View Full Version : [M]Infinity: Hael/Katrin's Adventures.

12-06-2016, 10:56 PM
It had been a rough few years for the young, excitable, Vessel. There was that whole being possessed by an Angel thing. And the joining the Jedi thing. And then a whole war... She had to admit to herself, she was tired. Tired of all of it. Not that Hael blamed her. The Angel was tired too. Tired of watching friends die. Tired of causing those deaths. . .

You did no such thing, Hael. We couldn't have stopped him. Katrin's voice spoke in the Angel's mind. They had to stop those kinds of thoughts, or they'd go down a rabbit hole no one could rescue them from. She couldn't really argue though. It was exhausting. She had seen all of these things happen. She had known what would happen. And yet, she couldn't stop it. Had even contributed to the ending results. Her Master dead. Her friend turned, another close friend dead. A whole war started. She'd seen peace be completely and absolutely destroyed. All because of forbidden love. But then, that was another story for another time.

No. Today was different. There hadn't been anything more she could do for them. Not for a long while anyway. She supposed she'd return when the children were grown. Perhaps she could guide them. At least, show them their father wasn't evil. Not really. No. For now, she was left looking for something to do. Somewhere else to go.

What about Infinity?Hael's voice interrupted her stream of thoughts. She knew she could entice her excitable Vessel with the promise of another fandom. The girl did love her books. Did love experiencing them. And, as she knew it would, Katrin's face lit up. Her eyes sparkled. She grinned mischievously. Now there's the best idea we've had in a loooong while! She chuckles to herself. It had been an obscure, little known, book she had read while in the hospital over the years. It had ended on such a cliffhanger too! She nods once to herself, this was a good idea indeed.

Her eyes flash blue as Hael takes control. The sound of rustling wings is heard for a brief moment, and then she disappears. . .

In a forest in the middle of nowhere. Late evening, even the animals were quiet. A light breeze swept through the leaves. Suddenly, the sound of rustling wings. As if a great bird had suddenly taken flight. A young woman appears. She was, perhaps, 25. Short, averaging 5". Her hair long and blond, braided down her back. She wore a Graphics T-shirt and jeans. This one reading simply, "Star Wars". Her eyes, oh her eyes. They held a depth all their own. A blue that was almost grey. Like a stormy sky. They told a different story. Old. Much older than she seemed. They held pain, and wisdom. What they could tell you of what they'd seen. It made one weep just to consider.

She looks around, seemingly showing no emotions. Unconcerned. She picks a random direction and begins walking. Wondering what they would find. . . .

12-06-2016, 11:27 PM
It had happened so fast. The moment his wife was taken away from him in one quick second. He looked over the picture of her as he remembered the love his life being taken away from him. Then he looked to the woman before him who looked like his wife. Normally, she had short brown hair that had a rose in it. Her ruby lips being chapped and dry from a lack of love. She looked broken inside like someone had hurt her badly, but when she looked to him she didn't know who he was. He had been part of this team for a few weeks now and still she didn't seem to remember the same life he had shared with a version of her from within the time continuum.

He then thought about himself. How changing time had made him different from what he used to be. In a past life he was known as the bronze shadow, wearing a golden robe. Now he wore a metal suit in the shape of a reaper's outfit. It's hood, while made of steel, hung over his head to conceal his eyes. His broken eyes. The only thing he had from his old life was a red set of chains covered in the blood of the people he loved. Now it was completely red with marks and dents showing how worn they were. They sat on each wrist ready to be spun out to capture his enemies. He looked back to Erin and squeezed his hands together.

She didn't look at him. Instead his eyes went down to the dragon tattoo on her sleeveless arms. She was known in her timeline as the Dragon; a powerful warrior who wouldn't take anyone talking down to her. She had never felt the love that the other Erin had once come to enjoy. They had a lot in common, but overall wasn't the same person. It hurt Grant to even think about the life they used to have together. How much she wanted a child and couldn't have one. How they adopted a boy who would end up in the grave next to his mother. Grant was immortal, as was Erin, so they had watched their son grow up until his midlife when had left them for good.

Grant then took his attention to someone coming in from around them. Erin looks to Grant as the visitor approaches, "What did you do?! You were supposed to be watching the entrance," she then looked to the blond haired angel before them. She could feel the power coming off of her and instantly felt she was a threat. She pulls out a small dagger that was attached to her belt, "Tell me who you are, now!" she said aiming the sharp part of the weapon towards her.

12-06-2016, 11:37 PM
Hael finally reached the entrance that they were looking for. She takes in the sight before her, the man and woman. She looks closer at them, at their souls. Seeing what she could. There was pain here. So much pain. But, there was always hope. Perhaps things would take a turn for the better? She doesn't make a sound, instead choosing to wait until someone noticed them.

She remains still as the woman pulls her dagger. Unphased. Though she had a lightsaber hilt at her belt, she makes no move to reach for it. Instead slowly lifts her hands out to her sides, showing she meant no harm. "I am Hael. Angel of the Lord." She spoke simply. As if that one statement could answer all their questions. Knowing it could not. Her eyes held no emotion. If they could sense such things, they would sense the life force of two people. Though the second was no where to be seen.

12-06-2016, 11:48 PM
Erin's face remained with the same expression, "An angel? What do you take me for? There may be supernatural like creatures in this world, but angels? I'm not one of the kind of people to believe in heaven and hell. Even though, Grant here claims to be a type of reaper, I don't buy it," she then closed her eyes and felt the air around her, "I can tell there is something special about you. The spirit of the dragon allows me to sense energy within someone... it's almost as if there is two souls coming off of you, but that's simply not possible," She reached for a infinity necklace around her neck, "We have a problem. One of those villains that escaped is wrecking havoc again,"

"What?" Grant asked shaking his head as his metal suit makes a clattering sound, "Who is it this time?"

She opens her eyes, "It's the Blood Knight again. Somehow he keeps escaping from our grasp," she then turned her attention to one saying she is an angel, "What brings you here? We don't have time to question you as we have an enemy to take care of before they mess up the timeline," she looked to the weapon at Hael's belt, "What kind of weapon is that? It's something I've never seen before.... It seems to have some strange energy coming off of it as well. Our enemy is a man who walks in a suit made of red water. It's thick and hard to break into. Think that weapon can do the job?"

12-06-2016, 11:55 PM
"You would be surprised, Erin, what all is possible." She answers, staring into the woman's eyes, her very soul. "I am as I say. That fact is independent of your belief, or lack thereof. To what Grant is, I cannot speak. Though, perhaps he is one of my kin. I would not find it surprising." No, it wouldn't be. The reapers were many. And she hadn't been in contact with any of them in a great while. Never had the need. They were of a different class of Angel than she.

She chuckles slightly as Erin mentions the other soul. Katrin pipes up in her mind. Not possible? NOT POSSIBLE?! Hael! She thinks i'm not possible!!!!! The outburst causes Hael to chuckle once more. This small measure of amusement almost out of character of what Erin and Grant had witnessed up until now. "I assure you, Katrin is, in fact, very real."

She listens as Erin describes what they were facing. She takes the hilt off her belt and presses a button. It springs to life. A pure gold blade. She looks at it, giving it a practice swing, then turns it off. Hael then looks up at Erin. "Perhaps it would."

12-07-2016, 03:18 PM
Grant smirked, "Of course I'm not your average reaper. I don't want to explain my whole life story, again, but my powers come from an item known as a death's tear," he put out his hand and somehow slid across the ground and super speed over to Erin. In that moment all that could be seen was a thin shadow of his old self. It was like he slid through the light, only to arrive at Erin's side where he's grin grows even more. "After all the time I been here and all that I showed her, she still doesn't believe in me,"

She turned to Grant first, "That's because everyone we meet has some sort of ability. Just because you can control the shadows around you doesn't mean you're some kind of death god!" she started to shout, but took her attention to Hael, "Perhaps you do have two souls inside of you, or maybe you're just nuts. None the less we could use the help to stop Blood Knight. Your weapon seems to be something that I have never seen, so I hope you will demonstrate it against our enemy,". Erin touched her necklace, as did Grant, and the two of them vanished away in an attempt to to take Hael with them.

They appeared by a river with red footprints leading out of the water and into the town nearby. Erin points forward and Grant uses his shadow powers to slide into town to look for their enemy. She looks around to find the dying trees that seemed to be frozen with ice. For the first time her face shows a reaction of fear. "We have a second problem," she says turning to find Hael, "It appears our enemies are working together becau-" she didn't get to finish as a huge snowball bashes into her face causing her to fall down unconscious.

Then there he was. A young man with light blue skin and most notably his suit with his tilted hat. Underneath his hat was those cold dead eyes. Like, there wasn't a soul in sight. Literally. The man had no soul. As he walked towards Erin he begins to form an ice pick simply by pressing his hands together. He then aims it at her throat about to dive it into her neck. "It's been so long, my love. You haven't aged a day. I have waited so long for this moment," he then turns around when he feels the presence of something powerful and stands up to look at who it is, "Ah, so what are you, my dear?"

12-07-2016, 05:43 PM
Hael watches as Grant shows off his ability, though doesn't seem too impressed with it. She'd seen things these two wouldn't believe. Though, learning of others never grew old. "You shall have to tell me that story some day." She says with the ghost of a smile.

She chuckles as Erin continues to defend her disbelief, but as the word "nuts" leaves her mouth, Katrin decides she's had enough of it. Her eyes flash blue for but a moment as the young woman takes control. There is a very clear shift in her presence. There could be no doubt this was a completely different person. Her eyes suddenly seem younger, full of life and emotion. Everything about her seemed to have change in that one second. "Nuts?! Now listen here missy!!!!! It's bad enough you call me "Not Possible" But this is crossing a line!!!!!!!!!!" She throws her hands up in the air and turns away, as if giving up on the lot of them. "Don't even know why we came here....." She mutters to herself as Erin comments on her lightsaber.

The comments on the lightsaber grab her attention. She does turn her head slightly back toward Erin and Grant, before turning completely. Much like a child who's been lured from their hiding spot with a treat. "Well. That's because it's not from around here. Duh." Katrin grins wide. "I'd love to show you!" Hael simply chuckles in her mind at this. The girl was ever so excitable. It was hard to keep her angry for long.

They appear by the river, with one exception: Katrin. She didn't seem to be anywhere. Not even her presence could be felt. Though, this was by design. A very handy trick the Vessel had learned from the Angel. Sometimes the element of surprise was useful. She stood a few paces away from Grant and Erin. Just about to tell them to never transport her like that again, when Erin was knocked unconscious. She doesn't yet appear, though she does let her presence be felt by those around her.

As the strange man places the ice by Erin's throat, Hael makes herself known. Her lightsaber in her hand, and activated. She takes a menacing step towards the man, glaring at him. "I am nothing you have encountered before. I can assure you of that. I suggest you step away. Now." Though short, she still managed to look down on him. Her eyes flash blue and she seemed to glow with a bright light. Lightening seemed to strike from nowhere behind her, causing a shadow of massive wings to appear behind her. A wave of power washes over them, that would bring most humans to their knees. A small display of her power.

12-07-2016, 05:56 PM
The man frowns, "Oh, what is a pretty darling like you getting upset about?". He closes his hands together and pulls away slowly as a sword made of pure ice is made within his grasp. "My beef is with Erin Carter, but if you wish to take me on then it's your own mistake. I am an immortal being. I have served next to a devil in the making so your little angel powers mean nothing to me. We trained in the pits of hell where I was frozen and burned daily. No heat can melt me, no cold can freeze me. I AM YOUR GOD. NOW KNEEL DOWN AND SERVE ME," he began to shout.

He launches forward with his sword in an attempt to cut her. The sword may be made of ice, but it appeared to unbreakable. But, like most of his ice effects they only lasted a little bit of time. He goes to touch her arm in order to feel the power within her as he moves at a speed not known to mortals. As he dashed around, trying to slice Hael to pieces, he keep breathing with full strength. The way he moved was almost elegant. It was like he didn't have any limits. He didn't seem to tire out or slow down until at the last moment he stepped away to see how all his work did to Hael.

12-07-2016, 06:07 PM
At his exclamation of being her god, she simply raises an eyebrow. "If you were Father, you would not make such a request of me." She answers his demands. Katrin chuckles in her mind. Chuck never did like the whole kneeling thing. Especially when you or Isda did it..

As he launches to her, she simply steps to the side. The lightsaber in her hand disappears, A shorter blade, no longer than her arm, appears. Triangular in shape, Completely silver. She was much more comfortable with this weapon. Having trained with it since she was a Fledgling. She deftly blocks each of his blows, though barely moves at all.

She watches as he steps away, then disappears. She reappears behind him, her blade at his throat. "Perhaps your disagreement Is with Erin. That does not matter, I will not permit you to harm her. Never forget, you are nothing more than a Demon. And, I've dealt with those."

12-07-2016, 08:24 PM
"A demon?" he grabs hold of the blade and along with it Hael's hand. He starts putting pressure as he begins to emerge his cold energy through her body. It might not have effect, but it's his next and possibly last move. "Poor girl, I'm no demon. He turns his head around without moving his body, "I'M SOULLESS," he then begins to smile, "They call me that because I have the capability of sucking out the souls of those who won't bow before me," he begins to suck in an attempt to take out Hael's soul!

Erin stands up, pulling out her dagger and ramming it into his side. Of course it simply shatters against his thick, ice body. She steps back and looks to Hael knowing she will need some help to stop such an enemy. At this moment Grant comes back in with a smile on his face that soon fades away when he sees the situation they're in. He tries to slide into Soulless, but he lifts up his free hand and blasts Grant away with a cool breeze. Grant gets back up and tries to run again, but the same thing happens. It's up to Hael now.

12-07-2016, 08:30 PM
The cold didn't seem to affect her, nor did grabbing her hand. She watches as Erin tries to help, the knife simply shattering. She grows concerned as she watches Grant try to run to help her. She shakes her head slightly, as if to tell him to stop. She then turns her attention to Soulless. "You'll have a difficult time, if you are attempting to consume my, or Katrin's, soul. We are protected."

With that announcement, she decides to put an end to this. She would not risk Grant or Erin being hurt. With her free hand, she reaches up. She presses two fingers against his forehead. A bright light and power sweeps over him. Burning him from the inside out. She'd yet to meet a creature that could survive an angel's smite.

12-07-2016, 08:45 PM
Erin and Grant watched as Soulless began was blasted apart by an attack they couldn't even have imagined. Grant just watched the pieces of his icy body fly all over the place. Erin shook her head and looked to Hael while shaking her head. In the air around them they could still hear the faint screams of what appeared to be all the souls that Soulless had eaten being freed and being able to return to where they belong. Grant puts his arms in the air as he began to cheer on Hael and her mighty abilities while Erin just continued to shake her head in disappointment.

"So you can blow people up? Such a waste. He didn't deserve to have his life end so quickly... and for all we know he survived the Innocent and can now return! It's happened many times before. We cut off his head and he grew back. It would have been better to capture him and make sure he doesn't come back after us again. We have a whole vault for these kind of villains," she said angrily before turning to leave, "Come Grant, we don't need an 'angel' on our side,".

"That was pretty cool though," Grant admitted before turning to Erin, "She didn't know. I'm sure that Hael here would be a good advancement to our team, especially considering most of them have gone missing quite a while ago. It's just us now, Erin. Well.. there is.. a few others, but they're rarely around. Plus, you can't leave yet! We still have to deal with Blood Knight," he turned back to Hael as he pulled out an necklace with an infinity on it, "I always carry one extra around, mostly because I'm known for losing one, but this will allow you to know where any other member is no matter where they are within time and space,"

"Fine," Erin said turning back to Grant, "Blood Knight must be up to something... he wouldn't have sent Soulless on us if it wasn't as a distraction," she looked around, "Hey! This is the village of Olan based on that warrior who moved a mountain. Of course it's myth, nobody can move a mountain, but it's possible that Blood Knight is going after an artifact that Olan used to carry. We should search the town," he then turned to look at Hael before entering the small town, "You can follow, but only because Grant granted you access. Don't think you're important, and don't start to think that I like you,"

12-07-2016, 08:59 PM
She steps away, a look of complete shock and horror in her eyes as she takes in the scene. That certainly was not how smitting usualy went. She drops her blade, falling to her knees, overwhelmed. No, that was not what she had meant to do. At most she had wanted to render him unconscious. "I- I do not understand...." She looks up as Grant and Erin begin to argue about her.

