11-20-2016, 08:11 PM
I am running a Secret Santa! Anyone can join, read the FAQ below for more information.
What is a Secret Santa?
Secret Santa is an event where a person is randomly assigned someone to give a gift to. Everyone who joins gets an assigned person, so everyone gets presents. It's anonymous, so people
How will the presents get to people?
I would collect the addresses of everyone who joins, and they'll be distributed randomly. If you aren't comfortable with giving out your home address, a post office would work as well.
What kind of gifts are you expected to give?
Handmade gifts. Anything you can craft, bake, sew, or create. From baked goods to CD's, anything under the broad label works. If you aren't particularly crafty, find gifts that are only available in your area, something that would be strange to someone who didn't live near you. Gifts must be RPA appropriate. If a gift is found that isn't, I will disapprove heavily and try with all of my might to make whoever sent the gift a social pariah.
Is there a price limit?
The point of this isn't to spend money, but to create something. If you do want to buy something however, it cannot exceed 20 dollars.
How far will we have to ship things?
Addresses will be chosen by location. For example, someone in England won't have to ship to someone in America, it would get too expensive.
When do the gifts have to be sent by?
December 22nd, at the latest.
To enter, fill out the form below and submit it in the thread. PM your address myself.
Interests Form:
Favorite Color:
Allergies (everything, not just food):
Extra (anything else you may want to add):
Any additional questions? PM me. Have fun and feel free to chat in this thread!
I (XMAS SPIRIT!) will not share your personal information with anyone without your explicit consent. By entering this thread you understand and agree to the terms, conditions, and risks. I will not be held accountable for anything that may occur.
I am running a Secret Santa! Anyone can join, read the FAQ below for more information.
What is a Secret Santa?
Secret Santa is an event where a person is randomly assigned someone to give a gift to. Everyone who joins gets an assigned person, so everyone gets presents. It's anonymous, so people
How will the presents get to people?
I would collect the addresses of everyone who joins, and they'll be distributed randomly. If you aren't comfortable with giving out your home address, a post office would work as well.
What kind of gifts are you expected to give?
Handmade gifts. Anything you can craft, bake, sew, or create. From baked goods to CD's, anything under the broad label works. If you aren't particularly crafty, find gifts that are only available in your area, something that would be strange to someone who didn't live near you. Gifts must be RPA appropriate. If a gift is found that isn't, I will disapprove heavily and try with all of my might to make whoever sent the gift a social pariah.
Is there a price limit?
The point of this isn't to spend money, but to create something. If you do want to buy something however, it cannot exceed 20 dollars.
How far will we have to ship things?
Addresses will be chosen by location. For example, someone in England won't have to ship to someone in America, it would get too expensive.
When do the gifts have to be sent by?
December 22nd, at the latest.
To enter, fill out the form below and submit it in the thread. PM your address myself.
Interests Form:
Favorite Color:
Allergies (everything, not just food):
Extra (anything else you may want to add):
Any additional questions? PM me. Have fun and feel free to chat in this thread!
I (XMAS SPIRIT!) will not share your personal information with anyone without your explicit consent. By entering this thread you understand and agree to the terms, conditions, and risks. I will not be held accountable for anything that may occur.