View Full Version : (M) The Treasure of the Lost Mountains IC (bluemoon x Siks apocy RP) (M)

12-12-2017, 11:32 PM
Live for tomorrow and reap the riches of yesterday.

In the Pacific Northwest of America, a colony of survivors eke out a living in the tucked away town of Carousel. Built upon ruins, the small shanty town barely warrants a star on any map. There is little symmetry to its design with buildings of clay, tin, and wood placed haphazardly along the dusty lanes in an eclectic fashion. Homes are shared, as safety comes in numbers and their numbers are small. As in all towns, there is a central hub, the area where people come together to vie their goods, trade, and celebrate. It is within this area of commerce that the story begins--in a dilapidated tin shed, barely standing and featuring home brewed moonshine, ale, and mead.


The Crazy Coyote was busy that evening, most tables filled to capacity and a haze of smoke choking the fetid space. In one corner a card game was in session, the participants laughing and smacking the table with enthusiasm as they called for more ale. Everyone was talking, joking, sharing stories--the level of noise leaving a hum in the air. A lone harmonica player stood at one corner of the bar playing a tune that no one heard--his gnarled fingers tapping a beat on the wooden surface of the bar. Liddie, the bar-keep, stood behind the bar, her full figure swaying to and fro as she tried to keep up with the demand.

It was in the other corner, farthest from the door, that Ezra-Rayne sat and observed the activity, her booted feet occupying the chair opposite hers. She gulped the last of her moonshine from a smoky glass and pushed at the contents of a stew which sat before her, uneaten, the glop barely edible and the meaty contents unknown. She rose a bit unsteadily, pushing her chair in, and made her way to the bar for another. Raising her hand to get Liddie's attention, she was surprised to see the barkeep's eyes suddenly widen in shock as she turned towards the door.

"The Jackal has entered the Coyote," Liddie stammered barely above a whisper.

Ez managed to read her lips, but scrunched up her face in confusion. She turned to see what had startled the woman and noticed the tall shadow that filled the entranceway. It was the cowboy hat and long coat that gave him away. None other than Jackal Lawless, she thought. His reputation preceded him in most towns and Carousel was not an exception. Ez, feigning disinterest, took her drink from Liddie, the woman's mouth now hanging agape as she stared at the newcomer, and returned to her table. She sipped her drink, trying to pace herself and laughing inwardly at the quiet that came over the bar as the man entered. She observed him, peering over her glass as he spoke to Liddie. To her surprise, the barkeep pointed in her direction and he began making his way over to her.

12-13-2017, 12:41 AM
Another day in Ragged America and another reason to find a way to a better life. Jackal had just entered Carousel acting on the information that a skilled tracker was living in town. Someone verse in the wastes and crazy enough to chase after a myth, but more importantly cheap enough for the out of work vigilante to bring on with the few copper or steel chips he had left to his name.

Her name was Ezra-Rayne Bastian, she was extremely rough around the edges from what he's heard about her, but she was a skilled Tracker and Scavenger. He knew his way around the wilds sure, but he's never been a Scavenger or a Hunter and someone with those skills would be more valuable out in the wilds around what was left of America than some soft-spoken scholar.

People moved out of his way as he moved towards the Crazy Coyote bar. Carousel wasn't a small place, but if society has taught him one thing it's that life will always gather around places that sell alcohol. And many revolutions begin the same way, as he pushed the door open and glared around the bar no one looked him in the eye nor did they move to even acknowledge his existence. But the bartender Liddie was the one who told him Ms. Bastian hangs around the Coyote most days she's not out scavving. And as the woman pointed the tracker out Jackal removed his hat and moved to Ez's table placing his hat down on it studying her closely she was pretty, but also wild looking...she would do.

"Ms. Bastian I presume?" He asked straightening his hair some waiting for her answer.

12-13-2017, 01:43 AM
Ez watched the vigilante approach, noting his gait, or rather his saunter, as he made his way to her table. His direct stare was piercing and she had to force herself to return it, taking in his long blonde hair before focusing on his face. By candlelight, his eyes were striking, the cold grey color hiding his emotions--if he even had any left after his experiences in Durcell. Rumor had it he had killed hundreds of men after being ratted out by a lover. He had done this single-handed, without remorse--all in one night. Like that's possible, she doubted.

By force of will, she pulled her gaze away, looking past him to the bar. Liddie was staring, as she expected, and Ez narrowed her eyes and glared at her. He spoke, his voice low and penetrating. Damn it, what has Lid gotten me into now? she wondered.

"Hmmm..." she responded softly, "I guess that depends, Mr. Lawless, on what you're looking after." She raised her eyebrows at him in question, almost suggestively, before pushing back a stray patch of hair that was hanging in her face. Her eyes went to his hand that was raking through his hair, tracking the movement. She felt the room spin and her head began to ache. I'm drunk, damn it. This is not the time.

"Sit down...please...before I break my neck looking up." She pushed the chair across from her out to him with her foot, moving the disgusting stew and his hat to the side of the table. "Everyone calls me Ez--I suppose you should too."

12-13-2017, 02:20 AM
Jackal nodded slowly, she spoke quite professionally for someone he was told is just a junkman with tits. Maybe traveling with her wouldn't be such an annoyance. He moved the chair back a little more and sat himself down waving his hand for Liddie to bring him some whiskey. He didn't drink much, it makes a man stupid and makes his thirst greater, but protocols like hiring a traveling companion require they share a drink at least once to seal the deal.

He took note of her almost suggestive tone logging the option away for later. The nights do get cold out in the Wastes, but he was here for a far more important reason. Waiting for Liddie to bring him the drink he watched her closely his gaze making her more uncomfortable with each step. She placed the small glass of dark amber colored liquid and scurried as quickly as she could back behind the safety of her bar. He sniffed the drink and could feel his eyes watering, he knew it was gonna burn like gasoline, but maybe it would be a good burn.

Lifting the glass he took a small sip hmming gently. It was a mix between a good burn and a bad one and one that told him this would be his only drink.
"Well then I guess you might as well call me Jackal...Ez." He placed his glass down and leaned back in the chair is long legs stretching out across the floor. He had to adjust his pistol belt a little, but soon he was comfortable enough to begin discussion. "Our nervous mutual friend over there tells me you're one of the best Trackers and Scavvers in Carousel is that true? And if it is what are some of the biggest or most valuable claims you've found?" He had heard about a few of the woman's exploits from Liddie and other townspeople, but he always believed the best information comes right from the horse's mouth as it were.

12-13-2017, 05:40 AM
Ez's skin prickled from Jackal's constant stare, but she refused to be intimidated by the man. She stared back, only allowing her gaze to falter when Liddie brought him a drink. With a deep sigh, she showed her displeasure, both at the bar maid and him. She drank when he did, following the motion of his hand as he stretched out. For a moment she froze, her right hand dipping to her waist to grip her pistol--then he began to speak.

She leaned towards him as he spoke, the noise from the bar and her head making it difficult for her to hear him. She mouthed his name silently, shortening it to Jack in her head.

"The best?" she repeated. "Maybe, but since there is only one other tracker in Carousel that really is not saying much...now is it?" Her tone was mocking, her speech slightly slurred. "..as for scavenging, my claims are many. I have found a collection of silver coins, ammo aplenty, even a few rifles--only they weren't good for nothing but parts. I even found a lost pet once...not sure why anyone would pay to have me search for that, but they did." She bit her lower lip, worrying it as she paused.

"Why you asking? Are you looking for something particular? Cause I don't keep things around for long. And if you are needing a tracker, you better be ready to head out in the morning, cause I've got plans." She looked hard at him, trying to read his face and failing. "...and... if you don't stop staring, I'm going to add a little moonshine to those grey gems. I ain't on the menu, not tonight, I'm drunk and I'm tired and you're starting to piss me off."

12-13-2017, 06:11 PM
Jackal hmmed softly continuing to watch the drunk woman as she spoke. He hoped she'd be more sensical on the road. The lawman slowly sipped his whiskey logging all this away for later. She didn't seem like a hunter, but finding a lost pet did lend credence to her skills as a tracker at least.

Placing his glass on the table he quirked his eyebrow at her threat. She was drunk and likely not in the best mindset, but he was here for a reason and might as well get on with it before his would-be tracker passed out.
"I am simply studying what I might be dealing with for a few weeks. I am here to see if you wish to be part of an expedition that could change the future of humanity. I am going to find the Treasure of the Lost Mountains and I need a skilled tracker and scavver to come along. I can pay you some chips to pique your interests and promise you half of any valuables or supplies we come across as well as part of whatever the treasure might be." He finished his drink and placed the glass down with a soft thunk watching Ez and waiting for her response.

12-14-2017, 12:48 AM
Ezra rested her chin in her hand, elbow on the table, eyes narrowed, as the man spoke. The expression on her face mimicked boredom and frustration, but exhaustion and alcohol were the true causes. She blinked rapidly to stay awake, not relishing the idea that he was studying her, let alone planning to spend a few weeks with her. Her anger simmered down with his calm manner and she took another long pull on her drink, barely containing her humor when she realized what he was after.

"What?" she stammered, laughter spilling out despite her best attempt to stem it. Moonshine sprayed from her lips as she snorted with humor, her hand covering her mouth a little too late. His face remained composed despite her amusement and she realized he was being serious.

"Oh...okay...umm... You do know lots of people have looked for that treasure...and failed? It's a rumor...a legend...kinda' like the stories I have heard about you. I bet those are a bit exaggerated too, eh?" She wiped absently at the droplets of moonshine that dotted the table top, her eyes downcast as she took the last swallow of her drink.

Changing her focus, she looked directly at him, focusing once again on his intense gaze. "Don't get me wrong, I'll take you, it's your money, but I can't promise you any treasure." She shook her head, a smile teasing the corners of her mouth. I can't believe I'm even considering this, she thought. "You really gotta be crazy if you think you're gonna get rich or change humanity. And your few weeks, they will be more like a few months...it's wild in the outlands...bandits, mutants, radiation... You name it, we'll encounter it."

She sighed heavily. "Tell you what, if you are serious, meet me here at the break of dawn. I'm heading out anyways and another body won't hurt any. You give me the coin then and while we are in the wilds, I get to keep whatever I scavy up along the way. Not half, all. And I want half of this little treasure too, if it even exists."

She stuck out her hand, "Deal?"

12-15-2017, 11:45 PM
For the first since he entered the bar he smiled, but it wasn't a pleasent smile. It was more deviousness and dark humor than elation. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol she had ingested or if she was always like this either way he was used to negotioations.

Pulling three steel chips from his pocket he placed them in Ez's hand his unpleasent smile still present.
"Half even all around it is only fair Ms. Bastian, I have done the hard work of getting a location on the mountains themselves and maping our way to them all of which I will keep close at hand." He tapped the pocket inside his long coat. "Besides you'll likely need some help hauling your scav even if you are already heading out with others. I will see you at dawn Ezra." He stood up lifting his hat and walked for the door, he stopped just before and looked back at his would be partner the intense stare from before was back as he locked eyes with her. "One more thing Ms. Bastian, do not be late. The stories about me are true, I have a particular set of skills and I will use them to find you." It wasn't so much of a threat as a simply stated fact, and with that fact hanging in the air between them he pushed the door open and left the formally quiet patrons of the Coyote giving a collective sigh of relief before all of them looked at the drunken woman as if she just made a deal with the Devil himself.

12-16-2017, 05:29 AM
Ezra stared at the steel in her hand as Jackal walked away, not arguing with his renegotiations, nor agreeing to them. She closed her fist, holding tight to the coins and squeezing them in frustration. The smile on his face had been unsettling, especially when he locked eyes with her again. She pushed back the sickening feeling fluttering in her belly as his warning repeated itself in her head. ...do not be late. The stories about me are true... "Psshh," she said, mostly to herself, but also addressing the other customers. "I guess that's it then, deal stuck." She looked around her, noticing their look of concern, then dismissing it. "It's fine, everything is going to be fine." She waved her hand as though shooing a fly. "Show's over...go back to your drinking."

With considerable effort, Ezra stood and made her way to the exit. There was no sign of the vigilante as she stumbled out, the cool air on her face helping her regain some of her wit and balance. Home was close and she soon fell to her bed, the three coins slipping from her unclenched hand when she hit the pile of blankets. She struggled out of her clothes, before pulling the blankets over her head. "I have skills too," she said to the darkness, "...damned if I don't." In the few moments before sleep overtook her, she imagined herself standing up to him, her back straight and her chin up, an equal adversary. Even in her drunken state she knew she was fooling no one.

At the dawning of the new day, Ezra awoke and squinted painfully at the morning light coming through her window. She groaned, burying herself back under the covers and pulling her knees up to her chest. Nausea, dry mouth, and a persistent ache in her head made her groan again. "One more minute," she whispered...

Sand, everywhere there was sand, and Ezra-Rayne had been digging in it for days. She was coated in it, breathing it in, and devouring it. It was glorious. She had dug with tools and her hands until finding oblong cells in plastic casings, packages of dried food, and most importantly, a working radio. It had all been buried for so long. All this because she had tripped on an exposed metal rod. She was rich! She was famous! She was robbed! Death was knocking at her door now, she heard him, felt the pain of his fists, the burn of his torch. She would have revenge!

Mumbled words, unintelligible, came from her dry lips as she slept fitfully. The dream continued. She tracked them for months, formulating plans and seeing to her revenge. She awoke briefly during this time, a strange thought occurring to her in the short moment of clarity, I should have told him about hunting down the thieves... before she slipped once again into a deep sleep.

12-20-2017, 10:59 PM
He should've guessed this would happen. Scavvers are unreliable at the best of times, he hoped Ez's reputation would've come with an idea of punctuality. But as he skulked through the early morning streets of Carousel it seemed he was the only one in this damned town who could tell time. Not even the other party the woman talked about had showed up at the meeting point.

He wanted to get some road behind them before fate decided to start throwing monkey wrenches at them in the form of inbred Mutants roaming the wastes or a pack of hungry beasts looking for breakfast. After asking around he found Ez's little shack, it actually wasn't far from the bar which made much sense. It was a two story ramshackle deal that looked to be an old pre-fire building reinforced with heavy wood and steel. Secure enough, but the weakest point of any wall is a door. So walking up he first tested the knob to find it was locked, well at least she wasn't a total fool.

Stepping back a few steps he quickly kicked her door down and let himself in. Inside, the house had a certain refugee charm. But he didn't see a bedroom down here so marching up the steps he quickly found the woman's bedroom. The door was an old blanket hung off some nails, so he pushed passed it and scanned the small room. Like the rest of the shack it had a clean homey look, and the half naked woman sleeping on the mattress did help it. She was dressed in a tank-top with no bra and panties, as he suspected in the bar she was a fine example of woman. Noticeable, but not over the top curves around her chest and hips, a rough pretty face, healthy weight, and strong limbs. She'd be a good one for his other plans, but right now he was pissed and she needed to get her hungover ass up.

He looked around and soon found a large red book on top of a roughly built bookshelf. There were no words on the cover or spine, but if he would hazard a guess he'd say it was some kind of old world dictionary. The book's contents didn't matter though, it was big enough to do the job. Lining up his arm and wrist the vigilante threw the book at the wall above Ezra's bed it hit with a very loud clunk, but then it fell and landed right in the middle of the woman's chest. He quickly ducked out of the room and leaned against the wall besides her bedroom door lighting his old pipe while he waited for her reaction.
"Time to get your fine bouncy ass up and get to work girly." He said borrowing a line from the Durcell Black Jacks as he puffed softly on the acrid tobacco smoke of his pipe.

12-22-2017, 02:47 AM
Ezra awoke with a start, a huffed breath escaping her as her heart hammered in her chest. "What the f..." she began, grabbing her Glock from under the pillow with a practiced jab. A heavy book fell from her chest as she sat up and she spared it a fleeting glance as she surveyed the rest of the room, her gun leading the search. Where the hell is he? she thought, pretty sure she recognized the vigilante by his voice and smelling the smoke of a pipe close by. The blanket over the entrance swayed slightly from recent movement and she focused her attention towards it as she grabbed at her clothes with one hand and began dressing. She had already noticed the slant of the sun coming in through the bedroom window and silently cursed herself for sleeping in.

"I know you're here Lawless. Get your 'bouncy' ass in here and face me like a man!" She was almost positive it was him--no one else would be stupid enough to enter her home without an invitation. She only remembered the conversation from last night in bits and pieces, but she was sure they had made an arrangement of some sort. "Whatever I promised you last night..." and then it came to her and she started laughing. "Oh yeah...treasure." Despite her hang-over and the rude awakening, she laughed full out, sitting back on the bed and allowing the gun to settle beside her. She shook her head, both at the foolish idea and at her willingness to lead such an expedition.

With small bouts of stifled laughter, Ez got back to preparing for the journey ahead, opening a trunk in the corner of the room and removing her sword and smoke grenades. A full pack lay at the bottom, already filled for the previously planned scavenging trip. She strapped on her supplies and weapons, placing the Glock into a holster at her hip and securing it to her leg. She took a long drink of water as she waited for the man to show himself, her hand absently rubbing the spot between her breasts where the book had landed. She couldn't decide if she was more angry at him for the assault or at herself for sleeping in and allowing this to happen. His words to her last night filtered through her head--something about not being late or he would use his particular set of skills to find her. A small smile crept over her features as she imagined him asking for directions to her home. Not a soul in Carousel would refuse his request--they were terrified of the man. Skills, my ass, she thought as she moved closer to the door.

12-22-2017, 05:17 AM
The tall man smirked around his pipe despite how annoyed he was at her. It's not often he gives someone a rude awakening without killing them. He let her have the privacy to get dressed as he puffed away on his pipe.
"Be glad I didn't shoot you Ms. Bastian. Or take back the coins I paid you with last night. But allow me to give you my compliments on how good you look in just a tank-top and panties, not many women in the wastes have the body to pull that off. It's a wonder some dusty cowpoke hasn't whisked you away yet."

He listened to her thunk around her small bedroom as he glanced at the sunbeams watching the time slip slowly away from them. Once he was sure she was done and dressed he breezed through her blanket door smoke listing gently up from the bowl on his pipe. He scanned her up and down his tense studying expression firmly in place. At least she had the forethought to have bag packed for an expedition, she was well hungover, but they had work to do his gear was already stowed and waiting in the saddle of his Chabbit back at the Coyote. He hoped she would have a little bit more control on the road, he didn't feel like babysitting a grown woman and keeping his eyes on the horizon to see what flavor of death was going to come get them once they get past the borders of the"civilized" lands.

This would be an interesting partnership it seems. He relight the pipe and puffed it a few times before turning on his heel and heading for the blanket. "I hope you don't mind, but I had to kick your door in to be your alarm clock. I'm sure we can rig something up to keep it closed so nothing gets stolen." And with that he slipped through the blanket and Ez could hear his heavy boots cluncking down the steps to the first floor of her shack and out her front door.

01-02-2018, 03:10 PM
He's a feisty one, Ez surmised as she listened to Lawless's complaints on her behalf. She smirked at his "supposed" compliment, appraising him as he did her. Little did he know that no man would be foolish enough to spend a lifetime with her...at least not one that she approved of yet. However, it didn't stop her from sampling the pot, so to speak. As the man turned to leave, she started after him, pausing for a moment before returning to her trunk and pulling out a bottle of moonshine. It was always good for trading...and for long lonely nights.

After the sound of his footfalls faded, Ezra made her way out, with just the briefest of glances at the destruction of her doorway. Splintered wood and broken hinges met her gaze. Cheap ass door, she thought absently, although she knew it had been made strong enough to resist unwanted guests. When she neared the Coyote, Liddie nearly ran into her behind the dilapidated tavern, additional supplies in her arms.

"I was coming to give 'ese to you," she said with a wink. "Extra supplies for your long journey."

Ez took the supplies, eyeing the woman suspiciously. "More hardtack?"

"I know you hate it, but it lasts forever...and I also got crystal honey."

"I guess that makes up for it," she said with a sigh. Honey was hard to get, the nearest bee colony nearly a days ride away. The damn insects were huge and mutated--vicious to the core. Farming honey from their hives was a close call with the ferryman every time. Liddie usually had a supply for her mead, and the fact that she gave some to Ezra meant she was trying to make up for something--and Ezra knew just what that "something" was.

"I'm sorry about pointing you out to Lawless," Liddie whispered, the real reason for her meeting exposed. "...but you got to admit, he is your type."

"My type..." she scoffed, "...and what exactly is that?"

"You know...um...tall."

With that the two women started to laugh, Ezra finishing with a shake of her head. "He ain't my type, Lid. Although I do like them tall." She sniffed, trying to hold back another fit of laughter. "Yeah, he is damn tall...and an ass. Which ain't too bad either." Her eyebrows went up with the last comment, the double meaning apparent to them both. A snicker passed between them before Ezra shouldered the extra supplies.

"I should be back in a few weeks or so...maybe a month. Have Jed fix my door and keep my seat warm." She hugged Liddie tight to her, her mouth close to her ear. "You owe me, big, for this one." Following the exchange, Ezra made her way to the rest of the group, not surprised to see that some of them looked as hung over as she felt. A white dappled horse was saddled up for her, the animal sporting little hair and cloven hooves. It was a reliable ride, although a little slow, but always her go-to animal for long trips. With her arrival, the other members of her group mounted their rides, a mixture of horses, oxen, and wagons. She looked only at Jackal, appraising him openly as she bit her lower lip. Her type? Hmmm. She wasn't so sure, but only time would tell.

She swung her right arm out in a forward motion. "Let's head out!" she called. "Jackal, by me. I want to see this map of yours." She mounted her horse, patting its neck gently. "First stop, the watering hole. Eyes sharp everyone, keep your guns handy, we all know what could be waiting for us."

01-02-2018, 08:46 PM
Jackal's mind was already on the road ahead as the rest of Ez's expedition group arrived and completed their final preparations. The Vigilante took note of all the untrusting and sometimes downright hateful glares he got from the group made him quickly pull out his revolver and check the rounds with a sharp flick of his wrist and the crisp clack of the cylinder going back in place.

It was more of a non-verbal threat than something he really needed to check. He recognized the crude tattoos on some of them that told him of their past connections to the Black Jacks. He only went after the active members of the criminal group, the retirees or lowest ranking grunts weren't worth the bother to hunt down when his goal was to destroy the brass in charge of the group. The untouchables, the "Gods" as it were, but they all bled and Gods don't bleed.

The glares turned away and the man clicked his tongue then followed it with a shrill whistle. It appears his ride had wandered off, probably looking for some shade. Vash never liked the glaring sun if he could avoid it, he waited for a few seconds then a strange whistling snort came from behind the Coyote, then the soft heavy thump of Vash was heard going begrudgingly back towards Jackal. Soon a Chabbit (https://i.imgur.com/iUnZNZU.jpg) stuttered and came to Jackal's side. The creature was 9 feet tall and covered with tough dust-resistant fur and scales underneath. Vash was tamed by Jackal a few years back and has been reluctantly with the man ever since. The mutated mounts were a proud species to begin with, but once they got tamed they remain loyal. Their just as fast as horses, but tougher.

He swung up into the sloped saddle and clicked his tongue wheeling his mount up besides Ez and her horse. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a long piece of folded parchment made of animal skin, holding it close he opened it to Ez making sure none of her little group were trying to look over their shoulders. It was too risky to let just anyone see the map, Jackal's been on trips where that has happened before. They always end in greed overcoming sense and death being the only anyone got rewarded with.

Holding his finger out he showed the woman the long winding path that led across the wastes with various handwritten marks and notes in the margin denoting dangers, towns, resource spots, known raider spots, and a few more things. Looking over at Ez the tall man nodded.
"If we keep a steady pace and can avoid all these danger spots and raiders we should find the Mountains before the dust season comes."

01-05-2018, 05:44 PM
Ezra looked at the map with interest, committing the route to memory by associating many of the noted locations with places she had already traveled. A lot of time and effort had gone into the map, although it was crudely drawn. She was impressed with the information and hoped it was accurate. They would be betting their lives on it.

After a few moments, she nodded, the route firmly planted in her mind. She agreed with Jackal's calculation for their arrival to the mountains, but the likelihood of not encountering any trouble was very scarce. She hoped to convince some of her party to venture with them on the journey, although most had not planned for more than a few days travel. A few of the men she would not trust, but she had already seen the vigilante's gaze skirt over them...and their tattoos. She knew his history with the Black Jacks--she had her own history with them as well, although not as involved as his. She was sure that he would not allow them to be part of the crew and she wouldn't argue. It was his money after all that was funding the trip.

With an appraising glance at Jackal's mount, Ezra steered her horse to the front of the line, inviting him to take her side if he chose. With the sun directly in her eyes, she squinted as she rode, grabbing for her hat that she kept in a saddle bag by her thigh. She placed it firmly on her head, tilting it down to shade her hazel bloodshot eyes. The light-colored leather was well worn, a faded inking on the side. The hats rim was a darker shade, but also of the unusual skin. She wondered idly if Jackal would recognize it for what it was.

"It's an hours ride to the watering hole. We'll spend the day there, maybe get in a few more hours of travel after dinner. Hopefully, fresh fish," she stated. The water source had once been a dam that provided water and power to a small town. It had been buried since the fall of humanity and the waters were clean and devoid of radiation. After discovery, the rock was blasted, opening what was now a small reservoir that served as a good camping spot for travelers. Water and fish were aplenty for a small party. There were also streams inside a few caves, but few ventured in for fear of encountering wild life. Most of Ezra's trips started here--typically the only place where one could sleep with only one eye open.

01-06-2018, 10:18 PM
The man nodded quickly folding up the map and stuffing it back into the inner pocket of his coat once again glancing back over the rough band behind them. They were skittish quickly checking their own weapons. Bullets were a bit of a rarity in the wastes so he knew any shots that might find his way in to his back would be killshots. But any move he didn't like would be answered with a killshot and his reputation would likely keep many but the most foolish from pulling the trigger at least this early in the trip.

He nodded and urged his ride to be neck and neck with Ez and her horse while keeping his eye on the other men in the company. Between his own instincts and a Chabbit's sixth sense for danger Jackal felt safe keeping pace with his guide. He nodded to the woman's human skin hat and pulled his own down over his eyes to keep the sun out.
"Impressive human skin hat Ez, hard to find someone willing to do it." He clicked his tongue and moved Vash into a steady fast walk.

01-07-2018, 09:50 PM
Ezra smirked at Jackal's comment. "You'd be surprised...or perhaps not," she responded, with a subtle lift of her eyebrow. "Most things can be bought for the right price." She glanced briefly at him, appraising him anew in the late morning light. He was nothing like what she had imagined from all the stories. The darkness of the tavern had left so much in shadow, and with her hangover ebbing, she was finally feeling a bit more perceptive. She had truly expected a ten foot ogre, complete with fangs, a fantasy just like most reputations would make you believe. He was taller than most, grim, and a pain in the ass, but still just a man. She figured she could deal with him well enough.

Time seemed to drag. Ez kept the pace steady while trying to ignore the building tension in the group. On several occasions she looked back at the others, noticing their growing discomfort with the vigilante in their midst. Even her horse was reacting to the building tension, the gelding puffing in agitation at the closeness of the Chabbit to its flank. "Tell me, are we going to have problems here?" she asked him in a quiet tone, pulling her mount up just short of the first destination. Finding volunteers to travel with them to the mountains may turn out to be more of an issue than she had at first thought.

The watering hole was little more than a small lake or large pond, depending on how you cared to look at it. The opaque surface shimmered in the light, a few small bubbles popping amidst a gentle rippling the only disturbance. Ezra stayed in her saddle next to the man as the others spread out along its edges, unpacking their belongings, their attention seemingly on the task at hand, but their glances towards her telling her otherwise. She knew most of the men well, some better than others, but she was not sure how they would react to this perceived threat. She didn't know Lawless in the least, but she knew his reputation. The problem was, he wasn't the only killer among them.

01-07-2018, 10:24 PM
Jackal shrugged jumping down from Vash's saddle and tying the beast to a tree with enough grass around the bottom to keep the Chabbit busy. Looking at the woman he pulled out his canteen and took a sip of it spitting out some dust that managed to get into the leather wrapped tin container.
"If they don't pull on me first we shouldn't. I killed the brass of the Black Jacks from the Lieutenants on up. The group is destroyed any of these grunts out here have only bluster and stupidity to back them now."

He pulled his hat off shaking some sand out his dirty blonde hair. Cupping his hands he scooped up some water and splashed the cool liquid on his face and running a few droplets through his hair cooling his face and head off. Replacing the hat he stood up shaking the water from his hands and returning to his steed pulling out three more canteens. Each of them was empty and usually he only needed the one and just kept the rest as back-ups. And seeing as this would likely be the last decent water they would find for awhile he needed to stock-up. Kneeling by the water he began filling the canteens up in silence as his eyes glanced around at the other men.
"So how long will we be stopping for Ez?"

01-10-2018, 03:40 AM
Ezra stayed on her mount, regarding Jackal silently. If he single-handedly reduced the higher ranks of the Black Jacks by himself, as he suggested, he might be more dangerous than she had at first anticipated. It would make no matter unless one of the others did draw on him, which she hoped would not happen. She would have to talk with the others to make sure it did not happen.

"It shouldn't be longer than a few hours," she responded to his question. "Take advantage of the water, it'll be the last for a few days." She tipped her hat, then dug her heels into the flank of her horse, trotting further away. When she reached the other men, she dismounted.

"Gabriel," she called. A moderately tall and heavily muscled man turned in her direction. He would have been attractive if not for a deep scar on his right cheek that radiated from his brow to chin. The skin puckered along its length and pulled the right side of his lip up in a permanent smirk. His attention was drawn to her, darting for a second towards the vigilante, then returning. "A moment?" she asked.

"Right." He dropped his gear, making a bigger deal of it than it was, winking at the men before making his way to her. He stepped in close, his face only inches from hers. The smell of fermented alcohol hung on his breath, his smirk only adding to the uncaring attitude. "Yeah?"

Ezra forced herself to keep her ground. It wasn't fear, and she wasn't intimidated. It was more the need for clean breathing space. "I need you to keep the other men in check." She cast her eyes in the direction of Jackal. "We don't need any unwanted killing before we even start scaving, do we?"

The man chewed the inside of his cheek as if digesting her words. "Don't like 'im none." He said with a scowl, the look only making his scar more prominent.

"...you don't need to."

"Yeah, well...still don't...and I ain't promisin' nothin'. You can't jus' add..."

Ezra grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt, stopping him short. His face was kissing close and she opened her mouth in a grimace, growling out her words. "I pay you to keep peace....and you will keep peace." She smiled at him then, her lips forming a tight line with teeth clenched. "If you fucking mess this up, I'll personally tear you apart." With a shove, she released him, his feet backpedaling before regaining his balance.

"Yes...boss," he growled in response, brushing his clothes off where her hands had been. "Temper...temper," he said in a low mocking whisper as he turned away, spitting on the ground as he stalked off.

Ezra stood fuming, watching him as he joined the others, his voice low as he talked to the men. Their glances were divided between her and Lawless, their heads bobbing and shaking. Only time will tell, she thought with disgust. Gabe was in her employ, but he mostly did as he pleased, keeping everyone safe as long as she lined his pockets. She had slept with him once, something she still regretted, and he thought of her more as an equal than as an employer. She wasn't sure she could trust him, but there wasn't anyone else.

Roughly grabbing the saddle bags from her horse, Ez stomped to the farthest side of the watering hole, making sure she had a good vantage point. A small area of the pond was sectioned off from the rest by a narrow inlet. Boulders and sparse vegetation skirted the secluded area. Sitting on the edge, she filled her water bladders, the cool water bubbling into the thin-skinned leather quickly. Angrily, she cupped water onto her face, breathing deeply, until she calmed herself down. She was anxious, but determined to take advantage of the rare chance to bathe. Stripping down, she slid into the calm water up to her neck. Her right hand remained on the shore, her fingers wrapped tightly around the grip of her Glock. The neck of the moonshine protruded from the saddle bag and she looked at it longingly, wishing she could have a drink. The men had settled in, most of them now fishing or getting wood for a fire. Gabe sat alone on a rock bench, watching her, his dark eyes squinting but not from the sun. Desire? Hate? Maybe both. Ezra wasn't sure, but she knew he was going to be trouble and she may have made it worse.

01-10-2018, 06:10 AM
Jackal watched Ez as she moved off to talk with one of the men. The Vigilante remembered him from a couple of wanted posters in the Durcell town hall. Gabriel something, he looked to be some kind of underboss or Ez's second in command. He talked with some of the men, but even though he couldn't tell what was being said he knew the whispers and looks the men were giving him.

Ms. Bastain seemed to be making a preemptive strike at keeping the peace. He hoped she had that kind sway over this group of ruffians, but he wasn't going to hold his breath. He pulled his corn-cob pipe from the saddle bag and stuffed some rough cut tobacco into the bowl. He struck a match and lit the tobacco puffing the clarity bringing smoke into his lungs and letting it swirl around his head as is dissipated into the broken sky above them.

The man wanted to get a little lay of the land so he headed for a small rise near the back of the oasis. It was one of the only high points around and while he's been out in the wastes before he never ventured far on his own. Just deep enough into the dunes to smoke out some Black Jack cockroaches from their hidey holes among the ruins of a large ancient town from before the Fire. As he reached the vantage point he spotted the pile of Ez's clothes and the woman herself sneaking in a quick bath. Well at least that explained why she didn't look like the same five miles of bad road most women in this world did. He kept his eyes on the horizon and not on the woman's body just under the clear surface of the water. He puffed slowly on his pipe his keen studying eyes watching every movement across the sands.
"Awful brave of you Ms. Bastian, bathing out here when just any asshole can walk in on you being this vulnerable." His words sounded humorous, but his voice didn't reflect the humor. Most social intricacies were still lost on the gunman. It sounded like he was giving her genuine chiding for making a stupid mistake.

01-10-2018, 09:47 PM
Ez looked up at Jackal, a genuine smile of amusement playing around her lips and in her eyes. His presence was not a surprise, anyone could smell his fragrant tobacco smoke from afar and she was no exception. She had to admit he was stealthy like a wild cat and without it he may have snuck up on her despite her good vantage point. She had not spared him a glance until his words, surprised to find his gaze focused on the horizon--any other man would have been staring into the clear depths. An actual gentleman? she mused inwardly.

"Is it my nudity that makes me vulnerable, or perhaps the fact that I am submerged in water?" she asked, her tone light. "I could be out of this pond before you made it to the edge...nude or not," she teased. Her hand still gripped her gun, but she made no move to lift it in threat. She was playing with him, gauging his reaction. "Hopefully, you're not that type of 'asshole'."

Across the way, Gabriel was now standing, his hand twitching towards his weapon as he observed the interaction. Ezra caught the movement and shook her head, dismissing him with a stay of her hand. "Besides, I have my trusty watchdog to guard my back," she said sarcastically. "The one and only Gabriel, angel of death...he'll cut your throat in your sleep just for snoring." Her words were light, but their meaning was not. In the passing of a few seconds, the Black Jack outlaw relaxed his pose, narrowing his eyes as he continued to watch the pair.

With the situation hopefully controlled, Ezra leaned back in the water, bringing both of her hands into the pond, the weapon now dismissed. Call it female intuition or just plain foolishness, but she no longer felt threatened by the company. A cool breeze played over her exposed wet skin and her body responded, goose bumps covering her flesh and her nipples going taut. Under normal circumstances, she would have invited Jackal in to bathe with her, but Gabe would be a problem with that scenario, and she dismissed it quickly. Instead she languidly turned in the water and dove under, splashing water onto the sand. When she surfaced, her hair was dripping, the wavy curls framing her face. She was surprised by the vigilante's resolve. Fully dressed he couldn't keep his eyes off of her, and now that she was exposed completely, he changed his tune and looked away. This one is going to be fun, she thought. She had never met a gentleman before.

01-11-2018, 04:11 AM
Jackal chuckled at the woman's teasing and glanced at the big goon watching the interaction. There was Watchdogs then there was former lovers and the way he looked at them the tall man would learn towards the latter.
Hmm maybe she does look like bad road below the belt if something like Gabriel got a ride. The man thought puffing gently on his pipe his eyes narrowing on a herd of Kufu (https://i.imgur.com/PLJwMLC.jpg) darting across the dunes likely running from something. Kufu is good meat, but a bitch to catch and you need good marksmen skills to hit their small twitchy bodies.

"And I could've shot you in the few seconds it would take you to lift yourself up from the water and get your bead again. As for your guard back there. The thing I've learned about dogs is unless they're fixed they can always bite the hand that feeds them. Then they must be put down." He took a long drag of his pipe and walked to the edge of the small ledge getting a closer look at the Kufu herd while his peripheral vision kept the nude form of Ez and her dog in sight. He caught glances of her body and taut nipples, but while it's perfectly fine to stare at an attractive woman in the relative safety of a town getting distracted by them in the Wastes is a risk generally not worth taking even if she was naked and willing to let you stare.

Leaning on his right leg he pulled small telescope from the long pocket in his coat and extended it. Kufu are skittish by nature, but they were running a good distance and some were dashing out away from the rest of the herd as if dodging something. Not many predators in the wastes could keep up with the Kufu, most relied on ambush or in case of the few flying predators a well-aimed divebomb. There was too much dust for him to really see anything, but it would be something to keep in mind especially since they are going in that direction.
"You ever have Kufu meat?" He asked still looking at the animals herd.

01-11-2018, 04:59 PM
Ez ran her fingers through her hair and squeezed out the excess water before climbing out of the cool pond. She used her hand to wipe off her skin before starting to put on her discarded clothing. Her state of dress did not bother her--eventually all riding companions would see each other naked and she had grown used to it and the attention it sometimes drew. Her gaze wavered between the figure of Jackal and Gabe as she spoke.

"No, can't say that I have," she answered in a distracted tone, still thinking of his previous comment. She dressed slowly, allowing her skin to dry in the hot air before finishing. Lastly, she pulled on her dusty black boots and tightened the laces, one section at a time. She took a few steps towards the man, her gaze on the dusty trail of the beasts.

"You could have shot me while I was in the saddle or on the ground also. No difference. And I don't think my chances of beating you to the gun would have been any better. You are the vigilante, after all." She pulled up beside him, hands hanging loosely at her side. "As for Gabe, he's already in the doghouse, just a matter of time before he gets that bullet." She didn't elaborate, merely shuffled the sand at her feet. "Most of the men here paid me to take them out scaving, few days at the most. Only Gabe and Deck are with me as guides." She pointed her chin to a squat man with a long scruffy beard and cowboy-style hat. "This treasure trip--it's yours and you can decide who we take along. Deck is reliable and no trouble--not so bright, but he has good eyes and is quick on the draw. Good cook too. Gabe, well as I'm sure you have noticed, he's a hot head but not squeamish when it comes to dirty work. He's been with me for a few months and follows orders fairly well."

She untied a small satchel from her waist and took out a square of yellowed paper and a pinch of tobacco. She rolled a cigarette with deft fingers, striking a match against a boulder to light it. She drew the smoke in, holding her breath for a moment before exhaling. The tobacco had a light minty aroma, the dried leaves mixed with a common wintergreen plant to create the scent.

"You really think this treasure of myth exists?" she asked. "I could see myself living in the mountains, away from all this dust and heat, if I got my hands on some of that fortune." She let out a soft sigh, her body close enough to his to feel the added heat coming from his skin. She wiped away the sweat on her forehead, already missing the cool water of the pond.

01-12-2018, 03:20 AM
Jackal inhaled the minty smoke of Ez's cigarette. It was nice and complimented the clean smell coming off the woman after her bath. But scented tobacco always gave him a headache if he took too much in. But for now it was nice and the closeness of the Scavver was kinda cozy, he wondered if putting an arm around her would be too much...probably. Besides getting close to anyone out here was bad especially a woman.

Shaking the thought from his head he tried to think of small talk. He was a man of many skills, but conversation wasn't one of them. At least he'd enjoy her closeness. Finally he thought of something.
"Hmm too bad, Kufu is good. A little stringy, but like rabbit or even Jackalope if you can find one they taste great in stew or as jerky." He noticed his Guide beginning to sweat and reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautifully stitched red, white, and blue bandana and moved to hand it to her. But he'd dislodged the battered black leather bible tucked into his belt. The book tumbled down and the man moved in an urgent jerky way and quicker than most people could and snatched the old book's cover before it hit the dirt. The way he caught it the contents could be seen, it was all hand-written. Though anyone could tell it wasn't written in a man's hand. The lettering too flowing and neat. It opened to Genesis to where God had just made Eve for Adam.

Jackal let out a relieved sigh and quickly inspected the spine and cover for damage. Luckily there was none. He quickly put the bible back to it's place and handed Ez the bandana to wipe her sweat away with. He was sure she had seen the book and might have questions, but that was a conversation he was not ready to have with someone he'd only known for not even a full day. So he quickly came up with a subject change.
"If we ever manage to catch one I'll have to show you my mother's recipe for Kufu burgers, very tasty. We didn't have them much growing up since my Grandfather was the only one in the family who could shoot quick enough and well enough to kill one without ruining the meat. A skill he learned in the old Pine Runner Bounty Hunter group, and a skill he lost when a Black Jack destroyed his right hand." Jackal didn't know why he just shared a personal detail like that but it was less personal than talking about his mother's bible.

He pondered how to answer her last question. In his gut he knew it existed, but his gut wasn't agreeing with his head or his heart. Grandpa Gregor always said trust your gut, but sometimes his head knows what it is talking about when it begins to doubt things. He pulled his extinguished pipe out of his mouth and tapped the bowl of ash into the palm of his hand. He couldn't let the woman know of his doubts or this whole thing could go to hell.
"Yes I do Ez, and you're more than welcome to join me in the mountains if you wish." He let out a smirk giving the woman a wink and walking over to the pond. Kneeling down he dunked his hand into the water and let the clear liquid dissolve the ash and dissipate it. This was another one of his habits. Destroying the evidence of his going anywhere was key in staying alive out in Ragged America. Once the ash was gone he stood up and rubbed his hand against his pant leg drying it and cleaning his hand off. He nodded to Ez again joining her once again.

01-12-2018, 05:39 PM
Ez enjoyed the comfort of the vigilante's closeness, taking it for what it was--a move on her part to bring intimacy into their conversation It was a ploy that had worked many times in the past. His talk of Kufu seemed forced, but she listened to his idle chatter with rapt attention. They would be spending a lot of time together and she was sure they would discuss many things, both personal and arbitrary, before it was over. She wanted to be sure to remember any details that might come up later. Showing the unusual side of himself again, she was surprised and amused when he reached for a bandana when she began to sweat. Ez took the proffered kerchief, a quizzical look on her face, but not due to the offer of a hanky. The book. She had reached for the falling item that had resided near the hanky at the same time as he, her speed no match for his. She had a few books in her possession and she had read them all many times--even the red covered one that he had projected at her wall earlier that morning. Books were a rarity now, most of them destroyed by fire or time, but she had seen his book before, one that had been very common before the pre-fire. The page title of "Genesis" was so familiar to her... Before she had a chance to work out the title, he had slipped it back in its place, quickly changing the subject.

Ordinarily, Ez was a very curious person, but she knew when to keep quiet, and this was one of those times. Kerchief in hand, she dotted the soft material against her face, soaking up the beads of perspiration gathering there. "Thank you," she said softly, not wanting to interrupt him as he continued his conversation. It's lovely, she thought, wondering if his mother or perhaps a girlfriend has made it for him. ...and the colors where a symbol of some sort also. Another memory she couldn't quite grasp.

And then she started, her body becoming erect at the mention of his grandfather's right hand being destroyed by a Black Jack. Diablo, her mind screamed. She had heard the story, from Diablo's own lips, while he and his cohorts sat by a fire. Bragging. She had been strung up by her wrists to a tree branch, her body aching from their beating and her back screaming from the burns. She had been unconscious for a large part of that day, finally awaking to the sound of their laughter, and wishing she could slip back into the darkness. She shut out the memory as quickly as it came, and without thought rolled her shoulders, feeling the pull of the scars hidden by the large tattoo that covered her back.

Lawless' voice pulled her in again as he affirmed his belief that the treasure in the mountains existed. His flirtatious offer to join him in the mountains was answered with a brief smile from her lips--she might enjoy joining with him in another way, and long before they reached any mountains. Her mind played more with that idea as he bent over the water, giving her a nice shot of his behind. She forced her thoughts elsewhere when he rejoined her, chastising herself for having those thoughts so soon. She blamed Liddie, the woman had driven the idea of him as a lover into her mind to begin with.

She cleared her throat, stubbing out her cigarette on the ground. Like Lawless, she picked up the evidence of her presence and put it into her satchel. "Perhaps," she started, responding to his offer in the mountains. "...if you play your cards right. But tell me, were you close to your grandfather? I only ask because you said he was a bounty hunter...similar to you. Did you follow in his footsteps?" And then the title came to her...Bible! Although the word did not escape her mouth, she had formed it silently with her lips. It also had a feminine touch to it--the writing had been very neat, more commonly associated with a woman's hand. Mother? Girlfriend? She believed his mother was more likely than a common whore. Her curiosity nagged at her, something she would keep in check for another day.

01-12-2018, 09:19 PM
Jackal hmmed softly at Ez's reply to his invite. She would be a good choice, but he would still keep that particular tidbit of information to himself. The herd of Kufu had finally run by and the dust was settling from their stampede. There was still no sign of whatever was chasing them, so Jackal pocketed his pipe alongside his telescope and turned back to see the men had a quick camp set up and gentle wraiths of smoke were drifting up from a couple of fires burning merrily below them.

As she brought up his Grandfather, a deep frown creased his face.
"Yes, very much so." Was all he said before he took a step towards the camp. "Looks like that Deck fellow has some lunch cooking for us. Come let us get some before the rest of your men eat it on us, as long as they don't eat everything they're welcome to come along with us as long as they wish." Adjusting his pistol belt the tall man slipped his hands into the pockets of his coat and began walking slowly back to camp.

01-13-2018, 05:16 PM
Once again the man changed the subject following the brief answer and a look of discontent on his face. His family seemed to be off limits and Ez decided to respect that for the time being. She followed him to the camp, their footsteps the only sound between them. After everyone ate their fill, they packed up their meager belongings and headed along the dusty trail made by the Kufu. Bellies full with food and water, the company was quiet, most content to digest the meal and wallow in their own thoughts. Ezra was no different.

They rode several hours in the hot sun, the temperature finally starting to drop when Ezra deviated from the Kufu trail and traveled to a sparsely vegetated spot. There was little beauty to the place, sand and more sand for all the eye to see. In the distance, there was a small rocky ledge, the only break in the desert terrain. Sitting on her mount, she waited while the men started to set up camp before she broke away. Gabriel lifted his head to watch her leave, a barely discernible shake of his head his only reaction.

Ezra rode to the small outcropping at a moderate pace, her horse's cloven hooves taking the steep upward climb easily. His hooves had earned him his name, Clove, but she rarely called him thus. From this vantage point, she could see their camp...and that of the Kufu. The area the beasts had chosen would have been her first choice--the only difference being the lush growth of vegetation. Whatever had been pursuing them was surely in the distance, waiting for nightfall to finish their hunt. She had no plans of being in their path when that happened, hence, the location she had chosen.

Dismounting, Ez searched the area for any signs of human disturbance. It didn't take her long to find the remains of a fire that had been hastily buried, the cinders no longer radiating heat. On hands and knees she dug into the rocky sand, finding the butt of a cigar and small chewed bones, the marrow sucked clean from them. Whoever had been here had stayed at least long enough to have a meal. It was a good vantage point, but not one that would cause any trouble for her camp--unless the person was a sharp shooter with a high powered rifle. The vigilante was the only one who came to mind--his skills or better would be required. Even so, she would double up on the guard duty tonight. She couldn't help but wonder if Lawless had other reasons for joining her group. She did, after all, have a few Black Jack members in her midst, and she had seen the glances they had speared at each other. She would team him up with her, just in case he decided to "retire" them permanently. She wasn't going to fool herself by thinking she could stop him, but perhaps her presence alone would be a deterrent.

01-13-2018, 08:09 PM
Lawless spent most of the ride to the night camp studying the map and adding features to it as he rode by them. He wasn't the one who originally drew the map to the Lost Mountains, a Hermit he saved gave it to him after Jackal dropped a pair of Rhindragons (https://i.imgur.com/My5qb0J.jpg) that had been killing his sheep herd. But it only showed the Hermit's house and a few towns like Durcell and Carousel and a dotted line that ended with an X marked "1 month's travel East." The Vigilante had no clue how the old man knew that, but he looked to be the Treasure Hunter type and Jackal had no use for trinkets and treasures at that time so he took the map and began venturing out himself and completing the map. Adding more towns, safe spots, dangers and the like. Though once they reach about half way down the dotted line his map is bare of information.

He'd never been able to go much further than the Silver Mine Oasis on his own. The mining town told him the area past their borders is filled with bigger meaner creatures and rumors of a Tribe of Mutated Humans living among them. Jackal was a good shot, but he didn't have enough bullets for either of his guns to make it past creatures and Mutants like that. But now that there were this many people with him, maybe he could have a chance.

He finished the additions right as they were reaching Ez's chosen camp site. Rolling the map up he placed it in his pocket and watched Ez wander off to get the lay of the land. It was a good idea and he contemplated following her. But there were a couple of things he wanted to check on the low ground around them. They've been following the Kufu trail since the first stop and their footprints were all zigging across the sands, but with some luck he could find the prints of whatever predator was after them. Could be Rhindragons, Takkadors (https://i.imgur.com/19PyMu8.jpg), Glawvos (https://i.imgur.com/ETKsfWz.jpg), or God forbid a family of Crawlers (https://i.imgur.com/6KdxB8M.jpg). None of which he very much felt like being attacked by especially with night coming. That was the Crawlers favorite time to ambush, especially if they weren't able to catch their day meal.

Staying on Vash's back the pair walked slowly around the perimeter starting at 200 yards and working their way inwards. This was at the very edge of the Kufu herd so it'd be the most likely place to find tracks. The males didn't find any at the edge, but as they wound in back to camp they saw some canine prints. The man let out a big sigh, that means he could eliminate most of the big and nasties though Wolves and Coyotes were still an option. Less nightmare inducing but still dangerous especially if they're hungry. Aside from a few partial prints he couldn't tell how many were after the Catalopes, too obliterated by the prey tracks.

He returned to camp and tied Vash to a grassy patch to enjoy himself then started after Ez to tell him what he found. But a firm hand grabbed the back of his coat and pulled him back nearly taking the tall man off his feet. But the reflexes of a Vigilante are quicker than a normal man's Jackal spun into the yank and turned around his pistol out and the hammer cocked. He stared into the angry ugly face of Gabe and a couple of his former Black Jack comrades behind him. The goons cringed back and half drew their own weapons, but Gabe grunted at them before turning back to Jackal.
"Where the fuck do you think you're goin'?" He asked fearlessly staring into the gun barrel of the Lawman.

Jackal kept his gun aimed at the center of Gabe's head.
"To tell Ms. Bastian what I found scouting the area."

The man sneered.
"I'm Ez's second in command, hows about you tell me and I go tell her? Even guys like you gotta respect the chain of command."

Jackal shook his head taking a step closer to Gabe then smirked that dangerous smirk from the bar as the man took a step back himself.
"I'm the Client and Financier of this adventure. No Chain of Command applies to me, now move before you force me to waste a bullet on you." Jackal really didn't want to burn through any of his ammo before they even got to day two of this trip.

But Gabe growled and step back letting the Vigilante's barrel rest against his forehead.
"Do it then ya big fop, cause we don't like murderers like you gettin' so close to the boss."

Jackal rolled his eyes and simply pistol-whipped the man across his face sending him into a crumpled pile to the left.
"When I say move Black Jack, you move. Cross me again and I will kill you." He holstered the pistol and walked up the hill to Ez leaving the goons to pick up their Alpha dog.

01-14-2018, 06:43 PM
Ez did not miss much that went on around her, as long as she was sober, and the altercation between Gabe and Jackal was no exception. From her perch on the craggy outcropping, she could see the two men face off, although the words spoken were beyond her ability to hear. It was obvious they had disagreed on something and both were too hard-headed to back down in their decision of how to handle it. In some ways, they were very much alike. Curiosity kept her from returning to intervene, that, and the fact that this tension between them was inevitable and would have to be dealt with at some point. Either the men would figure it out, or one of them would be defeated, one way or the other. She had her suspicions who would be the victor.

When Gabe collapsed to the ground, Ez put her attention solely on the vigilante as he walked towards her vantage point, his stride long and confident. She positioned herself near the furthest edge of the cliff, her heels barely on solid ground, facing the pathway. The abundant scree on the path made it almost impossible to disguise one's approach and with the addition of Clove's nickering, she knew the moment the lawman had arrived.

"Interesting way to solve a disagreement," she reproached as soon as Jackal appeared. She chanced a glance behind her to assure the fate of Gabriel, satisfied when she saw him standing with the support of the other Black Jacks. "He isn't going to forget the scar you forced on his pride...damn near impossible to keep the peace now."

01-14-2018, 10:09 PM
Jackal nodded then shrugged pulling out the map and writing a note on Wolf track around their present location.
"I know, but letting him get away with something as thinly veiled as jealously would've made matters worse as well. At least now he may think twice before trying to pull that shit again." He showed the woman the map and pointed the pencil around the small hill. "Wolves were chasing the Kufu before, I don't know where they are now. But it's safe to say they wouldn't have gone far from such a meal." He rolled up the map and put it back in his pocket.

"I don't know how you normally do the watch posts for your expeditions, but I'd recommend four man shifts. One guy up here looking out, one guy walking the perimeter of the camp, and the other two a bit further out within eye shot of the guy up here." A cool wind blew across the look-out point and it caused the Vigilante to flip the collar up on his long coat.

01-15-2018, 11:31 PM
Ezra responded with a nod, both in reference to Gabe and the night guards. The Gabe issue was something she would have to address later. She hadn't thought of it as jealousy, but it was as good a reason as any. What she had suspected was the obvious: a problem with the vigilante's history and Gabe's sense of a pecking order. Either way, it was going to cause tension.

"Wolves shouldn't be too much of a problem," she mused, "..but perhaps extra guards would be advisable. I think we can manage four on a three hour rotation." It would allow at least six hours of sleep for everyone, plenty enough as far as she was concerned. A few of the men would complain, but they could sleep in the saddle as far as she cared.

"I also noticed evidence of a campfire up here, no more than one or two men, but it was fairly recent. Another good reason for extra men." She worked out the schedule in her head--she and Jackal were going to be together, her reasons more personal than logical. "If you don't mind, I'd like you and I to be on the first watch."

With the wind ruffling through her hair, she turned towards the pathway. "Lets get back before it gets too cold for you. They will have the fires already set." Herself, she enjoyed the cold nights and reveled in the brisk breeze. "Bring a blanket tonight, it'll get a lot colder." With that, she started down the trail, hoping to talk with Gabe before the evening meal.

01-16-2018, 02:48 AM
Jackal chuckled sardonically at the blanket comment.
"No need, I sleep next to Vash when out here. He's like big heater with all his fur." He followed the woman back to camp and scanned the group of men gathered around the fires. Word of his pistol whipping Gabe had spread around the group and the lawman noticed every man looking at him with hostility. He simply smiled his dangerous smile at the men shaking his head slowly.

They grumbled under their breaths and turned back to the simple trail meal Deck had made for everyone. Jackal was sure he wouldn't be welcome at any fires so he simply fastened the front of his coat and went to retrieve his rifle from Vash's saddle. The Chabbit was enjoying himself under a tree cleaning his paws like a giant cat. While not a predator himself Vash was classified as a large class prey animal, only big predator would be a problem for him. He's fast, strong, and the Chabbit's blunt claws have been known to gut men who got too close. Out here in a den of thieves like this Vash would be his best defense against being robbed or killed in his sleep.

The animal stood up with a growling purr as a warning, but as Jackal whistled and entered the animals field of vision the beast settled down. The man nodded and pulled his rifle from the saddle along with a bandoleer of rifle ammo. He undid the saddle letting the Chabbit relax more.
"I'll be back in three hours bud. Keep any eye on things ok?" He scratched Vash's neck and tossed him a salt cube from his pocket. The Chabbit let out a happy growl and took the cube licking it happily, he smiled then returned to the base of hill waiting for Ez to tell him and the others sentries where to go.

01-17-2018, 05:10 PM
Ezra sat at one of the fires, eating her meal in silence. Most eyes were on Lawless, hers included, although her interest lay with his mount, Vash. It was obvious the Chabbit was bound to him, but the creature also seemed a protector. It was something she would have to keep in mind. She was also interested in his bond to the animal--it seemed he had a softer side after all. Quaint. She pulled her eyes away before he could notice her staring. After she finished her food, she packed some of the left-overs in a cloth for the vigilante, afraid if she did not do so, there wouldn't be any set aside for him. Once Jackal returned she gathered all the men to her.

"We are going to go out in groups of four tonight, three hour shifts each." She explained the dangers, setting up the rotation and location of each man, making Gabriel and Deck the head of the other groups. "I'll take first watch and we'll wake up the next group in three hours." The other two men in her group went to gather their weapons, Owens taking the hilltop, and Wu taking the perimeter of the camp. Neither had any association with the Black Jack gang and she had chosen them for this reason, hoping for less animosity on her watch.

Ezra went to her saddle bags and unpacked her things, tossing her sleeping roll near one of the fires. She rarely slept in a tent, although she had one along just in case of unfavorable weather. She hooked her water bag to her belt and slipped the sheath for her sword around her shoulder. She also pocketed a smaller knife--just in case. The Glock she always carried in its holster against her right leg, but she placed an additional clip in her pocket.

She made her way over to Jackal, standing by his side. "You're with me," she said with a smirk. "..and here, I brought you some dinner. I didn't see you eat." She passed him the cloth, pushing the bundle into his hand. The sky was beginning to darken and with the veil covering the sun, noises could be heard coming from the antelope-like Kufu. "I believe that's our cue," she said, responding to the grunts and scuffling of the large herd of beasts.

"Everyone take your posts!" she called out to her group. "See you in three."

01-19-2018, 07:31 PM
Jackal nodded his thanks to Ez and tied the cloth up tight before attaching it to his belt. He was planning to eat some of his own rations after the shift, but it was a nice gesture. He loaded a five round clip into his rifle and cradled it in his arm. There was enough light to see the agitated herd, but not enough to see what was bothering them. The tall man hoped it was just wolves, the other big predators didn't hunt at night, but Crawlers love the night and unless they were carrying torches to scare the sensitive eyed brutes away they'd be on the menu.

He narrowed his eyes and he thought he caught the flash of a mangy canine's tail. He clicked his tongue pointing with the rifle barrel. "Seems we have our answer. If the herd gets spooked enough they might stampede back through the camp. We may be able to redirect them away, but they also might not listen." He clenched his jaw readying his rifle.

01-21-2018, 07:32 PM
Ez and the lawman moved away from the outer edges of their camp, bringing them closer to the herd of Kufu...and the pack of wolves tracking them. The grasses were thicker here, allowing the shaggy canine beasts to approach unseen, but not unnoticed. The herd of antelope were starting to panic, circling each other and stomping their delicate hooves into the sand. Dust lifted into the air and reddish brown tails flicked in anticipation. Ezra had already counted 13 predators in the short time since she and Jackal had moved closer, and more appeared to be approaching.

"I think we have trouble," she whispered to him, drawing her sword. Her pistol would be of little use on the large wolves, unless she could concentrate her shots at their heads--something she wasn't confident in her ability to do while they were moving. "...just need to keep them from camp," she continued softly, moving sideways to give herself more room. Her focus was on the leader of the pack, a large tawny wolf with a red tail. Larger than the others, it was only a few yards from the Kufu when it lunged, diving into the center mass and creating a gulf. Hooves beat frantically on the ground as the herd divided and leaped into the air, preparing to flee. It was a beautiful sight to behold despite the danger, the nimble creatures almost seeming to fly in their panic.

It only took a few seconds for the Kufu to disperse, but it was enough to create a dust cloud, obscuring visibility to a hand's breadth for a few precious seconds. Deep throated growls could be heard from the advancing pack and they seemed to be echoing from all around them. Ezra heard gunshots and shouts from the camp, the wolves closing in on an easier prey. She turned, catching movement first behind, then to the side of them. Swinging her blade to thwart attack, she pressed herself to Jackal, back to back. As the dust began to clear, she sighted four more beasts advancing, each with its teeth bared. Six total, she thought, calculating their odds of survival against so many. Not good. The closest one leaped and she lifted her blade to meet its arc, the point impaling it mid-chest. It struggled on her blade as her arms were brought down with its weight. It was a signal to the rest to attack.

01-22-2018, 01:09 AM
Jackal growled lightly as the Kufu got fully spooked and began bouncing around to avoid the desperate wolves. Hunger always hunters stupid. Luckily the springy prey animals were as worried about the wolves as they were about himself and Ez. His rifle would be no good in this dust, surviving this would rely on quick reaction. He just hoped the others in the camp wouldn't start shooting blind into the dust or the fleeing herd.

He slung the hunting rifle over his shoulder and quickly tied his bandana around his face and pulled goggles on the cover his eyes. At least he wouldn't die choking on dust, pulling out his pistol and machete he made his way to the soinds of fighting anx nodded approvingly as Ez killed the first wolf with her sword. Rushing to her side he quickly shot the next attacking wolf square between the eyes at point blank range before it got Ez.

The tall man quickly kicked the body away and jabbed his machete into the sand before hauling Ez up from under the wolf.
"Tie something over your mouth and nose and put goggles on if you have them. Stay back to back with me and we'll get through this!" He freed his machete and spun his back to the woman cocking the hammer back on his pistol.

01-22-2018, 02:06 AM
Adrenaline rushing, Ezra was in fight mode when the vigilante brought her to her feet, her blood-slick blade slipping from the inert body of the impaled wolf as she rose. She pulled in a deep breath, coughing in the dust as she quickly tied a cloth around her nose and mouth. "Thanks," she mumbled, feeling heat radiating from Jackal as he shifted behind her. The descending cold was forgotten now as the wolves continued to circle, holding their bodies low and moving in slowly. Ez followed their movements, matching them with that of her weapon.

It was a pale blonde female that engaged with her first, the wolf coming low, nipping at her ankles. Ez jabbed with her blade, the tip cutting a deep swath into the bitch's neck. Growling, the dog snapped at the offending steel, canine teeth scraping against the weapon ineffectively. Ez kicked the dog's snout, a satisfying crunch following the attack as it fell backwards. Her next jab sunk the katana into the space between elbow and chest, directly into the heart. The beast fell.

01-22-2018, 10:54 PM
Jackal focused his efforts on the remaining wolves, three were dead and considering they haven't been swarmed yet he could assume there weren't that many beasts left. Most would've likely ran off as soon as the men at camp began firing their guns.

From his lift the lawman heard the rapid snarling of a wolf coming from his right. Narrowing his eyes he followed the quickly approaching shadow and after a quick adjustment he fired a single shot and the wolf fell into a quivering heap. The next one came from the left, sometimes the predictability of the desperate can be laughable. Once more he saw the shadow, but he didn't have time to whip his gun around to kill it, so he crouched down and waited for the wolf to lunge at him before he brought the curved machete up in an arc and cleaved part of the way through the wolf's front leg. As the beast yiped in pain and feel in front of him he looped his shoulder around and brought the blade down into the wolf's skull.

The blade was stuck fast and the last wolf took advantage of it and jumped at Jackal's face. He was knocked away from Ez but he was in control of the roll. Letting the wolf flop over him only to be pinned to the ground Jackal's greater weight aiding him here. He brought the sleeve of his tough leather jacket up and let the wolf chomp down on it viciously. It hurt like hell, but the leather was tough enough to mostly protect him. He swung the pistol around and fired a single shot into the wolf's skull killing it. Soon after that a mere few seconds after the whole fiasco started the dust died down, and both the Kufu and the rest of the Wolves were gone. The moon glowed brightly above them and the man saw only seven wolves were dead and by some sheer luck one Kufu. He yanked his blade from the wolves skull and wiped the blood from the metal before sheathing it at his waist opposite his pistol.

His arm throbbed and despite the sturdiness of his coat he saw a small trickle of blood move down his arm and off his hand into the sand. He let out an annoyed sigh and pulled his coat off, and the for the first time since she'd known him Ez would see exactly what the infamous lawman looked like. Under his coat he was wearing a sleeveless priest's vest. His bare arms weren't heavily muscles like Gabes, but they held strong quick muscle and all up and down the limbs were innumerable healed cuts, burns, and obvious gun wounds. It looked like only skin was holding this scarecrow of a man together, he dropped the coat and reached into one of the pouches at his belt pulling out a small bottle of potent alcohol and some bandages. He studied the bloody holes in his arm and frowned.
"At least he wasn't able to rip my arm off." The man grumbled slightly as he bit down on the roll of bandages pouring the alcohol on the wound to clean it. The liquid gave an audible sizzling sound as it purified the bite marks. The fact he only grunted slightly at pain would like be all someone would need to know to attest to this gunslinger's experience with self mending.

He corked the bottle and began to try and bandage his arm, but doing it one handed was always a bitch.

01-23-2018, 01:42 AM
Ezra was extracting her blade from the blonde bitch at the same time Jackal had finished off the larger wolf that had pounced on him. She had seen the encounter...briefly...and shook her head at his tactics. Using her foot, she pulled her bloody weapon free and drove it into the sand before replacing it in its sheath. As the vigilante removed his long coat, she turned towards him again. Staring, she couldn't take her eyes off the marks covering his bare arms. Rather than being turned off by the scars, she was curious and fascinated by them. Focus, she told herself, pulling her attention to the blood that oozed from the bite wounds despite his cleaning.

"Not the best idea...using your arm as a chewing toy," she admonished, moving closer to lend him aid. She removed the gauze from him, pushing his hand away firmly in case he tried to resist. Then, with a gentleness she wasn't accustomed to using, she turned his injured arm in her hands, examining the wounds closely. "You'll be lucky if it doesn't fester. Damn dogs are full of rot." She stated, dabbing at the punctures before starting to wrap it. She drew in his scent as she worked, it was impossible not to, and she had to force herself to focus on the task at hand. Several wraps later the bandage was finished.

With a sigh, Ezra backed away from Lawless, a part of her missing the closeness as soon as she did so. She forced herself to look away, towards the camp, to get her breathing under control. She didn't like him having that effect on her. "I...uh...I need to get back to camp, just for a minute," she muttered, suddenly uneasy with her feelings. She could deal with desire, that was common enough for her, but this was deeper than that. She was feeling a closeness, a kinship, with him, and that was something she hadn't dealt with before. "I'll get Deck to drag the Kufu over and dress it," she called over her shoulder to him. Swiftly she made her way back to camp, relieved when she saw everyone standing around the largest fire. One of the horses was dead, but it was the only casualty.

She spoke to the men briefly before heading back, her composure finally back under control. Her mind drifted to his attire...and then to his bible. A priest? she wondered, hoping she was wrong.


01-23-2018, 02:52 AM
Jackal grunted a few times as Ez tended to him. He noted her breathing and couldn't help but smell her as she was smelling him. "Hmm it was either my arm or my face." It was a rough attempt at a joke as he grinned through the pain of the wound and the discomfort of Ez's closeness. The woman quickly made up a few excuses to put distance between them and the tall man was happy to accept them.

What was going on between them? Last night she looked ready to shoot him, and he was sure she was just a drunk. But now, it seemed different, it was a feeling he had experienced before, but recollecting it only cause his chest to burn and his head to swirl. He shook sense back into his head and pulled the coat back on. He watched Ez's back for a few seconds then noticed Gabe approach the woman studying her for injury. The Black Jack noticed the woman's somewhat flustered demeanor and shot Jackal a cold glare before turning away.

The Vigilante reloaded the expended rounds from his pistol then holstered it shifting the rifle from his back again. He slipped a hand into the small food pouch Ez had given him and nibbled on a few bits of hardtack. He needed to get his head back and force the strangeness he felt around Ez away. He couldn't let himself be fooled again especially out here. As she returned he nodded to her.
"Thank you." Was all he said, but a hint of emotion was hidden underneath his almost monotonous tone.

01-24-2018, 12:35 AM
The next few hours ticked by slowly for Ezra, little conversation passing between her and the vigilante-- other than when she asked him about his arm and offered him the moonshine she had with her gear. Together they walked the outer reaches of the camp, nothing stirring since the attack on the Kufu. It seemed they both had other things on their minds. For Ez, her mind swirled with questions she wasn't ready to ask--mostly because she knew they wouldn't be answered. By the time their shift was done, they had circled the area over a dozen times.

Shift change occurred smoothly, and Ez took her place by the fire, slipping into her bedroll and rolling over with her back to the heat. Sleep eluded her and she spent the next hour listening to the sound of the wind and the sleeping men. Snoring. Farting. Mumbling. All part of the normal evening noises with this group. When she finally slept, it was fitfully. She tossed and turned, her blankets thrown from her by morning. At dawn she lifted her head and grumbled at the sky.

"Sleep well?"

Ez looked up, seeing the grizzled face of Deck looking at her, a lopsided grin on his face. Having recently returned from his watch, he had already stoked the fire and boiled water for coffee. He handed her a cup of the steaming black brew before pulling out a frying pan to cook breakfast. "Should I wake the others?"

"No, let them sleep a bit more," she grunted, running a hand through her tangled hair. She sipped the coffee and groaned with pleasure. "Black and potent. Mm, thanks." She put both hands on the cup, warming them as she drank. Finally she stood, stretching and rolling her shoulders as she cast a glance at the vigilante and his sleeping companion, a smile passing over her lips. "I think I'll go wake sleeping beauty," she murmured.

01-26-2018, 08:14 PM
Once his shift was over Jackal dropped very quickly to sleep with Vash partially wrapped around the tall man. Even with his light sleeping Chabbit protector over him the lawman kept his rifle loaded and resting on his chest with the safety on. He could flip the safety off and pop off a round before the trespasser could even get past Vash.

Luckily everyone seemed just as tired as him and both he and his mount slept peacefully through the night. Dawn brought a chilly gust of wind and the smell of fresh coffee into the little grove the companions were sleeping in. They ignored it all for a few more minutes of precious sleep, but as Ez decided to come wake them the sounds of her boots on the sand woke Vash who let out a low hissing growl which caused Jackal to awaken suddenly, sit up, and aim his rifle dead center of the woman's chest. Luckily the man came to his senses in a few second and lowered his weapon patting his Chabbit's side. "Relax Vash she's on our side." He laid the rifle down and stood slowly up stretching his stiff limbs and popping his even stiffer joint. "Next time Ms. Bastian you'd be better off just shouting to awaken us. How'd you sleep?" He asked fishing around in his saddle bags locating his shaving and morning clean up kit.

01-28-2018, 06:50 PM
Ez had stopped in her tracks when Vash challenged her, her right hand coming up to chest level, palm out, to calm the beast. When Jackal drew on her, she was already on guard from the beast, her position not changing, but her focus moving to his weapon. It was only when the two of them relaxed did she allow herself to breathe again. Stupid, she thought, berating herself for such a foolish move. When the man warned her to call out first next time, she nodded, responding simply with "Hmm."

She set down the coffee cup she had been bringing to him, placing it at her feet. "I slept like I always do, Mr. Lawless," she answered him, with emphasis on his formal name. "Drink up and eat a hearty breakfast. We have a long ride today-- I plan on getting to Outpost 4 before sundown. Gonna have to ride hard to make it. We'll be staying long enough to smoke the meat and cure the wolf hides--day or two at most. There'll be whorehouses and taverns to pass the time." She lifted her eyebrow as she said the last part, almost in question as to his interest. "Anyhow, good morning. ...and I'll let you come get this cup. Seems your pet's not feeling friendly." She paused for a moment, seeing his shaving kit. "Come see me when your finished with that shave--I can help you change that bandage," she offered.

She turned away, noticing the rest of the men were starting to drag themselves up as well. Deck had Kufu steaks sizzling on the pan with biscuit-like dumplings on the side. The aroma was tantalizing. Ez grabbed herself a plate and sat on her bedding to eat, meticulously cutting the meat into small bite-size pieces. She ate distractedly, barely tasting her food, as she considered their upcoming route. The outpost would be the last large settlement they encountered for at least a week. Any additional supplies they needed would have to be purchased there. The dangers of the wasteland would increase with each day they traveled deeper in. ...and there would be casualties. Ez swallowed the last of her meal and started rolling up her bedding. While the others ate she packed up her gear and waited for them to finish.

01-29-2018, 07:01 AM
Jackal chuckled lightly watching Ez walk away.
"We'll teach her soon don't worry." He patted the Chabbit's neck as he passed to grab the offered drink. Vash simply huffed indifferently and began grooming his rough fur coat. The lawman stuck his shaving kit under his arm and walked to the overlook to get his morning shave done. Out in the wastes personal hygiene is a double-edged sword. It helps keep disease and infection in check, but unless you have a large natural water source like this you keep it as minimal as possible since you'll be using precious drinking water to clean with.

This early in the morning Jackal expected to be the only one up here, but much to his surprise there was an older man seated cross-legged on a large flat stone he doesn't remember being up here last night. The man also didn't look familiar, he was of some Native American descent judging by his garb and straight graying black hair. He also had a truly impressive recurve bow and metal head arrows. The smartest weapon for someone spending great lengths of time outside the safety of a civilization's walls. It is possible the gunman just hadn't noticed the Native's presence what with all the former Black Jacks and current cutthroats milling about at all hours. Possible, but unlikely.

He was going to ignore the man, but the elder seemed to be able to read Lawless's thoughts and voiced the tall man's concerns.
"Worry not child of the gun. You did not miss counting me. I was simply passing in the night when I came up an even younger man than yourself asleep by the pond's edge." The old man's voice was dry like old paper, but his leather like face was creased in a bemused smile. "He nearly soiled himself when I approached and squealed something about the Thin Man coming to carve the tattoos from his back." The man didn't visibly turn to do so, but Jackal could tell the Indian was looking at him when he said the title of "The Thin Man". It was a tag he was giving later in his career of killing Black Jacks. He'd been given supernatural powers by the tribal forced into the employ of the crime syndicate and they said he could appear out of thin air and command the shadows for him without being conscious of the deeds of the ones he killed.

Jackal quirked his eyebrow. Who was this man? What was he doing way out here? Jackal certainly didn't see anyone following them yesterday and anyone who just wandered up behind the group in the night would've raised some kind of alarm. But the man didn't seem a danger, and Jackal's instinct rarely prove him wrong. Still he studied the man.
"Who may I ask are you sir? And what brings you here?" He set his kit down, but kept an eye on the strange man on the stone.

The old man nodded rolling his narrow shoulders out.
"I am called by many names, most beyond the ability of most men to pronounce. For now address me as Silver Bear. As for my business here, I am simply a traveler. The greater question is what brings a Child of the Gun such as yourself out here especially with a Woman of the Dirt and many Dogs of War behind you?"

Jackal wetted his straight razor and spread some cream across his face before following with the clean quick strokes of an expert. The Native's way of wording things baffled the vigilante, so flowery and unnecessary but something in his tone told Jackal there was more to it than just long winded speech. But the lawman wasn't one to give secrets.
"Simply travelers, looking for trading ventures and scrap."

Silver Bear hmmed softly scanning the horizon with his eyes.
"Be wary of treasure, it is more than a spot on the map."

It only took Jackal a few seconds to scratch the scruff from his face. But once he looked up the Indian was gone without a trace of him ever being there. A shiver went down the lawman's spine and for the first time in his life he was at a loss. He's heard about legends of spirits wandering the wastes, but never put much credence by them. Now though he wasn't sure, he quickly finished his shave and wiped the left over cream off then shoved everything back into his kit and left the pond walking past the rest of the men coming to do their own morning rituals.

He returned to his mount and saddled Vash then joined Ez in the main camp handing her the empty coffee cup his mind distracted.

02-02-2018, 09:30 PM
Ezra stowed the cup away and helped the others finish their packing before mounting her horse. She looked over at Jackal and nodded. "Ride with me," she asked, although it wasn't really posed as a question. She had Gabe and Deck take the lead, keeping a steady pace, as she and Jackal kept the rear. For the first few hours very little was said, but as they neared their destination the tension of danger abated and a quiet din could be heard as the men started to talk amongst themselves. Ez took this opportunity to move in closer to the vigilante's side, reining her horse in as close as the animal would allow. She cleared her throat, her discomfort obvious by her mannerisms, and leaned sideways to address the vigilante formally.

"Mr. Lawless, I am in the habit of getting to know anyone I plan to spend time with in the Wastes...and I think you qualify. I know your history, as it has been told to me, but very little else. So far, you continue to remain a mystery and it is time we clarify some things.

When I was a young girl there was this man that was said to be 'of the cloth'. He went by Father, Priest, or just plain Sir. He had a book like yours and his shirt had a high collar...like yours. He would read passages from this book and people followed him on his travels, believing him to be 'touched'. My parents followed him for some time. I remember him well and he was an odd man. He did not lay with grown women and he spoke oddly.

In some ways, you are like him--your dress and the Bible--only your book is written by a woman's hand. I am not asking you to tell me the history of your book, but I do want to know if you are a holy man."

The memory for her was not a pleasant one and she seemed almost haunted by its telling. She waited for his response, looking at him closely for any trace of untruth.

Jackal hmmed lightly lifting the rim of his hat up squinting a little in the afternoon sun. He knew the natural curiosity of womanhood would eventually force this kind of conversation. With a sigh he nodded lightly and sat for a few seconds to think of what words to use. The simple answer was no, he wasn't a Priest or Holy Man. The Bible is a memento from his past and a reminder of his humanity, and the shirt is a symbol...and the only shirt he has left. He could tell her all this and just leave it at that. It might satisfy her curiosity at least for a little bit. But it was likely she'd want to learn more and more.

He was never one to tell his own tale. He usually let his deeds do the talking, his vengeance on the Black Jacks was usually all that was needed to either get what he wanted or get people to leave him alone. And the last person he told his early life to wound up betraying him and getting his family killed. He wasn't going to make that mistake again even if Ez seemed like a decent sort.

Soon he decided on the middle ground.
"No, I am not a Priest and aside from a few old scholars I don't believe there are any actual Priests left. I've heard of people wandering around with old copies of the Bible and other holy books, but in my experience they are usually con artists or true monsters of the human condition." Then a thought entered his mind. "Would it matter if I was?" This would be a good thing to know, if the woman besides him had some kind of unpleasant past with one of these wannabe men of the cloth, it would effect his plans for once they reach the mountains.

For a moment she considered telling him the truth, sharing something with him that brought her feelings of discomfort, something that shaped who she had become as a adult. Instead, she shook her head, pulling her lower lip between her teeth, worrying the chapped skin until it began to bleed. "No... doesn't matter...except if you try to save my soul...then I might have to shoot you." She chuckled lightly, turning away from him for a moment to check the men. When she turned back, she was serious again.

"One other thing...the Black Jack killings...are they done? I need to know if I'll need more men while we are at Outpost 4. Half my crew are your enemy--do I need to worry?"

02-03-2018, 10:33 PM
Jackal shook his head. "As I said before, as long as they don't pull on me I won't kill them. Though personally I'd be more worried about you losing them to some whore's bed or the bottom of a whiskey bottle when the time comes to moving on." The tall man pulled out his pipe and loaded some tobacco into the bowl lighting it casually before slipping the spent match into his pocket to join the others.

The rest of the ride into Outpost 4 was quick-paced and while then men talked loudly talking about their plans for the little town of sin. But Jackal was quiet, he was busy studying the area, his eyes were hard and intense as he scanned every inch of the one street town. Outpost 4 is a very small town, but it's more well built than most towns. Everything was built from the ground up and it's back is resting against a large cliff face on three sides so trouble can only come from one direction. The first thing the group sees is the scrap metal wall stretching the entire length of town nestled against the rock wall. Atop the wall Jackal could see heavily armed guards pacing back and forth eyeing up everyone who walks through the gates.

The lawman pulled his hat down over his eyes. He'd been to this place before Black Jacks liked hanging out here and when Jackal took out the leaders Outpost 4 lost a lot of business. Needless to say he wasn't popular here, but unless he gave the guards a reason to shoot him they wouldn't. The first building one sees upon entering Outpost 4 is the Rascal House. Brothel, Bar, and Motel, this is likely where most of the men in the expedition will spend their time and chips. On either side of the two story building is the Grey's General store to the right and the Livingston Livery Stables to the left. Next to Livingston's is a less auspicious two-story Inn simply called the Den that is where Jackal planned to set himself up. But first he quickly noted the other buildings along the mile length dirt road, a Gun store/Blacksmiths, a restaurant, another bar, and oddly enough a small Doctor's office. It was mostly a travelers town the shop owners all either lived in their own stores or in either the Den or the Rascal House. Jackal waited at the gates as the men waited on Ez for orders though most of them were already leaning towards the Rascal House.

02-04-2018, 04:20 AM
With little less than hour before dark, Ez dismissed the men for the evening, shaking her head with amusement as they each took their mounts to the Livery Stables and high tailed it to the Rascal House. She spared a glance at Jackal, wondering where his appetites would take him. With his hat pulled low, his face was in shadow and completely unreadable. "Go on now," she said to him, "...go have some fun." She had no idea what his idea of fun was, although she knew he wasn't much of a drinker. Unfortunately for her, she was, and for that reason, she had no plans of giving the tavern her patronage this night. Clear head...no stupid mistakes, she cautioned herself, before heading to the stables herself.

The inside of the barn was dimly lit--motes of dust floating lazily in the air. The smell of manure was strong and Ez breathed it in, finding the scent earthy, if not pleasant. She walked along the dirt floor, searching for a stall before finding one close to the end. She striped Clove of the gear and brushed down his sweaty coat, patting the animal on the neck when she was done. "Sleep well, old boy," she murmured as she closed his gate.

Once outside, Ez pulled out her satchel and rolled herself a cigarette. Inhaling deeply, she sighed, allowing herself to relax. Outpost 4 was like a second home and it was rare for her group not to stop here--the reasons obvious. Two days, she thought, ..no more. It should be long enough for the men to get their hormones aligned and keep them on task for the trip--something she still had to discuss with them in earnest. She couldn't imagine them turning down a chance at treasure--no matter how outlandish their chances of finding it. It would be an adventure.

By the time Ezra walked the road to the Den, the sky had already darkened and stars littered the black vastness. She strode into the establishment only to be met with rejection. "Full up," the matron said. "No room at the inn," her husband reiterated, obviously amused with himself. Neither of them looked regretful--more money for their pockets. Disappointed, she turned to go, planning to check at the tavern when the woman's voice piped in again.

"We do have a ratty sofa in the back you can sleep on--even throw in a blanket and pillow--half price."

"She could double up too," the man suggested. "Gotta charge ya' full price then though." He laughed, his tone eerily queer in its amusement. "Mostly men staying here though...but I'm sure they won't mind." Another chuckle.

Ez sighed half-heartedly. She was weary and had been looking forward to a room to herself, lumpy mattress and all. She knew half of the rooms contained only one bed each, but she would make do if that was her fate. ...and if her roommate turned out to be disagreeable, she would sleep on the floor.

"All right," she said with little enthusiasm, "...double me up."

02-06-2018, 06:09 AM
Jackal chuckled at Ez's unenthusiastic almost defeated tone to her words. The wills of men are weakest around bitches and booze. He thought to himself reciting one of the many words of wisdom his Grandfather passed down to him. Too bad he didn't listen close enough, but we all learn best in hindsight. He entered the stable shortly after Ez and set Vash up in a stall more removed from the rest of the stable. It cost him more of his Steel Chips, but the Stable Master was receptive to the very strict instructions concerning the Chabbit. He was a stout, grim, looking man his red handlebar mustache twitched lightly in annoyance as Jackal spoke.
"Hello Max, long time no see, how have you been?"

Max nodded.
"Been ok, didn't expect to see you back here Lawless. You playing the long con with Ez Bastian and her band? Planning to kill them and wear their skulls as armor?"

Jackal could feel the disdain in Max's words. But also the smallest hint of worry. Thus the legend of Jackal Lawless grows. But the tall man simply smiled shaking his head.
"No, I hired them to help me do some Prospecting. Now if you don't mind, I'll settle Vash in, but just keep away from him. Toss in some bales of grass and just make sure no one bothers him unless I'm around. You know how Chabbits get."

Max grunted shooting a quick glare at the glowering mount but nodded to Jackal and pocketed the Steel Chips pulling his keys from his belt moving to the partition door. Luckily he had enough room for the ornery Chabbit to be mostly alone aside from a few snoozing Grox (https://i.imgur.com/yY2nurz.jpg), they are hideously mutated creatures, but are stronger than a large truck and as gentle as a tumbleweed. Jackal nodded his thanks to the surly Stable Master and went about securing the belongings that would be coming with him to the Den. His satchel, rifle, ammo, water, his food, nothing he'd miss losing if someone paid Max more than Jackal did to swipe something or hurt Vash. Not that he was too worried about the last part, Chabbits don't go down easy and Vash in particular will bust his way though the stable wall to escape if need be. He was done in a matter of minutes and gave Vash a handful of salt cubes to enjoy with his bales of grass. He bid the Chabbit good night and thanked Max once again before he headed for the Den.

He hoped there was room left. The Rascal House always has rooms, but they usually come with a big price and an assigned roommate, the owners are a couple of former Enforcers from the White Eyes Raider band. They were close allies with the Black Jacks and between the two they pretty much owned the land between Durcell and Outpost 4, but since Jackal came through the White Eyes have turned from crime into simply crooked business. But it amused the tall man to think they might be his retirement plan after he finds the treasure of the Lost Mountains.

He entered the Den and frowned noticing the No Vacancies sign. But he knew the owners, White Eyes, Millicent and Damien book stuffers who are as cowardly as they are smart. He's heard of this scam before and he was sure Ez had too, but she looked as tired as he did and probably didn't feel like fighting. Though they could be telling the truth this time, Lawless would go and see. Striding confidently up he turned on his intense studying stare again giving his dangerous smirk as the owners saw him and visibly backed up as he drew closer.
Damien spoke his voice cracking a little despite being a man well into his 50s.
"Mis....Mister L...Lawless...whu...whu...what are you do...doing back in the-the Outpost?"

Millicent could only shrink back half reaching for the triple-barreled shotgun they keep under the counter. But a slow shake of Jackal's head stopped her, the Vigilante walked up and placed a hand on Ez's shoulder showing familiarity.
"This woman is a friend of mine and we're out doing some prospecting. We've come a long way and I'm sure you'd be nice enough to give us rooms."

The woman found her voice and tried to stand tall.
"W-well any friend of...of...your's is-is-is a friend of ours. B-but we really don't h-have...enough rooms."

Jackal stared full into Millicent's eyes, she was telling the truth. But he knew some rooms are reserved for certain guests. The room he stayed in last time was one of those, it only had one bed, but at least it had a door that could lock.
"I know for a fact, you leave at least one room open for Big Jox when he comes into town. Last I heard he was down south on the wrong end of a Dune Runner's posse. I'm sure he won't mind if we have that room."

The owners once again quaked. Big Jox is one of the leaders of the White Eyes and he keeps two rooms reserved for his personal use. One in the Den and the other in the Rascal House, but no one ever knew which room he'd pick and he's been known to kill the people who take his rooms. But before them was Jackal Lawless possibly one of the most feared people in this part of Ragged America and he would kill them, their employees, and Big Jox if they said no. Eventually Damien caved and handed the key to Jackal who smiled that dangerous smile and shouldered his rifle and satchel heading for the stairs.
"I'll be sure to give Big Jox your regards if he shows up." He looked back at Ez his gaze softening at the woman. "Coming Ms. Bastian?" He said with a slightly less evil smile and began walking slowly up the steps.

02-07-2018, 12:48 AM
Ezra followed the vigilante up the steps without comment, marveling at his ability to intimidate and negotiate with the proprietors for a room. She had to admit she was impressed, she herself had been in no mood to argue. If Jackal had originally come to her with that stern look and determination, she was certain she would have faltered also---if she had been sober, that was. It was definitely a plus having him on her side. But the situation did bring her to another dilemma--room sharing. She was no better off--she was still doubling up--but with someone she knew instead of a stranger. She planned to work it to her advantage.

Ez unashamedly watched from behind as the man ascended the steps slowly, her eyes roving over him openly. His hand on her shoulder had stirred something in her--something that had been brewing since she met him. The climb to the room was short, but Ez's mind raced through her different options during the short span of time. When he opened the door she slipped past him, her body pushing against his to gain entry.

The first thing that struck her was the bed--only one--and it appeared larger than the others at the inn. Even the room was bigger, with a sofa and dining area set off in one corner. Big Jox must be quite the man to have this one on constant reserve. Ez could place his name, but it was not familiar enough to command her respect. She had never met him.

After her quick appraisal of the room, Ez placed her saddle bags and gear against one wall and shrugged her leather jacket from her shoulders, draping it over a chair. She teased the band from her hair, using her fingers to rearrange the wavy locks. When she turned, she had a half smile on her face, her hazel eyes locking with his of cold steel.

"So, Mr. Lawless, should we get down to business?"

Jackal chuckled lightly dropping his stuff by the sofa. He wasn't sure how the sleeping arrangements would work, but he'd be fine on the sofa--it's about his size and Ez could have the bed if she wanted. But this woman was a curious sort so he wasn't sure what she was on about. But he'd play it cool for now.

He pulled his long coat off and hung it on the end of the sofa. Holding her gaze he gave her an easier smile.

"And what business would that be Ms. Bastian?"

"Hmm..." she responded, her gaze dropping. She bent over and unlaced her boots, kicking them off one at a time. With deliberate slowness she emptied her pockets and unstrapped her weapons before making her way to the bed.

"Let's not be coy, Mr. Lawless--you know exactly what I am talking about."

Jackal chuckled again watching the woman pull her boots off. He had a feeling what she was getting at, but she could also be meaning something else entirely like setting him up for a joke about them sleeping together, but really she was going to claim the bed and tell him to sleep on the couch and make him look a fool. But where his social skills were shit he had a Hunters sense sometimes.
"I have a feeling I know what you are talking about Ez, but I've been wrong before." He unstrapped his pistol belt and began emptying his own pockets stacking his items neatly on the table placing the bible gingerly down. While not a lot of privacy this room had a bathtub in the left corner. The water would need to be poured and it would be ice cold, but he could get cleaned up some.

Which he figured would be a wise choice before whatever nightly business he was likely to get up to with a woman like Ez sharing the room with him. Even if she was true in her hints that they would be sharing that bed Jackal knew better than to jump right into it. He pulled the Priest's shirt off over his head and shook some of the dust out. This would be the first time Ez would see the Vigilante's full body. He was pale, but the rippling muscles of his back were pronounced and lean. Like his arms though his upper body was riddled with huge ragged looking scars, healed burns, and what looked like shotgun pellets sill embedded in his right side.

He turned to face Ez and showed that his front was even more damaged with slashes across his plate like pecs and it looked like he'd been gutted once or twice as his 6 pack abs sported two long cuts from narrow hip to narrow hip. More cuts, speckled the man's square torso, but the most interesting thing on Jackal's body was an intricate flaming cross tattoo directly over his heart. He pulled his gloves off next and the many healed over busted knuckles and cuts continued to them. It was like his entire body was stitched together with healed wounds. He looked up at Ez unashamed of his body. "I'll take the sofa if you want the bed though, just in case my gut instinct isn't right." He winked at the Scavver then turned and moved to the washbin pouring the prepared jug of water into the bin adding some soap blocks to it.

Ez had watched Jackal undress with interest, her eyes taking in every inch of the exposed flesh and lingering on every mark that marred his muscled skin. She found the scars...intriguing...wanting to run her hands over every one. As soon as he moved to the tub she made her way to him quietly, pressing herself to him and grabbing his wrists from behind. "No..as you are," she breathed.

Jackal hmmed softly.

"Well I guess my gut was right." He placed the jug down and turned to Ez, it'd been a long time since he'd been with a woman. He was likely rusty in his skills, but he would make it memorable. The height difference would be a challenge though. He looped his arms around the woman's hips and lifted her up, kissing her full on the lips and letting her rest a little on his thighs as his hands gripped her ass holding her up to him.

There was little comfort in the position and Ez wrapped her legs tightly around Jackal for additional support. She returned his kiss, grabbing his hair to pull him closer and grazing his lips with her teeth. Her free hand explored his back, the fingers digging into his flesh as though hungry for sustenance. "Bed..." she gasped into his mouth, her breathing and heart rate increasing rapidly.

Jackal felt so much heat coming from the woman and it quickly filled him with the same hot need. He hefted her up a little so her chest was level with his face then carried her to the bed laying her down upon her back kissing her exposed skin as he worked out of his own boots. "So glad Jox is such a fatass and needs a big bed."

Ez allowed a smirk as she pulled her top up over her head and wiggled out of her leather pants, Jackal continuing to kiss her skin. She arched to him, crying out with every touch. With her breath hitching in her chest, she gasped, grabbing his head and stopping him. She turned his face to hers, swallowing hard.

"Hit me," she demanded.

The demand threw Jackal off his game for a second. His fiance had asked him to do the same thing before. It wasn't exactly his choice of foreplay, but looking down at the woman and hearing her desire overruled his own trepidation. He moved off her and quickly undid his pants and stepped out of them--underwear was a bother in the wastes so as soon as his pants were down he was in his fully glory. His legs were scarred up as the rest of him, but luckily he was proportionate and proud to show it.

"Hmm I have a better idea." He moved to the head of the bed and quickly tied Ez's hands to the headboard using their belts. He moved back to the bed and sat across her body aligning them together. Leaning down he began biting the woman's neck letting the nails of his hands drag roughly down her body, teasing her anatomy and leaving long red marks down her entire torso.

Ez pulled at her bonds, feeling the leather bite into her skin, the feeling electric coupled with his teeth and nails. It was enough...and too much--their bodies one, it was over almost as quickly as it began.

02-07-2018, 03:37 AM
It was well into the night when Jackal and Ez had sated their desires. There wasn't a clock nearby, but the tall man would wager it was after midnight. Outpost 4 was still wide awake with drinking and fucking, and he could see the Rascal House from the open window in the room, but it had gotten quiet hot and the two needed some air after three rounds of merriment.

Once again he was glad Jox needed a larger than normal bed. Once he untied Ez's hands they made full use of all the real estate it gave them. And now they were resting comfortably in each other's arms, it was quiet, but Jackal was thankful for that. He was thinking over everything that had happened since setting out from Carousel. He figured they would get close before the end, but not quite this close so soon. He was glad for it, but he couldn't help but think of what it all meant. He pegged Ez for the same opportunistic lover as most of the people in the wastes, good for a pick up fuck, but not exactly built for a relationship.

She had such an eagerness about her though and so bendy. He could see why men like Gabe would be upset at being kicked out of her bed. The vigilante just wondered if he'd be one of them. Ez was snoozing gently nestled in the crook of his shoulder, but he needed a drink. Slowly slipping out of the tangle of limbs and mussed sheets Jackal wrapped a blanket around his waist to cover his nudity then went to the water jug poring himself a drink.

02-07-2018, 06:21 AM
Jostled, Ezra's eyes opened lazily when Jackal rose to get a drink. She sighed with content, her body fulfilled, though aching from the evening's activity. She tracked him, watching the gentle sway of the blanket as he moved. Light from the tavern barely backlit him, but she could still see the ravaging of his skin. She had explored that flesh deeply, but her curiosity left her wanting more. With a sigh she rose, throwing the blankets from her to go to his side.

Ezra inhaled, enjoying the feel of the cool breeze on her naked skin, the chill causing goose bumps to appear. She drew in closer to the vigilante and ran a finger along his arm, across his chest, and down to his stomach, tracing the many lines of his scars. "You are well traveled--these markings like a road map on your skin. How did you come about so many?" she asked.

The man chuckled lightly opening his blanket and pulling Ez's naked hips close to his own. He didn't expect to see her wake up when he moved, but it was a nice reprieve from his own thoughts and doubts. He enjoyed the warmth of her skin and despite how tired and sore he was, his body reacted to her closeness.

"You've heard my tale Ez, did you really think the man that wages a solo war on a group like the Black Jacks could come away unscathed?" He gently took her hand and guided it along some of his more pronounced wounds, starting with the ones on his stomach. "These are from a man called Razor, I caught him by surprise in a brothel in Durcell called the Minx Club and he was always one to let his blades react for him." He took her hand dragging it over his body lightly before bringing it up to the shotgun pellets on his side. "This is actually from my escape after driving the end of a broken bottle through Razor's face, the noise had brought a guard to the Club and he clipped me as I jumped from a window." He released her hand and let his own roam over her soft flesh resting on her chest and squeezing for a few seconds before asking something that he was curious about after seeing Ez in her most natural state. "What of you Ez? I wouldn't expect you to look as beat up as me, but do you have any interesting scars?" He knew of the big one on her back the tattoo covered it well, but he couldn't help but notice the nasty looking burn on her back, he stared at it after he untied her hands and they changed position. But no one would go to such great lengths to cover something if they wanted to talk about it, so he kept his question vague.

The softness of her expression changed, a hardness forming as her forehead wrinkled with the frown that turned down the corners of her mouth. "Quid pro quo?" she murmured, a saying her father liked to say when he wanted something for something. He had always thought it had made him appear smarter and Ez had hated the saying for that. It surprised her when it flowed so easily from her mouth. She sighed, shaking her head. She had so few scars of note and if Jackal was asking, he must have seen the ones on her back. She opened her mouth, truly expecting to tell him, and then stopped. "I can't...not yet. Ask me something else."

