View Full Version : (M) Blood Line CH2: The Bloody Ties (Kris X Siks)

01-14-2018, 12:38 AM
Chapter 1 (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=89410)

Capital city of Excelsior- A week later

It has been a week since the group parted from the valley hamlet of Sŕmhach- The group, which was consisted of two elves, Goblin hybrid and an Orc had been together through thick and thin, capable of avoiding much trouble on the main road, including ruffians and other thieves.

When they reached the city, they were mesmerized by the beauty of the place. The streets were clean and tidy, people seemed rather friendly, and the citizens wore smiles on their faces. Everything about this place seemed so pure (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQBBpIGAFuU).

There was weak sounds of bells in the distance which was followed by a mass prayer, which seemed to be hailing from an holy house.

Guk-Guk seemed excited to find such a welcoming location, but both Galmied and Dire seemed to be alarted.

From the corner of her eyes Sabin spotted a note on the gate, which she took and read aloud, "Warning! Good folks of Excelsior. We plead you to stay indoor comes night, and even request of you to not wander about alone".

"I wonder what this is about", said Dire, "The city looks rather peaceful"

"Looks may decieve, outsiders", called a man from a very impressive looking blacksmith. Sabin studied him- He appeared rather sturdy, but was by a head shorter than her.

A dwarf.


"Don't stare so hard lady", The man narrowed his eyebrows, "It's not like your sight is not a strange one".

"Forgive me!", Sabin clapped her hands together and made a gesture to apologize, "I really didn't expected to see non-humans here"

"Bah!", the man seemed to still be hurting. Maybe he was feeling too well what it was like to be different in a town full of humans, "Get inside, it's gonna get dark soon"

Galmied and Dire stared at each other, somewhat puzzled, "You are going to let us in, under your roof- Seeing the danger here, you are not really afraid of us?"

"Look at you merry bunches", the dwarf laughed, "Unless you drink blood, I think you are okay in my book. Besides, there is no way such a strange group of sapient variety will travel together. It's been a while since I saw anything but humans, and I'm curious to find out more", he nodded, "Besides I'm still hurt about the behaviour of your lady friend", he said as he put down his tools and opened his door for them to enter, "I'm sure it will be fine if I get to stare at her back while we dine".

Galmied's color flashed a little red with jeoulsy but Sabin simply held his hand and whispered to him, "It's okay, he only teased, besides he can look all he wants, you are the only one who touches after all", she winked at him.


Their dwarven host proved to be a very friendly man. So much sweet and gentle, that even Galmied completly forgot his rage. His name was Daryl and he gave them much of his food as he also offered some sweets to Guk-Guk and his three small children. He presented them to his family, showing them his wife, which was a human woman with golden hair- her name was Tarina and she seemed to be so excited to hear their tales and story.

"So, about the troubles", Daryl said while helping himself to a juicy boar's leg, "Blood-suckers".

Sabin swallowed and changed expression.

Galmied noticed but said nothing.

"Brother Orfiel and his mens are trying their best, but they just growing ever smarter. There are rumors about some of them heading to other cities as to not draw too much attention to a single location, but it's obvious their main hold is here"

"This is simply terrible", said Tarina, "Please, stay here tonight".

Sabin watched Guk-Guk who played with the other three children. She never expected to find such good people willing to care about other races, "Thank you, we will pay and-!"

"None of that", said Daryl, "If the gods will it, we shall be getting our due"

"You are very kind sir, and thank you ma'am, we will", said Dire as they all helped to pick up the food from the table.

01-14-2018, 08:24 PM
The night passed pleasantly enough, but something continued to not sit well with Galmied and he shared his thoughts with Dire while Sabin and Guk-Guk shared a bath. In the past week, the two warriors have become respected allies. Dire teaching Galmied the ways of the Berserker and Galmied helping Dire learn the skill of archery.

While Sabin was the closest to little Guk-Guk very much becoming like a mother to her. Galmied and Dire became Grandpa Dire and Uncle Gal. They all took turns teaching the little girl lessons in speech and literature and the girl's natural intelligence soaked it all up like a sponge. Always asking questions and finding little bit and bobs to tinker with. She was quite a delight to have along, but the flyer they saw upon entering the town and the warning given them by Daryl and his wife worried them a great deal. They were all foreigners in the Dominion, but Guk-Guk was a child who hadn't been in a big city before.

And Vampires were tough adversaries, even for an experienced warrior. Usually it takes a specially trained Monster Hunter or Vampire Slayer to take one down, but if you know the basics you can beat back the lower ranks. If you ever find yourself against an Elder though you are dead unless you have a Slayer or two on your side. They wouldn't be able to sleep tonight unless they did a little walk around the streets. Strapping on their armor and weapons the two cut a very dashing visage among the many Merc in Excelsior, though not many of them were non-humans there was enough to keep the citizens from getting too worried around them.

They asked Daryl to tell Sabin and Guk-Guk they just went for a walk when the girls get out of the bath. The jolly Dwarf nodded to the big males then followed and locked the door behind them, but not before giving them one more stern warning about walking the streets with Blood Suckers preying on everyone. The took his warning to heart but assured him that was why they were going out in full armor and armed. Dwarves are known for their stubbornness usually, but they are also skilled at telling when something is a lost cause. So he let them go and tried to think of how to word their message to the Dark Elf and the little Goblin girl.

01-14-2018, 09:40 PM
The night felt like it was growing darker instantly. Fog spread around them (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiAmAcaDQrM)- and crawled at their feets, as though it was alive. It was unnoticeable at first, gentle, and sweet… like a shadow following behind… but it soon surround them, like a blanket, hazing their eyes.

“I can smell your blood…”, a faint woman’s voice rang in Galmied’s ears. He recognized the voice almost instantly.

His eyes shone in unnatural way, sparkling as the magic took effect. Before him he saw Denika, moving closer and closer to him, in such a proud manner.

“You are looking so tasty”, hissed another voice.

It was Sabin.

The two elves approached him in such tempting manner, licking their lips gently as they turn to take hold of his body, licking his neck, and grazing their nails into his body as they took turn rubbing themselves against him.


“Gal?”, Dire called out. The hazy milky color was the only thing he saw, among few lights of auras and shadows.

The Orc seemed much more tolerant to the magic but to some extent- He did not see any illusion, but he could still feel that something was waiting in the shadows to attack.

And soon they stormed at him. They were four, all hissing and circling him like a captured beast.


“What?!”, Sabin said with anger, “They went where?!”

She soon wore her gear and held her weapons in both her hands. Those crazy two. They didn’t know what they were dealing it--- Only she truly knew how horrible fighting a bloody fiend of the night was.

“Curses… Why men are such idiots”.

“I won’t open the doors”, said the dwarf before the dark elf was about to protest and say anything regarding leaving.

Sabin sighed as she walked back and forth within the room, waiting for a chance to sneak outside once Guk-Guk was in bed.

01-14-2018, 10:45 PM
Guk-Guk was dressed in the short red dress she brought from Sŕmhach. It was usually meant as just a nice alternative to her furs and armor, but since they forgot to grab her jammies from the Puppet's Cradle she'd been using the dress as nighty. It was light and flowly, but it only went down to about her mid-thigh. It fit better when she was younger, but she's grown a lot in four years.

She was seated on the bed the short man and pretty lady had given her and Sabin to share for the night and she watched Sabin pace and mumble angrily to herself. The girl frowned picking up Lil Bone and walking to Sabin pulling on Sabin's knife belt gently.
"Why is Momma so mad at Grandpa and Unca Gemmy?" She spoke slower than before trying to remember the speech lessons Sabin and the other have been giving her. She frowned lightly fiddling with her little doll, she'd seen Sabin mad and fight with Galmied a few times, it always worried the little girl.


Dire growled his keen nose immediately picking up the rancid smell of Vampire. They seemed to be bewitching the Snow Elf. He was just standing there staring into the shadows mumbling some incoherent words his body frozen. Orcs are more bestial in their mindsets than other races, Glamors and Illusion spells aren't as effective against them.

And while he couldn't exactly see what was after them his nose never lied. He'd need the Elf's help.
"Sorry." He growled before smacking the back of saber against Galmied's head dazzling the big Mer, but also freeing him from the illusion. He reacted quicker than expected and blocked the first claw of the Vampire with his gauntlets. He was stronger than the pale woman and threw her back long enough to pull his claymore off his back and join Dire in the center of the street their backs together quickly fighting back the four attacking Vampires.

01-15-2018, 11:00 PM
"Because they are idiotic machos who think we are delicate snowflakes. Also your Uncle will be spending few nights on the couch! And why aren't you in bed yet, young lady?".

Sabin took Guk-Guk by the hand while the last was still drying her hair with a towel, leading her to the bed room, the dwarf had provided them with. She wanted the girl to get done and go to sleep (reminding herself she need to find more cloths for the girl), so she could go outside as well. She was worried about the orc and the elf and couldn't wait to smack some sense into them.

Specially Galmied.


The four of them hissed as their appearance was visible by the stars light. They looked like young adults, but their eyes showed no purity in them. Their pupils shone in red and ugly yellow and their nails increased in size. When they opened their mouths, they presented a powerful fangs which they licked with excitement at the thought of their coming meal.

All four of them jumped at the Orc and Elf, slashing and biting. Even though the two hulks could have easily pushed them aside, they still stung and hurt like persistent bees.

After a long fight a new, somewhat "cleaner" fog surrounded everyone.

"How pitiful"

A deep voice echoed in everyone mind. The teen vampires halted in their places, fear clearly reflected in their eyes.

"It's him...", said one of them

"The accursed", said another.

The fog joined together to create a shape, which then took flesh and appearance; A noble looking man, with pointy ears and magnificent white hair.

He hissed at the vampires who prepared to attack and they hissed back. Surprised at their lack of fear he sighed, "No respect for the elders...", he shook his head.

In a blink of an eye one of the female vampires was impaled by sharp long talons and the next moment she was dead on the ground while the white haired man turned to stand where he was at the beginning.

The dead vampire crumbled to dust and disappeared.

The other three seemed unsure.

"I'll give you one chance to stand down, children of Malachi..."

They didn't need another pleading as the three turned to fog and vanished.

The man turned around. He was dressed in a very impressive looking cloths, and even though he had just killed one of the four vampires, no traces of blood were apparent on his clothing (even though his hand still dripped blood on the ground).

The man sighed, "Children these days. So rebellious. I wish Malachi taught them better".

Seeing the puzzled expression on the Orc and Elf the man turned around slowly, "I'm sorry you had to bear such sight, but I am afraid I was without options. They become rather naughty lately. If I gave them ultimatum first, they might have hurt one of you before I could have shown them how powerful I am... I'm usually not that kind of guy... Why are you alone at night if I may ask and-!"

The man's gaze widen in surprise and at the blink of an eye he was standing behind Galmied sniffing his neck, "That sweet smell that reeks from you...", he said while picking a long white lock and playing with it in his hands, "She is here, with you?", a grin spread across his face as he felt the elf's neck and cheek.

Voices were heard from behind and the vampire was fog again, taking some distance, "Looks like the slayers are here. I think they are better drawn to blood than the vampires. The name is Gideon. I really hope that you will leave this city soon, for your sake... and mine".

And just like that he was gone as well.

01-19-2018, 09:04 PM
Guk-Guk frowned again still watching Sabin. She wasn't sure why the Dark Elf was so mad at the men. Papa Bone did stuff like that a lot and the little girl never worried about him. She knew he did it to protect her, Uncle Gemmy loved Momma a lot, and Momma loved Uncle Gemmy. Does that mean when she loves a boy she's gotta be mad at him a lot?

The Goblin child shook her head. Love was confusing.
"Momma need not worry so much. Guk-Guk not worry, Grandpa and Uncle Gemmy know someone need be here with Guk-Guk. And Momma is best fighter to protect me." The girl didn't like seeing Sabin mad or fighting with the others. Papa Bone never fight around Guk-Guk unless protecting her, but then again Papa Bone didn't have anyone but Guk-Guk to love and protect. Deep down she hoped he would find someone to love him like Sabin and Galmied.

The girl knew Sabin was right, it was late and Guk-Guk should be asleep. But this was a new place she wasn't used to and she had a feeling as soon as she went to sleep Sabin would leave and go yell at Grand and Uncle Gemmy. The idea scared the girl, the Dwarf and his family were nice, but they were still strangers. Suddenly an idea came to her, jumping off the bed she fished through Grandpa Dire's bag and pulled out a large book he bought from a trader. She walked back to Sabin and held the book out with a pleading look on her face.
"Can Momma Saba read me a bedtime story before she goes away to yell at Grandpa and Uncle Gemmy?"


No worse for the wear the two men kept their weapons out trying to figure out what just happened. Soon a large man (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=79692&page=28&p=2737591&viewfull=1#post2737591) carrying an axe and a small woman (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=79692&page=32&p=2953929&viewfull=1#post2953929) carrying a bow with an arrow notched appeared in the intersecting streets.

Ignoring the large warriors at first the man said something quietly in a language neither man had heard before and he and the woman darted out in opposite directions. As they ran through the moonlight Galmied noticed the garb of some kind of religious order. A mountain peak with a cross inside of it, Dire's nose could smell the distinct aroma of garlic and wolfs bane. The men sheathed their weapons checking themselves for serious injury while the "Slayers" as the man Gideon called them.

Luckily their armor did their jobs and saved them from anything more than a few scratches that didn't even draw blood. Both men were of a breed naturally tough and durable and while Snow Elves didn't have the natural disease resistance Orcs have Galmied wasn't worried about being infected by the Vampire disease. A few seconds later the pair reappear, they exchange a few more words in that strange language then the woman approaches the warriors. They both tower over the woman, but they can see the skill with which she wields her bow.
"Are you two ok?" She asks giving them a quick once over.

Galmied nods looking between her and the man.
"Aye, luckily our armor is made well, who are you two?"

The woman slung her bow across her back and pulled the cloth over her face down she was very pretty and quite pale, but her eyes were welcoming. As the Elf looked at her he noted how similar to Sabin she looked, same basic body shape, and her face reminded him of his Valkyrie as well, how odd.
"I am Jophiel the Pure and that big lug is my fiancee Orfiel the Repenter. We're Slayers of the Mountain Father's Order and were chasing a small pack of Vampires in the area. I assume they found you two first."

Dire nodded crossing his arms over his chest trying to block out the weird scents the Slayers had seemed to have covered themselves with.

Orfiel holstered his axe and joined Jophiel.
"Who are you two gentleman and why are you out here? Didn't you see the notices we plastered around town?"

Dire grunted affirmatively but Galmied answered.
"Aye we did. I'm Galmied and this morose man is Dire. We're traveling with our family an' couldnae sleep safely without knowin' the area."

Jophiel made a chirping sound trying to figure out how a Snow Elf and Orc could have a family, but shifted back to Orfiel's side sliding the ring on her finger back into place. The large man wrapped his arm around her shoulders nodding. He knew that feeling.
"Fair enough gentlemen, but in the future remember the best way to protect your family is to keep them close. Vampires and all their ilk are extremely dangerous even the low level blood suckers you encountered tonight are a challenge to those not verse in fighting them. Are you staying in an Inn nearby?"

Galmied shook his head pointing his thumb back towards the gate.
"Nae, we're staying wit' the Dwarven Smith Daryl for the night."

Little J perked up smiling.
"Oh he's such a nice man, and his family is adorable. We'll escort you back, the Vampires only attack once a night usually." She slipped away from Big O and began walking crisply towards the Dwarf's home with Galmied and Dire falling in behind her and Orfiel bringing up the rear so he can keep his eyes out for trouble.

The four soon arrived at Daryl's door and Jophiel knocked.
"Master Brickheart, it's Jophiel of the Mountain Order. We've come to return a couple of your house guests. They almost got made into blood bags." She giggled lightly as the two males shook their heads looking back at Orfiel who simply smiled and shrugged.

There was some grumbling from inside the house then the bolts on the door slid out of place and the door was pulled open the warm light of the home spilling into the streets. If it wasn't a Slayer knocking Daryl would've left the warriors out in the cold. And in retrospect he probably would've done them a favor. The Dark Elf woman was furious with them both.
"Well at least they'll be witnesses for the murder of these two. Come on in all of you, letting the heat out. Brother Orfiel can you lock the door please when you come in?"

The group filed in and Big O turned and firmly shut and barred the door.
"Thank you for you hospitality Master Dwarf."

The stout smith nodded then poked his head into the back room.
"Ms. Togar, you're friends are back accompanied by more friends. Please try to keep the yelling and beating quiet. My wife is trying to put our kids down to bed."

Both Orfiel and Jophiel quirked their eyebrows at the name Ms. Togar. Though while O's face filled with a small glimmer of hope J's clouded over with annoyance. And as Sabin came storming around the corner with Guk-Guk behind her clutching the book to her chest. The Dark Elf stopped dead in her tracks and stared at Orfiel who stared right back. There was an awkward silence for many long seconds Galmied staring between Sabin and the Priest, Orfiel staring at Sabin, Sabin staring between Galmied and Orfiel and Jophiel completely glaring at Sabin. Dire wisely slipped out of the middle of all the stares and picked his Granddaughter up and taking her into the bedroom. He knew what this stand-off meant and he thought it best not to let Guk-Guk see it. Daryl simply sat grinning from his arm chair by the fire sipping warm mead and waiting for the drama to unfold before him.

01-20-2018, 11:09 PM
You know how it's like when you meet that one special person, but often it is just not the right time nor the right place?

Like if you met under different circumstances, when the both of you where in a different places in your life, more mature, more free, more available… more understanding… and more willing to push… you know you'd have just stuck and stayed by that person.

But life is often tricky. And you curse yourself for your luck to push you away from someone who was so close to you and that no one else could have filled that hole quite the same…

Sabin stared at Galmied and then at Orfiel, giving him somewhat apologetic look. She stared at his sorrowful blue eyes, the mesmerizing gaze she hopened to never see again. Not because she didn't want to… but for the sake of keeping up with the hardest choice in her life… Which was letting the man go...

He looked so handsome… How long has it been? He seemed to have grown old a bit, but the spirit of youth was still with him. Was he still treating himself well? Was there somebody new in his life?

She noticed the ring… and the first thing she did was check the hand of Jophiel, which, to the ache of her heart, had a matching ring…

Sabin took a deep breath, trying to undergo the pain which roared a storm in her heart. Her lips curled up into a smile, "You both look well", she nodded and moved closer bowing her head, "I thank you for bringing them back to me safely".

She then noticed Galmied and felt a little silly for being so hurt about seeing her ex. She wouldn't have traded the snow elf for anything, but still seeing the sight of a lost love was something which was very hard to let go.

"I see the vampire problem had increased since the last time", she added.

Her face showed business, but whoever knew her could tell that her spirit was uneasy. Still she seemed rather well. More or less.

01-22-2018, 08:46 PM
Orfiel stood stunned silence as the Elven woman burst around the corner. Like a ghost from the past there was the woman he gave his heart to and once might've even left his faith for. But she chose a path that led away from him and it tore him up for years.

The worst part was he never knew why she left. They had just captured a dangerous Elder Vampire and he was killed by the fire that destroyed the old prison building. It was one of the highlights of his career as a Hunter. But after they celebrated and enjoyed a fervent night together she was gone by the time he awoke the next day. Her portion of the bounty was left on the nightstand, he couldn't find a trace of her anywhere not even a stray hair. He knew Dark Elf assassins like Sabin were meticulous about not leaving any trace of themselves behind, but this seemed more like a complete erasing.

After that Orfiel dedicated himself fully to eradicating monsters from Excelsior and as many of the lands around the Dominion's Capital as possible, but the city itself has become one of the safest places in Eisignol between the efforts of the King's Round Table Knights that protect the streets from crooks and Orfiel's obsessive purging of all creatures of the night who wish harm. And while that is good for the Humans it has caused some non-human races to be wary about the Shining City. As false as the accusations are word of the bloodthirsty Priest of the Mountain have spread throughout the four nations.

Finally the big Priest find his tongue and responds.
"Thank you, you look well too Sabin. And we had the blood suckers beat for a few years, but I think they found a new Elder to replace Gideon after he was killed in the prison fire." Jophiel nodded curtly then quickly took hold of her man's hand and began moving towards the door. "Yes, and we simply must get back to rooting out the nest." She glared at Sabin. "We hope you all have a pleasant night." With nothing more she and Orfiel left the house and the now deeply amused and quite drunk Dwarf ambled over and locked the door.
"Well, love is mysterious thing. Good night Ms. Togar." Was all he said before he slowly trumped his way upstairs to his own bed.

Nothing that passed between Orifiel and Sabin was lost on the former slave. The brand on his chest burned painfully, so this Priest was one of Sabin's lovers. He noticed how similar he was to the human, tall, handsome, large-limbed, and with the aura of a wounded animal about him. So the Dark Elf woman had a type and Galmied was the latest in what he would assume is long line of lovers. Was he just one more notch in Sabin's belt? Despite all they've been through, despite he and her having these marks?

The big Elf simply sighed and slipped into the back room to begin removing his armor...or pack his bags and leave he wasn't sure yet.

01-25-2018, 01:31 AM
Sabin walked after the former slave, almost rushing in after him, “Galmied!”, she said, as she entered the room, “Please!”, she wanted to grab him by the end, but then she noticed both Guk-Guk and Dire, who only throw back their own gazes. While the child looked confused, the elder Orc seemed somewhat upset.

“Let me read you that tale”, Dire grabbed the book from the little girl, as Sabin used the chance to turn for Galmied, “Please, can we… can we go outside?”

The big Elf looked at the pair and a slight nod from Dire told him it was the right move.
“Ay.” Was all he said before he walked out the back door of the house and into the family’s small stable area. He left the door open for the woman, and walked to a water trough scooping a few handfuls of the cool liquid. Once he was finished he stood up and leaned against the barrel crossing his arms over his chest looking at the woman expectantly.
“So ye like big guys huh?” Was all he said hiding the strange emotions flowing around his head.

“I’m sorry. I should have told you about him before we entered the city. I just… part of me hoped that we will not meet with him…”, Sabin shook her head, “He was a former lover… But our ways were not meant to be guided together. Despite how hard it was, letting him go was the right move and I don’t regret it”, Sabin shook her head, “You may ask me all the questions you want on the matter, I won’t hide anything else from you”. Sabin looked at him straight on, crossing her gaze with him. She was uncomfortable, true, but not ashamed. There was no reason to feel ashamed for emotions and feelings. Even though… now that Galmied has thrown his sharp remark, she did notice the two were similar… But they were still worlds apart… in many many ways.

The big Elf shrugged looking down.
“It’s nae business of mine lass.” He said his voice sinking down in tone, he didn’t know why he heart was in such turmoil. Of course Sabin had former lovers...probably many over her long life, she was a beautiful woman and an assassin who was trained in the art of seduction and sometimes you need to go to the end to get what you’re after.

He had to do the same thing many times in his time as a slave. Even when he was serving under men, he was a party favor for the man’s guests and sometimes his wife. What might be bothering him though was the way the two looked at each other said more than just lovers to the Snow Elf, there was something deeper between them. Did they still have feelings for each other? Galmied would say so, and considering how much the Priestess Jophiel looked like Sabin and how much he looked like Orfiel that worry was becoming painfully obvious.
“I would say more than just lovers lassie. Did ye notice how much the wee lass Jophiel looked like you? One might even say a surrogate.”

“It might be so…”, Sabin scuffled around in her gears, “But truth be told she was always around us… especially during the last mission. She seems to have grown a different taste in the way she carried herself and dressed-”, Sabin sighed, “I won’t deny that there is some flame in me when I look at him, I won’t lie to you- There is still yearning… But I could have returned to him many years ago had I desired it… And yet I chose not to- I’m not sure if my words carry enough power in them, or confidence, but that is the truth”, Sabin finally removed her gifted dirk, “I carry it with me always, the blade D’ror. When both you and Dire left I was furious with you. I wanted to beat the tar out of the both of you… for going away and doing what you wanted to do, after telling me to take care of myself”, She pet the small blade away, “I… I want this to work out between us, Galmied… I don’t think I felt as serious as I am now with you. And even though I cannot tell the future, I want this to work out… I want us to talk this through, and for you to learn to trust me… I am aware however that I will need to earn that trust, that is why I implore you… ask me, question me… Let me share with you what I can… I don’t wish to lose you over this”, She said, her expression still fixed at him, but her hands were shaking and her voice seemed somewhat higher than usual, as if holding back strong emotions from bursting.

Galmied’s heart burned painfully seeing the woman in such a state. She’d always been so in control even when logic would dictate she shouldn’t. And he knew deep down she wasn’t at fault, it was he who was acting like a child. They were both adults who shouldn’t be getting upset over something like this, but that small doubting voice that has been with Galmied for years was screaming at him. “It’s not real...she’s another mistress...she’ll play with you for a bit...she’ll say whatever she needs to bed you...then she’ll sell you off...like so many before her.” The thoughts crashed around his head like an angry Troll crushing all happy thoughts and hopeful wishes for the future. Maybe Denika really was the woman from his vision and this incident is what pushes him back into her claws. In the end the questions came slowly and painfully to his mind, but the first one and possibly most important one came out of his mouth. His arms clutching tighter to his arms.
“What am I tae you lass? Another big boy toy for ye tae play with then leave as soon as our ways differ?”

“Of course not!”, Sabin almost burst at him with anger. Truth be told part of her wanted to just hit him or storm back inside, but she mustered all her inner powers to calm herself. Even if he was acting extremely immature and unfair with her, she knew how his life had been going on so far and how hard it was for him to trust. She cursed herself for deciding to hide the story with Orfiel- She wished she was wiser regarding this, “I care about you so much. I want…”, She bit her lips, considering her words. She was a very free spirited kind of woman. She almost never stayed too close to anyone, but in truth only Orfiel got the silent treatment from her. She was inexperience with love, true honest love, and for her doing the math of all the things that could go wrong was what made her calculate the decision of walking away from the priest. But the emotions still held strong in her so instead of being reasonable she just opted and left.

But this time--- this time… it was the first time she actually wanted to stay, to explain, and to mend his spirit. Not because of how he reminded her of Orfiel, because honest, back then, she didn’t even recalled of him, but because she honestly wanted---

“I want you to be my life mate”, she put her hands on her lips, understanding what she just said and wanted. She never said this to anyone, even to Orfiel there was never really exchanges of promises… and in her role in her tribe, life had had a very straight forward line, which often excluded love and decision for the long term.

Once again she felt uneasy. She could feel her body growing hot as cold sweat was dripping down her nape, “I... “, she understood what she wanted, “I want us to try this… to be… life mates”.

