View Full Version : Demon of Stone

10-27-2009, 01:08 PM
Thousands of years ago. the Nation of Belkai, an ancient empire spanning throughout the entire world of Filos. had fought a century long war against the Demon Lord Demi'toloaru and his vast armies of followers and demonic minions. the Blood War as it came to be known and implies, was one of the bloodiest conflicts history has known.

Millions died in the century-long massacre. however, the armies of the Empire drove Demi'toloaru and his forces to the dark corners of the world. fighting in the Battle of Meldora, the last engagement of the war. the almost apocalyptic battle was fought long and hard, ending when eight of the Empire's elite sorcerers gathered to conjure a spell so powerful, that it would seal the Demon Lord for good.

After a battle against Demi'toloaru, the sorcerers managed to seal him within a enchanted stone. after the battle, his prison was moved to the capital city of Corsetti. where he would be buried under and never see the light of day again.


Two Thousand years later, Kingdom of Sevia

Although the threat of Demi'toloaru was mostly erased from the minds of the people of Filos for good. new threats arose as the country of Sevia is torn apart in a civil war between it's king, and a rebel army calling themselves Order of Secrets. their objectives and reasons for this uprising remains unknown to most. however, they seem to have dark motives behind the war, only time will tell.

10-27-2009, 02:08 PM
Kaia fa Traven grew up in the Holy City of Carnea, she was a daughter of a priestess, and when she came of age, she was delivered into the world of the Temple. She was taught the art of healing, of prayer and the Holy Arcane Arts. She was twenty when she was taken to the Servian Capital City of Corsetti. And made an apprentice of the Holy Arts.

Her mistress, Siliana Durei was a firm one, who did not care much for her. Many suspected jealousy, Kaia was blessed with pale, soft creamy skin, raven hair, bright blue eyes. Though such sins were greatly discouraged, there were no She was not as tall as her mistress, but she gained attention from several soldiers and other male guests. However Kaia's vow of purity was held in high honour for her. She did not stray from her vows.

It was a cool day, the sky was cloudy and over cast. Kaia had just finished her morning prayers when Mistress Durei entered the room.
"Come Apprentice, we are needed in the lower quarters for the healing of the soldiers." She said sharply. And without another word, but Kaia knew she must follow her Mistress else be punished.

10-27-2009, 02:58 PM
From a far distance from the city's wall's. a pair of figures who wore large blood red robes stood atop the edge of the hill overlooking the road leading to the city's gates, their hands appeared drained of nourishment, almost to the point seeing the bone past the their pale skin and had long, sharp nails to accommodate the unpleasant aura they give off to others. they both looked to one another, nodding. "The source of the power we've sensed is here....." one of them spoke in a low tone.

"The Master's return is impending." the other spoke. "Our time has finally come to serve him."

"His patience withers with the time we waste." the first said. "We must find the source quickly." the pair soon move onward to the city.

10-28-2009, 12:16 PM
Kaia hurried after her mistress, there was no time to pause or delay. As they walked, the young apprentice was filled in with a few details;
"The soldiers of the South Gate had a scouting mission, however they were ambushed by rogues and thieves. Many are wounded and we are needed to heal the most severe of the wounds." The tone in Mistress Durei's voice instantly told the young woman that her mistress was less that a fan of the idea. The Holy Mother Xiona was the head of the temple, and it was she who decided on who attended what requests. It was well known that Mistress Durei and The Holy Mother did not see eye to eye. Kaia however knew better than to ask. She was to speak when spoken to and was not willing to risk punishment to ask why her mistress was so upset.

It did not take long until the two woman reached the lower levels of the city, The Soldiers were not to be moved, it would worsen their condition, there were at least a dozen men in this one group and not too many were badly wounded luckily. Kaia was pleased to see that at least. She carried the basket containing the various herbs, remedies, bandages and other equipment that the ladies would need for their healing. The Mistress went and spoke to the captain, while Kaia approached the first bed. She shuddered suddenly, getting a bad feeling, nothing certain. But she suddenly felt that something dark was stirring.

10-29-2009, 10:33 AM
As the two cloaked figures approached the Southern Gate. a guard walked up to the pair, "Halt." he said, raising his hand. "State your business." The two looked to one another, whispering something to each other. the guard raised an eyebrow and took a few steps closer to the strangers. however, one of them grabbed his wrist, revealing his bone-like hands. the guard struggled, trying to pull away from the strangers.

