View Full Version : Battle for Lifewave

11-15-2010, 11:57 PM
Six months have passed since the war had been officially declared, and in the first hours, the Imperial Military had already begun mass deployment of available forces outside Centian Space. several fleets had been sent out to combat many Consortium attacks that have reported in the Unaffiliated Territories. many systems were under siege by the combined fleets of the Consortium allies.

For the months passing, the war had mostly been fought outside the borders of the two powers, the battlegrounds being of former neutral worlds. and so far, it goes badly for the imperials as the new technology provided by NeiCorp, as well as the combined forces proves too much for the Empire's forces as they are slowly forced back to Imperial Space.

When the expeditionary forces returned, paralyzing fear soon gripped the people of the border worlds as the threat of a Consortium attack forever loomed their minds.

And soon those fears would become reality.


Battle for Lifewave
Chapter 1: Surprise Attack

It was a bright sunny morning on the border world of Ariah III, most of the inhabitants had just awakened hours after, tending to their own schedules and goals of the day, and despite the thoughts of a Consortium Attack, they went on their morning as usual.

Elsewhere far off the edge of the system, a series of multiple flashes flickered in the deep darkness of space. a hundred and twenty vessels had existed out of FTL jumps, all of various classes and all with a painted on symbol (http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/flag-4.jpg)of the Sakari Consortium. at the head of the fleet was a blade-shaped vessel.

From the Bridge of the Consortium Flagship, the Bane (http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/Ships/Starship-1439.jpg), an extremely corpulent Neimoidian (http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/Aliens/alien-252.png) dressed in a blue military dress walking towards the end of a catwalk, looking out into the small blue dot that was Ariah III.

"Sir." a Kasara Officer said as he approached behind the neimodian, give a salute. "All ships are reporting green and are standing by on your orders."

The Neimdian turned to the officer with a sinister grin on his face. "Excellent, begin the assault."

Fox Xalian
11-16-2010, 04:06 PM
Just outside the outerrim of the Lifewave galaxy two small ships, a interceptor and a personal transport, drop out of hyperspace. This was the furtherest fro m Alliance space these ships, and indeed any Alliance vessel, had been since; well since before the Alliance was formed. The interceptor, a single seat Valkynaz-class interceptor, a military variant of the civilian Markynaz escort fighter, was just a head of the 4 man Xilivai-class personal command ship. The interceptor was being flown by High Commander Siapa Kalnima, a verteran pilot, and former mining colony transport pilot. He was in command of this expadtionary force. "I have a small planet on my scope, looks like a small attack fleet around it" he said. His daughter, Lucine Kalnima, the pilot of the command ship, which she built, and named, the Skystriker checked her radar. "There isn't much else out here, we have no choise, we are running low on fuel and supplies" she said. Siapa sighed. "Okay prepare for landing, and prepare to be captured to, we go peacefully" he said. Lucine lpooked back in her ship. She only had two ther people with her, her sister-in-law, Sora, and a young sniper, whos name she had forgotten. "Okay you two, get ready,. we may either land unhindered, or be captured" she said. "Let me guess, we go quietly, no explosions and no shooting, stabbing, chocking or killing in any way shape or form" Sora said. Lucine nodded and followed he rfather towards the planets surface, right past the ships.

11-20-2010, 09:44 PM
Elsewhere in orbit of Ariah III, a small detached five-ship Battlegroup (http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/Ships/Starship-2073.jpg) from the Defense Fleet was on routine patrol, and was about to leave the planet's orbit until sirens went off.

Aboard the lead battleship and flagship, the Ishimu, the sirens went off, the Commander in charge of the planet's defense rushed into the bridge immediately. "What the Hell's going on?" he demanded.

"Commander, we've picked up multiple hyperspace signatures in the system."

"And? are they hostile or not?"

"Definitely Consortium, sir...and they're moving fast!"

"Damn it...alert the rest of the fleet. we'll hold them off from here as long as we can."


The Consortium Invasion Fleet made it's strike, and moved in full speed to engage. in the moments of of the fleet's deployment, hundreds of fighters, shuttles, and various other craft launched from all the hangers in an attempt to disrupt any proper organization from the imperial forces, while protect the transports carrying the ground troops.

Following them behind was a raider squadron of five Shi'ari Warships (http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/Ships/Starship-496.jpg), three gunships, one beam frigate and one star cruiser.

Back on the Bane, the Neimodian Commander grinned in glee as he had victory already within his grasps.