View Full Version : [M]The Stoner's Guide to the Real World

10-27-2009, 07:51 PM
Rated M for Sex, Drugs, Language, Potentially offensive content, and anything else that isn't outlawed by RPA rules.

Alright, this is like, the eighty-millionth time I've tried, but I've got a good feeling about it this time. Just give me a bit to finish up.


Have you ever smoked before? Anything? If no, have you ever been to an awesome party? Have you ever done anything amazing before realizing that several hundred people in the world somewhere must have done it before you? Not fun, huh? But here's your chance to stand out. As much as a walking piece of decaying organic matter can at least. Have you ever heard of super powers? Yeah, there we go. I'm sure you've wanted some of those powers at least once in your life. So I say again, here's your chance.

Pot! The miracle plant! No, no, no.... Not the crap you're undoubtedly thinking of right now. I'm talking about the real stuff. Red, blue, and never green. It gives you certain....powers. Sure, you can say we had to've been smoking our own product to believe that. But who cares if we are? At least we're happy. At least we aren't simple tools of the government's system! They know we aren't too. They'd want nothing less than to lock us up and throw away the key. Sometimes they get us, most other times they fail. In an epic way.

My point is, that there's a better life waiting for you in the real world. Outside the system they set up to try and control us. You know it's out there now, so why not join us there? It's that, or search through that crappy store you don't like for more useless crap you don't need.

Chapter One: Run! It's the Feds! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN8AeMvAnLo)

It's the first big party your town has had in forever. "Be at the cemetery, Ten O'clock" they tell you. They say it's going to be a great party. Live music, good drinks, good company, and most importantly, drugs. The things on the list that get you there are your deal, but one of them caught your eye. One of them convinced you to walk to that cemetery. Little did you know, this would be a life changing event for you. Little did you know, you were going to meet some real stoners at this party.

Note from the Author; This is where you get your powers, this is where you learn the basics of being a stoner. The powers normally come into play around page two of the game, so they arrive pretty damn quick. Anyways, I ramble. Here's the character sheet for Chapter One.

Name and/or Alias:
Gender: He, She, or Shim. I only ask because I had one in my game before. Good entertainment value that one had.
Power wanted: This is the power you want, not your character, you. Stoners don't always get the power they want. Keep that in mind when writing this guy up. The only banned powers are mental ones(Pot doesn't much help the brain), Invincibility type powers, and time altering powers. I reserve the right to add to this list.
Background: How have you been wasting your life/being a productive member of society until this party?

Feel free to post your character sheets when your done. I doubt I'll have to deny anyone, but it's happened before. Now, time for the rules.


1. Use common sense. If you think it's going to piss someone off, don't do it. Not using common sense is a punishable offense here.
2. Use more common sense. If you're carrying a sword to a party, you'd better make your character commit seppuku, because I won't have that shit unless you have the best reason ever.
3. This is a comedy, act like it! my first batch of stoners was a group of happy elementals, my second batch was a group of mostly insane stoners with happiness issues. Sometimes things are going to get serious though, and when that happens, please react accordingly.
4. Keep it fun! If you aren't having a good time, then someone's doing something wrong.
5. If you vanish and hold up the rp without telling me what's going on, you're going out a window. I don't care if you're in a submarine, your character's taking a swim.

The Van

The van is the bus. Why do we call the bus the van? Because we do. It's the center of our mobile lifestyle. Here's the description.

The front is a sealed off cabin with two seats and two doors. One door is the entrance, the other leads to the other sections of the two floor bus. Section one is the living room. You've got a pair of sofas, a coffee table, and your electronics setup. A 52" tv that takes up the wall, a sound system with wireless speakers, several game systems and games, and a broken pile of computer parts that belong to Nash. For the detail oriented, the TV is on the left, the sofas and a pair of small windows are on the right.

Section two is also on the first floor. It's a kitchen/bar/munchie haven. Just about anything needed for eating is in here. As long as anything means old uneaten junkfood and beer in the fridge. There's an oven, blender, microwave, and whatever else that needs to be in there. For the extremely detail obsessed, the crapper is in the back, located across from the staircase.

Section three is the Bunk area. There are four bunk beds along the upstairs wall. The bottom beds get window views. There really isn't much to say about this section. Aside from the wall that people assume to be the front of the bus. If pushed on, it reveals the secret section four.

Section four is a hydroponic growing room. At any given time, it's growing up to fifty specimens. In the middle, is a couch and cabinet that the pipes, tubes, and sun lamps were built around. This is Axel's couch. To touch it is normally to die. From fire. And knives. And whatever else is sitting around the bus. And that's it Stoners! Our home on wheels.

10-27-2009, 07:53 PM
The Wanted List

Yeah. Here's your hall of infamy.

Alias: Crypes
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Appearance: I decided to go with a new picture this time.http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1784/stoner.jpg
Power: Metalhead, metalmancy, metalbending, whatever you want to call it.
Background: He's one of the few stoners that discovered pot on his own. No one to guide him to the path, no one to keep him from fucking up. Over the last six years he's learned a lot of shit about surviving in the real world, and a lot about how little people know about the world around them. So, being fed up of telling newbies what's what, he decided to make The Stoner's Guide to the Real World. Just because.

Wanted for: Destruction/theft of Public, Private, and Federal Property. Murder of 500+ Federal agents, civilians, and police officers.
Arms dealing, Drug trafficing, terroristic activities, and theft of government secrets.

