get the training he so desperately needed and wanted…
“Y-yes… Yes, yes, you don’t even need to tell me the details, if it’s training that you’re offering then just sign me up!” he said excitedly, he had already agreed to what Dorian had already told him without even hearing a word of it… The young man was the very definition of “overzealous”

There was a moment that Art reminded him of his own son. Cyrus was so ready to save the world, so ready to learn how to use the powers he had. Dorian looked away from Art for a moment before he turned back to him and shook his head in a pleasing manner.

“Before I let you jump head first, I must warn you that what you are about to take part in is very dangerous. Lives have been lost to protect the greater good, and maintain peace. Are you willing to protect this world, and those you love?”

“Abso-freaking-lutely!” Art responded in his ever so energetic tone. Art had always considered himself a thrill seeker, his sense of adventure could never be satisfied unless he was aware his life could be on the line. His plans to join the military after high school should be enough to know what kind of guy he was… Perhaps he was a little too starry-eyed about the whole deal… But at least his heart was in the right place.

“Very well then. Art, step through the portal and you will be taken to BlackBrick Academy. Once you arrive Headmaster Gandor is who you shall seek out. May the power of the Ancients be with you this day young one,” Dorian said with a smile as he stepped closer to Art. He thrust his hand forward and a portal opened with beautiful sparkling energy. Dorian stepped away and waited for Art to enter.

“Remember, your training will push you to the boundaries, but if you can overcome you will become a Mystic.”

Art had some second thought going in his mind as the portal opened, should he tell his parents where he was going to go? Should he leave them a note or something? Or was it it better to leave them be? Would they be safer not knowing where he was?

...No, he never did like letting them worry about him for too long.
Before entering the portal he pulled out his phone and wrote a text message to his dad, explaining he would be away for a while and that it would be best to get away from home for a while. Even if it meant breaking contact for a while…
After turning off his phone he walked forward into the portal, venturing into the unknown and leaving his fate into the hands of the Blackbrick academy...

11-04-2016, 05:47 PM
"Thank you," Ocella said, her voice quiet as she turned towards the direction in which Master Hillard had pointed. Her mind couldn't help but to ponder over what he had said- clothes left from the previous residents. 'Who were they?' she wondered, wondering what exactly this place was, who he was and suddenly... who he believed she was. She knew who she was, but that didn't seem to matter to him.

After having found the bathroom at last, the first thing Ocella did was take inventory. There was no soap, which made her wonder exactly how long ago someone had last resided there. Still... her gaze fell to the shower before her and she didn't hesitate for a moment to strip off her clothes that had now become tattered rags and test the water. It was warm, and she immediately stepped inside- her shivering ceasing almost instantly.

She could feel the tension and worries of the day washing away, though not completely, and smiled just a little as she tried to sort out the situation. She allowed the water to wash away the mud from her body, that which had caked her skin for two weeks now after living in the jungle on her own.

After about an hour in the shower, she was grateful to have found a towel and dried off quickly. With the towel wrapped around her, she made her way into the attached bedroom and immediately went to the dresser. Dust was everywhere, as if the place hadn't been touched for quite some time. The drawer stuck a little when she tried to pull it, indicating that it hadn't been used for as long as the dust had settled. Still... there were clothes inside! Her eyes lit with joy at the site, for the raging waters had washed away everything she had brought with her to the jungle- including her clothing.

Still, as she looked through the clothes to determine the sizes... she realized they were very, very old and was beginning to feel insecure again, wondering just whose clothes they were, what their story was- what had happened to them and how long ago it had been. Something was off, and it didn't feel right... but she didn't have any other clothes and dreaded the thought of pulling her rags back on, so she picked a pair of pajamas that looked like they would fit and went through the clothes for clothing the next day. She found a pair of jeans and a rather old-fashioned looking blouse, one that she certainly hadn't seen before.

With the task done, she took note of every window, every possible exit before returning to the front of the house, looking for Master Hillard. She was exhausted, frightened, and wanted nothing more than to flee- but at the same time, he had yet to harm her- and may very well have been helping her from the kindness of his heart, and she didn't want to be rude or ungrateful. As frightened as she was, she made her way into the kitchen, a look of worry and curiosity on her face as she took everything in. She could smell the scent of food wafting through the air, her attention darting in the direction it came from. Her stomach rumbled and she stood politely in the doorway.

"May I help you with that, Master Hillard?" she asked, her voice quiet and polite. ***
After shaking the grim news Dorian had delivered from the front of his mind Master Redscar allowed his easy smile to return, no sense in scaring the already scared girl. Humming to himself he was preparing a simple meal of fish and some vegetables gathered from the jungle. He’s lived in this rainforest for centuries, he converted the courtyard into a small farm and the lands around the base were ripe with animals and small bodies of water full of fish. It’s been so long since he had a guest he had to stop and think of the proportions to prepare. All and all it took him an hour, but by the time the girl had gotten herself cleaned up and calmed down it was nearly ready.

As she offered to help the old man shook his head smiling handing the girl a plate.
“No, just help yourself. Hehehehmmmm.” He gave one final almost mad laugh before ambling his way to the balcony overlooking the jungle where he always took his meals. He liked to watch the jungle breath and sway with the wind.

Ocella watched him with a careful eye, frowning a bit as he informed her to help herself. She looked at the food before her and smiled, for it truly looked like a wonderful meal for the evening. It was certainly a better way to spend her evening than sitting under a palm tree with water pouring on her. Following suit behind him, she stepped out to the balcony with him and took a seat at the small table, where she could oversee the jungle beneath them.

She thanked him for the food before mentally thanking the fish for its nutrition, as well as taking a note of gratitude for having her first real meal in two weeks. Taking a bite, she savored the flavor of the fish- and she had to admit that it had been the best fish she had ever eaten. “You certainly know how to prepare a wonderful meal,” Ocella commented, smiling at him. After taking another bite she looked curious this time, though she wondered when would be the best time for her to ask him the many questions that she had for him.

Out on the balcony, she had the perfect opportunity to flee- for there was certainly something going on, but she wasn’t certain whether or not he was friend or foe. “Master Hillard… earlier in the forest, you seemed as if you knew me… what did you mean, when you said that you knew who I was?” she asked, clearly curious as she tried to conceal her nerves.

He knew this would come eventually, Hillard was basically born to his role, so it was sometimes hard to think of anyone being lost on it. Finishing his mouthful of food he nods wiping his mouth before answering.
“Well, I’ve never been on for fancy talk so I will tell you straight. You are a mystic, a reincarnated elemental warrior meant to save the world from total annihilation.”

Ocella just looked at him, trying to see any logic behind what he was saying and to follow him. There was no logic in what he said, she didn’t even know what a Mystic was and had difficulty believing in reincarnation. Suddenly, she wasn’t so hungry anymore and felt like leaping off the balcony. “A… what?” she asked, her expressions that of disbelief. “I’m a half angel, from my grandmother. She had powers over nature, and I inherited them. There’s nothing more- I’m just Ocella Hermine Lancelle, from Montana-” she paused and looked at him, trying not to look as though she thought he was crazy. “You just met me less than two hours ago- what-ever led you to assume I was a… what exactly?” she asked, still looking to be in disbelief.

Hillard let out another amused mad chuckle placing his food on the small table.
“A Mystic, I can feel it in your aura Ms.Ocella Hermine Lancelle. You are the latest version of the ancient Nature Mystic, an Elf woman by the name of Nirel. She was a good friend of mine many centuries ago, but I’m sure you’ll do her memory justice. You have control over nature yes, but you have it to a far greater degree than even your grandmother could manage. Given time and the proper training you’ll save the world. You were chosen for this before you were even born!” He smiled going back to his food.

For the first time in a long time, Ocella was speechless. He could feel her… what? She was supposed to do what?! “I’m all for saving the world… but you are making no sense to me,” Ocella said, her heart beating faster with each breath. She wondered if she was faster than him, he seemed to be skilled when it came to maneuvering through the trees…. But maybe she could fly higher than the canopy. He indicated that she would have to be trained, over time… what exactly did he mean by that?

She shook her head in defiance. “Thank you for your kindness Master Hillard, but I’m afraid you have me confused,” ‘That you may be confused,’ she thought to herself before continuing. “I should go. I can see that I’ve disturbed you enough,” she said, trying to be as polite as she could, standing from her chair. She was not the slightest bit happy regarding her situation- she should have dressed in the jeans and t-shirt, rather than the pajamas.

Hillard’s smiled didn’t fade he simply shook his head indicating for her to sit back down.
“Relax young one, I know you must be all kinds of scared and confused and honestly you should be. The Mystics aren’t a well known group, but you may remember their exploits. Have you ever wondered why so many places around the world look brand new even though they’re a few centuries old? Also didn’t you ever wonder how so many mystical races walk freely around the world when for most of human history they were never mentioned anywhere else but in fictional stories?” **

Ocella didn’t sit down. Her fingers were clutching the top of the chair and her knuckles were turning white from the strain, but she didn’t seem to notice this. “I’m a half angel. There are now only three people alive who know this. I’ve never felt safe telling anyone else, and the only reason you found out is because you caught me with my wings,” Ocella could feel a burning sensation in her chest and realized that she’d been holding her breath for far too long, and took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself down. It didn’t work, but she did manage to pry one hand from the back of the chair and then the other.

“And now I wish that you hadn’t have,” Ocella said, taking one step back and looking at him in horror. She spread her wings in an instant, taking flight faster than she had ever flown before, reaching the canopy within a matter of seconds. Her heart was racing, tears were in her eyes but she refused to look back. The old man sighed deeply and put his food back down and summoned his sword to his hand before leaping out the window and landing in the tree below the fleeing girl and chasing after her with ease while keeping out of sight so she couldn’t see him.
This wasn’t how Hillard planned to spend his evening.

Ocella didn’t look back once as she made it to the canopy. Her next challenge would be to penetrate it, given her massive wingspan it would be a difficult task, so she flew to the highest branch she could find and began to climb. She moved quickly, the water soaked trees making things difficult as she tried placing her foot down and pushing herself forward. Within a matter of minutes, she was sitting atop the canopy for only a split second, the storm that had ravaged the area not far off in the distance.

Still, she knew that he was a master of the trees and that she had to act quickly. She spread her wings once more and took off in flight, heading off in the opposite direction of the storm- she had no desire to be in that mess again.

As Ocella took flight again the branches under her erupted and a giant claw hooked her leg and swatted her out of the sky like a fly. She’d had just run into a Manticore’s nest and he was very mad at her now. As the girl fell the massive creature let out an otherworldly screech and dove down after her claws first and scorpion tail oozing with potent venom.

It seemed as though only a millisecond after having taken flight again, Ocella felt something sharp grab onto her leg with enough force to knock her out of the sky and rip apart her skin, leaving behind an open wound. She screamed in fright, believing it to be the man for a moment as she crashed into the canopy, but much to her horror it was something worse entirely. She screamed in fright at the sight, scrambling as she tried to avoid the creature- but she’d never passed the canopy before, and as soon as she placed her hands down and applied pressure, she fell straight through it.

She landed roughly on the tree branch beneath where she had been, the Manticore breaking the surface with ease. She screamed in fright and rolled off the branch, allowing herself to fall as quickly as gravity would have it. She dropped from tree branch to tree branch, but when her wounded leg landed first she crumbled against the branch in pain. She knew that she had to flee, and the moment that she recovered from the intense pain she dropped from the branch again, spreading her wings and taking flight- she didn’t know where the beast had gone to, only that it was still hunting her.

A Manticore rarely loses it’s prey and the pretty little Half- Angel wasn’t one of those lucky few, but her speed saved her from death. As she took flight again the falling beast clipped the edge of one of her wings and brought crashing to the ground with it. The two of them tumbled from the canopy, and just before Ocella hit the ground a figure swung across the gap on a vine and scooped the young woman up swinging them both to a nearby tree.It was Master Redscar and he didn’t look too happy.
“See what happens when you try to run from destiny! A Manticore gets you! Just stay here, I’ll be back.” Drawing his sword the Body Mystic backflipped from the tree and fell gracefully through the air quickly falling towards the snarling screeching pile of limbs and leaves that showed where the mad beast had landed.

Ocella screamed in fright and pain when the beast reappeared behind her, clipping the edge of her wing and sending her spiraling down. She tried to save herself before the impact, but she couldn’t regain strength in her wings and she braced herself for impact. It was ironic, that she would die then after having fled Master Hillard’s home. It was ironic, that she’d barely lasted five minutes out of his home when she had spent the past two weeks in the vast jungle. Then… when she thought she would hit the ground and perish, she was suddenly scooped into the sky and for a moment feared that the beast had caught her.

Looking up, she saw Master Hillard with one hand holding onto a vine and the other arm wrapped firmly around her. He looked most angry with her, and she was even more frightened of him than the beast that had been attacking her. He swung them both into a nearby tree, and he was shouting at her. She curled up against the tree as he took off, tears in her eyes as she applied pressure to her wounded leg, transforming back into her human form due to the pain in her wing. All she could do was watch helplessly and pray for his safety.

Hillard’s mind was focused on killing this creature, he’s run into many beasts in his adventures around the Amazon Base. Manticores, Wraiths, Lichs, many creatures that just shouldn’t be, he’d become quite the monster slayer since his youth. Plans were forming in his mind, attacks patterns, weakness, strengths, it was like looking at a textbook. He landed a few feet from the beast who had just freed itself from the mess of vegetation it landed itself in and saw its original prey was lost, but in her place was a much juicier looking slab of meat. Rattling it pinches the Manticore charged the old man hoping to overpower him by sheer muscle. Never a smart plan when going up against the Body Mystic.
Throwing his hand out he quickly paralyzed the beast before clenching his fist and began to crush it’s hard exoskeleton. What sounded like bones breaking popped through the sporadic claps of thunder and flashes of lightning. It was only when the Manticore stopped fighting that Hillard released his hold on it. The beast fell to the ground in a quivering heap, it’s breath coming in short deep bursts and black blood oozing out of the cracks in it’s body armor. Keeping his sword at the low ready the Master summoned up one more burst of power and threw a charged punch of kinetic energy at the ground before the creature making the dirt and ferns burst up like a small meteor had landed. The last of the fight left the wounded beast and it shot a defiant hiss at Hillard before it turned tail and ran away as fast as it could.

And thus Hillard saved the day, but that wasn’t all he needed to do. Turning back to Ocella’s tree he jumped back up and looked the girl over.
“Can you move?”

Ocella watched the events in awe and disbelief. She would have believed that she had died long before she believed what she was witnessing, but it seemed as though she were in fact, still alive. She watched as he thrust his hand forward, causing a small crater to appear at the bottom of the forest floor in front of the beast. The Manticore hissed in defiance at Master Hillard and fled, leaving them at once. Ocella was trembling when Master Hillard returned his attention to her, blood coated her hands and she was exhausted.

He asked if she could move and doubted her ability to fly, but she was able to move- she just wondered how she would get back to his home, if he would allow her back. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes, feeling the forest around her before an idea came to mind. She could use the vines as he had earlier, given her affinity with nature.

Feeling around her, she could feel a vine around the side of the tree and tugged at it, making sure that it was stable. “I can,” she said, her voice weak as she looked at him apologetically. “I’m sorry. Thank you,” she said, her voice even quieter as she looked at him with guilt. She took hold of the vine and nodded to him, indicating that she was ready.

With a nod the old Mystic sheathed his sword and picked the girl up before he began leaping his way through the trees towards the base. Taking the easiest route through the treetops the pair arrived at the gates of the base and without missing a beat Hillard carried the new Nature Mystic up to the room she went into before and laid her down on the bed.
“Ok I can heal you, but if I do no more of this running off ok? I may be an immortal, but I’m still and old man and it is way past my bedtime now.”

Ocella was certainly quiet as he took her back to his home, grateful that he wasn’t too angry with her. She felt exhausted when he laid her down on the bed, trying not to think about the pain in her leg. When he said that he could heal her, but told her not to run off again she nodded. “I promise not to run off again,” she said, sounding genuinely apologetic and her expressions that of sadness and guilt. “Thank you Master Hillard…” she said again, wincing from the pain.

The Body Mystic nodded and clapped his hands beginning to rub his hands together quickly. In a few seconds a soft red light began enveloping his hands. Once they were glowing like fresh coals he pressed them both around the girl’s wounds and they began to fuse and heal. She could feel the energy humming through the air and her pains began to quickly fade. The whole operation only took a few seconds before the vines fell off showing Ocella’s completely healed wounds.

Sitting back on his heels he smiled.
“There ya go.”

Ocella was amazed. She couldn’t believe any of this, yet here she was… here everything was happening before her. Her wounds were closing and she could feel the healing magic coursing through her like hot coals. She still couldn’t believe what he said, yet here he was… a Mystic before her eyes, proclaiming that she was as well. It was a lot to take in, especially given everything that had happened to her that evening, but when he finished she smiled at him.

Quickly, she sat up in the bed and hugged him to thank him. “What is next, Master Hillard? If my destiny is truly as you say it is… what happens next?” she asked, looking concerned and worried once more. How was she supposed to save the world? And from what…?

11-15-2016, 09:29 PM
Kyori looked upon his master with sincere eyes. Something troubled Chiatzu that much was certain. It was hard seeing his mentor in such a way, but Chiatzu held up a hand to prevent Kyori from approaching.

“I am fine young one, practice your abilities,” Chiatzu ordered as Kyori nodded and turned back to the wooden dummy in front of him. He began with light strikes feeling out the movements he was taught. As Monk Chiatzu ordered him to strike harder, Kyori struck the dummy with intensely stronger strikes splintering the wood with his bare fist. He was determined to make the man proud.

“Use your gift,” Chiatzu said as Kyori kicked off from the ground, spinning and slashing with a round kick striking downward at the dummy. A gust of wind like that of a blade surged towards the dummy and upon contact sliced the dummy in twine. The two pieces fell to the ground and Monk Chiatzu turned to face Kyori.

“You’re getting stronger, this is good,” he said as he noticed the set of storm clouds moving above the training grounds. There were other students training to the sound of their mentor’s yell. Kyori drowned it out in his head and focused intently on Chiatzu for the time being. Lightning streaked across the naked black clouds. Thunder whispering its name amongst the swirling darkness. Kyori managed to look up in between his strikes on another dummy, and noticed a funnel developing in the distance.

“Storm clouds Master,” Kyori said standing up straight. Monk Chiatzu glared at the funnel as it touched down and looked to Kyori.

“It is more than what it seems,” he said as a funnel swirled down from the heavens and struck right in front of them without warning. Kyori was both amazed and quick to react by thrusting a open palm towards the swirling mass of wind attempting to dissipate it. When the wind refused to leave, he took a few steps back and watched as the wind slowly subsided and there stood Dorian. Kyori looked over at Chiatzu who was extremely calm for some reason. Then he noticed everyone bowing.

“It can’t be,” Kyori said as he too bowed.

Dorian looked around at the monks and smiled.

“Now now, you do not need to bow to me,” he said as everyone looked at him with a confused look. “I come seeking the one known as Kyori.”

Chiatzu looked over at Kyori with a puzzled look and quickly stood to his feet.

“Ancient one, what is it that you want with Kyori?” Chiatzu asked as everyone began to stand to their feet.

“He is the next in line Monk Chiatzu. You knew this day was coming, and that is why you have trained him is it not?” Dorian asked as he approached them.

“Yes Ancient One, but I did not know it would be so soon,” Chiatzu replied a look of sadness falling on his features. He glanced over at Kyori who was standing and looking directly at Dorian.

“What is it you want with me?” Kyori asked finally speaking up.

“Ahh,” Dorian began, “Do you remember your teachings on the beings that protected this realm?”

Kyori was silent for a moment before he spoke. “Do you mean the Mystics? I thought that was a fairytale that Monk Chiatzu told me.”

“It is no fairytale young one, you are to be the next defender of this realm.”

“But he is not ready,” interjected Monk Chiatzu as he took a step between Kyori and Dorian. “He has a long way to go.”

Dorian glanced at Chiatzu and smiled. “I trust you have felt it, and you know full well that time is of the essence Chiatzu. What will you do when he comes for the boy? You will not be able to stop him and you know it. I shall take Kyori to a secret place where he can finish his training.”

“But…,” Chiatzu began but realized that Dorian was right. He had felt the darkness and knew it would come. He sighed and turned to look away. “You are right Ancient One, forgive me for my stubbornness, he is like a son to me.”

“I understand, but he will be taken care of,” Dorian said.

“But what if I don’t want to go,” Kyori said causing both Dorian and Monk Chiatzu to turn their attention to him. “I don’t want to leave the monastery.”

“Kyori, please you must go with him.”


“If you do not, darkness will spread to the corners of this realm and it will snuff out the light.”

Kyori struggled. He didn’t want to leave the Monastery. If he left and they were attacked, he would never be able to forgive himself. Monk Chiatzu placed a firm hand on Kyori’s shoulder.

“Remember Kyori, we are protectors, it is our job, it is who we are.”

Kyori looked into his mentor’s eyes and sighed before turning to look at Dorian.

“If the scrolls are correct, which I have no doubt that they are now, you must be the one known as Dorian, a rarity, one of only three others ever to ascend to the realm of the gods.”

“You are correct,” Dorian replied with a smile, “quite the knowledgeable one. I was the Storm Mystic, and I struggled with the decision just as you do now, but I realized that there were things in this world worth saving.”

Kyori smiled and looked at Chiatzu. “I guess this is goodbye?”

“For now young one, for now, but you never forget your upbringing.”

Kyori nodded as he walked over to Dorian. “Will this training break me?”

Dorian closed his eyes. “The training is different for everyone. Focus Kyori and you will do great.”

Dorian opened a portal to BlackBrick Academy and looked at Kyori. “You remind me so much of how I was at your age. Whenever you are ready.” Dorian said before placing a friendly hand on Kyori’s shoulder. Kyori nodded and smiled. If it was for the sake of the realm, how could he not? He took a step towards the portal but one of the elders of the monastery yelled his name.

“Kyori,” he said approaching in haste, “take this with you.”

The Monk held a long object covered in a silken green and white cloth. Kyori turned and saw Monk Tai approaching with the item in hand. He took the object and started unraveling it to reveal a monk staff, beautiful with a soul green gem in the middle of the head that held twelve beautiful rings of the same color. The staff was surprisingly lightweight. He looked into the eyes of the elder and bowed.

“Thank you Master,” he said softly as he turned with the staff in his hands and entered the portal. Dorian turned to the monks and nodded.

“It has begun. Prepare yourselves, for it is the beginning of a war.”

“Ancient One, is there a possibility of peace continuing?” Monk Chiatzu asked.

“Perhaps, if there are those willing to fight for it.”

Dorian smiled and took his leave in a flash of light. Before he returned to BlackBrick Academy, he would swing by and collect the remaining Mystics. He would stop outside of a hospital where Emily and Arson had managed to find one another. Emily’s father was in the hospital and although Arson was skeptical about the whole thing, Emily was more than willing to help save the world. The final mystic was the water mystic Kelda. Thanks to Marissa Dorian had been able to find her and had actually set up the encounter. Kelda was also willing to help if it meant keeping her world safe.

With everyone finally at BlackBrick Academy, the Headmaster collected everyone in the training yard and awaited the help of those Dorian had called to come. Lightning surged from the bosom of the dark clouds above the Academy. The bolt struck the ground where everyone was gathered. This would be the place where the training would take place. It was outside so any destruction would not damage the school. Magic protected them, they were secure. Dorian’s form slowly appeared as the lightning bolt vanished and the residual energy sparked off of Dorian’s body. He looked around at everyone and smiled. The trainers were there, that was good and those who would be the recipients of the training were looking either eager or completely mortified. There were two he had his eye on to train, Joshua and Kyori. The two were dragons, although there was another dragon in the ranks, these two were more compatible to his teaching style.

The others would be selected based on the element they represented. Halley would train Alimiax, Kelda would be trained by Marantha, a beautiful sorceress who understood the element of water. Arson and Emily would be trained by Kiran and Hanah respectively while Ocella would be trained by Kurama. Kana would train Aleksander, and Callan would train Art. The pairing was complete and Dorian felt that the pairings would work best if the trainers were given range in their training.

Training would begin soon, for now Dorian allowed everyone to co-mingle and get to know one another. It wasn’t often that he got a chance to see his brother Kurama, and his niece and nephew as well as Halley.

Hanah had barely been able to contain her excitement when her uncle Dorian had appeared before them all. Together they stood, Halley’s hand firmly on her shoulder to keep Hanah from running up to Dorian in the middle of his speaking. When he finished, Halley released Hanah’s shoulder and she left immediately to her uncle. Anyone who witnessed this would swear her feet hadn’t even moved, rather that she had flown, but to those who knew her well she had used the speed of light to get to her uncle that much quicker.

Her arms were around him in an instant, the speed and strength enough to knock them both to the ground. “UNCLE DORIAN!” she shouted with as much enthusiasm as she could, and suddenly Kiran was there beside her, joining her in assaulting their uncle with as much love and affection as each of them could. “Uncle Dorian!” Kiran shouted, large smiles present on both of their faces.

“Oh how I’ve missed you two,” Dorian said embracing both of them, even though they were almost as tall as he was. They were both grown adults, over 700 years old, and yet they still showed Dorian as much love as they could every time they saw him, which was very rare with all the work he had to do. Still, it had been nearly 10 years since their last visit. Dorian smiled accepting the love that was being poured into him by his family. He looked up and saw Kurama shaking his head.

“Those two have a special connection to you Dorian,” Kurama said, “as well they should. How is the world of immortals brother?” He asked embracing Dorian in a brotherly hug.

“As well as it can be brother,” Dorian said with a warm smile. “It has been 10 years. I am sorry Kurama.”

Kurama held up a hand. “You have no reason to apologize, I know you have big responsibilities. You called us and we came, clearly we care and respect you Dorian.”

Dorian nodded before turning and looking at Halley before returning his gaze back to Kiran and Hanah. “You know I may be able to work something out that will allow you two to visit me, but I will have to speak to the others.”

Kiran and Hanah were simply thrilled, both embracing their uncle lovingly and not allowing him off the ground just yet. Their holds were firm, indicating that they had no intentions of letting him go anywhere just yet. They may have been centuries old and experienced most everything life had to offer- but they still loved their family. It had been so long since they had seen their uncle, but when he mentioned the possibility of them visiting him- their faces lit up in joy.

“PLEASE!” they both shouted in unison, looking entirely excited at the possibility. “Please, please, please uncle Dorian,” Hanah said, looking sad for the first time since she had seen him. “I miss you so much… I know you’re always working, but we miss you. We could even help you so that you aren’t so busy all the time,” Hanah said, looking rather sad as though unable to hide how much she had missed him. Kiran did a better job than Hanah at concealing his emotions, but it was evident that he had missed his uncle to. “I’d be happy to help as well, uncle, for I too miss you greatly,” Kiran said, finally moving to allow his uncle freedom. Hanah did the same, grinning sheepishly at Dorian and offering her hand to help him up.

There was talking, everyone catching up with one another while the students stood idly by looking at one another. Kyori was watching the entire scene with the staff held firmly in his grasp. He seriously didn’t know what to expect and all of those around his age looked as if they were either scared or ready to begin. The Headmaster approached the group and smiled.

“While they catch up, you are free to roam until it is time to train you.” He spoke to all of them before turning and observing.

11-17-2016, 04:10 AM
Joshua could tell that he was the first to arrive at the school. He was going to be a while, at least from the time it took to get here. Choosing a decent place to sit, he laid down, letting the normal breeze and sun keep him company. It wasn't long before the others joined the throng, but he didn't pay them much heed with each appearance, as he knew just as much as they did for the current situation. He would wait until Dorian returned to them to begin this. It wasn't too long before that, and shortly made pairings for the whole group. They were given the chance to mingle with the others. Finally getting of his rather sunny spot on the grounds he looked around, his magic picking up odds and ends of their conversations. Upon looking though, he spotted one girl off to the side some, looking very out of sorts with them. More so with the large crowd. With a smile he headed over to her with a small wave.

“Greetings there. I am Joshua.” Joshua said with a polite bow.

After Master Hillard had left her, Ocella couldn’t help but to be nervous in her new surroundings. She was watching, observing others as she always did- trying to figure out who she could trust, as well as any odds and quirks others might have about them. She noticed what appeared to be a family reunion of sorts and smiled at the group, finding it most interesting and hoping she had the opportunity to meet them soon.

Then a rather tall figure approached her and she felt even smaller. Granted, he was not overly tall, but she still had to look up to see him. “Hello Joshua… I am Ocella,” she said, smiling when he bowed slightly and offering him a curtsey. Ocella smiled as she noticed everyone else seemed to be mingling. “This is all so new. One minute I was in a jungle and the next I’m at school again,” Ocella said, laughing lightly at the thought. It seemed as though she had just left school not long ago!

“Funny you should mention that. I had just been in the woods and now I’m back at school. Granted it's not a jungle, but it puts us in a similar situation.” Joshua responded with a light chuckle. She had a sweet voice, not unlike a spring breeze in the early dawn. He enjoyed her light tones and chiming laugh. He looked back around the group and followed the minglers.

“Still, going back to school isn't all that bad. Surely you've gone to school, and I know school is a big scary place, but you'll make fast friends soon.” Joshua said with a deep laugh, placing his hands into his pockets.

“Oh it’s not necessarily school being a scary place, but rather, the situation being intimidating. The man who found me… said that I was a Mystic, and told me it was up to us to save the world from destruction. It’s a daunting thought, with so many questions… but it’s nice to know that I won’t be alone,” she explained, shaking her head, still thinking that she had gone crazy and would wake up somewhere in the jungle.

“Funny, we both came from similar places,” she commented, grinning a bit. He seemed so calm and relaxed about everything, and he seemed rather friendly. It was easy for her to gravitate towards him, for he seemed to be someone she could trust.

“Before you go out the house, always check the window.” Joshua said with a smile, giving her a light smile. He placed a light hand on her shoulder and motioned her to the group. Others had begun to talk with each other and Dorian was engrossed with his obvious family.

“It's something my grandfather tells me whenever I had to start on something that scared me. If you know what to expect, plan for that and be ready for what may come your way. We're going into this together, so we’ll watch each other's back.” Joshua said, giving her a pat on the shoulder.

“Assuming the outhouse has a window,” she teased, grinning at him again. “But I see what you mean, and it makes sense. All we can do is prepare and go from there. And yes… we’ll have each other’s backs. We’re not alone,” she said, still smiling. She could feel the sun against her skin and it was a rather nice change from the Amazon, where sun rarely penetrated the forest she had lived in for the past few weeks. “It feels so good to be in the sun again… it’s much better than a monsoon,” she commented, chuckling a little at the thought.

“ A monsoon huh? You survived a storm like that and you're worried about being a little shadow overhead.” Joshua said, chuckling on her response. He took a whiff of the air and let it go with a huff. The air was sweet and held promise, but with another scent tickling his nose. He looked to her and gave a curious sniff in her direction.

“You smell a bit different than a normal human.” Joshua asked. He knew it would be a bit rude to ask a personal question, but with the news Dorian had given them, getting to know the others would be paramount to learning to fight.

Ocella grinned. “Well, I had a bit of help,” she admitted, thinking back to Master Hillard and wondering when she would see him again. She looked back at him when he said that she smelled different than a normal human and shook her head, grinning at him. “Right, because that is completely something a normal human would say,” she countered, taking in a deep breath. She stood back from him, allowing herself to transform into her angelic form, large wingspan and all. “Half,” she answered, smirking as she took off into the air, doing a circle just once to allow her wings to soak up the sunlight. She landed mere inches away from him, a smirk still on her face. “What of you?” she asked, curious about the three freckles on his forehead.

“Oh, what makes you assume that I am nothing more than a human?” Joshua quipped to her, giving a large smile to her. Seeing her as an angel was a strange thing to see, even a half one. It was also rather showy for a first time meeting with him. With the fact that she didn't just greet herself to others and her nerves, he could guess that she was proud of that form.

“To admit, I am a dragon, sound dragon to be precise. I think it be best to show you later on when not standing out in the open.” Joshua said with a light frown, giving her a small look. He did give her a small treat and reformed his right hand into claw, scales flowing across his arm and down to his elbow.

“Because most humans aren’t able to smell if someone else is a human or not,” she commented, smirking. She raised an eyebrow when he said that he was a sound dragon, looking most intrigued. “And that wasn’t a show. I’ve been in the jungle for a few weeks now, this is my first real exposure to sunlight during that time. I just can’t help it,” she explained, though now that he mentioned it she quickly changed back to her human form and wrapped her arms around herself, looking rather insecure now.

She watched as he transformed his hand into a claw and her jaw just about dropped, though she couldn’t help but grin. “That is severely cool,” she commented, her voice low and quiet.

“Thank you. I can understand about being gone for a while without sun, though not due to being in the Amazon and in a monsoon.” Joshua said, seeing how quickly she had returned to human form. She didn’t seem very confident anymore now and he knew he said something wrong there. He let out a sigh.

“Hey, I promise to show you my new form, but honestly, a dragon is greeted a lot differently than an angel. Where most would revere and praise you, others would fight and challenge me. To prove their strength and show their skill.” Joshua said comfortingly to her. He didn't want the new friendship to turn sour so quickly.

“It’s a long story,” she said, glancing nervously over to Master Hillard. “He helped me out of it,” she said, nodding in his direction. “I wouldn’t know… until yesterday, only two people knew of my heritage- my family. Yesterday, Master Hillard found me in the jungle and discovered it. I’m not quite sure why I showed my wings… I suppose they missed the sun more than I thought,” she pondered, shaking her head.

“Still… I think it’s pretty cool that you’re a dragon. Nothing to be weary of. Or at least that’s what I think,” she said, offering him a smile.

“Don't worry, I won't attack you or anyone here unless needed. It's the others that I am worried about. I can sense at least two other dragons here. So, you were brought in by Mr wrinkles here? I was brought in by Dorian …. aaafter trying to fight him after showing up in a bolt of lightning.” Joshua said with a light laugh.

Ocella nodded in understanding. Her jaw dropped when he gave Master Hillard the nickname ‘Mr. Wrinkles’, looking to him in horror. “Don’t call him that- he’ll… he’ll…” Ocella looked to be having difficulty with her breathing as she looked to Master Hillard, trying to determine if he had heard that or not. “His name is Master Hillard Redscar…” she corrected him, wishing she could simply vanish away right then and there.

“Ah, I shall address him as such, though he will be addressed as Mr wrinkles. You look adorable when you're flustered.” Joshua said with an enjoyable smile. He gave her a light and stretched his shoulders, feeling his arms stretch and unwind a bit from the earlier travel.

Ocella’s jaw dropped as he said Mr. Wrinkles again. She found herself blushing a rather bright shade of red when he said she was adorable. “That may be but this is not the way to get me flustered!” Ocella said, her frame seeming to grow smaller. She looked to Master Hillard again and shook her head. “He fought off a MANTICORE! Imagine what he’ll do if he he hears that…” Ocella said, her eyes begging him to stop with the nickname. “If any of them hear that-” she looked to Master Dorian and his family, looking terrified. She visibly seemed panicked, and he was working her into a frenzy.

“Okay, okay. I promise to stop the nicknames, if it'll get you to relax.” Joshua said with a chuckled with the red blush glowing on her face. She was positively livid yet relaxed to some degree. He had done right to get her mind relaxed completely off the possible future.

“I will greet them responsibly, but hey, I got you to smile. Just look how focused you are right now, and may I ask one last question.” Joshua stated, leaning closer with a relaxed and coy smile.

“What is the right way to get you flustered then. Would love to see that red blush on your face more often?” Joshua charmed with a slight smile and a very light seductive glint to his eyes.

Ocella sighed in relief when he promised to stop the nicknames, visibly calming down almost at once. She smiled at his reasoning and nodded. “It’s true, and thank you,” she said, her smile growing just a little more as her blush began to fade. He requested one more question of her and leaned closer, a coy smile on his face that caused her to look at him curiously. As soon as he spoke, the blush returned to her face and she did her best not to look like a fool, not to fall over or say something stupid- but her expressions were exactly what he had been looking for. “Anything that won’t get you maimed or killed,” she answered, her face still red, though she smiled at him that much more. Her smile turned into a grin and she fought off the blush as best as she could, though it was clear he had won this time around.

“I will keep that in mind birdie. I personally don't like the idea of getting hurt or maimed either. I like breathing, and wish to keep it that way. Plus, I wanna see you smile and relax. Now, I can see a nudie Nancy already staring daggers into my back, so I’m going to see what she wants.” Joshua said with a polite bow, signaling the end of their time together.

“Just remember, we're in this together, so relax and remember. We're in this together, all of us. Unless I get strangled.” Joshua said as he headed over to Ali, giving Ocella a wave.

11-22-2016, 12:05 AM
A Man and His Dog

It was a late afternoon in the swamps of Louisiana. Frogs were hopping about and crickets were then finally begin chirping. It was hot as hell that day, being around the upper 90s. Mixed with the humidity and the rotting smell of a swamp, it wasn’t pleasant to say the least. Every time a step was made, a mushing, squishing, almost balloon-like sound would fill the air. The ground was super soft and almost made of pure mud and moss. The wetter areas only amplified these effects, especially going deeper within the swamp.

Hunting wasn’t ever superbly popular being on the land. Every now and then something would come out from behind the trees and make its way through, but nothing really worth killing. Alligator was what was on the menu for this day and time. Through not everyone’s favorite, Alligator does not taste that bad, and is in some cases, a delicacy. People around these parts tend to pronounce it by it’s nickname “Gater Huntin.” It was rare, but sometimes you would find some alligators on the banks of the swamps from where they would come to rest and dry out a bit before returning to their murky depths.

Bill was a good person. He lived in a small town around 20 miles up from where he currently was. He was pretty well built for his age. His skin was slightly wrinkled underneath his eyes, most likely from both squinting and aging. His face was rugged, with 2 piercing green eyes that showed by sympathy and dedication. He yielded a bit of a commanding presence, standing straight and tall, only hunching over to duck beneath the brushes and timber that would sometimes be in his way. He brought along his dog, Bourbon. His dog was named after one of his favorite past times. Bourbon was a German Shepherd, and was fully grown at this point. It would sometimes dart between the brushes, being somewhat playful, but also keeping a good scent on everything that it was tracking. It was loyal and obedient.

Taking on the hunt, Bill began to take upon a sweat a bit, due to the rigorous terrain and heat. By this time, he had already collected 3 alligators, and readied them for transportation back to the house. There he would be able to skin, gut, and prepare what he needed with the reptiles. After loading the alligators onto the back of his truck, he called upon his dog to sit in the back was the dead alligators. Bourbon caught up quickly and sprinted to the back of the truck, jumping as if it were one fluid motion. It was then Bill stated, “Good boy, tomorrow we’ll get some more. I think the old lady may tear me a new one once I get back for being so late.”

Bill closed the gate of his truck as he prepared to leave, but something a bit glittery caught his eye. “What you got there boy?” He looked and saw a small bottle that the dog was playing around with. Bill knew that Bourbon was too smart to get himself cut on the glass. So he decided to ignore it and proceed to lay the gun in his truck. “Damn… it’s hot out here…” He said to himself and he jostled in the truck a bit, preparing for the ride home. The night began to come at an alarming rate, and with that and the worry that his wife would beat him, he began to make his way home, with the rustle of an engine and old music blaring.

The Following Night

Bourbon was out in the yard, and had just got done playing with the glass object, when suddenly, something caught his attention. Bourbon was wild and enthusiastic about new noise and began to dart towards where the noise was coming from. It wasn’t too long that glass could be heard being broken. Bourbon spotted a few teens, no older than 15, going around and breaking things like they normally did. Bourbon took notice and saw them around the house, and began to wonder the outskirts of the forest, to keep a close eye on what they were doing. The man and wife were out and catching a movie at this time, but Bourbon was about to allow those boys to rough up the house, especially while the master was away. As soon as he got to a desired position, he began to growl, making known that he didn’t like what the boys were doing. They boys began to scatter as one trips in the soft spot that Bourbon had made. His ankle was twisted bad, and he began to hobble away with the help of his other friends. They made their way back into the woods, and most likely away from there. With the distraction gone and the home safe, Bourbon sat back up on the porch of the house. He circled a couple of times in front of the door and began to nod off. His job was done for the night.

A Week Later

Messing around in the small back yard of his home, Bill was splitting timber. The hard splitting chops could be heard quite a ways out and each swing of the axe hit its mark. The would faltered and split right down the middle, with great accuracy, and what would seem like ease. Bill was good at living off the land, doing his own things while still enjoying the other more modern things of life alike. It was early in the morning, the sun had just began to peer through. Sweat was beginning to roll through the ever increasing heat. He was hoping to be done soon so he could get in the house before it got too hot. Maybe have a few glasses of water and make a sandwich or two from the alligators he carved up a week ago.

After a few more pieces of timber, he noticed something a bit strange with his garden. The ground was starting to become more swampish than it normally did. It was weird due to the lack of rain, and the location he was at. He walked over to take a better look. Everything looked almost normal, except the ground looked a bit off. He put his hand on the ground, and like a sponge, it smooshed, squeezed, and gargled under the pressure. “Maybe there’s an underground spring close by that I never found.” He said to himself as he looked out, and wiped his hand off a bit. He decided that this part of the soil was ruined and it would be best to plow it over before it got worse and fill it with better soil. The rest of his day was consisting of that task, and the smell was terrible, almost like the soil was rotting.

2 Weeks Later

“This is terrible… I just don’t know what to do.” He said as he cough a wet and terrible cough. He was getting a little bit sick, but that wasn’t the worst of it. Bourbon had died the night before. He was found dead near the garden in which was spoiled. In fact, almost all of the property had began to take a turn for the worse. All of the ground was becoming murky and rotten. Weird vegetation began to grow, and if people thought rotten garbage smelled bad, then they had no clue how bad this plant smelled. It was as if someone had died, mixed that with sulfur, made that into a beverage, drank it, and crapped it back out. It was the worst experience that he has ever known. They day began to get worse as he took his dog back to the swamp to burry him. Bourbon loved the swamps and loved the hunt, so it was fitting that he took him to his favorite spot to be buried.

A small, handmade wooden cross was put on the soil where his best friend was buried. He then snorted into some tissue. This cold was becoming a nuisance and was not letting up. A few tears went down his face as he began to give his final farewells. He had Bourbon for at least 12 years. It was like losing a son he was never able to have. All the times began to flash back into his mind as he made his way back to the vehicle. With the turn of the ignition and one last look, he could only grieve, as he never thought this could get any worse.

Later that night, the cold was keeping him awake. Sweating began to take effect as well as hot flashes. His bed began to feel like a furnace, so he finally gave up on sleeping for the time being in order to get a drink of water. He flipped a light switch and began to fill up a glass of water almost immediately. After filling the glass and taking a chug of the cold, delightful liquid, he began to hear barking. He knew where it was coming from, and decided to get his gun ready. Stray dogs were a nuisance around that part, and sometimes they would get into things and break them. He listened for the barking some more and realized that it sounded a lot like Bourbon. That was impossible though, there is no way.

After hitting the outside in his sleepwear, he took off towards the woods in his back yard. After nothing could be heard. He was paranoid and the complete void of sound. Then another bark was heard, and it was to his right in the brushes of his back yard. His gun was loaded and ready to fire when he noticed, that the beast looked a lot like Bourbon. It came out of the brushes, still concealed by the shadow, whimpering. “Bourbon?” The man said as he took a better look, but it was really dark. The man then finally got a look at the dogs face and realized that it was indeed Bourbon, but there was something badly wrong. Bourbons left eye was intact, but the right eye had something along the lines of a tentacle hanging out. “What in the name…” before he was able to get out the next word, Bourbon had jumped and caught Bill on the arm.

The dog began to flail, ripping and tearing flesh from Bill’s arms, almost breaking it under the shear about of bite force. Bill finally got the dog off of him and slammed the mutt hard into the ground. Bill jumped back a bit, still in horrendous pain from that terrible bite. Bourbon arose once more, growling and snarling like it was possessed. Bill drew his gun as Bourbon sprinted towards him faster than he ever saw him do before. As the gun was raise, a light lit up at the end of the barrel, and before he could acknowledge it, pieces of his best friend were sprawled across the back yards. Bill threw down his gun and fell to the ground, almost gagging from what he had just done and witnessed. All of the sudden his wife ran out, bare foot and in a night gown, trying to find out what was going on. “It’s… Bourbon… or what was once him…he apparently was dead… just sick… shit…” He said as he held his arm and his wife looked him over. “We have to get you some emergency care… why and how did Bourbon do this? He was dead… I am positive he was dead.” She said to him reassuringly.

“We’ll worry about that later, I gotta stop this bleeding… you drive.” She swore at him as she went to the house quickly to find the keys to the truck. Bill began to walk along and to the vehicle, meeting her at the front porch. She opened the door and assisted him in the truck as she ran back to the driver side in a hurry. The truck started and they both started down the highway.

“We’re almost there, only 10 more minutes!” She said to him, trying to make sure he was still conscious. He was going in and out of consciousness as she was talking to him. For whatever reason, he was becoming angry at her. The constant talking kept annoying him, but he was powerless to do anything about it. They eventually made their way to the local doctor, since the hospital was in another town. The doctors office was a 24/7 office with many staffed there. After making it in the doorway, he and his wife were seen and they rushed immediately to aid them. “Get this man to the back now!” They said as they wasted no time getting him to the back. “Sir, are you still with me? We’re going… hospital…” Bill couldn’t keep awake anymore, he needed to sleep for some reason. He knew he shouldn’t be tired. The sleep was needed though, the sleep would make him feel better, at least the voice in his head told him.

1 Week Later

“This is Global Span reporting in. Many residents of this small community have been driven away by some weird and new fungus that is growing rapidly in the town. The smell is impossible to describe as I’m standing here. The ground is almost completely covered by this fungus that seems to just spread. Many researchers are looking into this new fungus in hopes to contained it. What’s more interesting is how many people have up and disappeared in the small town that was what people once called home. Search and rescue teams have been deployed so that we may be able to find these people. Here’s what some of the locals have to say.”

An elder woman begins to speak, “I’ve lived hear my whole life, but now I’m being forced out to begin in another place where I don’t belong. I hate to see it go. We shouldn’t have to leave.” A younger man begins to speak, “My water was beginning to taste a bit funny when I noticed that the pipes that were running to my sink were completely infested with roots. As much as I’ve cleaned it out, it just keeps growing and I don’t know what to do. This fungus has completely taken everything away from me. The fungus has made my wife sick, and doctors have told us that we need to leave because the climate is now inhospitable.”

The news reporter begins again “All of these stories and all of these lives that are now being changed. I only feel sorry for them, but researchers are completely astounded by what they see.” A man in a hazard suit begins to speak “It’s miraculous that something like this can spread so far and so wide in so little time. This fungus also has great mutation properties, changing faster than some viruses. We’re currently collecting samples to ship out to other parts of the world in very contained areas. So far, we have a researchers in China, England, Japan, Africa, all of them currently looking into this.” The woman then takes back the spotlight, “And there you have it folks. We’re hoping to…” a man interrupts the broadcast in the background “Bring the camera’s, you’ve got to see this!!!” The woman in shock, looks back and forth a bit and sends a gesture to follow them. The camera was bumping around at the fast movements.

It wasn’t but 5 minutes of blank footage later that they were in front of some sort of cave. The cave was filled with the same things that had infested the area, but further back, they found something that shocked everyone. “Is… is that…” the reported said shocked, looking at what appeared to be a human arm. The smell was even worse than before. “Cut the camera… we can’t show this on TV, cut the damned camera!!!” The camera then went blank.

This was the last that anyone had heard from any of the residents of that town, the camera crew, and anyone involved with the research and area. It was almost as if they had disappeared from the face of the planet. The spread of this new plant life however has grown 20 fold, taking over more towns and areas of the world.

11-23-2016, 01:50 AM
Art took a deep breath as he traversed through the portal, closing his eyes out of pure instinct, as if that would shield him from whatever was on the other side, it really wasn’t like he didn’t trust Dorian, even though he didn’t know him well, his words sounded sincere, he was just too new to everything related to magic, just a couple of weeks back his idea of magic was pulling a white rabbit out of a top hat.

As he stepped out of the portal he found himself in some kind of training facility, he could only speculate that that was blackbrick academy, the place Dorian was talking about…
There were other people in there too, all of them seemed to be around his age, some of them seemed to know each other, judging by how they were talking to each other so casually…
He spent the following 10 minutes awkwardly standing in place before he decided to approach someone and spark a conversation.

Kyori had managed to stay quiet the entire time as he watched everyone commingled and got to know each other. It was odd watching them and not wanting to participate. Usually he was very talkative, always smiling and laughing and having a great time, but lately his mood had turned for the worst. He trained day in and day out, but despite it all he didn’t have that many friends. He tightened his grip on the staff that the Elder gave him. It meant a lot that the Elder would entrust him with his staff.

While Art was usually a rather sociable guy, he felt rather sheepish at the moment, out of all the people in there he seemed like the plainest out of all of them, he doubted he could simply ask any of them what their favorite show was or what their favorite band was....
It wasn’t long before he noticed Kyori, as he was the only one who stood out for obvious reasons…
Despite his better judgement and out of sheer curiosity he approached the Mystic and asked; “Yo dude, are you some kinda monk or something?” Ignoring how rude it was to ask said question the way he did…
“Aaahhh.... Sorry, did that came off as rude? I shouldn’t had asked that… My name is Arián Arturo, but no one can pronounce that, so just call me Art.” Art said while stuttering nervously, his anxiety clear in his tone, to him it was official, this was the worst first impression of his entire life…

Kyori’s sapphire eyes fell on Art for a few moments as he spoke. Art was quite the attractive guy. His face was chiseled in all the right places. His eyes beautiful pools of jade. His messy hair only added to his attractiveness. Kyori found it hard to not smile when asked if he was a monk. He resisted the urge to reply in a joking manner, and simply nodded.

“Aren’t you rather observant,” he said forgoing his earlier thoughts of not making a ‘smart ass’ remark. “Kyori, Kyori Reynolds. It’s nice to meet you,” Kyori added noting the obvious nervousness Art was exuding, or was it anxiousness? Either way Kyori continued to smile and reached out to shake Art’s hand. “So I take it you were snatched away from your home as well?”

Art shook Kyori’s hand firmly without gripping too tightly, he wanted to avoid looking weird by placing a flaccid shake or a death grip in the young monk’s hand, making the whole deal a lot more awkward than he already had…
“Nice to meet you too. And yeah, I’m not sure if “snatched” would be the word, more like “Asked politely” but Yeah. Dorian brought me here… Again, sorry if I seemed rude before, that wasn’t my intention” Art said as he smiled clumsily back at Kyori, although not the way he had expected to, he was at least having a conversation with one of the other guys instead of standing in complete silence like an idiot… Besides all of that, Kyori seemed like a nice guy, he was willing to overlook Art’s dumb question…

“By the way, do you happen to know why we’re all here, Dorian didn’t tell me much about the whole thing… All I know is that where supposed to be Ancients or magics or something…..” Art said before remaining quiet for a little while. “Can you do what I do?” Art asked Kyori before he raised one of his hands, which subsequently turned into a metallic grey.

At least he wasn’t standing on the side silent like he had been when he first arrived. Art was his chance at making a friend. He watched him, he was adorable as he tried to not look as awkward as his actions were making him. Kyori thought it was cute. With how he was acting, one would have thought that he was the clumsiest guy ever, but Kyori simply stood there holding his staff with a soft smile on his face as he listened to Art speak. Kyori nodded when Art spoke about Dorian bringing him there and apologizing if he seemed rude at all.

“You know you can relax Art,” Kyori began, “although it is cute to see you all flustered.”

Was he flirting with this guy he didn’t even know? It was odd, but the Academy gave him comfort in knowing that he would be able to help protect those he loved.

“Oh, and what is it that you can do?” Kyori asked a smirk appearing on his face. Art raised his hand and they turned into a metallic grey. Kyori’s eyebrow raised in surprise. “So you’re the metal user? According to legend there was a group known as the Mystics that protected this world. I’m starting to believe the legends were true and we’re the next in line to protect this world.”

He let go of the staff and watched as he hovered in place on its own. “Although I don’t have metal skin, I can do something else,” he said as he held out a open palm towards the sky. Electric sparks formed into an orb above his hand and sustained there until he closed his hand and winked at Art. “I have a feeling you and I are going to get along.”

Art’s eyes widened as Kyori called him cute, it was just a small gesture and yet it still caught him off guard, he had never been called cute by a guy before, not that it bothered him or anything, it was uncommon, Art’s face became bright red and he was lost for words at that very moment…

Art watched in awe as Kyori demonstrated his powers, the hovering staff and the orb of electricity gave it away almost instantly, the monk’s powers had something to do with storms, or at least so figured Art.
“W-was that a conductivity joke? ...It was pretty good.” Art said before letting out a forced laugh in an attempt to hide how flustered he was at the moment…
Well, everything had turned rather well, Art had found a new friend and he was already getting complimented on the first day of school, all that was left was survive the rest of the training...

11-24-2016, 02:42 AM
A shadow jumped from tree to tree to quickly navigating the forest. Not even stopping when animals ran from the unearthly presence that was the shadow. Only taking a couple of minutes to get out of the forest and reach the course of the power that it was being drawn to. Once at the base of a dark mountain the shadow once again took human form, and Etrama was now standing there. Breathing a little hard since he pushed the spirits power to its limits. The spirit left his body returning to when’s it came.

Looking at the mountain he could feel the overwhelming magical energy. He hadn’t felt a power like this in a long time. However, he couldn’t tell where the course of this energy was coming from. It felt like the mountain it’s self was the course. Knowing that was impossible he decided to enlist some help from the corpses of what looked like a family of goblins. Bending down and touching one of the corpses he closed his eyes and concentrated on bringing back the creature’s soul. Summoning one of the goblins to do his bidding, the creature looked at the man with contempt in its eyes.

Etrama understood that the creature was not too happy with him, but he needed to know where this power was hiding. He would be unable to find it on his own. Well he would be able to find it, but he didn’t want to take the time to search the mountain for the entrance that must have been their “The dark power that is inhabiting this mountain I want to find it. Lead me to this power I will set you free.”

The goblin then smiled wickedly at the poor fool. He knew of whom this man sought, and he was more than willing to take him there. Aurorallii had been freed, and this man had been called by the dragon’s dark power. So he would be honored to take this master of the dark arts to see the dragon. For he is worthy to enter the tomb, though he didn’t know about the people that woke up Aurorallii. Though if they were not worthy then he would have killed them by now.

The goblin started to lead the way into the tomb, with Eterma right behind him. The entrance he took the man through was littered with the bodies of humans that had come to defile the dragons tomb. Etrama fallowed the goblin into the mountain, and past the bloody scene that was before them. “More worthless should to enter the spirit world.”

The goblin walked into a room that seemed to have people in it, and the magical power he had felt was getting even stronger. Once he entered the room he saw three men standing in the room, and one woman. Not saying a word, he only looked at the group of people. All of the three men were powerful in their own right. Though one of them had the power that he had felt. They were all practitioners of the dark arts, and that was reassuring. “Well it seems I was late for the party.”

11-24-2016, 05:05 AM
The Goblin Mines

“Moar wahk!!!” A huge goblin said as it cracked it’s whip, getting the surrounding goblins in line. There were many goblins in this tunnel that they were excavating, trying to dig up treasures and other relics that may be worth some value. Hammering with their small pick axes littered the air as dust and pebbles darted out from the point of impact. Wooden torches were lit and stuck on the walls for the added light so that they could spot anything that sparkled a bit.

“Lazy louts…. Ifs I sees yah slackin oft, I wills has your hides!!!” Another crack of the whip thundered through the narrow corridor as the other goblins began to push themselves harder. “Worthless the lot of yah. Bonesplitta is gonna has a nice meetins wit yah he is if I don’t sees a shiny in the next 5 minutes!!!” The goblin kept spinning he head left and right, making sure that none of the others dared to eye him.

“Manglah, where’dya need be oft to?” Another larger goblin was grabbing a drink as he noticed the slave driver was walking up to him. “Tis only a drink time. I’ll breaks them whens I feels like it. How’s the pickin comin?” Taking another drink and slamming it hard against the rock made table.

“It bees dry. Ain’t nuttin but sweat and piss all da way through. We’d bees in fortunes if that were to be our trade.” The drink was then tossed aside as Manglah stood up to confront the slave driving goblin. Manglah had a higher rank than this goblin, and was a few feet taller. “Whiplash… we have speaks about dis. IF no shinies, then no happy boss… no happy boss means I gets tah watch yah be pulverized by Bonesplitta. You has bettah get movin… I’m runnin out of patience.” Whiplash gulped as he bowed and step backwards humbly.

“Manglah, Whiplash… I has dah stories for yahs!!!” A lesser messenger goblin quickly strode through all of the work and mining carts as he approached and bowed. “Dis had better be worth mah times, or I’m using yah head as a new drankin cup!” The lesser goblin shook in fear and responded “I is sorries sir… but dah lesser tunnel down there’s… well… dah workahz are missin…”

Manglah and Whiplash got angry and yelled simultaneously “What!!!” Spittle flew out and across the small goblins face as he assumed a near fetal position. He then mustered up the courage and spoke once more “Deys missin… no bloods… only axes… and the smells of poo…”

“If I gets a whiff that deys gone missin cause dey lazy… I’ll kill dems mahself!!! Messenger… go get dah war party!!! We’s gonna find ourselves some sneaks!!!” The little goblin scurried off and began to hit a nearby war drum frantically. The booms of the drum could be heard quite a ways out and shrieks and laughs could be heard in the back. In the glowing lights, small helmets could be seen in the shadows along with short blades and bows. A staff or two was always brought along, for goblin shamans were always good luck in searches. Their magic could find traces of where anything may have went to.

A Few Days Later, Along the Deepest Mines

Whiplash was leading the war party as they were about to approach the entrance to the deep mine. A horrible stench filled the air. A snort and a gag reflex activated as Manglah caught a bit of the scent. “Dats just rank dat is!!!” He yelled, throwing his lumpy hand over his nose. “No wondahs dey left… I bets my fingah in me ass smells bettah…” Manglah was not at all happy with his current predicament. Not only was no one working, but the air was foul, there was no sign of any of the miners, and he was getting tired from the hike. “Damned lazy louts… goes in there’s and finds dem alreadies!!!” Several goblins quickly rushed into the corridor. The torches were still lit, revealing lots of moist rock and some small signs of a weird plant. “Plants don’t grows in dese parts!!!” One goblin said to another. “Why dey be plants heres?”

Walking further down and keeping caution, Manglah, who was behind the group, noticed that the deeper they went into the corridor, the more of this plant stuff was surrounding the walls. It had a very soft, but almost slime texture about it. Whenever squeezed, deflation sounds whipped in the air as a bit of green powder hit the air. Manglah began to sneeze rapidly with some of the other goblins. “Damns its… why we got sneezy, slimey, stinky plants in mah tunnels!!! Burns it out!!!” The goblins scampered about, lighting torches and bringing oil to start trying to create fires so that this stuff would finally be out of his way, and he could resume his normal work.

The walls had began to burn at this point. “Hehehehe… take dat stinky plants…” The war party with Manglah began to turn around when they noticed something scampering down the tunnel from which they came. “Who’s dere!!! You louts best be in ordahs when I get back, or I will gets real pissed!!!” The war party then proceeded down the tunnel. Manglah began to experience a headache as he began to walk out of the tunnel. He held his head for a moment as well as some of his war party. “Aye… needs me some brew me does… Whiplash, how holds the rest of the party?” He yelled out, but got no reply. “Whiplash… I order yahs to answer me yah lousy no goods…” As he and the party exited the tunnel, he noticed no one there. The only thing left were some of the weapons and a few pieces of gear and equipment they brought along just in case.

“What dah hells is goin on heres….” Manglah was looking around while the other goblins were just as confused. “We’s best be getting backs… don’t needs to keep the boss…” Manglah was cut off by what sounded like squeak. It was as if something took a chew toy and slightly dipped it underwater. It was garbled, high pitched, but rather quiet. “Who’s be deres!!! Shows yah self and face dah mights of the mighty Manglah!!!” A few seconds later, on a small ledge about where he was out, a figure came out. It was an incredibly small figure. It was like a green bulb filled with liquid, but it walked. It had man tendrils with what looked like fur as the ends. It squeaked a bit and made other ominous noises as it took notice of the goblins.

“What’s dat thing dere Manglah?” A little goblin said pointing to the same thing that Manglah was looking at. “I don’t knows… but hits it with and arrows…” A goblin let loose and arrow and hit the creature dead on its bulb. The creatures popped and a bile littered the ground where it was at. “See, it was a weaklins…” As soon as Manglah spoke those words, 10 more showed up in its place. Then even more began to encircle them. “Oh noes… prepares to fight!!!”

Arrows flew through the air towards their intended targets. A few pops were made, but some were elusive and dodged as the made their way down the walls. It seemed as if the creatures were multiplying as more began to appear. A lot more then suddenly came out of the pores of the holes in the cave. Slicing could be heard as well as the screams of goblins. This lasted around 10 minutes before the screams died out and silence returned to this part of the mines. Then a few minutes late, various crunches and moans.

A Few Hours Later

Manglah had finally woke up. His vision was blurry and it seemed as if he was moving. He was moving he finally realized. He held his head a bit when he began to look down at his feet. What he noticed was the whole entire war party’s bodies were littered on the floor. Many of them bleeding out and others already gone. As the moving finally stopped, he noticed the little bulb things again. They began to poor down the walls and jump on the bodies. What happened next put fear into Manglah’s eyes. The little bulb things were forcibly making their way into their host chests. Cracking, snapping, screams, and gurgles began to litter the air as the bodies twitches and squirmed around. Manglah quickly rose to his feet and tried to make a run for it.

Manglah was down through in the tunnels as he heard his enemies right behind him. Huffing and panting as his feet slap the ground, he was growing tired quick. This much running was completely out of his character and not an important part of his body composition. Manglah had made his way out only to be greated by Whiplash. “Oh boys… am’s I glads to see yah…” Manglah then took a hard look and noticed a think in Whiplashes chest. Whiplashes body structure had changed considerably, giving his skin a soft, squish texture along with telendrils hanging out on various parts of his body. “Oh noes… noes… NOESSS!!!” Manglah last words were cut short when Whiplash’s arms penetrated right through Manglah’s chest. Gurgle were made as his visions began to fade, but not before he felt the very last pain of one of those creatures digging its way into him.

11-28-2016, 04:09 AM

So much has happened between rolling out of bed and now Ali's head was still spinning even hours after the fact. It seemed that one minute she was chatting with Josh then Dorian showed-up and now she's been told she's the Light Mystic, a Dark Comet was spotted in the sky, and now she was in a top secret room with some of the most powerful Fairy Tale heroes her grandmother told her stories about...the Ancient Mystic, the Veteran Mystics and the genuine overlord of the entire mortal Mystic Order. She had a dream like this once, the only thing telling her she was actually awake this time was the noticeable lack of giant ice cream mountains covered in hot fudge... she may need one of those before this day was over.

Until then though she'd sit back and let her mind keep reeling on how quickly they were all gathered and put into this little room. She saw Josh talking with he girl brought in by the giant old man, and found herself frowning when she overheard him call the man Mr. Wrinkles. She wouldn't interrupt the chat, but she'd have some words for Josh, they've been friends for a long time and in that time the Sunbeam Dragon has found herself playing the Sounder's common sense and conscience more time than she cares to count. As he approached her she flicked his ear smartly.
"Don't disrespect your elders Josh, especially not when they're older than most Dragons we know!" The girl couldn't even guess Master Hillard's age, but he smelt ancient.


Leaving the awaking bullshit to the magic types Marshal Roderick St. Scorn was keeping an eye on things from the air. They didn't need anyone snooping around trying to wake up and ancient evil dragon thingy and neither Crowe nor Darkholme needed the flying tiger's help doing it. He wasn't magic, in situations like this he was just there for the heavy lifting. Moving the rocks blocking the door, kicking down the sealed vault door into the tomb, and stomping anyone unlucky enough to try and interfere.

It was boring work, and the shockwave from the dragon's awakening nearly knocked Roderick from the sky. But he recovered and felt an almost giddy feeling wash over him, this could be the most fun he's had in years.

Lady Celeste
11-30-2016, 02:47 AM
"En... foran... den andre... En..."

They were here to become the next generation of Mystics. To learn to defend this universe against whatever evils might threaten it. To train their powers as their predecessors had for countless years.

But before any of that, Kelda still needed to learn how to walk.

A good portion of her training would have to be spent on land, and occasionally even in areas with little to no liquid water available; the princess had explained as much back in Oslo. And so, since Kelda would need to be at least somewhat prepared on land, she was provided with a relatively basic charm (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d0/bd/60/d0bd60b61600942c5e5f03872196d8eb.jpg) that would change her tail into a pair of legs for as long as she was wearing it. But that was only half the battle, as the two limbs felt almost completely stiff, and Kelda instinctively worried that the fin-like appendages on the ends of each limb might break off under her weight with each step. How did the princess do it? Let alone for several years, if all the stories were to be believed!

Kelda didn't expect to feel a small rock as she reached for another step, and yelped in surprise as she instinctively jumped away and stumbled backwards, her arms instinctively fanning out behind her to try to break her fall.

This was going to take a while...

"En foran den andre" = "One in front of the other"

12-01-2016, 05:47 PM
"Regardless," Darkholm said, "we should remove ourselves from this place. Doubtless your awakening will have drawn undue attention from those who would work against us. Luckily I have a little hideaway set-up for us."

A clap of his gloved hands created a glittering portal with an arched room on the other side. Darkholm walked through just to prove it was safe, beckoning the others to follow. On the other side was a grand meeting room. It was one space in a fortified compound built within a mountain. Powerful magics kept it hidden from prying eyes and a scrying pool sat as the centerpiece of the room.

Auro's eyes adjusted to the four creatures before him. Darkholm, Crow, Crow's Assistant, and a new being whose name he did not know, but could feel the darkness in him. He had slumbered for quite some time. After fleeing from the battle that captured Mahvalli's life, he was tracked down by a monk who was able to cast a spell that imprisoned him in this mountain. Here he had slumbered for thousands of years, his power never waining, but his thirst for revenge ever present. He looked to Darkholm who spoke to him.

"My strength will return to me," Auro said as his feet touched the cold stone floor. He cracked his neck by moving it in a circular motion. His fingers stretched, popping the joints. He let out a satisfied grunt before he inhaled and exhaled. Darkholm had introduced himself and Crow and continued to speak as Auro looked between them. "My gratitude for awakening me," he said looking down at his rather nude and skinny form. He was indeed skin and bone at this point and needed to consume souls to regain his strength. When Darkholm asked him to step through the portal, Auro nodded. "Very well, let us see what the world has become."

He stepped through and entered into an office. Quite the luxury meeting room. Auro immediately sensed the magic that surrounded this place. A smile crept onto his lips.

"This world needs a ruler. This world shall be mine," he said softly before turning to Darkholm and Crowe, "we must establish a takeover. We must have our hands in all trades. Once the Empire is built then we will have the necessary means to takeover."

He moved to the head of the conference table and sat down slowly. "I need souls."

“If not the requirements for these souls, I can assist you there. Along with servants.” Crowe said as he entered the room. Once again the change in temperature had him slightly bothered, yet he was relieved to be out of the cave. Auro, while nude, was rather impressive with his power alone. Pulling out a phone, he began pulling up files and giving some quiet statements to Jackie.

“I have amassed a following in the undercity and black markets. I can gather the few more...unruly and useless pawns that you can use to eat.” Crowe spoke, slipping back into the same old business motto that had ruled a good portion of his life.

“Yes, gather up the remaining dark souls that wish to join our cause,” Auro spoke with a smile on his face. “After thousands of years, this world will fall to its knees. Chaos will spread and darkness shall rule, but first establish a base in a major area. Tell me, what is this world like? I need to regain my strength and take a look for myself. But first, the Northern Star Monastery, does it still exist today?”

He would need a bodyguard, one that would serve him to the fullest and not question his motives. He needed a trustworthy creature, someone he could rely on. Perhaps all the dark signatures he felt within this world would deliver such a being into his lap. He stood slowly to his feet and looked in the direction of Darkholm and Crowe.

“Bring me souls, and then the fun shall begin. Darkholm, I need you to go with me to the Northern Star Monastery. It is there that my staff is kept. The monk that imprisoned me took it. Crowe I need you to amass followers while Darkholm and I retrieve what is rightfully mine after I regain my strength.”

“Here,” Darkholm said, placing his hand out over the pool. The surface shimmered and twisted to form a representation of the world for Auro to digest. “I believe the monastery does indeed still stand. I will gladly accompany you to retrieve your staff. I’ve yet to see much of this world for I have been focused on bringing you out of slumber. But lead on. I will follow.”

“While you two go off and play bandit, I will gather my forces. I have some times so it may be a week, but I need to make sure everything is in order. I may need to bring some new gear into this place. It's a little lacking in modern gear if we are to break their world.” Crowe chided them upon entering the portal. He regarded the room with mild disdain while studying the area. A few words between his assistant and himself had him smiling as he ckucked. He pulled out his phone and looked at it in disdain.

“Need some wifi first though.”

"Very well, in three months time my strength shall return and I will be ready to destroy the monastery. Let us get to work. Even you nameless warrior has a purpose." Auro looked towards Etrama with a wicked grin.


Kyori landed softly against the marble floor of the mansion. The Prime Minister lived lavishly as well he should, but with his lifestyle came the need for protection. After the news of various members of power being found dead, the Prime Minister had heightened security. It wasn’t a good thing that the CWDU hadn’t found the culprit responsible yet, and it worried the older gentleman that the killer was still out there. The Prime Minister had done a lot of good in his time. He was appointed over the Northern Land. The world was divided into four lands. The Western Land, the Eastern Land, the Northern Land and the Southern Land and each land had an individual of power to ensure that choices were made to benefit the land. They were the ones that declared wars and that made sure their land was protected. Underneath them were the Prime Ministers and under them were the Mayors, Governors, etc. The Governor was dead, the Mayor was dead, and the Prime Minister was next.

Standing fully to his feet, Kyori moved through the halls with swift precision. He had one job and it was to take the life of a man who used to be a monk. Why was he doing this again? Auro had broken his promise, but he still had Chiatzu and he knew that if he didn’t do this, the monastery would pay dearly. Kyori stopped moving when he heard a guard approaching. His back was flush against the wall as he waited for the guard to pass. Kyori was dressed in all black to help with his camouflage in the shadow. He had a short sword to defend himself with, but his hands were his weapon. As the guard neared, he felt the cold steel insert into his back and emerge out of his belly. His eyes were filled with horror as blood poured from his mouth before the blade was snatched out of his body. He fell with a thud against the marble floor, staining it with his blood. Kyori looked down at the man, a man he didn’t know, a man who he had just killed. A tear fell down his eye as the man’s blood dripped from the sword. His grip was tight, but his mind was still on what he had just done.

“HEY YOU!” another guard yelled as he approached. The alarm rang out through the mansion, and Kyori had vanished. The guard arrived and knelt down to his friend. “Damn,” he said as he held up his gun pointing it in every direction to make sure the assailant was no longer there. It then hit him what was going on. “GUARDS, CHECK THE MINISTER’S ROOM”

By then it was too late. Kyori stood in the Prime Minister’s room glaring at the man he was sent to assassinate. The Prime Minister standing to his feet, asking him what he was doing there, why he was doing this and offering him help. Kyori closed his eyes and shook his head.

“There is nothing you can say that will help you,” Kyori said as he held up the blade still tainted with the blood of the guard.

“Whatever they are paying you, I will double it.”

“Your life is the price,” Kyori replied. In a swift motion he was standing in front of the Prime Minister tears in his eyes. The blade pierced the abdomen of the man in front of him. He let out a pain filled grunt as he looked into Kyori’s eyes. He could see the pain in the young man’s eyes. He could see that he didn’t want to do this and the Prime Minister managed to smile as blood began to seep from his mouth. He reached up and touched the side of Kyori’s face before speaking.

“You are stronger than this. Be who you were meant to be.”

Kyori pulled the blade out as blood sprayed on his front. He watched the Prime Minister begin to fall, but he dropped the sword and reached out to grab him. The man slid down until he was sitting. It wasn’t long after that the Prime Minister closed his eyes and exhaled one final time. The door to his bedroom fell down as the CWDU and the guards rushed in with guns pointed at Kyori. Tears had welled up in his eyes as he turned around slowly and faced them. They were yelling at him, telling him not to move, instructing him to get on the floor. Kyori looked back at the Prime Minister whispering two words. “I’m sorry.”

Kyori grabbed the sword. A barrage of bullets shot towards him and he vanished. The bullets struck the blood stained wall creating holes. Kyori reappeared on the outskirts of the mansion as he ran letting the tears flow. He ran until he could no longer run, until his legs felt like metal. Even then he pushed forward. He didn’t know how long he had ran, but when he looked up at the sky, he could only see darkness. This was his life now. He was living a terrible secret and he hadn’t even told his friends Ocella, Joshua, or Art. He was closest to them and he trusted them. He stopped running, placing both hands on his knees as he knelt forward and breathed. He was catching his breath. He had done the unthinkable four times now. It was unforgivable. To take a life without true reason. The monks taught him better than this, and yet he was going against their teachings. He managed to gather his breath, his lungs feeling comfort once more before he stood up straight and looked in the direction of BlackBrick Academy. He had to ditch these clothes, but he hoped no one saw him before he took a shower. Stripping of his top, he watched it shred before his eyes. He still held the sheathed sword in his hand as he vanished once more, heading to BlackBrick Academy.

He landed in the training yard of the Academy hoping he didn’t disturb anyone. If someone saw him he’d make up a lie, say he was out and ran into a wild animal or something. He had to get to his room and take a shower. His abs glistened in the moonlight as sweat had accumulated on his muscles. Despite his small stature, he was well built, years of training carved the body he had. He was lean and muscle toned. His pants were stained with the Minister’s blood and his face, while covered during the assassination, was now free from the earlier restraints.

It had been some time since her arrival at the academy. Her entire life had changed so abruptly, within a matter of moments and it scared her. Despite it all, she pushed forward. She pushed until her muscles burned, she pushed until she couldn’t push anymore- and then she kept pushing herself, constantly breaking the limits of what she was capable of. She trained daily, several hours each day- constantly working with Kurama Fox in mastering her powers over nature. He was proving to be a great mentor and someone she admired deeply, and trusted. The same could be said for his family, as well as Master Dorian.

It was well into the night when Ocella was woken suddenly, images crossing through her mind of a figure in the courtyard. At first, she thought to alert the others- believing it to be an intruder. When she rose from her bed and stepped to the window she could see the figure clearer now, through the help of the foliage around him. Ocella’s brows furrowed in concern and she vanished in a moment. ‘Joshua… something is wrong with Kyori,’ she thought to her friend. Within seconds, Ocella stood in front of Kyori. “Kyori!” she said, her voice quiet and shocked. “What has happened my friend?” she asked, stepping closer to take a better look at him. She noticed that he didn’t appear to be bleeding, but… his pants were covered in blood. “Kyori…. Why is there so much blood on you?” she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Shit. This was just what he needed. Ocella had managed to be awake upon his return and she stood in front of him with concern laced in her voice. He had grown close to her, she was his friend, and yet this was something he couldn’t tell her. He had to lie to her. If it meant keeping Chiatzu and the other monks alive, he had to keep this a secret. How would they react if they found out that he was responsible for killing three of the world’s most powerful men? A Governor, A Mayor and a Prime Minister, all had been his victims and who knew what Auro had in store for him next. He closed his eyes as he looked away from her wondering how she knew he had arrived and then his eyes settled on the beautiful flowers around the training yard. “So that’s how,” he said softly as he looked at her, his eyes rather cold in the moment.

“It’s nothing, I ran into a bear and it attacked me,” he lied.

Ocella smiled softly the moment he spoke, noticing the flowers around him for the first time. She nodded gently and stepped closer to him, looking up into his eyes, only to be frightened by the cold stare he had for her. Then, he spoke and her eyes trailed down his exposed chest, shaking her head softly, the smile still on her face. “Oh Ky… do you really think of me to be a fool?” she asked, taking a step back from him for a moment as her expressions changed from simple concern to that of agitation. “If a bear truly attacked you, there would be marks. Your skin is still perfectly intact, and the only blood on your person is on your clothes. Let’s try this again, without the lies. Where have you been, and why are you covered in blood?” she asked, still not giving up or letting him off easy.

She sighed and reached up for him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I’m your friend Ky… please, let me help you,” she said, smiling softly at him.

He struggled internally, calling himself a dummy as he moved to a nearby wall and slid into a sitting position.

“I messed up bad Cella, I messed up real bad,” he said as he wiped his face with his hand before placing the sword down on the ground next to him. He could tell she was agitated. Her nose flared when she was. Even though it was cute, he knew she’d slap him if he kept on lying to her. For some reason she could always tell when he lied, which wasn’t often if ever. He was always very truthful, but in this moment he had lied to her. To make matters worse, she was guilt tripping him. She had pulled the friend card, her trump card. He slammed the back of his head firmly against the wall behind him and looked at Ocella, the pain evident in his eyes, the tears that had begun to well up as he looked at her.

“I’m, I’m in trouble.”

Ocella watched him with careful, observant eyes. He knew that he had been caught, and she could see that he had run out of lies. He backed against the wall of the Academy and leaned against it, sitting down. She could see the pain he held, his struggles, his silent pleas for help- it was all too much to bear and she joined him in an instant, wrapping her arms around him in a soothing, friendly embrace. “Hey… I’m here Ky. It’s okay, we’ll figure it out together,” she assured him, watching him with deep concern.

She watched as he slammed the back of his head into the wall and spoke, tears welling up in his eyes. The mere sight of them caused her to sit next to him, her hold on him strengthening. “What is it Ky… what has happened? Please… let me help you, I can’t bear to see you in such pain,” she said, looking at him sadly now. She wanted nothing more than to take away his pains, to make his worries disappear as though they had been nothing but bad dreams.

“He was being honest about killing tonight.” Joshua spoke as he entered into the courtyard. Clad in just a pair of shorts and a towel limp around his neck. From the fresh scent of lavender and such, it was easy to tell that he had just gotten out of the shower. Walking over to them Joshua took a seat next to Kyori and looked to the sky, drawing on inspiration from the stars. A deep breath before letting it hiss out of him, turning towards the two of them.

“Each white lie turns the soul darker, until even the sun is blocked out.” Joshua said calmly, placing a gentle hand on Kyori's knee. He let it rest there before pulling it back and folding his hands into his lap. He knew they were hurting, and he would do what he needed to help them. The time training her gotten them much closer during it.

“Can we be your night stars?” Joshua pondered to Kyori, feeling very much like Dorian at the moment. Guess that's what happened when you are trained by someone that old.

Before he could say anything else, Ocella had wrapped her arms around him and was hugging him. At that moment it took every ounce of strength he had to keep from breaking down in her arms. He held his composure, but a tear managed to escape the wall and fall down his cheek. She was offering him something none of the others had. She was offering to hear him out. They had grown close over the past months, and with the training that Dorian put him through, it was easy to understand why they had grown so close. He opened his mouth to talk, but his eyes fell on Joshua who had appeared on the scene with nothing but shorts on and a towel wrapped around his neck. Joshua was someone that Kyori had managed to build some type of relationship with. He didn’t know what it was, and he was sure Joshua didn’t know what it was, but there was a hint of more than friends between the two. His eyes moved from the base of Joshua’s neck, down his chest and stopped at his belly button. He listened to Joshua speak, as if knowing exactly what he had done.

Kyori finally broke. He slammed his face into his hands and let the tears flow.

“I did it,” he said pulling his knees to his chest, “I killed him. The look in his eyes, they were so forgiving as if he understood why I was doing it.” Kyori fell silent. He had put Chiatzu in danger by revealing to them what he had done. His tears fell against the stone floor and dampened the already blood drenched pants.

Ocella looked up as Joshua arrived, grateful for his presence. The three had grown close over the past few months, and Ocella felt a certain responsibility towards the two- they had, very quickly, become her best friends. Joshua spoke, and Ocella looked to the sword that laid next to Kyori. She closed her eyes, her form shimmering lightly as she realized what he spoke was true. But what, or whom, had Kyori killed?

At Joshua’s words, Kyori broke. It was heart wrenching to watch, and Ocella wanted nothing more than to help him- but she didn’t know how. “Kyori…” she spoke, her voice soft and filled with concern. A small tear ran down her eyes as the gravity of the situation fell upon her shoulders. “Kyori… what is happening? This isn’t you… what is wrong?” she asked. She knew he wouldn’t kill without reason.

“Auro, he has Chiatzu,” Kyori began trying to wipe the tears away and regain some sort of composure as he tried to explain to Ocella and Joshua why he was covered in the blood of an innocent man. “I met him during one of my trips to the monastery. He was there. I tried to fight him and I was no match. He told me that if I did what he wanted when he wanted he would let them live.” Kyori paused and looked at Joshua his hand reached out and settling on top of Joshua’s if only for a brief moment as he continued to explain things. “I’ve never felt so much raw power. He took Chiatzu and told me that after I complete his tasks, he would release him. In the back of my head I know he was lying, but it was life or death. I promised him that I’d do what he asked. First it was Mayor Greenfield, then Governor Michaels, and then tonight, tonight it was the….”

He wiped his face with his free hand and looked at Ocella. “The Prime Minister told me that I was stronger than this, but even I don’t know where the strength comes from. I’ve committed three unforgivable acts.” He fell silent as he picked up the sword and slowly unsheathed it. “I should’ve done this before all of this happened.” He said this as he held the weapon in his hands the blade pointed towards his stomach. Stray tears falling down his face.

Ocella watched and listened to Kyori, her face falling flat. She watched him as he spoke, horror entering her eyes. It wasn’t horror at what he had done, but rather… what he was going through. The fact that Auro managed to capture someone so dear to him, so close to all of them sent chills down her spine.

Then, he unsheathed the blade and Ocella looked at it...seeing the blood that coated it. What he did next caused panic to consume every fiber of her being and she reacted instantly, before he could go any further. Vines shot forth from the ground and took the weapon from him at once.

One by one, the vines wrapped around Kyori and she did not stop for a moment. “Don’t you dare!” she shouted at him, her face filled with anger. Joshua was no longer there,all she could see was Kyori. She had tunnel vision and it was all directed to him. “Chiatzu would be disappointed in you Kyori! Not just for what you’ve done, bowing to Auro’s orders without question or trying to find another way… but this!” she said, standing and pointing at him.

The vines were tight around him, wrapping all around his body like a serpent. “You’ve killed, you’re in a difficult position. That is NO excuse to take your own life! The Prime Minister was right! You are stronger than this! You can’t defeat Auro on your own, but we are a team damnit! We have each other’s backs! Stop sulking at the circumstances, suck it up and do something about it! Train yourself until you break, and train again! It’s the Only way to defeat him and save Chiatzu!” Ocella said, her eyes glaring daggers at him as a tear fell down her cheek, followed by another and then another.

“You have some nerve! Killing yourself won’t fix anything! It’ll make everything you’ve done that much worse! Chiatzu would still die! Suck it up Kyori. Things are bad now, but together we can do our best to make it right-” Ocella paused and released him from the vines, though she tossed the sword far away from his immediate reach. She glared daggers at him and without warning, thrust her hand at his cheek with such force to leave a mark should it have hit. She wanted to knock some sense into him.

The sword had barely touched his stomach when it was ripped away by vines. He knew what was coming next and closed his eyes as his tears came to a stop. The vines wrapped around him as if they wanted to eat him. They were tight and he couldn’t move an inch. He looked at her, listening to Ocella rant and rave about what he had done and chastised him for wanting to end it there on the Academy floor. He sighed and opened his eyes. Though they still held so much pain and misunderstanding, he knew that she was right. He had to get stronger, he had to defeat Auro some way or the other to ensure Chiatzu’s safety and the rest of the monastery.

Joshua watched on in silence, allowing Ocella to take the lead. She had really grown into her own here, and her just anger proved it. He smiled gently at that and waited until she was done. Resting a hand on her shoulder to hopefully calm her down, he moved back to sit next to Kyori, giving a deep sigh. With a bit of difficulty he pulled Kyori against him, laying the boy's head in his lap. What he was about to do next was going to be hard.

“You might not like what I'm going to say right now, but you'll just have to trust me. Chiatzu is dead. If what I heard is right, the monk will not have given himself freely, nor would he continue if it meant letting you get used.” Joshua spoke coldly, knowing that the words would hurt. He couldn't be sure of his statement, but he did know one thing. The sooner Kyori accepted the loss, the easier things would be for him in the long run.

The vines began to retreat and Kyori simply sat there with his head resting against the wall and his eyes looking straight into the sky. For the first time in a long time he felt utterly helpless. He was thankful for Ocella and Josh for helping him, and keeping him for doing the unthinkable to himself, but now he was at an impasse. Now that they knew what would happen to him? Surely once Dorian found out, he’d face some type of punishment. Would he be turned over to the authorities? He sighed not saying much after the events that had just occurred. He felt Joshua sit back next to him, and felt him pull him close. He slowly placed his head in Joshua’s lap and looked up at Joshua as he spoke about Chiatzu being dead and although Kyori shook his head disapprovingly, he had to admit that what Joshua was saying was true. He put his arm over his eyes and regulated his breathing to keep from getting upset.

“As much as I hate to admit it, you’re right, both of you,” he said not moving his head, enjoying the feeling. There were more tears but he covered his eyes and tried to figure out what his next move would be. “Thank you,” he finally said after about ten minutes of silence. In his mind he kept playing over what Joshua had said. He mentioned something that disturbed his inner being. He had said “from what he heard” which meant something. Kyori said nothing though as he tried to piece together everything happening.

Ocella sat there, shocked as she listened to Joshua speak of Chiatzu. She knew what he spoke was the truth, but… what he said confused her. “What do you mean, Joshua?” Ocella asked, turning to look at him. “‘From what you’ve heard?’” she repeated, looking curious. Her heart ached for Kyori, for he seemed to have accepted this.

After a few moments of silence, Kyori thanked them. She sighed and rose to her knees in a kneeling position. “K...Kyori,” she began, resting a gentle hand atop his. “Kyori. I know you’re scared, and you have every reason to be. I know there is much uncertainty, but… we can’t do this alone. We need guidance, help. We aren’t strong enough to keep the others safe,” Ocella was choosing her words carefully, for he was a great friend to her and the last thing she wanted was to betray him, or see him suffer.

“Master Dorian will discover the truth sooner or later. There is much risk in telling him now, but… he may be able to help us. I’m certain he can,” Ocella said, looking at him sadly. “Please Kyori, let us go to Master Dorian and seek his council. He will know what to do, and I truly believe that he can help us before it is too late,” she begged, looking at him pleadingly. She truly believed in all her heart that Master Dorian would be able to help them.

Joshua let out a chuckle and rested a hand on theirs. A frown creased his face and rested drew their attention, soaking all of what they had to say. Going to Dorian could change how their group functions as a whole. Even Dorian would be hurt badly from the news, and with training still going on, things may end badly. With a sigh, he held their hands tight in both of his.

“I don't mean to be the wet towel, but I think we should wait. It's too soon, and this could unravel everything we have gained. Never leave your work undone, yet never should one wait until the end to test it.” Joshua spoke, somber toned and calm.

“We should wait until we have mastered our powers. Show our true power and strength. Chains are only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. If we break our trust now, then we will never grow stronger than we are now. Let's make a promise, to not tell until we have achieved the strongest form. Let them know that we truly wish to save this world.” His words rang clear to them, his eyes steady and strong even in the darkness.

Ocella just sat there and listened to Joshua, stunned by what she was hearing. It went against everything she stood for, everything she believed to be right. There had to be another way. She shook her head vigorously, watching as his hand tightened around both of theirs. For the first time… she was uncomfortable, and he was making her uncomfortable. His grip brought no warmth, no joy as did that of friendship. This time… it was something different.

“You’ve gone insane. Dorian is… over 700 years old! I’m certain he’s faced worse than this, especially since he too was a mystic. He can handle anything. He can help us train until we’re stronger, give us the means to stop Auro from hurting the other monks. But not if he doesn’t know they’re in danger,” Ocella took in a deep breath to steady herself, trying to remove her hand but found that he was still holding it tight. She furrowed her brows at him and glared.

“What happens if Auro kills the monks before we get stronger? Dorian will still find out, and we will have failed. All of our efforts will have been for naught. News flash Josh… things are already messed up. We need help,” Ocella said, shaking her head at the thought of promising to wait.

“I can’t. I fear that if we wait, the monks won’t stand a chance,” Ocella said, looking desperately to Kyori. “Please Kyori. I know that with his help, we have a better chance at fixing things than on our own. He has centuries of experience that we don’t.”

“Dorian can't save them.” Joshua spoke with sadness in his voice.

“I know his strength, I've trained with him for weeks now, same as Kyori. And you know how strong Master Hillard is. Have you ever wondered why they haven't personally stepped up to stop Auro, with all their power and skill?” Joshua asked the two of them.

Kyori was silent the entire time Ocella and Josh went back and forth with each other. He was exhausted both mentally and physically. After all he had done he just wanted it to be over. Monk Chiatzu was dead. As much as he hated to admit it, it always played in the back of his mind that once the final deed was done, Chiatzu would cease to live. He was out of it, he was disconnected from them, and he didn’t even feel their grip on his hand. For some reason they were all holding hands, his right hand was free, but his left hand was held by Ocella and Joshua held her hand.

He could still hear them arguing about what to do. Should they tell Dorian? No they should keep it a secret. It went on like this for a while until he heard Ocella speak to him again. He finally came back to reality and looked at Ocella and Joshua.

“I….I,” he started but Joshua cut in, explaining that Dorian couldn’t save the monks. Kyori looked at Joshua with a look of confusion. Kyori began to regain his mental consciousness and shook his head lightly realizing that this was going too far. “Dorian is bound by law. He can’t interfere. Training us is as far as he is allowed to go. The scrolls in the Monastery spoke of him and two others who ascended. It also spoke of the great creator himself and the queen. Their children the great deities that we pray to. The laws prevent their intervention. It’s literally up to us. Both of you are right!”

Kyori stood to his feet and moved to picked up the sword that had been tossed by Ocella’s vines.

“If we tell Dorian I know the consequences. The others won’t trust me, the missions we go on I’ll be sidelined. It will be as if I am not a part of this. If we keep it a secret then we have to take the unbreakable oath.”

He reached down and picked up the bloody sword and turned to look at both of them. “I should’ve never told either of you. I should’ve kept it a secret. This is not your burden it is mine.”

Ocella looked stunned by the two of them. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It was like she was talking to a brick wall! “He’s going to find out at some point Ky,” Ocella said sadly, sighing softly and closing her eyes. Kyori stood, simultaneously releasing Joshua’s hold of their hands, of which she was grateful for. She pulled her hand back to her body and stretched it for a moment, keeping it close to her.

Kyori picked up the sword again and Ocella stood, fearful as panic set in. She didn’t trust him with the sword, not after he tried to end his life earlier. He said that if they kept it a secret, it had to be with the unbreakable oath. Ocella’s heart beat rapidly and she backed away, shaking her head. “Kyori… I’m part angel,” she said, tears in her eyes.

“You are one of my best friends… I am here for you, always as a source of support and friendship. But this?” she asked, thinking back to Master Hillard, knowing he would slap her as he did Kyori all those months ago. She looked back and forth between them. “Dorian may not be able to intervene directly, but he can give us guidance on how to save them. Yes, it’ll be up to us in the end… but I can’t stand by and do nothing. What happens to them if we don’t tell Dorian of Auro’s threat to them?” she asked, suddenly realizing she was backed into the wall of the academy. She felt very small and vulnerable in that moment and it showed.

“We can tell him that, let Dorian know about the threat to the monks. We should only hide the news about Kyori taking lives.” Joshua said, laying a gentle hand on Ocella's shoulder. With a warm smile he did his best to help convey confidence and warmth. It was hard to participate in an unbreakable vow, so he needed to be her rock.

“I promise I will be here for you, and help you through this. Remember we are doing this for Kyori, for our friend.” Joshua spoke carefully, his smile warm and inviting.

Ocella took in a deep breath as Joshua spoke. They were compromising, and for that she was grateful. They would tell Dorian of the threat to the monks, that evening- she didn’t care if they had to wake him in his sleep. She took in another breath and glared at the two of them.

“We tell Dorian now. I don’t care if we have to wake him, we have to do anything we can to help them. Then we train, get stronger- but after we’ve reached our levels- we tell Dorian the rest. Everything,” Ocella said, clearly tense despite Joshua’s hand on her shoulder. She looked to Kyori and sighed, her eyes softening.

“No more missions for Auro. We’re doing things the right way, from here on out,” Ocella said, her voice firm. She hated every bit of this and wanted nothing more than her parents. Before, time and time again, they had been the ones to make her world right. Now it was up to her, and the other mystics, to make the entire world right. She was already so overwhelmed at the thought, but now… all she could do was keep moving forward. She would fight until her last breath, do what it took to save those she cared for and everyone else. “Those are my terms. I can’t make the oath if you continue the missions. We’re supposed to be protecting people,” Ocella said, sighing sadly as she ran over to Kyori and hugged him. “Please,” she begged, tears in her eyes.

He couldn’t take all of these emotions that he was feeling. He was angry, saddened, nervous, scared. He was feeling all of it at once and it was overwhelming. With the blade in his hand, sheathed in its beautiful scabbard, he looked at Joshua and Ocella.

“I never meant to drag either of you into this,” he began wiping a stray tear. Emotion didn’t make you weak, they allowed strength in where there was none. Emotions were also dangerous, and Kyori was experiencing it first hand. “I’m so sorry you two, I should’ve kept this a secret, bore this burden on my own.”

Minutes passed and Kyori was silent. Finally, his gaze fell back on his best friends Ocella and Joshua. He had to make this right.

“I agree to your terms. We can tell Dorian and I will accept whatever punishment that comes.” This was his choice. He wouldn’t run anymore. “But you do realize he’s going to smell all of this blood on me.”

Ocella sighed when Kyori finally spoke. A few minutes had passed with little spoken between the three, and what he said only hurt her worse. She shook her head. “No. Kyori, you take care of yourself after the vow. Make it such that your presence won’t reveal what happened tonight. We are your friends, we are here to help you. But please… we have to tell Dorian after you’ve had some time to prepare to see him tonight,” Ocella said, shaking her head. What was she getting herself into?

“Those are fair terms. I agree about getting washed up as well Kyori, you've had a long night.” Joshua spoke calmly, letting out a pleased sigh. Things were going well and he was glad to know things had worked out rather smoothly. Hopefully the rest of the night would go just as well.

Looking down at his pants and nodded and sighed. The blade was his, he would have to clean it for practice the next day, but for now it would be in his room under his bed. He hurried off to take a shower. He felt completely filthy and would need to remove the dirt and grime from his body before going to Dorian. Ocella and Joshua had informed him that they’d wait for him in the courtyard before going to Dorian. His nerves were in his stomach, but he knew this had to be done. The water cascaded over his form, removing all strain from his muscles and mind. The steam helped clear his mind, and the warm water turned a light pink from the blood that had managed to splattered onto his skin. The pants he had stripped of was stashed in a bag in his closet.

He exited the bathroom, steam billowing into his bedroom. He dressed in a pair of loose lounge pants forgoing underwear. He pulled on a tank top, gray with black outline. He made his way back to Ocella and Joshua and approached them slowly, his arms tucked close to his chest.

“How are we going to do this?” he asked curious to know how the Unbreakable Vow would affect their lives from this point on.

The wait had been excruciating for her. She was leaning against the academy wall, her frame slumped over and she had nearly fallen asleep during his absence. When he returned, she smiled. She stood to her feet and hugged him tightly, glad to see he had been able to take care of himself. She hated the situation, what he had done- but he was her friend and there was still so much good he could accomplish.

She pulled away, sighing when he asked how they should do it. “I...I don’t know. I’ve never seen one done before,” she said, looking to Joshua. She was scared, and it was very clear.

“It's simple, scarily so if anything. Anyone got a knife?” Joshua asked the group. With one not forthcoming he gave them a moment's pause and headed into the kitchen. A knife in hand he headed back out to the two of them and motioned them closer.

“What needs to be done is a cut across your palm, just enough to draw blood, then follow a certain creed afterwards. Simple no?” Joshua asked the two of them with a smile.

The hug wasn’t expected, but he was glad she had done it. He was cold and her warmth helped him relax. He couldn’t believe they were going to do this. Was this truly the way to keep the secret? No doubt Dorian would find out, he was a god after all, there wasn’t much, if anything at all, that he didn’t know. Sighing, he returned the affection and kissed Ocella on the top of her head before their hug was broken. He listened to Joshua speak and nodded.

“Simple cut, sounds simple enough, but there’s more to it than that right? The library’s restricted area should have a book on it right?”

Ocella looked to Joshua as he spoke. She shook her head when he asked if they had a knife and watched as he disappeared, curious as to where he was going. Everything in her was screaming not to do this, that something wasn’t right- she could sense a great change in Joshua but couldn’t place it.

He returned, with a knife from the kitchen. He enlightened them on how to perform the act and her body shivered, the hairs on her neck standing straight. “Isn’t there another way? Why are we doing this? Shouldn’t our loyalty to Kyori be enough?” she asked, her heart beating.

Kyori returned her hug and kissed the top of her head, soothing her for the time being. She sighed in defeat as Kyori spoke. “Great. Now we’re sneaking into the restricted section. This is not something I had planned on doing, ever,” she said, shuddering at the thought of Dorian finding out.

“You know we can't go in there. Not with the alarm and security on it. We would need a personal request or teacher to show us, then there would be too many questions there.” Joshua spoke quietly, handing the knife to Kyori. If any others found out then they would be busted. He gave a sigh and rolled his shoulders.

“I promise this doesn't hurt. Our words are strong, yet Dorian is stronger. I don't think it would take Dorian much to get the truth from any of us.” Joshua replied to Ocella, his eyes warm and forgiving.

“He’s right Cella,” Kyori replied as he took the knife into his hand. “I have read about it, but the books never go into how it’s performed.”

Kyori sighed as he looked down at the knife in his hand. The silver blade gleamed in the moonlight and it reflected in Kyori’s eyes. The three of them stood in a circle and an ominous wind blew between them, causing Ocella’s hair to flutter as well as Joshua’s. Kyori’s eyes returned to Joshua for a brief moment before he closed his eyes and spoke in an spiritual voice.

“Afferte calicem,” Kyori’s voice seemed to change. It was as if a multitude of people were speaking at the same time when the spell was spoken. Kyori watched as a chalice appeared out of thin air before them. He lifted the knife as well as his left hand and placed the blade to his flesh. The knife slid across his open palm. Kyori winced at the stinging sensation that came with the slight tug of pain from the fresh cut. His blood flowed into the cup. He squeezed his fist and watched the crimson liquid flow. Ripping the bottom of his shirt, he placed it over the cut to act as a makeshift tourniquet to stop the flow of blood. He handed the knife back Joshua and sighed.

“I'm sorry Ocella.” Joshua said quietly while he took the cup and knife. With a bit of his magic and his shorts he cleaned the blade dry and gave it a sharp bite. With a bit of a wince he gave a slash of his hand, drawing out a thin line of blood from his palm. He let out a sigh as he added his own blood to the chalice. With a sigh he shook his cut hand and pressed it to the side his shirt, holding it tight. Again he cleaned the blade and offered the two of them to Ocella.

“It's your turn now Ocella. We can't do it without you, but we can't force you to take part. Please dear, for Kyori?” Joshua asked her quietly.

Ocella watched, numb on the inside. Slowly but surely, the two of them slit the palms of their hands and added their blood to the chalice. Then… it was her turn. With shaky hands, she took the chalice that contained both Kyori’s blood and Joshua’s blood, as well as the dagger.

Joshua spoke, asking her to do it. She took in a deep breath and looked to Kyori. Without a word, she took the blade to her palm and cringed as she felt her skin separating. It was funny. A wound in training hurt her less than this. It was agony, and her hands were shaking violently.

She held her palm to the cup and breathed slowly, closing her eyes as she allowed a few drops of her blood to gather into the goblet. She cleaned the blade with her night shirt and passed the items to Kyori.

“We go to Dorian next,” she said, her voice firm and filled with sorrow.

He watched them both with sad eyes as they gave of themselves into the chalice. When Ocella handed him back the chalice and knife, Kyori placed them both in front of him, the knife’s blade facing towads the chalice.

“Indissolubili votum.” Kyori spoke the incantation as if he’d done this a thousand times and watched as the chalice caught fire, their blood boiling within it until it became clear. “Place your cut hand over the chalice and speak the vow,” Kyori instructed, going off of pure memory at this moment. He had never performed the vow, but his readings helped him in this moment. He reached out with his cut hand, removing the bondage and waited on Joshua and Ocella.

Ocella took in a deep breath as Kyori spoke, watching in awe as their blood began to boil. It was on fire and she shivered. Kyori instructed them to do the same, to place their hands over the chalice and speak the vow. She released her breath and raised a shaky hand over the chalice. “What are the exact terms of this vow Kyori?” she asked, glaring at the two of them. She didn’t know if she could forgive them if they led her astray.

“The vow is that we do not speak of the assassinations. We will tell Dorian about the Monastery, and we will only reveal the secret once we reach the next level. We won’t tell ANYONE about the assassinations including Dorian. That we look out for each other, and take care of one another and we’re always there for one another. If we break this oath, this vow, the consequence is blood poisoning.”

Ocella looked at Kyori, her expressions stoic. “I promise,” she said, sighing in defeat as she watched the flame sizzle at her words. She shook her head, already regretting her actions.

Joshua held his hand over the chalice, staring at the clear liquid that was once blood. He sighed, nerves finally settling in his stomach while looking the two in the face. A smile crept on his face and he gave a bit of a belly laugh. With a chuckle he finally calmed down.

“I also vow to not tell anyone that I work for Lord Auroralii.” Joshua said, sealing their pact. The cup burned bright as the liquid sealed their wounds and their pact.

Ocella’s jaw dropped as she watched Joshua, when he spoke. “Y...y...you WHAT?!” she shouted angrily, balling her fist up as though to strike him- but she stopped dead in her tracks, realizing that she now could not even do that.

“Explain. NOW!” Ocella shouted, appearing to be trying her best not to release every manner of verbal abuse she could think of to him.

Kyori fell silent as the pact was sealed and their cut healed completely by the vow. He had heard what Joshua said. He was processing it, and he realized that this had to be the way that Joshua knew Chiatzu was dead. He didn’t look at Joshua, he couldn’t look at him. Granted he had also worked for Auro, but only because of the Monastery, JOshua seemed to be working for the witch doctor on his own accord. He was puzzled, but he didn’t speak. Ocella was a mess of course. She was yelling and trying to get Joshua to spill the reason why he was working with Auro, but Kyori, he was silent, still looking at his hand. The chalice was gone now, but the knife still rested on the floor in front of them. He picked it up slowly and held it as he finally looked up at Joshua. His eyes spoke for him.

“Just tell me one thing Joshua, tell me you didn’t have anything to do with Chiatzu’s death, please.”

His eyes were pleading, wanting, hoping, and yet part of him knew the answer to the question he had asked.

“Thankfully no. I did not have anything to do with his death, nor did I see it. I had been ordered to tell you as he thought we were in the knowledge of working together. As for you Ocella, I cannot. It would not be very caring for me to tell.” Joshua said, holding up his left hand. He smiled and waved to them. A portal slowly opened in the air and warped him away, leaving the two of them staring at blank air.

Ocella just stared at Joshua. She waited for more, but it didn’t come. He used the vow against them and without warning, vanished. The force of her reality struck her. She was bound by her blood to keep these secrets, and she glared at Kyori instantly.

She was trying to put feelings into words, but the only thing that came forth was the rapid rise and fall of her shoulders as her breathing increased. She was livid, her mind was clouded and she was vulnerable. “We’re going to Dorian,” was all she said, vanishing without another word. She appeared outside Dorian’s door, still and silent as she waited for Kyori.

Standing to his feet, Kyori only nodded in response to Joshua’s answer. He was somehow happy to know that his heart didn’t lie to him this time. Joshua had his own road to go down, and he hoped that Joshua knew just how much Kyori cared for him as a friend and possibly more. His attention was snatched back by Ocella who was absolutely livid. She was breathing heavily and her hands were balled up into fists. It looked as if she wanted to punch him and the nearest wall. He could understand her frustration, and what she said next made him sigh. She vanished and he stood there with the knife in his hand for a while until he threw it behind him, striking the weapon’s rack in the training yard. He then vanished and appeared in front of Dorian’s door.

“You have to calm down before we talk to him Cella, otherwise he’s going to pick up on it. Calm your breathing.”

Ocella looked at Kyori as he spoke, nodding her head. She took in a deep breath to help steady her breathing, closing her eyes as she searched for sources of comfort. She opened her eyes and nodded her head, releasing her breath. “Okay. Let’s do this,” she raised her hand and balled it into a fist, her knuckles coming to contact with the beautiful wooden door as she knocked on it. “Master Dorian,” she called for him, hoping that he wouldn’t be angry with them for waking him at such a late hour.

The time had finally come to face Master Dorian. Ocella reached up and knocked and as she did this, the door opened slowly and there stood Dorian. His power was overwhelming. You could sense it, it was nearly breathtaking. Now he understood what Ocella meant earlier when she said how hard it would be to keep the secret from Dorian. His eyes alone would make a liar tell the truth. Kyori bowed to show respect to Dorian who smiled softly.

“My star pupil,” Dorian began as he stepped out of his room closing his door behind him. “What brings you to my docile this late?” He asked looking towards Ocella with a sincere smile. “What worries you at this late hour?

It seemed as though immediately after she knocked, the door opened softly. She stood back, bracing herself for what was to come. Master Dorian appeared before them and she could feel the power behind his presence. She, much like Kyori, bowed deeply in respect, a sense of calm washing over her immediately. It was as though everything would be okay, as though he would make the world right again. She knew that he couldn’t, but in that moment she felt peace.

She looked up to Master Dorian, tears welling up in her eyes instantly, betraying the temporary calm that had overcome her. She was worried, and it showed. “It’s Auro sir,” she spoke, her voice soft and quiet as she looked to Kyori. “We… we need your help,” she spoke, looking back to Master Dorian, making great effort to disperse her tears. With a few deep breaths, she was able to do just that and looked apologetically at both of them.

“It is okay Ocella,” Dorian said as he looked at Kyori who was silent. Dorian took note of this, but returned his piercing gaze upon Ocella. “I know why you’ve come. I know of the Monastery, believe me when I say that everything will be alright.”

Though he kept his gaze on Ocella, he began to speak to Kyori within his mind. It is alright Kyori, I know what it is you’ve done. When you are able you will tell me, but do not beat yourself up over what has happened.

“Ocella, the Monastery has been destroyed, but Hillard and Kurama left to gather the survivors and take them to safety. Auro attacked the monastery while we were training to retrieve his staff. I was going to tell you all, but it was a group decision to tell you after you reached the next level. For that I am sorry.”

He looked over at Kyori and placed a firm grip on his shoulder, to which Kyori broke down nearly collapsing as Dorian caught him under his shoulders and pulled him back up effortlessly.

“I understand Kyori, I understand completely,” Dorian said as Kyori managed to look up at him. He was lost, that much was certain and Dorian knew Kyori would never be the same again. “The three of you…” Dorian paused and looked at Ocella and then at Kyori again. He said nothing of Joshua’s absence, but continued speaking. “..must look out for one another, even the rest of your team, you must learn to trust and depend on each other. If you do not your tests will become harder. Each of you will go through tests, unbelievable tests, that will bring you to the point of breaking, but I believe you all will overcome.”

Ocella gazed at Master Dorian when he said that is was okay, shaking her head as the tears slowly fell down her cheeks. “How, Master Dorian… how will they be alright?” she asked, begging him to give her an answer. He was old and wise! He was supposed to know everything!

Her face visibly paled when Master Dorian said that the monastery had been destroyed. “No,” she said, looking instantly to Kyori. “No, no, no!” she said, watching as her friend collapsed. She immediately went to his side, though Dorian had already lifted him up. Ocella hugged Kyori tightly, her small frame shaking as the news dealt a heavy blow to her heart.

Dorian spoke again and she cringed, wondering who she could trust, after Joshua had betrayed them. Had used them. “Please Master Dorian… I want to help. I want to do everything I can to help the monastery. What can I do for them?” Ocella asked, her eyes still glistening from her tears.

She had so many emotions swirling through her at once, she could hardly move as she held onto Kyori. She could hardly focus, her energy levels were raising and it was evident. She had to do something .

“My home…… it’s gone,” Kyori managed to say as Ocella held him. Dorian sighed and shook his head, but he knew the answer was yes to that statement. Ocella asked him if there was anything she could do, and Dorian siled.

“You’ve always had an inner spark that is admirable Ocella,” Dorian said, “but Hillard and Kurama are more than capable of the task, they’ll be returning soon, and in the meantime your training will continue tomorrow.”

Dorian turned and looked at the moon as it shined so brightly upon them. A new moon. A sign of great things to come, whether is be darkness or light it was a symbol nonetheless. He turned back to Ocella and Kyori.

“Listen the two of you, things are going to get dark, and I expect you two to stand in the gap. Do you understand? It is okay to mourn now, but you will have to get back up from this knockdown. Your trials are coming, stand tall young ones.”

Ocella looked defeated when Master Dorian said that Masters Kurama and Hillard had everything under control. All she could do was hug Kyori and give him the support he needed. Dorian said that things would get dark very soon and she looked at him with great sadness and despair.

“How… how are we to achieve such an impossible task?” Ocella asked, knowing that he wouldn’t have the answer. In that moment, she felt alone and betrayed. She was hurt and overwhelmed. She’d lost a dear friend that evening and didn’t know how to proceed. Her soul was bound, and it was too much to bear.

Ocella looked to Master Dorian, shaking her head. In that moment, she had so much energy she needed to release- so many emotions flooded her entire being. Looking at Kyori told her that she would have to wait, that he needed her more in that moment. She sighed heavily and nodded her head. “Thank you Master Dorian. I am sorry that we woke you,” she said, trying to be strong. It felt like an impossible task when her own walls were betraying her very foundation.


The sun replaced the beautiful moon. Kyori had managed to get a bit of sleep, but his dreams were plagued with images of Chiatzu, Auro, and Joshua. When the gong was hit, and the beautiful chime filled with academy, the training yard slowly filled with students. Dorian was the first one in the training yard. He sat on one of the beautiful marble benches, a book hovering in front of him as he read silently. As the students entered the area, he managed a smile and a "Good Morning" to each of them.

"Master Dorian," Kyori said kneeling low in a respectful bow.

"Ahh, Kyori, I hope you slept well, but judging from your appearance I can say otherwise. What troubles you my pupil?" Dorian asked taking note of the previous nights events.

"My burden sir, I can handle it," Kyori replied.

"If that be the case we will focus on physical training today. Is Joshua planning on attending training today?"

"No sir, he's.... occupied," Kyori managed to say as his thoughts went back to the previous night when Josh revealed to them that he was willingly working with Auro. It shocked him, and it angered Ocella, but now here he was preparing to train with Dorian, Joshua nowhere in sight.

"Hmm, perhaps I shall give him a visit soon. Kyori I want you to focus more on martial skills. You are very experienced and I hope you would want to one day teach others. While we wait for the others, practice your arts."

"Yes sir," Kyori said as he moved to the weapon rack, grabbing a spear and slamming the end of it into the ground. When the gong sounded again, he began his training.


The moon was high in the sky, it’s light faint and yet it still gave off enough light to see in front of you. Kyori stood in a black skin tight outfit with golden accents. A sword was latched on his back, flush to allow for streamline movement. He was resting against a burned tree, what was now the site of the Monastery he grew up in. Sighing, he realized it would take a long time for the Monastery to rebuild. It has been a month since the Monastery had been destroyed and the Vow that bound him to Josh and Ocella. They had grown in power since they, they were so close to reaching the next level and it showed. Joshua was still working for Auro, and yet Kyori found strange calm in this, that is until he received an invite from Auro. Everything in him wanted to take the note to Dorian, tell Ocella where he was going, but he didn’t. He destroyed the letter and now he was here, all alone.

“You’ve come alone it seems,” a strange blond haired man said stepping out of the shadow. He wore a leather jacket with no shirt. His tan skin shimmering in the dim moonlight. His hands were hidden by leather gloves, and his leather pants hung low on his waist, revealing enough but not too much. His sky blue eyes were piercing. Kyori took in the man and shook his head.

“This is your doing Auro,” Kyori said glaring at the man.

“I suppose it is, but your fellow monks shouldn’t have taken what was mine,” Auro replied.

“SO YOU DESTROY MY HOME!” yelled Kyori wind whipping Auro’s hair. Auro remained calm, his smile still etched on his face.

“Aren’t you curious to know why I’m here? Why I sent for you?” Auro asked leaning against a stone pillar with half of it gone. He crossed his arm across his chest and looked at Kyori. “We’re more alike than you think Kyori. We both deal with the spirit realm.”

“I fail to see why you requested this meeting. I’m done working for you Auro, you have Josh for that right?”

“Oh well look at you all grown up,” Auro said with a smirk, “Joshua is efficient, but you have something else I want.”

Kyori’s hand was resting on the handle of his blade ready to unsheathe it at any moment. Auro laughed shaking his head.

“If I wanted to attack you I would’ve done it by now. Tell me Kyori, what do you know about the spirit world?” Auro’s smirk made Kyori glare. He was in no way pleased to be in this position, standing in front of Auro alone. At any moment Auro could attack.

“Only what I’ve read in books. I really haven’t exercised that side of my being.”

“Why don’t you let me help you uncover the power of the spirits. I can show you things Kyori, things that you could only dream of.”

“LIES!” Kyori said unsheathing his sword and holding it defensively in front of him.

“Relax Kyori, I’m not here to fight, I’m only here to offer you a chance to learn,” Auro said uncrossing his arms and allowing them to relax beside him, “besides you have something I want.”

Kyori blinked a few times before he slowly sheathed his blade.

“What are you talking about?”

Auro took a step forward and vanished, reappearing only inches in front of Kyori who took a step back, but Auro grabbed Kyori’s skin tight uniform and pulled him close. Kyori’s senses went into high alert, but he couldn’t have predicted what happened next. Auro’s lips were pressed against his own. It took a moment to realize what was happening and when the kiss was broken, Kyori slashed at Auro with the blade he gripped tightly in his hand, but Auro had vanished again and was standing in front of the destroyed pillar.

“WHAT THE HELL!” Kyori yelled his hand touching his lips. Something in him didn’t want the kiss to end, and that something concerned him greatly.

“You act as if you didn’t like it,” Auro said chuckling. In truth Kyori did like it, and had it not been for the shadows covering half of his face, Auro would’ve seen the blush that had found its way onto Kyori’s face. “Here, if you ever want to talk and learn about the power of spirits you know how to reach me,” Auro added tossing a cell phone in Kyori’s direction. Kyori caught the phone and looked at it with a confused expression.

“I promised I wouldn’t work for you anymore Auro, and I meant it.”

“I’m not asking you to work for me Kyori. Stop being thick headed,” Auro said laughing softly, “I’m sure you’ll be in touch.”

Auro stepped slowly back into the shadows as he winked at Kyori. “See you soon.” Those were his last words before he vanished leaving Kyori alone at the remains of the Monastery. So much was going through Kyori’s head. Auro had kissed him. He had kissed him and admitted his feelings. What was he doing? Auro was playing with his head. He had to be. There was no way he had feelings for Kyori, no way a witch doctor wanted him of all people. He slipped the phone into the confines of his suit. Auro had offered to teach him about the spirit realm. The monks had started inching it into his training, but for the most part he had learned what he knew from tomes and books.

“What are you playing at Auro?” Kyori said sighing as he sheathed his blade and vanished in a burst of lightning.


12-05-2016, 01:52 PM
Copost with the lovely Rising


The night had been difficult for Ocella. After she had parted ways with Kyori, she had gone to the woods surrounding the academy to find some measure of peace. Nature had always made her feel more secure, had always helped her clear her mind. Though she found them peaceful, she eventually retired to her bed once more for that evening.

She had slept little, her dreams plagued with nightmares of betrayal. Her soul was hurting and there was little she could do to heal it than pick herself back up. The gong rang all too soon and Ocella groggily opened her eyes. She raised a weak hand to her head, rubbing her temples as she felt a headache began to form.

Nonetheless, she rose from her bed and dressed in her usual training attire before heading to the grounds. Today she was barefoot, wanting as much strength from the Earth as she could get. Master Dorian was there along with Kyori and they were already beginning their training. She sighed, shaking her head as she began to do her stretches while she waited for Master Kurama to appear.

Kurama walked onto the training field and noticed Kyori practicing while Dorian was sitting down reading a book. He shook his head and walked over to Dorian, slapping him on the back and chuckling lightly.

“So this is your famed teaching style?” Kurama asked motioning towards Kyori.

“Kyori is his own being, he knows the way, besides he is simply warming up,” Dorian replied, “and where is your pupil?”

“She’s late it seems, but I am sure she has good reason.”

“Of course she does. How goes the reconstruction of the Monastery?” Dorian asked with a soft smile, not taking his eyes off the book.

“Fairly slow, I’d say two more months or so before it’s complete. We were able to get most of them to safety.”

“Good, good, I trust Hillard has returned to the Amazon?”

“I believe he left this morning, though I could be wrong.”

At that moment Kurama noticed Ocella walking onto the field. She had begun stretching when he approached her. Dorian watched with a raised eyebrow.

“Well well, you’ve had a busy night. Are you ready to begin?”

Ocella noticed Master Kurama’s presence immediately and turned to bow in respect. Her cheeks were red with shame when he said that she’d had a busy night, but only nodded in response.

“I deeply apologize Master Kurama… I had not seen you earlier, and believed I was early,” Ocella admitted, sighing as she stood. “I am ready,” she said, taking in a deep breath as she focused on the task at hand.

Without warning a large vine burst from the ground behind Ocella and shot directly towards the middle of her back.

Ocella had been focused on Master Kurama, expecting him to make the first move. She was grateful that she had chosen to go barefoot that day for it allowed her to sense a change in the Earth behind her, and without turning to look at what had appeared she thrust her hands up, blocking the attack with a wall of vines. The counter-vine hit it with great force and she rolled out of the way just in time before it shot through her wall.

She raised an eyebrow at Master Kurama and sat there in a crouched position, staring intently. Her palms were pressed against the Earth, and her toes were grounded to the grass. When she stood, a spear appeared to be coming from the ground into her hand. It was made of thorny vines, and stood strong and steadfast. She thrust the spear forward as though aiming for Master Kurama, but the spear took a dive into the grass and blended in with the grass around them.

She was still and focused, and when she raised her hands again the spear shot forth from the ground with equivalent speed to that which she had thrown it, appearing immediately in front of Master Kurama. He would likely feel that the Earth had changed behind him during this time, transforming to a bed of thorny spikes.

A smile was all Kurama gave as he watched Ocella maneuver nature with her will. She had grown so much in the past four months and it pleased him to know that she would give this war her all in order to protect the peace that the world currently knew. She still had a lot to learn before she was truly ready, but there was no amount of teaching he could do to make her ready, it would require tests and trials and work from her as well.

“Tell me Ocella,” Kurama began as he watched the bed of thorny spikes appear before him. “How was your night? I trust you spent it training.” There was interlaced sarcasm in his words that Ocella would surely pick up on. Kurama stomped his right foot and watched as three Imps appeared from the earth.

“You are to face her,” he said softly, “Ocella your first challenge is to overcome that which triggers your emotions. The next challenge will be overcoming your own boundaries, your limitations, your faults, and the third challenge will be a focus on combining your element with your fighting. Now begin.”

The first Imp stepped in front of Ocella. It began to transform into Joshua.

Ocella listened as he spoke and her eyes closed in shame. He was doing this intentionally and she did her best not to glare at him, though her expressions were hardened. Ocella wondered exactly what she could tell him of her night. She could sense the sarcasm in his words and just looked at him. “I did,” she answered truthfully. It hadn’t been an average form of training, rather it had been a lesson that she had needed to learn. There was no strenuous physical training behind her actions last night, it had all been a mental mountain she would need to overcome.

She watched as he stomped his foot, bracing herself for whatever was to come. She hadn’t been expecting the Imps to appear but immediately took a fighting stance and listened as Kurama gave her instructions, only nodding as she focused on the Imp. She wasn’t ready for another day of heightened emotions, but it seemed as though he knew this and wanted to make things difficult for her.

Her frame straightened and her eyes widened when she saw the Imp transforming into Joshua. She glared at it, preferring to glare at it more so than Master Kurama, for at least she could do such without facing punishment.

She sighed in annoyance, fighting back the anger that was itching to come forth. She wanted to yell at him things she had not before he disappeared on them, but… she knew it would do no good for this was not the true Joshua. She also knew that she could not reveal such things due to the Oath they had taken and glared at the Imp even more.

She was hurt, betrayed, and was trying her best to bury those feelings inside and to lock them away- but Kurama had forced her to face them. She tossed one more glare at the Imp before vines raised from the Earth in all directions around the creature. She was acting on her anger, much as she had with Kyori the night before when he had tried to kill himself. She intended the same results with the vines, except these vines all had sharp thorns on them.

He observed her emotion, her anger as it inched to the surface. He knew of their pact, his beauties had betrayed them, and he had witnessed it all. Joshua’s betrayal and Kyori’s admission to being an assassin. This was indeed a rag tag group of defenders, but if he recalled they were no different when they were younger. This could explain why Dorian hadn’t run after Joshua after finding out he was gone and worked for Auro. Perhaps he knew something everyone else did not. Kurama trusted Dorian with his life. Their adventures together over the many years before his retirement to run a billion dollar company had solidified their relationship as brothers. Nearly all of them were connected, each had answered the call to help train the new team. He had respect for all of them.

His mind returned to the present and he watched as the Imp was surrounded by vines with razor sharp thorns. He raised an eyebrow and nodded to the creature. It smirked, becoming a spinning whirlwind, drilling into the ground as the vines came crashing into the spot that it once was. It popped out on the opposite side of Ocella to her right.

“How could you betray us? Betray the team? How could you do it?”

Ocella watched in anticipation as the Imp began to spin. Much to her dismay, the creature disappeared into the Earth. Within seconds it appeared to the right of her and her skin crawled, seeing Joshua so close to her. What he said next made her pause and look towards Master Kurama with great sadness.

“I haven’t betrayed any of our team. I’m still here, still fighting for the same reason all of us are. I want to see the world a better place, I want to make things right again. I… I made some mistakes last night… but I’m still here and I want to make up for it,” she answered, her voice shaking as emotion built up within her.

She was speaking directly to him now, rather than the Imp, for she knew that he controlled the Imp. The words were hurtful and pierced through her like a dagger. She was fighting back tears. He held no forgiveness for her and that hurt more than anything. “I… I’m so sorry! I was such a fool, an idiot beyond words… all I can do is try each day to make up for it and hope that… over time things will be right again,” Ocella said, fighting the urge to crumble to the ground. That would not earn her forgiveness, only hard work and effort would be the way- if there was a way.

She stood tall, her energy spiking to an all time high as flowers blossomed through the area. She opened her eyes and had transformed into her Adept form. Vines had come forth from the ground and surrounded her, wrapping around her arms like serpents. She vanished without warning, appearing directly behind the Imp, leaving no space for distance and lunged out at him with her viney arms. The vines had large spikes at the end and Ocella reached for a punch to the middle of his back, hoping to end this challenge at last.

The Imp did not attack, it did not move as Ocella spoke to Kurama. His face was blank of emotion and he watched as she changed and shifted into her Adept form. When she launched her attack on the Imp, the vines struck the middle of its back and it burst into beautiful orchid petals, slowly drifting down to the ground. Kurama looked at Ocella and managed a smirk.

“Do you think I am mad at what happened? You should not be ashamed Ocella. What you build through this process will last a lifetime. The friendships you create, the bonds you make, it is all an important part of the process,” he said as he reached down and picked up one of the petals. Kyori had overheard Ocella’s comments and yet he continued spinning the staff around, slashing the air in front of him with precision.

“Ocella, you are who you are, and I am not here to change that. You are caring, but you are also a warrior of nature. Do not apologize for being a true friend Ocella. I would have done the same thing had Dorian been in that position or any of my team. “You must learn to forgive, and you must continue to love. Love conquers all, now prepare for the next challenge.”

The next Imp stepped up in battle clad armor with a sword in its hand. “Test your boundaries. Test your limits.” The area they trained on became that of a barren volcanic wasteland. Kurama looked at her and waited to see how she would do facing the complete opposite of what she represented.

Ocella sighed in relief when her attack had struck her target. She watched as Joshua turned into a pile of petals and tears glistened in her eyes at the sight. She had to remind herself that it wasn’t really him.

She stood there panting as Kurama spoke, trying to catch her breath. His words surprised her, for they were forgiving and reassuring. She wanted to rush over and hug him, and thank him… but he began the next challenge and she had to focus. Ocella could only nod her head as she watched the area around her change.

It was completely different, there was no signs of life near them. She still had her vines around her arms and strengthened them. Her feet couldn’t bare the heat of the volcanic wasteland so she took flight, preparing herself any way she could. Ocella flew towards the Imp, raising the vines on her arm like a sword as she prepared to strike.

The vines and the Imp’s sword clashed, the Imp pushing away from Ocella and landing lightly on the volcanic earth. Spinning, the Imp became a miniature tornado of fire as it surged towards Ocella at high speed.

Ocella felt the Imp pushing away from her and somersaulted through the air to avoid any potential attacks. She looked immediately where the Imp had been last and glared. She was surprised to see that it had become a small, yet formidable, tornado of fire that was rapidly spinning her way.

She used her wing strength to propel her further in the air, as high as she could go in a short timeframe (well above the rooftops of the academy) and plummeted towards the battlefield. Her arm was still wrapped in vines and she had one goal in mind. She knew it would hurt like hell but also know that it would work if she was successful.

She fell faster and faster, her wings folded back to allow for greater speed and bullet-like precision. She came down upon the tornado, seeing the opening and what she could of the Imp inside- a small smirk appearing on her face as the vine stabilized. She pulled her arm back, thrusting it forward the moment she got close. She could already feel the heat from the tornado but knew this was the way. It had to work.

The Imp looked up just as the thorn like appendage came crashing into it. Though the flames were immense and would no doubt damage Ocella, she had managed to overcome the complete opposite of her element. The Imp screeched loudly as Kurama watched it explode into thousands of butterflies. Kurama smiled and clapped his hands together as the training area transformed back into normal.

“Ocella, are you able to continue?”

Ocella’s heart skipped a beat when the Imp looked at her. She was busted, that was certain, but much to her surprise it didn’t have time to move. She came crashing down upon the creature, fire and all as she pierced the creature’s skull with her vines.

The flames kissed her skin and burned anywhere that wasn’t covered, and her clothing had actually caught fire. She screamed in agony when she crashed to the ground, rolling to extinguish the flames. Her skin had become a bright, lobster red in most areas, but her face had gotten the brunt of the damage and blisters were already appearing on portions of her skin.

For a moment, she laid sprawled out on her back, trying to focus on steadying her breath and gathering her thoughts to block out the pain. The volcanic wasteland returned to the normal training field and for that she was grateful. She was shivering from head to toe from the pain and trying anything she could to take her mind off it.

Master Kurama asked if she was able to continue and she closed her eyes, but even that had hurt. “Yes,” she answered, her voice shaky. She was injured, that much was certain, but she was also stubborn. She knew there would be no second chances in a real battle, no time to pause in reality. She forced herself off the ground, her facial expressions hardening as she tried to block out the pain she was feeling. She looked like a cooked lobster.

When she was up, her body was stiff but she would make it. She had to complete all of her tasks, there was no room for failure. If she failed outside training, the penalty was death- and she wouldn’t give herself any slack during training.

She looked at the third Imp and managed a small smirk. “Bring it,” was all she said, drawing one hand back in the air into a fist, stretching the other out and motioning for it to make the first move.

“Good,” Kurama said as he watched Ocella stand to her feet and proceed to position her body into a fighting stance. He was quite pleased with her endurance. She had grown so much since the first day of training, he was sure he had Hillard to thank for some of her growth. He knew that Ocella, Joshua and Kyori spent a majority of their time training with each other, which showed in their progress. He saw progress in all of them, each of them having their strengths and weaknesses, but the good thing was that they balanced out each other’s weaknesses.

“Hand to hand combat. Test on how well you can combine your element with your fighting technique.”

The last Imp stepped in front of Ocella. It’s wings tucked in as it took a fighting stance, it’s fiery aura flaring before it shot towards Ocella like a bullet out of a gun. Closing in, it began it’s onslaught with fists of fire.

Ocella watched the Imp as Master Kurama spoke, nodding her head slightly in response. The burns created a sensation of pain throughout her body but she was determined to overcome it. The Imp stepped forward and she was entirely focused on it. It was upon her in a matter of milliseconds and she was prepared.

The vines that had been wrapped around her arm hardened, acting as wrist protectors with sharp, thorny daggers at the ends of each of her fists. She blocked each punch the Imp threw at her, her eyes never wavering in their focus on her opponent. She needed to steady her breathing and that was a challenge. The fiery punches hurt like hell.

While the Imp was focused on throwing punches at her, she swung her right leg forth in a powerful roundhouse kick. Thorns had overcome her feet as well and were sticking out at the edge of her foot, looking to aim a deadly blow to its midsection.

As the kick came within range of the Imp, it caught the powerful kick, sliding to a halt before glaring at Ocella. A grave mistake that would cost her. Fire erupted around the Imp’s hand that held Ocella’s leg. A swift twist of the ankle spelled trouble for Ocella and that was not all. The Imp tugged, aiming to throw Ocella before thrusting an orb of fire at her.

Ocella’s eyes widened in fear when the Imp caught her kick. She struggled to free herself, but when fire erupted from the Imp’s hand around her leg she screamed in agony. The Imp wasn’t done with her, it twisted her ankle and brought tears to her eyes as she cried out in pain.

It tugged her leg and her other leg fell out from under her, and suddenly as she fell to the ground she was blast with an orb of fire. Ocella gripped the grass beneath her, pain in every inch of her being. Her eyes shot open as vines raced from the ground, reaching around her leg and shooting directly to the Imp. They were sharp and thorny, her signature, and even if they did not end the challenge she hoped to at least regain freedom of her leg. She couldn’t move, it was twisted behind her and she was growing dizzy in pain. She wasn’t done fighting yet, she just had to get free.

She screamed in agony, thrusting her hands upward as vines shot up from the ground, directly underneath the Imp. She made to kick with her other leg, trying anything she could to get free.

The bombardment of vines collided with the Imp and sent it crashing to the ground, freeing Ocella from its grip. Returning to its feet, it managed a smirk. Kurama watched with interest. He was so proud of her that even if she didn’t pass this last test she would do great things. He said nothing with his hands behind his back. “Push the pain to the back of your mind Ocella,” he said quietly and to himself.

The Imp’s form was enveloped in fire and it surged forth aiming to collide with Ocella and end the dual.

Ocella scrambled with her hands and good leg when she was released. She was doing her best to distance herself from the pain. She turned instantly, expecting vengeance from the Imp and her instincts were correct. The Imp was enveloped in fire and surged forth towards her, and she focused on its movement. She calmed down and everything was moving in slow motion for her.

As the Imp grew close to tackling her, she took in a breath and rolled twice to avoid it. In her place, sharp vines shot forth from the ground, into the air and aimed for the Imp’s stomach and face. She hoped this would be enough for her to claim victory.

There was a pain filled scream that filled the air as the Imp fell victim to the sharp vines that replaced the spot where Ocella once was. As it exploded, it filled the area with beautiful flowers of various species. Ocella had done it, she had completed her training and Kurama was very proud. He looked at her as he approached her and knelt down.

“You have completed my final test, but your work is not complete,” Kurama said as he touched her. A beautiful aura surrounded Ocella. Every ounce of pain that she was feeling would vanish. Every cut, every scrape, it would fade. When the aura subsided, Kurama moved to her ankle. Another twist later and her ankle was popped back in place and healed. Kurama stood up fully and helped Ocella to her feet, dusting off her shoulders as he smiled at her.

“.....the road ahead is riddled with danger and you will have to work hard to reach the level of Master. I guess I should congratulate you on accessing your Adept Form so fluidly. I remember when you first took the trials and gained access to your Neophyte Form, now look at you.”

He continued to smile as proud as he could be.

Ocella winced in sympathy as the vines struck the Imp. The cries that each of the Imps had given had caused her a feeling of sadness for the creatures, but the flowers in which this Imp had transformed into were beautiful. She gently reached forth to touch a petal and thank it for its efforts.

She was breathing heavily when Master Kurama came forth, her form limp on the ground as the pain came surging forth all at once. Her challenges were over and there was nothing to distract her from the pain. Kurama spoke and she sighed in relief. He touched her, and she winced in pain. Suddenly, an aura of healing surrounded her and the pain she felt began to fade. Her cuts and scrapes were healing, the burns on her skin were gone.

She almost felt complete again. He moved to her ankle and twisted it back in place, causing her to wince in pain. Then, the pain too was gone. She was able to breathe again and smiled gratefully at him. He helped her to her feet and she stretched, testing her limbs as she was able to move without pain once more. Her smile grew as he spoke to her, her eyes watering with emotion.

“Thank you… for everything…” she said, her voice strong and filled with gratitude. She hugged him without warning, her smile never faltering. “You’ve helped me so much, taught me so many things… I can’t thank you enough,” she said, finally letting go and stepping back. She looked to Kyori and smirked, nodding to Master Kurama and vanished for a moment.

She appeared behind Kyori, grinning wickedly, and lunged forth to tackle him to the ground and give him a hug. ‘Apologies Master Dorian… I cannot help it,’ she apologized, her words filled with amusement.

The hug, though unexpected, was not turned away. Kurama found himself returning the hug as he would one of his children.

“You will do great things Ocella,” Kurama managed to say before Ocella vanished. Kurama had a lot of work to do with the rebuilding efforts of the monastery and with his own business. His work here was done, now came returning back to the life he had put on hold.

Kyori was in the middle of a complex maneuver. He was about to corkscrew flip when he felt a very familiar spiritual energy appear behind him. When he felt a body collide with his, he smiled. He laughed genuinely.

“You’re going to get me into so much trouble,” Kyori said in between giggles.

Dorian looked at Ocella with a raised brow and shrugged his shoulders.

“Who am I to come between friends? Kyori once you are done your finals will begin.”

“Yes Master Dorian,” Kyori said before turning to look at Ocella. “Congrats on your completion. I kinda watched the whole thing.”

Ocella laughed when Kyori laughed. All she had wanted was to bring a smile to his face and a little cheer to his day. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right there with you I’m sure,” she said, sticking her tongue out at him.

Master Dorian spoke and she turned to look at him with a sheepish grin on her face. She knew that Kyori needed to get back to his training so that he could complete his finals.

“Good luck. You can do it,” she said, smiling at him now. She vanished back to Master Kurama’s side and looked at him curiously, speaking to his mind. ‘Master Kurama… may I help you with rebuilding the monastery?’ she asked him, looking hopeful. She wanted to help because she knew how much it meant to Kyori, and she wanted to help ease his burdens.

Kyori felt good. He felt as if weights were being lifted off his shoulder. The progress he had made from the day he started training until now was tremendous. After being chosen to be the next storm magi, Kyori was ecstatic. Though he’d seen dark times, and done unthinkable things, he was happy to know that Dorian and his friends that knew accepted him regardless. Ocella was one such friend. She wished him good luck on his final test and he thanked her before she vanished again.

Kurama had made it off of the training field and was drinking some water when Ocella returned to his side. He looked at her and nodded.

“I knew you’d want to. Listen Ocella, I understand what happened that night made you question yourself, but I am glad you overcame your limitations. To see friends protect their own is commendable. I applaud you Ocella and I welcome you to join the efforts in rebuilding. Kiran will be glad to have a partner in crime I’m sure.”

Ocella listened to Master Kurama and smiled at him. He was a source of strength and stability for her, for he was strong and wise and calm. “Thank you Master Kurama… it means a great deal to me,” she admitted, her smile never faltering. “Before I began this journey… it was so hard for me to make friends. Now… I’ve felt both the love of friendship and the sting of betrayal. It’s been difficult, but I want to return the same friendship I am shown. I want to do everything I can to help others, and I know Kyori needs help now. This is the best way for me to help him, so thank you for allowing me the opportunity to do so,” she said, nodding to him.

“Where shall I begin?” she asked curiously, happy to now have a task at hand to accomplish.

“It is good to know,” Kurama said as he placed his cup down. He looked over towards Kiran and Hanah who were busy talking. “We leave in two days Ocella. That should give you enough time to close any loose ends. We will be gone for quite some time so I want to make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

Ocella nodded when Kurama said they would leave in two days. “I know, and I am okay with that. I want to help,” she said, smiling at him. Kiran and Hanah were talking and she would not interrupt their conversation. “Would you mind if I stayed with my parents tonight?” she asked him. It had been some time since she had seen them. They were aware of everything that had happened up until her last visit and they were so very proud of her, though she could also sense their worry. She wanted to see them, if only for a few hours before they left again.

Kurama nodded in response to her request.

“Remember Ocella, be careful when seeing your family. Auro and the Dark Magistrates are watching and we don’t want to give them ammunition to use against us. Do you remember the transportation spell I taught you? Use it, it requires less energy than teleporting. Quite untraceable as well.”

He remembered when he was first drafted. He learned of his father being Haakon, and his mother the epitome of Nature. He remembered meeting Halley, and he remembered them having Kiran and Hanah and then their youngest son Kaiyen who acted more like the older brother of the two. Kaiyen was away exploring the world and was unable to make it. He was the more adventurous of the family and spent a lot of time with his grandfather Haakon who resided in the realm of the lich.

“Family and friends are important Ocella. Remember, there is a reason behind everything that we do. Don’t judge too harshly.” He was speaking of Joshua without using his name. When Dorian had left the group, Kurama felt betrayed, but he later learned the reason behind Dorian’s departure. “Be safe in your endeavors Ocella.”

“I know, and I will be careful. I want to see them again… in case anything happens,” she said, sighing sadly for a moment. She nodded when he asked if she remembered the spell. “I do,” she said, smiling at him. It was one of the many things the was grateful he had taught her.

Ocella wrapped her arms around herself when he spoke next of having a reason for everything that is done. “I know… I just hope it’s for the right reasons,” she said, looking rather sad. “I’m worried for him. I hope we haven’t lost him, and I hope he stays safe… and I hope most of all that he still cares for us and truly doesn’t leave us,” she said, taking in a deep breath.

“But only time will tell. Thank you for everything Master Kurama, I will be back tomorrow afternoon. I may pay Master Hillard a visit as well,” she said, smiling at the thought. Despite their first encounter she had grown rather fond of the ancient Mystic.

With a final nod, Ocella spoke the spell that Master Kurama had taught her and vanished. When she reappeared, she was nowhere near her home. She was giving it time, to see if she had been traced or not. She was in the streets of New York, walking down time square as casually as any resident would.

12-06-2016, 02:02 AM
As everything happened Etrama was not talking to the people. He just listened and fallowed them into the next area. This was all too boring, and he wondered if this man before him was really going to be worth his time. Then something was said that caught his attention. This man feeds on souls? Well this got him back on the ban wagon. If he fed on the souls of living creatures. This also meant that he must have a power not much different from his own. This intrigued him even more. ‘What power does Auro have?’ he thought as he just continued to keep to himself.

As soon as the other two finished speaking, and Auro said he would be of use. But the man didn’t say his name. Then he smiled. ‘Well at least he can’t read minds.’ He thought as he then cleared his throat. “My apologies Lord Auro. It has been many years since I have been in the presence of the living. I forgot about the ceremony of introduction. My name is Etrama, and it is a pleasure to be in your service.”

Four months later

Ocella had made it safely out of time square. It was broad daylight and she had her eyes peeled, her senses were on high alert. Thus far, she hadn’t seen any sign of Auro or the magistrates that accompanied him. She was off on the side streets now, a cute little street that had quaint shops.

She smiled, window shopping for her parents while keeping an eye on her surroundings. She was trying to act like anyone else, a resident who knew what they were doing. Just in case she was being followed.

She entered a tea shop that had specialty teas, intending to pick up a gift for her parents. One purchase later, and the items had been wrapped per the receiver. Ocella exited the shop and continued down the street. She would give it just a few more moments before she vanished again, she wanted to be more cautious than anything. She didn’t want to give away the location of her parents and have their lives put in danger for a simple visit.

Etrama was not liking his new position inside of the trading firm he had set up as the front to Lord Auro’s little organization. It had been quite a while since he had to done this monkey suit to run this sham of the business. His long grayish white hair was back in a ponytail, and he was professional looking. In fact, he hated the notion of having to work like this. However, it was the best way to complete their goal of destroying the world as it was, and rebuilding it. He had found that his new companion was worth spending his days in this dreadful world.

Too many happy go luck people in the land of the living. He preferred the dead. They were a little more fun to play with. Especially since they didn’t die. “Well things could be worse.” He said to himself sitting in his office. However, he suddenly felt the presence of a strong power, and it was aligned with the light. A smile crept upon his face as he stood up from his chair, and made his way to this power. No one even questioned him as he left the building.

Making his way towards this power he stayed in his suit to keep his cover. He wanted to see how powerful this warrior was going to be. He loved playing with people, and maybe he might even be able to show this warrior that they could have even more freedom away from the restrictions that the side of good places on them.

He finally came upon the warrior and found that it was a girl. This might be even more fun than he first thought. Trying to keep his magical power hidden he approached the girl that seemed to be buying a gift for someone. She seemed on edge, and looking around. This was the perfect time to approach her. “Well hello there. Are you looking for something or someone?”

Just as Ocella was rounding the corner and preparing to vanish, a figure approached her. He was dressed in business attire but her senses were on high alert, though she tried to appear relaxed. He asked if she was looking for something or someone and she could sense power within him, but would maintain the charade for so long as he would.

“Just a few birthday gifts for my boyfriend, I’m afraid I’ve procrastinated too long and it’s this weekend,” she said, chuckling a bit. “Thank you though… I’m sure I’ll have better luck the next street over,” she said, smiling politely at him and waving her hand.

“I hope you have a nice day sir,” she said before taking off. Why, oh why did he have to approach her as she had turned down the side street? The next street was within clear sight, she could see people walking down it less than a hundred yards away. Her pace quickened, hoping to avoid any trouble with the man.

Finding it amusing that the girl was trying to not only hide the fact that she was who she was. He could feel her tension. Maybe because they were in an aria that not many people were in? he listened to what she had to say. “Well I wouldn’t want to keep you from your shopping now would I.” He said as the girl turned to continue down the street. However, he was not going to let her get away that easily.

He let his power rise to the surface, as he stretched his hand out. He focused his power to summon a couple of his servants to block her path. The body’s formed out of nothing, and appeared about ten feet from the exit to the ally way. “Now, now there is no need to rush. I am sure that your boyfriend will be willing to wait a little bit longer for you.”

He slowly made his way over to the girl. He wondered what kind of power she possessed, and if she would be willing to use it with civilian’s juts on the other side of the building? This was going to be interesting indeed. A good distraction from the mundane life he had been living up till now.

Ocella could feel the power increasing behind her and took in a deep breath, knowing that the charade was up. She had made it about thirty feet to the end of the alley and suddenly there were figures in her way. Two of them, they appeared to be dead bodies and she suddenly realized what she was dealing with. She turned around and glared as the man spoke.

The man was slowly approaching her and the hairs stood on her arms. She didn’t want to have to fight him unless it was necessary, but how close was she willing to let him get? She thought back to the manticore all those months ago and her expressions hardened- not much closer.

“What do you want?” she asked, her voice firm and filled with anger. She was trying to reserve displaying any of her powers until she absolutely had to- she wanted to keep the element of surprise.

As he approached he suddenly saw a change on the young woman’s face. She had finally gotten serious, and now he could feel a shift in her power. Started to smile as he stopped walking towards her, as she asked her question. He chuckled at the mere simplicity of what she asked. It was like she had no idea what she had gotten herself into. In fact, she had yet to go on the offensive just yet. This gave him time more time than she should have let him have.

“Why that is a simple question to answer. I want you.” He said in a nonchalant voice. He wanted to keep her on her toes as long as possible. The more time she gave him the stronger a spirit he could summon once he knew what he was dealing with. “What did you think I would want from one of the Mystics that are to protect this world. Well if that is truly what you desire.”

Ocella knew that she had been busted the moment he spoke. When the path behind her was clear of civilians, she sprung into action. She had a million and one things racing through her mind at once. Identifying his powers, some of which had already been displayed. Multiple defensive strategies, and offensive strategies as well.

The first thing she focused on were the two bodies that blocked her path. Without accessing her form, her eyes changed color to a deep, emerald green as vines shot forth and wrapped around the bodies. Sharp thorns pierced through them, pulling them through the ground to rejoin the soil beneath the concrete. The ground reappeared as though nothing had happened just as more civilians were walking past.

“Let us not do this here,” she requested, knowing that there was too much room for error. Too many lives were at stake. “Your quarrel is with me,” she said, glaring at the man.

Watching as the young lady dispatched of his minor corpses returning them to the earth from whence they came. With this he now had a slight idea about her power. Which was going to help him in the end. Though his smile never left his face even with the glare on her face. This was going to be even more fun than he thought. However, he could tell that there was no way he would be able to convince her to come to join Auro. She was too concerned with the lives of the people of the city. Or was there something else that made her want to leave. Like loved ones that lived here.

“I have no concern for the lives of the living. Their weak bodies are too easy to break. However, since you don’t seem to be willing to fight me here you must have loved one’s in the city?” He said hoping to get her to reveal her hand. Emotions were a hindrance to people. They revealed their deepest desires.

“Every life is precious to me, and I will not allow our quarrel to end another's life,” Ocella answered. She was preparing to use her powers at any cost- hoping that she wouldn’t have to, though building up her strength just in case. She allowed her energy to spike without altering her form or showing any physical evidence of it, giving him a glimpse of the power she held. She knew that was what he wanted, to see her powers. She hoped to use it as a means of persuasion.

“Well if life is important to you, and you refuse to fight. Then I guess I have no choice. However, on the other hand it would be simpler to just fight you here, and give you a handicap.” Etrama said not changing his nonchalant attitude. He then felt a spike in her power, and knew that she was just trying to get her way, and have them change the location of the fight. He chuckled slightly at her, but before she could say anything about his previous comment he continued to speak.

“Well you drive a hard bargain. Though I doubt you would like to go to a place I would like to fight. So how about this. Let’s go to a place of your choosing. But remember this. I am not doing this because you are too afraid to involve the living. I am doing this because I want to see the extent of your power. I like to see the full strength of the people I am going to kill.”

Ocella felt a sense of relief wash over her when he agreed to change the venue. She allowed a brief image to appear in his mind of a forest, one that provided ample opportunity for him to see her powers. After the image flickered into his mind, the brief connection was severed. If he would force a fight upon her then she would rather do it in such a place to avoid bystander injuries. The forest allowed advantages to them both.

Speaking the spell that Master Kurama had taught her, she was the first to vanish. When she reappeared she had transformed into her Adept form. Her energy was spread throughout the forest, making it difficult for anyone to trace her location. She was well concealed atop the trees in the canopy and her senses were on high alert. If he wanted to fight her, he would have to find her. Every tree and shrub was filled with her energy, making it difficult to discover her true location. She was calm, giving him nothing to work with.

He suddenly saw a picture of a forest in his mind, and he knew exactly where she was taking him. In the spirit world the scenery was the same as the living world. Making it easier for him to be able to find locations in this world. The girl began to speak an incantation and then suddenly disappeared. He turned from where she was standing, and placed his hand on the wall of the building. A portal opened with a small incantation of his own. This would lead him to the spirit world. Allowing him to travel at a faster rate, and not use his power to follow her. He would need that for the fight ahead.

A portal opened in the forest as he walked into the dense vegetation. He was no longer wearing the suit that she first met him in. He was now in his normal clothing. Since in the spirit world time doesn’t pass, he was able to make a couple of stops to get his things. This location was going to be in her advantage. However, this was the best way of seeing what she was capable of. He tried to find her magical power, but it seemed to be everywhere. So finding her was going to be a challenge.

“So you want to play hide and seek. Well that is fine with me.” He said as he once again held out his hand using his power to bring back twenty souls. However, this time they weren’t your everyday souls. These corpses were some of his stronger non-elemental souls, and would be able to take a bit more of a licking before being destroyed. “Let’s see how long you can hide!” he said as the corpses moved like normal people, and began their search. If need be he will move onto a different tactic.

Ocella saw him the moment he appeared in the forest. He was different now, dressed in his preferred clothing. She remained calm as he tried to find her, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before he did. He raised his hand again and she watched, learning from his movements.

Suddenly, a small army of the undead appeared and Ocella glared at them. They were stronger, but from her location she could still disperse of them with effort. One by one, the forest seemed to come alive. Vines dropped down from the trees above and came crashing into the figures, piercing skulls with thorns.

Tree roots came to her aid, snatching them up from under the ground and pulling them beneath the soil. Ocella still remained hidden in her place, but she had used the vines to her advantage to act as camouflage. She remained silent as the forest consumed the last of the army, her energy radiating throughout even the grass.

The Mystic easily used the environment to her advantage, and took out his small army of corpses. He was amused with the fact that she was testing him as much as he was testing her. Though it was a little confusing why she didn’t try and attack him. Was sher waiting to see his true power, or not wanting to reveal where she was hiding? This seemed to boil down to who can out with the other without revealing their hand.

Well at least he was not quite out of options on how to approach this fight without revealing his full power. With his hand still stretched out he summoned only two servants this time. However, this time they had the ability to move through the shadows. Though these two were the weakest of the souls he controlled, and they could only move through the shadows. He mostly used them for reconnaissance.

Thus the reason he was using them now. All he wanted from them was to find the girl, and scare her out of her nest. He would take care of the rest. The two corpses disappeared from sight as they began their search. While Etrama waited for the girl to make her next move. “Don’t think you can hide from me forever!”

Ocella’s eyes narrowed when the man summoned two more corpses. They too were different, and they disappeared. She didn’t know what he was playing at until the figures appeared immediately next to her and revealed her hiding place. With two viney punches later, the figures had vanished once more… but she knew they had not been defeated.

Ocella dropped from the trees beneath her, using the vines as an escape down. She landed yards away from the man and glared at him. “So you control the spirit realm. Most interesting,” Ocella commented, drawing in a deep breath. “You can sense the power of others, and you have necromantic abilities. What more can you do?” she asked, looking at him curiously.

She sighed, closing her eyes completely before taking a deep breath. She could see everything, and she would allow nature to guide her as it always did.

He saw an angelic form fall from the trees a little way off from where he was standing. She was the personification of light. No wonder she was not one to sacrifice another’s life. He would be in awe if it didn’t make him sick to his stomach. Shaking of his disgust at the thing in front of him he listened to what she had to say.

“You are right in a sense. You on the other hand are able to control the plants. So nature is the source of your power. However, I have no intention of telling you everything I can do. It would be a waste.” He said as he bent down and pulled his blades from their sheaths. Without saying another word, he ran to the angel to engage her in close quarters combat. If he got close enough without her trying to fly off he would try and slash her across the chest.

Ocella’s eyes remained closed, even as the man raced forth towards her. She saw the blades he had unsheathed yet they did not frighten her. Within a matter of moments, vines had ensnared her wrists to act as protective sheaths. At the tip of her fists were sharp, thorny blades with the strength of steel.

As the man grew closer to her, she allowed one foot to slide back and stabilize herself. When he was upon her, she blocked both blades with the sheathes around her wrists and smirked. “When one can summon the dead, hand-to-hand combat seems to be an overexertion of your energy, no?” Ocella questioned him, breaking the lock and flipping back. She stomped her right foot and a wall of thorny vines appeared between them. With a fluid motion of her hand, thorny vines shot forth from the ground behind the man, aiming to strike his backside.

Etrama chuckled at her little quip. She must have thought herself a know it all. Shaking his head, he just looked at her. “Only having one skill is a waste of one’s time.” Was all he said before she broke their little standoff, and summoned a vine like wall to separate them. From there she then attacked him from behind. However, he was able to dodge the vines from connecting with himself, but it tore through his clothing. Ruining his jacket. “Well you are better than I would have given you credit for. However, is this the best you can do?” He asked as he waited for her to make the next move.

Ocella smirked when he questioned her. “What is it that you said earlier? To reveal all of my abilities would be a waste,” she said, smirking. Her eyes changed colors again, and suddenly the Earth around the man began to change. The grass was rushing towards him like tiny, sharp spears that would do more than scrape his skin should they have made contact. The blades of grass were as sharp as razors and they surrounded the man, for everywhere they walked on the forest floor there was grass.

She hoped that if enough of the blades managed to ensnare him, it would provide her the opportunity to escape.

This girl was defiantly as sharp as a tack, but she yet has the experience to back up her words. She must have been acting on self-confidence, and not on skill. He didn’t know what was going through her mind not using her full power against him. Especially since she was at the advantage. ‘Maybe that is why she is so confident that she doesn’t try her best.’ But before he could finish his thought he could see the grass come to life under his feet.

The tiny blades cut through his shoes like butter, and dug deep into his feet. He didn’t remove his gaze from the young lady as the grass started to move. He knew even for himself enough small cuts could spell the end for him. He has a good grasp on the child’s power. Should he leave the fight at that, and retreat himself?

Shaking his head, he knew that was not an option. The two corpses appeared next to their master, and they both grabbed him pulling him into the shadows. Because of their lack of power, it required both of them. They reappeared behind Ocella. Then they crumbled apart returning to whence they came. Etrama was now behind the girl. “Don’t get over confident!” he said as he tried to slash her in the back. If it did connect it would not be deep enough to kill her. He just wanted to force her to get serious.

The two corpses she had fought earlier reappeared beside the man and pulled him into the shadows, away from the grass. Her heart was racing now and she looked around for him, her fists tightening as she tried to find him. Then, he reappeared behind her and she felt a sharp pain sliding across her back, just underneath her wings. She gasped in pain and vanished, appearing several feet away from him.

“Who said I was over-confident?” she asked, gritting her teeth as she pushed the pain to the back of her mind. He could well have killed her that moment, but he had chosen not to. “Perhaps I didn’t come looking for a fight today,” she answered truthfully. She glared at the man, seeing that he wanted to know more of her abilities. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing on the nature around her.

There were two large oak trees near the man and one by one, she could feel their roots. She opened her eyes again and raised both of her hands forth, stretching them out and opening her palms. One of the larger tree roots sprung from the ground and snaked its way towards the man, its length intimidating. It broke the very surface of the Earth while the other tree roots acted as silent serpents. They appeared behind the man, some of them creating a dome over his frame and giving him no room to back up. The others appeared underneath him, hoping to crush him.

Ocella was breathing heavily, hoping that this attempt would at last be enough.

As the blade connected he felt the pain in his own feet. Granted the damage was nothing that would cause him harm. However, the blood that was now filling his shoes and the pain was not his cup of tea. It had been a long time since someone was able to cause him external injury, and this was unacceptable. Although he was not angry at her more himself for allowing this to happen. He had underestimated the amount of control she had over nature. It was his mistake. A mistake he would not repeat. Though he didn’t have too much time to prepare as the girl then summoned the roots of some nearby trees to attack him.

He tried to back up only to find that there was a wall of roots behind him. He had to give the girl credit. She was trying to hold her own. If he was truly trying to kill he would have done so when he took her back. He quickly looked up at the girl who seemed out of breath at this moment. This attack must have been her trump card. Either that or she didn’t have the stamina to truly fight.

He had learned all he needed to for the moment. As the roots grabbed a hold of him he smiled at the young woman as he allowed the vines to encase his whole body. This was she would have no idea what he was doing. The vines began to squeeze him as he used his power to merge his soul with another. Once again using the power of a shadow soul to escape his bindings. “So you did have at least one more trick up your sleeve” his voice coming from everywhere all at once. “Too bad it wasn’t enough.”

Ocella watched as the vines began to ensnare the man. She was concerned, for he was allowing them to. Suddenly, his voice was surrounding her. Chills ran down her spine and she knew that things had gotten much more dangerous.

He said that it hadn’t been enough, and she knew that was true for he still threatened her. Ocella closed her eyes again, remaining still and allowing nature to be her sight. She would find him and she was ready for him.

Etrama couldn’t tell if she was scared or just being cautious. Though one things for sure she had room to grow as a fighter. If she could just let go of the justice warrior mind set, and fought for herself. The girl closed her eyes, and he figured she was trying to find him. That would be impossible since he was in the shadows, but she didn’t need to know this. Let her hold onto her hope. He decided to leave things as they were, but an offer he was going to make to her nonetheless. “You have got skills I have to give you that much. However, you have room to grow, and I could teach you what you would need to know to get so much stronger. However, that means you would need to follow Auro. I know what your answer will be now my child, but think on the matter. The next time we meet give me your answer. Till then oh young warrior.”

Ocella stayed still as he spoke to her, and it seemed as though he were going to allow her to take her leave. She glared ahead when he asked her to follow Auro, though remained silent. She whispered the spell that Master Kurama had taught her and disappeared, landing in the infirmary of Blackbrick Academy. What had once been a peaceful setting with no patients turned into a scene with a wounded mystic. It wasn’t too deep, but she knew better than to leave it untreated.

‘Master Dorian…’ she called, needing to relay everything she had learnt that day to him. She still had a lot of work to do if she stood any hope of defeating their enemies.

Atrum Daemon
12-11-2016, 08:32 PM
The facility shook with the force of the explosion. Alarms blared as the dark figure stepped through the ruined doors to the human base. Auro wanted souls and Darkholm was readily able to provide them. At his side hung a peculiar lamp that gleamed with a sinister light. A pulse reverberated from it, calling to the freed souls of the soldiers that had been guarding the door only to be killed by the blast and drawing them into the lamp.

“The humans in this place should suffice as a good number for now,” Darkholm mused as he moved through the corridors.

A small group of armed humans shouted at him but he paid no heed to their primitive words. Rather amusingly, they fired upon him. A small motion caused a simple barrier to flare up, stopping the projectiles and creating a bright flash that caused the men to avert their eyes. In that moment, Darkholm was in the midst of them. The metal tips of his gloves flashed in the artificial light, cutting flesh to ribbons and splattering blood upon the walls and floor. Another pulse from the lamp grabbed the liberated souls for storage as the corpses collapsed into a pile.

Darkholm hummed tunelessly as he made his way through. It was a simple task, but one he could find some enjoyment in. If one could not take enjoyment from such simple tasks, then what was the point? A wave of his hand opened a door he passed and a blast of dark energy brought more souls for the lamp. Darkholm was taking the assumption that human souls would be good enough and running with it. Auro had been a bit non-specific about the kind of souls he wanted but Darkholm suspected he had meant humans.

He entered into a central chamber and a grin split his features at the human defenses arrayed against him. It was a fair showing, by all accounts. He spread his arms in an almost welcoming gesture at the armed guards before him. Surely they believed he was here to steal something. The truth was he cared not for the purpose of the building he was in. Darkholm had just chosen it because it was enclosed and had enough living beings inside to fill the lamp. Now the humans were just making it easy.

He thrust his arms forward, sending a swirling surge of dark magic toward the would-be defenders. The storm of darkness encircled them, swirling about bodies and limbs alike. They were torn apart in a frenzy of fevered screams and terrified wails. The floor was a mess of blood and gore, steam rising from the hot blood and viscera spilled by Darkholm's onslaught. Winking soul-lights danced up from the mess of gore and limbs and fluttered to the lamp like dancing butterflies.

The lamp was filled. His work was finished. That there were humans still alive mattered little to him. Without a word, he departed and terror was left in his wake.

12-15-2016, 02:17 AM
Joshua finished the last bit of his letter before putting the pen down, giving a strenuous sigh. He had just finalized the notes he planned to pass back to the academy, giving his team as much help as possible. He could ol y really do the work early in the morning to avoid drawing attention to himsrlf so late at night or during the day. The precious hours of pre dawn to do his work. Folding up the paper and sticking it between the box spring and mattress, Joshua went about dressing for the day, giving a scowl at the pair of gloves he had to wear just as a knock drew his attention. One of Crowe's goonies was at the door, motioning quietly for the boy to follow. It had been four months since Crowe had started setting up headquarters and he had only been here two months, having tried to stop one of the robberies and then getting stuck to help Crowe. It had been a great chance as he began to learn more about crow and the workings of this base. The real problem was getting the news out without getting caught or drawing attention to himself. With a sigh he followed the man, coming to a stop before the large doors. Joshua was left waiting at the door and let out a sigh until the man left him alone. With trepidation, Joshua pushed open the door.

“Ah, you to finally decide to grace us with your appearance.” Crowe spoke as the door swung open. He barely glanced up from his papers as Joshua took his designated seat, remaining silent the whole time. The only sounds for a moment were the shuffling of papers and the scratch of the pen. It dragged on until finally Josh moved to speak, only stopped by Crowe's hand. Letting out an annoyed sigh he returned to sitting and waiting.

“Did you take care of the mission given to you?” Crowe asked after a while longer, drawing a bit of shock from Joshua. Giving a glare at the man Joshua nodded, confirming his suspicion.

“Good. He wishes to meet you.” Crowe stated, watching Joshua fidget from the news. It was enjoyable and fun watching the young mystic fidget and fuss under his gaze. With a nod he excused the boy to go meet with the leader of this group. It would be very fun meeting between the two of them.

Joshua left the room quickly, letting out a long held breath as he dashed back to his room, trying to shake off the old man feeling he got from Crowe. A pit of disgust had formed in his stomach as he had sat there, unable to talk until Crowe spoke, which just made things all the more upsetting. Though the news of having to finally meet Auro was all the more unsettling.

“Time to meet the leader…” Joshua said with a groan, letting the painful knot in his gut unwind. He kneaded his stomach in an attempt to relax with little effect on it. It was one thing talking with Crowe. Hating the man was easy and comforting, though he wasn't sure he could take him at the moment. Auro was a different story, and a big story at that. It was going to take all his will just to keep a straight face during this meeting. With a sigh he headed down to the training room to practice. If he had to wait for Auro to call him, the last thing he wanted to do was sit around and wait. Waiting never did any good for him.

12-17-2016, 10:02 PM
Rain pelted against the muddy ground as footsteps echoed in the night. It was abnormally silent in the forest, but the calm soothed him. He landed softly against the muddy earth, leaving a slight indention in the earth, but the mud would slowly form back to normal as the rain continued. He moved further into the forest and looked up at the canopy. It was thick and lush. Hardly any rain made it to the forest floor, but the forest floor was so beautiful, filled with various vegetation. Kyori moved silently through the forest, removing the scarf that covered the bottom half of his face. He truly looked like a ninja, and he dressed this way whenever he went somewhere without the team. When he was with the team he dressed like a monk.

“It took you long enough,” a familiar voice filled the silence. Kyori turned in the direction he heard the voice and shook his head.

“I don’t even know why I’m here Auro,” he said. Auro stepped out of the shadow of a clustered area of smaller trees.

“Because you’re intrigued. Come on, I have something to show you,” Auro said with a smirk as he turned and moved heading deeper into the forest. Kyori followed behind slowly and cautiously. He didn’t trust Auro, but he didn’t know why he had even come to the forest to meet him. It was strange how it all happened. Auro was persistent that much was true. The calls kept coming and finally Kyori answered. It was strange that Auro seemed to genuinely like him, but he was the leader of the dark faction that he fought against. Why then did he come here? Why was he giving Auro a chance?

The internal struggle was heavy, but in the end Kyori had decided to see where things would go. If the other’s found out it would be chaos, but he knew he could trust Ocella, the question then was when to tell her? Sighing, he followed behind Auro until they reached a clearing. Auro was standing on the edge of a cliff as wind blew threw his hair. From this angle he was beautiful, a real man’s man. His chiseled jaw line, his chest that he always kept uncovered. His abs with just the right amount of battle scars. Everything about him screamed danger, but Kyori ignored the screams and kept walking.

“Over here,” Auro said as he exhaled slowly. Kyori moved closer but cautiously towards Auro. It was a cliff. Things could end very badly on a cliff. “Relax, I just want you to see this,” Auro assured him. What he saw when he took his step on the rocky edge was breathtaking. Who knew the dark witch doctor had a spot for beauty.

After she called for Master Dorian, the nurses came immediately to help her to a bed. Blood was trickling steadily down her back and she had transformed into her normal form. The gift she had purchased for her parents sat untouched on the nightstand. Ocella looked at it sadly, knowing that it was not yet safe to visit them. Not after she had been discovered so easily after having left the academy.

Dorian rounded the corner leading to the infirmary. Many of the students spent most of their time here. There were various incidents when one was a student in a prestigious school of martial arts, but to hear that Ocella was in the infirmary alarmed Dorian. Kurama had already left for the day but he had informed Dorian he’d return later to swoop Ocella up, now Dorian had to inform him of the sudden change. One of their own had been attacked by a Dark Magistrate. This wasn’t good.

“Ocella,” Dorian said softly as he entered into the area. “What happened?” he asked sitting gently in the chair in front of her.

Ocella winced as the nurses began applying a healing salve to her back. The wound wasn’t too deep, but it was deep enough to cause her great pain. The nurses had managed to stop the bleeding and for that she was grateful. “I was ambushed Master Dorian,” she answered, shaking her head. “I went to New York. I wanted to see if I would be followed before I risked going home… and he could sense my power. He followed me and trapped me in an alley,” Ocella glared in pain for a moment as the salve began to work its magic.

“He could control spirits. He could bring back the dead, he had necromantic abilities. I didn’t want others to get hurt so I lead him to a forest. He was strong,” she said, sighing now. She knew that she had a lot of work to do.

“They are trying to recruit us. For Auro,” she said, shaking her head. “He knew I wouldn’t.”

The wound began to close but the pain was still there. “I don’t know where he came from. He must’ve been close by already to sense my power,” she said, sighing in relief as the last of the wound closed. She stood from the bed, much to the protest of the nurses. “I’m okay now… thank you for healing me,” Ocella said, giving them both a hug. “He could travel through the spirit realm. He could summon spirits that allowed him to hide in the shadows. He could summon an army of them… some of them weren’t very strong, but I know he can summon stronger spirits. He was able to use spirits of shadow to find me in the forest,” she said, trying to give Master Dorian as much information as she could regarding their enemy.

“I need to train more…” she said, looking downcast and defeated. He could have killed her but chose not to. She knew that their paths would cross again and that she needed to be even stronger when that happened.

Dorian looked at the defeated Ocella and shook his head. This was precisely why he didn’t want them going off alone. It was bad enough Kyori kept vanishing every minute, but now Ocella as well. He knew she wanted to see her family, but to see them meant putting them at risk. His eyes looked over her wound and he sighed.

“It sounds like Etrama you faced, a powerful necromancer and part of Auro’s henchmen. I’m glad it wasn’t Auro himself or you wouldn’t have survived,” he said after listening to her description of what had happened. “You can train, but only after you’ve healed from the encounter. Yes your wound is sealed but your mind is still in torment. Rest and relax.”

Dorian looked at the nurses and instructed them to keep a watch on Ocella 24/7. She was to stay in bed for 24 hours.

“Twenty four hours!” Ocella repeated, her voice in shock. “It was just a cut… I had worse in training today,” she tried to plea. “Please Master Dorian. He could have killed me. He will next time if I’m not stronger, and the only way for me to get stronger is to train. It will be even more torturous for me to sit and do nothing. At least if I’m training it will help ease what happened,” she said, looking at him pleadingly.

She sighed, despising the idea of having to stay in bed for a whole day. She was a bundle of nerves and wanted nothing more than to go release some of her energy, to be productive.

“Ocella you need rest, rest for 24 hours and then you can train all you want,” Dorian replied trying to convince her that her body needed rest. He knew all too well about the want to become stronger. He remembered when he had to face Naja’s minions, the Ancient 5 and Zodiac 12. Kiev was his name. His dragon brother. He remembered how much he drove Dorian to train after each of their battles until the point that Dorian surpassed him resulting in his release from the mortal realm. He looked at her and shook his head.

“24 hours Ocella.”

Ocella sighed when Master Dorian stood firm. “How am I to stay in bed for an entire day?” she asked him, already beginning to feel anxious at the thought. “No company, no progress- it’ll drive me stir crazy. I really am fine. It’s healed now. I feel like I could backflip out the window and soar into the sky. What about training within the infirmary, push-ups and such?” she asked, biting her lip. She hated the thought of having to stay still all day.

Dorian was getting annoyed and she continued asking and asking until finally, after her last attempt to sway him his nerve snapped.

“I SAID 24 HOURS OCELLA!” He demanded. The weather outside reacted to his temper. The clouds boomed loudly with a thunderous roar in response to his own. The very infirmary seemed to shake slightly and his form seemed to swell in comparison to her own. When he realized what had happened, he closed his eyes and exhaled. The nurses had all taken cover, hiding behind whatever was near them. Dorian’s form returned to normal and the storm clouds outside dissipated. He opened his eyes and looked at Ocella.

“It is for your own good dear,” he said before turning and leaving, not giving her a chance to ask again.

Ocella’s frame shrunk when Master Dorian raised his voice at her. She had never heard a God yell before. “Yes sir,” was all she could say, shivering as the storm clouds appeared. The nurses were hiding and she wanted to hide under the bed. She sighed when he left, though it did not ease her anxiety anymore, even as the storm clouds vanished.

She was upset and curled into bed, throwing the sheets over her and laying against the pillow. She was devastated after what had happened, and now that she was stuck in her it all crept up at once. The fear she had felt, the determination to grow stronger- tears welled up in her eyes as she began to feel overwhelmed again.

‘Kyori,’ she called for her friend, her own voice sounding close to tears.
Kyori smiled up at Auro who was holding him close on the edge of the cliff.

“This is beautiful,” he managed to say.

“Not as beautiful as you,” Auro replied causing Kyori to blush. Again his internal struggle yelled at him to run, get away, it’s wrong and he shouldn’t be doing it, but it felt right for him to be there. In that moment, when their eyes locked and Kyori could feel his heartbeat in unison with Auro’s, he felt nervous, and anxious at the same time. He also felt a feeling of fear, fear of where this would go. Without hesitation, he leaned up and placed his lips against Auro’s. He could feel something, something that the witch doctor had hidden for quite some time. He could tell for the first time in a very long time that the witch doctor was scared. He wrapped his hand around the back of Auro’s neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss, but it wasn’t to last. Just as their makeout session was getting heated, he heard Ocella in his head. The kiss was broken and Kyori stepped away from Auro.

“I….I,” he began watching Auro smile.

“You have to go,” he finished for Kyori to which Kyori smiled, “but will I see you again?”

Kyori stepped closer to Auro and placed one last kiss on his lips before turning and leaving. In a flash of light he was gone and standing in front of Ocella.

“Umm, why are you in the infirmary? What happened to you? What’s going on?” he questioned Ocella.

Ocella looked up from the blankets when she felt a familiar presence appear next to her. She’d been trying to keep it together, but it had been difficult. She felt to overwhelmed. Kyori questioned her and she sighed. “I was attacked today,” she said, looking down sadly. “After finals… I tried to go home. I wanted to see my parents before we left. I stopped in New York first, to see if anyone would find me. One of the Dark Magistrates found me and we fought in a forest to avoid civilian casualties. Now I’m stuck in this bed for 24 hours and it sucks, because I need to be training. I’m not strong enough yet and I’m wasting time,” she said sadly.

She wanted to hug him but wouldn’t dare get out of the bed unless to use the bathroom. She looked at Kyori and narrowed her eyes at him as she realized something. “And you? What’s going on with you?” she asked, glaring at his change in attire. She knew he wore the ninja suit whenever he was sneaking around.

Damn she was always observant whenever they met, and now that she had asked him a question, she wouldn’t stop until he answered truthfully. How bad could it be to tell her the truth? They had promised each other no more secrets. He looked at her and gave her a much needed hug before sitting down in the chair in front of her.

“Just relax Cella, if Master Dorian says rest, it’s best to just rest. We can train together tomorrow,” he said smiling at her, but he knew he would have to answer her question and her glares didn’t make him feel any better about keeping it from her. Looking sheepishly at her, he began.

“I’ve been with Auro,” he confessed, a slight blush appearing on his face remembering what he had just done with the way older man.

“You know me Kyori. It isn’t in me to rest. He could have killed me, and the only way for me to avoid this again is to get stronger,” she said, shaking her head sadly. It did make her feel slightly better when he said they would train the next day.

When he looked at her with a sheepish grin she raised an eyebrow at him. She looked ready to pass out when Kyori said he had been with Auro. She looked to bombard him with questions, but then she saw it- his blush. Her eyes widened as the realization struck her and she shook her head, sighing heavily. “Go on,” she said, looking at him sternly and beckoning him to continue. She would wait to question him.

The first time was three days after the you know what. He sent a message to me and I met him at the monastery. He offered to train my spiritual side but at the time I didn’t want to hear anything he had to say. Then he kissed me and I felt something, it was faint but it was there.” He paused and sighed knowing Ocella was glaring daggers at him, but he continued wanting to fill her in as much as possible.

“Today I was with him. He took me to the forest and revealed a different side of himself. He showed me this beautiful scenery, a beautiful waterfall within the forest.

Then we kissed and I felt it again. It unnerved me, it scared me, but I could tell in his eyes that he felt it too. I’m terrified Cella.”

Ocella listened to Kyori’s tale with her eyes closed. She was sitting up in the bed, appearing calm. In truth she was a bundle of nerves. She wanted to yell at him, to ask him what he was thinking- but she knew it would do no good. Her parents had told her that you couldn’t always help who you fell in love with. Even Master Kurama had said that loved conquered all.

She took in a breath and looked at him, her eyes soft. “So what’s next?” she asked him, her expressions understanding. “We are the protectors of this world and in this moment, Auro is bent on destroying it. Where do you fall with this?” she asked, looking at him sadly. She couldn’t lose Kyori, but he was his own being. Her mind was racing with a million thoughts and she shook her head, trying to clear it.

“Trust yourself Kyori. Even Master Kurama said that love conquered all. Just… be careful. Call upon me if you need help.”

He waited, waited for her to yell at him, to tell him he was dumb for what he was doing, to threaten to tell Master Kurama or Master Dorian. He was expecting the worst, but yet when she opened her eyes, they were soft. They weren’t accusing but he could tell she was nervous and concerned for him. He could tell by the questions she asked. She had asked what was next, and the question that struck him the hardest was when she asked him where he fell in the equation. They were protectors and Auro was a destroyer. He destroyed, that’s what he did, but if he was falling in love with the very being responsible for destruction, how would he claim to be a protector when it came time to fight Auro? Would he be able to? Could he hurt him? After Ocella finished talking, Kyori sighed.

“I don’t know,” he said rather sadly, his shoulders lowering in defeat. He honestly didn’t know how any of this would play out. He was scared, he was nervous, he didn’t know what to do, but in the end the world had to be protected and he had accepted the task. “Thank you,” he added reaching over and hugging her tightly. “I love you soooo much.”

Ocella looked at Kyori sadly when he looked defeated. “Only time will tell Ky,” she said, offering him a bit of hope. Kyori thanked her and hugged her, to which she returned the hug and sighed sadly. “I know… it sucks. But you only know if someone is truly your friend until you tell them your secrets,” Ocella said, smiling. “Then you find out who they really are,” she said, looking sad as she thought about Joshua.

Kyori said that he loved her and she blushed lightly. “Love you too,” she said, smiling at him. “What the hell am I going to do all day Ky? You should have seen Master Dorian when I insisted on training. Even the nurses were hiding,” she said, grinning now as she hoped to ease his burdens. “I would rather be training… it seems less overwhelming when I’m being productive towards the future, when I’m doing everything I can to get stronger,” she sighed.

“Who am I kidding Ky? How are we to save the world? I could barely take on one Magistrate today in my own environment! He could have killed me…” she looked sad at this. She wanted to get up from the bed but remembered the thunder and decided against it. Ocella took one of the pillows and hugged it tightly to her chest, closing her eyes as the tears finally came.

“You’re right Cella, only time will tell,” Kyori replied as he watched her attempt to make him smile. It worked, a smile slowly crept onto his face and he could only wonder what fate had in store for all of them. “Master Dorian can be strict but he means well. At least you got Master Kurama to train you, imagine having to train with him,” Kyori said laughing lightly, that is until Ocella began to slip into sadness again. She felt weak, she wanted to get up and train and he couldn’t blame her for it. She had faced a magistrate and he had let her live. If that wasn’t an eye opener he didn’t know what was.

“Cella, we have a long road ahead of us, but I believe if we focus on the goal we will achieve it. Focus on resting and 24 hours will be over before you know it. When you’re able I want you to go with me to the forest to train.” He grew silent for a moment and then looked at Ocella with a sly smirk. “So if I set it up will you agree to meet him?”

“Pfffft. Master Kurama can be just as difficult. I never get away with anything,” she teased him, grinning a little. She nodded when he said he wanted to go to the forest to train with her after the rest period was up. “Okay. I look forward to it,” Ocella said, smiling a little as she sniffed, her tears slowly coming to a halt.

He smirked, and what he asked her next gave her great shock. She sighed and closed her eyes. “I will try to control my tongue Kyori, if only for respect for you. Even you know how difficult this task can be for me in certain circumstances. Do me a favor and warn him in case I slip,” she said, grinning a little. She had a few things to say to Auro. The thought of meeting him terrified her, but she trusted Kyori deeply and knew that he wouldn’t place her in danger.

Ocella sighed as she thought of something Etrama had said. “Etrama expects me to join Auro…” she said, shaking her head at the thought. “He’ll try to kill me if I don’t.” she was in dangerous waters and meeting Auro was difficult for her. She trusted Kyori, but that didn’t make her any less terrified of the thought.

Silence fell over the two and Kyori processed what Ocella was saying.

“We are stronger together than apart Cella, that much has been proven,” Kyori replied as he pulled out the phone that Auro had given him. It didn’t take long for an exchange of messages to happen, but when Kyori looked up at Ocella, he was smiling softly which meant good news, but he didn’t say anything to Ocella.

Ocella watched Kyori curiously as he pulled the phone out and began messaging Auro, or so she assumed. When he finished, he looked up at her with a smile on his face. “So what happened?” she pestered, smirking.

“He wants to see me later tonight, but I told him I’m staying with you,” Kyori replied smiling warmly at Ocella, “so make some room on that bed of yours.”

Ocella smiled softly at Kyori. His friendship meant a lot to her. “Thank you,” she said, scooching over and giving him a friendly hug. “It means a lot. I think I’d go stir crazy if I had to stay here alone,” she said, grinning. She sighed, her head plopping against the pillow. “This is nuts.” she commented, shaking her head. “22 more hours to go,” she tried to sound enthused but failed miserably.

He stood up and walked over to her bed sliding comfortably into place. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her gently and smiled.

“Now go to bed,” he commented as he rested his chin softly on top of her head, pulling her in, “if you go to sleep it will pass faster.”

Ocella smiled when he wrapped his arms around her. She felt safe, loved and protected in that moment. “You always know how to calm me down,” she said, her voice soft. He told her to go to bed and rested his chin on her head, holding her close.

She felt so very comfortable that it was hard not to feel drowsy. “Don’t leave me…” she whispered, her grip on him loosening. She slowly drifted off, cuddled against Kyori just as the sun was beginning to set.

He kissed her forehead and snuggled closely until she fell asleep. He watched over her for a few moments stroking her arm to soothe her troubled mind, and slowly he too began to drift off. His dreams were filled with images of Chiatzu and how much he missed him. The man had practically raised him, and yet here he was falling in love with the one responsible for his death. There was turmoil there, troubling uncertainty, but his heart overturned his mind. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but his heart made him powerless to stop it. Chiatzu visited him in his dreams, a smile on the old dragon’s face.

“You look tired Kyori,” Chiatzu said softly.

“I am,” Kyori replied, “I miss you so much.”

“You are strong Kyori, you will overcome it,” Chiatzu replied, “don’t beat yourself up over what happened.”

Kyori looked at his old master and sighed. “Master Chiatzu, why did you leave me?”

“I did what I had to to protect the legacy of the monastery. As long as the legacy lives, the monastery lives.”

Kyori shed a tear, but he looked away from Chiatzu. He couldn’t face him.

“Don’t shed tears for me Kyori, I lived by it and I died by it, that is the honorable way. You can’t blame yourself for what happened and you can’t blame your heart for who you love.”

Kyori’s eyes darted back to Chiatzu’s floating form. His eyes said it all. They were filled with confusion.

“What do you mean?” he asked softly.

“Do you know what happened that day? I shall tell you,” Chiatzu began, “Auro came like a storm. He and his henchman Darkholm. His visit was strange. He came and asked of me to return that which was his. The staff that Monk Maoi took from Auro when he locked him away in the mountain and placed the spell on him that caused him to slumber. I did not submit to his demands and yet he did not attack until Elder Tai initiated it.”

Chiatzu shook his head and sighed before continuing.

“The rest happened so quickly. Auro and Darkholm laid waste to the monastery, but Auro was sure to not kill a single soul unless they gave him no other choice. I was busy fighting off the horde that he summoned of undead. When Elder Tai fought against Auro it was my choice to jump in the way of the deadly blast. I sacrificed myself to keep Elder Tai safe and he went into hiding with the others. Auro regained his staff and as soon as he did he left.”

“He told me he captured you,” Kyori said, “he used me because he held you captive, I saw you in the cell.”

“No young one, he used tricks and voodoo to confuse your mind into thinking you saw me. Elder Tai buried me in an unmarked grave near the top of the mountain overlooking the monastery. I am free now Kyori. Don’t harbor hate in your heart, but transcend and protect your world.”

Kyori’s tears kept flowing, but he was glad that Master Chiatzu had finally decided to visit him and put his troubles to rest. He hadn’t asked Auro about that day, but now that he knew the truth, he would ask him to see if he would lie to him. Chiatzu smiled at Kyori and slowly began to vanish as he turned and floated away from him.

“Rest easy Master, in Draco’s Paradise.”

His body moved slightly to adjust to Ocella, but he continued to sleep peacefully.

Ocella had fallen asleep quickly, finding comfort in Kyori’s presence. She was so very grateful to have him as a friend, if he hadn’t been there for her… she might not have been able to obey Master Dorian’s request.

As she drifted off, images of a forest began to appear. Something was wrong, for the forest did not bring her peace as they usually did. She walked through the forest in her human form, wearing a white dress and her feet bare. She was scared, and upon closer inspection she could see that something was different about the trees.

They were spirits, who seem to be tortured and taking on the guise of a tree. They had no faces, but suddenly they began to move towards her. She tried to run, but they kept coming. There were so many and she couldn’t summon her wings to fly.

Finally, one of them managed to catch her and to wrap its thin, slimy branch around her. It felt akin to a serpent, its pointed leaves stopping just before it would have pierced her throat. She tried to run, to struggle, to scream- but she couldn’t move or speak and she didn’t understand what was happening.

Then she saw a figure in front of her, smirking at her. “I trust you’ve had adequate time to consider my proposal,” Etrama spoke, staring at her. Ocella glared at the man responsible for her current position. “I… will… not!” she answered him, her voice raspy. “Then I shall feed upon your soul,” the man answered with a devilish smirk.

The vine that had been pushed against her throat suddenly released her neck, pulling back for a moment before she felt incredible pain. The leaves pierced her throat and blood spilled over her white dress, and she could feel the vine making its way inside her.

She woke with a scream, her voice raspy as she shot out of Kyori’s hold. She landed on the floor, sitting on her knees as she began sobbing. “You will not!” she said, her voice hysterical. For a moment she had forgotten where she was, nearly who she was…

She was shaking with visible tremors as she looked around her. It was still nightfall and it had only been a couple of hours. She couldn’t take it anymore and stood to her feet. “I can’t stay in here…” she said, tears running down her face. She wondered what the worst Master Dorian would do if she escaped to the forest to ease her mind.

“I can’t… I can’t…” one of the nurses had come to see what was wrong and quickly realized what had happened. She tried to embrace Ocella, to soothe her- but Ocella backed away.

The last thing he remembered before he awoke with a startled look on his face was being held by Auro who had remembered his birthday and managed to acquire a gift and at that moment he was awake and staring at Ocella with a worried expression. She was on her knees and she was trembling. He stood to his feet and watched her.

“Cella, it’s going to be okay,” he said calmly as a nurse tried to calm Ocella down, but Ocella backed away. “Come on, let’s go to the forest,” he said knowing that defying Master Dorian’s orders was a bad thing, but he could tell Ocella wasn’t over the encounter with the Dark Magistrate.

As soon as she saw Kyori and heard his voice, she realized that it had just been a dream. A horrible dream that had shaken her to her very core. He said for them to go to the forest and she desperately wanted to, but Master Dorian had forbidden it. “But what of Master Dorian?” she asked, trying to steady herself as she took in deep breaths.

She stood to her feet, walking over to Kyori and leaned against him. She took hold of his hand and spoke the spell Master Kurama had taught her, and together the two vanished from the infirmary. They appeared in her meadow, one that she had created within the forest over the course of her time at the academy. She let go of Kyori’s hand and began pacing around the meadow, shaking her hands in an attempt to loosen her nerves.

“It was so real Ky. He came to me, in my own environment. He used the trees against me, and when I declined he killed me,” she said, looking at him sadly. She was still pacing around the meadow, her body filled with energy that she needed to release. She stopped for a moment when she reached an area of flowers and bent down to stroke a petal.

“You know Master Kurama has likely already told Master Dorian we’re here. If he didn’t know already,” she said, shaking her head. She was a bundle of nerves and it was pitch black. She transformed into her adept form, sighing as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to see through the forest itself. Flowers began to sprout from the ground when she opened her eyes and vines wrapped around the trees.

She loved to create beauty and it helped ease her mind. The flowers grew larger, turning into a bed of sunflowers. When they had grown taller than Ocella, she allowed them to stop growing. To the right of the sunflowers, more flowers began to bloom. Hydrangeas. She focused on the center of the clearing where she had yet to create anything, having wanted to save it for a spike of energy.