Her eyes flash blue for a second as Katrin takes over. Knowing Hael needed a moment to process. Even though they didn't exactly have time for that. She stood up, Hael's blade disappearing. The lightsaber hilt back on her belt. She smiles at Grant, taking the offered necklace. "We don't need this... But, thank you." She puts it on, though through Hael's Grace, she could sense them, find them, whenever she needed.

She then turns to Erin. "This place. . . . It must have some effect on Hael's Grace. .. . A Smite usually doesn't react like that. I can promise you that. We don't make light of killing anyone. Even enemies. I will tell you she did it to protect you and Grant." She nods as Erin says she could come along, though she wasn't much liked. "I understand."


Meanwhile, somewhere a ways away from the small group, another stranger to this land appeared. This one, in the form of deep blue, almost black, smoke. It swirled in place for a moment before disappearing into the form of a woman. Kellia takes in a deep breath, looking around. Her eyes shining brightly. "Just what I needed. A break from Hell. . . ."

12-07-2016, 09:32 PM
As Erin walked away, Grant looked back to her, "Look, it's best to just stay out of Erin's way. I'm trying my best to get close to her myself, but she is very.. resistant. The old Erin would fall for my charms, but this one...." he stops what he's saying, "Uh.. forget what I just said. It's not important. What is important is that we stop the Blood Knight," he starts to run forward before turning back, "Try not to kill them this time!"

A little bit forward Erin is blowing on steams as she begins to scream at the top of her lungs. Grant catches up thinking she is hurt, but then she's that she's simply mad. In front of her is a fifteen year old in a huge white tee shirt that's three sizes too big. It was obvious he was wearing flip-flops as well as you could hear about the clapping from underneath. His wavy blond hair moved in the wind, even though there was barely a breeze. He has a big grin as he walks over to Erin, who slaps him on the back of the head. "Bad Will! We told you stay behind,"

"Ouch!" he cries out as he grabs the back of his head, "That hurt, Erin. You need to be more careful of your actions or you'll end up burning all the bridges around you. Burn, burn, burn, burnie, bur- WHO IS THAT?!" he said looking at the angel before him. He runs over to her, at super speed before stopping dead in front of her, "Hey, sweetheart. I must of died, and this must be heaven, because you're an angel,"

"She's literally an angel," Grant said, "As in... an angel,"

"WHAT?!" Will asked as he jumped back, "So.. so.. you're really from heaven?" He shook his head, "That means.. there is a god.. and THAT means.. Oh, I got to get some sins off my chest," he turns back to her, "I stole money from this old lady once. It was just laying there and she was sleeping on this bus and..." he went on and on about all the bad things he's done.


Elsewhere, stood a man in a metal suit. He was staring at a series of lost souls as he listened to their screaming over and over. He smiled at the thought of people getting what they deserved. He was going to rip them apart piece by piece, but today was his day off and he wanted to take a break from it all. He clapped his hands and appeared in a forest. "Yes, they've been here.... the Infinity was here... as well as.. something else," he claps again and appears as a cloud of smoke forms into a person, "Ah, some more outworlders have entered the field. We'll now it's time to play a game," he said as he made his way to the woman, as his metal feet broke the ground he walked on.

12-07-2016, 09:53 PM
Katrin didn't seem to upset by Erin's actions. She was used to it. She easily keeps pace with Grant as he walks with her. She laughs as he starts to talk about his Erin. "It's ok. I know she's not your Erin. You must miss her." She smiles gently at him.

Katrin runs when she hears Erin start to scream, her angel blade slipping into her hand as she does so. She stood a few paces behind her when she realizes what was going on. She laughs as William comes up to her and starts hitting on her. Katrin rolls her eyes. "You need some new lines, kid."

She sighs at his reaction to her being an angel. "Well, i'm not the angel, Lil' Willy. Hael is. I'm just her Vessel. It's all very confusing." She then grins as he starts rambling about past sins. "You wanna talk to Hael, don't you!!?!?" With this, her eyes sparkle with mischief and flash blue for a moment.

Hael takes control with a sigh, then looks at the boy in front of her. "Yes. I am from Heaven. And, yes. Father is real. Though, I assure you, he does not much care if you've taken currency from an old lady. Though, I am curious, how is Penny fairing?" She says with a chuckle.


Kellia smirks as she senses the new presence, though doesn't turn around or acknowledge him in any way. Not until he spoke. Then she simply smirks, turning slowly to face him. "Oh good. I was starting to get bored. Though, I did misplace an angel. Have you seen her?"

12-07-2016, 10:06 PM
"Oh, so you're just a vessel... okay... WAIT WHAT?!" he asked only to be taken away by what she said next. "Phew, at least I don't have to confess to everything I did to Grant's toothbrush then. That was a close one," he then began to relax till she mentioned his old crush, "WHAT? How can you possibly know what.. who.. where... WHAT?" he sat down on the ground, "I'm so confused. If angels exist and God doesn't care then I basically have complete freedom to do whatever I want.. and nobody can stop m-" with that Erin took him by his ear and squeezed it tight, "OKAY, I promise to be good and not to borrow Grant's toothbrush anymore!"

"Wait, what?" Grant asked twice about his toothbrush.

Erin turned to Hael, "Can you use your... abilities... to track our enemy? Blood Knight doesn't seem to be around here and we need to insure he isn't getting into trouble. I don't know how he could gotten so out of hand... he was such a young child when I first met him. Well, evil is obviously not born. The events in his life must have led to his downfall... I can't go on thinking that he was born that way.." she for the first time showed a moment of weakness, "Heal! Get to finding our enemy, NOW!"


"Not myself," Verchu said to her question, "I'm in need of assistance. I have a enemy, Grant Emerson, who absolutely needs to be found at all costs. He is the most powerful weapon I ever found, and with it I could take over more then the underworld... I could have the world at my side," he smiles, but it's immpossible to see. It's not even sure if he's a he, but the way he sounds makes it seem that way. "How about a deal? Your angel seems to be working with my reaper, how about we work together and insure they both never see the light of day again?!"

12-07-2016, 10:21 PM
Hael chuckles again as Will continues to ramble. Then laughs as he tries to say he could do whatever he wanted. "I said Father did not. I did not say none of the angels did not. I am certain there are a few that would like to enforce a few laws. But their wrath would be nothing compared to Erin's." This last part said as Erin grabbed his ear.

She nods as Erin began talking about the new villain they needed to find. She understood the desire to believe he had been good at one time. "Lucifer was not created Evil. Nor is he now. He's nothing more than a child wishing for the attention of his Father. . . I am certain when you search, you will find a cause for this 'Blood Knight''s actions as well."

She takes a step back from the group and closes her eyes, searching for this Knight. Once she'd found him, she opens her eyes and steps up to the group. She looks at William "I suggest you return home, fledgling. You've no need to be here." Then, placing a hand on Erin's shoulder, and another on Grant's, they disappear.

They reappear outside of a building in the small town, what looked to be a bar. "He is in there." She said simply. she removes her hands from their shoulders, her angel blade slips into her hand.


Kellia begins circling the creature in front of her, studying him as he spoke. "Interesting, isn't it? how easy our plans are ruined. I was supposed to be the queen of hell!!!!! Not just of the crossroads! But that insufferable angel......" She grins menacingly as he suggests a deal. "Hmmmmm, that sounds like a promising, and noble, goal!"

12-07-2016, 11:04 PM
Erin sighs, but it's drowned out by Grant's metal armor shaking. He knew what true evil looked like and he could bet that both of them had never seen it. That demon that took his Erin away from him didn't have any good left in it. It was an entity created simply out of the fear of people in China. The demon was named Dread. It had hunted down Erin for many years until it overtook her in an attempt to awaken something far, far worse and... he had to do what needed to be done. He closed his eyes as Erin and him teleport away. It was moving through space like that... for a moment he could have sworn he was flying.

Erin looks to Hael, "I don't like it, but I must thank you. William is not the kind to be dealing with these types of people. He is just a child... still, he is part of the group and will catch up with us if we don't hurry. It usually takes him a while to get from place to place as he's so easily distracted," she then makes her way inside the bar, but finds it's rundown with nobody inside. There is water everyone like a leak must have happened. "Why would the Blood Knight come here?" she asked Hael, "Are you sure you found the right place?"

Then the water behind Erin began to rise. It formed into a suit of armor in the shape of a mid-century knight uniform that then turned a dark red. Before she could turn around the Blood Knight rose it's sword and threshed it down onto Erin. Grant swoops across the floor and pushes her out the way only for him to take the hit. The sword faces right through him as he starts to fade into the background, only to appear behind the Blood Knight. He leaps onto his back, but is tossed off and into a booth and then he takes his attention to Hael. He didn't speak, but simply started to slide his sword around without any design or rhyme.

12-07-2016, 11:23 PM
Hael looks at Grant, knowing what he was thinking. Though she doesn't argue. She'd seen things much much worse than he could imagine. More than even Dread. They didn't need to know this. They didn't need to imagine it. She nods to Erin as the woman thanks her. "I understand what it is like to worry for a child." To be unable to protect one. . . The thought comes unbidden into her mind. For a moment, there was great sorrow in her eyes. She shakes it off, they didn't need the distraction. "Then let us hurry."

As the Knight brings the blade down, and Grant pushes Erin out of the way, Hael brings up her own Lightsaber, blocking it. She then turns to face him as he swings his blade. She stands at the ready, defensively, blocking his path to Erin and Grant. "Are you two all right?!" She asks them, her eyes never leaving the Knight.

12-07-2016, 11:48 PM
Blood Knight stops his sword throwing, knowing he needs a new strategy. He vanishes in a puddle for a moment, only to rise as a large lion. The beast was completely transparent, yet wouldn't easily be hit. There was the faint body of someone within... but it was hard to see through the bubbling body. It lept forward at Hael in an attempt to scratch out her throat. Grant summons a scythe by his side and dives it deep into the belly of the best. The blade can cut through nearly anything and cuts at the very soul of someone. Except, the blade phases through the creature and into the direction of Hael!

12-08-2016, 12:12 AM
Hael watches as the man transforms and charges towards her. Just as he leaps, and Grant swings his sword, she disappears. Instead reappearing behind him, her lightsaber swinging down, to strike at the lion's back.

12-08-2016, 10:00 PM
For a moment it simply phases through the creature. Then the Blood Beast begins to boil from the inside and screeches out in agony. Grant puts his hand through the hole that Hael caused with her light saber, and forces it to widen as he pulls the controller. It was a kid not much older then Will. Erin reaches over and takes the kid from Grant's grasp who she pins against the wall and starts smacking. Grant looks away so he doesn't have to see the dark side of Erin, he looks to Hael and explains with his eyes that this what has to happen.

"What's wrong with you?" Erin asks as she handcuffed the boy. She then left the markings of her beating on him, three hits in a row. She then takes her free hand to touch her necklace and the boy vanishes. She turns to Hael and Grant, "Another day's work complete. What should we do now?"

12-08-2016, 10:12 PM
Hael deactivates her lightsaber as Grant reaches into the hole caused. She shows no emotion as Erin begins to pin him against the wall, though she understood Grant's pain. She places a gentle hand on his shoulder, as if to reassure him. She was glad they had been able to catch the Knight without harming him. It was a relief, also, to find her lightsaber worked in the world.

She turns to Erin. "Perhaps now is the time for that conversation we did not have time for before?" Hael asks her politely. Sure that they both had many questions for her. Questions she would answer willingly. "I am also certain your young William will be searching for us if we do not return soon." She says with a chuckle.

12-09-2016, 04:15 PM
"Then we should head back," Grant says reaching for his necklace. It's then he notices it's not glowing and it's power is gone. He looks around as the world become a blurry mess. He reaches out his arms to shadow slide, but all it does it bring him pain trying to use it. He shakes about rapidly trying to concentrate, but then he is pulled in a flashback of a memory he had tried to forget. It was like the memory was burning in his mind. He stands up, "Somebody is changing time,"

Erin remains emotionless, "Depending on what was changed, you could cease to exist in a matter of hours," she turned to Hael, "His Infinity necklace isn't working, along with his other abilities, so you'll need to take him to our base," she said before teleporting away. Erin appears in a brick, old building that looked like a broken down museum with weird artifacts laying around. It's dark. There isn't any lights around so it's hard to see. Erin takes out her hand a small flame burst from her palm, sitting in her hand to help her see.

There was William, eating a sandwich that appeared to just be bread and cheese. "Hey, Erin! How do you do?"

"It's seems someone has changed time again, do you know who?" Erin asked hoping Will would prove useful just once.

He shook his head, "I just been here eating a sandwich and thinking about how much I really want to go swimming. You know how long it's been since I been swimming? Like, two days. That's too long for me..."

12-09-2016, 06:22 PM
Hael nods in agreement when Grant says they should head back. She watches him fail to use the necklace. However, her concern begins to show as he experiences pain attempting to shadow slide. She grabs his arm with one hand, her other wrapping around his back as he starts to fall from the pain. Attempting to steady him. "Breathe, Grant." Her voice gentle, soothing. She lets go as he stands on his own.

She looks between them as Erin says someone was changing time. "I will protect his soul, he will not cease to exist." This she says firmly. She couldn't do much about his powers, or the pain, but she could keep him there. She'd done it before with someone else. There were certain advantages to being a creature outside of time. She nods to Erin as she says Hael would have to take him back.

Hael watches as Erin leaves, then turns to Grant. "Are you ready? I know traveling with me is a great deal different than what you are used to." She places a hand on his shoulder. The sound of rustling wings is heard as they disappear, and again as they reappear in the room with Erin and Will.

She keeps her grip on Grant for a moment while he steadies himself, then lets go and looks around the place. Finally, coming to stand at a spot a few paces from Erin and Will, just as Will comments on swimming.

12-10-2016, 12:54 AM
Will starts shaking when he begins to get wet, as water rains down above onto him. There isn't a hole in the ceiling and no open windows on this floor. It was almost as if something magical was happening, as the water sparkled different colors until a puddle came underneath and he was soaked. The puddle began to rise up and turn into a figure. It was a younger man, not much older then Will, hidden behind a weird mask with strange symbols carved into it. "You wanted to get wet, eh Will?" he asked.

Will turns around as a spark of lightning phases through him and into the man behind him. The man flies backwards, nearly turning back into a puddle, but stands back up. "I told you to stop messing with me or you'll get yours," he then pouts before a large amount of wind flies around him. His sandwich is blown all over Grant and Hael. "That's better," he said now showing off how he was dry, "Oh, are you two okay?"

The young man stands putting out his hand to Hael, "Nice to meet you, I'm Rica Rota. My real name is a total secret. I'm a total secret. What are you some kind of witch like Erin?"

"I'm not a witch," Erin replied, "I'm an Illusionist. I create illusions with my mind that people believe are real. Sometimes they become real, if I try hard enough," she turned to Will, "Can you track the time anomaly? Someone changed something and we need to figure it out. Hael here said she'll protect Grant from being completely erased, but his powers and memories are fading away," she then turned to Hael, "I'm putting trust in you to protect Grant from harm, and if something happens to him... you'll face the wrath of me and my team,"

Rica Rota then moved over to Hael, "Are you some sort of magical creature? You seem to give off some sort of power. How about a battle after this is all over and done with? I'd love to spar with someone who can acually put up a fight?"

12-10-2016, 01:01 AM
Hael chuckles as the new member shows up. She watches him and Will get into it, remember her own young Padawan. As the sandwich flies towards her and Grant, she snaps her fingers, causing it to disappear completely. "We are fine, William, I assure you." She then bows her head to the newcomer. "It is a pleasure to meet you." She chuckles as he senses her power. "I am, in fact, an Angel. No, I do not care to fight with my allies."