The declaration shocked Galmied into looking up and locking eyes with the woman. Life mate? The terms wasn’t unknown to him, but from what he learned about Dark Elves is marriage and monogamy are extremely rare concepts. They are like the Orcs legend says they sprang off the ancestral Elvin line with. For the good of the group, seek pleasure and breed frequently, and while certain members of the race might prefer one partner more than others and even give gifts to each other show this prefered status they never saved themselves for that one person.

His people weren’t that different, they had true husbands and wives, but lovers and trophy lovers were a very common practice. His grandfather was like that, he had a wife that birthed Galmied’s father and his two Uncles. But the old man also had a pair of Dark Elf concubines which he actually spent most of his nights with. They were prisoners he personally captured from one of the Dark One’s raids back in the days before Avelar overthrew the last Snow Elf High King. These women were as much Grandmothers as his actually Grandmother, and it was through them he actually learned most of what he knew about the Dark Elves.

Galmied could never grasp the idea of having many lovers and after he was sold into slavery the concept became downright vile to him. In his youth through the early days of his slavery he held onto the dream of one day having a woman to call his own and only his own. But like many dreams he had as youth they dried up and were filed away under years of abuse and hedonism until he was the husk Sabin found him as. But after his connection with the woman the dreams returned and were nearly solidified after his vision and subsequent freeing from bondage she performed for him. The interaction with Orfiel shook the foundations of the dream though, and once again as childish as this is all being Galmied wasn’t willing to give up his dreams now that he’s free to have them again. He shook his head at her words.
“I dinnae want a Life Mate, I know the true meaning of the word lassie. Possibly more so than you, what I want is a wife. Bound tae me and me bound tae her by more than pretty words and a brand.”

Sabin smiled, “I heard this word. Humans use it a lot… The concept is not unfamiliar to me…”, she moved closer, finally daring to approach, “It’s a single mate for life, is it not?… If it so then…”, It was very hard for her to speak. Not because she wanted few partners, oh no. It was mostly the idea of binding, the taking of freedom seemed to be extremely terrifying even if it was unreasonable fear, “I don’t know if I want this with just anyone--- but if you are offering this to me and not talking about general idea, then I would agree to it--- I would like this to be with you, this way you will know that I am honest in what I request”.

She was still unfamiliar with the concept, “How is it done exactly?”, with the concept of mating it was very simple. Exchanges mostly. She saw others consider each other mates and still having other affairs, but she never thought to have something like that after declaring someone a mate, which was exactly the reason why it was so hard for her to do so until now.

Galmied was nearly floored at her response, not that he wasn’t pleased by it. More that she seemed so willing to agree. He could tell from the first time they met she was a free spirited woman, and he wouldn’t expect her to be so eager to chain herself to him. Though these brands connected them deeper than any ring could, they could still go off and daly with others if they wanted to. Marriage was an alien concept for him as well, he’d never seen a properly monogamous couple. But his demeanor did soften at the woman’s words. He was about to say he didn’t know either when the door to the house creaked open and Dire came out looking between the two of them.

The big Orc shook his head closing the door quietly behind him and motioning to a bench.
“Sit, both of you.” Galmied nodded looking at Sabin letting a small smile cross his face before he sat down watching the Orc.

Sabin was surprised. The tension was still increasing in her and she hardly even noticed the Orc coming closer, even though such sense should have been a second nature to her. She felt somewhat relieved having a third party entering. She took a deep breath and set down, crossing her legs.

The Orc crossed the yard and stood before them. He wasn’t one to talking much, this they both knew from traveling with him. It mostly grunts or snorts through which the old Merc communicated. But the look on his face told them he likely had a lot to say about tonight.
“You are both young fools. And I had to explain the whole thing to my Granddaughter.”

Galmied winced lightly.
“I am sorry for that Dire.”

The Orc snorted shaking his head.
“It was needed, neither of you should be as upset as you obviously are. You are both over two centuries old at this point. But I also understand it.” He began pacing slowly in front of them like an old School Master giving a lecture to a couple of students. “Dark Elves and Snow Elves come from different cultures regarding love and marriage. To one it’s virtually unknown and to the other it’s meaningless.”

“Elder Dire”, Sabin said suddenly, “This concept is so strange to me. Even the Matriarch, my mother had a couple of suiters and they in turn gave her heirs… And yet I do recall it that when she finally met my father she dealt with no one, and after he died she chose no one new… But it was so strange…. Outrageous… I believe that was one of the few turning points from which others began to walk away from her… Mother had many enemies you see… even before the rising of the New Moon Tribe… Many did not agree with her way of life, and by the time I knew of it, I was only aware of my own father… I believe I wished for something similar for myself as well… But I never wanted to… But if---”, She met Galmied eyes for a moment and then looked away, feeling that unreasonable fear and strange heat taking over her body, “I don’t wish to mate others while with him… The whole idea of marriage is still very… strange… but if it will be so… to prove of my intentions… What is that need be done?”

Dire gave a snorting chuckle at being called Elder. Back in his merc days he’d have backhanded the grunt that called him anything other than Dire. Orcs aren’t big on the whole rank and honor system, you get where you get by sheer will and experience, but you never stop going. But unlike most Orcs he knew of marriage and while the idea was strange at first when he and Scorn decided to get married, it turned out to be one of the best decisions of his life.

Having someone by your side through every wave and tribulation of life was a far stronger feeling or connection than a “For the Horde” mentality that both Orcs and Dark Elves share. He looked at Galmied who reached out and pulled Sabin close to him holding her hand with his own then simply pointed to them.
“This.” He said simply.

The Snow Elf quirked his eyebrow then looked at Sabin kissing her head.
“Seems like a good start.”

Dire nodded scratching his chin.
“Yes it is, but that isn’t all of it. Once you declare each other husband and wife you must forego childishness like what I saw tonight. You will fight and often you will say and do things you regret, but remaining united in marriage means you forgive and forget. You are the only ones with which your partner can fully rely on. In the human world you’d need a Priest to wed you together and make it official in the eyes of whatever government you go through. But being as your Elves, you’ll likely need to go into Avelar to be official.”

Galmied frowned a little.
“I’ve a bounty on my head back in Avelar.”

“And my people hardly recognize rules set by others… No… I don’t think this will be necessary… however… your words about what you said… regarding the fighting and still forgiving… it feels like it is something natural, like…”, Sabin smiled as she looked at Galmied, “It feels like we already are married, aren’t we?”, Sabin kissed his hands, “How about an oath, with a witness or two, with the names of the gods, I can swear in the name of the twins”.

Galmied nodded smiling with her.
“Ay I guess we kind of are, aren’t we. And an oath would be good, we’d also need to exchange rings. Where would we go, just oaths between us won’t seem special enough?”

Dire crouched down studying the Elves faces.
“I know of a place, but there is one issue. Galmied is still a slave by the Laws of Avelar. From what you two told me before, the High Elf didn’t actually release him from his bondage. And until then, Galmied can still be captured and forced back into slavery. You’ll need something official to completely free him from slavery.”

“What do you mean?”, Sabin was still unused to the idea of taking someone’s freedom by decrit of law, “Isn’t he free just because he is?”

Dire shook his head and Galmied sighed deeply remembering the laws he so wished to forget.
“No, by law he is still Denika’s property. And you technically stole him, but there is a place to the north of Avelar. Where you can make it official.”

Galmied smiled nodding at Sabin.
“Novigard, it’s nearly a three month journey from here. But the Ice Queen doesn’t abide by the Laws of Avelar. And I’ve heard of them marrying slaves to others.”

“I abide by no law either”, Sabin said nodding at both of them, “But if it is a test to prove my resolve, let it be so”, She smiled.

01-28-2018, 11:48 PM
The old Orc nodded standing back up and looking at the moon for a time frame. It was late and he could hear little Guk-Guk mumbling something fearfully in her sleep.
"The poor child." He sighed before looking at the Elves. "Come it's time we sleep." With that he nodded to them both and went back into the Brickheart's guestroom. He would share the one bed with Guk-Guk and let the newly bethrothed Elves have the other. Galmied let out a deep sigh and rolled his shoulders loosely as if a huge weight has finally been lifted from them. Taking Sabin's hand he led her to bed stopping just before the door to kiss her deeply for a few seconds before entering to the sound of both Guk-Guk and Dire snoring quietly.

The midnight sky glowed with stars and a dull moon veiled with clouds. Three mists of darkness slithered through the now completly vacant streets of Excelsior. Moving with unnatural speed and inteligence they wormed their way along forgotten avenues and across opulant bulevards towards the oldest parts of the city. Among rising hills and grand terraces the snakelike appiritions converge on a partially burnt villa with the worn emblem of a snake consumming fire upon the freestanding gate the supports and wall long since destroyed by the same tremendous fire that destroyed much of the rest of the estate. Only the main house at the center of the overgrown courtyard was still standing though it still showed major signs of scorching and structual damage.

The mists only pause a moment before the gate as if to show respect at the ghostly visasge of the fiery snake before they swirled past the gate and into the husk of the main house. Once they were in the safety of the shadowy interior the mists reformed into the Vampires that had assaulted Galmied and Dire. Fear contorted their usually porecilin like faces. It was time to report the results of tonight's raids, while they had some success recruiting more blood bags and they managed to wipe out another small coven of Vampires, the apperance of Gideon and the subsiquint destruction of Histia would likely take away any praise they might get from their Master. Histia was always Malichai's favorite bedmate.

With a deep sigh the woman with blonde hair opened the hidden door behind the black charred statue of the Night Angel and mounted the steps leading deep beneath the ruins of the villa. This was the only entrance to the Night Angel Coven of Vampires ruled over by Malichi Pyrsevious. And the three women were sure it would be the final resting place for one of them tonight.

02-02-2018, 11:30 PM
He stood like a solid rock, and the only thing to move within the chamber was his own shadow, which was reflected by the fireplace light.

“Gideon”, his voice was low and very frightening. It seems that even undead creatures such as the three youth blood drinkers could feel terror around him.

He started to pace back and forth, the shadow following him, multiplying his form around the room, “Why now, are you appearing brother?… helping mortals… Destroying our kin”, he looked at the frightened children, “You!”, he pointed at one of the woman, “You take her place tonight”.

“Of course, sir!”, she bent, her whole body shaking.

“Very well… bring me something to drink…”

A child was thrown into the room and Malachi began to feed only when the three were out of the room. He liked to present his rage in a very clean manner, so that those that saw it never lived to see the day. He actually liked that human whelp he was feeding on. He was a good slave, and usually Malachi was careful not to drink too much of him, but today he was furious.

When he was done, he turned to sit behind his desk, “We will need to take action directly, it seems… Maybe those new visitors can lead me to you, Gideon…”.

Blood dripped from the child’s neck softly to the ground.

Plup, plup, plup

Plup, plup, plup

Guk-Guk couldn’t stop crying as more of her blood was dripping to the floor. She screamed and cried behind the closed room of the bathroom, but kept it locked, even when Dire kept knocking.

“She screams a little louder than what you did just now”, grinned the blue elf.

“Very funny”, Sabin looked at Galmied with loving eyes, before she playfully pushed her hand into his face.

Dire grunted.

“She won’t come out?”

“Nope”, Dire said again.

Sabin giggled, she could have swore that even the way he spoke sounded like grunting. Anyway, she had some idea to what was the issue, “Didn’t expect it to happen here”, she smiled, “I know it’s still too early, but I’m sure Daryl and his family are up from all that noise, can any of you call Tarina please?”

Sabin then looked at them and marked the two men to leave her alone. Once they were away, she carefully knocked on the door, “Guk-Guk, I am the only one here, may I please come in?”

The door was slowly opened and the dark elf walked inside.


“This complicated”, The young goblin girl was crossing her hands over her chest, protesting over her situation.

“But it happens to all women, sweetie”, said Tarina, “You know my little girl Mary? She will go through it too, once she is your age”.

“You bleed too, Sabbi?”

“Yes”, Sabin answered, only that now she seemed to frown a little. She was due, and yet did not experience any of the monthly symptoms yet… Which was a bit weird… She was very careful with protection but… could she have slipped somewhere… no…. That can’t be it… She was probably only a little late...

“Why we bleed?”, Guk-Guk said angrily.

“So we can bring children to this world. The blood shows that we are more or less ready to carry a children”

“Guk-Guk have children?!!”, Guk-Guk looked surprise

“No, no”, said Tarina, “It just the body’s way to show us that we are ready. We still need an additional thing to happen for us to give birth”

“Like what?”, asked the goblin, looking curious.

“Well, you see… when two couples love each other very much, they can give birth”. Tarina said, “The process can hurt a little but-!”

Sabin stopped her from speaking further. She looked at Guk-Guk considering what to say next. The girl had experienced horrible things in her life, including rape. For a child this young to know that the frightening process was actually something good, will probably require her to be more mature.

But Sabin know that Guk-Guk was very clever. There was no point in hiding it too much, so she decided to allude to the subject.

“Guk-Guk”, Sabin bent beside the girl, “The process require female and male, and it doesn’t always work, but it’s something that should be done while in loving and working relationship, you understand yes?”

Guk-Guk nodded, “Like you and uncle Gal?”

Sabin blushed, “Well.. it… hmm”, Sabin giggled, “Well… at some point… maybe… I guess”, she found herself without words but she quickly pulled herself together, “There is still time for you, anyway, my dear Guk-Guk, so don’t worry”, Sabin hugged her, “It means that you are now becoming an adult”.

Tarina smiled, “Hygiene is also important. During the monthly bleeding, you need to take an even better care of your baths and replace your dressing and getting it ready like I showed you”.

“Every month!?”, the girl looked so worried and both Tarina and Sabin laughed, “I tell you what, since you were such a good girl, how about we go today and buy you some new clothes!”

“Yay!”, Guk-Guk cheered but Tarina’s face showed worry.

“I don’t think it will be a good idea”, said the blond woman, “Having her walking about in this condition, might be a bit too risky, considering those vampires are still lurking”.

“You may have a point”, said Sabin, “I tell you what, I’ll buy you some things, including sweet, and you’ll have a surprise once I’m back”.

“Bummer”, Guk-Guk pouted.

“Don’t be sad”, Sabin petted her cheeks, “We can ask uncle Daryl to show you around the blacksmith… you can show him some of your skills!”

“WHAT!”, Tarina cried.

The idea of having a child by the burning coals was unthinkable. It took Sabin a long while to explain the woman that Guk-Guk had a skill and that she wanted the dwarf to show her what she was capable to do. The dwarf was easier to be convinced and to open up to the idea.

Once it was settled, Sabin started to get ready to head for the local market to get few supplies and clothes for Guk-Guk.

02-07-2018, 01:26 AM
As Sabin left Galmied exited behind her, but elected to go deeper into the city. He needed to find a Hall of Records and see if the Humans have any information on Novigard and the Ice Queen especially since she's the sister of King Dova. Dire confronted with his new Granddaughter bleeding for the first time was keeping an eye on her and helped Daryl around his forge.

The marketplace of Excelsior is considered by some to be a wonder of the civilized world and besides Malairt, is one of the biggest market places in the land. Wares from every corner of Eisignol with every race and nation represented. Fire belching forges refining and creating fine Dwarven weapons and armor, the gentle glow of magic staffs besides the soft boiling of Alchemical Labs manned by keen eyed Elves, glistening jewels and beautifully created baubles directly from Ophier. The list goes on, but an unexpected encounter would take Sabin's eyes from the merchandises.

Walking down the opposite direction was Orfiel, he was carrying a basket of alchemy ingredients and potions, his eyes looking over the weapons of the Dwarfs as he walked. He only noticed her from the corner of his eye before walking full into her. His arms quickly dropped the basket and looped around the Dark Elf's waist his eyes locking with hers. He cleared his throat awkwardly.
"Hello Sabin.

02-07-2018, 09:21 PM
Sabin moved across the stalls, already carrying much of the needed gears she wanted Dire and Galmied to have, including for extra outfits for them. It was good they were more or less the same size- as they were both very tall and well built. She also pick few more hair ribbons for the snow elf who seemed to be very fond of making small braids in his lovely hair.

For herself, she found few outfits she was willing to try here and there, if the situation would allow it. She basically always wore her gears, so she wondered how practical those dresses will be, but she figured she needed more fabric to sew some of her battle outfit, and she got that too.

She found a lot of cute outfits and night cloths for Guk-Guk. She chose them carefully, things that will highlight her eyes and skin color. Even though she was young, Guk-Guk was very lovely and Sabin wanted to make sure she dressed more fitting for a lady. She did make sure the clothes were comfortable to fight or run in them, as it would seem more practical for the goblin girl who was extremely hyper.

She stumbled upon a small stall with baby clothing and for some reason found herself lingering there. Guk-Guk was already a big girl, and she basically treated her as her own kid, but seeing the tiny outfits was very appealing to Sabin. She smiled as she gently rubbed her belly. She hadn't forgotten the whole experience she just had with Guk-Guk in the morning and how she recalled she was due.

If she was to be with a child... Will it be so bad?

The idea itself was terrifying. To settle down, to give birth... But... with Galmied... Things always looked more... possible... and true...

What was it about that man that made her feel so less troubled... like she was exactly where she needed to be...

She placed the small outfit and while she did so, she noticed few stuffed animals. All of which were adorable, but one object which grabbed her attention was a small blue duckling. For some reason, it remained her of Galmied. Their skin color matched and the duck had the same sad happy expression the snow elf used to make every now and then. She nuzzled the thing, noticing how soft the fur of it was.

She was more than willing to pay and found herself extremely happy with it. It was silly. He was probably going to laugh at her, but she just simply wanted to give it to him. as she was about to leave, she felt something...

A man was there. His scent alluring...

And familiar...

She swallowed, feeling how weakly her body trembled with excitement and fear



Flashback 1

She moved her gentle fingers over his body, tracing every muscle, veins, curves... She admired the fact how handsomely this human was shaped.

Even though her smile was still upon her face, she was very unsettled. She knew this was probably their last night together, and wanted to make the most of it, graving even his fragrance into her memory.

She felt his hand raising to pet her, as he moved a little below her, "What's wrong?", he asked and she placed the back of his palm against her cheek, "Nothing", she smiled, joyfully sitting over him, with her legs bent and crossed around his hips.

He returned half a smile, "C'mon Sabin...", he said, "I know something's bothering you".

She swallowed. It took him so long to finally call her by her first name, and she knew that meant he grew very attached to her. He could feel her, and sense her emotions like no man before him could. She was sure no one else will be able to connect with her on the same level he did. She cared about him so deeply too.


"I need to go back tomorrow", she kissed his hand, "It may be some time before we meet again..."

If at all...

He chuckled under her.

"What's so funny?", she asked, looking surprised, her silver eyes gazing with a strange expression.

He lifted his hands to bring her head closer so he could kiss her, and she passionately reacted back to the kiss.

He seemed to take the situation well. Good. It was better to end like that and not-

"I'm coming with you", his eyes shone in the dark.

"W-what?", she asked, almost in disbelief.

"Yes. I already spoke to the church's father. He will find a good man to replace me and-"

"What?", she got up from him and turned to sit beside him. He also leaned on his hands as he arched up to meet her eyes, "Do you even understand what you're saying?"

"Yes", he picked her hands in both of his hands and kissed her, "I'm coming with you"

"You are going to drop everything behind? your life? your order? your friends?", she hesitated a little when she said friends, when the only real person she could think about being close to him was Jophiel and she was clearly interested in being FAR more than friends.

"Yes", he answered without hesitation.

Sabin lowered her gaze, "I don't know what to make of this". She really didn't. He spoke so much of his order and was willing to die for what he believed. To just get up and leave everything for the sake of a woman seemed to unreal.

And what about her feelings for him? was she even sure of him being with her? will she be able to provide much for him while in mission for her clan? and besides, she will outlive him for sure... Not to mention she never got too close to anyone like this before... Giving her body was easy, but her heart was a whole different matter...

He kissed her, and even though she kissed him back, he could feel she was not fully with him, "There is some time until dawn and you don't need to go anywhere so soon, right?", he smiled, "we will speak more in the morning, okay?".

She opened her mouth few times but no words came out of them. After a long while of silence she nodded. What else would she do. He smiled as he tapped on the bed, urging her to life down beside him. Once she did he opened his arms and she squeezed herself between them as he hugged her. While he was soon to be fast asleep, she was still left with her eyes open. Even the wild sex they just had was not enough to tire her. She was worried and terrified. Before long she set on the bed, watching how his hands fell from her to the sides. From the edges of the window she saw the moon and she took a deep breath and sighed.

She had that strange feeling... The one which told her she had to leave here and fast. Her heart beat like crazy knowing what the meaning of it would be. Tears fell from her eyes, she felt herself going numb. She wanted to stay there so badly, but at the same time knew she couldn't. She had to go and get away from this man's life as quickly as possible.

Like a sharp blade, fast and quick... it will hurt at first... but it will heal.

There was no need for further words... she didn't know what to say to him anyway.

Her heart ached but she just couldn't have brought herself to stay there, and before long she was dressed and outside the window... running.


Flash back 2

" Gideon, get out!", Sabin called as she stood by the gate's bars and waited for the vampire to be on his legs.

"My dear beautiful Sabin", he bowed to her, "Really, it's fine here. The stench is almost bearable. Not to worry, I'm sure everything will be clear once there are more evidences that I'm not at fault and-!"

"Not going to happen, Gid", She shook her head, "Plus I'm afraid... that you need to leave now... I can no longer protect you and well... I don't think Orfiel will spare you soon..."

Gideon shook his head, "Did you break his heart or something? How bad was it?"

"Well... I'm not sure..."

"You just left then?", he nodded, "Shame really, you two did look good together. I was almost willing to give up on you altogether. Of course, he would die eventually and I will have my chance and-!"

"Would you please just leave? we don't have much time..."

"Heavens no!", the vampire looked shocked, "I'm a wanted criminal here. I cannot just go and leave. They won't leave my hide alone"

"Would you rather stay here?"

"Of course not", the vampire nodded, "However, we can't just leave either... I have an idea then... We fake my death... I already have the means for it. Just replace one of the bodies that were found dead and place a silver goblet. They will make one and one and figured it was either mistake or one of the guards fault that I got a silver poisoning. Either way, I'm sure they will be happy to have one less "blood sucker" around, guilty, or not"

"You do have a point... Let's just get it on quickly then... I want to be out of here in a hour"

"As you wish"


Seeing him made Sabin drop her hands to her side. She was still clutching upon the stuffed animal, but she dropped everything else that she was holding. She felt how her heart was having an inner battle with her mind. She had to push him away or walk away from him... With her luck Galmied may just appear around the corner and deduce the wrong conclusion again... but at the same time...

How much she missed him...

She simple stared... unable to tear her eyes from him...

02-08-2018, 12:51 AM
As he stood there his arms around Sabin all the old memories and pains came flooding back. Even after five years it was still like a slow bleeding wound. He noticed some of things she had bought and he made a mental note about the child's clothes and toys. Were these all for the little Goblin girl she and her party had with them?

He couldn't guess, and thinking about it made his heart ache all the more. He released the woman and crouched down to help her pick up her items then picked up his own. He'd thought through this scenario dozens of times, what he would do should he ever see Sabin again. Sometimes he thought about being angry, others he thought about just taking her in his arms and hugging her close, and others still he thought about forgiving her and professing his love to any and all around him. Most of the time though he simply walked away. But now as she stood before him clutching a fuzzy little blue duck toy he was speechless and frozen in place.

They stood for a few seconds, but soon the shout of a merchant barking at them for blocking his stand brought the Priest's voice back.
"You look hungry, come before some rough old Dwarf decides to test out the strength of his hammer on our skulls for blocking his stall." He didn't know why he was asking her to lunch, but it was the first thing that came to mind. He moved past the Elf and nodded towards a side street branching off from the bustling market. "I know a place that makes a good sandwich."

02-09-2018, 03:00 PM
Sabin's expression showed sadness. She still looked around to see if anyone was there watching. Maybe some part of her hoped for Galmied or even Jophiel will show up, and by so she will have an excuse to avoid him, because right now, even if she was hungry she wouldn't be able eat anything.

And no one came from any direction and she simply stared at the stall. It looked exposed enough, where they would not be too much alone, and the idea seemed less troublesome.

"Very well", she nodded with a smile as she gathered her things, while holding the ducklings in her palms. She put the bags in both her arms, as if hoping that they would turn into shields that will protect her.

As she walked beside him she felt how little by little she was dying inside and with a good reason. She knew she hurt him, and right now by being beside him, she knew she was risking hurting Galmied again. But she felt she owned Orfiel at least this... and she was actually happy inside he asked her to join him, trying to stuff all the emotions and feelings she had for him as she inhaled his scent and from time to time peeked at his handsome face.

After all, he was the first man in her long life who have taught her what it is to actually love someone.

And the same man she was terrified to get close too... The man she turned down... the man who was no longer hers... And the man who threaten everything she hoped to have with the new man in her life...

02-10-2018, 10:56 PM
Orfiel led the way doing his best to keep his head from doing flips within itself. Jophiel was out in the outskirt of Excelsior doing some minor monster hunting work for a farm, so he wasn’t worried about her showing up. But Sabin’s big blue friend from the other night might show up, then...he wasn’t sure what would happen then. He looked like a fighter, but the way he just slinked off like a dog when he saw the looks between him and Sabin.

What kind of man did that? The Priest wasn’t sure, but the two of them looked very similar. The monster hunter shook his head and placed his things down by a table closest to the cooking pit.
“This will do, what do you wish to eat? They can cook just about anything if you ask.”

“Anything?”, Sabin seemed surprised, “In that case I’d love some dough filled with Chicken pieces and rice”, she nodded. She was so surprise the words just came out of her mouth, even though now she felt terrible for having anything to eat near him.

Orfiel gave her a gentle smile then went to the counter to get their food. He ate the same thing every time he came here. A sliced beef and cheese sandwich, simple meal for a simple man as Jophiel loved saying. He placed the order then he was handed a small bit of parchment with the number ten on it, that was their order number. It would be a couple of minutes before their food would be ready so he began walking back to the table. As he looked over at Sabin in the afternoon light he couldn’t help but note how much she looked like Jophiel again. Fate works in curious ways. He took his seat and gave the Dark Elf another smile.
“So...how have you been? I’m sure you’ve done a lot in...five...years.” His voice faltered some the longer he spoke, but he wasn’t going to stop now.