She closed her eyes and held both hands out, raising them forth towards the sky. She was breathing heavily now but remained focused on the task. Little by little, what appeared to be the beginning of a large willow tree was surfacing from the Earth. Ocella smiled, feeling that a willow tree was an appropriate figure to watch over her meadow.

The words crept across the nape of his neck as she spoke them, causing a soft chill to roll over him. In an instant they were transported to the forest and as he looked around he saw the beauty of the seclusion. This was her safe haven away from the academy, away from training, this was her safe place and he understood how sacred it was to her.

Watching with a smile on his face he couldn’t help but marvel at what she was doing with her magic. Nature responded to her call and it was beautiful to behold. When she was done, he nodded and looked at the sky. It was clear, the moon was bright in the night sky.

“The moon is so beautiful,” he proclaimed softly as he spun around a few times before landed softly in the grass. “I miss this,” he added lifting his hand and drawing in the air with his finger. “So how strong do you need to become?”

When the willow tree had sprung forth to life, Ocella took in a few breaths. She changed back to her human form, now feeling less energetic than she had before. It felt good, to be able to release the energy.

Kyori commented how beautiful the moon was and she had to agree. “It is,” she said, smiling at him. It was far more peaceful to her in the forest than the confines of the infirmary. She watched as Kyori spun around a few times before he landed on the grass and giggled. Kyori asked how strong she needed to become and she sighed.

“I don’t know,” she admitted sadly. “He was so strong. He was a powerful necromancer, yet… he only showed me a fraction of what he could do,” she sighed in distress. “As strong as I can,” she finally answered. She would train until she broke, and then train more.

She made her way over to Kyori’s side and spun around a couple of times, laughing as she did so. She fell on her back, landing next to Kyori with a large smile on her face. This was what her body needed to heal, laughter, nature, and friendship. Not a hospital bed. She stared up at the moon and the stars and kept smiling as wide as could be.

“Thank you. I’m glad we came,” she said, tilting her head to look at Kyori now. Her energy was slowly fading and she felt as though she could fall asleep in the forest, but she wondered if Kyori would stay with her. She looked back up at the stars, her eyes slowly closing before she fell asleep. The grass beneath her had grown slightly, kissing her skin and providing comfort to her. Her limbs were stretched out, much in a fashion as if making a snow angel.

She was asleep. She had fallen asleep right there in the patch of grass that created a beautiful cushion beneath her slumbering form. A smile was all he could give as he allowed the world of dreams to overcome him.

The night came and went. The sun slowly replaced the moon as emperor of the sky. Kyori slowly awoke, blinking a few times to realize where he was. He looked over at Ocella and stood to his feet stretching.

“Alright, let’s get this training day started,” he said loud enough for Ocella to hear. When she didn’t respond he huffed and put both hands on his hips. Snapping his finger, a gust of icy gold wind struck Ocella’s body to wake her up.

Ocella had slept soundly all night, without a dream to be had nor a nightmare to be feared. The grass had provided a comfortably soft bed beneath her and her body was resting at last. When the sun rose, she continued to slumber. The sun tickled her skin, but then… she felt an icy gust of wind that made her shiver. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she took in her surroundings, seeing Kyori already awake and on his feet.

She couldn’t help but to smile at him. She stood to her feet, walked over to him and hugged him. “Thank you,” was all she said, hugging him tightly. “You look ready to train. It hasn’t been 24 hours yet,” she teased, stretching as she prepared herself.

“I know, but evil doesn’t sleep so why should we?” he said. While it was known to Ocella, the others didn’t know of Kyori’s nightly training. He had even took on training with Auro and had delved deep into the spiritual side of his abilities. He was stronger than he knew, and Auro had told him many times that his power was remarkable. Kyori caught on to things quicker than most, but he knew he still had a ways to go to Master Magi. The sky was a tricky mistress, ever wanting attention. It required balance and understanding.

After the icy wind was summoned, it slowly dissipated, but left a icy dew upon the vegetation in the area. Stretching, he lifted his leg until it was straight up in the air, holding it with one arm before letting go, demonstrating his flexible. He was sure Ocella would have plenty of jokes, but he didn’t mind, they were close enough for the topic of sex to be a topic of conversation.

Ocella smirked at his statement. “Precisely what I tried to tell him yesterday, but it didn’t matter. Nonetheless,” she said, grinning as Kyori too flexed. She laughed as he stretched his leg up in the air. “Auro is going to love that,” she said, grinning at him as she took off sprinting around the meadow to loosen up. She did a series of flips and maneuvers, and she stood in one place for a moment as she jumped up and down to prepare herself. Inhaling, she focused and closed her eyes, jumping for a final time, her body spinning and flipping as she performed a corkscrew flip. She was getting better at those, but she felt a pain in her back where she had been stricken the day before.

She gasped at this, landing roughly on her feet and leaning against a tree for support. She took in a few deep breaths, steadying herself. She got in a push-up position, deciding to do something less strenuous to stretch herself.

Immediately he rushed to her side after seeing her various maneuvers and realizing that she had felt pain.

“Are you okay? You gotta take it easy,” Kyori said as he back away to give Ocella room to breathe. He watched her do push ups and he returned to his training. Wind scar after wind scar slashed at the oak tree that protected the meadow and each scar healed immediately after. He threw a couple of punches with gale winds behind it causing indentations to form in the trunk, but they too vanished upon the tree healing. “Remarkable” he said softly going all out in a flurry of precise and expert movement from years of training in the monastery. Razor wind slashed out form his core with each movement. It was a beautiful mixture of movement and strikes resembling a dance.

Ocella looked up at Kyori once she returned from her first push-up. “I’m fine,” she replied, gritting her teeth as she did another push-up. “Just sore,” and another. “Only...way...around it… is to… move,” she said between push-ups. Kyori said she had to be careful and Ocella nodded knowingly. “I know. It’ll… be my ass… if I’m… not,” she said between reps. She knew Master Dorian would be furious with her if she disobeyed him and ended up injured again.

When she had finished her push-ups, she stood to her feet and stretched her arms up. Her blood was pumping through her veins and the pain was still there, but she pushed past it. She had a high endurance for pain, as she had proven during finals. She was also stubborn and hard-headed, as well as determined- all of which contributed to her tolerance levels.

When she had finished, she took up a fighting stance. “Ready when you are,” she said, grinning at him.

Kyori landed gently on the grass covered ground, his form impeccable. He twirled around effortlessly as he faced Ocella who taken a fighting stance.

“Born ready,” he replied as he charged at Ocella with unbelievable speed. He was upon her in mere seconds unleashing a well aimed kick to her shoulder.

Ocella smirked as she watched Kyori. “Pun much?” she asked, straightening up once more as she saw him charge her. He was fast, but she knew that. He was flexible and he was strong. He was her rock, just as much as she was his.

When he threw a hard kick to her shoulder she simply raised her hand, waiting for the kick to strike it. As it struck, she wrapped her hand around it and made to snatch his leg as the Imp had done to her the day before. She reached for his ankle with her other hand, a vine snaking its way up her body and through her hands as she attempted to snatch his leg and yank his other leg out from under him.

His leg was caught and that much he figured would happen, but he had to retaliate with a move that would hopefully free him. His one leg was caught, but his other was free. He used the strength in his one leg to push off the ground and swing at Ocella’s open side

Ocella was surprised when he took his own leg from underneath him. She held his one leg with both hands, leaving nothing for her to grab his other leg with. It collided roughly against her side and she glared at him, grunting from the momentary pain.

She held his leg firm in place however, the vines wrapping around it and acting as a binding agent between her arms and his leg. She wouldn’t twist it, for she had felt the pain of such a thing only the day before, but she did use it to her advantage.

With a small adjustment, her right foot was placed firmly against Kyori’s rear in a non-sensual manner, rather one that was intended to restrain him and render him immobile. She readjusted her hand to hold his leg with just one and aimed her other hand for his free leg, looked at him with a smirk as if to say ‘now what’.

Vines, why did she have to use vines? He mentally rolled his eyes at this when his free leg was no longer free. She had managed to trap both of his legs, but he hadn’t made it this far without having tricks up his sleeve. He was an assassin after all, a lifestyle he had given up but every now and then he would go on simple night runs just to get the thrill of the hunt back.

“You should’ve bound my hands,” he said, “or used stronger vines.”

There was a increase in the wind that blew against the trees roughly. The clouds overhead turned dark as tar. Lightning snaked through the darkness illuminating the puffs of black in the sky. Within seconds a funnel had struck down between them. The power of the wind was great, strong enough to uproot a tree and free Kyori from the hold. He landed on his hand, spinning on it to release a Chun Li inspired “Spinning Bird Kick” which shot arcs of lightning towards Ocella. Nothing too damaging, this was a spar between them, but he loved exploring new techniques with her.

Ocella knew it would be bad the moment he spoke. She looked up as the storm clouds rolled in, her skin shivering from the change in atmosphere. She wanted to hide herself in a cocoon. A funnel landed between them, separating the two. Ocella had only been able to remain in place because she had used vines from the ground to hold her in place, though it had been difficult.

Ocella watched Kyori land and saw what he was doing. She instantly raised a small tree in front of her to block the attacks, but it soon caught fire and faded away due to being struck by lightning. Ocella smirked, allowing the vines from a nearby tree to wrap around her completely. She closed her eyes, and within seconds her body vanished.

She was gone for several seconds before she reappeared from the branches of the willow tree, leaping down at Kyori. From her hands, multiple flower petals flew at him. They were sharp as razors, it was a new idea on her behalf. What seemed to be an endless source of flower razors were racing towards Kyori at great speed.

The first petal struck his arm causing blood to flow from the open cut. Kyori jumped away from the remainder, but her aim was impeccable. The onslaught of flower petals was beautiful but also dangerous. They would shred him to pieces if he did not evade them. With a quick intake of his right hand and a thrust forward with his left, he formed a barrier of high velocity wind that raced around him. The flower petals struck the wall of wind and were disintegrated upon contact with the wind wall. Another thrust with his left arm and electricity shaped like a swarm of butterflies shot out from within the swirling vortex. Upon contact the butterflies would deliver a painful shocking explosion.

Ocella watched as the first petal cut his arm. She was prepared to adjust them as needed should they have stricken him, for she didn’t truly want to injure him. Instead, he was able to block them with his wind.

She smiled proudly at him, but her eyes opened wide in shock when he retaliated instantly. What seemed to be an entire swarm of sparkling butterflies was heading in her direction, just as quickly as her petals had left her. “Oh shit,” she said, trying to think of something to avoid it. She quickly raised a wall of greenery in front of her, and the butterflies struck it. It disintegrated quickly and she still had more coming her way. She spread her wings out and flew higher, but they were everywhere. They struck her back with a great force, leaving a crackling explosion.

She let out a cry of pain as the electricity paralyzed her temporarily, causing her to fall to the forest floor. For a moment she ceased to move as she tried to catch her breath, a glare on her face. She wouldn’t be defeated so easily. “Damn,” was all she said as she stood, wincing in pain. With a snap of her fingers, vines began dropping from the forest canopy. They were dropping all around, each with tough ends that would hit like a cannonball. Then, another snap later and the grass became razor sharp once more.

The sound of her pain filled cry made Kyori wince in response. He hadn’t expected that spell to be that powerful, but it was all a part of learning and growing at magi. He had yet to utilize the spirit realm, and he knew of one spell but he hoped it wouldn’t trigger a negative response from Ocella. She had already faced a necromancer and was injured because of it, but this sparring session was supposed to help both of them grow in power and technique. He watched her as she fell to the forest floor, the vortex of wind still surrounding him lifting him slightly off the ground. Suddenly, vines began to drop from the treetops in the forest, thick and damaging. One of the vines struck the vortex and was ripped from the canopy before being tossed to the side. The vortex was strong and unyielding, but the vines were relentless. More struck the vortex and were ripped from the safety of the canopy. Kyori watched the grass beneath him straighten suddenly and become sharp.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he asked, “fine if you wanna have that much fun.”

He raised his hand now transformed into a dragon claw and slowly cut his hand as blood dropped onto the forest floor. His hand returned to normal and he clenched the bleeding hand to stop the blood flow. The blood soaked into the ground and Kyori’s eyes shifted into an odd jade in color.

“Pariet Autem Mortuus Est.”

The sound of his voice was that of a hundred speaking at once, echoing throughout the forest. A light rumbling could be heard until a skeletal hand breached the surface of the forest floor. First one then another. Two skeletal warriors with a ethereal fog surrounding them floated around Kyori before charging towards Ocella.

Ocella sighed as the vortex took care of the vines that fell from above. Regardless of its power, she did not relent. She wanted Kyori to have multiple distractions to focus on in hopes of throwing off his attention. “Of course not. If you were actually in danger I would change its form. I’m only trying to limit what you can do,” she said with a grin.

She watched him next, curious as he transformed his hand and cut his other hand. This was new to her and she had a bad feeling about whatever was to come. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw a skeletal figure appearing from the ground. First one, and then another… and her breaths increased dramatically.

‘It’s just practice, it’s just practice Cella,’ she told herself, taking a step back from Kyori. All the vines ceased falling from the canopy as her focus went entirely to the skeletal creatures he had summoned. This was much akin to what Etrama had done to her and she watched as they charged her.

Branches from the willow tree raced down towards them, each acting like a serpent. The branches wrapped around the skeletons and yanked them from the ground, bringing them to the mighty trunk of the tree. A split appeared in the tree itself, and soon a large gap was in the middle of it. The branches forced the skeletons into the gap and it closed immediately after, the tree returning to its normal form. Ocella was breathing heavily now, for she hadn’t known Kyori could summon creatures of such nature.

She knew it was mental at this stage, and she shook her head to clear her thoughts. Holding the palms of her hands out, Ocella began to breathe easier as she closed her eyes. She focused on her task, and soon vines began to grow from the ground in front of her. There were two sets of thorny vines, and each twisted until shapes began to form. They were in the shape of faeries, but could not fly.

Ocella thrust her palms forward with great effort and the creatures charged Kyori. “Crew against crew,” she spoke, grinning at him. She was only limited by her imagination and stamina.

It was quite entertaining to watch Ocella fight back. She had determination, and she had stamina. It was great to witness. Who would’ve known she would’ve grown so much from the first day at the academy until this very moment. They were warriors, they were protectors, this was their domain. He was in the forest and it was her advantage over his, but he would not allow one’s advantage to overwhelm him. He was protected for now, since the sight of his spirits caused Ocella to cease the vine dropping, but he wondered what she had up her sleeve next.

When his spirits were swallowed by trees, he smiled.

“Cella, you can’t kill what is already dead,” he said softly as his spirits slowly emerged from the trees she had forced them into. They moved hauntingly towards the spiky vine creatures as if ready to either consume them or possess them. “Remember, anything can be possessed, anything and anyone.”

The spirits surged forward and entered into the vine creatures. Slowly the vines became decrepit and black. The creatures she had created turned around and faced her. Their faces deformed and ghoulish. “Go!”

The creatures launched towards Ocella against their will, dead on the inside, useless to Ocella.

Ocella’s eyes widened in horror as she witnessed what was happening to her creatures. They had been taken from her and she couldn’t feel them anymore. It was as if something had been ripped from her and she fell to her knees at this, tears in her eyes at the sight.

Kyori’s words frightened her. How, how could she defeat them then if by that logic even he could possess her? The creatures turned on her, and she was saddened to see their deformed faces. From her position on the ground, she took in a deep breath and focused on the parts of nature still left in the creatures. They were of vine, regardless if the vine had died.

Tightening her hand into a fist, Ocella held it there. The creatures stopped instantly, the vines refusing to move any longer so long as Ocella held control. She was bombarding the skeletons with images of life, of what the vines had once been, of joy… of things to fight a possession. Her eyes were closed and her fist was still clenched, but then it sprang out and the skeletons were surrounded by live creatures once more. These creatures had a look of fury on their face as they stood defiant to the possession, smirking as they turned to Kyori.

Anything could be possessed, but anything could fight a possession. Life would find a way to flourish. The beings sprang forth from the skeletons, once again crafting bodies of their own. They were stronger and stood as Ocella stood. She charged at Kyori, and the creatures charged at the skeletons. “Everything has will of its own. While it may be possessed, life will find a way to flourish as it has always known,” she said, smiling as she raised her fist to go for hand-to-hand combat.

He watched with hopeful eyes as she began to overcome what he threw at her in the spar. He wanted her to overcome her fear. She had faced a necromancer capable of summoning vast numbers of undead and although he could only summon skeletal spirits, he knew that it would hit a note within her. As she thrust the spirits out of the vine creatures, he could feel a sense of pride. She was doing it, she was growing and she was developing her techniques in a way that would make any of her teachers proud. As the vine creatures charged as his spirits, the would fight mere space for his spectral beings vanished slowly just as Kyori lowered his vortex and hovered over the blade like grass before approaching Ocella.

“You’ve done it, you overcame your demons,” Kyori said, “Remember whenever you fight think outside of the box. Be unpredictable.”

Just as Ocella had charged Kyori, he lowered his defenses. She in turn ceased her assault and noticed the skeletal creatures were gone. She returned the grass to their normal form to allow Kyori walking room again.

When he spoke, she flung her arms around him and embraced him. “Thank you,” she said, smiling at him now. “You are truly my best friend Kyori, and I am grateful for such a friendship,” she said, releasing her hold of him. She sighed and looked in the direction of the academy, shaking her head. “Hopefully Master Dorian won’t be too angry with me. Let us take our leave and return, for I have healed now,” she said, smiling at her friend. She nodded her head to him, vanishing in an instant and appearing back by her bed.

Master Dorian was there, waiting for her. She knelt down to one knee in respect and bowed her head. “I know… I shouldn’t have gone, and I am sorry for disobeying you Master Dorian,” she said, her words truthful and her voice somber. She wouldn’t dare look up without first being given permission to do so.

Kyori returned the embrace as a best friend would. Even though they had a pact, they truly did care for each other and acted more like siblings than friends. She thanked him and then brought up a name that made Kyori’s form shrink from the sheer thought of how mad his Master would be. She vanished first and he stood there for a moment knowing he’d hear it one way or the other.

He had arrived to check on her. 24 hours was a long time for a warrior like Ocella to remain still, and Dorian was going to allow her to roam a bit as long as she had promised to be careful, but when he arrived and saw that she was gone, his temper flared. He was sitting down in a chair in the corner of the room when she appeared followed by Kyori, but both of them kneeling to show respect. Dorian’s eyes were closed and he stood slowly to his feet before walking very slowly towards them. The tension building with each stride until he was directly upon them.

“So, not only do you disobey me Ocella, but you drag Kyori along with you?” his tone was laced with disapproval.

“Sir I…..”

“SILENCE!” Dorian shot a look at Kyori that made him wince as if struck, “YOU HAVE DONE ENOUGH, GO!”

Kyori looked up at Master Dorian with a look of pure shock on his face. “I’m sorry sir, but I took her to the forest, I was the one that told her to go, it’s my fault not hers.”

“Kyori I will not tell you again. You will go and you will think about what you have done.”

Kyori couldn’t fight the order. He stood to his feet and nodded. “Yes sir.” Kyori walked towards the door and looked back at Ocella one last time before he mouthed the words ‘I’m sorry’ taking his leave thereafter. Dorian looked down at Ocella and closed his eyes.

“Did you overcome your fears Ocella? I take it you did. I am proud of you, but do not make disobedience a habit understand? Get some rest and you will train with me in the morning.”

With that Dorian turned and left the room leaving Ocella alone.

Ocella could feel the tension in the air as Master Dorian rose without a word. She cringed as he slowly made his way over to them, sensing his anger. When he stopped before them her form seemed to shrink, and he spoke… his voice was laced in anger. “He helped me sir… I was scared…. We went to the forest to help me find peace again,” she said, but what came next made her cringe even more. Kyori had spoken, and now Master Dorian was yelling at him.

She saw Kyori mouth that he was sorry and she shook her head ever so slightly, trying to tell him that he didn’t need to be. Master Dorian’s attention was now upon her. “I did sir. I may not of been able to so soon had it not been for Kyori,” she spoke, but Master Dorian turned from her and left. She was still kneeling on the floor when he departed her, shock written on her expressions. He wanted her to train with him before departing to the monastery in the morning. She was stuck in the infirmary another day! She groaned lightly at this before rising to her feet, her hands shaking with nerves.

‘I’m sorry he yelled at you,’ Ocella thought to Kyori as she crawled into her bed and sighed. ‘He wants me here another night. And then he wants me to train with him in the morning,” she said, shuddering as she shook her head. She fell asleep promptly, curled up under the sheets.

The walk to his room eased his mind some, but he was still pissed off. He struck the wall near his room leaving a fairly large crack. Pacing the floor, he couldn’t sit down until he calmed down. He had never seen Dorian like that. It was Kyori’s fault and he deserved the punishment, but the way Dorian looked at him had sent chills down his spine. He sighed as he realized he hadn’t spoken to his adopted family is a long time. Those dragons were probably taking shelter or still making money. He was a rare breed of dragon, spirit dragons, not many resided in the earthly realm, but he and Monk Chiatzu were two known to stay here. Monk Chiatzu was dead, and that left Kyori. Finally he had calmed down enough to sit down. He sat on his bed and exhaled. Ocella’s voice rang in his head and he smiled. He loved that girl more than she knew. Sighing he prepared to go to sleep, but a knock came at his door and he slowly made his way over to it. Opening the large wooden door, he saw Master Dorian standing there.

“Sir?” he questioned opening the door fully to invite him in.

“Kyori do you know why I am hardest on you than the others?” Dorian asked his tone more pleasing than before. Even his eyes were more accepting.

“No, I…,” Kyori managed to say before Dorian began to speak again.

“It is because I see in you the same thing Naja saw in me. You are strong, you have power, unbelievable power and I want you to be the best.”

“Sir I will try harder,” Kyori said looking up at Dorian with appreciative eyes.

“You have grown to be like a son to me Kyori, you and Ocella. I let you two get away with more than the others. I just want you two to succeed and to grow. Maybe one day you will understand.”

“I understand sir,” Kyori said as he wrapped his arms around Dorian giving him a hug. “Thank you for everything Master,” he added as Dorian returned the embrace.

“Keep on looking out for each other and when it comes time we will talk about the vow and the late nights. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, for now get some rest.”

Kyori released Dorian and managed a soft smile before Dorian placed a fatherly hand on Kyori’s head and turned to leave. Kyori closed the door and stripped of his clothes. He needed sleep.

12-31-2016, 03:37 AM
The time was passing by so slowly as it has been since ever since he took this job. Though the little entertainment he had the day before was a welcome diversion. He enjoyed the fight with the little angel, and now he found another Angel to play with. Granted it had been at least 100 years since he had been in the realm of the living. Granted Auros power is what attracted him back to the land of the living, but the Angel gave him a reason to stay.

The last Angel he found he tortured slowly and painfully till he broke, and begged him for death. Which he granted him after he begged for two days. He loved to see them want for everything to end. Though you do have the stubborn ones that are harder to break, but more fun to play with. He looked forward to meeting the girl once more, but until then he needed to attend to the business at hand. That wouldn’t take him long, and then he would need to report to Auro about everything that has happened in the last couple of days.

01-01-2017, 01:18 AM
By the time the gong had rang in the morning, Halley had already watched the rising sun from her position on the rooftops of the academy. It was customary for her to wake before sunrise and to watch it every morning. The light of the sun gave her great strength and it was a tradition she and her daughter enjoyed.

"Another beautiful sunrise," Halley commented, sighing as she stood. Hanah stood as well and hugged her mother tightly. "I love watching them with you mom," she said, smiling at her mother. Halley could only return the hug and smile at her daughter. "And I as well. For now though, it is time for training to commence," she said, her smile growing. Today were finals and Halley was interested to see if her pupil would pass.

Halley and Hanah vanished, appearing on the training field. Others were trickling in and Halley began to stretch, preparing herself for a good day of training.

Ali was always up before dawn, part of the Sunbeam Dragon nature they are often the messengers between the many planes of existence and the Dragon Homeland much like the Moonbeams and Starlights since every plane of viable existence has at least a sun, a moon, or creatures dreaming. Even living in the human world and going to high school and Mystic training she's still slapped with some Sunner duties of running letters to Dragon homes. She loved doing her job, but she hated getting up early for it no matter how cute she looked in her little paper girl outfit.

She arrived in the courtyard of Blackbrick Academy in time to see her master stretching out for the training to come. Flying slowly into the yard Alimiax landed in a gentle slide across the dew covered grass her official letter carrier blouse getting wet and her knee length blue skit tracking grass. She landed besides Haley and Hannah her newsie hat falling over her eyes. She really wanted to go back to bed.

Halley smirked upon Ali's arrival. The young one looked tired and Halley sympathized with her. She remembered what it was to be a young mystic in training. She remembered the fear, the uncertainty, the hours of effort she had put into mastering her element. She looked at Kurama briefly as he trained his student and smirked before returning her eyes to Ali.

"You look tired young one," Halley commented, her voice soft. "Today you will be completing your finals, and then you may rest once you have completed them," Halley informed her. "So prepare yourself," she said, grinning as she took a seat on the grass. "Oh mum, you aren't really going to are you?" Hanah chided her mother, to which Halley responded with a grin. Hanah just rolled her eyes and took a seat next to her mother, shaking her head.

Alimiax had almost drifted to sleep when Halley started talking. Her training has been rough, but it was never anything she couldn't handle. Sparring here, using magic there, remembering to not eat the help over that way. But she hasn't been so tired before, the girl curled into a ball snoring gently completely missing her Master's warning.

Halley looked up from Hanah when she realized that her student had fallen asleep. She huffed, standing to her feet with a glare. "Mom," Hanah said with great concern. Halley snapped her fingers and Hanah backed away, knowing what was coming.

Without any further notice to Ali, the ground beneath her began to grow hot. The heat from the sun had intensified by increasing the rays of light, and it was hot enough for the mere grass to burn her skin- but only just. Halley didn't want to maim her student afterall, not yet at least.

At first Ali was enjoying the warmth, she loved the heat. It was a pleasant reprieve from the colder than is should be morning. But as her clothing dried out she felt a little more heat than she was used to. No amount of fire could really hurt her...her clothes weren't so lucky though. The sudden dryness of Halley move caused a cool, lighter Ali found on the ground to burst and set her jacket aflame. Reacting in a state of half sleep she ripped the coat off and clambered to her feet jumping clear of the hot grass her Dragon claws appearing and a charged ball of sunlight burning to life in her claw. Looking around she saw that she wasn't actually under attack she'd just fallen asleep at her lessons. Flopping onto her rump on the grass she let out a big toothy yawn looking up at the Light Fae with owlish eyes.
" I miss something?" She asked rubbing her eyes slowly her tail twitching slowly trying to wake up like the rest of her.

"Ali, you must focus!" Halley said, raising her voice. The area around them began to grow hot as the training field reacted to her temper. "You may have responsibilities to fulfill elsewhere, but when you are here I expect you to be Here! Evil waits for no one!" Halley reprimanded, glaring at the young dragon.

"You can rest after your finals! The sooner you get them done, the sooner you can rest. Your role here is equally as important. Lives are at stake, the innocent are being slaughtered as we speak," Halley took a breath to calm herself down.

"Please Ali. Focus on your training," Halley finally said, shaking her head. Halley had always had difficulties with her temper, it was something Kurama fussed at her about constantly- even in their young mystic days. "Don't fall asleep again," Halley said, offering the young mystic a smile as she tried to encourage her pupil.

The young Dragon let out one more deep yawn standing up slowly still rubbing her eyes. She was used to getting barked at by her teachers. Comes with being...her, she nodded to Haley shaking more sleep from her head.
"So what do I need to do here?"

Halley smiled softly at Ali and transformed into her Fae form. "Pass your finals," Halley answered with a grin. A bright light began to fill the area, soon making it impossible to see her form. Halley hovered above the area, her eyes glowing a bright golden hue as two beings of light appeared before Ali. "As the mystic of light, others will look to you in times of darkness. You must be strong and allow the light to guide your path. In order to follow that path, one must be steadfast. Your first task will test on how well you can become one with light. The light can aid you in many ways, but it is up to you to discover them." Halley said.

"Follow the light, and catch it," Halley told her, smiling. The two beings of light spread their wings and were absorbed by Halley's light, or so it seemed by any who were not of light. The beings flew as fast as the light itself, both going their separate ways and using the light as their guide.

The light dazzles the young Sunner, but she recovered and turned into her Dragon form lifting from the ground. This was her fastest form and the one which gave her the fullest access to her abilities. Becoming like the light she chose a target and locked her keen Dragon eyes onto it. They were the eyes of a predator and made to follow and track small things at height, but then again most things don't move at the speed of light. Closing her eyes she tried to allow the light the guide her.

As soon as Ali closed her eyes, one of the beings appeared above her massive form and attempted to land a hard punch to her ear.

The light must be as tired as Ali because it never warned her about the rabbit punch coming her way until she felt it bang off her thick Dragon skull. She tumbled off her flight plan some and was forced to open her eyes just in time to see the figure of light shoot off. Returning to the chase Alimiax kept her eyes open this time. Following the bright little thing as it darted around like a ballerina almost mocking her with it's movements. Like a fly playing games with a giant, it was frustrating and the Sunner had the idea to use magic against it.

She prepared one of her non-light spells, but the creature seemed to sense this because it's movement became erratic and almost angry like the girl would even swear she saw the ambient light change colors. It was just a simple slow down spell as she called it, not sure what to make of that she fired the spell off anyway. It was neutralized just as it left her claw and then she felt a backlash like a sledgehammer to the chest. The wind was knocked out of Ali and she tumbled to the ground actually impacting it this time. She was taken out of the race for the few seconds it took her to get her breath back and get back in the air, but the sprite thing was nowhere to be seen. Stopping mid-flight she looked around still gasping a little from getting knock down.

"Where did you go?" She shouted at the emptiness around her.

Halley watched the girl with great interest. First, a punch to her ear had thrown her off path. Then a punch had collided to her chest in response to her attempt at using non-light based magic. Halley shook her head, for she could sense where the creatures were. She was one with light, and though they were of light they still retained a form of their own. Halley's senses were carried through the area covered in light and this allowed her to see things as clearly as ever.

She remained silent, praying that she had taught the young warrior well. Alimiax would have to become one with the light, to see through the light in order to catch the beings. Only when one mastered light could they truly defeat the darkness.

After a few fruitless seconds of looking around for her sprite she was at a loss. The Light didn't help her, her eyes couldn't help her what was left? Looking down at the ground she searched her memories for some little snippet of a lesson either Halley or her other teachers told her even an off-hand remark after a long day. The seconds ticked by until she finally found something, she could extend her senses out and use her connection to the light to find her target nothing hide from light, not even the deepest shadows because light existed in continuous parallel to it. In the hearts of any person good or evil there can be light. Focusing on the glow she remembered from the sprite she sent her senses out in all directions each tendril moving as fast as the little creature. Until they found it, but the creature was weary and began darting about to avoid the girl's senses. But it's movements created an irregularity in the sameness of the light, an irregularity that allowed Ali to drive it back towards the Dragoness. A few seconds of this cat and mouse game and the sprite was close enough for Ali to lash her claw out and catch it. Then as she felt the warmth of the light in her palm she opened her eyes the sprite vanished filling her with the power needed to level up.

Halley watched Alimiax, hope filling every part of her being. 'Think Alimiax, think!' She shouted to herself. The girl seemed to be doing just that until finally the girl seemed to have caught on. Halley could feel the battle taking place within the light and smiled brightly at her student. The girl had succeeded in catching one of her sprites, but the other was upon her with a vengeance. It barreled towards her, fist outstretched as it attempted to land a punch to the middle of her back and knock the air out of the warrior.

The young Sunbeam Dragon was overjoyed at having caught this annoying little mite, but where she expected the training to end it continued on like she had missed some key factor about it all. It was then as her senses began to creep back to her being that the Light finally helped her. She felt the speed of something coming at her. She didn't have time to turn and face it, but her magic came to life and an ethereal hand shot out and caught her would-be attacker in a vice grip before bringing it to her free hand and neatly depositing it on her palm before she clamped her fist and held the last Sprite. She felt another pulse of power and everything stilled allowing her to land softly on the grass with a look of pure disbelief on her Draconic face.

Halley stood to her feet clapping as Alimiax defeated the last of her foes. The area returned to normal, the blinding light fading. "Very good young dragon. You have two more tasks at hand, and then your training will be done. Your next task is to bring light in the absence of such," Halley said, smirking as she absorbed all light in the area. Shadows ruled the grounds, the castle, the trees... in that training field, light had fled. It would be up to Alimiax to overcome the darkness and find her own light in order to succeed. "Find that which I have placed for you deep within the darkness, using only light as your guide," Halley said, floating in the air now as she in turn focused on holding in the light and preventing its escape.

Little did Alimiax know, that in the flower patch across the school, Halley had left her a gift. It was a mirror, the size of Ali's palm, turned upside down. Halley had an equivalent mirror in her pocket and it would allow Ali a means of communicating with her quickly and make anything they said untraceable.

Frowning gently Ali allowed her eyes to adjust to the darkness, luckily in her Dragon form she gives us a kind of bio-luminescence and the two foot area around her filled with a soft glowing light allowing her to not sit in total darkness, which was a fear of her. Sunners don't like the dark, but she took it to another level at times. Calming her nerves she bound the two sprites to her with some magic and they sat on her shoulders like little parrots. She hadn't noticed before, but the creatures had taken on more physical forms. The looked like small children with an otherworldly porcelain doll beauty. Scanning back in her mind again she I.D'd them they were in fact Sprite, Lesser Fae used as messengers and the like for the NeverRealm. They didn't look pleased to be captured, but they weren't trying to fight or escape their binds so she began walking in a general direction she felt would be a good start.

Halley smiled at the looks of displeasure on the sprite's faces. 'Serve her well, to the best of your abilities. She is that of light also. Thank you for your efforts,' Halley thought to them, nodding her head. They unfolded their arms and nodded back to them, now having a new mistress to follow. Halley kept focus on controlling the light, doing her best to hold it in for as long as she could when all it wanted was to be free.

The presence of the little Sprites lessened the fear Ali felt being surrounded by dark. She continued in the direction she chose until she hit a wall, but not where she would've expected a wall. She had walked this courtyard hundreds of times and had the step count in her head from wall to wall. This new wall seemed to appear in the middle of her count. So she backtracked a bit and tried another direction only this time she went well over her pace count before she hit another wall. So once again she back tracked using the indents her heavy steps made in the ground to get back to her start point. She didn't feel any strong feeling about any other direction, but the first one she chose. Her gut just wouldn't be sway to pick another, but she knew that way was a dead-end. At another lose she sat down on her bum and tried to think of what she was meant to do.

Halley shook her head as she watched Alimiax attempt her challenge, bumping into walls. It was true, maneuvering in the dark was a difficult task for those whom did not control shadows... but Ali was a being of light! She had her own light, regardless as to whether or not Halley had stolen the natural light. Halley just shook her head and wondered when the thought would strike the young dragon.

A handful of seconds passed before the girl noticed something she should've seen before. Her personal light seemed to pulse in the direction her stomach was urging her towards. She was sure it would be a repeat of her hitting the wall, but sitting on her hind legs wasn't going to do it either. So with a soft sight she lumbered back to her feet and padded along not even bothering to count her steps this time. As expected she hit the wall again, but her senses seemed to be pulling her to the right this time. Following her instincts she found the opening in the wall a slight glimmer of hope filled her heart and she stepped bravely into the dark corridor.

It seemed to grow darker the deeper into the corridor she went, but she had at least part of the trick now. Listen to her gut and follow where her light seemed to pulse strongest, it led her on down many long roundabout paths that did not remember being part of the school's construction. Eventually though she found herself outside again, but here the light stopped pulsing and her gut went silent. The Dragoness hoped she didn't just walk in a big circle.

Through the darkness, Halley watched Alimax move. At first she seemed to struggled and Halley was not able to provide her with instructions during this challenge, for witholding light from even a portion of the world was a daunting task. It exhausted her greatly and she found herself in a medative state, holding in the light with a promise to release it soon.

Alimax was so very close that it filled her with hope. The mirror was facing down under a flowerbed not far from her position, just ahead of her to the right. If the child used her own light she would be able to feel the object in the area, but Halley couldn't break her own focus. It would be a disservice to Ali.

The young Dragoness was feeling a heaviness in her chest the deeper she went into the darkness. Her gut and light weren't failing her, but her mind was not so unaffected. It drifted away from it's task and doubt began to seep in, this was nothing new. She and many of her fellow new Mystics voiced their own doubts when training was done and they had nothing else to occupy themselves with. Her's were usually centered around her entire purpose for existing, before joining the Mystics she was a protector of the world and all the people in it and now that she is a Mystic she's responsible for protecting the entire universe like the Space Dragons.

Her steps stopped and she sunk to her knees trapped along that dark train of thought. The Space Dragons were the closest children to Draco left in the world, their power was unimaginable for the other Draconic races, and two of them have been Mystics and died in service to the order. Could Alimiax a silly little Sunbeam Dragon really put herself in the same league as High Elder Galez and Master Marzarex? Her light and gut feelings were forgotten as she fell deeper into her mind.

Halley took in a deep breath as she watched the young dragon fall to her knees. She knew that doubt was creeping into her heart and Halley focused on keeping the field as it was. 'Believe Ali,' Halley thought to the dragon, but that would be the only sign of communication she would receive from Halley, for even that single, significant word took a great deal of effort from Halley. Ali had to believe in the light within her, for Halley too had faced great doubt and despair when she was a fresh light Mystic. Halley understood and hoped that Alimax would be able to pass her training.

Ali lost track of time falling deeper into the traps of her doubt. What if this happened? What if that happened, what if nothing happened. The light began to fade around her as the darkness dug it's heels in. The two Sprites on her shoulders noticed this and looked towards where Halley was for advice, but the woman was too focused on keeping the test going so the little bugs improvised as only small Trickster Fae could. They each grabbed an ear and bit down hard, their teeth couldn't hurt a Dragon, but they would be pinprick feeling enough to bring Ali back which it quickly did. She jumped to her feet swiping at the annoyances who easily danced around her claws. She was back, and with her renewed focus her gut kicked the side of her ribs and the light exploded from her core illuminating the mirror. Leaning down the girl picked the mirror up admiring it.

The moment Ali picked up the mirror, light burst forth once more through the training field. Halley's legs shook and she fell to her knees for a moment from the strain, taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly. She rose to her feet once more and smiled, appearing instantly near Ali and giving the girl a hug. "It's okay to doubt yourself from time to time. I doubted myself a lot when I was your age, when I first became a reawakened Mystic... it was hard. But you are so strong Ali, do not let darkness take away your eternal light. Let it guide you, let it flow through you, let it heal you." Halley stepped back from the girl and smiled, looking at the mirror she had picked up.

"You can use it to communicate with me any time, untraceably. I'm always here for you," Halley said as she placed a comforting hand on Ali's shoulder. She looked to the two sprites and laughed, which caused them to grin. "They will serve you well Ali. My gift to you. They will become an extension of you by the time you awaken from your next slumber. Learn of them, and let them learn of you. Speaking of slumber... I believe you've earned your nap," Halley said with a proud smile on her face.

Ali chuckled putting a handkerchief over the glass and slipped it into her backpack.
"That sounds good, just hope I don't oversleep my normal classes. Thank you Mistress Halley."

Halley chuckled when Ali spoke of oversleeping her normal classes. "I'll speak to your instructors if you do, but try not too," she said with a smile. "You are most welcome Ali. I am pleased with how far you have come, but you need to continue your training in order to master your Adept form. Believe in yourself and you shall accomplish great things. Erase the doubt, do not let fear extinguish your light. You are capable of great things," Halley said, nodding to Ali. "Call upon me should you need assistance, or if you wish to train again soon," Halley said as she took a step back. "Sleep well young one," she said before she vanished. Halley had some work of her own to do, and with Alimax's training complete... she could resume her work while Kiran and Hanah were at the monastery with Kurama.

01-05-2017, 01:38 AM
Standing in the doorway of Auros chamber left his throat dry. He had finally been called and it only set him on edge, knowing that he was about to meet a cold killer with little care for their home. He had been half tempted to just ignore the summons and return to his room. Just make the man think that he hadn't heard the call and was not feeling well.

“Man up Joshua. You're already here, just get this over with.” Joshua began psyching himself up, pacing back and forth in the hallway before returning to the front of the door. With a frown he raised his hand to the door…. And froze. He drew in a deep breath and returned to pacing, knowing that he didn't have too much longer now before he was expected,and the longer he kept the man waiting, the worse things would get. Letting out a sigh and burst of energy he cut the flow of his magic, plunging him into silence. It gave Joshua a few moments to relax and corral his thoughts and emotions, try to reign in the fear in his veins.

“Okay.. let's do this.” Joshua finally said as his magic returned his hearing with a minor ringing in his ears. With a set face and a steadying breath he knocked on the door, nearly having to pound just due to the size and grandeur of the ornate door.

The head of the Dark Magistrate sat at his desk. He had four large organizations to run under the noses of the CWDU and the Mystics. His generals were out and about doing the various tasks he had given them to make his criminal organization thrive. His hands were in everything, smuggling, gambling, murders, it all was a part of his ultimate plan. He was a crime lord, and his next job was to take over the other crime lord properties and assets. He was in the middle of taking a sip of scotch when a knock came at his door.

“Enter,” Auro said as the door opened for Joshua. He sat behind the large wooden desk, his eyes drilling holes into Joshua, as if accusing him of something he hadn’t even done yet. When Joshua stood in front of his desk, Auro smiled. “Sit,” he said crossing his leg in a manly way. Auro was dressed in his normal wear, he had on only pants that hung low on his waist, showing enough but not too much and absolutely no shirt showing off his perfectly toned body. His battle scars only enhanced his attractiveness. His blue green eyes were like swirling pools of captivity as they looked Joshua over.

“So you are the one Crow suggested. Joshua am I right? So tell me, have you done what it is I have asked?”

“Joshua is correct, and yes I have.” Joshua said with a calm facade. Looking around the room made him feel like he had just stepped into rock and roll Hall of Fame. The place was rather amazing to study, but the man behind desk really drew his attention. With his chest bare and scars puckering his flesh he was rather alluring, even to himself. That made working all the harder for him. He wanted nothing more than to hate this man, yet his appearance and cool demeanor kept him from doing as such.

“If that is all, may I be excused?” Joshua inquired, his eyes studying the desk between them, trying his best to memorize what he could about the work.

Auro smiled as he stood from his chair and approached Joshua. His hand landed firmly on Joshua’s shoulder as he bent down and spoke into his ear.

“I have more use of you,” he said, his voice seductive, his voice alluring. “I will require you to take something for me, and if you complete this mission you will be rewarded.”

His hand slipped ever so gently touching Joshua’s chest. Appearing in Auro’s hand was a phone, he placed is slowly in Joshua’s lap taking care to run his hand slowly up the young man’s abdomen and back to his shoulder.

“We will be in touch,” Auro said, his voice still sultry. He stood erect and moved back to his chair, sitting down and crossing his leg once more. “Keep an eye on Kyori while you’re at it. You are free to go.”

“Thank you, sir.” Joshua spoke as he stood, slipping the phone into his pocket and exiting the office. He didn't dare look back, to keep the interaction distant between them. Once near his room, Joshua gave a full body shudder and nearly bolted for the showers right away. He tossed the phone onto the bed and headed to the closet, grabbing a fresh new outfit and grabbed the coldest shower that he could stand, his skin pale by the time he hopped out of the shower. Feeling a bit more clean he pulled up the phones finally taking the time to look it over to see what Auro wanted on the phone.

Auro watched as the young man nearly bolted out of his office. He knew how to seduce and it came with years of practice. The poor boy was probably taking a cold shower to erase what had just occurred in his office. Nonetheless, he still had work to do and his first job would be severe. He reached for his phone and sent a message to Joshua.

“Your first task is simple, assassinate the crime lord in the southern isles. He goes by the name Dominic Santorio. I trust this will be an easy task for you no?”

With that he sent the message and smiled, even still he couldn’t get Kyori out of his mind. All he had done to the poor guy. He had destroyed his home, accidentally killed his master and now he was thinking about him and how he could see him again. The last job Kyori had completed for him was assassinating the prime minister and although the job went very well, Kyori had finally gotten whiff of the fact that his master was dead. Chiatzu was his leverage to keep Kyori in line, and now he needed something else and he had it, Joshua.