She nods to Erin at the veiled threat. "I assure you, nothing will harm him. His soul is under my protection." She then turns, heading toward a door she knew would open into a conference room. She takes a seat at the table, waiting for Erin and Grant. "I believe you had questions for me?" She asks.

12-10-2016, 09:25 PM
Erin and Grant follow behind Hael, moving past her to sit at the head of the table and the seat next to the main. Grant tries to speak, but Erin talks over him. "Where did you come from? I have never seen you from this world, or any world we traveled to, and I need to know where an angel would come from. I'm suspicious of your motives and why you would want to come here to us... not even our enemies can find us.. they change time in attempts to lore us out so.." she stands up and slams her hands down onto the table, "HOW DID YOU FIND US?!"

12-11-2016, 01:16 AM
She sat in her chosen seat, simply watching as they walk past her and sit at the table as well. Katrin, personally, was thankful Hael was taking control at that moment. Having decided Erin scared the ever living daylights out of her. This, of course, Hael found amusing. She doesn't react to Erin shouting, understanding the woman's worry.

"I have told you. I am an angel of the Lord. I am from Heaven." She tilts her head curiously. "It is outside of time and space. As are we. I can see the entirety of it all. It was not difficult to locate you, once I knew *of* you." Here, she holds out her hand. A book appears in it. Rather small. If one were to read it, they would find a story that focused on this very team. Though a few things seemed to be missing, for one, William was not mentioned. She places it on the table in front of Erin and Grant.

"My Vessel comes from another Universe. One where all of this is simply stories. *I* was but a simple story to her, until I heard her prayer one sad afternoon. It is a simple thing, for angels to pass between universes. I heard a soul in Pain. And, I saw healing for myself in that very soul." She smiles faintly as she says this.

- - - - -

Meanwhile, in the main room of the bunker, the sound of rustling wings is heard. Much like when Hael appeared. This time, a young girl stood in the center of the room. She was small for her age, which appeared to be no older than 11. She head long red hair. She wore a simple summer dress, this one purple. Her eyes were the color of emeralds. They, much like Hael, seemed to show an age much older than her physical form. She tilts her head curiously as she looks around.

12-11-2016, 01:37 AM
Erin picks up the book and flicks through it. She comes across a passage where her character is murdered and she drops the book. She looks to Grant, "What is this? I knew you were married to my other-time self, but I didn't know this," she started to shake, "You.. you.. murdered me?"

"I had no choice," he admits, "You were possessed by the demon known as Dread and he was going to corrupt you, her, soul. I had to do something so I sliced the souls apart with my scythe, but it killed her in the mix. I didn't mean to," he looked to Hael, "Why would you come here? Nobody asked for your help!" he then stormed out.

Erin looked to Hael, "This is bad. I'm not mad at him, I would have done the same thing in his situation. It all makes sense now. The looks he would give me..." she set the book down, "Get rid of this. Nobody else can know all our secrets. There are certain stories that shouldn't be retold," she looked down, "It doesn't make sense though... Erin.. or me.. shouldn't have been effected by that weapon,".


As she appears, Will screams out, "NOT AGAIN," Grant leaves the room as his emotions get the best of him. He walks right into someone who appears out of the blue. Will then gets a good look at Grant, "Are you okay, man?" he shakes his head taking his attention to the angel, "Who are you by the way? It's not normal for people.. or angel.. things.. to keep dropping in on us.." he looks back to Grant, "I found the time anomaly," and back to the angel, "Where are you things coming from?"

12-11-2016, 01:50 AM
Hael sighs as Erin picks up the book. "Do not seek answers you are not prepared for, Erin. .. " But the warning came too late. She had already found the passage Hael knew she would. She watches as the two interact, as Grant storms out. She nods to Erin. "I know you are not. Still, he feels guilt. And perhaps, a part of him wishes that you were. He feels he deserves it." She sighs and shakes her head sadly, picking up the book herself. It disappears just as sudden as it had appeared. "No. You are correct. Some stories are not meant to be told. Still, you wished to know how we found you. This is how. Katrin has been a fan of yours since before I met her. As for why it killed your other self, I cannot say. Though, I am curious. I am also curious to find my Sibling who must have been present at the time. Someone reaped her soul. I intend to find who."

- - - - - - -

Between Will screaming, and Grant running into, it was much too much for the young fledgling. With a cry, she disappears, reappearing on Erin's lap in the conference room. She was curled into a small ball, her wings visible and wrapped around her. Purple in color. The moment Isda appeared, Hael sensed it. And so, she was standing up, her angel blade in hand, as Isda appears. She relaxes with a chuckle, her blade disappearing. She kneels in front of Erin and the girl. "Well, hello there, Little One. . ." Isda doesn't respond, her small body trembling, her crying could be heard through the wings.

12-11-2016, 07:30 PM
Erin shook her head as Hael spoke, but then she said something that sparked Erin's curiosity. "Your sibling? Have your people been to our world before?" she then was then interrupted when a child appeared on her lap. She didn't move, but watched the child break down into tears. "She seems to trust me, to appear to me like this... I always wanted a child... but I was never able to have any of my own," she flicked her fingers and a cookie appeared in her hands. Offering it to the little one, "Why not calm yourself with this?"

William came in with a confused reaction, "Some kid jus- Oh, she's in here," he shook his head, "Rica Rota and I found the time anomaly. It seems Verchu has changed time. I don't really get who, but someone is alive who Grant supposedly killed. Some guy named Arthur Ravens. I looked into it, and apparently he is the one who gave Grant his powers. If someone altered time to where Grant never got said powers, he would have never killed said man and then said man could take over the kingdom of White Hill... IT'S A DISASTER,".

12-11-2016, 07:50 PM
The small girl pokes her head out of her wings slightly, blinking at the cookie. As if almost confused. Her confusion enough of a distraction to cause her to stop crying. "I do not require sustinunce." She answered simply.

Hael chuckles and takes the cookie from Erin, then breaks it in half. "Perhaps not, Sister. But it is still enjoyable." And with this statement, Hael takes a bite of her half, then hands the other back to Isda. Isda takes it, but still doesn't eat it.

Hael chuckles again then returns to her seat with a sigh, turning her attention back to Erin. She was just about to comment on Erin wanting a child, when Will barged in.

Isda had just been about to take a bite of the cookie, when Will barges in. She shrieks at his excitement and yelling. Once more, her head disappears under her purple wings and she begins shaking anew.

Hael looks at Will, listening. "How could he have achieved this?" She asks, looking between the two of them.

12-11-2016, 08:25 PM
Will stepped back, "Is she like.. gonna explode or something?". He looked at Erin, with her stern look on her face. "Uh.. yeah.. I don't know. Some dude seriously messed with time and somehow made this Ravens guy immortal. I'm trying to track him down, but it's like he doesn't exist... well.. like.. it's like he doesn't have a soul,"

Erin tried to move the child off of her, but she didn't want to upset her. She also didn't want to talk too loud, "It's okay, can you at least track the moment of the time anomaly so we can travel there? Hael, why don't you go talk to Grant and make sure he is up to this mission? If he even remembers any of us anymore... since you're protecting him, he should still remember you. Just be careful if he doesn't know what's going on..."

12-11-2016, 08:32 PM
Isda doesn't move from her wings. Choosing to hide instead. The crying slowly turning to sniffles. Hael glares at Will as he asks if she was going to explode.

Hael nods and stands. "I will speak with him." She then turns and walks towards the door, stopping and looking back at the fledgling. "Her name is Isda." She tells Erin, then leaves the room.

She quickly finds Grant. "We have a lead on your missing powers."

12-11-2016, 08:41 PM
Grant looks around, as his spins a circle as he tries to figure out where he is. He turns to find Hael and comes to a complete stop. "I remember you..." he closes his eyes, "I only remember you," he reaches his hand out to her, "I don't belong here... I don't exist.. I remember my life up until that moment.. that moment where I died. I should be dead, but you.. you.. saved me?"

His life flashes before his eyes to many years before. He was coming home, covered in alcoholic drinks. He shakes his head as he his stomach grumbles. Another day where he didn't get to eat. Next thing he knows he's climbing up a tree to reach an apple. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning came down upon him. He falls. Falls to his death. The next thing he knows he's looking at Katrin as his spinning comes to a stop.

"Katrin..." he says with big wide eyes, "You saved me,"

12-11-2016, 09:10 PM
Her eyes flash blue for a moment as Katrin takes control. She takes his hand on one hand, her other wrapping around him to steady him. She then leads him to a chair and helps him sit. She shakes her head sadly. "No. That wasn't me. . ." She kneels in front of the chair, looking up at him. "It'll be ok, Grant. I promise."

Isda had finally calmed down. Suddenly she sits up straight, then stands. She seemed. . . Different. "My Sister commands I accompany you and William. She cannot leave Grant." She says it simply. As if nothing strange had occurred.

12-12-2016, 08:50 PM
"Uh.. cool story, but you really think they're going to let a kid like you tag along?" Will asked with a grumble, "They barely let me go on missions, especially ones of this importance. Trust me, they won't let us do practically anything!" he then looked to Erin, "Oh, hey... how you doing?"

Erin shakes her head, "Okay, Isda is in charge of Will," she says without meaning it seriously, but using it as a serious tone to mess with him. When he waves his arms in the air she smiles, "I'm only joking, Will," she turned to Isda, "Do you think you can follow after us?" then back to Will, "Lead the way and we'll head after you,". Will vanished and Erin looked to Isda, "Have you ever time traveled before?" and with that Erin vanished away through time.


Grant looked into Katrin's eyes. "You're so.." he looked away, "I've never seen an angel before, or at least don't remember if I did. I think you're special. Not because your an angel, but because you saved me. Because you chose to keep me from falling from that tree," he looked back, "You caught me and carried me to this place. You're my guardian, my protector," he smiled, "Why? Why did you save me?"

12-12-2016, 10:50 PM
Isda glares at Will. "I *must* go. Hael Commands it!" She seemed adament, almost scared she wouldn't be able to. She crosses her arms and glares at him. "I am *not* a fledgling!" Her attention then turns to Erin and she nods. "Hael Commands I follow you as I would any of my Siblings." She would do exactly as told. She would have no choice. Isda watches them interact, not quite understanding the joke Erin made. She then nods. "I did so to get here."


Katrin smiles gently as he tries to explain the memories he had. She doesn't try to argue or dissuade him. Time had changed. Who's to say for him it hadn't happened exactly like that? "Your story wasn't over." She answered simply.

12-13-2016, 08:24 PM
As the three of them vanish, Will is the first to appear in a new area. He spots the moment the time anomaly happens. There is a tall man who is handshaking someone else. Will recognizes the man as Arthur Ravens aka Dr. Stitches. He is about to burst into action, but Erin appears to pull him back. He watches the two make their deal. Dr. Stitches begins to laugh as he finally gets what he wants. He just traded his daughter's soul for his immortality. Now nothing can kill him, and his daughter, who lays unconscious at his feet, is about to be taken away.


Grant smiles, "What do I do now? I feel like I'm supposed to be in love right now..." he looked deep into her eyes, "Am I supposed to be in love with you? Are you my princess?". He looks down, "I'm sorry. I don't remember much. I feel like I"m supposed to care about someone... but you're the only one that I remember. So it has to be..." he looks up, "you!"

12-13-2016, 09:17 PM
Isda watches the deal curiously, tilting her head. "On Earth, a deal is sealed with a kiss. . ." She then looks up at Erin as she appears. "Hes a demon, Erin. How did a demon from earth get here?"


Katrin chuckles, listening to him. "I'm no princess. Nor do I know who you're supposed to love.... But, I promise nothing is going to hurt you."

12-14-2016, 02:11 AM
Erin sighed, "Things don't work the same as they do on your earth, then our world. So perhaps that is one of those things..." she looked around, "I'm not sure. When Hael came forth, she must have opened up a portal allowing for others to pass through," she watched the demon and the doctor made their agreement. "I think that's Adena Ravens," she said pointing to the girl on the ground, "We need to save her if she is going to save Grant in the future... she's the one who gives him his powers,"


Grant smiled, "You keep me safe even in the darkest of times," he looked around, "Take me somewhere. I want to see something magical. I need to make new memories compared to the lack of ones I used to have. Maybe..." he closed his eyes, "I want to see the world,"

12-14-2016, 07:24 AM
Isda nods, understanding. She stares at the girl curiously. "How do you propose we do that?" She didn't see a way to the girl, not without the demon noticing and stopping them. She glances over at Will as well, half expecting the boy to already be sneaking over.


"Well, we can't go far. But maybe a walk around the building won't hurt?" She offers with a smile. She stands up and offers him her hand. "Let's go see what we can see!" She walks with him, leading the way outside. It was already night. A mild breeze blew threw the leaves. Katrin smiles, looking up at the moon and stars. Not a cloud in sight.

12-14-2016, 04:27 PM
"Weird," Will said to himself as the two girls spoke, "I thought the time scanner said Verchu was here... but I don't see him," he looked to Isda, "What? Why are you giving me that look? I have a plan," he then moved his fingers, bending two together then spinning his hand around. At that moment a small twister comes from within the trees and makes it's way towards Dr. Stitches and the demon. "Got em!"

Dr. Stitches takes the attack full on and when the twister fades away, he is standing without a scratch on him. He looks around trying to figure out who did that, "Hello? I know somebody is there, come.. closer." With that Will had little choice, but to step up and reveal their hiding place. He couldn't move. "Now turn and face your friends!" he said as Will launched forward with full force.


As they walked around, the night sky seemed to speak to him. "You come from somewhere far away, I can tell. You feel different. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I can tell your something else," he looked directly at her, "You're so nice, and pretty," he blushed a little before pointing up to the sky, "Look! The stars are so majestic,"

12-14-2016, 09:05 PM
Isda watches, fascinated. She steps up with Will, a blade appearing in her hand. She glares at the man they were trying to capture. The young girl watches Will leap after him. She disappears, reappearing behind him and bringing her blade up to strike.


Katrin chuckles as he tries to explain how she seemed different. "Well, that's because I am. I'm not from your world." She doesn't respond as he calls her pretty, though she does blush. It had been a long time since someone noticed her that way. She looks up as he says the stars were nice. She nods, "Yes. They certainly are."

12-14-2016, 09:15 PM
The blade sinks into Dr. Stitches back, but he simply turns around and grabs a hold of Isda. He smiles as he attempts to suck her life force out of her! "I am death, I get to control who lives and who dies! My daughter betrayed me so she must suffer, while I get to go on for all of time. Nothing can kill me," he motioned to how his wound was now healed over.

Erin is fighting off Will. He blasts her back with his wind powers, but she creates an invisible box around him that he can't escape. "It's your time out, Will," as he pouts she makes her way over to Isda and tries to free her from Dr. Stitches grasp.


"So you're an alien?" he jokes, "Did you come here in your spaceship on a destination from the heavens?" as he continued he watched the stars dance in the sky. "Which one is your favorite?" he grabbed her hand and pulled it up to a shinning, bright star in the distance. "I like that one,"

12-14-2016, 09:23 PM
Isda didn't seem at all surprised when the attack didn't work. She grabs onto his wrist that was holding her. "Only my Father has such power. He is not here." She squeezes the pressure points, with a strength much greater than a child. Forcing him to let go. While she distracts him she speaks to Erin with telepathy. Protect the girl

She chuckles. "Not quite. I used Hael's wings. . . . " She smiles as he points to the star he liked most. Then moves their hands to point at her own Sun. "There is my home."

12-14-2016, 11:09 PM
Dr. Stitches is forced to let go, as his smile drops from his face. He snaps his fingers to release Will from his trap who is trying to break down the clear walls. Stitches then looks into the child angel's eyes to try and see if he could find her deepest darkest secrets. "Tell me child, what is you hold most dear?" As Erin went to save Adena, Stitches took his other hand and clenched her throat. "Don't move now, father is busy,"

Will shook his head as he snapped out of it. Then next to him was Verchu. He couldn't move due to the glass box and all he could do was listen. "Hello, child," he touched the side of the box, "I missed you. Come with me... will you?". Will shook his head, but he moved in a clash of armor and punched through the box grabbing Will and disappearing into the night with him.