Jackal noted her change then lifted her chin kissing her lips gently. He understood where she was coming from and would respect her wishes. He had a couple of other questions he could ask. "Very well, what got you into Scavenging?"

Ez didn't like where this was going. He was being tender...and she did not like tender...not like this. His body felt too good against hers and his lips felt good against hers--cool from the water he had drank...and she wanted the feeling to stay...yet she didn't...and she was finding it all too confusing. She pushed her mouth harder against his, biting his lips and drawing in his tongue. She lost herself for a moment in his feel...his scent...then pulled away...away from his embrace...and away from his warm tenderness. She turned from him, her shoulders squaring up and her body becoming rigid. For the longest moment she was silent.

"I was stupid. You know the saying...'you learn from your mistakes'? Well, I did, and I suppose I should be happy I survived it, but I was stupid...and so damn confident in my abilities that I took risks. Alone...I was always alone. I wish it was a long time ago and I could say it was youthful pride, but it wasn't. Just another day...I went for my bath...alone...like I always did. To the pond. I had my supplies...just in case. You never knew when the urge to scav will come upon you, and for me that was often. But I wasn't prepared. Didn't bring enough supplies. I should have known better..my parents taught me better, but I'd survived all this time on my own and nothing had ever happened before. So I went scaving after my bath and I came upon this metal stake in the ground and started digging. I don't know how long I dug...too long...and I ran out of water and still I dug. Days. I tried to convince myself to go back but I was too afraid to lose my claim. ...and it was a good claim."

Ezra took a deep breath, glancing at the floor before going on. Now that she had started she knew she had to finish...or it would stay locked inside forever. She turned back to him, forcing herself to look at him as she spoke.

"So I stayed. I lost track of things...dehydration I think. I didn't hear them coming until it was too late. I was in the hole when I was struck from behind. Swift. High up on my back. I dropped, recovering quickly only to be struck again. When I fell that time I couldn't get back up. I tried but my legs refused to listen. Everything tingling. I felt myself lifted and taken into someone arms, my body stretched out on the sand. Something snapped inside me and I knew I had to keep fighting or die. So I pulled at my reserves and tackled the man, toppling him. When I was hit this time it was against my head and I went limp, conscious, but no longer fighting. There were two of them with me then, one held my arms behind me while the other hit me with his fists. Over and over. Eventually I passed out.

It was night when I awoke, my arms stretched out above me tied to a tree limb. I saw three men by the camp fire, talking, bragging, and I could feel what they had done to me. I tried to keep quiet but one of them noticed I was awake. He wasn't an ugly man, just brutish---but I wanted him to be ugly to match his evil heart. When he approached me I saw such coldness in his eyes, his laughter never touching them as he probed my face to make me flinch. He tore my shirt from me, and spun me around, reaching his hand out to the other men by the fire. I knew...as soon as he gestured to them, I knew. I held my breath and waited, telling myself I wouldn't scream. ...but I did. Every time he pressed that torch against my skin. Over and over again. Begging him to stop. Wishing I would die so the pain would stop.

When I woke up again they were gone. They took everything...my horse, my supplies, my find. The only thing they did not take was my life...but I wished that they had..at least then and for several months later.

Somehow I made it back to the pond...and someone found me there."

Ezra stopped, swallowing hard but keeping her face blank. The story was told and somehow she felt better...almost cleansed with its telling. But she also felt cold, not physically, but emotionally.

"I think I need to walk. Will you come with me?"

02-07-2018, 07:18 AM
Jackal watched in silence after she left his side and began pacing around telling the story of her back scar. He was familiar with the horrors bad men could deliver unto good people especially those who didn't deserve it. He was thrown for a loop though, he didn't expect her to actually explain the thing she didn't want to talk about. Was the truth about her parents that much worse than being raped and tortured by three crooks? Jackal couldn't even begin to guess this woman was far more than he first assumed and he found himself feeling intrigued.

He tied the blanket back around his waist and listened politely to he tale in it's entirety. The men weren't Black Jacks at least not Black Jacks he's heard anything about, but Ragged America had no shortage of scum plaguing it's shadows. His eyes grew sterner and the rage he felt in his heart after his own tragedy burned his blood. It was stuff like this that made him wish he wasn't one man, but an army. Purge the Wastes was a phrase Grandpa Gregor used a lot when training him. Jackal thought it meant simply killing all the bad guys, but seeing the pain is Ezra's eyes and posture and the many others he's seen on the wrong end of evil told him the true meaning was a much deeper. Purge the wasteland of all pain and suffering.

As she finished and asked if he would like to take a walk with her he was willing to do it, but something in his once rocky heart told him something more was needed. He walked to the woman and wrapped her in a firm hug pulling her close. He wasn't sure how she'd react to it after such an emotional baring of the soul, but it felt...right to him. He rested his chin on her head and rubbed her arms slowly.
"I'm sorry Ezra." Was all he said, he held her close for a few seconds then pulled back smiling gently.
"Sure, I could use a walk myself."

02-07-2018, 05:11 PM
The night air was crisp on her skin and Ezra embraced the cold, removing her jacket to expose herself to it like a lover. She walked slowly beside Jackal--little more than a stranger--but also so much more. She had regrets--telling her story had left her vulnerable to him--perhaps weaker in his eyes. But she wasn't weak, not anymore, she had hardened herself against pain, regret...even love. But Jackal had loved, she could see it in his eyes, the way he had softened when he held her. Like a protector..a loved one...and she had allowed it, but not for herself, for him. Any other man she would have pushed away, cringing, but...and it seemed like nonsense now...but the telling of her story seemed to have hurt him more than her.

She drew out her sachel, rolling a cigarette as they walked towards the gate. They would be locked for the night, but she wanted to be as far away as possible from the noises and lights. She drew the minty smoke into her lungs, holding it for as long as she could before exhaling--the light buzz giving her little comfort. In silence they had walked and when she finally stopped it was because she could go no further--the wall stood before them.

"Tell me about the men you killed...how you managed to stay alive," she asked. She felt he owed her this--a distraction from her own thoughts. She leaned back against the wall, far enough away from the guards to avoid suspicion. It was a reach, he had already opened up to her tonight, in so many ways, but she hoped he needed the distraction as much as she.

02-08-2018, 12:04 AM
Jackal had lit his pipe and enjoyed the silence of the dirt street as he walked besides Ez. He had his long coat, hat, pistol belt, rifle, and bandoleer on. He never went out into towns like Outpost 4 without them, plus it was like putting on his own suit of emotional armor. He wasn't just a man like he was in the room with Ezra, out here he was Jackal Lawless, Vigilante, Grim Reaper of the Wastes, the Untouchable and Enigmatic Lawman.

He wasn't sure why things felt different around this woman. But each time he thought about it the pain of his betrayal stung. Though he could tell Ezra was building up walls around her heart after what happened in the room. It would likely be the last time he got an insight into her past for awhile, that was fine by him save her the pain, save him the pain.

But it did bring to question what their relationship was now or what it would be tomorrow. He had hoped to be somewhere like this by the time they reached the mountains he would need her for a greater calling than either of them could know. He continued to puff on his pipe letting the smoke calm him as well. As they reached the wall he slipped his hands into his long pockets nodding slowly at her question. It was one he got a few times before.
"A combination of skill, knowing the location, and lots of luck. Maybe mostly luck, most of the scars and such should've killed me. But each time I walked or crawled away I remembered an old poem my mother used to tell me." He pulled the pipe from his mouth and cleared his throat.

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

I shall fear no evil, for I am the rage against the dying of the light.

I am he who shall not go gently into that dire night.

Standing at the end of the path of light, I am vigilance against the grasping claws of the dark.

The sword that slays the wicked and the shield that protects the weak.

Gather to me, your destitute and your downtrodden.

I will cover them with my cloak and shelter them from the hail of injustice.

Unflinching and unyielding, I am he who wards off the darkness and casts light upon its evils.

Tearing from it the lies and guises it uses to harm the innocent.

I am he who slays those that stand in the path righteousness and decency.

Forever fighting the night, I am the rage against the dying of the light. " As he finished speaking he relight and replaced the pipe to his mouth. "That reminded me of my...mission I guess and I knew I couldn't die just yet."

02-08-2018, 02:00 AM
"Hmm...so you believe it is your calling to avenge and protect the weak? Like in the poem?" She offered him a smile. "That is a big undertaking." She rubbed out the ember of her cigarette, stuffing the stub back into the satchel at her waist. "...but if it's what kept you alive, then it served its purpose."

Her face turned up to his. "Do you really think it's what we need. A savior? Perhaps being a killer is enough."

Jackal shrugged looking at the dirt. He knew it sounded silly, but like she said it worked for him. He asked himself that question a lot and he'd lost a lot of sleep pondering it. Normally it was just easier to not think about it. But in his heart he felt like he was here for a greater purpose. He wasn't sure how to answer her. So he just spoke his mind.

"I don't know for sure, I've spent much of my life doing just that protecting and avenging. As for what Ragged America needs, that I can say with some certainty. This place is full of killers, hell this town is full of them. But a long time ago there were those who killed in the protection of others rather than for personal gain. They were called many things, but most could be broken down to a single phrase To Serve and Protect." He smiled softly around his pipe. "Sounds like something we could use out here."

Ezra nodded. "Perhaps, but they would all be killed in a fortnight. Not enough courage or weapons to protect all the weak. Most can not even protect their own family let alone strangers."

She put her hand on his arm briefly. "We should head back. I have an early morning and there's a warm bed waiting for us."

02-09-2018, 11:33 PM
Jackal awoke around the same time as Ez and it let them have one more bout of fun before their days started. Afterwards though much of the warmth and tenderness that confused them both the night before was cooled off. They both agreed, they should keep things as quiet as possible for now. Though they knew that wouldn't last long especially if and when Gabe heard they shared a room last night.

They exited the room and seeing as they would just be in town they left most of their stuff in the locked room. Jackal was just carrying the same stuff as last night, he needed to stop by the General Store and Smiths today. He hoped he had enough chips to cover everything, he wanted to top off his tobacco supply, get some provisions, and get a few more boxes of bullets for the rest of the journey. There were a few isolated towns and maybe a trader station or two he knew of, but the chances of finding them and being able to find exactly what he needed were slim.

Before they reached the stairs he turned and gave Ez a final kiss on the cheek.
'See you later Ms. Bastian." With that he walked down the steps and out the door, he looked up and down the street for trouble then made his way to Grey's General Store.

02-10-2018, 05:49 AM
Ezra put her hand to her cheek, watching as Jackal walked away. How odd things had become for her in such a short time. She had grown fond of the vigilante in ways she was not accustomed to and it frightened her--she did not want to start depending on someone for anything. Shaking her head with a grim smile, she walked in the opposite direction and met Deck behind The Rascal House as they had previously planned. Already the cook had a large fire going and had set up racks both for the skins and the meat. He handed her a coffee as soon as she rounded the corner, nodding his head to her in greeting.

"The Kofu is in the bags--salted and flavored--all ready for you," the squat man said.

Ez smiled her thanks, sipping at her coffee and grabbing the thin knife set out on a stone cutting board. She used to help her father prepare jerky when she was a child--her mother too squeamish to handle the meat, but always happy to eat it. Ez found the chore to be relaxing and the memories it brought were fond ones. Grabbing the seasoned meat from the sack, she began slicing it into thin pieces, lining the strips up on the rack to be smoked. Hands bloodied, the work was done in a couple hours and she was washing up when Deck cleared his throat.

"Um...damn near forgot...Gabriel wanted me to...um...ask you to meet with him."

"Mmm...and did he say why."

"No mam, just tol' me to tell you--said t'was important...and to meet him in his room...number 8....alone."


"Ya ask me, he's just looking for trouble...don't say as I'd go if I were you."

Ez nodded, appreciating Deck's concern. "I'll go, no worries."

"Well, if you need me, just holler, I'll be in the bar...um...drinking."

Ez nodded again, bidding the man farewell.

Curiosity was a strange thing, and Ez was filled with it as she climbed the stairs to Gabe's room. She couldn't begin to figure out what the man wanted, and she knew the possible risks, but her curiosity won the battle over common sense. Without a moment's hesitation, she went to his door and knocked, entering when she heard his muffled voice telling her to enter.

It was the smell that assaulted her senses first...liquor and sex...both of which hung heavily in the air. The room was sparsely furnished, two beds and a small table occupied the small space. On the bed closest to the door, Gabriel sat, drink in hand, as he watched Ezra enter the room.

"Well...well...look who dragged herself out of bed this morning." He lifted his glass to her as he rose and moved deeper into the room. "Care for one?" he asked as he refilled his glass. She replied with a shake of her head. "Yeah, you may change your mind...after..." he stated simply. Sitting at the table, he motioned to a chair across from him and she sat.

"Gabe, why am I here?"

"No small talk? Well that's a shame. But I did share some small talk with Damien last night--you know the owner of the Den? Seems Mr. Lawless forced Damien to rent Jox's room to him. ...but you knew that...right...cause you followed him up there like a bitch in heat. Damien said he heard the two of you going at it for hours. Is that right?"

Ez kept her face neutral, staring Gabe down without saying a word.

"Don't matter...knew it would happen, but I warned you about him...him being a stone cold killer and all."

Keeping her voice low, Ez responded, "...look who's calling the kettle black."

Gabe nodded, his face now grim. "You know you're not the first...he's used that trick on other bitches and they always fall for it...dropping their drawers for the big tough outlaw." He laughed sourly, looking up at Ezra as he did so. "...the whores here seem rather fond of him also."

Ezra rose from her chair. "All right, Gabe. I think I've heard e..."

"No..no...you haven't heard the best part yet....the real reason I wanted to see you. You remember Francesco? He was the last Black Jack Lawless killed here at the Outpost. Seems Francesco had a wife and two daughters too...lived above the bar back when he owned it. Good looking gals, the three of them. Seems Lawless thought so too...heard tell he raped them repeatedly then slit their throats...watched as they died. Slaughtered like pigs. He dangerous Ez...you ain't safe with him."

Ezra shook her head. "You're lying...and you know it. I'm leaving." She made her way to the door, getting it open a crack before she was pushed from behind. The door slammed shut with her weight pressed against it and she grunted in surprise.

"I ain't lying Ez..I'm trying to protect you. That's my job." As he spoke, his hands roved over her body, slipping inside her clothes in a desperate attempt to arouse her. She struggled against his weight and he grabbed her upper arms and spun her around, pressing his mouth hard against hers. With a bucking motion she managed to push him away, creating enough of a gap for her to slam her head forward into his. Gabe took a step backwards, surprised but not hurt. She had taken the brunt of the impact and she felt the pain radiate across her forehead. When Gabriel slapped her, she barely registered the contact, her eyes lifting to his. He slapped her again, her lip splitting with the second blow. When he put his mouth on hers again she didn't resist.

When Ez left Gabe's room she was angry...angry at herself and angry at Gabe. She was also very confused. She couldn't wrap her mind around the things that had transpired in there. Her breathing was labored as she made her way down the stairs, her hand clasping the handrail in a white knuckled grip. She tried to walk past the bar, told herself to go to her room at the Den, but her need was stronger. She spoke briefly to the bartender, nodding before grabbing a bottle of brandy and finding her way to a small table at the back.

Absorbed in the drink, Ez did not see Gabriel walk down the stairs. The once Black Jack nodded at Deck and the bartender before leaving the tavern, a smile on his face. Whistling to himself, he left at a brisk walk....things had gone according to plan....well almost...and he had that bitches scent all over him. If luck was on his side, he might run into the vigilante and call bragging rights. If not, there was always the split lip on that whore's face to tell the tale. Yes, he was in a whistling mood indeed.

02-10-2018, 09:27 PM
Jackal walked from the General store frowning lightly down at the two steel chips in his hand. As he feared the prices at the General Store went up and these were the last two chips to his name. They wouldn't be enough to top off his ammo supply.

He grumbled lightly to himself shoving the chips back into his pocket. He could survive with his current ammunition as long as he waited for killshots only. He didn't doubt he could do it, but that could open him up to a lot of trouble. Maybe he could find some grunt work to do or maybe the Smith needed some work done and they could trade wares for work.

He turned down the street to move towards the shop when he heard a harsh shout behind him.

Immediately Jackal grabbed the handle of his pistol and turned already in a duelist stance. He saw a man wearing the tattered garb of a Black Jack his hand at the ready on his pistol as well. Jackal didn't recognize him from this distance. But he knew tone and stance well, this man was out for revenge.
"Who the hell are you? And what the hell do you want?"

The man moved closer growling lightly. He was an ugly mug, likely an Enforcer. All muscle and scars, Jackal hoped he just wanted a shoot-out instead of a fist fight. This goon was bigger than even Gabe. "My name is Markus and you killed my brother in your psychotic purge of the Black Jacks, he wasn't even part of the team that killed your family!" The man quickly moved to draw his gun, but the sharp retort of a gun barked through the air and Markus fell down dead, a perfect bullet hole between his eyes.

The guards who had been watching and secretly hoping Markus would be able to kill Jackal frowned and finally decided to do their jobs. They began converging on Markus's dead body, but a vicious glare from Jackal stopped them. Keeping his pistol out the vigilante walked slowly towards the dead man's body, oblivious to all the staring eyes and angry grumbles from the townspeople. Jackal crouched down and began going through Markus's pockets. He pulled out a nice hefty pouch of chips, a buck knife, some tobacco, and a black star badge. He then took the man's pistol and holster and the rest of his ammo. Once the body was properly looted Jackal took the knife and quickly carved his calling card into the man's cheek. A cross with flames around it. Jackal shot one more glare across the gathered crowd and holstered his own pistol then attached the new one to his belt before shoving the knife into the back of his belt making his way to the Gunsmith's.

Outpost 4 wasn't a stranger to duels in the street nor was the loser being looted by the winner such an uncommon sight. But when the Devil himself does the killing and looting word spreads like wildfire. One coming right to the bartender, Deck and Ez. A local Hunter came in his hands shaking a little he grabbed the glass of whiskey the bartender poured for him and sat down at the bar close to Ez's table. The bartender looked with concern at his new customer, he knew the man and nothing shook him.
"What the hell happened Carlisle? Looks like you just saw a ghost or something."

Carlisle downed his drink in one gulp rubbing the Black Jack tattoo on the back of his hand.
"Damn close to that Simon, you can open up one of your rooms now. The Devil just claimed another one of my old coworkers and I thought he'd try to reap my soul next. The damn fool should've just kept his mouth shut."

02-11-2018, 03:42 AM
Lost in her thoughts with her head bowed, Ezra was comfortably drunk, working her way to stupid. There had been a gunshot, she was sure of it, but she dismissed it and continued sucking down her Brandy--shootings in Outpost 4 were a common enough occurrence and it wasn't until a newcomer arrived at the bar that her stupor was interrupted. Devil was what the man said, the tattoo on his hand identifying him as a Black Jack if nothing else. Raising her head, she stopped drinking, trying to focus her attention. The man himself was not familiar, but that didn't mean it couldn't be one of her men that had taken the bullet...that Jackal was the "devil" the man was referring to. Her mind immediately thought of Gabe--the man had been acting peculiar when she left his room earlier and he was definitely one to shoot his mouth off.

Ezra rose, steadying herself with the chair as her equilibrium adjusted itself to her new position. Through the window she could see two guards carrying a body and she made her way to the door, Deck taking up behind her unnoticed. The guards had already passed by the Rascal House when she got outside and Ez strained her neck to see the identity of the body, finally deciding to walk after them. It was then that Deck reached out for her, taking her arm and pulling her back firmly, but with a gentle hand.

"Not safe on the streets right yet Ez, best you stay back a bit." The cook could tell Ez was upset, she had been so for the past hour, but it wasn't like her to drink so heavily. She tended to nurse her drinks, not gulp them. He didn't consider asking her about her troubles...everyone knew Ez was not one to discuss her private matters, not even to him, and he had always been the closest to her, outside of Liddie, almost like a father figure. He only knew two things about her in regards to her past--her parents were dead--gone when she was barely a teen, and the occurrence near the watering hole. Most of the folk in Carousel knew about her run-in with the Black Jacks out there--but only because Liddie has nursed Ez back to health--and Liddie had a big mouth.

The cook's attention was refocused when Ez tried to pull free. "I need to know who it is," she countered. "Tell them to stop the fuck up." Again she tugged, almost breaking his grip.

"Nobody we know, Ez, come on. Let me take you back to your room, to the Den. I think you've had enough." Deck held his breath, waiting for the outburst...surprised when it didn't come. Instead she calmly declined, her words starting to slur together.

"Not goin' over there. ...and I haven't had enough. I can still walk." With a final yank she pulled herself free and headed back into the bar, unsteadily making her way back to her table. Her glass filled her hand as soon as she sat down and Deck pulled out the chair across from her, nodding his head towards it and sitting down when Ez did not object. She looked at him over her glass, eyes glazed but focused on him. She stared for a long moment, scowling at his grizzled face, knowing he was keeping an eye on her.

"I'm fine. Go away."

"Please Ez...let me take..."

"No! Fucking staying here until this bottle is empty."

"I could get Mr. Lawless. You'd like that?" It was a stretch, but Deck was pretty certain the two of them had a connection--would do the woman some good to finally have someone to look after her. Not that she needed it...hell no...he would never suggest that, especially not to her. But he had never heard of her actually falling for someone...being sweet on them...and he would like to see that happen, for her sake.

"No!" The word was more of a growl than anything else and Deck went silent. He had hit on something and he wasn't going to piss her off any more that he already had.

"Okay...drink your brandy. Enjoy." Deck rose from the chair and slipped back over to his table, shaking his head.

Ez swung her booted feet up onto the table top and surveyed the room with venom in her heart. Fuck them all, she thought, unable to even remember why she was so upset. The Brandy slipped down her throat like honey, her tongue no longer registering its bitter taste. With three quarters of the bottle emptied, she rested her head against the wall, the room spinning, and her thoughts amiss.

02-13-2018, 12:02 AM
Deck let out a deep sigh as he watched Ez drink herself to sleep. Normally he knew to leave well enough alone especially after seeing how upset the woman was. But he's spent enough time around her to know this was special kind of upset. He had only seen her like this a few times. And the best thing for her was to be somewhere safe. Preferably far away from Gabe who'd happily take advantage of her in this present state.

Normally that safe place was Liddie's little apartment above the Coyote. Now though there was only one place. But as strong as Deck was Ez was a fair bit taller than him and he wouldn't be able to carry her to the Den on his own. He saw Jackal move past the front window moving towards the gun shop.

The lawman was the best choice to help Ez, for more than one reason. The short man stood up nodding to Simon.
"Hey Simon mind watchin' sleepin' beauty here for a few minutes while I get some help to move her?"

The barman nodded.
"Sure you gonna pay for her drinking my last bottle of good brandy?" Simon chuckled cleaning some glasses behind the bar.

Deck grumbled pulling two copper chips from his pocket throwing them across the bar to Simon who expertly caught and slipped them into his tip jar.
"And I hope you choke on them." With that he walked outside heading for the gun shop. The lawman had a good headstart and by the time he caught up Jackal already had purchased a new bandoleer pistol belt and three boxes of ammo. Two for his pistols and one for his rifle.

He had just dropped the three copper chips into the Smith's hand as the bell on the door jingled. Jackal turned his eyes still hard and his body rigid even after seeing it was Deck. The cook was never one to mince words.
"Ez needs your help Mr. Lawless. She gone and drunk herself snoozy again and I ain't able to carry her." Immediately Jackal softened and Deck had to force himself to stop whistling in amazement. There was definitely something going on between these two. But the short man didn't need to ask again. Jackal grabbed his purchases and followed Deck outside and back to the Rascal House.

The two men walked in and Jackal let out a sigh walking over and picking the drunken woman up. He looked at her face grimacing.
"What happened?" He asked looking at her split lip and the slight bruise on her cheek.

Deck frowned shrugging at the question.
"Can't rightly say, Gabe asked to see her in his room, she went up, they both come down a few minutes later. She looked pissed and with that lip and he come down like a cock on a rock."

Jackal knew what had happened, but he stemmed his first thoughts of anger. He needed to take care of Ez first, he'd deal with Gabe later. Cradling Ez in his arms he motioned for Deck to go first and open doors for him. He hoped she would stay asleep until they got to the room.

But they hadn't gone far before she stirred. "I can walk," the woman mumbled as soon as they had stepped out of the bar, her words little more than a whisper. She was more asleep than awake and although she shifted slightly in the big man's arms, she did not resist. "Making a scene...put me down." But like Deck had surmised, she was in no condition to put up a fight. Her head fell to the vigilante's shoulder and within seconds she was back to sleep.

Jackal felt his heart twinge a little, but with practiced skill he kept his face a mask of stillness, locking eyes with anyone who dared look at him. Even with Ez in his arms he was strung pretty high and on full alert. If one uppity jackass was willing to square off and tempt fate then another would be just as likely even with how quickly he put Markus down. "Can't show fear or weakness when in the lion's den." As his Grandfather used to say, never show emotion when in public was basically what it broke down to. He did this part well...normally.

The three of them arrived at the Den and didn't even pay the owners a glance before they marched upstairs to Jackal and Ez's room. Deck opened the door with the key Jackal gave him then nodded approvingly at the room.
"Hmm the Big Jox suite eh? Good choice, need anything else Mr. Lawless?"

Jackal shook his head walking over and laying Ez on the bed.
"No thank you Deck, and call me Jackal. You're a good man, just place the key on the table and lock the door on your way out please." The stout cook nodded and did as he was asked, outside the door he rubbed his face and started back downstairs. He hopes he didn't just get himself in the middle of some crazy lover's triangle, he was too old for that shit now.

Back in the room Jackal had undressed Ez to her shirt and pants placing her coat and boots on the floor before he pulled his own gear off taking a seat at the little table. His weapons needed some cleaning, he pulled a bit of GS Fluid from his pack and unloaded his rifle and pistols then proceeded to take them apart.


When Ezra awoke, she found herself staring at the ceiling...she didn't remember it being so clean...strange that they had taken the time to wash it... She swallowed, her mouth as dry as the desert sands, and coughed, suddenly feeling apprehension creeping in. She wasn't in the bar! She tentatively patted the mattress under her, realizing she was in a bed. Gabe's bed? She panicked, struggling against her drunken state, trying to clear her mind, and succeeding only in confusing herself more.

"Gabe?" Her voice was husky, barely above a whisper, but she realized her mistake as soon as the name left her mouth. Pushing her elbows under her she tried to sit up, the vigilante's back the first thing her eyes focused on.

When Jackal cleaned his weapons he went into his own little world. His entire focus zoomed in on cleaning every grain of sand and carbon from the delicate inner workings of his guns before applying enough fluid to make the barrels and receivers a dull grey color. He could stay like this for hours at a time, it was almost therapeutic to him. But as he heard Ez begin to stir he snapped back to reality and placed the receiver of his rifle down turning to face the woman. "No, just me Ezzy." He said it before he could stop himself, did he really just give her a pet name? Shaking the worry from his head he brought her a cup of clean water. "Here drink this slowly. How are you feeling?"

Ezra took the cup, her eyes narrowing to slits as she stared at Jackal. His soft demeanor, his caring words, something about it just wasn't right...and then her conversation with Gabriel came flooding back and just as she was about to drink, the cup to her lips, she paused, looking hard at him.

"No," she said firmly, then again, "...no..." She managed to scoot herself away from him, the cup falling from her hand. As the water soaked into the mattress she looked at it with dismay, her emotions all a jumble. "Fuck!" She exclaimed, using the head board to help her stand and glaring at him from the other side of the bed. "I'm fine...I don't need your help."

Jackal straightened up studying her again, just like when they first met. Something more was at work here than just her being scared and hungover. He took up a hand towel and placed it on the bed to soak up the water before he poured her another cup and left it on the nightstand. Stepping back he lifted his hands in a peaceful manner then returned to the table leaning against it crossing his arms.

It was obvious softness would be the enemy here so he adopted the same manner and posture from the street. Calm, collected, and studying everything.
"If you fall off the bed from bouncing around you might, sit down, and tell me what Gabriel told you." He was between her and the door in case she got froggy and tried to run, but he really hoped it didn't come to that.

"Hmm..." was her response, but nothing more. Ez wanted more...more from him. His demeanor was infuriating and she had to keep reminding herself she was angry. With a subtle turn, she adopted his pose, using the wall to lean against, and crossing her arms over her chest. For the longest time she just stared at him, her eyes darting to the door when she saw him glance that way. So close and yet so far, she thought, knowing she would never make it past him if she tried to leave. His position made that very clear.

"Did you kill him?" she finally asked. Deck had said he hadn't, but she had to hear it from his mouth.

Jackal frowned a little shaking his head. Did she really care that much about that dumb brute Gabe? He thought to himself, that was a disturbing thought. He pegged her smarter than that...but she was a little kinky. Maybe Gabe filled the role of abuser better than him, Jackal brought his hand up to rub his scruffy chin, he forgot to shave this morning. Keeping his voice low and his eyes locked on her's noting even though she was trying to be tough he saw fear. "I promised you I wouldn't kill anyone in your band unless they pulled on me first. And I am a man of my word, the idiot I killed was a man named Markus. Some fool's errand about avenging his brother. But I asked what did Gabe tell you, it's obvious he said something to you."

"I know what you asked," she replied, pushing herself away from the wall. She walked around the bed, keeping him in her sights and finally drank the water he had brought. "..and I don't want to talk to you right now," she finished, moving closer to the big man. She didn't make a rush for the door, just simply walked over to it and put her hand on the knob. He made no move to stop her and she took that as a signal to continue.

"It's too bad...about not killing him," she said, the door now open and the stairway before her. It was going to be a challenge in her state, but she was going to try.

Jackal shook his head, she was nearly falling over herself and he couldn't in good conscience let her go like that. Besides he wanted to get this water under the bridge before they got out into the wastes and he had to rely on her to watch his back. He quickly moved and wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her away from the door and kicked it shut locking it and leaning against it. "Sorry Ezra, I don't need you getting killed falling down the steps. You need to keep that group of yours in line or they'll end up dying." His eyes squinted lightly at her last comment. "What do you mean by that? Too bad about not killing him?"

Ez hit him then, striking his chest flat handed with both hands. "You're not any better than him. Bad seeds. You need to be planted in the earth where you can rot! " She backed away, grabbing the bed post to steady herself. "..and don't worry about my group, I'll keep them in line. Always have...before you and after. I don't have any plans on dying soon.' It was with these words that she stopped, her head cocking to the side as she regarded him. "Unless that is your plan...killing me that is...when you're done with me! Is that what I am missing...the ultimate end!" She arched her arms upward, spreading them wide. "Do it! I won't fight you. You can even fuck me first." She glared at him, daring him, yet fearing the outcome.

Jackal grunted lightly his back thunking against the door. His keen mind clicking pieces into place, there were as many false stories about him as true. Most spread by the Black Jacks themselves and usually it served to spread the fear of his vengeance and it made more than few kills a lot easier to get. With each word Ez spoke some myths fell away and others were thrust to the forefront.

He watched the fear run rampant in Ezra's eyes now. It was a fear he recognized from last night when she was talking about her tattoo and scar. Most lies he ignored, but the ones he thinks are coloring Ez's views were the ones he hated the most. His face and eyes were hard, his fists clenched in quickly rising rage. He stalked over to Ez almost like he was going to take her up on her offer, he stopped a step in front of her his statue looming above her. In the dim light of the room his gray eyes almost seemed to glow with hellfire. He lifted his clenched fist as if to strike her, but instead he opened his hand and placed it on her shoulder roughly pushing her to the bed. He then grabbed the chair and planted it directly in front of the bed sitting down and staring at her with those still glowing eyes.

His voice was quiet and flat and his eyes never moved from Ezra's.
"I have no intention of killing you Ezra, now or ever. I promise you that. But I must ask again, what...did...Gabriel...tell...you?" He talked slow enunciating the words carefully. "You may not have known me as long as him, but in the time you've spent with me and what you've learned do you honestly think I would just kill you?"

Ezra shook her head, too afraid to defy him...to do anything else to anger him. She regretted her outburst but it was too late to take it back...too late to reverse time and make herself sober. So she stayed where she had landed on the bed, not daring to move, feeling like a cornered rabbit, and he the wolf.

"Francesco...he said you killed him and his...his family...the wife and daughters. That..that you raped them and slit their throats. He said you were quite the ladies man too. ...and I don't care...it's not the killing I care about. It's the...the...lies. I believed in you. Believed what you said about the innocents needing to be protected. But...but...you can't have it both ways."

She chewed her lower lip, worrying the split enough to start it bleeding again. Her hands shook and she clenched them into fists, trying to keep a brave face. "I'm sorry..." She felt as though she were looking down on herself in this moment and what she saw disgusted her. Gone was the brave woman who faced her dangers head on...and in her place was a drunk whore.

Nigh instantly the neutral mask of Jackal Lawless faded and pure rage flitted across his rugged features. But just as quickly the anger faded into an exhausted sigh and his head dropped in shame. He was the one scaring her, scaring one of the few good women he'd ever known. His anger should be visited upon Gabe not her. She's done nothing wrong, just a girl caught between two madmen.

He stood heavily up from his seat and moved to sit besides Ezra on the bed. He pulled the bandanna out and placed it in her lap inching a little away from her. He shook his head laughing sardonically.
"Of all the stories he could tell to smear my name he picked the one with a grain of truth behind it, too bad he only told you the Black Jack version." Jackal rubbed his face slowly resting his brow on the combined edge of his clasped index fingers. He sat in silence for a minute or so his lips moving in a silent prayer, he ended it crossing himself slowly.

For the first time since he's known Ezra he allowed his emotions to fully influence his words. Thinking back on his memories were often painful, but this story in particular both boiled his blood and wrenched his heartstrings like an angry bull. He spoke quietly with the faintest hints of a choke in the back of his throat. "I will tell you the full true story or at least as true as you wish to think it, first Francesco; or Frankie as most called him and his family were real people, second his wife and two daughters who were fifteen and sixteen at the time were rare beauties even by the standards they had Pre-Fire. Frankie was indeed a Black Jack I killed, but that is where the lies Gabe told you and the true story diverge." The man rubbed his eyes a couple of glistening tears flipping off his fingers. "It happened in Durcell near the middle of my campaign against those murderous bastards. Frankie was what they called a badger, it's a very old term for a type of thief who uses a woman, usually a prostitute to distract a mark with sex and while the target and the woman were going at it he would rob the marks pockets. The Black Jacks got the term from some ancient movie that was around before the world ended. Usually in such a scam the thief and woman are 50/50 partners she did half the work she gets half the take. But Frankie was a special kind of greedy fucker and he found a loophole to that...instead of some random hooker he used his wife and daughters. That way he could take their shares and keep them for himself." Jackal let out a big sigh his eyes locking onto a spot on the dirty wood floor the pain and anger of the memory evident on his face and in his hunched shoulders. "Before the night it happened the Black Jacks had been trying to discredit me in the eyes of the people and get them to run me out of Durcell. Making up stories of countless atrocities I did in the shadows, killing children, eating dogs, one story even said I wasn't really a man, just a freakishly tall, flat-chested woman killing all the men that spurned me in the past." He gave a sad smile at the last one. "None of them worked, so they hatched the idea of catching me in the act as it were."

The smile faded and the man's shoulder sagged deeply. "And it almost worked, I had heard along the grapevine that the bosses were having a secret meeting in one of the brothels, a pit called the Pasture. Frankie's family were something of informants of mine, the eldest daughter Janice sent me a coded message saying she would be in the room she shared with her mother and sister with the key to the secret meeting room and some extra intel around 8 that night." Jackal's voice quieted for a few seconds and some quiet sobs could be heard muffled slightly by his hands. "I was a fool, I should never have asked them to spy for me, but I showed up on the balcony to their room a few minutes before 8 and slipped inside. I saw Janice, her sister Ellie, and their mother Alicia. Theirs faces were heavily bruised and tears were streaming down their cheeks. Alicia mouthed a single word to me. "Sorry." then all went black." His quiets sobs turned louder and tears freely fell down his face, but through the choked tears he continued the story. "I awoke an hour or so later to the pained screams of all three women. My head shot up and I tried to go to them, but my arms were tied to a pipe that went through the room, my senses focused...and...I wished....they hadn't. Six Black Jacks, Frankie included were in the room. Each woman was tied up and being raped by two Black Jack's apiece and each man was using a razor of some kind to cut the women, and Frankie...Frankie had mounted his youngest daughter and was dragging the red hot blade of his knife along her back, laughing at her cries and pleas of mercy."

Jackal's body shook with rage and sorrow now his teeth clenched tight and the words coming out like growls. "As soon as they saw I was awake they doubled their efforts making sure I was watching each and every time, making the women scream loud enough that I couldn't block the sounds of their agony out. Soon Frankie finished with Ellie and stood up leaving the girl to the mercies of some huge ox that liked twisting her arms around and using them like handles for his sin. Frankie walked up and quickly slashed me across the face with his knife." Jackal reached up and showed Ez the diagonal cut that connected his chin to his left ear. "After I refused to make a noise he smiled and spoke. "Well, well Jackal I can't imagine what was going through your mind when you decided to rape and torture my wife and daughters, but I'm sure you'll think of something to say at your execution about it." He then turned to walk away, but I shouted at him. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR OWN FAMILY!" My shoulders were nearly popping out of their sockets as I worked to free my arms, but the chains held fast. What he said next still to this day sickens me to my very core, he looked at me and just shrugged. "Eh I can get another one, besides it's what I did to your mother and sisters, so it'll look like the poetic irony of a psychopath who should've left well enough alone."" The vigilante completely broke down now, but the sadness was replaced with pure rage, quiet but brimming with such anger and fire his body itself actually began to heat up and radiate like fire towards Ez, his hands pressed against his head and squeezed it as if trying to keep it from exploding. "After...after that...I don't remember much. I heard one of my shoulders pop out and a sudden feeling of freedom and scalding hot steam on my back, then gunshots, the burn of a knife against my skin, the terrified screams of men and women, then I...just found...myself standing over the...dead body of Frankie." Jackal looked at his hand squeezing some invisible object with all his might. "His heart in one hand and his still hot knife in the other. The bodies of the Black Jacks were scattered around the room, it looked like I killed them before they could get their pants pulled back up, but the two new bullet wounds in my back told me at least someone got a hit in."

The rage quieted again, but Jackal's body still shook.
"Alicia and the girls were right where the men had left them, but they were staring at me. Not...not with fear, they stared with...with... hope. Alicia coughed up some blood and asked a single thing. "Please Jackal...k-kill us." I didn't want to, I never kill the innocent, but as I looked at them they were pale from massive blood loss and what...those....monster had done...to...them had broken more than just their bodies." Jackal's hands moved from his head and wrapped tightly around him, he rocked back and forth slowly. "I didn't have a gun, so...so I took Frankie's knife and....slit...each of their throats. My grandpa had taught me the best way to do it so they wouldn't suffer long. It was at that time people burst in the door and saw me with the bloody blade in my hand and the three dead women before me. I reacted like a wild animal throwing the knife at the nearest person and bursting through the balcony door, glass and wood exploding out before me as I ran into the night." His voice quieted again, but the tears kept falling. "I was in hiding for a couple of weeks letting my body heal up, in that time no Black Jack died and they all jumped at the chance to spread the news of what they said I did. After that...I never used...informants again." He sniffed and wiped his eyes before letting out a strange laugh looking at Ez his eyes red and puffy. "As for me being a ladies man, do I look like the type of guy who has a lot of luck with women? Most are like Liddie and Millicent terrified at the mere mention of my name, some even try to offer their bodies to me like some pagan sacrifice so I don't kill them for wearing old Black Jack coats." He laughed a little more wiping the last of the tears from his eyes. "The only reason women in towns like Durcell and the Outpost like me is because when I'm around the menfolk are on their best behavior former Black Jack or no. To be honest I've only ever slept with two women, you and...and Evy." The mention of his former fiance's name took all the mirth from Jackal's face his body sagged again and he fell into silence letting Ezra make her decision.

For the longest time Ezra sat in silence, the kerchief he had given her clutched in her fist. She had barely moved during his telling, her other hand moving to take his somewhere along the way the only change. The terror he had instilled in her had dissipated during the tale, slowly seeping away from her like a fog heated by the sun. She had no words, his story ripping at her and leaving behind an ache. She could feel his pain, knowing that to watch such an act against those girls must have killed him inside. Never had she seen such emotion from a man and finally she let herself react as she gently moved closer to him and placed her arms around his shoulders. For her it was an awkward moment, but she held tight, her hands feeling the muscles beneath his shirt bunch up from her touch. She felt a tightening in her chest and a burning in her throat, but no tears fell. It had been so long since she had cried that she was afraid she no longer knew how.

Ezra's head went to the man's shoulder, completing the embracing contact as her mind drifted to his last words. He had only been with two--her and Evy--the girlfriend that had broken his heart. Ez did not know her own number, she had never kept track, but she had started using her body for trade when she was a young teen. It had become a habit that stuck.

When she sat back, unwrapping herself from him, there was an emptiness in her. She missed the warmth of the contact, but felt she did not deserve it. She had wronged him and the drink had once again made her act like a fool. With a heavy sigh she faced him, lifting his head so she could look into his grey eyes. "I am so sorry Jackal. I didn't know...and I never should have doubted you. You would be right to hate me, but I hope you can find forgiveness." She put her lips to his softly, a light kiss and the breathing in of his scent, before moving back to her place. She had never felt such pain in her heart. Her head dropped, both with her sadness and the weight of the drink on her body. To beg forgiveness was not her style and yet she had asked for it many times tonight, she wouldn't ask again.

Her response was unexpected, welcomed but unexpected. He'd never told the story in it's entirety to anyone before, probably because he knew the type of reaction it would make in him. He knew speaking the horrid memory out loud would shatter any emotional armor he had built around himself and he'd likely never be able to get it all back on at least not around that person.

And he never knew who would be the next person to betray him. Especially if it was a woman he told it too. That night was one of the most painful in his long life of painful nights, right up there with being betrayed by the woman he loved and getting his family slaughtered like cattle. Even now he wasn't sure if Ez would be another Evy or not, it only took some alcohol and the hissing of a lustful snake in her ear to turn her against him this time. What's to say she wouldn't be so easily influenced again? It was a worry he'd be grappling with for weeks, but after he had bared his soul to her tonight an equally strong voice was telling him to let her in and keep her close. She may be the one to save you. He didn't know and would likely never know until it happened, he could live in the fear and suspicion or he could loosen the death grip he had on the shield that protected his own vulnerabilities and just hope another arrow wouldn't find it's mark in his heart. It was a dilemma he'd been fighting with since childhood really.

He didn't know what to do or say that would make this whole thing right, but he did know what needed to be done to mend the guilt Ezra must be feeling now. He felt the cold twinge of her absence as well and he felt they had both endured enough pain tonight. Shifting from his own spot some he wrapped his arms tightly around Ezra and lifted her up some returning the kiss she had given him just with a little bit more passion. He held it for a few long seconds then broke it pulling her into a deep hug his chin resting on her head. "I could never hate you Ezzy." The pet name coming out easier than before. "I may not be as good a man as I play to be, but I am an honest one. What happened tonight is something that comes with being someone who is more myth than man, and being someone who falls in love with being the myth, because the man...the man...is really just a broken little boy. Trying to keep the world from breaking him any more. I never set the record straight about that night, just killed more and more until most of those who spread the lie were dead." He held her tight and slowly laid back feeling exhausted. He had said all he could think to say and simply hugged the woman to him enjoying the strange calm her presence brought him.

02-13-2018, 02:17 AM
Ezra felt the passion of Jackal's kiss, the strength of his arms--but it was his words that brought her comfort. She felt content in the knowledge that she had been forgiven. She lay back with him, allowing herself to be pulled down by his side, his pet name for her playing through her head...Ezzy. It was something she could forgive...if not get used to over time. Wrapped tightly in his arms she resisted moving from his embrace, forcing herself to relax as a brief stir of panic rushed over her. She breathed in slowly, exhaustion creeping in and finally winning out as she fell into a deep sleep.

It was only a few hours later when she awoke, her body covered in sweat and her breathing labored. Sleep had never been easy for Ezra, her nights always plagued with nightmares, and this night was no different. When she awoke, the phantom smell of burning flesh clung to her, cloying, lingering, festering. Only this time it wasn't her flesh that had been burned...it was her mothers. She gagged, groping for the edge of the bed as she scrambled to get off. She fell, more than climbed from the bed, landing on her knees and crawling to the scrap bucket in the corner. She gripped its rim as she vomited, over and over, until the contents of her stomach had been purged. For a few seconds she breathed deeply, drawing the night air into her lungs, but the burnt smell was still there, lingering. Grabbing the bucket, she found her way to the other side of the room, unlocked the door, and descended the stairs.

It was only a few minutes that she was gone and she returned carrying the bucket and a jug--both filled with fresh water. Despite the coolness of the room she stripped and stood in the tub, wetting her skin and scrubbing the flesh with a soap cake until she beamed red. ...and then she washed again. Lastly, she cleaned her hair, pouring most of the remaining water over herself when she was done.

Clean, Ez ruffled through her bags until she found a multi-colored shirt that rested on the bottom. It was not one she wore often because it was much too large, the sleeves hanging well below her hands--it was an impulse buy--something she had purchased because it was soft and bright--a flight of fancy. She slipped it on, leaving it unbuttoned as she made her way back to the bed.

Ez tossed back the blankets, her hair still damp and her skin cool. She slipped in beside Jackal, pressing herself against him for warmth. She cuddled in, her hand moving over the back of his, her fingers interlocking. For a short time she lay there, wondering if he was awake--if he was playing opossum--then she began kissing him below his ear, gently, feathery kisses followed with light nips and the flickering of her tongue. She continued along the line of his jaw, until she found his mouth, hungrily sucking in his tongue until her desire was flaring. With her hand still gripping his, she guided him, first to move him to his back, then dragging his hand across her bare stomach and under the shirt to her breast. She held it there, gently massaging herself with his hand, her breath quickly increasing in tempo. She climbed astride him, controlling their movements and making love to him for the first time.

02-13-2018, 05:06 AM
Ez's sudden wake up startled the tall man form his own slumber, but his body was heavy from coming out of such a deep sleep so he could only lie there as he listened to the woman's panic and subsequent vomiting. It pained him, but by the time he began to shift to full wakefulness she was already gone, he worked himself up to be fully awake and watched in silence as she bathed. He'd seen her naked before, and he'd seen her bathe before. But this time it seemed different, like she was literally washing the pain and doubt away between them. Maybe it was just the strange euphoria one gets shortly after waking up from a good sleep, but it was like she was a whole new person in his eyes.

The foolish part of him wanted to say it was love coloring his eyes. But he knew using the L word so soon would like scare Ez far away from him. And he really liked having her around, so he would keep his fool thoughts to himself for now. She was just as damaged as he was and if the situation was reversed he'd probably run away too. She finished her bath and he had to suppress a smile as she changed into a shirt that turned into a tent, she was absolutely swimming in it. And it kind of suited her cute, but also sensual. The euphoric feeling he had continued to grow and he decided to play along and pretend like he was asleep as Ez returned to bed. He let her control his hands and movement, but once she mounted him he decided to join in still letting her control his hand, but moving himself along with her.

The time passed into a blissful stupor, Jackal didn't want it to end even after they had finished and Ez, still in her big shirt had slipped into a more restful sleep. He couldn't sleep himself, his thoughts were a mess of memories, desires, and plans. He couldn't forget why he was out here to begin with, the treasure of the Lost Mountains. It was bigger than his feelings for Ez or her's for him, it was bigger than the petty jealously of Gabe or the mountains of sin committed by the Black Jacks. Finding the Treasure was the last best hope to bring Ragged America back to it's glory and save the human race.

The two of them were sleeping in a spooning position under the covers and it just felt right to stay like that. But as he looked at Ez's split lip and remembered what had actually led up to the fight he also felt it was right to deal with Gabe so something like this wouldn't happen again. He could easily just kill the man, but he promised Ez he wouldn't. And it was likely any and all blame would fall on him even if he made the killing look like an accident. He let out a sigh and nuzzled into Ezzy's clean hair breathing her scent in deep. He had to do something, he was an avenger of the beaten and abused and a more primal part of his mind hated seeing the woman he's fucked and gotten this close to hurt or in fear of anything or anyone.

Slipping out from behind her and climbed out of bed and kissed her softly on the cheek. "Gotta take care of some business Ezzy, keep the bed warm for me." With that he got his clothes back on and grabbed his two pistols after assembling the rifle and laying it by his bag on the floor. The new bandoleer pistol belt fit a little bit more snug than his first one, but it was also newer and needed some wearing in. The last thing he grabbed was the buck knife which he slipped into the back of his belt again. He quietly moved to the door and gave Ez one last almost loving look then turned the knob and opened the door, he locked it from the inside and crept out. He wiped the emotion from his face and stalked off into the night, the angel of death was aflight once more and God's mercy be with he who steps in the way of his righteousness.

02-13-2018, 06:13 AM
"Mmmm," Ezra murmured, mumbling incoherently to herself as Jackal kissed her and made his exit. Some part of her heard the door open and close and she tugged her shirt tighter around herself to make up for the loss of warmth. But as the seconds, then minutes ticked by, she realized she was becoming more awake, something nagging at her by his departure. She sat up, looking about the room, the moon's glow only providing a small amount of visibility. She had heard him gathering up his weapons...but too many for a call of nature surely. She slipped out from under the covers, immediately coming awake from the chill in the room. Shivering, her bare feet recoiled from the wooden planks as she walked to the window to look out--seeing nothing of note.

"Jackal..." she said softly, mostly to herself, as she knew he was not in the room with her, not even in the shadows. He was gone, but where? She sat at the table, ignoring the nagging of the hangover that was just starting to make its presence known. She poured a glass of water and drank it slowly, waiting. ...and the time she waited stretched on longer...and longer...until thoughts of looking for him came to mind...and were promptly dismissed. She told herself she had to trust him if they were going to make a go of this...relationship...thing...if that was what they were doing.

Ez rose and began pacing like a wild animal--this room her cage. "Jackal," she said again, louder and with more force, as if saying his name would make him magically appear. Finally she forced herself to stop and sat on the sofa, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders and sitting erect. Time ticked by slowly and with its passing, her eyelids gradually became heavy. When her head felt back on the cushions she slipped deeply into slumber.

02-14-2018, 01:51 AM
In the dimlit recesses of the Rascal House the sounds of bear-like snore commingled with the quiet whispers of passion. But upstairs, behind a door marked restroom another sound all together could be heard. It was the quiet and somewhat long yawn of a woman followed by a few pained curses, a few seconds later the door opened and out walked a young woman, no older than seventeen.

Her bare feet shuffled along the old shag carpet that ran the length of the hall. She let out another long yawn stretching up on her bright yellow painted tip toes. Her legs were long and smooth and she was wearing bubblegum pink short shorts and a short powder blue halter that barely worked to contain her large melon like breasts. She continued to stretch tall, her nipples poking out from under the thin fabric of her top and her breasts bouncing slightly. She felt he joints pop pleasantly then brought her hands down and ran her yellow painted fingernails through her bleach blond hair. She let out a sigh and slowly undid the stupid pigtails she had jutting up from either side of her head beginning to walk slowly down the hall. She slipped the bright purple scrunchies around her left wrist then brought her hands up around her neck rubbing the rope burn painfully.

In the relative quiet of the hall the young woman began mumbling softly to herself.
"I gotta talk with Simon, I hate doing these fetish characters, I'm seventeen for crying out loud...not twelve." As she approached her door for the night she began putting her hair back up in those obnoxious pigtails still griping to herself. "I don't look twelve even dressed like this and doing that high-pitched little girl voice is killing my throat and I fucking hate the name Candy." She reached the door and pressed her ear against it listening intently. As she heard the rough ragged breathing of her john she let out a sigh of relief and turned the door knob slipping quietly back inside the room locking the door behind her. The distressing sound of the man's snore intensified. But she could tell he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, which suited her fine.

He was a freak by the name of Gabe something, apparently he'd spent the entire day drinking and partying with some of his White Eyes friends in one of their old safehouses. He was celebrating...something...Candy had no clue what but he loved talking about it. And even being part brothel the Rascal House has business hours, and by the time Gabe showed up the bar was shut down, but he still tossed Simon a full silver chip and bought her for the whole night. Luckily though the "full night" only meant one round cause after a few minutes he was done and flat on his back asleep. She then freed herself from him, chucked the condom, and put her clothes back in place tossing the rope away and walking over and slipping into the other bed hoping to catch some sleep before he woke up.

It started out normal enough, he wanted her to fight so she did the whole running away thing, then as he caught her she squirmed feebly trying to get away, but eventually she let him lead her to the bed and start taking advantage of her, she did the whole spiel calling him mister, sir, and sensai in that little girl voice acting like he was the first man she'd been with and saying how much her mother and father would disapprove of these lewd actions. Usually that enough for the johns, but then he wrapped the rope around her neck and demanded she fight him harder. It scared her, but she did as he wanted he did lost long after that and Candy was glad for it. She'd been with pain freaks like that, but she hated everyone of them. Gabe let out a particularly wet snore and a fart that made the working girl shake her head in disgust and begin moving back to the other bed. As long as she was gone before he woke up in the morning she wouldn't have to go through that rope shit again.

As she neared the bed though she suddenly became aware of some kind of presence in the room with her and Gabe, but before she could turn to see a pair of arms shot out of the shadows in the corner. One wrapped around her waist and pulled her into the corner while the other hand came up and covered her mouth. She let out a stifled squeak instantly wishing to fight, but the sound of a hushed male voice in her ear. "You picked the wrong room to walk back into girl."

Candy panted lightly nodding her head looking over at Gabe as expecting him to wake up and come save her. The man chuckled still whispering in her ear.
"Oh he won't come help you, he's gonna be out of it for awhile yet. Tell me girl, you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

Candy, still frozen in place shook her head fearfully. The shadow chuckled again.
"Good, do you want to?" The girl tensed up feeling the cold muzzle of a gun press between her shoulder blades. She quickly shook her head frantically and relaxed only a fraction as the gun moved away. The shadow's voice, even hushed sounded familiar the more she listened to it and soon she put two and two together and knew the identity of the shadow, Jackal Lawless. But her mouth was still covered so she kept it to herself.

Jackal laughed relaxing his arm around her waist, but kept his hand over her mouth.
"Smart girl, now leave and don't come back." He moved his hand from her mouth.

Candy quickly nodded and stepped away.
"T-thank you, Mr. Lawless." She took a few quick steps to the door but froze again as Jackal spoke his voice sounding surprised at her knowing his identity.

"Stop, you're smarter than I thought. What's your name kid?"

The girl stopped her voice subconsciously slipping into the little girl voice.
"Candy...with a Y."

Jackal partially emerged from the shadows his eyes glowing like fire again and the shadows of the room making him look 8 feet tall.
"No...you're real name."

The girl cleared her throat inching for the door more.
"Sa-Samantha Green...s...sir."

There was silence for a few seconds and Samantha could only stare at the unmoving shadow watching her with unnaturally glowing eyes. She wasn't sure if she should run or scream or take her top off and try to appeal to his more base nature for leniency. But as he began moving towards her she just dropped to her ass covering her head and cowering some. She stayed there for a few seconds until she felt something smooth and kinda heavy drop into her lap. Looking down she saw it was a pistol bandoleer belt and a pistol. She looked up confused and grew even more confused as she saw the shadowy lawman pull three silver chips out of his pocket and place them in her stunned hands.
"Take these and get out of this life now Samantha. The chips will be enough for you to buy a horse and some supplies and the gun will keep you safe. Ride two days West until you reach the the town of Carousel. It's a good town and a smart girl like you can easily find work that doesn't involve you playing sex games with dumb drunks. Now go and tell no one I'm here or where you got the gun and chips understood?"

Samantha nodded quickly and clutched the gun and chips to her chest before scampering out of the room. She closed and locked the door and Jackal could hear her nearly running down the hall back to her personal room. There, one good deed to make up for the bad he was about to commit. He pulled off his coat and placed it delicately across the table, next he pulled a pair of leather gloves out of his back pocket and slipped them on wriggling his fingers a little bit to get the fit perfect. He unwound some rope from around his torso and proceeded to tie Gabe's hands and feet to the bedposts. The swine grumbled a few times, but never woke up. Once every limb was secure Jackal pulled a dirty sock from out of Gabe's boot and quickly gagged the man with it tying the garment around the back of the Black Jack's head. This worked to awaken Gabe and boy did he awaken, his first instinct was to try and swing his arm around and smack whatever touched him, but Jackal was quicker and easily slipped out of the man's range slipping back into the shadows. He watched in silence as Gabe thrashed around snarling at whatever shadows his drunken eyes thought were threat. The bed twisted and groaned under the man's wild movement, but the ropes held firm and the beds themselves were built to withstand a lot of wild movement.

Soon Gabe tired himself out flopping back on the bed panting around the disgusting sock already wet with his spit bringing the stink right up into his nose. His head and eyes continued to scan the room though, but this time Jackal stepped out into the moonlight that was filtering through the shut blinds. For a brief second the lawman saw fear cross Gabe's disfigured face, and in response he just smiled a toothy wolf like smile his eyes seeming to glow with mirth and hatred. But the fear was gone quickly and replaced with more anger, the man even tried to shout and cuss him out through the gag, but all that came out were a series of mad dog like snarls. Jackal pulled a pair of rusty pliers from his pocket and examined them in the light for a few seconds before speaking. His voice was different then it was before when talking with Ms. Green, it still sounded amused, but with a more psychotic enjoyment as if he was looking forward to doing what he planned next.

He walked slowly over to Gabe's bed spinning the pliers around his gloved hand as he moved. Gabe kept snarling at him finding some more energy to try and break his bonds with. The Angel of Death simply laughed though shaking his head. "Try all you want mutt, those knots would hold an angry Grox in place. Besides you'll want to save your energy for screaming." He quickly spun the pliers downwards and with all his might he jammed the blunt tool into the exact middle of Gabe's breastbone, a pressure point that instantly sent waves of red hot pain through the man's entire body. He screamed behind his gag. With an evil smile Jackal followed up that jab with a dozen more, all at separate pressure points but all with the same force. Gabe enraged muffled screams and frantic movements increased with each successful hit. Jackal was thoroughly enjoying himself though his eyes glinted with a sadistic joy and his wolf smile never shrunk. The lawman stood up letting the crook squirm and flail about for a few seconds while he went to pour himself a glass of water. He studied the rusty pliers as he finished the cup.

At first he was gonna use the pommel of the buck-knife for this part then cut off one Gabe's fingers with the blade, but he saw these nifty little things jammed into a mousehole in the corner and decided that blunt force trauma and a little dental work would be the better option. He still wasn't sure how Ezra would react to seeing her Number two busted up, but something needed to be done. He turned back to Gabe who was glaring daggers at him. Jackal let out a small laugh returning to the man's bedside. He pulled the chair up closer and leaned forward examining the pliers some more while he talked. "I'm sure you have all kinds of questions and concerns about what's going on here, so let me set a few things straight. I spared you in the oasis, because I didn't want to waste a bullet on you, and the only thing that has kept you alive these past two days is my promise to Ms. Bastian to not kill any of you fools unless you drew on me first. But now you are at the end of my good graces, I saw what you did to her and I heard the lies you told about me to smear my good name." He jammed the pliers into Gabe's collarbone making the man hiss, but he refused to scream anymore. "Now in that big dumb head of yours, did you really think that continuing the experiment your masters tried to do by dirtying up my name would work this time? Especially since I killed all of your masters afterwards?"

He set the tool against Gabe's ribs and began twisting it between them in an almost bored fashion.
"Honestly I thought you'd tell a different lie or just shoot me in the back. But you did what you did and it actually made Ez and I closer after I set her straight so I guess I could thank you for that...or I can do this!" He stabbed Gabe in his hipbone with the pliers sending another shockwave of pain through him. "Now I will give you one last warning you dumb mutt, cross me again or do something to harm Ezra again and you will learn the true meaning of pain and suffering then I will kill you even if it's in full view of Ezra and the rest of the men. Do I make myself clear?"

Gabe snarled again trying to mouth some words. This was all part of the game for Jackal so he nonchalantly pulled the gag away and leaned in closer. "What was that mutt?"

Gabe lunged at Jackal trying to bite him, but once again Jackal was quicker and smashed the pliers into the former Black Jack's jaw actually knocking one of his rotten teeth out. The man groaned the spat out a gob of blood trying to hit the lawman but missing by a mile. He growled at Jackal glaring at him. "Why the fuck do you even care! It's not like I fucked the bitch or anything! She never liked the rope trick, she went limp as a fish after we had our little chat."

Jackal chuckled flipping the plies around his hand again.
"And then so did you." The new honestly surprised him, he knew Ez liked the rough stuff and figured choking her with a rope would be the ultimate aphrodisiac. It pleased him to no end that she draws the line there and he wasn't getting the mutt's sloppy seconds. But he wasn't going to let Gabe see that. The gunman slowly rubbed his still scuffily chin as Gabe snorted and glared.
"Yea, so fuckin' what she wasn't a great lay the first time, just an easy one." The goon finally found a needle he could poke back with. "As I'm sure you know full well, I hear tell she dropped her panties real quick after you scared the owners of the Den. Tell me Lawless how was it?" Gabe let a smug smile cross his face, but it was quickly smacked off by another pliers filled backhand by Jackal. But still the vigilante's face stayed bored looking. "I wouldn't worry about that, what I would worry about though is all those rotten teeth in your mouth, here let me help you." Jackal grabbed Gabe's face and held him down, the taking the rusty pliers began yanking the man's teeth from his head.

Gabe's mouth was too full of Jackal's hands to scream aloud, but by the time Jackal was done five brown bloody teeth were in his gloved hand and Gabe was unconscious from the pain. Jackal chuckled opening the window and tossing the teeth into the pig sty below, the big hairy beasts squealed in surprise then began fighting among themselves to try and eat whatever was thrown into their midst. Jackal turned back to the room and gathered his things. He untied Gabe and rolled him to his side after pouring alcohol into his mouth to kill infection. If Gabe died tonight, it wouldn't be Jackal's fault. Jackal threw the pliers as far into the night as he could then followed them out the window before shutting it behind him. His job was done here and he wasn't sure if Ez had noticed he was gone yet, so he should hurry back.

Once again vanishing into the night he returned to the Den. He was quiet as he entered the room being careful to not wake up Ez if she wasn't already up. As he crept in he saw the woman asleep on the couch and smiled shaking his head. He pulled his clothes and weapons off staying in his jeans, he yawned lightly feeling all kinds of tired and the twinge of hunger in his stomach. He just realized he hasn't eaten since breakfast yesterday. That would be something to remedy in the morning, judging by the moon it was well past midnight now and sleep would be important since they would be hitting the trail tomorrow. He smiled fondly and walked up to the sofa picking up the woman kissing her forehead a little whispering in her ear. "I asked you to keep the bed warm Ezzy, not the sofa, come on let's get some sleep." He carried her to the bed and laid down freeing the blankets from her clutches and wiggling himself under them wrapping a securing arm around her waist and kissed the back of her neck snuggling in. "Good night Ezzy." With his nose full of her scent he settled in slipping into a deep sleep.

02-14-2018, 05:54 AM
Ezra woke with the sun, feeling refreshed, with only the faintest trace of a headache nagging at her temples. She pushed herself up on her elbows, glancing over at the sofa, then at the vigilante beside her, a bit anxious that she had not awoken with his return last night. She rose, a scowl on her features, as she rolled the long sleeves of the large shirt up and stared at his prone figure, knowing he had to be awake now. Her shirt hung open, barely covering her as she stepped over to the bed, dropping to her knees and leaning in close to his ear.

"Where were you last night? I waited up...a long time." Although her voice was steady and without inflection, there was still a hint of sadness, shown mostly in the set of her shoulders. She did not wait for an answer. Instead she made her way to the clothes and weapons that he had discarded in the night, seeing dried blood on them.

"Whose blood is this Jackal?"

The lawman woke with a shiver and a slight groan as Ez woke up and pulled the blankets away. It only felt like he had only fallen asleep two hours ago even though it was much longer. He yawned and slowly rolled himself up and off the bed. It took him a few seconds to realize what she had just asked, he knew it would probably come up sooner or later, but that didn't mean he wanted to answer so soon.

What could he say? Tell her the full truth? He tortured and disfigured Gabriel last night for running his mouth? Tell a full lie? He was out for a walk and decided to check on Vash? And the blood was just from an accident where he walked into a nail in the Stable? The tall man walked over and kissed Ez on the head moving past her and looking at the blood frowning, he thought he was more careful than that last night. Did he really want to start whatever kind of relationship this was with lying to her? She'd likely figure it out as soon as she saw Gabe at formation this morning.

It seemed like one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't situations. So he decided to play it light, knowing how she felt about Gabe especially after what happened last night between them. He looked up smiling softly. "Just some dumb drunk who needed some teeth removed, I was out for a walk last night and heard some unpleasant sounds coming from the Rascal House and decided to offer him my expertise." He walked over and wrapped his arms around Ezra lifting her up onto the front of his waist planting a firm kiss to her lips. "Just doing my civic duty ya know." He moved his hands to her ass supporting her full body weight with his hands and arms smiling down at her.

"Hmmm..." she responded, returning the kiss before shifting out of his hold and slipping easily to the floor. There was more to his story than he was telling her--she wasn't stupid--but she also wasn't going to push him, the memory of his fierce anger last night too fresh in her mind. If she had had any doubts about the level of fear he induced in others before, she didn't have any now.

She put her hand against his cheek, giving him a small smile. "Dental work, eh? I'll keep that in mind."

He smiled nuzzling into her hand some and kissing it before shifting away to once again inspect his bloody shirt. He knew his dodge hadn't fooled her, Ez was a smart woman, she would have to be, to survive in this world. "Yes the man was quite a bleeder a bit whiny too. I actually haven't eaten in two days, care to join me for some breakfast downstairs Ezzy?" He began redressing waiting for her answer.

She shook her head, turning away to start gathering her things. "Not hungry," she lied, "...but you go ahead." Her hand came up, wiping at her cheek. "I have a lot to do...hitting the road in an hour." In reality, her part was done, other than gathering her things--she had Deck getting the furs and other items traded up for supplies this morning. He had been instructed to get ammo for everyone, including Jackal, for the trip ahead, as well as flour, rice, and beans. She grabbed up her clothes, pausing, as regret filled her. The privacy the room afforded would not exist on the trail and she had enjoyed most of the time she and Jackal had spent within its walls.

She went over to the man and slipped her hands onto his shoulders and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. She let her lips linger for the briefest moment before turning away again.

Jackal frowned, he could tell she was lying, and the sinking feeling of guilt in his own gut was quickly killing his own appetite. Once again he was at an impasse, does he tell her and take that fallout which could end either well of bad or not tell her and let that pain of lying fester even after she saw Gabe. He decided to go for broke. He grabbed her hand and sighed pulling her into a hug. "I"m sorry, but Gabe deserved it. Not just for what he did to you, but to what he was doing to the young girl he had bought over at the Rascal House last night. Guess I should've said so from the start...I was just...afraid." He sighed again letting her go to take whatever licks he had coming.

Ezra was taken aback, not by his admission that it is was Gabe, but by him saying that he was afraid. ..and he had mentioned a girl--his only true weakness. She wanted to focus on the reason for that fear, but anger welled up inside her at his deceit, the reaction coming unbidden--too many years of using it to hide her true emotions leaving her vulnerable to its power over her. She stormed up to him, her hands clenched...and stopped just short of hitting him with her fists like a spoiled child. Much to her surprise, he flinched in apprehension, the motion causing her to pause again.

"Okay..." she said through clenched teeth, her breathing starting to relax through forced will. She backed away, sitting when she felt the mattress behind her knees. "Okay...just don't do it again." She laughed lightly, a heavy weight lifted with the truth revealed and her anger conquered. She looked up at him, almost shyly. "I think I'm hungry after all, still up for breakfast?" Jackal agreed readily, taking her hand in his and promising not to keep anything from her again.

02-15-2018, 08:39 AM
Ezra and Jackal shared a quiet, but pleasant breakfast. Like yesterday they decided to keep whatever this was between them on the down-low, though as is the case with small towns and even smaller groups it was likely everyone already knew, but no sense in rubbing it in all their faces. The lawman could already hear the remarks and see the jealous glares. The only woman in the whole damn group and she was basically off-limits upon pain of death by Jackal's gun.

Though he knew Ez wouldn't feel that way it did make some stupid side of him happy. Not that Ezra was the group plaything at all, but she was a woman of the wastes. And you do what you need to to survive or get ahead. And for women that meant, take a few for the team from time to time to use an old term, but now it was like she was safe from having to sell her body to get ahead. Now all she needed to do was say his name and he'd be there like the Angel of Death he was with gunpowder and lead.

Once again not that she needed it, but he was a romantic like that and the idea of coming to her rescue made him smile between bites of his food. He didn't know what was going through her head right now, but he just hoped she wasn't regretting anything that happened in the last two days. They soon finished their meal and went to the meeting point.


The meeting hour came and went and they were still missing a few of their band. Jackal expected this honestly, the men who decide to come along on prospecting tours like this are rarely in an excess of professionalism and/or willpower. Ez was visibly annoyed as she looked over the inventory done up by Deck and the group manifest she drew up herself before leaving Carousel.

The short Cook didn't have any issues with getting supplies, but his wagon was well-stocked and he was a bit wide to get in and out of it so he might need to take a few extra minutes to move things around. Ez was smaller and could fit, but she couldn't be both the Assistant Cook and Expedition Leader. Jackal was reclining in Vash's saddle puffing slowly on his pipe and studying the map. The sun was getting high and traveling would be slow and miserable in the wastes. And the map said the next place to stop was another small oasis about a day's ride East. And they would be riding through a known Raider route, the Salt Flyers they called themselves. They weren't the most vicious or notorious raiders blowing through Ragged America, but they were known for targeting women. Kidnapping them, raping them, and sometime just hitting a group to take them and ignoring whatever else they had on them. Luckily Ez could pass for a small man at a distance if she put her hair up under her hat and kept her head down. But that guise would fall apart if they got within fifty yards of the band.

The man looked up frowning a little as a young man walked up and gave Ez a couple of notes. She looked at them and scoffed handing them to Jackal already beyond pissed. He smirked around his pipe quickly rolling his map up and reading them out loud. "Well Dako was killed in a drunken knife fight last night and Haxniks has decided he can make better money and live longer being a clerk in Grey's General Store." The tall man laughed sardonically shoving the notes into his pocket then flipped the kid a steel chip. It was then he noticed someone else riding up to them, it was a woman and she was on a young dapple horse. She almost looked familiar and as she drew closer, his eyes quirked lightly as the girl, as he could tell by now looked up blushing gently at his gaze, her eyes dropping some. The girl from last night...Samantha Green if he recalled correctly.

He almost didn't recognize her, she was dressed in old green cargo pants, black boots, a long duster style coat, a pink t-shirt with a red cross on the front, and a green cowgirl's hat. The bleach blond hair dye was washed out and her now dirty blond hair was up in a short ponytail. He saw her face and it was still very pretty, but much more natural looking with soft triangular features. Her eyes were large and a bright green color. She was a little pale, but she looked much healthier and a lot happier, he even noticed the rope burn under her red balaclava scarf, but she quickly pulled the scarf tighter so it was completely hidden now. Her horse's saddlebags looked a little empty, but what was more interesting was the olive green satchel with a bright red medical cross on the front she had slung across her body either unconsciously or more likely consciously as he guessed by how red her face got when he looked her over the strap separated and showed off her impressive bust.

The girl stopped a few feet short of Jackal and Ez ignoring the whistles and lusty eyes from the men, she'd been with a couple of them since they arrived in town, but that was a different girl. That was Candy with a Y, she was Samantha Green now, amateur medic and hopefully brand-new Treasure Hunter. She sat tall her face still a little red, but she put on as much of a professional face as she could. Jackal pulled the pipe from his mouth smiling.
"Can we help you young lady?" He had told her to act like they've never met before, so he was going to do the same.

Samantha nodded adjusting her hat so it tilted cutely to the side.
"Yes, I heard along the grapevine you lost a couple of men, I'd like to join your expedition please, Mr. Lawless."

The lawman kept a smile on his face, but he wanted to tell the girl how stupid she was.
"Oh really? Who are you? And what can you offer the group?"

The girl cleared her throat lifting up the medic bag opening it and showing off the impressive assortment of medical supplies inside. She likely spent the bulk of those three silver chips he gave her on filling it up.
"My name is Samantha Green, or Sammy for short. And before my parents had to...settle a bad gambling debt." She frowned lightly saying this last part kind of quietly. "I was being trained to be a Doctor by them, I've kept up on the skills and had some money saved up from working to restock my father's medic bag with new items. I can also cook some if needed, but I'm not great." She lost some of her confidence again her cheeks reddening even more under Jackal's constant stare.

The Vigilante nodded looking at Ez smiling lightly, he knew he'd get an earful later. But a medic could be quite useful to them.
"Hmm medical knowledge is quite valuable, but it is not up to me Miss Green. Ms. Ezra Bastian here is the expedition leader."

Samantha frowned lightly then looked at Ezra for the first time her face clouding with deep embarrassment at not realizing the wild looking woman was in charge.
"I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't realize, may I join Ms. Bastian? I'll earn my keep I promise, I can remove bullets, stop most kinds of bleeding, stitch cuts, cure some poisoning. I even learned how to properly amputate a limb." She looked down respectfully and gave the intense woman a weak smile, but a few times her eyes glanced quickly over to Jackal as if hoping he would speak on her behalf.

02-16-2018, 07:12 AM
From the moment the blonde girl arrived, Ezra's already agitated mood worsened. She didn't need any further headaches--they were already running behind and short handed, and now this. She intently watched the interaction between Sammy and Jackal and quickly picked up on the subtle nuances of their body language and facial expressions during their exchange. She was sure they were acquainted... Now, even with the girl addressing her, her hazel eyes rested on the vigilante, a scowl painted on her face. She regarded him silently, finally turning her attention to the blonde when she finished describing her attributes. Ez studied her attractive young face for a moment, and against her better judgment, finally gave the girl a nod, "Sure, why not..." she responded, once again turning her attention to the lawman for a brief moment.

With a sudden pull on the reins, Ez clicked her tongue, moving Clove outside the ranks of the group and turning to address them. Almost as if it had never been there, the earlier agitation was gone...the scowl erased. Her face was set on neutral, the leader in her emerging.

"Seems we have a new recruit...and you will all treat her with respect...or answer to me. We only have a short days ride today, so any of you still suffering the effects of the past two days need not worry. We will, however, be entering the badlands and you will need to keep alert at all times. No one is to go anywhere alone...buddy system only. I will take the lead with Gabe...Lawless, you and Deck will hold the rear..everyone else pair up and ride side by side. Deck has made up a dry goods pack for everyone--enough to last a few days if you get separated for any reason. If you get lost, Outpost 4 is your destination. Gabe will rendezvous with you here in 2 days time to bring you back."

"What if Gabe is busy?" Jones shouted from the back, elbowing Owens and getting a few chuckles.

"Then I will come get you," she returned, fixing him with a cold stare. "...but don't get lost--few of you will survive the trip."

She looked out at the group and wondered if they would make it though the wastes without major casualties now that they were a couple guns short. Gabe barely looked as though he'd make it through the day, let alone a few weeks. His head was hung low and he groaned with every motion...but he was here and she had to give him credit for that. Even his usual attitude was still intact, his cold stare often focusing on Lawless while she spoke. With a sigh, her attention turned back to the men she was being paid to lead.

"For those of you here for the scaving, we will reach our destination in 2 days. Afterwards, any of you interested in continuing are invited to join us to the Lost Mountains. Mr. Lawless has promised a small share of any treasure found for anyone who puts in their gun. If you choose against staying, once again, Gabe...or I....will return you here...where you will have to find your own transport home." She paused, finally nodding her head. "That's it...go ahead and get your supplies from Deck...he also has extra ammo for each of you."

As the men moved towards the cook to pick up their packs, Ez called out once more.

"Not you Mr. Lawless. I would like a moment of your time please...alone."

Sammy smiled quickly, but controlled herself enough to not shout. She didn't actually expect to be allowed in without some kind of fight. But she was glad for it, and after casting a pleased glance at Jackal before turning and finding a place in the back of the line. She knew this Deck man probably wouldn't have any drygoods pack for her, but maybe she could help out.

Jackal let out a chuckle as Ezra so quickly allowed this random girl to join them. But he knew she wasn't happy about it by the way she kept looking at him. He'd have to set the girl straight sometime today to avoid any bad blood between her and Ezra. And as the woman called him aside he knew he was in for something unpleasant. So he extinguished the pipe and tossed the ashes into the quickly blowing breeze whizzing past before walking over to Ezra. He waited until the men were all busy getting their goods or eye-humping Sammy before speaking.

"I told you I saved the Hooker Gabe was abusing. But I told her to head for Carousel not join us."

Ezra nodded. "I'm sure you did...and this is all just a big misunderstanding," she said sarcastically. "But let's just say we were both surprised by her arrival...you still must realize the position you are putting me in--I can't just leave her to go alone now...her fate would be on my hands...and she would most likely die. It is obvious she is not trail ready...and since she is your friend, I am making you responsible for her training and protection. I will not babysit her. You will teach her the ropes, show her how to survive, how to shoot...what ever she needs. She can not be slowing us down or causing problems. If you need assistance, I am sure Deck would be happy to help--he is the only one I trust in her presence...and her presence is going to be a problem here--your problem--the men know what she is...was...and I will not have her whoring her way through my camp."

She stopped, staring hard at him, just barely controlling the anger that was boiling inside. "...and make sure she does something about her wardrobe. She needs to cover up her assets a little better or I will be the only one who's watching the trail today. Understood?"

Jackal chuckled again, he could see the little twinges of jealously in Ezra's demeanor and tone. He patted her thigh reassuringly.

"Hmm never had a deputy before. Don't worry Ezra, she's a smart girl, just like yourself. I think she's worried I'll kill her if she whores again so that shouldn't be an issue, but as you wish I will keep an eye on her. She can be Deck's assistant, she's small enough to move around his wagon without issue. As for her assets, I don't know if she brought any other shirts with her, but stick her in the back of the party with me and Deck and she'll be fine. But when night time comes you may have to keep her company instead of me."

"I wo..." she started, realizing it was that or having the girl sleep with Jackal. She let out a heavy sigh and gave a nod, surrendering to this one condition. She turned from him then, waving her hand in a forward gesture for the others to follow. Her eyes were on the wastes, but her mind was on Jackal. She found his calm demeanor very aggravating and right now she wanted nothing more than to slap that look right off his face.

02-16-2018, 08:38 PM
As expected the day dragged on under the boiling sun above. The men carried on in silence, some even vomiting from the effects of the boiling sun and their hangovers. But there was plenty of water for now so no one was going to die right away. But beneath the sun there was a visible tension, the separation of Jackal and Ezra was the few words of conversation among the men who trudged on between the two.

Even when they were talking with their designated partners they kept stealing glances at one another. Eyes clocking for a few seconds before their attention was called elsewhere. The lawman knew that the talk this morning was only the beginning of potential problems between him and the woman. But he was at a loss, when he saved Sammy from the whore's life he honestly didn't expect her to seek him out and tag along on the mission. But each time he looked at her he saw the blush on her pale cheeks and noted the way she fidgeted around him. Like she wanted something, but couldn't bring herself to asking. She had a crush on him, and he could see her appealing features very well. But his mind was was split over it, he was with Ezra now at least in some sense. And he really didn't want to scare her off, but in the ultimate end to this journey Ezra might not be what he needs her to be. But Samantha, was younger, more amicable and possibly more viable for what he needed. Less time spent out in the irradiated wasteland.

He was unsure, but soon decided that only time would tell. Maybe Ms. Green wasn't viable either then he'd need to find yet another for the end game. But how many women could possibly be between here and the Lost Mountains? He pushed those worries aside for now and continued young Sammy's education in the way of the wastes. Ez's first impression proved mostly right, she knew how to use a gun and a knife to defend herself, but actual survival was a mystery. She'd spent most of her life in Outpost 4 and the only times she went out beyond the gates was to gather food or be used as a bartering chip for would-be raiders. He marveled at her resilience though, going through all that at such a young age, but she was very careful about always using condoms to keep herself clean and babyfree. Whores who have kids often aren't long for this world, and generally the child is sold into slavery. And the lawman saw a promising lust in the girl's eyes as she scanned his body.

But once again he kept things neutral. Simply remarking on her intelligence once again. He went over as many tricks of the trail as he could remember, Deck throwing in two sense of his own every now and then. It continued on like this until dusk when they reached the oasis that would mark their next nightly camp. It was quite like the others they've been too, there was no higher vantage point, but the large pool was upon a platform of sandstone and was sheltered by trees all around it and many rocky outcroppings jutted out from the rock. But it looked like they would all be camping much closer to each other tonight. The only good land that wasn't all rock was the crescent shaped beach that went half way around the water, there was a few isolated rocks for privacy should anyone want it though and a much smaller sort of wading pool was upon a flat rock at the very end of the beach itself.

The group stopped and the order came down the line to dismount and begin setting up camp. Jackal picked a spot besides one of the rocky outcroppings to set himself up, and as expected Sammy was there as well already eyeing up the water for some cooldown time. Jackal chuckled dropping from Vash's back and snapping his fingers. "Work first, play later come on I'll help you get a fire going."

The girl smiled broadly and jumped from her horse pulling her long coat and bag off before following the lawman to gather wood.

02-16-2018, 10:07 PM
Like so many in the group, Ezra couldn't help but notice the uncomfortable silence during the blistering ride to their next camp. Motes of dust dotted the horizon with images of ghostly mirages fading in and out to peak one's interest, but little else. It put her into almost a trance-like state as Clove plodded along, his sides covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Her "buddy" was just as silent. Having Gabe by her side put her on edge, but she had chosen to ride with him in case the altercation with Jackal last night had put any ideas of revenge in the cold-hearted bastard's mind. But he was like everyone, at least at first, brooding, and occasionally glancing back at the vigilante as if to make sure he wasn't riding forward to exact more revenge.

After several hours the Black Jack's mood changed and he reined his horse in closer to Ezras, instantly putting her on guard. His demeanor was off, a tic-like motion in his eye as he leaned in a bit, first licking his dry swollen lips and swallowing hard.

"Bastard fucked up my mouth good. Ripped out my teeth. Guess you're not going to want to kiss me now." He laughed, a nervous chuckle that only succeeded in disgusting her. "Shoulda seen the gleam in his eyes--he likes the hurting Ez. Never seen a man go after another with such glee." When she didn't respond, he laughed a bit louder. "Yeah...he's a crazy bastard. ...and ignoring me isn't going to make me go away. We're partners--you and I--I'm you're second."

Ezra spared him a glance then, frowning. "Shut up Gabe...you're stupid is showing."

He gave her a wide grin, ravaged and bloody gum tissue showing where previously there had been rotten teeth. Even those that remained were suspect, the man's dental hygiene never perfected. "I wasn't lying to you...not about Frankie's family...that one is true....told it just as I heard it."

Ez puffed out a breath, giving him a stern glare. "Enough!"

The man sighed, then smiled again. "Okay, lets talk about something else. How about our new girl Candy. Pretty hot...and those big boobs. I think you made a mistake letting her in. Your boy is going to be all over her--drop your skinny ass in a heartbeat. I'll make you a wager...3 days and he's down with that whore." He made a lewd gesture with his hands, simulating intercourse, and thrusted with his pelvis. "At least that whore will know how to pleasure him. I tell you, she is one good fuck."

Knowing he had overstepped his bounds, Gabe gave his mount a kick to increase the gap between him and Ez. He glanced back at her, reveling in her expression, his mood lifted by her discomfort. Further back the lawman was deep in conversation with Candy. "Yep...three days...maybe sooner."


The rest of the trip continued in silence between the two forward riders. Once again, Gabe had pulled her thoughts towards situations that caused her to feel ill at ease. She didn't have to look back to know that the well-endowed blonde was pretty. Ez has etched her face into her memory already. ...and although Ez had never questioned her own looks, she also knew she was best described as "easy on the eyes". She couldn't compete--either Jackal would fall for the new arrival or he wouldn't. But she didn't plan on sitting by and letting nature take its course either...she would fight for him if she had to...he wasn't like any man she had been with before--she felt different with him...better.

When the camp finally came into sight Ez sighed with relief. She dismounted, noticing right away that Jackal and Samantha were setting up camp together. She was hot and tired, and the water by their choice looked refreshing. She turned away and squared off her shoulders, finding a site closer to the edge of the sandy beach. She was going to have to talk with Jackal and soon...staking her claim if she could.

02-17-2018, 10:29 PM
Sammy and Jackal had returned from gathering wood, and were crouched next to each other as Jackal tried to get a fire going. But the young girl had taken this chance to squeeze in real close to her mentor placing her hand on his leg under the guise of keeping herself balanced as she watched him. But the closeness was distracting the man.

Luckily a snort from Vash made her look up and see Ezra coming their way. So she quickly scooted away and stood up waving at the woman cheerfully, she wanted to be friends with Ezra and maybe learn some things about being a tough woman in the wastes. "Hello Ms. Bastian, you may have to come over and show my mentor how to make a fire. He seems to be having trouble." She let out a young woman's giggle at Jackal shaking his head.

Ezra nodded, giving Samantha a forced smile. She kept her expression guarded, pretending not to have noticed the girl remove her hand from Jackal's thigh. "Do you think you could give us a few minutes Sam...alone? Deck could use some help getting dinner ready."

Sammy frowned a little, but knew better than to argue. So she threw Ez a smile and cute salute and pulled her coat back on. "Ok Miss Bastian you can count on me! Hope you get the fire figured out Mr. Lawless it gets cold out here at night."

Jackal sighed standing up watching the girl go shaking his head. He then looked at Ez nodding.

"What do you want to talk about Ez?" He approached her stretching his back out some from the long ride.

"She's like a puppy," she stated with a light chuckle. "..one that's pretty attached to you." She stepped closer to him, her hand gently touching him on the thigh--on the exact spot that Sam had been resting hers. "Seems that makes two of us." She rose to her tiptoes and kissed him gently on the lips, pulling back to look into his face, trying to read him. "...about this morning...I'm...um.. I'm sorry."

She kissed him again, lingering for a moment before pulling back. She knew they were trying to keep things quiet between them, but she had to assert her claim or lose him. ..and after Sam's forward attempt at flirting, she knew she had to do it soon.

Jackal was very surprised by Ez's actions. He had been dreading this moment all day, he could read the woman well most of the time, but she still had an unpredictable streak in her. As always he enjoyed her kiss and by luck no one seemed to be looking. But still he pulled her down behind the rock next to them kissing her back again even slipping his hands under her shirt to squeeze her breasts fondly. He kept his hands there for a few seconds smiling at her.

"It's ok Ezzy, I honestly never expected her to show up." He pulled back removing his hand reluctantly from Ezra's body. "Besides why do I need a puppy when I have an eager bitch like yourself to play with?" It was an attempt at dirty talk, but he was never any good at it. "You're not worried are you?" He asked watching her a little.

...puppies are cuter... she thought, but forced a smile, unable to remove her worry despite his reaction to her and his words. She considered lying to him about her fears, but decided the truth would serve her better. Grabbing his hand and placing it back inside her shirt, she started kissing his neck.

"Yes...a little. As for being an eager bitch...you're going to have to wait to find out just how eager." She allowed her hand to graze the front of his pants as she untangled herself from him and stood up. Her eyes drifted down and she smiled. "Keep that warm for me...for later." When she turned away she glanced over at where Deck and Sammy were working together to get dinner ready. She hated to make this into a game, especially since she had genuine feelings for Jackal, but she couldn't help but feel she had won the first round.

Jackal felt an instant heat spread through him as her touch and words. So strange how quickly she could do that to him. Not even Evy had that skill. But he shook his head standing up adjusting his pants a little. He came up behind Ezra and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close. "Well I don't think you have much to worry about." He brought his hand down and spanked her ass lightly. "Now you best get back to the main camp before I decide to take my eager bitch now. "

She leaned into him, enjoying the closeness for a moment longer before pulling away. They were in plain sight and she didn't react more to his tease because of it. "Until later then," she promised.

02-19-2018, 12:25 AM
As evening set, the seventeen men...and two women...in Ez's group settled down around a large bonfire for their dinner. Unlike a typical meal with everyone sitting with their own gang, they all ate together at her request so she could determine the shift rotation for guard duty that night. Considering the dangers, it was finally decided that six men, in groups of two, would cover a three-hour shift each. Ez chose the teams, and although she would have preferred to team with Jackal, she split her shift from his, allowing for a better allocation of skills. As she finished the roster, she looked to Sammy, who was sitting between her and Jackal, a look of anticipation on her pretty young face.

"You will shadow with me Sam, if that is okay? I'm sure Owens won't mind a third?"

Owens nodded curtly and Samantha brightened. Her excitement at a chance to be included in the watch evident on her face, her youthful features lifting in a smile. She squeezed Jackal's hand and looked at him shyly under her long lashes. After a moment, she realized she hadn't responded and she added a nod, mimicking Owens, before rising to gather up the dishes from dinner.

"Leave those," Ez directed, "...we have first watch and need to get geared up. Owens meet us in five," she called. Together the two women walked to their respective sites, each gathering up their weapons and additional ammo. When they met with Owens, they set off to the north, finding a good vantage point to observe the camp. The location was level, but at a higher elevation, and had several rocky outcroppings and small groupings of vegetation...and too many places for shadows to hide as far as Ez was concerned. The only positive thing was the half moon--they wouldn't have to worry about visibility unless clouds moved in. Together the three settled in, Ez periodically talking softly to Sam as time ticked slowly by.


Ez was discussing Crawlers with Sammy, describing the creatures propensity for emerging in the dark and surprising their prey, when Owens stated he needed to take a leak. Ez paused, noting with good humor that Sammy's eyes were wide, the description alone scaring her. She was pleased with her positive outlook and the young woman seemed to absorb information like a sponge.

"Just a sec..." Ez responded, but when she lifted her head, the man had already disappeared.

Torn with indecision, Ez finally decided to wait for Owens and give him a good oral whipping when he returned. She could understand his reluctance to have two women stand over him while he urinated, but the buddy system was in place for a reason. It wasn't like she had never seen a penis before...and the same was true for Sammy. Sometimes men could be so infuriating.

After ample time had passed, Ez started to pace, worry setting in. She called out to him using their special signal--an owl's hoot--and waited, listening intently. She realized suddenly that the silence was complete...when had the night insects stopped chirping? She turned to Samantha, waving the girl over to her and putting a finger to her lips. She crept forward, Sammy copying her movements and keeping to the shadows as much as possible. When they came to an outcropping, Ez scooted around, pressing herself to the rough surface, leading with her hand.

A mix of smells hit her senses as she rounded the edge--first, the heavy odor of ammonia, then, copper. In the dim light she could see a dark patch and she bent to dip her fingertip into the substance, cringing at the warmth.

"Sam...you have to go," she whispered, putting her mouth as close to the girl's ear as she could. "Wake up the camp...anyway you can." She could see the girl's reluctance. Her fear. "I have to look for Owens..he could still be alive." She put her hands on the girl's shoulders. "Keep low..stay to the shadows. But you have to go fast." She gave the girl an encouraging nod, knowing this was breaking her own rule to stick together, but there was no way she could do both--not if there was a chance at saving Owens.

Finally gathering up her courage Samantha nodded. She would go wake up Jackal. He would be able to help find Owens--she was sure of it. She wasn't going to let Ezra down. She took off at a slow jog, doing just as Ez had instructed, not knowing that two sets of eyes were watching her.


Hidden behind a clump of trees, two darkly dressed men, who liked to refer to themselves as "salties", watched as the buxom blonde headed back towards her camp. They had been watching the two girls creep their way around the rocks--although it wasn't until the taller one had whispered that they had realized that she too was a woman. Both men wore grins, the heavier set LaSeur sporting a full beard. In charge, he pointed to the blonde and then to his companion, and then they split up.


Ezra found Owens a hundred yards from the rock, lying in a thickening pool. It had been easy enough to find him...she had simply followed the blood trail. She knelt by his side, her hands pressed to the gaping wound on his head, knowing she was doing nothing, but unable to stop herself. The man tried to speak and she shook her head. "Shhh...help is coming. Just hold on." Then his breath hitched and his chest fell, no other sound coming from him. Ez bowed her head, cursing silently while she wiped her hands in the sand.

Just as she was rising, Ezra heard the sound of a twig snapping right behind her and she turned quickly, seeing a dark figure almost upon her. The man laughed at her surprise, a deep and resonating sound that sent chills down her spine. Fight or flight? she screamed to herself, grabbing for her gun in its holster. Despite his size, the man was fast, and before she could even lift the gun out, he had gripped her hand in his, squeezing, his much larger appendage swallowing hers. The small bones in her hand were ground together and she reacted instinctually, bringing her knee up to connect with the man's upper thigh. He bellowed, his hand loosening enough to allow her to twist free from his grip. ...and she ran, flight winning out over fight this time. She ran blindly, deeper into the wastes, before a shadow stepped out from the trees and snagged her from behind.

"Hey LaSeur...need a hand with this wild cat?" called her newest captor, his hand gripping the back of her leather jacket as she struggled. With a quick move, Ez drove both of her arms backwards, allowing the coat to slip from her arms. For a brief second she thought she was free--but she was hit from behind, the force of LaSeur's body contacting hers sending her to the ground, his heavy weight holding her in place. With a grunt, he grabbed a handful of her hair in one hand and twisted her right arm behind her back with the other.

"Done fighting? Or do we have to get real nasty?" he growled in her ear, twisting her arm higher until she groaned. He pulled her head back and slammed it against the rocky ground until she stopped struggling. "Get me a rope--gonna tie this bitch up good and tight. ...and don't forget to get her weapons."


Sammy had made it past their look-out spot and started to pick up her speed as the camp came closer, her confidence increasing with each step. She never heard the man running behind her and never saw his rifle sweep in front of her feet, tripping her up. She fell forward, her momentum crashing her to the ground in a tumbling roll. Stunned, she looked up, seeing a tall slender man looking down on her with a lopsided grin. He was panting, his eyes riveted on her breasts, his eyebrows lifting when he saw her look at him. For a moment she froze, unable to think, but all that changed in a heartbeat when the man reached for her.

With a quick gab, Sammy kicked her foot against the ground, pushing herself backwards as she reached for her gun. She did not take the time to aim, just pulled the trigger once it was pointing in his general direction. The bullet whizzed past him and he cackled, a high pitched chitter-like sound. She remembered Ez's words..."wake the camp"...and she screamed then, loud and clear, the sound cut short by a blow to the side of her head.

02-19-2018, 11:03 PM
The attack came from all sides. But Vash's keen nose was what awoke Jackal, it was very rarely that the lawman never listened to his mount's nose. But these bandits seemed to have been scouting the camp for a bit, because before Jackal could get up he was jumped on by three men. But they misjudged one thing, never run up on a Chabbit. Vash let out a vicious screeching hiss and began swatting the men away blood staining his blunt claws. All three were killed and the lawman recovered shortly there after, His rifle at the ready and soon he heard Sammy's scream and like a switch the camp came alive and the other men jumped up from their beds dropping Salties like flies. They had the element of surprise, but the bandits didn't bring any guns with them.

His rifle barked and Salties died each time he pulled the trigger. He had no idea as to the number, but the Salt Flyers were a good sized group and decently organized. He knew a number of low ranking Black Jacks that fled to their ranks. The leader was a mystery though even to the vigilante, they were only known as Salt, but whoever they were they really liked women and used any man they captured as some kind of to-the-death gladiator.

"Stay here Vash, kill all who come near you!" He ordered his mount who reacted like a savage dog snarling and hissing. He left his coat and most of his effects by Vash just taking his guns, some ammo, and his two blades. Jackal needed to find Ez and Sammy, but he wasn't sure where they were set up on their guard shift. He just began running the perimeter of the camp his mind moving towards what he hoped was the obvious spot.

He arrives and sees Owens tied up, but he was killed before he showed up. Looked like a single axe strike to the top of his head. The girls weren't here, but Jackal wasn't alone. Some of the younger Salties were carrying some of his groups supplies away, but they didn't notice Jackal nor did they react in time before one's head was exploded. And the other was dropped with a round going through his shoulder and spinning him around making him drop his loot. The kid let out a scream than the lawman was upon him smashing the butt of his rifle into the boy's forehead.

Stunned the kid groaned but he was silenced, by Jackal pressing the stock of his rifle against the Saltie's throat. "Where did they take the women!?"

The kid growled lightly refusing to speak. But the Lawman really wanted an answer. Taking a sharp rock he pressed it to the boy's eye.
"Talk, or I'll cut your eye out and dig around your brain for the answer." His voice was low and dangerous.

The boy's courage faltered and he swallowed nodding his head. Jackal moved the rifle.
"Where are the women that were standing guard here?"

"LaSeur is taking them back to Salt...*cough*... an hour or so West!" The boy coughed staring at the sharp rock still very close to his eye. Jackal looked up and saw the faint footprints of two men who looked to be dragging heavy objects.

The boy took advantage of Jackal's distraction to shout at the top of his lungs.
"THE JACKAL IS IN THE CAMP!" Anger flared in the Vigilante's eyes and he quickly jammed the sharp rock directly into the boy's eyes socket before smacking his skull hard killing him outright.

