View Full Version : (March '18) Prompt #3 - "Over the edge."

03-04-2018, 03:54 AM
March's 3rd prompt is "Over the edge."

If you have any questions about how to participate in this event,
please visit the The rules and Guideline (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=80942) thread or PM Karma (https://role-player.net/forum/member.php?u=47486).

Feeling like offering us a prompt?
Do you want to see your idea featured as one of the Month's prompts?
Click here (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=80942&p=2769937&viewfull=1#post2769937) to learn more!

07-17-2018, 04:32 PM
His phone chirped, the twill far different than the text tone he was used to. Reaching blindly for it, he sucked in air as pain rippled down his back with the motion. Turning his face, he glared at the blasted thing only to see that it was a labelled alarm. He had forgotten they had done that for him.

He tapped to disable the alarm and sat up. The pills were already prepped on his nightstand thanks to Penelope so he had no trouble gathering what he needed and swallowing them with a long drag of water from the water bottle.

He doubted they would have any real lasting effect despite being so potent. At least, they normally wouldn't have a lasting one while he had still been an Archangel but now that he was Fallen....

He stood up, grabbing his phone out of habitual motion rather than actual need. There was the faint urge to text Lucifer and ask but then annoyance curled in his gut and he simply pocketed the phone on his way to the living room.

The urge to just flop down on the couch nearly surpassed his ability to not follow through, resulting in him sitting far harder than he would have liked, He winced when his wounds were jarred but nothing pulled or ripped so he took what he could. He fetched the tv remote and settled back, easing pressure on his back till he was equal parts comfortable and tolerable of the faint pain.

It was unlike him to settle on anything violent but, for some reason, the action flick was the only thing on that seemed even remotely interesting. The only downside was that it made him want to actually do something equally violent. He pulled out his phone, bringing up Nate's number.

To Nate: Hey, if you can, grab a game I can kill things in. Or break things. I have a need to break things and would rather said things not be real.

Dropping hand and phone to his lap, he glared at the movie irritated and in pain.

His phone chirped.

From Nate: Alex said they'd go grab what violent games they have and I've got the Lego games already packed. That work?

To Nate: Yeah.

He tossed the phone to the side, wondering if his sudden annoyance with everything had anything to do with his Fall but he brushed the thought aside. Wasn't like he was going to call Lucifer up and ask anyway. So, instead, he settled in to glare at the tv while his thoughts drifted around Lucifer for whatever reason.

Michael looked up when the lock on his door clicked and he pulled himself out of thoughts about Lucifer as he pulled himself to his feet. He smiled softly at his bosses as they entered closely followed by Nate and Nate's partner Alex. Roderick was nearly obscured by a massive bouquet of flowers and the sight banished the annoyance he had been feeling all morning with a good chuckle. Penelope was right behind him, deviating to the kitchen where she settled her small load of food supplies. Alex followed Penelope with even more food things. Nate was the last one in, a backpack slung over one shoulder and a good sized box tucked under the same arm. He closed the door as Roderick managed to put the vase of flowers on the table.

"Who's idea was it to bring me the whole flower field?" Michael teased, humored by the still very massive bouquet drowning his table.

"The entire cafe and our regulars," Roderick growled. Michael chuckled again. Despite the harshness of the words, Roderick was rather pleased with the flowers if the glint in the man's gaze was anything to go by, not to mention how he carefully rearranged a few. Michael would have bet good money that Roderick had rearranged the bouquet himself. His gruff boss was nit-picky enough for something like that.

"Extend my thanks, then," he offered honestly, meeting Roderick's gaze as the man looked his way. "How long are you guys staying?"

Roderick huffed. "I'm not. I've got to get back to the cafe because we're short handed and it ain't really anyone's fault. Penny will head back to the cafe after she's done making sure you lot have eaten well." The man shrugged. "As for the pair of trouble makers, that's on them."

"We'll stay as long as you want us," Alex chimed in, their voice melodious and pleasant. The smile on their face was equally pleasant. "Though, we were planning on staying till you crashed for the night unless directed otherwise."

Michael nodded as irritation edged his good mood. He tried to hide it as best he could, offering with a smile, "Sounds good." He looked to Roderick. "Thank you for the flowers. Hope things go smoothly at the cafe."

"So do I," the burly man agreed. He patted Michael's shoulder ever aware of the injuries Michael was sporting before leaving.

The small space was filled with good smells and chatter in a matter of minutes and Michael found himself on the couch feeling disconnected from it all. The anger was back and he fought hard to stay pleasant as the others prepped the table for breakfast. Nate placed the massive bouquet on the coffee table before offering him a hand up. Despite his desire to slap it away, he took the aid and wandered over to the table where Penelope and Alex were putting down plates and dishes full of food.

He was glad the anger wasn't affecting his appetite, at least. The food was delicious and he was certain he hadn't eaten in a few days. He certainly couldn't remember eating, if nothing else.

When the meal ended, he was banished to the living room with Alex as Nate and Penelope started cleaning up. Alex moved to the gaming equipment and started hooking the system up. Feeling useless and growing angry because of it, he wandered into his room in hopes that separating himself from the others would help.

He stared at the pills on the nightstand. His back was hurting but he couldn't get past the anger to figure out if he needed to take more pain killers. So, instead, he went and utilized his bathroom.

He avoided looking at the mirror.

When he returned, it was to find everyone gathered near the door. It wasn't hard for him to piece together that Penelope was now heading out so he joined them and offered her a tired smile. "Thanks for coming by. Let Roderick know I appreciated his brief visit, too."

Penelope nodded, a soft smile on her lips. "I will." Her gaze went to the other two. "You two take care of him now."

Alex gave a cheesy salute as Nate nodded, assuring her, "We will."

That stirred the anger within him, making it worse.

The video games only added to it.

He appreciated their attempts at getting him to relax and have fun but the anger was only building and it was a miracle that Alex had suggested eating out. It had been a decent idea and the change in scenery was nice but he was just getting more pissed by the second. Thankfully they hadn't gone too far from his home and it was stupidly easy convincing the pair to return without him after reassuring them that he just wanted the chance to walk home alone.

They didn't need to know he was going to find out if it was even possible to walk off the anger he was feeling before he went over the edge and harmed someone.