View Full Version : Civilization VI

Lady Celeste
12-01-2016, 12:37 AM

I've been hearing a lot about this game recently; it's only been about a month so far since Civ 6 came out, but I've seen several Let's-Plays for it online and it looks very interesting. When I went to buy it, however, I saw the price on the App Store ($60) and immediately became a bit wary, because my experience with the Civilization series as a whole is very limited and I wanted to make sure I would actually like the game before I spent that much money on it.

So with that said, has anyone played this game yet, and if so, what do you think of it?

12-01-2016, 12:39 AM
I love the Civ series. I haven’t played 6 yet, but 5 was great! 6 is supposedly an improvement over 5 so I’m eager to dive in when I get more time and better pc. :)

Lady Celeste
12-02-2016, 11:05 PM
Thanks for the input Price! :)

Anyone else?

12-03-2016, 01:32 AM
I've been a Civ fan for a while, but haven't touched the last few games myself for money and time restrictions. I've been watching a few streamers play it online, though, and the general opinions from those I've seen play it is pretty much summed up in two simple statements.

First - The AI and a few other features are pretty terribly buggy in Civ 6, but that's generally pretty standard for this company. They have a reputation for having a lot of problems on release that are fixed up with patches within a few weeks of the game coming out. Issues are likely going to be solved very soon, if they haven't been already.

Secondly - the game makes a few nice changes and updates, but nothing super revolutionary. If you want to really get into the game and play it seriously, maybe take it online, buy 6. If you're just looking to test the waters and see if you like the series, and only care about playing against the computer, you might as well just buy 5 because its cheaper and still gives you an accurate, overall feel for the series.

To be honest I can't remember a lot of specifics, but that about sums up most of my knowledge on the topic xD hope that helps

Lady Celeste
12-03-2016, 07:00 AM
If you want to really get into the game and play it seriously, maybe take it online, buy 6. If you're just looking to test the waters and see if you like the series, and only care about playing against the computer, you might as well just buy 5 because its cheaper and still gives you an accurate, overall feel for the series.
I just checked, and apparently Civ 6 from the App Store doesn't have multiplayer yet, so unless they fix that in the future I guess that's a moot point anyway. (XP)

I also checked Civ 5 from the App Store, and apparently it's $30 for the Campaign edition and then an additional $30 for each of the expansions, for a total of $90 (not including scenario/map packs and whatnot). I've heard the pricing on Steam is better though, although I haven't checked yet.

12-03-2016, 07:17 AM
Ah, right. Totally forgot that the expansion packs were a thing >.>" I was only considering the base game when talkign about price.

In any case, if Steam is an option, might as well wait for the christmas sales to start if you can deal with the extra waiting. Good chance one of the two will get a decent-sized discount.

01-23-2017, 02:25 AM
It's fun when you play with people, there's much more uncertainty, and it's much more entertaining when you have them around on the comms to talk to. I can't wait until they bring back teams.