“It sure been a while, hasn’t it?”, Sabin sighed. Will she really just fill him up with everything that has been going on up till this point? For some reason whenever faced against him, she couldn’t help but just talk out her heart, “There been an uprise of a local dark elven tribe. They always were in the background, but it seems they have been growing bold lately. My mother was one of the recent clan leaders to be killed”, she looked up to him, her eyes never averting, “You don’t need to worry, I am handling this”, she smiled.

It was weird. His smile was so gentle, that for a moment she recalled of Galmied and tighten her hold on the stuffed animal, “Congratulations are in order I assume?”, she nodded at the ring on his finger, “I’m happy for you”, she smiled, even though her heart felt as heavy as a stone in a dark endless abyss.

Big O frowned slightly hearing about the death of Sabin’s mother. He knew they were very close, closer than most Dark Elves he noticed. Especially considering how many siblings she told him she had. “I’m sorry to hear about your mother. I know you were close to her.” He wasn’t sure if talking about his engagement with Jophiel would be proper table talk right now. But the mentioning of the rogue Dark Elf clan brought a useful memory to mind. “I’ve heard about the uprising though. Some of my brothers in the Order were bringing news back about some male Dark Elf wearing the cloak of the New Moons clan hunting for artifacts around Ebonrock province near the Shimmering Peaks.”

“Is that so?”, She considered his words carefully. It sure sounded like a good lead. Or more to say a lead for she didn’t have one to begin with, “Yes, that’s what they called themselves too. If you know them by name, I guess they already making their move obvious. Tell me, what have they been doing? What kind of activities are they involve in? Are there only dark ones involved, or maybe other races?”

At that point the food was carried over to the table and it smelled delicious. Sabin was happy for the conversation to not taking a heavy direction, which allowed her to actually enjoy the bites she took.

Orfiel paid for their food and grabbed a napkin thinking back on what his brothers told him.
“Well most of the reports I’ve heard are about a single individual. A male of healthy size,dark purple skin, and silver eyes, going by the name Sable. Most of the activities seem to be mostly him hunting for information on some kind of ancient jewel.” He picked up his sandwich and took a bite of it.

“A Jewel… Why would they-!”, Sabin thought for a moment. Most of the Dark Elves hardly dabbled in magic. They were very practical and prefer the rogue style rather than the magical aspects of fighting. But legends has it that in truth dark elves harbored a very strong magical power within them, that most of them never even bothered to mess with and hardly anyone practiced it. She was aware many of the other elves, like the high ones, made use of magic as way of life, but still, magic was still very far away from her own. Jewel sounded like a mean of stirring something dark, “Maybe they do dark magic? But still, one Jewel… what do they hope to gain with such item?”

Orfiel shrugged wiping his mouth.
“I don’t know and neither did any of my brothers. These New Moons are extremely secretive even by Dark Elf standards according to them. And this Sable man seems to know when he’s being followed as if by magic and he’s killed many of the people he got the information from so everything we at the Order of the Mountain hear are by second or thirdhand witnesses.” He took another bite of his food.

“Hmm… I find his name interesting… While most of us speak the same dialect, there is distinguish sounds of the words in our name… Whoever he is from, he is probably from the clans surrounding the areas, or maybe he just adopted a similar name? I would suspect that he was not one of the Molad tribe, or as you call them, “the new moon” tribe. Maybe he is an exiled member… He sounds like trouble, though”, Sabin picked more food with the fork and knife she was using and bite gracefully. She waited until she swallowed before she continued to speak, “I do wonder how they found out about this clan or about this man…”

Orfiel chuckled.
“Well Sable couldn’t kill every witness, and the Order of the Mountain have abbys and hermitage’s all across the Human lands. We work as monster hunters and sometimes Sheriffs for the smaller towns and villages, so people come and report odd happenings to us all the time.” He took another bite of his food chewing slowly and swallowing. “Luckily none of us have had to cross blades with either him or the Molad Tribe. I do have one question though, how common are silver eyes and dark royal purple skin among Dark Elves?”

Sabin was about to place the fork in her mouth when she stopped and stared at him, “Come again?”, she asked, “Dark royal purple skin color?”, she placed the fork down and stared at her arms, she showed them to him and then pointed at her eyes, “You mean like my skin and eye color?”, she asked, somewhat surprised and worried.

Orfiel noted the sudden change in Sabin’s voice and demeanor his eye quirking a little. He doesn’t recall ever seeing her like this, that was unsettling. “Yes, almost exactly, though the few times he was seen without his mask his skin was a little darker than yours. Do you know him?”

“I’m… not sure…”, she placed her hands on her legs as she looked at him, “Every tribe of Dark Elves is different. Be it the culture, the social system, practice and approach to magic… some inks on the face or skin… but the most obvious feature of each tribe is the color of our skin. Even though we shy not from marrying between each and every clan, or sending off our daughters in hope of becoming mothers for others, we do have particular features about us, that help us tell our origin. My skin color is connected with the twin moons, Qumran. There are no second guesses about it. Whoever this man is, he is clearly from my tribe… But hearing about silver eyes… it’s unsettling…”, she considered her words carefully, “While it is not a sign of royal blood, the silver eyes will often appear within the children of matriarch. I don’t wish to jump to conclusions just yet, but that man, might be one of my many siblings… And he is obviously using a fake name...”

Orfiel’s brow darkened and he placed his food down forgetting it momentarily. This was troubling indeed, Sabin herself was a skilled Assassin and many of her siblings were trained the same. And if this...Sable was using magic that could spell a great deal of trouble. “What is this New Moon Tribe after that they’d need to hire someone from your clan to do wet work for them?”

“I don’t know… From the little I know, Mother was encouraged by them to join arms. They extended their offer to most of the clans. The strong ones anyway. Directly to the leaders, offering them a place in the new order. By this point Mother was already terribly sick, but even if she was at her prime she would have ignored them. And why not? We are strong and capable and the New Moon tribe has been spitting such words for ages. But apparently they have been working in the background for some time now. While some rumors about other leaders dying flew around, they were all hushed. We are a very loving community, but from time to time, we have one clan forcing another to join them. We can’t afford to show any sign of weakness, even though, we are openly offering aids and daughters to breed. My mother was sick, and her death was painless. I knew she was poisoned, but the higher ups cover it well. They feared maybe… that if I know I’d do something stupid. I am one of the few that bear silver eyes, so obviously I had claims. But I simply took off and left. On her burial day… it had to be on that day, otherwise they would have caught me while trying to leave… Or maybe they just don’t care… as I’ve said, there are enough children to claim rights, so maybe I shouldn’t have run away in secret… But I was just so furious. She wanted a change… she was the first to speak about how much we need to change the way our system work- advance to something more pure and decent… to be honest… part of me suspected that her death was just what the Elders wanted… But I don’t know… I don’t think I’ll ever find out… I don’t plan on going back anytime soon, if at all…”, Sabin sighed, “I’m tired of that system. It brought only emptiness to me. It forced me to part with-!”, Sabin hushed down as she looked at him, and then looked away, “Anyway, my main goal is revenge. But I’ll be careful, so you don’t need to worry about anything. I won’t rush in like a mad woman, I’ll be sure to study whatever I can about them… Besides as of right now, I don’t even know where to start, so I’m still searching for clues”.

Oriflel glanced over the near slip-up. He had suspicions about why she left him the way she did, he figured her Clan’s ways were part of it. But it was a subject he was sure neither of them wanted to touch upon. He continued recalling what his comrades had told him.
“Well aside from what I’ve already told you, all I’ve heard is his most recent whereabouts from about a week ago. He was last seen lurking around Ophier likely headed towards T'saroth, I have no idea where that town of devils is, but if you’re in the market for anything rare and powerful that’s where you would need to go.”

“Why there?”, Sabin tilted her head, “Forgive me, I’m not very familiar with the area, what’s exactly is there that brings people looking to find rare objects?”

Orfiel smiled lightly at her naivete, painfully remembering how cute it always was to him.
“Well, T'saroth is to bandits, killers, and thieves what Excelsior is to the rest of us. It’s home to the biggest Black Market in Eisignol. They deal in artifacts, rare and dangerous alchemy ingredients and… flesh be it prostitutes or slaves.” He picked up his sandwich again and finished eating it before it got cold.

“Hmm”, Sabin said as she finished her own meal, carefully thinking of all the details Orfiel had gave her, “I think I will head there”, she nodded, “Thank you”, while she was still munching she looked up to him, “Say… what is it with all of the vampires around lately? Back then…”, she bite her lips but quickly regain her senses, “I thought we took care of the only one here… where have all the others been hiding? Why are they here? Since when?”

Orfiel wiped his mouth again shrugging sadly.
“I don’t know Sabin. It’s only been in the past year they’ve resurfaced. I’ve sent word to some of my brothers and sisters to send aid, but there’s trouble in the south and traveling is problematic. So for now it’s just myself and Jophiel following breadcrumbs.” He steeped his fingers before him rubbing the bridge of his nose slightly.

“It can’t be just the two of you! There were others in the church!”, Sabin said suddenly, “Where is the rest of your squad? Where are the rest of the Father’s men?”

Orfiel smiled sadly looking at his scarred hands.
“They were the first ones targeted by the Vampires, it’s just me and Jophy for hunters. The rest of our group are Healers and Scribes. And neither of us have the time to train any of the civilian congregation or guards into Vampire Hunters.”

“That’s horrible. You can’t do this alone…”, Sabin opened her mouth few times, “There must be something we can do?”

Big O smiled shaking his head standing up and looking up at the sky to gauge the time.
“Not unless you know where the Coven is, besides you have a...family now.” The smile left his eyes even though it stayed on his face. “That little girl is very cute by the way.” He helped Sabin with her things then picked up his own kissing her fondly on the cheek. “It was nice seeing you again Sabin. Take care and tell your two big friends to leave the Vampire fighting to me and Jophiel.” He gave her a sad smile in farewell then began to move back into the bustling sea of the market again.

“Orfiel!”, she called after him, “I just want to say it straight out. I am sorry. I am truly and honestly sorry. There is not a single day, I go without thinking of that night, and not a single morning where I wonder what if…

Even though I know it was for the best, I never meant to end things like I did. Part of me thinks that if I was a bit wiser… more mature… more ready… more willing... then maybe… maybe things… things would have gone differently… But that is the past. The hurtful past that I will always carry like a brand. But… at least now, today, I don’t plan to leave you all alone on this”, She folded her arms around her chest, “Not again anyway”.

She looked ahead-- at him. One of the things that irked her most was that he was always deciding things ahead without fully consulting her, or giving her enough time to think. Not when he thought to just up and leave his order which scared the crap out of her, because …. It just did. Relationships were already complicated as they were for her, and if he gave her a better time table she might have handled him differently. But that certainly wasn’t the first time he did it. Like when he was unwilling to hear of a possibility of a good vampire.

And now… deciding for her again.

“I want to help you. Either you think of some idea now, or I will find it out for you, there are many lives at stake here, and not just the pride of two former lovers”, the word former was somewhat hurtful… mainly when she looked at him she sure still felt burning coils in her heart, “That little goblin girl is under my care. I’m sure her mother would have been proud, and from all that I’ve learned I want to make sure our Dwarven host lives to see her training complete. So… either you walk out of here now… which I don’t blame you for… Or you will follow me, after you get Jophiel, and we plan this together… with everyone back at the hut.”

Each word was like a dagger in his heart, he really hoped she’d just let him go without more trouble. But she’s always been a stubborn woman, prone to taking things too seriously and thinking too deeply into things. Shaking his head slowly he turned to her his keen gentle eyes looking directly into her own.
“So hopeful Sabin always so hopeful, you want to help and I know I can’t actually stop you. But plans don’t just appear because you really want them too.” He let out a sigh and shrugged his broad shoulders, this wasn’t going to be easy to explain back at the Church or to Jophiel. “I can see you’re set on this, but Jophiel won’t be back until after dark. And I doubt Master Brickheart wants talk of killing and vampire hunting around his young family. Bring the Orc and...Snow Elf to the Church of the Mountain Father near the King’s district at the center of the city. Father Mikeil may be too old to go hunting, but he’s one of the most experienced and knowledgeable of Vampires in our Order. He’ll be essential in whatever plans we come up with. Good-bye Sabin.” He stepped into the crowd and was gone from Sabin’s sight and voice.

“Goodbye, Orfiel”, Sabin sighed and added in silent, “My love…”

02-17-2018, 11:31 PM
While Sabin and Orfiel had their lunch date Galmied was keenly honed in on his own mission, he’d never been in Excelsior and could count the times he’s even been in the Dominion on the fingers of one hand. Most of his owners were Elves, but the few humans he was owned by lived on the borders between the two nations. He was lost for a good chunk of time and the looks he got being a fully armored Snow Elf roaming the streets like a lost dog were increasing by the mile.

Eventually he had to take a seat and rest somewhere. He was glad he was only carrying his claymore, the bow and arrows would’ve been like an extra hundred pounds to him. He needed to get his endurance back up, too many years being a soft and squishy pleasure slave. He was kept in a fit enough shape to not look flabby, but compared to how he looked in his youth you’d hardly recognize him. But his owners liked their men softer than a real warrior would be, once he had caught his breath he rubbed his chin and looked around for someone who might know where in the Wild Hunt, the Hall of Records was in this gaudy town.

Soon he saw a pair of larger than normal humans manning a brick and mortar toy store by the looks of it. Not something he really expected this far from the main marketplace, but the man was working a carpenter’s bench outside whistling a happy tune and the woman was singing softly as she swept up the wood shavings into a refuse pile. No one else looked willing to talk with him so with a shake of his hands he made his way to the big humans. The woman was the first to notice him. She spoke with an accent Galmied had never heard before. It was deeper than you’d expect from a woman and her words sounded a little blocky, but also with unmistakable cheer behind them.
“Hey look here ektemann. A giant Aelfir comin’ ta see our shop!” The woman waved her hand wildly at Galmied, a broad smile on her face. He had no idea what Aelfir meant, but he assumed it was something like Elf so he waved back. And it was nigh impossible not to notice how much the woman’s very pronounced chest bounced and swayed as she waved, even in her armored chestplate. She seemed to see it and gave Galmied a sultry wink pushing her chest out to tease him some.

It was about at this time the big man joined her not missing Galmied’s line of sight nor his wife’s teasing. But much to the Elf’s surprise he good naturedly spanked the woman on her rump and spun her around giving her a light shove into the shop. “Go make yerself decent kone, we cannae afford ye makin’ the man taa embarrassed ta speak.” The woman let out a soft yip then giggled and went into the shop to grab something to wear. He shook his head chuckling then met Galmied at the curb offering him his hand. “I apologize for my wife, usually Agneta is as demure as a maiden, but ye know women, sometimes they just hafta cause mischief. Name’s Bertil Yulelaird welcome ta Sjerdthaun Leker, or Heartland Toys in the common tongue.” Galmied was so amused by the man’s very unhuman like kindness and warmth to an armed Elf, that he could only chuckle and take the man’s hand not even thinking about the immense strength of the carpenter’s grip which like his kindness was something very unhuman like. “No problem Master Yulelaird, name’s Galmied, an’ ay lasses can be quite mischievous. I actually need directions if ye can help me? I’m lookin’ for the city’s Hall of Records.” He released the handshake and looked up as Agneta returned wearing a long sleeveless coat of rich green and gold. While it did cover much of her she left it mostly unfastened still exposing her remarkably taut stomach and armored chest. And before her husband could answer she spoke up. “Ja, we know it, we’ve been in Excelsior since before King Argyle took the throne from his fither. We even helped ta repair it after an earthquake brought down two of the walls, but why would ye want ta spend anytime in such a dusty, gloomfilled place like the Hall of Records?”

Bertil rolled his eyes turning to Agenta chuckling. “I dinnae think that’s any of our business Aggie, but come on in son I have a map ye can use. It’s buried in the back somewhere, but feel free to browse our wares while I hunt it up.” He walked by his wife and picked her up around the waist carrying her inside before she could scare their customer off, the woman hooted and squirmed trying to get out of the big man’s grip. But she couldn’t so she thought of something cheeky to say instead. “Careful Berti you keep up this womanhandlin’ and I may have to manhandle ye some in return.” Bertil let out a deep belly laugh and threw his wife over his shoulder carrying her into the backroom.

The Snow Elf was laughing the entire time. Never had he met such fun people, Human or otherwise. He couldn’t believe they were real even after he felt Bertil’s handshake, but he trusted they wouldn’t keep him waiting too long so he began browsing the single room store. The store was filled from floor to ceiling with beautiful handmade toys. Tin toys, wooden ones, toys that had moveable arms and legs, he even saw a wall of stuffed animals, hand stitched and made with rich dyes and soft felt fabric. He was drawn to a particular purple bunny plushie, it reminded him of Sabin’s skin color and it was made with a kind of cute pouty lip with half closed obviously embarrassed eyes, a face he’s seen on Sabin a few times. He picked it up and ran his hand slowly along the soft almost real looking fur hugging it softly noticing how plush it really was. It was an exquisite bit of work and something he’d normally expect to find in the bedroom of some rich little girl not the wall of a wonderful but also very humble toy shop. He was still studying it when he felt the presence of the shopkeepers behind him. He turned and gave them a sheepish smile, a fully grown male Elf hugging a child’s toy, he was sure he looked quite the fool.

Agenta smiled trading him the map for the toy.
“Looks like we have a winner Berti! Ye got a daughter that likes wee bunnies? Follow me I’ll cash ye out.”

Galmied chuckled shaking his head still looking a little embarrassed.
“No, well nae really. I am lookin’ after a bonny wee Goblin girl, but that bunny reminds me of my fiance an’ I thought she might like it.”

Bertil chuckled thinking Galmied on the back as he passed. He then started walking with him to the back to store where the money box was kept.
“Dinnae look so ashamed son, we’ve had gray-haired old men come in here ta buy a silly wee toy for their wives of fifty plus years and have nea’re gotten a complaint nor had anythin’ returned. But might I recommend this for the bonny wee Goblin girl.” The toymaker picked up a small box with what looked like some kind of tiny buildings painted on the front. “Ye see lad, as I’m sure ye know Goblin children are quite clever by nature. They need somethin’ ta challenge their minds and give their hands somethin’ ta do or they get up to all kinds of trouble. These wee beauties come from the lovely mind of my wife, she calls them Tinker Toys. The box has wee bars, platforms, and balls inside. All magnetized ta stick together lettin’ the child build near anythin’ they can think of. Sadly they havenae been sellin’ great so how about we let ye have the map and Tinker Toys for free and ye just buy the bunny?”

Galmied smiled but shook his head.
“No, you’ve been kind enough I couldnae just take such wonderful things without payin’.”

Agneta giggled taking the tinker toys looking them over.
“Well how about ye pays us for the toys and keep the map, we’re no’ mapsellers after all and it’s no’ like we need it.”

The Snow Elf smiled nodding.
“Ay that sounds fair, how much?”

The woman flipped through a small book that was laying on top of the money box and quickly found the prices. She jotted a few numbers down on a receipt and handed it to Galmied. “Eight gold please.”
The Elf looked at the slip of paper and nodded. He was no expert in toys, but it seemed fair maybe even a little less than he would expect toys of such high quality to bring. He’d price them at least five or six gold apiece, but he pulled the requested coins out and placed them into the woman’s hand she beamed across at him and dropped the coins into the money box before locking it up and placing it back under the counter. Bertil handed Galmied a cloth bag and held it open for him as he put the toys carefully inside. The big man then tied the bag up with quick precise motion and dropped it into the Elf’s open hands.

He smiled just as broadly as his wife and nodded to Galmied.
“Thank ye for shoppin’ at Heartland Toys, do come back and if yer stayin’ in town for a few more days be sure ta bring the family in. But dinnae expect ta leave quickly, children love playin’ in the shop. And my wife likes showin’ the wee ones how she makes the tin toys.”

Agneta giggled punching her husband in the arm firmly.
“Dinnae be blamin’ me for that ya big ox! Yer just as bad!”

Galmied laughed heartily at the married couple’s antics as he walked out the front door.
“I will be sure to do that, have a good day my friends.” He tied the small bag to his belt and quickly unrolled the map. It was thankfully written in the common tongue with simple directions hand written in the margin. Apparently the toy shop was only four streets separated from the Hall of Records.The warrior quickly glanced up at the sky getting his direction then took off at an easy pace the encounter with the two jolly Humans playing over in his mind keeping his face creased in a wide smile.


Galmied could feel a shadow looming over him the minute he walked into the yard area, a place he spend the night talking with Sabin and Dire before, and the same location Daryl told him he will find the Dark Elf.

Apparently she had been there for some time. She put Guk-Guk to sleep long ago, but refused to sleep yet herself.

Soon enough he felt a pointed blade pointing at his back, “Galmied. If I were an enemy you’d be dead by now”, she said in a very cold voice.

That was not like her at all. From the little time they spent together, he learned how easy it was for her to open up while holding her blades. He turned around to face her carefully placing the packages he got aside.

She looked at him with her eyes glittering, almost sparkling, and the blade she used was the gift he gave her, the small dirk, her D’ror, bird of freedom.

Oh boy. It sure looked she had a lot to talk of, and to be honest, he was sure he was not going to be happy to find out what it was about.

“Undress please, and get ready”.

She was already in her underclothes, dressed to the minimum required. Every curve and muscles were highlighted and as desirable as she looked to him now, he couldn’t help feeling a little jealous. She was still in her prime, while he was still fighting shaking off the idea that he had grown soft, even though, it was probably his thoughts alone on the matter and the others will strongly disagree.

She did surprise him after all. Even though she was an assassin he should have felt her approaching, even a little. He was so much more in shape back in the days.

Once again she kissed the dirk and looked at it with loving eyes, before returning her gaze to him. He swallowed. He was beginning to recognize this look. It was her longing stare and he knew she saved that only to him. Yet her lips were closed- and without her usual smile. It only meant that she wanted to say something. Something she was not proud of.

He began to undress as he consider this. In the little time he spent with her, he was beginning to read her like an open book. As much as she tried to remain calm, she was very emotional. It was those small things, which, if studied accordingly will give her away to any enemy that knew her enough. That was probably the only thing to always maim her if she ever wanted to be true assassin.

Still, it was adorable regardless.

She took out her twin blades. He knew that they were made a very rare substances. Dragon bones and other rare elixirs and special crafting- A battle type that the Qumran developed specially under their banner name- the twin moons.

When he turned around he noticed that she hungirly stared at his body with a delicate smile, enjoying the show. When she noticed that he was aware, she returned to her cold expression, but her blushing line was still very visible.

“Arm yourself!”, she told him, “And get ready!”

The Snow Elf smiled at his Valkyrie placing his armor and most of his clothing on the ground. He stood there in a simple pair of long pants and barefeet. He wasn’t willing to prance around in his small clothes with children within close proximity. He wasn’t sure what kind of sparring Sabin wished for so he simply drew out his claymore and spun it around his hand a few times before going through a quick series of stretches almost like he was dancing with his long blade.

He completed the exercises and looked once again at his woman he put his long hair back into a warrior’s ponytail smiling. “You look lovely as always my valkyrie, so do forgive me if I pull my slashes a wee bit. I dinnae wish to injure you.” With that he gazed once more upon her fit nearly nude body. And charged, he may be out of shape, but he was fit enough to give her a challenge. He was a warrior and aside from being a pleasure slave for women, he was also often a warrior for their husbands or brothers. Very little brought out the lusts in his mistresses than seeing him coming into their room dirty and bloodied.

He had much longer strides and a greater reach than Sabin so his opening attack was a crouching upwards slash at her midsection.

She arched her back as she pulled her chin up, evading the incoming, her hair, covered by a large headkerchief was falling back, but not a single stride was loose. She then moved her hands under his blade, crossing hers and with a metal cling pushing him backward as her blade parted to the both sides of her body. Pushing her right leg behind, she gain some charge to jump at him, with her blades cross again, as she fell on him, pressing his big blade even further up to his head, as she kicked her legs into his guts, doing a small spin in the air. She landed some distance away, her blades at her side as she panted, staring at him like a mad tiger.

“Take me more seriously, please!”, her lips parted to a smile.

The warrior let out a pained grunt rubbing his abs slowly but he smiled nodding his head. “As you wish my love.” Shaking the pain off he began circling her slowly, letting the rust fall from his training days. It would probably be better if he had a smaller weapon especially against an assassin like Sabin.

But he saw his dirk on the floor, his training with it wasn’t quite as extensive as his claymore, but with it he could get in close and use his greater strength to possibly overpower the woman. This could be a fun night after all. He once again charged, but this time he slid across the floor casually slinging his longsword at Sabin’s feet before releasing it and grabbing his dirk from her pile of clothes on the floor. With it he quickly got to his feet and used the surprise of the sliding sword to get close to the woman slicing one of the straps of her bra before combat rolling out out range. He winked at her. “Let us begin Sabin.”

She smiled. She liked to see him in such a fun mood. She looked down and made a pouting expression, “I should have bought some more… I’m really found of this one too, bastard”, she grinned, “I won’t let you cut the other strap though”, she stuck out her tongue as she lifted her blades again.

“I do need to tell you something that you may not find to your liking”, she started to go around in a full circle, her posture bent as she studied his moves, almost like lioness, The piece of clothes on her hair was beginning to loosen up too, as some of dark locks swayed down her silver eyes, “Orfiel had invited me to lunch with him. Don’t worry, I made sure it was an open area location, and that we were not left alone. It was a casual catch up talk, which he initiated and I felt it was rude to refuse”, she jumped onward as she swung her blades for his shoulders.

Galmied was admittingly stunned at this sudden news and it allowed Sabin to knick his right shoulder before he could caught her momentum and spun them in a circle shoving the woman back letting him bounce back out of range himself. His first thoughts were apprehension and some jealousy. But as he watched the woman and noted the sensual look in her posture and remembering the love at which she looked at him before he quieted those worries playing it off, his more natural accent coming back as he grew to enjoy this sparring more.
“Hmm well that is true lass, we cannae show rudeness, to holy warriors. I had an interesting day miself. Have ye ever heard of Betil and Agneta Yulelaird?” He asked running perpendicular to the Dark Elf and springing off a bucket to try for a downward stab with the dirk.

It was Sabin’s turn to be surprised. She didn’t expect him to take the news so well. To the point she felt so good about being able to talk to him about everything without the fear of being reprimanded. She dodged the blade mere seconds before it reached her. Was the snow elf always this quick?

“I haven’t”, she said while spinning around his back to the other side, “Who are they?”, she pushed her blades gently over his arms in such a masterful manner they didn’t even cut on his skin, before parting them away and looking into his eyes.