Reading the message, his blood ran cold. Colder than the shower that he had just gotten out of. Not to long ago he had managed to stop Kyori from killing more people and now it was his turn to take a man's life. Even more so a crime boss in the southern land. He was thankful that he was going to take out a criminal boss for Auro to take over. This would be easy to use. Still, to help his friends and finish this group off he would need to do this. The first thing would be a weapon, and there was one man that would be able to help him with it. It was time to talk to Crowe, regardless of how vile that would be.

~~~ 2 days later ~~~

Joshua stood on the edge of the gas station, a scoped hunting rifle resting nearby. The window for this shot was coming closer, the sun setting behind him. Joshua was pacing back and forth, a steady rhythm to beat on the floor. He had two bullets, one for the crime Lord, the second for an emergency. Glancing back at the phone, he looked over the itinerary that Crow had given him for this job. He had followed it to the best he could, getting a few minute calls to urge him on.

He had taken two days to figure out this man and learn all that he could from the list. During the work this man was the worst man he had seen, brutal and violent. Nothing happened for him unless it made him more money, or more power. He delighted in robbing and hurting those who crossed his path and didn't give him the offered praise or worship. If the authorities could ever pin the plethora of felonies, they would charge the death sentence immediately. The man was just too damn slippery to catch.

On the other hand though, he was the sweetest father he had ever met. Doting on his wife with flowers and chocolate every other day, and trips for his young daughter, this man was the perfect father. No cheating, no violence, nothing. Joshua had even taken it upon himself to learn more of the family, finding them to be the staple Christian family.

The loss would devastate the family, ruining them for life. Most of their money would dry up in seconds and they would need to move into witness protection so the uprising gangs wouldn't try to kill them in seconds. The ideas were heartbreaking to him.

But… it was for his friends. His family. Possibly the entire world in the long run. Even so, he couldn't bring himself to pick up the gun. It was a life he was ordered to take. The man would be no problem, he hated the manipulative bastard, but the family. The family was to kind, killing them was wrong.

“I. Have to do it. That man is evil.. I'll just have have to do it when the rest of the family has gone asleep.” Joshua psyched himself up finally. Hefting the rifle and bracing it up against the edge of the building, following the car before finally getting the beat on the man in question. The metal felt heavy and he was soon dropped the gun, going back to pacing before the phone rang again. Groaning at the listed number he answered, almost feeling that man's eyes on his back.

“Why are you not in position?” Crowe's voice made his skin crawl. Looking around to see if he was being watched.

“I still have plenty of time before-”

“Get into position, you need to make sure you don't lose the target. I won't call again unless you mess up.” Crowe ordered over the phone, before the line went dead. Joshua gave a large sigh and picked up the rifle and sat back down, letting out a large sigh.

The next few hours went by in silence while following his target, watching the few last hours of his target. When the lights went out, he couldn't do it. Pulling himself away from the gun, Joshua let out a sigh. It was easy to point a gun, but different to pull the trigger. It was hard to just willingly take a life.

“Maybe if I scare them into running, I can hide their murder…” Joshua said hopefully, scanning the house again. Pulling out the second bullet, he took the shot and punctured the oven, follows rapidly by the lights flaring awake as he took the moment to reload the gun. Acting quickly he took the second shot, breaking through their TV and sending it through the living room.

A fireball engulfed the house, the spark from the shattering TV igniting the gas line he had broken. With the various chemical and flammable materials, it wasn't a surprise that the entire place had gone up. Joshua didn't even have time to process the death of all four of them as the acrid smoke billowed into the air, the scent of the smoke stinging his eyes. His mouth hung limp as he stared at the burnt orange coloring, yellow at the tip before being swallowed by the black smog.

He couldn't even bring himself to answer the phone as it vibrated next to him, a new message flashing across the screen from Crowe.

‘Good job boy. Didn't know you had it in you to take out the whole family. Little to flashy for my taste, but you did what was needed.’ The message read as such, but Joshua didn't notice it as he hung over the edge, emptying the meager contents of his meal over the edge of the building, horrified at the events that had played out in mere seconds before him. All from two lousy bullets.

'Come home. Your flight leaves in the morning.’ The message scrolled across the screen one last time, Joshua's shaky hand clasped around it as he began taking the gun apart and getting ready to leave, still unable to come to grips with what just happened, what he had just caused.

01-05-2017, 02:21 AM
We interrupt this program for a special bulletin. A fire has broken out at the house of a known crime lord on the run Dominic Santorio. The Southern Isles is feeling a mixture of relief and grievance. The cause of the fire has yet to be determined, but they had stated that there are no survivors. Mr. Santorio and his entire family were killed in this fire. We will bring you more during the investigation.

In other news there has been an increase in crime and murder since the Prime Minister's death in the Northern Lands. Authorities are still looking for the one responsible for killing the Prime Minister as well as Special Officer Nick. if anyone has any information on their whereabouts call 333-555-0699.

There is also news of missing mine workers. We don't know much, but a group of mine workers have gone missing. The CWDU will be looking into this and we will deliver more as it becomes available.

Back to the regularly scheduled programming.

Every TV in the world blared this message. What they did in the dark found headlines in the day and it was all a part of Auro's plan to become the single crime lord to rule over them all. He sat behind his desk with a smile on his face. This was only just the beginning.

01-10-2017, 12:41 AM
Aaron was walking through the forest that surrounded the academy that he was being trained at. In fact he just finished his final test with Master Theodone. That was the most intense challenge he had faced since coming here. Though the training bore fruit. He was now able to access is Adept form. He was a bit stronger now, but no where strong enough to kill Auro. If he is ever free from this curse. However, the man he fought was not nearly as strong as Aurorallii. A fact that he was going to have to report to his master. That was a thought that was as sickening to him, as being forced to master his abilities once again in this body only to fight and possibly kill the people that had taken him in.

Aeterna had been the one that was controlling Aaron's body since they have become one. The young man was unable to deal with the emotional strain that had been placed upon him. Not to mention that his home was reduced to a smoldering pile of ash. However, the Phoenix hoped that this arrangement was not going to be permanent. If the young man didn’t recover then his consciousness would be consumed by his own, and the being known as Aaron would no longer exist.

Stopping in the shadow of a large oak tree that was in a small clearing inside of the forest. He liked to come here to try and clear his mind, and forget his little mission. Reaching up instinctively to grab the pendant that sould be there. Aaron got a disgusted look on his face remembering that the pendant was not there. He remembered the day that his life changed the day he became one with Aaron, and became a slave.

Aaron was sitting on the couch adjacent from his grandfather as he reached his hand out grabbing the pendant in his hand. “May you rest in peace grandpa.” Was all he was able to say as the transfer began. However, the smile his grandfather was wearing suddenly turned to serious just as Aaron's vision began to turn black. Suddenly he saw his grandfather speaking, but was unable to hear what was being said. He fell unconscious.

Marcus held his grandson's hand as the transfer continued, smiling at the child as he wished him a peaceful afterlife. But before he could say a thing a portal opened up in the room behind Aaron, and a man walked out from the portal. The old man knew that the transfer couldn’t be interrupted so he did the only thing he could do. “Leave my grandson out of your little game.” He said as he felt his body start to turn to ash. “He is not one of you. He will serve the light. “

He knew saying words would not denature the man. His skin turned gray, and soon fell apart. Turning into a pile of ash. All he could do when he died was hope that his grandson and the Phoenix will be able to break free of their capture. The young man fell backwards, and the hand with the pendant fell to his side.

“It is about time you died old man,” Auro spoke as he waited for the transfer to complete. When the new Shadow Phoenix fell backwards, Auro was there to swoop the pendant up. He looked it over in his hands and then glanced down at the attractive male who would be a threat to his operations if he wasn’t kept in check. Auro’s henchman came through the portal and Auro closed his hand around the pendant.

“Take him to the dungeons,” Auro said, “and let me know when he awakes.”

When the henchman vanished with Aaron in his arms, Auro turned around and looked at the place the old man called home.

“Well it isn’t much but it is no longer needed,” he said snapping his finger as a ember sparked to life in the carpet. The small flame grew larger and soon the entire house was consumed in fire while Auro walked away unscathed. “A fitting end.”

Aaron slept in the darkness that has consumed him. He knew the transfer would end this way. However, what he didn’t understand was why his grandfather was concerned as he passed out. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do till his body adjusted to its new power, and memories. He didn’t know how much time had passed but his senses were coming back to him. He could feel the chill in the air, and that is what was bringing him back to consciousness.

As his eyes began to open they were a little blurry, and he tried to look around. Not knowing what to expect. However, when he tried to move his arms and legs were restrained. Forcing himself to wake up completely he saw that he was no longer in his home. He was not accustomed to using his new power yet, but he concentrated as best he could and used the shadows in the room to cut his restraints.

Moving as best he could he got into a sitting position. As he tried to get his bearings. Then he realized why all this had to be done. The Phoenix within himself was the Shadow Mystic, and his grandfather was too old to take up the mantel. Placing his face into his hands a few tears fell from his eyes.

“Ahh, so the young Phoenix is awake,” Auro’s voice cut through the air like a knife through the backbone of a chicken. Auro strode in, his pants hanging low on his wait with no shirt on allowing his bare flesh to show, glistening in the dim light from the torches on the wall. “So tell me, do you know who I am?”

Suddenly hearing the sharpness of the man’s voice brought Aaron out of his own little world. “How do you know who I am?” He questioned as he looked up at the man. He was showing of his muscular build. Moving his eyes up from his abs to his face Aaron was taken back. His eyes grew wide in almost fear. He didn’t know why, but for some reason he knew the man before him. Well not him it must have been the Phoenix, but his memories from his ancestors was still little fuzzy.

“I don’t know you, but it seems the Phoenix does.” He said as his mind was clearing. He quickly got to his feet. Though they refused to take his weight at the moment. So he grabbed a hold of the table to steady himself. Now he knew why he was afraid. This man was not someone to be trifled with. Just then he realized that the pendant was not with him. He began looking around the room frantically in a desperate attempt to find it.

This man knew who they were, and if he did then he knew how much the pendant meant to them, and if he had it then he would have to try and get it back.

“From the look on your face you know,” Auro replied with a smirk, “I have a proposition for you. You will work for me, and in return I won’t shatter your flare stone,” he said slowly revealing the pendant that was securely fastened in his hand.

As Aaron was looking for the stone the man’s voice caught his attention again. ‘He has the flare stone?’ he questioned himself as he slowly looked to him once more. Then his blood ran cold as he saw the pendant in the man’s hand, and the dreadful realization that this man knew exactly how important that stone was. At the moment he was in shock. Never in his wildest dream would he have imagined this would happen.

His eyes were on the stone, then looked up to the man’s face and stared into his piercing blue eyes. Suddenly his memories were becoming clearer. This was bad very bad. Aaron was panicking, but before anything could happen he suddenly calmed down, as he continued to look at the man. He was still fusing with the Phoenix, so not everything was up to pare but it seemed the Phoenix suppressed his fear.

“Aurorallii. Are you that afraid of the mystics coming to power that you would hunt us down so that you could force us to join you?” Aaron/ Aeterna said at the same time as they knew what this man was capable of.

Auro rather enjoyed having the upperhand in many situations. He was one that liked to be in control, and whenever he wasn’t in control he would find a way to gain control once more. Aaron was speaking to him and he could sense the presence of Aeterna within Aaron and it pleased him.

“Not afraid Aeterna, but I do want to ensure that everything I have planned goes smoothly without hiccups. So tell me what should I do with this flare stone? Should I crush it? Smash it into a thousand unrecognizable pieces? Or maybe I’ll wear it and contaminate it with darkness. The choices,” Auro replied with a smirk as he ran a finger across the bars of the cell that Aaron was in.

Aeterna knew this man was enjoying himself, and the fact that he has them right where he wanted them. If they did what he wanted, he could use their power to hurt people. However, if they don’t join him then he could easily destroy the stone, and then kill them. Ending the long line of the Shadow Phoenix. If this man corrupted the stone, then they too will be corrupted. The stone and them are one and the same.

Aeterna forced Aaron’s body to stand and walked over to the bars. Trying to get within arm’s reach of the voodoo dragon. Though this was a distraction. He was going to try and catch the man off guard and entangle Auro in his shadows. Though he knew he was not strong enough at the moment to do much. It would be another day or so before he was fully nested, and the young man’s body would be able to handle his power, and they would become one.

“You know better than anyone that we will not join the likes of you.” They said as they reached the bars. Just as that happened the shadows came to life and tried to wrap themselves around Auro. Though Aaron’s body was not going to be able to handle this for long.

He stood to face him and the smirk on Auro’s face grew larger, more cocky. He was defying him right to his face, but Auro loved a challenge, he loved breaking an opponent down until they had no other options left but to beg for life, to beg for mercy, and his mercy was swift. Auro’s eyes took in the handsome young man with the spirit of a Phoenix within him. Sneaky creatures, but Auro had faced plenty in his lifetime to know how to handle them. Their race was sparse now, though they were abundant like their counterparts, dragons, until the hunts began. Phoenix blood and tears was prized, but now the Phoenixes live sheltered lives throughout the galaxies, protected by powerful magic.

This single shadow phoenix would know the power Auro held, he would feel the strength of a voodoo dragon, a poison dragon, a dragon that rivaled many. The shadows crept up on Auro and just as they attempted to wrap around Auro, his eyes shifted into a spectral green. The shadows retreated as if scared to touch the man in front of Aaron.

“Did your grandfather not tell you the power I wield, you are lucky I’ve let you live this long, perhaps I should just destroy this fragile stone and then kill you.” His eyes glinted with a mischievous glow as he held the stone to his own face. “No I have a better plan, a curse I shall render unto you, and the stone shall be the binding agent. You WILL do as I command whether you want to or not.”

Aaron’s legs gave out as the Dragon before him was able to easily break the meager shadows he had tried to use to bind him. He already knew this man was too strong for him to face, but he had to try anyway. Even if it cost him his life in the process. He and the Phoenix inside of him would rather die than be forced to serve this monster before them. If he would have challenged them after the merger was complete they would definitely have been able to at least hold their own. But not now, and he knew it.

Auro probably knew that they were trying to provoke him into killing them. Though they didn’t want to die, and they were probably the last of the Shadow Phoenixes their pride would not allow them to be subservient to this man. When he mentioned that he was thinking of killing them they were grateful that they would not have to live through him tormenting them.

However, that hope was quickly squashed. When the words cursed left the man’s lips, and the fact that he will force them to serve him. Looking back up into his eyes they raised their hand through the bars in a last ditch effort to grab the stone from him. “You bastard. Just kill us!”

Auro stood there chuckling lightly at the male before him as he collapsed from the sheer strain of using his element to attempt to ensnare the dark one. Deep in his gut there was slight pity for the young one. Perhaps if he had given him a chance to learn how to control his abilities he would have given him more of a thrill, but in this state it was pathetic. In his last minute attempt to grab the stone from Auro, Aaron lunged forward but Auro clenched his hand shut and shook his head.

“Now now, don’t get impatient, that will come soon enough, but for now the curse,” Auro said with a wicked smile. “How should we do this? Any suggestions Aaron?”

He enjoyed playing with his victims, making them choose the worst option. He knew death was what the defeated individual before him wanted, but that would come in time when he ceased being of use to Auro.

“Listen well Aaron, by the power of the flare stone in my hand,” he began. “A curse I place upon you,” he added grabbing the outstretched hand of Aaron. Auro’s eyes grew dark and his voice sounded as if haunting spirits had joined his speech. “As long as I possess the flare stone every order I give you will obey. If you disobey pain you shall reap. Lacerations of a severe nature, but you shall not die but be forced beyond your control to carry out my will. This is the curse I place upon you, and no power other than the creator shall remove it!”

Ignoring Auro’s words he continued to try and reach of the pendant in his hand. There was no way he was going to be cursed by this man. If something like that was placed upon him then the Voodoo Dragon would be able to make him do anything he wanted. He wanted for this man to kill him. “The only thing we want from you is death. Keep your curse for yourself.”

When Auro started to chant the curse the man grabbed a hold of his hand. Instinctively he tried to pull it away, but his grip was too strong. The haunting voice and the darkened eyes caused Aaron to struggle more. However, he was still too weak to do anything. As the chanting continued he could feel the spell taking effect, and the words echoed in his ears. Now there was no escaping from this man.

The curse that was now placed upon him would guarantee that he would not disobey the holder of the Flare stone. He was trapped in this hell with no way to escape. For a Phoenix can’t take their own life. “I will kill you with my own hands. One day I swear it!”

Auro released Aaron’s hand after the chant and smiled wickedly at him as he vowed to kill him with his own hands.

“I await the day young one, I await the day,” Auro said in response as his face grew serious and he turned to leave, but not before turning to speak once more. “Your assignment will be a glorious one. You will infiltrate the Mystics and do what I ask you to do. It shall be glorious, for now I order you to rest.”

With that Auro took his leave. Aaron would awake the next morning to find his cell unlocked, for he could not escape, he could not leave and Auro knew he would not leave the flare stone. He cackled loudly upon his leave.

Aaron returned to the present as he could hear the bells of the academy beginning to ring. This indicating the it was now noon. “I am sorry about this mess Aaron. If we were just more bonded at that time. Then we would not have to live under this curse.” Aeterna said as he began to make his way to the school.

Neither of them could have expected what happened, but he felt responsible. Luckily for now his orders were simple. He was to spy on the residence of the Academy, reporting any information that was uncovered to Auro. He is not to tell a soul about the curse, nor how he was to infiltrate the ranks of the Mystics. And he was to train hard to master their powers, and increase their bond. All of which were simple. He had stayed away from most of the students and masters to keep his tongue from slipping.

However. He had found that he had an infatuation with Kyori. He didn’t know why, but it seemed like he was in as much pain as he was. Though he has not dared to approached him. Aaron didn’t want to get too close to him or any of the others. This would cause him pain, and to be forced to kill them. Aaron and himself had lost more than enough to the madman.

Aaron had entered the academy looking over the grounds with an emotionless face. Moving into the courtyard he saw that there were still some of the Mystics taking their test. Not wanting to get cornered and have to talk to anyone he quickly made his way into the building that was acting as a dorm room. Entering the room that was pitch black he closed the door. His eyes quickly adjusted to the light as he looked around.

The only things in the room were a small desk with a chair, and a bed. Aaron had bricked in the only window so he would not have to deal with the light. Darkness was his element, and he felt more comfortable in the dark. He walked over to the bed, and as he sat down as a tear fell down his face. Aaron wanted to return to the place he called home. However, that is impossible now. “What in the world is going to happen to us now?” Aeterna asked but as always no answer came.

A knock came at Aaron’s door. Dorian had noticed the sporadic behavior and wanted to speak with Aaron in hopes that Aaron knew that whatever he was facing he wasn’t alone. All of the mystics had flaws, but they were there for one another regardless. He stood in front of the door with a soft smile on his face. Aaron was the shadow mystic, but he was also a shadow phoenix. Though rare, Aaron probably thought he was the last of his kind. Dorian was close friends with Vario, the Rainbow Phoenix, one of the children of Erobus and the King of Phoenix kind.

Aaron’ s eyes moved slowly to the door after the soft knock that resonates through the quiet room. This was unexpected and he was a little hesitant about opening the door. However, he knew it was rude to ignore the person on the other side of the door. Even though he was trying not to get involved with anyone here.

Getting up off his bed he walked over to the door, and opened it. He was surprised that Master Dorian was standing on the other side with a smile on his face. Bowing slightly at the man he looked him in the eyes. “To what do I owe the honor Master Dorian?” He said in respect to the man's position. There was no getting around not talking to him. “Would you like to come in?” He asked as he moved out of the doorway to allow the man to enter.

“Why thank you Aaron,” Dorian replied after being invited to come into the dark room. He was happy to see that Aaron had answered the door instead of leaving him outside in wonder. He stepped over the threshold and walked into the room looking around. It was dark, very dark, but beings of the shadow rarely kept lights on or allowed light into their room.

Turning, Dorian looked at Aaron and sighed.

“How are you adjusting Aaron?” Dorian asked getting straight to the point.

Aeterna had been pretending to be Aaron, so he was used to being called that name. He had not told a soul that he was the Phoenix Aeterna not Aaron. “I am doing fine. Why would you ask such a thing?” Aeterna said as he knew the answer to that question. He must be here because he is not interacting with the others. “You should not worry yourself over trivial matters.” He said as he closed the door. He walked over to the desk and pulled out a set of matches. He used it to light a candle that was on the table. He knew that not everyone liked the dark.

“Such wise words for someone so young,” Dorian replied with a sly look in his eyes, “though truthfully you’re not that young are you shadow phoenix?”

Dorian wouldn’t drill Aaron for answers or anything of the sort, but he wanted to make sure he was alright and that he was melding well with the team. They were all that stood in the way of darkness taking over. He had to make sure that they were able to come to him and talk without fear of being chastised. He was once young, and he knew how important it was to not feel alone.

“Is there anything you want to tell me Aaron?” Dorian asked his eyes fell onto Aaron. They were piercing, soul searching. It was as if Dorian was looking straight through Aaron and seeing everything he was hiding.

Aeterna was not surprised. This man was not someone that he could fool. With age comes wisdom. “You are not one to easily fool. More than likely anyone inside of this academy is the same way. Yes. I am Aeterna, not Aaron. Though you already knew that.” Aeterna said with a smile. Though at least he didn't ask about Aaron yet. Then the dreaded question came, and a look that was like the man was probing his soul.

“There is nothing of consequence that requires your attention.” Aeterna said a little uncomfortable. If he told this man anything. Not only would it be painful for him, but he would risk this man's life.

“I don’t want you to feel as if you are alone here Aeterna. You and Aaron are welcome here, and you will always have a home here regardless of what happens,” Dorian replied with a soft smile. He placed a firm and fatherly hand on Aaron’s shoulder. “When you are ready, I would love to take you to meet someone, but only when you are ready. Try getting to know some of your teammates. I can assure you they’re more ‘fun’ than you realize.”

Dorian smiled and moved closer to the door. “I must take my leave Aeterna, but when you are ready to talk I am here.”

“To feel alone is to admit that one needs attention. I have lived most of my life without the company of others. So I am accustomed to that. However, I will take your council and interact with the others.” Aeterna said as he looked at the man. Dorian wanted to take him to meet someone, though he didn't know who. Right now it would not be wise to do such a thing.

“When the time is right then I will be glad to accompany you to meet this person, but for now I think it would be wise to wait.” Aeterna said smiling a true smile. The hand on his shoulder reassured him that this man was truly worthy of the loyalty of the people around him.

When Dorian excused himself, and made his way towards the door. Aeterna took a step towards the man. “If the circumstances ever fall within my favor I will gladly seek your counsel on what ales…” Aeterna had to stop there as he felt a laceration open up on his back, and pain radiated through his body. He had a pained look in his eyes, but one would not be able to see it since the light is so dim. “I will seek your council one day. At you leave Master Dorian.”

01-12-2017, 10:19 PM
Forest Demon swung its sword, the blade catching Art’s chest, a red line appearing where the blade had hit. It was not a deep wound, but it was significant enough to cause pain. Now Art would see that this was a serious test. He would need to overcome it to move on to the next phase. It was definitely no time to play around.

Art stepped back as he held the now gaping wound in his chest, only then did he realized that the was not taking his trial seriously enough…

But it wasn’t going to happen twice, the demon wasn’t playing around, and none of the enemies he would have to face would hesitate to kill him if given a chance, in that moment Art understood that the only way to win was to be both fast and aggressive…

Hardening both of his arms he charged at the beast, the training he had done in the past few months had greatly improved his speed and agility as well as his strength and control over his powers. And with a potent jump he managed to reach the demon’s neck, attacking it’s windpipe with a superman punch, he was sure a blow like that would be enough to leave the beasts coughing blood.

Once he landed, Art clawed the beasts inner thigh, in search for it’s femoral vein, only stopping once he had made sure to cause enough bleeding for the beast to die of blood loss, unknown to him, his fingers had taken a claw like appearance, in order to better accomplish the task that Art was concentrated on. Putting as much distance as he could from it by leaping backwards repeatedly once he had injured the beast enough…

Nicolai watched as the demon was completely decimated in front of him. A smirk fell on his face as he clapped his hands together. A loud pop could be heard as the remains of the beast burst into flames, carried away by the wind.

“Easy enough, but don’t get comfortable,” Nicolai said as he clapped his hands together again. A low rumbling could be heard and grew louder as the sound approached the surface. What burst forth from the ground looked like a humanoid insect (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3b/5a/45/3b5a45da0d931b18e36aa744e3fb7d0f.jpg) with a serpentine like lower half. It looked at Nicolai who didn’t move, nor did he look at the creature, but he felt it move and turn towards Art, it’s maw opening and a high pitched squeal like roar filled the area. It’s arms were like swords. Within seconds it was upon Art launching a powerful beam of energy that crackled as it approached Art.

“Oh Jesús” Art said before hardening his entire body and stepping out of the way of the monster’s beam, while he hadn’t exactly fought anything like that beast before he was sure there was a way he could defeat it, all he needed to was get rid of the one advantage the beast had over him…
Charging at the insect, he began clawing it’s body in order to climb it, his weight while hardened should be enough to bring it down or at least make it lose it’s balance, and once he reached it’s head, he began clawing away at it’s eyes, blinding it permanently.

The clawing did nothing to scratch the surface of the creature’s outer exoskeleton. Even though Art thought he would gain an advantage due to the weight of his full metal form, the creature barely noticed him as he climbed up and attempted to gouge out its eyes. With a heavy strike, the scythe like arm of the creature struck Art driving him back to the earth as its eyes fully healed.

“You will find that charging senselessly in and using brute strength will not help you here,” Nicolai spoke shaking his head at Art’s poor attempt to blind the creature.

Art had begun to lose his temper by that point, while he didn’t expect things to go his way right off the back, the fight the insect monster was putting on had begun to mess with his patience, but perhaps Master Nicolai was right… Maybe he was being too head-on with thing, and while he could just sit there all day trading blows with the glorified centipede, he just didn’t have the energy nor the patience to do so….

Standing in a defense he came up with an makeshift “strategy”: If the beast had a exoskeleton too hard to penetrate… Then perhaps killing it from the inside was the right calling… In perhaps the dumbest idea he had ever had, he would allow the monster to swallow him whole, he would rip and tear as much as he could from the inside, the monster was big enough to swallow him without having to bite him even once, besides, that last blow it connected was pathetic, while it did bring him down into the ground once again, it didn’t do as much as to scratch his skin. This bug had nothing on him…

The great insect was upon Art with swiftness not seen for a creature of such size. With a screech it dove onto him, it’s maw covering the boy’s entire body and swallowing the Mystic whole.
As the monster swallowed him, Art began to rip and tear anything he could get his hands on, despite being an improvised idea it was working rather well…
After tearing his way out of the centipede’s digestive track, the young mystic began destroying more of the beast’s organs and other important looking stuff, he only stopped until all that surrounding him was a mushy mass of what used to be the insect’s organs and bones…

Slipping his fingers between the cracks inside the monster’s exoskeleton he ripped open a hole in it’s stomach, it’s guts and blood spilled all over the floor as if it was a water gate, drenched in it’s fluids, Art began to puke all that he had accidentally swallowed while inside the beast.
“Are we… Are we done yet?!” Art exclaimed between dragged heavy breathings , he was exhausted…
“I feel like I’ll need some therapy after this… Or maybe I’ll just lay down in fetal position under the shower for a couple of hours” Art said as he tried to prevent whatever it was he was covered on from entering his eyes.

“Not quite,” Nicolai replied. He had witnessed quite an interesting technique from the young male. He had managed to defeat the cryptic bug, but what would come next would truly test his skills as a fighter and as a survivalist. There would be times during this war that Art would have to utilize survival instincts instead of brute strength and would need to rely on his inner strength rather than his element. This would test his abilities to fight WITHOUT his element.

Nicolai took a step to the side revealing a humanoid creature with a long tail. Nicolai clapped his hand and they were transported to a different realm.

“This time you will fight WITHOUT your powers,” Nicolai revealed with a sly grin, “Remember all that you have learned as Abolos here won’t take it easy on you, to him you are the enemy and he will vanquish his enemies.”

Abolos stepped forward and charged Art delivering a quick succession of blows towards him.
Art attempted to block as the beast landed a flurry of blows on him, terrible idea. What little he could block only served to hurt his fore arms the rest of the blows landed right on their intended target… He wasn’t really that hurt, well, he was, but it was nothing he hadn’t experienced before.

His pride was more hurt than anything… This sucker was fast, the other two bastards didn’t land more than one or two hits on him and this guy had already broken his nose and left him in just a couple of jabs…

Well, it was official, Master Nico was trying to kill him, and at that he was doing a mighty fine job.

“Focus Art, FOCUS!” Nicolai said hoping that Art would concentrate on the task at hand. Nicolai didn’t want to have to interject to keep Abolos from killing Art. Abolos was circling Art watching his prey before moving to strike again. He would wear Art down until there was no will left if Art did not try.

His master’s screams didn’t do much more than to annoy him a little, he was well aware of his situation, he didn’t need a reminder, and nor did he appreciate it. It was like that one time in boxing class where the gym teacher kept screaming at Art’s ear about his jabs and left hook and how wide open his guard was. And IT DIDN’T WORK, not then, not now, never.
If he was going to do something he was going to do it his own way and at his own pace, and if someone above him didn’t like it, then he was prepared to face the heat for it, If master Nico was anything like the washed up gym teacher in boxing class, he knew what that would mean, and the consequences it might bring to him… But he didn’t care…

Art grabbed onto the monster’s arm as he stepped out of the way of it’s punch, it was clear he wasn’t going to win on a speed contest, but he could use his grappling skills to give himself an edge.

Wrapping his leg around the monster’s neck and both hands around it’s arm in a weird combination between an armbar and a leg chokehold, he attempted to throw the monster off balance.

Nicolai watched the fight as it went on. He did not doubt that Art could pull of a win, but he would need to focus on his inner strength and stop relying on his abilities, thus was the test. He crossed his arms and continued to watch as Art grappled Abolos attempting to restrict the creature’s movements. Abolos was no stranger to grappling, but at the current moment Abolos needed to get out of Art’s grasp.

Abolos launched a powerful punch directed at Art’s pelvis to get the male to release him.

The beast’s punch made Art flinch, forcing him to loosen his grasp. He was going to have to let go of his lock…

But if he played along well… He could latch to Abolo’s neck quickly and Lock him in a mataleon lock… That’d end the fight rather nicely…

Letting go of the monster’s neck, Art used both of his legs to boost himself forward and shoving the monster’s arm he had previously held in the armbar to the side. He jumped straight for the monster’s neck, wrapping one arm in front of it’s neck and the other behind, quickly wrapping his legs around Abolos’ waist…

He had successfully locked the beast in the lock he had been looking for, releasing itself from it wouldn’t be easy, as the more it struggle the more Art would be able to use its strength against it.

“Fall, damn it, fall!” Art said as he tightened his chokehold around the beast’s neck.

Abolos had nearly escaped the grapple when Art changed positions after the forceful punch that caused Art to loosen his grip. He now had Abolos in an entirely different grapple, and the more the beast struggled, the tighter the hold became. Nicolai spoke.

“Abolos, do you yield?”

Abolos spat at the ground as his eyes closed and he focused his energy. In an instant his body became rubbery and elastic. He managed to slip right out of the hold that Art had him restricted in.

“It looks like Nicolai forgot to mention. Though you can’t use your abilities, I have full range with my own.”

Abolos chuckled as his form shifted to a bull, charging at Art with an attempt to toss the male aside roughly.

Art clenched his teeth as the creature slipped away from his grasp. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so much anger and frustration over something as trivial as an unyielding opponent…

“Too pussy for a fair fight, huh?!” Art said as he jumped out of the way of the monster’s charging attack. “Whatever! It’s only give me some extra satisfaction once I knocked out all of your teeth!” Art said as he kicked the transforming Abolos in it’s ribcage in an attempt to put some more distance between them.

“Alright, Motherfucker! Come at me!” Said Art as he assumed a wrestling defense…

Abolos slid to a halt after missing his target. He snorted and a wicked grin appeared on his face.

“Such foul language, I shall enjoy ripping your tongue out,” Abolos grunted as he charged once more towards Art his speed increasing, the horns on his head glinting in the light. Abolos was upon Art in seconds and drove his skull into the ribcage of the young man. The horns acted like a cage that locked Art in place.

“Do you yield?” Abolos questioned.

Art grunted as Abolos’ skull impacted against his chest, taking away his wind and more than likely breaking a couple of ribs at the same time… He couldn’t keep the fight going much longer, if he didn’t do something that bastard was going to kill him…

“No… Never yield… Not even at the face of certain death…” Art said as he grabbed Abolos by it’s mandible and drove his knee into the monster's windpipe with all the strength he had left…

It was not long after landing his last strike that the young man passed out due to lack of air…
The knee to the windpipe was adequate enough to finish the training. Art had given it his all and it showed when Abolos stumbled backwards gasping for air. His windpipe was crushed due to the impact of the knee strike. He coughed up blood and glared at Art before collapsing. Nicolai closed his eyes as Abolos’s form shifted and dispersed into energy, returning to the universe. Art passed out moments later and Nicolai walked over to the unconscious young man healing his wounds as best he could before taking Art to the infirmary to heal up. He should be proud, he had finished his training and would be able to access the Adept form.

It had been 2 days since Art passed out during his fight with Abolos, though his wounds were well into the process of healing he had been given time to rest for a while.
He had pushed himself to his wits during his last trial…

Art slowly opened his eyes as he woke up in the infirmary, he was laying in some sort of stretcher and his wounds had been patched up.
Art ran a hand across his face and chest, while his scars would leave marks, they would heal with time and their memory would only strengthen his resolve…
It was all over… And he was one step closer to taking on his destiny…
In a fit of cheer, he screamed at the top of his lungs, causing the nurse to enter the room fretfully in fear the young man was in pain.
After apologizing and having his wounds checked up, he was given leave, as he left the the fresh air of the outside filled his lungs, something was different, he was filled with energy, as if had been born once again… Like a butterfly that left it’s chrysalis behind…

01-18-2017, 02:28 AM
ACT II: Death Is Only The Beginning!

There was silence in the halls of Auro’s layer. He stood before his generals, the Dark Magistrates with a look of pure anger.

“Will someone explain to me why we haven’t taken over the Eastern Lands yet?” he said as he looked between everyone in the room. Darkholm, Crow, Etrama, Joshua,

“And I expect more from you in figuring out the cause of the missing miners. The one responsible may be of use to us,” Auro added as he glared at Crow for a brief moment. He was irritated, that much was certain and no one dared to speak out of turn. Part of the anger came from the fact that Aaron hadn’t checked in as of late and his mission to provide information from within the Mystic ranks had yet to be completed. Joshua was completing his tasks as Auro gave them to him, but this last task no one had completed. They were all failing in his eyes and it angered him.

“Well, does anyone have anything to say?” Auro’s eyes demanded an answer to the questions he asked. Once he had assimilated all of the crime families under his rule, he would gladly focus on taking over the world. A plan B was always a good thing to have when dealing with the Mystics. He was still wondering when the one who set Ocella and Kyori free from Etrama would reveal himself. He knew of him, the dark angel of legend, a being of great power and a dark omen to this world. When Ocella had informed him so many months ago, he waited and yet the dark angel had yet to appear before him.

“I want the Eastern Lands, and if I don’t have them within three days SOMEONE will pay with their LIFE!” Auro said as he stormed out of the room leaving the Dark Magistrates alone. “Joshua, I have a task for you,” Auro called behind him expecting Joshua to follow. There was another reason why he was so irritated, and it was because Kyori had been very distance as of late. He hadn’t seen him in months and every time he called him Kyori wouldn’t answer. He needed to know if they were over, or if there was something else going on.

When Auro and Joshua were in Auro’s office, Auro turned to him and sighed.

“I need you to go to the Southern Isles and retrieve a special item. It is hidden within a cave. This item will reveal itself to you when you get there. Head to the southern point of the isles and on the side of a treacherous cliff there will be a cavern. It won’t be easy, but it is a task I believe you will figure out. You will leave immediately”

He dismissed Joshua and moved over to the bookcase retrieving a black leather bound book that was weathered with age. He opened it and glared at the incantations that filled the pages.
“Dark Lord, your presence has awakened the beasts,” a demon spoke to the hooded figure with a bow strapped to his back. His quiver was empty but his ancient hands reached up and removed the hood revealing a masculine face with eyes as pitch black as the night sky void of stars. He looked down at the demon and smirked.

“I shall bring darkness, you just be ready to consume the souls,” the Dark Being replied as he strode over to a cage that held two gigantic beasts.

“Attack the Southern Isles and the Western Lands. Send a message. There is a new Dark Lord in town.”

The demon laughed and bowed to its master before leaving. Samael glanced up at the towering beasts and smirked. “Bring me what I want!”
Kyori sat on the ground, his mind far in the realm of those monks that had entered into the kingdom. He was meditating, talking with Chiatzu, trying to find some sort of relief from the troubles of the world, but Chiatzu’s answers were always the same. He was chosen for this; he would find a way regardless of how things panned out. It was words of wisdom but right now Kyori needed something more.

Slowly he opened his eyes and looked down at his phone. He had a few missed call from Auro and he sighed. He cared for him, he loved him, but he had grown distant. How could he face him when he was developing feelings for someone else? He felt guilty, he didn’t know how to handle it. Aaron was amazing, and they had so much in common. At first they rarely talked, but over time they had grown closer. He still felt that Aaron was hiding something, but he liked him, Aaron made him smile and Aaron understood him. He didn’t have to hide his feelings for Aaron like he did for Auro. Sighing, he shook his head and realized that he was playing a dangerous game with Auro. The man was dangerous and Kyori knew this to be true. He had witnessed Auro’s dark power, he had seen the deaths he’d caused singlehandedly.

Shaking his head, he stood to his feet and stretched. He would finish his morning with training, intense as he could get in the middle of the school courtyard. He released all his stress, all his anger into his training sending shockwaves in all direction, blasting rock into rubble and sending shrapnel in all directions. His command of his element had strengthened since his arrival and he knew he was stronger, but he didn’t know how much stronger. He had gone on missions for Dorian and trained his spirit dragon heritage whenever he could. Through meditation he found wisdom and knowledge. He also found strength.

He spoke in Latin, unleashing the power of wind that crashed against the structure of the wall in front of him, sending a large crack down the middle. Kyori exhaled after the blast and looked at the damage he had caused. He wondered where Ocella was. She had told him about Raziel and he could only be happy for her. Her family was coming together and they were safe. Raziel would protect them, he knew it.

What’s your 411 Cella?

01-18-2017, 04:39 AM
Ocella was tired, for it had been another long day. She strove to get stronger every minute of every day but yet… it wasn’t good enough. After having met Auro she realized very quickly that she needed to improve herself if she wanted to make a distance. Every minute that she didn’t spend helping with the monastery or sleeping she spent training. She got little sleep these days, and it was beginning to show.

Finally nearing midnight, she crawled into bed after a quick shower to wash the grime of the day off. Her body was sore and ached all over, and she just wanted enough rest to recharge. Her muscles were growing daily as were her abilities, but she still hadn’t reached the master level yet and it infuriated her.

With a sigh, she allowed sleep to overtake her without hesitation. She smiled softly, allowing the comfort of her pillow to ensnare her head and to dull her senses… if only for a few hours.

It had been a while since he had given the Nature mystic his little offer. Though he probably knew the answer was still no. However, he had fun tormenting that Angel. For more than one reason. He was now making his way over to the Dreamweaver that was now serving under Auro. He thought it was time to send her a message, and this was the best way of getting to her without having to find her, or risk entering the academy. Even he knew better than to mess with the gods that dwell there.

As he approached the ornate door that led to the Dreamweaver, he slowly opened the door to enter the room. “Madame Variah. I need your assistance.” Was all he said as he entered the room closing the door behind him.

Siterania Variah was a well known Dreamweaver, but her assistance was normally linked to the darkness that she served so willingly. She had mystical skills to infiltrate the dreams of others as long as the individual did not become aware of her presence. She was also a very powerful oracle, seeing the future, or rather the lines of certain events depending on certain aspects. Nonetheless she was good at what she did and weaving spells for others to enter dreams was her specialty. Sadly it only lasted for a short amount of time. A knock came at her door and she covered the light of the candle with her hand snuffing out the flame.

“Etrama, I was wondering how long it would be before you came strutting through my door. I trust you’ve found a new playtoy, am I right? Of course I am. Now then, name your request.”

The only light in the room was snuffed out the moment he entered and Madame Variah’s voice echoed throughout the room. This woman knew more about him than anyone within the organization. Though even she didn’t know everything. At least she has not acted like she does. However, she might just be hiding her hand. Whatever the case she was clever, and knew exactly why he was here.

“You are right I have found a new toy to play with, and she is not an easy toy to break. However, I am wanting to play with her because of that. So my request is an easy one. I would like to enter her dreams, toy with her a little by showing her the deaths of innocent people. Then give her a location to meet me. From their I will make the dream a reality till she decides to show.” He said with a wicked grin on his face. This girl was worth toying with. It has been many a century since he has found this entertaining of a toy.

“This is my request. Though I am sure that you were already expecting this.”

“Indeed I was, but hearing you say it pleases me,” Madame Variah said with a mischievous smirk. She stood from the sitting position behind the old oak desk and made her way towards Etrama without making a footstep. When she was near him, beckoned him to follow.

“I can still smell her stench on you,” Madame Variah said as she led him down a dark corridor that opened up into a square room, pitch black until her hand grasped something in the middle of the room. When the cloth was pulled away, the beautiful cat eye orb glowed slightly. She smiled wickedly. “Delving into the dreams of others is dangerous magic, but I assure you it will be worth it. You have a time limit, five minutes or until she realizes her dreams have been infiltrated and then it is bye bye. Place your hand on the cat’s eye,” she instructed.

Following the woman through the dark was an easy task. The darkness held no power over his vision. Being what he is allowed him to traverse the dark with no problem. As he followed her he could tell that she was enjoying herself. She must enjoy toying with others as much as he did. At the end of the corridor the reached a room where Madame Variah walked into the center grabbing something.

He however stayed close to the door. He was not fond of the feeling that came from the room. It felt like it was full of old artifacts that held immense power. There might even be something in there he could use to increase his power, but he also felt something in there that might be able to do so much more.

When she returned to him she brought a covered object, and when she uncovered it there was a cat’s eye stone and it was glowing ever so slightly. As he stared down at the gem he listened to her warning. A small smile formed on his face. This magic might be dangerous, but in the end it will allow him to contact the girl with little to no danger to him.

“This is a risk I am willing to take. Besides I doubt she will catch on too quickly onto what will be happening.” Etrama said as he reached out to touch the stone. It was now time to make this girl suffer.

Whatever dream the girl was having before he entered them morphed into the city streets in downtown L.A. in the crowded streets Ocella would see Etrama in the same outfit he wore the day he fought her, with a wicked smile on his face. As he summoned about seven of his undead servants to wreak havoc on the innocent people that were in the streets. The corpses were killing the people with weapons like swords, and spears. None of them were using any form of powers. “We met again young lady!” Etrama said as the slaughter continued.

Ocella had been asleep for only a couple of hours, her dreams peaceful as she sat in a meadow surrounded by beautiful creations. She reached her hand forth to stroke the petal of a daisy that had leaned forward to her when the daisy vanished. The ground beneath her was replaced by concrete and the trees were replaced by skyscrapers.

People were running everywhere and screams of death and fear filled her ears. She stood instantly, her heart beating rapidly. She transformed into her Adept form, looking around for the cause of this discord. Undead figures wielding swords and spears ran amok and she knew who was responsible instantly.

She heard his voice calling her and froze instantly. Was he really there, in her dreams? Was she simply having a nightmare or had she somehow been teleported to the streets of LA? “What is the meaning of this?!” she asked, a glare on her face. This couldn’t really be happening, she had to be dreaming. Any moment she would wake from the nightmare.

She reached her right hand to her left arm and pinched herself, sighing in relief when she felt nothing. It was just a dream. “You no longer control my fear, leave my dreams at once!” she spoke, her voice strong and full of authority. It was something she had done once before to rid herself of a nightmare, but for some reason it didn’t seem to be working.

She stared at the man before her, wondering what the meaning of this dream was. He couldn’t actually hurt her could he?

Etrama watched her reaction as she seemed to be keeping her cool, but at the same time seemed confused. Since he was still in the dream she must think this is nothing more than a nightmare. Though the sudden burst of courage she showed by talking to him seemed to say a completely different truth. He might not have too much time here so he needed to make sure his message got across, before he was thrown out of the dream.

“Fear is the ultimate weakness. It seems you feared me after our last encounter. You fear what is happening now. The involvement of innocent people in this war. Because of this you limit yourself and cause you own defeat ” He said as he pointed out the carnage that was happening all around them. He slowly approached the young Angel. He could feel her doubt that this was just a dream. He stopped no more than five feet in front of her.

“I want to meet you once again. I am inviting you to the carnage you see before you. Come to L.A find me. Before this little scene that is playing out before you becomes reality. A dream dear child. This is no such thing. This is an invitation. One that if you decline the thing you want to protect most will suffer.” Etrama could feel the spell slipping. He hoped that he would be able to see her reaction before he was forced out of the dream.

Ocella watched in stunned silence as the man approached her. He had somehow infiltrated her dreams and she couldn’t understand how, but his message was clear. Ocella glared at him once, nodding her head before the dream ended and she shot out of bed.

Ocella dressed quickly, her eyes watering. She was about to go into a battle that she might not return from. ‘I’m sorry Kyori… there are no more options. I’ve run out of time. Please look after my parents if I do not return. Thank you for being such a good friend,’ she spoke to his mind before vanishing at once. She appeared in the exact spot she had been standing in in her dream, her eyes staring straight ahead at the man who had summoned her there. She remained quiet, willing to let him speak first.

Watching her reaction was something to behold. She was strong almost confident, but at the same time she was glaring at his with such content. The only thing her could do was smile at her. Bowing he disappeared from her dream.

“Thank you Madame Variah. I will be taking my leave now. You know that I will be back.” Etrama said as he turned down the dark hallway and began to walk. Muttering under his breath as a portal appeared and then disappeared as soon as he walked through it.

He appeared in one of the alley ways of the city, and using his power summoned ten undead soldiers to do his bidding. Five of them were shadow manipulators, and the others were spirits that knew the way of the sword. The five shadow corpses disappeared to await their master’s orders. The other five stayed where they were for the moment.

Walking into the street he stopped and stood right where he did in the dream. And he waited, but not for long. The young lady was standing in front of him not more than a minute later. She stood there without saying a word. He could see in her eyes not only determination but also fear. “You are brave to come alone. I will have to give you credit for that. So I have given you plenty of time to think. So what is your answer young Angel!”

Ocella knew that this is what he had wanted. “You said that the carnage would happen if I declined your invitation to join you here, but you already know my answer to your question. It has not changed,” Ocella said, watching people pass by them in the corner of her vision without noticing a thing.

Ocella narrowed her eyes at him and stood straight, ready to transform in a moment’s notice. “This is between you and I, no one else.”

He chuckled at her words. She never ceased to amaze him. So brash like she had all of the leverage on her side. Yet so honest with what she wanted. She was so naive of the workings of this world it was almost sad. “You are a strange child. Always clinging to the fact that you are so pure of heart. Yet your own ancestors committed crimes far greater than I think you know. Angels are such hypocritical creatures.” Etrama said as he took a couple of steps towards the young lady.

He could only smile at her as looked her in the eyes. “Denying my so humble of an invitation. You must be more confident in your skills; we will have to test them. But first a question for you. Do you truthfully think you are innocent?”

Ocella watched the man, listening as he spoke. “The actions of my ancestors do not define who I am today,” Ocella said, wondering what he was talking about. He took a couple steps towards her and she stood in place. Etrama said he would have to test her skills and she took in a deep breath, her heart was racing.

He asked if she truly believed herself to be innocent. Ocella just looked at him questioningly. “I know I have flaws, I can only hope to learn from them. It is what I do with those flaws that defines who I am. I choose to be a protector, to fight for the innocent.” Ocella answered him. She was waiting for all hell to break loose and knew it would happen any moment.

Etrama laughed at her response to his question. She was truly ignorant. Granted some of her words hold true, but that is not the way things work. People hold grudges far longer than she could Imagine. “You are definitely an innocent child. Seeing the world in only one shade. Well I can tell you that your ancestors committed atrocities right and left. Especially in the name of justice, and protecting the innocent.”

He stood their looking the young lady in the eyes. “Your kind find it easy to take the life of anyone that you deem not worthy, or they deem unholy.” He said as a light wind blew through the city streets causing his long hair to move gently from side to side.

“So before we get this started. I think it is time we introduce ourselves. My name is Etrama. Who is it that I have the privilege of fighting?”

“As I said before, the actions of my ancestors do not define who I am now. I value every life and do not relish in bloodshed. I try to avoid it at all costs,” Ocella said with a glare. The man introduced himself and confirmed Master Dorian’s suspicion. “I am Ocella,” she said, sighing as she closed her eyes for a moment to prepare herself. “You question my innocence, speak of atrocities committed by my ancestors… and yet, here I stand before you with no desire to fight you. This is not out of fear, but rather a desire to avoid pain for anyone. Both you, myself, and those around us. So tell me, is it truly I who am the hypocrite?” Ocella questioned, opening her eyes and looking at him sadly. She was always one to try anything before being forced into a confrontation.

He listened to her speak, and took offence to her words. The young warrior Ocella tried to talk of things that she knew nothing about. Trying to lecture him about how she was not like her ancestors. He doubted that truly. Angels were the worst kind of scum of the world, and he loved trying to torment them before he killed them. “You might not realize what it is I speak of. Let me tell you a little story about how the angels committed murder.” Etrama said as he raised his hand he snapped his fingers and the corpses that were in the ally ran into the streets.

Suddenly the screams of people trying to get away from the undead as they tried to kill them filled the air, and he knew the smell of blood would soon follow. “You may believe that you are not like your ancestors, but in the end all angels are the same. I will not stop killing your kind whenever I find them. For you see I am the only survivor of the angel’s transgressions, and you are my newest project.”

Ocella watched in horror as the man spoke, just before he snapped his finger. He spoke of Angels having committed murder, how he was the lone survivor of the acts of her ancestors. Corpses ran into the street and began trying to attack people. Screams of death and fear filled her ears and she transformed instantly into her Adept form.

“I have done nothing to you without provocation. If what you speak is true than I am sorry for the crimes committed by those past. All I wish for is peace, not death and destruction. I-” just in the corner of her eye, a woman had been pinned against a wall by one of Etrama’s corpses.

Ocella flew towards the woman with great speed but blood splattered all over her face just before she could reach the corpse. The corpse turned around and raised the sword at her, charging her in turn. Vines shot forth from the ground and trapped the corpse.

Her eyes opened wide at the sight of the woman’s mangled body and she raised her hands in the air, causing a large willow tree to appear in the middle of the street. Humans were looking at it in shock as they ran for their lives, and the leaves were razor sharp. The branches snaked through the crowds, finding each corpse and piercing them until they vanished.

“Leave! NOW!” Ocella commanded the humans, flying high into the air as she glared at Etrama, blood dripping down her cheeks. “This is your last opportunity,” Ocella said, glaring daggers at the man as she hovered ten feet away from him. Humans were running away from the scene and Ocella smirked at this, hoping that she could avoid further loss of life that evening.

He watched as the sudden realization of what her ancestors had one to him, and his people was interesting. The girl almost seemed truly sad about what had happened. Though Etrama didn’t believe her. Many an Angel have shown the same reaction. Even the ones he knew for a fact had killed his people. They all wanted their lives spared, or the lives of their families. However, he didn’t give a single one any mercy.

Then she sprang into action just as the blood of a woman had been spilt. He saw that the blood splattered on Ocella’s face. Smiling at the distress she was in he only wanted to play with her more. Make her suffer for her decision. “Just to let you know we could have avoided all of this blood shed if you just agreed to joined Auro.”

He said snapping his fingers once more. Suddenly the shadows in the area started to come to life as the corpses that were hiding in the shadows began to work. The vines of shadows started to wrap themselves around the innocent people in the area. Trapping them where they were. “Did you think it would be that easy to get all of the humans to safety?” Etrama questioned as he walked towards one of the trapped civilians.

Ocella’s eyes wavered for a moment as he said it could have all been avoided if she had only joined Auro. Would it truly have been such a horrible thing to join the man, if only to spare the lives of the innocent? Would Auro have her kill, do his bidding as he did Kyori?

Would having met the man make a difference if she chose to join him? What would it do to her friendship with Kyori? And of Joshua? Etrama snapped his fingers and the shadows began to come to life, the vines wrapping around people and trapping them in their place. Ocella cringed.

‘I can’t do this alone Kyori… I may be able to face him, but I cannot keep others safe while I face him. Please, help me keep them safe,’ Ocella begged, sending him a mental picture of their location. Etrama walked to one of the trapped civilians and Ocella vanished at once, appearing between him and the trapped man.

Suddenly, a bright light filled the area. It lit up the night sky and rid the area of shadows, and those trapped were freed. Ocella vanished, but the light remained. She appeared over Etrama and lunged at him, hoping to make him realize that it was she whom he would be fighting.

The bright light that engulfed the area made the shadows disappear, but not all of them. Where there is light a shadow will always exist. So his minions were not out of the running, but the humans were now free to try and escape. He was not going to allow this. Though he didn’t have time to issue an order or make more of his servants. He saw a shadow covering the light, and coming straight for him. He had plenty of time to dodge the angels attack.

As he rolled to the side he quickly got back up on his feet, and pulled his two daggers. “Your light won’t last for long, and then the shadows will return. Do you think that my minions will stay here? They will follow the humans, and bring them back here to kill before your very eyes.” He said as his minions heard his command loud and clear. They jumped from shadow to shadow to follow the humans they will each bring back one to their master.

“Now let’s continue where we left off.” He said as he charged towards Ocella. He was not going to give her a chance to stop what was going to happen.

As the minions closed in on the humans that were fleeing, a great wind kicked up causing the minions to stop in their tracks. They looked up and saw a swirling vortex of wind whipping towards them and engulfing them within seconds. The minions were utterly decimated from the sheer wind pressure. Kyori took care to take each human that had been freed to safety before returning to the battlefield. He saw Ocella and Etrama fighting and knew that he had to help.

“Fulgur, in ira tua, libera!” *Lightning, free your rage*

Lightning streaked across the dark clouds that had rolled in while the two fought. As Etrama neared Ocella, strong bolts of lightning surged from the heavens and struck just in front of her keeping her out of his reach.

Ocella knew that what Etrama spoke was true. Her light could only last so long, and the moment it faded the shadows would be upon their souls once more. She knew that they only way to keep them safe was to kill Etrama and her eyes narrowed at the necromancer. He pulled his twin daggers again and Ocella stood her ground as he neared her.

Suddenly, lightning crashed just in front of her and she jumped back. She looked around and saw that Kyori was responsible for the lightning, and that he had gotten the humans to safety. She nodded to him and offered him a smile before vines began to rush from the ground and ensnare her. They wrapped around her entirely, forming into a hard protective armor.

She sent a vine surging forth towards Etrama, using it as a distraction. In a single, fluid motion the razor sharp branches of the willow trees were encircling Etrama in an attempt to ensnare him and slice him open. She had exhausted all other options, but now… he was a threat that she had to defeat in order to save the lives of others. Razor sharp blades of grass appeared beneath Etrama and his surrounding area, and slowly nature began to takeover the area near him. She was slowly transforming the street into her element, and when she blew a breath from her lips… flower petals appeared and raced towards the male. They were sharp as claws, much as they had been the day she trained with Kyori. She was certain that at least one attempt would strike its target, but she didn’t want to grow over-confident.

Everything was going according to how he wanted it to play out. Ocella was now having to think on the matters that he had revealed to her. Granted every word was true. He was the only survivor of that attack, and his people didn’t even fight back. They were fools to think that words would win over power. However, before he could reach her a bolt of lightning struck. Though the lightning didn’t strike him he was still sent backwards a couple of feet from the force.

He looked around to see who else had joined the fight, and saw the young man standing right at the building lien. Because of the light that was still illuminating the area he could see the new comer, and knew that he must be a mystic as well. The young man was quite good looking, and seemed to be able to control the weather. Now this was going to be a bit of a problem. One mystic was an easy task, but if there are two attacking him it might prove to be a bit more of a challenge.

Though he did welcome the chance to see how he would fare against two of them. Without revealing his true power. This was going to be fun. “Well looks like you have a little help.” Was all he said as suddenly nature started to take over the city, and get ready to attack him. With the light still present it was going to be difficult to dodge all of the attacks that were thrown at him.

Slamming his daggers into the ground he summoned several spirits just as the attacks hit. The corpses that appeared at the last moment acted as a shield to protect him. However, some of the attacks were able to penetrate the barrier of bodies. Though the injuries Etrama received were superficial at best. As the bodies disappeared and the dust settled he stood there with little damage done to his body.

“In the end you are still not strong enough to give me much of a challenge, and here I thought you would be stronger after our last little encounter. By the way who is your little friend? He seems to be stronger than you are.” Etrama said as he glanced over at the young man. “Are you here to help, or are you just here to watch?” He was going to allow them the next move.

Kyori jumped to the nearest building across from the two never taking his eyes off of Ocella and Etrama. Thankfully the necromancer didn’t know of his relationship with Auro, in fact no one knew except Ocella who he told after the initial act that solidified their relationship. Still, Kyori had a job to do, and that was to protect. Ocella was doing a great job, even though he didn’t know if she was holding back or giving it her all. Meanwhile Etrama seemed to be enjoying the fact that another combatant had taken the field.

“Be careful Etrama,” Kyori began, “I’m here to watch Ocella pummel you into the ground, but a little assistance never hurt anyone, right?”

Ocella glared at Etrama as he questioned her strength. Little did he know that she had been training her angelic nature as well. “His name is Kyori,” she answered as she noticed Kyori jumping to the nearest rooftop. She smiled as her friend spoke and seemed to levitate into the air.

“If you truly wish for a fight Etrama, a fight is what you shall receive!” she said, smirking as she came to a stop. Suddenly, light surged forth through the area until it was almost blinding. There were no pulsations, no weaknesses to be found in the light. It was brighter than the sunlight and Ocella could see clearly through it, for it was her own light, though none others could. She used it to close the distance between herself and Etrama.

Just as she neared the man she stopped, her right arm surging forth as if landing a hard punch in the air. There was a loud crackling sound that sounded as if an explosion had shattered the glass windows of a skyscraper, but if one looked closely they could see that the light itself had shattered. The light itself had transformed into medium, dagger-like shards that scattered on top of, around, and underneath Etrama.

Ocella began to swirl around and the shards began to spin around her like a vortex, similar to those that Kyori created with wind. Thousands of shards encased her and she flew directly at Etrama, a vortex of shards providing a deadly barrier between her and the necromancer. If she could land one good punch she could make him regret ever having chosen her.

Shaking his head as the young man said that he was going to watch as Ocella was going to defeat him. He would almost laugh at this statement, but it was to pitiful to even do that. “Well then you are just here to make sure that I don’t kill her. Is that it?” Etrama said as he then heard her voice speaking to him. She told him the man’s name. He would have to remember Kyori.

“Well now that that is out of the way. Come and get me!” Etrama taunted as he waited for her next move. He placed his daggers back into their sheaths and closed one of his hands making a fist. Then it happened a blinding light appeared and Etrama had to close his eyes in order to shield them from the light. This angel was as persistent as any he has fought with without resorting to using underhanded tricks.

However, she was not strong enough to beat him. Not yet anyway. She needed to learn to fight smarter, and not use up a lot of her power at the beginning of the fight. He allowed her to think she had the upper hand. But before anything could happen the light shattered and rained down on him from several angles. The shards then surrounded the young angel. As she tried to attack him head on. Now was the time to take action. The light was gone, and shadows returned to what was left of the city.

Opening his fist, a small black wisp was in the palm of his hand. He then brought his hand to his chest absorbing the soul that was there. Becoming one with the soul. He disappeared into the shadows that were underneath him. “Well I have to say you are getting better.” Etrama said his voice coming from every shadow. “So what will your next move be?”

Ocella frowned as the man once again disappeared into the shadows, deciding to play hide and seek with her. “Playing hide and seek are we?” Ocella asked as she drifted to her willow tree. Slowly, she began to disappear as the tree seemed to engulf her. Now, her energy was spread everywhere that nature had overtaken the city. The entire square was filled with her energy and her body was nowhere to be found. The willow tree seemed like an adequate place to seek her, but in truth she was concealed in the light itself. She had learned from his shadow corpses beforehand.

Three figures appeared from the willow tree, two pixies and a wooden Imp. They knew their instructions and for the moment they simply stood in front of the tree as though protecting it. Ocella watched from a distance, wondering who would outlast this hide and seek game.

Watching and waiting was all Etrama did as the events took place. She was getting stronger, and better at reading her surroundings. That was good. She was not making the hunt any easier for him. Knowing he had a time limit with how long he can hide in the shadows, he needed to end this within the next half an hour. Though he was not completely out of options even if it does go longer than he could hold this power. Everything had a limit. He wondered what hers was. Granted shadows are stronger at night than the light, and she has the disadvantage over him.

Closing his eyes, he thought about what his next move would be. Would it be a good idea to go after the Mystic that was here to watcher supposedly trounce him? Or should he launch an assault on the tree to try and get her to come out. By the way the three creatures protected the tree she must be there. He could run a test to see if he was right or wrong. He decided to attack both fronts. The girl, and the young man. If he could just get a hold of one, then this would be over.

He began muttering under his breath. “Venite ad me plane spiritus aeterni. Audite vocem domini sui vestri. Corpora terram ut interficiam te hostis redderetur. Surgens iussu domini tui.” (Oh come to me spirits of the eternal plane. Heed your master's call. Your bodies to be restored to you by the earth to destroy my enemy. Rise up and do your master's bidding.)

As soon as this incantation was done twenty corpses appeared out in the courtyard. Though these souls were different. They were stronger than the souls he has summoned before, and their bodies were more durable. They could take a decent amount of damage and still function.

They had their sights set on the tree and attacked it with weapons of all kinds. Some were faster than others, and some were stronger than others. Now Etrama set his sights on the young man. His minions will keep the girl busy. It will be a lot harder to destroy these corpses. Still hiding in the shadows he approached the young man. He wanted to test his skill first so he kept his presence hidden for just the time being. While he contemplated how he was going to approach the young man.

Kyori watched with proud eyes as Ocella demonstrated her control over her Angelic heritage. Utilizing Holy Energy to create shards to protect her, but Etrama was sneaky and he was experienced in fighting. He was a Dark Magistrate after all. Together they were stronger than separate, but they could still hold their own against one of Auro’s generals. There was no exchange of blows, but Etrama demonstrated his control over necromancy and slipped into the shadow realm. Ocella spread her energy out over all of the plant life that had crept onto the battlefield. This was going to a be a mess to clean up after this fight if they survived.

It became clear to him that by being here he would have to fight if Etrama targeted him. There was a pull at his senses when Etrama used necromancy to call upon the spirits. Kyori looked on as the corpses rose from the ground. He had seen this before. Quite instantly the corpses charged at the tree where the Imp and the two Pixies guarded. That would be quite the battle to witness, but he knew Ocella wouldn’t hide in the obvious spot. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he realized that if the corpses weren’t targeting him, then there could be a valid reason as to why.

“Keep your guard up Kyori,” he told himself as he popped his knuckles in preparation of whatever was to come. The dark clouds swirled above them, thunder roaring in defiance, lightning streaking through the dark pillows illuminating the area for a moment.

Ocella watched from above as Etrama summoned corpses to attack her tree. The pixies and the Imp tried to fight the corpses, using swords of vine to cut and slash their opponents. They were truly defending the tree as though she were in it, but in reality Ocella was hiding in plain sight from the tallest skyscraper nearby. Holy energy illuminated the area of the battlefield, but Kyori’s clouds made it difficult for her to maintain. She was tapping into her angelic heritage and using the gift of holy energy to ward off the shadows of darkness.

Ocella smirked when an idea came to mind and she focused, raising her arms forth. A second willow tree appeared in the battlefield, mere feet away from the first tree. At first the corpses didn’t know what to do, but then thick roots began to rise from the ground. The streets were torn to shreds as the long roots crushed corpses, though much to her surprise they were able to sustain themselves.

Ocella sighed and vanished for a moment, her energy disappearing entirely as if she had left the battlefield. Only seconds after it disappeared did she return, standing on a branch of the second willow tree. “Etrama!” she shouted, watching as the corpses turned their attention to her. Her pixies and Imp had managed to kill five of them with the swords, but the rest came her way at once.

The willow tree acted in defense of her and the roots ensnared the corpses, though instead of crushing them they began to constrict around the beings as a boa constrictor would its prey. They ensnared full bodies, constricting until heads went flying- literally across the street, causing bodies to turn to dust.

Ocella continued to stand in place, reaching to the trunk of the tree and resting her palm against it for a moment. She thanked the tree for its service and requested something from it, which the tree gladly gave to its mistress. A sword made of wood and sharp vine appeared, it was average size and had no metal, but the sharp edges of the vines could cut through almost anything. She held the sword out and closed her eyes, content to let nature be her vision once more.

Etrama was not paying too much attention to how the corpses were faring. He knew that they probably didn’t stand a chance. Besides they were for diversion only. Just to keep the angel busy for a bit, and maybe force her to reveal herself. Which happened faster than he anticipated. Though he was thinking of how he was going to use this young man against her. That is if he could.

He could try and take his soul out of his body, but that has risks. First he has to be able to keep his hand on the body till he is able to get a firm grasp on the soul. This would take too much time and he would be completely vulnerable to attack. He could ensnare him in vines of shadow. So many things and not enough time to do many of them. He decided that he would take him prisoner. A smile formed on his face, as he took action.

The shadows around Kyori shifted, and quickly shout out around the child in an attempt to ensnare him. Then He heard his name being called by Ocella as the last of his fighters succumb to her power. Nature was not something that should be trifled with. “What is it you want child?” Etrama’s voice said through every shadow in the area. He was not going to reveal where he was hiding. At least not until he has captured either her, or the other young warrior.

Ocella was surprised that Etrama still had not revealed himself yet. He seemed content to hide in the shadows and she knew that the longer he rested, the stronger he grew. This worried her. Suddenly, the willow trees began to disappear and fall back to the ground. The nature dispersed itself back to the ground little by little and Ocella stood on the bare street. There were no further signs of nature left standing, save for the destruction caused by the tree roots.

“Come at me you coward!” she shouted, fury in her voice as she waited patiently for him to come, unaware as to what he was doing to attack Kyori.

By now helicopters had arrived on the scene, one specifically was a news chopper, the others belonged to the CWDU. They dropped onto the scene and were making their way towards the fighting. Their guns held close to them and their commander pointing in directions so that they would move more efficiently.

Kyori sensed their presence and looked up at the news chopper.

“They’re going to get themselves killed flying in this weather,” he said shaking his head. He wasn’t paying attention to the shadows that were slowly creeping up on him. When they shot out like tendrils, his attention quickly snapped back to what was going on on the battlefield. By then it was too late. The vines of shadow wrapped around his legs and around his arms ensnaring him. He did not panic, but began to think of a solution to get him out of this trap.

“Hmm, Cella, make this quick, please!” he exclaimed with an annoyed sigh.

Ocella saw the choppers arriving. One belonged to the CWDU and they had their guns out. She disappeared from the area, not wanting to be mistaken for an enemy. The other was a news chopper and they were focused on her. She heard Kyori calling for her and her eyes darted to him immediately. She appeared next to him without a moment’s hesitation, taking in his situation.

She pushed holy energy into her sword, causing it to glow brightly. She slashed down to the shadow vines, though much to her surprise it didn’t work. “No,”she said softly, glaring at the vines as she kept slashing at them. Her entire being began to glow as she screamed in fury. “You leave him out of this!” she shouted at Etrama. Orbs of holy energy began to pulsate in her hands and she looked at Kyori apologetically.

Ocella lunged behind Kyori, pressing her hands firmly against the shadows that were ensnaring him. She released her energy and a bright light filled the area. It was filled with warmth and love, as well as the light of the holy spirit. “Spirit of light, release the bonds that darkness has formed. Hear my prayer and cast out these binding shadows!” she shouted, hoping with all her heart that she could overpower the snares.

Suddenly the sounds of helicopters approaching filled the air as the vines wrapped around Kyori and tightened. Restricting his movements. Then a moment later he heard Ocella calling him a coward, and he looked over at her. All of the vegetation was gone, and she stood in the middle of the plaza. He was about to go and face her, but then everything went to hell and a hand basket. It seemed that some of the helicopters belonged to the CWDU, and they were ready for a fight. It would be a simple matter to just get rid of them, but in the end Auro had his own way of getting things done.

However, they were concentrating on the destruction of the plaza, and not on the roofs. That is when Ocella appeared on the roof, and was trying to break the shadows that held her fellow Mystic. That was a waste of time. Even with her power over the light. Darkness and shadow ruled the night, and it would be harder to destroy the vines that were made in the cover of night.

“That is not going to work Ocella. Didn’t your master tell you that at night shadows rule? Especially ones made by a master of the art.” Etrama said as he chuckled at her. Moving out of the shadows about ten feet away from the two he smiled at them both. “If you want him freed you are going to have to agree to a little condition of mine.” He said taking one step towards the two.

It would take every ounce of power she had to break those shadows. He figured she might agree to his terms if she was desperate enough. If she decided to go against him he would make sure to tighten the young man’s bindings till she agreed. Though he really doesn’t have a lot of time.

Ocella was heartbroken as her efforts failed. She didn’t know what to do and she remained in place, even as Etrama began to speak. He was laughing at her and she looked up to Kyori, worry stricken on her features. Etrama appeared from the shadows at last and she was glaring heavily at the man. He spoke of her agreeing to a condition of his if she wanted Kyori freed and looked up at her friend. She drew in a deep breath, stood to her feet and turned to the man. “What is your condition?” she asked, pain in her heart at the thought of what was to come.

Watching as Ocella seamed distort about the situation was a sight indeed. It has been too long since he has seen someone care so much about another that they would be willing to do almost anything to protect them. Sentiments of this nature are almost sickening to him. Especially when they are coming from an angel. When she stood up to face him he was expecting her to try and fight back, but she didn’t she just wanted to know the conditions.

He knew what he really wanted was for her to allow him to take her life without fighting back, but that was out of the question for now. He wanted to make her suffer more before she died. So he had another idea. Blood is power, and a necromancer knew how to use the blood of the living to do so many things. He doubted she would know better than to allow him to take her blood of her free will.

“Well my condition is a simple one. I want your and Kyori’s blood. To be given without a fight. Once that is done I will leave without any further life lost.”

Ocella was terrified when the man spoke his condition. He could do so many things with her blood that the thought itself made her sick. She looked back to Kyori and knew that her options were limited, and she had to protect him at all cost. She knew that the moment Etrama took his leave with her blood, she would only have a matter of hours or days to live and that life would be one of pain and suffering.

But she had to do it, for she was bound by her very blood to protect him. “I cannot give you Kyori’s blood, for it is not mine to give. But… free him first, and you may have a sample of mine,” Ocella said, lowering her shoulders in defeat.

Kyori rolled his eyes when Etrama made himself visible. Ocella had done all she could to free him and at this point Kyori didn’t know what else she could do. She had imbued her weapon with holy energy and it still didn’t slice through the shadow vines that kept him from moving.

“I’ll be damned if Ocella gives you a single drop of her blood. You’ll have to kill me first,” Kyori spat as his brow furrowed in disgust at the man in front of him. “I hope you rot you miserable excuse for a necromancer. No wonder your people were wiped out, you pathetic jackass.”

In that moment three arrows screamed through the darkness, two of them struck the constraints that held Kyori in place and the other shot directly at Etrama. The arrow would explode within a few inches of him. The explosion was meant to allow Kyori and Ocella enough time to escape.

This was getting more and more interesting. Ocella was giving into his demands, but the look on the young man’s face told him a different story. Then it happened the young man snapped and started to not only disrespect him, but his whole race. It seemed he knew more about how to use blood than he might have first anticipated. Though there was no sense getting angry at him. The words that were spoken were that of a child that was caught and unable to do anything more. Besides he really didn’t care about his opinion of him.

“Well my race used to be peaceful…” Etrama was saying when suddenly two arrows of darkness struck the child’s bindings, and then suddenly he was thrown forward by an explosion. He was slightly disoriented by the sudden attack. This would be the perfect time for the two to escape.

Ocella glared at Kyori when he spoke. “I won’t let you die!” she said, her voice strong as she prepared to do what was necessary to save her friend. Her attention shot back at Etrama when he began speaking. Then it all happened so fast, arrows began flying from nowhere and Ocella went on the defensive… until she realized that whoever was responsible for the arrows was helping them, for the time being.

Two arrows broke through the vines holding Kyori captive and she gasped in shock, but wasted no time as the third arrow exploded in front of Etrama. She disappeared to Kyori’s side and grabbed his hand firmly, speaking the spell that Master Kurama had taught her to use and together they disappeared while they could.

They landed within the confines of the monastery and Ocella hugged Kyori tightly. “You stubborn, stubborn person,” she scolded, holding him close. “Thank you,” she added, sighing as she released him and looked around them. She felt different, as if the encounter had changed her… but she had yet to determine how.

A hooded figure approached Etrama, its face covered in the veil of darkness. It held a odd bow and a quiver of arrows attached to its back. Though you could not see its eyes, it glared down at Etrama.

“Necromancer, tempus breve est,”(Necromancer, your time is running out.) it said, it’s voice sounding as if multiple beings were speaking at once. Echoing through the night’s silence. The CWDU were scouring the buildings for suspects of the destruction to the city, and yet they had found no one. This led them to the rooftops as their weapons aimed at the two. The hooded figure turned around in annoyance. In milliseconds it had nocked an arrow and set it free. The arrow struck the sniper in the shoulder sending him flying back hitting another CWDU agent. “Et erit ultra, frater.”(We shall meet again, brother.)

Kyori returned the embrace and for a while didn’t want to let her go but when their embrace ended he smiled. “You’re welcome Ocella, though I am concerned as to how we got away.”

Ocella nodded to Kyori, knowing that his concerns were true. “Me too, but only time will tell,” Ocella said, furrowing her brow with worry. “The being responsible either had to be someone containing great light… or great darkness to break those bonds,” she said, sighing heavily. “I’m going to find Master Dorian. If I am to stand a chance against Etrama, I need to tap into my angelic heritage,” she said, giving Kyori one last embrace before departing.

As soon as Etrama was able to regain his senses he quickly looked up and the children were gone. He was not happy about the turn of events. Someone helped them escape, and that was unacceptable. Who in their right mind would want to pick a fight with him. That was what was going through his mind as he turned to see who the fool was.


It has been several months since Etrama messed with Ocella’s head, and told her of her ancestors dark past. Though it didn’t affect her in the way that he had hoped. Well that was to be expected. The girl had plenty of people around her to make anything he does null in void. He would have to do more, but for now he needed to get ready for the meeting that Auro was about to hold. He knew that it was not going to be a pleasant endeavor. The man seemed not himself as of late. He was more irritable than normal. Etrama wondered if Auro had somehow found out about the hooded figure that he encountered that night so many months ago…

Ocella and Kyori were gone and the being that was responsible was making it’s way towards him. Etrama turned to face this unidentified stranger. As soon as he turned the hooded figure that was carrying a bow approached him in an unaggressive way. It was almost like he was unconcerned with what he just did. Then he spoke, and this floored Etrama. The man spoke in the old tongue, and the energy that Etrama was feeling was just as ancient. This man must have been as old as he was, or he came across an ancient power.

When he said what he did Etrama then realized that the CWDU had surrounded the building, and were making their way up. It seemed that this person had saved him from being attacked by the CWDU. However, this didn’t excuse the fact that he still interfered in his business.

“Quid liberum et Mystica? Ego feci in CWDU. Non impedire.” (Why free the Mystics? I could have dealt with the CWDU. You shouldn’t have interfered.) Etrama said as his eyes turned black, and the shadows around them created a barrier. “Quis es?” (Who are you?). He wanted to know why this man called him his brother. There was more to him than meets the eye, and if he didn’t like his responses. Then their would probably be a fight on his hand.

The figure’s hood remained in place as the shadows created a barrier around them. Etrama asked a question and the figure’s response was a simple one.

“Someone out of your league. We will meet again,” the figure’s Latin accent was heavy, but Etrama would understand. “All will be revealed in time brother, in time.”

Another arrow shot through the barrier and transformed into a portal that the figure stepped through, vanishing within seconds just as the CWDU arrived on top of the building Etrama was on.

Calming himself down after the annoyance of this man’s interference he looked at the man. He showed no emotion on his face much like he did, but there was something memorizing about his eyes. He seemed almost lonely in a way. Though that was just how he felt. Then the advance of the strange man of telling him that he was out of his league. This made him resent this man even more.

However, Etrama wonders how in the world this man was able to not only sneak up on him, but he knew that he was a necromancer. Not to mention that he was able to easily break through his shadows. When the man decided to leave he not only broke through his barrier easily, but he mentioned that the would meet again. Right before the man entered the portal that he summoned Etrama spoke to him. “Yes we will meet again.”

Just as the mysterious man left the CWDU had made it to the roof. Not in the mood to mess with these people he used the shadows to ensnare them so that they could not move. “You are lucky this night.” Was all he said as he walked towards them, but he was sinking into the shadows like he was walking down stairs. As soon as he disappeared the shadows released the members of the CWDU...

Shaking his head Etrama had reached the doors. ‘There is no way he knows of him, so why is he in such a bad mood’ He thought to himself as he opened the doors. Entering the dismal room, and taking his seat. Soon the yelling would take place, and nothing any of them could say would calm the wrath that was about to come down upon them.

As soon as everyone arrived the yelling commenced. Etrama was not about to try and explain why they were unable to claim the Eastern Lands. Even he himself had no real excuse for why this hasn't happened yet. Though recently has been wondering when that Strange man was going to make himself known. “If that is your Wish I will make for the Eastern Lands, and I assure you I will have it under your control in three days.”

As soon as Auro left the room Etrama looked to his fellow Magistrates. “I will take this on. Don’t interfere.” Was all he said as he got up out of his chair, and made his way to the door. He was not going to take this island by diplomacy. He was going to take it by force.

01-18-2017, 11:18 PM
Flashback, before the battle with Etrama...

“Stop it,” Kyori said laughing as Auro held him in his arms tickling him.

“You know you like it,” Auro replied.

“Yea but Ocella should be here soon, I don’t want her to meet you in THAT position,” Kyori said relaxing in his arms.

“Why not? You like that position,” Auro teased as he kissed Kyori’s neck sending shivers down Kyori’s spine.

“Just stop and kiss me,” Kyori replied their lips locking in an intimate dance. The kissing got more intense as time went by and before either realized it they had stripped one another of their shirts. Auro was settled on top of Kyori kissing him with passion he didn’t think the dark master could possess. It was strange to be with him, knowing that he represented what he fought, but he was honestly happy. The kiss was broken and Auro looked into Kyori’s eyes. Kyori’s pulled him back into the kiss wrapping his legs around Auro and locking him in.

The days had been long and grueling for Ocella. Master Dorian had put her through a strict training session the following day, one that had left her sore and bruised. She was due to meet Auro later that evening and the thought made her nervous. She could see Kyori growing happier in his relationship, and she trusted the male with her life. She had agreed to meet Auro out of love and respect for Kyori.

The day had been filled with making repairs to destroyed structures. It was astonishing, the amount of damage that had been done. It made her even more nervous.

The time was growing near and Ocella stood in her makeshift room that had been set aside for her. She was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a simple blouse, with flat shoes. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she took in a deep breath. She was about to meet the man responsible for so much destruction, the one they fought against.

Ocella inhaled deeply and spoke the spell Master Kurama had taught her. Within moments, she appeared in what appeared to be an extensive living area. This was the image Kyori had shown her, the one she had been told to use when it came time to meet him. “Kyori,” she spoke, her voice strong and confident as she looked for her friend. She knew that he had to be nearby, and while she was a bundle of nerves on the inside she refused to show as such. She didn’t want to be seen as weak, as vulnerable. She wanted to show her strengths, that she was there by invitation only.

They were so enrobed in pure pleasure that when Ocella arrived, neither of them took note of her arrival. They were too busy showing each other just how much they cared, and Kyori was too busy showing Auro how much he loved the touch, and smell of him. The pure ecstasy that moved through Kyori caused audible pleasantries to escape his lips when they weren’t pressed against Auro’s own.

Ocella sighed and looked around as she waited for Kyori. This was Auro’s residence and everything spoke much of the man. She saw a door at the end of the living space and wondered if perhaps it was a bathroom. “Kyori, I’m making a pit stop,” she said, loud enough for him to hear should he have been near. She reached the door within a matter of strides and opened it softly, not wanting to startle anyone that may have been nearby with a loud noise.

She stood in the doorway and blinked, it most certainly hadn’t been a bathroom door. The images burned into her mind and she stood there, her mouth agape as she struggled to do anything. “Oh.. my…” was all she could say. Finally, she came to her senses and slammed the door shut, running to the living space again as the panic set it. She had just walked in on her best friend having sex and she couldn’t get the images out of her mind. Her face was flushed with embarrassment and she paced around the room.

What was she to do?! What would Kyori do? Auro? She was so embarrassed that her cheeks were still turning a brighter red by the minute. She felt dizzy from the thoughts spinning in her head, and she saw a couch not far off. She made for the couch and barely made it before she collapsed on it, her hands shaking.

Even as Ocella spoke, they didn’t hear her and Auro was too busy nibbling at Kyori’s ear to realize that the door was being pushed open. It was then that Kyori heard Ocella’s voice. She was standing in the doorway and the sheer panic in her eyes caused him to giggle as the door was slammed. He looked up at Auro who looked down at him and the two laughed. It was odd to hear Auro laugh so genuinely.

“Well there goes my first impression,” Auro said as he kissed Kyori before standing to his feet to let Kyori get dressed. Kyori moved quickly pulling on underwear then pants then shirt. In a matter of three minutes he was moving out the door with Auro tailing behind. Auro shut the door behind them, not realizing that he was still nude, but Kyori wasn’t paying attention to him and noticed Ocella in the living room area of Auro’s large lair. He made his way over to her and knelt down in front of her.

“Cella, Cella are you okay?” he asked reaching out to touch her hand. She looked absolutely mortified by what she saw and he held in the laughter that was building. Auro strode in moments later still nude and looked at Ocella.

“She looks pale, does she want some water?”

Before Ocella could make up her mind as to what to do, Kyori strode in. This time he was wearing clothes and she was forever grateful. She was still in shock when Kyori asked if she was okay. She was about to answer when she noticed Auro walking out, her eyes widening at the sight before she covered them with haste. “My God! What are you two trying to do to me?!” she shouted, her face growing paler as she turned from the two and curled into a feeble position.

Ocella’s eyes went to the back of her head as her head fell limp and she fainted on the couch in the feeble position.

Everything was going fine that is until Ocella caught sight of Auro who was standing to the side naked as a jaybird. Kyori hadn’t noticed it until Ocella screeched at them both. Kyori turned and saw Auro’s beautiful naked form and he could only laugh at the sight.

“Auro, clothes please,” he said as he watched the man shake his head and walked out of the room. Kyori could only imagine what Ocella may be thinking of them. She had managed to faint from the sight of them both naked and then Auro’s continuous nakedness had been the icing on the cake. Poor girl. Kyori touched her head with his hand and kissed her forehead before heading off to find a vial of solution he had witnessed Auro use on someone to wake them up from such a state. Within minutes he had returned to find Auro with pants on and no shirt.

“Well I guess that will do,” he said shaking his head as he knelt down and placed the vial underneath Ocella’s nose to help her come to.

Ocella hadn’t been out long when a peculiar aroma filled her nostrils, stirring her back to life. Her eyes opened quickly and she scrambled to her feet, nearly falling over. She looked around, her eyes landing on Kyori once more. “You knew I was coming!” she said, a glare on her face.

“And you! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?!” she asked, pointing at Auro with a glare on her face. She was of course referencing him walking out in the nude, and now he was wearing pants but no shirt. Ocella glared at Kyori and shook her head.

“Life is never dull in our friendship,” she said, shaking her head as she tried to calm herself down. “I will never be able to look at you the same Kyori. I still love you like a brother, but that is a difficult thing to forget,” Ocella was blushing as red as a lobster. She was highly embarrassed by what had happened and it showed.

Kyori expected as much from her. She acted like his big sister and while he knew she was coming, he hadn’t expected her to come so early. Auro chuckled at the entire situation with his arms crossed across his chest taking in the scene.

“I’m sorry Cella,” he said before Auro began to speak.

“It’s my fault, as you can see he is quite irresistible,” Auro said with a mischievous smile on his face. Kyori shot him a glare and returned his gaze to Ocella.

“So much for a casual meet and greet huh?” Kyori questioned as he shook his head.

“If it makes you feel any better we were done by the time you came in,” Auro joked. Kyori covered his mouth with his hand to keep from laughing, but it was a very comical setting. Auro approached Ocella and when he was within range he held out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ocella,” he said waiting for the girl to shake his hand.

Ocella just shook her head at the two. She glared at Auro when he said that they were done when she had arrived. “Not much,” she said, turning her glare to Kyori who appeared to be having difficulty controlling laughter. Ocella sighed and stood as Auro approached, extending his hand to her.

“And I am pleased to finally meet you,” Ocella offered him a smile and shook his hand. Her grasp was strong and firm, as a proper handshake should be. “Kyori speaks highly of you,” she said, her smile growing that much more.

“Does he?” Auro questioned with a sly look towards Kyori. Kyori was standing to the side watching the interaction. He honestly didn’t know what to expect. He didn’t know if Ocella would question Auro, or if Auro would stick to his dark roots and dismiss Ocella, but from what he was seeing Auro was actually very pleasant and he guessed it was because of him. He remembered Auro telling him once before that because of him he was happy for the first time in a extremely long time. Perhaps this was why he had agreed to see Ocella in the first place.

“He gives me more credit than I deserve,” Auro added as Kyori walked over to him. He felt Auro’s strong arm wrap around him and pull him close before kissing his forehead.

Ocella smiled as she watched Auro. This was not the man she was expecting to meet. She was not expecting the laughter, the joking and the pleasantries. She didn’t know what to expect but she knew that this wasn’t it. Her smile fell ever so slightly when Auro said that Kyori gave him too much credit.

“Does he?” she asked simply, looking at Auro curiously.

“I take it you’re not too happy with the way things are working out huh? I honestly can’t blame you though,” Auro said as he motioned towards the couch. He took a seat in a rather large chair with lion heads etched in the arm rest. He watched as Kyori took a seat on the couch.

“I honestly don’t know why he loves me the way he does. I’m not the perfect boyfriend, nor am I the ideal candidate for someone like him,” Auro said allowing the tips of his fingers to touch in creating a sort of odd triangle in front of him. “I know who I am, and I know what he represents. I’m not trying to corrupt your friend Ocella.”

Ocella listened closely to Auro as he spoke. “Kyori is much like a brother to me. I hope you understand my concern,” she said, not looking to Kyori but instead observing Auro. “You seem to care for him, but tell me. If what you say is true, then what is next for you and Kyori? I am the only one who knows of this bond between the two of you. I will not judge it, nor will I lecture you. My concern is for your relationship and what will become of it,” Ocella said, smiling softly at Kyori.

“I understand your concern,” Auro replied, “and I wish I had an answer that would calm your worry. Trust me when I say that I would protect him even from those that serve me.”

Kyori looked away for a moment trying not to get emotional during this talk that Ocella and Auro were having. He sighed softly not wanting them to take note of his state of mind, but rather he remained quiet and twiddled his thumbs silently.

“I know you’re wondering how I could care for him when your group is fighting against my group, but who knows what the future may hold. He makes me happy, and I haven’t been happy in a very very long time. I just want to return that feeling to him the best way I can.”

Ocella smiled at the man before her, for she believed his words to be true. “I believe you,” Ocella said, smiling at Kyori now before returning to look at Auro again. “I am glad that you have found happiness. Believe me when I say that you do make Kyori happy too,” Ocella said, a large smile on her face.

She stood and twirled a moment, the smile never fading. “Now that that is out of the way… what next?” she asked, grinning at her friend and Auro. “Any suggestions Ky?” she asked her friend, still twirling, so happy that she was nearly glowing with joy.

He was so relieved that they were getting along, but the reality did set in that they were enemies at the end of the day. When it all boiled down to it they were in this room together because of him and they were smiling and having fun because of him. If they were on the battlefield it would be a completely different story, yet here they were together having fun and enjoying themselves. Kyori smiled softly as he watched Ocella twirl around and he couldn’t help but become giddy with excitement.

“I’ve no clue,” he said softly as she looked at him for suggestions.

Auro looked between the two and smiled, that is until his servant came waltzing in with an important message.

“Sir, there is urgent news regarding the Southern Isles,” the man said whispering into Auro’s ear. He closed his eyes and nodded before dismissing the servant. His attention returned to Kyori who was looking at him with a worried expression.

“It can wait,” Auro said, “I’m just now getting to know Ocella, it would be rude of me to up and leave now. Besides I’m eager to know what it is you two want to do.”

Kyori sighed. He knew what he wanted to do but it was inappropriate and would probably cause Ocella to faint again. Nonetheless, he shrugged his shoulder.

“Let’s just have fun.”

Ocella jumped slightly as one of his servants came in, half expecting the servant to react badly to their presence. She wondered what was happening that required his presence. Then, Kyori said to just have fun. There were lots of ways to have fun and Auro seemed content to go along with whatever they came up with.

“Race you,” was all she said before she transformed into her angelic form and spread her wings. “No cheating. To the waterfall,” she said, sensing a waterfall in the nearby forest. She smirked and flew out the nearest open window, dashing towards the falls.

“A race,” Auro said with a smirk on his face, “is she always this adventurous?” he asked after Ocella raced out of the nearby open window towards the forest below the cliff hanging mansion. Kyori shrugged his shoulders as he approached Auro and kissed him gently.

“For as long as I’ve known her,” he replied transforming into his Adept form and winking at Auro. In his adept form he looked like a deity, a storm deity with taps into the spirit world. Without a word he was out of the window that Ocella went out bursting through the sky. Ocella was fast and he knew this, but he was just as fast without his wings. He came up on her and bumped into her.

“You’re gonna lose,” he said mockingly as he stayed head to head with her the entire time. Suddenly Auro appeared beside them.

“You’re both gonna lose,” he said as he pulled ahead a blur of movement as he landed on the cliff’s edge of the waterfalls.

Ocella pouted when Kyori appeared next to her. “I will not be in last,” she argued with him when she saw Auro darting out in front of them. She had figured he would win, but now it would be up to her to beat Kyori.

At the last minute, Ocella dive-bombed the cliffs, touching it with her hands and winking at Kyori before she did a backflip over the cliffs. She allowed herself to transform into her human form, diving straight into the waters below. She swam out to the center of the lake and grinned up at the two. “The water is great!” she yelled up. The waterfall was massive and powerful, but she was far away enough for it to not affect her.

She startled when she felt something slither across her arm and vanished instantly, not wanting to find out what it was. “On second thought land works too. There’s something slimy in the water,” she said, shivering a little. Now she was soaking wet but didn’t mind in the slightest.

Kyori landed seconds after Ocella did with a sly smirk on his face.

“You let her win didn’t you,” Auro said under his breath.

“It’s no fun to not have fun babe,” Kyori replied as he watched Ocella flip over the waterfall and dive straight into the water below. She wasn’t in it for long. Apparently there was a bit of algae building in the water causing it to be a little slimy. The water they stood beside was pristine and clear.

“MAYBE YOU SHOULD LOOK BEFORE YOU DIVE NEXT TIME!” Kyori yelled so that she would hear him over the roar of the falls. Auro walked up behind Kyori and held him gently by the wait. Kyori leaned against him and transformed back into his normal form.

“I love you,” Kyori said with a smile looking out at Ocella who was still down at the bottom of the waterfall.

“I love you too,” Auro replied which caught Kyori off guard for a moment, but he just relaxed in Auro’s arms feeling a soft kiss on his head before he moved to the edge of the falls.

“Well, let’s get it!” He jumped off the edge of the cliff and as he fell he began a swirling funnel of wind. His entry into the slimy water was perfect, but when he emerged the vortex was sucking up all the slime from the water before ending in a orb of slime held in place by a orb of wind. Kyori tossed the slime off in the distance and plopped back into the water as Auro came diving in next.

Kyori laughed as Auro’s entry was rocky at best.

By the time Kyori and Auro had appeared, Ocella had dove deep under the surface. Kyori had removed the slime and she smirked, seeing the two of them floating at the surface. She remained under for a short while, appearing directly underneath Kyori and grabbing his feet. She yanked, trying to pull him under and surprise him.

Kyori let out a loud yelp as he was pulled under the surface of the water. Auro’s eyebrows raised in surprise, but knew that only the three of them were in the water for now, otherwise he would have dove under to save him. Kyori looked down and saw Ocella as she let go of his ankles and shook his head, holding his breath as best he could after being surprised. He kicked away and resurfaced a few feet from Auro. He was looking for Ocella but he decided to toy with Auro while they were having fun. Using the wind, he waved his hand across the surface of the water and sent a large spray Auro’s way. The spray drenched the witch doctor who looked at Kyori with a straight face.

At first Kyori thought he was mad, but then Auro burst into laughter. He hadn’t seen Auro laugh before and it was very becoming of him.

“I must admit I’m having a lot of fun. Thank you,” Auro said as he dipped down into the water letting it take him before reemerging quite a ways away from them.

Ocella grinned when she saw the look on Kyori’s face as she pulled him under. She quickly released him and allowed him to return to the surface. She, too, was preparing to resurface when she felt something slithering around her leg. She froze instantly, looking down to see a giant Anaconda wrapping itself around her. Somehow it had managed to sneak up on her and she struggled to free herself from the creature’s grip, but the more she struggled the tighter the creature constricted around her.

She had been in the water for far too long now and knew that Kyori was just a mere few feet away, but she couldn’t signal him. The best that she could do was teleport, but the creature was so wrapped around her that by the time she landed on the shore she was gasping for breath. She was back in her element and transformed into her adept form. “Get out of the water!” she managed to shout. As she opened her eyes, they were glowing an emerald green color. The roots of the nearest tree snaked up through the surface and began working to pry the snake off her, ensnaring it in the root system.

The serpent made to bite her with its large fangs, but the branches of the tree quickly wrapped around its head and held it back. It was a battle between the tree and the snake as Ocella fought to free herself, a battle that lasted only a few moments. The branches of the tree won and pulled the snake high into the air, away from the three.

Where the snake went next was far away from them, for it had decided to flee while it could. Ocella coughed and stood, hoping that they had gotten out of the water before more snakes showed up.

Laughter filled the air around the lake under the waterfall until it became very clear that Ocella hadn’t spoken in a while. Kyori looked around and took notice that she wasn’t in sight which worried him, but she was in her element here, he didn’t think she was in danger, that is until a large thud came from the shore. Kyori and Auro looked in the direction of Ocella and the large snake. She had instructed them to get out of the water, but Auro had already grabbed Kyori and teleported them to the shore to help Ocella with the snake.

Ocella proved too much for the serpent as she sent it flying back. When it hit land, it slithered away and Kyori ran over to Ocella looking her over making sure nothing was broken.

“Are you okay? Cella you could’ve been killed,” he said worry laced in his voice.

“We need to change location. That was a baby, the mother is around somewhere,” Auro said his eyes locked on something that the others did not see.

“What do you mean?” Kyori asked turning to him. He saw that his eyes were locked on something and he followed his gaze to see a large rubbery skin. It was massive, bigger than the baby that had just attacked Ocella. Kyori touched it and his attention darted back to Ocella and Auro.

“It’s still slimy, it’s far too fresh for the thing responsible to be a great distance away.”

“It’s not far at all,” Auro replied. Kyori looked over at Auro who pointed just behind Ocella. A pair of large red eyes peered at them through the darkness.

“Let’s go NOW!” Auro yelled.

“OCELLA!” Kyori added as another snake smaller than the one behind Ocella slithered up to his left while another slithered up to his right. They were surrounded in a matter of minutes. Hissing could be heard, but the mother’s head appeared in the light.

“Ssssssssbeen a looong time sssssssssince mortalsssssss have entered my lake.”

Ocella saw Auro pointing behind her and froze. She could feel the serpent’s gaze upon her. Kyori shouted at her and she stood upright slowly, her eyes locked on Auro. She saw the snakes surrounding Kyori and made to go after him, but suddenly she heard speaking from behind her.

She turned around ever so slowly until she was facing the giant. The mother’s gaze pierced directly into her and she couldn’t move. “I’m sorry, we didn’t know,” Ocella spoke, her voice genuine. “I didn’t hurt your baby. Please allow us to leave without bloodshed,” Ocella asked the mother.

She was glowing and had transformed into her angelic form in an attempt to sway the creature. Soothing magic was being pumped out of her all around the clearing. The babies had retreated from Kyori’s side and were waiting for their mother’s instruction.

The mother’s head came closer to Ocella and she was as stiff as a board. The mother’s magic was powerful. “My babiessss mussst eat,” the mother hissed.

“That is true, but they will die if they try to eat us,” Ocella tried to reason with the mother. The mother hissed and reared its head back, and the babies made to attack Kyori. Finally Ocella managed to teleport and landed next to Kyori. She took his hand and appeared next to Auro, using her free hand to take hold of his. “Let’s GO!” she shouted as the snakes raced towards them. She was trying to save their lives, as well as those of the snakes.

Kyori watched having shifted into his Adept form, the brim of his hat shimmering in the light. The forest was dark, and yet his adept form had a eerie spiritual glow. Auro watched the two with a smirk on his face. They were trained for these types of encounters. He hadn’t fought against either of them, and he hoped he wouldn’t have to, but there was a sense of discomfort for him as he watched Ocella attempt to talk to the Matriarch. He knew the snake wouldn’t allow them to leave, and he knew that if they wanted to leave there may be bloodshed, but he didn’t want Kyori to get hurt and he didn’t want Ocella to get hurt especially under his watch.

Kyori’s eyes widened when the mother insisted that her babies must eat. Ocella had done what she could without shedding blood, they were protectors after all, but when the Mother of the Den reared back and gave the call, the other snakes charged them. They were fast, and their speed betrayed their size. Ocella had managed to scoop him up and now they stood beside Auro.

“You two go, I shall ensure that this beast is tamed,” he said transforming slowly into his Witch Doctor form. His staff fell from the sky in a thunderous roar as his clawed hand grasped it slowly.

“Now now serpent, there shall be no feast today,” Auro said as he slammed the end of the staff into the ground sending a loud ringing throughout the area. The snakes neared, and just as they were about to strike, they stopped. The ringing had placed them under a spell. It filled the air causing them to sway back and forth. The Matriarch glared daggers at Auro.

“Curssssssssse you Witch Doctor,” she hissed, “releasssssse my babiesssssssssss.”

Auro smirked, his face holding in his obvious amusement at the situation.

“Matriarch, I shall give you one chance at redemption.”

Auro spoke to the Matriarch through her mind and she only nodded to signal that she understood. As she backed away into the shadows, Auro upheld his end of the bargain and released the baby serpents, a call from the Matriarch ensnaring their attention as they slithered away.

“Well, this has been quite the adventurous day,” Auro said as he transformed back into the blonde blue eyed guy Kyori knew. His staff had vanished back to the place he kept it. “Are you two alright?”

Ocella shook her head when Auro told them to leave. “We can all leave, together,” she protested. Auro began to transform and she watched in awe. She gripped Kyori’s hand tightly, feeling a hint of fear as she briefly hoped things would work out. She didn’t want to have to fight Auro, especially not after having witnessed him transform.

His staff came from the sky and she watched him place the baby snakes under a spell. She was prepared to step in any moment to protect them, but it seemed that Auro had somehow managed to convince the mother to take her leave. The snakes retreated and Auro returned to his normal form, and her eyes narrowed at him as he asked if they were alright.

“What did you say to her?” Ocella asked, still holding Kyori’s hand tightly without realizing it.

He had a feeling his deal with the Matriarch wouldn’t go unnoticed. Kyori was simply thankful that the snakes were gone, but Ocella questioned Auro on what he had said to the Matriarch to make her leave. Auro’s eyes settled on Ocella and for a moment he said nothing, but Kyori shook his head.

“She seemed legitimately scared Auro, what’s the deal?” Kyori asked feeling the tightness of Ocella’s grip, though he didn’t address it. Auro shook his head.

“If you two must know she is a part of my collective now,” he said with an accomplished smile.

“Collective?” Kyori asked worried.

“Yes Kyori my collective. I have many creatures under my absolute control. Should I need them I simply call upon them, the Matriarch is a new addition to the family.”

Ocella’s grip on Kyori’s hand loosened greatly as she stared at the witch doctor in stunned silence. She knew that arguing with him could end badly, but couldn’t she really stand by and allow this when she was supposed to be a protector?

She rubbed her temple with visible annoyance, knowing she wasn’t in a position to fight Auro and his new snake family. She glared at him for a moment and sighed. It was another reminder that despite the common bonds they shared with Kyori, the two were still enemies. Auro would still torture and kill her without hesitation. She wondered how safe Kyori truly was with this man, but… Kyori had made up his mind. There was nothing she could do except retain her friendship with him and hope that things would get better in time.

“Only time will tell,” Ocella repeated a phrase that Auro had spoken earlier before locking eyes with him for a moment. “I should return. If you truly care for Kyori, I hope things will work out. I will support your relationship with him. If you hurt him, do not think for a moment I won’t be there to protect him. Everything shall reveal itself in time.” Ocella said, her eyes boring into Auro’s.

She looked at Kyori and offered him a smile. “See you in the morning?” she asked hopefully.

“I expect nothing less from his sister,” Auro replied knowing that Ocella wasn’t too pleased with his decision to ensnare the Matriarch into his collective, but how could he pass up such a genuinely rare occurrence? Kyori could only look between Ocella and Auro. At one point he thought that the two would just start brawling right in front of him, but he exhaled slowly when he saw that they were simply going to let the situation go and not ruin the evening they had enjoyed together.

Ocella spoke of returning back to the monastery and in honesty Kyori had to go as well. He had been helping rebuild his home taking breaks here and there to see Auro and get some spiritual training in. Auro looked at Ocella as Kyori hugged her and smiled. “I’ll be there bright and early,” Kyori said into Ocella’s ear, “we should get back to your house Auro, too many snakes for one evening.”

Auro nodded and snapped his finger as energy surged around them relocating them to his mansion on the mountain side.

Ocella looked to Auro as he spoke, calling her Kyori’s sister. The remark made her smile and helped her calm down a little. Kyori hugged her, to which she returned the hug.

“Good. We can train a bit more then,” she said with a sly grin.

Auro snapped his fingers and she felt his energy wash over them as they were teleported back to his mansion. She walked over to Auro a bowed slightly, offering him a smile. “Next time Auro… please be dressed,” she said with a grin as she shook her head. “And you, I’d rather not have a repeat of that,” Ocella chided Kyori.

She nodded to them both before vanishing once more, appearing in her makeshift room within the monastery.

Life After the Battle

‘Auro… I am sorry to disturb you so late, but I have to ask… was that you who freed us?’ Ocella thought to the Witch Doctor as she made her way to Master Dorian’s quarters. Only a being of great power could have broken those bonds and Auro was one of the few she knew of that could. He would have had all the motivation to, had he seen Kyori on the news. She hoped that it had been the witch doctor whom had freed them, for if not… there had been another powerful being on the battlefield that night.

It was a strange voice that entered into his ear. Sighing, Auro looked up from his position behind the large wooden desk and smirked. He hadn’t watched his tv the entire night, he had no clue what was going on and Kyori hadn’t spoken to him in a couple of days. He was hoping to see him later that night.

‘I hadn’t a clue you were in trouble, what happened? Was Kyori involved?’

Ocella sighed and leaned against the wall when Auro answered her. It was strange, for they had never communicated like this before. What concerned her was his response, for that meant there was another powerful being in play. Now the debate was how to answer Auro.

‘Long story, and I’m not sure that you want to know all the details. Kyori and I were in a bind, and someone came to our aid. Someone very powerful,’ she answered, shaking her head. ‘I’m sure you’ll see it on the news later,’ she said, scoffing at herself.

Auro’s brow furrowed at the news and he immediately stood to his feet and walked to the window in his office.

‘Were you able to get a visual on this someone? If what you say is true, and I doubt that it isn’t, then I will have to look into this. Say hey to Kyori for me.’

Auro moved from the window to a bookcase and pulled one book from the confines of the shelf and tossed it onto his desk. As it landed, it opened immediately and within the middle was a beautiful sphere. He walked over to his desk and sat down in front of it.

‘Be careful Ocella, be very careful.”

Ocella banged her head against the wall in fury when Auro asked if she had been able to get a visual on their rescuer. ‘No, but they used arrows infused with magic. Two of them were able to free Kyori from Etrama’s shadows, and the third exploded in front of Etrama. All seemed to come from the same shot,’ she explained, wondering what Auro was up to, what he was planning. ‘I’ll tell him you said hi when I see him next,’ she promised, smiling softly.

A few moments of silence passed between the two and suddenly Auro told her to be careful. ‘What is it you’ve discovered?’ she asked, worry laced in her voice.

‘First off WHY THE HELL DIDN’T YOU CONTACT ME WHILE YOU WERE FIGHTING?’ he demanded realizing that she was her own being as was Kyori and he had to let them experience everything for themselves. After all, only Ocella knew about the relationship and while he wasn’t trying to hide it by any means, he still wanted privacy for Kyori’s sake. Anyone trying to get to him would use Kyori as leverage, and he knew this. He sighed loudly as he touched the orb and closed his eyes. There was silence, a very long silence and then he spoke.

‘It….It can’t be.’ That was all he said before he slammed the book shut and stood to his feet.

‘Ocella, it is imperative that you are careful. This new threat is dangerous, and feared by many. A legend. Let your master know of this, but I am afraid I cannot say anymore.’

Ocella rolled her eyes when Auro demanded to know why she hadn’t contacted him. ‘Really? What would you have done, told Etrama not to play with his new ‘toy’?’ she asked, glaring into the space in front of her as though Auro were actually there. ‘Apparently I’m his new project. He wants to see me suffer, and I had to fight him to prevent further loss of life. Which is where Kyori came to help, to get others out of harm’s way,’ she explained, rubbing her temples in annoyance. How things had suddenly gotten so screwed up was beyond her.

There was a long silence and Ocella made her way towards Master Dorian’s quarters. Auro spoke but he was cryptic. ‘What threat? Why did they help us if they are a threat?’ Ocella asked, stopping as she reached Master Dorian’s door. It was just past four in the morning and she wondered if he was awake. She hadn’t gotten but two hours of sleep that evening and was exhausted, but she needed to speak with him and to train.

‘I’m letting my master know now. I’ll update you later,’ she told Auro, raising her hand to knock on Master Dorian’s door. It was becoming a habit. When he opened the door, he would see obvious signs that she had been in another battle.

The door opened as it normally did whenever one of his pupils came to see him. Dorian stood in the doorway looking at Ocella with troubled eyes.

“I saw you on the news Ocella,” Dorian said as he shook his head, “Etrama is a dangerous adversary. You two could’ve been killed.”

He paused and exhaled before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

“So tell me EVERYTHING Ocella, tell me what has been going on.”

Ocella’s shoulders lowered when Master Dorian said that he’d seen her on the news. “I would have been surprised if you didn’t,” she said, chuckling a bit. She slid against the wall, exhaustion written on her features as she sat down in the hallway, her knees pulled to her chest.

Master Dorian wanted to know what was going on. “I’ve been trying since my last battle with him to become as strong as I can, because he is so powerful… I don’t yet know how to defeat him and it worries me,” she began, holding her forehead with both of her hands.

“He came to me in my sleep tonight. I don’t know how, but he was able to alter my dreams. He changed the setting to LA and began to murder the innocent. He told me that if I didn’t come, he would make that dream a reality. But… I went, and he still slaughtered the innocent. A woman died right before me… her blood splattered on my face. I was three feet from her!” Ocella’s fists clenched in fury as she felt helpless. She could have done something more to save the woman’s life.

“Apparently he has made me his new project. Kyori and I were in a bind. He requested a sample of my blood in exchange for Kyori’s freedom, and just as I was left with no other options but to give him what he wanted… someone saved us. I don’t know who, I didn’t see them. We fled while we could, but they were more powerful than Etrama,” Ocella said, worry in her voice as she finally looked up to Master Dorian.

“The only way I stand a chance against him is for me to learn more of my angelic heritage. I was able to access it some tonight, but not enough,” she said, looking at him pleadingly. “That’s why I’ve come, Master Dorian. You are the only angel I know,” she said, hoping beyond all hope that he would help train her.

Dorian listened to Ocella as she spoke. He nodded and understood her reason for fighting and for wanting to become stronger. This had been the first attack in the open since it all started with Auro’s awakening. No doubt there would be more. Auro’s silence in all of this was troubling. Nonetheless, he could see how troubled she was about tapping into her angelic heritage.

“You should’ve come to me when you experienced those nightmares Ocella,” Dorian said calmly bending down to get eye level with her. “I see you all as my own children, and while the father in me wants to ground you and make you go to your room, I was once your age and I know what it’s like to face a foe stronger than me. When I faced Kiev the dragon was far stronger than I ever thought I could be. He spared my life twice Ocella, and I was able to become stronger.”

He paused reminiscing on the golden days. He turned back to Ocella and touched her knee in a fatherly manner.

“I will train you Ocella, but NO MORE SECRETS,” he exclaimed. “You mentioned someone saving you. Tell me who was it or how they saved you.”

Ocella’s eyes watered when Master Dorian said that she should have come to him. “Tonight was the first time, and I had to go or he would have killed. He still did,” she said, a tear falling down her cheek. Screams of death and fear filled her head again and she ran her hands through her hair. Ocella listened as he explained his own tales with his own adversary. “How, how did you become stronger? I’m trying everything I know how,” she said, breathing in deeply to calm the tears.

He placed his hand on her knee and she looked him in the eyes. He demanded no more secrets and she took in a deep breath before she nodded her head. “I promise,” she said, offering him a weak smile at best. “I don’t know who it was, I never saw them. Etrama had Kyori ensnared in shadow vines that I couldn’t break. I prayed to the spirit of light to break the bonds… but nothing happened. Just as I was about to allow Etrama to take a sample of my blood in exchange for Kyori’s freedom… they came.”

Ocella looked down at this, she’d come so close to losing her very freedom. “Two arrows broke the vines, and one exploded in front of Etrama. That’s when we escaped and came back here. They all seemed to come from the same shot, and it had to be a very powerful person to break those bonds,” Ocella said, trying to remember anything she could to tell Master Dorian.

He did not speak as she listened to Ocella tell him of her encounter with Etrama. She had mentioned that Kyori was also there, but Kyori was not with her. Then she spoke of the arrows. Three of them had saved them. Three arrows that came from one shot. Dorian’s eyes widened at this and he stood erect.

“It…. It cannot be,” Dorian said his face expressing sheer worry. “Ocella, you must train and become stronger. You are new to your Adept form, and as such it will take some time to master it. I was only able to defeat Kiev when I believed in myself. When I accepted me for me I was then able to overcome.”

He paused as he placed his hands behind his back.

“You are stronger together than separate. Remember that. Kurama and I were nigh inseparable and together we were unstoppable. I see that in you and Kyori, I see that in all of you. Together there is nothing you can’t accomplish.” He paused and beckoned her to stand. “But I understand your will to grow stronger and stronger you shall become. You must first become one with your angel heritage and then understand that you will never become fully angelic, you are a hybrid, the best of both parts. Training each half individually is the key. Now I know of an Angel still in this realm that you can learn from. Come, we leave immediately.”

Master Dorian seemed worried when she spoke of the arrows. Her eyes narrowed when he said it couldn’t be. “What is it?” she asked, wondering whom this individual was to cause both Auro and Master Dorian to worry. She listened to him intently as he spoke. She knew that she needed to become stronger, she still wasn’t able to defeat Etrama. She didn’t yet know how to believe in herself when all she had experienced was failure in her battles.

He motioned for her to stand and she did so at once. “Kyori says the same thing,” she said, smiling softly when Master Dorian spoke of them being stronger together. He spoke of an Angel still in this realm and she looked at him immediately. “Who?” she asked, stepping closer to Master Dorian. He told her to come, that they would leave immediately. She did so at once and placed a hand on his shoulder, indicating that she was ready to leave when he was.

Instantly they vanished traveling to a place far away from the Academy. High in the mountains where the air was thin. Dorian and Ocella appeared in a field. A cave was nearby. Dorian smiled when he appeared and looked into the sky. It had been a very long time since he’d been there. He looked at Ocella.

“The Angel Raziel resides here,” Dorian said calmly as he walked towards the cave. A man about the same height as Dorian with a stunning appearance, both youthful and mature was sitting on a stone bench carving a large wooden figure when he turned and looked at Dorian.

“Is that you Dorian?” he questioned clammering to his feet and embracing Dorian in a hug that was that of pupil and master. “The last time I saw you I taught you and you stopped that demonic Azael. How have you been?” he said noticing Ocella for the first time and smiling. “I see you’ve brought an angel, or rather one like you, half angel half human, but in your case you’re just an amalgamation of three powerful races. Still, I bet I know why you’ve come. What is your name girl?”

Ocella stood quietly to the side as the Angel Raziel noticed Master Dorian approaching. She allowed them to catch up, looking up when the angel spoke to her. “My name is Ocella sir,” she said, bowing her head in respect to the Angel before her.

“Ahh, Ocella, such a beautiful name belonging to such a beautiful young woman,” Raziel said as he smiled at Ocella, “I take it you want to become one with your angelic heritage? If this is the case I will need three days, Dorian you know how I do things when the three days are over you can come back to retrieve Ocella.”

Raziel turned to the cave and sighed. “Dorian, may I speak with you alone?”

Dorian nodded and Raziel turned to Ocella. “Please make yourself at home,” he said as he and Dorian walked off leaving Ocella alone.

“Dorian he has returned,” Raziel said.
“Yes, Auro has returned,” Dorian replied.

“I know he has, I meant my brother the fallen angel Samael, the angel of destruction. He has returned.”

Dorian’s eyes widened. “HOW?”

“The comet, the comet’s power awakened him, surely you know of the omen the comet holds.”

“Yes, but his arrival is a dark omen Raziel.”

“Indeed, he is powerful, quite powerful, but he can be defeated. I don’t know his plans, but I will see what else I can dig up. Come back in three days for the girl, she will be stronger.”

“Understood, thank you, I shall warn the others.”

Raziel nodded and Dorian took his leave. As he surged through the sky, he sent a mental message to Ocella.

‘I am proud of you, be great.’

Ocella smiled softly at the Angel as he complimented her. “Thank you,” she said, her voice quiet. She was still shy to some degree when it came to meeting new people, especially when she hadn’t been expecting the encounter. He guessed accurately when he asked if she wanted to train her heritage. “I do sir,” she said, smiling at him. He agreed to train her and she looked at him gratefully.

He pulled Master Dorian aside and she did her best not to even look at them, to give them their privacy. Master Dorian sent her a message and she turned around to find him gone already. ‘I will do my best Master,’ she answered, turning to the Angel Raziel as she waited for instructions. “Thank you for this,” she spoke, her smile growing.

“Your training begins now!” He said tapping into the divine energy his race was known for. His form was beautiful to behold but hard to look directly at. “You have the power to access this energy, but it drains you until you have mastered it.” He transformed back into his normal form and instructed Ocella to sit down. “You must first clear your mind of all HATE and all dark thoughts. Fear must be removed. Do you understand?”

Ocella sat when he instructed her to sit. She was so very tired, covered in scrapes from the battle before and she still had blood on her face. Still… she knew that evil didn’t sleep and that she should work as hard as she could to get stronger while she could. Master Raziel gave her instructions and asked if she understood, to which she nodded her head and closed her eyes.

She meditated often, thus clearing her mind was normally an easy task. She was tired that morning and had just witnessed so much death and destruction that it was difficult for her to accomplish. Her thoughts were of Etrama, and the being whom had saved them. She took in several breaths and became still as her breathing steadied. “I’m ready,” she spoke, focusing on her special place back at the Academy, the place that only Kyori had seen with her. Her meadow of peace.

“Good, good, now relax and allow the light to fill you. There are going to be times when you have to control your emotions Ocella. Listen to my voice,” Raziel said as he walked around her sitting form. “There will be death. There will be pain, but you must overcome it, you must fly above it. Angels must remain emotionless. We protect, but we do not dwell on negative emotion. Remember Ocella, allowing emotion to rule leads to death. It is a double edged sword, you must be careful with your emotions. Learning to control them, learning to show a blank canvas in the presence of death, in the presence of darkness we do not fear. In the presence of pain we do not yield. Allow the divine energy to flow into you from the host of life. Allow love, joy, and happiness to prevail.”

Ocella listened as he spoke. She knew that what he said was true, but it was difficult for her as she had always held such strong emotions. Even now her meditative state was wavering, but then she thought of Kyori, of Masters Dorian, Kurama and Hillard… she was closest to them and they all brought her great joy. She knew that she had to protect them.

She smiled at this as she began allowing the divine energy to flow through her. She didn’t know it, but she was glowing in joy. It felt so warm, so comforting to her and helped her maintain her focus. But it was difficult to maintain, for it was strong. The energy flowed through her and even her hair seemed to shine. She could feel it spreading through her body, warming her very soul to the core.

“Good, good, now allow the divine energy to overtake you and transform you. Let it grant you access to the realm of the angels.”

Raziel looked out into the distance and felt the darkness creeping, moving, and shifting. There was no doubt that things were about to get very interesting. He turned back to Ocella and closed his eyes.

“Darkness is relentless, so we must be ever vigilant. We must be fearless. Our friends and family may die, but we must press forward and deliver faith and hope to those who believe. Trust in yourself Ocella, trust in your power, trust in your strength. Too long have you allowed the darkness of fear to cloud your mind. RELEASE IT OCELLA!”

Ocella was listening to Master Raziel. The energy was flowing through her and she smiled from the comfort it brought her. The energy grew stronger and her wings came to life, sprouting forth as she transformed into her angelic form. Something was different this time, for it felt different. She was filled with the divine energy and shining brightly. Images from the battle that evening began to infiltrate her mind, but rather… they didn’t cause her fear, they motivated her.

She opened her eyes and they had shifted to golden irises. She felt as light as a feather, as though all her worries had gone. It was a wonderful feeling to have, given the stress she had felt all week. She allowed the energy to flow through her, though as promised it was taxing. She looked up to Master Raziel and smiled softly at him, waiting for further instructions.

“Good, good, now power down,” Raziel instructed with a soft smile of approval on his face. “The next steps would be training that side of you as well as your human side. Humans are remarkable creatures, capable of a lot without even knowing they are. You are a remarkable creation. Your grandmother would be very proud. Now it is time for rest, but I assure you when you awake your training will be unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed. You are dismissed for now.”

Raziel turned and pointed to the cave.

“I trust you will find it wonderful in all ways.”

Ocella sighed in relief when Master Raziel instructed her to power down. She was growing very tired very fast and he seemed to sense this in her. It had been a long night and she desperately needed rest. She allowed her form to return to her human half and for her meditative state to cease. He said that her grandmother would be proud and she looked at him questioningly. “Did you know her?” she asked, wondering how he knew her grandmother was responsible for her angelic heritage.

Ocella nodded when he pointed to the cave and instructed her to rest. “Is there a place I may wash up first, Master Raziel?” she asked, her voice soft as the exhaustion hit. She believed him that her training would be most intense when he said to ready herself. “I shall be ready, thank you Master Raziel,” she said, bowing slightly in respect.

“You will find all you need within the cave. It will guide you. Whatever you need, ask the cave,” was his response to her question. He knew her grandmother, she was a wonderful woman, an old love interest, but she married another because his life was too much, filled with battle at every hand and turn. He smiled as he watched her taking in her complexion. She looked like her grandmother when she was younger. He could remember the look on her face when he told her he had to go to war. Then the day she told him she was pregnant. As much as they loved each other they could not be together. How funny that fate had brought the granddaughter of the love of his life to him now.

“I remember your grandmother because we were once to be married. Fate ripped us apart when she was pregnant, and now fate has decided that I train the granddaughter of the woman I loved and still love.”

Ocella’s jaw nearly dropped when Raziel spoke. “So… so you’re my…” her voice trailed off, looking at him with great confusion. “Why have you stayed away?” she asked simply, looking at him in disbelief.

Raziel slowly came back to reality after realizing he was speaking out loud. Ocella’s jaw was hanging open and his eyes held sorrow for her never meeting her grandfather until now.

“Yes Ocella, I am your grandfather, but you have to understand during that time I was not allowed to see your grandmother. Our families were on different spectrums. I was a warrior of the light and was gone a majority of the time which is why our relationship failed. I still love her, and although she is gone I understand now why things happened the way they did.”

Raziel approached Ocella and touched the side of her face.

“The power you hold is great,” he said softly, “your grandmother never told me she was pregnant. I found out through other means, but by then your mother, my daughter, was gone and I still had my duties to fulfill. I could not put her in danger so I stayed away.”

Ocella could only watch the man before her, she was trying to grasp everything he was saying. It was like looking back in time, a long, long time ago. She felt so very sorry for the man, for she could see the pain their separation had caused. She wanted to hug him, but she wasn’t sure what to do at this point.

“Mom doesn’t understand that though, she doesn’t know why her father was never there. It’s always been a mystery to her,” she said, looking at him with great sadness in her expressions as he walked to her. He touched the side of her face and she allowed a tear to run down her cheek. “She wants so desperately to see you,” Ocella said, her heart racing as she tried to understand.

She couldn’t believe that she was meeting her grandfather before her mother did, it felt wrong. “Will you ever come and see her? Together we can protect her, you don’t have to do it all on your own now… you have me,” she said, looking at him hopefully.

She stopped for a moment and sighed, realizing that it had been months since she had even spoken to her parents for the same fear that he held, she did too. “After my finals, I tried to go visit my parents. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen them. I appeared in New York first, just to make sure I hadn’t been followed… but I was found in a matter of minutes by the same man whom I fought earlier this evening. I haven’t tried to see them since,” Ocella admitted, looking down in defeat. Would she ever be able to see her parents again without putting them in danger?

“Young Ocella, I’m afraid it is too late for me. Your mother resents me for not being there despite all the good your grandmother did to paint me in a positive light. I can’t blame her though,” Raziel said with a smile, “I took from her the one thing a father should never take, and that was her choice.”

Raziel grew silent for a moment before turning to Ocella and embracing her as only a grandfather could.

“A visit is just what I need. Perhaps it is time she meets her father, but only after your training Ocella.”

“It’s never too late grandpa. Never give up hope, or how will you truly know?” she asked, looking at him sincerely. “I think she’ll be more understanding, given that I have stayed away for so long for the same reasons,” Ocella said with a sigh. A thought occurred to her and she looked at him with worry. “Earlier this evening, I faced a necromancer. He said that angels were responsible for murdering his race simply for their abilities, that we had committed crimes worthy of hypocrisy. Does any of what he speaks have merit?” she asked him, looking troubled by the thought.

“I haven’t fought him without provocation, I’ve given him so many chances to change his course… but he wants to see me suffer simply because I am part angel. I’ve tried for peace, but… nothing I’ve done has worked,” she sighed in defeat.

“Yes, angels and necromancers have fought against one another for decades. The unholy power they possess goes against the divine order. Some angels do not believe that necromancers are all evil or should be destroyed, but there are other angels who fought against them to eradicate them. This Etrama harbors ill will, but his ill will is just; however, he is unaware of the fact that the heavenly pantheon was split down the middle in regards to the topic.”

Raziel sighed and smiled at Ocella.

“You did all you could to try and break through to him Ocella, now you must do what you need to do to ensure the safety of all. I fear Samael may try to recruit him for purposes beyond my privy at the moment. An allegiance between Auro and the dark archer will spell bad news for the world. Be that as it may I have faith that there is nothing you and the other mystics can’t do. After all, the elements would not have chosen you if you didn’t possess the abilities.”

Raziel smiled warmly and touched Ocella’s shoulder.

“Rest now, I shall tell you what you want to know when you awake, within reason of course.”

Ocella sighed as her grandfather spoke, it was all so overwhelming. She wanted to tell her grandfather and Master Dorian that Auro had changed, that he wasn’t the one to be feared… but that would betray Kyori’s trust and put him in danger. He told her to rest and she nodded her head, finally mustering up the courage to hug him tightly.

“I’m glad I finally got to meet you,” Ocella said with a smile on her face. She nodded to him and took her leave to the cave, where she promptly set forth to wash away the battle grime from her body. She was able to secure clean clothing and found a comfortable place to rest, where she would eventually be awoken by her grandfather to resume what promised to be the most brutal training session yet.


“STRIKE ME OCELLA!” Raziel commanded his granddaughter. It was the third and final day of Ocella’s training. Raziel had taught her all he could and she was indeed stronger than when she first arrived. Definitely strong enough to fight against Etrama, though she would still need the help of her friends to be successful.

The past three days had been difficult indeed. She had spent every moment training, gotten little sleep and only breaks to eat. Her grandfather was relentless when it came to making sure she grew stronger and that she had. They were currently finishing her training as they waited for Master Dorian to arrive.

He had instructed her to strike him and she was trying to think of her best plan of attack. It was a more difficult task to accomplish than it sounded, much like catching a fly with your bare hands. She paused and closed her eyes, allowing the divine energy to flow through her and to transform her into her angelic form. She was never truly able to become purely divine, for she was not a full angel.

Ocella began to vanish as it seemed she disappeared into the ground itself, rather instead she had become one with the grass and was using it like she did the rest of nature. The grass was tall and allowed her plenty of room to move, but still yet it became taller. She raced through the blades of grass at the speed of holy grace towards her grandfather, appearing from the ground directly in front of him as she made to strike him with her fist.

He was proud of her, she was utilizing the techniques he taught her and when she dispersed herself among the blades of grass, a smile crept onto his face. In his mind he was applauding her for growing. She was showing him just how much she’d learned and he couldn’t be more happy. When she appeared directly in front of him, he had his hands behind his back. Her fist shot out and barely missed the side of his face as his head tilted to the side with unbelievable speed.

“Good girl,” was all he said as his leg moved in tandem with his neck movement, sending a powerful kick to her midsection.

Ocella watched as she missed his face by less than an inch. She glared at this, and noticed immediately when he aimed a kick at her. She smirked and grabbed his leg with one hand, pulling at it in an attempt to turn him around and give her control.

Her grandfather wasn’t without his tricks, but the sheer power he possessed was far more than Ocella could fathom. When she grabbed his leg with one hand, she thought she could pull it, but Raziel stayed firm and it fact continued to push with the very strength of his race. The kick would continue and if Ocella didn’t want to be launched several feet, she would release Raziel’s leg.

Ocella was surprised when she gripped his leg, for the kick continued and she wasn’t strong enough to stop it. This infuriated her and she released it at once, flipping back in the air to gain some distance between the two. She turned quickly, releasing an orb of energy into the air that sped at him with the speed of holy light. She knew that he was fast, and doubted the strike would hit, but she used it as a smoke screen to launch herself at him immediately behind the orb, for it was large enough to hide her frame. Just when the two were about to strike, Ocella vanished and reappeared behind her grandfather, propelling herself off the ground and launched a powerful roundhouse kick towards his head.

The orb shot towards him and crashed against his form. He groaned but smiled. She was strong, and that was what he was testing. When she appeared behind him, he did not turn around, but his hand reached up and caught Ocella’s foot just before it hit his head.

“Good Ocella, you’ve shown such magnificent growth,” Raziel said, “I am so very proud.”

Ocella cringed when he caught her foot and told her that he was proud. “I’m glad you’re proud grandpa but pleeeeease don’t break my leg like Master Kurama did during finals when his Imp caught my leg,” she begged, looking at him pleadingly.

“A broken leg? Oh my that doesn’t sound too pleasing,” Raziel replied releasing his granddaughters foot and turning to face her. “You have successfully completed your angelic training, but you must always train both sides of your being. Never neglect one for the other. Now I trust you must be hungry. While we wait on Dorian let us feast.”

He led her back into the cave where a beautiful spread had been prepared. He sat down and offered the seat across from him.

“I wonder how your mother will react to my surprise visit?”

Ocella sighed in relief when her grandfather released her foot. “It wasn’t. It hurts just thinking about it,” she said, shivering from the mere memory. Her grandfather faced her and she smiled at him when he said that she had completed her training, though she nodded when he said she had to continuously train both heritages. “I will grandpa. I know I have to,” she said, looking sad for a moment as she thought of all those whom she had to protect.

He mentioned food and she perked up instantly, following him back to the cave close by his side. When they sat down, he pondered over how her mother would react to seeing him. “I’m not sure grandpa, but I’ll be there with you, however she reacts,” she said with a soft smile. “I can only hope for the best,” she added with a smile as she said her thanks for the food set before her. She took a bit of some roasted carrots and smiled warmly. The past three days had been very healing to her and had rejuvenated her soul.

“Would you like to meet my best friend Kyori as well grandpa?” she asked him with a large smile on her face.

Raziel watched his granddaughter as she partook in the food in front of her. She didn’t know how her mother would react, but Raziel was hoping to rekindle, and rebuild their relationship. Ocella then asked if he would like to meet her best friend. A guy named Kyori.

“The spirit dragon? But of course, any friend of yours I will welcome warmly,” Raziel replied, “he is a strong warrior is he not? He has yet to have training from the spirit dragons, but they are a rare species, the only ones I know of are those within the Northern Star Monastery.”

Raziel smiled and took a bite of food.

Ocella smiled widely when her grandfather agreed to meet Kyori. She couldn’t wait for Kyori to meet part of her family that had so much to do with who she was now. “Yes, he is a spirit dragon. I’m not sure if he is aware there are others who can train him, for until he was awakened he resided within a monastery with monks who trained him. I’m sure he would be most interested to learn and train though,” Ocella pondered, wondering if Kyori would take off as she did for her training.

She had finished her food within a matter of minutes, for she had truly been hungry. “That was so good grandpa,” she said with a wide smile as she stretched comfortably. “So, no matter what happens with mom and dad… can we still see each other often?” she asked, looking at him with pleading eyes. She’d just met him and wanted to spend so much more time with him, to truly get to know him as she had never been able to before. Maybe even visit for the truly special holidays.

The thunderous boom that signified the Lord of the Skies arrival caused Raziel to look towards the lip of the cave.

“Yes my granddaughter I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Raziel replied before standing to his feet and walking to the entrance of the cave. Sure enough Dorian was walking ever so briskly towards the cave entrance. He gave off such elegane and such power that it was hard not to marvel at him. Nonetheless, Raziel embraced his former pupil and smiled.

Dorian looked at Ocella and could tell she was stronger. He was proud, as proud as he could be.

“I am happy you’ve found what you were looking for,” Dorian said to both of them

Ocella smiled when she heard the sky booming. Within moments, Master Dorian was there and she ran over to him instantly and hugged him. “Master Dorian, you won’t believe who this is!” she said with such excitement in her eyes. “He’s my grandpa!” she exclaimed happily, running back over to her grandfather and hugging him tightly.

“Thank you for bringing me here, it means so much to me,” Ocella said, her smile growing. She was filled with such joy that she was glowing a soft, white hue from the divine energy that was flowing through her. It was an unstoppable and relentless force now, once that she had to learn to balance with her human half.

Dorian let out a grunt when Ocella grabbed him in a tight hug. He listened and looked at Raziel winking.

“Your grandpa? I had no idea,” he said a smirk on his face for he had known all along, and it had been Raziel’s plan to train his granddaughter to battle the darkness that didn’t want to go silently. “I am glad you two were reunited.” He watched Ocella embrace her grandfather who returned the embrace.

“Lord Dorian I am returning to the lower realm with you. I need to see my daughter.”

“I shall grant your request Raziel. Anytime you want to visit her you have my word I will deal with the rest of the pantheon,” Dorian said smiling. “We must be going if we are going to break waves.”

The smirk did not go unnoticed. Ocella glared at Master Dorian and crossed her arms. “Uh huh,” she said, leaving it be at that. She stayed in her grandfather’s arms when he embraced her, for in her eyes he was already part of her family. She had only known him for three short days, but in those three days she had come to love him as though she had known him her entire life.

Ocella looked up to her grandfather when he requested permission to return with Master Dorian, to see her mother. She smiled gratefully when Master Dorian spoke. “Is it safe to see them?” she asked both of them, worry evident in her expressions. She didn’t want to put her parents in danger. Dorian said they were to be leaving if they wanted to make progress, but Ocella was nervous. She felt safe and loved with her grandfather. Now she would be going back into battle and her loved ones would be in danger.

She took in a deep breath and sighed heavily, nodding her head firmly as though to signal she were ready to leave. She wouldn’t be alone.

“Ocella they dare not attack your parents with Raziel in their midst. Trust me he is not bound by the same rules that I am. Now let us return so that you can be truly reunited.”

Dorian closed his eyes and felt the power of the sky surge through him. In a flash of electrical energy they all vanished and would return to the academy.

Ocella nodded to the words Master Dorian spoke. She felt comfort knowing that her grandfather was there, knowing that he would help her keep them safe. They appeared at the Academy and she smiled at her grandfather. “Ready when you are,” she said, her smile growing.

“Be careful Raziel and Ocella, with the new threat on the loose it is imperative to remain vigilant.” Dorian said to them on their return back to the Academy. He turned and smiled leaving the two alone

Ocella nodded her head. Her grandfather wouldn’t tell her everything about Samael, but maybe she could learn more from Auro now that she had a name associated with the threat. She turned to her grandfather and smiled. “Are you ready to meet your daughter?” she asked, looking at him with big eyes and a wide smile on her face.

“I am ready,” Raziel said softly as the two of them vanished in beautiful light, heading to Montana where Ocella’s parents resided. They stood outside of the door that belonged to Ocella’s parents. His daughter was within the walls before him and yet his hand shook as he reached for the doorknob. He turned to Ocella and hoped that she would take the lead. He didn’t know how his daughter would react to him coming back after such a long hiatus.

01-21-2017, 10:51 PM
The sun had already peeked over the mountains as Aeterna/Aaron was sitting in one of the large trees that was in the courtyard not far from Koyri watching the Spirit Dragon as he was in meditation. All he could do was stare at the young man as he sat there. At first he only had a slight interest in the young man, but as he took Master Dorians advice and started to mingle with his fellow mystics he had fallen hard. He loved Kyori from the bottom of his heart, and didn’t want to lose him. Granted Aeterna was unsure If this relationship would actually work.

If his situation was different, he would have no fears from loving Kyori. With all of the secrets that he has to keep from everyone it was hard to keep himself from revealing what he was hiding. He knew that Kyori could tell that he was hiding something from him. Because out of all of his fellow mystics he was the closest to Kyori. When The Young Dragon opened his eyes Aeterna looked into them, and could tell that Kyori was troubled by something. Could it be the fact that he was keeping so much from him, or was their another reason?

He watched with lustful eyes as Kyori’s muscles tensed and defined as he started to train. His motions were like poetry in motion, and the sweat that was starting to form glistened in the early morning sun. Aeterna couldn’t take his eyes off of him, even with the wind hitting the tree that he was sitting in. In all his long years he has never fallen in love, and now he has. It is scaring him a little since there are so many things that could happen in this relationship.

All he wanted was him, and he hoped this love would not turn out to be something he can’t partake of long in this life. Nagging thoughts continued to haunt him though. What would happen if Auro found out of these feelings? What if he used this against him? What if because of this Kyori loses his life? What would the other Mystic’s think of him if they found out about his predicament, especially Kyori? How would Kyori react to the fact that he is a Phoenix? Would he be able to trust him with this secret? Would Kyori still love him even if he found out about his secrets? Could he continue to keep these secrets from him?

Not only these questions but on top of that it has been awhile since the Shadow Phoenix has reported to Auro about the conditions of the Academy, and knew his so called master would probably not be too happy with him. Aaron was truthfully surprised that Auro hasn’t forced the issue. Doubting that it wouldn’t be long till he did. When Kyori finished his training Aeterna jumped out of the tree landing softly on the ground. Not making a sound.

Walking over to Kyori from behind keeping himself from making any noises. Once he was close enough he wrapped his arms around his loves mid-section, and laid his chin on his shoulder. Gently squeezing Koyri as he began to speak. “You seem to be troubled about something Kyori? Would you like to take a walk with me and talk about it?” knowing that talking about thing is the best remedy. “There is something I would also like to talk to you about.” Aaron said with a hint of concern in his voice as he released Kyori from his embrace.

Walking around Kyori he reached out his hand hoping that his love would take it. He was going to tell Kyori something that he has never revealed to anyone other than people who pass the trial to become a recipient of a blood pact. He was going to tell him that he was a Phoenix.

01-28-2017, 05:07 AM
The time had finally come for Samael to revisit Etrama. If he was going to take over this miserable planet, he would need to gain some allies, but none would join him willingly and thus force would have to do. He was going to recruit each of Auro’s Dark Magistrates one by one. A wicked grin crossed his face as he watched his servant walk over to him, holding an orb that sat softly in the soft embrace of a beautiful black pillow. The orb was dark, but when Samael placed his hand over the orb, it came to life with a dark purple glow. He began to speak in the ancient language, releasing the power of the orb. Etrama would begin to hear a loud ringing in his ear, and it would begin to become painful before he would hear Samael’s voice.

“You wish to know who I am? Meet me where Auro slept and I shall reveal it to you.”

Etrama was sitting at the same desk in his office as he did whenever he had to spend time running his little cover business. He still displeased this mundane job, and wished for some excitement. Though now he was stuck in the office for just a little longer. Then he would be able to get back to his other business. The one that he truly wanted to be doing. The Necromancer was just finishing up the last of the paperwork when his ears began to ring.

At first the sound was just a slight annoyance, but then suddenly the ringing got louder, and louder. It got to the point where it drowned out all other noises. This included the scream that left his lips. Once the noise was so loud he thought his eardrums were going to burst he heard a familiar voice. Beckoning him to meet him in Auros tomb. As soon as the voice finished speaking the loud ringing stopped, and Etrama could hear again. One of the office staff entered the room in a panic, and asked if he was alright.

Etrama shook his head and dismissed the frail human. As his eyes narrowed. The invitation was from the creature that let the Mystics escape on that dark night not so long ago. He could still remember the man and his better than though attitude. He had been waiting for this day. Though he had been looking for him and never found him. Now was the time to finish what he couldn’t that night. He dropped everything, and opened a portal to the Spirit world. He wanted to know who the man was, and make him pay for what he did that night.

“My liege you aren’t going to face him alone are you?”

“Be still servant, Etrama is but an ant in my path, but he is a very useful ant. I shall return soon, in the meantime release the dark ones to ravish the land.” Samael ordered much to the delight of his servant. The creature moved to the cages and pressed it’s palm against a panel allowed the gates to open. Samael was gone when the creature turned around. The lumbering giants moved, making their way to the Western Land and Southern Isles.

Samael sat atop a large formation drawing fiery lines in the air presumably writing something. This was where Auro had awakened, but the dark comet was what had awakened Samael after millennia of being held captive. His strength was still returning, but he was stronger than most in this realm. Auro was his only match at the current moment, but he would surpass him, after all the witch doctor had a weakness. Samael’s face contorted into a smile as he waited for his prey.

Inside of the spirit world Etrama quickly made his way to where Auro had awakened. He had shed the ‘monkey suite’ that he was wearing, and adorned himself in his usual clothing. He would be glad the day he could burn that accursed outfit. As he made his way to the island he stopped to grab a little trinket he had been saving for this fight. It was the azure stone of souls that his people used to wear for protection. He didn’t know why but he felt that it was necessary.

Once he reached the location he opened a portal into the world of the living, and appeared in the chamber that was once Auro’s prison. Looking around the room he saw the man standing on the opposite side of the tomb. The man was no longer radiating shadow, but his face was still hidden underneath the hood he wore, and a mask covered his face. Though this time he could see his eyes, and that was not a comfort at all. He seemed more powerful than the last time they meet. Keeping on the defensive he looked the man into the face. “I have come as per your invitation. So, who are you?”

His prey had arrived, and his stench filled Samael’s nostrils alerting him of his presence. Samael stood to his feet and jumped from the construct he had perched on. His bow was held tightly in his right hand and a quiver latched to his back. The tight fitting jet black outfit Samael wore blended with his surroundings and personality. The overcoat was long, reaching the floor of the cell, dusting it ever so slightly. His eyes settled on Etrama and his mouth opened to give the necromancer his response.

“If you defeat me in battle then I will tell you WHO I am,” Samael replied with a sly smirk on his unseen face.

Without warning he had released two arrows that spiraled towards Etrama, leaving a trail of energy behind them.

Watching the strangers movements closely as he spoke. Etrama was trying not to be caught off guard. However, the reply he gave the Wraith was not what he wanted to hear. It came off as a warning, and this one thing allowed Etrama be able to dodge the man's attack. By ducking under it, and rolling to the side. In this motion he was able to pull his two daggers from his sheaths on his legs. As soon as he was back on his feet he stood up, and looked at the man with a serious look on his face.

“If that is what it takes to get a answer from you. Then so be it.” Etrama said as he moved from a defencive stance to an offencive one, and tried to close the gap between him and the stranger. If he was able to reach him he would slash at him with his blades. Wanting to test this man's strength before he went all out.

The test shots did not provide much information to Samael, but Etrama’s reaction gave much data. The daggers that gave off a haunting glint made Samael’s eyes narrow. Etrama would bow to him, he would see to it personally.

“Show me what you can do,” Samael demanded as he sent another volley of explosive energy arrows in Etrama’s vicinity.

Before Etrama could even get close the man demanded him to show him what he could do. That was when another volley of arrows were freed from the strangers bow. This time Etrama didn’t have the time to react He was too close and had nowhere to run. So he did the only thing he could do. Raising his arms in front of his chest to try and keep the arrows from piercing any vital organs. However, when the arrows hit they didn’t penetrate his skin. No they exploded on contact sending him flying back into the wall that was behind him.

Hitting the wall hard enough to knock the wind out of him, Etrama slid to the floor as he was trying to catch his breath. He had forgotten that night that the man used the same trick on him. Though with a lot less power behind the attack. He stood up off the ground as he leaned against it. It was a mistake not to go all out from the beginning. The only thing he just learned was not to get too close. Allow a bit of distance between him and the strange darkness user.

“Omnes qui ambulabat in... terra semel, et inventum est... in pascuis solacium. Tua revertere... ad vindictam contra... illos qui vivunt. Fer ira et indignatio... Semper vivens ad eorum... stipendium. Destruas... inimicum domini tui. (All those that once walked the earth, and found no solace in its green pastures. Return to find your revenge against those that still live. Bring your resentment, and anger. Making the living pay for their transgressions. Destroy the enemy of your master.)” Etrama said through his gasping breaths. He needed to buy himself a little time. So his undead should be able to hold him off for a short amount of time.

The moment Etrama began to speak in the old tongue, Samael furrowed his brow. He was slightly annoyed by this. The numerous souls he summoned began to appear, sprouting out of the ground like weeds. Samael smiled, the necromancer was attempting to overwhelm him. At least he was putting up an effort. Samael closed his eyes and shook his head.

“Your necromantic powers will serve you no purpose against me Etrama.” Samael spoke as he nocked an arrow and raised the bow. It only took a few seconds before he released the arrow straight into the cave ceiling. Before the arrow hit the ceiling it burst into millions of shards, raining down on them. The shards struck the undead, but they did not explode, the shards caused a reaction within the undead. The slowly stopped moving as Samael stood surrounded by them. “Trem vestra!” (Destroy your summoner!”

At his words, the undead turned slowly to face Etrama before charging at him.
“Perdere, qui vos qua creati sunt.” (To destroy that which you created)
As soon as the undead were summoned he was able to transform himself into his true form. His skin turned gray, as his stature grew. His long grey hair changed to the purest of white, and four horns appeared on his head made from the same hair. Even the cloth he was wearing changed. His coat turned black with ornate designs on it. Red and black gloves formed on his hands with white lace at the hand. Long black feathers were on his shoulder.

Though right after he transformed the man of Darkness shot an arrow towards the roof. Etrama though he was going to try and bury them in the rock that made up this cave, but the was wrong the arrow shattered and covered his servants. Who in turn suddenly stopped moving towards their target. With a shocked look on his face as the undead turned at the man’s command and attacked him instead. This was bad. The souls already don’t like him since he was the one that imprisoned them to begin with. He knew they would show him no mercy when they reached him.

Taking his daggers in hand since he would have to fight them as he dismissed the summoning spell. They were upon him like locus to a field. He quickly began to insight the spell that would banish them. He was able to decapitate a couple of the corpus as he began.”Justorum animae.” He said as his minions finally surrounded him with their weapons in hand. “in aeterna certamine…” just as a blade form on of the dead sliced down his back. Even in this form it was not possible to keep up with the numbers he has summoned. “cepit aeternum. Revertaris in terram de qua venisti!” He finally finished through gritted teeth. (The souls forever caught in their eternal struggle. Return to the earth from whence you came.)

As soon as the spell was cast the corpses that were summoned fell to the earth in a heap, and slowly were absorbed back into the ground. Etrama was surprised still. How in the world was he able to break his control over the spirits, and turn them against him? He was breathing hard as he looked at the man before him. Because of this he only had one more option. Standing up straight he held out one hand. A silver wisp was in his palm. He quickly pressed it against his chest absorbing the soul.

He was using one of the most powerful Storm souls that he had. His eyes turned the purest of white, and an electrical current danced over his body. “Et dabo te provocantes me paenitet!” (I will make you regret challenging me!) He raised his hand level with his body, and shot out several bolts of lightning.

“I told you when we first met that I was out of your league,” Samael spoke as he watched the undead attack their master. Etrama put up a fight and in the end came out victorious against his creations. Etrama had changed, he had shifted into his beast form and although strong was still no match for Samael, and he would soon find out the hard way. Samael watched as one of the undead managed to wound Etrama. It caused his eyebrow to raise but he stood unmoved by Etrama’s sudden shift of power and declaration that he would regret challenging him. When the bolts of lightning surged from Etrama’s hand, Samael clasped his hands together and spoke.
“Interficiet impium tenebris!” (Unholy darkness consume) Samael spoke as the darkness around them shifted and surged into Samael as his form began to glow an odd dark glow. Samael thrust his right hand forward and a shield of unholy light formed taking the damage from the lightning strikes. He thrust his left hand forward with his pointer and middle finger aimed at Etrama. Instantly Etrama was surrounded by unholy light arrows that damaged the soul and body. The volley of arrows shot towards Etrama, and at the same time a single arrow shot out from Samael’s core screaming through the air aimed to incapacitate.

The man before him was so confident that he was stronger than him it was sickening. It angered him that he repeated the same thing he did the night they first met. That Etrama was out of his league. He was going to show him that he was not under him. Then as the lightning flew The man did something that made Etrama’s hair stand on end. He summoned the darkness to him, and used it as a shield. He was so distracted that he didn’t see the arrows of light that surrounded him. Until it was too late.

The arrows shot out at him from all directions, and he was using lightning to counter some of them, and other he was swatting away with his dagger. However, he was not fast enough to counter all of the arrows. Some of them hit him in the back, and others in his legs. But that was the least of his worries. The final arrow that was shot hit him in his right shoulder. Forcing him to drop one of his daggers. Once everything was said and done he was kneeling on the ground, with several arrows sticking out of his back.

He was not going to give up. This man was going to pay for this. Forcing his injured body to stand the souls within him was damaged, and no longer could be used. It seemed the arrows were meant to destroy the body and soul. But he was not going to release the soul. NO he would use it for one more attack, and destroy the soul completely. Concentrating all of his remaining energy he summoned a fierce wind inside of the tomb. The wind was moving so fast that it was slicing apart the stone in the room. He was going for the kill in this attack.

He was injured, and yet he still fought against Samael. He had great endurance through pain, and that was what Samael liked in a servant. He was still perched on the large construct when the wind began to pick up and slice everything around him. Etrama was using storm magic and it showed when the razor wind slice into his arm. Samael’s eyes narrowed as a black liquid oozed from his cut.

“I told you, facing me you will ALWAYS lose,” Samael said as he vanished and reappeared in several locations before appeared next to Etrama. “Your power is waning, your soul is weak, give in Etrama and I will let you live.” Samael was still glowing and had surrounded himself with a light veil to protect against the razor wind as he stood defiantly against the strong wind. What Etrama didn’t know was that the arrows would continue to bore into him the more he defied Samael.
Putting as much power as he could into the attack was proving to be a waste. When The strange man stood in front of him amidst the howling winds unaffected Etrama realized then that he was truly no match for this man. However, at least he was able to wound him a little. He continued the attack anyway. His pride was at stake, and he would not surrender no matter what. Even after the man rubbed in the fact that his power was waning. Then suddenly the arrows started to dig deeper into his flesh.

He didn’t scream, but you could see the pan in his eyes as he continued to defy the man. Then suddenly he bent over as the soul within him shattered into oblivion, and the arrow pierced his lung. Coughing up blood he struggled to breath. That was when the wind stopped. He was not going to surrender to this man. He looked at the azure pendant that hung from his neck, and smiled. He was not going to wait for this man to kill him. He was going to do it himself.
Straightening his posture he looked at the masked man with a content smile on his face. He pulled the only dagger he still had a hold of and made his move. Bringing the blade up to his throat, placing the edge on the right side of his carotid artery in one smooth motion. “I will never accept defeat.”

When the wind stopped, Samael knew his arrows had done their job, but he did not expect Etrama to be so prideful in his defeat. With a sigh he watched Etrama as he pulled a stunt that he usually relished watching his victims commit, but he needed Etrama as part of his plan. Moving with unbelievable speed, he was able to grab his hand holding the dagger and pried it from Etrama’s neck.

“Relax Etrama, I’m not going to kill you, yet,” Samael said looking into Etrama’s eyes, “we have a common enemy. I need your assistance with a little angelic matter.” The arrows still remained in place, if Etrama tried anything they would continue their onslaught, but Samael had plans for Etrama and would see what his response would be.

Etrama was shocked when his dagger was pulled from his neck and held firmly in the man's grasp. Now he was not even allowed to end his own life. He would have to wait for him to deliver the final blow. However, that was not what happened. The man was truly not going to kill him. At least yet, but he wanted his help in destroying the angels. He could not tell this man's motives by his eyes they looked empty, but his eyes were full of hate now. The angels took everything from him, now this man was saying that he was wanting to destroy the angels.

This had to be a trick. No one willingly went after the angels other than him. Besides with all of his power he could easily eliminate any angel that crossed his path. “Why would you... need my help? What did... the Angels... ever do to you?” Etrama didn’t know how much this man knew about him. Or about his vendetta, but he wanted to know more.

“I am what you would call a fallen angel,” Samael said admitting to his racial heritage. “I gave my life for the heavenly pantheon and one little mix up cost me my wings. I was exiled and now I seek revenge. I know of the Angel Wraith war, I was in it. I know of the anger you have for that race and I can give you vengeance. I am going after the very beings of creation, and all I need is awaken the being within the dark comet who awakened me.”

Samael smiled as he removed his mask with a flick of his finger across his face. His face was revealed and was very handsome. His eyes shifted from their soulless blackness and now had a beautiful golden iris. His hair was long, beautiful and silken, and jet black in color. His skin was a touch on the caramel side and was soft to the touch. He smirked down at Etrama and crossed his arms.
“So are you in? Your loyalty to a witch doctor who has fallen in love with one of your enemies is not someone you should follow.”

Listening to the man's words about his origin, and how he is now a fallen angel. Cast out by his own people for something he had done. At first he was angry to hear the man who beat him was an angel. The one creature he despised. However, that soon came to an end as the man also spoke of a being that will be able to destroy the beings of creation. A pained smile crossed his face. This man was like him. A being that wished for the destruction of everything holy.

Watching as the dark features that this man once held was replaced by his true looks. He was a beautiful person on the outside, and just the right amount of dark on the inside. Bending forward to cough hard clearing his damaged lungs he then looked back up at the man when he mentioned the fact that Auro was in love with a Mystic. This was unacceptable from someone that is wanting the destruction of the world. He was not a bit happy hearing about this, and it was the icing on the cake that would change his loyalty.

Forcing himself to stand, with his injuries which was no small feet, but he put up with the pain to bow. “You may be an Angel… But you remind... Me of a devil. Tu fidem meam.” ( You have my loyalty)

Samael snapped his fingers and the arrows slowly pulled out of Etrama after the man submitted his loyalty to him. Walking over slowly to Etrama, Samael placed a soft hand against Etrama’s face. It would seem weird to the necromancer, it was similar to a loving touch, but Samael’s hand slipped to Etrama’s chest. There would be a pulse of energy that would surge through Etrama like electricity through wire. His injuries would heal and his strength would return. When Samael removed his hand, there would be a single emblem (http://orig00.deviantart.net/23ee/f/2008/272/d/b/my_emblem__tattoo_design_by_angel_natavi.png) emblazoned on Etrama’s chest, signifying that he now belonged to Samael.

“I need you to blend in with your former team,” Samael said running his finger from Etrama’s chest down to his abs and back. “This emblem will keep us in touch, but it will also allow you passage to my realm, the realm of the fallen. I have a feeling you and I are going to work very well together,” Samael spoke his voice a bit sensual towards the end, a sly smirk on his face as he removed his hand from Etrama’s chest.

The arrows slowly removed themselves from inside of Etrama’s lungs and back. The pain was worse than when they went in, but that was typical. He looked up at them man with a pained smile on his face when suddenly the Fallen Angel placed a gentle loving hand on his face. This action was not what he was expecting from him. He was about to say something when his touch moved to his dark grey skin of his chest. Then without warning and electrical current ran through his body.

The pain was excruciating, but it didn’t do any more damage to his body. In fact, the energy was healing his lungs and back, and returned to him his lost stamina. As suddenly as the currant started it ended, and now the man gently ran his finger down to his abdomen and back up. A shiver ran through his body at the gesture. Once his hand was removed, and Etrama looked at the symbol that was now burned into his flesh he smiled as he looked back up.

The fallen angels voice was sensual, but a sly smile that followed was intriguing. This man was the perfect personification of what he was looking for, A darkness that will be able to finally destroy the angels. “I think that we will.” Etrama said as he transformed back into his human form. “May I have your name?”

“I go by many names Etrama,” he replied knowing that Etrama would know the name, it was a name that many fears. Upon his disappearance the name of Samael was not spoken. The dark things he did in his lifetime would cause even the darkest of souls to question their loyalty to the darkness. Samael was the epitome of darkness, and had been in a deep slumber before the dark comet’s power awakened him. The spell that had kept him at bay had been shattered and now he was free to roam, recruit and destroy. “Some call me the destroyer, some the archangel of death, but you, you may call me Samael.”

01-31-2017, 03:32 AM
The embrace from behind made Kyori weak in the knees as he leaned into Aaron, inhaling his scent and enjoying the contact. It was weird being with Aaron knowing that he and Auro hadn’t closed their chapter yet. Kyori had had enough of Auro not wanting to commit. The secrets and lies was what pushed him over the edge to the point that he had ceased all communication with Auro for over two months now. When he first met Aaron the guy was silent, but over time they grew close and the night when they first kissed was unbelievable. Kyori was scared because his heart was torn in two. He loved Auro and he was falling in love with Aaron.

He turned around slowly to see Aaron extending his hand to take. With a smile, he placed his hand in Aaron’s to let him lead the way.

Aaron smiled at Kyori as he took his hand. He decided to take Kyori to somewhere special to have their little conversation, and some time away from the stressful lives they lived. Speaking a spell that he learned within the walls of the academy a portal opened. Without saying a word he lead his love through the portal. He was taking him to a place that was sacred to his race. A beautiful location hidden in a remote location of the world. A place man has yet to find.

The portal opened to a vast land filled with a wide variety of iridescent trees that covered the landscape. The range of colors that now surrounded them was astounding, and made the ambiance of the whole situation even more romantic. The only light was provided by the plant life, and the spring water that flowed in this wondrous place. There was a waterfall that you couldn't see where they were standing, but you could hear the water crashing into the rocks.“Welcome to the garden of Lucis Aeternae.” He said as he turned to face Kyori. He hoped this place would be to his liking.

Stepping through the portal, he had no clue what awaited on the other side, but he trusted Aaron and that meant a lot. When they appeared in the beautiful lush landscape Kyori’s eyes twinkled as he took in the beauty of it all. This place had to be special to Aaron, the beauty and mystery alone made this place special. Kyori took every moment to take in the beauty and to enjoy the experience. Kyori finally managed to regain the ability to speak and looked at Aaron after he was welcomed.

“The Garden of Lucis Aeternae?” he questioned, “In all my studies I’ve not come across such a place. It is beautiful Aaron,” Kyori said with a soft smile as he continued to look around at the glowing plant life, allowing the sound of the unseen waterfall to calm his nerves.

He was happy to see the amazement in his eyes. This was his present to him and the place he will confess one of the secrets that he has kept from him. Chuckling slightly about the young dragons response he squeezed his hand slightly. As he began to lead him deeper into the forest. “Well it is no surprise that you have never heard of this place. This forest is a secret known only to my race. A sacred place filled with the eternal light. Thus the name Lucis Aeternae.” He said as he continued to lead Kyori towards the waterfall.

It was there he wanted to talk to Kyori about both his troubles, and his secret. Once they finished moving through the forest they came to a clearing that had stones lining the river that the waterfall fell into. This river lead to a lake not too far down stream. There was an deer like creature drinking from the lake that Aaron and Kyori was in front of when they left the forest.. It didn’t glow, but its fur was white, with light blue horns. The creature looked up at the two people that were walking towards it. However instead of running it walked up to them. Like it was welcoming them to the forest. It approached Kyori and bowed its head to the young dragon. It was allowing the young man to pet it. Aaron nodded his head to Kyori. The animals of this forest knew that only the Phoenix, and anyone they brought into the forest was a friend.

He was led deeper into the forest and it’s beauty continued to amaze him. In the back of his mind he wondered why Aaron had brought him here, but he wouldn’t question him. When he was ready, he knew that Aaron would tell him. He continued to smile as he looked from left to right, up and down observing everything there was to observe. When they came to the stream that led to the waterfall that led to the lake. It was here that he saw the true beauty of this place. The animal life, a deer looking creature, stepped towards them as they approached. It’s blue horns looked as if they would be prized if this creature lived on Earth.

When it came close to him, Kyori reached out and touched the creature’s head, watching as it seemed pleased to have him in its world. Kyori looked up at Aaron and smiled.

“It’s all so beautiful Aaron,” Kyori said as he turned around and embraced Aaron gently. He placed a soft kiss on his lips and turned back to watch the deer walk off.

Watching Kyori interact with the deer was a welcome sight. It seemed that the young Dragon was enjoying the time in this world. Aaron almost felt bad that he brought him here to tell him the truth of himself. It almost seemed wrong. Then Kyori turned and hugged him giving him a kiss Aaron relished this moment. For he didn’t know how this was going to turn out once he knew the truth he had been keeping from him.

“Koyri. We need to talk.” Aeterna said as he walked over to one of the stones by the lake. He was nervous about what he was about to say, and knew this could either turn out bad, or good. Once Kyori took a seat he faced him looking the young man in the eyes. He didn’t know how he was going to explain this, but he guessed a reintroduction would be necessary for this all to happen. Clearing his throat, and looking for the right words. He began rubbing his hands together.

“Koyri…” he stopped at that word. Trying to gather the courage to tell him the truth. Closing his eyes his body was shaking slightly. He hated the fact that he has kept this from him for so long. Finally finding the resolve to introducing himself. “Kyori. Aaron Raylight is not my name. My true name is Aeterna Ignis, and I am a…” Aeterna swallowed hard before speaking the last word. “Phoenix.” He kept his eyes closed as he waited for the reaction.

Not knowing if he knew anything of the Dragon and Phoenix hunts of old. If he could understand why he told him and the others his vessel's name instead of his. Why he kept this a secret till now. Would he understand, or would he question him?

It was time, he knew it was time when he noticed how Aaron’s expression changed. He was nervous and that much was easy for Kyori to pick up on. Taking a seat next to Aaron he listened to him as he spoke. Kyori had pulled his legs up into his chest, his arms covering his knees as he waited and listened. Kyori was silent. Aaron wasn’t really Aaron but Aeterna. Aeterna was a Phoenix and as history foretold Phoenix and Dragon kind were known to be at war with one another. It was a known fact that they rarely got along, and yet here he was falling in love with a Phoenix. Kyori was silent for awhile not saying anything, processing everything before speaking.

“The war was so long ago Aeterna, you shouldn’t be afraid to share this truth with me,” Kyori said as he reached out and grabbed Aeterna’s hand. “You’re truly amazing Aeterna, and if you can get pass me being a soul snatching Dragon, then I most certainly can get used to you being a shadow Phoenix.”

Aeterna was nervous because Kyori was silent for so long. Maybe this was not the best thing he could have done. Telling him the truth was hard enough on him. He could imagine what it would be like for him. Dragons and Phoenixes have never truly gotten along because of how the Phoenix is ‘Reborn’. Shaking his head and banishing the negative thoughts from his mind he suddenly heard Kyori speak, and felt his hand grab his. Opening his eyes and looking over at the Spirit Dragon as his words calmed his fears.

He knew what Kyori was from the beginning, and never once thought about the animosity that existed between their two races. Nore how the hunts caused even more problems. This was all in the past, but keeping this secret has kept him alive for so many a century. He squeezed Kyori’s hand slightly and pulled him towards himself. He released the Dragons hand and embraced him in a hug. He was so relieved that he didn’t judge him, and still loved him. It was such a burden off of his chest that a couple of tears ran down his face. “Thank you Kyori. I was so afraid that this was going to tear us apart. That I was having a hard time talking to you about it. I finally found love, and didn’t want to loose it because of the past.”

He pulled himself out of the embrace and went to kiss Kyori. One secret down, one more to go. He wanted to tell him the other, but this one would truly be a test of will power. Though he doubted it would be the right time now.

Kyori smiled, it felt good to know that Aaron loved him and the feeling was indeed mutual, but Kyori’s secret could very well cause a rift in their relationship and he didn’t want that, he didn’t know how Aaron would react if told that Kyori dated Auro. How would that set well with him? Sighing, Kyori knew that a time would come when he’d have to tell Aaron and he just hoped it wouldn’t break his heart.

“Nothing will tear us apart,” Kyori replied as he felt Aaron’s toned arms wrap around him in an embrace. When the embrace was broken, he felt Aaron’s or rather Aeterna’s lips pressed softly against his own. He returned the kiss with passion and looked at Aeterna. “So how should I address you from here on out? Aaron or Aeterna?” It was confusing a bit, but Kyori understood Phoenix kind as they were enemies to Dragons, but he was happy to face any challenge with Aaron by his side.

The passion that Kyori showed was a welcomed sign. It meant his words were true, and that was something that could never be replaced. Once the kiss was over he wore a smile as Kyori asked a question that was understandable. He had just put him in an interesting position. To him either name would work, but he didn’t know how this would affect the others. Having the one he loved call him by a different name might cause problems for him since there was more Dragons amongst the mystics. “You are free to call me whichever name you desire. If the others have a problem with it then we can deal with it then.” Aeterna said his smile never leaving his face as he stared into Kyori’s eyes.

He was now content. He finally told him his most important secret, and it was a load off. Though there were still more to tell, but that will be for another time. Now it was time to find out what had been bothering the young Dragon. “I know something is bothering you. Would you like to share your burden with me?”

He knew the question would come sooner or later, but now he wondered if he should say anything after Aeterna just let him in further. He sighed and looked at Aaron with a soft and sincere smile.

“It’s nothing, I’ve just been thinking about the end of this. Will there be peace again. All this fighting and nothing ever comes of it. I train every day, I get stronger, and I face the enemy, but the line of who an enemy is has blurred lately.” He didn’t lie, but he didn’t divulge the true reason he had been under so much pressure lately. Auro was becoming the ultimate crime lord, there was a new evil that was working tirelessly behind the scenes and then there was the omen that he had heard Dorian talk about eavesdropping. “I just want things to return to normal. I want to go back to studying at the monastery. The only good thing that’s come from this experience has been you Aeterna.”

Aeterna blushed at the comment. It was true that there has been almost no end to the fighting, and the training. What little reprieve they got was the time they spent together. Which to tell the truth was not enough time. If he could he would take Kyori away from this fight, and they could live happily. However, under his circumstances that was not possible. If only on that day he knew that Auro would be there when he changed host none of this would have to be the reality they have to live in. Sighing internally he decided to try and ease Koyri’s mind.

“The world is filled with different degrees of Darkness. It is up to us to decide which Darkness is the one we should be fighting. There is a thin line between good and evil, right and wrong. Many things can blur this line for us. Friendship, hatred, love.” Aaron said as he turned his eyes away from Kyori. He knew good and well the troubles of this war, and what he was being forced to do. Granted he has not told Auro about his relationship with Kyori, and if possible he would like to keep it that way. He didn’t need Auro to have another thing to hold over his head. “So don’t fret over the little things in life. Everything will workout in the end.”

“You know you’re right,” Kyori said looking out into the distance, his eyes adjusting to the atmosphere they were in. “Faith with the help of love,” he began looking at Aaron with a soft smile, “conquers all,” he finished knowing it to be true. Love was a powerful weapon, and combined with faith it was near unstoppable. He knew what he had to do, and though he was sure there would be consequences for his actions, he knew he had to break it off with Auro if there was going to be any chance at his relationship with Aeterna working.

“So what else can you show me?” Kyori asked throwing a sly wink in Aeterna’s direction, “here, all alone in this beautiful place.”

Turning his gaze back to Koyri as he spoke on the matter at hand. He had shown a wisdom far beyond his young years, and Aeterna could only smile back at Kyori. Love was a powerful force to be reckoned with, and he knew their love would keep both of them strong through the trials ahead. He was going to break free of Auro’s curse, and finally be able to live how he wanted with Kyori. This young man was the only reason he had for living right now, and he won't let anything bad happen to him. He would protect him from Auro, and anything else that might threaten him.

Then a sly smile formed on Aaron’s lips as Kyori mention what else they could do in this beautiful place. He could answer his question with words or with action. He never realized that their relationship had finally reached this mark, and he was more than willing to finally take the next step. They had passed the only hurdle that was causing him problems, and now he was ready.

Moving in closer to Kyori he placed a hand on the back of his head, as he moved in to kiss the young Dragon once more. However, with more passion than he has yet to show. As the kiss continued his free hand moved to Kyori’s abdomen. Touching it gently as he slowly moved up his abdomen to the dragon's chest. Finishing the kiss, he moved away slightly with a smile on his face. “Will this work for you?” He asked in a sensual voice as he brought his hand down to the hem of Kyori’s pants.

The passion Aeterna put into the kiss caught Kyori off guard. He wasn’t expecting to feeling so much passion, but he embraced it, and loved it. Aeterna was taking their relationship to the next level and Kyori was ready, he wanted this intimacy between them, he wanted to solidify their relationship and what better way than to make love in a place that was special to Aeterna. Kyori felt the shadow phoenix’s hand move to his abdomen and slowly move to his chest, resting there a moment before he felt Aeterna’s hand rest on the hem of his pants. He was already in the mood the moment Aeterna had kissed him and touched him. With a sensual glint in his eye, Kyori nodded to Aeterna’s question and wrapped his arms around his neck bringing him in for a deep kiss. When the kiss ended, Kyori pulled Aeterna’s shirt off in one quick motion before resuming the kiss. He trailed kisses along Aaron’s jawline, licking Aaron’s ear sensually, trailing his hand along his boyfriend’s body.

When Kyori returned the passion that he showed he Aeterna knew the time was right. This was the one place that Auro couldn’t enter even if he knew where it was. A safe place for him and Kyori to finally be able to truly be alone. He may have made the first move, but his love went even further. They indulged in a deep kiss with one another, that once ended Aeterna’s shirt had been easily removed. Now when the kiss continued their upper body pressed together. When the kiss moved to a licking of his ear he Aaron was already moving onto the next step.

One of his hands was caressing Kyori’s back holding him in place where the other was at work undoing the fastening of his lovers pants. He was enjoying the foreplay. Continuing where he left off taking his free hand and removing it from the undone pants he decided to change locations. Swinging his arm under Kyori’s legs he picked him up, and carried him over to the grass where he laid him down on the ground. Getting down with his love he positions himself a little lower straddling his lower legs as his head was at Kyori’s abdomen. He began licking his abdomen using the tip of his tongue to trace the lines of his lovers defined muscles. Doing this till he reached Kyori’s neckline. From there he kissed the young man on the neck.

In that moment, in that intense moment they ravaged each other, exploring one another and showering each other with love and affection they had held back on since they had started dating. It was pleasurable, and as Kyori lay beside Aaron on the soft grass a million thoughts ran through his mind. He was panting after the heavy session of exploration he had just shared with Aeterna. He felt amazing, he felt complete.

“Wow,” Kyori managed to breath out as he rolled over and rested his chin on Aeterna’s chest, “just wow,” he added trailing a finger down the front of his lover’s body. He started kissing Aeterna’s neck letting his hands roam wherever they wanted.

When their body’s intertwined in that moment Aeterna let everything go except for the pleasure that radiated from their union. Nothing mattered to him more than Kyori. After they finished their first union in there relationship Aaron felt more alive than he has felt in all of his long years. As he laid in the grass next to Kyori he was breathing hard from their interaction then he felt the spirit dragon lay his chin on his bare chest with a smile on his face. They were now one, and nothing will change that. “You were wonderful.”

He smiled as Kyori's hand moved across his body. Aeterna was enjoying every gentle touch that came from the hand that was exploring his body. He turned his head to face Kyori as he gently placed his hand on his face. Bringing his lover into another deep sensual kiss. Yet during the kiss he grabbed Kyori and flipped him on top of himself. Wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. Pressing their naked bodies together once again. He then brought his hands down the dragon's back resting them on his hips.

Now on top of Aeterna embraced by his strong arms, Kyori felt at peace. Aeterna’s hands were resting on his hips and Kyori was looking into his eyes. He could see the love there, as well as the absolute pleasure that they both shared. It was odd and yet he couldn’t stop smiling. “I….I love you Aeterna,” Kyori said softly as he smiled down at Aeterna and stood to his feet, pulling Aeterna up with him. The waterfall was near and that meant a swim was in order after such a strenuous extracurricular activity.

The words that meant the world to him finally left Kyori’s mouth. He then picked himself off the ground pulling Aaron up with him. He could almost read the young man's mind he was wanting to take a swim, but before that there was something he wanted to say. “Kyori. You are my souls mate, and I will do anything to protect you. Te amo Kyori.” He said as he then lead his love to the water. They still had a little time before the others would be missing them. He stepped into the cool water and pulled Kyori in with him. The water was just the right temperature for a swim. He let go of the dragons hand and let him enjoy the water.

Aaron’s words caused him to smile as they moved towards the water. He had declared that they were soul mates and that he would do all he could to protect him. While this was beautiful to Kyori, he truly hoped that nothing would happen that would cause rift in their relationship. He was harboring a secret, but he was hoping their love could conquer it when the time came. He liked the idea of Aaron protecting him, but he knew that he couldn’t protect him from everything. They both had jobs to protect the world and no matter how much Aaron wanted to protect him, he would still have to remember that Kyori was a warrior. All of his worries ceased when they entered the water. It was refreshing and took away any aches his joints had. The water also washed away all the naughty they had collected during their escapade earlier. He dipped down under and emerged a few inches away from Aeterna. He swam around

“This has been amazing Aeterna, and I can’t thank you enough for letting me inside your world,” Kyori began, “and as much as I would love to stay here with you, I do think our friends especially Elder Dorian will start looking for us soon.” Kyori dove under the water and swam a bit more before emerging next to Aeterna. “I have to admit you are even sexier without clothes,” he teased.

Knowing the vow he just took was going to be hard to keep, he felt that it still needed to be done. Even Though they were both warriors doesn't mean that he would not try his hardest to make sure Kyori didn’t get hurt. He would be there for him when he could. That is all he could promise himself. Clearing his mind he watched as his love swam around in the water, it was a sight to behold how agile Kyori was in the water. It was almost as if he was born to swim. When he popped up next to Aaron the first time all he could do was smile at the young man.

This was the only gift he could give him at the moment. With everything that is happening time away from everything was a gift that would be able to heal the mind and body. Though he was right. The others would be looking for them soon. Because the troubles of the world never sleep. Then the dragon disappeared as he swam around a little more then popped up at his right side. Without hesitation he grabbed Kyori and spun him around placing the dragon's back against his chest. The wrapping his arms around him he placed his head on his shoulder. “I am happy you like this place, and we can come here whenever you want. To ‘relax’.” He said in a sensual tone as he held Kyori close. “I would have to disagree with you though. You are far more radiant without your clothing than I will ever be.”Aeterna said as he kissed Kyori on the neck.

Releasing the man from his grasp he turned to leave the water. With his back to him completely for the first time if you looked close enough you would be able to see the scar that was left from the laceration that he received from the first time disobeying Auro’s command. “We really should get going. No one will be able to contact us in this place.”

Aaron held him close, his arms wrapped around him. His chest pressed against his back. He could stay like this forever, but for now they had to return. He didn’t want anyone to worry about them. Aaron told him they could come back whenever they wanted and that made him smile, even the compliment on how radiant he was without clothing made Kyori blush intensely. The kiss on his neck sent shivers of pleasure down his spine, but when he was released, he turned around slowly to see Aeterna’s back. It was hard to see in this dark place, but his draconic eyes saw through the veil and he noticed the scar. He gasped, but said nothing about it. When Aeterna was ready they would talk about it.

“Let’s get our clothes first,” Kyori replied as he exited the water. With a clap of his hands the wind wrapped around him and Aaron drying them completely. He walked over to the pile of clothes, only one piece being his own and that was his pants. He pulled them on and buttoned them while looking at Aeterna. “Thank you again for everything,” Kyori said softly wanting to kiss Aeterna, but holding his desire until they left this beautiful place.

The wind wrapped around him drying his skin with no remnants of water remaining. This made things a lot easier since he wouldn’t have to explain his clothing being wet. He had heard Koyri take a deep breath, and knew what must have caused the reaction. However, he was glad that his lover didn’t ask on the matter. If he had to lie to him again he would just have to die. He hated lying to anyone, so he was glad he didn’t have to answer any questions.

Moving over to the clothing he found his and started to put it on, but not before watching Kyori get dressed. Truthfully he didn’t want this moment to end. If time would just stop and allow him to stay like this forever, but alas it was not meant to be. He began to get dressed as soon as Kyori finished. “You are more than welcome. Kyori. This place was made even more majestic by your visit.” He said as he put his shirt on before buttoning his pants.

Walking over to Kyori he smiled as he held his hand out like he did before. “Shall we return to the Academy?”

Kyori blushed again when Aaron commented on how more majestic Kyori made this place. It was a sweet gesture, one that made Kyori smile. Once again Kyori took Aaron’s hand, though this time it was without hesitation, knowing that they had so much more ahead of them.

Hi smile never faltered as they were now ready to leave this garden to return to their life of struggle. He bent down and kissed the back of Kyori's hand. Returning to an upright position Aaron turned his back to his lover and recited the spell that would lead them back to the academy. Leading the way once again they entered the portal returning them to the courtyard. “Till we are able to return.” He said as he released Kyori's hand. This was a hard life, but now he was had finally found a reason to fight.

02-06-2017, 04:44 AM
Joshua landed near the cliff's edge, staring over the edge in confusion. He had the right location, but there was nothing there. The sheer drop-off of stone made it clear. Even a fly around didn't show anything for him to find a way in. If not for the map he had been given, he would say that he was in the wrong location. Sitting down on the ground, he let out a sigh and pulled out his map again. The place was correct, with a cage halfway down the cliff that would lead to the relic.

“What am I missing!” Joshua shouted into the air before flying off the edge, scales glistening from the sun and waves. He began casting and knocking on the walls, checking for anything to get a clue to the riddle. Nothing showed up until just before the base. A small hollow was stuck behind a smooth rock, right when one would start their climb up from the water.

“This seems odd.” Joshua spoke aloud before pushing the stone. The stone rolled back into the divot, smoothing out the stone. Nothing happened after that, leaving him nothing else as he looked up. Not much higher than he was was another stone that was jutting out. Pressing on this one had not much else, other than pushing another stone out.

“So, I need to scale the cliff and press the stones to find the entrance… this is too complicated.” Joshua mumbled as he floated up, pressing the rocks that he passed by. It was by the fifth rock that the rock face began to change. The stone above him began to fall over, small bits and pieces falling down and just barely missing where he would be until the entrance was there, having to press five more stones after that. Crawling into the new cave, Joshua sighed, thankful to have found the place and not having to report failure to Auro.

“Stupid stone puz…” Joshua said aloud, only cut off from a rumbling deep inside the cave. He let out a shudder while walking in, putting distance between himself and the opening. The rumbling grew louder until he made it into a small opening, just barely lit by the cracks in the stone. Two large bears lay in the opening, both much larger than he had ever seen in his time. Even more so than in movies.

“Why did it have to be bears.” Joshua said as he began to build up magic, the bears moving toward him with a sedate pace. It would be a rough fight, and he was ready for it...Hopefully.

02-07-2017, 03:48 AM
After Ocella had trained with her grandfather and reunited with her loved ones, she had worked hard every day to master her Mystic abilities. She worked tirelessly from sun up until sundown to train her body, tone her muscles and to reach the next level. No matter how hard she tried, how often she meditated- she couldn't seem to get to the next level. She was becoming increasingly frustrated by this pitfall, which was accompanied by frequent mood swings, irritation, snapping at those around her- it was clear something was bothering the young angel.

She spoke little during this time, remaining in solitude within the realm of nature. Every ounce of her training was geared towards one goal- protecting those she loved until she had exhausted her last breath. She had seen great darkness, and knew that there was even greater darkness to come. She had gained remarkable speed in her movements, she could lift objects that weighed more than her own body weight, she could use nature to see even further than she had seen before. It was incredible, but something was missing and she knew what the problem was... but she couldn't seem to fix it.

She doubted herself, for in the past she had failed. She knew that alone... she didn't have the strength to protect those she loved. She knew that she couldn't defeat the darkness on her own. She knew that alone... there was only so much that she could do. This caused her great anguish and distress that was noticeable in her absence at the academy. She spent her days helping as many as she could, patrolling city streets and looking for those in need. She tried to volunteer at least a couple days a week at various soup kitchens to help the homeless. She was doing everything she could to help spread love and kindness.

She sighed heavily as she closed her eyes. She was in the middle of the Patagonian rain forest. She'd been here for a week, living off the land with nothing but the clothes on her back. She was training her angelic heritage as well as her Mystic abilities. She had grown stronger since the training session with her grandfather, but... she couldn't erase the mental block that was holding her back. She felt incredible guilt to know that she wasn't strong enough, guilt that left her falling to sleep in tears most nights. She was growing angry with herself and didn't know what else to do. It had been some time since she'd heard from Kyori, and even a longer time since she had heard from Joshua. She worried about him and often wondered how he was fairing, if he had changed... what deeds Auro'd had him doing. She wondered if she could trust him anymore, if he would be honest the next time they met.

She stood from her position on the ground and decided that it was time to go back to the Academy. She had trained as much as she knew how, yet something was still not clicking and she didn't know how to proceed. With the whisper of an incantation, she appeared back within the walls of the Academy and outside of Master Dorian's quarters. She raised her hand and knocked, as she had done on so many previous occasions.

02-07-2017, 05:18 AM
There was an ominous wind that blew through the Academy. Dorian stood in the training grounds looking out towards the sky. He could feel darkness, he could feel death, and it made him wonder if those that fate had chosen were ready for the task at hand. He turned and made his way to his study where he would focus on helping the Mystics find a way to defeat Samael and his dark forces as well as Auro. Sighing, he understood there was a chance that the Mystics wouldn’t make it, but they were all ready to give their lives to destroy any evil that came against the world.

His tv flashed to life and he watched as the news reporter spoke with horror filled eyes.

“We interrupt your regular programming to bring you dreadful news. It looks as if a scorpion type creature and a manticore type beast are attacking the Southern Isles and the Western Lands. There is no information as to how many civilians have been killed, but the damage is astounding. The CWDU has been dispatched, but many don’t believe they’ll be able to stop the creatures. We will bring you more as we receive it.”

The tv flashed to images of the large beasts as they tore into cities and toppled buildings, leaving devastation in their wake. Dorian looked down at the book on his desk and closed his eyes.

“I hope they are ready.”

A knock came to his door and he stood to his feet, moving swiftly over to the door and opening it without touching it. He was surprised to see Ocella standing there.

"Ocella, is everything alright?" Dorian asked closing the door behind him. His eyes bore into the very soul of Ocella as if searching her for an answer to her inner question.


They had arrived back at the Academy. Kyori watched as Aaron walked off, but only after a passionate kiss. Apparently he had things to take care of while Kyori needed to find Ocella to make sure she was okay. Sighing, he realized that there were only two places she could be if she wasn’t at the Academy. Either she was at her mom’s house, or she was in the forest, in her garden. He would check there first before bothering her family. In an instant he had vanished to find himself in the forest. The darkness of the forest constricted light. It was an odd place for someone like Ocella, but she was a nature angel, and her garden would never hurt her. He stepped into the clearing and smiled.

“Ocella,” he called out observing the beautiful tree she had created touching the trunk. “Ocella we need to talk.”

Ocella had been through alot since the battle with Etrama. She had found her grandfather, trained her angelic heritage, visited her parents and trained every day since. She wanted to grow strong enough to save those that she loved. She knew a great darkness was coming, she could feel it and it worried her. She kept this to herself and stayed isolated on most days, trying her best to grow as strong as she could and reach her Master mystic level.

That evening she had been within her forest. She was training, focusing on the mental part of her powers. She was trying to see how far she could stretch her vision through nature. The more she stretched, the more she pushed. Her head began to grow dizzy as she pushed too far, but suddenly Kyori appeared in her vision. He was at the tree she had created those many months ago and she arrived instantly, embracing him as though he were a long lost friend.

“Kyori,” she whispered, stepping back to smile warmly at him. “Is everything okay?” she asked him, taking a seat at the base of the tree.

“Everything is as good as it can be I guess,” Kyori replied enjoying the sisterly embrace Ocella gave upon his arrival. “I need to talk to you about Aaron,” he added wondering if she knew who he was. She had been absent from the Academy, but every now and then he was sure she’d visit to check in with Master Dorian. While the Monastery had been rebuilt, Kyori still stayed at the Academy to train and meditate. He visited whenever possible to ensure that everyone there was taken care of. His arrivals usually were accompanied by celebrations and feasts.

“I think I’m falling in love with him, and I don’t know what to do about Auro. We broke up months ago Cella, but I don’t think he’s one to let go so easily.”

Ocella smiled when he said things were as good as they could be. She listened to him, looking at him with a frown. “I’m sorry things didn’t work out with Auro,” she said, her voice genuine. She hoped that the relationships they had formed with Auro would help in their cause, that Auro wouldn’t take this out on the world.

She furrowed her brow when he said that he was falling in love with Aaron. “I love how you’re asking someone who has never been in a relationship for advice in yours,” Ocella teased with a cheeky grin. She sighed and looked at him seriously. “I know you’re scared, and I am too. More than you’ll ever know,” she said, admitting to her fears for the first time in a while.

“But it isn’t right to keep Auro in the dark. You brought him happiness for the first time in a long time. He brought you happiness. He might not be too happy when he finds out, but I’ll be there with you. If things go wrong I’ll get you out,” she promised, looking worried. “If you decide to tell him that is.”

He didn’t know what to do, but he was so very thankful that Ocella was there to talk to. He realized how rude he must’ve come off not asking about her day. Sighing he smiled and looked at her. “I can always count on you,” he said sliding down into a sitting position. “So tell me about Raziel and your family. How is the integration process?”

Ocella smiled when he sat and smiled at her. “That’s what friends are for,” Ocella said, resting her head against the back of the tree. She was tired and it showed, she had been pushing herself day in and day out to get stronger. She allowed her eyes to close and a soft light began to glow from her, her holy energy that began to seep into the area around them. Kyori would feel its warmth as it kissed his skin and illuminated the area around them. She was the only source of light other than the moon and the stars.

“Grandpa is fine, he’s trying to balance being in mum’s life while not drawing danger to her. It’s hard,” she said, taking in a deep breath. She was trying to do the same and her visits were few and far between. She sighed softly in annoyance. “I just don’t understand it. I train both halves day in and day out and I’m still not there yet,” she said, shaking her head. Master Dorian had said some time ago that he was only able to access the Master Mystic form by finally accepting him for who he was.

She was struggling with this, there was some sort of mental block. She meditated often, trying to release this block. She was trying to accept herself for who she was, but how could she when she wasn’t even strong enough to protect those whom she loved?

02-09-2017, 11:29 PM
Aeterna was still on cloud nine when he and Kyori returned to the Academy. He felt like he needed to take shower to cool off. He knew that he would have to soon return to the grind of working on making himself stronger, but for now he just wanted to relish the moment. Making his way back to this room he stripped his shirt, and dropped in on the floor. He would pick it up later. As he continued to make preparations for his bath he turned on the TV, and listened to the news.

As soon as the news report started Aeterna stopped in his tracks, and looked dumbfounded at the TV screen. Monsters were terrorizing the Southern Isles, as well as the Western Lands. Without thinking he ran to his closet, and pulled out a new shirt putting ti on, and quickly spoke the incantation that would allow him to get to the Southern Isles without taking him longer than necessary.

Stepping through the portal he was instantly in the city. It looked like a war zone. Rubble, and bodies littered the streets of what was once a prestigious town. Aaro wasted no time in transforming into his Adept form. Turning into what looked like a priest dressed in black and red, and had black feathered wings with light blue highlights. Flapping his wings he took to the sky. He wanted to find that demon, and stop him from injuring anyone else. However, he knew that he had made a mistake because he didn’t inform anyone at the academy what he was doing.

Well he couldn’t cry over spilt milk. As long as Kyori doesn't get involved in this fight he would be satisfied to fight this one alone. He finally found the scorpion like demon. He was getting ready to fight.

Lady Celeste
03-03-2017, 01:12 AM
It had been six months since Art had started his training as a mystic and so far his training hadn't been what he would call... Easy... Then again, it it was there wouldn't be much point to it, he understood that Master Nicolai wasn't a bad man, he was just very strict, he wanted to prepare the young mystic for the danger he would no doubt face in the real world... Still, Art couldn't help but feel he was the only one out of place... While all others had knowledge about a magic and other mystical things, he himself was just a normal human being not too long ago... He wondered if they could be having as much of a hard time as he was...

His training had finished earlier that day and Master Nico had allowed him to relax for the rest of the day, though none of the other mystics seemed to be around the academy, not that it would've made much of a difference, so far the only other member of the group he had spoken to was Kyori and the lord knew he didn't saw that guy all too often...

Instead of spending his time roaming the academy he decided to take a walk around the nearby shoreline, he thought that the calming sound of the tide could help him get rid of all the negative thoughts clouding his mind...

For the past six months, Kelda had kept mostly to herself, not having much contact with any of the other Mystics outside of the usual training routines. More often than not her free time was spent in the shallows near Blackbrick, interacting with the occasional passing sea creatures; today was one such day, as a school of fish had just ventured into the small inlet normally reserved for Kelda's training sessions with Marantha.

"Why waste your time with those surface dwellers anyway?"
"Especially those humans, ugh!"
"They're all so clumsy, and they never watch where they're swimming."
"And those ridiculous legs; how can they even move with those hideous things?"
"And don't even get me started on the things they dump into our water!"

"Well not all humans are that bad." Kelda replied, becoming a bit defensive as the entire school began chatting at once. "In fact the humans here have actually been very nice, especially Marantha; maybe I'm just being too paranoid about them. After all, we're supposed to be allies now, aren't we?"

"You mean that boy walking up to the shore right now is an ally?" One of the school briefly remarked.

"Where?" Kelda asked, instinctively diving into the water to hide as the school swam back to give her room. Mentally chiding herself for getting so jumpy again, Kelda worked up the nerve to let her head poke out of the water again to see who was approaching.

As Art made his way through the shore he could barely make out a strange shape in the distance, a blonde spot in the water, it almost seemed like it was someone barely poking out.
As the mystic got closer he could finally make out who it was, it was one of the others, he had heard about her before from Master Nico, she was the water mystic and supposedly she was a siren, not that he couldn't tell from all the way over there anyway...

Getting as close as the tide allowed him he raised his hand above his head and waved at her.
"Hey there!" He yelled as he continued to wave like a complete idiot.

The school of fish began to approach Art, and Kelda could all but hear their snickers as he waded into the water and began waving at her. He had already seen her, his behavior making that much obvious, so there was no point in playing hide and seek like this any longer.

"'Art', right?" Kelda began awkwardly, not very accustomed to interacting with humans. Swimming tentatively toward him, she also couldn't help but keep a wary eye on the rising tide as he waded in. He was likely to fall in if he came too close, and Kelda didn't know for sure how well he could swim, so better for now to be careful.

"Ahh... Yeah, I'm Art" The Metal mystic said, trying his best not to stutter, while he had talked with girls before, he had never met someone quite "like" her. He really didn't know how to take on a conversation with a mermaid, a being he used to believe was fictional.

"Kyori told me about you. You're a mermaid, right?" Art said as he began making his way towards her slowly, a slightly awkward silence followed his words.
"I-I mean... T-that's kinda cool... You're the first mermaid I've me-" He said before accidentally wading into the deeper parts. While he had always been a good swimmer there was one detail that unknown to him until that moment, all the metal he had been absorbing made him heavier, and while the change was minimum each time, his weight increased significantly over the las six months, this had caught him off guard...

He struggled to swim towards the surface as he began sinking deeper and deeper...

Kelda listened attentively as Art began to speak. He had some interest in her kind, that much was apparent, though it surprised her for a moment that she was apparently the first one he'd ever met. So maybe he was just curious about her kind, more than anything else; there was no harm in that, was there?

But she didn't have much time to think of that before an audible splash indicated that he had fallen off of whatever shallows he'd been wading in until now.

Instinct took over as Kelda quickly swam forward, especially as the human failed to resurface. Diving under the surface to see him more clearly, she reached forward to catch him before he could sink any deeper. Pulling him back upward was not as easy as she'd anticipated, since the absorbed metal made him weigh more than usual and she nearly lost her balance as they approached the shoreline, but she managed nonetheless to get him at least partly back onto dry land.

"Are you alright?" Kelda asked quickly. She was also somewhat tempted to ask if that was a common occurrence for him or if he normally weighed that much, but quickly decided against, having heard rumors about how sensitive humans could be about the latter sometimes.

"...Well, that was... New" Art said as he began chuckling, though out of nervousness, he was well aware of the fact that he probably looked like a fool after all that had happened, this was definitely not the best first impression...
Art took a deep breath...
"Look, thanks for saving me just now, and sorry for the trouble I just caused you..." Art said as he looked at her straight in the eye. "There's a lot of things I still don't understand, like whatever just happened..."
"I come from a place that's very different from this and all I knew of magic was all that stuff hollywood tells you... You know what, you probably don't care about that... I'll just leave you alone..." Art said as he began to walk away, why would someone like her be interested in talking to a human that can't even control his own powers.

03-03-2017, 04:04 AM
Ocella bowed when Master Dorian opened his door and greeted her. He was always there, a source of consistency and stability in a world that seemed ever changing. He asked if everything was okay and she realized that she must’ve looked a wreck after having spent the past week in a jungle. She sighed and beat the back of her head against the wall, leaning against it and sliding down as she had done before.

“I… I…” she couldn’t figure out how to voice her fears. “I’m scared,” she finally admitted, her heart racing and her chest rising and falling rapidly. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she buried her face into her hands. “How? How am I supposed to protect the world when nothing I’m doing is working? I’ve been training from dusk until dawn every day the past week in the jungle and I’m stuck. If… if Etrama went after my family, I don’t know if I could stop him. If Samael went after them, or even Auro. What the hell am I supposed to do?” Ocella asked, looking at him with worry.

“How am I supposed to accept myself when I can’t even keep the ones I love safe?” she asked, shaking her head in despair. “What more can I do?” she asked, looking to him for guidance.

Dorian watched her, and he felt sorry for her. All this time she felt as if she had to do this alone, at least that was his reasoning behind why she was feeling so down about defending her loved ones. When she was done talking, he merely smiled and walked over to touch her gently on the shoulder.

“Ocella, remember this my dear,” he began, “no matter what happens you have your friends to help you. You are NEVER alone in this battle. Though you may think your power is not enough, TOGETHER your power is MORE than enough.”

Ocella took in a deep breath and looked at him sadly. “So that’s it?” she asked, shaking her head in defiance. “I’m just supposed to accept that I can’t protect them, that my friends will have to help keep them safe?” she asked, sighing in annoyance. “How are we supposed to do this Master Dorian?” she asked, wishing for more. “How are we supposed to defeat two of the world’s greatest threats? They have armies at their disposal, there are only a few of us…” Ocella covered her face again as her shoulders shook from the stress. She didn’t know what was happening, what news Master Dorian had just received. All she wanted was to find a state of peace and calm again, but lately she had been too frazzled to even think.

“What will it solve for you to worry so much? Do you realize that your worry does nothing for the situation at hand?” Dorian asked showing a bit of tough love. “Ocella it is time to grow up. Stop worrying about the what ifs and the whys behind things and focus on doing all you can. If your power isn’t enough then find a way to increase it. There is ALWAYS a way Ocella, and when you realize this you will focus less on complaining and more on protecting.”

Dorian hated to be this way, but Ocella needed to focus. The others were out fighting and protecting and she was in front of him crumbling because she wasn’t able to reach Master level. There was much to learn in this world, and if she could only focus on the bad there was no room for good. She needed to realize that regardless she would have to fight and fight hard. Even when everything was crumbling a warrior must stand and defy injustice to provide justice.

Ocella rubbed her temples as he spoke. He was giving her tough love, telling her to stop worrying about the what-ifs and to simply focus on protecting others. “I have been protecting. I have been training. I have been trying to improve. I came to you seeking advice on how to improve. It’s natural for me to worry. You know how I am. But sure. I’ll figure it out, somehow.” she said, standing to her feet.

“Thank you for always being here for me. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important,” she said, looking at him apologetically.

“Not at all,” Dorian replied standing erect, “in fact you, Kyori, Art, Kelda, Aaron and Ryan are to report to the Southern Isles and Western Lands immediately. I need you to gather Art and Kelda and head to the Western Lands. I have already sent Kyori a message to go to the Southern Isles to face the beasts that are attacking.”

Dorian went silent as he turned to face his room door.

“Remember, you are more powerful than you know and give yourself credit for. Focus on overcoming and moving forward.”

Ocella nodded to Master Dorian and vanished at once to her assigned battleground. She was nervous, for she had yet to be successful in battle. She could only hope that together, with the help of her fellow mystics, they could defeat the beasts.

03-08-2017, 03:38 AM

A portal opened amongst the destruction that covered the Southern Isles. The destruction that was brought by the demon that was attacking was a refreshing scene to the Necromancer. Etrama looked at the carnage with a smile on his face. It was about time that he got to see some real action, not just sitting in an office, and running errands. Though, his time with Ocella was at least some reprieve for his once boring life. He hoped now that Samael was on the scene things would finally get bloody. And it has with this attack.

He had received orders from Auro to investigate the destruction, and not to interfere. Etrama didn’t know how much of that order he was going to follow, but what he did know was that he was enjoying what was happening now. The only thing that would make this assignment better was if he was to receive orders from Samuel, and be able to actually do something. Granted he was a traitor to Auro, but Samuel wanted him to keep an eye on his former master.

Walking through the streets he had a smile on his face at all of the bodies and blood that littered the streets. The sounds of people crying in pain, and the sweet sound of people slowly dying was music to his ears. He followed the destruction to where the Demon was, and watched as the creature was destroying a building with innocent people in it. He wanted to join in on the killing, but decided he wouldn’t for now. Though, he wanted to see the look on the faces of any of the mystics when they witness this destruction and carnage.


The fight with the two bears took longer than Joshua expected, and he didn’t get out of the fight without receiving some injuries of his own. He was holding his right arm, and there was blood seeping from his chest. Granted the bears didn’t fare any better. Though they are both still alive, but they will be nursing their wounds for a while. Continuing down the dimly lit hall that he had found beyond the room he was just in he had been walking for about five minutes, and still haven't found the end of it.

Then something caught his eye on the ground ahead of him, and he slowly walked up to it. If anything has been proven in this reticules quest Auro sent him on was caution was his best friend. However, what he found was a surprise. It was a trail of blood that looked strangely fresh. Kneeling down to touch the substance his suspicions were confirmed. “What the hell is going on?” Joshua asked to the empty hall as he had found out this trail of blood was his.

Had he been walking in circles, or was there something else at work here? He leaned against the wall sliding down to the floor. Not thinking it would take this long to get to the jewel Auro was wanting he didn’t tend to his injuries, but since this was going to take longer than expected he needed to stop his bleeding before he had more issues than he already had.


The scorpion like creature was right underneath him, and it hadn't realized that Aeterna was here. This was the perfect time to launch an attack. If he could finish off the creature before anyone else arrived then he wouldn't have to worry if that other person was Kyori. Concentrating his power on the creature's shadow spikes started to form underneath the creature. Then in an instant the spikes shot up out of the shadow, in an attempt to impale the creature from underneath. However this didn’t go as planned.

When the spikes hit the demon they were unable to penetrate the underbelly of the creature. Instead they forcefully pushed the creature into the air, and when it slammed back into the earth it looked up and saw Aaron hovering right to the right of it. The creature screamed, and t as an eerie sound that made Aeterna’s hair stand on end. He was beginning to think he has made a mistake coming here on his own.

The now enraged demon attacked Aaron with its tails. Trying its best to swat the pest out of the air. Aaron was dodging the attacks, but with three tails coming at him even the littlest mistake would cost him. As he continued to dodge the scorpion like creatures attacks kept getting faster. Until it got the better of the shadow phoenix, and one of the tails connected. Hitting his side the power of the creature was more than Aeterna could handle. The strike sent him flying and crashing into a building. Breaking through several walls before stopping.

The impact hurt like hell, and he could tell that he was injured. Coughing up blood he struggled to not only breath but stand. It seamed a couple of his ribs were broken, but it was noting his healing ability could handle. However, he would need time to heal, and he doubted the creature would allot him the time. Sure enough one of the tails shot through the building wrapping itself around Aaron. Luckily for him he had enough time to surround his body in shadows to act as a barrier. This would at least keep the demon from crushing him, but for how long he didn't know.

03-23-2017, 10:36 PM
Arriving at the scene of destruction was breathtaking to see. The beast had managed to litter the streets with debris and bodies. He could hear the sound of movement and moved in the direction he sensed the demon. When he jumped onto the top of a tall building, he saw it. It looked as if it had eight legs, spikes covering its shoulder and two pincers that looked as if they could cleave straight through steel. Three stingers lashed out slicing through small structures with ease. In that moment he saw Aeterna attack the creature. He was putting up a fight until the creature struck him and sent him into a nearby building. Kyori gasped and went to work casting a spell. At that moment he saw another individual appear on the scene. He looked familiar.

“Ryan?” he questioned as he returned his attention back on the scorpion demon. “Fulminis iras te,” he spoke causing the clouds above to shift, white lightning streaking through the clouds. Just as the creature was about to squeeze Aeterna, lightning surged from the bosom of the clouds and struck the creature causing it to release Aeterna but also revealing Kyori’s presence to it.

Ryan caught Aeterna and looked at him. “You okay?” he questioned sitting him down as Kyori jumped from the building as one of its tails slice through it sending debris in all directions.

The scorpion continued to squeeze Aaron as it was trying to crush him, but the shadows didn’t budge. However, he was still trying hard to breath without pain. Then finally that shadows gave way and the tail was able to constrict around him, but before the demon could do any more damage to him lightning struck the demon, and it screamed in pain. The electrical current when through Aeterna as well, but it wasn’t long before the demon dropped him.

He was unable to do anything to break his fall but just as he was about to impact with the ground he was caught by someone. Pain still radiated through his body because of his broken ribs, but he could live with that. He looked at Ryan just as he spoke to him. Aeterna coughed hard bringing up blood, just as he was sat down on the ground. He was still trying to heal his lungs and ribs. “I will… be okay. I Just wasn’t… prepared for it… to be that fast.” Aaron said as he smiled at Ryan. Trying to reassure them that he was going to be okay. “I… Just need a … little time… to heal my… injury.”

Ryan nodded and helped Aeterna over to a better place away from the creature. When he was a safe distance he rejoined the battle. Kyori had blasted the demon with a large current of electricity sending it skidding backwards. There was a screech that came from the creature's throat, but when it struck Kyori it was like being struck by a rock. Kyori was knocked into the ground sliding to a halt as he gained his composure. Ryan appeared beside him and nodded as he started drawing symbols with his hand. Kyori knew what Ryan had planned and quickly moved towards the creature sending volleys of electrical orbs that crashed against its exoskeleton.

As Ryan took Aaron to a safer location he could only thank Ryan for the assistance before he went back into battle. Then he realized that Kyori was participating in this battle, and Aeterna was in no condition to help him. Cursing under his breath he watched his two fellow warriors, and decided even though he was injured he would still be able to help, he would still protect Kyori. He closed his eyes and concentrated his power as he began to speak a spell. The shadows around the creature shot out to ensnare it. He was going to keep the demon still while he was healing, and giving the other a chance to attack it. The shadow vines wrapped around it’s legs, pincers, and tails. He cringed in pain as he continued to heal. He just hoped he would be able to hold the spell while he was in pain.

Kyori was knocked to the ground by the tail of the scorpion demon but Ryan was there to catch him as he skid to a halt. They both looked up at the scorpion before Kyori realized that he had broken Ryan’s concentration because Ryan had caught him. They kept moving, giving the scorpion demon too many points to track. Each landed successful hits on the scorpion but Ryan was knocked down with a powerful strike from the scorpion. He landed roughly on the ground and rolled a few times before stopping. This was when Aeterna used his power over the shadows to ensnare the beast giving Kyori a chance to strike. Kyori used a full charge attack, unleashing a dragon made of electricity from the heavens. The creature struggled to break free and was succeeded until it’s limbs started to freeze. It looked down to see Ryan touching it’s leg. At that moment its attention shot to Kyori as it launched a barb from it’s tail in a last minute effort to survive, but it was too late, just as the tail struck Kyori in the side, the dragon struck the creature consuming it and causing it to explode.

Kyori shot backwards from the impact of the stinger striking him and hit a brick wall yelling out in pain. Ryan was too close when the explosion happened and was knocked unconscious.

The pain filled his very core as he looked down at the deep cut on his side. Blood was oozing out a bit too rapidly for comfort.

“Damn,” he groaned as he tried to move but collapsed under the pain, realizing then that the wound was deeper than he initially thought. He was fading fast and he didn’t know what else to do.

“Kyori are you hurt?” he heard a voice in his head. He recognized it as Auro, but he didn’t respond. “Kyori! Stop being stubborn and answer me.”

“I’m fine, not like you’d care,” Kyori replied.

“I’m sending someone to get you, stay put,” Auro replied. He could hear the rejection, he knew Kyori didn’t want to see him, not after the attack. Everyone believed that he released the monsters, and he hadn’t come clean to let anyone know that he hadn’t. He sighed as he sat behind his desk.

“Aaron, I have a mission for you. Gather Kyori and report to me NOW!” Auro spoke into Aaron’s mind giving the shadow phoenix no choice in the matter.

Aeterna quickly made his way over to Kyori, who had sustained the brunt of the damage from the demon that he and Ryan had just vanquished. His physical injuries were healing and he was able to move now. However, his emotional ones were almost beyond what he could tolerate. He had made a promise to protect his lover, and he failed in that miserably. When he reached Kyori’s side the young dragon was trying to get up but quickly collapsed. “Kyori I am sorry.” Aaron said in a distraught tone as he tried to used his power to heal his lover. The shadows covered the injury as he began to heal Kyori.

However, Auro’s voice rang in his head commanding him to bring Kyori to him. Aeterna stopped in his tracks as he looked down at Kyori. He wanted him to bring the only person he loved to him. He probably wanted to watch as the dragon bled to death. Forcing the phoenix to watch as well. Had he found out about their relationship? He was not going to allow that to happen. Fighting the order he has received five deep lacerations opened up on his back, and the back of his shirt started to get soaked in his blood. Screaming from the pain he tried to stand up to leave, but his legs refused to follow his will. The curse was keeping him in his place, and soon would force him to obey his master's orders.

Kyori looked up at Aeterna when he arrived by his side. His vision was blurred, but he was glad to see him. The healing aura that Aeterna gave off helped sooth him, but his wound didn’t close. It was due to the poison the demon secreted. Kyori screamed out in pain when Aeterna tried to move him, and watched as Aeterna seemed to struggle internally with something. Aeterna screamed out and Kyori’s eyes widened.

“Are…...you…..okay?” he breathed out in between the surges of pain from his wound. He tried to move, but every part of him hurt and every time he moved his wound would ooze more blood. He was in a bad place. He just needed to get as far away as he could. “Aeterna,” he said coughing, “get us……….out of here,” he added weakly. His strength was fading, the poison was taking it’s toll on him.

Aeterna was in pain but so was Kyori, and soon his love would be in the hands of Auro, or dead from his injuries. With a pained and saddened look on his face he refused to answer Kyori's question. Placing one of his hands under the dragon's shoulders, and the other under his legs. Lifting him up off the ground as gently as he could. As not to aggravate his love's wounds, as he did so he bent down and kissed Kyori gently on the forehead. He could tell that Kyori was fading fast even his skin was cool to the touch. He would rather take him to the academy where he could be healed, but that was an impossibility.

Closing his eyes as tears started to form he spoke an incantation that opened a portal before them. “I am sorry Kyori. I hope that you can forgive me.” Was the only thing he said as he took the dragon through the portal to Auro’s chambers. Once inside of the accursed place he looked around for the man that would likely kill Kyori, and found him at his desk. Unable to fight the curse anymore he walked over to the Voodoo dragon holding his love as close to him as possible. He wanted to at least be able to hold him as he died.

Kyori had faded to the point of near unconsciousness, but he could still hear Aaron when he spoke and he could feel his body being lifted. A spell was uttered and he heard Aaron say that he was sorry which caused him to worry. Why was he sorry? What had he done or what was he about to do? All of these questions were answered when he heard Auro’s voice.

Auro stood in front of Aeterna and Kyori. He looked angry, but his anger wasn’t aimed at Kyori but rather Aeterna.

“Lay him over there,” Auro said his anger turning into worry. “The scorpion’s venom is taking its toll on him.”

Auro walked forward and touched Kyori’s head softly before leaning forward and kissing his forehead. Kyori groaned, his eyes closed.

“Aeterna………….why….why did…...you bring me…..here?” Kyori questioned as Auro looked down on him.

“It’s okay Kyori, I’m going to help you.”

Aeterna was shocked at the reaction that Auro gave when he approached both of them. He was angry about Kyori’s condition, and demanded that he placed the young dragon on the couch. He had no choice but to obey. If he didn’t do what Auro wanted and more pain would shoot through his body, and he would probably drop Kyori. Placing him down on the couch he moved out of the way. Aaron move to the head of the couch to at least be there, but what happened next made all of the blood run out of his face. Auro cared for Kyori? Did he love him? Was this what Kyori ment when they talked in the garden? So many question ran through his head as his lover's voice broke him out of his thoughts.

He wants to know why he brought him here. The last thing he wanted for him to ask. Knowing that this was going to be extremely painful, but he had a right to know. “I had no…” Aaron cringed as another laceration opened up on his back, this one was extremely deep. “Choice in the matter.” This was all he could say before the pain stopped him from talking. He wrapped his arms around himself, falling to his knees. The pain from his injuries was not the only thing that was too much for him to bear. The secrets that were just revealed tore at his heart.

“He brought you here because I commanded him to do so,” Auro filled in as he examined Kyori’s wound, much to Kyori’s protest. “Now don’t move, the toxins in your system are straining your heart, I’ll be right back.”

Auro moved around the room like a scientist putting together a cure for an epidemic. When he returned he held a book and some very odd items. Kyori tried to move, but Auro grabbed his shoulder and pressed him against the couch. “Be still,” he said as he started muttering a incantation. He began grinding several ingredients in a morter his voice echoing through his office before he stopped and placed a dark amber liquid on the wound. Kyori screamed out in pain, his scream filling the office. He wriggled but couldn’t stop the pain that was surging through him. As he screamed, his wound slowly began to close and the toxins spilled out minute by minute until there was none and the wound was closed. His eyes flung open and he punched Auro causing the male’s head to tilt to the side.

