View Full Version : Percival 'Percy' Eggingsbaum - Hufflepuff 1st Year

Death of Korzan
02-18-2017, 10:23 AM
Percival fits into the typical Nerd stereotype. He has a pair of taped-up glasses sitting upon his nose, a close cropped head of ashy-blonde hair and a pair of fat, bumbling blue eyes that look too small for his face without his glasses, and far too large with them. His nose is chunky and bulbous at its tip, and his lips - whilst keeping them pursed like his new friend Cary - seem to waiver and quiver when he holds them tight, as though the words within his voicebox are fighting their way out of its confinement. He breathes too heavily and almost always has a blocked up nose - a regular trait within the Eggingsbaum family (though the Family are incredibly new and are only just considered Pure-Blood, as Eggingsbaum has two pairs of Wizarding Grandparents) - which leaves him sniffing a lot.

His Uniform is almost always a mess, though he is only rarely late for class, when running errands for Cary.

Percival 'Percy' Eggingsbaum
11 - 1st Yr - Aquarius

Good-Natured Person
Good Listener
Easy to talk to

Poor Spellcaster
Slightly dim-witted

Name : Percival 'Percy' Eggingsbaum

Gender : Male

Blood Status : Pure-Blood

Age / DOB : February 12th

Current School Year : First Year

House : Hufflepuff

Occupation : Student

Pet: A Cat named Fritz, after Percival's Grandfather Fritz Eggingsbaum.

Appearance : Percival fits into the typical Nerd stereotype. He has a pair of taped-up glasses sitting upon his nose, a close cropped head of ashy-blonde hair and a pair of fat, bumbling blue eyes that look too small for his face without his glasses, and far too large with them. His nose is chunky and bulbous at its tip, and his lips - whilst keeping them pursed like his new friend Cary - seem to waiver and quiver when he holds them tight, as though the words within his voicebox are fighting their way out of its confinement. He breathes too heavily and almost always has a blocked up nose - a regular trait within the Eggingsbaum family (though the Family are incredibly new and are only just considered Pure-Blood, as Eggingsbaum has two pairs of Wizarding Grandparents) - which leaves him sniffing a lot. His Uniform is almost always a mess, though he is only rarely late for class, when running errands for Cary.

Personality : Percival is, at heart, a kind young boy. His American heritage shows through with a largely boisterous persona that is held reserved around his new friends. Whilst he holds the potential to be loud and zany, Percival is quiet and prefers to linger and watch as his new friends find their place within the schools (and the years) hierarchy, Percival preferring to go wherever his friends go. He all but idolises Cary, believing him to be good looking, a powerful spell-caster and a great friend (though often finds himself confused at the lapdog-to-owner like relationship that they hold), and he enjoys the time that he spends with him, though remains upset about how the Sorting Hat sorted him.

Due to the Eggingsbaum's background as a Muggleborn-family-turned-Pure-Blood by time, Percival holds no aversion to Muggleborn Wizards or Muggles in general, and has a favourable outlook on how resourceful and technologically adept the Nomagic peoples are. He gets along with most, and finds difficulty in understanding Cary's disdain for the Nomag's.

However, like all first years, his personality and thought processes could be expected to change due to his experiences and influences that he gains at Hogwarts.

Virtues/Strengths : Good person; Caring; A good listener; Polite; Easy to talk to

Flaws/Weaknesses : Poor spell-caster; Unattractive; Slightly dim-witted.

History : Being born to a fairly new Pure-Blood house (Percival being in the first generation to be considered Pure-Blood by outsiders), Percival found himself in what could only be described as an utterly warm household when he was growing up. Born to two Ilvermorny graduates (a confirmed Seer and a member of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement), Percival moved with his two parents Benny and Shirley Eggingsbaum to England, as they liked to consider themselves 'slightly bohemian, but not madly so' and therefore liked to keep on the move, if only once.

Settling into English life well, young Percival Eggingsbaum made friends with his many Muggle neighbours, never having any incidents of non-wand magic usage (he highlights this as a telltale sign of his lack of spellcasting potential in his more self-depreciating moments) and otherwise behaving much like a normal young boy - if one were to ignore his in-home life, in which his mother spent much of time caring for her Mandrakes, and his father spent his time brewing potions. All in all, his family were caring and loving, and gave him the support that brought him into his kind persona now.

However, worried that their son was at most a Squib - not due to worry that their son would be a muggle, but more so at the possible emotional backlash that their young son might experience if he discovered he would never be a Wizard - Percival's two parents were incredibly pleased when he received an invitation to Hogwarts, his magical ability having been picked up by the Ministry - though it was seemingly in need of being drawn out by careful tuition and practise. Hurrying him through Diagon Alley and to platform 9 and 3/4s, Percival's two parents waved him off as the train to Hogwarts left the station, leaving him in a cabin with a young boy named Cary - whose father was not present as he left for Hogwarts.

Quickly striking up conversation with the quiet young boy Cary, Percival quickly came to like him - as he quickly came to like most people - and decided that seeing as he only knew Cary, he would follow him around until he couldn't any longer, so as to keep himself from getting lonely in the school. After being sorted into Hufflepuff, Percival waited with abated breath as the Sorting Hat was placed upon Cary's head, but after much deliberation on the Hats part, Cary was placed in Slytherin, leaving Percival disappointed and worried about his future after the seeming loss of his new friend. However, Hufflepuff isn't known to be the most welcoming house for no reason, and Percival has found great comfort within their ranks, whilst still managing to maintain his loose friendship with Cary.

Magic Level : 1
Wand : Maple & Griffin Feather, 11'' 1/2, rigid.
Patronus : Wild Boar
Specialities : N/A

For 5/6 yrs: OWL Classes : N/A
For 7 yrs: NEWT Classes :N/A
For Adults: NEWTs earned :N/A

About Percy:

Percival is a bit of an airhead. He is a bad spellcaster, a poor judge of character and a rather below-average student. He makes up for his poor classes for his surprisingly excellent ability in Potions and Magizoology, having been brought up around his parents - who both specialise in each of these Wizarding professions. However, in regards to his other classes, he struggles - not necessarily lagging behind his classmates, just doing poorly in comparison, especially in regards to any classes solely orientated around spellcasting.

In regards to friends, Percival is incredibly easy to befriend, seeing the good natured side to everyone, even if it is nigh-on non-existent. Eager to fit into all the social groups that he can, Percival seeks out validation in whatever form - notably, in regards to his friendship with Caryxander Mordushku, it is usually in the form of running errands for him, and very little of their friendship is spent enjoying their time together; though this seems to escape Percivals mind.

Friends & Family:

Fritz - Familiar (NPC)
Caryxander 'Cary' Mordushku - Friend
Benny Eggingsbaum & Shirley Eggingsbaum - Parents. (NPC)


None yet.


The Start of Term Feast
Percy was - of course, much like all the other First Years - in attendance at the start of term feast. Having hoped that his new friend Cary would be sorted into the same house as he, the boy ended up having his hopes dashed against the rocks as he was sorted into friendly Hufflepuff and Cary was sorted into ambitious, powerful Slytherin.

None Yet.

Looking For:

Percival would go on any adventure with his friends if they asked him to, even if he wouldn't be of much use. He's not necessarily a coward, just very poor with his wand. It would likely only take one of his friends asking him to join them for him to jump into the fray and let his reserved, adventurous side come out.

Specific Plot:

- No specific plots for him, simply due to his nature. If some open up in the main plot I will edit this accordingly.

Thanks to G for the wonderful formatting!