Name: Nash Wilder
Gender: Male, though Crypes tends to drop comments about him being otherwise.
Age: 23
Appearance: http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/7444/17579634.jpg
Power: None. But fair warning, he's a technomancer.
Background: A comic book geek, gamer, and computer fiend. He's also short, hyper, and a mad genius. He spent most of his life inventing the most insane pieces of technology the world has ever seen. He's not famous, but his tech is. He still makes large amounts of money from his inventing days.

Wanted for: Destruction/theft of Public, Private, and Federal property.
Murder of 200+ Federal agents and police officers.
Arms Dealing, terroristic activities, and theft of government secrets.

Alias: Axel
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Appearance: Pretty much it, minus the ears and a little more stoney...http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa202/Pwnedtheif/1240041332060.jpg

Power: Pyro, Pyrotechnic, Hothead, Whatever.
Background: Been smoking pot for as long as he can remember, and with all this pot that was maybe 5-10 years ago.
Hating feds, growing pot, and partying is all he knows. His life revolves around his friends and strings of the finest herb can can grow.

After 2-3 years chilling with his best friend Crypes on a road trip, He decided to take his own path for a few months and party with some outcasts.

He didn't make many friends on this "road trip" so he found himself making his way back to his friends and their van to cause some more hell to the system, and fuck some more lives up!

Wanted for: Destruction/theft of Public, Private, and Federal property.
2000+ counts of arson.
Murder of 800+ Federal agents, police officers, and unknown amount of civilians.
Arms Dealing, Drug trafficing, terroristic activities, and theft of government secrets.

10-27-2009, 07:54 PM
The Guide

This. Is the guide. Some day, it will tell you everything you need to know about the world and where you fit in it. Today, it's a mostly blank e-book.
Hey, I'm working on it, alright? Just gimme a bit..... I forgot to back up the most recent copy when RPA switched over.


Acid-heads; Insanity is their game, if they're lost they're good. Sometimes words don't cover it, and Acid-heads know that experience is the greatest teacher. All of them have their own reasons and desires, but all Acid-heads agree that acid goes great with the ganja.

Alcohol; It's a wonderful substance that there needs to be more of in the world.

Aliens; We call them the Asguard in the spirit of upholding a bit of truth from the Stargate universe. They don't seem to mind it either. It's believed by most stoners that they're the ones that brought the first pot plants to our planet. The way the little gray dudes act is proof enough to me. They have blank expressions on their faces, stare into space a lot, and are a bit over eager to shove a probe where the sun don't shine. If you're lucky enough to be on good terms with them you can find out that they host the most chill stoner shacks this side of the Milky Way. In person.

They have mental powers, so don't screw with them.

Amsterdam; Yeah yeah, "Weed is legal there!" Well not ours. They don't care where you go. The feds find that smoking the real deal is against the law wherever you go.


No current entries under "B"


Casters; Casters are stoners with mastery of their chosen power. They can do anything with their power short of exchanging it for another power. It's unknown how to become a caster, but be patient stoners! Someone has to find out someday!

Cows; Never touch the cows. Ever! Some stoners got the idea that hiding out on old abandoned farms were good ideas. Therefor the government turned most local cows into pot sensing time bombs. Chuck a rock at one, I dare you.

Crack and ect; Stoners never take what most normal people call "Hardcore" drugs. They fuck with our powers, and have light radioactive signatures when examined closely enough. If you value your genitals, stay the hell away.


Dark Clanners: These are the psychotic, murderous, and downright disturbing stoners. They range from Berserkers to Vampires.

Darkies; Darkies can basically control that half of everything that isn't bright. No one knows what it is they actually control, because the ability to control an area without a certain frequency of energy seems a bit silly. But it's undeniably effective. Darkies can basically turn shadows into solid objects, and animate those items to a certain extent. The object still has to retain it's original shape while the stoner is manipulating it, however.

Death; We currently have several researchers looking for a way to find out what it is and how to come back after visiting. Nothing yet.


Electro-Stoners; If it wasn't obvious, Electro-Stoners control electricity. They can basically make it do whatever it is they want. Surge, jump, and as usual for stoners controlling elements, make their element more or less appear from nowhere. A note for the newbies.... You aren't casters. So trying to turn yourselves into electricity is a very bad idea if you've just gotten your powers. Can you say, electric without the chair?

Electricity; According to Electro Stoners, electricity is a magical but normally invisible force. Sorry to tell you, but that physics course you may or may not have taken lied to you. It's not protons and electrons interacting or whatever.

Elemental Stoners; Elemental stoners are the most common in the world. Basically they control nature in one form or another. The ones I know about now are Electros, Lightbulbs, Darkies, Rocks, Floaters, Hotheads, Snowballs, Metalheads, Fans, and Gardeners. See their entries for more info.


Feds; Federal agents. They're the Anti-Stoners. Well armed with the latest technology and stoner powers, they're the most dangerous enemies we have. They believe that powers like ours should be tightly regulated and controlled, so they kill off as many stoners as they like, and take the rest prisoner for experiments and mind wiping. It's a fate worse than death. They won't show you any mercy whatsoever, so don't give them any either.


Horks; Psychotic eating machines believed to grow inside fat people before reaching maturity. These bizarre lizard creatures eat from the moment the pop from the stomach until the moment they die. It's one of these little bastards that ate our last guide, the one that wasn't backed up....

Lightbulbs; I'm not talking appliances here, lightbulbs are the opposites of the darkies. There are a number of similarities that they share with hotheads, but the differences are obvious as well. They control light, and to a lesser extent, heat. They typically fight with lasers.