Erin tries to break from his grasp by breathing a full breath of fire. It causes him to shake his head and fall sideways. Erin is about to save Adena before she sees Will be taken. She runs over to try to stop him as the box shatters to the ground. "This can't be happening... only I could close the box.. Verchu must have some intense power.."


Grant squeezed onto her hand, "You're so warm, despite belonging to the same group as little green men. A lot more attractive then them too," he laughed as she moved his hand, "I wonder what it's like there. I used to dream about falling from the sky, way before my death. I always felt like I came from some other world and was sent here from a power far greater then mine. I was a weird child..."

12-16-2016, 08:06 AM
Isda watches helplessly as Will is taken, unable to help. She barely hears Dr. Stitches' question. She looks up at him, glaring. She offers no answer, instead turns her face towards the heavens. She shouts in a strange guttural language. The mere sound of it brought terror to a man's heart. Ancient, none but her and her Siblings understood it. She only hoped one could hear her call. Cry for help.

A man appears next to Erin. Rather short, with black hair, he wore black pants and a green jacket, a smirk on his lips. "Well now, little sis. You've gotten yourself in a pickle, haven't you?" He asks while looking at Isda. He holds up a hand and gestures to Dr. Stitches, telekinetically pushing him away from Isda. The girl grabs her Angel blade, then turns around, facing him. The blade pointing threateningly at him. "Who are you. Gabriel is dead." Her voice accusing. Her eyes flashing with anger. One could swear sparks seemed to fly. Her anger palpable. "Step away from Erin. Now."

Gabriel raises his hands defensively and backs up. 'You're welcome" he replies with an attitude. "It's me! I'm not dead! Do ya really think Luci could ice me that easily!" He looked shocked at the mere suggestion. "Helloooooo, trickster! Archangel!" He laughs and steps closer to Isda. "Now then, let's see. Daddy's favourite little Angel. I've been wanting to meet you."

Isda's eyes go wide as he starts talking. She drops the blade and falls to her knees, tears springing forth in her eyes. Finally accepting that it was actually him. "Gabriel. . ."

Gabriel chuckles as the girl kneels. "See?! You do remember!" He then shifts from one foot to the other, rubbing at the back of his neck. Clearly uncomfortable with it. "Come on now, don't do that. . . . " Then sighs as isda's demeanor changes and she stands up. "As you say." A command given. Gabriel lets it go, turning his attention to Erin and Adena. He still held Dr. Stitches in place. "Now then, what do we have here?"


Katrin listens as he starts rambling. She liked the sound of his voice. Found the things he had to say interesting. "Perhaps we can find your home some day. Find who sent you here. . . ." She knew what it felt like to be somewhere you didn't belong. Her and Hael both knew that. It was even more painful not having a home to return to. She'd lost so much already. . . She shakes her head slightly, banishing those thoughts. It wouldn't do to dwell. "You have a home here." She says with a smile.

12-16-2016, 06:35 PM
As Dr. Stitches is threw to the side, Erin reaches to Adena. She unties her and tries to wake up with a splash of water she spawned with her magic. Adena shakes her head being all confused, but Erin takes away her memories and tells her to run as fast as she can. Erin then looks to the newcomer, "So another angel? Great... one more and we'll have a party," she sighs, "We need to figure out what Verchu is up to. Somehow he kidnapped William for whatever reason and is trying to change the timeline so that Grant never becomes the Steel Shadow.. I can't figure out his motives..."


"I had a home here... once.." he looks into her eyes and moves in closer to her face. His lips begin to be pressured up as he goes in for a kiss. But, at that moment it all comes back him. He shakes his head and pulls away. "I remember now. Everything. It seems Erin, Will, and Isda put the timeline back on track. Should we head out to see them?" he asked completely ignoring what was about to happen.

12-17-2016, 12:30 AM
"You're welcome" Gabriel says with an irritated attitude. Muttering about not getting proper thanks for helping. "Well, i'd suggest we take that one back to wherever you kids are staying. . .. " Gabriel suggested, pointing at Dr. Stitches, who was currently trying to run away. Gabriel points to him, stoping him dead in his tracks, and yanking him back toward him. "Not. So. Fast."

Isda watches all of this curiously. Looking rather upset. She had been told to protect and watch William, instead he had been taken. She disappears, reappearing back at their base. Hiding in a room, curled up in her wings. Convinced she'd be in biiiig trouble for this.


Katrin took a step back as he leaned in to kiss her. As much as he thought he loved her, and as much as she'd love to return it, she knew it wouldn't last. She was almost relieved when he said he remembered. "Good. We should get back. They'll be looking for us." She didn't show any of the disappointment she felt at him pretending nothing had happened. But, she understood it.

12-17-2016, 03:46 PM
As Grant made his way back inside Erin appeared next to him. Grant looked around, "Where's Will?" but saw the look on Erin's face. She showed emotion very rarely, but when someone she loved was in danger she couldn't help, but to show her pain and Grant knew this. "How could this of happened?!" he asked taking his scythe and jamming it's blade into the floor below. "Why would Verchu take him?"

"I don't know. And, Isda is pretty upset. I don't see her, so she must be in hiding... I'm just as ashamed that we let our little Will get taken like that," she shook her head turning to Hael and anyone else in the room, "Does anyone have any ideas of how we can track Verchu, other then waiting for him to make another time anomaly?"

12-17-2016, 06:50 PM
Isda's sniffles could be heard faintly from the room.

Gael walked in behind Grant, looking around and noticing the two missing people. She remains quiet, listening.
Gabriel appears next to them. "Well, they've got your kid, right? We can track him. Easy." He seemed proud of himself for this idea. HAEL raises an eyebrow, looking at him like she'd seen a ghost. She was about to say something when Gabriel raises his hand to stop her. "Yes. Yes. It's really me. No, I'm not dead. No, I don't know how. Are we done now?" Hael chuckles lightly at this. "It is good to see you, Brother."

12-17-2016, 08:06 PM
Grant heard the crying coming from the closet, and slid himself under the door with his shadow powers. In a second he appears in the dark room. "What's wrong, little angel? Is this because Will got himself captured? Don't you know that Will gets captured on more then one occasion. If we held an awards he would win 'Most Likely To Get Taken By a Bad Guy,'. So don't feel bad. Just take your resources and power and get back in there to help find him,".

"You think your puny angel powers can find him that easily? Verchu is a demon, a lost soul reborn as evil in the fires of hell. He is the most powerful villain we have, and he obviously has himself untraceable with magic. " Erin asked, "You angels think you're all powerful. One day someone is going to come along and cut you down to size.." she says more under her breath, "We have to find, Will. Our best bet is to search for any time anomalies that have been caused by Verchu,"

12-17-2016, 08:15 PM
Gabriel gasps, looking quite offended. "C. . .cut me down to size?! Do you have any idea the size of my true form?! No! you don't!" Katrin doubles over laughing. "Yeaaaah...... we really don't want to know, Gabe..... But, he is right. He's an Archangel. Most powerful angel we've got." Gabriel puffs out his chest. "Verchu may have warded himself against your magic. But, not against Angels."

Isda was curled in a ball, hidden in her purple wings. She was trembling. "I I was supposed to protect him. . . . . He got captured. . . ." Hael stood by the door, just in time to hear this. She opens the door and kneels next to Isda and Grant. "For Angels, disobeying an Order is unthinkable. She is scared she will Fall." She explains to Grant. "Worst mistake Dad ever made. " Gabriel shouts over his shoulder at them, chiming in. His words only make Isda shake more. "Y-you cannot talk about Father like that, Gabriel!"

Gabriel and Hael both sigh at this comment. "And doubts. Doubts are as bad as disobeying. " Hael clarifies.

12-17-2016, 08:25 PM
"My own father was pretty demanding. When I wouldn't work with him to make clothes for the king he threw me out. I wasn't even an adult at that point and lived on the streets for a while," Grant explained, "I ended up getting a job at the local pub, and eventually losing my life. I could never look my own father in the eyes after that, and I never saw him again," as he felt a tear drip from his eye, he wiped it away, "But, you can't live life in the shadow of your parents. You have to break free eventually,"

Erin rolled her eyes, "All this angel drama," she looked through the small crowd of people in a gap between them at the child, "Failure makes you stronger. If you never fail, you never learn!" she sighed, "All kids disappoint their parents at some point. It's not your fault..." she felt bad for the child despite her being an angel.

12-17-2016, 08:33 PM
All the talk of breaking free and failing makes the girl shriek. She disappears from them, reappearing in another room. Hael sighs and stands. "You do not understand." Gabriel shakes his head. "I'll go find her.. . . " He then disappears. His hushed voice could be heard in the conference room. Hael sits in a chair, looking at the others. "We were created. Not born. We did not have free will. Tell Isda to do something. Anything. She will have to. And she will do it perfectly, and exactly how you instruct. She will not have a choice. Much like if you give a computer a command. We are not made to question. Any sign of doubt, or questioning, let alone disobeying outright. You are either reprogrammed, or simply cast out. An angel's grace, it's very soul ripped out. It is very painful. Very terrifying. Because she is young, it is even stronger with her." Hael shakes her head sadly. "I fell several years ago. Gabriel, well, he ran away. But then, being an Archangel, I doubt he even had that programing. He has always had free will."

Gabriel takes this moment to walk out. He held Isda's hand, who walked slowly next to him. Still sniffling, though not as bad. "Ok. Now then. No more talk of Falling. Deal?"

12-18-2016, 12:31 AM
"That's horrible," said Grant, but Erin wasn't as convinced. Grant turns around to Erin, "Okay, look I don't know what your problem with Katrin and her friends are. I think they're really neat. Especially Katrin!" he blushed up a bit, "What is your deal with angels?"

"They can't be real!" Erin snapped back, "God isn't real, so thus there can't be any angels. They're wannabe's. Otherworlders who think they are in higher rank then us. It's quite pathetic to escape your world to another's proving their world isn't good enough," she looked to Hael, "We NEED to find Will. We shouldn't put one child's feelings over another's safety,"

12-18-2016, 03:23 AM
Gabriel huffs and puffs at Erin's outburst. Finally, he can't take it. He steps up to her, poking at her with force, almost enough to push her back a step. Then does it again as he talks. "Better than you? Better than you?! You've no idea. None! We were created to serve you. Protect you! That's why Luci was cast from heaven! Because he refused to bow down and worship you, like he was told! Many of our siblings have died. For YOU. So don't you give me any of this "better than us" woe is me CRAP" With that, he pushes past her, storming out of the room

Hael sighs "And now you see why he left. . .. " She shakes her head. "As for me. I left home because it wasn't safe. My siblings are all after me. Wanting to kill me. And each other. I could not do any good there. Nor could I protect Katrin. So, we came here. Thinking, perhaps, we could do some good here. But, if our help is not wanted, nor needed, we shall take our leave. There are others that would gladly accept the help of Angels. Regardless if they believed in us or not." She also leaves the room, looking for Gabriel.

Meanwhile, Isda stands in the room looking shocked, about to start crying. "I-I was ordered to come here. . . .. I-I do not know why he sent me. .. . Bubut he did...... I have to help. .. . . I am real. I swear!" She looked more hurt than angry. In fact, she didn't seem angry at all. Only hurt. She wipes at her tears. "I am not stopping you from finding William..... I know where he is. . . . ."

12-18-2016, 05:23 PM
Erin is pushed back, nearly tripping, but stays sturdy as Gabriel yells at her. When he pushed past her, her eyes light up with flames. She is about to snap her fingers to leave when Isda explains that she knows how to find Will. Erin turns to Hael, "Nobody leaves until we fix this mess. None of this would have happened if you just stayed out of our way... Verchu shouldn't be able to jump through time like this. Somebody must be helping him... we have to figure out who.. I don't know any of our villains who can jump through time either,".

Grant grabbed Hael's hand, "Don't leave us. Erin is like this when it comes to things such as angels and reapers. It took her a long time be able to accept me, and still she hasn't truly taken me in," he smiles turning to Isda, "It's okay. I know you're real and very helpful! Why don't you tell us where you think Will is?"

12-18-2016, 09:57 PM
"Verchu would have found a way. I have found that they always do. Now, you will let me pass, so that I may go find my brother. Then, and only then, will I help you." Hael says, glaring down at her menacingly. "You will also, say nothing more of our being real or not. Not while my Sister is within earshot." She had had enough of Erin's attitude. If Erin was convinced the angels thought themselves better, Hael would give her exactly that. With that, she leaves the room, following after Gabriel to go to talk to him. They would need the Archangel's help, that much was clear.

Isda crosses her arms, glaring. "Not think. Know. I am an Angel, Grant. I know souls. I was with William long enough to learn his. I know where he is. And it is not far." She insists. glaring at both of them. Still very much hurt that Erin would accuse her of preventing them from finding him. She takes Grant's hand, looking him over "You are a bit heavy for my wings, but. . . . " With this, the two of them disappear. They reappear not far from where William was. Isda lets go of Grant, looking tired. ". . . I think I can manage." She finishes.

Hael found Gabriel sitting outside. Leaning against a tree and eating a chocolate bar. He doesn't look up as she walks up behind him. She doesn't say anything about any of it, simply looks up at the sky with him. Both of them thinking of Heaven. She does not understand. Nor can we make her, Brother. Still, the child needs our help. She spoke telepathically to him. Deciding the others didn't need to hear any of this. Not realizing that she and grant were already connected. That he could hear her True Voice, just as clearly as Katrin could. No matter where he might be.

She sits down next to Gabriel who offers her a candy as well. She chuckles and eats it. Dear old Dad. He brought us back, ya know. Gabriel doesn't respond to her comment about the child, instead picking a different subject. Erin's comments had struck a little close to home. Hael sighs, nodding. I had thought as much. Though I do not understand why. Not after what I did. . . She shakes her head sadly. Gabriel nods in agreement and looks up at her. "Nothing worse than I did. I ran away. I turned my back on you kids." He shakes his head a bit. "Ya know, I remember when dad created you. And the others. But, Isda. . . . I don't remember her."

Hael laughs slightly. "You gave me my first Blade. Do you remember? It was nearly as tall as me!" She laughs again and sighs. "No. Isda is young. Much younger than any Angel I've met. She never fell, either. Metatron cast us all out when he attempted to take over Heaven. But, he kept her behind. It worries me that she is here, Gabriel."

Gabriel doesn't answer, instead he gets up, then holds a hand out to Hael, to help her up. "Let's go find Will and our Sister" He said with a smile. Hael stands and nods, agreeing. They make their way back into the building.

12-19-2016, 01:13 AM
As Grant and Isda appear they find themselves in an area surrounded by pits of fire. Grant started to whisper, "I think we're in the lair of Verchu," he stopped talking when he could hear words coming from Hael. It was weird to him as he looked around to find she wasn't there. He shook it off and looked as Verchu was pacing back and forth in his big armor. Grant points to the suit, "That armor is keeping whoever Verchu is locked inside. I remember the moment we bound them to the metal so their true power would be hidden away. I have no idea who they are... I never was able to see their face, all I know is he wanted to get his revenge on me for some reason,".

Verchu snapped his fingers and a portal opened up that dropped William down for a moment. Will tried to escape, but Verchu kept him at bay. "It's so nice to see you again, Will. I didn't want to take you just yet, but with what I'm planning you'll need to be kept safe as quick as possible. It's coming,"

"What are you talking about?" Will asked with a confused facial reaction with a mixture of fear, "Why am I so important to you? Unless... you're a future version of myself and you must keep me safe in order to keep yourself safe?!"

Verchu laughed, "You wish that was true, don't you? Now.. Let's meet our guests," he turned to Grant and Isda, "Welcome to my home. It's a little part of hell that I brought to the surface.." he clenched his metal fist, "I only want this suit of armor off of me. And, only a force that can bend reality can do so. Like, a demon or an angel from another world? How about it Isda? Would you take off my armor?"