Galmied quickly dodged away from any follow-up strike catching his breath he shrugged.
“I dinnae really know, they looked to be human. But they were huge and they talked in an accent I havenae heard before. They run a bonny wee toy store called um...Sjerdthaun Leker, or Heartland Toys in the common tongue. Now I know I’ve heard the word Sjerdthaun before, init that the name of the old continent far to the south?” He readied another low attack, he grabbed up some hay and threw it up at the woman’s face and tried to knick her thigh, but aimed high and actually cut the fabric of her panties some leaving a slice in the front band.

Sabin watched as the fabric flapped around her lower thighs, but acted as calm as she cold, “Hmm… Ice, huge and have accent… I can get behind that”, she smiled, “Oh wait we are talking about those couples, didn’t we?”, she chuckled as she picked her blades, while the fabric around her waist was slowly starting to give in, “I said, I will help Orfiel with the vampires… We must do something… I want your help in this…”, she nodded, “Also… What were you doing in a toy store?”, she jumped in at him, aiming one of her blades to his face, which he easily dodged, of course, she expected it, as the second blade landed closer to his lower area, slashing his pants like scissors, but not enough to make them drop off completely. She jumped back from him, looking at him with a smiling face, “I hope you do have spare shorts”

The man laughed skipping away looking at the slice in his crotch area the fabric ripping higher up with each step, it was a nice little breeze though. He flipped the dirk into and under hand position winking at her. “Hehe, you’ll need to beat me to learn that lass. Let’s change locations before we wake anyone up.” With that he smiled and quicker than such a large man should he scaled the wall around the Dwarf smith’s backyard and up the fire escape of a building.

“Hey there my orc, I’m faster than you!”, She winked at him, as she appeared right ahead of him, already making her way to the secret location they found out, which was the rooftop. She helped him climb up and pulled his arms to get him inside the window which led into the room.

Galmied laughed taking the chance to quickly slice the last strap of Sabin’s bra off and pull the garment away before getting back into a fighting stance skipping across the tile floor around a lit up bathing pool. “And we’re still sparring my valkyrie, be careful calling me an Orc though Dire might think yer talking about him. But why would ye need me to fight Vampires?” He asked keeping his eyes locked on hers, avoiding the desire to stare at her now bare chest.

“Because it will be the right thing to do”, she nodded as she kissed him, walking before him, fully aware that being exposed like that gave her some advantages, “Because helping the nice man who took us in and his family see through some more years to come without fear will be honorable. I want you to join me in on this… Not just you, Dire too. If Guk-Guk was older I would get her to join too. I’m asking you to approve because I promised you I woudln’’t do another reckless without your support, “She hugged him closely as she started to kiss his neck.“ While he seemed to lose himself in her act and the mood, she pulled his dirk from his hand (which was hers) and used it to slice up his pants from behind. She backed away, her chest swagging a little as she moved and heaved, her dirk held at a gunpoint, “you need be on guard too, love”

The Snow Elf laughed, she had him, but he wasn’t going to let her win without some more fun. He quickly grabbed her outstretched hand and pulled her to him pressing their chests together and quickly ripping the rest of her panties away biting her neck in desire. He pulled back licking the dark blue mark placing his hands firmly on her shapely rear. “Hmm I guess you win lassie, I’ll help if I can, but my experience with Vampire fightin’ is very small.” He brought his hands around to cup her breasts squeezing them fondly. “So what should my bonny wee winner get?”

“I am on top tonight!”, she winked as she pulled his hand and mark him to follow her. There in the corner they noticed a medium size barrel of water, enough to carry at least 4 people in. She dipped her fingers in, “Warm!”, she giggled as she looked at him, moving around him. Galmied was smart enough to realize what she had in store as she slowly started to unbuckle his pants, but before long she shoved him inside, water splashing as she turned around only to find her already climbing on top of him, “Let’s be silent”, she smiled as she started to move over him, enjoying his soft wet body under her.


“What’s this?”, he asked her. They both wrapped themselves in towels as they walked in silence to their room.

“A baby duckling”

“It’s blue”, Galmied gazed at the stuffed animal.

“I bought few more clothes for all of us and Guk-Guk and other necessary items, and this… just stared at me from the stall”, Sabin blushed, “It remind me of you”, she stared at him with loving eyes, “I want you to have it”

The big Elf chuckled quietly so as to not wake Guk-Guk who was asleep in her and Dire’s bed suckin on Lil Bone’s arm as she slept. It was an adorable habit they’ve been trying to break her off, but she looked too cute right now to bother. He looked down at the little animal chuckling, did he really remind her of a fluffy little baby duck?

It was too sweet a notion to question it, but it seemed the Wild Brothers were playing an amusing game with them again because he got something like that for Sabin. He leaned in cupped her face and kissed her deeply again. “That is very sweet, my love. And it seemed fated because...well close yer eyes and hold out your hands.” Sabin tightened the towel around her body so she wouldn’t need to hold it up with her hands and then held them out smiling cutely. The Snow Elf rooted around in his bag for a little bit finding some small clothes and pants to put on, before he pulled out the little stuffed bunny bringing it over and placing it in Sabin’s outstretched hands. “Open ‘em lass.” He said softly hugging his little duck some in anticipation.

Sabin was excited to receive the gift. She started to pull on the ribbon as it opened up and freed the box. She then opened it up slowly and just the small sight inside of it made her laugh so much that she almost didn’t mind the fact she could have woke Guk-Guk, “My goddess, really? Awww”, she hugged him as she took out the stuffed bunny, still chuckling and blushing, “That’s adorable!!! Thank you so much, love!”, she smiled as she continued to appreciate the crafting and fur quality of the toy.

Galmied smiled shushing her quietly. “I saw it in that Heartland Toys store, and the owners were quite the jolly pair, their laughter filled me with the same kind of joy. And then I saw this wee bunny, it is almost the same color as ye. And it’s adorable pouty lips reminded me of yours. So I bought it, hoping ye would like it. I dinnae ken if ye had or liked toys in your youth, so took a gamble. And the funny thing is, the woman thought I was buying it for mi daughter? Can ye imagine? Us having a daughter, I mean aside from Guk-Guk over there?” It was something of a tactical question hiding a real question, his vision had been playing over in his mind nearly every night since they left Sŕmhach. And still it never showed who the mother of his child was, but if Sabin didn’t want kids or was unable to have them then his horror would be realized quickly. But even with these grim thoughts he kept a smile on his face.

It was then they heard a pair of chuckles from the door of the room. They turned to see both Dire and Daryl with mugs of mead in their hands watching them. The Dwarf spoke first.
“Ah young love, ain’t it beautiful my good Orc?”

Dire nodded taking a long draught of his cup.
“Yes, just like children on their first date. You two get dressed, the honorable Dwarf here has some news on Guk-Guk he would like to tell you. Leave your toys in here though kids.” With that the two old males left the room letting the Elves change in peace.

Sabin laughed heartily, even though she was blushing from the surprising appearnce, “I better put some clothes on”, she kissed Galmied. She then consider his last words, “Us having a daughter?”, she rubbed her belly as a smile filled her lips and she chuckled, “It’s not that crazy...”, she said before she headed to get her clothes.

In a few minutes both Galmied and Sabin were dressed in more comfortable clothes than armor. Galmied was in a pair of long ice colored pants, a white undershirt, short brown boots. and blue vest. Sabion was wearing the new set of clothes she bought today. It consisted of tight leather pants, knee-high black boots, and a breezy blouse the color of the night sky and her hair was pulled back by a bright red headscarf. It suited her very well, they soon joined Dire and Master Brickheart at the family table. The Dwarf slid to mugs of strong smelling mead to them and motioned for the pair to sit down.

“So… let’s talk about our talented girlie”, Daryl started to speak as he took out something from his pockets, “Frankly I was unsure, why our lovely lady Sabin insisted that she be with me and the Orc, when today, the little whelp created this”, Daryl showed them what appeared to be a beautiful necklace made of simple stones, “I don’t have any rare quality gems, but even with this simple marbles, the girl was able to produce a lovely jewel. She has a talent. How did you know of it, lady Sabin?”

Sabin crossed her legs, “I simply listen to her when she talks. She told me her mother had the gift and run a shop… and she told me she helped her… I wanted to know if she might have more talent in store than just the little she let me know of”.

“Aye, she does”, Daryl got up and brought a large box and put it before them, opening it slowly, “Snow elf, your kind are very good with appearaciting objects. The quality of this sword is not masterpiece by so, but do give your honest opinion”

Galmied nodded lifting the sword up, expertly studying it. The Smith was right, it wasn’t perfect. There was a little wave in the blade and the hilt had a wiggle but all in all it looked good for an apprentice’s first attempt. “Guk-Guk make this I take it?”

The Dwarf nodded.
“Ay she did with some help from her Gampa here.” He chuckled thunking Dire’s meaty shoulder.

The big Orc nodded.
“Hmm yes.”
Galmied nodded handing the sword back, he and Sabin have been discussing asking the Dwarf to take the child on as his apprentice, so now seemed like as good a time as any.
“I’m glad she has potential, do ye think she could study under ye for a wee bit?”

Daryl shrugged refilling his cup.
“Yes, she could but she wouldn’t learn all she needs to learn with me?”

Sabin quirked her eyebrow, she wasn’t steeped in the Smithing arts, but it seemed like the same kind of work goes into such things.
“Why not?”

Dire answered for the Dwarf.
“He’s a Dwarf and she’s a Goblin/Orc.”

Sabin’s narrowed her eyes.

Daryl had returned from filling his cup and answered again.
“So each race that has a natural inclination towards the Smithings arts has a unique set of skills, tools, and natural types of of the art they are best skilled in. For Dwarves, our forte is armor, for Orcs it’s weaponry, Wood Elves are best at making bows and arrows.”

Dire picked up the topic again.
“And for Goblin’s it is jewelry and traps. Master Brickheart can teach her the basics, but she’ll be too small even fully grown to learn much else, in his race’s style of Blacksmithing.”

The Dwarf nodded taking a long swallow of his mead.
“Aye, ya see all I have are Dwarven smithing tools and materials in my forge. Stuff fo heavy weapons heavy armor. And none of it really requires intricate detail, the type of stuff a Goblin’s small quick hands and keen eye for details are perfect for. Her natural skills would be wasted being my apprentice.”

Galmied blew out a breath sipping his mug slowly.
“So what does that mean? Do we need to find her a Goblin teacher?”

Daryl nodded.
“Ay, and preferably a female one, she’ll be safer.”

Sabin’s quieted motherly instincts kicked in some. She hoped the Dwarf wasn’t implying something vile.
“And why is that?”

Dire growled lightly patting her arm.
“Don’t worry Sabin, he and I had this same discussion it’s nothing bad. It’s just that female Goblins are far more skilled at being jewelers and we want Guk-Guk to have the best.”

The Dwarf nodded slowly, he probably should’ve worded that a little better. Dire had told him some of the little girl’s past, not a lot, but enough to put him off his dinner that night.
“Yes, yes, ya see male Goblin smiths normally work with making traps and explosives. And they have a bit of devil-may-care attitude which results in them blowing their shops up sometimes.”

“I never guessed that there were so many variety to the art of crafting”, Sabin said slowly, “It does make sense since even among our kin, we train to battle in different style and different weapons. So is it typical for Goblin females to handle such craft? Where would we go about finding a goblin lady to train her? And not only that, does Guk-Guk enjoys crafting jewelry? What I did was only finding out if her talent was real, but I want to make sure she finds joy in this”, Sabin narrowed her eyes, “I want her to have good life. I want her to have something she could relay on in case I was not around for her, or if something were to happen to any of us”

Galmied looped his arm around Sabin’s shoulder kissing the side of her head.
“Ay, she deserves some stability.”

Dire shrugged lightly.
“It’s not a common thing for Goblinesses to go into smithing no. You see in Goblin culture andi n their main citystate of Shinestone, while the sexes are mostly equal in terms of ability and opportunity, the women who are wed usually dedicate themselves to birthing children and caring for them. As in their traditional religion of emulating the Earth Mother who first created Goblins. Home and hearth, are the mother’s honor in the Tenets of Earth.

“It sounds so dull”, Sabin said twisting her lips in annoyance. She then quickly looked at Galmied, “Not that I’m saying that giving birth is bad thing, but just being busy at the house sounds so… What I’m trying to say is, it needs to be shared responsibility, and I think women need to find something to enrich their lives aside from just being a baby oven”, she blushed and shook her head, “Mother used to really take a liking to plants and flowers, and she also run our clan… even though she was fertile and gave birth to many children”, Sabin then consider Dire words. They might have been true, but it could be a perspective that didn’t reflect reality, and didn’t mean it was so as a rule, “Where we could find more liberated female goblins then?”, she asked, “It’s pretty clear that Guk-Guk’s mother was either an exception, or that she simply did not live in the main city of the goblins”.

Dire chuckled lightly shaking his head.
“I know it may look like that from the outside. But inside Shinestone, it’s not quite that black and white. The Goblin race is very industrious, they are almost like the Dwarves in that sense. While it’s hard to get a Goblin to focus sometimes, when they do it’s almost inspiring. Goblin’s are a small race both in size and in population. In their own oral traditions the Earth Mother was weak after creating the world and as such she didn’t make a home for the Goblin people before she fell into her eternal slumber. So they were nomads for much of their early existence. And it is dangerous to have children in the aboveground world so they just stopped. And soon they began to die off, eventually they found their original home of Underhome. But still they didn’t breed, they were too busy mining the rich ores and rare gems from the walls. But they dug too deep and soon Underhome was destroyed which killed even more of them. So once again they were nomads, until they bought Shinestone mine from the Dwarves. And that was some two thousand years ago according to them. And it seems to explain the low birthrate of the race to the rest of us. Goblins never have more than one child at a time, and many don’t make it to adulthood. So many married Gobliness are eager to begin having children, and watch over them like hawks. The males usually spend their days bringing home money and doing many of the house chores.”

Daryl had emptied and refilled another mug of mead before Dire was finished.
“Ay, they’re a very accident prone people so the mothers rarely take chances. Now I remember hearing about Guk-Guk’s mother Jik-Jik dying in the latest Balefire turf war. And she was one of two Gobliness I knew about who was a craftswoman. The other is a younger woman named Ci-Ci. She’s part of a roving trade caravan that goes between Excelsior, Shinestone, and the Dwarven Capital of Diamonddust. I don’t recall how their route exactly works, but if you head west along the main roads you’d be likely to find them.”

“That’s wonderful news!”, Sabin said and smiled, “But we are still no where close to knowing where we should aim ourselves to… but I guess that’s a topic for another day. I’m sort of happy you are all still awake… I need to discuss with you all… about our recent blood epidemic issue we are having…”


“Why did you invited her to lunch???”, Jophiel was slamming her fist on the bed, panting as she heaved her naked bosom with rage, she quickly realized she was acting rather huffy and she fixed her posture and the sheets that were wrapped around her naked body, “I… I just don’t understand you Orfiel…”, there was sadness in her eyes as she spoke, like at any moment her dark skinned rival will swoop down and take her lover away. Which, to be honest, Jophiel always feared to be a reasonable possibilities. She knew there was no way to actually make him forget about Sabin, and it was a given- She even told him she understand it, and wanted to grow together with him, but the fear made her always act a bit on her bad manners.

Orfiel who was standing in the buff drinking some water from a glass sighed softly as he placed the glass down and sat on the bed. It was a wise choice for him to wait until after they coupled to tell her, but they never kept secrets from each other. So he knew Jophiel would eventually need to know about what happened between him and Sabin.

He watched her silently, her arms were crossed under your bust pushing the breast up, he posture was obviously peeved, but deep down he knew she was deeply hurt. He sat besides her wrapping her firmly in his strong arms. “I know and I’m sorry Jophy, but I thought it would help mend things between us.” He kissed her bare shoulder a little.

“But why do you need to do it?”, she heaved, fixed in her place as she dug her face between her palms, “I don’t get it… I thought we were behind it... “, she sighed, “Is it over now? Did you talk it through… or is there something else you are not telling me?”

Orfiel sighed letting her go and leaning back in the bed looking up at the ceiling. He told her about the lunch and what they talked about even about her butting herself into their Vampire hunt. But that wasn’t what pained him the most. It was the fact that just seeing her reopened all the wounds he thought were passed. And while bedding Jophiel had helped with the lustful thoughts from seeing Sabin today they weren’t the same as lovers. Sabin was wild and passionate, Jophiel was submissive but vastly more eager and romantic. And he liked Sabin’s wild side a lot, but there was more to it than simple sex.
“I...I don’t know, I thought seeing her and hearing how genuinely sorry she was about how things ended would bring some closure. But it didn’t it just tore open old wounds.”

Jophiel turned around slowly. As much as it pained her hearing him speaking of another woman, seeing him in pain made her lose her guards, before long she was lying beside him taking his hands in hers, “I’m sorry”, she said as she turned to look at the same spot in the ceiling, “I’m genuinely sorry”, she tightened her grip over his hands, “I’m still here for you, okay?”, she got up and looked into his eyes, “I’m here for you… And hey, if she wants so badly to help us… I’m okay with it… We might finally be done with it… the whole vampire deal too, and dunno, maybe go about that vacation you promised me? Or actually get our marriage in order?”, she kissed him, “You are not going to get rid of me so easily see?”, she smiled, “And I will be there for you, so let’s just see this through…”

She then looked around the room, “You want it, don’t you? Be with me, that is?”

Orfiel let out a big smile and pulled his fiance into his lap. The blanket fell away and he studied her smooth pale body bringing his hands up to settle their groins together and hold her hips. He leaned up and kissed her taut stomach fondly. “Of course my love, with the Mountain Father as my witness.” He began kissing up her body and over her breasts before kissing her on the lips.

She joyfully leaned in to plant him a big kiss, “Good, then all forgiven”, she tossed around the sheet that covered her body as she began to reworking her body against his for a second round.


“What are you saying?”, Said Daryl, “This is our problem, Sabin, and as much as I appreciate your concern, I would rather have you all move along and not dwell into this matter”

“That’s the issue, I just can’t”, Sabin nodded, “Orfiel told me they are pretty much the only working hands around here. And even though we all have much bigger issue to solve, I can’t let this problem continue mainly when…”

Sabin got up, “Four years ago, I helped a case here. It was part of a bigger mission for my clan, as this city was on a lockdown and we lost contacts with one of our agents in here. So from finding his whereabouts I ended up meeting a certain vampire, who claimed, time and time again, that he was not at fault. Which was true”

Daryl spitted, “Pacifist blood sucker?”, he looked hurt and upset, “I’d say any good of them lot is only dead ones”

“He was a good man…. vampire… he was good… Anyway, behind the scenes I was able to take down the real culprit, and the other vampire agreed to be captured so we will have proof that the issue was done with. I later freed him as promised and nothing happened in this town since, right?”

“Aye”, Daryl nodded, “The recent attacks started only few months ago, and they certainly were not done by one men --- they seemed to be done in group and were very organized”.

“Yeah… see Gideon never liked company too much. He really liked sitting in his house, fixing toys, donating and helping the poor, while staying away from social minglings. I’m sure most of you never even knew he was around. Maybe you saw him here and there, but he was not one to get himself a name”

“Gideon?”, Dire seems somewhat surprise, “I caught that name right?”

“Yes, that’s his name”, Sabin said, “Why?”

The Orc growled lightly emptying his mug.
“That was the name of the man who scared the Vampires away from myself and Galmied. The called him...the accursed. And he addressed them as the children of Malachi.”

The Snow Elf had been drinking in silence listening to Sabin’s plan, but a few thing stuck out to him. One; she seemed to have lied to Orfiel about all that happened, and this Gideon seemed to know Sabin far more intimately than most would. Was he about to save two former lovers of his woman? He was quiet, but these were things he needed answers to.
“Where was Orfiel during all this meeting of a “good” vampire? Seems like something he’d be part of.”

“He was not part of them…”, Sabin said, “One of the deeming points I found about him, was the fact he was not so accepting in a lot of matters. Maybe I should have given him the benefit of the doubt, but I didn’t. He was too hot headed, and I knew he might not understand it as I did”, Sabin looked at Galmied, “When I parted with Orfiel I set the vampire free. If you want to ask more, go ahead…”

The Elf’s face hardened a little. So she lied to him, he began to understand the man a little better now. How would he react if she kept something that important from him? But he had one more question. One that possibly pained him even more.
“This Gideon knew your scent Sabin, he smelt it on me and the way he reacted to it. Like seeing a fine wine he hadn’t tasted in a long time. A strange kind of joy and remembrance, almost like a long forgotten lover. Why?” His eyes saddened some, but he kept his face steady.

“We were former lovers, met on a very different mission, and we were parted at this point. While I did help Gideon I did not do anything further with him, as I was, at that point with Orfiel however-- that night… The night I ran away from Orfiel I was so broken… and lost with myself… I ended up sleeping with the vampire but honest to the goddesses, I parted the night with him and never saw him since. I felt horrible with myself. Disgusted with what I did. I stayed underground from this point onward… until the death of my mother”, Sabin sighed, “I’m sorry… I…”, Sabin considered her words, “By the twin goddesses… this is all too much, isn’t it?… You have more questions, I will answer them all, I promise”

Galmied finished his drink in one gulp then waved his hand dismissively. She was his now, what happened before doesn’t matter for either of them now. “No, we have more pressing matter to address right now. Lives are at stake, where are we to meet them to plan this small war?”

The Dwarf scoffed thunking his mug down.
“Not in my house I hope. I’m happy to keep an eye on Guk-Guk, and let you all sleep here. But I do not want talk of war and slaying in my house and around my family. That is where I’m afraid I must draw the line.”

“No, sir. You’ve done more than enough for us, and we would not risk your family…", Sabin said, "I was thinking either one of the two options: a. We go to the old church of the order, I’m sure that’s where Orfiel is staying now, or b. We actually put ourselves as bait by strolling in the night and wait for the vampires to show up and for Gideon to rescue us. If he was able to sniff me on Galmied, I’m sure exposing my blood will lure him just as quickly. One of them needs to be our starting point, and this time, everyone will be involved in this, no one will be left in the dark”.

02-18-2018, 11:29 PM
Dire nodded slowly as Sabin spoke, but only one plan made any sense.
“We will go to the Church. I haven’t lived this long making myself bait for anyone.”

Galmied nodded finishing his drink.
“Ay, aside from you lass I don’t think either of us have really fought against Vampires.” He looked at the Orc who nodded, he’s killed many things in his career as a Merc, but whenever he was hired to go into anyplace that were rumored to have Vampires, a Vampire Hunter was also hired along with them and they took care of the blood suckers.

Daryl nodded quickly.
“Yes, that sounds like the wisest course now come get your things I’ll see ya out.”

Even though Sabin said nothing, she had agreed that was the best call. Whoever they were facing with, must be near another elder level such as Gideon, because knowing Gideon he would not have let such trouble continue if he could put a stop to it. So if someone as powerful as him was around, they had a lot to worry about. It took a lot of efforts to kill an elder and you must be aided by a follow elder to make the finishing blow. This was going to be extremely complicated.

The people moved from the their seats, but a sad voice called from the bedroom.
“Momma Saba.” It was Guk-Guk a nightmare might’ve woken her up.

Sabin looked worried. She was still not used to being called mother, but found it to be adorable still.

The Dwarf sighed sitting back down.
“You best go see her Ms. Togar. That little kid is very fond of you, even working the forge she kept asking when you’d be back. My Tarina did her best to comfort and answer what questions she had, but she kept saying she needs her mother’s touch.”

“Mother’s touch”, Sabin smiled softly. If her worries about conceiving were true, then those words were much more ironic than the dwarf may have imagined.

Galmied smiled patting Sabin’s back.
“That’s you my love, go on we have some time before ye wanted to go to the Church.”

“I guess… can’t let her miss her bedtime afterall”.


Sabin closed the door behind her and once the two were alone she aimed her way for the bed Dire and Guk-Guk shared together and tapped on the sheets, waiting for the goblin girl to follow and sit beside her, “How are you holding up?”, she smiled. She figured it had something to do with her recent bleeding. To be honest, even if she was prepared for it, the event itself is always a little traumatic.

The little girl had been curled into a ball holding her hands over her lower abdomen crying gently when Sabin entered and sat down. Guk-Guk struggled up her body feeling heavier than it should. She crawled over to Sabin and plunked herself down partially leaning on the Elf’s arm while still rubbing her stomach some.
“Guk-Guk no feel good.” She was tired still so she slipped into her former pattern of speech. “How much more this happen?”

“Each and every month… until you will have a baby… and then it will continue some more, until your body will go into changes when you are older”.

The girl groaned curling into Sabin some more.
“Ugh Guk-Guk no want baby if need do this alla time. Shadow Men always they likea Guk-Guk, cuz she no able to have baby. Guk-Guk bleed then too, what they say now?. ” Tears fell from Guk-Guk’s face now, tears of pain as well as sadness. For years those were the only kind words many people said to her, and for so long she began to think she couldn’t, but now she’s being told she could.

Sabin hugged the girl tightly, “Those were horrible memories and men, abusing your trust and your body, but when the time comes… when you find your own prince, like Gal… Will you not want to have a little Guk-Guk too?”, she carefully moved her hairs around her ears and kissed her forehead, “What do you think of that?”

The girl shrugged wrapping her arms around the Dark Elf.
“Guk-Guk don’t know, she no think she be good mommy like Saba.” The girl looked up at Sabin sniffing a little. “Saba like being Guk-Guk’s momma right? Guk-Guk know she not real daughter, but Guk-Guk hope she be good enough til Momma Saba and Uncle Gemmy have real daughter. Momma Saba do wanna be real momma right? Like Ms. Tarina “

“That’s the plan”, Sabin smiled, “And I’m sure you’d make a great mother when the time is ready for you… and if you still won’t want children, that’s okay too, because you, and you alone will have the control for your body”, She considered, “And of course I like Guk-Guk being my daughter, I’d never replace you”.

Guk-Guk let out a smile and leaned up kissing Sabin on the cheek.
“Guk-Guk love you Momma Saba.” She winced lightly in pain then sighed and laid her head down on Sabin’s lap. “Ugh, is it alma over?” She asked rubbing her stomach again.

“I love you too Guk-Guk”. Sabin said rubbing the girl's back slowly, the warm feelings of being considered mother to this amazing little girl, made her feel so strangely happy. Then she noticed the girl was rubbing her belly again and realized the goblin girl might be experiencing some pain. While Sabin never truly had too much of a painful time, during her periods, she knew from her other friends and sisters that it was possible to have it come in waves of throbbing and hurtful sensations. “Does it hurt Guk-Guk?”. She then pulled out a vial and added a small herb into it and some colorless liquid. She waited for the green to dissolve within and handed it over to Guk-Guk while also handing her a small jar of honey, “It may taste funny, so feel free to eat some sweets with it. But trust me, this will make the pain go away”.