He could save Ez and Sammy still. Running at full speed he followed the tracks and burst through the tree on the outskirts of their camp. He didn't see any of the other men in the expedition, he wondered if they were captured, killed, or just ran the fuck away. But that would be for later, he needed to save the girls. He landed in a small crater dust flying up around him, it wasn't much but it distracted the Salties long enough for him to three more shots off killing three more raiders. But a shotgun blast in the sky called his focus and he turned to see both Ez and Sammy trussed up like dead Kufu unconscious and at the feet of a heavy man with a full beard. Before Jackal could aim his rifle the bandit aimed both barrels at the girls' heads they were close enough together that one shot would kill them both.

The man let out a bellowing laugh shaking his head in amazement.
"My damn, Jackal Lawless as I live and breath. Heard you fly through the sky on ink black wings and wielded lighting instead of some shitty old .308." The gathered goons laughed nervously, LaSeur was the only one crazy enough to goad the lawman so they let him do it. "And after all these years of being untouchable all it takes is threatening two whores to stop you dead in your tracks. That's a bit of a let down. But I'm sure the boss won't mind us bringing you in for a prize as well as two more playthings for her. Grabs his things boys."

The other Salties inched back some putting their hands up like they were being asked to touch a roaring fire. The big man sighed shouting at them. "Grow some balls, he won't try anything! Not as long as I have his little bedmates under my gun." He cocked the hammer on the shotgun back moving the barrel closer which caused Jackal to disarm himself tossing his rifle, pistol and blades aside, but he would remember the man calling the boss a 'her'. The Raiders scrambled to grab the weapons for their own use, but once again LaSeur shouted this time like he was yelling at misbehaving children. "All weapons go to Salt to pick first. You fucks know that!"

The men grumbled, but the weapons were tossed into a bag and loaded onto LaSeur's horse. Jackal studied each and every feature of the bearded man. After he killed whoever this Salt bitch was he'd enjoy skinning that fat fuck over a hot fire. But his thoughts of revenge were cut short by a hard blow to the back of his head which knocked him out.

With three prisoners and a nice haul of supplies the Salt Flyer mounted up and rode West towards a natural stone amphitheater like salt quarry where the enigmatic Salt was waiting for her prizes.

02-22-2018, 07:06 AM
An untold amount of time later Sammy woke up with a pained groan. Her eyes were blurry, but her body felt cold. Moving her hands over herself she felt her bare skin. She gasped and quickly felt her chest--she was wearing some kind of fur bikini top and a weird thong loincloth. But other than that she was nude. Her senses fully returned and she looked to be in a cage of some kind.

Ez was next to her still knocked out, but she was wearing the same kind of outfit only her's was red rather than brown. She shook the older woman, but a rich mocking laughter was heard from the darkness around the cage. The sounds of bare footsteps on stone were heard then torchlight began lighting up around the hut. Soon Sammy saw a woman (https://i.imgur.com/g0ylLHp.jpg) swaggering around, the many skulls on her belt clacking lightly as she moved. She was very beautiful, but also had the wild look of someone bordering on psychotic rage. Sammy froze up, her hand gripping Ez's firmly.

Salt licked her lips. "Hmm one of my toys is awake, start by kissing and groping her. I'll be in soon."

Eagerly, the men reached into the enclosure, grabbing at Sammy to pull her out. Desperate, the young woman clung to Ez's hand as long as she could, the men's efforts finally separating them. "Ez..." she cried, "...wake up." Then she was lifted out and carried to the bed, thick furs beneath her. The men didn't waste any time following Salt's orders, one of them holding Sammy's wrists while his mouth pursued hers and the other running his hands along her bare skin, kneading the soft flesh. Sammy struggled against them, but the men anticipated her moves, delighted in them, their laughter filling the room.

As for Ez, she didn't know if it was the sound of her name or Sammy's pleas that awoke her, but she came awake in a thick fog, struggling to regain consciousness. She could see lights behind her closed eyelids and slowly she opened them, squinting against the pain in her head. "Sam?" she questioned, before realizing the girl was not with her, but across the room. It was the sight of her struggles that finally pulled Ez from her stupor.

"Sammy!" she screamed, grabbing the bars before her and shaking them violently. The action caused her pain, it seemed everything ached, but she continued, trying to find a weakness in the structure. When all her efforts failed, she began screaming curses at the men, telling them to leave her alone. She felt helpless...and guilt filled her. This was her fault...she had failed to keep the girl safe...and on her first night with the group. All earlier thoughts of her dislike for the young woman disappeared, and in another burst of anger, she struck the bars again then started pacing, the cool air causing a chill to spread over her skin. Surprised, she looked down at herself, noticing for the first time that she was scantily dressed in red skins.

Lady Salt watched the men torment the younger girl, they were never allowed to actually violate her toys before she got bored with them. But watching them fight was all foreplay for her, soon they would tire and she could have her way easier with them. She had already removed her fur skirts and was standing in the fur bra and loincloth as Ez and Sammy were. But Sammy had some fight in her and Ez's yelling and anger was just so arousing. Soon she snapped her fingers and ordered the men away.
"Go play with some of the old toys. I'm ready to break these two in now." The men reluctantly stopped, but one look at the dried men's scalps on the woman's wall made them leave.

Sammy took this chance to run back into the cage and into Ez's arms. Salt licked her lips and followed her hips swaying slowly. "Hmm you two almost have as much fire as your Master out there, but then again...oooo the legends I've heard about Jackal Lawless, hmm if he survives the night in the ring, I may bring him into my bed and let him be the first man to have me without first being castrated. He'll give me such strong daughters. But I'm sure you two know all about him." She slowly opened the door to the cage and entered, slamming it shut behind her, locking it and tossing the key on the far side of the cage. It sailed through the bars and clacked into a window that looked down on a dirt ring with barbed wire acting as the fence. She was unarmed, but Salt was a well-built woman and a Raider Queen, so unless Sammy and Ez thought up a plan quick they might be in trouble.

Sammy tried to be brave, but those men and now the crazed Raider were quickly wearing down her courage. Ez stepped up with an idea to save Sammy some pain. She squared off with the raider. "Take me, Salt." The words came out of her mouth like bile, but she wasn't going to let Sammy be the first to suffer more than she already had. "Master Lawless hasn't trained her well, she's just a girl we picked up in the last town."

Salt stopped and shook her head. Shoving Ez aside.
"No I'll save you for later, she's already like a scared little bunny. I like scared little bunnies."

Ez responded in kind and sucker-punched Salt square in the head. It stunned the Raider, but also worked her right up. She grabbed Ez and slammed her into the cage kissing her deeply while her hands ripped open Ez's top and letting her hands go to work. Ez quickly shot her eyes to the keys on the window sill, signalling Sammy to grab them while she kept Salt busy by playing rough back, ripping at the Raider's own clothes.

Sammy took a few seconds to figure out Ez's plan, but quickly acted. The cage was just close enough to the window that she could almost reach the keys with some work, but when she looked out the sight almost made tears come to her eyes. She saw Mr. Lawless in just his pants in the middle of the dirt ring surrounded by what looked like ten dead Salties. He was wounded, heavily and his body was coated with dirt and sweat. He was shouting something while more Salties surrounded him.

Sammy pulled her eyes away from Jackal with difficulty and pushed her body against the bars, reaching for the key and finally snagging it with her fingertips. Behind her, Ezra continued with the charade, her hands clutching Salt's breasts as she brought her mouth to the woman's neck. She pushed her body against the woman's, flipping their positions so she was now in front, her thigh moving between the queen's as she began to kiss her again. Faking arousal, Ez moved her hands to her face, grabbing her hair roughly as she increased the intensity of the kiss. When she pulled away, her expression had changed from passion to hate and she looked hard at her captor, slamming her head forward. Salt's head hit the bars and Ez shoved it against them again, feeling the woman's nails rake across her cheek. She cried out and threw herself into the woman, slamming her entire body into the attack. With satisfaction, she saw the eyes roll upwards. Salt crumpled to the ground.

"Fuck you..." Ez growled, then turned to Sam, unable to look her in the eye. "Come on...let's go."


Once outside the cage, Ez and Sam searched the room for weapons, finding little other than sex toys. While they searched, Sam relayed what she had seen out the window, her voice hitching as she tried to control her tears. "We'll get him," Ez assured her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. She pried open crates, finding more of the fur outfits and resigned herself to putting on another top piece rather than go without. They had almost looked everywhere, when Sam reached between the mattresses. When she pulled her hand out she was holding a small pistol.

The women left the hut, armed with a small knife and pistol, hardly worthy of going to war, but it would have to do. Ez was surprised by how few men were in sight, though she could hear voices coming from the arena close by. Taking Sam by the hand, she pulled her along, entering the building and keeping to the side. There had to be a way for them to get below but first they would need to keep out of sight. Ez started opening doors until she saw a set of stairs heading down. Together they descended, finally coming to the ground level. Here the sound of cheering was louder, and Ez quickly moved deeper into shadow, ducking down into a small alcove that had a sparse supply of medieval weapons. She put her finger to her lips and stayed low, waiting for a good time to help Jackal...but not really expecting one to come.

Sammy sighed picking up what looked like an axe of some kind and handed the pistol to Ez, her hands were too shaky to be a decent shot, but Ms. Bastian seemed perfectly calm and steady. She wished she was like that, maybe then she'd have more of a chance with Mister Lawless. He seemed the type to like brave strong women more than...scared little bunnies like her. The girl could hear cheers and boos coming from beyond the tarp that covered the door to whatever building this was it looked like some kind of armory and she wondered if their clothes and things were stashed in here somewhere.

She wished she had the courage to look out and see what they were doing to Mr. Lawless, he looked like he was in a great deal of trouble in the ring even though he'd already killed ten Salties himself. She visibly shook looking down at her hands trying desperately to hold onto the axe. She laughed ironically.

"I bet my mother would be proud of me, my first day as an adventurer and I've already been ambushed, beaten, felt-up, and now I can't stop myself from shaking."

Her thoughts elsewhere, Ez glanced over at Sam. She wasn't surprised the girl was frightened, she herself was afraid, both for their lives and Jackal's, although she kept the feelings locked away. She couldn't come up with a way to distract the men in the arena that did not involve dying. Without better weapons and some luck, she would be leading herself and Sam to slaughter.

Ez moved closer when the girl continued to shake, wrapping her arm around the slim shoulders, and pulling her close. She did it for comfort, but also for warmth. She leaned in close, keeping her voice low. "Hmmm...your mother was a doctor, wasn't she?"

The girl leaned into the older woman's arm shaking her head slowly.
"No...well not really. I was adopted by the two formally good Doctor's in Outpost 4. Drs. Green and Green. And they were pretty good parents for a bit. They taught me to read and write and were actually training me in medicine. That was until Doctor Regina died when I was thirteen, then Doctor Dave tried to raise me himself. But he couldn't keep up with his medical practice and raise me, so he turned to gambling to make up the differance, but he sucked at it so he turned to the drink. And soon he was 200 Gold Chips in debt to Simon, and when you're in debt to Simon you pay one of two ways. In blood or in boobs." She let out a sigh cupping her large chest and squeezed her boobs firmly. "I was only fifeteen, but I had these already so I got my first...and only job. I still wasn't quite enough so Simon shot him dead on the spot." Tears streamed down her face. "So I was an orphaned whore, and the worst part was the Greens told me my real mother was alive somewhere. She was fifteen herself when she had me, but the dad was dead and as strong as my real mother was, according to them, she couldn't raise me herself. They did tell me she was a damn good adventurer even so young though."

Ez listened to the story in silence, her body feeling a chill that had nothing to do with her scant clothing. She sighed heavily and shook her head. "I'm sorry..." she said, "...that...that you went through that. No child should have to pay for their parent's mistakes." Chewing her lower lip, she looked away for a moment, listening to the sounds of the fighting outside as they continued unabated.

"...and your mother...your real mother...I know she would be proud of you. This life...scaving...it takes some getting used to...and there are lots of dangers. All things considered, you are holding up well..." She squeezed the girl's hand to reassure her, giving her a small smile. "It shouldn't be long now...I think things are starting to escalate out there...if we are going to act, it will have to be soon. I might need you to stay here...as back up...do you think you can do that?"

Sammy smiled and squeezed Ez's hand back, but was going to ask how Ez would know. But the loud sound of a gunshot was heard over the snarling crowd around the Arena. Silence immediately followed and the women could hear foot steps running back their little hidden door. Ez peeked out and saw that the men that were closest to their new hiding spot were gone. Giving her and Sammy an unhindered view of the carnage below and a quick route to a a pile of crates that could hide them both easily. With something happening in the camp she no longer felt safe leaving the girl alone.

She took the girl's hand and led her to the large crates. Crouching low they could both see the arena and hear Jackal. He was hoarse from yelling and in his hands were a small hatchet with blood dripping from the head and a two foot long steel pipe. There was some ruckus going on by Salt's Hut, the Raider Queen must've woken up from Ez kicking her ass. But Jackal and the six new men he was fighting didn't seem to care. Each of them wanting the honor of killing the Jackal and Jackal was simply refusing to die.

"Come on you fucking dogs! I'll send you back the Devil's asshole right here right now!" Blood was dripping heavily from Jackal's body and the dirt under him had turned to rust colored mud staining his barefeet and trashed jeans. The Salties glanced around at their dead comrades, when LaSeur started this game they were eager to try and kill Jackal. But they overestimated their skills and numbers vastly. Jackal quickly killed the first three attackers and armed himself the next seven survived longer being more cautious, but still Jackal killed them all. But they wounded him, eventually he would bleed out...they hoped.

But these six were young and growing bored fucking Salt's old toys and watching Jackal kill their friends. Ez knew the look on Jackal's face he was showing the wild rage he showed in the bedroom when telling the Frankie story, dangerous, but as scary as that one was it was the quiet burning rage he showed when she first told him about Gabe's lies she hoped to never see again. This loud killing rage was something she could handle it would pass as soon as he got away from the Salties. But she didn't know what would happen should he get pushed to the quiet danger of pure rage she knew the man capable of.

The six new combatants circled Jackal who snarled grasping his weapons tighter. Words from scripture began flowing from his lips agai.
"For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer." The Salties had no clue what he was saying, but two of them charged. The vigilante moved like lightning his hatchet came up horizontally, he flung it pointblank into the head of the nearest man. The attacker's forward momentum caused his feet to continue forward while his head was whipped backwards. He then brought the pipe up and hammered the back of the hatchet in splitting the man's head cleanly. But he didn't forget the other attacker swinging his entire body around he crashes the pipe across the man's head the sound of bone cracking echoing around the arena.

This brought the rest of his attackers upon him he was down one weapon. The remaining four swarmed him. But once again Jackal moved quicker then they expected he ducked under the first swing ripping the hatchet from dead man number seven and took out the legs of dead man number nine, before he smashed the axe into his chest. He rolled over number nine's body the pipe coming around to smash the knee of number ten. He spun on his heel and brought the hatchet up and around severing ten's spine. The whole thing only happened in a handful of seconds the bodies almost hitting the ground as one. But Jackal was on his feet shouting like a beast at the rest of the Salties.

Ez watched Jackal take out the six men with awe...fascination....and dread His movements were fast, liquid, and she almost couldn't keep up with the numerous strikes that destroyed the Salt men. He was more like a machine than a man, and with his final outburst, she felt her heart beating rapidly, her breath coming in gasps. So mesmerized was she with the events that had unfolded before her, that she didn't hear the approaching footsteps until a baritone laugh reached her ears.

"Well now...what do we have here?" LaSeur mocked, looking at Ez and Sammy with humor in his eyes. "If it isn't the little wild cat...and her kitten...seems I have bettered you again." He allowed his eyes to rove over their bodies openly, lust filling their depths. "I do like your new look."

Ez leaped to her feet, pushing Sam behind her as she faced off with the man. He was tall and broad, more of a bear than a man, and her bravado brought a smile to his already amused manner. Keeping his stance relaxed, he gestured for one of his men to come closer.
"Go let Salt know we've found her lost pets," he ordered, then turned his attention back to them.

As the man moved towards her, Ez stepped backwards, trying to keep some distance between them. Finally, with little room left to navigate, she stopped, glaring up at him in defiance. La Seur laughed, reaching out to her and tracing a line along her cheek. "Salt likes you...really...really...likes you. No one stands up to her...ever. It's a shame...I was hoping to get a piece of you." He back handed her then, surprised when she smiled.

"A big man like you...and that's the best you got?" she taunted, finally in her comfort zone. When he stuck her again, blood began to ooze freely from her lip. He saw the change come over her and he moved in closer, his mouth covering hers as his hands groped at her and freed her breasts from the fur top. She met his eagerness, grabbing his upper arms to pull him closer. When his hand slipped around her waist, she grabbed it, firmly. "No..." she gasped, redirecting him to her stomach and pushing it downwards. As he continued his advances, she reached behind her back with her left hand and pulled the small dagger from the waist of her fur G-string. LaSeur was a big man, but as she had noted from their first encounter, he also was quick. Ez had no more brought her hand around when her wrist was grabbed. His grip was crushing and he began to laugh. "What did you plan with this--to poke me a little?" He shook his head, his amusement shadowing his earlier lust.

Ez stared at him, her tongue wetting her lips as she regarded his easy posture...his humor. "No..." she responded, "..it was just a distraction." ...and with that, she pulled the pistol around to the front of her body and squeezed the trigger. Although Ez had anticipated him dodging her first attempt with the dagger, what she wasn't expecting was for him to twist so quickly with the second, diverting the strike from a killing shot to one that only cut through the meaty part of his side.

LaSeur roared, his hand going to her throat. His grip tightened and Ez felt all the strength go out of her limbs. She saw a flash of movement, followed by a feminine scream, and the air rushed back into her lungs. Taking no time to breathe, she brought up the pistol again and fired point-blank at his chest, squeezing the trigger until it clicked on empty, LaSeur's blood covering her in an instant. As he dropped to the sand, she saw Sam behind him, her axe firmly embedded in his side.

"Go to Jackal..." she directed, her hands on her knees as she gasped, seeing the slick gown of red that now clothed her. "I'll be right behind you." ...and she was, at least for a few steps. But Ez's luck had run out that day, and in the next moment she was retrained again, this time by her hair. With a quick movement, her head was slammed into a wooden beam, her knees buckling, but her body staying upright due to the pressure of a female body now pressing against her back. "My pet," Salt purred in her ear, "..how I 've missed you." The leader's arm encircled Ez, her hand cupping the scaver's breast and pinching the nipple firmly. Ez gasped with the pain and heard more laughter. "You like that...don't you...and I have so much more to give you." The feel of cool steel was pressed against Ez's brow, the gun's muzzle moving along the line of her jaw, down her neck, between her breasts, then along her flat stomach, finally ending at the waist of her fur panties.

"Have you ever made love to a pistol? It's...delicious...as I will show you...and so much more. Of course you will be securely tied to my bed...splayed. I will let your master watch...maybe even let him join in, if he behaves."

Salt grabbed Ez's arm and twisted it behind her, the gun once again against her temple. She moved them into the arena, finally stopping before Jackal, Ez essentially acting as a body shield. With the gun firmed placed, she allowed her hand to rove along Ez's blood covered chest as she scanned the carnage before her with pleasure.

"Well now, Jackal Lawless...you have exceeded my expectations. I applaud you. Never before have I seen a man like you...you are just what I have been looking for...and since your whore has killed by best dog...well...I'm looking for a replacement." Her eyes roved over his body hungrily, her hand moving lower on Ez's abdomen. "Yes...you and I shall rule together...you by my side." As her finger played at the waist of the fur, Ez visibly stiffened, her body starting to shake.

"Tell me vigilante, which one of these whores is your favorite? I like this one...but it's your choice. The other one we feed to the dogs...the men can be so hungry." The leader lifted her eyes to the man before her, her mouth tightening into a grimace. "I will make you mine...or you will die...with your whores. What will it be? Choose me, and I'll let her live...or...we can decorate this sand with one more body." As she watched the man, waiting for his decision, the scavver looked up, meeting Jackal's silvery gaze for the first time.

Where once there was a killing fury, now there was a molten fiery glare, full of hatred and a touch of insanity. Ez recognized that look and it frightened her...even though she knew she had not instigated it, she was in its direct line. She tried to back up...calling to Sammy to move behind him...but Salt clamped a hand over her mouth, silencing her in an instant. There was nothing she could do but wait for his vengeance.

Sammy needed no further heeding once she was free she rushed behind Jackal. Holding her bloody axe to her chest she looked at the change that had come over him. She's seen lots of angry men, loud angry, drunk angry, pathetic impotency angry. But this was a more terrifying one, one she'd only ever seen in animals about to attack. Cold, steady, coiling up some kind of savage attack. The girl worried if being behind him was safe, but she remembered an old saying Dr. Roger used to say, "it's better to be at the right hand of the devil than in his path. And as Jackal moved himself squarely between Sammy and Salt's line of sight the girl felt safer than she had in a long time.

The slavering hordes of Salties were silent, eager for Salt to give them the order. They'd swarm the arena. The tall man may be able to kill a few of them, but he wouldn't be able to take them all on and as soon as they got the cute little whore back she'll be all the reward they need. But Jackal stood like a statue, his back straight, his shoulders set back and his steel eyes glowed with the hellfire of pure rage.

He dropped the pipe and flipped the hatchet to his left hand.
"Stay here you need not fear any further harm." Was all he said as he walked towards Salt and Ez. He stopped a few feet short of the women his steel eyes resting coldly on Ez for a second before they stared directly into Salt's, the Raider Queen met his gaze fearlessly but he could see the fear and lust behind them. They stayed like that for a few seconds, but Jackal spoke.

"Release us all or die in the hellfire I will visit upon this camp of sin." His voice quiet, his voice steady, and Ez knew he wasn't bluffing. She tried to inch out of Salt's grip, but the woman grip held and Ezra could feel the woman's body tense up in sudden anger.

She cocked the hammer back on the pistol aimed at the Scavver's head and shrieked almost directly in Ez' ear.


Jackal's face flared in anger, but his voice remained calm.
"Then you have chosen death." He lifted his right hand to his lips and let out a shrill animal like whistle. Salt stared at him in disbelief for a few seconds, then curled her finger in on the trigger. But soon the sounds of screaming men and the strange hissing roar of some beast. And in seconds Vash burst through the wall of Salt Flyer, his mouth was foaming and his claws and teeth were stained with blood. While not known meat eaters, the Chabbit species when tasting blood have been known to go into a berserk rage. It was the result of mutation and a very excitable nature, and it was the beginning of the end for Salt and her bandits.

Jackal let out another whistle getting his raging mounts attention. The mad creature looked it's eyes looked like the same kind of cold rage as his masters. Jackal pointed at Salt and said a single phrase
"Bring her to me." Vash let out a savage roar and bound towards Ez and Salt. The Raider shoved Ez away and tried to fire at the Chabbit. But the beast was undaunted, and collided with Salt and fully threw her into the ring almost directly to Jackal's feet.

...and in the next moment, Ez felt herself falling forward and the events that followed occurred so closely together that she could not separate one from another. A burning sensation raked along her scalp and the report of a gunshot rang harshly in her ears. She fell to the blood soaked sands, feeling another body crashing into hers. Sammy was there suddenly, her mouth moving, but nothing coming out...and Ez felt herself being pulled away, the young girl struggling with her weight. There was screaming and Ez put her hands to her ears, her own voice joining in with the others in a mix of frustration and pain. She shook, her eyes riveted on the scene before her...the frightful man in front of her, the screaming Raider at his feet. Slowly as Sammy pulled her away form Jackal and Salt she calmed herself, starting with her breathing, then working to control the tremors, the pain, the torment. Her wall rebuilt itself, brick by brick, while the pretty young blonde girl cried beside her.

Salt was still stunned by the attack by the Chabbit, she scrambled away. The animal's throw caused her ankle to break in the fall, but still she was trying. Jackal easily kept up he even picked up a discarded whip one of the men he killed had. Once it was in hand he took an extra long step and stamped on the woman's broken ankle making her scream for help. But the enraged Chabbit with no further orders was reeking havoc through the camp. His tough paws ripping through fleeing men and some women, his path crossing many campfires kicking the sparks up everywhere many of the coal catching on the dry huts and other materials around the arena. Soon the entire Salt Flyer camp was ablaze, but none of it mattered to Jackal he was simply enjoying the sheer pain he was inflicting on Salt by pressing into her broken limb. Salt tried to kick free but the man knew what he was doing. She was topless still so he quickly twisted her to her back and lashed the whip down and across her back. Salt let out a piercing scream. But Jackal shouted.

"Be silent raider whore! Your penance begins now!"

He lashed another stroke crossing the first.
"That one was for the defilement of my camp!

Salt screamed again turning on the man.
"Please no more, I let the girls go!"

Jackal's eyes and face remained still his eyes on fire with his desire to punish. A third slash cutting the woman's lowerback.
"That one was for attacking and killing some of the men."

Salt was crying from the pain now still pleading.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry please. Please I'll let you be in charge, you can be my master as much as you are the others. I can be a good slave, like them" She fearfully pointed at Ez and Sammy.

Sammy was clutching Ez's arm her eyes wide and her body shaking with Ezra's. "Ms. Bastian why is he...doing that- he's a good man. That-that can't be Mr. Lawless!" Tears were streaming down her face seeing her hero in such a monstrous light.

At first, Ezra didn't answer, considering what would be best to tell the girl. With each whip strike on Salt's skin she flinched, but she was calmer now, almost under control. "He's doing what needs to be done--ridding the wastes of vermin. It's just his way..." She ran a hand along Sam's hair, trying to comfort her. "It doesn't make him a bad man...just a vengeful one."

Sammy looked up at her, her blue eyes red rimmed and filled with tears, "..but she's begging...shouldn't he giver her mercy?"

"Mercy doesn't cure the disease...only death does that." ...and she truly believed her words...although she found it difficult to watch the Saltie queen's torture. Death was easier when it was quick, but Jackal's method was anything but that.

Jackal brought his whip down again and Salt screamed again in agony. "I have silver...it's all yours..please just stop..."

Jackal was unmoved by Salt's pleas. But Sammy's cries stopped him. Salt hand turned over to her bleeding back her breasts bouncing gently as she tried to inch away.
"Yes, yes, all the chips you want and three pleasure slaves! What...what more could a man such as...yourself want?"

Jacakl stopped whipping Salt, and soon the sounds of gunfire could be heard then Gabe and the rest of the men crested the hill staring down upon what looked like a genuine scene from hell. Blood, Fire, and dead bodies were everywhere. Gabe looked down, his greedy eyes eagerly devouring the topless women before him especially Ez. He could also see the fear in her posture as she watched Jackal whip the Raider bitch. He could use all of this to his advantage.

Sammy cried hiding her face in Ez's bare shoulder.
"Please Mr. Lawless stop, you're better than this." She cried only glancing at the vengeful one.

Clarity seemed to come to Jackal. Salt had moved to her knees before him her hands gripping his belt trying to undo it, hoping maybe she could prove her worth and eagerness by pleasing him quickly. He stopped her mouth lifting it away from the front of his pants. Shaking his head.
"Where are our items?"

Salt kept her one hand on Jackal's pants and pointed the other to the hut Ez and Sammy came from after escaping her own hut, it was stone and mostly unaffected by the conflagration still raging around the Bandit camp. "There, there Master Lawless, take as much as you want." She stood up and began moving towards the armory, but the loud crack of a rifle ripped through the air and the Raider Queen collapsed to the ground a bullet hole through her head. It was Deck, he thought she might go after Sammy. Jackal looked up at Deck who simply glared down at Jackal shaking his head slowly before holstering his scoped rifle.

But the lawman looked at Ez with his cold almost dead stare. His eyes didn't roam over her topless body, a sight that would've aroused him easily. But this time he simply redid his pants and began stalking over to the cowering women. Deck took in a sharp breath lifting his rifle to Jackal, Gabe and the others quickly joining in the short cook's worry.

With rifles baring down on him, Ez watched the vigilante's approach. Instinctually she moved to block Sam, uncertainty filling her when she saw the blank expression still plastered on his face. She put her hand out, trying to signal him to stop...knowing she couldn't face him on her own...but also knowing she would die trying if she could spare the girl. As he approached she took in the array of wounds he suffered...it would be her only advantage. Her eyes flitted to the men aiming down on him and she shook her head, hoping to stay their hands. She had to believe he wouldn't hurt her...or Sammy...and if she was wrong, she would suffer the consequences.

With each step the blood loss, and exhaustion began to show plainly on Jackal's face and in his quickly faltering steps. Sammy continued to hide behind Ez, the image of Jackal whipping Salt and the present dead look he was giving them both. They would be branded in her mind, but also Ez's sudden protectiveness over her played through her fear. At the start of the day she wouldn't have anything to do with her and the girl even thought Ezra hated her, but now she had thrown herself in the way of danger for Sammy at least three times. Why?

She almost voiced her question when Jackal stopped a few feet in front of them his eyes unfocused and his body swaying slowly. "Now you are safe." He quickly dropped to his knees, then fell forward landing to the side of Ez, his hand coming up to grip her's and Sammy gently before his eyes closed.

Gabe and the other men rode down surrounding Ez, Sammy, and Jackal. The underboss grunted. "Told you he liked the killings."

Ezra had gone still with Jackal's collapse, immediately feeling concern, a tightening in her chest filling her as she stared at him. There was relief when her men arrived, the feeling quickly leaving her with Gabe's words. She pulled her eyes from Jackal's inert form, gently removing her hand from his, and rose. Her nudity did not deter her from standing tall in front of the scarred man, her shoulders squaring off. She slapped him across his face then, putting everything she had into the blow.

"He is a better man that you will ever be..." she said simply, her own exhaustion preventing her from saying more--even her rage was used up.

As Ezra turned from him, she reached for Sammy's hand and drew her to her feet. She led her to the armory where their weapons and clothing were stored, as well as other sorted supplies and coin. She handed Sam a bag with a red cross on it, her own, and told her to help Mr. Lawless. As the girl ran back to his side, Ez pulled down large sacks and began filling them, quickly replacing their lost supplies with new ones. Her expression went blank--mirroring Jackal's only a moment before, as she tried to work out her feelings--those for the vigilante...and those for Sam...

02-22-2018, 05:59 PM
Even with the Salt Flyer camp burning around them the Expedition quickly grabbed what loot they could. Weapons, clothing, food, medicine, water and even a couple of Salt's old toy were gathered up like cattle and led away from the burning wreckage. It was done as quickly as possible, and as they group rode away hard the dark sky was lit up bright orange for miles and the black smoke could be smelt all the way back at the small oasis.

Jackal had been carefully placed in the flat bed of a supply wagon with Vash who has recovered from his blood rage, but was still tweaked his fur bristling and his jaws snapping at anyone who wasn't Ez or Sammy that came close to his wounded master's side. Sammy was seated in front of the wagon with Jackal, she'd cleaned up what she could of his wounds, but even with her bag she'd need lots of time and clean water for him. Neither of which she'd have bobbing around in the wagon, but that suited her fine right now.

She couldn't look at Jackal now without feeling fear of him, but it also strangely aroused her. The blood, carnage, and near death experiences filled her head with all kinds of thoughts, desires, and adrenaline. She stole some glances at Ez as she rode in back her eyes distant, but her hand was laying gently on Jackal's shoulder holding a bandage over a nasty wound.

They were a few miles from camp still, but the silence was too much for the young girl. She tried to think of conversation, but could only think of one thing.
"Thank you Ms. Bastian...for saving me."

02-23-2018, 01:55 AM
Ezra glanced at Sammy, the girl's voice pulling her from her thoughts. The wound on Jackal's shoulder had bled through the bandage, adding to the gore already covering her, but she kept applying pressure steadily and offered the girl a slight smile. "I didn't save you Sam...Jackal saved us... both of us...but you saved me first. If you hadn't struck LaSeur with that axe he would surely have killed me." She took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. She could see the girl was having problems coping with their experiences and wasn't sure how to alleviate them.

"...the things that happened...they will forever haunt you if you do not push them from your head. You have to try to forget."

"I'm not sure I can," Sammy responded, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Ezra said nothing else, but continued to hold her hand until they reached the camp.

The camp was in shambles, tents torn open, food spilled into the sand, supplies scattered, and bodies littering the grounds. While Sammy tended to Jackal's wounds more thoroughly, the rest of the surviving members rebuilt their site. Ezra had Gabe scout the perimeter to identify weak spots...with fewer men, they would have to strategically set up guards to ensure safety. Deck did what he always did, cooked and reorganized the goods. ..and the bodies were buried or pulled deeper into the wastes for the denizens to devour. Within a few hours, the camp was back in order and the mid-day meal was sizzling over the fire.

With the work done, Ezra slipped into the secluded pond to bathe, scrubbing the dried blood and sand from her skin. But no matter how hard she rubbed, she couldn't remove the filthy residue in her mind. Only the bottle of moonshine in her pack could do that, but she restrained herself from giving in to the temptation so soon. Dressed in her typical clothes, she made her way to Sammy.

"You should go ahead and get something to eat...get cleaned up...get some chow," Ez suggested. Sammy nodded, actually relieved to be getting a break. She had cleaned all of Jackals wounds thoroughly, and applied fresh bandages. She had been forced to remove all his clothing and was shocked by her own blush when she looked at him in his natural state. Since then she had been flustered and looked forward to some time alone.

Once Sam had gone, Ez sat down by Jackal's side, looking into his pale face. She put a hand to his forehead, feeling the damp sweat that coated his skin. "You're going to be okay," she said to his still form. "You have to be." Her hand gently combed through his hair and she leaned closer to him. She remembered the poem he had recited when she had asked how he had survived all those wounds and quietly, mostly to herself, she recited the words...

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

I shall fear no evil, for I am the rage against the dying of the light.

I am he who shall not go gently into that dire night.

Standing at the end of the path of light, I am vigilance against the grasping claws of the dark...

She stopped abruptly...her head bowing. Lightly she ran a finger along his cheek, letting it come to rest once it was on his lips. His eyes moved rapidly behind his lids and she stared into his face, a look of sadness coming over her features. "I need you Jackal...I've never needed anyone...but I need you." She kissed him, letting her lips linger on his. Eventually she laid herself along his side, taking comfort in his presence.

How long she lay there, she didn't know, but it was the sound of Sammy footfalls that brought Ez back. She sat up quickly, observing the young woman closely. She was carrying two plates and her hair hung damply along her shoulders. "I thought you might be hungry," she said, "...Deck said you haven't eaten." Ez took the plate and set it down by her, quickly dismissing it. "I'm not hungry...but thank you. What I do need is for you to stay by Jackal...he's not to be alone...ever. Deck can help you...set up a schedule...neither of you will go on perimeter watch until he is healthy enough to be on his own."

Sammy looked at her in surprise. "O..okay," she stammered. She had been hoping to get away and stretch a bit, but Ez's orders did not leave any room for leisure time. "He's going to be okay Miss Bastian. He's strong...and I just feel it."

Ezra looked long into the youthful face, her expression blank. She forced a reassuring smile and nodded. "He is strong...and he's survived worse. Let's just hope you are right."

02-23-2018, 06:02 AM
The young woman nodded but she put the food in a box and handed it to her leader. "Just in case you get hungry Ms. Bastian food helps all types of healing." Ez took the food and slipped out the back of Owen's wagon which has been retrofitted into a small hospital not only for Jackal, but a few other men that got wounded and even a few of the Salt Flyers female prisoners. That was before Ez sent them away with some of the stuff her group scavenged from the burning ruins of the Salt Flyer Camp. The men weren't happy about it, but they couldn't argue with the boss.

Now though it was just Sammy and Jackal. The inside of the covered wagon was warm and stunk a little, but after she removed her t-shirt and had actually grown content with the fur bra Salt had put her in. It was comfy and kinda sexy even with the memories it brought to her mind. Besides she only had one shirt right now and it needed a little washing. Between herself and Deck the lawman was stable, but young Sam wished she had some of the equipment from her adopted family's office. His blood would return on it's own, but it would've been quicker with an IV drip and a possible transfusion. But then came the issue of blood type, she knew her blood was O Negative so she could help him. But stuff like that required a more sterile environment than the back of a supply wagon even after Deck and her scrubbed it as clean as possible.

Infection was her biggest concern here. As tough as Jackal was even if half the stories she's heard about him were true all it would take is a single germ to put him beyond her help. Ez had made sure to bring Jackal's stuff to the wagon. His coat, weapons, and the rest of his kit. She could even hear Vash snoring loudly outside. She'd never seen that kind of thing or even heard about it, Chabbit's weren't uncommon mounts in the Outpost, but they were creatures of broken spirits. Beaten and mistreated by their owners. But Vash was more like a loyal war hound to Jackal, coming to his aid in a fight, protecting his gear, and even coordinating an attack with the man. And now he was sound asleep outside.

Jackal stirred in his sleep mumbling something fearful. Sammy couldn't understand it, but she wetted a cloth and placed it upon his forehead. He was nude aside from a loincloth they swiped from the bandit camp and the girl couldn't help but marvel at the sheer number of wounds decorating the man's prone body. Just by looking the girl could tell any one of these should've killed him. But here he was battered, bandaged, but breathing. Despite her fear of him, she couldn't help but almost revere him. He was like a God or something a force beyond flesh and bone. Slowly she leaned down and kissed Jackal on the lips whispering to the unconscious man.
"Thank you...Master Lawless." She sat back feeling her cheek turn red and hot, she knew there was something between Jackal and Ezra something deep, but she still felt like she owed him that much as a thanks. Moving her legs out from under her she ate her food in silence letting her mind run in any direction it wanted. Her job was to keep Mr. Lawless alive, but staring at an unconscious man wasn't something that required her full attention until she needed to check his vitals.

The food was simple salted meat, hard cheese, stew, and a little bit of watered down whiskey. As she ate her eyes began roaming over Jackal again remembering his body...every part of it. She quickly shook those ideas from her head then found herself looking at the man's affects. Most notably the old black book that was stuffed into one of his pockets alongside a map of some kind. She didn't pick up the map, she knew what it was he'd told her about it, but never showed it to her. At first she was a little put off by that, but she knew he had his reasons. But he never talked about the black book so in her mind there wasn't any rule against her looking at it. She finished her food and sat Indian style sipping the whiskey slowly. She felt the warmth flowing through her body and it gave her courage enough to open the book. She's seen books like this before, the Greens even had one for a little while, she was never much of a reader but she had nothing else to do now.

Inside the cover was a neatly written dedication.

"To Jacky,

Remember son, there are things in this world that can't be solved with a gun or a knife. Sometimes you must surrender to the unknown rather than trying to fight it before you can overcome it. You are strong and the spirits of our ancestors flow through you. Let them be your guides rather than the anger at the things you can never foresee.

Love Desert Rose (a.k.a mom) XOXOX"

Sammy didn't realize it, but she was reading the passage out loud and as she finished Jackal shot up like a live wire startling her and forcing her to drop the book and jump backward onto her rear.

"What?! who?!" He shouted instinctively reaching for his pistol that wasn't there. He almost spun on and aimed to punch Sammy, but as he saw it was her he sighed raggedly and laid slowly back down panting heavily. "I'm...I'm sorry Sammy. Where are we? Are we still in the Salties camp?"

The girl recovered from her fright and shook her head.
"No...no Mr. Lawless. We're back in our own camp the Salties are gone. Don't you remember anything?" She handed him a canteen and helped him drink.

The man swallowed a few big mouthfuls shaking his head.
"Not really, last thing I remember is surrendering to that bearded asshole to save you and Ez...Ez! Is she ok? Are you ok?" He tried to sit up again, but the young medic pushed him back shushing him.

She recapped the canteen and adjusted his pillow.
"She's fine, I'm fine we lost a few men. But overall we won, now rest here Ez brought your book." She handed the bible to him, Jackal let out a pleased smile hugging the book to his sweaty chest before falling back to sleep.

Sammy let out a quiet sigh relaxing her back and letting her mind wander more.

02-24-2018, 03:28 AM
Ezra walked the perimeter of the camp before circling back to her belongings and finally giving in to the pull of the moonshine. She had planned to use the bottle for trade...glad now that she had decided against it. Everything was worked out with her crew for the next few days...and until Jackal was well enough to travel there was little to do but wait. It was this reasoning that persuaded her to break her personal rule of not drinking while on the trail. This, and the fact that she needed a distraction.

Sitting on a flat rock that overlooked the wastes, Ezra opened the bottle and took a long drink. The liquor burned her throat for the first few swallows, then mellowed out. She paced herself, keeping her wits about her, while maintaining a comfortable numb. ...and then she began to focus, something she had been unable to do without the alcohol. The recent events had occupied her thoughts until this moment...and now she turned her mind to the important matter of Samantha and Jackal. Each a different problem, and yet, both intertwined.

Ezra was not the motherly type...she hadn't thought she would be a good mother before and wasn't ready to face that even now. But she also had a responsibility to make good her failings in regards to Sam. Could she continue with the lie and not tell her the truth--she didn't know ...and that also brought up the problem of the girl's attachment to Jackal. He had brought her here...and that made him responsible for her. Could Ez break that bond for her own selfish reasons? Did she care enough for Jackal to break her daughter's heart? It was these thoughts that occupied her mind as she sat looking out at the vast nothing, her eyes not seeing what was before her, but rather focused within.

As the night settled, Ezra continued her vigil of drinking and thinking, her body knowing when to consume more alcohol to maintain the proper level of intoxication to keep her in this state. She shut out the noises of the camp, concentrating only on the night creatures and occasionally looking up to the stars. Sometime during the night she bathed again, returning to her perch wearing only her black top and underwear. Her body shivered as the cold embraced her, but she sought no warmth. When morning came, she made her rounds of the camp, acknowledging no one, but pausing briefly by the medical wagon...but not going inside. She did not eat or sleep, the dark circles under her eyes prominent. By the time night had fallen again, she had finished off several bottles of liquor, hers and ones stolen from the Salties, and still she continued to be unresponsive to others, keeping with the routine she had developed over the past hours. The men watched her nervous walking, drawn to her almost naked body, but kept silent when Gabe gave them a look of warning--he enjoyed the show...liked the bruises on her skin and the silent way she had about her. He hoped it would continue.


Deck awoke the second night some time before daylight. Although he had not approached Ezra during the past 24 hours, he had been watching her, as had many members of the group. Her drinking was not unusual, she could drink most men under the table, but her state of being worried him. With a few hours of night left, he crawled from his blankets and saw her silhouette still occupying the same spot. Shaking his head, he walked to her and sat down, his hand touching her arm softly. He recoiled a bit, her flesh cold and damp, her hair dripping from a recent dip in the pond. When he tried to put his jacket over her naked shoulders she jerked, shrugging it from her.

"Ez...Ez...you need to come back to us. This camp will not hold up much longer without you. Gabe will take it from you and no one can stop him." He put his hand on her arm again. "You're so cold hon...your gonna catch ill."

Ez looked at him then, a sadness in her eyes--but there was clarity--she saw him. His presence here confused her as he rarely woke in the night. "Why are you here?" she asked, her voice husky.

Deck gave her a paternal smile. "Worried about you is all...and I had a dream."


The old man nodded. "Sometimes I forget her face...and in my dreams she is a stranger."

Deck looked sadly to the shadowed land and Ez felt his sorrow as her own. He was a friend, and feeling compassion for him allowed her to conclude her own doubts.

She touched his hand gently, giving him a comforting smile. "She had hair like the sun, red and full of light. ...and she always wore it in a relaxed bun, a loose strand on either side. She would curl those strands with her fingers all day to keep them just so," she began. "...and the two butterfly clips to hold it in place...blue and purple."

"..and freckles..."

"Yes, she had sun kisses on her nose and cheeks and blue eyes like the clearest lake."

"I miss her Ez."

"I know...me too. Do you want me to continue?"

Deck smiled. "No, I can see her now. She was so beautiful."

Ez nodded. Deck rose and when he placed his coat on Ez's shoulders this time she allowed it to drape her in its warmth. It was only then that he noticed the bottle she held was empty, her hand holding it loosely by its neck. "I wish I could remember her like you." He turned away then, pausing for a moment before continuing. "Jackal has been asking after you...I think you should go see him at first light. Not sure he believes us saying you're okay anymore." When he returned to camp he set to making a fire, placing a pot of water over the flames.


With the coming of Dawn, Ezra went to the wagon to wait for Sammy to awaken. Deck brought her some coffee and she took the mug in both hands. She was dressed in her typical clothing and appeared worn, but coherent. There was no hiding the bruises and scrapes on her face, but her expression showed strength of resolve and determination.

As soon as she heard rustling in the wagon she crawled inside, observing Sammy rolling away from Jackal's side. Her blonde hair was tousled, evidence of a fitful night, but she was blushing, her soft cheeks aglow with color.

"How is he?" Ez asked, ignoring the girl's obvious fluster.

Sammy looked at the sleeping vigilante shyly, but with obvious adoration and maybe a little fear. "He's better...he even ate a little yesterday. Drinking. Wakes up every few hours. But, I don't know if he remembers.."

Ezra regarded the girl carefully. "You've cared for him well. Thank you."

Sammy felt troubled by the way Ez kept staring at her, almost scrutinizing her. Her gaze was kind, but Ez was known to be moody and she was afraid she had done something to upset her. Her next words only added to the confusion.

"Samantha? I...I would like to have a...I need to..." Ez sat down and patted the spot next to her. "We...um...we need to talk. Okay?"

Dread filled the young girl's heart. She had seen and heard the last time Ez had "needed" to talk to Jackal. What had she done wrong? She nodded at Ez. "Sure...what about?"

"I'd like to tell you about your father."

02-26-2018, 04:38 AM
Sammy had just come back from her 12 hour break watching over Jackal. She and Deck had been trading places taking care of the wounded lawman. He wasn't getting worse, but his progress was slow. She had no clue how he took care of himself in Durcell when he got torn up. She doubted he had a Doctor on hand, but he was a man of resources and...sheer will.

Sammy had seen a lot of tough guys in her life, but Jackal was head and shoulders above most of them (both literally and figuratively). He seemed to have some kind of guardian angel on his shoulder. It was late so she snuggled under a blanket and caught a few more hours of sleep. Jackal was warm, so nature decreed she kind of insert herself into his arms for warmth. She was having a nice dream when she heard Ezra enter and quickly rolled herself away wrapping the blanket around her shoulders.

She listened to Ez and moved besides her picking up some warm tea Deck had made for her. She inhaled the sweet smell of pine needle and mint before sipping the drink letting the fluid flow down her throat and warm her up some. She sat on her legs bringing the blanket up around her more. But the older woman's desire to talk about her father kind of threw Sammy off. She didn't even know her mother's name, and how would the Scavver know either of them? But she knew better than to be blatantly rude to the Expedition leader.

"Ok...but how do you know him?"

Ezra smiled at the girl. "I met him a long time ago...on the trial. He was badly injured...covered in sores from traveling the Scorch. But it was the bullet wound that was killing him." She brushed a lock of hair out of the girl's face. "You look just like him...I'm surprised I didn't notice that before. Seems his features were stronger than mine."

Sammy's eyes widened and she dropped her tea an audible gasp falling from her lips. She squeaked in surprise quickly grabbing some old bandages to mop up the tea. "What!-What are you saying?!" She huddled into the blanket some more not sure how much more shock her system could take. But as the news sunk in tears trickled down her young face. "M....mom?" She held her hands over her mouth not sure if she wanted to scream with joy or be furious with the woman who abandoned her and wound up condemning her to a few years as a 3 Silver Chip whore. So she simply hugged her crying gently.

Ez stiffened briefly with the physical contact, slowly putting one arm around Sam awkwardly. "No..I mean yes...but don't call me that. Ez is fine." She let the girl cry for a few seconds, trying to decide how to continue. "I didn't know...not until the Saltie camp...and then I didn't know how to tell you. I never thought...I never expected to meet you."

Sammy cried more her fingers digging into Ez's jacket. It has been years since she cried like this. She often fantasized about what her real mother would be like. On cold nights when the John had gone to sleep and she was too sore to enjoy sleep herself she thought on the stories the Greens told her when she asked. They never said her name nor did they really describe her looks just that she was fearless, smart, and knew the wastes like the back of her hand. She was something of a legend like Jackal, but a painful longing always sat in her chest. She thought about what she'd say and do if she ever met her, but now that she was here the girl was at a loss.

She never expected to meet her mother either. She cuddled into Ezra's arm some more wiping her tears away. "Why? Why didn't you ever find me? You knew I was in Outpost 4 and you've been there a few times. I remember seeing you in the Rascal House and the Den. Why...mom, didn't you and ...dad want me?" She knew Ez didn't want to be called mom, but the girl was just in too much shock to listen.

Ezra shook her head, there was no easy way to tell her, no way to soften the truth. Sighing heavily, she gently removed the girls arms from her and looked at her fully.

"I was just a child Sam...only 14 when I was pregnant. I didn't know how to be a mother...I could barely care for myself. There was no way I could care for a child in the wastes...and scavving was all I knew. I didn't want to find you...you have to understand...finding you would only bring regret...and I had nothing to give you. I thought you were better off without me. But don't think you weren't wanted...your father loved the thought of you in a way I never understood. He died before you were born...the sickness eating away at him over the months."

Sammy frowned lightly placing her hands on her thighs. That was the answer she expected, though not the one she hoped for. A childish part of her hoped if she ever met her mother it would've been a huge misunderstanding and she would've been told her mother was always looking for her but couldn't find her. But that's all those thoughts were childish hope, because after all those silly thoughts her mind turned to reality. In all likelihood her mother was a whore like Sammy, or some fool who didn't know to say no. She sighed gripping Ezra's hand squeezing it firmly. "Thank you for your honestly mom...Ez...Ms. Bastian." She didn't know what to call her at the moment. But she kept hold of the woman's hand enjoying the closest thing to a mother's touch she felt in awhile. "So what can you tell me about my father? I'd like to know everything. His name, age, appearance, how and where you two met, what the relationship was like, how long were you together, what happened between you two, and how did he die?" The girl kept her tears at bay for now, but she couldn't help but look at Ezra in a different light than before. Before she was just her boss and potential rival for Jackal's love, but now she looked at her like a mother and she a child looking for advice.

Ezra laughed lightly, once again shaking her head. She hadn't expected to go into the whole story, but she realized she couldn't leave things as they were.

"Okay...um...his name...it was Jonah Windham. ...and he was older..maybe 40 or so. I never really asked. ...and he was like you, blonde hair, like summer wheat, and blue eyes...a little taller than me with broad shoulders.

I met him near here...I thought he was dead and I was going make a claim on his things. But when I turned him over to search his pockets he looked at me. He had been shot, like I said, and had lost a lot of blood. Bandits had torn through his village..killed his family...and chased him into the bad lands--the Scorch.

I didn't know how to help him, but he talked me through removing the bullet and stitching him up. He was very strong, but it took him weeks to recuperate. Afterwards, he became my teacher. He taught me to read the stars, to track...hunt. How to be a guide. There really was nothing else between us, but when you spend so much time together, things happen.

He was lonely...missed his family...and wanted to start a new one so his line would not die with him. See, he knew he would die...the rad sickness only got worse, and after almost a year, he did. We stayed together the whole time...but we were only lovers until I was with child. I don't think either of us were in love...just companions. ..but he was a good man...so few are. If he had lived...I'm not sure...but things would have been different."

Sammy nodded slowly looking down at the floor of the wagon closing her eyes and logging all this information away for later. Sammy'd never been with child, she always, always used condoms, she didn't think she'd make a good mother either, she guessed it ran in the family. But some of the other working girls had kids, most didn't make it to full term. The few that did though generally abandoned the child. Picked up by traders, lonely couples, or even traveling raider bands, the woman wasn't herself afterwards no matter what she did.
"He sounds nice, wish I could've met him."

The girl sat in silence for a few seconds, trying to get her thoughts in line. Once Ez left the wagon she might give Sammy the cold shoulder and refuse to answer more questions. After all these years of abandonment it would probably be an easy transition. But now that she knew Ez was her mom she wouldn't be able to ignore it. It would eat away at her, she'd had to live with these thoughts of abandonment her whole life. The Greens told her as soon as they could and that caused her to shy away from them for most of her life. And after they died she was a meat puppet for whatever horny man paid her fee but it was all physical intimacy, no emotional attachment. It was a job, and one she hated, she even tried killing herself once by hanging. But she was found by another girl and cut down, whores can be close and she had a few she was closeish to, but once again it was more survival than affection.

And once Mr. Lawless entered her life and saved her from it her need for affection immediately attached to him. He was the first person to show her some kind of good emotion. And then when Ezra tried to save her so much in the Salties camp she grew attached to her as well...and now that she's her actual mother she desired nothing more than to stick around Ez and try for that familial connection. She really wanted a family.

"So...what does this mean? We won't be able to go back to just employee/employer not now. At least I won't be able to, I know you said you couldn't offer me anything back when I was a kid, but now that has changed I think. Mr. Lawless is a good teacher, but since he's incapacitated now. I...I'd like to learn from you and...and maybe we can wipe the slate clean and give this mother/daughter thing a try?" She looked at Ez hopefully. "And you can keep an eye on me so I don't fall to Mr. Lawless's obvious charms?" She attempted a joke, but the hope was still in her voice and eyes.

Ezra laughed with light humor, knowing the "obvious charms" were simply the vigilante's kindness towards Sam...but she understood how someone like Sam could fall for him. Wasn't that exactly what was happening to her also? "I'll do what I can," she responded with another chuckle. "...and as for mother/daughter, I'd like to keep that quiet for a time...I hope you don't mind, but I don't want anything to get in the way of my authority just yet. We'll approach a way to let them in later. Okay?" She knew this was not what the girl was hoping for, but for right now, it was all she had to offer. She smiled and lifted Sam's chin to look at her directly.

"...but we can be friends...good friends...and I can teach you...just like your father taught me. It'll almost be the same, but you won't call me mom, just Ez. ..and when the time is right...we'll tell everyone...I promise."

Sammy nodded softly nuzzling into Ez's hand a little. It wasn't exactly what she wanted, but under the circumstances it made sense to her. She was the newest member of the group and a former whore and any special attention or treatment she got from the leader wouldn't go over well especially with Gabe prancing around like he's in charge of the group since Ez was out of sort. And she's heard talk of mutiny around some of the fires at night.

"Alright Ez, I'll do my best to not slip up. I'm really just happy to have any kind of mom now. Also you might want to keep an eye on Gabe. I've been hearing some of the men talking about mutiny with Gabe at the head of it. I don't know if he's actually gonna try anything, but with you in your slump the past two days and Mr. Lawless in here he's getting full of himself. I've been spending most of my time in here, but I've heard Vash get up and start snarling, then heard Gabe's voice cuss the beast out before leaving a few times. And some of the girls we saved from the Salties came in with rope burns around their neck." She looked down bringing a hand up to rub her own rope burn, it was mostly faded but the skin was still a little rough. She was glad all of the women they saved were quick to beat feet away from their camp afterwards, but she knew a couple would hang around.

Ezra nodded. "...good to know...but just leave Gabe to me...we have a bit of history." Although she made light of it, she knew it was going to be more of a problem than she wanted to admit. The Black Jack couldn't seem to stay in line and if not for Vash, he might very well have come in here and slit the vigilante's throat while he lay unconscious. She patted the girl's hand. "I think I'll go get some breakfast Sam...let me know when he wakes."

Sammy smiled at Ez and nodded as she left and began checking the tall man's bandages. Most of them looked to be dry and free of blood so that was a good sign. Ez on the otherhand stood up and walked slowly from the wagon aiming herself for Deck's fire to get some food.

02-26-2018, 08:57 PM
Ez nodded at Deck as she grabbed a plate of food and sat down to eat by the fire. The food seemed tasteless as she spooned it into her mouth slowly, realizing she really wasn't as hungry as she should be. Her thoughts kept going back to Sammy...her daughter...wondering if things had gone as well as, or worse than, she had planned. Either way, there was a weight lifted from her shoulders...no doubt in her mind that she had made the right decision in telling her. She wondered how the rest of the camp would take it when the time came to tell them. ...and what of Jackal...would it change what they had..whatever it was.

With half a plate of food remaining, Ezra set down her left-overs and stood, looking for Gabe within the camp. She was dreading the encounter, but this new insubordination had to be addressed before it became worse, and there was no one but her to do it. She finally spotted him standing amongst the other gang members, him the center of attention as typical. As she strode over there, attempting to appear casual, all their eyes turned to her, especially Gabes. Before she reached them, he was already moving in her direction, meeting her half way and giving her an all-knowing smirk. She didn't have a chance to say anything before he reached out and touched the scratch marks across her cheek, his fingers tracing their outline. She flinched slightly, standing her ground despite his closeness. His head cocked, like a dogs, and he laughed.

"Boss...well now...isn't this a pleasure. The boys and I were having us a friendly wager...and it seems I have won." He looked at her closely, trying to unnerve her, but succeeding only in causing her anger to flare.

"Wager?" Ez asked, despite her misgivings.

"Yeah...well...see we heard the Saltie boss, well she had a thing for girls...and we were wondering which one of you gave her some fun. The boys thought it was Candy, her being a whore and all, but, no, I said, it was Ez...she's up for almost anything. Didn't really think you had it in you though." His smile increased, "..but the scratches prove it...now, how 'bout you tell me all the details? It'd keep me warm at night..."

Ez shook her head, forcing herself not to react, not to slap him again. Instead, she bit her lower lip and played her tongue along it, squinting her eyes as she regarded him silently. She decided to ignore his little taunt and dive right into her reason for seeking him out.

"You need to back down Gabe..." she started, taking a step closer to him, but keeping her hands at her sides. "I won't have you talking the men against me."

Laughter, short and sharp. "Nothin' doing. Ain't been doing no talking."

"I know about your little trips to the wagon...the Chabbit is not going to let you near Mr. Lawless...you are wasting your time."

"Oh...you mean that...I wasn't looking after the vigilante...just wanted me some sweet Candy." He winked, running his tongue along his still swollen lips.

"Cand...Samantha...is off limits. I think we already made that clear. If the remaining Saltie girls want to play your game...then that is their choice...but I won't have you forcing them either."

"Lots of rules boss...not sure I can remember them all."

"I will not talk to you again Gabe...the next time you are gone...one way or another."

This time the laughter was loud and genuine. "...and who is going to stop me? You? The sleeping giant? The whore?"

Ez sighed heavily, looking down at the ground before meeting his gaze again. "You may think you can run this camp, but you are wrong. Unless you plan to head back to Carousel, you will be lost. The scavving locale is in my head...not yours...and I will not take you to it. Anywhere you want to go, I know the way, not you. Whether you like it or not, you need me." The words from her mouth were like a growl...a challenge...and Gabe took them as such, with his usual lack of concern.

"I can make you...." he threatened, "just wait and see if I don't, once your vigilante dies from his wounds, there will be no one to protect you." He met her gaze, anger causing him to forget what happened the last time he had threatened her.

"You do....and I will lead you to your death." She turned from him then, knowing any further words from her mouth would only lead to more trouble...and cursing. If not for his connection with the other Black Jacks in the camp, and his influence over them, she would have killed him right then.

02-27-2018, 01:36 AM
Sammy's mind was absorbed in the thought of what it would mean to have Ezra as her teacher and mother someday. She was mix of excited and afraid at the prospect, Ezra would be a great teacher and she'd be a good role model, but as for a mother the young girl had no clue. She could be very protective and sincere, she could be cold and uncaring, she could just be lost in the whole idea and get them both killed.

The teen didn't know, but it was nice to know she had family now. But as she was thinking about it a quiet groan from the lawman brought her back. He was trying to open his eyes, Sammy quickly grabbed some clean water and helped him up bringing the tin cup to his lips. He drank it haltingly choking a little, but soon the cup was empty. And Sammy laid him back down slowly. "How are you feeling Mr. Lawless?"

The man groaned quietly and looked around at the wagon his eyes clear and alive again. "Oh sore as all hell. How long have I been out?"

Sammy poured him another cup of water helping him sit fully up and handing it to him.
"About three days, Deck and I have been keeping an eye on you. We weren't sure you'd pull through."

Jackal sighed gently sipping the cup empty and stretching his sore body some.
"I've lived through worse, what happened?"

Sammy quirked her eyebrow some, she was worried he'd have some kind memory loss after the incident.
"Well after you surrendered to LaSeur, he took you, Ms. Bastian, and me to the Salt Flyer Camp. You were put into a gladiatorial arena of some kind, while Ezra and I were taken to be...toys for Salt."

Jackal's face hardened and he quickly looked the girl over. But Sammy saw him shaking her head and smiling.
"I'm ok, Ezra saved me from Salt, then again from LaSeur, and again from...you." She wasn't sure if telling him everything would be smart, but it would better to hear it from her than some of the men.

The lawman frowned relaxing some.
"From me?"

The woman nodded slowly placing her hands in her lap.
"Yes, you changed...in the arena. You were like...I don't know...some kind of angry animal. You killed the Salties quicker than I could blink and in very brutal ways. And you seemed to be quoting something the whole time. I couldn't hear it all but you called yourself like the Avenger of God or the like. And your face...it was like unmoving, just anger, anger, and more anger. To be honest it was...it was kinda terrifying. And then you called Vash to the camp and he slaughtered Salties by the dozens."

Jackal's frown grew and his shoulders sagged low. So he went full Angel of Death, it was a term used to describe the way he killed Frankie and his goons and how he generally was in his crusade. To this day he only remembers bits of it. Most of what he knows is from hearing about his actions afterwards.
"I'm sorry I scared you...but what happened next?"

Sammy squirmed a little she'd been doing her best to not think about what he did to Salt after Vash knocked her into the ring. But...he had a right to know.
"Well you ordered Vash to knock Salt into the arena with you then you....." She closed her eyes trying to block out the sounds of Salt's screams and pleas for mercy. "You whipped Salt, over and over. You listed her crimes like a Judge or something."

Jackal sighed bringing his hands up to his face rubbing over the new scabs and scars. And Sammy no doubt say it and it brought up painful memories of her time as a hooker.
"Did...she say anything?"

Sammy nodded wiping at her eyes.
"Yes she pleaded with you to stop. She offered to free me and Ez, she offered money, weapons and supplies, she even offered herself as a pleasure slave at the end."

Jackal felt bile welling up in his throat.
"And-and what did I say to her pleas?"

Sammy shook her head.
"Nothing you just kept whipping her and listing her crimes, until...until I shouted for you to stop."

The man's eyes widened in surprise. He's never just stopped before, and he would've expected Ez to do that not the girl.
"What was Ez doing this whole time?"

Sammy looked up at him her eyes moist.
"She mostly just held me and tried to keep me calm. Telling me you were a good man bringing justice to the wastes, curing the disease of raiders the only way you know...but killing it."

The two sat in silence for many long minutes. Sammy was having flashbacks of the unearthly anger she saw in Jackal that not, hoping her telling him the truth wouldn't set it off. She...wasn't sure what she'd do then. Maybe she would have better luck using her body to keep his hand from her throat, but the way he ignored Salt's pleas shot that hope down. Jackal on the other hand was filtering through broken memories trying to grasp the scope of what he did that night and maybe come up with some way to soothe the fear he felt coming off Sammy. He had an idea, but first he needed the full story. He reached over and gripped Sammy's hand gently the girl instinctively tensed up and cowered a little, but Jackal patted her hand shushing her gently.
"It's ok Sammy, that man...that beast is asleep now. And with luck he'll stay asleep, what happened after I...I...whipped Salt?"

The girl sighed relaxing her shoulders and looking back into Jackal's handsome face.
"Well Gabe and the rest of the men showed up, Vash had set fire to the Salt Flyer camp, Deck shot Salt after you rejected her and she was about to lead you to the Bandit Camp's armory. And then you approached Ez and myself...that same silent rage in your eyes as when you were whipping Salt. You looked at us and said. "Now your are safe." Then you just collapsed and we brought you back to our camp by the Oasis here."

Jackal nodded slowly. He pulled the girl close and hugged her tight kissing the top of her head as she quickly wrapped her arms around him.
"I am sorry you had to see that Samantha. It's a part of me, I've never been very proud of....but it is a part. And as such I can't remove it sadly. But I thank you for snapping me out of it and for patching me up. Now, can you help me get dressed I'd like some fresh air and I should probably find Ez and see how she's doing."

The girl shook her head trying to pull Jackal back to the floor.
"No Mr. Lawless, you should be resting. A lesser man would've died in the night, but even demi-gods like yourself should be in bed for a few more days."

Jackal winced lightly and chuckled.
"And I will I promise, but fresh air does a body good and besides it looks like you could use a bath and some fresh air yourself." He smiled running his hand through the girl's dirty hair and picking some dried blood from her t-shirt. "I'll be back in an hour or so, or Ez will knock me out and drag me back here. But you go get some air, is my stubborn Chabbit around still?"

The girl nodded agreeing with the Vigilante's assessment of her own filth.
"Yes, he hasn't left the wagon's side since we brought you back here."

The man laughed slowly getting to his feet and with some help managed to get his shirt, pistol, boots, coat and hat on. Then together they slowly exited the wagon the cool air of the morning hit Jackal like a truck. Making his head spin causing him to stumble a little, luckily Samy was ready for it and stabilized him. Vash awoke and let out a furtive growl coming quickly to Jackal's aid using his bulk to hold the man up with a purr. Jackal laughed thumping his mount on it's side.
"There's my big furry pillow. You miss me boy?" He scratched Vash's neck illiciting another purr from the Chabbit. The beast took on Jackal's full weight and gave Sammy a quick hug. "Ok Vash and I have it from here. You go get cleaned up ok Sammy." He looked around at the men who looked like they've just seen a ghost. He chuckled then patted the girl on her back. "Don't forget your gun too Sammy, never trust these dogs you hear me?"

The girl nodded she left her gun by her bed roll in the same spot she decided to camp with Jackal before the Saltie Raid. It wasn't that far a walk and it was right next to a ledge that could offer her some privacy. She kissed Jackal on the cheek then moved quickly to her little fire. Jackal smiled and watched her go.
"She's a good kid Vash, a very good kid. Now let's go find Ez." The Chabbit snorted and led Jackal to the outskirts of camp where Ezra was standing. The approached as silently as possible, but still Jackal whistled to get the woman's attention. They were far enough away for him to use her pet name and they could speak in private.
"Hey there Ezzy."

02-27-2018, 05:36 AM
Ezra's stood statue-like, looking out across the sands in the direction of the Saltie's now burnt-out camp, her thoughts on Gabe, Sammy...and of course, Jackal. Her skin had a rosy glow from the sun, her unkempt hair wind swept, but hanging loose on her shoulders. She didn't know if it was the whistle or the sound of footsteps, human and Chabbit, which drew her attention, but she was looking towards the figure walking to her when he called her name.

A smile immediately came to her face, mixed with a combination of surprise and delight at seeing the vigilante on his feet. She moved to him, closing the gap quickly and appraising him intently. She wanted desperately to feel his arms around her, but held back, afraid of hurting him.

"It's good to see you up and about. ...but Sam was supposed to come get me when you woke. You shouldn't be up. Should you?" She added the last with a quizzical expression. She knew he was not like others when it came to healing...she just didn't know how different.

The tall man chuckled lightly moving to the woman and hugging her as tightly as he could. "No, and Nurse Sammy made it abundantly clear. But I needed to get some fresh air in my lungs...and see you." He leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. "Besides young Samantha looked like she could use a break and a bath for about an hour." He leaned back unintentionally leaning on the smaller woman more than he should, his body was still all kinds of stiff.

But he managed it reaching over and patting the middle of Vash's forehead. "Hey buddy how about you go keep an eye on Sammy?" He clicked his tongue and nodded back towards camp. The Chabbit didn't want to go, but Jackal scratched his ear and sent him along. Leaving Ez and himself alone for now. He studied the woman's face tenderly bringing a hand up to stroke her cheek. "Sammy told me what happened, and I'm sorry for it Ezzy."

She put her hand over his, readjusting her stance to help support his. "Don't be sorry...you did what had to be done...to survive. We all did..." She didn't expand, a part of her glad for his gap in memory. She didn't know what Sam had told him, but she hoped it was just enough to describe the basics. A frown crossed her features as she remembered the blood soaked ground, her body being pushed into in, then her control slipping as she started screaming...Salt's cries mixing in with her own. She wanted nothing more than to forget.

"Let's sit," she directed, a sigh escaping her. She moved him towards the flat rocks close by, gently supporting him. "Do you remember anything?"

The man grunted lightly planting himself down on the rock shrugging. "Sammy gave me most of the story, but my own memories of it are spotty at best. The last thing I clearly remember is giving up my guns to save you and Sammy. Then...flashes...and...sensations, a lot of pain, a lot of anger, and feeling the fire all around me. Even before the camp was actually on fire." He sighed lightly stretching his legs out taking deep full breaths of the cool desert air. "She told me how you protected her from Salt, LaSeur, and...me. Glad you've taken a liking to her, she reminds me a lot of you." He looked at her smiling more, but frowned shortly after. "Was I that scary?" He'd never talked with anyone who had seen him in that state before so he was curious.

"Hmmm..." she responded simply to his comment regarding Sam. "..and as for being scary..." she laughed nervously, "...that doesn't even come close to the truth. You were like a hell demon, all rational thought gone...nothing but revenge fueling you...or so it seemed at first. ...but I was in your direct line and you didn't hurt me...or Sam...so I guess you had some sort of reasoning. Even before, when you were facing all of Salt's men...you weren't like any man I have witnessed...the way you moved...cutting through the fighters like they were paper...it was frightening." She squeezed his hand, looking down at the sands. "But you saved us...I tried to protect Sammy from the worst of it, but we would have died there if not for you...demon or not, we owe you our lives."

Jackal nodded sadly, holding her hand tight and bringing his other hand up over top to stroke her skin slowly. "I guess, but who knows, you might not have even been in the position if I shot LaSeur first. I could've done it, I knew I was a faster shot than him. And in the past I would've done it without even thinking. Just bust through the treeline and fire, but seeing you two there unconscious and at his mercy." He sighed deeply hunching over some, watching the sun slowly turning the sands from purple to orange. "I don't know I couldn't imagine risking you two. But if I had known you would've been taken to Salt's little sex dungeon...I...I don't know." For once the lawman was at a complete lose for words. He couldn't explain himself in anyway that made sense. "There's a legend surrounding my mother's side of the family. She was a Native American, one of the few still in a strong tribe. She always told me and my sisters that Spirits protected her tribe and all their children and in times of great need a spirit would attach itself to the eldest child and use them like a tool for vengeance. That was me, each Indian child was given a Spirit Animal Guide at birth by the Tribe's Shaman. Mine is the Jackal, savage fighter and nigh unstoppable survivor of the desert." He chuckled at how silly it all sounded. "Now I never believed in that sort of thing, but sometimes you just can't help but connect the dots. I am that spirit of vengeance."

"Perhaps that explains some things...your speed...your resilience..." She shook her head, finding it hard to believe despite how it put the dots together like he said. She was not a superstitious person--did not believe in a God, or Gods--just in the power of man. It was the hard truths that drove all belief from her at an early age. "I didn't know your mother was of the land...but you have never spoken of her to me. That Bible, that was hers, wasn't it?"

Jackal laughed softly pulling the Bible from his belt and placing it delicately on Ez's lap and letting her hand go so she could open it. "I've never spoken of her to anyone before or any part of my family for that matter. They're dead and talking about them only brings pain, but yes. It was her Bible, she copied it word for word from my Grandfather's copy before it got torched. Her married name was Abigail, but she always wanted us kids to call her by her birth name which was Desert Rose when in the house." He placed his hands together between his knees. "I don't know where the rest of my mother's tribe is, they're nomads, but apparently her father is somewhere out here."

Ezra nodded, her hands gently running over the surface of the book before opening it. She looked at the written words inside--the note to Jackal--slowly reading it in her head. Although she could read and write, she was not proficient at either, and it took her some time to get through the inscription. She closed the cover, handing it back to him reluctantly. "I'm sorry...I did not mean to cause you more pain. My family has also...moved on." She folded her hands in her lap, obviously uncomfortable with the discussion she started.

Jackal smiled taking the book back and placing it in his belt before moving his hands to grip Ezra, pulling her a little closer before wrapping an arm around her back and placing his hand on her waist. "It's ok, I've felt plenty of pain in my life, as have you. It's not like a little more will kill us." He kissed the woman's head enjoying the quiet closeness of her. He didn't know what else to say, but just having her near him was like breathing fresh mountain air. "So I saw a few times young Sammy has found herself a fur bra to wear. Did you get one to match?" He asked smiling down at her. It was mostly a joke, but he remembered what they talked about last time they were together.

Ezra stiffened in his embrace, finding it disturbing that the girl would wear the outfit that had been forced upon them. "No...I..." She paused, remembering it being ripped from her breasts, not once, but twice, "...mine is gone." The bikini portion had been on her when she had fled the Saltie camp, but it too was gone now...burned. She offered him a smile, hoping he didn't see through it. "I'm sure she fills hers out better anyhow...not really my style."

Jackal hmmed noting her tensing up. He didn't know the story behind the garb, but the way Ez reacted told him not to pursue it further. He shrugged rubbing her arm slowly. He had noticed the scratches and bruises on her face before too, but he knew better than to ask about them. But he was trying to make light conversation. "I don't know, I like yours, they're soft and perky. But I don't really know style so I'll take your word for it Ezzy."

She laughed then, truly feeling a lifting of her spirits. "I'm glad you like them," she teased, taking his hands and placing them inside her top. She kissed him then, gently at first, then harder as a need rose up inside her. When she pulled away she was breathing hard, her eyes devouring him with desire. "We'd better get you back...or I can't promise you I'll be able to restrain myself."

Jackal grunted lightly gripping Ez's chest firmly as she pushed it into his hands. He gladly returned the kiss trying hard to keep himself sitting up. As she broke contact he panted lightly, smiling and standing up, taking her hand. "Well I told Sammy to take an hour break, so." He looped his hands around, gripping Ez's ass firmly in his hands. "How about we finish what we started a few days ago. It'll really help with the healing process." He winked lightly at her kissing her neck. This was the most privacy they'd get for a bit, and he didn't know how he'd feel tomorrow so he might as well take advantage of it now.

With Ez providing support, they made it back to the wagon in a short time. She wasted no time helping him rid himself of his clothes and then she removed her own. Slowly and with a gentleness she normally did not show, she gave herself to him wholly.

03-02-2018, 08:33 PM
Sammy was glad for the break Mr. Lawless had given her. But the prospect of bathing in a camp full of men like Gabe and his goons around. It wasn't from shame or shyness she didn't like it she was a whore and a few of them were her former clients. No it was a much more simple reason...fear. She wasn't like Ezra, her mother was fearless at least more so than her daughter was.

As much as she hated the Rascal House and Simon. It was the safest place in Outpost 4, all the clients were disarmed before they went upstairs to the girls and while they were allowed to be rough. Anytime a girl was seriously injured Simon and his boys hunted the offender down and made a public spectacle of their punishments and sometimes their executions when they were needed. Very rarely did they get repeat offenders, but now there was only Mr.Lawless, Ezra and Deck that gave her any feeling of security. She didn't know where the stoic cook was and she saw Jackal and Ezra slip in the the Hospital Wagon together after she grabbed her stuff out of it. So they'd likely be busy for a bit. So as of now she was on her own, and that fear made her grip the pistol Jackal had given her all the tighter as she walked quickly to the small pool above her campsite with some fresh clothes she liberated from the Salties camp to change into while she washed her old ones in the pool after she cleaned herself up.

It was full morning now so most of the men should be done with any morning hygiene and should be busy with camp work. Still though she moved quickly to the pool and undressed slipping into the water. The sudden cold water made her shiver and goosebumps rose all across her body, well clean is clean and the cold would help her keep alert. She dunked her head under the water and stayed under for a little bit until she got used to the cold then she surfaced and wiped the hair out of her face. She sat on a small flat rock in the pool and began rubbing soap down her body. As she did her mind began to wander, there was so much shit going through her mind she was getting dizzy trying to sort it all out. She was a free woman, she had just escaped from a live of forced prostitution, she'd been watching the first man who had ever been kind to her drift between life and death, she had a mother, and her mother has strong feelings for the same man Sammy did.

The last one had really struck a cord with the young woman. When Ezra was just another woman vying for the man's desires Sammy had been thinking up way to win him over, ever since she joined the expedition. She thought she was better looking than Ezra, definitely has a better rack, not as rough around the edges. Now though, the other woman was her mother. How do you even deal with that? She knew what he meant to her, and the last thing she wanted now was to hurt Ezra. But she couldn't just stop feeling the way she did about Jackal. The teen let out a sigh slipping deeper into the water rinsing off the suds and just letting the water help her focus.

03-05-2018, 10:26 PM
Ezra lay on her side, eyeing Jackal openly, her finger tracing the line of one of his numerous scars. What some might have found disfiguring, she found alluring...fascinating. When she reached the end of one, she found another to follow, her touch feather-like as she moved along its path. She was content lying here, warmed by his close proximity, but curiosity was her demon. With so many questions drifting through her head, she eventually sat up with a sigh, keeping herself close to him and pulling the covers up over his body and hers. When she reached over him to rifle through his clothing, she came away with his Bible and placed it on her lap.

For the longest moment she sat there, her hands on the cover, almost expecting him to take it away. She had barely looked at it earlier, her mind distracted and distant, but when she finally opened the book this time, it was with a deep desire to discover its meaning to him. Slowly she turned the pages, looking at the hand writing and reading some of the passages...her lips moving silently with a look of concentration on her face.

"It must have taken your mother a long time to write this down. Her handwriting is so lovely. Have you read all of it?"

Jackal was dozing after his time with Ezra. Even going as gentle and slow as possible it nearly exhausted him, looked like he'd be resting a few more days before he was back to himself. He was sore all over, but most of it was a good sore. He started as he felt Ez reach over him and grab his bible, his first instinct was to grab it back, but if they were going to make this a thing he supposed she should look at one of his most prized possessions.

He grunted lightly and slowly sat himself up. He grabbed a small flask of water and nodded wrapping an arm around Ezra's waist resting his head on hers.

"Yes, I've read it a few times over. Helps keep her memory alive, I guess. It took her a few years to get that good too. Ya see she was a Tribal, went her whole life not needing to read or write. But when she met my father she insisted on learning how to do both and then insisted on teaching myself and my sisters herself." He chuckled lightly at the memory of his mother--this 5'2 Indian Woman staring down his 6'0 bruiser of a father and winning the argument on learning and teaching on sheer power of will. "My father was a leg breaker, but my mother always put us above herself. Kind of why the Black Jacks liked visiting her for some late night fun, they knew they could get her to uncross her legs by simply threatening one of us. That always pissed my Grandfather off, maybe my father too, but at the time they had little choice." He sighed deeply flipping to his favorite passage Ephesians 6:10-20. "My Grandfather read this passage to us every night. He had a....soothing voice for an old man."

"The Armor of God..." she murmured, her finger tracing the practiced script lightly. His knowledge of the Bible reminded her of another...a memory she forced back with relative ease. "My parents were not of a learned sort--never taught me to read or write--that fell to another." Her sigh matched his own, but above all, she sensed his discomfort, his pain...his story was a familiar one...the history of the Black Jacks was one of sadistic torture and manipulation of power...very few seemed to escape their blight. "The Black Jacks...Diablo...he killed her...killed your entire family?"

Jackal laid back down sighing low. "Not Diablo, but the Black Jacks yes. Frankie was the one who ordered the hit on my family and the one who did it. But I got Diablo later, someone ordered a hit on him and it came to me somehow. Killed him with a long shot from a mesa above his camp. He was on my list anyway, but he was a bitch to find. Whoever ordered the hit, sent me a good location on him. Almost tried to find them, but the messenger that gave me the note was nowhere to be found."

Eyes opening wide, Ezra looked at Jackal quizzically at first, then gave a perceptible nod. It made sense...but she had never known...never suspected....she hadn't even been sure the hit had occurred. The messenger had been killed...something she discovered when he never came to collect the other half of his payment...leaving her always questioning the outcome.

"It was you then," she stated simply, her hand now closing the Bible and setting it aside. "I always wondered...if he had been killed...or simply disappeared." There was a sense of relief, of justice, even now, knowing he was no longer roaming the wastes. "...he claimed their deaths...bragged about it...was prideful. I only wish I could have torn that look off his face...had mine be the last he saw...just like the others," she stated with a coldness to her voice.

Jackal looked up at her confused. What could Ez have against Diablo? And did he really claim the deaths of his family? Jackal knew the man ruined his Grandfathers hand, but he wasn't even aware Diablo even knew the rest of his family.

"Really? It was you? How did you know where he was?...what did he do to you?" He asked quietly sitting back up and wrapping the woman in a hug.

Ez leaned into the embrace, mostly for the warmth it provided, rather than for the comfort. She felt a numbness cloaking her, spreading over her skin, and with a sharp intake of breath, she nodded. "He's the one that burned me seven years ago...and once I was healthy enough to travel, I tracked him and the other two. Simon and Snap were the easy ones, but Diablo I hunted for months, finally finding him in an encampment out in the wastes. After several failed attempts to get close to him, I gave up...finally hiring someone to take him out for me. I paid half up front...the rest to follow...but that part was never collected." She looked at him, as always drawn to the grey of his eyes. "I suppose I owe that portion to you."

The man's face hardened a little. He remembered the story she told him about the scar, anger rose up behind his pain. But he just looked into Ezra's eyes and felt her pain and could see the numbness in her eyes. So he quelled his own emotion and wrapped the blanket tighter around them and kissed her lips.

"No need Ezzy, just knowing I killed the man who caused you such pain is payment enough. Even if I didn't know it at the time. He was just another mad dog to put down before...now though it seems fate had decreed I be your avenger too." He chuckled lightly laying back down and pulling the woman down beside him, weariness hitting him hard again. "I'll always protect you and Sammy Ezra."

Ez forced herself to relax in his arms, his tenderness something she still wasn't accustomed to dealing with. She closed her eyes briefly, listening to his breathing slow, then gently removed herself from his embrace. When she left the wagon, he was sleeping again, and as she worked her way over to Deck, she felt a twinge of guilt about keeping the truth about Sammy from him. Did she owe him that? ...and how would he take it when he realized she had been keeping the fact that she had a daughter from him? She wasn't sure why she hadn't told him yet, but there was the guilt that ate at her for the wrong she had done to the girl all those years. ...and perhaps that was her reason...

03-06-2018, 12:05 AM
Sammy had lost track of the time when she heard the lewd chuckles of men and heard the sound of hard boots hitting stone and scuffing sand. She had dozed off in the cool water and only had time to grab the pistol before four men appeared by her bathing pool and quickly stole all her clothes away.

They were all Black Jacks young men a year or so older than Sammy herself. She hadn't slept with either of them, but she was sure the older men had been bragging about her ever since she joined the group. They were dressed in black coats, blue jeans, boots, and each of them sported some kind of t-shirt, but she couldn't see which under the coats. The leader was a bruiser with a bald head and three long scars across his neck. He sniffed Sammy's clothes particularly her underwear before tossing them to a birdlike kid with a hooked hand and blonde hair who sniffed the clothes himself.

"Hmm yup smells like a whore's panties. Looks like we found the right one boys." The other three guys laughed eyeing Sammy up under the clear surface of the pool. Right now she was cursing the cold water because her nipples were rock hard and her skin was still red and goose pimply. But still she cocked back the hammer of the pistol and kept her back to the far end of the pool her hands shaking some. The bald goon chuckled crouching down licking his lips. "Careful there sugar tits, you might hurt someone with that dead man's gun."

Sammy scoffed centering the gun on the boy's forehead.
"That's the plan asshole, now give me back my stuff and leave." Her words sounded strong, but she was terrified.

The boy laughed scooping up water and throwing it at Sammy.
"You know your hero killed my Uncle Markus and stole that gun off his corpse right? And my uncle was only there to get back at Lawless for killing my father. I think by law that gun is mine."

Sammy narrowed her eyes half pulling the trigger with her quickly numbing index finger.
"D...don't give a damn it's mine now!" She was visibly shaking now, why was she such a coward?

The bald boy laughed again.
"Oh really, well maybe I'll let you have it, for a price. I hear you're a tight little fuck toy. How about we have some fun and call it a fair trade?"

Sammy shook her head.
"No...I'm not doing that shit any more."

The bald boy shook his head still wearing an ugly smile.
"Well guess I'll just have to take it then."

Sammy almost pulled the trigger, but a pair of large rough hands grabbed her from behind gripping her breasts painful and hauled her out of the pool and pinned her back to the rock after knocking the gun out of her hand. An old rag was quickly held over her mouth to quiet her screams and she was looking at the ugly horse-like face of a fifth boy. The bald boy laughed stalking over undoing his pants.
"Shoulda just said yes, but no matter I'll put your mouth to good use."

The other boys laughed and followed undoing their pants as well. The blonde one spoke up tossing Sammy's clothes into the dirt.
"Markus was like an uncle to all of us so we will all just have to take turns honoring his memory."

Sammy panicked and began kicking and screaming behind the rag as Baldie dropped down and forced her legs apart. He was already eager and the other Black Jacks were holding her arms and legs down. Sammy kept fighting, but was soon growing tired. Baldie waited until she stopped fighting to start, but he never got the chance. A bone chilling hiss filled all their ears and soon a pair of giant green pairs were wrapped around Baldie and he was ripped away and fully thrown over the pool and smashed into the rocks. The other boy quickly scattered the long tail and claws of Vash striking a few of them sending droplets of blood across the sand. Sammy quickly curled into a ball sobbing pitifully her eye shut tight and her body quaking. She stayed like that for a few minutes before Vash soft cooing brought her back. She scrambled to her clean clothes and put them on not worrying about drying fully off. She grabbed the gun and crawled back to Vash gripping his rough fur and burying her face into his side still shaking.

03-08-2018, 04:37 AM
Ezra had only just sat down by the fire and was talking to Deck when she heard the commotion by the secluded pool. "Sam..." she murmured, remembering the girl's plan to take a bath. She rose, pulling out her gun and running for the rocky enclosure. The first thing she saw was Vash, blood staining his claws, and four young men running from the pool. Another boy with a bald head was leaning against the rocks, blood oozing from several wounds. He cast a furtive glance her way, pushing against the ground to rise, and she pointed her gun at him and growled out one word..."stay". Then she saw Samantha. Immediately she went to her, uncurling the teen's fingers from the Chabbit's fur and pulling into her arms. She ran her hand over the girl's hair trying to soothe her sobs.

"Did they...hurt you?" she asked quietly.

Sam shook her head, the sobbing continuing. Ez held her until she quieted, comforting her, and keeping her eyes on the remaining attacker to make sure he didn't try to leave. She wiped away her tears and tucked the blonde hair behind her ear. "Go back to the wagon," she said softly, "...I'll be there shortly." Sam nodded, sniffling, but more composed than she had been. With a quick glance at the pool, she turned and walked away slowly, her head down.

Ezra watched her leave, seeing Deck rising to intercept the young woman...and then she turned to the rocks and the cowering boy. She made it to his position in a matter of seconds, her gun still gripped in her hand and her anger rising rapidly. Standing over him, she squinted her eyes, then tilted her head to the side. Before he realized what was coming, she pistol-whipped him across the side of his face. His hand went to the gash, but he didn't dare move, the rage in her eyes keeping him rooted.

"We didn't mean anyth..."

"Shut it! I want you...to pack up your things. Two hours...then you are gone."

"Wh...what? ....just me?"

Ez smiled coldly at him. "I'm going to assume Vash started with you...and caught you with your pants down." She glanced at his exposed lower half. "Be glad I don't geld you first." She took a few steps back to allow him to rise, keeping her weapon trained on him while he pulled up his trousers and limped away. As soon as he was out of sight, she sighed heavily and looked upwards. "Damn it.." She couldn't remember having had this many problems with amped-up men before---she blamed it on youthful hormones--or possibly due to having a pretty young blonde in their camp. She would have to keep a closer eye on Sam from now on and make sure she didn't go anywhere alone. She shook her head in disgust and climbed down from the rocks, giving the still present Chabbit a scratch on his neck, before heading back to the wagon herself.

03-09-2018, 10:48 PM
Deck caught Sammy and shushed her gently guiding her to his fire and handing her some watered down whiskey.
"Here, Miss Sammy take a long swig. I'll keep an eye on Lawless, but since he's up and moving now, peace and quiet will probably be best for him." Sammy took the drink thankfully in her quaking hands and sat on a dragged in log her body still curled up some as she rocked back and forth watching the fire waiting for her eyes to dry and her heart to quit beating so fast. The older man sat down besides her and gave her a bowl of stew to sip between gulps of whiskey. He hoped the girl would just sit and calm down before going to bother the vigilante, because Deck knew as soon as Jackal saw Sammy in her state and was told the story he'd go on a rampage. And as much as the boys likely deserved it they couldn't afford to lose anymore able bodies. Between the Outpost and the bandit attack they've lost a dozen men and half that amount in horses. They'd need to stop by a town or something a little out of their way to restock men and some key supplies. They could trade the now owner less horses and some of the gear for things, hell maybe there was even a bounty on some of the Salties they could collect.

But first they had to get a game plan, and consolidate some of the remaining men and see just how many of them are thinking about joining Gabe's rumored mutiny. Until Jackal was back at full strength they'd all be in danger. The stout man walked to Ez nodding softly.
"She'll be ok, and Jackal is asleep. But we gotta talk Ez." The man inched away some as the unpredictable Chabbit breezed past them before settling back in his spot by the medical Wagon. Sitting behind Sammy and keeping his eyes roaming the entire camp.

03-12-2018, 08:12 AM
Ezra had been heading back when Deck intercepted her, requesting to talk. Her mind was on Sam, but she nodded, knowing there were quite a few things that they needed to discuss. After she looked towards the wagon and saw the Chabbit on guard, she decided she could spare a few moments.

"What is it Deck?" she asked, not looking at him, but instead focusing her attention in the direction she had sent the bald boy. Nickels....Jon Nickels, she thought. He was gathering his belongings as she had demanded, but Gabe was looking at him, then to her, and she knew it was just a matter of time before he would decide to "talk" to her about it. She huffed out a breath then put her eyes back on Gabe.

"Let's be quick...I think we're about to get some company."

Deck grunted following Ez's eyes locking on Gabe and Nickels. He hoped Jackal would be up and about soon, as nervous as the vigilante made him he was the best buffer to the sullen men and their ambitious boss. "I'm gettin too old for this mutiny shit." He sighed handing Ez the crew manifest and supplies lists. "Between Outpost 4 and that bandit fiasco we're down twelve men, six horses, most of our water supplies, and even with the stuff we took from the Salt Flyers our food and ammo are getting low. On the bright side though we got a lot of shit to trade." He rubbed his beard slowly. "We're gonna have to make a stop in Marrow. I know you're not a fan of that place, but it's the closest place."

Ez nodded, considering their options...which were few. "We'll lose a day...maybe more. ...and Marrow. It's a hell-hole. How are we gonna get any good men there." She grunted, knowing the small post was a hang-out for all sorts of ruffians and killers. It housed a tavern, whore-house, livery stable, and trading dock, but little else.

"Liberty is a little further, maybe three-four days...can we hold out that long?" she asked hopefully.

Deck clicked his tongue a little placing his hands on his hips and looking into the sand. Liberty would be a safer choice and Jackal would likely be well enough by then. But Liberty was one of those towns with a scarier reputation than Marrow with all it's cutthroats. "We might be able to pull that, but I've heard rumors about Liberty. Nice, clean, and safe, but people sometimes just vanish in the streets and rumors of cannibals and shit. As long as you and Sammy stay outside of the town we can probably get in and out quick."

"There aren't a lot of choices here...and I really think we have a better chance of getting men in Liberty..." She had no intention of staying outside the town limits while the others picked men for her expedition...well, Jackal's actually...but she didn't mention that to Deck. She was getting ready to say something else when Gabriel walked up and interrupted them.

"Will you excuse us Deck?" he said through clenched teeth.

At first Deck was hesitant, Gabe was getting too unpredictable and Deck was considering shooting the man himself. But Ez patted his shoulder and nodded towards Sammy. "It's ok Deck take Sammy to the chuck wagon for some solid food ok?"

The man glared at Gabe who simply clenched his fists trying to keep his breath under control. But he knew Ez could handle him, maybe she'd even shoot the fucker for him. He grunted and patted the still shocked Sammy on the shoulder and helped her up and over to his wagon.

Once they were out of earshot Gabe took a threatening step forward and pointed an accusing finger at Ez. "The fuck is your problem! We're down twelve guys and you're sending number thirteen the fuck away for having some fun with the new girl?!"

Ez stood her ground, trying not to breathe in Gabe's foul breath as he yelled. She pushed his finger out of her face and stared him directly in the eyes. "Having fun...that's one thing, but I think it was more than that...rape?...and that I won't allow. Not in my camp! He will leave, if I have to escort him out of here myself."

Gabe scoffed and rolled his eyes pulling a metal flask from his back-pocket and drinking the strong smelling whiskey. "Please Ezra, she's a whore, and a kinky one if my own experiences and the stories the men say are to believed. Johnny is a good shot, and he's a helluva a lot more useful than that girl. She's good for one thing, and the boys were just blowing off some steam. The Salty whores were gone or still busy." He chuckled closing the flask and keeping his eyes locked on Ezra's. "I'm sure you know what it's like to need to blow off some steam. How's Lawless doing?" He smirked winking at the woman.

Ez said nothing for the longest time...and she was sure Gabe knew he had struck a nerve. She chewed on her lower lip as she often did when she was nervous or upset, her gaze pulling away. "Wouldn't you like to know," she finally replied, one side of her mouth rising up in a half-smile. "...and my decision stands...good shot or not...Jon's not welcome here." She put her hand against his chest and took a step backwards. "You keep your boys away from Sam...I don't care about what she used to be, she's off limits. We've already had that discussion."

Gabe smirked he knew Ez's nervous ticks and he knew exactly what buttons to push. Taking a step back and having another pull off his flask before answering. "Come on Ez, you know whores don't just stop being whores." He looked her up and down before putting his flask back into his pocket. "Why are you so protective of this little bitch anyway? The boys know she has a crush on Lawless, figured you'd be glad to have the competition taken care of. Think of all the alone time you and the freak could have with the whole camp taking turns enjoying Candy." He laughed...he was definitely drunk...and with drunkenness came whiskey courage. He might even be able to give her a good fucking again if he got her mad enough.

Ez let him have his words, her lips held tight, then she pulled him in close by his shirt and grabbed his crotch, squeezing until he cringed in pain. "You're drunk...and not thinking right. So, I'm giving you another chance. Her name is Samantha...not Candy...and she is not up for your games. ...and I am tired of them. Keep Jon in line and he can stay until Liberty, then he's gone. Fuck it up and both of you leave." She released her hold and pushed him away, her hand going to the grip of her pistol. She looked hard at him, daring him to try her patience some more. "Do we understand each other Gabe...or is this going to get uglier?"

Gabe grunted lightly quickly moving back and holding his crotch, his face plastered in pain and anger. One of these days he'd break this bitch's spirit and keep her around just for a fuck toy. But as she mentioned Liberty, plans began to work into place in his brutish mind. One of the men in the expedition, named Collins, was from Liberty and Gabe knew for a fact he had a little taste for human flesh. He had promised to keep it a secret as long as Collins paid him chips, not even Ezra knew about Collins's taste for flesh.

He could use this to his advantage...so he straightened up and nodded his voice a little hoarse. "Careful boss I'll need those for later, but fine. Luckily that rabid beast didn't seriously injure the kid or we'd be putting it down." He sighed rubbing the pain away from his genitals. "Have a good night Ez." With that Gabe pulled out his flask and drained it in one gulp. He pocketed it again and returned to the bald boy who had been watching anxiously rubbing the bloody bandages across his chest.

Ez watched wearily as Gabe made his exit. She wished she felt victorious, but there was something in that man's expression which put her on edge. She shook her head and went to the wagon, peering inside. Jackal was still asleep. Good, she thought, glad that he had not heard their conversation. He had a protective tendency, but she found she preferred to handle her problems on her own. It led to a better relationship with the men if they feared or respected her...something that was getting harder to impress upon them lately, but that didn't mean she would stop trying.

03-13-2018, 02:58 AM
Around lunchtime the expedition group was up and moving towards Liberty. It was four days to the northeast, but it was a flat path until they reached the hill upon which Liberty sat. Vash was hooked up to the medical wagon and kept pace with Ezra. Whispers and grumbles filtered through the sullen group of explorers and scavvers. Sammy stayed in or around Jackal's wagon, keeping an eye on the man as she tried to shake the fear those boys had filled her mind with.

When the vigilante was awake he kept her company, but she thought it best to not tell him what happened between her and the boys. He needed as much of a stress free environment as he could get to heal up. The only time she really felt safe or free of fear was when Ezra was teaching her to shoot or some other trail skill. It was bonding and Sammy really liked the idea of it, she grew braver and more sure of herself with each lesson, but as soon as it ended she felt the fear creep back into her heart.

The ride to Liberty was thankfully uneventful, but as they reached the concrete walls of Liberty and the uniformed guards looked them all over. The man with the brisly gray mustache walked up clearing his throat looking at Ez and Jackal who was feeling well enough to be released from the medical Wagon. "Who is in charge of this caravan?"