12-19-2016, 01:39 AM
Isda watches all of this, listening to Grant explain. "Let William go. Then, perhaps I will do what you ask." She answers, glaring at Verchu. She didn't trust him one bit. Nor did she think they would be safe if she removed the armor. She could do it. She had already figured that much out. It wouldn't even be that hard for her. But, not until Will was safe. That was her job. Protect Will.


Hael and Gabriel make their way back into the building. They sit down in the conference room. For the moment, unneeded. Hael had no doubt that Isda would be all right. And they could get there in time if she wasn't. Besides. She was sure Erin would have a few choice words for them. It was best to get it out of the way when no one else was here. Then, Erin would feel free to get everything off her chest. Without Grant stopping her.

12-19-2016, 01:50 AM
"Fine, I'll get him back later," Verchu said as he pushed Will over to Grant and Isda. "Now live up to your side of the deal and obey! You have to release me, it's in your very nature," Verchu announced. He glares at Grant through the metal suit, "I can't wait to show my true face to you. I'm such a beautiful woman," Verchu said, "Yes, I'm female. Everyone just infers I'm male because of the way my voice sounds through this suit. Muffled.."


Erin is sitting at the edge of the steps leading up to the second floor. She sighs thinking that she might of been too hard on the angels. She gets up and tries to find Hael. She isn't going to apologize, because she isn't wrong. These outsiders came in and ruined everything. At least to her outpoint. She stops as she feels the air change. Something is about to happen. She just stands there waiting to see if something is about to happen.

12-19-2016, 01:56 AM
Isda sighs and shakes her head. "My very nature? Is to obey my Father. and my Siblings. You are not they. You hold no power over me." She turns to Grant and Will, placing two fingers on their foreheads and pushing. Sending them back to the base. She would keep them safe no matter what. Then she turns to Verchu. "I've made no such assumptions as to who you are." She shakes her head again, knowing she was about to make a mistake. However, a deal was a deal. She had made a promise. In order to protect Will. She would do what she had to. She snaps her fingers. Removing the armor.

It had taken more effort than she had considered it would. She falls to the ground, nearly unconscious.

12-19-2016, 07:37 PM
Grant and Will appeared back at the base safely. Will looked around to see if Isda was behind them, but she wasn't. Grant made his way over to Erin who seemed to be upset. "Reconsidering your argument with the angels? Look, I know your beliefs are hard to change, but sometimes you have to step up and accept that things aren't exactly as you pictured,"

Erin smiled, "You're right,". She hugged Grant and he could feel a scratch on her belly, she could tell what he felt. "Shush. Don't ruin it," with that she went in for a kiss. Grant stepped back, but then fell to his knees. "Sit boy, sit,". Will was confused and was about to scream for Hael, but Erin waved her hands and suddenly he couldn't move. She put her hand on Grant's head, rubbing it to show she cared. "You trapped me in that armor, after trying to slice me in half. It's such a shame that I have to destroy you now, you were the one I loved most,".

Behind Erin is.. Erin? She is standing there completely shocked. "Wha- Who are you?"

Erin, or Verchu, turned around, "I'm the original. Not some carbon copy that Grant created by messing with time like you. He thought he killed me, but all he did was awaken the true power inside of me. I'm Verchu. Doesn't it make sense? How else was someone able to break through your spells? Nobody could do it except... you," she then began to laugh, "Angels are real, Erin, and they're more useful then you'll ever know,"

12-19-2016, 07:44 PM
Hael heard Will's cry, even before he made it. Angels hear the prayers of souls in pain. Even when they don't know they've made one. She and Gabriel both disappear, reappearing in the room. Their Angel Blades slipping into their hands. Hael quickly looks around as Gabriel puts himself between the new Erin, and the others. Shielding them.

Hael, not seeing Isda, turns her attention to the new Erin. "Where is my Sister?!" Her eyes flashing with anger. Now that the armor was removed, Hael could sense the truth behind what they had said. This was, indeed, Erin. And she was back for revenge.

12-21-2016, 02:17 AM
Verchu only laughs, "I made a deal. Your so called 'sister' for transportation through time and space. Now I can change time in any way I want," she turned around to Gabriel, "I'm much more powerful then my counterpart. They had to conceal me in a suit of heavy armor to keep my power at will. Nothing can contain me now. I'm practically a god," she turned to Erin and Will, "Yes, Gods exist and so do angels,"

Erin shook her head, "This can't be!"

12-22-2016, 04:07 AM
Gabriel rolls his eyes at the mention of her being a god. "Please. I've dated gods. You've got nothin' on them." He smirks. "Now Kali," He waves a hand, gesturing. "Now there's a real Goddess...... " He winks. There was clearly more to this story than he would care to tell. A candy bar appears in his hand and he takes a bite of it, throwing the wrapper on the ground. He then steps toward Erin and takes a few steps around her, looking her over. "See, now, Why would you wanna go change the past a bunch of times? We tried that. It never went the way we wanted... Terrible idea. Really. "

Katrin rolls her eyes, watching all of this. "I dunno, Gabe. Grant kinda did try to kill her. I'd be pissed." She throws a glance at Grant. "No offense." She then turns her attention back to Erin. "But see. You took Isda. And, Hael, and Gabriel.... They're gonna want her back. And, Gabriel's got a knack for getting what he wants. God or no God." She grins brighter. "Hey! Gabe! Remember that one time, with Chuck?!"

Gabriel throws his head back, cackling. "Oh man. Dear old Dad was not happy at that one, was he?! But really, he went with Chuck. It's a lame name!"

12-22-2016, 07:55 PM
Verchu smiled, "No matter. I'm not afraid of no angel. When I say I'm a god, I mean I'm as powerful as a god," she flickered her fingers and Grant and Will were broken free of her spell. Grant tries to lash forward, but is blocked by Katrin and Gabriel. "I can tell you who took your little Isda if you do something for me. I want you to cry into," a jar appears in her hand, "Into this. An angels tear is extreamly rare and would do wonders for my magic,".

Grant grumbled, "I don't understand. I should have been able to kill her," he looks to Katrin, "Don't let any tears drop around her. A death's tear is what turned me into what I am... no telling what an angels tear could do to the world around us,".

12-23-2016, 01:38 AM
Katrin looks at Erin, incredulous. "Y-you want me to cry. Why? Why would I cry? There's absolutely nothing for me to cry about. Even if I did, i'm just a Vessel. Angels don't actually cry. Ever." She shakes her head, knocking the jar away. Watching it shatter on the ground. "Why don't you cry? I bet you're just a big baby!"

Gabriel puts his hand on Katrin's shoulder, calming her down, knowing she was growing angry. "It's ok Katrin. We don't need her help in finding the Fledgling. Kellia has her, i'm sure of it." He rubs his hands together in anticipation. "I've been wanting to get ahold of her for a while now!"

He looks Erin over. Then snaps his fingers. Turning her into a T.V set. "There! Now you can watch all of time!!!!" He seemed rather proud of himself, and opens up another candy. The wrapper is once more thrown on the floor. He snaps again, sending the brand new T.V. set somewhere unknown. It would take her some time to undo the magic, god powers or no.

They then look over at their own Erin, Grant, and Will. Gabriel claps his hands together. "Ok. Now then, back to you. Miss "I don't believe in the creatures standing right in front of me" What can we do to possibly convince you that we are, in fact, real? Cuz, I gotta say, i'm getting tired of it."

12-23-2016, 02:18 AM
Erin just turned away, "There isn't anything you can do. Showing how powerful you are proves nothing," she looked up, "It doesn't matter. I'm not going to let it get in the way anymore. We have to get Isda back," Grant clenched his fist. He waves his hand over his face as a shadow covers it completely so nobody can see him cry. Erin grabs his shoulder, but he pulls away. "You have to take us with you to stop Kellia... if not only to get Grant back up and moving,"

Will just looks around, "I have no idea what just happened... Does Erin have a sister or something..?"

12-23-2016, 03:04 AM
"Oh, come on!" Gabriel exclaims, throwing his hands up. He then goes and stands in a corner of the room, practically pouting.

Katrin doubles over laughing at Gabriel. "And here I thought Isda was the kid! You just wanted to show Erin your wings, didn't you!" Gabriel doesn't answer, still pouting. Katrin laughs, then sombers as Erin asks what they would do about Isda. "I'll go talk to Grant. Gabe, you start that summoning spell..... This'll take all of us. . ." With that, she leaves the room to go find Grant.

12-23-2016, 06:33 PM
Grant is sitting at a table in a kitchen like area, the shadow mask still over his face so that he appears completely as a three dimensional shadow. He turns when he hears Katrin enter the room. As his mask fades his face can be seen with dried tears, "I don't feel like talking. Everything I knew in this world revolved around that moment that I killed Erin... everything.. and now.. it's gone.. so there isn't anything to talk about," he pulled out a bottle with a small green flame inside, "Fire is my weakness. Orange fire burns my physical form, ghost fire burns my soul,".

12-23-2016, 07:34 PM
Katrin slowly walks into the room, knowing what she would find. She sighs and kneels next to his chair, so she could look straight at him. She gently takes the bottle from his hands and sets it down beside her. "You don't need that." She says gently, shaking her head. She sighs a bit, knowing what that was like. Hael knew better, though. Her eyes flash blue, then Hael looks at him, a gentle smile on her face.

She doesn't say anything, not for a few moments. As if what she were going to say wasn't easy. And, it wasn't. She sighs again. "Katrin and I both are responsible for several million lives lost in another Galaxy. We could have stopped it. But, we didn't. We knew what was to happen. We knew what the child would grow into, but we didn't stop any of it." She looks up at him, tears beginning to well in her own eyes. "He was simply a scared young boy. The Jedi took him in. It seemed as if he was all right, until the day he lost his mother. He called for me. I heard his prayer. I could have saved her, and thus, saved him. But, I could not. It was already history, all of it. I knew what would happen if I changed that moment. And yet, those deaths he later caused, the death of an entire planet, It still weighs on us.'

She looks at him, silent for a moment after the confession, then continues. "I met Father. Once, a long time ago. He told me something, some things are just meant to pass. Events that lead to other...more important things. Things that also, are meant to pass. I know it's not fair...and some things are hard to handle, but...sometimes we just have to let it happen...because no matter what we do, it will always happen. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, or next week, or next year...but it will happen. I didn't understand what he was telling me. I was an Angel after all, I could easily change time. We exist outside of it. I can see the entirety of a person's life. Why could I not change this, too? But, I've found he was right. Because of Annakin, two amazing young children grew up to become heros. They saved their worlds, their galaxy, and went on to save millions more. If it had not happened the way it had, someone much worse would have taken his place to do even worse."

She stops for a moment and looks at the flame sitting next to her. She picks it up and sets it on the table, then holds out her hands. Her Angel blade appearing in it. She offers it to him. "If you feel you need to use that flame, then use this, on me. If your 'crime' is so great, the only punishment is death, then mine is far greater." She sets the blade next to the flame, and stands up. "Or, you can realize, that you have a chance to save Erin. My Ani turned back. At the last moment, he turned back to us, and in doing so, saved his son. There is still hope for your Erin, and for you. It is up to you whether you take it or not."


Gabriel watched Erin, simply staring at her from his corner. He had quite a few questions for the young woman, especially after seeing his double. Instead, he simply tosses a new chocolate candy bar at her. "Want some chocolate?"

12-23-2016, 09:23 PM
Grant turned away the blade, "I cannot take the life of someone else. I made that mistake once already," he sighed, "I made too many mistakes. There was a moment where me and Katrin were outside of the world. A moment of clarity where I didn't remember what I had done. It was like I was reborn," he took her hand, "When we stop Erin I want you to take me with you. This world was never made for me anyway. I don't belong here. I don't know how I got here, but I know this isn't my home. It never was,"


Erin took the candy bar and melted it into ashes with her hands, "I don't take passouts, but thanks you anyway," she said turning to Will who looked heartbroken, "Oh, and it appears William would like some candy. He's already as hyper as he's going to get and he can eat practically anything," she pulled Will over to her with her magic, "Ask the man if you can have some,"

"Uh.. Is it wise to trust an angel with candy to kids? I mean.. it's the whole taking candy from a man in a van type of thing, isn't it?" Will asked.

12-23-2016, 09:55 PM
Gabriel looks practically heart broken as she destroys the candy. Genuinly confused why anyone would do that to a poor harmless candy. "Passout?! Well, fine. I didn't want to share any way!" He says with another pout, making another appear in his hand. He takes a big bite of it as Will asks if it was wise to ask for one. Gabriel shrugs "Suit yourself, kid."

Hael nods, understanding. "We all make mistakes, Grant. The question is, can you forgive yourself?" She thinks over his question, picking up her blade as she does so, then sets it back down. "I make no promises, Grant. Perhaps, when this is over, you will not wish to leave. Things change." she gestures toward the blade. "Keep it. You will have need of it. Let it serve as a reminder, of why you are still here. There is still work to do." With this, she turns and leaves the room, joining the others. She walks in, right as Will asks his question, she chuckles. "If he were planning to harm you, Will, he would have done so already. The chocolate is safe."

12-23-2016, 10:09 PM
Grant takes the blade and follows after Hael. Will starts pouting when he walks in and then tries to control the wind around Gabriel candy bar to bring it over to himself. Grant laughs at his failed attempt. It was like watching your kid do something cute. In one world, Will was a son to Grant, but that was so long ago. Grant pats him on the back, "Don't worry, we'll get you some candy when we get Isda back," he looks to Gabe, "Any update on finding her?"

Erin just sits on the sidelines. "Will, it's likely okay to trust these.. people without worrying about them hurting you. I think it's safe,"

"Oh! In that case.." he puts on puppy dog eyes for Gabriel, "Can I have some.. chocolate?." he then laughs at a joke in his head, "If your God was candy would he be Chuckolate?"

12-23-2016, 10:20 PM
Gabriel looks unimpressed at Will's failed attempt. Though, he does laugh with Hael and Grant. It was quite funny. He laughs again at the joke and the puppy eyes. "I told Dad that was a stupid name. . . I really did. . . " He tosses a chocolate candy bar in Will's direction. Then turns his attention to Erin. "Yep. All ready! This way, please." He leads them into the conference room. The table there had been moved out, on the floor was a giant devil's trap. Off to the side, on a small low table, was a bowl and candles. He lights a matchstick, and throws it into the bowl. A loud bang, and puff of smoke, results. "And now we wait. . . . She's stubborn."

Hael chuckles at Gabriel's comments. "That she is. We have run into her on more than one occasion over the years."

12-23-2016, 10:43 PM
Will grabbed the candy bar and stuffed it into his mouth, rapper and all. It may be a little weird to the angels, but Erin and Grant were used to this kind of gluttony. Grant stepped forward, "This demon may be powerful, but," he pulls out the angel blade, "I'm ready to do what needs to be done. I will not harm innocent mortal, or angels, but this is a demon. It has lost it's right to survive," he smiled, "Of course, I hope I don't have to get my hands dirty,"

Erin nodded and awaiting for the demon to arrive, "My magic isn't as powerful as my counterpart, but I'm still powerful enough to hold my own worth," she looked to the dark drawling on the ground, "This kind of magic upsets me... It feels dark," she then thought to herself, why would angels use this kind of dark energy?

12-23-2016, 11:16 PM
Hael puts a hand gently on Grant's as he pulls out the blade, she looks in his eyes, then to Erin and Will as well. "She is like me. She uses a human Vessel. Know, that if you kill her, you will be killing the human as well."

Gabriel chuckles when Will eats it, wrapper and all. The paper would taste like chocolate too. He had expected that exact reaction from him.

Hael hears Erin's thoughts, and shakes her head. "It holds demons. So long as the circle is not broken. We use what we can. We are more than the stories, Erin." She sits on the floor against a wall. "I suspect a exorcism would work, if we need. . ." She seemed lost in thought.