“You’re welcome,” Auro said with a pissed off look on his face.

“Why am I here?” Kyori questioned weakly as he noticed Aaron on his knees with his arms wrapped around him. Kyori scurried to his side as best he could. “Are you okay?” he asked cupping the male’s face in his hands.

Auro glared at the two and stood to his feet. “So this is why you broke it off? To be with him, my servant?”

Kyori’s eyes widened as he looked into Aeterna’s eyes.

“That’s right he works for me.”

Aeterna could only listen as everything went down. The pain in Kyori’s voice as he scream was almost more than he could tolerate. He was being healed at least that was the only good thing that came from coming to this accursed place. His pain was starting to ease as his natural healing ability kicked in, However, this was only the beginning of his hell. He suddenly felt Kyori’s hands on his face, as they pulled Aarons chin up to look into his lovers eyes. Then everything was revealed. Kyori had been seeing Auro, and now his love knows that he is working for him. Though Aaron wanted to at least make one thing perfectly clear. He gritted his teeth as he prepared to speak.

“I don’t work for you willingly.” He said as another laceration opened on his back, but he was not going to stop there. “If you… didn’t curse.” The pain overloaded his senses. He looked into Kyori’s eyes as tears ran down his face. He then suddenly doubled over from the pain in his back, and a single laceration opened up on his arm. His body was involuntarily shaking from the pain.

Kyori’s eyes widened in disbelief when he heard Aaron speak. He looked up at Auro and shook his head.

“So is he a part of your collective too?” Kyori spat as Auro smirked.

“How long,” he said as he let his arms hang against his side.

“Auro,” Kyori said.

“HOW LONG?” Auro yelled causing Kyori to jump.

“Aeterna and I fell in love when we broke up,” Kyori replied.

“You call that a break up?” Auro replied shaking his head. “Kyori you know how I feel about you.”

Kyori turned his head as tears welled up in his eyes. They did share something special, but he found out he couldn’t live a lie. Auro wouldn’t change for him, it was evident and Kyori was faced with having to make a hard decision.

“We did have something special Auro, but you made the choice and so did I.”

“SO YOU SLEEP WITH A PHOENIX?” Auro yelled snatching Aeterna up by the throat and slamming him against the wall. “YOU SERVE ME, I COULD DEMOLISH THIS LITTLE RELATIONSHIP.”

“WHAT CURSE IS HE UNDER?” Kyori yelled getting Auro’s attention.

“Oh you want to know huh?” Auro said slamming Aeterna’s head against the wall.

“STOP!” Kyori pleaded.

“It’s a simple curse, he has to do ANYTHING I tell him to do or he will suffer pain beyond pain, isn’t that right Aeterna?” Auro mocked.


“Or what? You’ll attack me, try and free your lover.”

“Why are you doing this, why are you…..,” Kyori paused and looked away.

Aeterna was not able to interfere with the argument that ensued between Kyori and Auro, but from what he could gather Kyori fell in love with him when he and Auro broke up. However, from the sounds of it he just stopped talking to Auro. This was not going to be good. Why couldn’t Kyori have just not come to his side. Then none of this would have to have happened.

Without warning Aaron felt a strong hand wrap itself around his throat. He was then picked up, and slammed into the nearby wall. The impact knocked the air out of his lungs, and the grip tightened. Not allowing him to breath properly. As he struggled for breath he brought his hands up to try and pry Auro’s fingers from around his throat.

Then a threat of forcing him to halt his relationship with Kyori left his lips. Aeterna continued to try and breath, but it was no use. Then his head impacted hard with the wall as Auro slammed his head into it. This caused Aaron to stop his fight to free himself as his vision was beginning to blur for more than one reason. He could hear Auro mocking Kyori, and the desperation in the others voice. He didn’t want Kyori to suffer anymore because of him. Trying to get a little breath so he could speak was difficult, but he had to try and stop this. “Auro please stop.” He said as he strained to get another breath. “This is my…” Aeterna was losing consciousness but he needed to hold on for a bit longer. “Fault. Don’t torture.... Kyori. Over my tra...nsgre...ssion.”

Auro glared at Kyori but he saw the pain in his eyes, how he was causing this pain and it sickened him. Kyori was right, he hadn’t changed and his grip released Aaron as he backed away from both of them. His eyes continued to scour Kyori for some sort of answer, but Kyori didn’t speak, his tears fell and nothing stopped them. Auro had caused Kyori pain and now he was witnessing the cost of jealousy. Shaking his head, Auro sighed.

“You really love him?” he asked Kyori who looked at him with tear stained eyes and nodded. Auro turned his attention to Aaron and closed his eyes exhaling softly.

“I’m…..I’m sorry I caused you pain Kyori,” Auro said as he walked over to him and tried to place a hand on his shoulder, but Kyori moved away. Auro knew he had crossed the line, he may have lost the opportunity to be Kyori’s friend. “Kyori you know I love you, it’s just….”

“Release him……. Release him please,” Kyori begged. Auro looked at him and sighed. Standing upright he walked over to Aaron and bent down until he was eye level with him.

Aaron was about to finally fall to the darkness when suddenly he was freed from Auro’s grasp. Sliding to the floor, and he began to cough violently as he was trying to catch his breath after finally able to breath once more. His lungs which were burning from the lack of oxygen were now starting to return to normal along with all of his senses. He didn’t know why he was spared, but he was.

He could hear the pain in Auro’s voice as he spoke to Kyori, and the young dragon asked that he be freed from his curse. Something didn’t seem right with all of this. Auro truly loved Kyori from the bottom of his heart. That was evident when he attacked Aaron because they had slept together. Not knowing what to think anymore he looked up just as Auro bent down to look him in the eyes.

He could see the pain that was hidden behind Auro’s mask that hid his real emotions. “Auro what are you…” Aeterna stopped speaking as he knew saying anything in this moment would probably not bode well for him. He just waited to see what was going to happen. Though, he doubted that Auro would free him from his curse.

Auro revealed the flare stone that bound Aeterna to the curse. With a sigh, he reached for Aaron’s hand and grabbed it. He placed the stone in Aeterna’s hand and continued to hold his hand on top of Aaron’s.

“Nunc quod ligatur!”(That which was bound is now free) With the incantation spoken, the power of the curse slowly dissipated from Aeterna’s body and Auro looked at him with a sigh.

“I swear if you hurt him I will kill you,” he spoke before standing erect and walking over to Kyori. “What you’ve asked of me is done.”

Kyori stood to his feet and looked at Aaron then turned his attention to Auro before embracing him in a hug. Auro relished the hug but knew that Kyori was no longer his, but perhaps there was hope for them, perhaps friendship could ease his lonely heart.

“Thank you Auro,” Kyori said looking into his eyes.

“Only for you,” Auro replied, “I just want you to be happy, and if Aeterna makes you happy then I can be happy knowing that.”

Kyori smiled softly and released Auro from his embrace before rushing over to Aaron. He embraced him lovingly and kissed his cheek while Auro walked over to his desk, looking out the very large window. Samael would come for him, he was sure of it and if he fell he didn’t want Kyori to be worried or know of his death.

Aaron was surprised when the flare stone was suddenly in his hand. Then Auro spoke an incantation that Aeterna recognized. Auro was freeing him from the curse? He could feel the restrains on him lift, and now he was free to live his life the way he wanted. Then Auro threatened him, and with a smile he replied. “I will never hurt Kyori.” This was a promise he would never break. Auro left the flare stone in his hands.

Then Auro told Kyori that his will was done, and the two hugged. Though, this was not the action of lovers but friends. Aeterna could understand what Auro saw in Kyori, and could respect the man for trying to fight for what he wanted. Then Kyori embraced Aeterna and the Phoenix smiled at his lover as he kissed him on the cheek. Returning the hug he held onto him for a bit, and then released him. “Thank you Kyori.” Was all he said as he started to stand up.

His legs were still wobbly from what had just happened, but there was something he needed to do. When he was first cursed he promised that he would one day kill Auro, but now he was unable to do that. He wouldn't hurt Kyori like that not now not ever. He walked over to the desk, and looked Auro in the eyes.

“I no longer hold a grudge against you. So I will not try and kill you, but I want to know one thing. Were you responsible for the Demons that hurt Kyori? He truly doubted that Auro would risk killing Kyori, but Aeterna wand him to say it out loud.

Auro kept his back to the couple as he looked out the window. When he heard Aeterna’s voice, he turned and peered into his eyes. He was asking him a question that no one else had asked him. He wanted the truth and Auro would give him the truth. He sat down in his large chair and smirked.

“While everyone thinks I did it, I did not,” Auro said, “it is the work of Samael, the Dark Angel, known by many as the Bringer of Death. I doubt you’ve run into him yet, but he is aiming to replace me because I fell in love with him.” Auro shook his head and smirked. “An odd turn of events right? Just promise me that no matter what happens you will protect him as best you can.”

Kyori noticed the look on Auro’s face and overheard the conversation causing him to walk over.

“You’re going to face him ALONE?” he questioned.

“Do not worry about me Kyori, focus on reaching the next level.

You’re going to need it to defeat him.”

A scared look crossed Aeterna face when he heard the name Samael. This fallen angel was beyond evil. He was supposed to be sealed away never to reawaken. So how in the world did he wake up? That would be a question for another time. He listened to everything Auro had to say before speaking. He was right that they would need all the power they could muster to defeat a being of his calabar.

“You need not worry about Kyori. I will protect him no matter who I am fighting against. This you have my word on.” Aaron said in a sincere tone.

Aeterna had decided that he was going to do something. Not for Auro, but for Kyori's sake. Taking his flare stone he brought it up to his lips and chanted a incantation under his breath as he walked around the desk. To face Auro Dragon to Phoenix. Taking his necklace he moved in close to Auro and placed the necklace around Auro’s neck.

“I want you to swear that you will never remove this stone from around your neck. This is a gift for your kindness to Kyori, and for sparing my life.” He said in a serious tone.

Auro watched as Aeterna moved around the desk until he was facing him. What he did next made Auro’s eyes widen in surprise. He knew what Aeterna was trying to do, and he was thankful, but this burden was his own and he couldn’t in good conscious take the stone again after releasing him from his hold.

“Aeterna you can’t possibly want to do this,” Auro stated as he looked at Kyori who was trying to figure out what was going on. He was worried for both of them and didn’t know what to say.

“Aeterna, what….what does this mean?” Kyori asked as Auro looked at him with loving eyes. He touched the stone and realized that for Kyori’s sake Aeterna was doing this. He wouldn’t disrespect him no more than he already had.

“Alright Aeterna, I will wear it, I swear to you Dragon to Phoenix your kind shall live on.”

Aeterna nodded his head at Auro as he swore that he would never remove the necklace that held his flare stone. Auro of all people knew how important this stone was to a phoenix, yet only a phoenix knows the full power of the stone. He backed away from the voodoo dragon, and turned to face Kyori.

“You needn't worry yourself. This is a way of showing my respect. I have entrusted Auro with protecting my life.” Aaron said in a kind tone. He was telling Kyori the truth, but what neither of them knew is that this stone was more powerful than either of them could imagine. Especially if it fell into the hands of someone that knew about the power. It would be devastating.

“Auro, seque maledicto constrinxerit factus est, et non potero. Verba memento et ne obliviscaris verborum quae cavent honorem. (Auro an othe has been made, and you can’t break it. So remember your words, and never forget the honor of what you are protecting.)”

Kyori observed the exchange in silence. It was great to see them getting along, but he knew it was simply because of him. Had he not been there when Auro was choking the life out of Aaron, he would’ve never seen the shadow phoenix again, and had he not been so special to Aaron, Aaron would never have given his flare stone back to Auro. The stress alone was tremendous, but he sincerely hoped that they could make a difference in this world. The lingering thought of death made him wonder what would happen when they inevitably faced Samael.

When the exchange between Auro and Aaron was complete, Kyori smiled.

“I will,” Auro said as Kyori stepped forward.

“Thank you Auro for healing me and for freeing him, but please tell me you’re not going to face him alone.”

“I have no choice Kyori,” Auro replied, “but I will be fine. Have faith in me.”

Kyori reached up and touched the side of Auro’s face, a single tear falling down his face as he noticed the glint of uncertainty in Auro’s eyes.

“Alright, I need to find Ocella and the others. Ryan is probably looking for us,” Kyori said turning to Aaron.

Auro was now an important part of Aeterna’s legacy, and he would be able to intervene in the fight that Auro is going to bring upon himself. The voodoo dragon had the power to follow the light and repent for what he has done. Aeterna was not going to let him die. Kyori might be fooled, but he was not. This man was strong enough that the heavens themselve sealed him away.

Though, Aaron hid this fact from Kyori. He didn’t want to make him worry about what was going to transpire. He smiled at Kyori as he turned around, and mentioned that they needed to get going. “You are right as always my love.” He said as he opened a portal that would lead them out of this place.

Once Kyori walked through the portal Aaron turned to face Auro. “Don’t you dare break your promise. Kyori will not be able to forgive himself if you die!”

Kyori walked through the portal that Aaron summoned. They appeared on the battlefield as the demon scorpions carcass began to dissipate. He noticed Ryan out of the corner of his eye as the male embraced him.

“I thought you were dead. I saw it’s tail impale you. You SHOULD be dead,” Ryan exclaimed looking around. “Yet here you are, alive, how?”

“Just make sure you look after him,” Auro replied, “and stay alive.” He watched them walk through the portal and turned back to the window, touching the flare stone worry evident on his face.

Aeterna nodded his head at Auro as he turned to walk through the portal. He knew that Auro had a long road ahead of him. Appearing on the other side of the portal he walked over to where Kyori was and stood beside him as Ryan asked his question. A small smile formed on his face as he replied in Kyori’s stead.

“Don’t worry about it Ryan. All that matters is that we all made it out alive somehow.”

03-24-2017, 12:36 AM
The moment Ocella vanished, she appeared at the scene of destruction. Much to her dismay, and poor luck, a manticore had found its way into the western lands and seemed to be frolicing about without concerns. She didn’t know if Auro was responsible for the destruction, one of his generals, or if her great uncle had been responsible.

She observed the beast for a moment, trying to decide the best plan of attack. ‘Art… Kelda... ‘ she thought to her fellow mystics, sending them images of what was happening and where she was. The last time she had faced a manticore… it had nearly ripped her leg off. It would’ve had her for dinner had it not been for Master Hillard.

Spikes penetrated the beast, spilling blood before it as they tightened around the creature. The beast turned and searched for her, but much to its anger could not find Ocella. With its teeth, the beast tore through the vines and freed itself with great effort. “Make thyself known!” the beast roared, rearing up on its hind legs.

“Coward! Face me!” it shouted, and Ocella shook her head with a soft sigh. A thick, sturdy spear made of vine with a spike at the end appeared in her hand and she flew towards the creature at the speed of holy light. When she grew close, she threw the spear towards its head at great speed and momentum. The beast grinned at her, catching the spear with its tail. It turned the spear around and threw it back at Ocella, much to her surprise for it held greater strength than her own throw. “My next toy. I shall claim your life, and then the lives of those in these lands. A manticore never loses its prey,” the beast said with a hungry glint in its eye as the spear raced towards Ocella.

She moved her body out of the way just in time, her hands taking hold of the spear and stopping it in its track. She smirked as she turned it to face the creature once more. “Let’s see who can land the first hit,” Ocella said, and the creature seemed amused by the proposition. “And for the record, that is what the last manticore I faced said,” Ocella said with a sigh. The creature raised its brow and looked furious. “You have defeated a manticore?” it asked, a growl behind its voice. She laughed, a laugh that resembled a mad woman. “Hardly, but I had help. And help I shall have this time,” Ocella said, knowing that her comrades would be there before long. She disappeared in a flash and the beast looked around for its prey.

Amon was sitting in a little garden that he had started on the outskirts of Auro’s base of operations. Unlike the other Magistrates he was not assigned to taking care of any of the aspects of the organization that was Auro’s criminal empire. He was actually assigned as sort of a body guard, and caretaker of the hidden base. He knew more of what was going on inside of these walls than any of the other Magistrates. Knowing of Auro’s little fling, and his true feelings didn’t change Amon’s opinion of him. It just meant that Auro was more like him that even he knew. On the other hand Auro was keeping him hidden from his enemies. If they knew of his power then they would try to bring him to their side. However, he was loyal to Auro only, and no one would be able to change that.

Suddenly his master's voice rang in his head. Commanding him to go to the Western lands to investigate what was happening there. This was the first time he had been asked to do anything outside of his assigned role. This was a change of pace, but he knew that if Auro was asking then it must have been important. He didn’t waste any time as he stood up from his kneeling position, and dusted himself off.

Turning around to the walls of the compound he slowly walked up to them and placed his hand on the wall. Muttering a spell under his breath the wall slowly became encased in a layer of ice, that actually reflected a picture of a destroyed city on the wall. Pushing his hand into the wall he slowly walked into the frozen mirror. This was a spell of transportation, and only people that are accustomed to the cold are able to pass through this image.

A wall inside of the city suddenly was coated in a sheet of ice as Amun walked through the spell to see the carnage that filled the streets. Dead bodies, and people who have yet to pass littered the streets, and blood paved a path down the sidewalks. Smiling at the carnage Amon followed the trail of blood to see where it lead.

It didn’t take long to find the Demon that had caused all this destruction, but what really caught his eye was the angelic looking person that decided to engage the creature in battle. Watching as she attacked the manticore with what looked like a spear of wood? This confused him slightly. Who would use nature like that? He had heard from Auro the abilities of all of the Mystics, and this one must be the Mystic of Nature. He just watched her as she continued to fight the creature. Wanting to know more about the fearless young woman, but deciding not to interfere just yet. Wanting to see what she was capable of, and watch her graceful movements.

Ocella reappeared directly in front of the manticore, much to the creature’s surprise. It had been expecting her to appear behind him, but when she lunged at the creature and thrust the spear at it… the creature caught her off guard. Just as she was preparing to strike it raised one of its massive paws and struck her with such a force as to knock her back and to send her tumbling away.

The claws had impacted her greatly and had sliced a portion of her face, such that she had to close one eye to keep blood from getting in it. She was breathing heavily from her injuries and glared at the beast. “I got you first,” the beast said, smirking as it changed its gaze to the spear she had lost in the process of the impact. “Now you’re mine,” the beast said, raising its paw and extending its claws. The manticore licked them, tasting her blood and its eyes turned to hungry slits. Ocella knew that she was in trouble, the beast had a rather great advantage now in addition to bloodlust.

It charged her and she disappeared, thinking back to how Master Hillard had defeated the other manticore. He had used such great strength against it, but there was only so much strength one of her size could possess and it was nowhere near those capabilities. The beast roared in fury as it searched for her, but when it pounced upon a fleeing human Ocella reappeared at once, thrusting her hands forward and yanking them back at once. The first thrust was a series of vines that had wrapped around the beast, restraining it. The yank had been to create a viney pit in the ground that had sharp spikes sticking out of it. Ocella watched as the beast roared and struggled in fury as it grew near the spikes, allowing her time to focus on healing her wounds.

Watching as the young lady appeared in front of the creature attacking it once again. Amun could tell that it was a mistake to do so. The demon got the first strike in, and from the looks of it the young warrior was injured pretty bad. Not to mention that the demon drew first blood. As it licked the blood from it’s claws he got a wild look in his eyes. As the girl disappeared once more. Once an innocent life was brought into the fray she reappeared and caught the demon in vines, and was trying to impale him with more vines that were at the bottom of a pit.

One side of him liked the fact of her boldness, and the other liked her cunning. Though he was confused on the feelings he was having. He didn’t understand what this meant, but he decided it might be a good idea to at least help this young warrior. Besides this one is not his enemy at the moment, and Auro might want some information on how powerful these creatures were, and to what extent they would have to go to defeat them. Since they were not summoned by his master.

Not making a noise as he approached the winged warrior, as he chanted a minor healing spell under his breath. His hand became encased in a white light, He placed his hand on her back, and the white light went into her body. It was healing some of her minor wounds, but nothing major would be healed. “Don’t try moving at the moment, or the spell will be broken.” Was all he said on the matter.

Just as Ocella had been ready to deliver a powerful blow to the beast, she felt a hand upon her back and magic overcome her senses. Her eyes widened in surprise, a look of horror on her face as she heard an unknown voice behind her. Her first reaction was to run away, and she had nearly fallen out of the sky from sheer panic.

She could feel the magic coursing through her and flinched slightly, but then… she realized very quickly that it was a healing spell and that her wounds were closing. Not all of them, but a number of them were closing. She channeled her own healing magic in this opportunistic moment and together, with the aid of this stranger, she was able to heal the wound on her face. It would leave a dreadful scar, but for the time being- it was healed enough to stop bleeding.

She turned when the spell was complete to look at this newcomer, hoping beyond all hope that it hadn’t been her great uncle. She sighed in relief when she realized that it wasn’t him, but then… who was he? “Thank you… who are you?” she asked, losing focus on the manticore for a moment too long.

“She is mine!” the beast roared from behind Ocella, causing her blood to run cold just as she felt the tail snaking around her leg. She let out a squeal of surprise as she was yanked out of the air by the tail, her body being flung through the air like a ragdoll. The beast held out its paw and yanked her towards it, slashing at her in a most deadly manner. ‘Think, think, think Cella!’ she thought desperately, her body shimmering for just a moment. Vines wrapped around her, forming a protective casing around her body just as it impacted against the claws. The vines were solid, with pointed edges around them that pierced its paw. The creature roared in pain and dropped her immediately, giving her time to look for the new arrival.

Who was he to sneak up on someone in battle? Who did he affiliate with? Was he friend or foe? Did she have to worry about his presence while she was fighting the manticore? All these thoughts swirled around her mind as her eyes landed on him once more.

“Who are you?” she asked again, bracing herself as the manticore began to charge her direction. She was always one for dumb ideas, but… more often than not they paid off, even at her own expense.

Amon was using an aircurant spell to keep himself floating in the air as the spell was working. He could feel that she was tense with his touch, and she seemed to be almost scared. Not letting it bother him he continued his spell. Once everything was said and done the girl turned to face him. A relieved look crossed her face as she realized something, then she had a quizzical look on her face. That was to be expected since she didn’t know who he was. He was about to answer her question when the beast bellowed, and grabbed a hold of her.

Chuckling at the fact that she squealed when the demon grabbed her he could only smile. The girl seemed odd to him. He had never met someone that was as interesting as her. She changed moods in a heartbeat, and looses concentration so easily. He could only shake his head at the events that just happened. This warrior was a curious one to say the least. Using the wind currents to land on the ground in front of the young warriors as she asked him once more what his name was.

But before anything could happen the demon as charging at them again wanting to get ahold of the young warrior. “She is mine. Stay out of this.” The demon bellowed as it continued to approach. “Incendia fieri; scutum meum, et aliquid quod movet URO somno.” (Flames become my shield, and incinerate anything that disturbs your slumber.) With these words a barrier of fire surrounded them. As he looked the young warrior in the eyes an angry look appeared on his face. “You need to learn not to allow yourself to be distracted in battle. That will get you killed” Amon said as then his features softened. “My name is Amon, and who might you be?” he asked as the walls shook from an impact of the creatures fists trying to break the barrier of flames.

Just as Ocella was preparing to strike the beast in a surprise attack, the newcomer spoke a spell and flames seemed to surround them. She was weary, for they were most powerful. She still didn’t know if he was friend or foe, but… for now she would use caution. He chided her for getting distracted so easily, an angry look appearing on his face.

“How is one not to be distracted when a stranger appears behind them and begins using magic on them?” Ocella asked, rolling her eyes lightly and shaking her head. She was defensive, for this could end badly for her if he wanted it to. His features softened a little, as did hers in turn when he spoke his name and asked her who she was. “I am Ocella,” she answered, looking around as the walls of fire shook. The beast was roaring in fury just feet away from her.

She had so many questions for the stranger and didn’t know where to begin. She didn’t want to be rude, in the event that he was of friendly nature, but at the same time… how could she be certain? “And, Amon… what are your intentions in this battle?” she asked him, a most serious look on her face. She hoped that she didn’t have to worry about him, but that remained to be seen.

“Well young one it is easy. Keep your senses open, and don’t only look at what is in front of you. You need to be aware of your surroundings That was nothing surprises you.” Amon said right before the young warrior introduced herself. This girl was complicated. Even more so than himself. “Ocella don’t mind him. He doesn't like when people aren't aware of what is going on around them. He believes that you should always know your surroundings. That way you don’t get killed.” Anum said with a smile on his face. He knew that his other half liked this young woman as much as he did. Though what this feeling was they still didn’t know.

Amon had to think a bit on how to word his response. Auro didn’t want anyone to know about him since he was his trump card in this war. Even the other Magistrates didn’t know much about him. “Well my interest in this little skirmish is to observe the battle. I was not going to interfere, but for some reason I found that we liked you, and that is not something we take for granted. So now I have no idea what we are going to do. However, we are enjoying talking to you.” Amun said as suddenly his face turned serious. “Speak for yourself.”

Ocella was confused by his words. “Don’t mind ‘him’?” she asked. Who was this other person he was referring to? Still, he said that his interest had been to observe the battle and that he enjoyed talking to her. His face turned serious and he seemed to be conflicted with himself.

“I shall feast on the blood of those around me until you fight me like a true warrior!” the manticore roared. Ocella sighed and looked at Amon apologetically. “Please excuse me,” she said sadly.

Amun looked at Ocella with a sour look. “Don’t think we are the same.” Amun said angrily as then he calmed down. “We are not the same yet the same. We are both Amon, just different in the way we see the world.” He said as the creature stopped trying to break the barrier, and made a comment about killing the people around them till she decided to face him. Amun was taken back as she asked to be excused. Was she really going to fight the manticore. Even though, she will lose?

“Why are you going to face him?” Amun asked curious why in the world she would risk her life for the weak. I made no sense to him, and his other personality was not pleased with the situation.

Ocella understood almost instantly as he spoke. He seemed to have more than one personality and this was slightly confusing to her. She had never met anyone like this before and wondered just who he was observing the battle for. He asked why she would face the creature and she offered a small smile.

“Because it’s my job. I am a protector,” she said, vanishing in a flash of light and appearing before the beast. “Bring it,” she said, flexing her joints.

Amon could only shake his head at the response that was given. Not understanding why she would sacrifice herself for people who would rather his in a hole than fight for what they wanted. Slapping his fingers the spel disappeared. He watched as Ocella confronted the demon once more. He didn’t know what he was going to do.

Auro told him to just to watch the battle, and get an idea of what this creature was capable of. Though he has already broken his master's wishes and interfered in this fight. Should be help, and face the consequences later, or just let her fend for herself?

He is conflicted about this conundrum. Neither of them wants to help the weaklings, but the girl on the other. Hand he did want to help. Would Auro understand if he helped? So many scenarios ran through his head that it was hard to decide. He closed his eyes for a moment to clear his head.

The moment Ocella reappeared in front of the beast, it smirked. Little did it realize that a vine had shot forth from the ground behind it, not until it was too late and began to ensnare the creature. She had certainly grown since the last manticore she had faced, but she knew that she had a long way to go. This was proven when the creature once again ripped through its snares with its teeth, baring them at her. Minions made of wood and vine, though still lifelike in their own natural way, appeared before the creature. This stunned it as they began to attack the creature while she seemingly watched, and it wondered what was happening. It tore through the creatures, but one by one more appeared as the last was destroyed.

“Stop with these games!” the creature bellowed in fury as it swatted her minions aside. It looked for Ocella but she was nowhere to be found. The minions kept attacking with thorny arms, doing minimal damage and only enough to keep it distracted. Ocella reappeared directly above the creature, her spear from earlier lunging for the manticore. He turned just in time as the spear impacted its shoulder and damaged it greatly, but in turn as the creature went down it swatted at her in fury. She was able to lung aside if only just, but much to her surprise the beast had been expecting such a move and had lunged for her with its teeth.

She felt the fangs bearing into her shoulder, crushing bones, splitting skin and spilling blood. She let out a cry of agony, remembering her training with Master Kurama how the imp had broken her leg. As the manticore went down, blood seeping from the wound and the spear stuck deep inside it, it crunched on her shoulder and flung her back and forth in the air. Just as it released her to take another bite she vanished in a flash, knowing that the creature would also be distracted by its own wound.

She re-appeared in the tree that she had first appeared in, spreading her energy around to make it difficult to find her. Blood was seeping from her wound and she felt faint. If she could hold off until Art and Kelda arrived… she may have had time to heal some of her wounds. The pain was blinding, but she had a high tolerance for pain and was able to manage it. ‘Art, Kelda… it’s wounded. Now is your chance,’ Ocella thought to her comrades as she leaned against the tree, keeping an eye on the manticore as it struggled with its wound.

Amon was not paying much mind to his surroundings as he was clearing his mind, but that all ended the moment Ocella screamed in pain as the manticore tore into her shoulder. This was what spurred him into action. He was not going to let this girl die. Not to a beast like this one. He ran over to where the beast was on the ground tending to his own wound. At least she was at least able to injure it.
However, he didn’t see her anywhere, and didn’t know how much damage she received from the creature. He needed to find her, but also, he needed to stop the demon from moving for at least the moment. He wouldn’t be allowed to show his full power, but as long as he only helped a little then he would probably not be as disciplined by Auro for disobeying him.

“Fieri ferro venti mea et scutum meum fieri ignis. Pro me, ut mederer connectere daemonis.” (The winds become my blade, and the fire become my shield. Weave together to bind the demon that stands before me.) With those words spoken vines of fire surrounded the creature trying to bind it.

As soon as that was done he looked around to try and find the girl, or either of the two others that were supposed to be here. If he could find one, or the other then it might be possible to save Ocella. From bleeding to death. Well that is if his master would be willing to help.

Art had wandered around the battlefield for a while, he had no idea how or why, but he had been transported to a deserted part of the island by himself, wandering aimlessly into the land searching for his companions or even the beast the had been sent to slay, as he feared it would’ve found the others first…
He could hear Ocella’s voice calling for him, though he ignored why

He was caught off guard by the scream of pain of a familiar voice… It was Ocella! But what had happened to her? Had his fears come true?

Without a moment’s hesitation he rushed in the direction of the scream. It wasn’t long before he caught sight of the manticore, it’s fangs red with the stain of fresh blood and one of Ocella’s spears inserted in one of it’s shoulders, it was being bound by a strange energy he had never seen…
He could hear Ocella’s voice again, she told both Kelda and him to take advantage of the beast’s wound, and though his first instinct was to search for her and tend to her wounds, he chose to honor her wish instead…
He took a deep breath and entered his Mystic form, his hair and eyes turned white, and the sacred markings appeared in his chest and back, he clenched his fists before letting out a powerful scream at the top of his lungs, his intention was to catch the manticore’s attention so that Ocella could be able to heal her wounds… At Least hopefully…

Art hardened his arms as he swiftly approached the monster.

Ocella sighed in relief when she saw Art appearing on scene. He transformed into his mystic form and managed to capture the attention of the beast. She had transformed into her Angelic form, for it was easier to maintain and allow the holy energy to overcome her body. It brought her a sense of warmth as her energy receded from the surrounding area and returned to her body, leaving her a sitting duck.

Her eyes closed briefly and her breathing was labored. Blood was coating a majority of her upper body, but it was slowly healing. She could hear the beast roaring and opened her eyes briefly, wincing as she saw it staring at her. If it hadn’t been for the fiery cage that Amon had summoned, she knew the beast would have been upon her at once.

She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes again, content to let her light shine as the holy energy slowly healed her wounds. It wasn’t as powerful as her grandfather’s light, for she was only a half angel, nor was it as powerful as Master Kurama’s magic, but it was enough to keep her from dying. She hoped to be healed soon, within a matter of minutes so that she could return to the fight and help Art before he suffered any injuries.
As the spell did its job on restraining the demon Amon went to looking for Ocella. As he looked around he saw a radiant light coming from a tree not too far away from where he was standing. Quickly making his way over to where the young lady was hiding he found a horrific scene before him. Ocella was covered in blood, and the injury was her shoulder. He could see the torn muscle and ligaments protruding from what was left of her shoulder. Even the bones were crushed from what he could gather.
She was healing her own wounds, it didn’t change the fact that it was not healing fast enough. If something wasn't done quick she would die. Knowing that moving her would cause her great pain he would need to do it anyway. So he picked her up off of the tree, and jumped down to the ground. The creature that had injured the girl was struggling against his bonds trying to grab Ocella. “Give me the girl she is my trophy.” Was all the creature could say as it continued to struggle free. Amon was angry at the moment as he looked at the creature. “Be glad that you will not die by my hands. It would be a fate worse than death.” he then looked over at Ocella’s companion. “The bonds will take time to break. You better finish off this demon quickly.” He said as he carried the young warrior over to a building. Where a sheet of Ice appeared, and Amon walked through it with Ocella in his arms.

“Hey! Hey! Where do you think you’re taking her, you bastard?” Art said as he began clawing his way into the manticore’s tail, he was attempting to reach it’s wound in order to successfully get past it’s exoskeleton and damage it’s insides, he didn't want to drag the battle longer than necessary, though he would love nothing more than to give the beast a slow and painful death for all the pain and suffering it’s mere existence caused, he couldn’t risk Ocella getting kidnapped or even killed by that stranger.

“Die, you scum!” The young mystic said as he morphed his right hand into a blade, and sank it into the gaping wound left by Ocella’s spear, his arm shapeshifted once again once it was well sunk into the beast’s flesh, elongating like a spear until finally reaching the beast’s heart…
Art grabbed the manticore’s heart and rept it out of it’s place by pulling it out of the monster’s body…

The manticore’s lifeless corpse fell to the ground, marking the end of the battle. Art rushed after Ocella and the stranger, he ran towards the building he had taken her. Yet he couldn’t find both of them… He had failed…
“No… No,no,no!” Art panicked… “Ocella! Ocella! :..You bastard! Where did you take her!” Art yelled, in an impotent fury… The young mystic grabbed his head and fell to his knees… Despite his best effort to make it in time… He wasn’t quick enough.

“Shit… Ocella, everyone… I’m sorry, I failed all of you… I am worthless. After all…” The young mystic said as he slammed his fist unto the ground…

Defeated, the young mystic decided to return to the academy… There was nothing he could do anymore… And perhaps it was best that way… He did not wish to make matters worse.

03-30-2017, 07:01 AM
As Ocella lay there healing herself, she could feel her energies slipping away. It never occurred to her that she was dying, nor did she see Amon approaching her until she felt hands against her. She opened her eyes softly and looked surprised to see him. “W...what are you… doing?” she asked, her voice weak. He picked her up and her face flinched in pain, a soft cry escaping her lips. “You’re hurting me…” she begged, her voice childlike as the pain overpowered her senses.

As she laid limp in his arms, pain in every fiber of her being, it occurred to her that her magic wasn’t enough… that she was dying. “Where… are you taking me?” she asked as he jumped to the ground, causing her to gasp in pain and despair.

He stepped through a portal and her head went limp as her body succumbed to the pain, falling limp and unconscious in his arms.

It was painful to Amon as he watched the pained look on her face from his actions, but he knew that if she was left alone she would die from her wounds. Asking where he was going to take her he didn’t want to answer. If she knew then she might try and stop him. However, lucky for him she passed out from the pain.

Appearing in his room at Auro’s base of operations. Amon quickly made his way from his room to where he knew his master would be. He knew his power would not be strong enough to help heal this young woman, but his master Auro would have the power. The only thing was would he be willing to help her? She was an enemy of his master, and one day he would have to fight her, but not now. He had feelings for her that he didn’t understand.

When he reached Auro’s study he looked around the room for him. “Master Auro, Are you here?” Amon questioned as he held Ocella in his arms. Feeling her heart slowing down, and her body cooling down. She had lost a lot of blood, and he hoped that it was not too late to save her.

Auro had been busy attempting to prepare for the battle ahead. He knew Samael would be coming for him eventually. He knew that Etrama had forsaken him as did Darkholm, but Crow had fought against Samael and met an untimely death. Looking over the images in the book of spells, Auro knew that there was a possibility he would die in this battle. He needed to set things in order before that happened. As he slid his finger behind the next page in the book, he heard a portal open and through it came Amon holding a limp female form in his arms. Auro stood quickly and moved to see that it was Ocella.

“She has lost quite a lot of blood,” Auro commented as he examined the wound. “Manticore saliva is toxic, we must work quickly if we are to save her. Amon place her on the floor and prepare the summoning circle. We will need to call upon a higher being for their assistance.”

Amon would probably have questions, but as Auro moved around collecting ingredients to help Ocella it was best not to question him.

Amon didn't even need to ask Auro for his masters assistance in helping the girl. He was doing so of his own accord. Not understanding what was going on Amon only did as he was told. Placing Ocella on the floor he went to work creating a summoning circle through magical means. It was not easy to make one of these, but it was what Auro wanted. Amon had a hundreds questions running through his head at the moment, but for now all he could do was wait till everything was done. “Lord Auro the summoning circle is complete.”

“Fabulous,” Auro responded as he finished collecting what he needed. He looked down at Ocella and shook his head. “Can you stay out of trouble for one entire day?” he questioned her trying to get a smile of some sort from her. He began the painful work of mending. He mixed various powders and liquids in a bone mortar as he chanted. What looked like smoke rose from the bone mortar of nearly every color.

“Amon, summon Catheia, the Vampiress, and remember to not look in her eyes when you do. The last thing I need is to snap you out of a charm and risk having to slay vampires. Understand?” he ordered as he finished the paste in the mortar.

“You’re lucky Ocella,” Auro said, “for some reason the poison is not spreading, my guess is that it’s your grandfather’s lineage within you. Anyways once Catheia is here she will be able to fully heal you, she and I have a contract, but try not to move okay?”

Auro spread the paste over the wound, and knew that Ocella would experience a pain unlike any other. Healing from a witch doctor was never pain free. Her wound, her bones, they would reconstruct due to the paste, but to activate the healing paste Catheia would have to jump start it with her vampiric powers. Ocella would not become a vampire due to her light, but it would work just the same.

Auro looked up at Amon and could see the look of worry his most loyal “friend” had. There was another, but Auro had just finished speaking with this individual before Amon arrived. Clearly Ocella meant something to Amon. Was his “friend” off falling in love while on a mission? Auro knew far too well how that felt, knowing that Kyori hadn’t spoken to him since their last argument.

Amon watched as Auro went to work mixing ingredients that would allow him to mend her body, but who he asked him to summon was a little bit of a shock. He knew what Catheia was capable of. And he was not a big fan of hers, but if Auro thought she could help then he was willing to do what was necessary. He closed his eyes and began to chant a summoning spell.

“Ut tellus nocturna animalia, quae a Deo non solum lucem, sed universae creaturae. Principes immortalitate diabolum, ut vocant, per nutus. Catheia et Vampiress, ad hoc quod vult facere imperata summonitiones in potentia.” (Creatures of the night that shy away from the light of not only god, but of all creation. Rulers of the immortality of the devil, come to my beckoning call. Catheia, the Vampiress, come to this summonses to do the bidding of one that wishes for your power.) Amon spoke in the old tongue as the summoning circle glowed with an unholy light.

Keeping his eyes closed smoke filled the circle then slowly formed into the silhouette of the form of Catheia as the spell worked. The smoke giving form, and then dissipating. In the center of the circle the Vampiress stood. Amon didn’t say a word as he kneeled before her, and left Auro to do the talking.

Ocella stirred softly and moaned in pain when Amon placed her on the ground. She managed to open her eyes just enough to see where she was, but much to her surprise she was someplace familiar to her. “Auro?” she questioned when she saw the witch doctor moving quickly. He asked if she could stay out of trouble for a day and her eyes closed, her breathing was labored and shallow. “I’m a Mystic, Auro,” she managed to answer, a soft smile on her face. It was a polite way of saying no.

She drifted out of focus when Auro spoke to Amon, but managed to open her eyes when he spoke to her. “You… know of my grandfather?” she questioned, wondering how he knew this. “What of… my great uncle?” she asked weakly. Even on the brink of death she would pry for information.

She winced in pain when Auro spread a paste of sorts over her wound, but suddenly… an incredible pain overtook every fiber of her being and she screamed in agony just as the vampiress had been summoned. It was a blood curdling cry of despair, one that took her breath away as she struggled to remain in place as told. Her energy was fading rapidly and she could feel her eyes drifting closed as the pain spread. Her chest had nearly stopped moving entirely and she appeared limp on the floor, her face distorted in a pained expression.

Catheia looked upon them with dangerous eyes. She disliked being summoned, but knew that when summoned there was a need for her special skill. Her eyes fell on Auro and she groaned.

“Auro, what need do you have of me?” She said her voice strong.

“Catheia, the young one you see before you needs repair, can you heal her?” Auro asked as Catheia hovered over Ocella looking at the girl’s limp body with a wicked grin on her face.

“She is of holy creation, my vampirism will not help her,” Catheia said as she looked at Auro as if to say ‘you knew this already’ but her lips did not move.

“Yes, I am aware, but she is only HALF angel, you are able to heal her but she will not be one of your servants.”

Catheia raised so that she was eye level to Auro and sneered at him for his attitude towards the entire thing. He knew her limitations well but she did not know his and it angered her.

“One day Witch Doctor, but as the contract speaks I will do as you ask,” she said moving back over to Ocella. She knelt down and took the girl in her arms as if she weighed nothing. She opened her mouth allowing her fangs to extend. Auro hoped Amon was not watching this as the Catheia plunged her fangs into the shoulder that had been bitten. Her healing agent filled Ocella and began cooperating with Auro’s healing paste. Ocella would feel a pain she’d never felt as the healing took place, bone mending and the skin repairing itself. Auro watched silently, but Catheia removed her fangs from Ocella and smiled wickedly.

“Anything else?” She asked displeased with the situation.

“That will do Catheia,” Auro said a smirk on his face as he watched Catheia step back into the circle, her form vanishing as smoke filled the room again before dispersing. Catheia was gone, but her presence lingered.

Amon could only cringe as Ocella streamed at what was and soon to be happening. Something was tearing at his heart with the girls cry's. The feeling and sensation was as foreign as the emotions that he has been feeling since he met this girl. He could feel the summoning circle activate once more as Catheia left the room. She must have finished what she was summoned to do.

Opening his eyes he looked over to where the young warrior was on the floor, and a quick rush of relief overcame him. It looked like she was going to be alright. Walking over to where Auro was Amon had to know what was going on. “Master Auro. Do you know this young mystic?” He questioned as he looked at the young lady.

By the way the two reacted to one another it was like they knew one another. Which was odd. Since he was mostly aware of what happened within these walls. Auro had some interesting bed partners, but Amon never told a soul about them. It was not his place to judge Auro and what he wanted to do. He just wanted to know why he helped without his request, and why he has yet to reprimanded him for disobeying orders.

Ocella had been limp as the vampiress picked her up, unable to move on her own accord. Her eyes were closed and she was dying a slow, painful death. “Auro?” she managed weakly. “Why… does it hurt so much… to die?” she asked, unaware of what was happening to her. She felt fangs penetrate her wounded shoulder and gasped in pain, realizing then that someone was holding her upright.

She felt incredible pain from the bite as her bones began to mend and she felt a burning sensation overpowering her arm. It was as though her arm had caught fire on the inside and her very blood was burning. She bit her lip as hard as she could muster, trying to hold in the scream that threatened to break free. Tears were in her eyes when she opened them, a grunt escaping her lips as she was placed back on the floor.

Her shoulder was mending, but it was painful. “J...just… let me… die…” she begged Auro, the pain clouding her senses and her mind. Her head slumped to the side and she fell unconscious, her breaths steadying as the healing continued.

“I thought death was too painful Ocella,” Auro commented with a sly grin. He watched her as the healing took place and didn’t move from his position. Amon looked at him and approached him with questions he knew would come. Auro hadn’t been straight with Amon as of late, and his friend deserved the truth. He sighed and nodded his head.

“Yes Amon, Ocella is a good little girl,” Auro began looking down at her limp form, “her best friend Kyori was my lover, but I haven’t heard from him in some time.” Auro stopped talking and looked directly at Amon. “This war we fight is not our own Amon. I have decided to align myself with them in order to stop Samael. He is growing stronger, stronger than I first realized. I may be too late to stop him, but I need you to carry on this order. Protect the Mystics with your last,” Auro said as he placed a friendly hand on Amon’s shoulder and returned his gaze back to Ocella. She would be pulling out of it soon, he only hoped that she would forgive him for having a demonic creature bite her.

Ocella was confused as she stood on a circular platform that was made of metal. There were handrails around it and she peered out into darkness. “I died, didn’t I?” she asked, knowing that someone had to be there with her.

“Not yet,” a voice answered, and suddenly a bright light was shining in her face. It caused her to flinch and adjust her vision. Sitting before her, much like a judge in a courtroom, were what seemed to be a council of sorts. After further observation she realized, given their angelic nature, that it had to be the Angelic Pantheon.

“The official trial of Ocella Hermine Lancelle is beginning on this day at dusk. The matter at question stands the life of an angel, bitten by a creature of the devil,” a man said. He was large and round and had the biggest wings in the room. Ocella’s eyes widened when she realized what was happening.

“How do you plea?” the man asked, looking at her sternly. “Plea for what? I haven’t done anything to plea for,” Ocella questioned, looking confused.

“For concealing deaths of the innocent, conspiring with a witch doctor and receiving healing magic from the servant of the devil himself, Vampiress Catheia,” the man answered her with a look that automatically read guilty. Ocella just looked stunned. “Guilty to the third charge, but not guilty to the first two,” she answered honestly. “Not guilty?” the man asked, and suddenly shouting broke about into the room.

“How could you possibly plea not guilty when you lay in his presence, receiving his aid?” one of them demanded at her. The platform on which she stood turned rapidly so that she was facing the council member and she stumbled, gripping the handrails. “Because I am loyal to Master Dorian and the Mystics. I did not ask to be brought to Auro, nor did I ask Auro to heal me. He chose to do so on his own accord, though I am unsure of his motivation behind it. I was trying to build my strength to teleport to Master Kurama, but Amon found me before I could,” she answered, to which the pantheon began yelling at each other.

The platform turned to face another angel and Ocella winced in pain, gripping onto the handrails to keep her balance. “And of the first charge?!” the angel shouted at her. “I made a pact that I would not hinder Kyori’s progress to become stronger so that he could fulfill his destiny and become a Master. Part of that pact was that we reveal everything once we reached that level, and that level has not yet been reached. I cannot break that pact and expect to live to tell of the crimes now can I?” Ocella asked, growing annoyed. The platform began to change in multiple directions as they started shouting at each other again.

“You plead guilty to the third!” an angel yelled at her, the platform stopping to face her. “You admit to being an abomination of our kind!” she accused Ocella, looking angry. Ocella’s face hardened and she stood straight.

“I am not an abomination!” she shouted, glaring at the councilwoman. “I am, and always will be, Ocella Hermine Lancelle! I was born to loving parents and raised properly! I will always defend those whom I love and those who cannot defend themselves. Just because I was saved by a vampire does not make me evil!” Ocella shouted, slamming her fist against the handrail.

“You were bitten by a creature of the devil himself!” the woman shouted back, standing in her spot.

“AND MASTER DORIAN IS A GOD. DEAL WITH IT!” Ocella answered, showing her own anger. “If a Nephilim can do such good for the universe, why can a creature who was bitten by a vampire not?!” Ocella asked, glaring at the entire council as her temper flared. “Look. I don’t know how this will affect me, it may not affect me at all due to my grandfather’s lineage. I’m sure Auro will know when I wake up, but it remains to be seen. Until then, give me a chance! I’m trying to do good, to protect those who need protecting and to save us all. Don’t judge me over something I didn’t choose damnit!” Ocella said, her glare hardening.

She realized her last choice of words and blushed. “Sorry for that particular swear, it wasn’t appropriate,” she apologized, blushing heavily. What she saw next caused her eyes to widen in surprise as they fell upon Master Dorian. “Master Dorian,” she breathed, taking a step back. The head angel smirked at her.

“Those in favor of a guilty verdict on all charges?” he asked, much to her horror. Hands began to raise and she looked around the room in panic. “Oh come on, please don’t let me die like this! I have too much to do, my great uncle is out there and there may be hope for Auro yet. I have seen kindness from him that you would not believe. Yes he can be an asshole, but he tried to save me! Doesn’t that stand for something?” Ocella asked as she stared at them in horror.

Dorian turned and smiled at Ocella.

“Relax Ocella you won’t be dying today.”

“I BEG YOUR PARDON!” the head angel yelled nearly standing to his feet.

“This pantheon finds the most ridiculous reason to condemn this young warrior. Do you want to know what I see?” Dorian said before continuing without interruption, “what I see is strength. I see someone who is willing to do what it takes to protect both their own realm as well as others. You should thank her for her acts. After all, we have to be diligent knowing what Samael is capable of and what he aims to do.”

The head angel scoffed as if disgusted that Dorian would come to the rescue of Ocella. He glared down at Dorian and shook his head.

“The council has voted,” the head angel began.

“IF YOU CAN’T LISTEN TO REASON THEN PERHAPS YOU WILL HEAR THIS,” Dorian said his voice raised causing a few of the angels to raise their eyebrow while the head angel’s mouth hung open. “IF SHE DIES, YOU WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME! I DON’T BEND ARTHERUS! I WILL HAVE THIS PANTHEON SHUT DOWN QUICKER THAN YOU CAN FLAP YOUR WING.”

The head angel blinked a few times and looked at Ocella with a displeasing look on his face. There was murmuring and shuffling of wings before the head angel began to speak.

Ocella looked at Master Dorian with tears in her eyes as he assured her that she wouldn’t be dying. The head angel shouted in disapproval and Ocella shrunk in fear, but Master Dorian was firm. Ocella looked around and could see the discomfort in the room. “Those in favor of clearing the accused of all charges?” the head angel sighed, to which a number of hands went up rather quickly. There were still a few hands down, but the head angel barely lifted his hand so that Master Dorian could see.

“Cleared of all charges,” he said, shaking his head and looking at Ocella harshly. “We’ll be watching. You better not makes us regret this.” Ocella gulped and nodded once, a weak nod.

Dorian turned to Ocella and smiled. “I hope you’re right about him Ocella.” Dorian said as he turned and touched Ocella’s shoulder, returning her to the mortal realm.

Ocella gasped the moment Dorian touched her shoulder. He had saved her and she nodded softly. “I hope so too,” she said as she felt a jolt pulling her back to reality. She gasped and sat up straight, wincing in agony and sitting back down quickly as the pain hit. Her head was spinning and she coughed harshly. “Auro?” she asked, her voice a bit stronger. She looked around and saw him sitting, talking to Amon.

“You really pissed off the pantheon,” Ocella said with a small laugh. She sat up slowly and rested on her elbows for a moment before she sat up fully. She turned to look at Amon and then Auro, looking between the two. “Thank you both… for saving me,” Ocella said, smiling softly at them.

“Well that was sorta the point,” Auro admitted grinning softly as he walked over to Ocella and placed a soft hand on her shoulder. “After all we need every hand to defeat Samael, but you are very welcome Ocella. It seems my friend here is quite smitten with you, so letting you die was out of the question, and I’m pretty sure your friends wouldn’t have liked me afterwards,” he added jokingly as he moved towards his desk. “You are free to stay here as long as you need, but I don’t want you to be here when he comes. Samael will come, it is only a matter of time, I am competition, and he does not like competition. He will come with Etrama and Darkholm, and they will do their best to destroy me, but I have a plan.”

Auro looked at Ocella and sighed. “I will answer your questions, whatever they may be when you are ready.”

“Your point was to piss off the pantheon at my expense?” she asked, shaking her head and chuckling. “They wanted me to die. Master Dorian was even scarier than them though, they would have succeeded had it not been for his efforts,” she said with a grin.

What Auro said next caused her to blush deeply and she smiled softly at Amon. “Master Dorian has hope for you Auro,” Ocella said softly, wincing as she forced herself to stand. It was painful to do so and she stumbled, gripping the nearest chair for balance, but she managed to remain standing and to steady herself. Ocella made her way over to Auro and paused a moment, looking at him with gratitude before she hugged him briefly. “Thank you for allowing me another day,” she said softly, stepping back quickly as she did not know how he would respond.

She turned to Amon and smiled at him, walking to him and bowing gently to show her gratitude. “Thank you,” she offered, her voice stronger. She turned to Auro as he spoke again, a sad look on her face. “I will have questions soon, but first I believe Amon may enjoy a walk,” Ocella said, looking at Amon questioningly. She would not argue with Auro on her presence when Samael arrived, for that remained to be seen. “That is, unless you are opposed to a Mystic wandering your halls?” she said with a cheeky grin.

Amon was surprised when Auro mentioned that there were some secrets that he had been keeping from him, but he didn't show it. Just listening to what Auro had to say on what was going on. Then his Master mentioned that this war was not their own, and that he was aligning with the mystics to defeat the dark angel Samael. Even he was not too sure what kind of power the dark one held. Then out of nowhere Auro gave him an order to protect the mystics with everything that he had.

Amon was not too keen with this order. In his mind his job is to protect Auro, but now he was being charged with protecting the people they once.called an enemy. “Auro. If I am serving them, then who will be their to watch your back?” Amon questioned as he knew he might not get an answer. Auro has his own way of doing things, so he gave up and nodded his head. “ I will do as you wish.”

Then the young lady stirred as she began to awaken. Amon smiled at her as she finally regained herself. He could still tell that she was not fully recovered, but that was to be expected. His heart was also beefing faster than normal, and that strange feeling once again filled his senses. He was still not sure what this was, but maybe wants this is all over he will be able to figure all of this out. Then Auro mentioned that he was smitten with her, and even he blushed. Was this feeling love? He questioned himself as he felt his cheeks turn red. As he looked down at the ground as as he was trying to get his face to return to normal.

When Auro mentioned Samael Amon’s face turned angry as his Master explained that Samael will be coming for him, as well as two of the former Magistrates that used to serve him and turned traitor. He was not a bit happy with them and wanted to destroy them. But Auro told him not to act differently around them so that they didn't know they they were onto them. So he had to deal with keeping his tongue. Though if he ever got the chance he would make them pay for their transgressions. He just hoped that Auro didn’t think of facing all three of them on his own.

Ocella thanked him as well for bringing her here, he smiled at her as she turned to face Auro. Watching as she hugged him for saving her life she then turned to face him once more, and mentioned that she would like to go for a walk with Amon through the stronghold. Smiling he walked over to Ocella he placed a arm out for her to grab. “I don't think my master would mind if we go for a little walk. So Shall we?” Amon questioned as he waited for her to grabbed his arm. Though he didn’t know how Auro would act for him calling him master. He has never requested him to do such a thing, but Amon just felt like calling him that. It was a form of respect, not ownership in his eyes. He would also have questions the he will ask Auro once Ocella has returned to her friends.

Ocella smiled when Amon walked over to her and held his arm out for her. She blushed lightly and took it in her own, nodding at Auro before taking off with Amon. She hadn’t seen much of Auro’s residence before, primarily a couple of rooms and the surrounding landscape. “So tell me about yourself, Amon,” Ocella said, looking at Amon curiously. “Both of you,” she added with a soft smile, not wanting to upset either of his halves.

Amon smiled as Ocella took his arm, and they began walking down the hall. He was beginning to understand his feelings a little better, but he was still confused as to how this whole thing worked. This being the first time he has been alone with someone that he has had feelings for. Luckily for him Ocella started the conversation, and addressed both of his personalities. Being unsure on how to answer the question he thought for a moment before speaking. He figured he would tell most of his story. No sense keeping anything hidden from Ocella.

“We have no real idea who we are. Are parents were hunted down when we were born, and they left us in the wilderness to die. However, Tiberius an old warlock found us and took us in. Teaching us the dark arts as his successor we lived happily for a long time till one day we found out that he was not our real father, and in a fit of rage we accidentally killed him. After that we came across an old fortune teller that was able to tell us of our heritage, and who took our parents from us. After taking revenge against them we wandered the world for a while, and that is when Master Auro found us. He took us in and taught us how to work together. Now we serve him in any means he wishes of us.” He said as he was unsure if he may have indulged too much information. “So tell me a little more about yourself?”

Ocella listened to his story, her expression softening as he spoke of losing his parents and being abandoned. She understood more of him when his story finished and offered him a soft smile. “I’m sorry for your losses,” Ocella said, her voice equally gentle and kind. “It must have been very difficult,” she said. He asked her to tell him of herself and she thought of what to tell him.

“I was born to two loving parents, who both still live today. I was an only child and my father was a human, but my mother came from an angelic heritage. For some reason she never showed signs of such, taking on human qualities despite being a full angel. I was always shy, because I was different… I never told anyone other than my parents about my heritage before Master Hillard discovered me in the Amazon. I’ve always known of my angelic powers, but I never knew of my existence as a Mystic before then.”

Ocella paused and a small grin came on her face. “I love books, cooking, and adventure. I once raced against Auro and, of course, lost miserably.” she added the detail of the race as an afterthought to give Amon something to chuckle about.

She sighed and breathed deeply, wincing after as pain radiated in her shoulder. She stopped for a moment and used his arm for support as she took a moment to steady herself. The Pantheon had been truly displeased with her and had accused her of conspiring with a witch doctor. Was she now committing such acts? By trying to bring him, and in turn, the world, a sense of peace? She could see Auro changing even from the first time she had met him and, despite what the Pantheon had accused her of, had hope for him.

“So… amidst this ever-lasting sea of chaos, surely you must have a sanctuary? Where do you go to clear your mind?” Ocella asked, a curious smile on her face as she looked at him with wonder in her eyes.

Amon only smiled as Ocella told him about her life, and how she was raised with a family. A concept he was unfamiliar with, but that is nothing that really bothers him. Then the subject moved to a race she had with Auro, and he chuckled about the small details about the race. He found it odd that he was so blind to this side of Auro’s personality. Though he wasn’t around the bass all of the time.

He had things he was ordered to take care of, but he could only smile at the irony of the situation. They both fell for people that they had considered people that were in the way of their goals. However, this was a nice change of pace. Being here with Ocella and finding the one thing in his life he had been missing. When Ocella suddenly grabbed his arm and steadied herself a pained look on her face as she was trying to catch her balance.

Amon had a worried look on his face as she asked him if there was a place that he found a sanctuary in this place. He chuckled slightly as he answered her question. “I do have a place, but it will take awhile to get there from here. Unless you don't mind taking a short cut?” He asked as he looked her in the eyes. He would need her cooperation in order to take her to his garden. It lays on the outfits of the compound.

“The poison will take time to leave my system, but I am fine,” Ocella assured him when she saw the worried look on his face. She smiled when he said that he had a place, and a shortcut to get there. “I am fine with taking a shortcut. Perhaps it would be wise in my current condition,” she said, looking at him eagerly. He looked her in the eyes and she found herself gazing back, eager to learn more of him and to see what would happen next.

Amon continued to smile as he walked her over to the wall. Chanting a spell in the old language a sheet of ice formed on the wall that he was touching. Acting like a mirror it reflected their surroundings. “Could I get you to close your eyes?” He asked as he stepped closer to her. He didn't want her to see his other form as of yet. Other than Auro no one else has seen this form, and he was a little shy just showing it off.

Ocella watched as Amon created a sheet of ice on the wall and stepped closer to her. He asked her to close her eyes and she looked at him questioningly, but nodded her head nonetheless and closed her eyes. She walked with Amon through the portal and waited in anticipation, wondering just where he would take her.

The moment Ocella closed her eyes Amon transformed into his beast form. Well not so much a beast. He was a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes, and wings of grey, with metallic like armor where their should be bone. Wearing a light metal armor. Wrapping not only his arms around Ocellia, but his wings as they walked together through the portal of ice. If Amon didn’t do this she would have frozen to death. Only beings that have a strong affinity with the element of ice can walk through this portal. Once they were on the other side he removed his wings and arms from around the young lady, and transformed back into his normal form.

Grabbing a hold of Ocella’s hand he looked to his garden. “You can open your eyes now my dear.” Amon said as he looked at the wonderful trees and flowers of all kinds surrounded the area. “This is where I come to get away from everything.”

Ocella could feel the harsh coldness of the portal as he led her through. She felt his arms around her, protecting her from the ice. She felt something else… his wing was wrapped around her and she gasped, wondering just who, and what, he was.

When they exited the portal, she could hear the sounds of nature around her. He took her hand and told her to open her eyes, but what she saw surprised her greatly. “A garden?” she asked in delight as she absorbed the beautiful flora around her. Flowers, shrubs, trees of all kinds- all crafted by a masterful hand, as though she herself had created such beauty. “Did you create this yourself?” Ocella asked him, looking rather impressed.

She took in a deep breath and lifted her free hand, opening her palm towards the sky. She closed her eyes and a soft, emerald green glow came forth from her hand. Amidst the glow a figure began to form, and soon it was recognizable as a rose. When the glowing stopped, a beautiful rose mixed with black and red appeared in her hand. It had the perfect balance of each, mixing in a beautiful and natural manner. She held the rose in two fingers and offered it to Amon, a small smile on her face.

Hearing her reaction to the garden was a little unexpected. To him his garden was nothing that special. It was not nearly as ornate as some places in the world. It was just a small garden amongst the trees of the forest. She must really love nature to be happy with this humble little place. “Yes. Everything here is my doing. Though the plants needed very little help from me to grow here.” he said as his features changed. “Man you need to give that act up, and accept the fact that this is all because of you.” He said as his face smiled once more. “It is not in my nature to gloat over nature's wonders.”

Ocelia offered him a rose that was of mixed colors, and it was the most perfect a rose for him. Taking the flower with the utmost care he smiled at her. “Master Auro was right. I have fallen for you, at least that is what I think. I have never felt like this before in my whole life.” Amon said as he reached out his hand to try and touch her face.

Ocella looked at him in wonder as he confirmed the garden had been his doing. “It’s perfect,” she said, smiling softly at him. She was surprised when his expressions, and tone, changed. He seemed to be debating with himself and she frowned lightly. “It is one thing to gloat over your role in nature’s beauty, but it is another entirely to admit your role in it. We all play a role in nature’s beauty,” Ocella offered, reaching up to lightly touch his shoulder.

He seemed to be pleased with the rose she had given him, for he smiled at her. She was loving that smile more and more, for she wondered how often he had smiled before he met her with a history as tragic as his own. What he said next caused a soft blush to tint her cheeks and she gazed up at him as he reached up, his hand resting softly on her cheek. She smiled at him and reached up with her free hand, using it to hold his hand in a caring, gentle manner.

“Then let’s see where this takes us,” Ocella offered, her smile growing as her eyes lit up. “All of us,” she said, addressing his other half as well. All she could do was smile, though she had a strong desire to embrace him in that moment. She wanted to comfort him, to show him that she was willing to give it a try- so, throwing caution aside- she did just that as she leaned forward to wrap her arms around him.

After Ocella and Amon left the room, a shadowed figured stepped out from the dark corner of the room. He approached Auro and knelt down to show respect.

“Lord Auro, I am here as you requested,” the shadowed figure spoke looking up at Auro.

“Good, I need you to go to the Southern Isles and help the Mystics fight against the demonic scorpion,” Auro said as he moved over to the figure so that their eyes met. “Kyori, make sure Kyori is safe.”

“As you wish Lord Auro,” the male spoke as he stood to his feet.

“Ryan,” Auro began causing the Ryan to turn around and glance at Auro, his eyebrow raised.

“Yes?” he asked waiting for Auro to finish.

“Thank you. You’ve been loyal these past years and I know with the betrayal of Etrama and Darkholm, I could’ve lost you as well, but I am thankful I did not,” Auro said.

“I can feel the good in you my Lord, and if you are turning over a new leaf I will be there to help you turn that leaf to the fullest,” Ryan said as his blue hair fluttered as if wind had blown through it. Auro nodded and watched as Ryan moved to the corner he had come from, vanishing from sight.

“Everything's coming together. I’ll make sure Samael doesn’t revive the dark one. If he succeeds life as we know it will end.”

Amon was delighted to touch Ocella face, and she didn’t try to shy away. Instead she embraced him in a hug. Something he never would have expected her to suddenly do such a thing. However, it felt nice. He was finally being able to let his guard down and let someone into his life in this manner. It was a remarkable feeling that he didn't want to ever loose. He wrapped his arms around Ocella and held her tight. He refused to let her go. He didn't want this feeling to end in any form. He wanted nothing more in life than this moment. He wanted to freeze thim moment forever. Placing his face into the nape of Ocella’s neck he lightly kissed her neck.

Ocella smiled softly when Amon returned the hug. He was strong and she felt comfort by the embrace. He held her tightly and she held him tightly in turn, just standing there with him in the garden. When he kissed her neck a soft blush came upon her cheeks, her skin tingled ever so softly and she nuzzled her face against his neck in turn. She tenderly kissed his neck, a smile on her face as she simply held him, taking in his scent. She felt safe, comforted, and oddly… loved by someone she had only just met a matter of hours ago. It was crazy to think that she had only just met him.

She nuzzled against him and smiled happily, clearly content to simply stay there. She didn’t want him to let go. It felt that in that moment she could simply be herself, rather than having to worry about others. “It’s so strange,” she breathed softly, staying cuddled in his arms with her face nuzzled in his neck. “I only just met you… but already I feel safe, as though I can be myself without worry,” she said, lifting her head slightly to kiss his cheek. She pulled back to smile at him happily.

“Thank you,” was all she could say. She was grateful to him for all he had done. Now, he had shown her this beautiful garden and had given her a new sense of hope and belonging that she hadn’t felt before.

When Ocella’s lips touched his neck Amon felt a surge of electricity run down his spine. It tingled and where her lips touched his skin felt oddly warm. He felt comfortable in her arms, and she was the second person he has ever met that accepts him for who he is. “I know how you feel. You are only the second person ever to understand me.” Amon said as Ocella kissed his cheek. He did love Ocella with all of his heart, and he knew that she had the same feelings. To what dates he didn't know, but he now it knew what these emotions were, and he would never let them or her go.

Lifting his head he looked into her eyes and smiled at her as she thanked him. “Your welcome. And thank you for being you.” Amon said as he gently placed his hand on her chin holding her in place as he did what came naturally. He bent brown and kissed Ocella on the lips.

“I want to learn more of you too,” Ocella said when he expressed that she was only the second person to understand him. She blushed softly when he thanked her for being her, it was odd as no one had truly appreciated her for who she was. Her parents had always told her that they loved her, but they had encouraged her to grow and become stronger from the first moment they learned of her abilities. As a Mystic… it had been the same. Amon… was happy with her the way she was. She knew that she still had a long way to go, but… she could be comfortable with him.

He placed his hand under her chin and she gazed up into his eyes, searching for answers to who he was. She smiled at him, her arms still wrapped around him in an embrace. She felt her heart racing as he leaned down, her cheeks flushing as their lips met. She relaxed and simply leaned into the kiss, returning it with her own passion. Her head was clouding and she found herself unable to focus on anything other than him in that moment.

As their lips pressed together the kiss turned even more passionate than Amon thought it was going to become. Enjoying the intimate kiss he took his free hand and placed it on her back. Moving it under her shirt to touch her skin. Her lips were like silk, so he wanted to know if the rest of her felt the same way. Gently touching the skin of her back he ended the kiss and looked her in the eyes, taking his hand from her chin to her neck. “You wanted to know more about me. What would you like to know?”

Ocella was enjoying the moment they were sharing. Their lips danced together in an intimate kiss and her head was spinning. She found herself unable to think, he was flooding her senses and she had nearly forgotten where they were. Ocella shivered slightly when he placed his hand upon her back, slipping it under her shirt. His skin brushed lightly against hers and she found herself holding him tightly. His other hand cupped her neck, causing her to lean against it, a content smile on her face when he broke the kiss.

“Wow,” was all she could say as she shook her head, trying to clear her mind. He asked what else she wanted to know of him and she thought about it. “What are your favorites? Books, foods, everything-” she asked, looking at him curiously. “What brings you joy in life, what do you like to do?” she asked, looking at him curiously. She looked down at herself for a moment and laughed as she realized what had just happened. She regretted laughing though, for the act had caused pain in both of her wounds.

“Wow. I’m still covered in blood and you’re treating me like a princess,” she said with a soft blush on her cheeks.

Amon just Watched Ocella’s reactions, then listened to her questions. There were quite a few of them, but he figured she would as quite a few questions in order to get to know more about him. He just smiled when she realized she was still covered in blood which didn’t bother him one bit. However, he would answer her questions while taking care of the blood that still covered her. He pulled out a small cloth from inside the folds of his robes, as he held out a hand and chanted a simple spell that formed an orb of ice in his hand, that suddenly melted to form a ice cup filled with water.

“I will answer your questions. While I take care of the blood that covers you.” Amon said as he dipped the cloth into the water, and started to gently clean the blood from Ocella’s face. “We don’t have too many things that we think would be considered my favorite. We like to read books on spells to increase my skills in the dark arts. We also enjoy eating liver, with caramelized onions. So I would say that is our favorite food.” Amon said as he continued to clean Ocella. Though now he was moving down to her neck. “I am a fan of classical music like Chopin, and others like him My other half like bands like Disturbed. We do have a colors that we like and that would be I like red, where my counterpart likes black. What brings us joy is working in this garden, and being of use to Master Auro. Well We have something new to add to that list, and that would be you!” Amon said as he finished cleaning her face and neck. “Would you mind taking off you shirt, and we will move onto your torso.”

Ocella smiled when he said that he would answer her questions and by his offer to help clean the blood off her. She was blushing slightly and winced at first, but as he spoke she settled down and listened. Classical she could handle, she wasn’t much for metal music but figured they could compromise somewhere. She smirked when he said that their favorite colors were black and red, she had picked the rose so perfectly for him she couldn’t believe it.

He began cleaning her neck and she was starting to feel normal again. She wasn’t a fan of organ meat, or much meat in general since she had become a Mystic, though she knew how to prepare it and treat it well. He had a small list of things that brought him joy and she smiled softly when he said that they had added her to it.

“Erm… I’ll clean that part in the shower. It’s still a bit tender and needs some time to finish mending,” she said, looking at him gratefully. She wasn’t quite ready to go that far yet, for no one had ever seen her topless before. She gazed up at him for a moment and found herself embracing him once more, enjoying his company and his kindness. “Thank you for that, I already feel better,” she said as she pulled back to look at him curiously.

“It’s growing late, and I know that Auro needs to prepare for what’s to come. I intend to do everything I can to help him defeat my great uncle, before it’s too late. You’ll be seeing more of me… but we need to figure things out, how to make this work and what’s next for us. Until then, I think it’s time to see Auro again,” Ocella offered, wrapping an arm around his waist and leaning against him comfortably.

Amon was a little confused as to why she seemed so shy about taking off her shirt, and a little disappointed as well, but he would have to wait till she was ready to move on. So he placed the rag and the cup of water that was colored red with her blood on the ground as Ocella embraced him in a hug once more. This brining a satisfied smile to his face as he at least knew he didn’t overstep his bounds.Then she spoke about talking to Auro once more, and he nodded disappointedly. He wanted to spend more time with her right now, but what she spoke was the truth.

“You are right it is growing late, and you need to return to your friends. It would not be good if they decided to try and mount a rescue.” He said as Ocella wrapped her arms around his waist. “I can’t wait to spend more time with you my flosculus minimus provenit. (Little flower) He said as he spoke the same spell as before, and a sheet of ice appeared in thin air. Wrapping his arms around Ocella, and transforming into his beast form wrapping his wings around her once more they walked through the portal right into Auro’s chambers.

“Master Dorian knows that I am in good hands,” she assured Amon with a smile. Master Dorian knew that if she truly needed help, she would find a way to give him a sign. She smiled at his nickname, calling her a little flower. “You are sweet, and I look forward to seeing you again soon,” she said, kissing his cheek gently.

She closed her eyes out of respect for his wishes earlier as they walked through the ice portal. When they emerged, they had returned to Auro’s chambers once more. “Thank you for everything Auro,” Ocella said as she looked around the room for him. “I am ready with my questions, if you are prepared to answer them,” she said, her voice filled with respect and hope.

Auro turned to set his eyes on Ocella and Amon as they stepped back into his office. He listened to Ocella as she spoke to him and he smiled.

“Oh so I don’t get details on your little date?” he joked before taking a seat. His desk was large, and a chair awaited Ocella. She would be directly in front of him and he would answer her many questions.

“Whenever you are ready, ask your questions,” Auro said gently.

I am coming for you Auro A voice filled his head as he closed his eyes and pushed the slight irritant away. Refocusing, he placed his fingertips together in a pyramid shape and looked at Ocella.

Ocella smirked as Auro teased them. “Which ones would you like?” she asked back with a chuckle. She took a seat in front of him and sighed softly.

“What must we do to find peace between our two groups? The mystics wish to work with you, not against you- is there hope for this?” she asked him, looking at him curiously. She would let him speak, consider his words and then ask other questions.

“Ocella,” he began, “I am and always will be who I am, but for the sake of the world it has become very apparent that we will need to join forces for the greater good.” The voice came again in his head and he closed his eyes once more before opening them again. “In short the peace between our groups is possible. You know I am a crime lord now, I have done some dark things, and when this is all over another will replace me.”

He smiled gently and his eyes fell back on Ocella having fell on his grimoire moments before.

Ocella looked at him with a critical expression. She wanted peace for both of their groups, but would not press the issue given what he had divulged. “Would you meet with Master Dorian on peaceful terms to discuss joining forces?” she asked him, observing him and noting that he seemed… disturbed, that something was bothering him. She hoped that it was not her, and that he was alright, but for now she would not pry.

“It’s funny that you ask me this,” Auro said as lightning could be heard outside. He smirked and watched as electrical current sparked in the middle of his office. Out stepped Dorian who had a very soft look on his face, one of acceptance. “Well hello Dorian,” Auro said not moving from his spot.

“Auro, you asked to speak to me?” Dorian asked noticing Ocella and Amon but saying nothing.

Ocella’s jaw dropped when she heard the lightning and saw Master Dorian appear within Auro’s office. Auro had already requested a meeting it seemed and Ocella was caught in the middle of it. “That answers that question,” she said, her voice gentle as she stayed seated, torn between hiding under the chair and darting out of the room.

“Ocella, you may continue your questions,” Auro said as Dorian stepped from behind Ocella’s chair and in view of her eyes. He smirked noticing that he was standing on the same side as Auro.

“Auro asked me to come and speak of combining our forces. During your visit with the pantheon it became ever clear what needed to be done. Forces joining together to stop the oncoming apocalypse,” Dorian said taking a seat on what looked like a file cabinet of some sort. “So you have questions and you want answers. Very well, your questions will be answered here and now.”

Auro looked at Dorian. “This alliance is hope for the future. I am no hero, but I like to think that something will come from this.”

When Amon let Ocella go, and he reverted to his normal form, he walked over to the desk with Ocella, but instead of standing next to her he stood at the end on the desk. So he would be able to observe what was going on, and not get in the way of their conversation. They bantered back in forth for a time, and Amon knew that most of Ocella’s question he already knew the answer to. Auro requested before she regaining consciousness that he protect the mystic’s so he was not surprised by any of the answers his master gave.

However, the arrival of the one called Master Dorian made Amon step closer to Auro. Even though this man was invited here by Auro he was not going to take any chances. He trusted Ocella, but he knew nothing of this man. So for now he would just watch and listen.

Auro noticed Amon’s closeness and closed his eyes. Amon had been with him for quite some time, he was extremely loyal and for that Auro was thankful, but now he had to ask him to do something that would go against everything. He spoke into Amon’s mind not taking his eyes off of Ocella.

Amon, what I am about to ask you to do will be completely uncomfortable for you to do, but I must ask that when I am gone from this world you pledge your allegiance to Dorian.

Amon didn't react at all when Auros voice entered his mind, but when he told him that when he was gone to swear his loyalty to Dorian. He instantly looked at Auro. With a mixture of emotions. One side of him was concerned about what was just said, the other was angry about Auros request. What in the world did he mean when he was gone? Was he truly planning fight this battle without him. Each side of him had something they were going to say to Auro.

Master Auro. what do you mean by that? Are you planning to fight Samuel without any help, and are you planning on leaving this world?

Master Auro. You better not leave me out of this fight. I will not accept you dieing on me. Not now not ever. So you better take back your words!

Yes, I am going to face him ALONE![i]

Auro’s eyes darted in Amon’s direction and yet his facial expression remained unchanged.

[i]I expect you to protect them, to help Dorian and the Mystics and to leave this sanctuary when the battle happens. I can not afford to lose you Amon, do me this final favor for I may not come out of this alive.

Amon was not expecting the reply that followed nor to calm look from their Master. They didn't want to leave him alone to fight the evil that was coming for him, but they knew that they didn't want to disobey him either. With a heavy heart they bowed their head in defeat. They knew there was nothing they could other than to do as Auro wishes.

As you wish Master Auro. I will pledge my loyalty to Dorian if you don't make it. I will also protect the Mystics with my life.

Ocella could only watch in a stunned silence as Master Dorian spoke, standing on the same side of the desk as Auro. She chuckled a moment as a thought, or rather question, came to mind for her master. “Master Dorian, does this consider violating charge number two at my trial earlier?” she asked with a small, almost frightened laugh. “And… would my newfound relationship with Amon be violating charge number three?” she asked skeptically. She was of course, referring to herself being described as an ‘abomination of angelic heritage’. ‘Grandpa?’ Ocella thought, reaching out to her grandfather in hopes of seeing him again that evening. She knew it was late, but she found herself in desperate need of his company and guidance.

She looked to Auro and studied him for a moment. “What is your stance in all of this, Auro? What is your next move in this war?” she asked, looking entirely curious. “Oh… and in relation to the charges… what exactly will that vampire bite do to me, Auro? Will it have any effect, or…? What?” she asked, glancing nervously at Master Dorian.

Dorian nodded in response to Ocella’s questions. “You’ve broken a few rules with your new love affair, as has Kyori, but the elder gods and I feel that it is a part of life. You will not be judged just as any other who falls in love. What the Pantheon did wasn’t out of line, they feared you’d become like Samael because of the taint that follows the darkness. Rest assured you are in no danger right now of being destroyed by the Pantheon of course.”

Auro glanced at Dorian and shook his head. It was quite obvious that Dorian held more weight than he let on, but to see him act as if he had no pull was hilarious to Auro. Nonetheless, when Ocella questioned him again, he crossed his left leg over his right and sighed.

“Samael will come for me, that is a certainty, and when he does NO ONE will stay to help me. This is my fight and should I fall there are things already in place,” Auro said quite bluntly, “but in regards to Catheia’s bite, she can’t transform one who is infused with the light as you are, only a fallen angel can succumb to her vampirism. You are safe, but you may have a few side effects, mostly with anger and maybe a little lashing out you know the typical things.”

Ocella just stared at Master Dorian when he said that she had broken a few rules and that the pantheon hadn’t been out of line. “D… do you… think... I’m an abomination too?” she asked, her eyes welling up with tears. It was clear that she had been hurt by their words, hurt by their actions. They had left her to suffer a horrific death. They had left her to suffer before, when she had prayed for help… none had come, except her great uncle whom they feared. How could they judge her so harshly when they had done nothing in face of her pain and suffering, and in fact, caused much of it?

She reached out to her grandfather again as she stood, but received no answer and was worried. “He’s not answering…” she said, looking horrified. Had something happened? She backed away from Master Dorian and shook her head. “I have to go.”

There was a sudden stabbing pain that filled Dorian as he stood there. He closed his eyes and gasped. “It can not be,” he said softly as Auro experienced the same pain and looked at Dorian.

“You know what this means Dorian. Get them out of here,” Auro said standing to his feet. He transformed slowly into his witch doctor form and looked down at Ocella.

“Amon, go with her,” Auro ordered, “Dorian this is my fight.”

“You will die Auro, let me help you,” Dorian said.

“You and I both know that is against the rules of order. I must do this alone,” Auro said as an ominous wind blew through the office. “We don’t have much time, get out of here.”

Ocella’s heart began to beat rapidly as she watched Master Dorian and Auro’s reactions. Something horrible had happened, of that she was certain. Auro ordered them all to leave, that her great uncle was coming for him. Ocella looked at him with a mixture of emotions before she appeared next to him, hugging him and looking at him with concern. “Kick his ass Auro. Be careful,” Ocella pleaded. She looked to Master Dorian pleadingly as an ominous wind blew through the office.

“I can’t lose you too. Please,” she begged him, appearing next to him and holding him tightly. “I’m sorry. I hope I’ve made you proud,” Ocella said as she buried her face into him for a moment. “But my family needs me... “ Ocella looked to Amon and shook her head. “Get out of here, but I have to do this alone. I have to make sure they’re safe…” Ocella said before she too vanished.

As everything happened Amon could only watch as everything fell apart, and fell into chaos. The once peaceful meeting to discuss the future of their alliance was cut short, and his master and Dorian felt a sharp pain in their head, and then Auro transformed. Amon knew this was the beginning of the end and Auro gave him an order to do with Ofella. He didn’t want to leave, but knew there was nothing he could do to stop Auro from doing this alone. So he hardened his heart wan quickly walked over to where Ocella was. After she hugged Auro.

“Master Auro. Don’t lose this fight.” Was all he was able to say before Ocella looked at him, and told him to get out of here. She then disappeared before he could say anything on the contrary. Amon was not angry that she left without him. It was her family not his, but it still hurt that there was nothing he could do to protect her. The only thing he could do was try and find her. If any of the traitors were there then she might not come back alive if she fights them, and they become serious.

“I will do as you have ordered. I will protect what you wish to protect Master Auro. Just remember. You were never alone in this world.” Amon said as his face turned angry. “So you will not leave this world alone. I will make sure the traitors follow you to the afterlife.” They both said as they walked over to one of the walls casting the same spell he has used to travel through. He was going to find Ocella, and make sure that she was ok. If Auro survived he would still make the traitors pay with their lives, but Auro was not as confident going into this fight as he should be. So Amon would not let him leave this world without reassurance that he would follow his orders.


After Ocella left Auro’s office she appeared in front of her family home at once. She was stunned by what she had seen, for there was little left standing. Fire had consumed the property, for the shell of the home was burnt to a crisp.

“Mom! Dad!” Ocella shouted in a state of sheer panic as she took off into the rubble. The house was nearly collapsing around her, but still she pressed on. She had to find her parents, to make sure that they were okay. That they had survived. “Grandpa!” she shouted, knowing that he had to be somewhere.

“Mommy! Daddy!” she called, looking frantically around the building as it crumbled around her. She searched through the house, making her way quickly up the stairs and into the bedrooms. Much to her despair they were empty, but… pinned to the remnants of her bedroom wall was a note, covered in ash but still legible.

She picked it up and her face hardened in anger at what she read.

‘You are powerless to stop me.’

“We’ll see about that,” she spoke, her voice cold and harsh. She crumbled the note and shoved it into her pocket, disappearing to the nearby forest. She closed her eyes and transformed into her angelic form, listening to the foliage and seeing the story they told. She could see her great uncle arriving along with Etrama and Darkholm. She could see the battle that had taken place, her grandfather had perished trying to protect his daughter and her husband. Her own parents had been injured badly, but… much to her surprise had survived.

She watched as the medics and firefighters came after, taking them away. She knew where they were and vanished to the hospital at once, appearing in her human form. She found the room number from the front desk and took off running down the hall, not stopping until she reached the doorway, steadying herself for what she might see.

She paused for only a moment to breathe, entering the room immediately after drawing a breath. Much to her horror, two beds were near each other and one had sheets over the entire bed. A nurse was in the room, as well as doctors and a medical team. The nurse pulled the blankets over the other bed and Ocella screamed, causing all of them to jump.

“NO!!!” she shouted, rushing to the first bed she could reach and yanking the sheet off. She saw her father, what was left of him. It seemed as though he had gotten the brunt of the explosion for his face had been charred badly. “Daddy!” she screamed, and one of the nurses moved towards her, but she ran past to her mother’s bed and yanked the sheet off.

“Mom!” she cried in hysterics, seeing her mother’s bloody and burnt face. “No!” she screamed, shaking her mother in hopes of waking her up. She felt a soft hand on her shoulder and spun around instantly, expecting an enemy but seeing a nurse. “I’m so sorry dear… they’re dead. You just missed your mother,” she said, looking sadly at Ocella.

“You have to do something! They can’t be!” she shouted, looking at them in horror. “Please!” she begged the nearest doctor, and he simply shook his head in sorrow. “I’m sorry dear, we did everything we could,” he answered, keeping his hands to himself and looking at her with a gentle expression on her face. “They were both calling for you. They asked us to let you know how much they loved you,” he said, and Ocella looked at him with a horror-stricken expression on her face.

She couldn’t believe it, it couldn’t be… they deserved better! They didn’t deserve to die so cruelly, such painful deaths. “No,” she begged, looking back to her parents with tears in her eyes. Her grandfather had perished, her parents had been destroyed… she had nearly been killed. Samael had nearly taken everything from her in one fell swoop, yet here she stood… when her entire family was dead.

“NO!” she shouted angrily, disappearing at once, much to the surprise of the medical crew. She couldn’t control her energy, she couldn’t think straight and couldn’t stop teleporting. She couldn’t decide where to go, she had no home and her maniacal uncle longed to see her dead. She went to the one place that she had left, her garden back at the academy. An explosion of power erupted from her as she began to hyperventilate, tears falling freely down her cheeks.

Vines quickly snaked up every tree in the surrounding area, foliage burst into an overgrown appearance, trees grew taller and the forest canopy grew thicker all in one motion. “NO!!!” she shouted in despair, falling to her knees as she began sobbing hysterically. Who could she rely on? Master Dorian was likely fighting Samael with Auro, for she knew it wasn’t in his nature to abandon others. She had only just met Amon… she didn’t know where Kyori was, if he was in battle or even alive.

‘KYORI!!!’ she shouted at him, grief in her voice. ‘KYORI ARE YOU ALIVE?!’ she begged, desperately wanting an answer.

Kyori was with Aeterna after the battle with the scorpion and returning from Auro’s mansion. Ryan had decided to tag along with them and make sure that they were okay, but Aeterna suddenly needed to leave and that wasn’t a good sign. Ryan felt the power surges as well, but did not give up his cover as Auro’s agent. Instead he stayed with Kyori who questioned him, asking him what was going on.

“Come on, let’s get you back to BlackBrick,” Ryan said trying to get Kyori to leave with him, but Kyori was resistant. He could feel Auro’s energy, and it was fading fast. He became worried, but then he heard Ocella’s voice yelling for him, asking if he was alive.

“Come with me,” Kyori said as he took both of them to Ocella. He appeared in a matter of minutes in front of his best friend and immediately embraced her. Something was wrong and he wanted to be there for her. “Ocella, calm down and tell me what’s wrong,” he said as Ryan stood off to the side.

Ocella jumped in surprise when Kyori suddenly embraced her, she hadn’t even heard him arrive. “Thank God… thank God you’re still alive!” she wailed, crying into him. She could barely comprehend what he was saying for she was sobbing too hysterically. “H...h..he…” she could barely speak and could only bury her head into him. Trees were growing larger and thicker, the very floors of the forest seemed to be vibrating as roots grew and stuck out of the ground.

“He killed them all…” she barely managed to get out, her energy surrounding the area. “My g...grand...pa… my… p...parents…” she sobbed, holding Kyori tightly. “He’s… fighting… Auro…” she looked at him with ferocity in her eyes, taking in a breath. “Aha!” she cried in pain as her shoulder protested her hysterics. She gripped it at once and leaned against Kyori for support. “Auro bade me to leave... “ she said in despair.

Kyori held her close, clutched her as if he was afraid to lose her too. He listened and tears fell from his eyes. She had just gotten to know her grandfather, and her parents had nothing to do with any of this. Samael was a despicable creature, bent on his own gain. How could he know any emotion with what he had done? She spoke of Samael fighting Auro and Kyori’s eyes widened as he looked over to Ryan who pretended to have a shocked look on his face.

“Auro?” Ryan questioned, “you mean the guy we were fighting right? Why is Samael attacking him?”

“Because Auro is a threat he needs removed. If Auro aligned with us Samael’s plans would be in jeopardy,” Dorian spoke as he appeared out of nowhere. “Ocella, my dear,” he added walking over to her and embracing her as a father would his long lost child. “You may have lost your parents and your grandfather, but remember this. I am your family. You are my daughter, just as Kyori is my son. You have great light Ocella, but I want you to try and reign in back in or else this forest will become a tomb.”

Kyori looked up at Dorian, the only man aside from Master Chiatzu who had shown him so much love and care like a father he’d never had. Kyori watched Ocella as she held her injured arm.

“We have to help Auro,” Kyori said.

Ocella looked in shock as she heard Master Dorian’s voice. She had expected him to be stubborn, to stay and fight with Auro. She had been fearful of losing him too. She held him tightly when he embraced her like her own father, just sobbing hysterically as she tried to control her emotions. He said that she was his daughter too and she could only hold him as though he were her father.

He asked that she reign herself in and she managed to see that the forest around them had felt her pain. Tree roots had overgrown the area surrounding them, bushes were as tall as small trees, oak trees had doubled in size and the canopy was blocking the sun entirely. She hadn’t realized any of this was happening and did her best to calm down, but images of her parents flooded her mind. Her father’s burnt figure, her mother’s bloody and burnt face… it was all too much.

“WHY?!” she screamed in agony, knowing that Auro needed help. She was torn, for he had specifically requested that they not intervene, but on the other hand… she hadn’t wanted to leave in the first place. “What can we do to help Auro, Master Dorian? He has requested that we not intervene… he wanted to keep us safe, but how can we just sit by idly and do nothing?” she asked, waiting on him to give the word for them to depart. She would make her uncle pay, one day..

Amon had teleported to a mountaintop to try and be able to find Ocella. He held the rose she had given him, and used the little bit of residual power that was left to try and track down her energy. Amon was beginning to get frustrated when suddenly a rush of her energy finally became noticeable. He quickly transformed into his Nephilim form and took to the skies. He teleporting was faster, but it was not wise to use that spell too often. People would be able to track that spell if they knew his energy signature.

Amon flew as fast as he could in the direction of the energy, then another energy signature made itself know. Amon was now in battle, and there was nothing he could do about it. He just continued forward with tears falling down his face. When he arrived at the forest he could see quite a few people had gathered in the area, and this could become a problem, if they thought he was an enemy. Taking the gamble he landed on the outskirts of where the others were gathered, right at the moment he didn't care that he was in his transformed state. He cautiously walked towards the group of people. “Ocella what happened? Are you alright?” he questioned in a concerned voice.

Dorian, Ryan, and Kyori turned their heads when Amon showed up. Ryan’s eyes narrowed at the sight of the nephilim, but he did not speak, merely taking a fighting stance as if ready to attack.

“Relax Ryan,” Dorian said causing Ryan to ease up, “Amon is here on a friendly visit, or rather he is here for Ocella.”

Kyori looked from Amon to Ocella and back again before he shook his head. “Who the hell is Amon and what the hell is going on?”

“Long story,” Dorian said, “but right now we must save Auro. As we speak Aeterna is facing him alone.”

Kyori’s eyes widened as he looked at Dorian. “A...Aeterna?” he questioned.

“Yes, we must move quickly. Prepare yourselves for what you may see.” Dorian looked at Ocella his eyes locking with her own. He could feel her pain, her misery, both were unbearable to feel, but he placed a solid hand on her uninjured shoulder. “Are you able to travel?”

Ocella was surprised when she felt Amon arrive in the clearing, or what was left of it, his beast form visible to her for the first time. She was not frightened by it, though she could tell his presence made others angry for they did not know him yet. “He killed my family,” Ocella answered, taking in deep breaths to control herself and reign her emotions in. “All of them.” was all she could say on the matter.

Her attention focused back to Master Dorian as he spoke of saving Auro, their eyes locking for a moment. He placed a strong hand on her good shoulder, giving her a sense of comfort and strength and asked if she could travel. “Yes,” she said, taking in a deep breath and standing as quickly as she could without stumbling, though she held onto him for support.

“We may not all make it… but please be safe,” she begged them, looking at each of them. “Amon. I know that Auro has forbidden you to take part in this, so it is your choice with what you will do… but we cannot sit by and allow Samael to destroy him,” Ocella said, looking at him sadly. She walked over to him and kissed his cheek softly. “I’ll do everything I can to come back to you,” she promised, resting her hand on his chest above his heart. “But you have to promise the same to me,” she said with a stern look. She nodded to the others and took in a deep breath, transforming slowly into her Mystic form as she prepared to see her uncle for the first time.

Amon was right as he entered the clearing two of the people their that didn’t know him wanted to attack him. However, Master Dorian stopped them, and told them his name as well as why he was here. He was relieved that he didn’t have to fight, but upon hearing Ocella’s response to his question his heart almost broke. Samael killed her whole family? Just like right now he was about to kill the only man he considered family.

Then the group spoke about going and helping Auro in his time of need. He wanted to go so badly, but he knew that he had been forbidden to help. Ocella comforted his heart by telling him that he was special to her by promising to come back to her. He was conflicted, but only one side, His face turned from kind to angry. “I am coming along. Only one side of me is worried about what Auro will do. I will protect my master whether he likes it or not. And Ocella.” He said placing his arms around her. “You better keep your word, and I promise to always come back to you.” Amon said as he stayed angry. He was not letting his other half have any say in this matter. “So when do we leave?”

“Master Dorian, please stay out of this. I do not wish to see you punished,” Ocella begged her Master. She knew that if he were to involve himself he would be punished for breaking the rules, and though she did not know how she knew it would likely be severe.

“Ocella my dear, has anyone ever told you that rules were meant to be broken?” Dorian replied as he looked upon everyone gathered in the overgrown forest. “Listen you all, once I transport us there we will have but seconds before Samael senses our presence. MAKE. EVERY. SECOND. COUNT!” Dorian said as he closed his eyes and began to mutter. Ryan stood next to Kyori who had a look of pure curiosity as he looked from Amon to Ocella. Had Ocella found a boyfriend? From the looks of it she did, and he was a nephilim. His head was cocked to the side as he observed them, but when Dorian spoke he looked at the man he considered a father and watched him weave magic effortlessly.

Dorian slammed his foot upon the ground and beautiful inscription appeared beneath them as one by one they all vanished, Dorian looking towards the sky with a sigh before vanishing.After Ocella left Auro’s office she appeared in front of her family home at once. She was stunned by what she had seen, for there was little left standing. Fire had consumed the prop


When everyone had left, Auro stood in the office alone. He could feel the darkness, it was overwhelming. How did Samael get so strong so quickly? Auro stood defiantly behind his desk when Samael strode in, a confident smirk on his face. Something was different, and Auro could sense it.

“Well well well,” Samael said with a smirk as he walked around the office. “You managed to delay the inevitable. I will kill them all, one by one Auro, and you can’t stop me, not even that pathetic god Dorian,” Samael boasted running a finger along the bookcase directly across from Auro.

“You will fall Samael, just as those before you,” Auro replied gripping his staff firmly.

“Oh really?” Samael replied, “as we speak a glint of fear is creeping up your spine. You know you can’t defeat me, you will die just as my brother died, just as any who stand against me will DIE!”

There was a swirling of power in the atmosphere as both moved with speed not seen before. Auro had managed to summon an undead zombie from a portal in the floor just as an arrow screamed through the air and struck the corpse. The following explosion sent Auro skidding back clutching his staff. “What power!” he said softly as he looked up to see Samael charging him. Auro’s staff clashed against the bow that Samael’s hands gripped expertly. The resulting sparks flew into the air. Strike after strike the two showed no signs of relenting.

Auro spun around dodging one of Samael’s strikes while delivering a powerful blow to Samael’s midsection sending the dark angel through his office wall. He stood erect and watched the hole. This was not over, and he knew it. Taking a step forward, his eyes widened when the arrow screamed from the hole. He barely had time to dodge as the metal tip of the arrow sliced into his flesh and striking the wall behind him. The explosion struck the barrier he managed to summon. Blood spilled from the wound freely but he couldn’t worry about that now, he had to fight.

“Where is the power of the legendary voogan? Where is it?” Samael barked cackling as he hovered out of the hole, his feet landing softly on Auro’s office floor. Auro’s eyes shifted into that of a reptile. He stood up straight and charged. The collision caused the foundation of his fortress to shake violently. Each dealt heavy blows to the other, but Auro was sent skidding back after a powerful kick to his midsection. He heard a cracking sound and knew that something was broken.

“Is that all?” Samael mocked.

“FINE YOU WANT TO SEE THE POWER OF A VOOGAN!” Auro yelled as he ripped off his clothing. His body began to twist and contort transforming into a dragon of mass proportion. So much so that he broke through the very roof that covered him moments ago. Samael watched with a smirk on his face as he prepared for the battle. Auro unleashed a hellish roar and slammed his tail into Samael’s torso sending the dark angel flying through the wall. Erupting from Auro’s maw came fire that resembled green energy. It poured into the hole where Samael’s body had gone. There was silent before Samael burst out of the hole, his dark wings covering his body. When they retracted, Samael looked much more menacing, his eyes a dark red, his hair a dangerous silver, and runes marked all over his skin.

“Again I ask is that all?” he retorted drawing his bow and unleashing one single arrow. Auro unleashed a hellish torrent of dragon breath that struck the arrow head on and continued towards Samael who vanished and reappeared to the left of Auro. Another jet of breath shot towards Samael but he vanished again. Samael unleashed two more arrows that met Auro’s breath head on.

The battle waged on for quite a while, both releasing dangerous levels of power that shook the very foundations of the Earth, but when Samael delivered a devastating blow to Auro, the dragon was sent crashing into the earth beneath, suffering deep lacerations. Samael unleashed a volley of arrows that struck Auro in his shoulder and his side exploding and opening deep wounds. Auro roared in pain as he slowly began to transform back into his witch doctor form, and then back into his normal form. He had a deep wound on his side that bled, and a puncture wound in his shoulder. He grunted and coughed up blood as he tried to stand but couldn’t.

Samael slowly descended to Auro and placed a firm foot on Auro’s injured shoulder. Auro screamed in pain causing Samael to smirk. “I am doing you a favor Auro, this way you won’t be here when I kill Kyori, and resurrect the god of destruction.” Samael nocked an arrow and prepared to fire it into the forehead of Auro. “Any last words?” Samael mocked.

Aeterna and Kyori were still at the Southern Isles when the battle started. The shadow phoenix could feel the energy that was being used during the battle through the Flare stone that Auro was wearing around his neck. It was a bit of a surprise that not long after they left Auro was attacked. Was this a coincidence, or Samael’s plan? Aeterna didn’t know, but what he did know was he would keep his word whether Auro liked it or not.

Aeterna wrapped his arms around Kyori and smiled at him. “We need to go back home. You need some rest, but I have some business that I am needing to take care of.” He said with a smile as he hugged Kyori then released him. “Hey Ryan could you watch over Kyori for me. I really need to go.” Aeterna said, and not waiting for an answer he sunk into the shadows and disappeared. He trusted Ryan, and knew he would watch over Kyori.

Traveling by shadow was a lot slower than a portal, but he would not be detected this way, and he would more than likely have the tactical advantage over Samael. However, by the time he arrived he was too little too late. Auro was on the ground bleeding to death, and Samael was about to deliver the final blow. Aeterna’s eyes turned black as he used the shadows to wrap themselves around Auro, and moved him over to where Aeterna was hiding. Though the broken up building would not hide him for long he looked over Auro. “I told you that you would make Kyori cry if you die here.” He said as he reached for his flare stone, and he used his shadows to try and at least stop Auro’s bleeding before Samuel found them. His advantage was now gone, and that meant there was a slim chance that either of them would get out of this alive.

When his prey slowly sunk into the shadows, Samael’s eyes narrowed. He let out a roar and turned in every direction.

Auro looked up and saw Aeterna to which he could only smile. “You are a man of your word,” he said extremely weakly, “but to die for my kind in battle is a great honor, especially when protecting those we love.”

“You can’t hide from me witch doctor, your or that little shadow phoenix,” Samael yelled as he sent arrow after arrow in various directions, explosions charring the area and destroying nearby buildings. When he closed his eyes he sensed Aeterna and Auro, as the flare stone gave off a bit of power when Aeterna used it. “Ahh, there you are,” Samael said as he sent a power infused arrow straight towards the two.

Aeterna looked at Auro with a smile on his face. “I never break a vow.” He said as he was trying to heal Auro’s injuries. Something was keeping him from being able to heal the wound. Was Samael’s power stopping him from being able to close the wound. He would be able to probably overcome Samael’s power, but to do that was going to put him at a big disadvantage, but it would need to be done before they were found. The angel of death was already shooting arrows to try and flush them out.

Using his power over shadows he created a dagger, and used it to cut open his hand. Placing the bleeding hand to his mouth he filled it with his own blood. He then bent down and kissed Auro forcing him to drink his blood. This would increase his ability to heal the injured Dragon. However, this was short lived as they were found, and the arrow that struck the wall behind Aaron exploded. The force of the explosion sent Aeterna forward and into the wall across from him. The building was blown away in an instant and Aaron shook off his impact, and quickly got to his feet. Transforming into his Adept form. He took his staff, and held it in a defencive position. “I will not let you take Auro’s life Samael.”

Auro was thrown to the side when the arrow exploded sending Aeterna away from him. He had managed to receive some healing, but the phoenix’s blood coursed through his body and began to heal his shoulder. He lay on the ground motionless, pain filling his body. Aeterna had saved him, but for what price?

“You act as if you have a chance at stopping me,” Samael replied with a soft smile, “You, a weak thrown away phoenix, I’ve hunted your kind for mere sport and you think I should tremble at your words? Hilarious,” Samael stated. His speed was incredible. He had managed to send another arrow straight at Aeterna without even blinking. It was so fast it look as if he had simply lifted the bow in his hand.

Aeterna just stared at the fallen angel. It was true that he has hunted many of his kind down, every phoenix knows this much, but he was not going to let this creature break the heart of the man he loved. Auro was special to Kyori, and he would do anything to keep him from feeling pain. “You may have the advantage, but I will not let you get your way. Even if we die it will not be without a fight.” Aaron said as he took a step forward.

However, Aeterna didn’t see Samael notch the arrow sending it flying in his direction. Was moving so fast that he didn’t see it coming. That was until it struck him in his right shoulder. This forced him to drop the flare stone on the ground. Aeterna screamed as the arrow penetrated his shoulder. However, he didn’t take his eyes off of Samael. He could feel his blood doing it’s job, but he knew that soon he would be unable to do much of anything to be able to fight back, or just endure his attacks. Aeterna’s body was already becoming sluggish.

“Look at you, weak and pathetic,” Samael said with a smirk, tell me little phoenix, did they tell you about me? Did they tell you that I once plucked a pheonix features one by one as it screamed to be set free. Oh the joy it brought me to slit its throat and harness its blood.”

In that moment Samael unleashed another arrow, but this one was imbued with an odd energy. Poisonous to phoenixes. Instead of shooting straight it rebounded off of various objects in its path, but it’s destination would be the heart of Aeterna to remove him from his path. Auro still lay motionless, but Aeterna stood in Samael’s way and it annoyed him. While the shoulder wound had healed, his side still bled and he was very close to death.

The moment Ocella arrived she could see a scene of chaos. Auro’s energies were low and she found them immediately. Her uncle was there, shooting an arrow at Aaron. It was bouncing around chaotically, and Aaron was injured badly as was Auro. At the last moment Ocella thrust up one of her hands with great strength. A tree root appeared directly in front of Aaron, causing the arrow to strike it and the tree root withered away from the poison.
Ocella knew that her cover had been blown but that didn’t mean others wouldn’t have a chance to interfere. She vanished at once, appearing next to Auro as she allowed nature to be her eyes. She was prepared for any arrows her uncle might send her way, but quickly she placed her hands on Auro’s wound and began to heal it with as much strength as she could give him.

Aeterna had an angry look on his face as Samael relished in telling him a story where he not only killed a phoenix, but plucked its feathers. Then he harnessed its blood, this action probably made Samael stronger. Though Aaron didn’t know how much he knew about his race. Then the Fallen angel let another arrow fly. All he could do was watch helplessly as he arrow bounced around the room.

The moment Amon appeared in the battle field he took to the skies. From his vantage point he could see what was happening. Auro was dying, and the one they called Aeterna must be the man that was challenging the black winged angel Samael. Amon interlocked his fingers all except his thumbs and index finger, He placed them tip to tip. He started chanting a spell to send blades of wind at Samuel, but not just ordinary blades. These blades will only aim for their target, and nothing more. He let the spell fly once he saw that Ocella was not down in the middle of the fight.

Aaron just stood there as suddenly the arrow struck a tree root. The root withered and died, and Aeterna collapsed to the ground. Losing all of the strength in his legs. His body was becoming heavy as he looked to Auro and saw that Ocella was now at the battle. “Why in the world are you here?” He questioned weakly as he feared that Kyori would have followed his friend into this battle.

“I couldn’t just stand by, could I?” Ocella answered with a smirk as she gave Auro just enough strength to hold on, or so she hoped. She quickly made her way to Aaron’s side and transformed into her angelic form, looking at him with worry. “This will be painful, and for that I am sorry,” Ocella said softly. Chanting as her grandfather had taught her many months ago, divine light flowed from her hands and into his wound. The light was bright and her eyes glowed a shade of green for a moment as nature surrounded them, thick vines encasing them in a protective cage. She knew that her uncle would be able to break the cage easily,but it would take him one strike to do so and that in itself would give her much needed time.

With great effort after soothing and healing magic had been released into Aaron, she pulled the arrow out cautiously and tossed it aside. She could see blood seeping from the wound and kept chanting, allowing healing magic to flow into her friend.

When the tree root shot up and the arrow struck it, Samael rolled his eyes. This was getting ridiculous. It did not matter, the more that came the more he would destroy. He looked at his niece as she attempted to save Auro and Aeterna.

“Ocella!” Samael spoke loud, power in his voice, “Ocella I do not wish to destroy you, but if you continue to interfere you will end up like your parents and my brother,” he warned. He had already nocked an arrow and sent it screaming through the air. It struck near them and exploded sending shrapnel in all directions. “That was a warning shot, leave now Ocella or I will kill you. Tell me, how does it feel to lose EVERYTHING?” he questioned. “I must say your mothers pleas for mercy, your father attempting to save her, they’re quite weak, weaker than the softest of humans. I must say I did enjoy ensuring that they suffered every second.”

Samael glared when he felt the presence of another abomination. He didn’t look in Amon’s direction but smirked as the blades of wind crashed against the force field that he produced. He did not turn to look at Amon but he did retaliate with a flap of his wings which sent a vast number of razor feathers that shot in Amon’s direction.

Ocella paused the moment she heard a voice yelling her name, turning to look in the direction it had come from. She could only look at her uncle harshly as he spoke, spewing lies from his mouth as though she would actually believe him. When the arrow flew near them, Ocella strengthened her fortress and was able to protect them from the exploding shards. She released some of the fortress as her uncle began to speak again, mocking her losses. What he hadn’t been expecting as he divulged this information to her was for her to smirk.

‘Amon, take over healing for me please,’ she requested of him, not looking in his direction. “I wouldn’t know,” she answered him truthfully as she stared at him with a cold expression on her face. “But perhaps you could tell me?” she asked, looking at him sternly. “After all, you were the monster who destroyed your own family. You fell from the heavens, you were trapped by magic for years. You have no home, your henchmen only serve you for fear of death. You have no friends, your only remaining family has disowned you and will do everything in her power to stop you. Tell me uncle , how well would you fare without your arrows?” Ocella challenged him, cracking her knuckles as she prepared herself for what was to come.

“Is that a challenge?” Samael spoke with a smirk on his face. “The little bitch speaks to me as if she knows what I’ve done. To face me as if she were my equal. You honestly think that you can even stand a chance against me Ocella? Prove it,” he said as he released his grip on his bow which hovered. An orb surrounded it as he landed on the ground and started moving towards Ocella. Within a blink he was upon her, his hand grasping her by the throat.

“Imagine you, the abomination of your kind, you might as well fall like me.”

In that moment, Ryan appeared on the battlefield followed by Kyori who looked in Auro’s direction and noticed him. He looked at Ryan and gasped. “I can barely feel him,” Kyori spoke as he remained hidden with Ryan. “I have to get to him,” he said as he noticed Samael grip Ocella by the throat. “Damn!” he exclaimed realizing that he’d have to come out of hiding.

He drew a quick circle with his hand and watched as the clouds above opened up and allowed a bolt of lightning to surge down. Samael glared as he released Ocella and jumped away sliding to a halt grabbing his bow in the process.

“You must be the spirit dragon. Not many of your kind left now is there?” Samael stated as Kyori stepped out from his place. There was another arrow that screamed towards Kyori. His eyes widened, but a wall of ice shot up taking the damage.

“And another of Auro’s servants blocks my path. The ice demon. How long have you lived among them?” Samael spat.

Kyori looked at Ryan for a moment in surprise but didn’t say anything before his eyes landed back on Samael who was speaking.

“Is this the extent that you have to face me?”

The moment Samael had finished speaking he was upon her with great speed. His hand gripped her throat and he taunted her with his strength, but just as she was about to fight back she was released when a bolt of lightning struck between the two. Ocella used the opportunity to vanish back to Auro and Aaron’s side, knowing that she had a few moments more while Kyori distracted her uncle.

She placed a hand on each of them, allowing her divine light to flow from her body and surge into the wounded warriors before her. Auro was fading rapidly and she looked at him with hope. “Come on Auro, don’t leave us yet,” Ocella whispered, trying to give Auro strength.

Auro groaned as everything happened around him. He could sense others arriving and he knew they were there to help him. Aeterna had arrived first and then the others started showing up one by one. They were there to help him, to keep him from dying, but the magic Samael used to create the wound on his side resisted healing. He was dying, and he could feel it slowly gripping him, pulling him down slowly.

“Ocella,” he said her face coming into view. “Ocella your healing will not work,” he groaned pulling himself into a sitting position. He was a strong willed individual but he knew when there was nothing left to give. “You all need to get out of here, Samael will kill you all,” he said weakly.

Amon watched as his blades of wind hit a shield that surrounded Samael. The blades shattering upon impact. Just as he was about to cast another spell the dark angel attacked him. The black feathers screamed towards him with such speed that there were not many options for him. So, he folded his wings in, and allowed his body to fall to the earth. This move saved him from receiving any damage from the feathers. He opened his wings and slowed his descent to the earth. That is when he heard Ocella ask him to continue healing Auro with his power.
Landing next to his master he picked him up and quickly moved him over to where Aeterna was. The man was still having problems, but from what Amon could see he was not injured anywhere. There was no way he would be able to heal something he couldn’t see. All he could do was try and help Auro. Placing his hand on the wound he felt the energy that was coursing through his body. Two energies were fighting one another for dominance. One was the same energy he felt from the dark angel, and the other belonged to the man that was injured but not.
There was nothing he could do for either of them. His power was insufficient. By the time, he returned his gaze to the battle field the one known as Kyori joined the fight, and Ocella was back by his master’s side.
Aaron was losing his ability to keep himself upright. The power he was putting in to try and dispel Samael’s energy, or at least to be able to close the wound was more than his body could handle, and it was taking a toll on him. Ocella healed his injury, though he really didn’t feel it at the time, all he could feel was numbness. He knew he dropped his stone, and he looked to the ground. If he could find it it might give him enough energy to at least seal Auro’s wound. He saw his stone, and reached for it. He got his hands on it the moment the newcomer came into view.
Ignoring what was going on around him he concentrated on harnessing power from his stone. This was an extension of his very being, and it would at least help him. He hoped. He was no longer able to see by the time Kyori entered the battlefield. Though he could feel his energy.
Amon heard that there was another of Auro’s servants. He wondered I who it was but, in the middle of battle it was not wise to have yourself distracted. “Master Auro. You are not going to die here. That young man is putting all of his energy into healing you. Don’t give up now.” Amon said as he got up and stepped in front of the group of people. He would not let Samael interfere with anything that was happening behind him. He began casting another spell. This spell summoned pillars of ice around Samuel, then out of the pillars needles of ice protruded from them to impale the Dark Angel.

Ocella frowned when Auro spoke. “Auro,” she said faintly as Amon arrived. She placed a gentle hand on Auro’s shoulder as he sat up, trying to bring him a sense of comfort.

“Aaron,” Ocella said watching her friend put his very life into healing Auro. She would have done the same had he not told her his afflictions. “Aaron, it’s too late,” she spoke softly, placing her hand on his and wrapping her hand around it. “I’m getting Kyori, I’ll take his place. You heal, you’ve done so much,” she said to her friend. She looked at Auro with a soft smile on her face.

“Thank you for everything Auro. I’m sure we’ll meet again one day, but for now… I’ll send Kyori over,” she promised, giving Auro one last look before she turned to the battle at hand. ‘Kyori… Auro is failing. Samael’s magic is too strong… you need to be with him, let me take over,’ she spoke to her friend, her voice soft and compassionate. She turned from her comrades and transformed into her mystic form, flying over to the battle and smirking at her uncle.

“You really are something else. To believe one is invincible is childish. You have fallen, you have lost everything and all you have is hatred.” Ocella said, knowing that her choice of words was deadly. She wanted to become the center of his attention, for him to fixate his energy on her while the others healed and to give Kyori time with Auro. Time that she didn’t get with her family.

“You think you’ve taken everything from me, uncle, but you haven’t. I’m still alive, for now, and I will be a hindrance in everything you do,” she said with a smirk as she vanished suddenly, wanting to get out of the line of fire while she could. “Angel versus angel,” she said, appearing mere feet from him for just a moment. She vanished once more, her energy signal dissipating. It spread all around them, into the very forest that surrounded Auro’s castle. Into the trees, the flowers, the very grass beneath her uncle’s feet.

Quite suddenly, a rather large tree root sprung forth from the ground just under her uncle and, with great speed, moved to wrap around him.

Aeterna heard Ocella’s words, but unlike her he has not given up hope. He made a promise to protect Kyori from anything, and that meant everything to him. However, he would not kill himself. He knew how far he could push his body before it would kill him. If push came to shove he just might have to resort to something that he didn’t want to do to Save Auro’s life, and protect Kyori from having to feel pain. Though it would be risky. He will do it if he can't overpower Samael’s energy. For now he still had a little more time before that would happen. He didn’t answer Ocella, nor did he feel her hand on his. He could only feel her energy as she walked towards Samael to fight him once more.

Kyori landed with a hard thud as Samael knocked him to the ground. When Amon cast his spell to impale Samael, Samael’s body became a living spinning blade that sliced through the ice that attempted to crush him. He turned in the direction Auro was in glared.

“This is getting ridiculous,” he spat as Ryan hurried over to Kyori and grabbed him, vanishing before the arrow could strike. He appeared next to Auro and Kyori looked at him with teary eyes. He touched his face gently, not wanting to cause him any further pain.

“K...Kyori,” Auro said weakly as he managed to open his eyes slowly to see Kyori.

Samael’s eyes closed for a brief moment as his niece addressed him. This was an obvious ploy to keep his attention, and yet he didn’t care. He would destroy Ocella and the rest of her friend as Auro died slowly. She sent a vine to ensnare him and once again he spun rapidly slicing the root into chunks that smoldered from his dark essence. When she dove into the surrounding forest, he smirked. She was attempting to hide and while her ability would’ve worked on lesser beings, Samael knew too well how to counter such techniques.

“You forget abomination, I know how to hunt your kind as well,” Samael stated as he inhaled his eyes closed for a moment before he opened them and released three arrows that shot directly at Ocella. Ryan glared. How could he find her so quickly, he couldn’t even pick up on her. This was bad. Kyori was a mess as tears streamed down his face. He tried to speak but kept getting choked by the sobs in his throat. There was nothing he could do to save him, no ancient spell, no boring ritual. Samael’s magic was too strong and yet he still sought power. The corrosion was slowly taking over Auro’s body and Kyori could feel his energy dropping rapidly. It wouldn’t be long, but in that moment he placed his head on Auro’s chest and sang a song that Auro liked when they were dating.

Ocella noticed the arrows just in time before they could reach her and vanished just as they struck the tree behind her. “Missed me!” she called, appearing briefly next to her uncle again to irritate him before vanishing back to the forest, fleeing for her life. ‘Alright guys, what’s the plan? I can’t distract him forever,’ Ocella called to the others, knowing that it was only a matter of time before she had to engage her uncle in battle. “Hahaha!” she laughed, fleeing further into the woods. As she leapt from branch to branch, the trees grew thicker and more difficult for anyone following to maneuver through.

Amon just watched as the accursed angel cut through his spell like it was nothing. He was getting frustrated at the fact that he didn't have the power necessary to protect Auro, nor the only other person he cared for. The man that was supposedly another of Auro's minions brought Kyori to Auro's side. The boy could Barnes the power of ice. He might be able to combine his power with the boys to be able to damage this monster.

“If I heard right your name is Ryan. Are you able to absorb a spell and it power and add it to your own to attack? If you can I think it would be advantageous to combine our ice spells to attack Samael.” Amon said as he watched his love trying to buy them time to fight. If it wasn't for the fact of leaving Auro unprotected he would be fighting with his swords. But as long as Auro lives he will act as his shield.

Looking at Kyori as he arrived by Auro’s side Aeterna realized Auro was still more important to Kyori than he was. The spirit dragon was distraught over the fact Auro was dieing right in front of him. Aaron was aware that Kyori still had feelings for Auro this the reason he gave him his flare stone so he would be able to keep an eye on him. Luckily for Aeterna he could not see what was happening, but he could hear everything. It was breaking his heart that Kyori felt more for Auro than himself, but he still loves him, and would do anything for him. Even if it meant he would have to sacrifice himself to do so.

Sighing slightly to himself there was only one thing he could do, and if Samael​ agreed to it then he might be able to at least extend Auro's life, if not save it. Closing his eyes he connected his mind to Samael’s. “Samael. I have a proposition for you.”[I] Aeterna said as he prepared himself for what he was about to offer him.[I] “I am sure you have never been able to get your hands on a Phoenix's Flare Stone. If you stop or slow down the corruption of Auro's wound, and allow him to live for a little bit longer, and leave this battle. I will surrender my stone to you. I am sure you know what this stone represents.[I] Aaron said with a calm, yet worried tone to his voice. He was not going to have Kyori suffer because Auro death. He would rather take his place in the end. Even if he just agrees to just to pull back his power just enough to allow Auro to survive. Then it will be worth it. Even though this was breaking his heart

Samael watched his niece as she barely dodged one of the arrows when there were three that would chase her continuously wherever she went. He simply stood there as she appeared next to him and vanished back into the forest. It would only be a matter of time before she would be extinguished. The arrows could penetrate steels and were coated in corrosive magic. Meanwhile he turned in Aeterna’s direction and smirked.

“You give it to me freely for the life of a witch doctor? Bring it to me,” Samael said out loud with a smirk.

Aeterna looked with pain filled eyes into Samael’s. Even though he was unable to see at the moment, he could sense where he was. While his voice rang in his ears. Aaron nodded his head in acknowledgment. He could tell by his voice that the fallen angel was contemplating how he was going to use the Flare stone. If he wanted to he would be able to kill him in an instant, though he would lose the power of the stone if he did. Not wanting the others to know what he was about to do he didn’t say a word, but he spoke to Samael’s mind once more. [I]“Comply with the first half of my request, and the stone will appear at your feet. I am in no condition to hand it over to you. Or after you free Auro you can come and get the stone yourself. I will not fight you taking it from me as long as you free Auro first, and allow my energy to heal him.” He knew he was in no condition to fight him, but he needed to make sure he will keep his end of the bargain. Auro will be healed, and Kyori happy. Though he feared what was going to become of him once Samael got a hold of his power, his very life.

Ocella was shocked when she reappeared, noting the arrows had followed her after one of them crashed into the tree and the tree withered away. She thrust her hands up quickly, a willow tree burst from the ground and the arrows struck it instantly. Much to her surprise the fresh tree began to wither away and the arrows penetrated the other side of the tree, heading straight for her. “Shit!” she said, taking off flying through the woods with great speed.

‘Amon… use the ice attack you just used on him. The same way, in the same manner,’ Ocella requested of him, having a plan for the arrows. She had to keep them distracted long enough for Amon to fulfill her request. She raced along the edge of the forest, keeping her senses alert and semi-focused on the battle. It seemed at a standstill, her uncle was looking at Aaron but neither was saying a thing.

“Aaron!” she called, glaring at her uncle. “Aaron don’t listen to whatever he’s saying!” she shouted at her friend. He was in bad shape but she was in no condition to help him at the moment with three arrows focused on her. She vanished but the arrows followed her energy and she appeared here and there, trying to throw them off.

“Damnit uncle this is no sporting way to fight!” she shouted in anger, sending a seething glare at her uncle as she continued to dodge the arrows. They were gaining on her and she was running out of time. ‘MAKE EVERY SECOND COUNT DAMNIT!’ she shouted at her friends, remembering the waterfall at the cliff’s edge. If her plan with Amon’s attack didn’t work, she hoped to God that her next plan would.

Ryan looked over at Amon who had asked him a question. He nodded, “it is a dangerous technique, one I’ve seen slay many before me. There is only so much power a body can absorb before it is destroyed,” Ryan replied as he moved a stray strand of hair from his friend’s head. Auro was not long for this world. Just as things seemed bleak, Samael took a step towards Auro.

“I must admit, their loyalty to you is quite sickening,” Samael spoke as he continued to move towards them. Whatever attack they launched was swatted away like a fly. They didn’t have enough power to defeat him at their current level. It all became clear when Samael stood but a few feet away. “Very well Phoenix, a life for a life.”

Clasping his hands together he drew them apart slowly revealing a dark chain. With a twitch of his wrist the chain snapped in twine and Auro gasped in pain.

“You are lucky Auro, an opportunity has arisen. I will spare your life today,” Samael stated as he walked casually over to Aeterna. He was fast in his approach in appeared in the blink of an eye, snatching the Flare Stone from Aeterna’s grasp and leaning forward to whisper in his ear, “I know what this is, welcome to my world.” In an instant he was standing eye distance away from them all. He held up his prize so that he could take in its beauty.

A grin slowly appeared on his face as he looked at his enemies.

“Auro will live as per the agreement between us, but the rest of you WILL DIE!” Samael said. His eyes shifted in color from a subtle gold to a solid crimson. He raised his bow and spoke one word. “Annihilation.”

Energy began to form at the tip of the arrow. Samael chuckled. Finally he would eliminate them all and pursue resurrection of the god of destruction

Amon heard Ocella, and then Ryan spoke. All of them had plans to try and defeat the dark angel, and he would do the best he could. “I know it will be dangerous, but… “ Amon said but before he could do anything he turned around to the sound of Samael’s voice as it was getting closer to the group. He cast a couple of spells at the Fallen one, but he easily blocked them, or dispelled them.

Aeterna heard Samael speaking as his energy approached, the others were trying to stop him but to no avail. Then he spoke of a life for a life, and a small smile formed on his face. He had agreed to spare Auros life. Though he didn’t know what happened he felt as the energy that was stopping his shatter, and he let out a gasp of relief, as he fell forward as his body reacted to the relief of what just happened. Though at the same time Auro let out a gasp of pain. Aaron struggled to bring himself up right as he knew Samael would be over to collect his compensation. His body was at is limit, and it was all he could do to keep himself upright as the Dark angel snatched the stone from his hand.

Then Samuel whispered into his ear and in that moment he finally realized that Kyori still loved Auro, and he was nothing more than a substitute to ease his pain. Kyori never once was worried about him and the condition he was in yet he was distraught over Auro. The smile faded from his face as tears ran down it. He didn’t know what Samael was going to do with his Flare stone, but in the end he sacrificed himself for the one he loved. Whether it was reciprocated or not.

His consciousness was fading as he finally healed Auro. His body gave out, and the darkness took him into its grasp. His eyes closed and his body fell backwards. If no one caught him he would hit the ground. His breathing is shallow, and his heart rate is irregular. Though his body was in bad shape he would live, as long as Samael let them.

Amon kept his eyes on the bringer of death as he placed his hands together, and a chain became visible. The chain was connected to Auro’s wound. Was this why healing wouldn’t work? He questioned himself as when the chain snapped his Master gasped, and the wound started to heal. Amon knew that he was powerless to stop Samael so he could only watch as the man walked over to Aaron and snatched something from his hand. Keeping tabs on Samael he was unaware of the child's plight, and he watched as the Fallen Angel held up some kind of stone looking at it with pride. Like it was a trophy that he had just received.

The he said something about keeping a bargain and letting Auro live, but the rest of them were not going to be so lucky. He watched as Samael notched another arrow and cast a single word spell on it. The arrow began to glow and Amon’s eyes grew large. “Ocella get out of here!” He screamed at the top of his lungs. As he began to try and cast a high level barrier spell that might be able to stop the arrow, but he doubted it. This man was stronger than him, and he knew it. If he could hold of the spell long enough the others around him would be able to escape if they had their wits about them.

Ocella heard Amon’s scream and looked to the group instantly. Aaron was in very bad shape, Kyori was a mess… but somehow Auro had been spared. Samael was near them, so very near them with a dangerous looking arrow and Amon was trying to protect them. She still had the arrows following her and was beginning to grow tired. ‘KYORI. GET. YOURSELF. TOGETHER. WE NEED YOU!’ Ocella shouted at her friend. ‘Aaron needs you! Samael is about to kill us ALL!’ she shouted at her friend as she changed her course. Amon was in no shape to directly attack Samael again so she did the only thing she could and flew straight towards her uncle.

What happened next caused the very ground to shake beneath the group as she let out a scream of desperation. Trees became alive, their roots were their legs as they sprang forth from the ground and began marching towards Samael with great speed. Roots snaked underground towards him and Ocella was racing at the speed of light towards her uncle. “Call off these arrows and I’ll call off my forest!” she shouted, the forest itself coming alive. Thorns from various bushes shot forth towards her uncle at great speed. She knew that something would get her soon, whether it be her uncle himself or his arrows. This was the last great distraction she could offer in hopes that he would change his course of attack from her friends to herself.

‘Ryan! Get. Them. Out!’ she shouted at him, knowing that he had a clear head about him. ‘Take Auro to the academy. Slap Kyori for me, make sure Aaron is okay!’ she shouted as she vanished in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, she was upon her uncle and the arrows had caught up with her. She vanished just in the nick of time, right in front of her uncle and the arrows didn’t have time to change course. Ocella hoped that her plan would work, but she raced back to the advancing trees, past them, through the battle zone and towards the waterfall if it didn’t. She knew that her time was limited and wanted to make every move count.

Kyori rushed over to Aaron as he collapsed after Samael had snatched his stone. He held him and ran a hand through his hair.

“You’re going to be okay,” he said softly as he lifted Aaron and placed him next to Auro. Both of them had been through a lot. He wasn’t really registering what was happening, but he knew he had to do something. He couldn’t wallow in self pity. He touched both of their faces and smiled, feeling the healing taking place within both of them. He could breathe a momentary breath of relief until he heard a lot of screaming. Amon was telling Ocella to get out of the way. Samael was preparing to destroy them all with a powered up arrow, and Ocella had just summoned the forest to attack what Kyori believed to be a god of some sort.

Nonetheless, he had taken the oath to protect, and protect he would or lose his life trying. He stood to his feet and summoned his strength.

“Ocella don’t be stupid, you’re wasting energy,” Kyori spoke trying to think of something that could be done while the forest was completely obliterated by a single orb from Samael’s hand. The explosion from that single orb sent debris in every direction and not a single tree stood after it. Samael looked around at the team of warriors.

“I still don’t know how you managed to defeat my beasts, or even how this pathetic group managed to defeat the great Mahvalli and the great Azael. It does not matter, I will obliterate you all now so that when I resurrect them all will fall into place.”

His attention returned to the still charging arrow that was notched in the bow that floated in place aimed at the group of warriors.

“BOOM!” Samael spoke as the arrow was released from the bow streaming through the air like a comet. As it neared them, Kyori and Ryan tried tirelessly to produce a forcefield of some sort, but when the arrow hit a wall of power, the resulting explosion did not touch any of them. Some sort of field surrounded them and Kyori looked at his hands knowing he hadn’t summoned it. Ryan looked perplexed as he too didn’t know where it had come from. As the dust settled, Samael’s eyes widened.

“WHAT IS THIS!” he yelled as Dorian stood in front of his family.

“That is enough Samael, I will not allow you to destroy my family,” Dorian spoke, his eyes alive with electricity. Samael glared.


Without warning Dorian had moved striking Samael with enough electricity to power an entire city in one force palm. Samael’s body shot back like a bullet out of a gun striking several buildings before he was able to stop himself. Blood was trickling from his lips and he spat the glob onto the ground.

“THIS….. THIS ISN’T OVER NEPHILIM!” Samael shouted as he vanished in a swirl of dark smoke.

Dorian turned to look at the mystics and their allies. They all looked beat up, but Auro and Aaron looked to have taken the brunt of the force. He walked over to them and knelt down looking at Auro with a look of worry.

“His body is healing,” Dorian said, “but I fear Aaron sacrificed more than he should have.”

Much to Ocella’s horror, her plan hadn’t worked. The arrows had found their way back to her and she was fleeing as fast as she could. Suddenly, the forest around her vanished and she didn’t understand what had happened. She turned around and saw that it had all been turned to ash, and the arrows were upon her. Her uncle had destroyed the forest in one blast and she had nothing left to defend her.

Just as she braced herself for the arrows to strike her, they dissipated as the points had nearly reached her chest. She gasped in shock and fell from the skies, landing harshly on the ground as she rested on all fours. Her energy was drained and she couldn’t keep up anymore, but when she looked up… Samael was gone. Master Dorian was there, the group was alive.

She smiled softly and tried to stand but stumbled to the ground again. Now that the battle was over… she could feel the pains that she had been forced to push aside. She stood weakly and managed to stumble over to the group. She reached Kyori’s side and collapsed to her knees next to him, wrapping him in an embrace. “Master Dorian…” she breathed, out of breath as her body shook. “Thank you.”

A look of shock washed over Amon’s face as the arrow that had been freed to strike them down shattered on a barrier that was not of any of the people gathered creation. He could only watch as a figure appeared in the dust of the explosion. It as the man that Auro was speaking to in his room before Samael attacked was standing in front of them protecting them from the Dark one. He realized he was not strong enough to even hold a candle to the power of either of the two gathered.

He could only watch in disgrace as he was the one being protected. This was the first time in his life he felt so helpless. The man defeated the Dark angel with one strike, and Samael called the man a Nephilim. Was this man like him? Amon wandered but he didn't have time think on the matter right now. He would make it a goal to at least talk to Dorian about what Samael said. Ocella arrived, and he was relieved. At least she was able to make to out of the fight with minimal damage.

He walked over to where she was and knelt down next to her. He would not be able to help much, but at least he could heal her a little. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and chanted the only healing spell he knew. “We are glad that you are okay!” was the only thing he could say at the moment.

“How is everyone fairing?” Dorian asked with a soft sigh as he realized this was a test beyond what they had been trained for. Samael was a different type of threat. His power level was beyond what they were ready for, and without being able to access Master level they were extremely lucky to have lasted this long against Samael. Dorian was proud of all of them, and he could only hope Auro made a full recovery as well as Aaron.

“Ocella, a word please,” Dorian said with a sigh.

Ocella smiled when Amon came to her side and knelt down next to her. They would live to see another day, and have an opportunity to further their relationship. Amon sent healing magic into her and she was feeling better already. She kissed his cheek and smiled at him. “Thank you. I’m glad you’re okay as well,” Ocella said, turning when Master Dorian spoke. She nodded when he asked if everyone was okay.

Master Dorian asked to speak with her and she shrunk at the words, wondering what he wished to speak about. She looked to Amon and back to her Master, nodding as she rose slowly and made her way over to him. “What did I do?” she asked nervously, looking at him with worry.

“You didn’t do anything that I wouldn’t have done. You did EVERYTHING you possibly could to stop him. You fought hard and controlled your element with masterful precision which is why I am pleased to grant you this…”

He retrieved a beautiful wooden wand carved from the ancient wood of a tree deep in the sacred woods of the ancient lands. Inaccessible by those deemed unworthy. He held it out to her and smirked. When Ocella reached for the wand, it moved on its own. It was sentient, it’s own being much like Kurama’s rose whip.

“It will protect you Ocella, but it also comes with a surprise. Touch it and see what it has for you.”

Dorian turned to the others, “As for you all, I must take you to the Forbidden Woods, Ryan it is there that you will find your sacred weapon. Amon, though you are not a mystic there is a weapon for you as well. Deep in the Inferiom Desert, it is a place in the Southern Isles. Kyori, the Anaforya Caverns is where you will find what you are looking for.” Dorian paused and looked at Aeterna. He sighed and realized that Aaron was a special case, he could not grant him the information to reach Master. “I must speak with the Phoenix King. When Aaron awakes I will have to take him with me. Now then, you all know what to do, make each moment count. I will take you each to your destinations, but that’s as far as I can go.”

Kyori looked up at Dorian as did Ryan. Ryan stood up and bowed to Dorian.

“Did you know sir?” he asked regarding his loyalty to Auro.

“Yes Ryan, I knew the moment you came to me asking for shelter, and yet I trained you to help you hone your skills in hopes that maybe one day you’d use them for the good of humanity,” Dorian replied, “As I said each of you are my family, Auro is even a part of it now. We protect our family.”

Ryan nodded and returned to his position beside Auro.

“He will awake soon,” Dorian said, “and when he does we need to be somewhere sheltered. Come, let us go to a place of safety. Xiangwu Temple!”

Kyori knew what this meant, but all he needed was to see Auro and Aaron awake and he would go fulfill his destiny. He pulled himself into a sitting position and looked up at Dorian.

“Thank you,” Kyori said finally speaking, “thank you for saving us, and thank you for believing in me. I will not fail you or this world or my family.” Ryan and Kyori looked at the wand that Dorian had gifted Ocella and waited for her to touch it to see what would happen.

Ocella looked at Master Dorian with a small smile on her face as he presented her with a beautiful ivy wand. “Thank you. I’ve done everything I could… but it still isn’t working,” Ocella said, sighing in defeat. The wand was calling to her, nature’s magic begged her to touch it. What had once been a beautiful rainforest was now in ruins due to her uncle’s magic. She wanted to repair it, to replace the beauty that had been stolen from the world.

She touched the wand and felt a surge of power flowing through her, unlike anything she had experienced before. Her wounds healed instantly and the wand wrapped around her wrist, almost becoming an extension of herself. A bright, emerald green light surrounded her that was too bright to see around her. She could feel power surging through her body and felt herself transforming into something… different.

When the light died down the wand was attached firmly to her wrist and flowed with her hand seamlessly. She could hear its core, it sung so beautifully to her and brought her a sense of peace and serenity. What she noticed next was that she herself had changed, and… her eyes lit up in surprise as she turned to Master Dorian in shock. She wielded the wand into the air, closed her eyes and a green light burst forth from it. Within moments trees began to grow and forestry began to flourish once more, her evil uncle’s magic had been overridden by new nature.

Ocella was exhausted and dropped to her knees at once at the expense of energy.

Amon smiled at Ocella as he healed her. He was happy that he was able to help her. He was glad that she was okay, and that they all made it out of that situation, but he knew he was going to need to get stronger. Master Dorian called her over to him, and Amon wondered why she seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the situation, but she went up to him anyway. Looking down at Auro he smiled. He was glad his Master was going to be okay thanks to these young warriors. “Thank you for saving Master Auro’s life.”

He turned his attention to what was going on​. It seemed that Dorian was not mad at her he was presenting her with a gift. But before Ocella touched the wand Master Dorian made an announcement. It seemed there were some weapons for all of them, and by some twist of fate he was also receiving a weapon. This confused him slightly as he looked to the God. “Why is there a weapon for me?” He questioned as he didn’t understand why they would grant such a thing to someone who was a snake not too long ago.

He watches at the young angel took the wand and transformed into something even more beautiful than before. She was beautiful, and she used her power to restore the forest around them. Then collapsed from the power she expended. Amon quickly ran over to where she was and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay” he asked yet again. He didn't want her to over exert herself again.

Aeterna was still slumbering in the darkness that had consumed him. But he could feel the darkness breaking. The light started to reclaim him and he opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Kyori thanking Master Dorian for what he had done. Aeterna was hurting all over, but he was at least awake. Had Master Dorian saved them from Samael? Had Samael decided to kill them before he left. He knew he didn't specify what his demands were. He was still not sure that Kyori was actually worried about him or not. He forced himself up into a sitting position. He needed time to heal, but something told him that that was a luxury “What is going on?” He asked weakly as he looked at the group. Ocella was with some guy he didn’t know, but it seemed he was okay since the others weren't attacking him.

When Ocella collapsed to her knees she was breathing heavily. Her mind was clear, her body had healed and her energy had been spent. Amon came to her, ever loyal, and she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. She was grateful to have made it out alive, grateful that he and her family had survived. “We… we lived,” she said when she pulled back, smiling happily at him. “My God we lived…” Ocella said again, looking in disbelief. She had come mere seconds from a slow and painful death.

She stood and looked to Master Dorian with a large smile on her face, running to him and wrapping her arms around him. “Thank you!” she said, her voice filled with love and hope. “What will happen, Master Dorian?” she asked, pulling back and looking at him with great concern. “What will they do, now that you’ve broken the rules?” she asked, unable to bare the thought of losing him to.

“I can’t lose you too,” she said, sighing softly. Aaron seemed to be waking up and she smiled softly at her friend whom had sacrificed so much for them. “Aaron,” she said, walking gracefully over to him and placing a soft hand on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, allowing healing magic to flow through him. It was powerful and just when she had expended the last of her energy, she transformed back into her human form and took a moment to rest. “We lived Aaron,” she answered his question with a grateful smile on her face.

She looked back to Master Dorian with worry, a storm of thoughts tormenting her mind.

As soon as Aeterna awoke and sat up, Kyori had embraced him and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He was hugging him so tight it looked as if he would strangle him. Ryan smirked and spoke softly.

“Kyori, let him breath,” Ryan said as Kyori pulled back a little cupping Aeterna’s face in his hands.

“I thought I lost you, I was…. I am worried about you,” Kyori said, “he took your flare stone, but you saved him,” Kyori said as he placed another kiss on Aeterna’s lips, “but if you ever do anything so stupid again I will turn your lower parts into a woman’s, you got it?” he threatened covering Aeterna in love and embracing him once more.

Dorian gasped at the words Kyori used, but chuckled nonetheless. He smiled and looked at Ocella who was worried about his punishment for breaking the rules.

“Yes, for every action there is a reaction. I am afraid once this war is over I will have to leave you all. You will not see me again. That is my punishment, but do not fret I will help you even from beyond the veil.” Dorian turned to Amon and smiled striding over to him and placing a firm hand on his shoulder. “Do you know what you are?” he asked him before speaking again, “Look into my past and you will see what we can become.”

He placed a soft hand on Amon’s forehead and showed him the battles that Dorian had been through. How he was born into the world as a Nephilim, how the angels and demons outcasted him, he didn’t belong until he was trained to defend. He showed him the betrayal of Naja, the only father he knew, and how he had fought for him without question. He then showed Amon his becoming a storm dragon, and how it transpired when his friend, a fellow storm dragon protected him and the other mystics and sacrificed himself. Naja had killed him but they all survived. Dorian showed him a great many things before they both appeared in the astral plane.

“We are beings that should have never existed. Angels and Demons are sworn enemies, but love exists everywhere. Even now love develops between enemies. We are here to preserve that love, to make sure that none are left out of love’s embrace. You are no different Amon. Even when you were working on the side of evil you had love within you because you were made from love.”

They returned to reality and Dorian removed his hand from Amon’s forehead and shoulder.

“You’ve shown the pantheon that love is as it always has been, and for that they wish for you to grow stronger to help stop the threat against freedom and love.”

Aeterna felt Kyori embrace him, and kissed him on the lips. Then he squeezed him tightly. His aching body protested the pressure, but Aaron just closed his eyes. Was Kyori really this worried about him? He just smiled as Ryan told him to ease up on squeezing him. When Kyori grasped his face and said his words then kissed him passionately, he returned the gesture. He was still confused about the feelings he had had earlier, but he didn’t care at the moment. Kyori was his, and that would never change.

Once the kiss ended the young Spirit dragon threatened him that if he ever did anything that stupid again he would castrate him. “I did this for you my love. I knew what losing Auro would do to you.” He said as he felt a hand on his shoulder Ocella was there in a new form, and she used her power over light to heal him. He had heard that Master Dorian would be punished for his action, and as soon as his body was healed he stood up bringing Kyori up with him.

Amon looked at Dorin as he spoke to him Asking him a question. “I am a Nephilim. A being born between a demon and an angel. An abomination or the natural order. That is what we are.” Amon said as he looked into Dorian's eyes. The old master walked up to him, and told him to look into his past. By placing his hand on his forehead he began to see Dorian's life flash before him. Tears ran down his face as he watched the events that unfolded before him.

Then once on the astral plain he looked at Master Dorian with an angry look on his face yet tears fell from his eyes. “I am sure that you know who I am.” The other half of Amos personality said as he walked over to Dorian. “I want to thank you for finally showing Amon the truth of what he is. Now I can finally rest, and allow him to live his life on his own. I think he is strong enough now not to need me. Thank you” Amon said as his expression softened once more. “Thank you for showing me what I truly am. Auro has tried to teach me, but until now I never understood.” He said with a smile as they returned to their bodies. “I will not betray your trust!” Amon aid as Aeterna approached Dorian without Kyori.

“Master Dorian I am sorry for getting you into this mess. But I have a favor to ask of you.” Aaron said with a serious look on his face. “Don’t tell the others of what I have done. Kyori knows of the stone, but not what it fully represents. I don’t want them worrying about me.” he said into Dorian's mind. He knew that Dorian always knew more than he was letting on.

Kyori looked at Aeterna and smiled. “Losing you would have been far worse,” he told Aaron as he watched Ocella use her newfound power to heal his boyfriend. Ocella had finally reached Master and he was so happy for her that it showed when he embraced her after Aeterna left to speak with Dorian.

“I’m so glad you’re okay Cella!” Kyori spoke softly as if he was tired, and in truth he was very tired. He looked over at Dorian who had turned in Aeterna’s direction. They were communicating but their mouths weren’t moving. What was going on? He turned back to Ocella and noticed Auro move out of the corner of his eye. Auro’s eyes had opened and he grunted.

“That damn creature nearly took my life,” he exclaimed in his old fashion nonchalant way. He looked around and saw everyone there, including Dorian. “What happened?” he questioned.

Dorian smiled at Amon and nodded. He then turned to Aeterna and sighed as he listened to him speak.

“Let us hope when that time comes Aeterna, you will be strong enough to do what it right.”

Dorian spoke out loud, though what he said wouldn’t make sense to anyone but Aeterna. When Auro awoke, he strode over to him and knelt.

“Old friend, you were saved by these brave warriors,” Dorian stated with a sigh.

Ocella laughed. “It was Master Dorian who saved us all,” Ocella corrected her master. She stared at Aaron for a moment, giving him a knowing look. ‘I know it was you too. You were talking to him and whatever you offered was enough to save Auro. I just hope you’re alright,’ she said between the two of them.

She looked at Auro and smiled softly at him, sadly. “I’m so sorry Auro… there was nothing I could do at the time. I didn’t have the ability to heal you, and I wonder if I could have even now,” she said, looking shameful for having given up hope that Auro would survive. “I am grateful that you have survived,” Ocella did say, offering him a weak smile at best.

Aeterna just smiled at Dorian when he replied to his Statement. “Only time will tell. Dont worry. Didn't I already tell you not to worry about the little things.” Aaron said as he stepped back as Auro approached Dorian. Then Ocella approached him, and she basically knew he had done something to help with Samael, and save Auro. “You needn't worry about what I have done. I did what I thought was right and nothing more. Just do me a favor. Always be their for Kyori no matter what happens.” Aeterna said with a smile as he looked down at Auro.

“Don’t ever try and win a fight on your own. There is more power in unity than in separation. Besides once we get a chance there is something I will need to discuss with you.” Aeterna said as he looked Auro in the eyes. He was going to have him do something for him in exchange for what he did for the voodoo dragon.

Amon was standing next to Dorian as the man name Aaron approached and had a little conversation with the man. Nothing could be gained from doing thing on your own? The man needed to learn from his own words. Auro was not one to endanger people. Even Though he is not a member of the light. Ocella came towards him and he smiled. She kissed him on the lips earlier, and he was so shocked he didn’t react. This time he bent down and kissed her deeply while the others were still talking. Once he released her from the kiss he smiled. “I am sorry that it took so long to return the favor.”

Ocella smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around him. She found herself leaning against him for comfort and support. He apologized for taking so long to return the favor and she simply smiled at him. “It’s okay, I understand,” she said, holding him tightly. She couldn’t believe they had survived and was ever grateful to have some remnants of her family left, even if they weren’t her biological family.

A small tear fell down her cheek as she realized that she had three funerals to plan and wondered if the universe could spare some time to honor those passed. “Master Dorian… do you think the universe can wait a day or two for me to honor my loved ones and arrange their funerals?” she asked, looking at him with sad eyes as she stayed tucked against Amon for comfort.

‘Thank you for everything… I am ever grateful to have you in my family,’ Ocella thanked her Master, trying to offer him some sort of smile.

“Yes Ocella, the universe can definitely wait on that, and I shall help you,” Dorian replied as he wiped the tear from her face. “Be strong my dear, be strong.”

Kyori watched Ocella as she hugged and kissed Amon. He had a quizzical look on his face before he decided to speak.

“I’ll help you Cella,” Kyori said as he approached her, “but all things aside when the hell did you get a boyfriend? Have you two… ya know…. Did the nasty yet?”

Dorian rolled his eyes and turned away from the conversation while Ryan burst into laughter as did Auro who had managed to stand to his feet.

“I mean honestly though you two make a cute couple,” Kyori said, “still though guy’s pretty large in the shoulders. You sure you can handle him Cella?”

Dorian turned around and shook his head. “Okay Kyori, that’s enough please,” he shook his head, “I’m getting mental images for goodness sake.”

Kyori giggled and held up his hands as if admitting defeat.

Ocella’s smile grew ever so slightly when Master Dorian said that the universe could wait a day or two for her to honor her family’s passing. He wiped the tear from her face and said that he would help her and for that she was eternally grateful. “I don’t know what I would do without you,” she admitted with a sigh. “I’m trying so hard to be strong…” she said, taking in a deep breath. “They suffered so horribly. None of them deserved that pain,” Ocella said, her voice sad. “I didn’t even get to say goodbye…”

Kyori came over to her and said that he would help her as well. “Thank you my friend,” she said, looking past him to Aaron and nodding acknowledging his request. Kyori spoke and she blushed a deep shade of red. “Kyori!” she said as Ryan burst out laughing. “No we have not and we only just met today!” she said, looking mortified by his teasing. Even Auro was laughing and she only blushed more.

He was relentless in his teasing and Ocella glared at her friend. “I don’t know Kyori, maybe you’ll walk in on us one day and find out!” she huffed and glared at Auro briefly. “At least we don’t walk around in the nude!” she said cooly.

Master Dorian said that he was getting mental images and Ocella looked mortified. “KYORI!” she shouted at him with a glare. “It’s okay Master Dorian. I walked in on Kyori and Auro once. He’s lucky I was too mortified to tease him the way he is me,” she said, shaking her head and burying her face into Amon’s shoulder to hide her blush.

Amon just kept a hold of Ocella as she held his tightly. Then she remembered that she had some funerals to plan, and it tore at his heart. He knew knew what love truly was, and the one he loved had that very important thing stolen from her because of Samael. He allowed her to lean into her as he brought his hand up to her head, and placed it gently on her head. “I am sorry that you lost your family.” this was the only thing he could say. He lost his at a young age, and he never knew them like she knew hers, but he did get revenge on the ones that killed them. He would help her get the same thing.

Then suddenly the teasing started, and that was something he had never experienced before his face turned red, and he was unable to say anything. Even Master Auro was even in on it. “Master Auro!” was the only thing he could say as his face grew even redder when Ocella mentioned that she had walked in on Auro having sex with Kyori. This was more than he could handle. He closed his eyes and leaned his head into Ocella’s head. He didn’t know what more to do.

Auro looked at Aeterna and nodded in confirmation of his request. When the teasing began and he laughed, Ocella felt the need to blare his business with Kyori to which he smirked.

“I mean that was in the past little Ocella, even still I wasn’t the one who passed out after seeing me,” Auro replied. Kyori slightly blushed and shook his head.

“Well as long as I don’t walk in on you and loverboy there I’ll be fine,” Kyori said. He joined Aeterna and looped his arm with his, wanting the closeness. “I’m glad you’re alright Auro.”

“I’m glad you are alright,” he said softly before turning to Dorian. “You broke the law just to save me?”

“Yes, to save you all I had to break the law, my punishment is sealed, but it was worth it to ensure that this world’s protectors were safe.” Dorian replied.

“I don’t know how I can repay you,” Auro said, “you have my allegiance.”

“I would prefer your friendship,” Dorian replied watching as Auro smiled.

Ocella smiled at the group as things settled down. “I would like a shower, a good meal and some rest before arrangements have to be made. I’ll see you all in the morning?” Ocella asked the group, looking rather tired. She stood and hugged Kyori, hugged Auro and began to hug the others one by one. “You need rest as well, you’ve had such a long day,” Ocella said when she hugged Master Dorian.

“Would you like to have tea in the morning?” she asked, wanting just a fraction of his time to be focused on family matters, on simply spending time with him while she still could. “And, where will Auro and Amon be staying?” she asked, looking at them both for a moment before returning back to her master.

“Gods don’t rest Ocella,” Dorian said with a smile, “but tea in the morning sounds lovely. Everyone, please ready yourselves.”

Aeterna smiled at Auro as he acknowledged his request. He needed to prepare for what was going to inevitably happen. Though he chuckled slightly at the situation at hand. Kyori was teasing Ocella about her relationship with their new found companion Amon. Though he did wonder what in the world Auro was truly trying to do by gathering all of these exceptionally strong people together. Was he truly trying to take over the world, or was there something more he was trying to do? Though he doubted Auro would really reveal his hand. He was now on their side, and for that he was grateful, but how long will Samael let them rest before striking again, and how long will it take him to decide on what he was going to do with his stone?

These were all things he could think on later. Right now in the present is where he needed to be. He wanted to enjoy what little time he had left with the people he loved, and his friends. Returning his attention to the conversation it had turned to a time when Auro and Kyori were still a couple. It seemed Ocella had walked in on Kyori and Auro having intercourse. He could imagine the sight and shook his head. He didn’t need visions of what happened. Though he was surprised to find out that she passed out from seeing him naked. Then Kyori interlocked their arms together, and snuggled into him. He smiled and placed his head on top of his. “What an interesting group of people we are. I hope that this never changes.” Aeterna said as he closed his eyes. Enjoying the closeness of the one he loved, and realized that loved him back.

When the teasing slowed down and Amon could bring himself from burying his face he looked up at the group of people that he was now a part of. It still felt strange that he no longer was hiding in the shadows as Auro’s protector. The man had taken care of him for a time, and he came to respect him enough to never betray him. Though he was now in love with someone, and he would not let anything more happen to her that would cause her pain. When she pulled away from him he didn't want to let go, but knew she was needing the space. Ocella had a lot on her plate, and he didn’t really know how to help her.

Amon knew that the face she was showing everyone was not her true feelings. She would need time to grieve over the loss of her family, and hopefully he would be able to be their for her. Even though he was not good with these types of things. Then the mention of a bath and a good night's sleep were mentioned and where he and Master Auro were going to stay. He would not answer this question. Since he was not technically a member of this group, but an enemy that has turned ally. He would wait till the decision was made by the group before saying anything. The only thing he knew was it was not safe for them here, and it would take time to rebuild what was destroyed.

“You all can stay with me in the Amazonian Rainforest where Hillard has prepared your rooms,” Dorian replied as he looked at Ocella with a smile, “I hear Kurama and the others visit there from time to time so you may catch a glimpse of them.”

It was time to depart. When everyone was ready, Dorian slammed his hands together and when he pulled them apart a spell circle appeared in front of them.

“That circle will take you to my home in the rainforest. Once there you will find rooms and solitude.”

03-30-2017, 03:40 PM

Taking a knife he had on him just in case he used to go ahead his shirt to make bandages for his injuries. Joshua was unsure why his wounds were not healing nearly as fast as they should be. It was like his ability to heal was being blocked in some way. He worked to bandage his cuts, although he was not able to bandage all off the injuries, but enough of the blood flow was stopped that he would not bleed to death. He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall to clear his mind.

His thoughts turned to his friends that he left behind at the academy. He wondered how they were doing, at this time. He knew that Etrama had a vendetta against Ocella, and who knew what Kyori was doing since he left? He chuckled slightly as he could only imagine what they would think of him now. They would probably try and kill him if they knew that he took the lives of innocent people. He sighed as he stood up and looked the the hall, he was getting tired for some reason, shaking his head he made his way down the dark hallway. He didn’t know how he was going to get past this, but he would do what he could.

Running his hand down the walls trying to see if there is a switch or something like that he could find in order to open a secret door. Joshua’s eyes were getting heavy for some reason, and he was having a hard time to keep himself awake. The room is spinning and he could hear the sound of bell in the distance, falling to his knees as he was slowly slipping into unconsciousness. “What is happening?” He questioned as he collapsed to the ground. The Jingling of bells could be heard coming down the hall towards him. He finally fell to the darkness, with an unknown fate awaiting him.

Who knew how long he had been passed out, but he started to regain consciousness. He realized he was in a room with an eerily green glowing gem in the center of it. He could feel that he was hanging from the ceiling, his wrists were bound, and there was a strain against them. His feet were off of the ground, and for some reason he was unable to move. His shirt was missing, and he had no idea what was going on. That was until he heard a voice in the room that snapped him completely out of his groggy state.

“Well well. Looks like the young Dragon has finally awoken from his beauty sleep.” A feminine voice said as Joshua heard the bells sounding again as the mysterious woman walked. Joshua could tell she was behind him, but he was unable to even feel her presence. “Well young warrior. What brings you to the edge of life and death? Hm... Could it be that you are here to take the soul gem?” She asked in a seductive tone as she touched the young dragon's back gently.

Joshua didn’t say a word to the woman that had him captive, although his body shivered when she touched him. Not only from the cold touch of the woman that was there, but the room itself seemed to be a lot colder that one would expect an underground cave. “Where am I?” Joshua questioned as he felt her hand move from his back to his abdomen. Then he felt metal nails touch his skin. “I already answered that question. You are in between the living world, and the realm of the dead.” She whispered into his ear as she pressed her body against his.

Joshua was not expecting this answer, and wounded many things. Did he dies, or on the verge of death? Was the chill in the air death's embrace? So many thoughts ran through his head as the young woman pressed herself against him. Once she moved away she moved in front of the young dragon. Joshua got his first look at his captor. She was a beautifully built young woman with raven black long hair, and fire red eyes. Her features were sharp, and she looked to be enjoying have Joshua in her grasp. She was wearing a skin tight outfit, with a razor like claws on her right hand, and a dagger strapped to her back.

“I know why you are here Joshua. No one comes to this place seeking anything other than the stone before you. So if you want it so badly you will have to fight for it and your life young warrior.” she said with a sinister yet loving look in her eyes. Joshua wondered what in the world he had gotten himself into, and how in the hell she knew his name? Auro never mentioned anything like this.

The young female warrior walked up to Joshua and grabbed the back of his head by his hair, and moved in close to him she pressed her lips against his giving him a deep kiss. He was in such shock about the action that he didn’t stop her from kissing him. Then he felt a sharp pain in his side as the women's metallic nails pierced deep into his side. Joshua tried to scream, but it was muffled by the kiss. As soon as her hand retracted from his side, she smiled at him, and licked her lips. As if she enjoyed his taste. “Well at least you taste better than the last ass hole that came to get the gem. So now you fight for your life.” She said as she watched the blood run down his skin, and drip onto the floor.

The pain clouded Joshua's senses as he was trying to get a grip on what had just happened. He could hear her words but they didn’t make any sense. If he was to fight for his life then why string him up like a wild animal only to stick him like a wild boar, and watch as he bled to death. He was finally able to move and he struggled against his restraints. He knew his ability to heal was being blocked somehow, but he needed to get this gem so that he might live, and see his friends again.

“What is the use of going to see them again? You betrayed them to their fate, and ran like a dog with it's tail between it’s legs. Do you really think they would be willing to take a traitor like you back?” She asked in a sarcastic tone as she walked behind him pulling the knife from her back. Cuting the restraints that held the young sound dragon up.

As the restraints were cut, and the word she spoke sunk in Joshua began to thing on what was happening to him. Was this pentinance for him betraying the people he thought of as friends? Did he truly abandon them to fight for the winning side? No! He did this to protect them, to find a way to stop this darkness once and for all. He tried to force his body to move but the biting cold, and the doubt in his mind was not allowing him to move. He tried to speak, but for some reason words would not come out of his mouth. Only sounds escaped his lips. He didn’t even have the power to talk back. All he could do was listen, and try to force himself to stand, and fight.

“You did all of this to protect them? Man you have no idea what you are talking about. Why would they need your protection?They are stronger than you, and actually consider you an enemy that needs to be eliminated. Just like your Master Auro, and the rest of the Dark Magistrates. They will show you no mercy, and they will kill you with their own hands. You are in no condition to think that you will be able to survive the animosity they feel towards you.” She said as she continued to walk around the young warrior. A puddle of blood was starting to form underneath him.

Joshua's eyes widened at the realization that the woman was right. His friends were growing stronger with each fight, while he sat and stagnated at his current level. He would be no match for them if they attacked him, and he would rather die here than to have his friends take his life. His fight left him as he just laid there accepting his fate. He coughed hard as he brought up blood from his lungs, and his eyes slowly closed. This was his end. A fitting end for someone that though he was doing the right thing, and failed to see the folly of his ways.

‘Joshua,’ Ocella’s voice rang in his head. ‘Don’t you remember our pact?’ she asked him, her voice angry. ‘Don’t you betray that for anything. I wouldn’t have given my word in blood if you didn’t mean something to me,’ Ocella chided him. ‘If you die now I will kick your ass in the afterlife. Besides, I still owe you one,’ she said, a smirk evident in her voice.

‘Get up and FIGHT for us damnit! Don’t you leave us like this!’ her voice boomed in his ears.

Joshua could only cringe at the loud voice that filled his ears. “Cella?” He questioned as he once again tried to force himself to stand.

Then Kyori’s voice entered into this head “If you don’t get your ass up I’m going to rip you a new one. Hurry up before she kills you butthead.”

Joshua smirked as he knew what this woman said was wrong. His friends would never abandon him. Even if he was to abandon himself, they would be their to bring him back. He focused on that one though and pushed himself to stand up.

“So you decided to fight?” The woman said as Joshua slowly made his way to the center of the room. His vision was blurring, and his gait unsteady, but he still pushed himself forward. He would finish this before he bleed out the woman didn’t try and stop him from moving forward. She just watched as he continued to push himself.

Once he reached the center of the room Joshua fell to his knees. He was tired, and his body no longer wanted to work, he raised his head to look at the stone, that was not far from his grasp. Pushing his body one last time he reached for the gem, and was able to grab it. Then suddenly as soon as the stone was within his grasp, he felt the dagger the woman had pierce his heart, and his world slowly faded to black.

Suddenly with a start Joshua opened his eyes, and he was back in the hall where he had stopped to rest. His wounds were healed, and he looked around in confusion. He went to stand up, and something fell off of his lap, and landed on the floor. Looking at the round object as it rolled along the floor it was what he came here looking for. It was the soul gem, but how did he get it, and what was with that dream?

He walked over to where the gem stopped rolling, and picked the strange green glowing stone up. “What in the world makes you so important. That Auro wouldn’t come to pick you up himself?” He questioned as he pocketed the stone and made his way out of the dungeon. As soon as he walked down the hall one could hear the jingling of bells in the darkness, and a woman walked out of the shadows.

“You have passed the test young warrior, but will you be able to harness the power within with your mind so full of doubt. I guess we will have to see if you are worthy of being a mystic. Till next we meet.” The woman said as she faded back into the darkness from whence she came.

Joshua didn’t hear a word that was said, and he left the blasted dungeon, and made his way out to the cliff side. Transforming into his dragon form, as he jumped from the clif. Spreading his wings he took flight. He opened his mind to Auro and spoke. “I have what you requested. Where do you want me to deliver it?”

Auro hadn’t slept the entire night in the Amazonian Rainforest, instead he sat in the middle of the room, his staff levitating in front of him. He chanted softly as not to disturb anyone and couldn’t help but notice the ever growing volume of yelling coming from down the hall. He opened his eyes and sighed as he stood to his feet. “He really loves him,” he said softly as Joshua’s voice rang in his head. Perfect, bring it to the Amazonian Rainforest. We have a lot to talk about.


After arriving at the Amazonian base, where all of this had started… Ocella had her brief time with Master Hillard before returning to her room, exhausted and spent mentally, physically, and spiritually. As she crawled into the comfort of her bed she saw the world in a new light and grief had taken over that light.

She was alone in the world, her family had perished and all she had left was her team. They were family in their own, but they weren’t the family she had grown up with, whom had raised her. Ocella could see her parents, their burnt and bloody bodies during her dreams. They loved her so much, but she felt such enormous guilt at not saving them that she couldn’t bare it.

Though she was in the confines of the base, and relatively safe from harm… she had slept little through the night, tossing and turning. She had woken up covered in sweat and alone, surrounded by the darkness in her room. She wanted to see her parents again so desperately that it hurt her very heart and she had curled up in bed, spending most of the night crying. The battle had ended, they had all survived… and she had a few moments to spare for grief.

This life was exhausting to her, having to always be on the go, not knowing mere seconds into the future whether she would live or die at any point that day. Whether her friends would survive.

When the birds began to chirp, just as a blue hue danced into the room Ocella rose groggily from the bed. Her eyes were red and puffy from a night in tears, yet she knew there was nothing she could do to hide it before she would see Master Dorian. She made her way to get comfortable and allow herself to feel like a person again. A refreshing shower, a comfortable pair of clothes and she even found a necklace that she appreciated. She was ever grateful to Mistress Halley for having left her some clothes for times like these.

She appeared from her doorway and made her way to the kitchen, pulling out a kettle and some green tea. She pulled fresh fruit from the fridge and began to prepare it, making an Earthy breakfast for them to snack on while she got some time with her only remaining family she had left.

Just as the sun was rising over the horizon, Ocella brought a tray filled with fresh fruits and tea out to the back patio and set it on the small table. She smiled, gazing out into the forest as she waited for Master Dorian.

Amon was unable to sleep the whole night. This was not abnormal for him, but he had too many things on his mind. Mostly the fact that he was completely powerless to stop Samael from not only trying to kill him, but the only two people he cared for in this world. He would need to get stronger, both in his magical, and his physical abilities. The room he had well beautiful, and everything, he just couldn’t stand being indoors any longer. So he left his room, and made his way outside.

The night sky was covered by the forest canopy, so Amon was unable to see the stars. So he transformed and took to the skies. It had been a long time since he had been able to stretch his wings and just fly around. When he was above the trees he looked to the star filled sky, and wondered would he be able to protect the ones he loved from the threat that was to come? Granted the God’s were allowing him to get stronger by granting him a weapon, but would that be enough to even be of use.

He had spent most of the night looking at the stars, and when the sun pushed the stars away and the light once again filled the sky, he figured it was time to return to the compound that he now called home. Folding his wings up he dived back into the forest, and made his way back to the house. Once he arrived he saw that Ocella was sitting on the patio looking out at the forest. He remembered that she was wanting to have tea with master Dorian. He landed on a walk way not far from where she was, but was unsure if it would be a good thing to intervene on her time with the man that would soon no longer be able to see her. He just stood there for a moment and looked at the beauty that was sitting in the chair a little ways away.

Kyori had spent most of the night asleep next to Aaron. He was enjoying his scent and being held by his boyfriend. It was something he didn’t take lightly. He knew how it felt to lose someone and how it felt to take a life. He remembered the nightly assassinations he had to complete for the man he cared for. Auro had issued those instructions and yet he was a prime example of how someone could change if given the means to do it. Kyori rolled over and looked into Aaron’s sleeping face. He kissed his nose gently and then his forehead before removing the beautiful blanket from his semi nude form. He sat on the edge of the bed and rested there for a moment, allowing his body to acclimatize to everything. He had never told Aaron about his assassination because he was bound by vow to Ocella and Joshua. They couldn’t tell anyone either, but as soon as they hit Master Level they could figure out how to approach it. Would he be punished for his crimes? It was only a matter of time as their power continued to grow.

Dorian was standing in his study when Hillard approached, informing him of things he had asked him to check on.

“Thank you Hillard,” Dorian replied as he moved to spend time with Ocella. The thought of never seeing any of them again after this was all over was breaking his heart, but it would be for the best to ensure they lived productive and promising lives. Samael had to be stopped and they would have to do it. He appeared on the back patio where Ocella had set a beautiful table. “Beautiful,” Dorian said as he approached and embraced Ocella as a father would. Dorian’s senses picked up on Amon the moment he arrived on the back patio and he instantly smiled.

“It would seem your boyfriend has a taste for tea as well,” Dorian commented. “How are you holding up my dear?”

Ocella sensed Master Dorian’s arrival and turned to face him just as he spoke. She smiled softly at the comment, happy to please him. “Thank you master,” she said, her voice quiet and groggy. He embraced her and she returned the embrace, holding him in hopes of gaining some comfort from the fact that he was there, that she was there.

He spoke of Amon and she turned around, closing her eyes and allowing nature to find him for her. “Hello Amon,” Ocella said, just loud enough for him to hear. She beckoned him over and tried to offer a smile. Master Dorian asked how she was holding up and she honestly didn’t know how to answer. “I honestly haven’t figured that out yet,” she admitted with a yawn. She poured the tea for Master Dorian, one for Amon and finally one for herself. She rubbed her temples as a headache began to form. “Trying to, I suppose,” she offered with a soft chuckle.

“And you, Master? What has transpired since we last spoke? Is there anything I may help you with?” she asked, looking at him curiously.

Watching as Ocella waved her hand to say it was okay for him to join, and he hesitated for just a moment. Then he made his way over to where they were landing on the patio and transforming back to his normal state. Though he was.no longer wearing the jacket he wore, and you are able to see his demonic marking that ran up his arms, and disappear behind his sleeves. He smiled at both Dorian and Ocella. He took his seat and saw that the tea had been poured. “Thank you.” He said as he took the cup, and sipped the dark colored liquid. He was unsure how to act in this situation, so for now he just sat there while the other two talked.

“So tell me Amon…. What exactly do you want with my daughter?” Dorian said his face stern and serious. His eyes seemed to bore holes into the nephilim standing before him.

Ocella looked up when Amon came over and took the tea that she had offered. He thanked her and she smiled softly at him. “You’re welcome,” she said in a kind and caring voice. Her jaw nearly dropped when Master Dorian spoke and she looked mortified by his words. “Master Dorian!” she said, her voice a hysterical whisper of embarrassment.

Amon was at a loss for words. He never expected to have a question asked. Not really knowing how to deal with this he figured that answering the question truthfully, might be the only true answer. So he placed the cup of tea down, and stood up bowing to Dorian, once he stood back up he began to speak. “Master Dorian I have found that Ocella is a kind and generous person that finds no fault in people that have done her wrong. She is kind, and willing to overlook the fact that I am not a being that would not exist. An abomination of nature. As I know know you understand what I am talking about.” He said as he looked back at her with a smile. “I love her with all of my heart, and I will never betray the feelings that I have.”

Aeterna was sleeping well with Kyori by his side. They had another intimate engagement that night. He opened his eyes and looked at his loves back. He looked as if something was bothering him. Sitting up he moved behind Kyori and placed his chin on his shoulder, wrapping his arms around his chest. “Kyori are you okay?” He asked in a concerned voices as he tightened his arms around Kyori.

Kyori turned and looked at Aaron as he placed his chin on his shoulder and wrapped his arms around his chest. He allowed himself to lean back into Aeterna as he smiled and relaxed.

“It’s nothing,” Kyori lied as he looked towards the window to keep from having to look into Aeterna’s eyes. “But are you ready to tell me what will happen since your stone was taken?”

Dorian listened to Amon, smirking after giving Ocella a near heart attack with his questioning of her and Amon’s relationship. Amon’s answer was satisfactory, and Dorian crossed his legs before speaking.

“I remember when I first met Nemine, she was my enemy, we were on separate sides, but when I met her I knew she would be my wife. We found each other for some time until I made the decision that I would fight for her and not against her. When she saw my love for her, she knew then that I was serious and wanted to pursue something with her.” Dorian could feel a tear falling down his face, “she passed on a few years ago, and my son blames me for her death. My ascension into the realm of the gods was something she couldn’t deal with…”

He paused and wiped the tear from his face, clearing his throat. “I have not seen my son in years. He left, swore against me, I haven’t even had a chance to visit my own grandkids.”

Dorian cleared his throat again and sighed, “but that’s beside the point. When this is all over it is imperative that you all be there for each other.”

Aeterna was dreading this question more than anything. He didn’t want Kyori of all people to know what could possibly happen to him with his stone in the hands of the Dark Angel Samael. He had been hoping that Kyori might forget, or not ask about what he did, and what he sacrificed in order to try and save not only Auro’s life but the others as well. Giving a sigh he removed his arms, and moved to sit next to Kyori. He placed a hand on his thigh and looked him in the eyes. “To be honest I don’t want to indulge in this information, but you have the right to know the answer to your question.”Aaron said as he gave a weak smile. He prepared himself for what would possibly happen.

“Just to let you know Samael knows what he has his hands on, and more than likely how to use it. So with that in mind I will tell you what he could possibly do with my Flare stone.” Aeterna said as he grabbed a hold of Kyori’s hand. What he was about to tell him scared him half to death, and any one of these possibilities could happen.

“The stone is my life and power. With it there is a lot of things Samael could do with it. He could shatter the stone, and that would kill me. He could use the stone much like Auro did, and place a curse on me. Any number of curses don’t require the person to be there in order to cast it. He could unlock the power of the stone and feed off of it’s energy. Making him stronger, and corrupt my body and soul. These are the potential down sides to him having my stone.” Aeterna said with a saddened voice. He didn’t know how Kyori was going to react, but he just hoped he would not do anything stupid.

Ocella watched Amon with a soft expression as he spoke, declaring his love for her. It was funny, in a way, how fate could be so cruel yet so generous at the same time. She was suffering with so many losses and yet, the very day that every parent waits for came on their last day. ‘Why didn’t you call for me, grandpa?’ she thought to herself, looking at Amon with teary eyes.

“My parents would have loved you Amon,” Ocella said, reaching out to hold his hand. “Just know that I love you too,” she said, smiling softly at him.

Ocella looked to Master Dorian and could feel her heart breaking for him. “I am so sorry Master,” she said, watching as a tear fell down his face. She had never seen him cry before, never seen him this vulnerable. “Master… none of us would be here without your sacrifice yesterday. Perhaps… given the consequences… it may be time to reach out to your son again?” she asked, fidgeting her fingers. It wasn’t her business, but his family was still alive and he had done so much for them that it would cost him his family.

“Does love ever truly go away?” she asked, offering him a small smile. She reached out and placed a soft hand atop his own. He spoke again and nodded, looking at him questioningly. She sighed, realizing that there was a chance she would lose not only Master Dorian but Kyori as well for his actions. “I suppose after breakfast I’ll head to the hospital. I’m not sure what to do,” Ocella admitted regarding the funerals she needed to plan and hold.

“You may be right dear,” Dorian said softly as he took a sip of tea and continued gazing into the distance. “It is funny what time can do. You have my blessing Amon, just be sure that should you hurt my darling daughter the wrath of a thousand storms shall knock at your door, but pray you never have to experience it.”

Dorian gave Amon a gentle smile as well as Ocella. “Be careful my dear, Etrama and Darkholm are still at large, and Samael is bound to be looking for revenge. Stay level headed and get your business taken care of. If you need me I am here.”

Kyori looked at Aeterna as he spoke, delivering the heart wrenching news that Samael knew exactly what the flare stone was and from what Aeterna told him, he could very well corrupt him or curse him to do his bidding. Kyori stood to his feet looking down at Aeterna.

“Why would you give him that? Why would you relinquish your life? Do you know what you’ve done?” Kyori questioned, his voice filled with worry and anger. “What if he takes you from me? What if he turns you huh? Did you ever stop to think about that?”

He realized how he must’ve sounded and calmed down, sliding into a sitting position and covering his face with his hands. “I can’t…… I can’t lose you Aeterna.” A tear dropped to the floor as he sat on the floor trying to figure out how to get Aeterna’s flare stone back.

Aeterna was shocked by the reaction that was given. He expected Kyori to at least try and hit him for what he did, not scream at him making him feel even worse about what he just told him. His heart was broken to see his reaction. All he wanted to do was run away, and never return. That way at least he would not have to see Kyori cry over him. Getting off of the bed he got down on his knees next to Kyori, and wrapped his arms around his love.

“I only did what I thought was right. I was unaware that Master Dorian was coming, and I saw no other way to stop Samael from killing not only you but everyone else. I am so sorry. I couldn’t let you die. I thought that even if Samael killed me right then and there it would have been a worth it to see you live. I would spend eternity mourning your death, and never know peace.”Aeterna said as he freed Kyori from his grasp. He stood up and backed away from Kyori. He could never be forgiven for what he has done, and the pain he feels now was something he would never forgive himself for.

No amount of words will be able to sooth his heart. “Kyori…” Aaron stopped his words as tears fell down his face. He caused this, and there was no way that he would be able to forgive himself for what he has done. Turning around he chanted the same spell he did the day he took Kyori to his garden. He needed to be alone for a while. Once he finished speaking he began to walk through the portal.

Amon smiled at Ocella as she grabbed a hold of his hand. He could feel her warmth even now. She was the light that illuminated his life, and he was never going to let her go. No matter what happened he would never let her go. “I thank you for your blessing. I will not give you any reason to regret your words.”He said with a smile on his face. As he looked at the man who would soon be leaving this world. “Never lose hope that you can make amends for your actions. I am sure that your son still loves you.” Amon said as he looked the God in the eyes. He had lost everything when he was born, but he wished he got to know his father at least a little.

Ocella laughed when Master Dorian threatened Amon with the wrath of a thousand storms should he ever hurt her. “I sincerely hope Amon, for your sake and mine, that neither of us have to experience that,” Ocella said, grinning at her father figure. She sighed and nodded when Master Dorian warned her of her uncle’s lust for revenge. “I will. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” she promised, closing her eyes softly in a moment of grief. Was she prepared to see them again?

“Amon… if you wish, when you retrieve your weapon… I will train your angelic heritage as my grandfather trained me. It may help you find peace, for neither of you are an abomination. I don’t give a rat’s ass WHAT the pantheon thinks, true evil is within, not something you are born with,” Ocella said with a ferocity in her voice. She realized the pantheon had probably heard that and shook her head. “Strike four against me I suppose,” she said with a nervous chuckle.

“I love you both. Please be safe, and I will be back as soon as I can. I wish to visit my grandfather’s cave, it’s calling to me,” she said, knowing that it was dangerous but knowing that it would be worth the risk. “Please… don’t hesitate if you need me. If there is so much as a sign of danger… let me know and I’ll return,” she said, looking at them both with worry in her eyes.

“Thank you for everything, Master Dorian. I am happy to have you in my life,” she said with a soft smile. “And I am happy that you snuck into my life,” she said with a grin to Amon.

Kyori had managed to wipe the tear away when Aeterna spoke his name, but when he saw the phoenix turn to leave he stood to his feet and grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him back through the portal and facing Kyori.

“So you’re leaving? Is that your answer to this problem? You’re just going to leave me here?” Kyori asked a bit of anger in his voice. His hand trembled as if he wanted to strike Aeterna, but he closed his eyes and calmed himself. When he opened them, he looked at Aeterna.

“What am I supposed to do if he turns you? I can’t kill you Aaron. So you’d have to kill me. Is that what you want?”

Amon was happy that Ocella was willing to help him train, Though he knew that he would need to train both sides of his heritage in order to get stronger. He smiled as he looked her in the eyes. “I would like that very much. Just promise me that you will not take any unnecessary risks, and if you need me call me.”Amon said as he took her hand turning it where the back of her hand was facing up, and placed his hand atop it. Casting a simple spell that would allow him to find her anywhere. “If you need me justask for me, and I will come to your side.” amon said as he released her hand. He knew that he would not be able to stop her, but at least he would be able to find her if she needed him. “You are welcome, and remember you are my light,”

Aeterna was about to step through the portal when Kyori grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him back into the room. Turning him to face Kyori. The young man was so upset that he could barely control himself. Aeterna could not bear to see his love like this. It tore at his heart, and made him just want to die. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

“I am not wanting to leave you here, but I don’t want to see you like this either. You have no idea how much I didn’t want to do what I did, but it was the only way to save you. You have no conception of what I have been going through since I relinquished my stone to that mad man. Do you know what it is like to wonder if this moment is going to be your last? If everything you love has the possibility of being destroyed by your own hand?” Aeterna said as his tears continued to flow. He couldn’t stop himself. The tears just wouldn’t stop flowing.

“If I could I would have taken my own life the moment I woke up. That way he would not be able to use my power, and or convert me. Unfortunately a phoenix can’t take their own life even if they want to. Even if it meant that they would have to become someone's slave.” Aaron said as he grabbed Kyori’s arms, and removed them from his shoulders. “I will not ask you to kill me, and I pray that I don’t kill you. But I have to face what I have done, and I am sorry that I got you involved.” Aeterna said as he turned his head away from Kyori’s gaze. It just might have been better if they never fell in love. That way Kyori wouldn’t be going through this.

Kyori sighed as he listened to Aaron speak. He couldn’t help the way he was feeling. He wanted so badly to retrieve Aaron’s stone, but how could he from Samael? He knew the possibilities of Samael unlocking Aaron’s stone and contaminating him. He closed the gap between them and grabbed Aeterna’s hand interlocking their fingers before touching the side of Aeterna’s face with his free hand. He looked into his eyes wanting to see how he was feeling about the entire situation.

“We will figure this out Aeterna, we have to. I can’t lose you again, I thought I lost you before, and I can’t go through that again. You mean too much to me. I love you and no matter what happens we will face this together,” Kyori said as he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Aeterna’s lips. He embraced him and sighed. “Aeterna, just promise me what whatever happens you remember the good. I will do all I can to get your stone back.”

Aeterna could only stare into Ktori’s eyes when his lover interlocked their hands and brought his face over to his. His regret, fear, sadness, and love all showed in that one moment as they looked into each other's eyes. The reassuring words that were spoken did little to ease the phoenix's troubled heart. The kiss was welcome but Aeterna was still tormented by the words Kyori had said earlier. He didn’t want to cause him more pain than he already has, but he didn’t know how to correct what he has done.

Aeterna took a deep breath and calmed himself. Kyori embraced him, and he returned the favor. Aaron held onto Koyri tightly as he spoke his next words. “Kyori. I love you with all of my being, and I would do anything to make you happy. However, Please don’t do anything that would get yourself killed. I am not worth your life.” Aeterna said as he released Kyori as the portal closed. He walked over to his bed, and sat down. “Kyori. If anything happens to me I want you to remember that I love you, and that I always will. So please don’t…” Aaron stopped as he just looked at the ground. He didn’t want Kyori to worry about him. Though he knew that was impossible.

“What you’re asking of me is impossible,” Kyori replied, “I can’t stop worrying about you. It’s nothing you’ve done, it’s more of my own being. I worry about everyone. You know how much you mean to me?” He questioned as he moved over to the bed to sit next to Aeterna. “I shouldn’t have flipped out on you, I’m sorry,” Kyori said, “and I can’t promise that, you know me, if the opportunity presents itself I am going for it,” he added realizing that Aeterna was scared. He knew what could happen and he was scared of what he may end up doing.

“Aaron, we both know what can happen, so let’s just enjoy each other’s company. I will always love you, and I know you love me, that’s enough to live.”

“I know that you will do anything in your power to protect your family, but you must remember. That your life is not you own. You have an obligation to everyone that loves you to live. You have more connections in this world than I do, but I will do everything in my power not to fall to the darkness.” Aeterna said as he then heard Kyori speak once more. He chuckled slightly at what Kyori said. “Our love is eternal. Nothing on this earth will be able to extinguish it.”

Aeterna looked back up at Kyori with a slight smile on his face, as he reached up and placed his hand on his cheek. He moved in and kissed Kyori, deeply and passionately. He pushed slightly to have Kyori fall to the bed. Whether that happened or not he continued the kiss. He was going to spend whatever time he had left with Kyori.

Kyori smiled with Aeterna placed a soft hand on his cheek, but what happened next caught him completely off guard. He had to admit that Aeterna turned him on in many ways, and he was very attracted to him both physically and mentally, but when Aeterna kissed him and deepened the kiss he moaned lightly and leaned back until he was laying on the bed and Aaron was on top of him. The kissing continued, Kyori massaging the back of Aeterna’s head as he allowed the exploration to begin.

Aeterna looked down at Kyori’s sleeping face. He put his whole being into pleasing Kyori. He wanted to etch his very being into the young man he loved. He never wanted Kyori to forget him. He knew there was a chance that he would not be able to fight the darkness that will be forced upon him, and he didn’t want Kyori to ever forget him as he was now. Not what he would possibly become. He had been forced to tell Kyori what he did, and what the ramifications were, and that was enough to almost break him. He knew the young Spirit dragon would do anything in his power to save his life, and that is what scared him most of all. He didn’t want Kyori to get hurt for his sake.

A weary smile formed across Aeterna’s face as he stared at Kyori’s sleeping face. Kyori was like an angel when he slept, and Aeterna had no time to have such a luxury. He bent over and kissed Kyori on the forehead, and he then got out of bed, and got dressed. He needed to have a conversation with Auro. The voodoo dragon was his only hope of making sure that if the darkness took him he would not kill his love. Leaving the room, and closing the door behind him he walked down the hall to where Auro was taking residence. He knocked on the door once he arrived. “Auro. I am needing to converse with you.

Auro moved to open his door upon hearing Aeterna’s voice. He looked into the eyes of the man standing before him and sighed.

“Come in, I have a feeling I know why you are here,” Auro said with a grim look on his face. “How may I be of service?”

Aeterna walked through the door, and saw that Auro must have been meditating or something along those lines. It looked as if the bed hadn't been used all night. Once the door was closed and Auro back in the room he began to speak.”Auro are you aware of what happened with Samael?” He questione first before he would even begin to talk about his request.

“I’m afraid the walls in this place are as thin as they come young warrior,” Auro replied with a sigh as he sat down on the unused bed. Auro was dressed as he normally was, in a pair of jeans with no shirt on, flashing the beautiful body he had. His ringed fingers stretched as he placed them on the bed. “Kyori wasn’t exactly silent when he yelled at you about the repercussions of your stone being in the hands of the dark one, alas I understand his worry as well as yours.”

Auro looked in Aeterna’s direction and sighed. “You know I know why you’ve come. You know I know what it is you will ask of me, so just do it. Say what it is you want to say.”

Aeterna sighed as placed his hand on his face. Does everyone know what he sacrificed to the dark one? Rubbing his hand on his face then running it through his hair. He shook his head. It didn’t matter who knew of what he did. Trying now to keep it a secret was a moot point. Aaron looked at the man before him. Someone who once enslaved him to do his bidding, and now he was going to ask him to do the unthinkable.

“You are aware of the power that man now possesses with my stone within his grasp, and what he could do with that power. He will use it to destroy what I love, and corrupt me to the point of using me to kill. I don't want that to happen.” Aeterna said as he braced himself for what he was about to ask Auro to do. “Auro If I am corrupted, and attack Kyori or any of the others I want you to kill me. You are the only one that will have the power and the knowledge to take my life. I don’t want to hurt the people I love. Especially Kyori.”

“And there is the question,” Auro replied as his gaze intensified upon Aeterna. “I will help you in any way I can Aeterna, you know that, but what you are asking me to do will cause an uproar.”

Auro paused as he knew Aeterna needed a definite answer from him. He owed Aeterna his life, and if that meant taking his life to fulfill his wish then Auro would have to oblige, even if he didn’t like the idea. He closed his eyes and sighed.

“I have been scouring my knowledge banks for ways to break it should it happen, but the only way I’ve seen is your death. Aeterna you have my word that if it happens, I will do what you asked of me and take your life. I only hope that I can find a way to stop it.”

Knowing that asking this of Auro was going to cause problems for the witch doctor, but Aeterna had no one else with the ability to do what he has asked. It is hard to kill a phoenix without destroying the Flare stone, unless you know how. “I know that I am asking a lot out of you, but you are the only one I can ask. I would confide in the others, but they would try and find another way that might get them killed. I don't want that to happen. I am also aware that it is not fair to place this burden onto you. For that I am so sorry.” Aeterna said as he bowed to Auro in gratitude. There was no one else he would trust with this task.

He smiled at Auro. This man will be able to keep his promise without having a blood pact. “You have my gratitude Auro, and when I die the flare stone will shatter. Leaving Samael without his power boost. At least this is what I am hoping.” Aeterna said as he walked over to Auro placing a hand on his shoulder. “I appreciate that you are trying to find a way to stop the corruption and try and save my life. I am truly grateful for everything you are going to be doing for me so as compensation for everything you have and will be doing for me. When my body turns to ash sift through those ashes and you will find my tear, and you may have it. The last remnant of a phoenix when it dies. Do with it what you wish.” Aeterna said as he looked Auro in the eyes. “Or is there something else you want?”

“I can see your worry Aeterna,” Auro began as he stood to his feet and walked over to the window that overlooked the garden below. “I will do all I can to stop this, but I know how much Kyori loves you and even though he will completely hate me after this is done, I will ensure your freedom with my last breath. Now I must ask you, is there something else YOU may need from me?” Auro asked with a sincere smile.

Aeterna watched as Auro moved to the window and looked out then he spoke of how Kyori would not forgive him for his actions Auro would still go through with his request. He was not only going to be hurting Kyori by his actions he will be hurting Auro as well. And this man wanted nothing in return for his actions. This struck a nerve with the Phoenix, and he could only cause this man pain. Aaron bowed to Auro then spoke. “I will never be able to repay you for your sacrifice.”Aaron said as he began to feel light headed. He brought his hand to his head, and his other he used to try to balance himself. “You have done enough for…” Aeterna said as he felt his consciousness fade. He collapsed to the ground before Auro had a chance to turn around.

He heard a thud after Aeterna spoke and turned to see him passed out on the floor. Kyori must’ve done a number on him. Scooping him up, he placed him in his bed and placed the covers over him moving a few strands of hair from his face. Shaking his head he returned to his meditation and continued to read through the many tomes in front of him.

04-06-2017, 04:10 PM
Samael sat in the dark catacombs of his lair, the flare stone hovering above his hands as he looked into it. A book sat beside him and a body lay beside him on the bed. Etrama had visited him and he had spent the night. They had become very close it seemed, something akin to love had developed between them, but Samael forced the feelings away. To love was to be weak and he despised weakness. Nonetheless, he would grow angry any time he showed affection towards Etrama, but Etrama was the only one he showed this type of affection towards. It was the only time he felt afraid, because he wasn’t in control, yet he would never admit it. Still, it felt good to have company.

“Wake up,” Samael said softly as he reached back and touched Etrama’s shoulder. He returned his attention back to the stone and slowly began to mutter something in a very odd tongue, as black mist slowly began to pour out of his hand and revolve around the stone. “Yield to me,” he said softly

Etrama stirred after he felt a gentle hand touched his shoulder. He slowly woke up as he looked at Samael playing with the stone he liberated from the Shadow Phoenix. Lifting himself up into a sitting position he looked at his master's face as Samuel stared at the stone chanting a spell in an old tongue that even he didn't understand. He laid his head on Samael’s shoulder as he worked. After his defeat by this man's hand he found himself to have odd feelings towards him.

Etrama has had bed partners before in his long life, but never has he actually had feelings for them. However, Samael was different, and this did come as a surprise to him since in all actuality he was still an angel. Even when he was angry with him he didn’t mind it. He would do anything for Samuel, even if it meant his demise. “Master Samael. What are your plans for the little phoenix once he is yours?” he asked as the flare stone glowed purple in defiance of the spell.

“Fairly simple really,” Samael begin moving his head so that he could kiss Etrama on the forehead, returning his gaze back to the stone. “Once I’ve cracked it the boy is mine. I will use him to kill the spirit dragon and those that defy me. Considering he is close to them they will try their hardest not to kill him. It does not matter to me either way because a broken team cannot function.”

Samael’s eyes trailed back over to Etrama as he smiled. It was an odd smile, almost genuine as that of a lover smiling at that one they loved. When he realized it, Samael looked back at the stone and glared. “Any moment now,” he stated pouring more dark words into the spell.

Etrama smiled as Samael kissed him on the forehead, a sensation that enjoyed. He guessed he was falling in love with Samael. However, he wouldn't say a word about it. They both were stubborn in that aspect. Placing his hand on Samael's muscular chest as he continued to speak of his plans. The stone glowed even brighter as the darkness tried to consume it. Then Samael smiled a genuine smile at Etrama as he continued his work.

Etrama was content with how their relationship was, and he would never say a word on how his master acted. “So you are going to destroy them from the inside out?” Etrama chuckled at the prospect. “They are weak because they care for one another. This is a good way of destroying them.” Etrama said as watched the darkness consume the stone. He gently traced the muscles of Samael's chest with his finger. He wanted to see Ocella's face as she would have to fight one of their own.

“Yes, but his flare stone is proving to be rather stubborn just like a mystic. No matter, it will crack, in a few minutes,” Samael stated feeling Etrama’s hand on his chest. It made him want to finish the corruption so that he could give in to Etrama’s touch and shower him with attention. He was falling in love with Etrama and yet he didn’t dare speak it or acknowledge it. He was evil, he was here to destroy and yet he had found someone who liked him even if they had been on opposite sides at the beginning of this. Samael intensified his spell, watching as the stone reacted to his power. “Not long now,” he commented closing his eyes momentarily to take in the feeling of Etrama’s hand. “If you keep doing that you might wake something up,” Samael flirted returning his attention to the stone.

Etrama chuckled at Samuel's words, “Then once you're done why not wake it up and we can have some fun.” he said in a sensual tone as he removed his head from Samael’s shoulder, and he kissed the angel on the nape of his neck. He loved Samael for all of his faults, and especially since they have so much in common. Though he will never say that retched word outloud. He wanted this to be over with, so he could have a little more fun before the day was to begin. He moved his hand down Samael’s chest to his abdomen, and proceed to trace his muscles there as well.

“I am sure that everything will fall into place, and you will have a new toy to play with.”

Aeterna was still lying in Auro’s bed, as the process that Samael was using to corrupt his stone was moving along. His body didn’t move, but beads of sweat started to form on his skin. He was fighting with all of his strength to try and keep his stone pure, but it was a losing battle. The stone was starting to change color from the deep red it is to a black stone. It wouldn’t be long before the spell will corrupt not only the stone but his very being.

Auro was still in meditation when he felt an odd sensation flood his senses. He opened his eyes and looked towards Aeterna. He could see the sweat starting to form and immediately rushed to get a rag to wipe it.

“Hang in there Aeterna,” Auro stated realizing the effects of corruption must’ve been taking place. “I’ll get you some help,” Auro added heading out of the room to gather whoever was in the building. He knew Ocella had left because her energy signature was gone, and Dorian had departed shortly after to handle business, that left Amon and the brute Hilliard, and Kyori of course. “Shit,” he said loudly as he moved to find Hilliard, sending orders for Amon to meet him in the common room.

“THERE!” Samael smiled as his spell began to take over the stone, corrupting it from the outside in. It slowly crept in and he felt every bit of power from it that the Phoenix had promised. “Yes, yes I can feel it,” Samael stated with a smile as his darkness soon consumed the entirety of the stone and changed its color from red to pitch black. Turning to Etrama he smirked, placing the stone on a nearby table and climbing on top of Etrama.

“Now what were you saying about waking something up?” He said placing a trail of kisses along Etrama’s jawline until their lips pressed together in a forbidden dance. Samael deepened the kiss.

Once his master finally was able to break the Flare Stone Etrama smiled, and as he knew that they would have a little more time to themselves and he would be able to enjoy Samael’s company. He moved his hand across Samael's abdomen as he looked into his master's triumphant gaze. Then it was not long before Samael pushed Etrama down straddling him with a smile on his face. Then he began to kiss his jawline and Etrama's body shook slightly in anticipation. They kissed and Etrama indulged in the kiss. He took his hands up Samael's chest, around his shoulders and onto his back as the kiss intensified.

Aeterna's body was starting to get soaked from the precipitation. His body didn't move but his eyelids were jerking as if he was having a bad dream. Inside of himself Aaron was floating in a sea of white. He opened his eyes and slowly looked around the vacant room he righted himself as suddenly a dark tentacles like most appeared in the room. He could hear Auro's voice telling him to hold on.

“What is going on?” He asked as no answer came, but the black mist attacked him. Aeterna was able to dodge the first wave of dark tentacles that shot at him but it soon caught up to him and wrapped itself around his arms and legs. He struggled against the tentacles as the main body approached him. Aeterna knew now what was happening and tears ran down his face. “Samael!” Was all he could say at the moment as the black mist grew ever closer.

Amon was sitting in Dorian's garden as both of them had left for what they needed to do. However, he had nothing planned as he was enjoying the garden. Then suddenly he heard Auro’s voice in his head. Telling him to meet in the common room. His voice sounded a little panicked so Amon rushed to the wall of the building, and chanted his ice portal, and was in the common room in a matter of minutes. As soon as Auro arrived he asked one thing. “What is wrong master Auro?”

Auro looked at Amon and sighed, “It’s Samael, he’s corrupting Aeterna’s flare stone, we have to try and restore him. Gather these three items for me as quickly as you can. Ivy vine, thorn whistle, and beetle saliva. When you get them bring them to my room.”

Auro left soon after and walked back to his room. He passed Kyori’s room and placed a hand on the door but he didn’t knock, he sighed and returned to his own room.

“Don’t worry Aeterna, I will do what I can,” Auro said softly as he waited for Amon to return with the ingredients.

Samael held Etrama after their strenuous love making. He nibbled playfully on Etrama’s ear and smiled. “I love you,” the words came out naturally, but as soon as they came out Samael grew silent. He didn’t know what had come over him and yet the words felt right. He sighed as he turned over in the bed.

Amon looked at Auro with a puzzled look on. His face, but knew his master would not ask something of him unless it was important. “As you wish.”Amon said as he walked over the the ice portal and chanted a couple of different words to change the location of where he was going. As he left Auro left the room. He had no idea what a Flare stone was, but he would collect the requested ingredients to help the young Phoenix.

Etrama looked up as Samael as they finished their love making. Samael was nibbling on his ear when he said something that Eterna was not expecting. The three little words came out from his lips, and all Etrama could do was smile. He would have never expected him to say those words. Samael removed himself from atop Etrama and laid on the bed with a neutral look on his face.

Etrama moved onto Samael as he looked him in the eye with a smile on. His face. “We are not supposed to be capable of love, but in the end we have both fallen to that.”Etrama said as he laid his bare chest against Samael’s and kissed him lightly on the lips. When he finished the kiss he picked himself up. “I love you too Samael!” Etrama said with no hesitation in his voice. It was the truth, and he would no longer hide this fact. He then laid his head down on Samael's chest. “We shall build a world of darkness where our love can flourish.”

Aeterna started to moan and jerk slightly from what was happening. The sheets that were wrapped around him were becoming soaked with his sweat. A black mark was beginning to form over his heart.

Inside of himself Aeterna was still struggling as the mist grasp tightened around his arms and legs. As soon as it got close enough more tentacles wrapped around Aeterna squeezing him. He was trying to breath as he felt the life being squeezed out of him. “Auro… Kill me... now!” He said through gasping breaths even though he knew he wouldn't be able to hear him.

Samael listened to Etrama as he spoke. He was right. He represented darkness, the very opposite of love. Love represented light, but what was their love? He cared for Etrama, after all the time they’d spent together these feelings had formed and solidified into something beautiful to him, yet he didn’t understand how he could love when he was bent on destruction. Etrama reassured him that they could love, and that they would spread darkness and let their version of love flourish. Samael ran a finger from Etrama’s chest down to his belly button and smirked. “I like hearing you say that,” he said, “but I have a lot of work to do if we are going to spread darkness and rule together, but a few more minutes with you is worth it.” He pulled Etrama into a passionate kiss as the stone beside them was pitch black, blacker than the night sky with no form of light.

Auro stood over Aeterna’s body, looking down as he noticed a black symbol etching itself on the male’s chest above his heart. “I’m...I’m too late,” he said, “I will NOT give up on you Aeterna.”

He knelt down and began to draw symbols onto Aeterna’s skin, trying to help counter the darkness, but it was no use, as each time he drew a symbol it was burned away. “Damn!” Auro said as he shook his head hoping that the ingredients Amon would bring would help in his spell casting. In the back of his mind he knew that the stone had been contaminated and yet he still had some hope that Aeterna would make it out of this.

Etrama smiled as he lifted himself up to look into his lovers eyes. They seemed content with the words spoken then a finger ran down his body as Etrama shivers slightly. He loved Samael's touch, and when he spoke it was music to his ears. All he could do was smile. He finally found something to look forward to, and then his master pulled him into a sensual kiss that he fully indulged in. They had a lot of work to do, and they will not have much time to spend together, but as soon as this was all over with they will be together in a world of darkness and destruction.

Amon had gathered the ingredients as fast as he could. Granted one of them was located in a dangerous location, but with their supply of different ingredients destroyed thanks to Samael he had no choice but to hunt them down. An ice wall appeared in Auro's room, and Amon appeared through it. He looked over to the bed and he could see the young man lying there was in bad shape. “Master Auro. I have the ingredients that you requested.” Amon said as he walked to his master's side. He almost looked as if he was defeated.

When he reached the young man's side he could see that a dark symbol was etching itself over the Phoenix's heart. He knew that there wasn't much they could do, but his.master was set on saving this young man. “Master Auro. Allow me to assist you. I will transfer my energy into you to increase your power. That is all I can do to help.” Amon said as he handed the ingredients to Auro and used his magic to create two magical circles. One for syphoning magical power, and the other buy the bed to bestow that power to Auro. It was right under the witch doctor so he wouldn't need to move. “Shall we begin?” Amon said as he stepped into the siphoning circle. It became to glow as it pulled Amon’s magical power. He would not give Auro a chance to say that he couldn't this man was important to the one Auro loved, and he would do.anything to keep Auro happy.

As each magical symbol was etched into Aeterna's skin, the mist screamed in defiance. It acted as if it was fighting something and Aeterna could only try and free himself. Though it was to no avail. Because as soon as the mist screamed the symbol disappears and it would begin it’s assault once more. It continued to squeeze the Phoenix as if it was trying to kill him, but is was draining the fight out of him so it could take over. “Auro... don't let... me kill... my friends.”

He was trying everything in his arsenal to stop it, but no matter how hard he tried it seemed to get worse. When Amon arrived with the ingredients he asked for, he quickly mixed them together, channeling their magical properties in hopes that it would be enough to at least slow down the rapid contamination, but his efforts proved futile. Amon offered his assistance by siphoning his magic into Auro to give him more strength. Auro tried once more and when the mark stayed upon Aeterna’s skin he smiled, but suddenly there was a large explosion that sent Auro shooting back, nearly hitting Amon and crashing into the bookcase behind him. He looked over weakly to see a dark mist erasing the line he had just drawn.

“We are…...too late,” Auro commented as Ryan appeared beside Auro, tending to the cut that had appeared on his arm.

“What’s going on?” He asked looking between Amon, Auro and the unconscious Aeterna. “Does Kyori know?” He questioned to which Auro did not reply. “He should know, he should be here,” Ryan said as he stood up after healing the cut and moved towards the room exit. Auro did not stop him, he simply held the back of his head from the impact.

Amon could feel the pull on his magical power, but it was a price he was willing to pay. It would not kill him to have all of his magical power used, though he would have to rest for a while. As Auro began to work he could tell his power was helping. However, it didn't work. A powerful force exploded outward and sent Auro flying backwards, and Amon was thrown to the ground by the force of the impact. He hit the ground hard, but got back up as soon. As Ryan entered the room. He attended to Auro, while Amon quickly moved to Aeterna's side. He was going to try something risky, and it might cost him his life, but at least it might give the young man a fighting chance.

He placed his hand over the mark that was forming over Aeterna's heart, and closed his eyes. He began to chant a spell that would allow him to fuse his energy into the symbol, and possibly stop its advancement. However, once the darkness inside the young man grew it would not hold. Then he would have to face the repercussions. This was a very risky move, but it was the only thing he could think of to stop the darknesses advancement.

Aeterna was struggling to breath as the darkness was squeezing the life out of him. He could feel that Auro was trying to save him, but it seemed a futile attempt. The darkness then suddenly decided to finish it's take over, and in that moment the mist created a tentacle that pierced Aeterna's heart. He screamed in pain as the darkness was invading him faster.

Aeterna's body was not in good shape. It was weak and his skin was turning pale. Then suddenly his body jerked while Amon’s hand was over his heart, and suddenly and ear piercing scream left Aeterna's lips. However, it was not a human scream it was the scream of a phoenix. The sound could be heard through the whole house.

The screech caused Ryan to cover his ears just as he had made it to Kyori’s room. Kyori shot up in bed and looked around the room.

“Aeterna,” he gasped as he hurriedly got dressed and opened his door to see Ryan standing covering his ears. To Kyori it wasn’t painful, but to Ryan it seemed quite uncomfortable. He looked at Ryan who said one word. “Aeterna.” Kyori looked into Ryan’s eyes and could tell that it wasn’t good. “I’ll be fine, go,” Ryan said ushering him towards Auro’s room. Kyori ran and slid to a half in front of Auro’s door. Auro was standing looking at Aeterna’s body.

“What happened?” Kyori asked.

“Samael has corrupted his flare stone,” Auro said softly, “I think we’re too late. I tried EVERYTHING I could to stop it, but my magic was not enough.” Auro looked defeated. Kyori walked over to Aeterna’s body as he reached out to touch the black mark that was etched over Aeterna’s heart. Auro stood back knowing what he had to do, and how Kyori would react to it. He held three darts behind his back, each marked with runes that could kill a phoenix. He sighed and waited for Kyori to move out of the way.

Amon was almost done with his spell when the ear piercing scream hit his eas, and he felt a sudden pain in his heart. He grabbed his heart with his free hand and fell to the floor. He could feel the corruption taking over, but was unable to say a thing. He fell to the ground unconscious from the pain. He was of no use after all.

Aeterna’s body lurched as Kyori entered the room. He was still unconscious, but the black mark over his heart was completing itself. Soon Aeterna would no longer be himself, He would be a tool of the man that held his stone. Tears ran down his face as he was losing himself to the darkness. He spoke only one word, “Kyori.”

As Kyori approached and touched the black marking on his chest Aeternas eyes shot open, and he quickly formed a dagger out of his own shadow. He got out of the bed, grabbed Kyori’s wrist and stabbed him in the abdomen with the dagger. Missing his vital organs. “You are a fool to show yourself before me little spirit dragon.” Aeterna said in a malicious tone as he then quickly turned Kyori around and wrenched his arm behind his back. He used him as a shield, as he began to cast a spell that would teleport him and his target to a much different location. He knew he would be no match for all of them at once.

Kyori’s eyes widened in surprise when Aeterna’s eyes flung open. The blade of shadow pierced him and he grunted in pain, the look of betrayal in his eyes as he glared into the soulless eyes of his boyfriend, or what was left of him. He was turned around and used as a shield as everyone gathered had attempted to snatch him away from Aeterna, but now he was a hostage and it sucked. He was bleeding from the wound and he could barely keep focus from the pain that kept knocking in the back of his mind, but above all the pain of betrayal was most prominent. This was the moment he didn’t want to have to witness. He was expecting it but not this soon and he didn’t expect for Aeterna to harm him.

Suddenly the room shifted and changed just as Dorian arrived yelling for him to stop, but it was too late, Kyori and Aeterna had relocated. Dorian, Auro, and Ryan stood there in bewilderment.

“Where did he go?” Dorian asked Auro.

“I don’t know, but maybe I can find them,” Auro said as he grabbed a tome and sat on the floor with his staff in front of him. He had to do what he promised even if it meant Kyori never forgiving him. “Dorian please give me some time to find them, I assure you I will.”

Dorian nodded as Ryan sat across from Auro. “I will help you,” he said closing his eyes. Dorian walked out of the room, a look of anger on his face.

In the garden of Lucis Aeternae both Kyori and Aeterna appeared amongst the glowing trees. Once they arrived Aeterna pushed Kyori to the ground, and a sadistic smile formed on his face. “Isn’t this a fitting place for your death Kyori. The place you and I consummated our love for one another.” He said as he approached the wounded Dragon. It was going to be easier than he thought to kill the first of the Mystics. “Are you going to put up a fight or just let me kill you?” He asked as he transformed into his Adept form.

“Did it mean nothing to you?” Kyori spat out as he groaned and placed a trembling hand on his abdomen where the shadow knife had pierced his flesh. He was crawling away from Aeterna with a look of confusion on his face. Was this the man he loved? As Aeterna neared him a ethereal growl escaped his throat, that of the spirit dragon. A wounded dragon was a dangerous dragon. His eyes were reptilian and he glared at Aeterna. “You can try, but you won’t succeed,” Kyori stated as he pulled himself up. He exhaled to steady his breathing and prepared.

Aeterna looked at the wounded Dragon as he stood to his feet and calmed himself. He looked ready to fight, and that was what he wanted. “Oh I will succeed in killing you, but how long you have to suffer is up to you.” Aeterna said as he flexed his wings. The shadows in the garden gathered and around them. “It did mean something. But what you will never know.” he stated as the shadows lashed out at Kyori. With no true sun to combat his shadows they would be hard to vanquish. The shadows would try and either impale the dragon, or wrap themselves around him to stop his movements.

The moment Master Dorian had reached the base, Ocella heard an Earth-shattering cry from a phoenix. Not just any phoenix, but it was Aeterna’s cry and she knew something was horribly wrong. She darted off as quickly as she could, arriving just behind Master Dorian. She could see blood on the floor and Kyori and Aeterna were gone. Her eyes widened in fear and she looked at them all. “What happened?!” she asked, a glare on her face. Auro said that he needed time to find them and Master Dorian said that he would help, but he walked out of the room with an angry look on his face.

Ocella had no clue what was happening, but she was worried. Her eyes landed on Amon who was unconscious on the ground and she ran to him immediately. He didn’t seem injured, but she knew that something was wrong. “Auro, what the hell happened?!” she asked, trying to keep her emotions in line as she breathed and transformed into her angelic form, resting her hand over Amon’s forehead. She began to glow slightly, as she always did when healing magic left her body as she tried to revive his consciousness.

“Aeterna has succumbed to darkness. He will try to kill Kyori if I cannot find them in time,” Auro stated as he closed his eyes. “Listen to my voice Ryan and lend me your power.”

“Yes master,” Ryan said softly as he concentrated and performed the same technique Amon had. Amon was unconscious on the ground from the explosive scream, but he would be alright. His energy began to transport from his body into Auro as he channel his magic and searched for the Phoenix’s energy signature. They were once connected by the flare stone. He would be able to locate him, but it would take a little time. He hoped Kyori would fight to live.

Kyori watched as the shadows grew menacingly around him. Aeterna was speaking, but Kyori couldn’t focus. The shadows moved and lashed out at him like snakes. He ducked and dodged until he felt the pain of something sharp entering his shoulder and pulling out. Kyori was thrown back from the impact of the stab and landed with a thud as he grunted, blood pooling in his mouth and seeping out, slowly dripping before he spat it out onto the ground. He moved to get up, groaning as he now had two open wounds to deal with. It was an internal fight. There was the part of him that wanted to survive, and there was the part that did not want to harm Aeterna. What was he going to do?

Amon could feel the healing energy coming into his body, and he slowly regained his consciousness. He sat up, and looked around the room. He was not sure what happened. All he did know is that he was unable to help in saving the young man. He hated being so powerless. He turned to face Ocella and he couldn’t look her in the eyes, “This is all my fault. If I was stronger this would have never happened.” he said in a low tone that only Ocella would hear. He knew his master was busy doing something, and didn't need the distraction. In fact he still lent him his power. “What am I any good for?”

Aeterna watched as Kyori dodged the shadows as best he could, but in the end he was not fast enough to be able to compete with the onslaught he had sent the young dragons way. “Come now. I thought you were going to make this a challenge for me!” Aeterna said as he took a couple of steps towards the injured dragon. Tears formed and fell down his face, and he still had the look that he was going to kill the dragon. Aeterna may have turned to the dark side, but his feelings were still there, he was just unable to do anything to stop himself from attacking Kyori. The vines continued their assault, but now we're concentrating more on capturing Kyori rather than injuring him.

Ocella could see the grief on Amon’s face. She had tears in her eyes, knowing that Kyori was facing a powerful adversary on his own and she could do nothing to help him. Amon could barely look at her and that tore her apart. “Hey, shhh… none of this is your fault, do you hear me?” she said, placing her hand under his chin and lifting his head gently so that she could see in his eyes and gaze upon them lovingly.

“I know how you feel Amon. I’ve been through so much in this war, I’ve had no choice but to get stronger. Even then I was unable to save my family, and… I was forced to take a life today. It isn’t something I relish, but that brings me grief. The universe chose me for this centuries ago… as much as I despise it, I accept it and am doing everything I can. Even that is not enough on my own, but together we are stronger united than separated,” Ocella said, her voice soft and quiet.

She knew exactly how he was feeling. “All we can do is take this moment by moment, hour by hour and see what happens, be there for each other,” Ocella paused as a thought came to her.

“Shit!” she said as a thought came to her mind. “I love you, I’ll be back, I may have a way to find Kyori,” Ocella told Amon. She stood up and darted out of the room in search of Master Dorian. “MASTER DORIAN! I THINK I CAN FIND KYORI!” she shouted down the halls like a maniac, trying to get his attention as she ran in search of him.

Dorian was in his study looking for a way to bring Kyori and Aeterna back when he heard Ocella’s voice. Slamming a book he was reading close, he stood up and made his way to her. He nearly ran into her as he gazed upon her with a worried expression. “You know a way into the garden of Lucis Aeternae?” Dorian asked.

Kyori looked up at Aeterna as tears fell down his face. Why was he fighting it? He couldn’t fight Aeterna. He might as well roll over and accept death. He was injured, he could be with master Chiatzu. He could finally be at peace and not worry about the safety of the world. His mind filled with all of this as he lifted himself onto his knees. He looked defeated until he began to remember the oath he took, and why he had been chosen to do what he did. It was not his choice, he had to live or the lives of everyone who fell would be for nothing. He could hear Master Chiatzu’s voice telling him to get up and fight. No matter how much he loved Aeterna, the being before him was no longer his boyfriend, the phoenix had been tainted by the dark mark of the fallen angel. Kyori stood slowly to his feet as his eyes fell upon Aeterna who was moving toward him. The shadows shot towards Kyori with vicious intent, but Kyori managed to dodge them with ease. He had made up in his mind that he would have to defeat Aeterna and take him back to the base. Electricity began to spark off of his body as he stood in defiance. The blood from his wounds slowed as his form shifted. In an explosion of electricity Kyori had shifted to his adept form. A skeletal spirit revolved around him, placing a boney hand on Kyori’s shoulder. His injuries had sealed during the transition and he lifted his head. His face was no longer loving, but that of a warrior with determination.

A look of surprise filled Aeterna's feature as the young dragon finally decided to fight him. “It is about time you got off of your ass and prepared to take this seriously.” He said as he smiled at Koyri, but the tears still fell. The true Aeterna didn’t want Kyori to have to live with killing him. So with the last of his consciousness he spoke to Auro. “We are in the garden of Lucis Aeternae. Please get here quickly.” Was all he could say before the darkness completely consumed him.

The tears that fell from Aeterna's face stopped flowing as a sinister grin came to his face. “The light has faded from this body, and now it is completely mine. Thank you Kyori.” Aeterna said as he looked into the serious eyes of the man before him. “Now let's see who is stronger” Aeterna said as he took to the sky. Concentrating his power on the shadows to attack Kyori without constraint. The shadows were going for the kill now. They would show Kyori no mercy now that the true Aeterna no longer existed.

