View Full Version : (February '17) Prompt #1- "Can you feel the love tonight?"

01-31-2017, 08:40 PM
February's 1st prompt is "Can you feel the love tonight?"

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please visit the The rules and Guideline (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=80942) thread or PM Karma (http://role-player.net/forum/member.php?u=47486).

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02-24-2017, 05:23 AM
I felt the need to give a bit of a header for this one because it was heavily fandom driven dealing with an OC and a canon character. I also took out a verse in the middle of the song due to how the story panned out.

Lion King - Can You Feel the Love Tonight
Fandom- Twilight Saga
Character Focus - Adhara (male OC)
Character Conflict - Adhara and Edward's relationship

There was laughter over the track of the movie and he was part of it, even as a part of him was kind of sad to miss this section of the movie. Jasper picked up on it instantly, meaning Edward was right behind him. Amber eyes were on him as a mischief smile graced that sculpted face. Adhara rolled his eyes. "What? I happen to like this part. Even if it is cheesy." There was a collective, teasing, "ooooh" from the majority there and Adhara gave them all a flat look. "You cannot deny me the hopeless romantic notion of finding a partner in a long term friend here."

"I can see what's happening,"

"He does have a point," Alice voiced, leaning against Jasper. "It is something many wish for."

"And they don't have a clue."

Edward pressed closer, whispering into Adhara's ear, "Do you want me to tell Jessica to hold off on getting a date for prom or do you prefer Angela."

"They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line,"

Adhara shoved him hard enough that the vampire rolled over the arm of the couch and crashed to the floor. The room roared with laughter as Adhara good-heartedly stuck out his tongue at the one on the floor. Edward gave him a cheeky grin in return.

"Our trio's down to two."

Adhara rubbed at his face, the movie loud enough downstairs that he knew exactly where they were at. The memories of fun times with the entire group assaulted him and he fortified his mental shields to keep Edward out. Thank the gods for small miracles.

"The sweet caress of twilight,"

He wanted to be down there with them all, if only to relive those moments. He felt Jasper's ability wrap confidence and ease around him but he brushed it aside. But no matter how much he wanted to relive those memories, she was down there and he was having a hard enough time just sharing classes with her.

"There's magic everywhere,"

She was the reason he was now alone in his doubts. He and Edward had bonded over their own doubts of ever finding love, of ever having a partner through life. They had settled into being two bachelors and that had been a decent compromise. It had even been great.

"And with all this romantic atmosphere,"

At least, until his cousin came to town, leaving him to be the only one doubting love was ever coming for him. After all, how could he find love with what he was?

"Disaster's in the air."

"I'm going to ask her to marry me."

"So many things to tell her,"

Adhara was impressed he was able to not react to that news. He was also impressed that he hadn't managed to collapse. It felt as if his entire body had shut down out of shock. How was he managing to stay standing, let alone appearing calm, was beyond him because he certainly didn't feel calm about this. Though, he didn't feel much of anything at the moment.

"But how to make her see,"

"Oh," he offered but the flicker of emotion on Edward's face told him it had sounded odd to him as well.

"The truth about my past, impossible."

"I want you to be my best man."

"She'd turn away from me."

Adhara had to close his eyes to keep from showing just how much that hurt. When he opened them again, he offered a tight smile, and a tighter, "I can't."

"He's holding back, he's hiding,"

He hadn't even noticed that he hadn't thought of Forks in months till he had caught sight of a familiar head of hair in the crowd. He felt a body press closer to his side in the crowd and he leaned into his roommate even as he came to a stop.

"But what, I can't decide."

Amber eyes met sky blue and Adhara gave himself a moment to take in Edward through the crowd of Pearl Street Mall. It eased some part of him to see that the other appeared to be doing well without him.

"Why won't he be the king I know he is?"

"Adhara?" his other roommate inquired. Adhara turned, ignoring Edward's voice calling for him. He tried not to react physically to the pain that it caused. He shook his head, urging as they lost Edward in the crowd, "Ignore him."

"The king I see inside?"

"I am not leaving until I know you are bandaged and not going to get jumped again!"

"Can you feel the love tonight?"

"And I want you out of my home! God damn it, Edward. You can't just show up unannounced and expect to be welcomed with open arms!"

"The peace the evening brings,"

"And I'm not about to leave when neither of your roommates are here to protect you." The insinuation left Adhara equal parts flabbergasted and enraged. He narrowed his eyes.

"The world, for once, in perfect harmony,"

"Don't you dare insinuate things you have no business dealing with. They're not here because I asked them to disappear for the night so that they would be out of danger." His insinuation was of a different nature but he could see that it hit a nerve in the vamp before him. Good.

"With all its living things."


"Can you feel the love tonight?"

The word was softly spoken, as if Edward had taken the care to pick it and say it. Adhara let the gentle smile show on his face, thumb running over the worn cover of his mother's journal, the thing that had answered so many of his own questions that Edward was unknowingly repeating. "Seriously," he parroted, looking at him. "Apparently, even though I had scent markers, it's nothing like the Quileute pack's imprinting. It's one sided and doesn't even create emotions. They're just scent markers."

"You needn't look too far."

Edward chuckled, the sound vibrating through him where their ribs were pressed against each other. Edward's hand tightened comfortingly around Adhara's. "No wonder you didn't want to be my best man."

"Stealing through the night's uncertainties,"

Adhara shoved him off the balcony, grinning as he heard Edward laugh all the way down to the ground. He looked down at the vampire that had landed in a crouch, unharmed. Edward grinned up at him as he straightened and, if anyone asked when Adhara's world had finally mended itself, he would always point to this moment and tell them that it was when he shoved Edward from the second story balcony.