Phunktoms; Are bitches. Grey-black, creepy shadowy critters who take the piss and drive you mad. Imagine tripping, seeing gremlins or the Kool-aid guy or whatever. Pretty sweet, right? Now imagine them turning inside out, bursting into flames and withering before your eyes. If you're lucky, they'll already be black and spectral, but it they want to play games, they'll disguise themselves. They're not bad, per se, just tricky and vicious. Watch for a grey haze over the air around them.


Side effects; Every power typically comes with a side effect. With the power to control fire, there may come the immunity to heat. With the power of Transformation could come the ability to talk to what you turn into. The side effect depends on the power, in any situation. The side effect is always the lesser half of the power. For example, when you can turn into a bird and control wind, your power sure as hell isn't the ability to become the bird. That's your side effect.


Weed; I skipped straight past the other sections, just to get to this entry. Weed is the source of all our powers. Without it, we'd be just more normal people trying to fit into the system. There are hundreds of possible powers it can grant, with some rarer and more powerful than the others. This is the plant of legend. In appearance it's very similar to the stuff you find highschool students with. The major difference is the coloring. The real weed has a variety of colors ranging from red to blue, but never green. The first experience smoking it is often mind blowing, though unique in each stoner. The only way to describe the first experience and not have to make up words is saying, "Woah."

No one knows how it got here, and most genuine stoners don't care. It gives us powers. That's all most of us really need to know.

10-27-2009, 08:07 PM
I wanted to join this before the site upgrade, but was unable to get running on the site. I know that before the change, you were ready to start. If you would let me I would love to submit a sheet tonight when I get home from work. I think this a great idea and would love to be a part of it.

10-27-2009, 08:21 PM
I turn no man, or woman, down until they harsh the mellow! You haven't done that yet, so you're cool to post.

The Gypsy Queen
10-28-2009, 01:09 AM
Is the empathy power still okay? It is kind of mental but more based on emotions... just wondering.

10-28-2009, 04:30 AM
Yeah. Empathy is still fine. Now my only issue is finding more people to play. Oh, and slight change in case you hadn't noticed. We don't start with powers this time around.

10-28-2009, 05:33 AM
Name and/or Alias: Barry Burkowitz/Geek
Gender: Just some dude.
Age: 38
Appearance: Before becoming a stoner: http://media.photobucket.com/image/jeff%20bridges%20in%20tron/zeeb13/vlcsnap-192836.jpg

After becoming a stoner: http://www.starstore.com/acatalog/FP2059-Big_lebowski_The_Dud.jpg

Power wanted: Can build anything out of anything. As long as it’s a bong.(If you would prefer something a little more useful, and less silly, I will go with the ability to pass through solid objects)

Background: Barry was born into your typical middle class family. His father worked as a used car salesman while his mother worked as a cashier in a pharmacy. Life for Barry was quite normal and boring. He attended school but mostly kept to himself.

One day, when he was eight, his father gave him a Spider Man comic book. He read it cover to cover and immediately started to imagine what life would be like with super powers. He began to spend all of his allowance money on comic books and his collection started to grow.

In high school he discovered Dungeons and Dragons. Already immersed in the fantasy world of super heroes, Barry quickly grew to love the game. Because of his hobbies his schoolwork suffered and he never became anything more than an average student, though he did have to repeat a few classes. When he turned sixteen, Barry got a part time job at the local gas station. All the money he made there was spent on his comic book and D&D addiction.

By the time he turned nineteen, having finally graduated from high school, he had amassed a rather large comic collection. As well as a multitude of Dungeons and Dragons accessories. Borrowing money from his parents, Barry rented a small building and opened a comic store. To this day, Barry is still running the shop. He manages to make enough to live on and has no life whatsoever. He spends literally every minute of his life in the comic shop, and uses the loft above it to sleep in. Any free time Barry has is spent either reading comics, or playing D&D online.

As I’m sure you could guess, Barry was never a hit with the ladies. He did have a girlfriend for a time in his twenties. Her name was Sarah, and they were together for a year. In the end it didn’t work out. Barry just couldn’t be with someone who thought that the Avengers could beat the X-Men in a fight.

Barry has never done drugs before.

I hope this is okay. You didn’t say if you wanted us to know about the party in our bio, so I left it for now. If there’s anything you want me to change, let me know.

10-28-2009, 05:44 AM
Oh, dude. You're good. As for the powers? Take them both. In real life, I have a variant on your first one. I can turn nearly anything into a bong. Unless that's what you meant. Oh yeah, I need to work you in somehow. I'm thinking my character/characters drop in on your shop give you an invite while they're there. I'm a bit of a D&D junkie myself, and it would explain why you're there.

The Gypsy Queen
10-28-2009, 05:57 AM
I know of at least one other guy who wants to play, and he should have his character up soon. Thanks!

Name/Alias: Ceri O’Mally/The Queen

Age: 23

Gender: Female


Possessions: Always carries her shoulder strap book bag and her iPod. Carries a small glass pipe she affectionately calls the Mushroom (due to its shape and color) and a few cheap lighters. She is also usually carrying some kind of craft, for example, yarn and knitting needles.