03-13-2018, 07:38 PM
Ezra spurred Clove forward and dismounted when she reached the waiting guard. She glanced at the imposing wall briefly before turning her attention to him and extending her hand in greeting. "Ezra Bastian..." she claimed, then nodded to her group. "We've come to trade...and hopefully hire some hands to join us on our journey East. Plan to be gone by day break...if not sooner."

The guard, who was taller than Ezra studied her up and down. "Hmm don't get a lot of traders up here." He gripped her hand and shook it firmly studying the rough men behind her. "Especially ones so heavily armed. Liberty isn't big enough for all of you, but your mounts and wagons can stay on the slopes between the walls and the town. Assuming you can all pay the entrance fee. Twenty-one gold chips."

Jackal narrowed his eyes.
"Three gold chips a person? That's a little extreme isn't it?"

The Guard chuckled shrugging. "Liberty is the safest town in this part of the Wastes. Home-grown crops, fresh meat, pure well drilled water, impenetrable walls. Three gold chips a piece is a fair price."

Jackal looked at Ezra. He could pay for himself, Sammy, and Ez, but he wasn't sure about the rest of the group.

Ezra nodded to Jack before appraising the guard before her in much the same way as he had her. She clicked her tongue and put her hand to the satchel at her waist. "Price has gone up since last time I visited. I agree with Mr. Lawless here...it's a bit steep. I'll pay you fourteen and we'll feed ourselves. We will however take you up on the clean water and lodging." She looked the man hard in the eyes, expecting him to counter her offer. The use of Jackal's name might also help in the bartering as she knew his reputation preceded him in most places.

As she waited for his response, she opened the small bag and began counting out the coins, placing the offered amount in the palm of her hand and extending it to him. "Take it or leave it," she said firmly.

Both of the guards straightened up at the mention of Jackal's name. Seemed Ez's gamble was right, the mustachioed man grunted. "Seventeen, I'm sure Mr. Lawless has plenty of coin from killing all those boys in Durcell. We can live without you lot free loading, but it looks like you need more than just some extra guns."

Ez added three chips to her palm and handed the full amount over. Without waiting for further instructions, she directed the group to an area outside the walls where they could keep their mounts and supplies. There was a gate to keep the animals corralled, but she would have to rely on the guards patrolling the walls to keep them safe. It was that or leave one of the men outside on watch.

Once the horses, and Vash, were situated, they followed the men inside, a metal gate opening onto a cobblestone paved street. Gardens lined the sides in neat rows, the green plants heavy with fruit and vegetables. There was a smell of freshly turned soil lingering in the air and Ez breathed in deep--it was so unlike the sands of the wastes. Pure and clean. As they were led to The Lodge--the only place with accommodations in the small town--she couldn't help but notice the way they were being scrutinized...sized up...by the townsmen. She assumed it was all their weapons...or perhaps word of Jackal had already reached their ears. Either way, she ignored them and made her way inside, looking forward to a soft bed and some privacy.

Jackal's spine tingled a little and it caused him to move his coat aside and lay hand onto his pistol, then he motioned for Sammy to do the same and keep close. The girl stiffened her back and did as she was bid, the place looked nice enough but if Mr. Lawless was on edge then something was definitely up. The town didn't have a Brother or anything, but more than a few of the women looked hard at the dusty men from the wastes. Sammy recognized lust, fear, and...hunger? The last one confused her, but it was none of her business, maybe they'd take some of the remaining Black Jacks away.

They still had a bar though, so maybe some free lance girl worked the tables and steps. Everything smelled so clean and healthy, but the people didn't look as happy or healthy as they should. Some had shaky hands, the others looked like they hadn't slept in days, those looked the most fearful out of all the faces before them. And as Sammy, Jackal, and Ez entered the Lodge the feeling didn't abate, the girl kept close to her protectors and let them do the talking.

Ez procured rooms for all of them, with Sammy having a connected room to her's and Jackal's. She allowed the men to decide if they wanted to double up or not, as the lodging was included with the price of entry. She pulled Deck aside and set him to task on trading for supplies and scouting for any available men. Gabe was set to creating a schedule for guard duty that night--although she did not completely trust him now, she thought this was something she could count on him for. This last order was met with the expected grumbles from those hoping to drink and screw the night away, but she dismissed them and made her way to the room--a plan to take advantage of the connected bath house in the back of her mind.

Jackal and Sammy followed Ez and despite Sammy having her own room Jackal allowed her to leave her stuff in their room. This room was far nicer than the room they had in the Den. Everything looked and smelled clean. The bed was a legitimate mattress with sheets and blankets and it looked big enough for two people to comfortably sleep. The room was carpeted and while the carpet looked old and worn out it was clean. There was a nice sized couch, a table fit for two, and the window looked out across the town and Jackal could see their caravan. Vash was the biggest mount in the corral and the tall man could see him pacing slowly back and forth along the fence.

The vigilante knew if he was feeling on edge Vash would be ready to run or fight at the first sign of trouble. Hopefully they could be in and out of this place by dawn. Jackal had never been to Liberty before so he was eager to get the lay of the land. But as he looked at Ez and Sammy they both looked tired and worn down, so he'd be doing his recon alone. Dropping his pack and tightening his rifle sling and bandoleer he placed his hand on Sammy's shoulder smiling. "Take a nap on the couch Sammy, I'll lock the door. If I know Ez she's gonna take a bath so she'll be near to keep you company."

Sammy let out a yawn, she hadn't slept well since that day so the chance to rest in peace was welcomed. She pulled her coat, pack, gun, and boots off before dropping to the couch almost instantly falling asleep. The tall man chuckled and walked over to Ez and kissed her on the lips gripping her waist a little. "I've felt on edge since we got here, I'm going to do a walk around the town. Keep an eye on things here ok Ezzy? I'll be back in a couple of hours and I'll lock the door behind me." He gave her another kiss before exiting and locking the door behind him.

03-13-2018, 10:14 PM
Jackal exited the Lodge and pulled his hat over his eyes to block out some of the sun. He still felt uneasy, but with a deep breath he slipped his hands into the large pockets of his coat. And studied the town. It was larger than Outpost 4 and looked to be about the same size as Carousel. The buildings looked to be built on the spot rather than modified from standing structures. Most of the buildings were made of stone and cinderblock. Very sturdy and it showed the town didn't have to worry about bandits or anything so they could dedicate a lot of time into making a properly built town, like what they had Pre-Fire.

He began walking down the main street. Many of the people he saw looked the same, a mix of scared and hungry. The first reaction he was used to, but the second one made him even more uneasy. The town had a single small bar, a general store, Blacksmith, livery, and what looked like a small church of some kind on the main drag. Behind them along another street he saw a few taverns the smell of cooking meat gnawed at his stomach, but he had to finish this recon before he stopped for some food. The town had three streets and after the main road the others were mostly residential, but as he reached the end of town he saw another section he hadn't noticed, which is very odd because it had a ten foot stone wall running all around it, and a powerful stench hit the lawman in his face. It almost made him gag, but he covered his nose and quickly left the wall. It smelt like rotting meat and charcoal. Not a good sign, but hopefully it was just some kind of dump.

Making his way back to the Lodge, Jackal began getting the feeling that he was being followed.

03-14-2018, 12:25 AM
After Jackal had left the room, Ezra went into the connecting bath house, pleased to see a hand pump over the large tub and a small fireplace for heating water. It had been a long time since she had had a warm bath and she set to getting things ready, starting by lighting the fire and filling the tub. As soon as the water was boiling, she added it and stripped off her clothing, stopping briefly before entering to examine the fading bruises on her arms and breasts...only a light yellow coloration still marred her, but the memory was still fresh, as it always would be.

Immersing herself in the warm water, Ezra began gliding the soap over her body. She did it slowly, enjoying the feel of her hands as they rubbed away four days worth of road. A clean body is a clean mind--wash away your sins. The voice came unbidden...and it was not welcome. She no longer believed the words, but they had been preached to her often enough when she was a child that the habit of frequent bathing had stuck. With ease, she pushed the thought away and dunked her head, washing her hair then laying back to enjoy the comfort the warmth provided. ...and her thoughts went to Jackal.

She was worried she was beginning to feel more for him than just a sexual attraction, finding herself thinking of him too often. She liked the way he made her feel, both emotionally and physically, but it was more than that. It was almost a dependence and that was what frightened her. She was not ready for that...not yet...even though she thought she loved him. It was not something she was ready to admit to herself, let alone him. She pictured him in her mind as she closed her eyes, laying her head back and softly humming to herself as she slipped into a light sleep.

03-18-2018, 07:08 PM
Jackal kept his cool as he made it back to the Lodge, but each step of the way he felt eyes watching him from the shadows. His nerves were on full alert, but he wasn't going to start shooting up the town just yet. It was only a feeling, but he always listened to his feelings. He'd do his best to stay up tonight and insist Sammy stay in the room with him and Ez.

He quickly ducked into the inn and bee-lined his way upstairs. He entered the room quietly and double locked it behind him. Locking the knob and deadbolt behind him, once he was in the dark safety of the room he let a pent up breath and slumped against the door some. He feared more for Ez and Sammy than himself, but it was still fear. Once he was sure no one was coming to try and break in, he rubbed his face tiredly. He could hear Sammy's even breath, and some splashing coming from the bath house. Everyone seemed ok for now. Maybe a soak in some hot water would clam him down some and let him come up with a plan should those feelings turn into something more.

Straightening up he slowly undressed and hung his things on the wall hooks and walked quietly into the bathhouse. He saw Ez asleep in the tub, and he thought up and even better way to calm his nerves. Using his stealthy ways he snuck into the bath house and moved to the head of the tub, standing up he quickly put his hands into the water and grabbed Ezra's chest squeezing tightly and whispering in her ear. "Is my dirty bitch all nice and clean now?"

Startled, Ezra jerked in his grip, her eyes flying open in surprise. Instantly awake, she gasped, the sound not entirely caused by shock.
She squinted up at him, baring her teeth and grabbing his arms. "Fucking hell..." she exclaimed, her expression softening when she saw it was him. The hint of a smile came to her lips then and she lowered her tone. "Maybe you should check. This bitch might be in heat." ...and she pushed his hands lower, bringing his face down to hers. Only inches apart, she looked longingly at him while running her tongue along her lips. "Want some?" she whispered, finally pulling his mouth to hers.

Jackal laughed. He half expected her to smack the taste out of his mouth, but he'd take this too. He let her guide his hands then let them do the rest of the work as he returned the kiss, bending Ezra's forward some. "Hmm seems like she is, I'll have to do something about that won't I?" He bit Ez's lips gently before freeing his hands and coming around, stepping over the rim and into the tub. It'd been a while since he'd had a proper bath, and his wounds could likely use the wash. He slid into the water sighing deeply and bringing some of the water up and over his arms. He was truly amazed how big this tub was, but he was glad for it too. He gripped Ez's hands and pulled her to him laying her across his chest and kissing her deeply, his hands going under the water to rub up and down her legs and ass.

Moaning, Ez repositioned herself by sliding herself up along Jackal until she was sitting in his lap with her legs crossed behind his back. "Let me bathe you first," she said huskily, grabbing the bar of soap and starting to lather him up. She made a game of it, teasing him as she washed away the grime. "You are a very dirty boy," she whispered in his ear, giving it a little nip. "This may take hours."

Jackal chuckled cupping water in his hands and pouring it over Ezra's head. "Oh yes, very dirty. We'll have to make sure you stay clean as well." He settled their hips together and teased the woman as she teased him. Soon they were both clean, but that was no reason to stop. They played and coupled until it was dark outside the bathouse and the bath water was cold and quite dirty itself. They drained the tub and dried themselves off before dressing in their underclothes and heading back to the bedroom.

Surprisingly Sammy was still asleep, but it was a good thing. She had been up for nearly seventy-two hours while they were on the trail. Still Jackal was surprised. He bumped Ezra closer to the girl smirking. "Best make sure she's still breathing Ezzy." He moved back to his pack and pulled out a clean shirt, he got from the bandit camp, pair of jeans and socks, dressing slowly...the soreness from his wounds all but gone.

While Jackal dressed, she sat herself next to Sam, moving a stray lock of hair from her face tenderly. She gently shook the girl's shoulder, calling her name. The motion was met by a sleepy moan. "You should get up Sam...get something to eat," she suggested, laughing lightly when the teen rolled away from her. "Okay...sleep some more then," she decided, leaving the girl to her slumber.

"Alive, but obviously still very tired," she said to Jackal as she came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She rested her head against his back for a moment before moving to put on her own clean clothes.

Jackal smiled buttoning his pants and bringing his guns over to the night stand by the bed so they'd be within arm's reach.
"Understandable, it's been a long couple of weeks for us all." He sighed gently, sitting back on the bed sinking into the soft mattress and pillows some. "I can't even remember the last time I was on a bed like this...matter of fact I don't think I ever have." He chuckled lightly scooting down watching Ezra dress his eyes devouring her form. "Like most everything else in this place it doesn't seem real."

"Yeah, not like I remember it. It's always been clean and organized...but the people seem...I don't know...off?" She turned to him then, arching her eyebrow when she saw him looking at her. "One would think you'd had enough..." she said with a smirk, walking over to the bed. Other than her boots, she was fully dressed, her weapons close at hand, but not on her person. She climbed onto the bed and moved in close, Jackal chuckling and wrapping his arm around her.

"Well I may have had my fill, but it doesn't mean I can't still look and admire." It felt good being really clean and wearing a freshish shirt. Granted it looked like some kind of salvaged music shirt from before the end of the world, but it fit and it was something other than his modified priest shirt.

"You smell good," she murmured, running a hand along his chest. "Tell me, how was your walk? See anything interesting?"

Jackal hmmed low shaking his head. "You are right about them seeming off. I walked the entire town, it has three main open streets and one that was beyond a huge stone wall at the Eastern end closest to the crest of the hill. Everyone either looked terrified or...hungry. And not the normal kind of hungry, like...ravenous hunger, most of them had shaky hands and looked very pale and gray too. Now shaking hands usually means cannibalism, but they have all those gardens and food stores out there so they shouldn't be doing that. But by far the worst part was when I reached the wall. I was assaulted by the stink of rotting flesh and charcoal, so that lends quite well to the creep factor this whole town has. Vash has been on edge since we got here I was watching him pace and growl across the way in the corral. I've never been here before, does this town have rumors of cannibalism?" He asked placing his head atop Ezra's.

"There have been rumors...but nothing to substantiate them. I've been here twice before and never had any problems. ...and I know there wasn't a walled-in area before." She shook her head. "It's strange...but it has been a while since my last visit."

Sammy mumbled something in her sleep and Ez looked over to her. "Nice to be so oblivious...wish I could sleep like that." She sighed softly. "Those boys really shook her up. I don't think she has slept for days...no wonder she is so tired."

Jackal looked down at Ez pulling back some so he could look her in the face. He figured something was up with the girl, but he assumed is was just shock from the Bandit camp, but that wasn't the case now. "What boys? What happened while I was out?"

Ez's eyebrows went up in surprise. "She didn't tell you?" If she had known, she would not have said anything, but now that the cat was out of the bag, she couldn't very well keep silent. So she told him the story...at least as much of it as she knew. She didn't know the details of the attempted rape, only the men involved and what they had tried to do.

"Maybe she didn't tell you because she was afraid you might try to do something about it before you were healed. Jonny was the one who instigated it, and I kicked him out---hopefully it will end there." There was also the issue of Gabe, but she didn't tell Jackal about their argument or the fact that he was causing trouble again. It was something she planned on dealing with herself--whatever the outcome.

Jackal was quiet as he listened to Ez's words. An anger rising up in him, but then he looked over at Sammy and sighed. He'd already failed to live up to the promise he gave Ez, he promised to protect them both. And already Sammy had almost been raped and if it wasn't for Vash she would've been raped or worse. He would do better in the future.

He sighed looking hard at Sammy. "Guess I'll have to do better in protecting you two. You sure nothing happened to her?"

Ez nodded, "...at least that is what she said...and it didn't seem otherwise." She leaned over and kissed him gently, tossing around his words. "You can't protect us Jackal...not in this world. No matter how hard you try, it will only end in failure." She sat up then, leaning against the head board, her legs crossed before her. "I've been working with her, but she still has so much to learn. I'm not sure she is cut out for being on the trail. She's timid and soft--more suited to life in a town than outside of it." She shook her head, closing her eyes for a moment. ...and she saw Sammy's father, saying the same things about her and shaking his head when she didn't get something right the first time...his surprise that she had lasted long enough on her own to get to that point.

She smiled then, taking up a strand of Jackal's hair and running it though her fingers. Down-time like this was rare, and it seemed to bring out a different side of her--a side which she didn't recognize. Sighing, she felt contentment, and looked to the sleeping teen. "I'll work with her harder...she'll become one of us yet."

Jackal sighed nuzzling into Ezra and nodding slowly. She was right of course, but it was a concept he had trouble grasping. His family aside, he'd always been able to save those he aimed to save before. "Yes she is soft, but weren't we all at some point? It's a small miracle she's made it this far in life without turning bitter or dying." He pulled her in closer rubbing her arm slowly.

"Mmm..." she responded, feeling sleep pull at her. She was drifting off when there was a knock at the door. Abruptly she jerked awake, her hand automatically grabbing at her gun. She rubbed at her eyes, and tucked the gun into her belt before rising. She was closer to the entrance, but Jackal was also at the ready. Behind the door she could hear Deck announcing himself, and she rose, relief flooding her as she opened it for him to enter.

Deck took in the room with a sweeping glance...Jackal on the bed and Samantha lying on the couch just starting to open her eyes. "Sorry to disturb, but wanted you to know I traded up for all the supplies. Didn't get as much as expected--the towns a greedy one just like at the gate, but I got us enough. Also managed to find three men to ride with us...not townies...but travelers like us. Seems they like the idea of having more guns protecting their backs too...so they will be meeting us up in the morn."

Ezra nodded, three men wasn't nearly enough, but it would have to do until they reached another town. She might have to reconsider leaving Jonny here...she needed the extra gun, and if the rumor of cannibals was correct, she would be sending him to a fate worse than death.

"All right...I guess it will have to do. Did you happen to see Gabe? I haven't heard anything from him."

Deck cleared his throat, shaking his head. "Nope...can't say as I have. Last I saw of him was at the gates. Probably drinking. I can go look for you..."

Ezra considered his offer, but decided she needed to talk to him personally. "No, I'll go. I want to check on the guard schedule anyhow. You're welcome to join me though."

Jackal nodded at Deck and got his stuff together feeling his stomach growl. Sammy let out a squeaky yawn rubbing her eyes. The tall man handed the girl some water.
"Ok you two go do that, I'll take Sammy downstairs and get some food. There should be something to eat around here." Sammy shook her head to remove the last of the cobwebs. She felt a lot better, and having Jackal, Ez, and Deck around her allowed her to breath easy. She got up and pulled her boots back on getting her fun and coat on before standing besides Jackal.

With plans set the four adventurers go their separate ways.

03-21-2018, 03:17 AM
Ez followed Deck out and they walked side by side with little conversation, both of them affected by the town's oddities. There were surprisingly few people about considering it was early evening and when they searched the taverns, there were few patrons and no sign of Gabe. Their last stop took them to the gates and Ez noted with irritation that none of her people were assigned to watch their mounts. Frustrated, Ez let out an exaggerated breath and turned to her companion.

"Where the hell could he be? Damn it...he is getting to be more work than he is worth!" She turned back around, looking along the main road into Liberty. "He better not be getting into trouble...or so help me..."

Deck put a hand on her shoulder, "...maybe he's in his room...sleeping? We didn't bother to check there. Or maybe with a whore..." The latter choice seemed most likely, considering Gabe's history.

"The barkeeps hadn't seen him...or so they said...and I doubt very much he was sleeping...much too early."

"You were sleeping..." he stated with a grin, looking at her and giving her a wink. And just that quickly he changed the subject to a more light-hearted conversation. "Seems things are going well?"

She stared at him, saying nothing at first, then shaking her head and giving him a half smile. "We weren't talking about me, now were we?" And she had every plan to ignore his question and continue the search, but Deck put a staying hand on her arm and she relented to his imploring gaze. "All right...yes...things seem to be going well. Jackal and I are...getting along."

Deck laughed good heartedly. "Getting along? I never seen you "getting along" with anyone for such a long period before. Seems he taming the wandering heart. ..and it's about time...you ain't getting any younger." He said the last part with humor, but a part of him was serious. Women in the wastes had a way of becoming less fertile with age and he'd hate for her to lose out on a chance to settle down and have a family.

Ez scoffed, her cheeks coloring. "I'm not getting old...just reaching my prime. ...and now, it's about time you minded your own business and started focusing on Gabe." She started walking along the cobbled path, her mood darkening again when she noticed a young couple watching them intensely from a nearby home. They sat close together in an enclosed porch, a lantern lit between them. It might have been the light, but their skin looked sallow...waxen...and their eyes were sunken in, creating a skeletal visage. If not for the late hour, she would have packed up their things and left right then...but the wastes were just as dangerous at night as a town packed with unsavory sorts.

"I'm going to get one of the boys to take post on the wall...you might as well take the rest of the evening off and get some rest. I'll keep looking for Gabe." They separated ways as they passed the Lodge, Deck warning her to be careful. Ez kept walking deeper into the town, finally stopping when she encountered the wall Jackal had mentioned. There was a metal gate blocking her from seeing what was inside, but she could hear activity behind it and the smell was nauseating. She turned away, giving up on Gabe and heading back to her room. "We're leaving at first light," she said to herself barely above a whisper.

03-23-2018, 12:11 AM
Gabe was lurking carefully though the streets of Liberty accompanied by Jonny and his little near-rape squad at his heels, their hands on their guns and their heads on swivels. The underboss was fearless though, he'd been talking up all the men, it was usually easy to lie to Ms. Ezra. She was losing her edge hard around this Lawless asshole. Ezra has always been a slut, it was how she got a lot of jobs for them when the independent work dried up.

But while she was quick to spread her legs, she was always a hard ass before, during, and afterwards. It was a business deal for her and she actively shot down a second round with the same guys when she came looking for work again. She never laid with the same man twice and she actually shot a couple the few times they tried. But with Jackal she was like his own personal sperm dumpster, begging and always willing to come to his call even when he was broken and dying in some stinking wagon. It was selfish and now it'd spread to that nice little whore Sammy, Ez wasn't a great fuck, but Sammy was a great one and she played the game right. He knew he'd never get to willingly fuck Ez again, but she could use her body to bring in the big scores while he and the boys had fun with Sammy. Once a whore, always a whore in his opinion.

Gabe just needed Ez's body not her spirit, he could run the group better with her and Sammy broken and tied into a wagon. Only to be brought out for bargaining, two sluts would bring in twice as many jobs. But he had two problems to handle first, Deck and Jackal, the rest of the men he could win over with words or promises of turns with Ez and Sammy, but those two were threats and Gabe knew how to deal with these threats. The rumors about Liberty were true, this was the largest Cannibal colony in Ragged America, and the only place he could find people crazy enough to take on the Devil and a former Big-Game Hunter who could put a bullet in the eye of an Ice Beast (https://i.imgur.com/M2O7tOn.jpg) at three-hundred yards.

The Cannibals were part of some kind of cult called the Bloody Sunrise. From what he gathered about them, they believed that if they killed and/or ate all the "impure" they would inherit the world and be the Masters of Fate destined to birth the next great empire. Crazies being crazies was all Gabe thought about it, but there were more than just zealots in the cult. Some were kind of assassins for hire, with enough chips they capture people and drag them behind the wall to be the main course at this week's Sunday dinner. And with some more chips they'd capture people and just put them in the freezer for later. Gabe's plan was to put a hit on Jackal and Deck for dinner, and have Ez and Sammy roughed up a little put on ice for him and the boys to collect later. He'd leave the kind of roughed up to the captures as long as they weren't killed and their useful parts and faces weren't damaged.

The boys behind him were chatting nervously as he led them to the abandoned looking gatehouse by the large metal gate that sealed the barbecue pit off from the rest of the town. He grunted at the boys for silence and knocked three times on the door before giving it a bottom of the foot kick. It was the code he learned from the guards in exchange for some fine whiskey. There was silence for a few seconds then the sound of a heavy metal bolt being drawn and the slow creak of the heavy door. The smell of hot rotting meat hit them all in the face and a couple of the boys gagged and vomited on the ground. Luckily Gabe had lost his sense of smell year ago so all he felt was some hot sticky air that made his skin crawl. A tall skeletal looking woman dressed in deep red robes poked her head out, staring at them with her dead yellow eyes, Gabe couldn't tell if she was just like that from eating people a lot or if she was kind of mutant. Both were possible outcomes, but Gabe didn't care he had a job in mind.

"I take it you're the man who talked with Ambrose about a job for our Elite Followers?" The woman's voice was quiet and shaky, but sure of it's words.

Gabe nodded pulling out his pouch of chips and jingling them for the woman to hear.
"Yea, twenty gold chips to take two impure elements to your alter and keep two more on ice for me and my men."

The woman's shaky hand quickly grabbed the chips and nodded.
"We will keep the other two from the Flesh Lord's eyes, he is never happy to let any of the impure from the alter. Come with me, bring your boys as well if they can keep their stomachs about them." She slipped back into the darkness and was soon followed by Gabe and the boys.

03-23-2018, 03:37 AM
Ezra stood by the window of her room, looking out at the empty streets, her hand holding the linen curtains loosely in her hand. Her hazel eyes were turned outwards, but her mind was elsewhere, thinking about towns like Liberty and their rumors of cannibalism. Although the practice was taboo for many, she could not say she had never experienced it before. The slated time was in her distant past when she had been traveling the wastes extensively on her own. She had come to a town suspected of harboring those who practiced the reviled act and while there she had met a young man of exceptional looks and charm. They both seemed to fancy the other and it wasn't long before he propositioned her and she accepted, happy to have a diversion. He had taken her to a secluded area and he proved to be a quite energetic lover...the most memorable of which being his insatiable oral appetite.

Afterwards, he had taken her to his home to dine with his parents and grandfather. When the food was served, there was no denying that the main meat dish was of a human nature--leg of man. Ezra was sickened, but knew better than to refuse the meal. She ate the meat, cutting it into small pieces in an attempt to swallow it without chewing, all the while fighting the instinctual urge to gag. If she had to describe the flavor, she would have said pork, but at the time she had mentally shut out her sense of taste. She had drowned the buds on her tongue with drink, a heavy ale that left a bitter aftertaste on its surface. She made it though dinner with difficulty, complimenting the meal and pleading exhaustion shortly afterwards. She excused herself and left on her own, almost making it back to her horse before she vomited the entire meal, over and over again. By dawn of the next morning, she was gone, the town marked in her memory as a no-man's zone. And she had never returned.

And now this...here...in Liberty...again. She shivered at the thought, her arms coming to encircle her chest in a tight embrace. She would not eat the meat here and she would not accept any invitation to dine anywhere. She had never told anyone of her encounter or the shame that came with it. It was another of her many secrets and she wasn't one to share them often with another. Jackal had managed to pull back the veil on her private life and she had opened herself to him on more than one occasion. He had a power over her unlike any other. She would give her life for him...he was only second to one other...Samantha. Ezra smiled then, she had more now than she ever had. Despite her past, she had come out ahead...with a man who cared for her...and a lovely daughter.

She moved away from the window and sat down on the edge of the bed, removing her boots. Laying down on her side, she slipped her pistol under her pillow and waited for Jackal and Sam to return. She promised herself she would not go to sleep or let her guard down whilst she was here...there were too many rumors and evidence of their truth to ignore. She bit down on her lower lip, chewing on it until it bled. She was so tired...

03-23-2018, 05:07 AM
Gabe and his boys exited the guard house the fresh wind a welcome change to the foul humid air of the underground lair of the Bloody Sunrise. The boys were pale and looked to be on the verge of collapse and more vomiting. But Gabe was a rock, he wiped the sweat off his brow and motioned for the boys to get out of here and get some sleep. They eagerly scattered to the wind and Gabe began walking towards the Pork House where Sammy and Ez would be brought once the Elite captured them. There he'd have some fun with them.

*Back in the Lodge*

Jackal and Sammy stayed to themselves once they sat down at a table in the tavern. The server was an actually healthy looking woman, but under her glowing skin and attractive weight Jackal noted a lot of fear. He could see it in her eyes she wanted to ask him for help, but whenever she almost mouthed the words she would glance back at the scary looking barkeep his tall thin figure making Jackal look overweight.

The lawman was already on edge after the rumors of this town and his own walking around. And he had no intention of eating anything with meat in it or even something with a beef broth. They ordered tomato soup and three pieces of bread and enjoyed water from their own canteens over any beverage offered by the terrified waitress or terrifying bartender. Luckily they were left mostly alone while they ate.

Sammy hunched over her soup dipping the bread thoughtfully. She waited until they were completely alone before speaking.
"Mr. Lawless, this place is freaky as all hell. Do you feel the same way or is just me?"

Jackal nodded dipping his bread as well swirling the soup with it.
"No it's freak as all hell." He wasn't going to scare the girl with all the gory details, but him telling her she's right should be enough. "You'll be staying in the room with me and Ez tonight and I plan to ask Ez if we can be gone at first light."

Sammy gulped softly focusing back on her food her hands not shaking yet, but she felt a shiver run up her spine.
"Are we safe here?" She asked her voice barely a whisper.

Jackal finished his soup and gripped her hand smiling as reassuringly as he could.
"Of course, I don't plan to sleep tonight so I'll keep us safe ok?"

Sammy gave him a weak smile and quickly finished her own food and gathering her stuff and quickly checking the rounds in her pistol. Ez has shown her a lot about shooting and guns and the girl felt worlds better knowing she had it and Jackal nearby. The man stood up checking his weapon as well before dropping a couple of steel chips on the table and turning to thank to server and barkeep, but found they were entirely alone in the tavern now. The lights seemed to have been dimmed, all of Jackal's senses were on high alert now. He quickly grabbed up the bowls and tossed them into the kitchen before he pulled his pistol out and quickly ushered Sammy upstairs.

They entered the room and Jackal let out a sigh seeing Ezra there and still awake.
"I highly recommend we be gone by morning more men or no."

Sammy had her gun out and locked the doors and windows.
"Why don't we leave now?"

Jackal shook his head holstering his pistol and tossing his coat aside lifting his rifle and moving to look out the window. Vash was still there and still pacing the corral his posture aggressive and paranoid.
"No, our men are too scattered plus it's too dark out and we aren't familiar enough with the layout of the town to make it safely out in the dark. Our best bet for now is to stay put, they can only come from two directions and I'll be awake all night to make sure they regret it. You two get some rest now." He moves the curtains closed some then placed a chair against one side so he could keep peeking out the window without revealing himself.

03-27-2018, 02:43 AM
Ezra didn't need any further prompting, and with Jackal's suggestion that she and Samantha get some rest, she closed her eyes. "We'll leave at first light," she murmured, sleep already starting to claim her. She trusted Jackal to watch over them, but she had trained herself to sleep lightly and tonight was no different. Her breathing slowed and became regular as she slipped into slumber, her senses remaining alert, though muted. And it was only a few hours later that she awoke, but not due to a nightmare as was her custom. She blinked rapidly, trying to clear the fog that clouded her thoughts, and looked about the room, her hand grasping the pistol under her pillow. Nothing seemed changed...Sam still rested on the sofa and Jackal was on guard by the window. Something had awoken her and as she sat up she heard a sound outside their door. Someone was on the landing, perhaps another boarder coming in late, but still the feeling of unease enveloped her and she slipped her bare feet into her boots, tightened the laces, and stood, noticing for the first time that Jackal was not responding to her movements.

Using the lights from the near-by tavern and the slit of moon to guide her, Ez made her way to the vigilante, calling his name softly as she approached so as not to startle him. He remained still and when she touched his shoulder, his head lolled to the side. "Jackal?" she urged louder, giving him a gentle shake. He could not be sleeping...he would have awoken by now. Her fingers went to his neck, feeling for a pulse. It was there, but weak. "No...no...no...no..." she stammered, quickly moving to Sam and leaning over to check her also. She expected to find the same and did. Drugged.

As she was straightening up she heard the door knob rattle as it was turned and the hinges creak. Immediately she spun, her gun coming up. She never had a chance to aim as she squeezed the trigger, her bullet going wide and her body pushed backwards at the same moment as a bullet struck her left shoulder. She fell to the sofa, landing on the inert teen, her gun knocked from her right hand, and a blossoming numbness spreading along her left arm. She didn't register the injury, not at first, her attention now focusing on the open door and its occupants. She scrambled to the floor, crawling for the dropped weapon, reaching for it, then feeling a boot-clad foot kick her in the ribs and flip her to her back. Standing over her were six assailants, sickly ghoulish faces peering, skeletal hands reaching. She groaned, the pain in her side barely a hindrance as her shoulder started to pulse in time to her hammering heart. Screaming, she kicked out in her panic as her wrists and ankles were grabbed and a cloth was shoved in her mouth and tied. She felt herself being lifted and she continued her struggles, her gasps of pain and rage now muffled.

Bound, Ezra could do nothing as she was carried from her room. Both Sammy and Jackal were similarly tied, neither of them responding in any manner. It was once they were on the street that she noticed Jackal being carried in the opposite direction, towards the enclosed section. She redoubled her efforts to escape, despite its futility, until a hand clamped down on her shoulder. The pain was unbearable and she screamed into her gag, feeling the warmth of her blood ooze out once again onto her black tank top. It wasn't until she was roughly deposited onto the floor of a cold and dank room that she dared move again.

With a groan, Ez pushed herself into a sitting position and leaned against the wall. It was pitch black inside, but she had seen enough when she was brought in to last her a lifetime. The ceiling was lined with meat hooks and hanging lifeless upon them were bodies, some already dismembered and barely resembling anything remotely human. Pushing the image back, she forced her arms up together and worked the gag from her mouth, shoving the tied cloth down to hang around her neck. She then went to work on her bound ankles, the task difficult with her hands tied, but not impossible. What did turn out to be impossible were her hands. The bastards had placed the knots on the bottom and she couldn't reach them with her teeth. She rose, feeling along the wall until she reached the door. From there, she moved to what she hoped was the center of the room...the place where the bodies hung. As soon as she bumped into one, she stopped, once again forcing her arms up, the right one providing the strength that her left lacked now. She gagged as she encountered the cold unyielding dead flesh, feeling along it until she found the hook's point. Then she began rubbing the fibers of the rope against it, her body pressed against the cadaver with the effort. When at last the rope was severed, she pulled back, her wrists numb to the newly acquired lacerations on them.

Ez breathed deeply, feeling the cold air fill her lungs. She wanted nothing more than to sit down next to Sam, but she had one more thing to accomplish, and with this thought she felt around again, moving through the room slowly until she reached an empty hook. She felt around it with her fingers, searching for the end and hopefully a way to remove it. It was similar to an S-hook, but the one end had a locking mechanism on it. For what seemed an eternity to her, she fumbled with lock, finally finding a depression that released it when pushed. With the heavy hook held against her, she used the wall again to find her way back to Sam.

With determination, Ez released Sammy from her ropes. The girl remained on her side, still affected by the drug despite Ez's attention. She put her head on her lap, using her right arm to shake her, calling to her in a hushed voice so as not to attract attention.

Sammy was having a nice dream. She was in one of the storybooks she read as a child, a heroine on an epic quest to find the lost remains of Camelot and take her place as the last decedent of King Arthur and become a queen of the Fae Realm. But she began to hear Ez's voice and a great earthquake in her dream caused the quest to fall apart and the girl woke up with a start hugging Ez's leg the sudden cold and darkness sending pure fear into her heart. She had no clue what was happening but she knew something wasn't right.
"M-mom where...where are we w-what happened? Where's Mr. Lawless." Fear was in her words and she momentarily forgot Ez didn't want her to call her mom, but it just kind of slipped out.

As her eyes cleared and adjusted to the darkness she gasped seeing all the bodies hanging from hooks. Many looking like they'd been gnawed upon or straight up carved up like pork. She wanted to vomit, but the shock was too much. "What fresh hell is this?" She asked sitting up sticking close to Ez.

Ez wanted to pull Sam into a hug, but she restrained herself...this was no time for comfort, she had to get the girl ready for what was next, and that meant toughening her up right quick. She took Sam's hand in her own and helped her to sit up. "We are in a...meat...locker...but I have no idea why. You and Jackal were drugged and he is gone...taken by the same men that brought us here. They are cannibals Sam...and I need you to try to be brave. Whatever it is you are feeling...fear...confusion...cold...I need you to push it away and replace it with anger. Because we are going to need anger and the hope for revenge to get out of here. I need your help to get out of here. "

Sammy studied Ezra's face in the darkness. She could see the courage she wished she had, but at his point she had to start building it. For her sake...and for Ezra's...she could see the wound in her mother's shoulder. She inched closer, it looked like a bullet wound. The girl quickly felt around their cell, and found a pile of clean bandages and some alcohol. Obviously the Cannibals liked their meat fresh so they didn't want them to bleed our right away. She picked a bunch up and sighed moving Ez's strap aside some.

"Ok...ok...I'll do my best. But let's fix you up a little. This'll hurt a lot, but we gotta get that bullet out." The girl poured some alcohol on her hands to sanitize them some, she then gave her mother a bit of the bandages to bite down on and used her fingers to fish out the bullet. Ezra let out a muffled gasp, but luckily it was a small caliber and didn't go very deep, just enough to render the arm kinda useless for a bit. Once it was out she quickly poured some of the alcohol onto the wound and let it sizzle out the dirt and purify it a little.

She then quickly wrapped the wound and made an impromptu sling for Ez before gently putting the shoulder strap back in place. "That should do until I find my medical bag, so what's the plan mo...Ez?"

Ez puffed out the breath that she had been holding, spitting out the bandages in the process. She inhaled the cold air inside the refrigerator deeply, relishing the feel of the chill. Cold. Pain. Sex. Those were the things that made her feel alive...and to feel them meant she was alive. She turned to Sam then, lifting the hook she had set beside her.

"You are going to pound on the door...tell them you think I am dead...that there is a lot of blood on the floor. I am pretty sure they need us alive...something they said earlier...they should come inside to check." She paused for a moment, breathing deeply again. "I think there are one or two out there...but surely no more than three. I will take care of the first one...then pass you the hook. If there is another, he is yours." She took Sam's chin in her palm, looking at her intensely. "Do you think you can do it?"

Sammy stared wide-eyed at Ez as she laid out the plan. She swallowed hard. "I-I've never killed anyone before, w-what if I can't do it and they hurt you more?" She asked, eyes beginning to water some. But once again the look in the older woman's eyes and the girl's desire to make her mother proud and maybe get her to kind of acknowledge her as her daughter allowed her to find courage.

Sammy wiped her eyes and nodded. "Yes mom, I can do it." Saying mom gave her some courage to act. She cleared her throat and moved to the door banging hard on it. "Hey, hey hey! EZ IS DEAD COME IN HERE QUICK!" She heard the quick running steps of at least two people. The girl quickly moved behind Ezra giving her all the room to swing.

Ez tensed as the heavy door opened, light bursting into the cold space seconds before two sets of boots emerged. The room was thrown into a bright reveal, the ghastly scene of depravity all too clear now as Ez shrugged off the sling and tightened her two-handed grip on the hook. She rose from her crouch as the first one advanced, his eyes darting to her rising form beside the door. She leapt up, swinging hard, the hook digging deeply into the side of his neck before he even had a chance to react. His eyes went wide and Ez grunted, sagging with the effort and pulling the weapon deeper into his flesh with her weight. Blood started to gush from his neck wound, the hook pulling free as the guard dropped to the floor, his body switching for a few seconds before going still. ...and it was in that span of a few seconds that the other man drew his weapon, aiming it at Ez as she dove to the side, dropping the gore splattered hook at Sammy's feet. The report of the pistol was loud and as Sam's hand wrapped around the weapon, Ez pushed against a dangling body, creating a domino effect that knocked into the attacker before he could reaim his gun, the first bullet striking the wall.

Reacting before she could question herself Sammy quickly picked up the hook and swung it in a downward arc like an ax and drove it through the man's head killing him instantly. She felt the blood spatter across her face and stared into the man's dead shocked eyes, more blood and what looked like brain matter oozing out of his ears and nose. She quickly released the hook and kicked the door shut before running to the corner and vomiting up the entirety of her stomach contents.

She spent a solid minute retching before her stomach was empty and she choking up stomach bile. She felt physically better, but she couldn't shake the image of the dead man from her mind. She tried, but eventually decided it would have to wait, Ez still needed her, so she wiped her mouth off and blew her nose a few times before she was back to it. She grabbed a clean hook for her own weapon then looted the dead men's pockets, giving Ez the guns and ammo. She was a better shot even with one arm.

"So...so....now what mom?" She asked quietly trying hard to not look at the dead men.

Ezra gave Sam's hand a squeeze. She was holding up better than she could have expected, but unfortunately there was more killing to come. "We have to get out of here...find Jackal. I think I know where they took him." She led her daughter out of the meat locker and into a small office. Leaning against the wall were two rifles and Ez grabbed one up, handing it to Sam. "You're going to need that. If my suspicions are right, we are going to have to shoot our way into a slaughter house. I'll explain along the way." Ez grabbed up the other gun and slung it across her back. She was feeling the effects of her injury, but she tried not to show her weariness and pain, hoping she could keep her expression neutral.

Once outside, Ez kept to the shadows, leading them to the walled off enclosure. Her plan was to create a diversion while Sam snuck in and helped Jackal and any others escape. The main problem was the wall--they would have to scale it to gain access--the gate was not penetrable. It was not a good plan...but it might work if Sammy could keep her wits about her and Ez could draw out the cannibals. A lot of ifs...but she had nothing else in mind. "I'll need you to boost me up...then I'll help you. Do you have any questions beforehand?"

Sammy clutched the rifle in a white-knuckled grip, but nodded to Ez and followed her away from the meat locker. This was so fucked up? Was the entire world like this now or just the places Jackal and Ez were going? The girl had no clue, but as they reached the wall the pungent stench filled her nose and made her gag some. Luckily she had nothing left to throw up so she just slung the rifle over her shoulder and sighed. "No, just be careful Ez." The girl pressed her back to the wall and put her hands out before her so Ez could climb up.

The exterior of the wall was stone and there were plenty of hand and foot holds that Ez could use. She gave Sammy a tight smile then reached as high as she could with the boost, climbing the rest of the way up with difficulty, her shoulder protesting with every movement. With a grunt, she finally reached the top and put her right arm down to lend Sam a hand. It was obvious from this vantage point that the wall was meant to keep people in more than out. Whilst the outer surface was climbable, the inside was smooth.

It only took Sammy a few moments to scale the wall with Ez's help, and then they both jumped down. Together they scanned the yard...or what they could see of it...a lot of it obscured by the building or darkness. In a whisper Ez told her to circle around and when she heard shooting, she was to find Jackal, killing anyone she encountered without pause. "Just like before...you can't think about it Sam...just open fire on anyone that looks like one of them. There may be other captives there...try to get to them if you can, but Jackal is your priority." She leaned over and hugged Sammy tightly, feeling the girl quivering a bit, but overall doing well.

Sammy hugged Ezra back calming herself down with much effort. "I hope we're not too late!" She whispered clicking the safety off the rifle. She was about to move when she heard the door to the dark building open and some man shouted out. Sammy half lifted her gun to shoot, but she wasn't sure if giving away her position was smart despite what Ez just said. The woman had a plan and Sammy wasn't going to jeopardize it by panic firing. She gave Ez a nod and a somewhat forced smile of confidence then zipped away into the darkness of the graveyard.

Ez watched Sam jog away, waiting to move out, but it was the sound of Jackal's voice calling to Deck that got Ez moving towards the barn entrance without a structured plan. As she ran, she opened fire, injuring a large number of the rear line of cannibals that were heading towards Jackal. She ducked into the barn, continuing her barrage of fire to draw their attention. At first the interior seemed empty, but as her eyes adjusted to the light, Ez could see movement in the corner of the room...the flowing movement of a robed figure descending a raised platform. Ez turned her attention to the woman who was approaching her, trying to keep an eye on the entrance also.

"Ezra Bastian," the woman purred...and Ez saw a flash of yellowed teeth filed to sharpened points. The robed figure came closer, and Ez saw the yellow of her eyes, the sickly skin, the power in her presence. She was mesmerized. A gnarled hand touched her cheek and she swallowed hard, stepping back a few paces as nausea filled her. Ezra! a voice yelled inside her head, and she jerked to awareness, realizing the woman was closing in again. With a short burst she cut her almost in half, screaming out in rage and confusion as she did so. ...and then she paused again.

It wasn't until a bullet whizzed by her that Ezra came back to herself and returned fire. It felt like a swarm of bees were buzzing in her head as she ran for the gate. She fumbled with the lock, pushing it open just a portion of the group descended upon her. She emptied her weapon then ran into the streets, hoping she was drawing enough of them with her that Sammy would have a chance.

03-27-2018, 02:52 AM
At the same time as the above.

The last thing Jackal remembered was feeling a fog come over his eyes then he blinked. He was sure he didn't fall asleep, but once he opened his eyes again he wasn't in the hotel room. He was in some kind of huge courtyard. It was pitch black out, but he could see a fire pit in the distance, he took a deep breath and quickly had to repress the vomiting that almost came shooting out of his mouth. He kept his composure and studied the situation better.

He was on the cold ground, fully dressed, but his weapons were gone. He hands were bound behind his back and his legs were tied up as well. He strained against them, but they were fastened tight, he felt groggy and something told him he was drugged. He cursed his own stupidity, before he started traveling with Ez he would've listened to his instincts and probably never even came to this town let alone eat any food from here. Were his feelings getting the better of his sense? He thought back on the past week, and he'd done stupid shit he never would've done before.

He shook the thoughts from his head and heard the annoyed growl of someone next to him. Looking to his left he saw Deck tied up besides him. The man looked far worse off than Jackal, he must've fought their captors. Jackal saw a strip of bloody redness along the man's arm. Deck seemed to be reading his mind cause he grunted.
"Yea, got nabbed when I was taking a shit, fought back and then they decided to take a free sample." Jackal looked down as the short man showed him the inch long cut on his arm the flesh looking like it got filleted with a thin knife. "Yup, we're in a Cannibal Town." Deck growled opening his jaw some, feeling the painful swelling from a hard punch.
He moved his wrists in a side to side motion, trying to loosen the bonds. "Can't even budge these ropes...sonofabitch." He looked at Jackal, a pained expression on his features. "What of Ez and Sam? Were they out like you too?" He wasn't positive that Jackal was drugged, but the tall man's reaction upon waking leaned towards that over a blow to the head. "We have to get out of these ropes...any ideas?"

Jackal sighed straining against the ropes, he had one idea, but it was gonna suck. As for Ez and Sammy he shrugged. "I don't know, I think the owner of the Lodge drugged the soup Sam and I ate, because the last thing I remember is seeing a fog cover my eyes then boom I was here. They might've surprised Ez, but I have no clue what happened to them. At least they aren't on the menu tonight." He shifted his body around and clamped his teeth down on the tall lapel of his coat. He took a few deep breaths then suddenly jerked his left wrist. There was an audible pop and Jackal let out a quiet pained groan and began working his now dislocated wrist out of the binds.

He growled through clenched teeth and the lapel before he shook the ropes off and quickly snapped his wrist back in place sighing deeply. He could do that with most of his joints, but it hurt like all hell every time and he was sure he wouldn't be able to put them back someday. But for now he could and after a deep sigh he freed his feet. Then got to work on Deck's. "Tell me they cut that flesh off you after they knocked you out."

Deck let out a grunt. "If only...no...the fucks did it right after they had my hands tied. Took a few punches to the face and four men to hold me down though. Fuckers ate it right then too. ...and it's the last piece of me I plan on letting them have." He rubbed his wrists as soon as the rope was removed and started to work on his bound ankles himself.

Jackal nodded looking around him for a weapon, sadly the only thing he found was a slightly blackened femur bone. It would have to do, he slowly stood up feeling woozy and having to kneel back down. "We gotta get outta here." He whispered quietly.

Deck gave a quick nod and reached over to give Jackal a hand up and help steady him as he stood. "We need to find out how many there are first...no use running right into a trap. Why don't you rest here...get your head on straight...and I'll check around...see what's what."

Jackal shook his head shaking the weariness from his limbs, shaking each one out. "No we'll only survive this if we stick together. I watch your back...you watch mine." He patted the stout man's shoulder and tightened his grip on the bone.

Deck didn't argue...the lawman was making sense...at least one of them seemed to have their heads screwed on tight. The whole incident had him flustered...getting caught with his pants down and being beaten down...this wasn't the way his night was supposed to go. He sighed heavily. "Alright...we'll do this together, only wish I had my gun," he complained, his eyes scanning the ground for something to use if...when...they had to fight. He would tear the bastards apart with his bare hands if he had to, and from the looks of the bare ground, it just might come to that. He grumbled low in his throat, his hands clenching into tight fists in his frustration as he stared at the only building in the courtyard--a wooden barn-like structure. There were sounds coming from behind those walls, men talking...and a woman's voice...shaky, but firm. There was also the metal gate, seemingly unguarded, but Deck doubted it would be that easy. He looked to Jackal, a hard set to his mouth. "Let's do this."

Jackal nodded to the small cook and crouched down and began moving towards the gate, moving slowly and checking for sounds every few seconds. It did indeed look empty, the Cannibals were probabaly really proud of their rope work and didn't expect anyone to get out. But their complacency would be his and Deck's opportunity. Peeking around the corner the lawman saw the metal gate was just an outer door, the building itself had a heavy wooden door across a small courtyard. The courtyard was completely empty and Jackal couldn't hear or see any guards on the roof. But he did hear some trampling through the grass on the opposite side from them.

Jackal couldn't tell much, but he was sure it was a man judging by how heavy the steps sounded and the disgusting sound of him eating something noisily. It told the lawman he likely wasn't paying too close attention and was just doing the rounds. Waving Deck over he whispered. "I hear one guard, the fuck won't be getting the drop on us. I'm going to run around the barn and get him from the far side, you stay here and be ready to jump him when I get the first blow ok?"

With that Jackal quickly darted around the structure. His long legs making short work of the distance, and as he suspected the guard wasn't paying any attention. Right now he was seated on a crate scarfing down some kind of jerky. He was a large man, but it all looked like fat to Jackal, he wasn't sure how a cannibal could get so fat, but he didn't care right now. He hid around the corner waiting for the man to get back on his patrol. Five minutes passed before the tub of lard rumbled up to his feet and shouldered the long shotgun and turned to walk around the building. The Vigilante moved quickly rushing up behind the man and actually breaking the femur over his head and flooring him. But it wasn't enough to kill sadly, but it would give Deck enough time to kill the fucker the rest of the way.

As soon as the heavy man hit the ground, Deck was on him, kicking the man hard in the ribs to keep him from shouting out. His foot sank deep into the mans flabby side, but it did the trick...the guard gasped, his breath taken from him. While he belly crawled along the ground, trying to gulp in air, Deck straddled him, pulling the shotgun up from its strap and bringing the stock in hard against the back of the man's head. It only took one blow...a satisfying crunch his reward. He patted down the man's pockets, finding a few extra cartridges and pocketing them before turning to Jackal. "What next? Storm the building?" Deck asked, a grin on his blood splattered face.

Jackal shook his head grabbing the man's buck knife for his own weapon. "No, we gotta get more of an attack plan. Even armed as we are we don't know how many people are in that building or what they have on them. Let's look around some more maybe there's something we can use." He nodded to Deck then quickly vanished into the darkness of the killing field.

Deck stayed on Jackal's heel, carrying the shotgun at the ready. There were voices coming from within the structure and he paused for a moment trying to hear what was being said. He caught something about a serving or maybe a service...but that was all. He grunted, picking up his pace. Just then, the door to the building opened and someone called out, supposedly to the guard they had just killed. After a few seconds, a thin man stepped out, putting his hands on either side of his mouth and calling again.

"Hoss? Come on man...time for the blessing."

Jackal and Deck were far enough away to be unseen, but Jackal saw two figures climb over the wall. And his dark-accustomed eyes saw them to be Ez and Sammy. He let out a deep sigh and moved to meet them. But as he stepped over a pile of bones and rotted meat the ground beneath his feet gave way. He manged to shove Deck away, but fell into a grave taller than him and just barely missed being crushed by the pile of dead that followed him in.

The man at the door heard this and came rushing over. The stealth game was up for them, but maybe they could save Ez and Sammy. "TAKE HIM DOWN DECK!" Jackal shouted at the top of his lungs.

The man doubled his pace shouting. "THE SACRIFICES HAVE ESCAPED!"

Without pause, Deck squeezed the trigger, dropping the man who was running their way with a round to the chest. He ran over to the hole that Jackal had dropped into and reached for him, the sound of numerous footsteps coming up from behind him. "Grab my hand...hurry..." he shouted, surprised when the sound of automatic fire broke out behind him and the cannibals started dropping.

Jackal quickly jumped up and using the pile of bodies as well as Deck's offered arm Jackal scaled up and out of the hole just in time to see the last cultist drop and Sammy emerge shaking fitfully from the shadows jumping off the roof of the barbecue pit. She'd emptied the rifle and was fumbling with the mag when Jackal came up and hugged her tight Deck followed suit after empty some more shells into a few who looked not as dead as he would've liked. They could hear the rest of the Cultists chasing after Ez and soon the sounds of panicked villagers joined the shouts. Jackal grabbed what weapons he could and looked back at the other two who were doing the same. "We gotta help Ezra." Was all he needed to say before Deck and Sammy had their guns loaded and ready then joined the tall man as he ran after Ez and the cultists.

03-27-2018, 05:26 AM
Ez stood with her back against a wall, wheezing as she tried to catch her breath. She could hear her pursuers, but if she didn't rest, she was going to drop. She put a hand to her shoulder--the dressing Sammy had applied there had soaked through and the throbbing was worsening. She took in a few deep breaths, but with the sound of approaching footsteps drawing nearer, she pushed off the wall and moved deeper into the shadows, slowly picking up her pace.

Running again, Ez could hear voices now coming from two directions. She had circled the area, hoping to encounter Sammy and the others, but all she managed to do was pick up more pursuers. Eventually she was going to have to stop and either face them or die trying. She was running out of options...and bullets. All the ammo she had left was in the pistol which she now held in her hand. She slowed as she turned a corner and a burning sensation tore across her right thigh. So far, her body had not failed her, but with the next step, her right leg buckled and she fell forward, hitting the ground with a combination of pain and surprise, her pistol slipping from her grip. Getting to her knees took all her strength and she was about to give into her exhaustion when she noticed a hand being extended to her from the shadows.

"Let me help you," a familiar voice whispered. ...and Ezra took the hand, only realizing when she was on her feet that the helper was none other than Jonny. With a knowing smirk, the boy shoved a pistol into her ribs when she tried to resist, forcing his arm under her shoulders and moving her forward. They managed to avoid her pursuers, mostly due to luck, but also because they were now two...and the men were looking for a lone runner. As the shadows enveloped them, they moved towards the Lodge, making their way up the stairs once they arrived.

Jonny led Ez into Gabe's room, the former Black Jack pacing the floor when they walked in. He took one look at Ez and came at the young man with hell in his eyes. "What the fuck Jon? What did you do to her?"

Jonny immediately backed up, his free hand raised in surrender. "Whoa...not me boss...I found her this way. Jus' doing what ya' said...gatherin' her up."

Gabe growled. "Told the fuckers not to mess you up too bad...not to mention they let you escape. Should of known better and watched over you myself." He went over to his belongings and started rummaging through his pack. "Put her on the bed and get her clothes off," he grumbled, finally coming away with clean t-shirts, whiskey, and his rope. Jonny complied eagerly, shoving Ez to the bed and forcing her to lie down. As soon as he started fumbling with her clothes she kicked him away, causing Gabe to laugh with amusement. "Told you she was a firecracker...now be a man and get her undressed. If we don't stop that bleeding, our play toy is going to be useless to us."

Jonny was ill-prepared for Ez, and it ended up taking the two of them working together, plus the tying of her hands to the bedpost, to finally remove her bloodied clothing. Jonny was set to the task of cleaning the blood from her and Gabe doused the torn flesh with whiskey, placing his hand over her mouth when she screamed in protest. She glared at him as he tended her wounds, as he placed gun powder from a bullet on them and lit it to cauterize the bleeding, both on her shoulder and leg, the latter a deep graze rather than a puncture. Jonny took over covering her mouth as the procedures were carried out, he eyes never straying from her naked form. It was only when she finally passed out that she was untied, a white t-shirt put on her and the blankets pulled up to her chin.

"Keep watch," Gabe directed. "I'll only be gone for a short time...and when I get back, we are leaving. I expect you to get things packed up while I am gone."

"I could go with you," the boy suggested. "She's out cold."

"Rather you get things ready. I have to make sure the fuckers at least got something right...Jackal and Deck should be burgers by now." As he strode out, Jonny looked to Ez, reassured by the fact that her eyes were still closed. ..and then he did as he was told, getting everything packed and ready for travel.

Although she was not asleep, Ezra pretended, listening to the sounds in the room. She didn't find it hard to believe that Gabe was behind their capture, but she had hoped against it. Inside she was full of fury, but she pushed it back, instead planning her next move...and it wasn't going to be pleasant for her or the boy. As the teen's footsteps neared, she continued to feign sleep, even when the covers were removed and the t-shirt lifted up. Calloused hands caressed her and when Jon looked up at her face, she was staring at him. He jerked his hand away, stepping back, ready to defend himself, but Ezra only smiled. "It's okay...go ahead," she whispered in encouragement, but the boy shook his head.

"Gabe...nope...he won't like it."

"We don't tell him...our secret," she responded, feeling bile rise in her throat at the thought of him touching her again. ..and he did, hesitantly as first, but when she didn't kick out at him he grew bolder, his hands squeezing her breasts until they ached. When he placed himself over her, she groaned with the pain it caused, but still she did not resist. ...and she waited until he was absorbed in the act, his breaths coming rapidly, before she placed her left hand on the top of his head. When her right hand slipped under his chin, he was lost in ecstasy, and she twisted her hands in opposite directions with a hard jerk, an audible crack heard just before he went limp. She waited a few heartbeats before she shoved him off her, his body striking the floor, bare ass up, his jeans still bunched around his knees.

With effort Ez sat up, the t-shirt falling down to cover her nudity once more. She rose, dismissing her own clothing as too much work to bother with and made her way across the room. She sat down in a straight backed chair, wrapping her right hand around the pistol which sat on the table. She found it to contain three rounds...enough for the next part of her plan. And then she waited, her feet planted firmly on the carpet, and her elbows resting on her bare thighs. She did what she did best, pushed the pain and weariness back and built up her walls. When the door opened and Gabe appeared, she was ready...but so was he. Her first shot hit the space where his chest has been, his body rolling in an evasive move. But he was not fast enough to dodge the second shot, only fast enough to avoid a killing blow. The bullet struck him in his side and he used the next second to dive forward and crash into her, toppling them both onto the floor. She rolled away, weaponless, but fueled by anger.

"Fucker," she gasped, "...just die already." She rose, lifting the chair over her head and bringing it down on him, again and again, only stopping when he pulled her legs out from under her. With her on her back, he was able to get the upper hand, and he sat on her, forcing her arms over her head and securing them with one hand. He slapped her repeatedly, hoping for a plea for mercy...anything to show her weakness, but with each blow her expression remained neutral.

With his breath coming in gasps, he stopped, pausing long enough to look over at Jonny's inert form.
"Once a whore...always a whore, " he said as he pulled out his pistol and turned it in his hands, the grip facing outwards. "Lawless showed me this one...its a pressure point...its for Jonny there...you can thank your lover for it when you see him in hell." He brought the blunt end of the gun down on her chest, between her breasts, and she screamed, finally giving him the reaction he was striving for. Ez gasped, moaned, finally giving in to the pain as her eyes rolled upwards and she slipped into unconsciousness once again.

"Who's your daddy now?" Gabe asked, his hand going to his side. Blood oozed out between his fingers, but he was victorious...and the bitch was down. It was too bad about the kid, but he was hardly more than baggage anyhow. He started whistling as he gathered his belongings. Jackal was still out there...and that was his cue to get the hell out.

03-27-2018, 08:43 PM
Once the trio had their feet under them they followed carefully behind the mob chasing Ez. Jackal could see the shoulder wound Sammy told them about taking it's toll on the older woman. Her steps were stumbling and it was mostly fear driving her feet onward. The mob didn't eve care to follow the obvious tracks and signs they were like wolves at this point. Chasing down meat hoping to wear itself out for them. But in that blind hunting mode they lost reason and as humans they lacked a wolf's keen sense to track prey with. So when Jackal found the spot where Ez went down and was picked up by someone and taken away he could smell trouble brewing.

Luckily Liberty's streets weren't perfectly clean, so the three of them followed the trail right to the Lodge. The building was deserted everyone must either be out hunting them or waiting for long pork dinner. The emptiness of the building allowed them to quickly find Ez, and it was her last scream before Gabe knocked her out that brought them right to the man's door Jackal was first he put his whole weight into a kick that busted the otherwise solid door from it's hinges. He only barley registered Gabe's look of sheer shock before he hurled the buck knife impaling it into the man's chest. Sammy came around and saw Ez bloody and unconscious. She screamed rushing to the woman's side "MOM!" Before anyone could say anything about it she lifted her rifle and shot her last two bullets into Gabe's knees. Between the knife and the bullets Gabe fell to the ground howling in pain.

Jackal rushed to Ez and Sammy, but Deck simply shook his head watching Gabe trying to grab Jonny's gun. He quickly fired at the man's hand turning it into burger meat and making him scream even louder. Jackal and Sammy were too busy right now so this pleasure was Deck's. He's been listening to dying animals for years so Gabe's screams and curses didn't bother him as he casually reloaded the shotgun and walked after Gabe who had managed to crawl over the bed and flop over onto the floor trying to escape.

But it wasn't meant to be Deck easily intercepted him and gave him a hard kick in the chest making the knife bite even deeper. Gabe grunted and snarled foaming rage clear on his face. "FUCK YOU!" Was all he said before Deck leveled the shotgun at his head. "Ya done fucked up boy." Were the last words Gabriel would ever hear before two 12 gauge shells turned his head into mist. It wasn't quite morning yet and despite the danger outside Deck wasn't comfortable taking Ez out wounded. They didn't look back, but with Ez outta commission and Gabe dead he was in charge of the expedition and made an executive decision. "Ok Jackal pick Ez up and carry her to y'alls room, Sammy grab her clothes and all the guns, ammo, and other weapons these two have. We gotta hunker down til morning before we try and get outta this hellhole." The two nodded and followed Deck's instructions.

Soon they were all in the room and Ez was cleaned up and dressed in a clean set of clothes and underwear. Sammy was cleaning her wounds and Jackal was helping Deck barricade all the windows and one door. They left the main door into the room unblocked, but they did lock it and they had their guns trained on it at all times. Sammy was quiet and her face a little red from spilling her and Ez's familial status so soon. Jackal looked like a tired wild animal just waiting for trouble to find him before killing it with his claws and teeth or running as far away and as fast as he could manage. And Deck was simply tired looking, but he looked the most in control out of the three of them.

03-30-2018, 07:01 PM
Ezra awoke in stages, her senses slowly becoming aware of her surroundings as she regained consciousness. She felt the soft, yet damp, cotton sheets beneath her and a coolness from above as a cloth was applied to her sensitive skin. There were sounds of activity and when she opened her eyes to the dimly lit room she saw Samantha tending to her. Her last memory was of her and Gabe fighting...and that had been in his room. This was hers...

She tried to sit up and was gently pushed back down into the pillows. Despite the soft touch, Ez inhaled sharply, pain radiating out from her chest. She felt like she had gone a few rounds with a Crawler and lost, ten times over. She caught Sammy's hand in her own and squeezed, feeling a great relief just by seeing her. She offered her a smile, although it came out more as a grimace.

"I'm okay...I just...I need to sit up," she rasped.

Sammy never thought she'd be tending to Ez after losing a fight with anyone. The woman seemed as tough as Mr. Lawless half the time, but here she was sanitizing the wounds and fishing around inside her med bag for anything to help with the pain, but all she had were a few Tylenol. They'd keep the edge off, but the woman would be sore for a few days.

As Ez awoke and tried to sit up Sammy shushed her gently adjusting the pillows some so she could be a little up. "No mom, you need to stay in bed for a little bit longer. Mr. Lawless and Mr. Deck said it's best if we just stay put for now." She felt her heart flutter some at being able to openly call Ez mom, but she knew the woman wouldn't be to happy about her spilling their secret so soon, but in the heat of the moment as she entered Gabe's room it just slipped out.

Jackal and Deck soon appeared by Ez's bed, Jackal sitting on it, kissing Ez's head smiling lightly.
"Welcome back, "mom." He chuckled shaking his head, Deck's own deep laugh joining his.

Ez stared at Sam, her eyes narrowing when she called her mom, but as Jackal and Deck joined them and started in with a "mom" joke, she looked away, frustrated. She was happy to see them...and they looked relatively well, although scraped up a bit and exhausted...but her anger flared at their joviality. Obviously something had occurred while she was out...and she didn't like being in the dark about it...but she refused to acknowledge their jest.

Sam looked down, red coloring her face at seeing Ez's reaction, at least she didn't hit her or anything. At least not yet, the girl smartly slipped away from the bed going to throw the bloody bandages away. "Sorry, it just kind of slipped out."

Ez softened a bit at the teen's apology, but her concern was elsewhere. She looked at Deck without humor. "Where's Gabe? ..and why are we still here?"

Deck kept an amused smirk and jerked his thumb back to Gabe's room.
"Physically he's back in his room with his head and hand missing, but spiritually he's...what'd you say about that Jackal."

Like Deck the lawman kept an amused smile on his face as he answered.
"He's spending the rest of eternity as the Devil's personal sex toy." His smile fell as he moved closer to Ez hugging her gently. "So glad you're ok Ez, and don't be too mad at Sammy. She called you mom after we burst into your room and she saw you on the floor. Then she shot Gabe in the kneecaps like any good daughter would for her mother. As for why we're still here, it's still the middle of the night and the Cannibals are still hunting for us. Deck and I decided it would be best to wait it out til morning. Then shoot our way out of town."

Ez shook her head, then nodded. Confused. She just wasn't thinking properly yet and they were throwing so much information at her that her head was spinning. "Okay...we'll wait then," she agreed, then shook her head again. "Why are you all smiling...Gabe's death...Sammy...Jon...there's nothing funny about it." She looked at Jackal now, her eyes meeting his as they had so often in the past. "He told me you were in hell..." She stopped then, feeling herself choking up, but refusing to give in to the emotion. She tried to push herself up again, groaning with the effort. "I need to be out of this bed..." ...and she struggled against the hands that tried to stop her. "...I'm going to be sick."

Sammy quickly brought a bucket and Jackal helped Ez up and partially out of bed placing the bucket in her lap. Sammy quickly tied Ez's hair back and they let her go. Jackal patted her back softly. "The Devil would never let me in Hell, he'd be too afraid of me taking over and purging it. As for our smiles, it's the news about you not only being a mom, but Samantha's mom. It's....surprising."

"It..." ..and then she was gagging into the bucket. She had not eaten recently and there was nothing but acidic bile to bring up, the yellow fluid burning her throat. She hung her head down, feeling weak, her stomach churning. When she finally felt settled, she wiped her mouth and leaned back into the bed frame, setting the bucket aside. She was starting to feel more herself, her emotions in check and her thoughts in order. She even managed a weak smile.

"It shouldn't be surprising.." she stated, starting again following the embarrassing episode. "...just consider my past...experiences...there actually should be more."

Deck chuckled shaking his head.
"As obsessively as you've used contraceptives in the past Ez, it's still surprising to me." He patted Sammy on the back and motioned to the door. He felt the two lovebirds could use a moment alone.
"Come on Sammy, let's go see if we can find your momma some food in this place that isn't human meat or drugged." Sammy had come to the same conclusion as Deck about Ez and Jackal and grabbed her gun and coat and followed the cook out. He and Jackal had barricaded the entire Lodge while she tended to Ezra. So they won't find any surprise people eaters lurking the halls.

Once they were gone Jackal handed Ez some water and his handkerchief to wipe her mouth off with.
"You ok now Ezzy?" He asked rubbing her back slowly.

She drank the water slowly, mulling over his question, then nodded. "Yeah...stomach's better...but, damn, I hurt all over. I don't know how you managed all those wounds...I never want to be shot again." She laughed lightly, grimacing with the pain it brought. Her hand went to her chest and she gently probed the tender flesh there. "He said you taught him about this pressure point...hitting me was his way of striking back at you. All this..." she indicated herself and him with a wave of her hand, "..this was his doing...because of some dream to overthrow me and take over the group. Why would he do that? What ever did I do to him that would make him so vengeful?" She sighed then, leaning into Jackal, her head tilting to rest against his chest. "So many mistakes...and no one to blame but myself. I don't deserve to be a mother, I don't even have my own shit figured out."

Jackal sighed wrapping his arms around the woman's narrow shoulders, pulling her close, and kissed her head fondly. "I don't think it's your fault. My presence probably drove him to it. Men like Gabe are very possessive. Be it pride or a woman. I threatened his kingship basically. You just became the best way for him to try and get at me. Old Black Jack technique, if I didn't hire you he most likely would've just keep being your underboss."

Jackal lifted his hand and helped Ez soothe the pain by rubbing another nerve point at the top of her breasts. "I'm sorry for all this Ezzy, but don't beat yourself up over this please. Shit happens, I promised to protect you and Sammy and I've failed you both many times since then. We're humans, and despite all our best efforts failure will always dog us." He chuckled lifting her chin and kissed her lips softly. "As for not deserving to be a mother. You just became one again. You're still learning, but Sammy loves you and you've already proven yourself by protecting and teaching her as you have." He hugged her tight.

Ez returned the hug as best as she could, exhaling sharply, but keeping herself in the embrace and snuggling in closer. She breathed in deeply...his nearness and scent always bringing comfort. She kissed his neck, murmuring under her breath and exhaling warmly against his skin, wanting nothing more than to stay like this all night. But there were things yet unresolved between them and reluctantly she pulled back just enough to meet his gaze and frowned. "I should have told you...I wanted to...but I was afraid...I thought it would push you away. ...and I didn't want to take the risk, not with Sam so fond of you..." She sighed and closed her eyes, knowing her jealousy of Sam was founded in fear...fear of infidelity on Jackal's part which she had no right to question...at least not any more.

Jackal smiled softly at the woman stroking her cheek slowly his eyes looking tenderly into hers. "I understand your worry Ezzy. We've only really known each other a couple of weeks and Sammy said you only learned she was your daughter in the Salt Flyer camp. And on top of all the shit we've been through since that night in Carousel..it's a lot to take in. Even I'm having trouble with it all, but you need not worry about pushing me away. In fact now that the truth is out there it'll make things easier on all three of us. I knew Sammy had a crush on me from when she joined us in Outpost 4. But she's a little young for me and after the life she's had she should look for a man not married to his gun or revenge like me. Maybe a scavver like her mom." He chuckled lightly at the bad joke, but he wanted Ez to know everything was ok. He thought about telling her his whole plan, but he didn't want to ruin the moment.

Ezra shook her head in amusement. "Her father was twenty-five years older than me...I doubt she is too young for you...but I won't argue." She laughed. It felt good to be able to make light of things considering the past few hours. "I'll let her decide about scavving. I didn't have a choice, but she does, and it's not an easy life. Especially this deep into the bad lands. I've never run into this much trouble...and part of it is Gabe's fault, but the other is the land. It's poisoned and so are the people. I rarely come in this far...and I'll rethink it in the future. Once I get back to Carousel, I am going to take a long hiatus from scavving... Maybe spend a few days in a drunken stupor..." Although she hadn't spoken of it since the beginning, she still had doubts about the treasure Jackal intended on claiming. She expected to return to her old life once the search was abandoned. Beyond that, she really hadn't given her future much thought, but she wasn't sure how Jackal would fit into it...if at all.

Jackal chuckled shaking his head. "Well I guess that'll help explain her attraction to me, but still too young. " He nodded slowly at her plans for after this trip, sounded like she still doubted him. Which was fine, it took him a bit to come to grasp the idea. But visiting that Hermit in the wastes set his mind at ease and put him on the final path towards finding the Treasure of the Lost Mountains. He hugged her again resting his chin on her head. "Well, I haven't thought much about what will happen after the Treasure, it's easier to just have a goal and take things a day at a time. Just don't get too drunk cause I'm sure you'll still have a teenage daughter to look after when you two get back."

Ez tucked herself in tighter to Jackal's chest. If she wasn't careful, she was going to get to like these hugs a bit too much. She closed her eyes and ran her right arm around his waist. "Mmm..I'm sure I'll be a lovely role model," she murmured as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

04-03-2018, 07:47 PM
As Sammy and Deck left to find food. The eeriness of the empty building set them both edge even knowing they were safe and secure from trouble. The human mind likes playing tricks like that, still they kept their weapons drawn and moved slowly through the building. So many questions and worries were running through Sammy's mind. Would her mom be ok? What would she do about her feelings for Jackal? Would they even make it through the night to get out of this damned town?

She thought about talking with Deck about it. But she was sure he didn't want to make too much noise just in case the Cannibals were still out looking for them. So the teenager gripped her pistol tighter trying to keep her mind focused on placing one foot in front of the other and keeping her eyes roving over the darkened interior of the Lodge.

As the pair reached the tavern room. Deck crouched down at the bottom of the steps and placed a steadying hand on Samy's shoulder bringing a single finger to his lips and saying shhh like a hissing breath. There was sounds of muffled footsteps coming from the kitchen, could the cannibals have found their way in? Were some of the non-fleshing eating villagers hiding out? The two adventurers had no idea, but with even the hint of danger about to drop on them Deck readied his shotgun.

Sammy leaned in and whispered.
"Should I go get mom and Jackal?"

Deck thought on it then nodded but signaled her to go slowly. The girl nodded and scooted back up the step moving as quickly and quietly as she could back to the hotel room. The Big Game Hunter took a quiet breath as the footsteps drew closer.

04-04-2018, 12:10 AM
Jenny checked the tavern's front door again, insuring it was locked securely. She had seen the two men, one of which she had served earlier, locking up the place and still she couldn't shake the feeling that she was in danger. She regretted ever coming to this god-awful town and if not for her uncle offering to help her out by giving her this job at his establishment, she would have left weeks ago. She drew in a deep breath, and circled back towards the stairs, trying to keep her footfalls silent so as not to be heard. She had already spoken briefly with the men in the kitchen, hoping to gain their trust and possibly a escorted ride out of this place, but they had directed her to a woman named Ezra Bastian--supposedly the brains behind the operation. If she was the one brought in by that one kid, a gun pressed to her side, then she wasn't holding her breath for any miracles.


Kenneth and Wiley stood with their hands busily occupied upon the wooden carving table that took up a good portion of the kitchen work space that they and four others found themselves holed up in for the past hour or so. Despite the incoming trouble, they were hungry as sin and Jen had given them the fixings for some sandwiches--meatless of course. Tony kept staring out a crack in the window, presumably on watch duty, and Mikey was sleeping against the door--also on watch, at least his version of it, his eyes periodically opening to feign awareness. The other two were pacing...waiting for morning so they could get the hell out of this cannibal buffet town. The four boys didn't know them too well, they weren't part of the "gang", but they were a part of Miss Bastian's group, so they were welcome to throw their guns in on this momentous occasion of horror. The group of four youngsters had been waiting for word from Jonny, who had probably been getting his rocks off for all they knew, to give them word on leaving with Gabe. The proverbial shit had hit the fan shortly afterwards, and now here they stood, waiting for whatever came next. Kenny paused as he was putting the last sandwich together. "Hey, you guys hear that? I think I heard someone.." he whispered.

Deck calmed his breath, the footsteps were close now. They sounded light, maybe it was a woman that had been hiding out. Or it could be one of those skeletal freaks sniffing around for dinner. He didn't want to run the risk nor did he want to hurt them if they were just hiding out like he and his little band were. As he saw a stealthy shadow pass he quickly grabbed the figure and yanked them back onto the steps being sure to press the cool double-barrel of his shotgun to their back. His hand came around and he felt wide hips and tits so it was a woman, but he still didn't know their intent.

Leaning in close he growled into their ear.
"Who are you? And what are you doin' here?"

Jenny let out a surprised squeak, but refrained from struggling against the man who grabbed her--the shotgun being a good incentive to behave. "Je..Jenny...I work here," she managed. "..but I'm not one of them," she added, afraid her first comment might get her killed without further explanation. "I can help...please...don't hurt me." Her body was tensed for flight, but she forced herself to relax some, the burly man behind her obviously much more than her equal in strength. "I don't have a weapon..."

Deck hmmed gently then let the girl go, but pulled her down to his level still whispering.
"Ok are you alone or has anyone else found their way into the Lodge? "

"I...um...I let six others in with me," Jen admitted fearfully. "They were part of your group...and they had guns pointed at me." She didn't offer an apology. She would have let anyone in that had threatened her with a gun--she just wasn't a brave person when facing her own demise. "They're in the kitchen." She pointed behind her to a door that was propped open with a chair. Inside the indicated room, whispers could be heard, the voices getting louder as an argument was starting. A young man of barely eighteen years with a dark crew-cut appeared in the door's frame, his rifle held at the ready.

"Jen," for a moment his shadow disappeared into the interior, "...damn it Kenny, let me be...Jen...you okay?" he whispered, returning, his attention immediately drawn to the form of Deck and the waitress by the stairway. He let out a grunt and lowered his gun. "Damn Deck...it's good to see your ugly mug." A grin spread across his features as he started to approach the two, a gunshot in the distance stopping his stride. Ducking down he turned his weapon towards the main entrance as the door began to shake in its frame.

"Little piggies?" a disembodied voice called out, "...you in there? Cause I'm a coming in." With that the door rattled again, followed by fists pounding against it.

The interior of the Lodge was dead silent even with all thoughts of stealth gone. Shortly there after came the sounds of Jackal, Ezra, and Sammy running down the steps to join the rest of the group. Jackal quickly assessed the situation and motioned for all the boys in the kitchen to come out. They reluctantly did and the sounds of moving feet was enough to make the man at the door howl like a wild beast and soon many more pounding hands and shouting voices joined his. Soon they would be able break through the boards and furniture blocking the front door and windows.

Jackal took control.
"Ok everyone ready your guns. Shit's about to go south quick."

Jenny immediately moved back behind the bar, returning with a shotgun cradled in her arms and additional cartridges in her palm. She turned a table on its side and positioned herself behind it, along with Kenny who had taken a shine to her. The men from the kitchen took up their positions as well, all guns trained on the door as the sound of wood cracking reached their ears.

Ezra was the last one down the stairs and she assessed the situation, glad that Jackal had taken the forefront. She had grabbed a rifle and handgun from the room, the former something she wasn't sure she could handle one-handed, but she wasn't going to wait this one out. She used the surface of a table to help support the rifle and took aim at the door, pausing only for a second before firing a shot at chest level. The bullet pierced the door easily and was followed by several others. With a final boom, the door crashed inwards, two bloodied bodies falling inward before being crushed by advancing feet. Gaunt, spindly figures were framed in the opening and with a blood curdling scream, the cult members rushed the room.

As the cultists rushed in Jackal gave a single order. "FIRE AT WILL!" And so the thunder of gunfire and the pained screams of the cultists filled their ears and the room hung heavy with the stench of gunsmoke. No one knew how long the few shooters held back the small horde, but they had been forced into the kitchen which had a better choke point and the freaks had to take turns coming through. In the retreat they lost three of the boys who had tried to rape Sammy, but it was unsure if she had killed one of them herself. In the end it didn't matter, only Kenny was left of the gang, and the last of the Cultists were dead in piles around the kitchen and tavern. Jackal called a cease fire...though at this point he was sure everyone was out of ammo.

"And thus justice is served, anyone injured?"

There was a few complaints of bruises and cuts, but all and all everyone was okay. The cultists hadn't had the wherewithal to bring guns and only a couple of them had knives. But most were armed with only their hands and teeth. Jackal quickly moved to Ez's side checking her over. "How about you Ez?"

Ez looked at Jackal fondly, her fingers brushing his hand. She then stood up on her tiptoes, brushing her lips against his quickly. "I'm good...better." In reality, she thought she could sleep for a week, but with their group numbers so low and danger in the town still a reality, she thought it was best that they got out now. She looked at the surviving members of her team and smiled thinly. "We should go...while we can. Everyone needs to get their things together and meet back here." She looked at the woman standing next to Kenny. She was older than Sam, yet younger than her, with red hair threaded into a tight braid. She had fought by their side and her stance was one of confidence. "You are welcome to join us, if you like. Seems we have a few vacancies."

04-06-2018, 02:35 AM
With the gunfire done and the bodies gathered up, tossed outside, and dragged to the barbecue pit behind the town to be burned the expedition crew and the town of Liberty itself fell peacefully asleep for the first time in a long time. For six hours the town of Liberty was a ghost town, and the only sounds to be heard were vultures, Gulags (https://i.imgur.com/6osUtZ9.jpg), and Cloudhawks (https://i.imgur.com/yTisSGw.jpg) fighting over which parts of the cultists they want first.

No one even stirred until past noon, and only then very reluctantly. The normal townsfolk had been under the thumb of the cult for years and many of them couldn't beleive they were all gone. And it wasn't until they heard the Expedition Group gathering what gear and supplies they could and heading for their caravan which had miraculously been untouched by the insane cultists. The group just assumed they preferred long pork to horse, chabbit, or grox. That suited the group fine, but all the noise and such had still scared most of the animals quite a bit. Some even broke through the corral and had to be hunted down. By one'o'clock though the group was geared up and ready to leave.

Ez was taking her turn in the hospital wagon when ten townspeople, six men and four women approached carrying weapons and traveling kits. Many of them looked pale and skinny, but their hands weren't shaking and they all had clear determined looks in their eyes, and Jen was at their head dressed in a denim skirt, leggings, boots, and a white shirt, a long grey overcoat draped over her arm. She had the shotgun from the Lodge and an actual wood-cutting axe tucked into her large rucksack.

She looked at Jackal bowing lightly.
"Mr. Lawless, Ms. Bastian said last night you need some more bodies. So I brought some friends with me, like me they were prisoners of the cannibals who ran this town. And now that we're free we want to get as far the fuck away from this place as possible. We all know the area, and we can shoot...straight enough." She pointed to the three other women who were dressed in varying degrees like cowgirls. "With me there's, Ashliee, Jessica, and Maggie we can cook and know some foraging tricks." The women stepped forward and nodded to the lawman. "And to give you some extra animal wrangling and hunting help I brought Diego, Matches, Greggie, Austin, Ziggy, and Hollister." The six men joined the women in nodding to Jackal they all looked like farmhands with long coats. But their weapons were in good condition. Jackal chuckled once again that people assumed he was in charge. Hopping down from Vash's saddle he walked up and studied each person more closely. They weren't flesh eaters, but they weren't overly healthy either. A few of them looked like a strong wind would knock them over, but a few weeks of Deck's food will fatten them up and should they not run into anymore trouble that should be enough time for them to get on he same level as the remaining group which after last night is only six people.

He nodded slowly.
"Well, this is actually Ez's group and she needs to decide who joins. Let me go rouse her." He tipped his hat to the ten new people and walked to the hospital wagon knocking gently. "Hey Ez, gotta put your clothes back on we have ten new recruits that need your sign off to join."

04-07-2018, 02:01 AM
Ezra grumbled under her breath at Jackal's intrusion, having just gotten comfortable after much difficulty. "Yeah," she responded with irritation, "..coming...and I am dressed...kind of..." She rolled to her side then sat up, surprised how much worse she felt after the short rest had allowed everything to tighten up again. "Fuck." Despite the curse, she pulled on her pants and boots, deciding tying the laces was too much trouble. Running her fingers through her hair was the last step at making herself presentable, then she climbed over the back and faced the new group.

Jen came over to her and started the introductions all over again, and Ez looked over each one as she spoke. Like Jackal she thought they all looked thin, but competent enough. She nodded after the woman was done, chewing on her lower lip as she considered her options...which were none.

"Alright...I guess you are all in...at least for now. Normally I would meet with each of you and have you answer some questions...get to know you, so to speak. But we have neither the time, nor I the energy for that. Over the course of the next few days, expect that to happen and if need be, other arrangements will be made." She looked over to Deck, signaling him over. "For the next few days, you will answer to Deck. He will hand out your work assignments and you will do whatever he asks without question. Jackal and Samantha will also help you learn the ropes...so if you have any problems, they're the ones to ask." She paused for a moment, looking at the ratio of male to female. "..and one more thing...I usually don't have this many women in my group, for obvious reasons. There will be no forced encounters of any kind...and all consensual sex will be done on down time."

She turned away and walked back to the wagon, calling Deck to her one more time. "Help me up?" she asked and took his hand when he offered it. "Keep an eye on them for me. I'm not expecting any trouble, but you never know. You're in charge now...I trust your judgment."

Deck offered a laugh. "In other words, don't let anyone disturb you again?"

She smiled lightly. "Exactly." Once inside, she stripped down again and laid back, maneuvering herself around until she found a position that didn't hurt. One day...two at the most...she thought to herself...then she would be up and around again. But it would be three days before she left the confines of the wagon, a fever claiming her strength for two of those. On the third day she managed to finally eat something and made an appearance, but only briefly. On day four, she was back on her horse riding with the new crew, which seemed to be working out well, if what Deck told her was accurate. She fought to stay upright in her saddle, but she refused to lay down in the wagon also. And the next few days passed without incident for a change.


One week after the encounter with the cannibals, the group reached what could only be thought of as the true desert. Water was scarce and dried brambles made up the main part of the landscape. What few trees grew here were stunted and leaned in the direction of the prevailing hot winds. In the distance the mountains were little more than a shadow, but their rocky terrain was evident even here. Scattered outcroppings offered what little shade there was to have, and those who had any sense covered their heads or risked severe sunburn. Ezra wore her leather hat with the tattoos, plus an added accessory--a knotted rope band.

It was early the following morning that she was awoken by Jenny as she was returning from her watch. In the distance a rolling cloud of sand appeared to be moving in their direction. "Sandstorm!" Jen shouted, pointing to the east. It was a common enough occurrence and the group packed up quickly, heading towards the rocky areas, hoping to find shelter of any kind. Ez knew there were rumors of old military installations out here, but she had never encountered one before and she wasn't really thinking about them until she heard a shout from Deck who was leading the race for cover. He was already at the metal door when she dismounted, a look of concern on his rugged face.

"It's locked," he said to her plainly, muscling his shoulder into it. "..and solid as fuck."

04-14-2018, 06:11 PM
Jackal had kept close to Ez since they left Liberty. Sammy was playing nurse again and being around to help made the tall man feel less useless. He divided his time between keeping Ez comfortable and helping the newcomers adapt to trail life. Luckily they all knew how to shoot a gun and he learned some more of their own skills. And would be sure to keep them in mind should they need them.

He was studying his map making changes and marks as this was mostly uncharted territory now. When the call came of a sandstorm the man looked up quickly rolling up and stashing his map. He was riding at the head of the group and felt the first stingy needles of sand go after his eyes. Ducking his head down he jumped from Vash and moved towards the door to the military bunker. It was indeed a well made door, but it was also too small for their mounts to get through. bases like this usually had bay doors to let big machines and such get in. And they were sometimes easier to get into.

He saw the sandstorm getting closer and swore under his breath pulling his hat lower over his eyes. "Unless someone is a good lock picker or we find a key no one is gonna get in this way! Everyone spread out and find what looks like a big hill with a flat front, that'll be an entrance to the motorpool! The doors aren't usually as tough!" He took off to the right.

While the others took off to find the larger entrance, Ez knelt down in front of this one and studied the lock. Most of the old locks were of a multiple tumbler variety and required multiple picks. This door had two locks and with the storm almost upon them, she did not have enough time to open both, but the upper lock would be the most secure and she decided to give it a try. Tucking her head down against the sand and squinting she went to her mount and got the necessary tools, pulling the horse along to get him more out of the wind. In no time she had the first tumbler in the dead bolt pushed back and went to work on the second. It was getting harder to see and she felt the sand tearing against her skin. Behind her, Clove whinnied, stamping his hooves against the ground in agitation. "Almost there..." she said, gritting her teeth then spitting sand from her mouth. When the third tumbler was pushed in, she grasped the three picks and turned them, hearing the bolt disengage. Now all that it would need was a hard kick to break through the bottom lock...something she couldn't provide.

Grabbing Clove's reins, she moved in what she hoped was the direction of the others, looking for Deck or Jackal. The sand whirled around her, blinding her, so she used her hand to guide her along the rocks, finally pulling a blanket from her pack and draping it over their heads to help with the grit.

The storm was upon them, but if they moved quick they could get in and as luck would have it Sammy was the one who found the big sliding door. She had gone to the left and was able to fire off a few rounds of her pistol to bring everyone to her. Before it was completely blinding them everyone was in the base and the door was slammed down and locked, but as Deck counted heads. Ez, Jackal and Clove were unaccounted for. And the storm was right on top of them so they couldn't even go look.

The stout man sighed and hoped Jackal's luck would protect them all.
"Ok everyone! Set up camp, but not fires until we know we're alone. Sammy, Jen, Diego, and Ziggy come with me. We need to clear this base and might as well do it since the storm is keeping us here. Ken you're in charge, make sure everyone stays in this bay until we get back or Ez and Jackal show up got it?"

Ken nodded and the chosen group followed Deck deeper into the base. Sammy kept close to Deck, no one knew what they'd run into in this bunker.


With only Jackal and Ez going right it wasn't long before Jackal bumped into the woman trying to find his way back to the others. But just before he could say anything the ground under them collapsed and all three fell into a deep hole. Jackal grabbed onto Ez, but soon they all landed in a natural cave spring of some kind. Clove was panicked but alive like the other two.

With a gasp, Ez thrashed in the cold water, her fall barely injuring her due to a soft landing surface--namely Jackal. Beneath her, the gunman was fully submerged and she pushed against him to rise to her feet, extending a hand once she was standing. She looked around the open space, the light from above the only illumination, then turned her attention to him. "You okay?" she asked, trying to hide a smile. Then she stifled a laugh, foolish as it was, the sight of the clothed vigilante dripping wet was amusing.

Jackal ooofed and wound up swallowing a lot of water as Ez landed on him. He was glad it broke her fall and even more glad it was her who landed on him rather than her horse, but still that was an experience he really didn't want to repeat again. He grabbed her hand and pulled himself out while pulling her back into the water. "I'm fine best go save your horse though." He coughed and shivered, he then quickly emptied his pockets and laid them out on the cave floor, thankfully the map was made of animal skin and the pencil marks and such were only slightly smudged--he could save it. The rest of his pocket contents weren't so lucky, his last few pinches of tobacco were ruined, his spotting glass was cracked, and his pipe had chipped. His guns were tough, but they could rust if they didn't get dried soon, as luck would have it though his mother's bible was safe and he found it a few feet away. He didn't even remember yanking it off his belt and throwing it to dry land. But he was glad he did. He picked the precious book up and kissed the dry cover before placing it down with the rest of his soaking wet effects.

Ez coughed up water as she came back to the surface, splashing Jackal "unintentionally" at the same time. His belongings were lined up to dry and she thought to do the same, sparing a quick glance at Clove before doing so. Her mount had recovered on his own, his head now bowed to the stream as he drank his fill. Without giving it much thought, she threw her pocket and belt contents onto the rocks, then removed her jacket and boots.

"That was just mean," she said jokingly, moving closer to him. "I was just trying to help you up." Her humor had returned, a smile playing along her lips as she got behind him and slipped her hands under his shirt, wrapping them around his waist, then slipping them into his pant's pockets. "Did you get everything out?" she teased. "I'd hope so...cause you're going down big man!" She pushed him then from behind, using her body as leverage. She knew he could resist her easily, but hopefully she had surprise on her side. She knew they were alone...mainly by her horse's calm demeanor...but also by the dead feeling inside the dark chamber. ...and she had every intention of taking advantage of the rare alone time.

Jackal was indeed taken by surprise, but he managed to twist a little and grab Ez by her arm and bring her with him as he fell to his back. He quickly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her on top of him laughing. He held her in a tight bear hug smiling. "Well if I'm going down you're coming with me!"

She struggled against him in a playful manner, biting his chest and finally managing to get her arms up and around his shoulders. She began kissing his neck, working her way up until she was at his mouth. She bit his lip, her tongue seeking his aggressively, kissing him deeply before she pulled away, panting, and looked at him in the dim light. She then laughed lightly.

"It's been too long..." she said breathlessly. "I've missed you." She then kissed him again, slower, but with just as much passion, her body now moving against his.

Jackal moved his hands down to firmly grip Ez's rear squeezing it firmly and bit her lower lip growling gently. "I've missed you too Ezzy." He began moving with her, he quickly rolled them over and began pulling off his own soaking wet clothes. "Hmm let's not waste any time." He winked at her and began peeling the woman out of her own clothes.

Jackal's body was warm against her, the stone cold and jagged, but she paid it no heed as they coupled with each other passionately. Time slipped by quickly and they continued their love making while the sandstorm raged above them. Afterwards they lay in each others arms, face to face, Ez feeling sore and exhausted, but content. She ran the tip of her finger along his bottom lip, then leaned over and kissed it gently.

"I much as I hate to say it...I think we need to go find the others," she said with a groan. "Can't have them finding us...not like this." She leaned into him, her breath hot against his skin while her hand followed the contour of his body. She then pulled back and smiled at him. "...if I don't get up soon, you may have to service me again..."

Jackal chuckled kissing Ez's fingers lightly then sighed and slowly pulled out from under her groaning gently feeling the soreness of laying on rocks rolling across his entire body. He didn't mind though, he treasured his time with Ez. "Yeah, we probably should, hopefully our clothes are dry enough now." The man let out a quiet shiver already missing the warmth of the woman's body against his, luckily they had the forethought to hang their clothes up on some rock formations to help with the drying process.

They were cold and a little stiff, but dry enough to work. He slowly began to dress. "Hope everyone else made it into the bunker safe."

"Hmm.." she responded lazily, content to watch him dress before getting up herself, his heavily scarred and muscled body never failing to thrill her. "I'm sure they are...other wise we would have had company 'drop' in on us." She rose slowly, feeling the stiffness in her body from the cold. She shook her clothes out before dragging them on, disliking the wet feel against her skin. Once dressed, she refilled her pockets with the now dry items she had set on the rocks. "Question is, where are we?" She began to look around, her eyes well adapted to the gloomy interior now. Although the cave was a natural formation, there was a metal door set into the stone deeper inside. Ez picked up Clove's reins and began walking over to the exit, using the beast as a early warning device in case of trouble.

"Look's like I get to pick another lock," she said sarcastically, dropping down to her knees. "...not like the first one did us any good," she added as she got to work.

Jackal watched Ez dress admiring her as much as she admired him. He stuffed his pockets and even slipped the map and his mother's bible into the dry pockets of his coat. He grabbed Clove's reins and held the beast while Ez went to work on the door. "Well this door looks less imposing than the last, plus you don't have a sandstorm beating down upon you so you'll have more time."

Ez looked over her shoulder at him, raising one eyebrow. "Perhaps you'd like to give it a try?" she said jokingly, standing up a moment later. "Done." She put the picks back in her pocket, then slowly turned the handle of the door. A musty odor drifted in, the air stale and still within the space on the other side.

Drawing her gun, Ez opened the door wider, finally slipping inside a dark corridor. She jumped when lights along the ceiling began to flicker on, the hallway coming into view for the first time in many years. "Holy shit....there's lights.." she said with amazement.

Jackal let out a low whistle and followed Ez in bringing the horse in with him. "Damn that's either a very good thing or a very bad thing." He pulled his pistol out and handed the horse back to the woman walking a little ways ahead scanning the length of the hall. The base looked to be secure from the top, but there could be anything down here. Mutated animals, raiders, even robots could be a possibility. He'd come across a couple in his travels, luckily they were shut down.

But the danger was still a possibility. "Well if this base is like the others I've seen the motor pool should be on the top level, so if we keep going up we should find the others."

Ez merely nodded, following several paces behind him and looking in all directions as she walked. The walls were once a pristine white, time fading them to a dull pale yellow, with patches of a rust-colored residue clinging to the paint. Behind her the lights faded as the ones in front flickered on. She shivered unintentionally--having her back in shadow making her nervous.

"I've never been inside a bunker before...underground in tunnels yes...but not a military base. It feels like a grave." ...and again she shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. "How can it be so cold...it's boiling outside."

Jackal pulled his coat off and hung it around her shoulders.
"Well our clothes are still a little wet, plus we're underground and while the lights might work I doubt there is any heat." They passed a number of locked rooms and the few with windows the tall man looked keenly inside--most of the rooms were pitch black, but the lights in the hall did show him a foot or so inside and he could see old equipment and lockers. Once they figure out where everyone is, he would heavily recommend going through some of these rooms for scav. "This place is like a scavvers dream. Looks pretty secure and the Pre-Fire Miltiary has the best toys in my experience."

"As long as it is safe..." she responded, pulling Jackal's coat tighter around her. She normally liked the cold, but this felt different, perhaps it was the fear of the unknown that was adding to the chill. "We need to check the rad count...make sure we are not exposing ourselves to danger...and Deck has the counter in his wagon...along with other things I will need." ...and despite her words of caution, she found herself looking into the rooms also and trying to determine what was inside that they might need...or want.