"Love is where they are."

But, in reality, it was when Edward returned to his side, settling on the edge of the balcony once more with their ribs pressing against each other and the vampire entangled their fingers once more. Cheesy, but it was something Adhara would cherish till his dying day.

03-03-2017, 06:58 AM
Can you feel the love tonight?
Part Two of "The Happiness Box"
( ~ part 1 (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=86025&p=2880127&viewfull=1#post2880127) ~ part 3 (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=86024&p=2880126&viewfull=1#post2880126) ~)

The six of them gathered around the fire, discussing what three of them had seen behind those double doors.

"Well," said Marianna, the dark haired twenty something year old woman, "it seems like all those legends were true. Still, I never expected it to still be working."

"What else would it be doing?" said, Jack, the old man who had seen the actual box, "They made it to outlive its own time. You know the stories yourself."

Marianna snorted. "But with everything else society managed to destroy? This is their legacy? Stupid boxes for stupid people who destroy the world and run and hide from it."

"You need not be so harsh on them, dear." interjected Lacey, older than Marianna by some ten years, "After all, the boxes were around long before that. And they were constructed for a much more noble purpose."

"If you can even call that purpose noble. That's like saying the group was right to kick us all out for 'the goal of not having problems'."

"They did what they had to, as we all do, Marianna."

"Whatever." responded the women, rolling her eyes.

The fire crackled in the middle of the group, and Robert, the teen who had seen the box, took the opportunity to ask his question. "Wait... What was the goal?" He asked tentatively.

Marianna turned towards him. "Do you seriously not know?" she asked, feigning a shock, "It's like practically the most basic legend ever."

"Now, now." Lacey chided, gently"It's not their fault they did not grow up in a good community. It's a wonder they survived at all, all alone. If they only missed a few history lessons, there's nothing wrong with th-"

"Unless they substituted in a bunch of germs." Harvey, the sixth and most irascible member of the group interjected.

Marianna and Lacey stared at him, and the old man smiled to himself. The siblings both found something to look towards: he the fire and she a patch of grass. Both avoided Harvey's fixed stare.

"Now, Harvey," Lacey began, "It was probably simply bad timing that the kids showed up the same time afterwards. And even if it wasn't."

"It wasn't. The kids didn't get-"

"And even if it wasn't" Lacey continued, despite the interruption, "It was bound to happen sooner or later. Besides, we are all here together now, whether we like it or not. And it would be much nicer if we all were kind to one another, since we do have to see each other every morning."

Lacey's tone had been firm, almost commanding, even. Beneath it, Harvey had grumbled in discontent, but would do no more. The circle fell silent. For a moment, it was quite tense. Then, Marianna started whistling, picking out some twigs from her hair and tossing them in the fire as she did so.

By the time she had got out the first three bars, everyone had recognized the song, and the words came into their heads:

Can you feel the love tonight?
Right here, right now
Uniting us, throughout time, throughout space
Right here right now.

What happened past does not matter,
as for tomorrow, its the same
Just feel the love tonight
And forget about the pain

Can you feel the love tonight?
Right here, right now
Uniting us, throughout time, throughout space
Right here right now.

It was an old children's song, and it was rumored to have been sung sometime right before or during the beginning of the Great War by some peace movement or other. If it were so, it obviously did not achieve its effect at the time, as it did not this moment. It did, however, turn the thoughts of some of the members of the group towards the previous conversation.

As Marianna began to approach the refrain for the second time, Lacey stated, "Perhaps they should have figured out how to put love in a box."

Marianna stopped singing and laughed loudly, "Ha! They couldn't even really box happiness. Do you think they could box love?"

Robert said, "But wait, I thought you said that this was a happiness box"

"Well," Marianna rolled her eyes, "That's at least what they called them."

Robert looked confused. Jack turned to the boy, and stated, "Marianna does not believe that the triggering of the parts of the brain related to pleasure constitutes happiness."

Robert turned to Marianna, "You don't?"

"No." the woman stated, "Feeling happy is not the same as being happy."

"Don't you need to feel before you can be? And doesn't feeling lead to being?" Harvey put in, snorting. He was in a really disagreeable mood, and Marianna's song had not made the situation any better. He continued, "After all, you are warm because you feel warm."

Marianna replied, "But warmth isn't a part of me. It's a temporary condition, and therefore the feelings- also temporary- lead to it. But I don't want temporary happiness brought on by fleeting feelings- I want permanent happiness!"

Now it was Harvey's turn to laugh. "As if that's even possible!" he exclaimed.

"Well, the happiness box-" Lacey began.

"The happiness box prevents true happiness!" Marianna interrupted, "Turn it off and the person will be miserable!"

"Of course they will be." Lacey stated, "You took away their happiness."

"But," Marianna argued, "happiness should not be able to be taken away."

"Assuming it's permanent." chuckled Harvey, mocking her.

"True happiness must be permanent." Marianna asserted, gritting her teeth.

"Why?" asked Robert.

His question had been asked out of general interest, and, sensing this, Marianna turned to him, and, her tone softened, spoke, "Why else seek it above all? I mean, you search for comfort, food- all sort of stuff- but for what purpose?"

"To live." interjected Harvey.

Marianna turned and made a face towards him, then turning so that she was addressing the whole group, continued, "But why live? Why not just die- we've all had pains enough, yet we continue to live- and to try to live in a world of pains. And why? To make the world better? For what purpose? For others to find temporary happiness? I think not, for someone striving for others would want something even better for them- a permanent happiness. And as for me myself, I cannot claim so noble a purpose. I just want to find happiness that will consume me more that these temporary things that I know don't last. One that will never, ever let it go away. That's why I live: to find permanent happiness."