Power: Empathy – the power to feel what others feel, and to conversely make them feel anything else. Ceri can manipulate the feelings of anyone within a small radius of herself (twenty feet on a good day) to her benefit, short of causing them to seriously harm themselves. On the flipside, Ceri has a difficult time in places associated with high emotion; movie theaters, casinos or race tracks, most sporting events, weddings, and funerals. Crowds can also make her behave in odd ways. For example, if caught at the mall on a busy Saturday, Ceri will feel the intense need to buy things. Finally, any intense feeling may debilitate Ceri. Contrary to the serious overtones, Ceri’s power is more often than not a source of amusement, as she is often the unwitting recipient of all kinds of awkward emotions.

History: Ceri comes from a long line of ne’er-do-wells. Her mother was a hippie, and her mother a bohemian, and her mother a gypsy, so the vagabond trait in her is strong. In spite of her long history of bad behavior, truancy, and the general flouting of authority, Ceri was a very clever child and loved to learn. As she reached adulthood she was a wealth of useless knowledge. She’d been in college for five years, flat refusing to complete her degree plan, when she started smoking regularly when. She was encouraged by Bob, a long time friend. Naturally charismatic and social, Ceri is always at the heart of the party. She is a born performer and loves to be the center of attention, and with her five years of college and gypsy fortune telling, she often is. So when word about a huge party in the cemetery spread, she simply couldn’t resist

10-28-2009, 06:02 AM
Thank you. Looking forward to this starting.

For how you were going to work in the charcter I was kind of thinking along the same lines. Was thinking that someone had come in the shop and asked ot put up a flyer for the party. But I like yours better,

With the power, yea that's more or less it. I was thinking he could make a bong out of literally anything. It's kind of like he has become great at constructing things, but the only thing he can build is a bong. MacGyver for stoners. Going to be a lot of fun to write.

Pope Jako III
10-28-2009, 01:52 PM
hey my bad on that i was trying to get on this one for bit now but i joind at the same time as a server update or something like that and its been a pain to get to get mack on. if youre still taking players i'd still love to join

10-28-2009, 02:55 PM
Undoubtedly I'm still taking characters. Sign up! Bring your friends! Bring all one hundred something members if you can! I'm being a bit overly dramatic, but it basically means you're in.

Pope Jako III
10-28-2009, 10:19 PM
in that case
Name/Alias: Bob Makihara/ Zule/ The War Pope

catch phrase: Zule Motherfucker Zule!

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Power wanted: wind manipulation or Incorporeal

Appearance: http://i.realone.com/assets/rn/img/5/2/1/5/15235125-15235128-slarge.jpg

Possessions: always has a zippo on him and a pocket knife( for practicle porposes not for combat) and his favored mode of trasport a radial engin motorcycle, seriously he loves that bike, and a travel pack with a sleeping bag and some munchies in it

History: Bob grew up in jamaca and has such always been exposed to weed one day his second cousin came to him saying he had found possibly the best weed in the world. Bob having heard this claim numerous times was skepticle but decided what the hell, good weed and came along to try some. and thus began Bob's trip down stoner life. Bob is naturtally acrobatic he was the state champion in ceoporia. bob is also a good surfer and a naturally good swimmer.

10-29-2009, 12:27 AM
Good aside from one thing. You aren't supposed to have powers yet. Just change that little bit and we're good.

Pope Jako III
10-29-2009, 02:01 AM

10-30-2009, 02:19 AM
Alright. I'm taking a plane trip tonight, as such, the game won't be up for a day or so. But you're good. My next post here will be from Arizona!

The Gypsy Queen
10-30-2009, 02:27 AM
See you soon... have a good flight. :D

10-30-2009, 04:36 PM
Dang it... Had to make a new account for this shite, Crypes, I'll repost my charrie and a definition of Drifters ASAP.

10-30-2009, 08:18 PM
Name and/or Alias: Christopher “Toph” Robin
Gender: Him
Age: I would like 16 or 17, but I can bump it if you need me to.
Appearance: http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/9080/idelhands033db1.png
Power wanted: All Chris wants to do is to just be invisible.
Background: Being a complete loser has its benefits. For instance, you can play FIFA Soccer 09 all day, and get really good at crossing. That’s about all I can come up with.

Chris was born in Connecticut, and was immediately diagnosed with many allergies and ailments. Asthma has plagued him since he was a young lad, something that made life in general tough for him.

He’s been an introvert for nearly all of his life, only coming out of his room for food, to go to the bathroom, and for the rare days he actually does something. At least he’s an expert at video soccer and cheesy B-quality horror movies.

First began smoking to get out of the norm. Eating and sleeping are his two favorite activities, so naturally weed became a huge part of his life at a young age. Took up acid after a while, rarely ever does it now.

Decided to actually get into the loop of having friends and a social life. Though almost all attempts have failed for this miserable nervous wreck, he’s found some solitude with his only friend. His chameleon named Potzilla, Zilla for short.

11-01-2009, 04:09 AM
Alright, your character is good too.

Now, the IC goes up as soon as I have stable internet. Right now I'm at my cousin's, so the expected time of internet arrival sits around the 9th. Then I'll set ground rules, epicness, and so forth. See you soon, Stoners.

11-01-2009, 10:51 AM
Name and/or Alias: Billie Shakes
Gender: she
Appearance: http://mad-madam-mimm.deviantart.com/art/Billie-Shakes-The-colours-134468503
Power wanted: "Drifting" AKA Levitation
Background: Billie vaguely remembers being an English literature honour student. She roughly recalls getting a scholarship at a prestigious uni... she definately remembers some guy introducing her to weed... and then it all gets a bit hazy. Now, she's on the streets, with a bizarre nervous tick which makes her quote shakespeare without realising she's doing it. She can't remember much about her life but she can recite 90% of Shakespeare's life work from memory. She used this to her advantage, performing on the street for spare change, but just when she thought she had a system down, and could maybe even save up to get herself into a hostel... she met Crypes. Crypes showed her some of his "special" stash... and boy, was it special. It blew her mind, and she freaked. So she grabbed a handful, engough for about 5 spliffs, and legged it. She just needed to figure the stuff out, was all. Now she's trying to track him down, to pay back her debt and do right by him.