12-24-2016, 03:04 AM
"So you think Dread is still inside of her?" Grant asks with a glimpse of hope in his eyes, "That means if we can banish the demon then I can save Erin, right?" he looks around to everyone else, "You can do that can't you?" but that made him think of something even darker. What if I could separate Katrin from Hael...? Or even... the reaper from myself?. "There is much to be done with this is over with,"

"I don't know, it concerns me," Erin said outloud now knowing her thoughts are no longer private, "My thoughts are mine alone. I ask you to stay out of them,"

Will shakes his head, "They can read our minds? Okay, seriously don't think sexual thoughts about Hael's.." he does, "Crap, crap, crap!" he runs out of the room before coming back, but staying back through the corner of the room.

12-24-2016, 03:20 AM
Hael looks over at Grant as he thinks those thoughts. About separating them. Katrin can eject me at any time, Grant. There would be no need to force me, if she so chose. She had realized that he could hear her. And so, she spoke to him that way. Very few humans can hear an Angel's true voice, There is something different about you, not simply the Reaper in you. She wasn't sure yet what it was, but he was connected to her and Katrin.

She then turns her attention to Erin. "My apologies. It is not an active skill, it is passive. Just as listening with your Ears is for you." She and Gabriel both chuckle at Will, and then at the particular thoughts that caused him to run out of the room. "He's got a bit of an imagination, that one." Gabriel said with a laugh, almost proud. Hael laughs as the boy returns. "It is not something to be ashamed of. It is natural." She attempts to reassure him. "I assure you, Katrin was not paying attention to those, if that makes you feel better. . . " She laughs, Katrin had long since learned how to use the Angel's powers, including hearing everything Hael did.

Dark, royal blue smoke fills the room. Then swirls into a funnel. It dissipates, shifting into the form of a woman. She seemed about thirty years old. She blinks, and her eyes turn the same dark blue as the smoke. She blinks again, and they return to their natural brown color. "You rang? I gotta tell you guys, it was very rude. I was in the middle of a very lucrative deal. This place is so . . . . Fascinating!"

12-24-2016, 03:35 AM
Grant thought about it for a moment. He had to be special. There was something about him that made him unique. He had vague memories of falling from the sky. Except he had parents and friends here. Was he adopted? Who was his real father? At least one of his parents had to be from another world. He didn't have any memories of a mother, but there was this faint memory of his father.. someone who held him up high. A split second of memory that might not even be true. When the demon appeared though, Grant took his attention to her.

Will shakes his head, "Just stay outta my head!" he takes his attention the demon in front of him and he emerges forward, "Who do you think you are!" but Erin uses her magic to pull him back. "What? Why can't I fight the demon?"

Erin pats him, "Because it's from worlds unknown to us. We can't even begin to imagine what kinds of power it has," she turned to Gabriel, "I'll keep my team back. You do what you need to do and I'll follow,".

12-25-2016, 01:30 AM
Hael smiles, watching his memories play. We will find you answers. This I vow. With that, she turns her attention to the demon. She remains silent, allowing Gabriel to take over.

Gabriel nods to Erin as she says she would let them lead. "Much appreciated." He ruffles Will's hair when the boy pouts about not helping. "Not much to do yet, kiddo. Gotta see what the demon's gonna do first." Here he turns on Kellia. "So? What's it gonna be?"

Kellia had had a smirk on her face as the boy ran to her, but then her face fell as she noticed Gabriel. "AN ARCHANGEL?!?!?!?!? Oh for the love of hell!!! THIS IS NOT WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR!" She crosses her arms, glaring at him. "What do you want? I didn't do anything!"

Gabriel rolls his eyes. "I forgot how scared you kids were of us. No matter, that'll help. Ah yes, why you're here. See, you took one of my Sisters. And i'm rather unhappy about that. . . " Another candy bar appears in his hand and he takes a bite of it. "So, the question is," he says with a mouth full of chocolate, "What are we gonna do about this?"

12-25-2016, 06:15 PM
Erin watched the demon appeared. She wasn't afraid, but nervous of what something so mysterious to her world could do here. She looked back to Grant was just staring at Hael. She could tell he was thinking about Katrin. For a moment she wondered what a life with the silly bartender would be like like her counterpart held. She then started to wonder about how an angels tear could have any effect. Did it have mad healing powers? Was it a massive weapon? She wiped the thoughts from her mind. It was dangerous to start thinking like her enemy.

Will shook his head, "Don't touch the do," he said talking about his hair, "And, I'm more then just a kid. I'-" but he was cut off when Erin puled him back again. She forced him to the kitchen and told him to stay. He grumps and curses under his breath, but makes his way out of the room. "If I have to... but when the fighting starts, I want to be involved!"

12-26-2016, 12:35 AM
Kellia just laughs. "Oh Erin. Trying to keep the kid safe. It's not like he's yours. But then, you can't have kids, can you? Why should you believe in a God that would be so cruel as to deny you that?" She smirks at her, Then turns to Hael. "And you. Little girl, just wanting daddy to come back and make everything ok. But, he's abandoned you, hasn't he? And what about the boy. Trying so hard to prove he's not a kid. He just wants someone to be proud of him."

Gabriel sighs and snaps his fingers. Kellia opens and closes her mouth a few times, unable to talk. She crosses her arms, glaring. "Yeah, yeah. We know. Demons can look at a person's thoughts. Use them against us. Personally, I think you just like hearing yourself talk. Now then. I ask again. Where. Is. My. Sister?!" it was his turn to glare at her. Kellia was starting to look rather worried.

Hael steps up as well, though careful not to cross the circle. "I've made my peace with Father, Kellia. You should try harder."

12-26-2016, 12:51 AM
Erin is shocked by the words of the demon. She almost lost her cool, but decided to stay calm. "Will may not be blood, but he is family. I take care of him like I would my own child.. I.." Grant grabs her as she steps back. "Thank you, Grant,"she then turns to the demon with a tear falling down her face, "It's a curse laid upon me, a price for my immortality. I gave up the capability to make life, in order to save hundreds more. I made the right choice,"

12-26-2016, 01:19 AM
Hael's eyes flash blue for a second, she steps up next to Erin and lays a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Don't listen to her. This is what they do. They take your deepest darkest fears and hurts, and use them against you."

Gabriel snaps his fingers. Kellia finds herself tied to a chair, her hands tied behind her back. He looks at the group, then to Katrin, as if seeing if she were ready. Katrin nods, then turns to Erin and Grant. "Don't let her get to you. If you need to, step outside the room. I know it's hard, but she can't hurt you so long as the circle remains unbroken." Gabriel looks at the Demon, then snaps his fingers, giving her back her voice. "Ya know, that's really really rude. " She then turns to Grant, grinning. "Grant. The one who doesn't know where he came from. But I do. Do you want me to tell you? You, who fell in love. And then killed her. Your worst fear came when you saw her alive again. Now you're stuck with this. . . .clone. Fake. Copy. She'll never love you, ya know. . . She can't love you."

Katrin steps in front of Grant, putting herself between him and Kellia. An angel blade slips into her hand, and she carefully steps into the circle. She raises the blade, ready to strike. "You know what this can do. Right? I give you one warning. Then I start slicing."

Kellia smirks. "You're a meatsuit. You know what this meatsuit will go through if you do that. Can you do it? Can you really?"

Katrin glowers at her. "I can. I know you've already killed her. She's dead no matter what I do. And, I know if I were her, I would want someone like me to do this. To get the information to save a child. So. I ask again. Do you really wanna do this?" To prove her point, she does so. Cutting across Kellia's shoulder. Quickly, then pulling away. The wound glows a strange orange light as Kellia screams.

12-27-2016, 04:14 AM
Erin stepped back taking a look at Grant. She knew he was in love with a version of her and that he always held out hope for her to return to him. She pats him on the back, "It's okay, Grant. This demon thinks she can stir up some trouble, but we can't let her," she then turns to Kellia, "I'm not a fake. I may not be the Erin he knew and loved, but I'm just as real as anyone else,".

Grant didn't say anything. He just stared at the demon with anger. She didn't have any right to talk to him like that. This experience, having angels and demons in his life, was bringing up past issues and now everything felt different. He didn't know what was up from down anymore. He stepped forward when Katrin cut Kellia, "Wait, is torture really the answer?"

He came bursting back in waving his arms moving the air around him. Will spoke angrily, "You think you can insult my friends? You're nothing more then a little toad of misery. What do demons even do? Serve their leader? Rain on people's parties? Get into people's heads?" he pushed his hands forward about to blow her down to size, but Erin pushed him back into the kitchen.

12-27-2016, 04:36 AM
Kellia screams as Katrin cuts her, for the moment ignoring tormenting the others. Gabriel steps in front of Will, blocking him from entering. "It's not worth it, kiddo." He says, right as Erin pushes him out again. Kellia looks at Grant, "yes! yes! listen to him! You don't actually want to torture, do you, Katrin? Do you really want loverboy to see you like this? You who have been alone all your life. Suddenly you have a chance to not be alone anymore. Do you really want to screw that up.?"

Gabriel glares, almost angry. He grabs Grant and pulls him out of the room, him against a wall. "Listen up you dumbo. If you're gonna ask stupid questions, you'd best not do it in there when we're trying to actually get answers." He steps back, and lets Grant go, still glaring. "If you can't handle what needs to be done, you wait out here." He throws him hands up, turns away. As he walks away, he begins to mutter. "It's like they've never played these games before. . . . "

Back in the room, Katrin glares. "Oh, I don't want to. I'd much rather you give me the answer. But, you're not going to. Are you? I've dealt with enough demons. You're all the same. Act tough. Until someone pulls out an angel blade." With that, she gives the demon an identical cut, this time on the other shoulder. "Now then, ready to talk yet? Or should I just kill you now?"

12-27-2016, 10:23 PM
Grant didn't say anything when Gabriel cornered him. He waited till Gabriel to leave to think his anger out. Grant knew that torturing wasn't the heroes way of doing things. Erin didn't seem to be bothered by it much, but the rest of team was a group of people who protected all things of life. That included demons. He felt bad for the creature in the other room, even if it was evil. He walked back in the room, but looked away from the torture.

12-27-2016, 10:43 PM
Gabriel knew full well Grant wasn't happy about it. And that was ok. It really was. One of them had to be that way. He wouldn't take that away from him. Still, Katrin didn't need the distraction.

Katrin glares at Kellia, not at all impressed with what the Demon had to say. She had just been about to raise the blade again, when Kellia spoke. "WAIT! OK! OK!" Katrin lowers her hand. Waiting. "I'll tell you where she is! I didn't sign up for this crap!"

Katrin crosses her arms, looking sceptical. "Well then, tell me."

Kellia nods. "She's in a cabin... Out in those blasted woods. Trapped with sigils and holy fire. Don't even know how they found holy fire out here..... "

Katrin nods, and leaves the room at this. Knowing Gabriel could finish up. She slides down a wall, sitting on the floor. Finally showing just how much it had taken out of her. She tosses the blade away from her.

Gabriel watches Katrin leave, then looks to Grant, as if telling him to go with her. she's not as ruthless as she appears... the thought in his mind meant more for Hael, but somehow Grant was able to hear it too. Then Gabriel returns his attention to the Demon. "Well then, let's cut you loose, shall we? See... Angels can be merciful." With that, he began speaking in a strange ancient tongue.

Kellia looks terrified at this. But before she could protest, she throws her head back, screaming. The same blue smoke leaves her mouth and nose as she screams. Then disappears.

The woman in the chair looks around, frightened, then collapses. Gabriel catches her before she could fall, the ropes tying her disappear. He guides her to the floor, cradling her. He looks up to Erin, motioning her over. "Come help me. We can still save her."

12-28-2016, 02:07 AM
Grant follows after Katrin into the Kitchen. Will isn't in the room anymore so they have the room to themselves. He sits down next to her. "I'm not going to do a big speech," he takes her hand, "I'm just going to be here until I'm no longer needed. You can talk, or not, either way," he tightens his grip, "I got you,"

Erin reaches for the woman on the floor, but Gabriel is the one to catch her. "Is she okay?" she made a wash cloth appear out of nowhere and began to wipe the forehead of the poor woman. Then she summons up a pillow and blanket, "Lay her down here," she said as she placed the series of pillows, "I can heal her, but I'm not sure what the demon energy in her system will do or how it will effect my magic,".

12-28-2016, 02:19 AM
Katrin doesn't say anything, she just crumples against him, her body trembling. It wasn't something she much enjoyed doing, but she knew the cost if she hadn't. She'd dealt with Demons before. She doesn't say anything, just lets herself cry in his arms.

Gabriel lays the girl down on the pillow. "I can heal her now that the demon is gone." He looks the girl over, shaking his head. "Kellia did a number on this girl." He holds his hand over her chest. A warm glow seems to eminate from it. It washes over her, healing her. Healing her. The girl begins to breathe normally, falling into a peaceful sleep. He sighs, his hand falling to his side. "They don't care. About what they put their Vessels through. Why should they? They don't care about anything, except their own lives. The sad thing is, I've met too many Angels with the same attitude towards their Vessels. Hael is the first who's given hers a voice. Katrin is special."

12-28-2016, 02:29 AM
Grant holds on tight to Katrin. He now knows that it was even harder for her to torture the demon then for him to witness it. He let's his armor fade into the shadows; now wearing a plain white tee shirt and jeans. Now she'll be more comfortable when holding onto him. "It'll be okay. We'll find Isda," he reassures her.

Erin watches at Gabriel heals the innocent human. "It'll be okay now," Erin explains to the sleeping woman, "We don't let any more demons hurt you," she looks to Gabe, "You showed breviary in a way I've never seen today," she looked down, "I still don't believe in angels, but I do believe that you are a force to be reckoned with. A true hero, despite the things you're forced to do,".m

12-28-2016, 02:47 AM
Katrin scoots closer to him as the armor fades. She rests against him as she tries to compose herself. Not that that was going to happen any time soon. Her body trembling as she cried. It wasn't often she let herself be this vulnerable in front of someone. She didn't even like Hael seeing her like this, though that couldn't be avoided. "That girl, she's like me, Grant. Except she didn't have a say in the matter. I did." She sighs, wiping away her tears, though making no move to sit up. She didn't look up at him as she spoke, simply stayed where she was. Her eyes weren't focused anyway. "Promise me. Promise me if something happens to Hael. . . . If I become like she was. . . . You'll do whatever you have to. If there's a demon ever living in my head. You do what you have to." Her voice insistant, her grip on his hand tightening, almost painful.

Gabriel holds the girl as they sit on the floor. Listening to Erin. His attention mostly focused on the young girl. He puts his hand on her shoulder, pressing the palm of his hand against her. A second later, he removes it. A pentagram, with a circle of flames surrounding it, had appeared in black ink. He nods, satisfied with it. "No demon can possess you now. " He says quietly. Then, finally, looks up at Erin. "No. We aren't heros, Erin." He answers, shaking his head almost sadly. "We stopped being that a long time ago. If we ever were." He smirks. "besides, don't have the right costumes for that!" He says with a laugh.

Something began to change. Subtle at first, but still noticeable. Gabriel stands up, his blade slipping into his hand as he looks around. Then, realization dawning on his face, he runs from the room. Just in time to see Katrin's tears land on Grant. "Oh. . .. just great. . ." Katrin looks up curiously, then notices it too, and steps away. They both watch in stunned silence as a bright light seems to envelop him. A wave of power rushes through the building, much like the blast wave of a bomb. "Wait. . . .What?!" Katrin asks in stunned silence. Suddenly, being able to feel another Angel's presence. She looks between Grant and Gabriel curiously. "WHAT?!"

12-28-2016, 05:12 PM
Grant's shadow evaporates in that moment and he begins to scream as the light washes over him. The angels tear is transforming him back to his original state. He tried to speak to speak as Erin entered the room, her face in complete shock. He couldn't move. The light filled the room until nothing could be seen. And, then he was gone. Then he appeared. In a blast of power, with two reflections of a pair of wings resting behind him. He reached out to Katrin before looking to Gabriel, "What did you do to me?"

Erin just stared at them all with horror on her face, "Angels are..." she sat down at a chair next to the table, "They.. but.. he.. I.. WHAT?!"