As he attempted to call for help. the second one walked behind the soldier, pulled out a sword, and slit his throat. he was set free as he slowly was dying of blood loss. "Shall we move the corpse?" the first asked. the other shaked his head. "No, it matters not if they find this man. we do not intend to remain here any longer. our men await for our arrival" with that, the two proceeded to the gate. pulling out their claws as they scaled up the gate.

A guard near the gate control mechanism above was passing by as he saw the two cloaked strangers appear before him. he moved into a fighting stance as he pointed the edge of his blade at them. with no time wasted, the two attack the man on both sides. one of them moving behind him and pushing him off the edge to his death. "Let's proceed, shall we?"

10-30-2009, 10:48 AM
"So, is there any other injuries aside from your leg?" Kaia asked the soldier in the bed before her, it was her fifth patient so far, her mistress was speaking to the Commander of this unit, it seemed to be a very important.
"Uh, no not really." The young sandy haired guard replied. "Just took an arrow to the calf, but they wrapped it up good..."
The Apprentice priestess looked over the wound, most girls her age paled at the sight of blood, but Kaia kept her calm, she had dealt with blood before, and healing was part of her duties. She looked over the small gash and took water to it, cleaning the blood and dirt from the hole. She poured a drop of healing elixir into the wound and carefully bound it up. The guard winced, as the elixir was known to sting a bit. Kaia smiled at him to give him some reassurance.
"All done." She smiled. He nodded weakly in response. Kaia couldn't shake that feeling of danger lurking.

11-02-2009, 01:00 PM
The strangers walked through the bustling streets of Corsetti. passing through the market district of the city, not giving a glance to passing people as they moved. some felt uneasiness around these cloaked men, others felt frightened at their very presence. it did not matter to them however, all that concerned them was heading to the city's temple. where they will find the key to their master's return.


The strangers stood at the front of the temple's stairs, they looked to one another and walked up the stairs leading to the temple's entrance. halting as one of them grabbed the handle and slammed it to the door several times in a loud manner. "We must search with haste. or risk capture." one of them said."

11-03-2009, 09:03 AM
"Apprentice!" Came the harsh tone of her Mistresses voice, "We shall need further supplies, fetch them from the temple." Kaia paused they needed more supplies? Surely they had enough? She opened her mouth to speak but decided against questioning her orders.
"I.... Yes ma'am." She stated. Keeping her head down she nodded and hurried off with her basket. The Temple was all the way back toward the centre of the City! She sighed to herself as she hurried back. If she dawdled then she'd be in great trouble.

It did not take long for her to reach the grand temple, she approached the grand stairs and was surprised to see the doors had been fully closed. She frowned, that only happened when there was a ceremony... but there were none scheduled today....
Kaia approached carefully, she eased the door open quietly, perhaps they had the door closed for a good reason? She looked around and so far saw nothing. She slid the door shut and hurried down the hall. Suddenly voices! Hushed whispers she did not recognize, she paused and backed against the wall.

11-04-2009, 02:11 AM
The Holy Mother Xiona and two Holy Knights stood in the way of the strangers. knowing clearly of their plans. "I know why you've come." she spoke in a stern tone. "And your plans are in vain, foul creatures."

They both laughed in low demonic tones. "Our master is expecting us. move aside if you wish to live woman."

The Holy Mother and knights cringed at the strangers laughter. with a mixture of fear, and disgust. Holy Mother Xiona shook her head and glared at the pair. "Foul creatures...... you will never find what you seek. leave this holy place now! or I shall have the guards escort you..."

One of them laughed once more, and clapped his disfigured hands. in the instant, the two holy knights drew their swords, but not to the intruders. one of them grabbed the holy mother, holding her hands behind her back, and covering her mouth, the second moved in a combat stand and held the tip of his sword at the holy mother's throat. "We would not come unprepared...." One of them said. "For our men managed to infiltrated your ranks."

"You are no longer in a position to threaten us." the other said, looking to the false knights. "Keep watch of her as we search for the key.."

11-05-2009, 06:00 AM
Kaia's eyes widened in shock, intruders! And they had the Holy Mother! The young apprentice bit her lower lip to avoid making too much noise.
She should attack them! But it was hardly an option, as she was outnumbered and could not defeat them.
Perhaps fleeing for help? No, she couldn't leave the Holy Mother at the hands of these... cretins.
There had to be something...
Curiousity was a sin and one her Mistress had tried to beat out of her. However if she knew what they were looking for... then perhaps she could stop them? Yes... that may just work! She looked around the corner carefully, the 'guards' were shuffling the Holy Mother into a separate room, seemingly to not be discovered by passers by. Kaia bit her lip again as the door closed, and stepped out, her slippers making almost no sound on the marble floor. She hurried after the cloaked intruders as they searched for this... 'key'. Whatever it was she had to find it before they did...

