View Full Version : Requiem of Dreams

04-12-2018, 07:56 PM
Here are different Rp Characters I have.

Name: Keyon Saito
Screen name: DreamAlone
Age: 17
DOB: February 25

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/68/79/35/6879355d92d2e9998b62a4cdc2870b7d--touken-ranbu-ookanehira-cool-anime-guys.jpghttps://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/cd3bef5dca3ab429cf9492e6e4ca32ab/5B0879E1/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/10948830_435064839982147_947980528_n.jpg?ig_cache_ key=OTE2Njc2MDAwNDg4NDIwMTkx.2 https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a0/e8/06/a0e806be1976957be1355545643e99a8--short-brown-hair-girl-short-hair.jpg

05-26-2018, 02:57 AM
Name: Maxwell Wolfram
Nickname/Hero/Villain Name: Wolfsbane, Max
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Alignment: Anti-Hero
Loyalties (if applicable): Zinnia Garcia, Titans?

Blink— Teleport by disassembling molecules and reassembling them elsewhere. This ability is only works for distances that are within sight or places that Max has a strong connection too. Furthermore , this ability can be boosted by being injected with Bella Donna’s blood allowing Max to go further distances and even take other with him.

Magnetism Manipulation — generate, control and manipulate magnetism in all its forms, both natural (planetary, solar, lunar, stellar, magnetosphere, magnetic materials/ferromagnetism, etc.), organic (generated by the electric currents of living beings) or artificial (everything creating/using electricity). User can affect any matter that is magnetic (iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys, some rare earth metals, naturally-occurring minerals such as lodestone) manipulating and controlling them as they will and indirectly use them to manipulate other things.

Pain Resilience- Due to the nature of his powers he has a high pain tolerance and can endure a lot of pain.

Short Blade— A small blade that he began using after his escape from The Facility, he also mixes in kicks and punches which he uses in conjunction with his blink ability.

Face Claim:
Voice Claim: (Not required)

Casual Appearance: Maxwell normally wears jeans with t-sheets, he is known to have a wide collection of ball caps he collects new ones from each place he visits. He claims that the hats help him rekindle memories of the places he has been.

Super Appearance:
He wears a light armored vest to protect against bullet fire and small weapons. Over that he has a tight trench coat which helps hide his weapon and to allow him to use it as a distraction if needed.

Personality: Max had a tendency to be hard headed especially if he believes that what he is doing is the only way. He hides behind his trauma by acting numb to his emotions and tend to think logically when in the face of challenge.

History: Maxwell was born to a metahuman father and normal mother. Maxwell’s childhood was mostly normal he lived in a quite suburb in an even smaller city. However, Max’s parents were quite aware that he was like his father a metahuman. Disappearing and reappearing a few feet apart almost as easy as he walked. On his fifth birthday , The Agency came to his home and talked with his father and in exchange for his father identity from bring reviled they took the young Maxwell. The Agency conducted strange experiments on Maxwell from taking samples of him and forcing him to use his powers.

One day, Maxwell was taken to a room strapped to a chair and across the way… eye-to-eye, he saw her… The young girl who would change his life.The chair , oh god the chair, it had the ability to prevent Max from blinking away. The scientist took a needle to the girl extracted her blood placing it in vials. The blood was injected into Maxwell causing he pain like nothing he ever felt before. Shortly there a power outage occurred and from the chair, the young Maxwell, now supercharged, blinked onto the shoulders of one of the scientist. His small hand on his forehead of the scientist in that instant Maxwell's fligt responce kicked in , a new meta ability awakened in him the ability to conrol magnitism. metal from the chair was loged into the scientists head blood spraying everywere. Maxwell had not indented for that outcome. However, this was exactly what the Agency was looking for a living weapon. Zinnia and Maxwell soon became the best of friends and was forced to “work together” which was code for cruel experimentation.

They hatched a plan to escape while Zinnia collected her blood and stashed away syringes and other tools required for escape. Maxwell studied the guard patrols and started to form an escape plan. Their plan was perfect aside from the fact that they were cornered. They made the dumb decision to collect personal effects. In Maxwell’s case, he collected a music box, which his mother had given him the day he was born. In a last ditch effort With all the blood they had left they made one last ditch effort and injected Wolfsbane with a dose at least triple what he was used to. This would do one of two things, boost his powers enough to save them -- or kill him. They had no other options.

In that instant, Maxwell concentrated all his might to teleport away somewhere safe. He saw everywhere and everything … he was in Paris and then the next instant he was in berlin. When the images finally stopped, he was in field with a barn a few meters away. He looked into Zinnia eyes and collapsed into her.
After a few months, the duo decided to move into jump proper to find a better life.

Maxwell is a talented singer notable singing punk pop anthems.
Maxwell is skilled in hand-to-hand combat
He is also quite knowledgeable about electronics.
Password: Boodles.