Kyori didn’t move as he watched Aeterna take off into the sky. His eyes narrowed as he watched the shadows shoot out attempting to impale him. The skeletal spirit looked at Kyori and a simple smirk formed on Kyori’s face as the skeletal spirit cackled loudly. The shadows neared Kyori and the spirit started revolving rapidly around Kyori protecting him as the shadows collided with the spirit’s force bouncing back or destroyed by the bright light the spirit exuded. Kyori didn’t brandish a weapon, but instead he focused on getting Aeterna’s out of the sky.

“Deus de caelo, voca me audire: emittam furorem irae tuum!” (God of the sky, hear my call, unleash thy wrath!)

His voice echoed in the darkness as the sky above began to shift and change. Wind began to pick up, blowing the vegetation in the area and illuminating the sky with streaks of lightning.

A maniacal laughter filled the garden as lightning streamed through the sky. “Yes. Destroy this holy place. Bring forth destruction.” Dark Aeterna said as lightning struck the ground killing the trees in the process. The light inside the tree faded into oblivion. Dark Aeterna was dodging the lightning that tried to force him out of the sky. Though it was hard to maneuver with the high winds, and eventually the lightning found its mark.

Dark Aeterna screamed as the electrical current ran through his body, and he fell back to the garden floor. His muscles were not wanting to work right, but his healing factor was fast at work, healing his injuries. “You are stronger than I gave you credit for.” He said as he stood back up, and summoned the metal staff that he uses as a weapon. He then charged at Kyori wanting to kill the young dragon. The shadows followed him into battle trying to help their master to be able to attack the spirit dragon.

The spirit watched as Kyori called upon the wrath of the sky, and within minutes the strong lightning found its mark. The phoenix plummeted to the ground, the electrical current temporarily paralyzing it, but healing was natural for a phoenix and Kyori wasn’t surprised when Aeterna stood up.

“Please don’t make me do this,” he said softly as he watched Aeterna summon a metal weapon, a staff of sorts, and with this staff Aeterna charged Kyori with every intent to kill him. “Please,” Kyori begged softly, but it was no use, Aeterna that he knew was gone and the being he was facing had one agenda and that was to kill him. A single tear fell from his face as he closed his eyes. “I can’t do it,” he said falling to his knees. The spirit skeleton vanished and he received the full blunt blow of Aeterna’s attack sending him rocketing backwards hitting a large tree with a solid thud. He didn’t move, his body aching in pain.

Auro opened his eyes when he heard Aaron’s voice in his head. “I have found them!” he exclaimed as he began to prepare the spell that would transport him there. He only prayed he wasn’t too late. The grief if Kyori killed Aeterna would be too much for the poor spirit dragon, and vice versa.

Kyori groaned and spat up blood as he forced himself into a sitting position leaning against the tree, his head resting for a moment against the beautiful creature that was the tree.

“You have to get up,” a voice said to him and only him. He opened his eyes weakly and saw Master Chiatzu standing before him.

“Master?” he questioned weakly.

“You have to get up Kyori,” Chiatzu said again.

“I...I can’t do it, I love him,” Kyori replied allowing tears to fall, still in his adept form.

“You are being selfish Kyori. Do you think for a second that Aeterna wants to be this way?”

Chiatzu gave Kyori a look at only a father would when chastising his child. Kyori opened his eyes and looked at the face of the phoenix he was fighting. Aeterna was no longer there, this this was a new creature, someone he had never met.

“You have to free him. If you love him you must set him free,” Chiatzu said causing Kyori to shake his head. “I’m not strong enough,” he replied.

“Yes you are. You have always been a prodigy Kyori, you have always excelled and felt bad for it afterwards. You know the power you have and you choose to hide it. Release it my boy, set Aeterna free, RELEASE IT!”

Kyori groaned as he tried to stand to his feet, but couldn’t. He could see shadows approaching and he knew this was it, he had to do something.


The shadows surged forth with intent on impaling Kyori. As they neared Kyori’s eyes began to shine brightly with power. There was a unearthly screamed that came from his being and lightning from the heavens surged down and crashed upon him.

As Auro prepared to teleport to the garden, he looked up and noticed a staff floating in his room. He looked shocked as it glowed. It was responding to Kyori’s energy. His own staff began to react to the glow of the Grand Master staff. It lifted on it’s own and revolved around the room for a brief moment before crashing together to form a new staff. Auro’s eyes widened in shock as the staff vanished.

“Impossible,” he said blinking a few times as the light subsided. When it did, he went back to work opening the portal that would take him to the garden.

Kyori’s power erupted in an explosive burst. The newly formed staff had melded with him and had come to his rescue. It hovered close to him, sentient, it’s own being and yet it protected him, it gave him courage, he knew what must be done. He gripped it, dawning his Master form as his grip tightened on the staff. It was an odd feeling, one that he wasn’t sure he could control, but it came naturally to him. Master Chiatzu’s form began to dissipate as he muttered his final words. “Welcome Master Kyori!”

Dark Aeterna smirked as his staff hit its mark sending the spirit dragon flying back crashing through brush to hit one of the oldest trees in the garden. Kyori was injured and ripe for the kill, but the stag that the young dragon befriended on his first visit to the garden stepped between the two combatants. It shook it head and clawed at the ground trying to keep the dark phoenix from killing the youth. “Are you going to stand in my way?” He questioned as the deer didn’t move from his location. “You will not stop this.” he said as the shadows shot towards the defenceless dragon.

Amon had his eyes closed as he continued to give his power to his master. They needed to find the two before something bad happens. The Auro said he found them, and Amon opened his eye just in time to watch the events that happened. “How is that possible?” He questioned as he stood up, and walked over to Auro. Ocella gave him the confidence with her words to keep himself going. For now all he could do was wait to see what happens next.

The explosive burst destroyed the shadows and sent him and the deer flying in the opposite direction. He hit a tree hard and the deer lied on the ground not moving. He looked at the new form that Kyori took and he felt the power the young dragon held. He chuckled and stood back up as he sauntered over to the deer. The creature was still breathing, but it was not long for this world. “Kill everything in this garden. Destroy, and allow yourself to be filled with sorrow and guilt.” Dark Aeterna said as he left the deer and walked towards the young man. No matter if he dies, or he kills the dragon he will have succeeded in his master's plan.

“In the oath we took, we promised to protect each other. I am bound by his blood as he is mine- is there no way to use that to either enter the garden or bring him back here?” she asked, looking at him with hopeful anticipation.

Dorian looked at Ocella and sighed. “It may work, come let us alert Auro of your findings,” Dorian said as he moved down the hall towards the rooms.

Kyori looked at Aeterna, his eyes alive with ethereal energy. A wicked smirk formed on his face when Aeterna spoke, mentioning destruction, and being filled with sorrow and guilt. Kyori listened and after Aeterna finished speaking, Kyori shook his head.

“Not destroy, restore,” he said holding up the staff as it illuminated the area with spiritual energy. The deer’s life was slowly restored, the destruction that they had caused slowly began to reverse until it was as he remembered it. Then he noticed Aeterna approaching him and his hand shot out in defiance. Spirits began to rise from the ground to ensnare Aeterna.

Dorian rounded the corner and noticed Auro standing pacing the floor.

“Dorian,” he said, “something has happened. My staff, Kyori’s staff, they melded together. I didn’t think it possible, but I believe Kyori’s staff was given to him by my master when I was young. To think that he became the master of a monastery. Kyori is… he’s going to kill him, I need to get there and I have a way. Everyone gather in a circle as I prepare us to depart.”

Dorian raised an eyebrow, but figured Auro would know considering his past. He watched as Ryan got in position. He turned and looked at Ocella. “Shall we?”

Ocella nodded, surprised that Auro had found a way. “Take us there,” she said, indicating that she was ready. “Quickly.”

Amon did what he needed to help Auro get ready to leave. Everything was in order when everyone arrives, and soon they would be ready to go. So he moved into position as did Ryan.

Aeterna was not happy to see the destruction around them reverse, returning the garden to the way it was. His eyes narrowed as he walked towards Kyori. Then suddenly spirits rose out of the ground, and wrapped themselves around him. Restricting his movements. “Finish what you started Mystic. Or I will make sure that your friends suffer.” Dark Aeterna said as he watched the young spirit dragon. He Wanted to see if he had the resolve to kill the body of the one he loved.

“No, I am afraid you will cause no more suffering,” Kyori said softly as his staff began to shine brightly. “I am sorry Aeterna, I release you from his influence. May the light shine brightly,” Kyori began to cry, his tears flowing down his face as he knew what needed to be done.

Auro smiled when everyone was ready and he began to the incantation. The area around them began to swirl and spark with energy. Suddenly they all were transported in a flash of light.

Kyori released the staff and watched as his spirit beads began to glow in tandem with the staff. “Be free,” he said as he stopped crying and exhaled. With a stomp of his foot, and a thrust of his right fist, the staff shot forth with the beads , transforming into a beam of light that struck Aeterna in the heart, burning away the contamination, but also killing his love.

Just as the strike hit, Auro and the others arrived to witness the devastating attack.

“NO!” Auro yelled dropping to his knees. “We’re….. We’re too late,” he said. Dorian looked at Kyori. His master form was impressive, he could feel the immense spiritual energy radiating from him.

“Kyori,” Dorian said cautiously, “Kyori it’s okay,” he said trying not to spark an unwanted reaction. Kyori’s eyes were emotionless as he glanced over at those who had come.

Ocella had transformed into her angelic form just as they arrived in the gardens. Aeterna was a being of shadow and if there was still a war being waged, she would be of more use with her divine light. When they arrived, Ocella could only stare at the scene before them. Auro was distraught and she could gather nothing from Kyori, other than he had reached his Master Form.

Master Dorian spoke, trying to soothe Kyori. Ocella dared to take a step forward, quietly, and then another as she watched Kyori with a look of compassion on her face. She didn’t say anything as she slowly approached her friend, hoping to soothe him and to heal any injuries he might have been dealt.

When she reached him she paused ever so slightly, looking at him with great concern. “Here… allow me…” she whispered, her voice soft and cautious as a faint glow came about her outstretched hand.

Dark Aeterna watched as Kyori finally got the resolve to kill him. He smiled and waited for the attack. “Now you will suffer far more than anyone else. Wallow in agony” He said just as the staff hit its mark. Dark Aeterna screamed as his presence was burned away form Aeterna, and once the light faded Aeterna coughed up ash from his lungs. His body was deteriorating fast. He looked up at Kyori and smiled. He was proud of him for finally reaching master form. “I am sorry.” was the last thing he said before turning to ash just after Auro and the others arrived.

Amon was confused as to why Auro was distraught. Had they not made it in time? Did Kyori actually go through with killing the one he loved? Amon looked over to the young dragon as he saw that Ocella was making her way over towards him. He took a couple of steps towards her, but stopped. The power the child was emitting was far more powerful that when he fought Samael. “Be careful.” was all he could say. He felt like if he moved any further his life would be forfeit.

Kyori watched as Aeterna’s body turned to ash before him. Another tear fell, but he didn’t move. Auro made his way over to Aeterna’s ashes and sifted through them until he found what the young mystic promised. This would help him do what he needed to do. He had promised and he would make sure to go through with his promise. He held the tear in his hands and looked up at Kyori as Ocella approached him.

As soon as Ocella touched Kyori, Kyori’s eyes looked into her very soul, seeing her death many times over before he transformed back into his normal form. He cried in her arms, his screams of agony filled the once beautiful place with despair. Auro lowered his head as did Ryan and Dorian.

Ocella simply looked into Kyori’s eyes as he stared into hers. She would be there for him in his time of grief as he had been there for her. He transformed into his normal form and she allowed light to pour from her and straight into him. It would heal his wounds and hopefully give him strength. He began to cry into her arms and she held him close, tears falling down her own cheeks as she shared his grief, felt his pain. He screamed in agony and Ocella held him closer, saying nothing as she simply held him and leaned into him. She helped him stand and gave him support, all the while flooding him with her own magic to heal his body. His spirit would take time, as would her own, but she would do everything that she could to ease his burdens.

The wails of the young spirit dragon could be heard all around the forest, and the luminescent creatures gathered around the group of people that were gathered in this holy place. All of the animals bowed their heads in grief at the loss of yet another Phoenix, and the last of his particular race. The deer that befriended Kyori walked over to him, and placed his head in the young dragons hand. He was trying to comfort him over his loss. NOne of the animals blamed the intruders for what happened. If they did they would force them out of the forest.

Amon’s heart broke at the sounds of the young man's wails. He was forced to kill the one he love, and that would cause anyone anguish. The only thing he could do was bow his head in respect to the one they lost, and the pain Kyori was feeling.

“I..I killed him, I… killed him,” was all Kyori could say as he felt the healing from Ocella and could feel the comfort she was giving him just by holding him. He had turned away from the ashes, not wanting to see it, but Auro soon realized what he held in his hands and perked up slightly.

“There is a way to bring him back,” Dorian said causing Ryan to look at him as if he was crazy.

As soon as Aeterna’s life was extinguished, the stone that floated on the table began to spark and shake. He sat up in the bed and glared. “IMPOSSIBLE!” he exclaimed as he reached out for the stone, but the stone exploded with the energy Kyori had put in the attack sending both Samael and Etrama flying off the bed, hitting the adjacent wall.

Samael slowly stood up and glared at the ashes that covered his table. “Such power,” he said with a wicked grin, “such glorious power.”

Auro looked at Dorian. “The Phoenix King,” he said as Dorian nodded.

“Pray to him, and he may come, but there is always a price. Are you willing to pay it?”

“I am,” Auro stepped up as Dorian nodded.

“Very well.” He closed his eyes and knelt down as he began to pray. “Lord Vario, I humbly request your presence.”

At first nothing seemed to happen. All that could be heard was Kyori’s sobs. He was so swallowed by guilt that he didn’t hear a thing that was going on. Then a voice came from the heavens.

“Who requests my presence?”

“It is I, Dorian, Overseer of the Skies,” Dorian said bowing low as he felt an immense power fill the area, it was so strong it was hard to breath. No mere mortals could withstand the presence of a god descending from the heavens, unless they so willed it. The Phoenix King appeared with rainbow wings filled with life.

“Dorian,” his voice filled with power, filling the area with his words. “Why do you call upon me?”

“The last of the Shadow Phoenixes has perished, I request restoration,” Dorian said as the Phoenix King took a form more suitable so that his massive form wouldn’t disrupt the sacred garden. Even he knew of his beauty. He stepped onto the grass and noticed the pile of ash.

“Where is the Phoenix Tear?” the Phoenix King asked glancing around at those assembled. Dorian was about to speak when Auro cut in.

“Phoenix King, I have it. I made a promise and I intend to keep it,” Auro said as he held up the tear.

“Restoration can only occur when there is a sacrifice. I cannot bring him back unless I take someone with me,” Vario said, “who here is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? To give their life for the life of another?”

“I know,” Ocella said as Kyori spoke. She rubbed his back gently, holding him with strong and comforting arms. “I know,” she said again, her voice sad and filled with grief. “We’ll make it, we’ll make it,” she whispered soothingly to him, sharing his grief with him as she too grieved. She could vaguely hear Auro and Master Dorian conversing but paid little attention to it. Only when she felt an incredible source of power enter the gardens did she look up from Kyori’s grasp, though she still held him.

She gently tapped his shoulder to get his attention and nodded in the direction of the God whom she had never seen before. They were speaking of bringing Aeterna back with a sacrifice and Ocella held Kyori closely, her arms offering him support that only friendship could. When Lord Vario asked who would be willing to make the sacrifice she took in a deep breath and nodded her head, knowing that there would be protest. She had promised to protect Kyori and she would do so any way she could, and if her sacrifice meant the restoration of his strength, of his happiness… she would do so without question.

Amon was shocked when he heard that there was a way to bring back a Phoenix once it has passed from this world. He had never heard or read of anything of the sorts. Then Dorian prayed for Vario to humbly grace their presence, and all Amon could do was walk over to Auro. He would be with Ocella, but right now she was comforting Kyori, through his loss. “Master Auro. What is going on?” Was all he asked when the presence of the god appearing was almost more than he could handle. The power he held was the strongest he has ever felt.

Then the Phoenix King mentioned that someone would have to sacrifice their life in order to bring him back, and immediately Ocella nodded her head in a fashion that said she was willing to give up her life. Amon couldn’t help himself he moved from Auros side and went straight for Ocella. “I won't let you!” he said as he stood in front of her. “I will not let you sacrifice the future of this worlds safety. If anyone. I will gladly become the sacrifice.” Amon said as he looked to the God. He would not let Ocella go.

“ENOUGH!” Auro said strongly enough for Ocella and Amon to get the idea. “I made a promise to Aeterna that I would be the one who would take his life if he became contaminated, but I wasn’t here to stop Kyori from doing it. It is my duty to rectify this to the best of my ability. Phoenix King Vario, I have the tear, it is I who shall give my life to resurrect the sole Shadow Phoenix Aeterna back to this realm.”

Kyori watched in awe as Ocella and Amon put their hats in to give their life to rectify something he had done, but then Auro stepped forward and put Ocella and Amon to silence. He was sacrificing himself for the life of Aeterna. Kyori struggled to stand to his feet as he stood before Auro who looked to him as did Vario.

“Spirit Dragon, one of the last of your kind,” Vario said, “you were forced by the hand of your enemy to do the very thing you never wanted to do. Love transcends all, and you all have shown that to me, but only one can take the place of Aeterna in the realm of the afterlife. You Kyori Reynolds, you are closely connected to the spirit world, and to the afterlife. You have the power within you to restore a life.”

Vario floated over to Kyori and examined him. “But there is a block, you fear your own power, and it will hold you back from being who you are meant to be.” He floated over to Ocella and glared into her eyes. “You have far too much work to complete before you are ready to be a sacrifice. Remember the love you shared with your parents and your grandfather. You must be ready for the impossible.” Vario turned from Ocella and floated to Amon, “the abomination is what many have called you. The creation of two enemies, sworn to never love one another, they fought many wars and yet you are here, a rarity as is Dorian. You seem lost, but you found love amongst the pieces. Grow young one, grow and show who you truly are. Don’t hide behind this mask, but let your inner light shine through.” Vario placed a firm hand on Amon’s shoulder before returning to Auro.

“You possess the soul of Aeterna in your hand. You have lived an extremely long time Aurorallii, and to see you become your own with the help of love has shown the pantheon that even darkness has a heart that can be mended. Very well, I will accept your sacrifice, Aeterna will live, but you will come with me. I know how much Kyori means to you and I know how much you’ve changed. For this I shall grant you a place in my kingdom.”

Auro’s eyes widened when Vario spoke. Kyori approached Auro and looked up at him.

“I don’t want to lose you too,” he said softly as Auro embraced him.

“You never did,” Auro replied, “but you and I both know this is for the best. Take care Kyori.” Auro kissed Kyori’s forehead and took a step back.

“Place the tear on the ashes,” Vario instructed. Auro nodded and moved to the ashes placing the tear atop them. “Pueri mei: non enim est spatium ad quietem non revertetur ad te in terra viventium.” (My child, it is no longer time to rest, return thyself to the land of the living.)

Ocella looked at Amon with a soft smile on her face when he came over. She knew that he would be upset with her decision, yet… it was something so easy to offer. Auro spoke loud enough to get their attention and she looked at him sadly. “Auro,” she whispered, her voice sad. King Vario spoke to Kyori before turning his attention to her. The glare on his face caused her to shrink slightly and all she could do was nod at his words. This was one God in which she would not argue.

She watched Kyori as he approached Auro and they shared a moment. She slowly approached, taking Kyori’s hand in her own when Auro began his departure. “Thank you Auro… for everything,” Ocella said, a sad smile on her face.

She looked to Amon and back to Kyori before departing her friend’s side and heading over to Amon. She wrapped her arms around him lovingly and leaned against his chest. “You’ll be okay,” she promised him, knowing that he was about to lose one of the few people he truly cared for.

Amon jumped when Auro spoke in an assertive and angry voice. He could tell his master was hurting from not being able to keep his promise, but he couldn’t come to terms with him sacrificing his life for it. He was about to step forward when Vario appeared in front of him and began to speak. He was accustomed to being called an abomination, but what followed after that shocked him. This God was telling him to drop his mask, and live like he was meant to. He didn’t know if that was possible, but he would try.

When the God approached Auro, and accepted his offer to become the one that would give their life to let the Shadow Phoenix live he felt a stab in his heart. Auro was the first to accept him for who he was, and not treat him like the abomination he is. He treated him with respect, and kindness. He didn’t want him to leave, but he knew that there was no way he would be able to change his mind. “Auro. I will never forget the kindness you have shown me, nor will I allow Samael to win this war. You have my word that I will protect the Mystics with my life.” He said in a loud and sad voice, as tears ran down his face.

He turned his head away as Auro approached the ashes of the fallen phoenix. He felt Ocella wrapped her arms around him, and the only thing he could do was cry. He didn’t want to lose either of them, but he had no choice in the matter. The words that were spoken only made him bury his face into Ocella’s hair. He couldn’t watch what was about to happn. He felt like he was losing his family all over again. Now Ocella was the only thing left for him in this world.

Aeterna was floating in the void between this world and the next. He had finally been free from the Darkness that had consumed him, but now he had no sense of what was going on. He could hear the crying voices of the people that he loved, but other than that he was oblivious to what was happening. Then a familiar voice filled the air. It was warm and it beckoned him to follow. Which he did. The only thing he felt from their was warmth, and then a sudden pain in his chest. This pain awakened him, but he found it difficult to open his eyes. Then he slowly opened his eyes to see the world around him. It was blurry and he couldn't see right, his body felt heavy, and it was hard to move. “What happened?”

Everyone seemed to watch as Vario performed the ritualistic magic to bring Aeterna back. Kyori watched in silence as did Auro, but Amon was torn and Ryan cried in silence as tears fell down his face. Auro was like a father to him and he was leaving. Samael would pay for this, but he knew that Auro was doing the right thing, and he had to understand what it meant to Auro to provide the one he loved with happiness yet again. When Kyori heard Aeterna’s voice, he gasped and rushed over to him, embracing him, nearly cutting his oxygen off.

“Kyori, let him breath,” Ryan said causing Kyori to look at Ryan and smile. He looked up at Auro and thanked him.

“You are welcome,” Auro said as he looked at Amon.

“You may say your goodbye Auro, and when you are done I will be ready,” Vario said as he hovered over to a portal that had opened up. Auro nodded and smiled as he looked at Ryan and Amon.

“Amon, Ryan, please,” he said as Ryan moved over closer to him. “No more tears,” he said as he looked upon them. “You two have served me faithfully, and you are my family. I can never repay you for what you have given me, but know that you have each other. Be there for one another. I kept you secret for a reason, I did not want to tell you because I did not know how you would react, but Amon I would like you to meet your brother. Ryan I would like you to meet your brother. Both of you came to me and I showed you what you could be, now you have to continue on and be who you truly are.”

Auro smiled and embraced both of them before moving to Ocella. “You are a light in a dark place. Never lose it,” he smiled as he embraced her. He moved to Dorian and gave him a brotherly hug. Finally he moved to Kyori and Aeterna. “I will never forget either of you. You should me love Kyori, and you showed me friendship Aeterna. Together you two will do great things.” Auro nodded and moved towards the portal. “I am ready,” he said as Vario smiled and watched as Auro stepped through the portal. Vario closed the portal and looked at them all.

“You are all that is left to defend the world from the menace that is the fallen angel. Now is the time to come together, not separate.”

He hovered over to Aeterna and looked down. “Small little phoenix, I have but one gift for you that will help you in your journey. Take this, it will help you to reach the next level.” Vario reached up and plucked one of his own feathers, immense in energy and handed it to Aeterna. “You are the last of my shadow children, and I want you to show that damned fallen angel the power of a true Phoenix.”

With that Vario vanished in a burst of light.

Aeterna was still not fully recovered when Kyori grabbed him around the neck squeezing him. He couldn’t breath but that was fine. He lifted his heavy arms and wrapped them around Kyori. “Sorry to put you through that.” He said in a kind voice as he was confused on how in the world he was able to return to the world of the living. His vision cleared as he forced himself into a sitting position. He didn’t know what happened, but he knew something like this would have come with a cost. No one can return to the living without a compensation. No one was that powerful. He looked and saw Lord Vario. Why was he here? If he brought him back then. Aeterna looked around to try and figure out who made the sacrifice to bring him back. Then Lord Vario said that Auro could say his goodbye's and he knew that he was the one.

Amon was still holding Ocella, but he let her go to stand before Auro. The tears wouldn't stop no matter how hard he tried. He listened to Master Auro’s words, and his eyes widened when he revealed that Ryan was his brother. He didn’t even know that Ryan served Auro till Samael pointed it out during the fight, but now he finds that this man beside him is his brother. He has a brother that he knew nothing about? How was that possible? But before he could ask Auro embraced them both and moved on. Amon had so many questions, and no time to ask them. He looked over to Ryan he was confused yet happy. He has family that might be able to tell him more about himself. The fortune teller he met so long ago didn’t elaborate on anything. He just told him that Angels killed his parents.

Aeterna tried to stand up but was unable to. He was not happy that Auro sacrificed himself for him. However, he was not going to belittle him for what he has done. All he could do was hope that he had finally found peace. “Auro, May you find peace. I am sorry to have put you through this.” was all he could say as the man who was once his enemy, and became a friend walked away, and entered the portal. Never to return to the land of the living.

When Lord Vario approached him, he tried to kneel to him, but his body was still not working right. Then he spoke to him as a loving father would his child. He plucked one of his own feathers, and handed it to Aeterna. His lord wanted him to show Samael the power of a true phoenix. “I will do as you command my Lord!” Aeterna said as he grabbed the feather not knowing what to expect. He felt the surge of energy and pushed Kyori away from him as his body became engulfed in black flames.

The flames didn’t burn, but they gathered the shadows around him, and the shadows encased him and the flames. The Shadows slowly began to crack. It was like when a baby bird is first born. Aetern burst out of the shadow like shell, and he took the form of a Black and Blue phoenix. With purple highlight to his feathers. His new form was smaller than that of the lord of the phoenixes, and his power was fare superior to his original strength. He transformed into a more human like figure, and on his side was a black sword. This power was too much for his new body to handle, and he passed out from the strain. He fell to the ground reverting to his normal form.

Ocella turned to Master Dorian with a look of anger and annoyance on her face as she watched Auro leave. Aeterna was back, he had transformed into his Master form and had passed out from exhaustion. Ryan and Amon had been discovered to be brothers, but… Cella had no family other than a wicked uncle bent on destroying all that was good.

“How in the bloody God damn hell am I supposed to make it through the funerals tomorrow?!” she asked, her voice raised as her exhaustion crept in. “I can’t make it one fucking day without being hunted like cattle, having my friends DIE on me and I can’t even rest anymore! I thought the universe could spare a day? I may as well go look for that cursed stone now because something is bound to happen during the funerals!” Ocella practically shouted the last word as she stomped her foot on the ground and looked fit to throw a tantrum any moment.

“I love you Master Dorian but right now I’m pissed!” she said, tears falling down her cheeks because she was so tired.

Kyori watched the transformation take place and was awestruck, but when Aeterna passed out from the power of his transformation, he sighed and went to his side. He was glad he was alive and would miss Auro terribly, but he understood his sacrifice, he knew why he had done what he did. Then Ocella had an episode in which she was cursing and angry at the world or rather the situation. She had no one and Kyori understood that feeling, but even so he still had his adopted parents who he had kept tabs on during this entire ordeal. He was happy they were safe, but Ocella had absolutely no family left. He realized then that he would have to be her family, he would have to take up the role of a brother to her, and in fact everyone gathered was a part of this family. They would have to protect each other and show each other what it meant to be a family. Ocella mentioned that she would have to go find a stone and Kyori glared at her.

“Cella,” he said, “Let’s go back to the base and I will go with you to find whatever it is you’re looking for. After all we’re family,” he said softly as he touched her shoulder and gave her a hug.

Ryan and Dorian’s mouths were agape after Ocella burst out in rage. It was all very interesting, but when Kyori approached her, Ryan sighed and went to Amon’s side.

“So, we’re brothers? Well we have a lot of catching up to do,” Ryan said as he looked at Amon for a moment before glancing at Dorian who had begun to speak.

“Let us return home and relax before the funeral tomorrow,” Dorian said as he transported everyone back to the base. Once arriving, he realized that Auro’s things were still in his room and he sighed. The man would be missed.

Ocella realized that their mouths were agape at her tantrum and she huffed, crossing her arms. Kyori spoke next, touching her shoulder and pulling her into a hug. It seemed odd how not long ago she had been the one comforting him, lending her strength to him, but now he was comforting her.

She just nodded when he said to go back to the base. “I’m grateful for your friendship,” Ocella said, her voice considerably calmer and sounding exhausted as she returned the hug and held him tightly. They all vanished, appearing at the base. She wasn’t sure what to do from there, she knew that when it was time for bed she would be alone again. Kyori had Aeterna, she and Amon hadn’t reached that stage yet… Gods didn’t rest. She would have to sleep in a bed that wasn’t hers all alone for the evening, knowing that this strange group of warriors was the closest thing she had to true family left.

She sighed and rubbed her temples in annoyance. “Fuck,” she cursed, her voice quiet with exhaustion as she leaned against a wall and banged her head against it.

04-10-2017, 07:15 PM
Ocella sighed and looked to Kyori, a look of defeat on her face. “Earlier today I visited my grandfather’s cave. He came to me, spoke to me and told me that in the Angelic Mountains a stone resided that was source to Samael’s power. He couldn’t tell me where exactly it was but said I would have to research it. He said that we had one chance to sever that connection and to weaken him enough to defeat him,” she closed her eyes for a moment and took in a deep breath.

“Of course my horrid uncle is livid, he sent a nature elf to destroy me. She injured my back and gave me no choice but to kill her. I didn’t want to, but after I dug her grave and collapsed. Master Dorian found me, and just as we arrived we heard Aeterna’s scream. It’s been a long ass day,” she commented, shaking her head and sliding down the wall.

Joshua had been flying for a long time to make it to the rainforest, but he didn’t know why Auro asked him to come to this place rather than his base of operations. He sighed as he looked for where he was supposed to go, but suddenly a sound caught his attention and he heard Ocella talking. “What in the world is going on” He said under his breath as he didn’t know what to do. Auro sent him here of all places? He knew this was not going to be good. But where the voice came from is where Auro was supposed to be. He sighed as he landed a bit away, transforming back into his human form. He walked out of the forest and saw that not only was Ocella there, but Kyori as well. He took a deep breath, and exhaled as he approached the two.”Hey long time no see,”

Kyori looked at his friend as she struggled with stress. He watched her slide down the wall into a sitting position. Upon their arrival back at the base, everyone had dispersed to figure out what had happened and to decompress. Dorian had taken to his study while Ryan was in the courtyard trying to find peace with everything that had happened. He had a brother, a living brother who he didn’t know. Sighing he understood how strange it must’ve been for Amon, and he wondered if the nephilim would accept him.

Kyori’s eyes darted towards Joshua as he appeared and approached them. He was talking to them as if they had never had the oath and he had never vanished to do Auro’s bidding. He was talking as if he didn’t abandon them. He hadn’t spoken to Joshua since his departure and it hurt as he watched him walk up. When he was within arms reach, Kyori hauled off and slapped Joshua across the face.

“Where the hell have you been? You leave us that night and NEVER check in again? What kind of friend is that? You better…..,” he sighed as he looked over Joshua and crossed his arms realizing they had taken the oath together and they still had so much work to do.

“Everything will be alright Ocella, if Auro were here he’d tell you to lift your chin up and face it head on.”

It seemed that not long after she finished speaking, a familiar yet distant voice entered the facility and her eyes narrowed at once. She became angry all over again, though she didn’t have the energy to stand up and for that he was fortunate. She simply glared as Kyori slapped him, she wanted to lug him in the jaw for abandoning them.

“MASTER DORIAN!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, sending a seething glare to Joshua’s direction. Kyori spoke to her and she sent him a glare as well. “I have been,” she hissed, her voice cool and distant. “The problem now is facing it head on alone . You have Aeterna tonight, I have no one! I can’t go crawl in my parent’s bed and ask for advice, ask for comfort or feel their love. Gods don’t rest, and Amon and I aren’t that close yet. I’ll be completely alone tonight, making the most of it and trying to figure out what to do next. You, Master Dorian and Amon are the closest to family I have. At least none of you abandoned me,” she shot a glare towards Joshua once more.

“And I’m sorry for being a brat. I kind of can’t help it right now. It’s either the stress or the damn vampire bite. Or both, I don’t know.” she sighed and pulled her knees to her chest, covering her face with her hands.

Joshua was expecting them not to be a bit happy with his return. He didn’t plan on cutting all communication, but Darkholm had him under his close supervision, and there was no way he would have been able to actually get away to go and see them. Though this was a little extreme from the people he calls his close friends. His face still stung from Kyori’s slap, and a red mark was quite visible where the hand connected. He gave a sigh as he got ready to reply.”Sorry you guys. I know I put you through a lot since I was not there to watch your backs. I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but in all reality what I did was to help. However, since I am here with you know it must mean something happened and Auro is here. He told me to come here. I do hope that you can forgive me for putting you through this.” Joshua said as he rubbed the back of his head.

He didn’t know what had transpired, but it must be bad if they are not only like this. He hoped that they would at least let him know what happened. He was as confused as he could be right now. He had heard everything Ocella said and he couldn’t quite believe everything she said. If what she has said is true she has lost her whole family, and Kyori whoever Aeterna was where a thing. “I do have a couple of questions if you are willing to answer them. Who is Amon, and Aeterna, and what in the hell happened while I was gone?”

Amon arrived with the others, and didn’t know what to do. He wanted to comfort Ocella, but he had a problem of his own to work out. He walked to the courtyard, and found that Ryan was there. Amon didn’t know how this was going to work, but he figured he would try. “Ryan. I think we need to talk.” Amon said as he moved over to sit next to his brother.

Kyori looked at Ocella as she had another episode and he simply shook his head.

“For heaven's sake Ocella pull your shit together,” he said crossing his arms as Joshua started talking causing him to grow silent looking around the room at Auro’s belongings. “Auro is no longer with us Joshua. He sacrificed himself for Aeterna. He’s gone,” Kyori said looking down at the floor and letting his arms drop to his side, “he’s gone, and I miss him so much already. Aeterna is my boyfriend, he’s in the adjacent room healing, Amon is Ocella’s boyfriend, he’s somewhere around here and Ryan is somewhere around here as well.”

Kyori looked at Joshua and sighed. “It’s good to see you again,” he said softly.

Amon’s presence could be felt as Ryan tried to meditate but found it increasingly difficult with the arrival of his brother. He looked up when Amon asked if they could talk. Ryan stood up and shrugged. “I guess, but I’m sure you know everything I do at this point.” Ryan tried to smile but the hurt he felt from Auro’s departure was weighing heavily on him. “What would you like to know Amon?”

Ocella blinked when Kyori spoke. “Er… sorry about that. I’m trying to,” she said, her voice considerably calmer as a small smile appeared on her face. Ocella sighed and managed to push herself to her feet, grunting in pain from the act. Joshua had questions and thankfully Kyori was able to answer them. “I’ve missed you so much,” Ocella said with a soft sigh as she made her way to Josh and hugged him.

“Why did you simply vanish? What has happened since you left? What will you do now, with Auro gone?” she asked, worry in her voice for her long lost friend. “Speaking of Amon and Ryan, I should probably check on them,” she said, not before looking at Joshua curiously and waiting to get updates from him. She made her way to Kyori and hugged him tightly. “Thank you,” was all she said, sniffling slightly.

Amon could tell that Ryan was not in the mood for this. In all truth neither was he, but he figured that at least they could get to know one another. Auro had kept them secret from the others and themselves, and there had to be a reason for that. Amon sighed as he looked to the ground. “I know nothing of my heritage. What could you tell me about our Mother?” This was probably another sore subject, but he wanted to know about her. He would never know of his biological father. However, to him Auro was the closest thing to a father he had, and it hurt to have him gone.

Joshua was shocked to hear about what had happened. From last he remembered Auro and Kyori were lovers, and they truly love one another. However, now Kyori was with another man by the name of Aeterna. Which he still had no idea who he was, and Auro had sacrificed himself for the unknown man. Then to top it all of Cella had a boyfriend now? He calmed himself as the last bit of news sunk in. Auro was gone. With that he would no longer have to go on these ridiculous missions, and no longer have to suffer through his advancements. The only bad thing was he didn’t know what to do with this blasted stone he went to get.

He had orders of what to do with this gem, but he didn’t have a time or place for when he was to comply with those orders. Well for now he would need to keep it a secret. He places a friendly hand on Kyori shoulder. “I am sure that he misses you too, but he wouldn’t want you moping around. He loved you more than anything. So don’t be down because of his absence. I am sure if he could he would be right back at your side.” Joshua said as he knew this was not the time to play around. Though he might cheer him up if he did.

Then Ocella calmed down and came over to give him a hug. He smiled and hugged her back. It felt good to be back with his friends. He missed them terribly. He chuckled at the questions asked as he smiled at his friend. “Well I was unable to sneak away to come and see you all thanks to Darkholm, and I was kind of under his thumb. I did quite a few thing under Auro’s command, and I really don’t want to talk about.” He said as he released Cella from his hug. “Besides I am back, and I am never leaving you again. So I am here to stay. You both better get used to me being back!” He said in a upbeat tone that he hoped would lighten the mood. He knew he would have to go and speak to Master Dorian now that he was back. “The three musketeers are back together now.”

Aeterna was sleeping as his body recovered however he heard a voice telling him to wake up. His eyes opened and he looked around the room. No one was there, and that suited him just fine. He was not wanting to have to see Kyori’s face at the moment. He had put his lover through so much mental and physical pain in such a short amount of time that he couldn’t face him. Kyori had to not only kill him with his own hands, but he had to watch as Auro left him behind in this world. The Spirit dragon had to lose both the people he loved in the same day and was only able to get one back.

Aeterna closed his eyes as tears fell down his face. How would he ever be able to look Kyori in the eyes again? It was his fault that his love had to go through this pain. Flipping the cover off of himself, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. His body was still week from being reborn, not as Aaron. Aaron no longer was with him, he died the moment he passed from this world. He was now with his grandfather. He was born again a pure Phoenix, and his flare stone hung from his neck. He had no idea if he would have to transfer bodies anymore, or was the one he had now eternal? Shaking his head he didn’t have time to think on that right now. He needed to clear his head, and avoid seeing Kyori. Aeterna stood up on his shaky legs, and tried to walk. But his legs gave out from underneath him, and he fell into the night stand taking it down with him as he fell. A loud crashing noise could be heard in the next room.

While the reunion between them was needed for closure, Kyori still needed to check on Aeterna to make sure he was alright. Being resurrected was something he was sure required time to get adjusted. He smiled for the first time since losing Auro and looked at Joshua.

“I’m glad you’re safe,” he said as Ocella hugged Joshua. They were together again, but Joshua still hadn’t reached Master yet, and until he did they had to keep his dirty secret. He mentally punched himself. Why did he drag them into his crimes? He would have to pay for it he was sure, but he didn’t know what the punishment would entail.

Dorian heard his name being called and shook his head. He was aware of Joshua’s arrival. There wasn’t much, if anything, that happened in that mansion that he didn’t see. He would’ve raised from his chair had he not a thousand and one things to get done. Research upon research to help them defeat Samael.

Kyori heard a loud thud, the sound of furniture falling in Aeterna’s room and he looked at Ocella and Joshua. “Don’t worry I got this, it’s okay,” Kyori said as he walked away from his friends to check on his boyfriend. When he entered the room Aeterna was on the ground trying to get up.

“Babe,” Kyori said, “Let me help you,” he said reaching out to help Aeterna get back to the bed.

Ryan looked up at Amon and sighed. “Our mother was a very interesting woman, so interesting that I didn’t get a chance to be with her long. She was killed not long after my birth.” He sighed and somehow managed to smile. “She told me she had another son, and that she had to fake her death to keep him safe, and when she had me they found her and killed her.”

Ocella nodded as Joshua spoke. “I’m glad you’re back. If you want to talk, I’m here,” she said, forcing a smile on her face. “For now I need to check on Amon,” she said, waving softly as Kyori also departed. “Pick a room, there should still be some spare rooms. There may even be dinner in the kitchen,” she pondered, shrugging.

She left and closed her eyes, searching through the surrounding base for Amon through nature’s eyes. She found him and Ryan in the courtyard and smiled, disappearing at once and landing a few feet from them. They were talking and she looked down, hoping that she hadn’t interrupted anything important. “How are you both?” she asked, taking a small step forward.

Amon looked into Ryan’s eyes when he began to talk about their mother. However, it wasn't what he expected. His mother abandoned him in order to protect him? He never knew this and hit hurt him a little, but at least he did tell his brother about him before she did. All he could do was smile even though he hurt inside. “Well than that makes me your older brother, But do you know who KIlled her?” he asked as just as Ocella arrived. He turned to look at her, and he continued to smile at het. He was hurt, but at least he could smile. She went through the same thing of losing her family, and he took it with her chin up high.

“We are talking about our mother, but you are more than welcome to join the conversation.” he said as he walked over and gave her a hug.

Joshua didn’t say a thing as both of his friend leave, They were glad to see him, and he was glad to see them, but he needed to see Master Dorian. He was told to find a room, and that there might be dinner, but he was not in the mood. He needed to get thing settled. He walked down the hall and moved towards where he felt Master Dorians energy. Once reached the door he knocked three times. “Master Dorian. I am here to see you.”

Aeterna tried to get back up, but it was a losing battle. Then the door opened and Kyori entered the room. He offered to help him up, and he just allowed it. However, he couldn’t look Kyori in the eyes. He felt horrible about having to put Kyori through that living hell. He had to not only suffer through him trying to kill him, and then Kyori having to dirty his hands and kill him. As Kyori brought him over to the bed setting him down. He looked at the floor, and closed his eyes. “Kyori how can you even be so nice to me? I hurt you, almost killed you, and forced you to kill me.” He said as he rubbed his hands together looking to the ground

Kyori looked at Aeterna as he questioned why he was helping him. Kyori knew Aeterna would feel bad for what had happened. Kyori was saddened that he had to do what he had to do, but he still loved Aeterna with all his heart and would help him through whatever he was feeling. He smiled and placed a soft and gentle hand on Aeterna’s shoulder, rubbing his back gently.

“You do realize you’re still my boyfriend right? Why would I be angry at you? I love you and always will. No matter what happened I will always love you,” Kyori said as he reached and cupped Aeterna’s face in his hand. He pulled his face towards him so that they were looking at each other. “You mean more to me than you know, and I will not let anything come between us anymore. I lost you once and I thought I’d die, but I’m not going to lose you to depression or anything else. We’re here, we’re alive and we will always be connected.”

He leaned forward and kissed Aeterna on the cheek. “Now let me help you and stop being stubborn.”

Dorian moved a stray book from his desk when he heard Joshua’s voice.

“Come in Joshua,” Dorian said as he waited for Joshua to come in. Once in, he beckoned for Joshua to sit. “So what is it you wish to ask me?”

Ryan looked towards Ocella when she came into their scene. She was as beautiful as always and he had a crush on her that he’d never admit especially now with finding his older brother and getting to know him. He couldn’t betray him even if he knew little about him. Smiling, he looked at Amon.

“I don't know who is was that killed her, but I do remember her words. She made me run, find my brother, but I never could all those years. Apparently fate has a funny way of doing things huh?” Ryan said.

Ocella smiled softly at Amon as he spoke. He said that they were discussing their mother and she frowned, knowing that it was a difficult subject for both of them. Amon invited her to join them and she made her way towards them, smiling as he stood and gave her a hug. In truth she needed the comfort, needed to feel loved. She needed a moment to breathe and to be herself. “I’m happy you both found each other,” she said when Ryan finished speaking.

“Fate is a funny thing. One can only wonder what it has in store for us next,” she mused aloud, sighing sadly and shaking her head. “I just wanted to make sure you were both alright. Kyori and I are leaving immediately after the funerals tomorrow. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone, but we’ll check in when possible. If either of you need us don’t hesitate to call for us,” she said, looking from Ryan to Amon. She leaned her forehead against his and gazed into his eyes. “You be safe,” she said, worry evident in her voice.

When Master Dorian beckoned him in and offered him a chair he took it. He was stiff and rigid as if he was a student that had been sent to the principal's office to hrt a talking to. “Master Dorian I Have come to…” He looked the God in the eyes and swallowed hard. “I have come to ask for your forgiveness. I have done terrible things in the name of trying to protect my friends, and I don’t know how I can make amends for the trouble and pain I have caused everyone that is close to me. I Just don’t know how.” He said as he looked to the ground for the first time since he entered the room. “I don’t want my friends to be burdened anymore, and for that I need to get stronger. Then all of my sins can be brought to light, and maybe forgiven.”

Amon was not surprised that he didn’t know who killed their mother, but he was happy that his brother has been looking for him all this time. That his mother never truly forgot about him. “Fate is a fickle creature, and does things on their own time. I am glad to finally met my brother, though through circumstances that were not too favorable.” He said as he said in a sad tone as he listened to what Ocella had to say.

A smile formed on his face as she told him to be safe, and if he needed her just to call. “The same goes for you. Call me if you need me. You have the power to change fate. So please don’t get yourself killed. You must return to me alive you hear.” Amon said as he moved his face forward and kissed Ocella. He would always watch over her no matter what. “You must never leave me” He said with a worried tone. He knew that she was going to have a hard fight ahead of her.

Aeterna couldn’t even muster the courage to actually look Kyori in the face. His love was not mad at him, but he was not too happy with himself. He didn’t want Kyori to have to get involved in killing him, and wished that he didn’t have to watch as he died. That must have hurt more than anything, Yet he was not mad and he still loved him. Tears ran down his face as his eyes connected with Kyori’s, his love was not angry he looked more worried. Like he was afraid that he would take his life or something like that.

Even if that was possible he would never do such a thing. He would not put Kyori through that a second time. He gave in and smiled a sad smile. “You are kinder than anyone. Most people would not want to love a person that has hurt them as much as I have hurt you. Though you persevere.” Aeterna said as he brought his hand up and placed it on the back of Kyori’s head. Then then brought their heads together forehead to forehead. “I will always love you. In the Garden I told you. That you were my soulmate, and that will never change. Not as long as my immortal life lasts.” He said as he released Kyori’s head. He got down from the bed onto his knees. He grasped his lovers hand and held it tightly. He then drew the symbol of eternity, the symbol wrapped itself around both of their wrists. “We are now bound together for Eternity. I will never betray you again.” he said as he prepared to propose to Kyori.

“Shale aeternum amamus, et faciemus aeternum vive. Nunquam intermissum est post votum promissa faciemus. Quod etiam mundus per mortem non dilacerant nobis seorsum. Ad perpetuam sigillum voti reus est. Hoc est sempiternum binding.” (Eternity shall we love, and eternity shall we live. Never this vow we shall break. Even in death that world will not tear us apart. The eternal seal is my vow. This binding is forever.)

Ocella smiled when Amon spoke. He wanted her to return to him, and she nodded her head. “You know that I will do everything in my power to do so. It may not be enough, but I will never give up,” she promised, leaning into the kiss as he leaned forward and kissed her. Her mind clouded over and became mushy, and a goofy smile crept onto her face when the kiss was broken. Her eyes seemed bright and vibrant, as if her spirit had been rejuvenated by the kiss.

“I’m glad you found me,” she said, resting a soft hand on his chest.

Amon was happy to see the life back in his love's eyes after their sensual kiss ended. She seemed to be her normal self, but in the end nothing will change the fact of what she has gone through. Even though he knew he would not be able to accompany her on her journey through the the holy ground of the angels, but he will pray for her safe return. She then touched his chest lightly, and he smiled. “You will never be alone. Ever again, and when you are ready we can become family.” He said with a smile as he grabbed a hold of her free hand. The warmth of her hand, and the softness of her touch was all he needed. He would never be able to replace her family, but he would love to become a part of it.

Ryan rolled his eyes when Amon and Ocella started getting mushy. “Seriously get a room,” he commented before standing to his feet, “guess I’ll meditate another time,” he added before dusting off his pants and looking at Ocella and Amon. “So what else do you want to know bro?” He said with a genuine smile. This was the only family he had, and he might as well get to know the nephilim as he was sure they’d be ever vigilant in the coming days to stop the dark threat from consuming the earth. If anyone told him a few months ago that he’d be in this place he wouldn’t have believed it, but now he had to pull it together and get to work on finding the treasure Dorian spoke of.

Kyori was speechless as he watched Aeterna perform a sort of ritual binding them together. It took him a minute to realize that Aeterna was proposing to him. He would’ve been all giddy like a schoolgirl if it wasn’t for the state of injuries both of them had. Still, he watched in awe and when Aeterna finished Kyori embraced him and kissed him lovingly. “Always, mi amore!” Kyori replied with a soft smile. He couldn’t wait to tell Ocella, though he was sure she’d probably give him a stern talking to about the sanctity of marriage and not taking it lightly. He was thrilled, and he knew that after they defeated Samael, he would have all the time to plan a proper ceremony, but for now he was happy being with Aeterna. “I love you so much, you are my family, and together I want to build a family with you. Wait until you meet my adoptive parents.” Kyori hadn’t talked about his adoptive parents at all. Ocella knew about them but she’d never met them. No one had actually, and that would change once they were safe, and the dark threat was removed. “Picture this,” Kyori began, “the sacred garden, surrounded by beautiful creatures, officiated by Master Dorian. Standing side by side, and I turn to you and you turn to me and we express our love.” Kyori smiled and kicked his legs happily as he pulled Aeterna into another kiss. “But first,” he started, “we need to train your body to get you comfortable again, not to mention that amazing master form of yours.”

Ocella looked at Amon, a soft smile on her face as he spoke. She could see that he loved her and while she knew so little about him, she loved him to. She knew that the act of love was to be celebrated after marriage, but… how soon would it be before they could wed? Would she end up like her grandfather? Would Master Dorian be willing to unite them if they truly decided to?

Ocella found herself blushing heavily when Ryan said that they needed to get a room. “Sorry,” she commented, smiling softly at him.

Amon had promised her that she would never be alone and that he wanted to become her family when she was ready. She smiled and looked him in the eyes. Was it better to just go for it, or wait until after the war? Ocella looked down for a moment as worry crept to her features.

“Before my mother was born… my grandmother left my grandfather. He was a chosen protector of this world and she couldn’t handle that lifestyle, it was too much for her. I… I don’t want that to happen again,” she confessed, gazing at him once more with worry in her eyes.

“Oh for heaven's sake, both of you are protectors of this world, ya’ll are so odd,” Ryan said shaking his head, “and if you’re going to do it stop worrying so much about the what ifs, just face them as they come. Gosh I swear I don’t know how you even leave your room.”

Amon was happy. He felt like he was becoming part of a family. Ryan was accepting him, and Ocella loved him. He had everything he ever wanted and more. Though nothing had prepared him for the responds Ocella gave to his comment. It seemed she was afraid that he would leave her because of her responsibilities. Then Ryan spoke up and said that he was a protector of this world. He smiled as he realized that he was.

Moving behind Ocella and wrapping his arms.around resting his head on her shoulder. He began to speak to her in a calm and loving voice. “My life has always been a fight. I have never know peace, even when I was training under the man I thought was my father. I am not used to peace, and therefore would never run from a fight. I love you, and in the end I am strong enough not to leave you. We will be able to compete one another in times of peace, and in times of war. I will never abandon you. You have my word. So please don't be scared of what the future might hold. We will face it together.” He tightened his grip around Ocella, and kissed her on the cheek.

He then looked to Ryan with a Smile on his face, as I'd to say thank you for everything he has done. “Thank you Ryan for being my brother. Do you think you could tell me more about yourself?” He asked as he held onto Ocella not letting her go.

As soon as Aeterna finished the binding and Kyori said yes the ceremony was complete. Now nothing would be able to tear them apart. Not even death. Kyori kissed him, and was ecstatic about the prospects of what Aeterna just did, and he was happy. He may not ever forgive himself for what he has put Kyori through, but he would make up for it everyday that he could. His love also mentioned that he would be able to meet his adoptive parents, and a smile crossed his lips. This was the first time he had ever mentioned his parents. He was rattling of so much that Aeterna didn't say a thing he only smiled and was happy that Kyori was excited.

“We are bound to each other, and I am sure your parents will be happy for you. We will build a life together and have a family.” Aeterna said as he looked into Kyori's eyes. Then they shared another kiss, and they both knew he needed to get accustomed to his new body.

“Kyori, we will have everything you want and more. The wedding will be beautiful, and everyone will be invited.” He said as he raised his hand and placed it on Kyori's face. “Besides your master form is magnificent. A fitting form for a beautiful man as yourself. I am sure that we will both have to go our separate way tomorrow, but for now let's stay together.” He said as he lifted himself up as best he could and kissed Kyori passionately. When he was done he smiled at Kyori. Could you help me up. My legs are not working right.”

Ocella glared at Ryan for his comment about leaving her room. “In my defence, lately every time I try to leave someone tries to kill me,” she said with a smirk. She sighed in defeat and nodded her head, returning her attention to Amon. She got teary eyed as he spoke, smiling at him goofily. “Alright then, let’s do it. I’m ready to be part of your family and for you to be mine,” she said, a smile on her face as he held her close.

He asked Ryan to tell Amon more about himself and Ocella leaned comfortably against Amon. ‘Master Dorian… may I please speak with you when you have time?’ she asked, hesitating for a moment. ‘As… father to daughter?’ she asked, a smile in her voice.

Dorian glanced up at Joshua before giving him his full attention. He listened as Joshua apologized and it made him smile. “You were never alone Joshua, you are always welcome here,” Dorian said, “but do keep in mind all that has happened will only intensify within the coming days. You must train your abilities and become who you are meant to be. Your friends have already reached Master, you must find your sacred item that will help you reach that level, I trust Auro may have helped you with that in more ways than one. I believe Ryan has something to tell you, if you don’t mind going to find him.” Dorian smiled, standing to his feet to escort Joshua out of his office before returning to the pile of tomes in front of him. It was like old times again. Researching, learning, delving further into things than he should.

Kyori helped Aeterna get back on the bed even though Aeterna seemed to be having a hard time keeping his hands off of Kyori. It made Kyori smirk as Aeterna kissed him.

“As much as I would love to consummate our bond, I think it best you get some rest my love,” Kyori said with a wink, “after all, when you're 100 percent, the things I am going to do to you,” Kyori said rather seductively as he trailed a finger from Aeterna’s ear to his neck muscle down to his abdomen and a little further before giving Aeterna a sly smirk, “but for now get some rest, I’ll be right here.”

Ryan looked at Ocella and threw a playful wink in her direction before he began to answer Amon’s question.

“Obviously I’m younger than you and rather blunt as you can tell,” Ryan began but he smiled to show he was approachable, “I know we don’t know each other Amon, but you are my brother and I will fight like hell to keep you and your fiance alive, as well as the rest of our family.” Ryan looked at Ocella and Amon and sighed. “I was young when they came, took her. I hid, watched from the dark as she fought them, but was overcome. I cried as they killed her, I was powerless to stop them, I was only a kid. When they left I ran over to her, she told me that I had a brother. At first I felt betrayed, but she told me she never told anyone to keep you safe. You were a special kind of creation. Her last words were for me to find you and keep you safe.”

Ryan paused for a moment to gauge how Amon was taking all of this.

“I didn’t know you were a nephilim, but my only regret is that I wish we would’ve grown up together. I guess we better defeat Samael then if we plan on making memories huh?”

Dorian looked up when he heard Ocella’s voice in his head.

“Oh dear, this is big, what ever do you need dear?” Dorian replied with a sly smile on his face.

Ocella looked at Ryan with sad eyes as he told his story to Amon. She glanced at Amon and left his side when Ryan promised to protect them. She went to him and smiled, giving him a hug. “Thank you,” she said, her voice soft and quiet. “And thank you for accepting me into your family. I know we’re a strange mix,” she said with a chuckle. Master Dorian answered her and she could hear the smirk in his voice.

‘I’m coming to see you,’ she replied, smirking a little. “I’m going to speak with Master Dorian for a moment, Amon I’ll see you in the morning my love,” she said, walking over and kissing him briefly. She smiled goofily at him before she vanished once more and appeared outside of Master Dorian’s room.

Amon listened intently as Ryan told him about himself, and he was slightly shocked at what he had to endure as a child. Having to watch as someone came on and killed their mother right in front of him, and then finding out that he had a brother and she asked him to find Amon and protect him. He didn't expect that his brother would have to have witnessed that. “I am sorry that you had to see that. I thought it was bad not knowing my parents, but to witness there death was more painfully than my life.” He said as Ocella moved away from him and hugged Ryan.

Ocella sighed and held her head up high as she reached forth and knocked on Master Dorian’s door, waiting on an answer.

“Come in my dear,” Dorian said as if knowing it was Ocella who had knocked at his door. He closed the books and tomes and stood up waiting for her to enter.

Ocella slowly entered the room and closed it softly behind her. She walked quickly over to him and wrapped her arms around him in a loving embrace. “I love you,” she said, smiling softly at him as she backed up.

“I have something to request of you,” she said softly, holding her hands together nervously.

“And I love you as well,” Dorian began, “but why do I get the feeling you’re wanting me to do something for you with that nervous grin of yours?” He shook his head and smiled. “Go ahead, out with it.”

She smiled and took in a deep breath. “Amon and I wish to wed,” she began, looking at him curiously. “And… I don’t have anyone to walk me down the aisle. I was hoping that you would, and that you would be the one to unite us?” she asked, a soft and hopeful smile on her face.

Dorian’s face grew serious as Ocella asked him to help her marry Amon.

“NO DAUGHTER OF MINE SHALL MARRY….,” he began his voice raised but then he softened and smiled, “I’m only joking, of course I’d unite the two of you, but I want you to make sure that it's what you want.”

Ocella’s eyes widened in fear when his face grew serious and he began to shout. She looked teary for a moment, but then he said he was only joking and she laughed and nodded her head. “I do. He loves me, I know it. I know that we only just met, but already he makes me so happy and I love him to. I want to marry him soon, because things are so unstable… I want to while I still have the chance,” she said with a grin on her face.

“Very well, you let me know when you want to have the ceremony and I will be there to unite you two. Tell Amon I said if he dares hurt you he knows what comes with that territory.” He placed a soothing hand on her shoulder and smiled. “I declare you’ve become so much like a daughter to me that I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. Be safe out there my daughter.”

Ocella hugged him once more when he spoke, holding him tight. “Thanks dad,” she said with a smile on her face. “I’ll tell him. I’ll be safe, you know this,” she said as her smile grew. “Thank you for everything,” she said, looking at him gratefully.

“Is there anything I can help you with tonight?” she asked, nodding to his desk filled with books.

He smiled when she called him dad and with that he moved back over to his desk. When Ocella asked if there was anything she could help him with he smiled.

“Sadly just translations to see what it is your weapons hold. There is something about them that even I don’t know. I am also trying to figure out why Auro and Kyori’s staffs melded together. There is something there as well. I’ll be alright dear, go spend some time with your fiance and his brother.”

Ocella smiled softly as he spoke. “Alright, let me know if you need anything. Love you dad,” she said with a smile. She left the room and vanished back to the courtyard.

When she came and gave him a kiss he was intoxicated by her touch, and then she went to speak to master Dorian. He could tell she was on cloud nine, and when she vanished he could only smile. He then looked at Ryan and walked over to him giving him a brotherly hug.

“Yes, we need to end this as soon as possible in order to be able to finally make memories that we should have had growing up.”Amon said as he then moved away from Ryan. “Is there anything you would like to know about me?” Amon questioned. He had been asking all of the questions so far, and Ryan has yet to ask anything.

Joshua was happy to hear that no matter what he did he was still welcome amongst his fellow Mystic’s though he already knew that the journey from now on would be more of a challenge than what he has done so far. Then out of the blue Master Dorian had told him that he needed to find his weapon, and the Auro may have helped him. He looked at Master Dorian with a confused look on his face as he wasn't quite sure what he was talking about.

“Why would Ryan know anything about what Auro had me do?” He was more confused now than he was, but Master Dorian ushered him out of his office without answering his question. “What in the world is going on?” He asked to the closed door as he turned and walked away. He didn't know what was going on, but he would go see Ryan. This whole thing was turning out to be one turn after another. He just hoped that he could get a straight answer from Ryan.

Aeterna looked to at Kyori as he spoke. Granted his love wanted him to rest, but he didn't want him to go. The touch of Kyori's finger down his skin made Aeterna smile, and the promise he made to him was something he was looking forward to. He would make sure that they thoroughly explored every aspect of one another in their next interaction.

However, he was not going to let Kyori get away with just letting him sleep, and being by his side. “Don’t think that you are going to get away with that.” Aeterna said as he grabbed Kyori and pulled him into the bed his loves back pressed against his chest. He kissed the back of his neck, and ran his hand under his clothes, caressing his abdomen. “You are staying with me for a while.” He said in a low tone as he the licked Kyori's ear, and continued to touch him.

Ryan smiled when Ocella hugged him, and when she vanished he looked at his brother. He would be a married man soon, and that would’ve been great for their mother to witness. He sighed realizing that in her place he would be there.

“You have her eyes,” Ryan said as he relished the embrace his brother gave, “and her determination. She spoke highly of your father, but my dad abandoned us. He was a no good bastard.” Ryan looked out in the distance and ran a finger along the leaf of a flower, causing it to freeze. “Ice demons are powerful, our brute force is legendary in wars fought long ago. I don’t know much about you Amon, so just start from the beginning. What do you remember? What’s your hobbies? Do you like music? All the good stuff,” Ryan said with a smirk.

Kyori yelped when Aeterna grabbed him and pulled him into the bed. His back was to Aeterna’s chest and he smiled feeling kisses on his neck. A giggle escaped his throat as he turned his head to look at his love. “You think you’re slick don’t you?” Kyori said, “but no sex until you heal up,” Kyori stated as he shivered when Aeterna licked his ear. “How about a compromise? I lay here with you until you fall asleep.” He leaned back and kissed Aeterna softly before breaking it and smiling, “deal?” he questioned.

Amon was surprised that Ryan would tell him that he has his mother's eyes. The he had mentioned that his father abandoned him, and That Amos father was highly spoke of. He then watched as Ryan just ran his finger across the leaf of a flower, and froze the plant. He then spoke of how Ice demons are known for their strength in battle. This power must be why he has such a high affinity to ice spells. Now it was his turn to answer Ryans questions.

“I don’t know anything about my heritage other that what have been told by you and Master Dorian. I was raised by an old Warlock by the name of TIberius. He raised me as his pupil, and son. Though he really wasn’t a father figure. I learned all kinds of spells, summoning magic, and well as elemental Magic. However, my elemental magic is limited. For some reason there is certain types of elements that I am unable to access. I was a quick learner, and by the time I was ten years old I was a stronger warlock than the man that raised me. I did have two different personalities, but after my talk with Master Dorian I haven’t had any relapses.” Amon said as he stopped for a second. He hasn't had any bouts with his other side. He wondered why? Shaking his head he continued to talk.

“I killed my mentor, and took revenge on those that I thought killed my parents. However, I think I was duped. From there I wondered the world till Master Auro found me.” He said in a saddened tone. He missed Auro so much, he was like a father to him, and he would never be able to replace that. “I don’t have too many things I like since I was not introduced to the more modern world. I like to read tomes, and books on magic, I also like gardening. It has always helped calm my nerves. Other than that there is nothing much about me. Well other than the face I am learning how to deal with people. I have never interacted with people before, and most of the experience I ham having are new sensations to me.” He said as he looked his brother in the eyes. He was enjoying learning how to act as an older brother. Though he really didn’t feel like one.

Aeterna only smiled at what Kyori said after he pulled him into the bed. He was not going to admit it by he didn’t want to be alone right now. He wanted Kyori to stay with him no matter what he had to do, but he was looking forward to playing around a little, but his love nipped that in the bud. There was no way that Kyori was going to let him do what he wanted, because of his body, but he didn’t want to stop right at the moment. He smiled at Kyori as he kissed him once more. He cuddled into him and he relished this moment. “Fine, but until I am tired.” he said as he worked it around to pulling Kyoris shirt off. He pressed himself onto Kyori’s back, and snuggled into his neck. He then pulled the blanket over them both. He laid his hand over his loves hips, and pulled Kyori as close to him as he could. “I love you Kyori.” he said as he laid there embracing the one he loved till he fell asleep.

“And I love you Aeterna,” Kyori replied feeling at home whenever he was in Aeterna’s arms. It wasn’t long after that Aeterna was fast asleep, and even though he had things to get done, he wasn’t going to leave Aeterna alone, so he fell asleep relishing the closeness he was sharing with him, and feeling completely loved.

Ocella reappeared before Amon and Ryan once more with a sheepish look on her face. “Hey Amon,” she said with a grin. “Master Dorian gives us his blessing. He says that he’ll unite us when we’re ready, and that you know what will happen if you hurt me,” she said with a wicked grin on her face as she winked at him. She came over and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him lovingly.

“You’ve lived the life I lived it seems,” Ryan said, “Auro found me when I was around eleven years old, trained me to be something more than an assassin. I was the best of the best when it came to taking a life. I was well known in the underground as the Blue Devil. When I was called the job would get done, but I left that all behind when he found me. He gave me hope and I accepted it. I’m thankful that he sent me to BlackBrick undercover but there nonetheless. It was there I learned more about my lineage, about the ice demon clans that were eradicated. We are the few remaining bits of our clan brother,” Ryan said as he took a step back when Ocella reappeared. She exclaimed to them rather happily that Dorian had given his blessing for them to be united. Ryan smiled gently, though he had an odd feeling, he wasn’t jealous, but his crush on Ocella was bothering him slightly. Maybe he needed to talk to Ocella one on one, but that would be selfish. She was getting married to his brother and he would be better off just keeping silent about it. Nothing would come of it anyways.

“Congrats you two,” Ryan said, “so when we get a chance I need to train with you. Some of the ice spells I witnessed you use were a bit sloppy, but effective.” Ryan chuckled and looked at Ocella, a smile appearing on his lips. “Your nature magic is strong, though I’m sure we can work on some of your fighting.”

“Admittedly I do need to work on my hand to hand,” Ocella nodded in agreement. “Samael is so fast,” she commented, shaking her head. She sighed and looked up at the starry sky, knowing that she would have a long and tiring day. “If evil doesn’t rest, why must we?” she pondered aloud, offering them a sad smile.

“Alright, so Kyori and I are leaving after the funerals. You two be safe on your missions please,” she said looking at them both with worry.

“I does seem like our lives ended up being the same. We were both found by Master Auro, and he raised us like we were his family. I will miss him terribly, and I am going to not only make Samael pay, but those that betrayed him” Amon said as he looked at Ryan. It was a surprise that his brother was an assassin, but that didn't change the fact that he was his family. They both had dark pasts. He was about to say something more when Ocella appeared again, and spoke about Dorian giving them his blessing, and everything that entailed.

She approached him, and gave him a kiss, and he relished the feeling. He knew that she was going to have a hard time tomorrow, but hoped that he would at last be of some comfort to her.”I am glad he agreed. Now when should we have the ceremony?: he asked her as Ryan congratulated them, and wished them the best. “It would be an honor to be trained by you brother.” Amon said. He knew Ryan was right he had little control over the ice magic even though it was his strongest element. Maybe he would be able to help him understand why.

“I will be safe, and you be safe as well. From what I remember reading your quest will be more menacing than what I should face.” He said with a smile. He didn’t know what lied ahead for him, but he would be prepared. He interlocked his fingers with Ocellas. He knew she would be needing to go to sleep soon. She had a long and hard day ahead of her, they all did.

Joshua had finally found his way outside, and found Ryan talking with Cella, and the man he assumed was her boyfriend Amon. He didn’t want to speak to Ryan. They have never really gotten along, and the boy was too blunt for him. He took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, and moved into the group of his friends. “Well looks like you are having a little party. Do you mind if I join?” Joshua asked as he walked up to the group with a smile. Even though he is still an outsider in a way, he would not let that deter him.

Amon looked at the boy Who arrived with a quizzical look on his face. He didn’t remember seeing this one during his time with the Mystics. “Who are you?”

“He’s Joshua,” Ryan interjected glaring at Joshua as he entered in on their conversation. Before Auro sacrificed himself, he gave Ryan specific instructions to explain to Joshua what the stone was and how he would use it. He had met Joshua a few times as required when working for Auro, but every time they interacted it was never good, a lot of arguing and a lot of Ryan walking away before he punched him. Today was no different, he simply glared at him as he approached and shook his head. “We need to talk in private,” was all Ryan said as he smiled at Amon and walked towards the forest expecting Joshua to follow behind him.

Joshua sighed as he received the reaction from Ryan that he expected. He swore the man hated him, though the reason why was still a mystery to him. He has received a cold shoulder from him the moment they first met. It was like they glinted off of one another, and every time they talked they fought. He had no choice but to follow. It was annoying, but he had information he needed, and no matter how much they fought he still liked him. He had no idea why he had developed these feelings for a man as cold as him, but they were their and real. Though he doubted anything would come of it. They were like oil and water. “I’m coming.” He said as he followed the Ice demon into the forest. Just as he passed Cella he smiled at her. “I guess we can talk later.” He said as he walked by both of the lovebirds, and into the forest. Not really knowing what to expect, but he knew it was probably not going to be good.

Amon asked when they should have the ceremony and she furrowed her brows together. “I know it should be soon,” Ocella thought aloud. “Afterall… the longer we wait… we may not have the opportunity,” she said, sighing softly. “And there is no reason not to,” she added with a grin. “What do you think?” she asked, looking at him curiously. He interlocked his fingers with hers and she squeezed his hand happily. “I know it’ll be challenging, but I’ll have Kyori to help,” she said with a smile.

“Hey Joshua,” she said when her friend came out. She could sense some tension between Joshua and Ryan and raised a brow at the two. “You two are on the same sides now, may as well get along,” she commented, shrugging. Ryan then said that he needed to talk to Joshua in private and she perked up a little at it. “You guys know you’re surrounded by nature, right,” she said with a smirk. “May as well have a family reunion here,” she grinned childishly and playfully at them, winking.

When they were in the forest, Ryan sighed and began to weave a icy spell that frost the area around them. He completely cut them off from the rest of the world in a icy dome. He looked at Joshua and sighed.

“You’re such an ass you know that?” Ryan accused as he glared at Joshua. “I’m not going to prolong this because you’re just...ugh!” Ryan turned away from him. Why was he acting this way towards Joshua? He barely gave the guy a chance to even get to know him. He sighed and lowered his arms. “Okay, Auro gave me specific instructions to tell you about the stone you now possess.” Ryan looked at Joshua. For so long he wanted to tell him that he thought he was cute, he was actually someone he’d like to get to know, but his damn pride and his damn nervousness caused him to present a form of himself that was identical to the element he so proudly controlled. “The stone you possess is a sacred weapon. Your job will be deciphering how to get your weapon out of the stone. I don’t know anything else other than that Auro wanted you to have it. That’s all there is to it. Anymore questions?” Ryan asked running a hand along the icy wall of the dome.

Amon was slightly confused by his brothers reaction to the new arrival, but it seemed that Ocella knew the man, and that is all he needed in order to not question further into who he was. If Ocella trusted him then it was fine. Ocella mentioned spying on the two as they both left, and he just smiled at her. “You know if they wanted us to know what they were talking about they would have talked here.” He said as he then turned to step between her and the forest. “I agree that the sooner the better. So the only times I can think of would be, tomorrow morning before the funerals, after the funerals, or... “ Amon said with a smile on his face. “Or we could do it tonight. Out amongst the stars, with Luna's blessing.” He said as he waited to see her reply.

Joshua just listened as the first thing Ryan did was attack him. This was not abnormal. This has happened from the moment they first met. He just ignored it and listened to what Ryan had to say. Joshua's jaw dropped. The stone he almost died getting was a sacred weapon, and he would have to figure out how to get it out. This was more of a pain in the ass than almost losing his life. “So you mean to tell me that I almost died for this, and I still have to figure out how to get the weapon out. That is just great. What in the world was Auro thinking.” Joshua said as he threw his hands up into the air.

It was difficult enough to try and figure out his feelings, let alone trying to deal with this now. He was at his breaking point, he snapped. He looked at Ryan as he walked up to him and grabbed a hold of his shirt pinning him against the ice wall. “I have a question. Why in the world do you hate me?!” I have done nothing to you to deserve this. You egotistical Bastard. Do you know how much you hurt the people that…” Joshua yelled as he stopped himself. He didn't know if this was right but he didn’t care at the moment. He brought Ryan away from the wall and kissed him.

Ryan’s eyes were locked on Joshua as he took in the information he had delivered. His part was done now he could leave Joshua alone and go about his daily business. He was watching him respond, almost complaining that he had to figure out how to get his sacred weapon out of the stone. “Not my problem,” Ryan retorted silently as he continued to watch Joshua. Then suddenly, Joshua had him by the shirt and pressed against the icy wall. Ryan was taken by surprise and his eyes widened as if he was expecting Joshua to strike him. He was asking him why he didn’t like him, and why he treated him the way he did. Before Ryan could tell him that he liked him, that he was scared of rejection, Joshua’s lips were pressed against his. At first he was shocked, but then he just accepted it and found his hand resting against the back of Josh’s neck, pulling him into a deeper kiss. When he broke the kiss, he eyed Joshua wearily and sighed.

“Well, now you know why,” Ryan said as he dismantled the icy dome in a single strike from his finger. He turned from Joshua and started walking towards the mansion. He didn’t know what to say or what to do. He had a crush on Ocella and he really really liked Joshua.

Joshua relaxed a little during the kiss, and was about to stop it when Ryan's hand was suddenly on his neck, and pushed him into a deeper kiss. He had really expected Ryan to go off on him, not indulged in the kiss more. When their lips finally separated Joshua was looking at Ryan with surprised eyes. They had just kissed, and for what he could tell enjoyed it.

Then Ryan said that he now knew why he treated him the way he did, and began to walk off. Joshua stood there for only a moment, and then ran after Ryan. What in the world did he mean by that? Did he love him as well, or was he just saying that to get him to leave him alone?

Joshua was not going to let him get away till he said in words what he truly meant by what he said. He ran after Ryan and caught up to him. Once he did he reached out and grabbed his arm keeping him from walking any further. “Ryan. What did you mean by what you said? Tell me what you really feel. Quit hiding your feelings.”

Ryan had made it to the entrance of the forest before he felt Josh’s hand on his arm. He stayed turned around not wanting Joshua’s to see him with tears in his eyes, but when Josh began to speak, Ryan shook his head, fighting back the emotions he was feeling.

“Hiding my feelings is what kept me alive this long Josh,” Ryan said, “I envy you, and the others. You can so easily express your emotions, so easily accept them but I trained to bottle them, to keep them at bay.”

Ryan relaxed and turned around to let Josh see exactly what he did to him. “You’re such a dork if you can’t realize what I meant by what I said.” Ryan walked up to Josh and placed a soft yet cold hand on his cheek before pulling him into another kiss, this one laced with previously bottled emotion. Ryan broke the kiss shortly after and sighed as he turned around one more.

“I’m afraid that if I open myself up to anyone, if I let my emotions out of their bottle, I’ll end up hurt. I don’t want to hurt, I’ve been through too much to be hurt by emotions.” Ryan’s hand formed into a fist.

Ocella cursed when Ryan used his powers to freeze the nature around him. He put up a dome of ice and she shook her head. “Damn, you’ve got one smart brother,” she commented with a chuckle.

“I know, but we’re all on the same team and there shouldn’t be a need for secrets,” she said, looking most curious. Amon caught her attention when he began to speak of the wedding. He mentioned either before the funeral or after, or even that night. She grinned at the thought and smirked, thinking over her options. “Well, Master Dorian is busy at the moment… maybe in the morning?” she asked, smiling softly. She yawned, for she was so tired.

Ocella’s eyes widened as something in the forest caught her attention. “Oh...my...gosh!” she screamed giddily. “They kissed!”

Joshua was sad at what Ryan said. He kept his emotions hidden because it kept him alive. He knew nothing of Ryand past so he really didn’t have any idea about what he was talking about. Though when he turned around he could tell that he had been crying, and trying his hardest not to give into his emotions. Then when Ryan placed a cold hand gently on his face he could only smile, but then he brought him in for a kiss that was full of so much passion, it made Joshua week at the knees. He was speechless at first, but then his face grew soft, and he wrapped his arms around Ryan. He never in a million years thought that this would happen.

“Hey man. It is not always a walk in the park. Emotions can be painful, but they can also be filled with joy, happiness, and love. We all can't have it made like most of the others. Hell, when I was a child I was bullied relentlessly because I was unable to hear. It took a long time, and a lot of practices to get where I am now. Emotional scarring never truly goes away, but we learn to deal with it. Besides no one here would purposely go out of their way to hurt you. I even betrayed their trust, went to work for Auro, and they still treat me like I am their friend. You have no such background. You haven’t ever hurt them. So never think that being cold and heartless is a good thing. It only makes people try harder to get you to open up.” Joshua said as he moved in front of Ryan. “Never think that you are alone. Your Family, and friends will be here if anything ever happens.”

Amon listened to what Ocella said as she decided when to have the wedding. It seamed Master Dorian was busy tonight, but she suggested to get married in the morning. She seemed tired, and was wanting to go to bed. “The morning sounds fine. I am sure you will be beautiful in any time of the day” Amon said as he reached up, and touched her face with his free hand. Then something seemed to catch her attention, and that woke her up. “Who is kissed?” he asked curiously. She was acting like it was something out of the norm. Something that was unexpected.

Ryan smiled up at Joshua. Joshua was taller than he was by at least a foot, but he preferred it that way. Still Ryan was blushing slightly at his words. The sight of an ice demon blushing at the mere voice of someone was unheard of, but here he was cheeks flushing with color as he looked away for a moment to regain his composure.

“I can only try Joshua, there is a reason I keep my emotions in control, but I will try, that is all I can promise you,” Ryan said as he smiled genuinely, “But for you I’ll give it my all.”

Ryan reached out and grabbed Josh by the shirt, “But if you hurt me I swear I’ll kill you.” Ryan released Josh and looked in the direction they had left Amon and Ocella. He realized that their little exchange had been out in the open and knew Ocella would know. He sighed and began walking towards the courtyard.

Joshua could only smile as Ryan looked up at him with red cheeks. It was an odd sight to see the coloration on Ryan's pale blue skin. It was about time they both let their feelings out. Though he knew that Ocella was going to pick on them endlessly because she more than likely saw them kiss. “The only thing one can do is try. That is what makes us unique.” Joshua said as Ryan grabbed the front of his shirt and threatened him about breaking his heart. “You will not have to worry about that. I am sure that it will never happen. You have my word. I love you.” he said with his smile never faltering as Ryan walked to the courtyard. He looked over at Ocella and waved his hand at her before he made his way into the courtyard following Ryan. He needed some sleep. He was happy that Ryan opened up to him, and their journey of getting to know one another will begin, but for now he was going to leave it like it was. They still had a ways to go before they could be intimate.

Ocella smiled at Amon as he spoke of her beauty and raised his hand to touch her cheek. She leaned against his hand, enjoying the feel of it against her skin. “You are sweet,” Ocella said, staring into his eyes with a doting expression. “I’m glad you found me. You’ve only just entered my life but already you make me so happy, and I feel so fortunate to have you in my life,” she said as she held him close.

Amon asked who had kissed and she grinned. Just then, the two love birds came from the forest and she pointed at them. “They did!” she said with a grin, taking off to them both and wrapping her arms around both of them. “So is that what the ‘private chat’ was about then? Who started it?” she asked, a grin on her face as she pat Ryan’s back (adding a teasing amount of strength to the pat) and doing the same to Joshua.

As they walked up to the courtyard, Ryan would have loved to hold Joshua’s hand, but it seemed that they were too far apart to do so. Still, as soon as they were in sight of Ocella and Amon, Ocella came running up to him and Joshua. The teasing started and Ryan simply glared at Ocella feeling the strong pats on his back.

“Ocella, don’t you have some flowers to grow or something?” Ryan retorted as he slip from her hold and continued walking. He needed some time to think about what had just happened and simply sighed as he rounded the corner and slid into a sitting position clamping his hands to his face and exhaling gently. What was he doing?

Joshua was not wanting the attention that followed, but it was no use. Cella was like a dog with a bone, and she was not going to let go that easily. He blushed at the accusation, and took the criticism as well as the strong pat on the back. “Cella, it's not that big a deal.” Josh said as he smiled at her. “Besides you have a wedding to plan right! No sense picking on us with that big event going on.” He sated with a smile. As he gave her a hug. “Sorry. I would stay up longer, but I haven’t had any sleep in the past two days, and I really need to crash.” with that said Joshua smiled at Cella, and made his way into the mansion.

He found a room that was vacant, and he walked in, and took off his cloths. He slipped into the covers of the bed, not really caring about the condition of the room. Suddenly his face turned red, and he covered his face with the blanket. He just confessed to Ryan, and it seemed that the Ice demon felt the same. He was slightly embarrassed that he let his emotions get the best of him. “Man what in the world did I just do.” He said in a whisper as he kept his face covered.

Amon was surprised when Ocella told him his brother and Joshua had kissed. They seemed like they hated one another was his first impression, but he guessed that was not the case. He was going to have a hard time learning all of the ins and outs of reading people. Sighing slightly as Ocella ran over to talk to them Amon sauntered over, and smiled at his brother. At least he has found happiness, much like he did. It seemed his brother was not much into being teased, but he could tell that he was happy. His aura changed ever so slightly. As he walked away Amon said something to Ryan. “I am glad you are happy!”

Amon walked up to Ocella, and placed a hand on her shoulder. “It is getting late, and we still have plans to make.” He said with a smile as he looked to Joshua. “Take care of my little brother.” was all he said to the man as he left their company. “I think it is about time we also retire my love. We have a busy day tomorrow, and it would not be good to enter any situation without a sharp mind.” Amon said as he took her hand. “Let me have the honor of escorting you to your room.” He said with a smile, as he waited for her response.

Ocella nodded in agreement when Amon said that it was time for bed. She was so very tired, that much was certain. “Sleep sounds nice,” she said, snuggling up next to him as he held her hand. She let him lead the way and sighed softly when they reached her room. She knew that it was proper to sleep apart the night before a wedding but she desperately wished it wasn’t so. “Good night my love… I’ll see you in a few short hours,” Ocella said, wrapping him in a loving embrace and smiling at him.

As he watched everyone leave the courtyard, Ryan felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The teasing had stopped, yet he felt he owed Ocella an apology but it would have to wait, right now he needed to see Joshua, he needed to see just how far he could go with him. He had often had thoughts about what it would be like to be with him, and he just needed to see for himself. In an instant he had teleported from his spot in the courtyard to where he could sense Joshua’s essence. There laying in the bed covered by the blanket was his potentially new boyfriend. He was certain Joshua would see him and think it a dream, but he smiled as he slowly disrobed peeling off the clothes in a way that was reminiscent of an old movie in which the female star would then murder the one she slept with. He had a devious glint in his eyes, but he slowly approached the bed, crawling onto it like an expert.

“Is this what you want?” he said softly as he looked into Joshua’s eyes noticing the blush forming.

Amon escorted Ocella to her room a smile on his face the whole way. When he reached her room, and she opened the door he could tell she was fighting with herself. As she looked into this eyes. He knew that soon they would be married, and then their life together would start, but he so wanted to be with her tonight. He knew about the customs of marriage from the man who trained him, but still he wanted to break those customs and be with her. Though there may be a way to stay with her, but only if she wanted it. She hugged him, and he wrapped his arms around her. “I love you too, and tomorrow we make it official, but we will be busy and unable to consummate that love. If you want we can do that tonight, and have the wedding tomorrow?”

Joshua had finally calmed down, and closed his eyes for the night. The only thing on his mind as he allowed himself to relax was Ryan. Then he opened his eyes a moment later and there was Ryan standing at the end of his bed. Josh watched as he got a smile on his face, and began to slowly strip in front of him. Watching in awe as his possible boyfriend revealed his muscular body to him. Joshua coulda swore he was dreaming, and was about to pinch himself, but he stopped and allowed the dream to continue. It wasn’t the first time he had one of these kinds of dreams, but this one was more enjoyable.

His face was flush, but he continued to watch as Ryan approached the bed, and then crawled ontop of him. There eyes met, and in a low sensual tone he spoke to Josh. Asking him if this was what he wanted. Maneuvering his hand from underneath the blanket he gently placed his hand on Ryans face and smiled at him. “Why wouldn’t I want you here tonight?” He questioned back as his hand moved to the back of Ryans head, and pulled him down into a sensual kiss. As they kissed he moved his free arm to his side, and used his strength to flip Ryan onto his back, and now Joshua was on top. The only thing separating them was the blanket. Stopping the kiss and looking into Ryan’s ice blue eyes he smiled. As one of his hands moved under the blanket to touch Ryan’s cool abs. By now he knew this was no longer a dream, but he didn’t care. It wasn’t like anyone would bother them. “Shall we continue?” He asked in a seductive tone as he moved in to kiss Ryan on the neck.

“Yes,” was all Ryan could say as he felt like putty in Josh’s hands. The only thing between them was the blanket, but Ryan would make sure to remove that hindrance with a simple slice. He ran his finger along the blanket, cutting it in two, and pulled allowing Joshua’s body to touch his own. He felt the heat from Josh’s abdomen pressed against his own, and his chest was bare and chiseled from the daily routines he witnessed when he was at Auro’s mansion. He ran a cool hand from Joshua’s chest down to his abs and closed his eyes as Joshua’s started kissing his neck. A soft moan left his throat as he licked Joshua’s ear and allowed his boyfriend to have his way with him.

Ocella looked torn as Amon spoke. He spoke the truth, that they would be busy for some time before they could be together again. She knew what the traditions held and why, but on the other hand… never should nephilims have existed if traditions were upheld, nor should angels have courted them. She had already broken so many traditions that this was only laughable to her.

And yet… one pressing matter that she could not ignore was the fact that she was the only person there in a position to get pregnant. She didn’t want that just yet, for it wasn’t right. She sighed and placed her hand on his shoulder, standing on her tiptoes to give him a deep and passionate kiss. “I… I so wish to,” she began, still looking torn. “But it wouldn’t be right. We are in the middle of a war and I am the only one in a position to get pregnant. What if I did and something happened?” she spoke her concerns aloud, sighing sadly. “If not for that I would have to ignore traditions, for we are not a traditional couple in the first place,” she said with a small smirk.

Amon just indulged in the kiss that followed his words. It was a deep and passionate kiss. However, when it ended Ocella voiced her own concerns and this troubled Amon. He really didn’t know how to react to her concerns. All he could do was smile. A sad and lonely smile but a sime nonetheless. He reached his hand up and pushed her bangs away from her face. “I understand your concern.” Amon said as he then touched the side of her face. “I will not push the issue. I shall see you in the morning, where we shal be married.” He said as he kissed her on the forehead. “See you in the morning my love.” He said as he turned and walked away. He was hurt, but he could respect her wishes. He made his way to his room where he got ready to sleep for the night.

Ocella smiled sadly at him. She understood his pain but she could not ignore the position she was in. She wanted to do things properly, but when he kissed her and briefly held his hand against her face… she vanished after he rounded the corner. She appeared outside of Aeterna’s door and knocked softly, knowing that Kyori would be there. ‘Kyori?’ she thought to him, hoping to get his attention. ‘Kyori I hope you’re decent,’ she thought after, shaking her head as she did Not want to see that part of him again.

Aeterna was awake looking at the slumbering face of the man he loved. He had been watching him for a while when a light knock on the door caught his attention, but nothing followed. He closed his eyes and smiled at the energy he felt behind the door. It seemed Ocella wanted to talk to Kyori. He placed a hand on Kyoris shoulder, and shook him slightly. “Kyori my love. Ocella is here to see you.” He said as he waited for Kyori to wake up.

Kyori’s dreams were filled with images of Auro and yet he wasn’t terrified or sad. He felt an overwhelming sense of peace. Auro was letting him know in the dreams that he was alright and to go forth with his life. He wanted Kyori to be happy with Aeterna and to build a life together. When he felt someone shake him, he looked up and saw Aeterna shaking him telling him that Ocella was at his door wanting to speak with him. He yawned and crawled out of bed shirtless but with pajama bottoms on. He reached the door and opened it yawning as he stepped out and closed the door behind him.

“Ocella? Why are you not with Amon right now? What’s going on? Did you two break up?” The succession of questions he blurted out were rapid, but he knew Ocella could keep up.

When Ryan said yes Joshua was going to remove the blanket, but his love did that for him, and when the blankets were pulled apart, and his abs touched Ryan it sent a slight chill through his body. He then felt the cool yet gentle touch of Ryan's hand running from his chest to his abs. A lustful moan left his lips, and then Ryan licked Josh’s ear. A smile crossed his lips as he began kissing Ryan from his collar bone down his chest reaching his abs. Down his abs to the V line right to where the blankets still covered his lovers light blue skin. He lifted himself up, and grabbed the blanket that was still covering a portion of Ryan's perfectly toned body, and finished tearing it the rest of the way. From there he laid his body on top of Ryan, and gave him another deep kiss, as he raised himself up. He finished the sensual kiss as he looked Ryan in the eyes. There was no sign of hesitation in his eyes, and he began exploring every inch of Ryan’s body.

Ocella shook her head to his questions. “No, but we’re getting married in the morning,” she said with a sheepish grin on her face. “It’s just…” she sighed and banged her head against the wall. “Damnit Kyori, I’m the only one here in a position to get pregnant. It sucks, because with our lineages and me being a nature angel… I know it’s bound to happen and I can’t risk that yet,” she said with a frown, looking to him for advice.

“And you’re my best whatever tomorrow. I obviously don’t have a maid of honor, so you’re the next closest,” she said with a smirk.

“Wait a minute, you’re getting married tomorrow? What a coincidence,” Kyori began as he shook his head. “Aeterna basically proposed and I said yes,” Kyori said, “but aside from the point is that ALL you’re worried about? Getting pregnant? Jeez Ocella it’s not the 10th century, there is a way to not get pregnant. I’m sure Amon knows how to pull out, and if not then make his ass wear a condom, like damn you worried for nothing. Get the D and be happy with him. Do I seriously need to spell it out for you though?” Kyori said as nonchalant as possible. He could be so blunt sometimes but he spoke truth whenever he was. “And if you don’t have any there are some in my room in the top drawer next to the toys,” he said winking at her.

Ocella’s jaw dropped as Kyori spoke, she had never heard such language from him before and it shocked her. “Kyori!” she whispered, her voice nearly hysterical. “You know I’ve never been with anyone before!” she said with a heavy blush on her face. The blush only intensified as Kyo told her where his condoms were. “Uh uh! I am not going near your ‘toys!’” she said, looking mortified.

She looked shocked as she realized something. “Wait, when are -you- getting married?” she asked with a grin on her face. “Double wedding in the morning?” she asked, the grin growing larger.

“Oh for goodness sake, hold on a second,” Kyori said as he strutted down the hall to his room where he retrieved condoms of various sizes and returned with a grin on his face. “I don’t know his size,” he began before giggling uncontrollably, “but I mean tell him to try each of them on and see, and relax Ocella. Once you give yourself to him, it takes your relationship into an entirely new realm of love. Still if you’re scared about getting preggo, which you shouldn’t be, but since you are, have him wear one of these and you’ll be fine. Oh and we haven’t decided yet, I guess after everything is over we’ll have some sort of ceremony in the sacred garden.” Kyori smiled at Ocella knowing he’d probably sent her to the grave several times with his talk of sex and condoms, but if she didn’t know he would gladly educate her. “Please tell me you know what to do under the sheets right?”

Ocella glared when he spoke and vanished down the hall. He returned with a handful of small packages and her eyes widened. “Oh… my…” she said, her voice weak at the grin on his face. “Are you trying to make me faint again?” she asked when he said he didn’t know Amon’s -size’ and started giggling uncontrollably. “I hope you don’t have to wait long for everything to be over,” she said with a sad smile on her face.

Kyori asked if she knew what to do under the sheets and her eyes widened. “Oh… my… gosh Kyori… IthinkIcanfigureitout, pleasedon’tshowmethattoo!” she said, her words jumbled together as she appeared to be mortified.

“Good,” he said with a sly grin. He was most overjoyed by this situation, and he was happy for Ocella. She was with someone who loved her unconditionally and wanted to marry her. He was on her side regardless and even if she didn’t give herself to Amon, he was sure that in time she would, when it was right for her. He smiled and gave her a brotherly hug. “Relax sis, you got this. Don’t ever do anything you don’t want to do. You can always wait until we are all obliterated by Samael,” he joked though he knew the fight would be one for the history books. “I’m joking , but you know you don’t have to do it right now, you can wait, there will be plenty of time. We will win this war Ocella and you and Amon can have all the nasty down right dirty sex you want, and then when the time is right a little nephilim baby will burst from your loins and sprint around happily knowing that it is in a world it’s mother fought to protect.”

Ocella smiled when he spoke, though it instantly fell flat at his little joke. She sighed despite the fact that he was joking. “Thanks Kyori,” she said, giving him a sisterly hug. She looked mortified when he spoke of having all the nasty sex she wanted after the war. “One step at a time Kyori!” she said, glaring at him. He spoke of a baby bursting from her loins and she shook her head, stepping back. “Definitely one step at a time,” she said with a chuckle.

“See you in the morning,” she said, smiling at him once more before vanishing. She appeared inside Amon’s room and set the packages quietly on the table nearest her, crawling into bed with Amon. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his neck lovingly, trailing her kisses up his jaw and to his ear.

“Mission accomplished,” Kyori said softly as he returned to Aeterna’s room, closing the door gently behind him. Within a few minutes he was asleep beside the man he loved, wrapped in his arms. Though the future was a mystery, one thing was certain. Kyori had to fight for the future, he simply had to. Losing was not an option.

04-19-2017, 01:21 PM
Amon had settled in for the night after taking a nice hot shower to calm himself. He laid in bed and closed his eyes. He fell to sleep awaiting the dawn so he would be able to see Ocella once again. Not long after he went to bed Ocella entered his room, and slipped under his covers. Wrapped her arms around him, and began kissing him. Amon’s eyes shot open as he felt the warmth of someone near him and felt her kissing him. He looked at Ocella a little confused but the sudden change in her action, but he was happy to see her. He wrapped his arms around her giving her a loving hug. “My love. What brings you here? I thought you didn't want to do this yet?” Amon said with a smile as he looked her in the eyes. He wanted to know what was going through her mind.

Ocella smiled when Amon embraced her in return, the act was so comforting to her. “Correction. I said I didn’t want to get pregnant,” she said with a smile. She nodded to the nightstand. “Kyori said that I wouldn’t if you used one of those,” she said with a grin on her face.

She looked him in the eyes and smiled lovingly at him, leaning forward to kiss him with all the love she could place in one kiss. “I love you, and neither of us should be alone tonight,” she said when she broke the kiss.

Amon indulged in the kiss that Ocella placed all her passion into. When it ended he smiled at her lovingly. He pushed the hair from her face and looked her in the eyes. “ You have a good point, and if Kyori said it would work then we should take the chance.” He said still smiling as he moved to straddle Ocella. He bent down and kissed her neck line moving to her lips. “You are right. No sense us being alone, tonight of all nights. Shale we get ready?” He said with a lustful gleam in his eyes. As he lifted her shirt and placed his hand on her abdomen. He wanted her, and if this was what was needed he would do it.

Ocella could only smile at him with a goofy look on her face as he brushed hair from her face. She nodded and grinned when he straddled her, the act woke her up without a moment’s hesitation. He trailed kisses up her neck and she shivered in pleasure from the act, goosebumps rose on her skin and she moaned softly, the moan being silenced when his lips reached hers.

He began to lift her shirt and placed a hand on her abdomen, causing her to shiver once more, but this time a smile fell upon her lips and she nodded at his question. “He didn’t know what size you would need, so he brought one of each,” she said with a grin. She reached her hand up and rested it under his shirt, just above his sleepwear. Her mind was officially in the clouds, all sense of logic and sensibility had abandoned her.

Amon was ready, he had been holding back every time he held her close. As Ocella returned the touch a smile formed on his face as he removed his hand, and pulled the covers back. He got out of bed, and turned towards her. “I will be right back. Be ready, for it will be a night to remember.” Amon said as he took the condoms from the table and thanked Kyori under his breath. He snapped his fingers as the candles in the room lite up. He moved into the bathroom, to allow Ocella time to get prepare herself. Inside of the restroom he took off his clothes, and put the condom on. He looked in the mirror and closed his eyes. He was finally going to be able to make love to the person that he has fallen in love with.

Ocella smiled when he pulled the covers off and began to prepare himself. He told her to get ready and she nodded, a loving smile on her face as he grabbed the packages and disappeared into the bathroom. Cella stood from the bed and began to undress, placing her clothes in a pile on the floor as she crawled back into the bed. She was ready, ready to show him how much she had fallen in love with him. She sat on her knees facing the bathroom, her hands out on the bed supporting her upper body as she waited for him.

Amon opened the door to the bathroom, and saw Ocella sitting there in all her glory waiting for him to arrive. He moved in closer to her and admired all of her curve as he climbed on the bed. Like a predator sneaking up on it prey. His face only inches from her as he moved in to kiss her lips. He placed his hand on her back lifting her slightly as he pushed his naked form against hers as they were now they were both kneeling indulging in the passionate kiss. He moved his free hand to the back of her neck.

Ocella watched Amon as he came from the bathroom. The markings that covered his arms spread across his body and she studied them. She found herself curious by them, knowing that she would have time to ask about them later. He climbed onto the bed and she smiled at him, they were so very close… and then he was upon her. His lips pressed against hers and she returned the kiss with a new hunger of her own. He lifted her slightly with his free hand and she admired that strength, she loved that strength. He sent chills down her spine as their forms collided for the first time and she kissed him with great passion. He held his free hand to the back of her neck and she began to kiss him deeply, finally realizing that she had hands of her own. One moved to his chest, her nails digging into him. The other hand was upon his back and her tongue fought his for control. Nothing else mattered in that moment, her mind was in a state of pure bliss and she was loving every moment of it.

Amon and Ocella continued to fight for dominance it the deep kiss they were sharing, The feeling of her hands on him send a shock through his system. That was when it truly hit him that this was happening, and nothing would be able to stop them from indulging in one another. This sensation only fueled his ambitions. He slowly moved both of his hands across her skin to her hips, and then slowly moved them up Ocella’s sides to her shoulders. Amon finally released Ocella from the kiss he smiled as he went to kissing her jawline to her ear, from there he trailed the kisses to her collarbone. He then continued the kissing till he reached the front of her collarbone.

Ocella had goosebumps along her skin as he trailed his hands slowly, methodically across her skin. She moaned softly when he reached her hips, though the moan was muffled by the kiss in which they both fought for control. As he moved his hands along her body and up to her shoulders, she found herself exploring his body in turn as her fingers danced gracefully along his muscles, trailing down his sides and abdomen. Amon yielded to the kiss and released her, immediately directing his attention to her jawline of which caused her to press herself closer to him. She began to kiss his own neck and trailed the kisses to his shoulder where she bit it lightly, a smirk on her face as she knew retribution for the act would soon follow.

Amon felt Ocells fingers dance across his skin, and it sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine. Especially when she touched his abdomen. It was all he could do to keep himself under control, and he felt an increasing sensation to take this to the next step, but he wanted to enjoy every second they could be together this night. Ocellas kisses felt warm, and left a slight burning sensation in each location. Thier bodys were so close, and with each moment his hunger for her increased. When Ocella lightly bit him, he looked at her with a devilish grin, and he decided to move their engagement to a different position.

He quickly moved to the side, and placed an arm on her back, and one on her thighs, and picked her up laying her back on the bed, and he then moved to straddle her. Then moving in to kiss her once more but this time he didn’t stop there right below her collarbone he started to suck on her skin. Giving her a hicky.

Ocella knew that he had lost himself to their act once he looked at her with his grin. Her eyes widened in surprise when he placed his hands upon her back and thigh, picking her up without warning. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly with each breath as he laid her down, the anticipation more than she could bear. He was atop her once more and she smiled up at him, her smile turning into a grin. She said nothing though, but when he began to kiss her neck once more he did something she wasn’t expecting.

He trailed kisses down lower and began to suck, causing her to shiver and moan in pleasure. “Amon,” she whispered his name, moaning as she did so, her hand reaching up to his chest as her nails digging into his skin. Her head was pressed firmly against the pillow and she bit her bottom lip in attempt to cease the moan, but it was to no avail.

Listening to the moan that escaped Ocella's lips was a soothing sound to Amon's ears as he then felt her nails dig into the flesh of his chest. This only intensified his actions, as he continued to suck on her skin. He moved one of his free hands down her side, past her hips and down her thigh. He was going to thoroughly explore every inch of Ocella as both of their pleasure would escalate. She said his name in a low tone, as their intimacy continued.

The next morning as the sun was starting to illuminate the room where they slept. Amon was holding Ocella close to his body. Her back press fairly against his chest. They had spent the night in absolutely pleasure, and now it was time for them to get ready to get married, and let everyone know. He nibbled on the back of Ocella's neck to wake her up. “The sun is up my love.” He said as he released her from his arms, and pulled her on top of himself. He kissed her on the lips to say good morning.

It seemed as though all of her stress, all of her worries, fears and insecurities had washed away during their night of intimate passion. Ocella never imagined herself in such a state of bliss and harmony with another, but she had fallen asleep cuddled up against Amon with his arms wrapped around her. She had slept peacefully that night, nightmares but a distant memory as dreams evaded her mind entirely.

She woke to the feeling of Amon nibbling her neck and smiled happily at him, though he probably didn’t see it as her back was against him. This act only caused her to cuddle closer to him and protest rising. “Good for the sun,” she said with a chuckle after he said the sun was up. She felt so happy, so safe and so content in his arms that she couldn’t imagine a world filled with as much hate and pain as she had experienced.

She stirred when he pulled her on top of him and kissed her lips. She could only smile into the kiss and return it with equal love. “I could get use to waking up like this,” she commented, snuggling up closer to him and kissing his chest.

She yawned and stretched, pushing herself up and gazing down into his eyes. “I love you,” she said, a goofy smile on her face. Kyori had been right all along and she knew that they would talk about it later when they parted on their mission, but for now she hoped that he would refrain from the teasing. She pushed herself off Amon and kissed him one more time before rising from the bed entirely. “Shall we shower, my love?” she asked, wanted to feel clean and refreshed again before they went to meet the others.

Having Ocella so close to him was what he has wanted from the beginning. He loves her, and to feel that love reciprocate in any form was fantastic, but now they are one and nothing can change that. He smiled as she cuddled Into him, and when she returned the kiss he bestowed upon her with the same amount of passion. “Well you can my love. We will be together side by side for eternity. As soon as we finish this war. But till then any chance we get will do.” Amon said in response to Ocella's comment, and when she kissed him he felt a shiver run down his spine.

“I love you to my dear Ocella.” Amon said as his love got out of bed and strutted her perfect body. Then she asked if he would like to take a shower. He lifted himself up, and got out of bed walking around to embrace Ocella from behind. “A shower with you sounds delightful.” He said as he kissed the side of her neck. He was still in uforia after last night, and he wished he could freeze this moment and not continue the day.

Ocella loved the way he spoke to her. It was as if she was his entire being, for he laced affection in each word he spoke. When she rose, he rose from the bed and embraced her from behind. She leaned into the embrace and smiled happily, holding his arms with her own. “I look forward to it,” she said when he kissed her neck. She shivered lightly and turned to face him, a smile on her face. She kissed him one last time before departing to the bathroom, turning on the water and stepping in as she waited for him. She was overjoyed by the night they had spent together, it had rejuvenated her in ways that she hadn’t thought possible. Before she felt tired, broken and weary… but now she had been awakened, her senses were alert and her mind was sharp once more.

When their lips connected he still wished to never let this moment to, but alas it was not meant to be. He just smiled and watched her enter the bathroom, and he heard the shower start. He looked out the window and thought on the day. This was going to be a great day, a sad day, and them having to part to part in order to defeat the darkness that was infecting this world. But for the moment he would enjoy his time with his bride to be.

He walked into the restroom entering the room, as he looked to the shower to see Ocella standing in the shower waiting for him. The hot water that was running and filling the bathroom with steam. He smiled and hopped into the shower with her. He placed his hands on her hips, as he smiled and looked her in the eyes. “We will be married today, and be bound together. As long as we are one nothing will pull us apart.” He said as he moved into kiss her once more. His passion and love had not diminished one bit from the night before. He gently pushed her against the wall of the shower. The water ran down their bodies as the kiss intensified.

Ocella and Amon had showered for a brief time, each taking time to cleanse the other and help prepare each other for the day ahead. When Ocella stepped out she felt refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on the day. She realized that she was naked in his room, whereas her clothing was in her room. “Alright my love, I’m going to get dressed. I’ll meet you in a little bit,” she said, kissing Amon one last time before she gathered her pile of clothes from the night before and vanished into her room.

She placed her clothing in the dirty clothes hamper and smiled as she walked over to her dresser. She eyed the contents and decided on a pair of gray cargo pants and a black ¾ sleeve shirt. They weren’t the clothes she would wear to their wedding, but they were what she intended to wear on her mission with Kyori. Once fully dressed, Ocella vanished and made her way to the kitchen, her stomach growling in anticipation. ‘Master Dorian, might I have a word with you in the kitchen?’ she asked him, wondering where her father figure was. She still had to make Amon’s ring, but she knew the materials she wanted to craft it with.

He had spent all night studying the various books he had retrieved from the ancient archives. He was trying to pinpoint what the sacred weapons could do once all of them had been collected. Of course Joshua, Art, and Kelda had yet to locate their sacred weapons, but he hoped that their missions would prove successful. Ocella would be leaving soon with Kyori to locate the balance stone that would help them in the war against Samael. It was morning and it would be time to unite Ocella and Amon in eternal bond. He stood to his feet as he snapped his fingers causing all of the books to vanish. Only one book remained, and it was a spell book from the ancient archives, created by the goddess of magic herself. He scooped the small book up and sighed realizing that what he was about to do would also be against the rules. No mortals could access the Ancient Archives, and yet here he was about to give his son, Kyori, the book in hopes of helping in this war.

When he heard Ocella’s voice he smiled and appeared in front of her.

“I see you’re hungry, and you have a glow about you this morning,” Dorian said his eyes quite accusing, but he didn’t pursue it. “What is it you need my dear?” he asked holding the book in his hand firmly.

Ocella smiled happily when Master Dorian appeared before her. The book held firmly in his grasp did not escape her notice, but she was well aware that he had likely spent all night studying. What he said caused a light blush to appear on her cheeks along with a sheepish grin that she couldn’t hold back. “Mhm,” was all she could answer.

He asked what she needed and she looked at him happily. “Master Dorian… we were wondering if you would be willing to hold the ceremony after breakfast?” she asked, a soft smile on her face. “Since we’ll all be parting ways after the funerals,” she said, looking concerned.

Her sheepish grin didn’t go unnoticed as he watched her carefully. She asked him if he would be willing to hold the ceremony after breakfast since they all would be leaving the base to do their own things. Dorian smiled.

“I would love to my dear. As soon as you are ready you will know how to find me. I ask you this question, are you ready for what is ahead?”

Amon walked to the doorway of the bathroom as he watched Ocella, looked like she was a little embarrassed about being naked in his room. All he could do was smile as she turned and approached him once more and kissed him once more. He watched as she picked up her cloths, and teleported out of the room. He knew there was a couple of things he needed to to and gather for the ring he was wanting to make her. He went to the closet, and pulled out the only clothing he had. Though he didn’t place his jacket on, he then braided his hair tightly so that it wouldn’t get in his way.

Moving to the wall he spoke his teleportation spell, and the wall was covered in a layer of ice. He walked through the mirror like surface, to go to the everglades. There he would be at his master's Tiberius house, and he would pick up the Materials he would need to make the ring. Appearing at what looked like the face of a mountain he walked through the illusion and to the front door of the old house. It had been abandoned for years, but everything was clean, and well kept like the house was still lived in.

Walking through the door of the colutered house, Amon looked around for what he was needing. There was only four simple things he needed to make the Ring he wanted to give to Ocella. He needed an ingot of silver, a icicle gem, crystal powder, and rose hips. Most of the ingredients were common and easy to find, but the icicle gem is the most rare stone in the world. Since you can only get it from the demon world. Though he knew his master had one, but he just needed to find where he had put it. It took him a little time, but he did find a small gold box that housed the gem. He opened it with a smile on his face as he looked at the stone that changed color like the Aurora Borealis in Alaska. This was all he needed, but now he would need to summon a crystal gnome to craft the ring. Since he has no way of doing such a thing. He made the appropriate arrangements, and created a summoning circle inside of the house. He closed his eyes, as he began the summoning.

Aeterna had fallen asleep with Kyori once he returned from speaking with her. He didn’t know what the conversation was over, but he figured that it was important. Cuddling into Kyori’s back he slept well for the rest of the night. Even Though he was more of a night person. The sun showed through the window of the room illuminating Aeterna’s back. The warmth of the sun woke him up, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at Kyori’s sleeping face. He was so handsome while he slept. It only made him want him more, but he wasn’t going to be leaving soon on a mission and he had his own training to do.

However, he didn’t want to wake him up just yet, but the day wouldn’t wait for him to indulge in his wanting to wait. He pulled Kyori close, and licked his ear. “It is time to wake up sleepy head. The day has started.” Aeterna said in a low tone as he waited for Kyori to awaken from his slumber.

Joshua and Ryan had the most intense night making love and they slept together the rest of the night. The morning sun shined through the small window of the room that Josh had chosen to sleep in, and it shined right in his eyes. He didn’t want to acknowledge the sun, and it persistent shining, but it didn’t surrender its position, and forced Joshua to awake. He was still on cloud nine about last night, and almost thought that it was a dream, but he knew it was not. Ryan was snuggled into him, and he had his right arm and leg draped over his love.

He never would have thought that this would have happened in a million years. He had a secret crush on a person that he thought hated him, but it turned out to be the opposite. However, he doubted they would be completely out of the woods as far as fighting, but this moment was all the verification he needed to make it work. They both loved one another, and that was all that mattered to him. He knew nothing of the furnerals that were being held today for Ocella’s family, since he was not there because of his choice, but he knew that the day waited for no one. “Ryan, I think it is time we started this day. I am sure there are a lot of things that need to be done.” He said with a smile. He knew he was at least going to try and sneak one more kiss before they got out of bed.

Ocella smiled at Master Dorian. It was a smile filled with a warrior’s exhaustion and hope all in one expression. “Do I have any choice but to be ready?” she asked with a soft chuckle. She sighed and shook her head softly as she thought about what fate had in store for them. “I have come to learn that there is a certain humor when regarding fate, for one never knows what to expect. No matter where you are one day, one hour or even one moment- things can change in an instant. In that sense, I am not ready… but I am doing everything I can to prepare for the tasks at hand while not knowing what will happen two minutes from now. I can guess that we will be eating breakfast, but… fate could change that,” Ocella said softly. “But I am trying Master Dorian, I am trying,” she offered him a small smile of reassurance.

He listened to his daughter as she spoke about fate and being prepared as much as she could be for what was ahead of them all. Dorian sighed and realized that this moment in her life would be one of the happiest she would experience since her family's demise. He wanted to make sure it was beautiful. Sighing, he walked over to her and embraced her lovingly as a father would.

“I expect nothing less of you daughter, you have a will that could topple mountains,” Dorian said as he released her from his grip, “never lose that light. When we are done here, I will ready your ceremony. Do you need help with breakfast?” Dorian said with a soft smile on his face.

Ryan slowly stirred when he heard Joshua’s voice. He felt the sun strike him in the face and the touch of his newly found boyfriend. He turned over and looked at Joshua. His eyes were so beautiful that they captivated Ryan with ease. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Josh’s lips before sitting up. Looking at the clock on his side of the bed, he noticed it was early.

“Good morning baby,” Ryan said leaning into Joshua’s arms, “I could stay here all day, but we have to get ready for Ocella’s wedding and the funerals she planned for her parents,” Ryan said still snuggled up close to Josh.

Kyori’s eyes opened slowly as he felt Aeterna lick his ear. He moaned gently and smiled as he turned and looked at Aeterna. He tried to smile but worry settled in. Today Ocella would be putting her family to rest, and getting married. Stress would be at a high for her, and he would be there for her every step of the way. They still had to go on their mission afterwards which meant that Ocella wouldn’t have time to spend with Amon after their wedding. Sighing, he pulled up into a sitting position while looking lovingly at Aeterna.

“Aeterna, I’m going to miss you while I’m gone,” Kyori said, “promise me you’ll focus on training.”

Kyori reached for Aeterna’s hand and held it.

Ocella smiled at her father-figure when he embraced her and returned the act with equal love. “Thanks dad,” she said, smiling happily at him. He asked if she needed help with breakfast and she shook her head. “I’ve got it dad,” she said, grinning. “I’ve got something special planned,” she smiled and gave him one last hug.

She turned to the fridge and began to pull out various items, preparing each of them with love. She knew that the day would be long for everyone and wanted to make sure that each of them had a good start. She prepared sausage, grits, hashbrowns, omelets, eggs of various doneness, fresh fruits, waffles, pancakes, and fruit-filled muffins. When she had finished cooking it, she set the large kitchen table with fresh batches of herbs that she grew herself. There was mint for the tea, a jug of milk, orange juice, apple juice, water, green and black tea. She still had plenty of energy left when breakfast was ready, and she had been munching while she cooked.

After indulging in a glass of green tea she disappeared into the amazon, deep within the forest and in front of a cave system she had come across when she had first met the forest. She had a very special object in mind for Amon’s ring and smiled as she began her walk down the caves.

Joshua stared into Ryan’s eyes when they made contact with his own. All he could do was smile the blue of his eyes reminded him of the endless sky that they all shared. Then Ryan kissed him, and this only made his smile broaden. Who would have ever thought he would find love in this mess of a world. He watched as Ryan sat up, and stared at his body. Never had he wanted someone more than he has now. He would never let Ryan go ever. “Good morning lover. Did you sleep well?” He asked as Joshua cuddled into his chest. He didn’t think anything would ruin this perfect moment. However, what Ryan said next proved him wrong. The wedding was not the problem. They were happy occasions, but A funeral was a completely different story.

“What do you mean a funeral for her parents!?” Josh said in a shocked voice as he just laid there. What had happened while he was gone? Was this his fault? Had Auro killed them? Was it the Darkness that Auro spoke to him about? Could he have been able to stop their murder if he hadn't left? So many thoughts were running through his head that he had to calm himself. He wrapped his arms around Ryan as his body shook. He was blaming himself for this. “Why didn’t she tell me? Was that why she was in such a bad mood when I first arrived?” He asked as he just held Ryan tightly.

“I thought you knew,” Ryan began rubbing Joshua’s shoulder to comfort him. He could feel him shaking and could see it as well. “Samael attacked her family, killed them all, he would’ve killed us too had Sir Dorian not intervened when he did. Since Ocella has delved into work, but she’s had her moments that she rightfully deserves,” Ryan finished kissing Joshua’s forehead as he held him. “It’s okay, it’s not your fault, she’s been through a lot, but everyone has really. The sooner we end this the sooner we can move on with life.” It was around this time that the smell of food hit his nostrils and his eyebrows raised in surprise. “Breakfast?” he questioned quizzically as he continued to hold Josh. “Maybe some food will make you feel better, after last night I’m sure you’re hungry for more than just me.”

Aeterna Smiled as Kyori looked at him but he could tell that many things were on his mind. This war was getting to them all. Though he doubted this is why he was worried. It had to be because of the events that were to take place today. He had heard through the door when Kyori and Ocella were talking last night that she was getting married, and a few other ‘things’ that he will not bring up. That is between the two of them.

Looking at Kyori’s form as he sat up only intensified his smile. They loved one another even though everything that has happened. When his love reached for his hand he interlocked his fingers with the young dragons. He then lifted himself up, and looked his love in the eyes. “I will miss you too my love, but remember we are always together no matter how far apart we are.” Aeterna said as he took his free hand and removed the Flare Stone from around his neck, and placed it in Ktoris free hand. “Take my Flare stone My life, and carry it with you on your journey.” He said in a loving tone as he leaned forward to kiss Kyori.

When he finished the kiss he looked him in the eyes.”I will become stronger while you are gone. I can’t have you protect me. It is my duty to protect you remember?” Aeterna said as he placed his free hand on the side of his love's face. He really didn’t want to let Kyori go to the sacred land of the Angels, but he knew that there was nothing he could do about it. He would be more of a hindrance than a help in this situation.

Kyori looked into Aeterna’s eyes when he felt the flare stone in his hands. He listened and could only smile. Their relationship had grown so much since they first met, and who knew they’d be in this point? He quickly placed the stone around his neck and embraced the kiss that he received shortly after. Aeterna spoke to him, telling him that he’d train and get better.

“I’ll come back to you,” Kyori began, “I will, and you will become stronger, and then you can protect me all you want.” The smell of food hit his nose and he perked up. “Now I’m hungry,” he said after inhaling the scent. No doubt Ocella was up and cooking. He jumped out of bed and looked at Aeterna. “Come on sleepy head, there’s food,” he said realising that he was naked. He quickly dressed and moved to Aeterna’s side. “Let me help you my love.”

The circle that Amon drew began to glow with a rainbow of colors, and the crystal gnome appeared as soon as the light reached it’s peak. The medium size creature looked at Amon with annoyance as it turned around to face the person that summoned it. The gnome’s skin was transparent, and shined with all kinds of colors when the light hit it.

“What in the world are you thinking of summoning me you Abomination? I have more important things to do with my time than entertain one of your kind” The gnome said in a gruff voice as it was not a bit happy with being there. But it had no choice but to stay till he who summoned him dismissed it. ‘

Amon sighed as he looked at the gnome. He knew this was going to happen, but he needed it’s help no matter what the creature said. He decided that it would be best to get this over with as soon as he could. He would hate to keep it from whatever it was doing. Though he was going to make it’s day nonetheless. “I would like to commission you to make a ring for me.” He said with a calm tone as he knew that would get the creature's attention.

A sly smile formed on the gnomes face at the words commission. “So you want me to make you a ring? Do you even know what you ask? Though I will not deny a good meal from you.” the gnome said as it licked its lips in anticipation. “Well tell me what design you want, and provide me the materials, and I will gladly make you a ring.” the gnome said as it chuckled slightly. It has been too long since it had a good meal, and it would make sure to feed well on this Nephilim.

As Ocella entered the caves, she transformed into her angelic form. She knew that in order to enter any further she would need light, so she began the process of clearing her mind in order to allow holy light to flow through her once more. She felt a sense of peace and serenity, one that she had desperately needed. She entered deeper into the cave and soon her light began to reflect off the surfaces of the cavern, for deep within the Amazonian caves was a ruby mine. Her hand lightly graced the wall of the cave and felt the rubies in their natural state, taking a moment to appreciate the gems.

It almost felt wrong to take the ruby, but she knew that had she obtained it from a jeweler… their source would have been far more brutal to the cavern. She had a gift for the cave, an exchange for the ruby. When she eyed a small stone that had jagged edges she smile and touched it lightly with her fingertip, thanking the stone. Her magic coursed through the walls of the cave and soon they began to glow, for she had given the cave a holy glow. It was her gift in exchange for the stone, and in order to pluck it from the wall she removed her wand. She touched the tip of her wand to the stone that she had chosen and began to chant.

“From thy bonds, be free. From thy bonds, come to light. From thy bonds, come to me,” she said, and her wand began to glow. The stone itself seemed to vibrate as it pulled out of the wall slowly, never leaving the tip of her wand. When she had managed to pull it out she smiled as it fell into the palm of her hand and admired its beauty. From the hole in the cave a soft light glowed, indicating that an angel had removed the stone. Ocella smiled at the cave and vanished at once, not wishing to linger any longer.

Her next destination was somewhat dangerous, but she knew that the risk would be worth the reward. She appeared outside of Auro’s former residence, within the forest she had created in wake of her uncle’s destruction. She was looking for a certain tree hidden deep within the forest and knew exactly where to find it.

Within moments of jumping from tree branch to tree branch, she had arrived at the willow tree in the middle of the forest. She took a seat on a large and comfortable branch and leaned against the trunk, taking the stone from her pocket. She removed her wand once more and began to speak. “From thy bonds I set thine free, from thy bonds I choose thine to be. From thy bonds come to me,” she chanted as she motioned her wand in the manner of the stone to reshape itself. It was exhausting magic that took much concentration but within moments the stone had rounded itself into a spherical orb with smooth edges.

She looked to the tree now and stood on the branch, placing her hand on the trunk. After a moment, one of the willow branches leaned down to where she could reach it and she smiled at the tree. “Thank you my friend,” she said, making a slicing motion in the air as she cut a portion of the branch with leaves from the tree. It fell lightly into the palm of her hand and she gently brushed her thumb along the leaves. With a flourish of her wand the piece of branch lifted into the air, and with a flick it began to transform itself. The branch hardened to a substance akin to stone, or well as close to stone as nature could become. It twisted and formed into a ring that, when placed on Amon’s finger would either grow or shrink to fit it perfectly before stabilizing permanently.

The leaves surrounding the branch conformed to this structure, etching into the lining of the ring as four small leaves stuck out at the top, hardening around the stone like prongs. Ocella smiled when the final product fell into her hand. It was hard as a rock yet would be comfortable for Amon to wear. She eyed the intricate etching along the sides, the leaves seemed to be revolving around the branch itself as though frozen in time, and in truth they were. For so long as she lived the ring would go on, a constant reminder to Amon of her love for him. With that, she placed the ring in her pocket and reappeared in the kitchen at the base, hoping that there were leftovers.

Joshua could feel that Ryan was trying to comfort him. He also told him who was responsible for the deaths of one of his best friends family. It broke his heart to hear about this from Ryan rather than Ocella, but he guessed that she had been dealing with it in her own way.Josh found comfort in Ryan’s touch and words. He was right it was not his fault, but he could have at least been there for her this whole time like Kyori. Rather than running off on his own, but because of his actions he fell for Ryan. So at least one good thing came out of what he did. He slowly calmed down as Ryan continued to comfort him. Then the smell of cooking wafted into the room.

Josh knew that this was something Ocella would have done. She always loved to cook, and she was getting married so she was probably on cloud nine. Finally calming down he hears Ryans remark, and Josh released his hold on Ryan, and straightened himself up. He looked into his eyes. He was still upset, but he was better. He figured that Ocella should have positive vibes rather than negative. So he smirked and placed a hand on Ryan’s face. “Nothing will fill me better that having another helping of you my love.” Josh said as he kissed Ryan deeply, and placed his hand on his chest. Once he was done he pulled away. “Though it would be rude not to enjoy a home cooked meal.” Josh said as he smiled at Ryan. If it weren't for him he would probably be a blithering idiot right now. He got dressed, and waited to watch Ryan get dressed before holding out his hand. “Shale we get going?”

Aeterna was happy to hear the words that Kyori spoke. They loved one another, and nothing would change that. He watched as Kyori jumped out of bed, and he showed all of his glory. He didn’t mind watching as Kyori spoke to him. Though he did wonder when he was going to realize that he was naked. He didn’t mind the view, but Kyori soon realized that he was without clothing, and got dressed. Aeterna could smell the baked goods that were being made, and his stomach was growling slightly. This will be the first time he will have eaten in this body. He hoped it would be easier than learning how to walk again.

He moved to the edge of the bed, and tried to use his legs again. Though before he could stand Kyori was there to help him out of bed, and Aeterna smiled. He didn’t want to be helped, but he knew there was going to be no way he would be able to walk to well as of yet. He needed to use his legs in order for them to get back to normal. “Thank you, Kyori.” Was all he could say as his love helped him out of bed, and helped to dress himself. He wouldn’t allow himself to stay a invalent for long. As soon as everything was over he would begin his training. “Let’s go and enjoy breakfast.” Aeterna said with a smile as Kyori helped him to the Kitchen.

Amon knew what he was getting into, and to him Ocella was worth the pain he was going to feel as his Magic will be siphoned off by the Gnome. He sighed slightly as he handed the creature the ingredients. “I want a ring that is a silver band with the Icicle gem will be in the center of a crystal rose, there will be crystal vines embossed in the silver band. This is the ring I would like you to make. He said as he just looked at the crystalline creature. He just wanted to get this over with, and back to his love.

“Well, well. That sounds like a beautiful piece.” The creature chuckled as it took the ingredients, and placed them in its hand. He started to use its ability over the earth to fold the silver ingot into a silver band, he then placed the crystal in the center of the setting to and four silver prongs came up to entrap the stone. From there the crystal powder was compressed, and formed into a beautiful rose surrounding the Gem, and then the crystal powder embedded itself into the silver band creating the vines. The gnome used the rose hip to create a box for the bant to be placed in. Everything was said and done in a matter of minuets. The creature handed him the ring in the box. “Now for my payment!” The gnome said as it reached out its hand.

Taking the box he placed it in his pocket, and Amon then reached for the gnome’s hand. The moment the creature grabbed a hold of his hand he could feel his magical energy being forcefully drained from his very being. Amon's face contorted in pain, and he closed his eye as the gnome continued to eat his magical energy. As time passed he could feel that the creature was taking it;s time with the process. It was like it was enjoying seeing him suffer for asking for it’s help. He fell to his knees as the pain only intensified. It felt like someone was slowly peeling your skin off of you.

When the gnome had it’s fill it released Amon’s hand, and smiled. “Now Let's do this again sometime.” The gnome said as ti moved back into the summoning circle.”Now send me home.”It said as Amon touched the circle, and the creature vanished.

The gnome had taken a good portion of his magical energy, but he would soon recover, but for now he needed to get back to his wedding. He shook his head, and banished the pain from his body. He didn't have time to dilly dally. He walked outside, and through the illusion to the Ice wall he had come through. Once he walked through the ice sheet, it shattered into a million pieces, and he was back in his room. Then suddenly he could smell the wonderful goodies that someone had made, and he slowly made his way into the kitchen. He would need something to eat to help get his energy back.

Ryan took Joshua’s hand as they headed towards the kitchen. He smiled while he was around Joshua and alone, but as soon as they entered the kitchen, Ryan’s face became stern and he looked at the spread that was on the table. He couldn’t help but shy away from Dorian’s eyes as the god glanced over at them from the table. His legs were crossed and his eyes seemed to bore into the souls of those he looked at.

“Nice of you to join us,” Dorian said to all those who had arrived. Aeterna and Kyori arrived shortly after he spoke and Dorian smiled. “Ahh, son, I have to speak with you before you and Ocella leave today. Aeterna, if you need, I will train you and you will regain the control of your new body while Kyori and Ocella are away. Amon, Ryan I trust you are ready for your journeys as well?” Dorian questioned his eyes falling on the both of them. Ryan cleared his throat and nodded silently as he took a seat next to Joshua. Kyori looked at Dorian and sighed. Something had to have happened for him to want to talk to him before leaving.

“Yes sir,” Kyori said with a forced smile as he helped Aeterna sit before sitting across from him. “When is the wedding?” he asked Ocella and Amon after adjusting himself in the seat.

Joshua was happy that Ryan took his hand as they made their way down the hall to the kitchen. Then like clockwork his happy expression was replaced with his usual expression. Though he may have had a change of attitude, he was still the loving man that he had spent the night with. Looking to the table he smiled at all of the goodies, and kept his gaze fare from meeting Ocella’s gaze. He would have to offer his condolences, but not before she and Amon got married. He sat at the table after releasing Ryan's hand. He waited for him to sit next to him, but decided he should have a little to eat.

Aeterna had been helped down the hall to the kitchen. Most everyone was gathered, and eating. Kyori was addressed by Master Dorian, and there was business that he would need to attend to. Kyori helped him to the table, and Master Dorian spoke to him as well. He offered to help him get used to his new body, and train. “It would be an honor to be trained by you master Dorian. I need all the help I can get to get my body ready for the challenge ahead.” Aeterna said in a respectful tone as he bowed his head slightly. He took a muffin and began to eat it.

Amon walked into the room after everyone gathered, and he smiled at the new friends and family he now has. He was tired, but he was not going to show it. He walked over to Ocella and kissed her on the cheek. He had gotten the perfect ring, and he knew that it was the only gift he could give her that would match her beauty. Then he heard Dorian speak, and he had a weary smile on his face.”I am as ready as I can be. I have a feeling that no matter what you will never be truly prepared for the trial that we now face.” Amon said as he picked up a piece of bacon and took a seat. Kyori asked about the wedding, and when it will be held. Amon figured that Ocella would be the best person to answer that question.

One by one they had filtered into the room. First Master Dorian had arrived, followed by the others in each respective pair. The fact that Joshua and Ryan were holding hands did not escape her notice. She smiled gently at them, happy that they had found happiness as well. Kyori asked when the wedding was and Ocella sighed softly.

“After breakfast,” she answered, a forced smile on her face. It felt strange to know that she would be getting married and then attending funerals for her loved ones. In part, she was thrilled to be marrying the man that she had fallen head over heels for- but on the other side of things, none of her biological family that raised her would be there. Master Dorian had agreed to take the responsibility of handing her off to Amon, since her father had passed, as well as uniting them. He was the closest thing to a father figure that she had and she would be losing him soon too. It was a lot to take in at once, a lot to process and even more difficult to cope with.

Amon came in and kissed her cheek, to which her expression softened. She simply smiled, unable to offer much else in that moment. Her high from the night before was wearing down and exhaustion was hitting her once more as reality came crashing down on her. She had a lot to accomplish that day and it was overwhelming. She picked up a piece of banana bread and nibbled at it quietly while the others talked.

The breakfast was nice. Everyone seemed to enjoy each other’s company, though it was obvious someone was missing. Ryan, Kyori and Dorian ate silently for a moment while thinking. Kyori was thinking about the quest with Ocella and mastering his new form. He felt like a grim reaper with the kind of power he held. Vario was right, there was part of him that feared the power he possessed, causing him to hold back, and never really meld with it. It was interesting how easily the Rainbow Phoenix saw through his guise of weakness. Ryan didn’t look at anyone during the entire breakfast, instead he remained silent, though he did hold Joshua’s hand whenever possible, and a cute smile crossed his face every time their fingers touched.

When the breakfast finished, Dorian stood up and smiled.

“Ocella, Amon, I do believe it is time now,” he said, “but first let us clean the kitchen.”

When they had finished cleaning, Kyori helped Aeterna before Dorian approached him and smiled.

“A word?” he asked causing Kyori to nod. He only left Aeterna’s side when he knew the male was able to stand on his own. Kyori and Dorian walked out of the kitchen into a private area and Dorian turned around to face Kyori.

“Sir, what’s going on?” Kyori asked slowly unsure what this meeting was about. Dorian didn’t say anything, he merely handed the book to Kyori and sighed. Kyori flipped the book over a few times before realizing what he held. “You...you can’t be serious….. I… I can’t take this,” Kyori said as Dorian held up his hand.

“It is yours. I am trusting you with this book as I know you will find use for it more than I,” Dorian said with a smile, “Kyori why do you stifle yourself? Why do you hold back?”

Kyori lowered his head as he examined the book, listening to Dorian ask him the question.

“I...I don’t know, I guess I’ve always been humble and not wanting to confront the fact that I surpassed him,” Kyori said with a sigh.

“You remind me of someone, and when you fully realize who you are, that will be enough to do what is needed. Best be on your way to change for Ocella’s wedding,” Dorian replied causing Kyori to smile gently.

He moved towards the door before turning around. “Thank you,” he said as he exited the room leaving Dorian alone. He returned to Aeterna’s side.

Ryan looked at Joshua. “You wanna get dressed for the wedding?” he asked smiling at Ocella and throwing her a wink.

Ocella had been relatively quiet during the breakfast. Her high from the night before had faded rapidly and she found herself rather tired after having cooked such a large breakfast and then using her magic to make Amon’s ring. Master Dorian stood when everyone had finished eating, declaring that it was time for the wedding after dishes were cleaned. Ocella smiled softly and nodded, standing from her chair and smiling at Amon for a moment.

She joined the others at the sink and together they had washed all the dishes in a relatively short timeframe. She noticed others departing, Kyori went to speak with Master Dorian and she closed her eyes when she realized something. She didn’t have a dress, or anything dressy that would be appropriate for a wedding. She’d intended to wear her mission clothes to the funerals but hadn’t had time to give thought into what she would wear for the wedding.

She sighed at this thought and teleported to her room, sitting on her bed and pondering what to do. She was sad, for this wasn’t the wedding she’d had in mind as a little girl. She’d always envisioned her mother there by her side, supporting her throughout the entire process. She’d imagined having a small wedding, but having an actual venue that had been well planned out. She’d imagined her father walking her down the aisle, having a dress and looking fit for a wedding. Of course they were superficial thoughts and dreams, but that was before life had become so complicated.

She hadn’t even known Amon for a week and desperately hoped that his feelings for her were genuine, that he would never leave her. She hoped that she would survive this mission, that Kyori would survive it, that Amon would survive his… and that after the war they would actually have time to enjoy each other’s company. She looked up, realizing that small tears were falling down her cheeks. She had spent far more time sitting on the bed than she should have and sighed hopelessly.

“I miss you guys,” Ocella spoke softly to her family, looking up to the heavens. “I know that you’re still here, it just… isn’t the same,” she said, standing up and looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess, she had bags under her eyes and tear stains on her cheeks. She went to work brushing her hair and smoothing it out, wondering what to do with it. Should she simply wear her mission attire throughout the day? It was a part of her, she was a warrior and Amon had accepted that. Ocella opened her drawer and looked at the contents.

She saw various pieces of jewelry scattered neatly atop her dresser and looked over them. She did have a skirt that was a bold orange color, much like fire… but that wasn’t really fitting either. She lifted the skirt up and saw a blue one, to which she perked up a bit and pulled it out. It had a nice flow to it, silky soft material and a floral pattern towards the bottom. She smiled at it, wondering if she had a top to match it. With a little more digging she managed to find a ¾ sleeve shirt that had a white and blue floral pattern to it.

She knew that it would have to do for the time being and that it was better than her mission clothes. She undressed it haste and freshened up a moment before dressing in her wedding clothes. She wore a pair of flats, for she didn’t like heels and wanted to be comfortable. Finally she was ready, appearing as though nothing was ever wrong in the first place. In truth, deep down inside she wanted to curl up and cry. It was difficult to truly be happy, even if she was marrying the man that she loved, when she faced so much loss. She took in a deep breath and appeared in the kitchen, waiting for her father figure to arrive.

Joshua ate in silence since no one else was talking, and he would smile slightly every time Ryan would touch his hand. Each second their hands touched he was happier than he has ever been. Ryan and him are becoming closer, and he didn’t want that to end ever. No matter what happens, he will not let go of Ryan. As soon as breakfast was finished, Dorian mentioned they needed to get ready for the wedding, but they needed to clean up first.

After they finished cleaning, Ryan said it was time for them to get ready. He smiled, as he looked at Ryan. “I think it is time we got ready.” He said with a smile as he took Ryan’s hand, and began to walk back to his room. But before they got too far Amon spoke up. Asking to speak with Ryan. “I will meet you in the room. Looks like your brother needs you.” Josh said as he kissed the back of Ryan’s hand, and turned to walk away.

Amon knew that something was wrong. The one man that treated him like a father was missing. Auro was the only thing missing in this his happiest moment of his life. He ate in quiet remembrance of the one man that would not be here for him. Although his brother will at least be there for him. He smiled slightly as he knew at least one person will be there for him, but Ocella had no one related to her to be there. He felt bad about that. He knew that at least she had her other family to help her through this. He knew the time was coming to finally become Ocella’s family. The time was quickly approaching, as soon as breakfast was done, he helped the others clean the kitchen.

As everyone was getting ready to leave to get ready for the wedding, he saw that Ryan and Josh were beginning to leave, but he wanted to talk toy Ryan before he got too far. “Brother. Can I have a word with you?” Amon asked as he wanted Ryan to be his best man. “Ryan Would you please be my best man? You are the only one here that is my family, and I want you to be a part of this happy occasion.” Amon said with a smile as he reached into his pocket, and pulled out the ring box. To hand it to his brother.

Ryan stopped walking when Amon asked to speak to him. After Joshua kissed the back of his hand, Ryan turned around and looked at his brother with a genuine smile. It was odd to see it on him, but he had it. He listened to Amon ask him to be his best man and at first Ryan wasn’t sure, but as Amon continued to give his reasoning, Ryan fought back tears. He understood why he was being asked. Their “father” was gone and they were the only family they had. He reached out and took the ring box before running a thumb over the box and looking at Amon.

“I’ll guard it with my life,” Ryan said as he took a step forward, “You’re going to make a great husband, I can see how happy she makes you. Cherish every moment,” he said softly as he placed a soft hand on Amon’s shoulder before turning and leaving the room to prepare for the wedding.

Aeterna was not too every on his feet, so he was unsure let to help with the clean up after breakfast. He was not happy about being so helpless. He needed to get his body back to normal as soon as he can. He was not going to be a hindrance too much longer. Kyori helped him up and made sure that he was stable before he accompanied Master Dorian to a separate room. He just waited for his love, because he knew if he moved he would not be able to stand.

When he returned he saw the book in his hands, but choose to say nothing about it. “Let's get ready for Ocella's and Amon's wedding. We need a happy occasion amongst the chaos of our current lives. Besides Ocella needs someone that loves her unconditional, and Amon seems the perfect person for her.” Aeterna said with a smile as Kyori helped him back to his room to get ready.

Joshua waited in his room for Ryan to arrive, and he smiled as his boyfriend walked through the door. He stood up from the bed as Ryan approached, but Ryan must had had other plans. He pushed Joshua back on the bed and began to ravish him, and Joshua returned the attention. They wouldn't be late, but no sense not having a little fun before the wedding.

05-04-2017, 03:02 PM
Many things have happened in the short hours of the day. Amon went to his wedding, and he exchanged vows with his lovely wife. He attended the funeral of the ones his wife called family, and he would never be able to meet them. He did wonder if they would have accepted him into their family if they knew his heritage. Would they have let him love their daughter as he did without persecution? So many thoughts were running through his head, but knew he would never get the answer to those questions. All he could do was know in his heart that no matter what they might have thought of him he was accepted by Ocella, and that is all that mattered. She was now hi life, and that wouldn’t change.

Amon was getting ready to make the trip to the Southern Island to the Iferiom Desert to retrieve what the gods so graciously granted him. The power to take his revenge against Samael and those people that betrayed him. He would make them repent for the deeds they have done. He closed his eyes and cleared his mind. He knew the journey ahead of his was going to be a long and tortuous path, and he needed to be in the right state of mind before going. He couldn't allow his anger to get the best of him. Taking deep breaths and allowing his mind to clear he was ready to go in a matter of minuets.

As soon as he was ready he walked over to the wall, and chanted his spell that allowed him to travel through a portal of ice. Walking through the mirror like surface that appeared before him he found on the other side an unforgiving desert that looked as if it stretched out for miles. Dorian didn’t give him any true clue as to what he was going to be looking for in this desert, other than a sacred weapon was awaiting him. Was he truly ready for the task at hand?This was something else that plagued his mind since he found out about this trial. He wasn’t strong enough to help at all during the fight with Samael and he was useless to stop his magic. Would he be strong enough to pass this trial, and return to Ocella’s side?

Amon had to shake his head ad once again banish the negative thoughts. He was going to return to Ocella. He was not going to leaver her alone in this world. He thought as he looked down at the stone ring that she forged for him. An Eternal reminder of the love that they shared. He then looked at the never ending desert, and took his first step into the trial he was about to face. He was going to face this head on and without doubt. He will succeed in his mission, and return to Ocella’s side. He wouldn't let anything stand in his way.

He took his first of many steps into the desert. He still had his doubts, but he will not falter in his mission. As time marched by, and the sun had started to set, Amon was trying to continue to push himself through the desert. He knew he didn’t have time to wait till the sun set. He needed to find his weapon as soon as he could. Though he was regretting starting out in the middle of the day. He was tired, and the heat had gotten to him. He is still half ice demon, and the heat from the desert had caused him to weaken. Collapsing from the heat of the day, as the sun was setting he fell to sleep. Not knowing if he would awaken.

Then he heard a male voice calling to him. Forcing him to awaken he pushed himself off the sand and looked around for the voice that was calling him. Though he didn’t see a soul around the moon was high in the sky, and illuminated the desert around him. That sand glittered like crystal under the moonlight. The cooler weather helped him recover from the heat, and it didn’t take him long before he was back on his feet. However the voice came to him again. Beckoning him to follow. Amon was unsure of the voice, but it sounded like it was trying to help him. So instead of being stubborn, he followed the voice as it led him to an oasis in the center of the desert. The moment he smelt the water on the air he ran towards the oasis. The cool water was needed, and he jumped into the water. It cooled his body temperature back to normal, and he finally felt like himself once more.

Getting out of the water he just looked to the moon and smiled. “If I knew it was going to take this long, I would have never started this journey in the middle of the day!” He said mostly to himself. As he closed his eyes and just allowed himself a moment to rest. Though the voice from earlier had different plans for him. “Come to us!!” the voice echoed once again around him. Amon opened his eyes and looked around. The voice was almost familiar, but yet he knew he had never heard the voice before. Though now that he thought about it it sounded like two different voices speaking in harmony with one another. He still didn’t know who was calling to him, but he needed to find out. These voices are what saved his life, and they wanted him to find them.

Looking around the area he didn’t see any sort of cave, or temple of any kind so he figured that he would need to go deeper into the desert to find this mysterious voice, and the weapon he was needing to find. Amon walked over to the water and knelt down so he could at least get one more drink before he began walking again, the oasis was deep, and you could see to the bottom of the clear waters. However, something at the bottom of the water caught Amon’s attention, and he just stared at the object. It looked like it was a temple under the water. Though it was deep under the surface, and it would take a bit to swim to. Amon let out a small sigh as he knew it was not going to be easy to reach that temple, but a voice inside of him told him that is where he was meant to go.

Using his magic to cast a wind spell around him that would turn the water into air as he needed it he dived into the water. Swimming down to the bottom of the water hole. However, it was deeper than even he could have imagined, and his muscles were screaming with every stroke, and he was only about half way there. Then suddenly the currant changed, and he was being dragged towards the temple. This caused him to lose concentration on his spell, and the water surrounded him. The crushing weight of the water and the speed that he was moving towards the temple caused the pressure around his lungs to change, and forced all of the air out of his lungs,

Amons lungs started to burn because of the lack of oxygen, and even his eyes were beginning to blur as he was losing consciousness. However, right before his vision turned completely black suddenly the pressure was gone, and he was able to breath once more. Coughing and gagging as he tried to catch his breath the feel of the oxygen finning his lungs, and circulating through his body was a relief. As soon as he was able to breath a little normally he looked around at where he was. The walls of the temple were white, and had angelic symbols on one side, and on the other the wall was black, and had demonic symbols on it. Then the roof was gray representing the space that neither side was to cross. Amon looked around in aw at the surrounding area He was still in the water, but a pool that existed inside of the temple. As soon as his arms and legs stopped aching, he pulled himself out of the water, and into the hall. Walking slowly down the corridor since he was looking at all of the symbols and how neither the dar nor the light touched.

At the end of the hall it split in two different directions. One of light and one of darkness. The voices returned to him.”Choose your path young one.” They said once more in unison. However, Amon was having a difficult time choosing. For neither the light nor the dark were who he was. “How am I to choose a path? I am neither an angel, nor a demon.?” He asked the voices as he hoped for an answer, but the only thing that was said was for him to choose a path. Amon only could sigh at the response, but he had to choose. He just hoped that he will have choosen the right path. He walked down the corridor of light. As the male voice spoke up. “The light illuminates the path to which you walk, but remember not all light is righteous.”

Amon was confused over these words, but it soon became obvious by what the voice meant. Suddenly the path that was the corridor of light became a death trap. One trap after another opened up in front of him. First it was a pitfall that opened up underneath him. Luckily for him he was able to jump at the last moment and land on the opposite side of the trap door. As he was trying to catch his breath suddenly arrows flew from one side of the wall to the other in an attempt to kill the young man. He was able to jump out of the way, but one of the arrows was able to cut his side. The Laceration was not deep, but it did hurt’ Blood ran from his laceration as he stood up and made his way down the hall once more.

By the time he made it to the end of the corridor he had run into seven other traps, and he was bleeding from five different locations. Amon was in the tripod position trying to catch his breath from having to avoid all of the traps. Blood was dripping on the floor from the cut on his face right beside his right ear, and the rest of the injuries just had to be on his chest and abdomen. Though he was lucky and none of the injuries were serious. As soon as he caught his breath Amon looked at the door that now barred his path. Walking up to the door there was angelic writing on the door, but he was unable to read the script.

With curiosity he touched the symbols that were written in light with one another like they were meant to be read in order. He was not versed in the angelic language that was written on the wall, but Amon curiously touched the symbols. The symbols on the wall began to glow and suddenly he felt a pull on his magical power as tentacles wrapped themselves around his hand. It almost felt like the symbols were trying to probe his magical power to see who he was. Then as suddenly as the magi began to probe him it suddenly stopped, and once he was released the wall moved revealing another hall that led deeper into the temple. Amon had no choice but to go deeper into the temple.

However, luckily for him the new path was void of traps. Though he suddenly felt like he was being watched though there was not a sole around. He continued to walk till he reached the end of the hall, and into a room that was large, and had nothing to decorate it with. Nothing more than an empty room greeted him, and he was frustrated by the discovery. “What in the world is going on?” He asked to the empty room as he just walked to the center of the room. Looking around for something that would give him an idea of what he was to do next. However, nothing came, and he just stood there trying to calm himself. He had been through so much already that he was getting frustrated over this little set back. He closed his eyes, and breathed slowly. Calming his nerves.

“Well it is about time you got here young warrior. I have been waiting for such a long time.” the mail voice said as footsteps could be heard coming down the hall that Amon just came through. A beautiful young man with long blond hair and sky blue eyes walked into the room. He was wearing a white dress suite with a red pendant around his neck.

Amon turned around and looked at the man with a shocked look on his face. The man hand a holy atmosphere around him, and looked to be an angel. Though looks can deceive the unknowing. “You have been waiting for me? Why?” Amon asked as the man continued to approach him.

A light chuckle left his throat as he just continued to walk towards the man he had been waiting for to one day show up in this temple. “Well there are many reasons that I have been wanting to see you. Though you may not remember me, but your blood does. For you are not one that should exist. You were born between the union of an Angel and a Demon.” the strange Angel said as he finally reached Amon’s side. He placed a hand on his shoulder as a smile formed on his face. “You are your mother son. You even have her eyes, but looks like you took after me on the mouth.” He said with a smile in his voice. “Looks like you grew to be a fine young man. Though it seems like you grew up without a loving family. For that I am truly sorry.”

Amon was taken back by the words of the man before him spoke. Was this man truly his father? Was this just a trick to get him to let down his guard? Can he trust the words this man spoke? So many questions ran through Amon’s head, but none of them were registering at the moment. His rational mind was clouded by his emotions. Tears fell down his face as he looked the man in the eyes. For some reason he believed this man, and couldn't hold back his emotions. This was almost more than he could bear.

Before Amon could speak the man smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek. “We didn’t want you to have to live without parents, but we were unable to keep us both hidden. You were so young when they came to kill the traitor. I took you and ran into the forest while your mother fought them. See we had a plan. To fake our deaths, and raise you together. I hoped that it would work, but inthe end the Archangel Metatron found me as I was running. I was able to fight him off, and make a break for it, but I had to hide you. So I found a place and left you there placing a spell on that location to hide you, and drew his attention away from you. Unfortunately I was injured from protecting you from my brother, and I was no match for him in that state. I fell to his blade. All I could hope was that someone would find you watch over you and raise you.” The angel said as he grabbed a hold of Amon and hugged his son for the first time. “But please don’t hold a grudge against them. They were doing what they thought was right at the time. To them and the Pantheon as well. You were considered an abomination, and they didn’t want you to live. But me and your mother wanted nothing more than you to live, and go on to raise a family of your own.” The Angel said as he lovingly patted Amon on the back. The young man hadn’t stopped crying as of yet.

The tears wouldn't stop as Amon was hugged by his father. The warmth of his touch was welcome. He always wondered what it would feel like to have his father hug him. After hearing his words Amon pushed himself away from his father, and smiled. “I am past getting revenge. In fact I just got married to a half angel the daughter of Raziel. We are planning to have a big happy family once this is all over. Besides I have found that revenge gets you no satisfaction. Auro taught me that.” Amon said with a smile has he looked at his father, but he knew that this was part of the trial to get his weapon. He wondered why his father was here.

“I know you are part of the trial that I have to face, but why are you the one meeting me here? I would love to stay but…”

“My son. You are sharp. The weapons that you will be retrieving are mine and your mothers. We both used daggers in battle. We are actually the ones that made this temple, and placed on of each of your weapons here. Just in case one day if we weren't there you would inherit our power. For you see I was the Archangel Uriel, and your mother was an high ranking demon. We wanted you to have our weapons, and looks like our wish was granted. However, there are many traps that will bar your way. We did that so not just anyone can get the weapons.” Uriel said as he smiled at Amon. “So what name did they give you?”

Amon was right, and knew there was more to this meeting than just seeing his father for the first time. Though this was going to be short, at least he was able to finally meet his father.”The name the warlock blessed me with was Amon. What was the name you gave me?”

Uriel laughed as Amon introduced himself. He was happy that at least his son grew up with a name. “We called you Letum, but Amon suits you better than the name we gave you.” Uriel said with a smile as he knew that their time was coming to an end. “I don’t have too much more time. You need to prove your worth before my time runs out. Then you will receive the key to move forward.” Uriel said as he took a fighting stance, as a single energy dagger appeared in his hand. “Come at me with everything you have!”

And here was the catch that Amon feared. He was going to have to fight his father in order to move on. He didn’t want to fight him, but he knew he needed to get the weapons that were left behind for him. “The name you gave me will forever be in my heart as will yours, and I will show you my worth father.” Amon said as he took a fighting stance as well he pulled out his daggers as well. Amon attacked first.

As the two fought Amon was having a hard time keeping up with his father. They were even in strength, but Uriel was faster than Amon. Each time their blades clashed sparks could be seen, but Amon was only able to block about fifty percent of the blows. The others connected, or he tried to dodge them. By the time everything was said and done Amon was covered in lacerations, and Uriel had not a scratch on him. Though Amon never surrendered nor did he give up. However, time had ran out, and Uriel looked at his son.

“You passed the test. You were overpowered yet you never surrendered. You may have my key” Uriel said as he handed the energy dagger to his son, as Amon took the dagger Uriel spoke once more. “This is my key. Now go and find your true power my son.”Uriel body began to turn into dirt. “Just remember one thing. I love you with all of my heart, and hope that you continue to be happy.” Uriel finished as his body completely fell apart turning into a pile of earth. As soon as his forum was no more a door appeared at the back of the room.

Amon walked up to the door, and opened it, and he was instantly transported back to the hall where he had to choose a path. Amon knew going down the same path twice would be a waste of time. So his next path was the dark hall that looked void of all light. Well not all light. The symbols glow with a purple hue. He wanted to take a break he was tired, but he knew that he needed to get this done as soon as he could. So pushing past his exhaustion, and the blood loss from all of his injuries he had placing the light dagger in his robes he walked down the hall. Hoping that he wouldn’t have too many traps to avoid.

Amon was even more cautiously going down the hall since there was no light to speak of to be able to see if there was any traps. The deeper Amon walked down the hall nothing happened, there was not a single trap to be found. Amon was confused about this as he continued down the hall with little caution now. He didn’t know what was going on until it was too late. The amount was miniscule, but after time it would show signs. Amon was feeling sluggish, not from the blood loss, but from his magical energies being drained. Once Amon realized this he quickly ran down the hall to try and escape the power that was draining him.

He was able to get down the hall quickly, but Amon had lost at least half of his magical energy. By The time he had gotten there and safely away from the dark symbols. He leaned against the wall that was like the wall down the white path, and he slid down it resting on the ground. This trial to get this weapon was taking a toll on his body. He was tired and wanted nothing more than to take a nap, but knew the didn’t have time for such things. He wanted to get back to the others stronger, and spend more time with his love and wife Ocella. Breathing in and out slowly to allow himself to concentrate, and once he was ready he forced his body to stand once more using the wall to help him.

Once he Amon was back on his feet he looked to the wall, and saw more symbols that he was unable to read. Proceeding to do the exact same thing he did before by placing his hand on the symbols. However, this time something different happened. This time a severe cold ran through his body that would have frozen any normal person, but lucky for him he was accustomed to the cold. So it didn't effect him in the slightest, as soon as the cold energy stopped the door slid open and Amon made his way down the hall.

He was becoming accustomed to the way this temple works. Even though he was not expecting the next person he would meet to be his mother, but he hoped with all of his heart that it would be. Looking around the dark room that was a mirror image of the other room just colored in a dark hue. He waited in the center of the room for what was to come next. However, he was not expecting for someone to wrap their arms around him from the back, and embraced him lovingly. He looked down and saw pale blue skin, and knew it must have been his mother.

“Finally I get to hold you in my arms my boy. I am so sorry that I had to abandon you. I wish we would have been able to live and raise you as our son.” The female voice said she squeezed Amon before letting him go and turning him around to see his face. She smiled but has tears running down her face. She looked at her son seeing the man he grew up to be.

When Amon turned around he saw a beautiful woman with blue skin, and long blue hair. She was extremely beautiful a little shorter than him, and her eyes were just like his. There was no doubt that she was his mother. Amon could tell that she was upset about what she had to do. He smiled and placed his hand lovingly on her face. “You and father were not to blame for what happened. So don’t fret over the outcome.” Amon said as he smiled at her. He was not concerned with the past. His mother and father did what they could to protect him.

“We wanted to raise you out of the war. So you could have a chance of a peaceful life. Though Raziel was able to find us after you were born. So many things happened, I had to fake my death to protect you and your father, but in the end Uriel was killed. I knew that I couldn't go back for you. I am so sorry about that. I was able to stay in hiding for several years and even had a second son. Ryan. He was such a special child as well and I was able to raise him till I was found by a man that wanted you. He had been hunting me down to find the nephilim child. Telling Ryan to hide, and if anything happened to me to find you and protect you.” She said as his mother backed away from him. “I was not strong enough to beat him, but I didn't go down without a fight.powerful Abyssal demon, and I don’t know why he wanted you, but he did. I hope that you and your brother have a test found one another.” She said as her eyes never left Amons.

His mother's eyes were filled with kindness, love, and concern as she spoke. Amon could understand her situation. He couldn't blame either of them. “Mother Mr and Ryan found one another just recently, and I found a person that I am going to spend the rest of my life with. Even Ryan has found love. So don't worry about us. We are a family, and nothing will come in between us. You and father and rest assure that we will.” Amon said as he took a step back. “Could you tell me your name. So I can at least know the woman that brought me into this world? My given name is Amon.”

The woman chuckled slightly at Amon. She was not surprised that the name they had given Amon was not the name he was called, but his current name was her father's name. For some reason it fit him. “It is interesting that you name is that of my father. Whoever raised you had good taste.” She said with a smile as then she took a couple of steps forward. Embracing her son in a loving hug once more. “My name is Astaroth first daughter of the Keria clan, and you and Ryan are my son’s.” she said as her face turned serious. She knew what she must do even though she really didn't want to.

“A test you must pass to get to the weapons that you seek. You are my son but you still have to prove yourself worthy of my blade.” Astaroth said as a dark energy blade appeared in her hand. Suddenly a cold chill filled the room as she used her power over ice to freeze the room.

Amon was happy that he now knew the names of his parents. Now he knew more about his heritage and for the he was grateful. He would never forget his parents sacrifice for him. It was time.to take his mother's test, and Amon could.tell that she really didn't want to do this, just like Uriel, but it must be done. “I will pass your test, and claim the power you both left for me. I love you both, and your memories will never die.” He said as he took a defensive position as his daggers appeared in his hands. If this was anything like his fight with his father it was not going to be easy.

As they clashed blades with one another it was exactly the same as fighting his father. Down to the fighting style. Amon though this was odd, but continued to fight nonetheless. He was getting tired, and making mistakes as each blow he encountered was either blocked, dodged, or connected with his body. By the time this fight was completed he was in bad shape. He was on the ground with even more places he was bleeding from, and he was barely able to pick himself up. Looking up to his mother she smiled.

“You passed the test my son. Take my key and go forth to claim the power that belongs to you.” She said as he body started to decompose like his father before her. “I will always love you my son.” Astaroth said as she set the dagger down, and her body completely fell apart. Amon just laid there for a moment as he gathered his thoughts, and used and Ice spell to coat each of his injuries in a layer of ice to keep them from bleeding any more. He rested for a bit before he stood up from the ground, and picked up the dagger. He moved to the back wall where their was a door, and he walked through it.

Entering a completely different room. Inside of the room was three sets of statues. Each set consisted of an angel and a demon in different poses. The first set on the right was a depiction of the two statues fighting. The second set in the center was the two looking like they were surrendering something to one another. The last set on the left looked as if the demon is surrendering to the angel in defeat.

Amon was a little confused by the statutes, but each of them looked as if they were holding daggers. He figured that he would give it a shot and examined each statue as best he could in the condition he was in. He thought about his parents, and he looked to the center statue. Where the two were offering something to one another. He walked over to the statue, and placed the dark dagger that he was holding in the hands of the demon, and pulled out the light dagger from his robs placing it in the hands of the angel. Once the two daggers were in place the statute separated and turned to face Amon. The daggers disappeared, and a secret panel opened up and revealed two daggers. One was a white dagger with an crystal gem in the hilt, and a black dagger wit a red gem in the hilt.

Reaching for the daggers they came to life and shot up into the air, from there they flew into Amon’s chest, stabbing him. But instead of doing damage the fused themselves into his body, and the tattoos on his arms changed slightly to accommodate a tattoo of one dagger on each forearm. Feeling the power of the daggers inside of himself he placed a hand on his chest feeling a warm sensation. Some of his energy returned, but he was not where close to his full strength. Closing his eyes Amon just stood there for a moment. However, he heard someone clapping and opened his eyes to look in the direction of the noise his eyes widening as he saw who was approaching.

Etrama had a wicked smile on his face as he clapped and walked out of the hall that Amon had previously came through. Looking at the weekend man in front of him. He had great plans for this nephilim. In fact he was essential to his master's plan of bringing back the God of Destruction. Etrama stopped only five feet from Amon as the nephilim looked at him in surprise. Eterna guessed that Amon was not expecting to see him so soon.

“Well, well. Looks like Auro’s secret little pet has had a rough day.”

“What are you doing here traitor?”

Etrama chuckled as he took a step towards Amon. “I am here to collect an important ingredient to further my master Samuel's plans. I had to make sure that you were strong enough for the task at hand. By the way did you like meeting your parents?” Etrama said as his malicious smile grew. The trial was not meant to be this intense, but he ‘modified’ things to go his way.

Amon was about to take a step back but Etrama’s words caught him off guard. Was he being manipulated from the beginning? Were those his real parents? Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he stared directly into his nemesis eyes. “What did you do you snake?”

The Necromancer started to walk around Amon as he explained his master plan. “Well it is quite simple. I used the spirits of your mother and father to weaken you both physically and magically. I didn't want too much of a fight when I confronted you after receiving the blessing of the weapons you now possess. Besides. Didn’t you enjoy talking to the people that brought you into this world? I thought it would be a fitting way to say thank you for what you are about to do for me.” Etrama said as he raised his hand showing a spirit flame within his grasp. Placing the flame inside of himself he absorbed a spirit of the storm. Giving him control over the weather. He the sent a blade of wind towards Amon.

An angered look flashed across Amon’s face as the blasted necromancer spoke of his parents souls like they were his playthings. However, he was not prepared for the gust of wing that came towards him, and he was barely able to dodge the blade. Amon knew he was in no condition to fight, but he also knew that there was no way for him to escape. A single tear fell down his face as he thought about Ocella, and how he was probably never going to see her again. In fact if he was unable to win this fight he would take his own life to keep her safe. “I am sorry Ocella.” he whispered under his breath as he took a defencive stance. He readied himself for the fight ahead, but he was not going to use his new weapons. He didn’t know the stress they would put on his body.

Etrama was not surprised that Amon was able to dodger the wind blade. It only made what he was about to do even more fun. The time came to put this nephilim in his place. Raising his hand he sent seven more blades of wind in Amons direction. While he just stood there looking at his target.

Amon was able to dodge five of the blades of wind by moving ever so slightly to the right, but two of the blades were sent on a different course. Both blade cut deep into him. One cut into his left thigh, and the second in his right side. A scream cut through the air as Amon grabbed his side and fell to the ground. The injuries were severe in nature, but Amon refused to surrender to the pain. He was tired, but he was not going to give up this fight. Speaking under his breath he chanted a powerful fire spell that took the form of arrows. Lifting himself up he thrust his hand forward as the arrows shot out from it aiming at Etrama.

As the arrows flew towards him Etrama smiled as he just used his power over wind to change the arrows course. The flames stick into the sides of the temple on either side of him. He just continued smiling as he slowly approached the nephilim. “In your current state you are no match for me. Just surrender yourself to Master Samael.” Etrama said in a sly voice as he continued to walk towards Amon.

His eyes were wide as none of the arrows connected with their target. He knew the fight would be difficult to impossible to win. However, he didn’t think it would be this one sided. Was he currently weaker than he thought? At this rate he would not be able to do much of anything. Closing his eyes he looked to the ceiling of the temple. He was glad he was able to spend at least one night with the woman he loved. Taking out one of his daggers he prepared to stab himself. He was not going to become this madman's play toy. He brought the dagger towards his chest, but before the blade could penetrate his chest he felt a strong grip on his sword arm, and the hand holding the dagger.

“You are not going to kill yourself. You will serve a higher purpose. Besides you are such a rare creature.” Etrama said as he pulled the dagger from Amon’s grasp and threw it down the hall. An electrical current surrounded Etrama’s body, and he transferred this current into Amon’s body. A blood curdling scream could be heard throughout the temple. As Amon struggled against the stream of electrical energy. But alas his body gave out before his will, and he passed out from the strain. A sadistic laugh could be heard as Etrama let go of the young Nephilim and looked down at him as he laid unconscious on the floor. “You will be a great present for Master Samael.” He said as he picked up Amon and reported to Samael’s base of operations via a portal that lead through the spirit world.

05-04-2017, 11:13 PM
After everything was said and done, and the wedding and funerals went off without a hitch he had no time to talk to Ocella about how her family's death, nor was he able to spend any time with his friends or his lover. They all had to go their separate ways to complete the missions they needed to in order to be able to defeat Samael. Even Ryan had to go looking for his weapon, and now Joshua was sitting on his bed looking at the green orb that was within his hands. He had no idea how he was going to get his weapon out of the, and the information that was left behind by Auro was not helping.

Frustration filled his being as he threw himself back onto the bed he closed his eyes as he tried to think of a way to get the weapon out, but nothing came to him. He let his mind wander, and soon sleep took over his senses.

Inside of the dream world he was back in the place where the woman that captured, and played her little mind games with him. Though she was not there the orb was floating in the same spot it had been. Josh walked up to the orb to take it into his hands once more, but this time something different happened. The orb shot out tentacles that pierced his body, and one of the tentacle pierced his heart. Suddenly a strange sensation overtook his body as he could feel the tentacle pulling his energy out of his body. Screaming in pain as it continued its work Joshua was trying to pull the tentacles out of his body but to no avail. Then out of nowhere a female voice came into his mind. “Come to the forgotten continent, and you shall find what you are seeking.” the voice said, but that didn’t wake him up. The orb was taking his life from him, and as his body grew weaker his eyes began to close. The world around him slowly faded to the darkness.

As his eyes popped open and his breathing was quick and labored as he looked around the dark room with panic in his eyes as if he was expecting to see the afterlife, but he quickly realized he was still alive, and in his room. The dream was so vivid; he could almost still feel the tentacles in his skin. A little shaken up he looked over at the green gem, and reluctantly touched it. Nothing happened, and Josh gave a sigh of relief. Though something in the back of his head was nagging him to follow the advice of the female voice. “The forgotten Continent hm. Well I guess I have no other leads. Though why in the world go to that accursed island?” He questioned himself a he got up off of the bed, and made his way out of the room.

By the time he was outside A good portion of the day had passed, and the sun was starting to get ready to surrender to the moon. Only a couple of hours remained of the day, and Josh knew he needed to reach the island as soon as he could. He didn’t want to flying around at night in that place. Rolling his shoulders, he transformed into his dragon form taking to the skies with one flap of his wings. Breaking through the canopy of trees he quickly flew in the direction of the Forgotten Continent. Not taking the time to tell anyone where he was going, nor how long he might be gone.

As he flew through the sky he remembered an old story he heard from his grandparents growing up about the island, and why it had been abandoned for over a thousand years. The story always sent chills down his spine every time he heard it and remembered it. Though now was not the time to remember this story. He needed to get there as soon as possible.

As he flew across the sky clouds began to gather around him as he got closer to the island. The day transformed into night the closer he got the accursed island. He hoped that this was the right thing to do since no living creature has stepped foot on the land of Azeroth in a thousand years. Thus the reason it is known as the forgotten continent. Josh flew Low so that he could get a look at the dead island before he was going to land. He wanted to know a little bit about what he was getting himself into. All signs of life we're gone from the island. Not even a single animal scurried along the ground, nor was there wasn't any living plants to Grace the ground. The only thing Josh could see was skeletons, and the shells of what was left of the plant life. The wooden houses were dilapidated and returning to the earth. The only building the was still standing was a Stone Temple in the center of the village.

Sighing Joshua decided that he would at least look around for maybe a clue as to what he would need to do to get the gem to relinquish his weapon. Landing inside of the village he transformed back into his human form as he looked around at the destruction of the village. If he remembered right one-day powerful demon appeared in the village during a festival they were having in their God's name, and the people didn't bow to the demon, so it cursed the land, and the people. To slowly disappear from the land and for their spirits to forever be trapped in limbo. Josh shuttered at the thought of what those words meant. He didn't want to have to deal with seeing ghosts. He walked through what was left of the village, looking for some kind of clue as to what the voice was talking about. The street was littered with garbage and plants that have petrified. A saddened look crossed his face as he took in the horror the people must have felt as they slowly withered away. The silent streets gave Josh the chills as he walked to the only building that might have a clue as to what he was looking for.

As he walked up the stairs that led to the top of the temple he suddenly got the feeling like someone was watching him. Josh quickly turned around looking everywhere, but there was not a soul in sight. Though something was making the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Not wanting to dilly dally in this place much longer he quickly made his way up the rest of the stares and to the door. However, it was shut and there was no way to get in. This was beginning to get on his nerves. “What in the hell did you bring me here for.” Josh said in a loud voice as he pulled the green gem from his pocket, and looked into it expecting an answer. He stared deep into the crystal as the darkness around him grew a little brighter with the moon making her presence known.

“If you are seeking answers then you headed the call. You must be ready to face the final trial to obtain that which you seek. Though are you truly ready for the task at hand?” the female voice said as she walked up the stairs to meet with the young warrior she toyed with in the caves.

The female voice caught his attention he quickly turned around and saw that it was the woman that was protecting the gem that he was holding. He backed up against the door as she approached. He was not truly afraid of her, but he was afraid of what she might do.

The female warrior smiled at the reaction the young sound dragon gave her. It was to be expected with her treatment of him when he came to seek the soul gem. Though that was not is real name or purpose, and what the young warrior went through was nothing compared to the trial he would have to face next. “You fear the wrong person. You should be fearing what you must do in order to be able to retrieve what you seek from the stone.” She said as she stood in front of him not letting him run from her. “Are you truly ready for what you must do next?” She questioned as she grabbed a hold of Joshua's arm that held the stone.

Not moving a muscle as the woman approached him, well in all actuality for some reason he was on able to move. Was it fear that held him in place or was it something else entirely. As she spoke he had no choice but to listen. As she got closer and closer, when she grabbed his arm he was able to move once more, but didn't budge. Was she speaking the truth? Will the trial ahead lead him to fear, and possibly more? Shaking his head as her smile unnerved him. “Who are you, and what in the world…” but before he could finish his question she interrupted him.

“Answer the question, and all will be revealed!”

Joshua was not a bit pleased with the fact the woman wouldn't let him finish his questions, and didn't answer them either. Not liking her to begin with because of her treatment of him he was about to tell her to go to hell, but something told him he wouldn't be able to retrieve his weapon without her help. So he swallowed his pride, and looked her in the eyes. “I will go through any hardship to protect that which is important to me. So let's get this over with so I can have the power to protect my friends.” Josh said as he didn't falter in his resolve. He will get his weapon and then make Samuel pay for what he has put his friends through.

“Very well. My name is Kayra, and I will be your guide through your second trial. It will take more than determination to pass this test. You better prepare for what you might have to face. Because once you start the trial you will not be able to stop it. You will either retrieve your weapon, or die trying. So I will ask one more time. Are you ready for the road that is ahead of you?” Kayra said in a neutral tone. As she stared into his eyes looking deep into his soul.

Josh was unnerved by Kayra’s words. She seemed to be as heartless as the last time he dealt with her. As she spoke he could tell she was looking I to his very soul, and it was like she was trying to judge him worthy. He fidgeted slightly under her gaze as he just looked back into her eyes. He was not confident in his ability to pass the test but he would never know unless he tried. “I may not be ready for this task, but I will not back down from the task at hand. I would rather die before not even trying. So let's get this started, and we will see if I break or not.” Josh said in a confident voice even though he was not nearly as confident as he sounded.

Kayra continued to look into his soul and she could tell that he might not be ready for this journey at all long before he started it with words. This young dragon would need all the help he could get to pass this trial. She would help him, but there was thing she was not allowed to do. “Well you are not ready, but there is no time to get you ready. So shall we get going then.” Kayra said as she stepped to the side and placed a hand on the temple door. The stone slab glowed slightly and then started to slide open. “The path that lies beyond this door will take us deep into the dead city. You will face many trials, and you must complete them to gain the power to open the gem. Now let's get going. I will be your guide.” Kayra stated as she walked through the door.

Josh was not too thrilled to have Kayra being his guide since she is the one that almost killed him, and played with his mind. However, he figured he had no choice in the matter. So he watched as the stone door opened, and the female warrior led him into the temple. The stone slab closed behind them, and touches immediately lit themselves along the wall. It created eerie shadows along their path, but Joshua continued to follow Kayra without saying a word. He had many questions, but they almost seemed unimportant at the moment. He was trying to keep his calm as they descended the stairs.

“Many a warrior has tried to claim that weapon as their own, and many have failed to get past the first trial. I am the guardian of this weapon, and not just anyone will be able to unlock it power. First you need to be choose, second you need to have the fortitude to pass the tests. Only then will the weapon you seek become yours.” Kayra said as they continued their descent. “There are four trials that you must face. Each of the trials will be different, and you will have to figure out the right path. You must pass each test without fail. For if you fail the cost will be your life.” Kayra said as they approached a door. “Here is your first trial. Touch the door, and face your destiny. Though you must face this trial o your own.”

Josh didn’t say a word as they descended and Kayra spoke. He listened to her words, and just shook his head. “If she was the first trial. I know why no one has passed it.” Shaking his head to banish the thoughts he was having the continued to heed her words. It didn’t make much sense, but he guessed that he would just have to do what he could. “If one's life is on the line then they try harder. You can be assured that I don’t want to die, so I will give these trials my all.” Josh said as they reached the first door. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves he pressed his hand against the door. The door slid open and the room was dark. Josh stepped through the door only to have the slab slide back into place.

Unsure of what to do next Josh took a step forward, and the room suddenly lit up. The sight before him was a little confusing. His first trial seemed to be a maze. There were two entrances, and in between them there was in inscription. Josh approached the inscription and read the words there.

‘You who seeks the path to the forbidden light. Then a path you must choose. One leads to the light, and the other to the darkness. Choose your path wisely. For if you don’t the death of the soul will be your reward.’

Josh swallowed hard as he read the inscription. He didn’t know which path to choose. The words didn’t have a clear description on which path would be the best to take. The paths looked the same, and there were no differences in the energy he could feel. This was going to be a pain, but he would have to make a decision, and hope for the best. Then an idea came to him, Josh closed his eyes and listened hard. Listened to the room, and maybe he would be able to hear something out of the ordinary. As he listened he could hear a small voice calling to him. “The right path is the one you seek!” the tiny voice repeated over and over again.

Opening his eyes Josh looked at the two doorways taking the right path like the meek voice told him. Only someone like him would have been able to hear the voice, so He figured that it was okay to trust that small voice. That guided him through the maze. Making it easier to avoid the traps, and making it to the end with no problem. Once outside of the maze he looked back and smiled. “Thank you for guiding me.” was all he said as he turned to leave the first of the trials. This trial might have been easy, but that might not be the case later down the line. The stone slab moved to revile Kayra on the other side.

“You have passed the first trial, now onto the next trial. You must not waver in your convictions.” She said as she leads Josh deeper into the depths of the temple.

Josh was a little taken back by Kayra’s reaction, but he must remember she is his guide nothing more and nothing less. He just followed her deeper into the depths of the temple. Though he did wonder how she got to the other side without going through the trial? There must have been another way around. Well he is the one being tested not her. So it is to be expected. As they continued to walk it was the oddest thing Josh could almost feel the temperature getting hotter. Though it actually should be the opposite, the deeper they go the colder it should be getting.

They reached the next door Kayra looked at Josh with a stern face. “Don’t wander from the path presented. No matter what happens” Kayra said as she touched the door and the slab moved. Josh nodded his head as he walked into the room. The room was dark, and not a sound could be heard. As the stone slab behind him closed a light appeared on the ground. It was a path, and judging by what his guide had said he was to follow the path not wavering from it no matter what. That sounds simple enough, but things are never that simple.

Taking his first step onto the one-foot-wide path he made his way down the winding path. Nothing happened at first, but that soon changes with a scream that filled the room. Josh was not sure who just screamed since the room was black, but the female scream seemed too familiar to ignore. He stopped walking and tried to look for the source of the scream, but to no avail. Josh decided to take a couple of more steps. That is when he heard maniacal laughter and the scream of someone in pain. Every time this happened Joshua wanted to step off the path. However, he knew he couldn’t but every time he began to walk the same thing happen. It was beginning to drive him crazy, and he wasn't even halfway through the maze. Every Step he took someone called for help, and screamed in pain. He wanted to help them, but he needed to stay on the path. Each of the voices sounded familiar in a way, and he couldn’t put his finger on whose voices he was hearing that is until a couple of the voices actually spoke to him.

“Are you going to abandon us again?”

“Josh are you just going to let Samael kill us without lifting a finger to help? You coward.”

The two male voices were as clear as day. One was Kyori, and the other was Ryan. What in the world was going on? This was his worst nightmare. Having to follow that path he had chosen, and abandoning his friends and loved ones in the process. Now he knew who the screams belonged to. They were of his friend that he abandoned in the process of trying to help them. He tried to block out the sounds of the screams with each step he took, but it was not working. Even taking out the magic that allowed him to hear was not working.

Falling to his knees as the tormented voice continued to fill his senses, he couldn’t stop himself from doing what must be done. With tears in his eyes he stood back up and looked to the darkness that surrounded him. He knew what he must do. Even if it meant that he must not be doing the right thing. Josh stepped off of the path and ran into the darkness. Even if this was just a ruse, he wouldn't go back on his word of never betraying his family. The instant he stepped from the path he began to fall into the darkness that surrounded him. He closed his eyes and smiled as he was consumed, but he suddenly stopped his descent when dropped onto a stone floor. He opened his eyes to see Kayra standing before him.

“You chooses the path of protecting others over protecting yourself. You have passed the second trial, and Third trials. Only one more trial is left to complete to unseal the power you need to open the gem to retrieve your weapon. Are you ready to face this trial?””Kayra said with a slight pleased sound to her voice, It seemed like Josh was starting to be able to see a different side to Kayra. Maybe she was not as bad as he first thought she was.

“I am ready to face the final trial. Though if my previous trials are any indication of what the last trial will be it maybe harder to accomplish than just mere words can say. But I will give it my all. That is all that I can promise.” Josh said with a smile as Kayra nodded her head, and lead him deeper into the foreboding temple. Who knew of the dangers that lurked ahead, but he was as ready as he would ever be to face the challenge.

Once they reached the bottom of the stares they came across a city that has been neglected by time. It was as dilapidated as the city above. The only difference was that in this city he could hear something still living amongst the silence of the dead. As they walked into the city they were walking amongst the the dilapidated buildings. Josh felt like he was being watched, and looked into one of the buildings and saw that there was someone there watching him. He stopped walking and staed at the little girl. She was about ten eleven years old with long auburn hair, and emerald eyes. She smiled at him, and waved her hand at the sound dragon.

Kayra had noticed that Josh stopped, and returned to his side. The young girl s smile only widened with the arrival of Kayra, and she even spoke, but Joshua could not hear her words. He was confused, but then Kayra turned to him and places a hand on his shoulder. “The dead can’t speak to the living. Keep that in mind as we continue down this path. We are in the city of the dead. Where souls wait to be judged, and pass into the afterlife. This is no place for the living, and some of the spirits have deep seated grudges. They might attack you so be carefull. Now let us continue.” She said removing her hand, and leading Josh deeper into the city.

They continued further into the city where a strange looking building stood, and it was the only building that wasn’t dilapidated. It looks like something you would see in feudal Japan. A place where a shogun would have lived. It was decorated in gold and white, with hints of red spread around. They entered the building and Kayra took Josh to a room with an old man sitting at a table looking over papers.

“Lord Xion I have brought the one that was able to pass the first test. He is hear to pass the final test to be able to open the soul gem.” Kayra said in a very formal tone as she then led Josh to the table, and told him to take a seat. He had no problem doing so, and looked at the man. He was the only thing living in this world other than Kayra. The man looked at Josh as if he was judging him, and then smiled. “Well it is about time you got here.” Xion said in a gruff voice as he then looked to Kayra. “Kayra my dear please bring me my box.” he asked as she bowed, and left the room.

“So you passed the first test? However, I only see confusion and self-doubt within you. Why don’t you have confidence in yourself. Did you only pass the test by sure luck, or by instinct? You are of the dragon race. You should have more pride in yourself, and confidence in your decisions.” Xion said as he stood up, and walked over to the window. Looking out at the city he was in charge of.

Josh was a little antsy being in this man's presence. He felt overwhelmed by the sheer prospect of what was being said to him. He didn’t have confidence, but he had his will to protect his friends no matter what the obstacle. “I may not have the confidence that I should have, but I have the will to protect my friends and the world. That is what has driven me to where I am now. I would be nothing if I didn’t have my friends, and loved ones to help me find the courage to step up to fight.” Josh said as he looked to the older man. This was his answer for his misgivings.

Xion smiled as he continued to look out the window. “Do you know that the bond between people is the strongest when they love one another. Love it the force that conquers all. Though not everyone believes that.” Xion said as he turned to face the young sound dragon. As Kayra walks back into the room with a small ornate golden box. “All of the trials you have faced we're to prepare you for this one moment. You have to make a choice that will change the course of your life, and if you choose wrong you have will die from the choice. But first you must decide are you truly willing to sacrifice your life for the greater good, or is your relationships more important?”

Joshua was not wanting to hear this option. Is he really ready to let go of everything in order to pass this final trial? He finally told Ryan how he felt, he was able to see his friends once again. Even though they were not too happy about how he tricked them, but they still accept him as their friend. Was he really to give up everything for the possibility of getting the weapon he would need to help save the world? This question weighed heavily on his mind as he thought about it. Kayra had warned him that once he started he would not be allowed to stop. Yet this man Xion was giving him a choice to quit. Was this a a trap to test his resolve to keeping to his word? Was this the test to see if he was worthy to have the secret to opening the gem, and freeing his weapon. Josh was confused about this whole thing, and didn't know what to do.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath to calm himself. He knew what he needed to do. Especially since he was so far behind the others in his training. He would need all the power he could to fight Samael. It seemed Auro knew what was coming and knew what he would need. That man was as mysterious as he was cunning. Opening his eye and smiling at the old man he nodded his head. “I am ready to finish this trial and stop the Dark Angel. To protect the world is to protect my loved ones and friends. So let's get this finished so that I may return to them alive and ready to finish this fight. I will not waver in this conviction.” Josh said in a calm yet confident voice. This was the first time he had been confident since this whole ordeal started.

Xion smiled as he took the small box from Kayra. “Finally you show the conviction that is necessary to not, not win this war, but to be able to open the gem. Your weapon is a picky one. It only grants its power to those that prove to themselves that they are willing to risk their life to do the right thing. If you were not able to prove that you were willing to risk your life to protect those you love. Then you would have been killed by Kayra. She is the guardian of the gem, and has been charged with it's will. Now you will be able to unlock the gem, and use the weapon.” Xion said with a smile as Kayra walked up to Josh and looked him in the eyes.

“You have proven yourself. Now pull out the gem, and we will begin the ritual to open it. I knew you would be the one to free me from this duty. The moment I kissed you. I knew that you would be the chosen one. You just needed to prove that to yourself.” Kayra said with a rare smile on her face. She has killed so many in the long years to protect the gem from those that tried to steal it.

Josh was caught off guard by the revelation of everything, and the fact that Kayra smiled for the first time since he meat her. A genuine smile filled with kindness. Taking out the gem from his pocket he held it out as he waited for what was about to happen. Kayra took the gem, and pulled Joshua's shirt off. This was all a little sudden, and Josh looked at her with wide eyes. She touched the bare skin of his chest only for a bit then Kayra laid the gem against his skin. What happened next was a shock on his system. Kayra shoved the gem, and her fingers inside of his chest, but it didn't hurt like the injury should have. Once she removed her fingers and took a couple of steps back is when everything began to happen.

Josh felt the gem inside of him. It was warm at first, but then it suddenly turned painful. It felt like the gem was burning him from the inside out, and Joshua screamed and fell to the ground clutching his chest where the gem was inserted. The pain only escalated as suddenly it felt like his body was being torn apart from the inside out. The pain was immense, and he screamed as he writhed on the floor. Both Kayra and Xion could only watch as the gem tore apart the young dragon body and reconstructed it. Soon he would be reborn a pure sound dragon with the power of death's song.

As Joshua continued to convulse in pain he suddenly started to cough and bring up blood from his lungs. His body was being torn apart, and he felt himself start to lose his ability to stay awake. His eyes were closing and the only thing that ran through his mind was that he was dieing, and he would not be able to smile with his friends anymore. What hurt most was he would not be able to see Ryan’s smile again. In what little time he was able to spend with the ice demon it was magical, and now he would be leaving him as well. That hurt more than anything. Joshua’s eyes closed as the pain became a faded memory.

Suddenly Joshua awoke with a start as he looked around to see that he was in a strange room filled with nothing at all. The only thing in the room was the bed he was lying on. He looked at himself as he remembered the pain he felt. I'm t looked like nothing ng was different about himself. However he felt different he couldn't put his finger on what was wrong. That was until Kayra appeared.in the room. “How are you feeling young dragon?” She asked as she approached him. Josh had not yet cast the spell he uses to hear, but he was able to hear Kayra’s voice as clear as if he was using the spell. He looked at her confused as she just smiled at him. “Master Xion will answer your question Josh.” She said as she handed him the small golden box. “Don't open that just yet. Master wants to see you before you do.” She said as she disappeared from the room.

Josh didn't know what happened, but he quickly got out of the bed and made his way out of the room. Which was connected to the room that he had entered earlier. Xion was sitting at his desk looking over papers again as Josh approached. He was about to ask the old man a question, but Xion started speaking before he had the chance.

“Well looks like you are ready for the next step, and before you ask yes you hearing has been fixed. You seen the reason you couldn't hear is because you weren't complete. Now you hat you are you will be able to hear just fine. So you will be able to conserve your energy to be able to fight. However, not that you are whole you can hear death's voice. So you can communicate with the dead. A price you might not like, but was necessary. Now it is time for you to summon your weapon and master forum. I am sure you know how now.” Xion said as he put down the papers and looked over at Joshua. Getting out of his.chair he moved in front of the desk. “But first open the box. I am sure that you will be needing these in the near future.” Xion said as he waited to see what would happen next.

Josh was as confused as ever, but he would just have to get.used to his new power. Opening the golden box he saw that there was a single ring within the box. He took it out and looked at the strange silver ring. He looked at Xion confused about what this ring represented. “You will know the answer soon enough. For now just keep the ring. Now it is time for you to access your master form.” Xion said as he waited for Josh to do what he needed to do.

Joshua was still not sure about all of this, but he knew he was stronger. So he did the only thing he could do and placed the box on the table behind the old master, and then returned to his original place as he accessed his new power. He suddenly transformed into a half dragon and half human form. He could feel the power running through his veins. He looked to his right hand and saw his weapon. It was a sword that had rings lining the back of the sword. He realized the power he held and what he would now be able to do for the others. Banishing his master forum. His eye was wide as he looked to Xion. The old man smiled and shook his head. “Now go forth, and protect what you want to protect.” Xion said as he returned to his desk, and tossed the box to Joshua. Nodding his head Josh transformed once again, and disappeared within a sound wave.

06-12-2017, 05:59 PM
Ocella had taken as much time as the universe would allow at her wedding. With each step, her thoughts had been a mixed array of emotional joy and turmoil. She couldn’t stop smiling at Amon as her father figure walked her down the aisle, Master Dorian had truly outdone himself with her wedding. He had given her more than she had ever expected, he had decorated the humble gardens in her favorite colors- roses mixed with blues and greens, some blacks and reds for Amon as well.

Much to her surprise, Amon had forged a ring for her as she had for him… and now there was a weight upon her finger that would never be taken away. Their union had only served to erase her fears and to solidify their relationship- that they would provide each other with stability when the war was over. On the other hand, she had been so overwhelmed that she could hardly focus on the wedding itself. She had to remind herself to cherish the present, rather than to dwell on the past or to fret over the future.

Immediately after the wedding she had changed from her wedding attire to her mission clothes and prepared herself for the funerals. The service was as quick as respect would allow. She had watched them bury her mother and father, but her grandfather was merely a part of the service as there had been nothing left to bury. Her joy had turned to sorrow and wails of hysterics as the caskets were placed into the ground, she’d held close to Amon as her body shook and trembled. It had taken her some time to get herself reigned in, reminding herself that she was still alive, that she was a wife now, that she had such wonderful friends and had started a family of her own.

It had worked for a little while, but then after the funeral she had given Amon one last hug and kiss before making her way to Kyori. She was nervous, for even though she was an angel… she knew that angels were typically very judgemental creatures and that many considered her to be an abomination. She could only hope that the mountains wouldn’t reject her, that she and Kyori would make it out alive, that they would succeed in their mission.

She took in a deep breath and stretched her hand out to Kyori. She offered him a somber smile, her face still filled with turmoil as she processed everything that had happened. She sighed and nodded her head. “Right. So I don’t actually know what will happen when we get there. From my understanding, many have either lost their lives or their minds trying to find this stone. Samael likely has creatures guarding it that will alert him of our presence,” she took in a deep breath and looked him in the eyes.

“Some serious shit is about to go down, I hope you’re ready,” she said, frowning now and shaking her head at the thought of what was to come.

He took her hand, holding it securely, allowing her to feel the strength he held. He wanted her to know that he was there for her no matter what. She was his best friend and sister. Kyori had chosen to wear a ceremonial jade green robe to Ocella’s wedding, reminiscent of the monastery he grew up in. When they looked into each other’s eyes, Kyori nodded.

“I’m always ready,” he replied, and she would see the determination in his eyes. This was their chance to rid the world of Samael. Who knew what he was plotting behind the scenes.

Ocella smiled at her friend as he took her hand and held it strongly. It brought her a sense of comfort and security and she appreciated it. “Thank you for joining me,” she said, her smile growing as she closed her eyes. She spoke the spell that Master Kurama had taught her so long ago and together, the two appeared on a mountainside. It was cold, so very cold and windy. Snow was everywhere and Ocella could feel a sinister power in the area. She was disappointed, for it was as if her uncle’s stone had taken away the sanctuary of the sacred mountains and corrupted them with the taint of evil.

“Give me a moment,” Ocella spoke through the roaring wind as she rest on her knees, snow bellowing against her form. She closed her eyes and began to meditate as best as she could. Slowly but surely her angelic form had taken over and was shining brightly through the mountainside. She was trying to find the source of the power, but she knew that it wouldn’t be easy. She could sense many cave systems within the mountain that were much like a maze.

Ocella was shivering from the cold, yet she pressed through it. She could sense a great source of power coming from within the cave system near the top of the mountain. “I can sense a great power source in a cave system near the top of the mountain,” she finally commented, standing from her position and huddling against him for warmth. The winds were too treacherous to fly and she knew that they would have to climb. “I’m not sure if it’s the stone though,” she admitted with worry.

“Abomination! How dare you disgrace these mountains!” she heard roaring suddenly, looking just in time as she was struck in her chest by a rather large and compact snowball. It was strong enough to send her flying back off the side of the mountain and to knock the breath out of her.

“How dare a spirit dragon enter these sacred grounds!” the abominable snowman growled at Kyori, already throwing an equal sized snowball towards him.

As Ocella fell down, plummeting through the snowy skies, she spread out her wings and fought as hard as she could against the force of the wind. It was painful to her wings to do so, for the little snowflakes almost seemed… sharp. Changed. As if the power of the mountains had turned even the snow into weapons. She flapped her wings quickly and with great effort, focusing on where she had fallen from. The difficulty was actually getting back there, fighting the wind and making any headway. With a great deal of effort she managed to survive the ordeal and appeared next to Kyori, looking rather exhausted.

When the angry roar filled his ears, Kyori was on the defensive immediately, Ocella not so much. She was struck in the chest by a condense snow ball. Kyori watched her fly backwards as if time were moving in slow motion. He managed to yell her name, but quickly turned his attention to the abominable snowman that stood in front of him launching a rather large snowball. With a quick twist of his wrist, a powerful gust of wind struck the snowball sending it rocketing back towards the snowman striking it but doing nothing. Kyori glared shifting his stance as he observed the adversary before him, feeling Ocella land beside him, though she seemed exhausted.

“Perhaps a slight decrease in the voraciousness of this storm is in order,” Kyori said as he looked up, his eyes filling with power as the storm’s rage lessened significantly. “Now then, you okay Cella?” he asked making sure she would be alright. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine,” she answered, offering him a smile. She turned to face the snow demon and transformed into her master Mystic form. “Leave us be, we mean you no harm,” Ocella said, her voice filled with confidence and power. The snow demon roared in defiance and beat his fists against his chest. “You are not welcome to these mountains, leave at once!” he retorted with a glare. “I am half angel and am searching for a means to bring peace to this world,” she said, holding her stance firm.

“You are an abomination to what this realm represents! You have been bitten by a servant of Satan himself, you’ve married one with demon in his blood- you are not worthy to set foot upon this range!” he roared, throwing another large snowball at her. She jumped and flew into the air to avoid it, landing back down gracefully. “Is it not one’s heart that determines their worth?” she asked, staring at the creature cooly. “Is it not the gravity of their actions that indicates their position in this world, whether for good or evil?” she asked, but the demon shook his head.

“You have become what you are and there is no changing that!” he shouted with a glare, lifting his hands. Suddenly the snow underneath her began to rise into the air and she yelped in surprise, crouching down instantly. “I have never killed by any means other than self defence, I have always sought peace even in the face of an enemy,” she said as the snow pile grew taller. The ice demon sneered and clamped his hands together, and the snow encased her at once, much to her surprise. It was crushing her from the outside in and the cold was almost burning her skin. She’d had enough and took in a deep breath, and suddenly the snow around her began to shake.

The demon looked confused for a moment and the snow was blasted away from Ocella, revealing her flying high and strong with her wand as her protector. “Leave us alone, now,” she commanded the creature, to which the creature growled. “You have proven yourself worthy, you may continue,” it said, stepping back to allow them passage. Ocella looked at Kyori with a surprised look on her face but smiled nonetheless.

Kyori remained unmoved by the events that were transpiring in front of him. He wasn’t being attacked, it was all Ocella, but he stood to the side waiting to see if she needed him to interfere. Suddenly Ocella shifted into her master form and Kyori’s eyes twinkled at the sight. She was majestic and powerful. He looked like a child meeting their idol for the first time. The snowman seemed angry, and attempted to encase Ocella in ice. Kyori clutched the space beneath his neck as if he were wearing pearls, but Ocella proved to be stronger than the abominable creature. When the creature spoke and told her she’d proven herself, Kyori’s eyes fell on the creature and he shook his head.

“Such a remarkable welcome,” he stated as he looked up at Ocella, “can we just find this stone before I toss mr snowhead off the side of the mountain?”

Ocella nodded when Kyori spoke. She lowered herself to the ground and transformed back into her human form and smiled at her friend, giving him a tight hug. She certainly was tired and it showed. “Right. I think it’s at the top of the mountain, within the caves… but as I can’t see what the power source is I am uncertain,” she said with a sigh. The snowman perked up at their conversation and smirked.

“Neither of you will succeed in your endeavors,” he said with confidence. Ocella glared. “Does he need to toss you off the mountain?” she asked, clearly annoyed. The snowman glared at her. “One cannot simply walk to the stone, nor can they simply appear there without having seen it first hand. You’ll go mad trying,” the creature said with confidence. Ocella smirked.

“I am related to the stone’s keeper,” she said with a wicked glint in her eyes. The creature’s eyes opened. “My, my… can you handle the stone?” he pondered. He pointed atop the mountain and nodded. “It is there, but I wonder if you know what you are up against…” the creature answered, taking off in the other direction quickly to vacate the area.

“You should’ve let me throw it off the edge,” Kyori retorted as he looked up where the creature had pointed to. “It’s not going to be easy, I can sense dark magic at work here,” Kyori added as he stepped forward ever so regally towards the edge of the mountain, looking down at the fog that enveloped the mountain tops. He couldn’t see past ten feet down.

“So what’s the plan Wings?” he asked his robe blowing in the wind. He literally looked like the embodiment of a deity standing atop a raging mountain looking down at the mortal below. “My guess is just to keep going up until we get to the cave, but the creature did say we can’t walk to it or appear there, so I guess flying to it will have to do.”

Ocella laughed when Kyori said that she should have let him and shook her head. “Save that for my uncle,” she said with a grin. He indicated that their task wouldn’t be easy and she nodded her head in agreement. “I know,” she said sighing, trying to consider every possibility. He asked what the plan was and she smirked.

“I know we can’t walk there,” she began, looked over to Kyori. He looked almost like a deity radiating with power. She could only smile at her friend, for he had grown so much since they had met. “Nope, you’re going to get us there,” she said with a wicked grin and a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Go on Mr. Dragon,” she said, smirking in amusement. “With the size of your form, your head will be at the top of the mountain. I can climb up your back to the top and when you transform back you’ll be there with me,”

Kyori glared at Ocella when she spoke of her plan to get them to the top of the mountain. No matter how much he wanted to object, he knew she would win the argument and he’d transform regardless so he sighed and nodded.

“Fine,” he replied as he began stripping of his clothes. When he was fully naked, he walked over to her, feet barely leaving a print in the snow, and pressed his clothes into her chest, “I better not have a single wrinkle,” he warned as he looked down once again over the edge of the mountain and sighed. Without warning he jumped over the edge.

“WOOOHOOO!” he shouted as he began transforming, filling the sky with beautiful jade green light. There was silence before Kyori burst through the fog revealing his impressive size. His form was enormous, and he lowered his head to look at Ocella. One of his eyes was bigger than her.

“Let’s get this over with,” he spoke, his voice strong and powerful. He proceeded to maneuver his body so that his tail was positioned so that Ocella could climb on, and his head rested just at the entrance of the cave both of them felt the strange energy emitting from.

The glare did not escape her notice, but upon receiving it she merely smirked. He said fine and began to undress in front of her and her jaw dropped, instantly turning around before she saw all of him again. “My God Kyori,” she chided him with a chuckle. “I thought we talked about this last time I saw you naked?” she asked, giggling up a storm. He came up to her and pushed his clothes into her chest, to which she accepted carefully. He said that there better not be a single wrinkle in his clothes and she smiled, nodding her head. When he leapt off the side of the mountain she went to work carefully rolling his clothes neatly, avoiding any possibility of a wrinkle as she stuck them in one of her larger side pockets.

There was a flash of light and Kyori was there before her in his massive dragon form. It was awe-inspiring and she smiled at her friend. His eyes alone were bigger than her and she reached up to gently rest her hand on the side of his face, it was smaller than a scale. “I’m so proud of you Kyori,” she said softly, her smile never fading. He lowered his tail and indicated for them to get this over with. She nodded and climbed on, looking up at the massive form she would have to climb before pushing forward.

It was a difficult journey for her, one that took much strength and effort on her part as Kyori waited patiently for her. The closer she got to the top of the caves the more she could feel the darkness taking over. She paused when she made it by his ear, looking down into the dark caverns. “Okay Kyori. I’ll go first,” she said, holding onto him tightly as she took a breath and prepared herself. She transformed into her angelic form, her eyes lit with a golden hue.

She raised her hand and shot light into the cavern, but the caves were filled with such a dark power that her light barely made a dent. She could see something glowing from within, something sparkling from her light. “I may not be able to get back up. I want you to lower your tail if that happens to allow me an escape,” she said, rubbing her hand on him softly. She was scared but she would not let that stop her.

Without warning she leapt off him and down into the caverns beneath her, the darkness absorbing her body entirely. It was so heavy that it was almost crushing her from the outside in, burning her skin as her light tried to fight it. She grew closer to the stone and reached her hand out, her heart thumping with anxiety. Her fingers clasped around it and she continued to fall, hitting the ground harshly as she heard cracking underneath her.

Everything was going well until Ocella reached his head. When she did, it was then that she spoke to him, telling him she would go first and that if she wasn’t able to make it back up to lower his tail. He didn’t even have a chance to argue when she plummeted into the dark cave. The sheer power it radiated concerned him. Would she be able to do this on her own? He swirled around the mountain waiting for any sign, hoping she didn’t succumb to the darkness. He perched on the side of a mountain close to the cave.

“Come on Ocella,” he said softly waiting patiently hoping for the best.

Ocella blinked as her hand held tightly around the stone. She moved her other hand and felt objects underneath her, and upon closer observation she realized that she was laying on a pile of human bones. She scrambled to her feet instantly, coughing as she tried to look out of the cave. She couldn’t see the exit as the darkness had overwhelmed the cave.

Suddenly, without warning, she felt an incredible pain in the palm of her hand unlike any she had ever felt before. She cried out from the pain as she fell to her knees, hyperventilating from the force of what she held. She tried to drop the stone but her hand was clasped firmly around it and found that she couldn’t let it go, even if she wanted to. “Kyori!” she screamed in panic, hoping that he would be able to hear her. Pain radiated throughout her arm and began to spread to her shoulder blades, crippling her from muscle to muscle, bone to bone as she realized the darkness was too much for her to bare.

‘Kyori…’ she thought desperately to her friend, tears falling down her face. ‘It hurts so much…’ she pleaded, trying to let go of the stone, trying to move, trying to teleport- anything to get back to Kyori, but none of it was working as the darkness slowly consumed her. She understood why she laid upon a pile of bones now, for the stone held such incredible power that it was nearly consuming her from the outside in.

He heard her scream, he could feel the darkness increasing, but when he heard her scream all caution went out the window. They would make it out of this place with that damn stone regardless of what he had to do to make sure it happened. He flew up into the sky still in his dragon form, and when he reached the peak, he swirled around and dove down straight towards the cave. When he got close he shifted into his master form. Thrusting the staff forward, it spiralled as it drilled into the darkness. He too began to spin rapidly as the staff intensified it’s jade glow slicing through the darkness creating a path for him straight to Ocella. The staff crashed into the skeleton ridden floor and Kyori landed sending debris in all directions. He grabbed Ocella and snatched his staff shooting an intense beam of energy that struck the wall opening up the side of the mountain. He looked at Ocella.

“Let’s go!” he said dragging her along to the large opening.

The longer Ocella held the stone, the more numb she became on the inside. It was as if she were burning to death, but it was merely the power of the darkness that she held in her hands. She could feel it infesting her but no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t release the stone. Kyori was there, he held her in his hands and he was shouting for her to go. She had a sinister aura about her and her light was gone. Her eyes seemed to shift slightly and she yanked away from him.

“No,” she said, her voice sounding as if she were more than one person. “The stone and I stay here like the others…” she said, a sneer on her face. She was trying to fight the darkness, to find her holy light… but it was buried so far that it was nearly impossible. Her eyes softened a moment and she looked at Kyori pleadingly.

“It’s too powerful-” she began, but she was cut off once again as an intense spasm radiated through her hand, causing her to clutch it against her chest and hunch over. She closed her eyes and shook her head. “The stone is mine!” she said, taking a step back from Kyori. She was trying desperately to gather her senses but she was failing. She tried to remember joy, to remember love and peace and the friendship she had with Kyori… but it was slipping away. Her mind was clouded as she looked at the figure before her.

Suddenly, a large burst of light came from her body as she tried to fight the darkness from taking over. It filled the caves, swallowed her whole and gave her a moment to breathe. Her wand was there, buzzing with electricity. “I can’t let go of it,” she pleaded to Kyori with worry.

The stone was corrupting her, it was strong, dangerously strong and they needed to get out of these mountains if he was going to have any chance at separating her from the stone. Just as he was about to approach Ocella, she continued to back away, but then a burst of light filled the area and Kyori shielded his eyes, clutching his staff firmly as he watched the light fade and Ocella reveal to him that she couldn’t let it go.

“Alright I’ll get you to the base, dad will know what to do,” Kyori said as he twirled his staff. He reached out to grab her, but a sinister laugh filled the cavern.

“Pathetic,” the voice said as Kyori turned around to see Darkholm standing with a sinister smirk on his face. “She’ll soon be one of us. I must admit, I didn’t think the trap would work. What she has there is a ploy, the real stone is right here,” Darkholm spoke as he held it in his hand and dangled it in front of them. Kyori’s eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Ocella who was in obvious pain.

“What are you doing to her?”

“It’s simple really, the stone she has will slowly devour her light until she becomes one with the darkness, and there’s nothing you can do,” Darkholm replied.

“I promised her I’d help her get the stone and I ,will not break that promise.” With a slam of his staff, he enveloped Ocella in jade green light that would transport her to the base. He only hoped that Hillard and Master Dorian were there to receive her. Darkholm moved with great speed attempting to stop Kyori but it was too late and Ocella was gone. He managed to strike Kyori sending him crashing against a rocky pillar inside the cave. Kyori groaned and quickly got to his feet, his staff implanted in the ground where he once stood.

Ocella was quick to spin around as she heard a voice fill the cave. She smirked as he spoke, nodding her head indicating that the power of the stone was working. “After all… Samael is my uncle Kyori,” she said, her voice cold and distant. “But unfortunately for both of us Darkholm, I cannot live if I let you kill him,” she said, glaring at Kyori. Kyori spoke and suddenly she was encased in light, but then… she had been taken somewhere else by Kyori’s light.

She appeared within Master Dorian’s study and transformed into her Master form at once, already defensive and ready to strike. “Show yourself!” she shouted, crouching down and gazing around the room.

“Do you honestly think you stand a chance against Samael?” Darkholm spoke glaring at Kyori.

“It doesn’t matter, that stone you have will leave this cave in my hands,” Kyori retorted.

Darkholm laughed as he tucked the stone into his pocket. “Let us see the color of a spirit dragon’s blood.”

Kyori smirked as he watched Darkholm place the stone in his pocket. “Don’t lose that, I’ll be taking it in about 49 seconds.”

Darkholm scoffed and charged towards Kyori unleashed a barrage of strikes. Surprisingly Kyori managed to dodge and block his strikes causing him to growl. Kyori flipped away and was about to grab his staff when a blast of dark energy struck him sending him back, colliding against the wall. He glared and stood up slowly, dusting off his robes. He breathed, slowing things down and focusing. Darkholm was monologging, telling Kyori how inevitable his defeat was, how the world would soon be Samael’s and how everyone would die. Kyori was quiet as he popped his knuckles.

“Are you done?” he questioned rather annoyed by Darkholm’s voice. Darkholm raised an eyebrow and took a stance before charging once more. The two clashed in the cave, sending shockwaves of power in every direction. Darkholm was shocked that Kyori was keeping up with him and it angered him. He thought he had the upperhand, but Kyori quickly retaliated sending Darkholm into the wall of the cave.

“YOU FILTHY MONK!” Darkholm yelled his anger getting the better of him. Kyori narrowed his eyes and readied himself for whatever Darkholm was going to throw at him. Darkholm began to shift into his full demon form. The four armed creature roared in defiance, his horns scraping the top of the cave. Kyori held out his hand and felt the power of his staff call to him. He couldn’t get to it because Darkholm blocked his path.

Each time Kyori attempted to get to it, Darkholm blocked him, knocking him back. Kyori managed to land some hits, but Darkholm absorbed them and retaliated. His damned demon form was strong.

“Damn,” Kyori spat blood as he skidded to a halt contemplating on what he had to do. He didn’t have much time to think as Darkholm was on him once again. Dodging he rolled and was to his feet, but Darkholm didn’t give him any time to concentrate. He felt the claws dig into his side sending him flying forward. He struck something hard before hitting the cave wall. Groaning he felt a hand wrap around his throat.

“YOU ARE NOTHING!” Darkholm said.

“And you are ugly,” Kyori stated as he smirked feeling the power of the staff course through his veins. In his hands he held it and when Darkholm realized it, it was too late. Kyori managed to strike Darkholm with thunderous blows that rocked him to his core until he was on his knees. Spinning the staff, the blunt in smacked into Darkholms head sending him crashing against the cave wall once more.

“I banish you demon of the abyss,” Kyori began as his staff illuminated the cave. “For your dark deeds, for your dark heart, I banish you back to the abyss to rise no more. I strip you of your power, I strip you of your form, YOU ARE NAMELESS, FACELESS, FORMLESS,” Kyori continued as Darkholm slowly crawled towards Kyori getting to his knees before a force struck Darkholm holding him in place.

“YOU CAN’T BANISH ME MONK!” Darkholm spat at the feet of Kyori whose eyes bore into the dark soul of Darkholm, his face void of any type of emotion.

“I CAST YOU BACK INTO THE SHADOW, I CAST YOU BACK INTO THE ABYSS, YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE!” Kyori commanded as immense light filled his staff. Kyori struck Darkholm in the heart with the sacred end of his staff causing the rings to vibrate sending an ominous sound throughout the cave. Darkholm roared in defiance, but as much as he tried he could not overcome the sheer power Kyori wielded. He gave one final glare in Kyori’s direction as Kyori stepped closer and snatched the Balance Stone from within Darkholm’s robes.

“It’s not over, you and I both know when you remove one head on a hydra, another grows in its place.” With that said Darkholm allowed the energy to rip him apart, the energy erupting causing a cave in. Kyori rushed to the exit, Darkholm’s words repeating in his head as he jumped out of the cave, vanishing in mid descent.

06-12-2017, 06:07 PM
After the beautiful wedding that made Aeterna wish he could spoil Kyori. Though their plans were to wed after Samael was taken care of. All he could do was be happy for Ocella, and Amon. They truly loved one another and that was all that was needed in this world. Someone that would be willing to be with you no matter what happens. After the wedding the funerals took place, and he was angry at the fact that Samael would go to such lengths to rid himself of his only family. It disgusted him to no end. Why would anyone do such a thing? Family was everything to a Phoenix since they were unable to have kids of their own. They cherished the families of the people that were gracious enough to allow them to live on within them. Aeterna made sure he never interfered with the lives of his host. Till this war started that is. He had no choice in the matter after that.

As soon as everything was taken care of, and Kyori took him back to his room. They shared one more deep kiss before his love had to leave. Aeterna prayed for his love's safety, and then looked out the window. It was about time he meet with Dorian for his training. He needed to get to where his body would work right. If he didn’t then all of this would be for nought. Using his power over shadows he sunk into them to appear in the training room that Dorian hand in his estate. While he waited for Master Dorian to arrive he tried to at least stand on his own. Though that was proving to be a task all in its own.

Dorian stepped into the room and noticed Aeterna attempting to stand on his own. He stood there for a moment and observed in silence until he realized that Aeterna wasn’t progressing in his fight against his own body.

“You’re fighting against yourself,” Dorian began as all the doors closed and the room went silent. Dorian moved towards Aeterna and smiled. “I need you to lay on the metal slab, but I want to see if you can do it on your own.”

Dorian stepped back and watched to see just how much determination Aeterna had.