11-29-2009, 05:42 AM
Are we still going with this one? I hope so...

11-29-2009, 07:03 PM
((Sorry about that))

The Intruders then walked down to another door. one that is chained and would normally be guarded at all times, never to let anyone in. however, the door is now left unguarded, and one of them raised his sword and chattered the chains in one slash. "We must secure the master before his resurrection." one of them said. "Shall we proceed then, brother?"

11-30-2009, 03:31 AM
(that's ok, if you're finding it hard to think of stuff let me know what you'd like to do with it so we can get to the interesting bit, cos I really like the premise. :D )

Kaia gasped, she watched the cloaked man slash the chains. She had to do something!! She couldn't just stand and watch! She looked down and held the pendant around her neck, it was the pendant her she had been given by her mother when she had begun her apprenticeship and priestess training. She hid it beneath her shirt and closed her eyes, concentrating she used what power she had and summoned it to the surface. She ran out to the strangers, stopping just behind them, a ball of light grasped within her hands.
"Stop!" she cried, "By the order of the Goddess and the Holy Mother, you must return from whence you came and leave this place at once!" She wasn't sure what she was doing, but this had to be better than nothing... surely. She just hoped it didn't back fire.

12-03-2009, 03:06 AM
The two men turned to face kaia with their faces obscured by their hoods. however she would clearly see how disfigured these poor creatures were. they both stared at the young woman for a brief period of time. before long, the knight imposters appeared behind kaia. "Shall we stuff this one away as well?" one of the knights asked.

"Do as you wish." one of the cloaked men replied.

As the two were moved in to grab her. the other cloaked man raised his hand. "Wait....I sense something within this girl." he walked up to her to take a closer look. he turned back to the other one and a grin. "Brother, this girl is what've been searching for years. the key."

12-03-2009, 04:25 AM
The young apprentice gasped as she was grabbed from behind, struggling proved futile as her magic dissipated, her concentration interrupted. She cried out and wriggled as she tried to free herself but to no avail... She closed her eyes, ready to feel cold metal slice through her skin when she heard a voice,
"Wait....I sense something within this girl." she opened her eyes briefly to see the man approaching carefully, he looked at her closely as she tried to pull away. After a moment a smile crossed his features as he turned back to the other cloaked figure, "Brother, this girl is what've been searching for all these years. The key." Kaia's eyes widened, they wanted to use her in their plans? She would have no part of it! Yet.. her curiosity got the better of her once more...
"W-what Key?" Kaia asked hesitantly, "What business have you here?" she was trying to do the noble thing, but she was afraid. She didn't want to die.

12-03-2009, 04:32 AM
"If you must know." the cloaked man in front of kaia said. "You are the key to resurrection of our dark lord and master. Demi'toloaru."

"For generations we, the Cult of Blood, have endlessly searched the key to his return." The other said. "And that time has finally arrived. we truly are the blessed generation......bring her to the tomb! Demi'toloaru's hour has come!"

12-03-2009, 05:49 AM
The name sounded familiar... Demi'tolaru... where had she-- no... no way. It couldn't be.... not the... the Stone Demon?? The one the 1st Holy
Mother had sealed away?!
"N-no.... th-the demon? Y-You can't!!" her voice quaked, fearfully, "Y-you... if you release him, he will bring about the world's destruction! You're mad! You can't do this!!!" her pitch had gotten higher, she was now shouting at him, "You mustn't release him!!" She was quickly silenced however by the grumpy looking guards hand shoved over her mouth. She was led deeper into the temple, and down into the depths where she was forbidden to enter previously, the path was lit by several torches, but still Kaia shivered, the place seemed foreboding and more frightening the further they went. Finally when they had reached their destination, Kaia was dropped on the floor with a loud 'thud', her hands free she pulled away the gag placed there by the 'guard'. "Please, you must stop this!!" she cried, "He will kill us all!!"

12-18-2009, 09:08 AM
"The time has finally come at last!" one of them shouted spreading out his arms at the large stone with various runes craved on the surface. "Let us begin the ritual, brother!" they both begun chanting in a different language not commonly heard of for the people of Sevia. Ancient Belkain.

The Large stone begun trembling and the runes glowed of demonic green. One of the cloaked men turned and looked at one of the guards, he nodded and handed him over a large sword. one of them then slowy apporached. "Brother, resume the ritual. all that it requires is the blood of an innocent and pure."