Guide Entry: Drifters. Not that "born to walk alone" kind. Drifters are stoners who have an agreement with Gravity. They don't bother it, it doesn't bother them. Some other guide said there was a "knack" to flying. You sort of throw yourself at the ground and miss. Well, this is kind of the same, except you basically get so stoned that, when you trip (no pun intended), you don't know which way you're supposed to fall so you just float up. Well, there's sometimes more dignity than that but it really depends on the drifter in question.

11-03-2009, 08:19 AM
Name and/or Alias: Maynard (named after the singer of Tool) Alias: N/A
Gender: He
Age: 46
Appearance: http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i22/crazyhippie777/l_c485a9c032ab4326a9ff512f5f8769ab.jpg

Maynard carries himself with an obvious weight on his shoulders, the bags around his eyes tell stories of the things they have seen. He has tattoos of no apparent meaning all up and down his arms, as well as his legs and up around the bottom part of his chest, as well as a uniquely drawn eye on his chest. His shoulder length blond hair usually covers his bright blue eyes, and around his neck is a large hemp necklace with a hand carved wooden tiki man tied around it. He carries a large hemp backpack with him, and his casual attire is very big and thick jeens and band-tees, usually covered up by thick military jackets.
Power wanted: Maynard can control kinetic energy - the speed that atoms bounce off of eachother - and can use it to create physical energy that can be used for a variety or uses, depending on Maynard's level of fucked-up-ness. However, this energy has to come from somewhere, so as he uses it his body temperature drops. Hallucinogenic drugs also affect him rather... Unpredictably.
Background: Maynard was raised in a military family, was raised and educated in West Point academy. He was already in his thirties and a Sergeant in the United States army when a routine stop at Hawaii changed his life. Maynard surfed for the first time in his entire life, and, for no reason at all, a large storm quickly threw the ocean into dismay and Maynard was washed away. He has described it as "the most beautiful display of pure serenity instantaneously devoured by chaos". He was gone for a little less than five years, and with no family left alive, and no friends outside of the military, was considered dead. Maynard is back now, and nobody knows about his past. Possibly not even him. The only thing Maynard brought back with him was his craving for hallucinogenic drugs and their mind-opening capabilities. These trips into other dimensions and his lifetime of experience left Maynard a very wise soul, but with little to say. He is somewhat introverted, but always curious and inquisitive. He now enjoys psycho-therapy, and uses his drugs to learn more about himself, and the world around, but at the cost of his very sanity.


Guide Entry: Acid-head. Insanity is their game, if they're lost they're good. Sometimes words don't cover it, and Acid-heads know that experience is the greatest teacher. All of them have their own reasons and desires, but all Acid-heads agree that acid goes great with the ganja.

11-03-2009, 08:10 PM
Alright. I'll splice in the guide entries you've submitted and have the IC up in a short while. Oh, and the hippie is approved.

First post starts a bit before the party. Make your way there and the fun is soon to begin.

The Gypsy Queen
11-04-2009, 04:18 AM
This is so funny. My bro is about to put his first post in the ic and I went to hand him the laptop and said,

"Here's the Stoner game." and he said,

"Wait. Let me load this bowl."

We both stopped and realized the irony and burst out laughing.

11-04-2009, 11:31 PM
Name and/or Alias: Garth Nigripes

Gender: Male


Appearance: Six feet by four inches, Brown hair that goes just below his ears. Dark brown eyes, often wearing glasses. Usually wears simple jeans and T-shirts. Wears a Pendant that was received as an Heirloom from his uncle.

Power wanted: (Audiohead) The ability to control the movement, intensity and direction of sound. This can range from simply making something seem louder(or muted), to making a crappy pair of headphone speakers fill an orchestra dome with music. Sounds cannot be made out of nothing however, and only alters the sound which already exists.

Background: Garth was born in Southeast Canada, his mother was a stay at home wife whilst his father was the CEO of a medium sized computing company called Indigo-Sun Systems. On Garth's fourth birthday he awoke to the blinding sirens of an ambulance. Somebody was being taken to the hospital, he got out of bed and stepped into the hallway, just in time for him to see his father being hauled onto a stretcher into the ambulance. Their house had been broken into and his father killed after trying to stop the crook, his mother, the thief, and Garth's family were gone. That day Garth was already on a plane to Oklahoma USA where his uncle lived, his uncle was a modest man who had a small fortune set up after years of working. This is where Garth has spent his life until at 18 years old he sets off for college. College where many young men often try their first taste of bud, and Garth was no different. Having been coerced by some of the local stoners in the town he quickly went through the path of stonership. A couple of years went by and his uncle finally passed away, because his uncle had no son Garth inherited what was left of his uncle's small fortune(His uncle, a modest man and a charitable one) left college and headed off to find something to do with his life.

(TL:DR No family, about 130 thousand bucks moving from place to place looking for stuff to do)

11-05-2009, 12:27 AM
Works for me. Welcome aboard.

11-05-2009, 07:17 PM
To any mods that just so happen to be stalking around, I say sorry for the double post.