Aeterna didn’t hear when Master Dorian entered the room until he said something to him about how he was fighting himself on being able to stand on his own. The doors to the room suddenly all shut at the same time, and silence filled the room. Looking up at Master Dorian as he then mentioned that he wanted him up on the metal slab in the room. Aeterna wanted to say that it was impossible, but he wouldn’t show that kind of weakness. Not now not ever.

He crawled on the floor to reach the table, and then reached to the metal slab grabbing a hold of it with his right hand first, and then his left. With both hand securely in place in the side of the table he used what strength he had to lift himself up. Which was more difficult than he thought. When he pulled Kyori in bed with him, he didn’t need much strength since his love didn’t fight him on the matter. Here he was lifting all of his body weight with just his arms, as he tried to lift himself high enough to get his legs underneath him.

It took some time, but he finally was able to lift himself up and stand next to the table. Though he knew this was only half the battle. Next will be trying to keep his balance to be able to get up on the slab.His arms were shaking as well as his legs. The strain was almost too much for his new body, but he wouldn’t give up. It felt like it took eternity, but he was finally upon the slab. Every muscle in his body ached from the experience.

“Good, good,” Dorian said as Aeterna managed to get atop the metallic table. Dorian moved to his side and sighed. “You are fighting a war within your own body, it is time to end it. Relax as much as you can.”

Once Aeterna had relaxed, Dorian popped his knuckles and began.

“We must open the chakra flow through your body, it is the reason you can’t control your lower limbs, it is the reason your strength hasn’t returned. Take a deep breath and concentrate, allow the energies around you to flow through. You must unlock the seven chakra gates within your body. First the crown chakra. Listen to my voice and let the energy flow. This chakra represents inner wisdom or death of the body. Overcoming such adversity will allow you to understand that death is but the beginning. Focus and open the first chakra gate.”

Once Master Dorian told him to try and relax Aeterna did his best to do so. He didn't know what Master Dorian had planned, but if it would help him to walk again he was willing to do anything. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths to calm his mind and body. He allowed his body to relax and the pain he was feeling left his body. He was ready for the next step. Though when Master Dorian spoke once more what he said next Aeterna was not expecting. If this was the case this was going to be harder than he thought.

Keeping his eyes closed he concentrated on the energies around and in himself and channeled it through his body. This was not the hard part. What was to come next will be the challenge. To open the gates and allow his energy to flow once more. He is mostly immortal and until recently he has never come close to tasting death. He was not to fond of the pain and fear of his life fading away. How could he accept that part of him since he was afraid of dieing again. Maybe the fear of death, of leaving Kyori alone is what was keeping him from being able to use his body. He didn't want to accept dieing again and being alone again, but Master Dorian was right. He needed to come to terms with what happened and let it go. There was a chance that either of them would die in this battle, but if he was not willing to risk his life for the one he.loved then what in the world would he do with his life.

He concentrated on letting the past go, and living for the future that has yet to be written. He allowed the energy to flow, and the gate opened. Though he didn't feel any better he has at least come to terms with his problem. At least he hoped. Who knew what other dark secrets will be revealed while they worked to getting his body to work.

“Excellent,” Dorian said as he continued to walk around Aeterna’s body. He could feel the first chakra opening, and he knew that it was only the beginning battle for Aeterna. “Be strong in your convictions Aeterna,” Dorian spoke as he moved to Aeterna’s shoulder. “Now you must open the second chakra, the third-eye chakra. You must become one with yourself. Duality within yourself must meld and merge to become one. The second chakra represents the end of duality the beginning of singularity. Focus and progress Aeterna.”

Aeterna was already having a hard time coming to terms with what happened to him, but now Dorian was asking him to do the one thing he swore he would never do. He has always thought of himself as one entity, and his host a separate entity. He never completely took over one of his hosts, and became one with them. He didn't want to rob them of their individuality. They were them and he was himself. He lived In harmony as a second ever watchful presence inside of his host. To do anything else to him was unthinkable.

Tears fell down his face as he contemplated his position. Would he be able to meld with his next host? Would he be willing to take from them their individuality? He couldn't do that. He can't bring himself to do such a thing. “I can't. I can't rob them of who they are.” Aeterna said as he knew what this meant. If he would not come to terms with himself he would never be whole.

“You must overcome every obstacle to open each gate. If you are not willing to do what is necessary, I am afraid there is nothing more I can do to help you Aeterna,” Dorian replied as he sighed and closed his eyes. “Are you willing to let it go and let Kyori go? That is what it means to give up, you are letting him go.”

Aeterna didn't open his eyes, but the words Master Dorian spoke surprised him. Was he truly willing to give up Koyri? Would him not being able to walk or do anything truly drive his love away? Could he live with himself if that happened? The tears didn't stop, but he tried to come to terms with what he must do. He wouldn't abandon Kyori, even if it meant him having to take over his host. Aaron didn't want to live in a world that he was all alone in. So Aeterna took over and allowed him to sleep. Though they didn't become one he did have control.

Sighing as the tears stopped. He knew what he must do, though it didn't sit well with him he would have to become one with his hosts. With his determination set he used the energy to try and open the gate. It didn't want to open, but Aeterna was not going to let his doubts win. He wanted to be with Kyori. Soon his doubts washed away, and allowed the gate to open. Though he was beginning to fear that he might not be strong enough to be able to finish opening all the gates. Five remained, and the fight was nowhere near complete.

Dorian’s eyebrows raised at the sheer will of Aeterna to be with Kyori. It was the full representation of love. He truly loved the spirit dragon and it put Dorian at ease to know that someone would love the monk.

“The third chakra gate will not be easy Aeterna. Listen to my voice and feel my power,” Dorian said as he touched Aeterna’s shoulder. “The throat chakra, the communication chakra. Governed by growth and maturity. This is your independence chakra. You must stand firm Aeterna in your individuality.” This would be hard for Aeterna. Now that he’d made it through by his love for Kyori, he now had to love himself, and understand what it meant to be mature, to grow and to be his own individual, even if it was without Kyori.

What in the world was Master Dorian wanting of him? He had been alive for many a century, but he has only stood on his one once in his life, and that was when he was first born. Though he could feel Master Dorian’s energy flowing through him, but in the end he didn't know what in the world he was going to do. To be independent was not something he has done before. He has always relied on others to live. Even now that he has his own body he relied on Kyori. He loved him, and wouldn't know what to do without him.

How was he going to overcome this obstacle? He was not able to live on his own he didn't have the confidence. The thought of having to live on his own scared him. He has never been alone. “Why would I have to learn to live on my own? What would be the purpose of such a thing?” Aeterna asked fearing the answer.

“You must understand that Kyori may not always be there,” Dorian said knowing Aeterna didn't want to hear it. “To live life fully is to understand that you may have to do things on your own. You have to be at peace with singularity Aeterna.”

“To be alone is not truly living.” Aeterna said as his heart broke with Master Dorian's words. The only reason he is living is because of Kyori. If Kyori was no longer around he wouldn't know what to do. He would truly know what it is like to be truly alone. If he never knew love then this might be possible, but as he was he couldn't live without Kyori. He knew it was possible for something to happen to Kyori, and he would be left to live his life without him. Since he wouldn't be able to follow him. That would be worse than death to him.

“Master Dorian. If I didn't have Kyori my life would not be worth living. He is my light, and to lose that light would destroy my soul. I know that it is possible for this to happen…” Aeterna said as he closed his eyes tighter. He knew that he needed to pass this test, to be able to be there to protect Kyori. All of his long life he has never allowed himself to fall in love, and now that he has he feared being by himself again. “I am afraid to lose Kyori. Now that I know love I don't know if I would be able to live on my own again. But at the same time I know that I will have no choice in the matter if I am unable to protect the one that I love.” Aeterna said as he tried to come to terms with the possibility of being alone. His body shook with the feeling he was having, and the conflict of the two possibilities.

“You stand at crossroads Aeterna. Knowing that love can cripple the very soul. You do understand that to walk this path is to embrace loneliness,” Dorian began as he sighed. “To protect the ones we love and to show no fear. To overcome every obstacle, that is the bow we take as warriors of light.”

Master Dorian's words hit Aeterna hard. He knew he was right. To be able to live there lives for the ones they love, and to protect the world they have been charged with protecting was a double edged sword. He would have to come to terms with his fear, and continue down the warriors path. How easily he had forgotten that a warrior's duty is not to themselves but to the people they are to protect. A single tear ran down his face as his shaking stopped, and he came to terms with his life. If he had to live without Kyori then he would, and always keep his memory safe within him from eternity. He allowed the energy to flow into the gate, and he was able to open it. He would forever love Kyori, and live for his sake whether he was with him or he was in the afterlife. As the energy flowed through the gate his limbs felt lighter.

“Excellent. Three down Aeterna, keep it going.” Dorian said softly as he focused on helping the energies flow to their destination. “You have four more gates to open Aeterna, let us not lose focus.”

He let Aeterna rest a bit before he began again. “The heart chakra, unconditional love, open the fourth gate Aeterna.”

Master Dorian let him rest a bit before the next gate opening. He was tired, but at the same time he felt better than he has in the past couple new f days. His body was getting lighter and his muscles felt like they were.stronger. as the process began once again he smile at the concept of the next gate. This one was going to be easy for him to open. He loved Kyori with all that he was, and that love would transcend time. As he concentrated on this gate it opened with ease, but this was the only gate he hasn't had a problem with. He wondered what was in store for him next.

“You're doing great. Three more to go. The next chakra gate is the navel chakra dealing with fear, anxiety, personal power. Focus Aeterna overcome and let it flow. Defeat your fear.”

Aeterna's face drained of its​ color. He needed to defeat his fear that was something that was going to be hard. He fear'd many things dieing again, Kyori being killed, and his worst fear facing Samael again. He feared having to fight the man that made him almost kill the man he loved. He didn't want to chance him trying to take control of him again. Even if he was to fight him again he would be fearful of the prospect. Even though he doesn't have his stone he didn't know if he would be able to control him again. “Fear is something that is hard to fight. How can one live without fearing the one thing that forced you to almost kill the man that you love. How can I fight instinct?”

“Because that fear is what is going to rip Kyori away from you,” Dorian spoke. “If this fear is what is keeping you stagnant and in this current state. Fearing loss is a fear that you must overcome, or it will destroy you. Samael will win and Kyori will die. IS THAT SOMETHING YOU WANT!?” Dorian stated firmly.

When Master Dorin raised his voice Aeterna new the severity of what was needed to be done. He didn’t want to lose his love to the monster Samael. He knew his fear was justified, but in the end it was by all means a useless emotion that if he held onto would get Kyori killed. He didn't want to lose his love, and he didn’t want to make Master Dorian to have to worry about him. He had made many excuses for every step that he has had a problem with. He needed the resolve to just suck it up, and do what needs to be done. He needed to banish his fear, and allow his power to awaken the closed gate. He calmed himself and decided to used his fear and change it into resolve. He would not let Samael get his way, and he will be there to protect his friends and his love. He pushed his fear away and used that power to open the gate. The gate slowly opened, and allowed the energy to flow through. Soon he will be back to his old self, and he will be able to train his Master form.

The flow of energy opened the fifth gate leaving only two remaining. Dorian had to admit Aeterna was proving his resolve and will to overcome any obstacle just to protect the one he loved and be with him for eternity. The final two chakra gates would be most interesting, but he had faith that Aeterna would be able to open the gates and fully restore his body’s energy flow.

“The next gate Aeterna is the Sacral Chakra. It deals with relationships, violence, addictions, basic emotional needs, and pleasure, so you shouldn’t have an issue getting through this one,” Dorian stated a bit of teasing laced in his tone. As he was about to place his hand on Aeterna, he felt a dark energy enter the mansion. There was a familiarity with this new energy. Looking down at Aeterna he smiled.

“Keep focusing on overcoming the 6th gate, focus. I shall return shortly,” Dorian said as he vanished. He appeared in his study and looked around seeing Ocella clutching a rather dark stone. Her light was fading and being replaced by sheer darkness, darkness that resembled her surviving family. Dorian’s eyebrow raised.

“Well this is shocking,” he commented, “Ocella give me the stone, NOW!”

As Ocella turned around she felt his presence enter the study. She clutched the stone tightly, the whites of her knuckles showing. Her eyes were wide, almost appearing as if she had gone mad. “Never!” she responded with a smirk. Her skin was tingling from the darkness, and though she fought it, it was as if it had possessed her entirely. She brandished her wand and from it came a light, thought it was tainted with a dark hue as her energy built up. “I’ll be with my uncle soon,” she commented with a grin as she released the mass of energy, sending it bursting forth towards Dorian.

Aeterna was finally able to feel his body returning to normal with each gate that was being free from its bonds. He kept his eyes closed this whole time, to keep his concentration. Master Dorian spoke once more about the next gate and blushed from the tone and what was said. He was right. A gate dedicated to pleasure was going to be easy to open, but at the same time difficult. There was more to this gate than the others. Some positive and some negative. He was about to try and open the gate when he felt the dark presence enter Dorian's house.

Aeterna was about to say something but Dorian just smiled and told him to concentrate and open the second to last gate. He would be back in a moment. He disappeared from Aeterna's side. Aeterna needed to concentrate to pass this trial, and move on. He was going to have this gate open by the time he got back. He didn't worry about Master Dorian, but still he had no idea what this new energy would do. There was a slight familiarity to this energy.

Dorian’s smile turned into a firm glare as he watched her blatantly attack him with the very wand that he gave her. The stone in her possession would have to be destroyed. As the immense light tainted with darkness rushed towards him, Dorian shook his head.

“After all I have taught you,” Dorian said raising his hand as the energy collided with it. His movement was a blur as he shot forward through the energy blast. Now in front of her he struck her in the chest just hard enough to knock the wind out of her lungs and send her flying backwards. Simultaneously, he had managed to snatch the stone from her grasp and held it up for a moment to examine it. “A decoy,” he said softly, “filled with the dark essence of a darkling. Clearly Samael knew you’d be coming.” He crushed the stone in the palm of his hand and moved to retrieve Ocella.

Ocella was stunned when he managed to race straight through her energy blast. He was so fast, faster than she had ever imagined. He struck her chest and sent her flying backwards, she crashed into a bookcase and heavy tombs landed atop her. She couldn’t breathe from the impact for a few moments, but she began to writhe in pain after the stone had been removed from her grasp.

She was thrashing about the floor and had returned to her human state, screaming in agony as she fought against the darkness.

Aeterna concentrated. His flow of energy to break through the gate. Though at the same time he felt the two energies of the one who appeared and Master Dorian. Dorian was more powerful than the other energy. However, once the mystery energy was attacked he could feel it more, and knew this energy. He would have to remind himself to ask what happened. The energy flowed and he was working on finishing opening the gate before Dorian got back.

Walking over to her, he easily removed the items that had fallen on her. He examined her body and shook his head.

“For once I’d like you to come home without being near death or contaminated by darkness, is that even a possibility with you dear?” Dorian commented as he hated the option he was going to go with to remove the taint. Holy energy. It would hurt like hell, and no doubt she would writhe in pain from it burning the taint away, but it was the quickest way to remove it.

“Be still,” he said filling his hand with holy energy before thrusting it into her body without restraint.

Ocella was hyperventilating as Master Dorian came near her. She was fighting the darkness as best as she could, but it was proving to be so powerful. He spoke but she could barely understand him. She was writhing in pain and couldn’t stop. She could see that he wanted her to be still and she tried, though she had only succeeded somewhat. Then… his hand was alit with great holy energy and her eyes opened wide, but before she could do anything he thrust it into her body.

Her chest rose forward at once and her face distorted in pain as an unearthly screech left her lips.

“The darkness is being eradicated and you will be fine, but you need rest,” Dorian stated after the screech left her lips. He lifted her up and carried her to the infirmary wing of the mansion. There he placed her on one of the beds and wiped the sweat from her forehead. “Rest,” he commanded placing a beautiful necklace around her neck. The trinket would help her recovery move along more quickly. “I shall return I must check on Aeterna.”

With those words Dorian vanished and appeared beside Aeterna.

“Are you focusing?” Dorian asked resuming his task of helping the energy within Aeterna flow.

He heard the unearthly scream only barely through the closed doors, but he needed to concentrate. He couldn't allow anything to break his peace of mind. He had a lot of work to do, and who knew how much time to actually get it done. Once Dorian reappeared in the room the Master could tell something was interfering with his concentration. When Master Dorian placed his hand on him once more his energy was able to pass through the gate. His energy was now almost complete, and soon so would his body. Though there was one more gate to open, and this one might be the hardest of them all.

“There we go. Breathe Aeterna, breathe and prepare for the final gate. This gate is known as the root chakra. This chakra deals with instinct, security, survival, and believe it or not sexuality. It governs sensuality, and spiritually it governs a sense of security. Remember all you’ve done, all you’ve accomplished Aeterna and open the last and final gate.”

Aeterna listened to Master Dorian's words as he spoke of the last gate. This gate would take a lot of energy to open, and he knew that he would have to finish this no matter how long it took him. He concentrated his energy and worked on opening the gate. Though it seemed more difficult than he first thought. He was not going to complain since he had no idea why this gate was being so stubborn. It was hard to concentrate his energy as he fought to open the gate. It was like something was stopping him from being able to open the final gate. However, it wasn't himself that was stopping to process something else was interfering. Something was stopping him from being able to open the gate, but what? “Master Dorian what is happening?” Aeterna asked as he was starting to not feel right.

“Ahh, I see,” Dorian replied as he ran a hand over Aeterna’s body once more. “Samael’s influence was strong enough to survive your death and rebirth, but it is faint. I shall remove it,” Dorian said as he placed one hand on Aeterna’s bare chest and another on Aeterna’s forehead. Dorian’s light slowly began to filter into Aeterna’s body. It wouldn’t be long before the contaminate was dealt with.

“Stay calm, breathe and continue to focus on opening the last gate.”

Aeterna was shocked to hear that Samael's influence was still within his body. Although Master Dorian had placed a hand on his chest and head. He assured him that the influence would not last long. As Master Dorian’s power flowed into Aeterna destroying the residual amount of the dark angels power from his body he concentrated on opening the final gate. Soon the dark energy disappear the gate began to open.

As soon as the gate fully opened and his power restored to its original state Aeterna felt like his body was better than ever. “Thank you Master Dorian.” Aeterna said in a grateful tone as he got up off the metal.slab, and stretched the muscles that were finally able to be used. “What was that dark energy that appeared not too long ago?” He asked as he continued to stretch.

Dorian removed his hands once the influence was gone and smiled at Aeterna when the last gate opened. Aeterna had done it, he had regained control over his body. With a smile Dorian stepped back and watched Aeterna stand to his feet and stretch. He crossed his arms and nodded.

“Good good, everything seems to be restored,” Dorian began, “and the dark energy you felt earlier has been dealt with, Ocella had been tricked, but I cured her. Kyori has still not returned, but you have to focus on your training. I only hope Kyori makes it back. I can feel him fighting something dark, something sinister.”

By how Master Dorian acted it seemed Ocella had run into trouble. Now he knew why the energy felt familiar, but then Dorian mentioned that Kyori hadn't returned. This worried Aeterna as he knew that Kyori would not abandon his friend if the darkness has taken her. That must mean he was fighting. This was confirmed by his next words.

“How can I concentrate on my training with Kyori fighting? If you are worried about him coming back then I should go to help. I know we fight for the world, but I also fight to protect my family.” Aeterna said in an concerned and serious tone as he looked Dorian in the eyes with worry in them. He knew he needed to train, but he didn't want Kyori to fight on his own either.

After the scream died down, Master Dorian began to speak. She was shaking from the pain and covered in sweat. He indicated that the darkness was being eradicated, and that she would be fine… but as he lifted her up and began to carry her she felt a sense of remorse. She was devastated by what had happened, that her uncle had been able to overpower her own light so easily and that it had caused her to attack her father figure.

Her eyes widened when she was laid upon the bed as she remembered that Kyori was still fighting. Her fingers clutched the sheets as Master Dorian placed a necklace around her neck, for it burned into her very soul. It was a remarkable process that she had gone through… first the pain from the corruption, the failure to stop it… she had a deeper understanding of what Aeterna had been through. Then the pain from eradicating the darkness had been far more than what she had ever experienced.

As the trinket burned she could feel her consciousness slipping away, overwhelmed by pain and insecurities.

Dorian looked at Aeterna and shook his head. “You’d be more of a hindrance than anything else if you try to help him. Kyori is more than you know. He has hidden his skill, but he will overcome his adversary. It is in his bloodline,” Dorian said softly as he sighed and moved to the door. “Just remember who it is we are talking about here. He’s a warrior Aeterna, you can’t protect a warrior,” Dorian added as he pressed a hand against the door. It opened and he stepped out to allow Aeterna time to train his new found power.

Aeterna knew that Master Dorian was right, but he still didn’t want anything to happen to Kyori. In fact he knew all good and well that his love was more powerful than he was. Even with the power he now possesses Kyori was leaps and bounds ahead of him. It was just he promised to protect him, and he felt a little inadequate at being able to do such a thing. He overcame some of his baggage, but there was still much he was having problems with. He didn’t answer Master Dorian as he left, but just allowed him to leave. Collapsing to the ground he closed his eyes.

He could tell that night had fallen, and he needed to go out for a bit. He had been stuck in this place for too long, and he misses the night. Besides he needed to be alone at the moment. So he sunk into the shadows and used them to exit the compound. He appeared outside, and transformed into his adept form. Using his wings to fly through the sky. He was going to just go into the forest to listen to the wind and enjoy the nature around him. It has been too long since he has done such a thing. It would also help him to relax. So he headed in that direction.

As Aeterna flew in the direction of the forest, there was a shift in the wind as Kyori appeared beside his boyfriend in his master form. He was getting used to this form and was becoming more in tune with it. Slowly he looked over at Aeterna and smiled.

“I’m glad to see you’re doing better, where are you headed?” Kyori asked with a smile as he moved around Aeterna in mid flight like a bee flying around a beehive.

Felling a shift in the wind suddenly Kyori was flying beside him. He was smiling, and Aeterna was glad he was okay, but why did he come to him now of all times. He knew it wasn’t Kyori’’s fault he was having doubts about himself and his ability to fulfill his promise to the young spirit dragon. Sighing he replied to Kyori’s question. “Yes master Dorian helped me in that respect. I am heading into the forest to…” Aeterna didn’t know how to word what he was feeling. How to express the doubts he was feeling, his inadequacies, and how he was afraid. How can a warrior express these kinds of emotions to a fellow warrior. “I am going into the forest to clear my thoughts.” Aeterna said in a depressed tone. He knew Kyori would want to come with him more than likely. “If you would like you can come along.” He knew this is not what he needed but it might be better than brooding alone. He might be able to get a couple of things off his chest.

Kyori listened to Aeterna as they flew side by side for a few moments before he nearly came to a complete stop after hearing words he didn’t think he’d hear from Aeterna. He wanted to go and clear his mind and be alone. It was evident in the tone of voice he used. He seemed depressed and Kyori wanted to know why after he’d just received the use of his body back. He sighed knowing it probably had to do with him and fighting Darkholm. He looked at Aeterna fly a bit ahead before catching up with him.

“Do you want me to join you? I will understand if you want to be alone, but I want you to know that you’re my light Aeterna. When I was fighting Darkholm I thought about you and returning to you. Please stay confident, you are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for,” he said as he flew close to him and kissed him softly on the cheek. “I love you.”

Aeterna knew that Kyori would be worried about him. Since he was not acting like his normal self. He felt like an insect that was not worth the attention he was receiving from the man he loved. He has not been himself since that moment Samael almost killed them all, and he sacrificed himself for them. He found he was weak in both mind and body, and the fact that Kyori had to kill him still plagued his mind. If he was just stronger then none of this would have happened. Just as Kyori kissed him and said he loved him he stopped flying and Kyori flew ahead of him, but returned as promptly as he disappeared from his side.

He was fighting with himself. He didn’t know if being by himself would be the best or not. If he was left along he just might leave and never return, but if he talked to Kyori about his problems it might cause a rift between them. He didn’t know what to do. So many things were eating away at him. If he could just forget it would make things easier on him. He landed on the ground and closed his eyes. He needed to make a decision, on what he wanted. “Kyori… I don’t … I mean I need… I need to talk to you. I need to understand something.” Aeterna said as he transformed back into his human form. They were far enough away that at least this time they would have some privacy.

Kyori could still feel the discomfort Aeterna was feeling. It saddened him, but he returned to his normal form when they landed on the ground. He looked at Aeterna unsure how to help him with his issues. There wasn’t much he could say. He loved him, he wanted to help him, but how he would help him was unknown to him. Aeterna had been there for him, and he didn’t know if all of the despair his love was feeling had to do with everything that had happened, but part of him felt it was. When Aeterna spoke and stated that he needed to talk to him, Kyori swallowed hard and approached cautiously.

“Yea? What’s wrong baby?” Kyori reached out to touch Aeterna, but retracted his hand as he waited for whatever was going to come from Aeterna’s lips. Was he breaking up with him? What had he done? Was this his fault? He couldn’t help but blame himself for how Aeterna was feeling.

Aeterna noticed Kyori’s reaction to what he had said and know that the young dragon thought this was his fault. That was so far from the truth it was sad. This all had to do with him and his feelings of inadequacy. Aeterna ran his hand through his hair as he thought of where to begin. “Kyori first thing I want to make clear this is by no means anything you have done. You have been nothing but supportive to me, and showing me a kindness that I don’t believe I deserve.” Aeterna said averting his gaze from Kyori, and turning his back to him. “I don’t know how to put into words my problem, but I will try my best.” he said as he sighed and dropped his shoulders. He knew how Kyori was going to react, but he needed to get this off of his chest.

“Kyori, I don’t understand how someone like you could fall in love with someone like me. I have done nothing but hurt you both physically and mentally. I have been unable to keep my word and protect you in any way. I am a weakling that doesn't have the power to protect the one I love. I am not worthy to be by your side. I love you, and the bond I share with you will last forever, but in the end I am inferior to you in every way. How can I be by your side when I can’t even look you in the eyes. I fear losing you to the darkness or death. The fact that I needed help to be able to walk again is proof of the weakness that I have. And through that process I realized that I am not worthy to be allowed to walk by your side.” Aeterna said in a saddened voice as he brought to bare all of his fears and problems. This was hard for him. He loved Kyori but didn’t feel worthy of that love.

“If it’s not my fault why are you second guessing my love for you?” Kyori asked obviously hurt by the entire ordeal. Why was Aeterna so fixed on the things that they didn’t share in common? Why couldn’t he just love Kyori the way Kyori loved him? He didn’t care about power, as long as he had Aeterna he was fine. It hurt, it hurt so much and Kyori didn’t know how to react to it but to stand in stunned silence. “Needing help doesn’t mean you’re weak Aeterna, and belittling my love by saying you’re not worthy is not setting with me too well,” Kyori spoke truthfully. He moved walking by Aeterna until he was at the base of a large tree. He slid to a sitting position and sighed. “Do you love me Aeterna? Because if you don’t just say so and we can move on with our lives. You vowed to protect me, and while it’s admirable, it’s crazy. You want to protect me, but did it ever occur to you what will happen to me if you die while trying to protect me? We write our own story Aeterna, and I have come to peace with that.” Kyori sighed and looked away bringing his knees to his chest and burying his face into the space between. He was silent for a while until he looked up. “So what now? Do we go our separate ways?

Aeterna was wrong. Completely wrong. Talking to Kyori about this was a mistake. He only hurt him more with his words. This is not what he wanted not at all. This only made him feel even worse. He opened his eyes and looked at the man he loved. This pain was almost more than he could bare. “My love for you is absolute, Nothing on this earth will be able to take that from us.” Aeterna said as he took one step towards Kyori. “I can understand why you wouldn’t want me to protect you. The loss of the one you love is too much to bear. Though have you ever taken into consideration my point of view? My life is Eternal unless I am killed by someone. I would have to face my life alone, like I was before I met you. I never loved anyone. I stayed in the shadows of my hosts, and let them live their lives. Never once did I fall in love.” Aeterna said as he took a couple of more steps towards Kyori. “If I lose you then I would have to live my life alone again. I don’t know if I would be able to do that.” he said as he closed the distance between them and placed a hand on Kyori’s face. “I don't want to have to face those long centuries alone. I don’t want to lose the light that has brought me out of the shadows.You are the only reason I have for living.” Aeterna said as he looked Kyori in the eyes as tears fell down his face. He knew this went against everything he did to make himself walk again, but he couldn't help it. “I didn’t mean to cause you more pain. If you want go our separate ways I will not stop you, but I will fade back into the shadows once more.” He wouldn’t be able to live his life without Kyori. If he wanted to break up then he would leave, and never return. He might even seek out Samael to kill him.

Kyori listened and every step Aeterna took towards him he didn’t know what would happen. He could see the tears in Aeterna’s eyes and that caused his heart to ache. He looked away to keep from crying, holding back his tears. Was this the right choice? Should they go their separate ways? Kyori sighed and stood to his feet, smiling softly.

“You do know I’m not letting you go right?” Kyori began, “I think I understand but know that I love you for you, never think that you’re unworthy of my love, sometimes I feel I’m not worthy to have such an amazing guy in my life. I want you to be happy Aeterna, and it seems that the only way for you to be happy is by us just being friends. You’re not used to love, you’re not used to this and I don’t want to put a strain on your life. I would love for us to be friends Aeterna, I don’t want us to have any hatred towards each other. You are an amazing guy.”

Aeterna just shook his head as Kyori’s words. He didn’t understand anything. He didn’t know what it was like to spend centuries alone wilt no one to understand you. Granted his Hosts were willing to house him, but not to give themselves to him. It was something he didn’t require at the time. There was no way for him to just go back to being friends. The moment Kyori accepted the love he felt for him that option was gone. Aeterna stood up, and moved in closer to Kyori till the young dragon was pinned against the tree. “You don’t understand my words Kyori. You seem to think that your love is the problem, and it is not the problem. I am the one with the problem. Because I am not used to someone actually wanting me in their lives. I don’t know how to accept that emotion amongst many others. My whole life has been in hiding inside of my host, and not interfering in their lives. I don’t know what it is like to live in the light.” Aeterna said as he laid his forehead against Kyori’s.

“Without you I would have never known what this was like. I would still be sulking in the shadows, hiding from the world they never accepted me and my kind. I am not like you who was raised in the light and know how to deal with their emotions. I wish with all my heart I was like you, but alas I am not. I am what I am and you love me for that. I just have to learn to deal with the emotions that I am experiencing for the first time. I didn’t know fear till I had to watch as I attacked you, and tried to kill you. I never knew sadness until I almost lost you. I am having a hard time processing these emotions. If you can understand what it is like to live for ages, and never truly live till you found love.” Aeterna said as he pulled his head away. He lifted Kyori’s chin with one of his hands and kissed his love on the lips. “I should have not been so selfish as to involve you in my problems my love.” he said as he freed Kyori from the tree by backing away from him. “You are free to do as you wish. Your love is what has kept me working hard. I will not be satisfied with your friendship Kyori, and if that is what you truly want then I will have to do what I have to do.” Aeterna said as he turned his back to Kyori. “Our lives are a never ending story, and we are the ones that decide the outcome of events. I will no longer bother you if that is what you wish.” Aeterna said as he transformed into his master form that was more human looking. He may still not be accustomed to this form, but he would need to learn. He began to walk towards a the shadows made by the trees of the forest. He was going to leave. He was no longer going to be an emotional burden on Kyori.

Kyori felt bad for his assumptions. He had to see this from Aeterna’s point of view and sighed as he listened and felt the touch of Aeterna’s skin against his own. He loved his touch and he would do all he could to help Aeterna overcome his feelings of inadequacy. As Aeterna turned to leave Kyori grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face him. Without warning Kyori pulled Aeterna close to him kissing him gently.

“I love you for you Aeterna, always remember that,” Kyori said as he ran his hand along Aeterna’s chest before ripping his top open kissing him again with love laced in it. “I will help you in any way I can to get you to understand my love for you.”

Aeterna was about to leave When he felt a hand on his shoulder and it turned him around. Then he was sharing a kiss with Kyori. He was intoxicated with the kiss. Maybe he really didn't want to be just friends. “Love you too Kyori.” Aeterna said as his body shook slightly from Kyori's touch. This was a welcome sensation. Then he began kissing him on the chest after ripping his loose fitting robes from his body. Without saying a word he began to unravel Kyori’s emerald green robs revealing his chest, and ran his clawed hands gently down his skin. As he then moved a hand to the back of Kyori's head, and kissed him deeply and passionately. Aeterna worked on removing his loves robs and allowing the fabric to fall to the ground. Then without any warning he picked Kyori up and laid him on the ground. Removing his own robes Aeterna straddled Kyori and then laid on top of him. Their naked forms pressing against one another. Aeterna placed a hand on Kyori’s side running his claw like fingers down his love's side. Aeterna knew he still had a lot to learn, but in this moment of pure bliss he knew what he needed to know. Their body coupling together like two pieces of a puzzle that were meant to be together.

They released all the pent up energy that they needed to, and every moment was pure bliss for Kyori. No matter how upset he got with Aeterna, he couldn’t stay mad very long because he loved him. He understood why Aeterna felt the way he did, but he wished he didn’t. Aeterna was very important to him. He didn’t know how he’d survive without him, and to think that he felt inadequate to him made him feel sad. Still, he would help Aeterna feel better, he would help him understand, he would help him realize his potential. When their act of love was done, Kyori realized they were naked in a forest lying in the grass. He sighed and looked over at Aeterna.

“Is there anything I can do to help you baby?”

Aeterna was lying on his back after they finished making love. He laid there looking at the canopy as he thought on what his position was in this relationship. He never thought that something like this would ever happen, and yet here he was beside the man he loves. All of his uncertainties were plaguing his mind even now, but he knew that at least he would have Kyori in his life and that is all that mattered. Aeterna needed to come to terms with his problems, and not allow himself to fall prey to their misgivings. He took a deep breath as he heard Kyori’s voice. He knew that it was wrong of him to have placed this burden on the man he loved. So he turned on his side and smiled at the spirit dragon. “I will be fine. I know that I have a lot to deal with, but I will not place this burden on you any longer. I will come to terms with my problems. You on the other hand have a mission to complete. Ocella is waiting for your return, and I am sure she will be glad to see you. I am sorry for not understanding how you feel about this.” Aeterna said in a apologetic voice as he sat up and smiled at Kyori.

“You know I’m here if you ever want to talk about anything,” Kyori replied as he stood up and proceeded to get dressed. Aeterna was right, he had a mission he had to complete, and he still needed to return the stone to the base, but there was so much he still had to learn and it was evident that he had a desire to learn all there was to learn about his newfound power. “Just remember you’re amazing, and you are strong. You’re a phoenix, and that in and of itself is amazing. Can we plan a date after my mission? I would love to go on a stroll with you,” Kyori added as he pulled on the last stitch of clothing before adjusting himself and running a hand through his hair his gaze falling onto Aeterna.

The shadow phoenix watched as Kyori got up and began to get dressed. He knew that his love would be there for him, but they all had things they needed to do and Samael would never let them rest. He stood up himself, and began to put on his clothing. “I know you are there for me, and I love the fact that you are willing to listen to my problems. If I ever need to let something off my chest I won't hesitate to speak with you.” Aeterna said as he pulled the last article of clothing back into place. He then smiled and walked over to Koyri wrapping his arms around him lovingly. “I would love to go on a date with you. It has been a while since we have had a little time to ourselves. I love you so much Kyori, and I will try and never bring you anguish anymore. I will be a better man by the time you return from your mission.” He said lovingly as he pulled himself away from his love and placed his hands on his shoulders. He gave him a deep kiss. As soon as they finished he placed his hand on the flare stone the spirit dragon wore. “We are connected in more than one way, and through that connection we will be together always.” Aeterna said as he backed away from Kyori. With a smile on his face. He wouldn't be returning to Master Dorian's house just yet. He still needed to train his new power.

Kyori smiled after the loving embrace. He had so much to do and he hated leaving Aeterna alone to train, but he knew it was his journey and he couldn’t share it as much as he wanted to. As he watched Aeterna back away, Kyori smiled and looked up at the sky. In a burst of power he was airborne zipping away like a jet heading to fulfill his training and learn about his kind.

06-12-2017, 06:43 PM
A portal opened into the volcano base that Master Samael had set up in this realm. The inside of the room he appeared in was a place for experimenting and getting ready for the dark ones return.This little Nephilim was one of the pieces he needed to make his master's plans a reality. The room was hotter than normal since the lava flow was making up one of the walls. Though the temperature was not so hot for him or his master. However, it would cause Amon problems since he was half ice demon. Etrama took the unconscious man to one of the tables and laid him down.

He smiled as he reached for Amon's clothing, and removed them from his person. He was lying there in his undergarments upon the warm metal table while Etrama looked over his body. Seeing the tattoos that covered his skin and smiled as he placed a free hand on Amon's abs. “You are a perfect specimen. I am sure the Dark God will love your body.”Etrama said as he gently ran his hand from Amon's Abs to his chest. He then went to work securing the young man's body to the table. Moving Amon's arms above his head there were metal shackles there where the Wraith secured Amon's arms. However, he saw a ring where a wedding band would be placed. Ignoring it for the moment. Then he chained Amon's legs in the same fashion.

Once his new play toy was bound to the table he tightened the chains with a crank so he would be unable to move. Now it was time to report to his love and master Samael. With his mission complete maybe he would have time to spend with Samael before he would need to be sent out again. So he walked out of the room, and went to Samael's study. He couldn't wait to report on his mission, and tell his love that they were one stepped closer to reviving the gods of destruction. He stopped in front of Samael’s study, and entered the room seeing that his love was sitting at his desk he approached him with a smile on his face. “My lord. I have retrieved the Nephilim.”

Samael looked up from the table as Etrama came strolling in. There were schematics all over the table and a book that gave off a extremely dark aura. Samael smirked upon Etrama informing him that he had retrieved the Nephilim. He stood up straight and approached Etrama, placing a soft and gentle kiss on his lips before moving away.

“Excellent,” he said as he turned and prepared to return to the table before his servant entered his study, kneeling down.

“My lord,” the male servant spoke as Samael motioned with two fingers for the male to speak. “My lord Darkholm failed, he is no more. The spirit dragon destroy him. His power, it reeked of death my lord,” the man spoke sporadically causing Samael to turn in his direction and hold up a finger.

“The spirit dragon has been chosen then. Perhaps I can sway him to my side. We are both dark entities in this world that doesn’t understand us,” Samael said shaking his head. “They have my stone, and no doubt they will try to destroy it. However,” Samael began looking towards the room Etrama had come from, “we have something they want as well. A life for my stone. Thank you Neros, you are free to go. Prepare my legion, this war is upon us, we will raise the dark one within the coming days. Everything is in place. All I need is the blood of that Spirit Dragon.”

Samael face grew devious and his smile was wicked. He turned to Etrama. “Take me to him.”

Etrama smiled as Samael kissed him on the lips. A chill ran down his spine as he could tell his love was happy. Though their victory, and his smile only lasted for a bit. When a servant of his Lord came in and relayed a message that the Spirit dragon had dispensed of Darkholm. Etrama really didn't care that the demon was gone, but with his death his loves soul stone. He wanted to go and retire it from them, but by his master's reaction it was not that big of a deal since they had the Nephilim.

Etrama may not have been smiling, but he bowed to Samael. “As you wish. Follow me my lord.” Etrama said as he then got a smile on his face. He was going to enjoy forcing their prisoner through hell, and if that ring meant anything then the little angel might be missing her husband. He led his master and love into the next room.

Amon started to regain his consciousness from the darkness that had entrapped him. His senses started to return to him, and he could feel the heat of the room and his arms and legs were unable to be moved. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around at his surroundings. He was still a little out of it, and what happened to him really didn't register. His whole body hurt and he could only see that he was in some kind of room that looked as if terrible experiments have been conducted within these walls. He closed his eyes, and waited for whatever was going to happen to him to happen. He only thought of Ocella as he heard the door open. His breathing increased as he heard the footsteps grow ever closer.

“Well well, hello there Amon,” Samael said as he strode into the room and smiled down at the restricted nephilim. “So what brings you to my hollowed abode?” Samael mocked as he looked at Amon’s body. The markings that covered his body, the ring on his hand made of nature itself, and the power he now possessed. Samael could feel it all and yet he relished in it. What was the point of fighting if one did not enjoy being the strongest? “My dear boy I need some of your blood for a little experiment,” Samael spoke running a finger from Amon’s belly button tracing along his abs up to his chest before stopping at the bend of his arm. Suddenly, Samael inserted a needle into Amon’s arm draining blood, but not a lot. The vial was full when Samael pulled the sharp instrument from Amon’s arm.

“I must admit your physique is most toned. A beautiful specimen indeed, too bad you didn’t pledge your allegiance when you had the chance.”

Amon opened his eyes as Samael spoke. The Dark Angel looked at him with what one could mistake for lust. Ignoring what the dark one said he could only narrow his eyes at the man he held responsible for Auro having to leave this world. The man who he loved as a father has to sacrifice himself for the man he loved. He just stared at him with content. That was until Samael said something that caught his attention, and his eyes went wide. Then one of his fingers traced his skin from his abs up to his arm, his body tensed under his touch. The motion sickened him, and he tried to struggle, yet his restraints were holding him tight against the table and he had yet to fully regain his strength.. “Get your hands off of me you…” Amon’s words were cut short as he felt a needle pierce his skin. He cringed from the rough way the needle was inserted, and couldn’t do a thing to stop what was happening.

When the needle was removed he looked at the smile that formed on the man’s face. “What are you going to do with me, and my blood?” He asked wanting to know what was going to happen. He might regret asking that question, but he wanted to know.

Etrama watched as his master approached the Nephilim, and went to work playing with him. He could tell the man was not enjoying the attention he was receiving, and in fact he must have felt sick. He enjoyed watching as he struggled as his master took the man’s blood. He walked over to him and placed a hand on Amon’s chest. “Don’t worry. You won't have to worry about it for too long. Besides, soon you will be my play toy.” Etrama said as he traced the muscles of Amon’s abdomen. “You are right Lord Samael. He is definitely well built.” He said in a sly voice as he continued to trace his muscles.

Samael turned to Etrama and smirked as he spoke to Amon, informing the poor nephilim that he would soon be nothing more than a play toy for a horny wraith, and Samael didn’t mind at all, it only spiced things up between he and Etrama.

“While you have fun with your new toy, I must return to my study,” Samael said as he placed the vial of blood in his robes, “however, once you’re done let me know,” he said moving to the other side of Amon, “I can only imagine how tasty he is,” he added allowing his hands to move over Amon’s entire body before resting at his neck. “On second thought let’s see how he tastes,” Samael said as he moved close to Amon’s neck, licking the major artery that ran through the neck and allowing a pleasurable shiver to run down his spine. He moved to look Amon in the eye holding his face close to his own.

“You are powerful little nephilim,” Samael said as his hands continued to move across Amon’s naked form, “or should I say big?” Samael teased, “but your power is nothing compared to the God of Destruction. With your blood, and the blood of the spirit dragon I will be able to resurrect him. He will lay waste to the heavens, and live as you know it shall die. Darkness shall consume this world and there is nothing you or your little friends can do to stop me.”

Samael released Amon’s head and moved to leave the chamber. “Etrama, send a warning to our enemies, let them know what we have and set up a trade, a life for my stone.”

Amon could only shudder at what was being said, and the touch of the Wraith that seemed to be enjoying his plight. Then Samael started touching him as well and he could only close his eyes as his treatment only got worse, and both of them were touching his skin methodically gently as if to try and create a response from his body. Which it did, but the shaking was from disgust not pleasure. Then without him realizing he had left himself open Samuel.had grabbed a hold of his chin, and proceeded to lick the side of his neck tasting him. His eyes shot open fear evident within his gaze. As the dark one moved in close to his face, looking him in the eyes as he revealed his plan. Amon could only imagine what would happen if he got his way, and his plan came to fruition. Though he knew.that he would not get his way with Kyori. The young man was strong willed, and powerful. “There is no way that you…” his words were cut short as Etrama moved in and kissed him forcing him to muffle his remaining words as he struggled to free himself from the kiss.

The Wraith grabbed a hold of his chin forcing him to open his mouth as his tongue slithered inside of Amon’s mouth. This caused the sickness in his stomach to only increased as he struggled to free himself from the tongue that was invading his mouth. The muffled sounds of his struggle could easily be heard through the room. When Etrama finally freed him from the kiss and looked down at him. Amon had tears falling down his face. He knew what was going to happen to him, and it sickened him. All he could do was sit there and wait for the treatment that followed. “You will never get your way. Kyori and the others will stop you. They will not sacrifice the world's safety for the life of an abomination like me.” he said weakly as he had come to terms with his fate.

“Master Samael. I will enjoy my time with this Nephilim, and I will report to you before I go and let the Mystics know that we have their little friend.” He said as he looked over Amons body. He would enjoy ravaging him before he left. It had been a while, and he would make sure that he was fully satisfied before he left. “Besides.” Etrama said as he walked over to Samael and kissed him deeply. “Maybe we can both play with him when I get back, or maybe a little ‘one on one’ time.” Etrama said in a sensual tone as he ran his hand down Samael’s chest to his abdomen. “That is unless you liked his taste so much that you would like to join me now?” Etrama said in a hopeful tone. It would be nice to destroy this man together with his love.

As much as he enjoyed Etrama’s touch, he needed some time alone to figure out the rest of his plan.

“As much as I would love it, he is all yours for now, I need the blood of a Phoenix and the blood of a dragon not tainted by the darkness. Then I can combine my angelic blood and then I will be able to resurrect the god of destruction.”

Samael turned and removed his presence from the room.

Etrama knew Samael was busy, and as soon as the God of destruction was summoned they would be able to spend more time with one another. Until then he would have to entertain himself in another way. He watched as his lover exited the room, and once he was gone Etrama turned his attention to the Nephilim that he will be entertaining himself with.

Amon was shocked by the sight of Etrama and Samael. They seemed to be lovers, but that was not right. How can evil love? Though by the sounds of it they needed more than just his blood to summon the God of Destruction. “You will never win this war. Kyori will not fall victim to your ambitions, and neither will Aeterna. So you might as well give up now.” Amon said just as Samael left the room. Then the Wraiths eyes were upon him once more, and the look of desire sent a chill down his spine. He knew that he was nothing but a play toy for Etrama. He swallowed hard as the man walked over to him placing a gentle hand on his chest.

“Now that I have you all to myself shall we get started?” He asked as he moved his hand gently down his chest to his abs down to his inner thigh. He squeezed lightly as a smile formed on his face. Amon shuttered with the touch he was receiving. Eterna was going to enjoy defiling this Nephilim. He removed his hand and began to undress himself.

Once his clothing was off and placed them on another table he moved to where Amon was confined to the table with a smile on his face. He could feel the the tension in the air the closer he got to his new toy.

Eterna saw that Amon had closed his eyes once more and he could feel his heart rate increasing. His muffled cry's were music to his ears. Having the man struggle underneath him was also exhilarating.

He moved his hand and released the tension that kept the Nephilim in place he smiled at his playtoy, as he was now going to explore his body further. A blood curdling scream filled the room as everything began.

As soon as Etrama was finished with his play time he lifted himself up and looked at the unconscious Nephilim a satisfied look on his face. He had a lot of tension to release and Amon got the short end of the stick. He was not in the best of shapes, and there was several locations where he was bleeding and two bite marks on his toned body. There were locations on Amon's body where Etrama left hickies on his skin. He had worked him over quite a bit. He knew bruising would form sooner or later. He pulled the ring from Amon’s hand and looked at the inlaid design. He knew this was 'her’ work, and couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she found out.

He re-tightened the restraints, and walked over to where his clothing was and got dressed. He looked back once more to see the defiled Nephilim and he could only smile. He left the room and returned to his master's study. “Well I am finished with my release. So I guess I am needing to go and find the mystics to warn them and set up a trade.” He said with a smile as he moved over to the desk. “Is there anything else you would like me to do while I am out?”

Samael looked up when Etrama entered his study once again. He explained to Samael that he had gotten his fill and was off to set up the trade. Samael knew that Kyori would have the stone since he defeated Darkholm, but setting up the trade would be necessary to ensure that the Mystics knew he had one of their own in his possession. Kyori would deliver the stone to him once he had the other pawn in this game he was playing.

“Very well, but do try to have a little fun while you’re out,” Samael said, “I have a Phoenix to track down.”

Eterna smiled at his master's words. He was allowing him to have a little fun and keep the Mystics​ attention while he went and received the Phoenix he was needing. Though Etrama knew that the Phoenix was not his only target with this hunt. “Thank you Master Samael. I will make sure to give them a show they will remember. Besides I am going to make sure that they know exactly who they have picked a fight with.” Etrama said in a sly and confident voice. “Have fun with your Phoenix hunt. I am sure he will be a fine trophy.” Etrama said as he turned to walk out of the room. He knew exactly how.he was.going to get the attention of the Mystics. He was sure that he would enjoy seeing 'her’ face wallowing in agony over not being able to protect the innocent people he was shooting to kill.

As he walked a portal to the spirit world opened before him, and he entered. He was going to have fun in the outside world, and then playing with the Mystics minds. The portal closed as soon as he entered it. He reappeared in time square and looked around at the people that are there. A wicked smile formed on his face as he summoned around fifty of his undead servants and sicked them on the populace. Normal people would not be able to kill them. So they will continue to kill till until he told them to stop. Now he just waited for them to arrive.

Ocella appeared in the middle of time square to a scene of chaos, and as much as it sickened her she had to find the source before she could help anyone. Screams of death rang through the air and pleas for mercy filled the city center.

“Etrama!” she yelled his name, knowing that he was there. “Etrama, what do you want?!” she yelled at him, looking around the square for him.

Etrama saw Ocella arrive at the square through the one of the buildings that was to her right. He relished the look on her face from the carnage that was surrounding her. He smiled as he walked out of the building and approached her. His minions stopped killing or maiming the innocent and move in close to their master and Ocella. “Oh come now. Do I need a reason to kill these insects. With them gone the God of Destruction will have less to get rid of. Though I do have a message for you.” Etrama did as he slowly approached her taking one slow step after another.

When he figured he was close enough for her to see what he would be holding up. He reached into his pocked, and pulled out the ring that he liberated from the Nephilim after he was finished with him. He then held up the ring for Ocella to see. “I have something that you might want. Would you like to come and get it!?” Etrama said as he watched her face. He wanted to see her face twisted in agony.

Ocella’s eyes narrowed at her foe as he came from one of the nearby buildings. His minions ceased attacking the crowd and humans were running away, but many were still injured on the streets crying in pain. The sound was ghastly to her and she knew that she couldn’t help them.

Etrama slowly approached her, his minions nearby and she transformed at once to her master mystic form. She saw him reach into his pocket and took a step back at once, wondering what the man was playing at. He pulled an object out and held it up for her to see and her eyes widened in fear when she saw what he held. “W...what…” she began, but he began to speak once more. He said that he had Amon and her stomach twisted into knots, she felt sick and her face drained of color. Without realizing it she had transformed back into her human state.

“No,” she breathed, reaching out for the ring but holding her hand back. “What do you want from me?” she asked, pulling her hand back as she tried to come to her senses. “Where is he? What do you want me to do?” she asked, taking a step back from him. ‘Ryan!’ she thought desperately to her brother. ‘Ryan, they have Amon!’ she could only imagine what horrors her uncle and Etrama had planned for her. She only prayed for Amon’s safety, Etrama and her uncle would have hell to pay when Amon was in her arms once more.

Etrama saw the look on Ocella’s face and a wide smile on his face. She was horrified when she realized that her love was in his grasp. He relished the fact she looked at him with such fear and worry. He could tell that she was wanting to take the ring, but she feared being too close to him.

Eterna quickly reached for her hand and opened her fingers to place the ring within her hand. “First of all I want you to take this lousy ring from me. I have what I want from it.” Etrama said as he moved closer to Ocella's ear so he could devastate her more with his next bit of news. He whispered into her ear, “By the way your husband tasted so good. I just had to have a piece of him.” Eterna said as he then punched Ocella hard in the stomach. Releasing her hand and backed up. As soon as he gets word from Samael that his business was done he would quit playing with Ocella, and tell them his lover terms. For now he just wanted to watch as Ocella writhe in pain about what he had done.

Ocella yelped in surprise and struggled when he snatched her hand. He placed the ring in her palm and she clutched it, though it did nothing to better her current situation. Her heart was racing and her eyes widened as he spoke of his crimes against Amon. “You bastard!” Ocella shouted, but before she could say anything else he punched her straight in her gut and knocked the breath out of her. She gasped in pain and glared at him when he released her hand, and instantly she flipped back to put some distance between the two.

“What the hell do you want?!” she shouted, trying to gather her senses.

Ryan sat in the icy tundra of the northern part of the world. The wind blew furiously and the ice seemed to cut at the skin of any who dared to step foot, but Ryan sat in the midst of it his eyes closed as he continued to meditate. He had reached Master, and had trained his new form within the very element he controlled so expertly; however, he knew he still had so much more to learn. As he continued, something began to knick at the corner of his mind and pulled him out of his meditation. He could hear her voice, his brother’s wife’s voice. She was in trouble and she was asking for help, he could feel it in her voice.

Standing to his feet, Ryan grabbed the scarf that hung to his waist and wrapped it around his neck before vanishing in a wisp of snow.

After Etrama had punched Ocella and Ocella flipped away to gain some distance, snow began to fall. It was odd that snow fell even when the sun was at its peak, but the snow fell and remained whole even in the midst of heat. The icy wind blew, and Ryan appeared before Ocella. He could see she was distressed. He knelt down and placed a soft hand on her shoulder.

“What’s going on Ocella? Where is Amon?” He asked turning to see Etrama. This was not good, he could hear screams of victims and he knew that this was just the beginning. Where was Samael?

Etrama smirked at the glare that Ocella shot at him right before she flipped backwards to put some distance between them. She almost looked like she was going to either cry or kill him. “I already told you. I want to destroy you. I want to see you break” he said as the weather suddenly turned cold, and snow started to fall to the ground in the middle of the day. Well it seemed that one of Auro's servants had come to interfere with his play time, but it didn't matter. Even this one wouldn't raise his hand to him. With Amon's life at risk.

“Hello Ryan. Welcome to my party. Do you like the reception? By the way Amon is not here, but I do know where he is.” Etrama said with a sly look on his face as he stood his ground. He was sure that Ocella will fill in this little demon in on what he had done.

“Where is he you bastard?!” Ocella shouted at Etrama when Etrama said that he simply wanted to see her break. It was then that snow began to fall and stick to the ground, something she recognized instantly. Ryan was there in moments asking her what was going on, where his brother was. She was trying not to cry, not to give Etrama that satisfaction.

“They have him!” she shouted, punching the ground with force and regretting it instantly when the pain began circulating through her hand. She winced and glared at Etrama. She knew that she couldn’t lay a hand on Etrama while Amon was in his grasp and it sickened her. “I’m going to cut your fucking dick off and shove it so far up your ass that it will NEVER see the light of day again, and then I’m going to kill you and send you to hell where you belong!” she shouted at Etrama, her upper body shaking in anger.

“Where is he?!” she asked again, rising to her feet and glaring at Etrama.

Ryan listened to Etrama knowing of the mind games he enjoyed playing. From what he was being told Amon was no longer safe, he was in enemy territory and it sucked to know that they couldn’t attack Etrama without risking Amon’s life. Ocella shouted, and Ryan’s eyes narrowed on Etrama.

“Release him this instant,” Ryan said his icy eyes piercing through Etrama. He could hear Ocella’s threat and part of him shivered at the thought. Then his mind went to Joshua and he held in a worried gasp. Where was he? He hadn’t seen him nor felt him in such an extremely long time. “You have thirty seconds to tell us where Amon is.”

Etrama's smile only widened more as Ocella broke down her body shaking, and the threat was an interesting. She finally wanted to kill him, and that is what he wanted. To prove that angels were as bad as he was. Chuckling slightly as he watched Ryan’s eyes narrowed, and even he threatened him. Ryan knew of his love to play mind games, and Etrama knew of his icy personality. He was enjoying this to no end.

“Sticks and stones my dear though isn't that a little bit overkill. The only thing I did was rape Amon. Enjoying his body ever so much. Would you like to know exactly what I did to him? I can tell you in detail.” Etrama said as he knew this would hit a nerve. “First I removed his clothing as I shackled him to the table in my personal lab. Then I slowly ran my hands over his muscular body. As I admired the intricate tattoo like marks that are on his skin. I enjoyed kissing him deeply as he struggled to free himself.” Eterna said as he enjoyed regaling the information to Ocella.

“As for you Ryan. What in the world would you care about that abomination? He is an existence that should never exist. Wouldn't it be better if I just killed him, and freed him from his cursed fate? Though I might keep him alive to satisfy my sexual frustration. I enjoyed his body ever so much.” Eterna said hoping to get under his skin as well. He still didn't answer their questions as he started to walk to his right. Watching their every movement.

“Besides. Why should I tell you where my new sex toy is? There is nothing you can do about it. Though I can tell you one thing. Do anything my master doesn't like and Amon's life will be forfeit.” he said in a sadistic voice as he continued to smile.

Ocella’s eyes widened in horror as Etrama continued to speak and she felt sick to her stomach. She knew that there was nothing they could do and stood to her feet, looking defeated. If they so much as lifted a finger Amon’s life would be destroyed and it would be her fault.

“Release him. Take me instead. You wish to see me suffer, so liberate him and take me instead,” Ocella spoke, not looking back to Ryan. She would do anything to free Amon, as much as it sickened her she understood the position Kyori had been in when he believed his Master to have been in Auro’s hands.

Etrama watched as Ocella's eyes went wide with horror at his little discription. Of what he had done to her love. He relished the reaction with his smile turning into a smirk. Then she wanted to trade places with her lover. She knew that he wanted to destroy her, but this worked better than anything he could have done to her on his own. This was what he wanted to see from her. “Why should I free him? I may want to see you destroyed, but in the end he is more fun to torture. Besides I am enjoying him too much to let him go. His body is perfect, and well let's just say he is a good in bed and his voice is exhilarating. So I will not free him. Though I still want to destroy you. Besides my master has his own plans for the Nephilim.”

“YOU FILTHY COWARD,” Ryan yelled as he formed a trident of ice and thrust it in Etrama’s direction. All he could see was red. He wanted this wraith dead. He had just found his brother, they were just starting to mend and now this creature wanted to come between them? He knew Amon would rather be dead than to be the sex slave to this vile abomination. The trident surged forth spiralling and collecting ice causing it to resemble a comet.

“Ryan, No!” Ocella shouted when Ryan decided to attack Etrama. As much as she wanted to see the wraith dead she wouldn’t risk Amon’s life. When Ryan thrust the trident towards Etrama, a strong and thick vine sprang forth and captured the trident, pulling it down towards the ground. “Are you insane?! If we kill him, my uncle kills Amon!” she said, glaring at Ryan. “If we kill him… we may never find Amon,” she said, looking at him with concern.

“What the hell do you want Etrama? Why did you lure us here?” she asked, turning to look at the wraith.

Etrama just continued to smile as Ryan reacted to his comment by trying to attack him. Then Ocella stopped Ryan's attack with a root. He didn't even care about the threat on his life. Now both of them will be at each other's throats they both want him dead, but one wants to keep her love alive. He just wanted to watch. But once again Ocella asked a question. Giving a sigh he looked at both of them. It was not quite time to reveal his hand. He could but he wanted to see both of them fight over this matter.

“Why do you always insist on getting in my way? Your kind has always…..,” Ryan stopped as he tried to calm down. His mother always told him to think before he spoke, and he really didn’t want to argue with the wife of his brother who was in bondage because of some sick freaks want to destroy the world. Ryan stepped back from Ocella and just glared at her.

“If you ever do that again I swear you’ll be the target next time,” Ryan said coldly as he turned from her and focused on Etrama. “So I heard your masters stone got snatched. Is it true? Tell me, how much is he willing to give for it? I hear it’s pretty valuable.”

Ocella just looked at Ryan in shock as he spoke of her kind, stopping himself before he continued. She was speechless and fighting back tears at his words. What he said next caused her to shake her head and to step back from him in disbelief. He mentioned Samael’s stone and her face darkened. “I could destroy it Etrama,” she said, turning to look at the Wraith, all emotion having gone from her face.

“I stole the Seraph blade from the Heavens themselves. Return Amon to us without further harm to his person and we will give your master his stone,” she said, her expression cold and unwavering.

“If not… I’ll just have to destroy it and your master.”

Eterma suddenly frowned as both of them stopped their fight, and concentrated on him instead. Well this was not what he wanted, but he would have to accept that. Sighing again he looked at both of them. “Well I guess my fun is ruined.” He said as he looked at both of them as his smile returned. “Well I guess I need to get down to business. The reason my master sent me out was to set up a trade. Amon's life for the stone.” Etrama didn't move from his position. He would take out his frustration out on Amon when he gets home. “So if you are truly willing to give up the stone then one of you come over here. I will mark you so that we can give you instructions on what you need to do when the time comes.”

Ocella smirked when they finally had a bargaining tool. Etrama called for one of them to approach if they were willing to give up the stone and she sighed, knowing that this would be difficult with it in Kyori’s possession. Without even looking at Ryan she stepped forth, giving him the cold shoulder until she reached Etrama and glared at him. “You’d better keep your word or I will carry through with my threat earlier. Return him to us without any further harm to him or your manhood will cease to exist,” she warned, her voice low and cold.

“I fail to see why we aren’t killing this roach,” Ryan spoke as he crossed his arms listening to Etrama speak and giving them the terms of the bargain to get Amon back. He didn’t like this one bit and it showed, but if he wanted his brother back, if he wanted Ocella’s husband back he would have to play along. He watched as Ocella reacted before he could, giving him the cold shoulder treatment as she made her way to him, and repeating her threat. Ryan simply watched, arms folded a scowl on his face as he waited for them to finish.

Etrama just watched as Ocella approached him offering herself to be marked. Eterna smiled at the threat that Ocella emphasized when she looked him in the eyes. “Don’t think that your threat will scare me. I am not that easily frightened.” Etrama said as he took Ocella's hand and then pulled out a black stone from his pocket. He placed the stone on the back of her hand and the stone shattered and imbedded itself into the back of her hand. It would probably be painfully for her since the stone was crafted by Samael, and he will not make any promises to the angel. “When we are ready to make the trade we will Contact you through this symbol, and it will lead you to us.” Eterna said as he stepped back looking to Ryan. “I still don't understand why you an Ice Demon would care so much about the little Nephilim. You are nothing more than a cold hearted person. So to see you care about something is not like you. So I want to know what your relationship with the Nephilim?”

Ryan said nothing as Etrama placed the black stone on the back of Ocella’s hand. It looked painful, and in the back of his mind he wondered what would happen to her hand. Nonetheless, after Etrama explained to her that they’d contact her via the shattered stone in her hand, he then spoke to him, telling him his threats meant nothing, and that only made Ryan smile. All he could think of was cutting the wraith in two, but he could hear the voice of reasoning in his own head telling him that everything happened in due time.

“Listen you little pest, after this is all over I will personally see to it that you breath your last breath on the end of my spear,” Ryan said, “and when that time comes I will tell you my relationship with the nephilim.”

Ocella watched as Etrama took a black stone from his pocket. She remained emotionless, knowing that whatever he was about to do would likely hurt like hell, but still she accepted it for Amon. The stone was placed on the back of her hand and it shattered, becoming one with her skin. She clenched her hand into a fist as the darkness settled for a moment, hoping beyond all hope that she hadn’t just sealed her fate. She nodded when Etrama said that he would contact her when it was time for a trade.

Ryan asked why they weren’t killing him now and Ocella simply turned from Etrama and strode over to Ryan looking pissed, ignoring the pain in her hand. “Because we have to wait until after Amon is in our care. Then I’m chopping his dick off, cutting it into pieces and shoving them as far up his ass as I can. After that I’ll let you kill him,” she said, her eyes narrowed as she looked at him and shook her head.

“Don’t ever threaten me again.” was all she said as she looked back to Etrama with a scowl on her face. “We done?” she asked, glaring at him.

Etrama only smiled at the two as they were still at one another’s throats. He was enjoying it, and would love to see them go at it, but he knew there were other things he needed to get to. Like playing more with Amon, and maybe having a little time with Samael. “Well it is time for me to take my leave, and I look forward to seeing you again Ryan. Then we will see who kills who.” He said snapping his fingers as his servants crumbled into dust. “We shall see one another again. When everything is set up. I am sure that we will be getting a hold of you soon.” Etrama said as he snapped his fingers again a portal opening up behind him. “You can follow me if you want, but it will be your life if you do.” Etrama said as he turned his back to them and walked through the portal to the realm of the dead. A moment after he walked through the portal it closed.

Ryan watched as Etrama vanished through the portal before snatching his attention to Ocella. He glared at her, as she told him never to threaten her again. Shaking his head, he smirked.

“If you didn’t interfere I wouldn’t have to threaten you, the damn trident wasn’t going to kill him, if anything it would’ve trapped him so that I could’ve questioned him but no, you wanted to be captain save a hoe and try to show your love for my brother. Honestly though how do you do it? Why must you always want to be right?” Ryan said as he continued to shake his head before turning to walk towards the portal that had now closed. “Thanks to you my brother will get raped again by that psycho, but that’s all fine and well that he suffers so that you can be a hero right?”

Ocella just stared blankly at Ryan as he spoke, accusing her of playing hero at Amon’s expense. She just shook her head and turned away from him. “I would have thought that you would know me better after all this time,” she said, looking back at him one last time as she transformed into her angelic form.

“Once I am finished here I am going to seek Kyori to figure out a way to get the stone from him. Yeah, it’s latched onto him and is slowly corrupting him like Samael corrupted Aeterna. All because my damned uncle sent an elf to kill me before my grandfather could tell me to put the stone in a vessel to avoid this. If you honestly think I wish this for Amon than you don’t know me at all,” she said coldly, glaring at him.

She began to survey the area for any signs of life and made her way to the few victims that had survived with injuries. Those that were too far gone she gave them comfort and helped them pass with ease into the afterlife. Those who had hope she passed healing magic into them, doing her best to save as many as she could. Blood coated the streets and it looked like a war zone. All of it was heart wrenching to her but as she worked, she never looked back to Ryan. She was trying to figure out how she would find Kyori and most importantly what she would do when she found him.

Ryan sighed as he thought about everything and realized he was being irrational. The thought of not seeing his brother after connecting for the first time was something he didn’t want to experience. Still, he shouldn’t have acted the way he did towards Ocella. Granted she was an angel and he was a ice demon, they still needed to work together for the greater good. He turned and decided to help her collect humans who were injured and helped bury any whose life force had faded. When they were done, he looked at Ocella and approached her.

“I….I’m sorry,” he said, “I let my temper get the better of me in that moment. You’re right, we need to focus on getting him out first before doing anything else. I will help you find Kyori. If the stone is latching itself to him, then you may need my help.” It was at that moment that he thought of Joshua and his face filled with worry.

“If they’re going after us like that, then Kyori or Joshua is next. Damnit,” he said hoping Josh was safe. “I need to check on him.”

Much to her surprise, as she began to fulfill her duties of an angel Ryan began to help her as well. Together they were able to dispose of the dead and heal those who needed healing. The city could deal with the mess, but they had done their part. When they had finished Ryan approached her and she looked at him sadly.

He apologized and she nodded her head, trying to hold herself together. “I understand, and I forgive you. We are family now and I want to have Amon back with us as much as you do. I will fight with everything I have to ensure that happens,” she promised, sighing as she looked at the markings on her hand. She wanted to cry but knew better than to show weakness around him.

What he said next caused her to worry for her friend’s safety. “And I need to check on Kyori. When I was with Master Dorian Nicolai appeared and said something about Samael having taken Amon’s blood. I’m worried for Kyori and fear he may be next,” she said, knowing that Kyori was destined to be the next Grim Reaper. She chose to keep that to herself though, for it wasn’t her secret to tell. ‘Kyori,’ she called to her friend, her voice exhausted and filled with a great sense of emotion. ‘Kyori, where are you?’ she asked him, hoping that this wasn’t a bad time for him.

‘Josh?’ she called to her other friend, looking to Ryan. ‘Josh are you alright? We need you in Time Square now,’ she thought to him, hoping that her uncle hadn’t found him first.

Josh was flying through the air in his dragon form, he didn’t know how long it took him to finish his trial. However, what he did know is he was stronger than he was before, and his hearing had returned to him. As he was flying he felt a large amount of energy coming from a location, and he didn’t know what that meant. It didn’t feel like a fight. The energy almost felt sad. Continuing in the direction he was going he decided not to interfere in whatever was happening. Then suddenly he heard Ocellas voice in his head, and it threw him a little. He thought she was still mad at him, but he guessed not.

He changed direction to go to Time Square before answer her question. ‘I am fine. Just finished my training. I am on my way.’ He told her as he transformed into his master form, and used his power over sound to increase his speed. He would be there in a short amount of time since he was not that far from that location. A moment after speaking to Ocella he appeared in the sky above them and transformed into his human form as to not cause a ruckus. When he landed the sight sickened him. There was blood all over the ground, and he could hear the dead still screaming. Josh had to cover his ears. He was still not accustomed to hearing this many voices all at once. He closed his eyes and tried to control the attack on his senses. He had seen Ryan and Ocella, but he had to get this under control first.

There was an overshadow from Joshua’s dragon form that caught Ryan’s attention. He smiled as he looked up, glad to see his boyfriend safe, but when he landed he seemed overwhelmed by something, something Ryan couldn’t hear. He started to approach, but the sky darkened shadowing the area with darkness. Suddenly, a hooded figure appeared before them. It’s form looked as if it were being ripped from this world, phasing on the edges of its silhouette. Ryan could feel a familiar aura about the being, but the presence was dark, like death.

“Ocella, who...who is that?” Ryan asked frozen in place by the sight of the hooded figure. It seemed to float above the ground, or had no legs, one of the two. Ryan watched as the hooded being moved from dead body to dead body placing a finger upon their foreheads as a beam of light shot down from the heavens.

The voices screamed that they didn't want to die. Most of them wanted to live. Yet Josh couldn't decent all of the voices. They were like a torrent of sound, that overwhelmed him. He looked up and saw the concern on Ryan’s face, but he was not able to speak at the moment. Then he saw the world around him darken, and a black cloaked figure appear. He couldn't do much, but he felt like this person was someone he knew. When the figure moved from body to body touching them, and freeing the spirit within the area the voices calmed. And once enough of them were gone he was able to hear again. Removing his hands from his ears he looked at the mysterious figure. They were familiar, but who was it. He closed his eyes and tried to hear their voice.

The hooded figure had finished escorting the dead to their final resting place before turning its attention to Joshua. It was as if he was drawing it to him. In an instant the being was upon Joshua, the hood shrouding its face in darkness.

“Tell me, are you scared?” the beings voice sounded ethereal, like many souls speaking at once. Jade green eyes appearing within the shrouding darkness of the hood, “do you wish to know your fate Joshua?”

Ocella watched as Joshua appeared within moments of her call. She smiled, glad that her friend was safe and that Ryan had some measure of comfort from that. She sighed when he arrived, wondering where Kyori was.

As the voices continued to disappear Josh could hear the remaining voices the were being sent off thank the figure in black. So he opened his eyes and watched as the rest were being sent off. Some tears fell down his face as he watched. Though no one else would have been able to hear it. He watched as the last spirit was sent off, and looked at the figure in black as they seemed to look at him. Then the figure was upon him in an instant, and though Josh couldn't see their eyes he looked straight at the figure.

Then he spoke and the voice sounded like hundreds of souls talking at the same time. He did wonder if the others would be able to hear this voice. Though he doubted it. Continuing to look at the figure into his emerald eyes he smiled at him. “I no longer fear my fate. I have come to terms with what I am capable of. As for knowing what is in-store for my life, I am curious what my ability are going to lead to. So what fate have I been dealt?”

The sky seemed to darken and shadow the area around them. At first Ocella was suspicious, but when the hooded figure appeared and began to work… she smiled as she realized the figure was Kyori. Ryan asked her who the figure was and she turned to him. “Kyori,” she answered, watching as Kyori finished his work and went to Joshua.

She was so very grateful to see him alive and well and was so proud of him for who he was becoming, and yet she worried for his safety so long as the stone was in his possession. She took a slight step forward as Kyori’s attention was on Joshua, not wanting to interrupt and looking at him like a little girl looking at her idol. She could tell that he had accomplished so much in his absence and soon realized that she was the only one in the group who had not trained in her master form yet. She’d fought in her Master form, but she had yet to realize exactly what she could do. She smirked at the irony, for she had been the first to transform.

She desperately wanted to embrace her friend in her arms and to feel his comfort, to tell him where Amon was, to see what had transpired since they last met- and it showed on her face. Still, she waited out of respect and held herself together. All she could think of was Amon in Etrama’s grasp and at the mercy of her uncle. It was overwhelming but she planned to keep her promise to Ryan and get him back.

Joshua’s answer caused the dark hooded figure to chuckle lightly. When Ocella spoke and identified the reaper, he slowly began to shift and change back to his normal form. Kyori stood before them with a soft smile on his face.

“Joshua dude I’ve seen your life, but don’t let Reap scare ya, he’s all work and no play,” Kyori said mentioning his other form as if it were its own entity. It seemed that the stone hadn’t completely shifted Kyori’s personality. He was still the same and he looked at Ocella who was standing there as if waiting to be hugged. Without saying anything, Kyori embraced her and held her for a long time. Though he didn’t know about Amon or Aeterna, he knew something was wrong and he needed to comfort her. When he felt she would be alright he released the hold and turned to the others. It had been quite a long time since they’d seen each other. Everyone seemed in tune with their power, which would be needed to face Samael.

Ryan had watched everything transpire and could only smile at the level of love Kyori had for Joshua and Ocella. Ryan approached Joshua and embraced him. He held him for a moment as he spoke.

“They have Amon,” he said, “and I thought they may come after you next or Kyori.”

Ryan pulled back to see Joshua’s eyes before kissing him softly and passionately. Joshua was taller than he was so he enjoyed being held by him. “What are we going to do about Amon?”

“Amon’s been taken?” Kyori asked with a worried expression, “What of Aeterna?” he asked.

Josh smiled at Kyori when he transformed from the dark figure to his normal form. He knew the energy was familiar. “You know you could have warned us about your little friend, but I guess you were too busy to tell us.” Josh said in a playful tone when addressing his friend. He did want to know how he was able to achieve that form, and what his counter part meant by his words. Though it was the least of their worries. When Ryan approached him giving him a loving hug Josh returned the favor and held him close. Breathing in deep so as he could take in his lover sent. He was not sure if he would ever get to see him again.

Ryan's words hit him like a ton of bricks. Amon had been captured. Was this a joke, but before he could ask that Ryan kissed him passionately. He was really worked about him. Josh returned the kiss. Once they finished Ryan was still worked about his brother, but first he needs to apologise. “Sorry for worrying you Ryan. I should have contacted you as soon as I finished. I would have never thought they would come after us.” He said as he looked down at Ryan and ran his hand through his light blue hair. He then bent down to kiss Ryan on the forehead as he hugged him harder. If Amon had been taken his love would need all the comfort he could give him. He had no idea this had even occurred. “I didn't even know this had happened. How did you find out about it?” Josh asked with a concerned voice. He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from them. It had been evident someone had killed all of these people, and he has a strong idea who would have done it. “Don't worry Ryan. We will get your brother back I promise.” He said in reply to Ryan as he placed his head on his loves. He waited for all the information they could give him and Kyori.

Kyori held her and she buried her face into his chest. She was shaking in distress and she allowed tears to fall silently down her cheeks as Ryan spoke. Kyori released her and she wiped her eyes, taking in a deep breath as the questions began.

“Etrama came here to setup a trade,” Ocella began to answer Joshua’s questions. “He started killing to lure us here. I arrived first and he revealed Amon’s ring to me. I called Ryan at once and Etrama... “ she paused, taking in a deep breath. “They’re torturing him. They have him shackled to a table and Etrama…” she couldn’t continue and closed her eyes, looking to Ryan when she was finally able to open her eyes again.

“Samael wants the stone. It’s the only way we’ll get Amon back, if we don’t… they’ll kill him. Etrama gave me a… communication method for when they’re ready for the trade.” she looked to Kyori with worry and revealed her marked hand to the others. “When my grandfather told me about the stone he was interrupted by an elf my uncle had sent to kill me. He told me of the stone and where it was, and that we only had one chance to break the connection between it and my uncle… but he didn’t get to tell me that we should have put it in a vessel when we retrieved it. I’m not sure where Aeterna is Kyori, Master Dorian said he couldn’t feel him or Amon. He said that the stone is slowly latching itself to you and will corrupt you over time as Samael did Aeterna. We need to make the trade to prevent that from happening,” she said, looking at her friend with worry.

It was a lot for them all to take in and she wondered what Kyori’s next move would be now that he knew what the stone was doing. She reached out and took his hand in her own,holding it softly. “We’ll find Aeterna together, and rescue Amon before Etrama can make him suffer any longer. We’ll do it together,” she said with a small smile.

Kyori listened and Ryan sighed. He couldn’t imagine the horrible things Etrama was doing to Amon, and now it seemed that Aeterna may very well be in Samael’s clutches. The look on Kyori’s face as Ocella spoke was heart wrenching. He looked as if he was conflicted, as if he wanted to scream.

“Josh, he raped him, Etrama raped my brother, he told us as if it were good news, as if it were pleasing to him. If Aeterna is in his clutches…,” Ryan stopped and looked down. He couldn’t bear to think that way, not now, not when they needed to come together and plan to get Amon out.

“Relax,” Kyori said as he took a step back, “I have a plan. The stone is safe Ocella, I can assure you of that. When I went to train, Death told me what the stone was doing to me. After I left Aeterna I fell into darkness, the stone was changing me and I could feel it, but Death saved me. Isn’t it strange? Death saved someone.” Kyori sighed and reached into his robes revealing an orb and within it the stone. “This is what Samael wants. The Balance Stone. His soul is trapped in this stone. He can’t die because this stone contains his soul, but my plan is this. I will go to him, and replace Darkholm. I will be the guardian of his stone. When I find out where they’re keeping Amon I will try my best to get them out, but this is the hard part. This is the end. We will have to face Samael and end him, as well as Etrama. He will try to resurrect the god of destruction. We can’t let that happen.”

Kyori looked at everyone and placed the stone back into the safety of his robes. “When the time comes we will get Amon out of there and if Aeterna is there which I believe him to be, then we will rescue him as well, but promise me that no matter what happens you all will fight. Even if you have to fight me, you will FIGHT. Understand? I don’t want you to hold back because you want to ‘free’ me or whatever, just TAKE HIM DOWN and if you have to fight me, FIGHT ME.”

Ryan looked at Kyori and shook his head.

“But…. there has to be another way.”

“There isn’t Ryan. We have to do this and we have to do it right. If he resurrects the god of destruction, that monster will consume the heavens and this world. Nothing will survive, not even the gods.”

Ryan’s face seemed to lose some color but he nodded in agreement to fight.

Ocella listened to Kyori speak and a look of relief washed over her face instantly as he told of what Death had done for him. “Thank God,” she said, leaning against him as if needing to rest. She had felt such worry and now she knew that she could focus entirely on saving the others. Kyori spoke of his plan and her eyes narrowed, not liking it one bit but knowing that it was a solid plan. “I have the Seraph Blade. Well, Master Dorian has it at the moment. It’s the only thing we can use to destroy the stone,” she looked towards Kyori and narrowed her eyes at him.

“You’re going to need to CONVINCE my uncle that you are pledging your allegiance to him and betraying your team. Capture me and take me to him as an offering. There is a good chance that when he has me, I’ll end up in the same place as the others. I can alert you where we are and Ryan and Josh can use the blade to destroy the stone. All hands will be on deck in one place and we can end them together,” Ocella crossed her arms and glared at him as if daring him to argue.

“The only issue is… I haven’t really gotten to train my master form. While everyone was training I had to sneak into the Heavens and steal the Seraph Blade. That took some time and I just got back today,” she said, sighing in frustration.

Joshua listened as Ocella explained what happened, and this was making things worse. They had a prisoner, and they knew they would do anything to get him back. Etrama might even have a second prisoner, and if that was true then he had all the leverage he would need to get them to do what he wanted them to do. This was what the Dark one wanted. Then as soon as Ocella was done speaking Ryan spoke up and told him that Etrama had raped Amon, and enjoyed it. He could see that sick Bastard doing such a thing. He loved to inflict pain on others.

Josh shook his head and hugged Ryan lovingly. He knew this must have been killing him. He just found his brother, and now this happened of all things. Josh couldn’t think of anything worse to happen now of all times, and if Aeterna was within his grasp then he might have fallen to the same fate. Then Kyory spoke of a plan that he had to stop Samael from his goals, and kill both of them at the same time, but it was a risky plan to say the least.

He knew that everyone wante this to end, but what Kyori was suggesting was suicide. “Kyori. I know you want to end this we all do, but what good will come of us having to fight you? Do you think that we would be able to actually kill you? There would be no way that I could. I can fight evil, but I will not sacrifice my friends in this battle. I finally have been able to see you all again, how could I fight you seriously?” Then his attention turned to Ocella. This whole plan stunk, and if she went as well who knew what Etrama would do to her. He wanted to kill her so badly, and if she was captured her life would be forfeit.

Josh closed his eyes and calmed down. When he got his power he promised Kayra, and Xion he would do whatever he could to destroy this evil. He took a deep breath, and exhaled as he opened his eyes once more. He looked at both Kyori and Ocella as he still held onto Ryan. “Ocella. If you go then we lose our healer. I am unable to heal, and if Etrama gets to you. I can guarantee you will be in no condition to help anyone.” Josh said as he took a deep breath and exhaled once more. He let go of Ryan and took a step forward. “If anyone should go it should be me. Kyori would at least have a good reason to come after me. Capturing a traitor to betray his friends. It would be more poetic don’t you think? This would give Ocella time to train her Master form, since I have already trained mine.” He said looking Kyori in the eyes. He wanted to make up for all the wrongs he had done in the past to both him, and Ocella. “I will be a better choice in the end.” He said knowing Ryan would not like his proposal.

Ocella glared at Joshua as he spoke of them losing their healer if she went. “Samael is my uncle and Amon is my husband. If anyone is to risk their life it will be me. I know what Etrama is capable of but if we work together one of us will be able to kill him,” Ocella just stayed near Kyori, looking rather tired- she had been through hell that day and knew not when she would rest again.

Joshua made a valid point that if he was captured it would give her time to train, but she looked sympathetically towards Ryan. “No. I know what it’s like to lose everything and I can’t have that happen to Ryan. Amon is already in danger and Ryan needs you now more than ever. We’ll leave it up to Kyori, but I would prefer it be me.” Ocella turned to Kyori and rubbed her temples.

“How the hell are Joshua and I supposed to fight you for real? We can’t injure you and we wouldn’t kill you,” she asked, referring to the blood bond they all shared.

He listened as each of them pleaded their case to be the scapegoat that would get him close to Samael. Even though they both made strong points it was hard to decide. Then he thought about Ryan who was standing there with a look of sheer worry on his face. He’d never seen that side of Ryan before and he knew it was due to what Joshua’s was offering.

“Joshua you have to think of more than just you. Ryan needs you as well. If I could I wouldn’t use either of you, but Cella knows how to get out of a sticky situation. If she only realized that she has trained her master form. All of the things she’s done has trained her power. She may not have accessed the form, but the power was trained. Still, if I bring you along Ocella you have to promise that if things get hairy you’ll get out of dodge immediately.”

Kyori sighed knowing it was a lot to ask of each of them.

“I am serious, I don’t know what will happen to me if I stay in the Reaper form for too long, so if I turn on you, I want you to promise me here and now that you will do what it takes to stop me and Samael. PROMISE ME!”

Joshua was worried about Cella and Kyori undertaking this endeavor, but they were both right. He had to think of more than himself right now. He knew that Ryan would probably be worked about him being where Etrama was. He knew he was worried about his brother, and the treatment he was receiving. Giving a sigh he turned to Ryan and gave a small smile. “You are both right.” He said as he walked over to Ryan he walked behind him, and wrapped his arms around him. He would stay by his love's side, and they'll will free the others from Samael's grasp. “I will always be here for you Ryan. I hope you know that.”

Then Kyori wanted them to promise them that is he turned against them they would stop him and Samael. Josh was not wanting to do such a thing, but he knew Kyori would not want to destroy the world. “Kyori. I can't promise you that I will kill you, but I will do everything in my power to stop you.” Josh said as he makes his head on top of Ryan's head, and gently brought his hands down to Ryan's, and tried to interlock his fingers with his love.

Ocella listened when Kyori spoke, saying that she had trained her master form… at least the power had been trained. She sighed, wishing that she was more in tune with it like the others, but she knew that it would have to do. Kyori told her to promise him that she would get out if things got sticky.

“This whole situation is sticky. I’m not leaving without my husband, and Aeterna if he’s there too,” she said firmly, standing her ground. “If you turn on us Kyori I will do my best to fix it, to bring you back… or at least to stop you until we can figure out a way to reverse it. We’ll make it work though,” she promised, smiling at her friend.

“So go ahead Mr. Dragon,” she said, bracing herself. “Slug me as hard as you can,” she said, pointing to just under her eye. “We have to make it look realistic after all.”

Ryan enjoyed Josh’s tough, his strong arms wrapped around him. It gave him comfort, it gave him strength and he relaxed in his arms. He felt Josh’s hand touch his own and allowed Josh’s fingers to intertwine with his own, a soft smile forming on his face, but he knew this was serious, they may not return. Things were getting down to the wire. They were really about to face Samael and his army.

He was speechless, but he knew they were strong enough, they just had to focus.

“You’re as stubborn as a mule,” Kyori said to Ocella as he listened to her inform him that she would not leave without her husband and Aeterna. “You’re not going to be satisfied until you actually die are you?” Kyori retorted as he slowly began to shift into his Reaper form. His mere presence gave off a suffocating aura, as if he was sucking life out of living things.

“You asked for this,” he spoke in the ghastly voice that made Ryan’s skin crawl. It sounded like death, like souls wanting to scream but couldn’t, like echoing calls for help. Without warning Kyori’s hand shot up and his pointer finger was positioned on Ocella’s forehead. There was a pulse of energy as her body would feel as if her soul was snatched, and in reality it had been, only enough to cause her to pass out. The Reaper grabbed Ocella by her collar and began to drag her towards a portal that gave off negative energy. Ryan looked at Joshua as the Reaper looked back at the two before vanishing into the portal.

After helping Aeterna regain control of his chakras, Dorian was somewhat tired. It had been a long day, after all he had to fight his daughter in order to rid her of the dark essence. Now he needed to check on her to make sure she was alright and recovering well. He strolled into the infirmary and moved to her bedside.

“Well hello there,” Dorian said with a smile, “are you feeling better or do I need to thwack you again?” He joked.

After her father had placed her on the bed, Ocella had fallen asleep promptly, her body shivering and covered in sweat. She was experiencing ghastly nightmares that she couldn’t escape, nightmares that shook her to her very core. She could feel her entire being burning as the holy light fought against the darkness that had consumed her and it made for a restless slumber.

She didn’t know how long she had been out, but when she awoke next she heard footsteps entering the room. It took a moment to jog her memory as to what had happened to her, but when she finally did remember she looked at her father with tear-filled eyes as he sat on her bedside. He seemed cheerful enough, but she felt such incredible guilt that it was more painful to her soul than the darkness had been.

“Daddy,” she sobbed at once, looking at him like a child who had done so many wrongful things. “I’m so, so sorry dad,” she said, wanting to reach out to him, to hold him, to beg for his forgiveness- but she knew that she didn’t deserve it. “I never wanted to hurt you… I tried so hard to stop it, but it was so powerful,” she said, sitting up in bed as tears ran down her face. She had tried to kill her own father-figure, the man who had taught her so much, who believed in her, who had passed her off to be wed. “I...I’m sorry… I don’t deserve your forgiveness,” Ocella whispered, looking down at her hands now. They were trembling in her lap and she was genuinely mortified by what had happened, but she knew that nothing could ever change it.

“I love you so much, you’ve treated me like your own and I wasn’t strong enough to stop it. It...it wanted me to kill anyone who tried to take it, and then it wanted me to go to my uncle… Darkholm was there, waiting for me, and Kyori… Kyori sent me here,” she said, trying to control her breathing. She wanted to hold him, she wanted forgiveness but she didn’t feel that she deserved it.

“There there Ocella,” Dorian began, “you know as well as I you wouldn’t purposely attack me unless I pissed you off really really bad.” Dorian was still trying to make her smile. He had forgiven her when the incident happened, but she seemed to hold so much guilt. “I want you to focus on removing the one responsible. You are not the cause of darkness spreading, you must use your holy light as a beacon to draw others to our cause. Remember, this war has an end, but the end will require something most are not willing to give. When the time comes be ready.”

Dorian placed a soft hand on her head and sighed. “Kyori managed to defeat Darkholm, he has the stone, but he is not safe. The stone is powerful, and if he does not destroy it it will slowly corrupt him to the point that he may very well join Samael as you almost did. I believe a Seraph blade is what your next mission consists of my dear.”

Ocella looked to her father with a surprised, yet grateful expression on her face when he spoke. “You...forgive me?” she asked, looking at him in wonder. She finally smiled and held his hand within her own, grateful that she hadn’t lost him too. “I need to train my holy light, for it was not powerful enough to defeat the darkness. I need to train it and to become stronger,” she agreed with her father.

She listened intently as he spoke of Kyori and the stone, her eyes wide in surprise. “I won’t let that happen. Is there any way that I could take the stone from him while I search for the blade?” she asked, looking concerned. She took in a deep breath. “Where can I find such blade? I must leave immediately,” she said, taking note that it was nearly nightfall- but she would do anything to protect her friend.

“I’m afraid if you tried to take the stone, even if he tried to give it to you he couldn’t. It has latched onto him, the key was to lock it away in a vessel, but I am afraid your grandfather forgot to tell you this. Nonetheless, all is not lost. Once you find the blade you can destroy the stone. Kyori is strong he can resist it for he is already death reincarnate.”

Dorian looked at Ocella knowing she knew nothing about what he just said. “Kyori is a reaper, he is a traveler between this realm and the realm of the dead. His spirit dragon family, the monks of the monastery, tried to keep him from this fate, but he had to become one with it to grow. This is why he hesitates in battle, this is why he doesn’t fully commit because he knows deep down that death is who he is, it is a part of him. He is one that cannot die, he is forced to live life even when those around him die. Now you know more about the one you call brother, but do not be angry with him for keeping his secret. It is his way of not burdening you or any of his family.”

Dorian paused and looked at Ocella. Shaking his head momentarily. “You see Auro realized it when their staffs melded together, but I’ve always had my suspicions. Auro’s master is the Grim Reaper, the most powerful reaper ever to exist on this plane. He gave Auro the staff he wielded, but he also gave another, the staff that Kyori wielded. When they melded together it became clear who the next Reaper was.”

Dorian looked into Ocella’s eyes. He knew she was worried about Kyori and he smiled. “You will find the Seraph Blade in the most dangerous of places. A place you probably don’t want to go. In the heavens there is a building, like a museum, but there is a Seraph Blade there. You’re not going to like this, but you’re going to have to steal it.”

Dorian produced an orb clouded with smoke inside it. “When you have it, smash this orb and you’ll be able to leave. For once you’ve entered, most are not able to return unless they have permission.”

Ocella looked at him with great sadness as he spoke. Her grandfather hadn’t forgotten to tell her, they had been interrupted by the elf Samael had sent. What he said next caused her eyes to open widely. “Death reincarnate?” she asked, knowing what the two words meant but first disbelieving that it was Kyori. He explained that Kyori was a Reaper and that he was destined to be the next Grim Reaper. The thought sent chills down her spine, knowing that one day he would be there when she died.

She was shocked by this, but she would not hold it against him for he had done so much for her. They had become as close as siblings and it was a bit ironic for such bonds to form between death and an angel, between a Nephilim and an angel. No wonder the Pantheon had wanted to see her dead.

Master Dorian spoke of the Blade’s location and her eyes widened as the realization hit. In order to save Kyori, in order to save the world… she would have to condemn herself by stealing from the Heavens. Master Dorian produced a smoky white orb and said that it would grant her access back to this realm. Ocella sighed and smiled softly. “I suppose if I am destined to go to hell, I may as well go in style,” Ocella commented with a small chuckle. She looked at her father one last time, taking the orb from him and nodding as she clutched it in her hand.

“I’ll not fail Kyori, nor you nor this realm,” she promised. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, focusing on her holy light and allowing it to grow. Soon, she had transformed into her angelic form and light was shining brightly throughout the room. Within moments she had vanished, allowing the light to consume her. She appeared to be floating somewhere without using her wings. It was a strange place, one that had white smoke billowing at her feet. She looked behind her and could see large, golden gates that she had managed to surpass. She knew that the next time she saw those gates she would likely not be allowed through them and the thought caused a small tear to fall down her face.

She had broken so many laws and now she was about to steal from the Heavens themselves. Up ahead, she saw a white marbled building that indeed looked like a museum. A statue of an angel was standing there strong as if guarding the steps to the building. The angel had a bow in his hands, an arrow knocked as if ready to strike. She raised an eyebrow and knew that this was no ordinary statue. She couldn’t teleport inside the building for she had never seen it before, but she could see atop the stairs and past the angel.

The moment she appeared at the top of the stairs the ground began to shake underneath her. She could hear an arrow zooming through the air towards her and tried to run, but it was useless when she was still floating. She turned her body to the left just barely as the arrow ripped apart the side of her shirt, leaving a large whole. “Thief!” the statue roared in defiance as Ocella began to figure out how to move. “Abomination! Traitor upon our kind! Breacher of the Heavens!” the statue roared, nocking another arrow to the bow and sending it racing towards her. Ocella’s powers were useless here, for she was the only living creature in these lands.

She straightened her body forth like a bullet and began to fly through the air, narrowly avoiding the arrow. The angel began to chase after her, pulling a sword from its waist. “Thou shall be sent straight to the depths of hell!” he shouted, and Ocella’s heart was racing. She knew that there was no talking her way out of this, so she flew as fast as she could to avoid his wrath. “Intruder of our land, tainter of all that is holy!” the angel roared as it neared her.

She was looking anywhere she could for the blade, trying to find it and get out of there. The entire museum seemed empty as brilliant marble floors shimmered in the light. Ocella vanished at once, narrowly avoiding the strike of the blade. She could see doors scattered about the museum and knew that she didn’t have time to search through them all. She pulled back as the angel struck again, and the angel roared in defiance.

Then she saw it, the blade that she seeked had been right there in front of her the entire time. Written along the edge of the stone hilt was a name. Seraph. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized exactly what she would have to do. She would have to destroy the statue in order to reveal the blade underneath the stone.

“I’m sorry God, I’m sorry Pantheon, I’m sorry grandfather,” Ocella said before she vanished. She appeared immediately behind the statue and wrapped herself around its head. It began to thrash at her, but she removed one of its arrows from the holster and brought it down upon its head. The resulting crash caused cracks to form along its head as the statute gave her one final look of hatred, crumbling to the ground beneath her. She managed to catch the sword before it too had been lost, a look of relief on her face.

Just as she was reaching for the orb her father had given her, one of the doors opened near her. Suddenly rays of light shot forth towards her, each of them slashing through her skin like blades themselves. Ocella cried out in pain as the light wrapped around her, spilling her blood upon the smoky floors. The light pulled her to the shimmering figure and she struggled, finally freeing her hand long enough to slice through it with the blade. The creature roared in pain and shot more bursts of light towards her but she quickly vanished, appearing near the creature. She raised the sword to strike it but the creature sped at the speed of light towards her and she managed to teleport just in time.

She focused on her own light, allowing it to heal her wounds. Her light shined brightly, so brightly that it seemed to encase the creature before her until it was no more. She sighed in relief, but she could see that another door had opened in its place.

The creature stepping out was one of fire that was hot enough to feel from her position. She narrowed her eyes at this new creature, but suddenly three more doors opened revealing new foes. She was surrounded by a creature of fire, water, Earth and air. In front of her was a representation of the elements that had forged together to create Earth itself. Each of them took a stance against her and she knew that she would have a fight on her hands.

A burst of fire came her way and Ocella vanished at once, appearing in her transformed Master state. The creatures charged her and her wand buzzed with electricity as energy built up at the end of it. Water came crashing towards her, surrounding her as it filled up the room. The fire creature had levitated to avoid it’s wrath, while the creature of Earth disappeared and the creature of air caused a swirling vortex to appear within the water above Ocella. She could hardly breathe and the water pressure around her was so tight. She felt shackles wrapping around her feet as they drug her underneath the surface, and Ocella realized that the creature of Earth was trying to drown her. In a quick movement she sliced its wrists off with the sword, swimming back up to the surface.

The storm was still raging as she floated in the water, wondering what she would do. She tried to slash through the water with the sword but it was of no use, and suddenly she saw fire racing towards her. She dove back under the water, allowing it to strike the surface above her. It was chaos and she didn’t know what to do. “Please, allow me to protect that which you all forged together to create!” Ocella begged. The storm waged on and Ocella sighed, realizing now what she had to do.

She shot her wand forth into the air, sending her flying up through the wind tunnel and water vortex with great speed. She raised her newly acquired sword as she neared the roof of the building and poured her energy into the tip of the sword, allowing it to strike through the building. The building began to rumble and crumble, and though the elements tried to escape they all cancelled each other out the moment they met at the entrance of the exit she had made. The water had extinguished the fire and wind, and the building had crumbled atop the water, sending it scattering through the rumble.

She took in a deep breath, tears in her eyes at what she had just done as she smashed the orb in her hand with the hilt of the sword. She felt the energy changing around her and looked to the beautiful Golden Arches one last time, a small smile on her face as she landed face first in front of Master Dorian, breathing heavily as her chest rose and fell rapidly. The sword was in her hand and she gasped for air, standing up at once with a startled look on her face. She was soaking wet from head to toe and covered in healing wounds, but most importantly she had survived.

It had been some time since Ocella’s departure. Everyone was off training and preparing for Samael’s next move. That was all they could do for now. Samael had been silent which wasn’t a good sign. He was up to something, and Dorian couldn’t figure out what. Silence will the room as he waited for some sign from the others. Then he felt a great disturbance, darkness in New York. He could feel necromancy at work. There was no one to check it out but him. Just as he stood up, Ocella appeared landing face first, covered in wounds that seemed to be healing slowly, and soaked from head to toe.

“Dear heavens,” Dorian said as he helped her up noticing the blade in her hands. “You were successful, I underestimated you my dear,” he said honestly having feared she wouldn’t return. He should’ve learned never to underestimate the power of the mortal spirit. “What did you experience? He asked her still surprised by her vigor.

As Ocella stood, Master Dorian was there to help her up. She looked at him with great surprise as her breaths came out in a raspy, audible pattern. She coughed, trying to come to her senses as he exclaimed his surprise in her success. He asked what she went through and Ocella breathed in deeply, her hands were shaking slightly as she realized what she had done.

“I killed them,” she said, appearing distraught. “The guardians of the house of relics,” she said sadly. “The blade was hidden within a stone statue that had come to life to defend the place. I managed to steal it and defeat him, but before I could leave the four elements came to his defense. Oh man I’m definitely going to hell now,” she said, looking up to the skies in distraught.

“They were beautiful,” she said, her voice seeming soothed. “The golden arches of Heaven,” she commented, looking at him longingly. “I can only hope that one day… I’ll be able to cross through them. That my sins will be forgiven and that I won’t go to hell,” she said sadly, tearing her gaze away from the skies.

“Where is Kyori and that damn stone?” she asked, her voice bitter and determined.

Dorian listened and nodded remembering the place in his youth. Then he returned his attention back to Ocella and sighed.

“That is not for me to decide, but let us hope your good deeds are enough to allow you peace in the afterlife,” Dorian said moving a strand of hair from Ocella’s face. Then she asked where Kyori was and Dorian’s smile vanished. “Kyori has not returned. He is deep in the Spirit Mountains training. He has the stone with him. What’s worse is that Amon and Aeterna have vanished from my senses. I fear they may have been capt….”

Dorian stopped as someone stepped into his study. He looked at the pale man and nodded.


“Dorian, I was sent by them to make sure you don’t fail. I have to admit it’s cutting close. He already has the blood of a phoenix and the blood of a nephilim, he cannot have the blood of a dragon or he will succeed.”

Dorian looked at Nicolai and gasped. “Is that what he’s trying to do?” Nicolai nodded and Dorian turned to Ocella.

“Ocella, we haven’t much time, Etrama is attacking New York city with his necromantic army, go show him the power of the divine light. I shall go with Nicolai to determine what our next move is.”

“Blood of a nephilim?” she asked, her heart rate increasing after what Master Dorian had said. She gave Master Dorian the blade and vanished at once.

- - - Updated - - -

A portal opened into the volcano base that Master Samael had set up in this realm. The inside of the room he appeared in was a place for experimenting and getting ready for the dark ones return.This little Nephilim was one of the pieces he needed to make his master's plans a reality. The room was hotter than normal since the lava flow was making up one of the walls. Though the temperature was not so hot for him or his master. However, it would cause Amon problems since he was half ice demon. Etrama took the unconscious man to one of the tables and laid him down.

He smiled as he reached for Amon's clothing, and removed them from his person. He was lying there in his undergarments upon the warm metal table while Etrama looked over his body. Seeing the tattoos that covered his skin and smiled as he placed a free hand on Amon's abs. “You are a perfect specimen. I am sure the Dark God will love your body.”Etrama said as he gently ran his hand from Amon's Abs to his chest. He then went to work securing the young man's body to the table. Moving Amon's arms above his head there were metal shackles there where the Wraith secured Amon's arms. However, he saw a ring where a wedding band would be placed. Ignoring it for the moment. Then he chained Amon's legs in the same fashion.

Once his new play toy was bound to the table he tightened the chains with a crank so he would be unable to move. Now it was time to report to his love and master Samael. With his mission complete maybe he would have time to spend with Samael before he would need to be sent out again. So he walked out of the room, and went to Samael's study. He couldn't wait to report on his mission, and tell his love that they were one stepped closer to reviving the gods of destruction. He stopped in front of Samael’s study, and entered the room seeing that his love was sitting at his desk he approached him with a smile on his face. “My lord. I have retrieved the Nephilim.”

Samael looked up from the table as Etrama came strolling in. There were schematics all over the table and a book that gave off a extremely dark aura. Samael smirked upon Etrama informing him that he had retrieved the Nephilim. He stood up straight and approached Etrama, placing a soft and gentle kiss on his lips before moving away.

“Excellent,” he said as he turned and prepared to return to the table before his servant entered his study, kneeling down.

“My lord,” the male servant spoke as Samael motioned with two fingers for the male to speak. “My lord Darkholm failed, he is no more. The spirit dragon destroy him. His power, it reeked of death my lord,” the man spoke sporadically causing Samael to turn in his direction and hold up a finger.

“The spirit dragon has been chosen then. Perhaps I can sway him to my side. We are both dark entities in this world that doesn’t understand us,” Samael said shaking his head. “They have my stone, and no doubt they will try to destroy it. However,” Samael began looking towards the room Etrama had come from, “we have something they want as well. A life for my stone. Thank you Neros, you are free to go. Prepare my legion, this war is upon us, we will raise the dark one within the coming days. Everything is in place. All I need is the blood of that Spirit Dragon.”

Samael face grew devious and his smile was wicked. He turned to Etrama. “Take me to him.”

Etrama smiled as Samael kissed him on the lips. A chill ran down his spine as he could tell his love was happy. Though their victory, and his smile only lasted for a bit. When a servant of his Lord came in and relayed a message that the Spirit dragon had dispensed of Darkholm. Etrama really didn't care that the demon was gone, but with his death his loves soul stone. He wanted to go and retire it from them, but by his master's reaction it was not that big of a deal since they had the Nephilim.

Etrama may not have been smiling, but he bowed to Samael. “As you wish. Follow me my lord.” Etrama said as he then got a smile on his face. He was going to enjoy forcing their prisoner through hell, and if that ring meant anything then the little angel might be missing her husband. He led his master and love into the next room.

Amon started to regain his consciousness from the darkness that had entrapped him. His senses started to return to him, and he could feel the heat of the room and his arms and legs were unable to be moved. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around at his surroundings. He was still a little out of it, and what happened to him really didn't register. His whole body hurt and he could only see that he was in some kind of room that looked as if terrible experiments have been conducted within these walls. He closed his eyes, and waited for whatever was going to happen to him to happen. He only thought of Ocella as he heard the door open. His breathing increased as he heard the footsteps grow ever closer.

“Well well, hello there Amon,” Samael said as he strode into the room and smiled down at the restricted nephilim. “So what brings you to my hollowed abode?” Samael mocked as he looked at Amon’s body. The markings that covered his body, the ring on his hand made of nature itself, and the power he now possessed. Samael could feel it all and yet he relished in it. What was the point of fighting if one did not enjoy being the strongest? “My dear boy I need some of your blood for a little experiment,” Samael spoke running a finger from Amon’s belly button tracing along his abs up to his chest before stopping at the bend of his arm. Suddenly, Samael inserted a needle into Amon’s arm draining blood, but not a lot. The vial was full when Samael pulled the sharp instrument from Amon’s arm.

“I must admit your physique is most toned. A beautiful specimen indeed, too bad you didn’t pledge your allegiance when you had the chance.”

Amon opened his eyes as Samael spoke. The Dark Angel looked at him with what one could mistake for lust. Ignoring what the dark one said he could only narrow his eyes at the man he held responsible for Auro having to leave this world. The man who he loved as a father has to sacrifice himself for the man he loved. He just stared at him with content. That was until Samael said something that caught his attention, and his eyes went wide. Then one of his fingers traced his skin from his abs up to his arm, his body tensed under his touch. The motion sickened him, and he tried to struggle, yet his restraints were holding him tight against the table and he had yet to fully regain his strength.. “Get your hands off of me you…” Amon’s words were cut short as he felt a needle pierce his skin. He cringed from the rough way the needle was inserted, and couldn’t do a thing to stop what was happening.

When the needle was removed he looked at the smile that formed on the man’s face. “What are you going to do with me, and my blood?” He asked wanting to know what was going to happen. He might regret asking that question, but he wanted to know.

Etrama watched as his master approached the Nephilim, and went to work playing with him. He could tell the man was not enjoying the attention he was receiving, and in fact he must have felt sick. He enjoyed watching as he struggled as his master took the man’s blood. He walked over to him and placed a hand on Amon’s chest. “Don’t worry. You won't have to worry about it for too long. Besides, soon you will be my play toy.” Etrama said as he traced the muscles of Amon’s abdomen. “You are right Lord Samael. He is definitely well built.” He said in a sly voice as he continued to trace his muscles.

Samael turned to Etrama and smirked as he spoke to Amon, informing the poor nephilim that he would soon be nothing more than a play toy for a horny wraith, and Samael didn’t mind at all, it only spiced things up between he and Etrama.

“While you have fun with your new toy, I must return to my study,” Samael said as he placed the vial of blood in his robes, “however, once you’re done let me know,” he said moving to the other side of Amon, “I can only imagine how tasty he is,” he added allowing his hands to move over Amon’s entire body before resting at his neck. “On second thought let’s see how he tastes,” Samael said as he moved close to Amon’s neck, licking the major artery that ran through the neck and allowing a pleasurable shiver to run down his spine. He moved to look Amon in the eye holding his face close to his own.

“You are powerful little nephilim,” Samael said as his hands continued to move across Amon’s naked form, “or should I say big?” Samael teased, “but your power is nothing compared to the God of Destruction. With your blood, and the blood of the spirit dragon I will be able to resurrect him. He will lay waste to the heavens, and live as you know it shall die. Darkness shall consume this world and there is nothing you or your little friends can do to stop me.”

Samael released Amon’s head and moved to leave the chamber. “Etrama, send a warning to our enemies, let them know what we have and set up a trade, a life for my stone.”

Amon could only shudder at what was being said, and the touch of the Wraith that seemed to be enjoying his plight. Then Samael started touching him as well and he could only close his eyes as his treatment only got worse, and both of them were touching his skin methodically gently as if to try and create a response from his body. Which it did, but the shaking was from disgust not pleasure. Then without him realizing he had left himself open Samuel.had grabbed a hold of his chin, and proceeded to lick the side of his neck tasting him. His eyes shot open fear evident within his gaze. As the dark one moved in close to his face, looking him in the eyes as he revealed his plan. Amon could only imagine what would happen if he got his way, and his plan came to fruition. Though he knew.that he would not get his way with Kyori. The young man was strong willed, and powerful. “There is no way that you…” his words were cut short as Etrama moved in and kissed him forcing him to muffle his remaining words as he struggled to free himself from the kiss.

The Wraith grabbed a hold of his chin forcing him to open his mouth as his tongue slithered inside of Amon’s mouth. This caused the sickness in his stomach to only increased as he struggled to free himself from the tongue that was invading his mouth. The muffled sounds of his struggle could easily be heard through the room. When Etrama finally freed him from the kiss and looked down at him. Amon had tears falling down his face. He knew what was going to happen to him, and it sickened him. All he could do was sit there and wait for the treatment that followed. “You will never get your way. Kyori and the others will stop you. They will not sacrifice the world's safety for the life of an abomination like me.” he said weakly as he had come to terms with his fate.

“Master Samael. I will enjoy my time with this Nephilim, and I will report to you before I go and let the Mystics know that we have their little friend.” He said as he looked over Amons body. He would enjoy ravaging him before he left. It had been a while, and he would make sure that he was fully satisfied before he left. “Besides.” Etrama said as he walked over to Samael and kissed him deeply. “Maybe we can both play with him when I get back, or maybe a little ‘one on one’ time.” Etrama said in a sensual tone as he ran his hand down Samael’s chest to his abdomen. “That is unless you liked his taste so much that you would like to join me now?” Etrama said in a hopeful tone. It would be nice to destroy this man together with his love.

As much as he enjoyed Etrama’s touch, he needed some time alone to figure out the rest of his plan.

“As much as I would love it, he is all yours for now, I need the blood of a Phoenix and the blood of a dragon not tainted by the darkness. Then I can combine my angelic blood and then I will be able to resurrect the god of destruction.”

Samael turned and removed his presence from the room.

Etrama knew Samael was busy, and as soon as the God of destruction was summoned they would be able to spend more time with one another. Until then he would have to entertain himself in another way. He watched as his lover exited the room, and once he was gone Etrama turned his attention to the Nephilim that he will be entertaining himself with.

Amon was shocked by the sight of Etrama and Samael. They seemed to be lovers, but that was not right. How can evil love? Though by the sounds of it they needed more than just his blood to summon the God of Destruction. “You will never win this war. Kyori will not fall victim to your ambitions, and neither will Aeterna. So you might as well give up now.” Amon said just as Samael left the room. Then the Wraiths eyes were upon him once more, and the look of desire sent a chill down his spine. He knew that he was nothing but a play toy for Etrama. He swallowed hard as the man walked over to him placing a gentle hand on his chest.

“Now that I have you all to myself shall we get started?” He asked as he moved his hand gently down his chest to his abs down to his inner thigh. He squeezed lightly as a smile formed on his face. Amon shuttered with the touch he was receiving. Eterna was going to enjoy defiling this Nephilim. He removed his hand and began to undress himself.

Once his clothing was off and placed them on another table he moved to where Amon was confined to the table with a smile on his face. He could feel the the tension in the air the closer he got to his new toy.

Eterna saw that Amon had closed his eyes once more and he could feel his heart rate increasing. His muffled cry's were music to his ears. Having the man struggle underneath him was also exhilarating.

He moved his hand and released the tension that kept the Nephilim in place he smiled at his playtoy, as he was now going to explore his body further. A blood curdling scream filled the room as everything began.

As soon as Etrama was finished with his play time he lifted himself up and looked at the unconscious Nephilim a satisfied look on his face. He had a lot of tension to release and Amon got the short end of the stick. He was not in the best of shapes, and there was several locations where he was bleeding and two bite marks on his toned body. There were locations on Amon's body where Etrama left hickies on his skin. He had worked him over quite a bit. He knew bruising would form sooner or later. He pulled the ring from Amon’s hand and looked at the inlaid design. He knew this was 'her’ work, and couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she found out.

He re-tightened the restraints, and walked over to where his clothing was and got dressed. He looked back once more to see the defiled Nephilim and he could only smile. He left the room and returned to his master's study. “Well I am finished with my release. So I guess I am needing to go and find the mystics to warn them and set up a trade.” He said with a smile as he moved over to the desk. “Is there anything else you would like me to do while I am out?”

Samael looked up when Etrama entered his study once again. He explained to Samael that he had gotten his fill and was off to set up the trade. Samael knew that Kyori would have the stone since he defeated Darkholm, but setting up the trade would be necessary to ensure that the Mystics knew he had one of their own in his possession. Kyori would deliver the stone to him once he had the other pawn in this game he was playing.

“Very well, but do try to have a little fun while you’re out,” Samael said, “I have a Phoenix to track down.”

Eterna smiled at his master's words. He was allowing him to have a little fun and keep the Mystics​ attention while he went and received the Phoenix he was needing. Though Etrama knew that the Phoenix was not his only target with this hunt. “Thank you Master Samael. I will make sure to give them a show they will remember. Besides I am going to make sure that they know exactly who they have picked a fight with.” Etrama said in a sly and confident voice. “Have fun with your Phoenix hunt. I am sure he will be a fine trophy.” Etrama said as he turned to walk out of the room. He knew exactly how.he was.going to get the attention of the Mystics. He was sure that he would enjoy seeing 'her’ face wallowing in agony over not being able to protect the innocent people he was shooting to kill.

As he walked a portal to the spirit world opened before him, and he entered. He was going to have fun in the outside world, and then playing with the Mystics minds. The portal closed as soon as he entered it. He reappeared in time square and looked around at the people that are there. A wicked smile formed on his face as he summoned around fifty of his undead servants and sicked them on the populace. Normal people would not be able to kill them. So they will continue to kill till until he told them to stop. Now he just waited for them to arrive.

Ocella appeared in the middle of time square to a scene of chaos, and as much as it sickened her she had to find the source before she could help anyone. Screams of death rang through the air and pleas for mercy filled the city center.

“Etrama!” she yelled his name, knowing that he was there. “Etrama, what do you want?!” she yelled at him, looking around the square for him.

Etrama saw Ocella arrive at the square through the one of the buildings that was to her right. He relished the look on her face from the carnage that was surrounding her. He smiled as he walked out of the building and approached her. His minions stopped killing or maiming the innocent and move in close to their master and Ocella. “Oh come now. Do I need a reason to kill these insects. With them gone the God of Destruction will have less to get rid of. Though I do have a message for you.” Etrama did as he slowly approached her taking one slow step after another.

When he figured he was close enough for her to see what he would be holding up. He reached into his pocked, and pulled out the ring that he liberated from the Nephilim after he was finished with him. He then held up the ring for Ocella to see. “I have something that you might want. Would you like to come and get it!?” Etrama said as he watched her face. He wanted to see her face twisted in agony.

Ocella’s eyes narrowed at her foe as he came from one of the nearby buildings. His minions ceased attacking the crowd and humans were running away, but many were still injured on the streets crying in pain. The sound was ghastly to her and she knew that she couldn’t help them.

Etrama slowly approached her, his minions nearby and she transformed at once to her master mystic form. She saw him reach into his pocket and took a step back at once, wondering what the man was playing at. He pulled an object out and held it up for her to see and her eyes widened in fear when she saw what he held. “W...what…” she began, but he began to speak once more. He said that he had Amon and her stomach twisted into knots, she felt sick and her face drained of color. Without realizing it she had transformed back into her human state.

“No,” she breathed, reaching out for the ring but holding her hand back. “What do you want from me?” she asked, pulling her hand back as she tried to come to her senses. “Where is he? What do you want me to do?” she asked, taking a step back from him. ‘Ryan!’ she thought desperately to her brother. ‘Ryan, they have Amon!’ she could only imagine what horrors her uncle and Etrama had planned for her. She only prayed for Amon’s safety, Etrama and her uncle would have hell to pay when Amon was in her arms once more.

Etrama saw the look on Ocella’s face and a wide smile on his face. She was horrified when she realized that her love was in his grasp. He relished the fact she looked at him with such fear and worry. He could tell that she was wanting to take the ring, but she feared being too close to him.

Eterna quickly reached for her hand and opened her fingers to place the ring within her hand. “First of all I want you to take this lousy ring from me. I have what I want from it.” Etrama said as he moved closer to Ocella's ear so he could devastate her more with his next bit of news. He whispered into her ear, “By the way your husband tasted so good. I just had to have a piece of him.” Eterna said as he then punched Ocella hard in the stomach. Releasing her hand and backed up. As soon as he gets word from Samael that his business was done he would quit playing with Ocella, and tell them his lover terms. For now he just wanted to watch as Ocella writhe in pain about what he had done.

Ocella yelped in surprise and struggled when he snatched her hand. He placed the ring in her palm and she clutched it, though it did nothing to better her current situation. Her heart was racing and her eyes widened as he spoke of his crimes against Amon. “You bastard!” Ocella shouted, but before she could say anything else he punched her straight in her gut and knocked the breath out of her. She gasped in pain and glared at him when he released her hand, and instantly she flipped back to put some distance between the two.

“What the hell do you want?!” she shouted, trying to gather her senses.

Ryan sat in the icy tundra of the northern part of the world. The wind blew furiously and the ice seemed to cut at the skin of any who dared to step foot, but Ryan sat in the midst of it his eyes closed as he continued to meditate. He had reached Master, and had trained his new form within the very element he controlled so expertly; however, he knew he still had so much more to learn. As he continued, something began to knick at the corner of his mind and pulled him out of his meditation. He could hear her voice, his brother’s wife’s voice. She was in trouble and she was asking for help, he could feel it in her voice.

Standing to his feet, Ryan grabbed the scarf that hung to his waist and wrapped it around his neck before vanishing in a wisp of snow.

After Etrama had punched Ocella and Ocella flipped away to gain some distance, snow began to fall. It was odd that snow fell even when the sun was at its peak, but the snow fell and remained whole even in the midst of heat. The icy wind blew, and Ryan appeared before Ocella. He could see she was distressed. He knelt down and placed a soft hand on her shoulder.

“What’s going on Ocella? Where is Amon?” He asked turning to see Etrama. This was not good, he could hear screams of victims and he knew that this was just the beginning. Where was Samael?

Etrama smirked at the glare that Ocella shot at him right before she flipped backwards to put some distance between them. She almost looked like she was going to either cry or kill him. “I already told you. I want to destroy you. I want to see you break” he said as the weather suddenly turned cold, and snow started to fall to the ground in the middle of the day. Well it seemed that one of Auro's servants had come to interfere with his play time, but it didn't matter. Even this one wouldn't raise his hand to him. With Amon's life at risk.

“Hello Ryan. Welcome to my party. Do you like the reception? By the way Amon is not here, but I do know where he is.” Etrama said with a sly look on his face as he stood his ground. He was sure that Ocella will fill in this little demon in on what he had done.

“Where is he you bastard?!” Ocella shouted at Etrama when Etrama said that he simply wanted to see her break. It was then that snow began to fall and stick to the ground, something she recognized instantly. Ryan was there in moments asking her what was going on, where his brother was. She was trying not to cry, not to give Etrama that satisfaction.

“They have him!” she shouted, punching the ground with force and regretting it instantly when the pain began circulating through her hand. She winced and glared at Etrama. She knew that she couldn’t lay a hand on Etrama while Amon was in his grasp and it sickened her. “I’m going to cut your fucking dick off and shove it so far up your ass that it will NEVER see the light of day again, and then I’m going to kill you and send you to hell where you belong!” she shouted at Etrama, her upper body shaking in anger.

“Where is he?!” she asked again, rising to her feet and glaring at Etrama.

Ryan listened to Etrama knowing of the mind games he enjoyed playing. From what he was being told Amon was no longer safe, he was in enemy territory and it sucked to know that they couldn’t attack Etrama without risking Amon’s life. Ocella shouted, and Ryan’s eyes narrowed on Etrama.

“Release him this instant,” Ryan said his icy eyes piercing through Etrama. He could hear Ocella’s threat and part of him shivered at the thought. Then his mind went to Joshua and he held in a worried gasp. Where was he? He hadn’t seen him nor felt him in such an extremely long time. “You have thirty seconds to tell us where Amon is.”

Etrama's smile only widened more as Ocella broke down her body shaking, and the threat was an interesting. She finally wanted to kill him, and that is what he wanted. To prove that angels were as bad as he was. Chuckling slightly as he watched Ryan’s eyes narrowed, and even he threatened him. Ryan knew of his love to play mind games, and Etrama knew of his icy personality. He was enjoying this to no end.

“Sticks and stones my dear though isn't that a little bit overkill. The only thing I did was rape Amon. Enjoying his body ever so much. Would you like to know exactly what I did to him? I can tell you in detail.” Etrama said as he knew this would hit a nerve. “First I removed his clothing as I shackled him to the table in my personal lab. Then I slowly ran my hands over his muscular body. As I admired the intricate tattoo like marks that are on his skin. I enjoyed kissing him deeply as he struggled to free himself.” Eterna said as he enjoyed regaling the information to Ocella.

“As for you Ryan. What in the world would you care about that abomination? He is an existence that should never exist. Wouldn't it be better if I just killed him, and freed him from his cursed fate? Though I might keep him alive to satisfy my sexual frustration. I enjoyed his body ever so much.” Eterna said hoping to get under his skin as well. He still didn't answer their questions as he started to walk to his right. Watching their every movement.

“Besides. Why should I tell you where my new sex toy is? There is nothing you can do about it. Though I can tell you one thing. Do anything my master doesn't like and Amon's life will be forfeit.” he said in a sadistic voice as he continued to smile.

Ocella’s eyes widened in horror as Etrama continued to speak and she felt sick to her stomach. She knew that there was nothing they could do and stood to her feet, looking defeated. If they so much as lifted a finger Amon’s life would be destroyed and it would be her fault.

“Release him. Take me instead. You wish to see me suffer, so liberate him and take me instead,” Ocella spoke, not looking back to Ryan. She would do anything to free Amon, as much as it sickened her she understood the position Kyori had been in when he believed his Master to have been in Auro’s hands.

Etrama watched as Ocella's eyes went wide with horror at his little discription. Of what he had done to her love. He relished the reaction with his smile turning into a smirk. Then she wanted to trade places with her lover. She knew that he wanted to destroy her, but this worked better than anything he could have done to her on his own. This was what he wanted to see from her. “Why should I free him? I may want to see you destroyed, but in the end he is more fun to torture. Besides I am enjoying him too much to let him go. His body is perfect, and well let's just say he is a good in bed and his voice is exhilarating. So I will not free him. Though I still want to destroy you. Besides my master has his own plans for the Nephilim.”

“YOU FILTHY COWARD,” Ryan yelled as he formed a trident of ice and thrust it in Etrama’s direction. All he could see was red. He wanted this wraith dead. He had just found his brother, they were just starting to mend and now this creature wanted to come between them? He knew Amon would rather be dead than to be the sex slave to this vile abomination. The trident surged forth spiralling and collecting ice causing it to resemble a comet.

“Ryan, No!” Ocella shouted when Ryan decided to attack Etrama. As much as she wanted to see the wraith dead she wouldn’t risk Amon’s life. When Ryan thrust the trident towards Etrama, a strong and thick vine sprang forth and captured the trident, pulling it down towards the ground. “Are you insane?! If we kill him, my uncle kills Amon!” she said, glaring at Ryan. “If we kill him… we may never find Amon,” she said, looking at him with concern.

“What the hell do you want Etrama? Why did you lure us here?” she asked, turning to look at the wraith.

Etrama just continued to smile as Ryan reacted to his comment by trying to attack him. Then Ocella stopped Ryan's attack with a root. He didn't even care about the threat on his life. Now both of them will be at each other's throats they both want him dead, but one wants to keep her love alive. He just wanted to watch. But once again Ocella asked a question. Giving a sigh he looked at both of them. It was not quite time to reveal his hand. He could but he wanted to see both of them fight over this matter.

“Why do you always insist on getting in my way? Your kind has always…..,” Ryan stopped as he tried to calm down. His mother always told him to think before he spoke, and he really didn’t want to argue with the wife of his brother who was in bondage because of some sick freaks want to destroy the world. Ryan stepped back from Ocella and just glared at her.

“If you ever do that again I swear you’ll be the target next time,” Ryan said coldly as he turned from her and focused on Etrama. “So I heard your masters stone got snatched. Is it true? Tell me, how much is he willing to give for it? I hear it’s pretty valuable.”

Ocella just looked at Ryan in shock as he spoke of her kind, stopping himself before he continued. She was speechless and fighting back tears at his words. What he said next caused her to shake her head and to step back from him in disbelief. He mentioned Samael’s stone and her face darkened. “I could destroy it Etrama,” she said, turning to look at the Wraith, all emotion having gone from her face.

“I stole the Seraph blade from the Heavens themselves. Return Amon to us without further harm to his person and we will give your master his stone,” she said, her expression cold and unwavering.

“If not… I’ll just have to destroy it and your master.”

Eterma suddenly frowned as both of them stopped their fight, and concentrated on him instead. Well this was not what he wanted, but he would have to accept that. Sighing again he looked at both of them. “Well I guess my fun is ruined.” He said as he looked at both of them as his smile returned. “Well I guess I need to get down to business. The reason my master sent me out was to set up a trade. Amon's life for the stone.” Etrama didn't move from his position. He would take out his frustration out on Amon when he gets home. “So if you are truly willing to give up the stone then one of you come over here. I will mark you so that we can give you instructions on what you need to do when the time comes.”

Ocella smirked when they finally had a bargaining tool. Etrama called for one of them to approach if they were willing to give up the stone and she sighed, knowing that this would be difficult with it in Kyori’s possession. Without even looking at Ryan she stepped forth, giving him the cold shoulder until she reached Etrama and glared at him. “You’d better keep your word or I will carry through with my threat earlier. Return him to us without any further harm to him or your manhood will cease to exist,” she warned, her voice low and cold.

“I fail to see why we aren’t killing this roach,” Ryan spoke as he crossed his arms listening to Etrama speak and giving them the terms of the bargain to get Amon back. He didn’t like this one bit and it showed, but if he wanted his brother back, if he wanted Ocella’s husband back he would have to play along. He watched as Ocella reacted before he could, giving him the cold shoulder treatment as she made her way to him, and repeating her threat. Ryan simply watched, arms folded a scowl on his face as he waited for them to finish.

Etrama just watched as Ocella approached him offering herself to be marked. Eterna smiled at the threat that Ocella emphasized when she looked him in the eyes. “Don’t think that your threat will scare me. I am not that easily frightened.” Etrama said as he took Ocella's hand and then pulled out a black stone from his pocket. He placed the stone on the back of her hand and the stone shattered and imbedded itself into the back of her hand. It would probably be painfully for her since the stone was crafted by Samael, and he will not make any promises to the angel. “When we are ready to make the trade we will Contact you through this symbol, and it will lead you to us.” Eterna said as he stepped back looking to Ryan. “I still don't understand why you an Ice Demon would care so much about the little Nephilim. You are nothing more than a cold hearted person. So to see you care about something is not like you. So I want to know what your relationship with the Nephilim?”

Ryan said nothing as Etrama placed the black stone on the back of Ocella’s hand. It looked painful, and in the back of his mind he wondered what would happen to her hand. Nonetheless, after Etrama explained to her that they’d contact her via the shattered stone in her hand, he then spoke to him, telling him his threats meant nothing, and that only made Ryan smile. All he could think of was cutting the wraith in two, but he could hear the voice of reasoning in his own head telling him that everything happened in due time.

“Listen you little pest, after this is all over I will personally see to it that you breath your last breath on the end of my spear,” Ryan said, “and when that time comes I will tell you my relationship with the nephilim.”

Ocella watched as Etrama took a black stone from his pocket. She remained emotionless, knowing that whatever he was about to do would likely hurt like hell, but still she accepted it for Amon. The stone was placed on the back of her hand and it shattered, becoming one with her skin. She clenched her hand into a fist as the darkness settled for a moment, hoping beyond all hope that she hadn’t just sealed her fate. She nodded when Etrama said that he would contact her when it was time for a trade.

Ryan asked why they weren’t killing him now and Ocella simply turned from Etrama and strode over to Ryan looking pissed, ignoring the pain in her hand. “Because we have to wait until after Amon is in our care. Then I’m chopping his dick off, cutting it into pieces and shoving them as far up his ass as I can. After that I’ll let you kill him,” she said, her eyes narrowed as she looked at him and shook her head.

“Don’t ever threaten me again.” was all she said as she looked back to Etrama with a scowl on her face. “We done?” she asked, glaring at him.

Etrama only smiled at the two as they were still at one another’s throats. He was enjoying it, and would love to see them go at it, but he knew there were other things he needed to get to. Like playing more with Amon, and maybe having a little time with Samael. “Well it is time for me to take my leave, and I look forward to seeing you again Ryan. Then we will see who kills who.” He said snapping his fingers as his servants crumbled into dust. “We shall see one another again. When everything is set up. I am sure that we will be getting a hold of you soon.” Etrama said as he snapped his fingers again a portal opening up behind him. “You can follow me if you want, but it will be your life if you do.” Etrama said as he turned his back to them and walked through the portal to the realm of the dead. A moment after he walked through the portal it closed.

Ryan watched as Etrama vanished through the portal before snatching his attention to Ocella. He glared at her, as she told him never to threaten her again. Shaking his head, he smirked.

“If you didn’t interfere I wouldn’t have to threaten you, the damn trident wasn’t going to kill him, if anything it would’ve trapped him so that I could’ve questioned him but no, you wanted to be captain save a hoe and try to show your love for my brother. Honestly though how do you do it? Why must you always want to be right?” Ryan said as he continued to shake his head before turning to walk towards the portal that had now closed. “Thanks to you my brother will get raped again by that psycho, but that’s all fine and well that he suffers so that you can be a hero right?”

Ocella just stared blankly at Ryan as he spoke, accusing her of playing hero at Amon’s expense. She just shook her head and turned away from him. “I would have thought that you would know me better after all this time,” she said, looking back at him one last time as she transformed into her angelic form.

“Once I am finished here I am going to seek Kyori to figure out a way to get the stone from him. Yeah, it’s latched onto him and is slowly corrupting him like Samael corrupted Aeterna. All because my damned uncle sent an elf to kill me before my grandfather could tell me to put the stone in a vessel to avoid this. If you honestly think I wish this for Amon than you don’t know me at all,” she said coldly, glaring at him.

She began to survey the area for any signs of life and made her way to the few victims that had survived with injuries. Those that were too far gone she gave them comfort and helped them pass with ease into the afterlife. Those who had hope she passed healing magic into them, doing her best to save as many as she could. Blood coated the streets and it looked like a war zone. All of it was heart wrenching to her but as she worked, she never looked back to Ryan. She was trying to figure out how she would find Kyori and most importantly what she would do when she found him.

Ryan sighed as he thought about everything and realized he was being irrational. The thought of not seeing his brother after connecting for the first time was something he didn’t want to experience. Still, he shouldn’t have acted the way he did towards Ocella. Granted she was an angel and he was a ice demon, they still needed to work together for the greater good. He turned and decided to help her collect humans who were injured and helped bury any whose life force had faded. When they were done, he looked at Ocella and approached her.

“I….I’m sorry,” he said, “I let my temper get the better of me in that moment. You’re right, we need to focus on getting him out first before doing anything else. I will help you find Kyori. If the stone is latching itself to him, then you may need my help.” It was at that moment that he thought of Joshua and his face filled with worry.

“If they’re going after us like that, then Kyori or Joshua is next. Damnit,” he said hoping Josh was safe. “I need to check on him.”

Much to her surprise, as she began to fulfill her duties of an angel Ryan began to help her as well. Together they were able to dispose of the dead and heal those who needed healing. The city could deal with the mess, but they had done their part. When they had finished Ryan approached her and she looked at him sadly.

He apologized and she nodded her head, trying to hold herself together. “I understand, and I forgive you. We are family now and I want to have Amon back with us as much as you do. I will fight with everything I have to ensure that happens,” she promised, sighing as she looked at the markings on her hand. She wanted to cry but knew better than to show weakness around him.

What he said next caused her to worry for her friend’s safety. “And I need to check on Kyori. When I was with Master Dorian Nicolai appeared and said something about Samael having taken Amon’s blood. I’m worried for Kyori and fear he may be next,” she said, knowing that Kyori was destined to be the next Grim Reaper. She chose to keep that to herself though, for it wasn’t her secret to tell. ‘Kyori,’ she called to her friend, her voice exhausted and filled with a great sense of emotion. ‘Kyori, where are you?’ she asked him, hoping that this wasn’t a bad time for him.

‘Josh?’ she called to her other friend, looking to Ryan. ‘Josh are you alright? We need you in Time Square now,’ she thought to him, hoping that her uncle hadn’t found him first.

Josh was flying through the air in his dragon form, he didn’t know how long it took him to finish his trial. However, what he did know is he was stronger than he was before, and his hearing had returned to him. As he was flying he felt a large amount of energy coming from a location, and he didn’t know what that meant. It didn’t feel like a fight. The energy almost felt sad. Continuing in the direction he was going he decided not to interfere in whatever was happening. Then suddenly he heard Ocellas voice in his head, and it threw him a little. He thought she was still mad at him, but he guessed not.

He changed direction to go to Time Square before answer her question. ‘I am fine. Just finished my training. I am on my way.’ He told her as he transformed into his master form, and used his power over sound to increase his speed. He would be there in a short amount of time since he was not that far from that location. A moment after speaking to Ocella he appeared in the sky above them and transformed into his human form as to not cause a ruckus. When he landed the sight sickened him. There was blood all over the ground, and he could hear the dead still screaming. Josh had to cover his ears. He was still not accustomed to hearing this many voices all at once. He closed his eyes and tried to control the attack on his senses. He had seen Ryan and Ocella, but he had to get this under control first.

There was an overshadow from Joshua’s dragon form that caught Ryan’s attention. He smiled as he looked up, glad to see his boyfriend safe, but when he landed he seemed overwhelmed by something, something Ryan couldn’t hear. He started to approach, but the sky darkened shadowing the area with darkness. Suddenly, a hooded figure appeared before them. It’s form looked as if it were being ripped from this world, phasing on the edges of its silhouette. Ryan could feel a familiar aura about the being, but the presence was dark, like death.

“Ocella, who...who is that?” Ryan asked frozen in place by the sight of the hooded figure. It seemed to float above the ground, or had no legs, one of the two. Ryan watched as the hooded being moved from dead body to dead body placing a finger upon their foreheads as a beam of light shot down from the heavens.

The voices screamed that they didn't want to die. Most of them wanted to live. Yet Josh couldn't decent all of the voices. They were like a torrent of sound, that overwhelmed him. He looked up and saw the concern on Ryan’s face, but he was not able to speak at the moment. Then he saw the world around him darken, and a black cloaked figure appear. He couldn't do much, but he felt like this person was someone he knew. When the figure moved from body to body touching them, and freeing the spirit within the area the voices calmed. And once enough of them were gone he was able to hear again. Removing his hands from his ears he looked at the mysterious figure. They were familiar, but who was it. He closed his eyes and tried to hear their voice.

The hooded figure had finished escorting the dead to their final resting place before turning its attention to Joshua. It was as if he was drawing it to him. In an instant the being was upon Joshua, the hood shrouding its face in darkness.

“Tell me, are you scared?” the beings voice sounded ethereal, like many souls speaking at once. Jade green eyes appearing within the shrouding darkness of the hood, “do you wish to know your fate Joshua?”

Ocella watched as Joshua appeared within moments of her call. She smiled, glad that her friend was safe and that Ryan had some measure of comfort from that. She sighed when he arrived, wondering where Kyori was.

As the voices continued to disappear Josh could hear the remaining voices the were being sent off thank the figure in black. So he opened his eyes and watched as the rest were being sent off. Some tears fell down his face as he watched. Though no one else would have been able to hear it. He watched as the last spirit was sent off, and looked at the figure in black as they seemed to look at him. Then the figure was upon him in an instant, and though Josh couldn't see their eyes he looked straight at the figure.

Then he spoke and the voice sounded like hundreds of souls talking at the same time. He did wonder if the others would be able to hear this voice. Though he doubted it. Continuing to look at the figure into his emerald eyes he smiled at him. “I no longer fear my fate. I have come to terms with what I am capable of. As for knowing what is in-store for my life, I am curious what my ability are going to lead to. So what fate have I been dealt?”

The sky seemed to darken and shadow the area around them. At first Ocella was suspicious, but when the hooded figure appeared and began to work… she smiled as she realized the figure was Kyori. Ryan asked her who the figure was and she turned to him. “Kyori,” she answered, watching as Kyori finished his work and went to Joshua.

She was so very grateful to see him alive and well and was so proud of him for who he was becoming, and yet she worried for his safety so long as the stone was in his possession. She took a slight step forward as Kyori’s attention was on Joshua, not wanting to interrupt and looking at him like a little girl looking at her idol. She could tell that he had accomplished so much in his absence and soon realized that she was the only one in the group who had not trained in her master form yet. She’d fought in her Master form, but she had yet to realize exactly what she could do. She smirked at the irony, for she had been the first to transform.

She desperately wanted to embrace her friend in her arms and to feel his comfort, to tell him where Amon was, to see what had transpired since they last met- and it showed on her face. Still, she waited out of respect and held herself together. All she could think of was Amon in Etrama’s grasp and at the mercy of her uncle. It was overwhelming but she planned to keep her promise to Ryan and get him back.

Joshua’s answer caused the dark hooded figure to chuckle lightly. When Ocella spoke and identified the reaper, he slowly began to shift and change back to his normal form. Kyori stood before them with a soft smile on his face.

“Joshua dude I’ve seen your life, but don’t let Reap scare ya, he’s all work and no play,” Kyori said mentioning his other form as if it were its own entity. It seemed that the stone hadn’t completely shifted Kyori’s personality. He was still the same and he looked at Ocella who was standing there as if waiting to be hugged. Without saying anything, Kyori embraced her and held her for a long time. Though he didn’t know about Amon or Aeterna, he knew something was wrong and he needed to comfort her. When he felt she would be alright he released the hold and turned to the others. It had been quite a long time since they’d seen each other. Everyone seemed in tune with their power, which would be needed to face Samael.

Ryan had watched everything transpire and could only smile at the level of love Kyori had for Joshua and Ocella. Ryan approached Joshua and embraced him. He held him for a moment as he spoke.

“They have Amon,” he said, “and I thought they may come after you next or Kyori.”

Ryan pulled back to see Joshua’s eyes before kissing him softly and passionately. Joshua was taller than he was so he enjoyed being held by him. “What are we going to do about Amon?”

“Amon’s been taken?” Kyori asked with a worried expression, “What of Aeterna?” he asked.

Josh smiled at Kyori when he transformed from the dark figure to his normal form. He knew the energy was familiar. “You know you could have warned us about your little friend, but I guess you were too busy to tell us.” Josh said in a playful tone when addressing his friend. He did want to know how he was able to achieve that form, and what his counter part meant by his words. Though it was the least of their worries. When Ryan approached him giving him a loving hug Josh returned the favor and held him close. Breathing in deep so as he could take in his lover sent. He was not sure if he would ever get to see him again.

Ryan's words hit him like a ton of bricks. Amon had been captured. Was this a joke, but before he could ask that Ryan kissed him passionately. He was really worked about him. Josh returned the kiss. Once they finished Ryan was still worked about his brother, but first he needs to apologise. “Sorry for worrying you Ryan. I should have contacted you as soon as I finished. I would have never thought they would come after us.” He said as he looked down at Ryan and ran his hand through his light blue hair. He then bent down to kiss Ryan on the forehead as he hugged him harder. If Amon had been taken his love would need all the comfort he could give him. He had no idea this had even occurred. “I didn't even know this had happened. How did you find out about it?” Josh asked with a concerned voice. He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from them. It had been evident someone had killed all of these people, and he has a strong idea who would have done it. “Don't worry Ryan. We will get your brother back I promise.” He said in reply to Ryan as he placed his head on his loves. He waited for all the information they could give him and Kyori.

Kyori held her and she buried her face into his chest. She was shaking in distress and she allowed tears to fall silently down her cheeks as Ryan spoke. Kyori released her and she wiped her eyes, taking in a deep breath as the questions began.

“Etrama came here to setup a trade,” Ocella began to answer Joshua’s questions. “He started killing to lure us here. I arrived first and he revealed Amon’s ring to me. I called Ryan at once and Etrama... “ she paused, taking in a deep breath. “They’re torturing him. They have him shackled to a table and Etrama…” she couldn’t continue and closed her eyes, looking to Ryan when she was finally able to open her eyes again.

“Samael wants the stone. It’s the only way we’ll get Amon back, if we don’t… they’ll kill him. Etrama gave me a… communication method for when they’re ready for the trade.” she looked to Kyori with worry and revealed her marked hand to the others. “When my grandfather told me about the stone he was interrupted by an elf my uncle had sent to kill me. He told me of the stone and where it was, and that we only had one chance to break the connection between it and my uncle… but he didn’t get to tell me that we should have put it in a vessel when we retrieved it. I’m not sure where Aeterna is Kyori, Master Dorian said he couldn’t feel him or Amon. He said that the stone is slowly latching itself to you and will corrupt you over time as Samael did Aeterna. We need to make the trade to prevent that from happening,” she said, looking at her friend with worry.

It was a lot for them all to take in and she wondered what Kyori’s next move would be now that he knew what the stone was doing. She reached out and took his hand in her own,holding it softly. “We’ll find Aeterna together, and rescue Amon before Etrama can make him suffer any longer. We’ll do it together,” she said with a small smile.

Kyori listened and Ryan sighed. He couldn’t imagine the horrible things Etrama was doing to Amon, and now it seemed that Aeterna may very well be in Samael’s clutches. The look on Kyori’s face as Ocella spoke was heart wrenching. He looked as if he was conflicted, as if he wanted to scream.

“Josh, he raped him, Etrama raped my brother, he told us as if it were good news, as if it were pleasing to him. If Aeterna is in his clutches…,” Ryan stopped and looked down. He couldn’t bear to think that way, not now, not when they needed to come together and plan to get Amon out.

“Relax,” Kyori said as he took a step back, “I have a plan. The stone is safe Ocella, I can assure you of that. When I went to train, Death told me what the stone was doing to me. After I left Aeterna I fell into darkness, the stone was changing me and I could feel it, but Death saved me. Isn’t it strange? Death saved someone.” Kyori sighed and reached into his robes revealing an orb and within it the stone. “This is what Samael wants. The Balance Stone. His soul is trapped in this stone. He can’t die because this stone contains his soul, but my plan is this. I will go to him, and replace Darkholm. I will be the guardian of his stone. When I find out where they’re keeping Amon I will try my best to get them out, but this is the hard part. This is the end. We will have to face Samael and end him, as well as Etrama. He will try to resurrect the god of destruction. We can’t let that happen.”

Kyori looked at everyone and placed the stone back into the safety of his robes. “When the time comes we will get Amon out of there and if Aeterna is there which I believe him to be, then we will rescue him as well, but promise me that no matter what happens you all will fight. Even if you have to fight me, you will FIGHT. Understand? I don’t want you to hold back because you want to ‘free’ me or whatever, just TAKE HIM DOWN and if you have to fight me, FIGHT ME.”

Ryan looked at Kyori and shook his head.

“But…. there has to be another way.”

“There isn’t Ryan. We have to do this and we have to do it right. If he resurrects the god of destruction, that monster will consume the heavens and this world. Nothing will survive, not even the gods.”

Ryan’s face seemed to lose some color but he nodded in agreement to fight.

Ocella listened to Kyori speak and a look of relief washed over her face instantly as he told of what Death had done for him. “Thank God,” she said, leaning against him as if needing to rest. She had felt such worry and now she knew that she could focus entirely on saving the others. Kyori spoke of his plan and her eyes narrowed, not liking it one bit but knowing that it was a solid plan. “I have the Seraph Blade. Well, Master Dorian has it at the moment. It’s the only thing we can use to destroy the stone,” she looked towards Kyori and narrowed her eyes at him.

“You’re going to need to CONVINCE my uncle that you are pledging your allegiance to him and betraying your team. Capture me and take me to him as an offering. There is a good chance that when he has me, I’ll end up in the same place as the others. I can alert you where we are and Ryan and Josh can use the blade to destroy the stone. All hands will be on deck in one place and we can end them together,” Ocella crossed her arms and glared at him as if daring him to argue.

“The only issue is… I haven’t really gotten to train my master form. While everyone was training I had to sneak into the Heavens and steal the Seraph Blade. That took some time and I just got back today,” she said, sighing in frustration.

Joshua listened as Ocella explained what happened, and this was making things worse. They had a prisoner, and they knew they would do anything to get him back. Etrama might even have a second prisoner, and if that was true then he had all the leverage he would need to get them to do what he wanted them to do. This was what the Dark one wanted. Then as soon as Ocella was done speaking Ryan spoke up and told him that Etrama had raped Amon, and enjoyed it. He could see that sick Bastard doing such a thing. He loved to inflict pain on others.

Josh shook his head and hugged Ryan lovingly. He knew this must have been killing him. He just found his brother, and now this happened of all things. Josh couldn’t think of anything worse to happen now of all times, and if Aeterna was within his grasp then he might have fallen to the same fate. Then Kyory spoke of a plan that he had to stop Samael from his goals, and kill both of them at the same time, but it was a risky plan to say the least.

He knew that everyone wante this to end, but what Kyori was suggesting was suicide. “Kyori. I know you want to end this we all do, but what good will come of us having to fight you? Do you think that we would be able to actually kill you? There would be no way that I could. I can fight evil, but I will not sacrifice my friends in this battle. I finally have been able to see you all again, how could I fight you seriously?” Then his attention turned to Ocella. This whole plan stunk, and if she went as well who knew what Etrama would do to her. He wanted to kill her so badly, and if she was captured her life would be forfeit.

Josh closed his eyes and calmed down. When he got his power he promised Kayra, and Xion he would do whatever he could to destroy this evil. He took a deep breath, and exhaled as he opened his eyes once more. He looked at both Kyori and Ocella as he still held onto Ryan. “Ocella. If you go then we lose our healer. I am unable to heal, and if Etrama gets to you. I can guarantee you will be in no condition to help anyone.” Josh said as he took a deep breath and exhaled once more. He let go of Ryan and took a step forward. “If anyone should go it should be me. Kyori would at least have a good reason to come after me. Capturing a traitor to betray his friends. It would be more poetic don’t you think? This would give Ocella time to train her Master form, since I have already trained mine.” He said looking Kyori in the eyes. He wanted to make up for all the wrongs he had done in the past to both him, and Ocella. “I will be a better choice in the end.” He said knowing Ryan would not like his proposal.

Ocella glared at Joshua as he spoke of them losing their healer if she went. “Samael is my uncle and Amon is my husband. If anyone is to risk their life it will be me. I know what Etrama is capable of but if we work together one of us will be able to kill him,” Ocella just stayed near Kyori, looking rather tired- she had been through hell that day and knew not when she would rest again.

Joshua made a valid point that if he was captured it would give her time to train, but she looked sympathetically towards Ryan. “No. I know what it’s like to lose everything and I can’t have that happen to Ryan. Amon is already in danger and Ryan needs you now more than ever. We’ll leave it up to Kyori, but I would prefer it be me.” Ocella turned to Kyori and rubbed her temples.

“How the hell are Joshua and I supposed to fight you for real? We can’t injure you and we wouldn’t kill you,” she asked, referring to the blood bond they all shared.

He listened as each of them pleaded their case to be the scapegoat that would get him close to Samael. Even though they both made strong points it was hard to decide. Then he thought about Ryan who was standing there with a look of sheer worry on his face. He’d never seen that side of Ryan before and he knew it was due to what Joshua’s was offering.

“Joshua you have to think of more than just you. Ryan needs you as well. If I could I wouldn’t use either of you, but Cella knows how to get out of a sticky situation. If she only realized that she has trained her master form. All of the things she’s done has trained her power. She may not have accessed the form, but the power was trained. Still, if I bring you along Ocella you have to promise that if things get hairy you’ll get out of dodge immediately.”

Kyori sighed knowing it was a lot to ask of each of them.

“I am serious, I don’t know what will happen to me if I stay in the Reaper form for too long, so if I turn on you, I want you to promise me here and now that you will do what it takes to stop me and Samael. PROMISE ME!”

Joshua was worried about Cella and Kyori undertaking this endeavor, but they were both right. He had to think of more than himself right now. He knew that Ryan would probably be worked about him being where Etrama was. He knew he was worried about his brother, and the treatment he was receiving. Giving a sigh he turned to Ryan and gave a small smile. “You are both right.” He said as he walked over to Ryan he walked behind him, and wrapped his arms around him. He would stay by his love's side, and they'll will free the others from Samael's grasp. “I will always be here for you Ryan. I hope you know that.”

Then Kyori wanted them to promise them that is he turned against them they would stop him and Samael. Josh was not wanting to do such a thing, but he knew Kyori would not want to destroy the world. “Kyori. I can't promise you that I will kill you, but I will do everything in my power to stop you.” Josh said as he makes his head on top of Ryan's head, and gently brought his hands down to Ryan's, and tried to interlock his fingers with his love.

Ocella listened when Kyori spoke, saying that she had trained her master form… at least the power had been trained. She sighed, wishing that she was more in tune with it like the others, but she knew that it would have to do. Kyori told her to promise him that she would get out if things got sticky.

“This whole situation is sticky. I’m not leaving without my husband, and Aeterna if he’s there too,” she said firmly, standing her ground. “If you turn on us Kyori I will do my best to fix it, to bring you back… or at least to stop you until we can figure out a way to reverse it. We’ll make it work though,” she promised, smiling at her friend.

“So go ahead Mr. Dragon,” she said, bracing herself. “Slug me as hard as you can,” she said, pointing to just under her eye. “We have to make it look realistic after all.”

Ryan enjoyed Josh’s tough, his strong arms wrapped around him. It gave him comfort, it gave him strength and he relaxed in his arms. He felt Josh’s hand touch his own and allowed Josh’s fingers to intertwine with his own, a soft smile forming on his face, but he knew this was serious, they may not return. Things were getting down to the wire. They were really about to face Samael and his army.

He was speechless, but he knew they were strong enough, they just had to focus.

“You’re as stubborn as a mule,” Kyori said to Ocella as he listened to her inform him that she would not leave without her husband and Aeterna. “You’re not going to be satisfied until you actually die are you?” Kyori retorted as he slowly began to shift into his Reaper form. His mere presence gave off a suffocating aura, as if he was sucking life out of living things.

“You asked for this,” he spoke in the ghastly voice that made Ryan’s skin crawl. It sounded like death, like souls wanting to scream but couldn’t, like echoing calls for help. Without warning Kyori’s hand shot up and his pointer finger was positioned on Ocella’s forehead. There was a pulse of energy as her body would feel as if her soul was snatched, and in reality it had been, only enough to cause her to pass out. The Reaper grabbed Ocella by her collar and began to drag her towards a portal that gave off negative energy. Ryan looked at Joshua as the Reaper looked back at the two before vanishing into the portal.

After helping Aeterna regain control of his chakras, Dorian was somewhat tired. It had been a long day, after all he had to fight his daughter in order to rid her of the dark essence. Now he needed to check on her to make sure she was alright and recovering well. He strolled into the infirmary and moved to her bedside.

“Well hello there,” Dorian said with a smile, “are you feeling better or do I need to thwack you again?” He joked.

After her father had placed her on the bed, Ocella had fallen asleep promptly, her body shivering and covered in sweat. She was experiencing ghastly nightmares that she couldn’t escape, nightmares that shook her to her very core. She could feel her entire being burning as the holy light fought against the darkness that had consumed her and it made for a restless slumber.

She didn’t know how long she had been out, but when she awoke next she heard footsteps entering the room. It took a moment to jog her memory as to what had happened to her, but when she finally did remember she looked at her father with tear-filled eyes as he sat on her bedside. He seemed cheerful enough, but she felt such incredible guilt that it was more painful to her soul than the darkness had been.

“Daddy,” she sobbed at once, looking at him like a child who had done so many wrongful things. “I’m so, so sorry dad,” she said, wanting to reach out to him, to hold him, to beg for his forgiveness- but she knew that she didn’t deserve it. “I never wanted to hurt you… I tried so hard to stop it, but it was so powerful,” she said, sitting up in bed as tears ran down her face. She had tried to kill her own father-figure, the man who had taught her so much, who believed in her, who had passed her off to be wed. “I...I’m sorry… I don’t deserve your forgiveness,” Ocella whispered, looking down at her hands now. They were trembling in her lap and she was genuinely mortified by what had happened, but she knew that nothing could ever change it.

“I love you so much, you’ve treated me like your own and I wasn’t strong enough to stop it. It...it wanted me to kill anyone who tried to take it, and then it wanted me to go to my uncle… Darkholm was there, waiting for me, and Kyori… Kyori sent me here,” she said, trying to control her breathing. She wanted to hold him, she wanted forgiveness but she didn’t feel that she deserved it.

“There there Ocella,” Dorian began, “you know as well as I you wouldn’t purposely attack me unless I pissed you off really really bad.” Dorian was still trying to make her smile. He had forgiven her when the incident happened, but she seemed to hold so much guilt. “I want you to focus on removing the one responsible. You are not the cause of darkness spreading, you must use your holy light as a beacon to draw others to our cause. Remember, this war has an end, but the end will require something most are not willing to give. When the time comes be ready.”

Dorian placed a soft hand on her head and sighed. “Kyori managed to defeat Darkholm, he has the stone, but he is not safe. The stone is powerful, and if he does not destroy it it will slowly corrupt him to the point that he may very well join Samael as you almost did. I believe a Seraph blade is what your next mission consists of my dear.”

Ocella looked to her father with a surprised, yet grateful expression on her face when he spoke. “You...forgive me?” she asked, looking at him in wonder. She finally smiled and held his hand within her own, grateful that she hadn’t lost him too. “I need to train my holy light, for it was not powerful enough to defeat the darkness. I need to train it and to become stronger,” she agreed with her father.

She listened intently as he spoke of Kyori and the stone, her eyes wide in surprise. “I won’t let that happen. Is there any way that I could take the stone from him while I search for the blade?” she asked, looking concerned. She took in a deep breath. “Where can I find such blade? I must leave immediately,” she said, taking note that it was nearly nightfall- but she would do anything to protect her friend.

“I’m afraid if you tried to take the stone, even if he tried to give it to you he couldn’t. It has latched onto him, the key was to lock it away in a vessel, but I am afraid your grandfather forgot to tell you this. Nonetheless, all is not lost. Once you find the blade you can destroy the stone. Kyori is strong he can resist it for he is already death reincarnate.”

Dorian looked at Ocella knowing she knew nothing about what he just said. “Kyori is a reaper, he is a traveler between this realm and the realm of the dead. His spirit dragon family, the monks of the monastery, tried to keep him from this fate, but he had to become one with it to grow. This is why he hesitates in battle, this is why he doesn’t fully commit because he knows deep down that death is who he is, it is a part of him. He is one that cannot die, he is forced to live life even when those around him die. Now you know more about the one you call brother, but do not be angry with him for keeping his secret. It is his way of not burdening you or any of his family.”

Dorian paused and looked at Ocella. Shaking his head momentarily. “You see Auro realized it when their staffs melded together, but I’ve always had my suspicions. Auro’s master is the Grim Reaper, the most powerful reaper ever to exist on this plane. He gave Auro the staff he wielded, but he also gave another, the staff that Kyori wielded. When they melded together it became clear who the next Reaper was.”

Dorian looked into Ocella’s eyes. He knew she was worried about Kyori and he smiled. “You will find the Seraph Blade in the most dangerous of places. A place you probably don’t want to go. In the heavens there is a building, like a museum, but there is a Seraph Blade there. You’re not going to like this, but you’re going to have to steal it.”

Dorian produced an orb clouded with smoke inside it. “When you have it, smash this orb and you’ll be able to leave. For once you’ve entered, most are not able to return unless they have permission.”

Ocella looked at him with great sadness as he spoke. Her grandfather hadn’t forgotten to tell her, they had been interrupted by the elf Samael had sent. What he said next caused her eyes to open widely. “Death reincarnate?” she asked, knowing what the two words meant but first disbelieving that it was Kyori. He explained that Kyori was a Reaper and that he was destined to be the next Grim Reaper. The thought sent chills down her spine, knowing that one day he would be there when she died.

She was shocked by this, but she would not hold it against him for he had done so much for her. They had become as close as siblings and it was a bit ironic for such bonds to form between death and an angel, between a Nephilim and an angel. No wonder the Pantheon had wanted to see her dead.

Master Dorian spoke of the Blade’s location and her eyes widened as the realization hit. In order to save Kyori, in order to save the world… she would have to condemn herself by stealing from the Heavens. Master Dorian produced a smoky white orb and said that it would grant her access back to this realm. Ocella sighed and smiled softly. “I suppose if I am destined to go to hell, I may as well go in style,” Ocella commented with a small chuckle. She looked at her father one last time, taking the orb from him and nodding as she clutched it in her hand.

“I’ll not fail Kyori, nor you nor this realm,” she promised. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, focusing on her holy light and allowing it to grow. Soon, she had transformed into her angelic form and light was shining brightly throughout the room. Within moments she had vanished, allowing the light to consume her. She appeared to be floating somewhere without using her wings. It was a strange place, one that had white smoke billowing at her feet. She looked behind her and could see large, golden gates that she had managed to surpass. She knew that the next time she saw those gates she would likely not be allowed through them and the thought caused a small tear to fall down her face.

She had broken so many laws and now she was about to steal from the Heavens themselves. Up ahead, she saw a white marbled building that indeed looked like a museum. A statue of an angel was standing there strong as if guarding the steps to the building. The angel had a bow in his hands, an arrow knocked as if ready to strike. She raised an eyebrow and knew that this was no ordinary statue. She couldn’t teleport inside the building for she had never seen it before, but she could see atop the stairs and past the angel.

The moment she appeared at the top of the stairs the ground began to shake underneath her. She could hear an arrow zooming through the air towards her and tried to run, but it was useless when she was still floating. She turned her body to the left just barely as the arrow ripped apart the side of her shirt, leaving a large whole. “Thief!” the statue roared in defiance as Ocella began to figure out how to move. “Abomination! Traitor upon our kind! Breacher of the Heavens!” the statue roared, nocking another arrow to the bow and sending it racing towards her. Ocella’s powers were useless here, for she was the only living creature in these lands.

She straightened her body forth like a bullet and began to fly through the air, narrowly avoiding the arrow. The angel began to chase after her, pulling a sword from its waist. “Thou shall be sent straight to the depths of hell!” he shouted, and Ocella’s heart was racing. She knew that there was no talking her way out of this, so she flew as fast as she could to avoid his wrath. “Intruder of our land, tainter of all that is holy!” the angel roared as it neared her.

She was looking anywhere she could for the blade, trying to find it and get out of there. The entire museum seemed empty as brilliant marble floors shimmered in the light. Ocella vanished at once, narrowly avoiding the strike of the blade. She could see doors scattered about the museum and knew that she didn’t have time to search through them all. She pulled back as the angel struck again, and the angel roared in defiance.

Then she saw it, the blade that she seeked had been right there in front of her the entire time. Written along the edge of the stone hilt was a name. Seraph. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized exactly what she would have to do. She would have to destroy the statue in order to reveal the blade underneath the stone.

“I’m sorry God, I’m sorry Pantheon, I’m sorry grandfather,” Ocella said before she vanished. She appeared immediately behind the statue and wrapped herself around its head. It began to thrash at her, but she removed one of its arrows from the holster and brought it down upon its head. The resulting crash caused cracks to form along its head as the statute gave her one final look of hatred, crumbling to the ground beneath her. She managed to catch the sword before it too had been lost, a look of relief on her face.

Just as she was reaching for the orb her father had given her, one of the doors opened near her. Suddenly rays of light shot forth towards her, each of them slashing through her skin like blades themselves. Ocella cried out in pain as the light wrapped around her, spilling her blood upon the smoky floors. The light pulled her to the shimmering figure and she struggled, finally freeing her hand long enough to slice through it with the blade. The creature roared in pain and shot more bursts of light towards her but she quickly vanished, appearing near the creature. She raised the sword to strike it but the creature sped at the speed of light towards her and she managed to teleport just in time.

She focused on her own light, allowing it to heal her wounds. Her light shined brightly, so brightly that it seemed to encase the creature before her until it was no more. She sighed in relief, but she could see that another door had opened in its place.

The creature stepping out was one of fire that was hot enough to feel from her position. She narrowed her eyes at this new creature, but suddenly three more doors opened revealing new foes. She was surrounded by a creature of fire, water, Earth and air. In front of her was a representation of the elements that had forged together to create Earth itself. Each of them took a stance against her and she knew that she would have a fight on her hands.

A burst of fire came her way and Ocella vanished at once, appearing in her transformed Master state. The creatures charged her and her wand buzzed with electricity as energy built up at the end of it. Water came crashing towards her, surrounding her as it filled up the room. The fire creature had levitated to avoid it’s wrath, while the creature of Earth disappeared and the creature of air caused a swirling vortex to appear within the water above Ocella. She could hardly breathe and the water pressure around her was so tight. She felt shackles wrapping around her feet as they drug her underneath the surface, and Ocella realized that the creature of Earth was trying to drown her. In a quick movement she sliced its wrists off with the sword, swimming back up to the surface.

The storm was still raging as she floated in the water, wondering what she would do. She tried to slash through the water with the sword but it was of no use, and suddenly she saw fire racing towards her. She dove back under the water, allowing it to strike the surface above her. It was chaos and she didn’t know what to do. “Please, allow me to protect that which you all forged together to create!” Ocella begged. The storm waged on and Ocella sighed, realizing now what she had to do.

She shot her wand forth into the air, sending her flying up through the wind tunnel and water vortex with great speed. She raised her newly acquired sword as she neared the roof of the building and poured her energy into the tip of the sword, allowing it to strike through the building. The building began to rumble and crumble, and though the elements tried to escape they all cancelled each other out the moment they met at the entrance of the exit she had made. The water had extinguished the fire and wind, and the building had crumbled atop the water, sending it scattering through the rumble.

She took in a deep breath, tears in her eyes at what she had just done as she smashed the orb in her hand with the hilt of the sword. She felt the energy changing around her and looked to the beautiful Golden Arches one last time, a small smile on her face as she landed face first in front of Master Dorian, breathing heavily as her chest rose and fell rapidly. The sword was in her hand and she gasped for air, standing up at once with a startled look on her face. She was soaking wet from head to toe and covered in healing wounds, but most importantly she had survived.

It had been some time since Ocella’s departure. Everyone was off training and preparing for Samael’s next move. That was all they could do for now. Samael had been silent which wasn’t a good sign. He was up to something, and Dorian couldn’t figure out what. Silence will the room as he waited for some sign from the others. Then he felt a great disturbance, darkness in New York. He could feel necromancy at work. There was no one to check it out but him. Just as he stood up, Ocella appeared landing face first, covered in wounds that seemed to be healing slowly, and soaked from head to toe.

“Dear heavens,” Dorian said as he helped her up noticing the blade in her hands. “You were successful, I underestimated you my dear,” he said honestly having feared she wouldn’t return. He should’ve learned never to underestimate the power of the mortal spirit. “What did you experience? He asked her still surprised by her vigor.

As Ocella stood, Master Dorian was there to help her up. She looked at him with great surprise as her breaths came out in a raspy, audible pattern. She coughed, trying to come to her senses as he exclaimed his surprise in her success. He asked what she went through and Ocella breathed in deeply, her hands were shaking slightly as she realized what she had done.

“I killed them,” she said, appearing distraught. “The guardians of the house of relics,” she said sadly. “The blade was hidden within a stone statue that had come to life to defend the place. I managed to steal it and defeat him, but before I could leave the four elements came to his defense. Oh man I’m definitely going to hell now,” she said, looking up to the skies in distraught.

“They were beautiful,” she said, her voice seeming soothed. “The golden arches of Heaven,” she commented, looking at him longingly. “I can only hope that one day… I’ll be able to cross through them. That my sins will be forgiven and that I won’t go to hell,” she said sadly, tearing her gaze away from the skies.

“Where is Kyori and that damn stone?” she asked, her voice bitter and determined.

Dorian listened and nodded remembering the place in his youth. Then he returned his attention back to Ocella and sighed.

“That is not for me to decide, but let us hope your good deeds are enough to allow you peace in the afterlife,” Dorian said moving a strand of hair from Ocella’s face. Then she asked where Kyori was and Dorian’s smile vanished. “Kyori has not returned. He is deep in the Spirit Mountains training. He has the stone with him. What’s worse is that Amon and Aeterna have vanished from my senses. I fear they may have been capt….”

Dorian stopped as someone stepped into his study. He looked at the pale man and nodded.


“Dorian, I was sent by them to make sure you don’t fail. I have to admit it’s cutting close. He already has the blood of a phoenix and the blood of a nephilim, he cannot have the blood of a dragon or he will succeed.”

Dorian looked at Nicolai and gasped. “Is that what he’s trying to do?” Nicolai nodded and Dorian turned to Ocella.

“Ocella, we haven’t much time, Etrama is attacking New York city with his necromantic army, go show him the power of the divine light. I shall go with Nicolai to determine what our next move is.”

“Blood of a nephilim?” she asked, her heart rate increasing after what Master Dorian had said. She gave Master Dorian the blade and vanished at once.

06-12-2017, 06:54 PM
As soon as Kyori left him to do what he is needing to do. Aeterna transformed into his master form and disappear into the shadows. He needed to go somewhere he could train and work through his feelings without the chance of having any interference. The garden would have been a good place, but now everyone knew where it was. He would need to find another secluded location to train. He knew of a couple of locations, but he was going to the Lush island in the Southern Isles.

When he arrived there he looked around at the abundance of life from the trees to the animals. He felt at home here, and figured it would be the best place to train. He closed his eyes and continued to utilize his master form. It was difficult to keep it going but he continued to push his body as he pulled his sword. Moving fluently as he practised his sword skills. Then his mind returned to the conversation he and Kyori had and he lost his concentration reverting back to his human form. As tears fell down his face. “Why am I like this!”Aeterna screamed as he fell to his knees.

He had the love of a wonderful man that would do anything for him, and he loved him back. So why in the world would he harbor these feelings of inadequacy? Why would he let them get in his way? Why couldn't he make himself understand that they were both warriors, and there as a chance of getting hurt? Why could he not come to terms with the fact that Kyori had to kill him?

There were so many things that he hated about himself right now that he couldn't come to terms with himself, and the events that have lead to this situation. Tears still fell down his face as he stood back up and looked into the forest. He would never find his answers if he didn't come to terms with the fact that Kyori doesn't need him to protect him. He knew that Kyori had to kill him or he would have lost his life to him.

He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, and calmed himself. He knew Kyori was more powerful than him and didn't need his help. He didn't need his protection, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't let him protect him. They were lovers, and that would never change. No matter what, but he still needed to come to terms with his own inadequacies.

His life has been never ending, and from the moment he fell in love he knew that he would never be the same. However, he also had the securing of having Aide with him. Now he was himself, and nothing more. He felt alone for the first time, and it scared him, but he was not alone. Kyori was here with him, and he would be with him always. Aeterna needed to overcome his problems if he was to ever free himself from the shackles of insecurity. He started to look within himself to find the answers. Blocking out the rest of the world he just sat there concentrating on his internal conflict.

“Well well well, what do we have here,” a familiar voice filled the area around Aeterna, “a little lost phoenix so far from home. Come now why the long face?” the voice mocked.

Aeterna was finally starting to calm down, but then a voice echoed through the forest and his blood ran cold. He couldn't believe that his worst fear had come to this island. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around to see where Samael was standing. When he found him he sat up in an instant and just stared at him. His body was shaking slightly as he took a couple of steps back. “Why are you here?” Aeterna asked in a shaky voice.

“Why am I here?” Samael said as he stepped through the bushes with a grin on his face. “Well it’s quite simple, I’m here for you,” he said with a wink. Now standing in front of Aeterna he took a few more steps towards Aeterna all the while with a wicked grin on his face. “Tell me Aeterna, are you tired of being in his shadow? You know you’ll never be adequate, so I’ve come to relieve you of that sorrow.”

Aeterna was taken back by Samael's words. Why would he be here for him? He already had the chance to kill him, but yet here he was standing before him. Would he try to kill him this time? Or was he here for a different reason? Samael was right in front of him. He was not making any aggressive movements, but his smile was telling Aeterna that something was wrong. When he took two more steps toward him Aeterna took two steps back. Then the words that came from his mouth hit the Shadow Phoenix hard. Was he really only existing in Kyori’s shadow? Was he nothing more than a useless being that couldn't do anything more than look at the back of the one he loved?

Aeterna shook his head. Kyori has told him time after time that he loved him for who he was, and that he didn’t have to change. He was a special person and that he was strong. Though did Kyori really believe the words he spoke to Aeterna, or were they just empty words to keep him close?

“My sorrow is my burden to bare. I don’t need you to relieve it from me. Now go” Aeterna said as he closed his eyes. He didn’t want to be a burden on anyone, but yet he didn’t want to sacrifice his life to this man. No matter if he could relieve him of his problems.

“You don’t sound convincing to me Aeterna,” Samael spoke as he took a few more steps towards Aeterna. “I can help you remove all that doubt that is plaguing your mind. It will be easy and swift. Aren’t you tired of being inadequate? I have a proposition for you. Come with me and I shall give you what you need to surpass others around you, all I ask is something small in return.”

Aeterna was trying his best to not allow Samael’s words get to him. He was trying to convince himself that he could conquer his demons on his own, but the Dark ones offer was so tempting. He knew this would hurt Kyori more than anything else in the world. But peace just sounded so good to him right now. He didn’t move when Samael came closer to him. Aeterna closed his eyes and thought. He didn’t want more power, in the sense that he would be stronger than Kyori. He just wanted to feel like he was worthy of the affection that Kyori felt for him. Though at the same time this one decision would cause him to lose the one he loved all for power.

“I...I…” Aetern began to speak, but he was having a fight within himself. Should he go with the Dark one, or try and find a better path? He was fighting with himself. In more than one way. “Why would you want to help me? All you want to do is destroy the world. There is no reason to trust…” Aeterna stopped there not knowing what else to say. He just hoped Samael would leave him alone. So he wouldn’t do anything stupid.

“Do you honestly think Kyori will ever see you as an equal? He pities you, he knows you’ll never be on par with him or the others and might I say it is quite horrible how he keeps dragging you along telling you lies to make you feel better about yourself. You’ve trained, you have regained strength and yet look at you,” Samael spoke stepping closer, closing the gap between them. “All you have to do is surrender to me and I shall give you what it is you need to overcome your doubt. Kyori will never truly love someone who cannot love himself. I will help you because you are no threat to me either way.” Samael smirked. Aeterna would be his ticket to Kyori. He extended his hand towards Aeterna and looked at him. “The choice is yours.”

Aeterna was on the brink of tears with Samael’s words. Kyori pitied him? Was he that much of a hinderance that his love would never see him as an equal? Does Kyori only tell him what he wants to hear to keep him by his side? Was he manipulating him from the start? So many different questions were now causing him anguish. Tears started to fall down his face as he opened his eyes to look at the Dark one. Samael had to be wrong. There would be no way that the man he loved would do such a thing. He had trained as much as the others, but he didn’t have the strength to match up to any of them. Even the servants of Auro were stronger than he was. Aeterna was nothing compared to his companions.

Aeterna didn’t pay any attention to Samael as he closed the gap between them. He didn’t move nor did he even care. If what he had told him was true then his life was not worth anything. The last remark was like a being punched in the gut. He was helping him out of pity as well. Did everyone pity the likes of him? Samael was right. Kyori could never truly love someone like him. They were polar opposites, and no matter how close they are with their words and how intimate they are with one another it was still a fact. Kyori could do so much better than him. He was utterly defeated. He had no will to live anymore. Reaching out his hand hesitantly. He didn’t know if he was making the right decision or not, his hand stopped three inches from Samael’s.

Samael’s eyes narrowed on the extended hand of Aeterna. With a serpent like quickness, his hand latched around Aeterna’s and the air filled with his menacing cackle. Threads of energy began to snake up Aeterna’s body restricting his movement and causing him pain.

“Fool,” Samael said, “You are but one of the final pieces to resurrect the dark god, and now with you in my possession Kyori will submit to my will. Your pathetic doubt has cost you dearly.”

Samael summoned a syringe that he used to stick in the extended arm of Aeterna, drawing the beautiful blood of the shadow phoenix before both men vanished. When they reappeared, they were in Samael’s lair. Amon was still constricted and he had multiple cut on his body. Etrama really did have fun. Perhaps he would have even more fun with the shadow phoenix.

Samael’s servants went to work binding Aeterna to the table using powerful wards. The braces that restricted his movement would prove to be defiantly strong against any attempt to break them, unless an outside source somehow damaged them, or the wards were removed. Samael grabbed Aeterna by the chin and smiled.

“I can’t wait to see the look on Kyori’s face when he sees that you offered your hand to me freely. Can you imagine the pain, the hurt? Get some rest, you’ll need it,” Samael stated before kissing Aeterna rather bluntly, releasing his chin and leaving the room. Aeterna and Amon could see each other as they were in the same room across from each other.

Aeterna was not paying any attention so when Samael's hand wrapped around his eyes grew and the laughter filled the air as a an energy thread wrapped itself around him and restricted his movements. The strings seemed to made out of a material that caused his skin to burn and caused him pain. His face twisted in that pain as Samael spoke. Aeterna was shocked by what Samael said and knew that he had made a horrible mistake. He didn't say a word as the dark one pulled blood from his arm, and then they disappear and now he was in the enemy hands.

Aeterna saw that he was not the only 'guest’ that had been invited to this horrible place. He saw that Amon was lying unconscious on a table. He was chained to the table nude, and he looked like he had been raped. This only made his situation worse, but he was unable to fight back even if he wanted to. He was not even putting up a fight. He only wished that they would kill him, or that he could take his own life. His worst fear was realized. Samael was going to use him to get to Koyri, and force him to do his bidding. His tears fell more as Samael's men went to work securing him to the table.

As Aeterna was bound to the table in the same fashion as Amon though his clothing remained on him. All he could do was watch as they used ward’s that would not allow him to be able to escape. Then Samael approached him as soon as his servants were done and grabbed a hold of his chin with a gentle yet firm grip that wouldn't let Aeterna turn his head. Then when Samael spoke all of the color from his face, as he continued to cry. He once again would caused Kyori pain, and now he would be unable to apologise for his actions. Then the dark one kissed him. Aeterna didn't expect this and he gave Samael a nasty look as he released his chin.

“Samael you bastard. Just kill me now.” Aeterna said as Samael left the room. Knowing that if he lived he would be used to force Kyori to do whatever Samael wished. When the dark one left the room the shadow phoenix was left alone with only his thoughts as company. He knew he had betrayed not only his friends but the man he loved to his own insecurities. He wanted to die. He didn't want to be a burden on Kyori since Samael was going to use him to get to the spirit dragon. Closing his eyes he tried to free himself from the restraints that held him down.

Amon started to regain his senses because of someone screaming that he wanted to die. The voice sounded familiar, but he was still to out of it to know who it was. As he slowly opened his eyes he looked around the room, and he saw the source of the voice. It was the Shadow Phoenix. He tried to move his body and a sharp pain radiated through his very being. He cringed as he moaned in pain. Eterna had really had his fun with him, but he doubted that it would end with just one session. He was weak, but that didn’t stop him from looking in Aeterna’s direction. He could tell that he was crying, though because of the Phoenix’s healing factor he wouldn't be able to tell if he had been injured. Oh how he wished he had that ability.

“Wishing for death would only make the one you love cry. He has already lost you once. I don’t think he could handle losing you again. Without you he would be lost in this world.” Amon said as he struggled with his own problem. He had just been raped by a man and he was not really in the mood for this, but it seemed Aeterna was in worse shape than he was at the moment. “Even if we are left to our fates we must accept that truth. Our loved ones will be the ones hurt if we don’t try our best to survive.”

Aeterna opened his eyes when Amon began to speak. He looked over at the poor man that looks as if he had been beaten. Though he did wonder why he was naked? Aeterna could only look at Amon with a look of melancholy. How would he understand what he was going through? He has hurt Kyori more than once, and he hurt him once more. “How can one not wish for death when one hurts the one he loves. Over and over again. I am nothing more that a burden to him,”Aeterna said as he looked at the nephlim that was bound along with him.

Amon weakly chuckled as he smiled at the phoenix. He knew all too well the feeling of being a burden to another. He has felt it since he had met the group of Mystics. He has felt like he was a burden to them, but Ocella didn’t care about that. She loved him with all of his problems. That is what has helped him through his insecurities. “Aeterna. It doesn't matter if you believe yourself to be a burden to the one you love. As long as you try your hardest you will not have to worry about hurting them. They will love you no matter your flaws. That is what it means to love another. You should…” Amon was cut short by a portal opening inside of the room, and Etrama entering the chamber.

“Well, well looks like my master was successful in capturing you Aeterna. It also looks like you have regained Consciousness young nephilim. Well it seems I will get to play with you again, but first I must report to my master. Then I will see what I will be doing next.” Etrama said as he reached up and touched Amons chest gently. “So go ahead and talk. I will be right back.” Eterna said as he walked out of the room.

Amon shook when Eterna touched him with a disgusted look on his face. Aeterna saw the reaction and it hit him why he was not wearing any clothing. It seemed that Amon had been toyed with by Eterna. All he could do was look at him with a worried look on his face. Was he trying to comfort him even though he had been violated? “Amon what…” Aeterna began to say but Amon cut him off. “I don’t want to speak on it. Just remember what I said.” Amon said as he closed his eyes.

Eterna walked into his master's study, and walked over to his desk. Placing down the second half of the black stone in front of Samael. “I have finished my little errand, and had a little fun while I was at it. I also see that you were able to capture the Phoenix with little struggle.” Etrama said as he leaned over the desk looking his love in the eyes. “So what is your next move my Love?”

Samael smiled when Etrama entered into his study. He stood up after the black stone was placed on his desk and moved around to Etrama embracing him, inhaling his scent and nibbling playfully on his ear.

“There’s one more piece of the puzzle,” he began his hand moved up and down Etrama’s body, a single finger ripping open Etrama’s shirt as Samael seemed to eye him hungrily. “I need the blood of a dragon and I am stuck. If I go after the spirit dragon I could lose my leverage and I very well may be unsuccessful. If I go after the sound dragon I could capture him, but he is slightly stronger willed than the nephilim and phoenix, not to mention you’ve angered his boy toy,” Samael stated placing a trail of kisses along Etrama’s jawline. “No doubt he’s warned him by now. I have a plan though, one that will involve Darkholm’s spot being replaced. For now go and have fun with the phoenix and the nephilim,” Samael finished leaving hickies along Etrama’s neck.

He turned and moved towards the bookcase grabbing a book from the shelf and slamming it onto his desk. “I will call upon you when I need you my love, but do enjoy the new gift I brought for you.”

Etrama moaned as Samael nibbled on his ear, and moved his hands up and down his body. His body shivered with each brush of his hands on his body. He has been yearning for his touch for a while. Samael ripped open his shirt he wanted Samael to touch him more. He listened to his love speak, and knew good and well he had a conundrum on his hands. Either dragon would work for his master plan, but which to go after. As soon as Samael started to kiss him he raised his hands and placed them on his lovers hips. Etrama moaned once more when Samael sucked on his neck. He so wanted to throw his love down and have sex with him, but his master told him to go and have fun with the two prisoners. His master seemed to have a plan on how to acquire what he wants.

Etrama released his master and love and smiled at him. He knew that he was busy. He didn’t mind since he loved him, and he allows him to enjoy himself in more than one way. “I will go and enjoy my new toy, and I will await your call.” Etrama said as he walked over to him and kissed him deeply. As soon as he finished he left the room with a smile on his face. He was going to enjoy himself with Aeterna.

Aeterna thought on what Amon said as he heard the door open and Etrama returned to the room. His smile was large and he had a lustful look in his eyes as he moved over in between Amon and Aeterna. He eyed them both as he knew he was going to play with one of them. He wanted to see how Aeterna tasted, but he wanted to play more with Amon as well. Choices, choices. A sly smile formed on his face as he wanted to see if he could force Aeterna into consensual sex. By forcing himself on Amon. Maybe the phoenix would give himself up to save the man beside him. Turning to face Amon he placed a hand on his abdomen in a sensual manner. He slowly moved his hand lower as Amon closed his eyes and his body shook with disgust, and horror.

Aeterna watched as Etrama began to touch Amon one more time as the nephilim shook from his touch. Aeterna struggled against his restraints as he tried to free himself to help Amon. He didn’t want to see the man suffer more at the hands of this mad man. “Amon!” Aeterna said trying to get the wraiths attention. Aeterna had been trying to come to terms with what he had done, but he still had his problems, but he wouldn’t add watching Amon get raped right in front of him. “Leave him alone!”

Etrama smiled as he heard Aeterna’s voice. He stopped him movement and turned to face the phoenix. He Looked at him with ravenous eyes as he moved over to where the Phoenix was shackled. “Are you wanting to take his place?” He questioned as he placed his hand on Aeterna’s shoulder and slowly moved his hand to his intended victim's chest then down to his abdomen. Feeling the man's body shudder under his touch.

Aeterna was not wanting to really answer the madman's question, but he knew what the alternative was and that was worse than what he was going to face. “I don't want to watch you torture Amon any more than you already have. So yes I am willing to take his place.” Aeterna said as he only could guess what was going to become of him. Though he was not aware this is what the wraith wanted from the beginning. He closed his eyes for a moment to prepare himself for what was more than likely to come his way.

Etrama looked at Aeterna and nodded his head. “Then you consent to allow me to do as I please. No fighting back, but you are allowed to scream as much as you want.” Eterna said as he moved to the side of the table flipping a switch to move the bed into an upright position. He was going to remove the Phoenix's clothing, but he needed to make sure that the ward’s stayed in place.

Amon’s eyes opened when the touching stopped and he looks and listened to everything that happened. He was shocked that Aeterna would sacrifice himself to save him, but he wouldn't allow it. “Aeterna you don't have to do this for me. I have already been…” but before Amon could finish his sentence Aeterna spoke up. “I will not sit by and watch you have to go through this in your current state. Besides you are right. No matter what happens we will always be there for one another.” Aeterna said as the bed moved. “Close your eyes. You don't have to watch.” Aeterna commented as he was sure this was going to be more than he could handle. His powers were being blocked, and that meant his healing factor was not going to work. He only hoped he would not die in the process. There was so many things he needed to tell Kyori. Like how sorry he was for what he had done and put him through because of his self doubt.

The sentiment that his two victims shared sickened Etrama, but he would allow them this moment. He walked over to a table in the room and picked put a tray of utensils, as well as a knife to help him play with the Phoenix. Imagining the pain he was going to inflict before satisfying himself sent a tingling sensation down his spine. When he returned they had finished their little conversation and Eterna smiled wickedly at Aeterna. It has been a while since he has been able to torture someone on a physical level. Auro disagreed with his methods of pleasure and play.

Taking the knife he walked in front of Aeterna he proceeded to cut away his shirt. Revealing his muscular body underneath. He lightly traced the tip of the blade over his chest down his abdomen to the hem of his pants. Watching as Aeterna's muscles contracted to the touch of the blade as if they were trying to escape it touch. Then he began cutting away the phoenix's pants. Once Etrama was done Aetrena was completely revealed. The wraith could see a slight shake in the young man's body as if he was scared of what was going to happen. This only made Eterna smile more as he placed the knife on the table and he looked over the different utensils that he had at his disposal. While Etrama was looking at what he had to use on him Aeterna decided that as long as he kept his attention on him and off of Amon he would play along, but only to a point.

Picking up a small shape knife he returned his attention​ to his target. “Well shall we get started?” He asked but didn't wait for a response before taking the knife and cutting into Aeterna’s tender flesh. The blade cut into the soft tissue if the Phoenix's abdomen. The blade slowly cut his flesh, and Aeterna bit his lip as the blade cut into his skin. He was not going to give Eterna the pleasure on hearing his scream right off the bat. Etrama was not happy to have the Phoenix holding back his scream, but there was plenty of time for him to break. The laceration bleed and the wrath bent down and licked a line of blood from his abdomen, and then moved his tongue up to his chest.

He pulled himself away from the shadow phoenix with a smile on his face. His new little toy tasted as good as the Nephilim. Touching Aeterna's chest with his hand he decided to cause the Phoenix even worse pain. Taking the knife he ran the blade over the skin of his chest slightly just barely enough to cut the skin. He then moved the blade around in the same manner all around his play toys chest. Blood seeped from the cuts as Aeterna continued to try and hold in his scream.

Eterna move to the side to bring the table back down vertically. He removed his torn shirt and threw it to the ground, and then removed his pants and undergarments. Letting them fall to the floor placing the knife down he then picked up a different kind of knife. The blade was covered in a odd energy. As Soon as he grabbed the blade he climbed on top of Aeterna and straddled his hips. The knife was in his hand but he took his free hand and placed it on Aeterna’s chest and rubbed the blood that was seeping from his wounds around. He then leaned against the man's bloodied chest and looked him in the eyes. Without warning he kissed Aeterna and didn't get a fight out of him. In fact the Phoenix returned the kiss. Not with passion, but he kissed back nonetheless. Etrama was caught a little off guard, but he knew the Phoenix wanted to keep his attention on him.

While they were kissing Etrama stabbed the knife into Aeterna's side. This time there was no way to stop from screaming. The muffled cry was music to Etrama's ears. He then twisted the knife the was embedded in the Phoenix's side as he continued the kiss and listen to the scream. The knife in Aeterna’s side felt like it was poisoned. The energy from the knife surged through his body, and it hurt like hell. It felt like his insides were on fire. Every part of his body hurt, and he was unable to control the pain that he was feeling. His body cunvulsed in pain and Aeterna was no longer able to think as Etrama continued the kiss. Once Etrama finished the kiss he looked down at Aeterna with a smile as he looked at his face distorted in pain. He knew the poison wouldn't last too long, but he would enjoy himself nonetheless.

He got off of Aeterna and removed his last piece of clothing that was covering him, and because of the jerking he did cut the Phoenix a couple of times. Though not deep enough to really be a problem. He then got back on top of him, and as soon as he got everything ready he began working Aeterna over.

Once he was finished he looked at the Phoenix who had passed out halfway through his playing with him that he finished without having a fight. Though Aeterna looked ten times worse that Amon did when he was finished, but he did hurry through his treatment of the Nephilim. Though he would be able to play with him some more now. He wanted to see the angels face when she realized what all he had done to her husband. Though he wanted to know the relationship between Ryan and Amon. He figured this would be a good of time as any to force Amon to tell him what that relationship was. Moving off of Aeterna he moved over to Amon to torture him till he told him what he wanted to know. Pulling a knife from his collection of tools he proceeded to slowly force Amon to talk.

Samael walked into the torture room as Etrama was getting ready to attempt to force Amon to tell him something. Samael was quite shocked by what he saw. Etrama had a lot to get off his chest it seemed, but they still needed to be alive for the exchange to work.

“Etrama, I said have fun with them not maim them,” Samael said as he walked over to Aeterna, looking over the phoenix as he managed to heal the heavy wounds, but leaving the minor ones. He did the same to Amon before turning and glaring at Etrama. “This is unacceptable,” he stated, “they are no good to be unconscious or dead, now go and find something to do, I have a meeting with Death.”

Samael sighed as he placed a firm hand on Etrama’s shoulder to let him know that he was simply on edge as this summoning could go quite wrong and he wanted to make sure everything was right. “Guards, ensure that the two subjects are clean and dressed properly. Thank you.”

As Etrama was about to begin asking Amon about his relationship Samael had entered the room and yelled at him for going too far. This shocked Etrama as he lowered his head and backed away. He really wasn't thinking of the exchange just releasing his pent up feelings. He hated being stagnant for so long, and the time he had spent with Auro had made him feel stir crazy. Though the time with Samael helped he still didn't get to satisfy his need to see people suffer.

Keeping his head down as Auro healed both the Phoenix, and the Nephilim he just waited till he was dismissed. He never thought Samael would yell at him for this, but he guessed he went a little too far. As soon as his master was done healing the two he yelled at him once more, and told him to find something to do. He was going to be summoning Death. Eterna didn’t like the feeling of his love yelling at him. “As you wish Master Samael.” He said as he bowed and turned around. He was about to leave when he felt a strong hand grab his shoulder.

The action made him feel a little better since his Master was more than likely worried about the summoning he was about to perform. Etrama didn’t hold this against Samael. He knew he went a little too far with the Phoenix, but at least he felt relieved. All of his tension was gone. That was the only bonus of this whole situation. “I hope your summoning has no hiccups. If you need me I will be in my room.” Etrama said as he left the room without turning around and without saying another word. He was still hurt from what just happened.

Amon watched as his insane captor was about to ask him a question, and looked like he wanted an answer, but before anything could happen Samael entered the room. What surprised him was that the dark one was yelling at his lover about the damage he had inflicted on both him and Aeterna. Granted it did his heart good to see the mad mad get what he deserved, but in the end they were still pawns in Samael’s little game. If they could just find a way to escape.

When Samael healed Aeterna and then moved to him. When he placed his hand on him he could feel the dark energy healing him, but in the end he didn’t heal him completely. That was to be expected. Amon tried struggling against his bonds but he was still too weak to break them. The infernal heat was sapping all of his strength. Then some of Samael’s servants began to clean him, and dress him in a robe. Making him presentable for some reason.

Aeterna had passed out from the pain just as he was being raped. Luckily for him he was not conscious for whatever Etrama did to him. However, he could feel an energy entering his body forcing him to wake up. As he opened his eyes he looked into the face of Samael. His eyes were wide as he looked into his eyes. Why was he healing him? Was the only thought that crossed his mind as he didn’t heal all of the wounds, but enough of them to make it where he could move again. He then moved onto Amon and did the same thing. Aeterna didn’t know what to do or what was going on until Samael yelled a bit at Etrama. He mentioned that he was going to be speaking to death, and it made no sense to him. Some of the dark ones other servants started to clean the blood from his person, and dress him in a robe. He guessed that this was the only outfit that they could put on him without freeing him. If it weren't for the shackles, and the wards he would have been able to escape long ago. All he could do now was wait, and see what happens.

- - - Updated - - -

As soon as Kyori left him to do what he is needing to do. Aeterna transformed into his master form and disappear into the shadows. He needed to go somewhere he could train and work through his feelings without the chance of having any interference. The garden would have been a good place, but now everyone knew where it was. He would need to find another secluded location to train. He knew of a couple of locations, but he was going to the Lush island in the Southern Isles.

When he arrived there he looked around at the abundance of life from the trees to the animals. He felt at home here, and figured it would be the best place to train. He closed his eyes and continued to utilize his master form. It was difficult to keep it going but he continued to push his body as he pulled his sword. Moving fluently as he practised his sword skills. Then his mind returned to the conversation he and Kyori had and he lost his concentration reverting back to his human form. As tears fell down his face. “Why am I like this!”Aeterna screamed as he fell to his knees.

He had the love of a wonderful man that would do anything for him, and he loved him back. So why in the world would he harbor these feelings of inadequacy? Why would he let them get in his way? Why couldn't he make himself understand that they were both warriors, and there as a chance of getting hurt? Why could he not come to terms with the fact that Kyori had to kill him?

There were so many things that he hated about himself right now that he couldn't come to terms with himself, and the events that have lead to this situation. Tears still fell down his face as he stood back up and looked into the forest. He would never find his answers if he didn't come to terms with the fact that Kyori doesn't need him to protect him. He knew that Kyori had to kill him or he would have lost his life to him.

He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, and calmed himself. He knew Kyori was more powerful than him and didn't need his help. He didn't need his protection, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't let him protect him. They were lovers, and that would never change. No matter what, but he still needed to come to terms with his own inadequacies.

His life has been never ending, and from the moment he fell in love he knew that he would never be the same. However, he also had the securing of having Aide with him. Now he was himself, and nothing more. He felt alone for the first time, and it scared him, but he was not alone. Kyori was here with him, and he would be with him always. Aeterna needed to overcome his problems if he was to ever free himself from the shackles of insecurity. He started to look within himself to find the answers. Blocking out the rest of the world he just sat there concentrating on his internal conflict.

“Well well well, what do we have here,” a familiar voice filled the area around Aeterna, “a little lost phoenix so far from home. Come now why the long face?” the voice mocked.

Aeterna was finally starting to calm down, but then a voice echoed through the forest and his blood ran cold. He couldn't believe that his worst fear had come to this island. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around to see where Samael was standing. When he found him he sat up in an instant and just stared at him. His body was shaking slightly as he took a couple of steps back. “Why are you here?” Aeterna asked in a shaky voice.

“Why am I here?” Samael said as he stepped through the bushes with a grin on his face. “Well it’s quite simple, I’m here for you,” he said with a wink. Now standing in front of Aeterna he took a few more steps towards Aeterna all the while with a wicked grin on his face. “Tell me Aeterna, are you tired of being in his shadow? You know you’ll never be adequate, so I’ve come to relieve you of that sorrow.”

Aeterna was taken back by Samael's words. Why would he be here for him? He already had the chance to kill him, but yet here he was standing before him. Would he try to kill him this time? Or was he here for a different reason? Samael was right in front of him. He was not making any aggressive movements, but his smile was telling Aeterna that something was wrong. When he took two more steps toward him Aeterna took two steps back. Then the words that came from his mouth hit the Shadow Phoenix hard. Was he really only existing in Kyori’s shadow? Was he nothing more than a useless being that couldn't do anything more than look at the back of the one he loved?

Aeterna shook his head. Kyori has told him time after time that he loved him for who he was, and that he didn’t have to change. He was a special person and that he was strong. Though did Kyori really believe the words he spoke to Aeterna, or were they just empty words to keep him close?

“My sorrow is my burden to bare. I don’t need you to relieve it from me. Now go” Aeterna said as he closed his eyes. He didn’t want to be a burden on anyone, but yet he didn’t want to sacrifice his life to this man. No matter if he could relieve him of his problems.

“You don’t sound convincing to me Aeterna,” Samael spoke as he took a few more steps towards Aeterna. “I can help you remove all that doubt that is plaguing your mind. It will be easy and swift. Aren’t you tired of being inadequate? I have a proposition for you. Come with me and I shall give you what you need to surpass others around you, all I ask is something small in return.”

Aeterna was trying his best to not allow Samael’s words get to him. He was trying to convince himself that he could conquer his demons on his own, but the Dark ones offer was so tempting. He knew this would hurt Kyori more than anything else in the world. But peace just sounded so good to him right now. He didn’t move when Samael came closer to him. Aeterna closed his eyes and thought. He didn’t want more power, in the sense that he would be stronger than Kyori. He just wanted to feel like he was worthy of the affection that Kyori felt for him. Though at the same time this one decision would cause him to lose the one he loved all for power.

“I...I…” Aetern began to speak, but he was having a fight within himself. Should he go with the Dark one, or try and find a better path? He was fighting with himself. In more than one way. “Why would you want to help me? All you want to do is destroy the world. There is no reason to trust…” Aeterna stopped there not knowing what else to say. He just hoped Samael would leave him alone. So he wouldn’t do anything stupid.

“Do you honestly think Kyori will ever see you as an equal? He pities you, he knows you’ll never be on par with him or the others and might I say it is quite horrible how he keeps dragging you along telling you lies to make you feel better about yourself. You’ve trained, you have regained strength and yet look at you,” Samael spoke stepping closer, closing the gap between them. “All you have to do is surrender to me and I shall give you what it is you need to overcome your doubt. Kyori will never truly love someone who cannot love himself. I will help you because you are no threat to me either way.” Samael smirked. Aeterna would be his ticket to Kyori. He extended his hand towards Aeterna and looked at him. “The choice is yours.”

Aeterna was on the brink of tears with Samael’s words. Kyori pitied him? Was he that much of a hinderance that his love would never see him as an equal? Does Kyori only tell him what he wants to hear to keep him by his side? Was he manipulating him from the start? So many different questions were now causing him anguish. Tears started to fall down his face as he opened his eyes to look at the Dark one. Samael had to be wrong. There would be no way that the man he loved would do such a thing. He had trained as much as the others, but he didn’t have the strength to match up to any of them. Even the servants of Auro were stronger than he was. Aeterna was nothing compared to his companions.

Aeterna didn’t pay any attention to Samael as he closed the gap between them. He didn’t move nor did he even care. If what he had told him was true then his life was not worth anything. The last remark was like a being punched in the gut. He was helping him out of pity as well. Did everyone pity the likes of him? Samael was right. Kyori could never truly love someone like him. They were polar opposites, and no matter how close they are with their words and how intimate they are with one another it was still a fact. Kyori could do so much better than him. He was utterly defeated. He had no will to live anymore. Reaching out his hand hesitantly. He didn’t know if he was making the right decision or not, his hand stopped three inches from Samael’s.

Samael’s eyes narrowed on the extended hand of Aeterna. With a serpent like quickness, his hand latched around Aeterna’s and the air filled with his menacing cackle. Threads of energy began to snake up Aeterna’s body restricting his movement and causing him pain.

“Fool,” Samael said, “You are but one of the final pieces to resurrect the dark god, and now with you in my possession Kyori will submit to my will. Your pathetic doubt has cost you dearly.”

Samael summoned a syringe that he used to stick in the extended arm of Aeterna, drawing the beautiful blood of the shadow phoenix before both men vanished. When they reappeared, they were in Samael’s lair. Amon was still constricted and he had multiple cut on his body. Etrama really did have fun. Perhaps he would have even more fun with the shadow phoenix.

Samael’s servants went to work binding Aeterna to the table using powerful wards. The braces that restricted his movement would prove to be defiantly strong against any attempt to break them, unless an outside source somehow damaged them, or the wards were removed. Samael grabbed Aeterna by the chin and smiled.

“I can’t wait to see the look on Kyori’s face when he sees that you offered your hand to me freely. Can you imagine the pain, the hurt? Get some rest, you’ll need it,” Samael stated before kissing Aeterna rather bluntly, releasing his chin and leaving the room. Aeterna and Amon could see each other as they were in the same room across from each other.

Aeterna was not paying any attention so when Samael's hand wrapped around his eyes grew and the laughter filled the air as a an energy thread wrapped itself around him and restricted his movements. The strings seemed to made out of a material that caused his skin to burn and caused him pain. His face twisted in that pain as Samael spoke. Aeterna was shocked by what Samael said and knew that he had made a horrible mistake. He didn't say a word as the dark one pulled blood from his arm, and then they disappear and now he was in the enemy hands.

Aeterna saw that he was not the only 'guest’ that had been invited to this horrible place. He saw that Amon was lying unconscious on a table. He was chained to the table nude, and he looked like he had been raped. This only made his situation worse, but he was unable to fight back even if he wanted to. He was not even putting up a fight. He only wished that they would kill him, or that he could take his own life. His worst fear was realized. Samael was going to use him to get to Koyri, and force him to do his bidding. His tears fell more as Samael's men went to work securing him to the table.

As Aeterna was bound to the table in the same fashion as Amon though his clothing remained on him. All he could do was watch as they used ward’s that would not allow him to be able to escape. Then Samael approached him as soon as his servants were done and grabbed a hold of his chin with a gentle yet firm grip that wouldn't let Aeterna turn his head. Then when Samael spoke all of the color from his face, as he continued to cry. He once again would caused Kyori pain, and now he would be unable to apologise for his actions. Then the dark one kissed him. Aeterna didn't expect this and he gave Samael a nasty look as he released his chin.

“Samael you bastard. Just kill me now.” Aeterna said as Samael left the room. Knowing that if he lived he would be used to force Kyori to do whatever Samael wished. When the dark one left the room the shadow phoenix was left alone with only his thoughts as company. He knew he had betrayed not only his friends but the man he loved to his own insecurities. He wanted to die. He didn't want to be a burden on Kyori since Samael was going to use him to get to the spirit dragon. Closing his eyes he tried to free himself from the restraints that held him down.

Amon started to regain his senses because of someone screaming that he wanted to die. The voice sounded familiar, but he was still to out of it to know who it was. As he slowly opened his eyes he looked around the room, and he saw the source of the voice. It was the Shadow Phoenix. He tried to move his body and a sharp pain radiated through his very being. He cringed as he moaned in pain. Eterna had really had his fun with him, but he doubted that it would end with just one session. He was weak, but that didn’t stop him from looking in Aeterna’s direction. He could tell that he was crying, though because of the Phoenix’s healing factor he wouldn't be able to tell if he had been injured. Oh how he wished he had that ability.

“Wishing for death would only make the one you love cry. He has already lost you once. I don’t think he could handle losing you again. Without you he would be lost in this world.” Amon said as he struggled with his own problem. He had just been raped by a man and he was not really in the mood for this, but it seemed Aeterna was in worse shape than he was at the moment. “Even if we are left to our fates we must accept that truth. Our loved ones will be the ones hurt if we don’t try our best to survive.”

Aeterna opened his eyes when Amon began to speak. He looked over at the poor man that looks as if he had been beaten. Though he did wonder why he was naked? Aeterna could only look at Amon with a look of melancholy. How would he understand what he was going through? He has hurt Kyori more than once, and he hurt him once more. “How can one not wish for death when one hurts the one he loves. Over and over again. I am nothing more that a burden to him,”Aeterna said as he looked at the nephlim that was bound along with him.

Amon weakly chuckled as he smiled at the phoenix. He knew all too well the feeling of being a burden to another. He has felt it since he had met the group of Mystics. He has felt like he was a burden to them, but Ocella didn’t care about that. She loved him with all of his problems. That is what has helped him through his insecurities. “Aeterna. It doesn't matter if you believe yourself to be a burden to the one you love. As long as you try your hardest you will not have to worry about hurting them. They will love you no matter your flaws. That is what it means to love another. You should…” Amon was cut short by a portal opening inside of the room, and Etrama entering the chamber.

“Well, well looks like my master was successful in capturing you Aeterna. It also looks like you have regained Consciousness young nephilim. Well it seems I will get to play with you again, but first I must report to my master. Then I will see what I will be doing next.” Etrama said as he reached up and touched Amons chest gently. “So go ahead and talk. I will be right back.” Eterna said as he walked out of the room.

Amon shook when Eterna touched him with a disgusted look on his face. Aeterna saw the reaction and it hit him why he was not wearing any clothing. It seemed that Amon had been toyed with by Eterna. All he could do was look at him with a worried look on his face. Was he trying to comfort him even though he had been violated? “Amon what…” Aeterna began to say but Amon cut him off. “I don’t want to speak on it. Just remember what I said.” Amon said as he closed his eyes.

Eterna walked into his master's study, and walked over to his desk. Placing down the second half of the black stone in front of Samael. “I have finished my little errand, and had a little fun while I was at it. I also see that you were able to capture the Phoenix with little struggle.” Etrama said as he leaned over the desk looking his love in the eyes. “So what is your next move my Love?”

Samael smiled when Etrama entered into his study. He stood up after the black stone was placed on his desk and moved around to Etrama embracing him, inhaling his scent and nibbling playfully on his ear.

“There’s one more piece of the puzzle,” he began his hand moved up and down Etrama’s body, a single finger ripping open Etrama’s shirt as Samael seemed to eye him hungrily. “I need the blood of a dragon and I am stuck. If I go after the spirit dragon I could lose my leverage and I very well may be unsuccessful. If I go after the sound dragon I could capture him, but he is slightly stronger willed than the nephilim and phoenix, not to mention you’ve angered his boy toy,” Samael stated placing a trail of kisses along Etrama’s jawline. “No doubt he’s warned him by now. I have a plan though, one that will involve Darkholm’s spot being replaced. For now go and have fun with the phoenix and the nephilim,” Samael finished leaving hickies along Etrama’s neck.

He turned and moved towards the bookcase grabbing a book from the shelf and slamming it onto his desk. “I will call upon you when I need you my love, but do enjoy the new gift I brought for you.”

Etrama moaned as Samael nibbled on his ear, and moved his hands up and down his body. His body shivered with each brush of his hands on his body. He has been yearning for his touch for a while. Samael ripped open his shirt he wanted Samael to touch him more. He listened to his love speak, and knew good and well he had a conundrum on his hands. Either dragon would work for his master plan, but which to go after. As soon as Samael started to kiss him he raised his hands and placed them on his lovers hips. Etrama moaned once more when Samael sucked on his neck. He so wanted to throw his love down and have sex with him, but his master told him to go and have fun with the two prisoners. His master seemed to have a plan on how to acquire what he wants.

Etrama released his master and love and smiled at him. He knew that he was busy. He didn’t mind since he loved him, and he allows him to enjoy himself in more than one way. “I will go and enjoy my new toy, and I will await your call.” Etrama said as he walked over to him and kissed him deeply. As soon as he finished he left the room with a smile on his face. He was going to enjoy himself with Aeterna.

Aeterna thought on what Amon said as he heard the door open and Etrama returned to the room. His smile was large and he had a lustful look in his eyes as he moved over in between Amon and Aeterna. He eyed them both as he knew he was going to play with one of them. He wanted to see how Aeterna tasted, but he wanted to play more with Amon as well. Choices, choices. A sly smile formed on his face as he wanted to see if he could force Aeterna into consensual sex. By forcing himself on Amon. Maybe the phoenix would give himself up to save the man beside him. Turning to face Amon he placed a hand on his abdomen in a sensual manner. He slowly moved his hand lower as Amon closed his eyes and his body shook with disgust, and horror.

Aeterna watched as Etrama began to touch Amon one more time as the nephilim shook from his touch. Aeterna struggled against his restraints as he tried to free himself to help Amon. He didn’t want to see the man suffer more at the hands of this mad man. “Amon!” Aeterna said trying to get the wraiths attention. Aeterna had been trying to come to terms with what he had done, but he still had his problems, but he wouldn’t add watching Amon get raped right in front of him. “Leave him alone!”

Etrama smiled as he heard Aeterna’s voice. He stopped him movement and turned to face the phoenix. He Looked at him with ravenous eyes as he moved over to where the Phoenix was shackled. “Are you wanting to take his place?” He questioned as he placed his hand on Aeterna’s shoulder and slowly moved his hand to his intended victim's chest then down to his abdomen. Feeling the man's body shudder under his touch.

Aeterna was not wanting to really answer the madman's question, but he knew what the alternative was and that was worse than what he was going to face. “I don't want to watch you torture Amon any more than you already have. So yes I am willing to take his place.” Aeterna said as he only could guess what was going to become of him. Though he was not aware this is what the wraith wanted from the beginning. He closed his eyes for a moment to prepare himself for what was more than likely to come his way.

Etrama looked at Aeterna and nodded his head. “Then you consent to allow me to do as I please. No fighting back, but you are allowed to scream as much as you want.” Eterna said as he moved to the side of the table flipping a switch to move the bed into an upright position. He was going to remove the Phoenix's clothing, but he needed to make sure that the ward’s stayed in place.

Amon’s eyes opened when the touching stopped and he looks and listened to everything that happened. He was shocked that Aeterna would sacrifice himself to save him, but he wouldn't allow it. “Aeterna you don't have to do this for me. I have already been…” but before Amon could finish his sentence Aeterna spoke up. “I will not sit by and watch you have to go through this in your current state. Besides you are right. No matter what happens we will always be there for one another.” Aeterna said as the bed moved. “Close your eyes. You don't have to watch.” Aeterna commented as he was sure this was going to be more than he could handle. His powers were being blocked, and that meant his healing factor was not going to work. He only hoped he would not die in the process. There was so many things he needed to tell Kyori. Like how sorry he was for what he had done and put him through because of his self doubt.

The sentiment that his two victims shared sickened Etrama, but he would allow them this moment. He walked over to a table in the room and picked put a tray of utensils, as well as a knife to help him play with the Phoenix. Imagining the pain he was going to inflict before satisfying himself sent a tingling sensation down his spine. When he returned they had finished their little conversation and Eterna smiled wickedly at Aeterna. It has been a while since he has been able to torture someone on a physical level. Auro disagreed with his methods of pleasure and play.

Taking the knife he walked in front of Aeterna he proceeded to cut away his shirt. Revealing his muscular body underneath. He lightly traced the tip of the blade over his chest down his abdomen to the hem of his pants. Watching as Aeterna's muscles contracted to the touch of the blade as if they were trying to escape it touch. Then he began cutting away the phoenix's pants. Once Etrama was done Aetrena was completely revealed. The wraith could see a slight shake in the young man's body as if he was scared of what was going to happen. This only made Eterna smile more as he placed the knife on the table and he looked over the different utensils that he had at his disposal. While Etrama was looking at what he had to use on him Aeterna decided that as long as he kept his attention on him and off of Amon he would play along, but only to a point.

Picking up a small shape knife he returned his attention​ to his target. “Well shall we get started?” He asked but didn't wait for a response before taking the knife and cutting into Aeterna’s tender flesh. The blade cut into the soft tissue if the Phoenix's abdomen. The blade slowly cut his flesh, and Aeterna bit his lip as the blade cut into his skin. He was not going to give Eterna the pleasure on hearing his scream right off the bat. Etrama was not happy to have the Phoenix holding back his scream, but there was plenty of time for him to break. The laceration bleed and the wrath bent down and licked a line of blood from his abdomen, and then moved his tongue up to his chest.