Guk-Guk slowly sat up again nodding.
“Ok momma.” She whined gently as she drank the vial instantly making a grimace, but she quickly poured some honey in after it and sighed falling sideways back onto her pillow. It did feel a little better. “Momma so smart, thankies. Will it help Guk-Guk sleep? Lil Bone runaway somwhere, he no like blood. Guk-Guk alwa have trouble without Lil Bone.”

Sabin kissed Guk-Guk's head. “You simply misplaced it didn’t you?”, Sabin looked around her. It sure seemed odd for the girl to go about without that toy nearby, “I tell you what. You go to sleep and I’ll find it for you okay?”

The Goblin girl nodded pulling the blankets up over her head and caccoonning into them some.
“Just pet his head and tell him it nuffin to be scared of please. Guk-Guk not hurt, just growin’ up.”

“Of course!”, Sabin tried to act up the scene with her adopted daughter. “He must be real shook up too. I’m sure he just needs a little reassurances, and be told he doesn’t need to be too far away from you as well. He’s probably all alone and scared, so I better find him quickly!”.

02-19-2018, 11:54 PM
Dire nodded slowly as Sabin spoke, but only one plan made any sense.
“We will go to the Church. I haven’t lived this long making myself bait for anyone.”

Galmied nodded finishing his drink.
“Ay, aside from you lass I don’t think either of us have really fought against Vampires.” He looked at the Orc who nodded, he’s killed many things in his career as a Merc, but whenever he was hired to go into anyplace that were rumored to have Vampires, a Vampire Hunter was also hired along with them and they took care of the blood suckers.

Daryl nodded quickly.
“Yes, that sounds like the wisest course now come get your things I’ll see ya out.”

Even though Sabin said nothing, she had agreed that was the best call. Whoever they were facing with, must be near another elder level such as Gideon, because knowing Gideon he would not have let such trouble continue if he could put a stop to it. So if someone as powerful as him was around, they had a lot to worry about. It took a lot of efforts to kill an elder and you must be aided by a follow elder to make the finishing blow. This was going to be extremely complicated.

The people moved from the their seats, but a sad voice called from the bedroom.
“Momma Saba.” It was Guk-Guk a nightmare might’ve woken her up.

Sabin looked worried. She was still not used to being called mother, but found it to be adorable still.

The Dwarf sighed sitting back down.
“You best go see her Ms. Togar. That little kid is very fond of you, even working the forge she kept asking when you’d be back. My Tarina did her best to comfort and answer what questions she had, but she kept saying she needs her mother’s touch.”

“Mother’s touch”, Sabin smiled softly. If her worries about conceiving were true, then those words were much more ironic than the dwarf may have imagined.

Galmied smiled patting Sabin’s back.
“That’s you my love, go on we have some time before ye wanted to go to the Church.”

“I guess… can’t let her miss her bedtime afterall”.


Sabin closed the door behind her and once the two were alone she aimed her way for the bed Dire and Guk-Guk shared together and tapped on the sheets, waiting for the goblin girl to follow and sit beside her, “How are you holding up?”, she smiled. She figured it had something to do with her recent bleeding. To be honest, even if she was prepared for it, the event itself is always a little traumatic.

The little girl had been curled into a ball holding her hands over her lower abdomen crying gently when Sabin entered and sat down. Guk-Guk struggled up her body feeling heavier than it should. She crawled over to Sabin and plunked herself down partially leaning on the Elf’s arm while still rubbing her stomach some.
“Guk-Guk no feel good.” She was tired still so she slipped into her former pattern of speech. “How much more this happen?”

“Each and every month… until you will have a baby… and then it will continue some more, until your body will go into changes when you are older”.

The girl groaned curling into Sabin some more.
“Ugh Guk-Guk no want baby if need do this alla time. Shadow Men always they likea Guk-Guk, cuz she no able to have baby. Guk-Guk bleed then too, what they say now?. ” Tears fell from Guk-Guk’s face now, tears of pain as well as sadness. For years those were the only kind words many people said to her, and for so long she began to think she couldn’t, but now she’s being told she could.

Sabin hugged the girl tightly, “Those were horrible memories and men, abusing your trust and your body, but when the time comes… when you find your own prince, like Gal… Will you not want to have a little Guk-Guk too?”, she carefully moved her hairs around her ears and kissed her forehead, “What do you think of that?”

The girl shrugged wrapping her arms around the Dark Elf.
“Guk-Guk don’t know, she no think she be good mommy like Saba.” The girl looked up at Sabin sniffing a little. “Saba like being Guk-Guk’s momma right? Guk-Guk know she not real daughter, but Guk-Guk hope she be good enough til Momma Saba and Uncle Gemmy have real daughter. Momma Saba do wanna be real momma right? Like Ms. Tarina “

“That’s the plan”, Sabin smiled, “And I’m sure you’d make a great mother when the time is ready for you… and if you still won’t want children, that’s okay too, because you, and you alone will have the control for your body”, She considered, “And of course I like Guk-Guk being my daughter, I’d never replace you”.

Guk-Guk let out a smile and leaned up kissing Sabin on the cheek.
“Guk-Guk love you Momma Saba.” She winced lightly in pain then sighed and laid her head down on Sabin’s lap. “Ugh, is it alma over?” She asked rubbing her stomach again.

“I love you too Guk-Guk”, Sabin noticed the girl had rubbed her belly and realized the goblin girl might have experienced some pain. While Sabin never truly had too much of a painful time, during her periods, she knew from her other friends and sisters that it was possible to have it come in waves of throbbing and hurtful sensations, “Does it hurt Guk-Guk?”, she then pulled out a vial and added into it a small herb and some colourless liquid. She waited for the green to dissolve within and handed it over to Guk-Guk while also handing her a small jar of honey, “It may taste funny, so feel free to eat some sweets with it. But trust me, this will make the pain go away”.

Guk-Guk slowly sat up again nodding.
“Ok momma.” She whined gently as she drank the vial instantly making a grimace, but she quickly poured some honey in after it and sighed falling sideway back onto her pillow. It did feel a little better. “Momma so smart, thankies. Will it help Guk-Guk sleep? Lil Bone runaway somwhere, he no like blood. Guk-Guk alwa have trouble without Lil Bone.”

Sabin kissed Guk-Guk, “You simply misplaced it didn’t you?”, Sabin looked around her. It sure seemed odd for the girl to go about without that toy nearby, “I tell you what. You go to sleep and I’ll find it for you okay?”

The Goblin girl nodded pulling the blankets up over her head and cacconning into them some.
“Just pet his head and tell him it nuffin to be scared of please. Guk-Guk not hurt, just growin’ up.”

“Of course!”, Sabin tried to act up the scene with her adopted daughter, “He must be real shook up too. I’m sure he just need a little reassurances, and he doesn’t to be too far away from you as well. He’s probably all alone and scared, so I better find him quickly!”.


“I am pleased to see you”

“I am not”, Sabin narrowed her eyes, “Do you have her toy?”

“This little doll? I sure do”, The white haired man approached Sabin as he carefully placed Lil Bone in her hands.

Sabin gazed at it for a moment before frowning, “The only reason I’m not smacking you right now, is for the simple fact that I see that you’ve actually repaired the ragged thing”

“I have weakness for children… mainly those that take joy in a particular treasured toy. When I saw that miserable thing I knew I had to fix it… You know me…”

Sabin smiled, “Yes I do”.

It brought her back to another time in her life… when she was younger and took a liking to those that mend things that were nearly broken. Not a lot of people will have their trade based on fixing toys these days. And that was the first thing that made her find this gentleman attractive… It was a pleasant thing to find out his hands were delicate with other things too.

“I didn’t see your shop around”.

“I promise you I would leave here. I sold the place long ago. I think the nice couples that bought it brought a lot of joy to children and I’m happy with the fact they are running it”

Sabin considered his words and recalled the story Galmied told her about a nearby toy shop with a merry couple in it. She wondered if it was the same. Speaking of Galmied, she realized it was probably best not to dawdled in the company of a former lover alone for too long. But as she gazed at the vampire and his honest expression and white hair, she couldn’t help but notice the same similars face lines that Galmied had when he was happy.

She began to fear she might truly had a “type” for the men she liked.

“Finding you here saves me the trouble of looking for you”

“Knowing you, you’d come with the riskiest solutions- for a little danger never stopped you. I suppose I should give you a small explanations for the recent children going amok”.

“Children? They are murderers Gideon!”

“Yes… I suppose they are… But… see… it’s rather complicated- I know that from your perspective they had done horrible things, but to them…”

“Yes, we are nutritions and lesser beings…”, Sabin sighed, “I recall our philosophical discussions we had regarding it”

“Yes, and while I personally worked hard to redeem myself of the will to drain blood, even standing near you can be a little trouble some. Anyway, Let me explain. Back then when you were still with the hunter Orfiel, we ended up removing one of pawns in a very powerful convent. It sure took a while for the rumors of his death to reach the ears of their pack leader, but once it did… well they tried their hardest to lure me out”


“I am, what is considered to be a traitor. ‘Shute’ - the one who steered from the right path. Remember…?”

“Yes, while the other vampire was not as high ranked elder as you, he was still an elder”

“Indeed, and to take him down, I needed to land the final blow… an act which looked down upon as the most horrible crime to our people. They set their men in here, but, I was true to my word I gave to you and removed myself from town long ago… but when death ruled this town and the bodies began to pile…”

“You had to return…”

“Yes… Looking back, it might have been the wrong path to choose. Had I stayed away, they would have gave up eventually… in truth they almost did… but then I was there, in flesh and… well.. Mind the pun… blood”, his lips curved upward into a sad smile.

“Do you know who they are?”

“Their methods were familiar to me, and the more of them I killed, the more information I gathered. They are of Malachi’s pack… the same convent to which I belonged to myself before I took my solo road. You can say we didn’t part in the most friendly manner… And as much as I would still consider him a friend, I would assume that my recent crime had been played into his hands like a good card in poker game. If he would remove me, he would gain two things. One the respect of the general community and probably additional favours… and he would rid himself of me, which to him would be very beneficial deal… just for the sake of it”

“Why?”, Sabin asked carefully

“I was that convent leader. And because of stupid fights I stepped down. But Malachi always felt like me stepping down was my way of telling him that I was above him. Which was not true. We simply didn’t get along as leaders together… and he could not get over the fact the others voted for me to ascend the leadership of the pack”

“That sounds horrible… Wanting you gone for the sake of it”

“No.. not for the sake of it… we are not mortals, remember? Petty hardship are below us… this is about respect and pride. In a lot of ways we are predators are ruled by the same guideline of such beasts, even though we consider ourselves above them. So this will actually be something which will be reasonable consider all or nothing deal. If Malachi will not be able to rid himself of me, he would never be able to raise above that setback that I placed when I left. I always knew that one day he will find the excuse he needed to pull that off… just hoped I would be able to get him when he does”

“And can’t you?”

“Not in my current state. An elder is elder, definitely, but years of putting myself off blood took their toll on me.I am not strong enough to face him, maybe in a fair dual, but he has the people support. I cannot use my more advanced skills to track him, and he will probably be surrounded by his people to guard him. To be honest I even consider asking your former ex for help, but figured that would do little good… I don’t think he likes me…”

Sabin smiled, “I will soften him… I plan to meet him tonight…”

“Oh boy”, Gideon sighed, “And your current mate is okay with it?”

“How did you-!”

Gideon picked and pointed on his nose, “Why do I constantly need to remind you that I work with a whole different set of senses than you? I’m very beastial in many ways. I could smell you all over him and figured he either killed you recently or was in constant contact with you. Seeing his general attitude and the way he carried himself, I struck off the ‘killer’ idea from the list”

Sabin shook her head.

“Of course, don’t worry love, I don’t mind. Once you are ready, I will always be-!”

Sabin hushed him with her hand, “Yeah, well no!”

“I am a very patient guy!”, Gideon grinned, “So I’ll give you all the space you need”, he chuckled as his body turned to mist, “Make sure that when you hand the doll to the pretty girl to tell her a good story about how it got fixed. Maybe a story of fairies? Little girls love them, don’t they?”

Sabin nodded with a smile. Gideon always had a soft spot for toddlers.

Which made her think of both Galmied and Orfiel.

By the Goddesses… she really did have a type…


Sabin walked slowly for the little girl’s bed and placed the, now fixed, Lil Bone beside her, making sure not to wake her.

“Momma Saba?”, Guk-Guk called from her sleep, and without opening her eyes, she sent her hands to hug her favorite toy.

“Sleep well, both of you”, Sabin kissed the little girl on the forehead, “The fairy of dream land took Lil Bone out for dinner in her magical realm. She kissed him and make sure he was healthy again”

Guk-Guk smiled in her sleep, soon, sinking into her own realm of dreams. Sucking on his arm again.

“Night, my child…”.

02-24-2018, 09:35 PM
Sabin exited the room a warm smile on her face. The men were dressed and ready and Sabin’s armor which was being fixed up by Daryl was laid out on the table she could easily wear it over her current outfit. Galmied smiled adjusting his bow on his shoulder, he had been listening outside the door during the whole exchange between Sabin and Guk-Guk.
“I dare say that wee girl loves you almost as much as she loves Y’gol. Did ye find Lil Bone?”

“I sure did. There was something attached to it too”, Sabin smiled, “We can strike off the idea of being used as live bait. Apparently our friendly neighborhood vampire had been tailing us for some time now. He also fixed Guk-Guk’s doll. He said he would help, but we would probably need to convince both Orfiel and Jophiel to open up to the idea”, Sabin then point her fingers on Galmied’s lips, “And before you ask further, nothing happened”, she kissed him, “I’m yours so you better marry me soon or run away”.

Sabin started to dress up, “Daryl really did good job with this… The armor sure feels lighter… I think my limbs are moving much easier in it too”.

The Dwarf nodded pouring himself some more drink.
“Yea, you said it was a little tight around the chest and stomach so I let it out some and a few of your armor plates were shitty patchwork iron rather than the Fine Steel the rest of the suit is. Lucky for you I had some laying around, that shit is pricey. I also changed up some of the leather lining around your torso and arms. It’s not quite as sturdy as the old stuff, but it’ll give you an inch or two of more breathing room and more movement. I’d like to meet the smith who made it originally. Don’t see much Dark Elf armor, mostly just find the weapons being resold”, He finished his mug and let out a content burp pounding his chest lightly. “Alright I’m off to bed, with you lot stirring up Vampires I plan to lock all my doors and windows till morning.” He pulled a key out of his pocket and tossed it to Dire who he personally thought would be the best keeper of the key. The Orc caught it and slid it into the leather lining on his black steel breastplate. He’d been building up his rage all day, but even if he did go Berserker Vampires were tough bastards and the Orc didn’t want to make it easy to kill him.

The Dwarf nodded quickly pointing a warning finger at the three. “That’s the only spare key we got so don’t lose it or let a Vampire get it ok?”

The three fighters nodded and big the kind Dwarf farewell exiting the house and beginning to walk to the Church of the Mountain Father.

“Well, the one who made it was my father”, Sabin said while they walked, “The armor I mean. He wasn’t the best craftsman, but he sure loved pouring his will and personal design. I personally think he did a very good job. This armor served me for some years now, decades even…”, Sabin nodded, “But he obviously did better job with crafting objects and jewelry. He made excellent looking crystals, most of them shaped in the images of our gods and goddess. He loved working with his hands, “I am little surprised this got a bit more room now… I could swear it was fine just about a month ago”, Sabin looked at Dire and Galmied, “Are you all okay?”

Galmied had been mulling over what Sabin said before they left the Brickheart Home. “I’m yours so you better marry me soon or run away”. It wasn’t quite the same as saying I love you, but for Sabin it was almost as good as.
He nodded slightly at the woman’s question.
“Ay, I’m fine, just thinking.”

But it would be something to dwell on later, oddly enough he then began thinking about the Yulelairds and their shop. He knew he’s heard of the word Sjerdthaun somewhere before, but he couldn’t place it. He looked at Dire, the Orc was much older and far better traveled than either him or Sabin so maybe he’d know.
“Oi Dire, what do ye know about Sjerdthaun?”

The old Orc grunted affirmation at both Galmied’s and Sabin’s questions, but answered the Snow Elf’s.
“It’s the old name for the continent to the south of Eisignol. They call it Besignol now, why?”

Galmied nodded so he was right about where he’d heard it before.
“I met a jolly couple today, Bertil and Agenta Yulelaird. They’re toymakers and the name of their shop is Sjerdthaun Leker.”

The Orc hmmed curiously.
“Heartland Toys?”

Galmied looked up surprised at the Orc’s translation. He never said it around him so he must know the tongue some.
“Ye know the language?”

Dire nodded placing his large hands on his head scratching his neck idly.
“Some yes, it’s the old Iaegr tongue. Virtually a dead language nowadays, I learned it when I was working as a guard for King Dova’s grandfather King Havidar.”

The Elf continued to be intrigued.
“How’d ye learn it there?”

Dire snorted crossing his arms over his chest while he walked.
“I studied the records in my down time, which when you’re guarding a warrior king in the middle of his fortress you find yourself having a lot of. I learned what parts of the language I could. Many of the Humans in Eisignol can trace their ancestry back to the Iaegr who migrated up from Besignol thousands of generations ago. But the Dova line was smarter than the rest, they kept all the records from the Second Exodus of the Iaegr. Even some from those that fled to the Isle of Mist off the shared Western coast of Besignol and Eisignol. It’s how they made themselves the monarchs of the Human Race, they claimed to be descended from the first Jarl of the Iaegr, Harald the Dragonblooded. Now are you sure they said their names were Bertil and Agneta Yulelaird?”

Galmied nodded his eyes going wide a little at the Orc’s story.
“Ay and they were far bigger and much more kind than any Human I’ve come across. Bertil was hugely built and had blonde hair. He was dressed in richly made green pants with white animal fur in his girdle and boots. And Agneta had short red hair and wore a deep red breastplate, skirt, and gauntlets, she was well built too, but not grossly so. They both also had bright gold eyes. They said they helped rebuild the Hall of Records after an earthquake damaged it and they called me an...Aelfir?”

Now it was Dire’s turn to look surprised.
“The only earthquake I’ve ever heard of in Dominion history was over seventy years ago. And Aelfir is a very, very old term for Elf, it’s what the Iaegr called the first Elves they encountered when they landed on Besignol’s shores. They were the ancestors of both High Elves and Wood Elves when they were a united species. Were these two old?”

Galmied shrugged gently this was getting very strange.
“Nae, the looked to be in their late twenties, early thirties.”

Dire shook his head.
“That can’t be right, the only Bertil and Agnenta Yulelaird I’ve heard of were minor Gods among the Iaegr from thousands of years in the past. They were akin to seasonal spirits that embodied the old Iaegr holiday of Yule. And they looked exactly as you described these toy makers.”

Galmied straightened up confused.
“How many Iaegr are left?”

Dire shrugged still in a little shock.
“I don’t know, the old continent is by no means uninhabited, but the residents rarely venture this far up. And the pure Iaegr bloodline is all but spent, having mixed with many other races like Elves and other Humans who came from across the oceans to Eisignol and Besignol centuries ago. While not impossible it is very unlikely two Humans who perfectly fit the descriptions of the Iron Folks‘ Winter Gods would just be here.”

Galmied whistled gently. Did he just meet two very rare kinds of Humans, or did he meet with genuine Gods?
“What could explain them then?”

Dire shook his head again, his wasn’t one to believe in Gods and Goddesses, but this world is too vast for the people of Eisignol to have found out all the answers.
“I have no clue, and I’m not sure I really want to know.”

“Some mysteries are best left unanswered, aye?”, Sabin chuckled, “Father used to say that too, a lot. I always end up searching it through though. Since Gideon sold his shop and from the little you told, I can tell those are the same new owners, I bet he saw something in them that does not meet the eyes… but in our position, maybe it’s better not to dig into this… We have enough on our plates as it is… But Galmied, old gods rarely take interest in mortals… They probably saw something in you… or maybe in your whole path and direction… isn’t that so Dire?”

The Orc shrugged looking up as they began to reach the King’s District which neighbored the Market District to the west in which the Brickheart Home was.
“I can’t speak of the minds and reasons of Gods.”

Galmied smiled at Sabin’s compliment he pulled her close kissing her cheek.
“Maybe lassie, now where is this Church of the Mountain Father? Did the good brother tell you?

“I will lead you to it, just follow onward”


A triple knock on the door followed by two quick taps made Orfiel aware of the fact that Sabin was outside. He was surprise she still remembered their code.

He moved to open the door.

“Hello there!”, Sabin waved softly, “As I said I am here. I would like you to meet Sir Dire, and Sir Galmied”

Orfiel nodded patiently to the two men, being careful not to linger too long on the man who Sabin seemed in love with now. He could tell already this was going to be a long night, but nonetheless he offered both males his hand to shake.
“Welcome friends to the Church of the Mountain Father please come in.”

Galmied’s shoulders tensed up a little at seeing Orfiel, but he quickly reminded himself that this was for the greater good. He curly shook Orfiel’s hand then moved past to join Sabin in the foyer of the small building.
“Thank you for having us Brother Orfiel.”

Dire snorted at Sabin’s formal introductions. While Galmied might qualify as a “Sir” Dire personally hated titles. But he gripped the large Human’s hand and shook it.
“Just call me Dire.”

He too moved past the Priest. Orfiel nodded closing and latching the door behind them. It was warded with Father Mikeil’s magic so no Vampire could enter unless invited. He came up behind the three and patted the male’s backs firmly.
“Come the Father and Jophy are waiting for us in the underchambers where we prepare our tools for hunting the savage beast’s who terrorize this land of ours.” He walked around the three and began leading them down a series of staircases leading deep underground.

Sabin was a bit bothered with how he nicknamed her. Sure she was past the point of being able to say or protest, but it still hurt. Seeing his back moving away from her, made her upset and without realizing why, she reached for Galmied’s hand and tightened hers around it, “I’m thankful you are with me”, she said, and before long she followed the others.

Jophiel was waiting by the church’s father, and the first thing she noticed was the fact that Orfiel strided into the room with his head down. He was clearly bothered by the sight of Sabin and the other two. She could have tell that white haired one was probably Sabin’s mate. It was clear as day, everything about him gave off Orfiel vibe. It made her brows knitted together with anger, “Father, these are the people that will help us!”, Jophiel nodded her head softly to Sabin’s direction. As much as the sight of her made her uneasy, she still owed the Dark Elf her life.

Seated in a tall-backed chair was an old man wrapped in heavy gray robes. He once had deep black hair, but it has turned to a more steel colored it was done back in a type of short ponytail. Though he was old he still looked fit and strong, his hands showed old scars and proof of a couple of broken knuckles. He nodded to the newcomers standing slowly up from his seat leaning on the edge of the long table that had a map of Excelsior rolled out with small colored pins jabbed into it. It looked like they were systematically logging the areas of attack and possible Vampire nest and ones they’ve already cleared.

Father Mikeil’s voice was low and crackly, but it held both power and experience.
“I welcome you all to our Church, I wish we could’ve met under better circumstances. But as it is we are here to discuss the eradication of murderous Vampires that have been plaguing our fair city for too long.” He began pointing to spots marked with a red pin. “These are places we’ve checked for the Coven. Old cemeteries, abandoned buildings, forgotten tombs, places big enough for a group of this size where shadows rule most of the day and well out of the normal foot traffic, but close enough to flee to in case of Hunters or when the sun comes up.” He sighed shaking his head slowly. “Each one proved empty and a couple we got permission from the King’s court to burn down so they couldn’t be reused”.

Ofiel took over pointing to the green and yellow pins.
“These green pins mark where we’ve met and defeated Vampires, and the yellow are where we’ve met them, but couldn’t kill them. As you can see the yellow far outnumber the green.”

Next was Jophiel’s turn she pointed to the various blue pins.
“And these blue pins are where we’ve either seen evidence of Vampires or have gotten intel on, but we can’t get out to investigate them between our other duties.” She then pointed to a spot more in the outskirts of Excelsior with a richer blue colored pin, it was an old villa with the name Pyrsevious written above it. “And this one is the most frequently reported locations for Vampire sightings. The old Pyrsevious Villa, it was the site of the last big Coven we took down, but it was too large and well-built to burn the whole place down. We did manage to scatter traps and wards around the rubble, but once again not a perfect solution. And the sheer number of reports there make it suicide for just me an Big O to investigate.”

Mikeil nodded looking up between Sabin, Dire, and Galmied.
“What say you?”

“With your permission, father, I would like to suggest something”, Sabin said carefully as she looked at all the member present, “Before we start anything, maybe it’s better to ask a direct source… I have a friend who wishes to join the cause… If you would have him”

The three Monster Hunters quirked their eyebrows as one, but Big O was the one to speak.
“What kind of friend would this be Sabin?”

“To be honest, you are familiar with him… He was wrongfully accused for a crime another did…”, Sabin hoped that will be a good enough hint.

Orfiel and Jophiel’s eye widened, this time the woman spoke.
“You don’t mean the blood sucker we killed years ago?”

“Oh yes. But you got few facts wrong. A. He was not killed by us, in fact it was the two of us who killed the responsible individual, however since we didn’t have a body he agreed to be captured. B. His death was a rouse. I freed him and he promised not to return”, Sabin paused, “But before you place other accusations on him, I believe it will be better to hear him out. He seems to have some intel on what’s going on. And since I’m sure the wards are strong, he will not be able to enter without a permission”, Sabin placed her hands on the tables, “I vouch for him”

Orfiel’s eyes hardened and his fists clenched tightly. So the Vampire he nearly died trying to catch was released by the woman he once loved. Jophiel gripped his hand tightly shaking her head at Sabin. “I hope you know what you’re doing Sabin, the last time my Orfiel fought that man he was nearly killed. As I’m sure you remember.” But as mad as she and O were at Sabin’s deception it wasn’t there call. They looked to Father Mikeil who simply nodded at the Dark Elf. He knew the story well, but they would need all the help they could get. “Very well Ms. Togar, but he is your responsibility. Anything that goes foul for us will be on your head.”