12-28-2016, 05:23 PM
Katrin walks up to him as he reaches for her, hugging him. She then looks over at Erin, doubling over laughing at her confusion. "Wait, that's what it takes to convince you?!"

Gabriel smirks slightly at Erin's confusion, then looks Grant over. "Well. . . My first concern is gonna be the pesky programing Angels have.... We really don't need anyone pulling your strings..."

At this announcement, Katrin looks rather worried, her gaze going between Grant and Gabriel. "He'd have to listen to you if. . ." She didn't want to say it. They had all experienced Isda having to obey orders, and she'd seen Hael go through the same. "Hael says she doesn't recognize him as any angel she's served with. . ."

Gabriel sighs and rubs at the back of his neck nervously. "No, she wouldn't. He's much older. . ." He seemed to remember Grant, or at least know who he was. He sighs again. "Well, I guess the only way to find out is to try. . . . With your permission, of course."

12-28-2016, 05:41 PM
"I don't know what's happening, am I am angel? That makes.. a lot more sense.. How I don't know who my parents are, how I feel like I fell from the sky, and why Verchu wanted an angels tear. Did she want to turn me into this again?" Grant shook his head looking to Gabriel, "Do what you need to do,". He looked up, letting his wings fade into the shadows. He looked to Erin. "Let's go easy on her..."

Erin just kept looking back and forth between the angels, "This is madness," she looks back to Grant, "I may need some time to figure all of this out," she snapped her fingers to vanish to her bedroom. She sits down the bed and starts to think. "Demons, angels... all real... and the one I trusted most is an angel..." she lays down fully and closes her eyes for only a moment. When it was all over and done with she would return to the angels and help find Isda, but for a moment she needed to breath without interruption.

12-28-2016, 09:38 PM
Gabriel nods, "Hate to break it to ya, kiddo. You fell!" He said it almost excitedly. Katrin rolls her eyes. "yeaaah, that's usually not good news, Gabe. . . " She says with a laugh, but nods in agreement. "That would explain a lot of things though."

Gabriel seems to be thinking as Grant said he could do what he needed to. His eyes light up with a bright idea and Katrin groans. This only makes him grin wider. He then seems to compose himself and stands up straighter. His eyes flash blue for a moment as his power is felt through the whole room. This, this was the feared Archangel. One of those who commanded the forces of Heaven. One no Angel would dare disobey. Who would not have the choice to do so. He looks at Grant, as if he could see into his very soul.

And then, he spoke.

A strange, ancient, guttural language. One not spoken for many many thousands of years. At least, not on Earth.

The effect of which, was akin to, "Hop on one leg, pat your head and rub your tummy, Thannis"

Katrin rolls her eyes as Hael provides translation, though she remains quiet, watching Grant. Curious. Would he be able to disobey? Or would he have to follow? She and Gabriel both seemed to be holding their breath as they waited.

Isda's voice could be heard in Erin's mind. Small, distant. "I am afraid. The fire is hot. The sigils are draining. I am alone." It was almost heartbreaking. Though it expressed fear in the words, the voice itself did not seem all that different from when she had spoken to Erin the other times.

12-30-2016, 05:22 AM
Grant was about to object, but then before he knew it he was doing exactly what Gabriel has commanded. Then it clicked. The name "Thannis,". It was like he heard it before. He tried to stop. For a split second he was able to stop jumping up and down, but then he was forced to continue. He didn't like this at all. Having someone be able to control you was a very bad thing indeed. "Quit it, Gabe!"

"Where are you?" Erin said outloud to herself hoping at Isda would hear her. She kept worrying about Grant. He used to be her weird ally who had a crush on her, but now he was much more. He was an angel, which destroyed everything she believed in, and that fact changed everything. "Tell me your location, if you can, and I'll come find you," Erin promised.

12-30-2016, 05:27 AM
Katrin turns away, her head bowed as she tries not to cry again. Watching Grant have to do what Gabriel said. She composes herself and turns back.

Gabriel sighs, a moment later, commanding that Grant stop. He sighs again. "That's just great." He wasn't at all happy about it. None of them were. But, Hael and Katrin, they both were the more upset. Hael, remembering what it had been like for herself before she fell. Katrin, remembering what it was like to help her learn her free will. Now, it seemed, she'd have to help Grant. Someone who had always had free will, suddenly lose his. She puts a hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure it out. I promise."

Isda's voice came back as Erin asked her where she was. "I do not know."

12-30-2016, 06:07 AM
"So can anyone control me or just Gabriel?" Grant threw his hands in the air as the light bulbs in the room exploded in a blast of glass. "You don't realize that she'll never love me now right?" he said his frustrations outloud, "Erin, both versions of her, have always hated the belief in angels and god!" he didn't even think about how Katrin would feel when he said those words, "Now she'll never love me...".

Erin pulled out her spell box off her night stand and started chanting a spell. It was a tracking spell. She figured she could find Isda by tracking the connection between the two of them. In a moment she smiled. "This should be correct," she then writes a quick letter of the address and sends it to the angels with her mind. With that she vanishes to the location that Isda should be in. "Hopefully,".

12-30-2016, 06:41 AM
Katrin takes a step back from him at those words. Then, her eyes flash blue as she gives Hael control. They had hurt, more than she had expected. But, she knew he was scared, and worried. She wouldn't add her hurt feelings to that, and so, she thought it best to simply let Hael have control.

Hael looks between Gabriel and Grant, then shakes her head. "I do not know, Brother. But we will find an answer, I assure you." Her almost emotionless tone, soothing. She then tilts her head slightly, as if listening. "Erin believes she's found where Isda is, the same place Kellia told us."

Gabriel nods, "I'll stay here with the girl. She'll be waking up soon. . ." He had no idea how he was gonna explain anything to her, the poor kid had to be frightened out of her mind. Hael nods, agreeing, then turns to Grant. "Shall we?"

Isda looks up when Erin appears. She sat in the middle of a warehouse, on the floor. A raging fire circling her. Her expression was almost emotionless, almost. There was a hint of fear in her eyes. The walls were all covered in strange markings. "I cannot cross the flames. It will destroy me." Her voice just as weak as it had been in her mind.

12-30-2016, 07:45 AM
Erin looks to the ring of fire around Isda. She pulls out a lighter and flicks it on. A flame emerges from it, summoning a transparent, orange salamander. "Pip, do you think you could absorb the flames?" she looked to Isda, "Don't worry, Pip is a Fire Elemental and my familiar. He can't hurt anyone unless I tell him to. He's like my pet,". The fire elemental snarled at her words refusing to do anything, "Okay, maybe not a pet. Come on, Pip, can you help me out?"

Pip shakes his tiny head, "This kind of fire is.. bad. I refuse to eat it!" he flies around the circle of fire, "Hum. This is weird indeed. I don't like this at all. It's hell fire. Like, from the underworld," his voice sounded like that of a child, "It's gross fire. It's not that I couldn't do it, I'm Pip, I can do anything, but it's just that... it won't taste very well,"

"Pip!" Erin shouted, "Come on, it's an emergency. Isda could die if you don't help her..." when that didn't work, Erin changed her tactics, "I'm sure it'll make you very strong. Really, really strong. And, imagine what the angels will do when they learn you saved their siblings," Erin made a face when she mentioned the angels, "Please, for me?"

"I won't be eating no hell fire!" Pip screamed.

Erin rolled her eyes, "It's holy fire! Like, from the heavens or something... like.. good fire? I guess?" she looked to Isda for approval over her question, "Either way, I demand you eat it because it's the right thing to do!"

Sighed the fire elemental flew around the flames, inhaling until it was all gone. Pip's little eyes then pop out of his head for a second before going back in. "WHOO! That's one hot flame. It taste so bad, but it feels so good," he then flies around like a maniac.

12-30-2016, 08:17 AM
Isda watches Erin curiously, wondering what was in her pocket. She chuckles slightly as Erin tries to convince the strange creature to eat the flames. She nods, agreeing, when Erin asks if it was good. "It is created with Holy Oil. . ." She started to explain, but didn't have time. The creature had inhaled the flames and was currently flying around the room.

Isda starts to stand up, but didn't have the strength to do so. Her knees buckle and she falls to the ground before she could even stand. The sigils on the walls had already drained so much of her energy, she did not have the strength to even stand. "Gabriel and Hael cannot come here. . . not with the sigils in place." She says by way of explaining why their friends had not shown up. "I-I cannot fly out of here. . ." For the first time, truly feeling fear. Her eyes grew unnaturally big, as she seems to fight back tears.

12-30-2016, 08:22 AM
"Neither can Grant, apparently," Erin said looking around, "Or he would have been here. I didn't know he was an angel..." she shakes her head and takes Isda under her shoulder trying to carry her out of the building. "It'll be okay, child, I will insure you will be safe no matter what I have to do,". She makes it to the exit, pushing open the door trying to see if anyone is waiting for them... either it be friend or enemies, she would rather be alone. "Are you okay?"

12-30-2016, 08:29 AM
She allows Erin to pick her up. She wraps her arms around Erin's neck, holding on, her head resting on her shoulder. "Grant is an Angel?" She asks with confusion. She had not known this, and was surprised. She visibly relaxes as they leave the building. "I will be. . ." Even now her strength seemed to be returning.

No one was waiting for them.

12-30-2016, 08:56 AM
Erin uses her infinity necklace to teleport the three of them back to the compound. Grant is still standing there, as he tries to figure out how to travel using his angel abilities. He looks to Hael, "It's not working... can't I just use my infinity charm?" Erin smiles as she drops to the floor with Isda next to her. "Erin!" Grant says running over to her, trying to pick the two of them up. "What happened?"

Erin explains the story to them. "Pip saved us, with some resistance," she points to the floating fire elemental, "Do you have these creatures in your world?" Erin asked Hael and Gabriel, "There are few left, and we're not sure how they came into existence, but they're really powerful," she shook her head taking her attention to Isda, "She is weak. She can take my bed for the time being,".

12-31-2016, 02:19 AM
". . . You could, but you will find it quite unpleasant" Hael had just answered Grant, when Isda and Erin appeared. She shudders as she thinks about the few times she'd been teleported places. It was always uncomfortable when it wasn't under her own power. "You will learn how, with time."

Gabriel picks up Isda as soon as they appear. He smiles at Erin. "Thank you." Isda wraps her arms around Gabriel's neck, holding onto him, "Angels do not require sleep. . ." As soon as the protest left her lips, her eyes closed, her head resting on his shoulder as she fell asleep. Gabriel chuckles, "Yes, but you're still a Fledgling, kiddo." he answered the sleeping girl. "Are you sure? Where will you sleep?" He asks Erin.

Hael leaves the room, checking on the Vessel Kellia had used. The woman was still asleep. Hael snaps her fingers, causing a bed to appear, and the woman to be on it. She then covers her up so she'd be warm.

12-31-2016, 06:31 PM
Erin smiled, "There is a couch in the other room if I require sleep. I could always do a spell to keep myself awake though, as I don't normally sleep very much," she looks to Isda, "I would do anything for a child," with that Erin left the room to look for Will and explain to him everything that happened in the past few hours. Pip followed after her like a little puppy waiting for a treat, with his tongue sticking out. "Come on, Pip, let's go,". she ordered.

Grant looked as everyone was leaving the room. "It's weird... being an angel..." he talked to himself for a moment before continuing to attempt to teleport using his angel abilities.

12-31-2016, 10:45 PM
Gabriel nods, then leaves the room, carrying Isda to Erin's room. He lays her on the bed and covers her up, watching with a chuckle as her purple wings unfold and wrap around her. "Rest well, little One." His voice almost a whisper as he turns out the light and leaves.

Hael came back into the room Grant was in, once she had finished checking on the girl. She chuckles slightly, watching Grant try to figure out how to use his wings. "Would you like some help?" She asks him.

12-31-2016, 10:51 PM
Outside of the door, Erin is waiting for Gabriel. "Uh.. I don't know how to say this, but I would like to apologize of the way I was acting. Angels are sort of, kind of, just a little bit.." she bit her lip, "Real. And, I didn't know.." she tried to explain herself, but felt nervous talking to something she didn't believe exist, "And, now I ask for a favor?" she looked down, "Perhaps, if you take away my immortality, I will be able to..." she looked into his eyes, "I want to have a child,".


Grant sighed, "Yeah, I'm not sure how this all works," he sneezed and two powerful set of wings popped out causing him to knock everything off the shelves and table of the kitchen. He then started to feel unbalanced and fell into her arms. He quickly fixed himself, "Now they won't go back in! IN, IN... IN!"

12-31-2016, 11:01 PM
Gabriel nods, and puts a hand on her back, leading her away from the room with the sleeping child. "Let's take a walk. . . " He didn't want to wake up Isda, or Kelia's Vessel. He smiles gently, leading her gently out a back door. Once they get outside, he sighs and sits down, his back against a tree. "You aren't the first to suddenly find themselves face to face with a creature they didn't think existed, Erin. You won't be the last either." His joking and good humor had left. The aura he had now was what one would expect from an Archangel. Though, relaxed. He wasn't upset or angry. "You don't need to apologize." He looks up at the sky, the stars. "I don't know if I can take away your immortality. We aren't all powerful. Despite what people think. But, I could try. At the very least, maybe make it possible for you to have kids."

Hael chuckles and catches him. "Take a deep breath. . . Let's go somewhere where we have room, alright?" She places an arm across his shoulders, and her other hand taking his hand. Within seconds they disappear, reappearing somewhere on the planet, far away from anyone. They stood on a cliff, the ledge a few feet from them. "Perfect." She says with a smile.

01-01-2017, 12:43 AM
She looked at the stars with him, "Thank you," she then let's herself go and fall into his arms. "Do what you can. I don't care the cost," she thought about how hard it had been watching children grow up throughout the years and not being able to have one of her own. This was something she's wanted for a very long time. "Then all I need to do is find someone to help me have my child," she looked up into Gabriel's eyes.

Grant looked over the edge, "Can I fly?" he asked Hael hoping she would give him an answer, but then he lopsided forward. "AHHHHHH-" he screamed as he felt the air pressure underneath him. It was like he was getting lower and lower. Except he wasn't. He stood in place, flapping his wings, and floating next to the edge of the cliff. "OH, GOD SAVE ME!" he didn't open his eyes.

01-01-2017, 03:37 AM
Gabriel chuckles softly as she falls into his arms, catching her. Almost by instinct, his golden wings unfold and wrap around her, as if giving her a place to sit beside him. Protective. He grins lopsided at her comment of needing to find someone, and stares back into her eyes, into her very being. "Is that an offer?" He asked mischievously. He places two gentle fingers on her forehead. His eyes flash blue as power washes over her. Healing her of anything that might be wrong. He then drops his hand back to his side. "No cost, Erin. We aren't demons dealing in deals and souls."

He sighs almost sadly. "I remember when my Siblings actually answered prayers. Back when Dad was around. They've lost their way since. To the point they're killing each other. And there's nothing I can do to stop them. I've been running for so long, I barely remember what Home was like. . ." He drifted off, simply holding her in his arms and wings. He didn't even notice as his hand began stroking her hair, smoothing it away from her face.


Hael had been just about to answer him, when he went over the edge. She steps onto the very edge of the cliff, able to reach him if he needed her, though at the moment he didn't. She chuckles as he cries out. "Father is not here, Brother. But, open your eyes."

01-01-2017, 05:42 PM
Erin felt the power wash over her, the warmth of the angel wings. All of it made her feel very special and comfortable. Like, she was being treated like a queen. Which is what she deep down have been wanting for all this time. She just wants to be loved with tons of family. "Fathers are supposed to keep their children safe. I need to find someone who wouldn't run away when things got hard. I need someone powerful enough to keep their family whole," she closed her eyes to enjoy the warmth.


"Uh.. okay.." he opened his eyes and saw that he was flapping around with ease. He let go of his fear and pushed upward with his wings bursting into the sky. He then, after flying around for a few moments, came back down with a loud thud, even cracking the edge of the cliff. "WOO! That is the most fun I've EVER had,".