He pulled himself away from the shadow phoenix with a smile on his face. His new little toy tasted as good as the Nephilim. Touching Aeterna's chest with his hand he decided to cause the Phoenix even worse pain. Taking the knife he ran the blade over the skin of his chest slightly just barely enough to cut the skin. He then moved the blade around in the same manner all around his play toys chest. Blood seeped from the cuts as Aeterna continued to try and hold in his scream.

Eterna move to the side to bring the table back down vertically. He removed his torn shirt and threw it to the ground, and then removed his pants and undergarments. Letting them fall to the floor placing the knife down he then picked up a different kind of knife. The blade was covered in a odd energy. As Soon as he grabbed the blade he climbed on top of Aeterna and straddled his hips. The knife was in his hand but he took his free hand and placed it on Aeterna’s chest and rubbed the blood that was seeping from his wounds around. He then leaned against the man's bloodied chest and looked him in the eyes. Without warning he kissed Aeterna and didn't get a fight out of him. In fact the Phoenix returned the kiss. Not with passion, but he kissed back nonetheless. Etrama was caught a little off guard, but he knew the Phoenix wanted to keep his attention on him.

While they were kissing Etrama stabbed the knife into Aeterna's side. This time there was no way to stop from screaming. The muffled cry was music to Etrama's ears. He then twisted the knife the was embedded in the Phoenix's side as he continued the kiss and listen to the scream. The knife in Aeterna’s side felt like it was poisoned. The energy from the knife surged through his body, and it hurt like hell. It felt like his insides were on fire. Every part of his body hurt, and he was unable to control the pain that he was feeling. His body cunvulsed in pain and Aeterna was no longer able to think as Etrama continued the kiss. Once Etrama finished the kiss he looked down at Aeterna with a smile as he looked at his face distorted in pain. He knew the poison wouldn't last too long, but he would enjoy himself nonetheless.

He got off of Aeterna and removed his last piece of clothing that was covering him, and because of the jerking he did cut the Phoenix a couple of times. Though not deep enough to really be a problem. He then got back on top of him, and as soon as he got everything ready he began working Aeterna over.

Once he was finished he looked at the Phoenix who had passed out halfway through his playing with him that he finished without having a fight. Though Aeterna looked ten times worse that Amon did when he was finished, but he did hurry through his treatment of the Nephilim. Though he would be able to play with him some more now. He wanted to see the angels face when she realized what all he had done to her husband. Though he wanted to know the relationship between Ryan and Amon. He figured this would be a good of time as any to force Amon to tell him what that relationship was. Moving off of Aeterna he moved over to Amon to torture him till he told him what he wanted to know. Pulling a knife from his collection of tools he proceeded to slowly force Amon to talk.

Samael walked into the torture room as Etrama was getting ready to attempt to force Amon to tell him something. Samael was quite shocked by what he saw. Etrama had a lot to get off his chest it seemed, but they still needed to be alive for the exchange to work.

“Etrama, I said have fun with them not maim them,” Samael said as he walked over to Aeterna, looking over the phoenix as he managed to heal the heavy wounds, but leaving the minor ones. He did the same to Amon before turning and glaring at Etrama. “This is unacceptable,” he stated, “they are no good to be unconscious or dead, now go and find something to do, I have a meeting with Death.”

Samael sighed as he placed a firm hand on Etrama’s shoulder to let him know that he was simply on edge as this summoning could go quite wrong and he wanted to make sure everything was right. “Guards, ensure that the two subjects are clean and dressed properly. Thank you.”

As Etrama was about to begin asking Amon about his relationship Samael had entered the room and yelled at him for going too far. This shocked Etrama as he lowered his head and backed away. He really wasn't thinking of the exchange just releasing his pent up feelings. He hated being stagnant for so long, and the time he had spent with Auro had made him feel stir crazy. Though the time with Samael helped he still didn't get to satisfy his need to see people suffer.

Keeping his head down as Auro healed both the Phoenix, and the Nephilim he just waited till he was dismissed. He never thought Samael would yell at him for this, but he guessed he went a little too far. As soon as his master was done healing the two he yelled at him once more, and told him to find something to do. He was going to be summoning Death. Eterna didn’t like the feeling of his love yelling at him. “As you wish Master Samael.” He said as he bowed and turned around. He was about to leave when he felt a strong hand grab his shoulder.

The action made him feel a little better since his Master was more than likely worried about the summoning he was about to perform. Etrama didn’t hold this against Samael. He knew he went a little too far with the Phoenix, but at least he felt relieved. All of his tension was gone. That was the only bonus of this whole situation. “I hope your summoning has no hiccups. If you need me I will be in my room.” Etrama said as he left the room without turning around and without saying another word. He was still hurt from what just happened.

Amon watched as his insane captor was about to ask him a question, and looked like he wanted an answer, but before anything could happen Samael entered the room. What surprised him was that the dark one was yelling at his lover about the damage he had inflicted on both him and Aeterna. Granted it did his heart good to see the mad mad get what he deserved, but in the end they were still pawns in Samael’s little game. If they could just find a way to escape.

When Samael healed Aeterna and then moved to him. When he placed his hand on him he could feel the dark energy healing him, but in the end he didn’t heal him completely. That was to be expected. Amon tried struggling against his bonds but he was still too weak to break them. The infernal heat was sapping all of his strength. Then some of Samael’s servants began to clean him, and dress him in a robe. Making him presentable for some reason.

Aeterna had passed out from the pain just as he was being raped. Luckily for him he was not conscious for whatever Etrama did to him. However, he could feel an energy entering his body forcing him to wake up. As he opened his eyes he looked into the face of Samael. His eyes were wide as he looked into his eyes. Why was he healing him? Was the only thought that crossed his mind as he didn’t heal all of the wounds, but enough of them to make it where he could move again. He then moved onto Amon and did the same thing. Aeterna didn’t know what to do or what was going on until Samael yelled a bit at Etrama. He mentioned that he was going to be speaking to death, and it made no sense to him. Some of the dark ones other servants started to clean the blood from his person, and dress him in a robe. He guessed that this was the only outfit that they could put on him without freeing him. If it weren't for the shackles, and the wards he would have been able to escape long ago. All he could do now was wait, and see what happens.

10-12-2017, 10:35 PM
Samael stood in the middle of summoning chamber, his head low as he looked around. He knew he’d be coming at any minute now. He knew that the power of his stone would bring Kyori to him, and from what he’d heard the young man was now death incarnate. This would prove most useful considering he needed a second general now that Darkholm was gone. When the soul portal ripped open before him, and the Reaper emerged dragging Ocella along with one hand.

“Dark One,” the Reaper spoke as he hovered over to Samael with his prize in tow.

“What is this?” Samael asked a look of surprise on his face. “Have you brought me a present?”

The Reaper simply nodded.

“And my stone?” Samael asked as the Reaper reached into his torn coat and revealed the stone to Samael who smiled. “Excellent, you have proven yourself useful to me, but what say you drop this mask and show me your true form.”

The Reaper’s hood fluttered like the rest of his clothing as his clutch never faltered on Ocella’s collar. He did not speak but tilted his head as his jade green eyes lit up the mask, but the darkness shrouded his face.

“What you see is my true form fallen one,” the Reaper stated causing Samael to scowl.

“I know the spirit dragon is in there.”

“The spirit dragon has succumbed to my will, he comes freely,” the Reaper replied.

“I must admit I find it hard to believe, but you brought me my stone and my unruly great niece as a gift to show your allegiance?”

“My allegiance is to the god of destruction. The mere fact that you are summoning him is why I am here, this child just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Samael glared, but did not wish to argue with Death. Instead he would take the gift and the assistance.

“Very well then, guards, take the angel to the holding cell with the others, Death come with me, and keep that stone handy, we have much to discuss.”

The Reaper watched as two armed men approached grabbing Ocella from the grasp of Death. When she was in their charge, Death turned and looked at Samael.

“What is it you wish to speak to me about?”

“Come, let us go somewhere more private.”

Aeterna hung from his restraints like a rag doll. He may have been healed, but he was still unable to access his power nor could he move. He felt powerless and ashamed that he didn't put up a fight when Samael came and convinced him to come with him. There was nothing he could do now except wait for death to claim him. He had almost wished that Etrama put him out of his misery. At least he was still in good shape. Even with the healing from Samael Amon was still looking like death. He then heard the door to the room open and two guards came into the room dragging someone between them.

When Aeterna realized who it was he struggles renewed. Ocella had fallen victim next, and she was unconscious as the two guards strung her up much like he was. “Ocella?!” Was all he said as he looked at his friend. She looked unharmed. That was a.relief, but then who brought her here? If it was Etrama she would show some signs of damage, and the same would go for Samael. He just hoped that she was okay. But he would have to wait for her to regain consciousness.

Amon had not been feeling well since he arrived, and he knew why. the heat from the room was more than he could handle. He never liked to be hot, and this was more than he could bare. So as soon as the servants finished dressing him he fell asleep. In hopes that would make him feel better. As he slept he didn't hear much, not the people walking in. However, what woke him up was when he heard Ocella's name being called. He opened his eyes in terror to see his love being shackled to a table like he was. She was unconscious and uninjured at least that gave him some relief. “Ocella. Are you okay.” He said weakly as he looked to his love. Even though he didn't believe he was worthy of her love after Etrama had his way with him. He at least wanted to make sure she was okay. Even if her safety was not guaranteed when Etrama finds out she is here.

Ocella groaned when she felt her skin against the cold metal table. She felt something against her wrists and ankles and her eyes opened slowly as she realized what was happening. She felt sick, she hadn’t been expecting Death to snatch part of her soul and to knock her unconscious in that manner. She felt queasy and a light sweat was forming on her forehead. As she opened her eyes she was beginning to feel how hot and uncomfortable the room was, but what she heard next made her spring back to life.

“Kyori?!” she shouted, sounding as if she were looking for her ‘friend’. “Kyori how could you?!” she screamed in anger, struggling against her restraints. “Kyori help!” she begged, her voice pleading. “Don’t listen to him!” she shouted, hoping with all hopes that he would hear her screams, and that the guards were buying into her act. She looked over where she had heard his voice and a soft smile fell on her face as her eyes fell upon her husband.

Amon was there, he was dressed once more and he was alive. He looked like hell but if their plan worked he would make it. “Amon,” she said, her voice soft for fear of getting caught. “Amon I’m so sorry for what they’ve done to you,” she said, looking at him sadly. “I still love you… I swear, I’m going to get us out of-” her eyes caught sight of Aeterna and they widened at once, the man looked like hell and she frowned.

“Aeterna? What happened?” she asked, looking at him with worry. She sighed, trying to think of a way out of this mess. ‘Kyori, I’ve found them. Amon and Aeterna,’ she thought, closing her eyes and sending him a picture of the room. ‘They’re in bad shape,’ she said to him, taking in a deep breath. She knew that it wouldn’t be long before Etrama discovered her arrival and while the thought frightened her, she held a brave face for the others.

“Kyori… Kyori betrayed us. He is Death Reincarnate and he wants to help Samael resurrect the God of Destruction. I tried to stop Death from corrupting him, but… even I couldn’t stop Death,” she said, looking at Aeterna and shaking her head softly as if to tell him her words were not true. ‘No matter what I say of Kyori, do not believe it,’ she ordered the two of them through the link they all shared. She gave them a hard glare and said no more. She couldn’t risk exposing Kyori.

Samael walked and Death followed behind.

“So what made you finally turn on your friends?” Samael asked with a smirk, not truly convinced that the Reaper had sided fully with him.

“Death has no loyalty, only to the one to which all death springs from,” the Reaper replied causing Samael to look into the dark opening of the hood.

“In other words you are free?”

“I am what I am meant to be, surely you can relate to that Samael,” the Reaper spoke causing Samael to look at him with a shocked look on his face. As they walked, Samael could hear the screams of Ocella, asking why Kyori had betrayed them, why he had done what he did. Her screams were music to his ears, and in that moment he let his guard down and smiled at the Reaper.

“Well it seems I have work to do. Now that you’re Death, I will have to find another dragon’s blood.”

“The one known as Joshua will be an easy target if you capture Ryan. To do this you will need to give them false hope, and then strike,” the Reaper spoke causing Samael’s eyes to widen.

“You willingly give up your friend?”

“Did you not understand my position? Did you think I simply came to make you smile? I told you, your resurrecting of my master is my reason for being here.”

Samael seemed to be confused, but he could hear Ocella screaming and it annoyed him.

“Please allow me to silence her.”

Samael stood there for a moment and smirked. “Very well, I know of your power, have fun while I work on capturing the one known as Joshua. Will you assist me in that?”

“As you wish,” Death spoke moving through the halls leaving an eerie atmosphere behind him. Samael strutted off in the opposite direction. The Reaper followed Ocella’s voice until he came to the door that led into the torture chamber. He entered in and hovered over to Ocella. “Silence your lips girl,” he spoke his eyes no longer jade green but an odd amber color. He moved slowly over to Amon. “The abomination, tell me child do you wish to die?” The air around them would feel thick as if they couldn’t breathe.

Amon was relieved when Ocella regained consciousness. Then she started to scream that Kyori had betrayed them. He couldn’t believe her words, but she has never lie at all. Then she looked at him and he could tell she was relieved to see him, but he instantly looked to the ground. He couldn’t look her in the eyes, and when she told him that she knew of what happened to him it only made things worse. He had been violated by the wraith, and he would never be able to forget, or undo what had been done. She still loved him, but would he ever be able to forgive himself for what happened. “Don’t worry about me. You need to get out of here before Etrama finds out you are here.” Amon said as he closed his eyes, as he heard her message in his mind about Kyori.

Aeterna was not too happy to hear that Kyori was the one that brought her here. Had Kyori been forced to do Samael’s bidding because of him? But that idea was thrown to the mist when she said that his love was now Death incarnate. What in the world did she mean by that. He was confused even more by Ocella’s message to him. Was Kyori really playing around, or was he actually betraying them? He didn’t know. All he knew at the moment was that Kyori was here, and he felt like it was his fault. “Why did Kyori become Death?” Aeterna asked Ocella as he didn’t know what had happened when his love and him parted ways.

Then out of nowhere someone that reeked of death entered the room, and he spoke to Ocella telling her to be quiet. As the atmosphere in the room grew thick. This caused Amon to have a hard time breathing because of his weakened state. Then as the black figure turned his attention from Ocella to him he could feel his breathing getting shallower as he approached. Then the Dark creature asked him if he wanted to die? That was a good question. In his current state he was in no condition to help anyone, and if he lived Ocella would be put in danger. Especially once Etrama found out she was here. That bastard would use him to make her suffer. Amon didn’t say a word but looked into Death’s eyes. If he was truly Death he should be able to see the truth. If Amon were to die here he would be one less burden to his loved ones.

Ocella heard the chamber doors opening and it felt as if the air had changed, as if it were impossible to breathe. She turned her attention instantly and smiled when she saw Death, Kyori had come and she knew that he was there to rescue them. Death hovered over to her and her eyes widened when she saw the color of his eyes, they were no longer those of Kyori’s but those of Death’s. He told her to silence her lips and moved away from her to Amon.

Her face was that of shock and her heart rate began to increase as Death spoke to Amon. “No!” she screamed, struggling against her restraint. “Kyori, Kyori I know that you’re in there,” she begged, knowing that her time to reach through to him was limited.

“Kyori you’re my best friend. Please Kyori, come back to me,” she pleaded, never taking her eyes off Death. She looked to Amon and her eyes narrowed at Death. ‘Kyori, release me NOW!’ she shouted to her friend telepathically, shivering at the connection she felt to Death. “Don’t take my husband, please. It’s not his time yet!” she begged, tears falling down her face. “Kyori!” she screamed desperately. “KYORI!”

The Reaper looked into Amon’s eyes as they locked with his own and he saw what he wanted.

“You wish to die because you feel you are a burden. Is that right?,” Death began as he turned and faced Aeterna. “It seems you both share that similarity. I have claimed many lives but a Phoenix has eluded me until now.”

The Reaper hovered away from Amon and approached Aeterna. Without hesitation Death’s finger was touching Aeterna’s forehead and he would feel immense pain as his soul was slowly sapped from his body. It was at that moment that Ocella started pleading and shouting and Death’s finger retracted as he turned back to Amon.

“You mean this lowly creature? You wish to save him?” Again Death’s finger shot out and this time it touched Amon directly on the heart digging into his flesh as his soul was slowly sapped away. The pain Amon would feel would be nothing like he’s ever felt. As he was close to doing what it was Amon wished for, his hand retracted and he clutched his head with his boney hand. “NOT NOW!” he exclaimed as his eyes shifted from amber to jade green. Kyori lifted his head, still in Reaper form and realized what had happened. He didn’t have time to wallow, and quickly went to work. With a swift movement of his scythe, he cleaved through the restraints that held Ocella in place. He did the same to Amon’s restraints and Aeterna’s.

“Are you alright Ocella?” Kyori asked holding the scythe to his side.

Amon closed his eyes at Death’s words. It was true he didn’t want to be a burden, and he would rather die than be one, but he did still want to live with Ocella. He just couldn’t see a way out of

10-12-2017, 10:39 PM
this mess alive. When the reaper spoke it was like hearing the voice of the dead screaming. Amon opened his eyes to see that Death had turned his attention to Aeterna. He wanted to kill him.

Aeterna looked at death with wide eyes as he spoke of taking his life since when a phoenix dies it is impossible to take their soul. Aeterna looked into the Amber eyes of the man who was supposed to be Kyori, and there was nothing in his gaze that reminded him of his love. Then without warning a bony finger pressed against his forehead, and the pain that followed was excruciating. The scream that left his lips was high pitched, and was a mixture of a human scream, and a phoenix scream. Aeterna could do nothing as he felt his very soul being drawn out of his body. It felt like his world was spinning around him, as the pain was coursing through every cell of his body. His body shook, and when the pain suddenly stopped he fell forward breathing hard. He was trying to keep himself from passing out.

Amon could hear Ocella’s words, she loved him with all her heart. He did as well, but wished he would have been able to protect her better. He could hear Aeterna’s screams, and it tore at his heart, but when the screaming stopped was when he felt the boney finger touch the skin right above his heart, and it began to dig into his tender flesh. He may not have had a lot of strength, but he did react to his soul being ripped from his body. He couldn’t hear anything that transpired. The pain he was feeling was the worst he had ever felt. It was like having his skin slowly carved of his body. As his soul slowly left his body the pain only increased, and he screamed at the top of his lungs, his body writhed from the pain. Then the pain slowly started to subside, and his body started to settle down. His vision was turning dark, and he was about to pass out from what was happening to him. Then suddenly all of the pain stopped, and he fell into the darkness that was surrounding him.

Aeterna fell to the ground as he now could feel the presence of Kyori from the dark figure. He looked up at his love with a saddened look in his eyes. “I am so sorry.” was all he could say as he asked if they were alright.

Ocella watched what was happening to them, tears coming out of her eyes. “Kyori,” she begged, knowing that there was nothing she could do in her current position to stop Death from taking her husband. She took in a deep breath and stared coldly at Death, preparing herself for what was to come. Suddenly, before she had a chance to make her proposal, Death seemed to be struggling. Kyori had returned and Ocella looked at him with teary eyes, a happy smile on her face as he freed her from the restraints. “Kyori,” she whispered, sobbing as she held him. She pulled herself together and nodded when he asked if she was okay.

She took in a deep breath and looked to Amon, knowing that he was in bad shape… but she also knew that they were still in enemy territory. “Please!” she shouted, looking at the doors. “Don’t hurt him, not my husband!” she begged, making her way slowly over to Amon as quietly as she could.

‘I’ve got to heal them, but my light will alert Samael,’ she thought to Kyori, unsure what to do. She couldn’t leave him alone. ‘Let us leave, together,’ she begged, looking at him pleadingly.

Kyori was thankful that they were all still alive. Gambling with Death wasn't something he enjoyed but if it got the job done he was grateful. Ocella Cells was in tears and for good reason. Death had nearly snatched her husband right before her eyes. Aeterna as well, but as Ocella made her way to Amon, Kyori made his way to Aeterna. He reached down and lifted Aeterna up to stabilize him.

“How do you get in these situations?” He asked as he pressed his cold hand against Aeterna heart returning the portion of his soul that Death had snatched. He did the same for Amon when Ocella began to speak.

“I cannot go with you. If I go he will come after you. As long as I am here you have a chance to stage the final attack. Remember what I said, strike hard and true.”

Kyori was speaking of himself as well as Samael. He returned to his upright floating position and sighed.

“You're going to have to strike me and knock me unconscious so that it looks as if you escaped.”

He floated back over to Aeterna.

“Be safe.”

Aeterna was barely keeping himself from passing out. Then Kyori came up to him, and helped him up onto his feet. He then felt the cold hand of Death on his chest, as Kyori was returning his soul to him. Though he couldn't look his love in the eyes at the moment. He had betrayed him by allowing Samael to play on his already unstable emotions. Once he was finished returning his soul to him Kyori moved over to Amon and did the same for him. Listening to Kyori and Ocella take he was confused as to why Kyori would stay behind, and why would he tell them to strike hard and true? Though before he could ask Kyori was beside him once more telling him to be safe. It was now or never he had to tell Kyori the truth.

Looking up into his loved green eyes he could tell it was taking all he had to keep Death from taking over again. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. He was not going to show weakness this time. He was going to live up to the mistake he had made. “Kyori. I want to tell you that I am sorry. I was so full of doubt that I allowed Samael to wiggle his way into my mind. I...I...I…” Arterna said as he looked down to the floor. Biting his lower lip he he readied himself for what he was about to say. “I reached my hand out to him, and allowed him to take me. I am so sorry.”Aeterna said as he continued to look down at the ground. Too ashamed to look Kyori in the eyes.

Amon was still in bad shape even after his soul was returned he didn’t regain consciousness. He lied there in his love's arms not moving but he was breathing. With everything that has happened to him in the short amount of time his body was saying no to him. He was in no condition to wake up. Let alone move in any way. At least he was alive for the moment.

Ocella sighed as Kyori told them to leave. “And you say I’m the stubborn one. I’ll leave the stone with you so that you have a bargaining chip and retrieve the blade from Master Dorian,” she told him, looking at him with worry. She held Amon in her arms, wanting desperately to heal him but knowing that she had to wait.

She allowed Kyori time with Aeterna and her eyes widened in surprise as they spoke. She released Amon for a moment, laying him gently on the ground as she made her way to Kyori and wrapped her arms around him. “You be safe. Give me your Scythe to leave a mark with, that way it looks as if I snatched it from you and used it to free us. Tell Samael that you released me so that I could watch you torture my husband,” she said, looking at him with worry.

She released Kyori and looked at Aeterna, offering her hand to the male. “Whenever you are ready,” she said, her voice still a whisper.

Kyori listened to Aeterna as he spoke telling him what he had done, how he had willingly come to Samael. It hurt to know that even after their talk he still slowed doubt to cloud his mind and it hurt to feel as if you weren't enough and that is how Kyori felt that he wasn't enough that his love wasn't enough to help Aeterna. After the Phoenix finished speaking Kyori closed his eyes and turned away from him without another word.

He moved to Ocella who asked him for his scythe to which he shook his head.

“If you touch it it will snatch your soul,” Kyori said as he moved to the wall. “Burn the ends of the restraints with intense light and get ready to release a burst of energy. When you do so I will be blasted back striking the wall and it will give you time to escape before the guards come. Love you sis,” he said taking one final look at Ocella and Aeterna. “NOW!”

Aeterna knew he hurt Kyori once more, and if he knew he could have kept it a secret he would have, but he knew Death would have seen his transgression and thus Kyori would as well. He didn’t even want to bring up what Etrama did to him. He would make it up to Kyori no matter what. He loved him and his love in return was enough. He has just been through so much that he didn’t know which way was up. However, his doubt was gone, and he would never lose his path again. Kyori left his side without a word, and walked over to Ocella. Looking up Aeterna just stared at Kyori’s back. ‘I love you’ He said to Kyori via his connection to him. At least he still wore his stone around his neck. For that he was thankful.

The way Kyori was fighting Death he now knew the meaning behind his words. If Death took him over completely he would be the one to take him back. He wouldn’t allow such a being to destroy Kyori. Not now and not ever. Even if it meant him dieing in the process. He wouldn’t allow that parasite to control his love. Though for now there was nothing he could do. He would have to wait for the final battle. So he walked over to Amon and picked up the unconscious man holding him in his arms so they could make a quick escape. ‘Kyori don't fall to the darkness like I did. You are stronger than me. Take care of yourself, and I will see you soon my love. Don’t ever forget that you are my life.’ he spoke to Kyori only as he knew their time was short. He also knew that Kyori might never trust a word he says right now. He would leave without settling anything, but he will make Samael pay for his transgressions. Then and only then would he be able to make up for his own follies.

Ocella looked at Kyori sadly knowing what she was about to do. She knew that Aeterna had hurt him and hoped that they would have the opportunity to patch things up before it was too late. “Love you too brother,” she said, offering him a small smile.

“YOU’LL NOT TOUCH MY HUSBAND!” she shouted, a strong burst of light filling the room as it burned the ends of her restraints. There was immediate shuffling behind the doors and Ocella shouted in anger at what she was about to have to do. “Leave him alone!” she roared, putting on a show to help Kyori’s chances. She built up a blast of energy at the palms of her hands and sent it surging forth towards Kyori. ‘I’m sorry,’ she thought to him, running off to Aeterna and taking hold of both he and Amon. She used the untraceable teleportation spell that Master Kurama had taught her so long ago and in an instant they were in the medical wing of the base in the Amazon.

“DAD!” she shouted, taking Amon from Aeterna’s grasp. She began to provide him with healing magic at once, her hands hovering over his wounds. ‘Ryan, Josh, in the infirmary NOW!’ she shouted at them telepathically.

After Ocella and Kyori left their company Ryan and Josh teleported to Master Dorian's home in The Amazon. Ryan was still not doing well after hearing about his brother and Joshua insisted that they go to his room. There he took Ryan to the bed and they both lied on top of the covers as Josh just wrapped his arms around Ryan as they cuddled there. Josh held onto Ryan conferring him till they both fell asleep. As they laid there Josh dreamed of what the future might hold.

Etrama has been in his room preparing a magical circle that would allow him to summon thousands of his servants to this world to destroy the remnants of light that bar his master's path. Granted this ritual requires a couple of special ingredients, but lucky for him his master had everything he needed to complete this ritual. He needed a sacrifice of a powerful soul to complete the ritual and that soul would act as a power source. Granted he didn't need to use them, but he would think their power would suffice. He had their blood after all, and that is all he needed from them.

Suddenly the building shook violently and Etrama quickly left his room and made his way to the prisoners. He had a feeling that something went wrong, and his play toy's were at the center of it. As he rounded the corner he saw smoke coming from his lab, and quickly went into the room. As he looked around he saw that something happened and the abomination and the Phoenix escaped. He was not a bit happy about this, but there was nothing he could do to remedy that. He quickly moved over to a desk and opened a drawer to see if the blood was still there. Opening the drawer he saw four vials of blood, and a scowl appeared on his face when he saw.that only one vial remained. “Damn it!” He said in a frustrated voice as he grabbed the vial to see who's blood remained.

A smile crossed his face as he read the name. “Well at least it is not a complete loss.” He said as he pocketed the blood. “At least he will be useful after his betrayal of the darkness.” Etrama said as a dark figure caught his attention. He was lying unconscious against the fare wall and he felt the energy around him that caused the destruction, and knew who caused all of this mess. However, he wondered what the whole story was. He walked over to the lump of darkness to see that this was not who he was expecting to see. It seemed Death had been here as well.

Bending down he reached his hand out and grabbed a hold of Deaths shoulder as he began to shake the being awake. “Wake up sleepy head. No sense sleeping on the job.” He said in a sarcastic tone as he waited for the man to wake up.

As Josh and Ryan were sleeping when suddenly a loud voice rang through his mind waking him up with a start. It seemed Ocella wanted them to get to the infirmary right away. Joshua looked at Ryan. “Looks like everything worked out. Let's go.” He said as he got out of the bed. He tried to hide the worry he had. She asked them to go to the infirmary and that worried him. Since Amon was probably in bad shape. He just hoped that everything was alright. He waited at the door for Ryan. He would not let his love go there alone.

Aeterna relinquished Amon to Ocella as soon as they were teleported from that accursed place. He walked over to one of the bed’s and laid down. Cringing in pain as he could still feel the location where Etrama stabbed him. Ignoring the injury for now he covered his eyes with his forearm as tears welled up. He had failed in more than one way when it came to his responsibility to his Love Kyori, and it hurt that he didn't have time to try and make things right. He needed to make things right. He would make things right, or die trying. He wouldn’t allow anyone to fight Kyori other than himself. He won't allow Death to keep his hold on Kyori. They may be one and the same now, and need to find a common ground. He hoped he would be that bridge. Closing his eyes he allowed his body to relax. He needed sleep to recover. So he closed his eyes and tried to block out everything he was feeling to allow himself to sleep.

The explosion sent Kyori rocketing backwards, slamming into the wall behind him. He grunted in pain, but knew it was for the best. He had to stay otherwise they wouldn’t have enough time to regroup and focus on the final clash. It was Etrama’s voice that brought him back from his ethereal state of mind and he looked up at him, his turquoise eyes burning holes into his very soul.

“A wraith dare touch me?” he said raising slightly. He didn’t have any visible legs, so it was hard to determine if he was standing or simply floating, but Etrama would get the picture that he was not liked. “That damned angel, I shall enjoy freeing the soul from her body,” he said as the guards rushed in with their weapons drawn. Samael entered and looked at the empty tables and then at Death and Etrama.

“Hmm,” he said as he eyed Death for an extended period of time before turning and leaving, but not before speaking. “FIND THEM, and KILL THEM!”

Ryan awoke, having fallen asleep wrapped in Joshua’s arms. He was worried, and it showed, but when he heard Ocella’s voice he had a feeling things were about to get better. He awoke along with Joshua and they made their way to the infirmary. When he arrived he saw Aeterna, Amon, and Ocella, but no Kyori. His eyes narrowed onto Amon and he rushed over to him.

“What is it Ocella?” Dorian’s voice would rang out in the infirmary, though his being would be nowhere to be found.

As soon as Ocella arrived it was a scene of chaos. Both Amon and Aeterna needed to be healed but she could only focus on one at a time. Ryan and Josh entered soon after, but her father did not appear. Instead she heard his voice and this worried her, for he had always come in her time of need. Had he been forced to follow through with his punishment during their absence? Would she see him again?

Small tears welled up in her eyes at the thought but she blinked them away. “Dad, where are you?” she asked, her voice faltering. She looked at Ryan and Josh when Ryan made his way over. “His internal temperature is too high. You need to restore it as it should be for a wielder of ice,” she said, knowing that his wounds were healed. Mentally she was preparing herself, wondering where her father was and hoping she would get to see him again.

She made her way over to Aeterna and sighed softly. A thousand scenarios were running through her mind and she couldn’t slow her thoughts down. She knew that Samael had likely discovered what had happened by now and she was worried for Kyori. She hoped that he had the strength to stay true to who he was and to not let Death overcome him entirely.

She placed her hand gently over Aeterna’s wound and began to heal him, but it was difficult as her own energy was fading. She couldn’t remember the last time she had actually slept, but she disregarded the idea knowing that Kyori wouldn’t have that luxury. “You’ll be alright Aeterna,” she spoke softly to her sleeping friend, sending soothing magic into him in hopes of easing his troubles. When his visible wounds had healed she went back to focusing on the latest problem at hand.

“Dad, where are you?” she asked, her voice scared as if afraid that she had lost him too. “Where did you leave the sword?” she asked, trying to focus on strategy to end the war and to free Kyori. She realized that Ryan and Joshua didn’t know where he was and looked to them. “Kyori freed us. Death had almost overtaken him completely, but he managed to fight it and return to us. I don’t know if he’ll be Kyori or Death when we see him again. He stayed behind to give us a means of escape without being followed. I left the stone with him to give him leverage, but if Death does overpower him we will need to take the stone from him. We need to get ready for the attack before my uncle finds us,” Ocella said, hoping that she was making sense. She allowed herself to sit on one of the beds while she tried to process everything and held her forehead. She had a rather irritable headache forming and swayed in her place slightly but stubbornly remained sitting, wanting nothing more than to see her father again. “Please come dad,” she whispered, trying to keep the tears at bay.

“I am alright Ocella, I cannot come right now I am in the middle of something.” He went silent for about three minutes before he continued. “Just focus, you got this. I put the sword in a place you will know to find it.” His voice faded and Ryan looked at Ocella.

“It’s okay Ocella, we got this,” he said softly as he reached out and touched Amon, his hand landing firmly on his chest above his heart. The temperature of the room began to fall drastically as Ryan utilized his affinity for ice. He hoped to drop Amon’s core temperature low enough so that he could recover on his own.

Josh walked side by side with Ryan as they made their way to the infirmary. As they entered the room Josh stopped in his tracks. Ocella, Amon, and Aeterna were there but Kyori was nowhere to be seen. A sad look crossed his face as he thought of what Kyori had done, and what could happen to him. He wanted to know what happened so as Ryan went over to Amon to help heal him, and he walked over to Ocella wrapping his arms around his distraught friend. She seemed at her limit. He gave her a hug and placed his head on top of hers. “Cella are you okay?” He asked as he wanted to offer her some comfort. He knew that he would be unable to offer her much comfort, but he would do what he could for his friend. “Why isn't Kyori with you?”

Aeterna just laid there as he felt a hand on him and the healing energies enter into him. He heard Ocella talk to him. He smiled at her. “Thank you Ocella. I appreciate your concern, but don't push yourself for my sake. I am not worth the time to heal. I will be able to heal myself in time.” He said as she healed his minor wounds. He just laid there and continued to cry into his arm. The fact that he hurt Kyori deeply was something he couldn't forgive himself for.

Amon was lying unconscious unable to do anything but lie there. He was coming to and could feel healing energies, but he was unable to completely wake up. He didn't know what was going on, he couldn’t feel anything. Then suddenly he felt a cold energy enter his body. His body temperature was falling slowly and as it was lowering he began to move.

Etrama only smiled at Death as he threatened him. Deaths threats meant nothing to him, and the look he gave him was nothing he was not used to. Many beings had given the same look over his lifetime. “If you don't like it just deal. It is not like I care about how you got hurt. However, you let my toys go free and for that you are now on my give a shit list. “ Etrama said as the next word out of the reapers mouth pissed him off even more.

This lowly death bringer let not only the two people he had raped go, but the angel that he wanted more than anything to kill. This day was turning from bad to worse. His eyes narrowed at the being that was Death. Though before he had a chance to say or do anything more Samael entered the room. He looked over Death, and then turned around leaving the room. However, before he left the room he stopped at the door. He then spoke up, and Eterna smiled at the order. It was finally time to kill off the wretches that stood between then and resurrecting the God of Destruction. “As you wish Lord Samael. The time to summon the God of Destruction is coming. Is there anything else you require for the summoning?” He asked as he didn't know if he acquired the last blood type yet or not. If he hasn't they would need to find a way to get it.

Ocella’s eyes lit up as she heard her father’s voice. He was still with them and for that she felt as if a great burden had been relieved from her. She could breathe again now that she wasn’t in fear of losing him too and she nodded when he spoke again, telling her that the blade was in a place that she would know to find it. “Thanks dad. I need to talk to you soon. Be safe and I love you,” she said, turning to look at Ryan as he began to lower the temperature of the room.

She was cold, that much was certain but she would endure it for Amon. Ryan said that it was okay and she nodded at him. Cella just sighed when Joshua came and wrapped his arms around her, she offered him a soft smile but she was still visibly shaken. “I’m okay. Kyori stayed behind to play the part of Death, to make Samael think he was with them. To give us a chance to stage the final attack,” Ocella answered, closing her eyes to keep the tears at bay. She was worried for him and she tried her best not to let it show.

“I need to get that sword and as soon as they heal we need to strike,” she said, her voice sounding tired. Amon began to stir as his body temperature lowered and she smiled at him, making her way over to her husband. Aeterna spoke and she looked at him sadly. “Kyori would want you to have more faith in yourself,” she said sternly, making her way to her friend and giving him a brief hug. “Rest. Heal. Live to live another day,” she said, offering him a smile.

She made her way to Amon and took his hand in her own, it was ice cold and she shivered but held it anyway. “Amon,” she whispered softly to him, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “My love,” she spoke, sighing. A dizzy spell came over her for a moment and she stumbled, crashing down to the ground hard and landing with an “oompf,” groaning in pain. “No time to rest,” she chided herself, forcing herself up. “I’m going to get the sword,” she said, standing to her feet slowly as she stumbled forward, catching her fall by gripping the nearest bed. “I’ll be back…” she said, her voice groggy as she took in a deep breath to steady herself. She looked confused for a moment before she vanished, wanting to find the sword and get it back to them before her uncle struck again.

Ryan watched as Aeterna seemed to crumble from the mere thought of having left Kyori behind, but Ocella gave him warm words and yet he stilled allowed his emotions to come forth. There wasn’t much Ryan could do at the moment as he was working to cool Amon down so that his innate healing could kick in. He sighed and closed his eyes. Amon moved which gave him hope, but he continued to lower Amon’s core to that of a ice demon, but made sure to give him some leeway as he was a nephilim and not a full ice demon.

Ryan looked up at Ocella who came and grabbed Amon’s hand. Suddenly she seemed to get dizzy and before Ryan could help her, she was up and speaking, telling them she was going after some sword. Before he could stop her, she left and he looked into Amon’s eyes.

“She’s stronger than you think,” he said as he slowly removed his hand from Amon’s bare chest. “That should do it. I’m glad you’re back.”

Amon was finally able to open his eye when Ocella grabbed a hold of his hand. He looked over at his love and smiled. However he could tell that she was pushing herself to hard. She almost collapsed and then in an instant she was gone. He looked at his brother with a worried face as he looked down at him. Then Amon averted his gaze from his brothers. As Ryan's hand moved from his chest Amon turned to his side and wrapped his arms around himself. He could hear relief in Ryan's voice, but he was no where out of the woods yet.

The full severity of what happened to him, and played through his mind over and over again as he laid there and shook. He wanted more than nothing to forget what Etrama had done to him, but his mind nor his body were allowing him that luxury. He had never been so modified and defiled in his life. “What am I to do now? How can I even face Ocella with what has happened? Am I even anything more than…” Amon couldn’t finish the sentence. He couldn’t bring himself to say what had happened to him. All he could do at the moment was wait till his body healed enough that he could move properly.

Ocella appeared in the one place she knew that Master Dorian had left the sword for her. Her family home was still in ruins, closed off from the outside and set to be preserved in time. She ran her hand along the ashy walls and looked at her fingertips, seeing that they were gray. She made her way up the questionable stairs and continued down the dark halls, looking up at the shattered roof and to the sky above.

Memories flooded her and she took in a deep breath as she entered her room. Exactly where her bed had been, atop the pile of ashes lay the sword that she had stolen from the Heavens. She simply stared at it, her eyes blinking from exhaustion. She reached down and wrapped her fingers around the hilt, resting it along her hip as she took one last look around her home for the final time. She stood erect and vanished at once, using the untraceable spell and appearing back in the infirmary.

She had ash about her skin from the home but the sword remained beautiful and perfect, as if immune to impurities. She saw that Amon was awake and set the sword on a bed, rushing to his side immediately and stopping short. She didn’t want to startle him, she wanted to make sure he was okay… but she wanted so desperately to hold him, though she knew he had been through so much.

“My love,” Ocella said, a sad smile on her face.

Before Ryan could respond, Ocella had returned holding a beautiful blade in her hand shaped like a feather. Sighing, he stepped forward and watched the exchange.

“Amon, Ocella loves you regardless, you’re important to her just as you are important to me. I’ll leave you two to talk.”

Ryan smiled down at Amon and Ocella before walking off to find something to do. There was no doubt Samael would be happy about any of this, but they had to be prepared if they stood any chance at living a normal life, or as close to it as they could, they would have to destroy Samael and Etrama and any remnants of his influence. He found a place to sit and he pulled his knees close to rest his arms across the top of his knees.

Amon kept his back to both Ryan and Ocella. Even though they both still loved him even after what happened to him, but he was not able to bring himself to even look them in the eyes. Then Ryan left them alone so they could talk, and there was nothing he really wanted to talk about. He had been raped and tortured. Nothing could make him forget that encounter. He loved both Ocella and his brother. He just can't… “Ocella I am…” Amon shook as he tried to talk, but he just can't bring himself to say anything. He didn’t want Ocella to know what had happened to him. “Ocella…”

Josh watched what transpired, and followed Ryan out of the room. He walked over to where Ryan was sitting he knelt down beside him, and wrapped his arms around him, and laid his chin on his shoulder. “I am sure that Amon will be able to overcome this. The only thing we can do for him, and Ocella is make sure Etrama is not able to do anything like that to anyone ever again.” Josh said as he held his love close to him.

Aeterna knew that his presence here was not needed. So he sunk into his own shadow and appeared in his own room. Ocella and Amon needed to be alone and he was not going to be there. He just lied on his bed, and tried to get over his complete betrayal of the one he loved.

Ocella was certain to give Amon the space that she knew he needed. He seemed unable to look at either of them and Ryan left to give them both some time together. Ocella was grateful, but she wasn’t sure how to help Amon in his time of need. He seemed unwilling to communicate, or unable to at present. “Hey,” she said, her voice strong and loving. “We’ll make it through this. I’ll help you through this any way that you wish me to, I’m here for you. Through better or worse, in sickness and in health,” Ocella recited the portion of her vows that, to her, meant forever.

She wanted so desperately to hold him, to kiss him, to express her joy at having him back… but she could see that he wasn’t ready for it yet. She sighed and leaned down gently, pressing her lips softly against his forehead in hopes of helping soothe his troubles, hoping not to traumatize him further. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect you, to stop Etrama from hurting you. I promise that we will make sure he never hurts anyone else again, and that we will win. Until then… you need to rest,” Ocella said, her voice soft as she smiled at him sadly.

“And I do as well, but I’ll give you some space if you desire it. Just promise not to do anything reckless?” she asked of him, looking at him hopefully. She stood from her place and looked at the sword on the bed, taking it in her hand and smiling at him one last time. “I’ll be back soon to check on you,” she said, reaching on a cart and pouring him a glass of ice water, setting it down next to him before vanishing.

She found Ryan in an instant and wearily made her way over to him, a sad look on her face. She noticed that Joshua was there and sighed, feeling rather alone in that moment. Her father was gone, Kyori was in danger, Amon… she didn’t know what to do, and Ryan was with his loved one. She turned from them both and vanished once more, retreating to the confines of her room as she knelt on the floor near her bed. She placed both arms on her bed and rested her forehead against them as the tears finally began to fall, exhaustion setting in. The sword lay upon her bed and though she tried to gather herself once more, she just sat on her floor crying, trying to figure out a way out of this mess, a way to save her marriage, her best friend, and the world.

Amon heard Ocella’s words and it touched him that even though she knew what happened she didn’t blame him for what happened. He didn’t know what to do. He felt alone and afraid about trying to overcome this, and yet at the same time he wished that Ocella would wrap her arms around him. Telling him it was okay. When he felt the kiss to his forehead he opened his eyes to look at Ocella, and then she was gone before he could reach out his hand to her. Amon sat up in the bed and looked at the spot where Ocella once stood. He felt bad about this whole situation, but he didn’t know how to deal with the fact that Etrama did what he did to him. Though one thing was for sure he didn’t want to be alone.

Even though his body was still not completely healed he got out of bed on his weakened legs, and wobbled as he began to walk. He was in no position to use any of his powers so he went to the only place he could think of where she would be. Leaning against the walls to keep himself upright he slowly made his way to Ocella’s room. When he finally made it to the door he was tired, and wanting to fall to the ground. However, he didn't do that. He slowly opened the door to the sounds of his wife crying. Even though this whole situation was something that happened to him she seemed to be crying for some reason. Like it hurt her as well. He entered the room, and tried to reach her but his legs gave out, and he collapsed to the ground.

Landing hard on the floor Amon let out a small sound as he landed on his right side. Even with all of the healing he had received his injuries from Etrama were still as prevalent as ever. Cringing from the pain he laid there for a bit before he forced himself back up and looked at Ocella. If she were to come to him he would wrap his arms around her not letting her go.

Ocella heard the door to her room open and stiffened, someone had walked in on her emotional state and she did her best to dry her eyes quickly. She heard someone fall to the ground, and when she turned around she saw that Amon had followed her here and was cringing in pain. Her eyes opened wide in surprise and she ran over to her husband, helping him into a more comfortable position.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, looking him over with worry etched into her features. She smiled softly when she realized that he had come to see her, that he still wanted to be with her, that he needed her just as much as she needed him. “I love you,” she said, reaching out and wrapping her arms around him lovingly. She held him close, being careful of his injuries, and simply sat there with him in her arms. “It’s going to be okay. One way or another, it’s going to be okay,” Ocella said, pulling back and looking at Amon longingly. She wanted so desperately to help him, to hold him as she had before, to be together as they had before- but she didn’t know what was going through his mind.

She reached into her pocket and pulled his ring out that she had given him at their wedding, offering it to him- wanting to place it on his finger once more.

Amon looked up into Ocella's eyes as she helped him up and asked why he was there. However, he didn't answer her question he wrapped his arms around her and buried his head into the nape of her neck. Tears began to flow from his eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. This is the only thing he wanted. He wanted to be held and to know that she was not angry with him about what happened. His body shook as he continued to cry and feel her warmth. He just wanted to hold her, and be held by her. He didn't want to be alone.

When she pulled him back and smiled at him then she reached into her pocket and pulled out his wedding band. He smiled at her as he closed his eyes, and sighed in relief. He was glad to see that, that bastard Etrama didn't destroy the ring. He finally worked up the courage and raised his hand to her. “We will be together forever, and nothing will tear us apart.” Amon said as Ocella put the ring on his finger. He reached forward to hug her once more holding her tightly.

He was not going to leave her side. “Please don't leave me alone right now. I don't want to leave your side. Please don't leave me.” He said as he held him to her with all of his might.

Ocella’s heart ached with Amon’s as he began to cry into her neck. She too allowed the tears to flow freely once more and held him close to her. She ran her hand through his hair, telling him that it would be okay, that they would make it, that she still loved him with all her heart. When Amon saw the ring she was nervous, hopeful that he would accept it. He raised his hand though and allowed her to restore it to its proper place, and he even smiled at her. She smiled at him back, a goofy, love-drunk smile on her face as the flow of tears slowed.

“Nothing makes me happier than for me to hear you say those words,” Ocella said dotingly, holding her husband as she began to calm herself. Amon held her again, saying that he didn’t want to be alone, begging her not to leave him. “Of course my love, of course,” Ocella said with a soft sigh as she continued holding him. She rested her head against his shoulder and gently kissed his neck, simply holding him in her arms. Within moments her hold loosened, though did not falter as she began to drift off, the exhaustion finally winning.

Amon was glad that Ocella was not blaming him for what happened. He had let his guard down, and it lead to his capture. He took in her scent as they held one another, and he could feel her grip loosing, but not relenting. Then she had laid her head on his shoulder kissing his neck as she fell asleep in his arms. Amon could only imagine the stress she has been under the last couple of days. With him being captured, and Kyori staying behind to try and protect them so they could gather their strength and attack. She must have not slept a wink since they had slept together.

He felt bad about making her worry so much about him, but he would have to wait till later to talk to her about it. She needed all the sleep she could get, but he knew.the floor was no place to sleep. However, he didn't have the strength to picker her up without risking dropping her. Giving a sigh he wanted to get he to the bed. So he maneuvered himself and her so he could skoot on the floor over to the bed. Once there he took the sword off of the bed placing it on the ground, and readied himself to pick her up. He just hoped his legs would hold out. Using what little strength he had left he picked his wife up off of the ground, and laid her as gently as he could on the bed. Hoping that he wouldn't wake her up. He then crawled into the bed next to her wrapping his arms around her closing his eyes. Allowing his body to once again relax and his consciousness fade. Falling asleep next to the woman he loved.

Ocella slept as if she hadn’t slept in years. It was restless sleep, filled with nightmares of what the future might hold, of what might have been happening to Kyori. She could feel Amon’s arms wrapped around her and simply laid there.

When she awoke next it was nighttime and she was snuggled under the covers with Amon. She didn’t remember having gotten in the bed, the last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the floor with her husband. She looked at him in confusion, wondering if he had carried her into the bed. She snuggled up closer, allowing herself to embrace and to enjoy the moment they were sharing. She leaned forward to gently kiss his neck and cuddled close to him.

“Time to wake up my love,” Ocella said with a small smile. ‘Ryan,’ she reached out to her friend and brother, wondering if he had slept yet or if he was awake. She wanted to start training again as soon as possible, for she knew that her time was limited. ‘Dad? Are you available now?’ she asked, reaching out to her father figure. It was time to come clean about the vow she had made so long ago and to fulfill her promise to the pantheon.

Amon was sleeping soundly next to Ocella and he woke up to her soft voice telling him they needed to get up. Opening his eyes he looked into hers with a smile on his face. “Do we really need to get up now?” He questioned as he moved into kiss Ocella. The moment his lips touched hers he got a flashback of Etrama forcing a kiss upon him, and his body shook as he pulled away. He looked down and cursed to himself as he couldn't get what that bastard had done to him out of his mind. He wanted nothing more than to kiss Ocella, and for her to kiss him back. He wanted his body, and mind to forget what happened to him. “I am sorry Ocella.” was all he could say to what just happened.

Ocella smiled sadly when Amon asked if they needed to get up just then. He tried to kiss her and just as she made to return the kiss, his body trembled and he pulled away from her. She looked at him with sad eyes, realizing that he was still traumatized and that it would take him some time to cope with what had happened to him.

“Hey,” she said, gently resting the back of her hand on his cheek as she looked at him. “Don’t apologize. We’ll overcome this, together,” Ocella said, knowing that they would find a way. “The longer I rest, the longer Kyori is in danger. Evil doesn’t rest and I need to prepare for what is to come, for the time to face them is near. I also need to speak with my father, and I was hoping to train with Ryan,” she paused and looked at him with concern.

“I know that you don’t want to be alone, but these are things that I must do while I can. You are welcome to join me, if you are able to,” Ocella said, still looking concerned. She wanted to let him rest and to stay with him but she knew that her time to ready herself was limited.

Ryan had taken to training in the courtyard. He was in mid flip when he heard voices. His arrow struck its mark and the resulting explosion of ice shards struck various items surrounding him. He was panting, training, pushing his body to be ready when they faced Etrama, Samael and Death itself. Ryan landed on his extended hand and did a quick spin decapitating a dummy of Etrama before landing softly on his feet. Another arrow screamed through the air and struck Samael in the chest, ice encasing the dummy in seconds. The third dummy Ryan drew his bow but could not release the arrow. He lowered his bow and sighed.

“How can we kill our own?”

Amon knew that Ocella was right, but he still didn’t want to be left alone none the less. She was helping him with his problem, but he knew that he would need to overcome this before the fight. If he didn’t then there would be no way that he would be able to fight. So he closed his eyes and tried to stop himself from shaking. He quickly wrapped his arms around Ocella, and held her tight. He pushed himself to do the one thing that he caused him trouble. He leaned forward and kissed Ocella. His body still shook, but he still did it. He was able to kiss the woman he loved, but now to see her reaction. Would she be happy, or push him away

Josh had been with Ryan this whole time watching as he trained, as he his body with katas. Slow movements that kept him in shape. .Though he needed to practice with his sword more, he really had no one to spar with. He didn’t want to use his powers against his fellow Mystics, but he still needed to train none the less. However, right now he didn’t want to leave Ryan side. His love was having a hard time dealing with what happened to his brother at Etrama’s hands, and the thought of having to kill one of their own, He himself was having the same problem. How could he kill his best friend.

Walking over to where Ryan was standing, and stood next to his love. “I know that it is going to be hard, but we will…” Josh said as he was interrupted by a voice that came from the Shadows.

“You will have to do nothing” The voice said as Aeterna appeared from the shadows in his master form. “I will be the one to kill Kyori. I will not let any of you interfere in this matter. It is my fault that this happened, and I will be the one that will end it. So please don’t interfere.” Aeterna said in a confident voice as he looked at the two. His smile was gone, and he had a serious look on his face. “You will have your hands full with Etrama, and Samael”

As she was nearly ready to rise from bed, Amon wrapped his arms around her. She studied him carefully, watching as he tried his best to overcome. His body was shaking and she looked at him with soft eyes as he leaned forward, forcing himself to kiss her. She smiled into the kiss, returning it gently, lovingly as he had his eyes closed. Her eyes closed as well, the back of her hand resting gently on his cheek. She wouldn’t be the one to break the kiss, she wanted Amon to fight his inner demons and to overcome his fears.

“You can’t expect us to just let you do that. That’s too much for you Aeterna. Remember how lost Kyori was when he had to kill you? We can’t let you do it alone. We will face this together.” Ryan knew what Aeterna wanted to do and it was basically suicide. Death was strong, an absolute creature, but could they defeat him and Samael? Samael was already a extremely strong enemy and Ryan had trained day in and out to become strong enough to avenge Auro. He sighed knowing the inner struggle Aeterna was feeling. “Hey let’s do some sparring, the three of us to let off some steam. It’s one on one on one.

Amons shaking slowly subsided as the kiss was reciprocated. HIs body and mind were coming to terms with what happened to him. He knew it would take him time to fully be able to get over what happened to him, but he knew that Ocella would be with him. He loved her, and she loved him. Tears fell from his eyes as he finished the kiss. He was happy that she was in his life, and he would never betray her. Knowing their time was short he wiped the tears from his eyes as he stood up and reached his hand down to pick up Ocella. “Till death do us part.” He said smiling

10-12-2017, 10:43 PM
as wanted to spend more time with his wife, but knew that wouldn't be possible till this war was over. He wanted to train before the final fight. He has yet to use the daggers he received for who he thought were his parents. At least he hoped they were.

Aeterna’s expression didn’t change as Ryan told him that this battle he was willing to put upon himself was too difficult. He already knew that. He knew Fighting Death was like signing his death warrant, but he also knew that Death wanted him, and if that could keep him busy long enough for the others to kill that Bastard Samael, and his little servant Etrama then it would be worth it. Though he was not going to do this because he wanted to die. He wanted to get Kyori back from Death.

“Ryan I know that fighting Death is a suicide mission by myself, but I want to try and bring Kyori back, and I will not risk anyone else's life on this endeavor. Besides, if I can keep Death from attacking you then the rest of you can fight Samael, and that bastard Etrama.” Aeterna said his eyes narrowing slightly. He wanted Etrama dead, and he knew so did some of the others. He would convince them to leave Death to him, and for them to finish this fight. Giving a slight sigh as his expression softened. He knew that they wanted to do this as a team, but he wouldn’t allow it. It was his responsibility no one else's.

Then Ryan suggested that they have a sparing match between the three of them. That sounded like a good idea. It would relieve some stress, and allow him to train his powers and abilities. Since he has only trained it a little. This would be a good match. “That would be a good idea. That way we can see where we need to improve in our skills, And relieve some stress that has been building up.” Aeterna said as his sword appeared in his hand. The sword was as black as the darkest night. He just stood there with his sword at his side.

Joshua was not happy with Aeterna mentioning that he would fight Death on his own, but before he could say anything Ryan spoke up. Telling Aeterna that he shouldn’t do this on his own. Josh agreed. Kyori was one of his best friends, and he wanted to do what he requested of him. Even though, he really didn't want to kill his friend. Then Aeterna spoke once more making Josh realize why he was doing this. “You are not the only one that wants to bring Kyori back if he falls, but Ryan is right. You can’t fight on your own against that being. However, at the same time you just might be the only one that will be able to bring him back.” Josh was conflicted on this matter.

Though when Ryan mentioned a three way fight he was game. He needed to relieve some stress as well as see how strong his fellow fighters were. To know one's strengths and weaknesses was essential in a fight. If they all knew what the other could do then fighting as one unit will be easier. “Well Then let’s get this going.” Josh said as he transformed into his master form with his new sword in hand. He took a defencive stance as he waited for someone to make the first move.

Ocella noticed that his shaking was beginning to subside, that he was able to relax more into the kiss. She smiled into the kiss, enjoying everything it represented. Finally, Amon had the strength to stand and helped her up as well. She smiled adoringly at him, pulling him in for a soft, yet loving kiss. “And only then, just,” she said to his promise. She smirked when she noticed a gathering in the courtyard.

“Speaking of training,” she said, winking at him. “Shall we meet the others in the courtyard and join their little sparring session?” she asked, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

When Ocella pulled him into another soft kiss he enjoyed every moment of it. He smiled at what his wife said. She would be with him for the rest of their lives. He would do anything for her no matter what she asked of him he would get it done. Amon was finally ready to step back out into the responsibility Auro set before him. He would make sure to free this world from not only Etrama, but Samael. He would keep his promise to him. The man who was like a father to him.

Then Ocella mentioned that the others were getting ready to train, and he needed the training. “Let’s join them, and maybe once we are finished we can spend a little more time together before we have to fight again.” Amon said as he grabbed a hold of Ocella’s hand as they made their way outside.

“What’s up?” Ocella asked the others when they arrived in the courtyard, transforming at once into her Master form. She smirked and pointed at Ryan. “Think you guys could train without us? Besides, you owe me a training session as promised,” she teased with a smirk.

“So I’m guessing one on one on one on one on one then?” she said with a wicked grin.

Just as Ryan was about to unleash the attack that would start the training session, Ocella entered the scene with Amon hand in hand. Ryan smiled as she pointed to him and informed him that he owed her a training session. “Very well let’s do this,” Ryan said as he looked at each of those gathered to train. Ryan, Amon, Ocella, Joshua, and Aeterna. They were all that stood in Samael’s way. Kelda and Art had vanished, they hadn’t heard from them since their training started which was odd considering they had all managed to finish.

“READY!” He stated before getting into a defensive stance. This would be the first time any of them saw each other in action since the last fight with Samael. “FIGHT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!”

Ryan sidestepped, dashing to the side to unleash a barrage of ice orbs towards Amon and Ocella.

Amon smiled at his friends and family as he arrived with Ocella at his side. He knew this was not going to be a walk in the park, but he wa ready to test his new strength. Though, he is not used to actually fighting with a weapon. He was more of a spell caster, and he knew he would need to train to get used to using them in his spells. Everyone was ready for this fight, and Amon transformed into his Nephilim form. His form had changed a little. His wings were no longer a grayish black. They were now a light blue, and his hair turned to the purest of silver in color. The tattoos on his arms glowed and his daggers appeared in his hands. One that was his mother's and the other that was his father's. At least he hoped that they were telling the truth, but he pushed it out of his mind as the

fight began.

The ice orbs flew towards him, but he dodged them by taking to the sky. He knew that he would need to strike seriously. So he threw the white dagger towards Joshua and began casting a spell. He hoped this would work. The dagger felt like it was an extension of his own being. He continued to chant the spell to see if it would work.

Joshua smiled as everyone gathered for this little sparring match. Though he was concerned for the other mystics that have yet to show themselves. He left with more than just a couple of them found. Now there was only three of them present, and one that he knew where he was and regretted his decision to let him go. Giving a sigh as everyone transformed and readied for battle he did the same. Knowing his skills were in more of support than attack attack, but he knew he would need to be able to attack as well.

Once the battle started he saw that Amon decided to attack him first. A small smile appeared on his face as he raised his sword to strike the dagger that was coming towards him away, but little did he know that the moment he struck the blade a powerful blast of cold surrounded him. In an attempt to freeze him. Thinking on his feet he jumped back to avoid most of the attack, but his hand and arm holding the sword were covered in a layer of ice. Using his power over sound he cast Haste on himself, and disappeared from sight. He was going to attack Amon from behind.

Glade that the subject changed he readied to fight. This will take his mind of what he must do, and get the others ready for the fight ahead. Once the battle started Aeterna immediately set his sights on Ryan. Throwing his sword in the Ice Demons direction it shattered into four different swords, and they all went to attack their target. Aeterna didn’t move from his location. He was watching to see what happened from every angle from the shadows. He didn’t want to allow anyone to sneak up on him during this fight.

Ocella readied herself as Ryan prepared to strike first, watching his movements. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the orbs of ice coming her way, knowing that with Ryan they were far more than ordinary orbs of ice. Her wand moved into action instantly, pouring out a blast of energy that repelled the orbs and sent them flying back to their owner. Ocella glared when she realized only four were visibly fighting and closed her eyes, allowing nature to guide her to Aeterna. Through the help of the grass, she found him hiding in the shadows. Her eyes remained closed but snares of vine coated in thorns shot up all around the male, looking to wrap around him and ensnare him.

Ryan’s attack was met with retaliation. Firstly Ocella redirected his orb and it came crashing against his extended hand, coating his hand in ice which absorbed into his skin. He looked up just in time to avoid blades that collided with a wall of ice created from the moisture in the atmosphere. Ryan looked around trying to figure out who to aim for next.

“Special Technique, Avalanche,” he stated as he clasped his bow and shot an arrow into the sky. There was a loud sound of ice shattering as what looked to be thick white smoke poured over the sky releasing a barrage of ice spikes. Anyone in the vicinity would be struck.

Aeterna watched from the shadows as he waited for something to happen, and it didn’t take long for that to happen. Thorn covered vines came for him. Though he was curious if Ocella though this through. How can a vine catch a shadow? It didn’t take much for him to dodge the attack by moving to a different shadow. He smirked as he used her own shadow to create vines to try and catch her. He knew that if she used her light he would be easily dispelled, but he wanted to see her move. At the same time he sent vines in Ryan's direction as well.

As the ice fell from the sky Aeterna just jumped from shadow to shadow. Soon he would have to remove himself from the shadows to conserve energy, but at the moment if he did it wouldn’t be good on him.

Joshua moved quickly through the air to find his target, and attack. He appeared behind Amon, and brought his sword down to try and strike the Nephilim. But Amon was quick to see him, and brought his second dagger up to block the sword. Quickly folding his wings he fell to the earth, but at the same time he cast another ice spell to try an incase the sound dragon in ice. The attack was so sudden that Josh didn’t have time to react as his body was covered in ice. However, he was able to break the ice by using his power over sound. He was breathing a little hard from the fact he was encased in ice for a short amount of time,and his body temperature dropped, but he quickly followed Amon in his decent.

But before anything more could be done an arrow passed both Amon and Josh, and he looked to the sky no longer following Amon. He saw the spikes, and used his speed to get out of the way. Though not everyone was as lucky. Amon tried to dodge the spikes that were coming his way, but misjudged one, and it struck his wing freezing it. Granted the cold didn’t bother him, but this was a spell far stronger than he has dealt with. He fell to the earth as he began casting a spell. Right before he hit the ground a layer of ice appeared, and he disappeared into the ice.

Ocella scowled when Aeterna used the shadows to protect himself from her attack. She couldn’t see a way to attack him, for he seemed to use the shadows to defend himself and to act as a shield… but she wondered how long he could stay in the shadows.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt vines of darkness snaked around her and held her tightly, causing her to cry out as she felt the darkness burning her. She used a very powerful burst of holy light, hoping beyond all hope that it would be enough to rid herself of the vines and thankfully it was. Then she had a new problem to deal with, she felt sharp shards of ice crashing upon her body at once and her eyes widened in terror when her entire body froze in mid-flight, which sent her plummeting to the ground beneath her. She hit the ground hard, though much to her dismay the ice did not break its hold on her and she was frozen solid.

Her wand reacted with energy, blasting out a thorny vine to break the ice in front of her. She was having a hard time breathing and tried to struggle but failed, sending a harsh glare at Ryan for his attack. She closed her eyes and the grass around her began to grow, encasing her and the ice around her until she was no longer visible. Within mere moments there was a shattering sound as the ice broke around her and she sprung back to life, focusing her attention entirely on Ryan as she looked utterly pissed off.

“If that’s how we’re going to play it…” she said, drafting a blowgun made of bamboo from her wand. She held it in her hand and vanished.

Ryan kept moving, wanting to keep everyone on their toes as they trained. His special technique had caused Ocella to plummet from the sky, while the others seemed to manage. Amon wasn’t as lucky though as the ice had frozen his wings causing him to plummet as well. However, before he hit the ground he seemed to vanish. Ryan’s eyes scoured the area, only when he felt something snake up his leg did he realize that Aeterna had ensnared him with a shadow vine. As the shadow moved it slowed until it became a thick glob. Ryan’s magic had essentially turned shadow into black goo when it touch him due to the nature of his cold demonic magic. The goo snapped in two when Ryan twisted his leg and flipped away from anything that could cast a shadow. His own shadow would never betray him and in that aspect he was safe, but he couldn’t find Aeterna and that concerned him. He had managed to notch another arrow before sending it flying in Joshua’s direction, but Ocella was missing from action as well and it gave him an idea.

Aeterna Knew he could stay in the shadows for a bit longer, but he also knew that it was not a wise decision to do so. So he moved out of the shadow behind a tree where he was not easily seen. His sword came to life once more and returned to is master side. This gave away his position, but it didn’t matter he was still using the shadows as his eyes, and could see what was going on. Dropping his sword into the shadows at his feet he used the shadows to hide its movements. The sword was making its way towards Amon who had appeared a little ways off.

Josh was still in the air as the ice finally stopped falling. He was relieved that he was able to dodge the attack, but that was short lived as an arrow came towards him. He didn’t see the arrow till he turned, and tried to move out of the way, but the arrow pierced his shoulder. It was not a bad injury since the cold of the arrow froze the area causing it to go numb. He knew this could get rough, and didn’t expect for anyone to hold their punches. So neither did he. Seeing Aeterna behind a tree Josh snapped the arrow and dived towards his next target.

Amon had luckily been able to cast a transport spell that kept him from getting seriously injured, but now he needed to deal with his frozen wing. Not knowing how much time he had he concentrated on cooling his whole being down with a spell that would allow him to break the ice without breaking his wing. As he did so suddenly a sword stabbed through the shadows, but luckily Amon was able to dodge it enough to keep himself from getting seriously injured. He was able to move now, and was getting ready to retaliate to that attack.

Etrama had plans to raise an army in his master's name, and he was going to make sure that he would be able to bring enough of the spirits he commands to life to make the Mystic's life a living hell when they came to this fight. “Well Death are you ready to go? I am not going to wait all day for you. I have some preparations to make in order to be able to make those Mystics pay for what they have done. I will meet you at Mount Fuji. I am sure that the Mystics will enjoy the view as we kill them.” Etrama said as he opened a portal through to the land of the dead. He disappeared then reappeared in a cave that was inside of the volcano.

This brought back memories, but it didn’t matter. A wicked smile formed on his face as he pulled out the vile of blood, and a knife. Taking the knife he sliced his hand and dropping the knife to the ground as he used his blood to draw a pentagram on the ground. While he chanted a spell in the old tongue.

“Ut omnibus his, qui militant mihi hanc potestatem, ut in morte redire in terra viventium. Non habet illam virtutem trahendi erum Halfling virtus. Exhaurire virtutem tuam confirma. Venite ad me: et servo meo: compararim enim bellum!” (To all those that serve me in death take this opportunity to return to the land of the living. Drawing power not from your Master but the one that holds the power of a halfling. Drain his power to sustain your presence. Come to me my servant and get ready for war!)

At the end of the spell he took the vile and shattered it in the center of the circle. A surge of power filled the cave as his servant appeared. Not only in the cave, but down the mountain. He was now ready to fight the mystics. Now he only needed to wait for Death to show up.

Amon suddenly felt like his power was being drained from him. He got light headed, and passed out from the effect of whatever was happening to him.

Ocella appeared in the forest near Ryan, hidden by the tree as her energy spread throughout the entire area, as far as the eyes could see. She raised her blow dart towards Ryan and applied pressure with a steady breath, watching as a dart raced towards Ryan. It was laced with lower dosed Wolfsbane, just enough toxicity to cancel out the fatal effects but to leave a strong paralytic component within the dart. As she watched the dart, Ocella noticed that Amon seemed to be struggling with himself and passed out.

Her eyes widened and she flinched as he hit the ground, she teleported by his side instantly. “Amon!” she said, her heart racing as she checked him over for injuries. She couldn’t see any visible energies and her eyes narrowed as she transformed into her angelic form at once, wondering if somehow her uncle or Etrama was behind this. The dart racing towards Ryan dissolved at once as she transformed. “Ryan!” she called, wondering if he could determine what was happening. She placed both of her hands above his heart and began to chant the holy language as her grandfather had taught her, her body glowing brightly with light as if trying to exorcise anything that may have been trying to control him. “Amon, what’s wrong?” she asked feebly, hoping that her efforts would help.

Ryan was moving from place to place before watching his surroundings and trying to make sure he wasn’t easy pickings. He was also trying to make sure Joshua’s wasn’t hurt from the arrow he had shot at him. He only did it so the others didn’t think he was targeting just them. Just as things were getting heated, a dart came racing towards him. He turned in time to see it but then it disintegrated. Along with the sudden vanishing of the dart came a scream.

Ryan’s eyes shot in Amon’s direction and his eyes widened in surprise. He was on the ground and Ocella was over there pouring energy into him as if to remove any outside influences. Ryan appeared next to them and slowly reached out to touch his brother.

“His energy, it’s fading,” Ryan said his eyes shifting to a demonic blue as he looked over his brother’s body. “He’s being drained, but I don’t know how.”

Aeterna looked up just in time to see Josh coming towards him, and he was about to make a counter attack when a scream caught both of their attentions. They stopped fighting and turned in Ocella's direction to see that she was glowing bright. Aeterna had to cover his eyes, and look away. He couldn’t see what was going on, because the light was to intense for his eyes. However, Josh could see what was going on and he knew it was not good. Especially since Ryan appeared next to them. “Something is not right.” Josh said in a concerned tone, and made his way over to the others.

Though Aeterna stayed where he was standing. He wanted to approach, but he was unable too. He may look like he can handle light by being out during the day, but he can’t really. The brighter the light the more it hurt him. So as long as Ocella was glowing like she was he wont be able to approach.

Josh approached just as Ryan's eyes turned a demonic blue, and the sight of those eyes sent a chill down his spine. He had never seen that color of eye before and it scared him a little. Getting the courage to approach his love he Walked behind Ryan placing a hand on his shoulder. “What is happening?” He asked in a concerned voice as he saw that Amon was not moving.

Amon had no idea what was happening to him, and while he laid there motionless he could hear everything that was happening. He wanted to comfort his wife. To tell her he was okay, but he couldn’t he didn’t even know what was happening to him. All he knew was his magical power was being drained from his very being. He couldn’t help but think this was his punishment for making Ocella cry. Then as suddenly as the energy was pulled he felt as if he was being healed. He knew this must be his wife's work, but why did it feel as if it wasn’t helping? What in the world happened to him, and why now of all times.

Ryan came over to examine Amon and she watched him anxiously. She had expended much of her energy trying to heal Amon from whatever was afflicting this to him, from trying to expel any negative energies from him… but it didn’t seem to be working. Ryan announced that his energies were fading, that they were being drained and her eyes narrowed.

“It has to be Etrama,” she whispered for Amon to hopefully not hear her. “He has necromantic abilities to bring back the dead, in a sense. He must have taken something from Amon during his captivity…” Ocella’s eyes were filled with rage at the thought. She clenched her fists and her body was shaking.

“If that’s how he wants to do this,” she said, her light fading as she looked around the group, trying to keep her composure. Trying not to break.

‘Dad, are you back yet? I may not have the chance to talk to you again,’ Ocella called to her father, standing strongly to her feet as she took in a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. “Joshua, if I don’t make it, it’s up to you to fulfill our vow we made so long ago. I’m trying to reach him, but he’s been away for some time now. Until then, we need to plan our attack to free Amon from his influence,” she said, still trying to keep calm.

Clouds rolled in, darkening the sky. Lightning sporadically flashed through the clouds playing hide and seek with the thunder’s roar that echoed through the air. A storm was coming. Ocella had called for her father and in a flash of intense lightning, Dorian stood before her, eyes ablaze with electrical energy. He looked down upon them all and shook his head when he noticed Kyori was not in their ranks. It seemed that Aeterna had taken to the shadows and Ocella was angry. Amon was having his energy sapped and Ryan was on the verge of shifting. Dorian held up his hand.

“ENOUGH!” His voice sounded like a thousand thunderous roars that softened as Dorian’s form softened. “You are in for the fight of your lives. Samael has amassed great forces and they will soon march on the world. There aren’t enough of you to fight in this war against an army that large. Etrama has gathered his minions and I do believe it is the cause of Amon’s sudden loss of energy. Now with Death in play things will be far more dangerous. You must take him out first if you want to have any chance at winning. He has the ability to restore life, and if you want to defeat Samael you have to destroy Death.”

Dorian closed his eyes realizing what he was saying. He knew there would be opposition to what he was saying, but he meant every word. Kyori wouldn’t want them to suffer because of him, he would want them to make the call and kill him outright if the need arose.

“Kelda and Art have finished their training, they will handle the Dark Army along with others who have joined the fight. It is up to you four to face Etrama, Death and Samael and do what must be done. Believe in yourself and there is nothing you can’t overcome.”

Death appeared behind Etrama after the summoning of his minions.

“You expect these low creatures to keep them at bay? You might as well give them your throat,” Death said to Etrama as he hovered over to him. “Samael is on his way, this will be the end, the summoning of the great god of destruction.”

Ocella looked towards the skies when the storm began rolling in. She steadied herself as her father appeared in a flash of lightning, standing before her very eyes. He surveyed what was happening and shouted at them all, informing them what was happening. Ocella looked towards Amon sadly, trying to reign in her emotions. She wanted to crumble, she desperately wanted a hug from her father- to feel his strength and encouragement, but she knew that she had to be strong for the end was nigh.

She stood to her feet and nodded her head at his words, her eyes boring into his own with determination and concern. How could she let anyone kill her brother? Was there no way to bring him back?

She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, pushing the thought out of her mind. “Dad… would you mind if we spoke for a moment?” she asked, looking at him pleadingly. She knew that this could be the last time that she saw him and she wanted to come clean, to fulfill her vow to Kyori and Joshua as well as the Pantheon. She also wanted to let him know how much he meant to her before it was too late.

Dorian’s eyes returned to their normal state. He had been working hard behind the scenes to gather as much help as he could. Though his punishment was to never see his children again, he hoped that everything would be alright. He could not see the future, it was not one of his gifts, but he knew that together the mystics could do marvelous things. Just look at how much they had accomplished already.

“No I wouldn’t mind my dear, what is it you wish to speak to me about?”

Aeterna was relieved that Ocella stopped her light. It made it easier for him to be there, and when Master Dorian showed up he knew something was happening. Was Samael making his move now? Or did he come to for another reason. He approached the others just as Dorian spoke after shouting at them. He was right he was there to tell them of the fight that would soon be upon them. Though his eyes narrowed when he mentioned they would need to kill Death. “I will take care of that.” Aeterna said as he looked at the others as well. “Kyori is my responsibility, and I don’t want anyone interfering with my fight.” Aeterna said in a serious tone as he knew he would be the only one up to actually trying to bring Kyori back. If not then he would do whatever he could to buy the others time to defeat Eterma, and Samael. He knew the others would not be to keen with his plan, but it must be done. “Don’t worry about me. I can handle Death.”

Joshua was not too thrilled to hear that what was happening to Amon was Eternas doing. He had heard what that man did to Amon, and now the man was making him suffer even more. If they could kill the man, or destroy the spell they might be able to save Amons life. Then Dorian appeared in a storm. He was angry at the fact that they were not in the right state of mind. There was a war coming their way, and they need to be in the right state of mind. Though, he was ready to fight even though his shoulder was still bleeding from the arrow that is still in his shoulder.

The only thing that was bothering him was that Aeterna was still thinking of fighting Death on his own. He knew the Phoenix was strong, but would he be able to fight a being that controls life and death. Even Though, he knew Kyori’s wishes, he knew he would be unable to do it. So he would leave Death to Aeterna.

Amon was starting to regain his consciousness, but at the same time his energy was still being drained. He heard what Ocella said that this was Etrama’s doing, and he would not be able to fight in his current condition. Once again he was being a liability to his new found family. He didn’t know what to do, but he stayed quiet as everyone had their attention on Master Dorian. He just laid there as he was gathering what little strength he had remaining to try and help the others in some way. He was going to try and teleport to where he could feel his energy going. If he could at least break the spell that was draining his energy then he would be able to fight.

Etrama was not expecting Death to appear behind him, or make the comment about his minions. They might not be the strongest of creatures, but number can overwhelm. “I don’t need to hear that from a being like yourself. Not all of them are powerless. Most of them can control shadows and storms. You are aware of the power the young dragon you now poses has over the weather. So don’t mock my army. Besides, I have kept the strongest of my souls for myself, and let's just say he was on pare with the power of the dragon you are keeping at bay.” Etrama said with annoyance in his voice. He didn’t like Death, and he hated him. So they were even in that regards. “I will not fail in my mission, so you better not fail in yours. Kill that annoying Phoenix once and for all, and then and only then will I think you didn’t let that spirit dragon free the Mystics from their restraints. You are as much to blame for our current situation as I am for not being there to make them comfortable.”

He knew Master Samael would be there soon to commence the ritual to summon the dark god from their banishment. He would make sure he wouldn’t be interrupted. “Lord Samael will see to it that your master is summoned, and the destruction of this world will follow.” Etrama said as he activated the small gem that he infused into the Angel's hand. That would lead them here.

Ocella breathed deeply when Master Dorian said that he would speak with her. She nodded her head, looking nervous, and in truth she was. She knew that much time had past since their vow, but the consequences would be the same. “I may never have another chance to tell you what happened that night… the night Joshua, Kyori and myself made the vow,” she said, looking at him sadly.

She began to tell him how she had seen Kyori arriving, how she had confronted him, how he had tried to conceal what had been happening… how she had called for Joshua. She told him everything, but suddenly she felt an intense pain in her hand and gasped as she fell to her knees, the breath having been stolen from her.

She forced herself to raise her hand and looked at it in horror, the gem was glowing inside her hand and she could see it through her flesh. She clenched her fist from the pain and held it to her chest, trying to focus on breathing as her vision clouded. “Etrama…” she spoke, looking to her father and to the others. She hadn’t expected this from him since they had retrieved Amon, but now that he was summoning an army against them… he was using the opportunity against her.

She closed her eyes, her shoulders rising and falling rapidly as she tried to steady herself. “They’re at Mount Fuji,” she said, her voice strained. She looked up to her father with watery eyes, though not from the pain she was experiencing. She stood rapidly and threw her arms around him, holding him close as her body shook softly. “Thank you for everything dad… I’m so happy to have known you, to have you in my family. I’m sorry for everything, but I want you to know how much I love you. I’m going to do my best to win this war… but I know that we may not have the opportunity to meet again,” she said, looking at him sadly as she finally released him.

She flexed her fingers and clenched her fist again, looking to the others. “Ryan, you go after Etrama. Josh, you take on the army with Art and Kelda. Provide as much support to anyone who needs it as you can. I’m heading for Samael. With any luck I may be able to bring Kyori back in battle, but until then you will face him Aeterna,” she looked to Amon and a small tear fell down her face. “We have to get him somewhere safe,” she spoke, her voice soft as she ignored the pain in her hand and made her way to her husband, kneeling down next to him.

Death looked at Etrama. If his face was visible Etrama would see the side eye Death was giving him. Shaking his hood, Death spoke.

“You think I get my strength from the spirit dragon?” Death laughed once more. “He is but a bonus, a reserve of raw unbelieveable power, but my power comes from the god of destruction. It flows through me and I invoke it with a simple thought. Your power will never match that of my master, nor my own,” Death stated mockingly as he hovered over to one of Etrama’s minions. With a single touch the undead creature crumbled. Etrama retorted with talk of treason. Explaining that he believed Death allowed Kyori to set his friends free, to which Death twirled around.

“And if I released them? What will you do? You’re beneath me. If you were not the plaything of Samael I would’ve cleansed you from this world a long time ago, but alas we have work to do. I shall help your pathetic excuse for an army.”

Death thrust his hand forward and black miasma flowed from him into the undead. Each one of the received a boost in strength, but Death knew they still would be no match for the Masters that were coming. He knew they’d come, it was only a matter of time. This was it, this was the end.

While Ocella explained everything that had happened, Dorian simply smiled. When she was done he was about to speak but he felt that there was something amiss. She was clenching her hand into a fist and informed them that Etrama was on Mount Fuji.

“Then you must go,” Dorian replied as he embraced her kissing her head as a father would before releasing her. “My dear I have known about the vow and what happened that night. Kyori is who he is and I do not fault him for it. I am glad you came forward and now the vow is no more. May the light of Erobus protect you. When you confront Kyori remind him of the book I gave him, he will know what it is and how to use it when the time is right.”

Dorian turned to them all. “You’ve grown so much since our first encounter. I want to thank you for what you will do here today, and I want to encourage you to leave nothing, give it your all. I will be watching over you until I can no longer. Aeterna, Ryan, Amon, Joshua, Ocella go now, bring peace to this world once more.”

Ryan sighed knowing this was it. His job was to face Etrama while Ocella went after Samael and Aeterna faced Death. Joshua, his love, was going to provide support for the others that faced Samael’s wave of monstrous creatures. As much as he wanted to be there for him, Ryan knew this was needed and held his fist to his chest after Dorian finished speaking. He nodded and helped Ocella carry Amon back to the base where the nurses would keep him safe.

Once they got him back and said their goodbyes, Ryan looked at Joshua and embraced him.

“I love you, don’t you die on me,” Ryan said kissing his boyfriend with passion not exhibited by his kind often. When he broke the kiss he smiled and let his forehead touch Joshua’s. “Do what you have to do and I will do the same.”

Ocella looked towards Master Dorian as he came to her, embracing her as he kissed her head. She smiled softly, relishing in his presence while she still could. He spoke, informing her that he had known the entire time. She nodded her head as she smiled at him gratefully. “Thank you father,” Ocella said, her voice strong. “I will remind him of the book. Death cannot take me directly himself due to the vow with Kyori, it may give me the chance we need to bring him back,” Ocella said, a hopeful expression on her face. Ocella sighed and looked to him in concern.

He spoke again, telling them that he would watch over them until he could not any longer. She smiled and gave him one last hug before departing his side. Amon was being cared for, she had left a message for him letting him know how much she loved him, how he brought love and peace into her life, and to never forget who he was. She had promised to return should she win and had sent him all of her love should she have failed.

By then Ryan was speaking to Joshua, saying his well-wishes and Ocella approached the two. “We’re a family now, remember that. Focus on the task at hand, don’t get distracted. Unless we can bring Kyoro back, you two, Amon and Aeterna are all I have. Ryan, take care of Amon if I don’t make it,” she said, looking at Joshua and noticing the arrow in his shoulder. She smirked and chuckled.

“You can’t go into battle like that,” she teased lightly, reaching out gently for him. “This will hurt, but it will be quick,” she promised him as she carefully, yet gently, took hold of the arrow and pulled it out. She placed her other hand upon the wound and healed it instantly, sealing the wound and healing the injury from within.

“I will try to provide healing while I can, though until I defeat Samael it may prove difficult,” she promised, clenching her fist again as the pain throbbed once more.

“Ryan, cut his damn dick off and shove it up his ass for me,” she requested with a smirk on her face. She hugged them both and made her way to Aeterna, hugging him as well. “We will try to bring Kyori back by any means we can,” she promised. She turned to look at them all. “I will go first, they are expecting all of us. You’ll know when to join me,” she promised, smiling at each of them before she vanished and appeared some distance in front of Etrama and Death. She said nothing and stared at them with her arms crossed, allowing nature to be her eyes and to keep an eye on the army of the undead that had surrounded them.

“Hello Kyori,” she finally spoke, her voice cold as she stared at Death.

Everything was happening so fast that Josh had a hard time keeping up. What was happening to Amon, the pain Ocella was feeling in her hand. Along with the realization that their fight was just on the horizon. It was all moving too fast. He wanted to spend at least one more night with Ryan, since it might be their last, but in the end what he wished for wouldn’t come teur. Evil never gives them a break, and it was the same now.

A Ryan picked up Amon, and they relocated to the medical wing of Master Dorian's house. He knew that this might be the end of everything. So when Ryan approached him, and told him to come back to him he could only smile. Then they kissed, and Joshua put all of his love and affection into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Ryan hugging him, and not wanting to let him go. Once the kiss finished he looked into his lovers blue eyes. “I will come back, so you better do the same. I love you with all of my heart, and it would shatter without you. So please don’t die on me.” Josh said as he hugged Ryan once more, before letting him go. He knew what he must do, and he would support everyone to the best of his abilities. Though he wondered if he would be able to block out the screams of the dead? He would do his best that is all he could do.

Ocella walked up to him and looked at his shoulder. He knew what was going to happen next, and didn’t flinch as the arrow was pulled out, and the injury healed with her light. Josh smiled at Ocella, and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Thanks. We will end this war, and you can live happily alongside your husband.” Josh said hoping to give her strength. Then she left for the battle field, and he waited for the others to get ready before joining her.

Aeterna knew that his fight with Death was going to probably cost him his life. Even though, he showed confidence in his abilities. The fact that Kyori was taken over by that parasite concerned him, and he just hoped that he would be able to bring him back. As Ocella and Dorian spoke about the vow Kyori, josh, and she undertook. He could understand why Kyori was so secretive about things. Then Ocella felt a sharp pain in her hand, and she told them where the final batter was going to take place.

Once they entered the medical wing Amon was set on a bed and everyone was staying there good bys. He walked over to Master Dorian and reached out a hand to him. “Thank you for being there when I needed guidance. I am sorry that I was not strong enough to keep you for having to interfere, and to be punished on our behalf. May the eternal flame watch over you in your journey.” Aeterna said as Ocella walked up to him giving him a hug. “Don’t worry about Kyori. I will do my best to bring him back, but if I can't I will risk my life to kill him.” Aeterna said with a sad voice. They all had the people they love to fight with, but he was all alone in his battle. So he closed his eyes as Ocella went to the battlefield. He would go soon, and confront his lover and see what the rates have in store for them.

Amon just lied there and listened to what was going on, but didn't act as if he was awake. He was going to do what he could to stop Eterma from hurting the others. However, if any of them knew what he was planning to do they would try to stop him. Ocella was upset about what was happening to him, but he couldn't let her worry about him more. Then Ocella said by to everyone and hugged them. Though he did wonder if Master Dorian knew what he was planning? He mentioned his name in the people that will be fighting. Once Ocella left he would wait for the others to leave so he could go and free himself from what was happening to him.

Etrama was not too pleased with Death, but he was to work with the death bringer. Giving a sigh as he destroyed one of his undead, just to have it reanimate. As long as the Nephilim has energy his army would regenerate. “They may be weak, but even the Mystics have a limit to how much power they have. As long as my little substitute has energy they will return again and again. So I may be sending lambs to the slaughter, but even wolves can only kill so many sheep.” Etrama said as he then replied to his assumption. “The Spirit dragon is powerful, and I never said you take power from him, but my final soul is as powerful as that stupid dragon. So don't get your scythe in a twist.”

Etrama watched as Death gave his army a boost in power, and he didn’t like it one bit. This creature thought he was inferior to him, and that might be true. However, Etrama didn't want his help at all. But he wasn't going to say anything. Let this creature think what he wishes. In the end as soon as this is over he would not have to deal with him anymore. Though, the threat was not welcome, but he will let it slide for now. Nothing will deter him from completing his mission.

He walked out of the cave that held the spell, and left one of him stronger servants there to guard the crest. Then not long after he and Death walked down the mountain a little Ocella appeared in front of them. Etrama smiled at her as she confronted Death. “Well little angel. Looks like you are ready for a fight, but how is your husband doing?” He asked in a sadistic tone knowing good and well what was happening to the hafling.

Ocella saw Etrama walking out of the cave and smirked, knowing that he must have created the spell inside the cave. “He’ll be much better when you are dead,” she responded, still looking at death.

“Are you done blowing hot air or shall we begin?” she asked, smirking at Etrama now.

Death could have laughed at Etrama’s games. He would die because of his games with the Mystics. Death would deliver the final blow to his enemies, one way or the other and Etrama was no exception. Still, for now they worked together even if his minions irritated him. Perhaps it was the inner spirit dragon’s attitude peeking through. Death heard a voice, a familiar voice and as they emerged from the cave, Death looked at Ocella, his amber eyes burning to her soul.

“Etrama your play toy has come alone. Clearly she does not think of you as a threat. How comical,” Death said as his scythe slammed into the ground from the sky. His skeletal hand slowly grabbed the handle. “Allow me to remove the hindrance from your side Etrama,” Death said as he pulled the scythe out of the ground. Dark miasma poured from the crack in the ground bursting forward in the form of bats.

Ocella watched as Death moved first, believing that she did not feel Etrama was a threat. Dark miasma came barreling towards her in the form of bats and she shifted instantly, a feeling of peace washing over her at once as she stood in her angelic form. Everything was moving in slow motion for her, but suddenly an intense glowing came forth from her being as holy light poured forth from her, and a shield of energy came bursting forth from her wand, creating a protective sphere around her. She stood strong as the miasma hit her sphere, one bat after another until they had all disintegrated into her holy light.

- - - Updated - - -

When the attack was over, her light died down and her shield vanished. She stood strong and bore her eyes into death, a smirk on her face.

“Have you forgotten so much?” she asked the creature. “Have you forgotten the night that Kyori, Joshua and myself made the unbreakable vow to always protect each other? To never reveal our secrets until we all became Masters? The later may have been fulfilled mere moments ago, but the former still remains. You cannot kill me yourself, nor cause harm nor place me in harm’s way, for if you do… you will die along with Kyori and I,” she said, smiling at Death with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“I’m sure that Kyori can confirm this for you. He also knows about the book our father gave him, though perhaps you are unaware. He knows how to use it and when, so until that time comes- I’m interested to see your next move,” she said with a smug grin on her face..

Etrama was not pleased at Death’s response to his supposed threat level to the young Angel. It only made him hate him even more. He looked at Ocella with an amused look on his face. “Do you think you will really be able to kill me young Angel? Many of your kind have tried and failed. You will be no different than them. But by all means do try and take vengeance for Amon.” Etrama said as he ignore Death. The creature was as always getting on his nerves. If he ever got the chance he would kill him.

He just watched as Ocella was able to block Death’s attack, and spoke of some kind of vow that the dragon took with them. He was unsure of this vow, but in the end something like that mattered little to him. However, it did make him smile since he would kill himself if Death killed her. Well at least in theory. He doubted Death could die in that manner, but it was fun to imagine it. “Looks as if you are loosing your touch Death. The little Angel must have you scared!” Etrama said sarcastically as he looked at Ocella. “So Little Angel. Did your friends abandon you in your vengeance, or are you trying to keep our attention till they arrive?”

“Yes Etrama, I am shaking in my cloak,” Death replied playfully shivering after his attack was blocked by the nature angel. She spoke to him, telling him about the vow he knew about. “Hell it was worth a try,” Death added moving back a bit to let Etrama take charge. “She’s all yours.”

Etrama sighed at Death’s reply. They would never get along. Well it didn’t matter to him if Death was waiting for his opponent to arrive. The Angel would be a welcome target for his first kill. He pulled out his twin daggers from their sheaths on his calfs. Not taking his eyes of of the Angel. Once he had his blades he took a step forward. “I will thak this prey since you are afraid to die?” Etrama said as he charged towards Ocella not waiting for her response to his question. He was going to try and get close enough to stab her. He wanted to make her suffer so she would beg for Death to take her life.

Ocella smirked as Etrama spoke. “Neither,” she answered, shrugging as she watched them. “Just doing a little surveillance,” she replied, grinning. Ocella smirked at Death when he said that it was worth a try. She had a bargaining chip with him to get Kyori back, one that she wanted to save until she was able to defeat her uncle.

“I thought my dear, sweet uncle was coming soon?” she questioned with a smirk on her face. Etrama asked her if she was afraid to die, but before she could answer he began his assault. She simply stood there as he raced towards her, not wavering from her position the slightest. Just as he was nearing her, nearly upon her, she seemed to simply fade into the grass beneath her as a trip vine raised from the ground as a tripwire would, hoping to catch him off guard and to use his own momentum against him.

Where she once stood, sharp, thorny vines shot forth from the ground and attempted to ensnare him. These appeared to be her average vines but in fact they were filled with a potent and fatal dosage of Wolfsbane toxin. One cut would cause dire pain unless the poison was expelled, but her army of thorns that raced towards him would cause certain death for most. As for her location, her energy had spread all through the grass in the area and small trees began shooting up all around. Sentient creatures made of forestry materials began to appear and attacked Etrama’s army, but Ocella’s physical form was nowhere to be found as she was amongst the grass itself. She was using this opportunity to confuse Etrama and to gauge his army.

The moment Ocella disappeared from where she was standing vin's protruded out of the ground, and a little vine was set to trip him up. Knowing there was no way for him to keep himself from falling into the trap one of his servants that was closest push him out of the way, and fell into the trap. The body screamed as the poison quickly killed it. Etrama rolled when he was pushed and watched as the corps writhed in pain then disintegrated into the earth it was made from. “You will have to try harder, but you might want to refrain from killing any of my servants.” Etrama said with a sly smile upon his lips. He wouldn't suffer, but the Nephilim will. Though just killing one won't have an effect, but if they kill a lot of them. He would definitely feel the energy pull. He looked around for the little Angel, and it seemed she went into hiding. He would have to wait her out, however, she sent her little nature imps out to fight his army. He chuckled slightly. The corpses would annihilate them easily. “Attack anything that is moving. Kill them without mercy.”

Ocella glared at Etrama from her hiding place, but when she saw the opportunity she traveled through the root systems to the cave both Death and Etrama had come from. Etrama seemed keen on waiting her out, however she knew that he wasn’t expecting her to appear in there. She stayed in the root system and filtered towards the branch nearest the cave, but she wasn’t able to see in there just yet. ‘Joshua, you need to get into this cave. I’m not sure what is in there but I believe it may be the summoning circle he is using to create his army,’ she called to him, sending him a picture of the cave. ‘Be careful everyone, the army regenerates when they are killed. The army is using Amon’s strength, so try not to kill them,’ she spoke to everyone.

She refocused her attention towards Etrama as her sentient beings were being slaughtered, her physical form appearing once more, hidden amongst the tree branches. The remainder of her beings vanished at once. ‘Kyori, I know that you’re in there. I know that you still have the stone. If I don’t make it, it’s up to you to destroy it. When the timing is right I will reveal the blade to you,’ she said, shivering at the connection she felt with Death. She knew that he would hear her thoughts as well but she desperately hoped that Kyori would also.

She leaped from the tree and her blowgun appeared in her hands once more, trying to offer Joshua a distraction to get into the cave. She shot dart after dart towards Etrama before focusing her attention on Death himself, shooting dart after dart of a non-deadly paralytic toxin towards him. It was still not breaking the vow for she was doing it to protect Kyori and to stop Death from causing any more havoc. The undead army saw her moving and the nearest soldiers began focusing on her, to which she simply flew into the air to avoid.

‘NOW!’ she shouted at them all mentally, looking around for her uncle… she knew that he would be there soon and didn’t want to use all of her energy in the melee.

Death hovered as Ocella made her move. He watched with amusement as she evaded Etrama. It gave him joy if he could feel such an emotion. All the while Ocella moved, his amber eyes traced her movement. Though she may be invisible to Etrama, Death was able to lock on to her life energy, the line of energy that gave all beings life. She could not hide it from him and when she reappeared, his eyes locked onto her. The dart came racing towards him and he caught it in between his boney fingers.

“I must admit this tenacity is quite amusing,” a voice came from within the cave as Samael appeared walking with confidence. “And who better to possess such unwanted tenacity than my unruly disappointing niece. Have you come to stop me?”

Death examined the dart before placing it within his black garbs.

Etrama was not happy trying to dodge the darts that were aimed at him. He didn't know what Ocella's plan was, but he wouldn't let her get away with it. However, since his minions were going after her he didn't need to do anything. Then he felt his master's power as he appeared in the area, and then made his presence known. It seemed like he was not a bit happy about him nice being here and making trouble for him. Etrama just stood in place since he knew Samael would want the honor of killing his own flesh and blood. Moving back to the entrance of the cave he smiled at Samael as the war officially began. As soon as this was all over he would be able to spend his days with the man he loved. Turning to face the battle field some of his stronger minions gathered around him. They would protect the spell with their lives, and then his soldier in the cave was his strongest shadow soul. It was not going to be an easy fight to break this spell.

Ocella watched as Death caught her dart, sighing at her failed attempt. A voice came from within the cave and she turned in Samael’s direction, though she never took her attention from Death or Etrama, allowing nature to be her eyes. She looked at Samael as he referred to her as his unruly niece, a smirk appearing on her face. “Says the one who slaughtered his own family, and yet I’m the unruly one?” she asked with a raised brow.

He asked if she was there to stop him and she crossed her arms. “Why ask questions to which you already know the answer?” she replied with a question of her own. The fact that Death pocketed her dart did not escape her notice, but she wondered what he would do with it. ‘Please Kyori…’ she begged her friend, her eyes never wavering as she stared at her uncle, transforming into her Master form. “So tell me uncle, are you ready?” she asked, looking at him sternly.

“Oh you’ve come to fight? I thought you came to say hello. Here I was thinking you’d come to your senses. Oh well another dead family member won’t matter,” Samael said causing Death to look in his direction. There was a flicker from amber to turquoise in his eyes before shifting back to amber completely.

“Samael, is it wise to waste energy on such a small insignificant creature?” Death commented.

“She matters not,” Samael replied looking in Death’s direction. “Shall I entrust you in destroying her?”

Death let out a soft chuckle before pointing at Ocella. “If it will please you, she will be no more.”

Samael smirked and shook his head before popping his knuckles. “This should be fun. While I dispose of her, I expect you to protect the cave with your lives. Understood?” Death nodded and turned to remove himself from the fight between Samael and Ocella. Without even blinking, Samael was upon Ocella. “It does not matter what you do here today, he will come and you and your friends will cease to exist.”

Just as Etrama was nearing the cave, a large wall of ice erupted from the ground. Death saw this, his eyes narrowing on Ryan whose hand was placed firmly on the ground a few feet away.

“Oh look, another one,” Death said looking at Etrama. “Shall I, or are you ready to be of use?”

Etrama just listened to his master as he and Death toyed with her. She was so easy annoy, and make her mad. It was almost comical though she was not of any importance to him. Doing what Samael asked of him was the most important. However, as he approached the cave a wall of Ice formed in front of him, and a cruel smile formed on his face as the Ice Demon Ryan came into view. Etrama lifted his hand to Death, in a stop motion. “This one is mine. I have a question that he has yet to answer, and I want him to tell me on his deathbed. I also don’t need you to fight for me. Besides you need to find that Phoenix. I am sure you have unfinished business with him. Prove that you are usefull yourself, and not just all talk.” Etrama said as he walked towards Ryan nonchalantly. He still wanted Death to mind his own business, but he was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing him angry.

“So you came to avenge that little Nephilim did you? Well I can make sure you suffer the same fate as he will under the spell I have cast. Now shall we play?” Etrama asked as he shifted into his Wraith form. He was going to take Ryan seriously from the start, but not use his soul until he was ready. He took his daggers, and waited for Ryan to make his first move.

Josh appeared on the battlefield not too far from the cave. He would need to not be seen to pull off getting into the cave without a hitch. As he slowly made his way towards the cave he encountered a problem. It seemed that this was not going to be as easy as he first thought. There were guards in front of the cave, and they didn’t look like they would be pushovers. He needed to think of something, but his time ran short as one of the guards disappeared. Josh stood up, and was almost too slow to dodge the shadow blade that almost took his head. The three other guards attacked him as well. Making this a four on one fight for his life.

Ocella flew in place with her arms crossed as her uncle and Death conversed about who would kill her and how insignificant she was. She rolled her eyes and popped her neck as she prepared herself. “Are you two done gossiping like little old ladies playing Bridge?” she asked, staring at her uncle. He was upon her at once, threatening her as usual.

“So you think,” she said, placing some distance between the two of them. She wanted to gauge his strength first. Within moments her wand came alive, producing a growing orb of energy in its mist. When the orb was the size of a human’s head she released it, sending it barreling towards her uncle. The orb was laced with a combination of natural poisons such that if it struck, it would cause more damage than the injury alone. It was also locked onto her uncle in that it would follow him, a trick that she had picked up from him.

Samael hovered in midair, his wings not visible as he watched Ocella. She was so intent on trying to defeat him, trying to get revenge, and trying to protect her loved ones that it amused him how many mistakes he saw in what she did. She produced an orb, a toxic one filled with toxins derived from nature. Samael watched as the orb came barreling towards him and just as it neared he extended his hand and the orb crashed against an invisible force. He shook his head disapprovingly as the orb continued to spin rapidly but seemed to be stuck on some invisible force.

“Do you know why I betrayed your grandfather? Do you know why I extinguished the lives of parents? Such lowly creatures unfit to inhabit anything. Shall I tell you how it happened?” The orb began to shift and change in color and speed.

Ryan stood up straight as Death moved away from the battle Etrama was walking into.

“When you least expect it Etrama,” Death spoke when Etrama was out of hearing range.

Ryan smirked as Etrama began walking towards him. The shift in form came with a shift in power and Ryan’s eyes narrowed. Etrama wasn’t going to play any games and neither was he. Ryan’s shift into Master form came with a change in the atmosphere around them. It grew colder, a dry cold, a cold that hurt the lungs to breath. Ryan’s hand tightened around the bow as he unleashed a volley of arrows in Etrama’s direction, each swirling sporadically towards his target.

“Do I have a choice but to listen to your gibberish?” Ocella asked, still glaring at her uncle. It made her nervous that he had caught her energy bomb so easily, and more so that it was changing, shifting colors and gaining speed. She knew what was to come from it and was preparing herself. “Your reasons matter not to me- only who you are. We cannot co-exist so long as you are bent on destroying this world, and all others in this realm. That is why I fight, not for them,” Ocella replied, shaking her head at her uncle.

“Then fight like you mean it and stop wasting my time with these parlor tricks,” Samael replied flexing his hand causing the orb to shoot back towards Ocella. The sound was like a cannon.

Etrama looked at the ice demon as he shifted to his master form. It was a sight to see him change into a beautiful new form. It was almost a shame that he would have to kill him. The area suddenly turned cold, and it almost hurt to breath, but he was used to death. So it really didn’t bother him. As the arrows came towards him he could feel a change in the air around them, and knew they would not be good to counter. He quickly dodged the arrows. Once he was free of that nuisance he ran towards Ryan. He needed to close the distance between him, and the young Demon. Arrows are only effective in long range combat.

He sent a mental command to one of this minions, to ensnare Ryan in a shadows. The corpse used the shadows around the demon to try and entangle him as Etrama made his way toward their enemy. Twenty other corpses also got a message to charge at Ryan, most of them were physical fighters, and a couple of them were once people that could control speed. Their job was to slow down the Demon speed with a spell. He stopped running towards the young demon once his orders were being carried out. Now he would have to deal with his power of reanimation. No matter the outcome Etrama will be satisfied.

Ocella backed up at once as soon as her uncle spoke, releasing her orb towards her once more. Ocella braced herself for the impact, she knew that it would follow her wherever she went and that trying to flee was useless. ‘Erobus, grant me thine light,’ Ocella thought to herself as her wand began to produce light from it. A shield made of light came forth, growing in size and strength until it surrounded her completely, acting as a forcefield. When the orb struck her field she was blasted back several yards, landing hard against a tree and banging her head against it roughly, but she was still alive. She looked up at her uncle with a smirk on her face.

“If it’ll make you happy to tell me your motives dear uncle, then by all means please do reveal what happened that night,” she spoke, standing to her feet once more, taking off into the air to avoid Etrama’s army.

Samael hovered over to his niece. She had struck the tree hard, but something intrigued him when she had called upon Erobus to grant her light. It annoyed him that the Elder God was still in control, that he sat upon the high throne and had damned his own brother, the God of Destruction, to the void. Samael’s intent was to release the great god and bring about a new era. It was strange. When his niece collided with the tree, he felt a twinge of worry. Why was he feeling such emotion for her? He cared not for his family. He had murdered his brother and his brother’s child, along with her husband, why now would he feel any remorse? While it was true that Samael had fallen in love, he did not think that other emotions would weasel in. He didn’t know what he would do if Etrama died, it was something he didn’t think about. Etrama brought him something he never thought he’d feel again, and now here he was feeling worry for his niece’s wellbeing.

“You don’t have to fight me Ocella. We both know how this will end if you continue. Just leave. I am giving you a chance to leave.”

Ryan didn’t stay in one spot after his first volley of arrows missed their mark. Instead he moved with swiftness, drawing Etram into the frozen forest atop Mount Fuji. This forest was known as the suicide forest. Many spirits dwelled that drove innocent lives to their end. They were lonely, and Ryan knew that Etrama would have a hard time finding him in the confines of the forest, if he could make it in. He was nearly there when shadows snaked up his leg trapping him in place. At that moment, it seemed that 20 undead warriors were rushing towards him.

“Damnit,” he said under his breath as he closed his eyes and exhaled. The temperature was still dropping in the area thanks to the spell he activated on his arrival. As long as he stood, as long as he was alive the spell would continue. He hoped Joshua, Aeterna and Ocella were able to keep warm because Mount Fuji would soon be a frozen tundra. As soon as the corpses were upon him, they froze instantly, one after the other. Their bodies would forever be forms of solid ice. Ryan focused his attention on Etrama. Since the corpse that was responsible for the shadow was frozen solid, he was able to snatch away from the tendril and move towards the forest. He stopped just in front of the entrance looking back at Etrama. Aiming ever so delicately, he released three arrows.

Death turned slowly watching everyone fight. He kept going back to what Ocella had said to him trying to reach the spirit dragon. The boy had a book, what kind of book did the transcended give him? His eyes darted from Samael to Etrama yet he did not move from his position until he felt a familiar presence.

Ocella winced when she looked up from her position and saw her uncle hovering over to her. He was so fast, she knew that she couldn’t defeat him on her own… but the others were locked in battle and it worried her. Her eyes softened when he spoke to her, giving her the chance to leave.

“How? How could I leave when the one whom you seek to summon will destroy everything? My friends, my husband, I’ll truly have nothing left. You’ll take everything from me. How could I stand by and allow that? How could remaining with you replace that?” she asked him, looking at him sadly.

“Why do you seek such destruction uncle? Why do you hate so? Even now my husband is being used as a pawn and his very life is at stake. How can I just stand by and let that happen?” she asked, daring not to take her eyes off him. Ocella felt the atmosphere changing, becoming colder and shivered in response. Nature itself began to freeze and she allowed herself a moment to look at the scene before her as her eyes slowly began to disappear. She would have to be more alert now that the terrain had become a frozen tundra, she couldn’t see through nature unless she created more. Ocella cursed mentally as her eyes returned to her uncle once more, hovering just a little higher to ensure her safety from Etrama’s army.

He watched her as she took to the sky. She wanted to escape Etrama’s army to which Samael could only watch from his position. His armies had already begun their march on the world. Led by his General, the armies began to trample cities. Any who did not succumb to his power were slain. However, Kelda and Art along with the backup Dorian had spoke of clashed with his titanous army trying to put some sort of barrier between the army and the innocence that was the world. Samael looked up at Ocella as he moved, appearing in front of her in the blink of an eye.

“I held back in our fight that your master interfered in, but trust me if you do not give in I will not hold back.” Samael said taking note of the frost that was settling on everything around him. Etrama’s minions were finding it hard to move as they were corpses already and their bodies froze quicker than a living being. Samael had to admit it was a genius strategy, one he would have used himself had he had to face Etrama.

“I seek justice niece. I seek justice against the pantheon and the so called gods. My brother was taken from me, my life was changed forever and my heart darkened. I seek REVENGE!” he commented as he thrust his hand forward, a spell circle appeared around his hand. “I will not allow anyone to stand in the way of my revenge. NO ONE! Now I ask again, remove yourself or I will remove you.”

For some reason the thought of killing his niece did bring a sadness to his heart and there was even a moment in which a tear seemed to want to push its way to the surface of his duct, but never succeeded as he glared at Ocella.

Ocella listened to her uncle and looked at him sadly as he appeared in front of her. He told her why he wanted to summon the God of Destruction and Ocella felt great empathy in that moment. “I understand,” Ocella said softly as a spell circle appeared in his hand. She was nervous, she knew that he could kill her any moment, but she could also see a flicker of hope in him and that hope gave her the courage to continue. “I understand uncle. Much of the Pantheon is misguided and overbearing, but they mean to protect the world from darkness. Your brother was Not taken from you, he Chose to protect the innocent. He chose this over the love of his life, he lost his entire family including his own child. He never lost that love, NEVER,” Ocella smiled softly at her uncle and took in a deep breath as she prepared herself for what could happen.

“I understand why you seek revenge uncle, but who will be left once he is resurrected? Will you finally be satisfied or will there still be sorrow and darkness in your heart?” she asked, hovering in front of him now. She reached her arms out with genuine emotion and gave her uncle a hug. “I harbor no hatred in my heart for what you have done to our family. I am saddened by what happened, but I harbor no hatred. Tell me uncle… have you ever loved before?” she asked, pulling her head back to look at him. She was greatly aware of the spell circle in his hand and hoped with all of her heart that he wouldn’t slaughter her, that she could reach past the darkness in his heart.

In that moment he was vulnerable. He had never allowed another in such as he with Etrama and now his niece had managed to penetrate the dark barrier that surrounded his heart. Still, he had a job to do but the emotions that were flooding his senses were causing a disruption. He was about to speak when he felt her warmth, her light wrap around him. Everything in him wanted to push her away, but there was something he had forgotten that allowed her light to continue to hold him. His own light was comforted by her hug and for a brief moment Ocella would see his angel form, something that had become contaminated with darkness. It now stood before her as beautiful and radiant as any angel. She would see a smile, but then it would vanish. The darkness would come and the light would go out. An eruption of power would surge forth knocking Ocella away and regaining control of Samael.

“I… I have loved and I do love, but that has nothing to do with my revenge on the heavens.”

Ocella could see it. She saw his angelic form and looked at him in awe, a smile on her face as he smiled at her. It was something that she had doubted for so long still existed within him. Suddenly the smile vanished from his face and before she could react, an explosion of power sent her flying back from her uncle as she landed roughly on the ground beneath them, bouncing and flipping over backwards several times. She held her head and groaned in pain, a gash had appeared on her forehead from the impact and she held her hand over the wound, blood trickling down her fingers.

She gazed up at her uncle as he spoke, a sad smile on her face. “Who uncle? Who do you love?” she asked, standing with some effort. She was trying to regain her senses as she looked at him, taking off into flight once more.

“Love is beautiful,” she commented as she hovered in front of him once more. “Love has everything to do with your quest. You loved your brother, didn’t you? You never lost him, he never lost that love. Pray tell me uncle, why would you take something so beautiful from so many? Would you have it taken from me?” she asked, still in her beautiful, angelic form. She reached her free hand out to him, her movements soft yet steady as she tried to brush the back of her fingertips against his cheek.

“Who I love is none of your concern,” Samael spat as he watched her attempt to touch him again. This time he thrust the spell circle hand into her chest and there was a bright glow and what sounded like an explosion. Samael did not move, as if unaffected by the attack he just launched at his niece.

Ocella knew that she was in trouble the moment he spoke. She could hear the tone in his voice, and without hesitation he thrust the spell circle into her chest. With the explosion came a scream of pain that filled the battlefield as she yet again was sent tumbling through the air, crashing hard against the ground and landing several yards away. She laid there still after the impact, cringing in pain as she tried to breathe. There was a sharp pain in her chest, as if several of her ribs were broken either from the blast or the impact.

This affected her greatly, she felt dizzy and light headed as she desperately tried to heal herself. “I’m sorry,” she spoke to her uncle, coughing. “I shouldn’t have pried,” she said, her voice hoarse as she looked up at him. “You never told me… what you sought revenge from the heavens for,” Ocella questioned, still not quite able to move yet. She knew that she was in trouble and that her time was limited, but she was doing everything she could to bring her uncle back.

‘Kyori…’ she thought desperately to her friend, her voice pained. ‘Remember. Remember who you are, even if I do not make it. Please Kyori,’ she begged her friend, struggling to push herself up as she cringed in pain from her broken ribs. Her breaths were labored and she looked around at the army around her. ‘Think Cella, think,’ she told herself, trying her hardest to ignore the pain in her chest and to take flight once more. The pain was incredible as she spread her wings, trying as hard as she could to flap her wings and to fly. The army came close to her and she looked around with great worry on her expressions, but suddenly her wand came to life.

She looked at the sentient being, a soft smile on her face as she felt the first of the army grab her. The wand lit the area around her, filling it with warmth and light, sending a force field of energy around her and knocking the undead back. If she could kill them she would, but how could she choose herself over Amon? The army struck at her, though were unable to penetrate the spherical force field that surrounded her. They piled on top of each other until they surrounded her completely and in that moment her attention was focused on figuring a way out of this mess, rather than her uncle. She was in pain but her will was strong, and as she knelt down to put further distance between the undead that encased her… a sonic blast went off around her, knocking the undead army off of her, sending them flying back away from her.

She looked up at her uncle sadly and shook her head. “What is the point of all this uncle? Will death and destruction truly make you feel better, or will there still be a void? Will that darkness still be in your heart?” she asked, finally managing to take flight once more.

Etrama just watched as his army was frozen in place thanks to Ryan and the fact that he was dropping the temperature of the mountain. All he could do was watch as he freed himself, and made his way to a forest. Following him, but keeping his distance as to be able to dodge anything that came his way. Then it happened three more arrows came his way. He was able to dodge two of the arrows, but the third sliced open his side.

However, lucky for him the arrow only created a laceration, that actually froze at the same time so he didn’t have to worry about the injury. This ice demon was proving to be a nuisance and he was quickly getting tired of him. Just a little bit longer and he could summon his storm elemental soul to his side, and then Ryan would be in a world of hurt. For he would have the power to fight off his cold. Though, the cold didn’t bother him at least yet. He was a wraith, and lived in the spirit world. He was used to the cold of death, but his minions that are made of the earth were not as lucky. They would freeze easily. However, what Ryan didn’t know was the effect that this would have on the Nephilim Amon. Well it didn’t matter. The poor man would die anyway if the spell continued on it’s course. At least he will die. Etrama ran towards Ryan as fast as he could. He need to close the distance between them, and make this a close quarters combat till he was able to merge his soul with the other soul.

Joshua had his hands full trying to fight the four shadow souls that were attacking him, and the screams of all of the lost souls around him. Trying to keep his concentration as sharp as he could, and trying to block out the screams that were filling his ears. Trying to concentrate was hard, but he knew one little slip up, and he woulds be dead. Also keeping in mind what Ocella said about them being connected to Amon, and not to kill them. So as of yet he hasn’t transformed into his master form. He was hoping his smaller frame would allow his fro better movement. However, he was finding that doing so only put him at a disadvantage. Since they had no reserves about using their power on him. In fact he already had some minor lacerations to his arms and legs trying to keep them from being able to get a hold of him. He could use one of his abilities on them however he had no idea what effect it would have on Amon. He was trying his best to not hurt the man that Cells loved.

He continued to fight off the shadow users as the temperature in the area started to drop. He was starting to feel the cold as it covered the area. This must have been Ryan’s doing since his love's power works better in the cold. However, he knew that eventual his tolerance to the cold would give the colder it got. He must find a way to finish this battle soon so he can break the spell that was using Amon. Knowing that the cold would start affecting not only his movement, but the movement of the things that were attacking him, but he would have to have patents and skill to out last his attackers. However, before the spell was able to effectively slow their movements the four corpses disappeared into the shadows. This put him more at a disadvantage, he would be the only one affected by the spell that Ryan had cast. Continuing to dodge all of the shadows that were coming towards him, and still trying to find a way into the cave to free Amon. As the atmosphere continued to get colder Josh knew that his movements were also becoming sluggish. Casting a speed spell on himself helped him keep up with the shadows for the moment at least.

Amon was pretending to sleep in the infirmary as the others waited for the signal to make their way to the battlefield. So many thoughts were running through his head as he just laid there amassing energy for what he was about to do. He just needed a little more time, and then he would be able to leave without causing anyone to panic. Then it happened Ocella’s voice rang through his head as much as it did the others. With that signal they all disappeared to wherever they were going. Now was his only chance since the woman that was attending to him left the room to go ad get something. Amon opened his eyes and chanted a spell that would teleport him to where the magic circle had to be.

As his body appeared in the cave he was at least able to stand on his feet for the moment at least. He found that this spell was slowly disintegrating his body, that is why his physical strength was affected. If it weren't fro the regenerative abilities of the white dagger that was inside of him, that for some reason activated when the spell took effect. He didn’t know the difference between now, and when Etrama was toying with him, but he was at least grateful for that one little aspect. It was the only thing keeping him alive at the moment. Though it was only keeping him from being eaten alive by the spell, it didn’t help with the fact that his body was still heavy.

Looking around the cave Amon tried to find the location of where the spell was located. Lucky of him it didn’t take long. The soft purple glow of the circle was distinct, and the only light source this deep in the cave. Making his way towards the light he found the magic circle, and smiled since he had enough power to break a spell of this caliber. Falling to his knees he touched the magic circle closed his eyes, and began to speak and incantation. However, unbenounced to him there was a set of eyes watching hi from the darkness of the cave walls.

The shadows came to life and walked towards Amon who was not paying any attention to it. Raising its shadow sword it plunged the blade into Amons midsection. Amon held back his scream, and the blade dug deep into his body. He fell forward onto the magical circle, and his blood flowed into the spell. Amon was not unconscious, but his vision was tethering. His breathing was sporadic at first and slowly began to slow. The shadow returned to is hiding place, and Amon continued to cast the spell that would break this curse, but it now would take time.

Ryan paused at the entrance of the forest smirked as he waited for Etrama.

“Welcome,” Ryan said with a smile as what looked to be tall beams of frozen earth shot up one after the other around them, trapping both of them. They only could go one way, and that was into the forest. “No more running,” Ryan said as he lifted up both hands showing that he had nothing up his sleeves, this would be an all out physical fight that Ryan was hoping for. He had trained for this and he was going for the kill. Ryan nocked an arrow and aimed at Etrama. “Can you keep up?” Ryan as he released the arrow. It spun, gathering frost as it went becoming a swirling torrent of sharp ice, masking the arrow within.

Samael watched as his niece was attacked by the corpses Etrama had summoned. It was very interesting to see how sluggish they’d become due to the cold. He had noticed the change in atmosphere, but he remained focused watching the ground slowly freeze beneath him.

“Destruction will bring me happiness. It will bring me peace, I will enjoy watching them pay.” Samael was getting annoyed with the interference from Etrama’s minions. He watched Ocella as she took to the air and he extended an open palm in her direction. “Do you like pain Ocella?”

“Pay for what uncle?” Ocella asked, shaking her head softly. “What will be left after everyone is gone? Why do you believe that he will not destroy you just because you summon him?” Ocella asked curiously. She watched as he extended an open palm in her direction and asked if she liked pain.

She could see that her window of opportunity to get through to him was gone, at least for now, and that he wasn’t willing to continue their discussion much longer. She had been hoping to stall until something changed in their favor, until it wasn’t just her facing him… but she hadn’t been able to accomplish that. It was time to defend her life, to last as long as she could and perhaps even bring her uncle to peace. “I’m not particularly fond of it,” she answered truthfully. “But I’ve learned to cope with it,” she finished, keeping her eyes locked onto him.

“Is this truly it then uncle? Do you wish to kill me? To cause me pain and to make me suffer simply because I do not wish for others to suffer?” she asked, looking defeated. She was preparing herself for what was to come while feigning to be weaker than she was.

Etrama looked at Ryan as he effectively created a cage for the both of them. He just smiled at the young demon as if this was all part of a grand play that was meant for the both of them. The he mentioned no more running, and he looked as if he was ready for a fight. Something Etrama will gladly give him. “I haven't been running Ice Demon. You are the only one that has been scurrying about afraid to actually fight. Though I already know you brought me here for a reason. But remember not all advantages can lead to a win.” Etrama said with a smile on his face as he felt the shadow in the cave move. Then he felt a familiar power within the cave and he smiled.

It seemed Amon was trying to break his spell, and met with his shadow servant. The servant reported to Etrama on what happened, and his smile only broadened. “It seems a little mouse scampered into a place he should have stayed away from, and now is dieing because of his stupidity.” He said in an amused voice as Ryan shot his arrow at him. Bending down to the earth he summoned a lower level soul to his side to act as a shield. The arrow struck the body of earth, and froze it solid. The body shattered, and Etrama was closing the distance between him and Ryan. He didn’t know how well this young man would react. “Amon made a huge mistake in his condition, and now he is paying for it.” Etrama said as he reached Ryan, and tried to slice the demon diagonally across the chest, then followed up by trying to kick him in the abdomen. A little bit longer and he would have enough power.

Etrama was upon him in almost an instant. This is what he wanted, but what he didn’t want was to be told his brother was bleeding out in a cave. Ryan’s eyes narrowed on Etrama but he remembered something Ocella had told him when they encountered Etrama atop the building the day he was told that Etrama had done things to his brother. It was hard to maintain control upon hearing of his brother’s condition, but he stood there, defiant, as Etrama swung his dagger with every intent to cleave into his chest. He still had a promise to keep, he was going to make Etrama pay. The bow shifted and changed in form into two blades that he used to parry the strike, though the blade of Etrama’s dagger still slid across his skin. The kick sent Ryan shooting backwards, but he landed on all fours like a cat and looked up at Etrama licking his lips rather seductively.

“Is that all you got playboy?” Ryan said standing up and running a finger over the cut causing it to seal with ice.

Samael looked at his niece, his hand shaking slightly as he fought internally on killing her.

“Allow me to show you what happened so long ago.” There was an intense blast of energy that shot from his hand. Samael and Ocella were transported back in time, back to where it began, when Samael was betrayed and allowed darkness into his heart. He was a warrior of the heavens, just like his brother. The two were among the strongest of the archangels, next in line to become seraphs, but the pantheon had other plans. There was jealousy in the works. The vision continued, showing Samael in his beautiful radiant form as he spoke to the council. They were splitting Raziel and Samael apart, sending one to the forefronts of the war and leaving him behind. Samael begged, but to no avail. That was the choice of the council. His brother accepted it without question, but Samael did not. His brother wanted him to understand and obey the law. Samael refused. A fight broke out between the two and that was the last he saw him.

There was a shifting in scenery. Raziel fought on the lines and Samael was unable to help. Samael’s lover at the time was slaughtered and Samael was forbidden to help. The pain of watching and unable to protect him caused a shift in his heart. His brother returned from the war holding his lover but the pantheon continued to interfere. Samael was sent away and when he refused, his own brother under the orders of the pantheon, forced him away. There was nothing more painful than feeling alone, to lose everything. The high council had turned on him because he was too vocal, because they were jealous. Samael was alone, he was thrust from his home to live among humans. He showed Ocella how his heart darkened, how the god of destruction spoke to him, gave him what he needed to get revenge, informed him of the ceremony. Samael killed his own, killed his brother who still served the pantheon. He showed Ocella the day he came face to face with Raziel and how they fought, but Raziel showed him kindness, showed him love, and how his servants had actually killed Raziel while Samael watched. His henchman killed her parents and burned the house. Samael had shed a tear that day but the darkness within him quickly removed that emotion.

When they returned to the present, Samael lowered his hand and had his eyes closed. He shook his head.

“They took everything from me, and I am merely returning the favor,” Samael said. “You protect and for what? THe moment you become useless to them they will throw you aside.”

Etrama chuckled at Ryan’s little comment. He was trying to get under his skin, and that was not an easy task. Though he did like his mindset. His seductive way of licking his lips made Etrama smile. “Well if you are wanting a good time. I can play with you much like I did that little Nephilim. Though you might find it a little more exhilarating than he did.” Etrama said with a seductive smile on his face. He knew the ice in his side was growing. Though not too fast. It would give him plenty of time to play with Ryan.

He ran towards Ryan once more. He wanted to do more damage this time. Though this time he held out his hand with his dagger still in it, but now it had a wisp in his hand and he pushed it into his chest. By the time he reached Ryan the soul had fully nested, and an electrical current was around his blade. He slashed at him once more.

Ryan twirled the two sabers expertly as Etrama neared. He prepared for what was to come, but when Etrama produced an electrical current around his blade, Ryan flipped away just in time. The heat from the current filled the air and Ryan landed gently as he took a stance.

“Is it fun to to have no real power of your own, to have to rely on things you’ve STOLE from others? Admit it, you are worthless.”

Ryan slammed the two sabers together causing a mist to slowly fill the area. They were in the forest now, but not too far in. Ryan kept his eyes on Etrama, a smirk on his face.

A flash of anger could be seen in Etrama’s eyes when Ryan called his worthless, but he quickly got that under control. The only thing he hated more than anything was to be called useless, or worthless. He would make sure to kill this Ice Demon very slowly, to make him suffer for his crime. “Say what you may, but my power is stronger than yours, and I will show you how insignificant you really are,” Etrama said with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. “But let’s not get too carried away. You still have a question to answer before you die. Besides, what fun would it be to kill you before I get to taste you. Much like that Nephilim before you. He tasted

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good, I don’t think you will taste as good though.” Etrama said as he started to walk towards Ryan.

But just as he started moving Ryan slammed his swords together, to cause a mist to form he just laughed as he raised his hand, and before Ryan disappeared sent five blades of wind in his direction in hopes of hitting him. “Hiding will do you no good!” Etrama said as he looked around for Ryan. If he didn’t find him soon he will flush him out. However, the ice in his side was starting to bit into his flesh, and grow a little faster because of the continues decrease in temperature.

Ocella simply hovered in place, watching her uncle closely. She could see his hand shaking before he spoke, though this time his voice was not laced with the same venom as before. She didn’t know what to expect, though suddenly there was a bright light that accompanied a burst of energy from her uncle. She was expecting the worst, but what she saw next shocked her.

The two were taken back in time and Ocella saw both her grandfather and her uncle as the angels they were, alive and as a family should be. She saw the events unfold before her eyes and she felt great sorrow to experience her uncle’s pain first hand. Her grandfather had never spoken of this, nor had Master Dorian and she couldn’t help but to wonder why. She saw the battle in which her uncle lost his lover and a tear fell down her cheek, seeing her grandfather return with her grandmother.

The visions shifted slowly but steadily, revealing how her uncle had come to be who he was today. They revealed what happened when he had last seen her grandfather and her parents, how he had not been the one to end them… and yet he had simply allowed it to happen. She understood why he hurt, why he hated and why he wanted to destroy. The visions ended and she was before her uncle back in the present, a soft and sad expression on her face. To see the death of her family over again in such clear, vivid detail brought upon her a plethora of feelings that she hadn’t prepared to feel on the battlefield. Another tear fell down her cheek as she did her best to keep her emotions in order.

Then he spoke again and Ocella dared to hover directly in front of him, close enough to reach out and hug should he allow- yet she made not the move to do so, rather stayed her place to gauge his reactions. “I’m so sorry,” Ocella said, her voice kind and passionate. “You did everything for them. For your family,” she said, her voice soft. She shook her head and sighed. “You are right in that much of the Pantheon lacks common sense and common decency,” she paused when she felt her skin tingling and the hairs stand on her neck, causing her to look up at the skies. “Hush. You would have had me dead and condemned to hell by now because of what-ifs,” she commented, and the tingling subsided though her hairs still remained standing. “Okay okay sorry yeesh we’ll talk about it later I’m sure, and you know that was not directed at you Master Dorian,” Ocella spoke, grinning mischievously at her uncle.

“Despite that, what I said is true. But I do not serve them, I am here and have done everything today of my own accord, much to their dismay. I protect the ones I love and those too weak to protect themselves because I want to. The pantheon already has thrown me aside, as you probably gathered, but that does not change my love for those I care about. Now that you can, wouldn’t you do anything in your power to protect the one you love?” Ocella asked, looking around before her. She was struggling to stay afloat for such lengths, given the pain from her ribs and the consistent flapping of her wings.

“Your brother still loved you despite his service to the Pantheon. Neither you nor I serve the Pantheon, but that does not mean we have to side against them. That either of us do. Instead of harboring hatred for their judgement and their behavior, I choose to prove them wrong. I choose to simply be myself, and to show them that no matter what happens I will Always be me. I’ve found that’s the best way to get their wings in a wad, proving them wrong,” she said, chuckling softly.

She looked at him sincerely once more. “Uncle… you don’t have to harbor hatred for the actions of others. Love the one you love, and yourself. I’m sorry for the anguish of the past, but harboring the hatred does nothing to cherish the future. The Pantheon doesn’t make you who you are, the God of Destruction doesn’t make you who you are, you do,” she said, looking at him cautiously. She wanted so desperately to hug him again, to give him comfort that he needed- to help heal his pain, but she didn’t know if he would allow her to.

She extended her arm out to him, turning it around and opening her hand to him. “Please uncle… may I hug you once more?” she asked, hoping that he would accept her gesture and not blast her out of the sky again.

The mist flowed and as it flowed the temperature dropped severely. The mist was of frozen origin and when the wind blades came, one cut into Ryan’s left arm and the other cut into his side. Ryan held in the agonizing pain and tried to focus. The mist stopped and he twirled his sabers feeling pain with each movement.

“How can you hit that which you don’t see Etrama.”

Ryan jumped into a nearby tree and took aim, his sabers forming back into a bow. He unleashed several arrows, but his vision was becoming blurred due to his blood slowly trickling out of the wounds.

Samael glared at Ocella as she extended her arm to him.

“ENOUGH!” he shouted sending a massive wave of energy in a radial blast. “I have no use for hugs.”

It happened before she could react. She was learning much of her uncle, she could only hope that it wouldn’t cost her her life. She learned that he didn’t want hugs and that she would have to keep her empathy in check to avoid further blasts of energy striking her out of the sky. The massive force of energy struck her without warning, unleashing in a radial blast with enough force to send her rocketing into the ground, leaving a small crater around her. At first she didn’t move. No sounds came from her and she almost appeared to be dead.

Finally she began to stir to life once more, she had to remember how to breathe for the pain in her chest was agonizing. She opened her eyes and looked up to her uncle. Minions were gathering around her but she couldn’t move. “Okay… you don’t… like hugs. I’m sorry… I… know now,” she said, her voice weak and hoarse as her head rested against the edge of the crater. The minions made to attack her and she did the only thing she could, she teleported out of their sight some feet away, still to where her uncle could see her. The minions stopped and looked confused, giving Ocella a moment to regain some of her strength and to observe herself. She was bleeding from several locations containing deep scrapes, cuts, and bruising was forming. Her clothes were tattered from the blast of energy but she managed to smile despite the pain.

Ocella still hadn’t gotten up yet for she was doing everything she could to recover some form of strength. She tried to take in a deep breath but winced in pain when it fell short. “When… when my parents died… Master Dorian granted me a gift,” she began, feeling the hair standing straight on the back of her neck. She ignored them and continued without addressing it.

“He gave me something that would allow me to see my family again… and though they could not return, I would receive closure from them,” she looked around as the minions finally noticed her and tried as hard as she could to push herself into a sitting position. “It would allow me a way to see them and to return,” she explained, forcing herself into a standing position and wobbling a bit.

She was feeling dizzy and lightheaded, nearly seeing doubles of the minions before her.

“Would… would you like to… see your loved ones again… if I brought you there? I’ve… made my peace with what happened. I would be… happy to let you see… your loved ones instead,” Ocella offered him her gift, under the stipulation that she accompanied him. She was the only path he had to get there, for the gift had been bestowed upon her and only she could use it… but she had found a loophole in those stipulations and had offered to use it for him instead. She saw the minions closing in on her and shook her head softly, teleporting away once more, still in sight of her uncle. Although she desperately wished to see her family again, to find that closure with them and to get some things off her chest she hoped that he would accept her offer, that it would help him find some measure of peace.

He listened, and part of him smiled. She was offering him a gift, a gift to see Soryo once more. The angel he fell in love with so long ago who he couldn’t protect because of the pantheon. She was offering him this and he could feel warmth. Etrama’s minions were closing in on Ocella and with what seemed to be electrical energy, Samael caused the minions to stop in their tracks as he slowly approached Ocella.

“You offer me this freely? After all I’ve done?”

Amon’s breathing was still not right, but he was staying couscous even though he was bleeding into the circle. As he continued to chant his spell under his breath he could feel the battles taking place outside of the cave. Josh was trying not to hurt him by killing Etrama minions. Ryan was holding his own till he got injured. Aeterna has yet to make it to the battlefield. Ocella was in the worst of shapes. She has been fighting Samael alone, but not making any progress, and now she was seriously injured. Amon couldn’t take his time any more he needed to finish the spell before everyone fell victim in this war. Though he would have to act quickly since the shadow was more than likely watching him.

His chanting got faster and louder, and he hurried the spell along. He couldn’t think about his well-being anymore. His love needed his help before she was killed. As the circle started to glow the Shadow came to life once more. This time he was going to kill the man before him. Taking his blade and pointing it Amon’s heart he ran towards him. However, the creature was too late. Amon finished the spell, and the circle cracked. Then shattered into a million pieces. He collapsed once more exhausted from what he just did. He was still bleeding, but at least he saved his wife.

Josh was still trying to keep himself alive and not destroy the minions that were attacking him. He now suffered from several lacerations, but was still able to keep himself one step ahead of them. However, suddenly the shadows quit attacking him, and he looked around the area, and saw the minions returning to the earth from whence they came. “How in the world…” Josh questioned, and then something came to him. He quickly made his way to the cave, and inside where his fears came true. Amon was lying on the ground bleeding. “You were supposed to let us handle this.” Josh said in an angry tone as he moved over to Amon and turned his on his back. To look at the injury. He worked as fast as he could to stop the bleeding. Luckily for Amon the injury was not as bad as it could have been. Though he doesn't have a healing factor.

As soon as he finished patching him up he went to leave the cave but Amon stopped him. “I am coming along. I am not going to watch as all of you fight. I will not let my fife face this threat alone.” Amon said as he tried to get up. Giving an audible shigh. Josh helped him to his feet, and they began to exit the cave.

Etrama didn’t know if his attack hit Ryan of not. The air was too cold to try and smell for blood, and the mist was too thick to see through. He was at a disadvantage, but even now the smile never left his face. “Not everything relies on sight young one. There are many different ways to fight, yet you are still so young. Maybe I will teach you a thing or two about life.” He said in a serious tone as he closed his eyes, and listened. Using his hearing to try and determine his opponents next move.

Then he heard it. Something cutting through the air. With this he was able to dodge all of the arrows that were coming his way. He was dodging them as if he was dancing. The movements were flowing and not a moment of wasted energy. “Your emotion betray you Ryan. You might think you are calm, but your attack say otherwise. You are wasting too much movement, and energy. Are you trying to end this fight quickly?” Etrama asked as he just waited in place for Ryan to strike once again. Then suddenly he felt a surge of energy that caught his attention. Opening his eyes, and looking away from Ryan his eyes went wide. “That damn Nephilim.” Etrama sid in an angry tone. His playtoy made a big mistake, and he would make sure he payed for that. As soon as he finished killing this little Demon. Then he will make him suffer more than he did the first time. Since he will not have to hold back.

Ocella could see the minions closing in on her. She was running out of energy to keep teleporting away from them and didn’t have the strength to fly. She closed her eyes as she prepared for the worst, bracing herself for what was to come. It was her time, and she winced as she prepared herself for the inevitable.

But then… there was nothing. Ocella dared to open her eyes, wondering if death had been painless for her. Much to her surprise the army had stopped and her uncle stood before her. He spoke to her, a smile on his face and she nodded her head. “Everyone deserves to love,” Ocella said weakly. Suddenly the army began melting into the ground and she looked around with worry written on her features. She was concerned, but then she saw Joshua and Amon exiting the cave. She sighed in relief and was able to focus on her uncle once more.

“But no matter what, you cannot do anything else. This gift is solely to visit loved ones past, and I am entrusting you enough to bring you there. Will you make that vow with me to not misplace that trust?” Ocella asked, looking at him sternly.

His inner demon screamed to kill, to lay waste to those before him, but he didn’t. He continued to smile, and continued to feel warmth that overcast the darkness. He looked at his niece and for the first time he saw her with the eyes of an arch-angel, a being of light. She asked him a simple question and he nodded.

“To see them again one last time, a gift I don’t deserve but accept.”

“On the contrary Etrama, it’s you who is wasting too much of something, and I call it space,” Ryan said giving away his location. The arrows that Etrama danced around began to glow. They had pierced the ground deeply and Etrama was unable to see what the arrows formed.

“Tell me Etrama, what was it I told you on that building some time ago?”

Ocella smiled when her uncle nodded his head, making the promise with her. He spoke of not deserving the gift but accepting it and she smiled at him. “I… I need to… take your hand,” she said wearily, looking at him with caution. “Please allow me to so that I may bring you there,” she requested, hoping that he wouldn’t react negatively. She revealed a small orb in her hand and smiled, thanking Master Dorian for the gift. She reached her hand out softly to him as if to prepare to take him there, waiting on him to tell her that he was ready. If he accepted her hand she would bring them immediately to a plane of peace, a land of neutral balance in which his loved ones could meet them as well. He would see them as they were before, exactly as he remembered. They would be able to speak to him of their own accord, to speak as they would and to move as they pleased.

Etrama turned to face Ryan once more. He knew that he needed to keep his cool, so his face was a mask to his the fact that he wanted to kill Amon. Then his prey asked him question, and a smile returned to his face. Yet he wondered why this Demon was drinking that up. “I remember you telling me that you would reveal the secret of who that Nephilim was upon my death bed. But, I am changing that little aspect of your condition. You will tell me right before I take your life.” Etrama said as he narrowed his eyes trying to see right where Ryan was. Granted he knew in Which direction, but nothing more.

The cold was starting to cause him some problems. Granted he lived with the dead but it never got this cold before. Though he was not going to let Ryan know this. “So far you are all talk, and no action. Everything you have sent my way I have avoided, and you still think you can defeat me? Don't make me laugh you pathetic ice Demon.” Eterna said in a confident tone. Though he still didn't know what Ryan was planning.

“You, who have done so many dark deeds, you don’t deserve mercy, you don’t deserve it. I will keep my end of that promise Etrama, and I only hope you find peace in the afterlife.”

Ryan jumped down from the tree as the mist began to clear. He stood only a few feet away from Etrama. “Ocella would grant you mercy, for it is in her nature, but I, I will make sure that every painful breath you take you remember all the dark deeds you’ve done.”

Ryan stomped his foot lightly, his eyes closed as he spoke. “Special Technique: Bamboo Garden.”

The arrows that littered the ground all around Etrama began to shift and change into ice bamboo spears. They shot up in all directions, cleaving through the earth as if it were nothing more than paper. Ryan stood watching the arrows transform. He was preparing as he allowed the bow to vanish. His eyes began to shift and his hands began to transform.

Etrama’s smile left his face as Ryan spoke again and this time his smile faded as he spoke his words. Did this lousy demon think he could kill him easily? Don't make him laugh. Ryan was nothing to him. The mist disappeared and the young demon was standing right in front of him looking like him with such hateful eyes. He did love the beautiful blue of his eyes, and they looked beautiful even now. He also saw that Ryan had received two injuries from the blades of wind he sent the demons way earlier. Both of them were still bleeding.

“You will not be able to defeat me so don't get cocky.” Etrama said as he watched Ryan. However he was not expecting what happened next, and he found himself on the defensive once again. He moved around the bamboo shaped ice. Though one of them stabbed him in the side. Tearing through his flesh. Lucky for him it was when he was leaning over if not the injury would’ve kill him.

Gritting his teeth as he jumped back. Reaching his hand to hold the injury. He eye Ryan with content he was tired of playing nice. He wanted to break him so he could play with him, but now he was not going to hold back. His eyes glow slightly as he stood straight up, and looked at Ryan. “I will never regret anything I have ever done. So try your worst, but I will be the one surviving this battle!” Etrama said as lightning surrounded his body. He had a reason to win this fight. He wanted to be with Samael no matter what happened, He would return to him. A high wind also picked up within the confines of the forest. He was going to bring down a tornado in this small area, and destroy the forest and Ryan. The wind continued to pick up speed and start to spin in a circle.

A single dart shot towards Etrama as he was summoning his tornado. The forest was a spiritual place protected. Ripping it apart would cause the spirits to become enraged. Ryan felt the wind pick up and smiled.

“You’re going to have to do better than that,” Ryan growled his voice inhuman as he began to shift. His body was twisting and contorting into a beast that stood over Etrama even in his wraith form. Ryan let out a demonic roar as he glared at Etrama, his tail swishing back and forth. The entire time he was transforming into his ice demon form the dart that had been shot at Etrama neared it’s target.

Samael stood in this new place surrounded by warmth. It felt welcoming, serene here. It nearly brought a tear to his eyes. Ocella stood beside him as he took a step around the peaceful place.

“It is beautiful,” he admitted as Raziel and Soryo appeared before him. Samael gasped gently and stared into their eyes. “Brother!” Raziel smiled warmly as they shared a warm embrace.

“Too long have you lived in the shadows my brother. Be free,” Raziel said as Soryo stepped forward.

“You are and always will be the man I love. Don’t stray from your light. Embrace it.”

Samael could only look from one to the other.

“I have done so many dark deeds, how can you forgive me so easily?” Samael said.

“Because we love you. Love transcends all Samael. Even in death the love you shared never dies. Yet do you truly seek vengeance for something beyond your control?”

“I….I hate that I wasn’t there. I should’ve been by your side. I..”

“It is alright Samael, I lived a great life and I defended my home. Your presence wouldn’t have made any difference. Don’t harbor hate it was simply my time. I want you to be free from that my love. Be free.”

Slowly their presence began to fade as Raziel and Soryo smiled at Samael. Raziel noticed Ocella and blew a kiss in her direction.

“Stay on the path of light my dear. You have the hardest task of all.”

Their surroundings changed and they were back on Mount Fuji. Samael was clutching his head in agony as the darkness reacted to the warmth of his inner light. He looked at Ocella and held up a hand.

“Stay back…” he warned screaming in agony. It felt as if his head was about to explode.

“Traitor. You serve me Samael.” A dark voice boomed across the mountain top. “You are weak!”

Ocella watched as they found their way to a plane of peace. It truly was beautiful and she could see the peace Samael was feeling simply being there. Ocella stayed back ever so slightly, not wanting to interfere with his time with his loved ones. She saw her grandfather and closed her eyes, fighting back the tears that wanted to come forth. She wanted to hold him too, to speak to him too, but it was no longer her gift and she had accepted that. She was grateful to see that he was well, that he had been allowed peace in the afterlife.

He seemed to notice her and she smiled a teary-eyed smile at him, nodding her head at his words. The scenery changed once more and they were back at the war zone. She looked to her uncle, seeing that he was in pain. She made to help him but he held up a hand and warned her to stay back, so she did as she was told. A thunderous voice boomed through the mountain and she glared at the mountain. “HE IS NOT WEAK!” she shouted back at the voice, transforming once more into her angelic form as she ignored the pain from her injuries. “He is who he is meant to be!” she defended her uncle, hoping with all her heart that he had the strength to fight the darkness.

“It is YOU who is weak! Praying on others in their time of sorrow to do your bidding!” she shouted, hoping to give her uncle the distraction he needed to battle this monster.

Etrama watched as Ryan transformed into a full demon, and began to tower over him. He was not going to lose to this creature. He knew this was a forest of spirits, but he didn’t care. He was going to tear it asunder just to kill this demon. Even if the spirits haunted him for the rest of his days. As the wind started to pick up enough to form the tornado something struck Etrama in the back. Granted he didn’t feel it penetrate his skin, but he did feel the effects of the paralysis toxin that it was laced with.

As the toxin spread through his body and nervous system, the wind died down a little, and he was not able to move. He watched as the towering Demon approached, and a small smile appeared on his face. As his eye started to glass over. He wouldn’t be around to see this world change, nor would he be able to stay by his love Samael’s side any longer. The world needed both black and white, good and evil to exist. He was just playing the part the Pantheon forced upon him because of their decision. However, now he sees the error of his ways, but it was too late to do anything about it. Hatred never solved anything, but in the end ‘They’ are the ones that formed this hatred because of their hypocritical ways. A product of false gods, with ideas of grandeur.

Closing his eyes and accepting the fate he brought upon himself all he could do was stand there and wait for the Ice Demon. No Ryan to kill him and take revenge for what Etrama had done. Both in the past, and now. “Don’t think that killing me will solve anything. Your true enemy is those that create people like me. Remember that young warrior.” Etrama said in a calm soft voice as he waited for Ryan’s attack. They’ would finally get their wish the end of his species.

Ryan’s eyes widened when the wind died down. What had happened? Ryan wouldn’t worry about it now, instead he would use this rare chance to do what needed to be done.

“Special Technique: Frozen Cannonball!”

Ryan’s body rolled into a large ball. It began to spin rapidly pulling in sharp shards of ice and just as Etrama finished talking about the true enemy, Ryan shot forth colliding with Etrama dealing massive amounts of damage to the poisoned wraith. The two crashed through the forest, Etrama hitting every tree until they crashed against a large boulder. Ryan shifted back into his humanoid form and before Etrama could fall from the boulder, a spear made of ice struck him right in the heart.

Ryan backed away slowly as he looked at Etrama. He felt pity for him, but Ryan’s body had been through enough to tire him out. He fell to his knee but he remembered something.

“I promised you I’d let you know. Amon is my brother,” Ryan said looking up at Etrama. “I only hope you find peace in the afterlife.”

The moment Ryans body slammed into his Etrama could feel his ribs break from the impact, and he coughed up blood every time he hit one of the trees. By the time he hit the bolder, every bone in his body was broken. Having a hard time seeing he could feel when the pressure of Ryan’s attack ended. Then before he could hit the ground a spear pierced his heart, and into the rock.

A wisp slipped out of his body and floated over to Ryan entering his body using Etrama power. “Thank you for freeing us. Although he was not as bad a person as you might think he was. Take care young warrior for the true battle has yet to be fought.” The wisp said as it then exited Ryan’s body and disappeared.

As Etrama hung there his vision was fading and the pain in his body was going away. He coughed once more and only smiled at the Ice Demon as he kept his word. No wonder he harbored such hatred for him. As he felt his body going even colder he spoke his last words. “Samael, I am sorry… that I…” Etrama was unable to finish his words as his heart stopped beating and he passed from this world.

Samael screamed in agony as what looked to be black smog slowly coursed from his body. In a sudden burst of energy, Samael looked to the heavens. The smog poured out of his mouth and until nothing remained but Samael’s dim light. He felt a great loss in energy but when he felt Etrama’s energy fade, he closed his eyes and passed out from the energy loss. The black smog slowly began to form into a rather large manticore type creature. Horns protruded from his head, his mouth lined with razor sharp teeth. He stood well above the others, and his hands stretched as he opened his eyes.

“Ahh, you must be Ocella. Finally I get to destroy the one responsible.” His energy was immense as soon as he was freed, Kyori gasped.

“We must hurry, I feel his presence,” Kyori said as he approached Ryan who was about to collapse from blood loss. He managed to grab him and looked at Aeterna. “Gather Etrama and meet me on the battlefield,” he said softly before moving swiftly towards the massive spike of energy he felt.

“You think I am weak little angel? I have crushed your kind with a snap of my finger and I shall do the same to you.” The dark god charged at Ocella, his speed incredible.

Ocella watched it all as her uncle screamed in agony. A dark smoke of sorts seemed to be coming from within him and she smiled at this, knowing that he was fighting the darkness. “You can do it uncle, I believe in you!” Ocella called, both fists clenched. By now her injuries had stopped bleeding, and though she was still battling her broken ribs it had become easier to move and to react. She watched as the smoke took shape and her eyes narrowed at the creature before her.

The God of Destruction stood in front of her, ready to kill her as his first victim. “Death has had me in his clutches more times than most. I’m afraid it’ll take more than a snap of your claws,” Ocella taunted the God, smirking as she cracked her neck. The God charged at her and she teleported away in a flash. Trees began to shoot up along the battlefield once more and when she reappeared she was in her Master form once more. She wondered how the others had fared with their battles, she hadn’t seen any of them in so long. “Can you keep up after eons of exile?” she asked, turning her head to look at the God.

“Special technique- Sonic BOOM!” she called, her energies flaring as a pulse was felt through the Earth itself, before it dispelled through every living tree in the area, sending a massive tidal wave of energy all throughout the area surrounding the God. Even for a God it would be devastating, for the amount of energy used in that attack had derived from the basic energies used to create life itself. “After all the efforts I have exerted towards putting a wrinkle in your plan, I think I deserve a little more effort on your part than snapping your fingers,” she chided, still smirking.

Aeterna followed Kyori into the forest. There they found Ryan and Etrama’s body. He listens to what Kyori said, but it made little sense to him. Why bring Etramas body with them? Though he didn’t have time to argue. When Kyori disappeared with Ryan in tow Aeterna approached Etrama’s body, and pulled the spear from his chest. The body fell to the ground as he threw the spear to the side. Placing his arms under Etrama’s shoulders and knees he picked him up. Then disappeared into the shadows to follow Kyori.

When he appeared on the battlefield he looked at the creature that Ocella was fighting, and a shiver ran down his spine. Was this the God of Destruction? Finding the others he ran over to them still holding Etrama’s body.

Josh was still helping Amon, and the god of destruction was born. What in the world happened to bring this on? He thought as he set Amon down. His own wounds starting to get to him. Amon was not too happy with what was going on. Especially with the power he felt from the thing that they were to be fighting. “We have our work cut out for us” He commented as he gathered as much strength as he could. If everything goes right he will be able to heal everyone.

Kyori appeared beside Joshua with Ryan’s body. He placed him gently on the ground and sighed, moving a strand of hair from his face. He looked towards Ocella and Subore. Standing, he moved slowly towards the battlefield. Then Ocella unleashed a massive attack on Subore.

The god of destruction stopped in his tracks as he was struck by the massive energy. When everything subsided the deity stood with a smile on his face and his arms crossed. “Do you honestly think my brother would gift you the magic necessary to destroy me? He could not,” Subore said as he took a step forward orbs of dark chaos magic shooting towards Ocella with each step the beast took.

“I am going to enjoy ripping your wings off little angel.” Subore took one step and appeared directly in front of her. “You’ll be surprised how much fun it was. I can recall ripping them off of my brother’s creations.”

Kyori noticed Samael’s motionless body and immediately vanished, snatching his body and returning to the others, placing Samael next to Ryan. “We have to help her, she’s no match for him,” Kyori said softly looking at the others. He noticed how beat up they all were and knew that this fight would be the fight to end it all.

Ocella looked at the God in disbelief when the mist from her attack cleared. He stood there, as tall and unscathed as ever without having spent a particle of energy to defend himself. She knew that she was no match for him, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try everything she could to hold off the inevitable. She knew pain would come, followed by death. She had accepted her fate, but if she could give the others a chance to end this war it was worth it. Her only wish was not to go to hell upon her demise, but that was something she would have to wait to see.

The dark God began walking towards her, unleashing orbs of chaotic magic towards her that she knew she needed to avoid. She grit her teeth, dug her right foot into the ground and screamed as all of her energy poured forth into releasing a shield around her, catching each of the orbs as they collided with the shield, exploding, weakening her shield and herself and sending her skidding backwards with each one. She never lost her balance and smirked when the attacks were over. Her ribs were on fire and she was covered in sweat, but she refused to give up. She looked up and the God was directly in front of her before she could even blink her eyes.

He spoke of ripping her wings off as he had so many angels before him and knew that pain was soon to come. ‘Amon… I love you,’ she thought to her husband, hoping that he was safe. She stood erect and glared at the God of destruction. “You sorry, slimy excuse for wasted space. You’ll meet your end, one day soon and shall never have the chance to return again!” Ocella said in defiance. She smirked and vanished before he could move. “Do you really believe it will be so easy to kill me?” her voice rang loud and thunderous through every inch of nature surrounding them. She had fled to the top of the mountain amongst the trees themselves, her light giving off her location. If she was to die that day it would be on her own terms.

Josh saw Kyori appear with Ryan in his arms. He ran over to him as he was placed on the ground, and touched his face gently. “What happened to you?” He questione with a worried look on his face as everything was happening. Placing his head against his loves chest he listened for a heart beat which he found. A flash of relief crossed his face as he realized Ryan was still alive. His wounds had healed, though they did take longer than normal. He was still not ready for this fight.

Aeterna appeared next to his family and placed the body of Etrama on the ground next to Samael. It seemed that a lot of people were out of commission or badly injured. He was not worried too much about himself. As long as the potion remained in play as least he wouldn’t feel pain when he was struck. Watching as Ocells fought with the dark God he stepped next to Kyori. “I will buy as much time as I can.” He said as he disappeared and reappeared on the shadow of the Dark God. “Shadow Art - Shadow Sand.” Aeterna said as the shadow he was standing on became like liquid, and tried to envelop the god of destruction.

Amon watched as his family appeared one right after the other. He knew that he would need to help, and that the technique he was going to use could only be used for a short amount of time, and only so many times before the power would run out. Lifting himself off of the ground as best he could the angelic dagger appeared in his hand. He knew this was going to be risky in his current state, but it needed to be done.

He stabbed himself in the heart with the dagger, and the blade began to glow. “Forbidden Spell - Angel transformation.” Amon said as the dagger merged inside of him giving him the power of light. Though to heal everyone was going to use up the power stored in the dagger. His appearance changed to that of an angel, and he mover over to Ryan first and healed him, and the others. Granted this wouldn’t recover their energy, but at least they were no longer injured. Once he finished he disappeared from everyone's side. He went to go look for his wife.

Just as he was about to grab her, she vanished. Subore glared as he followed her energy to the top of the mountain. She wanted to play and play he would. He had felt the arrival of others, but they seemed preoccupied, that is until he began to sink into his own shadow. At first he roared in defiance, but then he smirked as he reached into the shadow and pulled Aeterna out by his throat.

“Who do you think you are? You are nothing,” he spat as he thrust Aeterna away, returning his focus to Ocella. Within seconds he was in the forest Ocella occupied. Though he knew where she was, he felt like playing a lovely game of cat and mouse. He smirked. “Little angel, do you feel safe? Do you think you are able to hide from me?” Subore began to move through the forest pretending as if he didn’t know where Ocella was. “Even the spirits tremble before me.” Subore slowly cut his wrist and allowed black goo to drip onto the forest floor. Each drop began to transform into hideous spiders that scurry in every direction. Their job was to find Ocella and make it hard for her to escape. Their webbing was like metal.

Ocella felt his presence enter the forest and her form sunk into the tree it had occupied. She was watching him from the confines of a large oak tree, watching as he looked for her. He cut his wrist and black drops struck the ground, transforming into spiders that made her skin crawl. She shivered at the sight, wondering what they would do to her if they caught her.

She vanished from the tree, her energy signal spreading throughout the entire forest. The trees began to grow thicker at a rapid pace, making movement between them difficult. Every shrub and source of greenery blossomed higher than ever before, filling the cracks between the trees.

‘Ocella, you need to reign in your emotions or you’ll turn this forest into a tomb,’ Master Dorian’s voice spoke. Ocella smiled at the memory, remembering the comfort his wisdom and presence brought her in difficult times. She knew that her time was limited and she remembered his words. It seemed like a good idea this time, this time she wanted to turn the forest into a tomb. A living tomb with spirits of the dead surrounding them, even if they did tremble from the God that walked before them.

Ocella spoke naught. She allowed her energy to flow throughout the entire forest, masking her location. Greenery had split between the cracks of the trees, sealing them. She herself was transcending from tree to tree, never staying in one location for too long, never appearing in her physical form, never using magic and never speaking. She was running out of room to hide for his spiders covered the forest. They were upon her tree and began to attack it instantly, ensnaring it in a metal-like web as they dug as hard as they could at the tree. ‘Please don’t try to face him alone my love,’ Ocella thought to her husband, her voice sad yet peaceful. ‘He is far too dangerous. I have accepted my fate,’ she told him, staring at the God as she teleported from the tree to escape it. The spiders had found her energy and raced towards her when she reappeared in another tree. She sighed, knowing that she couldn’t outlast them for long. How long could she draw it out for? What was she waiting for? Where were the others? Where was her uncle? What was happening outside of her fight? Was she to die alone, in an overgrown forest filled with spirits whom had taken their own lives?

Ocella closed her eyes and the forest began to return to its normal state once more. She had run out of places to hide and reappeared on the battlefield, flying strong and defiant as ever. “Well done, you found me,” she spoke, her voice soft as she accepted what was to come. She lifted her head up high, staring him down in defiance as she raised her hands. Orbs of energy appeared in her palms as she prepared for her final strike, the orbs gathering in magnitude as she waited for his arrival. She had never expected to die like this, but she had no regrets about anything she had ever done. A single tree grew off in the distance of the battlefield and she smiled, for it held the Seraph blade. With any luck they could use it against this monster to defeat him. ‘Joshua,’ Ocella thought. ‘The blade resides within that tree. Simply rest your palm against it and it will reveal the blade to you,’ she thought, hoping that he was alright. She was ready. The moment the God was upon her, she would release her hail Mary and hope for the best.

It didn’t take long for his prey to be found. Even with the trees attempting to close him in, he broke through them, his very touch corroding the trees until there was nothing.

Kelda, Art and the others fought against Samael‘ army but then suddenly they all began to extinguish as if the source of their power was wiped out. Kelda and Art looked at one another though they were thankful, they had no idea what was going on.

“We need to check on the others,” Art said his form returning to normal.

“I agree,” Kelda said as she and Art removed themselves from the battlefield.

Aeterna was concentrating on the technique that would hopefully work, but that was a pipe dream. The Dark One was able to reach through the shadows, and grab a hold of his neck and pulled him through the shadows to him. This stopped the shadow trap. Aeterna felt the God’s anger in his grip, and he was lucky that he didn’t break his neck. Instead he shoved him in the opposite direction that he was heading. Stumbling backwards with just his action Aeterna had a hard time trying to catch his footing, and fell hard on his injured side. The potion was still in effect for the moment, so the Shadow Phoenix was unaware that his injury opened even more. He watched as the God went after Ocella. He had a technique that would be able to hold him still, long enough for the others to attack, but the timing would have to be perfect. Because chances were he would die from the experience. They needed to coordinate their efforts to make this work. Though he was unsure if it would even work!

Josh looked down at Ryan with a smile on his face as Amon healed him. He didn’t ask how he was able to change forms, or why he stabbed himself with his blade. All he was grateful for was that he healed his love. Leaning over Ryan he kissed him on the forehead as he could see the color returning to his face. He wanted to end this war so that They could all live happily. Standing up he looked down once more with a smile, and transformed into his master form. Taking to the skies to follow Amon.

Casting his haste spell on himself he used that speed to try and reach Ocella, and Amon who was ahead of him. He had heard something about the Dark God ripping of her wings. He knew that would be extremely painful.

Amon flew as fast as he could to try and reach his wife before the Dark God could. He didn’t want to lose her no matter what. His energy was returning to him, but he would need even more energy to be able to protect her. Granted he used quite a bit of time to heal Ryan and Samael, but it was okay. He knew they needed his help first. He heard Ocelas voice in his head, and the words stabbed him in the heart. He would not let his wife die at the hands of the God of Destruction. “Don’t you Dare give up on me. You were there for me, and I will be there for you. I won't let it end this way!” Amon said assertively into the connection with his wife. Flapping his wings harder as he tried to close the distance before anything could happen to her.

Subore smirked as he looked up at Ocella. She was maintaining her distance from him, but he knew she was done running. There was no where she could go that he couldn’t find her. He could feel others coming towards them, but they would be of no help. He took a step and appeared in front of her. Her barrage of energy orbs crashed against his form filling the sky with smoke. Before the smoke cleared, Subore was upon Ocella, smacking her to the earth below. Before she was able to stand he was upon her once again. He looked down at her, mocking her.

“Where is your hope now little angel? All of that talk wasted. Come, I shall show you the true meaning of PAIN!” Subore said as he stepped onto her back and reached down, his claws glowing with chaos magic. There was a sickening ripping sound that filled the air as Subore seemed to effortlessly rip one of Ocella’s wings off, blood spurting from the wound. Subore let out a victorious roar as he reached down once more and ripped Ocella’s other wing off. He held them up like trophies before a blast of energy to his chest caused his eyes to divert from Ocella.

“Who are you?” Subore stated with a smirk.

“My name is of no importance,” Kyori said holding his staff.

“I shall crush you,” Subore stated roaring as he stomped towards Kyori.

“Rings of Light,” Kyori said softly as his staff began to glow. “Let the power of Erobus shine, let his light fill the void.”

Ocella smiled softly when Amon spoke to her. She would not argue with him, she simply knew that if this attack did not work that it was her time. Subore was upon her in the blink of an eye, her energy colliding with him. She had put everything she could into the attack, every ounce of power she had… and yet, before the smoke could clear she felt a hand smacking her back to the Earth. She landed roughly on the ground and heard more bones breaking, crying out softly in pain.

He was there once more, relentless in his quest to defeat her. His foot was upon her back and she could feel it crushing her as he asked where her hope was. “My hope… lies with the others… now,” Ocella answered as she struggled to free herself, but it was of no use. Suddenly, he fulfilled his promise to cause her pain and as the ripping sound filled the air, so did a blood curdling scream of agony as Ocella realized what was happening to her. He had ripped one of her wings off and blood was seeping freely from the wound, her insides exposed. Then it happened, he seemed to effortlessly rip her other wing off and she screamed out in pain once more, her body falling limp on the ground, her cheek resting against the Earth as he roared in victory. Blood was pouring down her back, coating every inch of her upper torso.

She felt weak, her energy was fading rapidly and she could hardly keep her eyes open as she struggled to breathe through the pain. Her muscles were working rapidly as if trying to fly away from him, but her wings were gone. A single tear fell down her cheek as she realized how she would die, and though she heard the God talking she could not understand what he was saying. Her vision was fading rapidly as pain filled every fiber of her being, but the blood flow seemed to be slowing. Her body fell limp entirely as Subore walked, crushing more of her bones as he stepped off her. She winced at this, falling unconscious immediately after.

Amon was too late. The scream that filled the air was not something he wanted to hear, and it felt like it would crush his heart into oblivion. Then the second scream was freed from his wifes lips, and it only made him move faster. However, by the time he reached Ocella’s side she was unconscious, but still breathing. Her wings no longer on her back, and he could tell that she had been bleeding bad. Though Amon didn’t see any wound where their should have been. So he looked to where the God was heading, and Saw Kyori there. Figuring that this was his doing. Amon turned his wife over on her back, and by this time Josh arrived.

Josh was not able to keep up as well as he hoped, but when the screams filled the air he flapped his wings harder. It took/ him some time to catch up with Amon, but when he did the Nephilim was looking down at his wife who was covered in blood. Reaching out his hand he placed it on his shoulder. “Amon, Take Ocella to safety. She needs to be out of harm's way. I think Kyori would approve. I have to go and get the blade that Ocella left for me to find. We need to end this fight. Once and for all.” Josh said as he squeezed Amon’s shoulder. He knew he would do the right thing.

Amon heard Josh’s words, and nodded his head. The power of his angelic heritage disappeared, and he was now normal. “I will be back as soon as I can.” Amon said as clearly as he could. Tears were falling from his face, and he could barely speak without his voice cracking

10-13-2017, 04:07 AM
He picked up Ocella, and wrapped his wings around her as he chanted the same spell he always uses to teleport from one place to another. He disappeared into a sheen of ice.

Josh opened his mind to Kyori “I will be back. I am off to get the blade Ocella risked her life for.” Josh said as he took flight once more. He was trying to keep his cool, but he was pissed that this God dared to take Ocella’s wings from her. He was going to make him pay. He quickly made his way over to the tree. “Second Song - Sanata.” Josh said as his body disappeared in a flash. Some would think he cast a teleportation spell. However, this was an ability that allowed him to move at the speed of light, at a cost.

Aeterna sank into the shadows. Using them to get to where the God was confronting everyone. Granted he arrived too late, but he was feeling winded and fatigued. He appeared behind Subore ready to fight him once more. As soon as he could he would relay his idea to the others, but not till the time was right. He would need everyone for this one attack. Because if it didn’t work he wouldn’t know what else to do. HIs breathing was starting to increase in speed.

Amon appeared where Ryan and the others laid. Placing Ocella next to her uncle that she tried so hard to save. Amon kissed Ocella on the lips, and brushed some of her hair out of her face. “I love you. Please don’t leave me alone in this world.” Amon said softly as he stood up once more and looked to where the fight was taking place. He hoped that they would be safe from the fight. He would stay for just a moment as he needed to compose himself.

Ocella appeared in a dark room, surrounded by nothing and a black void. “I died, didn’t I?” she asked, her voice soft and defeated as she looked behind her. Her wings were gone and she stood before the Pantheon in her human form. She was covered in blood, lacerations and closed wounds all over her body. Suddenly clapping could be heard and Ocella simply looked around the room, her face still that of defeat as she fell to one knee, her hands gripping the steel bar.

“No young one, not yet,” Arterus’s voice spoke softly to her, causing her to look up. “How am I still alive? Why must death be so painful?” she asked, her eyes filled with pain. “You have sacrificed so much young warrior, do you wish to die?” he asked, looking at her sadly. Ocella thought about the question and sighed sadly. “I wish to be with Amon, to be with my friends. I want us to win this war, to save everyone- but He is so powerful,” she answered him. “How do we stand any chance against him?” she asked, looking for guidance. She was lost and broken, defeated and in pain without her wings. She was grounded and didn’t know what more she could do, but she wished so desperately that there was something more she could do.

She looked up to the Pantheon, despair in her eyes. “Can I even move when I wake up? So many of my bones are broken, it hurts so terribly,” she asked, sighing in defeat as she stared at the ground. She thought of something that Subore had said and a spark lit in her eyes. “I know what to do!” she said suddenly, a grin on her face as she stood, shakily at first until she was able to reach her full height again. She hesitated and looked to the Pantheon.

“So, I’m not in trouble then? For anything I’ve done?” she asked wearily. “My dear you have faced more difficulties than we could ever throw your way. Consider yourself clear,” Artherus said, winking at her. She smiled at him and closed her eyes, returning to the land of the living once more. She scrunched her eyes together at first, moaning softly in pain as she tried to gather her strength.

Subore charged at Kyori who looked very unconcerned. He jumped away, dodging Subore every time the god got close to him. He wasn’t launching any attacks, but Subore was blasting at him with chaos magic.

“You call yourself a dragon? You’re more like a fairy,” Subore stated with a smirk. Kyori landed softly after barely dodging a orb of chaos that struck a tree behind him.

“Is that your excuse for being a failure?” Kyori replied causing Subore’s smirk to vanish.

“You think you have what it takes to beat me?” Subore yelled as he slammed his foot into the ground causing it to vibrate slightly. Kyori’s eyes never moved from Subore. His face was emotionless. It was as if he knew something that everyone else did not. Subore grew tired of the games and charged at Kyori. He vanished and appeared behind the spirit dragon. Kyori spun around just in time to meet Subore’s horn with his staff. The resulting collision sent Kyori skidding backwards, leaving trenches in the ground.

“Impressive,” Subore said as he vanished once more. This time he appeared right in front of Kyori and unleashed a hellish barrage of fists. Kyori retaliated with his own barrage of kicks and punches to block and counter, but even he couldn’t keep up and Subore landed a strong punch to his stomach, sending him rocketing backwards. He was able to stop himself just shy of hitting a boulder. He looked up at Subore who was upon him, but Kyori spun the staff in his hand and it collided with Subore’s chin. Subore growled and backed up slightly shaking off the sudden hit.

Amon watched the battle from where he was standing, and was amazed that Kyori was able to keep one step ahead of the God. Then he heard Ocella moaning behind him and quickly turned around to see that she was regaining consciousness. He hurried to her side and reached down and placed his hand on her cheek. “I am glad you are still with me.” Amon said in a low happy tone. As he waited for her to open her eyes.

Josh landed hard after using his technique to get him to the tree that Ocella showed him. He knew this was going to hurt, but he didn't expect it to be this bad. Several broken bones we're his consequence for using this skill. He would have to wait till he healed completely before using it again. Standing on shaky legs he stood in front of the tree. And placed his hand on the tree like Ocella told him too. Once he did a light green light came from the tree, opening a hole on the bark. Reaching in he pulled out the feather like blade and looked at the ornate design.

Placing the blade in his robes he needed to wait a bit longer before he could at least take flight. So for now all he could do was walk back to the battlefield. 'Kyori. I have retrieved the selph blade. It will take me a bit to get back, but I will be there as soon as I can.’ Josh said into Kyori's mind as he slowly made his way back.

Aeterna watched in awe as Kyori dodged, and countered the dark God. All he could do was watch as he maneuvered around the battlefield. Then he connected with his love, and he flew back with great force. However, he was able to stop himself from hitting a rock. Giving a sigh of relief he knew that Kyori had to have a plan. Since he was fighting with such confidence. 'Kyori. What is your plan?’ he asked connecting himself to his love's mind. He didn’t want to get in his way.

Ocella heard someone speaking to her and winced, half expecting pain when she awoke. She gently opened her eyes to see Amon standing there, his hand resting upon her cheek. She offered him a weak smile at best as she tried to steady her breaths, for the pain she felt was incredible. “Wh...what’s… happening?” she managed to ask, wondering where the God was.
She was trying to move but knew that it would take great effort on her part. “Help me up?” she asked weakly, smirking as she knew he would likely protest.

Kyori looked at Subore who had a wicked grin on his face.

“You’re different from the others. No matter, I will destroy you like I will destroy them,” Subore said as he rubbed his chin and glared at Kyori.

“You talk too much, speak with your actions,” Kyori replied causing Subore to nod. The two vanished, colliding. Each time they collided shockwaves were released. It was amazing to see Kyori actually keeping up with the god of destruction. Each strike that they launched landed aggressively against their bodies. Damage was an afterthought to them as they seemed to enjoy fighting each other. The thrill of seeing just how far he’d come drove Kyori to do things he normally wouldn’t. Subore landed a powerful punch and Kyori retaliated with a powerful kick to Subore’s neck. Subore reeled, but grabbed Kyori’s leg and attempted to throw him. Kyori landed on his hand and performed multiple flips before landed softly on one knee.

Aeterna could only watch as Kyori went blow for blow with the dark god. He had already known that he was nowhere near the power level his love was and he did feel a little inadequate because of this, but he was not going to let this get to him again. He wouldn’t allow himself to fall in that trap once again. He will have to come to the fact that Kyori didn’t need protecting. Though he was concerned for his love when he ignored the question he asked, and just fought without a care in the world. They needed to fight as a team in order to win, but would they be able to win either way? That would need to be seen. He used the shadows to appear next to Kyori. “Kyori. What are you trying to prove?” He asked, but figured he was just doing what he thought was right. “What are you wanting to do? We need to fight as one, not on our own.”

Amon looked at his love in the eyes as she smiled at him. Smiling back as she asked a question that he knew that he would have to answer. He didn’t want her to worry about that right now, but he would have to at least fill her in. “Kyori is fighting the God of destruction in a one on one fight, and is holding his own. Josh is getting the sword, and Aeterna is waiting from the looks of it. That is all I know.” Amon said in a concerned voice for he knew she would want to return to they fight, and he was right. She was trying to get up. He placed a hand on her chest trying to stop her from getting up. Then she asked him to help he up. With a saddened look on his face he shook his head yes and wrapped her arm around his neck, and picked her up.

Ocella saw the look on Amon’s face and smiled sadly at him, for she knew what that look meant. Despite his silent objections he had done as she requested, helping her up as quickly as she could get up. She was in pain and trying to fight it, though she did cling to him for support for a few moments. She steadied her breaths and forced herself to transform into her master form, minus her wings, her light shining brightly from their location as she looked to where Kyori was fighting the God. She smiled a teary-eyed smile, seeing her brother having returned to their side once more.

Her light was as bright as the sun itself and blasted across the battlefield, striking Subore as if trying to blind him but not the others. Within that light, dart after dart filled with the same paralytic toxins that caused Etrama’s demise sped towards the God, traveling the speed of her own holy light. She smirked and winked at Kyori. “Glad to have you back bro,” she said with a genuine smile on her face.

“I’m not trying to do anything, just survive until you all get it together and help me!” Kyori replied to Aeterna.

The blinding light filled the area just as Subore was about to charge at him once more. Kyori took this opportunity to unleash an attack. He slammed the staff into the ground and thrust both hands on either side of the staff.

“Sacred Technique: Spirit Wail”

Subore growled when the light hit his eyes and he closed them. He felt the darts strike him and could feel the poison attempting to paralyze him. It was distracting. Then some sort of energy ripped through the area, striking him, gnawing at his soul. He was pushed back a few feet as he held up his arms in an ‘x’ form to protect himself. When the light subsided, he lowered his arms and sneered at those in front of him.

“Glad to be back sis,” Kyori said as he snatched his staff out of the ground. Subore spit black goo from his maw and cracked his neck. His form was smoking slightly. The toxins were still trying to cause some sort of paralysis.

“Is that all?” Subore stated mockingly as Kyori twirled his staff.

“You tell me smokey!” Kyori retorted caused Subore to roar, several orbs of chaos magic shooting in all directions.

Ocella’s plan had worked. Her light had given Kyori just enough distraction to land an attack, and her darts had made a direct hit. They didn’t seem to be as effective on the God, which was disheartening but she would have to figure out something else. The God seemed angered by their attacks, for though he mocked them he shot out orbs of chaos magic all around. Ocella put up a shield of holy light around her and Amon, praying to Erobus for strength to defend themselves from the orbs. “You should have killed me while I was down,” Ocella called, trying to give Kyori a chance to dodge the attacks. “Because until then I will be a thorn in your side, a pain in your ass and a wrinkle in your plans,” she said with a grin, knowing that Amon would probably want to smack her for her taunting ways, but she always had a reason behind them.

Aeterna saw the attack from Ocella. Which confused him a little since it wasn't long ago that she had her wings pulled off. Then Kyori did the same thing taunting the Dark God, and he reciprocated the gesture by sending dark ords in all directions. In an attempt to get rid of them all. Without even thinking Aeterna grabbed Kyori and dragged him into the shadows evading the attack. “So no plan then. Well I have an idea that might work, but Josh needs to bring the sword to the battle.” Aeterna said as he watched the attacks hit the earth. “I can possibly hold the God of Destruction still long enough for everyone to attack him, but it will only work once. So we have to have the timing just right.” Aeterna said as they appeared out of the path of the attack.

Amon looked at Ocella with a sour look on his face. Getting a little upset about the fact that she keeps antagonizing the dark God. He did want to slap her on the back of the head, but he figured that no matter what the circumstances were.it was just Ocella. “You really shouldn't make him any more angry than he already is.” Amon said in a loving voice as he leaned his head on hers. They were behind her barrier and she was not only protecting him, but their friends and family that were behind them. “We need to regroup and for a plan to fight this God. We are all over the place, and need to attack with a purpose.” Amon said waiting for the attack to end.

Josh was starting to recover from his broken wings, and ribs and should be able to fight once more. The blade vibrated against his skin warning him off the incoming dark orbs. Looking up just in time he was able to dodge to the right of one of the orbs. He had no choice but to take to the skies. His wings weren't one-hundred percent healed, but there was no choice. Flapping his wings flying into the sky as high as he could to escape the incoming orbs. Cringing from the pain he flew through the air. It was faster to reach the others this way, but the pain in his wings were plaguing his body and mind, but he continued his course of action. Soon he would be with the others and then they should be ready to attack head on.

Kyori slipped into the shadows and knew it was Aeterna’s doing. He just barely made it to safety as the orbs crashed against the ground, rock and trees around them. Subore was relentless trying to destroy them. Kyori looked at Aeterna as he spoke and smiled.

“Do what needs to be done my love. We need to regroup first though,” he admitted as he placed his hands on his knees and caught his breath. Keeping up with a god was not easy and in fact it was draining. He looked at Aeterna. “Take me to Ocella please,” he said softly as he waited to be transported.

“WHERE ARE YOU LITTLE FLEAS!” Subore spat as he continued blasting the area around him with continuous magic. Soon the paralytic poison began to take effect and he closed his eyes pushing the poison from his system. When he expelled it he stretched his neck and smiled. “Nice try flea,” Subore added glaring in Ocella’s direction.

Slowly Ryan opened his eyes just as Samael began to stir. He looked up and saw Amon and Ocella protecting them from some oncoming blasts. He sat up realizing all of his injuries were healed. Slowly he stood to his feet glad to see Amon and then he noticed Ocella didn’t have her wings. Samael slowly opened his eyes and looked up to see Ryan, Amon, and Ocella who was struggling to provide shelter from chaotic blasts. Samael slowly stood.

When the blasts stopped, Ryan looked at Ocella with worry. “WHERE ARE YOUR WINGS?” he questioned causing Samael to turn instantly in Ocella’s direction.

“The beast has taken your wings. I am sorry for this, for all of this,” Samael said as Ryan turned to him and glared.

“Yea and now we have to figure out how to fix this.”

“Let me help,” Samael said as Ryan scuffed and turned his back on Samael.

“I assure you there is a way to defeat him. It will take all of you, the Seraph blade and my spirit stone. Please tell me you have those items.”

Ocella jumped when she heard Ryan shouting at her from behind. The blasts of magic had stopped and she leaned against Amon for support, smirking as he chided her. “I was trying to give Kyori a chance to escape by distracting him love,” she reassured him with a soft smile. Her uncle spoke and she knew that he had defeated the darkness within, that this was truly her uncle speaking to her. “Is...is that really you, uncle?” she asked, looking at him wearily. She could only smile sadly and nod gently at him as she looked at him with teary eyes as he spoke, wanting nothing more than to hug him but refraining from doing so after the last time she had hugged him. “I’ll live,” she assured them both, putting on her brave face as she always did in difficult times.

Ocella looked to her uncle when he said there was a way to defeat the God, then looked in the direction of the tree to see Josh heading their way. “Joshua is bringing the blade now, and Kyori last held the stone when Death was with you, so he should still have it,” Ocella answered with a soft smile. She felt rather overwhelmed and simply found herself holding Amon, her body shaking slightly as it slowly healed the bones that had been broken. There were still plenty of broken bones, but they were mending.

Aeterna nodded at Kyori as his love was catching his breath. It was time to regroup, and finally end this battle and free their world from the destruction that was to follow if they didn’t eng the god of destruction. He reached out for Kyori’s hand and grabbed a hold of it taking his love through the shadows to where the others had gathered.

Amon Kept a hold of his love not letting her fall back. As she leaned against him he knew that was her so he didn’t chastise her too much. Then Ryan and Samael started to wake up. He was not too trusting of Samael, but Ocella was happy to have him back si he wouldn’t say anything. However, Ryan on the other hand didn’t hold his tongue. He told him what he thought of him, and Amon could agree with Ryan, but his real enemy was lying on the ground where Samael had been laying. Shaking his head removing his thoughts from that time. Now was not the time to dwell on what had happened to him.

“If you wish to help then help, but don’t believe that all of us will completely trust you. You tried to kill the man I loved like my father, and you allowed that wraith to…” Amon stopped speaking and turned his attention back to the dark god. Dwelling on the past was not something he wanted to do.

Josh finally made it back to where the rest of his friends and family were gathered. Landing among them his wings were not in the best of shape, but they would still heal with time. He looked around and saw Ocella he knew her wings had been taken, and he approached her hugging her gently trying to at least comfort her. He knew she was putting on a brave face, but she was a little fragile on the inside. Once he finished hugging her he pulled the blade from the inside of his robes revealing the blade. He then went to hand the blade to Ocella.

Samael looked at his niece, knowing the pain she must be feeling. He flapped his own wings, a beautiful radiance flowing from him into her, to ease her pain. Without warning, he embraced her after Josh had stepped out of the way and held her as close as he could.

“You are strong my niece, and I know you will find a way.”

When Joshua revealed the blade to Ocella, Samael’s eyes widened.

“I have a plan,” Samael said “It will require the blood of Amon and Ocella. We must empower the Seraph blade with angelic blood. Once we do that, someone will have to wield the heavenly blade. It will prove to be damaging to Subore. Where is the stone?” Samael asked looking around. Kyori and Aeterna emerged from the shadows and Samael smiled. “We must work quickly. Kyori, I need your staff,” Samael said. Kyori was hesitant but he trusted Ocella and knew she would vouch for Samael who seemed to have turned over a new leaf.

“If you break it, I break you,” Kyori said as he handed his staff over slowly to Samael.

“And the soul stone, you have it correct?” Samael said as Kyori nodded and reached slowly into his robes giving another glance in Ocella’s direction before handing it to Samael

“Alright I need you Ocella and Amon to gather here. The rest of you will have to keep Subore busy. Kyori I will infuse your staff with the remainder of Subore’s power. For you see he is not fully charged. This soul stone contains the remainder of his power, but I can transform it to combine with your staff. Ocella, Amon, your angelic blood mixed with mine will grant the wielder of the Seraph blade unbelievable power, and will unlock the secrets of the Seraph.” He stopped speaking and looked at Ocella. Her wings were gone, but he hoped he’d be able to restore them after this was all said and done. “May the power of Erobus be with you and may the power of the Seraphs guide you.”

Ryan looked at Kyori, but he said nothing glancing only once at Etrama’s dead body.

“Alright, you heard him, we have to keep Subore busy while they get everything together,” Kyori said. “Are you ready Ryan, Joshua, Aeterna?” Kyori asked with a smirk. He held out his hand and waited for them. Ryan nodded. “Let’s do this.”

Ocella watched in despair as her husband held such discontent towards her uncle. She understood where it came from and knew that they would all have to sit down and come to terms with what had happened if Samael had truly turned over a new leaf. Joshua arrived with the blade, approaching her slowly and hugging her softly. She winced slightly at this, her composure wavering slightly but not entirely as she gently returned the hug. She accepted the blade from him, grateful that he had retrieved it. “Thank you my friend,” she said, smiling at him. She saw her uncle flap his wings and looked down sadly, her muscles trying to flap but there was nothing to flap. He seemed to have sent soothing magic into her and she looked at him in shock as her pains began to ease. He embraced her wholeheartedly and she returned the embrace, trying her best to keep herself from crumbling. She could cry later, but now they were all in danger. “Thank you uncle,” she said after he spoke, handing him the blade as requested. “Do what must be done. Everyone, be careful,” she said, smiling at her family. She held out her wrist and shrugged. “What’s another cut to add to the tally?” she asked, chuckling sarcastically at the situation before them.

Aeterna was not too happy about trusting Samael, but he would have to trust him for now. Many things were done in his name that made his skin crawl, but he could see he was trying to make up for what he had done. Closing his eyes he pushed away his doubts, and hatead and then reopened them. Turning his back to the former dark angel he moved to take Kyori’s hand. “Don’t betray the trust Ocella has in you. Because if you do. NO force on heaven or earth will keep me from killing you.” Aeterna sid as he looked Kyori in the eyes. Ocella was his sister, and a betrayal of her would mean a betrayal of him, and he wouldn’t allow that. Taking his loves hand after Ryan he smiled. “Well let’s get this over with.” Aeterna said as he started to feel the injury to his side, but he didn’t show to anyone that he was injured. He wouldn’t stop fighting till this was over. He also had an ability that would be able to at least buy them some time when they were ready to make the final strike.

Amon listened to what Samael had to say, and he didn’t like it one bit. He knew nothing of his angelic heritage, and how was he supposed to know if his words rang true. He couldn’t bring himself to trust him as much as the others. Not after what he and Etrama put him through. Amon closed his eyes and tried to keep his cool, but it wasn’t working. He wanted nothing more than to deck Samael for everything he has been through. Infact his hand was balled into a fist, and his arm shaking. How could the others trust him at all? He just couldn’t do it. When he opened his eyes he quickly left Ocellas side and approached Samael. Taking his doubled up fist and slugged Samael in the jaw. His eyes full of hate and distrust of the angel standing before him.

Josh smiled at Ocella as he could tell she was still trying hard not to break. Once she took the blade and the plan was laid out by Samael Josh turned his attention to the man who was once their enemy. Looking him over as he remembered that Auro also turned over a new leaf. Maybe he would be able to do the same? “I will trust you, but only because Ocella trusts you. Samael you will have to earn my complete trust. However, for now I will not disregard you help.” Josh said as he joined the other that were gathered to go and fight the Dark God Subore. He knew Ryan didn’t trust Samael after what happened, but Ocella seemed to trust him, and that is what he was counting on. “Ryan, please be careful.” Josh said as he looked over to his love.

Ocella was surprised when Amon suddenly left her side, she nearly fell over from the sudden lack of support. A tree grew rapidly in Amon’s place and the branches caught her gently, helping her stand upright. She sighed in relief and leaned into the tree, though what happened next made her grin and burst out laughing as her husband slugged her uncle. She regretted it immediately after and winced in pain, her face distorting to discomfort once more. She knew that Amon was bitter but hoped he would be able to overcome his aggressions. “I’m sorry for laughing but that was too funny,” she apologized to both of them, a wicked grin on her face as she regained her composure. She watched the others take off and issued a silent prayer for their safety and success.

“Amon, I know that you have difficulties trusting the man before you, and I have reserves as well… but in this moment in time he has the only solid plan to defeat that thing,” she spoke softly, pointing to the God of destruction. “Y’know, the one that ripped off my wings, the one that will kill us all if we don’t do something now. You two can duke it out later if you must,” she promised, hoping that Amon could find peace for now.

As soon as the nephilim’s fist collided with his jaw Samael reeled and looked at Amon for a brief moment. He heart his niece burst into laughter and he shook his head disapprovingly.

“I suppose I deserved that,” Samael said as he strolled over to Amon flapping his wings removing the bruise from his fist. “I have to thank you Ocella. It has been quite some time since I’ve felt the warmth of my light.”

Samael watched as Kyori, Aeterna, Ryan and Joshua left them alone. He held Kyoto’s staff and drew a spell circle.

“By the power of Erobus let these holy items become one. Infuse the power of a god into this staff and let your will be done!”

There was an immense light that enveloped the staff and soul stone. Samael smiled and continued while turning to Ocella and Amon. “Take the sword and cut thyself with it. Then speak to Erobus and ask him to awaken the inner power of a Seraph blade.

Amon watched as Samael stumbled because of his strike, and his hand hurt but he felt a little better. He wondered why Samael just stood there and allowed him to hit him? He was ss angry he should have been able to easily dodger that wild attack. So why? It was not like he apologised for his conduct, but maybe this was his way to show his remorse? Only time will tell, but for now he had calmed down enough to at least do what needed to be done.

Returning to Ocella’s side, and nothing more he looked at Samael as he healed his hand, and got ready for the ritual at hand. He closed his eyes once more and cleared all of his negative feelings. Slugging Samael for what he did made him feel better. He looked to Ocella and smiled. “I am not sure what will happen, but at least I am feeling better.” Amon said as he waited for the right moment to use the blade. He was going to let Ocella go first since he had no idea what he would need to do.

As Josh, and Aeterna left with the other to try and keep The God busy long enough to try and get the power to kill him Josh wondered if this battle could be won? They are mortals fighting a god that helped in creation. Though these thoughts were relevant. He would fight to his last breath to protect Ryan, and the rest of his family.

Once they appeared on the battlefield Josh took to the skies, and concentrated on his weapon. The timing would have to perfect. His first spell would have to take effect before he would be able to use his ultimate ability. “First Song - Eternal Rhapsody Subore.” Josh said as the rings on his weapon chimed. He hoped that this attack would work. So he could use Requiem.

Ocella leaned against the tree as she watched everything happening. Much to her surprise, her uncle showed no anger after having been hit. She was grateful for this, and Amon returned to her side. She wrapped her arms around him and took in his scent, trying to stay as calm as she could. Her uncle approached and told them what needed to be done, and she nodded her head.

“I am trusting you uncle. Do not betray that,” she pleaded with him, taking the sword and taking a deep breath. “Erobus… I ask thee to let thine power awaken this blade, and with that the power of the Seraphs!” she called, taking the blade to her palm and allowing the blood to trickle down the blade. “I know that we have asked much of you on this day, but please let this work,” she begged the God, handing the blade to Amon with a teary-eyed smile as she fell to her knees from the exhaustion. “Love you,” she said softly, wanting it to be known should they fail.

As she spoke the incantation, another beam of light shot from the heavens and struck the blade. It hovered close to the staff and the soul stone. Samael nodded towards Ocella and Amon. “Good, now we push as much of our holy energy as we can muster into the items.”

Samael held out his hand to the staff and soul stone and watched as his divine energy was slowly pouring out of him and filtering into the staff. Subore noticed them in the distance. He roared in defiance as he realized something was going on. He began to charge towards them, but as he prepared to unleash an attack, everything went silent. If that were not enough storm clouds began to fill the sky and the wind began to pick up. Subore smirked as he looked to the sky noticing Joshua. “You think this will stop me?” Subore yelled. He couldn’t hear himself speaking and it angered him. Next thing he felt was intense pain from a lightning bolt striking him. He glared at Joshua and stomped his feet, sending a volley of necrotic bats towards him. They would explode on contact. He then let his attention settle on Kyori who was sending strike after strike of wind blades at him. Each making contact but doing minimal damage. He opened his mouth and a beam of energy shot forth. Kyori barely missed it as he dodged to the side, the beam striking his side causing him to yell out and drop to the ground. Subore smirked. Kyori looked at the wound, blood slowly seeping out of the fresh cut.

“Shit,” he said softly as he looked up at Subore who was lumbering towards him.

Amon was not sure about what he was about to do, but he took the blade from his wife. He then repeated the same incantation as he sliced his hand on the blade allowing it to drink his blood. Then he handed the blade to Samael as he bent down to his knees and wrapped his arms around Ocella. “There is still much to do. Don’t you dare give up. We will win this fight no matter what.” Amon said as he helped his wife back up off the ground. The next step would be the most difficult. He didn’t know how to utilize his holy power, but he pulled out the angelic blade from within himself, and concentrated on the blade. He was sure that his father would help him understand what he must do.

Then without warning his light flowed out of the blade and into the two items. He felt a pull on his energy, but this time he knew why, and just allowed the flow of energy to continue. This was necessary, and he put his faith in the man who he still didn’t trust. If he was lying to them then all would be lost, but at least he would die with his family. “Ocella. I love you, and no matter what happens we will be together always.”

Josh could feel his spell taking effect, but before he could use his requiem spell bat made of necrotic energy towards him. However, if he didn’t cast his spell now he wouldn’t be able to. So he closed his eyes, and slammed the hilt of his sword into the palm of his hand three times. This caused the chiming from the rings to change tone. “Final Song - Requiem!” He shouted as the rings when silent. Now the only being that would be able to hear them was Subore. He didn’t know what effect the attack would have, but as long as he was alive or the spell was intact the God would continue to feel the effects. But once he opened his eyes he didn’t have time to dodge the bats. So he allowed them to hit him, and they exploded upon contact.

- - - Updated - - -

Sending the Dragon falling to the ground. He was still alive, but his wings weren't able to keep him afloat any more.

Aeterna saw his chance to attack after the bastard hurt Kyori and Josh. His side was beginning to ache, so he needed to be careful not to waste anymore time or energy. His eyes turned pitch black as he used his power to manipulate the shadows to attack Subore once more. This time half the shadows went to bind the God the others went to skewer him. Aeterna also sent Shadows to catch Josh as he was falling to the earth to keep him from impacting with the ground. He hoped that Samael, and the others were about done with the preparation until then he wouldn't use much of his power. Nightingale took up a lot of his strength, and who knew what hi strongest ability was. The sword refused to let him access the ability.

Ocella watched as both her husband and uncle began to pour divine energy into the blade. Amon was by her side after she had collapsed, helping her to her feet. She nodded at his words and kissed his cheek for a moment, knowing that this was it. She closed her eyes and allowed a feeling of peace to wash over her just as she had done so long ago in her grandfather’s cave. She smiled softly as the light poured from her, brightening the area as the holy energies filled the blade. ‘Thank you, Erobus,’ she thought softly to the God, a smile on her face as she felt the warmth of the light. She held Amon close to her, wanting him to feel her love while they poured their energy into this last strike. She opened her eyes softly and smiled at her uncle, still giving every ounce of energy she had left into the blade.

As they continued to put their energies into the weapons, an image began to slowly appear before them. Samael’s eyes widened when he realized who it was.

“Lord Erobus,” he said bowing instantly.

Erobus looked at the three of them his face void of emotion. Without hesitation he reached out and grabbed the staff and soul stone. He pressed it to his body and instantly it changed, becoming golden in color with hints of turquoise speckled through the staff. He placed the staff back in the spell circle and reached out for the Seraph blade. With a simple touch the blade came to life transforming into a beautiful blade. The hilt was pure white, with etchings of gold. Seraph wings covered the hilt, protecting the wielder from the blade. The counterweight was a beautiful halo. Erobus had done what they asked but he still hovered there observing Ocella.

“You,” he said, “stand to your feet.”

Subore was bombarded with shadows that impaled his thick skin but didn’t go deep enough to cause any serious damage. On top of that his ears began to ring and his senses began to cloud, making it impossible to concentrate. He fell to one knee trying to pinpoint at least one of them to kill. Glaring, he began to shoot energy beams in random locations hoping to strike something or someone.

Ocella watched what was happening as a shape began to take form. Samael spoke, addressing the figure and she dropped to her knees instantly in respect, bowing before him. She hadn’t been expecting to summon him, her uncle had left that part out. She dared to watch the God in awe as he transformed the staff and blade, still on her knees to show respect for her lord. Once his work was done, she smiled gratefully at the being. He was still with them and this confused her, but suddenly he turned his attention to her and commanded her to rise to her feet.

Her eyes widened at this and she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she forced herself to her feet as told. “My lord,” she spoke, her voice soft and filled with the utmost respect.

Amon watched as a figure took shape within the light that was summoned, and he had no idea who in the world this man was. He knew of the name that Samael called him though he really had no true idea how the man was let alone why Ocella, and Samael were bowing to him. So he just stood there looking at the man, but couldn’t truly feel his presence in this plane. So he just watched as the man went to work, and just stood there without a care in the world, but he did feel the energy of the dark God, and it almost felt like it was getting closer. He looked in the direction of the energy, and hoped the others were still okay!

Josh was caught by the shadows that cushioned his fall. The shadows helped him to the ground, and he looked to the God as he was down on one knee, and trying to shake them off like the insects he thought they were. He was glad the God was able to shake off his spell. He twisted is sword and the rings chimed, but didn’t make a sound. He wanted to keep this up as long as he could. Then energy beams were shot out in different direction, and one was aiming for him. He was able to move to the side, and avoid injury. This time he was lucky, the next time he might not be as lucky.

Aeterna disappeared into the shadows, and appeared next to Kyori. He looked at him with a worried look on his face knowing that he had been injured by the Dark God, but knew better than to ask if he was okay. The battle was fare from being over, and they needed to keep their concentration on the battle. Trying to keep his wound a secret he only smiled at Kyori once more and disappeared back into the shadows. As long as he knew Kyori was okay he was content. He would protect him no matter what.

Erobus looked at Ocella and nodded.

“You have show great allegiance to the light, and you have paid the ultimate price for an angel,” Erobus said as he hovered closer to her. “You were offered to live peacefully in the afterlife but you declined the offer because you wanted to ensure this world was safe, am I right?” Erobus said as he looked over at Samael. “You have shown your loyalty and for that I shall give you a gift. With this gift you must promise to always protect this world.”

A light shot from the sky and struck Ocella. She would feel her bones mend, her injuries heal and she would feel different. When the light subsided Erobus smiled.

“I have made you an elite, a divine Seraph. You will notice that things feel and sound differently now. For your loyalty, for your determination to protect I have gifted you the power to do so. With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely.”

Ocella had not two sets of wings but three, with a total of six wings. She was now a Seraph, the ONLY Seraph in existence. Samael watched in awe as he couldn’t fathom such a gift. He was indeed proud of his niece.

“Where is the one known as Kyori, and the one known as Aeterna? I have a gift for them as well.”

Ocella listened to Erobus and nodded as he spoke, wondering what would become of her actions. He spoke of giving her a gift and she looked up at him, but suddenly an intense light struck her from high above. Her bones were mending, she was able to breathe regularly once more, her strength had returned tenfold and she gasped when the light slowly disappeared, for she now had three pairs of wings on her back that were as beautiful as ever.

Ocella could only smile in return as he smiled, observing him and others in a new light, hearing things differently than before. She was a Seraph now, the only divine Seraph currently in existence. She felt as if a great responsibility had been placed upon her and she smiled at the God while he spoke. It was true that someday she would watch her friends and family die, but she now had the ability to visit them as she wished. A small tear fell down her cheek, it was a tear of joy and when the great God finished speaking she rushed to him and threw her arms around him, embracing him lovingly. “Thank you my lord, I shall do as you have requested and strive to never disappoint you,” she said, backing up and blushing.

He asked where Kyori and Aeterna were and she looked to the battle at hand. “Would you like for me to retrieve them and to continue in their place?” she asked, still in awe at how vividly she could see and hear what was happening.

Amon could only watch as Ocella was struck by a light, and then when the light faded his wife was standing there more beautiful than ever. She had three silken white wings, and all of her wounds seemed to be gone. Along with her worry that they were going to lose this fight. He was happy for her, and bowed with respect to the God. when he finished his bow Ocella hugged the man and was really happy. He would have to remind himself to ask her who this man was. Though now that this has happened he has a pretty good idea who this man was. He bowed his head once more in respect.

“Yes, if you would be so kind as to retrieve them,” Erobus said as he raised his hand towards Samael and Amon signifying that they could stand in his presence. “Samael, will you return to the heavens?”

“My liege, if it will make you happy,” Samael said.

“What will make me happy is to have you train her in the ways of a Seraph. She is the only one in existence, but you trained many in your day. I want you to take your place on the Pantheon. Regardless of what has happened all is forgiven. My brother must be stopped and though I cannot do it myself, I shall gift to you the means to do so. That staff and blade will be able to end him, and trap him in the void for all eternity.”

Samael nodded and retrieved the blade and staff.

Kyori could feel Aeterna’s presence and when he went to move, there was an intense pain that flooded his body. That beam was no ordinary energy beam. His wound was getting bigger and he groaned as he tried to stand to his feet.

Subore was struck with more intense waves of confusion and ringing that caused him to increase the range of the beam as it surged forth in various directions. He needed to locate the source and destroy it, but who was the source?

Aeterna saw through the shadows that Kori was hurt and bad. Though his own injury was beginning to hurt even worse now. But he pushed the pain away, and appeared next to Kyori once more. Placing his hand on his shoulder. HIs normal vision had vanished, and he could only see through the shadows at the moment. “Kyori. Whan in the world is happening to you?” He asked as he touched his love's side, and could feel the blood that was coming from the wound. He never thought that Kyori would have been hurt this bad by the energy blast he got hit with. He picked up Kyori, and tried not to cause him any pain, but instead a pain shot through his side, and he quickly fell to one knee. He needed to get kyori to safety before one of the beams of light hit him. The potion had completely worn off now, and pain filled his senses.

Josh was trying to keep up with the energy beams that were being shot in his direction, but he was starting to slow down. Keeping this spell going was draining his energy, and soon he will be unable to dodge the beams of light anymore. Then it happened he tripped up on a stone, and fell to the ground. A beam of energy was heading his way, and he didn’t have time to dodge. So he just closed his eyes hoping for the best.

Ocella nodded the moment Erobus released her to return to battle. She vanished in a flash of light, appearing high in the skies above the battle. “Hey Subore!” she called, seeing Josh in a bad spot. She vanished at once and appeared in front of him, a beam of her own energy effortlessly defending him. She searched for Kyori and Aeterna, seeing them both on the ground together, wounded. She gasped and appeared next to them, touching one of their shoulders each and vanishing. She reappeared next to Erobus with her friends and nodded her head, vanishing back to the battlefield. “I’m back,” she told Subore, a wicked grin on her face as she took off into the skies. “Can you keep up?” she asked, intending to lure him away from the others while they recovered.

Finally, the ringing stopped and the disorientation ceased. He stood upright and glared as he felt a familiar presence enter the field. A smile on his face as he looked to the sky.

“Ahh six more wings for me to rip off,” Subore said as he listened to her challenge and immediately he summoned winged imps to chase her down as he focused on her. “It seems my brother doesn’t know when to quit. A Seraph, how I loathe them, which explains their eradication.”

Erobus looked down at Kyori and Aeterna who were both injured. Kyori looked up weakly and tried his hardest to get on his knees.

“Relax my child,” Erobus said as he reached out and touched both of them. Kyori felt a rush of power flow through him. It was unimaginable that any being could have that much power. Then it subsided and his aches and pains were gone. Aeterna would feel the same. “I have a request of you,” Erobus began as he nodded to Samael who walked over to Kyori and handed him the divine staff. “It is infused with my power, as well as the power it held already. Aside from this weapon I ask that you resume your duties as the spirit walker, the bridge between life and death. I ask that you be my reaper and grant safe passage for the souls of the dead, but I also need you to ensure the safety of this world Kyori. Can you fulfill this duty I place upon your shoulders?”

Kyori couldn’t believe what was happening. He was speechless, but he nodded and Erobus smiled.

“Behold my power,” Erobus said as Kyori grasped the staff. A beam of light struck him and he was lifted into the air about six feet off the ground. His eyes were awakened and his senses were peaked. When the light subsided Kyori stood his eyes now a beautiful golden hue, and what looked to be a halo rested around his neck and wrist. His garbs were golden and white with flecks of turquoise throughout. He had been touched by the creation god himself. Erobus admired his handiwork and turned his attention to Aeterna.

“Your race has ended, you are the last of your species shadow phoenix, but my son, the Rainbow Phoenix has assured me that you hold great promise. We shall see as I have a very special gift for you. In exchange for your service, I will grant you a place in the Phoenix Council and you will head my palace guards. Of course this does not mean you will neglect your duties as protector of this realm. If you accept your gift, I shall bestow it upon you.”

When Ocella arrived to his and his love's side they were taken away to another location. He couldn’t see who was there but when Kyori tried to move he just let him. He was in no condition to stop him, and thes a voice rang out, and Aeterna didn’t know who it belonged to, but once a hand was placed on his shoulder, and his wounds healed he looked up at the man and his eyes went wide as he instantly bowed before the God of Creation Erobus. Why in the world would he be here? He questioned himself as he remained bowed before the God. He knew his place better than anyone, and wouldn’t show any disrespect for the God.

He heard the conversation between the God and his love. He was so proud of him. Though this did mean that they would more than likely be separated. This saddened him greatly, but it was for the betterment of the world. He smiled but he refused to look up. He didn’t want to show any disrespect for him of Kyori. But something happened that he didn’t expect. The God addressed him. Looking up from the ground he finally looked into the face of the God as he spoke. Shock filled his whole system as the Deities words sunk in. Was this really happening? Was this really happening?

Aeterna was speechless. Never in all of his many years would he have thought that the God of creation would ask him anything. Let alone to be the leader of his royal guard, and have a place among the phoenix counsel. He was speechless at the request. He looked over at Kyori and saw his new form. He smiled lovingly at him as he turned to Erobus. “I accept your Gracious offer. Lord of all creation. I will do my best to live up to everyone's expectations.” Aeterna said as he bowed to the God once more.

Ocella watched the God and smirked at his words. “Enough talking, let’s finish this,” she said, her voice soft yet filled with power. She saw the attack heading her way and closed her eyes, raising her hands in front of her chest and holding her palms together. “Come to me,” she spoke softly, and suddenly the blade within Samael’s hands began to vibrate. “Sorry uncle,” she spoke, a small smile on her face as her blade separated from his hold and raced to her side. She grasped it with one hand and held it forward, slicing through the winged imps with ease.

She stared at the God cooly, her eyes piercing. “For all those you’ve murdered,” she began, her voice captivating. She slashed her weapon forward in the air and from it came hundreds of shards of light. “For all those you’ve wronged,” she continued, slashing again as hundreds more shards of light followed, “You will Never harm again!” Ocella called, slashing forward this time, releasing a high power orb of energy from the blade that followed behind the shards. Upon contact, each shard would explode with energy as it pierced through skin.

Erobus called forth his divine light once more and imbued Aeterna with power. When the light subsided Aeterna would be awoken. Erobus closed his eyes and looked at Samael.

“I will leave you to watch over them, I must take my leave, but before I do,” Erobus filled the area with divine light, healing every hero on the battlefield. Kelda and Art arrived just in time to receive the healing but when the light subsided they heard numerous explosions. Samael turned and watched his niece attack Subore with renewed vigor.

“That a girl,” he said as Erobus nodded and vanished slowly from their sight. Kyori turned and faced Subore who was unfortunate to receive the blast of energy in his chest, but he managed to catch it and toss it into the air as it exploded. He sneered and roared.

“You ready guys?” Kyori asked as he looked at Aeterna. Kelda and Art looked at Kyori and smirked. “All or nothing Kyori,” they said in unison.

Ryan took the opportunity to unleash a volley of arrows that sliced through Subore’s flesh causing him to shoot a blast of chaos magic at Ryan from his maw. Kyori appeared in front of Ryan thwacking the orb away from Ryan with his staff.

“Holy shit,” Ryan said noticing how different Kyori looked.

“Divine Technique, Spirit Halo!” Kyori stated summoning hundreds of divine halos that revolved around Subore before crashing against his form. He was knocked back but regained his footing as he stood to his feet.

“Well well, I can smell his power on you. IS THIS WHAT YOU DO NOW BROTHER?!” Subore shouted growling as he closed his eyes and breathed.

“Get ready,” Samael said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Aeterna was basked in the light that was Erobus’s power, and no matter what he was still a creature that lived in darkness. The light burned on contact with his body, and fell to one knee in pain. The light felt as if it was burning his very soul to sunder. Though he didn’t scream. He refused to show and form of weakness to the light that was covering him. Aeterna closed his eyes as the pain intensified, then without warning the pain stopped.

When he opened his eyes he was standing once more, but felt completely different. HIs body no longer felt affected by the light that was surrounding him, as the light vanished he even looks different than he did before. Hs wings were still black, but had silver highlights, and blue tips. HIs eyes were pitch black with a light blue iris with silver inlay. HIs black robes were gone replaced with black pants, a black shirt with silver feathers laced through the design, and white jacket with black feathers in the same design. His senses were heightened, and he also felt lighter in a way. Was this because he no longer is afraid of the light? A question he would have to answer at a later date. For now they need to continue this fight. NO. They needed to finish this fight. To bring peace to this realm once more.

Once Kelda and Art arrived it was time to put their all into the battle. He smiled at Kyori as he disappeared into the shadows, and reappeared not fare from where the God was now standing. He used his power to gather the shadows around him, as they swirled under him. A smile formed on his face as he spoke. “Special technique - Shadow Fall.” He said calmly as the shadows surrounded him and Subore, and anyone else that happened to be in the vicinity as a rain of needles that would be able to pierce his skin deeper than his last shadow attack. This time he didn’t need to worry about the needles coming after fd, or any of his family. He was able to control the ability better than before.

Amon had been heel of his fatigue when the light of the God washed over him, and he smiled as he took flight landing about a mile away from the others. Taking out his demonic dagger he stabbed himself in the heart. “Forbidden Spell - Demon Transformation.” Amon said as his body started to physically change to that of his demon brethren. Using this new form he chanted an Ice spell that would freeze Subore to the ground. Making it where he would be unable to move. As soon as that spell was cast. Frozen spikes protruded out of the ground to try and impale him from underneath. This was before the clock of Darkness covered the Dark God.

Josh slowly opened his eyes when the attack didn’t hit and he didn’t see anything that would have stopped the attack. Well that was until Ocella Attacked the God. Then more attacks followed. However, a light covered him, and healed his injuries. His wings were working right, and his power was restored. Who helped them? Was a question that popped into this mind, but for now he would just have to wait for the answer. Standing up once more he looked to the battlefield with a smile. All of his family were fighting, and it was time he joined them He flew high into the sky in the center of all of them which was right above the Dark God, and cast a haste spell on them all. It would allow them to move two times as fast as they normally could. Then he swung his sword, and a blast of sound rained down on Subore from right above him.

Ocella smiled when her attacks struck the God, causing him to roar in anger. The others soon appeared on the field and she noticed Josh flying high in the air, blasting the God with his sound magic. An idea came to her and she appeared next to her brother. “Take this blade, and land the final blow behind your sound assault. The holy energies embedded in this sword should be enough to defeat him. I shall blind him with my light so that he does not see you coming,” she said, turning the blade and offering it to him hilt side first. She smiled and winked, seeing all of her family attacking the beast. They had such hope at winning this war now that they had all been helped, now that her uncle was on their side and now that Erobus had aided them.

Subore opened his eyes the moment he heard Aeterna and felt the cold shadow some envelope him. He felt the pin like needles of shadow strike him but his eyes shifted to black orbs and he roared causing a disruption in the spell. The dome vanished and Subore stood with a snarl on his face.