“Fine by me”, Sabin then narrowed her eyes, “The man who nearly killed you… I had the pleasure of putting him down personally… If anyone would have your head, it will be me and me alone, Orfiel”, She said as her heart beat in her chest feeling the pain of the man she loved. Even while Galmied was present, she had to say it out loud. At least to make him be aware she would never have hurt him like he suspected she did. She gently placed her hands on Galmied’s without looking at him. The situation was already too tight as it was and she felt any further words from her side will make them fight again, and that was the last thing she wanted now. “I shall head outside to get him, as I’m sure he is there right now... waiting. Father, what is the ritual word to allow entrance?”, she was already on her feet, eager to go up and get Gideon.

The old man sighed gently and stood up reaching for a long white ash staff that was leaning against the table. “I must beat him within an inch of his life with this staff and if he survive he’ll be allowed in.” His voice was so steady that no one was really sure if he was serious until he let out a light cackle ambling up the steps. “No, I am the only one who can break the Wards, and he must disarmed first.” With these final words Father Mikeil began heading back up the steps for the front door with the rest of the group following just in case.

“Even if you did have to beat him, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind”, Sabin chuckled. Gideon was the friendly sort, and since most things could hardly hurt him, he took a liking to dark humor stunts. To be honest, Sabin actually enjoyed watching him getting harmed too. Mostly because it get him the hint that she was not interested in him anymore.

Once outside, she opened the door, and watched the white haired man crouching outside, digging on the dirt in circles with his fingers. Sabin barely held herself from laughing, the sight was as adorable as seeing a beaten puppy waiting for his owners.

“About time! You sure take long to talk things out!” He got out and as his arms reached for her she quickly placed her hand on his face and pushed him away, “Not now, please?”

“Still playing hard to get… fine… I am an immortal, after all”, Gideon then noticed the holy men and his expression turned to be serious, “Greeting, respected Elder, the magic placed on this building is of a top quality. Am I permitted to enter?”

Mikeil studied the Vampire, his old face stoic, he looked back at Orfiel.
“Brother Orfiel...search him...thoroughly.” Big O nodded cracking his knuckles and walking past the old man and Sabin moving towards Gideon.

“Wait! What?!”, Gideon quickly dashed behind Sabin, and barely peeked behind her shoulders, “Please no! Sabin, you must protect me from this man!”, He pointed at the hulk, “He hates my guts and you know it! How about instead you-!”

Sabin pushed him away, “There’s no way I will be the one to investigate you, or search you for that matter, would you rather Dire do it?”, She grinned, “Or Galmied”

The Vampire looked between the three men, “Err.. Can it be someone else?”

“Dire it is!”, Sabin said, pointing to the Orc to move forward, “But worry not, I don’t think you’ll find anything on him. For some reason, this one likes tea instead of weapons”

“I don’t get your intense hated for tea, dear, and heavens forbid, weapons… pff… savages tools”, He then looked at the people around him, “Well.. Most of them… Some…”, he coughed, “Didn’t mean you”

“No worries, we were not offended”, Sabin chuckled, “Dire, can you please?”

The Orc growled shaking his head.
“The host chose already, it would be rude to overrule him.”

Galmied smirked enjoying watching the Vampire cower.
“Besides, I think Orfiel owes him something’.”

The Priest nodded and roughly shoved Gideon against the wall of the Church forcing his arms and legs apart roughly beating the pale man’s body like you would beat a rug to dust it. “Hold still or I may mistake a twitch for an attack.” It was a genuine warning, but he secretly hoped Gideon would get froggy.

Gideon bit his lips, “You sure are aggressive, I can get that it can inspire something with the ladies, but you really shouldn’t-!”, the look Orfiel gave him made him pause and be silent.

Once the physical inspection was done Mikeil handed Big O his White Ash staff and ran it over the immortal’s body. “Well you aren’t carrying a physical weapon, but you could have magic about you.”

“Ah! A clever observation, young man, indeed we do not need to be physically armed, and as for magic scrolls, or the likes, I really dislike them altogether. I do have personal skills akin to such of my race that you are familiar with them”.

Orfiel quickly thunked Gideon on the head to silence him. “Do you ever shut up?”

“I find your insults peculiar, am I not under investigation right now? I was sure you wanted to know all there is about me”

Orfiel thunked him harder leaving the white ash in place listening to it sizzle gently.
“I can either scan you with this magic sensing staff or burn any spells or tracking motes from your skin. Now be quiet before I let Jophiel use her silver knife to cleanse you.” The staff was swung around Gidion’s body indicating no magic was attached to him. “Thank whatever Heathen God you follow Blood Sucker, you’re clean.” He added another sound thunk to the Vampire’s head for good measure before he handed the stick back to the Father. The old man chanted a soft spell and the air around them seemed to ripple as he brought down the Wards. “Enter now and be on your best behavior.” The Father stood aside waiting for everyone to enter so he could recast the Wards.

“Yes, respected elder”, The vampire nodded, after carefully petting his head. Sure he could have said straight out that silver did not harm him like normal vampires, but what good would it do. The lot of them seemed bent on seeing him in pain, and if it pleased them, it was better to just follow with it. After all he was not that bothered with the fact, and watched them like any grandpa will, as he looked at children playing war games. Anyway, he truly wanted to help them, and soon after he followed them all inside, but waited until all of them sat down, “This place is marvelous, I don’t recognize the structure style, but I would say it dates some decades past… You hardly see such things… in my case it is true, since most of those buildings are carefully guarded against my kin, “Would you like me to begin my story then?”

The Father nodded slowly. “Yes, but be quick blood sucker. Speak plainly and to the point. You may be a powerful Elder Vampire, but we haven’t the time nor the patience for long winded speech or ramblings and we do have ways to speed things along.”

“You are not fond of good discussions… So be it”, Gideon tumbbled his fingers together as he sighed, “To put it simply I have committed a sin against my kin”, he nodded at Sabin, “There was a vampire here, that played havoc around this area… I believe it was about 4 or so years ago… Since it bothered me and I wished not to be framed for his action, I helped Sabin take it down… obviously, I was still framed and locked away”, He narrowed his eyes at Orfiel, “But that’s a tale for another time. This act could have gone quietly, if not for the simple reasons that there was another out there who looked for the right excuse to get back at me. For some reason a lot want to do it… I tell you I try to stay away from people business and end up upsetting them constantly. I wonder why”

“Must be your personal charm”, Sabin grinned, “But I thought Elder Vampires fight and kill each other for control of a Coven?”

“Some do, but to outright kill one of your own for no apparent reason, when behind lies the idea of helping another race, such in your case mortals, is considered a serious crime. I was branded. And frankly I would have lived just fine with it, this remote area is hardly a good place for blood harvesting. But… as I said, there is another who seeks revenge. His name is Malachi, and his children are likely to be here just for the sake of luring me out. They did not know I was in exile and started their petty games while in my absence. I was a fool to return, because now they know, and fully plan to lead me straight to him. Which I planned to do eventually… After killing some of them, or thinning them drastically. He has a lot of followers, and some of them are elders too. Not as powerful as him or myself, but still enough to take me down, which give him the time window he needs to destroy me, as he is the only one capable to do it.
And once I was out of the game there was no one to be standing in his path”, he looked at Orfiel, “With due respect, there was no way for you to beat him on your own… Not because you can’t but mostly because-!”

“Because only an Elder Vampire can kill one”, Sabin finished his words.

“Precisely. I could not have let you die in vain”, Gideon looked at Orfiel, “And this is my fight too, therefore, I wish to join you”

The old man nodded sinking back in his chair and closing his eyes in thought. He’s never fought alongside a Vampire before, and while he did know some could be decent people most of the ones he’s killed were savage scum. This Gideon was a fool of the highest degree, but also very powerful, not many things in this world can beat and potentially kill an Elder Vampire, the first that comes to mind is an Alpha Werewolf or Great Werebear. Using raw power and durability to counter the Vamps speed and tact. But this man had started this whole mess once before and the Father wasn’t willing to let it happen again.

He opened his eyes nodding slowly, but he held up a finger.
“Very well Gideon, you may help us, but only on three conditions. One; You will be under Brother Orfiel’s and Sister Jophiel’s command as will all of you. We may not be an Elf, Orc, or Vampire, but we have the tools and the knowledge to end this threat. Two; no more deception, false deaths, or any kind of underhanded ulterior motives. Those were directly responsible for this second group of Vampires coming to power. And third.” He looked directly into the Vampire’s strong yellow eyes. “You either help us kill every single Vampire in this city the Children of Malachi and any others… or once you kill this Malachi you take everyone and I mean everyone with you and never, ever return to Excelsior or any other Human settlement. Or I will have no choice, but to call for a Purge.”

Big O and Little J shivered lightly at their leader’s words. Galmied quirked his eyebrow taking note of the Hunter’s reactions.
“What is a Purge?”

Orfiel sighed rubbing his face slowly.
“It’s a full mobilization of the Order of the Mountain Father. The request is sent up the chain of command to our Grandmaster and he decrees something of an Inquisition. We march through the streets and root out any and all Vampires and burn them in massive piles.. It’s usually a last case scenario, but since we failed the first time to end the threat we must do whatever is necessary to protect our Flock. There are even a few in our order who are Alpha Werewolves and Elder Vampires themselves they will come as well.”

“Since only the three of you were around I’m surprised you didn’t do so before”, Sabin words were harsh, but since her thoughts consider the majority above everyone else as individual, it seems reasonable to her, “My clan would have considered this option long ago”

“I am thankful you did not choose this act until now, father”, Gideon nodded, “Very thankful. It makes me realize how good of a people you are. I will beat Malachi… with all the sadness involved in the matter… As for his children… I was resolved to end them all if I must long ago… So you have my word”, He looked at Orfiel and Jophiel respectively, “Would you have me under your commands hunters?”

O and J looked at Mikeil who nodded slowly. Little J answered.
“Very well Gideon, so where are we going from here?” She asked looking around at everyone.

03-02-2018, 08:04 PM
O and J looked at Mikeil who nodded slowly. Little J answered.
“Very well Gideon, so where are we going from here?” She asked looking around at everyone.

Gideon smiled, “You know the answer already don’t you father?”

He watched as the old man nodded.

Sabin looked confused and Gideon quickly placed his finger on the brightest dot on the map, “You are right to assume there is high activity there. Nothing will trigger a high vampire more than luxury. Remember who you are dealing with. The abandon castle is like a ripe fruit to any soon to be ruler of a convent… But we must be careful. In addition of having extremely high senses, vampires are fast, can turn to mist and can even trick and manipulate your mind, luckily for us, today is a new moon”

“Why would vampires care about that?”, Sabin asked.

“Call us old fashioned, but some of us likes to maintain old rituals, and Malachi has always been a dull man. He will come out of his hiding tonight, probably sending his children to collect as much blood as they can… But they won’t drink it, oh no… they plan to bring the bodies alive”

“They are going to sacrifice them? It’s barbaric!”

“Not exactly… But yes, you are right, this is called the feast of the new moon. Old tradition done under particular time and changes of the moon regarding to the locations of the stars. Of course, we are in luck. This kind of ordeal is done like once every three years… Your arrival Sabin could not have been more timed, it’s like the moon goddess herself is keeping a watch over you”

“Goddesses”, Sabin quickly corrected him.

“Yes, yes… Of course… It’s so hard to keep track of all the faiths around here, anyway I will spare you the details of this gorish act, but I will be kind enough to inform you that he is most likely to come out, if just for sake the of tradition”

“How can we use this to our advantage then?”, Sabin asked.

“Well, I provided you the information. We can try and follow the trail of bodies they are likely to gather or maybe wait beside the castle… I am still lost with the details of how exactly to make our plan come together”, Said Gideon.

Mikeil nodded slowly studying the map before him.
“It’ll be impossible to catch them in the act of snatching their prey, so staking out the old villa will be our best bet. Do you know exactly where and how he’ll do this ritual?”

“Like any good demonic ritual with blood, the ceremony will take place at midnight. I suspect however, that they will gather around the groves behind the mansion”, said Gideon.
“He and his followers need to be in the presence of the stars and the night, in an open field.”

The Father nodded studying the villa, he pointed to the old growth grove a mile or so from the villa.
“Ok, there is a grove of trees to the South. We can rig up traps and ambushes in the trees. It’ll thin the herd of Lesser Vampires. Then while Gideon gets into position to fight Malachi, the rest of you will ben in the tree line and keep any outside help from coming understood?”

Jophiel, Orfiel, Dire and Galmied nodded then all looked towards Sabin and Gideon.

Gideon grabbed Sabin hands, “If the worse came to pass know that only you are in my heart-!”

Without even realizing it Sabin blushed and slapped his face, fixing her hair and leaving the area, “Just be ready by midnight, Jeez”

“Women are so hard to understand”, the vampire nodded as his body turned to mist making a path for the exit and disappearing.

03-05-2018, 08:50 PM
Galmied growled gently at Gideon's exit. How many more lovers of Sabin's would be like that? He couldn't guess and just thinking about it caused a pit to open up in his stomach. He would need to get over this soon if he was going to make the most of the relationship he and Sabin shared. But when they run into a different lover in each part of Eisignol how was he going to compete? It's been so long since he's been in anything remotely resembling a healthy relationship. Maybe it was a fear keeping him from overlooking all these men and focusing on the eyes Sabin keeps giving him.

He was brought back with as cough from Father Mikeil.
"Well now that you have a plan, it is time to arm yourselves. Come with me." The old man stood and walked slowly into the back of the room. He unlocked and pushed open another heavily warded door, inside was the Order's complete armory. Rows upon rows of weapons from each and every culture as well as shelves of potions, poisons, antidotes, blade oils, anything and everything one could want for hunting everything that goes bump in the night.

Dire grunted approvingly.
"The Blacklake Guard would love this room."

The Father nodded.
"Yes, as would many other groups across Eisignol. The King's Army included, but our weapons, armors, and other tool of the hunt are all forged and created on site and under strict lock and key."

Galmied hmmed eyeing up some weapons forged in the Snow Elf fashion.
"Why? Wouldnae such tools be a boon to the general public?"

Orfiel shook his head.
"It would, but it would inspire more vigilantes to go up against things they can't fight." He glanced at Sabin before walking forward. "Besides if our enemies learned how to make our tools they could find ways to counter them and then our entire Order would be in danger."

Mikiel nodded.
"Yes, and if we're in danger then every member of our flock would be as well. Orfiel, Galmied, Dire you three suit up together. Our heavy warrior section Brother." Orfiel nodded and motioned for the two big males to follow him. The old man watched them go then looked at Sabin and Jophiel making note of the sour look on the Sister's face, she knew what was coming next. "Sister Jophiel please take Sabin downstairs to the Light Rogue section please."

The woman wanted to say no, but the stern look the Father gave her shook the grimace and she sighed motioning for the Dark Elf to follow her down the spiral staircase towards a section of bows, knives, and other clandestine tools.

03-06-2018, 10:23 AM
"It's the pretty blue one, aye?"


"The one you are shagging?"


It was an awkward moment (like any conversation with Jophiel or Orfiel had been until now), but that was taking it a bit too personally. Sabin's cheeks flashed with anger.

"I get Orfiel's vibes from him see", Jophiel smirked, "Then again, your dark elves can insert almost anything into you and between your legs, it could be that orc too, whatever your fancy… but he doesn't seem to wiggle his eyes like a puppy"

"Jophiel!", Sabin halted, "Apologize at once!"

"For what? You realize what you've done?!"

"Whatever happens between me and Orfiel is our own personal business. I will not be lectured by the likes of you and I certainly do not owe you any explanations… You really disappoint me!"

Sabin and Jophiel stared for a long moment before the white girl lowered her gaze, "I'm sorry. I know that both of you did a lot for me, but I cannot simply forgive you for-!"

"Well you have to!", Sabin's eyes glittered with hints of tears, "Because your words hurt like daggers, and you are the last person to be allowed to speak to me like that!"

Jophiel nodded and they both continued to climb in silent.


"So what he is like?"

"Hmm?", Sabin started to dress up. In truth she preferred her armor and clothes to be darker, but she enjoyed the silver clothing and the way they highlight her complexion, like a raising moon.

"Your blue man?"

"So are we best friends forever now?", Sabin said, trying to flex her muscles with the new gear. She liked the fact that the outfit had a hood built into it, just like she was used to be dressed in, "His name is Galmiel"

"It must be hard for him—seeing two of your lovers in a single day"

"I believe so", Sabin stared at the pale girl, "He is a gentle soul in general, and I'm sure those meetings are not doing him any good. But to be honest, even if he was stronger in spirit it might have still upset him…"

Jophiel nodded, "But your answer gave me everything. He is not like Orfiel"

"Of course not! They are both their own personality and traits"

"Is this Galmied of yours better?"

Sabin thought of it for a moment, "I wouldn't say that. If Orfiel is a burning fire, Galmied is a patient river, but that's mostly because he had been put into a lot of hurtful events and terrible masters. He is breaking from it, little by little, and when he wants to be he can be a raging storm", Sabin smiled, "They are different, but both of them are passionate"

"I'm not convinced", Jophiel said.

"I don't need to convince you", Sabin said, "I feel like I hardly even started to explore Galmied and what he can offer—besides for me right now… Galmied is what I need… just like how Orfiel needs you"

Jophiel looked confused.

"He needs you, not just as a replacement… and I would argue that you find your own style of clothing instead of copying me—", Sabin smirked as she watched the lass blush, "The way he looks up to you… You're both good together. Even if I miss him, I believe you do work out better than we did. We had too many things to set us apart, and I was immature back then too"

"And now?"

"I still am… But I'm not afraid to try and do the coupling thing anymore…", Sabin smiled and Jophiel smirked, "I'm not giving up on him even if you ever change your mind, just letting you know".

"He won't give up on you either… Even if his thoughts will wonder off sometimes… You are together now", Sabin pointed at the ring in Jophiel fingers and the last quickly raised her hand to look at it but then quickly turned her gaze away, staring at the weapons, "You're not taking any of our tools? We have bows too"

"You'd need power for that, and I would rather focus on speed. I am also comfortable with my own blades. Dragon bones are strong and have a lot of magical properties to them. They will serve me better as I'm used to their weight. Picking anything else would be unwise"

"At least take some of the potions and powders"

"Yes, already have along with oils- It will be unwise to go out without them, or some silver coating for my blades"

"Hmm", Jophiel looked at her ring again and then made her way for the far cabinet pulling out a small box, "Take this as well. It's been here since forever. I think you should have it"

"What is it?", Sabin opened the box finding out a ring inside it, (as ironic as it sounds), "I don't know Jophi, aren't you already engaged to Orfiel?"

"Very funny", the pale girl grinned, "The records indicate of it being used by elves, so it must be magical in nature, but no mage of the order has ever been able to work it out. But who knows, maybe you'll find what to do with it"

"You're awfully kind"

"Think nothing of it", she smiled, "It's a reminder of what I am wearing on my finger and you do not", she moved for the stairs, "We dawdled enough… let's head downstairs and join the others"

Sabin took a moment to look at the ring. It was a simple one; silver and plain. The first thought was to throw it away, but because she was a firm believer of fate she realized that if this ring presented itself before her that she should test it- as it must be of use in the future… somehow… and so without a second thought she put it on her right hand's index finger.

She felt something but only for a moment. She considered taking it off but decided not to. After that she joined Jophiel and they both descended the stairs.

03-06-2018, 10:56 PM
While the women were downstairs suiting up the men were standing among armor and weapons fit for an army of mighty Paladins. Great shining suits of blessed plate mail, holy blades, and divine axes. Dire looked on with some annoyance, as an Orc he has a natural dislike for holy objects. Shuddering lightly the old male bypassed the weapons and armor moving right for the blade oils. His saber and darts are Orc made and with the right oils would be just fine against the Lesser Bloodsuckers they would be facing.

Galmied and Orfiel though entered the stacks silent and thoughtful. Glancing idly around at the items their minds were absorbed in their own thoughts. The upcoming fight, what the outcome would be, would Gideon betray them, but mostly they thought about Sabin and Jophiel. The women they love rushing headfirst into the same possible death as them. But as they reached the same rack of weapons then men looked at each other with studying eyes. Galmied was bigger in both height and weight, but that aside they were the same big and broad body style. Same grimness about their faces and both sport more scars and healed wounds than your average warrior.

They had also both loved and slept with Sabin. She was the single connection and in a sense the only thing keeping them from being true comrades. Pain of the heart may be a thing women can overcome easy, but for men like them who haven't really been anything more than a tool or weapon it's a dangerous thing to give yourself to another wholly and be crushed under that other's heel. And in a somewhat uncharacteristic manner the men began sizing each other up.

They wanted to see who was the better man and better warrior. Stripping out of their coats and tops they began testing breastplates and other kinds of armor on flexing underneath the steel and posing a little Galmied's larger physique aiding him, but Orfiel was more cut and sculpted so his muscles were much more well defined. But Galmied didn't let that stop him, once he had selected some silver Snow Elf scale mail he moved to the weapons rack, he was primarily a heavy weapon user his claymore itself was over six feet tall and he'd be training with it for years so his body was suited for such weapons. He first picked up a large bearded axe it was noticeably heavier than his sword, but not quite as long. He gripped it once again flexing and began swinging it around him testing it's balance.

Orfiel watched and sneered lightly as he strapped into his usual plate mail armor. The Elf was strong, but he lacked finesse Orfiel picked up a long sword light and deadly. He too flexed, but used his test swings to show off his speed and precision. He was a blur of glinting metal and rapid strikes, he ended his display with a large spinning crescent moon cut upwards. He smirked at Galmied who simply rolled his eyes. So the Human wanted to see speed huh, well the Snow Elf could accommodate. Putting the axe down Galmied picked up a broad sword, still bigger than Orfiel's but smaller than the axe. And like the Human he began spinning and slaying invisible foes with not quite as much speed, but a lot more skill and precision introducing a lot more complicated riposte and counters making sure his weapon sang as he swung it.

Orfiel looked on unimpressed. He then picked up a pair of short swords and duel-wielded the blades in another flashy and head-spinning display. Galmied did his best to hide the impressed look on his face, but it was indeed a dazzling demonstration. Orfiel ended it with a flipping flourish and a smirk. Galmied snorted and picked up two war axes and gave the man a wink. Like O's swords, Galmied gave an impressive display of spinning and cleaved phantoms with the two axes. He gradually picked up speed until he was like a twister of silver and blue. In a flash he was across the floor and actually stopped a few inches from Orfiel trying to intimidate him. But the man blocked his axes with his swords, and it looked like they were going to actually fight when a loud and clear growl stopped them.

Standing against the wall with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his dark face was Dire. As soon as the younger males looked at him the Orc rolled his eyes. "Grow up." Was all he said before he walked between them shaking his head. The two men glared at each other then gathered their chosen gear and followed Dire back to the map and the others.

03-06-2018, 11:31 PM
Sabin could hardly contain herself from chuckling, and as much as she tried to hide it, her lips did twisted upward in a smile. The men joined them and by the expression upon their faces she could tell that the two big boys did something stupid to make Dire be annoyed.

She then studied them carefully, watching how the gear they chose highlight their muscles and structure. Damn. She would have paid them both to simply strip bare if she could. She was glad to have the hood covering her eyes so they won't see the greed and lust in her expression, but she could still notice the glares Jophiel had given both the men as well, and as the pale skin upon the girl's cheeks turned red, she realized that they both shared the same lusty thoughts.

"I do hope those armor are not just for show", She whispered to Jophiel while the father began to explain the plan. The pale lady nodded, "They look good, don't they?", she asked and Sabin nodded.

"You said he was a slave for females? I can get why", Jophiel giggled and Sabin gave her a light spank on the back to hush her, but she herself could barely hold herself from smiling too.

"But your man sure seems a little out of it... like out of practice..."

"Hmm. He is still strong and capable though"

"Yes he is, but he does lacking what Orfiel have... Maybe he needs more excessive training..."

"He is fine the way he is", Sabin twisted her lips.

"I'm sure his female masters thought the same too. You don't need sex slave to be too fit... but I think it will do him good. He is lacking composer and self confidence. He could use some more training to regain his abilities and to believe in himself more"

"If Galmied will raise the topic I will support him, otherwise I will not change him", Sabin said.

"That is fine...", Jophiel smiled, "Don't feel too bad though... it's a little embarrassing to admit but those tight armor do make him stand out more...", the pale woman roared in silent and Sabin couldn't help herself and finally gave into laughter. Jophiel did too, following her.

"Girls, pay attention!", the father barked and the two ladies looked at each other and fell silent, but the smile was still upon their faces.

Even though they whispered, the boys could tell they gossiped about them just by the way they kept looking at their direction and giggling.

03-09-2018, 11:26 PM
Both Galmied and Orfiel ignored the giggles and stare of the women instead focusing on the old man's words. The Father waited until everyone was quiet then began. "Okay listen up everyone, now that you are all properly armed and armored I will tell you the three key things you need to know about Vampire slaying. One, they faster than any of us, use wit to counter it. Two, their claws are like steel, be defensive before offensive, parry the blows and wait for an opening to strike. And three never go anywhere around that villa or grove alone, only High or Elder Vampires can turn you, but the lesser ones can still kill fairly easy. Brother Orfiel and Sister Jophiel have been magically and chemically enhanced to be three times as strong as the average human, have armored skin, and have very keen noses, but even they can't face it alone. With Gideon you will have an even number so stick by your partner. And for everyone safety, I've taken the liberty of picking the teams. Sabin you will be paired with Orfiel, Jophiel you will be paired with Galmied, and Dire you get the short straw and get to pair up with Gideon, understood?"

The couples shared a few furtive looks then went to stand by their partner Jophiel bristling a little bit at seeing Orfiel by Sabin's side, but she quickly calmed herself. It was the wisest tactical choice, and maybe she could see what Sabin's attraction to this big blue man was. Dire simply stood by unconcerned by his partner selection, a stealth mission would require the gibbering mental patient to keep his trap shut...at least that was the Orc's hope. A very sincere hope, because if they got caught the Vampire would likely get away unharmed, but Dire wasn't likely to be as fortunate even if he tapped into his Berserker roots. The old male let out a growl of affirmation as the others simply nodded to the Father's choices. Mikiel nodded back and did a blessing in the air for each of them.
"Go forth and rid us of these fiends."

With the the five warriors marched single file up the steps with Mikiel following behind. They exited the Church and the Father recast the wards giving them one final bidding of good luck before he returned to the quiet of the Sanctuary to pray to the Mountain Father to watch over the Vampire Hunters tonight.

03-18-2018, 06:06 PM
Team 1:

“How long have you two known each other?”

Jophiel did not make eye contact with the tall elf, but she remained close to him as they both were lying on the ground on their stomach, peeking from a row of bushes. They had been at this for few hours, and she was surprised to see that the Elf was capable of laying low for so long without saying a word.