To all the Newbie stoners, keep in mind. Your first actual toke will be TRIPPY. So think up some insane acid inspired piece of craziness. That's the one thing I always forget to say in the beginning.....Ah well. I said it, I did it, all is well.

The Gypsy Queen
11-05-2009, 07:18 PM
I so already have an idea!

11-05-2009, 11:02 PM
I kinda wish I'd made a newbie stoner, just to have a first trip post again. Writing that stuff was cool.

Yeah, Mimm needs to learn to read all the previous posts before replying. There's a little speed gap, but it's no biggie.

11-05-2009, 11:22 PM
I'm still gonna have an elaborate trip for my first time smoking the special stuff. I'm glad I planted my character in the middle of the graveyard, now I just wait for the party to come to me :]

11-05-2009, 11:25 PM
My character hasn't smoked much, being a shut in and all, so he'll probably trip a lot as well.

In all honesty, he might cry. :P

11-05-2009, 11:32 PM
Crying? Ohoooh, no. Crying would be getting off lightly. We're talking blurring the boundaries of reality here, get imaginative!

(Sorry, I think I'm getting a little too excited about this RP... no joke, though, it is possibly my all-time favourite. Jeezus, Crypes, I think I'm turning into a Stoner's Guide fangirl XD)

11-06-2009, 12:33 AM
Crying's just a joke. If I saw anyone ever smoke weed and cry from something other than tears of joy, they would be drop-kicked in the mouth within seconds by Peter Gabriel.

11-06-2009, 01:06 AM
Or Snoop Dog.

The Gypsy Queen
11-06-2009, 01:29 AM
lol I haven't made up my mind on what kind of trip an empath would have... riding the emotions of a huge party... geez that would be wild.

11-06-2009, 01:39 AM
Once I had a trip when I though I was surrounded by those moon dudes from Aquateen Hungerforce. See, I was trying to make up for missing 4/20, this led to that.....

And I was suddenly surrounded by pixel clones.

This is the kinda stuff I wish I was joking about at times.

The Gypsy Queen
11-06-2009, 01:51 AM
It seems like my trips all have a theme about small things. First time, I watched the universe expand from infinitely small to huge, and for every fraction of a centimeter it expanded, it left a copy of itself behind, so there were universes within universes.

Then came the particle people.

I've had these trips about these particle people always expanding their culture, and my most recent trip was about them suffering under a facist dictatorship and I was trying to help them with a coup.

Wish I was kidding. It was crazy.

11-06-2009, 03:41 PM
She isn't kidding, but she may be half crazy ;)

Yeah, and I totally apologize for just walking up to your bus under that pretense, but I couldn't think of any other reason that I could get for going to a graveyard without writing another wall-o-text.

I've had a trip where an other-worldly being was explaining that I was going to die shortly, and all the people in the room with me were just actors in some out of time dieing process.

11-06-2009, 10:13 PM
Hah! Epic. Most replied on and most viewed topic in the mature ICC. Kinda gives me the warm fuzzies, how about you guys?

11-06-2009, 10:15 PM
I have a gigantic pot full of chili next to me, that gets me pretty warm inside. But I guess having the most popular topic so far is good enough too.

The Gypsy Queen
11-06-2009, 10:22 PM
Hee hee. We rock.

11-07-2009, 05:18 PM
Soon I say, will the important shit go down! But I just need to wait for the right moment. Something tells me we're almost there.

11-07-2009, 05:19 PM
Indeed we do, stoners unite! And dyslexics untie!

I was going to color everyone verbal talkings in my posts but all the colors are glaring, and all the muted tones are hard to read against the default background. So it's back to the searching text for you (evil)

11-07-2009, 06:38 PM
Does your villainy know no bounds?

11-07-2009, 09:51 PM

11-07-2009, 10:27 PM
S'true. We're only this popular 'cos of his evil. Watch him carefully, with shifty eyes.

The Gypsy Queen
11-08-2009, 02:56 AM
*watches carefully with shifty eyes* Will he do a trick?

11-08-2009, 05:56 AM
No but I will.

[insert script='me juggaling']

11-08-2009, 01:05 PM
Hey guys, wanna see something cool?


Pikshas!! Will work my way through the other charries, if you want?

11-08-2009, 04:15 PM

Those rock!

Me next! Me next!

The Gypsy Queen
11-08-2009, 04:30 PM
Do want! Please? They are loverly.

11-08-2009, 05:39 PM
Do want.

11-08-2009, 10:39 PM
Excellent pics. Me too please!!

The Gypsy Queen
11-08-2009, 10:59 PM
Okay I have to ask, Madam Mim. Wtf is Nash doing in that pic? It's totally awesome and he looks epic... I just can't figure out what he's doing, which is clearly my bad. Please explain to the silly person?

11-08-2009, 11:38 PM
Hah! Epic as always. And I'd guess Nash is fixing something.... Probably.

The Gypsy Queen
11-09-2009, 03:30 AM
I'm dying of anticipation!

11-09-2009, 09:24 AM
soldering some shit onto a circuit board.

Yeah, I know lots about technology [/sarcasm][/phail]

And looks like it's all about to kick off in the IC. yaaay!

11-09-2009, 11:32 AM
double posting! Shhh!



I'm just going through these in the order you posted your profiles. So have patience, I'll eventually have the whole crew.

The Gypsy Queen
11-09-2009, 04:05 PM
XD Awesomeness! I am officially your fan now, Madam Mim.

11-09-2009, 07:25 PM
I'm just so excited! *dancer*

11-09-2009, 07:36 PM
An' I just can't hide it!
I'm about to lose control an' I think I like it!