((Sorry it took so long))

12-18-2009, 11:29 AM
Kaia's eyes widened, Her blood that was the blood they meant, she tried to pull back, struggle against the man that held her, she pulled back and tried to run, get some distance between her and them.
"No!" She screamed, one of the cloak swathed men approached with a large ceremonial blade, she struggled harder, "No!! You're mad! You're insane!" she cried as she was dragged closer, "Let me go!!!"

She gasped as she felt the knife graze her skin slicing the skin, she was held by the statue, her blood leaking down onto the stone of the statue. She whimpered in pain, her mouth being held shut as she was held. She could feel something from within the stone, it ebbed and pulsed, she shivered and struggled again. But the blood flowed from her body weakening her with every minute. She didn't know how long she could last...

(It's ok, I can't wait to crack the Demon out! :P)

12-21-2009, 05:22 AM
The stone was soon glowed in a dark red aura as the pluses grew stronger. the grow surrounding it glowed as well with an almost blinding light. "Release her!" one of the cloaked men ordered the guard. he complied and pulled kaia away from the stone and forced her on her knees as cracks began to form.

"Oh mighty dread lord! Demi'tolaru! we wait no more!" both brothers went on their knees and bowed as the stone broke in two. smoke filled the air as a tall figure (http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/Fantasy/Character-753.jpg) was seen and stepped forward. he was clad in dark armor, long white slickly hair, his skin color had a hint of light brown and had two wide horns. he crossed his arms before his minions. "I've waited millennia for this....and waited long enough.."

01-08-2010, 03:48 AM
The young girl cowered back as the tall figure broke forth from the stone of which had held him. A fire seemed to glow from within; like he had just stepped out from hell itself. The dark armour bore markings that made no sense to her, his gaze was steely and his voice powerful. He was frightening, but Kaia could not help but look away, she had never seen anything like him before in her life. Something about him drew her gaze and she could not fight it. As she stood there, shaking, she could feel his gaze as he looked about the room, almost like it were like water brushing over her, some kind of force.... It was... intriguing... She stood stock still as his gaze moved, almost hoping if she didn't move he wouldn't see her... But her mouth got the best of her,
"Oh gods...." She whispered in dismay... surely now they would all die.... All of them killed by this demon's powerful might.... She held her hands together and began to pray, for her mother, father and the town in which she was born. She prayed for the innocents in the world to be saved. Then she felt his gaze on her.

01-30-2010, 05:06 AM
Demi'tolaru focused his gaze on the young girl for a moment and went on his knee to her level. "Who is this girl?" he asked, his eyes still fixed upon kaia. one of the cloaked men approached the demon lord from his left side kneeling before him. "My lord. it was she who guaranteed your release."

"I see..." he said, sensing the power within that cracked the stone. "What of my armies....and my generals. what are their fates?" he asked.

the cloaked man rose up. "I fear...they've been lost long ago." he replied. "Your once might blood legions are no more......however, we've managed to create it anew with your followers."

"Mortal's hmm....it will have to do."

"Shall we dispose of her, my lord?"

"No." he quickly replied. "We shall bring her with us."

"But...my lord.."

"Do as your command." he turned to the cloaked man with power in his voice, his eyes glowing crimson.

"O-o-of course..." he bowed shaking, wishing to anger him no longer. then turned to the guards, "Keep watch of her as we return to camp."

01-30-2010, 06:44 AM
Kaia felt the whole world around her fall silent as she locked eyes with the Demon Lord himself. She couldn't move, or think or breathe for those few seconds. He was certainly less grotesque than she had expected. In fact he merely looked like a handsome man in dark armour, albeit there were horns protruding from his head, but still, he was not the monster she had been told of. But still he was powerful, and a deadly threat to this world. He was the Harbringer of Destruction. And He would render this world in flames. The scriptures foretold of his mighty power and that he would waste the world as she knew it.
He moved away and she did not put up a fight as the goon grabbed her. She was still in a state of shock. The Demon was released! He was free to wander the world and do as he wished. And it was all her fault! The mistress Durei would surely beat her again. If her mistress was not killed.... She recalled the minion saying that that his armies were weak! If she could warn someone then.... She looked around, there was no way to tell where she was, or which way was out. She would be lost if she managed to get free now. They were taking her through underground passages, and if she saw the camp she could escape from there and then tell the Preistesses details about the camp so she could help! This way she could be of use.

Suddenly she felt the goons hand brush her bum, she blushed and kicked and hit him as hard as she could in retaliation,
"You deviant scum!! Touch me like that again and I'll turn you inside out!!!" She cried in anger. How dare he!!