“You and Sabin”, she whispered.

Galmied had been trying to keep quiet so the likelihood of them getting discovered would be as small as possible. But his keen ears were telling him things were ok for now.
“A month and a week. Why do ye ask?”

“It just seems so strange… I mean her eyes were always averated”, Jophiel tried to explain in a words that will be easier to understand, “Like… she always had her gaze elsewhere. You could tell she never really meant to stay or be by anyone… but the way she looks at you… It’s like she knows something… Maybe she is planning for it to be serious…”, Jophiel then hushed for a long moment, “You’d need to be on your guard though. She has a tendency of acting on her own without explaining her reasoning. Orfiel was a broken pile of mess when she left… You should be on your guard…”

Galmied hmmed quietly. He wasn’t sure what Jophiel’s game was here, but his years as a slave have taught him many moves in the Game of Courts and Hearts. “I’m always on my guard, why are ye so against Sabin?” He asked going to the point. “Ye have Orfiel now, enjoy him.”

“Because…”, Jophiel was about to snap. Say something how she was not the first pick, or how she was sure Sabin always will find a way to creep into Orfiel’s mind, but she figured Galmied will use it against her, she smirked, “Answer me first”, she said.

Galmied quirked his eyebrow, he had no clue what the woman was asking, but he was saved the breath by the rustling of leaves coming up the hill behind them. Luckily they were completely covered by the bushes. But the Elf shushed the human and readied himself to pick them off.

They were vampires, and with them marched few humans, barely dressed and terrified. She was thankful there were very few children with the group, and her expression turned to be that of great sadness, knowing that to catch them all, some of them will die today.

Team 2:

The first to step out were the team of Jophiel and Galmied. Sabin decided not to exchange further words with the Elf, as it was better to leave him be. She was sure he was not happy with the current arrangement and she decided it was best to leave further discussion until after their mission was over.

She followed in silent as Orfiel lead them both for the nearest groove. Orfiel reached the tree line and motioned for Sabin to join him in the small pile of felled logs that were stacked up by some long gone loggers. It overlooked the center of the grove. Once they were settled in he began setting up some White Fire traps, their job was to fill the grove with the traps while Jophiel and Galmied were to be scouts and try to pick off some of the weaker Vampires.

“So how did you meet Blue boy?”

Sabin chuckled, “It’s a long tale. If you care to hear it out, it’s a rather amusing one. The short version of it was that he was offered as a night companion by a friend who owned him as a slave”, Sabin shook her head, “I never intended to bed him at first. I needed to extract information from him, and I didn’t mind looking at a pretty face while working… but things develop in a very quick manner soon after… I’m sure my friend had other intentions in mind though”.

Orfiel’s face hardened lightly. This tale was sounding familiar already.
“So he was a job you got too cozy with as well eh? Maybe I should warn him.” He said half joking as they moved to another spot to set up more traps.

Sabin chuckled softly. She wanted to sound amused, but the jab was well felt and coughed slowly, “Maybe you should…”, she nodded as they continued to walk, “You and Jophiel doing okay?”

Big O nodded feeling regret at the cheap shot, but he couldn’t help himself.
“I’m...I’m sorry Sabin, that was out of line. We’re doing fine. Come we’re almost done with these trap then we’ll meet up Little J and Blue Boy.” He began setting up the last trap besides the small trail leading into the Grove.

The fact Orfiel apologized made her feel even more horrible. The way he turned his back to her made her feel as though it was Galmied in one of his out of reach moments and she wanted to hug him so much. She reached her hands in the air and pretended as though she could have gone and actually touch him, but knew it will not be fair for either of the men if she did so.

She watched him putting the traps and recalled of the way he had taught her to do so the first time. How their hands touched and how she turned around to kiss him. She felt so horrible now, and without knowing what compelled her to do so, her right hand reached for the brand on her chest. It was concealed because of the robes and armor she was wearing, but she felt something growing warmer and giving her courage. She smiled to herself, hoping she could have sent even a small heat to her elven blue lover. She then continued to place the traps in silent, placing the silver dust around too.

Team 3:

Gideon stared at the dark sky for a long while. He watched as the Orc stared at the direction of the ceremony location.

“You seem a man of reason, who waste little words”, the vampire said, while making sure his gaze was fixed on the same spot Dire was staring, “Why do you follow them? Their path?”

Dire and Gideon were to hold position and wait for Malachai. The others would be the front line fighters, they would be the clean up crew and the ones who would come in and crush Malachai and his Children lieutenants. The Orc was hoping for silence, especially since he got paired with the gibbering mental case. But the God still hate the Orc and soon his peace was shattered.

He knew the blood sucker wouldn’t shut up if he didn’t answer him.
“They’re good people, and my Granddaughter adores them.” Dire hoped that would be enough.

“Good reasons”, Gideon said as he nodded, “And you… do you plan to seek anything for yourself in this quest? Or are you fully intend on taking the mentor role and stay out of things?”

Dire grumbled lightly half wondering if the Necrophage oil on his saber would work on Gideon.
“To live and not die. And see my only family member become an adult.” Then an idea came to the Orc, maybe if he threw a hard question at the Vampire he’d shut up. “Will you honor the Humans’ deal?” He asked simply.

“What do you mean?”, Gideon asked, a light bright in his eyes as he realized he may actually be able to talk with the grunting Orc.

“Just as it sounds.” Was all Dire said when a wind blew past them and brought the stink of Vampires to his keen nose. He pointed in the direction of Galmied and Jophiel. “Incoming.”

Gideon’s body started to vaporize as it turned to smoke of redness, “It’s not him. It seems he will come from the unoccupied direction, which is the farthest of the castle. He was always a little edgy, but that is certainly a different change of direction altogether. He either knows we are here, or he suspect someone will try something… Or maybe he is just over paranoid. I want to save these humans but we may have to consider the idea that some of them may be killed for him to be lured out”

03-30-2018, 11:47 PM
Being the closest to the action Jophiel and Galmied made a choice. Even if it gave away their position they couldn’t let those people be used for the sick ritual. Little J pulled out a couple of silver daggers and Galmied crept behind the bushes setting himself up to strike from behind. There were only four Vamps for the group, easily dealt with if they could strike first.

Jophiel inched closer readying the daggers. A nightbird cooed causing the Vampire to quickly spin around. They were all paranoid tonight, but they wouldn’t have to worry long. Jophiel quickly stood up and expertly threw one dagger than the other at those in the front. Both weapons made contact through the sides of their heads. She ducked away before thier bodies hit the ground, but Galmied acted just as quickly. He had a pair of short swords in his hands and quickly cleaved the heads from the rear Vampires’ heads.

The prisoners watched on in shock as their captors were easily killed. And with the single quick wave from the giant silver clad Elf they all ran for the safety of the Mountain Father’s Church. Galmied ducked back into the bushes and hoped they get back safely.


“Well, it looks like the Elf has decided for us!”, Said Gideon, his body fully in mist form, “I shall storm ahead into the mansion then, I don’t sense Malachi out here!”, he waited only a minute to give the Orc time enough to state his opinion.

“Go find him then.” Was all Dire said before watching Gideon apparate away.
“Stay safe!”, Gideon’s voice echoed


Sabin’s heart was beating fast, watching how her man has foolishly again rushed on to aid others. She knew Orfiel was probably terrified for his girl, but all her focus was on the big blue Elf. When she saw no danger appearing, she turned around, watching a mist of red flying for the direction of the keep.

“Gideon heading for the other way, so I think it is safe!”, Sabin got up and rushed for the direction of Jophiel and Galmied.


As Gideon entered the castle the world around them seemed to change. The already dark night became darker, and just as the five warriors reached the destroyed walls of the villa they were stopped by the vicious hissing of no less than twenty Vampires. Five of the blood suckers charged and with the element of surprise on their side Sabin, Galmied, Dire, Jophiel and Orfiel were thrown back away from the villa Gideon would be on his own here.

Quickly taking charge Orfiel threw a Holy Fire bomb and scattered the five that attacked them, but they soon rejoined the other fifteen and launched an all out attack.


“NO!”, Was all that Gideon could utter as his mist form turned back and hit some kind of a barrier. He manifested in his flesh form and started to ponder on the thick layer of the magic spell that encircle them.

“Those hunters tasted bad, but their brain preserved much of a valued information”, a familiar voice called from behind. At first four young women appeared but then in came a tall figure.

“Malachi!”, Gideon hissed, his face twisting into a hideous beast, the way a true vampire looked like.

“That expression!”, Malachi chuckled, “It’s been awhile since I’ve last laid my eyes on it…”

“What is this?!”, Gideon pointed with anger at the misty wall that trapped him inside.

“I had the pleasure of sucking the blood of a particularly interesting individual. You know, not all hunters know the art of setting barriers- but this one was a gifted girl”

Gideon’s eyes widen. All high vampires had some kind of a unique skill at their disposal. Malachi could actually absorb information from his victims, “I don’t practice magic… but it was easy enough to learn how to mimic it-- even in such low quality it seems to serve my purpose”.

Gideon placed his hands, carefully studying the barrier, “You-- You would actually be able to learn how to master something like this? A barrier against vampires?”

Malachi looked pleased with himself, “It’s not as strong as the one of the order invokes, but it sure is enough to give me time and your full devoted attention”, he snapped his fingers and at that moment the four vampires stormed at Gideon.

He was able to push them off, but he went easy with them, and didn’t attack them harshly. He was far more focused on Malachi… which was a thing Malachi expected. The girls kept throwing themselves back at him, as he pushed them aside- until one of them was able to successfully bind him with a ring around his neck.

Gideon gasped as he felt something tearing at him from the inside. He tried to rip the ring but found that his power were leaving him all too fast.

“Pity, you should have just killed them off”

“Is this a hunter’s relic as well?”

Malachi nodded and with another snap of his fingers the four women turned around Gideon and started to suck blood from his body, leaving him in deep pain.

“Don’t worry, criminal. You won’t die from this, obviously, but I can’t let you join hand with those two pesky hunters. I will leave you for later, using your blood on the altar… in the meanwhile enjoy the show!”

Malachi moved closer and waited for the barrier to disappear. As he predicted, his magic could never be as strong as one of the Church’s children, but it was enough- Besides, he was still weak to its effect, so having it continue and holding was going to be troublesome anyway. He then passed forward, rushing with the other four as he picked up Jophiel by her neck.

He flew some distance upward, watching her struggle as her legs fought to gain some hold in the air, and her fingers pulling at his hand, making sure he won’t snape her neck.

The others were too embroiled in their own battles to rush to Jophiel’s aid, but she wasn’t as helpless as Malachi thought she was. Once she had moved her chin so his claws weren’t right at her throat she quickly pulled two smaller versions of the Holy Fire bomb off her belt. They were called Angel’s Breath and they were more concentrated versions of their big cousins. More powerful, but not as good a range. She had four in her fingers, they’d be enough to immolate lesser Vampires, but they would still hurt Malachi enough to make him drop her. She swung her feet up and planted them in his chest to springboard from before she threw the orange balls at the man.

He was soon covered in raging hot fire and Jophiel quickly ran to O’s side picking up the two silver and steel sickle he carried on his belt as her back-up weapons.

The Elder Vampire did indeed feel those hits, but he’s had worse. He patted down the flames and stared at the five heroes while his black and blistered skin regenerated nigh instantly.
“That was very cute little Hunter, but I’ve humored you fools long enough.” He snapped his fingers and his underlings quickly broke away from their fighting and formed a large circle around the fiver warriors and their Leader. The Vamps stood silent, but their claws were all out and ready to rip into any of the five who came near their ring of death.

No one knew what was going to happen next, but until Gideon or some other trump card showed up they would need to hold back Malachi as best as they can.


Gideon lay on the ground still fighting to get himself free from the ring, “It’s no use… I would need someone who can rid me of this!”.

“I… I can help”, a shaking human stepped forward, “But first, you have to tell me, why are you like this?”

“As much as I love chatting, or knowing why you stayed behind as the others fled, or how would you possible be able to remove this, I will give you the short story. Which is… he doesn’t like me much”, Gideon smirked, “He doesn’t like me this much, but don’t worry it happens in the best families”

“If I free you… would you attack me?”

“Of course not… Besides there is a much more dire situation and a cute little elf I need to save…”

The young man moved slowly, as he started to chant and move his fingers over the ring.

“How would someone like you know of this ring… or more so… how would you…”

The child smiled, but it was a wicked grin, “I can only give you the short story sadly… I gave some prophecy to your elf… I need to make sure she lives to see it through”

Gideon seemed worried but shook it off, “Very well”

The ring clicked, “Go now!”

“Wait, Gideon said, who are you, what do you gain from this?”

“You may call me Rathma”, the boy then morphed into a huge snake like human.

“Naga!”, Gideon said, “I didn’t even know your people are still alive!”

“If you won’t hurry… they will die!”

“Sabin”, Gideon’s body started to glow as he turned around, “Fine but you will have to-!”, When he turned his head for the strange creature direction again, he realized he was gone, “Bah, such mysterious fiends…”


Back in the warm Brickheart house, a little cry sounded through the dimly lit home. It would go unnoticed by the household. For years the girl knew not to cry loudly, and Papa Bone would always be there for her anyway. But now she was alone, and the shadow men began to creep out of the corners again and fear filled her entire frame.

But Grandpa Dire has been teaching her the ways of Orcs. They were fearless, and even Demons are afraid of an angry Orc. Grabbing the little dagger she made in the forge she grabbed Lil’Bone and began growling softly at the shadows slashing at them with her weapon. And much to the girl’s elation the Shadow Men back away and allowed Guk-Guk to run through the house and out a partially open window. But as she landed on the still warm cobblestones of the street she saw that the darkness was all around her, and the shadow men seemed to become giants.

She kept Lil’Bone and her dagger close and just ran down the street. She needed to find her family, they’d know how to fight the shadowmen.

“Oi, ye we bonny munchkin.” A beautiful and well bosomed lady approached her carrying a bright orange lantern. “What are ye doin’ alone out here at this hour?”

The little Goblin girl jumped at the sudden voice holding her knife out. Even after seeing the kind-eyed woman and her lantern which magically scared the shadow men away. Her red eyes were wide with fear, but she kept her breathing steady and her knife level. “Guk-Guk, I mean, I’m lookin’ for my family. They fighta the shadow men away!”

“Don’t be afraid,wee one”, The woman smiled crouching down smiling into the girl’s face. “I won’t do anything to ye. My name is Agneta. Now… tell me… is it wise for ye to go outside and look for them? I’m sure they wouldn’t have want that… They will be worried and sad, will they nae?”

Guk-Guk frowned a little lowering her knife, but she kept her toy clutched to her chest. The woman was right, but the little girl was still adapting to the mindset of sit and wait. Papa Bone never really put that lesson in her head. He taught her to go forward at all times and make things happen. “They’re in trouble, Guk-I know it, I’m sorry Ms. Agneta, but..but I need them. They keep the bad men away.” The girl seemed to visibly shrink away at a shadow movement in an ally. “And, I can help them fight...whatever trouble they in!” Her words sounded brave and seemed to be directed at he shadows around them more than the woman actually speaking with her.

The woman smiled and crossed her hands, “Is that so?”, she said, and suddenly her face grow fearful, “OH NO WHAT’S THERE!”

The little kid turned around quickly and Agneta grabbed her hips and whispered, “Boo”, into her hears, watching the little girl squirm and held herself from laughing.

Guk-Guk quickly pointed her blade, “You mean lady!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry”, Agneta couldn’t help herself and she finally gave in to laughter, “I didn’t mean to munchkin… but I had to show ye…”

Guk-Guk still frowned.

“They hadn’t told ye where they went, right… or if they did, they probably saved the details… And I’m sure you were left with people that cared much about you. My conclusion is, that they want to be sure ye are safe, so they can be focused on their mission, without being worried. I know ye are strong lassie… and brave… but if ye linger outside, I’m sure people will notice and get worried. Think about it… if they go outside and search for you… they might get hurt too, right?”

Guk-Guk pouted trying to think up a way to argue with the woman, but she couldn’t.
“Yea...I guess.” She said quietly. “But what if they’re hurt already? Or they’ve already died! And and I don’t know where I am.” She sighed looking around lost and confused.

Agneta smiled and sighed, “Aye ye are nae where ye need to be that’s for sure”. She could have argued about the fact that she just tested her abilities and they were not enough, but decided to go for more positive approach, “Do you trust your family? Are they strong?”, she asked gently.

Guk-Guk looked up into the woman’s golden eyes looking almost offended at the mere thought of her family being anything less than the strongest people in the world She pointed the tip of her dagger at the woman’s chest for emphasis.
“My family is the strongest. Mama Saba is Dark Elf Assassin, Uncle Gemmy is big Snow Elf Warrior, and Grandpa Dire is Orc Berseker!” The trust was implied in Guk-Guk’s mind so she didn’t see a need to discuss it.

“So how about you trust them to come back to you?”, The woman smiled.

Guk-Guk opened her mouth to make a quick remark, but once again she had nothing and she remembered Mama Saba telling her pointing at people is rude so she quickly stuffed the dagger into the sash of her short nightie. It weighed the flimsy garment down, but not enough to bother the little girl. She hugged Lil’Bone with both her arms refusing to look at the kind woman, she thought she could win the argument.
“I-guess, but I’m still lost. I don’t suppose you know the way back to Mr. Brickheart’s house?”

“Follow me”, the woman offered her hand. At first Guk-Guk was reluctant to do so, but eventually she decided to trust the woman who walked her back to safety. On their way home the young girl told her all about the adventures she had, and about her important family. When they reached home, Agneta held Guk-Guk by the hand and simply placed her’s over the knob and twisted it. She had used magic to undo the lock, but a key part of her job was keeping the mystery of her existence...a secret. ”Hmm guess Mr. Brickheart forgot to lock the door, come we’ll be extra super quiet.”, she said, faking the whole scene as if it was the blacksmith’s fault. They entered and the woman quickly closed and locked the door, even added a small blessing to it for extra protection. She then helped the girl get to bed and was even willing to read a story to her, which was a brand new change, since lately not Saba nor Uncle Gemmy had time to do so. Even Granpa Dire was a bit too cranky to be voicing the characters in the tale.

So she lied down, and listen to the woman telling a strange story, about a demon who cared for a human. She immediately liked that tale.


The five heroes were heavily wounded, each of them tossed to the far corner of the field, while trying their best to fend off the other vampires.

While Malachi himself was in pretty bad shape, it was clear he was going to last long after they all die.

”Children of Malachi. This is my final warning. Leave his side, or die at my hands”

“Damn it!”, Malachi cursed as his lips twisted in annoyance, “Show yourself criminal”.

While some of the vampires stopped attacking, it was clear they will not hold for long.

“What are you doing, imbeciles”, Malachi roared, “Finish them off, or I’ll finish you all!”

Some of them looked extremely frightened. They exchanged gazes from one another but soon nodded and returned to continue the fight.

Malachi smiled as he himself throw more punches and flew for the direction of the males, hitting them, and briefly disappearing to hit another target.

As Sabin and Jophiel were cornered, they prepare to strike, only to hit air. The bodies of their attackers were now at the ground lifeless, and before long crumbled and turned to dust.

I warned you…

“Is that….?”, Jophiel asked

Quick like a lightning and invisible, Gideon hit them hard, killing them like flies.

“He makes it look so easy job”, Jophiel grumbled and Sabin chuckled, but quickly grabbed her belly, as her wounds were still hurtful.

Before long most of the vampires were either dead, or close to it, and Gideon was standing before Malachi, his silver hair waving in the air, and his eyes glowing.

The two roared at each other like dogs and started to slash at one another.

“He won’t be able to finish him… not like this”, Sabin looked at Orphiel who was some distance away, “Is there any way to help him?”, she asked as she looked at Jophiel.

Jophiel had quickly tied up a few of her more bloody wounds, but her magically toughened skin made sure none of the blows would be fatal to her or Big O. Dire and Galmied though she wasn’t so sure of. They only idea she had was to have Gideon lure Malachi to the forest and run him through all the traps Orfiel and Sabin set. “We can lure him into the grove and have him run over some of the Holy Fire traps you set, but with Gideon in his sights I don’t think he’d pursue any of us. So Gabby there would need to be the lure.”

“Roger!”, Sabin said, “And he is too busy with Malachi, so I guess this is gonna be on me”, Sabin rushed forward, “Gideon, I need you now!”, she screamed at him.

While the exchanged blows above them, she faintly heard, “Kinda busy here, dear”, Gideon said, while nearly avoiding claws into his eyes.

“Just follow me damn it!”, She screamed again, as she started to run for the direction of the open field.

Gideon watched her and looked at Malachi with a sad smile, “Well… women…”, he smirked as he vaporized into a red mist again and followed.

“GET BACK HERE!”, Malachi screamed at the top of his lungs, clearly not amused by the exchanges of words.


“He is really angry”, the red mist hissed.

“Just shut up and follow me!”, Sabin said, trying to catch her breath as she ran. She heard things getting smashed and broken behind her. Malachi was clearly not happy.

“Oh how did I expect to hear those words again!”

“Not funny!”

“And don’t mind those noises, he is obviously after me”

“I’m not worried”

“Although… Maybe you should be, he is kinda quick”

“Just shut up!”.

Sabin ran and ran, already seeing hints of the area where she and Orfiel hid the traps when she felt something grabbing her neck.

“Is this wench this so important to you?”, Malachi said holding Sabin up. Her silver eyes getting teary from lack of air.

Gideon roared as he stormed ahead, but Malachi was quicker, moving backward. He enjoyed watching Gideon in such anguish and he made sure not to drop Sabin or to kill her too quickly. While moving he was oblivious to the danger. Sabin hoped it will work soon, or she was a goner.

Luckily for Sabin fate was favoring her this night, because in all the flairing about she was being subjected to with Malachai using her to play keep away with Gideon an upper portion of her armor was ripped revealing the dainty little snowflake brand on her skin. And ever the fighter the Dark Elf was actively trying to get free when the ring on her finger brushed against the brand and awakened something in her she hadn’t felt since she bonded with Galmied...magic.

It wasn’t controlled, but it was powerful. A barrier of white magical energy exploded out from the ring breaking Malachai arm off at the elbow and making the Elder Vampire fall onto one of the Holy Fire Traps. His entire body was engulfed in holy fire and unfortunately so was Gideons. Malachai’s children all felt their master’s pain as the traps intended and they broke their formation falling to ground and screaming in pain. Taking this chance the rest of Sabin’s party rushed to join her Galmied moving with more speed and agility than he ever had before. Whatever magic was in the ring affected him as well, he scooped up Sabin and ran for it as the battling Elders continued to run over and crash into the hidden traps setting of a domino effect throughout the entire wooded grove. The only safe place was the large clearing in the middle and that is where the Monster Hunting band ran.

The ring on her finger was gone, but the magic kept growing wild in her, and she felt terrible pain as she descended.

The screeches of the children reach their ears. Those that have not yet died rush in the direction of their master.

While he wanted to check on Sabin he knew that at this time, it was his only chance to strike. “Nothing personal, old friend”, Gideon said, bearing his fangs and stabbing them deeply into Malachi’s neck, sucking the blood dry out of them, as they both felt the pain of the trap.

The children, who rushed like bugs, were soon caught up in more traps and flames. It was a terrible sight.


“And so the terrible demon, died, protecting the woman he loved and the people who wished to kill him”, said Agneta as she closed the book and petted the little goblin’s head.

“That’s so sad”, Said Guk-Guk, as she rested her head against the large breast of the woman. Wondering about the story.

“You need to go to bed dear… everyone in the house are sleeping”

“But Uncle and Saba and Grandpa not back!”, the girl protested and the lady carefully placed her head on the pillow, “If you sleep and be a good girl, I’ll go look for them and bring them right back!”

“Really?!”, Guk-Guk’s eyes sparkled.

“Yes… And even if they will be a little sad, your family will be back…”

Guk-Guk yawned as she picked her doll and turned over in her bed, “It is sad about the monster… A lot of people afraid of monsters… like Papa Bone….”

The woman kissed Guk-Guk on her forehead, “But he was a good man. He made sure our shop would never stop making toys”.

Guk-Guk smiled and soon fell asleep Agneta simply smiled at the girl and vanished from the room like a dream.

03-31-2018, 12:38 AM
While the Holy Fire Bombs detonated all around them the five heroes were bombarded by the force and soon found themselves lying in an unconscious circle around the alter the Vampires had set up in the grove. The battle between Gideon and Malachi lost to them as well as who was the victor. But then a sudden blast of cold filled the grove and seemed to extinguish the fires around them. The sounds of the two Elder Vampires silenced as well as the death peals of many of Malachi’s underlings. Not all of them were dead, but they were in no shape to move.

Seemingly riding on the wings of the icy wind two large figures walked through the trees staring at the destruction all around them. Bertil and Agneta sighed, so much of this just seemed unnecessary. All the blood and fighting was always for naught, and there is always innocent suffers to feel the lashes. The big humans shared nary a word as they moved through the grove dismantling and collecting all the undetonated Holy Fire traps as well as the bodies of the dead. All were properly disposed of before they turned to those that yet live. The Vampires they moved to the villa and the five wounded heroes in the grove were healed, the memories altered with the vague knowledge that everything was ok and Gideion, Malachi, and and all Vampires were gone for good. Then they taken back to their beds. The couple soon returned to their shop and shared some mugs of warm ale.

All was said and done and with any luck the city would be none the wiser as to the disaster they just dodged.

“They won’t bother this town again”, came a voice behind them. The couple didn’t seem disturbed. They recognized the owner of the voice, and more than once called him friend. But times change, as it always does, and as much as a mystery as they were, he was even a bigger one, “The vampires won’t return. And as always, you show such compassion to strangers. Even so, while no one will be there to thank you, I am thankful”, said the Naga with a smile as he placed his hand together in a meaningful gesture.

Bertil looked up as the Naga appeared in their shop. Always a strange visit when Rathma drops by.
“Tis our reason fer being Rathma, ye know that as well as I. None of us really have the free will ta be anything else, yerself included. Why did ye give Malachi that ring? And did ye place the one Sabin used in the pocket of a Hunter ta leave at the Church? We expected the Snow Elf ta figure out how ta save her.”

“There were too many possibilities, old friends”, said the snake man, his eyes narrowing, “I know you both have courted him in your shop… I figured something was happening because of it… But the future was too open… The prince could have died… I couldn’t allow it… not now when all players have appeared on the stage… I had to act… And yes, I foresaw you doing your little shop act long before I placed the ring. I couldn’t leave fate to play at this part. There were too many risks…”, the Naga nodded, “And I couldn’t tell you either, it would have altered too much of the little choices that would matter”.