The Gypsy Queen
11-09-2009, 07:36 PM
Hurray! Singing! :dance:

11-09-2009, 07:50 PM
The more I think about it, the more I think that I'm gonna have alot of fun with this RP. I hope it doesn't get cancer and die!

11-09-2009, 09:23 PM
You and me both, man....

11-10-2009, 01:11 AM
Man, I'll give it intensive chemo if I have to. We'll kill it, and revive it.

Magic I say!

The Gypsy Queen
11-10-2009, 01:46 AM
Necromancy! Back, foul demon!

11-10-2009, 01:51 AM
Oh shit! Zombie stoners!

The Gypsy Queen
11-10-2009, 01:52 AM
O.O Oh my god. They have like, uber munchies. We're all gonna die.

11-10-2009, 02:21 AM
"Duuuude, can you pass your head? I got the munchies."

"Heheheh, fuck man. You're high...."

"C'mon! I don't wanna get off the couch!"

Great, see what you guys did? Now I have to work it into the game! Here's hoping they don't do what my friend Ben did while he was on an extacy trip.

"Hungry.....Arm....." *starts eating own arm*

We thought it was funny until he ripped a chunk out....

The Gypsy Queen
11-10-2009, 02:23 AM
O.o Oh my. Go forth, Crypes my man, I am ready to get my powers and f*** some shit up. :D



11-10-2009, 10:22 AM
New Guide contribution!!! Yay! I'm helpful.

Phunktoms... Are bitches. Grey-black, creepy shadowy critters who take the piss and drive you mad. Imagine tripping, seeing gremlins or the Kool-aid guy or whatever. Pretty sweet, right? Now imagine them turning inside out, bursting into flames and withering before your eyes. If you're lucky, they'll already be black and spectral, but it they want to play games, they'll disguise themselves. They're not bad, per se, just tricky and vicious. Watch for a grey haze over the air around them.

Also, I'm greatly in favour of zombie stoners.

The Gypsy Queen
11-10-2009, 07:02 PM
Nevermind, I'm silly.

11-11-2009, 12:22 AM
Holy god, I didn't expect so many posts in so little time. I'll get one in tonight.

11-11-2009, 02:32 AM
Just so everyone knows, the scream I hear is Ceri's not mine. Just in case I wasn't clear, didn't really read through what I wrote ;P

Also, Empaths trippin balls on super weed /=/ when I'm trippin balls on super weed ;P

The Gypsy Queen
11-11-2009, 02:35 AM
Lol she's just feeling it right now, just wait till she wakes up.

11-11-2009, 04:40 AM
Alright, my buddy Axel is going to be joining us here on the forum. He's been a stoner since the very first game, so give him some respect. He's the co-creator.

C'mon! Let's give him a welcome!

The Gypsy Queen
11-11-2009, 04:41 AM
Hurray! Welcome Axel! Have a doobie.

11-11-2009, 07:03 AM
I jumped on the computer as soon as we got to my friend's house -hurr-

11-11-2009, 10:18 AM
Woot, welcome Axel!

And yah, I'm pretty sure I dreamt about this rp last night... is that weird?

11-11-2009, 10:20 AM
Welcome aboard Axel. Looks like you need another bong hit.

The Gypsy Queen
11-11-2009, 04:44 PM
Madam Mim, that may be just a little weird. I figure it's okay though, everyone's posts have been so good I'm been running for the computer all the time to see what happens next.

11-12-2009, 03:51 AM
I haven't slept yet -_-;

11-12-2009, 05:21 AM
Okay that sucked... but i can finally post my char thank god...

Name and/or Alias: Axel
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Appearance: Pretty much it, minus the ears and a little more stoney... the only good analog i can find without taking a picture of myself and posting it xD.
Power wanted: Pyro, Pyrotechnic, w/e you call it, go watch FMA, Flame alchemist kind of shit.
Background: Been smoking pot for as long as he can remember, and with all this pot that was mby 5-10 years ago.
Hating feds, growing pot, and partying is all he knows. His life revolves around his friends and his strings of the finest herb wan can grow.

After 2-3 years chilling with his best freind crypes on a road trip, He decided to take his own path for a few months and party with some out cast's.
He did not make many freinds on this "road trip" so he found himself making his way back to his freinds and there van to cause some more hell to the system, and fuck some more lives up!.

11-13-2009, 01:17 AM
Alright, you're good. Your crappy grammar is forgiven due to the fact that you have scripting as a primary language.

11-13-2009, 01:27 AM
Still any spots open? Very interested, also Gypsy queen, Pope Jako, and one crazy hippie told me to join.

The Gypsy Queen
11-13-2009, 01:28 AM
Kyuu! You terrible, wonderful person! *glomp*

11-13-2009, 01:34 AM
Whats so bad about me? hmmmmm?

The Gypsy Queen
11-13-2009, 01:40 AM
You're just now joining the party, that's what. *pout*

11-13-2009, 01:48 AM
Ah, it happens; what can I say.

11-13-2009, 01:31 PM
Alright, you're good. Your crappy grammar is forgiven due to the fact that you have scripting as a primary language.

why thanks very much, got allot of shit to do.... so sorry if i don't post as much. you know my sleep cycle, and my insomnia.... and obsessive caffeine overdoses.

11-13-2009, 06:00 PM
Because of personal problems I'm going to have to drop from this and focus on Naz's RP. Sorry, I just can't keep up right now.