Behind her Clove nickered and Ez stopped to pet his velvety nose. "At least he is calm...if there was danger he would be keen to it...just like your Vash." She put the reins over his neck, knowing he would follow, then she moved up along to Jackal's side. "It's getting warmer...here...you can have it back." She leaned up and kissed him, placing the coat in his hands and smiled. "Thanks." There was more she wanted to say (and perhaps her look said it), but the time just didn't seem right and once again, she pushed her feelings for him back and took up behind him.

Jackal nodded taking his coat back and putting it back on. He gave her a smile adjusting the coat around his shoulders. It looked to him the woman did have more to say, but he also knew she had problems with sharing her feelings, which always surprised the man. But he believed in time she would open up more. Until then he'd let her set the pace. They soon reached an upward ramp in the middle of the long hall and the lights continued to follow them. Only illuminating the three of them and about a foot around him. That made the lawman nervous, but as of now they couldn't do anything. He reached back and took Ez's hand lacing their fingers together and began walking up.

The simple contact was nice for him, and just case something happened they wouldn't lose each other.

As soon as they opened the door at the top of the ramp, the sound of the wind as it whipped around the building increased and voices could be heard in the distance. Ezra smiled, squeezing Jackal's hand and picking up her pace. Even Clove seemed excited as he trotted ahead, nickering to the other beasts of burden. It was Sammy that noticed them first as they pushed through the last door separating them, and she smiled in greeting, running over to greet them.

The teen threw her arms around Ez, surprising her with the affection. "Mom! ...we didn't know if you two had made it." She smiled at Jackal over her mother's shoulder as Ez self conscientiously let go of the lawman's hand and returned the hug. "Your clothes feel wet...what happened?"

Breaking the embrace, Ez explained how they managed to drop down into an underground stream unharmed. The three of them then wandering the halls looking for them. Ez didn't go into any detail, but Sam knew there was more to it than just wandering. She shrugged, pulling at Ez's arm. "Come on...Deck has hot coffee on the fire and he's cooking something up for us to eat. I bet you are starved." The last part was said with a wink and the teen chanced a glance at Jackal as well, giving him an innocent knowing smile as she led them back to the others.

Jackal took control of Clove's reins and followed the rescue party back to the motorpool. A fire some food and coffee would be welcomed.

04-17-2018, 12:26 AM
Ez ate the mixture of salted meat, rice, and potatoes by the fire, allowing her clothing to finish drying at she sat. She sipped at her coffee slowly, glancing over at Jackal periodically, her mind mulling over the past couple hours. When she rose, she excused herself and made for the wagon, Deck taking up at her side.

"I already checked the area," he stated, knowing what was on her mind. "The level is green."

Ez nodded, picking up the antiquated hand-held machine that they used to measure the rad count. It had some modifications--namely an energy transference that used rocking motions to recharge the batteries. If that failed, a hard knock on the side usually got the needle moving. It wasn't a very reliable tool, but it was the best they had. Giving it a gentle shake, she stuck it on her belt along with some crude bark paper and a pencil.

"I'm going to go take some readings and get the lay of the place. Might do us some scavving in the morning if it seems safe."

It was Deck's turn to nod. He could see Ez had something on her mind...she seemed distracted and out of sorts. "You okay Ez?" he asked, not really expecting an honest answer. Although he could read her moods, what caused them was usually a mystery.

"I'm good," she said with a smile, "...just got some thinking to do...I'll take Jen with me. She can draw the map." He watched her lean inside the wagon once more and pull out a small cloth bag from his spice collection sack and tuck it into her pocket. He opened his mouth to object, but she patted him on the shoulder then made her way over to the newest additions to their group. After a few moments she headed out the way she and Jackal had come, Jen in tow, carrying the paper and pencil. The red head was already making markings on the map-to-be as Ez created a mental image of the floor plan at the same time.


Deck sat down again by the fire, shaking his head and rubbing his hand over several days worth of stubble. "I'll never figure out that woman," he mumbled, grabbing another cup of coffee and adding a good helping of whiskey to the brew. He offered the bottle to Jackal across the pit. "Help yourself...plenty more of this rot gut...it's the one thing those cannibals seemed to enjoy that was worth taking along." He chuckled to himself, looking to the large metal service entrance. Outside, the storm continued to rage and the sound of the sand etching the vertical surface was barely audible.

04-21-2018, 01:48 AM
Jackal took the offered drink nodding to the older man slowly. He was feeling a little chill still so the alcohol would be a welcome fix, though he still wasn't much of a drinker. He took a couple of swigs then handed it back to the man wiping his mouth. He listened to Ez and Jen walk down the hall chatting and making corrections to the maps as they went.

Hie listened until they were out of earshot then he rubbed his face noticing the good deal of hair he had grown himself. For years he had kept himself shaved even out in the wastes where shaving wasn't always easily done, but now he just doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Sure it collected dust easier but it also helped keep sunburn and windburn off the skin. Plus it was pain in the neck and waste of water unless they found another oasis anytime soon.

He looked out across the small camp. No one looked injured just very dusty, the people from Liberty were integrating well into the group. Granted there was almost no one left from the old crew so maybe that was the reason. Either way Jackal was glad to see everyone was ok, Sammy among them and he watched the young woman sitting around the fire with some of the younger Liberty joiners. Laughing, sharing stories and experiences this was probably the first time she's been able to be a normal teenager her entire life. It was as surreal as it was transformative it's something he never expected to see in this world let alone on some desperate treasure hunt to find a fabled treasure most people don't think even exists.

As he felt the whiskey burning a hole in his gut an odd smile crossed his face. If all else fails they could always found their own town and make it better than places like Liberty or Outpost 4.

05-01-2018, 02:13 AM
Having mapped a large portion of the complex, at least the parts they were able to access, Ezra and Jen arrived back at the camp a few hours later. Both women were exhausted and went their own ways, Jen keeping the map to put in a few additional marks before retiring. Ez made her way to the fire, grabbing another cup of coffee before joining Jackal over by his mount. She was sure to make enough noise as to not startle Vash as she approached.

"Mind if I sit?" she asked, not wanting to interrupt his work as he repaired the smeared map to the Lost Mountains.

Jackal was glad he had a decent memory, but fixing the map was still a pain in the neck. As he heard Ez approach he patted Vash on the head soothing the big green beast back to sleep. The Chabbit humphed quietly and flopped back down sending up a small cloud of dust as he did. The tall man chuckled at the beast and nodded to Ez placing his repaired map gingerly back on the rock by the fire letting the radiant heat dry the new ink quickly. "Sure thing Ez, how was your mapping exercise?" He asked fixing himself a pipe to smoke while he rubbed the feeling back into his hands.

"Not bad...only a few areas are hot...but only in the yellow so we can scout them as long as we are quick. And I think I found a control room. Lots of monitors and big machines. Lights blinking. Nothing I understand...but perhaps someone else will get more from it. I think we can do some decent scavving tomorrow." She took a sip from her cup and grimaced...the coffee having sat too long and taking on a burnt flavor. She set it aside and moved closer to his side. "How's yours going?" she asked, indicating the drying parchment of skin by the fire. "I can help...if you need it."

Jackal puffed up his pipe for a few seconds then answered leaning back kicking his legs out closer to the flames. "Slow and tedious, I remembered everything up to Liberty well enough, but beyond it is fuzzy, I know there wasn't much between Liberty and the Silver Mine oasis, but maybe you can remember better." He handed her his pen and the warm paper to look over.

Ez placed the map on her lap, studying it for a brief moment before she put the pen to the hide and started drawing in the missing lines of trail and landscape details. She drew in a few additional features that she remembered from her earlier travels through the region leading up to Endver. "I haven't been much further than this, " she said, indicating her home town, then handed the map back to him.

Jackal took the map and studied it slowly. As he studied the woman's additions he nodded the fuzzy parts coming into the light. He chuckled around his pipe shaking his head wrapping his arm around Ez's shoulder hugging her tight. "So glad I found a Trail Blazer with such a good memory, I've never gone that far north to Endver. Is that really your hometown?" He asked placing the map back by the heat of his campfire to dry up.

Ez nodded. "It was, until I was ten. It's wasn't much of a town then, barely holding itself together. I doubt it's much more now." She knew the trail would take them right through Endver, hopefully quickly, if it even existed anymore. Her memories of the place were not fond ones, and she didn't want them to be rekindled by its presence. She shook her head to erase her thoughts, then turned to Jackal, forcing herself to smile.

"Are you going to sleep here tonight? I was going to set up my tent and you are welcome to join me."

Jackal nodded continuing to puff on his pipe.
"Hmm always happy to share your tent Ezzy you know that." He pulled the pipe out and kissed the woman's cheek lightly. Reaching out he pulled the map back and inspected it carefully. The ink had dried and while it still didn't look exactly right, it would serve them well, the pockets of radiation and known areas of dangerous animals and mutants could still be seen.

Ez put her hand on his wrist and smiled. "I'll get it set up...just take me a minute. Join me when you are done." She got up, putting her hand to her cheek where he had kissed her. He had such a tender way about him, especially when one considered what he was capable of doing to others. It was not something she was used to...and yet she found herself looking forward to the soft brush of his lips or hand.

Coming to her belongings, Ez grabbed her small tent and set it up away from the others, hoping to provide them with a little privacy. She laid one of the acquired furs on the ground, then tossed on a few blankets. Once she undressed, she slipped under the covers, pulling them up to her chin. The soft fur felt good on her naked body, her aches melting away as she stretched her limbs. Rolling over onto her side, she closed her eyes, looking inward, but not sleeping.

Jackal gathered his gear and grabbed Vash's lead following Ezra to her chosen secluded spot. This was odd for him. As long as he'd known Ez she'd never been one to really choose to set up away from the rest of group. And he wondered as to the reason, it wasn't because of sex-- they had been doing that within earshot of everyone most of the time. Maybe she had something important to discuss with him, or maybe she just wanted some quiet alone time.

Either way he found the spot and set his gear and Vash down beside a small stream before moving to the tent. He looked inside and saw Ezra was naked, with a smile he undressed as well and slid under the covers with the woman wrapping his arm around her body gripping her chest lightly before kissing her neck. She seemed introspective. "You ok Ezzy?"

Tucking herself in closer to his warmth, Ezra laughed lightly. "I'm fine...just wanted a little quiet. Jen damn near talked me to death." She scoffed, looking up at him. "My mother always said a woman talks more than a man--it's how she expresses herself. A man makes his feelings known through a look or touch, where as a woman just shouts it from the mountain top. Jen was like that...very chatty." She tucked her hair behind her ear then leaned up to kiss him. "I prefer the quiet type...like you." She put her head to his chest, listening to his heart beat, then closed her eyes once more."

When she spoke again a few minutes later, her voice was softer, contemplative.

"I don't say what I mean most of the time, especially in matters of the heart. I've always pushed people away, built up my walls. ...until you...and you were supposed to be nothing but a job." She sighed, uncomfortable with the expression of her feelings. She leaned back from him, looking deeply into his steel grey gaze and tracing his lips with her finger, her head tilting slightly. "I hope you know how I feel...cause I...I'm afraid if I say the words it will change things. ...and I don't want anything to change between us."

The lawman chuckled and nodded wrapping her in his arms and resting his chin on her head.
"Yes, my mother said that a lot too. Luckily neither her nor my sisters were very much the chatty type." He rubbed his rough hands down her back and sides his hands brushing against her burn scars, a frown crossing his lips while he remembered the story.

Thankfully though Ezra kept talking and took him away from the angry memory. He studied her lovely face and matched her own stares. He always liked looking at her uniquely colored hazel eyes. He smiled at her words and brought his hand up to stroke her hair fondly. He knew what she meant, both by her words and her actions. He leaned down and kissed the woman deeply, pressing their bodies together for more warmth, he broke the kiss bringing his forehead down and pressing it against hers. "Yes I know, and I feel the same. Only I don't think it'll change things too much, but I will let you decide that Ezzy." He kissed her again holding her body close to his again.

The unspoken words settled between them and Ez felt comfort with his arms wrapped around her. She didn't want to over-think it...there were too many variables with the journey left ahead of them. She pressed herself into him, enjoying the security his presence gave her. When his lips left hers, she smiled, her decision made to open her heart to him. She ran her fingers through his hair and rested her palm on the nape of his neck. "I love you Jackal," she said, a soft sigh escaping her lips before she kissed him again.

Jackal smiled broadly, he honestly didn't expect her to say it so soon after admitting it. But he was glad for it nonetheless. He returned the kiss and rolled them so Ez was on her back and he atop her, breaking the kiss, but staying mere inches from her face keeping his eyes locked on her own. "I love you too Ezra." He settled his body over hers and deepened the kiss, they'd had sex and made love before. But as he pressed himself closer it felt like this time would be a far deeper connection, soulmates was the term before the word, but such things were often scoffed at in Ragged America. Romance and love were reserved for kids, adults bred to continue the race. It was a biological imperative or a means to an end. But here and now as Jackal looked down upon the woman he loved and was loved by, he decided the people who thought that were truly unhappy wretches. He didn't want to seem a fool by admitting it, but he felt that Ezra Bastian was his soulmate. He kissed her again, breathing her scent in deeply.

05-07-2018, 02:09 AM
The sandstorm continued to rage all around them well into the night. Everyone was tired and after the patrols had come back alive and well saying the base as a whole seemed secure and intact. Granted they didn't go much further than two floors down. But Deck and some of the others had figured out how to close and lock all the doors going to the third floor. Tomorrow a couple of people would go further down and see how far down the base goes and what surprises might be lurking around down there.

Even in the safety of the base though the watch schedule was made teams of four again only two would stay at the entrances of the motor pool while two others patrolled the cleared floors as a team. But no one expected trouble, so the merriment of the evening gave way to hopeful talk which in turn gave way to everyone drifting to their bedrolls and sleeping soundly. The howling of the sandstorm becoming white noise and soothing the troubled mind of the younger people in the group to an untroubled sleep.