01-01-2017, 09:09 PM
Gabriel continued to hold her as she laid her head on his lap. One of his wings under her, the other draped over like a blanket. He stares up at the sky, though doesn't seem to be seeing it. Memories of Home float through his mind. "Dad left us a long time ago. I think he just got tired of all the fighting. Not that I blame him, I ran away too. I never thought about having kids, or being a dad myself. Back home, we were always told we shouldn't. The child would be half human, half Angel. The others thought them abominations. Every one of them were hunted down and killed. . ." He sighs a bit at that. "I don't know who even started that, it wouldn't have been Dad." He realizes he was rambling and stopped. He looks down at her, with a smile. "What about Grant? He loves you a lot, ya know. "


Hael chuckles as he flies about, then takes a step back so he could land on the cliff, next to her. She smiles. "See? It comes naturally." With that, she jumps off the edge, letting herself fall. She stopped, just before she would have hit the ground, then with a few powerful flaps of her wings, she was soaring up to the sky. Come fly with me, Brother. The voice in his mind once more different than hers. But, it was still her. It was in the same language Gabriel had used to command him, but he would find he understood it perfectly. Though, she had no power to command him, it was simply a request.

01-01-2017, 10:48 PM
She looked away, "Grant and I were never meant to be. I always knew that. It could have been fun, he is a child. I want someone who can hold their own ground. Someone like..." she looked to him and blushed, "I.. uh.." she felt weird as she rarely felt flustered. "I don't know how family can turn on each other like that. My father was there, but I wish he hadn't been. I would pray to God for help, but he never came. Not until he sent me," she looked into Gabe's eyes, "You,".


Grant smiled as he went back out into flight. "This is the most fun I've ever had!" he announced before bumping into Hael and forcing himself back to the ground. He took a breath to relax and tried to lift off again... but was stuck. He looked down as a rim of fire was underneath him. He couldn't move or teleport out of it. "What is this craziness?" he looked closer, "It's looks like.. orange, ghost fire,".

"That's exactly what it is!" Verchu said approaching from the distance, "I could find you the second you turned back into an angel. That kind of transformation sent out a ray of power that was easily traceable," she looked up into the air around Hael, "I wouldn't try to stop me, or I'll destroy Grant," she clenched her fist and the fire pit blasted up, burning Grant's arm. As he screamed she laughed, "Holy fire and ghost fire are the same thing! It's the perfect weakness to angels of every kind!" she flickered her free hand and the flames stopped burning Grant, "I just want to talk,".

01-02-2017, 12:59 AM
Gabriel smiles softly as she admitted she thought Chuck had sent him to her. Not that that was out of character of dear old Dad, it sounded like something he would do. He looks into her eyes, studying them. "I don't know what kind of Dad, I'd be, Erin. . ." Besides that, he was concerned about the child. Between the two of them, it would be powerful. A lot of creatures would come after their family. He sighs, mutters a 'fuck it' under his breath, then leans over her, kissing her. Then smiles, "I'd be honored." He whispered into her ear. . .


Hael watches as Grant falls, she moves out of the way of the holy fire, only to be trapped in a circle of her own. Her wings disappear as she stands still in the center. "Do not move, Grant." Her warnings come too late as Erin burns him.

Hael's eyes flash blue and katrin glares, a deadly glare if she were not trapped. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She screams.

01-02-2017, 07:40 PM
Verchu smiles, walking over to Grant's little cage and plants a kiss on him. She turns back to Katrin, "He's mine, don't you forget it. Do you know what happens when a witch of my stature and an angel from your world create a child? It be the most power creature in all the lands. Not only can Grant cure me now... I wouldn't be able to control him, not directly, but I would have a connection over my child. I'd be in control of the most powerful creature on this planet!" she laughed, "I no longer have any need for you," she snapped her fingers.

01-02-2017, 08:06 PM
Katrin continues to glare. Trying to use her anger to hide her fear and hurt.he was never mine. the thought was brief, but Grant could hear thoughts now. A fact she had forgotten. he never was. I wanted him to be, but he wasn't. She keeps her mouth shut as Verchu spoke about the child. Her eyes flash blue as Hael takes control. "Are you so certain that he can?" She asked curiously. But then, a moment later, Verchu snapped her fingers, and she was screaming. The ghost/holy fire circle had shrunk, it began burning her, the closer it came.

01-02-2017, 08:10 PM
"Hael, you can save Katrin if you jump out!" Grant screamed. He didn't want to lose Hael, who ended up being a decent friend, but he couldn't bare the thought of losing Katrin. "The fire won't effect her if she's not an angel," but then Verchu flickered her fingers and the fire died out around Grant as he fell to his knees. "I'll never have your child,". He looked to Hael, "A child like that can't exist, it's too dangerous,".

01-02-2017, 08:18 PM
Hael had already considered that option. She throws her head back, screaming. Much like with Kelia, a strange smoke seemed to leave her, though this time it was light blue. It disipated, though Grant could still see Hael's true form, trapped within the fire. Katrin shakes her head, as if to clear it. Seconds later, she felt herself being thrown out of the circle of fire. "NOOOOO!!!" She screamed.

Now doubly pissed. At Grant for suggesting she simply save herself, at Hael for leaving her, and at Verchu for doing all of this. Running on pure adrenaline, she pulls out her lightsaber, and ignites it. Then, reaching up towards the sky with one hand, she closes her eyes. Mixing the Force with the last trace of Hael's grace left inside her, she calls down rain from the heavens.

It drenches out the fires. But, before Katrin could celebrate this, she was reaching out toward Verchu, attempting to use the Force to throw her back. Then she stalks forward, like a mother bear on the hunt. "That was a very bad move, Erin."

01-02-2017, 08:38 PM
Verchu is threw backwards, but quickly recovers. She stands up, "Little girl, you can't possibly stop me. I'm the strongest witch in all of Zoron! THERE ISN'T ANYONE WHO CAN STO-" with that she dropped to the ground. Grant standing behind her with his angel blade in his hands, "What? A weapon from another world that can harm me? Im-" she was stabbed again. And, again. Over and over until she stopped moving completely.

Grant looked over, his shirt covered in blood splatter. He looked to Katrin, "It had to be done. I had to finish the job." he looked down at the body he once care for, "I hope you can forgive me, Katrin. I didn't want to become the thing I feared the most," he fell to his knees, "Please don't hate me,".

01-02-2017, 08:51 PM
Katrin grins, a scary look for her. There was pure hate, malace in her eyes as they flashed with anger. She simply raises her eyebrow at the threat, "you may be a witch, but I am so much more than a mere Vessel." She said, by way of distracting her as Grant came up behind her.

She kneels in front of the body, looking it over. She doesn't reply to Grant, not right away. Instead, she turns to where Hael was, stalking towards her, angry. She couldn't see the Angel, but she could feel her presence. "If you ever leave me like that again. It'll be the last thing you do." She turns off her lightsaber​ and throws it to the ground, walking away from them both.

Hael doesn't answer, knowing Katrin was still upset. She sighs, then turns her attention to Grant. A gentle hand on his shoulder. Rise, Brother. You need not kneel. at the moment, he was the only one who could see her. Gabriel would be able to, as would Isda, but the others couldn't. Her True Form much taller than the average human. Different. Ethereal. She sighs and looks at Erin's body. She waves her hand and a pire is built, with the woman's body on it. She waves her hand again, salt, and then a fire, cover it. A Hunter's wake.

She then turns back to Grant. I do not condemn you, for what you were forced to do. You were given a choice, between her life, and another's. You did what any of the Angels would do. We are not hero's, we are not perfection. We were created to serve and protect mankind. She smiles lightly. I am honored to call you brother, Thannis.

01-02-2017, 10:06 PM
"Thank you," he said standing back up, "I can't stay here anymore. In a world where I'm forced to kill the person I once loved," he turned to the invisible Hael, "When this is all over, I'm coming with you. Now that I'm angel... you can't stop me from leaving," he smiled, "I need to find Katrin and make sure she is okay," he vanished in that moment, appearing next to Katrin. He watches her for a moment before flying down next to her. "It's okay now. We can all leave together,". He wasn't sure if he truly understand why she was upset.

01-02-2017, 10:32 PM
Hael nods, knowing he would want to leave. you've found your answers. But, you'll find, they were not the family you wanted. he would be in for a huge shock, when they returned. This saddened her. It may be best. . . but he was already gone. She was going to say best if he left Katrin alone for the time being. She picks up the discarded lightsaber, then returns to the bunker.

Katrin had walked quite a ways. Farther than she should have been able to on her own. Now she sat on the ground, against a tree. Hugging her knees to her chest. Looking at her like this, she looked frail. She doesn't look up at him when he begins to talk. Her small form trembling as she cries. "Go away. Go back to Erin. That's who you're meant to be with. That's who you love." Her voice was slightly muffled. "And, next time you want to save me, don't." She never wanted her life placed above anyone's. Not like that. He would remember her request, If something happens, do what you have to. Don't worry about me. Promise! now that he could see her, see into her soul, he would know the truth. That part of her didn't think herself worthy of saving. Never had.

She begins to shake more, as the adrenaline fades. Her body cold. Cold as it was before Hael had healed her. Her fear was easy to feel. Afraid she was returning to how she had been. "Just go." Her voice almost a whisper. Not wanting him to see her like this. Like she had been.

01-02-2017, 11:09 PM
"I didn't chose you. I chose to stop Erin," Grant looks to her chest, "Your infinity necklace will take you back to the base, it works even without Hael's angel powers,". He steps closer when he notices her starting to shake, "Are you okay? What's wrong?" he stepped back when she told him to leave. "I'll go, but let you be warned that I'm simply a call away. I will always be in your prayers, I think, not sure how that works. You can also call me or any other member of the Infinity with the necklace," and with that he was gone.

Back at the base, Will comes out from his nap not sure what is happening. He decides to check out the living room before his mouth drops. There is laying Erin, someone he looked up to, without a shirt as she emerges herself up from under Gabriel's wings. "Not sure to be grossed out, turned on, or to just question how this happened. I didn't even know angels could do... that.."

Erin snaps her fingers to put her clothes back on, "Calm down Will, I haven't been that happy in a long time," she looked to Gabriel, "I hope it worked,".

01-02-2017, 11:48 PM
Katrin doesn't answer him as he leaves, part of her had hoped he wouldn't, but the other did. She wanted to be alone. And yet, alone was scary. She hadn't been truly alone in years. Centuries. She doesn't answer when he asks if she were ok, nor when he tells her she can always call for him.


Hael was waiting for him when he appeared. Give her time. She is scared, and confused. I will go find her, bring her back. She reassures him. She hands him the lightsaber hilt before disappearing. She reappears where Katrin was, and sits next to the girl. "I'm cold Hael." She says simply, not bothering to finish the sentence. Hael sighs, looking her over. I healed you, Katrin, long ago. It will not return. You have my promise. Katrin doesn't answer right away, simply continues to cry. Hael wraps her wings around the girl, comforting her. He loves you, do not push him away. . . . She spoke of Grant, having already seen how much he cared for her. Katrin doesn't answer right away. "He shouldn't." She says after a time.

Hael doesn't answer this comment. She knew how Katrin felt about herself. Nothing in all of the universes had ever been able to change that. And, she had tried. She also knew Grant could hear everything they said. If he were listening. We should return, the others are concerned for you. Katrin looks up at Hael, able to see just a glimpse of her. She was, after all, her true vessel. One of only a few who could hear Hael's true voice, see her true form. She smiles a little. Then, barely above a whisper, "Yes." She says. "That will always be my answer to you, Hael."

A flash of light through the forest, a shockwave of power. Katrin's eyes flashed blue as Hael took control. They disappeared, reappearing back at the bunker.

Right in time to see the same thing Will had.


Gabriel and Erin lay on the floor of the living room. Erin's head on his chest as he held her. His wings covering them. He kisses the top of her head, then chuckles. He was just about to comment that they should probably have gone somewhere more private, when Will took that moment to walk in. He groans, not at all wanting the moment to end, but end it did. He too snaps his fingers, once more fully dressed as he stands. He smirks at Will's comments. "What? Angel's can't have any fun?" He then turns his attention to Erin as she says she hopes it worked. Though, doesn't answer. He couldn't give her one.

Hael rolls her eyes at Gabriel's comments, but doesn't say anything. She laughs at Will. "Well, there is your answer. We both know you were curious, earlier. . ." Yes, the boy had been quite curious. Several different scenarios floating through his mind over the time that Hael had been there.

01-03-2017, 01:58 PM
Grant nodded to Hael as she appeared to show he understood. He steps forward, "We have defeated Verchu!" he announced. Erin smiled and Will cheered. "And, now I have big news. I'm leaving to return to my home land. I have to figure out what happened to me and why I was sent here," he walked over to Will, wrapping his arms around him, "It's okay, Will. I'll come back one day to visit,"

Will pulled away, "Wait, so Erin gets to shack up with some buff angel dude and you're leaving? Who I am supposed to hang out with? Rica Rota? He's barely around! Where is my happy ending?"

"This is an ending," Grant replied, "It's a new start," he looked to Hael. Perhaps, we could bring him along with us for a while until he calms down?. He then looked to Erin, "I'm glad you finally found someone who can make you happy, Erin. You deserve a strong man who can take care of you,". He turned to Hael, but looked deeper inside to Katrin, "It's amazing to find that one person who makes you feel like a completely different person,".

01-03-2017, 06:09 PM
A groggy eyed Isda comes peeking out of Erin's room, wondering what all the commotion was.

Hael nods as Grant explains they were heading back home. She chuckles as Will asks what about him. Of course. Though, I cannot promise his safety. She replies back. Earth was dangerous. Especially now. Bringing "Grant" back, a lot of the angels would be after him. Depending on what the offense was, that caused Thannis to fall. And demons were always eager to get their hands on new angels.

Gabriel walks over to Hael and hugs her. "I'll miss ya, little sis. But, I'm going to stay here. There's nothing left for me back home. You know that. And here, I can have a family." He said this with a huge, childlike grin. He steps back and wraps an arm around Erin, pulling her close to him. He then looks over at Isda, curious as to where she would go.

"I wish to stay. . ." she says in answer. The young girl wasn't keen on going back. Heaven had never been kind to her. She would rather stay with Gabriel, and Erin. Gabriel nods.

Katrin didn't answer Grant as he looked to her and spoke about finding someone. Give her time. Hael answered, quietly. Perhaps, in time, Katrin would be ready. But, for now, the girl was simply hiding.

01-03-2017, 06:24 PM
Erin let herself be pulled in and just enjoy the company of a warm vessel. She then looked back to Grant without letting go of Gabriel, "Thank you. I hope you find happiness in your new home as well," she turned to Will, "I'll miss. I know you never felt like it, but you were always special to me. I'll make sure to keep my eye on you. Be safe," she then looked to Isda, "I'll happily take care of you like I would my own," she looked to her stomach, "Like, I would my own," she repeated.

Grant grabbed ahold of Will and Hael's hand, "Shall we go?"

01-03-2017, 06:29 PM
Hael took Grant's hand, and nodded. The sound of rustling wings could be heard as they disappeared. They didn't know what their future held, but, for the first time in a long time, The Angel and the ever excitable Vessel were full of hope for the future. Yes, this trip to Infinity had been a good idea indeed.

Isda watches them go, then steps over to Erin. She hugs her, then smiles, placing a hand on Erin's stomach. "You will be a good mother." Gabriel looked between Isda and Erin, surprised at the young Angel's words. But sure enough, as he put his hand on Erin's stomach as well, he could sense the new life growing there. He smiles and kisses her gently.

01-03-2017, 06:40 PM
Erin was happy to see Grant go, to finally find his place in the world, but something Isda said changes her entire mindset. "Wait.. am I?" she watched as Gabriel feels for himself. When he kisses her she can't say anything. Just a pure smile of her face. For a moment it's like she's frozen in place. Never to move again. And, then there is a squeal that could likely be heard throughout the entire base. This was the happiest moment of her life!

Infinity - End