“Be careful,” Samael spoke to everyone as Subore waited for the next move. Art charged in swinging and striking with precision and Kelda offered cover from a distance utilizing water to shield Art from blast of fire that erupted from Subore’s mouth. Subore landed a hard strike to Art’s chest that sent him shooting back. Luckily he had hardened his chest to avoid too much damage. Kelda was able to stop his momentum. The fire blasts melted the ice that Amon had attempted to trap him with another dispelling aura blasted out from Subore. They would find utilizing instant trap spells or spells to slow him down would be useless. Subore slammed his fist into the oncoming protruding ice and watched as the shards littered the ground.

Kyori’s eyes narrowed as he twirled his staff and waited. Josh unleashed his attack and Subore was blasted with sound that pushed him back with each strike. He glanced up and out of his thrusted hand came swarms of necrotic bats that seemed to fill the sky.

Ocella smiled when the others joined her in battle. Subore was becoming angry, for he now was fighting to beat them all instead of one at a time. He released swarms of the bats and she looked to her friends with worry. Her form began to shimmer when she closed her eyes and the shimmering began to spread rapidly. A forcefield of shimmering light surrounded her, her uncle, and the other heroes on the field. The light was just strong enough to protect them, rather than cause Aeterna harm from her light. She kept her eyes closed during the entire attack, trying to concentrate on protecting those she cared for. She allowed nature to be her sight instead, smiling warmly as she felt the holy light warming her, giving her strength to continue.

Aeterna was not happy that the God was still able to break his spell, but he also knew that he was a creature of darkness much like he was. It seemed that every elemental spell that was thrown his way he was able to dispel with ease. However Josh, Kyori, and Ocella were able to hit him hard. This gave him hope that they will be able to defeat this God. They just needed to try and weaken him to the point where he would be completely vulnerable to attack. Aeterna knew that he would be able to hold Subore long enough for them to kill him, he just needed to wait for the right opportunity. He would need to watch the battle and wait. However, he needed to keep up his attacks as well. Throwing his sword into the air it split into seven different swords, and they all flew towards the dark God. Attempting to slice open his flesh.

However, at the same time Subor attacked once again with bats made from a deadly necrotic energy. He was about to disappear into the shadows when he was surrounded by a light that protected him. Staring into the light and not flinching from it he just stood there and watched as his swords attacked the dark god.

Amon cursed under his breath as his attack did nothing to the God of Destruction. That was to be expected from the God that helped Erobus to create the very element he was controlling. Though he doesn't only have the power of ice. Though he controls elements better, he can also cast spells of summoning. Though he doubted they would help him in this instance. All he could do for now was gather energy to use a technique that he didn’t think would help, but it might do a little damage to the God, but he still needed time to gather the amount of energy to cast the spell, as well as the time to chant the spell.

When the light surrounded him from his wife, he figured this would be the best time to concentrate on the spell. He closed his eyes and transformed back to his human form as the markings that covered his skin started to glow a light blue hue. He was gathering the energy he needed for this Spell. This was going to cost him all of his energy to cast, but if it helped defeat the god it would be worth it. He just needed time.

Josh watched as his sound waves hit their mark, and caused the God to be pushed back. It seemed he didn’t have the power to fight against sound as easily as he did the elements. This did give him an advantage, but at the same time he would become one of his targets. However this was one of those times he didn’t mind risking his life for the man he loved, and the rest of his family. He just wanted them all to be safe. The Ocella appeared by his side giving him a plan to try and defeat the Dark God. She was wanting him to take her blade and finish off the God. What would she do such a thing? Had she finally forgiven him?

Now was not the time to ask such questions. However, as he looked down at the God as he attacked them once more he didn’t believe that the God was weak enough to defeat, but the light in the blade if he could get it to penetrate deep enough into the God’s body that he couldn’t get it out would be a good start to weakening him. Though he couldn’t throw the blade at the same time he used his sound waves. “Cella. I will need you to throw the blade at the right time. Then I will use all the power I have to make sure the blade penetrates his skin, but I am unable to do such a thing on my own.” He said as a barrier of light surrounded him, and protected him from the dark Gods attack. Besides he didn’t know if he would be able to hold such a blade.

Ryan watched Subore break his brother’s as if it were nothing. It was crazy how much power this being had but Ryan realized they were fighting a literal god and they weren’t built to break easy. Swiftly Ryan transformed into his ice demon form.

“Special Technique: Frozen Cannonball!”

His form shot forth with great intensity and yet it was not enough. Subore managed to stop his moment though the god suffered laceration damage he was only pushed back a few feet before he struck Ryan to the ground causing Ryan to scream out. Subore smirked and grabbed Ryan by the throat.

“Seven Stars of Darkness, Strike!”

Ryan was struck with an immensely painful energy that sent him flying backwards hitting the ground hard. Everyone seemed to watch it happen in slow motion. Ryan skidded to a halt and wasn’t moving.

“Ryan!” Kyori shouted rushing over to him not realizing that Subore was headed his way until a blast of fire was turned into steam by Kelda as she rushed over.

“I got him, go.”

Kyori nodded and stood to his feet as Art charged Subore and Kyori joined the dash. Kyori managed to slide under Subore just as Art struck Subore in the chest with an iron fist. Subore stumbles back and Kyori was behind him.

“Sacred Technique: Aura of Life!”

Subore growled when the spiritual energy collided with his frame. It was immense and he was sent skidding forward managing to stop himself before turning around and glaring at Kyori. Kyori could see a dent in the armor of the dark god and he knew the end was coming though he hoped Ryan was okay.

“I admit my body is thrilled to feel pain. You, you are a worthy opponent but I will not let you defeat me,” Subore said glaring at each of them on the battlefield.

Samael looked over at Etrama’s body, a tear falling down his face. He moved over to him, touching his cold face gently with two fingers.

“My love,” he said softly before looking up at the battlefield. When this was over he would have a proper burial for him.

Subore grunted realizing he had taken too much damage. There would be others after him there always was and always would be the key was figuring out how to transcend generations. I’m the back of his mind he had accepted his fate and knew it was only a matter of time before his time would be over.

“SHOW ME YOUR POWER!” Subore yelled inhumanly.

Ocella nodded at Josh’s words. She watched as one by one, each of her comrades began to attack Subore after the bats ended. Ryan was first and she watched in horror as Subore retaliated, tossing Ryan to the ground as if he were nothing. She was about to appear at his side when Kyori beat her there, but suddenly he was in danger too. “Kyori!” she shouted, sighing in relief when Kelda protected him. She stayed with Ryan and Kyori returned, she looked at him with great concern, grateful that he was alright.

Subore was angry, for Art and Kyori had stricken him. Ocella began to glow brightly as she shot a beam of holy energy towards Subore, wanting to distract him once more. ‘Now!’ she thought to Josh, using all the power she could muster as she spun around, giving the sword as much momentum as she could before she threw it in the God’s direction. She could only hope that their plan would work, that it would strike Subore and that he wouldn’t catch it instead.

Amon watched as his brother attacked the God, and that his attack did little damage. However, Subore crushed Ryan to the ground causing his brother to scream out in pain. Then he watched as he his brother was attacked, and thrown back by the power that the God used. He wanted to help, but if he moved now his spell would be broken. Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned his attention back to the God. A pentagram appeared underneath him, and a summoning circle under the Dark God.

“Sacred Spell - .” Amon said as he concentrated all of his power into the spell. His daggers stabbed themselves into the pentagram, and with that the spell was activated. Dragons of ice and light formed in the edges of the circle. They attacked the God by biting, and clawing him.

Aeterna could only watch as Ryan was severely injured by Sabore. The God was able to actually injure the young demon badly, but he knew that if he left the battle now it would spell disaster for the others. They would all need to be here to win. Praying that Ryan was ok. He jumped into the shadow of the God, and concentrated on one of his skills. “Shadow Spell - Nightingale.” Aeterna said as he took over the Gods shadow, and held him still. Not knowing how long he would be able to hold him, but he hoped it would be long enough to finally end this war.

Josh could only watch in horror as Ryan was attacked his screams tearing at his heart, and then he lied on the ground motionless. “Ryannnn.” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs as tears fell from his eyes. He began to fly to him, but he suddenly stopped. He knew that he couldn't leave the others, and he just hoped that Ryan was okay.

Tears continued to fall from his face as Ocella prepared to attack Subore. He wouldn't let the opening his fellow Mystics have made. He watched as the blade left her hand, and he placed his sword in front of him, and his hand hand against the blade. Running his hand down the blade the rings changed tone once more. “Third Song - Ballade “ Josh said as he coated the blade in his sound magic and it increased in speed. The vibration would allow the blade to penetrate the Gods skin easier. “Second Song - Sanata “ Josh said as he disappeared from the battle and reappeared next to his love. He wanted to make sure he was still alive. His wings hurt from the increase in speed, but he wanted to be by his love's side.

The dark god watched as his opponent unleashed their attacks. First came the sudden summon of two dragons that attempted to strike him with their teeth and claws. He received slight damage but was able to dispel the summoning circle before he felt the tug on his senses. His body began to freeze up and he realized too late what was happening. When he looked up, his eyes were blinded by a beautiful light and then he felt it. The seraph blade struck its mark and he roared in pain as he fell to one knee clutching the blade that burned his hand every time he touched it.

Ryan remained unconscious, blood seeping from beneath him. Kyori looked at Subore as the light subsided and felt pity for him.

Samael gasped after Ryan was struck, but watched in awe as the mystics worked together to overcome. He marveled at how well they worked as a team. Then Subore was pierced by the seraph blade. It was over. The seraph blade slowly began to take effect and Subore looked at his enemies one by one. He shook his head and managed a weak smile.

“Eons ago my brother defeated me in battle, and I see now why,” Subore spit out as globs of black goo slid from his mouth. “Though you may have defeated me, there will be others. When you cut the head off of a hydra, another grows in its place.”

Kyori stepped forward and held his staff tightly.

Ocella couldn’t believe it. The sword had stricken its mark, all of their attacks had come together to make it count. After the blade struck its mark and the God fell to one knee, Kyori stepped forward and held his staff- the second piece to trapping the God. The God spoke of his defeat and she knew that his words were true. She looked to the others, Ryan was in bad shape and she transformed into her Seraph form. She floated high into the sky, and suddenly a bright light filled the area as Kyori went to work. “You can do this brother,” she spoke softly, a smile on her face.

She vanished to Ryan’s side and looked at her brother with worry. Amon was a mess, Josh was devastated and both rightfully so. She went to work immediately and poured every ounce of healing energy into him that she could, without overwhelming him or pouring too much light into him for his heritage to handle.

Amon watched As his spell was dismissed almost as quickly as it was summoned, and he fell to his knees. He exhausted all of his energy in that one attack. The daggers came to life and returned to their resting place within his body. All he could do now was watch as everything finally worked , and the God was now on his knees. Subore was speaking of his end and how the darkness would return. That was something he was well aware of, and he would keep his eyes and ears open as long as he lived to make sure it doesn't happen in his lifetime.

He wanted to be with his brother right now. So he pushed himself to get back up and slowly made his way over to where Ryan landed. A concerned look on his face as he didn’t even know if his brother was still alive.

Aeterna was glad that Subore didn’t put up as much of a fight as he could have with him under this spell, but he continued to hold it any way. He wanted to make sure that he couldn’t fight back. The creature that was responsible for all of the death that has happened, and the horrible things that have happened. He may have felt sorry for him, but it wasn't going to stop him from doing what needed to be done.

Josh was distraught at seeing the blood seeping out from underneath his loves unconscious form as he reached down to touch his face. His body was still cold, but it was warmer than it should be. HIs body was shaking as he couldn’t get a response out of Ryan as Ocella arrived to try and heal him. HIs emotions died as he stood up, and looked at the dark God that had taken his love from him. His sword appeared in his hand as tears continued to flow from his eyes. Yet it looked like no one was home. His eyes seemed dead. Not saying a word or making a noise he charged at the Dark God.

Kyori was motionless as Subore said his speech. Kelda clutched her pearls while Art held his chest, a small bit of blood seeping from the deep gash caused by Subore’s fists. Kyori could tell the dark being was ready for his punishment, it seemed as if he were inviting the void. As Kyori took another step forward, Joshua suddenly charged towards Subore who’s eyes flickered with humor before Kyori appeared in front of Joshua, holding him by the shoulder.

“No,” Kyori said stern in his grip, “this is not our way Josh.”

Kyori looked into Joshua’s angry eyes and hoped his brother understood. Subore would return to the void. It was as Erobus wished.

“I am sorry,” Kyori added as he turned to face Subore. He was the only being keeping Joshua from Subore and Kyori could see the look on Subore’s face.

“DO IT!” Subore shouted.

“DIVINE LAW: JUDGEMENT!” Kyori spoke as he held the staff up. A pentagram appeared beneath Subore who growled but did not resist. “Pendulum, give your verdict!”

There was a pendulum that swung over guilty and not guilty until it settled on guilty. Kyori’s eyes rested on the judgement and he nodded.

“Your judgement is the void within this prison,” Kyori retrieved a stone from his garments and held it out in front of him. The pentagram began to glow brightly before Subore’s screams could be heard as his essence slowly poured into the stone. The stone then vanished and Kyori exhaled. The war was over. Darkness had lost, and the light prevailed, but at costs no one wanted. Quickly, he turned and rushed over to Ryan who coughed gently and opened his eyes slowly.

“Did we win?” he asked weakly.

Kyori smiled and nodded, “for now,” he added as Samael moved from Etrama’s dead form.

“Great warriors of light, your jobs are never done.”

Ocella watched Kyori, a small smile on her face as she looked at him, idolization evident on her features. He requested the judgement, and it was clear. Subore was banished to the void and Kyori rushed to Ryan, whom seemed to be stirring. “Ryan,” she said softly, her voice wavering. “You idiot. Why on Earth….” she stopped herself and shook her head. “Come on Ryan,” she said softly, hoping that her magic would be enough to help him gain some of the energy that he needed. She stood slowly from her place and went to Amon’s side, wrapping her arms around him as her uncle spoke.

She knew that their work was never over, especially hers after Erobus’s message, but at least they had the opportunity to recover. “It may never be over but for now, we have time to recover,” she said, a small smile on her face as she looked to Kyori. She made her way to him and embraced him with as much love as she could. “Thank you for saving me,” she said softly as she held him close, just taking in the fact that he had returned to them. “I’m so happy to have you back. Your reaper form is rude,” she said with a smirk and a chuckle.

She looked to Ryan and shook her head. “Want me to take you back to the base?” she asked, crossing her arms and looking at her uncle warily.

Amon finally made it to where Ryan was lying, and he looked down at the blood that was coating the ground. He felt a pain in his heart as he could only watch as his brother was slowly bleeding to death, and his wife was desperately trying to save him. He closed his eyes, as Josh decided to attack the Destruction God. Amon was having his own problems with what was happening.

Then right after the God received his judgment Ryan spoke. Amon opened his eyes and looked down at his brother. He was still alive, and he almost fell to the ground with relief, but he was caught in Ocella wrapped her arms around him. He needed the support right at the moment, and he closed his eyes once more “Thank you my love.” He said in a whisper as he tried to hold back his tears.

He knew the fight the Mystics had won would not be the last battle they would more than likely fight, but he would get stronger so his wife and her family wouldn’t have to fight it on their own.

Aeterna removed himself from the Gods shadow as the verdict was read. He didn’t want to get sucked up with him, and if he was part of his shadow he knew he would have. Appearing with the others around Ryan who looked worse for ware he was happy that the young Ice Demon survived that attack. “Don’t scare us like that you Idiot.”Aeterna said as he looked down at all of the blood he had lost. Ryan was lucky to be alive.

“We will not let the darkness win as long as we are alive. We must keep a vigilant watch over the world, and it’s people.” He said as he walked over to Kyori. They would never be separated, but they would be busy with their new roles. Interlocking his clawed hand with Kyori’s he just smiled as he looked to the others. They were all not in good shape, but Ryan had gotten the brunt of the damage. “I don’t think we should Move Ryan just yet. Give him more time to heal.”

Josh looked into Kyori’s eyes as he stopped him, and the tears continued to flow as he spoke. His brother’s words reaching him where he had disappeared to he came back to his senses. He dropped his sword, and fell to his knees. Powerless to do anything as he watched Kyori pass judgment on the God. His whole world was turned upside down at the moment. To him this win was but an empty victory. His love is dying, and there was nothing he could do.

Then he heard a cough and Ryan’s voice as he was regaining consciousness. He scrambled back to his feet, and ran over to Ryan tears of relief filled his eyes now as he touched his love's face. “Don’t you die on me.” Josh said as he leaned over and kissed Ryan softly on the lips. He knew he was not out of the woods, but he would stay by his side no matter what.

Ryan slowly managed to maneuver into a sitting position, though the star shaped scar on his chest would forever be a reminder of how close to death he had gotten. Blood was still slowly seeping from it, but Ocella had managed to heal the wound slightly. He smiled softly realizing that they had won but knew that their work was never done.

“I love you too,” Ryan admitted as Kelda and Art helped him to his feet. “I’m okay though, really I am,” he said looking at Joshua and wrapping his arms around him.

Samael smiled and nodded as he moved back over to Etrama’s body. He knelt down and began to remove the caked up blood and dirt from his face and the death blow on his body. Kyori took note of Samael’s sudden disappearance from the group and saw him in the distance next to Etrama’s body. Sighing, he looked at Ocella and gave her a nod in her uncle’s direction.

“Kelda, Art, make sure that all of our allies are alerted of the victory. We have a lot of cleaning up to do,” Kyori said as Art and Kelda both vanished in their own element. Kyori looked at Aeterna as he held his hand.

“You really loved him didn’t you?” Kyori asked as he moved closer to Samael.

“He made me happy even though the dark one had tainted me, he kept my heart alive.”

Ocella smiled as Ryan came too and began to sit up. “Ryan!” she said with excitement. “Don’t you EVER do that again or I’ll smack you!” she said, smiling at he and Josh. She noticed Kyori walking off in the distance and saw her uncle near Etrama’s body. She saw the look on his face and her heart sunk as the realization seeped in. She appeared next to her uncle and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, still unsure what forms of affection were acceptable.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” she said, her face filled with sympathy. Samael had once again lost the man he loved to battle. While she recognized that it had to be done, she was certain that if anyone could have made Etrama less of a threat to society it was her uncle.

Josh was still a little leary of having Ryan sit up, but he didn’t have the heart to stop him. So he stood up as well, and stared at the bleeding star shaped wound on his chest. He didn’t like that Ryan was going to have to live with a scar like that, but there was nothing he could do about it. Once Ryan was standing he wrapped his arms around him, and Josh only smiled as his worried expression faded. Wrapping his arms around the man he loved he held him tight as he returned to his human form. Not saying a word he laid his head on his love's shoulder as he thanked Erobus for not taking his love from him. “Don’t ever do that again. Please.”

Amon was surprised when Ocella left his side, and he watched as she went over to where her Uncle was kneeling next to Etrama’s body. He didn’t understand what was going on, but soon realized that his wife was upset. He didn’t know why so he looked to his brother and saw him in the arms of the man he loved. Deciding to let them be alone for a bit, he slowly made his way over to where Ocella, Kyori, and Aeterna were.

Aeterna looked his love in the eyes, as they continued to hold hands. Then Kyori made his way over to where Samael was, and Aeterna followed not letting go of Kyori’s hand. There was still so much they needed to do, and he wanted to give Kyori the wedding he deserved before they began their new duties. Knowing they might not have the time after that.

Aeterna looked down as the lifeless form of the man that not only tortured both him and Amon, but… Aeterna didn’t want to think about it. However, something seemed off. Samael was treating the man kindly almost like a lover would. The Kyori spoke, and his jaw almost dropped. Was a man like him capable of love? Aeterna couldn’t believe it, but it had to be true. No one mourns like Samael was over someone that was just a thing to them. They did love one another. It was something he could understand, and he felt sorry for the man that lost his love. “No one deserves to lose the one they love. I am sorry for your loss.” Aeterna’s words were true. The man before him may have been an enemy, but he was loved by someone even though he was a bastard.

Kyori watched the tears stream down Samael’s face and he knew then what he needed to do.

“Samael, you were once tainted, but you have helped us and for that I owe you my life. I will help you,” Kyori said as Samael looked at him with a confused look.

“Help me? How?” Samael asked unsure what Kyori was going to do.

“Divine Technique: Soul Reversion,” Kyori said as gently as he spoke to them. The end of his staff began to shine and Etrama’s body began to shimmer.

- - - Updated - - -

Sending the Dragon falling to the ground. He was still alive, but his wings weren't able to keep him afloat any more.

Aeterna saw his chance to attack after the bastard hurt Kyori and Josh. His side was beginning to ache, so he needed to be careful not to waste anymore time or energy. His eyes turned pitch black as he used his power to manipulate the shadows to attack Subore once more. This time half the shadows went to bind the God the others went to skewer him. Aeterna also sent Shadows to catch Josh as he was falling to the earth to keep him from impacting with the ground. He hoped that Samael, and the others were about done with the preparation until then he wouldn't use much of his power. Nightingale took up a lot of his strength, and who knew what hi strongest ability was. The sword refused to let him access the ability.

Ocella watched as both her husband and uncle began to pour divine energy into the blade. Amon was by her side after she had collapsed, helping her to her feet. She nodded at his words and kissed his cheek for a moment, knowing that this was it. She closed her eyes and allowed a feeling of peace to wash over her just as she had done so long ago in her grandfather’s cave. She smiled softly as the light poured from her, brightening the area as the holy energies filled the blade. ‘Thank you, Erobus,’ she thought softly to the God, a smile on her face as she felt the warmth of the light. She held Amon close to her, wanting him to feel her love while they poured their energy into this last strike. She opened her eyes softly and smiled at her uncle, still giving every ounce of energy she had left into the blade.

As they continued to put their energies into the weapons, an image began to slowly appear before them. Samael’s eyes widened when he realized who it was.

“Lord Erobus,” he said bowing instantly.

Erobus looked at the three of them his face void of emotion. Without hesitation he reached out and grabbed the staff and soul stone. He pressed it to his body and instantly it changed, becoming golden in color with hints of turquoise speckled through the staff. He placed the staff back in the spell circle and reached out for the Seraph blade. With a simple touch the blade came to life transforming into a beautiful blade. The hilt was pure white, with etchings of gold. Seraph wings covered the hilt, protecting the wielder from the blade. The counterweight was a beautiful halo. Erobus had done what they asked but he still hovered there observing Ocella.

“You,” he said, “stand to your feet.”

Subore was bombarded with shadows that impaled his thick skin but didn’t go deep enough to cause any serious damage. On top of that his ears began to ring and his senses began to cloud, making it impossible to concentrate. He fell to one knee trying to pinpoint at least one of them to kill. Glaring, he began to shoot energy beams in random locations hoping to strike something or someone.

Ocella watched what was happening as a shape began to take form. Samael spoke, addressing the figure and she dropped to her knees instantly in respect, bowing before him. She hadn’t been expecting to summon him, her uncle had left that part out. She dared to watch the God in awe as he transformed the staff and blade, still on her knees to show respect for her lord. Once his work was done, she smiled gratefully at the being. He was still with them and this confused her, but suddenly he turned his attention to her and commanded her to rise to her feet.

Her eyes widened at this and she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she forced herself to her feet as told. “My lord,” she spoke, her voice soft and filled with the utmost respect.

Amon watched as a figure took shape within the light that was summoned, and he had no idea who in the world this man was. He knew of the name that Samael called him though he really had no true idea how the man was let alone why Ocella, and Samael were bowing to him. So he just stood there looking at the man, but couldn’t truly feel his presence in this plane. So he just watched as the man went to work, and just stood there without a care in the world, but he did feel the energy of the dark God, and it almost felt like it was getting closer. He looked in the direction of the energy, and hoped the others were still okay!

Josh was caught by the shadows that cushioned his fall. The shadows helped him to the ground, and he looked to the God as he was down on one knee, and trying to shake them off like the insects he thought they were. He was glad the God was able to shake off his spell. He twisted is sword and the rings chimed, but didn’t make a sound. He wanted to keep this up as long as he could. Then energy beams were shot out in different direction, and one was aiming for him. He was able to move to the side, and avoid injury. This time he was lucky, the next time he might not be as lucky.

Aeterna disappeared into the shadows, and appeared next to Kyori. He looked at him with a worried look on his face knowing that he had been injured by the Dark God, but knew better than to ask if he was okay. The battle was fare from being over, and they needed to keep their concentration on the battle. Trying to keep his wound a secret he only smiled at Kyori once more and disappeared back into the shadows. As long as he knew Kyori was okay he was content. He would protect him no matter what.

Erobus looked at Ocella and nodded.

“You have show great allegiance to the light, and you have paid the ultimate price for an angel,” Erobus said as he hovered closer to her. “You were offered to live peacefully in the afterlife but you declined the offer because you wanted to ensure this world was safe, am I right?” Erobus said as he looked over at Samael. “You have shown your loyalty and for that I shall give you a gift. With this gift you must promise to always protect this world.”

A light shot from the sky and struck Ocella. She would feel her bones mend, her injuries heal and she would feel different. When the light subsided Erobus smiled.

“I have made you an elite, a divine Seraph. You will notice that things feel and sound differently now. For your loyalty, for your determination to protect I have gifted you the power to do so. With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely.”

Ocella had not two sets of wings but three, with a total of six wings. She was now a Seraph, the ONLY Seraph in existence. Samael watched in awe as he couldn’t fathom such a gift. He was indeed proud of his niece.

“Where is the one known as Kyori, and the one known as Aeterna? I have a gift for them as well.”

Ocella listened to Erobus and nodded as he spoke, wondering what would become of her actions. He spoke of giving her a gift and she looked up at him, but suddenly an intense light struck her from high above. Her bones were mending, she was able to breathe regularly once more, her strength had returned tenfold and she gasped when the light slowly disappeared, for she now had three pairs of wings on her back that were as beautiful as ever.

Ocella could only smile in return as he smiled, observing him and others in a new light, hearing things differently than before. She was a Seraph now, the only divine Seraph currently in existence. She felt as if a great responsibility had been placed upon her and she smiled at the God while he spoke. It was true that someday she would watch her friends and family die, but she now had the ability to visit them as she wished. A small tear fell down her cheek, it was a tear of joy and when the great God finished speaking she rushed to him and threw her arms around him, embracing him lovingly. “Thank you my lord, I shall do as you have requested and strive to never disappoint you,” she said, backing up and blushing.

He asked where Kyori and Aeterna were and she looked to the battle at hand. “Would you like for me to retrieve them and to continue in their place?” she asked, still in awe at how vividly she could see and hear what was happening.

Amon could only watch as Ocella was struck by a light, and then when the light faded his wife was standing there more beautiful than ever. She had three silken white wings, and all of her wounds seemed to be gone. Along with her worry that they were going to lose this fight. He was happy for her, and bowed with respect to the God. when he finished his bow Ocella hugged the man and was really happy. He would have to remind himself to ask her who this man was. Though now that this has happened he has a pretty good idea who this man was. He bowed his head once more in respect.

“Yes, if you would be so kind as to retrieve them,” Erobus said as he raised his hand towards Samael and Amon signifying that they could stand in his presence. “Samael, will you return to the heavens?”

“My liege, if it will make you happy,” Samael said.

“What will make me happy is to have you train her in the ways of a Seraph. She is the only one in existence, but you trained many in your day. I want you to take your place on the Pantheon. Regardless of what has happened all is forgiven. My brother must be stopped and though I cannot do it myself, I shall gift to you the means to do so. That staff and blade will be able to end him, and trap him in the void for all eternity.”

Samael nodded and retrieved the blade and staff.

Kyori could feel Aeterna’s presence and when he went to move, there was an intense pain that flooded his body. That beam was no ordinary energy beam. His wound was getting bigger and he groaned as he tried to stand to his feet.

Subore was struck with more intense waves of confusion and ringing that caused him to increase the range of the beam as it surged forth in various directions. He needed to locate the source and destroy it, but who was the source?

Aeterna saw through the shadows that Kori was hurt and bad. Though his own injury was beginning to hurt even worse now. But he pushed the pain away, and appeared next to Kyori once more. Placing his hand on his shoulder. HIs normal vision had vanished, and he could only see through the shadows at the moment. “Kyori. Whan in the world is happening to you?” He asked as he touched his love's side, and could feel the blood that was coming from the wound. He never thought that Kyori would have been hurt this bad by the energy blast he got hit with. He picked up Kyori, and tried not to cause him any pain, but instead a pain shot through his side, and he quickly fell to one knee. He needed to get kyori to safety before one of the beams of light hit him. The potion had completely worn off now, and pain filled his senses.

Josh was trying to keep up with the energy beams that were being shot in his direction, but he was starting to slow down. Keeping this spell going was draining his energy, and soon he will be unable to dodge the beams of light anymore. Then it happened he tripped up on a stone, and fell to the ground. A beam of energy was heading his way, and he didn’t have time to dodge. So he just closed his eyes hoping for the best.

Ocella nodded the moment Erobus released her to return to battle. She vanished in a flash of light, appearing high in the skies above the battle. “Hey Subore!” she called, seeing Josh in a bad spot. She vanished at once and appeared in front of him, a beam of her own energy effortlessly defending him. She searched for Kyori and Aeterna, seeing them both on the ground together, wounded. She gasped and appeared next to them, touching one of their shoulders each and vanishing. She reappeared next to Erobus with her friends and nodded her head, vanishing back to the battlefield. “I’m back,” she told Subore, a wicked grin on her face as she took off into the skies. “Can you keep up?” she asked, intending to lure him away from the others while they recovered.

Finally, the ringing stopped and the disorientation ceased. He stood upright and glared as he felt a familiar presence enter the field. A smile on his face as he looked to the sky.

“Ahh six more wings for me to rip off,” Subore said as he listened to her challenge and immediately he summoned winged imps to chase her down as he focused on her. “It seems my brother doesn’t know when to quit. A Seraph, how I loathe them, which explains their eradication.”

Erobus looked down at Kyori and Aeterna who were both injured. Kyori looked up weakly and tried his hardest to get on his knees.

“Relax my child,” Erobus said as he reached out and touched both of them. Kyori felt a rush of power flow through him. It was unimaginable that any being could have that much power. Then it subsided and his aches and pains were gone. Aeterna would feel the same. “I have a request of you,” Erobus began as he nodded to Samael who walked over to Kyori and handed him the divine staff. “It is infused with my power, as well as the power it held already. Aside from this weapon I ask that you resume your duties as the spirit walker, the bridge between life and death. I ask that you be my reaper and grant safe passage for the souls of the dead, but I also need you to ensure the safety of this world Kyori. Can you fulfill this duty I place upon your shoulders?”

Kyori couldn’t believe what was happening. He was speechless, but he nodded and Erobus smiled.

“Behold my power,” Erobus said as Kyori grasped the staff. A beam of light struck him and he was lifted into the air about six feet off the ground. His eyes were awakened and his senses were peaked. When the light subsided Kyori stood his eyes now a beautiful golden hue, and what looked to be a halo rested around his neck and wrist. His garbs were golden and white with flecks of turquoise throughout. He had been touched by the creation god himself. Erobus admired his handiwork and turned his attention to Aeterna.

“Your race has ended, you are the last of your species shadow phoenix, but my son, the Rainbow Phoenix has assured me that you hold great promise. We shall see as I have a very special gift for you. In exchange for your service, I will grant you a place in the Phoenix Council and you will head my palace guards. Of course this does not mean you will neglect your duties as protector of this realm. If you accept your gift, I shall bestow it upon you.”

When Ocella arrived to his and his love's side they were taken away to another location. He couldn’t see who was there but when Kyori tried to move he just let him. He was in no condition to stop him, and thes a voice rang out, and Aeterna didn’t know who it belonged to, but once a hand was placed on his shoulder, and his wounds healed he looked up at the man and his eyes went wide as he instantly bowed before the God of Creation Erobus. Why in the world would he be here? He questioned himself as he remained bowed before the God. He knew his place better than anyone, and wouldn’t show any disrespect for the God.

He heard the conversation between the God and his love. He was so proud of him. Though this did mean that they would more than likely be separated. This saddened him greatly, but it was for the betterment of the world. He smiled but he refused to look up. He didn’t want to show any disrespect for him of Kyori. But something happened that he didn’t expect. The God addressed him. Looking up from the ground he finally looked into the face of the God as he spoke. Shock filled his whole system as the Deities words sunk in. Was this really happening? Was this really happening?

Aeterna was speechless. Never in all of his many years would he have thought that the God of creation would ask him anything. Let alone to be the leader of his royal guard, and have a place among the phoenix counsel. He was speechless at the request. He looked over at Kyori and saw his new form. He smiled lovingly at him as he turned to Erobus. “I accept your Gracious offer. Lord of all creation. I will do my best to live up to everyone's expectations.” Aeterna said as he bowed to the God once more.

Ocella watched the God and smirked at his words. “Enough talking, let’s finish this,” she said, her voice soft yet filled with power. She saw the attack heading her way and closed her eyes, raising her hands in front of her chest and holding her palms together. “Come to me,” she spoke softly, and suddenly the blade within Samael’s hands began to vibrate. “Sorry uncle,” she spoke, a small smile on her face as her blade separated from his hold and raced to her side. She grasped it with one hand and held it forward, slicing through the winged imps with ease.

She stared at the God cooly, her eyes piercing. “For all those you’ve murdered,” she began, her voice captivating. She slashed her weapon forward in the air and from it came hundreds of shards of light. “For all those you’ve wronged,” she continued, slashing again as hundreds more shards of light followed, “You will Never harm again!” Ocella called, slashing forward this time, releasing a high power orb of energy from the blade that followed behind the shards. Upon contact, each shard would explode with energy as it pierced through skin.

Erobus called forth his divine light once more and imbued Aeterna with power. When the light subsided Aeterna would be awoken. Erobus closed his eyes and looked at Samael.

“I will leave you to watch over them, I must take my leave, but before I do,” Erobus filled the area with divine light, healing every hero on the battlefield. Kelda and Art arrived just in time to receive the healing but when the light subsided they heard numerous explosions. Samael turned and watched his niece attack Subore with renewed vigor.

“That a girl,” he said as Erobus nodded and vanished slowly from their sight. Kyori turned and faced Subore who was unfortunate to receive the blast of energy in his chest, but he managed to catch it and toss it into the air as it exploded. He sneered and roared.

“You ready guys?” Kyori asked as he looked at Aeterna. Kelda and Art looked at Kyori and smirked. “All or nothing Kyori,” they said in unison.

Ryan took the opportunity to unleash a volley of arrows that sliced through Subore’s flesh causing him to shoot a blast of chaos magic at Ryan from his maw. Kyori appeared in front of Ryan thwacking the orb away from Ryan with his staff.

“Holy shit,” Ryan said noticing how different Kyori looked.

“Divine Technique, Spirit Halo!” Kyori stated summoning hundreds of divine halos that revolved around Subore before crashing against his form. He was knocked back but regained his footing as he stood to his feet.

“Well well, I can smell his power on you. IS THIS WHAT YOU DO NOW BROTHER?!” Subore shouted growling as he closed his eyes and breathed.

“Get ready,” Samael said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Aeterna was basked in the light that was Erobus’s power, and no matter what he was still a creature that lived in darkness. The light burned on contact with his body, and fell to one knee in pain. The light felt as if it was burning his very soul to sunder. Though he didn’t scream. He refused to show and form of weakness to the light that was covering him. Aeterna closed his eyes as the pain intensified, then without warning the pain stopped.

When he opened his eyes he was standing once more, but felt completely different. HIs body no longer felt affected by the light that was surrounding him, as the light vanished he even looks different than he did before. Hs wings were still black, but had silver highlights, and blue tips. HIs eyes were pitch black with a light blue iris with silver inlay. HIs black robes were gone replaced with black pants, a black shirt with silver feathers laced through the design, and white jacket with black feathers in the same design. His senses were heightened, and he also felt lighter in a way. Was this because he no longer is afraid of the light? A question he would have to answer at a later date. For now they need to continue this fight. NO. They needed to finish this fight. To bring peace to this realm once more.

Once Kelda and Art arrived it was time to put their all into the battle. He smiled at Kyori as he disappeared into the shadows, and reappeared not fare from where the God was now standing. He used his power to gather the shadows around him, as they swirled under him. A smile formed on his face as he spoke. “Special technique - Shadow Fall.” He said calmly as the shadows surrounded him and Subore, and anyone else that happened to be in the vicinity as a rain of needles that would be able to pierce his skin deeper than his last shadow attack. This time he didn’t need to worry about the needles coming after fd, or any of his family. He was able to control the ability better than before.

Amon had been heel of his fatigue when the light of the God washed over him, and he smiled as he took flight landing about a mile away from the others. Taking out his demonic dagger he stabbed himself in the heart. “Forbidden Spell - Demon Transformation.” Amon said as his body started to physically change to that of his demon brethren. Using this new form he chanted an Ice spell that would freeze Subore to the ground. Making it where he would be unable to move. As soon as that spell was cast. Frozen spikes protruded out of the ground to try and impale him from underneath. This was before the clock of Darkness covered the Dark God.

Josh slowly opened his eyes when the attack didn’t hit and he didn’t see anything that would have stopped the attack. Well that was until Ocella Attacked the God. Then more attacks followed. However, a light covered him, and healed his injuries. His wings were working right, and his power was restored. Who helped them? Was a question that popped into this mind, but for now he would just have to wait for the answer. Standing up once more he looked to the battlefield with a smile. All of his family were fighting, and it was time he joined them He flew high into the sky in the center of all of them which was right above the Dark God, and cast a haste spell on them all. It would allow them to move two times as fast as they normally could. Then he swung his sword, and a blast of sound rained down on Subore from right above him.

Ocella smiled when her attacks struck the God, causing him to roar in anger. The others soon appeared on the field and she noticed Josh flying high in the air, blasting the God with his sound magic. An idea came to her and she appeared next to her brother. “Take this blade, and land the final blow behind your sound assault. The holy energies embedded in this sword should be enough to defeat him. I shall blind him with my light so that he does not see you coming,” she said, turning the blade and offering it to him hilt side first. She smiled and winked, seeing all of her family attacking the beast. They had such hope at winning this war now that they had all been helped, now that her uncle was on their side and now that Erobus had aided them.

Subore opened his eyes the moment he heard Aeterna and felt the cold shadow some envelope him. He felt the pin like needles of shadow strike him but his eyes shifted to black orbs and he roared causing a disruption in the spell. The dome vanished and Subore stood with a snarl on his face.

“Be careful,” Samael spoke to everyone as Subore waited for the next move. Art charged in swinging and striking with precision and Kelda offered cover from a distance utilizing water to shield Art from blast of fire that erupted from Subore’s mouth. Subore landed a hard strike to Art’s chest that sent him shooting back. Luckily he had hardened his chest to avoid too much damage. Kelda was able to stop his momentum. The fire blasts melted the ice that Amon had attempted to trap him with another dispelling aura blasted out from Subore. They would find utilizing instant trap spells or spells to slow him down would be useless. Subore slammed his fist into the oncoming protruding ice and watched as the shards littered the ground.

Kyori’s eyes narrowed as he twirled his staff and waited. Josh unleashed his attack and Subore was blasted with sound that pushed him back with each strike. He glanced up and out of his thrusted hand came swarms of necrotic bats that seemed to fill the sky.

Ocella smiled when the others joined her in battle. Subore was becoming angry, for he now was fighting to beat them all instead of one at a time. He released swarms of the bats and she looked to her friends with worry. Her form began to shimmer when she closed her eyes and the shimmering began to spread rapidly. A forcefield of shimmering light surrounded her, her uncle, and the other heroes on the field. The light was just strong enough to protect them, rather than cause Aeterna harm from her light. She kept her eyes closed during the entire attack, trying to concentrate on protecting those she cared for. She allowed nature to be her sight instead, smiling warmly as she felt the holy light warming her, giving her strength to continue.

Aeterna was not happy that the God was still able to break his spell, but he also knew that he was a creature of darkness much like he was. It seemed that every elemental spell that was thrown his way he was able to dispel with ease. However Josh, Kyori, and Ocella were able to hit him hard. This gave him hope that they will be able to defeat this God. They just needed to try and weaken him to the point where he would be completely vulnerable to attack. Aeterna knew that he would be able to hold Subore long enough for them to kill him, he just needed to wait for the right opportunity. He would need to watch the battle and wait. However, he needed to keep up his attacks as well. Throwing his sword into the air it split into seven different swords, and they all flew towards the dark God. Attempting to slice open his flesh.

However, at the same time Subor attacked once again with bats made from a deadly necrotic energy. He was about to disappear into the shadows when he was surrounded by a light that protected him. Staring into the light and not flinching from it he just stood there and watched as his swords attacked the dark god.

Amon cursed under his breath as his attack did nothing to the God of Destruction. That was to be expected from the God that helped Erobus to create the very element he was controlling. Though he doesn't only have the power of ice. Though he controls elements better, he can also cast spells of summoning. Though he doubted they would help him in this instance. All he could do for now was gather energy to use a technique that he didn’t think would help, but it might do a little damage to the God, but he still needed time to gather the amount of energy to cast the spell, as well as the time to chant the spell.

When the light surrounded him from his wife, he figured this would be the best time to concentrate on the spell. He closed his eyes and transformed back to his human form as the markings that covered his skin started to glow a light blue hue. He was gathering the energy he needed for this Spell. This was going to cost him all of his energy to cast, but if it helped defeat the god it would be worth it. He just needed time.

Josh watched as his sound waves hit their mark, and caused the God to be pushed back. It seemed he didn’t have the power to fight against sound as easily as he did the elements. This did give him an advantage, but at the same time he would become one of his targets. However this was one of those times he didn’t mind risking his life for the man he loved, and the rest of his family. He just wanted them all to be safe. The Ocella appeared by his side giving him a plan to try and defeat the Dark God. She was wanting him to take her blade and finish off the God. What would she do such a thing? Had she finally forgiven him?

Now was not the time to ask such questions. However, as he looked down at the God as he attacked them once more he didn’t believe that the God was weak enough to defeat, but the light in the blade if he could get it to penetrate deep enough into the God’s body that he couldn’t get it out would be a good start to weakening him. Though he couldn’t throw the blade at the same time he used his sound waves. “Cella. I will need you to throw the blade at the right time. Then I will use all the power I have to make sure the blade penetrates his skin, but I am unable to do such a thing on my own.” He said as a barrier of light surrounded him, and protected him from the dark Gods attack. Besides he didn’t know if he would be able to hold such a blade.

Ryan watched Subore break his brother’s as if it were nothing. It was crazy how much power this being had but Ryan realized they were fighting a literal god and they weren’t built to break easy. Swiftly Ryan transformed into his ice demon form.

“Special Technique: Frozen Cannonball!”

His form shot forth with great intensity and yet it was not enough. Subore managed to stop his moment though the god suffered laceration damage he was only pushed back a few feet before he struck Ryan to the ground causing Ryan to scream out. Subore smirked and grabbed Ryan by the throat.

“Seven Stars of Darkness, Strike!”

Ryan was struck with an immensely painful energy that sent him flying backwards hitting the ground hard. Everyone seemed to watch it happen in slow motion. Ryan skidded to a halt and wasn’t moving.

“Ryan!” Kyori shouted rushing over to him not realizing that Subore was headed his way until a blast of fire was turned into steam by Kelda as she rushed over.

“I got him, go.”

Kyori nodded and stood to his feet as Art charged Subore and Kyori joined the dash. Kyori managed to slide under Subore just as Art struck Subore in the chest with an iron fist. Subore stumbles back and Kyori was behind him.

“Sacred Technique: Aura of Life!”

Subore growled when the spiritual energy collided with his frame. It was immense and he was sent skidding forward managing to stop himself before turning around and glaring at Kyori. Kyori could see a dent in the armor of the dark god and he knew the end was coming though he hoped Ryan was okay.

“I admit my body is thrilled to feel pain. You, you are a worthy opponent but I will not let you defeat me,” Subore said glaring at each of them on the battlefield.

Samael looked over at Etrama’s body, a tear falling down his face. He moved over to him, touching his cold face gently with two fingers.

“My love,” he said softly before looking up at the battlefield. When this was over he would have a proper burial for him.

Subore grunted realizing he had taken too much damage. There would be others after him there always was and always would be the key was figuring out how to transcend generations. I’m the back of his mind he had accepted his fate and knew it was only a matter of time before his time would be over.

“SHOW ME YOUR POWER!” Subore yelled inhumanly.

Ocella nodded at Josh’s words. She watched as one by one, each of her comrades began to attack Subore after the bats ended. Ryan was first and she watched in horror as Subore retaliated, tossing Ryan to the ground as if he were nothing. She was about to appear at his side when Kyori beat her there, but suddenly he was in danger too. “Kyori!” she shouted, sighing in relief when Kelda protected him. She stayed with Ryan and Kyori returned, she looked at him with great concern, grateful that he was alright.

Subore was angry, for Art and Kyori had stricken him. Ocella began to glow brightly as she shot a beam of holy energy towards Subore, wanting to distract him once more. ‘Now!’ she thought to Josh, using all the power she could muster as she spun around, giving the sword as much momentum as she could before she threw it in the God’s direction. She could only hope that their plan would work, that it would strike Subore and that he wouldn’t catch it instead.

Amon watched as his brother attacked the God, and that his attack did little damage. However, Subore crushed Ryan to the ground causing his brother to scream out in pain. Then he watched as he his brother was attacked, and thrown back by the power that the God used. He wanted to help, but if he moved now his spell would be broken. Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned his attention back to the God. A pentagram appeared underneath him, and a summoning circle under the Dark God.

“Sacred Spell - .” Amon said as he concentrated all of his power into the spell. His daggers stabbed themselves into the pentagram, and with that the spell was activated. Dragons of ice and light formed in the edges of the circle. They attacked the God by biting, and clawing him.

Aeterna could only watch as Ryan was severely injured by Sabore. The God was able to actually injure the young demon badly, but he knew that if he left the battle now it would spell disaster for the others. They would all need to be here to win. Praying that Ryan was ok. He jumped into the shadow of the God, and concentrated on one of his skills. “Shadow Spell - Nightingale.” Aeterna said as he took over the Gods shadow, and held him still. Not knowing how long he would be able to hold him, but he hoped it would be long enough to finally end this war.

Josh could only watch in horror as Ryan was attacked his screams tearing at his heart, and then he lied on the ground motionless. “Ryannnn.” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs as tears fell from his eyes. He began to fly to him, but he suddenly stopped. He knew that he couldn't leave the others, and he just hoped that Ryan was okay.

Tears continued to fall from his face as Ocella prepared to attack Subore. He wouldn't let the opening his fellow Mystics have made. He watched as the blade left her hand, and he placed his sword in front of him, and his hand hand against the blade. Running his hand down the blade the rings changed tone once more. “Third Song - Ballade “ Josh said as he coated the blade in his sound magic and it increased in speed. The vibration would allow the blade to penetrate the Gods skin easier. “Second Song - Sanata “ Josh said as he disappeared from the battle and reappeared next to his love. He wanted to make sure he was still alive. His wings hurt from the increase in speed, but he wanted to be by his love's side.

The dark god watched as his opponent unleashed their attacks. First came the sudden summon of two dragons that attempted to strike him with their teeth and claws. He received slight damage but was able to dispel the summoning circle before he felt the tug on his senses. His body began to freeze up and he realized too late what was happening. When he looked up, his eyes were blinded by a beautiful light and then he felt it. The seraph blade struck its mark and he roared in pain as he fell to one knee clutching the blade that burned his hand every time he touched it.

Ryan remained unconscious, blood seeping from beneath him. Kyori looked at Subore as the light subsided and felt pity for him.

Samael gasped after Ryan was struck, but watched in awe as the mystics worked together to overcome. He marveled at how well they worked as a team. Then Subore was pierced by the seraph blade. It was over. The seraph blade slowly began to take effect and Subore looked at his enemies one by one. He shook his head and managed a weak smile.

“Eons ago my brother defeated me in battle, and I see now why,” Subore spit out as globs of black goo slid from his mouth. “Though you may have defeated me, there will be others. When you cut the head off of a hydra, another grows in its place.”

Kyori stepped forward and held his staff tightly.

Ocella couldn’t believe it. The sword had stricken its mark, all of their attacks had come together to make it count. After the blade struck its mark and the God fell to one knee, Kyori stepped forward and held his staff- the second piece to trapping the God. The God spoke of his defeat and she knew that his words were true. She looked to the others, Ryan was in bad shape and she transformed into her Seraph form. She floated high into the sky, and suddenly a bright light filled the area as Kyori went to work. “You can do this brother,” she spoke softly, a smile on her face.

She vanished to Ryan’s side and looked at her brother with worry. Amon was a mess, Josh was devastated and both rightfully so. She went to work immediately and poured every ounce of healing energy into him that she could, without overwhelming him or pouring too much light into him for his heritage to handle.

Amon watched As his spell was dismissed almost as quickly as it was summoned, and he fell to his knees. He exhausted all of his energy in that one attack. The daggers came to life and returned to their resting place within his body. All he could do now was watch as everything finally worked , and the God was now on his knees. Subore was speaking of his end and how the darkness would return. That was something he was well aware of, and he would keep his eyes and ears open as long as he lived to make sure it doesn't happen in his lifetime.

He wanted to be with his brother right now. So he pushed himself to get back up and slowly made his way over to where Ryan landed. A concerned look on his face as he didn’t even know if his brother was still alive.

Aeterna was glad that Subore didn’t put up as much of a fight as he could have with him under this spell, but he continued to hold it any way. He wanted to make sure that he couldn’t fight back. The creature that was responsible for all of the death that has happened, and the horrible things that have happened. He may have felt sorry for him, but it wasn't going to stop him from doing what needed to be done.

Josh was distraught at seeing the blood seeping out from underneath his loves unconscious form as he reached down to touch his face. His body was still cold, but it was warmer than it should be. HIs body was shaking as he couldn’t get a response out of Ryan as Ocella arrived to try and heal him. HIs emotions died as he stood up, and looked at the dark God that had taken his love from him. His sword appeared in his hand as tears continued to flow from his eyes. Yet it looked like no one was home. His eyes seemed dead. Not saying a word or making a noise he charged at the Dark God.

Kyori was motionless as Subore said his speech. Kelda clutched her pearls while Art held his chest, a small bit of blood seeping from the deep gash caused by Subore’s fists. Kyori could tell the dark being was ready for his punishment, it seemed as if he were inviting the void. As Kyori took another step forward, Joshua suddenly charged towards Subore who’s eyes flickered with humor before Kyori appeared in front of Joshua, holding him by the shoulder.

“No,” Kyori said stern in his grip, “this is not our way Josh.”

Kyori looked into Joshua’s angry eyes and hoped his brother understood. Subore would return to the void. It was as Erobus wished.

“I am sorry,” Kyori added as he turned to face Subore. He was the only being keeping Joshua from Subore and Kyori could see the look on Subore’s face.

“DO IT!” Subore shouted.

“DIVINE LAW: JUDGEMENT!” Kyori spoke as he held the staff up. A pentagram appeared beneath Subore who growled but did not resist. “Pendulum, give your verdict!”

There was a pendulum that swung over guilty and not guilty until it settled on guilty. Kyori’s eyes rested on the judgement and he nodded.

“Your judgement is the void within this prison,” Kyori retrieved a stone from his garments and held it out in front of him. The pentagram began to glow brightly before Subore’s screams could be heard as his essence slowly poured into the stone. The stone then vanished and Kyori exhaled. The war was over. Darkness had lost, and the light prevailed, but at costs no one wanted. Quickly, he turned and rushed over to Ryan who coughed gently and opened his eyes slowly.

“Did we win?” he asked weakly.

Kyori smiled and nodded, “for now,” he added as Samael moved from Etrama’s dead form.

“Great warriors of light, your jobs are never done.”

Ocella watched Kyori, a small smile on her face as she looked at him, idolization evident on her features. He requested the judgement, and it was clear. Subore was banished to the void and Kyori rushed to Ryan, whom seemed to be stirring. “Ryan,” she said softly, her voice wavering. “You idiot. Why on Earth….” she stopped herself and shook her head. “Come on Ryan,” she said softly, hoping that her magic would be enough to help him gain some of the energy that he needed. She stood slowly from her place and went to Amon’s side, wrapping her arms around him as her uncle spoke.

She knew that their work was never over, especially hers after Erobus’s message, but at least they had the opportunity to recover. “It may never be over but for now, we have time to recover,” she said, a small smile on her face as she looked to Kyori. She made her way to him and embraced him with as much love as she could. “Thank you for saving me,” she said softly as she held him close, just taking in the fact that he had returned to them. “I’m so happy to have you back. Your reaper form is rude,” she said with a smirk and a chuckle.

She looked to Ryan and shook her head. “Want me to take you back to the base?” she asked, crossing her arms and looking at her uncle warily.

Amon finally made it to where Ryan was lying, and he looked down at the blood that was coating the ground. He felt a pain in his heart as he could only watch as his brother was slowly bleeding to death, and his wife was desperately trying to save him. He closed his eyes, as Josh decided to attack the Destruction God. Amon was having his own problems with what was happening.

Then right after the God received his judgment Ryan spoke. Amon opened his eyes and looked down at his brother. He was still alive, and he almost fell to the ground with relief, but he was caught in Ocella wrapped her arms around him. He needed the support right at the moment, and he closed his eyes once more “Thank you my love.” He said in a whisper as he tried to hold back his tears.

He knew the fight the Mystics had won would not be the last battle they would more than likely fight, but he would get stronger so his wife and her family wouldn’t have to fight it on their own.

Aeterna removed himself from the Gods shadow as the verdict was read. He didn’t want to get sucked up with him, and if he was part of his shadow he knew he would have. Appearing with the others around Ryan who looked worse for ware he was happy that the young Ice Demon survived that attack. “Don’t scare us like that you Idiot.”Aeterna said as he looked down at all of the blood he had lost. Ryan was lucky to be alive.

“We will not let the darkness win as long as we are alive. We must keep a vigilant watch over the world, and it’s people.” He said as he walked over to Kyori. They would never be separated, but they would be busy with their new roles. Interlocking his clawed hand with Kyori’s he just smiled as he looked to the others. They were all not in good shape, but Ryan had gotten the brunt of the damage. “I don’t think we should Move Ryan just yet. Give him more time to heal.”

Josh looked into Kyori’s eyes as he stopped him, and the tears continued to flow as he spoke. His brother’s words reaching him where he had disappeared to he came back to his senses. He dropped his sword, and fell to his knees. Powerless to do anything as he watched Kyori pass judgment on the God. His whole world was turned upside down at the moment. To him this win was but an empty victory. His love is dying, and there was nothing he could do.

Then he heard a cough and Ryan’s voice as he was regaining consciousness. He scrambled back to his feet, and ran over to Ryan tears of relief filled his eyes now as he touched his love's face. “Don’t you die on me.” Josh said as he leaned over and kissed Ryan softly on the lips. He knew he was not out of the woods, but he would stay by his side no matter what.

Ryan slowly managed to maneuver into a sitting position, though the star shaped scar on his chest would forever be a reminder of how close to death he had gotten. Blood was still slowly seeping from it, but Ocella had managed to heal the wound slightly. He smiled softly realizing that they had won but knew that their work was never done.

“I love you too,” Ryan admitted as Kelda and Art helped him to his feet. “I’m okay though, really I am,” he said looking at Joshua and wrapping his arms around him.

Samael smiled and nodded as he moved back over to Etrama’s body. He knelt down and began to remove the caked up blood and dirt from his face and the death blow on his body. Kyori took note of Samael’s sudden disappearance from the group and saw him in the distance next to Etrama’s body. Sighing, he looked at Ocella and gave her a nod in her uncle’s direction.

“Kelda, Art, make sure that all of our allies are alerted of the victory. We have a lot of cleaning up to do,” Kyori said as Art and Kelda both vanished in their own element. Kyori looked at Aeterna as he held his hand.

“You really loved him didn’t you?” Kyori asked as he moved closer to Samael.

“He made me happy even though the dark one had tainted me, he kept my heart alive.”

Ocella smiled as Ryan came too and began to sit up. “Ryan!” she said with excitement. “Don’t you EVER do that again or I’ll smack you!” she said, smiling at he and Josh. She noticed Kyori walking off in the distance and saw her uncle near Etrama’s body. She saw the look on his face and her heart sunk as the realization seeped in. She appeared next to her uncle and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, still unsure what forms of affection were acceptable.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” she said, her face filled with sympathy. Samael had once again lost the man he loved to battle. While she recognized that it had to be done, she was certain that if anyone could have made Etrama less of a threat to society it was her uncle.

Josh was still a little leary of having Ryan sit up, but he didn’t have the heart to stop him. So he stood up as well, and stared at the bleeding star shaped wound on his chest. He didn’t like that Ryan was going to have to live with a scar like that, but there was nothing he could do about it. Once Ryan was standing he wrapped his arms around him, and Josh only smiled as his worried expression faded. Wrapping his arms around the man he loved he held him tight as he returned to his human form. Not saying a word he laid his head on his love's shoulder as he thanked Erobus for not taking his love from him. “Don’t ever do that again. Please.”

Amon was surprised when Ocella left his side, and he watched as she went over to where her Uncle was kneeling next to Etrama’s body. He didn’t understand what was going on, but soon realized that his wife was upset. He didn’t know why so he looked to his brother and saw him in the arms of the man he loved. Deciding to let them be alone for a bit, he slowly made his way over to where Ocella, Kyori, and Aeterna were.

Aeterna looked his love in the eyes, as they continued to hold hands. Then Kyori made his way over to where Samael was, and Aeterna followed not letting go of Kyori’s hand. There was still so much they needed to do, and he wanted to give Kyori the wedding he deserved before they began their new duties. Knowing they might not have the time after that.

Aeterna looked down as the lifeless form of the man that not only tortured both him and Amon, but… Aeterna didn’t want to think about it. However, something seemed off. Samael was treating the man kindly almost like a lover would. The Kyori spoke, and his jaw almost dropped. Was a man like him capable of love? Aeterna couldn’t believe it, but it had to be true. No one mourns like Samael was over someone that was just a thing to them. They did love one another. It was something he could understand, and he felt sorry for the man that lost his love. “No one deserves to lose the one they love. I am sorry for your loss.” Aeterna’s words were true. The man before him may have been an enemy, but he was loved by someone even though he was a bastard.

Kyori watched the tears stream down Samael’s face and he knew then what he needed to do.

“Samael, you were once tainted, but you have helped us and for that I owe you my life. I will help you,” Kyori said as Samael looked at him with a confused look.

“Help me? How?” Samael asked unsure what Kyori was going to do.

“Divine Technique: Soul Reversion,” Kyori said as gently as he spoke to them. The end of his staff began to shine and Etrama’s body began to shimmer.

- - - Updated - - -

Sending the Dragon falling to the ground. He was still alive, but his wings weren't able to keep him afloat any more.

Aeterna saw his chance to attack after the bastard hurt Kyori and Josh. His side was beginning to ache, so he needed to be careful not to waste anymore time or energy. His eyes turned pitch black as he used his power to manipulate the shadows to attack Subore once more. This time half the shadows went to bind the God the others went to skewer him. Aeterna also sent Shadows to catch Josh as he was falling to the earth to keep him from impacting with the ground. He hoped that Samael, and the others were about done with the preparation until then he wouldn't use much of his power. Nightingale took up a lot of his strength, and who knew what hi strongest ability was. The sword refused to let him access the ability.

Ocella watched as both her husband and uncle began to pour divine energy into the blade. Amon was by her side after she had collapsed, helping her to her feet. She nodded at his words and kissed his cheek for a moment, knowing that this was it. She closed her eyes and allowed a feeling of peace to wash over her just as she had done so long ago in her grandfather’s cave. She smiled softly as the light poured from her, brightening the area as the holy energies filled the blade. ‘Thank you, Erobus,’ she thought softly to the God, a smile on her face as she felt the warmth of the light. She held Amon close to her, wanting him to feel her love while they poured their energy into this last strike. She opened her eyes softly and smiled at her uncle, still giving every ounce of energy she had left into the blade.

As they continued to put their energies into the weapons, an image began to slowly appear before them. Samael’s eyes widened when he realized who it was.

“Lord Erobus,” he said bowing instantly.

Erobus looked at the three of them his face void of emotion. Without hesitation he reached out and grabbed the staff and soul stone. He pressed it to his body and instantly it changed, becoming golden in color with hints of turquoise speckled through the staff. He placed the staff back in the spell circle and reached out for the Seraph blade. With a simple touch the blade came to life transforming into a beautiful blade. The hilt was pure white, with etchings of gold. Seraph wings covered the hilt, protecting the wielder from the blade. The counterweight was a beautiful halo. Erobus had done what they asked but he still hovered there observing Ocella.

“You,” he said, “stand to your feet.”

Subore was bombarded with shadows that impaled his thick skin but didn’t go deep enough to cause any serious damage. On top of that his ears began to ring and his senses began to cloud, making it impossible to concentrate. He fell to one knee trying to pinpoint at least one of them to kill. Glaring, he began to shoot energy beams in random locations hoping to strike something or someone.

Ocella watched what was happening as a shape began to take form. Samael spoke, addressing the figure and she dropped to her knees instantly in respect, bowing before him. She hadn’t been expecting to summon him, her uncle had left that part out. She dared to watch the God in awe as he transformed the staff and blade, still on her knees to show respect for her lord. Once his work was done, she smiled gratefully at the being. He was still with them and this confused her, but suddenly he turned his attention to her and commanded her to rise to her feet.

Her eyes widened at this and she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she forced herself to her feet as told. “My lord,” she spoke, her voice soft and filled with the utmost respect.

Amon watched as a figure took shape within the light that was summoned, and he had no idea who in the world this man was. He knew of the name that Samael called him though he really had no true idea how the man was let alone why Ocella, and Samael were bowing to him. So he just stood there looking at the man, but couldn’t truly feel his presence in this plane. So he just watched as the man went to work, and just stood there without a care in the world, but he did feel the energy of the dark God, and it almost felt like it was getting closer. He looked in the direction of the energy, and hoped the others were still okay!

Josh was caught by the shadows that cushioned his fall. The shadows helped him to the ground, and he looked to the God as he was down on one knee, and trying to shake them off like the insects he thought they were. He was glad the God was able to shake off his spell. He twisted is sword and the rings chimed, but didn’t make a sound. He wanted to keep this up as long as he could. Then energy beams were shot out in different direction, and one was aiming for him. He was able to move to the side, and avoid injury. This time he was lucky, the next time he might not be as lucky.

Aeterna disappeared into the shadows, and appeared next to Kyori. He looked at him with a worried look on his face knowing that he had been injured by the Dark God, but knew better than to ask if he was okay. The battle was fare from being over, and they needed to keep their concentration on the battle. Trying to keep his wound a secret he only smiled at Kyori once more and disappeared back into the shadows. As long as he knew Kyori was okay he was content. He would protect him no matter what.

Erobus looked at Ocella and nodded.

“You have show great allegiance to the light, and you have paid the ultimate price for an angel,” Erobus said as he hovered closer to her. “You were offered to live peacefully in the afterlife but you declined the offer because you wanted to ensure this world was safe, am I right?” Erobus said as he looked over at Samael. “You have shown your loyalty and for that I shall give you a gift. With this gift you must promise to always protect this world.”

A light shot from the sky and struck Ocella. She would feel her bones mend, her injuries heal and she would feel different. When the light subsided Erobus smiled.

“I have made you an elite, a divine Seraph. You will notice that things feel and sound differently now. For your loyalty, for your determination to protect I have gifted you the power to do so. With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely.”

Ocella had not two sets of wings but three, with a total of six wings. She was now a Seraph, the ONLY Seraph in existence. Samael watched in awe as he couldn’t fathom such a gift. He was indeed proud of his niece.

“Where is the one known as Kyori, and the one known as Aeterna? I have a gift for them as well.”

Ocella listened to Erobus and nodded as he spoke, wondering what would become of her actions. He spoke of giving her a gift and she looked up at him, but suddenly an intense light struck her from high above. Her bones were mending, she was able to breathe regularly once more, her strength had returned tenfold and she gasped when the light slowly disappeared, for she now had three pairs of wings on her back that were as beautiful as ever.

Ocella could only smile in return as he smiled, observing him and others in a new light, hearing things differently than before. She was a Seraph now, the only divine Seraph currently in existence. She felt as if a great responsibility had been placed upon her and she smiled at the God while he spoke. It was true that someday she would watch her friends and family die, but she now had the ability to visit them as she wished. A small tear fell down her cheek, it was a tear of joy and when the great God finished speaking she rushed to him and threw her arms around him, embracing him lovingly. “Thank you my lord, I shall do as you have requested and strive to never disappoint you,” she said, backing up and blushing.

He asked where Kyori and Aeterna were and she looked to the battle at hand. “Would you like for me to retrieve them and to continue in their place?” she asked, still in awe at how vividly she could see and hear what was happening.

Amon could only watch as Ocella was struck by a light, and then when the light faded his wife was standing there more beautiful than ever. She had three silken white wings, and all of her wounds seemed to be gone. Along with her worry that they were going to lose this fight. He was happy for her, and bowed with respect to the God. when he finished his bow Ocella hugged the man and was really happy. He would have to remind himself to ask her who this man was. Though now that this has happened he has a pretty good idea who this man was. He bowed his head once more in respect.

“Yes, if you would be so kind as to retrieve them,” Erobus said as he raised his hand towards Samael and Amon signifying that they could stand in his presence. “Samael, will you return to the heavens?”

“My liege, if it will make you happy,” Samael said.

“What will make me happy is to have you train her in the ways of a Seraph. She is the only one in existence, but you trained many in your day. I want you to take your place on the Pantheon. Regardless of what has happened all is forgiven. My brother must be stopped and though I cannot do it myself, I shall gift to you the means to do so. That staff and blade will be able to end him, and trap him in the void for all eternity.”

Samael nodded and retrieved the blade and staff.

Kyori could feel Aeterna’s presence and when he went to move, there was an intense pain that flooded his body. That beam was no ordinary energy beam. His wound was getting bigger and he groaned as he tried to stand to his feet.

Subore was struck with more intense waves of confusion and ringing that caused him to increase the range of the beam as it surged forth in various directions. He needed to locate the source and destroy it, but who was the source?

Aeterna saw through the shadows that Kori was hurt and bad. Though his own injury was beginning to hurt even worse now. But he pushed the pain away, and appeared next to Kyori once more. Placing his hand on his shoulder. HIs normal vision had vanished, and he could only see through the shadows at the moment. “Kyori. Whan in the world is happening to you?” He asked as he touched his love's side, and could feel the blood that was coming from the wound. He never thought that Kyori would have been hurt this bad by the energy blast he got hit with. He picked up Kyori, and tried not to cause him any pain, but instead a pain shot through his side, and he quickly fell to one knee. He needed to get kyori to safety before one of the beams of light hit him. The potion had completely worn off now, and pain filled his senses.

Josh was trying to keep up with the energy beams that were being shot in his direction, but he was starting to slow down. Keeping this spell going was draining his energy, and soon he will be unable to dodge the beams of light anymore. Then it happened he tripped up on a stone, and fell to the ground. A beam of energy was heading his way, and he didn’t have time to dodge. So he just closed his eyes hoping for the best.

Ocella nodded the moment Erobus released her to return to battle. She vanished in a flash of light, appearing high in the skies above the battle. “Hey Subore!” she called, seeing Josh in a bad spot. She vanished at once and appeared in front of him, a beam of her own energy effortlessly defending him. She searched for Kyori and Aeterna, seeing them both on the ground together, wounded. She gasped and appeared next to them, touching one of their shoulders each and vanishing. She reappeared next to Erobus with her friends and nodded her head, vanishing back to the battlefield. “I’m back,” she told Subore, a wicked grin on her face as she took off into the skies. “Can you keep up?” she asked, intending to lure him away from the others while they recovered.

Finally, the ringing stopped and the disorientation ceased. He stood upright and glared as he felt a familiar presence enter the field. A smile on his face as he looked to the sky.

“Ahh six more wings for me to rip off,” Subore said as he listened to her challenge and immediately he summoned winged imps to chase her down as he focused on her. “It seems my brother doesn’t know when to quit. A Seraph, how I loathe them, which explains their eradication.”

Erobus looked down at Kyori and Aeterna who were both injured. Kyori looked up weakly and tried his hardest to get on his knees.

“Relax my child,” Erobus said as he reached out and touched both of them. Kyori felt a rush of power flow through him. It was unimaginable that any being could have that much power. Then it subsided and his aches and pains were gone. Aeterna would feel the same. “I have a request of you,” Erobus began as he nodded to Samael who walked over to Kyori and handed him the divine staff. “It is infused with my power, as well as the power it held already. Aside from this weapon I ask that you resume your duties as the spirit walker, the bridge between life and death. I ask that you be my reaper and grant safe passage for the souls of the dead, but I also need you to ensure the safety of this world Kyori. Can you fulfill this duty I place upon your shoulders?”

Kyori couldn’t believe what was happening. He was speechless, but he nodded and Erobus smiled.

“Behold my power,” Erobus said as Kyori grasped the staff. A beam of light struck him and he was lifted into the air about six feet off the ground. His eyes were awakened and his senses were peaked. When the light subsided Kyori stood his eyes now a beautiful golden hue, and what looked to be a halo rested around his neck and wrist. His garbs were golden and white with flecks of turquoise throughout. He had been touched by the creation god himself. Erobus admired his handiwork and turned his attention to Aeterna.

“Your race has ended, you are the last of your species shadow phoenix, but my son, the Rainbow Phoenix has assured me that you hold great promise. We shall see as I have a very special gift for you. In exchange for your service, I will grant you a place in the Phoenix Council and you will head my palace guards. Of course this does not mean you will neglect your duties as protector of this realm. If you accept your gift, I shall bestow it upon you.”

When Ocella arrived to his and his love's side they were taken away to another location. He couldn’t see who was there but when Kyori tried to move he just let him. He was in no condition to stop him, and thes a voice rang out, and Aeterna didn’t know who it belonged to, but once a hand was placed on his shoulder, and his wounds healed he looked up at the man and his eyes went wide as he instantly bowed before the God of Creation Erobus. Why in the world would he be here? He questioned himself as he remained bowed before the God. He knew his place better than anyone, and wouldn’t show any disrespect for the God.

He heard the conversation between the God and his love. He was so proud of him. Though this did mean that they would more than likely be separated. This saddened him greatly, but it was for the betterment of the world. He smiled but he refused to look up. He didn’t want to show any disrespect for him of Kyori. But something happened that he didn’t expect. The God addressed him. Looking up from the ground he finally looked into the face of the God as he spoke. Shock filled his whole system as the Deities words sunk in. Was this really happening? Was this really happening?

Aeterna was speechless. Never in all of his many years would he have thought that the God of creation would ask him anything. Let alone to be the leader of his royal guard, and have a place among the phoenix counsel. He was speechless at the request. He looked over at Kyori and saw his new form. He smiled lovingly at him as he turned to Erobus. “I accept your Gracious offer. Lord of all creation. I will do my best to live up to everyone's expectations.” Aeterna said as he bowed to the God once more.

Ocella watched the God and smirked at his words. “Enough talking, let’s finish this,” she said, her voice soft yet filled with power. She saw the attack heading her way and closed her eyes, raising her hands in front of her chest and holding her palms together. “Come to me,” she spoke softly, and suddenly the blade within Samael’s hands began to vibrate. “Sorry uncle,” she spoke, a small smile on her face as her blade separated from his hold and raced to her side. She grasped it with one hand and held it forward, slicing through the winged imps with ease.

She stared at the God cooly, her eyes piercing. “For all those you’ve murdered,” she began, her voice captivating. She slashed her weapon forward in the air and from it came hundreds of shards of light. “For all those you’ve wronged,” she continued, slashing again as hundreds more shards of light followed, “You will Never harm again!” Ocella called, slashing forward this time, releasing a high power orb of energy from the blade that followed behind the shards. Upon contact, each shard would explode with energy as it pierced through skin.

Erobus called forth his divine light once more and imbued Aeterna with power. When the light subsided Aeterna would be awoken. Erobus closed his eyes and looked at Samael.

“I will leave you to watch over them, I must take my leave, but before I do,” Erobus filled the area with divine light, healing every hero on the battlefield. Kelda and Art arrived just in time to receive the healing but when the light subsided they heard numerous explosions. Samael turned and watched his niece attack Subore with renewed vigor.

“That a girl,” he said as Erobus nodded and vanished slowly from their sight. Kyori turned and faced Subore who was unfortunate to receive the blast of energy in his chest, but he managed to catch it and toss it into the air as it exploded. He sneered and roared.

“You ready guys?” Kyori asked as he looked at Aeterna. Kelda and Art looked at Kyori and smirked. “All or nothing Kyori,” they said in unison.

Ryan took the opportunity to unleash a volley of arrows that sliced through Subore’s flesh causing him to shoot a blast of chaos magic at Ryan from his maw. Kyori appeared in front of Ryan thwacking the orb away from Ryan with his staff.

“Holy shit,” Ryan said noticing how different Kyori looked.

“Divine Technique, Spirit Halo!” Kyori stated summoning hundreds of divine halos that revolved around Subore before crashing against his form. He was knocked back but regained his footing as he stood to his feet.

“Well well, I can smell his power on you. IS THIS WHAT YOU DO NOW BROTHER?!” Subore shouted growling as he closed his eyes and breathed.

“Get ready,” Samael said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Aeterna was basked in the light that was Erobus’s power, and no matter what he was still a creature that lived in darkness. The light burned on contact with his body, and fell to one knee in pain. The light felt as if it was burning his very soul to sunder. Though he didn’t scream. He refused to show and form of weakness to the light that was covering him. Aeterna closed his eyes as the pain intensified, then without warning the pain stopped.

When he opened his eyes he was standing once more, but felt completely different. HIs body no longer felt affected by the light that was surrounding him, as the light vanished he even looks different than he did before. Hs wings were still black, but had silver highlights, and blue tips. HIs eyes were pitch black with a light blue iris with silver inlay. HIs black robes were gone replaced with black pants, a black shirt with silver feathers laced through the design, and white jacket with black feathers in the same design. His senses were heightened, and he also felt lighter in a way. Was this because he no longer is afraid of the light? A question he would have to answer at a later date. For now they need to continue this fight. NO. They needed to finish this fight. To bring peace to this realm once more.

Once Kelda and Art arrived it was time to put their all into the battle. He smiled at Kyori as he disappeared into the shadows, and reappeared not fare from where the God was now standing. He used his power to gather the shadows around him, as they swirled under him. A smile formed on his face as he spoke. “Special technique - Shadow Fall.” He said calmly as the shadows surrounded him and Subore, and anyone else that happened to be in the vicinity as a rain of needles that would be able to pierce his skin deeper than his last shadow attack. This time he didn’t need to worry about the needles coming after fd, or any of his family. He was able to control the ability better than before.

Amon had been heel of his fatigue when the light of the God washed over him, and he smiled as he took flight landing about a mile away from the others. Taking out his demonic dagger he stabbed himself in the heart. “Forbidden Spell - Demon Transformation.” Amon said as his body started to physically change to that of his demon brethren. Using this new form he chanted an Ice spell that would freeze Subore to the ground. Making it where he would be unable to move. As soon as that spell was cast. Frozen spikes protruded out of the ground to try and impale him from underneath. This was before the clock of Darkness covered the Dark God.

Josh slowly opened his eyes when the attack didn’t hit and he didn’t see anything that would have stopped the attack. Well that was until Ocella Attacked the God. Then more attacks followed. However, a light covered him, and healed his injuries. His wings were working right, and his power was restored. Who helped them? Was a question that popped into this mind, but for now he would just have to wait for the answer. Standing up once more he looked to the battlefield with a smile. All of his family were fighting, and it was time he joined them He flew high into the sky in the center of all of them which was right above the Dark God, and cast a haste spell on them all. It would allow them to move two times as fast as they normally could. Then he swung his sword, and a blast of sound rained down on Subore from right above him.

Ocella smiled when her attacks struck the God, causing him to roar in anger. The others soon appeared on the field and she noticed Josh flying high in the air, blasting the God with his sound magic. An idea came to her and she appeared next to her brother. “Take this blade, and land the final blow behind your sound assault. The holy energies embedded in this sword should be enough to defeat him. I shall blind him with my light so that he does not see you coming,” she said, turning the blade and offering it to him hilt side first. She smiled and winked, seeing all of her family attacking the beast. They had such hope at winning this war now that they had all been helped, now that her uncle was on their side and now that Erobus had aided them.

Subore opened his eyes the moment he heard Aeterna and felt the cold shadow some envelope him. He felt the pin like needles of shadow strike him but his eyes shifted to black orbs and he roared causing a disruption in the spell. The dome vanished and Subore stood with a snarl on his face.

“Be careful,” Samael spoke to everyone as Subore waited for the next move. Art charged in swinging and striking with precision and Kelda offered cover from a distance utilizing water to shield Art from blast of fire that erupted from Subore’s mouth. Subore landed a hard strike to Art’s chest that sent him shooting back. Luckily he had hardened his chest to avoid too much damage. Kelda was able to stop his momentum. The fire blasts melted the ice that Amon had attempted to trap him with another dispelling aura blasted out from Subore. They would find utilizing instant trap spells or spells to slow him down would be useless. Subore slammed his fist into the oncoming protruding ice and watched as the shards littered the ground.

Kyori’s eyes narrowed as he twirled his staff and waited. Josh unleashed his attack and Subore was blasted with sound that pushed him back with each strike. He glanced up and out of his thrusted hand came swarms of necrotic bats that seemed to fill the sky.

Ocella smiled when the others joined her in battle. Subore was becoming angry, for he now was fighting to beat them all instead of one at a time. He released swarms of the bats and she looked to her friends with worry. Her form began to shimmer when she closed her eyes and the shimmering began to spread rapidly. A forcefield of shimmering light surrounded her, her uncle, and the other heroes on the field. The light was just strong enough to protect them, rather than cause Aeterna harm from her light. She kept her eyes closed during the entire attack, trying to concentrate on protecting those she cared for. She allowed nature to be her sight instead, smiling warmly as she felt the holy light warming her, giving her strength to continue.

Aeterna was not happy that the God was still able to break his spell, but he also knew that he was a creature of darkness much like he was. It seemed that every elemental spell that was thrown his way he was able to dispel with ease. However Josh, Kyori, and Ocella were able to hit him hard. This gave him hope that they will be able to defeat this God. They just needed to try and weaken him to the point where he would be completely vulnerable to attack. Aeterna knew that he would be able to hold Subore long enough for them to kill him, he just needed to wait for the right opportunity. He would need to watch the battle and wait. However, he needed to keep up his attacks as well. Throwing his sword into the air it split into seven different swords, and they all flew towards the dark God. Attempting to slice open his flesh.

However, at the same time Subor attacked once again with bats made from a deadly necrotic energy. He was about to disappear into the shadows when he was surrounded by a light that protected him. Staring into the light and not flinching from it he just stood there and watched as his swords attacked the dark god.

Amon cursed under his breath as his attack did nothing to the God of Destruction. That was to be expected from the God that helped Erobus to create the very element he was controlling. Though he doesn't only have the power of ice. Though he controls elements better, he can also cast spells of summoning. Though he doubted they would help him in this instance. All he could do for now was gather energy to use a technique that he didn’t think would help, but it might do a little damage to the God, but he still needed time to gather the amount of energy to cast the spell, as well as the time to chant the spell.

When the light surrounded him from his wife, he figured this would be the best time to concentrate on the spell. He closed his eyes and transformed back to his human form as the markings that covered his skin started to glow a light blue hue. He was gathering the energy he needed for this Spell. This was going to cost him all of his energy to cast, but if it helped defeat the god it would be worth it. He just needed time.

Josh watched as his sound waves hit their mark, and caused the God to be pushed back. It seemed he didn’t have the power to fight against sound as easily as he did the elements. This did give him an advantage, but at the same time he would become one of his targets. However this was one of those times he didn’t mind risking his life for the man he loved, and the rest of his family. He just wanted them all to be safe. The Ocella appeared by his side giving him a plan to try and defeat the Dark God. She was wanting him to take her blade and finish off the God. What would she do such a thing? Had she finally forgiven him?

Now was not the time to ask such questions. However, as he looked down at the God as he attacked them once more he didn’t believe that the God was weak enough to defeat, but the light in the blade if he could get it to penetrate deep enough into the God’s body that he couldn’t get it out would be a good start to weakening him. Though he couldn’t throw the blade at the same time he used his sound waves. “Cella. I will need you to throw the blade at the right time. Then I will use all the power I have to make sure the blade penetrates his skin, but I am unable to do such a thing on my own.” He said as a barrier of light surrounded him, and protected him from the dark Gods attack. Besides he didn’t know if he would be able to hold such a blade.

Ryan watched Subore break his brother’s as if it were nothing. It was crazy how much power this being had but Ryan realized they were fighting a literal god and they weren’t built to break easy. Swiftly Ryan transformed into his ice demon form.

“Special Technique: Frozen Cannonball!”

His form shot forth with great intensity and yet it was not enough. Subore managed to stop his moment though the god suffered laceration damage he was only pushed back a few feet before he struck Ryan to the ground causing Ryan to scream out. Subore smirked and grabbed Ryan by the throat.

“Seven Stars of Darkness, Strike!”

Ryan was struck with an immensely painful energy that sent him flying backwards hitting the ground hard. Everyone seemed to watch it happen in slow motion. Ryan skidded to a halt and wasn’t moving.

“Ryan!” Kyori shouted rushing over to him not realizing that Subore was headed his way until a blast of fire was turned into steam by Kelda as she rushed over.

“I got him, go.”

Kyori nodded and stood to his feet as Art charged Subore and Kyori joined the dash. Kyori managed to slide under Subore just as Art struck Subore in the chest with an iron fist. Subore stumbles back and Kyori was behind him.

“Sacred Technique: Aura of Life!”

Subore growled when the spiritual energy collided with his frame. It was immense and he was sent skidding forward managing to stop himself before turning around and glaring at Kyori. Kyori could see a dent in the armor of the dark god and he knew the end was coming though he hoped Ryan was okay.

“I admit my body is thrilled to feel pain. You, you are a worthy opponent but I will not let you defeat me,” Subore said glaring at each of them on the battlefield.

Samael looked over at Etrama’s body, a tear falling down his face. He moved over to him, touching his cold face gently with two fingers.

“My love,” he said softly before looking up at the battlefield. When this was over he would have a proper burial for him.

Subore grunted realizing he had taken too much damage. There would be others after him there always was and always would be the key was figuring out how to transcend generations. I’m the back of his mind he had accepted his fate and knew it was only a matter of time before his time would be over.

“SHOW ME YOUR POWER!” Subore yelled inhumanly.

Ocella nodded at Josh’s words. She watched as one by one, each of her comrades began to attack Subore after the bats ended. Ryan was first and she watched in horror as Subore retaliated, tossing Ryan to the ground as if he were nothing. She was about to appear at his side when Kyori beat her there, but suddenly he was in danger too. “Kyori!” she shouted, sighing in relief when Kelda protected him. She stayed with Ryan and Kyori returned, she looked at him with great concern, grateful that he was alright.

Subore was angry, for Art and Kyori had stricken him. Ocella began to glow brightly as she shot a beam of holy energy towards Subore, wanting to distract him once more. ‘Now!’ she thought to Josh, using all the power she could muster as she spun around, giving the sword as much momentum as she could before she threw it in the God’s direction. She could only hope that their plan would work, that it would strike Subore and that he wouldn’t catch it instead.

Amon watched as his brother attacked the God, and that his attack did little damage. However, Subore crushed Ryan to the ground causing his brother to scream out in pain. Then he watched as he his brother was attacked, and thrown back by the power that the God used. He wanted to help, but if he moved now his spell would be broken. Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned his attention back to the God. A pentagram appeared underneath him, and a summoning circle under the Dark God.

“Sacred Spell - .” Amon said as he concentrated all of his power into the spell. His daggers stabbed themselves into the pentagram, and with that the spell was activated. Dragons of ice and light formed in the edges of the circle. They attacked the God by biting, and clawing him.

Aeterna could only watch as Ryan was severely injured by Sabore. The God was able to actually injure the young demon badly, but he knew that if he left the battle now it would spell disaster for the others. They would all need to be here to win. Praying that Ryan was ok. He jumped into the shadow of the God, and concentrated on one of his skills. “Shadow Spell - Nightingale.” Aeterna said as he took over the Gods shadow, and held him still. Not knowing how long he would be able to hold him, but he hoped it would be long enough to finally end this war.

Josh could only watch in horror as Ryan was attacked his screams tearing at his heart, and then he lied on the ground motionless. “Ryannnn.” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs as tears fell from his eyes. He began to fly to him, but he suddenly stopped. He knew that he couldn't leave the others, and he just hoped that Ryan was okay.

Tears continued to fall from his face as Ocella prepared to attack Subore. He wouldn't let the opening his fellow Mystics have made. He watched as the blade left her hand, and he placed his sword in front of him, and his hand hand against the blade. Running his hand down the blade the rings changed tone once more. “Third Song - Ballade “ Josh said as he coated the blade in his sound magic and it increased in speed. The vibration would allow the blade to penetrate the Gods skin easier. “Second Song - Sanata “ Josh said as he disappeared from the battle and reappeared next to his love. He wanted to make sure he was still alive. His wings hurt from the increase in speed, but he wanted to be by his love's side.

The dark god watched as his opponent unleashed their attacks. First came the sudden summon of two dragons that attempted to strike him with their teeth and claws. He received slight damage but was able to dispel the summoning circle before he felt the tug on his senses. His body began to freeze up and he realized too late what was happening. When he looked up, his eyes were blinded by a beautiful light and then he felt it. The seraph blade struck its mark and he roared in pain as he fell to one knee clutching the blade that burned his hand every time he touched it.

Ryan remained unconscious, blood seeping from beneath him. Kyori looked at Subore as the light subsided and felt pity for him.

Samael gasped after Ryan was struck, but watched in awe as the mystics worked together to overcome. He marveled at how well they worked as a team. Then Subore was pierced by the seraph blade. It was over. The seraph blade slowly began to take effect and Subore looked at his enemies one by one. He shook his head and managed a weak smile.

“Eons ago my brother defeated me in battle, and I see now why,” Subore spit out as globs of black goo slid from his mouth. “Though you may have defeated me, there will be others. When you cut the head off of a hydra, another grows in its place.”

Kyori stepped forward and held his staff tightly.

Ocella couldn’t believe it. The sword had stricken its mark, all of their attacks had come together to make it count. After the blade struck its mark and the God fell to one knee, Kyori stepped forward and held his staff- the second piece to trapping the God. The God spoke of his defeat and she knew that his words were true. She looked to the others, Ryan was in bad shape and she transformed into her Seraph form. She floated high into the sky, and suddenly a bright light filled the area as Kyori went to work. “You can do this brother,” she spoke softly, a smile on her face.

She vanished to Ryan’s side and looked at her brother with worry. Amon was a mess, Josh was devastated and both rightfully so. She went to work immediately and poured every ounce of healing energy into him that she could, without overwhelming him or pouring too much light into him for his heritage to handle.

Amon watched As his spell was dismissed almost as quickly as it was summoned, and he fell to his knees. He exhausted all of his energy in that one attack. The daggers came to life and returned to their resting place within his body. All he could do now was watch as everything finally worked , and the God was now on his knees. Subore was speaking of his end and how the darkness would return. That was something he was well aware of, and he would keep his eyes and ears open as long as he lived to make sure it doesn't happen in his lifetime.

He wanted to be with his brother right now. So he pushed himself to get back up and slowly made his way over to where Ryan landed. A concerned look on his face as he didn’t even know if his brother was still alive.

Aeterna was glad that Subore didn’t put up as much of a fight as he could have with him under this spell, but he continued to hold it any way. He wanted to make sure that he couldn’t fight back. The creature that was responsible for all of the death that has happened, and the horrible things that have happened. He may have felt sorry for him, but it wasn't going to stop him from doing what needed to be done.

Josh was distraught at seeing the blood seeping out from underneath his loves unconscious form as he reached down to touch his face. His body was still cold, but it was warmer than it should be. HIs body was shaking as he couldn’t get a response out of Ryan as Ocella arrived to try and heal him. HIs emotions died as he stood up, and looked at the dark God that had taken his love from him. His sword appeared in his hand as tears continued to flow from his eyes. Yet it looked like no one was home. His eyes seemed dead. Not saying a word or making a noise he charged at the Dark God.

Kyori was motionless as Subore said his speech. Kelda clutched her pearls while Art held his chest, a small bit of blood seeping from the deep gash caused by Subore’s fists. Kyori could tell the dark being was ready for his punishment, it seemed as if he were inviting the void. As Kyori took another step forward, Joshua suddenly charged towards Subore who’s eyes flickered with humor before Kyori appeared in front of Joshua, holding him by the shoulder.

“No,” Kyori said stern in his grip, “this is not our way Josh.”

Kyori looked into Joshua’s angry eyes and hoped his brother understood. Subore would return to the void. It was as Erobus wished.

“I am sorry,” Kyori added as he turned to face Subore. He was the only being keeping Joshua from Subore and Kyori could see the look on Subore’s face.

“DO IT!” Subore shouted.

“DIVINE LAW: JUDGEMENT!” Kyori spoke as he held the staff up. A pentagram appeared beneath Subore who growled but did not resist. “Pendulum, give your verdict!”

There was a pendulum that swung over guilty and not guilty until it settled on guilty. Kyori’s eyes rested on the judgement and he nodded.

“Your judgement is the void within this prison,” Kyori retrieved a stone from his garments and held it out in front of him. The pentagram began to glow brightly before Subore’s screams could be heard as his essence slowly poured into the stone. The stone then vanished and Kyori exhaled. The war was over. Darkness had lost, and the light prevailed, but at costs no one wanted. Quickly, he turned and rushed over to Ryan who coughed gently and opened his eyes slowly.

“Did we win?” he asked weakly.

Kyori smiled and nodded, “for now,” he added as Samael moved from Etrama’s dead form.

“Great warriors of light, your jobs are never done.”

Ocella watched Kyori, a small smile on her face as she looked at him, idolization evident on her features. He requested the judgement, and it was clear. Subore was banished to the void and Kyori rushed to Ryan, whom seemed to be stirring. “Ryan,” she said softly, her voice wavering. “You idiot. Why on Earth….” she stopped herself and shook her head. “Come on Ryan,” she said softly, hoping that her magic would be enough to help him gain some of the energy that he needed. She stood slowly from her place and went to Amon’s side, wrapping her arms around him as her uncle spoke.

She knew that their work was never over, especially hers after Erobus’s message, but at least they had the opportunity to recover. “It may never be over but for now, we have time to recover,” she said, a small smile on her face as she looked to Kyori. She made her way to him and embraced him with as much love as she could. “Thank you for saving me,” she said softly as she held him close, just taking in the fact that he had returned to them. “I’m so happy to have you back. Your reaper form is rude,” she said with a smirk and a chuckle.

She looked to Ryan and shook her head. “Want me to take you back to the base?” she asked, crossing her arms and looking at her uncle warily.

Amon finally made it to where Ryan was lying, and he looked down at the blood that was coating the ground. He felt a pain in his heart as he could only watch as his brother was slowly bleeding to death, and his wife was desperately trying to save him. He closed his eyes, as Josh decided to attack the Destruction God. Amon was having his own problems with what was happening.

Then right after the God received his judgment Ryan spoke. Amon opened his eyes and looked down at his brother. He was still alive, and he almost fell to the ground with relief, but he was caught in Ocella wrapped her arms around him. He needed the support right at the moment, and he closed his eyes once more “Thank you my love.” He said in a whisper as he tried to hold back his tears.

10-13-2017, 04:10 AM
Sending the Dragon falling to the ground. He was still alive, but his wings weren't able to keep him afloat any more.

Aeterna saw his chance to attack after the bastard hurt Kyori and Josh. His side was beginning to ache, so he needed to be careful not to waste anymore time or energy. His eyes turned pitch black as he used his power to manipulate the shadows to attack Subore once more. This time half the shadows went to bind the God the others went to skewer him. Aeterna also sent Shadows to catch Josh as he was falling to the earth to keep him from impacting with the ground. He hoped that Samael, and the others were about done with the preparation until then he wouldn't use much of his power. Nightingale took up a lot of his strength, and who knew what hi strongest ability was. The sword refused to let him access the ability.

Ocella watched as both her husband and uncle began to pour divine energy into the blade. Amon was by her side after she had collapsed, helping her to her feet. She nodded at his words and kissed his cheek for a moment, knowing that this was it. She closed her eyes and allowed a feeling of peace to wash over her just as she had done so long ago in her grandfather’s cave. She smiled softly as the light poured from her, brightening the area as the holy energies filled the blade. ‘Thank you, Erobus,’ she thought softly to the God, a smile on her face as she felt the warmth of the light. She held Amon close to her, wanting him to feel her love while they poured their energy into this last strike. She opened her eyes softly and smiled at her uncle, still giving every ounce of energy she had left into the blade.

As they continued to put their energies into the weapons, an image began to slowly appear before them. Samael’s eyes widened when he realized who it was.

“Lord Erobus,” he said bowing instantly.

Erobus looked at the three of them his face void of emotion. Without hesitation he reached out and grabbed the staff and soul stone. He pressed it to his body and instantly it changed, becoming golden in color with hints of turquoise speckled through the staff. He placed the staff back in the spell circle and reached out for the Seraph blade. With a simple touch the blade came to life transforming into a beautiful blade. The hilt was pure white, with etchings of gold. Seraph wings covered the hilt, protecting the wielder from the blade. The counterweight was a beautiful halo. Erobus had done what they asked but he still hovered there observing Ocella.

“You,” he said, “stand to your feet.”

Subore was bombarded with shadows that impaled his thick skin but didn’t go deep enough to cause any serious damage. On top of that his ears began to ring and his senses began to cloud, making it impossible to concentrate. He fell to one knee trying to pinpoint at least one of them to kill. Glaring, he began to shoot energy beams in random locations hoping to strike something or someone.

Ocella watched what was happening as a shape began to take form. Samael spoke, addressing the figure and she dropped to her knees instantly in respect, bowing before him. She hadn’t been expecting to summon him, her uncle had left that part out. She dared to watch the God in awe as he transformed the staff and blade, still on her knees to show respect for her lord. Once his work was done, she smiled gratefully at the being. He was still with them and this confused her, but suddenly he turned his attention to her and commanded her to rise to her feet.

Her eyes widened at this and she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she forced herself to her feet as told. “My lord,” she spoke, her voice soft and filled with the utmost respect.

Amon watched as a figure took shape within the light that was summoned, and he had no idea who in the world this man was. He knew of the name that Samael called him though he really had no true idea how the man was let alone why Ocella, and Samael were bowing to him. So he just stood there looking at the man, but couldn’t truly feel his presence in this plane. So he just watched as the man went to work, and just stood there without a care in the world, but he did feel the energy of the dark God, and it almost felt like it was getting closer. He looked in the direction of the energy, and hoped the others were still okay!

Josh was caught by the shadows that cushioned his fall. The shadows helped him to the ground, and he looked to the God as he was down on one knee, and trying to shake them off like the insects he thought they were. He was glad the God was able to shake off his spell. He twisted is sword and the rings chimed, but didn’t make a sound. He wanted to keep this up as long as he could. Then energy beams were shot out in different direction, and one was aiming for him. He was able to move to the side, and avoid injury. This time he was lucky, the next time he might not be as lucky.

Aeterna disappeared into the shadows, and appeared next to Kyori. He looked at him with a worried look on his face knowing that he had been injured by the Dark God, but knew better than to ask if he was okay. The battle was fare from being over, and they needed to keep their concentration on the battle. Trying to keep his wound a secret he only smiled at Kyori once more and disappeared back into the shadows. As long as he knew Kyori was okay he was content. He would protect him no matter what.

Erobus looked at Ocella and nodded.

“You have show great allegiance to the light, and you have paid the ultimate price for an angel,” Erobus said as he hovered closer to her. “You were offered to live peacefully in the afterlife but you declined the offer because you wanted to ensure this world was safe, am I right?” Erobus said as he looked over at Samael. “You have shown your loyalty and for that I shall give you a gift. With this gift you must promise to always protect this world.”

A light shot from the sky and struck Ocella. She would feel her bones mend, her injuries heal and she would feel different. When the light subsided Erobus smiled.

“I have made you an elite, a divine Seraph. You will notice that things feel and sound differently now. For your loyalty, for your determination to protect I have gifted you the power to do so. With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely.”

Ocella had not two sets of wings but three, with a total of six wings. She was now a Seraph, the ONLY Seraph in existence. Samael watched in awe as he couldn’t fathom such a gift. He was indeed proud of his niece.

“Where is the one known as Kyori, and the one known as Aeterna? I have a gift for them as well.”

Ocella listened to Erobus and nodded as he spoke, wondering what would become of her actions. He spoke of giving her a gift and she looked up at him, but suddenly an intense light struck her from high above. Her bones were mending, she was able to breathe regularly once more, her strength had returned tenfold and she gasped when the light slowly disappeared, for she now had three pairs of wings on her back that were as beautiful as ever.

Ocella could only smile in return as he smiled, observing him and others in a new light, hearing things differently than before. She was a Seraph now, the only divine Seraph currently in existence. She felt as if a great responsibility had been placed upon her and she smiled at the God while he spoke. It was true that someday she would watch her friends and family die, but she now had the ability to visit them as she wished. A small tear fell down her cheek, it was a tear of joy and when the great God finished speaking she rushed to him and threw her arms around him, embracing him lovingly. “Thank you my lord, I shall do as you have requested and strive to never disappoint you,” she said, backing up and blushing.

He asked where Kyori and Aeterna were and she looked to the battle at hand. “Would you like for me to retrieve them and to continue in their place?” she asked, still in awe at how vividly she could see and hear what was happening.

Amon could only watch as Ocella was struck by a light, and then when the light faded his wife was standing there more beautiful than ever. She had three silken white wings, and all of her wounds seemed to be gone. Along with her worry that they were going to lose this fight. He was happy for her, and bowed with respect to the God. when he finished his bow Ocella hugged the man and was really happy. He would have to remind himself to ask her who this man was. Though now that this has happened he has a pretty good idea who this man was. He bowed his head once more in respect.

“Yes, if you would be so kind as to retrieve them,” Erobus said as he raised his hand towards Samael and Amon signifying that they could stand in his presence. “Samael, will you return to the heavens?”

“My liege, if it will make you happy,” Samael said.

“What will make me happy is to have you train her in the ways of a Seraph. She is the only one in existence, but you trained many in your day. I want you to take your place on the Pantheon. Regardless of what has happened all is forgiven. My brother must be stopped and though I cannot do it myself, I shall gift to you the means to do so. That staff and blade will be able to end him, and trap him in the void for all eternity.”

Samael nodded and retrieved the blade and staff.

Kyori could feel Aeterna’s presence and when he went to move, there was an intense pain that flooded his body. That beam was no ordinary energy beam. His wound was getting bigger and he groaned as he tried to stand to his feet.

Subore was struck with more intense waves of confusion and ringing that caused him to increase the range of the beam as it surged forth in various directions. He needed to locate the source and destroy it, but who was the source?

Aeterna saw through the shadows that Kori was hurt and bad. Though his own injury was beginning to hurt even worse now. But he pushed the pain away, and appeared next to Kyori once more. Placing his hand on his shoulder. HIs normal vision had vanished, and he could only see through the shadows at the moment. “Kyori. Whan in the world is happening to you?” He asked as he touched his love's side, and could feel the blood that was coming from the wound. He never thought that Kyori would have been hurt this bad by the energy blast he got hit with. He picked up Kyori, and tried not to cause him any pain, but instead a pain shot through his side, and he quickly fell to one knee. He needed to get kyori to safety before one of the beams of light hit him. The potion had completely worn off now, and pain filled his senses.

Josh was trying to keep up with the energy beams that were being shot in his direction, but he was starting to slow down. Keeping this spell going was draining his energy, and soon he will be unable to dodge the beams of light anymore. Then it happened he tripped up on a stone, and fell to the ground. A beam of energy was heading his way, and he didn’t have time to dodge. So he just closed his eyes hoping for the best.

Ocella nodded the moment Erobus released her to return to battle. She vanished in a flash of light, appearing high in the skies above the battle. “Hey Subore!” she called, seeing Josh in a bad spot. She vanished at once and appeared in front of him, a beam of her own energy effortlessly defending him. She searched for Kyori and Aeterna, seeing them both on the ground together, wounded. She gasped and appeared next to them, touching one of their shoulders each and vanishing. She reappeared next to Erobus with her friends and nodded her head, vanishing back to the battlefield. “I’m back,” she told Subore, a wicked grin on her face as she took off into the skies. “Can you keep up?” she asked, intending to lure him away from the others while they recovered.

Finally, the ringing stopped and the disorientation ceased. He stood upright and glared as he felt a familiar presence enter the field. A smile on his face as he looked to the sky.

“Ahh six more wings for me to rip off,” Subore said as he listened to her challenge and immediately he summoned winged imps to chase her down as he focused on her. “It seems my brother doesn’t know when to quit. A Seraph, how I loathe them, which explains their eradication.”

Erobus looked down at Kyori and Aeterna who were both injured. Kyori looked up weakly and tried his hardest to get on his knees.

“Relax my child,” Erobus said as he reached out and touched both of them. Kyori felt a rush of power flow through him. It was unimaginable that any being could have that much power. Then it subsided and his aches and pains were gone. Aeterna would feel the same. “I have a request of you,” Erobus began as he nodded to Samael who walked over to Kyori and handed him the divine staff. “It is infused with my power, as well as the power it held already. Aside from this weapon I ask that you resume your duties as the spirit walker, the bridge between life and death. I ask that you be my reaper and grant safe passage for the souls of the dead, but I also need you to ensure the safety of this world Kyori. Can you fulfill this duty I place upon your shoulders?”

Kyori couldn’t believe what was happening. He was speechless, but he nodded and Erobus smiled.

“Behold my power,” Erobus said as Kyori grasped the staff. A beam of light struck him and he was lifted into the air about six feet off the ground. His eyes were awakened and his senses were peaked. When the light subsided Kyori stood his eyes now a beautiful golden hue, and what looked to be a halo rested around his neck and wrist. His garbs were golden and white with flecks of turquoise throughout. He had been touched by the creation god himself. Erobus admired his handiwork and turned his attention to Aeterna.

“Your race has ended, you are the last of your species shadow phoenix, but my son, the Rainbow Phoenix has assured me that you hold great promise. We shall see as I have a very special gift for you. In exchange for your service, I will grant you a place in the Phoenix Council and you will head my palace guards. Of course this does not mean you will neglect your duties as protector of this realm. If you accept your gift, I shall bestow it upon you.”

When Ocella arrived to his and his love's side they were taken away to another location. He couldn’t see who was there but when Kyori tried to move he just let him. He was in no condition to stop him, and thes a voice rang out, and Aeterna didn’t know who it belonged to, but once a hand was placed on his shoulder, and his wounds healed he looked up at the man and his eyes went wide as he instantly bowed before the God of Creation Erobus. Why in the world would he be here? He questioned himself as he remained bowed before the God. He knew his place better than anyone, and wouldn’t show any disrespect for the God.

He heard the conversation between the God and his love. He was so proud of him. Though this did mean that they would more than likely be separated. This saddened him greatly, but it was for the betterment of the world. He smiled but he refused to look up. He didn’t want to show any disrespect for him of Kyori. But something happened that he didn’t expect. The God addressed him. Looking up from the ground he finally looked into the face of the God as he spoke. Shock filled his whole system as the Deities words sunk in. Was this really happening? Was this really happening?

Aeterna was speechless. Never in all of his many years would he have thought that the God of creation would ask him anything. Let alone to be the leader of his royal guard, and have a place among the phoenix counsel. He was speechless at the request. He looked over at Kyori and saw his new form. He smiled lovingly at him as he turned to Erobus. “I accept your Gracious offer. Lord of all creation. I will do my best to live up to everyone's expectations.” Aeterna said as he bowed to the God once more.

Ocella watched the God and smirked at his words. “Enough talking, let’s finish this,” she said, her voice soft yet filled with power. She saw the attack heading her way and closed her eyes, raising her hands in front of her chest and holding her palms together. “Come to me,” she spoke softly, and suddenly the blade within Samael’s hands began to vibrate. “Sorry uncle,” she spoke, a small smile on her face as her blade separated from his hold and raced to her side. She grasped it with one hand and held it forward, slicing through the winged imps with ease.

She stared at the God cooly, her eyes piercing. “For all those you’ve murdered,” she began, her voice captivating. She slashed her weapon forward in the air and from it came hundreds of shards of light. “For all those you’ve wronged,” she continued, slashing again as hundreds more shards of light followed, “You will Never harm again!” Ocella called, slashing forward this time, releasing a high power orb of energy from the blade that followed behind the shards. Upon contact, each shard would explode with energy as it pierced through skin.

Erobus called forth his divine light once more and imbued Aeterna with power. When the light subsided Aeterna would be awoken. Erobus closed his eyes and looked at Samael.

“I will leave you to watch over them, I must take my leave, but before I do,” Erobus filled the area with divine light, healing every hero on the battlefield. Kelda and Art arrived just in time to receive the healing but when the light subsided they heard numerous explosions. Samael turned and watched his niece attack Subore with renewed vigor.

“That a girl,” he said as Erobus nodded and vanished slowly from their sight. Kyori turned and faced Subore who was unfortunate to receive the blast of energy in his chest, but he managed to catch it and toss it into the air as it exploded. He sneered and roared.

“You ready guys?” Kyori asked as he looked at Aeterna. Kelda and Art looked at Kyori and smirked. “All or nothing Kyori,” they said in unison.

Ryan took the opportunity to unleash a volley of arrows that sliced through Subore’s flesh causing him to shoot a blast of chaos magic at Ryan from his maw. Kyori appeared in front of Ryan thwacking the orb away from Ryan with his staff.

“Holy shit,” Ryan said noticing how different Kyori looked.

“Divine Technique, Spirit Halo!” Kyori stated summoning hundreds of divine halos that revolved around Subore before crashing against his form. He was knocked back but regained his footing as he stood to his feet.

“Well well, I can smell his power on you. IS THIS WHAT YOU DO NOW BROTHER?!” Subore shouted growling as he closed his eyes and breathed.

“Get ready,” Samael said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Aeterna was basked in the light that was Erobus’s power, and no matter what he was still a creature that lived in darkness. The light burned on contact with his body, and fell to one knee in pain. The light felt as if it was burning his very soul to sunder. Though he didn’t scream. He refused to show and form of weakness to the light that was covering him. Aeterna closed his eyes as the pain intensified, then without warning the pain stopped.

When he opened his eyes he was standing once more, but felt completely different. HIs body no longer felt affected by the light that was surrounding him, as the light vanished he even looks different than he did before. Hs wings were still black, but had silver highlights, and blue tips. HIs eyes were pitch black with a light blue iris with silver inlay. HIs black robes were gone replaced with black pants, a black shirt with silver feathers laced through the design, and white jacket with black feathers in the same design. His senses were heightened, and he also felt lighter in a way. Was this because he no longer is afraid of the light? A question he would have to answer at a later date. For now they need to continue this fight. NO. They needed to finish this fight. To bring peace to this realm once more.

Once Kelda and Art arrived it was time to put their all into the battle. He smiled at Kyori as he disappeared into the shadows, and reappeared not fare from where the God was now standing. He used his power to gather the shadows around him, as they swirled under him. A smile formed on his face as he spoke. “Special technique - Shadow Fall.” He said calmly as the shadows surrounded him and Subore, and anyone else that happened to be in the vicinity as a rain of needles that would be able to pierce his skin deeper than his last shadow attack. This time he didn’t need to worry about the needles coming after fd, or any of his family. He was able to control the ability better than before.

Amon had been heel of his fatigue when the light of the God washed over him, and he smiled as he took flight landing about a mile away from the others. Taking out his demonic dagger he stabbed himself in the heart. “Forbidden Spell - Demon Transformation.” Amon said as his body started to physically change to that of his demon brethren. Using this new form he chanted an Ice spell that would freeze Subore to the ground. Making it where he would be unable to move. As soon as that spell was cast. Frozen spikes protruded out of the ground to try and impale him from underneath. This was before the clock of Darkness covered the Dark God.

Josh slowly opened his eyes when the attack didn’t hit and he didn’t see anything that would have stopped the attack. Well that was until Ocella Attacked the God. Then more attacks followed. However, a light covered him, and healed his injuries. His wings were working right, and his power was restored. Who helped them? Was a question that popped into this mind, but for now he would just have to wait for the answer. Standing up once more he looked to the battlefield with a smile. All of his family were fighting, and it was time he joined them He flew high into the sky in the center of all of them which was right above the Dark God, and cast a haste spell on them all. It would allow them to move two times as fast as they normally could. Then he swung his sword, and a blast of sound rained down on Subore from right above him.

Ocella smiled when her attacks struck the God, causing him to roar in anger. The others soon appeared on the field and she noticed Josh flying high in the air, blasting the God with his sound magic. An idea came to her and she appeared next to her brother. “Take this blade, and land the final blow behind your sound assault. The holy energies embedded in this sword should be enough to defeat him. I shall blind him with my light so that he does not see you coming,” she said, turning the blade and offering it to him hilt side first. She smiled and winked, seeing all of her family attacking the beast. They had such hope at winning this war now that they had all been helped, now that her uncle was on their side and now that Erobus had aided them.

Subore opened his eyes the moment he heard Aeterna and felt the cold shadow some envelope him. He felt the pin like needles of shadow strike him but his eyes shifted to black orbs and he roared causing a disruption in the spell. The dome vanished and Subore stood with a snarl on his face.

“Be careful,” Samael spoke to everyone as Subore waited for the next move. Art charged in swinging and striking with precision and Kelda offered cover from a distance utilizing water to shield Art from blast of fire that erupted from Subore’s mouth. Subore landed a hard strike to Art’s chest that sent him shooting back. Luckily he had hardened his chest to avoid too much damage. Kelda was able to stop his momentum. The fire blasts melted the ice that Amon had attempted to trap him with another dispelling aura blasted out from Subore. They would find utilizing instant trap spells or spells to slow him down would be useless. Subore slammed his fist into the oncoming protruding ice and watched as the shards littered the ground.

Kyori’s eyes narrowed as he twirled his staff and waited. Josh unleashed his attack and Subore was blasted with sound that pushed him back with each strike. He glanced up and out of his thrusted hand came swarms of necrotic bats that seemed to fill the sky.

Ocella smiled when the others joined her in battle. Subore was becoming angry, for he now was fighting to beat them all instead of one at a time. He released swarms of the bats and she looked to her friends with worry. Her form began to shimmer when she closed her eyes and the shimmering began to spread rapidly. A forcefield of shimmering light surrounded her, her uncle, and the other heroes on the field. The light was just strong enough to protect them, rather than cause Aeterna harm from her light. She kept her eyes closed during the entire attack, trying to concentrate on protecting those she cared for. She allowed nature to be her sight instead, smiling warmly as she felt the holy light warming her, giving her strength to continue.

Aeterna was not happy that the God was still able to break his spell, but he also knew that he was a creature of darkness much like he was. It seemed that every elemental spell that was thrown his way he was able to dispel with ease. However Josh, Kyori, and Ocella were able to hit him hard. This gave him hope that they will be able to defeat this God. They just needed to try and weaken him to the point where he would be completely vulnerable to attack. Aeterna knew that he would be able to hold Subore long enough for them to kill him, he just needed to wait for the right opportunity. He would need to watch the battle and wait. However, he needed to keep up his attacks as well. Throwing his sword into the air it split into seven different swords, and they all flew towards the dark God. Attempting to slice open his flesh.

However, at the same time Subor attacked once again with bats made from a deadly necrotic energy. He was about to disappear into the shadows when he was surrounded by a light that protected him. Staring into the light and not flinching from it he just stood there and watched as his swords attacked the dark god.

Amon cursed under his breath as his attack did nothing to the God of Destruction. That was to be expected from the God that helped Erobus to create the very element he was controlling. Though he doesn't only have the power of ice. Though he controls elements better, he can also cast spells of summoning. Though he doubted they would help him in this instance. All he could do for now was gather energy to use a technique that he didn’t think would help, but it might do a little damage to the God, but he still needed time to gather the amount of energy to cast the spell, as well as the time to chant the spell.

When the light surrounded him from his wife, he figured this would be the best time to concentrate on the spell. He closed his eyes and transformed back to his human form as the markings that covered his skin started to glow a light blue hue. He was gathering the energy he needed for this Spell. This was going to cost him all of his energy to cast, but if it helped defeat the god it would be worth it. He just needed time.

Josh watched as his sound waves hit their mark, and caused the God to be pushed back. It seemed he didn’t have the power to fight against sound as easily as he did the elements. This did give him an advantage, but at the same time he would become one of his targets. However this was one of those times he didn’t mind risking his life for the man he loved, and the rest of his family. He just wanted them all to be safe. The Ocella appeared by his side giving him a plan to try and defeat the Dark God. She was wanting him to take her blade and finish off the God. What would she do such a thing? Had she finally forgiven him?

Now was not the time to ask such questions. However, as he looked down at the God as he attacked them once more he didn’t believe that the God was weak enough to defeat, but the light in the blade if he could get it to penetrate deep enough into the God’s body that he couldn’t get it out would be a good start to weakening him. Though he couldn’t throw the blade at the same time he used his sound waves. “Cella. I will need you to throw the blade at the right time. Then I will use all the power I have to make sure the blade penetrates his skin, but I am unable to do such a thing on my own.” He said as a barrier of light surrounded him, and protected him from the dark Gods attack. Besides he didn’t know if he would be able to hold such a blade.

Ryan watched Subore break his brother’s as if it were nothing. It was crazy how much power this being had but Ryan realized they were fighting a literal god and they weren’t built to break easy. Swiftly Ryan transformed into his ice demon form.

“Special Technique: Frozen Cannonball!”

His form shot forth with great intensity and yet it was not enough. Subore managed to stop his moment though the god suffered laceration damage he was only pushed back a few feet before he struck Ryan to the ground causing Ryan to scream out. Subore smirked and grabbed Ryan by the throat.

“Seven Stars of Darkness, Strike!”

Ryan was struck with an immensely painful energy that sent him flying backwards hitting the ground hard. Everyone seemed to watch it happen in slow motion. Ryan skidded to a halt and wasn’t moving.

“Ryan!” Kyori shouted rushing over to him not realizing that Subore was headed his way until a blast of fire was turned into steam by Kelda as she rushed over.

“I got him, go.”

Kyori nodded and stood to his feet as Art charged Subore and Kyori joined the dash. Kyori managed to slide under Subore just as Art struck Subore in the chest with an iron fist. Subore stumbles back and Kyori was behind him.

“Sacred Technique: Aura of Life!”

Subore growled when the spiritual energy collided with his frame. It was immense and he was sent skidding forward managing to stop himself before turning around and glaring at Kyori. Kyori could see a dent in the armor of the dark god and he knew the end was coming though he hoped Ryan was okay.

“I admit my body is thrilled to feel pain. You, you are a worthy opponent but I will not let you defeat me,” Subore said glaring at each of them on the battlefield.

Samael looked over at Etrama’s body, a tear falling down his face. He moved over to him, touching his cold face gently with two fingers.

“My love,” he said softly before looking up at the battlefield. When this was over he would have a proper burial for him.

Subore grunted realizing he had taken too much damage. There would be others after him there always was and always would be the key was figuring out how to transcend generations. I’m the back of his mind he had accepted his fate and knew it was only a matter of time before his time would be over.

“SHOW ME YOUR POWER!” Subore yelled inhumanly.

Ocella nodded at Josh’s words. She watched as one by one, each of her comrades began to attack Subore after the bats ended. Ryan was first and she watched in horror as Subore retaliated, tossing Ryan to the ground as if he were nothing. She was about to appear at his side when Kyori beat her there, but suddenly he was in danger too. “Kyori!” she shouted, sighing in relief when Kelda protected him. She stayed with Ryan and Kyori returned, she looked at him with great concern, grateful that he was alright.

Subore was angry, for Art and Kyori had stricken him. Ocella began to glow brightly as she shot a beam of holy energy towards Subore, wanting to distract him once more. ‘Now!’ she thought to Josh, using all the power she could muster as she spun around, giving the sword as much momentum as she could before she threw it in the God’s direction. She could only hope that their plan would work, that it would strike Subore and that he wouldn’t catch it instead.

Amon watched as his brother attacked the God, and that his attack did little damage. However, Subore crushed Ryan to the ground causing his brother to scream out in pain. Then he watched as he his brother was attacked, and thrown back by the power that the God used. He wanted to help, but if he moved now his spell would be broken. Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned his attention back to the God. A pentagram appeared underneath him, and a summoning circle under the Dark God.

“Sacred Spell - .” Amon said as he concentrated all of his power into the spell. His daggers stabbed themselves into the pentagram, and with that the spell was activated. Dragons of ice and light formed in the edges of the circle. They attacked the God by biting, and clawing him.

Aeterna could only watch as Ryan was severely injured by Sabore. The God was able to actually injure the young demon badly, but he knew that if he left the battle now it would spell disaster for the others. They would all need to be here to win. Praying that Ryan was ok. He jumped into the shadow of the God, and concentrated on one of his skills. “Shadow Spell - Nightingale.” Aeterna said as he took over the Gods shadow, and held him still. Not knowing how long he would be able to hold him, but he hoped it would be long enough to finally end this war.

Josh could only watch in horror as Ryan was attacked his screams tearing at his heart, and then he lied on the ground motionless. “Ryannnn.” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs as tears fell from his eyes. He began to fly to him, but he suddenly stopped. He knew that he couldn't leave the others, and he just hoped that Ryan was okay.

Tears continued to fall from his face as Ocella prepared to attack Subore. He wouldn't let the opening his fellow Mystics have made. He watched as the blade left her hand, and he placed his sword in front of him, and his hand hand against the blade. Running his hand down the blade the rings changed tone once more. “Third Song - Ballade “ Josh said as he coated the blade in his sound magic and it increased in speed. The vibration would allow the blade to penetrate the Gods skin easier. “Second Song - Sanata “ Josh said as he disappeared from the battle and reappeared next to his love. He wanted to make sure he was still alive. His wings hurt from the increase in speed, but he wanted to be by his love's side.

The dark god watched as his opponent unleashed their attacks. First came the sudden summon of two dragons that attempted to strike him with their teeth and claws. He received slight damage but was able to dispel the summoning circle before he felt the tug on his senses. His body began to freeze up and he realized too late what was happening. When he looked up, his eyes were blinded by a beautiful light and then he felt it. The seraph blade struck its mark and he roared in pain as he fell to one knee clutching the blade that burned his hand every time he touched it.

Ryan remained unconscious, blood seeping from beneath him. Kyori looked at Subore as the light subsided and felt pity for him.

Samael gasped after Ryan was struck, but watched in awe as the mystics worked together to overcome. He marveled at how well they worked as a team. Then Subore was pierced by the seraph blade. It was over. The seraph blade slowly began to take effect and Subore looked at his enemies one by one. He shook his head and managed a weak smile.

“Eons ago my brother defeated me in battle, and I see now why,” Subore spit out as globs of black goo slid from his mouth. “Though you may have defeated me, there will be others. When you cut the head off of a hydra, another grows in its place.”

Kyori stepped forward and held his staff tightly.

Ocella couldn’t believe it. The sword had stricken its mark, all of their attacks had come together to make it count. After the blade struck its mark and the God fell to one knee, Kyori stepped forward and held his staff- the second piece to trapping the God. The God spoke of his defeat and she knew that his words were true. She looked to the others, Ryan was in bad shape and she transformed into her Seraph form. She floated high into the sky, and suddenly a bright light filled the area as Kyori went to work. “You can do this brother,” she spoke softly, a smile on her face.

She vanished to Ryan’s side and looked at her brother with worry. Amon was a mess, Josh was devastated and both rightfully so. She went to work immediately and poured every ounce of healing energy into him that she could, without overwhelming him or pouring too much light into him for his heritage to handle.

Amon watched As his spell was dismissed almost as quickly as it was summoned, and he fell to his knees. He exhausted all of his energy in that one attack. The daggers came to life and returned to their resting place within his body. All he could do now was watch as everything finally worked , and the God was now on his knees. Subore was speaking of his end and how the darkness would return. That was something he was well aware of, and he would keep his eyes and ears open as long as he lived to make sure it doesn't happen in his lifetime.

He wanted to be with his brother right now. So he pushed himself to get back up and slowly made his way over to where Ryan landed. A concerned look on his face as he didn’t even know if his brother was still alive.

Aeterna was glad that Subore didn’t put up as much of a fight as he could have with him under this spell, but he continued to hold it any way. He wanted to make sure that he couldn’t fight back. The creature that was responsible for all of the death that has happened, and the horrible things that have happened. He may have felt sorry for him, but it wasn't going to stop him from doing what needed to be done.

Josh was distraught at seeing the blood seeping out from underneath his loves unconscious form as he reached down to touch his face. His body was still cold, but it was warmer than it should be. HIs body was shaking as he couldn’t get a response out of Ryan as Ocella arrived to try and heal him. HIs emotions died as he stood up, and looked at the dark God that had taken his love from him. His sword appeared in his hand as tears continued to flow from his eyes. Yet it looked like no one was home. His eyes seemed dead. Not saying a word or making a noise he charged at the Dark God.

Kyori was motionless as Subore said his speech. Kelda clutched her pearls while Art held his chest, a small bit of blood seeping from the deep gash caused by Subore’s fists. Kyori could tell the dark being was ready for his punishment, it seemed as if he were inviting the void. As Kyori took another step forward, Joshua suddenly charged towards Subore who’s eyes flickered with humor before Kyori appeared in front of Joshua, holding him by the shoulder.

“No,” Kyori said stern in his grip, “this is not our way Josh.”

Kyori looked into Joshua’s angry eyes and hoped his brother understood. Subore would return to the void. It was as Erobus wished.

“I am sorry,” Kyori added as he turned to face Subore. He was the only being keeping Joshua from Subore and Kyori could see the look on Subore’s face.

“DO IT!” Subore shouted.

“DIVINE LAW: JUDGEMENT!” Kyori spoke as he held the staff up. A pentagram appeared beneath Subore who growled but did not resist. “Pendulum, give your verdict!”

There was a pendulum that swung over guilty and not guilty until it settled on guilty. Kyori’s eyes rested on the judgement and he nodded.

“Your judgement is the void within this prison,” Kyori retrieved a stone from his garments and held it out in front of him. The pentagram began to glow brightly before Subore’s screams could be heard as his essence slowly poured into the stone. The stone then vanished and Kyori exhaled. The war was over. Darkness had lost, and the light prevailed, but at costs no one wanted. Quickly, he turned and rushed over to Ryan who coughed gently and opened his eyes slowly.

“Did we win?” he asked weakly.

Kyori smiled and nodded, “for now,” he added as Samael moved from Etrama’s dead form.

“Great warriors of light, your jobs are never done.”

Ocella watched Kyori, a small smile on her face as she looked at him, idolization evident on her features. He requested the judgement, and it was clear. Subore was banished to the void and Kyori rushed to Ryan, whom seemed to be stirring. “Ryan,” she said softly, her voice wavering. “You idiot. Why on Earth….” she stopped herself and shook her head. “Come on Ryan,” she said softly, hoping that her magic would be enough to help him gain some of the energy that he needed. She stood slowly from her place and went to Amon’s side, wrapping her arms around him as her uncle spoke.

She knew that their work was never over, especially hers after Erobus’s message, but at least they had the opportunity to recover. “It may never be over but for now, we have time to recover,” she said, a small smile on her face as she looked to Kyori. She made her way to him and embraced him with as much love as she could. “Thank you for saving me,” she said softly as she held him close, just taking in the fact that he had returned to them. “I’m so happy to have you back. Your reaper form is rude,” she said with a smirk and a chuckle.

She looked to Ryan and shook her head. “Want me to take you back to the base?” she asked, crossing her arms and looking at her uncle warily.

Amon finally made it to where Ryan was lying, and he looked down at the blood that was coating the ground. He felt a pain in his heart as he could only watch as his brother was slowly bleeding to death, and his wife was desperately trying to save him. He closed his eyes, as Josh decided to attack the Destruction God. Amon was having his own problems with what was happening.

Then right after the God received his judgment Ryan spoke. Amon opened his eyes and looked down at his brother. He was still alive, and he almost fell to the ground with relief, but he was caught in Ocella wrapped her arms around him. He needed the support right at the moment, and he closed his eyes once more “Thank you my love.” He said in a whisper as he tried to hold back his tears.

- - - Updated - - -

He knew the fight the Mystics had won would not be the last battle they would more than likely fight, but he would get stronger so his wife and her family wouldn’t have to fight it on their own.

Aeterna removed himself from the Gods shadow as the verdict was read. He didn’t want to get sucked up with him, and if he was part of his shadow he knew he would have. Appearing with the others around Ryan who looked worse for ware he was happy that the young Ice Demon survived that attack. “Don’t scare us like that you Idiot.”Aeterna said as he looked down at all of the blood he had lost. Ryan was lucky to be alive.

“We will not let the darkness win as long as we are alive. We must keep a vigilant watch over the world, and it’s people.” He said as he walked over to Kyori. They would never be separated, but they would be busy with their new roles. Interlocking his clawed hand with Kyori’s he just smiled as he looked to the others. They were all not in good shape, but Ryan had gotten the brunt of the damage. “I don’t think we should Move Ryan just yet. Give him more time to heal.”

Josh looked into Kyori’s eyes as he stopped him, and the tears continued to flow as he spoke. His brother’s words reaching him where he had disappeared to he came back to his senses. He dropped his sword, and fell to his knees. Powerless to do anything as he watched Kyori pass judgment on the God. His whole world was turned upside down at the moment. To him this win was but an empty victory. His love is dying, and there was nothing he could do.

Then he heard a cough and Ryan’s voice as he was regaining consciousness. He scrambled back to his feet, and ran over to Ryan tears of relief filled his eyes now as he touched his love's face. “Don’t you die on me.” Josh said as he leaned over and kissed Ryan softly on the lips. He knew he was not out of the woods, but he would stay by his side no matter what.

Ryan slowly managed to maneuver into a sitting position, though the star shaped scar on his chest would forever be a reminder of how close to death he had gotten. Blood was still slowly seeping from it, but Ocella had managed to heal the wound slightly. He smiled softly realizing that they had won but knew that their work was never done.

“I love you too,” Ryan admitted as Kelda and Art helped him to his feet. “I’m okay though, really I am,” he said looking at Joshua and wrapping his arms around him.

Samael smiled and nodded as he moved back over to Etrama’s body. He knelt down and began to remove the caked up blood and dirt from his face and the death blow on his body. Kyori took note of Samael’s sudden disappearance from the group and saw him in the distance next to Etrama’s body. Sighing, he looked at Ocella and gave her a nod in her uncle’s direction.

“Kelda, Art, make sure that all of our allies are alerted of the victory. We have a lot of cleaning up to do,” Kyori said as Art and Kelda both vanished in their own element. Kyori looked at Aeterna as he held his hand.

“You really loved him didn’t you?” Kyori asked as he moved closer to Samael.

“He made me happy even though the dark one had tainted me, he kept my heart alive.”

Ocella smiled as Ryan came too and began to sit up. “Ryan!” she said with excitement. “Don’t you EVER do that again or I’ll smack you!” she said, smiling at he and Josh. She noticed Kyori walking off in the distance and saw her uncle near Etrama’s body. She saw the look on his face and her heart sunk as the realization seeped in. She appeared next to her uncle and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, still unsure what forms of affection were acceptable.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” she said, her face filled with sympathy. Samael had once again lost the man he loved to battle. While she recognized that it had to be done, she was certain that if anyone could have made Etrama less of a threat to society it was her uncle.

Josh was still a little leary of having Ryan sit up, but he didn’t have the heart to stop him. So he stood up as well, and stared at the bleeding star shaped wound on his chest. He didn’t like that Ryan was going to have to live with a scar like that, but there was nothing he could do about it. Once Ryan was standing he wrapped his arms around him, and Josh only smiled as his worried expression faded. Wrapping his arms around the man he loved he held him tight as he returned to his human form. Not saying a word he laid his head on his love's shoulder as he thanked Erobus for not taking his love from him. “Don’t ever do that again. Please.”

Amon was surprised when Ocella left his side, and he watched as she went over to where her Uncle was kneeling next to Etrama’s body. He didn’t understand what was going on, but soon realized that his wife was upset. He didn’t know why so he looked to his brother and saw him in the arms of the man he loved. Deciding to let them be alone for a bit, he slowly made his way over to where Ocella, Kyori, and Aeterna were.

Aeterna looked his love in the eyes, as they continued to hold hands. Then Kyori made his way over to where Samael was, and Aeterna followed not letting go of Kyori’s hand. There was still so much they needed to do, and he wanted to give Kyori the wedding he deserved before they began their new duties. Knowing they might not have the time after that.

Aeterna looked down as the lifeless form of the man that not only tortured both him and Amon, but… Aeterna didn’t want to think about it. However, something seemed off. Samael was treating the man kindly almost like a lover would. The Kyori spoke, and his jaw almost dropped. Was a man like him capable of love? Aeterna couldn’t believe it, but it had to be true. No one mourns like Samael was over someone that was just a thing to them. They did love one another. It was something he could understand, and he felt sorry for the man that lost his love. “No one deserves to lose the one they love. I am sorry for your loss.” Aeterna’s words were true. The man before him may have been an enemy, but he was loved by someone even though he was a bastard.

Kyori watched the tears stream down Samael’s face and he knew then what he needed to do.

“Samael, you were once tainted, but you have helped us and for that I owe you my life. I will help you,” Kyori said as Samael looked at him with a confused look.

“Help me? How?” Samael asked unsure what Kyori was going to do.

“Divine Technique: Soul Reversion,” Kyori said as gently as he spoke to them. The end of his staff began to shine and Etrama’s body began to shimmer. An orb that contained Etrama’s soul slowly emerged and descended upon his dead form. Samael watched in awe. He hadn’t seen the power of a reaper in person and he was intrigued. He looked down at Etrama as the male’s soul returned to his body.

“Ocella, heal him, please,” Kyori said as his staff stopped shining.

Ocella watched Kyori curiously. He spoke of reviving Etrama and she looked to Amon, her heart beating rapidly as she held him close. Kyori spoke to her and her eyes narrowed at her brother. “If he so much as touches Amon,” she spoke, her voice dangerous and protective as she glared at Kyori. She looked softly to her uncle and nodded her head, for she too was indebted to him for his assistance. She sighed and knelt next to Etrama, her hands steady as she went to work healing his broken body. She knew the pains of broken bones, of wounds too deep to heal.

She poured as much energy as she could into returning Etrama to his natural state, and when her work was done she backed up immediately, standing in front of Amon with her arms crossed and a mistrusting look on her face. She was standing in front of Amon for both his sake and Etrama’s sake.

Kyori understood her hesitation and thanked her for what she did. He knelt down and looked at Samael.

“When I reactivate his soul, he will return to you, he will remember everything, but I only hope the love you two share will allow him to move on from his past.”

Samael wrapped his arms around Kyori in a father embrace and looked into his eyes.

“Thank you,” he said as Kyori placed a firm palm onto Etrama’s chest, just where the ice spear had ended his life. “Be renewed, be reborn.” A pulse of energy surged from Kyori into Etrama.

Ryan looked at the scene and as much as he wanted to voice his distaste, he understood that everyone needed love and he hoped that Etrama and Samael’s love would be enough to withstand the tests of time. He turned to Joshua. “You are my light, and I’ll never let you go.”

Aeterna freed Kyori’s hand from his grip as he just stood there and watched. He was as much indebted to Samael as his love was, and he wouldn’t deny anything his love though was right. He watched as Etrama’s body shimmered with a green light, and as his soul appeared and reentered his body. Then came the task of healing all of the damage that the body had taken. Aeterna knew that this was going to be a task since he could tell that most of the bones were broken.

Once everything was said and done It was time for the Wraith’s rebirth. Aeterna knew good and well what it felt like to return to the land of the living. Though he did wonder what Etrama was going to do once he returned? Through that question wouldn’t take long to answer as Kyori went to work.

Amon froze as soon as he was able to make his way over to the others. It seemed that Kyori was going to bring back Etrama from the land of the dead where that bastard belonged. Plenty of emotions ran through Amon. Hatred, anger, and fear. Mostly fear of the man that was lying on the ground. His body shook and trembled at the thought of him coming back. Though he could tell that Samel truly loved Etrama. So he was not imagining it when they were toying with him, and offering to share him. A shiver ran down his spine even thinking of that situation. Ocella appeared in front of him, and threatened that if he touched him he would feel her wrath.

He smiled at her, as she went to work healing his body. Amon closed his eyes as he couldn’t watch as they went to work bringing the man back. He just stood there hoping that they just didn’t make a mistake bringing back a man that had done so many terrible thing in the short time he knew of him.

Josh was concerned with what was happening, but on the other hand they were powerful enough to stop him if he decides to attack any of them. Besides hopefully love will conquer all in this situation. He looked Josh in the eyes when he spoke, and smiled at him. “We will never be separated, for if I am your light you are mine.” Josh said as he kissed him with immense passion as Kyori went to work. When the kiss finished he pulled a small box from his pocket, and handed it to Ryan. “I have a feeling this belongs to you. Xion said I would know what to do with it when the time was right.” Josh said with a loving smile on his face.

Etrama was floating amongst the darkness that he had been banished to when he died. No trial, no nothing he just appeared in the darkness with nothing around him. A peaceful hell for him to endure, but he figured it was about time. His only regret was having to leave Samael alone in an unforgiving battle, and hoped that at least he would survive the fight ahead.

Had this been his destiny all along? To finally find love and to loose it all the same, once again. His whole clan was taken from him by the hypocrites that run the Parthenon, and he was left to foster that hate. Only to find love in the end. Sometimes he didn’t understand fate. Clearing his mind he closed his eyes and just floated amongst the darkness. Then suddenly he felt a pull on his soul pain filled his senses as the world went black.

As the energy pulsed through Etrama’s body a scream tore out of his mouth as he was suddenly brought back from the dead, from the darkness that was to be his prison. His eyes shot open and he suddenly sat up grasping his chest. Even though the wounds were gone the last thing his body remembers was immense pain. Not knowing what was going on it took him some to get his bearings. Though for some reason he was unable to see though his sight was starting to clear. It was because he had been in the darkness for a time. He didn’t know what was going on, but he could feel the wind on his skin, and the presence of familiar energies. It seemed that he was alive, but how, who?

Samael watched as did Ryan. He was ready to attack if Etrama showed any signs of hostility. Kyori could feel the tension in the air, but after Etrama screamed out and sat up grasping his chest, Kyori’s hand moved from Etrama’s chest and he slowly rose from his kneeling position. He softly smiled as Samael looked at Etrama, a gasp escaping his throat. In all his years of living, not once had he seen someone brought back from the realm of the dead. Reanimation sure, but to actually witness death cancelled was truly remarkable, though he wondered how much energy Kyori had used to do such a thing. His eyes looked the young spirit dragon over and he could see Kyori holding strongly to the staff as if attempting to keep himself upright. He was thankful for Kyori and his niece and all who helped liberate him and the world from the force that was Subore, but now there was much rebuilding to be done.

“My love,” Samael said as he placed a soft hand on the side of Etrama’s face. “My love we are free,” he added. “The mystics have freed us from the darkness.”

Etrama felt the soft touch of Samael’s hand, and turned his head in his direction. His vision was slowly getting more clear, and he looked into the beautiful eyes of the man he loved. Granted he looked a little different, but he was still the same man he fell for. His gaze was that of not only love but confusion. They were free, but how in the world was he brought back to the land of the living. “We are free, but how am I back? I was dead. There is no coming back.” Etrama said not sure what to think. As he finally got his sight back, and looked fully at what Samael had once been before everything that happened to him. He placed a hand on his love's face as he smiled.

Samael’s other hand grasped Etrama’s hand lovingly as he looked into Etrama’s eyes. He saw confusion and he could only nod.

“Kyori returned your soul from the dark place. The dark god has been banished and we are free to live in peace,” Samael said softly as he kissed Etrama’s hand gently.

Etrama smiled at Samael as he told him how he was brought back. He didn’t understand why his enemy would show them both mercy, but he did. He was grateful for this chance to finally live like he was meant to.

“Kyori brought me back? So that means the reaper lost his battle with the spirit dragon? No matter. We are free from our dark paths.” Etrama said as he leaned forward and kissed Samel on the lips. “That means we can live our lives in peace away from the world?”

Samael embraced his love, the kiss was much needed and welcomed, but then Kyori began to speak.

“Your love truly does transcend darkness. Everyone deserves love, but Etrama I am afraid I now have to judge you for your actions against humanity. You will not be killed, Erobus will pass judgement on you for your actions. I will give you two a few more minutes, and when you are ready Etrama, I will be waiting.”

Kyori stepped over to a large boulder short enough for him to rest on. Everyone who looked at him could tell that every bit of energy he used was taking its toll on him, but it was his duty.

Samael nodded when Kyori spoke and looked at Etrama.

“I love you so much Etrama, and no matter what happens, you are mine and I am yours. We will build a new life together.”

Etrama knew that this was going to happen. He would need to face his punishment whatever it may be. Nodding his head at Kyori as he walked away to where a bolder was he could see this was causing him to expend a lot of energy. Looking back at Samael he smiled at him. “No matter what my punishment might be I will not hide from my fate. As long as I still draw breath I will be able to be with you.” He said as he removed his hand and stood up. His legs a little wobbly, but that was to be expected. But before he goes to receive his judgment. “I need to settle things first.” he said looking at Samael. Not knowing what was going to happen.

Walking over to Ocella he looked the angel in the eyes. “You may not understand what I went through and why I was the way I was. However, you still tried to reach me, and I went and did something that would hurt you deeply. For that I am sorry. I don’t ever expect you or Amon to forgive me for my actions, but I can offer you a chance to…” Etrama would leave it at that. They could take it as an open chance to attack him or whatever.

Aeterna looked to Kyori as he walked away, and he could tell all of this was taking it’s toll on him. He walked over to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you going to be okay?” He asked in a worried tone. He didn’t know what he could do to help Kyori but he wanted to ask anyway. “Kyori can I help in any way?”

“I’ll be fine after this judgement,” Kyori replied to Aeterna who had come to check on him. Samael watched his love, and listened to him as he spoke. It was amazing the power of love and how it could change. Now he would wait on the judgement of Erobus to pass before they could continue on with their lives. Kyori had informed them that Etrama wouldn’t die, but Samael knew of fates worse than death. He remained silent as Etrama seemed ready to accept his punishment.

Kyori stood and stepped forward watching the exchange between Ocella and Etrama.

Ocella watched her uncle and Etrama. The man came to her and she tensed immediately, wondering what would happen. Though she was tense, she remained in place and glared at him briefly. “You have done nothing to me directly to require my forgiveness. Your crimes were against my family, and therefore I cannot speak for them. My grandfather seems at peace with what happened, but my husband on the other hand… that is between you and he. It is my trust you must earn,” she spoke, her voice firm yet forgiving.

Amon was still shaken up but it got worse when Etrama approached him and his wife. He looked at the wraith’s eyes, and could tell that he was sorry for his actions, but he still couldn’t stop his body from shaking.

Etrama looked at Ocella as she spoke of the fact that he didn’t need her forgiveness, but to earn her trust. That was something that he knew he would never achieve. For that bridge had been burned long ago. “Trust is a fickle thing, and not something that is easily achieved. Besides Trust is not something given to those that were once enemies. However, I will respect your decision.” He said as he looked back at Amon who was still shaking in fear because of him. Moving slightly to the right he quickly reached out his hand and placed it in Amon’s shoulder.

The absolute fear in Amon’s eye with this one little action was something Etrama did enjoy seeing, but he didn’t show this emotion at all. He didn’t want to have them think he was going to do anything to the young man. Besides, he didn’t want this young man to become what he did because of hate and fear. “Don’t let fear and hatred rule you. If you let those emotions fester and grow you will become like me.” He said with a kind smile as he released his shoulder, and turned his back to him. Etrama didn’t expect to be forgiven for his actions from Amon, or the Phoenix.

Walking past Samael he could tell he was worried about what could happen to him, and he could understand his worry. Even he knew so many thing are worse than death, but he didn’t care as long as he could stay with Samael. Approaching Kyori he looked the young dragon in the eyes. “I would like to know one thing before we continue. Why did you save me? After what I have done to all of you?” Etrama asked as he looked into his eyes. He wanted to know why he brought him back.

Ryan didn’t know what to say when Joshua presented the ring to him. He blinked a few times and reached out slowly to grab the box. “Oh my goodness,” Ryan said with a smile, “I love you,” Ryan added wrapping his arms around Joshua’s neck.

When Etrama approached Kyori his eyes fell upon Etrama and he looked at him with a sigh after hearing his question.

“You should know why Etrama,” Kyori said as he nodded in Samael’s direction. “Love is all you need Etrama.” Kyori sighed and took a step forward, placing a soft hand on Etrama’s shoulder. “I must admit I had my doubts, but I have done dark things in my past and I know it is possible to change.”

Josh smiled at Ryan as he said that he loved him, and wrapped his arms around his neck. “I love you too.” Josh said as he wrapped his arms around his waist. “We will be together forever.” He said as he kissed Ryan once more. He was glad that he accepted his proposal. Even though it was not the most traditional of ways.

Etrama followed Kyori’s gaze and saw that Samael was at the end of his gaze. He smiled at his love, as the young dragon placed a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring motion. Returning his gaze to Kyori he shook his head in disagreement. “Your sins are few young one. I have done things much worse than you have. Love may have found me, but I have had centuries of destroying people's lives.” Etrama said as he closed his eyes. “I enjoyed every moment of what I did to people. To make them suffer like I did. To make them feel the pain I had felt to lose my loved ones.” Etrama said in a serious tone as he kept his eyes closed.

“Everyone deserves forgiveness Etrama. Are you strong in your conviction? Are you strong in your love for Samael? No matter what happens after judgement, you have to push on, not only for yourself, but for him. Are you ready?”

Etrama could hear his words, but doubted even the great God of Creation Erobus would so forgiving of his actions. Granted at the time he was influenced by his negative emotions, but still he made his choice. Still keeping his eyes shut he contemplated everything that could possibly happen to him once this was over. So many different scenarios ran through his head. He knew the punishment would be severe, but what would it be? That was a question he couldn’t answer. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder, and opened his eyes to see Aeterna was now in front of him. Having a confused look on his face he looked into the blue eyes of the shadow Phoenix.

Aeterna knew he was having problems. He didn’t know anything of his past, but he needed to know something. After their eyes met when he put his hand on his shoulder he looked at his with a soft gaze. “Not everything is black and white. No matter how evil the person there is always a reason for their actions. No matter how you look at it that is the truth. I don’t know what happened to you in the past, but look to the future. The love you share with Samael will help you through the rough road ahead, and I am sure that one day you will be able to forgive yourself for what had happened. You can be forgiven for your sins, by the people you have sinned against one day. I hold no animosity towards you. My anger is at myself for getting in that situation. We all have to live with the regret of our decisions. You are no different.” Aeterna said as he removed his hand and returned to standing behind Kyori. He hoped his words would be able to calm his heart.

Etrama heard both Kyori’s and Aeterna’s words, and knew they both spoke the truth. Giving a slight sigh as the Phoenix released his shoulder and returned to his position behind the Dragon he looked at both of them. Was he truly ready to face the God's judgment? A question that would never truly be answered. He looked to Kyori “No one can ever be truly ready for the punishment of their crimes, but I’m as ready as I will ever be. No matter the punishment I will live on for the one that I love. He found me in the darkness of my soul, and I will never let him go.”

Ocella watched what was happening and kept very close to Amon, hoping to console him and to keep his emotions clear. Etrama spoke to her about trust being a fickle thing and hoped that one day she would be able to prove him wrong. He was stubborn in his convictions and she knew that it would be difficult at best to relay what she herself had experienced with trust. “You will see, one day…” she spoke softly, a small smile on her face. She glanced to her uncle and knew that he was worried, but at the moment there were only two people in the entire world that she wanted to be near. One of them was in her arms, wrapped in a loving embrace, and the other one was preparing to cast judgement against the man before them. “Be true to who you are Etrama. Forgive the past, move on from the memories and forge your future with your loved one,” she said, holding her husband tighter. Those words were not only for Etrama but for his sake as well.

Even though Etrama stood there with a calm look about his features. Looking as if he was ready for all of this to transpire. The truth was he was not ready for this. Granted he needed to be tried for his crimes, but deep down he knew that the consequences of his actions were going to be severe. Only one punishment kept running through his head. If the God of creation took his sight. To never again to be able to see the one he loved was something that he didn’t know if he would be able to deal with. He turned his head once more studding Samael’s face. If it was to be his last time seeing him. He wanted to mesmerize every inch of his face and features. Granted he had no idea if this would be his punishment or not, but he didn’t want to take the chance. Once he was done he looked back at Kyori and nodded his head as he closed his eyes. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

Amon was still shaking even with Etrama moving away from him. The Wraiths works didn’t fall on deaf ears, but still it was hard for him to accept the fact that he suffered under this man. Yet he didn’t want to harbor any resentment for the Wraith. Then suddenly Ocella wrapped her arms around him, and his shaking ceased. He needed to let go of the past. To free himself and the two that assaulted him from their burdens. He looked to Ocella and smiled at her. “Thank You my love.” He said as he placed his hands on top of his wife's. He wanted to know what happened to Etrama to turn him into what he had become. Maybe they would be able to sit down and have a conversation on the matter. Though he wouldn’t be alone. He still couldn't face the man alone just yet. The wounds were still too fresh in his mind for that. For now he watched as he knew that his judgment was soon approaching.

Kyori watched Etrama and when it was time, he extended the staff as their surroundings grew quiet. His eyes lit up with power and his form seemed to shimmer slightly before he spoke.

“Divine Law: Judgement,” he said raising his staff the same way he had done with Subore. The pentagram appeared beneath Etrama. “Pendulum, give your verdict.” The pendulum swung but landed over guilty as the judgement. Kyori’s eyes landed on Etrama and nodded.

“Your punishment is mortality. You will live the rest of your days as a mortal. No more will you have access to the mystical powers you once had. This is your punishment. I am sorry,” Kyori said as he watched Etrama’s powers strip from him and absorb into the pentagram beneath him. When it was over, the pentagram vanished and Kyori collapsed from exhaustion. Etrama was now normal, now mortal, everything would seem different to him, but Samael did not care, he was still the man he loved. He scurried over to him and embraced him.

“My love, how do you feel?”

Ocella continued to hold Amon while Etrama’s judgement commenced. She held Amon close, relishing in the mere fact that they could enjoy at least a few moments together, that they had time to rest and to enjoy their marriage.

When the verdict had been given Ocella looked to Kyori with worry, leaving Amon’s side in an instant and rushing over to her brother. She knew that he had spent much of his energy reviving Etrama and wanted to help him recover what he could. “Hold still, rest for a moment,” she told him firmly, placing a caring hand on his shoulder as light poured from within her and into him. He would feel pulsations of energy course through him, reviving that which she was able to. When she had nothing more to give she dropped to her knees and took in a shaky breath. “Kyori,” she breathed, a sad smile on her face.

“We can finally get a full night’s sleep,” she said with a wink and a chuckle.

Watching as his love started the Judgment he was in aw about the magicity about it, but at the same time he knew this was taking every ounce of strength his love had to perform. He could see the strain it was putting Kyori under, and there was nothing Aeterna could do about it. When the judgment was passed and Etrama’s sentence passed Aeterna felt sorry for the man. Granted he had committed many crimes against people, but to lose everything because of that seemed a little harsh. Aeterna didn’t hold anything against him for this was a war, and he may have pushed the line, but he was stupid enough to have been caught. What happened was a result of his stupidity, and that was that.

Once the Kyori finished and he collapsed to the ground Aeterna wanted to run to him and be by his side, but it seemed his sister had the same idea. As Ocella was healing Kyori he looked around to see that they are were tired, and needed a good night sleep after these events. He didn;t know what the future might hold for them, but they will be the guardians of this world for a long time. This body was his own, and who knew how long that would last, but he would spend as much time with the one he loves as possible, and the family that he now had. So many prospects for the future, and that put a smile on his face. He walked over to where Kyori and Ocella were at, and knelt down behind his love wrapping his arms around him. “This fight is over at last. Now we can have the wedding we wanted.” He said laying his head on Kyori’s shoulder as he closed his eyes. He relaxed and knew this moment wouldn’t last long, but he would enjoy it nonetheless. There was a lot of rebuilding to do, and they had more responsibilities now. However, he knew that no matter what they would be able to be together.

Amon watched as the judgment began, and reached his hand to hold Ocella’s that was wrapped around him. All of the anger and fear in him was slowly disappearing with each second the judgment too place. He really wanted to just continue hating Etrama, but something he said kept nagging at his mind. It seemed Anger, hatred, and fear turned that man into what he was, and Amon didn’t want to end up like that. He wanted to be free of what happened to him, he wanted to forget, but that was not a luxury that he would be allotted. Though he knew that with time all wounds would heal, and having the support he did from the woman he loved was all the strength he would need to conquer this demon that was threatening to consume him. “ I love you Ocella. With all of my heart and soul. No matter what happens we will work through it.” Amon said as the judgment had been cast, and the sentence read.

Amon didn’t feel sorry for Etrama in him losing his power. Maybe this experience will give him an insight into what he put people to have no power through. How helpless they felt under his foot. Though at the same time he knew that this punishment was more that what was necessary. He did what he did because someone changed him, and that was something to take into consideration. Though he knew there were fates worse that what he had received, and now the Wraith will be able to make amends for everything he has done. Ocella left his side to go and help Kyori, and he just stood there allowing her to go. Her family all of them were important to her, and he would never take that away from her.

Well he guessed they were his family now. More so than that Ryan his real brother was with them, and now he would be able to finally get to know more about his family, and build a new one with Ocella. His life was no longer a struggle, and as long as the world remains in a state of balance he would never have to worry about her. Though he knew one day he would die leaving her alone in this world. He had faith that she would persevere through his absence. Smiling slightly he walked over to where his love was and two of his new family members. The fight was over, and now they had some time to themselves. “The war is over.We can finally have time with the ones we love.” He said looking down at Ocella and then to the others.

Josh was wrapped in the arms of the man he loved, and the ring that Master Xion had given him had found its rightful owner. Granted he didn’t propose in the most traditional of senses. However, now that the war was over, and he didn’t lose his love, he figured that Ryan would forgive him for not being traditional. After he though he had lost him, it was all he could do to not kill the God. Even Kyori who was able to stop him from committing that act, and possibly getting himself killed was the only thing that stopped him. His best friend in the world had to stop him from trying something he would have regretted for the rest of his life. He was truly lucky to have a friend like him.

“After I thought I had lost you my love. My heart broke, and I feared that it would never heal. I felt like I lost part of my soul, and I would have never forgiven myself if it was true. I don’t want to loose you to anything in this world. I know it isn’t much, but I hope that you accept my offer, and become bound to me for time and eternity. Will you give me the honor of marrying you Ryan?” Josh asked now actually saying the words that needed to go along with the ring he just bestowed upon his love. Granted he wasn’t really interested in the judgment of Etrama. He wanted to live in the moment with Ryan, and trusted whatever to happen to happen.

Etrama Waited for the judgment to begin. He knew what the verdict would be since he has committed many atrocities in the name of revenge against the people that condemned his race to extinction. He knew his punishment would be severe, and what it would be was something he would have to live with. As Kyori raised his staff, and the golden pentagram appeared beneath him, and the pendulum above him he just looked into Kyori’s eyes. He could see the power he had, but at the same time he could tell this was taking his toll on him. He was grateful to him for bringing him back to be with Samael the man who gave him light once more. Once the verdict was given he waited to hear his sentence.

His eyes went wide as his punishment was read off, and the pentagram beneath him started to glow. HIs power was being ripped from him, and it felt like his body was going to break. He was gritting his teeth, and keeping himself from screaming. He had never felt pain like this before, but he wouldn’t give into it. He didn’t want to make Samael worry about him. He suffered through his power being drained, and once everything about him disappeared he fell to the ground as the punishment for his crimes was finally over. He was breathing hard and his body shook.

He could no longer feel the magical energies around him, nor the souls that reside inside of the people around him. His power was gone, and now his race was completely wiped off of the face of the earth. This must make ‘Them’ happy since he was no longer amongst the people sentenced to live in the void after their death. He lifted himself up on shaky arms as Samael approached him. His love wrapped his arms around Etrama and a smile formed on his face. He raised his shaky arms and placed his hands on his loves back. “I will be fine. I am no longer bound to my hatred, and am free. We can now be together in this life, and if the Gods are willing we will find one another in the next.” Etrama said as he closed his eyes, and fell into Samael’s shoulder. Passed out from the pain he had experienced, and the fact of just being brought back to life.

When Kyori passed out, the staff vanished and his form returned to normal. He was shirtless, and his pants were ripped from the fight with Subore. His breathing was shallow, but when Ocella came to his side and poured as much energy as she could into him. He was thankful, but he had expanded too much energy. Aeterna was by his side and it felt good, but he still felt extremely weak. His duties were done, but he knew his work was never done. He sat up slowly and observed everything around him. This was his family now. He knew he had made Chiatzu proud.

Ryan could only embrace Joshua and kiss him lovingly as he proposed to him. It was unexpected, but he was so very thankful for someone to reciprocate the love he showed. It was hard for him to love, but it came easy with Joshua. Auro was the only other man he loved, but that was because the man was like a father to him. How he missed him, and yet he knew he was proud. Samael helped Etrama to his feet knowing that the experience had stripped him of energy and he would need rest to recharge.

“Warriors of Light, for now the universe is safe, but be ever vigilant in your duties. Etrama, let us take our leave. Thank you so much for what you have done, all of you, peace now shrouds the universe.”

Samael and Etrama vanished soon after.


The universe was at peace, and had been for two years since the battle with Subore. Everyone had gone about their lives fulfilling the roles set before them. Kyori performed his job well as a reaper of lost souls, and whenever he got the chance he spent it with Aeterna and his family. It was a Friday afternoon, and he had just sent a beautiful young spirit to the afterlife. He looked up at the sky with a soft smile on his face. It had taken them nearly a year to clean up the mess and rebuild, but they had done it and the world was a better place.

“Such an amazing world,” Kyori said softly as the wind blew through his hair and robes. He looked down at his hand noticing the beautiful sapphire ring. His mind instantly went to Aeterna and he turned to walk the streets of New York, enjoying the breeze.

Ryan sat in the icy catacombs of the northern mountains. His eyes were closed and his mind was in the spectral planes.

“Two years it has been Ryan,” a familiar voice rang out causing Ryan to smile in his spectral form.

“Auro, how I miss you,” Ryan said as Auro stood with a smile on his face.

“My son, how are you and your brother?”

“Life goes on and we have found peace in each other,” Ryan said, “though I wish you would’ve been there for my wedding.”

“As do I, but you’ve made me proud at every turn.”

Ryan smiled and Auro nodded as he looked upon Ryan.

“My time is short Ryan, but know that I am proud of you all, be at peace my son.”

Auro’s form vanished and Ryan’s eyes opened in the real world. He took in the icy catacombs and slowly stood to his feet. “Joshua,” he spoke softly looking at the ring on his finger.

In that moment, another scream rang throughout the room. Sun filtered in through the curtains and sweat was pouring down her face, despite the air conditioning being as low as the facility would allow. Ocella’s hand clung to the bedrail while her other was clenched in a shaky fist.

It had been two years since the battle to save the world, two years of peace and harmony.

- - - Updated - - -

He knew the fight the Mystics had won would not be the last battle they would more than likely fight, but he would get stronger so his wife and her family wouldn’t have to fight it on their own.

Aeterna removed himself from the Gods shadow as the verdict was read. He didn’t want to get sucked up with him, and if he was part of his shadow he knew he would have. Appearing with the others around Ryan who looked worse for ware he was happy that the young Ice Demon survived that attack. “Don’t scare us like that you Idiot.”Aeterna said as he looked down at all of the blood he had lost. Ryan was lucky to be alive.

“We will not let the darkness win as long as we are alive. We must keep a vigilant watch over the world, and it’s people.” He said as he walked over to Kyori. They would never be separated, but they would be busy with their new roles. Interlocking his clawed hand with Kyori’s he just smiled as he looked to the others. They were all not in good shape, but Ryan had gotten the brunt of the damage. “I don’t think we should Move Ryan just yet. Give him more time to heal.”

Josh looked into Kyori’s eyes as he stopped him, and the tears continued to flow as he spoke. His brother’s words reaching him where he had disappeared to he came back to his senses. He dropped his sword, and fell to his knees. Powerless to do anything as he watched Kyori pass judgment on the God. His whole world was turned upside down at the moment. To him this win was but an empty victory. His love is dying, and there was nothing he could do.

Then he heard a cough and Ryan’s voice as he was regaining consciousness. He scrambled back to his feet, and ran over to Ryan tears of relief filled his eyes now as he touched his love's face. “Don’t you die on me.” Josh said as he leaned over and kissed Ryan softly on the lips. He knew he was not out of the woods, but he would stay by his side no matter what.

Ryan slowly managed to maneuver into a sitting position, though the star shaped scar on his chest would forever be a reminder of how close to death he had gotten. Blood was still slowly seeping from it, but Ocella had managed to heal the wound slightly. He smiled softly realizing that they had won but knew that their work was never done.

“I love you too,” Ryan admitted as Kelda and Art helped him to his feet. “I’m okay though, really I am,” he said looking at Joshua and wrapping his arms around him.

Samael smiled and nodded as he moved back over to Etrama’s body. He knelt down and began to remove the caked up blood and dirt from his face and the death blow on his body. Kyori took note of Samael’s sudden disappearance from the group and saw him in the distance next to Etrama’s body. Sighing, he looked at Ocella and gave her a nod in her uncle’s direction.

“Kelda, Art, make sure that all of our allies are alerted of the victory. We have a lot of cleaning up to do,” Kyori said as Art and Kelda both vanished in their own element. Kyori looked at Aeterna as he held his hand.

“You really loved him didn’t you?” Kyori asked as he moved closer to Samael.

“He made me happy even though the dark one had tainted me, he kept my heart alive.”

Ocella smiled as Ryan came too and began to sit up. “Ryan!” she said with excitement. “Don’t you EVER do that again or I’ll smack you!” she said, smiling at he and Josh. She noticed Kyori walking off in the distance and saw her uncle near Etrama’s body. She saw the look on his face and her heart sunk as the realization seeped in. She appeared next to her uncle and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, still unsure what forms of affection were acceptable.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” she said, her face filled with sympathy. Samael had once again lost the man he loved to battle. While she recognized that it had to be done, she was certain that if anyone could have made Etrama less of a threat to society it was her uncle.

Josh was still a little leary of having Ryan sit up, but he didn’t have the heart to stop him. So he stood up as well, and stared at the bleeding star shaped wound on his chest. He didn’t like that Ryan was going to have to live with a scar like that, but there was nothing he could do about it. Once Ryan was standing he wrapped his arms around him, and Josh only smiled as his worried expression faded. Wrapping his arms around the man he loved he held him tight as he returned to his human form. Not saying a word he laid his head on his love's shoulder as he thanked Erobus for not taking his love from him. “Don’t ever do that again. Please.”

Amon was surprised when Ocella left his side, and he watched as she went over to where her Uncle was kneeling next to Etrama’s body. He didn’t understand what was going on, but soon realized that his wife was upset. He didn’t know why so he looked to his brother and saw him in the arms of the man he loved. Deciding to let them be alone for a bit, he slowly made his way over to where Ocella, Kyori, and Aeterna were.

Aeterna looked his love in the eyes, as they continued to hold hands. Then Kyori made his way over to where Samael was, and Aeterna followed not letting go of Kyori’s hand. There was still so much they needed to do, and he wanted to give Kyori the wedding he deserved before they began their new duties. Knowing they might not have the time after that.

Aeterna looked down as the lifeless form of the man that not only tortured both him and Amon, but… Aeterna didn’t want to think about it. However, something seemed off. Samael was treating the man kindly almost like a lover would. The Kyori spoke, and his jaw almost dropped. Was a man like him capable of love? Aeterna couldn’t believe it, but it had to be true. No one mourns like Samael was over someone that was just a thing to them. They did love one another. It was something he could understand, and he felt sorry for the man that lost his love. “No one deserves to lose the one they love. I am sorry for your loss.” Aeterna’s words were true. The man before him may have been an enemy, but he was loved by someone even though he was a bastard.

Kyori watched the tears stream down Samael’s face and he knew then what he needed to do.

“Samael, you were once tainted, but you have helped us and for that I owe you my life. I will help you,” Kyori said as Samael looked at him with a confused look.

“Help me? How?” Samael asked unsure what Kyori was going to do.

“Divine Technique: Soul Reversion,” Kyori said as gently as he spoke to them. The end of his staff began to shine and Etrama’s body began to shimmer. An orb that contained Etrama’s soul slowly emerged and descended upon his dead form. Samael watched in awe. He hadn’t seen the power of a reaper in person and he was intrigued. He looked down at Etrama as the male’s soul returned to his body.

“Ocella, heal him, please,” Kyori said as his staff stopped shining.

Ocella watched Kyori curiously. He spoke of reviving Etrama and she looked to Amon, her heart beating rapidly as she held him close. Kyori spoke to her and her eyes narrowed at her brother. “If he so much as touches Amon,” she spoke, her voice dangerous and protective as she glared at Kyori. She looked softly to her uncle and nodded her head, for she too was indebted to him for his assistance. She sighed and knelt next to Etrama, her hands steady as she went to work healing his broken body. She knew the pains of broken bones, of wounds too deep to heal.

She poured as much energy as she could into returning Etrama to his natural state, and when her work was done she backed up immediately, standing in front of Amon with her arms crossed and a mistrusting look on her face. She was standing in front of Amon for both his sake and Etrama’s sake.

Kyori understood her hesitation and thanked her for what she did. He knelt down and looked at Samael.

“When I reactivate his soul, he will return to you, he will remember everything, but I only hope the love you two share will allow him to move on from his past.”

Samael wrapped his arms around Kyori in a father embrace and looked into his eyes.

“Thank you,” he said as Kyori placed a firm palm onto Etrama’s chest, just where the ice spear had ended his life. “Be renewed, be reborn.” A pulse of energy surged from Kyori into Etrama.

Ryan looked at the scene and as much as he wanted to voice his distaste, he understood that everyone needed love and he hoped that Etrama and Samael’s love would be enough to withstand the tests of time. He turned to Joshua. “You are my light, and I’ll never let you go.”

Aeterna freed Kyori’s hand from his grip as he just stood there and watched. He was as much indebted to Samael as his love was, and he wouldn’t deny anything his love though was right. He watched as Etrama’s body shimmered with a green light, and as his soul appeared and reentered his body. Then came the task of healing all of the damage that the body had taken. Aeterna knew that this was going to be a task since he could tell that most of the bones were broken.

Once everything was said and done It was time for the Wraith’s rebirth. Aeterna knew good and well what it felt like to return to the land of the living. Though he did wonder what Etrama was going to do once he returned? Through that question wouldn’t take long to answer as Kyori went to work.

Amon froze as soon as he was able to make his way over to the others. It seemed that Kyori was going to bring back Etrama from the land of the dead where that bastard belonged. Plenty of emotions ran through Amon. Hatred, anger, and fear. Mostly fear of the man that was lying on the ground. His body shook and trembled at the thought of him coming back. Though he could tell that Samel truly loved Etrama. So he was not imagining it when they were toying with him, and offering to share him. A shiver ran down his spine even thinking of that situation. Ocella appeared in front of him, and threatened that if he touched him he would feel her wrath.

He smiled at her, as she went to work healing his body. Amon closed his eyes as he couldn’t watch as they went to work bringing the man back. He just stood there hoping that they just didn’t make a mistake bringing back a man that had done so many terrible thing in the short time he knew of him.

Josh was concerned with what was happening, but on the other hand they were powerful enough to stop him if he decides to attack any of them. Besides hopefully love will conquer all in this situation. He looked Josh in the eyes when he spoke, and smiled at him. “We will never be separated, for if I am your light you are mine.” Josh said as he kissed him with immense passion as Kyori went to work. When the kiss finished he pulled a small box from his pocket, and handed it to Ryan. “I have a feeling this belongs to you. Xion said I would know what to do with it when the time was right.” Josh said with a loving smile on his face.

Etrama was floating amongst the darkness that he had been banished to when he died. No trial, no nothing he just appeared in the darkness with nothing around him. A peaceful hell for him to endure, but he figured it was about time. His only regret was having to leave Samael alone in an unforgiving battle, and hoped that at least he would survive the fight ahead.

Had this been his destiny all along? To finally find love and to loose it all the same, once again. His whole clan was taken from him by the hypocrites that run the Parthenon, and he was left to foster that hate. Only to find love in the end. Sometimes he didn’t understand fate. Clearing his mind he closed his eyes and just floated amongst the darkness. Then suddenly he felt a pull on his soul pain filled his senses as the world went black.

As the energy pulsed through Etrama’s body a scream tore out of his mouth as he was suddenly brought back from the dead, from the darkness that was to be his prison. His eyes shot open and he suddenly sat up grasping his chest. Even though the wounds were gone the last thing his body remembers was immense pain. Not knowing what was going on it took him some to get his bearings. Though for some reason he was unable to see though his sight was starting to clear. It was because he had been in the darkness for a time. He didn’t know what was going on, but he could feel the wind on his skin, and the presence of familiar energies. It seemed that he was alive, but how, who?

Samael watched as did Ryan. He was ready to attack if Etrama showed any signs of hostility. Kyori could feel the tension in the air, but after Etrama screamed out and sat up grasping his chest, Kyori’s hand moved from Etrama’s chest and he slowly rose from his kneeling position. He softly smiled as Samael looked at Etrama, a gasp escaping his throat. In all his years of living, not once had he seen someone brought back from the realm of the dead. Reanimation sure, but to actually witness death cancelled was truly remarkable, though he wondered how much energy Kyori had used to do such a thing. His eyes looked the young spirit dragon over and he could see Kyori holding strongly to the staff as if attempting to keep himself upright. He was thankful for Kyori and his niece and all who helped liberate him and the world from the force that was Subore, but now there was much rebuilding to be done.

“My love,” Samael said as he placed a soft hand on the side of Etrama’s face. “My love we are free,” he added. “The mystics have freed us from the darkness.”

Etrama felt the soft touch of Samael’s hand, and turned his head in his direction. His vision was slowly getting more clear, and he looked into the beautiful eyes of the man he loved. Granted he looked a little different, but he was still the same man he fell for. His gaze was that of not only love but confusion. They were free, but how in the world was he brought back to the land of the living. “We are free, but how am I back? I was dead. There is no coming back.” Etrama said not sure what to think. As he finally got his sight back, and looked fully at what Samael had once been before everything that happened to him. He placed a hand on his love's face as he smiled.

Samael’s other hand grasped Etrama’s hand lovingly as he looked into Etrama’s eyes. He saw confusion and he could only nod.

“Kyori returned your soul from the dark place. The dark god has been banished and we are free to live in peace,” Samael said softly as he kissed Etrama’s hand gently.

Etrama smiled at Samael as he told him how he was brought back. He didn’t understand why his enemy would show them both mercy, but he did. He was grateful for this chance to finally live like he was meant to.

“Kyori brought me back? So that means the reaper lost his battle with the spirit dragon? No matter. We are free from our dark paths.” Etrama said as he leaned forward and kissed Samel on the lips. “That means we can live our lives in peace away from the world?”

Samael embraced his love, the kiss was much needed and welcomed, but then Kyori began to speak.

“Your love truly does transcend darkness. Everyone deserves love, but Etrama I am afraid I now have to judge you for your actions against humanity. You will not be killed, Erobus will pass judgement on you for your actions. I will give you two a few more minutes, and when you are ready Etrama, I will be waiting.”

Kyori stepped over to a large boulder short enough for him to rest on. Everyone who looked at him could tell that every bit of energy he used was taking its toll on him, but it was his duty.

Samael nodded when Kyori spoke and looked at Etrama.

“I love you so much Etrama, and no matter what happens, you are mine and I am yours. We will build a new life together.”

Etrama knew that this was going to happen. He would need to face his punishment whatever it may be. Nodding his head at Kyori as he walked away to where a bolder was he could see this was causing him to expend a lot of energy. Looking back at Samael he smiled at him. “No matter what my punishment might be I will not hide from my fate. As long as I still draw breath I will be able to be with you.” He said as he removed his hand and stood up. His legs a little wobbly, but that was to be expected. But before he goes to receive his judgment. “I need to settle things first.” he said looking at Samael. Not knowing what was going to happen.

Walking over to Ocella he looked the angel in the eyes. “You may not understand what I went through and why I was the way I was. However, you still tried to reach me, and I went and did something that would hurt you deeply. For that I am sorry. I don’t ever expect you or Amon to forgive me for my actions, but I can offer you a chance to…” Etrama would leave it at that. They could take it as an open chance to attack him or whatever.

Aeterna looked to Kyori as he walked away, and he could tell all of this was taking it’s toll on him. He walked over to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you going to be okay?” He asked in a worried tone. He didn’t know what he could do to help Kyori but he wanted to ask anyway. “Kyori can I help in any way?”

“I’ll be fine after this judgement,” Kyori replied to Aeterna who had come to check on him. Samael watched his love, and listened to him as he spoke. It was amazing the power of love and how it could change. Now he would wait on the judgement of Erobus to pass before they could continue on with their lives. Kyori had informed them that Etrama wouldn’t die, but Samael knew of fates worse than death. He remained silent as Etrama seemed ready to accept his punishment.

Kyori stood and stepped forward watching the exchange between Ocella and Etrama.

Ocella watched her uncle and Etrama. The man came to her and she tensed immediately, wondering what would happen. Though she was tense, she remained in place and glared at him briefly. “You have done nothing to me directly to require my forgiveness. Your crimes were against my family, and therefore I cannot speak for them. My grandfather seems at peace with what happened, but my husband on the other hand… that is between you and he. It is my trust you must earn,” she spoke, her voice firm yet forgiving.

Amon was still shaken up but it got worse when Etrama approached him and his wife. He looked at the wraith’s eyes, and could tell that he was sorry for his actions, but he still couldn’t stop his body from shaking.

Etrama looked at Ocella as she spoke of the fact that he didn’t need her forgiveness, but to earn her trust. That was something that he knew he would never achieve. For that bridge had been burned long ago. “Trust is a fickle thing, and not something that is easily achieved. Besides Trust is not something given to those that were once enemies. However, I will respect your decision.” He said as he looked back at Amon who was still shaking in fear because of him. Moving slightly to the right he quickly reached out his hand and placed it in Amon’s shoulder.

The absolute fear in Amon’s eye with this one little action was something Etrama did enjoy seeing, but he didn’t show this emotion at all. He didn’t want to have them think he was going to do anything to the young man. Besides, he didn’t want this young man to become what he did because of hate and fear. “Don’t let fear and hatred rule you. If you let those emotions fester and grow you will become like me.” He said with a kind smile as he released his shoulder, and turned his back to him. Etrama didn’t expect to be forgiven for his actions from Amon, or the Phoenix.

Walking past Samael he could tell he was worried about what could happen to him, and he could understand his worry. Even he knew so many thing are worse than death, but he didn’t care as long as he could stay with Samael. Approaching Kyori he looked the young dragon in the eyes. “I would like to know one thing before we continue. Why did you save me? After what I have done to all of you?” Etrama asked as he looked into his eyes. He wanted to know why he brought him back.

Ryan didn’t know what to say when Joshua presented the ring to him. He blinked a few times and reached out slowly to grab the box. “Oh my goodness,” Ryan said with a smile, “I love you,” Ryan added wrapping his arms around Joshua’s neck.

When Etrama approached Kyori his eyes fell upon Etrama and he looked at him with a sigh after hearing his question.

“You should know why Etrama,” Kyori said as he nodded in Samael’s direction. “Love is all you need Etrama.” Kyori sighed and took a step forward, placing a soft hand on Etrama’s shoulder. “I must admit I had my doubts, but I have done dark things in my past and I know it is possible to change.”

Josh smiled at Ryan as he said that he loved him, and wrapped his arms around his neck. “I love you too.” Josh said as he wrapped his arms around his waist. “We will be together forever.” He said as he kissed Ryan once more. He was glad that he accepted his proposal. Even though it was not the most traditional of ways.

Etrama followed Kyori’s gaze and saw that Samael was at the end of his gaze. He smiled at his love, as the young dragon placed a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring motion. Returning his gaze to Kyori he shook his head in disagreement. “Your sins are few young one. I have done things much worse than you have. Love may have found me, but I have had centuries of destroying people's lives.” Etrama said as he closed his eyes. “I enjoyed every moment of what I did to people. To make them suffer like I did. To make them feel the pain I had felt to lose my loved ones.” Etrama said in a serious tone as he kept his eyes closed.

“Everyone deserves forgiveness Etrama. Are you strong in your conviction? Are you strong in your love for Samael? No matter what happens after judgement, you have to push on, not only for yourself, but for him. Are you ready?”

Etrama could hear his words, but doubted even the great God of Creation Erobus would so forgiving of his actions. Granted at the time he was influenced by his negative emotions, but still he made his choice. Still keeping his eyes shut he contemplated everything that could possibly happen to him once this was over. So many different scenarios ran through his head. He knew the punishment would be severe, but what would it be? That was a question he couldn’t answer. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder, and opened his eyes to see Aeterna was now in front of him. Having a confused look on his face he looked into the blue eyes of the shadow Phoenix.

Aeterna knew he was having problems. He didn’t know anything of his past, but he needed to know something. After their eyes met when he put his hand on his shoulder he looked at his with a soft gaze. “Not everything is black and white. No matter how evil the person there is always a reason for their actions. No matter how you look at it that is the truth. I don’t know what happened to you in the past, but look to the future. The love you share with Samael will help you through the rough road ahead, and I am sure that one day you will be able to forgive yourself for what had happened. You can be forgiven for your sins, by the people you have sinned against one day. I hold no animosity towards you. My anger is at myself for getting in that situation. We all have to live with the regret of our decisions. You are no different.” Aeterna said as he removed his hand and returned to standing behind Kyori. He hoped his words would be able to calm his heart.

Etrama heard both Kyori’s and Aeterna’s words, and knew they both spoke the truth. Giving a slight sigh as the Phoenix released his shoulder and returned to his position behind the Dragon he looked at both of them. Was he truly ready to face the God's judgment? A question that would never truly be answered. He looked to Kyori “No one can ever be truly ready for the punishment of their crimes, but I’m as ready as I will ever be. No matter the punishment I will live on for the one that I love. He found me in the darkness of my soul, and I will never let him go.”

Ocella watched what was happening and kept very close to Amon, hoping to console him and to keep his emotions clear. Etrama spoke to her about trust being a fickle thing and hoped that one day she would be able to prove him wrong. He was stubborn in his convictions and she knew that it would be difficult at best to relay what she herself had experienced with trust. “You will see, one day…” she spoke softly, a small smile on her face. She glanced to her uncle and knew that he was worried, but at the moment there were only two people in the entire world that she wanted to be near. One of them was in her arms, wrapped in a loving embrace, and the other one was preparing to cast judgement against the man before them. “Be true to who you are Etrama. Forgive the past, move on from the memories and forge your future with your loved one,” she said, holding her husband tighter. Those words were not only for Etrama but for his sake as well.

Even though Etrama stood there with a calm look about his features. Looking as if he was ready for all of this to transpire. The truth was he was not ready for this. Granted he needed to be tried for his crimes, but deep down he knew that the consequences of his actions were going to be severe. Only one punishment kept running through his head. If the God of creation took his sight. To never again to be able to see the one he loved was something that he didn’t know if he would be able to deal with. He turned his head once more studding Samael’s face. If it was to be his last time seeing him. He wanted to mesmerize every inch of his face and features. Granted he had no idea if this would be his punishment or not, but he didn’t want to take the chance. Once he was done he looked back at Kyori and nodded his head as he closed his eyes. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

Amon was still shaking even with Etrama moving away from him. The Wraiths works didn’t fall on deaf ears, but still it was hard for him to accept the fact that he suffered under this man. Yet he didn’t want to harbor any resentment for the Wraith. Then suddenly Ocella wrapped her arms around him, and his shaking ceased. He needed to let go of the past. To free himself and the two that assaulted him from their burdens. He looked to Ocella and smiled at her. “Thank You my love.” He said as he placed his hands on top of his wife's. He wanted to know what happened to Etrama to turn him into what he had become. Maybe they would be able to sit down and have a conversation on the matter. Though he wouldn’t be alone. He still couldn't face the man alone just yet. The wounds were still too fresh in his mind for that. For now he watched as he knew that his judgment was soon approaching.

Kyori watched Etrama and when it was time, he extended the staff as their surroundings grew quiet. His eyes lit up with power and his form seemed to shimmer slightly before he spoke.

“Divine Law: Judgement,” he said raising his staff the same way he had done with Subore. The pentagram appeared beneath Etrama. “Pendulum, give your verdict.” The pendulum swung but landed over guilty as the judgement. Kyori’s eyes landed on Etrama and nodded.

“Your punishment is mortality. You will live the rest of your days as a mortal. No more will you have access to the mystical powers you once had. This is your punishment. I am sorry,” Kyori said as he watched Etrama’s powers strip from him and absorb into the pentagram beneath him. When it was over, the pentagram vanished and Kyori collapsed from exhaustion. Etrama was now normal, now mortal, everything would seem different to him, but Samael did not care, he was still the man he loved. He scurried over to him and embraced him.

“My love, how do you feel?”

Ocella continued to hold Amon while Etrama’s judgement commenced. She held Amon close, relishing in the mere fact that they could enjoy at least a few moments together, that they had time to rest and to enjoy their marriage.

When the verdict had been given Ocella looked to Kyori with worry, leaving Amon’s side in an instant and rushing over to her brother. She knew that he had spent much of his energy reviving Etrama and wanted to help him recover what he could. “Hold still, rest for a moment,” she told him firmly, placing a caring hand on his shoulder as light poured from within her and into him. He would feel pulsations of energy course through him, reviving that which she was able to. When she had nothing more to give she dropped to her knees and took in a shaky breath. “Kyori,” she breathed, a sad smile on her face.

“We can finally get a full night’s sleep,” she said with a wink and a chuckle.

Watching as his love started the Judgment he was in aw about the magicity about it, but at the same time he knew this was taking every ounce of strength his love had to perform. He could see the strain it was putting Kyori under, and there was nothing Aeterna could do about it. When the judgment was passed and Etrama’s sentence passed Aeterna felt sorry for the man. Granted he had committed many crimes against people, but to lose everything because of that seemed a little harsh. Aeterna didn’t hold anything against him for this was a war, and he may have pushed the line, but he was stupid enough to have been caught. What happened was a result of his stupidity, and that was that.

Once the Kyori finished and he collapsed to the ground Aeterna wanted to run to him and be by his side, but it seemed his sister had the same idea. As Ocella was healing Kyori he looked around to see that they are were tired, and needed a good night sleep after these events. He didn;t know what the future might hold for them, but they will be the guardians of this world for a long time. This body was his own, and who knew how long that would last, but he would spend as much time with the one he loves as possible, and the family that he now had. So many prospects for the future, and that put a smile on his face. He walked over to where Kyori and Ocella were at, and knelt down behind his love wrapping his arms around him. “This fight is over at last. Now we can have the wedding we wanted.” He said laying his head on Kyori’s shoulder as he closed his eyes. He relaxed and knew this moment wouldn’t last long, but he would enjoy it nonetheless. There was a lot of rebuilding to do, and they had more responsibilities now. However, he knew that no matter what they would be able to be together.

Amon watched as the judgment began, and reached his hand to hold Ocella’s that was wrapped around him. All of the anger and fear in him was slowly disappearing with each second the judgment too place. He really wanted to just continue hating Etrama, but something he said kept nagging at his mind. It seemed Anger, hatred, and fear turned that man into what he was, and Amon didn’t want to end up like that. He wanted to be free of what happened to him, he wanted to forget, but that was not a luxury that he would be allotted. Though he knew that with time all wounds would heal, and having the support he did from the woman he loved was all the strength he would need to conquer this demon that was threatening to consume him. “ I love you Ocella. With all of my heart and soul. No matter what happens we will work through it.” Amon said as the judgment had been cast, and the sentence read.

Amon didn’t feel sorry for Etrama in him losing his power. Maybe this experience will give him an insight into what he put people to have no power through. How helpless they felt under his foot. Though at the same time he knew that this punishment was more that what was necessary. He did what he did because someone changed him, and that was something to take into consideration. Though he knew there were fates worse that what he had received, and now the Wraith will be able to make amends for everything he has done. Ocella left his side to go and help Kyori, and he just stood there allowing her to go. Her family all of them were important to her, and he would never take that away from her.

Well he guessed they were his family now. More so than that Ryan his real brother was with them, and now he would be able to finally get to know more about his family, and build a new one with Ocella. His life was no longer a struggle, and as long as the world remains in a state of balance he would never have to worry about her. Though he knew one day he would die leaving her alone in this world. He had faith that she would persevere through his absence. Smiling slightly he walked over to where his love was and two of his new family members. The fight was over, and now they had some time to themselves. “The war is over.We can finally have time with the ones we love.” He said looking down at Ocella and then to the others.

Josh was wrapped in the arms of the man he loved, and the ring that Master Xion had given him had found its rightful owner. Granted he didn’t propose in the most traditional of senses. However, now that the war was over, and he didn’t lose his love, he figured that Ryan would forgive him for not being traditional. After he though he had lost him, it was all he could do to not kill the God. Even Kyori who was able to stop him from committing that act, and possibly getting himself killed was the only thing that stopped him. His best friend in the world had to stop him from trying something he would have regretted for the rest of his life. He was truly lucky to have a friend like him.

“After I thought I had lost you my love. My heart broke, and I feared that it would never heal. I felt like I lost part of my soul, and I would have never forgiven myself if it was true. I don’t want to loose you to anything in this world. I know it isn’t much, but I hope that you accept my offer, and become bound to me for time and eternity. Will you give me the honor of marrying you Ryan?” Josh asked now actually saying the words that needed to go along with the ring he just bestowed upon his love. Granted he wasn’t really interested in the judgment of Etrama. He wanted to live in the moment with Ryan, and trusted whatever to happen to happen.

Etrama Waited for the judgment to begin. He knew what the verdict would be since he has committed many atrocities in the name of revenge against the people that condemned his race to extinction. He knew his punishment would be severe, and what it would be was something he would have to live with. As Kyori raised his staff, and the golden pentagram appeared beneath him, and the pendulum above him he just looked into Kyori’s eyes. He could see the power he had, but at the same time he could tell this was taking his toll on him. He was grateful to him for bringing him back to be with Samael the man who gave him light once more. Once the verdict was given he waited to hear his sentence.

His eyes went wide as his punishment was read off, and the pentagram beneath him started to glow. HIs power was being ripped from him, and it felt like his body was going to break. He was gritting his teeth, and keeping himself from screaming. He had never felt pain like this before, but he wouldn’t give into it. He didn’t want to make Samael worry about him. He suffered through his power being drained, and once everything about him disappeared he fell to the ground as the punishment for his crimes was finally over. He was breathing hard and his body shook.

He could no longer feel the magical energies around him, nor the souls that reside inside of the people around him. His power was gone, and now his race was completely wiped off of the face of the earth. This must make ‘Them’ happy since he was no longer amongst the people sentenced to live in the void after their death. He lifted himself up on shaky arms as Samael approached him. His love wrapped his arms around Etrama and a smile formed on his face. He raised his shaky arms and placed his hands on his loves back. “I will be fine. I am no longer bound to my hatred, and am free. We can now be together in this life, and if the Gods are willing we will find one another in the next.” Etrama said as he closed his eyes, and fell into Samael’s shoulder. Passed out from the pain he had experienced, and the fact of just being brought back to life.

When Kyori passed out, the staff vanished and his form returned to normal. He was shirtless, and his pants were ripped from the fight with Subore. His breathing was shallow, but when Ocella came to his side and poured as much energy as she could into him. He was thankful, but he had expanded too much energy. Aeterna was by his side and it felt good, but he still felt extremely weak. His duties were done, but he knew his work was never done. He sat up slowly and observed everything around him. This was his family now. He knew he had made Chiatzu proud.

Ryan could only embrace Joshua and kiss him lovingly as he proposed to him. It was unexpected, but he was so very thankful for someone to reciprocate the love he showed. It was hard for him to love, but it came easy with Joshua. Auro was the only other man he loved, but that was because the man was like a father to him. How he missed him, and yet he knew he was proud. Samael helped Etrama to his feet knowing that the experience had stripped him of energy and he would need rest to recharge.

“Warriors of Light, for now the universe is safe, but be ever vigilant in your duties. Etrama, let us take our leave. Thank you so much for what you have done, all of you, peace now shrouds the universe.”

Samael and Etrama vanished soon after.


The universe was at peace, and had been for two years since the battle with Subore. Everyone had gone about their lives fulfilling the roles set before them. Kyori performed his job well as a reaper of lost souls, and whenever he got the chance he spent it with Aeterna and his family. It was a Friday afternoon, and he had just sent a beautiful young spirit to the afterlife. He looked up at the sky with a soft smile on his face. It had taken them nearly a year to clean up the mess and rebuild, but they had done it and the world was a better place.

“Such an amazing world,” Kyori said softly as the wind blew through his hair and robes. He looked down at his hand noticing the beautiful sapphire ring. His mind instantly went to Aeterna and he turned to walk the streets of New York, enjoying the breeze.

Ryan sat in the icy catacombs of the northern mountains. His eyes were closed and his mind was in the spectral planes.

“Two years it has been Ryan,” a familiar voice rang out causing Ryan to smile in his spectral form.

“Auro, how I miss you,” Ryan said as Auro stood with a smile on his face.

“My son, how are you and your brother?”

“Life goes on and we have found peace in each other,” Ryan said, “though I wish you would’ve been there for my wedding.”

“As do I, but you’ve made me proud at every turn.”

Ryan smiled and Auro nodded as he looked upon Ryan.

“My time is short Ryan, but know that I am proud of you all, be at peace my son.”

Auro’s form vanished and Ryan’s eyes opened in the real world. He took in the icy catacombs and slowly stood to his feet. “Joshua,” he spoke softly looking at the ring on his finger.

In that moment, another scream rang throughout the room. Sun filtered in through the curtains and sweat was pouring down her face, despite the air conditioning being as low as the facility would allow. Ocella’s hand clung to the bedrail while her other was clenched in a shaky fist.

It had been two years since the battle to save the world, two years of peace and harmony.

10-13-2017, 04:14 AM
She and Amon had been allowed to continue their lives together, to grow closer and now they were in the midst of starting a family together. Ocella had tears on her face as her breaths came in short, rapid sessions.

‘Kyori,’ she begged for her friend. She hadn’t seen him in some time and wondered how he and Aeterna were fairing. ‘Kyori please. Take me now,’ she begged him mentally. She had experienced much pain over the last twenty years of her life, particularly the last two since she had discovered her Mystic abilities, but this… this was far worse than she had ever experienced. She let out another scream and glared at Amon. She’d carried their child for ten months, a month more than she should have and they suspected it was a result of their lineages. She’d been in labor that entire day with little signs of progress and was beginning to lose focus on what was happening. ‘Kyori… I can’t take it anymore. Please,’ she begged him mentally, giving no indication to Amon that she was begging for death as she let out yet another scream.

The familiar voice continued to strike his mind over and over again. No one but Ocella called for him so regularly, though she had gone silent for about ten months and he hadn’t seen her for that amount of time. Now out of the blue she was calling to him and he sighed. Vanishing and reappearing before her in his reaper form.

“Who is it who has requested my presence?” He said his voice distorted as he hovered over to Ocella. “You seek death dear child?”

For whatever reason, Ocella hadn’t been expecting for him to arrive in his reaper form. The air became thicker immediately and she found it difficult to breathe in her already weakened state. “I just… want… the pain to… end…” she panted between breaths as sweat rolled down her face. She closed her eyes and shook her head. “So serious Kyori. Besides, I'm sure you've had plenty of mothers to be begging for death. What can I do just shy of killing over right now?”

Kyori smiled as best he could in his reaper form and quickly transformed back into his normal form looking at Ocella with worried eyes.

“So this explains why I haven’t seen you in ten months,” he began looking over her frail form. She was weak because of the labor. He sighed knowing that he could help but it could endanger her unborn child. “There’s nothing I can do unless you want to harm your baby. This you have to fight through, but I can provide you with some energy.”

He grabbed her hand that was balled into a fist and released a bit of energy in small waves so as not to harm her child.

Kyori said that there was nothing he could do and she looked at him with fear in her eyes. “I’m… so… scared,” she breathed, biting her bottom lip as she looked from him to Amon and back again. “It feels like… I’m going to… die,” she said, her voice soft and barely audible. Kyori gave her short boosts of energy and they helped her cleared her mind. “Don’t… don’t let us...die,” she begged him, looking to Amon with worry. As much as she wanted the pain to end, she wanted Amon to experience his family to the fullest and she wanted to experience it with him.

A crisp breeze blew through the trees and ruffled the hair of the young man that was sitting in the center of a forest listening to all the wonders of the forest. Josh had enjoyed doing such things at least once a day for the last two years. There were so many wondrous sounds to hear with his own ears. He also lked to keep out of big cities since he can hear souls he found that he didn’t like hearing them cry when they were killed. Giving a sight he opened his eyes and looked around the forest. Smiling as he saw a doe grazing not too far from him. Nature may not have been his power, but he loved it nonetheless. Trying not to disturb the deer he stood up and left the area while she ate.

Walking back to the home he and Ryan shared he knew that Ryan was not there. He usually left before dawn on most days. Which was fine with him. They didn’t put leashes on one another, they had a home together and that is the only thing that mattered to him. Looking down at the ring on his hand a small smile crossed his lips.

Once the trees parted a beautiful house came into view with a several kinds of gardens surrounding it. He had always had a green thumb, and it showed in the varieties of plants that were growing. He planted them all for Ryan. He began tending to the garden continuing his morning routine.

Amongst the luminescent trees of the garden of Lucis Aeternae Aeterna had prepared a picnic lunch for him and Kyori. They spent as much time together as they possibly could, and today he asked his love to meet him in the garden. It took him a while to convince the Phoenix council to allow Kyori access to the garden. They did relent with time. He was going to surprise him with a lunch, as well as a gift.

Since it was their anniversary. It took time but they were finally able to arrange their wedding once they were able to finish cleaning up the mess that was left from the war. It has been one year to the day, and there was nothing in the world that would stop him from at least suppressing Kyori. Now if fate would give them the time to be together was another story.

As the time ticked by the promised time passed, and Aeterna was sad, but in the end his love's work was never done. He was lucky enough to get the day off, so he would sit and wait here till Kyori was able to come.

Amon was standing next to Ocella as she continued to go through labor. This was their first child together, and there were a couple of bumps in the road, but he was there for all of them. Now the biggest hurdle was upon them, and it was taking far longer than even the doctors thought it would take, and Ocella was in a lot of pain. He was doing everything within his power to help her, but all he could do was just be there for her, and try not to worry. There was a twinge of concern in his thoughts that he might lose his wife in this endeavor, and he didn’t want that to happen. Yes he wanted a family, but his life would be incomplete if he lost her. He also hasn't had time to tell anyone that they were at the hospital, about to have a baby.

Unbeknownst to him Ocella had been contacting Kyori, and when he appeared in his death from, fear struck him. However then Kyori turned into his normal form, and they spoke. Even though his fear was evident, he tried to hide it and show some confidence. “I am sure that you will be okay my dear.” Amon said as he bent over and kissed her on the forehead as he placed his hand over hers. “You will be fine. Just keep fighting.” Amon said as he knew the fear Ocella was feeling, and he hoped that he would be able to alleviate those fears. Even though those same fears plagued his mind as well. He wanted to ask Kyori if he knew if Ocella or his unborn child was going to die, but he couldn’t work up to nerve to ask. He didn’t want to loose his family again.

Etrama awoke next to Samael about an hour before the sun rose. He looked at the man he loved with all of his heart with a smile on his face. He never thought that he would be able to live his life like this, Happy and with someone he wanted to spend his whole life with. Granted he didn’t know how long his life in this world would be, but he would enjoy every moment. Not wanting to wake Samel up he gently got out of the bed, and silently got dressed in some loose black pants and a loose light blue shirt.

Making his way silently through the house, he went to the front door, and unlocked it. Leaving Samael to finish his sleeping he left the house, and locked the door behind him. Their home was in the middle of a forest, that had a stream not far from them. Etrama made his way to the water. Once he reached the water he sat on a boulder that was at the edge of the water, and closed his eyes. Listening to the sounds of the forest as the sun started to rise giving birth to a new day.

It had been two years since he had lost his power, and him and Samael began their life together, but even though he was happy with his life he still missed the fact of being able to converse with the dead. He didn’t want to admit it but it was hard to live without the ability to do almost anything on his own. Granted the knowledge he has gained over the years was enough to make it where he could do many things, but he had to rely on Samael to do so much that he was not able to do any more. Shaking his head he opened his eyes. Even with all that his life wasn’t that bad. He just missed his independence.

Etrama looked down at the ruby ring that was on his finger with a smile. Theses last two years were that happiest days he has had since his clan was killed. He wished this would go on forever, but he knew better than that. Especially since he was keeping a secret from Samael.

Kyori stayed with Ocella knowing she was in intense pain. Then he heard Amon’s thoughts. It was something he hated, a gift he wished he didn’t have. Still when the inner voices came it was hard to block them out. He didn’t look at Amon, he didn’t stop sending small amounts of energy into Ocella to keep her from passing out and endangering her baby. In the astral plane, he and Amon would appear, it would be like an out of body experience for Amon. Their physical bodies would be present in the real world, but their astral bodies would be able to communicate.

“I know what it is you’re thinking Amon. Death has no restraint on who it claims nor when. I can assure you, I have not come for Ocella nor your unborn child.”

Kyori was withholding something from Amon and yet he forced a soft smile as he placed an astral hand on Amon’s shoulder. “You will be a great father.”

Each time Ocella felt as if she would pass out, Kyori was there, sending her bits of energy. She was terrified, she felt more weak than she had ever felt in her life and the pain was worse than when her wings had been ripped off. Subore’s power had nothing on child birth.

Ocella stayed in the bed, covered in sweat as the occasional tear rolled down her cheek. “I think it’s coming. The baby is COMING!” she screamed in agony and her head lolled to the side as medical staff came running in. Due to her length of pregnancy and intensity of the labor, she had been placed as a high-risk patient and they had rushed in when she announced that it was finally time.

“D...don’t… let us… die…” Ocella begged Kyori, looking from her best friend to her husband, worry on her face.

“You’re not going to die,” Kyori spoke as he continued to hold her hand even though she had screamed that the baby was coming. He closed his eyes and sighed.

Samael awoke, stretching his arms as he sat up in bed and realized that Etrama was not there. He figured he must’ve been in the garden and decided it best to simply start on breakfast for them. His niece was in the hospital the last his informant told him, so he was expecting news of a birth at any moment and he would happily check on her, but first he needed to make sure Etrama was okay. Even though Etrama didn’t say anything, Samael felt that losing his powers had taken a psychological toll on him and he hoped that Etrama didn’t feel like a burden to him. As he put a pot of tea on, he began preparing the rest of breakfast before walking out of the house.

“A ruby for your thoughts my love?” Samael asked as he pulled the robe around him tighter and smiled at Etrama who was sitting on a boulder next to the water. The wind ripped through his hair blowing it angelically.

Ryan appeared behind Joshua as he was going about his morning routine and tackled him to the ground. He playfully kissed him all over before smiling and relaxing his grip. “Good morning babe,” Ryan said. It was true, Joshua had brought so much joy to his life and he wouldn’t have changed it for anything.

Amon was not expecting Kyori to take him to the astral plane, and speak with him. Though the words he spoke were comforting, he did wonder why Kyori didn’t seem himself. But he just let that slide. He deals in death so he can't blame him for acting a little different that he used to. “Thank you Kyori. I appreciate the vote of confidence, and your word that you aren't here for Ocella, and or my child.” Amon said with a smile. He was still worried, but at least now he didn’t have to worry about losing his family.

Then when Ocella said the baby was coming he returned to his body and looked down at his wife. “You can do this Ocella. Trust in Kyori’s words.” He said as he bent down to kiss his wife on the forehead once more. He wanted so badly for this to be over, and for them to finally see the face of their child. As the medical staff ran in, and the delivery began he pried Ocella’s hand for the bar, and held it in his hand. He wouldn’t let her suffer through this alone. “I love you. Now push!” Amon said as she squeezed his hand. Soon he hoped these ten long months would be over and Ocella would be able to rest.

Josh was not expecting what happened and he almost reacted out of instinct until he saw that it was Ryan that had tackled him to the ground. Kissing him all over. A smile formed on his face as he looked his love in the eyes. “Good morning lover.” Josh said in reply as he took his hand and placed it on the back of Ryan’s head bringing him in for a long deep passionate kiss. Freeing Ryan from his kiss he smiled once more. “So what have you been up to this morning?” He questioned as he played with his loves hair. Cloud nine was an understatement when it came to how he has felt for the last two years, and he didn’t want anything to disturb his new life. He wanted this peace to last for an eternity, so he would never have to chance losing Ryan ever again.

Etrama was still sitting on the stone as the day continued on. Then he heard the angelic sound of his love's voice, and he turned to see the angel standing in a robe his golden hair moving with the breeze. He smiled at Samael as he stepped off of the rock, and walked over to his love giving him a good morning kiss. He really didn't want to tell Samael what he was thinking about, but he wouldn’t lie either. Not to him.

“Just thinking of the past and the present.” Etrama said not telling the truth but lying either. He didn’t want to burden Samael with his problems. He has been happy these last two years, and he didn’t want to say anything that might cause Samael to worry about him. He loved him too much to place that burden on him.

Ocella could see it in his eyes, something was wrong. “What’s wrong?” she asked, a look of panic on her face. He said that she wasn’t going to die but he said nothing about their child. “What about our child?” she dared to ask, fear written on her face. They had chosen not to find the gender of their baby and had opted to be surprised instead. They had spent the past ten months preparing for the baby, spending every moment setting up a nursery in the Amazonian base for the baby. It had been some time since anyone of that age had been in those walls and they had wanted to make sure it was perfect.

Amon spoke, prying her hand from the bar and holding it while Kyori held her other hand. Ocella’s face twisted in pain as she held in her breath and pushed as hard as she could. One of the nurses announced that she could see hair, giving her the courage to continue. She released her breath and gathered her strength, taking in yet another long breath as she pushed harder. The pain was incredible and she was staring up at the ceiling when she felt the baby leave her. “She’s here,” the doctor announced, and Ocella smiled widely, looking to Amon.

“We have a baby girl,” she said, drawing in short, irregular breaths as her upper body trembled. She looked down at the doctor’s face and saw that something was wrong, then she immediately noticed that something was wrong with their child. She had a slightly blue tinge to her and at first she hoped it was from her demonic heritage, but the doctor took her away at once.

“Kyori?” she asked, looking at the staff in panic as she tried, but failed, to sit up. “What’s happening?!” she shrieked, looking at Kyori in fear as her chest began to rise and fall rapidly.

“Not our baby. Not our baby girl,” she pleaded, closing her eyes as hysterics began to set in. “Please. Please, please, please,” she begged the higher beings, tears in her eyes. “Please not now. Please,” she begged, refusing to look at Kyori for fear that he may change to death for their child. “NOT MY BABY GIRL!” Ocella shouted, sobbing hysterically now as she struggled to breathe and to calm herself.

“DON’T TAKE OUR CHILD!” she begged the higher beings as her hysterics only escalated. She hadn’t even gotten to hold the child she had carried for ten months, the child that she sang to, read books to, taught nature to- the child that she had done everything for. “Take me. Take me instead. If one of us must die today, take me instead,” she begged, her eyes still closed as tears fell freely down her face. “Not her. Give her my health, give her my strength. Don’t take her. Please.”

When she finally pushed and the nurse announced the gender of the baby, Kyori sighed and released Ocella’s hand. In that moment he had shifted into his Reaper form and had vanished. The nurse had taken the baby away, there was something wrong and Ocella was hysterical. Kyori appeared before the nurse, startling her and causing her to tremble. The fear she exuded entered his nostrils and caused his eyes to blaze as he reached out for the baby girl. The nurse, with trembling hands, backed away while holding the small child, but Kyori remained unmoved as he continued to hold out his hands for the baby. Finally the woman slowly extended the baby out to him and placed it in his waiting arms. He pulled the girl close and looked down at her. She was gasping for air and near death. He vanished with the baby in his arms and appeared back in the room with Ocella and Amon.

The Reaper looked down at Ocella and looked at Amon.

“Do you wish to save her? Do you wish for her to live?”

Amon just helped as much as he could as Ocella pushed, and the baby came out. Then the doctor said it was a girl, and a smile formed on Amon's face. He was a father. He looked down at his wife as he squeezes her hand. Then suddenly everything went wrong.

He didn't hear any screaming and he faced the Dr as he handed off his baby girl. She was blue and unmoving. He drove in place as all or the color ran from his face, and he didn't move or anything. He was in shock as Ocella was screaming for the gods not to take their child. All he could do was stand there as stare as they took his child out of the room. Tears falling from his eyes, as he didn't know what to do.

When Kyori reappeared in the room with his daughter in hand he was in his reaper form. This was the only thing that broke him out of his trance. He asked if they wanted their child to live? That was a stupid question, he would do anything to make sure his daughter lived. Even give up his own life. “Yes!” Was the only thing he said.

Ocella watched in despair as Kyori shifted into his reaper form. She closed her eyes and looked away, pain filling her heart as she asked the Gods why in her head. Why her baby, why then? Why were they so cruel after all she and her family had been through? Couldn’t they let her raise her own family after everything that had happened to her?

Kyori left the room and had gone after her daughter. Ocella struggled to move but she was still weak from the labor. She couldn’t do any more than come to a sitting position. “DON’T TAKE OUR CHILD!” she shouted again, screaming out in agony as she sobbed. Kyori came back to the room with her baby in his arms and she had tears rolling down her cheeks. She was gasping for air and Ocella felt helpless. There was no screaming, no squirming and the only movements were that of a fish out of water.

Kyori asked if they wanted to save their baby and Ocella stared at him with a stunned expression on her face. “Please. I’ll do anything to save her, to let her live,” Ocella begged, trying to hold it together as best as she could.

“You have proven yourselves time and time again, and this time is no different. Your child is suffering from a rare disease, her lungs will not inflate to allow her to breathe,” Kyori said as he looked upon the expecting family wanting to save their daughter. “I shall save her, I shall give her a part of my soul to save your child.”

Kyori placed the unmoving child in Ocella’s arms and placed his hand upon her forehead. There was an odd smoke that filled the area and Kyori’s eyes shimmered as power pooled to his hand and entered the child. Kyori removed his hand and there was a sudden cry that filled the ears of those present. The Doctor and nurses rushed into the room having heard about the mysterious man snatching the unresponsive child. What he saw he didn’t believe and the baby girl cried and cried. Kyori looked into Ocella’s eyes and smiled shifting back into his form.

“It is against the laws, but for you I will endure any punishment to make sure you and Amon have a chance at true happiness. You have my word, she will always be protected.”

He placed a soft hand onto Ocella’s forehead and provided her with the remaining energy he had before stumbling back a bit. Snatching a piece of his soul drained him, and yet he managed to take a seat. It was at this moment that he remembered the commitment he had made with Aeterna and he mentally cursed.

“I am sorry Ocella, I must take my leave.” With those words he was gone only to appear before Aeterna and collapse onto the ground.

Amon could only listen and watch as Kyori worked his magic, but at the same time he broke the law to help them. How in the world would they ever be able to repay him for his kindness. Amon didn’t know what he risked to help them. He didn’t know what to say his baby girl screamed, and now she was back. A new set of tears fell from his face, but now they were tears of happiness. “Kyori. How can we ever repay you?” Amon asked as he gave energy to his wife. Touching his baby forehead he smiled. Then Kyori then disappeared saying that he needed to leave. “Ocela. What do you think is going to happen to Kyori Darling?”

Aeterna was looking around as he waited for Kyori to come. A doe and her fawn came up to him laying their heads on his lap. He waited and waited. Placing his and n their heads he gave an audible sigh as he pet their heads. He knew that Kyori was busy and all he could do was wait. After a while the deer left, and he was alone again, but he didn’t mind waiting. He loved Kyori and he would wait for eternity if he needed to to.

He looked to the gift he had for Kyori, and smiled as he waited of him to arrive hours past and he just waited. Then he felt a shift in the energy around him and Kyori appeared, then passed out for some reason. Aeterna scrambled over to him, and picked him up laying his head on his lap. “My love what happened?” He questioned as he looked at his weakened lover. He touched his forehead slightly as he waited for an answer.

When Kyori spoke, her heart felt as if it would crumble into oblivion. “Please no,” she begged, seeing her child turn bluer by the minute. He placed her baby in her arms and Ocella held her close, a tear falling on her baby’s cheek. Kyori said that he would save her baby and she looked at him with a stunned look on her face, knowing what that meant. “Kyori…” she breathed, looking at him with worry. How could she ever repay him? She watched in awe as he placed a hand on their baby’s forehead and gave her a portion of his soul, and suddenly crying could be heard from her lips. Her color was returning and she was rapidly regaining her health, and Ocella was trembling as she held the squirming child in her arms.

“Kyori,” she breathed as he gave her strength as well. She smiled a teary eyed smile at him when he stumbled, making his way to a chair. She was worried about him and prayed to the Gods not to punish him, but they themselves had wanted to take her baby from her and was beginning to doubt what good prayers did anymore. The only one who had ever listened had been her uncle when he was still evil, but now Kyori had stepped in at his own risk.

He promised to always protect her baby and she nodded at him. “Thank you,” she said earnestly as Kyori informed them he would have to leave. “I’ll contact you in a few days,” she promised, looking to Amon when Kyori left.

She held the squirming baby in her arms and couldn’t believe the miracle that she had just witnessed. That she was holding. That had been allowed to live. Ocella was grateful for Kyori and only prayed with all her heart that he wouldn’t be punished.

She sighed, wondering if they had listened to her prayers by allowing Kyori to heal her baby. “I wonder if they let him heal her,” she said, looking to Amon curiously.

Kyori smiled up at Aeterna and sighed. He had gone against the rules just as his mentor had before him. Dorian had gone against the rules and they had taken him, put him in a place they could not reach, but Kyori and the others would hear his voice from time to time, still it didn’t replace the physical manifestation. One day he hoped to see him again, maybe then the gods would be lenient and grant his request, but for now he had done what was necessary to help his sister and his friend. They deserved happiness and he had the power to give it to them.

“I broke the rules,” Kyori said softly, “Ocella’s baby was stillborn, but I gave her a chance at life, I gave her a piece of my soul.”

Kyori sighed and sat up slowly.

Samael smiled at Etrama knowing his was still having trouble adjusting, but he hoped that if something was bothering him, he would tell him the truth.

“Are you ready? Our journey starts soon,” Samael said softly as he turned to return back to the house.

Ryan smiled up into the eyes of his lover, his fiance. He moved a strand of hair from Joshua’s face and kissed his jawline. “I used my only chance to speak with Auro just to check on him. He wishes he could be here to see all the beauty the world holds. I miss him dearly,” Ryan admitted before sighing and sitting up slightly. “You’re my light Joshua, and I hope to always be there to receive the love you have. Come on, our trip awaits.”

Aeterna looked at Kyori with a slightly worried look on his face when he mention need breaking the rules, but if it was for their family then it was worth it. “Don't worry about it my love. I am sure that the Gods understand why you did what you did. They both deserve to live a happy life.” Aeterna said as Kyori got up and looked at him. Grabbing the gift from behind him holding it as he spoke.

“I love you Kyori.” Aeterna said as he held out the gift for Kyori to take. “Happy anniversary, my love.” Aeterna said with a smile on his face. He would never forget this day, and even if Kyori forgot he never would. Their journey has only begun, and nothing will keep them apart. He waited for Kyori to open the gift. It was a bracelet made from his own feathers.

Josh smiled at Ryan as he spoke of his father. “I am sure that Auro wishes he could be here as well. To be with you and your brother. I am sure that he will watch over the both of you as long as you live.” Josh said as he bent down and kissed Ryan passionately. As they would be continuing their life's journey together.

Etrama smiled at Samael as he knew that he wanted to know what was bothering him. Though, there was no way that Etrama would be able to reveal what was happening to him. He didn’t want to put him through worrying about him. He would find a way for him to live as long as he could to be by his loves side. However, he still had a choice to make, but he still had time before he would be too sick to be a burden.

“We will walk this road together.” Etrama said as his love turned to walk away from him. Etrama coughed hard a couple of times. Bringing his hand up to his mouth, as he pulled it away there was blood on his hand. He looked at the blood with a worried look on his face, but he rubbed his hands together, removing the blood. Sliding off the rock, he went to follow Samael. He would live what little life he had left with the man he loved, and try to find a cure to his illness.

A lone figure stepped onto the beautiful lush field. One would have never guessed that this was the place Subore lost to the warriors known as the Mystics. Still, with a prideful stride, the being stepped across the field of lush grass until it stopped. Bending down, it’s long ghostly fingers plucked an item from the ground, raising it to its hooded face.

“Excellent,” it said, the sheer sound of its voice causing the wind to blow. “You shall rise again, as will all who have fallen.”

Turning, the dark being moved swiftly towards the portal it had stepped through. When one head is removed, another grows in its place.