Jackal picked a middle of the night shift. He was a patroller and found himself smiling as he looked out across the camp. The fires had heated the motorpool up to a cozy temperature. The smoke had wafted high into the rafters and was escaping through some old vents that had been working since Ez turned the power on. Everyone was sleeping soundly and just the gentle snores of the expedition disturbing the peace. Jackal has seen a lot of wonders and bemusing things in his many treks across the wastes many of them being on this expedition itself. But hear and now the man felt a strange contentment, total and complete safety in his surroundings and the people around him. He's never felt like this and he wondered if the Lost Mountains would be like this. The stories he had compiled about the legend were very vague about what exactly the Treasure would be, but even if it was just a larger base like this one he'd be happy. This new group was far more tame than the other one so maybe he'd even include all of them in on the treasure and they can build a full community around it. But that was for later, for now he was going to enjoy the silence of the patrol.

~~~The next morning~~~

Jackal awoke slowly the death of the fires in the night had sent a chill through his frame and caused him to wrap his arms even tighter around Ezra her body warmth continuing to awaken him. She had an earlier watch shift, so she should be waking soon. But for now he was happy to spoon her naked body with his own. He kissed her neck whispering softly to her. "Good morning Ezzy."

05-18-2018, 12:20 AM
It had been a long time since Ezra had slept through the night and she awoke fully rested, warm in Jackal's embrace. She leaned her head back, her smooth cheek brushing against his stubbly chin. "Mmm," she responded to his words, lying in his arms for a few moments before forcing herself to sit up. The blankets slid to her waist and the cold air caused her to shiver slightly. "I could get used to this chill," she said with a sigh as she reluctantly climbed from the makeshift bed, leaving Jackal still wrapped in it's warmth. "I'll see you in a bit," she said as she dressed quickly and slipped from the tent, heading first for the cooling embers and stirring them to life. Once she had the fire going again, she made the morning coffee, allowing Deck to sleep in a little longer.

A hot cup of brew in her hands, Ez leaned up against the bunker's cool metal wall. The camp was awakening and she watched the group welcome the dawn. She felt a certain calm and she smiled inwardly, glad to have finally said "the words" last night. It amazed her how difficult it had been--she had never been one to express love to another, not since she was a young girl. ...and now, it was a relief not to have to worry about it any longer. For a few moments she sat alone, then the sleepy form of Samantha wandered over to her and sat down, a cup of coffee clenched in her hands.

They both drank in silence, comforted by each other's presence. The smells of breakfast were starting to permeate the air--Deck whipping up some dehydrated eggs mixed with spices and some dried meat. He never failed to create a delicious meal, no matter how simple the ingredients. While waiting, Ez turned to her daughter and smiled.

"We're going to do some scavving today--the bunker is huge and should have lots of things to discover. I was hoping you might like to accompany me. I wanted to have another look at the control room."

Sam nodded, hmming softly while warming her hands on her coffee cup. "I'd like that."

"Me too," Ez responded, squeezing the teen's knee gently. "There should be enough here for everyone to make a find...batteries...weapons...trinkets. Maybe even some protective wear. There might be vehicles also. Too bad the fuel needed to operate them is rare--unless we find one that uses the sun. I've heard of those before."

Sam glanced at her briefly, her expression showing wonder. "I hope we find money. Then I can buy stuff, like new clothes."

Ezra laughed. "Money from before is worthless, other than to burn. They mostly used paper for currency. If we find gold or other metals, it would be better." She turned to her daughter...her daughter....and brushed a stray blonde tress from her face. It was odd to imagine herself as a mother. Especially since they looked so little alike. "If you need new clothes, you only have to ask. I have plenty enough to get you outfitted anew."

Ez and Sam looked up when Deck called everyone to eat, their stomachs already rumbling with the thought of food. There seemed to be enough to feed an army, Deck anticipating the morning activities being fueled by full stomachs. Filling their plates, they sat down again by the fire, Ez smiling at Jack when he joined them for breakfast.

05-18-2018, 05:59 PM
Jackal awoke a few minutes after Ez, but laid under the covers for a bit just thinking on that past few weeks. So much has happened he never expected, adventures, sacrifices, betrayals, revelations, love in the olden days this would make one hell of an action motion picture and they aren't even at the end yet...at least he hoped they weren't. But he couldn't allow doubt into his mind now, they are in a moment of peace inside a pre-fire bunker safe from the terror of the massive sandstorm still howling above them.

He hoped they wouldn't be buried alive once they decided to leave. He's seen even small sandstorms bury whole caravans out in the wastes. This one has been going on for over a day, they might need to fight another exit if the bay doors or main entrance are blocked by three tons of sand. He was eager to see how this goes, and after untangling himself from the blankets he got dressed and joined the rest of the crew at camp for breakfast. The meal was had in cheerful silence, and at the end Deck stood up and called for everyone attention. He and Ez had discussed the plans for today and now it was time to dice up the duties.

"Alright kids listen up. The sandstorm is still screamin' outside, and part of the reason we started this group was to scav. So Ez and I talked it over and have a plan, myself and Jackal will explore how far down this bunker goes. Ez and Sammy will head the scav teams made up of pairs everyone scouring the two cleared floors. Anythin' good bring back to camp and we'll go through it and see what we can use and what we can't. Ez and Sammy will be Team one, Jen and Ken team two, Ashliee and Diego are three, Jessica and Matches are four, Maggie and Austin will guard our base camp while Ziggy and Hollister will be patrolling the cleared halls. We don't have comms or radios, but if something goes wrong scream really loudly and anyone within earshot will come running. Jackal and I will be going far, but everyone else check in with either Ez or one of the guards every hour ok?" Heads bobbed all around them and with a clap of his hands Deck adjourned the meeting and everyone went to execute their duties. The Hunter watched them go then nodded to Jackal. "Alright lawman, I gotta grab my gear, but I'll meet you at in the hall in ten minutes ok?" Jackal nodded then made his way to Vash and suited up himself making sure to grab extra water and some dried meat.

06-23-2018, 08:28 PM
After the four scavving teams were assembled, Ez took one team with her to the first floor and had Jen take her group to the second. Jessica and Matches went with her--taking one side of the hallway while she and Sam took the other. Only pausing briefly to check a few rooms along the way, Ez made for her primary destination, the control room. She smiled at Sam before opening the door, the duo greeted by a large panel of blinking lights, dark computer screens, and an army of buttons and switches with symbols or abbreviations below them for identification.

"I thought we could start here," she stated, "...hopefully we can figure out some of these controls and make things easier for everyone. I'm all for trial and error..." she said with a light chuckle. The event of the previous night had put her in a good mood...that and the fact that she was finally getting a chance to scav for a bit. "Those buttons there operate the lights, but beyond that, I have no clue. Care to take the first stab?"

Sammy chuckled keeping her hands in her pockets as she looked around the small room. "So I can get the blame for releasing an army of killer robots throughout the bunker? I know about as much about this sort of thing as I do advanced bomb disarming. Maybe there's an instruction manual somewhere?" She began poking through the filing cabinets. Most of the things looked rotted with age and eaten by mice or something, but she did find a book sealed in a plastic envelope. It was covered in mouse turds, but looked intact. She pulled it out and shook the turds away before she brought it into the light.

Pulling the book out she studied the still somewhat brittle book closely. It looked like a technical manual of some kind but it looked to be in a foreign language. Perplexed the girl looked at her mom. "Any clue mom?"

Ez leaned in and took the book from Sam, flipping through the pages gently. About half way through the pages were reversed--upside down--and Ez turned it around. "It's in two languages," she said in wonder, turning to what was the first page in English. There were a lot of diagrams which were just as perplexing as the foreign language to her. "I'm sure this would help, but there isn't enough time to go through all of it...we should take it back with us." She handed the yellowing pages back to Sam. "You are welcome to look through it...I'd rather release the 'killer robots'.

Studying the panel once again, Ez reached forward and pressed a button marked msc. There was the sound of clicking, following by a hiss, then crackling. Ez considered pressing it again when the sound of instruments filled the room. The melody was unknown to her...but the rhythmic music was soothing. Below the button was a dial with numbers and she turned it, first in one direction, then the other. By the echo it was obvious that the music was playing elsewhere and the scavver smiled, picturing the others reaction to the outburst of sound.

"Should I turn it off?" she asked her daughter, dialing the sound down until it was barely audible. It wasn't her type of music, but it was nicer than the hum of machinery that was prevalent inside the room.

Sammy shook her head slipping the book into her bag to look at later.
"No I kinda like it." Moving back to the instrument panel the teen studied a blank screen closely then pushed a button that said main power. Like with the music button there was a a pop then a low humming. The screen blinked to life, things whirred and clicked inside then what looked like an overlay of the entire bunker was seen. "Oh wow is this a map of the whole bunker?"

Ez leaned closer, recognizing the top two floors she had surveyed with Jen and the natural cave-like room she and Jackal had fallen into. There were several other floors below those that were still a mystery. She nodded to Sam. "It looks like it. Look, there's an armory two stories below us...and a power station at the lowest level." She touched the screen to point at the room and the picture zoomed in, magnifying the area and showing additional features. "There's your killer robots," she said with a nervous laugh. "Hopefully they are not operable...or Jackal and Deck will be getting a surprise." She touched the screen again and the entire map returned.

"I wonder what else is on this computer?" she queried aloud. "Can you make it change pictures?" She glanced at Sam, then pushed a few buttons below the main power. The screen darkened, then blurred, but nothing else. "I've never seen so much tech in one place before. I wonder if all bunkers are 'live' like this one." She ran her fingers lightly over the panel, marveling at the idea that power still surged through this complex. "It's almost as if the Great Fire never occurred here...such a mystery."

Ez sat down on a chair secured to the floor in front of the computer. It was times like this that scavving really paid off. Even if there was nothing worth taking from the rooms throughout, the knowledge contained within this place alone was a treasure. ....and if this place existed, then the Lost Mountain might be a reality too. For the first time she began to believe in the possibility of a treasure trove in her future. She turned to Sammy, swiveling in the chair.

"Should we move on...or explore some more in here?"

Sammy played with the screen some more and saw an icon that said print. She clicked the little image and a loud buzzing sound made her jump a little then a few pieces or surprisingly crisp paper came out of the wall by the cabinets. Looking at them she saw it was a simple picture of what they saw on the computer screen. She chuckled handing the papers to Ez. "Well looks like we have a map so I say we move on." Sammy had never gone scavving before and wasn't sure what they'd be looking for aside from the obvious stuff. Guns, meds, parts and such. "So what exactly do we look for when scavving? Like I know he obvious stuff, but there's gotta be more to it. Think you can give me a proper scavver education?" She chuckled looping her arm with Ez's.

Ezra looked at Sam for a brief moment, a smile coming to her lips. "Anything that catches your attention is worth looking at...but it's really about things you can sell or trade. Metal is always good. As it cloth. So old clothes or bedding. Paper is another uncommon item...something that seems to be common here." She began walking, leading them from the control room and continuing down the hallway, listening for any sound of the other group before pushing through a door listed as a closet. "I find a lot of things buried in the sand, so I tend to drag my feet when I walk. Of course, that isn't going to help us here."

Ez paused in the doorway, the smell of chemicals strong enough to burn her eyes. Black mold crept along the walls and stains riddled the floor. "Anything in here is ruined," she stated, backing out quickly. "Come on, there's a lunch room a few doors away. We can check for dry goods." As soon as they entered, it was obvious the room had been ransacked years before, most likely by rodents. Plastic containers littered the room, holes chewed into them and their contents long devoured. The cabinets hung open, the shelves emptied. Even the chairs had been toppled. "Seems we're too late...come on...we'll look in the living quarters."

Sammy followed obediently behind her mother studying the map closely. There were so many rooms in this bunker. Usually when you hear about bunkers, even old world ones, they're just one big room with things just kinda thrown all around or just a bunch of smaller rooms on a single level, but here she counted at least six levels and she didn't even bother to count all the smaller rooms on each level. This wasn't just a bunker it was some kind of underground city. She saw rooms marked shopping, food, storage, workshop--the list went on and on. The first level living quarters were down the hall from the cafeteria. Following the map Sammy hmmed.

"Think we can get Mr. Lawless to settle here instead of going after this lost treasure? I mean this place is prolly the same type of thing he's after in the Lost Mountains, only we know this one is real and aside from some bumps along the way we've made it here in one piece." She walked level with Ez folding the map and slipping it into her medic bag. "For one we still need to go through the heaviest Raider lands and mutant hordes to reach the Lost Mountains." She said this part more quietly and to herself, but Ez would surely be able to hear her.

With her hand on the next door's knob, Ez paused at Sammy's suggestion. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to mention it, but I'm not sure what he is looking for at the Lost Mountain site. Maybe it is different from this one." She turned the knob and stepped inside the room. There was a musty smell and a thick layer of dust, but other than that, the small space appeared untouched. "As far as dangers, they are everywhere. This is a hot zone, with higher rad levels than most. And there is little to hunt out in these wastes. Less fresh water...few trees. It's a desert--scorched like hell." She shrugged her shoulders, then stepped inside, holding the door until Sam joined her. "The inside of this bunker is pleasant, but who knows how long that will last?" She laughed lightly. "I'm really building it up, aren't I? It really is better then anything I have seen. The mountains are a better location, but we'll see."

Pulling open a cabinet, Ez was greeted with a cloud of dust and particulates--the remainder of clothing long disintegrated. Ezra coughed, putting her hand over her mouth. She turned and walked over to a desk with a small computer sitting on its surface. "Let's see if this one works," she said to Sam as she pressed the 'on' button. The screen began to lighten and a face appeared in a close-up view of a weary soldier. The man's eyes were red from irritation and his face was ashen, his lips a sickly color of bluish pink.

...three days. Nothing but fire...and the heat is unbearable, even with the air conditioners. Filters are failing, smoke and who knows what else is getting inside. ....don't know how long...

There was a wet rattling in his throat, then the man in the image began to cough, lightly at first, then increasing in intensity. When he finally stopped Ez turned to her daughter. "You should see this..." she stated plainly, then faced the monitor again.

The image blurred, then filled with the color orange. The lens backed up, and raging fires became visible.

This is it...the outside world now. We can't leave...we've tried, but the heat sears the flesh off your bones in seconds. Nothing can be alive out there....nothing.

There was a hissing noise and the image went black. Whirring, then a click before the message started again.

Sammy hugged Ez gently as she watched the message play once again, her eyes watering a little.

"This was someone's last home, what do you think happened to them?"

Ez turned away from the video and shook her head. "They probably died shortly after this was made. The man in the vid looks half gone already. Rad poisoning...or just bad air. Hard to say. If they went into the lower levels they might have survived for a little while." She shrugged. "My father said his ancestors went underground for years after the Big Fire...never really thought about it...but I suppose it would work."

She opened a few other cabinets and pulled out a handful of loose cartridges that were laying on a shelf. After a quick look, she slipped them into her pocket. There were also some coins which she pocketed as well. "I hope the others are doing better, but I think the lower levels will be more productive. Not much here that has survived." She continued looking through the room, then glanced at Sam. "Hey...let me take a good look at that map...maybe we can veer from the plan a bit to find the better treasures."

Sammy nodded handing the woman the printed out map as she picked through some of the desks. Soon she came across a plastic bag still sealed. Curious she pulled it out and saw that is was a dress, nothing fancy, but it was a light blue and had a slightly floral print. It looked too small in the chest for Sammy so she smiled and brought it over to Ezra. "Hey ma, check out what I found. My boobs won't fit it, but I think your smaller ones will. " She was just teasing her mom, but still it would be fun to see how she reacted.

With a barely noticeable glance down at her breasts, Ez faced Sammy and appraised the found item of clothing. She pulled at the fabric around the bosom then laughed. "I think we could squeeze you into this, more your style than mine. ...and there seems to be some give in this area." She scoffed, then pushed out her chest. "..and there's nothing wrong with smaller ones. They get the job done. Just wait until you are older and yours hang to your belly--see who laughing then." She grabbed Sam's hand then and pulled her into the hall.

"Come on. Let's do some real shopping a few levels down. We'll take J and M with us...make an adventure of it." And just to make the mood a bit lighter, she took the dress and slipped it over her head, smoothing the fabric over her clothing. As her daughter had guessed, it was a good fit, even though it was a bit feminine for Ez's taste. "How do I look?" she teased, surprised at the new side of her that was emerging around Sam.

Sammy laughed cupping her breasts and pouted. "I know, maybe I'll find some super bras in the Lost Mountains and keep them up." She watched Ez put the dress on and clapped lightly smiling. "You look great mom." She moved around the other woman pulling the fabric a little to settle it all in place. "You look like one of those classy ladies from before the end of the world. I think Jackal would approve, just gonna have to take off your other clothes under it." She bumped Ez's hip smiling. "Glad I get my good looks from you ma."

Ez blushed a little at the compliment, then shook her head. "He would think I look foolish...which I do," she replied, but she did wonder a bit how he would react. "As for your looks, there's little of me in there. You truly favor your father. Which is a good thing." She smiled again, then dragged Sam along the hallway until they found the other pair that was scavving.

"New plan," she said, directing them to the printed map. It was only a short while later and they were heading down a flight of stairs that would take them to the shopping district and hopefully a plethora of clothes and supplies.

07-08-2018, 03:31 PM
While Ez and Sam were having their fun scavving the upper levels, Jackal and Deck were delving through the silence of level three. The lights were on, but this level looked to be mostly residential and the speakers didn't work here, so the music they heard on the first two levels wasn't playing down here.

Just their breathing and the steady thump of their bootfalls filled the desolate halls. Neither man had any idea what they might encounter down here. From their quick walk around the base it all looked secure, but after two hundred some odd years no abandoned structure remains perfectly safe. What they'd come across no one could guess, rats, mutants, robots, maybe even some squatters who found another way into the bunker.

The men kept their thoughts to themselves, but they were relaxed.

08-14-2018, 06:52 PM
(Illegal bump >.> )

08-15-2018, 02:26 AM
Walking to the side and a little behind Jackal due to his shorter stride, Deck kept his weapon at the ready, his eyes alert for any danger. There had been nothing to stir his suspicions, but he couldn't help but think trouble was just around the corner. It had been too quiet for too long...and he was just itching to release a surge of adrenaline. He cleared his throat and scratched at his stubble. "Too still," he mumbled, pausing to listen for any sounds. If he had been in the wastes, he would expect an ambush. There was nothing but the sound of his own breathing...and Jackal's.

...and then there was something else. A soft, barely audible, scraping sound. Nails? Claws? Deck thought he might have imagined it and when it wasn't repeated, he strained his ears, cocking his head to the side like a dog to catch any sound.

"You hear that?" he whispered, worrying that he might just be hearing the others above them moving about.

Jackal nodded quickly loading a round into his rifle and bringing it up to his shoulder. "Yea, sounds like claws or something, hold up," he said. Dropping to a knee and focusing his ears as best he could and zoning out their breathing and the natural sounds of being in a big metal tube deep underground, he listened intently for any further sounds.

Deck came up beside the tall man then turned to watch their backs. There was a few moments of silence, then the ticking sound was repeated. Deck saw a flash of metal out of the corner of his eye, then a blur of moment by a side passageway they had just passed. The legs of a spider-like machine were now visible, the head portion coming into view for a brief second. Deck only caught the light of the red eyes before it disappeared again, the scuttle of its elongated legs heard as it scampered away. He shouldered Jackal to get his attention.

"Come on...this way," he said in a whisper, retracing their steps to enter the hallway he had seen the creature retreat into. Although the passageway was long, there was no sign of it on the floor. "Little fucker is fast," he murmured, then heard its clicking again. "Jackal?" he questioned when the vigilante hadn't joined him. He risked a quick glance over his shoulder and realized the man had problems of his own. It seemed the mechanical spider was not acting alone.

Jackal was about to follow Deck when a loud almost meat grinder sound assaulted his ears and a ramshackle looking robot dog with a single glowing red eye appeared. The tall man growled leveling his rifle and backing up slowly, in all his travels and fights he'd been in he'd never seen a working robot, he'd seen a few broken ones in junkyard and even came across a few mechanics who had almost gotten old ones working again. But here he was looking down the shiny steel maw, the mechanical growl filling his ears.

He studied the creature closely, it didn't look armored. Built more for speed and lethality than tanking hits. "Any ideas Deck? I've never shot a robot before."

Deck shrugged. "Go for the eyes...or eye...in his case." He also had never encountered such a creature, but removing the sight worked in the wastes. "Or you can take out it's legs--can't go far without those." All and all he was just guessing, as there could be a back-up system for anything they destroyed. He had no idea where the mechanics were for making the thing operate. "Or...", and here he laughed nervously, "...we could just fill it with a lot of holes and hope for the best--be a waste of bullets though."

There was also the possibility that the robots were not dangerous, but Deck doubted that was the case. Why else would they be here? He aimed his rifle at the mangy dog which appeared the be the biggest threat at the moment. When he squeezed the trigger, the resounding boom was loud in the enclosed space, causing an echo within the hallway. One of the front legs collapsed and the robot dipped down from the assault, but only for a second. As it righted itself, Deck aimed and fired again.

Jackal had no better idea so as Deck fired he jumped back and did too. He aimed for cables or things that looked like motors, hopefully one of them would get a lucky shot. It really was a waste of ammo, but hopefully they could find an armory or something down here to restock. As Deck made the robot dog drop it exposed what looked like a power core to Jackal. And as it got back up and went back on the attack Jackal used his long legs to flip the dog midair and shoot it directly in the power core which caused it to crash to the floor with a shower of sparks and a loud crash. Jackal fell back panting lightly reloading his rifle. "Well, hope that's the only one."

Deck grunted in response. "Doubt it...nothing ever comes in singles...not to mention the spider-like thing I saw. At least it hasn't come back." He double checked over his shoulder to the side hallway and was rewarded with an empty view. "Maybe we should double time it and get out of here?" He used the tip of his boot to tentatively toe the "dead" robot. Despite the lack of a response, he gave the gadget a wide berth as he scooted around it. He had only gone a few steps when he heard a metallic ticking above him. One of the ceiling tiles had slid aside, revealing several small arachnids pushing themselves out. "Holy fuck!" Deck exclaimed, opening fire at the advancing creatures. They were only a quarter of the size of the one he saw earlier, but their numbers seemed endless as other tiles were pushed out and more emerged. "Run!"

Jackal didn't even bother wasting his ammo. He slung the rifle over his shoulder and ran alongside Deck. The little creatures seemed to be falling from the ceiling like a whirring metal rain, they needed a room with a solid metal top and a tightly sealing door. He'd seen a few of them down here, but none of the doors looked like they worked. Luckily though the tall man found one, it looked to be a storage room but it had what they needed. Grabbing the stout hunter's arm Jackal pulled him into the room and quickly sealed the door.

They could see the little spider things swarm over the one window chattering and pecking at it with their feet. But the door held and the ceiling was solid. Jackal sighed leaning against the wall, the noise became incessant and carried on for a good three minutes before a loud screech was heard from somewhere back down the way they had come. It sounded like metal being ground down by some industrial tool. The creatures quickly began to fall from the window and scatter like roaches when the light is turned on. They were gone in about a minute but Jackal was apprehensive about leaving the little room just yet. "What in the hell was that?" He asked himself as well as Deck.

The hunter shrugged. "Fuck I know...but it sounded big and kinda like that dog-a-tron you shot. I say let's not find out." Like the vigilante he was worried about leaving the room's safety, but staying could only mean more trouble. "I'll go first and if I don't get killed, you follow." Without waiting for a reply, Deck opened the door quietly and slipped out. He glanced along both ways, then set out in the direction they had been heading. There was no sign of the spiders, but the screeching sound was repeated a few times, almost causing the man to lose his nerve. Finally he stopped at a junction, waving Jackal forward and hoping for the best.

Jackal pulled his rifle down and quickly joined Deck taking a deep breath nodding. "Ok we know this place isn't empty now. Hopefully they won't go after the rest of our group. Come on, maybe we can find a control room or something and shut them off."

"Hmm...right. I think Ez said there was one on the first floor. Probably where they turned on that music. Should we head there or try to find something on this level?" Deck wasn't sure if the metal beasts had an off button, or if it would be in the main control room or not. In his experience beasts were killed with bullets, not buttons. Unfortunately this was not his area of expertise...and he doubted anyone living could claim those bragging rights. He grunted then started walking alongside Jackal.

The lawman sighed looking carefully around them as they rounded a corner. "We'll explore the rest of this floor, make notes on things then head back up and run our ideas by Ez. The sandstorm has likely buried us in here so we may need to be looking for another exit. If we come across any more big bots aim for joints or cables. It might slow them down long enough for us to get outta here."

Deck nodded, his attention divided between Jackal and the surrounding hallway. The loud screeching had finally stopped and he hadn't heard any ticking of metal for a bit now. There was an ache in the pit of his stomach which he attributed to stress, but also hunger. He hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and was hoping for a break soon. They had already covered a large portion of the floor, leaving less than a dozen doors to open. The sooner they were out of here, the sooner he could eat. Funny how stress did that to him. He grinned at the tall man at his side, the thrill of the continued hunt releasing pleasurable endorphins now that the threat had passed. "Let's do this."

09-05-2018, 01:08 AM
Luckily the two men managed to explore a further two floor without the metal things coming back. They would've gone deeper, but the door at the end of the second floor was locked with some kind of biometrics or key card and despite their best efforts they could't pry it open.

It would likely take more than just them to get through, who knows maybe one of the other teams found some kind of control room or the key card needed to get through. But for now they were do back at base camp with the grave news of their encounters. Hopefully the robots hadn't found their way to the others.

09-17-2018, 03:00 AM
Ez and Sam were the last to return to base camp, with Jessica and Matches in tow, each of them carrying a large load of items they had scavved. Ez was using a blanket which she had secured around the goods, while the other three had backpacks and tote bags stuffed full of clothing, foot wear, paper, dry goods, and a small amount of ammo. They were in good spirits, talking amongst themselves, and glancing around at the other members of the camp. Each of them had a thin layer of whitish grey powder on their skin and clothes and Ez had a shallow cut on her forehead and wrist, the dried blood standing out in contrast with her ghostly pallor.

It was while they were scavving that Ez had received the minor injuries. A wall had collapsed while they were searching in a small storage room located by the strip of stores they had just rummaged. They had been moving boxes when the area behind them just turned to dust, scattering the shelves' contents to the floor. Ez had been the last one to escape the room...and it was in those last few seconds that she was scratched...by something. She had not seen the thing clearly, but the flash of a red eye stayed with her.

Now, as they entered the large open area, everyone's eyes turned to them as they added their day's haul to the other items that had been deposited on the floor. Ez caught Jackal's eye and gave him a smile, remembering the night before and the words they had spoken to each other. She walked over to where he was standing, her hand lightly brushing the gunslingers in a tender gesture. She hoped he or Deck could shed some light on what she had seen several floors below. She had not mentioned what she had seen to her group, telling them she had been cut by the shelves so as not to alarm them. She felt a bit foolish, wondering if she had seen a trick of light or some freakish creature's eyes.

10-06-2018, 06:54 PM
All the way back up the two men were discussing what to do about the metal creatures. They had bodies and guns, but these things were nothing like what they had faced before. And even if they found the base's armory Jackal wasn't sure they had enough bullets to kill them all and he was pushing for getting out of the base. Deck disagreed, he was sure if they could find the boss bug or whatever is powering and controlling the robots they could beat it.

One thing they did agree on though was Ezra needed to know about the incident and guard patrols would need to changed possibly even blocking off the lower doors again until they have a plan. As they reached the motor pool Deck split off to check on the preparations for dinner and Jackal would be the one to open discussions with Ez. He was tired and worried, but seeing her smiling face lightened his heart and he chuckled lightly gripping her face softly studying the cut. "Can't leave you alone for a few hours without you hurting yourself can I?" He chuckled kissing her lips softly.

11-15-2018, 04:54 PM
Ez moaned softly as Jackal's lips met hers, returning the kiss, then reluctantly pulling away, looking the vigilante in the eyes. She could tell he was troubled by something, but her cuts were not severe enough to be the reason. She glanced over at Deck standing by the fire, but he was paying them no mind, his hands...and his mind most likely...busy on preparing a meal. She had wanted to speak to both of them, but obviously she only had an audience of one.

"I am fine...no pain at all. Just a bit of a mess." She mumbled as she brushed at the dust clinging to her with impatience. "Had a bit of trouble though...same for you?"

Jackal smiled and nodded slowly helping her dust off before taking her hand and moving more out of hearing range of the rest of the camp, the last thing they needed was a camp wide panic. Once he was sure they were far enough away he nodded. "Yes, Deck and I were attacked by these weird robots, they swarmed out of the walls, but I wasn't even sure they were real. 'Cause they didn't break through the flimsy door him and I were hiding behind and our bullets didn't seem to do anything to them. We saw a much bigger bot down there, but it didn't come after us. What did you come across?"

Ez shrugged, not sure how to describe what she'd encountered as she had only gotten a brief glimpse. "I think I saw a glowing red eye or light and...maybe metal limbs...or knives. I'm not sure. It moved so fast, but I'm pretty certain it caused an entire wall to collapse. It was strange. It seemed to be attacking, but it didn't follow us...at least not as far as I could tell." She looked behind her, as though talking about it could make it reappear. "Do you think it was the same thing? If so, we may need to rethink staying here another night. If your bullets didn't stop them, then we don't have any defense."

Jackal nodded slowly rubbing his face then sat down on a rock staring at the far wall. "It might've been, but I have a feeling if it could get us it would've by now. We've been making plenty of noise and have shown ourselves to be tomb raiders as it were. It's probably been over two centuries maybe even longer since it was first built, maybe it can't go very far from it's charging station or something and just wanted to scare us away from the charging stations. That could be our defense, but I haven't heard the sandstorm since we got back so maybe it's gone, but I have a feeling it'll take us a day or more to dig ourselves out of all the sand it dumped on top of us." He rubbed his face again. "Maybe our first course of action should be seeing how buried we are."

Ez chewed her lower lip, Jackal's words circling around inside her head. Everything he said made sense, but she didn't like dealing with unknown factors, and fighting an enemy she wasn't familiar with only added to her concern. And it wasn't just her life she was responsible for--there was Sam, and all the new recruits. Finally she nodded, giving in to his suggestion, hoping his experience and reasoning proved to be right. "Okay...we'll keep a tight watch tonight and look into the problem of sand build-up in the morning. Let everyone divvy up the goods we found after a good meal and then early to bed." She sat down next to the vigilante and put her hand on his chest, unconsciously counting the beats of his heart. "One of the three of us will have to be on watch during the night, taking shifts...doesn't give us a lot of alone time." She frowned, thinking of the dress Sam had found and wondering when she would have time to wear it. "I think I'll take first watch, give you two a chance to rest." She scooted in closer, leaning her head against his chest. She hmmed softly, finding comfort in his closeness. She closed her eyes for just a moment before speaking again in a soft tone. "Sam was hoping we could stay here forever...I think that's out of the question now. It would have been nice though...not traveling anymore. Having a place to call home."

Jackal wrapped his arms fondly around Ez's body, pulling her more into his chest enjoying the warmth of her body. He agreed with everything she said. He was thinking the same thing honestly. This place wasn't the Lost Mountain Treasure, but it had everything a group could want-- to not only survive but thrive. Deeper down there could even be a Botany room or something so they could grow food.

They had the best protection from the outside world in this bunker. But the inside dangers would be the end of that dream unless they could find a way to beat the robots. He'd think on it if he could, but with Ez's mention of not having any alone time he frowned slightly. Once again she was right, but he had an idea. Gripping her chin and lifting he kissed her lips smiling. "Well I'll take the last shift that way we'll have the middle of the night for alone time. How's that sound?"

Ez smiled, thinking she would have to get cleaned up first...somehow. Maybe Sam or some of the other women would be up for a shower. She and Sam had passed a large bathing facility...hopefully it would have running water. If not, there was always the stream she and Jackal had fallen into.

"I look forward to it...as always. I even have a surprise for you." She thought of the dress Sam had found. She wasn't even sure it would fit, but it appeared to be her size. It really wasn't her style--she hadn't worn a dress since she was a child--and hoped she wouldn't feel foolish.

Leaning in for another kiss, Ez rubbed her hand against his chest before standing. He was still a mystery to her in so many ways, maybe that was why she found him so alluring. He was tall, dark, handsome, and dangerous. So very dangerous. ...and she loved him. Despite everything she warned herself against when it came to men, she had allowed herself to become attached. What their future held was a mystery, one she looked forward to discovering.

Jackal smiled returning the kiss before breaking from her embrace. He'd slip away to get cleaned up and lay down for some sleep before the middle of the night.

11-28-2018, 06:43 AM
The night rolled on quietly enough. People talking excitedly with one another, cheers ringing out along the fires, and best of all not a single peep from the robots they found down below. They've kept it mostly under wraps about them. Just a stern warning about no one leaving the camp until daylight.

Jackal cleaned up and settled in for a quick rest while he waited for Ez to get off her guard shift. He woke up a few minutes before midnight and took the time to wake himself up and check over his weapons doing an ammo check. He was down to twenty rifle bullets and about thirty pistol rounds, hopefully they could find the armory tomorrow and everyone can restock. By his reckoning they'd be on their own until they reach the mining town just before the rumored location of the Lost Mountains. Humming to himself he began cleaning the dust and carbon from his guns while he waited for Ezra to come back to their hidden tent.

12-15-2018, 05:01 AM
Ezra handed her shift over to Deck shortly after midnight with no news to report. Before she headed back to her tent, she slipped into the community shower room and changed her clothes, slipping the new dress on and smoothing it over her hips. She wore nothing underneath, allowing the material to cling to her without any other lines interfering. She had showered earlier with a few other girls and had been delighted to find that there was warm water. With her hair recently shampooed and her body scrubbed clean, she smelled faintly of strawberries, a fruit she had never had the opportunity to taste. After a quick glance in the mirror, she shoved her daily clothing in a bag and exited into the hallway.

The walk to her tent was short, but Ez took her time, enjoying the feel of the light cotton rubbing against her skin. There was something about it that made her feel more feminine. Her breathing was already starting to quicken when she pulled back the tent's flap, surprise coming to her features when she saw Jackal already awake and sitting up. She stood in the entrance for a moment, studying him as he worked on his guns, feeling the familiar sensations his presence caused in her.

"You're awake," she said with a smile, walking over to him and putting her hands on his shoulders. She dug her fingers in, massaging the scarred flesh, then leaned over and kissed his neck. "I wouldn't mind those hands working on me like that," she teased.

Jackal had just finished cleaning out his pistol when he heard Ez's approach. Just knowing she was near made him smile and warmed his heart greatly. Putting his guns up he turned to see her and couldn't help it as his eyes went wide seeing her. She was wearing something he never expected to see her in, a blue dress with a floral pattern. At first he wasn't sure if what he was seeing was true, but she walked up and kissed his neck and he found himself really admiring how it clung so nicely to her curves.

Not that he really had any problem seeing her curves before, but the dress just reminded him how much of a woman she really was. Pulling her down into his lap he brought his hands around to grip her hips, slowly sliding along them making note that she had no underwear on. This brought a lusty smile to his face as he kissed her deeply digging his hands into her ass while his teeth nibbled on her lower lip. "Now I have seen everything. Something that makes you even more beautiful, that dress suits you well Ezzy. Where did you find it?" He brought his hands up to fondle her chest softly teasing the nipples hard. "And how quickly do you think I can get my bitch in heat out of it?" He chuckled lustfully again before laying back pulling her atop him. His mouth moving to bite her neck softly. "Or maybe just hike it up some and go to town."

Ez laughed, squirming against him as she pulled up on the lower hem of the dress. "As you wish," she replied, finally getting her lower half free of the clinging material, her hands starting to work on his belt. She had become quite fond of his little sex-time nickname for her--dirty talk was just as sexy as a little pain. "You can thank Sam for the dr..." she started, when a moan escaped her and chills ran down her spine. "Bite me harder...you tease." She pushed down on his pants, a feat that was a little tricky in her current position atop him, then gripped his hips in her hands, digging her fingers into his flesh. "One quick, then two or three slower ones?" she suggested with a laugh.

Jackal groaned happily as she moved over him, content to lie still watching her bounce and adjust for the both of them. Slipping his hands up under the hiked up dress he held the smooth skin of her hips firmly, lining them up before slipping them slightly up the tight dress so he could fondle her chest directly. Chuckling at her suggestion he nodded pulling his hands out and wrapped them around her body pulling her down so he could bite her good and hard. "Sounds good to me Ezzy."


With her heart still pounding hard against her chest and sweat coating her naked body, Ez pressed in close to Jackal following their multiple acts of love-making. She sighed lightly, her breath exhaled on his arm. "I think you may just kill me yet. I'm not sure I have enough energy to move. Poor boy...you still have a shift..." She shivered and cuddled in closer, a pressing question pushing to the forefront of her mind.

She looked at him, studying him in the dim light, a more serious expression coming to her features. She traced a line down his chest, the scars dimpling the outline of the muscles. "Can I ask you something...something you may not like?"

Jackal wiped sweat from his brow before pulling one of their discarded blankets up and around their naked forms. The privacy of their little campsite was wonderful, but he hadn't thought to start their fire tonight so he'd have to make sure to do that before he left for his shift. With a chuckle he rolled to his side and kissed the woman lightly on her lips. "Well if I kill you, I'll probably die in the process. But don't worry about me being tired. I'm used to being up long hours."

He had just settled back into her embrace and noticed the serious look on her face his own faint smile fading some more. There could be a million and one things those words could mean, but he wasn't going to begin trying to guess so he simply looped his arm around her waist and propped his head up with his hand nodding. "Of course Ezzy, we're probably at that point where all kinds of questions we won't like to answer will be coming up."

Ez chewed her lower lip, wondering if Jackal was thinking of anything in particular with that statement...then she pushed the thought aside as she looked up at him, a worried look in her eyes. She offered him a smile when his started to fade. "I was just wondering if...I mean...when you and Evy were together...was it like this?" She wasn't sure how else to ask the question or even if he would answer it...as they had never really spoken about his other love.

Jackal winched lightly, that certainly wasn't what he was expecting. But after she asked it made the most sense given the situation. Rolling to his back he stared off into the darkness of the tent thinking about his answer. He did his best to never think about Evy, in fact since he and Ezra had become a couple he'd rarely thought about her. His gut reaction was no, but as he thought about it there were a few similarities. They fucked about the same amount of time as he and Evy did, they traveled a bit together like this though no much further than a day or so from Durcell. And even in personality and affections they were close, but something just felt different with Ezra. Evy was whore before she met Jackal, and while she said she had left that life behind for him he always had his suspicions. And after she betrayed him it became clear she hadn't left it at all and those late nights working as a Grocer were really just her nights on the street. And while he wasn't 100% Ezra wasn't still messing around behind his back her feelings seem much more genuine than Evy's.

Soon he simply sighed and decided upon his answer. "Not entirely. We had our moments, but in hindsight I could easily see the act she was putting on. I think she did begin to care about me at the end she even said sorry before she died. But with you it's...different...more genuine I guess?" He sighed again looping his hands around the back of his head. "There's always going to be that doubt in my mind as I'm sure you have too. But we've been through too much on this journey to just stab each other in the back." He rolled to face her again and brushed her cheek lightly smiling. "Besides you've seen me cry, I can't let you out of my sight now to spread the word. I'll lose all the discounts I get in the towns." He leaned in and kissed her lips gently before looking down. "What about you Ezzy? I know you've had a lot of partners, but how do I stack up against Sammy's father? He seems to be the only other man you've had feelings for."

Ezra couldn't help but laugh when Jackal asked about her 'other partners'. There really had been quite a few. She thought hard before she answered him, trying to phrase it so it made the most sense. "Sammy's father," she started, "...not a good comparison...I never loved him. He was more a mentor than anything else. He taught me...I fucked him...and he was gentle and compassionate, but he didn't have the same kind of stamina as you. Or anything else for that matter," she said with a smirk. "I really don't think there was anyone that I could say I loved, but I did stay with her father the longest--almost a year--until the day he died." She sighed as the memory resurfaced. "I think he loved me though. In his own way. At least he always said he did. I think that's why I stayed so long. I just wanted the attention and someone to take care of me. ..and I have that with you too, but really there is no comparison--I have never loved anyone other than you."

Jackal chuckled kissing her on the lips. "Wow is it too late to change my answer? Kind of making me feel bad now." He joked running his fingers down her smooth side tracing her curves lovingly. "Well I'll do my best to make you not regret that."

01-03-2019, 04:52 AM
Ezra soon fell asleep and after untangling himself from her Jackal reluctantly pulled his clothes on, gathered his kit and exited the tent. He shivered lightly then made sure to fasten his tent flaps so Ezzy wouldn't get cold. He's glad he didn't bother to make a fire because the woman in the tent was sleeping like the dead and an unattended fire could end in disaster.

Fastening his coat he slung the rifle over his shoulder and headed for the entrance of the camp which is where he'd be standing guard. The lawman came upon a very dozy looking Matches leaning on his rifle trying to keep himself standing upright. With a soft chuckle Jackal approached and tapped the young man the shoulder causing him to jump up and drop his gun before frantically diving after it. The tall gunman watched with amusement as the boy kicked up a lot of dust grabbing it and returning to his spot standing board straight. "Good save Matches, you're relieved go get some sleep before you hurt someone." The tall man chuckled jerking his thumb back to camp.

Matches let out a sigh of relief and nodded shouldering his rifle and walking wearily back to camp. Pulling his rifle down Jackal quickly loaded the weapon and held it at the low ready carefully watching the darkness his ears straining for any sound of the metallic nightmares.

A few hours passed and Jackal was still in the same place, but his mind had begun to wander some. Mostly back to Ezra and what he'd do to her when he gets back. He was surprised how lewd he's become since becoming a couple with Ezra. Much of his idle thoughts were filled with her and her body. Every blemish and freckle were clear and crisp in his mind, every curve of her body both clothed and nude heated up his blood and his face. He was lost in a particularly steamy though when he saw an odd shadow from the corer of his eye. Snapping right back his rifle came up and focused on an unusual light from down the tunnel. He should've felt alarm a strange familiarity and sense of security filled his mind. He needed to investigate, moving from his post he saw Ashliee and Greggie come down the opposite hall from their perimeter patrol. Holding his hand up he pointed to the pair then to his former post and held his finger to his lips. They knew what it meant and nodded hurrying back to the camp.

The light had moved quickly and Jackal was on the move. It always stayed just out of reach as he followed it down to almost the robot level. But it stopped just before the steps and once Jackal caught up to it he was shocked to find out it's identity. A small old style flame lamp hanging from the long walking stick of the Native American man he met on the trail. Slowing to a halt Jackal slung his rifle and nodded to the elder.
"Well greetings Silver Bear, where'd you come from?"

A dry chuckle filled the metal halls as the Indian took a long swig from his canteen then replaced it to his belt.
"The same place you will use to leave this place Child of the Gun." He pointed a gnarled brown finger down the steps to the robot's level.

Jackal scoffed shaking his head.
"The only thing down there is death, Silver Bear. I was already down there place is overrun by killer robots."

Silver Bear's ancient face creased in a knowing smile.
"Beyond them is a tunnel that leads to an oasis near the town of Endver. The Woman of the Dirt will know it, though she might not be happy to go there. But you will all need to, there is over one-hundred feet of sand on top of this bunker, you will never dig out. That tunnel will be your only hope.."

The lawman shook his head slowly. This old man continued to speak in vague predictions with knowledge he shouldn't know. "How do you know all this? And how do we get past the robots?"

Picking up his stick an lantern Silver Bear continued to smile.
"I have traveled many places my son, as for getting past the robots you need only go in peace." And with that Silver Bear walked slowly down the steps vanishing around the corner along with the strange orange glow of his lamp. Jackal contemplated chasing after the man, but he couldn't go it alone. He'd finish his watch and bring it up to Ezra in the morning, rubbing his eyes and taking a pull from his own canteen he unslung his rifle and moved back down the tunnel to his post.

Morning relief came and the rest of Jackal shift was uneventful, but full of turmoil. Rubbing his eyes he forwent Deck offered cup of coffee and simply returned to his tent. He was glad to find Ezra still there and still naked. Stripping down he climbed under the furs wrapping his arms around her much warmer body groping her fondly before settling into a deep spooning position.

01-04-2019, 01:56 AM
Waking to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, Ez pulled her furs closer and cuddled into the warmth of Jackal's body pressing against hers. With a smile, she rolled over to face him and brushed her lips against his, softly moaning. Her fingers traced the line of his jaw and she paused, reluctantly pulling back. She stared into his face, deciding against the idea of waking him for some play time and with one final kiss, her tongue running along his lips, she slipped from the furs, tucking them back around him.

Dressing quickly and quietly, Ez exited the tent and made her way to the central fire, gratefully taking the cup of hot coffee Deck offered. She sat, a contented smile on her face, watching as the rest of camp slowly roused from sleep and came over to the main area for breakfast. "Any problems last night," she asked Matches as he stepped over, getting a shake from his head as an answer. She nodded. "Good. Hopefully we can get the bay doors open this morning and figure out our next move. We might have to do a bit of digging, but I am not anticipating more than a few hours of work."

After eating a bit of reconstituted eggs, she put together a crew and they got to work on the door. It became obvious almost from the start that they were not going to get the door to lift easily on its track, the central section bowing in a bit from the weight of the sand outside. Ezra next had them use metal bars shoved under the lip for leverage and even with the strength of several people prying up on the door, they only managed to lift it a few inches. The small victory was rewarded by a large rush of sand pouring in under the crack.

"Okay...hold it," she said, grabbing the map from her back pocket that Sam had printed out the day before. "Lets leave it be. Everyone's relieved from work duty until I return," she said, then walked over to Deck. "If Jackal wakes up soon, tell him I am going to the creek where we fell in...I need to check something." She waved to Matches, "You're with me. Grab your gun and some supplies. We might be a bit...have to check a few more doors."

01-12-2019, 01:39 AM
Jackal awoke as few hours later. He had no idea how many, but the stiffness in his body told him a fair few. With a low grown he sat up rubbing his eyes owlishly, he revisited the interaction with Silver Bear in the tunnels in his head a thousand and one times since last night. He woke up half-hoping it was just a really intense dream, but a dread in the back of his mind told him it was all real. Putting on some clean clothes he crawled from his tent tightening his pistol belt and slinging the rifle over his shoulder before slowly making his way to camp.

He had to tell Ezra about the encounter. But he was sure she'd think him crazy and not listen to him. There was tons upon tons of sand on top of them they'd never be able to dig themselves out. He just hoped the tunnel the old man spoke of was real. He arrived at camp not seeing Ezra anywhere and a large pile of sand by one of the doors quirking his eyuebrow he looked at Deck. "Guess digging our way out is off the table?"

Deck nodded. "Yup, Ezra and Matches are lookin' for other doors. They've been gone a spell, but she said to tell you to go to the hole y'all fell in to get here." The tall man frowned then nodded and headed in that direction.

01-19-2019, 04:48 AM
'...a few more doors,' turned out to be several--a bit more than Ezra had originally anticipated when she left the camp. Moving through the hallway quietly, Ez and Matches made the control room their first stop. Ez 'woke up' the computer screen by moving the mouse, and with much difficulty and help from Matches, she finally figured out how to unlock all the service entrances to the outside. It was amazing how much easier the younger generation seemed to take to these strange contraptions. There were too many buttons and symbols for her taste. Moving away with a huff after completing her task, she was preparing to leave the room when she heard a beep and turned, noticing a flashing amber triangle on the screen. When she clicked on it, the floor plan appeared, the ventilation systems now glowing yellow. With a quick step she joined Matches in the hallway, not mentioning anything about the possible danger.

Ez led them at a fast pace to their first stop, knowing now how critical it was for them to find a way out of this tomb. Despite their efforts, the door held fast and they moved on, Matches holding the map as they moved through the top level, checking each exit, but most opening outwards and refusing to budge. There were only two which opened inwards, and the amount of sand that poured from one of them was enough to block the hallway, forcing them to dig their way around.

A couple hours later, Ez stopped to take a break, drinking heavily from her canteen and wiping the sweat from her brow. "This is getting us nowhere," she said, one of the few things she had spoken in a normal tone of voice since they had started checking the doors. Matches had heard several long strings of curses from her already and hearing her talk so normally caused him to laugh. Warily she looked at him, her eyes narrowing in a way that made her appear angry. "Care to share?" she asked with a tone of impatience. She had chosen him to join her because he needed to work on his ability to stay focused and on task. She had heard complaints about him falling asleep while on watch and she planned to keep him active all day to challenge him. All of her recruits now were new, and although she expected each one to hold their weight, she also couldn't expect them to be on their game from the start.

The young man looked at her nervously. "No ma'am...I mean yes. I just thought it was funny you didn't swear this time," he said with a tremor to his voice.

"Hmm...I'll try to amend that," she replied as she returned to her feet, her look serious, but smiling inside. All the time she had been spending with Jackal seemed to have calmed her quick temper, a fact that she found interesting, yet odd, at the same time. "Why don't you go ahead and lead us to the area marked with a circle. It's out last stop on this damn venture."

As Matches took the front, Ez followed behind him, the layout of the redoubt clear in her head. She did not correct him when he made several wrong turns, just had him recheck the map and make adjustments to their path. After twenty minutes of fruitless wandering, she finally grabbed the map from him and pointed out the correct way to get to the underground stream. This was followed by a string of curses, which was met with a moan of embarrassment.

When the pair finally opened the door into the chamber, the sight before them was as expected, but not hoped. "Fuck!" Ez groaned, standing just inside the doorway, the only area not filled to the roof with the gritty substance.

01-19-2019, 11:57 PM
Being thankful for his good memory Jackal retraced his memories from the previous days. His senses on high alert as soon as he left camp. It's been a wild few days for the lawman he was lucky to have Ezra around to give him an outlet for it. As he moved through the winding corridors he began to hear voices one of them he's sure was Ezra.

Following the sounds with a smirk on his face the tall man soon found Ezra and Matches. The room he and Ezra had fallen into was completely full of sand. He let out a low whistle. "Well guess this puts a damper on our escape."

03-01-2019, 04:27 PM
Ezra, hand on her weapon at her hip, was already facing the direction Jackal came from after hearing his footfalls. The tension left her as soon as she saw him and she nodded at his comment, a frown on her face. "It's like this everywhere we've looked. All the exits are blocked with sand and the air quality is dropping. I'm not sure if we can dig our way out, but I'll be damned if I am going to have us sit on our hands." She sighed heavily, leaning towards Matches and pointing out their camp site to him on the map. "We need to get back there," she said to the young man, tracing the way with her finger. She glanced back at the lawman curiously, wondering why he was meeting her here. "Unless there is something else you can suggest?" she asked.

Jackal nodded slowly. "I do have something, but might be better if I tell you in private." He looked at the young man and nodded his head back the way he came. "I marked the path back to camp with arrows, follow them." He took the map from the red-headed young man who nodded and let out a sigh of relief, being this far into the bunker made him very uneasy so he was glad to be sent back to camp. Once Matches was gone Jackal sighed himself. "So had a rather interesting experience last night on patrol."

"Is that so?" Ezra replied in a soft tone. "..and you didn't wake me?" She moved closer to him, glancing briefly at the map he had taken from the young man. She knew all the floors with their rooms and corridors by heart, but nothing in the lines pointed to escape. Putting her hand on his arm, she looked up at him, seeing the turmoil within. Something was bothering the lawman...something in addition to their current situation. "Talk to me Jackal. I don't think we have a lot of time."

Jackal nodded beginning to walk along the same path he walked last night.
"Well I'm not sure if I told you about him before. But last night I saw the old man Silver Bear again, he'd found his way inside the bunker from some underground tunnel down below the robot level. He made it through and back without harm at all. I don't even know if it was a delusion or something, but he said there was another way, but our supplies won't last long enough to the mine town, we'll need to head for Endver."

The mention of her home town caused Ezra to pause, but she forced herself to start walking again, convincing herself that now was not the time to worry about that little detail. She tried to keep pace behind Jackal, his longer strides made up for by her increased speed. "I don't remember any mention of a Silver Bear before, but it must have been a dream or a hallucination. Otherwise he would have shown you the way out." She couldn't imagine he had walked these halls during his watch, but his apparent confidence of where he was going seemed unusual to her. "..and how would he know the status of our supplies?" she added.

Jackal noted the woman's pause, but didn't say anything he just sighed and shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine Ezra, very rarely have my eyes and ears deceived me. In fact they were part of what's kept me alive all these years, but it has happened." Leading her to the spot he met the old man he folded the map and nodded down the hall. "That's where he went. With all other exits blocked up this might be our only way out of here, but there are parts of the bunker we haven't been to yet. I was contemplating checking it out myself last night, but just in case something went wrong I decided to wait until I told you."

She nodded. "I'm glad you did not go alone...safer with two." She looked down the long hallway, chewing on her lip as she thought about the dangers they could encounter down there. "Okay, let's do this," she said, "..we don't have anything to lose at this point. If we can't find this hidden tunnel or maybe a vehicle that can push through the sand, then we can always try digging." She started out, this time moving slower, looking for anything that looked out of place...anything that wasn't on the map that Jackal carried. She looked to him, smiling to herself, then reached over and took his hand. "If things don't work out as planned, I know how I want to go out," she said with a hint of amusement. "If we have time, maybe we could give it a practice run?"

The man's tension melted away as Ez took his hand and made the somewhat lewd joke. "Oh my bitch in heat is never satisfied it seems." He leaned down and kissed her on the lips his other hand coming around to grope her gently before pulling back their hands tightening. "If we find a way out we can do it to celebrate as well." The effect she had on him was out of this world and he was so glad to have her around. "But first let's survive the robots. According to Silver Bear all we need to do is go in peace whatever that means." He sighed again then began following the path he saw the old man take.

For a short while Ezra walked in silence, mulling over the words 'go in peace'. It could be as simple as it sounded, simply to make no noise...or perhaps to post no threat. Both easy enough solutions that could be accomplished if the robots followed the queue. She slowed a bit, tugging on Jackal's hand to make him stop as she unlaced her fingers from him. "Where is the last place you saw the man...can you show me on the map? Maybe we can figure this out another way. Narrow down our search a bit. Is there a mechanical area near the bottom floor, somewhere that machinery would be set. Marked more by an 'x' than as an actual room? Or perhaps even a duct that the others flow from that is large enough that we could fit inside?"

Jackal hmmed lightly and pointed to the end of the hall. "Right about there." He lifted the map and studied it. "Looks like there's a second motor pool down here." He pointed to the bottom of the map. "That looks to be the only place big enough to house machines."

She leaned in closer, nodding her agreement. "Okay, maybe we should head there first. See what we can find. If this guide of yours turns out to be right, then you've got yourself one hell of a friend." She laughed lightly, squeezing his arm. She was thinking he may have had a prophetic dream, unless this Silver Bear was more of a spirit. Either way, it put a new spin on things. Jackal might just be able to get them out of here before their air ran out. She moved a bit away from him, then smiled. "Lead the way handsome."

Jackal gave the woman a smile and pulled her close holding the map in one hand as he glanced up every now and then.

They were nearing a large double doored service entrance when Ezra stopped, looking above them with her eyes narrowed. "Did you hear that?" she asked, picking up a faint clicking sound from within the ceiling tiles. She took a few steps backwards, drawing her gun. The sound seemed to be coming from all around them now as small spider-like robots started pushing their way through the cracks. It wasn't until the larger bot appeared from around the doors, its one eye glowing red that she took aim, preparing to defend herself against the advancing man-made creature.

Like Ezra, Jackal pulled his gun and took aim. His instincts took over for his sense he fired a few quick shots then grabbed the woman and ran for one of the halls. There had to be one place safe around here. He kept a firm hold of Ezra's hand ducking through hallways and corridors, a strange feeling filled his heart. One he wasn't unfamiliar with, but something he hadn't felt in a long while...fear.

Not fear for himself, he'd given up on that years ago, but fear for Ezra and the company. Though most of the original troop had left the new ones were more like him and Ezra. Lost souls looking for a greater good, something worth going through hell for. But he wasn't willing to lose Ezra just yet.

They were keeping ahead of the bots, but just barely, Ezra's pace surely slower than Jackal's would be without her. She could hear the sound of the metallic limbs on the walls and floor getting closer, and she came to a decision. Giving Jackal's hand a quick squeeze, she then opened hers, releasing her grip on him so she could come to a stop. "We're not going to outrun them," she said, her breathing a little escalated, "..and if they are moving through the ceiling, then we are not going to be able to get away from them either. If they wanted to kill us, they had all night to do so. I'm going to wait here."

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, they appeared, the smaller ones converging on her by the hundreds. She stood perfectly still, keeping her hands at her sides as they started to move up her body. She closed her eyes, her chest rising and falling rapidly, but she did not move. There would be no changing her mind now.

Panic filled Jackal's mind and he quickly holstered his gun and rushed back to the woman ripping the little bots from her shouting. "NO NO WE NEED TO KEEP MOVING! I CAN'T LET THEM GET YOU!" He was frantically yanking them off his eyes beginning to water in panic.

Ez noticed a change, the scurrying on her body becoming erratic, and she reached for Jackal, taking his hands in hers, at first with a desperation and strength to her grip, becoming gentler when she had his attention. "It's okay Jack," she said, her voice calm in response to his anxious tone. "They're not hurting me...please, just relax." She looked up at him, her eyes seeking his, surprised to see the moisture forming there. She smiled, a warmth spreading within her. "We can do this...together. Just succumb to their touch." Her breathing was becoming more regular as she controlled her own fear, trying to help Jackal control his. She began moving her fingers lightly against his palms, caressing his skin. "We're going to be okay," she whispered.

Calm filled Jackal's mind and he let out a long low sigh, his body seeming to shrink inside of itself as he moved closer to Ezra and shut his eyes. He held her close, the metallic creatures crawling all over and filling his ears with their unsettling clicks and whirs. His voice went from a panicked shutter to a through the teeth wheeze, then soon settled into the same level as Ezra's slow, calm, and focused. The crawling and noise continued until it became an unending screeching.

The man thought he was going to start bleeding by the ears until it all suddenly stopped and the creatures marched off their bodies and began moving like a single wave down the hall before the giant spider creature from before appeared it's once evil red eyes becoming a somewhat gentler orange. Jackal let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. The creatures moved slowly towards them and the man had to fight the urge to move between it and Ezra. Luckily it stopped a few feet short and began speaking in a surprisingly feminine sounding voice.

"Thank you, for not killing my children this time. They are all I have left." The tone sounded genuinely sad. "Usually we can simply scare intruders away if they don't die within the first few days, your group has lasted the longest here since the base was lost over two centuries ago." Her voice box chirped slightly. "Welcome to Fort Wallace, I am Gia."

Ezra stared at the large spider-like creature with a mix of curiosity and shock. She had tried to remain calm for Jackal's sake while the smaller bots had climbed over them, but was unable to stop herself from taking a deep inhalation when the larger one began talking. She looked at it strangely, not sure how to address a robot. "Hello?" she said with uncertainty, then glanced up at Jackal.

"Hello." Jackal said pulling back from holding Ezra in a hug to simply holding her by her waist. The robot nodded lightly holding her hands in front of her. "Hello, please follow me. I am sure you and your friends wish to leave. You'll just need to clear some of the old scrap away from the door." The machine led the pair down the partially lit hallway the small crawling machines skittered passed them carrying the small broken bodies of their siblings and other bits of random scrap metal into various rooms and other hallways. It looked way bigger than at first thought.

Jackal was surprised at the industry of these machine, even years after humans abandoned this place. "Have you been down here since the Fire? Just building your children?"

Gia nodded sadly stroking the head of one of her larger arachnid like children as it passed. "Yes, we keep each other company. I was created to live forever and with humans alongside me, but when they left I was trapped here. I wasn't finished and couldn't go far on my current short-life battery." She waved her hands wistfully around the large bunker. "This is my kingdom of rust and my tomb. Without a lot of electricity I will will wind down and die, and my dear children will have no mother to care for and maintain them."

Jackal frowned lightly holding Ezra close his nerves calmed and his eyes scanned and studied the hallway and corridors doing his best to memorize them. He thought about questioning the robot about Silver Bear, but decided against it. So he kept his mouth set in a grim line his hand slipping under the hem of Ez's shirt to gently stroke the smooth skin of her hip the contact helping him stay grounded in the now despite all his instincts tell him otherwise.

His soft caress drew her attention away from the spider-like machines, and Ezra looked up at the gunslinger, sensing his disquiet that was similar to her own. She managed a slight smile, hoping she made the right decision to trust these mechanical beings. She didn't stop moving forward, unsure of any alternative. They were outnumbered and escape was not possible now. Either they were being led to an exit, or it was a trap...in a short time they would know.

The corridor came to an abrupt end, a steel door set before them. As the large arachnid continued through it, a set of lights in the ceiling flickered on, revealing a large weapons locker and several jeep-like vehicles in a state of disrepair. Rust covered every surface and a wet mold-like odor permeated the air. The room was compromised, but it appeared to be structurally sound...at least for now. The blocked exit was visible from where they stood, not an impossible task to clear, but it would take some time and man power. Ezra looked up at Jackal again, chewing her lip nervously. "We have to get the others...and quickly. This could take hours."

The man nodded at Ezra then looked at the mechanical woman standing patiently before them. "Thank you Gia, we have many in our group, but can I ask for your help in moving this wreckage? Our group will take likely the rest of the day to move it all ourselves."

The woman hmmed softly gazing at the rickety pile of scrap. She and her children could likely move it all themselves in half the time. But it was never dubbed worth the effort, they couldn't leave the bunker so the scrap had become something of their garbage dump in the years since the Fire. But she knew humans liked to collect junk so she would help them do it. She gave a soft nod. "Sure, we will help. Just be sure to tell your companions about my children, they like to inspect everyone and everything." She gave a slightly cheery chip. "Children are curious, but unless you hurt them my young won't hurt you."

Jackal nodded and turned keeping his hand on Ezra's hip leading her back to camp.

03-07-2019, 04:08 AM
Once the pair had left the "Robot Queen's Realm" (as they both agreed to address Gia's little home as from now on.) they took off at a steady run. They didn't know how long it would take to break down camp and convince everyone to follow them into the very same area they were all warned against going into.

As they reached camp Jackal lifted his fingers to his lips and whistled shrilly. Everyone looked quickly up half of them reaching for their guns. As they saw it was Ezra and Jackal though they relaxed. The tall man nodded to them. "Alright group we found away out, but it's gonna require us to move a mountain of scrap metal. And...go into the robot levels."

As he expected the group immediately began voicing complaints and counter plans. But he shook his head and waved his hand. "We have no choice. Every other exit is blocked with no way of moving the blockage. Pack up camp and let's get going." He released Ez and went to ready his own stuff.

03-19-2019, 12:32 AM
Everyone was busy packing up their belongings, including Ezra. She helped Jackal with the tent, then started loading up the wagon with the items they had scavenged. She spoke briefly with Deck, mentioning what they had seen in the lower levels. As he had encountered the bots with the gunman, he wasn't too surprised to find out there was a leader, or mother, in charge of them. Hopefully, she and her little spiders creatures would be able to move most of the debris before they made it back toting all their supplies.

The lawman's words seemed to have motivated everyone and Ez was glad to see there was significant progress being made. Matches had already told everyone about the sand the two of them had encountered behind every door, so there had been only the slightest bit of resistance against the plan. She wasn't too fond of having to deal with the mechanical beings, but the alternative was worse. As she got the last of her personal things loaded onto her horse, she took the reins and moved him to the front of the line, waiting for Jackal to join her in leading their people below. Already she could tell the difference in the air quality, a feeling of heaviness in her chest. With slow movements they should be able to avoid any complications from the reduced oxygen.

Ezra worried her lower lip as she waited. It was going to be difficult to get everyone and their animals through the halls safely. Who knew what the tunnels below the large installation would be like. ...and after they reached the surface? It was on to Endver. Once again, she tried to push that thought out of her head. It was going to be fine. A lot of years had passed and things there would be like every other town. Run down. A criminal presence. Petty. ...but with a populace that she would remember...and that may remember her. No worries. She would get along without any issues...she was sure of it.

She continued her chewing, her lip starting to bleed with the assault against it. An image pushed itself to the front of her memory...an older man dressed in the style of a priest, his dark collar tight against his neck, the white shirt below impeccably clean. "Oh fuck," she thought, "...why Endver?"

03-23-2019, 02:25 AM
Jackal's mind was swimming. So much was happening and he was having issues keeping it all straight, something he was never comfortable with. Robots, lost treasure, death, deceit, it was like he was living in a Pre-Fire motion picture of some kind. But then again most of his adult life was like that.

At least he had Ezra, by his side. He loved her dearly, and every second away was almost painful. But still his mission kept pushing up from the back of his mind. Through the worries and idle fantasies, reasserting it's importance. He must reach the treasure of the lost mountain and he must reach it with with Ezra and Sammy, he simply must.

With a slight growl he finishes fastening his supplies to Vash's back and led the dusty beast to the tunnel entrance with the rest of the caravan. He gave the creature a sugar cube to enjoy and went to Ezra's side. The tunnels would be too narrow for anyone to ride so all would be walking, as he got close he noticed the apprehension on the woman's face and saw the blood. With a knitted brow he pulled out his handkerchief and dabbed the blood with it smiling. "Don't damage those lips too much, I may need to kiss them later. What's got you chewing on yourself?"

03-26-2019, 05:13 PM
Ezra jerked back in surprise when Jackal started wiping away the blood on her lips. She had been lost in thought, hardly noticing when he came up beside her, but definitely not expecting him to get so close and up in her face. She offered a weak smile in apology at her reaction, gently moving his hand away and running her tongue over her bottom lip to get the last drops. She met his gaze, her smile warming up to him now that he had her attention. "I hope that means what I think it does," she said softly in response to his comment, her body heating up to the suggestion. "...but don't worry, I'm just a bit nervous about this next stretch. I was a bit distracted, thinking about the ride underground...and afterwards."

She didn't want to lie to him, but she also didn't want to tell him the truth. They had shared a lot together, but both still had their secrets, and some of hers she hoped would never come to light. If things in Endver were still the same as when she left, she would have to start explaining the ghosts of her past, otherwise, she could just push them back again into the small, dark closet of her mind. With a slight grimace, she reached over and squeezed his hand, deciding to at least let a little light in on the subject.

"I know we haven't talked much about our origins, but I did mention I was from the Midway area. Not real proud of the fact, but Endver is actually my home town. Not much of a place...at least not way back then. I guess I'm a bit nervous heading back there also...old ghosts." She didn't elaborate, the group finally having all gathered together and ready to head out. She waved them forward, taking Clove's reins and placing them over her shoulder. As long as he wasn't spooked, the gelding would follow her obediently. She gave Jackal a quick glance. "We can talk more about it tonight...after we get out of the tunnels. Not sure I want everyone in on the discussion."

03-30-2019, 01:22 AM
Jackal nodded slowly taking note of her words and trying to decipher what she meant beforehand. But as he thought about it she had a point. While this group was leaps and bounds more trustworthy than the one they started out with still not the best idea to air dirty laundry in their faces. Grabbing Vash's reins he fell in step behind Ezra, the tunnels forcing the caravan to go in single file or find working elevators to bypass taking animals and carts down stairwells.

By the time they reached Gia's Queendom nearly five hours had elapsed with the young people growing more scared and restless with each step. By Jackal's calculations it was likely well into the night, and no one would be in the mood to dig through tons of scrap metal and trash. They pulled into the room and found the exactly half of the heap had been removed, and neither Gia nor her "children" were anywhere in sight. The Robotic Matron obviously believing it best to be out of mind by being out of sight, but the lawman was sure they were keeping eyes on the group.

Looking back he waved his hand and the group let out a collective sigh and slumped to the ground or against their mounts to rest. He chuckled then look at Ezra. "Well seems we'll be resting one more night in the bunker."

04-15-2019, 01:38 AM
Ezra nodded, hoping the air quality wouldn't drop too low during the time they rested. It didn't seem to lay as heavy this deep inside the redoubt, perhaps the partially blocked tunnel was allowing some fresh air to filter in. She quickly scanned the disheveled room, laying a hand gently on Jackal's arm and indicating an area a bit out from where the others seemed to be setting up camp. "I'm going to get Clove settled in for the night. Can you bring the tent? I think we should rummage through the weapon's locker before we retire. Get an idea what is salvageable. Unless you would rather wait until morning?" The last was said with the raise of a brow, her suggestion obvious. "I'll be right along to help with the tent."

She took the cloved horse to a quiet area where the lights were no longer functioning and gave him a good brush down before providing him with food and water. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day...lots of manual labor and a trek through a mostly dark tunnel. Hopefully she would be able to work off some of the tension she was feeling tonight with the gunslinger in her arms. She chuckled lightly to herself...who would have ever thought she would enjoy the tender part of lovemaking?

Patting the horse on his rump, she joined back up with the rest of the party, seeking out Sam. The girl was spending an awful lot of time with the newcomers, which was not so surprising as they were closer to her age. It helped that they did not know her past...the emotional scars from such a life style were hard enough to hide in a crowd of strangers...co-existing with her original crew had been a constant hardship for her.

Ez approached the attractive blonde and gave her a quick hug. She was starting to get used to the public displays of affection now that she had both a daughter and a man she loved living by her side. She squeezed the girl's hand and offered her a smile. "I want you to walk up front with Jack and I tomorrow. It's going to be a long trek and I want to keep an eye on you...just to be safe. Stay with your friends tonight, and get some rest. We have a ton of debris to move aside in the morning." She nodded to the others standing by her, giving Deck a heads up as she moved back along the further reaches of the equipment room.

04-17-2019, 12:38 AM
Sammy let out a surprised squeak as Extra came up and hugged her. It was a nice surprise, mind you. Ever since she found out about Ezra being her mom the feeling never stopped feeling good, but she knew Each wasn't the touchy feely sort so anything like this was always a surprise.

But recovering quickly she returned the hug in kind and nodded giving the older woman a smirk. "Will do mom, just please don't be making out with Jackal the whole time. It'll be too gross." It was awesome having a mom she could joke with and friends she could hang with. Was almost like being a normal teen rather than a teenage former whore.

The tall man caught her hint and gave a small nod at her suggestion. "Sounds like a date Ezra." He chuckled gathering up their now combine sleeping kits and moved them to where the woman suggested.

05-06-2019, 01:03 AM
The tent went up easily with the two of them working together and afterwards Ez arranged the furs inside to make a comfortable bed. She ran her hand lightly over the soft hides, a slight frown appearing on her features. They were the only thing left over from her experience with the Salties and they were much better than her usual blanket thrown on the ground--both for comfort and warmth--even with the memories that they stirred. With a shake of her head, she slipped back out to grab a bite to eat before retiring, the thought of the night ahead erasing any feelings that had surfaced just a moment before.

As was his custom, Deck had prepared a large meal for the travelers, ensuring full stomachs when they all headed for bed. Ez sat next to the cook, although her attention drifted often to Jackal, as she discussed the next morning's plans. A cold breakfast of left-overs would be followed with the raiding of the weapons locker. She put Deck and Jack on that task as they were best suited to determine what would be salvagable. The rest would work on removing the remaining debris. Hopefully they would be on their way in a few hours. After recommending everyone get a good night's sleep, a suggestion she had no intention of following, she went out into the hall and entered one of the many washrooms that were scattered thoughout the redoubt.

A light blinked on overhead and Ezra took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. She let her hair out, the waves of brown falling about her shoulders. It was longer than she usually kept it, the weeks on the road making her less tuned in to her appearance. Even her skin looked untended, fine lines starting to show around her eyes and mouth. The sun was taking its toll...her age also a factor. She looked away, turning on the water and washing her face in a splash of cold water. She cleaned up as best as she could, even managing to wash her hair with a liquid soap that was in a dispenser. She wondered idly if the spider robots and their 'mother' kept everything in working order...at least to the extent of having lights and power. The years that had passed would surely have allowed everything to go to ruin otherwise.

Drying off with the paper-like towels, Ez left the bathroom and quietly headed back to the equipment room. She kept attentive to her surroundings, even though the metal creatures had not threatened them as of yet, they still could not be trusted in her opinion. She entered her tent and slipped out of her clothes, pulling the furs loosely over her body as she waited for the gunfighter to join her.

05-07-2019, 04:08 AM
Jackal wasn't all that hungry right the now. So he had Deck save him some while he got to work on shifting through the weapons and gear left over in the armory. Most of the weapons were well beyond useful.

Rusty, broken, or looking like they had chunks bitten out of them. The spiderbots didn't strike him as the types to eat or recycle things like that. A few decent rifles, handguns, shotguns, there was even a few machine guns laying around that could be saved.

Recycled parts, some macheing equipment for new parts if they find the blueprints, there was even a few pallets of ammo to go through. All and all a damn good haul, the trick would be fine tuning the finds and packing it all up for the road and resale. He moved a few of the pallets around and pulled the most destroyed items off to the side.

It hadn't taken long, but he had made some progress. Still he would need more hands to make a big dent. Plus he had a date with Ezra, moving to one of the washrooms. He stripped down and began wiping himself clean. It has been a bit since he had a bath, maybe falling in that pond days ago could count. But a proper cleaning has been a long while in waiting.

He did what he could to clean himself. A few minutes passed and he was as clean as he could be under the circumstances. Gathering up his shirt and coat he left the washroom and made his was to the tent. His face creased in a huge smile as he drew closer. He knew what was waiting for him.

Stripping out of his own clothes he slipped inside the tent and slid under the furs with Ez moving up behind her moving his hands around to her front before kissing her neck. "Hey you "

06-12-2019, 08:41 PM
Ez had only been in the tent a short while before Jackal joined her. She looked up as he entered, a smile coming to her lips as she anticipated his warm body against hers. As soon as he climbed in next to her, she leaned back into him, her hands cupping his. "Hey..." she responded in a soft tone, her body responding to his touch immediately. She sighed as his lips brushed against her skin.

"I hope you weren't planning on getting any sleep," she said playfully, her voice low. "I've got a real appetite tonight."

Jackal chuckled rolling them over so Ez was on the bottom as he settled himself atop her, his hands brushing up her sides before they rested on her face kissing her lips fondly. "Sounds like a challenge Ezzy." He winked and deepened the kiss.

She returned the affection hungrily, pulling his lower lip into her mouth and biting down. As she shifted to redistribute his weight more comfortably, her hands went lower, to the rise of his backside, the nails digging into his flesh as her passion increased. "You feel like you are up for it lover," she teased as she pulled away slightly from the kiss. Her lips brushed against his, her gaze shifting upwards to look deeply into his eyes. "Don't be gentle," she urged, groaning as she pushed harder against him.

The man laughed giving her a wink before he went forward with what they both wanted. Nearly an hour passed before in a panting sweat-coated heap the pair fell to their sides. No words could be heard through the heavy pants, but as Jackal's hand gripped Ez's it was obvious no words were needed.

For a long while, the woman remained silent, savoring the quiet, and taking comfort in the simple act of oneness. When she turned to him, her hand went to his chest to trace the scars which covered his torso. The network of marks always a fascination for her. She sighed lightly then looked up at him, her hand stopping mid-trace. "I want to...no...I need to share something with you...if not for the necessity of stopping in Endver it would not be an issue...but...there is a history there. …and if anyone recognizes me..." She sighed again. "It's easiest to say that Endver was...is...a religious town. And the people within used to be very devout. When I was young there was a preacher..."

With a deep exhale, Ezra pushed herself up into a sitting position, pulling a fur over her lap. She kept her gaze downward, her fingers now running along the hide. "...a preacher from the wilds. No name...just 'sir'. And he found his new flock wanting...the children illiterate. He set it upon himself to teach us...but he was not a pious man. His ways were...unusual." She glanced up at Jackal, her lower lip once again the object of her teeth's affection. "I don't wish to speak of his lessons...I just...I'm afraid the same teachings may be in effect. And if so, you must never agree to atonement. Or anything else they may offer. I can only hope things have changed and a simple trade can be accomplished."

She uncovered herself and went to lay down again next to him, her head coming to rest on his chest. Breathing in his scent and closing her eyes, a calmness settled back within her quickly. "It'll be fine. I'm worrying for nothing," she said, more to herself than him.

Jackal listened intently to her confession rolling to his side to study her closely. This wasn't the first time he'd heard about False Men of the Cloth skeeving through Ragged America. Humans as a species wanted to find greater meaning in the chaos of life, find meaning in why their loved ones died and bad shit kept happening for seemingly no reason.

Before the Fire religion, any religion filled that void. Many thought relation was made for the void and didn't actually come from any kind of divine source. He'd killed more than few between slaughtering Black Jacks. Some were thieves, others murders, some were even rapists. And he had a feeling this one in Endver was one of the third types. But he could be wrong, he didn't recall ever going to the town. As she moved back to his side he wrapped his arm fondly around the woman kissing the top of her head. "I've never known you to worry for nothing Ezzy, I'll be sure to spread the word through our group tomorrow."

Ez nodded, pressing herself tighter into the gunman's side. She could grow used to this, having a man beside her every night. It was easy to forget her worries when his warm body was tucked in so close to hers. She and Jackal had never talked about their future, something she had never bothered to worry about with any other lover. But there were questions that had floated through her mind recently. Was he the type that settled down? Was she? And what about children--was he hoping to have some of his own? They were not in a situation where she would consider asking him any of this, but she couldn't stop her mind from wondering.

With a soft sigh, she looked up at him, running her finger along the line of his jaw. "I don't want to think about tomorrow. We will have all day to worry about that. Let's focus on us for the remainder of the night." She smiled, pressing her lips to his chest, her teeth nibbling lightly against his skin. "That is...if you are up for it." She reached for his hand, entwining their fingers. "Of course, I'll understand if you are tired and need some more rest. I've never met a man that could keep up with me."

Jackal let out a low laugh and rolled his lover to her back giving her a lusty wink. "Oh I think we're about evenly matched Ezzy." Leaning down he kissed her deeply his hands pinning hers down as another round of fun began.

06-30-2019, 08:45 PM
Morning came too soon for the lover hidden in their tent simply enjoying the presence and warmth of the other. It was a rare thing to experience in this dead world. Tree comfort and intimacy, nothing else in the world but two people joined by cardinal desire and held together by what could be called love...just life before the Fire.

But as much as they wished for it to be otherwise the sounds of the breaking down camp and the soft footsteps of Sammy made the lawman let out a low annoyed groan. "We're getting up Sammy, just make sure Deck and the others pick up everything we'll need." The soft steps ceased then the girl let out a low click of her tongue confirming she heard him before she turned and went back to camp.

He pulled himself out from under the furs pulling them away from Ez's nude body next to him. He felt stirrings inside of him, but squashed them down and simply shook the woman a littler harder than needed to make her body jiggle one last time for his amusement. "Time to get moving Ezzy."

07-14-2019, 03:07 AM
"Mmm," Ez murmured, rolling over onto her side after being jousled. She peered up at Jackal, a sly smile coming to her lips. "I'm awake...sort of..." Appraising him openly she grabbed for her clothes and started dressing. "You're a sight for tired eyes lover. Too bad you have to cover up all that." Getting to her feet a moment later, she slipped up against him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she rose to the tip of her toes to plant a kiss on his lips. "I'll see you out there," she said softly, slipping out the tent's flap to start her day.

Once everyone had a breakfast of cold left-overs, the work on the pile of debris began. Ezra and Jackal got everyone organized, the work taking several hours, leaving everyone tired and sore. The wagon and pack animals were loaded up after another light meal and finally the group was on their way again towards their next destination. Although no one voiced it, a sense of relief was felt now that they were leaving the confines of the redoubt...none of them being used to spending time enclosed in an underground facility.

The trip though the tunnel was uneventful, the darkness causing them to move slowly with only handheld torches for light. There had not been one sighting of the spiders since the day before, although their presence could be felt. Ez led her horse with a tight grip on his reins, a chill running along her spine despite the sheen of sweat on her skin. The dank and musty smell of the long tube finally gave way to fresh air after a couple hours of seemingly endless walking, the scaver letting out a long sigh of relief as she, Jack, and Sam emerged into the open air, a double set of doors revealing the desert landscape reshaped.

Ezra waited until everyone had emerged from the tunnel before she mounted Clove. The mountains were close, only a few hours ride...and then they could camp before entering Endver the following morning. Already the sky was starting to darken as dusk approached.

"On me," she called as she headed out at a slow pace, motioning her arm forward. Sammy slipped back to ride with her friends, Deck holding up the rear, and Jack fluctuating his position along the line. Night came along soon enough, a full moon lighting their way as they reached the foothills. A well worn path along the rocky scape led upwards in a gradual climb. Ez stopped the group once the gates of Endver were visible in the distance.

"We'll camp here," she said, stopping her horse in a small clearing with obvious signs of previous use. A ring of rocks enclosed a generous pile of ash, and flattened areas were evident from the placement of previous tents. There was plenty of grass for the horses and a crystal clear watering hole for drinking...and bathing. Ezra knew how she was going to spend her evening. She rubbed Clove down and got him set up for the night...her own tent going up quickly. While Deck prepared their dinner, she positioned herself on a rocky projection and stared up at the exterior of the entrance of her home town. Even at this distance it looked impressive...her memory failing to meet the image that stretched out before her now.

07-21-2019, 12:09 AM
Breathing his first bit of fresh air in what felt like months Jackal simply sat in a breeze for a few seconds as he waited for the rest of the group to leave the bunker. He never much liked being underground, especially for so long. As perfect a new home as the bunker would be he would need to put some sunroofs in or something to keep a breeze going through the structure.

And people Pre-Fire used to choose to stay in places like that or above ground buildings all day everyday. Purposefully spurning the sun and and the sky, he couldn't do it that he was sure of. Still once everyone was out he moved to shut the doors behind them but saw the glint of metal and caught a final glimpse of Gia's strangely maternal face smiling at him in thanks before she pulled the doors shut and he heard the doors seal tight as if all the way was sucked out of the base. He even thought he heard the heavy clunk of the base's generator being shut off, likely to remain off for another two-hundred years.

Maybe if they reached the end and found the Lost Treasure he could use some part of it to allow the robotic matron to leave her tomb and show her mechanical children the light of day. But they would need to find it first, Endver was before them and Ez's words from last night played through the lawman's mind as he kept Vash moving through the ranks checking on everyone, and keeping the agitated Chabbit from bolting off in some random direction. Despite being descendants of rabbits, the Chabbit species has become more like old world buffaloes needing the wide open spaces to run and feed. If they had hung around the bunker for a few more days Vash would've likely lost his mind. And now it was a fight just to keep the pent up energy in check. As they got moving properly though Vash found his rhythm and gave his partner a break at yanking the reins for a few hours. The arrival at the night's camping site was a welcome change for everyone, no sooner had Jackal dropped his gear off by Ez's tent and pulled Vash's saddle off than the big creatures was off like a shot leaving a tall dust trail in his wake. The tall men let out a low chuckle, he knew Vash would stay within shouting distance but he doubted he'd see the beast again that night.

He did a quick once around the camp making sure everyone was settled in before he moved off on his own, the camp had a pool and he knew exactly where he'd find Ezra. Leaving his coat and rifle by the tent he grabbed some alcohol they liberated from the last town and walked up to where she was sitting handing her a bottle studying the walls. "So that's it huh?" He asked simply sipping his drink.

08-10-2019, 04:15 AM
Ez nodded, bringing the bottle to her lips and drinking. She studied Jack for a moment, the moon the only source of light other than the fading fire. Reaching out, she touched the side of his face briefly, a soft hum following the action before she set the brandy beside her and resumed her vigil on the wall. A few moments passed without sound or movement, then she shifted, clearing her throat. "It's not like it was...it's bigger...better fortified," she said breaking the silence. "Not sure if that is good...or bad. Too many ghosts behind those walls either way."

Bending forward she reached for her boots, unlacing them before kicking them aside. She stood to slip out of her pants, her jacket falling into the heap next. Dressed only in her black tank top and underwear, she moved towards the water. "I'm going to get wet. Care to join me?" she asked, slipping into the cool water and wading to the deeper area. She dunked her head under, running her fingers through her hair when she resurfaced to push it off her face. "It's cold," she exclaimed with a laugh, rubbing her arms for warmth. "Where's the darn cowboy when you need him?"


The light from the campsite's fire did not go unnoticed from the hilltop's watch tower, the guard calling the alarm when it was first lit. A tall, thin, man in his late sixty's approached the uniformed man and spoke quietly to them, his thinning gray hair greased back from his forehead severely. He wore a white robe edged in black, a gold cross on a thin chain around his neck the only adornment. His dark eyes were alert, the calculating mind behind them still sharp. He nodded as the guard spoke, never taking his attention away from the man until footsteps came up behind him.

"Aidan..." he said as he turned in greeting, his thin lips lifting into a smile. "I was just going to have someone get you. Seems we have...visitors. If it pleases you, I will have them brought around in the morning? Or perhaps a little later?" He took the younger man's hands in his own gnarled ones, lowering his head with respect. "Of course, we could collect them now as well."

"Tomorrow is fine Theo...I will set plans for their arrival after breakfast." The man referred to as Aidan paused, his mind already going over the meal they would prepare. Guests were not frequent and he wanted to make sure they felt welcomed...as long as they were deserving. He dropped his hands, wiping them against his pressed denims without thought. "Make sure the guard is doubled tonight. I don't want any surprises. ...and make sure we have enough staff tomorrow...can't be too gracious." He smiled in anticipation of the next morn...it would be a glorious day indeed. "...oh...and Theo...I will hold you personally responsible for our guests tomorrow. Don't disappoint me."

As the younger man turned his back, Theophyllis frowned, his focus now back on the wall. He twisted his hands together, his eyes narrowing and his teeth grinding together. A shudder ran through him, then he let his arms drop to his sides. "Tell me...what did you see?" he asked again as though there had been no interuption. As the guard described the travellers, the old man's lips lifted into a grin, his yellowed teeth exposed. "Lovely..." he said, a hint of humor on his lips. "Be sure to wake me if there is anything new to report. I will put in a good word for you for a job well done." He clapped the man on the shoulder before turning...following the path the leader of the town had taken only a few moments before.

08-14-2019, 07:06 PM
The cowboy chuckled undressing and slipping naked into the water. Underwear wasn't something he invested in and he knew what Ezra was hinting at so being naked would be the only end result. The shock of cold made him shiver for a second or two before his body adapted and he dove under the water letting the shock full awaken him. He popped back up besides Ezra chuckling. "You rang?" He pulled her close his hands slipping under the woman's tank-top.


Word spread quickly throughout Endver. Visitors were such a rare treat in the small hilly town, women and small children whispered among themselves. There was no description of the visitors aside from some women and some men, but one man was very tall and wore a priest's shirt and one of the women had an intricate tattoo on her back.

While those details would go over the head of most people. One woman, a dark skinned woman (https://i.imgur.com/bO2BOgi.jpg) who looked to be around Ezra's age maybe a little younger. Concerned filled her face as she looked down at her daughter, the girl's eyes were listless and her small shoulder hung limply from her frame. "You picked a bad time to come back Ez." She whispered under her breath as she scooped the almost lifeless body of her child up carrying her home. She needed to go warn them.

08-24-2019, 12:49 AM
With a light laugh, Ezra's mouth found his and she kissed him deeply, pressing herself against him as her hands explored his body. She never tired of his sculpted physique and the unique landscape etched there. Becoming a bit more intimate, she leaned close to his ear, her breath hot against his nape. "I did...ring..." she murmured, "...and like a good boy, you came." Her breath carried the scent of brandy, the strong liquor holding a hint of blackberry. "Maybe we should just forego the tent and sleep under the stars tonight. It's a clear night...and I'd like to keep my eye on the wall." She wrapped her arms around his waist, letting her hands fall lower as she sighed softly. "Afterwards...of course. First I want to keep my eyes on you."


The antics of the two lovers was in clear view from the wall's tower, the guard stifling a laugh as he watched them fondling each other in the dark. He had already sent for Theophyllis, having discerned the identity of the tall stranger as being none other than the famed gunslinger Jackal Lawless. The man's history not one to trifle with, he was sure the preacher would want to fortify the cells if the bastard was coming for a visit. The woman had been a resident of Endver once, having escaped its walls many years ago...before the guard was born. But he had been schooled on who she was by his senior co-worker--the woman's tattoo the identifying mark. It had been inked many years after her departure, but news traveled quickly when it was paid for by the town's leaders. There was little they did not know about the current...and previous...residents. So little had changed over the years, the walls might have grown taller, but the evil inside remained the same. Jeffries rolled himself a cigarette and lit up, drawing the smoke deep into his lungs as he waited. His binoculars were lifted to his eyes again, a smile surfacing on his rugged, yet scarred, face. He could only hope the two decided to take their little fun out out of the water, so his view would be a little more interesting.

Preoccupied, the guard did not notice the slender female form hugging itself to the rocks just below him. There was more than one way to enter...or exit...the town, if one was aware of the secret passages through the rock. Rebecca was one such person, and after tucking her daughter into bed, she had crept towards the tunnels, passing by the underground hot spring, then the empty dungeon, the soldiers on watch playing a hand of cards with their backs turned. It seemed luck was on her side. All she had to do now was avoid detection from the wall...then she could warn Ezra-Rayne of the dangers that still lurked within them.

09-01-2019, 12:59 AM
Moving as slowly and quietly as she could Rebecca made her way to Ezra's campsite. It wasn't easy avoiding the ever watchful eyes of the wall guards. But she was one of the Scav teams so knowing the terrain and how to hide from the mutated beasts who prowl the wastes looking for easy meals was a skill she had earned over the years.

The night air was still and hot causing her to moving even slower to avoid kicking up a dust trail behind her. She lost track of time simply focusing on getting to Ezra to warn her. But it was well after midnight before she reached the perimeter of the camp. Surprisingly the guards around the camp all looked to be young kids. Still they seemed to be trained because they stopped her before she was even made herself known as she moved around the back side of the camp away from the guards on the walls.

A young man with short red hair leveled an old shotgun her way. "Hold up who's out there?!"

Lifting her hands up Rebecca stepped into the ring of firelight. "My name's Rebecca, I'm an old friend of Ezra's. I have something important to tell her."

09-03-2019, 01:36 AM
Laying under the stars on the collection of furs she and Jackal had appropriated from the Salt gang, Ezra looked up at the sound of a potentially intense discussion coming from the main camp area. Scantly dressed after her time in the water with the gunslinger, she slipped quickly into her clothes and strapped on the sheath containing her sword, leaving the rest of her weapons behind. It had been a while since she had used the blade, but she still liked to keep it close, the sharp instrument still the most comfortable in her grip. She paused only long enough to look down at the gunslinger.

"I'll be right back...going to see what the commotion is all about."

She did not wait to see if he would follow, but expected to hear his footfalls behind her at any second. She smiled to herself, taking long strides to close the distance quickly, but she was still no match for his long legs if he chose to catch up. Her hand went to her weapon as she neared...but something about the stranger struck her as...familiar. She caught the last few words of the discussion, and although it had been more than twenty years, the woman's voice made the breath catch in Ez's throat. It was deeper...and a bit rougher...but still recognizable.

"Becca?" the scavver asked, stopping dead in her tracks. Ez didn't have a lot of friend's when she was a child, but Rebecca Carver was one of them, the two of them inseparable...at least until Ez had left with her family. She hadn't thought of her childhood companion in a long time...

There was a moment of awkwardness...Ziggy looking from one woman to the other before finally deciding to lower his rifle...and then the two women hugged...fiercely. Tears filled Rebecca's eyes as she pulled away, holding Ez at arm's length, a sad smile on her haggard face.

"Ezra...there is so much I need to tell you...but...there is no time. It will be only a short while before I am missed...and I can't take that risk. My daughter..." She looked to the gates, reassuring herself she was not in plain view of the guards before she continued. "You have to turn back. Endver is not safe..." Her gaze shifted to the tall man approaching behind her friend, her eyes going wide and her hand instinctively moving to her side...to the gun which rested there.

"Is that...Jackal Lawless?" she asked in awe, her hand refusing to budge...unsure if there was a threat she had not anticipated. "Is he with you?"

09-06-2019, 01:20 AM
Jackal heard the same discussion as Ezra did. He pulled his pants and boots on but forwent his shirt and simply shouldered his rifle easily following the smaller woman. He had been expecting someone to come out and see them since he saw the guards along the wall eyeing them up.

Ezra had filled him on some of the things they could come to expect once they got into the town proper. Qurentine, questioning, potential disarming. But as he moved behind his lover his dangerously steady eyes staring unwaveringly at this new woman this "Becca" she was a friend of Ezra, so that was enough to keep him from aiming his rifle at her. But past experiences have taught him friends can betray just as easily as enemies. He would let Ez handle this, but he would still not at the woman's question letting his flat voice speak volumes. "Yes."

09-21-2019, 11:03 PM
Ezra turned at Jackal's voice, moving away from Becca to come to his side, her allegiance obvious by her action. She lightly put her hand on his arm, her eyes meeting his for just a moment before she returned her focus on the dark-haired woman that stood before them. There was more than one reason for her touch...the most important being her claim on him...just in case...and the other to affirm her control of the situation.

She offered a slight smile, nodding towards the vigilante. "Jackal is actually the reason I am here. I'm his guide...and we are scavving. Hoping to pass through and continue on to the other side of the mountain."

Becca's hand dropped to her side, away from her weapon, although she kept her gaze on the tall gunslinger. "Scavving…" she repeated, the word tasting foul...like a lie...even if she knew that was Ez's reputation. "Long way to come just for some artifacts...but that is beside the point. This is the wrong path to take. You must find another way."

It was difficult, but Rebecca pulled her attention away from the intimidating man...addressing Ezra. "You know how it was...back then...when we were kids. Little has changed. And Atonement is only two days away. You will no longer be exempt..." She briefly glanced at Jackal before continuing...wondering just how much he knew. "Theophyllis will consider you a member of the town. ...and despite his age, he still has a lot of influence."

It was Ezra's turn to look at Jackal, her expression showing concern, although she tried hard to hide it. She bit into her lower lip then sighed, turning to look at the tall gates. "We won't be there in two days. Just a quick pass-through for supplies." She wondered who this Theophyllis was...but was afraid to ask...her stomach already churning as a sick feeling settled in her chest.

"We need to discuss this...Jackal and I. Can you wait?"

Becca nodded hesitantly. "Maybe for a few minutes..."


As Ezra laid her hand upon his arm the vigilante relaxed, resting his rifle in the crook of his arm while he listened to the womens' exchange. It didn't sound good and if this Rebecca's nervousness was any indication, this place was turning into another Cannibal Village. But they also didn't have much of a choice unless they lucked out and found some trader out here just as mad as they were.

When Ezra asked to speak with him privately he nodded and began moving back towards the pool and their discarded clothes dressing himself the rest of the way. "So what's our plan here Ezzy?"

She responded with a shrug, sighing as she looked to him. "I don't know...we need supplies...and I think we can get in and out quickly if we plan it well. I'm just not sure how bad it really is. Becca seems spooked, but I don't know. Maybe she is over exaggerating...or even a bit rad-crazed? It's been a lot of years and people change. Places change. How could it be the same? I can't imagine things would have continued in the same fashion." She glanced at Becca as she worried at her lip again.

"If she is right and it is too dangerous to go inside, then what are our options? There are no other towns close by and going around Endver will be tricky. The trail ends at its gates, which means climbing the mountain side...which we cannot do with the wagon or horses. The only other option is to go back and look for another path...and I don't know of any off hand."

She focused solely on Jackal now, trying to read him and ignore the anxious feeling in her gut. "I'm not sure how to proceed...but ultimately it is your decision. Whatever we have become along the way is incidental. This journey is yours. Going through Endver might be our only choice, but you have to decide."

Jackal hmmed softly picking up his canteen and taking a long pull of it. Swishing the drink around his mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it. Recapping the top he chuckled wryly. "This hasn't been just my journey for a long while Ezzy. We have something of a family here now, damn near all of your original crew has either died or left. It's just us and some ragtag kids now, one who is actually your child. I couldn't do this by myself, sheer grit and an unwillingness to die only got me so far in this search. Maybe we just send me, you, and Sammy in to get the supplies? Your friend might be rad-crazed or something, but she's taking a big risk coming out to see us if half of what she said is true. That lend some credibility I think."

Ezra nodded, smiling inwardly at his reference to them being a family of sorts. She felt the same, but was not about to admit it, at least not first. No matter what he thought though, this was his journey, not one she would have ventured to on her own. Sighing, she looked over at Becca, seeing the woman's agitation as her gaze kept shifting to the gate.

"You're right...she is taking a risk. I only wish she had more time...I'd really like to know the details of what is going on inside. Maybe we could help." Ezra knew that wasn't a possibility if they planned to get in and out quickly....and even though Becca had only given them a small amount of information, it was enough for Ez. No delays. She nodded again. "Okay...the three of us will go first...and if it seems safe, we can bring the others in. Deck can stay behind to keep watch over the others."

Having made her decision, Ez was about to head back over, but Rebecca beat her to it, arriving at the side of the scavver and vigilante only a heartbeat later.

"I have to get back," she said nervously, "...the guards are starting to make preparations...for something. Most likely to head out here, so whatever you decide, you better do it quick. If you choose to enter the gates, keep aware and never let your guard down. Nothing is as it seems." She reached out to Ez, giving her another quick hug, then nodded to Jackal. "Stay safe."

And then she was gone, slipping into the shadows the rocks provided as she made her way home.

Jackal watched her go and hmmed softly. "Less is more, will probably be best, same with leaving Deck here, also might be good to send the rest of the crew back a bit away from the walls. " He turned and looked at the walls seeing the guard moving along the wall. The hair rose up on the back of his neck and his hand tightened around the stock of his rifle already drawing up some kind of plan in his mind.

10-14-2019, 08:22 PM
Once Becca disappeared from view, Ezra laid her hand on Jackal's arm, giving him a nod before she turned away and went to talk with Deck, the man sitting quietly on his bed roll near the wagon. It was obvious he had been listening in on the conversation and when she mentioned moving the group down the mountain a bit, he agreed quickly, saying he thought it was the wisest choice. The cook didn't waste any time as he gathered up his belongings and started waking the others, Ez following him to Sammy's sleeping place.

In the short span of ten minutes, Ez had Sammy and herself ready for the excursion up the pathway to the gates. She had both her sword and pistol with her, not sure which weapon would be more useful. The two of them joined the gunman, the sound of the gates opening in the distance drawing their attention a moment later.

A small band of four guards on horseback started heading their way at a casual pace and Ez let out an uneasy sigh. "I think we should try to meet them further out...get some distance between us and the camp. Four men isn't enough to cause much trouble...perhaps they are coming peacefully. Don't want to be wrong though...so let's get a move on."

Jackal nodded in agreement, but the sound of running feet behind them made the tall man half turn and reach for his sidearm, but a small chuckle parted his lips as he saw Matches galumping up behind them carrying his long rifle and sawed-off shotgun. The boy and Sammy had gotten very close since the Cannibal town and Jackal couldn't fault him for wanting to stay close to her. Word had gotten around their small camp and all the kids were on edge, so leaving with Deck was a good plan to them. But Matches was never a runner, he got his nickname from playing with fire for goodness sake. Not a wholly smart boy, but he had a mule like stubbornness about him. Besides another gun he could trust at his back was always a boon.

Sliding up besides Sammy the boy and girl shared a smile and clasped hands walking closely behind Jackal and Ezra. The man let out another chuckle and cradled his rifle in his arm watching the guards approach--wiping his face clean he put on his usual stoic and dangerous stare watching every move the men made.


As the horsemen neared, the lead guard raised his hand in a wave, signaling for the others to halt as he waited for the outlanders to close the remaining distance. He dismounted to address them, keeping his hands out in front and away from his weapons. His smile was open and friendly as he appraised the small group, finally stepping forward and nodding his head to each.

"Welcome to Endver...I have been instructed by Theophyllis, our spiritual leader, to escort you inside for our customary...and informal...meet and greet. I trust you are hungry?"

Ezra stepped forward, and after a brief glance at the posture of the mounted men before her, she walked up to the guard that had spoken to them. Dressed in a red and white uniform with black trim, the man appeared the picture of cleanliness and health. She stared, appraising him openly while chewing on her lower lip. A click of her tongue followed as she considered the offer.

"Seems good enough to me. I assume it will not be a problem if the rest of my crew stays behind? Just us four will go inside. Looking to do some trading if all goes well."

"Of course. No problems there," he replied, a smile still gracing his lips, although it was faltering. He assessed her in much the same manner as she had him, his eyes narrowing slightly. "If you don't mind me saying," he added, "...you look awful familiar."

Ezra laughed lightly. "You don't say?"

Turning around, she joined back up with Jackal, the slightest shake of her head indicating her unease. "He's lying...he's got an tic. Every time he talks..." Her voice drifted off as she spun on her heel, the three other horses now facing the gates as the lead rider mounted his steed.

Jackal nodded at Ezra as he got that vibe too.

"Just follow us in," the lead rider called once he had turned his horse. "You can keep your weapons...we just ask that you not unholster them. There will be no trouble for you inside."

While Jackal wouldn't unholster his pistol, he'd for damn sure keep his hand on it. Like the Cannibal town, this place made the lawman uneasy. The guards.. or who he assumed to be guards seeing as they all wore the same uniform as the riders, were all above the people walking along a strange network of ramparts and cat walks that crisscrossed above and between the houses. The people walked with their heads downs and feet shuffling quickly around, flinching if even the shadow of a guard went over them.

This was a place of oppression and needed to be burned down.


After their arrival inside the gates, Ez and the others were led inside a large pavilion. The covered area was open on three sides with a large ornate building in front of them, reminiscent of a church, with stained glass windows and a double set of oaken doors situated in the middle. It was close to this structure that they were asked to wait, and after a few moments a robed priest-like figure pushed the doors open and emerged.

As Ez watched him approach, she froze, her heart starting to race as she narrowed her eyes, a low groan escaping her. Involuntarily she took a step back...and for the first time in a long while, she wished Gabe was by her side...one signal from her and the grizzled old man would be lying in his own blood. She thought to reach for her weapon, but she was a moment too late, her right hand suddenly clasped in the robed man's slender ones, his wizened blue eyes staring into her hazel ones.

"Ezra-Rayne Bastian...as I live and breathe. I never thought to lay my eyes on you again. So lovely you have become." The man's voice was raspy from too many years puffing at a pipe, but the joy in his tone seemed genuine, a smile parting his lips as he tried to move closer.

Ez reacted instantly...pulling back and jerking her hand away with a sound of revulsion. "Dead....you...you're su...supposed to be dead..." she stammered, her eyes shifting to Jackal. This was so much worse than she could have imagined.

"Jack?" It was more a statement than a question, but Ez did not have a chance to finish her thought before another man, this one closer to her age and dressed smartly in pressed pants and a cotton shirt, pushed through the doors, the expression on his face one of amusement. He walked quickly to the two, hoping to quiet the animosity before it got out of hand.

"Theo...my good man..." he began, clicking his tongue as he put his hand on the priest's arm. "I had hoped you would have waited for me...even so, it appears you are needed elsewhere...let me talk to our guests...I believe breakfast is about to be served. Perhaps you can assist?" He nodded lightly, watching as Theo left the area with his lips tightly pressed together. It was obvious the priest was upset at his dismissal, but he ignored it, turning back to the group with a false smile on his lips.

"It seems we got off on the wrong foot. Please...let's start again...there is no need for worry. Theo is...for the most part...harmless."


Jackal gripped Ezra's hand, pulling her close and slightly behind him as the creepy old man came and greeted her. It was obvious they knew it each and it was also obvious this wasn't what Ezra expected to see. He let out a low growl and motioned for Sammy and Matches to get close behind him as well. If all hell broke loose, he would have the best chance at fighting the guards off or at the very least be a good bullet sponge.

The man was already coming up with some kind of escape plan. Hopefully they could grab their supplies and get out of here quickly. Looking towards their new greeter he stared into the man's eyes noting his fake smile, but unlike most people the man held his gaze for a minute or two before causally turning away and leading them into the building.

Once inside the main hall, the well-dressed man faced the small group, a long table dominating the space behind them. Food was being set out by several women and their host waited patiently as they went about their work, only speaking once they were alone.

"You are hungry I hope? Breakfast will be served shortly." He spoke as though all was well, ignoring the vigilante's protective stance in front of the others and the stony stare. He had dealt with this type before...just a matter of showing them there was nothing to fear. Not an easy task when Jackal Lawless was in the house...but his confidence did not falter. "I really can't express how sorry I am about Theo...I was hoping to keep him in the background until I had a chance to speak with you Ezra." He smiled at her, this time the expression genuine. "I don't suppose you remember me? Aidan Bishop?"

Ez looked at him closely, the name familiar but the man not fitting her memory. When she didn't answer, he chuckled lightly. "Not surprising...I keep my hair short to control the curls...and I have trimmed up a bit. But never mind that...the four of you must be fed before we can conduct any business. Kind of a tradition around here...never let a guest leave with an empty stomach." He chuckled again, then pointed to the side. " There is a wash room down the hall where you can get cleaned up...changed...whatever suits you. Just meet back up here and we can discuss your trade...but after food."

As their host turned away, Ezra shook her head, feeling a bit confused, but more at ease. She did know Aidan...they had lessons together years ago...along with Becca. ...and he had been one of her friends. But a lot of time had gone by, and the shy boy she had known then did not resemble this man in appearance or manner. Either way, she would have to talk to him about the priest...

"Let's just get this over with," she said to the others as they headed down the hall. She had remained close to Jack the entire time, accepting his protection without a second thought. She offered a forced smile, still trying to ease her nerves. "Eat, trade, out." ..and talk....she added in her head...cause if she had anything to say about it, Theophyllis would not be standing when she once again passed through the gates of Endver.

Jackal sighed lightly looking back at Sammy and Matches. The pair were on edge as well and looking towards him and Ezra for guidance. It wasn't like him to relax when danger was obviously in the air, no his response to danger has always been show of force and force the shadows into the light so he knew who to kill first. But now...he hesitated...he broke the habit of hesitating years ago or he thought he did. Had being around Ezra made him soft? In such a short time no less, was he falling back into the trap that nearly killed him? His lonely heart making his defenses soft for someone to enter? No this was different...Ezra was different. He knew it, but old habits die hard. Still he would try for her and the kids.

Matching Ezra's forced smile he nodded. "Yes, in,out, gone." With that he began washing his hands telling him to trust Ezra's instincts over his own.

11-04-2019, 08:20 PM
Ezra awoke to the sound of a whisper...her name...spoken softly by a disembodied voice. Her head was pounding, eyes tightly squeezed shut, her tongue feeling swollen with a heavy covering of cotton. She swallowed hard, her memory of the morning just out of reach...where was she? So cold.

Breakfast. That was what she was searching for...they had all been sitting down to eat...nerves on high tension...but it seemed to be going well. Small talk...her mention of traveling with her family...her husband and daughter...Jackal and Samantha...with the addition of Matches...a close friend of Sam's. She had picked at her food...but the coffee was hot...and she drank more than her share.

Then nothing...but waking up here...the hard surface beneath her sending a chill throughout her body. She didn't have to open her eyes to know she had been stripped down to just her underclothes, but she opened them anyway, squinting against the light filtering in through the church windows. Aidan stood before her, the hint of a smile on his lips as he saw her look at him.

"I knew you would be first. All those years of poisoning your body with the evil of the bottle made you stronger...more resistant to the drug. It is good that you are awake Ezra-Rayne. We have so much to discuss. I am sorry it had to be this way...but you must understand our hesitance. Jackal Lawless' reputation precedes him...can't be too careful when such a threat comes to call."

As she shifted, trying to sit, he put a light hand on her shoulder, keeping her down. "You must lie still...at least for a bit more...let your head settle. I promise you everyone is safe...and will remain so as long as an agreement can be reached. Do you understand?"

Ezra nodded, putting her head back down on the pew and wrapping her arms about her for warmth.

"You're cold," he said, his voice lacking in sympathy. "Another thing that could not be helped. Couldn't have you hiding a weapon and using it against us. But all that is behind us. What I need now is your cooperation. I will have clothing brought to you...and some water. Then, we will have our talk."

As he rose, Ezra watched him closely, tracking his movements with her eyes. There was an exit at the front of the church...as was another figure...the barely shifting body of a young woman with blonde hair. But no others...Jackal and Matches were missing.

As Aiden walked slowly past, the blond figure shifted quickly from her spot, a tangled mess of hair spilling out in silhouette as vomit shot out across the aisle, almost splashing upon the man's shoes. But he quickly side-stepped, a hand coming up to his mouth in disgust as he watched Sammy throw up all the contents of her stomach from today and yesterday. It only lasted a few seconds, and soon to follow, Sammy's pathetic moans while she panted lightly.

Aiden let out an annoyed hiss and quickly backhanded Sammy, sending the young girl flopping across the dirty floor. "Filthy whore, just like your 'Mother'." He sneered wiping some puke off his shoe before he walked down the opposite hall. The young woman let out a few pitiful cries curling in on herself some and holding her face. "Mom?" The young woman wept, her bearings not quite regained yet as she groped around on the dark church's floor.

The sounds of some kind of shackled beast suddenly roared up from the hallway Aiden had vanished down.


Ezra managed to get to her feet when Sammy called to her...too late to thwart the attack on her daughter...but soon enough to cringe at the howl from afar. She paused, her hand clenching the wooden back of the pew in front of her, her body shaking with the effort. "Jackal," she whispered, her throat too dry to produce more than a hint of sound. Her body broke out in goosebumps, more from the chill of the scream than the cold. Her eyes closed and she took in a deep breath, her resolve to help her only child the only thing she could accomplish right now.

Dropping to her knees, Ez wrapped her arms around Sammy, rocking her, the motion soothing her and hopefully the young woman as well. She ran her hand along the blonde tresses, her voice too raw to attempt speaking again. There was enough light to see only the faintest of details, but the scavver could determine where the bastard had gone...a darkened doorway that could only lead to where the sound had echoed from.

Sammy clung to Ez's bare shoulder, tears streaming down her face. Like the older woman she was stripped down to her underwear. She regretted wearing her nice clothes to the town in an attempt to "dress up" and make a good impression. She'd heard about the town in Outpost 4 and even talked to some johns who had came from that way.

But none of them said anything about people being drugged or women being drugged and stripped of their clothing. It took the girl a few minutes but she soon regained her composure, wiping the leftover vomit from her mouth and wiping the residue across an old ratty pew cushion. "What the hell is going on mom? Did these freaks drug us? Where are our clothes?" Her voice quieted a small twinge of fear creeping into her voice some of the old horrid memories from her life before this trip creeping back. "Wh-what are they...gonna do to us?"


A light chuckle...and the crackling noise of an electrical charge being ignited...

"Now...now....don't tell me that hurt...a big strong man like yourself. Just wanted to make sure you were awake...and that our shackles were holding you."

Aidan moved around the vigilante, the man's body secured to the bars. He kept his distance, a four foot pole held out before him. It was little more than a cattle prod, but the shock it delivered was painful...especially when administered to an unaware victim.

"Your little wife and I...we're going to have a little chat later...so much catching up to do. Won't do for her to lie to me...nor you...but I am sure you will see that soon enough. Now...why don't you tell me why you are really here?"

"Always trust your gut boy. It'll never fuck you over." His grandfather's words were kicking their way through all the warm and fuzzy trust he had built up around Ezra's words over his own instincts. Another woman nearly gets him killed, because he lowered his guard.

If he was out here alone he never would've fallen for this. He would've gotten what he needed and been gone within an hour. Out here you can ignore politeness and many of his past dealings were done with with weapons drawn. As the cattle prod impacted his scarred side the lawman simply let out a hissing snarl, more in annoyance than pain. Pain was an old friend of Jackal and these pompous fucks had never dealt with someone of his pain tolerance.

As the pain faded and the prod was pulled back Jackal groaned glaring at the two men. He could see Matches chained up to the wall in his peripheral. The young man was shirtless as well, but looked mostly unconscious. With any luck the young man would stay blacked out, he had talked with the boy a few times. He was one of the guards for the Liberty so was fed better food than human flesh all the time, but Lawless knew he didn't have the tolerance to endure torture.

The man grunted speaking through clenched teeth. "We need supplies, nothing more."

"Supplies?" This time it was the older man that spoke, his robes shifting slightly as he cocked a brow at the scarred man. "Seems a long way to come just for provisions...unless we are just a stop along the way?" The priest-like figure moved in a little closer, inspecting the cross-work pattern on the outlaw's skin with unveiled interest. "Just where are you headed Lawless? Bringing a scavver along means you either are shagging her...or you are searching for something...special? Or...perhaps both?" He took the prod from Aidan and shoved it hard into Jackal's chest, sending another shock through him.


Ez did what she could to quiet Sammy's distress, continuing the soothing motions while trying to listen for any further noises from behind the door. Not knowing the fate of Jack or Matches was putting her further on edge...and the guilt that accompanied it was only making matters worse. They could have turned back...taken Becca's advice and never walked through the gates in the first place...found another way across. So many options...and she has chosen the most vile of them.

Shaking her head in frustration, Ez tried to remain calm for her daughter's sake. "I don't know what's going to happen Sam," she said in a strained voice. "...but we are alive...so there is hope." She cleared her throat, helping Sammy to her feet so the two of them could sit down.

"We were drugged...but I think mostly so they could take away our weapons...the same reason our clothes are gone. Whatever their plan is for us, we will get through. You have to be strong...no matter what." She tucked a strand of the girl's hair behind her ear then pulled her in close, her lips lightly brushing against Sammy's skin.

"We will get out of here," she whispered, "...I just need some time to work out a plan. Just like with the salties...we will be victorious...no matter the sacrifices." Pulling away, Ez squeezed the girl's hands in hers, a heavy sigh escaping her. Be strong, she mouthed, then turned in surprise as an older woman entered the church.

Sammy flinched as the large door opened, but her mother's comforting words and presence had calmed the scared young woman down some. Wiping her eyes and nose on her forearm she studied the new woman. "Ok *sighs* ok. Pulling back a little Sammy put on as brave a face as she could trying to breath in some of her mother's courage and confidence that the teen just lacked in spades.


Another enraged howl ripped from Jackal's lips and despite himself his body pulled hard away from the prod the erratic movement causing just the slightest crack to form in the old and rusted rail above his head that held his binds. Even nearly foaming with rage he saw his chance, but not yet. He heard the stirrings of Matches besides him, the boy was finally coming around. It would be a few more minutes or so before he was able to be of use.

So with deeply gritted teeth Jackal glared daggers at his tormentors. There was no way he was going to tell these bastards about the Treasure of the Lost Mountain. Whatever it was they would destroy and pervert it. It was too important to the greater good to let that happen. Once the cattle prod was moved away he panted heavily shaking sweat from his eyes. "We are simply exploring...mapping the...wastes...for..some politician in Carousel. He wants it...to make himself...look like a better...candidate for mayor or some shit."

The old man watched Jackal closely, enjoying the discomfort they were causing. He maintained a neutral expression, only allowing the slightest smile when the vigilante offered his answer.

"You must think us fools...but of course we have not impressed upon you the necessity of honesty." He pulled a cloth-wrapped item from a pocket of his robe, revealing a book that only a few would recognize. From its pages he removed a map, turning it to the shackled man with malice in his eyes.

"I believe this is something of value to you? I lost a man procuring this...but...everyone has lost someone. Isn't that so?" He tapped his foot lightly, bringing the prod up in a wide arc then striking Jackal across his ribs. "I am stronger than I appear lawman...and I will beat you down until you beg to kiss the ground I walk on." He barely gave Jackal a chance to take another breath before he struck again.

Without looking, Theophyllis passed the weapon over to his younger accomplice, opening the book he held in his hands once they were free. "Such lovely handwriting...a woman's I believe. You lost your entire family...didn't you...all because of a girl. Another whore...just like all women." He tapped his finger on one of the pages, silently mouthing the passage as a smile came to his grizzled face. "I have a small collection of bibles...this one will look nice on my shelf, don't you think Aidan?"

As the old man opened the bible, a low bestial growl emanated from the lawman's throat. His muscles tensed up, and the old pipe groaned as he pulled on the cuffs. These men had no clue who they were fucking with, but he'd damn well show them. Matches let out a frightened gasp as he came fully awake. The false men of cloth both smirked and looked at the young man eager to have a new plaything. Jackal let out a roar and snapped the pipe over his head before he lunged forward tackling Theo, actually smashing him through the rickety bars of the prison and knocking him out. And before Aidan could react Jackal was upon him, his quick moving fist smashing into the younger priest's face. Jackal felt the nose crumbling under the force, flooring the bastard flat onto his back.

The commotion would surely bring the guards. Moving quickly he ripped the keys off Aidan's belt and unlocked Matches cuffs. "Wake up boy we don't have a lot of time." As he turned to Theo, he had a split decision to make. He might've been able to grab both his bible and the map, but it would be harder to hide the bible, and just in case he died here he wanted Ezzy and the others to be able to continue on to the Lost Mountains. So he grabbed the map and shoved it into the groggy young man's hands, picking him up and nearly shoving him down the hallway to where he hoped Ezra and Sammy were. "Take this map, find the girls, get the fuck out of here!" Jackal stepped out into the hall and saw the bobbing shadows of the guards as they came running towards him and the two unconscious town leaders.


Ez relaxed as soon as she saw what was in the new arrival's hands. Clothing...and the promised pitcher of water. The elderly woman did not lift her eyes to the two women, merely setting the items down before them, then quickly shuffling away. Grabbing at the clothes, Ez groaned to herself as she examined them, offhandedly pushing one of the dresses to Sammy. They had been chosen with care, the material of the bodice stretchy enough to fit almost any figure...and with defining precision. Grumbling with displeasure, Ez slipped hers on, tugging it over her minimal curves then pulling on her boots. At least these were her own, the scuffed leather now gleaming with polish.

"Dressing us up like whores," she said absently, noting the shorter hemline in addition to the clingy fit. Displeased but not in a position to complain, she didn't waste any more time worrying over the outfits as she grabbed up the water and poured two glasses. She drank slowly... and was just finishing hers when she heard Jackal scream out again.

Sammy groaned in disgust, she never thought she'd be in clothes like this again. And just like in the Outpost, the clothing made her nearly curse her curvy figure. The fabric clung to her large bust and shapely hips like a second skin. The dress groaned and stretched as she put on her boots. "Ugh, at least it doesn't stink as bad as the clothes I had to wear back at the Rascal House." The young woman took up her drink and began swishing it around her mouth before she spat it onto the floor. She still tasted the vomit in her throat, but the water helped a little. But as she went for her second drink the loud sounds of crashing metal and Mr. Lawless's shouts made her jump and drop her glass and stand up. "That doesn't sound good!" Next thing they knew a shirtless Matches was stumbling into the sanctuary carrying some paper in his hand.

Jumping over the pews he waved his hand at the women. "We gotta go now!" He grabbed Sammy's hand and Ezra's shoulder nearly dragging them to the door.

In a matter of seconds, the three reached the main entrance of the church, the doors opening out to the town proper. Matches took the lead, the young man barely keeping his feet, but Ez and Sammy were no better, the effects of the drug still working its way out of their systems. Keeping out of sight as much as possible, the trio moved behind the buildings and through alley ways, putting as much distance as possible between them and the church. This was not a way out of town, as Ezra knew well enough, but if they could at least keep hidden until they were in a normal frame of mind, they might have a chance to rescue Jackal.

Once they reached the outer section of town, Ez pointed to an outbuilding that might once have been a barn. "Head over there," she directed, running for it then collapsing into an old pile of hay that was just inside the dilapidated structure. "We can stay here...at least for a while. I need you to tell me about Jack. Is he alive?"


Inside the cell block, the guards finally reached the freed lawman, confused by his presence outside of the cage and that of the town's leaders sprawled out on the floor. They surrounded Jackal, their weapons drawn, not sure how they would contain the man now that he had broken through both his shackles and the metal bars.

It was Aidan that broke the stand off, the man sitting up with a groan and putting his hand to his nose before growling out a command.

"Hit the fucker with the prod...and don't stop until he passes out. Do NOT let him escape!" He turned his attention on Lawless, sneering at him with bloodstained teeth. "You should have run when you had the chance...you will regret that choice. I promise you."

He then got to his knees, cringing as he was helped to his feet. One of the guards grabbed up the fallen cattle prod and approached Jackal, the weapon sparking before it was pushed into this bare chest.

12-19-2019, 05:24 PM
Ezra let out a long sigh, her gaze resting on Samantha and Matches, the two sitting close to one another on the dusty hay, their hands clasped together. She felt an odd sense of respect for the young man. Despite the tight and revealing outfit the young girl was wearing, his eyes remained on her face. A long moment stretched after her question about Jackal was asked, Matches finally dropping his gaze to the ground as he considered his reply. After clearing his throat, he lifted his eyes to hers, a similar sigh falling from his lips.

“He was injured, but alive. I saw a cattle prod on the ground...and there were burns on his chest.” He shook his head. “Fuck! He sacrificed himself so I could get out..and get to you two.” He reached into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a crumpled piece of parchment. “...and he gave me this...for you.” He passed over the map, the edges worn from so much handling. “The two men that seemed to be in charge were on the ground bloody...but there were others coming. No way he had time to get out.” He shook his head again. “I’m sorry...I shoulda stayed and helped him. Was so cloudy headed...just did what he said.”

Ez shook her head, her hand lightly touching his as she took the map. “You did right. Jack wouldn’t have had you come for us if he thought there was a better option. Now we just have to figure out how to get to him to repay the favor.” She chewed her lower lip, blood starting to well up from the constant worrying. “We have to go back...but not just yet. We need weapons...and additional bodies. No way we can get to Deck and the others, so we will have to recruit from the town.” She offered a slight smile to Sam and tugged at the low hem of her dress. “..and proper clothes...these will only attract attention.”

Despite the feeling of the lingering effects of the drug in her system, Ez managed to get to her feet fairly easily without wavering, the nausea mostly gone. “I am going to see a friend. You two stay here and out of sight. If anything happens and you have to run, meet me back here in 24. I know the town fairly well...and I can travel faster on my own.” She leaned over and gave Sammy a quick hug. “I won’t be long. Catch your wits and be ready to move when I return...hopefully with help.”

As Ez turned to leave, her fingers brushed over the surface of the map in her hands before she tucked it into the bodice of her top. “We’ll get to you as soon as we can Jack...just hold on,” she muttered under her breath softly, a sorrowful breath of air leaving her lips as she started to move in the direction of Becca’s childhood home. She could only hope that the woman still lived there.

01-03-2020, 12:31 AM
After about an hour of sneaking through the darkened streets of Endver until she came to Becca's door she gave the lightest of knocks and waited in tense silence until she heard the faint pitter-patter of uncovered feet. And the door opening a small crack a faint sliver of light escaping the eye of a young girl wearily spying out.

Ezra leaned in and whispered. "Hey, hey, I'm a friend of your mother Becca. Please tell her Ezra is here...I need her help."

05-06-2020, 12:22 AM
Ez moved deeper into the shadows as she watched the child disappear from view. It had already taken her longer than she had anticipated to get here, having to duck and hide several times as guards moved through the streets. She couldn't be sure if they were looking for her and the others yet, but she suspected it. It also seemed likely they would check for her here...Aidan was sure to remember their past friendship.

Hearing footsteps from inside the home, Ez tensed and flattened herself against the home's exterior. At present, she was weaponless, not the best situation considering her plight. Becca was her only hope...without her she was going to have to steal what she needed...and not get caught at it. It was with a heavy sigh of relief that she greeted the familiar form of her friend when she came into the entry way, Ezra moving quickly inside the house and closing the door behind her.

Becca was surprised to see her friend at her door, but with a soft smile she led Ezra in and locked the door firmly behind her. "So what's going on Ezra?" She asked motioning for the other woman to make herself comfy while she found some water to give her.

As Becca moved through the room, Ez sat down at the dinner table, her hands smoothing down the short hem of her dress. With an exhausted sigh she began going over the events that occurred since her group had entered Endver, ending with a shake of her head.

"You were right...and I should have listened to you when you warned us. My stupidity got Jackal locked up in a cell. I need some weapons...and clothes...if you have them." She pulled her lower lip into her mouth, biting down on the tender flesh. "I can pay you back...I swear...and if everything goes as planned, your life here will be better for it."