Agneta scoffed standing up with her mug studying the Prophet closely. Her husband was the Seer between the two of them and there were things even he couldn’t tell her and annoyed her so it easily infuriated her when another Seer played the same game. But she knew the risks of messing with fate. “Ye scaly fool ye know how fate reacts when ye tamper with it, ye might’ve just killed the Prince or the Heir yerself tooling around like that! Ye cannae keep doin’ that Rathma! There will be repercussions!” She took a step towards the Naga, but the heavy hand of Bertil calmed her. “Be calm wife, he knows the risks.” He looked worriedly at Rathma. “Just be careful friend, the Beast is still in play, and ye know the damage he can cause when fate gives him the fire ta do so.”

“I do… remember… most of those who played were of my kin”, his expression remained unchanged but there was clearly sadness in his eyes, “And so it’s the hour of the tide… If all the pieces fall together”, the naga nodded, “I will be on my way then?”

Agneta huffed nodding her head before going to refill her mug. Bertil nodded as well clasped the Naga’s forearm. “Aye, we’ll keep an eye on them fer now, but I hope ye have a plan fer Fate’s retaliation lad.”

“I have… but I think our heroes are about to awake… no?”, he smiled as his body started to glow, and before long he vanished.

04-02-2018, 09:29 PM
Sabin woke with a startle. The pain was unbearable but something else was pushing at her. She stumbled as she walked, moving all the way to the bathroom, where she bent and throw up like. The pain and burning and all the events until now were one thing, but this--

When she finished cleaning herself a new fear gripped at her body. She knew at once, without being too sure… that she was with a child.

She tried to keep a masked expression as she walked back to her room. It seems hers and Galmied wounds were taken care of by someone (she suspected it was not the blacksmith or his wife), and figured it was the same for Dire, Jophiel and Orfiel.

She looked down at Galmied who was still sleeping in the bed and kissed his forehead softly. The vampires had most likely perished… she hoped Gideon still made it… and she was thankful for her blue giant for catching her.

As she set beside, careful not to move him, she considered how to tell him the news. Would he be happy? And was it okay to tell him anything yet, if she herself was not sure.

At that moment Guk-Guk stepped inside, “Saba!”, she called and Sabin throw her hands around her. Dire followed in, looking as confused as she was.

“I am happy lady Agneta brought you back. She did what she promised and you are home. The hunter lady and man are in the church too!”

Dire and Sabin exchanged looks.” It seems our mystery will be solved once I go there!”, she said. “Please stay with Guk-Guk and Galmied, I will return shortly.”


Sabin entered the church and was surprised to see the hunters, the church father, and an unknown couple sitting together around the same table the planned their strategy just a day prior.

Father Mikeil smiled as he saw the Dark Elf. “You did well on the mission, I believe congratulations are in order.”

“But”, Sabin was about to ask when Jophiel spoke up, “We are just as confused as you are… But according to our saviours”, she pointed at the couple, “Malachi is dead. Gideon is alive, and will take the survivors away as promised. They won’t return to town, and while we are not sure if his words will be kept, I think we are allowed to relax some.”

Sabin moved closer to the table taking a seat. “If you patched us up and brought us back to safety, I am thankful… but… part of me still wonders… how did you know…?”

Agneta who was already used to answering questions of this sort was ready. “Ye made quite the havoc. All the noises and screeches… mi husband and I had ta check and see what all the ruckus was about”

Orfiel remained silent but he knew the gaze Sabin had given her. He knew that Sabin didn’t believe her but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. “Who are you?”

“We are shopkeepers, we sell toys.” Smiled the man, and at the moment he gave his brilliant smile, Sabin knew that these were the couple Galmied had talked about.

She smiled, “Thank you for the bunny doll”.

The couple smiled and nodded, as Orfiel and Jophiel looked at each other, confused.

“If that is all, we shall take our leaves.” Said the man.

“Wait…” said Sabin. But then she bit her lips. She knew there was nothing she could say to make the couple stay, and she figured she wouldn’t be able to extract much more information out of them.

“Aye?” asked the woman.

“Nevermind.” Sabin said.

“Oh, while we dinnae know if the vampires will return or not, I do believe this is a great day fer ye to celebrate. Our shop is no’ far, so feel free ta come and buy gifts fer yer family and loved ones… maybe even take some time off fer yourselves, ay?”

Jophiel grinned as she gave a small nodge to Orfiel, “Maybe even get a wedding out of the way… and plan a honeymoon”

Orfiel looked at Sabin. He was sure that hearing this was hurting her, but he only moved forward and kissed Jophiel on her forehead and took her hand, “You’ve earned this for yourself.” Sabin said with a weak voice and Orfiel knew she was about to cry. But a quick hug told her he was sorry.

Sabin thanked the father of the church and walked outside. There was so much she wanted to tell Galmied. She pet her belly as she walked back to Daryl’s house, happy and sad. It felt like a sad ending, with a promising future. She had a mixed feelings going on about her, but all the positive energies were gone when she reached the blacksmith’s house.

Galmied, Dire, and Guk-Guk were outside, and around him were ruggedly beautiful creatures very much like him…Snow Elves, they were all armed and the large woman at the front of the group was carrying shackles.


Galmied was trying to rest up while he waited for Sabin to come back from seeing the Hunters at the Church. He thought about being cross with her for running away to see her former lover before he was even awake, but the dull pain in his muscles quieted his anger and he simply slipped into a eventful sleep.

Every night the vision played over and over in his mind, and every night it was exactly the same thing he could draw the entire dream perfectly if he wanted to, but everytime he still scrutinized everything hoping for some change or another clue he kept missing. As he fell asleep this time he expected nothing different. So much so in fact he actually didn’t pay close attention, just did his part in the infuriating dream waiting for it to end. But this time his indifference seemed to open something. The dreamed moved to the end and where the woman was about to turn to him and speak, he expected the vision to just end like before. But this time the woman fully faced him and while he couldn’t see her face he heard her speak a name “Adalhardo.” And just like that it ended, he knew the voice, at least he thought he did and the name was a boy’s name. Did that mean he was gonna have a son with Sabin or Denika? He awoke with a start it was mid morning and both Dire and Guk-Guk were already up and enjoying some breakfast. The Orc looked no worse for the wear despite having similar wounds to the Snow Elf.

The little girl was a chipper and smiling as ever, he wasn’t sure what Dire had told her about last night, so he wouldn’t say anything just yet. He simply walked over and kissed Guk-Guk on top of the head. “How’d ye sleep lassie?” He asked taking a seat at the table besides her thanking Tarina for the food.

The little half bred nodded taking a big bite out of the sausage on her plate.
“Good, met Agneta after I wake up and went looking for you all. She brought me back here and read me a story about a Demon fighting other Demons to save the woman he loved.” Galmied quirked his eyebrow that’s a rather odd story to tell a child, and Agneta-- did she mean the toy maker he met yesterday? But before he could ask a firm knock came upon the door. Being the closest to the door Galmied got up and answered it while Daryl and his wife were looking on.

He opened it to the stern face of a Snow Elf woman (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=79692&page=32&p=2948684&viewfull=1#post2948684). And the anger in her eyes stopped Galmied dead in his tracks. “Ragnild!” He gasped instinctively clenching his fists, he knew what this meant.

Galmied’s eldest sister, Ragnild Ice-Sworn, was a Bounty Hunter and someday he knew she’d come for him. Her face didn’t soften but the man saw the faintest flicker of regret cross her dark eyes like she wasn’t expecting to actually find him. “Agamar, please come quietly.” Was all she said before she pulled some heavy shackles off her belt and clicked her tongue to the four Elves behind her. They slowly backed up and drew their weapons keeping them at the low ready should anyone cause trouble.

As Sabin approached, Guk-Guk who had been on the verge of tears ran for the Dark Elf fully crying. “Mama Saba! Bad people come to take Uncle Gemmy away!” She jumped into her surrogate mother’s arms while Dire simply stood besides Galmied his hand on the Elf’s shoulder in solidarity.

“What is the meaning of this?”, Sabin said, narrowing her eyes.

“Agamar, your oath to me, fulfill it”, said another elven woman (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=12634&page=3&p=2950446&viewfull=1#post2950446) completely ignoring Sabin. She was beautiful- heck all of them were, but Sabin was pissed.

“I’m standing right here, what oath are we talking about?”

“Agamar has crossed a politically delicate line, but he should not have been sold as a slave to begin with”, the woman turned around to see Sabin.

“His name is Galmied!”, Sabin hissed and the woman looked completely in shock and soon that expression turned to anger, “Why would you brand yourself with such a name, Agamar! You are not a slave! Beside I have come here personally to make sure you see reason”.

“What do you mean?”, Sabin’s silver eyes opened wide as she held on Guk-Guk’s hand.

“Galmied means “one who has been abandoned” or “one without family”- It is an insult, a dreaded one”, said the woman called Ragnild, despite being a Snow Elf like Galmied, she had no trace of the accent the big male had. She looked very much like Galmied, she must be one of his sisters.
Sabin was about to reach for her weapon, “Are you going to take him away? Make him a slave again!? I won’t allow it to-!”

It was Galmied’s turn to hush Sabin by throwing his hands in a gesture of telling her to calm down. There was a moment of gazes exchange between all the snow elves. Galmied in particular focused on his sister and this other woman.

It was then that Sabin realized, even without saying it… It was someone Galmied cared deeply for.

“Ashayra”, he uttered her name and her gentle lips curved into a smile, “My love”, she said and Sabin was barely able to contain her anger. All she could do was stare in disbelief, “Well… he has family now!”, she said straight out. Guk-Guk was sure she had never seen Sabin this angry before.

“You should save face-- You are an assassin after all”, the Bounty Hunter said gently but Sabin was far too angry to actually care.

She is jealous and angry, which was all ironic, considering this was what Galmied had to deal with not long before.

“Is this girl some kind of a bed pet you keep, my love?”, The woman said staring at Sabin, “Poor taste, considering the reputation of the Dark Elves… But that won’t matter to me… You can keep her if you want, just make sure she is put in a separate place-!”

“How about I make your head separated?”, Sabin hissed.

“Such words and manners. And here I thought you would at least have more decency, knowing that you were chosen to be courted by our people… and one of noble blood no less”.

Sabin twisted her nose and lips in disgust.

“I came here personally, Agamar- You have yet to pay for your crimes in full… but seeing that we already planned to wed, I don’t see any further problem, once you are in a position to rule you may-”

“Galmied”, Sabin said her eyes glowing, “You can’t just go back there, can you? You said we would find a way to marry-!”

“Look, whore”, the pretty snow elf said, “I may agree to bear your stench at the palace of my husband but don’t fool yourself into an illusion of marriage. You may settle for royal concubine at best- or just leave him be. The laws are clear, and he has his duty for his people first and foremost. I was there long before he even lay his hands on you. However, I was not quick enough. Before I was able to act, he was taken away from me, but now I am a representative of the noble house Wintershield, and by marrying him, Agamar will finally be a free man… a noble prince… by my side as my lover…”

There was a strange hesitation in Galmied’s expression. Did he still loved this woman?

“Or he would be handled by me, here and now… There is a price on your head still brother, I wanted to be at least graceful enough to give you a warning, a chance.” said Ragnild.

Dire grunted sensing Galmied back some sensing the rising anger in the big Elf stepping between the man and his sister.
“A century of slavery is equal to any crime committed among the Free people of Eisignol. And he has been a free man for over a week. His former mistress proved unstable and she revoked her claim on him and by the Law of Queen Brightcloth of Avelar. A master…” A sharp slap was heard and Dire grunted lightly as Ashayra’s hand left a small mark on his cheek. “You will speak when you are spoken too beast!” Guk-Guk who had been simply holding onto Sabin now jumped down and ran up intent on giving the mean lady a swift kick. “Hey be nice to Grandpa Dire!” But one of the males quickly intercepted booting Guk-Guk away only to receive a full bodied punch from Galmied to the side of his helmet denting it and knocking him off his feet. Then the man roared in the Snow Elf tongue. “Gu leňr, bidh thu uile sŕmhach!” (enough, all of you be quiet)

This was the first time any of them have seen Galmied strike out in anger. Guk-Guk quickly ran to Dire’s arm who picked her up hushing her tears quietly in Orcish. The sides tenses up, but a quick motion from Ragnild made the mall back up and give the man some room to speak.
“I have long since paid for mi crimes Ragnild! Years o’ branding, abuse, degradation, bein’ used as a toy fer more years than I’ve been a free man! As fer the bounty the money I was sold fer was supposed tae cover that!”

Ashayra’s demeanor instantly softens and in that second she looked like Sabin. It seems they both had types that kept coming back to haunting them. “Mi love, I am so sorry. Ye should’ve been brought tae mi house instead of sold as a slave.”

Ragnild’s face remained a stoic statue unmoved by the events unfolding before her.
“Maybe in the Southern Lands you’re free, but as a son of Stormgard you still killed an Elder and our laws supersede the Southern ones. And as a Bounty Hunter of Stormgard, I’m within my power to bind and drag you in. Dion’t make me do that, you’ve damaged the noble name of IIce-Sworn enough.”

Ashayra quickly moved and jumped into Galmied’s arm kissing him.
“Please mi love, ever since I was a lass and our families agree tae the bethrotheal. I’ve been savin’ myself fer ye. I can save ye, from prison or repercussions. Bu ye must come back with us peacefully.”

Galmied sighed looking at Sabin. He was torn, by yards and years.

Sabin watched his hesitation, and was this close to snap at the new woman and killing her. But she looked around and knew that: a. She didn’t want to upset Guk-Guk with death, or teach her that was the way of doing things, b. The others will be forced to attack too… and she may hurt Galmied’s sister.

No, it was something the Snow Elf had to decide on how to act, “I don’t understand”, Sabin said, “How long does he needs to suffer? He killed a noble, true, but that’s just one man and that was long long ago. I think he repented already! How much longer does he need to pay for his crime, and what are his options, according to your laws, aside from being a slave still or marrying another noble?”.

Sabin spoke gently but she still hissed with anger at the new woman. Ragnild sighed shaking her head. “That depends on the Council of Elders, between our parents and Ashayra’s he will get a trial, it will take three months to get back to Stormgard. After that it could take another month or longer for the council to decide.”

Galmied disengaged himself his eyes narrowing.
“Really? Seems the Wild Brothers still wish tae use me as their toy.”

Dire growled, he had a feeling he knew where this was going.
“And his chances?”

Ragnild shrugged crossing her arms under her armored bust.
“He could be freed, imprisoned, sold again, or married to Ashayra.”

Galmied growled lightly, “Or killed.”

Guk-Guk heard the last bit and gasped- tears falling quickly down her face. She was beyond words, but Dire spoke for them both.
“Savages.” He growled turning and taking Guk-Guk back into the Dwarf’s house. The Brickheart family has been respectfully staying out of it, but they could hear everything being said just outside their door. As Dire entered Daryl’s face was hard and angry, Tarina was sniffing back tears and their children were simply quietly sitting around their mother, eyes downcast, and little heads bowed as if in prayer.

“But why?”, Sabin asked, “He was already sold. Doesn’t it end this? Isn’t it enough? Why is he still a wanted man, and how did you come to learn of him without a master? Did you really put a tab on him all those years?”, Sabin looked at Ashayra, “If so, what prevented you for buying him long long ago? Seriously he nearly died with his last mistress”

“I told you!”, the woman snapped and her pained expressions was almost the exact duplication of Sabin, “I couldn’t”

One of the other guards nodded, “The late lord of her house has passed away only this year… and acquiring enough influence for her to come here in person was a lot of trouble on behalf of the lady”

“I did it all for you my love. I had to follow Lady Ragnild and stop her before she was could do anything. That also delayed me quite a bit”, The Snow Elf lady placed her hands over Galmied’s shoulders, “I didn’t know where you were. And even finding you here was a pure chance of luck. But maybe the gods favour us together! I dreamed of this day. The day I will finally meet you!”

Sabin sighed. It all was making sense, and if she truly was after him all this time, would she really be able to fault her? After all, meeting Galmied was a pure chance of luck too. Events could have gone otherwise, and those two had history together. She didn’t want to know what exactly, but she saw those glances that her man was giving to this girl. Even if they were not intimate, something was there for sure.

Maybe it was all idiotic to believe and hope something will change regarding her life. And yet… She petted her belly. How badly she wanted to just use this card as an excuse… but since she was not so sure, would she be able to look at herself in the mirror for binding him over uncertainty.

Sabin didn’t know much about marriage life, either way. It seems this new girl had it all set and ready for him to walk in. And since Sabin had already two missions ahead of her (Finding a patron for Guk-Guk and the other was avenging her mother), was it not selfish to ask him to stay without giving him anything as dowry. She looked at Galmied’s sister and waited for her answer.

Ragnild sighed again this was getting tiring.
“It is my job as both a Bounty Hunter...and his eldest sibling to keep track of him. I cannot speak for his future, as I said before it it up to the Elders. Now Agamar you will come with us, either willingly. Or by force.”
Galmied looked around her recognized each guard with Ragnild and Ashayra. They were comrades when he was a guard. They were good warriors and they outnumbered him, but he could hear Guk-Guk’s cries and see the pain on Sabin’s face. Pulling away from his betrothed again he sighed.
“I will go willingly, but can I have a few minutes tae say good-bye?” He looked at Ash adding this last part. “Alone?”

Ragnild nodded placing a hand on the young lady’s shoulder and pulling her away. She looked frantic for a second being parted from Agamar again, but the Bounty Hunter was stronger and soon the girl relented. They moved away from the Dwarf’s door and Galmied took Sabin’s hand and led her back inside. Once inside Galmied sighed.
“I’m sorry Sabin.”

“I’m not happy, Galmied”, Sabin bite her lips. She could have told him that all his jealousy scenes he made her are unworthy of attention, if she herself could not act on them like he did. Or that he could stand up to them- but even she didn’t want to risk someone getting hurt, especially now when they were so drained from the recent fight. Beside as much as she irked her, she didn’t want to hurt his sister.

“It was nice dreaming, huh?”, she looked at him straight on, her eyebrows narrowing, “Don’t worry I won’t make a scene”- aka how badly she wanted to make one. Asking him if he loved this girl, and if it was all worth it. But instead she reached around her neck and removed something. It made a dingling and clicking sound as she took up his arm (quite roughly) and made him open his palm, “You take it okay?”, she closed his fingers and kissed them, “It was a gift from my father. You keep it close, okay?”. It was her famous moon necklace, that she decided to trust him with showed her love to him. She tapped on her belt, “Your dagger still here, I’ll treasure it…”

At this moment she recalled Jophiel and Orfiel, and pictured their wedding scene. Looks like she bet on the wrong horse, but it was her fault alone. Still she regretted nothing, and in this moment she realized that even going back in time she would not have chosen any other path. Still, the risk of his hunters finding him here was so unlikely…

“I know you don’t like it… like… when you tell me those words of love, and I don’t respond… because… because it is hard. Wish I could say it as easy as this lady friend of yours, but I can’t. But… I am thankful”, Sabin smiled, but it was an extremely sad smile, “I never thought I’d grow so attached to anyone before. I’d probably never will. I will still hunt for my mother’s killers, and don’t worry, I will make sure Guk-Guk is safe first”, She shook her head before dropping her gaze, “... Who am I kidding… I don’t want you to leave… we can take them yes? I can be gentle, I can make sure your sister will only have small pain on her head when I knock her?”, she held his clothes, “You have to stay… you… there is… hmmm... “, she held herself from telling him about a possibility of her conceiving, “I just don’t want you to go”

Galmied smiled at her tough girl display. It was always adorable, but he saw right through it. He wrapped the woman in a strong hug kissing her lips deeply. “Ye may never say it my Valkyrie, but I will. I love you Sabin, more than I have anyone before. Ashayra included, but I need to deal with this if I am ever tae have a life with you. I couldnae ask ye to degrade yerself to a concubine, and I doubt you’d go for it yourself. Be it as a free man, a fugitive, or a spirit I will come back to you.” He parted from her and moved to the still crying Guk-Guk who was clutching the little purple bunny he gave Sabin. Galmied scooped the little girl up hugging her tight.
“Ye take care of Mama Saba and Granpa Dire ok wee lass? They’ll need you tae be strong and keep them from being sad ok?”

The little Goblin sniffed loudly her eyes red with tears. She nodded sadly and quickly gave Galmied the bunny.
“You take Sabbi, so you don’t forget your real princess. And you come back from the evil Princess. Sir Quackers will stay here and keep Mama Saba company.” Galmied smiled kissing her head. “Ay, I will lassie, best go get the wee duck so Mama Saba knows she won’t have tae miss me.” He placed the girl down and she scurried off to get the little duck.

Dire sighed watching the girl go.
“I am sorry Galmied.” Was all he said offering the big Elf his hand.

Galmied took the Orc’s hand and shook it firmly.
“Nae, I’m sorry for her slapping ye.”

Dire shrugged offering a simple smile.
“That’s woman’s hand is like a cloud. I honestly think Guk-Guk could hit harder.”

Galmied laughed nodding.
“Ay I know she could, watch over them mate. Both of them will need ye as much as ye need them.”

Dire nodded releasing Galmied’s hand.
“You have my word friend.”

Guk-Guk returned and gripped Galmied’s hand and led him to Sabin still by the door. She handed Sabin the duck and made it kiss the bunny.
“There, now neither of you will be alone. Cause Sabbi and Quackers love each other too, they’ll told Lil’Bone about it a lot.”

“Quackers is a fitting name”, Sabin said trying to hold herself from laughing. She was still angry after all. At that moment she couldn’t stop picturing the huge snow elf as a giant blue duckling.

Guk-Guk huffed.
“He’s Sir Quackers!”

“When was he knighted!”, Sabin pretended to be in shock, “What did he do? How was I not invited?”, she made a sad face.

Guk-Guk pouted crossing her arms.
“This morning when he and Lil’Bone saved Sabbi from the evil rat king!”

Galmied chuckled nodding.
“Ay, while ye were at the Church. The two of them jumped off Guk-Guk’s bed and fell on top of the mouse trying to chew on Sabbi. Lil’Bone didnae want tae be knighted because according tae Guk-Guk, he’s like Y’gol and doesn’t like being made a spectacle of. Sir Quackers was all for it though.”

“Pfff”, Sabin smiled, “Maybe someday the real duck will get more out of himself too”, she smiled and grabbed his hand and pulled him aside, “Come with me for a moment?”

Galmied followed the woman who led him into the back room and closed the door.

“If you are honest, and true… about all that you said…”, Sabin started to say once they made sure they were out of earsight, “Then… I need to tell you this- because I promised, no more secrets. But you have to promise me… to come back to me… alive!”

A worried look crossed the man’s face.
“I promise my Valkyrie, truly.”

“I…”, Sabin started to walk back and forth, “I don’t know when… or how this happened… mind you, I don’t think anything has technically happened, but there were huge signs everywhere, and the other day that peach on the table looked so delicious- you know how I don’t usually like them-- and so… I… don’t be mad… I was trying to be careful- but this morning I threw up a lot- and I’m still feeling sick…-”

The Snow Elf’s mind was working quickly, and pieces were coming together. But he wanted to hear her say it, before he jumped to conclusions.
“What are ye gettin’ at lass?”

“I think I’m pregnant. Galmied, I think… I think we’re going to have a child…”

Galmied was almost floored, his greatest hopes were coming true for once in his life. He quickly hugged Sabin, lifting her off the ground kissing her deeply.
“Oh by the Sky Father! My vision shows the truth!”

“Visions?”, she said, still enjoying his hugs, “What visions… and please don’t go over excited, I’m still not sure that I am carrying a child… but I’m so happy to see that you are okay with this”.

Galmied chuckled putting her down.
“Oh well, ever since mi last night with Denika, I’ve been having a vision of the future. Myself and a woman carrying a child are overlooking the Elder Peaks far tae the south. The child was a mixed race, but I couldnae see the mother’s face. And at the time the mother could either be you...or Denika. Snow Elf half-breds are rare and very little is known what one would look like, and both mother and child gave off powerful magical auras. Ever since I’ve been worried the woman might be her, but now I know it’s ye, and I couldnae be happier. And just last night I think the Sky Father told me it would be a son and his name would be Adalhardo.”

“It better be me, I couldn’t handle another woman claiming you without me snapping at her, even if it was Denika!”, she laughed, “If we truly have a son, I will name him so. I don’t recognize the dialect, what does it mean, is it a name from your people?”, Sabin smiled.

Galmied chuckled at her promise.
“Ay and I’d hate tae deprive ye of the pleasure. As for the name it’s an ancient Snow Elf name meaning noble and strong.” He kissed her again making it deep this time his hand gripping her rump firmly.

“With a father like you how couldn’t he?”, sabin looked at the door, “To be honest, even among those elves you were a hulk… are you sure you don’t want to try and attack them and run for it? No--- then… I guess… I guess I need to let you go…. Just remember that you promised to return alive- and hopefully in one piece”

Galmied nodded slowly.
“I will, ye just keep both our children safe ay? And as much as I’m sure Guk-Guk would love being a big sister. Let’s keep it a secret for now. Snow Elves may not be as bad as High Elves, but I’ve heard stories of noble houses killing heirs and mothers who may endanger their claims.”

“As if I could hide anything from Dire… but don’t worry, I’m sure he won’t tell… because you know… he usually isn’t very talkative to begin with”, Sabin kissed him one last time, “Take care for me… my…”, she struggled with the word so much, “My heart”, she looked at him, hoping she got it right a little.

Galmied smiled and very reluctantly gathered his gear making sure Sabbi was snuggly stashed in his bag before he exited the room and gave both Guk-Guk and Dire one last goodbye as well as a very fond thank you and goodbye to Daryl and his family before he left the small house joining the Hunting party and suffering Ash instantly clinging protectively to his arm. Shooting one final look back at Sabin, Dire, and Guk-Guk before they turned the corner and vanished.

Guk-Guk wiped tears from her face and looked up at Sabin hugging her side.
“Will Uncle Gemmy be ok Mama?”

“He has to… he made a promise”, Sabin knelt beside and kiss her forehead, putting up her hand and closing her fingers so only her pinky was up, “When you make a promise you must keep it, and Uncle Gemmy loves us… so he will be back, and he will be fine, right?”

“Yes.” Guk-Guk nodded making Sir Quackers kiss Sabin on the lips. Sabin giggled picking the little girl up and hugging both her and the little duck while Dire rubbed the child’s head smiling.

TO BE CONTINUED (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=91215)