11-13-2009, 11:26 PM
Aww, that's too bad, man. We'll miss ya.

The Gypsy Queen
11-13-2009, 11:26 PM
Yeah, seriously. Good luck.

11-14-2009, 12:59 AM
Alright, to Kyuukitsuki I say that you arrived a single day too late. Unless someone can think of a way to work him in. Otherwise, you're still welcome to join us for chapter two when it arrives.

To Steam? Suckish, but not entirely unexpected. Everyone has their own lives, and everyone's had to drop an rp or two. You're welcome back for the second chapter too.

And Axel? Good luck with the shit you've gotta due. Oh, and off topic, you got the Crowbar server up?

For everyone else, please know that I'm going to be updating shit on the first page. Check back regularly.

11-14-2009, 03:12 AM
Gypsy Queen Help me, I need to be worked in by your awesomeness... I could be a hitch hiker... or something on that line.

11-14-2009, 03:20 AM
Name and/or Alias: Crazy Hair
Gender: Male
Appearance: Crazy Hair is a Cheyenne Dog soldier. He is tall and very tone, he has long black hair and Tattoo's running up the length of his arm in wolves. He is a full blood Native American. Crazy Hair wears
Power wanted: When Crazy Hair needs to relax or hunt he drinks a special peyote tea, or has a bite or two of a special salad, when the adrenaline hits his blood stream he swears up and down he becomes more animal like Transforming into a bird or wolf.
Background: Crazy Hair has always been a bit of a loner, he was born into one of the most cut off tribes in Arizona. Still deep in native beliefs Crazy Hair but he also believes that there is more out there than his own little town and began walking where ever his spirit guides tell him.

11-14-2009, 03:26 AM
Wait? Deep rooted Indian? Alright. You can be a hitchhiker who already has powers. I haven't put up a guide entry for indians yet, but I intended to make them out as the original stoners. The guys high up in the tribe being the only ones allowed to toke on the peace pipe with the special herb. There we go. I worked you in. Now just wait for the rest of us to stop bashing feds before you post. Oh, and finishing your character couldn't hurt. You can hook up with us while we're fleeing the scene.

The Gypsy Queen
11-14-2009, 03:31 AM
Well there you have it.

11-16-2009, 11:20 PM
Sorry, there was a storm and the Internet went down... just came back up today, sorry if it seemed like i dropped from the RP.

11-17-2009, 10:39 AM

More pics! And I may redo Ceri at some point because I'm not fully content with that one. BUt how do you draw empathy?

11-17-2009, 03:15 PM
They came out great!

The Gypsy Queen
11-17-2009, 04:44 PM
Of course you can redo Ceri. I thought the first one was great but I see your point... how DO you draw empathy?

Perhaps if she was just being the center of attention? She's a brat like that.

11-18-2009, 04:30 AM
I finally took off my shoes from a fourteen hour day expecting to read some new posts!

What the heck peeps.

The Gypsy Queen
11-18-2009, 05:17 AM
bah. You are not allowed to talk mr. no posts for a long time. jk lol

11-18-2009, 06:47 AM
In case there was any confusion regarding my post in the IC, Maynard is also on the bus. He followed Ceri in like a drone. He was tripping with Navi.

The Gypsy Queen
11-18-2009, 01:28 PM
That was nice. I lol'ed.

11-18-2009, 04:36 PM
aye, just finished 2 papers, sorry been a wee bit AFK

11-19-2009, 01:26 PM
Here you go Crypes the intro theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN8AeMvAnLo

11-19-2009, 01:37 PM
god damn my internet and its evil ness... please ignore this post as it randomly posted.... again.

11-20-2009, 02:37 AM
Alright, thanks. Sorry for being gone the last two-three days. I've been busy. All our furniture and shit finally arrived and I've been fucking beat after moving it out.

11-22-2009, 08:05 PM
I know how it is man.

11-22-2009, 11:05 PM
Yeah, Busy busy. I swear I've meant to post but the internet is gone at the house I've been at lately.

11-24-2009, 09:50 PM
And then there was post!

It's Aliiiiiive!!!

The Gypsy Queen
11-25-2009, 12:42 AM

11-25-2009, 10:59 AM
Huzzah! *fanfare*

The Gypsy Queen
11-27-2009, 02:26 AM
Happy Thanksgiving, fellow stoners. May your munchies be yummy, your drink be sweet, and your mellow un-harshed. I take a toke for you.

11-27-2009, 03:01 AM

May the smoking and drinking continue for many years! *Hic*

Maybe I should've laid off on the brew a little bit....

Ah well. Happy Thanksgiving!

11-27-2009, 06:55 AM
Since I am Canadian, Thanksgiving was last month for me. But Happy Turkey Day all the same. And for the record, I prefer the American Holiday. Love having NFL games on a Thursday.

11-27-2009, 02:17 PM
I am English, so on thanksgiving I usually go "Oh shite... yeah, sorry 'bout that."

BUt happy turkey day, american stoners.

12-15-2009, 01:11 AM
Alright. Quick update for the faithful. I'm ending chapter one, at long last. I'll be putting up the final post, and submitting the topic for the hall of fame! Chapter two will be around sooner or later. No idea actually. Eventually might be a bit strong of a word, but whatever. See you sooner or later, stoners.

The Gypsy Queen
12-15-2009, 01:16 AM
Rock on. *waves*

12-15-2009, 05:39 AM
Looking forward to it

12-16-2009, 05:06 AM
This is being sent to the hall of fame! Congrats guys!