Becca placed a dinged tin cup in front of Ezra before quickly pulling a blanket off her beat up couch and draping it over her friend's shoulders, sighing gently. "Don't beat yourself up Ezra, you aren't the first, nor the only travelers those two have fucked over in the past few years. Traders barely come here anymore because of the rumors spinning around about Endver. Any supplies we do get are most likely stolen or gotten from our own Scavvers. And don't worry about paying me back, just free this town and we'll call it even." She heard her daughter coming down the steps and smiled softly, patting Ezra's hand as she stood up. "I'll be right back, gotta put the pipsqueak back into bed. Take your time, we'll need some planning for this one." Standing up she moved softly up the stairs and picked the little girl up, kissing her gently on the head before vanishing around the corner.

As she waited, Ezra sipped from the cup, looking around the small room that had fallen to ruin. It had been a lot of years since she had left with her family, and it appeared the town's wealth was now held in reserve for those in power. Money and time.

With a sigh the scavver started planning out her strategy, hoping the supplies she needed would be available. An army at her disposal would be ideal, but she couldn't count on more than was in her current party...and Becca hopefully. She was going to have to get back into the church...and to Aidan...for things to work out as she hoped. It was risky, but necessary. And this time whatever happened would have to be on her terms, not those of the sadistic preacher. One thing was for certain...that bastard had to die at any cost...and Ez hoped it was her hand that delivered the killing blow.

Becca returned a few minutes later carrying a bottle of whiskey and a another tin cup. She knew her friend well enough to know this was likely just what she needed. She poured herself a cup then placed the bottle by Ezra to pour her own drink. "So tell me everything, what happened once your group crossed our cursed gates?"

Ez scoffed, then shook her head in frustration. "It was just like you said. The bastards can't be trusted." She went on to describe how she and Sammy woke up after being drugged, what she suspected happened to Jackal and Matches, and her escape. As she finished her story, she reached for the bottle of liquor and filled her cup, taking a long swig from it before setting it back down.

"Thanks," she said, wiping her mouth with the back of her wrist. She rolled her shoulders then gave Becca a half smile. "What I really need other than the obvious weapons, is to get a message to Aidan that I want to meet with him privately. There was something he wanted to discuss...and I'm itching to know what that was." She didn't wait for her friend to argue, her hand going up to silence any protests. "Just hear me out before you tell me it's a stupid idea..." she said with a light chuckle, draining her cup before continuing, her gaze settling on Becca.

"I think I can talk with Aidan without worry...as long as the priest isn't around. He might be dangerous, but I can handle him...and if I have something he wants, I can use it as a bargaining chip. It's my fault we're in this mess, and if nothing else, I have to get Jackal out. I owe him that."

Becca sipped her own drink slowly listen to her friend's narration and nodding when she hit a good point. As she finished Becca had finished her own cup feeling the alcohol in her head already. She'd never had a great tolerance for booze like Ezra, but knew they both would need time to slow down and enjoy it before things really got crazy.

As the other woman finished Becca nodded one more time tapping her finger on the rip of her tin cup. "Well, many of the townsfolk have grown sick of living under the idiotic rule of those two, but as they own all the guns and power we can only do so much. We've gathered some weapons, but not a lot of ammo. We've inserted some trusted residents into the guard ranks and such, but the Priest is exceptionally paranoid so he keeps a close eye on everyone. " She leaned back in her chair sighing. "No girl can leave her house without wearing a dress, and any man caught sitting down instead of "working towards the good of the people" get lashed." Her eyes darkened slightly. "And the Priest still does his "teachings" for all young girls. Tania is on her third lesson and still has trouble walking or sleeping alone." Tears began to drip down Becca's face, but she quickly wiped them away. "We're committed, but we have don't have much of a plan. People have been broken for so long here."

Ezra nodded, her face belying the pain she felt at the mention of the priest's continued practices. That alone was enough to commit to her plan to kill him no matter the consequences.

She reached out and took Becca's hand, giving it a soft squeeze. "Weapons are not going to be a concern if everything goes accordingly," she stated, "...we should be able to take them off the guard's dead bodies. ...and we will kill that bastard...I promise you. Tania won't have to suffer under his rule any longer. Heaven knows we don't want her to have to finish those lessons."

Glancing up the stairway in the direction the child had gone, Ez frowned, knowing that both she and Becca had withstood the same treatment when they were young. It had been easier for her to deal with the memory...she had thought the man had paid for his sins with his life. Her friend had had to live under his gaze all these years.

"I will make him pay...and he will suffer. I swear to that."

06-08-2020, 07:28 PM
In a deeper cell well beneath the chapel the sounds of a man's grunt filled the damp dank air. The sound of electricity followed closely after. Having learned from their previous mistake, the leaders of Endver had moved Jackal into a much more secure cell to continue their interrogation and they had fully chained him to the wall each limb locked into it's own ring and chain.

"Your stubbornness is as admirable as it is infuriating Mr. Lawless." Aiden said wiping sweat from his brow before placing the cattle prod on the small blood stained table near the metal door. All he got as a response was a deep breath and the faint rattle of Jackal's chains.

The old man Theo was seated in a chair in the corner, he was wearing a heavy apron coated with dry blood under that he was wearing a simple white shirt with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows. "More so frustrating, in my opinion." Standing up he picked up a small razor blade spinning it around his hand as he approached the chained lawman. "You must think us stupid Mr. Lawless, we are not the only settlement in the area. The town of Bilegulch is no more than a day to the East, and you likely passed Hale and Yelmur on the way here. Did you not?" He quickly slashed the razor across Jackal's right shoulder watching the thick red blood quickly ooze out.

Gritting his teeth Jackal let the burn of the newest cut ease into the rest of the festering pain racking his body. They've been down here since last night, torturing...questioning...torturing. It wasn't anything new to Jackal, but these fuckers weren't going lose interest like the Black Jacks would. And even if he told them what they want they wouldn't let him go. They'd want him to die here...he'll be happy to prove them wrong. But he would need to bide his time for now, Ezra and the kids were free, he hoped they got out of town. He could take all the punishment and get away that he was sure of, but if they didn't get away he would have to burn this town down to find them. He could do it, he'd done it before.

Once the pain quieted he turned his eyes on the old man. "We got caught in a sandstorm that destroyed our supplies. This place was the closest, that is all." He saw the flare of annoyance in the old man's face before the shine of the razor slashed down his bicep. Once more Jackal simply growled in response, that seemed to annoy his tormentors more than anything. But he knew his limits, these two wouldn't be able to break him.

08-02-2020, 04:02 AM
While the two figure heads of Endver were occupying their time with the torture of Jackal in the dungeons, Ezra and Becca compiled various items from her limited stock to assist in his rescue. It was just after midnight when the scavver left the humble home with her arms weighted down with clothing that would allow her, Sam, and Matches to blend in with the townsfolk. She also had procured a few dull-edged melee weapons, dried food goods, and some clean water. The plan they decided on was simple enough...Ez would draw out Aidan with a note delivered by one of the man’s guards, a soldier who secretly was part of the rebellion to which Becca belonged. Ezra would use Aidan to get back into the main building where her lover was held, promising anything to get in good graces. It was a risk...but a calculated one. While she worked from the inside, Becca would get the rebel forces ready to attack...pulling Deck and the others from the camp at the last moment for reinforcement. If all went well, the city would be theirs in a matter of days.

It was only after bidding her friend goodbye that Ez moved back onto the familiar streets. The moon was the only guide to lead the woman back to her companions, as the town of Endver was asleep and no candles burned in the darkened doorways. She kept to the shadows none-the-less, knowing there would be soldiers out looking for her. Her change of clothing aided in disguising her, but it would not be enough if she was found out. Her mannerisms were not of a meek nature, and if challenged, she would fight...and it would end badly. It was better to remain unseen until morning, her meeting with Aidan set in a small cafe on the edge of town in plain sight of the commoners.

All went well, and it was with a sigh of relief that she entered the decrepit barn. Unloading her goods, she relented to the young girl’s obvious distress and held her for a moment before outlining the roles the two would play in the rescue attempt. Neither had a large part...mostly foot soldiers holding up the back line...a mother’s hope that her daughter would not be injured in the fool-hardy attack. There was so little time for planning...and the execution would have to be perfect to succeed. Despite this, Ezra felt sure they would win...one way or another...Jackal’s alter personality, his rage, enough to pull them through if the worst happened. She would only need to engage it…
Hours passed, and Ezra, Sam, and Matches slept on the mildewing haypile in relative comfort. Surely more comfortable than Jackal in his chains. The man’s torture continued, his body criss-crossed with narrow cuts and blackened splotches where he had been jabbed with the cattle prod. It seemed endless, the sound of the tools of choice only silencing when the clacking of boot-heels could be heard on the slate floor of the dungeon. A moment later a guard came into sight, his throat clearing to draw attention to himself.

“Sir?” he said respectfully, addressing the younger of the two unchained men in the cell. He held a small piece of paper in his hand, directing it at Aidan. “I was asked to deliver this to you. It came from one of our team.”

Taking the offered note, Aidan opened it and scanned the contents quickly, refolding it before Theophyllis had a chance to read it. A slight smile curved his lips upwards. “Splendid,” he murmured, his gaze returning to the bloodied man before him. “I’m going to return to my chambers Theo...please carry on without me. Change of plans for me I’m afraid. I’m going to meet an old friend in town tomorrow morning and I hope to catch at least a few hours of sleep beforehand. Don’t worry yourself about the details...I will keep you informed.”

08-07-2020, 05:49 PM
Theo nodded to his fellow leader dunking his hands into a bloody bowl of water. "I think I will take a break myself, I feel we've gotten all we can from this one for now. Maybe a few hours of reflection will do him some good." Picking up a bottle of high proof whiskey he poured it over the still remains of Jackal. The liquid made an audible sizzling sound as it ran over the many bloody wounds of the lawman, but they were the only sounds heard.

Theo simply chuckled seeing the tall man's body jump of it's own accord from the sensation, but like before the man himself refused to make a sound. Still the jump seemed sufficient enough to tell Clergyman that his prisoner was still with him. He ordered a guard to wrap the man's wounds then locked the cell securely. For many long minutes Jackal stayed in a heap upon the floor his body burning with pain and his mind lost within itself. He sat up eventually his eyes clouded and listless and his body sagging deeply, but his breathing was easy and normal. He had endured pain and torture like before, Theo and Aidan were ruthless, but also stupid and inexperienced. They knew how to inflict the greatest amount of physical pain, but had no skill in psychological torture. At this point in his life Jackal Lawless was nearly immune to the effects of physical torture, sure he still felt the pain and still bleed like any other man, but his mind had learned long ago how to detach itself from the reality of the pain and allowed him to remain silent. He would die before any amount of lashing or slashing could loosen his tongue.

They hinted at knowing how to break him mentally, but they would need to do two things first. Damage or destroy his mother's bible...or catch Ezra and bring her here to be tortured herself. Those would be the only ways these bloated fools could make "the Jackal bark" as they had grown fond of saying. But the false men of the cloth would never damage one of the few intact bibles left in Ragged America, so Ezra would be their only card to play. And Jackal knew she would too smart to let them catch her. As the pain dulled the lanky man felt the darkness of exhaustion surrounding him, he would take advantage of the men's boredom and catch some sleep himself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

The trickles of dawn pierced the slated roof of the manger jabbing Ezra, Sammy, and Matches in the eyes to awaken them. Matches stirred first he was dressed in, black boots, torn jeans, a flannel shirt with a red bandana around his neck. Half rolling off the pile of hay he dunked his head into a nearby trough to wake himself up. The cold water shocked his eye lid open and he jumped back sputtering a little. "Whoo that'll do." He said to himself before he began drying his face with the bandana.

08-12-2020, 01:00 AM
Turning her back on the sunlight, Ez rubbed at her eyes and moaned softly. Bloody hell she was tired. She got to her feet slowly, rolling her shoulders and stretching her limbs before facing the day...and the young man. Getting older was not agreeing with her this morning. She felt like she hadn’t slept a wink, her body tight where she had lain upon the moldering hay.

“Mornin’ Matches,” she said in a soft tone, rousing Sammy with a gentle shake. “There’s some cheese and bread in that sack over there,” she added, indicating an oily brown-papered package just behind him. It would be best if they kept a low profile for a few hours...just how safe they were here was unknown, although it seemed quiet enough. Once she left for the cafe however, the two were to mingle with the town, try to become a part of the activities...blend. It was important that they were not captured, their roles, though small, were vital in the execution of the plan. It would be Sammy that accompanied Becca back to the camp outside the walls to convince Deck to join the rebellion. Her presence would be enough to allow the old codger to trust Becca..or so Ezra hoped.

After washing her face and combing the dampness into her wavy hair, the scaver brushed the clinging hay from her gingham dress. The fabric was thin, but flowing, a definite improvement over the skin tight outfit she had been in. It was not her style, but neither had been the one Sammy had found in the underground compound. Hopefully Aidan would like it well enough. The clothing was not important though...it was her attitude that had to remain cordial...inviting. She could play the willing whore easy enough...the bastard just had to buy it.

Heaving out a heavy sigh, Ez walked over to Matches and the small pile of dull weapons. “We can get these sharpened this morning. They’ll be good enough for us at the start.” She lifted a small dagger and weighed its balance in her hand. “I’ll take this one. It should be easy enough to conceal.”

Sammy awoke with a weak yawn twisting herself around to force her joints to pop and bring feeling back to her damp limbs. Like the other two she used the water from the trough to wash her face and force the cobwebs from her brain. Today would need all their sense awake and alert...even if their bodies were in disagreement. She was wearing a peasant blouse and a knee length skirt, pulling a small veil from the waistband of her skirt she tied her hair back in as simple a look as possible, every bit the meek young farm girl Becca had instructed her to be. It wasn't as hard a role for her as it would be for Ezra, back in Outpost 4 some men paid extra for the whole shy young maiden game. They liked the idea of "ruining" a young girl for other men.

Once her face was dried she opened the meager bag of food and broke it up into three even portions for them handing both Ezra and Matches their share before beginning on her own. "I hope Ms. Becca can get out of town during the day as easily as she did at night."

"Don't worry about that," Ezra said in a soothing tone as she took the offering, "...she's knows the lay of the land better than any of us...if anyone can do it she can. You just have to follow her lead."

Matches gave his portions to Ezra and Sammy before going to gather the weapons. "I worked in the smith shed back in...cannibal land. If we find a whetstone or something I can sharpen these myself." He ran his fingers through his messy red hair and began trying to hide the weapons somehow on his body so the guards wouldn't be so suspicious of him.

"I'm not sure we'll find something like that just laying around...best to find a regular stone which can take its place. If you walk the perimeter you'll find plenty to choose from." With a smirk the scavver dug into the crumbly cheese. It was stale, but she had eaten worse. The bread didn't fare any better. Hopefully they would all be eating Deck's food in a few day's time. She missed the old man already. Especially his cooking.

Once she finished her portion of the food, Ez tore a strip of cloth from the bottom of her dress and used it to secure the small blade to her inner thigh. If she was patted down it would not be found, but a more thorough search was a different matter. She would have to take the risk...placing it inside a body cavity was too risky. She would have needed a folding blade for that.

"Don't expect me to return today. If I do, then things have gone sour. Becca will connect with you this evening at the town hall...it's a quarter mile west of here. Meet her near the rear door. If she doesn't show up...then you are on your own. Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Sammy ate the food listening to Ezra's plan. Nodding slowly she moved to help Matches stash the weapons, taking a few herself and using the same trick as her mother for a couple of knives. "Got it, I really hope this all works. Good luck mom." The young woman hugged the Scavver tight before she ate her food and grabbed Matches hand giving him a fond smile. "Remember you're Stan, I'm Bell, and we're just a young couple out in town. Hopefully we can find some kind of sharpening stone along our way."

Matches nodded softly. Shifting the hidden weapons about his body. "Flint would be best, but as long as it's flat and strong enough to scratch metal anything could work." With that the pair walked briskly out of the manger.

08-18-2020, 07:49 PM
Sammy and Matches moved casually into the awakening city. Even with armed and grim faced guards patrolling along catwalks like spiders on a web, the pair could feel a spark of life as they walked slowly along the dusty streets. The town bakery smelled of rich bread which was honestly something neither teen could wrap their heads around, but it smelt great. Continuing on along the narrow roads they saw the people of Endver. They were alive...but in body only, the men had no pride or fire in their eyes and the women...well the women they barely even looked alive. Little better than shuffling corpses, they recognized the look.

The look of hopelessness, people just waiting for death to come claim them. Freedom would be the greatest gift these people could ask for. But that would be for later right now Sammy and Matches needed to find a stone to sharpen weapons on and make their way to Becca's house for the next phase of the plan.

08-23-2020, 03:46 AM
Ezra waited until the pair was out of sight before heading towards her own destination. It was a short walk to the meeting place she had chosen, a small restaurant/bakery several blocks from the well-kept church she and the others had escaped from yesterday. She didn’t bother trying to stay in the shadows on her way, the sheer number of soldiers afoot evidence enough that she was expected. Pausing briefly at the entrance, she looked at the townsfolk on the streets, so many of them familiar, and yet not one offering a greeting.

Stepping inside, it took the scavver a moment to acclimate her eyes to the dimly lit interior. The window’s shades were all drawn, and despite the candles that were set on every table, none were lit. Outside of a few workers, the establishment appeared empty, the chairs sitting as lonely sentinels in a wasteland of dust.

Ezra went to the farthest corner and sat facing the door, the similarity of her position when she first met Jackal not lost on her. The only thing she was missing was a drink, her thirst for an aged liquor strong on her tongue. Waving over a heavy-set woman she was about to order a brandy when the bell over the door jingled, the well-dressed leader of Endver entering with a smile.

He was alone, although the woman did not doubt for a minute that a league of men were outside to be called upon if needed. She rose, more to show that she was unarmed than to pay any sort of homage to the man. A forced smile came to her lips as she extended a hand...also a formality...and beckoned him to join her.

“I was surprised to get your invite Ezra...especially since you had just acquired your freedom. Without permission, I must add. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?”

As soon as he sat, glasses of water were brought over, the liquid clear and chilled. Aidan lifted his and drank deeply, eying the woman across from him with humor. “I promise you they are not drugged,” he offered, pushing hers closer with a smirk.

With her brow lifted, she shook her head, instead reaching for his glass and switching it with hers. “I hope you don’t mind if I’m not ready to trust you...just yet. As for why I wanted to meet...you have something I want.”

A subtle nod, then deep laughter filled the room. “The lawman...your supposed husband?” he asked.

Her eyes narrowing, she did not respond, the silence stretching on until she reached for the water she had taken from him and took a sip. Alcohol would have been preferred. “You had said there was something you wanted to talk to me about...before all the nonsense that followed. I was wondering if that was still true?”

“Are you looking for a trade?” He asked, shrugging his shoulders at her change of topic.

“I’m looking for an excuse to let you live,” she said with a smile, her hand twitching under the table as she forced herself to remain calm. “You have the man I…”

“...love?” he interrupted. “That sorry excuse of a lawman? You're wasting your life on him..he killed the last woman that was attached to him. He’ll do the same to you once he gets what he wants...whatever that is. That map...that’s the clue. Seems it disappeared with the little cub that escaped with you. Perhaps you would like to trade that also?”

It was her turn to laugh, her head shaking in the negative. “My life...and my choices...are not a subject on the table. How about we talk about Theo...shall we? Tell me why he is still alive.”

“Another redirect. Very well. It’s a short story anyhow.” Without hesitation, he went on to explain how Theophyllis silver tongued his way out of his execution those many years ago, receiving instead a severe punishment that was hoped would ensure he could not molest young children again. Castrated, the man barely survived the knife. A few years later he started preaching again, his position in the town rising until he was the head of the church and town, Aidan at his side.

Ezra merely nodded when the tale was done, her mouth set tightly. It would do her no good to become enraged, the anger building in her set on reserve for when she could use it to her advantage. Only fools would have let the man live.

“And now?” she asked.

“Now? Well, there are rumors, but I believe the man is keeping his hands clean.” He chuckled lightly, the trace of a smile still on his lips. “...and as long as we are talking about the preacher, we might as well get to the reason I wanted to talk to you.” He leaned forward, his blue eyes focusing on her intently. “Do you still have that ability? Photographic memory I believe it is called.”

Ezra scoffed as she started to rise from her chair. Nothing good could come from this. Whatever Aidan wanted she was sure she was not interested. Better to just kill him now and deal with the consequences later.

“Now just a minute,” Aidan said quickly, his hand gesturing for her to sit back down. “You haven’t even heard me out. I just need you to learn the Bible...not word for word...but key phrases...context...that sort of thing. Theo is getting older...even he would admit his memory is not what it was. With the Bible we just obtained it will be even easier. No lost passages or torn pages. Beautiful script. ...and plenty of time. You would be working with me...and I in return would assist him. If of course we can come to an agreement.”

Oh Lord, just what had she walked into? Her, learning the words of God? Little did they know that Jackal was a better candidate for their little plan. At least he had faith, while she had nothing but doubts. Swallowing a laugh, she sat back down and folded her hands before her. It was better to play their game for the time being. “If I agree...and that’s a big if...just what do I get out of it?”

“Safety,” he replied, a bit too quickly “...for you and yours.”

“Does that include Jackal?”

“I can’t promise that...Theo already has his claws into him...but perhaps we can work out a separate deal?”

Ezra did laugh this time, her humor oddly genuine. “I figured that.” Chewing her lower lip, she began to twiddle her thumbs, a heavy sigh coming from her before she looked the man in the eye. “Atonement is tonight...correct?” After receiving a nod, she went on. “What if I was to attend...with you as my sponsor? Would that at least get me an audience with him? I need to know he is alive...and then I will give you my answer.”

08-26-2020, 05:16 AM
Endver wasn't that big, but during their casual walk around, Matches and Sammy found themselves easily slipping into their roles. Neither teenage had ever really been out of their hometowns and Endver even with it's totalitarian government and quick tempered guards proved to be larger and more friendly than either Outpost 4 or Liberty. The greatest of the shittiest they've heard some residents say once they were out of earshot of a guard.

And honestly...they could agree. The buildings were mostly new looking made of either natural stone or mismatched chunks of concrete and wood held together by some kind of mortar. Matches could guess that much, but had no clue how they made it. Last he knew that sort of thing required a lot of water and an easy way to grind up stone. Unless it was all underground they couldn't see anything like that, but they did manage to find a decent stone for sharpening. But they couldn't bring themselves to rush right over to Becca's might be a touch obvious seeing as they were just supposed to be out for a leisurely stroll about town. So with what few chips they had they wandered the main market away buying a few baubles before they went up down streets stopping into other shops that were too small for the central marketplace. They didn't buy anything, but it was nice to see what an almost functioning town can be like. Now they just needed to take out the leaders and free the town, maybe even after all of this the robots from the Bunker can come out here too.

After walking up and down nearly every street that looked alive the young pair finally arrived at Becca's house near the wall by the gates. Only after they were sure no guards were present did they wrap on the door using the code Ezra had taught them. Two soft thuds then three quick taps, each resounded through the metal door and small two story house. There was the soft patter of feet and the door gently opened Becca's young daughter poking her head out. She saw the teens and was about the slam the door when Becca quickly caught it smiling. "Easy there kiddo, they're with us. Come on in you two I'm almost ready to go." She swung the door open and moved back into the house Matches and Sammy shuffled in behind her closing and locking the door behind them.

The woman moved back to what counted as her living room pulling on a small pack and some water. "I assume Ezra gave you two some weapons? Put them on the table."

Without words Sammy and Matches began pulling the weapon out of their hiding spots laying them on the table in as neat a row as they could manage. Slinging her pack on Becca walked over and inspected the weapons and the stone Matches placed down besides them. "Well this is a good start, others in the Resistance have more weapons stashed around town and in their houses."

Matches chuckled. "Well I hope people have their own sharpening stones, this lot is gonna take me a bit to get perfect."

The older woman chuckled and nodded. "Don't worry we've been preying for our chance to strike for many years now, and now with the plan your mother thought up we will succeed. With any luck tonight's Atonement will be the last night of Theo and Aiden's tyranny. Come on Sammy the guards will be changing shifts soon and we'll only have a few minutes to get out of town and back to your little caravan." She turned to her daughter and gave the young girl a firm hug. "Tania, listen to me baby. Momma needs to go with Ms. Sammy to go get help. You stay here with Mr. Matches, ok?" She gave the child a weak smile and brushed some hair from her face. Tania simply nodded returning her mother's affections. "Be safe Momma." Was all the girl said before she joined Matches at the table watching him sharpen the weapons.

Wiping away a small tear Rebecca looked at Sammy and nodded motioning for the young girl to follow her. "Don't let anyone in without the knock ok Matches?" She said quickly the nod from the young man being enough to assure her. The women moved into Becca's basement and through a hatch hidden under the flagstone floor. Keeping low and moving quickly Becca led Sammy through a confusing series of tunnels for three minutes before they reached a second hatch. Becca carefully lifted a small porthole and peeked out. The guards were in the middle of their shift change and the nearest hide spot was twenty feet away behind a large boulder. Holding her breath she began counting down on her fingers Sammy tightened the laces on her boots and scooted up as closely as she could to the hatch. As Rebecca's count reached zero and all four guard were ducking under the ramparts she threw the hatch opened and rushed out followed by Sammy. The very second Sam was free of the hatch Becca threw it down and ran as fast as she could for the boulders. Samantha was only a step or two behind her and dove with her into the dirt behind the boulder huddling against it's cool surface until the guards were back in their spots.

The pair waited a few minutes before Becca once again too the lead. Guiding her young charge down a dried river bed that wrapped around the hills. Once they were out of the wall guards' line of site they broke into a steady jog carefully hoping over and around rocks and bushes. Deck had led the rest of the group into a small valley between the first and second hills of Endver. The women reached the first guard post a little bit over a half hour since they left the town. Jessica was the guard that noticed them. She had cut her black hair boyishly short and her blue eyes were hidden behind a pair of thick goggles. The old bullet casings around her waists jingles as she shift the weight of her rifle to her other hip. "Welcome back Sammy, Ms. Becca. Am I to assume shit has gone sideways?" Her East Coast Accent still present even after all the years she spent in Liberty. Sammy let out a tired sigh and nodded. "In the worst way possible, we need to see Deck."

Jessica clicked her tongue and nodded for them to enter camp. "Guess Jen and Ken won the bet, Deck is around the main fire."

Not questioning what the girl meant by bet Becca and Sammy quickly jogged past her seeing Deck hunched over a cooking fire brewing something that smelled divine.

09-13-2020, 04:25 AM
It was only a short while after their little chat that Ezra exited the diner with Aidan at her side. There were several soldiers waiting outside, and although they did not put a hand on the scavver, the threat was evident enough with how close they moved in to surround the couple. She offered them a smile that was not reflected in her hazel eyes, then kept her attention straight ahead, ignoring the townsfolk that watched them pass. Within ten minutes they were shepherded inside the church, Aidan sending the men ahead to prepare the prisoner for a visitor.

As soon as the guards left, Ezra was directed out of the chapel and led to one of the guest rooms. It was where she and Jackal would have been housed if things had gone according to her plans. There was a large bed pushed off to one side and a wardrobe leaning against the wall. Small, but comfortable, it would meet the needs of most for a short stay. She had barely stepped inside before Aidan touched her arm gently.

“I will have clean clothes brought for you...and after your ‘visit’ with Mr. Lawless, you will see to getting ready for tonight. Agreed?”

Ezra nodded, her lower lip slipping between her teeth as she considered the preparation required for the ceremony. She had never attended one, but knew well enough what was expected of her. Hell on Earth, she thought, then swallowed hard. She would do whatever was required...many times over if needed...to get the plan rolling.
In the several minutes that transpired while Ezra changed and waited for her escort, four soldiers busied themselves with cleaning up the prisoner that lay on the floor of his cell, his chains slack, but the threat of punishment imminent if he tried to resist. Cold water was thrown on his prone body, both to clean and rouse him at the same time. A piece of stale bread was set beside him, as well as a cup of broth, neither of which had been offered prior.

“Perk up Jack,” one of them hissed, poking the man in the ribs with the barrel of his gun, “..ya got company coming. Gotta look yer best.” Laughter followed his words as the men prepared to file out, the sound of footsteps now coming down the long corridor.

The lawman growled lightly as the water was thrown on him and despite being stiff from pain and his confinement he easily got to his feet, the nerve quickly flickering away from the eyes of the four guards as they saw his speed and almost dead gray eyes. But he didn't attack them, even Jackal knew he wouldn't be able to take all four of them...not in his current state.

The guards managed to recover their composure and quickly left tossing an old towel down for him to dry himself off with. With another low growl he lifted the towel and scrubbed himself as best as he could. Dried blood and dirt flaked off his thin body, but the scars and new wounds would still be red and angry looking, some of them even beginning to bleed again.

There was only one person who'd come visit him, and it made him sigh. He told her to run...to get Matches and Sammy to safety. He gave them the map, that was all they needed, why was she still here? Sitting down on the ground he let out a low sigh ignoring the food and tossing the towel into the corner of his cell.

Just as the lawman sat, the familiar voice of his lover filtered down the passageway, her tone angry as she argued with one of the guards. Aidan's name was thrown out and the discussion ended abruptly, the situation seeming to be worked out as she came around the corner and roughly brushed off the hand on her arm.

"Unlock it," she said, authority surrounding her words. Her gaze shifted alternately between her escorts, the guard on her left pulling out a key and opening the door wordlessly. It was only then that Ezra turned her attention to Jackal, her face holding steady as she entered the cage, the slightest flinch occurring when the bars were slammed shut.

"Jack," she said, falling to her knees beside him. She reached out and took his hand, her eyes roving over his naked torso with dismay. "I'm so sorry lover." She lifted her gaze, her expression soft on the outside, but a deeper passion burned within. Anger. Hatred. Her mouth opened slightly and she leaned towards him, her lips meeting his gently in a kiss.

As Ezra touched him the lawman couldn't help but flinch lightly at the contact. The False Men of the Cloth had dragged razor blades across his palm and fingers, not enough to make them inoperable, but the wounds were still quite raw and the contact sent pain racing up his arm. It caused him to yank his hand back and press it to his chest the blood smearing over his chest some. "Ezzy." Was all he could say before she kissed him. The bastards had avoided damaging his lips...about the only things that didn't get torn apart in the past couple of days.

One of the guards scoffed and banged the bars. "Hey this ain't a conjugal visit...so quit your conjucating!"

Jackal shot the man a dead-eyed glare which shut him up, but he still pulled back slumping against the wall the contact making him flinch some more, but the sudden cold of the wall soothed the pain some. "What are you doing here Ms. Bastian? Didn't he get to you?" Jackal asked his voice soft and weak sounding. His eyes had lost some of their fire as he stared at the woman he loved with a listless gaze.

The hint of a frown passed over her lips as she regarded him solemnly. "Who lover? Did who get to me?" She feared the worst, that his body was already raging with fever and his mind affected. She had to know, or else all was lost. She leaned towards him again, knowing the contact would be painful...but unavoidable.

"Please Jack...don't pull away."

Did her eyes convey sorrow? Grief? Loss? She let her shoulders sag, her breath escaping her lips heavily. Cool hands pressed into his shoulders, tugging firmly to pull him away from the wall so she could wrap her arms around him. Her embrace was tight, providing support to his sagging body and holding firm.

Again the banging on the bars. "No touching!"

"Told ya we shouldn't let 'er inside."


Ez ignored them, her head turned towards Jackal's ear, her breath puffing softly against his skin. "They're safe Jack..." she whispered. "Matches found us. There's a Resistance. I just need you to hold on for one more day. Stay strong. Be ready."

Jackal's whole body erupted in burning pain as her clothing and skin rubbed over even more of his still bleeding wounds, but he couldn't bring himself to push her away, at least not as violently as he should. He endured the pain for a few seconds before he mustered up the strength to push out of her grip, sweat already coating his body, the pain causing him to want to shrink inside himself. "Don't let them see...you are my only weakness." He whispered through tightly clenched teeth. "They're desperate to break me...and...only...you can give...them...the means." His body sagged again, the weight of his torture and the pain of knowing Ezra had climbed back into the Lion's Den for him, crushing him more than anything. He reached for the now cold broth, grabbing the bowl and turning, trying to throw it at the woman. His strength left him and only caused it to upturn a few inches away from her before he collapsed onto his back. "Get...away...from...me...Ms. Bastian." He managed to say before his head dropped onto the stone and his eyes shut.

The door opened and the voice of one of the guards barked up, not even bothering to hide the smugness in his voice. "Well looks like the big bad wolf is good and broken now. Even throwing away his first meal in a few days. Come on girly, you've made Mr. Bishop wait long enough." He gripped Ezra's arm and yanked her up to her feet.

"No!" she cried, her resistance only going as far as her plea as she allowed herself to be pulled from the cell like a weak child. Her heart ached at what she had caused, salty tears flowing down her cheeks in an emotional display, an easier feat than she would have imagined. How much she had changed since meeting the gunman, her weak feminine feelings called upon to suit her needs.


Her cry was met with silence as she then looked upon the faces of the guards before her, confusion etching its way into her features.
"He doesn't call me that!" she said as she shook off the hands that were still gripping her. Rolling out her shoulders she huffed out a breath and wiped the wetness from her face, taking one last look at Jack as he lay prone on the cold stone floor.

The Guard laughed mockingly letting Ezra pull away. "Well sure sounded like he does now. Our Leaders are quite good at reeducation, and now that they've broken the most feared killer in Ragged America no one will ever question them." He roughly shoved Ezra forward. "This'll be the talk of the Ceremony. They might even bring him out as proof." The man laughed loudly as they all moved back down the corridor.

Aidan was waiting for them in the Chapel, his hands clasped and his head down in prayer. The very picture of virtue and goodness. He heard Ezra and the Guards enter, a small smile crossing his face as he saw the woman's face. And a secret nod from the guards told him the rest of what he needed to know. That Jackal had broken ties with the last person who cared if he lived or died, now the questioning should go much easier.

Still doing his best to hide his smugness, he hid it under the pretense of finishing some inane prayer before he turned to others. "I hope everything went well Ezra?" He asked sounding almost genuine.

"Everything went...fine," she said, adding a bit of hesitance. She did not meet his gaze, afraid her true feelings would surface. She just needed a bit more time to get herself under control. Until then, let the bastard think what he would, she had at least managed to get her message through to Jackal.

Sighing, she finally lifted her gaze to his. It was time to dive into the deep end. The cleansing...the ceremony...atonement...then the obligation to be met. It was all part of the agreement that came with giving up her life to live in the town where she grew up. ...and it was all built on a pack of lies. One piled on top of the other. But she only had to make it through tonight. The rest would dissolve when she pulled a knife across the bastard's throat.

She smiled. "I gather you are waiting for my answer." Her hands went behind her back where she folded them together, squeezing until her fingers turned red, then white. "I'll join you. But the conditions are still in place. Mr. Lawless lives or I'll forfeit my end."

Aidan gave a glowing smile and bowed lightly. "Of course Ezra, I may be a lot of things...but I always keep my word. All will be made right tonight, that I can guarantee. Eustace, please escort Ms. Bastian to her room she will need her rest for tonight." The Guard who hadn't mocked Ezra nodded and ushered her from the Chapel. Once they were gone Aidan and the loud-mouthed guard shared a low chuckle. "Seems everything is coming together nicely, Zedekiah, make sure the dog stays with us for a few more hours. The old man and I have plans for that one, he'll be a guest of honor at the Atonement tonight, we may have broken his body and mind, but his spirit remains strong even with him casting the whore aside. But seeing her come back into the Fold will break his spirit...and then...we can use him to fix the rest of the world."

Zedekiah let out a low malicious chuckle pulling the cattle prod off his belt and clicking it on. "Oh it'll be my pleasure sir. That bastard killed a lot of my friends in his genocidal crusade, it'll be nice to get some justice for them." Aidan smiled and patted the cruel man on the shoulder before leaving the Chapel to begin his own preparations. "Justice for all my friend...justice for all."

09-14-2020, 10:48 PM
The day dragged on into night the town a buzz with the anticipation the Atonement Ceremony always brought. The confessions, the repentance...the hopelessness that some of them might not be around to see the morning. Like mice trapped in a maze as water slowly began to wash through the twisty corridors. Taking away the weak and impure...but allowing the devout to remain afloat and see another year of life before the Sword of Damocles came their way again.

The state of constant damnation and doom had been slowly crushing the life from the denizens of Endver. The children suffering the worst of every generation, girls inducted into Theophyllis's teachings coming out too broken to form proper relationships, boys forced to watch their sisters be destroyed and faced with the trouble of finding their own sweetheart because all women they see are just as broken or told they were nothing but whores and not worth settling down with. Less children were born each year, soon the town would shrivel up and die, but no one could stop it now. They were all broken spirits too scared to fight back and too weak to escape Endver and survive this deep in Ragged America's wastelands.

The people milled about cleaning themselves and putting on the pure white clothing there all expected to wear to Atonement. Dresses for the girls and women and a simple pair of slacks and a shirt for the boys and men. Every scrap of clothing was expected to be immaculate and clean, this was a ceremony of renewal and purity. At least that was what they were all told, though no one left the ceremony as pure and white as they first were. It wasn't always brutal, but the pressure and shame caused some people to wet themselves or pound themselves into the dirt around the center stage. Some of the more zealous townspeople brought homemade flails or old switches of plastic or metal to punish themselves with. It was a very rare occasion to see the Atonement grounds clean of blood after all was said and done. Even those who weren't directly confessing would flog themselves in shame.

The rest of the town simply stared dully on just existing in the moment waiting for their time to confess for whatever sins they may have committed real...or imagined. All had sins and both Theophyllis Cain and Aidan Bishop knew their sins before they did and if they didn't confess them the men would have them dragged into the center ring and forced to confess under the pain of a "Pure Cleansing" white hot brands were pressed to their flesh until they screamed their crimes to the heavens above and begged for forgiveness. Sometimes the pain was too much or the heat caught their clothing ablaze and they were "purged of sinful living" Dying by fire was considered the ultimate repentance and those that burned were sent directly into the Pure Light of afterlife and spared the fires of the Radiated Hell the impure were sent to. It was desirable to continued existence as sinners and monsters, but very few had the courage to endure the pain of a Pure Cleansing.

But the Leader suspected one among them could endure a Pure Cleansing. Jackal Lawless was legendary for his resistance to dying. Many of the tales they dismissed as fanciful embellishments, but the tortures they had subjected him to would've killed any other man in the town. Themselves included, but this gave them both a devious idea to ensure their continued power. The usual confessions would commence, and the beaten and battered body of Jackal would be stretched before the alter for the entire time. Squelching any rebellious elements that might seek to disrupt the Lord's Work, the man would be alive to watch their influence over the minds of Endver's people. But it wouldn't be until it was Ezra's turn to confess that their true plan would be revealed.

Once Jackal's formal lover had confessed and converted it would be time for a "special presentation" The feared lawman...broken...bleeding...and nearly lifeless in their hands would be dragged forward and given his chance to confess. They knew already he wouldn't say anything even if he was able, so they would take it as an invitation to begin Jackal's purifying process. Like the others the fiery brands would be pressed to his skin. They were sure even a man like Jackal couldn't remain silent at being burned alive he would say anything to make it stop. He would beg for it and being the gracious spiritual leaders they were, they would grant it and then the formally untouchable gunman will be at their mercy and they would use him to cleanse the entire wasteland. Ragged America would be rebuilt as they saw fit. For He who controls the Devil will control the fate of mankind. And if Ezra saw the display and it brought her back into the Fold seeking comfort...well Aidan would happily give it to her.

But there was still much to do before they could begin. The ceremony would begin at dusk and carry on well into the night until every town-person had either confessed or been cleansed by fire. Of course Theo, Aidan, and the guards would be expunged from confessing. They were chosen to carry on the will of the Almighty so they were already as pure and without sin as you could get. A rigged system used to control the weak and ignorant. Like every other government before it.

Unbeknownst to the ones in power though...this would be the last year of Atonement and their tyranny was at an end. Even if their plans for Jackal and Ezra worked they would need to kill almost half of the town before they could enjoy their new toys. The Farmers, Merchants, Craftsmen, Guards all the people a town needs to survive would be gone. And once word left Endver's walls that a crazed and even more bloodthirsty Jackal Lawless was one of them the other towns would barricade themselves up and the Traders would be warned to stay far away from the doomed town. It was the part of the plan Becca and the other leaders of the Resistance kept to themselves. They had plans in place to kill Theo, Aidan and anyone around them with improvised explosives should their original plan fail. They could survive with a third of the town left in rubble from the blast, but they all knew no one could survive with Theo and Aidan in power. And if that meant killing Jackal and Ezra in the process?...Well that was a sacrifice they were willing to make as long as it meant they would be free.

Sammy, Matches, and Deck had snuck into Endver to finalize their plans. Word was sent to Ezra to meet at Becca's house for some early dinner. The coded message of "Kufu Burgers being on the menu along with some fine desert rose tea." It held information that only Ezra would know, that being the name of Jackal's mother and the recipe he had shared with her and Deck early on in their journey.

09-17-2020, 04:13 AM
After being delivered to her room, Ezra paced the small space until a thick layer of sweat coated her skin. She was not ready for tonight, nothing could ever prepare her for the humiliation she would be forced to submit to...admitting her sins...begging for forgiveness...receiving the punishment deemed appropriate. Nearly growling with frustration, she sat on the edge of the bed, her hand reaching between the mattresses for the comforting feel of the blade she had hidden inside its layers. It was a shame she would not be able to take it with her tonight, but there was no way to conceal it...her role requiring her to be stripped and searched...nothing left to chance.

Puffing out a sigh, she pulled herself back onto the bed and laid out on top of the blankets. She still had a few hours before she would be taken to the baths, the least she could do was try to pass the time with sleep. Her lids were heavy, but as soon as she closed them the image of Jackal invaded her thoughts. His body, already heavily scarred, had suffered torture beyond her imagining. ...and for what? What was it the leaders wanted from him? If it was for the location of the imagined treasure, surely they would have used their methods on her instead. She was the weaker subject.

Her thoughts were her demons, and when she finally did fall into slumber, it was only to dream of hell on earth, fiery fires of damnation cleansing the sinners of all their tribulations. Hours of restlessness passed, until a firm knock on the door awakened her with a start. Eyes flying wide, Ezra reached for her guns, her hands grabbing at the empty air by her hips as the door opened, the light from the hall blocked by the young man who had brought her here earlier...Eustace. His uniform had been changed, the creases tight and the fit immaculate. The guard gave her a slight nod before entering, one hand held behind his back as though in a military pose. Forcing herself into a sitting position, she watched the man cautiously, her breathing starting to quicken as he approached her bed.

“It’s time for your bath,” he said almost apologetically, the hand that had been hidden brought forward and held out towards her. Between his fingers was a slip of paper, the edges crumbled from being kept inside his closed palm. “It’s from Becca,” he added barely above a whisper. “Once you finish your bath and are dressed, I can get you to her home, but only for a short while. Your presence will be expected in the auditorium within an hour.”


Ezra was taken down a set of stairs carved from solid rock and opening onto a deep crevice, the likes of which she had never seen. Inside the mountain that lay within the borders of Endver, a network of hot springs had been discovered only recently, their purpose now merely for bathing. It was warm and a layer of moisture covered everything, evaporating steam rising to the ceiling of the immense cave. In awe, the woman could only stare...it was no wonder the town had prospered, there was little they did not possess.

Snapped back into awareness by the voices of the soldiers around her, Ezra sighed with resignation as the cleaning process was ordered to begin. Eustace stood nearby as the scavver stripped, his face flushing red as he moved closer to check her for concealed weapons, the pat down unnecessary, but required. If not for the other sets of eyes on them, she was sure things would have occurred differently. As it was, there was nothing but relief filling her once she was allowed to submerge herself in the waters.

For the first time in what seemed ages, Ez was able to run soap along her skin with the accompaniment of a soak in hot water. Her hair fell down over her shoulders in waves once she released it from its band, the strands longer than she could remember wearing them, the time on the road preventing her from cutting their length. She washed herself thoroughly before ducking under for a final rinse, her hesitation brief as she then stepped from the pool into the waiting towel in Eustace’s hands.

It was like a lover’s embrace...warm and comforting. She did not resist while the man dried her, the realization that this might be the last offer of compassion she might receive playing over her mind like a song on repeat. Knowing Eustace was part of the resistance helped to ease the discomfort she suffered with the intimacy, this part of the ritual something she had not been cognizant about. The moment passed quickly, and the dress she was given was slipped on without comment, a simple affair that tied closed in the front like a robe. Its hem fell to the middle of her thighs and although it was oversized, the sash pulled it in like a fitted glove. Once the white slipper-like shoes were on her feet, she was led back to the surface, the chamber echoing her footsteps through its high-ceilinged expanse.


Using tunnels that seemed to be hidden throughout the compound, the two made their way out of the leader's domain. It was only a short walk from there to Becca’s house, which was welcoming change for the scavver after being in the company of Aidan and his goons. She welcomed Sammy into her arms, hugging Matches and Deck as well, assuring them that everything was going according to plan...and that Jackal was alive. She didn’t share any further details, or her doubts, content to listen idly while the latest change in the plan was laid out.

Eustace provided the details, his knowledge regarding a surprise guest at the Atonement most likely pushing the attack up to tonight. With Jackal freed from his cell so he too could atone, the best chance for success would be during the ceremony, catching most of the soldiers off guard due to the festivities. Plenty of drink, full bellies, and the aroma of burning smudge sticks would keep them distracted. It was all to go down following Ezra’s confession, the last known atoner on the roster for the night.

There was some talk...and some food and drink...but the gathering was short...and at the insistence of the guard, Ez said her farewells. A heaviness weighed on her heart as she was taken back to the compound. More surprising though was the detour towards Aidan’s room, her questioning glance met with silence. This had not been part of the plan either, but hopefully atonement was about to begin, it was better than the possible alternative of what this stop might mean. Her only saving grace was the sudden spike in activity which was hard to miss, and the heady odors which wafted down the hall, the scent of spiced meats especially strong.

“How long before it’s time?” she asked nervously, her eyes shifting towards the guard’s hand on her arm.

“Only a few more minutes. You’ll be led in with the others...after seeing Mr. Bishop.”

Sighing in relief, but also feeling her heart start to race, Ezra nodded. At least there would be no time for any additional ‘activities’ before the event. It was a weight lifted off her shoulders. She wasn’t sure how much more of the bastard she could take before her hatred seeped through. She had no idea what a chore it would be just to play nice.

Ez forced a smile onto her lips as soon as they halted before the ornate wooden door, Eustace’s hand pausing in mid-knock as he leaned towards her.

“The items you requested are in his room under the pillow...if the need to use them comes around. I’ll pray that it doesn’t.”

A slight nod and then the knock was given, the door opening shortly afterwards by a young woman dressed in white. Small of frame and carrying herself in a beaten manner, she led Ezra in and sat her before a mirror, the guard dismissed as soon as Aidan came up behind her.

“We will set your hair up,” he said, motioning for the girl to begin. “No need for it to get in the way.” He offered no further explanation, his hand falling to the scavver’s shoulder in a soft caress. She saw the smirk on his face through the mirror, her own baring no expression, her lips held tight to keep from cursing. He was testing her...pushing her limits...and if she wasn’t able to maintain her control, he would exceed them. A bloody battle would be the only possible result. Surely not the best way to end this little encounter. She managed a smile.

It took only a few minutes before her hair was braided then spun into a knot at the back of her head, a spray of delicate white flowers pinned along it. Her hair so tight away from her face made her look severe, and perhaps that was the plan. A hardened survivor would be cleansed, her sins forgiven at the ceremony of lost souls. Ezra had nothing but contempt for the idea, but this was not her party, she was just the crasher, and she would make sure he paid her back for this night.

With a hand offered, Aiden smiled as he brought her to her feet. “You will do well,” he said...and damn if he did not sound sincere. Years of practice had taught the man the art of manipulation, and he wielded it well. He urged Ez forward, his hand falling to her waist then sliding lower. “You will meet me back here...after…we’ll spend tonight together.”

Not on her life! “Like hell…”

A light chuckle fell from his lips. “Try not to curse Ezra-Rayne...Theophyllis does not care for foul language.”

There was no time for further retorts as the door was opened and Ezra was escorted out. She took her place at the end of the line, the group being led to the auditorium within the church in a single file. Guards were posted along the way, the ceremony seeming more a forced event that a joyous one. There would be no going back now.

09-17-2020, 10:36 PM
*Shortly after Ezra laid down for her nap*

Drip...drip...drip...drip Moisture leaked down onto Jackal's head as he lay on the floor of his cell. The guards had not come back to chain the downed gunman back up. But considering he hasn't moved since Ezra left they likely assumed he was well and truly broken. He lost track of the time he lost in darkness of the dungeon. His body shook either from fever or the cold he couldn't tell, his mind has been detached from bodily sensations for two days.

All he feels is the constant numbing pain sometimes marked by the relentless burning when his body shifts in his sleep. Jackal's sleep was black and bottomless, no dream would graze his mind. Grandpa Gregor often said, a man doesn't dream when he has fears about what tomorrow will bring. Jack has always had worries and fears...during his crusade on the Black Jacks he worried about them finding his hideaway in Durcell and burning it down around him.

When roaming the wastes he worried about Crawlers or Clawvos killing and eating him while he slept in a hole in the ground. Every town and wilderness camping spot filled him with the same worries. Even when he was with Evy, safe and secure in their little apartment up in the rocks above Durcell. Did he ever dream when he was with Ezra? He couldn't recall...almost every place they've slept has been filled with the same dangers and worries as always...but with her he felt far safer and more relaxed than he ever did with Evy. Is that why he didn't dream?

Often the counterpoint to his Grandfather, his mother had another saying about dreaming. People dream to escape and sort out their fears. He'd always been fearless...at least on the outside...you have to be to live the life he lived. But in the quiet hours of the night when he couldn't sleep he thought about all the ways he could've...and likely should've died during the day. And facing that mortality did spark and ember of fear in him. Not enough to effect him overmuch...but enough to notice when he had no other distraction. Most times he didn't even register that ember of fear. He simply called it weakness and doubt before reminding himself about his mission, killing Black Jacks or more recently...discovering the Lost Mountains.

But with Ezra he usually slept the dark energizing sleep of oblivion. They had some fun, then his eyes would shut, and the next thing he knew it was morning and he felt better than ever. He hadn't dreamed since his torture had begun, but he simply chalked that up blood loss and sheer exhaustion. Or maybe deep down he wasn't afraid? Ezra, Sammy, and the others were free...and they had the map...what worries should he have? He would die, but his dream of saving humanity would live on in them. They wouldn't turn back to Carousel or Outpost 4 now that they've come this far...right?

No...Ezzy was a stubborn woman she wouldn't swallow the loss of numerous men, animals, and supplies and just tuck tail and run. She would carry on and make sure this whole trip wasn't a massive waste of time of that Jackal was sure...but then again he was also sure she wouldn't come back into this town once she had gotten away, and he was wrong there. He'd been wrong many times along this journey now that he had the time to think about. Trusting Gabe and his Black Jack goons to not try to backstab him and Ez..trusting the food in Liberty to just be normal food when it was drugged and led to his capture...trusting the people in this fucking place to not try to backstab him and Ezra. Seems everywhere he went trouble followed and took out it's frustration on not being able to end him on those he cared about around him.

"Those he cared about around him" The more he thought about that phrase the more it looked strange to him. When his family was killed he stopped caring about others..when Evy betrayed him he shut himself off and became an infallible killing machine instead of a man with flaws and a heart. Now he had a woman he loved, a bunch of lost and scrawny kids who looked up to him as a father, and even a second father in Deck. What he told Ezra at the gates of Endver about them being a family was more for her benefit than his...a sweet little lie to keep her composed and less likely to do anything rash. But did he actually feel that way himself? Was this rag-tag band of scavvers his...family?

Before he could delve deeper into that topic a soft light shined in Jackal's eyes and forced them to gently open. He groaned and slowly rolled away from it, the movement taking a monumental amount of strength to even muster the drive to accomplish. And as he shifted he both heard and felt the dried scabs of his back ripping open once more the blood flowing anew... the blood had dried somehow and made him stick to the filthy stone floor. He expected to hear a guard's voice, but instead he heard the soft chanting of an old man and the rustling of a hide bag. Jackal turned to question the noise when something was sprinkled across his back. Instantly everything sizzled and burned, being too exhausted to scream the lawman simply snarled and writhed on the floor. The chanting continued for a few seconds until the pain subsided greatly.

"You are strong Child of the Gun...very strong indeed." Rolling to his stomach he looked back and saw the old Tribal man Silver Bear again. Dressed exactly as before looking as comfortable in the cell as he did in Gia's Bunker and by the campfire near the Carousel Oasis complete with his bow and his old lantern attached to his walking stick.
He helped Jackal sit up and handed him a waterskin before he sprinkled and rubbed some kind of herbs onto Jackal's chest, again the pain thrashed him into a fetal position and his flesh sizzled like Grox bacon cooking by the fire. Like before the pain only lasted a few seconds before it was gone, panting heavily Jackal took some time to recover before taking a long pull of the waterskin nearly emptying it.

Once had his fill he handed it back and studied the Indian man incredulously. "How?...why?" Was all he managed to croak out.

The old man began chanting again as he spread the herbs across Jackal's hands and arms the pain flared on one final time, but dulled quicker than before. He then mixed some more herbs into a paste. "As I said before my son, I have traveled many places, and these False Men do not know the land as well as I." He pulled a biscuit of some kind out of his satchel and spread the herbal paste all over it with an ancient flint knife still chanting softly.

"But...why...are you...here?" Jackal asked the water helping him find his voice again.

Silver Bear handed the younger man the biscuit. "Eat this...you will need it."

The tall man studied the biscuit and the slimy dark green paste spread on it. It didn't look any more appetizing than the old bread and broth the guards had given him before, but something about the old man compelled Jackal to take the little cookie and shove it whole into his mouth. He expected a hard crunch like biting into a rock, but the treat was soft and warm...as if it was freshly backed. And the paste despite looking like snot tasted sweeter than honey and before he knew it both were gone and he found himself wanting more. Energy returned to him and the fog that had been covering his mind cleared a little. He looked around the cell the realization that he was no longer chained hitting him like a lighting bolt. The biscuit and paste energized him enough to quickly stagger to his feet and begin moving out of the cell.

But Silver Bear, who had remained seated in the cell called to him. "Back to treasure hunting Child of the Gun?"

The elder man's voice sounded almost disappointed and caused Jackal to stop and turn back.
"I'm getting the hell out of here...I need to find Ezra and the others and get as far away from this cursed town as possible."

Silver Bear frowned lightly packing his mortar, pestle, and the various herbs into the old bead satchel he was carrying. "So that is a yes then?"

Even more confused Jackal knelt back by the Native's side.
"Well of course...that's the whole reason we've gone through all this. The Treasure of the Lost Mountain is the single most important thing in human history! A way to fix everything wrong with the world that doesn't involve brainwashing people or killing innocents!"

Silver Bear shook his head lightly. Looking into the darkness in the corner of the cell.
"Do you remember what I said to you the first time we met my son?"

Squinting his eyes Jackal thought.
Be wary of treasure..."

Silver Bear nodded.
"It is more than a spot on the map."

Still squinting Jackal soot back up.
"Yes, and I know that. It's far more important than a spot on the map...it's the future of mankind! Now thank you for your help, but I don't have a lot of time before the bastards begin their blasphemous rituals! I need to get to Ezra!" The tall man turned and began walking.

The Indian simply gave a knowing smile and shook his head amused.
"You are half way there Jackal." He said softly to himself before standing and grabbing the retreating gunman by the arm. "You are too late Child of the Gun...the Woman of the Dirt and the Slaves of Freedom are already in position for tonight. You're leaving this cell will only endanger them."

Jackal's arm tensed, but Silver Bear's surprisingly firm grip kept him from yanking free. "So what should I do then?" He looked back at Silver Bear, his eyes clear and piercing.

Silver Bear let go of Jackal's arm his hand print lingering longer than one normally should. "Wait for your chance...your destiny is before you Child of the Gun. But it is not something that can be rushed...and you will have to endure far greater pain than you have before to realize it. But it will be all you have dreamed it to be and more. Just go in peace until destiny presents herself."

The lawman growled lightly and stared into the steady brown eyes of the old man daring him. But Silver Bear's gaze never changed...it remained as steady and knowing as before. Soon Jackal looked down and nodded. "So be it. But I have one question." Jackal looked up, but was met with only empty space. As before Silver Bear had just vanished, quickly scanning around him Jackal saw the distant bouncing glow of the old man's lantern at the very end of the dungeon. It seemed to turn a corner before vanishing leaving the lawman confused, but awake...or at least he felt awake. His body still ached, but it was far more manageable. He heard guards coming down the opposite corridor, moving back into his cell Jackal laid back down and assumed the same flat on his back position he had been left in. It was the same pair as before Zedekiah and Eustace. They carried food and clothing between them, the food almost looked fresh and the clothing was simple and stark white. A pair of pants and a long sleeved button up shirt. A few paces behind them came a couple of people wearing hoods and carrying a couple of buckets and towels.

Zedekiah entered first that same smug smile on his face as before. He placed the food down and smacked the lawman on the head. Silver Bear's parting words stuck out in his mind and instead of lashing out and snapping the dumb bastards arm off and beating him to death with it Jackal slowly opened his eyes. "Wakey wakey mutt, seems you been a good boy! The bosses wanna make you the guest of honor at the Atonement tonight. Now eat up, while these pretty little sluts scrub some of that dried blood off you." Zedekiah laughed and ripped the hoods from the people behind them then shoved them forward. Both were young girls barely ten years old and they were wearing short white togas of some kind. "Here mutt I know you like'em with dark hair so I special picked this one. Go say hello to Mr. Lawless, Tania!" He grabbed the younger of the two girls the one carrying the towels and shoved her into Jackal making her fall face first into his lap. His mock dead eyed composure cracked for an instant as the girl began undoing his destroyed pants, he pushed her back and shook his head. Zedekiah then kicked Jackal in the side of the head and knocked him out. He laughed shoving Becca's young daughter again making her half lay across Jackal. "Don't worry, we train'em right here. She'll be totally professional." Just before Jackal blacked out he saw Tania and the other young girl finish undressing him and began rubbing the cold water and towels over his body cleaning it.

10-02-2020, 01:58 AM
The sun was just on its last rays of light before it set and the cool emotion filled night of Atonement was to begin in Endver. Torches lined the streets, and every house and store was being cleared by the guards before Yosemite and Aidan locked each door and window tight. No one sat out the Atonement Ceremony even if they had to be dragged out of their house in shackles or on a sled.

This was the night everyone purged themselves and the town was wiped clean for another year. Food was being cooked on multiple barbecue pits and kegs of ice cold water and sacred wine were being dragged up from the root cellars of the church. While most of the restaurants and the like served alcohol it was usually bathtub brewed or traded so the quality was lacking. But the Sacred Wine was a closely guarded secret that only Aidan and Theo knew about. There were no vineyards in Endver, but rumors persisted they used the underground springs and deep welled water to grow the rare grapes needed to make the wine. It was as sweet and clear as could be imagined and the alcohol content was enough to dull the people's senses for the Atonement, and make their lips loose so it was easier to get their sins out of them.

A band played various hymnals and casual chatter began bubbling around the Ceremony grounds. The grounds themselves were the large open courtyard of the church. Large bunches of vibrantly colored flowers bloomed all over the patch of green. Various statues and reliefs filled whatever nooks and crannies they needed to. In the middle of the courtyard was large stage made of beautifully stained wood. Two large wooden posts were erected at the back near the church and set exactly between the posts was the dangling body of Jackal. He was kneeling and dressed in the white clothes the guards had brought him, but the shirt was left wide open so the crowd could see the freshly bleeding crosses that were carved into his chest, marring his flaming cross tattoo some. His arms were stretched out and tied to the posts. In the middle of the stage was a large alter and podium decked out in gold fabric. The podium wasn't anything special, but the cross in the alter wasn't the same kind of cross as the lawman had tattooed on himself. It was canted off to one side and black as night, and instead of the gently squared points they were sharp and spear.

It looked a twisted version of the true cross, like the cult of Theophyllis and Aidan was a twisted version of the true faith they claimed to follow. Jackal kept his eyes listless and uninterested, but behind the clouded visage burned the cold rage he showed in the Salt Flyers camp.

It was the back of the kneeling man that the line of atoners saw as they were led past the tables and chairs set up in the auditorium and out through its doors into the yard. There were ten in all, the last of the confessors to be heard before the grand finale. Each had suffered many sins, and their punishments would be viewed not only by Theo and Aidan, but also by the entirety of the town. They were brought to the stage and ordered to stand between slender poles that were arranged in a line before the podium. Far to the right stood Ezra, her face impassive as she stared straight ahead, trying her best to avoid looking at the fresh wounds on her lover's chest.

As soon as they were situated, Theophyllis came to the stage and took his place behind the podium. Dressed in a white satiny robe with gold trim, he raised his hands to call forth his flock and opened the night's events with a prayer. Heads were bowed as he spoke, his voice silky smooth as he blessed all those in attendance. When his head lifted, the first of the wine was poured, each patron offered a glass despite their age. Tonight all were equal in their suffrage.

Even with the undertone of impiety, it seemed an affair of great celebration. The hymns played on and food and drink continued to be offered to those who were about the grounds. Only those on the stage were omitted, their one alcoholic beverage their only respite. One by one those of lesser sins were admitted to the stage, their declaration of wrong-doing heard by the preacher and their wage of atonement assigned. For Ez the wait was the worst, her gaze falling to Jackal despite her futile attempts to spare herself the pain of his injuries. He seemed as unresponsive as he had been when she last saw him and she could only look upon his battered body and hope there was still a spark of life left in him.

As the repenters prattled on Jackal actually wished he was still in the suspended animation he was a few hours ago. At least then he wouldn't have to listen to the townspeople's confessions. Theophyllis was at the podium holding up the bible he stole off Jackal, misquoting and consciously twisting passages to suit whatever bastardized sermon he was spewing while Aidan was in charge of administering the punishments, whatever they were. The townspeople gazed at him like some kind of idol and it sickened him. All night he'd been in the front row listening to things as stupid as a child confessing to stealing a pie and being punished by a spanking with a baker's paddle, to the grave confession of the Murder of a trader for their stock of whiskey. That man was forced to walk barefoot over ten broken bottles of whiskey. Jackal was surprised the guy made it to the end before passing out and being carried away by guards standing in the wings.

But from what he could gather these last ten were the worst of the worst. The sinners who crimes put them on par with the guards, Aidan, and Theophyllis. But Jackal knew he'd never see them confess, not without a blade pressed against their throats. As the final Confessional began Jackal took one last dead-eyed stare at Ez, finally realizing why she had come back when he sent her away. She was going to confess to these monsters to try and save him. Sadly he knew those two clowns wouldn't keep their word, Silver Bear's words kept playing over in his mind. But he still couldn't grasp what they meant.

The first sinner approached and pulled his shirt off. He already sported a few different wounds. He seemed to be a repeat offender.

Theo began raising his voice high and proud like he had done all night. "Martin Kline! Confess your crimes!"

Martin looked up at Jack the words Adultery smudged across his forehead in charcoal. "I...comm...committed Adultery!"

The crowd gasps lightly and Theo continued. "With whom!"

"I cheated on my wife with a woman from the Salt Flyers!"

"SINNER AND FRATERNIZING WITH AN INFIDEL! BRING FORTH THE BRAND OF THE BROKEN HEARTED!" Martin was dragged forward facing the crowd now as a woman approached carrying a long rod with the red hot brand of a heart with a line through it. Her eyes were puffy from crying and as she jammed the red hot rod into the man's chest, tears fell freely from her face, but they didn't look like the tears of anger, more tears of sorrow. Martin howled in pain as the brand marked him, he fell backwards unconscious before the guards dragged him away.

In the second spot, a man with a large girth stood trembling, his jowls animated almost comically. Aidan approached him, blowing smoke from a lit smudge stick into his face. A "G" for gluttony was drawn onto his forehead as Theo called from the podiumÂ…"Confess your sins Marshall Peabody!"

"I...have...not...sinned," came the tearful plea.

With a smile, Aidan tore open the man's white shirt, exposing the man's round belly. "You are guilty of the sin of excessive eating. While others go hungry, you fill your stomach will rich desserts. Do you deny this sinner?"

Marshall shook his head. As the owner of the only bakery in town, he had access to all of the sugary confections that he baked. With tears running down his cheeks, he swallowed loudly then lowered his eyes.

"I am a glutton."

"GLUTTONY, one of the seven deadly sins," called Theo. "May God have mercy on your soul...as I will not. You shall give a pound of flesh for your gluttonous ways."

As Aidan's hands secured Marshall's to the poles on either side of him, a guard stepped forward with a scale and set it near his feet. He withdrew a slender knife from his belt and nodded to the leaders before grabbing a thick handful of fat from the bellowing man's belly.

"One pound of flesh," he said as he made his first cut and dropped it onto the scale.

The screams cut out all other noise and Ezra found herself looking to Jackal for strength, his last glance offering her little hope. With a sigh of resignation her eyes dropped and she fought the dizzying sensation building in her head. Swaying, she grabbed the poles on either side of her with a white knuckle intensity, only her anger fueling her as she held herself steady, mentally counting the seconds before she could bring hell to the true sinners. This was not Atonement, it was cruelty, sadistic and merciless.

Once Marshall had been carried away, Jackal looked away from the jiggling pile of man flesh sitting on the scale. None of the sinners looked particularly happy to be up there. But next up was a woman with pale skin and black hair, across her forehead was E for Envy.

"Katniss Fairgreen confess your crimes!"

The woman did not say anything she simply stared at Jackal as if expecting him to do something. But soon the woman spoke. "I am envious."

"Of what!" Theo shouted loudly.

"I...envied...my neighbor's beautiful garden... so I ripped up all the plants and moved them to my garden."

"ENVIOUS THIEF, BRING FORTH THE KNIFE OF PERCEPTION!" Katniss was dragged away, her eyes an emerald green color, the lawman saw sadness behind them. But as she was dropped down beside the podium Aidan came forward with a long razor blade. He delivered two quick slashes over the woman's right eye, her screams pierced the air and her blood joined the countless droplets of others that had turned the front of the stage into a slick mess.

She was dragged off the stage like the others with the right side of her face bleeding profusely. Aidan hadn't removed the woman's eye, but he made sure she'd never use the right one ever again.

The next sinner was literally dragged up from his spot by two guards. His arms were bound in front of him and he was fighting the guards as they dropped him harshly on the ground. Wrath was written across his forehead.

"Alexander Deltorro! Confess your crimes!" Theo shouted brandishing Jackal's bible at the snarling man.


Unflinchingly Theo turned to the crowd and shouted. "WRATHFUL SAVAGE, BREAK THE OBJECT WITH WHICH HE ASSAULTED A TOWN GUARD!"

Like before the man was dragged forward and forced onto his face while a guard knelt down on his back. Alex fought violently, and he was a large guy. But a second guard sat down on his legs and a third guard yanked his arms forward. Aidan approached with a large sledgehammer, lining it up with both of the struggling man's arms and in two powerful swings he shattered them both. Mr. Deltorro roared in pain and rage, fighting even harder to get the guards off of him, but a cattle prod jammed into the side of his head knocked him out and allowed a guard to carry him away.

There was unrest from the remainder of the ten posed on the stage, murmured prayers whispered from some, while others looked ready to dart. Ezra had shut herself off, clearing her mind of all thoughts so she could float in the oblivion of nothingness. Sound was lost...as was sight...her eyes open but unseeing. It was a survival mechanism...one which allowed her to prepare her body for trauma, whether it be mental or physical. And it was thus she remained in a meditative state as the next victim was brought forth to the butchering block.


The dark haired woman tried to remain stoic, but as the guards grabbed her arms and forced her to her knees she began to beg for mercy.

"God will have mercy on your soul only AFTER you have atoned." Theophyllis lifted the leather bound Bible and thumped it on the podium. "Make haste! There are others that await my cleansing."

A basket was strapped upon the back of the terrified woman and one by one the people of the town were urged to place a rock inside it. Those that refused were struck across their hands with a whittled stick, the few sufferers insuring the rest would comply. It was only when Miss Kim dropped to the stage's planks and begged for mercy again that she was relieved of her burden.

..and then the next sinner was brought forward.

"Andrew Cornwall what is your sin?" the elder preacher asked with the slightest hint of a smirk on his lined face. A "B" was drawn on the man's forehead in the ash of the smudge stick, his eyes clouded over with the early onset of cataracts.

"I know not, most esteemed leader," the man said, his voice pitching wildly.

"You do not know your sin? Or perhaps you have forgotten?"

When there was no answer, a man wearing a heavy leaden apron and gloves came forward with an iron rod, the tip of which was glowing a brilliant red. After being given a nod from the preacher, the blacksmith pressed the tool of pure cleansing to the man's back, a high pitched scream his reward.


"Please Theo..."

"You dare call me by name...you blasphemer...a sinner of the worst kind. You have betrayed your friends...your family...the leaders of this blessed town. And to what end? For a single piece of gold you spouted forth the secrets of the hot springs and brought the foul waste-landers to our gates."

The rod was once again pressed to the man's back, his screams becoming frantic when his shirt caught fire.

"Let him burn!" The words were picked up in a chant from around the stage, guards stomping their feet in excitement. A rough kick sent the poor sufferer off the stage and into the courtyard. It was only after his body dropped to the ground in a smoldering pile that the proceedings continued.

With each sinner punished it became harder and harder for Jackal to play the broken man card. Anger boiled up inside of him, this ceremony was a mockery of true repentance. The bloody display more akin to the very ancient pagan religions than what they were trying to sell. Belief should not built on a foundation like this. Blood does not need to be spilt to gain forgiveness, simply asking for it and working towards never sinning again was all that was needed.

But Theo and Aidan were like every other savage warlord Ragged America had spat out. They lusted for power and were more than happy to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to keep it. How many innocent lives had they ruined? How many good people died under their rule? This was why he needed to get out of here and find the Lost Mountains. Whatever the treasure was it'd be better than this...he was sure of it. As his contemplation grew deeper he felt the cold rage from the Salt Flyer Camp growing up inside of him. His eyes cleared for a few seconds and he stared at Ezra hoping her plan worked, because once he let the demon out he wasn't sure he'd be able to protect her from himself.

The next sinner was dragged forward, a woman again. This one was older and she had a very aristocratic look about her. Her white outfit was a little more elaborate than the others, closer to the old world ball gown and her hair was a snowy gray color, but held up in a high Duchess bun. Unlike the other sinners she hadn't cowered or been praying on her knees this whole time. She stood tall and unflinching. The lawman couldn't tell if she had come to terms with her punishment or was just too snooty to think any of this would matter. She knelt before the altar and bowed her head, the very picture of queenly reserve.

Theo, far beyond composed after all the bloodshed and excitement, shouted just as he had done the entire night. "Margaret Thatcher! Confess your crimes!"

With out missing a beat the old woman looked up and spoke as coolly as could be. "Pride." Was all she said...she didn't think anything else was needed.


Margaret scoffed and stood up moving towards the punishment spot of her own accord. "I didn't think, letting the brother of an abused young boy take his revenge was something I needed to topple my basket of fruit for. They were the ones who thought it wise to march through my garden, that need I remind you is not even half the size of this stage. There was a perfectly good street no more than five feet away."

Aidan struck the old woman across the face, and despite herself she let out a pained yelp as the blow fell. "Be quiet crone, accept your punishment!" A pair of rusty scissors and a knife were brought onto the stage and between Aidan and another guard the old woman's head was roughly shaved, her gray locks falling like rain all around them before the wind picked up and blew them all away. Lastly, X's were slashed along her face and hands disfiguring this one queenly woman. She remained silent while her hair was cut and ripped from her head, but tears began falling as they took the knives to her.

After five minutes Margaret was bald and bleeding upon the stage. But aside from the tears of pain her face and demeanor were calm and collected. She was roughly shoved off stage and one of the last Sinners were brought forth. Like Margaret he was an older person, large in stature and belly, and with a shiny bald head. Jackal could hear the fabric of the man's clothing creak as he was forced to kneel. "Greed" was written across his forehead.

"William Granger! Confess your crimes!" Theo shouted one last time.

William snorted. "You fuckers call it Greed...I call it good business sense."

Ignoring the last part Theo turned back to the crowd holding the bible high as if about to call down lightening from the sky. "YOU STOLE HOLY ARTIFACTS FROM THE CHURCH! AND HAD THE GALL TO TRY AND SELL THEM BACK TO US!"

William stood up and laughed. "IT AIN'T MY FAULT YOUR LITTLE WEASEL OF A GUARD CAPTAIN HAS STICKY FINGERS! AND I SAW THE CHANCE TO MAKE SOME CHIPS TO PAY FOR YOUR FUCKING TAXES!" Aidan swung hard with a long board and knocked the larger William off his feet before the guards dragged him to the stage and forced him to kneel once more. Aidan had thrown down the board and picked up a large flat bladed axe. William fought back against the guards, but his left hand was yanked forward harshly nearly ripping his arm from the socket. But before the big man could yell Aidan's axe came down and cleaved the man's entire hand from his wrist.

The blood shot out like a geyser and William was thrown backwards howling in rage and pain. The man's yell only increased as a hot branding iron was jammed into his wound, cauterizing it and stopping the blood flow, filling the entire stage with the stench of even more burned flesh. He was then dragged off leaving just one more sinner before it would be Ezra's turn.

Theo's rheumy eyes fell on the next atoner with undisguised hate. Unlike the others, this man didn't have letters or a word smudged across his forehead. Instead, an inverted cross had been cut deeply into his skin and black ash had been rubbed inside. A young man of only twenty-two, Philip Bentley had his eyes closed in silent prayer as he was dragged to the podium by two guards.


Philip's eyes opened and he adjusted his gaze to meet those of the town's religious leader. It was obvious he had been crying, but his voice was steady and strong when he spoke. "I do not pray to the God you worship. My God is merciful and just. He helps his flock with a guiding hand, not a sword of evil. You are the devil! Your God is Satan and you will rot in Hell!"

The old man's face fumed with anger, the Bible in his hands slamming down on the podium as he spoke, emphasizing his words. "YOUR SIN IS WORSHIPPING A FALSE IDOL!! THIS MAN IS A HEATHEN! HE PRAYS TO A DIFFERENT GOD, BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE! YOUR PUNISHMENT IS DEATH! YOU DESERVE NO LESS THAN A PURE CLEANSING!"

Philip did not resist as he was dragged back to the slender poles, his hands securely tied to them as he closed his eyes once again and began to pray. A glowing brand was driven against his body, his screams punctuating each strike, but his lips continued to move in supplication to his God. When the flames started and spread across his lithe form, his bonds burned through and he slumped to the ground, no further sound heard from him as he perished in the blaze.

It was at that moment that Ezra's eyes opened to the carnage. She might have avoided hearing the screams of the damned, but there was no escaping the aftermath. Blood was pooled on the scorched stage, and the remains of at least one man still smoldered. Blinking rapidly, she took in a deep breath as she continued to look around, only to see Aidan walking towards her. It was her turn.

Not bearing any mark on her forehead, Ez was brought forward to stand in front of Theophyllis like the others before her. The man regarded her with open amusement, then cast his gaze behind him at the bound gunman. Silence...then a clearing of his throat.

"Ezra-Rayne Bastian. You have been brought to us from the unforgiving wastelands, back to your home for judgement. Your sins are many, and while you deserve nothing but the strongest hand of God to punish your soul, I have been asked to be lenient, so that you may give back to the church in servitude. A request that I will honor despite my misgivings.

So, tell me...WHAT ARE YOUR SINS?"

The scavver took a deep breath and held it, her attention turning to Jackal briefly before she addressed the pastor. She had been warned to be forthgiving...to tell ALL her sins or her deal with the younger leader would be forfeited...and her friends...and family...would suffer the consequences. She had rehearsed in her head numerous times, but finding the courage to speak aloud was hard...

She breathed out.

"I am guilty of excessive drinking...alcohol of any kind...and I am a thief...a scavver...but I have taken more than just artifacts. I take what I want...more than I need...and sell the rest."

She swallowed hard, her shoulders rising with her next intake of breath, her eyes shifting to the crowd. "I had a child when I was barely more than one myself...and I sold her. ...and just as predicted, I continued to use my body for gain, many times over. I am also a killer of men, for defense, but also for revenge. The blood of many is on my hands."

It was getting harder for her to breathe, her heart pounding in her chest as an acidic fluid crept up her throat. Her eyes burned. Her stomach flipped. What she had done was no more than many others in the name of survival, but her guilt weighed heavy on her as she forced herself to continue. "I killed my mother...I betrayed her...and..."

She couldn't get the rest of the words out, her eyes filming over as she tried to hold back the tears. She held her place, trembling not in fear, but with the memory of putting her pistol to her mother's head.

"That's enough," Aidan said, nodding to Theo who then placed his hand upon the podium and leaned forward.

"Ezra, you will atone for the sins of GLUTTONY OF DRINK, GREED, LUST, BETRAYAL, AND WRATH. Bring out the sacrificial dagger."

Hands clamped onto her arms and the scavver tried to pull away from them instinctively, getting herself under control only with difficulty. She only had to take the punishment and then it would be over. The pain would subside. She struggled inwardly, but managed to walk of her own accord between the two guards as they brought her before a small table.

"Right or left?" Aidan asked.

"I don't..."

Her left palm was thrust flat on the tabletop before she could finish, a startled cry escaping Ezra's lips as an ornately etched silver blade was driven through her hand, pinning her. As crimson blood trickled from her hand, several bottles of the cherished red wine were set before her.


She shook her head, confused as to what they wanted from her, although the command was clear enough.

"Drink the wine whore."

Bringing the bottle to her lips, she started to pour it into her mouth, Aidan's hand lifting the bottom higher and causing the contents to spill down the front of her dress. Ezra pulled back and her gaze met with Aidan's, a red fury building in her that she barely pushed down.

"You will drink until you purge."

When she did not comply immediately, Aidan twisted the dagger, driving it deeper into the wood and widening her wound. She did not honor him with a whimper, her teeth gritting against themselves with the pain.

"You will drink...and now. Bring the child."

A scream came from the crowd as a small child was dragged from her mother's arms. Ezra recognized the doe-eyed girl, her dark hair pulled from her face in a pony-tail. Tania.

"No," was all she said before she put the bottle back to her lips and drank. She barely took a breath as she swallowed the liquid, her stomach starting to churn as the second one was emptied. When the urge came to vomit, she turned her head, the frothy red-tinged bile spewed onto Aidan's white robe in a jet.

Her head rocked back with the slap that was delivered, but already her next punishment was on its way. Her head was grabbed on either side by the guards and Aidan took a handful of her disheveled hair, the bun and spray of flowers unraveling in his grip.

"Her face," he said, "..the little bitch is going to think of me every time she looks in the mirror."

The brand was in the shape of the letter "M" and Ezra fought against the men that held her, to keep it from touching her face. When she felt the heat against her cheek and heard the sizzle, she jerked, nearly screaming, her movement causing the mark to elongate, creating a shadow-like extension.

When her right hand was placed on the table, she gave up her struggles, her body sagging and all the fight going out of her as another brand was pressed into her skin. A capital "B" for betrayal. As Aiden stepped away Ezra lifted her gaze to look at Jackal, her vision blurring as she stared at his face. Too much drink...and stress...she was starting to fade.

"LUST! BUT WHAT ABOUT HER LUST?" The preacher's voice burst out, his words pulling Ezra out of the fugue state she was slipping into. "Her lover...her fake husband...the man she had fornicated with for so long...he will take her last punishment onto his self. BRING HIM!"

The scavver shifted her gaze...Eustace...she had to locate the man. She tugged against the blade restraining her, but it was futile. There was only one option...because it had to come out. The fire had been in Jackal's eyes...his rage...it would happen soon.

She gave the anticipated nod and reached for the blade pinning her down just as Jackal's hands were being untied. The dagger rocked back and forth in her grip, her teeth grinding together as she felt it loosen from the wood.

"Get down!" she yelled to Tania, the girl standing stock still on the stage in fright.

The knife came free and Ezra fell back, Tania dropping to her belly as instructed. Aidan's head came up in shock. Theophyllis roared.


As the last sinner was brought forth and his crimes known, Jackal dropped the façade of being broken. One of the very few believers left in this fucking wasteland and he was being accused of idolatry and burned alive. For believing in the real message of the bible, about a just and caring God. Sure He punished the wicked, but only when they had thrown away every chance He gave them to be better. The God Jackal knew loved his children so much that he never gave up on them until they had passed into the afterlife.

And even then when the Rapture came, they would be given a second chance to join him in paradise. Only the truly evil would stay in hell when God came calling to them. His arms tensed up and he heard the ropes and posts groaning against the new tension. Jackal's rage was on the cusp of ripping his arms from the sockets, to get free and rip these False Men to pieces with his bare hands and teeth.

And by the time Ezra's punishment came, the lawman was gone. His eyes were flat, but burned with the cold rage that always lingered just below the surface. With only years of discipline keeping it in check, some had asked what his secret was to ignoring pain and easily slipping into an explosive rage. And he always gave them the same answer. His secret was...he was always angry.

He endured watching the woman he loved being tortured, his body heating up with anger and the binds around his wrists groaning more and more, the posts even beginning to bend inwards slightly as the woman was stabbed through the hand, forced to drink wine until she threw up, then branded twice. So when the time came for him to take her punishment for lust, he had a plan ready. It'll possibly be the last rational thought he would make until this town was a pile of ash on the horizon. Vash was too far away for him to signal the massive beast to his aid...this would be his rage...and his rage alone.

His face didn't flinch as he heard Ezra's cries of pain. But as soon as his hands were free he let out a bestial roar, making the guards who had untied him jump out of their skins. And whether Jackal knew it or not, his yells would be the signal of the revolution Becca and her rebels were waiting on. From throughout the crowds similar yells were heard as the hidden rebels attacked. While the ceremony had been going on at least half of the guards outside of the Ceremony grounds were quietly dispatched and replaced with guards loyal to the Rebels. They quickly fired their guns, killing even more of the guards that hadn't been replaced. Then from the heart of the confessed sinners, people charged and began beating the guards within the courtyard to death before stealing whatever weapons they could to press the remaining men loyal to Theo and Aidan. Not all of them succeeded, but this was all white noise to Jackal.

Silent as the grave, Jackal grabbed the nearest guard and snapped his neck before the man could even reach for his sidearm. Never slowing down the enraged lawman grabbed the dead man's body and spun on his bare heel, hefting and throwing the body at his nearest comrade. The speed with which the man hit him caused the other guard to lose the gun he had drawn. It was quickly picked up by a rebel and began adding to the death toll. Pressing his attack Jackal slammed his hand into the man’s throat, the meaty section between the thumb and forefinger acting like an axe blade crushing the man's airway and stifling his scream. As his dead ally smashed him into the right post of the stage, the beam snapped like a tree branch and crashed down upon the bodies of the two men, killing the second one on impact.

Despite only a few seconds passing, everything was moving in slow motion for Jackal. Ez was free, and Aidan...the sole object of Jackal's rage...was before him, all civilized bravado gone. Jackal saw fear in his once clear focused eyes. Moving like a battering ram Jackal grabbed up the twisted cross the fools had been worshiping. It was a hefty piece of wood, but in his rage it felt light as a feather to Jackal, who hurled it directly at Aidan. But the coward had recovered quicker than expected. He grabbed the guard Zedekiah and shoved him into the path of the missile. Panic and confusion crossed the cruel guard's face as the chunk of wood crashed into him, the top point of the cross impaling him through the chest and making him crash backwards, destroying the table Ez had just been freed from.

He was dead on impact, but Jackal was already upon him, ripping the long hunting knife from the dead man's belt and continuing his attack on Aidan. The leader let out a blood curdling scream before he ran and jumped from the stage, dropping into the very heart of the melee in the courtyard. Jackal easily followed, but just as he landed in the blood soaked dirt a couple of fierce yells came from behind him. Back on the stage, the guards who had been manning the flaming brazier and keeping all the brands hot, attacked. They quickly dumped the entirety of the brightly burning container onto Jackal before a rebel cut them down with two well-placed bullets. The heavy iron bucket fell with the flaming coals, smashing Jackal into the ground.

Thinking he had been beat, Aidan turned his back on the presumably dead lawman, picking up a discarded gun and firing into the crowd around him, not caring if he killed rebels or his own men...he just wanted order to return. He had just emptied the clip of the rifle when the distinct sound of heavy metal being thrown aside turned him white as a ghost as he turned around. The brazier was tossed aside and Jackal...whose body and hair were literally on fire...stood up tall, still clutching the hunting knife, the flames reflecting menacingly across the steel. Aidan wasn't the only one to see the otherworldly spectacle, many fighters both rebel and not, stopped for a few seconds, fear filling all of their eyes and hearts. Some even dropped their weapons and ran like the devil himself had broken through the earth to exact a fiery vengeance upon the damned town. Despite being one with fire, Jackal showed no sign of feeling the pain...he was beyond pain now...he was death...and he would not be kind to those who had earned his ire. And then he spoke...his voice barely audible above the sounds of battle...but to Aidan they were as clear as the fires around the pair. "Blade with whom I have lived, blade with whom I now die. Serve right and justice one last time, seek out one last heart of evil, still, one last life of pain, kill well old friend, and then farewell."

Saying nothing more Jackal charged at Aidan, who had forgotten the weapon and fresh mag he had in his hand at the sight of the tall man charging him, the flames licking behind him like fiery wings. Throwing both items down he ran through the crowd with Jackal hot on his heels. The people still left in the courtyard forgot their own feuds and pulled each other out of the hellish angel of death's way.


Ezra clutched her wounded hand to her chest briefly, Jackal’s roar motivating her to get to her knees, enabling her to crawl under the table towards her friend’s frightened child. Still holding the sacrificial knife in her right hand, her head lifted towards the gunman only after she had brought the child to her, her body acting as a shield. A trembling sigh left her lips...gone was the man that had pulled her to him in the bunker with fear in his eyes...and the man who had made love to her in the water just outside the walls of this cursed town. The visage before her was hell itself...reborn in the body of the man she loved.

She didn’t wait to see the results of his carnage, her first goal to bring the child to safety. Wielding the knife before her, she jumped down to the courtyard and searched the crowd, easily locating her childhood friend, who was already moving in her direction. Bodies pressed against her in the panic, but it was only a few moments before she was able to tuck the girl into her mother’s arms, Ez offering Becca a grim smile and a nod.

“She’ll be fine...but Theo...I have to get to him,” she said in a rush, hoping Becca would understand. Turning, she pushed her way through the throng of people again to get back to the stage. The deck atilt, Ez climbed back up the steps with difficulty, the few guards remaining being cut down by the rebel army as Theophyllis screamed for the opposing forces to repent...to drop their weapons and pray for forgiveness. Her teeth clenched, Ez joined the fight as best she could, managing to take out a wounded guard that was fleeing as she moved towards the podium.

It was then that screams exploded behind her, the scavver turning just in time to see Jackal rearing up from beneath a glowing metal container which had been toppled on its side. The moment seemed frozen in time, the woman unable to move until she was nearly knocked from her feet by the most hated nemesis of her years. Her gaze shifted to the jaded holy man, a sneer marking her features as she growled. But it was to the lawman that her focus returned, no matter the consequences, his form retreating quickly down a path opened before him by the crowd. Could she make it to him in time to offer aid? Torn by indecision, her heart nearly broke when she turned her back on the sight of her lover aflame, her destiny calling her in the opposite direction...towards Theo’s white robes billowing behind him as he ran for the sanctity of the church.

Ezra ran in pursuit. It was only the sudden surge of adrenaline that gave her the ability to pursue the preacher. Blood marked her passage, her hand bleeding freely as she flew through the halls, her mind mostly numbed by drink. Revenge was her second fuel, and as the old man fumbled with the door to his room, she nearly closed the distance, slowing enough to allow him to slip inside. She continued on for several more feet, Aidan’s room her true destination. A few well aimed kicks and a bit of further persuasion from her knife and she was inside.

Ezra crawled onto the young leader’s bed, throwing aside the pillows as she searched for the items Eustace had left for her. They were right where he had said, and with an urgency she grabbed up the set of keys and a revolver, the latter being the only hope she had to stop this madness. Her gaze shifted to the wall that separated the two men’s rooms and the sounds she heard within. Getting to her feet, she sighed heavily and pulled her lower lip between her teeth.

“I’m coming old man...prepare yourself for your maker.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The power of fear can be a tremendous motivation for speed. And when a fiery avenger was at your heels, you forgot all other motivations. Aidan and Jackal had long left the carnage of the revolution behind them. The flames that had been licking along the lawman's shoulders and upper back had put themselves out. The pain was beyond words and it would take many days or even weeks for the wounds to fade, but the fact most of Jackal's back was already scar tissue maybe it wouldn't.

Running through the streets in a blind panic Aidan moved like a Kufu being pursued by a Crawler. Leaping over boxes, smashing through fences, anything to put as much distance between himself and the grim reaper coming to claim his liar's soul. For years the young holy man has been deluding himself into thinking he was above any retribution. He didn't believe in the idiotic ideals of religion, they were a means of control and power nothing more. There was no God...no heaven...no morality scale to weigh your good deeds and bad deeds against. You live your life, do whatever it takes to live it comfortably, and look out for number one. When you die you just rot where you fall, Aidan believed in the circle of life and nothing else. And this town was a honey comb of ignorant simpletons just asking to be leeched off of. And even if he had to tolerate the old man's propensity for young girls every day there was a plan in place to get rid of him in a year's time. Theophyllis would die in his bed a few days before the next Atonement. And then the power over this town would be all his!

But here it was...retribution for living a lie his entire life. If the smouldering specter behind him howling for blood was any indication of a divinity though Aidan for the first time in his life feared for what might be waiting for him in the afterlife. And as he met the barred gates of town he would be getting that answer very soon. Banging futilely on the gates Aidan turned and grabbed a bit of discarded rebar, facing the still smoking lawman. The stench of burnt flesh filled the air as Jackal slowed his chase his face locked into a stone-like visage of quiet rage. He wasn't even breathing heavily, Aidan readied his improvised weapon and began to speak...in some vain hope of trying to talk his way out of his death. But Jackal's knife whipped by his head slashing his face like a razor before the merciless avenger was upon him. Bypassing the false man's weapon Jackal's hands came around his throat and slammed his head hard against the wooden door. Stunned Aidan dropped the bar. Not missing a beat Jackal brought the knife up and stabbed it into Aidan's chest, locking eyes with the young fool and watching the light within his eyes dim and die, before his last breath misted into the cool night air. Leaving the knife in Aidan's chest Jackal grabbed him by his collar and dragged him back through the town being sure to leave a blood trail in his wake.

Upon seeing both of their esteemed leaders running away screaming like frightened children many of the guards simply threw down their weapons. The revolution had sparked up in an instant and in the next instant it seemed to have died out. The losses were numerous, but the town would survive and best of all the flames upon the stage were put out before they reached the hidden explosive. So by the time Jackal returned the crowd had settled down to tend to their wounds. As they saw the grim reaper walking towards them fear took hold and they flocked as far from him and his grisly package as possible. Not sparing them a single glance he heft the dead body of Aidan like it was a sack of rocks and threw it into the center of the courtyard the knife still embedded deep in his chest.

The people gasped, staring intently at the listless face of their former leader, the knife wriggling a little as his body came to rest. Following the body Jackal stopped beside the corpse, looming over it as his dead steel eyes roamed the frightened townsfolk. Giving a slight snarl Jackal lifted his voice to the sky and shouted at the top of his lungs. "SIC...SEMPER...TYYRRRAAANNNNIIISSS!" Becca and her rebels joined him in his cries and soon the whole town was shouting this battle cry to the heavens above.

The shouting carried on for a few minutes before the jubilation died down, but when the townspeople looked towards the man who might be their new leader Jackal was no where in sight. Just Aidan's dead body and the knife that had ended his tyranny.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ezra stood outside the preacher’s door with the key ring in her hand, her single-minded determination closing off the noises of the rebellion in the distance. Her upper lip twitched as she grasped the handle, a scowl painted on her pursed lips as she rifled through the selection. It was the third key which fit the lock, the scavver shouldering the door open and searching the room quickly before zeroing in on the old man toting his belongings as he prepared to exit his room through a back access.

“Theophyllis!” she shouted, stopping the man in his tracks as he turned towards her voice. The sound of a weapon firing in the small space was deafening, Ez growling as she rushed the old fool and slammed into him as he faltered, forcing his back against the door and slamming it shut. Blood stained the leader’s white robes, the crimson fluid flowing from a fresh wound in his shoulder. Much to his credit he had not cried out, his shock too sudden and the pain which followed blurred by his tumble to the floor.

The two struggled against each other, Ezra pulling at the strap of the bag Theo had managed to hang on to despite his injury and fall. It was a tie. Neither had the strength to oppose the other, but the woman shoved her thumb into his new orifice, giving her an unfair advantage.

“Little whore,” Theo bellowed, his teeth gritted in pain. He reached, grasping for the stolen article and what lay within, but Ez was faster, getting to her feet and taking the few steps she needed to escape his hand. Huffing out a breath, she dumped the contents on the floor, a carefully wrapped object barely touching the wooden surface before it was lifted and pulled to her chest.

“I am what you made me preacher,” she said in a low tone, her eyes narrowing. “...and this…this is not yours.” She regarded the man with little pity as he clamped a hand to his wound and struggled to get to his feet, his eyes heavy on the item she held.

“You will burn in hell…” he gasped, “...the Lord will not have mercy on your sinning soul. I denounce your penance...I deny your atonement…”

“You deny nothing Theo...you are nothing.” She raised the pistol and fired again, the bullet striking flesh only a few centimeters below the first. Theo howled in agony as he dropped back to his side, his robes falling open as he kicked against the floor.

Laughter...soft yet cruel...issued forth from Ezra’s lips. “Does it hurt sir? Can I get you anything for the pain? I think I have just what you need.” The words were spoken as she moved silently through his room, her slippered feet leaving behind prints in blood. With a gentleness that belied her mood, she laid the revered Bible on a shelf before addressing the man again.

“You. Will. Never. Hurt. Another. Child. Again.”

She came to his side and reached down, her fingers entwining into the silken material of his collar as she yanked him upwards, his face brought to within inches of her own. Her hazel eyes bored into his of blue. “My face will be the last thing you ever see. Get a good look preacher...I am bringing you to hell.” She shoved him away, releasing her grip at the same time. As his head slammed back onto the floor with a crack, she circled, this time grabbing his collar from the back and dragging his semi-conscious form across the floor to his bed.

When Theo regained his sense, Ezra was sitting on the edge of his mattress, the sacrificial dagger gripped in her right hand as she drew the blade lightly along the fingertips of her left. Blood stained her white dress, the edges of her own gaping wound continuing to ooze. With his hands tied over his head and his mouth covered with a soiled cloth, the old man could do little but stare as the scavver lifted her gaze and smiled.

“Shall we begin princess? I’d hate for you to wait.” She tilted her head as she regarded him, the muffled sounds coming from behind his gag meaning nothing to her. His robes already lay open, his pale skin stretched tight over thin limbs. She touched the blade to his skin and drew it down lightly, a narrow line appearing in red. Each knick that followed touched the last, Theo thrashing wildly as his punishment was played out.

Time lost its meaning and Ezra started to drift, her focus becoming blurred. How long had she been in the preacher’s room, she wondered. Theo was covered in a thin film of red, her own hands much the same, but still the bastard stared at her, mocking her attempts to drive out his demons. Her anger returned at once, her heart beating faster and her breaths puffing out in rapid succession. She paused long enough to rip off his gag, her weapon moving in close to his throat.

“Any last words preacher?”

“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned…”

“No!” she screamed, slapping the man hard across his cheek and rocking his head sideways. “You will not pray...you foul bastard!”

“No more…”

The dagger plunged into the man’s neck...was pulled out then driven in again. Over and over the scavver drove in the blade, sweat starting to run down her face and neck, soaking into the stained clothing which clung to her damp body. She became lost in a fog, her screams unheard by her own ears, her body continuing the assault without thought.

The door to the preacher’s room opened a short time later, a stocky figure entering the space as silent as a ghost. Ezra was unaware until she was grabbed from behind, her wrists seized in a firm grip as she was pulled back into solid muscle. She fought, trying to wretch her hands free, the warm breath against her neck causing her to panic. She smelled spice...blood...and coffee.


The voice was familiar and for a moment she paused in her efforts, feeling a desire to just allow herself to be held, to give in to the exhaustion which plagued her. “I can’t…”

“Shhh…it’s over Ez...we’ve won the rebellion...we’ve taken the town.”

“No...I still have work to do...Theo must be stopped.” She turned her wrists in his grip, her strength no match for the man who held her. But still she had to try.

“Theo is dead...many times over…”

“No! He has escaped death before. I have to be sure...I have…”

“Ezra…” Deck’s voice was calm..reassuring. “He’s dead and not coming back. You’ve nearly beheaded him. It’s time to go.”

She sagged then, her eyes lifting to look at the carnage she had created. Silent tears streaked down her cheeks as she let her friend turn her around and pull her into a tight embrace.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

The cook smoothed down her hair and brought her head to his shoulders. “It’s okay Ez...I have you. It’s time to rest.”

10-02-2020, 07:43 PM
Once his deed was done Jackal was gone like a wisp in the wind. The cheers of the townspeople were lost on him. The quiet rage burned hotly within him, last time he lost it like this he lucked out and went unconscious from blood loss. But he was wide-awake and his mind fell into the same survival mentality he did back in Durcell. Whenever he killed a target he instinctively vanished to lick his wounds and plan his next target.

The only difference this time was he had no next target in mind. He simply needed to leave, his first stop was to find the gear stolen off himself and the others. The town was in shambles and most of the guards were dead or in the courtyard with the rebels. So it took a matter of minutes for him to find the chest in the armory of the church's basement. Their items were all tossed into a box haphazardly, even their guns and knives. He found himself questioning their reasoning behind such a display, the weapons were good quality and the blades sharpened and rust free. The clothing was also good, but they weren't all sizes fit all.

Still he was glad they were all in one place. Grabbing his own clothes and weapons first he pulled his pants and boots on first before he quickly strapped his pistol belt and machete on before he slung his rifle over his shoulder. As the metal rifle hit the still painful burns upon his back though he let out a deeply pained hiss. Looks like he'll be going shirtless for a bit, grabbing up the rest of his group's items he gently draped his long coat over his shoulders to at least keep the wounds clean until he could find proper bandages. He exited the church and neatly folded and sorted his group's items upon the steps before leaving on long light steps heading for the gates of Endver.

Like the Church the gates were unguarded, but even if they were Jackal's eyes and stiff deadlike movements would've scared them off. His flat dead eyes scanned the darkened landscape, they locked on a tall flat hill to the East. His bible and map would be safe with Ezra and the others, he simply needed to get away. He had borrowed some bandages and salve from Sammy's bag and endeavored to reach the top of that hill and begin trying to wrap his wounds.

10-09-2020, 05:26 AM
Ezra had no idea how long it had been since Deck had brought her to her room, but it felt like hours. It was actually only a fraction of that time, the woman left sitting at the end of her bed, staring at the door with a glazed expression. Sammy had already come and gone, having cleaned and bandaged her mother’s injuries and helping her wash up the best that she could. A pile of clothes and weapons sat next to the scavver...her belongings that had been found on the church steps, presumably left by the gunman.

No one knew where Jackal Lawless had gone, and it was that bit of information that kept her awake, biding her time until everyone was situated either in bed or at the local diner. The others had given up the search until morning light, but there was little that would stop Ez from continuing the quest. He was her responsibility. She had caused him to rage...and she would find him tonight...no matter the cost.

Silence finally fell on the narrow hall outside her room, and Ezra stood, undoing the sash on her ceremonial dress and allowing it to fall to her feet. It was hard to tell its original color, the blood staining it now dried and flaking. With a painful groan, she reached for her clothes, working the material over her aching body and following it with her weapons. She was not much to look at, her reddened eyes and sagging posture giving the impression of pure exhaustion, the fact of which was true, but the will was stronger, and with a final grimace, she straightened up and walked from her room, unknowingly taking almost the same path as Jackal had on his way out of the town.

The walls were now guarded, but the scavver was allowed to pass without interruption, the men nodding their heads to her as she went through the gates. Pausing briefly, she stared out at the darkness which shrouded their abandoned camp, deciding against venturing in that direction. She would go forward, not back, and with that in mind, she turned towards the hills, narrowing her eyes to check her footing as she began to climb.

Ezra climbed on for what seemed like hours, getting no where, but in her exhausted state it could've just been a few minutes. As she crested what seemed like the hundredth hill, she saw a small yellow light bobbing up and down opposite her. Soon a wrinkled face appeared in the small aura of light. It was an old man with deeply tanned skin and a long mane of silver hair. He approached the woman, a benign smile on his ancient face as he handed her his canteen of water. "Hello Woman of the Earth, I expected to meet you sooner or later."

Under normal circumstances, the scavver would have had her hand on her gun holster, ready to draw and remove a possible threat. But tonight had been a night of surprises, her mind interpreting the strange visage as genial before her toned reflexes could take over. She regarded the man curiously, taking his offering without pause. How odd his greeting, she thought as she uncapped the water and drank deeply.

"You appear to know me...how is it that I cannot say the same?"

Silver Bear answered her question with an amused chuckle. "I'm sure you have heard my name, though perhaps not for many moons. I am Silver Bear, I have crossed paths with the child of gun you follow a few times during your long journey. And it seems once again he and I travel the same path once more." He took the canteen back and straightened his back groaning softly as he looked to the Eastern Hilltop. "I can help you find him...but he will not be the same man you knew. Something has...changed in him...he is much more like a wounded dog than he will let on. Do you still wish to find him?" The old man asked softly offering the woman his hand to help her up over the crest.

"It is not I that follow..." she began, thinking to correct the elder, but dropping the thought as soon as the words were out of her mouth. "..and yes, Jackal has mentioned you...but I thought you were nothing more than a dream." Her lower lip slipped between her teeth and she made a whistling sound. "Seems you are a bit more."

Sighing heavily, she then put her branded hand into his, allowing him to assist her while marveling at the solidity of his grip. Pain radiated along the back of her bandaged right hand, but she gritted her teeth to it, her balance suffering more than her body.

"I would still like to find him," she answered. "His pain is mine, and I need to make things right."

Silver Bear chuckled. "You are good for him Ms. Rayne." Taking the lead in silence the old Indian led Ezra along a gradually climbing slope, the pair moving on in silence until they reached the highest foothill outside of Endver. Taking a breath Silver pointed to the hunched over and shaking silhouette of Jackal as he shivered in the cold, trying to use the pool to clean his burns and wrap them. "There he is Woman of the Earth." Reaching into his satchel the old man pulled out three medium sized clay bottles and handed them to Ezra. "These will help, apply a small handful twice a day until the bottles are empty."

"Will you come with me?" she asked as she looked over the medicine in her hands. She felt a strong pull to go to the man she loved, but there was also the warning the specter had given her to consider. The presence of the guide might aid her in helping Jackal, especially if the rage was still in his heart. With a sigh, she turned her gaze to the side, waiting on the old man to answer her.

All that answered her question was a low amused chuckle and a voice like the sighing of the wind. "You don't need me Ezra, go to him." There was nothing but empty space beside the woman and a distant light bobbing into a great distance back along the hilltops.


The next few steps were the hardest for the scavver, each one bringing her closer to uncertainty. She didn't move silently, not wanting to surprise the gunman into an action which she might not be able to control. She took in a deep breath, stopping several yards away from his trembling form. She had no doubt that he would recognize her, but would he accept her? There was nothing to do but try.

In a voice that betrayed her fears and apprehension, she called out his name.

Lost in the pain...lost in the rage...lost in his failure. Jackal's mind and body were on different planes of existence since he was tortured what felt like weeks ago. But in the scarce few minutes of lucidity he'd had between now and then he'd thought it couldn't have have been more than three or four days. The trip to the pool was like a waking dream, the ground and the sky a constantly swirling mess of dark and light. Each rub of his rough leather coat on his scorched skin was like rubbing sandpaper over the wounds.

The pain was the only thing that was real to him. Even his own breath was a disjointed sound, like he couldn't picture it coming out of his mouth. It belonged to someone else...something else...for he was not a man...he was a beast boiling over with his own demons as they fought for control of his mind and body. He was a spectator in his own existence, whoever was driving him took his pants, guns and coat off, and simply dropped him into the unwavering cold of the pool. It shocked him into wakefulness for the first time in so many days. And just like his days in Durcell the weight of his sins and his monstrous rage stared him boldly in the face with the intensity of one hundred suns. It burned what was left of his shattered mind, reliving the murder of Aidan, the Atonement, and the confessions of others, his foolishness at allowing himself to be fooled in both Endver and Liberty. Every step of this journey had been part of a disaster following him for years, and usually he didn't care who suffered along the way. When they started this suicide mission he had fully intended to embrace that same mindset. By the time they reached Outpost 4 though something drastically changed, he still couldn't place what that was. It was more lust and chance that drew Ezra and him into that bed together.

And from there? He had no clue...so many thoughts...feelings...plans...worries...pain, lots and lots of pain. That one word described his entire existence even before he was orphaned. Training with his grandfather was pain, breaking bones and busting his lip as his first shot with a rifle kicked back on him. Growing up more of the same, then he became what he was now, the Wasteland Vigilante, Bringer of Justice where there was none. Lost in these thoughts he didn't feel his still nude body shivering wildly, his hands moving on their own trying to apply salve and wrap his bandages. But when he heard footsteps approach and heard a disembodied voice call his name he spun around, his hand grabbing his pistol as he stood up, his eyes wild and afraid, hand visibly shaking. "Ez....Ezzz....Ezra?" His eyes were clouded and unfocused, but she could hear fear in his voice as well, something she'd likely never heard from him before.

Ezra had been expecting to find Jackal suffering from his injuries, but it was his state of mind that seemed to have taken a severe blow from his experiences in Endver. She felt a heaviness in her chest, her love for him deepening in that moment. Shocked by his demeanor, her resolve to help him strengthened despite the weapon aimed in her direction.

"Yes Jackal, it is Ezzy. I came to help you..Silver Bear showed me the way." Clutching the salves tightly to her chest, she moved forward, being careful of the placement of her feet on the craggy rocks. Her gaze remained focused on the pistol and she stopped after halving the distance between them. "I have medicine for your cuts and burns...and I can help you apply the bandages. Will you let me help you?"

Jackal's hand shook for a few more seconds before it lowered and his pistol fell from his lifeless fingers. He gave her a weak nod before he fell to his knees, body still quaking. "I can't see...I can't see. Where are you Ezzy?" He tried to get back to his feet and stagger towards her, but his cold locked legs collapsed beneath him and he tumbled down the hill towards her, groaning deeply as the movement dragged along his body.

There was little time to think, the scavver dropping to her knees to stop her lover from rolling down the mountain side. The clay pots clattered to the stones as she put her hands out and grabbed at him, her feet digging into the scree and her body falling over his to still his descent.

"I've got you," she said between heaving breaths, her teeth gritted against the intense discomfort in her hands. Blood was seeping from the left, the fluid quickly sopping the bandage covering it. She wasted no time worrying over it and pulled the lawman to her, her arms wrapping around his chilled frame.

The pain of contact was instant, but the scavver's warmth was a welcome change. Gritting his teeth through the pain, he hugged her back. "Thank...you Ezzy." Breathing heavily through his teeth he moved slowly to his knees, his body still shivering violently. "I...tried to wash the wounds out." He growled lightly, reaching down to feel for the bandages and clay bottles.

"So you finally met Silver Bear?" He laughed weakly, regaining control of his breathing as the pain dulled a little. "Glad someone else has seen him. Was worried I was finally getting rad-madness out here." He found the discarded bottles and bandages and handed them back to Ezra.

"He wasn't what I expected," she said, her hand going out to touch the lawman on his hand so she could fold her fingers around his wrist. "I was thinking he was more ghost-like....but he seemed so real."

She got back to her feet, bringing Jackal up with her. "Let's get you back to the water's edge so I can clean your wounds and get you bandaged. It's too cold for you to remain undressed for too much longer...despite how much I enjoy seeing you this way." She laughed lightly as she moved closer to him, using her body to guide him back towards the creek.

Jackal wrapped his arm around the woman's shoulder hugging her some more as she guided him back to the water. "He's a ghost for sure, he moved so silently and vanished so quickly every time I saw him that I'm not sure what he is. The name sounds familiar though, but I've yet to be able to place it." He could feel the new cold of the water and slowly sat himself down, groaning as the cold enhanced his body endless pain. But the cold did help calm his burns some.

Ez worked quickly, using one of the strips of bandage to clean the burns and cuts. It was a grueling task, the damage to his skin severe, and barely a swatch left unblemished. He endured the ministrations with a steely reserve, as she had no doubt her gentle touch caused great pain. She followed up with the salves, applying the numerous pieces of cloth afterwards.

"Do you think you can make it back to Endver with my help?" she asked, reaching down to pick up his clothing. "A warm bed would be a comfort to you...and I am not sure I can get a fire going to keep us warm out here."

Having spent the better part of Ez's treatment with clenched teeth he let out a low relieved sigh as she finished. He was really feeling the cold now as well, he tried to control the shivering so as to not ruin the placement of salve and bandages. But by the time she was done it was beyond his control, he reached for his pants moving stiffly as he began pulling them on. "Yes....yes." He said softly as he connected his belt and worked on his pistol and knife belt, his hands numbly fumbling with the clasps.

It didn't help he was still blind from the fire that had been burning around his head. Next came his boots, his feet stinging with numbness same as his hands. He gave a weak chuckle. "Too bad I'm already patched up, a hot bath might've done us both some good." Stomping the feeling into his feet he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his bandana tying it over his eyes. He hoped this blindness would be temporary.

The faintest of smiles was on Ezra's lips at the mention of a hot soak, but she had enough of bathing for the day, her venture earlier that day taking some of the joy out of it. She didn't bother mentioning it to Jack, he had enough on his plate, his lack of sight a worry to her as well. Gathering up the remaining supplies, she tucked his arm into hers, hoping she would be able to lead him down the rocks without any mishaps.

She went slowly, finding that she leaned on the gunman almost as much as he leaned on her. She could almost feel the soft pillow under head, her desire to be in bed fueling the tiresome journey. "I'm sorry I got you into all this Jack. I promise I won't make such a hasty judgement again, not when other people's lives are involved." Sighing deeply, she put her head on his upper arm just for a brief moment. "...and if you are still desiring that hot bath in the morning...we will make it happen."

Jackal followed unsteadily after his woman as they went down the slopes. Like she did with him, he held her closely, his arm looping around to grip the softness of her hip, the contact, despite bringing him more pain, was also comforting. The familiarity and closeness something he had sorely missed these last couple days. His jacket skill rubbed against his burns even through the bandages, but the pain wasn't as bad, at least not compared to the rest of the pain he felt right now.

As she apologized the gunman let out a weak chuckle, bringing his hand up to grip her chin and find her lips for a soft kiss. "You have nothing to apologize for Ezzy. We both fucked up this time, but at least we freed another town?" Letting go of her chin he kept his arm around her waist and they continued on in silence. They reached the gates of Endver and the sounds and smells of revolution were all but gone as they walked into the dark cold streets of the liberated town. It would hopefully have a better future now. The town was asleep so the pair of wounded lovers went just as quietly into the Church and up to Ezra's room. The warmth was a welcomed change for the blind man, the walk up the steps arduous for them both, but the end would be worth it. The woman opened the door and ushered Jackal inside. He let out a low pleased sigh as the warmth washed over them both. "Feels like a nice small room." He said slowly pulling his long coat off.

"It'll do lover," Ezra said as she helped him to the bed. "Lay down...and I'll see if I can find you some pain relief. Sammy had some herbs in her bag to make into a tea. They should help." She moved about the room, putting the jars aside and taking a moment to change her bandage. "Maybe she has something to use for your eyes."

Jackal let out a low groan as he pulled his boots and weapons off, placing them on a nearby table. He worked out of his pants knowing fully body warmth would be best. Moving gingerly to the wall he sighed deeply wishing to melt into the bed and just die. But he couldn't do that just yet, he heard the pain in Ezra's voice and felt it in her body as they moved along. She clung to him for comfort as much as support and he couldn't help but do the same for her. Relaxing into the soft mattress he tried to follow her with his ears as she moved about the small room. "I'll take the pain relieving tea, but I don't think there's anything in nature that cures blindness my love. From what I read it was even difficult in the Pre-Fire world. Only one person could cure the blind." He said half chuckling until he remembered, sitting up a bit quicker than he should've he felt the bandages stretch, his wounds causing him to groan painfully. He fell back to the bed panting. "Hmm damn...did you get my mother's bible back?" He asked between pained pants.

Ez was at his side again, her fingers running gently over the curve of his cheek. "I'll get it for you," she said, her lips cool on his forehead before her steps sounded away from him. The door to the room opened and closed, Ez heading down the hall to find Sammy's bag and the cherished book. Neither took her long, the woman managing to get the herbs she needed without waking her daughter in the room next to hers. Laying in the arms of Matches, the young girl was in a deep sleep, Ez envying her slumber.

The Bible was also where she expected...right where she had left it...in the preacher's room on the shelf. Ez did not linger, the scent of blood still permeating the room although the old man's body had been removed. There was a plan to show his body on the next morn to prove his death, but even that was not enough to satisfy the scavver. She wanted more. A flash of anger filled her, her heart pounding in her chest as she slammed the door upon exiting.

It was to Jackal's side she returned, her breathing still elevated as she pressed the wrapped book into his hands. "I'll make the tea," she said, having already obtained a pot of hot water from the kitchen area on the church's first floor. Mixing the herbs and filtering them into two cups, she sat down on the bed and leaned against the wall.

The man let out a breath, running his hand slowly over the well worn leather cover opening the cover to run his fingers along the inscription his mother left. The book was old and the ink had weighed the page down some so the letters looked almost indented. Pleased it was the actual book, he sat up slower this time and placed it gently down atop his belts and weapons.

He took the cup of tea nodding his thanks to the woman as he began sipping it slowly, the warmth beginning to fill his body and bringing feeling back to his hands and feet. "Thank you so much Ezzy." He wished to say more, but exhaustion filled his mind. He was sure Ezra felt the same way, so much had happened since they got here. Jackal had slept, but it wasn't good sleep, it was induced by pain or being actually knocked out. And still now he felt apprehension in the back of his mind what would happen to him should he dare fall asleep again?

Sure both Aidan and Theo were dead, but still what they had done to him burned itself into his mind and he couldn't shake it, an almost palatable fear gripping him at the prospect of sleep. But the logical part of his mind told him nothing would happen and sleep would be best. Deciding to listen to that logical part he sipped his tea enjoying the taste and the washing away of his body ache was almost heavenly. A loud yawn ripped from his mouth and the sheer weight of his weariness made his shoulders slump some. "We should keep a good stock of these herbs for later. They work wonders." He finished his cup of tea and placed the tea on the table making sure it was away from the bible.

"Mmm," the woman responded, her mind already shutting down from the long day. She waited for Jackal to settle in before she put her own empty cup aside, her watchful gaze settling on him as a weight seemed to be lifted from his misery. "Sleep well lover," she whispered, her own body tingling from the effects of the tea. Stripping out of her clothing, she slipped under the blankets and moved against the gunman, her eyes closing almost immediately.

"I love you Jack," she said as sleep took her, the words nearly lost in the silence which followed.

10-21-2020, 01:51 AM
The group's days in Endver were a blur of recovery and rebuilding. Jackal never left Ezra's room, drifting in and out of unconsciousness as Sammy or Ezra changed his bandages. He did not speak, he barely ate, and drank only a few cups of water. Despite what tenderness he showed before his eyesight still hadn't returned and the pain of his burns had turned him unresponsive from a continued state of exhaustion.

The lawman's recollection of the passing of time were lost in a stream of light and dark. A dance of shadows coming through the tinted windows of the room. Occasionally the smell of dry wasteland air filled the room as someone opened the window and the stifling air returning once the window was closed. Then darkness, pain, dreamless slumber, lather, rinse, repeat. It wasn't until the following week that he sat up on his own accord and then his eyes were just a listless as before. No one could guess when his eyesight would return if at all. Out of respect and maybe a small measure of fear no one spoke to him when he showed his face outside of the Church. With Ezra straying a few feet behind him in case he needed a hand with something, but her presence was merely physical. No words were exchanged between them and aside from helping him up some steps they never touched each other.

Jackal's walks about town started out short, but by the end of the week he was moving about mostly unaided and walked with slow, but assured steps. And by the beginning of the next week the man was moving about as normal albeit he still couldn't wear a shirt only his jacket. His face set in a grimace and his hat pulled down low over his eyes. Ezra and Deck had worked with the rebels to establish some kind of government until the people figure out something better. But after what they had been living under anything would be better. If this quest ended well maybe the band could come back and check up on the town. But for now they put the town behind them, their next stop would Silver Mine Oasis also called Silver Springs depending on who you talk to. It was a few days ride East, and they would be setting a pace to camp at a small hill top by nightfall.

11-03-2020, 01:08 AM
Scouting ahead, Ezra looked out over the rocky landscape atop her sure footed horse Clove, her hazel gaze steadfast as she looked for any sign of danger. After three weeks in a state of near stasis, she was eager to be out in the wastelands again, the tension she had felt in Endver driving her to spend her nights lost in a bottle. It had taken its toll on her, her nerves on edge and her mood sour. This time alone was her respite, Jackal being left in the care of Sammy and Deck...and of course his trusted mount Vash.

Their relationship was at an impasse due to the gunman’s recovery, the scavver not sure when, or if, things would return to normal. If Jack’s vision did not return, the only logical decision would be for him to give up his quest, the wastelands no place for a blind man, especially one on the move. She was not sure where that would leave them, her own heart already too wrapped up in the man to give him up easily. The choice would be his.

Sighing heavily, Ez turned her attention away from the slope, the road ahead clear without any immediate sign of danger. There was little in the way of dust trails to reveal other riders, but the loose gravel along the path appeared undisturbed. There were no good places to stage an ambush, the few ledges in clear view. Relieved that the day would prove to be uneventful, she spun her horse around and set off at a steady trot to return to the others.

She met up with them a short time later, a subtle nod her only acknowledgement before she took her place at the back of the group. The old cook was in the lead with Sam and Matches behind him, Jackal taking the next spot in line. Ez was unable to take her eyes from him, her constant vigil when she was in his company the only sign of her devotion to him at present. She missed his touch...his warmth…the sound of his voice on a regular basis. She had never experienced this type of loss...to depend so heavily upon someone else to make her whole. Feeling empty, Ez pulled out a flask and unscrewed the cap, the container tipped back as she had her first drink of the day.

11-08-2020, 10:19 PM
Moving through the steady dry heat of the wasteland the small band of adventurers roamed on lost in their own thoughts on conserving energy for the trip ahead. With his sight gone Jackal's other senses have been working in overdrive most notably his hearing. Every breath and whispered word came through his ears. The mood was generally good, but everyone was still tired...very tired.

None of the kids still with them had ever been in a real fight like the Revolution of Endver. Even the madness that went down in Liberty was nothing compared to the full scale war they had just fought in. A few of them had injuries, but no one died which considering the chaos of the fight itself. But the blind gunman had to hand it to the Rebels. They managed to arrange a full scale uprising right under the noses of Theo and Aiden. In a smallish place like Endver that's quite an accomplishment, still Jackal was glad they all made it through the melee. He followed the conversations for a few more minutes before he head Ezra approaching from her scouting mission. He tightened the red, white, and blue bandanna around his eyes eyes and turned his head a little towards her. His stomach did a few flips, but any words he wanted to say died on his tongue. His wounds burned at even the thought of enduring another's touch and the way he failed to keep his new family safe in two consecutive towns weighed heavily on him and he just felt unworthy of being in the woman's company.

Letting out an exhausted sigh he dropped his head upon his chest and let Vash lead the way behind Deck and the others. Being slumped over in his saddle like this is the closest Jackal had gotten to sleeping in many days. And he didn't stir again until the call went out that they were nearing the first night's campsite. With him out of commission and Ezra being out of sorts in her own way Deck had become the de facto trail boss of this leg of the trip. The old man has been the rock solid foundation of this group since even before Jackal hired Ezra's first band of misfits to help him find the Treasure of the Lost Mountains. They were lucky to have him right now, hell if it weren't for him they all might've died in the Salt Flyer's Camp.

A collective sigh of relief floated through the group as everyone dismounted and began setting up camp. Jackal was the last to jump off his animal's back, the pair of wanderers moved to a flat part of the hill and with practiced movements Jackal took off Vash's saddle and set the big beast free to roam a bit. Pulling his jacket off the man let out a low pained groan rubbing the scratchy bandages some, the cooling air of the evening soothed his ruined flesh. Moving stiffly he set out his bedroll, he probably should set up near Ezra, but being near her would be too much. They haven't been close since the Endver incident ended, he felt lost and weak without her presence even before he was blind, now he just felt helpless. But there was still too much pain and issues he needed to sort through first.

In the middle of the camp both Sammy and Deck watched the gunman with concern before they both looked at Ezra seeing her take another pull from her flask. Sammy sighed clutching the strap of her medical satchel. "What are we going to do Deck?"

The old hunter shrugged wiping sweat from his brow. "I can't rightly say Sammy, they both need each other...but they ain't got the sense to do anythin' about it right now. Let e'eryone settle in an' get some food in their bellies we'll see ifin that helps." The young woman sighs and nods going to help Matches set up their tent.

11-12-2020, 02:35 AM
If there was one thing Ez was good at, it was drinking. She knew her limit and could pace herself so that she maintained a general state of calm without feeling too incapacitated. She didn’t always follow these guidelines, but here in unchartered territory--at least for her--she wasn’t going to drink herself into oblivion. The alcohol was allowing her to keep her head, the anger still fuming within her at both herself and the now dead rulers of Endver. The situation had her hackles raised. If she had not insisted on going into her birthplace to trade...if the two men had not drugged them and then taken Jackal prisoner...if she could have avoided atonement...lots of ifs, and it all boiled down to her making a score of bad decisions. Her lover’s blindness was on her shoulders..she had used his ‘other’ self to turn the tide in their favor for the uprising. It was unforgivable, and Jackal’s coldness towards her was her penance. She would endure, and wait for him to accept her again….if he could.

Taking a deep breath, the scavver flexed her left hand, working out the stiffness it suffered from daily. The scar in the center of her palm was still tender, her use limited to basic function. She wore fingerless gloves now, the leather uppers covering the scars she had received at the hands of Aidan and Theo. She also wore her typically restrained hair down, allowing the long strands to hang over the side of her face. Another attempt to hide her punishment for past sins. These physical flaws she accepted as she did her others...reluctantly, but with grace.

Looking over the camp, Ez finally let her gaze fall on Jack as he set up his site. She had not bothered to set up her own...her plans for the night having nothing to do with sleep. She watched the way he moved and felt his discomfort keenly. He would need to be tended to and her daughter was the best caregiver they had at present. Despite the fact she was aware of Deck and Sammy’s disapproval of the way things were being handled...their quick glances enough to draw suspicion...she pulled back her shoulders and made her way over to her daughter. It was time to set the record straight as to who was in charge.

“Sam?” she said, drawing the girl’s attention away from setting up her tent beside Matches. “I need you to prepare that tea for Jackal, and help him change out his bandages...see if there is anything else he needs.”

Samantha let out a sigh and nodded, her blue eyes looking over the older woman skeptically. “Okay...mom. Deck is putting on the water now...I’ll get it prepared as soon as it is hot. I’m almost finished here.”

It was Ezra’s turn to nod. “Good.” Well, that was easy enough. Brushing her hair behind her ear, she chewed her lower lip then huffed out a breath. Next up… “I also need you to inform Deck that you and he have first watch tonight. I’ll take over from there..work out the schedule as I go along. You can take the rest of the night to get some sleep. We’ll ride a little harder tomorrow and I need the two of you at your best. This territory is fresh and I don’t know what to expect.”

“I’ll let him know...but are you sure? Maybe you should be resting? You look awful tired mom, and I’m sure Deck and I…”

“That’s the plan Sammy,” Ez interrupted. “Pass it along. I’m going to scout out the area a bit more, but will be back in a few hours.”

Not waiting for her daughter’s response, the scavver went back to her mount and grabbed up the reins. She walked the horse around the outer perimeter, pausing briefly when she was abreast of Jackal’s camp. Clicking her tongue, she grabbed the horn of Clove’s saddle and pulled herself up, her heels digging into the beast’s side as she steered him away from the hilltop and its nighttime occupants.

11-23-2020, 05:51 AM
Sammy watched Ezra go letting out a low sigh. "Alright mom." She said more to herself than the retreating woman. Gathering up the bandages she gnawed on her lip in thought, a habit she picked up from watching Ezra do it so much. She was running down idea after idea of how to help Ezra see reason and go to Jackal instead of feeding into his wish to be isolated. She knew the man's physical pain and could feel her mother's mental pain.

Those two had become so close even since Outpost 4, they needed each other. Ezra needed Jackal's strength and calming presence and Jackal needed Ezra's practicality and grounding effect that kept him from chasing after shadows for his treasure. They were broken people who only felt whole around one another. Samantha wasn't sure if she'd call it love or terminal co-dependency, but it was a true and as real as the people themselves. Neither would be at peace until they could come to terms again. But despite her best efforts she was at a loss as to how to fix it. She was so lost in thought that upon feeling a warm heavy hand touch her arm she let out a short scream and jumped away dropping the bandages and medicine into her rucksack at her feet. Deck low rich laughter brought her back and colored her face scarlet as she knelt down to grab the dropped items. "You becomin' more an' more like yur momma e'eryday Sammy. Used to be able to make her jump like that as a girl too."

Clicking her tongue Sammy tucked the bandages and ointment into her medical bag. "Did you give her a heart attack too? Is the tea ready? I should get over to Jackal before it gets too late."

Deck nodded picking up the tea pot and poured it into the tin cup in his left hand, but he didn't hand it over to the young woman. "Yeah it's ready, but ifin ya don't mind I'd like to go change his bandages an' have a little man to man talk with'im. I ain't a infamous gunslinger like'im, but I am older. Maybe I got some sage advice I can beat into his head 'bout women. You spread Ezra's little plan 'bout camp so everyone knows what's happinin'." Seeing no reason to argue with him Sammy handed the bandages and ointment to the old man before she whistled for everyone attention to tell the plan of the night. Taking his leave of the young woman Deck made his way slowly over to Jackal knowing the man's keen hearing would pick him up before too long.

And it did, but only after he heard Ezra' approach and exit besides his camp. He could feel her eyes boring into him he did his best to not "look" at her. He was sure his shame would be too obvious, so he occupied himself with still setting up his tent, but his ears followed her as she rode away on Clove. Once she was out of earshot he let out a low sigh and quickly finished putting his tent up, his ears peaked up again as he heard the slow clopping steps of Deck approaching. His head swiveled a little and he nodded in the direction of the old man's footsteps. "Good afternoon Deck, Sammy busy?"

Deck let out a low chuckle setting the ointment down on a rock before handing the tea to the blind gunman. "Naw, I just wanna get away from the cookin' fire for a spell. I'm gettin' too old to sit by it all day. Ya know how many times I gone an' singed the hair off my arms durin' this here trip?"

Jackal chuckled back sipping the tea slowly hoping whatever magic it might have will start working soon. "I can't even guess Deck...a million times?" He sat down on his pack groaning gently at the movement.

Deck let out a short barking laugh beginning to gently peel the old bandages off Jackal's back using steady gentle pulls. "Haha, maybe been so long I'm ain't even sure it grows anymore. How ya feelin' today boy?" He winced lightly listening to the skin ripping gently as each bandage was removed.

Acting as if he felt nothing Jackal sipped his tea leaning forward on his pack.
"Same as yesterday...sore and tired."

Deck nodded watching the burns turn an angry red as he reached the middle of the younger man's back.
"I can understand that, Been kinda tense 'round here the last few days ain't it?"

The lawman snorted lightly. He could see where this conversation might be going, but he also knew it would've happened eventually.
"Heh, I guess you can say that. But we all just did fight in a war and overthrew a tyrannical dictatorship, tension should be expected."

Deck clicked his tongue pulling the last of the bandages off.
"I suppose, still we've done that before an' it ain't been so tense."

Jackal smirked around the rim of the cup.
"Damn, I guess we have...what's it been? Three times?"

The old cook let out another barking laugh picking up the ointment.
"Lemme see, the Salt Flyers, Liberty, an' now Endver?"

Giving a slightly shiver as Deck began applying the ointment.
"Hmm does the Salt Flyer incident count as a war? I always thought of it more as a hunting trip honestly."

It was Deck's time to snort as he began rubbing the ointment in deep.
"Ha, maybe for you that's a huntin' trip. I call it "shit I'm too old for."

Jackal shrugged finishing up his tea.
"Come on Deck, you're still as strong and healthy as you were fifteen years ago."

The short cook scoffed.
"Fifteen years ago, I was the Mayor of Carousel an' had just taken Ezra in as my protégée an' adopted daughter. An' was too old for that shit too."

Jackal's blind eyes popped open and he half turned to "look" at the cook. Ezra had never mentioned that before.

Deck let out a long rich laugh as he finished applying and rubbing in the ointment.
"I take it she ain't never mentioned that little tidbit 'bout her past huh?"

The tall man shook his head turning back around hmming gently as a cool wind blows over his burns.
"No, I thought she'd been on her own since she was fourteen?"

Deck shrugged unrolling the clean bandages to begin wrapping the wounds.
"Hmm purty much, but my wife Jinny...always had a big heart. Ezra stumbled into town one day I assume after she had dropped Sammy off at Outpost 4. She always been a tough girl, but trampin' through the wastes so soon after givin' birth was almost too much for her. She was half starved, dying of thirst, an' on the verge o' collapsin' from exhaustion an' rads. We'd seen her an' Sammy's pa come through town a few times, but aside from thinkin' she was kinda young to be makin' goo-goo eyes at a man my age we ain't never paid her much mind. But that day Jinny saw the state she was in, an' rushed out to bring her inside."

Jackal nodded keeping his breathing level as the bandages touch his still quite raw skin.
"Sounds like a good woman."

Deck sniffed lightly seeing glimpses of her face as he retold the story.
"The best I'd ever known. We always wanted kids, but we made our livin' as Hunters. Travelin' all up an' down Ragged America huntin' the biggest, meanest critters we could find. Not exactly the best circumstances for raisin' young'uns. Good money in the pelts, meat, an' trophies though."

The lawman nodded again, he'd done some trophy hunting between hunting Black Jacks lots of chips to be made if you got the guts for it.
"Very true, so how'd you come about becoming the Mayor of Carousel and adopting Ezra? If you were so successful at hunting?"

Deck had managed to wrap half of the gunman's wounds by now.
"Hehe, I was forty years old then an' was on my way to recovering from a bullet to the knee after a scrap with some Waste Blaze raiders. Jinny an' I had helped found Carousel back in our twenties so the people just handed me the job. And Ezra was just...an answer to some prayers. Just don't tell her that part, ya know how she is 'bout stuff like that." He chuckled again as he placed the last bandage in place smoothing over the younger man's back with his hand to make sure no bubbles have popped up.

Jackal sighed slowly stretching his muscles out some standing up.
"Yes, I know so did you teach her about scavving and such?"

The old man laughed again pulling a bandana out of his back pocket to wipe his hands off.
"Naw, she knew more about Scavvin' at fifteen than I could even bother to learn at forty. I taught her huntin' an' better survival though. An' I got her started in trade caravans like this, no matter how smart a teenage girl thinks she is, ain't no one gonna hire her if she ain't able to reach the stirrups o' her horse. I was the Trail Boss for 'bout five years then...then my Jinny succumbed to the rads, after that it just didn't feel right bein' the boss without her."

Jackal frowned turning around patting the short man's shoulder.
"I'm sorry to hear that Deck, can't even imagine losing someone like that."

Deck reached up and padded the other man's hand chuckling.
"You gettin' close to learnin' it now boy."

And there it was, a very round about way to get to the core issue. Jackal chuckled pulling his hand back.
"Oh really?"

Deck nodded picking up the tea cup, bandages, and ointment.
"Yup, you an' Ezra ain't even spoke to each other since we left Endver. I know that was a helluva thing, you bein' set on fire an' her gettin' a knife stabbed through her hand. But as we said earlier you both been through worse. What's changed?"

"Looking" down the lawman shrugged.
"I failed in the one thing I promised to do. Protect her...I failed to do that in two consecutive towns."

Deck scoffed again crossing his arms over his barrel like chest.
"Failed? Son...last I checked Ezra ain't dead...in fact we ain't lost no one since we got rid o' Gabe an' his band o' scumbags in Liberty. That's after goin' through a sandstorm, a bunker full o' fuckin' spider robots, an' a goddamn Inquisition. That's weeks o' travel an' bullshit that you an' Ez have led us through, ya fell for drugged soup an' cakes a couple o' times, so what?"

The tall man's mouth hardened into a grim line.
"So what?...so what? This has never happened to me before! I've been surviving the worst of the worst the Wastes had to throw at me for years! I've beaten poisoning, shooting, stabbing, getting torn limb from limb at and most recently...set on fire. I should not be getting tripped up by the oldest tricks in the books."

Deck clicked his tongue sounding most unamused.
"An' ya survived both times d'in't ya? Why should that be stoppin' ya an' Ezra from bein' there for each other?"

Jackal growled lightly.
"Because, I'm bad luck! How long until I get her killed Deck?"

Keeping his voice level Deck squared his shoulders and spread is feet apart making his stand before the fear inducing vigilante.
"An' why would that bother ya son?"

Almost fuming Jackal spread his arms as if this whole conversation was a waste of time.
"Because I love her and I can't stand to lose her! I didn't have to worry about that before!"

Deck chuckled smugly.

Jackal clenched his teeth.
"What the fuck do you mean "exactly"?

Unperturbed by Jackal's raised voice Deck shrugged.
"You love her Jackal, back then ya could spit in Death's face an' didn't have no one that relied on ya or needed ya. You were a lone wolf...hehe or I guess in yur case lone jackal. Ya knew ya could power through hunger, thirst, exhaustion, an' crawl back from the edge o' death each an' e'erytime it came for ya. But now...you got people rely'en on ya, an' not just Ezra...but Sammy...Matches...the rest o' our Lil' Rascals an' me too. You gotta consider a lotta lives now, an' not just yur own. I ain't afraid to admit that I sure as sin won't be able to survive half this shit you put yurself through. An' Ezra, aside ain't no one else here that tough. So in the back o' yur mind you weigh the pros an' cons more you think o' us before yuself now. Where you mighta said "fuck you" to Liberty as soon as ya got the bad feeling an' just gone back into the wastes to hunt for some meat an' just camp another night in the sands an' rocks, but we was low on supplies an' couldn't make it much longer so ya took the chance. It just so happened to be a bad gamble, but still we ain't dead an' out here?..."Ain't dead" is a win any day. You an' Ez need each other to heal an' we all need ya to lead us. Ain't no one gotten this far in the mad search for this Treasure o' yurs, an' fallin' apart now would just be...dumb an' we ain't a dumb group...crazy sure...but we ain't dumb." Tucking the cup, ointment and bandages under his arm he patted Jackal's arm fondly. "When Ez gets back I wanna see you two talkin' again...figure yur shit out. Otherwise I'm gonna tie ya both to a rock an' make ya make up ya hear me?" Without waiting for Jackal's response Deck returned to the cooking fire and tossed the bloody bandages into the flames before returning the medical supplies to Sammy's bag.

The lawman couldn't help but chuckle to himself. It was almost like he was talking with Grandpa Gregor again. That miserable old man was just as fearless and assured in his words as Deck just was. Shaking his head Jackal finished putting his tent together trying to think of what to say to Ezra when she returns.

12-07-2020, 02:06 AM
The sounds of the camp faded as Ezra rode deeper into the night, her troubled thoughts finally able to settle and permit her to focus on the landscape and noises around her. The moon provided the light, it’s nearly full orb casting a dim shadow behind her. Vegetation was sparse, like in most places post-scorch, but the mountains had fared better than the lowlands, a patch of pines not an unlikely sight. Thankfully there were none here, the lofty stands of trees a potential hiding spot for bandits. Breathing a little easier, she whistled low, listening to the reverberations caused by the peaks and valleys around her.

It was an enjoyable ride, the woman’s reasoning for venturing out again having little to do with scouting. She had the map Becca had given her, the main road to the mining town marked clearly on it. The group had taken a different path, one less traveled, for the obvious reasons, and Ez had already determined their best route. It wasn’t the fastest, but she was in no hurry to reach Silver Springs. The accommodations would be minimal, and she dreaded being trapped in a room with Jackal, the hours of silence more than she could endure again. They had two days at most to settle their differences...or whatever it was that was causing his avoidance...and then she would be walking on needles again to appease him.

Letting out a heavy sigh, the scavver stopped along the trail when she came to a small brook bubbling out of a crevice in the rock. Clove bent his head to drink, the woman taking the time to scratch at his neck and look into the valley below. It was a quiet night, absent of any hunter’s calls when they prowled for meat...human or otherwise. She would be safe for a while longer on her own, the time of darkness the worst for lone travelers. Squinting at the brush below, she studied the branches, knowing that the rads tended to mutate even the lowest of plant life if the count was high. Somewhere to the east was a hot pocket, that much she knew, but where it began was a mystery. The rad counters they had were still in the green, but Deck had warned they were edging closer to yellow as they moved in a northeastern direction. They would have to remain diligent and keep up with the numbers...a chore she left to the old cook.

As a light breeze lifted her hair, Ez turned her face away from it, her fingers lifting to the “M” burned into her cheek, her jaw setting as her steady gaze shifted to the saddle bag on her horse's rump. She reached inside, touching the two squares of marred ‘leather’ she had recently added, the tanned quarters residing beside her hat that was made from the skins of two Black Jacks, the grisly reminder of an innocence lost, her younger version not then aware of the extent of the horrors in the world. It was not a mistake she would make again, the group that had become her family was now her eyes and ears in her daily life. To be caught unaware like that would be unlikely...especially with a man like Jackal around.

She puffed out a breath of agitation when his name came unbidden--her thoughts drifting back to her lover against her will. He was her rock...or had been...but lately the firm foundation was chipping away...soon to be nothing but pebbles that would wash away in the first storm. She could survive it...but what about the others? Would the group be strong enough without him? Did she even want it to be? There was Sammy to think of...and perhaps another...the thought angering the woman as she tugged on Clove’s reins to lead him back. Come the next morning she would ride beside the gunman...it was time for them to patch the wounds that were festering...or cut off the limbs before the disease spread and ruined them all.

02-06-2021, 01:21 AM
The ride into the Mining town was quiet and tense. Word had spread through the small band that this would be the last town for who knew how long. The map had only been seen by Ez, Jackal, and Deck, but talk spread fast in such a small group.

Murmurs went about that some of the kids were talking about staying in the mining town. They loved the group and could never pay Ezra and Jackal back enough for saving them from their shitty town of Liberty, but going into the worst part of the wastelands that no one in living memory had ever faced was not something most of them wanted to face. But that would be for later, they'd be resting in the mining town for a couple of days. The town was decently sized, bigger than Outpost 4, but smaller than Liberty and Endver. It's main feature was an old mining wheelhouse turned into three story inn, bar, and general store.

It was laid out in a horse shoe with the abandoned silver mine dominating the back drop. The other buildings were also repurposed buildings from the mine's heyday. They were a livery, blacksmith, gun store, a mining and spelunking equipment shop were the right side of the shoe and on the left were mostly residential, but there was also a medical clinic, tannery, and oddly enough a clothing store. Lots to keep people distracted from their emotional problems.
Ezra was the first to dismount, her hand going up to stop the others from joining her while she procured them some rooms. She was tired, the long night on watch duty having taken its toll on her. She had postponed her talk with Jack because of it...and the tension between them continued to grow. Even her drinking seemed to be effected, the woman rarely lifting the bottle to her lips during the last leg of their journey. As she walked up the stairs to the entrance, she cast a look over her shoulder at the gunslinger, a sigh slipping from her lips before she disappeared inside.

It was a modest building, the furniture sparse, the curtains threadbare, but everything appeared clean. A small desk was set up, a tall man standing behind it, dressed in a outfit that has seen a seamstress many times over. Offering a smile, Ez reserved five rooms, two of which were adjoined by an interior door. Dinner was ordered for the entire group and then she returned outside. She pocketed one key, gave another to Deck, then handed the others to Sammy, allowing them to work out among themselves who slept where. She moved up next to Vash and lay her hand lightly against the animal's side, her other settling on Jackal's boot.

"Let me help you down," she said. "I'll get the animals bedded in for the night...Deck can help you to our room."

The gunman chuckled gingerly gripping his animal's saddle until he felt solid ground underfoot. "I can find my way I think." He pulled one of the tent poles from the wagon and began using it to tap his way across the street.

He had only gone a few steps before Ez came up beside him and firmly pressed a metallic key into the palm of his free hand, closing his fingers around it. "The room is up one flight of stairs...second door on your left," she said. She moved away, looking to Deck to lend assistance should it be needed, then grabbing up the reins of their two mounts.

It didn't take her long to get to the stables, the two animals stripped of their saddles and brushed down before she filled their food and water buckets. She could hear the others members of her group around her, their preparations similar to hers. She dawdled a bit longer, wishing she had an excuse not to go to her room, the inevitable discussion she needed to have with Jack preying on her mind. There was only an hour before the food would be served, not long enough to rest her eyes or she would have feigned exhaustion and taken a nap. With nothing to do but face him, she wiped the dust from her clothes and headed back to the hotel.

It took him a few minutes longer than he expected, but soon he found the room and much to his amusement he found a large bathtub. Feeling around the room he found a water pipe and began filling the tub up. It would be cold water, but it had the wonderful effect of numbing his wounds enough so he wouldn't feel them as much. It took him a few minutes to fill the tub up, but soon he was stripped down and slipping into the cool clear waters, feeling the world around him seeming to slow down as his ever throbbing injuries began to dull.

Ez walked into the room shortly afterwards, her eyes straining to see in the low light. Darkness was setting outside, a fact that would make no difference to the lawman, other than the change in temperature. It was no wonder he had not bothered to illuminate the space. Taking the time to light the candles placed strategically about, she only then turned her attention to Jack, not at all prepared to see him unclad and reclining in the old porcelain clawfoot.

"Jack," she said in a breathless voice, the heat in her face flushing her cheeks a bright pink. How long had it been since she had lain with him? Far too long, would have been her answer. Unable to look away, she stared at him openly...another thing he would miss in his state. "I can give you privacy if you want. I just wanted to let you know dinner would be served soon...but...I...I can bring you a plate if you'd rather."

The lawman had just settled in, the pain along his burns pulsating lightly into full dullness, almost feeling like himself again. He began to lose himself in the darkness he'd become accustomed to when he heard footsteps approaching the door, the door then opening. His hand reached for his pistol, but as he heard Ezra's voice he relaxed and placed the weapon back into the pile of his clothes. "No...it's ok... it'll be nice to have the company. Besides you probably need a bath too." Slowly he stood and shifted around in the tub so Ezra could join him if she wished.

His offer was obvious, but unexpected, the scavver standing there silently for a moment before she approached. "I would like that," she said in a soft tone, her body already warming to the idea. She reached down and put her hand in the water, nearly shivering at its chill. She had suffered colder in the many lakes and streams she had bathed in, but she had been hoping for some heat at least.

Stripping down, she confirmed what Jack had said, the layer of sweat and dirt on her skin enough to disgust the most hard worn traveler. Since when had she allowed herself to become so filthy? Even her clothes could stand up on their own. It would soon enough be remedied, she thought, a sigh escaping her as she ran her hand lightly over her stomach. Her face twisted with a scowl of uncertainty before she tossed her belongings aside and stepped into the tub, taking care not to bump into Jackal as she situated herself on the opposite side.

Oblivious to her troubled features Jackal simply moved about so she could fit comfortably with him, his leg touching hers, feeling the slight shiver of the cold water quake through her. Frowning lightly he "looked" at her. "Sorry about the cold water, I didn't think carrying buckets of hot water to the tub would be smart in my current..."condition." He chuckled lightly waving his hand before his blind eyes though much to his surprise he saw the vague black shape of his hand moving in front of him. Hardly something to jump for joy over, but it was a good sign he hoped.

He never realized how important his sight was to his line of work. Sure he'd been blinded before, but those were just from flash bangs or something else getting thrown into his eyes. But this near total blindness was something he was glad to have avoided before Endver. He never would've lasted a day fighting Black Jacks had he been blind then. But it had given him a chance to stop and experience the world around him in a way he hadn't before. Every sound was amplified, every smell doubled, every touch like a bolt of lighting to his mind's eye. He didn't wanna say he could see people through sound and touch, but he could get a good idea about them that way.

As the woman settled in Jackal picked up a washcloth and reached forward, handing it to her. "Here Ezzy, I'm just gonna soak a bit you can wash up first."

The cold was nearly forgotten when he used the nickname he had given her, her fingers brushing his as she took the offered cloth and causing her breath to catch in her throat. It was the first skin-to-skin contact she'd had with him in a while, and their current state of dress...or lack thereof...was more than she could endure. Reaching out, she touched his leg hesitantly, her fingers resting lightly against him.

"I could wash you," she offered.

The man's voice was lost on his tongue as he felt her hand touch his leg and thigh, the memory of his burns forgotten by the cold water. How long had it been since they were like this? He found himself asking. The pain of his wounds and his blindness had dominated his attentions since they happened, and the thought of being touched always made him squirm away to avoid the intense pain. But the conversation he had with Deck out in the wastes played over and over in his mind. He couldn't push her away anymore, his burns would heal, his sight would return, but if he lost Ezra...well that was it, he wouldn't get her back.

Reaching down he gripped her hand pulling it up his body and kissed the fingers lightly. "I would like that." He said softly mentally preparing himself for it.

A soft breath escaped her, Ez taking her hand away gently, her fingers tracing the line of Jack's jaw before she retreated. She had missed him...desperately...even more than she'd realized. With a nervous tremor brought on by his familiar scent, she dipped the washcloth into the water, rubbing the cake of soap along it until there was a good lather.

"It's going to be cold," she warned needlessly, her hand touching his chest before she followed it with the cloth. The light in the room was low, but still enough to allow the woman to see the more tender areas on his skin. These she dabbed lightly, washing his front before leaning into him and reaching around to wash the rest, her breath hot against his neck.

The man gave a soft smile. "The cold never bothered me anyway." He chuckled lightly, her touch like electricity rushing across his skin. It had been so long he'd forgotten how good it felt, he'd been a fool. Pain was nothing new to him, he'd stitched gun shot wounds with just a needle, thread, and some high proof whiskey many times before. He'd even treated burn wounds on his own before, granted he'd never had wounds this extensive all at once before...but still he should've been stronger than he has been. Especially with a woman like Ezra at his side.

His body reacted accordingly as she moved over the front of his body and as she moved closer and reached around to begin cleaning his back, he pulled her closer into his lap and wrapped his long scarred arms around her, holding her close, their bodies connecting once again after too long apart. "I'm sorry Ezzy." Was all he said before he lifted his blind eyes up to gaze at her face, his mind's eye filling in her features, reminding him where her lips were. Moving one hand up to cup her face he kissed her deeply, losing himself in the sensation of being with her again.
Spent, Ezra pressed her head to Jackal's shoulder, draping her arms about his waist loosely. In her sated state, the cold water around her was nearly forgotten, the cloth she had been using floating uselessly on its surface. Her eyes lifted to look at the lawman, a sigh slipping from between her lips as she regarded him. Love was a fickle emotion, one she had never expected to experience...especially with a man known as a stone-cold killer...yet here it was. She loved him whole-heartedly, and the loneliness she had felt these past few weeks without his comfort disappeared in that instant.

For a few moments she held onto the silence that grew between them, her lover's apology playing through her head as she fought against her own guilt. None of it would have happened if only she had listened to the warning from her friend Becca. It was her own decision to take them into the town, and as a result, Jackal had suffered. Never mind her own pain. With an effort of will, she pulled back, placing her hand against him and shaking her head as she sighed with frustration.

"I'm the one who needs forgiving. My stupidity has left you blind. Your forgiveness is the only thing that matters to me now."

The tall man sat in silence with her for a few seconds before he gripped her chin and kissed her lips fondly. "Both of our stupidity led to my blindness. We knew right away we shouldn't have gone into Endver like we did. But as Deck told me, it ain't killed us so wasn't that bad." He hands slowly slid down the woman's wet body, feeling a slight tremor from the cold water both in his hands and on her flesh. "But let's get out of here before we get wrinkly." Reluctantly moving apart Jackal slowly stood up and felt around the tub before he moved slowly out of the tub blindly grabbing one of the towels he left hung on a nearby chair.

With a nod, Ez rose up to join him, pulling the plug on the drain before stepping out and grabbing her own towel. Rubbing her body dry, she let her gaze linger on him, his acceptance of his disability mystifying to her even now. He continued to be independent, refusing assistance except on rare occasions. It was more than most people could endure...another feature of the man that proved his survival instincts. Her only worry was that it wouldn't be enough.

Sighing lightly, the woman slipped into clean underclothes and approached the lawman, taking his hand in her own and looking up. He had settled her mind about the laying of guilt and although it would take her time to accept, she was at least relieved he seemed on good terms with it. Any further explanations on the reasons for their time apart could wait. A slight clearing of her throat preceded her squeezing his hand affectionately to hold his attention.

"We need to talk about the future Jack...about the risks we could face if we head deeper into the wastelands. It will be new territory for me and the dangers may be more than a man...in your condition...can handle."

Breathing in the woman's clean scent, he let go of her hand and fumbled around with finding clean underclothes for himself and slid into them. "Yes, I've been thinking the same thing, this is new territory for us all. Come, we can talk it over while you apply Sammy's ointment." Gripping Ezra's hand again he leaned down and kissed her lips fondly before leading her to the room's single bed.

More than happy to oblige, the scavver dipped her cool fingers into the salve as soon as the two were situated on the soft mattress, her knees digging deeply into the well-worn cover. She smoothed the oily balm over his shoulders and neck, her breath quickening as she did so, the warmth from his lips lingering in her memory. Moving around him to start on his chest, she resisted the urge to kiss him again...to start up another round of love-making.

"Does it still hurt when you wear a shirt?" she asked to distract herself.

Hissing softly as the salve touched his skin his muscles clenched a little at the initial shock, but he was soon able to will it back into the comfortable dullness from before. He nodded lightly straightening his back so she could cover his wounds more easily. "A little, but from what Sammy has told me the burns are starting to scab over and harden so as long as I don't move too quickly or wear anything tight it's not too bad." Keeping his breath even he placed his hands on Ezra thighs as she knelt before him his muscle twitching lightly whenever she touched a tender spot. "So...what's the word among the kids? I've heard some of them whispering nervously, but couldn't make out much."

Pausing in her application to look down at his hands, she hmmed softly, her gaze lifting a moment later, her breathing a bit harsher. "I...think they are afraid," she said, "...the unknown...they are not seasoned fighters." She shrugged...such habits were hard to break... "I mean...I don't know for sure, but I think some of them might want to stay here."

Finishing with his front, she continued to kneel before him, reluctant to move away from his touch. "I need to do your back," she said, her hands falling to cover his, "...but if you keep this up, I'm going to move on to other things."

Jackal chuckled giving her one last kiss before he flipped himself around so his back was facing her. "We can save that for later, but yes I suspected as much...and honestly. I wouldn't blame them if they all stayed here. Wasn't even sure I'd make it this far with a group still behind me, even if they're just a bunch of kids and a crusty old man." He smiled looking back at Ezra with his blind eyes. "And my Ezzy of course."

Laughing softly, she put her hand against the small of his back and started to rub upwards. "Of course," she agreed, shaking her head at the lightness she was feeling. "I too was not expecting us to get this far. There have been a lot of changes." Smiling to herself, she gently smoothed over the rest of his back, leaning forward when she was done and planting a kiss on his shoulder.

"You're all set lover. Perhaps you would like something to eat now? I can bring two plates up."

Jackal let out a relieved sigh, he was always glad when the ointment got applied before his body started to warm up, because even if they were healing, his burns still sang painfully when the air touched them. Now that he was in town and out of the wind and dirt he expected he could leave the burns to air out some now. He just hoped the pain wouldn't come back in full force once the ointment dried. "Sounds like a plan to me Ezzy, it'll give me time to find my pants." He chuckled slowly moving off the bed moving a little bit more stiffly as we went over to his pack to find a pair of pants that weren't caked in road dust.

"Don't bother on my account," she said as she stood up a heartbeat later, "...you look fine as you are." The comment was followed with a light laugh, her eyes skirting over his masculine form hungrily. Already dressed in the black tank top that was her typical attire, she only had to grab her leather pants and boots and slip them on, a task she performed while in motion.

"I'll be right back," she called behind her as she exited.


The main level was abuzz with activity when Ez made her way down the stairs, the members of her group sitting at tables or along benches in anticipation as the food was being set out. There was a plate piled high with a chicken-like white meat and another with a mix of vegetables...potatoes and carrots being the most common. Loaves of crusty bread were set out beside them, the room smelling like heaven. Even Deck seemed impressed.

She made her way to him and offered a smile, touching his hand affectionately. "Thank you," she said, knowing that the old cook had spoken to Jackal recently on her behalf, the lawman's comment while they were in the tub proof of that. "I think we can work through it now." There was a nagging desire to tell him of her suspicions of her condition, but she resisted, instead leaning into him and hugging him tightly, the act itself unusual for her.

"You good Ez?" he asked with concern, but it was obvious by her glow that things were much improved since he had had the conversation with Sammy.

"Yes," was all she responded, the contact broken just as quickly as it had been made, the scavver moving to fill two plates and grabbing a couple pints of ale before she left the others to enjoy their dinner.


Feeling better than he had in many weeks, Jackal moved about the dark hotel room with almost a spring in his step. All the time he'd spent worrying about being a failure and forgoing being close to Ezra to avoid some pain just seemed laughable now. Still a part of him was glad for the isolation, it grew the love he and Ezra felt and it allowed him to learn how to use his other senses more keenly.

He still had hopes his eyesight would return of course, but he had adapted and survived, as he always had, and now he stood at the precipice. Beyond the town lay the true wasteland of Ragged America, what they had been through already would seem a day at the beach compared to what he heard lay to the East. Water would become more precious than food or ammo, and any animals they brought with them would likely die in a matter of days, and likely the humans riding them would follow soon after. Even if most of the kids wanted to press on with this journey would it be wise to even let them?

The less people braving the sands and winds the better, from a logical stand point he supposed. Sure less supplies could be carried, but less supplies would be needed, so what little they brought could theoretically last longer. A double-edged sword to be sure, but the tall man was still at a loss as to how to proceed. He could leave it all up to the kids to decide, he already knew he'd press on even if it meant by himself, but could he just leave everyone behind like that? Especially after what they've all been through together. Might be the least cruel thing to do but then again...what about Ezra?

He sincerely doubted she would leave his side even if he had his full sight again. But her coming with him would be near enough a death sentence. Shaking the worry from his mind he decided to wait and talk with Ezra about it when she came back.

It was the sound of an object hitting the motel room's door that clued him to her arrival, a muffled curse preceding the knob turning as Ez came inside, the food balanced on her arm and the drinks clutched in her hand. "I hope you're real hungry," she said as she placed the items on the table and grabbed her wet towel. "Spilled my damn ale," she said, wiping her hands, then the front of her shirt and pants. "Good thing I didn't try out for waitressing...can't juggle worth a shit."

Sitting down with a huff, the woman patted the seat next to hers. "Care to join me?" she asked with a light laugh. "I'll let you navigate yourself since you are such an independent sort. You can just follow the smell of spilled beer." Scooting her chair back, she moved out of the man's path, making sure he had a straight shot to the table.

Standing up from the bed Jackal chuckled as he moved carefully to the table, using his hands to find the edge of the wooden surface and the chair before sitting down. "Hehe, guess we should've saved that bath until after dinner. Hope you have some clean clothes left otherwise someone might accuse you of being an alcoholic." With a smile he slowly reached his hands around the table, grabbing up the utensils as his hand touched it. Following his nose his mouth began to water. "Hmm smells like Deck's famous stew, didn't know it, but that's exactly what my stomach wanted."

With a barely suppressed smile, the scavver shook her head. "I've already been accused of being the drinker in the group," she said, "...no reason to hide it with clean clothes." Laughing lightly, she put her hand on his affectionately. "As for the food lover, don't let your nose fool you. I'm sure it won't taste as good as Deck's, but the hotel put out a decent spread. If you mix everything on your plate together, it will be just like stew."

Hesitating briefly, she took a bite of her food, unable to squelch the fear that it might be drugged. It caused her to eat slowly, following each forkful with a swig of ale to draw it out. Putting the days of eating in strange towns behind them would be a blessing, but the stop here was a necessity, the fate of each member of their group weighing in as they each assessed their goals. She would move on, but which direction depended on Jack. As she chewed slowly, she looked at the man who had stolen her heart, smiling as she envisioned her future with him.

Jackal smiled, and as he took a mouthful of food and chewed it he nodded then swallowed the first bite. "Hmm, nope not as good as Deck's, but not bad. Tastes like they put too much salt in it." With a light shrug he continued eating, the memories from the last two towns playing over in his mind as well as they were with Ezra.

And honestly this town would've made much more sense to trap travelers in rather than Liberty or Endver. Silver Springs was the last town before uncharted wilderness. The edge of the world it's been called a few times. The mines below it were the only reason for it's existence, but it's distance and isolation were the only reasons it wasn't a central hub for humanity. So grabbing people off the trail would be much easier as they're vanishing could simply be attributed to dying somewhere...anywhere but the town.

As he ate though something in the tall man's heart told him they wouldn't be poisoned this time. The Lord only threw so much at you at a time. Even the troubles from these last few weeks couldn't last forever, and as they were about to jump off the edge of the world it seemed a logical place as any to give them a break. The food was indeed too salty and he found himself drinking almost as much as Ezra, the ale was warm, but it washed the food down well enough. Even after all this time with Ezra he still wasn't a big fan of alcohol, but his tolerance for it's taste and effects have changed.

The meal continued on in silence. As the last forkful went in, Jackal let out a content sigh and wiped his mouth on his red, white, and blue bandana. "Hmm yeah...not as good as Deck's but fills you up."

Ezra nodded, her plate already pushed aside half eaten. "It's not...and it does, " she said, "...but I think my brain was hungrier than my stomach." Getting up, she grabbed their dishes and put them over by the door, planning on taking them down to the kitchen later.

"I was hoping you might be up for discussing the last leg of our journey Jack. I plan on talking to everyone tomorrow morning about their thoughts, but I wanted to have everything ironed out before then." Moving back over to the table, she sat down again, kicking her legs out and putting her hand on her stomach. She moaned lightly...she really had eaten to much. Or maybe it was the warm ale. Chilled was the only way to go.

"I think a few days here should be long enough to let the animals get some rest...unless you think we should wait longer...but there's also the purchase of supplies to go over. But most of all, I need to know if you feel up to continuing on."

Standing up the man nodded at her suggestion. "Staying here a few days sounds good to me. Vash could use a bath himself and I felt him limping a little the last stretch into town, so that could be something to worry about before we go forward." Picking up his weapons he carried them to the table to be cleaned. This was something he could already do with his eyes closed so it would be a good thing to start on. "I'm sure Deck has had a list of supplies ready since we saw Silver Springs on the horizon, but that will indeed depend on who comes with." He frowned lightly, dissembling his pistol first to begin cleaning. "As for me? I honestly don't know." Shaking his head he focused on his gun. "I can't stop even if I'm blind. I've come too far, if need be I'll just wait until my eyesight returns, but I can't stop." His face hardened a bit, but soon it slacked and he "glanced" at Ezra. "But I also can't expect you and everyone to follow me into almost certain death either."

Scooting her chair closer, the scavver put her hand on his arm. "We've come too far, Jackal...you're not in this alone. I knew when I accepted this job that we were going into these mountains. I studied your map...and I'm in this for the full run. All in. I will continue to search for this treasure by your side, even if it means staying in this mining town for weeks."

Bringing her hand back into her lap, she rubbed idly at the puckered scar on her palm, her eyes darkening as she thought about the events which led to her disfigurement and Jack's burns. "Death is not a deterrent...never has been."

Jackal sighed lightly, secretly glad to hear her say that, but he was at war with himself about it. There was something about this treasure he wasn't telling her. While much of the lore around the Treasure of the Lost Mountains was anecdotal and hard to believe, the few constants he'd come across in hunting for the treasure said the Treasure was a pre-war facility that housed the genetic material for people from before the war. Millions of perfectly healthy zygotes just waiting for the chance at life...but making those lives a reality would require a fertile woman to carry them and a fertile man to spark the genetics material before implanting.

When he first started this expedition he hadn't gone looking for a fertile woman to guide him. Anyone who knew the wastes would be useful in getting him there. The fact Ezra was a woman of child birthing age was a plus, and after learning she was indeed fertile after the revelation that Sammy was her daughter, the pot sweetened considerably and made him thank the fates for his luck on hiring Ezra to be his guide. She could be useful to him for rebuilding humanity. Foolishly that was his intention at getting close to her in the first place, but now the very idea he could be so callous and cruel to such an amazing woman made him sick to his stomach and threatened to make his lose the entire contents of his stomach on the floor right then.

Putting his gun down he sighed low, feeling tears welling up in his blind eyes at the very thought of losing her forever by telling her this. She would see all this, their journey, the sacrifices they'd made, and...their relationship...as a set up so he could use her as a brood mare destined to only pop out kids like some Queen Ant until her body gave out and she died right there on the table, only to be shuffled aside like some broken toy and likely be replaced by her daughter, who would be doomed to be the next brood mare and live the exact same life of pain and suffering her mother just did. He knew this would turn her against him, but he loved her too much to keep lying to her like this. He could be ready to leave in a day or two and just avoid her and everyone until then. Deciding on just rolling the dice he pushed his weapons aside and "looked" at Ezra, his cloudy eyes shiny with unwept tears. "That's good to know Ezzy, but before you say that...there's something you need to know. I haven't been completely honest about the Treasure itself. I know...or at least have a very good idea what it is."

There was no doubt that the mood in the room changed in that instant, Ezra pausing in what she was doing to lift her head and look into her lover's eyes. The moisture she saw in them came as a shock. "What do I need to know Jack?" she said, her voice carrying a bit of uncertainty. She felt her entire body tensing, a cold sweat starting along the back of her neck. "What is the Treasure...other than what you have suggested?"

Jackal sighed deeply, for once glad he was blind. He could tell by the rising emotion in her voice that her face was the picture of worry and uncertainty. It was too late, he couldn't close this bag anymore. "The...the treasure isn't treasure in the...conventional sense. It's not gold or scrap or even medicine...it's an old world facility called the Genesis ARK. It's where all the DNA and genetic material needed to rebuild the human race was stored by Pre-Fire governments from around the world. It simply requires a fertile man to kickstart the process." His eyes began leaking knowing this would be the killer for them. "And a fertile woman to carry the children."

Ezra's hands closed into fists, a shudder running through her as she rose to her feet slowly. She didn't want to believe it...every fiber of her being hoping it was all a lie. Blinking rapidly, she took in a ragged breath, a near choking sound coming from her as she regarded him. "You...and me?" she managed, her hands gesturing in the air needlessly. She laughed harshly, her lip lifting in a snarl as she stared at the wetness rolling down his cheeks. "How dare you?" she nearly growled. "This has all been..."

...a farce...the words dying in her throat as it got harder to breathe, the scavver's face twisting up in agony as a fist clenched in her chest. "How dare you Jack!" she screamed. "How the fuck could you do that? I loved you...I love..."

Ezra went silent, her whole world turning upside down in that moment. Why would he tell her this? Why was he hurting her...again? She lashed out, slapping him across the face with everything she had, heedless of his blindness and inability to defend himself in the moment.

He was expecting the hit as soon as the words left his mouth, but as it connected it hammered in every ounce of pain and horror he could hear in Ezra's voice. It amplified the pain and sent him reeling back in his seat. Immediately his face burned with pain and he could already picture a full red hand mark across his face.

Tears fell freely down his face and he desperately clung to some past memory of happiness they had to try and get himself through the next couple minutes of explanation. "I'm doing this because I love you Ezzy." He said clearly yet quietly. "That's why I can't let you walk blindly to something like that. Not after everything we've been through. You mean more to me than that...so much more." Holding his head in his hands he wept openly seeing everything crumbling around him again. "Even if that means the end for us. I'd rather you live free without me than trapped as the mother of humanity."

Her laughter was bitter, a sob choking it back as she stared at him, her hazel eyes burning with fury and pain. “You don’t get to call me that...not anymore. That was for a different man...someone I thought I could trust. I don’t even know who you are anymore. You...you fucking used me. You are no better than the men you hunted down and killed. Your heart is dead...black.”

Her hand slammed against his chest, a string of curses following as she backed up and hit the table. Shifting slightly, she grabbed its edge and lifted it angrily, the disassembled pieces of Jackal’s weapons and his cleaning supplies scattering across the floor as it fell to its side. Turning on him again, she fought to control her deeper feelings, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she seethed and faltered from within.

“I mean...nothing...to you...” she managed, her voice breaking with emotion. “You don’t even know what...love...is. How could you?” Her hands curled into her hair as she pressed the heel of her palms into her temples, a gasp escaping her. “If you loved me so much...then why now? Why wait until the last leg of our journey? Why now? Why the fuck now?”

He allowed her to strike him as much as she wished. Better she get it out now than let it fester and make all this worse. Once she was finished, he "looked" up at her again. "Because I never thought I would make it this far! And beyond this time we might all be dead, and I was always told never let secrets follow you to your grave. And because now you can leave this all behind and you won't die in this stupid quest of mine!" He stood now leaving his scattered weapon about the small room, it'll take him hours to find all the parts, but that was just part of his due punishment he reckoned.

"You're afraid I'm going to die?" she asked incredulously, her lip lifting in a sneer as she looked up at him. "It's too late for that Jack. That knife you drove into my back is buried too deep. I guess I know now how you felt when you realized Evy was deceiving you."

Brushing against him as she turned away, she moved through the room in a slow deliberate path, blowing out the candles she had lit until they were left in darkness. "I opened my heart to you...let myself feel...for what?" she asked softly. The sound of her bag opening came next, her hands moving through her belongings by feel. Removing a partially filled bottle of brandy, she unscrewed the cap and took a long drink, once again laughter bubbling out of her.

"You want to know what's funny Jackal?" she said as she wiped angrily at the tears flowing freely down her cheeks. "I just found out I am pregnant. I was afraid to tell you...but fuck...I guess that fits in nicely." Her breath hitched as her sorrow and bitterness blended. "So...congratulations...you're off to a good start. You have your fucking breeder after all." She tipped back the bottle and drained it, rivulets of the liquid running down the sides of her mouth before she threw it against the wall.

The sound of glass shattering was met with her footsteps as she made her way to the exit. She paused to look back at him once more before she turned the handle. "I love you Jack...I wish I didn't...but there it is. I hope you rot in hell." She opened the door and stepped out, closing it quietly behind her before she headed for the stairs.

As the words fell from her mouth everything inside of him fell to dust. Everything he wanted was right there and like the flash of a gun muzzle it was gone like the blowing out of the candles in the room. Standing stunned in the darkness he listened to Ezra's angry footsteps receding into the night. And soon he was alone in the silence and darkness cast off and getting exactly what he deserved.

02-17-2021, 05:19 AM
Ezra tried to compose herself as she descended the steps towards the first floor of the hotel. Rubbing at her face, she wiped her tears away, her fingers lifting to push through the tangles in her hair. She knew she wasn’t going to fool anyone, the sounds of her fight with Jackal almost certainly making their way to the ears of everyone below. She could only hope they had not heard the horrible truth Jackal had disclosed. It would be her secret, the need for a lie to cover the end of their journey already foremost in her head.

As soon as she stepped down, Sammy appeared, the young girl’s eyes already misting over with concern. She started to move closer and Ezra shook her head.

“This is not a good time Samantha,” she said as gently as she could.

Tears starting to slip down her cheeks, her daughter nodded. “What happened Mom? I heard you yelling and...”

It was then that Deck joined them, his calloused hands falling on the young girl’s shoulders and stopping her mid-sentence. He had seen the look on the scavver’s face a few times over the years, and knew it was best to leave her be. She would either drink her way through it or figure out another way to get past whatever was on her mind...and no amount of pestering was going to change that.

“We need to let your mom alone, Sam. I’m sure she’ll be fine...won’t you Ez?”

Grateful for his interference, Ez managed a smile, her hand falling lightly on her daughter’s cheek. “It’s going to be okay,” she lied, “...it was just a little misunderstanding. Everything will be worked out in the morning...but I need to get some fresh air.” Reaching out to squeeze the old cook’s hand, she sighed lightly. “We’ll talk tomorrow...I promise.”

Leaving them, Ezra walked briskly for the door, ignoring the other sets of eyes which fell on her. She was still feeling the shock of the Lost Mountain's true purpose, her thoughts slowing as she allowed herself to become numb, the chill of the night air hardly registering on her bare arms. She had not only left without her jacket, but also her weapons, her pistol and knife still sitting on the floor where she had left them before getting in the tub. Her last true moment of happiness with Jack.

Silver Springs was not a large town and it took her less than ten minutes to get to the gate. Her destination already decided, she only had to deal with the guards before she could be on her way. The silver coins she kept in her pocket turned out to be the persuasive edge that opened the exit to her, a warning that they would remain closed until daylight her farewell.

Ez found herself on an outcropping of rock almost an hour later, her journey there misted over in her memory. Climbing over its surface and sitting down, she scooted to the edge and leaned out, the nearly straight drop ending in a dry creek bed filled with scree. Draping her legs over, she extended her arms back, propping herself up on the flat stone and gazed up at the stars which filled the expanse, imagining herself up there among them...away from this life and all the hardships it had brought. She didn’t want to be here anymore, but it wasn’t the same as wanting to die. She just wanted to not exist...to never have been born. There was nothing left for her now...not without Jackal. Sitting up straight again, she looked out across the valley and sighed. It was going to be a long night.

02-23-2021, 12:49 AM
As Ezra left and Jackal came back to himself he went about finding his gun parts and putting them together in utter silence. It didn't take him as long as he thought it would, but every second was a misery. His mind was in turmoil, he had lost everything tonight, he deserved it of course. He deserved scrambling around in the dark looking for tiny bits and bolts.

He heard Deck and Sammy talking with Ezra, and half hoped they would be able to stop her. But he knew better, once she was in a mood only time could bring her out of it. With this new knowledge that she was pregnant he hoped she wouldn't drink herself to death and kill both her and the baby. Even if he wouldn't be apart of the child's life he still didn't want any harm to befall it. But as it stood now that would be about as far as his stake would be in that kids' life. No one came up to check on him which he was glad for, so once his pistol was put together he gathered up his stuff and simply left the room. No one stopped him as he moved quickly and quietly down the steps. Even blind he could feel their eyes on his back and hear their questions in his ears.

They rumbled through his head like gunshots and even once he was outside he could hear those questions. He needed to get away from them, his first stop was the livery to pack up and grab Vash. Like Ezra, but apart from her, he left the mining town out the back gate. Though he never had to speak with the guards they simply let him go. Even blind and distraught his reputation precedes him. Vash wasn't amused either, but aside from a small warning hiss at the guard who opened the gate he simply plodded on. He'd never leave Jackal's side even if he was being forced to walk on sore paws.

Once they were free of town Jackal used his partial vision to guide them to the East. He'd likely die on the way there, but he would keep heading for the Lost Mountains. He had nothing else now, so...might as well.

03-06-2021, 03:45 AM
As Ezra sat alone atop the rocky hill overlooking the wastes a wind picked up around her. It was quite cold out there, so most would expect any gust of wind to be just as cold or worse. But the gust of wind wrapped around her like a warm hug. It felt like like a pair of arms that wrapped all around her body. It was a strangely paternal feeling, like a kindly old uncle or grandfather.

It was as comforting as it was unnerving and it stayed around her for a minute or so before she heard the soft clomp and clack of someone walking up behind her with a heavy wood walking stick. Then the soft yellow glow of a lantern filled her peripherals. "Quite the sight aren't they?" Silver Bear's crackly old voice filled the quiet night. "Even when the earth below them is all rock and dust, the stars are just as beautiful as they've always been." The old man's light chased the shadows away from the small rocky plateau. His heavy pack landed on the rocks behind her before she felt his presence beside her. Warm and paternal just like the gust of wind from before.

Shivering despite the warmth generated by the Specter, Ezra lifted her eyes towards the heavens, accepting the old man's presence as though he had been expected. She had never appreciated the simple beauty of the stars, merely using them as a guide for traveling. "I thought you might come," she said, her voice lacking emotion as she shifted her gaze to his craggy visage. It was hard to determine his age, the lines in his face deep, yet filled with an ageless countenance.

"Did Jackal send you?"

Smiling down at her the Native shook his head grunting lightly as he moved to sit beside her. This close she could hear every joint in the oldsters limbs cracking and popping. "No one sent me. I was simply in the area and saw you up here." Once he was settled in he sighed, a soft smile on his face as he looked into Ezra's face seeing the signs of her troubled thoughts. "You look to be carrying the weight of two people on your shoulders my dear." He pulled his aged leather canteen from around his shoulder and offered it to her. He didn't ask the obvious question, but it was in the knowledge of his smile and the canteen nonetheless.

Huffing out a laugh, she shook her head in disbelief. "You just happened to be passing by?" she said, "..wouldn't it be easier to say you're all-seeing and exist in every space?" She reached out to take the canteen, but did not open it, a sigh slipping from her lips. "...and yes, I am with child. But I gather you already knew that. It wasn't planned...and I'm not sure of my plans just yet."

Shifting slightly, she looked out to the open expanse before her again. She placed a hand on either side of her legs and leaned forward, biting at her lower lip with worry. "I have never had visions before...and I have never been visited by ghosts. You are a cross-over from Jackal's mind...why are you here with me Silver Bear, if not to serve him in some way?"

The old man let out a rich rolling laughter opening the canteen for her before handing it back. "Hehe, I have been called many things before, but never an all-seeing ghost. I will have to remember that one. Thank you my dear." Wiping tears from his eyes he reached out and patted her shoulder reassuringly, his rough hand warm and very much real. "If I was some apparition I would certainly hope my joints wouldn't pop so much or my back hurt after a long day of walking." Moving his legs to sit crossways he leaned back breathing in the cool night air. "I am a man very similar to him, but no I am not a projection from his mind. I am a good listener though, but if you do not wish to talk. I will leave once I am rested you needn't say anything at all." He shrugged taking another breath smiling up at the sky.

Grumbling, Ez pulled her legs up from the edge and turned so she was facing the old man. Like him, she crossed her legs in front of her. "Just what do you want me to talk about? The weather? The stars? That rock over there?" Rolling her eyes, she lifted the canteen to her lips and drank deeply, not realizing how thirsty she was until the cool liquid ran down her throat. Handing it back, she ran a hand through her hair, once again sighing. "I'm lost Silver Bear. Empty. Jack deceived me...used me...then impregnated me with his fucking child. I don't know how to be a mother. Where am I supposed to go from here?"

Still smiling he took back the canteen and took a long drink himself listening to Ezra's words. Once she finished he nodded slowly screwing the cap back on and placing it on the ground between them before he spun around and looked at her as she was looking at him. His wise old eyes steady and clear as he thought up his response. "Motherhood is difficult that is true, but it's also very natural. You are also not a teenage girl anymore, you know exactly how to be a mother. Just quiet your mind and listen to your inner voice it'll tell you exactly what you need to know. Besides you have a child already do you not? Look to her, despite being separated for most of her life you two have found each other and grown quite close. Wisdom comes with age is a very old saying, but it is also a very true one. You won't make the same mistakes you did before, that I can assure."

The others things she said made the old man hmm lightly. "As for the Child of the Gun...that is something a touch more difficult to come to terms with. But ask yourself, when you were with him before this latest revelation. Were you happy with the idea of being the mother of his child and sharing that news with him? Or at the very least not terribly opposed to it?" He rested his chin on his gnarled knuckles studying her.

Still worrying at her lip, she looked away as if seeking the answers in the shape of the landscape or the curve of the stone. There was nothing and it wasn't fair. Her life was laid out before him...couldn't he see her future as well? Shaking her head, she got to her feet and wrapped her arms around her chest before turning back.

"I don't know. I was apprehensive. Worried. I considered not telling him and taking care of things...in my own way. The Ark...it forced my hand. I used the pregnancy as ammunition against him. I wanted him to hurt as much as I did." She closed her eyes and lifted her chin, drawing in a deep breath of the mountain air. "I just...I just want things to go back to how they were...before Jackal. I want to be independent and indifferent...without any worries other than where I'll get my next drink."

Silver Bear stayed where he was smiling still. Watching her pace reminded him so much of Jackal's mother. "Well that caravan has already passed would you not agree? You not only have Samantha, but the other kids from your party to look after now. And if you abandon his quest now, they won't just go away even if you order them to, especially young Sammy. You'll have to be a mother no matter what you choose now." His face darkened a little at her wishing to hurt him as much as he hurt her. "In truth, you likely hurt him far more than he hurt you. You know his story, both the real and the made-up. Even a man like that can only take so much pain." He hmmed again his eyes narrowing in thought. "I feel I must get some clarification though. You are mad at him for lying to you about what the treasure of the Lost mountain is yes? Now, what exactly made you mad about it? The fact he chose you to be his broodmare I suppose? But lets ask something logically. Why did he choose you and you alone? If his entire plan was to jump start the human race with a harem of women...why didn't he gather more women for this goal?" Shifting his head the old man looked down drawing some numbers in the dirt with his finger. "He had no way of knowing you were able to have kids until he met Samantha, and even then he didn't ask her to join the party, she joined on her own. And that raider woman was practically throwing herself at him, but he didn't let her join. Surely with his reputation alone he could have gathered women from every town your caravan stopped at to increase his chances of finding a fertile woman. He could've even turned into a slaver himself and gathered them. Yet...he did not...why is that?" He asked looking up at her, his eyes seeking hers.

Mouth set tightly, Ez stared hard at the old man, his taunt making her question his agenda. "Well...there you are," she said sarcastically, nearly growling out her words. "...and here I thought you were this kindly old ghost trying to make me feel better. I see you now you bastard! I have only one thing to say to you. Fuck off!" She turned away in a huff, her hands clenching and unclenching in her anger. She walked several feet out before she changed her mind and came back, her hands going to her hips.

"I just...damn it...men like you...and your games. What is it that you want? You think I should be grateful...because I was chosen over all the women at his side? Is that how you see it? And the pain...you have a lot of nerve...saying he's hurting worse. How could you know who has suffered more? You're keeping tabs?" Rubbing at her temples, she glared down at him, wishing this day would just end already. Her head throbbing, she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths to help calm her nerves.

"I'm so fucking sorry," she said, her voice finally starting to soften as her eyes misted over. She couldn't go through this again. "I can't answer your questions anymore. I'm too tired. I don't know why Jack did what he did. Why he chose me and no one else. Maybe my life was already forfeit and there was no harm in making it worse. You should ask him...just leave me alone. I want you to go...wherever it is you go."

Despite her anger Silver Bear only smiled, standing creakily up and lifting his canteen from the dirt, handing it to the woman. "Yes I will go and I apologize for upsetting you, here take this, it is a long walk back to Silver Springs. Though I think we both know exactly why he did what he did Woman of the Dirt. Just quiet your mind and listen to that inner voice." Picking up his pack, he pulled his walking stick out of the small crack in the rock he put it in. After a few seconds everything was in place and he tipped his head to her. "If I may say one more thing...this mad quest of his? It will kill him...and it will not be a pleasant death. If you truly do not care though, I suggest you head back to town and pack to leave right away so you won't have to see it, but if you have doubts still then you might wish to speak with him one last time before his end comes." He pointed down in the valley just as the warm wind returned whipping up small stones and dirt forcing Ezra to look where the old man was pointing.

In the distance she could see the glow of a campfire. And focusing she could see Jackal and Vash huddled around it. She couldn't see any dangers, but as she turned back to question Silver Bear, she found herself alone on the rocky hill his canteen still clutched in her hands. Dread filled her mind at his final cryptic words, she knew something was going to happen. She just had a choice to make, leave the lying bastard to die a death he deserved...or go to the man she loved and try to bring him back to the safety of town.

It just proved there was no fairness in the world. No matter how angry or hurt she felt, she didn't think she could live with herself if Jackal died and she did nothing to prevent it. If he hadn't been blind, the decision would be easy...she would leave him to defend himself. Cursing under her breath, she starting walking the edge, looking for the easiest and safest route. It was a fool's errand and she knew it...especially without a weapon.

A few minutes later she was working her way down the slope slowly, damning the darkness, the rough surface, the sharp decline, the loose stones, and generally everything that had to do with the rocky descent. She was physically fit, but that didn't make the climb any easier. By the time she reached the flat land of the valley, she was sweating and her hair hung in her face in wet mussed tendrils. Her hands and arms were tender from the multiples scraps she had suffered, but she was whole.
Breathing deeply, she stared for a long while at the campsite in the distance, her heart continuing to race as she contemplated her actions.

The walk she made to reach him proved more difficult than navigating the mountain's side. Every step was agonizing. She approached slowly...hesitantly...quietly...so as not to spook Vash or the gunman. She fought down the nausea building in her stomach and pushed back at the throbbing in her temples. How would she explain her presence? How could she even talk to him after the fight in the room? Would he even acknowledge her? All these questions and more ran through her head as she came to a stop after halving the distance.

It was now...or never. Taking a deep breath, Ez rolled her shoulders and rubbed at the back of her neck. If this was all for naught, she promised herself she would kill Silver Bear the next time she saw him for presenting her with this quest...ghost or not. Swallowing hard, she bit her lip until it bled...then did the only thing she could think to do.

She called out. "Jack?"
Everything in a cloud around him. Even the grumbling and low hissing of his Chabbit were lost on the gunman. His mind had fallen back into the cloud that surrounded it back in his days hunting the Black Jacks. Only thinking and living in the now, expecting his end to come sooner rather than later. Even with his lack of vision he found freedom in not planning anymore. Back then all he needed to know was where the next target was hiding in Durcell.

And now...with Ezra gone and their little adventure group staying behind in town he had no need for future plans. Just keep heading East until he either died or found what he is looking for. Right now it didn't matter to him, he just needed to get as far away from it all as he could. Taking the last few globs of his burn cream, he was rubbing it slowly on the wounded paw of his animal. The big beast had stepped on a bit of exposed metal on their way to town. It wasn't anything that would cripple Vash, but left untreated it would make the already ornery animal even more dangerous. And with his departure from the group he couldn't apply the cream on himself any more so might as well not go to waste.

Lost in such thoughts he only barely "looked" up when Vash began to growl low in his throat. Reaching for his pistol he cocked the hammer back just before he heard her voice. Letting out a low sigh, he put the gun down and went back to his mount's paws. "Hello Ms. Bastian." Was all he said, the usual warmth gone from his voice already conceding to her being done with him and falling back on simple professionalism.

Ezra turned towards his voice, surprised by the uncomfortable pang of hurt that his greeting left with her. How quickly he had become impersonal. She hated that he could still have an effect on her, her decision to leave him only making what she came here to say worse. She started to walk towards him, stopping when the Chabbit began to growl louder.

"May I approach your fire?" she asked, acutely aware that she was no longer considered a member of the animal's pack. "Silver Bear came to me tonight, warning of an imminent danger you'll be facing."

Reaching out he patted Vash's leg shushing the big animal into silence. "It's ok Vash, take a rest buddy." Vash snorted lightly laying his head down in the dust, sending up a plume of dust around him. Shifting the Chabbit's paw from his lap he brushed his hands off and hmmed lightly. He'd heard the old man's voice in his head, but never saw him. It was actually the old Indian's words that told him to make camp here. His original plan was to go on until dawn then find someplace shady to rest while the blazing hot sun was out.

He hated to admit it, but the harshness in his own voice stung him when he called her "Ms. Bastian". But it came out so easily that it frightened him. Still, willing his disdain down he glanced up at her, his formally lifeless eyes moving with lucidity now, though they were no longer the grey they were when they first met. Now they looked almost orange, though they don't hold the same kind of life they did before, so some level of blindness still plagued him. "Did he say what this danger was?" He asked simply.

Closing the distance quickly, she felt relief once she was within the light of the fire, her nerves nearly shot from the constant worry that she was being watched by whatever loomed in the dark shadows. It had been very careless of her to leave the town without a weapon, but she had not been of the right mind then. Even now she doubted she was thinking clearly, her gaze lifting to Jacks briefly as she had done so often in the past, the fire's reflection making them appear odd.

Shivering, she wrapped her arms around her chest, wondering when it had gotten so cold. She reminded herself she was not dressed properly, another blunder on her part. Moving closer to the warmth she reached her hands out and stared into the flames.

"He only said this quest will kill you...and if I wanted to talk to you before your end, I had to do so soon. He didn't say 'if' Jack, he said 'when'. You have to give up this crazy obsession and come back with me to Silver Springs. You can't see...how can you ever expect to find your Ark?" Her voice, which had started out nearly toneless, began to pick up a note of desperation.

Biting his lip, a habit he picked up from her, he narrowed his eyes in thought. He knew from day one this mission would likely kill him. What difference did it make now that he's blind and alone? It took him a second or two to respond. "I knew the dangers of this mission before I even started it. Besides I've been living on borrowed time for years and now..." He looked at her then off to the sky. "I have no reason to stop."

Sighing, she shook her head. She had been afraid he would refuse her...and who could blame him. There was nothing for him to come back to and unless she could forgive him, that wasn't going to change. She didn't dare to consider that possibility now, her wounds too deep to brush over.

Once again she raised her gaze to his, forcing herself to step closer.
"I know this isn't easy to hear, but going ahead alone makes no sense. It's a stupid choice. I don't want you to die. I can't forgive you...not yet...but that doesn't mean I want you dead. Silver Bear does not have to be right. You have a child on the way...a chance to be a father without dying...to stretch out your 'borrowed time' longer. Why not take it?"

Jackal laughed weakly. Like night and day, not four hours ago she was damning him in the hotel room with the child. Now she was trying to use it to stop him from doing exactly what she wanted him to do. Shaking his head he sighed looking into the fire holding his hands out to the warmth. "How can I be a father if the mother will never forgive me? Having no parents is sometimes better than having parents who fight and can't stand each other. The kid would be better off if I died out here and you tell them I was one of the goons from a trade caravan you met one night and forgot about. At least then they'd be like most every other kid in Ragged America."

"That isn't fair," she said, knowing in her heart he was right. Very few children had both parents around to raise them, and those that did were not guaranteed a better life. Just look around you, she thought.

"If there is nothing I can say to change your mind...and that's the way you want it Jack, then I'm staying out here too. I will not walk away. I'm tired of this life as much as you are and I don't want to raise a child under these conditions. I'd rather die at your side, even if we're not on good terms. At least I know it will be a good death and Silver Bear will stop haunting me."

Jackal chuckled lightly shaking his head. Part of him was glad for her stubbornness and another part was more worried and annoyed at it. If he was destined to die anyway then so be it, but Ezra and the kid had their wholes lives ahead of them. They could have a good life, even if she didn't make it to the Lost Mountain, Ezra blazed one of the few trading trails this far into Ragged America. Destroying the Salt Flyers, finding Gia's bunker, freeing both Liberty and Endver pretty much ensured that Ezra could lock in the trading rites and become a very wealthy woman. All logic dictated that she went her own way and forgot about him.

Still he knew she wouldn't change her mind once it was set. She was just as stubborn as he was. "So be it, but don't you need your horse, guns, and gear?"

Surprised by his statement, Ez looked at the gunman's eyes again, noticing the orange tone she had thought was a reflection from the fire earlier, was still present. "How would you know that Jackal?" she asked, hoping against odds his eyesight was returning. "...but you're right. I do need to return to get my belongings, but it will have to wait until morning. The gates are locked until then. Plus, I'll need to talk to Deck to make sure no one follows us. I gather that is your decision then? To continue on with the quest?"

He gave a small smile pointing to his ears. "I didn't hear Clove's hooves, plus you didn't sound like you were carrying much. Light steps, even breath and so on, but I can see shapes now and you didn't look like a shape that was carrying a backpack shape." The tall man nodded before he groped through his bag and fished out a blanket, tossing it in Ezra's direction. "I've come too far to stop now. If not for me, then at least for the next fool who comes looking. If I can determine once and for all if this treasure is real, I can save someone else the trip and complete the map."

Nodding mostly to herself, Ezra realized she had forgotten just how sensitive his ears had become over the past few weeks. The only thing his explanation left out was her lack of weapons, but that could have been assumed given she was carrying nothing else. Wrapping the blanket around her slender shoulders, she looked out into the wasteland, half expecting to see Silver Bear's lantern wavering in the distance. "What will you do if the 'treasure' is real Jack? Will you assemble a harem of women to feed the machine?" she asked, the question close to the one that had been nagging at her since the ghost's visit.

The man let out a sigh resting his chin in his hand thinking on his answer. It's another thing he'd been pondering over. From what he had gathered about it, the process could be just that simple. But his logical mind continued to butt in a hard fact about life in Ragged America. Nothing was that simple, he could never believe that just getting the Lost Mountains and rounding up women would be all that was needed to rebuild the devastated world. There had to be more to it...just had to be, but for now all he could do was shrug at her question. "I doubt it'll be that simple, if it were, someone else would've found the damned place before me. But seeing how much trouble I've had with women, I'll probably leave that up to someone with more charm than me after the first try." He chuckled weakly lifting up his own canteen sipping it slowly.

Hmming softly, Ez shook her head. He really had not given her an answer, but she decided against pressing any further. Perhaps it was better that way. "None had access to your map, and I think that's the key, easy or not. I've had lots of requests to find the treasure over the years, but I always turned them down, there just wasn't enough information out there to waste time looking. Plus, I never expected to cross the desert and survive. You caught me at a weak moment...I was drunk...as usual in my later years." Laughing softly, she resumed worrying away at the skin on her lower lip. "Now, we only have the mutated cannibals to overcome, then we'll be golden."

Walking around the fire, she kept her attention focused on the shadows just beyond the reach of its light, her back to Jack now. "Silver Bear seemed to think you were quite the lady's man...could have any woman you desired. Pity you didn't set your goals higher."

Jackal simply snorted lightly watching her back. The longing in his eyes thankfully unseen. "Can't aim higher than Heaven." He said quietly.

Glancing over her shoulder at him, she sighed heavily. "No such thing preacher man...no such thing."

03-17-2021, 12:36 AM
The journey back to Silver Springs in the morning was silent and heavily laden with emotions. Two people forced together by fate, broken apart by treachery, and forced back together out of a sense of duty to a child not even born yet. No words were needed, as the passed the gates the pair were met with their group saddling up to come after them.

Jackal's vision had returned more and he already wished it hadn't. For the first time in a long while he saw the faces of his new family. None of them looked like they had slept well, Sammy's eyes were bloodshot and puffy from the tears. Seeing the pain made him pull his hat down over his eyes and wait for Ezra.

Speaking softly they said in as few words as possible, that they are going ahead alone. Despite spending so much time with them no one expect Deck had really signed up to go to the Lost Mountains. And they couldn't ask him to come with them...not with the group of kids they would be leaving behind. Tears welled up in all their eyes, even Deck's, but the firmness of both Ezra and Jackal's words set it in stone more or less. Sammy was the hardest to convince, but with help from Matches and a promise from Ezra to come back no matter what they parted ways and set off just after mid morning.

Silence continued to reign between them. In fact the only thing either of them heard after six hours of silence was Ezra saying she sees an oasis ahead and making plans to stop there for the midday meal. Jackal didn't argue, and so they rode on until the sun was right above them before they set about a small camp to eat their hardtack and jerky still in tense silence.

04-02-2021, 02:54 AM
Ezra’s muscles ached from the hours of tension that besieged her since leaving Silver Springs, the combination of the angst between her and Jackal and the worry over the other members of her team keeping them tightly bunched during the long ride. As soon as she dismounted, she rolled her shoulders and rubbed the back of her neck, soothing away what stress she could. Casting a quick glance in Jack’s direction, she grumbled under her breath then set to taking her gear off Clove, brushing the horse down to remove the sweat on his coat. Leading him to what could be the last fresh water source for a while, she allowed the animal to drink its fill then left him to graze.

Unfolding a blanket and placing it under the stunted branches of a tree, she sat down to eat, her legs crossed in front of her. “You can sit with me if you wish,” she stated, the offer made due to the only shade available being taken by her. She didn’t wait for his decision before starting in on the salty and dry meal, her canteen emptied before she finished. Her gaze was kept on the horizon as she was the only one with decent eyesight, the fear of marauding bandits the most pressing thing on her mind. She had no doubt they were riding into their deaths, the only question was when.

Once her meal was done, Ez made her way to the waterhole, determined to get in at least one soak before she had to face the days on end with their supply dwindling too quickly to afford even a wipe down with the precious liquid. She didn’t bother to announce what she was doing, knowing the sound of her undressing and slipping into the water would be enough to alert the gunman. There was nothing she had that he hadn’t seen, unless she counted the most recent scars...and those she preferred to hide.

Slipping into the warm water, she allowed herself to relax for the first time that day. She rubbed the sweat from her body and ducked under to wet her hair, the strands clinging to her face when she emerged. Sighing with content, she leaned back and closed her eyes, wondering what her former lover was thinking...and wishing that she didn’t care.

04-04-2021, 06:41 PM
As the pair rode to the small oasis Jackal kept his hat down wishing to avoid making eye contact with Ezra. Something he never he'd avoid, looking someone in the eyes was a sign of respect as well as a shield. If you're looking at them so intently then they would do that for you and it would allow you to watch them for some kind of action. Action always starts in the eyes not the hands or feet. Eyes dart or glance in the direction the hands and feet are being prepared to go, could be as quick as half a second or a full minute before they decided on their course of action, but the eyes always lead.

A trained person can see that movement no matter how brief and react on it before the opponent does. That training is what's saved the lawman's life more times than his bullets. His vision has mostly returned now, and he watched Ezra move about the camp getting her things situated while he did his own. And when she went for a bath he couldn't help but watch Ezra undress and get into the water. His body reacted to the sight he hasn't seen in weeks as one would expect, but he willed those feelings down. She hadn't even forgiven him for lying to her about the ARK, so being invited to be intimate with her was well off the table.

Taking care of Vash would be a good enough distraction. The beast's paw was still tender and would need cleaning and bandaging itself.

04-16-2021, 03:25 AM
Even with her eyes closed, Ezra was aware of her surroundings, her other senses tuned in to any nuance within the camp. There was little to focus on, so the sound of Jackal moving about was not lost on her...nor was the feeling of his gaze upon her. Unaware that his vision had continued to improve, she dismissed the subtle lifting of the fine hairs on the back of her neck as nothing more than the gunman checking on her location, the length of time extended due to his poor vision.

By the time Jackal finished with the care of his mount, she too was done with her bath. Wringing out her hair, she stepped from the pool and wiped away the excess water with her hand. With the temperature at its highest point of the day, she laid down on her clothes and allowed the sun to heat up her skin, her desires warming as her body basked. She missed the feel of having someone by her side...of reaching out and touching another. Sighing with frustration, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly, finally grabbing for her dusty clothes and pulling them on.

There was still a lot of daylight left and many miles to cover, and with that thought in mind, Ez saddled up her horse again. Once all her provisions were secured, she took all the water containers and filled them, allowing Clove to drink as well. She had only spoken to Jack once since they had stopped, and the tension between them was growing with the extended silence. She blamed herself for this, but the thought of talking just to fill the empty hours with their voices was not a comfort. Settling into her saddle, she placed her hand on her abdomen, the reason behind why she was continuing with this journey lying just beneath it. She was not sure what she hoped to accomplish, but raising a child on her own did not fall within her skill set. Whether or not they discovered the location of the Lost Treasure ceased to be a concern for her. She needed to mend the broken ties between them, to form at least some connection with the father of her child. She was still in too fragile a state to even attempt this now, but she hoped with time her heart would heal...or at least scar down enough to allow her to become more than just a husk of the woman she had become.

Without a word, Ezra donned her hat and started down the trail again, Clove taking the path of least resistance. She allowed his instincts to lead them, the horse moving with a sure-footed gait along the rocky terrain, the shadier areas favored with the sun at its highest. Knowing they had at least another five or six hours to ride, Ez relaxed in the saddle, her body moving with the rhythm of her mount, her gaze periodically falling on Jackal as he rode beside her.

04-16-2021, 05:20 AM
Like before Ezra and Jackal rode East in utter silence. Even the wind seemed to be going mad in the silence, it's constant whistling reminding the pair they still had working ears. While Jackal kept his eyes down he couldn't help but look at Ezra as they rode. Having taken up the habit of rubbing her stomach in pensive thought he could almost read her mind through the hand motions and looks his way.

This was such a painful reminder he contemplated leaving this mad mission completely. Things have been silent long before his confession. And now they were silent again, his own foolishness aside this painful tension did tell him one thing. They mean far more to each other than either one thought or at this point would be able to admit. Still the man squirmed in his saddle trying to think of a way to break the silence and try to get back to some semblance of cordiality with his only companion that could talk back.

On his own he often spoke with Vash, and while the beast didn't understand the words. he was smart enough to hear tones in his rider's voice to react to. As such the conversations were very one-sided. The hot day soon turned into the cooling night and they stopped besides a rocking outcropping to make camp for the night. They likely should keep moving and rest during the day as the world would only get hotter the further they went. But the night was just as deadly with predators and mutants choosing the darkness to hunt. Maintaining the silence as they dismounted and built up camp it wasn't until they were about to sit down for a warm dinner when Jackal broke the agonizing silence with the only thing he could think of. "I am sorry for all this Ms. Bastian. Dragging you out here, nearly getting you killed multiple times, lying to you about what I knew was at the end of this road, and most of all... getting you pregnant, before being honest." As if finally dumping a hundred pounds of weight from his shoulder he let out a low sad sigh beginning to pick through the trail stew they made.

04-30-2021, 05:07 AM
Ezra was spreading a blanket out on the ground when Jackal spilled the wealth of words from his mouth, shocking her enough that she sat down immediately to avoid wavering, the woolen cover still held in her grasp. “What?” she said, although she heard him plain enough. He had apologized for the entirety of the time they had spent together...using her surname again...which only managed to alienate him from her. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to ignore the pain his apology caused. “No...you don’t get to do that Jack,” she said, her voice shaking. “You don’t get to apologize for knocking me up, then treat me like a stranger. Be a man. Look me in the face and call me Ezra when you say you’re sorry for sticking your…” Growling under her breath, she wiped at the moisture threatening to spill down her cheeks, a sigh huffing through her nose before she turned away. “...dammit…”

Getting back to her feet, she threw the blanket to the ground before she walked a short distance away. She didn’t know if she was more angry or sad, the gunman’s words coming a bit too soon for her to be able to process them. She didn’t care about nearly dying or being dragged out here. As a guide, that was all part of the job…and the pregnancy was an unexpected side effect of the sex, which she had put on offer. ...but the lie...that was on him. If it had come about in the same manner, but without her being a part, things would have been different...but for him to be willing to give her up…

Leaning up against the rocks, she stared at the fire...and at Jack...for quite some time. She wrestled with her emotions, pushing back the feelings of hurt that kept her from interacting with him. The least she could do was try to acknowledge him...make an attempt at conversation..apologize for her outburst. At least he had attempted to say he was sorry. Tossing a few stones towards the fire to get his attention, she cleared her throat, regretting her decision as soon as he looked in her direction.

“I...I was an ass earlier...and I’m sorry. You’re trying...and I want to try too. But I need you to give me more time. I’m not ready to talk about all that yet. Okay?”

05-04-2021, 08:22 PM
With a sigh and a nod Jackal let the subject die on the sand between them. She had made it very clear to him they're strangers again. She was pissed at him and would likely stay pissed at him, but at least he had said his piece on the matter. "That's fine." He said softly before he stood up grabbing his rifle, pistol, and canteen. "I'll take first watch...I'll wake you in four hours Ezra." Slinging his rifle over his back he grabbed a few pieces of hardtack and a lantern before he walked into the shadows around their small campfire.

Like the wind and sand the gunman was lost among the advance darkness of the wastelands. Not even a moon or stars to light the path. He would keep the fire and Ezra in eye sight, but the brightness of the fire would hamper the woman's night vision. It was the only role Jackal figured he had left in the woman's eyes. The invisible guardian, unseen, unheard, but his presence known at all times. He couldn't be her lover, nor her partner, or employer. All walls have been broken down between them, and he'd stomped on the rubble to add insult to injury so all that was left to him was to stand on the hill and watch over her from afar.

05-16-2021, 04:21 AM
The scavver watched him go, her hazel eyes tracking his movements until he was little more than a shadow, that soon faded into the haze of the evening. Sighing, she turned away and ran her hand through her hair, pushing it off her face and tucking it behind her ear. Her fingers lightly traced the “M” burned into her right cheek, her head shaking in quiet denial as she made her way over to her tent. As much as she hated to admit it, she didn’t want to sleep alone, the closeness she and Jack had shared before the events in Endver missed desperately. She often woke thinking he was next to her, the cold emptiness that greeted her instead, her new reality.

Closing the flap behind her, Ezra removed her boots and lay down on her bed roll. She stared into the darkness for several minutes before closing her eyes and folding her arms over her stomach. She had already started rationing her water, her nightly routine of cleaning up before bed sorely missed. The remainder of the day’s grime was settled on her skin, the sand peppered in her hair, and her tongue felt like it was coated in cotton. She would give Clove his daily allowance as long as she could, the need for reliable transport superseding her own requirements.

Come morning, she and Jackal would have to address other worries as well. They needed to map out the hot zones using the landscape’s clues and reroute their path to avoid them. It had been a long time since she had traveled through a new territory, and although the prospect had been exciting when she was younger, it held little but apprehension now. With the thought came a chill, and she drew her gun out of its holster and gripped it tightly in her right hand, aiming it at the tent’s entrance. “Silver Bear?” she asked softly, feeling positive he was standing just outside. After getting no response for several heart beats, she loosened her grip and rested her hand back on her stomach, the weapon pointed towards the ground. She listened closely to the crackle of the fire and the sound of the wind as it blew particles of sand against the canvas of her tent. She lost track of time, and after a while her nerves calmed enough to allow her to fall into a deep sleep.

05-22-2021, 04:36 AM
The four hours came and went without incident. The tall gunman had slipped out of his troubled mindset now that he needed to focus on protecting the camp. Becoming a Sentinel as he patrolled about thirty feet around the small campsite.

The wastes always had a desolate feeling about them, but this far into them with the last known town more than a day's ride behind them it truly felt...desolate. Not even the sound of coyote or wolves howling at the stars was heard. Just the endless sigh of the wind as it rolled across the flat dead landscape. Just rocks and sand as far as the eye could see. Jackal imagined this is what being a ghost must feel like, everything bleak and muted as your mortal senses were removed from your consciousness. As this realization came the man even noticed how dim the stars were now. Like a thin cloth was being held over his eyes. Granted he had only recently regained his sight, so maybe this was all just his perceptions being skewed after so long being deprived of it.

He had moved to Ezra's tent and lifted his hand to wake her up for her own guard shift. But Silver Bear's voice behind him made him stop and quickly turn. "A storm is coming...go to her...protect her." The old man's voice said, but the old man was nowhere to be seen. Standing up Jackal looked quickly around before feeling the air pressure drop around him. Something was indeed coming.

*In the tent*

Like Jackal, Ezra would hear Silver Bear's voice in her mind. But she was told something else. "He is coming to you...open your arms and share your pains."

Waking with a start, the scavver's eyes opened to the darkness, the old man's words circling in her head. Her right hand was still clutching her gun and she reflexively lifted it from her body. "Who's there?" she asked hoarsely, not yet quite cognizant of her surroundings. She sensed the gunslinger outside and her body relaxed on its own. 'Shift change,' was the explanation for the disturbance, but something else was wrong...something was off...there was static in the air, the hairs on her arms standing up.

"Jackal? Jack...you need to get inside."

Before he even heard Ezra's voice Jackal's hair was standing on end and his skin felt prickly. Then as he heard her a bolt of heat lightning raced across the sky seemingly right over head, causing him to duck and practically dive into the tent like he was being shot at. The bolt was so sudden and so loud that both Vash and Clove woke in fright and dashed off across the wastes in fear.

Jackal heard them run and swore aloud, but another crack of lightning silenced him. Laying down besides Ezra the man's eyes were wide and his breath came out in quick bursts. "That...was....close." Was all he said as the distant rumbling of the heat storm came barreling towards them.

Trying to keep calm, Ez reacted to the flashes of light with subtle shivers, Jack's sudden arrival at her side drawing her eyes to him. She had never minded storms, but out in the open like this, they were not safe...not even inside the tent. Why did Silver Bear direct her to bring Jack into her arms? Did he know something she didn't? Was the tent a safe place tonight?

Turning on her left side, she placed her weapon on the ground between them and took his hand in hers gently. "We'll we okay. Your guardian sent you to me so we could be safe. I don't know his agenda, but he seems to look out for you at least. We have to ride out the storm inside the tent."

Chuckling softly Jackal unconsciously gripped the woman's hands. "Hehe my guardian? I don't know about that. He did allow me to go blind ya know, no I think he's simply a talking compass to keep us on the right path...whatever that path is I cannot say though." Feeling the warmth of her hand calmed him a great deal. Like her...he had been missing their intimacy and in more ways than just sex. They brought out the best in each other. At least that's what he had gathered from thinking back on all they had done and been through.

His mouth opened to try and change the subject when a bolt of heat lightning struck the ground near them causing one of the few sage bushes around to erupt in fire. The flames arched before Jackal's eyes the suddenness causing him to flash back to Endver. He lunged forward, wrapping Ezra in a hug and burying his face into her chest, eyes shut tight.

Startled by the sudden and unexpected contact, she froze in his embrace, the fire from just outside the tent providing barely enough light for her to see Jack's fear. Conflicting emotions raged within her, but it was the memory of the relationship they had that brought her hand to the back of his head to smooth down his hair, the gentle caress meant to calm him as she leaned closer.

Feeling her tense up made the man pull back a little and chuckle. "Sorry about that, guess getting set on fire will have that effect on a man sometimes." He tried to pull more away, but feeling her close to him again was very nice. While not burying his head in her chest he kept his arms around her and laid them both down to simply enjoy the embrace for however long it would last.

Lying in his arms brought back a lot of feelings, Ezra sighing softly as she breathed in the gunman's scent. She forgot how drawn she had become to it, her heart beating rapidly in response to his close proximity. Closing her eyes, it was her this time that placed her head against his chest. "I miss this," she said quietly after a few moments, "...I've missed you." Lifting her head, she glanced up at him, her eyes meeting his.

"Will you kiss me?"

With no words Jackal cupped the woman's chin and kissed her deeply just as the heat storm came into full force. Lightning blasted the wrecked landscape around them, but nothing came as close as that last bolt. They would need to hunt down their mounts as soon as the storm passed, but for now it was just two people lost and found again. The kiss deepened and they tried to forget the pain and simply be in the now.

It was easier to forgive with the distance between them removed, Ez finding peace with Jack's arms wrapped around her again. She moved her hands over his chest while they kissed, tugging his shirt off him when the heat from the storm made the addition of clothing uncomfortable.

"I want you Jack," she said, not caring that only hours before she had indicated the opposite. Her body was hungry tonight, and her lover was in her arms.

Hungrily they shared the small tent. Pain and worries forgotten at least for now, the great unknown was still ahead of them, an unbelievable journey behind them. Not to mention a wild goose chase to find their mounts to partake in when the storm clears up. But that would be for later, for now it was only them and nothing else mattered.

06-12-2021, 03:23 AM
With the dawning of the new day, Ezra awoke in the arms of her lover, her head resting comfortably on his chest. Sighing softly, she carefully removed herself from his embrace so as not to wake him and rolled over to the other side of the blankets. She squinted into the light which shone through the thin canvas of the tent and sat up, running her fingers through her mussed hair while staring at Jack silently. She did not regret her decision from last night, but she could not let it cloud her judgement in the days to come. They had bridged a gap in their troubled relationship, but it was far from healed.

With little intent other than to stretch her legs, the scavver put on her clothing and stepped outside, her eyes searching the scorched landscape for their missing mounts. It might take the whole day to find them...but it wasn’t something she was going to do on her own. She would wait for Jackal to join her, and they would need to be alert. A pot of coffee would be a good start. Setting her sights on banking up the fire, she then put water on to boil, the slightest churning in her stomach bringing her hand up against it.

It wasn’t the first time she had felt the sickness, but it was getting more frequent, the scavver knowing it was not something she could afford with the shortage of water becoming a concern. She had herbs to add to her coffee which helped, but when those ran out, she would have to rely on her strength of will, something of which she had never had a shortage. Scowling at her predicament, she carried on with her preparations, setting two cups out before she dug through their provisions to get some food. It would be a quick breakfast...leftover stew and some dry biscuits...nothing compared to Deck’s cooking, the man’s hand missed already.

While the food was warming over the fire, Ez climbed a small embankment to look out over the desert again, hoping to find some trace left behind by her horse or the chabbit. Her eyes were not as sharp as they used to be, but she picked up on a mound of manure a short distance out. If nothing else, it would give them a direction to walk in. It would be a long trek, but with the gear packed on their backs, they wouldn’t be traveling fast anyhow.

06-13-2021, 01:59 AM
Jackal awoke with a deep ache all over his body. It made him reluctant to move, but it was also a good pain. One he had dearly missed, finally once Ezra had moved from his side and dressed to head outside the man followed suit. Pulling on his clothes as quickly as his sore body could muster he soon crawled out of the tent slinging his rifle over his shoulder.

Standing tall he scanned the wastes around them. The place was pockmarked with scorch patterns and signs of sustained burns. What the fire found to burn out here was beyond him, he just hoped it wasn't a horse and a chabbit that had fueled the flames while he and Ezra slept. The rest of their camp was in disarray though nothing looked broken or destroyed, just very dusty. He smiled down at Ezra as he passed the fire and the rewarming breakfast.

"Lucky for us our animals know and like each other. Vash will protect Clove so if we find one we should be able to find the other." Squatting down her poured out some water and put a couple of herbs Deck had left them into the water in an attempt to make some morning tea for them.

06-20-2021, 08:58 PM
Taking the tea, Ezra nodded to the gunman before pulling out two plates and filling them with food. “I’m pretty sure I know where to start looking,” she said, her eyes falling to a series of lines she had made in the dirt only a few minutes before. She had created a map of sorts. Based on what she could make out with her field glasses, the way to the east looked to be the most suspect in terms of destruction from the hot zones they were trying to avoid. Instinctually, the animals should keep away from that area, and the northern side was blocked by rocky cliffs. That left only two directions they could travel, and hopefully there would be at least one sign to show which one they chose.

After she showed him the etching, she handed over his breakfast, the face she made apologetic for the lack of thought that went into making it. It was food and would fill their stomachs, but the thick stew was barely warmed and hardly suited as a morning meal. Picking at the contents on her own plate, Ez concentrated on drinking her tea, her stomach already complaining at the small amount of vegetables she managed to put in it.

“I’ll start packing things up,” she said, her plate set aside when it was half emptied. “I want to get an early start, especially if we have to back-track. Anything you think we can leave behind, we should bury...or hide...if we can. No reason to carry more than we have to...maybe cut down to just one tent?” The implications were obvious and she didn’t bother to elaborate, the past evening still fresh enough in her memory to cause a flush of warmth to cascade over her body. She didn’t want to give that part of their relationship up again, and if that made her selfish, she was willing to live with that.

Getting to her feet, she brushed the dust from her clothes and smiled at Jack for the first time that morning. It was strained, but it was genuine. It had been a while since she had enjoyed his company like she had last night, and the afterglow that resulted would keep her content for the day.

06-21-2021, 02:43 AM
Jackal returned Ezra's smile and studied the map she drew while he ate. It was as good a start as any, if got close enough he could let out the shrill whistle he trained Vash to react to and they'd at least be able to find him and he still assumed Clove would stick close to the Chabbit or vice versa. He downed the food quickly and helped Ezra pack things up. Though when to came to things to bury or leave behind he was at a loss.

The track for the animals would be something to leave at least until they found them again same with one tent. But those were the only things he could think of and that still left them carrying a bit. Food, what little water they had, weapons ammo, one tent fire building tools not to mention any spare clothes or other gear they had. Picking up what he called essential he began looking for a means to hide some of their stuff, but they were in a barren landscape. Maybe they could dump it in one of the hole from the lighting storm from last night. Some of them were decently deep and they could likely put some dirt in the holes. There was even the option to just leave them right here, sure mutants roamed this part of Ragged America, but out here it was mostly flat they could see one coming.

Deciding to just leave the tack and extra tent he found a big enough hole and began shoving dirt on top of the items. It would be a pain in the neck to clean them off once they get Clove and Vash back, but Ezzy was right. No sense in doing more work when you're at the gates of hell already. Once that was done he rejoined her unslinging his rifle from his shoulder and pulling his hat down to cover more of his eyes. "Lead the way Ezzy, hopefully we can find them before something else does."

07-04-2021, 12:52 AM
Working with Jackal to get their things together kept Ezra’s mind occupied, her worry over the animals pushed back until they were ready to move out. Chewing at her lip once she was forced to focus again, she adjusted her pack’s straps then gave him a nod. It was time to head out. This was the last thing they needed, but life in the Wastes rarely went according to plan.

Moving towards the area where she had seen the droppings, Ez kept a look out for the two animals, hoping they might have stayed close to the camp. The walk took a bit longer than she had anticipated due to the added weight they were each carrying, the sun high overhead and beating down on them as they slowed. Nudging the pile with her boot when she came upon it, sweat covered her brow when she stooped down, a frown crossing her lips.

“This is from last night,” she said as she sifted a piece through her fingers and watched as the light breeze picked up the dried particles and carried them away. Glancing around them, she searched the stone and hard-packed dirt for any signs of their passing, the drought that scourged the area leaving few marks on the ground that could be followed. Scowling, Ez moved further out and took off her pack, putting it on top of a rock. “I’m going to search to the west...you go south.” Suspecting he might not want to separate, she put her hand on his arm before he could argue. “We won’t go far. Put your pack up here with mine...neither of us should lose sight of our packs. If we find nothing...then we pick a new spot and start over. If we see any sign of them...or if there’s trouble...we shout.”

07-05-2021, 06:20 PM
Jackal nodded and placed his pack besides Ezra's and unslung his rifle and cradled it in his arm as he began moving South his eyes scanning the ground in front of him. Once again thankful for his return of sight, this would've been impossible for one person to do and survive. Though he wasn't sure what he'd find when he actually found their animals.

Chabbits were curious creatures, hard to spook, but once they are spooked they stay spooked for a long time. And occasionally they could die from being so spooked, Vash had been through a lot and was tougher than your average Chabbit, but he was still susceptible to the shock. Moving in a back and forth semi-circle around the rock Ezra had designated. He scoured the rocky ground for any sign of tracks or spore, though considering neither animal has eaten in half a day he wasn't sure he'd find much scat.

As the first hour of searching came to an end he finally found some tracks though only faint claw marks heading to the East, but still it was something so he lifted his fingers and let out a shrill whistle to get the woman's attention waving her over to him.

07-13-2021, 12:23 AM
Ez had already been heading back to the rock with their packs when she heard Jackal’s call, her head lifting as she searched the arid landscape for his location. Waving her arm to let him know she heard his whistle, she started off in his direction, wiping off the layer of sweat already beaded across her forehead. Her search had come up empty, so she was relieved he’d had better luck.

Once she came to his side, she looked out towards the direction the faint marks in the ground were heading, shaking her head with worry. The animals would only have headed East if there had been no other choice, the storm’s fire blasts must have forced them out there. “We can only go so far that way before it becomes unsafe,” she said. Everyone who lived in the time after the Great Fire had been exposed to some level of radiation, but the hot zones could fry a person’s skin off their bones in record time. Ez had seen Samantha’s father suffer a slow death after exposure, and he had only traveled on the outskirts of such an area. Pulling down the rim of her hat to block the sun, she started walking, a sigh slipping from her lips as the dust was kicked up around her.

They were risking their lives looking for the mounts on the eastern side, but traveling without them would be just as dangerous. They would at least have to give it a try...Clove and Vash deserved that much.

07-14-2021, 08:25 PM
Jackal's face hardened as he nodded with Ezra's words. Their goal was further East, but they could walk around most concentrated pockets of radiation as those were usually dips in the landscape or other naturally low points. The track led right into the heart of one of those rad pockets, neither animal was fit to fight rads for too long.

He glanced at Ezra and frowned more. Radiation is deadly for everyone, but a fetus going into it could end badly in many ways and he didn't want to risk it. Even if Ezra hated him and kept the kid away he didn't want it to suffer from a birth defect or something. He would need to go further on his own, he knew this would piss off Ezra but it was the only way.

Patting her arm he pulled her gently back. "I'll go look for them you stay with our packs Ezzy, this much radiation is bad enough for you and the baby no sense in making it worse. " Leaning over his kissed her on the lips and gave a reassuring smile before he was walking into the rads lifting his hand up to let out another shrill whistle hoping Vash could hear it and give him a clue as to where they might be.

08-04-2021, 03:33 AM
Not resisting the pull against her, Ezra came to a halt easily enough with the light pressure applied to her arm. Looking down at Jackal’s hand, her hazel eyes lifted to his face a second later, curiosity resting there. Her expression remained calm as she listened to him direct her, his reasoning logical enough that she didn’t argue or complain. There was no need for her to put up a fuss...as she saw it, she was still in charge of the expedition to the Lost Mountain, and if she chose to look for the animals, she damn well was going to do it, whether Jack gave his blessing or not.

Smiling at him, she returned his kiss and watched him walk away, her steps taking up after him once he was a short distance out. She knew the risks of radiation better than anyone and knew how to deal with the hot spots...she’d been doing it her whole life. If Jack thought exposing himself was fine, he had another thing coming. She wasn’t going to spend a year of her life caring for a rad-sick lover, watching him die a slow agonizing death. Raising his child on her own was also not in the cards...she’d die right alongside him if he was stupid enough to take that risk. He’d have to take it for both of them.

“I'm coming with you Jackal,” she called out, “...and there isn’t any way to talk me out of it. Ten minutes tops...then we turn around and head out of the heat...any longer and the effects are permanent. You search...I’ll keep time.”

08-05-2021, 02:58 AM
The lawman couldn't help but smile at her stubbornness. He should've expected it of course, she had already been through one father of her child dying by rads...of course she wouldn't go through it again. He grabbed her hand as she reached his side and pulled her close with a smile. "Yes ma'am." He joked giving her one last kiss on the cheek before turning his eyes back to hunting for their mounts. Hopefully it wouldn't take more than ten minutes.

Following the faint tracks they could both adventurers did indeed find their mounts...but it wasn't the sight they had hoped to find. First they heard the sounds of a Crawler howling in pain, it's call like that of a giant snake mixed with the screeching of an eagle. Next the rage filled howl of a Chabbit deep into the blood rage, and lastly the panicked whinnying of a horse on the verge of dying from fright. With a low swear Jackal let go of Ezra's hand and drew his rifle from his shoulder charging towards the animals. As he drew closer he saw another dead Crawler in the dust. Obviously Vash had killed at least one of them, but he as struggling with the second one. Multiple bleeding wounds had already pooled beneath his ragged claws. But Jackal could already see his mount wasn't going to survive this...at least not without him.

Sliding to a halt a few yards from the feuding animals the gunman opened fire with his repeating rifle every ounce of his years as a shooter focused on killing this creature before it killed his friend. The rifle barked fifteen times until it was empty. He wouldn't waste his time reloading so pulling out his revolved he dumped another six rounds into the Crawler as the last bullet found it's mark the scaly monstrosity finally crumpled to the ground letting out its final gasps. Vash, still enraged jumped high off the ground and stomped down with all four of his paws the Crawler's skull popping like a smashed fruit spraying blood, bits of skull, and brain matter splashing across the dusty ground. Shortly there after the large herbivore collapsed in a pile on the ground panting heavily. Holstering his guns he quickly ran to Vash's side tears beginning to well up in his eyes. The great beast's heavy ragged breath kicked up dust all around his head. He was suffering that was obvious, with a heavy sigh he reloaded his pistol and leveled it at Vash's head. Leaning down Jackal whispered into the animal's ear. "Thank you for everything Vash, I'll see you in the next life." The Chabbit let out a low acknowledging chirp and nuzzled in the man's hand seemingly forgiving him for what he was about to do.

Dropping his head back to the earth Jackal pulled the trigger a single time the round doing it's job. Vash let out a relieved hiss and slacked back his paws twitching a few times before going still like the rest of him. Jackal dropped his gun tears streaming down his face and his shoulders quaking with sobs.

08-15-2021, 06:35 PM
Ezra followed Jack with apprehension to their animals, her own anxiety over the fates of their loyal mounts playing against the time they had left to make a difference. She wasn’t heartless, but she saw her own life and that of her lover's as paramount over the beast’s. Once they came upon the scene and she knew the gunman had the situation with the Crawler under control, she went to her horse and calmed it, bringing Clove out of the pool of the monstrosity’s coagulating blood.

She was rubbing down her mount’s neck when she heard Jackal’s voice, his tone too soft for her to pick up his words. Her head lifted just as he put his weapon to Vash and pulled the trigger, her own body jolting as if it was she he had shot. Clove reacted with a startled whinny and pulled back on the reins she held, her fingers opening reflexively as she took a step towards the kneeling gunman.

“Jack?” she said softly, then moved to his side. She dropped down and wrapped her arms around him from behind. Lifting his fallen weapon, she slipped it into the back of her belt, a tuft of Chabbit hair plucked from the ground as well. Leaning her head against the man’s shoulder she let him cry out his sorrow, a part of her suffering along with him...and another part keeping time.

08-28-2021, 05:57 PM
Jackal's tears fell freely down his face for a few more seconds before the dry arid air whisked them away and the slight taste of metal in his mouth reminded him they were still deep in a rad pocket. Vash was gone there was nothing else he could do for the Chabbit, the beast had died protecting another...protecting his friend.

The lawman just hoped he'd have the chance to die the same way some day. Taking Ezra's hand he nodded down to her. "Thank you Ezzy." They wouldn't have time to properly bury his mount, but after pouring some high proof alcohol on the body he tossed a couple of matches onto it and soon the Chabbit's body was a pyre. The body would've fed some wildlife, but Jackal couldn't bring himself to not do anything for Vash, a fiery funeral would be the best he could get out here. He pocketed the tuft of fur then quickly moved with Ezra away from the black smoke and out of the rad pocket.

Once they were back at Clove, the tall man insisted Ezra ride the horse back to where they stashed their gear. They rode on in silence the dark sky growing darker until it was time to settle down for the night again.

09-10-2021, 02:32 AM
Ezra didn’t argue with Jackal about her taking the saddle as they made their way out of the red zone, her head pivoting behind her as she watched the Chabbit’s pyre until it was out of view. She did not grieve at the same time as the lawman, her sorrow held at bay to spare him further pain. Her tears would come when she was alone, the loss she felt more for his sake than hers. He had lost a trusted companion...and a friend...it was something she could feel empathy for.

Once all their belongings were collected, both from the rock and their previous campsite, there wasn’t much time to gain ground, but they traveled as far as they could. The added weight slowed Clove down and when they found a safe place to settle for the night, they stopped. Ez gave the horse a thorough rub down and plenty of feed and water, tying him up for his safety, as well as her peace of mind. After a fire was made and the tent was set up, she scraped together a decent meal, although neither of them seemed in a mood to eat.

“I think I’m going to stay up for a while,” she said, glancing at Jack. “I’ll take first watch...and wake you in four. Try and get some sleep...if you can.” Looking up at the sky as a flash of heat lightning streaked across it, she sighed softly. “I have powders in my saddle bag that can help...if you want to go a bit deeper into slumber. A throwback from my younger days,” she said with a laugh, shrugging her shoulders at the offer.

11-09-2021, 02:38 AM
Jackal simply didn't have the energy or words to argue with Ezra, but he also couldn't just fall asleep. He knew she was waiting to be alone so she could mourn Vash in her own way. Even after all this time together, even after seeing each other at their absolute worst she still wished to be strong for him. Seeing her sorrow would likely hurt almost as much as watching the Chabbit die all over again.

Part of him wished to thank her for her consideration. But another part of him didn't want her to be in pain alone. Sure she wasn't quite as close to the big beast as he was, but she had grown a little bit attached to the giant rabbit especially after he had helped save her from the Salt Flyers.

Shaking his head and settled in close by Ezra and draped his arm around her shoulders. "I don't think Ill be able to sleep for a bit Ezzy. I'll stay up and keep you company." He looked up at the black sky above them. "Maybe, the moon will come out. Been a long while sine we've seen it."

11-22-2021, 01:49 AM
Knowing she wasn’t going to change his mind, Ez nodded solemnly and leaned her head against him. It didn’t seem anyone was going to get much sleep that night, as she doubted she’d want to leave him alone once his shift came up. Humming softly, she reached out and took his hand in hers, wrapping her fingers gently around it, a soft smile coming to her lips.

“When I was a little girl, my father used to take me out to the courtyard in Endver on clear nights. We’d lay on our backs and he’d point to the moon, saying it was made of the tastiest of cheeses. He said there was an old man that lived there...a guardian...who stood over that cheese day and night. ‘One day...’ he’d tell me, ‘...we’ll fly out to that big block of cheddar and steal some to stock our cupboards.’ We’d giggle afterwards and try to come up with ways to build a flying machine.” Sighing, she looked up at him. “I miss that innocence...and the conviction that went along with it...believing in something so strongly that anything seemed possible." Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, she huffed out a laugh. "You still have that Jackal. That belief burns in you.”

Rolling her hand in his and interlacing their fingers, she sighed again, the melancholy of the day settling back into her mood. “I’m willing to keep looking for the Lost Mountain. We’ve come too far to turn back anyhow. ...and I can’t tell you how sorry I am that you lost Vash today, Jack, but the hard truth is, his passing was most likely more humane than Clove’s will be. This road we are on, it’s not made to be traveled, and we’ll be lucky to survive it ourselves. At some point, I might ask you to put my mount down too. I won’t see him suffer.” Pressing herself tighter to him, her tears started to fall, the moisture collecting onto his shirt as she cried silently.

12-07-2021, 09:38 PM
Knowing she wasn’t going to change his mind, Ez nodded solemnly and leaned her head against him. It didn’t seem anyone was going to get much sleep that night, as she doubted she’d want to leave him alone once his shift came up. Humming softly, she reached out and took his hand in hers, wrapping her fingers gently around it, a soft smile coming to her lips.

“When I was a little girl, my father used to take me out to the courtyard in Endver on clear nights. We’d lay on our backs and he’d point to the moon, saying it was made of the tastiest of cheeses. He said there was an old man that lived there...a guardian...who stood over that cheese day and night. ‘One day...’ he’d tell me, ‘...we’ll fly out to that big block of cheddar and steal some to stock our cupboards.’ We’d giggle afterwards and try to come up with ways to build a flying machine.” Sighing, she looked up at him. “I miss that innocence...and the conviction that went along with it...believing in something so strongly that anything seemed possible." Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, she huffed out a laugh. "You still have that Jackal. That belief burns in you.”

Rolling her hand in his and interlacing their fingers, she sighed again, the melancholy of the day settling back into her mood. “I’m willing to keep looking for the Lost Mountain. We’ve come too far to turn back anyhow. ...and I can’t tell you how sorry I am that you lost Vash today, Jack, but the hard truth is, his passing was most likely more humane than Clove’s will be. This road we are on, it’s not made to be traveled, and we’ll be lucky to survive it ourselves. At some point, I might ask you to put my mount down too. I won’t see him suffer.” Pressing herself tighter to him, her tears started to fall, the moisture collecting onto his shirt as she cried silently.

Despite his own sadness he couldn’t help, but smile at Ezra’s little anecdote. She hadn’t shared much of anything about her childhood. The gunman was beginning to think she was an orphan or something, but he was glad to learn about the silly little tidbit. It was then he felt her finally let go of the emotions that had been building up on the last hard road she decided to walk with him. He’d never be able to thank her enough for sticking with him as long as she had. He wasn’t sure he’d make it this far himself, especially not after he lost his sight.

Had that happened when he was on his own he would’ve stayed and died in whatever firefight had cost him his eyes in the first place. Though were he on his own would he have even been in a situation that would put his sight in jeopardy? Off the top of his head he couldn’t think of one. On his own he did most of his fight from a high vantage point sniping his enemies or splitting them up and picking them off one by one with his knife and revolver.

He rolled this thought around his head for a bit before curling the woman protectively into his own body, kissing her head and stroking her back as she told him about what would likely happen with Clove before this was all said and done. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t suffer Ezzy…I promise.” He hugged her close for a few minutes letting her cry in peace, but as the sobs quieted he let out a small smile and thought back on her story about the moon. “Shall we tell our kid the moon is made of cheese as well? Give them something to believe in as well?” He chuckled softly resting his head against hers sharing his body warmth with her.

She hadn’t given much thought to their child’s future, not with all the uncertainties that lay ahead, but the prospect brought a smile to her lips. “I think I’d like that. Children need to have hope.” Sniffing quietly, she wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand, content to stay in his embrace. “All we need to do now is make it through this damn dead zone and find a safe place to raise a family.”

Shaking her head gently, she chewed at her lip in thought. “I never imagined I’d hear myself say that…’raising a family.’ I was always too set in my ways. Loved the open road…the men…and the drink. I guess I have you to thank for changing that…or should I instead be slapping you?” Laughing lightly, she glanced around their campsite and shivered suddenly, wondering just where the old ghostly Indian had gotten himself off to. He’d been haunting her thoughts as of late...which always made her think of his prophecy and the fake treasure.

The possibility that the Lost Mountain truly existed would put a damper on any plans they might make, but that was something they would have to deal with together. She had already decided she would sacrifice everything to destroy the redoubt. It was the only reason she had agreed to continue with the quest. The fact they were discussing raising their child, however, gave her hope that Jackal was rethinking his plan.

Jackal nodded, smiling with her. “I agree and never thought I’d have the option honestly. Living the life of a gunman doesn’t leave a very bright future. If I wasn’t so hard to kill, I likely would never had, had the chance. As for where to raise our family, we did liberate a lot of places on our way here. But I think all the way back in Carousel would be the best place, far enough away from raiders and rads to make things almost idyllic.” He felt her shiver reaching behind him to grab one of their trail blankets and wrap it around them both. “So what will we do with Sammy once this is all said and done, think she’ll like being a big sister?”

Going back to chewing her lip, Ez considered his plan. “It’s a long way, Jack. We had a lot of stone cold killers on our team when we crossed the wastelands that brought us here. Are you sure you want to take a bunch of kids along the same trail?” There was no denying Carousel would be a good destination, but getting there might cost them a lot of lives.

“Maybe it would be better to just settle in the mining town…let Sammy and Matches get a start there. I’m sure she’d be tickled to be a big sister, but having her own children would make her happier. We can let her decide…let all of them decide actually…where they want to put down their roots once things are semi-normal. It’ll be safer to travel once the baby is a little older…at least a year.” Tilting her head up to look at him, she wondered if they would be able to live in harmony, neither of them used to staying in one place for any length of time. If they followed his plan, the one advantage would be that the house in Carousel would be hers, and she could kick him out anytime.

Humming softly Jackal thought through her proposal. Silver Springs would be a nice place to settle down, but so would the towns of Endver and Liberty now that they cleaned the places out. In fact picturing the map in his mind they had blazed a trail of safety from this very spot to Carousel. With alliances made between all those townspeople to ensure things remained safe. The thought amused him enough to voice it. “Now that I’m thinking about it, as dangerous as our road here was. We burned and buried a lot of bodies on the way here, nearly all of them terrible people who deserved it. Gabe and the rest of his Black Jack goons, the Cannibals, Salt Flyers…the zealots of Endver. Even those spider bots, even just with our bunch of kids backing us, our little family would likely make it back to Carousel in one piece. Just like my grandfather did with his Bounty Hunter friends.” He kissed her lips as she looked up at him. “Sounds like a pretty great ending to our days of constant wandering. But I can’t argue with letting Sammy, Matches, and the others decide for themselves.” He sincerely doubted any of them would leave the caravan if he and Ezra made it back. They were indeed a family at this point, if the woman hadn’t told them all to stay put they would’ve followed them right to the gates of hell that was this part of the wasteland. He let out one more chuckle. “You do know Deck will be with us to the very end right? If Sammy would be pleased about being a sister. Deck will make himself the grandfather and treat it like a sacred duty we’ll never be able to talk him out of.”

Letting her eyes drift closed as he kissed her, she sighed softly, enjoying the tender moment and his familiar taste while it lasted. “Hmm…you’re probably right. The roads would be safer, but nothing stays that way for long in the Wastes. Men like Gabe always find their place on the scavver’s highways. There’s too much profit in stealing to put the effort into making one’s own way.” Thinking about all the men…and women…she had put in the ground sickened her. She had never set out to be a killer, but the life she had chosen was a hard one, and the people she had picked as her companions were even harder. Going back to her roots would make things so much easier in a lot of ways.

Carousel was the place she thought of as home. She had friends there…a local tavern and a house…not to mention all her money. It was scattered throughout the town in different hideaways, some invested, some just cached in buried boxes. She had told Jackal from the start that she didn’t need his treasure. She had enough money and scavved items to live a good life, even if she never led another scouting party again. They could raise their family there in comfort.

“I’d like to go back, but let’s ask everyone else before we make our decision. Deck of course will follow us anywhere…especially with a baby on the way. I think he feels he missed his chance with Sam. Carousel is his home too, so going back there would be what he would choose, I think. I’d like him with us. I miss his cooking.” Smiling to herself, she thought back on the days she had spent in his care. “I never took the time to learn from him. I was always too busy getting into trouble. Good thing for me he had a lot of patience.”

Not bothering to voice the obvious, Ezra grew silent as she contemplated the remaining steps of their journey. Their plans for the future were all based on them surviving the next few days…or weeks…out here in the desert-like environment, something neither of them seemed willing to address. They not only had to make it to the fabled Lost Mountain in one piece, but they had to make it back from there as well…with little food…and even less water. One horse. A pregnant woman. And a gunman. [i]What were the odds that they’d all survive?[/i[ she wondered.

“You’re never too old to learn a new trick.” Was all he said before laying back with Ezra to watch the stars as they began to break through the pock marked dusty blanket above them.

03-30-2022, 09:43 PM
The night remained uneventful, Ezra managing to catch a few hours of sleep under the open sky with Jackal by her side. She slept fitfully, the night’s quiet broken by an occasional screech from the mountain’s predators, Clove’s hooves stomping on the rocks in agitation without his friend for comfort. The Chabbit’s absence was felt by all the companions, and when dawn finally broke and the heat pushed back what remained of the clouds, the camp was disassembled and the travelers put their backs to the painful event.

They pushed ahead, the gunman’s map the only reference they had to guide them through the unfamiliar territory. Ezra kept her eyes on the craggy outcroppings of rock, searching for any deviation in the natural formations–an unusually smooth opening to a cave entrance or a metallic gleam–anything to show a human hand had touched the stone. They moved slowly, the daylight hours slipping into night, one day becoming two, then three. Voicing her concerns as their supplies began to dwindle, she gave the last of her water to Clove on the fourth day, her gaze lifting to the dusty trail as she stared out ahead.

“We have two days…maybe three…to find your Treasure Jack. That’s the end of the road for us unless we find a water source. From here on out, I’ll walk. We need Clove to last for as long as possible...no extra burden.”

Wiping sweat from his brow Jackal nodded, moving to the weary horse’s side and removing some of the gear and beginning to rig it about his own body. “You’re right Ezzy.” He said quietly, beginning to consolidate whatever was left in his and Ezra’s travel bags into one before strapping it about his own shoulders. The empty bag was stuffed in last and with a low grunt the lawman was on the move again. “We’re also down to our last few bullets, maybe two more cylinders for our revolvers and one more clip for the rifle.” It was a miserable state to be in, that’s for sure. But as they were nearing the end of his map they would either find the Treasure of the Lost Mountains or walk off the edge of the world…either way they would be at the end of the bad idea.

Adjusting the straps he looked up at the late afternoon sky. “We’ll find something soon…I know it.” Reaching out he grabbed the woman’s hand pulling her close before they turned the corner into a maze-like corridor of eroded rocks and sand dunes. He had called himself a man of some kind of Faith, but even this was beginning to wear him down. Did they have enough supplies to make it back to Silver Springs? He doubted it, for now though the heat and dryness was getting to them both. They needed a shady spot to begin setting up camp for the night.

It was just at twilight when they found a deep cave recessed into the canyon walls. With a low chuckle he nudged Ezra. “Hey look, we can have something of a roof over our heads tonight. And this cave looks deep, maybe I can find some water or something deeper.”

Pulling her lower lip between her teeth, Ez nodded, the hint of a smile forming on her lips. “That would be heaven Jack…but for now, I’d settle for someplace to sit.” Groaning slightly, she tugged on her horse’s reins, leading him under the overhang of rock, her eyes slowly adjusting to the gloom. Taking in a deep breath, she didn’t pick up on any scent of decay or ash, the area seeming to be relatively safe.

“I want to get a fire together first,” she said, her hand settling on her stomach unconsciously as she placed her pack on the ground. “Just give me a minute…then we can go together.” Kneeling down, she cleared the sand from the rock floor with her palms, her hands working quickly as she pulled the tinder from her supplies and lit it. There was enough dry wood at the entrance of the cave to get a small fire going, and once she was satisfied they would have a light to return to, she got back on her feet.

“I wish we could leave Clove here…but it’s not safe. Maybe we can find an alcove to slip him into..somewhere out of sight.” It wasn’t just the horse’s safety she was thinking of, but their own, the clomping of hooves on stone a heralding of their arrival to any foe that might be lurking deep within the cave. Taking the animal’s reins in one hand, she filled her other with her revolver and took up behind Jackal.

“Lead the way…I’ll cover our backs.”

Setting the packs down the gunman pulled his one revolver out checking the rounds out of habit. “You should stay here and rest your stomach, I won’t go too far. I promise.” He kissed the woman’s forehead and gently nudged her back towards the fire. “Let Clove have a rest too, I’ll be back.” Taking a small torch from the fire the tall man began walking alone into the cave.

After he had taken a few steps, she closed the distance, her horse trailing behind her. Soft laughter filled the small space as she shook her head. “You don’t learn…do you? You’re not leaving me behind to wait. We’re safer together. Neither of us has enough ammo for a prolonged firefight…and we’re tired…but we fight well together Jack. We can cover each other’s back if there’s trouble.” Reaching out, she put her hand on his shoulder, letting him be their guide. She had faith in his navigating skills, but she committed each turn to memory as well, just in case.

With only a light snort being his answer Jackal reached up and gripped the woman’s hand pulling it down to his side as they walked through the narrowing cave system. The pair carried on for a few more feet, the torch beginning to grow dark as they finally found a nice little cave pond to leave Clove at before continuing on. The torch had nearly burnt out before they found what was sharing the cave with them. They heard and smelled their neighbors before they saw the two males by the sounds of them, speaking in some kind of made-up language. The air inside the cave stunk like shit and raw meat. Snuffing out the torch Jackal motioned for Ezra to stay back as he crept forward, his revolver out and ready though he really hoped he wouldn’t have to use it.

Moving slowly along the smooth stone wall he poked his head around the corner and saw what they were dealing with. Two misshapen lump of men were squatting beside a large fire, they had definitely been living in this cave awhile. Rudimentary furniture lined the walls, as well as cave art, but the floor was slick with piss and shit. The man-things were more or less naked, wearing only a pair of nasty ripped up jeans. They were mutants covered in pus-filled boils and open bleeding sores caused by too much time in the Rads. They had no hair anywhere on them and their skin was so black with filth he couldn’t tell what race they once were. While most of the little room was filthy, high up on the wall nearest him Jackal could see food stores and what he hoped were barrels of fresh water. Even with only being able to bring what they could carry themselves or attach to Clove, it looked to be enough to get him and Ezra the rest of the way to the Lost Mountains. Biting his lip…a habit he’d begun to pick up from Ezra he contemplated how to go about getting those supplies.

The sound of footsteps coming up behind him alerted Jackal that Ezra was no longer holding her post. Moving with a purpose, she slid her hand along the cave wall with little concern for noise. Pausing slightly when she reached the lawman’s side, she put her hand against his chest and her finger to her lips, her weapons hidden from sight as she rounded the corner. She came to a sudden halt once she was out of view, her hand going up to her throat as she let out a surprised gasp.

“Thank God!” she said with false cheer, her eyes roaming over the squat forms of the two deformed men as they rose to intercept her. “I am so lost. If one of you two could just…” Stopping mid-sentence when she was met with identical gap-toothed smiles, her eyes went wide as they started to approach menacingly. They were just as stupid as they were ugly, she thought with a grimace. Putting her hands out to fend them off, she shook her head, purposely walking backwards to lead them past the entrance where Jackal was hiding.

“There’s no reason to be rude. I’m willing to offer a trade for your assistance.”

Not bothering to wait for a response, Ez reached a hand behind her and withdrew her knife as soon as the first man passed the threshold, her wrist flicking forward to send a blade hurling through the air into the man’s chest. A wet gurgling noise followed and the man collapsed to his knees, short webbed fingers grasping at the hilt. “Zill Itch!” he bellowed. Red froth bubbled from his lips as he rose to his feet again and faced off against the Scavver, her weapon now in his bloodied hand. “Zill Itch!” he repeated and charged towards her.

As the first man charged Ezra the second one followed suit, bellowing something dark sounding as he picked up a rock from the floor and made to throw it at the woman. But before he could get the rock up to throw, Jackal lunged out of the shadow of the wall and drove the blade of his own knife into the back of the mutant’s skull. The man died instantly, flopping to the floor like a sack of dead meat. In a single fluid motion he then picked up the fallen man’s rock and threw it at the man charging Ezra, the mutant staggered from the force before turning to vent his rage upon the tall man. “ISKTH ZRAN!”

“ZRAN!” Ezra bellowed back, her pistol in her hand when the man spun again to face her. Cornered between two enemies, he snarled like a rabid dog, his few jagged teeth coated in a layer of blood. “Die fucker!” she said as she squeezed the trigger, the bullet exploding through the back of the man’s head like a rotten watermelon. Gritting her teeth against the loud echo, she turned from the spray of fluids, the putrid odors in the mutants’ cave enough to flip a normal stomach.

“Shame I had to waste a bullet, but if I had to suffer another minute in this toxic dump, I think I might die from the smell.”

Jackal quickly pulled his coat over his face as some of the mutant’s nasty flesh came his way. The chunks of foul flesh hitting the rough leather garment with audible plunks. As the echoing of the gunshot faded Jackal shook the vile chunks from his coat and nodded holding his breath. “Agreed, let’s grab some of these supplies and get back to some fresh air.” Yanking his knife out of the second mutant’s skull he cleaned the blade off and sheathed it carefully stepping around the dead bodies and the cesspit the two creatures had been living in for who knew how long. And it seemed himself and Ezra weren’t their only visitors, bones were piled haphazardly around the cave, mixed with piles of ripped up and ruined clothes, some of them belonging to men, women, and even children. Shaking his head slowly Jackal set about trying to get up to the supply shelf.

“Want a boost lover?” Ezra said from behind him, chuckling softly. Offering her cupped hands, she also slid a sturdy looking stool over with her booted foot, the clunky piece of furniture made from the trunk of a tree. Without another word, she grabbed the food items she could reach easily, taking an armful out to the passageway and filling her lungs with the fresher air before returning. There was no avoiding the foul mess the two rad-stricken men had left, but she did her best to keep her boots fairly clean, scraping the soles on the rocks whenever they got clogged down.

“If I can’t have a bath after this,” she complained, “...the least I can get is a thorough wipe down. I hope the supplies aren’t tainted with the stench of this place.”

Grabbing his own armful of goods he followed Ezra back to the front of the cave. Chuckling at her complaining he walked up beside her. “Well we did leave Clove by a small pond, if you don’t mind the cold you can probably get a quick clean there.”

“I think that’s a good idea…for the both of us,” she said as she set her bundle down by the fire, her hands wiped along her pants as she looked around at what they had gathered. “Our clothes could use it too. I think those Mutes damn near soiled everything. How could they even live in that filth? …and cannibals?”

Shivering despite the warmth, she did a quick inventory of the stock, setting aside anything that looked spoiled or suspicious, the rest stored near their packs.

“I’ll go first…and don’t worry...I’ll be quick. I’ve lost my taste for cold baths.” Laughing softly, she dug through her pack and pulled out a blanket, her footsteps receding back into the depths of the cave a few moments later.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Between the two of them it took a total of a half hour to wash themselves and clean some of the grime off their clothes. But fresh and in a better mood, they settled down for a simple meal and the enjoyment of having a roof over their heads for a night that wasn’t the tattered hide of an old tent.

It was a small respite in a long, mostly terrible journey. They’ve had so few of those since they left Carousel. Nearly every town they’ve been in had the dark cloud of danger hanging over them and aside from Silver Spring they all were dangerous. So any small peace and quiet would be welcomed. Their meal was filling and after dinner there was a rare bit of clear sky to watch for an hour or so before Ezra, Jackal, and Clove went to bed. The three of them slept peacefully, and while there was no way to really tell the time that far in the wastes, it felt like they had actually slept until nearly noon.

But they had to get back on the road and so after another quick meal they were back out in the rads and heat. Luckily whoever was in charge of their fate had decided to make the rest of their journey less filled with death and danger than the road behind them had. While he never said this to Ezra, to Jackal this ease was telling him they were nearing the end of this madness. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to find the treasure any more, nothing could be worth the trouble they’d faced. He ran through the list of things he’d heard about what the treasure could be, and not even the ark of unspoiled pre-war virgins that could restart the human race would be worth being set on fire, rendered blind, or captured and almost turned into a meal for a town of cannibals. But they had come so far to turn back this close to the end. It would just reduce all the hardships to vain stupidity, and they had lost too many people to let that sit well with him. He would still keep that to himself, mulling his thoughts over and over for the remainder of the day. It wasn't until nearly dusk that he looked up and realized they had wandered out of the wastes and were actually at the base of the fabled mountains. Small outcroppings of trees and the high rock walls kept the hot winds down and he actually let out a shiver, noticing the cold. He stopped in his tracks and looked up at the massive shadow of the mountains before them. Gripping Ezra’s hand he spoke in a quiet voice. “Welcome…to the Lost Mountains Ezzy.”

“We’re here,” she said in hushed awe. Letting her eyes scale the rocks, she sighed softly, her hand caressing her stomach as she looked around. The legendary mountains were majestic, the emergence of sage grasses and other greenery bringing life back into the landscape. It was an unexpected beauty that made the mythical treasure more likely also, a prospect she didn’t dare ponder. It wasn’t a pleasant thought, but she’d see the journey to its end…one way or another.

Smiling at the gunfighter, she squeezed his hand. “It’s cooler,” she said, “...it’ll be comfortable inside the tent under the blankets tonight…for a change.” The past few days they had traveled hard under the hot sun, and the food and water they had taken from the rad-boiled mutants had sustained them, but there had been little more to that time other than that. Ezra was still fighting the sickness that the pregnancy caused her and Jackal seemed lost in his own thoughts. Perhaps tonight could be different.

Tugging on her horse’s reins, she started them forward again. “We should find a place to make camp before it gets too dark. I think a nice warm fire would be appreciated. I’ll cook if you set up the tent?”

Jackal nodded slightly, taking some of the weight off of Clove’s back as they began to ascend the worn gravel path deeper into the majestic purple mountains above them. The man couldn’t believe they were really here. Since he was a young man he’d been dreaming about what the Treasure of the Lost Mountains really was. So many ideas, most of them ridiculous beyond all reason. But that didn’t stop him from wishing some of the more outlandish ones were true, his favorite being a time machine that can take someone back to before the world ended.

Not that he expected that to be the treasure, but one could hope. It had been nearing dark by the time they reached the summit and a flat enough place to set up their tent for the night. He could feel they were at a higher elevation. The air was thin…but remarkably clean tasting. He didn’t even know what clean air tasted like, but every breath tasted less like metal and filthy sand so he assumed that meant it was cleaner. Kicking away some stones he began setting up their tent.

The silence that reigned between them as they completed the final stretch of their trek seemed appropriate to Ezra, the beauty of the mountains appreciated more thoroughly in the solitude of quiet speculation. As soon as they reached their destination, she tied Clove to a stunted tree and got a fire going, the flames hungrily devouring the dry branches she fed to it. Digging through her pack, she chose a few items for their evening meal and put them in a pot to warm, then saw to the horse’s feed and water.

“Do you think anyone has been this way in a while?” she asked the gunslinger as she used a damp cloth to wipe the trail’s dust from her face. She had not seen any signs of human habitation since they reached the Lost Mountains. There were no discarded items or fire pits, no prints in the dust or shreds of cloth on a limb or striped bones…nothing. It was almost as if man had not walked the area in a hundred years or more. The hot zones and desert-like temperatures, mixed with the lack of food and water sources would definitely play a major factor in the number of people that could make the journey. Once she added in the mutant cannibals, the possibility for death became even greater. Shaking her head, she laughed softly. As far-fetched as it seemed, they could be the first two people to have reached the fabled land since the big fire.

Once the tent was set up Jackal returned to her side shrugging. “I don’t think anyone has been here since before the world ended. Even the rocks have dust on them.” Letting out a low sigh he sat heavily down by his lover taking a pull from one of the canteens they took off the mutants. What he drank caught him off guard though. Coughing and sputtering he capped the metal container grabbing some real water to wash it down with. “Damn me…*cough…cough* those muties were drinking some high grade fucking moonshine!” Pulling the cap off again he poured some into the fire, the blaze flaring up above their heads showing just high-proof that booze was.

Laughing softly as she leaned away from the flames, Ez patted and rubbed the middle of Jack’s back to soothe him. “Someone can’t handle their liquor,” she said with a teasing lilt. Glad she had already removed the pot of food before he had doused the pit with alcohol, she glanced at him, smiling. “There was a time when I’d have taken that from you as a nightcap, but being that I’m carrying your progeny, I gather I’ll refrain.”

Reaching beside her, she grabbed up two bowls and filled them with stew, passing one over to him. “I suggest you hurry up and eat, lover. I’d like to get into the tent early tonight…make up for some lost time. If you feel up to it…that is.

Jackal nodded, leaning over and giving her a kiss upon the head before taking the stew from her. “Thank you Ezzy, I’ll be sure to buy you your first glass of new motherhood after the kid is born.” Taking his first mouthful of stew he groaned deeply, it was so good. At her mention of making up for lost time in the tent he smirked, the hormones of a pregnant woman would always amaze him. Of course he wouldn’t deny her it, it wasn’t like she could get pregnant twice after all.